#I'm sure it will be fine but also I have been thinking about this duel for so long I think I've psyched myself out
revvethasmythh · 10 months
*laughs nervously* totally not worried about dueling orin. totally not
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abigail-pent · 20 days
some things I'm noticing (again) in my ??th gtn reread:
- Cytherea has a whole little monologue about how if you're going to create or pull thanergy it has to be by taking thalergy and vice versa. You can only join death to life or life to death, kind of like batteries
- Basically I'm more convinced than ever that the entrance to the Tower is under the Canaan House facility -- Teacher says it's the most dangerous place in the whole Nine Houses, and we know by now that Alecto was not there, so I am pretty sure it's the Tower
- ten billion unfed ghosts in the Tower, under Canaan House, which were there since the Resurrection; sounds like the tongue guys tbh.
- there's a whole bit about how Silas sends Colum's soul *away* and exploits the space it leaves behind, which is meant to be the opposite of what the Second House does. the Second House takes enemy thanergy to create more thalergy for the cavalier. so I think that means the Eighth takes in thalergy - like from the whole room, I think this is why the color starts draining from everyone whenever Silas does it to Colum - to create more thanergy for ... maybe both the necromancer and the cavalier?
- Anyway I just kind of think John's bomb + eating Earth basically ripped open a wormhole to tongue guy space (the stoma) and he pushed the ten billion through. giving up a shit ton of thalergy to create the first source of thanergy. like Silas does to Colum but bigger. and this created the tongue guys and the tower was built to contain them.
- this is maybe also why John has said siphoning is the most dangerous thing any House had ever thought up - he does like to say this kind of thing from personal experience
- there are sure a lot of towers referenced in Canaan House and then we don't really get towers again until Nona, with the Tower Princes and, obvi, the Tower.
- I am very fine and normal about Silas and Colum and have never cried about them, what are you even talking about
- the Tower is a tarot card that "is associated with sudden, disruptive revelation, and potentially destructive change." Sounds like John's flashbacks in Nona to me tbh
- the Eighth breeding program is still interesting and a mystery to me, mainly because I'm not very clear on what blood type matches have to do with necromancy. But it does feel like the most medical aspect of the modern Eighth and therefore probably the part that Mercy had the most influence over.
- but actually I think "the Eighth breeds batteries" makes more sense to me than ever if the point of sending Colum's soul away is to take his thalergy to bring Silas more thanergy. Which is siphoning, exactly - it's the avulsion trial. And I suppose that would be easier to do if the necromancer and cavalier were a closer genetic match. But then I guess I don't understand why everyone else in the room loses color when that happens. Is that because of where Silas is sending Colum in those moments?
- also then it makes me wonder if Cam and Pal really could have done the avulsion trial without giving Cam brain damage. They are a super close genetic match. Harrow and Gideon are *not*, of course, but I think they pulled through because Gideon has extra thalergy from her dad's side.
- you know who would be a PERFECT genetic match? the Tridentarii! really wondering if this will come up in Alecto... Corona actually would be perfect for Ianthe to siphon because there is no genetic difference between them.
- is it going to be important at some point that the Chaturs have been cavaliers since the time of the Resurrection? is Jeannemary a descendant of Titania?
- when Teacher laments the "poor child" he could be talking about... almost anyone. Dulcinea, Cytherea, Isaac, Jeannemary. Anastasia. Like really anyone
- in retrospect it's extremely weird that Aiglamene tells Gideon she's up to the standards of "a bad cavalier, one who's terrible" and then when Gideon gets to Canaan House and starts dueling people, she's like one of the best? Crazy fast, hero-worshipped by Jeannemary, and even Babs said it was "incredible" to fight her. Like that's strange that Aiglamene's expectations were apparently much higher than any House cavalier primary.
- there's something so fascinating about the scene where Babs stops Corona from fighting Gideon. like it becomes really clear to me that he is in on Ianthe's ruse, and that Corona has been fighting to get out of it for a long time - maybe her whole life - and can't. They're both terrified of Ianthe and Babs is constantly trying to protect Corona *from Ianthe*. But Corona is so tied up in the toxicity of the relationship, and the love of it, that she can't accept Babs' help even when consists only of taking her side in an argument between the twins, as in the first scene when they're overheard on the stairs. She can't even accept Babs' help when it consists of dying instead of her. Ugh the whole thing is so domestic-abuse coded...
- "she had bitten him, apparently to soothe her own obscure feelings" I say this to/about my cats often
idk probably more later
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cosmerelists · 10 days
How Kaladin Would Flirt With Other Cosmere Characters
As requested by @cam-ulu29 :)
Hot off the back of my post about other characters flirting with Kaladin, cam-ulu29 asked if I could also write about Kaladin being the big flirt with other characters. So let's just say that Kaladin had the ability & the desire to flirt...how might he do so?
