#I'm so right all the time guys trust my suggestion for translations are good
valkyrietookmoved · 1 year
I'm so right all the time I love being told that I am right <- just got the project involving translation back and has full marks so it's running high on happy chemicals
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mecachrome · 3 months
k, hear me out… on my dream au. what are the thoughts™️ on 814 detective au. like. oscar as the newly appointed detective in the precinct (prepare for zero (0) appropriate vocabulary regarding the matter,,,, worse, even : plainly erroneous terminology) where lando’s been working for some years. he just graduated whatever school u go to to do that and he’s like this rule follower, in the law we trust kinda guy who wants to do things the right way. THEN he gets paired up w/ lando on this like murder cold case or whatever & they start out not really getting along that much (osc is sorta freaked out by lando’s whimsical approach? his breaking of the right process/bypassing of the stuff u should do in order to get warrants ect) and along the way, they make progress on the case & osc realizes he needs to kiss him on the mouth or he’ll die. something like that, u know?
HELLOOOO z how do the kids these days put it...... i am spinning this around in my mind like a microwave!!! or however it goes.
well i equally have zero working knowledge of any appropriate terminology so i will join you there LOL. but anyway i know it's such an obvious dynamic atp but i will truly never tire of just like....... T__T any instance of oscar having to put in the work 2 understand lando's particularities (and/or vice versa) and over time learning to understand his intentions and really essentially to Take Care Of HimTM without it being a whole thing or even really a conscious development.... we need the usual supporting cast of like logan (coworker) genuinely horrified at their obliviousness. he's like Mate he's got his shirt half unbuttoned you CANNOT be serious and oscar is like ? what it's hot in here. in the middle of winter literally -5c out with no heating on. ok ANYWAY basically lando wants someone who can push back on his bullshit but who also takes him at face value and understands where he's coming from when he's saying something in good faith and as they begin working together all of oscar's initial antagonism fades away fairly rapidly because well it's clear that actually lando really isn't like any of his preconceived notions... and that the Real World is complex and oscar can be gracious about someone else being right. no other reason of course
& like i don't think necessarily that oscar would be lawful good to the point of being like, we Have to do things this way all the time, he's just been taught that standard procedure is usually good enough and gets the job done so why would he challenge that for an unnecessary risk with not always tangibly more reward...??? ok i don't even know what i'm saying but i just loveeee the complementary dynamic of >oscar realizing that lando is Capable and maybe actually knows more than him and is good at his job and also Why is he so stubborn all the time but also why does that kind of make oscar like him more...??? + >lando realizing that oscar Gets Him and actually listens to all of his ideas and isn't just deflecting his suggestions but actually trying to work through them with him and also Oh hmmmm why does he get red every time lando reaches over him to grab a file . anyway things of that nature
also i never watched the x-files can someone pls tell me if the mulder and scully dynamic is even vaguely translatable to 814............ if not you can blow me up with your mind and I'm sorry for asking LKHDSFLH
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mogoce-nocoj · 8 months
Something Kris-centric, idk, something fluffy about the holiday they're on or something? Sorry it's kinda vague
Btw I'm sure you'll do great, good luck:)
you got it! something fluffy about the boys trying (and failing) to help Kris relax. gen, no pairing, just a silly holiday thing. thank you ❤️
Thailand is beautiful. Kris knows this — he has, after all, been one of the first to suggest it as their destination. He has been here before, they all have. And it's been good, really good if he's being honest. There's just this one thing that has been forming in this mind the day they got here — the guys are up to something.
It starts pretty much innocuously. It's their first evening and they're all at the pool doing what can be called lounging. That is, holding their feet into the cool water, catching the sunset and sipping on drinks. (Longeros, huh, Jan? Bojan would probably tease if he were here. Which he isn't. But that's a story for another time.)
Kris himself is lying on a deck chair, phone in hand, with his head finally empty. Trying to catch the perfect shot of when the setting sun hits the water, he nearly doesn't notice when Jure comes up to him, his bare feet nearly noiseless on the lush grass beneath them. 
What he does hear, however, is the “Kris!” that is half-whispered and half-shouted into his ear. Startled, he nearly drops his phone and wheels around to stare directly into Jure's grinning face. 
“Can you maybe, like, not do that?”
“Sorry.” Jure shrugs and really doesn't look sorry at all. “I was just wondering if you wanted something to drink? Mark is trying to make those new cocktails and he was asking around if anyone wants to try them.”
Kris raises one of his eyebrows. “And you don't want to?” 
“Ah, my beer is still mostly full and Jan and Nace are trying to do something with the pineapples they got from the market. I'm not actually sure if they want to eat them, right now it looks more like they're playing some sort of game where they're trying to hit it with a stick or something?” 
What the fuck, Kris's mind helpfully supplies and he turns around to witness how Jan masterfully manages to decapitate the poor pineapple with one hit of — oh my god, is that a knife tied to a tree branch!? Nace behind him is only nodding appreciatively, one hand on his shoulder like some kind of teacher. 
Kris decides that he will not think of the dangers this could pose to any of their limbs because he's on holiday and Mama-Krisko also needs her break, thank you very much. 
“Anyway,” Jure continues, not bothered at all. “I didn't want to interrupt whatever they're doing, so. Drinks?” 
And yeah, Kris does, actually, want one. (To be honest, there's no one else whom he'd trust more with the drinks than Mark whose eye for photography miraculously also translates to an eye for measuring ingredients. Well, he'd probably trust Nace, too. But not right now.)
“Sure,” he shrugs, yawning. “I'll just wait until the sunset is over —” 
“No worries,” Jure interrupts, smiling. “I'll get it for you.”
And, huh. Kris's narrowed eyes follow him as he makes his way back towards the bar. Because it's not that Jure isn't usually helpful when it comes to these kinds of things except — well, he isn't. His clumsy nature usually leads him to spill more drinks than actually drink out of them and normally they've developed a kind of routine that prevents Jure from carrying any sort of glasses filled with liquid. 
This time, however, everything seems to work out fine. Without any problems Jure returns to him with a perfectly nice longdrink in his hand. It's even decorated with a little umbrella and a cut pineapple piece next to it (Kris dimly hopes that this one wasn't a victim of Jan and Nace's shenanigans.)
He thanks Jure who salutes him before bouncing off to join Mark behind the bar. Sipping on his drink, he turns his attention back to the sunset and realises that he has missed the golden moment of the sun hitting the water — but then again, he thinks, enjoying the cool taste of alcohol on his tongue and the warm air around him, he could get used to this. There surely will be other opportunities in the future. 
The other thing happens the next day when they're choosing a movie to watch for the evening. They all want to watch something different, all in varying moods, indecisively scrolling through various streaming platforms. 
“We should watch Footloose,” Kris suggests jokingly, knowing very well that Jan would rather watch anything else than something like Footloose. (Kris, however, enjoys the silliness of it. When you're living a life such as this one, hectic and stressful and sometimes just overwhelming, you learn to enjoy movies with ridiculous premises such as this one.)
Jan, however, only gives him a mild look.
“Sure,” he agrees, shrugging. “Why not.”
Wait, what. 
Kris blinks at him. When Jan doesn't say anything, only moving to make room for Kris on the couch, he doesn't question it, wordlessly starting the film. 
Later, when the movie is finished and Kris suggests heading to bed early so that they can maybe take a day trip tomorrow, they all nod without any opposition. Kris only looks after them in confusion as they head off to their respective rooms because it's never as easy as that. 
Yeah. Something is definitely wrong.
“Okay,” he starts the next morning during breakfast. “Something's not right and I need to know what.”
Three pairs of eyes stare at him in confusion. Kris tuts once, placing one of his hands on his table while first pointing to Jure. 
“You usually avoid bringing me things that can break easily like the plague. And now you've been bringing me drinks for two days — and managed to not drop even one of them. What's up with that?” 
Jure only stares at him, clearly not knowing what to say.  
“And you,” he turns to Jan and Nace, “have been eerily agreeable whenever I said something. Like, I'm not surprised about Nace because he's the only one with any kind of sense here but Jan? You didn't even complain when I forced you to watch Footloose. And you hate cheesy romances like that.”
They all stay silent. The cogs in Kris's head keep turning until — 
He pales.
“Oh my god, has something happened back home? Is that your way of easing me in before delivering the information?” 
For one hysterical moment he thinks that the only news that could be so bad that they needed to distract him from it is that they need to reschedule all the upcoming tour dates because god forbid something has happened to Bojan, or any other of their crew members for that matter, or there's been a problem with some venue —
Nace puts his hands on his shoulder, eyes wide with concern. “Everything's fine, stop spiralling.”
Kris exhales once, focusing on Nace's grounding touch. 
“We just —” Nace hesitates. Jan shoots him an encouraging look. “We just wanted to — do something good for you.”
Kris raises his eyebrows critically. “You what?” 
“Yeah.” Jan nods, emphasising Nace's words. “Because of, y'know. The past few weeks.”
“Because of all the stuff you had to do,” Jure supplies, slinging an arm around his shoulder. “Like, Finland with Bojan and Jere wasn't easy and then Stožice, and you've been doing so much — so we wanted to, uh. Help you relax.”
“Ah.” Kris blinks at them, head suddenly empty. “You wanted to help me relax. By bringing me drinks? And — agreeing with me?” 
All three of them shrug. 
“Did it help?” Jure asks, curious.
And Kris considers this because he actually has enjoyed the last few days. The drinks and the attentiveness and the feeling that people are listening to him. But then again, there's just been this wrongness in the air, too, because as much as Kris likes it when people listen to him, he also likes it when people argue with him and speak their mind and — hm. 
“Kinda?” He decides eventually. “But I had this inkling that — something was wrong. Because — huh.” He hesitates. “I liked it but I didn't like that it felt that you were deliberately trying to — to do something. Like, something you normally wouldn't do.”
He sighs, closing his eyes. 
“Can't you just be — normal.”
When he opens his eyes again, Nace is looking at him with an affectionate look in his eyes. 
Jan next to him nods. 
“You got it, Krisko.” Jure leans in closer, squeezing his shoulders. “You know that we love you, right?” 
“Yeah,” he says, fondly looking at all of them. “I love you, too.”
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kenkaodoll · 3 months
Kamiya Dojo Monogatari Tale 75 (JUMP SQ 24/04)
About Kamiya Dojo Monogatari:
Tales of Kamiya dojo is written by Kaoru Kurosaki and published along with the “Rurouni Kenshin Hokkaido” arc in JUMPSQ. The tale involves the Rurouni Kenshin character in daily life that takes time between Kenshin and Kaoru marriage until the epilogue chapter in the original manga before the Hokkaido Arc. Until this month (March 2024) there are a total 75 chapters in Tales of Kamiya dojo. This is an unofficial translation. 
Previous Story: https://www.tumblr.com/kenkaodoll/743294478639661056/kamiya-dojo-monogatari-tale-74-jump-sq-2403
“It’s not good to trust people too much, you know.”
“Is that so? I don't think so.”
Kaoru directly objected to Mikio's doctrine. Mikio did not expect an objection from her, looked as if he didn't understand.
“You have to think with your head,” he told her plausibly.
“That’s true. That may be important.”
Mikio was thrilled inside to be able to answer Kaoru's objection so well.
Then he suddenly came to himself, did I really think with my head? Should I bring home the clay mold? A slight feeling of uneasiness, discomfort, disquiet, he didn’t know what it was, crossed his mind.
“Good morning!”
Misao entered the store cheerfully, but her voice did not reach Mikio's ears.
The preparation for the opening of the Rabbit Cafe passed in the blink of an eye, and they were ready for the first day of business.
The day before the opening, Usagawa, the owner of the store, would come to make a final check to see that everything is ready.
And what about Mikio's clay? It had not yet been molded into a key, and was still in clean state.
Suwa had asked him several times since then, “What happened to the key mold?” But each time, Mikio would dodge the question, saying, “I haven't been called by Usagawa-san yet.”
Each time, Suwa praised Mikio and it motivated him to take action. For a moment, Mikio wanted to do iy, but as he talked with Kaoru and Tsubame about preparing for the rabbit café, his motivation was replaced by an indescribable reluctant feeling.
Mikio kept stalling his trip to the Usagawa residence to take the key mold.
“Finally, it’s tomorrow, Mikio-sama."
Tsubame spoke to Mikio.
Kaoru, Megumi, Misao, Tsubame, and Mikio were waiting at the café for Usagawa to come for final confirmation.
“Oh, yeah.”
Mikio had been thinking about the clay and was in a high state of anxiety, became impatient for a moment.
“I am very happy,” Tsubame’s eyes looked a little bit wet.
In Mikio's mind, Tsubame was praising Mikio with all her might, saying things like, "The head family must be very happy to see you become such a splendid man," or something like "You are indeed Mikio-sama, opening a cutting-edge café in Western-style attire that fits the new era." But the actual Tsubame was not a good talker, so he does not say such things. 
Mikio was in a good mood because he felt as if he had been praised, even though she did not say it.
Thinking about the clay would make him feel down, and thinking about the opening of the café would lift his spirits. Mikio was extremely unstable. On top of that, his wife, Shino, was in the last month of pregnancy, and a baby could be born at any time. Many things can happen at once.
When he was thinking about it, the store’s door opened.
The waitresses who dressed in western-style, Kaoru, Megumi, Misao, and Tsubame shouted in unison and bowed.
“Mmm-hmm. Well, that's a good start!” Usagawa, accompanied by his apprentice, came in with a big smile on his face. 
“That's all!” Mikio smiled and welcomed Usagawa, “We're all set for the first day of business, leave it to me.”
“I'm glad I asked you guys to do this. I'm glad I asked you guys to do it,” Usagawa said with satisfaction.
“We'll have a cup of tea while watching the rabbits, won't we?”
“It's a sunny day today, so how about sitting on the terrace?” Kaoru suggested.
"Oh, the terrace."
“This way. You can have tea while watching the cute rabbits running free in the garden,” Misao guided Usagawa and his apprentice to take a seat on the terrace.
The garden was covered with the white clover, and the rabbits were free roaming on it. On cold or rainy days, the rabbits were kept indoors, but during the warmer days, they could be admired under the sun.
“I love the terrace!” Usagawa was satisfied.
“Here is the menu,” Megumi held out a thick sheet of paper.
The menu includes tea, sweets, and their prices written in a stylish font.
“The menu… And?” Usagawa read it aloud.
The rest of the menu was written in Japanese, although the word "MENU" was written at the top.
Then in addition to tea and snacks, the price of rabbit food, such as *komatsuna and carrots, was also written. There was an arrangement that allowed customers to feed the rabbits. If they found a rabbit they like, they could take it home with them for a fee.
“Now, tea and baked sweets for both of us, and shall I have a bunch of *komatsuna for the rabbits?” Usagawa placed his order, Megumi bowed and headed for the kitchen.
In the kitchen, Tsubame prepared the order and brought it to Usagawa and his apprentice.
Tsubame served with exquisite timing, not rushing, but not making them wait too long.
“Umm… It's wonderful,” Usagawa sipped the tea which was brewed carefully. 
“This rabbit café has turned out to be even better than I had envisioned in my mind. Thank you for preparing it so well,” Usagawa said deeply.
“No, not so much,”Mikio was embarrassed when he heard Usagawa's praise.
“Nagaoka, you have played a central role in bringing us this far. The service, the décor, the rabbits, the tea, the sweets. Everything is wonderful!” Usagawa stood up and gave him applause.
Mikio was very touched by Usagawa praising him even though just for the preparation, the show hadn’t started yet.
“But the real show starts tomorrow,” Megumi doused his excitement with her fair argument.
“!” Mikio's face looked as if he had really been doused with cold water.
“We've done all this preparation, it'll be fine tomorrow, I’m sure it will run smoothly,” Tsubame backed him up.
“Yes, yes. Let's be happy that things have gone so well, instead of thinking about what might go wrong," Usagawa said smiling.
“I see… that’s how you think. It’s a bit like congratulations, but well, that’s okay isn’t it?” Megumi admitted.
“Megumi-san, as a doctor, you always think of every possible eventuality, that’s why you're so calm, aren't you?” Kaoru asked
“Are you a doctor?” Mikio was surprised to hear it.
“Yes, I am. So what?”
“Well, it's just... It's rare to see a female doctor.”
Megumi was amused by Mikio's honest reaction.
“I think it's been a long time since I've been told that a female doctor is rare.”
“Megumi-san is already a rare presence in Kamiya Dojo, you know.”
Everyone chuckled at Misao's words, agreeing with each other. Usagawa looked at everyone in such a friendly mood.
“We've completed the final checks. As Megumi said, tomorrow is the big day. Please wrap up today at a moderate point and prepare for tomorrow,” said
“Yes, sir,” The ladies responded cheerfully.
“And then, Nagaoka-kun.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Will you drop by my mansion on your way home?”
Mikio's heart skipped a beat at Usagawa's invitation.
“Heh... Heh. To your house?”
He thought about the clay that he received from Suwa the other day.
“Congratulations in advance.... Yes?” Usagawa smiled and returned with his apprentice.
After Usagawa left, they spent the day practicing to service customers and cleaning the rabbit hutch for tomorrow's opening. Finally the preparation was finished. 
“You guys, starting tomorrow please be successful!”   
Mikio was being uncharacteristically auspicious, but then he said, “I’m going to Usagawa-san for pre-celebaration!” He was sure he would have a good drink. Mikio grinned with anticipation.
“Don't we have that kind of pre-celebration?” Misao asked naively.
“Oh, I'll get something for you guys.”
Mikio went to Usagawa's house in a good mood.
Mikio arrived in front of Usagawa's mansion after the sun had set.
Should I do it now?
Mikio hesitated.
He had been stalling to mold clay for a long time. If he missed this opportunity when Usagawa invited him, he did not know when he would be able to enter the Usagawa residence again.
I have no choice but to do it.
He prepared himself and entered the mansion.
The apprentice guided him to the Japanese-style room where a boxed set of dishes and sake were prepared.
“The master still has some work to do, so if you don't mind, please go ahead and begin.”
“Oh, thank you very much! Well, then, enjoy!” Mikio said and began to drink from the cups. The apprentice bowed politely and went away.
Now… I must do it.
Mikio left his room and began to search the house.
However, since he had been sluggishly stalling the opportunity to do it, he had a general idea of where the key to the warehouse was located.
It was in the altar at the back of the mansion.
Mikio grinned when he found the key successfully. After making a mold with the clay Suwa had prepared, Mikio put the key back where it had originally been and he put his hand in front of the altar as if he was praying.
“Thank you”
Then, he returned to the room where he was before with a nonchalant look. Relieved that everything had gone as smoothly as it had, he downed a glass of sake.
Mikio knew that the unpleasant feeling he had felt before, which he couldn't describe, was just his imagination. Because the sake was so good.
Then Usagawa finally arrived.
“Well, come on, it's the pre-celebration!” Usagawa was holding something in his hand.
“What is this…?”
Mikio looked at it and saw that it was a soft clothes for baby diaper. It was an expensive-looking clothes that would be useful in the coming cold season.
“The celebration is not for the cafe, it’s for Shino’s….”
“I thought she would be in full term soon.”
Mikio couldn't taste the sake at once.
*komatsuna: Japanese mustard spinach, a leafy vegetable.
.…..to be continued in chapter 76……https://www.tumblr.com/kenkaodoll/747021286034849792/kamiya-dojo-monogatari-tale-76-jump-sq-2406?source=share 
TLnote(1): translating Japanese is so hard because the sentence structure is very different compared with English. Also the style of writing is different, plus there’s a lot of figurative, poetic language and things that don't make sense if it’s directly translated into english. So forgive me if this is very weird to read, and please tell me if you want to give corrections. 
TLnote(2) I will provide the original Japanese text for correction if any of you who read have better knowledge of the Japanese language. Just dm and I’ll send the file.
TLnote(3) Dtninja had translated some earlier chapters on his website. You can go and check on there
Read the rest of the story here: https://www.tumblr.com/kenkaodoll/686193523858538496/rurouni-kenshin-tales-of-kamiya-dojo?source=share
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bexleyfix · 7 months
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Honey, If You Love Me...(Part 2)
• Part 2 reworks are complete!
• This story is for entertainment purposes only. A lot of incredibly dumb decisions are made in this story and they are purely fictional, so make life choices wisely.
PART 2 WARNINGS AND TRIGGERS: 18+ ONLY (ABSOLUTELY NO MINORS), NSFW... All the spicy goodness, mature sexual content, suggestive situations and discussions, swearing, smoking, drinking, drug use, verbal and physical anger, pining, angst, lots of super duper cutesy feel-good fluff, smut [oral sex, mutual masturbation, unprotected sex (wrap it up, fools), rough, degrading, CNC sex]
SUMMARY: In the aftermath of Vecna's recent destruction, 18-year-old Isabeau (Isy) Mancini, a sweet and feisty, independent metalhead from Ohio, moves to Hawkins expecting to take on the role of legal guardian to her cousin, Max, but she didn't expect the charming and eccentric metalhead next door to change her life in the best ways possible.
RELATIONSHIPS: Eddie Munson x OFC ♡ Strangers to Lovers; Max, Steve, and Robin are frequent characters; brief appearances by the Hawkins crew and other original characters.
(AU/ Vecna was destroyed, Eddie and Max survived)
*Reposts are permitted, but copying, translating, or posting my work as your own is forbidden. I do not give my permission.*
I woke the next morning with the world's most obnoxious hangover. Still groggy from lack of sleep, I brushed my teeth, popped some more Aspirin, and shuffled into the kitchen to make coffee. I was lost in a fog when Max came downstairs and snapped me from my daze.
"Hey, Isy."
I immediately hid my appearance, but it was pointless. She marched over, grabbed my shoulder, and forced me to face her.
"Isy? Are you alright? Jesus, you look like shit. What's wrong?"
No longer was I able to contain my anguish, and I burst into tears as I proceeded to recap the previous night's events.
"Ok, ok, just calm down."
Max parked me at the kitchen table and poured me some coffee.
"Isy, I think you're reading too much into this. Seriously, Munson's not like that. I mean, yes he's a disgusting pervert, but he's also friendly and respectful, which I don't understand because most girls treat him like shit, but that's not the point. The point is, she was probably just there to buy drugs."
"I don't think so, Max."
"Ok. Say for some bizarre reason she wasn't. Then you tell Munson to eat shit and get on with your life, but I highly doubt that's the case."
"Then why the fuck was she in his house, and why did he kiss her?!" A thought occurred to me. Maybe Max and I were both right. Maybe she was the girl from Friday and she was there for drugs, which could only mean one thing. Ugh! I wanted to wretch.
"How the hell am I supposed to know?! I'm only 15. You can't expect me to understand the inner workings of the male brain. But what does it matter? You're the last person who needs a guy to be happy."
I was fighting back more tears. "I know, but this is exactly what Denis used to do. He'd feed me all this bullshit about how much he loved me, all while fucking chicks behind my back. And I know Eddie and I aren't together, but he keeps insisting I'm all he wants. What if he's doing the same thing? Or what if this time I'm the other girl, and since I didn't show he decided to get his rocks off with old reliable?"
Max was dumbfounded. "Jesus, he's really gotten under your skin. I've never seen you this upset over a guy."
I was a sobbing mess.
Max sighed in frustration. "Look, I know you weren't expecting to meet someone, especially not someone like Munson. And I don't know what his deal is with that girl. I'd ease your mind if I could, tell you everything I know about him, but it's not my place. Just... trust me, ok? Munson isn't Denis the cheating douche. He's totally loyal, so there has to be a reasonable explanation."
I groaned, slamming my head against the table.
"Ok, look at it like this. Here you come, a complete stranger whose judgment isn't clouded by misconceptions and rumors. And in only 24 hours you managed to see Munson for who he truly is. And even though he's made it clear that he's a sad, lonely, lazy, drug-dealing outcast, covered in unsightly scars, you still think he's the best thing since, Dave... Lawless, or whatever."
I managed a slight smile.
"And he's managed to ascertain that you're a skeptical, damaged, temperamental bitch."
I scoffed.
"Oh don't look at me like that, you know it's true. But you're also a beautiful, metalhead nerd who's extremely compassionate and open-minded, you don't find Munson repulsive or scary, and more importantly, he can be himself around you. And yes, boys are stupid and they lie, and Munson's definitely stupid... but he's not stupid enough to lie to you and ruin his chance at happiness. I mean, come on. Do you really think he's gonna give up on you after 20 minutes? Do you even see the way his face lights up when he sees you? 'Cause I do. And when he talks about you... shit, I've never seen him so happy. He deserves a chance. And if you just... reject him outright you'll probably crush his soul."
"But how do you know that, Max? I mean, yinz keep talking about rumors and misconceptions, but I don't understand any of it, and I get no explanations! And Eddie keeps telling me that girls always run away from him, but all that does is raise more questions. I mean, he said he'd explain things today, and I wanna trust what he says, and I do trust you, but what if I'm right and he's been feeding me a load of shit? I mean, he treats me like... well, like 'The One Ring', and then this happens. And this paired with all the secrecy, I just... well, I can't get that nagging feeling to go away."
"Jesus, you two are practically the same person," Max mumbled to herself. "Look, I know he's not feeding you shit, ok, and you will too, but you've gotta let him talk. Then tell him what's on your mind. Seriously, if there's any guy worthy of your trust, it's Munson. If afterward you still wanna tell him to kick rocks then do it, but he deserves a chance to explain."
