#which could have influenced his correction by seeing better ones or ones that he agrees with more
valkyrietookmoved · 2 years
I'm so right all the time I love being told that I am right <- just got the project involving translation back and has full marks so it's running high on happy chemicals
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ethereange · 3 months
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reluctance sparks something genuine; satoru is threatened to be kicked off his team, so he turns to you.
contains: college!au, satoru gojo x reader, satoru is like a popular jock, reader kinda dates around, college is american-based, but theres some japanese social influence, satoru plays basketball bc yes, texting (but not like a normal smau format idk ull see)
wc - 1.4k
part 1 // part 2 // part 3?
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"i've done all i can do for you, but there are no exceptions. not even you, gojo."
satoru leaned back into the cushions of his chair, relaxing his arms as they folded comfortably across his chest. his stare never once broke from the eyes behind rectangular sunglasses. if anyone walked into the office, they would think he was oddly casual despite his situation.
and that would be the truth. the golden plaque gleaming on the wall from last year’s championship spoke for his contributions. satoru was not one to be intimidated when he knew his worth. he knew he was the exception.
"you're aware that you should've been on suspension from any games and practices up until now?"
"yeah? why was i not, yaga?" satoru quizzed back.
"coach yaga," he corrected. "because i've been doing all i can to keep your ass on the court. just because you can ball doesn’t mean you always deserve to. if your grade drops any lower, you're done."
that was a new one.
regardless of the past four times satoru was called into this very room with the same threat of "raise your grades or else", he hasn't toed this close to the line yet.
"whadd'ya mean i'm done? they're not just gonna-"
yaga sighed. "you'll be kicked off the team, and your scholarship will be revoked."
satoru stood up straight.
"as of now, you'll be on suspension. no training, games, nothing," coach stated. "you can..."
"...only help yourself now, is what he said," satoru scoffed. he was currently splayed across his shared couch, half-empty soda can in hand as he ran down the whole situation. "what the hell'm i supposed to do?"
"maybe you should look for a tutor again," shoko suggested, perched on the windowsill as she let her cigarette smoke flow out.
satoru sighed dramatically. "i'm not gonna pay some random. last time i tried they treated it like a date and never even looked at my books." he grimaced at the memory.
"do you even know anyone smart?" suguru poked, earning an eye roll from the other.
"of course i do," he replied, "a bunch of our teammates can handle themselves. they're just… busy with the practices i should be going to. is there any chance you guys could help at all?"
suguru and shoko shared a look. "honestly, i'm not much better off than you are. i still have training, and even though yaga’s not on my ass as much as yours, i’m not sure if i’ll be much help."
satoru turned to the brunette with a pleading expression- to which she let out a short, airy laugh. “you should know i cheated on almost all my exams. plus they’re mostly for pre-med.”
he deflated, lip jutting out in a pout as he stared dejectedly at the ceiling. he wracked his brain for a solution, for someone who was both smarter and had enough time to help him. but for someone as well-known as satoru, his social circle was mostly limited to his team and the other two in the room. college basketball did not leave much time for socializing.
"sorry to break it off, but i agreed to give yuji a ride to practice, and he's all the way at the dorms," suguru cut the silence as he rose to his feet.
"he doesn't have a car?" satoru queried. he would rather have his friends here to brainstorm answers to his problem.
suguru chuckled, "no, he doesn't have a license either. told me he's failed his test twice already."
satoru let out a little snort at that; he could vividly picture the freshman swerving a car recklessly. "alright, i'll let you go i guess," he responded. "you still gotta help me later, though."
"i think i'll head out, too," shoko announced, putting out the rest of her cig.
"you too?" satoru groaned.
she nodded. "i've got to meet up with my friend downtown."
"any chance they're smart? or know anyone smart? do i know them?" he questioned, a hopeful tilt in his voice.
she stared off in thought, letting out a huff before answering. "she's pretty smart. not like a nerd, but she's better than me," she paused. "her schedule's a bit... unpredictable, though. i think you've met her a couple times... probably at nobara's party."
satoru perked up. "that's good enough for me."
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you sipped your drink as your phone buzzed against the smooth surface of the table. you felt your heart jump a little at the implication of the sound, picking up your device to check the notification.
but your spirits sagged a little when it was, in fact, not who you wanted it to be. instead, it was an unknown number, asking if it was you.
your eyebrows quirked, intrigued. shoko had left just previously to use the restroom, leaving you alone temporarily at the cafe table. you typed back a response.
you yes, this is her who is this?
XXX-XXX-XXXX gojo satoru
you blinked in surprise. gojo satoru? the newest basketball phenom, the one who girls and guys alike swooned over? yeah, there was no way he was texting you. you're not even sure if you've had a proper conversation with him before. maybe shoko had been gone for too long and decided to play with you.
you very funny who is this actually? and how'd you get my number?
XXX-XXX-XXXX wdym shoko gave me ur number
okay, now it was obvious. you were about to march over to the bathroom to confront your friend when she plopped down in her seat across from you.
"funny, shoko. i know it's you, though. when did you get a second number?" you asked.
she gave you a quizzical stare. "what the hell are you talking about?"
you rolled your eyes and faced your screen at her. she furrowed her eyebrows, before they relaxed as she laughed, "nope, that's satoru."
"you're joking," you gaped. "why would he text me? and why did you give him my number?" she shrugged and turned your phone back to you.
XXX-XXX-XXXX could u do me a favor
you sighed, giving shoko a last look before you replied.
you depends what it is, but try me
gojo satoru do you tutor
your fingers paused as confusion coursed your brain. shoko was indifferent, scrolling on her own cell and popping a french fry in her mouth.
you not really... i mean i'll help my friends out with studying but it's not like i get paid
gojo satoru ok perfect youll get paid
you you want me to tutor you?
gojo satoru yeah
you were boggled at his straight-forwardness. gojo was not known for being serious, about anything, really. maybe the exception was basketball, but even then...
you if you don't mind me asking why do you need a tutor? also why me specifically, i'm not the greatest student?
gojo satoru uhh id appreciate it if u didnt let it out the bag
you sure, i wont
gojo satoru ill get kicked off the team if i dont get grades up ur like the last person ik who can prob help
your confusion only grew more. how could he be doing so bad he was threatened his roster spot? and how were you the last person when he was ridiculously popular? you were certain people would help him for free, as long as they were in his proximity.
you as flattered as i am, i doubt that
gojo satoru yeah well its the truth so can u help me out
you flipped your phone around, sliding it over to shoko. "what do you think?" you sighed.
she scrolled over the texts. "i mean, he's my friend. and he's kinda on his last straw. and he usually doesn't text so bluntly. i'm not saying i'm pressuring you to say yes, but he does have money," she answered seriously. you laughed, and she continued, "it would really help him. maybe check it off with your boyfriend, first?"
your eyes fell to the glowing screen, staring at the upside-down messages. "it'll be fine. it's not like he texts me enough to care about it anyway," you admitted, slumping back in your chair. she scooted the phone back to you.
you sure, why not unfortunately i can't let the team lose their previous freshman of the year
gojo satoru thats an accomplishment btw but thank u this means a lot
you ofc, its not a huge deal to me
you sighed. not exactly how you planned this outing with shoko to end up. but maybe tutoring could help you with your own studying while you review topics with him. with gojo satoru.
gojo satoru so ru free tmrw
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luvly-writer · 4 months
Ch.21 Gonna regret being too honest
Author's note: IM BACK!!! The semester finally ended and i can take a breather and write. I have various ideas on how to finish this story so I'm excited, hope all of you are too!!!
Warnings: Short chapter, i’m trying to get back into my writing mentality rn
Taglist: @w31rdg1rl @grandstrangerphantom @mxtokko @loonymoonystuff @1llellykins @cangosleepnow @dreamspectrum @its-maemain @tamimemo @nightw-izhu @trasshy-artist @gabriiiiiiii @cassini-among-the-stars @pank0w @writing-for-the-hell-of-it @blackbirdi @m3ntally-unstable @fixation-rat112358
"Hello, Timothy" Y/n responded her phone. It had been such a beautiful day. She had had breakfast at Saraberth's with her sisters, a few meetings from her new internship, and had an appointment at the salon with Satine and Clara. And finally, her favorite person called as she was in the middle of soaking her feet during her pedicure with Satine and Clara to her sides.
"Last time I checked, my name was Timmy, was it not" He responded cheekily and laughed once he heard her giggle.