1. Lyn
Kaladin: I'm glad that there are women Windrunners now. Lyn: Man, me too! Kaladin: And specifically I am glad that you. A woman. And a Windrunner. Are here. Lyn: Awww, thanks! Kaladin (visibly sweating): Yes you. As a woman. Who is a Windrunner. And is here. Lyn: Are you...are you having a stroke right now?
2. Renarin
Kaladin: Hey, Renarin...back when you first joined Bridge 4, did you have a crush on me? Renarin: ! Renarin: W-Was it obvious? Kaladin: N-No, not really! Syl told me. Later. That she thought you did. Renarin: Oh... Kaladin: ... Kaladin: Any chance you still do?
3. Leswhi
Kaladin: Hey, uh, Leshwi? I was wondering if you would be free for an honorable duel, maybe Tuesday night? Leshwi: Certainly. I will assemble the shanay-im. Kaladin: Oh, well, I was actually thinking of an honorable duel with just you and me, you know? Syl: And me! Kaladin: And also Syl. Leswhi: ... Leshwi: Tuesday you said? It's a date.
4. Rlain
Kaladin: Ugh, all these women keep coming to the clinic to flirt with me. Kaladin: I can't get any work done! Kaladin: I bet if they knew I was in a relationship already, they'd stop. Kaladin: Hey Rlain...do you want to hold hands? Rlain: ...Are you asking me to pretend to be your boyfriend? Kaladin: Pretend?
5. Laral
Kaladin: Crazy how we're both single now. Laral: ... Laral: You mean because you got dumped and my husband DIED? Kaladin: Uh... Laral: ... Kaladin: So...not the right moment to see if you want to get a drink and catch up? Laral: NOPE
6. Adolin
Kaladin: I think horses are mean and scary. Adolin: That's just 'cause you haven't been around them enough! I swear! They're cool and friendly! Kaladin (continuing as if Adolin said nothing): But I would accept being around horses. Lots of mean horses. Kaladin: If it meant. Kaladin: Being around you. Adolin: ...? Kaladin: ... Adolin: ... Adolin: Oh! Adolin: Nice.
7. Shallan
Kaladin: [sighing dramatically] Shallan: What's wrong? Kaladin: I want to flirt with someone, but she's much wittier than I am, so I don't know how to even start. Shallan: Oooh, that's exciting! Can I give you advice? Kaladin: I would LOVE advice. Shallan: Well, it depends on whether you can match her wit, or whether you think she's entirely too witty for that. Kaladin: I think I could. Sometimes. Probably not while also flirting, though. Shallan: Sure, sure. Well, you can always just enjoy her wit and let her enjoy how smart she is. Kaladin: Yeah? You think making her feel smart is a good tactic? Shallan: Well, it certainly can't hurt! Kaladin: [significant look] Shallan: ... Shallan: Oh! Shallan: Nice.
8. Moash:
Kaladin: You know...I bet I could swallow a WAY bigger sphere than you could... Moash: MY BED IS UPSTAIRS LET'S GO RIGHT NOW
9. Szeth
Kaladin: You know...I've been thinking that maybe this trip is a chance to find what I really need. Szeth: I feel the same way. Kaladin: You...you do? Szeth: I do. Nightblood: (Me too!) Kaladin: Well, good...because I think what I really need is... Kaladin: You... Szeth (simultaneously): Vengeance. Nightblood (simultaneously): The eradication of evil! Kaladin: ... Kaladin: I don't know what I expected.
10. Jasnah
Kaladin (talking to someone else): I mean...being partnered is fine, I guess, but the sex stuff I don't really get. Jasnah: ... [...] Kaladin (to someone else): Darkeyed Radiants is good and all but, I mean, we still have slavery. Anyone who really cared about social change would do somehing about that! Jasnah: ... [...] Kaladin: (to someone else): I like Wit, but storms can he be annoying sometimes. Small doses, you know? Jasnah: ... [...] Kaladin (talking to someone else): So then I convinced the ardents that locking up the insane in dark rooms was NOT a good thing--they're gonna change the treatment! Jasnah: ... Jasnah: Has Stormblessed always been so attractive?
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Katara is More Patient Then We Give Her Credit for
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Katara has been getting a lot of flak for supposedly being hot headed and getting angry at very minor things. Even those who love Katara seem to accept this as the truth. But it's not. In reality, Katara is simply a female character who owns her rage. And I feel like there are two main components that debunk this notion.
Warning: Long, long post.
1. In the instances where Katara is angry it's either justified or makes sense in context.
The Waterbending Scroll
Katara stole, wouldn't you know it, a waterbending scroll. She practices before giving it to Aang, and fails hard. Then Aang who she's supposed to be teaching, gets it right and explains how to do it. Katara has an outburst.
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Katara: Will you please shut your air-hole! Believe it or not your infunite wisdom gets a little old sometimes. Why don't we just throw the scroll away since you're so naturally gifted!