"I don't know. I guess you're right."
"Of course I'm right. Do you think I'd say all this if I wasn't? 'Cause I'm pretty sure all you two are gonna do is bump uglies if you get together." Max cringed at the thought. "But I know you'll make each other happy."
I released a frustrated huff. "Ok, I'll-I'll talk to him." Max went to interject. "And don't... worry. I won't go all bitch mode on him. Not unless he gives me a reason."
"Good. You want me to stay?"
"No, it's ok. Lemme get dressed and I'll take you to Mike's.
I was sitting on my porch with my coffee and cigarettes, replaying the events of last night in my mind. Eddie was so convincing. It didn't seem like he was lying to me, but then again I've been fooled before. But Max had a point. She definitely wouldn't push for Eddie and me to be together if she didn't think he was worth it. And I wasn't gone that long. Why would he risk it? Maybe I was overreacting. Ugg! My head was spinning for more reasons than one. I leaned my forehead to my knees and groaned just as Eddie's front door flew open.
"Morning, Sug!"
"Nooo... too loud," I complained, the deafening sound of his music rattling my brain.
"Aww, can't handle your alcohol, huh?"
I shook my head in reply. Eddie shut his door, jumped the porch dividers, and settled next to me.
"Where were you last night? I waited for you?"
I scoffed and took a drag from my cigarette. Noticing my state, Eddie took my face in his hands.
"Hey... are you alright? Have... have you been crying?" Concerned, he smoothed your hair back and studied your face.
I pulled his hands away. By this point, my nerves were shot. I didn't look at him, I couldn't... so I just started talking. "Um, something's... bothering me." (God, I hope this is just another misunderstanding)
"What's goin' on, Sug?"
"L-last night, after my shower, I was on my way over, but I... I heard you... and-and that girl."
Resting his forearms on his knees he sighed, knowing exactly where this was going. He met your gaze and motioned for you to keep talking.
"I um... I peeked through the curtain, and saw you two leaving your house," I choked back tears, "and you, you were holding her hand, and... and you kissed."
He glared at you. "So... instead of coming outside to find out why, you spied on me and automatically assumed the worst?"
"No, it's not like that. I just..." I was stunned to see him get up and start walking away. "Hey... w-where're you going? Eddie?!"
He stopped in his tracks, turned to face you, and started laughing nervously. "You... you're un-fucking-believable, ya know that?"
I scowled at him, ready to start screaming.
"What do you want from me, Isy? Huh? Is that why you didn't come over? 'Cause you thought that was the girl I fucked on Friday night, back for another go?"
"Honestly, yes, but..."
"Look, I know what you're thinking... and it didn't happen, ok? She popped over unannounced. For Christ's sake, I was waiting for you! You either believe me or you don't, but I shouldn't have to explain myself to you! I mean, Jesus, it's like... well, like you're looking for an excuse to push me away. If you don't want this, Isy, then just... give me the word! I'll walk away. Just stop leading me on!"
"Eddie, I'm not leading you on! Will you just listen?!" I was seething.
He turned to you with tears in his eyes. "Why?! So you can continue to chastise me for something I didn't do?! I mean... my heart can't take your fucking mood swings, Isy. I never know what I'm gonna get with you! One minute you're telling me that you have feelings for me, and-and the next... FUCK!" He started pacing. "I was gonna take you somewhere beautiful today. Try to clear up any lingering doubts you might have about me because I know it's important to you. But you won't even give me a chance because... well because some ASSHOLE's clouded your judgment. It's not fair, Isy! It really isn't! Jesus Christ! Why are you being so delusional? I'm not like your shitbag ex-boyfriend, so get outta your goddamn head!"
I was so pissed I was shaking. Without a moment's hesitation, I hopped down the steps, stalked toward Eddie, and slapped him across the face as hard as I could, not once, but twice. He stood there, staring at me in complete shock. "You listen here you insufferable son of a bitch. I didn't ask for this. I didn't ask to have my heart ripped out by someone who claimed to love me. And I most certainly didn't ask for someone like you to come waltzing into my life, and just... invade my fucking soul! And for your information, I'm trying to get outta my goddamn head, and you know why? Because I wanna stop jumping to conclusions when I see the guy of my fucking dreams locking lips with beautiful women!"
"Isy, it wasn't like that! For Christ's sake, she kissed me!"
"Oh, and that's just supposed to make it all better, huh?"
He threw his hands up in defeat.
"Seriously, Eddie, what am I supposed to think?! Especially when you've been making it perfectly clear that you want nothing more than to be with me. So yeah, Munson. I'm trying. Trying desperately to make sense of everything so I don't let your inconsiderate ass slip through my fucking fingers!" I pushed him hard in the chest and he stumbled back. His expression was one of anguish. "Just... leave me alone. I can't even look at you right now!" I turned and stalked back to my porch, hopped up the steps, and entered my house, slamming the door behind me.
He was frozen in place, his eyes fixed on your door as tears streamed down his face. He wanted to collapse. His heart was completely broken. This whole situation was eating at his insides. He needed help... help to ease the pain in his chest, to figure out how to make you see that you're the only one he wants and that you belong with him. He shuffled to his van and climbed inside, peeled outta the driveway, and headed down the street.
I was miserable, sitting in my living room, chain-smoking and wallowing in self-pity. I was so fucking angry... not just at Eddie, but at myself. He was right. I was being unfair, and way too hard on him, and as defensive as he was, I somehow knew he was telling the truth. I may not know why, but I knew he was broken too. I could tell by the look in his sad, pleading eyes that he was hurting, and he did want this. There was only one thing I could think to do. I grabbed my case of tapes and spilled them onto the floor. I'll pick through them looking for the perfect music to express how I feel. To tell Eddie how sorry I truly was, because all I could do now was wait, but first, I called Steve and Robin.
Eddie's van came to a screeching halt in the Family Video parking lot.
"Ok, ok... hey, he just pulled up." Robin was holding the phone receiver between her and Steve. "Ok, no, don't worry. We'll explain things to him. Ok. We love you too, girl. B-bye." Robin hung up the phone and eyed Steve warily as Eddie barreled through the door.
He sprinted toward them and leaned his hands on the counter. "Good, you're both here. Quick, activate your Wonder Twin powers before I lose my fucking mind." He noticed the two of them eyeballing him. "What? W-why are looking at me like that? Isy called you, didn't she?! Shit! W-what did she say?! Ow, Jesus!"
Robin reached over and flicked Eddie on the forehead. "Eddie... you can start by telling us why she's ready to rip your goddamn head off."
He was frantic and started pacing. "I don't know, Buckley. I mean, I have an idea... but I can't make any fucking sense of anything. I mean, two days ago I was Eddie Munson, your friendly neighborhood drug dealer, minding my own business, when all of a sudden this... goddess slash she-wolf appears outta nowhere. And, and she's, she's... ERRRRR... she's driving me fucking crazy!"
Robin and Steve shared a worried glance.
"I-I was gonna take her to Lover's Lake today, so I could bare my soul and hopefully put any doubts she might have about me to rest, but after she left my house last night, Janette showed up, and... and Isy... well, she heard us talking and... and she saw Jan kiss me, and now... well, now Isy's in her house stewing over something that didn't happen, but does she believe me? Well, no... of course she doesn't. Because her piece of shit, ex-boyfriend fucked her head up so bad she's convinced herself that I'm the goddamn bad guy!"
Robin was staring at Eddie. "Well, if nothing happened then what the hell were you and Jan doing?"
"Nothing! She came to get drugs, but the first thing I did was tell her that I wanted to call off our arrangement 'cause I met Isy. I'd already brought my shit inside so... I brought Jan into the house to get her stuff, which I gave her for free, and we walked back out like... a minute later. She gave me a friendly kiss goodbye, I made sure she got safely into her car, and then she fucking left! That was it!"
Robin rounded the counter and reached for Eddie's arm. "Eddie, why don't you sit before you have an aneurysm, ok?" She pulled him to a chair and plopped him down, then knelt and grabbed his hand. "Eddie, did you tell Isy this?"
"I tried, but I was so upset that she'd even conceive of the notion that I'd be such a piece of shit that I kinda went on the defensive and just... shit! I yelled at her and barely let her get a word in."
"Wait... you yelled at her?! Jesus, Munson. Do you have a death wish? What'd you say?"
He hung his head. "Uh, well Harrington. I told her I'm not her ex, that she's moody and delusional... and to get outta her goddamn head. Then she slapped me... twice... shoved me away, and told me to leave her alone." He motioned toward the bright red mark on his cheek, and Steve and Robin grimaced. "Yeah, she's got a mean right hand."
"Eddie, let me explain something. Isy knows the deal with Jan, and thanks to Dingus, she also knows you used to have a thing for Jan."
He glared at Steve.
"What, man?! I didn't know it was a forbidden subject. Isy asked if I knew her, so I told her what I did know, and that included you having a brief crush, but I also told her the relationship was just casual. I mean, Isy drives herself nuts dwelling on shit so I was trying to ease her mind, but apparently I made things worse."
Robin waved Steve off. "Never mind about that. Eddie, put yourself in Isy's shoes. Her last semblance of a loving relationship ended in betrayal. So she puts up walls, learns how to be happy on her own, uproots her whole life, and outta nowhere her wildest dream comes true when an incredibly sweet, funny, and gorgeous metalhead literally shows up on her doorstep. Then you pile on that... goddamn Munson charm and she instantly wants you six ways to Sunday. But she's still trying to feel you out. Make sure you are what you seem to be, and when she finally lets her guard down, she sees you getting friendly with another girl. Whether she knows who it is or not, she's got a pretty good idea, so she thinks you're trying to have your cake and eat it too, 'cause that's exactly what her ex used to do. He'd go screw anything with a pulse, then he'd come crawling back and feed her some huge line of shit so she wouldn't suspect him."
He felt like an idiot. "So what do I do? How do I get her to see that I'd never do that to her? I mean, all I want is Isy. And I know it's sudden, but I've never felt like this before. From the moment I laid eyes on her I haven't been able to get her outta my fucking head. I-I can't eat, I can't sleep. I can't fucking stand to be away from her... but one minute she's sweet and caring, and... and the next... she's ripping my fucking heart outta my ass! Jesus H. Christ! Being eaten alive by goddamn bats didn't hurt this much. Why does it hurt so much, Buckley?!"
Steve glanced at Robin before turning to Eddie. "I got this one. Look man, it hurts because you're in love with her."
He looked away. "She's extraordinary... and I can't go another day without knowing that she's mine."
Robin squeezed his hand. "Eddie, then go tell her. Jesus, it's obvious you're both stupid for each other. I've never seen two people take to each other so quickly. But you need to understand that this isn't easy for her either. Meeting you was the last thing she expected, but if she didn't think you were worth it, she wouldn't be so upset, and she would've told you to fuck off from the get-go. She wants to believe you, Eddie, and deep down I think she does, but she's scared."
He nodded in understanding.
"Yeah, don't take it personally, man. She's just trying to protect herself. The good thing is you have us and Max on your side, so just be there for Isy. Tell her your deal and let her talk through her troubles. Show her we're not all douchebags."
"Thanks, guys. So, should I go talk to her?"
Robin chimed in. "Yes! Go! Spill your goddamn guts! But proceed with caution 'cause she's insanely pissed right now. Actually, you may wanna let her cool down first, or God knows what she'll do to you."
"O-ok... um, is-is it weird that I think that's kinda hot? OW, Fuck! Jesus, Buckley! Stop... flicking me!" He batted her hand away.
"Stop thinking with your dick until after you talk to her." She went to flick Eddie again and he flinched.
"Ok! Ok! I'm going, I'm going."
Robin and Steve watched as Eddie hastily ran to his van, and sped away.
"Wow, Robin... you weren't kidding."
"Mm-hm. Totally stupid for each other." She bumped Steve's fist and smiled. "Wonder Twin powers... activate."
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Eddie was so pissed at himself. He was too caught up in his insecurities to realize that you were trying to make light of yours. He pulled into the driveway, jumped out of his van, and sprinted toward your house.
When I heard my front door burst open, I immediately clutched at my chest and gasped. I turned to see a breathless Eddie standing in the entryway of my kitchen. "Eddie?! What the fuck?! You scared the shit outta me! Jesus, don't you fucking knock?!"
"Where's Red?!"
"She's at Mike's. WhatHMPH---" Eddie lunged for my face with both hands and crashed his lips to mine. As pissed as I was I couldn't help but throw my arms around his neck and tangle my fingers in his curly locks, but I quickly snapped back to reality, broke away, and slapped him across the face.
He stared at the ground, lips pursed. "Mgg. I'm gonna let that one slide... but I've been battling your ambivalence, and blue balls, for the past 24 hours... so I'm warning you, Sug. If you do that again, I'm gonna lose my shit... and fuck the bitch outta you. So I suggest you tame it for a second and listen to me."
Eddie's stern tone and piercing eyes were assurance that he was deadly serious. I was seconds away from going berserk on his ass, but I couldn't decide if I wanted to scream at him, knock him out, or jump his fucking bones. Suddenly exhilarated, I slapped him so hard his head jerked. His expression was menacing, and in an instant, our arms were locked around each other as we devoured each other feverishly. We were a mess of lips and hands, knocking over everything in our path as Eddie grabbed the backs of my thighs and hoisted me effortlessly onto the countertop. He kissed me hungrily making quick work of my shorts and panties. I struggled to unbuckle his belt, but he wasted no time pushing his jeans past his hips, and with primal intent, he pulled me by my ass to the edge of the counter and buried his dick deep inside my soaked pussy.
"OHHHHHHFFFFFUCK! MRRGGGG! GodDAMN! You-you're so fuckin' tightFUCK!!"
I sucked in a sharp breath, wincing from the sudden pain as Eddie pounded into me.
"Mmm, S-sugar... you gotta believe me. I-I didn't do anything. I swear I didn't, JesusFUCK! I wanted this... wanted this so badCHRIST!!"
He let out a feral moan before consuming my lips with passion. I tried controlling my broken, heavy breathing as he continued his brutal thrusts. "Mmm, Eddie... I-I believe you. Mhh, but I'm still pissed at you. You were such... an inconsiderate prickFUCK! EDDIE! You-your dick... it hurts so fucking goodSHIT!" I gave his hair a rough tug and he growled, his pace becoming more vigorous.
"MRRGGHH! I'm-I'm sorry, Sugar. You-you were just trying to-to talk to me, and... and I was being an ass. Y-years of rejection can do that to a guy. JESUS H. CHRIST, your ASS! FUCK!" He dug his fingers into your ass cheeks. "Been wanting to squeeze this juicy thing since... since I saw you in those tiny shortsMRRGG!" He pulled your knees up allowing him to penetrate you deeper.
"Mhhhh, Eddie... h-holy SHIT!" I could barely catch my breath. "I'm-I'm sorry too. I didn't mean to make it seem like-like I was leading you on... and I'm sorry I ditched you, HOH! Goddammit! Right there! HUH! I-I was thinking exactly what you thought I was... b-but I was being foolish. I-I just--- ohFUCK! Screw it! We forgive each other. Just keep fucking me, Munson! Keep fucking meSHIT!!!"
"OhhJEEESUS, Sugar!!! F-feels so goddamn good inside you. So good. I-I can't take it anymore. You're mine. You're fucking MINE!"
"YES! Oh... oh my God, Eddie! H-harder... fuck me harderFUCK!!"
He shoved his tongue in your mouth. "Mmmm, YEAH! You want it harder, you dirty girl? OhhhhYES! Want me to destroy this... tight... little... cuntFUCK?!!" He started pounding you harder.
"Huh, Eddie, Yes! You-you're relentlessHUH! I'm-I'm so close! I want... wanna cum all over your... FANTASTIC FUCKING DICK! SHIT!" I dug my heels into his ass, my eyes shut tight, mouth agape as I struggled to make another sound.
"OhhhhhhYES! Yesyesyesohhhhh, FUCK! Mgghh, cum for me, Sugar. Cum on my cock. Make a mess just for me."
I pulled his hair harder. "H-holySHIT! Eddie... Eddie!" I dug my heels deeper and started to whimper.
"MmmYES! Fuck! FUCK! I'm-I'm gonna cum. FUCK! Let-let me go, Sug... or-or I won't have time to pull out."
"Don't-don't pull out! I-I wanna feel you! Mmmplease! Cum inside me."
"Wha--- are-are you serious?!"
"Yes! Mmm! Please! Don't hold back. Fuck me like you mean it. Like you mean it, Munson! Do it! Do it nowFUCK!" At that moment a wave of uncontrollable ecstasy washed over me. "OHHHH! Eddie FFFFUCKING MUNSON!!!" A sensation I'd never experienced coursed through my body, and I squirted hard, drenching us both.
"Ohhhsweet... JESUS! Fuck! FUCK! I'm-I'm gonna cum. Gonna... God... DAMMIT!! Ooooohhhhh, ohFuck! MRRRRGGGGG!!!"
Eddie crushed me in his arms as my pussy clenched around his glorious, pulsing dick, and he started laughing breathlessly.
"Huh, sh-shit, Sugar. Hahahaha! Hmmm, are um... are you sure you won't marry me? 'Cause Goddamn!" He grabbed your face and kissed your smiling lips. "Mmm, I um... I should piss you off more often. Ha! Hmm, um... are-are you still mad at me?"
I let out a breathy laugh. "Um, hmmm... no."
"Good. Are-are you ok? I um... I wasn't too hard on you, was I? I just... I wanted you so bad, and you... you kept hitting me, and um... well, that shit really turns me on."
"No, you... mmm, you were incredible. Holy shit, your fucking DICK!"
"Ha! I'm-I'm glad I could please you. Holy shit, I... I can't believe we just did that. You... you took me raw. Christ, you-you let me cum inside you. Mmmm... you-you have no idea how happy you just made me. And that gusher? GodDamn! So hot!"
"Yeah, um, that... that's never happened to me before. Mhh, best fucking orgasm I've ever had."
I nodded, laughing nervously.
"Wow! That's an ego boost. You spoil me, Sugar." He glanced at the mess you both made, unable to fathom the depth of what you just shared. "Oh... shit, um... are you on the pill?"
I could see the worry in his eyes. "Yes, Eddie. I'm not that irresponsible."
"No, I... I didn't mean it like that. I just... well I was thinking with my dick, so... OOMPH! Hahahaha." He was surprised by your sudden embrace, but he welcomed the affection, wrapping you tightly in his arms. "Aw, you're so cute. You sure you're alright?" He felt you nod and heard a sniffle. "Awww, hey. I'm here, sweet thing. Eddie's here. Everything's ok. You-you hold me as long as you need to." He held you close and stroked your hair until you were ready to move. When you finally pulled back he searched your face, smiled, and kissed you sweetly, gently helping you off the counter. "Um... go jump in the shower. I'll uh... I'll clean this up, and go change. Then we can talk, yeah?"
I nodded and threw my arms around him again, refusing to let him go.
"Whoa, ha! I promise, Sugar. I'll be back before you're finished. Go on."
He took you by the hand and led you to the couch. "Alright, sweet thing. Let's talk."
"Um, ok. B-but I thought we were gonna go somewhere.
"He scanned the room and noticed your mess of tapes and the full ashtray and chuckled. "Naw. I'll take you another time. I can tell you've been going crazy, and I don't wanna put this off any longer. Come, sit with me." He plopped down on the couch, smiling at his good fortune when you climbed onto his lap and buried your head in his chest. "Sugar. I adore your cuddles, but I need you to at least look at me right now." You lifted your head. "I promise I'll hold you until the end of my days if that's what you want, and I hope you still feel this way after we talk, but just in case you don't... I'll never forget what you've given me."
I nodded bashfully, reached my hands around Eddie's neck, and started fiddling with strands of his hair.
"Um... I promised you full disclosure, so feel free to jump in with questions at any time, but first I need to clear something up. You ready?"
He became increasingly nervous. "Ok, um... that was the girl from Friday night. Her name's Janette and she works at the Hideout. I had a huge thing for her a couple of years ago, but she's kind of a free spirit, and no matter how much I wanted it to be more, she didn't wanna be tied down. Like, my song for her was Zeppelin's 'Hey, Hey, What Can I Do' if that gives you any idea. She lives for a good time. I came to terms with that, so we made a deal and kept it casual. We've been hooking up every few weeks or so since... but I swear, it ended Friday night, yeah?"
"Ok, good, so last night was a surprise. She popped by after work to get some shit for a party she's having tonight. She offered her normal payment..."
I instantly became tense. Eddie cupped my cheek and forced me to look at him.
"Hey... I turned her down. I explained that I met you. She told me she was happy for me... that if I had a chance at something real... I should go for it. I'd already brought my stuff inside so I invited her in to grab what she needed, and since she's always been kind to me I gave her the drugs on the house, and she promised me cash going forward. When I led her back outside, she gave me a friendly kiss goodbye, invited both of us to her party... and then she left. I watched until she was safely in her car, sat for about ten more minutes hoping you'd show up, and when you didn't, I went back inside." With intense anxiety, he searched your face.
I let out a huge breath I didn't realize I was holding.
"You're the only girl I want, Sugar. Since the moment we made eye contact... you're all I've been able to think about. So much so, that I got next to no sleep last night. I um... I was pretty pent up and so excited to see you again, so... I ended up having to rub one out just to fall asleep, and uh... you were definitely my subject matter." He brushed your chin with his thumb adoring your bashfulness. "Now... I know you're more open-minded than most, but I've been avoiding telling you certain things because... well, because most people can't handle my baggage... but here goes." He wrapped his arms around your waist. "Um... I'm not exactly the confident, happy-go-lucky person you think I am. I hide it well, but... I'm a complete mess too."
I furrowed my brow. "I-I don't understand. So... this isn't really you?"
"No, that's... that's not what I meant. So before you go all crazy on me, I assure you... this is me, Sug."
"Ok, uh... I don't get it."
"Alright, so... w-what exactly did Red tell you about me?"
"Uh... not much. All she said was you lived across the street from her, you helped in the fight against Vecna, you're a loyal dude, and I should trust you, and..." I glanced at him sheepishly, "she said that you'd make me happy... even though you know I'm a skeptical, damaged, temperamental bitch."
"Hahaha! Uh, well she's right. But your bitch side turns me on, so, OW! Fuck!"
"Keep talking, Perv." I rubbed his head and continued playing with his hair.
"Um, ok, well... Red means the world to me. She and I... all of us... we went through hell together. During my recovery in the hospital, I'd visit her every day, my uncle too, even before she woke up. She and I would talk for hours after Lucas left. I even offered to take her in, but by that point, you two already arranged her living situation. That's how I found out you were moving to Hawkins. Unfortunately, she neglected to tell me how alluring you are." He took a deep breath and held you tighter. "And I'm guessing she neglected to tell you how I got involved in that whole mess."
"You'd be correct."
"Thought so. What'd she tell you about Vecna?"
I exhaled heavily. "Well, she said Vecna was behind everything that happened in Hawkins. That he had abilities similar to El's. He... he brutally murdered three students, and..." I choked on my next words, "he did the same thing to Max... so he could open some massive gate in an attempt to mold the world into some... dystopian society."
"Sounds completely psychotic, right?"
"Well... now that I've said it out loud... yeah, kinda."
"Then you can understand why no one would believe a story like that... and why I was surprised when you told me you did?"
"Yeah, I get that now."
"Did you never wonder who was blamed for the murders?"
"Well, no. Max said the people of Hawkins were ignorant assholes and blamed some... unfortunate student." As I relayed this information, it hit me like a ton of bricks. "Oh, my God." Staring at Eddie, my expression changed from confusion to pity. "You were the unfortunate student?" He confirmed my suspicion with a nod.
"I uh... I was accused of killing my classmates as part of some... ritualistic sacrifice. I was the perfect scapegoat."
"What?!... Why?!"
"Again... not everyone's as open-minded as you. All the media bullshit about Satanic Panic and D&D... not exactly the best time to be me if you catch my drift. They all thought Hellfire was a cult. And I didn't have the best reputation to begin with." He smiled at your confusion. "OK, let me put it this way. When you look at me, what do you see?"
(You mean, besides the father of my metalhead babies?) "Uh..." I let out a breathy laugh. "Is this a trick question?"
"No. I'm trying to make a point here. So, if you'll indulge me... I promise it'll all make sense."
"Um, ok." I focused intently on his eyes. "When I look at you, I see a charming, goofy, perverted nerd, who's witty, talented, selfless, and handsome as fuck. You've got gorgeous bedroom eyes and an incredibly kind heart."
His cheeks were so red and he couldn't stop smiling. "Uh... you flatter me, Sugar." He started fidgeting with the hem of your shirt. "See, this is what I mean... about you being different. You see me... and not a 20-year-old, drug dealing, trailer trash, Satanic cult leader. I'm also the son of a criminal."
"Well, in my defense, I only knew that you were 20-year-old, drug dealing, trailer trash. But if you recall, I did have an inkling about you being a cult leader." I smirked. His laughter was a blessing. "So who's the criminal?"
"My old man. He's a con artist. Been in and outta jail for theft and drunken disorderly. He'll never change. That's why Wayne took me in. I was like... ten. But the apple didn't fall far from the tree."
"In what way?"
"I've been in jail... briefly. It's one of the reasons I was a repeat senior. I needed money to make a demo, so I was stupid enough to agree to help my old man in a robbery, but it blew up in my face. I'll never make that mistake again. You still doin' ok?" He eyed you warily.