"That is correct, my apologies for the mistake, Timmyyyy" she said happily which caused her to best friends to look at each other and smile. They were imposible to hide. "Everything alright?"
"Yes, angel, I'm calling you cause I need the service of the wicked goddesses of mayhem, discord, and destruction of the Upper East Side for a case."
"Hmmm, I like that..the wicked goddesses of mayhem, discord, and devastation-"
"Destruction, but devastation surely counts too" Tim corrects making her laugh once more, "So, can you help us?"
"Ladies" she said, calling their attention, "ready for another scheme?"
"So let me get this straight," After their appointment, the three girls stopped by Wayne Manor. Currently they were seated in one of the private living rooms. Satine and Clara sported each an expreso martini and sprawled in one of the couches. Y/n was sitting in the other side of the sporting a glass of water with Tim leaning against her chair behind her, "You want us, to use our intellect, status, influence, and power to help you and your client, whoever they are, uncover if Senator Jonesy has any connections to the new cargo shipments of......reality distorsion serums from Scarecrow?" Clara cleared up.
"Precisely, it is safe to assume his daughter has been quite a big fan of you three for the longest of times and your names have a susbstancial amount of weight in her group of friends and that you have information on his not so ethical behavior in a club?" Tim answers and the three of them nod.
"That is correct, he was one of the many men who were in the club we broke into in our second year of university when I wanted to see if it was true he had a side piece and blackmail him into erasing some evidence of Clara's party" said Satine
"So are you in?" He asked once again
"What's in it for us? We know why Y/n would do you a favor but why us?" debated Clara, ever the calculating one.
"I was sure you'd ask that question. Wayne Enterprises will guarantee access to a unique fashion line we are starting. We offer your collaboration as a designer, Clara, and a guarantee of being center stage star model at all of our shows, Satine." Tim assured. Both girls seemed delighted by the idea and agreed offering their hands for a handshake. Tim walked around Y/n and shook their hands.
"Well, we have some scheming to do, no time is better than now. You'll be sent every single piece of information we find, pleasure doing buisness with you" Said Clara standing up, followed by Satine.
"An absolute pleasure, we'll contact you, bye bye!" Satine waved as she departed, leaving Y/n and Tim alone.
"I could almost see the devil horns sprouting at the prospects of scheming" Tim said with a laugh sitting next to the young girl, making her laugh and nod.
"We haven't had a good one in a while, they are bloodthristy"
"No,no, I can see that" he assured making her laugh even louder.
"So is this mysterious associate who is need of this information my good friend Red Robin by any chance?" she asked and he nodded. A thought as random as it was came to his head and he knew he shouldn't be doing this but-
"Wanna see the cave?" he asked, lacking a better judgment, "Everyone is out and we'd have the place to oursleves". Seeing the excited gleem in her eyes gave him the answer he needed.
"It LITERALLY is a cave!! Tim, oh my...this is fantastic"
He was giving her a tour of it and couldn't help but smile. She really was the cutest human being he had ever encountered. "That was the lab and the training area, this is what we call the batcomputer, the batmobile, the-"
"Bruce was lacking in creativity I can see huh?"
He burst out laughing and nodded, "We have ALL said the same thing once we are shown for the first time. Ah and this is where we place the weapons and the suits" He lead her to the weaponry and exhibition rooms. He showed her every single suit, from the summer editions to the winter ones. Finally, they sat on a table near the area, talking about anything and everything, Tim telling her stories of grand adventures and dumb adventures with his sibblings and teams. As he was halfway through one of them racing with grocery shopping carts one particular boring patrol night, Y/n saw one of their spare masks on the distance and reached to grab it. She gently placed in on making him pause and admire her.
"You can actually see with these?!?" she asked making him laugh, "Yeah, how else do you think we are able to fight, angel" he says.
"You have it a little crooked, here let me help" He stands up and steps between her legs to fix it. She places her hands softly on his waist as she takes a moment to take him in.
"And...there, you have it correctly placed" He says softly, placing his hands on either side of her, leaning a little bit foward.
"How do I look?" she asks softly, faces inches from his
"Hot" He answers shamelessly cheking her out, "I'd let you save me any day"
"Oh yeah?"
"Mhmm, definitely. Would even get myself in trouble to purposely meet you"
"My my, Timothy, who knew you were such a flirt"
"Mhmm" It was the best he could say when she was sitting looking delicious as ever. They stayed quiet for a moment, just admiring each other. He took it to carresing her cheek and the started getting closer to almost having their lips touch. "Y/n..."
"Yeah?" she said breathlessly
"I love you" He whispered before he smashed his lips onto hers.
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23 + Fernando Alonso (can't wait to see what you come up with!)
Hi anon! Thank you so much for the request ♥︎
Sorry this is a little late, but better late than never, right?
When I saw the song I instantly knew what I wanted to do for this one, it practically wrote itself and I really enjoyed writing it, so I hope you enjoy reading it too!
+ Much like the Esteban fic, this is my first Fernando fic which is super fun! I really want to write more Fernando so if anyone has any more inspiration or any ideas do drop into my ask box and say hi!
Song 23 - These Boots Are Made for Walkin’ // Nancy Sinatra
Pairing - Fernando Alonso x Reader 
Word Count - 1.2k
Content Warnings - Swearing, sex references
These boots are made for walkin' And that's just what they'll do One of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you
To you, rich men were boring. Each and every man who would aim to win your affections was just a carbon copy of the next, from the immaculately coiffured hair, to the gaudy watch they would flash to prove they were moneyed, and to the Maserati they had stashed away in their garage hoping it would make up for their tiny cock.  
The vast majority cared about little but themselves. Their egos sat atop mountains of cryptocurrency and NFTs. Mountains that were just as fragile as the identities they held up. A slight gust of wind could send them toppling to the ground, their masculinity destroyed and their wealth worthless. 
You were a hurricane, a destroyer of men. You knew exactly how to do it, and would leave a trail of destruction and male tears wherever you went. In the past, you had enjoyed watching as they fell from their pedestals, the silver spoon they were born with falling from their mouths with a clatter. But now, it was simply boring. You had lived out the same story over and over again, and you wanted something new, something exciting and different. 
And you had found that something new on the day that Fernando Alonso had approached you in a bar in Monaco. 
“If you’re looking for a sugar baby, you should know I make six figures a day, so you’d better be offering me seven. Then I might consider it.” You say, not lifting your eyes from your half-empty espresso martini on the bar. 
“I was going to offer to buy you a drink, but I see you don’t need me to pay for you.” He says, and you finally look up from the counter and raise your eyebrow. 
“Hm. How about you buy the first drink, and if you can prove to me that you’re worth my time, I’ll buy you one in return?” You say, and he offers you a sly smirk. 
“Deal.” He says, and he flags down the bartender who immediately makes his way over to the two of you. 
“I’ll have a martini. Dirty.” You say, and the bartender nods.
“Make that two.” Fernando says, and you smile to yourself. 
“What’s so funny?” He asks, and you shake your head. 
“Are you always this easily influenced by the women you meet in bars?” You ask, and he smiles. 
“Only when they have good taste.” He replies. 
“Correct answer.” You say, before finishing the remains of your espresso martini, setting the glass down before you. 
You fish out the remaining candied coffee bean from the bottom of the glass and pop it on your tongue, before biting down with a satisfying crunch. Fernando’s eyes watch you intently as you do so, gazing at your lips with a look filled with hunger. 
The bartender returns with your drinks and you give the man a small smile as Fernando taps his bank card. You notice the familiar logo of a private bank reserved only for the most affluent of society emblazoned on the top of his card and smile to yourself. 
“I must say you’ve lasted longer than most men who agree to play my little game. I usually end up getting stuck with the bill when Daddy’s credit card declines.” You say, and Fernando smiles at you, raising his glass. 
“I have never played a game I cannot win.” Fernando says, and you raise your glass to his, gazing into his dark brown eyes as you clink them together. 
“Well I’ll drink to that.” You say, before taking a sip of your martini. 
“Are there any rules to this game I should know?” Fernando asks, and you press your index finger to your lips in thought. 
“There are no rules. I find life to be more fun without regulation and restriction.” You say, and Fernando nods. 
“Then I can ask your name, yes?” Fernando says, and you nod. 
“It’s (y/n), (y/n) (y/l/n), feel free to google me when you next go to relieve yourself. You’ll find a nice little article from Forbes designating me the seventeenth most successful businesswoman in the world.” You say, and Fernando tuts. 
“I don’t care about that.” He says. 