Why is Katara that mad here? Why did she have an outburst? Because she was carrying the burden of being the last waterbender of the Southern Water Tribe her whole life. Because her waterbending is the reason Kya died. Because she have been independently studying waterbending her whole life. And now her student is having it all easy and is trying to teach her.
And wouldn't you know it, she realized what she did immediatly. Literally, a second later.
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Katara: Oh my gosh Aang. I am so sorry. I don't know what came over me. But you know what, it won't happen again. Here [the scroll] is yours. I don't wanna have anything to do with it anymore.
She even apologized to Momo. Katara had an isecurity rooted in trauma and pressure. When Aang try to teach her she hit a breaking point and lashed out. And not one second later she's already apologizing.
The Waterbending Master
Katara and Aang are going to see Pakku, the waterbending master. But when Pakku sees she's a girl, he says he won't teach her. This is why Katara gets angry. She flew across seas just to get rejected due Pakku is being a sexist freak. I think we can all agree that being denied something because of sexism is a good reason to get angry. And when Katara realized Pakku won't teach Aang if she'll keep insisting, she drops it abd tells Aang to drop it too.
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However, that doesn't mean she won't study in secret. She deserved to learn waterbending and she knew it. She took the consequences into consideration and decided to not make a fuss.
But of course, they both get caught. Pakku says he will no longer teach Aang, the Avatar who absolutly needs to study and still refuses to teach Katara because he's still sexist. Only then Katara challenges him to a duel. Only when they have nothing to lose. She challenged a sexist prick to a duel, one who shamelessly denied her oppretunity because of her gender.
The Chase
At the start of the episode Katara gently hints Toph to help unpack a camp for the night. This is when she's not tired yet, and shows patience.
Katara: So Toph, usually when setting up camp, we try to divide up the work.
Toph: Hey, don't worry about me. I'm good to go.
Katara (still calmly): Well, actually, what I'm trying to say is, some of us might fetch water while someone else might set up the fire pit or put up the tent. *smiles* Even Momo does his fair share.
Toph (slightly irritated): Katara, I'm fine. I can carry my own weight. I don't need a fire. I've already collected my own food. And look. *earth bends a tent* My tent's all set up.
Katara: Well, that's great for you but we still need to finish-
Toph (loudly): I don't understand. What's the problem here??
Katara: Never mind.
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Katara then goes to apologize. While also attempting to make sure her and Toph are on good terms by having her acknoledge that she wasn't 100 absolutly in the right.
Katara: Hey Toph, I wanted to apologize for earlier. I think we're all just a little tired and getting on each other's nerves.
Toph: Yeah, you do seem pretty tired.
Katara (slightly irrutated): I meant all of us.
Toph: Well, good night.
Katara: Good night.
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By all means, Toph is in the wrong for the sheer refusal for communication. At first Katara calmly explained to her what was needed without even spelling it out. Toph was being passive, so she dropped it. And then she apologizes after doing nothing wrong just so they could be on good terms. Toph was the one being passive agressive. And Katara pretty much let it slide.
This is Katara. The patience she showed right here is her natural, normal self. The rest of the episode is under the context of sleep deprivation and how it's making them all hostile to each other. Including the pacifist Aang. Who's outburst leads Toph to leave. After she does, both Aang and Katara express remorse.
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(Side note: I heard people take issue with the line "The stars sure are beautiful tonight, too bad you can't see them, Toph". It's been interpreted as Katara making fun of Toph for being blind, but it's just another instance in the recurring joke of the Gaang forgetting Toph is blind, and listed as such in the official A:TLA Youtube channel).
The Runaway
Update: This section, especially, is majorly outdated.
The episode has a silly opening where Aang is trained by Toph and Katara. Toph misses and accidently hits Katara with a big rock. After Toph doesn't apologize, it leads into a fight which is absolutly not to be taken seriously, that ends with Aang pointing out that it was supposed to be training.
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It doesn't work as an exapmle for supposed hot-headedness because the reason this whole thing started because Toph hit Katara with a rock and refused to apologize.
But moving on to the real conflict of these episode, Toph scammed someone and Katara makes it clear that they shouldn't do it again, it'll draw attention to them. Aang promises her it won't happen again but.. um.. you know what happened.
Katara, being responsible, told them to quit because they'd potentially get exposed. Toph didn't reach well, telling her to lighten up. Katara rightfully gets angry, because they really might get exposed and Toph is dismissing her like her concerns are nothing. They have a short argument and Toph storms out.
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This is why Katara was angry this episode. Her reasoning for being upset is the Gaang potentially exposing themselves for easy money. That's the conflict.
The Painted Lady
In this episode Katara sees a starving Fire Nation village but Sokka won't allow them to stay due to time limits. So she faked a disease for Appa so they could. Sokka confronts her. At first, she gives up and packs to leave. But since she destroyed the factory that's been polluting the villages water and taking their medicine, the people in charge assumed it was the civilians, and were coming to attack. Sokka and Katara get into a small but intense argument. Important to note, that she doesn't react intensively until Sokka does.