"Um... yeah. I mean, it's human to make mistakes. I can't fault you for that. Jesus... w-where's your mom?"
"Don't know. I don't remember her. She uh, she left when I was really little."
His story was breaking my heart. "Eddie, I'm-I'm so sorry."
"Don't be, Sugar. I couldn't have asked for a better parent than Wayne. He's more of a father to me than my old man ever was, and I love him for that, but I wasn't the easiest kid to deal with, and I wasn't always selfless and kind, and that's my point. Most people see me as a loser... or a nuisance... or a devil-worshiping freak. I'm the town Pariah, and it made me bitter."
"Ok, that explains the ignorant assholes, but how does that involve you with the others?"
He let out a huge sigh. "Um, ok. So, Chrissy Cunningham... head cheerleader, Queen of Hawkins High, and the first girl I ever loved... she was Vecna's first victim. She wouldn't give me the time of day, but she was sweet, and didn't treat me like shit, so... when she sought me out to buy drugs, I was confused. In hindsight, I guess she thought it would help her escape the visions. Do-do you know about the visions?"
"Yeah, Max told me."
"Ok, good, uh... Chrissy wanted something stronger than weed, so I brought her to my trailer where I kept the hard stuff. Sh-she," his voice cracked, "she died in my trailer... right in front of me. It was the most horrifying scene I ever witnessed. And, um... well, being the coward that I was, I just... ran... and-and I left her there. I was so ashamed, but I was terrified. I knew no one would believe I didn't kill her." Tears started rolling down his face, and he cleared his throat. "Um, Red saw me... running to my van. We weren't friends yet. She wasn't a dick like everyone else, but she kept her distance. And I don't mean to speak ill, but your aunt bought into the stigma and thought I was a piece of shit, so I'm lucky Red's got a good head on her shoulders, 'cause the next morning, when all the cops were at my trailer, Red saw Chrissy's body. Naturally, she had her doubts about my innocence. Who could blame her? She um... she could've told the police what she saw... but she didn't. She went straight to Henderson. Told him that something seemed off, that she noticed flickering lights, and that I looked scared. And I was, Sug... so fuckin' scared. Uh... they roped in Harrington and Buckley. Those two also thought very little of me, but after Red explained what happened, and Henderson vouched for my character, they helped track me down and made sure I stayed safe, 'cause not only were the cops after me, but Chrissy's douchebag, jock boyfriend Jason Carver was leading a witch hunt. Lucas did his best to throw them off my scent, but if it wasn't for everyone's collected efforts to keep me hidden, Carver and his goons probably would've killed me. And then there's Wheeler. Little Miss Smarty Pants took it upon herself to investigate Chrissy's murder. She questioned my uncle, and more importantly, she believed what he told her. His story helped her and Buckley figure out the connection between Vecna and the Creel house, but it all started with Red. Because of her perception, I had a fighting chance. Without her... I was as good as dead."
His tears were falling freely as I watched him lift his shirt and motion to his scars.
"This was the first time in my life I wasn't out for myself. I'd finally found people who gave a shit about me. They put their lives on the line to help me clear my name. It's still hard to accept. Aside from Wayne, I've never had that before, but they helped me find courage... made me want to be better. I wanted to show them that I was grateful, that I cared, and that I wasn't just... a coward... or a loser, and I did. I helped Henderson create a diversion for the Demobats, so Harrington, Buckley, and Wheeler could make it safely to the Creel House, take down Vecna, and save Red. We fortified my trailer as best we could, amped up the roof, I grabbed my sweetheart, and uh... played 'Master of Puppets' at top volume to draw the bats our way."
"Most metal interdimensional concert in the history of the world?"
He cracked a smile. "Yeah... dedicated to Chrissy. I wanted Vecna and his pets to pay. Harrington told us to flee if things went south... and they did. They went straight to hell. We neglected to cover the vents. That's how the bats got in. So... when Henderson was safely through the gate, I stayed behind, cut off his access, ran outside to draw the bats away, and I fought. I fought so... hard." His voice cracked again. "I should've died, Isy. No one would've missed me. Not Eddie 'The Freak' Munson."
The way he spat those words made me wanna crush anyone who'd ever uttered them.
"Those fucking bats tore me to shreds. I was lying there... bleeding out, but willing to die if it meant everyone else was safe." He let out a labored breath, tears still falling. "But, Henderson, he wouldn't have it. He came after me anyway... broke his ankle in the process, and somehow managed to drag my lame ass back to the gate. He wrapped my wounds to stop the bleeding and radioed Erica... she notified the others and they got me home just in time. Henderson... that little shit's my best friend. He and the rest of them begged Hopper to help me. If it weren't for him my ass would be sharing a cell with my old man right now."
"That's why you were happy to see Hopper."
"Yeah. I was under 24-hour guard in the hospital until he showed up. I mean, he and I'd had run-ins in the past, but I always respected him. He didn't need to do what he did, especially after what he went through. But that's the kinda guy he is, and I admire that. I owe my life to all of them."
I placed both hands on Eddie's chest and he looked at me through tear-soaked eyes. "Eddie, what you did for them... for Max... that took guts... and so did telling me all this. I can't begin to express how much it means to me. I'm in debt to you all, and I'm really glad you're all ok."
"Thank you, Sugar."
I could tell by Eddie's pained expression and hesitation that he still had more to say, so I nodded for him to continue.
"So... there you have it. I'm a broke bum with no job and no ambition. I tried to pursue music, but without the cash, that'll always remain a dream. I was a delinquent, a shit student, and just... a selfish, angry coward rebelling against the world, and the whole town hates my guts, but you... you're still sitting here... which is a fucking miracle, 'cause uh... unless it's for drugs or filthy sex, most girls are too ashamed to come near me, but um... I need to ask you something."
His anxiety was so heavy it was starting to impact me.
"Um... you'll pretty much become an outcast for even talking to me, but... well it's only fair that you know what you're getting yourself into... if-if you wanna be with me, so, um... do you want to? Be with me, I mean? That is... if you can get past the fact that I'm a good-for-nothing waste of space. I um... I don't have much, but I have... so much love to give. And so help me, I want you to have it all. I meant what I said earlier. It wasn't just a heat of passion thing. I need you to be my girl, Sug." He searched your eyes.
I met his sorrowful gaze. It was pleading. "Eddie... I'm yours."
He stared at you in complete awe. "You... you are? 'Cause, I mean it, Sugar. I just bared my soul here. And if you're just trying to spare my feelings and end up changing your mind tomorrow, I... I think I might die, so..."
I shook my head and stared into his gorgeous, brown eyes. "Eddie... look, neither one of us is perfect, but I think you're perfect... for me. And I don't care what people say. They can eat a dick." Eddie laughed heartily. "I want you. All of you. Baggage and all. I wanna be with you, always. I wanna be there for you, make love to you, fuck you senseless, have your metalhead babies... whatever! I just want you. I'm yours, Munson. Your girl. And I'll shove that shit down everyone's throat."
His emotions finally caught up with him. He grabbed your face and plunged his tongue down your throat. "Mmm, I-I don't fucking believe this. You're so beautiful... inside and out."
I pulled him in for a deep kiss, clutched handfuls of his jacket, and straddled him. He was so needy, so eager.
"Mmm... you've made me so happy, mmmFuck! I want you so bad, it hurts. Mmm... need you... again... right now... mhhh... I need to be inside you. Jesus, I'll never get enough of you."
Eddie kissed me with such force, our tongues fighting for dominance as I ground my increasingly wet core onto the huge bulge in his jeans. The whimper he let out was shameless, and he started to unbuckle his belt. We were in the heat of passion when our attention was suddenly forced toward the door.
"Oh... Jesus, people! The couch?!" Max gave us a look of disgust.
"Red! Guess what?! Isy said yes! She's my girlfriend!" He smiled like an idiot and started mauling you again.
"Ugg, gross! I mean, I'm happy you dorks worked shit out, but you have a bedroom... shit and a whole other house for that matter!"
Eddie and I continued to paw at each other, completely unphased.
"Ew, you two are hopeless. I'm gonna shower, then call Lucas. Call me when dinner's ready?"
We waved at her, refusing to part. When we stopped for air Eddie and I gushed at each other.
"You uh, you wanna go to my place?"
"I do, but I've got dinner cooking."
"Well, let's take this to your room."
"Eddie, we promised Max."
He sighed. "Hmm, what a goddamn mood killer." He placed a gentle wet kiss on your lips.
"Mmm, you staying for dinner, handsome? I'm making spaghetti and meatballs. It's kind of a Sunday tradition."
He devoured you with his eyes. "As long as I get you for dessert."
"You're gross, Munson!"
Max yelled from upstairs, sending Eddie and me into a fit of laughter.
"Yes, Sug, I'll stay. And after dinner, we're going to my place. We're gonna spend every spare minute in bed."
Eddie and I were tripping over our own feet trying to run to his house. Once he got the door open he kicked it shut, pulled me into his arms, and started tasting every inch of exposed skin he could get his mouth on. My next movements were a blur. I grabbed him by the shirt and flung him against the door.
"Whoa! What the hell are you do--HMFF?!"
I cut him off with a harsh kiss. "Mmm, I want that fucking DICK!"
His shocked gaze followed you as you dipped down to your knees.
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I smirked, unbuckled his belt, and unzipped his jeans freeing his magnificent erection. Without hesitation, I grabbed hold, flattened my tongue against the underside of his shaft, and licked a stripe from his balls to his tip, then slowly sank my mouth onto his stiff cock inch by mouth-watering inch until his entire length was in the back of my throat.
"Ohh! Ho-holy shit! You-you can take the whole thing? FUCK!"
A deep growl escaped Eddie's heaving chest, and his head fell back against the door with a thud. I shoved my hand under his shirt tangling my fingers in his course hair, using the other to play with his balls as I took him in and out of my mouth at an agonizingly slow pace. He tangled his fingers tightly into my hair, sheathing himself in the back of my throat. We locked eyes as I started to choke, then he let me breathe and repeated the motion. When he released me again I began savoring his leaking tip, flicking and teasing his slit with my tongue before plunging him back into my mouth. The sensation made his body shake.
"J-Jesus Christ! Mhh, hmm, hmm."
I grabbed the base of his cock and started working him faster, his grip on my hair tightening.
"Oh, Shit! G-gonna cum if you keep that up, Sugar."
I could feel his cock start to twitch as I vigorously sucked.
"I'm-I'm seriousOHHH, OHFUCK! MMMM! So-so good."
Eddie pushed into the back of my throat once more before pulling my head roughly from his swollen cock. I pried his hands from my hair, laced our fingers together, and pressed his hands firmly against the door on either side of his hips, taking him into my mouth once more.
"S-seriously, Sugar. I'm... Ohhhhh, oh shit! G-gonna cum. I'm gonna cum!"
He kept trying to pull away, but I refused to stop.
"Mmm, mhhhhFUCK! God!... DAMMIT!!!"
Eddie gave one last guttural moan. When I felt the first gush of his warm cream hit the back of my throat I released his hands and he shoved them back into my hair and fucked my face as he rode out his release. I tried not to choke as I greedily swallowed spurt after spurt of his rich cum. When the pulsing of his delicious dick ceased I released it from my mouth and gave him one more luscious lick up the length of his shaft, kissing his sensitive tip. When his grip on my hair eased I rose slowly and leaned into him, and placed a small peck on his lips. He smiled ear to ear, trying to catch his breath.
"What... what the fuck was that?! Ha! I... I can't believe you just did that." He cupped your face and gave you a steamy kiss. "Mmmm, that... that was so fucking hot!"
Eddie pulled up his jeans and threw me over his shoulder, and I squeaked when he ran up the stairs. Kicking open his bedroom door and plopping me onto the bed, he fell to his knees, pulled me to the edge of the mattress, and swiftly undid my jeans pulling them and my panties off in one fell swoop.
He inhaled deeply. "Mmm, my God, your pussy smells so heavenly."
Eddie leaned in to taste me, but I decided to tease him and pressed my legs together before his mouth could make contact.
He released a frustrated sigh. "Sugar, don't be a tease. You don't get to just... suck me off like some goddamn whore and then deny me. That's not how this works. I need to taste you. Don't you dare deprive me of this. I'll take it if I have to."
I didn't know if he was serious or just talking dirty, but fuck was it turning me on. Eddie pulled me back to the edge of the bed and waited. My shy nod was all the confirmation he needed. He instantly spread my legs wide and buried his face into my dripping wet pussy. "Huh! FUCK!"
He positioned his arms under your thighs and pressed his palms firmly against your stomach, lapping and flicking at your sensitive clit, your high-pitched whimpers egging him on. "Mmmm! Jesus, you taste so goddamn good... FUCK!"
His tongue moved through my folds with precision, and the vibrations of his moans against my nerves were too much to bear. He made it worse by rubbing my swollen bud with his thumb while he fucked me with his tongue. I wrapped my legs around his shoulders, tangled my fingers in his curls, and started riding his gorgeous face. "Oh, FUCK! EDDIE! I'm... I'm gonna cum!"
"That's my girl. Cum on my face. Gimme that sweet sugar! Mggghh! Give it to me, I WANT it, FUCK!" He sucked on your clit with force.
I clutched handfuls of his sheets, practically convulsing. "Oh, GOD!... Eddie... FUCK!!!" Screaming for him and continuing to whimper, I ground my pussy onto his face and came hard. My head was spinning as he hungrily lapped at my juices, leaving nothing to waste. When I stopped shaking, he gently ran his fingers through my folds, enjoyed one more taste as he sucked them clean, then he lowered my legs, wiped his mouth with his hand, and proceeded to trail wet kisses along my stomach.
"Mmm, I was wrong. You are... so much sweeter than I imagined." He gave you a chaste kiss and cuddled against your chest.
I clutched him tight and ran my fingers through his hair as I tried to catch my breath. "Uhhh, you give the best orgasms." His chuckle reverberated through my body. "Hey, um... hmm... you mind if I explore?" I motioned around his room.
"Not at all, Sug. You're free to move about my den of sin at your leisure." He stood up and reached for your hands, helping you off the bed.
I ran my fingers over everything, smiling like an idiot as I absorbed it all. Eddie's stereo system stood against the wall opposite his bed next to a bookshelf full of VHS tapes and records. There was a pile of D&D stuff in the corner, a bong sitting on the dresser next to where his sweetheart was hanging, and like my room, the walls were littered with posters, but one, in particular, caught my eye. It was a poster of Tanya Roberts in her flimsy, ripped romper from the movie 'Beastmaster'.
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Coincidentally the namesake for my D&D character. I tried to contain my excitement as I pictured the look on Eddie's face when I revealed that bit of information, but my attention was drawn to something else... something hanging on the wall at the head of his bed. Something that raised... so many questions. "Um... what exactly would necessitate the use of such intricate handcuffs?" Eddie was chewing on his hair, looking like he wanted to ravage me.
"Uh, well..." he inched toward you and wrapped his arms around your waist, "I'd be happy to show you."
He kissed me roughly, his lips traveling to my neck where he took his sweet time savoring my skin. I couldn't think straight. My half-lidded eyes fell shut as he slowly backed me toward the bed. When the back of my legs made contact with the mattress, we fell onto it. Eddie's lips never left my neck, and I held him close, enjoying the intense pressure from his love bites. (Jesus... no amount of makeup is gonna cover these things)
"Mhhh, Sugar? You uh... you wanna stay with me tonight? I um... I can't fucking stand to be away from you."
I smiled at him as he stroked my hair, feeling like my heart would burst. "Yeah, yeah, I will." He was so giddy. "Set an alarm for me, ok? And do you have an extra toothbrush?"
"Um... yeah. Come on." He dragged me to the bathroom and rummaged through a drawer. "Here, Sugar. Towels and stuff are in there. You do your thing. I'm gonna run to the other bathroom, then I'll be waiting for you... naked. I-I sleep naked, so... oh, and don't worry about my uncle. He works nights, so he won't be home 'til like... 8 a.m." He let out a breathy laugh.
Just the thought of Eddie naked made me wanna attack him again. "Thank you, Eddie." I started brushing my teeth and noticed him staring at me. "Wha?" I mumbled.
"Nothing, uh... it's just..." he looked you up and down, "you're so goddamn beautiful. And I look forward to watching you do this... as many times as humanly possible." He watched you in awe as you tried hiding your flushed cheeks. "I'll uh... I'll leave you to it." He gave your ass a playful smack and walked away.
I ran downstairs for my bag before returning to Eddie's room to find him sitting in bed completely naked smoking a joint. I smiled like an idiot, popped the mix tape I made him into the stereo, and proceeded to remove the rest of my clothes. Eddie's eyes were glued to my body.
"Um... Jesus, you're tits are perfect."
I smiled and climbed onto the bed as W.A.S.P.'s 'Wild Child' started to play.
"What tape is this?" He accepted the case you offered and read the outside liner with a smirk. "What is all this, Sug? 'This is Eddie', 'What I want you to do to me', 'Our special moment'. Hahaha! There's no song titles, just little notes."
"I made it after our little spat this morning. I was so angry, and... well, I couldn't think of what to say without screaming at you like a fucking banshee, so... this pretty much says it all. It's all the stuff that reminds me of us, and that's what I want... us. Each song goes along with the track note. I thought it would be a fun little surprise." I laughed nervously and lay on my stomach next to him.
"Aww, thank you, Sugar. So this is me, huh? I'm your wild child?"
"Mmm, damn right you are." Eddie snuffed out his joint and scooted closer.
He cuddled you to his chest and ran his hand down the curves of your body until he reached your tattoo, squeezing your ass cheek. "Mmm, I love your ass." He motioned with one finger for you to come closer and whispered some lyrics. "I'm a Wild Child. Come and love me. I want you."
I was putty in his hands. Eddie leaned his head ever so slightly and claimed my lips, our tongues lightly brushing. I put my hand on his cheek, deepening the kiss, then returned my head to his chest. His scent was indescribable. Just uniquely... Eddie. I threw my leg over his and started playing with the bundle of hair on his abdomen when out of my peripheral vision I noticed him slowly reaching for my breast, and I smacked his hand. "You're not sneaky, perv."
He laughed jovially and kissed your head. "You know, Sug. If you don't stop mistreating me I'm gonna have to start fighting back," he joked.
"If it bothers you that much then stop teasing me." I looked up and gave him another playful smack for good measure.
He scoffed. "Who's teasing who?" He poked your side, enjoying the sweet sound of your giggles, and whispered, "Just so you know... I'll never stop teasing you."
"Well... then I guess it's gonna start getting a bit rough between us." I could feel the deep chuckle in his chest.
"Hey, Sug?"
"If you haven't already guessed... I like it rough." He put his lips right next to your ear, his voice barely a whisper. "And my need for that kind of carnal pleasure... is insatiable."
(Um... what's that now?) At that moment 'Animal' started playing, and of course, I was instantly horny. I bit my lip as a surge of excitement shot straight to my core. I could feel Eddie's heart beating faster and his dick twitching as I continued to play with his trail of hair. When I dared to meet his gaze his eyes were smoldering, and so were my insides.
"Is, um... is this what you want me to do to you? You want me to nail your ass to the sheets?"
I nodded slowly, not breaking eye contact, and that's when things got heated. We smashed our faces together, our fingers tangling in each other's hair as I straddled Eddie's lap. He cupped my tits and started kneading them as I ground my soaked slit against his notably thick shaft. A delicious moan escaped his lips as he wrapped his arms around my back, rolled us over, and latched his lips to my stiff peaks, sucking them vigorously in turn.
"Mmm... mhhhh... uhhh." He lapped gently, flicking your nipples with the tip of his tongue before suckling again.
I cradled his head intensifying the sensation of his warm mouth on my skin until I felt a sudden chill. "Eddie, why'd you stop?" The look on his face... it was a mixture of anguish and passion.
"Sugar... I can't get you outta my head. Once I got a taste of that sweet, sweet sugar..." he grazed your lips with his fingertips, "I wanted more. I wanted you... so badly." He eased his palm down your body, gently caressing your stomach. "Goddamn... the things I wanna do to you."
I could feel Eddie's dick twitching against my leg, and my heart started pounding. As if in slow motion, he pressed his lips to mine, but this kiss was different. Full of so much adoration and love. Just then, 'Melissa' started to play. I reached out and traced his scars with my fingertips.
He closed his eyes and let out a content sigh. "Hmmm, our special moment... I'll never forget it. Your acceptance was a blessing."
"Eddie..." our eyes locked, "make love to me... please? I-I wanna show you how good it feels." He stared at me with a burning desire, gave a slow nod, then claimed my lips with conviction. Wedging further between my legs I could feel the tip of his cock lingering against my entrance. I threw my limbs around his body, inhaled sharply, and clung to him as he slowly pushed inside me. "Oh-oh, fuck... Eddie!"
"O-ohhhhFuck! Mggghh." His whole body tensed. Pressing his forehead into the crook of your neck, he ignored your labored breathing until he was fully sheathed. "S-Sugar, I know it hurts, mhhh... b-but you... you're so tight, MHHH! But you... you can push through it, sweet thing. I know you can. I promise I'm-I'm gonna make you feel good."
Eddie's concern was so sweet, I hugged him tighter as he moved in and out of me slowly, his girth spreading me wide.
"Ohfffffuck, so tight. So-so incredible. Oh, my fucking girl." Eddie rested his forehead on yours. "Y-you ok, Sugar?"
"Mmm... mm-hm." My breathing started to even out.
"That's-that's my good, girl. Just breathe. Christ, you're so fucking perfect... so-so perfect." His instincts were telling him to start plowing into you, but he refrained, determined to savor this experience.
Adorable moans left Eddie's lips as he resumed his slow pace. "E-Eddie... mmm, that-that's it... my God you-you make me feel... so good. Mhhh, deeper... please." He nodded fervently, grabbed my knees, and pushed them toward my shoulders. I gasped as he hit my sweet spot with every slow, needy thrust. "Oh, God... Eddie... huh... right there." I grabbed his ass, forcing him to keep the pace and push deeper.
"Mmmm, S-Sugar. Ohhh, so-so warm... so wet for me. Feels so goddamn good, fuck!"
I reveled in the feeling of his hot breath on my skin sensing his urgency to move faster as he trailed wet kisses from my chin to my neck. To prevent him, I shifted my legs and rolled him onto his back, placed my palms on his heaving chest, and rode him slowly.
"Ohhhhh, oh Sugar!" He reached for your ass and cupped it gently as you glided slowly, easily up and down his thick member.
I leaned forward and spread my thighs wider, the friction from his course hair rubbing my clit in just the right way. Eddie wrapped his arms around my back and suckled my nipples as I continued to ride him.
"Ohh, S-Sug... your-your pussy feels so good, mggghh... you-you were made for me. Mhhh, please... let me lead." Eddie sat you up and spread his knees so his cock was bolt-upright inside you. "Wr-rap your arms around my neck, sweet thing."
I complied, leaning my forehead against his as he guided my movements. "Oh God... Eddie. Y-you feel... mhhhh... so right. Ohh, oh my God." He smiled at me as my reassuring moans filled the room. I moved his hands to my waist and arched backward resting my head on the bed, clutching handfuls of the sheets as he pulled my hips toward him, the leverage allowing him to penetrate me deeper. It felt so fucking incredible.
He trailed his palm from your neck, softly between your heaving breasts, and down to your belly. Leaning forward, he flicked his tongue lightly against your skin, peppering it with soft, wet kisses. Arching your back to give him better access, he glided his palm back over your tits, lifted you upright, and tasted the flesh of your nipples once more. When you returned your hands to his shoulders, he pressed his thumb to your swollen clit, and started rubbing circles.
I met his blissful gaze and whimpered, the pace of my rocking hips quickening. "Mmm, oh God... Eddie! Fuck! I-I love the way you touch me."
"Mggmm... t-tell me what you want, Sugar."
"Mmm, I... I want, ohfuck! Huh! W-want you to... cum inside me." The whine that escaped his lips almost made me cum right then and there. Kissing deeply we embraced. Eddie eased me down onto his chest, and rolled us over, resuming an agonizingly slow pace on top of me. "E-Eddie... move faster, please." Eddie shifted onto his knees, threw my legs over his shoulders, and leaned forward, quickening his pace. Once he found his rhythm he smiled and reached his hand between us to play with my clit. Breathing heavily, his eyes locked on my face, watching me intently as I began to fall apart.
"That's it, Sugar. Let go. Ohhh... Jesus! I-I can't... I can't hold back much longer. I-I need to cum so bad."
"Mmm, Eddie... please. I wanna feel you. I want... I want everything with you. Please... make me yours."
"Oh, oh Christ. I will, Sugar. I'm gonna fill you up... b-but I need you to cum for me. Please, cum for me, sweet thing."
"Eddie! Oh, God!" I dug my nails into his back.
"Ohhh! Yeah, Sugar. Fuck! Chase it. Oh, Jesus, I need you. Let go, sweet thing. MGGHH! Cum on my cock."
"Ohh, oh fuck!... Eddie, EDDIE!" His name was a high-pitched whimper.
He started to lose control as your tight walls clenched around his twitching cock. "OhhhFFFFUCK! UHH! Shit, shit!" Balls deep, his dick began to pulse and he exploded deep inside your welcoming pussy. "God... DAMMIT! My... my sweet girlCHRIST!!! OHHHHH!!! Ohhhh, mhhhh."