“Correct answer once again. Now, may I ask your name?” You say, and Fernando smiles. 
“Fernando Alonso.” 
“Wow, you’re three for three so far, and I think you’re the first man to do so in my extensive experience of being approached in bars.” 
“What would be the wrong answer?” He asks, and you chuckle slightly. 
“The most common one is, ‘don’t you know who I am?’ Had you said that, I would have pretended I had no clue who you were and walked away.” You say, and Fernando laughs. 
“So you do know who I am?” He says, and you nod, taking a sip of your drink. 
“I know of you, but I don’t know you. Yet.” 
“You would like to know me?” 
“You intrigue me, I’ll admit. You quite clearly have a strong ego, but you aren’t intimidated by me and my equally large ego in the slightest. So you’re as secure in your identity and your sense of self as I am, and I find that to be incredibly attractive.” You say, and Fernando nods, clearly impressed by your honest assessment of him. 
“Your honesty is welcome. I like it.” Fernando says, taking a final sip of his drink and placing the empty glass on the counter. 
You give him a small smile and empty your glass, placing it beside his before standing from your bar stool. 
“So, will you be buying me a drink now?” Fernando asks, and you chuckle at him as you store your phone away in your handbag and tuck the handle into the crook of your arm. 
“I already have. There’s a bottle of champagne on ice in my hotel room. Let’s go.” You say, and Fernando smiles, clearly holding back a laugh. 
“How are you so sure I would come back with you?” 
“You approached me in a bar, signalling that aesthetically, at least, you were interested in me. You then proceeded to stay while I nursed my martini, made some rather cutting remarks, and played the part of the aloof millionaire. If you weren’t still interested in sleeping with me, you would have excused yourself by now, presumably under the guise of catching up with the man in the booth over there who I believe to be Nico Rosberg, and promptly made a swift exit.” You say, and Fernando laughs in disbelief. 
“You are very good at this game. I think you win.” He says, and it’s your turn to chuckle.
“Oh, love, I invented this game, I always win.” You say as Fernando opens the door to the bar and allows you to step out first into the night before following you onto the street. 
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chodzacaparodia · 4 months
I have more thoughts on bllk and Isagi soo It was cool in the start because Isagi was like one of the worst players and we could see how he evolves and that was interesting and weren't boring hearing his inner monologues I guess? And the others all seemed impressive from his perspective lmao But now he acts like a main boss of something and a prodigy who has lots of skills and actually acts a bit rude towards others? (here comes the personal taste that one can just not like his personality I guess) but he like turned to a prodigy whom he admired and win against in the first half and now those are the ones trying to beat him but Isagi is the main characters so kinda these evolve around him which is unfortunate for the ones who don't like his character Soo I kinda mean that we could try to bring back Isagi not being too good? and now he could actually lose (like he can I guess bc he already win a lot and evolved so it's not like it'd be over just for him to get less op and the others could catch up too, because the power scales and balanced really shifted from him needing to beat someone to others needing to beat him which is quite an interesting development of events and a lot has a more tragic past than him now give them a win pls (this is just some personal thoughts I came up with they might not be full correct so my apologise)
Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts!
I understand your point of view because in many respects I agree. I admit that it was interesting that he started to develop from an average player into one of the best. His internal monologues were also completely different, because not only did he surprise others, but he was also often surprised himself when he noticed complete things and analyzed them.
I like that you wrote that Isagi turned out to be a prodigy. Because that's the truth. He was a prodigy from the beginning, but before Blue Lock he never had the opportunity to discover it. It's not that I don't think he hasn't developed as a result of hard work and training, but his greatest strengths are actually related to his way of thinking and his special ability to analyze, something that not every character is gifted with and is unlikely to practice because it happens rather automatically.
As the story progressed, Isagi actually became overconfident. (Yeah, totally like a main boss!) And that's why he actually started to think that he was better than others (actually I did a meme about it ). And I must admit that it irritates me a bit. Surprisingly, this didn't irritate me with characters like Barou or Rin. Maybe it's because we get to know them as characters who feel better than others. And Isagi went from a guy with low self-esteem to a guy with a bit of a God complex. From extreme to extreme.
And in fact, he behaves rudely towards others. It seems even more visible because he was a really nice guy from the very beginning! But honestly, I think it's not just a matter of him feeling better than others (but I think that's largely the case). Isagi blended in with the Blue Lock's atmosphere. He was constantly exposed to people who treated others in the same way (including Isagi), so I'm not surprised that such behavior influenced him and he adopted it as well.
(And it must be really irritating when someone you don't like makes you grow. Typical bllk experience).
Honestly, I wish he would lose and humble himself a bit. I want absolute destruction. After all, the higher a person rises, the more painful the fall. And logically, sooner or later Isagi has to lose, because you can't always win. However, I'm not sure Isagi can return to that level as before (I'm not talking about the level from the very beginning, because he will never return to this times, but maybe more to the level from the 3rd or even 2nd selection). He's gone too far with all this. After his defeat, he would definitely go through a worse time, but would he actually become more humble? Would he have completely despaired of his abilities? Would he feel inferior to someone else? It's possible, but I think it's more likely that it will be just an episode rather than a longer streak of self-doubt. This will be seen from the outside more as "His rival was better" than "Isagi wasn't good enough".
But deep down, I really want the character I like more than Isagi to win. I admit that I often let my thoughts go in the direction of "this character has a traumatic past, he deserves to win as compensation". But in my head there is always the thought that Blue Lock was a manga unlike any other from the very beginning. Such issues really don't matter there. On the field, no one cares about the characters' traumatic pasts. All that matters is being the best and striving for a goal without any scruples or moral compass. And as interesting as it was (I would REALLY like to see it), even though the other characters theoretically deserved their victory more. A character doesn't have to have a tragic backstory (like Isagi) to win. They just has to be the best.
(I'm sorry if this wasn't the answer you were expecting! I didn't know how to respond to this and I thought for a long time, but in the end I let the discussion carry me away and referred to some of your thoughts and added my own, not necessarily related to your statement. I really don't know what and why I wrote all this 🙈).
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marvelstars · 4 months
Magneto was right
Given the recent prominence of this phrase on X-men 97 and before that in comics used by mutants affected by the Genoshan massacre so people believe Magneto was right but does magneto believe he is right?, It´s interesting to analyze in the context of the comics because while certainly it´s a brief phrase that goes to the point it also is more complext that what may it sound at first, I want to analyze it from Magneto´s pov.
See this phrase in comics wasn´t used by Magneto but by mutants who agreed with his ideology of fighting for mutants rights by ANY means neccesary, given the reality they are dealing with in which literal killer machines were being built to control, kidnap or kill mutants and when those machines were not used, they had to deal with registration acts that put a target at their back or gave the goverment free reign to decide where they lived and how.
For Magneto in the context of his debate with Charles over mutants rights, it´s never been a priority for him to be right and Charles, as a former soldier, wasn´t a stranger to violence either, their povs came not from the wish to be right but from their perspective of the world.
For Magneto being right isn´t a teoretical discussion, it´s a reality, something that already happened and he wanted to use any means neccesary to keep this from happening to mutants as well but he only got to this conclusion after trying to work with the human institutions, only to discover they only cared about their systems and ideologies and that they saw mutants as useful and sacrificial pawns in this fight.
But this wasn´t something Magneto celebrated, he often talked about his ideas as something neccesary, not what was right or what it should be or what was moraly correct, he wished he could believe enough on Xavier´s path to see it as a serious possibility for solving the mutant - human problem and in fact he tried for a while with all his will to try to walk this path but things still didn´t got better and in some cases they got worse.
So it´s interesting how Magneto is aware of the perception mutants have about him but he is also quite aware that´s an incomplete picture and doesn´t reflect the complexities of the situation they are living, symbols are important but so it´s the truth.
So after years of trying to built a mutant sanctuary in which they could live free, not matter their appareance and seeing those sanctuaries being destroyed over and over again one after the other, he came to the conclusion that he needs to change things about himself, yes, maybe he is right, maybe sometimes you need to use force but what he doesn´t need is to make those decisions lightly and he doesn´t need to do all of this alone and that he can´t keep himself working only under the influence of his rage at injustice if he wants long term solutions.
"To me my friends" - Magneto Resurrection #4
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So he´s getting inspiration back from his childhood to look for a new path, not rejecting or fogetting the experiences that got him to his way of thinking but also being open to be flexible when he can be, because any life is worth the world and for mutants to be at peace, all people need to be at peace.
