#I'm starting to get a nice cash stack again now that I'm back to my ranarr farming. Just got back to 10mil before spending 900k on seeds xD
paladincecil · 7 months
I won a Lightbringer ring in osrs tonight by answering a question about full metal alchemist xD
It's worth 3mil but I'm gonna keep it'll be useful when skilling :)
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capriciouscapsss · 2 years
meeting your future spouse ™
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today we're doing a first meeting pac with your future spouse
we have four piles; intuitively choose the pile you're most drawn to.
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now let's go ahead and start ♡
pile i. daffy duck rolling in money
[The hermit, 6oS, Knight of Cups, t.w.n.o.o.t.u, n.t.i.w.w., o.n.s]
This was my face as I was shuffling for you: 😲 you guys haven't been trusting the universe at all right now! the universe asks you to trust, to let go, to make sure that you're healing yourself before worrying about when you and your person will meet. they will come to you!! they will. but you have to let go. only when you let go is when you and your f/s will finally meet. only when you choose yourself over anyone else is when you two will meet. you know a lot of people say that they find love when they least expect it and I do think that will be the case for you, pile one. when you finally choose to put yourself first is when they will come into the picture. but for this you have to let go!! are you staying up late at night watching someone else's profile? seeing what they post and crushing from afar? yeah, let go of that rn😠 act like you need no one bc they'd all be LUCKY to even have a chance with you and this person will come!! when you retreat, when you put yourself first and detach from an unhealthy situation (crushing badly, toxic relationship, self isolation, ect) you'll see that this person will come rushing in. Now for the actual MEETING, well I do see that you meet this person from afar at first. they have a good reputation and they're seen as someone elevated. honestly i get the image of someone watching from afar, trying to act distant like they don't care (this is you btw😭) whilst still keeping an eye on them. you notice them first but that does not mean they don't know you. honestly they haven't heard very good stuff about you when you two meet sorry sorry bUT they still approach you anyways. again i get the image of you trying to act cool and collected, you probably don't even take them seriously. it might be somewhere crowded where you can (metaphorically or actually) feel everyone's eyes on you both. i do see people thinking like oh these two are about to fool around or like nothing can stem from the both of you talking but they're still curious enough to watch. + for some of you this can point to having a crush on them back then without knowing them, as in maybe a social media crush or something like that. like you KNOW them because you've been keeping an eye on them before but they don't know you; they've just heard mean things about you.
additional little notes: forgive, 9, the past, past crush?, problems, do we have beef?, the situation improves
pile ii. a stack of cash being flipped through
[6oS, the world, 9op, l.a.f.s, g.t.h, n.r, m.e]
Hellooo pile two! your first meeting is a weird thing. they keep pulling me to tell you about your second meeting and not your first. first off, I'm praying for you. the energy of your future spouse- wait no scratch that the alleged appearance of your future spouse??? yeah good luck. we got the oracle card "guy is too hot" like what else do we even need??? 😭 you're going to be so caught off guard when you meet them. i don't believe necessarily in love at first sight but it's so likely that it happens to both of you. you my dear lovely pile two, are somewhat of a romantic (this is my nice way of saying erratic in love) you seem to crush on people allll the time. you put big emphasis on the more uhm rated r side of love. like how it'll be, how they'll be and so on and so forth. BUT the crazy thing is, this doesn't happen with this person; you're stuck wanting to know more about them on a even friendship SOULMATE level. they're ridiculously attractive and yet you don't even want to connect bodies you want to connect with their SPIRIT. it's crazy because your way of meeting each other is almost like destiny. I can see you guys telling the story later on in your marriage and realizing that if xyz hadn't changed even just a bit then you two likely wouldn't have met. like true destiny type of vibes in your connection. i do think the reason as to why spirit doesn't want to talk about your first meeting it's because nothing really happens the FIRST meeting. most likely they're watching from afar, immediately in love. and they won't even ask for your name or nothing either, just watches from afar then goes home lmao. it's DESTINY intervening that has you two meeting again and that's when it starts. you SEE them now too. you want to speak to them and learn their name. honestly I do get the vibe that they're a bit more "refined" than you are. as in more polite and with better manners. you're gonna charm the pants off them though, just in a wilder way. def gonna surprise them.
additional little notes: the notebook but with noah as the girl and allie as the boy lol, fated connection, meeting by a friend, charity, travel
pile iii. person counting money next to their cat
[the high priestess, the hanged man, 8oC, remain positive, v.s, mm, s.b]
my dear pile 3s it's all going to get better. you'll see ♡ the energy in this pile is tired. take some rest, you need to sleep. you need to think, be alone with your thoughts and untangle the web that you take great care not to focus on. pile three, you and your f/s will meet in a period of trying to advance knowledge wise. so attending school, college, starting a class, or just in a library. it's going to be during a period that you do not want to be bothered. you and them seem to be on the same struggle boat; whatever it is you're trying to get doesn't seem to want to be gotten 😭 and you are so stressed out. you keep wondering if the dream you're even going for is possible of being accomplished. i do feel like at the time you meet they are not in that situation anymore but they can relate to these feelings. like it was like prior to meeting you they were going through your exact situation but they're better off now. as in like they already accomplished what you wanted to do first. they might see you looking lost in thought or just going through a hard time and approach you only to give you advice or help you in a sort of way. they don't mean anything romantic by it but you look so distressed that they can't help but WANT to help you. and help you they do, I'm seeing that they change your way of thinking. they force you to see things differently. like "hey why don't you try this" or "what are you so afraid of" making you relax and feel more sure and confident. + for some of you I'm getting that later you might find out that this person might've actually been someone who your friends or family tried to set you up on a blind date with prior but you always refused. silly uu <3
Additional little notes: riches, tired, 3, help, a year from now, intuition
pile iv. perfect pink stack of cash being presented
[9oC, 2oW, Knight of Pentacles, R.B, P, T.I.S.I]
my passion pile omg what!!! pile 4 i thought we were starting out cute and loving as we shuffled out the tarot cards then the oracle cards came out and my mouth dropped. one of you is so impatient!! like i can feel it from over here ngl. please be patient, this is coming to you, faster than you think. you see, your first meeting is so intense. like passionate. you might even raise your voice at them the first time you meet. omg okay so this might sound very weird BUT hear me out. this is someone from your past 😭 bUT i know no one likes hearing that but liSTEN. this is someone from the PAST past. as in you knew each other from childhood and maybe never saw them again as you grew up. ever wonder what happens to that one person you went to elementary school with and you just never saw them again. yeah, this is what this is looking like. the last time you saw them might've been since childhood and i know this is a first meeting reading but shush! childhood doesn't count. at least in this case it doesn't cause meeting them again is recognizing them. seeing them and feeling a flicker of the past. feeling like "hey I know you". seeing them is realizing that they've really grown into themselves and that they turned out to be amazing (attractive) people. like all their good qualities that they had when children seemed to have gotten better with time. this is a long gap of not seeing other again by the way. for ex. say the last time you saw them you had just turned 9/10, the next time you saw them you'd be 25 or just significantly older. they'd moved away and come back looking very different but with core characteristics being the same. I do think that at the time of your meeting you'd be getting out of a relationship. a bad one. you never felt yourself, you always felt like you were putting on a show. like you were lying, like it was all an act. and i do think you eventually end it. and when you do, this person pops us; and they have it all it seems. they're happy, successful, and confident. you both immediately want each other; it's intense. something filled with water AND fire. like I mentioned at first, you pile three might have heavy fire in your chart or on the flip side it could possibly be that coming out of that relationship has made you have to be mean and cruel at times. that's why I feel you're not nice to them at first. they're pure water, something pure deep and gracious. you on the other wand are trickier. as you see they don't get bothered by your comments or suggestions, I do feel that's going to make you pause like "huh"; it's going to intrigue you.
Additional little notes: run away, intensity, perform, mask, communication, no!
that was all for today; hope you all have an amazing day and that this pac reading resonated. blessings xx 💞💞
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fuckentoastybitch · 3 months
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All the bros have had a go on this flow
So I thought, no, it's my turn
I'm gonna give someone a chance to strike a pose
On this beat like Jojo's
God only knows when this beat feels right
Oh, but it still goes hype when played at night
And now I could cut the tension with a knife
Bottle of absinthe on the shelf
Take a sip. Or twelve
Slip into alcoholic dove and fill the slick and shit
Let's drink till our blood levels turn toxic
Bust out the Bacardi and rum
Drink shots to the sound of a starting gun
Slam drinks back a little hardy and run
What bar should we start at for fun?
So here we are, back again
Will this guy put down his pen?
I have a phone. It's terminology
2023, we have the technology with the new LP
Us boys are all running free
Who the fuck are we meant to be?
A man who's on a legacy?
So I'll make this easy
Nice and speedy
No drinks here with antifreeze
No drinks to sneeze at
Only squeeze in my glass, please
Till I feel queasy
Shot, shot, shot, shot
Cans and bottles, that's your lot
Drink till you lost the plot. Brain rot
Drink till the fives out of ten look hot
Give her the sex, don't call me a miser
She drinks apple cider, came inside her (note: FUCKING WILD)
Back in the room making noise
For gangs of people who enjoys
Acting like tough men, one of the boys
Whilst packing heat at the treat like toys
Arrive on the scene with my team
Looking mean
stacks of green
Feeling preen
We careen to the bar
Smooth like a dream
Dressed up smarter, cash pro rata
Back to the tinnies, crack her lager
Make some bread, not stored in a larder
Spend on brands, devil wears Prada
Committing sins, corporate greed
Take lunch money, mouse to feed
Pop a lock, finally freed
Fuck the lager, grab the mead
Downing honey, busy bees
Send that bottle, what a breeze
Twenty percent proof I'm on my knees
I think I'll try another bottle of that, please
So give me the vodka, that's not what I meant
But a label says that it's forty percent
Would've drank that until the same gents
Started kissing threes whilst pitching a tent
So moving on
Brandy next
Had two shots for the flex
Already looking round for the next
Throw that money, bounce some checks
Cards maxed out, I'm resigned
So let's see what other drinks can I find
Hey there, babe, if you're inclined
Buy me a drink if you don't mind
Rap to the beat on the edge
You see I'm making a splash like Latino heat
So lie, cheat, steal, for real
Grabbing snacks for the main meal
Hidden agenda, big reveal
Cost quite dear and I don't mean veal
Take my chances on my own
Life switched on, not monochrome
We'll take one more for monotone
One last drink before crawling home
Sorry if this topic's over the line
But I like to sit down and write some time
Take some notes
Filling some blanket back with a nice little hobby of mine
After party, rinse and repeat
Wobble around as I find my feet
Party spills onto the street
Now where the hell did I leave my seat?
Search continues
Bottles fizz
It's around here somewhere
Oh there it is!
Back into it while the beat still goes
Why is it silent?
God only knows!
This song keeps you on your toes
I (should?) see the rapping to the pros
I'm going to woo with flair.
Rick, get me in there
DJ Eric, Eric, death stare
Never mind I don't care
Glare at the back of my head
Wishing the beat was dead
I'm going to invite another guy
Instead of the shit Brit with wit
Looking round for street cred
So hello. Hi.
I'm the one whose lexicon is next to none
Because I'm sitting in a quiet corner
Bouncing off the walls like Yak and Warner
From episode one on TV screens
Across the West and scream dad jokes loud from the chest
The only one in the smoking section
Using a party blow that he kept inside his vest
Objectives announced the fleece
Will this nonsense ever cease?
Feeling relief on the brand new release
Making a move so I'm off now, peace
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simp999 · 1 year
A New Home Ch.26
Various! Splatoon Manga x Skilled! Isekai'd! Reader
Wc: 1.2k
A/N: Wow, imagine bringing up old info from chapter, what- like, four??
Back to the Start! Previous Next
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As your opponents are about to leave Deca Tower, you hurry over to them.
You need to clear things up. Now.
You place your hand on the leader's shoulder to get their attention. Their head swivels toward you, and they have a smile on their face.
You weren't exactly sure what you had planned to say, and you struggle to find the right words.
"You. Me. We need to chat."
They wave off their teammates, telling them to go on without them. Milo, Leo, and Tasha are standing just out of hearing range. Wolf waits for you to speak up.
"So uh, is there a prob-"
That didn't mean to come out as more of a statement. You tried again with a softer tone;
"Why did you let us win?"
They sigh out for a second, then face you directly. They seemed so casual up to this point, but there now seemed to be no emotion in their eyes.
"Destroy him."
"Excuse me?" You try to make sense of what they're saying, because obviously you weren't getting lots of information.
They blink, and suddenly they seem a little more easy-going again. They relax their shoulders, and shove their hands in their hoodie pocket.
"Emperor- Kick his ass. He deserves it."
How did they know? Was your anger that obvious? This still doesn't explain how their team could read yours like an open book. Wolf seems to recognize your confusion.
"It's what you want, right? Look, man, I can't really explain too much but... I kinda get what you're going through."
Wait, what? There's someone like you? Are they not from here-
"He's a little bitch, hiding behind stacks of cash. He thinks he's better than everyone else. His teammates aren't quite as bad, but they still need to be taught a lesson. You have potential. I've seen some of your battles, and you've been growing at impossible rates. I'm at my limit. I don't have the power to beat him, but I think you do."
They pause for a moment.
"So do me a favor, and give him a nice blow to his ego, yeah?"
You can only really offer a nod, still unsure of what to make of the situation.
Well, it wasn't as wild as you thought it was.
Wolf turns away to meet up with their team before you can really talk to them.
Then a glint catches your eye.
'That's right. That still doesn't explain that Golden Toothpick.'
You decide to not bug them anymore, and make your way back to your team. You wonder if you'll ever run into them again.
Your teammates still share varying looks of confusion, so you explain to them some of what just happened.
You have an asshole that you have to put back in his rightful place.
With that, your goal to beat Emperor into the ground is once again your top priority.
Your team walks out of Deca Tower without a set destination in mind. You're not quite tired, - thanks to the amount of breaks you got from respawning so often, - but maybe a little sweaty. You've still got lots of the day left. Leo spots Ammo Knights' training area and grabs you by the arm, making his way over.
"I wanna see something."
Hm. Odd, but it's not like you've got anything better to do. Your group follows him as he rolls up his sleeves and gets his dualies out. He doesn't seem to be doing anything out of the ordinary, just lots of flips and spins. Maybe he's seeing how many he can do before he gets dizzy? That's a good limit to know, after all.
Once you enter, you take note of the sound of ink being thrown around on the other side of the wall. No problem, you just can't be giving away any secret tactics. Tasha and Milo begin some small talk about the tournament, as you wait for Leo to be done... whatever he's doing. He doesn't seem to be letting up, so you decide to mess with him and ask if you can borrow Tasha's charger for a second. She's slightly hesitant, but trusts you- she also hasn't cleaned it yet, so she carefully hands it over to you. Leo's eyes are only trained on the targets, while everything else seems to be completely tuned out. You quietly make your way onto a higher platform to the right and carefully aim. As he pauses between rolls, you almost hit his nose as he jerks backward.
"Hey! What the heck was that for?!"
You giggle and he puts his weapons to his sides.
"You can't just focus on what's in front of you, dork."
Though, you do have to give him props for jerking backward before the ink made it near him. You weren't aiming to hit him, of course, but it seemed like his body reacted before he did.
They have been getting better, it seems. Your efforts and training haven't gone to waste.
That reminds you of something you wanted to try a long time ago.
Something you needed real people for, not just targets.
"Hey, Tasha,"
You carefully hand her back her weapon,
"You still keep your Paisley Bandanna on you, right?" Of course she does, she'd never leave the house without a backup to cover her face, "Can I borrow it?"
She and Milo share a glance, then she reaches for her pocket.
With the bandanna in hand, go walk up to Leo and ask him to face away from you, and close his eyes.
Once he feels the fabric tighten, he begins to question you.
"Hey, uh, what's goin' on here?"
You say nothing, but walk a good distance away from him, doing your best to be even quieter than usual.
"Shoot me." You stand almost perfectly still, with your hands behind your back.
"Uh, sorry? One more time?" You only shake your head and look over at Milo.
"Shoot them. They haven't moved."
"You've gotta be kidding me, I can't just-"
"If you don't want to improve then walk out now."
'Okay, well, that's a tad harsh, Tasha.' But still, she's not wrong.
Leo takes a deep breath in, most likely trying to remember where you stood. He brings his dulaies up in your general direction, then adjusts them.
"Hey, I'm not gonna get in trouble for hitting you, right?"
You want to snicker, but you only muster a smile and an absentminded shake of your head so as to not give away your position.