We held each other close until we were finally spent and laughing breathlessly. I kissed him with all the emotion in the world.
"Mhhh, Ha! I-I can't believe it. I've-I've never felt anything so powerful." Eddie looked between your bodies. "Jesus, there's-there's so much cum." You burst into giddy laughter. "You-you take me so well, sweet thing. Hoh... shit!"
He put my legs down and rested against my chest. "Eddie... you-you're a natural. So fucking incredible." I squeezed him in a full-body hug.
He rolled you over so you were on top of him, caressing your face as he pulled you down for a tender kiss. "Mmmm. I um... I think I could get used to that." He reached a hand to your shoulder and lightly trailed the tips of his fingers across your collarbone. "Jesus... your skin is so soft. You're so fuckin' beautiful, Sugar." Your smile warmed his heart. "Let's get some sleep, yeah? You're gonna be miserable tomorrow."
He held you close as you slept, basking in your warmth, unable to loosen his grip for fear that you'd disappear. He was so fucked. Now that he had you, if he ever lost you he'd be crushed... empty. He kissed your head, and nuzzled against your hair letting your smell invade his senses as he listened to the soft sounds of your steady breathing. "Mhh... I love you, Isabeau."
I woke the next morning before Eddie's alarm went off, his arm wrapped tightly around my waist. I carefully slipped from his grip so I wouldn't wake him, and started rummaging around for some paper and a pen, but when I noticed the Polaroid camera on his dresser, I had a better Idea. As quietly as I could, I grabbed his guitar and the camera and snapped a photo of myself.
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I grabbed a pen from his stack of D&D shit, scrawled a message at the bottom of the picture, then returned his sweetheart to her rightful place and proceeded to get dressed. I turned off the alarm and propped the photo against the clock. I felt a ping in my chest as I ran my fingers through his hair. "I'll see you soon, Eddie... I love you." I gently kissed his cheek and forced myself to walk out.
Uggggggg! There's not enough coffee in the world." I took a giant gulp of my beverage. "Damn the necessary evil that is needing to make money to live," I complained to Robin as she rubbed my back. I leaned my elbows on the counter, my chin resting in my hands as I tried desperately to stay awake.
Steve just arrived for the night shift, hopped onto the counter, and proceeded to eat a can of Pringles. "What's her problem? Whoa! Jesus, Mancini. Couldn't keep it PG? What the hell happened to your neck?"
I smiled like an idiot.
"So, apparently our little lepper here reconciled with Eddie, and they um... forgave each other 'til like... the crack of dawn. Now she's half dead and cursing life 'cause she's sleep-deprived."
"Ew... I'm sorry I asked. Your shift's almost over. Just go home and crash."
"As much as I would love to, Steve, I haven't seen Max that much since I got here, so we're going to the arcade tonight."
"Hmm, yeah, that sucks. Maybe next time keep it in your pants. Whoa, Jesus!"
I pushed Steve off the counter. "Shut up, dick."
"Don't mind Dingus. He's just jealous 'cause he sucks and isn't currently getting any."
"Hey, it's not like I couldn't if I wanted to, I'm just... on hiatus. But it's a sad day in Hell when Munson's getting more action than me."
I chuckled. "Yeah, well, the man's a god in the sack, but it's not just the mind-blowing sex. I barely forced myself to leave him this morning. Even hearing his name when I'm not with him makes my chest hurt. It's like... our fucking existence is connected and neither one of us can be complete without the other. It's like..."
"Love?" Steve added.
"Yeah. Don't worry, Steve. Nance will come around." I rubbed his shoulder then resumed my previous position practically nodding off.
"Well, I'm glad you finally came around. Munson's pining was unbearable. The guy's nuts about ya."
"Yeah, sorry for the hassle, but thank you guys for your help. We both had a little trouble getting through to each other. It's just so fucking crazy! I mean, I just met the guy, and I can't explain it, but I am. I'm in love with the son of a bitch."
Robin smiled to herself. "Well, lover girl... if you can peel yourself from the sheets for a night, you wanna go see a movie with us sad, pathetic singles on Friday?"
"I'd love to, Robin, but Eddie invited me to join Hellfire, and their new campaign starts Friday. It's my favorite game so I'm reeaally looking forward to it."
"Ok. I see how it is. Choose the nerds over us... it's, it's cool," Steve said sarcastically.
"Shut up." I slammed my head onto the counter.
"Well, you're coming out with us next Tuesday. No excuses. There's this metal band called Corroded Coffin that's playing at The Hideout. They're supposed to be pretty good."
"Oh, yeah! That's E--" Steve cut Robin off with a finger to her lips.
"Shh, shh, shh... I'm not finished." Robin glared at Steve, incredibly confused. "So we close up, you go home and get changed, and we'll meet you at your place. Cool?"
"I don't know, Steve. The Hideout? What if I run into... what's her face?"
"So what if you do? You're Munson's girl... and doesn't she wanna meet you anyway?"
"Well, yeah, but... it's still weird."
"Mancini, it's only weird if you make it weird. Trust me."
I nodded. If anyone would know it was Steve. "Eh, good point. Ok, I guess I'll go. I do miss live music. Is Eddie going?"
"Naw, I asked. Tuesday's his night with the guys."
"Well, can't he skip it just this once?"
"That was my next question. He said he definitely would, but Jeff's moving into his new place next week and Munson promised to help."
"Oh. Well, that blows." I looked at the clock. It was finally 4 p.m. "Yes!!! Punch me out, please. I'll see you bitches tomorrow. I'm outta here." They waved me goodbye as I bolted out the door.
"What the hell, Dingus?! Why'd you shoosh me?"
"Calm down, Robin. Munson called me this morning. He's got a big surprise for her, and you almost blew it."
"Ohhhhh, I see. Wait, how'd I almost blow it? I don't even know what 'it' is."
"Well, he said the one thing Isy hasn't found out about him is that he's in a band."
"Whoops, sorry. So, what's the surprise?"
Steve had a mouth full of chips. "Mmm, it's a doosie. You'll love this."
"Ok, wait, wait, wait. I gotta clock us out. Fill me in when I get back."
Eddie was sitting on his porch steps, forearms on his knees, leg bobbing up and down impatiently. When he saw me pull into the driveway he flashed a radiant smile and started running toward my car. I barely had time to put the thing in park before he was yanking on the door and pulling me into his arms, claiming my lips.
"Mmm, I missed you so much, Sugar. And fuck you, by the way. A naked picture of you on your knees with my guitar covering your sexy bits titled 'Eddie's Girls'. I was seconds away from coming to the video store and bending you over the counter."
I smiled slyly. "I uh, I would've loved that, but I don't think Robin or the customers would've appreciated it."
"I don't know. Buckley happens to think you're pretty hot. Who am I to deny her a peek at that smokin' body? Ow, shit!" He laughed rubbing the back of his head. "Ok, ok." He hiked you up by the ass and carried you toward his porch. "So, how was your first day?"
He sat with me in his lap. "Well, I couldn't wait to see you, so it was really slow, and uh... for some reason I had a bit of trouble staying awake." Eddie chuckled. "Other than that it was good. Mainly just Robin showing me the ropes. What've you been up to?"
"Well, I've pretty much been jerking off to your picture while listening to your mix tape on a loop. You like... a lotta weird shit, but I got the messages."
I scoffed. "I don't listen to weird shit. I like to think of myself as well-rounded."
"Mmm, like that ass."
I poked him in the gut.
"Hey, hahaha! So, you ready for another round?" He shot you a wink.
"Mmm, I am, but unfortunately it'll have to wait. I'm taking Max to the arcade. That little brat managed to beat my high score in Dig Dug. I can't have that."
"Well... what do you plan on doing after the arcade?"
"You, of course... but only if you want me to. Then I plan on passing the fuck out."
He laughed. "I-I want... I definitely want, yes. I haven't been able to stop thinking about it. Your warmth, your perfect tits, your delectably sweet taste. I've never had the pleasure of anything so... exquisite. And that talented mouth of yours, Mmm! No girl's ever been generous enough to finish me off the way you did."
"Ah, is that why you tried to stop me?"
"Yeah. I'm used to giving a warning." He placed a cigarette between his smiling lips, lit it, and exhaled before meeting your gaze. "Have uh... have you had a lot of practice, 'cause I'll be damned if that wasn't porn star-level expertise. Ow! Jesus! I'm kidding! I'm kidding."
"Yeah, yeah, keep giggling fucker." I stole his cigarette and took a drag. "And the answer is no. I just watch a lotta porn." I exhaled and returned his cigarette.
"Oooo, a kinky girl, huh? For Christ's sake, Sug. Please... please marry me?"
Instead of my signature punch, I just rolled my eyes.
"Well... it's nice to know your mouth's good for something other than bitching at me. Whoa, Shit!"
I pummeled his shoulder repeatedly.
"Jesus, Rocky, knock it off!"
"You're such an ass. Keep it up and no more blow jobs." Eddie pouted playfully and I shoved his cute little face.
"For real though, that's fantastic. I've got a pretty fun porn collection we can watch together. Get those sweet juices flowing." He leaned closer, staring at your lips. "Or we could make one... if you want."
I bit my lip. I could feel the heat in my flushed cheeks dissipate when the cool metal of his rings met my skin.
"I look forward to finding out your kinks. I just hope mine don't alarm you. I wasn't lying when I said I like it rough. The kitchen was just a taste. I get a lot more intense. But just know... I'd never intentionally hurt you."
"No, I-I get it."
"I don't think you do, Sug."
His smile was Cheshire. "Well, I'll let you know if you ever cross a line." Eddie kissed me so passionately.
"Mmm, Jesus... where the fuck have you been all my life?"
"About 350 miles that way." I pointed down the street. Eddie started laughing, peppering my face with kisses, but the moment was immediately cut short.
"Hey, kids!"
We both turned our heads to see a balding man in a flannel shirt.
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"This must be, Isy. Boy won't shut up about ya. I'm his uncle, Wayne."
"Oh! Hi Wayne!" I jumped up and surprised him with a huge hug and a kiss on the cheek. "It's great to finally meet you. Thank you so much for always keeping an eye on Max. I really appreciate it."
Wayne chuckled and turned to Eddie. "I like this one, Son. She's sweet. Hang onto her."
"That's the plan, old man."
Wayne squeezed your shoulder. "It's a pleasure to meet you too, dear. We love Maxine. It's good to have her back. Please tell her I said hello and I'd love to see her soon."
"I will."
"Well, you kids stay outta trouble. I'm headed to work."
Wayne gave us a wave and headed off. I reached over and scratched Eddie's head. "Well, I should go."
"Alright, Sug." He reached for your hand and pulled you down for a quick kiss. "I'll be thinkin' about ya." He wiggled his eyebrows.
I gave his face another playful shove and let my hand slide from his as I walked away.
"Two Munson free nights and we get to listen to my music while we decorate our rooms? Who are you and what've you done with my cousin?"
"HA! Don't worry, Brat. It's still me." I grabbed Max in a headlock and gave her a noogie.
"Ooow! Ok, ok! Knock that shit off!" She pushed you away. "Jesus, I'm just happy to have one night where I'm not forced to hear that dumb Megadeth song."
"Yeah, well, don't ever say I never gave you anything."
"Speaking of which... not that you deserve it after that... but I have something for you."
She handed me a small wrapped box. When I opened it I almost started crying. It was a framed Polaroid of me and Eddie from Saturday night. Our first picture together. We were smiling, our faces pressed together, illuminated by firelight.
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"Oh, Max. This is so sweet." I hugged her with all my might.
"It's just a little something to say I love you, and I'm really glad you're here. And as much as it pains me, I'm glad you and Munson are together."
"Thank you. And I'm sorry I've been so selfish lately. I feel like I've been neglecting you."
"Well stop, because you haven't. Look, I really did miss you, but like I said, I have a life, and I know you do too. I'm just happy I can see you whenever I want to now, but if I've learned anything from this stupid town it's that we never know how much time we have left, so just... be happy, ok?"
"I will. But just know... I'll drop everything when you need me."
"I know." Max smiled.
I studied the photo and ran my fingers over Eddie's likeness.
"You love him, don't you?"
I nodded. "That obvious, huh?"
"Yes. I mean, he's a complete imbecile... but I love him too. But don't... tell him I said that. He'll never let me live it down."
I chuckled. "Your secret's safe with me. Thanks again, Max. Your blessing means a lot to us."
"I'm just glad you're both finally happy. And so is Wayne. I stopped to see him today, and after he crushed the life outta me he wouldn't stop gushing about you."
"Really? What'd he say?"
"I believe his exact words were 'It's been ages since I've seen Eddie in such good spirits. Isy brings out the best in him. I'm thrilled they found each other.' He just went on and on, so consider yourself lucky, Isy. Wayne's a crotchety old man who's extremely protective of his nephew, but he can see why Munson adores you, so in turn, he does too."
I started crying. "I love you so much, Brat. I'm really glad I decided to move here. Best decision I ever made... for so many reasons."
Eddie and I lay facing each other, fingers laced together, the moonlight through the window making his gorgeous eyes shine. "Thanks for staying with me tonight, Eddie. I've missed you, and I didn't sleep well without you last night. Like... m-my heart physically hurts when I'm away from you. I mean, just knowing that you're always like... right there," I motioned in the direction of his house, "and I'm not with you, it just... it sucks. And waking up to your handsome face has been the highlight of my day, so I made you a copy of my house key."
"You-you did?"
"Yeah. No more nights apart."
"Ha! I-I don't know what to say. Thank you, sweet thing." He gave you a heartfelt kiss. "Mmm, I know how you feel. I missed you so much. It's pure agony being away from you. I get this feeling in the pit of my stomach, and I can't think straight. Not being able to see your face... or smell your hair... feel your soft skin..." he nuzzled your nose, "knowing that at any second... I may set you off, causing you to beat me senseless." He laughed as you landed a playful punch. "I cherish it... all of it, and I'll do anything to be near you. I still can't believe you're my girl. If I had my way we'd be attached at the hip, just like in that photo. That was a rad gift. I knew Red wasn't the hardened little shit she makes herself out to be."
"Ha! Don't say that to her, or you'll find out just how big of a shit she can be." I love hearing Eddie's deep chuckle. It was unbelievable, feeling so strongly for someone I'd just met, but I feel like Eddie's always been a part of my life. A part of me. "I'm off tomorrow so we can spend the whole day together."
"What'd you wanna do?"
"Well, all I really wanna do is spend the day in bed with you, but Max and I were talking and we wanna start having a monthly movie night, so I need to do some work on the house."
"I'll help you then. The faster we finish the sooner we can defile each other, but at some point, I need to finish my notes and shit for D&D. I wanna make sure your first night in Hellfire's memorable."
"OK, am I allowed to hang out while you do that? I promise I won't be a bother. I just wanna be with you."
"Of course, you can, Sug, but it's gonna be pretty boring."
"I'm sure I can find something to occupy the time." For a brief moment, we stared at each other's lips, and like magnets, they were on each other.
"Mmm, I'm glad you and Red got to spend some quality time together. I can tell you two were busy. All the new posters... very metal. I take it the picture of Blackie on your dresser was the one you were talkin' about?"
"Yeah. He looks sweet, right? That baby face with all the leather, and his dark hair... you look just like him in that picture."
He smiled. "Yeah, I see what you're sayin'. And that?" He pointed to the giant poster of Dave Mustaine fixed to the ceiling above your bed and snickered. "When you said you were obsessed you weren't kidding."
"Uh, nope... I was not." I smirked. Eddie cupped my cheek and kissed me passionately.
"Hmmm. Come 'ere." He turned you into the little spoon and attacked the supple skin of your neck. "Mmm... so, I know you're exhausted, but are you sure you don't wanna ride my dick 'til the sun comes up?"
"Hhhh, don't temp me, Munson." Uggg... he was resilient, but I could feel a week's worth of exhaustion taking its toll.
"But that's what I do. I tempt beautiful girls into committing sinful acts." He nuzzled against your hair.
"Eddie... you really are the Devil."
"Hmm, what can I say? Three days without being inside you have been torture." He could feel your breathing slow against his chest. Realizing you'd fallen asleep, he chuckled to himself, wrapped you tightly in his arms and followed in sleep to the rhythm of your beating heart.
I woke the next morning to the sight of Eddie's gorgeous face and let out a content sigh. Being with him, it felt like a goddamn dream. I sat up slowly, wrapped my arms around my knees, and just... admired him. He was lying on his back, head turned to the side, hair tousled. His ringed fingers rested on his chest. I must've pulled the covers off him in my sleep, 'cause his body was fully exposed. I studied it, committing every inch of him to memory. My eyes lit up when I glanced at the delicious trail of dark hair on his abdomen that led directly to his morning wood. (Holy FUCK! I could stare at this all day!) Smiling like an idiot, I managed to peel my eyes off his impressive member and watched his chest rise and fall steadily with every breath. I swear to everything holy he looks like a goddamn angel. He made me so unbearably horny. I was about to climb on top of him and sink onto his inviting dick when he rolled onto his stomach and cuddled my pillow. Damn, he's got a cute little ass. I got up, leaned against the dresser, and gawked, opting to enjoy the view for a few minutes more before I woke him, then I reached over and smacked his bare ass. He immediately lifted his head and looked around. When he saw me standing there he smiled.
"Mmm, mornin', sweet thing." He laid his head back down on the pillow, still smiling. "Did, um... did you just smack my ass?"
"Morning, Handsome. And I may or may not have aggressively placed my palm on your sweet cheeks." I gave him a cheeky grin. Eddie giggled and sat up slowly, threw his legs over the side of the bed, and stretched his gorgeous tatted, and scarred torso. He was a fucking vision. He smiled at me with sleepy eyes, held out his arms, and motioned for me to come to him. I walked over slowly and he wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me close, his head resting against my stomach. I cradled his head and placed a kiss on it, and he moaned sweetly. "Smoke?" I asked, motioning to the porch.
"Yeah... let me take a piss."
"Aww," I looked down at his crotch, "but it's so impressive." I gave him a playful pout, brushed his hair from his face, and sunk slowly between his legs engulfing his dick.
"Uh-uhhhhh, mmm, mhhh... oh shit! Stop, stop, stop," he exhaled heavily and cupped your face. "I, hmm... I appreciate the enthusiasm, Sugar... but I really gotta piss." You pouted again. "Oh fuck it, just a little longer then."
Eddie pushed my head down and I swallowed his dick lapping at his balls.
I slapped my hand over his mouth so he wouldn't wake Max. He nodded fervently and moaned against my palm as I slowly bobbed up and down. This continued for about a minute until he pulled me off of his dick with a pop.
"That's... s-good... hmm! So fuckin' good." Breathing heavily he leaned down and kissed you sweetly. "I'll um... I'll be back in a sec. We can have a smoke and get all our shit done so I can destroy you."
I gave the head of his dick a huge wet kiss and he shuddered. When I stood up he grabbed me by the waist, kissed my stomach, and tried to collect himself before heading to the bathroom.
With the help of Max, we managed to completely redo the living room. Unfortunately, it took a lot longer than expected. It didn't help that we all had way too much fun rolling paint on each other instead of the walls. Needless to say, by the time we were done cleaning up, eating, and taking Max to El's, Eddie had very little time to finish planning the campaign, so we spent the rest of the evening in his room listening to music while he worked on his notes. I found out very quickly that when it comes to D&D, Eddie takes obsession to a whole new level. I thought I was bad with Megadeth. He barely spoke all night sitting cross-legged on his bed surrounded by mounds of books and maps, fixated on his task. He wouldn't let me see anything, but I didn't mind. I was just happy to be with him. It was amusing watching and learning his facial expressions, as I lay on my stomach swinging my feet in the air, reading his mountain of metal magazines. "I think I may have to tear half of these apart and plaster the pictures on my walls."
"Go ahead, Sug. Take whatever you want."
"Mmm, you're the best." Eddie looked at me and laughed, shaking his head. "What?" I reached over and shoved his knee. "Quit laughing at me, dork."
"I can't help it. You're so fuckin' cute."
I scrunched my face and smiled. "How much longer you gonna be?"
"I don't know. Maybe another hour or so. I'm sorry for the neglect. I'm usually finished by now, but I've been kinda distracted this week." Eddie gave you a sly smile.
I shot him a snarky look and he giggled.
"I'm glad you're here, though. Even if you're just sitting there quietly. I like lookin' at ya." He will never get sick of your bashfulness.
"Hey, um... you mind if I watch something naughty? Staring at you shirtless, planning the infinite demise of our party is kinda turning me on."
He laughed heartily and pointed to a shelf. "Knock yourself out. But no trying to use that gorgeous body to sneak a peek at my notes. You may be my girl, but I don't play favorites."
I smiled happily and crawled up next to him, placed a quick kiss on his cheek, and pretended to peek at his notes. He pushed me over and I couldn't help but giggle.
"Nice try, Sug. Go watch your video."
His tapes weren't marked so I just grabbed one, popped it into the VCR, and pushed play. Positioning myself at the foot of the bed, I watched intently in a blissful daze, finding it impossible not to get aroused. I stole a glance at Eddie who was staring at me blissfully through dark lashes.
"Enjoying yourself, Sugar?"
As I chewed on my thumbnail and nodded, continuing to stare at the TV, my thoughts drifted curiously to Eddie's intense sexual desires. "Hey, Munson?"
"Um... exactly how rough do you like to get? I mean, aside from what we've already done, some of the things you've said to me have me curious. Do you really just... take what you want?"
Eddie put his pencil down and looked at you tenderly. "Well, I don't force myself on girls, if that's what you're asking. I'm big on consent, but I do get off on being dominant. The power and control make the sex incredible. And there's a lot of girls that're into that kinda shit, but if I ever sensed otherwise, that's where it ended. I'd be happy to indulge you... if you're interested."
Uggggg! His sexy tone and Cheshire grin made it impossible to hide my giddy approval. "Um... ha... so uh... exactly how many girls have you indulged?"
Eddie lifted a quizzical brow. "Why so interested in my sex life all of a sudden, or lack thereof?"
I shrugged. "I don't know. I just like intimate conversations. They give me a chance to learn more about you on a deeper level."
"Ok, I can understand that, but I'm not sure I should say."
"Please, please tell me. I've been with like... five dudes, including you. And I've messed around with a few others, but I was always too worried about diseases and shit to be too adventurous."
He let out a huff. "Well, I've been with a fair amount of girls, Sug. I had a few regular friends with benefits, but to most I was just amusement, a gimmick. It was a game to them to fuck the freak." He noticed your fist clench. It was endearing.
"Were um... were you always safe? I mean, I know you tend to get drunk and high, and you got caught in the moment with me, so..."
"Isy... would it make a difference if I wasn't?"
"Well, no... I don't know. I mean... it won't change the way I feel about you or anything. It's just... shit, I don't know. Just... forget I said anything."
He was thoroughly confused. Placing two ringed fingers beneath your chin he forced you to meet his gaze. "Hey, what's goin' on, Sug? Does my promiscuity bother you that much?"
"No. It's not that. I like that you're experienced. That kinda thing actually turns me on. It's just... n-nevermind. It's-it's stupid." Eddie didn't move but continued to stare, brow raised. "It's just... how do you know there's no little Munson's running around?"
He guffawed, but your expression of blatant apprehension made him instantly regret his outburst, and he became pensive. You were genuinely bothered. "Uh, Sugar... I'm touched that you think of me as some... desirable sex god, but I assure you, you're the only one who does, so no... I don't have kids."
"But how do you know for sure?"
He chuckled to himself, unable to comprehend your skepticism. "I know 'cause you're the only girl who's ever given me the pleasure of taking them raw."
I scoffed. "You're shitting me right?"
"Nope... no one trusts the freak, Sug. So... when I was lucky enough to fuck, I was always made to wear a condom... except with you. And I've been wracking my brain trying to figure out why, but I think I finally put my finger on it."
I was perplexed, waiting impatiently for him to continue.
"See, you said you have trouble separating emotions from sex, and that most likely stems from your religious background. You were probably taught that you had to have an emotional connection to give yourself to someone, yeah?"
I nodded.
"Well, that's bullshit. Just... a way to prevent promiscuity, but sex is just that... sex. A fun, pleasurable, physical act that we as human beings crave. We need it. It's an essential part of our being, but it's just a physical act. It doesn't need to be emotional, or-or special to feel good, yeah?"
"Sure, I guess."
"Well, I didn't bother with emotion. It was always just physical. I needed the release, to feel good. And I'm not gonna lie. When we were cleaning, all my instincts were telling me to just... grab you by the ass and... fuck you against the wall while we listened to Mercyful Fate. I mean, I've imagined doing fowl, filthy things to you that leave no room for emotion... like none whatsoever. It'd just be pure, primal pleasure that makes our bodies feel really fucking good, but sex isn't the same as making love. When you make love to someone, that's where the emotion comes in, where the heart belongs." He pressed his fingers to his bare chest for emphasis. "You showed me that. And you no doubt enjoy the excitement of sex... but you're still extremely guarded, so you reserve intimacy for people you truly care about. Am I making any sense here?"
I was in a daze. I bit my lip and looked away.
"Isy, you wanted me to cum inside you. And I know I'm probably not the first, but that was a big deal for me. For the first time in my life, I felt wanted... and I don't think you would've let it happen if I didn't truly mean something to you. Am I wrong?"