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findafight · 1 year
On Steve understanding those pretentious metaphorical films (I know, we'vepretty much moved on at this point, but) I do think it would get Jonathan questioning reality a little bit, but I think the person it would really mindfuck is Nancy
Because she's a very straightforward person but she also fancies herself the smartest person in the room at all times, which doesn't slot itself into this context very well. As does Jonathan, she has this perception that Steve is an idiot, but while Jonathan is having to contend with Steve being on level with him on this one, Nancy is having to grapple the idea that Steve intrinsically grasps something that she for the life of her can't figure out
I sent this a few days ago, but I think tumblr has been eating my asks. You aren't the only person I've sent one to recently that hasn't been answered. Anyway, I know this has largely been moved past, but on the whole "Jonathan having a crisis over Steve understanding the metaphorical and complicated foreign films" thing. I think that Jonathan might have a hard time with that and start questioning his judgment of people, yes, but the person really questioning reality as a whole about it is Nancy. Because while both Jonathan and Nancy have this low perception of Steve's ability to comprehend thing, Nancy specifically fancies herself as the smartest person in the room at all times, but she can't understand these things for the life of her. She's angry and confused and trying to convince herself that she's neither of these things
I got it! I started writing a response and saved as a draft and didn't get back to it! Honestly I love going back to things talked about a while ago so don't feel weird about that!
I agree! I also think it'd be interesting to apply this to horror movies, which often serve as allegories for other things. Like I can see them watching Carrie and Steve commenting that it's kind of weird that a story about the trauma of adolescents for girls was written by a man. Which is maybe heavy handed but it's something that Nancy would feel like she should have picked up on and be frustrated that she didn't. No one is doing adolescent teenager girl trauma like Nancy!!
But it's just not how her brain works. She likes facts and figures, interviews and observations. Metaphors aren't really in real life, though we use them to understand things, they aren't always straight forward. While Nancy wants to research and discover things, she possibly isn't interested in more... obscured meanings of things. (we sort of see this when she dismisses the alien newspaper, when they were actively looking for clues about something that could break all of someones without touching them!) and this might also influence how she views steve and his intelligence and how he views and interpret things.
She does think she's correct and how she thinks and sees things. and that frustration and stubbornness about being right would make her more frustrated because now that it's been pointed out to her, she sees it, but she didn't figure it out herself. It's an interesting way for her to try to grapple with having her worldview challenged!
With jon I think he would feel kind of off-kilter and embarrassed that Steve of all people got it, that this wasn't something he could feel he was better at than Steve or any random person. So that would maybe shift his view of Steve more than himself, but still both?
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illicitlamb · 11 months
SUMMARY | Wednesday finally allows Xavier to draw a portrait of her for himself. In return, he makes her time worthwhile.
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“Easy enough?” Xavier quizzed as he pushed himself up from the chair, staring at Wednesday for her approval. He only received a sigh, which was interpreted as a “yes” as she seated herself. “Good.”
Making his way back to his desk, he waited for his wife to get into position, already picking up his pencil. “Turn your head a little more,” he corrected.
“Just draw,” growled Addams in return, but carried through with his order.
Thorpe smirked. “Aye-aye, Captain.” He knew she had been dreading this for whatever reason, but he was more than appreciative of her for actually allowing him to draw a portrait of her – a pose of his choice and on both of their times rather than any quick moment he had while she was not looking.
Starting with the outline of his piece, his strokes were painted as soft lines before being filled in by more defined, darker scrapes against the sketch paper. Now having a reference rather than relying on his visions’ sole memories, he would glance up often, flicking his bangs from his view for his hazel eyes to admire the gothic beauty before him. In the midst of it all, he was doing two of his favorite things: draw and take in the view of his spouse.
The outfit he had chosen for her to wear was still in her taste of color palette but out of her comfort zone with style. A 2-in-1 mini dress complemented with a black tie – a white collared shirt overlayed with a strapped black corset stretching down into a relaxed slim-fit skirt. Instead of matching heels, he finished the selective look with black thigh-high stockings.
Of course, this whole thing was not something she would agree to easily, but it would all come with a favor in return. Just a little while longer.
Seated on the prop for 20 minutes now, Wednesday’s neck began to ache with a creeping cramp that threatened to strangle her into defeat. “How much longer?” she grumbled. A soft, amused scoff teased her hearing.
“Almost done.”
She expressed a nasal sigh and opted for playing the part of a model for several more minutes before being relieved of her statue-like role. Pacing over to her husband, she came up on his left to see his finished work. Of course, it was bold and striking, but his artistic ability seemed to dive into a deeper level of detail. His strokes, his shading, his effort – everything looked intensified with a sense of emotional influence. Maybe it was because this would be one of the only times that she would let him draw her by her will. Or maybe it was because she was finally his – his love, his mate, his wife… even if it was the other way around.
“What do you think?” questioned Xavier while looking from his drawing to her face, searching for a responsive look.
The other’s mocha orbs reviewed the page with an observing gleam. “It’s not bad.”
Thorpe smirked. “But it could be better, huh?” As she looked at him, he sat back. “Everything could be better when it comes to you.”
Giving him an unamused huff, she glanced back at the portrait and leaned forward to show her efforts of seeing his talent. This time she complimented him with phrasing containing a little more positivity. “It’s a very impressive drawing.”
“I think I’ve gotten better at drawing you.”
“You should have,” Wednesday pressed. “Considering your countless sketches of me, I assume you would have me memorized by now.” She glared at him. “It’s a wonder why you were so adamant to have me take time out of my day to do nothing but serve as a reference.”
“Well, I guess that just proves that I can’t get enough of you,” the artist played. Pushing himself up from his desk, he pulled her into him, wrapping his arms around her waist. “Did you ever assume that?”
But this did not phase her as her dark eyes locked to his light ones. “Actually, I did. I just thought you were a little more creative than that.”
Pearlized teeth were sided with raised eyebrows. “Creative?” He then leaned close to her ear with a beckoning voice saying, “I can do that,” prior to pecking her cheekbone and then magenta lips as she turned her head his way.
When they broke, the raven challenged him. “Show me.”
Joining once more in a mutual kiss, things escalated. With his wife moving in time with him, Xavier hoisted her up to have her legs secure around his hips and carried her over to the guest room’s bed. He felt her slender fingers get a feel around his neck and in his hair as he eased her onto the mattress, now granting his own hands more freedom to roam about her petite yet heavenly body.
They kept each other occupied with passionate kisses and occasional, soft moans for several more moments before the heat between them manifested into a burning flame. Thorpe’s shirt was stripped of him and thrown to the floor. Addams’ skirt had been pushed up to reveal black-lace undergarments. Her inner thighs were nudged apart by his knees in time with her handle on him traveling down to massage the contracting muscles of his bare back. Black nails pricked the smooth skin, tracing steady lines before she broke from his lips to catch her breath.
Meanwhile, the other psychic turned his head to plant sucking kisses along her jawline and down her neck. Her luring scent drove him wild, giving way for him to tease her with subtle nibbles here and there which had him smirking in between when he hit a sensitive spot every now and then. Rewarding her gentle cringes with a nuzzle, his roaming hands moved to undo her tie.
Another nip to her neck broke Wednesday’s barrier. “Xavier,” she moaned with a hitch in her voice thanks to her sensitivity.
He only spoke between pecks while freeing the cloth. “What?” Then, he met her gaze. She was calm, which he did not expect judging by her call out to him. “I didn’t think you were the needy type. Guess I assumed wrong.” Holding the tie in his mouth, he took her wrists up and above her head. He transferred his hold to one hand while the other pulled the accessory from his teeth. “You ready?”
Her tempting lips curled slightly at the corners, eyes flashing with an intrigued spark. “Now, this is getting interesting.” After her wrists became locked together by the bind, she was seduced by physical touches – with one hand gliding down her raised arm to hold her tricep, the other slipped down further to press against the side of her chest. Xavier lowered his face closer to hers once more and spoke with a husky whisper.
“We’re just getting started.” He then subtly nuzzled her nose with his, “Can you handle that, Mrs. Addams-Thorpe?”