He begins shooting, and as soon as he notices the sound of a few stray drops of ink hitting you, he adjusts his aim and nearly splats you. He stops one or two shots before it would have happened.
"Well done." He rips the blindfold off, calling it dumb, but then treats it a little more gently as he recognizes the material.
No, it wasn't perfect. But he managed to adjust his aim in minimal time. Not to mention, he obviously knows his weapon's limits well, as he stopped before splatting you.
But once again, not quite perfect.
"Well, I know what we can work on now. Everyone, get your weapons ready."
Next Part
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
Oh it's OK I will send it right away here so u don't have to search lol.
Good morning/evening hun! Now I know fnf hypno's lullaby requests are going heavily on you and I'm sorry but bare with me a little- creepypasta! Reader play with triple please! I would love if they were female but i don't mind gn lol. The reader look normal and friendly, you can make them get creepy when they start playing, if you want! You can make them play by any sides of the three or all of them go 3vs1 but make the reader win pls lmao, it's your choice, take your time and if you don't want to do it for whatever reasons feel free <3
your writing is beautiful and always make someone's day.
Take care of yourself and thank you for your time and sharing your talents with us
Awh thank you!! Reader will be gender neutral for this one
“Pasta Night”, as the local Creepypasta bar liked to call it, was always something you looked forward to!
Not only did you get to play games with your fellow freaks of nature (even though many were very much unnatual), but you could be yourself.
Blending in with humanity was often a challenge, and at first glance most people wouldn’t even suspect that you were hiding in plain sight. You looked like a plain old human being.
It sure fooled many folks who thought you walked into the wrong place at the wrong time.
Tonight was a perfect example, as when you arrived at the cards table, you saw three unfamiliar faces already having a go at UNO, of all things:
A scary hulking figure who resembled Mario with a large cigar in his mouth and a glowing blue block labeled “POW” beside him, a demonic hedgehog wearing a visor and sporting faded fur trying to peek at his friend's cards, and finally a Hypno who looks like it swapped bodies with a Machoke...holding a deck of Pokémon cards with psychic energy.
‘Just when I think I’ve seen them all..’ You smiled and headed over to the table with your drink.
“Seriously, I lose again?!! You two are insufferable..at least I play by the rules!!” The hedgehog hissed, annoyed as he shoved a pile of gold rings towards MK. "I'm not gonna have any rings left for spare after tonight..."
Then he noticed you sitting across from them, and his whole attitude changed, a wide yet closed smile growing on his face. “Why hello-”
“Beat it, human. We’ve already reserved this table.” The Mario lookalike snarled, briefly taking his cigar out to spit into a nearby metal bin. “Tell ‘em to scram, X.”
“That’s Lord X to you, MK...and you don’t have to be rude.”
“And you don’t have to lie either! I know damn well you’re peeking at our cards when you think we ain’t lookin’. “Play by the rules”, my ass...you deserve to lose every ring ya bet.”
“Just shut it! At least I’m not punching that stupid cube every five seconds and screwing up everyone's concentration!!”
“Don’t mind them,” Hypno spoke up as he set down his cards gently. It surprised you for a moment, considering most Pokémon couldn’t talk--or at least most normal ones couldn’t. “They act like children at times.” He shook his head with a sigh.
“Haven’t we all at some point?” You chuckled. “Forgive me for eavesdropping gentlemen, but..if Lord X needs any help winning back his earnings, then maybe I can assist. I'm pretty good at bets."
After hearing your offer, the hedgehog stopped arguing with MK and looked to you, surprised. “Ah, so you wanna go a round? That’s fine by me. Some help would be nice. But the question is...what’ll you wager should you lose? Cash? Valuables? Or maybe even--”
You blinked once and saw him dash out of his seat, sitting right next to you with a sinister grin. “Your SOUL?” As he spoke, skeleton hands emerged from the depths of his throat, a demonic laugh creeping its way out as well.
Yet you remained unshaken by his act, simply smiling and getting your own stack of cards. “If I lose, I'll pay for your next round of drinks."
"...that's fair."
Then you glanced at Hypno’s cards, frowning slightly. “By the way Hyp..you got trading cards, not UNO. That’s probably why you’re confused.”
“Huh--? Ohh...that makes sense.” The Talking Pokémon nodded, getting the right cards for himself before he and MK stared you and Lord X down, smirking. “Alright. Now...we play!”
“That ain’t fair!!” MK slammed his fist down on his POW block, causing the whole table to violently shake, but nobody paid any mind to his temper flare. It was normal for them.
Nothing infuriated the Mario entity more than seeing your smug grin--now a rather creepy one that rivaled him and his buddies.
But Lord X and Hypno were impressed to see this was the real you..or at least the competitive side of you who always liked to win.
You definitely caught them all off-guard with your friendly looks. They just assumed you were a naive human trying to butt into their game night.
“Here you are, m’lord.” With a chuckle, you took the stack of rings from the other side of the table, sliding them back towards Lord X. And like a dragon hoarding gold, he gathered them all into his hands, grinning from ear to ear.
They were all his.
Every ring he’s wagered for the past month.
"Thank you, friend." He laughed. "You're an excellent player."
“Not even I could have predicted those moves with Future Sight.” Hypno remarked, scratching his head in disbelief. “What did you say your name was?”
“[Y/n].” You leaned back in the chair as you reshuffled your cards in your hands. “My story hasn’t hit the right crowd yet, so you probably haven't heard of me.”
“..ah, I get it now.” MK remarked. “I was thinkin’ they let a random human walk into the wrong bar. My bad.”
“It’s fine. If you guys don’t mind..I wouldn’t mind joining you for another game.”
“Maybe next time.” Lord X told you, shaking his head as he stood up from the table. “MK and I have some tortured souls to play with.”
“And I have to find Gold and bring him home.” Hypno stood up as well. His cards levitated around him and disappeared into his satchel. “That boy couldn’t have wandered off too far..”
“When you see him, tell him how stupid he looks with that bowtie, will ya?” MK sneered. “I mean..a bowtie on a hoodie??”
Hypno shot him a scowl. "If he didn't come with you, you don’t get to dictate what he can and can’t wear! He wanted to look “fashionable” and that’s the best I could do!!”
"Jeez really? Thought you were dressing him up for one of your game's "beauty contests".
You just smiled in amusement as they were the ones bickering this time around, with Lord X trying to quiet them down so Gold didn’t overhear their arguing.
‘They seem like a good trio..I’ll definitely play with them again.’
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storiescelestial · 9 months
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(Not my gif.)
One day it was raining so I decided to enter a shop, a random shop I didn't care if it was a coffee shop or a restaurant, I was already cold from the rain.
As I entered the shop it felt nicer than the rain outside but as I noticed the shop I recognized it as a toy shop.
I was a little surprised as I haven't seen a toy shop before so this was quite new. That's when I finally noticed the owner I assumed.
"Come, come, out of the rain its quite cold ja? All of the water goes splishy splashy." He had a strong German accent.
I made my way over to him.
"Now what can I help you with?"
"Nothing," I mumbled still glacing around.
"Are you sure? We have beautiful dolls y'know, oh how lovely they are."
"I'm positive but," I got to him and turned my attention on him.
He had blonde hair that went to the side with curls at the end.
"Do you only sell toys?"
He seem to give it a moment before smiling.
"You want an umbrella, ja?"
"If you have one."
He went over somewhere and so I had a moment to explore.
I went over to a shelf, I was interested in a deck of cards that was built standing.
"Wow." I didn't touch it incase it would fall.
I admired it for a few more moments.
"Is something of interest?" I backed up immediately accidently hitting the shelf and making the cards fall.
"I'm sorry," I quickly said.
He came around and handed me the umbrella while he grabbed all the cards and stacked them.
"It's fine, it was easy to do anyway."
I was impressed already, how was that easy to do?
He shuffled the cards in one hand.
I was impressed and kept my attention on there.
He smiled.
"It is impressive," I said without turning my attention on him.
"I've learned a few tricks," he stopped shuffling and put the cards down on the table.
I turned my attention to him.
"What's your name?" He asked.
"I'm Eva."
"Eva?" He repeated and I nodded.
"Interesting name, I'm Celestial the Toymaker."
That was a name I haven't even heard of before.
"I'm sure you wanna pay for the umbrella now, rechts?"
"Yeah, how much is it?"
"Just 25 cents."
I had to go through my pockets before finally getting 25 cents.
I paid for it and was about to go when I noticed that it seemed he was the only working one.
"You work alone?" I asked out loud.
He nodded.
"I hadn't needed anything, it is quite easy."
"Okay, goodbye."
I started to walk out but before going out I pulled open the umbrella then went out.
The next day it was pretty and so I went on a walk and happened to notice the shop, I didn't recognize the name but it was obvious that it was a toy shop when they're toys everywhere.
I decided to go inside, the bell rung and he was at the cash register but his attention was at the door.
"Hallo again."
"Hey," I made my way towards him, as I did so I noticed he had made that card again.
"Have you come to perhaps buy something?"
"Nein? Oh."
"I actually came to...well to meet you again."
He seemed surprised.
"Yeah, I was just in a rush last night since I was cold but I wanted to properly know you."
"You want to be friends then?"
"I guess you could suggest that."
He seemed to like that and so I befriended him.
After a few days of visiting him he started to ask if I would prefer a walk in the park or something other than the store.
I made my way towards his store and I just assumed that I'd be the only one since this toy store wasn't very popular but then two other people came. A man and a woman.
The man's hair was a little crazy while the woman's was nice.
"Hey," the woman greeted.
Suddenly the man rushed inside and so did she so I followed.
There Celestial was juggling occasionally throwing them at the man while telling a story.
This went on for a while before she caught one.
"That's enough." But that's when he had said her full name.
"Okay, so he knows me."
He smiled.
"But do you know what was the second game? Hide and seek." With that he closed the curtains but the man quickly reopened them only to discover a hall way and lots of doors, we both rushed in after him and the door closed behind us.
"No! No!" He announced as he reopened it only for it to be the same.
"What now?"
He sighed before turing to us.
"Start opening doors." With that he opened a door and went inside and we followed.
As they kept doing this I decided to open another door and went through it to a different area.
I walked in and noticed it as the shop, I turned back but the door was closed.
"Well Eva," I heard him announce.
"I didn't mean to get you in this. Entschuldigen sie."
I went up to him almost running.
"Celestial, you have to let Donna and...and whoever that is out!"
"Why?" He asked.
I couldn't believe he really asked that just now.
I felt annoyed already but I ignored it.
"Celestial at least be fair! There's too many door for them to even-" he placed a finger against my lips making my sentence short.
"Shh now Eva there's nothing you need to worry about."
"But Celestial!-"
He suddenly pulled me close holding me as his arms wrapped around me.
"Now Eva, again there's nothing that's needing to worry about."
I started to blush.
"You'd believe a friend wouldn't you?" He stated.
"I would." I admitted.
He came closer to me almost whispering.
"Then you would believe a lover too."
I blushed even brighter, a lover? What lover?
"I don't love you Celestial."
"Your blush tells me otherwise."
"I don't love you, you're just a friend Celestial. A friend who I met one day, a friend that I.-"
He suddenly pulled back.
"A friend that you love," he stated.
He suddenly pulled me close and kissed me.
I was token by surprise and grapped onto his vest.
We stayed like that for a few minutes before he pulled back.
"You know you love me Eva, it is so simple to notice."
I couldn't deny it now, I did love him and he knew it.
"Celestial, let them go."
He didn't seem happy when I stated that, he may have started feeling frustrated by now.
"Go Eva," he said simply.
"I'll deal with them, I'll catch you later meine liebe."
He quickly kissed me on the cheek before I was out of the entrance of the shop.
I decided to go home, to just stop all of this.
As I made it home the rain had started now.
"Good, at least I didn't get wet." I went to sit down on the couch, so many things had happen that I just needed to take a nap.
Like an hour later though a knock was on the door, I got up and went to the door. The rain had turned to pouring rather than little drops.
I opened the door only to discover Celestial there.
"Celestial?" I was confused but gestured for him to come in instead of the rain.
I noticed that he was now wearing a red and white uniform almost more like a toymakers costume.
He took his hat off and laid it on the table.
I came up to him after closing the door, a cold breeze manged to get in though which I couldn't imagine how Celestial felt as he was already drenched.
"Do you need something new to wear?"
"Nein I'm fine." He smiled.
"If you don't mind me asking, what happened to Donna and the man?"
His expressioned remained unfazed as he wrapped an arm around me.
"Didn't I say you needn't to vorry?"
"Then don't vorry about it," he simply stated amd pulled me close to kiss me quickly.
I pulled away taking a step back.
"We've discussed this before Celestial."
"Ja we have, yet you still won't admit."
"Cause I don't!-" there was another knock on the door that got his attention quickly.
I turned to the door than turned back to tell him something but he was gone as if he disappeared.
"Celestial?" I noticed his hat was gone too.
Another knock and that's when I went to open the door.
"I just thought someone was yelling so I decided to check up on you."
"Yeah I was, see I was having a hard time with...with the stove so I just y'know yelled in frustration." I smiled innocently.
He didn't seem to buy it but nodded.
"Alright. Hey are we still going tomorrow?"
'Oh right' I thought as I remembered how I agreed to go to the new park. It was a dog park and he has a little dog that he wanted to take but Prince (the dog) was really hyper.
"Alright then bye." He waved as he left.
I closed the door and turned around to see Celestial there.
"Who's dat?"
"It's none of your business but where did you go?" I noticed his hat was back on the table as if it never left.
"I asked a question first Eva." He started walking towards me but I remained calm.
"I answered that."
"You didn't."
"He's none of your business was the answer you got."
"But it's an answer I don't like." He snapped back at me and a noticeable slip in his accent.
He calmed down a bit before adding on.
"Where are you going tomorrow?" He asked.
"A new park. Does that answer your question?"
"I want to come along Eva." He said suddenly.
I couldn't let him come along since I just met him like a week ago and I wouldn't just bring someone along out of nowhere.
"I did do as you asked Eva, I let Donna and the tenth doctor go so now I want a request."
I didn't add anything for a few minutes.
"And you want to tag along?"
"Fine." I agreed.
"But you're coming as a friend, and that is my request."
"You've already made a request but I'll go along with this one too."
"Another question but where did you go? Cause when I turned you were just suddenly not there anymore."
"Hm, ja that is quite a mystery now." He gave a smile and a wink.
That dumb smile that always made me blush.
"C'mon now Celestial be serious."
There was a noise and so I turned my attention only for him to suddenly be behind me and wrap his arms around me.
"I am," he pressed his cheek against mine.
He chuckled.
"Now that I get into it when someone's wants a relationship they would usually go through something called learning about the other person."
"Ve were friends," he mentioned.
"But I didn't learn much about you except that you're a toymaker."
"That's not enough? Is someone being nosey?" He playfully booped my nose.
I turned around and placed my hands against his shoulder.
"I just wanna learn more about you."
"And I'll tell you soon."
"But as of right now you expect me to be wanting to date you?"
"Gives us an opportunity to learn about each other better, ja?"
"I guess so."
"Y'knov vhat we can do to get to know each other better?"
"Play a game."
I was confused now, how would a game be better for us to learn about each other?
"What kind of game?"
"You can pick, any game I'm villing to play."
I tried to pick a game that revolved around the truth since I wanted the truth. How could this Toymaker disappear, whys he pretending to have a German accent and other stuff? Two truths one lie! It's a good game that revoles around the truth.
"Two truths one lie."
"Interesting choice, I thought you'd pick truth or dare."
"Two truths and a lie is more interesting."
"You should start then."
"Okay, I enjoy the park, I hate magic, I'm usually good at making friends."
"The zecond ones a lie."
He was right but since when did his s turn to a z?
"I can dance, I can do magic, I hate games."
Wow okay he jumped right into the questions.
"The last ones a lie."
"I love spring time, I hate festivals, I prefer movies."
"Zecond one again."
He smiled I guess cause he was getting these right causes there's noway to win.
"I hate rain, I like the color orange, I like magic."
"It's the first."
This game went on for about 15 more minutes.
I eventually got tired and leaned back against my seat. He took notice and got up and went over to me.
"Why don't you go now?"
I shrugged, I was getting comfortable in the chair and didn't feel like moving now.
He took hold of my hand and I finally decided to get up.
I went over to the couch and sat down and he sat next to me.
"I meant more of go lay dovn and to bed."
"Mmm" I leaned against him.
"Or not."
I ended up falling asleep against him.
I was the first one to wake up however, I woke up kinda laid against him.
I got up and checked the time.
"It's only 10."