"No... you're not. I can't explain it, but there are no words to explain how you make me feel... and not just physically... but in every possible way. And it just... it would've killed me if... if one of those ungrateful bitches got to share a piece of you. I wanna be the only one who... who's worthy of sharing everything with you, 'cause you're the only one I've ever deemed worthy of... of..."
"What? Worthy of what, Isy?"
I averted my gaze. "Of sharing everything with me. Eddie... you are the only guy who's ever cum inside me."
He couldn't believe what he was hearing. "Ok, now you're shitting me."
I shook my head.
"B-but you're on the pill."
"It's an extra precaution."
The realization hit him like a Mack truck. "So, when you said..." he cleared his throat, "that you want to have my babies... you were serious? 'Cause I thought you were just using that as a metaphor to express your feelings."
I was nervous, unable to read his expression. "Eddie... I was trying to express my feelings, but getting knocked up wasn't my intent. We're still stupid young, but I'd be lying if I said I couldn't picture that with you. I mean, the instant I saw you get outta your van, I thought... 'Holy shit, look at him, he's gorgeous. I wanna have that man's babies'. I was completely smitten. Why the hell do you think I spilled my coffee?" I giggled nervously.
He was still like a statue. "I-I don't know what to say. So... you wanted to know if I had safe sex 'cause... you wanna be the only one to have my kids? Do-do I really mean that much to you?"
I gave a faint smile and nodded. "It's stupid right? I let jealousy get the best of me, but you really do."
Like a greedy man, Eddie reached for you and trapped you in his arms. If there was ever a time to confess his love this was it, but he refrained and instead devoured your lips. Straddling his lap, you caressed his face. His eyes bored into yours searching for any sign of deceit, but all he saw was the gleam of your gorgeous, porcelain skin as you slowly pulled your shirt over your head, and removed your shorts, your tits mere inches from his face. He was helpless, fixated as you released his pained erection from its denim prison. His breathing became sluggish and disjointed as your gentle hand guided him inside you. "U-uh-ohhhhhhhh... hohhh, S-Sugar... mmm."
His little whines of pleasure sent chills up my spine.
"I-I don't know how, but youUhhhhh... you have this... ability to-to sate my primal urges, yet... you torture me byOhhhhh... by showing me that-that I can feel... so much more, hhhhhh. You... you're the only person who's... who's ever made me feel this way. I'd do anything for you." Shaky, broken moans escaped his chest as your intoxicating pussy enslaved him. "Uuhhnngg... mmm, mmm, mhhh." His head fell against the wall the instant your mouth made contact with his neck trailing small wet kisses toward his chest. He almost lost his composure when you flattened your tongue against his nipples, teasing and flicking as the soft, gentle touch of your hands glided over his torso. A feeling of nirvana... a high he feared he could no longer live without willed him to claim your lips with a fierce hunger.
"Mmmm, you're not alone anymoreUhhhhh. And I'll-I'll do this to you...w-whenever you want. Just-just be with me." I locked my fingers around his neck as his palms glided over my ass moving with me as we engaged in sensual bliss.
"Mhh, Sugar... look at me. Look into my eyes. I-I don't deserve you, sweet thing... mhhhhh, but I-I never wanna be without you."
A tear escaped his eyes as he stared into mine with all the love in the world. "Eddie... you do. And I'll do everything in my power to make you see that."
He brushed my hair back, wrapped his arms tightly around me, and immediately claimed my lips. I rode him slowly as he tried desperately not to cum.
"Mmm, S-Sugar. If-if you keep doing this to me I'm-I'm gonna burst."
It wasn't long before I came undone. "Uhhh, Eddie, Eddie! Oh God!" My legs started to shake.
"Ohh, good girl, hohhh, MMMM! That-that's my sweet, beautiful girlCHRIST! UHH!"
Our moans of passion consumed us as we reached the peak of ecstasy. Eddie hugged me tighter, his face smashed against my chest, and I cradled him as my pussy milked him of every drop. When I loosened my grip his became tighter.
"Sugar, please, don't-don't let go."
"Eddie... I'll never let go."
He smiled, enjoying the sensation of your fingers gliding through his hair. "Mhh... how the hell did I get so lucky?"
"By being you." I smiled brightly and sweetly kissed his head.
"Mmm, so, um... since you want my metalhead babies, does this mean you'll finally marry me? Ow! Shit!" He giggled and squeezed you tight. "Hmm, I'll get you to say yes eventually. I promise."
I smiled. "Um, I'm sorry I interrupted your D&D planning with my bullshit."
"No apology necessary. It's not every day I get to have a heart-to-heart followed by passionate sex with a gorgeous woman, but now that I have... that kind of interruption is always welcome. Let's get some sleep, yeah? I'll finish my notes while you're at work tomorrow. I'm gonna need something to keep me occupied so I don't go insane waiting for you to come home."
"Yeah, ok."
He tapped his lips. "Gimme some sugar, sweet thing. Mmm, mhhhhh, that's my girl. And thank you. You really do make me feel wanted."
Come Friday I was so fucking excited I could barely sit still. The gang showed up around 5 p.m. for D&D.
"Isy!" Dustin crashed into me practically cracking my ribs. "I'm so excited you joined! I missed playing with you."
"Errrrrr, me too Dusty. I wouldn't have missed it."
"So, uh... you and Eddie, huh... huh?" Dustin elbowed me playfully.
"That's right, butthead." He threw his arm around Dustin's shoulder. "For some reason, this beautiful lady wants my sweet lovin'. Ow! Hahaha! She's kinda feisty." He took me in his arms and kissed my head, and I shoved him.
"Get away from me, perv." He winked at me and walked away.
"Well, I'm glad you're together. I knew he'd find someone nice."
"Thanks, Dusty. I can't imagine my life without him. How's Suzie?"
"My beautiful genius is as wonderful as ever."
"Hm, good. Only the best for my Dusty, and you know why?" Dustin shook his head. I leaned toward him and whispered, "Of all Max's friends... you've always been my favorite." Dustin nodded and hugged me again, but Gareth interrupted our reunion.
"Alright guys, time to throw down."
Suddenly the atmosphere changed. The lighting became dark and ominous, and the giant Hellfire sign on the wall above Eddie's chair at the Dungeon Master's station lit up.
"Alright, little sheep. We have a new player joining us." He motioned to you and continued in a deep, raspy voice. "What's your name... weary traveler?"
My God, it was like he'd transformed into a completely different person. I stood there in awe and marveled at the way the black lights highlighted his gorgeous face. It was the moment of truth. "Uh... Kiri." Eddie's smile faded. With a satisfactory smile, I glanced around and noticed the same expression on everyone else's face except Erica's.
He could barely hold himself together. You liked Beastmaster too? Jesus, you just keep adding to the list of why you're the perfect woman. He cleared his throat and forced himself back into character. "Well... Kiri... what's your level, alignment, race, and class?"
(I'm an off-the-charts, horny as fuck, female, who's so incredibly hot for you right now that I wanna fuck you right on the goddamn table!) "Uh, I'm a level 20, chaotic neutral, half-elf, ranger." I let out a confident, possibly too excited, huff.
"Right on," Erica whispered, giving me a high five, "and what the hell just came over the dork squad?"
"I'll explain later," I whispered, turning my attention back to Eddie.
He stared at you and smiled. "Well, Kiri... welcome to Hellfire."
Eddie tossed me something. My very own Hellfire t-shirt, which I happily donned over my tank top.
"Everyone take a seat, and let the chaos commence."
The adventure ended after about four hours with me being restrained. Gareth, Jeff, and Dustin had me by my arms and waist so I wouldn't kill Eddie, who managed to completely obliterate my character.
"Jesus, Sugar, calm the fuck down!"
"Don't Sugar me, you... you murdering FUCK! I'm gonna shove your dice so far up your ass you're gonna be spitting nat 20s outta your goddamn eyes! FUCK!"
"Munson, do something. We can't hold her much longer." Gareth was struggling to retain his grip. "OUCH! Shit, she's strong."
"Gareth, let me GO goddammit! Eddie. Eddie! I'm gonna make you hurt. I'm gonna make you feel so much pain, and not in a good way!"
"Isy, Isy... ISY!"
I glared at Dustin.
"It's me... it's Dustin! Look, I'll help you, ok? I'll help you build a new character. Just, calm down."
I was seething, but I closed my eyes and began taking deep breaths.
"That's it. Breathe, Isy. Breathe."
"Ok, ok, I'm good, I'm good." I stopped struggling and they cautiously released their holds. Eddie took that as his opportunity to try and hug me. "DON'T... don't fuckin' touch me." I shook him off and pouted against the wall so I wouldn't beat his ass.
Jeff chimed in, genuinely concerned for his friend. "Jesus, Munson. I never thought I'd see the day when someone was more passionate about this game than you. I mean, it's kinda hot, but good luck, man. It's been nice knowin' ya."
I played nice, silently plotting my revenge, as I stood on the porch with Eddie watching everyone file out of the house.
"Hey, uh... Isy?"
"What's up, Dusty?"
"Um, I'm sorry about Kiri. I did warn you. 'Eddie the Banished' shows no mercy. He loves the power trip. Gareth can vouch."
"It's true. He did the same thing to me at my first meeting."
I gave Eddie the side eye. "Really, Munson?"
"Oh, come on, Sug. All's fair in love and war... and D&D."
I shoved his face.
"I mean it though. Call me. We can do some solo adventures."
"Thanks, Dusty." Eddie and I waved our friends goodbye as they piled into cars and pulled out of the driveway.
"Uh... Sug?"
And there it is. "Yes, Munson, I love Beastmaster, so I named my character Kiri."
"W-will y--"
I cut him off with a hand to his mouth. "If you think I'm gonna marry you after that shit you just pulled, you're dreaming." The removal of my hand from his face revealed that mischievous grin.
"So, uh... who's place are we crashin' at tonight?"
I gave him a playful, but exaggerated sigh. "You wanna stay at my place... all mighty overlord?"
He pulled me to his chest. "Hmm... yes, your overlord would enjoy that immensely. And he insists that you strip naked and let him do as he pleases to that beautiful body."
"Oh? Is that right?"
"Mm-hm. You know... it's kind of a shame. Kiri was pretty badass, but once I had an idea of what she was like, I had to have a little fun with her." He backed you slowly against the front door. "I couldn't let her get away unscathed. And I have to admit, I thoroughly enjoyed myself."
"Oh, yeah?" I picked up on the double meaning instantly. I gripped handfuls of his shirt and turned him roughly so his back was against the door. I pressed my body against his and looked him dead in the eyes. "You think what you did to her was fun? That you knew what made her tick after one... short... little... adventure?" With my face mere inches from his, I walked two fingers up his chest accentuating each word.
He shrugged. "Maybe, maybe not... but I know one thing."
"Oh?" I pressed against him more, making him exhale heavily. "What's that?" Eddie's smile faded and his eyes filled with lust.
"She, uh... she definitely made an impression." He placed his hands on your waist. "When she first appeared, I could tell she was... beautiful... smart... a little guarded... maybe even a bit... dangerous."
Eddie practically whispered his words.
"I could see she'd be loyal... but I also knew, that if I wasn't careful... she'd rip my heart out without thinking twice."
He gently cupped my face, our lips barely touching. "That's what you think, huh?" I could feel him growing harder against my insanely wet heat, so I trailed a teasing hand from his chest to his growing bulge, stopping just before making contact. "Well then... it's too bad 'Eddie the Banished'... is never gonna find out just how dangerous she could be." I was done pretending. I grabbed his ever-growing bulge and squeezed.
He hissed from the pressure. Staring at your hand, he tried controlling his breathing as the pleasure and pain surged through his body.
I squeezed him harder and he started to whine, but this time it wasn't pleasurable. "That's what you get... Dungeon Master. And if you think... I'm letting you touch me after that performance, you are sorely mistaken." I released him. Eddie grabbed his pained crotch and slid to the porch, trying to catch his breath, and I started pummeling him. "You are such... a tremendous... ASSHOLE!" He peeked over the arm he was using to shield himself and stared at me with that shit-eating grin, which made me more furious, so I continued to pound on any part of him I could get my hands on. "How could you?! How could you do that to my character?! Do you even know how long it took me to get her to that level?! How many... UUGGGG!... fucking campaigns... and solo adventures I had to play?! And then... one game with you, and POOF! Dead! In one... FUCKING blow!" I ignored his cries of pain. "I just wanna... Oooooo! I wanna stab you in your... stupid face! GodDAMMIT, Munson! I'm so fucking pissed at you right now!" I was breathing heavily, glaring at him, as he laughed uncontrollably. "Oh, you think it's funny."
"Uh-huh! Ha!... Haaayeah, yeah actually, I do."
"ERRR! Fuck... you... you fucking... DICK!" He was curled up in a ball, laughing even harder. "You can spend the night all by your lonesome!" I sifted through his pockets until I found his keys, removed my house key, chucked the bundle of metal at him, and stalked off.
He lay there, breathing heavily, still laughing. "Aww, come on, Sugar. Don't be like that." You gave him the finger and disappeared into your house. (HOLY FUCK! You were a little She-Wolf! And he fucking loved it) God, he wanted you so FUCKING bad! And Tuesday he was gonna show you just how much. But first, he was gonna have a little fun.
Brrrrriiing...brrrrriiing... "Isy! Please answer the damn phone! I know you two are playing some twisted mind game, but I'm trying to sleep, and Munson's not gonna stop badgering us 'til you answer!" Max's voice echoed from the loft.
"Ok, brat, but only because you asked so nicely," I joked and shut my bedroom door, picked up the receiver, and plopped onto the bed. "Hello?"
"Did you really think you'd get off that easy?"
"Actually, yes. All I need is a well-placed digit and the poster on my ceiling."
"Ooooo... ouch. That cuts deep, Sug. You know damn well a poster and your petite fingers are no match for my talented hands... or my dick."
No matter how pissed I was, Eddie's words and deep, tantalizing voice were making it impossible not to touch myself. As if my hand had a mind of its own it traveled slowly down my body and into my shorts, finding its way to my dripping wet cunt. With my free hand, I lifted my tank top exposing my tits and started teasing my erect nipples. "Why don't you use those talented hands to go fuck yourself... Dungeon Master?"
"Is that how it's gonna be? You're gonna be a bratty little bitch? Rough me up? Get me hard as a rock... then leave me high and dry?"
"Um, yeah. That's pretty much the short and skinny of it. So if you don't mind, you're kinda interrupting my me time."
"Oh, but I do, Sug. I do mind. See... you're my girl... and my girl is being... very naughty."
"So what if I am? What're you gonna do about it?"
He chuckled deeply. "Mggghh... you wanna play games, Sug? I can play games. Do you think I didn't notice that front you put on tonight?"
"I have no idea what you're talking about."
"Come on, Sug. Did you think for one second... that I didn't notice you watching me in that chair? How wet I made you when you finally got to see, firsthand... the power... and experience... of 'Eddie the Banished'? Don't you dare pretend it didn't turn you on? You're dying for my dick."
"Sorry. Not in the slightest."
"Mmm... you're a terrible liar. I know what you're doing. I hear that little hitch in your breathing. You're touching yourself, and I know... exactly... what you're thinking about."
"Oh yeah? What am I thinking about?" My fingers were blissfully gliding over my clit.
"You're thinking about all the fowl, filthy things you want me to do to you. You're thinking... of me on my throne, commanding you to kneel at my feet, take my dick out, and suck me off."
I released a heavy breath and closed my eyes. "Keep talking, Munson."
"Mmm, you're thinking of me... pushing your head onto my cock, taking me deep into your greedy throat... until you start to gag." Your little moans and purs were making him rock hard and he started rubbing himself through his jeans. "The vibrations of your moans, and the wet, sloppy mess your tongue makes as it glides up and down my dick... they feel... so fucking good. I'd fuck your throat until I've had my fill, then I'd pull you off my dick by your hair, force you onto the game table, and rip off those... insufferable shorts... so I could spread those thick thighs." He could hear your stifled breathing and was aching for you. He undid his jeans, relieving the pressure, and started stroking himself. "I'm gonna curl my fingers inside you until you're a whimpering mess."
"Mmm, fuck, Eddie... don't stop."
"Replacing my fingers with my mouth, I'll devour your sweet juices, bringing you to the edge, but I won't let you cum, 'cause I want more. To use you for my gratification, so I'll flip you over, shove your face against the table, and pin your wrists behind your back as I tease your sensitive slit with the head of my dick until you beg me to fuck you."
"Oh, yes, Eddie!"
"Sugar, come over here and let me take care of you."
"I... I don't need your help."
"Mmm... mm-hm... is that so? Jesus, you're such a tease. Well, I can tease too, Sugar. I was ready... so ready... to feel your tight, little cunt wrapped around my thick cock. I know you wanna feel me inside you, and you can. All you have to do... is come over."
He was playing a good game. "Uhh... Eddie. Feels so... so good. I want you inside me. Please fuck me!"
"Mmm, are you gonna be my good girl, my plaything, my naughty little slut who wants to please me, and indulge my every need and want?"
"Yes, Eddie! Use me!"
"Fuck yes! I'm gonna fuck every tight hole on your gorgeous body starting with that tight, little cunt. I'll grab you by the hips and impale you, let my balls slap against your big, round ass, and continue pounding into you until both of us are about to cum, then I'm gonna pull out and deny us both, 'cause I wanna take you in the ass. Mggghh, that tight little hole is gonna be stretched to bursting point trying to accommodate my fat cock. And it's gonna hurt, Sugar. It's gonna feel like pure bliss for me, but it's gonna hurt you so bad... until it starts to feel good. And just when it does, and I'm ready to bust, I'm gonna pull out, and smack that ass so hard it leaves a handprint."
"Mmmmm... Eddie, I'm so wet. I'm dripping all over my sheets... uhh... you wanna taste me, don't you?"
"God-dammit." He bit his fist in frustration. "Don't... don't make me come over there and bang on the goddamn door until you let me in."
"You won't."
"Oh? What makes you so sure?"
"Max." I could hear him cursing under his breath.
"Errr, you goddamn brat! Why you doin' me so dirty?"
"You wish I was doin' you dirty... in Kiri's flimsy, little cloth garb." I could tell he was covering the receiver, trying to muffle his cursing. "Don't dish it if you can't take it, Munson." I smiled to myself as my whole body started to tense.
"Oh, Sugar... Fuck! Are you close?"
"Eddie... I'm so close. Can't... can't wait to feel you inside me again. I bet... 'Eddie the Banished'... fucks like a beast."
"Fuck, Sugar... you have no idea."
"Oh, God yes! Eddie! So... so jealous of the girls who've gotten to be manhandled by you. It's... it's not fair. I'm your girl."
"You... you're right. I've dominated so much pussy... but none of them come close to you... not to my girl."
"Oh, fuck, Eddie! G-gonna cum! Oh shit, shit!"
"That's it, Sugar. Cum for me. Jesus, fuck, I'm gonna bust a nut just listening to you. Hohhh, ok... mhhh, I-I'm gonna... pull you off the table, force you onto your knees, and... and jerk myself... mhhhhhfuck. I'm-I'm gonna cum, fuck, FUCK! Gonna shoot my load a-all over your-your prefect titsFUCKING CHRIST! Errrrrrr, mhh, mhh, mmmm."
Listening to his animalistic moans as he came made my orgasm insanely intense. "Ohhh, oh shit... you um... you really get into that whole domination thing, huh?"
"Yeah, yeah I do. Jesus... you-you get me so riled up."
"Mhh, good."
"Ha! You really are a tease. Don't-don't wash your hands yet. Get your sweet ass outside. I wanna taste what I've done to you."
"Mmm, Eddie... I don't think I will." I smiled to myself, knowing I had the upper hand.
"I'm tired. I'm going to bed."
"No. No, no, no. God... DAMMIT! Don't... don't fucking deny me, please."
"Goodnight... Dungeon Master."
"Errrrrrr... I'm-I'm warning you, Sugar. If you don't come outside right now... you'll regret it."
"Mhhh... enjoy your night, Munson." I hung up the phone as Eddie continued to spew obscenities. He sounded so angry, but he deserved a taste of his own medicine.
When I got home from work I had about two hours to kill before the gang showed up for movie night. I hadn't heard from Eddie all day, which was strange, but I figured he was still stewing over last night (Serves him right). After my shower, I headed to my bedroom, but I stopped dead when I noticed my front door was open. Max wasn't home so I was starting to freak out, about to rush to Eddie's for safety when I was grabbed from behind and dragged into my room. I tried screaming, but the hand covering my mouth guaranteed my silence, and the cold sting of metal against my skin made me realize that it was Eddie who had me incapacitated.
"You think it's cute, bitch? Humiliating me... making me beg for what I want? No one makes me beg for anything, especially audacious little sluts like you."
I started to panic, evident by my expression and heavy sniffles.
"Awww, are you afraid? Hmm? Afraid of what I'm about to do to you? You should be. You think you can tease me... ME?!"
I flinched at his tone and tried to wiggle from his grip, but it was futile. Eddie was surprisingly strong.
"Don't-don't struggle, pet. I'm not gonna hurt you... not too much. I told you, warned you... that if you didn't come outside... you'd regret it."
He whispered those last words, dropped my towel, and squeezed my tit. I tried to scream again.
"Sh, sh, shhhhh. Screaming won't do any good. There's no one around but us."
My eyes went wide. (Was I wrong about him all along?)
"Did you think... that after you roughed me up and left me with blue balls... that there wouldn't be consequences?"
Eddie turned me roughly and grabbed my shoulders, his fingers digging into my skin. I was too confused to speak, so I pushed one of his hands away and slapped him across the face as hard as I could. He smiled malevolently and started cackling.
"A HAHAHAHAHAHA! Awww... you're sexy when you're scared." He leaned toward my neck and inhaled deeply. "Mmm, delectable. Let's see... just how sexy you can be."
Eddie's smile was wicked and I was terrified. He flung me against my dresser and removed his jackets, letting them fall to the floor. His belt was next. He undid the buckle, pulled it from the loops, and gave it a crack. "Eddie, wh-what are you doing?" My voice was shaking. I wanted to run, but I was so confused. (Should I run? Should I knee him in the junk? What the fuck was going on?) To my relief he dropped the belt, but then he unbuttoned his jeans, pulled down the zipper, and started advancing toward me. When he was within range, I tried to slap him again, but he caught my wrist and gripped it tight. I was petrified. "Eddie..." I started to find my bearings. "Eddie, let me GO!" I pounded his chest with my fist, and his smile faded. I gasped the instant his hand gripped my throat. He backed me into the dresser, the jagged edge digging into my back. His eyes were like daggers, his face inches from mine, and he whispered one word.
"Eddie, please... y-you're hurting me." His grip on my neck remained, but the pressure of my body against the dresser immediately eased. (W-why did he let up?) Trying desperately to make sense of the current situation, I suddenly remembered Eddie's words from a previous conversation. 'I wasn't lying when I said I like it rough... I get a lot more intense. But just know... I'd never intentionally hurt you'. In that brief moment of clarity, I realized... I trusted Eddie. That as barbaric as his actions were, this was one of his kinks. He was playing.
He eyed your heaving chest. "See... I don't want to let you go. And I don't think you want me to."
His voice was so deep and seductive that it was melting my brain, and with a new found sense of fortitude I was determined to play the damsel. "You... you're fucking insane, Munson. Let me go!" I inhaled sharply as his grip on my neck tightened.
"SHUT... your goddamn mouth, bitch!" Your eyes went wide. "Resist all you want, but it'll get you nowhere. I know you're enjoying this. I can see it in your eyes."
He was right. I was so fucking aroused my eyes rolled into the back of my head.
"Ahhhh, see... right there. You want me to ravage you, don't you, pet? Mm-hmm... you're jealous of the girls who've indulged in my appetite for carnal pleasure. You want it all... including the pain, 'cause pain, whether it be mine or yours... enhances the gratification. So you can beat me senseless if you want... it just gets me hard." He took your hand, pressed it firmly against his swollen cock, and exhaled heavily. "Mmm... you feel that, slut? Do you feel how hard you make me?"
I couldn't control my breathing. I felt like I would cum right then and there.
"So... let me tell you what's about to happen. After that bullshit you pulled last night... you're lucky I didn't bust down your goddamn door."
His tone was stern, yet so fucking hot!
"So now... I'm gonna take what I want... what's mine. 'Cause you are mine. My woman. My toy. My free-use whore. And I'll do with you as I please, so I'm gonna bend you over this dresser and stick my hungry dick inside that... sweet, little cunt, and I'm gonna fuck you until you beg me to stop. And then... I'm gonna fuck you harder. Because you need to be punished. You need to know... that you... belong to me... and what Eddie wants... Eddie gets, yes?"
I nodded shyly.
"That's my good whore. You need to know... that no one else will ever... touch you like I do."
Oh my God! That almost did me in. I was a writhing mess as Eddie's musk invaded my senses and his blackened eyes and virile features ghosted over my exposed skin.
"Tell me you want me. That you want me to use you until you're screaming my name. Tell me... that you want me to paint that slutty, little cunt with my hot cum. 'Cause you're mine. This gorgeous body... is mine. Say it, Sugar. I need to hear you say it."
"Come on," he brushed his lips across yours, his words barely a whisper. "Be a good whore."