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commsroom · 10 months
sorry if u answered this before but do you hc Eiffel as any particular race? I know him being white would probably match how he sees himself as the everyman. But on the other hand he gives me light skin vibes and I can't explain why. (Also no matter what he has long hair but curly haired Eiffel just speaks to me)
mm. i know you're just asking for my opinion, but that's a complicated question. and i am not the right person to be talking about this, so please take it with a grain of salt. one of the few legitimate criticisms i have of wolf 359 is that it's a show about personal identity, resisting dehumanization, and recognizing that other people navigate the world in different ways, but it tries to be raceblind. which. it can't. particularly when something like minkowski's identity as a polish immigrant is addressed.
i think one of the reasons that wolf 359 characters feel as real as they do is how collaborative the character development process was; they are really roles that are shaped by and belong to those actors. lovelace is played by a black actress, cecilia lynn-jacobs's input determined a lot of things about her, and the audience reaction to lovelace getting shot near the end of s3 was the way it was because there was an understanding of her as a black woman. whether she was initially written to be black is kind of irrelevant in that case, i think - she still is, and she resonates with people that way.
but every other main character in wolf 359 is played by, and similarly influenced by, a white person. and that's a problem. no matter how you approach it, wolf 359 is not a diverse show: if they were written as non-white, then being played by white people would be a problem. raceblindness also enforces a default assumption of whiteness. i think if eiffel wasn't meant to be read as white, then there are aspects of his character arc, his assumption of himself as the "default" person and general ignorance of how it feels to be "other", that probably could've been explored from a different angle.
i know people who see him as white because of that, and i know people who see him as another race because of how they connect with him as a character. and i can understand both perspectives on that, but i don't think there's a right way to approach it. i think the show unfortunately, in this one specific way, kind of dug its own grave. gabriel urbina has said however you see these characters, that's correct, and i can agree with the sentiment, but it's also mired in a lot of difficult context, because these are specific people, and these things should matter to them. it can't be interchangeable, and so it can't be that ambiguous. it could be handled a lot better. and based on his more recent work + politics, i wonder if he would've approached it differently, if he had all the information then.
about how i see eiffel: i've said many times before that i see him as a man who could be reasonably played by zach valenti, so the eiffel in my head is white. the eiffel in the art i commission, or the art where i'm like "oh!! eiffel!!" is not necessarily. the second most eiffel-like guy i can think of, who i also use as a reference sometimes, is iranian. but for me to say that eiffel was iranian is not really a claim i think it would be right for me to make, and i think it is probably not true.
the main features that i think eiffel must have are dark, wavy/curly hair, prominent nose, noticeable body hair, generally expressive. he absolutely cannot be light haired, clean shaven, or pale. and from a general standpoint, like... a wide variety of men could meet those qualifications. i don't want to reinforce an assumption of whiteness, but i'm also extremely wary about treating race as functionally cosmetic, since. again. it can't be. no show is removed from real life social contexts, and wolf 359 is about a lot of very real things.
i think if you do interpret eiffel as specifically a cis, able-bodied white guy, there's something very real and very unfortunate about the fact he initially ignores lovelace and hera, two marginalized women, and seeks reassurance from minkowski that they were overreacting. he listens eventually, but the person who gets through to him is presumably the Next Most Visibly Privileged Person, and that's... hm.
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shriekthemighty · 11 months
Predictions/theories for The Magnus Protocol:
Alex will probably be playing Martin, but Jonny will probably not be playing Jon, at least not as we knew him. It was outright stated that without the Eye's influence, there might be little of Jon left, and when he took over as Pupil of the Eye he was clearly struggling to retain his personhood, so I can see Martin pulling some Last Centurion shit over the babbling body that used to be his boyfriend. Maybe we get Jon back, maybe Martin will be forced to let him go to save the world, but I doubt it will be just Martin and Jon right from the start.
The most obvious answer to the other redacted name would be Jonah Magnus, but I feel like that's too obvious? It's definitely got to be someone we know, but since this is an alternate universe, the options are huge. I'm not sure how it would work with the timeline, but I think Raymond Fielding is a good possibility. If something happened so Agnes didn't kill him, a major Web avatar being on the board just makes sense. (I might double check the timeline on this and come back to it, but that's my thought for now. It honestly could be anyone. I saw someone half jokingly say Leitner, which would be HILARIOUS, but unlikely.)
I really hope I'm wrong, but I doubt Bonzo/Bonzoland will have as much plot significance as the ARG made it seem. I think that was just a fun spooky thing for people to discover.
I think Gwendolyn Bouchard is probably a cousin of Elias, and I also think she's probably not a bad guy? That feels too obvious, plus, we don't actually have any reason to think the Bouchards are like the Lukas family or anything. The only one of them who might have had a tie to the Eye before Elias joined the Institute is his father. I think she's probably trying to figure out what happened to Elias, or maybe she even knows and is trying to stop it from happening to anyone else. I think she'll be an ally to the main characters, and a way to get to know more of the real Elias.
This is more of something I think would be interesting than something I think there's a strong chance of, but assuming we're correct about the spreadsheet with the children's names on it being from the Institute, and assuming 'Gerard Kaey' from the spreadsheet is Gerard Keay from TMA, I think it would be deliciously tragic if Gerry was taken from Mary (or she died, or was otherwise not the person raising him) and he was raised by Eric instead. We know he worked for the Institute, and honestly, the idea that Gerry got to be raised by the parent fandom has widely agreed was better, only to have a life that is just as bad or worse, really intrigues me.
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glagger-true · 1 year
Howdy dear reader! 👋 I'm your host Glagger, and today I'm here to bring you the first installment of a multi-part analysis on the friendship and romance between Dave Halloway and Roswell Sinclair from Password VN.
It shouldn't exactly come as a surprise that I'm quite fond of Roswell, and I will also admit Dave is without a doubt my favorite character in the vn by far. Naturally, that means I'm very invested in their bond and progression, and today I've decided to share my thoughts and observations on both.
Instead of focusing on their entire route content, I've decided to keep things simple by focusing on only the really important scenes, and I'll be discussing one per post. Today, we'll start with the day 8 argument between them, and use a few past and future scenes to back up the conclusions I've arrived to.
Please keep in mind that this post has spoilers for the novel. With this in mind, let's begin, shall we?
Roswell and Dave: how denial and naivety can generate dependency, neglect and accidental abuse. - Part one.
Scene breakdown:
At the beginning of the argument, Dave uses his intuition and knowledge of Roswell to identify there's an unknown reason for the boar's cruel and strange behavior towards Tyson. He approaches the situation cautiously, trying to bait Roswell subtly with the topic to try and figure out the root of the problem.
Roswell, however, immediately answers back in a brash, confrontational and dismissive way, having an explicitly negative emotional response to Dave showing disapproval of his actions.
As Dave presses the issue further, using logical arguments and explaining why the boar's actions are hurtful and unfair, Roswell becomes even more aggravated and aggressive, refusing to acknowledge Dave's arguments and claiming he's being manipulated by Tyson.
Roswell gets progressively more unreasonable, demanding that Dave provides private information as a reason for his strong defense in favor of the wolf. Dave becomes more objective, choosing to reveal some of the discoveries he made about the wolf and how their relationship grew from them to try and defend that Tyson deserves to be considered a friend and be treated fairly like the rest of the group.
The argument reaches a breaking point when Dave demands Roswell apologizes to Tyson, claiming that he expected better of the boar. Then, he is the one to press Roswell for a reason behind his actions.
Roswell finally confesses his reasons are purely selfish, and that he's afraid of dying without confronting Tyson and saying everything that's stuck in his chest.
In his route, he even goes as far as to admit that his interest in Dave is also influencing his thoughts and actions. He states that he always sees things logically, but when Dave is involved, it becomes difficult to know what's the correct thing to say and do.
Dave presses further, saying that Roswell has to forgive Tyson because he's family to the hyena. He concludes this argument by claiming that he won't pick sides between friends, but implies that if the boar forces him to choose, he'll choose the wolf because of Roswell's pressure. He also confirms that Roswell is important to him once the boar asks, but says that doesn't give him the right to force him to choose.
Roswell becomes so unreasonable hearing this he tries to use the fight he deliberately forced to happen with Tyson on day 3 as an argument, to which Dave responds he knows both of them enough to notice Roswell forced it to happen on purpose to cast blame on Tyson.
Roswell finally drops his facade of calmness and admits he's jealous of Tyson when Dave asks him directly, claiming he wishes he had known about Tyson beforehand so he could have stopped him from coming.
Dave also drops all pretense of impartiality, and straight up says that, from his perspective, Roswell is wrong and owes Tyson an apology.
Realizing Dave won't relent, Roswell finally returns to his rational behavior and agrees to apologize under the condition the wolf shows him proof of his improvement and apologizes to him as well.
Dave returns to his more common emotional tendencies, trying to appeal to Roswell by asking if he's not willing to just trust him on this matter.