I sat up only to have am arm already wrapped around me.
"Vhat are you doing?" Celestial was already up.
"Getting up what else?"
There was a knock on the door and that's when he let me up to go answer it.
"Oh Liam." I smiled at him.
"Hey, so are you ready yet?"
"Yeah just let me go do something real quick than I'll be out oh and also I decided to bring another friend along alright?"
"Yeah, that's fine."
"Okay," I closed the door.
"Celestial?" I said as I turned.
"Go outside and meet Liam while I go get changed."
I hurried up and went to go get changed quickly.
When I went outside I was surprised to see Celestial had changed into a suit and a top hat which in my opinion was fancy to be going to a park but okay.
When we went out Celestial for some reason just couldn't get along with Liam, every time Liam tried to be nice just introducing himself or something Celestial gave one word responses.
I finally got some time to talk with Celestial when Liam went to play fetch with Prince.
"What's your problem?"
"My problem?" He asked in that German accent.
"Yes! I mean you're quite rude to Liam when all he's done is being nice towards you."
He gave a huff and an eye roll.
"Look Celestial," I started to space out the words with each poke I gave to his shoulder. "What. Is. Wrong?"
He finally turned to make sure Liam was far enough before turning to me. His German accent completely gone now.
"My problem is that Liam's a big flirt! I don't trust him! What if he's with that tenth doctor? What then? Then we're discovered or at least I am!"
I was token by surpise, Celestial didn't seem like the jealous type and yet here he is not shouting but with a stern voice telling me that he is jealous.
"This is out of sheer jealousy?"
"And distrust."
"You don't even know him."
"I can tell he's not trust worthy! It's plainly obvious."
"No one can "look" like a lair, I mean I didn't take you as a lair but that changed when I started to know you, you're the most untruthful, untrustworthy, person I now! Celestial isn't even a name and I know damn well that toymaker isn't either! And your accent is nothing but lies! You haven't told me anything about yourself or who the tenth doctor is even though we've been friends for a while then suddenly you wanna proclaim that you love me!"
He was silent.
I took a moment to calm down.
"At least you had dressed properly for this but this suit and top hat wasn't all necessary."
"I assumed it looked nice," he mumbled.
Liam came back then and we countuied our walk, I gave Celestial the silent treatment for the rest of the day.
But when Liam left to get a drink from the store it was only me and Celestial.
I mostly just turned my attention to the gently breeze the trees brought.
It was a relaxing moment that was disturbed quick when Celestial grabbed my hand and pulled me to hide beside the store that we stopped at.
"Celestial what was!-" He quickly hushed me with a finger pressed to my lips.
That's when I noticed that doctor and Donna went by the store.
I was going to go to them but Celestial gave a slight shake of his head as if he knew what I wanted to do.
They passed by quickly, it seemed like they were searching.
Celestial then turned to me.
"Ve have to go." He went back to the German accent.
"Stop it with that accent Celestial and no we're not going."
"We have too." We switched his accent again.
"You do I don't."
"Eva stop playing these mind games with me right now."
"I'm not playing any game right now."
"You mean playing hard to get or pretending to ignore me or playing victim or gaslighting me isn't?" He raised a eyebrow at me.
"I haven't been playing any of those I simply tell the truth." I said sternly.
"You lie to yourself."
"I do not!-"
He suddenly pulled me close and kissed me yet again.
I didn't pull away, instead I cupped his cheek.
I wanted to pull away yet again I didn't want too. Maybe the Celestial is right I do lie.
I pulled away.
"Eva?" Liam called.
I went to the front of the store quickly and Celestial followed.
"Sorry we saw a cat or something run behind the store and went to chase it."
Liam nodded.
"Let's go," Celestial started to go.
Liam stayed behind.
"Where did you meet him?" He asked kind of muttering it to me.
"He's just a good friend Liam, I met him at a show."
"A show? What show?"
"Well it wasn't a show it was a small proformence actually. Y'know one of those magic proformences?"
"Yeah I know what you mean."
"We became friends after I gave him some compliments on his magic."
After we arrived at Liams we countuied our walk.
"So," I tried to start a conversation.
"Eva I do feel like we should-" he turned his attention to something before taking my hand and walking a bit faster.
"Celestial? What is it?"
He didn't respond but it became obvious when I turned my attention to the tenth doctor.
It seemed as if he recognized Celestial but pretended as if he didn't.
We took a bit of a longer way in hopes of losing him.
We somehow manged to do so.
"What's this all about Celestial."
He ignored me and bypassed me instead to the kitchen.
I stopped him midway and pulled him back.
"Would you just tell me already? I'm tired of getting told to wait!"
He nodded.
"You're right. You deserve the truth."
He held my hand back before he countuied.
"I'm not from here, and I don't have a name I'm just known as the Celestial Toymaker."
"Not from here? What do you mean?"
"I mean I'm from a different dimention. Outside the universe."
I was confused, I didn't understand him.
"I don't know what you mean." I muttered to him.
"You know all those fantasy books about werewolves, vampires or ghost? It's sort of like that you can take it like that."
I nodded.
"Okay...I'm trying to understand it."
"And another thing. I'm afraid I'm going to have to leave."
"Leave? Why?"
"Well since that tenth doctor is after me I don't want you becoming involved so I decided to just go."
"I'm unsure right now but it'll be fine."
He brought my hand to his lips and kissed my knuckles.
"I'll see you soon." He started to walk towards the door.
I went up to him quickly and pulled him back.
"C'mon now Celestial I can help too y'know without getting involved I mean I don't want you wondering around till-"
"Eva I'm fine. And as I already mentioned I don't want you getting involved and helping me would be just that."
"At least do a proper goodbye."
"Proper?" He repeated.
I pulled him close and kissed him.
He almost immediately pulled away.
"I must go."
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invisibleraven · 1 year
6. Book Shop AU, but HAUNTED bookshop au for Rulie???
Julie gave a satisfied sigh as she closed her book. It had been a great read, with an excellent ending. But now she had a problem-she was out of books to read. Sure, she had lots of books back home she could re-read, but she craved something new.
Wandering down the boardwalk, she saw a side street, one she'd never gone down before, with a sign like a beacon-Novel Ideas Bookstore. Score!
She entered, smiling to herself as the ancient bell over the door rang, the smell welcoming her home.
"Be right out!" a voice called from the back.
"I'm just browsing no hurry!" Julie called back.
"Then browse away, New Releases are in the back!" the man replied. "It's so you wander through all the older guys who might need a home first before you ask."
"That's... pretty clever actually," Julie commented.
She wandered through the stacks, humming quietly to herself as she browsed. This was such a quaint little shop, shame she was the only one here. But secretly she loved to have the place to herself-no one in her way as she picked up a tome to read the description and then put it back. No one fighting over the latest thriller or star biography when she just wanted to get to the fantasy section.
Finally Julie had a little pile of books and brought them to the counter, ringing the little bell there. A super cute guy in a red flannel came out, offering her a smile. "Hey there, find anything good?"
Julie waved her hand at the pile. "A few things actually."
He grinned, the afternoon light making his freckles stand out, and his green eyes twinkle. "Oooh, I loved this one, I hope you enjoy it," he said as he picked up the first one. He entered the price in the aging cash register, then the next.
Julie could see no scanner, no debit machine, the place seemed like it was out of a different time. "This place is so nice, have you been here long?"
"Seems like forever," the man said. "It's a family business, my grandfather started it forever ago, and left it to me when he passed. Name's Reggie, by the way."
"Julie," she said with a nod. "Well I love it here, I'll definitely have to be back."
"I hope you will be," Reggie said, sliding bookmarks into her books before he put them in a bag and gave her a total. Thankfully she had the cash on her, and it was almost a steal of a price.
But with books in hand, Julie almost didn't want to go. It was so calm here, and Reggie was smiling at her, which was nice after having no luck with guys in the recent past. But Julie didn't think staying here would result in her getting anything else done that day. "I'd better-" she gestured towards the door.
"Of course, but come back soon okay?"
"I will!" Julie promised, going to the door and stopping to get one more look at the darling little shop, and the very cute guy shooting her a wink before she went.
It was a week or two later that Julie was wandering down the boardwalk again, and well, she didn't really need a new book, but what was the harm? Only when she walked down the side street, there was no book shop. Only a little boba place.
Surely it hadn't turned over that faast right?
Maybe she had the wrong street? But no, the graffiti was the same, the garbage was even the same! So she pulled out her phone, though she doubted a shop as old fashioned as Reggie's had much of a social media presence.
Only when she looked up Novel Ideas Bookstore, she did find something-an article from twenty five years ago-showing how it burned down, with it's owner inside. An owner who looking shockingly familiar, right down to his crooked grin and freckles.
Julie shook with fear. She didn't usually believe in the supernatural, but what other explanation was there?
She hightailed it home, and wondered just how in the world she had ended up in her very own ghost story.
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maladaptive-jcb · 1 year
Chapter 2: Strokes of Familiarity
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Jamie x female!reader fanfic
(fluff, safe for under 18)
Click here for chapter 1 if you missed it.
Summary: Reader is an independent artist who lives on her own in a small town and meets Jamie, a musician, in an art studio where their budding relationship formed through shared interests of different forms of art.
Warning: There will be talks about trauma and PTSD from domestic abuse and dissociative episodes throughout the story.
“Helloooo? Y/n? I said there’s another stack of books coming,” Adrian, my manager snapping his fingers in front of me.
“Oh, right. Sorry,” I say apologetically.
“What’s up with you today? You’ve been day dreaming a lot.”
There’s not a lot of employees here. It’s just me and a couple younger people who are looking for extra cash. I was Adrian’s first co-worker here and we’re more like family now than just co-workers to be honest. Adrian is older than me so he has more of that big brother energy. His thick reading glasses and brown slick-back hair were the first few things I noticed when I applied for the job.
“I’m sorry, Adrian. I didn’t mean to. Alright, look! I’m focused now!” Smacking my face with both hands in front of him to prove it.
“It’s not just that, you’re a lot… smiley… today. I don’t think I like it. You’re creeping me out,” he looks at me over his now lowered glasses.
“Oh, it's um- It's nothing, okay? I'm going to unload the books now. Now may I please go or are you gonna keep interrogating me?"
He squints his eyes at me. "This is not over, y/n."
Adrian has always been protective of me, especially when he knows the whole reason I moved up here. Telling him about a guy I just talked today is probably not a good idea. Besides, what is there to tell? That I had a coffee with a guy from class? I shouldn't even be all smiley about it yet.
There’s a lot of book donations coming here surprisingly. I clean them up a little before unloading according to their categories. Mystery, fantasy, true crime, science fiction, autobiography, vampires… You get it.
I glance at the antique clock sitting on the cashier's counter. It's 5:40 p.m. so it's close to closing time. That also means that he's almost here. I pick up the broom to sweep off some dusty areas while wondering if I even have the time to change my clothes. Although, crazy as it may sound, Jamie being spontaneous also got me all excited. I look around the store and Adrian is already leaving as he lets me close up after him. I finally let a tiny giggle escape my mouth now that I'm no longer within his earshot.
He’s here.
Jamie is five minutes early. Seeing his car pulling up suddenly turns my stomach into a knot. Why am I anxious? It’s just dinner between friends, right?
Before I get to open the car, he stops me and gets out from his seat. “Wait!” He did a little jog towards me and then opens the door for me instead.
“M’lady,” in his teasing tone again.
“My, my. Mr. Gentleman.”
Of course he looks amazing right now. Grey shirt with top half unbuttoned slightly revealing his tattooed chest, paired with a leather jacket that hugs his frames perfectly. His hair swept messily to the side and subtle silver chain on his neck. I step into the car and he carefully closes it before running back to his side and gets in.
“You’re early,” I say.
“And hungry!” he exclaims back. “I know this really good Italian place, if you don’t mind?”
“Oh, yes I love Italian!” finally sensing my hunger. Apparently the knots in my stomach has more than one reason to appear.
“Perfetto!” his chef kiss motion follows along with it. “It’s kinda nice to have someone to go out with since I’m new in town. Thanks for joining me tonight,” he smiles gratefully.
“Well I didn’t really have a choice, didn't I?” teasing him about driving off before I could say anything.
“You were gonna say yes anyway though, weren’t you?”
“Well, I-“
“Yeah. That’s what I thought,” his tone in playful mocking.
“Wow, really?” I jokingly scoff at him.
He starts the car and drives off to the main highway. I usually walk around town to get from one place to another. I have never gone this far through the highway except that one time Adrian needed me to pick up some new shipments with him. I'm starting to wonder if he's actually about to kidnap me.
“You know… I’ve wanted to talk to you too. In class,” his face focused on the road. Fingers tapping on the steering wheel.
“Oh?” My train of thoughts disappear as he spoke.
“It’s just, I feel so out of place there and I’m always struggling. I didn’t know what you would think of me. I mean, you’re very talented. It’s amazing.”
He did a quick glance at me before focusing back on the road. No smile this time. Just a look of serenity… or admiration? I can’t tell. It’s getting dark and the low light is casting subtle shadows that somehow highlight his jawlines even more.
“That’s… Wow. Thank you so much, Jamie.”
He glances at me again. That same look.
I clear my throat.
“But you’ve been improving so much too! I love some of your recent work. I’m very surprised how fast you learned."
A smile curls up his lips. His eyes give a faint glimmer in the shadows. “You really think so?”
“Absolutely,” I put my hand on his shoulder reassuringly. His fingers stop tapping as I did.
“Will you give me some tips next time we’re in class?”
I can feel myself beaming. “I thought you’d never ask.”
Chapter 3
Seems like you have a new budding friendship with Jamie now! Wonder how your dinner with him will go next? 🤔
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viscerawizard · 1 year
Too lazy and too little time to draw the fancomic that I want to so here, have a script below the cut, it's fairly long but hilarious. post timeskip btw so you don't spoil urself
Sanji: So YEAH I went to gay island for two years and came back knowing how to make hormone soup!!
Sanji: What's it to you?
Nami, Usopp, Franky, Robin: ...
Nami, Usopp, Franky, Robin: 600 berry
[Nami, Usopp, and Franky begrudgingly hand stacks of cash to Robin]
Sanji, processing this: wait what
Usopp: Yeah Nami started a betting pool on how long it would take you to become a lesbian
Sanji, completely red in the face and furious: I- I... I AM NOT A-
Luffy, out of nowhere: Hey Sanji what's a Lez Bean? Does it go better with meat or fish?
Nami, Usopp, Franky, and Robin, currently rolling with laughter:
Sanji, horrified and unable to form a complete sentence:
[cut to Nami, Usopp, Franky, Robin, and Zoro, who didn't take part in the bet, all sitting around on the top deck of the Sunny]
Zoro, looking down at himself contemplatively: Hold on
Zoro, pointing a shit-eating grin directly at Sanji: Yeah, my bust size is large enough. Sanji counts as a lesbian.
Sanji, having recovered his sentence abilites but now doubly red and holding his head in his hands: FUCK NO!! NO!! YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME!! FRANKY, WHY ARE YOU SIDING WITH THEM?
Sanji, storming away, to the thunderous laughter of the crew, now including Brook, except for Luffy, who is still confused about the existence of the Lez Bean: Fuck You!! Fuck You!
Sanji: Y'know. Zoro, I'm almost curious, you do have a very large che-MPH
Zoro, having palmed Sanji's face directly into his bosom and not quite smirking but definitely amused by Sanji who definitely and unmistakably has a nosebleed:
[a bit later]
Chopper: Sanji's just a he/him butch now, is that right?
Robin: yeah
Usopp: I guess
Nami: yeah
Franky: yeah
Usopp: So, wait, what's up with him still being all "ooooOOO I can't hit a LADY I'm so NICE"
Franky: He's probably super-clinging to his masculinity.
Nami, steering the Sunny and nodding:
Brook: And by the sound of it he's clinging to Zoro's too, yohoho~
Usopp, Franky, and Nami, processing the statement:
Franky: Yeah. But maybe I should do it again just in case.
Usopp: Aw man, I really miss Kaya...
Franky, Brook, and Nami: AND YOU THINK OF THIS NOW OF ALL TIMES???
Chopper, having JUST processed the previous statement: oh. Oh. Uh oh.