This was it, do or die. I knew that if I wanted him to, I had the power make him end this right here and now, but good God I wanted him, needed him. This side of him was new to me... and fuck, was it exciting, so I decided to egg him on, and whispered, "Eddie... go fuck yourself." His wicked smile grew wider, and he was in my face again. Just as I thought it would, my smug smile coerced him. His grip on my throat was agonizing.
"Mmm... you're such a fucking tease. But the joke's on you, slut. I already did that today. I stroked my fat cock as I imagined... all the ways I'm gonna ruin you, but I want the real thing now." He shoved his tongue down your throat. "Mmm... now say it."
We stared into each other's lust-blown eyes.
I flinched, but instead of cowering, I smiled seductively, and teased. "I thought you never begged?"
He cackled again and grabbed your hair, yanked your head back, and glared at you. "Mhhh... you'll be sorry for your insolence, slut." Your head jerked when he smacked your cheek, then he gripped your face with his fingers. "You wanna mouth off to me? HUH?" He ran two fingers through your soaked folds, brought them to his lips, and sucked them clean. "Mmm... Fuck! Goddamn you for tasting this good. This is all I wanted from you, but you refused to give it to me, so now... I'm gonna take it."
Eddie latched his lips to my neck and sucked hard. I reached up and tangled my fingers in his hair, trying to revel in the sensation, but I was denied. He spun me around and pushed me down onto the dresser, my possessions, including my picture of Blackie, flew in every direction. Eddie grabbed my hair again and pulled my head back, leaning over me as he clumsily pushed his jeans down past his hips and rubbed his girth through my folds.
"Mmmm, fuck! So warm, so wet. And good GOD, your ass!" He eyed the fallen picture, ran his hand over your tattoo, and gave it a hard smack. "How dare you allow another man to mark you. You're not Blackie's, whore. You're mine. And now... I'm gonna claim what's mine." He bit your neck hard, and you screamed. "Mmm, beg for it, whore. Beg me for my dick."
I whimpered at his words and tried to back into him.
"Mmm, no, no, no. You want my dick... you need to beg." Eddie waited for a reply continuing to rub his dick across your clit. "I can't hear you, pet. Do you want... my dick... inside you? Want me to fill you up? Cream that... tight cunt?" He yanked your hair harder.
"Yes, Eddie, FUCK! I want your dick inside me! PLEASE!"
"That's my obedient, little whore. Spread those sexy legs for me." He kicked your feet apart, grabbed the base of his dick, and buried himself into your soaked pussy with one powerful thrust.
I sucked in a sharp breath.
"OHHHHHH... FFFFFFFUUUUUCK! Mggghhh... mhhhh, YES! So fuckin' TIGHT! MMM!"
He grabbed my wrists, locked them behind my back, and began his assault. I winced, pained whimpers leaving my lips, but it felt so goddamn good.
"Awww, d-does that hurt, whore? I-I know it does, MHHH! But I'm not letting up. You-you need to learn how to take my cock in whatever way I wanna give it to you." You nodded fervently trying to catch your breath as his agonizing pace continued. "Uhh... FUCK! Feels so goddamn good inside you... ohhhhhh! So fucking soaked for me!"
"Shut up and fuck me, Munson." He smacked my ass so hard that I almost started crying, then he grabbed my wrist again.
"Shut your fucking mouth and take my cock, you WHORE!"
Eddie'd gone feral. He pulled me up and squeezed my tits as he pounded into me. I gripped the edge of the dresser as the pleasure and pain coursed through my body. It was pure ecstasy.
"Ohh, FUCK! Mhhhh... yeah... take it, slut. Take my big dick."
Eddie's deep, gravelly voice had me in a trance.
"Yeah, feels good when I fuck that tight... little... cunt... ERRRR! Jesus H. CHRIST! So tight! Mmm, mhh, mhh."
"Huh, Eddie! H-harder... fuck me harder, you goddamn ANIMAL!!" He practically growled.
"YES!!! You're loving this, aren't you, you filthy WHORE?! Love it when I FUCK you like a beast?"
Eddie's thrusts were brutal. He gripped the front of my throat and squeezed as he reached his other hand to my clit and started rubbing it rapidly. With my eyes shut tight, mouth agape, I struggled to make a sound.
"Yeah! Blackie's got nothing on me, bitch! Mmmmm, FUCK! You LOVE it when I split you in two, don't you? Ohh, Fuck! You-you want my cum, whore?" You nodded. "Use your words."
"Yes, Eddie... fucking cum inside me!"
"Mhhhh... YES! That's my dirty, little slut. You want my cum? I'll give it to you... but you... you have to ask nicely... MMMFUCK!!!"
"U-uhhh... Eddie, FUCK!" Tears were rolling down my cheeks. "I-I want it. Fucking give it to me. PLEASE!"
"Ohhhhh, JESUS!!! Mhhhhh... yeah. You-you want me to fill you up? Bust my nut... deep inside you? Get you pregnant? Hmmm?!!! Say it... say it, whore. Tell me you want my babies! MMMMM, FUCKING SAY IT!"
He slapped my ass again. "Eddie, for the love of everything holy, fucking cum inside me! Make me yours!"
"ERRRRRR, YES! Cum for me. Mhhhh, my fucking Goddess! Show me how much you mean it. How much you want me, how much you want my cum, and I'll give you my all. Just-just cum on my cock." He started teasing your clit again. "I SAID FUCKING CUM FOR ME!"
That did me in. "Ohhh, my... G-GOD!!! FU-UCK!"
"Yeah... that's it. Cum. Cum, for me. TAKE... MY... FUCKING... COCK!!!"
He accentuated his words through clenched teeth, the sound of skin against skin as his balls slapped against my ass with every powerful thrust. I was crying pleasurable tears as my pussy clenched around his glorious dick and showered us both in my elation.
"Ohhhh, sweet... JESUS!!! That's my GIRL!!! Ohhhhh, OhFUCK! I-I need to cum, but not inside you."
"Eddie, please!"
"No, not this time. Turn around, bitch. On your fucking knees! I'm gonna fuck that pretty mouth of yours until I'm ready to explode, and then, MGGHH... then, you're gonna jerk my cock until your perfect tits are covered with my cum."
I obeyed his every command and knelt in front of him.
He grabbed your head. "Open. Open your goddamn mouth!" He plunged his dick deep into the back of your throat and fucked your face until you were choking. "OhhCHRIST!!! That's it. Nice and sloppy, just like that, OHHHHH! I'm-I'm gonna fucking bust... OhhhFUCK!!! UHHHHH!"
Eddie gave one last powerful thrust and pulled out, letting out the most orgasmic sound I'd ever heard as I jerked him to completion all over my tits. He leaned against the edge of the dresser to steady himself as I milked him of his huge load. When he finally finished he started laughing, both of us struggling to breathe.
He looked down through half-lidded eyes, noticed you shaking, and became tense. He reached down and helped you to your feet, brushing some stray hair from your beautiful face. After placing a sweet kiss on your lips, he retrieved your towel and wiped his sticky mess from your chest.
"E-Eddie..." His arms tightened around me just as my legs buckled, and he pulled me to the ground.
Cradling you to his chest, he placed a finger under your chin tilting your head up to meet his worried gaze. Studying your face, he combed his fingers through your hair. "Sugar, are you alright? Jesus, you're shaking like a leaf. Did-did I hurt you?" He started rocking you. "Ah, shit... shit, shit, shit, I'm... I'm so sorry. You're such a little thing, I... I wasn't thinking. Please. Please, Sugar! Tell me you're alright. I-I couldn't forgive myself if I hurt you. You're too precious to me."
His eyes were so tender. I reached a weak hand to his cheek, and he leaned into my touch. "Eddie, no... you didn't hurt me. I mean, yes... it... it hurt. I'm, mmm... I'm not used to you yet, but it felt... really good."
He let out a breathy laugh and kissed you passionately. "Mhhh, Jesus, don't... don't scare me like that, sweet thing. Are you sure you're not hurt?" He started looking you over, checking for any sign of physical harm. "Ah shit, Sugar... I bruised you up pretty badly. Shit, SHIT! You-you didn't tell me to stop. I-I should've checked in. No, no I shouldn't have done this with you at all. I was way too physical."
Eddie was hysterical, tears streaming down his face as he continued to rock me. "Eddie, stop... it's ok. You didn't cross any lines." He was shaking his head. "Eddie! For real. I'm ok. Physically and mentally, I'm good, I promise. I'm not as fragile as you think."
He stopped moving, and eyed you warily. "You-you'd tell me if you weren't, right? 'Cause no matter what I say or do... how you feel matters to me. You got that?"
"Yeah... I got it. And I'd tell you."
"Ok... 'cause I adore you, Sugar. I just wanna make you feel good."
"Mmm, you did. That was... well, I'm still not quite sure what the fuck that was." I was still shaking, trying to catch my breath.
"Shh... sh, sh, shhhh. Just rest, sweet thing. Just... let me hold you, yeah?"
I nodded and cuddled into his chest.
"I'm so, so sorry, Sugar. I can get carried away sometimes. It's just... well, the high from getting my rocks off this way... it's so fucking satisfying. And after the way you reacted last night, I thought I might indulge you. When you started playing along I got more carried away." He kissed your head, still rocking you gently. "But um... well, I think this was a bit much for you. I mean, all I want is to be close to you."
"Eddie, this was exciting. I mean, you're like... Jekyll and Hyde. One minute you're a sex-crazed fiend, and the next... you're the sweetest thing on the planet." He chuckled and squeezed me tighter.
"Sugar, it's so peculiar how making love to you suppresses my carnal side. The vulnerability I feel when I'm with you... I never knew how much I wanted it, needed it. I want more of that. You deserve more of that."
"Eddie, I'm glad you enjoy how the tender side feels."
"I do, Sug. I really do. But only with you. I still don't understand what you see in me."
"Eddie, how many times do I have to say this?"
"Once more would be nice."
I sighed. "Honestly... I've always wanted a metalhead, and after all the failed relationships, I promised myself I wouldn't settle again, so I held out. And I'm glad I did, 'cause when I saw you, I was immediately drawn. Then we got to know each other, and you... well, you're phenomenal. You're you. You're the one. My missing piece... and you make me happy. Except when you undo years of painstaking character building, you sick fuck."
He started laughing his ass off. "Get used to it, Sugar. I told you I don't play favorites," he tapped his finger to his lips. "Gimme some sugar."
I smiled and kissed him sweetly.
"Mmm, does this mean I can have your key back? I don't wanna have to keep breaking in."
"Yes, you jerk. And as disturbing as it is that you're proficient at breaking and entering, you're gonna tell me how you did it so I can fortify this place against unwanted intruders."
"Son of a criminal, Sug." He smiled and hugged you tight.
"Yeah, well, I was scared half to death until I felt your rings. Well, even then I was terrified, but um... well as fucked up as this whole situation was... it made me realize something."
"Oh yeah? What's that?"
"Um... well... I was afraid. You're pretty intimidating as Mr. Hyde... but then the stuff you told me about your kinks started bouncing around my brain. That um... that you'd never intentionally hurt me. So even though you were a completely different person, you let up when I said you were hurting me. And as small of a gesture as that was... I knew you were still in there somewhere, and that's why I got turned on. I um... well... I trusted that you wouldn't hurt me... I trust you, Eddie." Eddie looked like he was on the verge of tears. Nodding slowly, he held me close, practically smothering me.
"Um... holy shit! Thank you, Sugar. My beautiful girl, my angel. You mean everything to me." He rested his cheek upon your head and continued to rock you.
"Eddie, are you sure you can't come to the Hideout Tuesday? That's something I wanna experience with you. And to be honest I'm a little nervous about running into Janette."
"I would, Sug, but I promised Jeff I'd help him." You whined. "Oh, stop. If we get done early I'll stop by, but if I don't make it, just come over. I made a key for you too. I'll be waiting when you get home, yeah?"
"And don't be nervous about Jan. She's no threat, and she wants to meet you. She's a very nice person. You'll get along. Actually, most of the Hideout crowd is pretty cool. Some of the only people in Hawkins who don't treat me like a plague on society. You'll be comfortable there."
"Ok. I trust you." We looked at each other and smiled.
He kissed you sweetly. "Mmm, that means so much to me to hear you say that." He assessed the mess. "Um, c-can you stand?"
"Yeah... yeah I think so."
Eddie helped you to your feet. "Let's clean up this mess, then we can soap each other up in the shower before everyone gets here."
Movie night was a success. I was the new favorite among all the parents, especially that tool, Mr. Wheeler, who was happy to get all the kids away from his house for once. I love having the whole gang together, just bullshitting, ganging up on each other, eating shitty candy, throwing popcorn, all while watching our favorite movies. We ended the night with Beastmaster, and Erica finally realized why it had such a hold over all the boys. I was sitting on the armchair against a sleeping Eddie, smiling as I stared at the kids, all piled together in an adorable, snoozing heap on and in front of the couch. I quietly grabbed Eddie's camera from the coffee table and captured the moment.
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When I turned to wake him I noticed his restlessness, apparent by the subtle twitching of his head and crease in his brow. I whispered, "Eddie... Eddie?"
You were waning. "Help! She needs help, please!" He was frantic, running through the bleak, florescent halls with your limp form cradled in his arms. A flash of light, and suddenly you were being wheeled away... but to where and why? It seemed like the world had slowed to a crawl. He stared after you and glimpsed Robin's judgmental expression before her worried eyes turned to you, and you both disappeared out of sight. Your voice was weak but distinguishable as you yelled for him.
'Eddie... Eddie!...'
He tried to follow, but was detained. There was a feeling of dread as a faceless hand pushed on his shoulder, then the sound of a disembodied voice.
'The time has come, my friend.'
Time? Time for what? Were you gonna be ok? Was this his fault? What the fuck was happening? Unable to push forward he fell to his knees listening to your plea, your name echoing through the halls as he screamed for you and tried to break free... then everything went black...
'Eddie... Eddie!...'
"Eddie, Eddie... Eddie, wake up."
"ISY!" He sat bolt upright and crashed directly into your waiting arms. Covered in a sheen of sweat, and gasping for breath, he clung to you.
"Shh, sh, sh, sh, hey, I'm here. You're alright." I grabbed his face. He was hyperventilating. "Eddie, hey... it was just a dream." I held him close and glanced at the kids, who thankfully were still out cold. "Come on, let's go outside." He nodded, but refused to let me go, not even when we were quietly sitting on the porch. I lit two cigarettes and he took one with a shaky hand. He took a drag and started staring at me, brushing his fingers through my hair, as he was struggling to fight back tears. "Eddie, what's wrong?"
"I don't know. I was having this... horribly vivid nightmare. I'm-I'm not quite sure what it was... but it... it scared the shit outta me."
"Tell me?"
"Um... I-I think we were in a hospital, and you... you were hurt. I don't know how, but whatever it was, I'm... I'm pretty sure it was my fault. Robin... sh-she was there too. And someone else, maybe Harrington... but I don't know."
His eyes started to water. "Eddie, it was just a dream. I know you'd never hurt me."
"I know, Sug... but that's just it. Whatever was ailing you... I could feel that it wasn't intentional, but I can't help but think, that maybe it's a sign... that you don't belong with me. That you'd be safer without me. Like maybe... if you stay with me, I'll-I'll end up ruining your life."
"Eddie, don't start with that nonsense."
"Sugar, please. I mean... look what I've already done to you." He traced your bruises with his fingers and his face fell.
"Eddie, I told you. I'm fine."
"It's still no excuse. You deserve to be treated better. Not like a sex object for my selfish needs. And then there's the ostracism. I've seen the side eyes people give us when we're together. It's because of me."
"No, Sug, please... just listen. N-no one's ever felt for me the way you seem to, and I care for you... more than my own life, but I'm... I'm afraid... about so many things. I mean, you're so smart, and beautiful, and kind, and... and you want so much from life, and you deserve it all, including a family... but I don't think that's in the cards for me. I just... I want you to be safe, and happy, and if I ever jeopardize that I'll never forgive myself."
"You won't. I told you, I'm not as fragile as you think. What is it you think's gonna happen?"
"Sugar... I don't know, but I do know that you deserve better than me, and the further we take this relationship the more complicated your life will be. And I'm not willing to doom you, or-or kids, to my fate."
My eyes starting to water. "So that's it? I scared you with my comments about kids. Eddie, I told you. That wasn't my intent. I'd never make you do anything you didn't want. I just wanna be with you."
"Sug, it's clear what you want, and I'm in no position to give it to you. And given my situation, I don't know if I ever will be, but the last thing I want is you resenting me. It would crush me if I broke your heart, but I-I'm too selfish to let you go."
"Eddie, what're you saying?" The crushing blow of heartache hit me when I saw the sadness in his eyes. "You-you want me to leave you?" Eddie's face was littered with tears, and mine was no different.
"No, Sugar... I'm saying that you should."
"Eddie, no, NO!" I pawed at him and started pounding his chest with my fist, but he grabbed my hands and held them as I burst into tears. "No, NO, I won't do it." I slipped from his grip and smashed his face in my hands, forcing him to look at me. "How dare you. How dare you put this on me. Damn you, and your cowardice. You're better than this. I know it. And I also know you're not used to being the object of someone's affection, but you better get fucking used to it. I make my own decisions... and I choose to be with you. So for fucks sake, PLEASE! Please start accepting it. You don't want us to end, right?" He shook his head. "Well, neither do I... and leaving you would break my heart. Now, answer me this. What do you want from life?"
He'd never been asked that before, nor would he have known how to answer, until now. "Um... I-I wanna better my situation... find a legit job, so I can live a life full of happiness, and love, and without ridicule... with you. I wanna marry you, make you a mom. But I..."
"No! Don't say it. Look, I can't imagine how hard it's been for you to try and escape this stigma that people've placed on you, but I'll be damned if we let each other take shit from those ignorant fucks. We both want the same thing, and you deserve to be happy too, so let's make it happen, together. We're a team. It's you and me. Eddie and Isy... always."
He was astonished. You really do believe in him, but what if he embraces this journey with you and it ends in tragedy? Or maybe his nightmare was a wake-up call. A proverbial slap in the face telling him that if he wants to ensure happiness with you, he needs to clean up his act and commit to you, and himself. He was determined to make it the latter, and with you by his side, he knew he could bring it to fruition. He scooped you up, and with lips latched, he quickly and quietly carried you to your room, tasting your skin as he removed each article of your clothing.
"Mmm, Munson. Th-there's a whole slew of people in the next room."
"I know. Mmm, but I don't care. I need you. I'll be quiet, I promise."
I threw my limbs around him and kissed him ferociously, sripping him of his shirt. I undid his jeans and sunk to the floor pulling them down with me, and taking his cock in my mouth.
"Oh, Jesus chrmmm, hmm, ohhhfffffug... awww." He threaded his fingers in your hair. "S-Sugar... mmm, m-make it sloppy. J-justawwww, that's it. That's my girl, hhhhhhhh, hmm, hmm..."
I proceeded to give him an insanely sloppy blowjob, spitting and slurping on his delectable dick until he pulled me off with a pop.
"Mmm, y-you're too good at that, hmm, but I don't wanna cum yet." He cupped your face, pulled you to your feet, and you gripped his wrists as he stroked your cheeks with his thumbs. Kissing you tenderly, willing you onto the bed, he crawled over you. Breaking away for an instant to glimpse your beautiful face, he reclaimed your lips with a burning desire, and pushed his cock inside you, your locked lips muffling the moans.
"Oh-ohhhhhh... this-this is gonna be impossible."
"Hhhh, Eddie... don't you dare stop. Just-just kiss me-hmph!" I barely got the words out as he grabbed my ass for leverage and took me deeper. "Mmm, mrrrroh fuck!" I clapped my hands over my mouth and whimpered, suddenly feeling empty at the loss of his dick, until it was replaced by his mouth. "Hohh, hohfuck... I love how well you do thisHmmmm." I quickly backed away, rolled him onto his back, and crawled onto his face, smothering him with my soaked cunt.
"Hmmm, mmm, hhhhhh, mmm." He sucked and slurped, so hungry for you, feeling the pressure of your thighs tightening around his head. You leaned forward and tugged harshly at his hair. He pushed on your ass trying to satiate his gluttonous need for your sopping pussy as your orgasm tremored through your body. "Mhhhhhh, mhhh." He released your pussy with a squelching smack and rolled you onto your back, running the flat of his tongue up your slit once more before hovering above you. "Ohhh, oh Christ. You're juices... they're the fucking elixir of the Gods." He rubbed his length between your soaked folds, and slowly entered your velvet heaven. "Ohfffuuuck." He closed his eyes, mouth agape in a silent moan as he earnestly penetrated you. "Isabeau, Mhh, my beautiful girl. I-I can tell you're close. Please, please cum for me." Marveling at your contorted, blissful expression he was certain of the undeniable sensation of your sex clamping around his girth. "That's it, Sugar. Mmm, milk my cock. Ohh, I'm-I'm gonna... gonna cum, hmmrrr." Demanding your lips, he moaned into your mouth and fell to pieces as he gushed inside you. "Mhhhhoh, hoh fuck... hhhhh."
"Eddie, hmmmm... n-never stop doing this to me."
"Never, Sugar... never." He kissed you tenderly, pulled out, and cuddled against your back, caressing your stomach gently as you drifted to sleep.
Watching live music was always one of my favorite pastimes, but I wasn't feeling very enthusiastic about the Corroded Coffin show. Between work and Eddie helping Jeff move into his new place, I'd barely seen him since Sunday. Waking to him clutching me tightly had been the extent of our time together, so when Tuesday finally rolled around I was counting down the seconds until the show would be over so I could finally be with him. I walked into The Hideout with Robin and Steve, taking in the dirty hole-in-the-wall atmosphere with its regular barflies, and smells of stale cigarettes and cheap beer. It was a little taste of home, and as much as I wished Eddie was with me, now that I was here my excitement was starting to build. Robin and I secured a table near the stage while Steve went to the bar to get drinks. In the hopes I'd see Eddie I decided to wear a short, blue sundress, a leather jacket, my Docs, and my wavy hair cascading over my shoulders. I even put on some smokey eye makeup. Not to toot my own horn, but I looked hot. Even Robin couldn't keep her eyes off me.
"Damn, I can't believe they didn't card us."
"I can. Eddie told me they wouldn't, but these kinda places don't give a shit."
"Here you go, ladies." Steve set the drinks down. "Isy, you're wanted at the bar."
I looked over and saw Janette waving me over. "Ah, shit. Well, wish me luck, fools." I made my way toward the bar. Jan gave me an excited smile.
"Hi! Isy, right?"
"The one and only."
"Well, I'm Jan. I've been dying to meet you."
She held out her hand and I shook it with a smile.
"I hope this isn't too weird for you. Munson told me you were kinda nervous. To tell you the truth, I was too, but I promise, you have nothing to worry about with me. I'd never stand in the way of Munson's happiness. He's too good a friend. And I've never seen him this ecstatic. He really digs you."
"No worries. I'm sorry if I came off as a giant bitch. Bad memories of an ex past, but it's good to finally meet you too."
"Hey, no need to apologize. I get it. That's why I don't bother with relationships."
We both chuckled. "Well, thanks for the kind words. Eddie really is something."
"Yeah... and so is his dick! I'm gonna miss that thing."
My eyes went wide.
"Ha! Sorry, I have like... no shame."
"Uh, no, it's... it's fine. I just... wasn't expecting that. But I attest. That thing is otherworldly."
"Right? Well, hey, if you ever wanna hang, I'd be down. We can swap Munson stories." She winked. "I just really hope we can be friends. You seem like a bitchin' chick."
"Thanks, I'd like that. Here, pass me a napkin. I'll give you my number. I wouldn't mind picking your brain about what makes Munson tick."
"Sure thing. I'm an open book. By the way, what's the story with your friend?"
She motioned to our table as she slid me a napkin and a pen. "Who, Steve? Uh... well, that's a long story. At one point he would've been fair game, but nowadays he's a tough nut to crack."
"Well, if he ever wants to come out of his shell, tell him to come find me."
"Hahaha, you got it. Heeere you go." I passed her my phone number.
"This is great! Thanks, Isy! Enjoy yourself tonight. Let me know if you guys need anything, especially your dreamy friend. I think you're in for one hell of a show."
"Thanks, I hear these guys are pretty good. I can't wait. Talk to you soon?"
"Damn right, you will."
She beamed at me, and I walked back to the table.
"Did you play nice, Mancini?"
"Yes, Steve, I was very well-behaved. Jan on the other hand wants to play anything but nice with you." Steve spit out his beer.
"Jesus, Dingus! This is my favorite shirt!"
I stifled a laugh as Robin dried herself off with a wad of napkins.
"Sorry, Robin." Steve turned to face you. "Sh-she what?!"
"Hahahahahaha! Hmm, yeah. She thinks you're dreamy." I took a swig of my beer. "Mmm, I was wrong about her. She's surprisingly cool. I gave her my number. I can tell her you're not interested though... unless you feel like ending your dry spell. She's not into relationships so it would just be for fun."
Steve snuck a glance at the bar. "Well, she is easy on the eyes, but I know where she's been."
"Well, fuck you, Harrington. If where she's been is any indication of how she performs in bed, I'd say you're missing out."
"Ok, ok, I get it. I don't need a reminder that I'm now a pathetic, pining loser, and Munson's the man. Jesus, that hurts more every time I say it."
"Well, you're almost right, but a loser you are not." I gave Steve's hand a squeeze and all of a sudden... the lights went out. It was pitch black.