Roswell rejects that, but is willing to accept not fighting is the logical action given the proximity, and then retreats back to his room to cool off, ignoring Dave's plea for him to stay.
Scene analysis:
There are two things here to point out. The first is how Dave and Roswell's behaviors reverse during this conversation.
In the third intermission of my medal analysis, I've brought to your attention that Dave and Roswell parallel the other by reflecting the other's nature and behavior. Dave is internally rational and practical, but very emotional and sentimental externally, while Roswell is internally emotional and sentimental, but behaves logically and rationally externally.
During the argument, however, their natures are brought to the surface, causing them to behave and think like the other. This is an intentional change on their part, because it's an attempt to speak in the language the other understands.
Dave calmly uses arguments and facts to convince Roswell because that's the way the boar behaves. Roswell, on the other hand, exibits his emotional distress and uses sentimental appeal to convince Dave because that's how the hyena communicates.
This strategic change is caused by their emotional investment in Tyson. Dave loves and sees him as family, so he becomes confident and serious when he tries to protect him. Roswell, however, despises Tyson and sees him as a bully, so he can't understand why Dave shows such appreciation for the wolf and lashes out as a result.
Secondly, it's interesting to note how Roswell didn't manage to win this argument even though he was supposed to. The reason he's the one who should be correct is because even though his behavior towards Tyson is unfair and hurtful, the true source of this conflict doesn't lie in the grudge he holds against Tyson. The true root of this issue is Dave's selfishness and naivety.
Dave is the one who invited Tyson to the manor without consulting the others. He does this intentionally because he knew they wouldn't accept the wolf's presence at the manor. Dave claims he did this because it was fair and correct, saying that Tyson is a friend too and deserves the same treatment as everyone else.
What he fails to understand, however, is that this isn't his vacation, this is Roswell's vacation, for their friends. Tyson is Dave's friend but not the group's friend and even less Roswell's friend. Tyson is, however, the bully and abuser of both Roswell and Orlando, as well as the guy Dean and Sal are disapproving against thanks to the wolf's own behavior.
Dave quite literally lied to a victim of bullying to force said victim to be in the presence of their bully in an isolated environment for a month. This is very serious, and Dave is completely oblivious to the severity of his mistake.
Roswell could have immediately won the argument by saying this directly to Dave's face. After all, Dave trampled on his and Orlando's emotions by making such an awful, abusive and selfish decision. But instead, Roswell completely ignores that and guns for Tyson instead, which works against him because Tyson is innocent in this situation.
The questions that come to mind then are: Why doesn't Roswell call Dave out? Why does he target Tyson who's innocent in this matter? Why does Roswell behave so irationally and allows Dave to trample on his feelings in such a manner when he always defends himself and confronts people when he feels that they are treating him unfairly?
The answer to that is simple, it is because he loves Dave, and the way roswell expresses his love is based on a single concept: Devotion.
When he loves someone, he always has that person on his mind. All of his actions, thoughts and decisions are affected by that person because he always has their best interest in mind. This also causes him to wish for that person to act the same, to think about him and what's best for him, for them to believe in him, value him, side with him and do everything for him, just like he does.
These things are stated in canon to be felt by Roswell towards Dave. He openly states in the argument that his love for Dave makes him think of the hyena first before any decision or action, and in his final letter to Dave on day 24, he writes that, even though he knew it was impossible for Dave to save him, the boar wished that Dave would do everything he could to keep him alive like he did for him.
Roswell doesn't want to acknowledge that Dave's behavior was insensitive or that he's responsible because that would mean admitting that Dave is the offender, and that he doesn't value Roswell in the same intensity as the boar does him.
Roswell denies Dave's guilt by gaslighting himself into believing the reason Dave is treating him with such coldness is because of Tyson. Dave being naive enough to be manipulated by Tyson into bringing him so he could take advantage of the hyena by pretending to be nice is an easier pill to swallow than the simple truth that Dave just didn't care about him or the others at all when making the decision.
Villainizing Tyson to victimize Dave is the goal here, which is why Roswell antagonizes Tyson on purpose. He wants to show Dave that Tyson is still bad by drawing it out of the wolf by force. That way, Dave will finally reject Tyson and see that Roswell is right. This is a direct result of the boar's devoted love, because it gives him the desire to prove his righteousness to Dave so that he acknowledges Roswell is correct and takes a stand for him.
But this isn't the truth. Dave willingly made the decision to bring the wolf, and Tyson has truly changed for the better and is innocent in the situation. This is made very clear by Dave himself in the argument, and we can see that the clearer this becomes to Roswell as they argue, the more desperate and sad he becomes.
Dave claims that Roswell is forcing him to pick a side, however, Dave himself has already picked a side in the matter from his perspective, and that side was Tyson's. From the moment he chose to bring the wolf, Dave was already valuing Tyson above Roswell, Orlando and the others.
Roswell tries multiple times during the argument to make Dave see that indirectly, such as saying directly that he values him enough to consider his feelings before acting and asking Dave if he's not important. It only makes Dave more inclined to side with Tyson rather than Roswell, however.
He loses the argument by attacking an innocent instead of the offender, giving said offender ammo against him and causing Dave to feel further justified in his actions even though they are selfish. Both of them behave selfishly and childishly, and both are abusive to the other as a result.
Dave is naive to his selfishness, neglecting Roswell and taking him for granted without meaning to. Roswell is in denial, enabling Dave to keep behaving in abusive ways towards him because he's emotionally dependent on the hyena thanks to his feelings and doesn't want to damage their bond. The abusive nature of their relationship generated by their disconnection from separation is exposed.
The scene shows the reader that Roswell needs to stop being so unfairly dependent on Dave to the point he stops behaving rationally, and that Dave has to stop being so naive to the emotions of others to the point he behaves selfishly and hurts everyone around him.
It sets their characters well, and makes it clear that in order for their fractured bond to be restored, both will have to acknowledge their flaws and mistakes to each other and apologize so they can be better towards the other.
To conclude, these flaws were actually already foreshadowed by the narrative before they were explicitly shown, which further supports these observations.
In day 1, after Roswell is picked as the dinner partner, Dave and Roswell reminisce about their past together. Mid conversation, Dave wonders why Roswell stopped coming over to his house, and the boar answers it's simply because Dave didn't invite him over anymore at all. This statement shocks Dave, as he realizes it's true.
This visibly shows that Dave has been neglecting and taking his relationship with Roswell for granted for a while, and that he has been completely ignorant to this until the boar directly told him so.
It also shows that Roswell's aware of Dave's neglect, but has been pretending everything is fine and doing nothing to fix the problem. His dependency and denial are creating a toxic situation, to which neither him or Dave have the tools to fix... yet.
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enobariasdistrict2 · 1 year
the thing is while literati and rogan shippers may be divided on rory's situation in s6 and the way both boys responded to it, i see the merit of both sides (although i could be biased since i very obviously ship both). and in the context of this episode specifically, 6x08 when looking at writing and characterization, i'm a big fan of how things play out.
because jess really does know rory as he claims to even if he obviously has made terrible choices with her in the past and hurt her badly (and let's keep in mind that while his actions were horrible and inexcusable, he was an immature TEEN at the time of their relationship and has clearly learned from his mistakes and matured a lot since then, to the point where rory is actually happy to see him and reconnect in a platonic capacity). because they are friends and he cares about her, because they have the type of relationship where they cheer for the other's successes, she supports the actions that he's taken to make something better for his life. and he chooses to support rory too, calling her out on her stagnant life that she's living at the moment and encouraging her to reclaim what she worked so hard for. he knows that she's lost and dejected, not following her passions/goals, not taking her ambitions seriously. and yes, i do agree that it's a bit unfair for him to have approached the situation that way and claimed to know what's best for her/yell at her especially as he hasn't had consistent presence in her life recently, but it does lead rory to a pivotal breakthrough and helps her turn things around for herself and pursue what she feels is the correct path, at last momentarily.
but that's not where the story ends either. when she confronts logan about her recent lifestyle, how it compares to his opportunities/privilege and the struggles he faces when dealing with that, and how they spend their time together drinking and partying (all of which are great themes to explore on their own), they get into what is a very important fight for them. logan reminds her that she has as much privilege and opportunity as him, that she's the one making the choices she does, and that he respects and supports those choices. he also heatedly reminds her that she has as much power to reclaim what she's lost, that she can choose to live whichever life she wants and he isn't preventing her from doing that. instead, he's simply being supportive and respecting her decisions, not coercing or being a "bad influence" on her.
while both men were making poor decisions this episode (logan being an excessive drunk and unnecessarily antagonizing jess in an immature display of jealousy, jess presuming to know what is best for rory), they were also really important to not only enriching rory's storyline but understanding all three of them as characters, imo. both sides of the rogan versus literati fandoms can argue against the other man's behavior this episode (and both sides would make a convincing point) but it's meaningless to debate who is the better love interest because that's not the point here, at least in the context of this episode and how it drives the plot. the point is that both relationship dynamics and both characters, romance drama aside, were integral to rory realizing what she wanted and proactively making decisions to drive her own success. and in the end, it was rory who regained agency, rory who took charge of her life, which neither love interests deserve credit for. however, i do appreciate that they both did play their part in helping her get there.