Nami: so are we gonna bet who botto-
Franky, Brook, Robin, and Usopp: yeah
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the-firebird69 · 8 months
We have a lot to talk about but Ken has this idea I'm trying to be a star again and it starts to look younger bigger he's getting his mind back and try to shed you off a little and you just sit there and it says this is really have a life me and him together and that's it soon do these other people and he calls BG about the idea they go through details and it says it might be good for me so he says oh and he gets it and it starts working and he says no way and that's what it was and I'm helping us and the cause and really is true and very real he adds and he says good he has like a basic rum. You both look at it can takes a swig and it's clear you smell it and it taste a little and then say it's good but I wonder what it tastes like mixed and Ken says it tastes real good if you try a little and say this is really good rum. PG is please I hear it's nice I am it is a good idea and Candace giving you cash and he uses it. It says for gas money cuz it was pounding around. One time you hear you a stack of bills I said what's this for I'm going to hold on to it that's all it was okay comes back and hand it to him and it gives you half because you earned it and it said he's going to get truckload a week in that cases. So he says don't knock it till you tried it it's a foot in the door they recognizes the foot stuff like that he knows yeah and some other s*** you're driving along 50 cent's laughing then it says we have too much money on us and I think you're driving the cigarette truck. You said we should buy a Harley and we can tow it you start laughing so we're going to park so we can't park anyways. By the time you got back to the Florida line. It was over he went to the bank when you put it on pills you go credit card. In the split it. Know when you inherit stuff you're thinking you have to pay taxes then you look it up and it tells you. And you have to pay taxes and you do and they give you a refund you don't pay like five grand and they give you $2,500 didn't want to call you in. It starts to fight. And you're trying right off the e-bike but it was purchased in 23 but it's on the credit card so they would accept it but not really for the expenses in 24 and sometimes that works and you think that and you look that up too. cuz you remember something about it has to be the year where the expenses incurred not the year when the transaction or agreement was made and it's true. It's really tedious I spent a long time doing it you're massive pain in the ass about everything even about having money when do you looked up and say this is more difficult than before and they keep threatening to wipe out wipe out my funding it goes on like that for a while and then you got a lot of money and you told social security have a lot of money but it's not from income from working and I'm still disabled and I read that you can still be disabled listen why don't you hang on to it and people are trying to be the executor so you going to a mass a decent Fortune it's not real money but it's a lot and you have enough money to buy whatever you need and then say to me I have all that stuff you can sort of be here and this is not this time and I'm around and I see it they're trying to threaten you to keep me there no matter what format I'm in so we get shouted at and discriminate it we start saying we don't like you it's starting again but it's the max and they try and dip into it and they get hit seriously by foreigners and it takes off a whole war and it's worth listening to a report from the future so he says thank you as always and he's doing his best and we're working and tough but I'm getting it things are changing and it worked so I'm pretty excited
That's right the Smucker's not here and maybe time to get some stuff a few things you need and not a ton for going over to these people are mean now we're seeing what they're saying they want this guy on his bikes to get them going it's working and he has to and it's actually Joy we do see him smiling about it a little and it's going to be a parent that he sees things working a little and people have figured out patterns and they're amazed and finally we have a lot to say today about what's happening each war is moving along unfortunately for most more luck the stuff is getting pulled out of the Midwest fast it's up to about 11% the days halfway over and they're going up and down we think they might have 20% up today and it's at about 60% now if you account for today it'll be 50% it's true they've been taking stuff the whole time but tons of it lately and I have 50% is getting a little light and it's all compacted into one area it's like 20 cities it's in one area in each into the river and The cone and that's it for the Midwest so those areas are going to empty and people need to get out and they are starting to see it they'll be an evacuation shortly it'll be about 5 to 10% and daily and good this area here the shoreline is going down it's 10 ft down from before from one mile out to 5 MI and ft down from 5 to 10 miles and it goes down in increments in feet. Every 5 miles is about 20 ft today out to 100 miles and tomorrow will start way out there then come in and do it again and they've got two or three holes on the west coast for big ones all of them are about 100 miles out ones off Sarasota ones off Tampa and wins off the tip and there's two or three on the other side Jacksonville Miami and West Palm northwest Palm it's Pierce fort Pierce and it is going well we have a lot of people complaining and it's disgusting we don't know what to tell you we're not really your people we need you out of our face and they're going to get out of our face one way or the other there's a lot of disgusting behavior and we are cutting it short if you are caught doing it you'll be arrested pseudo empire is going to mount an attack today on areas where you're amassing to cause trouble with them and that's who's doing it and why and they are also in the range clearing it out and you guys plan to go out there with 20 households and there's still 120 households roughly $127 households yeah it's about 150 households truthfully they won't let us tell anybody it's still a decent amount of households but things coming up and it will change up in Upton the war has taken a swift change in direction and it is towards the goals of the pseudo empire and BG is calling for reinforcements from anyone and they're going up there huge huge groups I've seen leaving this morning they were seen leaving this morning giant groups and they're going up there and they're facing Timmy D and they're getting crushed and it's a load of them okay they're from the east coast and they're leaving their posts Summer from Florida not many and the battle continues and it will probably lead to the bunkers and to the other bunkers and fairly soon more shortly and there's another battle going and it's the one to get into Florida and there's more shortly
Thor Freya
I'm really thanked a lot people bother him in the same stuff and I get who and sometimes you have to do something is itchy and worried but okay so today is a good day so far so good and I'm helping him do stuff and he's wondering why it's overcast and he sees why so it should be bad he's got to get ready for laundry day he hates it hates it nobody cares down here
We care and we think it's a rotten thing to do and Max is holding us on and it's gross and cause a war and it was unnecessary and the change was going on
Thor Freya
0 notes
Heir To The Throne
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Chapter 2: Secrets 
There comes a day where all fathers pass their business down to their children. This was no ordinary business, this was the mafia. You were the sole heir to the throne and you didn’t want it. Your father’s right hands Derek and Aaron are tasked with convincing you otherwise, the last thing you expected to do was fall in love.
Mafia AU
Aaron Hotchner x Fem!Reader, Derek Morgan x Fem!Reader
Warnings: cemeteries, mentions of garvez, loss of a sibling and parent, smoking, mentions of death, alcohol and the consumption of, little bit of Matt x reader, mentions of sex and sex references, kissing, swearing, guns and use of, threats, breakups 
Word Count: 3.2k
Author’s Note: a chapter gives you a bit of a better insight on everyone! chapter 3 will be on its way soon!! 
Masterlist /// Chapter 1  /// Chapter 3
Fog filled the cemetery as Luke drove through the giant iron gates. He was outside when you had come down and offered to drive you. 
You glanced over at the man who had a permanent scowl on his face. “How’s Penelope?” you ask him, a little curl at the edge of his lips appeared. “Oh dude, you totally like her!” you squealed and hit his arm playfully. 
“Shut up y/n, we’re just friends. She’s fine” he answered you, pulling over by the tree. “Just fine?” you questioned and he nodded. 
“Didn’t sound like she was ‘just fine’ last night” wiggling your eyebrows at him, he gave you a stern look. You raised your hands playfully, “your secret is safe with me grumpy” you smiled and turned towards the window. 
Luke placed his hand on your shoulder, you glanced over at him. 
“Do you want me to come with you?” he said, you reached up and gave his hand a squeeze before shaking your head. 
“I’m alright. I won't be long.” 
“Take your time” 
Stepping out of the car after grabbing the bunches of flowers you had, you walked down the pathway to your mother’s grave. You replaced the old flowers that sit beside her tombstone, which you could only assume had been put there by your father, and brushed off dust from the top. Stepping away, you walked down a bit further and sat on the ground in front of a tombstone. 
James Rossi 
1989 - 2015 
Beloved son, brother and friend.
Setting the bunch of flowers beside the tombstone, you let out a sigh. “So I slapped Derek last night. I know it was wrong but he was talking about you like it wasn't his fault.” your hand ran across his name on the stone. “It’s not my fault though, I tried to control myself but he was being a bitch and don’t even get me started on Emily.” you rolled your eyes, “I threw a bottle at her head but she deserved it so I'm not going to apologize for that.” A wind blew through the cemetery, you brushed away the few leaves that fell by the flowers. “Oh! Luke and Penny are totally hooking up and yes, he’s still as grumpy as he was the last time you..” sighing, cutting your sentence short. “Anyways, she seems to make him happy and I'm happy for him” you glanced over your shoulder, you could see Luke standing outside the car on the phone and smoking. 
“I’ll come around more often J, I'll try and get dad to come too. I love you always” you pressed a kiss to your fingers and then pressed it to the stone before getting up. You brushed off the grass and dirt from your legs and headed back to the car. 
“She's coming back, I’ll talk to you later and I love you more” you could hear Luke say to whoever was on the other end of the call. Smiling at him, “tell pens I said hi, lover boy” Luke shot you a glare before you hopped in the car. 
“Stop eavesdropping” he turned the car around, you looked out the window and replied to him, “not my fault you decided to declare your love to miss Garica as I came back” Luke chuckled at your statement. 
“You’re annoying” 
“Oh you love me Al” 
He shook his head and drove back to the villa. Upon arriving home, he excused himself back to the armoury, or so he said. Luke didn’t realize that you too, had seen Penelope waiting down by the garden for him. Heading inside, your father’s laugh was the first thing you heard. 
He hadn't laughed like that since your mother passed. 
As you walked down the foyer, a woman's voice echoed through the empty hallway. “Dave stop it!” she laughed, you pushed the door to the dining hall open. Dave and a blonde woman sat side by side having lunch. “Oh bella, I didn’t realize you’d be back already” your father stood up from his chair as you walked in. “Yeah, I didn't want to stay too long today, I have things to do. Sorry for interrupting, I didn't realize we had company” 
“I, have company, not you” Dave corrected you, “but since you’re here, y/n, this is Krystall. Krystall, this is my daughter y/n” your father introduced the woman to you. She stuck her hand out and you shook it. “Nice to meet you” she smiled and you gave her a nod. 
“Please continue, I'm just here for a drink and then I'm off” you spoke as you walked towards the bar, filling a glass with some whiskey. You pressed a kiss to your father's cheek and walked out. 
“What the actual fuck was that?” you mumbled, walking down the staircase to the basement. 
The hallway lights had been turned off, you fumbled around and felt the wall until finding the switch. There were boxes and crates stacked on each other and lined up against the wall, a light peaked through a crack in the door at the end of the hall. Pushing it open, Spencer sat at a table and Tara’s back was turned to you. “Hello my darlings” you shouted, making Spencer jump. 
“Fucking hell, I told you stop doing that!” he shouted at you, you walked over and ruffled his hair. 
“Calm down pretty boy, no need to stress yourself out” you walked over to Tara, you slung your arm around her shoulder, “hey pretty lady” 
“Hello to you too, what brings you down here to see us?” she asked you, her eyes on the screen in front of her. 
“Other than the fact that my father is entertaining a woman upstairs and I didn’t want to hear nor see that ?” you cringed, “I just missed your beautiful faces” you laughed. 
“So you finally met Krystall ?” Spencer piped up from his table, dividing the cash in front of him, you looked over at your cousin. 
“Finally met her ? How long have you known about her ?” 
“A few weeks ? according to Penelope, she’s been around for a few months because uncle Dave asked her to give Krystall a code for the gate” 
“What?! And you didn't think to tell me?!” you screamed at him. Spencer shouted back at you, “I thought you knew!”  
“Obviously not!” you yelled again, “Spencer some random woman has the gate code to our home and you didn’t think to mention that to me?! She could be here to kill us for all you know!” 
 Spencer rolled his eyes at you, “No need to get your panties in a twist cousin, I'm sure Krystall isn’t here to kill us. She’s a harmless woman, and would it be so bad for your father to start seeing someone ? Maybe he’d finally get off you back about taking over.” 
“Spencer, are you crazy ? This is the worst possible thing, she’s gonna drag him off to some island and leave me here to be in charge. I despise that idea, you know that.” rolling your eyes, your cousin sighed, 
“Just talk to him if you don't like it, you idiot, but shut up now. Not all of us can spend our day shopping with daddy’s money, we have a job to do” he said, turning his attention back to the money, his statement made Tara laugh. 
“Okay fuck you too Spencer, I'll see you two for dinner ? We’re still good for 10 right ?”  
“Sounds good” Tara and Spencer said simultaneously, your brows furrowed, “that was weird but okay. Laters babes” you headed out and ventured back up the stairs and out the door. Emily and JJ stood in the clearing on the grass with maybe 10 or 12 young guys, you could only assume they were the newest recruits to your father’s so called army. Entering at the other side of the building, Matt was in the armoury smoking a blunt. “Is this what I'm paying you for Simmons ?” you walked in, Matt sat up from his seat, he was zoned out but he heard the voice and assumed it was your father, you knew that for sure. 
“No boss, I'm sor- are you kidding?” he saw you standing there with a rather amused look on your face, you bit your lip as you held back a laugh. “Does my father scare you Matt ?” you asked, taking the blunt from him and took a pull. 
“No?” he said, truthfully that sounded more like a question rather than an answer. 
“And the truth ?” you sat down, propping your feet up on the table. 
“Yes” he leaned on the table across from you, you laughed while leaning forward to pass the blunt back to him. “Scaredy cat” you smiled at him, Matt rolled his eyes “you have nothing to worry about, you’re his daughter” 
“Doesn’t mean I’m untouchable” 
“Yeah, it does, actually” 
“Mhm, if I'm untouchable, what happened the other night with you ?” you raised your brows, Matt blushed. “Not what I meant” he said, you stood up and walked towards him. 
“Did I make you blush ?” you slung your arms over his shoulders, your hands coming up to his hair at the nape of his neck, “no of course you don’t, I think it's the other way around” Matt’s hands were on your waist, he lifted you up onto the table. 
“Why are you even in here? Where’s Luke ?” you twirled his hair with your fingers, Matt’s forehead rested against yours, “he’s making out with Penelope in the garden” Matt stated casually.
Pulling away slightly, you looked at him, “what ?” 
“Oh fuck, you didn't know” Matt’s eyes went wide. 
Of course you knew, but Matt didn't know that you knew about Luke and Penelope. 
“I know about them, you can relax” you laughed, “Luke would've killed you if I didn't already know though” your hands cupped Matt’s face. Matt leaned forward, your lips barely touching his. His hands on your lower back, pulling you towards him and closed the gap between the two of you. Your hands fumbled with the buttons on his shirt as his lips moved from your lips to your cheek and then to your neck. 
“Luke I need a g- oh” Derek's voice rang through the room. Matt pulled away from you, he looked like a deer in headlights.
You on the other hand, were as Matt said, untouchable. 
Matt buttoned his shirt back up, “um Luke’s out but I can get you what you need” he told Derek who was still standing at the door watching the scene in front of him unfold. Hopping off the counter, you wiped the lipstick off Matt's lips with your thumb and pressed a kiss to his cheek, “I'll see you around love” 
Derek stood off to the side as Matt gathered the things he needed. “Does Dave know what you're doing with his daughter ?”
“I don't see how that concerns him” Matt’s back was turned to him, his response made Derek roll his eyes. 
“If you want to keep your fucking job, you’ll watch yourself” 
“And what does that mean ?” Matt turned, handing him the gun. Derek rolled his eyes, playing with the trigger of the gun. “It means stay away from her or I'll make sure you do.” spinning on his feet, he walked towards the door.
“What’s your issue with me dude ? y/n doesn’t even like you so why are you acting like this ?” 
Derek stopped in his tracks. his back still facing Matt, “and what do you know about how y/n feels towards me?” 
Matt scoffed, “after what happened to her brother, you think she’ll let you tell her what to do with her life?” 
The mention of James triggered something in Derek. James was one of his friends, his best friend in a way. What happened to James wasn’t his fault and he knew that. Derek had spent the last few years trying to get over that very thing. 
“What did you just say to me ?” Derek turned to face him,
“Her brother, his death was your fault wasn’t it ?” Matt repeated himself.
Derek shoved him back slightly, “watch yourself” he mumbled, he really wasn't in the mood to fight with Matt. 
“Or what ?” Matt challenged him and one thing you should never do, is challenge Derek. He has a habit of making his point no matter what. The muzzle of the gun pressed to the side of Matt’s head, Derek’s hand gripping to the collar of his shirt. 
“Let’s try that again” Derek gave him a smug smile. 
“Woah! Der, stop!” Aaron ran in, pulling Derek away from Matt. The gun was still pointed in Matt’s direction, Aaron looked over at Matt and nodded towards the door, Matt running out the door without looking back. 
“Okay, what the fuck was that about D?” 
Aaron took the gun from him and set it aside. Derek shook his head but Aaron knew him better than that, something was bothering him. “I know you man, you wouldn't pull a gun on him for no reason, what’s up ?” 
“It’s stupid” 
“It’s James” Derek muttered, his eyes focused on anything, anything that would keep him from looking at Aaron. 