"Hello, Hawkins! Are you ready... for the ear-splitting sounds of Corroded Coffin?!"
Everyone screamed and clapped.
"Before we get into the original tunes, I'd like to start the set with a special song. A special song... for a special someone."
"Damn, that guy sounds just like Eddie." Steve and Robin looked away, taking huge sips of their beers. (What the fuck was up with them?)
"But first... I have a question for that special someone."
A spotlight flicked on, illuminating Eddie's gorgeous face. He was holding the microphone, smiling at me, and my jaw went slack.
"Isy, honey... if you love me... would you please, please smile?"
Another spotlight shone on me. I was speechless... and super nervous. I looked around at everyone. (WHAT THE FUCK WAS HAPPENING?!) They were waiting for me to do... something. I gathered my nerves, swallowed hard, and said, unwavering, "Eddie... I love you... but I just can't smile." I exhaled and sat straight-faced, waiting for him to speak.
"I see. Now... I know I'm not Dave Mustaine or the one and only Blackie Lawless... but I bet... I can put a smile on that beautiful face if I do... THIS!"
Without warning, all the lights came on, and Eddie started belting out the opening riffs of Megadeth's 'Mechanix' on a fucking GORGEOUS, black, Flying V guitar. I was practically drooling. And if that wasn't enough to make me want to drop trou like a porn star and fuck him on stage, he was wearing the outfit from my Blackie picture, and the Mustaine bullet belt. I turned and glared at Steve and Robin who were staring at me smiling. "YOU ASSHOLES! YOU KNEW HE WAS IN A BAND?!" They gave each other a celebratory high-five. I turned my attention back to Eddie, noticing Gareth, Jeff, and another friend of theirs on drums, guitar, and bass. (Helping Jeff move, my ass!) What a bunch of sneaky little shits. I jumped out of my seat, plowed through a group of irritated girls, and fought my way to center stage. I watched Eddie intently for the next four minutes as he rocked the fuck out to my favorite song in theatrical Eddie fashion.
🎶We were shifting hard when we took off,
Put tonight all four on the floor,
When we hit top end you know, feels so slow!
Said you wanna get your order filled,
Made me shiver when I put it in,
Pumping just won't do ya know, lucky for you!
Whoever thought you'd be better,
At turnin' a screw than me,
I do it for my life,
Made my drive shaft crank,
Made my pistons bulge,
Made my ball bearings melt from the heeeaaattttttt!
I was so excited, bouncing up and down, as Eddie shredded on that gorgeous instrument. When the song ended he removed the guitar and extended his hand. Everyone was cheering and whistling, and my face hurt from smiling so much. I grabbed Eddie's hand and he pulled me onto the stage. He grabbed my other hand and held them both to his chest.
"There's that gorgeous smile? I knew that would work. You can thank Red for that." Eddie cocked his head, motioning to the table where Max, Hopper, Joyce, Wayne, and the rest of the kids were now standing. "Apparently, you torture her daily with that song."
I gave them an excited wave.
"Now Sug... I know we've only known each other for a short time, but I have a question."
Still holding my hands, Eddie slowly got down on one knee, the cheers and whistles growing louder. I felt like I would spontaneously combust! All of a sudden he stood up.
"You know that song's about fucking, right?"
I nodded, still smiling.
"Ok, good, but that's not my question."
Eddie knelt again but jumped right back up.
"Does that song make you horny too?"
I smacked his shoulder.
"OW! Ok, ok... I should've seen that coming."
Eddie knelt back down and shot me a wink, then he jumped up AGAIN.
"Are you gonna play nice this time, and let me help you with that later?"
"Dammit, Munson!" He was driving me crazy, but I was so excited. Eddie knelt again, smiling that sweet smile. He let go of one of my hands, pulled something out of his back pocket, and held it up to me. It was a silver Vic Rattlehead skull ring.
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"Sug? You... are a fucking goddess... Marry me?"
My jaw dropped. Screams and whistles echoed through the building as tears of joy streamed down my face. I looked into Eddie's huge brown eyes, as he patiently waited for my reply. "I don't know, Munson. You still haven't bought me dinner."
Hopper and Joyce shouted in unison, and Eddie and I started laughing.
"Alright. Enzo's it is. We'll go tomorrow. So... whatta ya think, Sug? Be my wife?"
"Um, Enzo's, huh? Good breadsticks. In that case... you bet your sweet ass I will!" Eddie jumped up and pulled me in for a passionate kiss. I threw my arms around his neck and he lifted me off the ground. When he put me down he placed Vic on my finger and we crashed our lips back together. The roar of the crowd was deafening, and I could hear Jan's huge whistle from across the bar.
"Mmmm, I'm madly in love with you, Sugar. Have been since the moment I saw you," he whispered so only you could hear.
"I'm completely bat shit crazy for you, Munson. I love you... so much. And this!" I ran my hands over his torso and belt. "You are... so fuckin' handsome." Eddie lifted me again and spun me around.
When you started to leave the stage, Eddie grabbed your hand and kissed it. "Future Mrs. Munson, everybody! Give her a hand!"
I jumped down and made my way back to the table where I was pulled into a huge group hug.
"Alright, people. Let's get this show over with. That one and I have some fuckin' to do." Eddie smiled and winked at you.
More cheers and whistles. Max looked like she was gonna puke. "Sorry, Brat." I pulled her in for another hug before turning my attention back to the man of my fucking dreams.
Eddie and I barely made it up the porch steps as we desperately tried to strip each other, but clothes be damned. We only managing to shed jackets before we made it through the door. Eddie hiked me up by the ass. I wrapped my limbs around him, and he slammed my back against the door, returning his lips to mine. We gripped each other so tight the jaws of life couldn't pry us apart.
He was moving in fast forward. Reaching down with one hand he clumsily undid his pants releasing his hard cock. Pulling your panties to the side, he brought his hand to his mouth, licked a long stripe up his palm, and grabbed his engorged length.
(My God, that was so fucking hot!) It was seconds before his cock was drowning inside my slick juices. His moan was music to my ears... he actually shivered when he entered me. He put his forehead into the crook of my neck and moved in and out of me with haste, angelic moans leaving his lips as he continued his powerful thrusts. Neither one of us was gonna last long. The love and need between us were so eminent. "E-Eddie... Fuck! Oh, my GOD!!!" I whimpered.
"That's it, Sugar. FuckingCHRIST! I'll-I'll never get enough of you. Feels-feels so good, UNGHHH, I-I don't... Shit! Oh, Fuck! I'm-I'm sorry. I can't... uhh, God... DAMMIT!!!"
"Ohhhh, EDDIE! FUCK!" I dug my heels into his ass as the intense pleasure surged through my body, and I once again squirted all over his cock. It was amazing how incredible he made me feel.
"JESUS, awwwww... Isabeau, Fuck, FUCK!!! UhhhhhFUCK ME!!!"
His broken moans filled my ear as his pulsing cock filled me to the brim.
"Ohhh... oh fuck!" He was breathing so hard, barely able to stand, but still holding you tight. He lifted his head slowly and gazed into your eyes.
We were both in a daze. His brown orbs were like windows into his soul. All we could do was smile and laugh like giddy idiots. Pressing his lips on mine, he kissed me so passionately, and with so much love, I never wanted it to end.
He returned his head to the crook of your neck. "Oh, Sugar... my beautiful, sweet girl. My life."
"Eddie, I love you so fucking much. This was perfect."
"I'm-I'm glad you think so. I was so nervous. Ha! But I told you I'd get you to say yes."
I laughed bashfully and smiled, happy tears streaming down my face. With my laughter reciprocated he kissed me with conviction.
"Mhhh, you have no idea what you mean to me. I-I would die for you." He set you down slowly and gazed into your eyes. "You-you deserve to be treated like the treasure beneath the Lonely Mountain... and you will be. You're my treasure, Isabeau."
(Oooooo... you sweet, adorable, fucker, you!) I stared into his eyes and whispered in Elvish, "Ni melathog n'uir?"
He was stunned, closed his eyes, and pressed his forehead to yours. "I will. I'll never stop loving you. I'm yours... for eternity." He kissed your forehead.
The smile that lit Eddie's face was enormous. "I love Lord of the Rings. I've read every... single... book." I held up two fingers. "Twice."
He pulled you in for another mouth-watering kiss. "Mhhhhh, you-you're a fucking dream come true, and you're mine, my love... my precious."
"HAHAHAHAHAHA! Mmm, hmm. Nice one, Munson."
"Come on, future Mrs. Munson. Let's move this to the bedroom."
I noticed Eddie's pants had fallen halfway down his legs. "Come and get me." I shoved his shoulder and bolted to my room.
Eddie waddled after you, arms outstretched. "Hey!... wait for me, Sug!"
Part 3 to follow
Be excellent to each other, and get your Munson on!🤘
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nanoa1foryou · 2 years
Markiplier characters but with a Finnish soundtrack:
Heck yeah, more Finnish songs for characters!
As always, I've considered not just the lyrics but the general vibe of the songs and interpretations for it. Feel free to ask for explanations on individual songs (includes translations when relevant).
For this one I'm doing a few of the central characters, but giving them all more songs. Because let's face it, Mark has written some deeply interesting characters.
Actor Mark:
Kateus, by Erika Vikman Vapaa, by Mestarit Suloinen myrkynkeittäjä, by Mariska ja pahat sudet
Arrogant, self centered, but also confident and smart. More importantly, he will get things done. No matter how warped his ideas are, he will put them into action down to perfection.
Wilford Warfstache:
Cicciolina, by Erika Vikman Blaablaa (en kuule sanaakaan), by Antti Tuisku Yksinäisen keijun tarina, by Chisu
Definitely a bit lost in this world. Also very much here to have a good time and be free. There is not much that can limit your life when things don't die. But something is wrong with this guy. Like deeply so. It was all a joke, right?
Sielun Kaltainen Tuote, by Apulanta Ei pystyny hengittää, by Vesala Joku raja, by PMMP
Really putting the dark in Darkiplier, huh? Someone who has been hurt and is done with letting people use them. They're here to be the villain in this story, but hey, who cares what others think of you, right?
Nää yöt ei anna armoo, Kaija Koo, feat. Cheek Rafaelin enkeli, by Pekka Ruuska Rentun ruusu, by Irwin Goodman
To me, this character is devoted to those close to him, but he's a bit rough around the edges. Not perfect, certainly a murderer, but endearing and loyal. And hey, totally down to have a good time!
Yksin, by Jonne Aaron Ikuinen virta, by Indica Myrskyn jälkee, by Kari Tapio
When trust is broken, what's left? Uncertainty, scrambling for answers, trying to fix what really just can't be fixed. After it's all over, there is room to heal. To start over.
Pulp Fiction, by Haloo Helsinki! Sabotage, by Chisu Maailma on kaunis, by Irwin Goodman
In love with the danger. Flirting with death. But truly in over their head, just trying to grasp at the last straws of sanity and figure out this mess they've been sweapt up in. Who cares about the slow deaths of the universe, when you are just a character in someone else's story?
So, that's the playlist for now. What songs do you vibe with the most? Also, any suggestions for other characters I should do, send 'em my way! And if you do this for some other language, feel free to tag me, 'cause I wanna check it out!
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kanjukucompany · 2 years
【A3! Translation】 Golden Hathi (8/11)
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previous chapter / next chapter
(translation under the cut)
(glitch text ignore)
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Chikage: ....So, if you have any spare parts similar to this, please let me know.
Inda: ....Understood.
Inda: It's an emergency remodeling.... But with the opening day so close, we can't afford to keep the show as is.
Inda: So I'd like to trust you with the remodel.
Izumi: Thank you so much!
Inda: For now, I'll lead you to our warehouse.
Inda: Here is all of our maintenance tools and parts used during renovations.
Inda: Feel free to use whatever you need.
Izumi: Will this do, Chikage-san, Tasuku-san?
Tasuku: There's a bigger selection than I expected. If we combine them, I think we can make something good.
Chikage: Agreed. This has all the tools and parts we'll need.
Izumi: (That's a relief...! I'll leave the rest to you two!)
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Chikage: First, I think we should dismantle the foundation.
Tasuku: Then I'll attach this hose here.... There we go.
Chikage: Yes, just right. Let's use this part too.
Tasuku: ....I'm glad I dismantled the dorm's washing machine before. Thanks to that experience, I'm coming up with ideas for this remodel.
Chikage: Pfft, is that so. You couldn't fix it that time though.*
Chikage: At any rate, thank god the elephant's hollow.
Tasuku: So you want to put it in there, right. Okay, this way and...
*machine clink*
Tasuku: I never thought my hobby would come in handy like this.
Chikage: And to think it wasn't acting.
Chikage: ....Heh, you sound like you're having fun, Tasuku.
Tasuku: I could say the same about you.
Chikage: I am having fun.
Chikage: I've been called the 'repair guy' of the troupe, and I've fixed, built, and modified a lot of different things. I enjoyed every single one of them, though.
Tasuku: Well, the same goes for me too. At first, I didn't think you had such a hobby, Utsuki.
Chikage: Just incase you weren't aware, I'm a boy, too.
Tasuku: 'Boys' aren't that old.
Chikage: You're a real demon, y'know.
Chikage: Anyway, do you really think we could build an entire stage someday? The two of us.
Tasuku: No, if you're involved, the stage will end up with all kinds of noise and flashing lights.
Chikage: And to think I liked you, Tasuku.
Tasuku: I've felt the same about you too until recently, Utsuki.
Chikage: Everyone seems to think we're just two guys who like lighting things up.
Tasuku: Seriously, it's a real nuisance.
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Taichi: Ah, Tasuku-san, Chikage-san!
Misumi: How's Elephant-san doing~?
Chikage: We did a small test run, and there doesn't seem to be any problems.
Misumi: Really!? Yay~!
Tasuku: How's the script?
Azuma: We thought about it and decided to change the standing positions along with a bit of the dialogue.
Hisoka: But there's no major changes.
Chikage: I see. We don't have much time to change too much, after all...
Taichi: We still have to tell the performers about the changes and have them memorize them in time.
Izumi: (It's only small changes, and if it were just our troupe it'd be easy, but when you add dozens of performers on top of that...)
Tasuku: In that case, let's go onstage first.
Omi: Well, originally, we were allowed to look around the theme park on the opening day as thanks for this...
Omi: So there's no problem with our schedule.
Tasuku: Right. Do you guys have the script memorized?
Misumi: Yep!
Taichi: 'Course I do!
Hisoka: Sudden changes like this are the norm for us.
Azuma: As well as I can.
Izumi: Then, I'll make the suggestion to Inda-san!
Chikage: Let's get to work, Director-san.
*referencing bridegroom battle royale event story (i think)
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nightswithkookmin · 3 years
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I chose this thumbnail because it represents how I feel right about now knowing Tuktukkers are spasming out of control in their corner of the internet over all the brouhaha jubilation happening over in JiminiewaJungkookie gay land.
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I was kinda praying no one ask me of my opinion on it though chileee.
Y'all are just gonna get me in trouble.
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From what I gather, it seems they were pretty much super excited because to them what JM said to JK when JK mentioned how the other teams had Namjin seemed pretty much gay🤭
Some have said his statement carries the same sentiment as the 'I want you/ I want to have you' Jungkook kept saying to Jimin during his photoshoot in the kitchen.
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It makes sense to me then why they are so excited- hell, I'm gyrating and doing backflips as we speak🤣🤣🤣🤣
Nothing makes me happy than seeing Jikook antis choke on their hate🤣🤣
Thus, I'm tempted to sit this convo out 💀
I think the real tea for me is in the why they were sat like that in the first place and why RM suggested they form teams based on their seating positions.
It's obvious there was an imbalance of skill and knowledge in the way that they were sat.
A physical challenge would have put Jk's team at an advantage no doubt. General knowledge wise, RM, Tae or Suga would be at an advantage and anything 'nonsense' challenge would put Jin at an advantage too.
Anything that requires effort and intellect, discipline etc would put JM at an advantage.
Jhope would have to sit with me and watch them🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I joke of course- not really. No🤣
For Jikook it's obvious. They just walked into the room together, spotted a seat and made themselves comfortable as they whispered sweet empty nothings to eachother.
RM's comments about sitting in teams thus was more like a 'gotcha' to Jikook I think. It felt as if he was teasing them that their constantly being around eachother had bitten them in the ass. More like a teasing moment similar to when they teased JK with Jimin's father on JM's birthday.
'His appa is here. You is doing his son. You are so in trouble'
He pointed out how Jikook had been excited all morning before shoot of the episode. Seems he was hyper aware of them that day- I wonder why.
It's Jikook's reaction at the start of the episode when RM pointed out that they were already sat in teams for me. Lmho.
To me, RM's comment sounded more like, 'you get who you came with for this game' and since Jikook always come with eachother, that puts them at a disadvantage in the competition especially if the game is about general knowledge or nonsense quiz or whatever, as Jimin pointed out.
'It looks like we sat in teams?' Jk asks.
Then JM glares at RM.
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The joke stopped being funny when Jin reiterated it, suggesting they form teams based on their seating arrangements which this time the editors took notice and commented on in the captions.
Y'all saw JK's feet when Jin said that?
Jin's reason for wanting the default group wasn't because he thought Jhope added a competitive advantage to his team but that he might end up with RM if they reshuffled- to which Tae objected to.
It's a competition. Luck is part of the game and he shouldn't worry about forming a super team with RM when the chances of that happening is slim.
The episode was fun to watch, they played to the strength of each pair except for Jikook.
As Hobi pointed out, the strength of Jikook lie in their impeccable teamwork.
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And I think this moment exemplifies that when the staff announced they had to listen to a song and guess the title.
Jimin caressed JK as a sign of encouragement and his trust in him, acknowledging he wasn't really good at that game and that he was counting on JK to get them to the finish line.
Throughout the show, you could see JK trying to shake JM's hand to encourage him just like Jin was doing with Hobi or even RM with Tae.
Other than this, I didn't see any challenge in the game that brought out that excellent teamwork in them.
May be we will see that in the other episode.
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JK asking JM to put his mom off speaker was equally sus to me especially when Hobi had had his mom on speaker not too long ago and later had his dad on speaker too.
Was he worried the others would copy their answer or was he worried his mother in law would say something sus?
'Oh Jungkook's boyfriend how are you doing?'
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For now, all I can say is that I'm not Korean, don't know Korean beyond a few phrases but when I read what JM Saif to JK on run my first impression was that Jimin wanted to stress and emphasize his own worth to JK given the context of the conversation as discussed above.
They both seemed to be stressing how disadvantaged they were being with eachother compared to the other teams- which was the point of the members suggesting they formed those default teams.
I'm not gonna lie, I uWu-ed at that moment even without knowlege of the nuance of their language. Especially when he followed his statement up with, 'You don't think I want them too?" Or whatever the translation is.
Fuck. That was soft as hell.
It felt like a vulnerable moment between them especially when JM kept asking him to look into his eyes or look at him or something.
Jk came off strong, acting like he'd been given the short end of the stick.
Rather than mask his feelings with anger or act passive aggressive like he would have a few years ago, Jimin went raw with his emotions this time around commenting how JK's statement made him feel which honestly made my chest tighten not gonna lie.
Sounded to me like,
Hey but you have me! You think I don't want the others too? I do but I'm content with you. Are you not content with me? Look me in the eye and tell me, am I not good for you?
There was a certain level of vulnerability in his expression amidst the laughter and I think most of it is locked away in the words he used.
That level of vulnerability coming from a guy to another guy would come off as gay to most I guess. And of course a lot would dismiss it as nothing too.
Personally, I wouldn't use that as proof Jikook are dating but I can't pretend it wasn't a cute moment. And I'm pretty sure it's the vulnerability in that moment that has Karmy losing their minds. Who knows.
Jimin has matured a lot...
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cutegirlmayra · 5 years
Hi I'm really enjoying ready a lot of your prompts. I'm not sure if you have answered something similar before but my question to you is if you could explain why do you think Amy is in love with Sonic and possibly why do you think Sonic 'might' like Amy in return. Thank you so much and I really appreciate it if you could answer these questions.
I would love too! It’s been a long while, so I might as well collect ‘new evidence’ right? :)b Also, thank you so much! I’m sorry everything is on shutdown (except Commissions! Rules link: x Pay link: x ) but I’m always excited to write a prompt when I get around to it! lol
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Let’s start with the beginning. According to her creator, Amy was made with many “Fingers in the pot” and one of the main traits he mentioned was that he wanted Amy to be cute and have her focus set on Sonic. Since Sonic is always moving towards the next adventure, not really focused on anything else, he needed someone who would be completely concentrated on him. In Japanese culture, devotion/loyalty is an endearing characteristic, and it’s clear that Amy exhibits a sole fidelity to Sonic. This was intentional but perhaps mistranslated when interrupted by American culture.
Rosy the Rascal was meant to, based on fan speculation, set up the world’s perception of Sonic. He was famous for his heroic deeds, but in Sonic Adventure, we learn that he never considered himself a hero. He tells Shadow he’s just a guy who loves adventure, and according to the Canon Timeline, Amy was the first ‘friend’ Sonic ever had. His first ‘saving the damsel’ act, that defined a hero (especially in those time periods) was set up by him saving Classic Amy Rose.
She, therefore, has a small backstory explaining how she admired his heroism, used Tarot Cards to find out where to meet her ‘destined’ and was soon kidnapped and rescued by him. This only solidified her feelings for him, showing that not only did Sonic have a fan, but now he had a devoted self-proclaimed girlfriend in the process as well.
It was important that Amy was ‘self-proclaimed’ because besides being ‘shy’, Sonic is also not one to demonstrate a lot of emotion. This correlates with the ‘cool’ image that is reflective of Japanese young heroes. So, Amy set up that Sonic was a popularly recognized hero and even had fans, but she also revealed that most found Sonic attractive in his deeds and personality. “He’s so cool!” kind of stereotype. But besides being a rising star, Amy fell in love with him for his good deeds and risking so much to save her.
This is stage 1, let’s move on through the timeline.
As Amy kept reappearing (after Sonic met and befriended Tails and even Knuckles) she asserted herself into his circle to be closer to him. She gained a new strength, the Piko Piko Hammer and drew new expressions out of Sonic that normally wouldn’t have been seen before. Because Sonic doesn’t show many personal emotions, Amy has emotion enough to spare between the both of them. It’s relevant that this behavior, common in Japanese anime stereotypes, is frowned upon in the American fandom, but it’s actually praised and regarded with admiration in the Japanese fandom.
Another Sonic official on Twitter stated that if Sonic didn’t have a boy’s heart(A.K.A, wasn’t a young boy), he would probably choose Amy. I believe that’s because “The one who stays in the race, finishes the race” is true in this regard. Because Amy chases Sonic (A healthy part of any romance) she is constantly there (In sight, in mind.). So it’s safe to say one of the reasons Sonic could be more fond of her than he lets on is because he recognizes that she’s always there. She won’t abandon him nor her feelings for him. This level of devotion is praised in Japanese culture, and I would imagine he reciprocates this.
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He rewards her efforts for this loyalty time and time again. Not only by saving her, but by also allowing her to do as she pleases. He never really goes against her. He never fights back with her. In fact, in Sonic Adventure and Sonic Adventure 2 battle, directly resulting after the Classic Era, it shows Sonic’s consideration for her feelings.
“Amy…. Take care of yourself.” In the Japanese version, Sonic pauses a considerable amount of time as Amy expresses the horror of his supposed sacrifice to protect her. He gives her one last cool pose, preparing for whatever may come, and reveals that in his heart–he felt it was his job to take care of her.
This correlates with Classic Sonic’s feelings, although not fully expressed in words and mostly done through deeds.
Amy’s feelings only grow stronger after this point, resulting in her being even more forward about wanting to marry Sonic, as it is her way of saying she’ll be his forever, and love him for all eternity. It is stated by SEGA that Amy can never get over Sonic, there will never be a ‘another love interest’, though they have explored Sonic being charming to other girls. Due to his already stated ‘attractiveness’ because of his heroic deeds, many girls have swooned over Sonic, and he’s treated this with patience and a heroic smile. He comforts girls, but he always returns to Amy’s side. Why is this? You may say, “Well, it’s because you just said she’s devoted to him, so he’s returning the gesture.” Well, you’re half-right, but it’s only half the tale.
In later additions, Sonic is shown to also get exasperated with Amy’s overly energetic flirtations with him. It’s actually more an anime stereotype once again, where the boy is embarrassed by the girl’s forwardness. In Japanese culture, the demure girl is praised as the most attractive quality for a woman. Amy is the stereotypical opposite, due to Sonic’s aloof nature, she has to be bold in her declarations of love for him. You can see the ‘demure’ type of girl found in Cosmo, Vanilla, Elise, Shahra, and even some in Blaze. Rouge is the stereotypical ‘older matured woman’ to put it lightly, but Amy is the energetic girl in anime stereotypes, bold and quick to anger or at times bossy.
In a Japanese translated bio online, Amy is stated to ‘cheerfully embarrass men’ which is shown in many incidents in Sonic X and the video games. In this regard, we could deduce that Sonic silently enjoys the praise as well as reciprocates her devotion. She loves him because he won’t hesitate to do what’s right (Heroism) and always follows his heart (cool and willful personality) while Sonic stays relatively close (in spirit) and is always devoted to protecting or being there for her.