Katara: Well, what was I supposed to do?
Sokka: Leave! Do nothing.
Katara: No! I will never, ever turn my back on people who need me.
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Her anger here doesn't highlight hot-headedness, it highlights compassion. Compassion is one of Katara's core traits. She's angry because she's being angrily demanded to see people suffer and stand by. And she will not tolerate it. She will never, ever turn her back on people who need her.
2. In reality, Katara is defined by her patience and compassion.
What I did here was listing off times where Katara did get angry. But Katara is generally a caring, kind person. Rather if it's cheering up Sokka, going shopping with him after he admitted to feeling useless; if it's pulling Aang out of the Avatar state, putting herself at risk when he's out of control; if it's helping deliver a baby of a stranger; or if it's freeing prisoners of the Fire Nation. She demonstrates impressive patience throughout the show.
The Deserter
In this episode Aang was asked to just control fire. Aang gets irrutated himself at this, but Katara assured him that it's probably for a good reaso. But when his master left, he firebent. He was being extremely careless with his new found Fire Bending and burned Katara's hands.
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Did she...
A. splashed some water at him.
B. Yelled at him.
C. Ran away crying.
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Yeah, she didn't express anger at all. Sokka was who's angry at Aang.
The Desert
The sand benders stole Appa and the Gaang is suck in a desert. Katara demonstrates her patience a lot this episode.
Toph and Aang are arguing about Toph not stopping them.
Aang: You just didn't care! You never liked Appa! You wanted him gone.
Katara: Aang, stop it. You know Toph did all she could. She saved our lives.
Sokka: Who's gonna save our lives now? We'll never make itout of here.
Aang: That's all any of you guys care about, yourselves. You don't care whether Appa is okay or not.
Katara: We're all concerned, but we can't afford to be fighting now.
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Aang accused the Gaang of something horrible. Katara told him to stop, but still understood his anger and calmly explained to him that it's important not to fight in a life threatening situation.
Aang then storms out to look for Appa. Katara's response?
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Katara: We'd better start walking. We're the only people who know about the solar eclipse. We have to get that information to Ba Sing Se.
She didn't get angry, she was rational and thought about the greater good.
After Aang comes back, Katara suggest they should try sleeping, gives the Gaang all of her bending water without drinking herself. And then finds a way to get to Ba Sing Se using the locations of star systems.
The Gaang spots a cloud and mistakes it for Appa. But Katara realizes the potential in a cloud. She tells Aang to fly and bend the water from the cloud so they could drink.
Katara (disappoibted): Wow, there's hardly any in here.
Aang (intensively): I'm sorry, okay? It's a desert cloud, I did all I could. What's anyone else doing? *Points at Katara* What are you doing?
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After dealing with everyone's tireness, Sokka's high nonsense and Aang's attitude, carrying everyone, thinking of possible solutions to ensure they'd all survive, how did she react to Aang accusing her of not doing enough?
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Katara: Trying to keep everyone together. Let's just get moving. We need to head this direction.
And after everything she did for everyone, she pulls Aang out of the Avatar state when he's raging, out of control.
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Katara is not so hot headed.
She's sweet, nurturing and caring. She demonstrated incredible patience and perhaps even saved the Gang's life in The Desert with her resilience. Katara's compassion is her defining trait.
But that doesn't mean she's not a human being – she's allowed to be flawed, and in the moments where she does, she's very remorseful. And in the moments where she doesn't, people will still hold her accoutable for simply feeling a justified emotion.
Does it make you oh-so-hot headed to stand up to a sexist denying her opportunity? To make sure your friends don't destroy your chances to win a war? To not tolerate being told to see people in need and do nothing in a middle if an argument she didn't start? Of course it doesn't.
And other characters are allowed to express anger, to be flawed, in ways that are way worse than Katara without being labelled annoying hot headed by the fandom.
Katara is widly known to be irrational, letting her anger get the better of her, but it's simply not true.
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theladyofbloodshed · 3 months
if eris was truly around 8-9 years old at the time when Mor was dumped at the AC borders, is sjm telling us azriel was thinking about challenging a CHILD to a blood duel (when he was 19 i think since he's 2 years older than rhysand and i think he and mor are the same age)??? but somehow the people who actually tortured mor and dumped her there didn't get punished? cause i don't remember anyone saying they did anything to mor's family for what they did to her.
i don't know what goes on in sarah's head because she makes it SO hard to root for the "good" guys in acotar. i didn't have that problem in tog - aelin was sometimes unlikable, but (unlike rhysand) at least she got shit done for her ENTIRE kingdom, not just the favored 1/3 of it.