“How- What ? How is that possible ? He shouldn't even- he couldn’t know about that” Aaron was confused, more than usual to tell you the truth. There was no way Matt could know about James, unless.. 
Aaron at Derek who was now looking at him. “Y/n..” he whispered, Derek nodded. 
“Did he say anything else ?” 
“Just that she didn’t like me” 
“Don’t take it to heart, she doesn't like anyone” Aaron gave his shoulder a pat before walking out. Derek stood in the middle of the armoury by himself. There were so many things he needed to fix, to mend, to make right so he could move on. Luke brows furrowed as he walked in, “can I help you ?” his voice startled Derek, “no, I'm good. Just came for this” picking up the gun and tucking it into the waistband on his pants.
The drive over was quiet, Derek stopped at the front by the gates and walked the rest of the way. It wasn’t cold but it wasn't warm either and the trees blocked the sun out. This place always gave him the creeps and you’d think a big, strong guy wouldn't get scared that easily but he couldn’t help it.
For the second time today, James had gotten a visitor. 
Derek stood in front of the tombstone. He wasn’t quite sure why he was there, maybe it was the mention of James’s death being his fault or just because his guilty conscience was getting to him. 
“I don’t know why I'm here, honestly. I haven’t been back here since your funeral man, I just- I couldn't.” Derek sighed. 
“It’s not my fault right ? you told me to go, I begged you to let me stay with you and you didn't let me.” he ran his hand over his face, “Your sister blames me. She thinks it’s my fault and she told her stupid little boy toy that.” 
The flowers caught his eye, red roses. 
“Your sister came to see you today didn't she? wait,” Derek chuckled “I'm asking you like you can answer me” he shook his head. 
“Do you know I’ve been getting her roses for her birthday for the past 5 years ? Red roses just like you used to. She doesn't know it’s from me though, she thinks they’re from your father” Derek sighed. 
“I don’t know why, I just- you know what ? I do know. I like her J, I do, like a lot.” he laughed, “holy fuck, I've never said that. I didn’t- wow” Derek paced back and forth for a few moments, he debated if he should tell her or not. She already hates him, what difference does it make ?
The heels clicked on the marble tiles as you walked down the staircase. You were just about to head out for dinner with Spencer and Tara when Matt walked past you. 
“Hey! I'm leaving, why are you going upstairs ?” you stopped, turning back and looking up at him. His back was to you, you could hear him sigh. 
“Matt, what’s wrong?” you walk up a few steps towards him, you reach for his hand but he pulls away. 
“y/n.. we can’t do this anymore” 
“What ? What are you talking about?” 
“This,” he refers to you and him, “we can’t keep doing this. You’re going to lead this shit one day and you can’t spend all your time with me, there has to be something more for you.” 
“Where’s this coming from ? What’s going on?” 
Matt didn’t say anything else, instead he met you in the middle of the staircase. His hands cupped your face, “I'm sorry” he whispered before giving you one last kiss. Your forehead rested against his, your hand on his. He stepped back, your hand still on his, he pulled away until your fingers were barely touching, he finally stepped away, leaving you there by yourself. 
There were so many questions. 
Why ? What had happened ? Did your father say something to him ? What was the reason ? Did Derek tell him something ? 
“Bitch, let’s go. We’re running late, Luke and Penelope are already on their way there” Spencer shouted for you from the bottom of the staircase. Your eyes fixed on the top of the stairs, you sighed and shook the feeling, turning towards Spencer with a smile on your face.
“Where’s Matt ? I thought he was coming with us ?” Tara asked as she walked over to the two of you. You shook your head, “he’s not feeling well” you lied, they both knew something was going on between the two of you but you weren't in the mood for it tonight. 
You just wanted one last night out with your family as a 21 year old. 
Ahh chapter 2 is done! how do we feeling ? I have something exciting in store for chapter 3! 
Taglist: @mac99martin @aaron-hotchner187 @tclaerh @luke-alvez @iconicc @lieberhers @pumpkin-reads @katexrichardson @sluttytears @thelukealvez @scandinavian-punk @laurenxreynolds @morcias​ @shotarosleftpinky​ @mrs-dr-reid​ @hqtchner​ @averyhotchner​ @ssahoodrathotchner​ @willlemonheadsupremacy​ @ssa-autumn-hotchner​ @potter-reid​ @sunshinepower17​ @emilysbau
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hentaimommi · 4 years
ɴᴇʀᴠᴏᴜꜱ | ᴀʀᴍɪɴ ᴀʀʟᴇʀᴛ (x fem reader)
Summary: The "underground" ran gangs were no joke. It was all fun and games until Eren wanted coke.
Warnings: mentions of drug and alcohol use, smoking, violence, and death. seduction and smut
[A/N]: I'm not back but heres a draftt
unedited sorry for any mistakes xx
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[N E R V O U S]
"Armin I'm serious, it'll be cool." Eren spoke calmly, discarding the rapper for his gum into the garbage. Armin twisted his thumbs together, tapping his foot. Eren had asked him to retrieve some so called 'package' from his dealer. He wasn't forcing it upon him, rather, calling in a favor. His reasoning had been 'I'll be busy with Mikasa.' Yet neither of them disclosed exactly why they'd be busy. Armin had never been the the underground part of the Shiganshina city. All he knew was it wasn't actually underground.
"I can do it, I guess." He sat back, crossing his legs. Eren smiled, opening the black drawer up below the table. Within it was illegal substances along with stacks of cash. Armin peaked over the edge, peering into it. The white of Eren's palm clasped over a band, sitting it onto the glass that had been separating both of them. "Just give him the band and take the package. In and out." The blonde swallowed dryly, reaching across the table. The stack was heavy, easily one thousand dollars. "Leave now and be back by eleven. If you run into trouble, call me."
His slender figure stood, nimble and sweaty fingers caressing through his blonde locks. Eren gave him a nod of confirmation as he began walking toward the door. His brain ran a million miles a second. He could die, or worse, get caught. The black sneakers he had on squeaked the marble floor as he exited the apartment building. The streets were slightly coated with fog, a byproduct of the earlier rain. Sweat began beading up on the back of his neck. He'd never broken a law; not a serious one anyways. Sure, he'd manipulated rules and broken them too. Yet, never this.
The car drive was long, music slowly blasting through the radio of his new BMW. Armin prioritized self establishment, meaning he had worked for and bought the car himself. It was his prized position; now running the streets of the underground. Pedestrians turned their heads to him, often seeing mothers chasing after their children who were out to play in the puddles. He almost felt bad for the people who lived here. As he drove on, though, the bar sign he was meant to go into flashed brightly.
All he wanted to do was turn around. Eren was his best friend, but he'd surely understand why. Even so, he got up and out of the jet black vehicle. His shoes made loud thunks against the puddles, making him cringe. Swiftly he pocketed his keys and walked toward the bar. Upon entering, the smell of Tito's and cigars singed his nose hairs. He xhexked his pocket once more for the band, finding it safely resting in the polyester.
His ocean blue eyes peeked every corner of the bar until finding what Eren had described when offering this job to him. A person in a coat, hat, and sunglasses. How cliche. The bar tender was sure to notice this, although he didn't believe they would care much. His footsteps were heavy walking over to the person, each drop of sweat being heavier than the last. "H-Hello, are you, uh-" He checked the paper once more to clarify the name, "Snake?"
"I am." A cool, yet high pitched voice swallowed him whole. He watched as you removed your coat, hat, and sunglasses. The turtle neck you had on perfectly covered how obviously large your chest was, him hoping you didn't notice how he had looked. You tapped the cigarette out on the ash trey side, then picked up your half glass of liquor. "So, you're Eren?" You asked, taking a sip of the drink. It burned, but you wouldn't let it show.
"No, uh, I'm his friend. A-Armin. He sent me." His nails scratched at the table finish, making you raise an eyebrow. It was obvious this man was here against his will, perhaps called in on a favor. You felt bad, he wasn't in his element. "I'm (F/N), most call me snake on account of my tattoo. How did you end up here, if I may ask?" He shifted, crossing his legs. "Eren called me in on a favor for him. I've never really done this before, b-but you seem..nice." He could feel the goosebumps racing. Your eyes were piercing, hair perfectly elotted out in front of your beautiful face. You spoke so cool, so calm, like you new everyone was afraid.
"Well Armin, I'll give you a little run down. I'm the leader of a gang around here called Rose. I've cheated, lied, stolen..killed," He shivered, but watched your beautiful orbs travel from the room back to him. "I have a soft spot for people like you; perhaps you in general, you're so..innocent. It's almost enticing how I can smell it on you." A large gulp could be heard, he hadn't expected you to take such a liking to him so quickly. Not a woman like you.
"I-Is that good?" You smiled, chuckling and sitting your empty glass back down hard enough to make him jump. "It's fantastic. Hand the band over." Shakily he did as you told, pulling the thick wad from his pocket and pushing it across the table. You smiled, racking your fingers through the green. Then, you slid the opposing package over to him. "Pure cut ivory, the rich snort this shit. Be safe with it, will yon?" He blushed a bit, then nodding. "Good boy, huh? It's getting dark, would you want me to drive?" He was a little shocked my your question, realizing the brown bag was still out on the counter. He then shoved it into his pocket, replacing the band.
"How would you get home?" He asked, worried. "Honestly I'll just have one of my men come pick me up, no biggie. Wouldn't wanna leave a piece like you out in the cold how would we?" You stood, throwing down a twenty for the waitress. Dusting yourself off, you gave a hand to Armin. He still wasn't sure about you driving, he had only just met you. Your passive comments of attraction gave him comfort, though. He followed you outside as you waved goodbye to the few patrons who still resided in the bar.
"So, which is yours?" You asked, hand referencing the large parking lot. "The black BMW." He answered with a sense of ego, proud of his buy. You smiled. "Sweet, let's go." He gave you the keys, watching carefully as you started the car and pulled out. You seemed to know the streets well as you drove back to the city. He gave you small winded ins on how to get to his place. As you all pulled in, he watched your thighs rub the leather of his seat from your black pencil skirt riding up.
"We're here. I'll call Levi to c-" "NO, no, please come in for a moment. If you wish." Armin blurted aloud, cursing himself for being so forward. You chuckled, taking the keys from the ignition. He guessed you had wanted to when you opened your door, then his door. "Take me home, cutie." He nodded, hands beginning to sweat in pockets. You followed him diligently to his apartment, where he unlocked the door. The place smelled of cinnamon, eyes locking on the gorgeous set up of his place.
It was color coded black and marble, along. with white and brown. It looked expensive and large, too. "You can uh, sit your coat on the rack. I'll make drinks." He sat his own coat on the couch, headed over to the bar. You hung your coat up, trickling your way through the corridor and into the living room. A large flat screen was held above a fire place, two white couches facing the set up. You sat down softly, taking off your shoes and putting them next to the couch arm. "You must bring a lot of women here." You watched as he brought the drinks over, sitting them onto matching coasters. Armin chuckled softly, sitting next to you.
"I've never brought a woman home. I guess I'm not much of a womanizer." He scratched the back of his neck, watching as you picked up the glass. The rim stained with your burgundy lipstick, your tongue seductively wiping away the liquid from your lips. "I beg to differ." He could feel himself getting hard; from the moment you all met to now, you'd been complimenting him. He felt a connection to you, finally taking his chance to make love to someone. Although he had never, he wished it be special, and perhaps this would be.
"I've never met anyone like you, (F/N). I don't even know your last name and yet, you're so enchanting. Forgive me for thinking out loud." He took a sip, sitting the glass back down. "No, it's quite alright. I feel the same for you.." Your hand caressed his leg, trailing up his thigh. He watched, peaking to your thighs which were exposed again. Instantly he became hard, his cock pushing against his pants, begging for you.
In what seemed like an instant, he passionately grabs your face, kissing you softly. His lips were firm, obviously virgin. You held onto his hands with one of your own, the other entangled into his hair. His kiss only became more mature; deeper, if you would. Begging wordlessly. The heat between your legs grew while his cold hand slid up your thigh, contrasting the warm that had been growing for what felt like an lifetime. "I want you." He breathed, hand looping into your hair. "I want you so bad." You smiled, his head softly resting onto your heaving chest. "(F/N) (L/N). You can have me." "Armin Arlert."
After moments of hefty kissing and teasing, you all were back in his bedroom. Dimly lit as all rooms were, he watched your beautiful figure contort in the dark. You sat naked right above his cock, pulsating, precum beading. "Tell me Armin, do you like how I look?" You asked, pushing your clit onto his cock tip. He tensed, grabbing your hips. "I-I do." A sadistic smile returned to your face. "Fucking slut."
He relished the name you'd called him while you sat onto his hardness, hips rolling around. You were so tight, and had such a pretty pussy. He wanted to taste you, perhaps another time. Your body lifted up and down, fucking his cock so hard he felt as if he'd pass out. The snake tattoo you were known fro trailed from your thigh to your stomach, taking up half of the beautiful skin that resided there.
"Your tits are so god damn sexy." His hand pressed agaisnt the plush of your breast, softly caressing your nipple. The aftercare of sex was so beautiful; he'd came inside, but you'd let him rest onto you. He needed it. "You're god damn sexy." You responded as he nuzzled into your arm. "We need to get that coke to Eren, don't forget." You reminded.
"Eren can wait."
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nikanndros · 4 years
I just want you to know that I think about From Eden at least once a week and I've lost count of how many times I've reread it. If you ever wanna share what comes next amd what other ideas you had for that universe i'm here to listen op 👀
Thank you, I love you! When I first wrote that fic, I had two other parts (at least) that I wanted to go with it, and since they’re partially written I’m happy to share those bits with you:
From Eden Part 2
“It’s just unfair, you know,” the girl said. Her words were slightly slurred. To be fair, they were in a nightclub after midnight. Everyone was slurring. “I was there for him, and I paid his bills while he went through college and now! He has a real job and he dumped me for his secretary.” She started sobbing.
Damen, who was six foot three, strongly built, and also carrying a loaded weapon, took her hands and made a sympathetic noise. “Lykaios,” he said, because he --unlike Laurent-- had actually listened when she’d introduced herself. “I think the best thing for you now is to forget about him. He didn’t deserve you.”
Lykaios sniffled. “You think so?”
“Of course I do,” Damen said. “I’ve only known you for a few minutes and I already can see that you’re incredible. Right, babe?”
“Right,” Laurent deadpanned. He glanced at his watch. “It’s quarter to.”
Damen nodded. Still holding Lykaios’ hands, he turned to Laurent. “Security?”
“Just the two.”
“Great.” He looked back to Lykaois. “Listen, doll, we’ve got to get down to business, but I want you to remember what I said, okay? You’re worth a lot more than that guy gave you.  And your mascara is running a little. Maybe you should go fix it up in the bathroom and wipe your tears?”
“Okay,” Lykaois sniffed. “Thank you.” She left.
Damen gave Laurent a grin, the crooked, teeth-baring one that appeared whenever they were about to do a job. “Ready?”
“You never call me doll.”
“Do you want me to?”
“Try it sometime and see.”
Damen yanked him in by the jacket and kissed him, slowly and bordering on indecent. “Alright,” he said, after he pulled back. “Show time.”
As Damen disappeared into the crowd, Laurent grasped his --still full-- drink, turned, and threw its contents at the roughest looking guy in the place.
“Hey, what the hell?” The guy squared his shoulders; he was intimidating even covered in lemonade.
“Fuck you,” Laurent replied. 
At this point, three months of travelling and stealing and, most importantly, Damen, Laurent had become pretty efficient at inciting fights. He didn’t need to see the punch coming to know that it was, he just sidestepped and let the man stumble into the back of another patron. It took less than thirty seconds before half the clientele were involved in an all out brawl.
The two security guards rushed in, and were immediately overwhelmed enough that the only bartender -- a youngish lad with a crooked nose -- had to join in to get everything under control. Laurent punched him.
Eventually, the fight got calmed down enough for fingers to point to Laurent and the lemonade clad man as the inciters, and guards hauled them both out into the parking lot.
“Let me go!” Lemonade guy yelled. “I’ll fucking kill him.”
“You can try,” Laurent said, a lot more willing to be subdued by the guard that had him by the arms.
“Don’t make us call the police, man,” his guard complained. “The both of you can go your separate ways, come on.”
The door behind them opened. 
“Sweetheart,” Damen said, chidingly. “I step away for two minutes and you get yourself into trouble.”
They go back to a motel after this and Damen reveals the money he stole from the tills while Laurent was being a distraction. Sexy times ensue. Damen eventually falls asleep and Laurent stays awake with the tv on. The news comes on and an interview is shown with Lykaios being interviewed about the robbery at the bar -- she gives a completely inaccurate description of what Damen looked like, and Laurent reflects on how easy it is for Damen to charm people to taking his side.