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aoki553 · 7 months
i like makoto too but its... interesting, to say the least, that you feel the need to explain away and justify his actions and treatment of his sister instead of just... discussing them or explaining how you think he is mentally and/or how he can make up for his actions... regardless of his theoretical mental illness and trauma, hes STILL responsible for his own actions, and his sister never deserved to be treated that way.
long post ahead sorry about it
eh i'm trying my best to not justify him. i've just been so attached to the character and he means a lot to me so him being disregarded as a creepy siscon just bothers me yk? and i made my own posts and analysis of his mental illness i suspected... i just try to not correct or confront people about it whenver they do talk about him. that scares me lol
the thing is... he can't make up for his actions? he's a comedic relief siscon character that doesn't get any depth nor character development throughout the series. what could he possibly do to redeem himself without us having to write fanfiction about it? yes, i like to imagine him being a better brother, getting help for his disorder and issues. but that's just my interpretation of a flawed and underwritten character. and a lot of it is influenced by makokuu. but canon doesn't help much here.
he's not great, but he would've had more redeeming qualities if he wasn't a one joke character. i can't really do much about it but make up my own scenarios and stories on how he could be a good brother while acknowledging he's not a great person.
kokomi doesn't deserve to be stalked and makoto being so jealous and protective of her in his disturbed ways. i agree. but some people make him out to be some sort of sexual abuser in this scenario, which he isnt. we see domestic teruhashi siblings only what 3 times? maybe 2 more if we count them going to the movies together and on christmas... id love to see more scenarios of them just being siblings. but no. most of the scenes with him were written to be an exaggerated siscon trope. to be funny...
yes he is responsible for his actions, but he does need help. the help everyone is aware he shouldve gotten long ago before his obsession morphed his perception of whats acceptable for him to do to someone he loves and cares about. but what can we do about it when we never get to see him get better?
but at the same time i simply cannot think of him as the fanon "GUYS HE WANTS TO DO DIRTY STUFF TO HER KILL THAT PERVERT" anymore. despite his nonexisting depth, im doing my best to explore his character as much as i can.
😔 yeah, i apologize for rambling or getting defensive whenever someone gives an opinion on that one boy i have an unhealthy attachment to.
i'm likely this way due to being harassed before back when i had to pretend like i only like a purified version of makoto to not have my safety threatened. i take this stuff too personally sometimes and feel genuinely threatened, apologies. a doxxing attempt over an anime boy and opinions can fuck someone up for years yk? :(
i do love this character dearly and i know i'm getting enough weird looks in the fandom for it, its even worse when my autistic ass can't explain themselves properly, my bad..
hope this long rambling session cleared some stuff up, heres a wholesome terusibs moment <3
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mistfallengw2 · 6 months
10, 16, 20, and 24 for burst warband?
Charr warband ask game
10. How many members are in the warband?
The original members of the warband were 5: Verge Flareburst (Legionnaire and later Centurion), Daunte Burstspell (Verge's mate and second-in-command), Dinky Foolburst, Euryale Sunburst, Maverick Skullburst. They used to have a sixth member, Atlas Burststone, but they died during their first months of active duty.
After Verge became Centurion, a few gladia joined over the years, but not all were okay with their methods and most left.
[Yes, this is where I stashed all the "canon" warband members other than Reeva, Clawspur and Howl lol]
16. Do all members follow orders exactly or are they a bunch of loose cannons?
Well, the Wing warband was basically their closest group of friends, with Ardea becoming Verge's mentor and go-to advisor soon after they met, so... it's up to interpretation :^) Having seen the superior's pushback against Wing for their actions regardless of results, Verge and Ardea were smart and more careful than she had been on her own, and for a while they played the part where he'd appear to be a good influence on her by toning down her worst ideas (read: she'd openly suggest something crazy and he'd pretend to find a compromise, which was the intended plan all along). As planned, he was soon rewarded for "putting a leash on the loose cannon and correcting her aim", rising to the rank of Centurion and having the Wing warband assigned to him. Jokes on the Legions, she was still the one with the best ideas, and that position was high enough to enable her to have more indirect control over orders.
20. Is there drama between members or are they tight-knit?
The only instances of serious drama happened way back when they were still cubs. Maverick and Atlas were among the bullies that gave a hard time to Verge and Daunte for their fire magic, but at some point they became friends and it was all water under the bridge by the time they left the fahrar. Losing Atlas due to an inconsiderate mistake of their superiors was a hard blow to all of them, and not only they became even more tight-knit as a result, but it also served as a catalyst for bonding so closely with the Wing warband and fully buying into their "no soldier left behind" ideas.
24. What's the warband's opinion on humans and the treaty?
They were mostly neutral towards humans, given they often spent their time off outside of Ascalon and occasionally took trips in Lion's Arch, and overall agreed that the siege of Ebonhawke was just a waste of resources that Iron could better use against Flame.
As for the treaty itself, most of them didn't live to see it become a thing, as all but Daunte died within the second year that followed the formation of the Brand, but they would have been in favor. When Daunte became a gladium, he left the Legions and later joined the Vigil, and he thought most of his human fellow soldiers were as all right as any charr.
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neverchecking · 1 year
Something I love about this is that when Tia gets mad, she gets Polite. Like Unfailingly polite. Like Unflinchingly Polite. Like "My deepest apologies for misinterpreting your words but..." Polite.
But the politeness has levels. If she's Polite but still holding her tea, she's very annoyed but willing to hear you out.
If she's handed Sweetpea her tea, you fucked up.
If she hands anyone else but Sweetpea her tea, make your last Will and Testament because Sweetpea will not be able to hold her back for long.
So the first time Sage has his efforts dismissed or maybe even they're in Hateno and Tia asks the mayor's wife why she's cleaning Link's house only to be corrected, Tia starts getting Polite.
Then she hears about this Sheikah Champion and the opinion on the rest of the Champions and she starts getting very Polite.
She starts pointing out flaws in the system, the misinformation passed on, criticisms, how Hylians could have done better, how Zelda could've done better, how the champions faced enemies literally designed to exploit their flaws, how Link had done so much for them and gosh isn't it just rude of some people not to give others the recognition they rightly deserve.
Politely, of course.
(Of course, since the Sheikah know everything, I feel like they would be the ones behind the antagonism towards the Champions. Because how did Zelda 'Heir to a Throne of Nothing' become the central figure? Like you'd think there would be at least a little sentiment of 'Zelda's fault for not doing anything earlier' despite holding back the Calamity. So who do they redirect the blame to? Who do they come to eventually blame as well? The dead can't defend themselves after all.)
(I also feel that the other races blamed the Hylians rather than their Champions and having the Hylians blame their champion fuels friction between the races, even if the only thing they agree on is some form of gratitude towards Zelda.)
Meanwhile, Tia's Sheikah aren't as informed as Aaliyah's but have also since inherited Tia's 'Wtf Hylia. Kids? Really?!' mentality and so are horrified by their counterparts.
Aaliyah's just going "yeah and then they *insert childhood trauma here*" all while several Sheikah are having a Crisis™ and others are yelling about appropriate child-raising Methods. (Someone, maybe Koko or Cottla sees Aaliyah's back and just bursts into tears because How Could They Do That to You? Any explanation just makes them cry harder and poor Sweetpea is once again running damage control.)
(Also wrote a thing that was too big for the ask box. I tagged you :D)
OMG I love characters that get polite when angry. Like, hell hath no fury like a nice person scorned ( Ik the original saying is woman which also works here).
And her giving her tea to anyone but Sweetpea because he has to hold her back is so funny to me. Like the second its handed to Revali or something, he's jumping in to try and hold her back. Key word being try.