I think with Eris, it was just an oversight with the maths. It's funny because she makes the case for the Lady of Autumn being SO young to get engaged at 20 under her families' wishes - and Mor being 17 and betrothed is also SO YOUNG. We're meant to really feel sorry for them that they were forced into these things. Then completely gloss over that Feyre is the same age. At 20 she has already been in love once and is now married to another. At 21 she is a mother whereas LOA had her first few children within those 20 years of marriage - but that is still young according to Helion. And then we have Nesta seducing a duke at 14 and instead of being horrified because that is younger than any of the others, it's a bad ass moment.
The Mor situation is so odd. She acknowledges that many of her cousins are in loveless marriages to unkind men. And then it's never explored. No help is ever offered. No women in the library are from the Night Court. Her family are the ones who hammered nails into her body and dumped her in Beron's court yet all the heat gets put on Eris who left her there. What was he meant to do? Scoop her into his arms and take her to the forest house to Beron? I'm sure the high lord of autumn would have been SO kind and gentle to Mor and totally not butcher her for shaming his family. In Mor's memory of that day, Eris speaks quite cruelly about her. Fine. Then we find out from him that she's keeping secrets about that day and hasn't revealed the truth. SJM just changes things to suit who she wants to be the good guy that day.
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mamirhodessxox · 8 months
The Great Gatsby Incorrect Quotes #1
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Jordan: Hey, about that love letter you sent me-
Nick: *blushes* What are your thoughts?
Jordan: The fourth sentence-
Nick: Yeah, that’s where I got really emotional and I-
Jordan: It’s “you’re” not “your”.
Y/N: I can't believe you've done this.....
Gatsby: I'm sorry I didn't know-!
Nick: The only thing keeping me from running away and hiding from society for the rest of my life is spite. I could disappear forever, but there are some bitches whose downfalls I have yet to witness, and I wanna be around when that happens.
Murderer: Any last words?
Jordan: Do you think I'm cute? Be honest.
Jordan: I have a bad feeling about this, guys.
Y/N: Oh don’t worry, you’ll be fine.
Gatsby: Yeah, what’s the worst that could happen?
Jordan, being bailed out of jail the next morning: I hate you all.
Nick: You look like a corpse that was just pulled out of the river.
Gatsby: Wrong. I look like a cool rock star who just OD'd in their own pool. Big difference.
Nick: So you’re dating Y/N?
Gatsby: What? No! I’m just buying them an accessory since they have terrible fashion sense.
Nick: That’s literally a wedding ring.
Gatsby: You don't know anything about me!
Nick: I know EVERYTHING about you! You are an open book written for very dumb children!
Gatsby: Say no to drugs.
Nick: Say yes to drugs.
Jordan: It doesn't matter if you say yes or no to drugs. If you're talking to drugs.. then you're on drugs.
Nick: Why are you drinking?
Gatsby: I drink when I'm depressed.
Nick: But you're always drinking?
Gatsby: *smug grin*
Nick: You know, when I first met you I thought you were a real bitch.
Tom: What changed your mind?
Nick: Oh, now I know that you’re a fake bitch. Why do you ask?
*Gatsby comes home absolutely drunk, undresses, and stands in Y/N’s bedroom.*
Y/N: Babe, are you.. coming to bed?
Gatsby: No thank you, I’m sure you’re lovely but I have a girlfriend.
Gatsby: *Lies on the ground and falls asleep*
Y/N: ...
Nick: I wish I could control wasps and bees to sting my enemies.
Gatsby: You’re too young to have enemies.
Nick: You don’t even know.
Tom: *sneaking in through their window*
Y/N: *turning in their chair and flicking the light one* You want to tell me where you've been all night?
Tom: I was with Daisy?
Daisy: *turning in their chair* Wanna try again?
Nick: Tom has no survival skills, their need to win has replaced them.
Daisy: That can't be true!
Nick: Watch this.
Nick: Hey Tom, race you to the bottom of the stairs!
Tom: *Throws themself out a window*
Nick: At least try to sound slightly more sophisticated when you threaten someone.
Tom: Oh, I'm sorry. I should ask; dost thou want to engage in a duel, my good bitch?
Nick: Somehow that's worse.
Tom: They say that the most valuable things cost nothing.
Y/N: They also say that being cheap is an annoying trait, so don’t overuse that excuse.
Y/N: Come on, Nick. Nobody actually believes that Gatsby is in love with me.
Nick, to The Squad: Raise your hand if you think that Gatsby is helplessly in love with Y/N
*Everyone raises their hand*
Y/N: Gatsby, put your hand down.
Daisy: What did Tom do this time?
Nick: More like WHO did Tom do this time?
Gatsby: *dangling from a rope over a pit of fire* Remember when I said I’d tell you when we’re in too deep?
Y/N: Yes?
Gatsby: We’re in too deep.