From Eden Part 3
Their most recent car was a much older model. The aircon was busted and they had to wind down the windows themselves, but at least the radio worked. It was hot, despite it being a couple of hours past sunset. 
Damen was singing with the radio. He wasn’t going to win any awards, but his voice was deep and he had a nice enough sense of the music. He grinned at Laurent. He was always happy. It was part of what made him so magnetic. 
Laurent smiled back. After two years with Damen, the expression felt natural.
Except for them, the road was empty. Damen reached over and took Laurent’s hand in his. 
“Watch the road,” Laurent said.
Damen laughed. “But you’re my favourite view.”
“I won’t be happy if you kill us in a car wreck.”
Obediently, Damen looked back to the road. And then, because it was Damen, the car sped up.
Laurent’s hair flew about chaotically, longer than it had ever been when his uncle had been keeping a hand of Laurent’s appearance. It needed a trim, but as much as Laurent trusted Damen, he didn’t trust him to do that. Damen had offered to take him to a salon, somewhere quiet where there was no chance he’d be recognised, but Laurent wasn’t fond of the idea of being trapped in a chair like that. He was too used to freedom by now.
“Left here,” Laurent instructed.
They’d had to slow down once the got near the town. It was best to avoid anyone’s attention for as long as possible. (An admittedly difficult feat when traveling with someone like Damen).
They drove a little way past the house, until they found an obscure little dirt road to park down. It wouldn’t do for someone to see the car. They grabbed their things, and looped back to the house on foot.
Quietly, Damen was still singing. 
“Stop it,” Laurent said.
“You love it,” he replied. “This is your birthday present, baby, at least look like you’re having fun.”
“This is literally the worst place we could get caught.”
“No it isn’t,” Damen replied. “I checked out the police station last time I was here. Breaking out of the cells would be too easy.”
“You know that’s not what I meant.”
“There were no lights on when we drove by. No one is home.”
That was true. And they’d timed it perfectly, assuming schedules hadn’t changed in the last two years. The house was silent when they got to it, not a light in sight as promised.
Laurent took a deep breath.
“Chin up,” Damen said. “Let’s go rob your uncle.”
The spare key wasn’t where uncle used to keep it, so they went around the back and Damen fucked with the lock until it opened. It was almost hard to walk into the house, full of so many bad memories, except it had never truly been Laurent’s home and he could just tell himself this was another job. 
“The study,” Laurent said, leading the way.
They crept up the stairs together, torches on their lowest settings.
The study was a formidable room with the big, mahogany desk, and the shelves of books that existed solely to make visitors feel stupid. “Look at this,” Laurent said, pulling out one of the books. “War and Peace in Russian. He doesn’t even know Russian.”
Damen reached past him, and nonchalantly, tipped a stack of books off the shelf. They clattered noisily onto the floor. “Oops,” Damen said. He turned away. “Where’s the safe?”
“Under the desk,” Laurent replied. He was busy searching through the books, finding any early editions to pilfer. They’d probably be able to sell them to an antique store for a bit of quick cash. 
Damen worked away at the safe for a bit, guessing potential codes Laurent had told him about. “None of these are working, sweetheart.” The safe made a beeping noise. “Oh, wait. Got it. Wow, he really deserves to be robbed.”
“I’m sure he thought I’d never come back here.”
Damen made a vaguely angry noise. He didn’t like reminders of what had happened to Laurent in this house. He’d even tried to convince Laurent that they could just murder his uncle while they were here. Laurent wasn’t sure he wanted to add cold-blooded murder to their repertoire just yet though. However tempting.
Damen stood up, suddenly. Hands full of Laurent’s uncle’s emergency cash. He grinned.
“Happy birthday - to - you,” he crooned.
Laurent couldn’t help it. He laughed. “I love you, you beautiful fucking bastard.” 
Abandoning the books, Laurent moved in and kissed him. Carefully, Damen put the money down on the desk so that he could cup Laurent’s face in his hands. It was always intoxicating to kiss Damen. There was something about him that made Laurent forget himself until there was only the press of their lips.
“I love you too,” Damen whispered, pulling back a little. He’d stopped smiling; it was a moment of complete genuine emotion. He did that sometimes, always out of the blue, and it always made Laurent want to clutch him tighter and maybe cry. 
“Let’s finish up here,” Laurent said, “and then we can go find somewhere nice and fuck under the stars.”
“You always know just what to say to seduce me,” Damen said.
They bagged the money, and the books Laurent had picked, and then they made their way down the stairs again.
“Wait,” Damen said.
“I’m hungry.” He turned into the kitchen and opened the fridge. “Oh hey, chocolate.”
Actually, that was an idea. Laurent followed him into the kitchen and went straight for the pretentious temperature controlled wine fridge. “Pinot noir or Shiraz?”
“Whatever is more expensive,” Damen replied. He was adding strawberries and oranges to the bag as well. Cream?”
“It’ll go warm too fast.”
“I feel like we should unplug the fridge before we go, at least,” Damen added. “If you’re still against me putting bleach in the milk.”
“Wouldn’t that make it curdle?”
Damen shrugged. “I don’t know. I had a cement mixer in a bar once but that was lime juice.”
“You can unplug the fridge. If he dies from food poisoning, that’s on him.”
Damen started to look for the cord to the fridge.
“Wait,” Laurent whispered. “Did you hear that?”
They froze, listening.
There it was. The soft sound of the stairs creaking. Fuck. Silently, Laurent gestured towards the back door. Damen nodded. He was carefully reaching over to the knife stand.
“Renaud?” came a small voice.
A young boy, no more than thirteen, stepped into the kitchen. He was wiping at one eye sleepily in a childlike gesture. Less childlike were the bruises on his arms. Laurent knew he and Damen had matching expressions of horror.
The boy’s eyes widened as he took them in. “Who are you?” he said.
Damen’s expression was one of barely concealed fury. He looked at Laurent. “I’m not leaving until that man is in a shallow grave.”
“Don’t scare the boy,” Laurent admonished. He turned to the child and tried to look as non-intimidating as a late-night home invader could possibly look. “What’s your name?”
“Are you Renaud’s friends?” The boy asked.
“No,” Laurent said. “Definitely not. I’m Laurent.”
The boy was frowning. “You used to live here.” 
“Well,” he straightened up, suddenly hostile. “You’re not allowed to come back. He doesn’t want you anymore; I’m better.”
“Where are your parents?” Damen asked.
“We’re not giving him back to parents who-”
“They’re dead,” the boy said. He didn’t sound upset.
The boy is obviously Nicaise. They hear a car in the driveway and Laurent locks Nicaise in the pantry. Laurent’s protective instinct rears up and he insists they kill the uncle now. Damen is fully down for it. Murder ensues. They let Nicaise out and keep him away from finding out that the uncle is dead in the next room. They tell Nicaise to pack a back and discuss what to do with him. Damen suggests dropping him off at a hospital or somewhere like that where someone can get help for him (since they can’t exactly go to the cops). 
Nicaise overhears and says that he doesn’t want to have a new foster parent; at least his current one has a big house. Laurent hearing that feels too wary to risk Nicaise getting another bad household. Damen is like, well I guess we can keep him if you want??? Laurent agrees. They go get in the car and drive away. 
Anyway this AU was directly inspired by the film clip for Hozier’s��‘From Eden’, you should watch it bc that’s the story I intended to write 
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chicago-geniza · 3 years
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well i intended to go for a nice evening walk, ended up having a panic attack, ordering a couple of cocktails at the bougie bar, joining a jam session with a bunch of old hippies on the logan green (one of them gave me a handpainted wooden medallion which seems to be carved out of tree bark, strung on a length of yarn???), met a crustpunk train-hopping dude in town for the month (& his dog, in a leather-studded harness) who's lived in 45/50 states & a 44 yr old guy everyone called "the wizard" wearing a tattered, patch-covered robe who shares most of my parents' conspiracy theories & considers himself a latter-day prophet, he bought us sorbet & ice cream, wound up hanging out with them & staying up all night at their indescribably eclectic, cluttered, blood-spattered (!!!) apartment, belonging to 44 yr old guy's art curator father & decorated accordingly, smoking m*th & listening to music & talking (or rather listening to them rant/rave/recount stories from their incredibly wild lives), i gave them advice on applying for unemployment & medicaid & how to appear compliant enough w/ carceral psychiatric intervention so they won't section you without actually submitting to forced medication or institutionalization, especially if they assign you a case worker & do regular "wellness checks." also how to pass off certain aspects of behavioral dysregulation as executive dysfunction, get them to pay for an adhd evaluation, get an adderall IR scrip, sell the 30 mg pills (cite body weight, high doses of other psych meds as reason for higher dose; look sincere; play to systemic biases toward cis white men, unfortunately), & use the cash to buy m*th, if they'd prefer to keep doing that. you can also pass positive psychotic symptoms--agitation etc.--off as severe anxiety, especially if you have a history of trauma, & they will give you benzodiazepines. it is in their best interest to keep you docile, i.e. tranquilized, particularly if your past convictions & involuntary institutionalizations revolve around a pattern of aggressive behavior, & that's On The Record/there's a paper trail. (e.g. one dude got arrested trying to keep cars away from an injured bird on the road, some genre of raptor i think (???) by threatening them with a shopping cart, not hitting them, but like, running at them as if to collide then feinting at the last minute so they'd swerve out of the way. not the safest or most effective maneuver, lotta reckless endangerment, but the motivation was admirable. probably put the fear of god into some drivers, though. he doesn't seem to have, like, impulse control.) it's a lot easier & you have fewer run-ins with the cops if you game the system & appear cooperative. they gave me this coat, which "just showed up in their apartment one day," like i did. 44 yr old guy walked me back to apartment, stole a street sign & tore down a real estate sign en route, lori lightfoot did indeed take down the pride flag in front of her house on july 1st & replace it with an appropriately patriotic american flag, i walked past the idling plainclothes cop car & another marked police vehicle with their Mayoral Guarding Detail inside at like 4.30 am smoking a menthol cigarette (not inhaling), high on m*th, draped in a neon anime jacket, in the company of a visibly insane, unshaven & unshorn middle-aged man in a technicolor patchwork trenchcoat, holding a lit cigarette in one hand & an upside-down traffic cone in the other, which he was using as an ad hoc amplifier for a noise track playing on my phone. he was also carrying the stolen real estate banner &, inexplicably, a stack of mail. i gave him my old backup phone (no SIM card & doesn't hold a charge long, ancient, but still works), since neither he nor the other dude have phones (cops took them), also one hybrid edible for each of them, as a thanks for the m*th & the kindness. their hearts are in the right place but they have some fucked-up beliefs about "reverse racism" being real, while also saying in the same breath that you can tell our country is irredeemable by the way it continues to
treat black people. we were discussing medical weed for seizures on medicaid & 44 yr old guy mentioned one of his close friends, a black epileptic woman, whose seizures were frequent & severe enough they prevented her from working. then he added, in apparent bemusement, they she hadn't spoken to him in some time, & he wondered why. a little while later he relayed their last conversation & i was like "my dude, i can say with 100% certainty she is not talking to you because you said some *appallingly*, jaw-droppingly racist shit & did not even realize it was racist." then i, comma, a white person, explained to this man that he literally thought of their exchange as, like, an abstract argument over insignificant ideas, a theoretical exercise, & therefore considered it simply a smug gotcha to "counter" hotep theories about egyptian origin by claiming that "if that's true, american slavery & the oppression of black people in america are divine retribution for the enslavement of the jews in ancient egypt, an eye for an eye & a deserved punishment." like, first of all, what the actual fuck, if i were that woman i would also never speak to you again, second of all there's the collapse of historical time & mythical time, history & exegesis, an assumption that rests on spurious claims of biblical literalism (zionist colonization logic, btw! him: what's exegesis? what's zionism? me: never mind, not the point. exegesis is the interpretation of religious texts in a religious CONtext, in this case what you would likely call the hebrew bible.)--but most importantly it is 100% irrelevant to this discussion whether or not black americans are Actually Factually descendended from ancient egypt! you just told this woman to her face that the ancestry she claims, of which she's proud, is the reason & justification for SLAVERY & BLACK SUFFERING--not only that, but that if it WERE true, than black people would DESRVE to suffer, by DIVINE DECREE. you are trying to force her to abdicate her claim on this heritage by putting her in a position where she'd be forced to concede complicity in her people's historical & present-day persecution, oppression, & essentially the existence of structural racism. & using The Figural Jew as a rhetorical cudgel to bludgeon her into this corner. what a despicable thing to say. like, he hadn't considered it from her perspective at all, & once he groked why the comment itself was, like, unforgivable (idk, maybe she's more forgiving; she has a virtue-name), i started socratic-method-ing him through why it was particularly unforgivable for *him* to say to *her*--the individual is not responsible for the systems from they benefit, but they are imbricated in them, they are implicated when they actively perpetuate & uphold them, even with speech acts. & finally gave the same "there is no such thing as reverse racism because racism is not an individual act, it is an institutional, systemic phenomenon, & it is an ideology, one which individual acts can bear out or be in accordance with, & to which individuals can subscribe (this bearing it out in their behavior, in their institutional roles, in their interpersonal interactions--here i gave & solicited examples of each) or be subject (also gave & solicited examples). m*th makes me very good at Explaining clearly & he was surprisingly receptive--like, it was astonishing that it had not occurred to him??? but it hadn't, the same way it hadn't occurred to my mother, & she interpreted it as "reverse racist" when their next-door neighbor called her the "white devil" for disputing their property line, & i had to be like "ok but if you called in a random third party to mediate in lily-white [city], oregon, where white supremacists openly drive down the street in pickup trucks with swastika armbands, whose side do you think they would take, statistically speaking, in your property dispute. that's why racism is systemic & institutional, & your rude neighbor calling you a name over a disagreement does not constitute 'reverse racism,' because 'reverse racism' by definition cannot
exist." now this dude wants to like, read books, so i gotta get him some entry-level Intro To Racism primers??? how did i end up here, but better me than his black epileptic (ex-)friend, i guess??? jesus christ. both of these guys have the most chaotic, reactionary politics in a potpourri with these deep commitments to abolition & mutual aid & a kind of proto-anarchist consciousness, none of which would be called by those names, but all of which is borne out in practice & in the politics of everyday life. they remind me a LOT of my parents. i'm loath to imagine how they'd internalize my stepdad's rambling, street-preacher-style libertarian lectures. probably go out & buy guns & invest in gold on the stock market & double down on the conviction that free speech is being curtailed & individual rights are in jeopardy because you can no longer unleash a barrage of harassment against some guy on the street because you think he looked at you funny. these claustrophobic convictions, like the space to express oneself is getting smaller & smaller every day, *other people* are taking it away from you, suffocating you on all sides with their offense demanding your silence, they are *making* the walls close in--when in fact it's more like a holodeck. you're a member of the Hegemonic Group, afforded the privilege of the default, so you don't question the vast verdant expanse that is your domain--ah, Free Speech, the sun never sets on the empire of ~uncensored expression, you can say whatever you want whenever you want without facing consequences because you control all the organs that mete out consequences & you have also determined that those groups who might be adversely affected by your words--emotionally OR materially--are not, well...of consequence. but of course the vast verdant domain is an illusion, photons & forcefields, held together by the all-encompassing TOTALITY of the dominant group's hegemony, power, etc. once that power begins to redistribute throughout the system--however unevenly, however incrementally, however slowly--as even the smallest pieces are appropriated by those deemed inconsequential, who have endured years of systemic, material, institutional violence that allowed the dominant group to become dominant & retain its dominant position--once those 'inconsequential' groups speak up & say "actually, these words bear an indelible imprint of the violence enacted upon us, these words are the legacy of that violence, these words are a tacit endorsement of the ideology behind that violence, which classifies us as subhuman, & even if *you* can't hear those echoes, the words broadcast on two historical frequencies, so now that we're able to broadcast on a frequency *you* can hear, we request you find other language, & consider the implications of the words you've been using for years." well--once The Subaltern Speaks, the dominant group loses its 'innocence,' & becomes aware the vast verdant expanse of language is an illusion of infinite space, aware of the four holodeck walls pressing in behind the simulacrum of the horizon, & suddenly "what one can say without negative consequences"--largely social, sometimes, rarely, if social media goes viral, professional--feels much more claustrophobic. so they get angry. & some of them are just bigots, obviously, but some of them--like my parents, &, even, this weirdly well-intentioned m*thhead who said one of the most shockingly racist things i've heard in my life & *honestly didn't understand why it was racist*, is really riled up about free speech & individual rights, hates the government, hates "FANG" (facebook amazon netflix google) & has a bunch of dystopian conspiracy theories about data harvesting & personal information that only miss the mark in that they get too nefariously biopolitical (billionaires want to put microchips in everybody for surveillance to monitor our movements & sell us more stuff; they don't need to, they already use our phone location & browsing habits to generate the algorithm & sell the information to ad companies lol, it's digital& cast a