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These are the biggest traits that define Sonic and Amy’s feelings for each other. Mostly demonstrated in Sonic X, we see Sonic returning home to Amy, their telepathy ability when Amy is thinking hard about Sonic, and revealing that Sonic was thinking solely about rescuing her. We also see it in Sonic saving Amy from drowning, and Amy diving in to save him from the Metarex. There is also stated attraction on Sonic’s end for Amy during the ‘dress’ scene (But Amy is canonally stated to be a ‘pretty girl’, which is subtly expressed in the Video Games as well. Silver stating this world is beautiful, but pausing to blush and look away when Amy tilts her head while the sun highlights her is just an example. Sonic flirting with The Lady of the Lake and having a date with Amy is another example from Sonic’s POV.)
So, to conclude this little essay, I’ll say that the real answer is- “Sonic returns to Amy because she’s his perfect match. Her devotion is of course included in the mix, but it’s also because she expresses her feelings for him so openly, it’s touching how she’ll risk everything for him and he would willingly do the same.” They both care so much in such different ways, and the different ways they express it is perfect for how the other wants to be loved. Sonic doesn’t always like the forward attention, but he appreciates that he never has to question her devotion to him. Amy loves Sonic because although he’s shy, he finds ways to still show he cares deeply about her.
Although these two are still very much children, they have a foundation of mutual fidelity and trust that can’t be broken. (Sonic won’t destroy Omega, Sonic protectively defends Amy against Jet, and Sonic accepts Amy’s bracelet for him, A.K.A shows he accepts her feelings for him.)
Many in the fandom argue that Sonic can be inconsiderate of Amy’s feelings, which is true. He’s still a young boy and makes mistakes, but there is supportive evidence to suggest he does this in the presence of Eggman or others. I also support the theory that he doesn’t want her to get hurt because of him, so he keeps his distance during crowds, but as it is often player choice, he also goes on dates off and on with her from time to time.
In conclusion, these are just some things that result in Amy’s love and Sonic’s crushing. I say ‘crushing’ because Sonic isn’t quite fully there yet. He’s devoted but rarely speaks his honest opinion of her.
Even Omochao states in Sonic and Mario Winter Olympic’s: “No one knows if Amy is or isn’t Sonic’s girlfriend or not.” He never tells. Could this be because of his fear of her getting hurt by his enemies? Or his shyness? Possibly the fact that he never does say how he thinks about Amy?
Ever notice that?
But he constantly thanks Amy, and I think that subtle, “Thanks, Amy. I appreciate it.” Is honest. It may not be “I love you” but it’s something along those lines. Amy’s “Marry me!” Is her way of saying it, but moreover, what she wants to say is– “I don’t want to give you an ultimatum, because how you live your life is wonderful! But at least let me and my love for you be a part of it!” Which I believe he does return in full freedom of allowing her to love him in the way that suits her best.
He may refuse her advances, but he never has refused her heart.
She may not like it when he doesn’t consider her feelings, but she will always believe in him.
This is what I believe Sonamy is today.
There is plenty more, but I believe this is what needs to be stated, and perhaps this is too long already, so that’s how I’ll leave it for now ;) Thanks for the ask!
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notbigondoors · 4 years
Hi mun! If I'm not mistaken you're a woman? I'm a girl who loves to write but I've been told it's something "for men." IT'S 2020! Anyway my point is: I don't know how good I am but you definitely make me realize these people are wrong. You're incredible at writing and you add so much detail! Now, question: since Banner was a part of Vision's creation, and the Hulk is a part of Banner, does Vis ever randomly feel rage or stuff that could be a result of Hulk's mind in his portion of Banner's mind?
{out of equations} First of all... I am a woman, yes. ^_^ LOUD AND PROUD, lol. And yeah, I know what you mean. I’ve been told that women can’t write by teachers, classmates, co-workers, various other peers... so yeah. But I mean... women have been writing with that stigma for centuries and it hasn’t stopped us yet, right? XD Also... my favorite author is a woman, some of the best literary works of the past were written by women, and some of the greatest fantasy epics of the present day were also written by women. So, in an eloquent word, that’s bullshit. XDDD Women can write. We do write. We will write. Don’t listen to anyone who says otherwise.
Secondly... THANK YOU! Detail is kindof my thing. I write detail to a fault sometimes. Like... sometimes I really add way to much detail to things, haha. But I do try to keep it interesting, so I’m glad you are enjoying my interpretation of Vision.
Thirdly... to your question... I don’t think the Hulk enters into Vision’s personality at all. I know that body-wise and power-wise he’s comprised of a lot of different sources, but personality-wise, he’s really a conglomeration of coding and programming (to start with, anyway, he did run with his own sentience and personality once he was born, but yeah) of two people at his root. Tony Stark and Bruce Banner. Ultron... came from Tony. J.A.R.V.I.S. also came from Tony. So really it’s just those two actual humans whose personalities would have come through in Vision. For Hulk to be involved in forming Vision’s personality he himself would have had to write code, hahaha (that’s an interesting mental image... he’d probably just mash the keyboard), and write it with his own personality in mind. Because it’s not like biological children where Vision would inherit genes affecting personality from his dads, heh, it’s all in the coding.
So... Tony... was well-meaning, and he did create J.A.R.V.I.S., which for the most part was kindof a sentinel-like, helpful, somewhat protective and vigilant program. But with Ultron, his well-meaning ideas about wanting “peace in our time,” didn’t translate well with the methods he chose. He programmed Ultron to believe that in order to have peace, one must destroy those disrupting the peace, and since Tony is a distrustful and abrasive sort of guy with most people, I feel like what went wrong with Ultron was that some of that came through to the point of Ultron not trusting any humans to make the right decisions. All humans will eventually contribute to a disruption of the peace and need to be controlled. That’s how he seemed to think. How do you permanently control human behavior? You kill them all, heh. EXTREME... to be fair, but I feel like those subtle biases in Tony’s personality came through amplified in Ultron.
Bruce contributed to Ultron as well, but he was working off of Tony’ ideas and direction, so I feel like his participation at that point was probably more as a passenger as far as just lending his expertise and not really driving the meat of the project. He didn’t even wanna work on it in the first place. I feel like that intellectual drive to create something novel might have motivated him to eventually help Tony in that endeavor, but once he saw the way Ultron came out and way Ultron thought... I think at that point Bruce realized where they went wrong with the programming. Once the cradle with what would become Vision’s body inside was in his and Tony’s hands. I like to think that Bruce would have been this time a lot more involved and present in the process and not just a passenger. I like to think he made some very definite and major changes to the programming to either avoid or amend what Tony did wrong.
Ultron did upload some of his consciousness, but whatever was uploaded probably only contained factual information, process coding, or very basic, objective ideas. What was so biased and misguided in Ultron’s personality and what gave him sentience and consciousness had not been transferred at that point, because Vision was still inactive. If his whole mind had been downloaded, Vision would’ve been up and running... and wouldn’t have been Vision at all. And we saw the percentage was still very low when Ultron unplugged himself.
Where does all of this leave us? I think Ultron transferred the ability to think and understand what he did, but none of the biases that brought about violence and anger. Tony and Bruce provided updated coding that amended whatever went wrong with Ultron to make him jump to those genocidal conclusions. And here I really place more emphasis on Bruce’s contribution because I feel like him in his human, non-Hulk form, would have been more patient, prudent, calm, and generally interested in avoiding conflict and violence for the sake of violence. That was always something he hated about the Hulk side of him was just the unmitigated destruction and death he would bring about. So I think he would really want to avoid that, especially in a being made partially of vibranium that would be really hard to subdue, heh.
And then there were the remnants of J.A.R.V.I.S., which I feel was Tony’s good side as far as programming. All the good things like being helpful, watching out for danger, providing information, suggesting solutions... Sounds like Vision, right? So that’s a huge part of his personality as well. And then... there’s whatever Thor contributed with his lightning, which I think was more energetic and potentially magical rather than any part of his personality.
So that was a long way of saying no, I don’t think the Hulk would provide any influence for Vision’s personality. I think it’s going to be a combination of Tony in various facets (initial coding, J.A.R.V.I.S., Ultron, additional later corrective coding) and Bruce (inital coding and later corrective coding). I think the good aspects of Tony’s intentions plus Bruce’s prudence and a deep desire for not just peace but also an end to violence, which are two things that are not always equated, those are the two major components of Vision’s personality.
Thank you for this question! This was fun to hash out! =D
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rookieskrp · 5 years
1. First of all: this is not supposed to be a hateful or hurtful message towards you guys. I have high respect for what you do and how you manage rookies. But there is an issue that has been bugging me and a lot of other people I have talked to and I would like to address it for all of our benefit. It is the lack of impact of the new mods one feels in terms of activity for the directory. I'm talking about updated trainee rosters, blog management, perhaps even more posts for the idolators too.
(2. I know you guys keep saying we should trust you but I think that especially you guys know how much of a strain that has put on both us muns in rookies and specifically you as mods. So I just want to inform you and perhaps offer some advice, if you would like to hear my ideas and input (off anon of course). If you have everything under control I really hope that you prove us wrong and show some improvement to us soon. ♥ Thank you for all your hard work!)
hello anon! truthfully, we’re confused by what you mean by this outside of idolators and updated trainee rosters. the trainee rosters were i believe updated this week, and if they weren’t, will be asap– mod lari is already on it. that does fall to the wayside sometimes with everything else we have going on, and idolators is really more of something fun and extra we provide when we have time, too. trainee rosters will be easy enough to stay on top of, but idolators (blog posts, at least) takes a lot more time and energy for us, which is why those posts come around more rarely! we’ll see what we can do about some more idolators tweets to stir up drama at the very least, though.
we also want to shed some light on how much the new mods have really done in rk since they signed on. gab helped bianca run the mgas as soon as she came onto the team, and has run or had a huge hand in every single event since then. (bianca is actually on hiatus right now! gab is so good that it’s hard to tell.) aside from that, she’s helped with queues, updating the main, and a lot of other behind the scenes things.
mod lari has helped me out with my job as head of relations mod, and updated just about every spreadsheet we’ve had in existence (which is actually a ton of spreadsheets, no lie), and also updates the main when i forget things, which is very much appreciated! please have faith in them and the work they do; they’ve certainly helped us out immensely. even if that didn’t translate well to the rest of the roleplay, having them has taken a lot of strain off of the rest of the team and made rookies a better environment for us, and we think that’s really important too.
with that in mind, rk is a hobby and something we’ve volunteered to run on top of full time jobs and education and other aspects of our lives, so there is only so much we can do, and we hope everyone can understand that. even if we added more mods on, this wouldn’t change, and there’s so much behind the scenes work that goes in to rookies that their impact may not be obvious, too. this should still feel like a hobby to us as much as it feels like a job, so we have to take breaks and don’t do everything perfectly, because we’re only human too.
that being said! we’re always open to suggestions, and especially since we aren’t exactly sure what more you’d like to see from us, feel free to come talk off anon.
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coldandhotsoba · 6 years
You said you weren't going to list all the evidence that EraserMic might be canon but please do???? I'm a sad little gay who needs this.
D(anon is referring to this post here)
okay im going to list what i know, and i was not lying when i say that there are some way more qualified people who can compile a list. a way better list than i could, and probably a lot more detailed and intricate.. And im doing this on my phone so no guarantee on quality. (also the fact im a very lazy person, but still felt compelled to try and answer this to the best of my lazy selfs abilities)  So bear with me here.
Now, this is a small list of why i think erasermic is pretty Canon, or at the very least very very very close best friends. (this is how my headcanons came to be, and how i came up with them through what ive seen.I dont want to step on any toes here. a lot of this is from my perspective and my experience)
1. Yamada helping picking out Aizawas hero name:
 lets break this down. Idk about you guys, but i wouldnt trust just anyone to pick my professional work name, that would stick with me for the rest of my life. Now, i know he’s lazy and all, but he also extremely rational. 
He knows this will stick with him, and he knows picking a name is important (hence he let Midnight teach the class about the names because he knows he’s not the best person for the job.) Its illogical to accept just anything.  
However, even with him being uncreative in that department, he wouldn’t accept any old name, i’m sure he’s been suggest different hero names in the past, and have probably at some point, thought up ones for himself.  It’s illogical to accept a name someone suggested, unless it had some significance to him.  I would immediately accept a name given by a close friend (and have in the past like nicknames) just on the pure significance that they gave it to me, even if it does sound lame at the time, but they picked it out just for me, and it makes it that much more special.  
Anytime the name Eraserhead, is heard or used, he’d always be reminded of who gave him the name, a constant reminder of said person. You wouldn’t want to be reminded of someone that  holds no significance in your life, every time your hero name is used.
2. The reporter scene
 now, this is based off of what @kipisz said here, and totally forgot it happened and its such a strong contender. 
Now, the scene does goes with both of them holding off the reporters. Mic leans over and says “They’re illegal trespassers you know. You can call them villains. You think we can beat ‘em up?” which AIzawa promptly replies “Don’t do it Mic,Theyll write up a bunch of half-truths about you. Let’s wait for the police.”
Now we all  know how much Aizawa loathes the media, but Yamada pretty much thrives on media and his public out look, not just as a hero but also as a radio star.  Aizawa knows how much the voice hero relies on it, and made a point to make sure they handle the reporters as well as they can. 
Now, not only are they tag teaming handling the reporters, where someone else with a better presence may have handled it. Like literally any other teacher could have handled it alone better than they could have separately. I’m sure cementoss would have done a great job at it. Now, this also leaves ‘where were the other teachers?” probably too busy to handle it, and/or both heros volunteered to make sure all the students made it into the school okay. OR the  were already inside before the reporters showed up
Alone it would have probably been an disaster, Aizawa being his underground hero self, and Mic was ready to thrown down with the reporters, but was only stopped by Aizawa. But they handled it together well, each of them balancing each other out. (this is probably more of a point towards their dynamic than anything else) 
This one is brief, but present mic standing in front of an injured eraserhead (while shoji is holding him) using his quirk on the incoming villains.  Coincidence that he was the one to defend them and not any of the other teachers? i think not.
4. Sports Festival
We already established that Eraser likes to be on the down low, but, he ‘decides’ (we all know he was probably forced or he just caved in after a bunch of badgering) to do announcements to an extremely public event,shown on every screen in Japan, with an extremely well known Hero. Even with him being unrecognizable,(not just including being bandaged up) its still a giant risk involved in hosting it. He’s not well known as an underground hero, but through out the announcement his hero name is used, and with a name like Eraserhead, its not too hard to figure out he can Erase quirks, (or at least something, but quiks would be the only thing i can think of that would work for hero work) 
and then mic probably did it,(my head canons on this) because
1, wanted to do it with his bf (u can translate this as boy friend or best friend, take it  as you will)
2. we all know that if eraser wasnt up there, he’d be in on the action while still wrapped up like a mummy. And he would be in the middle of all the different quirks being used, especially by year 1 students who dont have the best control/have complete control over their quirks. So mic drags him up there to get him out of the way
4. Spending his day off with Mic
now look at this post made by Deafmic, when i saw the manga of it, i never truly processed it, just more of “awh they hanging out together” and didnt think any deeper than that.
But they are completely right. Fishing with a loud person? not a good idea. FIshing with a person who’s quirk makes them louder than everyone else? Super bad idea.
Most people go fishing to relax, find some peace and quiet.But why would you bring the loudest person in existence to go fishing with you? To spend some quality time with them, and  you dont mind the tranquility of fishing being completely destroyed. Just so you can hang out with said person, outside of work. 
And in Mics perspective, he has 3 jobs, being a hero, teacher, and a radio host, he probably rarely has any free time to spare, but he spent it fishing hanging out with AIzawa
So im going to stop there, and this turned out a lot longer than i thought it would be, so apologize. 
Also apologies for any typos ive made, i kinda rushed this bc i felt bad having this in my ask box for so long. 
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batwynn · 7 years
Hi Bat! I was wondering if you could help me out. Ever since I was a kid I never really felt like a girl. I don't like pink, don't feel comfortable wearing girl clothes(not only dresses like in general)I don't style my hair/wear make up. You know all the general things girls do. I've been kinda struggling with my image cause I hate that I have boobs. I'm not sure about my gender identity at all in a nutshell. Idk if I'm just an anti conformist or something more :( it's really confusing
Hey there anon, i’m sorry it’s been a difficult gender-journey for you so far. :(
First, let me start by saying one of the most important things i’ve learned in the past few years: Your gender can change whenever, wherever, and for whatever reason. You don’t have to settle unless it feels right( or at all ), and it’s absolutely okay to be confused or unsure about your gender, you do not have confirm anything to be valid in whatever gender you currently identify with. (There’s no such thing as ‘too old’ or ‘too young’ to change, either.) 
For you in particular, though, it sounds like you’ve had a tough time. I know some of this confusion can come from external sources, outside and within the LGBTQA community. There’s a lot of different people pressuring others into making choices in the name of the community, rather than for the safety and health of the individual. Outside of the community, there are even more people pushing for some sort of ‘gender norm’ based on their own standards and beliefs. That being said, i’ve also found a vast and diverse community of understanding and accepting people from all genders/non-genders and sexualities. So, there’s the ‘good’ and the ‘bad’, but suffice to say, they both can bring pressure and anxiety about your gender.
From what you saying here, it sounds like you’ve never really adhered to any of the gender binary stuff people seem to think are necessary. [Pink and makeup for girls, blue and football for guys or whatever it is. I don’t even know, I never paid much attention.] The thing is, these things don’t make up one’s gender. What you do, what you wear, how you talk, etc, should not be associated with any gender in particular. Not that this changes how society chooses to associate them, of course, but try to remind yourself that feminine and masculine or anything beyond and between aren’t defined by these things, or by other people. You define them, you decide if they are important in your life and in gender identity. You choose how to identify what you do in your life, with who you are.It also sounds like you’re dealing with some possible (gender) dysphoria from your physical appearance. Have you ever tried binding in any way, just to see how you feel seeing yourself with a flat/flatter chest? It might give you some ideas about what would make you feel more comfortable, either way. Beyond that, though, I would consider speaking to a mental health professional about these things.  (if you are comfortable and trust them enough to do so.) I’ve never really had an understanding response from my therapists (I also have bad luck) when i’ve spoken about it myself, but even at a professional level, they can help you identify where some of this distress is coming from. (Especially internal vs external stresses. It’s important to recognize what your brain is coming up with, and what is coming from outside sources.)So, from here I would suggest you take a look at some resources, and see if any of the gender identities out there seems to resonate more strongly with you. I would also see if you can find someone more professional to speak with about this, since i’m not really the end-all know-all of anything really. XD This can be anyone from your family therapist, maybe someone new, or even someone through @plannedparenthood. I would also suggest you Check out the Gender Wiki!  They’ve got a vast amount of continually updated information on genders/non-genders, and is a safe place to find facts and ideas about gender without certain biases or misinformation. But! If you don’t feel comfortable browsing websites for whatever reason, please take a look at some of these gender identities under the ‘Keep Reading’, and I wish you the best of luck!
Gender fluid is a gender identity which refers to a gender which varies over time. A gender fluid person may at any time identify as male, female, neutrois, or any other non-binary identity, or some combination of identities. Their gender identity can vary at random or in response to different circumstances.
Multigender is a term for anyone who experiences more than one gender identity. It can be used as a gender identity in its own right, or can be an umbrella term for other identities which fit this description. Multigender people may experience two or more gender identities at the same time, or their gender identity may change over time. [meaning you identify as multiple genders at once, less switching between. More of a solid state, generally.]
Non-binary gender (see also genderqueer) describes any gender identity which does not fit within the binary of male and female. Those with non-binary genders can feel that they: [feel free to check the links in the text below for more info]
Have an androgynous (both masculine and feminine) gender identity, such as androgyne.
Have an identity between male and female, such as intergender.
Have a neutral or non-existent gender identity, such as agender or neutrois.
Have multiple gender identities, such as bigender or pangender.
Have a gender identity which varies over time, known as genderfluid.
Have a weak or partial connection to a gender identity, known as demigender.
Genderflux  is a gender identity in which the strength of feelings of gender varies over time. It can be seen as a form of genderfluid between being agender and one or more other gender identities. Genderflux people may also identify as nonbinary, genderqueer and/or transgender.
Agender is a term which can be literally translated as ‘without gender’. It can be seen either as a non-binary gender identity or as a statement of not having a gender identity. People who identify as agender may describe themselves as one or more of the following:
Genderless or lacking gender.
Gender neutral. This may be meant in the sense of being neither man or woman yet still having a gender.
Neutrois or neutrally gendered.
Having an unknown or undefinable gender; not aligning with any gender.
Having no words that fit their gender identity.
Not knowing or not caring about gender, either as an internal identity or as an external label or in both senses.
Deciding not to label their gender.
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masaru2042 · 7 years
Its hard for me to use fanfiction-net, so i've read Rise of Sha only on your tumblr, but i'm happy this fic still ongoing and i have missed 5 chapters c; About commenting - i can do it for every chapter of every fic, but most of comments would be like "OMG Nel is so cute and pure, he didn't deserve all of this suffering, somebody please just make him happy ;_;'. Shameful story with German translating, i'm sorry for this fail and uderstand why where is no trust for translaters.
I don’t see how its hard to use since it’s mostly text based and easily read with a computer.  If you have the app, I might understand, but then again, before I got a smart phone, I have computers and I always tell people to just use a computer when going on the internet because it’s just better.  No offense to smart phones and tablet users, but the computer really is still the best thing to use.
But like I said, more people are commenting on my fanfiction.net postings than they are here, so, I take it that it’s not really worth my time to post anything else up and just direct people to the story on fanfiction.net instead.
Rise of the Sha Chapter 20
That is the link to the latest chapter of Rise of the Sha.
I do suggest if you want me to continue posting is to comment and of course share the story around, hell, even reblog if you want with your own comments to show other people on your page my story and do use the appropriate tags when doing so, so they can follow along.
As for your comment on Neltharion being ‘pure’.  Um, he’s not pure the least bit.
Neltharion has done some really horrific things since his freedom from the grasp of the Old Gods.  He’s also not a very good leader.  His decisions has killed off half of his loyal flight.  He can’t seem to get new dragons, especially unrelated dragons, to join him because they can sense how poor a leader he really is.
And yes, that does have to do with his mental disability, but it does not leave him blameless for his actions.  Regardless to his mental handicaps, Neltharion still is a murderer of children (i.e. the Twilight Drakes in The Hammer’s Fall), a murderer and destroyer of the Barrens including lives that had NOTHING to do with Garrosh’s invasion of Theramore or its destruction.  And well, Ironforge.
He also threatened Varian a few times.  And though he apologized for it, he’s still not off the hook from that.  And though they may have an accord right now, that’s far from being trustworthy allies. 
I mean, if you read the earlier chapters where Thrall was in it, he points out valid issues that Neltharion does need to be concerned about, such as the famine he caused.
And while yes, the rule is don’t piss off the guy who controls the very ecology of the planet itself, it still does not leave Neltharion innocent of those crimes.
Granted for now Neltharion is innocent of the crimes that Deathwing has caused, he is not innocent of the crimes he himself has caused recently.
So, Neltharion is NOT pure.
And that is the theme of these stories, a theme that I try to keep in tone with Warcraft itself.
Azeroth may seem like a world of black and white to the Player, but it is not a world of black and white.  It is a world of gray.  And every character is more or less gray, barring a few who lean closer to black, and those who lean closer to white.
But many have committed some horrible act in the name of what they consider their POV of the greater good.
Neltharion is no different from this.
Perhaps to him causing the absolute genocide of the Twilight Flight by slaughtering infants left and right was a greater good, but that doesn’t make it any less terrible of an act.
The same for his literal squashing of Horde forces inside Orgrimmar with his own feet.  Let me repeat that, Neltharion squashed into bloody smears hundreds of Horde guards when he attacked Orgrimmar.  Literal squishing of ants, here.  Yeah, Neltharion did that in Wrath of the Warchief.
There may have been justification for that, but it’s still a horrible act!
He is not pure.  Not by a long stretch!  The Squishy maybe squishy, but he’s done some really terrible things.
And I don’t know if he’ll ever get his happy ending.
I can try to post up more of Rise of the Sha here, but I really want people to comment on it.  I really want to see if people are interested in reading this story here.
My little spot on Tumblr is very small. So, I need people like you to spread the word around about me and Nel and any of the art I do here.
As for the Russian thing.  Again, if you are really willing to be dedicated, an not just drop the ball and forget about it when something else comes up, I’m willing to let you do the translation.
But to be honest, I am very honored that people actually do want to translate my story…a fanfiction actually…into other languages so other people can read them.
I understand that having them translated will get them out to other readers who don’t know English, and I want that to happen, but the last translator wasn’t dedicated to his work.
And he has basically 5 stories to translate.
And this is what you’ll have too.  You’ll have Romancing the Coffer, The Hammer’s Fall, Murozond’s Gift, Wrath of the Warchief, and Rise of the Sha to translate into Russian.
So, that is why I need some assurance of dedication because you’ll have five stories to translate.
Rise of the Sha is the recent story of an on going series.
So, yeah, dedication.
This is why I’m leery of people wanting to translate my stories, because I don’t think some of you realize what you’ll be translating when you do it.
If you want to, great.
Here’s Romancing the Coffer.
I also have it in PDF form on my Deviant Art page. Ghostwalker2061
It’s in the folder in my gallery titled Tectonic Divergence. Which is the name of the actual series Neltharion’s story belongs in.
So, there you go.
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