🏷️ list: @ginswife @coolpastelartshoe @greatkoalawizard @cokolin044 @kotoriarlert @alicerosejensen @bunnybot55 @valkyrurx @agent-dessis-posts @adollonyourshelf
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kimbap-r0ll · 10 months
Hello! Can I request the Bucci Gang (jjba) with an s/o who’s never smiled before due to past trauma? However during the fight with the Boss (Diavolo), their s/o gets fatally injured but right before they die, they finally smile for the first time in years at said Bucci Gang character and say something along the lines of; “Thank you, for everything you’ve done for me…” before passing away due to blood loss(?)
Can the characters be separated too plz? Ty!
Hey! Omg, noo this is so sad ;-; I love angst but I love these characters sm it's gonna hurt writing this haha. This started to get super long so I might need to separate this into two posts. Here’s the first three characters tho!
Giorno, Bruno, Mista x s/o who smiles for the first/last time
He knew you would survive, at least that's what he kept thinking to himself. You were witty, able to defend yourself against all of the assassins that were sent to kill the group, and you utilized your stand ability to make sure you would succeed. You had saved him once before too during the fight on the plane to Sardinia. However, he didn't calculate exactly how devastating King Crimson would be until it was too late
You joined the group at the same time as he did. Both of you were slightly reserved, not as chaotic as some of the other mafia members but also not too aloof. You two also got along because of similar interests. However, one thing he noted was that you didn't smile, he saw you laugh once when you saw the dance Mista, Narancia, and Fugo had been practicing before, but that was it. He would be lying if he said he didn't feel slightly dizzy when you stood close to him.
Giorno never asked you about your past, but it was brought up when you two were in the car with Bruno and Mista when battling the mad doctor Cioccolata and his partner Secco. You had mentioned you had something happen to you, perhaps you were left alone most of the time as a child like Giorno was, or you witnessed a horrible fight between two rivaling gangs. Whatever it was, you tried to brush it off by downplaying your childhood and saying "it's fine though, I'm feeling better with you all." Giorno was probably the one to tell you that you shouldn't be ashamed of what you had to go through, it was something that shouldn't have happened of course but you couldn't have the past haunt you forever. He was about to confess at that moment that he would want to go on a coffee outing with you, perhaps when the whole fight against Diavolo was over, but that was cut short with a corpse flying into the window of the car
Either way, here you two were now, at the Colosseum. It was fitting for a final duel, between the Devil himself one might argue. What made things worse was how Silver Chariot Requiem had switched all of your bodies around, and now you weren't sure who you supposed to trust and who was, well, the boss himself. You had taken the body of a random civilian that had made the poor decision to sneak into the Colosseum when the fight started. Just when it seemed like you could breathe and calm down from the chaos, you felt something grab you and throw you up against the stone wall. It was so fast, like time had skipped to the result of the assault that you could only feel a piercing pain coursing through your entire body. Then, you felt blood trickling down your face. It would be a few minutes too late before the rest of the gang found you.
The rest of the team had been split up from you without knowing where you were. Giorno, who was usually calm and collected, was starting to panic a little bit. Time skipped, he knew it because the blood droplets from his finger suddenly went from two to five out of nowhere. This worried the rest of the team, you would have to be close by. That was when Trish (who's soul had taken Mista's body) pointed at you and shouted someone had gotten hurt.
"Y/n!" The group rushed towards you, realizing it was you when you tried to pull out your stand but it immediately dissipated. "No, no, you have to stay awake. Hold on," Giorno was the one to rush to you first, he knew his stand would be able to patch you up, but at the same time, the blood loss from your wound could be even worse inside your body. Coughing, you tell him not to worry about you, that it wasn't likely you were going to make it out alive. Swearing in Italian, Giorno tells you not to give up, but you take his hand, telling him that it was alright.
"I like seeing you smile more," you coughed, clearly the impact was in your chest, you couldn't really see him because of you losing consciousness. That was when he saw you trying to smile, slowly pulling the corners of your lips upward in a sad farewell, you smiled at him. "Th-thank you...I'm sorry I wasn't able to do much, but I want you to know...I truly enjoyed spending time with you and everyone else. T...take care...take down Diavolo..."
That was the last thing he heard from you before you stopped breathing. He thought he could help heal the wounds but it was too late. Knowing that the fight wasn't over, he tried to hold back tears, placing a caste kiss on your forehead before standing back up and looking back at the team. "We know he's around, he shouldn't be too far," Giorno tried to sound level, but Trish noticed his eyes were slightly teary. If anything, Giorno wanted to make sure Diavolo received the worst punishment possible after what he did to you and the family he found.
He was a dead man walking when it was time to fight Diavolo, he knew his time was basically up. However, he didn't want to see anyone die, he wanted to be the last one to say farewell. After Abbacchio's passing, he swore he would never let anyone else in the team suffer a painful death.