single illuminati figure in the role of comic book villain, controlling the operation behind the scenes like an evil puppetmaster (classic conspiracy fare; again, we gotta take that energy, that suspicion, the understanding that they are being taken advantage of & tricked, the idea that power & capital & resources are concentrated among a very small number of people, however it's not an individual wealthy villain with a desire for world domination who wants to turn Free Americans into microchipped drones, it's a *class* of people--or rather several classes, but *who those people are as individuals does not matter*. if you guillotined bill gates, another billionaire would take his place. bill gates qua bill gates is not the problem. it is classes of people who control the means of production & own property & profit enormously from exploiting the labor of a desperate, rapidly increasing underclass, i.e. from the system as it is. therefore it is in their interest to maintain the status quo, because it serves them. 'the rich get richer, the poor get poorer.' the middle class gradually ceases to exist. if you want to compound it by race, consider the GI bill as an example - you learn about it as the leg up that enabled thousands of WWII vets to buy houses, enabling them to enter the middle class. hundreds of thousands of third-gen middle class white americans still reap the structural, socioeconomic benefits of their grandparents' initial upward mobility, including,, very tangibly, those selfsame houses, which can be inherited & then rented out as a second property if the children or grandchildren accrue enough money to buy their own properties. but only about 100 black vets got approved for homeownership loans, despite the staggering numbers of black soldiers who enlisted & applied through the GI bill. anyway! the impulses are there, & they're only being funneled into conspiracy thinking because that makes intuitive sense on a narrative level. these guys have a high school education; so does my stepdad. their reading habits are...eclectic, sporadic, pretty much dictated by occasional recommendations & like, little free libraries around the neighborhood. it's both interesting & frustrating to see like - hey, here are these people, we agree on a lot of things, they're earnest & open & want to learn & would give their neighbor the shirt off their backs as a matter of principle. they'd give a *stranger* the shirt off their backs; they'd share whatever they had. even what chores there are in their collective--they live with two other guys--(dumpster diving, walking the dog, tidying up the apartment) are allocated by ability & inclination. they made advance plans to look after the dog & their roommate with War PTSD on the 4th of july if the fireworks upset them, jokingly called the dog an emotional support animal. you give them the tools, the reading, talk to them like normal people with a stake in society--like, imagine a society that would have a stake in people like you instead of criminalizing you & consigning you to the margins! that's already *political imagination* because anyone who occupies a marginalized position will have their existence politicized, whether they want this or not, so better to become a self-aware, self-reflexive political subject, no?--talk *with* them because tbh i am them, i'm just better at situational masking & also i am very very afraid of cops so i only damage property in groups during planned political actions (not spontaneously, because i feel a flash of rage at my neighborhood gentrifying, & simply do not have a superego, so i tear down the real estate sign for the fancy new apartment complex in a fit of pique, because in this house we believe that spontaneity can & should be developed into class consciousness, again, the seeds of which are there in the initial trigger for the spontaneous reaction, i.e. anger at gentrification. not opposed to a little direct action, but they're just gonna put up a new sign tomorrow, it doesn't advance your agenda or hinder the gentrifiers' progress. now, if
you sabotaged the construction site for the new apartment buildings & painted a few potent symbols + graffiti'd a pithy, written statement expressing your opposition to gentrification generally & these apartments specifically? in a prominent place, large font, eye level, visible & legible from oh, a block away? maybe as a member of a collective, your neighbors, perhaps? & you could sign it "[neighborhood] or [block] residents" to pack more of a punch, the power of a crowd speaking in unison to say "not OUR home, you predatory developers"? that's no longer spontaneous, impulsive, affective violence, & it's also no longer an individual--acting alone leaves you vulnerable. again--i didn't just *intuit* that he tore the sign down because he was mad about gentrification, i asked, in a genuinely curious tone, not at all accusatory, no hint of reprimand or censure, just...interested, "why did you do that?" & he was like "it made me fucking mad." & i was like "what about it made you mad? the apartments? how come?" & he thought about it for a minute & explained. i'm not sure *he* necessarily made the conscious connection until prompted. idk, i know people talk a lot about the fact that breitbart & drudge report are free while NYT & "all the news fit to print" is paywalled, & q-pilled covid hoax sites are free while "reputable" pandemic coverage & public health guidelines & explanations of mRNA vaccines for a lay audience are paywalled & that's true but also We Live In A Society & if you talk to the wingnuts who AREN'T that way because of any far-right ideology, a lot of them are just...autodidacts without much formal education but a lot of raw intelligence that leads to analyzing The Big Picture & trying to deduce a pattern, find a framework that explains why the world is the way it is, profoundly frustrated, deeply aware of American society's, universalized & figured as the world's, exceptional unfairness & cruelty, & *that can be redirected* with reading, discussion, prompting critical thought, introducing community connections, & perhaps most importantly for this genre of person, getting them to see patterns at work in terms of systems & structures rather than individuals, letting go of American individualism's explanatory power & belief in its liberatory potential (see: the sort of ad hoc libertarianism that goes hand-in-glove with much conspiracy thinking, both stemming from 1) mistrusting the government, & 2) ultimate freedom of the individual as the most sacred value, therefore it is what all enemies want to take away), outlining positive, actionable goals rather than just ambient suspicion & anger at authority, & figuring out how those goals can be accomplished more effectively by an organized collective (but this will ultimately benefit the individual). If the world isn't run by a shadowy cabal, if you begin to understand the structures responsible & how they manifest even on the scale of your block (e.g.!!! predatory developers buying up properties during a pandemic, tearing down affordable housing to build expensive condos on the lot, or giving old buildings a "spit and polish" so they can double the rent, pricing all the current residents out, not to mention all the little local businesses, almost all mexican & run by the mexican families who live here, that give our block its culture & will get pushed out by boutique coffee shops & the like, catering to a more affluent & almost certainly whiter clientele)--you can, in fact, change the world, something both of them repeatedly referred to as their purpose on earth. it may not be as a maverick figure, one against an army, but strength in numbers is an aphorism for a reason.
anyway! thse guys were also really weird about jews, in the philosemitic way conspiracy theorists of a certain stripe often are. the itinerant vagabond guy gave me one of his drawings; it's really lovely. i'm going to give them "are prisons obsolete?" & "the wretched of the earth" & some david graeber. 44 yr old guy has this idea that society is atomized & people aren't connected to each other & have lost the willingness or the ability to communicate with each other, also that the overreach of authority has driven some people to violence, & that makes the world feel unsafe to everyone else. he feels guilty because he is acutely aware that language, when wielded adroitly & intentionally, always has the capacity to manipulate; he is afraid of succumbing to the temptation, because he senses the coercive power of language within himself. the other guy was mostly quiet but said 44 yr old guy is one of the best friends he's ever had. he thinks animals are able to sense emotions and to heal, & he thinks they can mediate between people who have become too isolated, who have forgotten humans' innate ability to forge connections, approach others as social creatures seeking to bond instead of mistrustful, apprehensive, rejecting overtures of friendship because they expect subterfuge, or propriety has evolved to deem such overtures inappropriate outside of strictly delineated, artificially orchestrated contexts. deviation from the norm is not permitted. & back again to policing. they have an idea called "the omega family," omega for the end, a group of like-minded people who come together, who encounter each other serendipitously (predicted through auspicious auguries & recognized on sight through a constellation of signs & wonders, because of course we are all psychotic here, it was nice to just be psychotic & discuss these things like they were normal lol), & serve as catalysts to each other's "personal truth." anyway this is why i don't go out when i'm crazy, i always end up in situations like this, see also: the last time i did m*th, in a pizza hut bathroom in tallinn with an art student from glascow named muhammad ali (he went by ali), the son of white muslim converts--we thought it was c*ke but it got lost in translation & that's how i figured out i had adhd. later i got [redacted] by a filmmaker from kazan & he gave me his business card afterward for some reason, which was extremely funny. thankfully these dudes were better behaved. one of them even gave a speech about how men shouldn't rape people??? & also how our society shouldn't construct women as universal victims because in doing so it makes victimhood almost compulsory & shoehorns women into a victim role as part & parcel of womanhood? i was like yes my dude you are almost there, read the essay "abject feminism." (i did not tell them i was trans bc i wasn't sure how that would shake down, to be honest; couldn't get a read on it. did tell them i was gay & they respected it, though one did say he dated a lesbian once, & i explained that many men feel compelled to interject with an anecdote relating an exception to the rule or insist that they will he the exception to the rule, & it's really just bad manners, not even getting into the bad politics. he took it on the chin & talked about how the girl in question came home to find her partner dead of an overdose & his wife had just died of MS, so their relationship was more about grief & comfort than sexual attraction. i was like that's really, really sad, & it's wonderful that you were able to be there for each other at a time of such staggering loss, & i am a person who totally understands what you mean to communicate, but if a lesbian tells you they're a lesbian & you reply that you once dated a lesbian & they get offended & instead of responding with contrition or correction you elaborate on the tragic backstory of the relationship as though that explains the circumstances in which a self-proclaimed lesbian would date a cis man, other lesbians *will* deck you, or at the very least not take you, an unwashed white guy in
his 40s who isn't neurotypical & sits way too close for social convention in a way that could easily be construed as a come-on, in good faith.) tl;dr made some new friends, did some good drügs (i much prefer smoking m*th to snorting it, basically like purer, more potent adderall, & as such will not be doing it again for a LONG time, because i enjoy it FAR too much; slices through the brain fog & the chronic fatigue & the joint/bone pain, makes me able to pay attention, follow the thread of a conversation, actually be *interested* & want to ask *questions* & expand, build, encourage my interlocutor to elaborate, place more kal-toh pieces until the conversation shimmers into a three-dimensional shape, instead of being listless & exhausted & disengaged & *bored* all the time, so obviously i would get addicted immediately if given the opportunity, & i've known this forever lol)--now going to hydrate, refill pill case, write some emails, & meet C at the beach! not how i expected to reboot my brain, but it works! also putting them on limited facebook view because i try to keep some groups of people in my life quarantined from each other & that includes 1) my relatives & my academic ~colleagues (ne'er the twain shall meet), 2) my exes & my family, 3) my relatives, colleagues, & uh. a couple of lovely, but extremely psychotic dudes with very long criminal records i met while doing hard drugs
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shesclearlya3 · 4 years
Summer of ‘84
Xavier Plympton x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 3,426
Warnings: smut, language, sex in a public place, au!, all characters are 18+, i’m sorry if this is bad lmao
**using my current tag-list so feel free to ignore**
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It was June of 1984 when you and your close friends returned to your jobs at the local drive-in theatre the last Summer before you started college.
It was your second year working here, and you were sad that it would be the last. It was an easy job. You'd work nights only five days a week. It was nice being able to make your own money and have fun with your friends while doing it. 
You were working the concession stand tonight with Xavier Plympton. You had been friends with him the longest out of the bunch. He was one of the best co-workers you could ever ask for. Despite his constant complaining about dealing with customers, he was always armed with perfect comebacks when you were stuck dealing with a Karen. Plus, he did work hard, which was a relief. Some of the other teenagers you worked with were only there for the paycheck, clearly. 
You were particularly excited because you were able to see the screen playing Gremlins and Ghostbusters. You rarely got to enjoy the movies. You were either working the ticket booth or continuously walking around, making sure nobody tried to sneak under the rotting wooden gates surrounding the lot. 
It was just after 9:30 when Gremlins started, and you and Xavier had just finished up the line.
"Let's hope the crowd stays away so we can clean up." he sighed, stretching his arms above his head. The ugly yellow shirts you had to wear rode up a little, and you caught yourself staring before a pair of hands covered your eyes.
"Gah!" you said, and you heard the loud laugh of Montana Duke behind you. 
"Sheesh, you're such a scaredy-cat!"
"I was distracted!" you said, your cheeks burning as you started to wipe down the counter, which was covered in popcorn kernels. "Shouldn't you be with Brooke right now?"
Montana slid over the countertops, going to the pop machine where she started filling up two cups. "We're parched, it's just now starting to cool down a bit. Larry is making us patrol for the next forty-five minutes before the others take over."
You nodded, scrubbing a particularly stubborn spot of butter that was probably from the night before. 
Xavier had laughed at what Montana said, and you immediately knew why. They had been caught in quite the compromising position the first night the theatre was opened this season. You were surprised they hadn't been fired, and Brooke had given two shifts away after the fact to avoid being questioned about it. 
"He's a fucking pervert anyway," Montana said, putting lids on both cups. "I gotta go. Be good!" she called sweetly before she bounced out of the rickety building. 
"I wish these fucking fans would work!" Xavier grumbled, fumbling with the switch of the nearest overhead fan. It made a creaking noise, the metal blades moving an inch before it stopped. 
"They're ancient," you laughed, finally getting the spot cleaned. "Candace told me they've been here since this place opened."
"These are like forty years old then, how fucking convenient," he grumbled, before giving up. "You'd think they could afford to replace them."
"Watch your language," you scolded. "We don't need another complaint."
Xavier smirked at you, starting to restock the popcorn buckets. "y/n, you should really stop being so uptight, babe." he teased you.
"I am not uptight!" you gasped, your mouth falling open as you dropped the rag into the sanitizer bucket. 
"Exactly what someone uptight would say!" he retorted, laughing at you, his hands methodically stacking the buckets handful by handful. 
"You won't think it's amusing when you're fired, you ass!" you said, causing Xavier to throw his head back and laugh rambunctiously. 
"That's the least of my worries, babe," he grinned at you, and you felt your heart swell. "What would you do without me?" he said.
"I'd probably actually get some work done..." you mumbled, starting to refill the popcorn machine with fresh kernels. "But I'd have to deal with the bitchy Karens all on my own."
"Watch your language!" Xavier mocked you, balling up the plastic and tossing it in the nearest trash-can. "Hey y/n- oh, someone is coming."
You told Xavier you would take care of the customer as he started restocking the cups, watching as you showed the young boy all of the ice creams you had. He was cute, probably no older than eleven with thick-framed glasses and a toothy smile. 
"Thank you, Miss," he said, before hurrying out.
"I think he liked you," Xavier said as you closed the register. "That's cute."
You rolled your eyes, seeing Larry sitting in the projection room, already asleep. "Shut up, he's young."
The next half-an-hour you only helped two other customers. Many people came to use the bathrooms, but other than that, you were alone with Xavier. You had cleaned up everything there was to clean, and you decided to dig out the book you brought to pass the time. 
Xavier watched the screen through the large window next to the entrance, the portable stereo tuned into the theatre's station. He was very amused by Gizmo, even gushing at the little creature.
"That's cute," you mumbled to yourself, chewing on your lip to keep from giggling.
"I heard that," he said crossly, his eyes on you now.
"I didn't say anything," you shrugged, bookmarking your page. "I'm hungry, I want a pretzel."
"Lucky for you, I popped one in for you," Xavier said, gesturing towards the pretzel heater right next to him. "It should be done now."
"Thank you, Xavier!" you said happily, coming over and taking it out. Xavier watched you, and he reached next to him for a bucket of popcorn he had gotten for himself. He put a handful in his mouth as you started pouring nacho cheese into a plastic container. 
"Hey, y/n?" he asked again, looking at you.
"Yes?" you asked, watching the hot cheese, feeling your stomach growl with hunger.
"Do you remember my friend Chet? He graduated last year?"
You nodded, moving to sit next to him on the counter. "The cute dark-haired kid who is really athletic?" 
"That's him," Xavier said, stuffing more popcorn into his mouth. "I ran into him the other day, and I told him I was working here again. He said he worked here for a season before we met."
You encouraged him to keep going, wondering where this was going. You knew Chet Clancy, mainly because he was a popular jock who dated multiple girls throughout the years. You have only spoken a few words with him in your entire life, but he was sweet enough. 
"Uhm..." he said, looking a little nervous now. You thought it was odd, he rarely became this way around you. "He asked about you."
You perked up, tearing your pretzel in half as you watched him see if he were joking. He wasn't, looking you dead in the eyes, and you could see he was honest.
"He asked about me?" you asked, shocked.