I imagine the deal with the house, in this switch world, is that it originally was Link's, and by extension Aaliyah's, before Natura was freed from Ganon the first time. And what started as,' hey maybe she can stay for a few weeks while setting up settlements again?', quickly became 'Did we just get kicked from our own house?'. Like before either knew it, Natura was hanging things up, bringing in furniture neither liked, took things down that didn't suit her tastes. Things like that. And just when they were going to lay down a hard boundary, the Upheaval happened.
Which is probably where they ran into Hudson and helped him out with Mattison. When he and his wife offered them a piece of land, they took it. It was a great place to start their own life, again, this time far away from that so called Princess and her influence. She could have the Hateno house for all they cared. They had this one. They built this one with their bare hands. It's where their family will be created, will grow and where the two will spend their years until there are no more.
So when faced with the old house, Sage probably has very little care for it. Until he hears Tia go off about this place. He's standing there like O-O the whole time. He could give a rat's ass about his reputation but hearing her defend his Aaliyah's reputation so whole heartedly? He'll hear her out.
(With the Sheikah thing, they for sure are the root of at least some antagonism. They can't have any doubt in the crown and with the Calamity being as unpredictable as it was, they needed a scapegoat. Hence the Champions. The Sheikah Champion especially, in my world, was crafted as the perfect foil for the princess. If they won, Zelda would get the praise and the belief that she was a strong leader. If they lost, it would all fall back onto the Sheikah Champion, who should've seen this coming. Who should've done her duty. Who should've beaten all odds anyway and won nonetheless. Who let the princess struggle for a hundred years while she healed. Who was presumed dead, along with the other champions, and couldn't defend herself until it was far too late.)
(There is also definitely friction between races. I'm sure with the Sages, they come to tolerate, maybe even befriend Link and Aaliyah, but when it comes to the other tribes there is no love lost there. I think it's mostly through mutually beneficial relationships. Like the Rito probably are the highest produces of arrows, hence why the people sent food their way when they froze over. Not through genuine care, but because they needed their wares.)
Aaliyah's Sheikah are drastically different from Tia's and it would be such whiplash for the poor girl when she realizes they aren't there to hurt her. And when she explains that 'Yeah, I was a child soldier groomed to be a sacrifice isn't that cool?' she's a little confused by the horrified expressions on their faces. Was this...not what they wanted?
See, the Koko and Cottla is Aaliyah's world? They love her. She loves them. Her and Sage are their pseudo big siblings. But they're aware of how outcasted the Champion is from her people. How their father doesn't really want them near the two, but can't say anything because of the relationship already forged.
So when Tia's Koko and Cottle just burst into tears? She's panicking because WHAT DOES SHE DO? Sweetpea is probably tryna separate them before all of them start crying.
(I saw it, I loved it so much i was literally beaming the whole time I read it)
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Transformers Fan-Headcanon & Theory: Optimus & Megatron Of EarthSpark Are Eon-Boomers...
[Note: Reblogging This Without Permission Is Forbidden, so please don’t do it.] 
well besides Megatron from EarthSpark being a Sweetie Energon-Pie that you just want to glomp, because is too precious for this Multiverse...
and the whole Optimus being a Himbo Prime...
I can’t help but view them as being what I like to call, “Eon-Boomers”...
if I can view Lucifer, The Rebel Angels and most Other Angels as “Eon-Boomers” then I’m going to view most Cybertronians as Eon-Boomers as well.
TFA-Optimus is possibly much younger than most versions of himself, so he doesn’t really count as a Eon-Boomer....but most versions of himself does...
like G1-Optimus Prime, he is most defiantly a Eon-Boomer...
Optimus Primal from the Beast Wars and Beast Machines, no he doesn’t count as a Eon-Boomer, seeing as he is technically Optimus Prime’s descendant.
well if you think about it, it was the Eon-Boomer Autobots and Decepticons that ruined Cybertron, and only half of them weren’t Eon-Boomers...
Bumblebee and a few of the other much younger Autobots and Decepticons during that time, would count as something else...but not Eon-Boomers.
and it was the Eon-Boomers that started it....
and since the Autobot Eon-Boomers have more influence, of course they will put the blame on the Decepticons for what happen on Cybertron, instead of taking part of the responsibility...and Optimus probably didn’t even bother to correct the Autobots he was leading....plus no matter the universe, there will be a Optimus Prime who will be disrespectful to the Mother Allspark....
(TFA-Optimus breaking the Allspark, counts as being disrespectful to her.)     
Megatron have better control over your Himbo Prime of a Husband, lol. XD 
like picture those two being in a car but it’s like giant size or like they have shrunk so they could fit inside, and Earthspark-Megatron & Optimus are in the front and their kids Optimus Primal & Megatron Jr. are in the back...
and they are like in little chibi forms, and they are fighting, and right in the middle is like a Baby version of Sari’s robot mode, she is in the baby seat...
and Megatron Sr. is up front and telling them that he will turn this car around if they don’t stop fighting or making their sister cry. XD
Optimus Prime/Himbo Prime is trying to tell him to calm down, and Megatron goes off on him saying “your not home with them as much as me, you don’t know how much I have to work to keep them from making a mess of the house, and let’s not forget keeping the baby asleep when it is her rest cycle time!”
like Optimus being the Dad that goes to work, and Megatron being the househusband who is the Dad who stays home sometimes when not taking their two older sons to school or leaving their baby daughter with Arcee.
it be kind of funny if the Terrans learned what a “Boomer” is and start calling Optimus Prime this, which could really confuse him...
like he could be sitting with Megatron and it be just them and the other Autobots (minus Bumblebee) and he is just drinking his Energon from a very large class and he is complaining about how the young terrans, keep calling him a “Boomer” and even throw in “Eon-Boomer” every once in a while...
and he has no idea on both Cybertron and Earth, what it all means.
Megatron who understands what it means, just listens and takes a drink but refuses to tell Optimus what it means, seeing as it is his karma.
not everyone has to agree, but I’m still gonna view Optimus from EarthSpark as a “Himbo Prime” because well, he is working with those disgusting humans who are called G.H.O.S.T. and let’s not forget the few Himbo Prime moments he has...which involved both human and terran cybertronian children.
and even the Allspark incident, once again Megatron do something about your Himbo Prime of a Husband. XD
I am a Defective Earth Angel who also self nickname dubs herself/themself as The Embodiment Of Weirdness, and this is just gonna be one of my weird moments where I get weird theories and fan headcanons about some fandoms.
well it’s better when I’m not being my weird self, like when I get really sad or peeved off at something...I guess it’s better when I’m just being my weird self.
Optimus and Megatron from most timelines and alternate universe and not just EarthSpark, are Eon-Boomers....even the ones from Transformers Prime and the Transformers Live Action Movie Timelines...  
the Eon-Boomers ruined Cybertron, have them all stand in the corner for a timeout! so says The Mother Allspark! lol XD
also I want to say at first I wasn’t going to bother with the whole “do not reblog without permission” thing be placed on here and even for the tags...
I didn’t bother with it in the last post before this....but I’m going put it for this anyway, but it is slightly different as you might of read.
but if it ends up getting freaking ignored again, I might have to just cross that out or edit it out and edit that one tag out, it was enough when I had to deal with just being one person, and then there were two....
I am thankful to those who do like my work, do end up respecting the rule.
and for some posts that don’t have the “do not reblog without permission” on it, is the type that can be reblog without even asking, like that ship drawing I did of Sarivette and there was a reason I didn’t bother with placing the tag that says “do not reblog without permission” and even the note that would of confirmed it at the very top, it has to do with some stuff that has been happening.
but the first one to reblog the Sarivette, I don’t mind, and if some other people reblog that drawing as well, they can, I mean if they like the drawing, but should make sure to both like and reblog.
anyway just one more month to go before the new FNAF Ruin DLC.
I think we should just call the blonde fanon version of Cassie by a different name and just view her as a “Player-2″ type character, since the canon version of her isn’t blonde but appears to have brunette or auburn hair.
I think Emma is still a good name to call the Fanon Blonde version of Cassie.
anyway hope some like the idea of calling some of the Autobots and Decepticons as “Eon-Boomers” and only half of them would be, those who are much younger than them who had joined the fight later on, wont be Eon-Boomers, but still be hold a bit responsible for joining The Eon-Boomers in making a even bigger mess of Cybertron instead.
Optimus isn’t just a Himbo Prime, he is also a Eon-Boomer.
and Megatron is just a Sweetie Energon-Pie & a Eon-Boomer. XD              
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