He recruited you around the same time as Fugo, but you two had known each other before that. Both of you lived in the town near the sea, with your parents being local bakers and Bruno's father being a fisher. At first, he didn't want you to be part of the mafia world at all, you were too kind. But after an incident with a rivaling gang that you happened to be in the collision of, you insisted you would make a good team partner. While he wanted you to recover by staying out of the Italian underworld, eventually he agreed under the condition you two would help take down the drug dealing businesses.
He remembers you smiling from his childhood, but he was saddened that you never smiled after the run-in with the other gang. He still had a lot of conversations and a lot of good memories with you after that, but the only thing missing was that warm, peaceful smile. He hoped he would see it again, but until then remained focused on his work in Passione. Bruno's feelings likely first started before you two were part of Passione, but he didn't think about it too hardly. He would likely start wondering if he should really tell you how he feels after Giorno joins the team and after you two have worked for some time together.
Bruno never told you what happened in Venice when he suddenly declared he was going to betray the Boss. You followed him, but when you asked him what had happened and if he was alright, he gave you a soft smile and said not to worry about him. He would keep it a secret from you, and when you were in the Coco Jumbo with Trish during the fight against Cioccolata, he hoped you hadn't heard him talking to Giorno about how he was now a walking corpse. During the time after he was basically killed by King Crimson, he did wonder what it would have been like if you two were normal civilians, perhaps he would have asked you out on a date and you two might have had a stroll by the beach.
In the fight at the Colosseum, you split up with Bruno and you were with Giorno. When Chariot Requiem's ability came into effect, the first thing he did was make sure you were alright. He didn't know whose body you had taken, but he tried to call out your name. While he was looking for you on his own, time suddenly skipped. Diavolo was still close by. Bruno's known for being level-headed, but in this moment he started to feel panicked. Were you alright? Was Diavolo fighting with you and the rest of the gang? He got the answers to his question when he turned one of the corners of the many gates at the ancient structure. You looked like you almost had a whole to your chest only it was your shoulder that was agape. You were bleeding from your head and you looked like you were about to pass out. "Y/N!"
At first, you look afraid, trying to move away from Bruno because of his appearance as the boss. Even when he called out your name and tried to take you into his arms, you mumbled a "n-no" before coughing violently. After multiple times of telling you it was really Bucciarati, you allow him to embrace you. He told you to hang on, not to lose your focus and for you to keep close to him. Bruno looked around to see if there was anyone close by, but he couldn't find a single person. Surely Giorno, or Polnareff even, was close by, right? Carrying you bridal style, he now tries to find the rest of his teammates.
That was when suddenly he felt a cold hand tap at his shoulder. You looked so weak, you were losing so much blood. But it was here that you looked up at him with teary eyes and gave him what he had wanted to see for so long — your smile. "Sorry it had to be this way, I should have been...more careful," your voice was hoarse, like you were choked up from the tears. "I wish I could have gone back to the shore with you, but you'll have to go for me alone." "Don't say that, you're going to make it out alive!" Bruno knew it was a slim chance, but a chance nonetheless. He didn't want to give up, he couldn't see you leave him, not before he could tell you
"T-this isn't a goodbye...just a see you later...T-thank you for letting me by your side all these years, I really think...I fell in love with you." With that, you were gone. Before he could say anything, before he could give you a kiss you left with such a peaceful expression. Bruno's vision went blurry, tears rolled down. When Giorno and the team found him again, they also found you. Explanations aside, the team moved swiftly to once again track down the Boss. But while the rest of the team were busy looking for the arrow and the Devil himself, Bruno couldn't help but wonder, how soon was it really that he was going to see you again. You asked him to live long and healthy, but it seemed like he would be seeing you on the last train home too.
You had joined before Mista and the first thing he had done when he saw you was, well, flirt. He really thought he was going to get you blushing, but you just rolled your eyes and told him to leave you alone. While on most occasions he would have done just that and went about his day, you two were a. stuck together in the same gang, and b. he kind of liked your attitude.
Surprisingly, you two would start to get along. His jokes couldn't really get you smiling, but you did give a few laughs here and there, so he thought he was at least winning some of your attention. While he was planning to tell you how he felt with a more serious (and expensive) date, you were the one to confess you liked him, but you said "I like you as well" as if you knew what he was going to say. When asked about it, you said during a mission Number 1 told you in secret while he was too busy focusing on the rest of his stand.
The entire gang thought it was kinda cute. Would Narancia and Fugo tease Mista about it? Yes. Would Abbacchio as well? Yes. Either way, you two enjoyed each others' company a lot, but Mista wondered if you ever smiled. He didn't really ask you to, nor did he want you to force yourself to smile when you didn't want to, but he did ask. You tried to make it brief, that it was something from your family relations that snapped the ability to smile away from you. He promised he was going to make you smile again though, saying he would make sure those past nightmares don't keep haunting you. Either way, he wanted to be the most supportive boyfriend he could be. However, nothing could prepare him for what was going to happen.