"Yeah, he kind of... Hinted, that he was interested in you."
You found yourself smiling. "Really? I never really talked to him..."
Xavier nodded, "I know. I was a little shocked myself."
You ate some of your food, now thinking about dating Chet Clancy. You never would have imagined it, and not even because you rarely knew him. He just seemed so out of reach. You weren't the "normal" crowd he hung out with.
"Wow... That's insane," you said simply.
"Yeah... But I kind of choked up and said we were dating."
You spit out your tiny bite of food, covering your mouth as Xavier looked at you with wide eyes. "WE'RE NOT DATING!"
"Shh!" Xavier said, almost dropping his popcorn in an attempt to cover your mouth. "I know, y/n, I don't even know what happened," he growled, tossing the bucket aside. "I panicked."
"Why would you panic?" you asked, wrinkling your nose as you picked up your un-chewed food with a napkin and tossed it in the bin. "We're friends."
"I got... Jealous," he replied lamely.
You glanced up at him, and he was looking at his lap, his face wrinkled in embarrassment. You were thrown for a loop. As long as you had known each other, not once did there seem to be any romantic inclination. Of course, you've crushed on him a bit, I mean, who wouldn't? He was funny, charismatic, gorgeous, and saw something in you that he wanted to be your friend.
"Why?" was all you managed, your voice hushed and confused.
"It made me realize that I like you. And we're not little kids anymore. If I didn't tell you how I felt, then I might lose the opportunity to tell you." he said, before laughing dryly, "I guess it took another guy being interested in you for me to wise up and stop being an idiot."
You started to grin at him, and Xavier looked relieved. "Does this mean you're not mad?" 
"I'm not mad," you assured him, putting your food to the side. "I'm just surprised. I never would have thought..."
"Babe, I'm clearly head over heels for you, I tease you relentlessly because I like to make you laugh. And I like when you get snappy with me." he grinned at you, his eyes sparkling as you heard a group of teenagers pile into the bathroom, giggling. 
You scooted closer to Xavier, and you could smell his body wash. "I just thought it meant you liked to pick on me." 
He threw his arm over your shoulder, pulling you into his side. "I do, with love."
After that, you had spent the rest of Gremlins talking, sitting close to each other, and giggling madly. You had to go back to work once intermission started, and you felt your heart-beating wildly every time you heard Xavier's voice. You listened as girls giggled and whispered about him, cashing them out with a broad smile. At one point, you heard him go, "Sorry, ladies, I'm taken."
When the last movie started, you turned off all the machines, cleaning everything down quickly. The one thing you liked about this theatre is that intermission was the final call. You'd have time to clean up and be on your way home before the second movie was even half-way through.
You had set aside some food for the others while you finished up. Brooke Thompson and Montana came in, taking some leftovers and asking if you wanted to watch Ghostbusters. 
"We'll be out in a bit," Xavier said, gesturing to the broom he was holding. "Whoever worked in here last time did a shit job."
"Cool, we'll be in my car!" Montana said, before scurrying out with Brooke, their arms full of popcorn, soda, and nachos.
"I'm so ready to skip this joint!" Xavier said after he finished swimming, and you switched off the first set of lights. 
"Me too. Are there any nachos left?" you asked, locking up the safe.
"Just enough for the both of us," he replied. You stood up, walking over to him, and you ended up tripping over your shoes, colliding with his chest.
"Oh shit, you alright?" he asked, grabbing you tightly.
"I'm fine!" you laughed, looking up at his figure towering over you. "I think I tripped over the crack in the floor..."
Xavier stared down at you, and you felt his hand come up and brush against your cheek. You felt your skin tingle underneath his touch. "We're gonna get caught."
"I don't care," Xavier whispered before he leaned down and pressed his lips to yours.
You held your breath as you melted into his touch. You've been in a few relationships before in your time, but nothing ever compared to what you were currently feeling. Xavier held your head in his hands, your kiss becoming more heated until you felt him pulling you towards the back, where the storage was kept.
"We're gonna get-."
Xavier cupped a hand over your mouth, pulling you into the closet before shutting the door. There was a single light hanging above you that he flicked on, and you could barely see the movie screen from the rectangular window sitting high above your heads.
"Trust me, Babe. If you're quiet, we'll be fine."
You nodded, holding onto him as Xavier pushed an empty box onto the floor, lifting you up and setting you on top of a sturdy table. There wasn't a whole lot of room. He reached over to lock the door.
"What are you doing?" You asked, kicking off your shoes. You were wearing denim shorts, and the air around you was much colder than you expected. You got goosebumps as Xavier played with the button of your shorts.
"Could I take these off?" He asked.
You nodded shyly, biting your lip as he slowly unbuttoned them, the only sound being your shared breathing and the zipper being lowered down.
"Have you done this before, y/n?" He asked, his hands gripping the waistband of your shorts.
"I've done a few things..." you said, your cheeks becoming hot.
"I'll be gentle, I promise." He said, before starting to tug your undergarments off. You lifted your hips, and he quickly let them drop to the floor. Outside you could hear the audience collectively laughing at something.
Xavier shed out of his shirt, throwing it on the nearest shelf. He wasn't overly muscular but was nicely toned. You've seen him shirtless many times over the years, but this time was different. He was beautiful.
"Are you enjoying the view?" He asked arrogantly, flashing you a smile as you instinctively crossed your legs. "Ah, spread them for me, babe." He kindly scolded.
"Of course, I am!" You respond, "You're hot, and you know it, babe."
"Cute," he winked at you, before looping his arms underneath your legs. Your breath caught in your throat as he pulled you closer, spreading your legs out for him. You could feel how wet you were against the crisp air, and you wanted to die from embarrassment at how easily you became aroused.
"Remember to stay quiet." He said, grinning at you mischievously. "You don't want to get caught."
You squeezed your eyes shut at his arrogance. "Fuck you."
The words had barely left your mouth when you felt his tongue lick a quick swipe along your thigh. You shuddered at the feeling; your stomach trembling as Xavier purposely teased you. You weren't lying when you said you have a little experience. But, you never received oral before. You gave it once, and that was it.
You let out a quiet gasp as he finally licked along your folds, your hands itching to grab onto his hair already. You refrained, lifting them above your head to keep from messing anything up.
Xavier was skilled as he ran his tongue gingerly along your folds, before pushing his tongue inside. The feeling caused hundreds of butterflies to fly over your stomach. Your thighs clenched as he adjusted his hold on you, kneeling down to push his head deeper between your legs.
"Oh, fuck!" You said a little too loudly before you felt his hand covering your mouth. You mewled and sighed against him as Xavier slowly ate you out. You always heard from Montana that it was one of the best feelings in the world, but you never imagined it being quite like this.
Nor did you ever expect to be here with Xavier, but life was crazy.
You grabbed onto Xavier's arm as he started sucking on your clit. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head when he teased your entrance with a single finger, barely testing the waters.
You were lost in the feeling when suddenly the door handle rattled. You jumped out of your skin, nearly trapping Xavier between your thighs when you heard the security guards' high-pitched voice. "Fuck! Larry must have locked it before he left."
Xavier freed himself, prepared to cover you with his body when the voice of Mason, a co-worker say, "It's fine, we'll just have to look in there tomorrow. I can't find the key anywhere."
You heard their footsteps fade away, and you and Xavier both glanced at each other, before giggling madly.
"I'm sorry, y/n," he whispered in your ear.
"It's not your fault?" You said, running your hand along his face now.
"I'm gonna go back down here now," he said, kissing your hand before slinking down your body again. You let him go, now covering your own mouth as he grabbed your legs, his mouth instantly closing over your clit.
"That's it, baby," he encouraged, his fingers once again teasing your entrance. "I'm gonna make you cum in my mouth."
Xavier continued until you were shaking so severely that he had to hold you down by the hips, almost forcing you to keep your legs open. Xavier pumped a finger inside of you, his thumb meeting your clit while his tongue teased it simultaneously.
You came in minutes, sighing loudly against your hand as Xavier cleaned you up, before placing kisses along your thighs. You breathed heavily as you sat up, quickly taking off your shirt, revealing your bra.
"Fuck, y/n," he said, allowing you to unbutton his pants, your hands fumbling to get them off as soon as possible. "You're hot."
"And horny, so please take off your pants." You begged, reaching behind you to unclasp your bra. When you were completely naked, you stared at Xavier's dick, wondering how in the hell it was supposed to fit.
"Don't look so scared, babe," Xavier said, cupping your cheeks in his hands. "Have you?..."
You shook your head, "I never got this far."
Xavier nuzzled your neck, and you wrapped your legs around him as he kissed along your skin, trailing along your collarbone before placing kisses on your jawline.
"Do you have a condom?" You asked, suddenly having an epiphany on the importance of safe sex.
"There's a box behind the pack of lightbulbs," he said, and you pulled back to look at him. "Chet told me about them, I swear."
Xavier wasted no time grabbing a condom from said hiding place, and you watched as he slid it on with ease. You wrapped a leg around his hips again, and he hugged you while he pressed kisses to your face.
"Let me know if I'm hurting you, baby girl," he whispered, and you nodded, holding him tightly.
You focused on the sound of more laughter from the audience, keeping your breathing under control as Xavier slowly pushed inside of you. He felt you tense up, holding you tightly and not moving until you encouraged him to do so.
After a few moments, you told him to move, figuring it would worsen before it got better. Xavier nodded, still holding you tight as he rocked his hips into yours, both of you panting as you grew more comfortable having his dick inside of you.
When you felt a lot better, you laid flat against the table, keeping a leg wrapped around him while he increased his pace. Xavier's face was screwed up as the pleasure coursed throughout your body. His large hand reached forward, grabbing at your breasts while you attempted to keep your moans at bay.
"Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck," you said, trying to keep your leg from slipping off his hip.
"You're so fucking hot, babe," he said, leaning over you until you were almost nose to nose. "I want you to come for me, y/n,"
You shook your head, not wanting this to stop.
Xavier hid his laugh, increasing his face slightly. "You're going to fucking come for me, y/n."
"Make. Me." You said through clenched teeth.
Xavier laughed now, adjusting your free leg enough to easily slip his hand over your clit. He rubbed you out with his thumb, focusing on you, wanting you to come before he did.
"That's it," Xavier cooed as you finally clinched around him, crying out behind your hand as he slowed down, watching as you coated his length. "Fuck..."
You dug your heel into his skin as Xavier came, his hips stilling as he kneeled over you, kissing you deeply. You were breathless as he kissed you fiercely, hardly allowing you a break until he climbed off you.
You sat up, feeling light. "That was amazing."
Xavier grinned at you, pulling on his boxers after taking off the condom. "It's all you babe, not me."
@the-walking-daryl @trichy-knitts @shydragonrider @thefandomzoneisdangerous @lemonwhiskers @jetblackpayne @langdonsvcrd @okoktrinity22 @uwonman @stefanmikaleson1864 @sevenwonderwitch @rubbrninja @iamnotjesha @leatherduncan @imshakingandcryingrn @bratzblitz @goblackcat69 @brookethompsonownsme @bookoffracturedescapes @zodiyack​ @bitchchatter @shydragonrider​ @guiltyfiend @psychobitchtess  @aangrana  @thexmancometh @wtfcas @pleasforhelp​ @capshoney @agentnightshade44​ @frenchlangdon @morganelizabeth-99 @fathoe69333​
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jinxthequeergirl · 5 years
Sorry, Try again later
Steve Harrington x reader
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Requested by anon: Could you do the "I work at the checkout and you’re clearly not old enough to buy that" au with Dustin, and when reader tells him he can't buy it (maybe fireworks or a pet from the petstore [I'm pretty sure you have to be eighteen to buy pets]), so he comes back with Steve? And like, maybe they're good friends, and she looks at him like "this is the small child you're in charge of?" -&
Warning: swearing
You worked at the local convince store. It's not necessarily like you got many people who came in.
It was usually you and one other person in the store. "Y/n You're needed at the check out, y/n to the check out." who more often then not made you do the work.
You huffed placing the last box of Mr.T cereal on the shelf before getting up and making your way across the store to the check out.
"Hi did you find..." You stopped looking at the young teen on the opposite side of the cash register. You smiled through wanting to laugh. "Dustin, You're kidding right?"
"What?" he asked as if he didn't know. You looked at the large stack of fire works on the counter then the shopping cart noticing how many where left in it in able to fit on the counter.
You leaned on what little space of the counter you had. "One, I work at the checkout and you are clearly not old enough to buy that..." he rolled his eye's.
"Two, why the hell do you need that many fireworks and three, I can't believe you totally wrecked my awesome display like that!"
"What do you mean I'm not old enough?"
"Sorry kid, eighteen or older to buy fire works." you said simply starting to push the stack back in to the cart. "Wait wait! I really need them!"
"We are throwing a goodbye party for the byers!" you rolled your eyes and continued shoveling them into the cart. "I'm sure that's true but you are still underage and this is an ungodly amount for a farewell party."
"Y/n..." he followed you through the mostly empty store as you pushed the cart full of explosives back to where they originally came from.
"Henderson.." you said in the same tone.
"I thought you where cool." you smiled at him as you began to pull fireworks from the cart and stack them in there orginal place. "I AM, being responsible and safe is very cool."
He frowned and started to walk out of the store. "Sorry pal, Try again later!"
"I'll get those fireworks! just you wait and see!"
"Bye, Dustin!" He groaned as the automatic doors slid open and shut behind him. He then made his way to the family video. Both teens from there spots in the store looked up at him.
"Hey kid,why so glum?" making his way to him from the horror section.
"Fireworks for the byers fairwell party are a no go." steve frowned.
"Why's that?"
"Because he's underage, dingus!" Robin said taking the answer right out of dustins mouth. "Well that blows what are we gonna do now?" Robin came around and stood behind the counter and looked at both boys.
"Well I think that's pretty obvious!" they looked at her confused. She rolled her eyes. "Hello! idiots! Steve is perfectly old enough to buy fireworks plus You have a crush on her so you can talk to her!" she said hitting Steve's arm.
"do not!" said both Steve and Dustin at the same time. "Yea ok, sure, whatever you say." Steve's face flushed.
She rolled her eyes and grabbed another box of vhs tapes and headed to another section of the store. "I'm telling you! Just take steve so you can legally buy the damn things!"
They looked at each other. "You paying for it?" Dustin huffed and pulled out a handfull of money from his pocket and handed it to him.
"Then lets go!"
"Hurry back, dingus!"
You had finished stacking the fireworks and a new shipment of Hi-c ectocoolers before finally sitting at the very back of the store finally taking a moment to take a breath.
You where about to pop a casset into you walk man, until the intercom clicked to life through the mostly empty store. You heard a long huff before your co worker spoke. "Y/n to check out, y/n to check out...that kid is back." you groaned standing up and rushing through the store.
"Dustin I swea-" you stopped not just seeing Dustin with a smaller stack of fireworks this time you also saw steve harrington beside him elbow leaned against the counter.
"Harrington." You said flatly making your way to the back of the check out. "I told you i'd get them one way or another!"
"Actually I'm getting them." steve stated offering you a smile. You laughed.
"This is the small child your in charge of."
Dustin looked up at steve offended. "Small child?"
"Well i..i..when I said that I didn't mean...small Small.." you nodded as you began to ring up the few boxes of fireworks.
He laughed nervously looking at you. Dustin furrowed his brows. "Dude what's the matter with you?"
"Nothing!...I'm fine, I'm cool..."
You chuckled. "Nineteen twenty five please." steve quickly payied and handed the bag to Dustin. "Have a nice day idiots!" Steve smiled at you turning around. "You too!" He tripped over a candy stand by the door. You laughed As Dustin grabbed his family video best and pulled him out the door.
"What was that about!?" they both started walking back to the family video and steve scratched the back of his neck. "I don't know...I DON'T KNOW!"
Dustin stopped and looked at him. "You do like her!"
"Pfft no.."
"Jesus Christ harrington!" Dustin started walking back into the store. "What are you doing?" Dustin continued in waving for him to follow with out another word.
"Hey shithead!" Steve chased after him stopping at the cash register you where still at. "Hi!"
"Forget something?" you asked amused. "No but steve did." you looked over to him as he entered and stood next to him. "You did?"
"I did?" steve asked Dustin whobrolled his eye's once again. "He forgot to ask you if you wanted to go to the byers farewell party tonight with him."
Steve opened his mouth to say something but was cut of by you. "What like a date?"
Dustin nodded. "Yup he'll pick you up at six."
You looked at Dustin and smiled. "I'd love to." you turned to Steve who looked surprised. "You would?"
"Oh huh ok..yea..Yea cool."
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