With the introduction of Giorno and Trish, the direction of the gang started to shift. Soon enough, you and your friends were fighting the Boss himself and assassins seemed to follow your every move. You mostly helped Mista during the fights and giving his bullets encouragement (especially no.5). He definitely talked to you about a life after the overthrowing of Diavolo but before that he also tried to make you smile. He didn’t ask what it was that caused you to not feel comfortable smiling, but he promised he would make you smile one day. Mista just didn’t know that would be the last smile he would see from you as well.
During the fight, you were separated from the rest of the team. Diavolo had managed to find you and target you as one of the traitors he would make an example of. When you were least expecting it, a hand suddenly grabbed your hair and threw you upwards. The next thing you knew was your arm was torn off. It was like time was going in skips and you had a horrible feeling it had to do with the Boss. You tried to fight him but it was to no avail. Mista would find you as he ran looking for you with the rest of the team. “Y/N!” Everyone ran towards your almost lifeless body, Mista taking you into his arms and telling you to not lose consciousness yet. “You can’t die, Giorno can patch you up and—“
“It’s okay, the boss is near you guys have to finish the job,” you stopped him, your breath ragged and your voice weak. He looked at you with tearful eyes, shaking his head and saying he couldn’t let go of you yet. “I’ve had the happiest moments with you,” reaching up to his face, you cupped his cheek. “I love you so much, thank you for everything.” With that, you were gone, you smiled at him with tears sliding down your cheeks before you collapsed in his arms. He didn’t know what to say, what to do. Was he supposed to scream? He just sat there, holding you and looking with disbelief.
After the fight he would continue to work with Giorno. However everyone who talked to him would hear his voice in a slightly tired tone. He spoke of a special someone, talking about them with a sense of longing. He missed you everyday, talking about you to whoever would listen to him. He truly made you smile, but oh what he would do to see you smile once more.
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carrymelikeimcute · 9 months
'If Ed has to GROVEL to Izzy why doesn't Izzy have to apologise to Stede for trying to KILL HIM..."
Ed doesn't have to grovel, he needed to apologise, and imo he could have done more to apologise or to make amends and move the relationship forward (not just with Izzy but with the whole crew - discounting the ones who died because of his actions btw) but he did do it in his own way, so...fine. It is what it is and it was enough for Izzy as a character to forgive him, so I'm OK with that as far as the narrative goes - even if I personally will never feel the same about Ed as I did in S1.
Can we acknowledge that shooting someone in the leg with no warning/cutting bits off them while they're asleep - isn't actually the same thing as challenging someone to a duel? E.g. Consent playing a pretty vital role.
Ed and Izzy were long-time partners/friends/co-workers, when Ed cut off at least 3 of his toes, mentally tortured and then tried to kill him, resulting in him being maimed/disabled, and then tried to emotionally blackmail him into killing Ed and then himself. Izzy and Stede were ENEMIES - Izzy had made that clear. Stede had made that clear. They didn't like each other and had no expectation of loyalty. Enemies try to hurt you - it's expected.
Izzy tried to kill Stede directly, once, in a duel that Stede agreed to - Stede was trying to beat him, just as much as Izzy was trying to - Stede beat him without killing him, but arguably by accident. Izzy could even have killed him/tried to kill him after losing his sword, but didn't. He lost the duel and was bound by its rules. So he has nothing to apologise for there, imo - Losing is its own punishment for the duel.
Reminding Ed of ED'S PLAN to kill Stede, is not 'trying to kill him'. It's Izzy doing his job, and making sure his captain's wishes are carried out - those wishes being unclear, even to Ed himself, are the issue. Izzy could have ignored Ed's order and killed Stede himself during the fuckery - but didn't. He left it up to Ed and then challenged Stede to a duel instead of stabbing him in the back.
Selling Stede out to the Navy was not a slight against STEDE, but against ED - and Izzy did attempt to apologise/justify himself to Ed, before he got punched in the face - and when Ed returns to the ship, he doesn't hold a grudge, as the apology, such as it is, has already been given. See above, re. Stede and Izzy were enemies. Even if Izzy expected Stede to be captured, he doesn't even consider Stede a real pirate and neither do the navy initially! They treat Stede as a joke. And Stede, being of a higher class, has opportunities to save himself. I don't think Izzy cared if Stede lived or died, but again, enemies.
If Stede is owed an apology by Izzy, he's also technically owed one by 1. his ENTIRE CREW for mutiny and 2. Jackie, who has now threatened to kill him/tried to cut his nose off. But no one thinks they should apologise, because they were acting as expected given the context of their existing, antagonistic relationship. See above re - THEY WERE ENEMIES!
I think it would be nice if Izzy did apologise to Stede at some point, but their relationship would need to develop further for that to happen. Imo, Izzy attempting to console Stede in s2 e7, and telling him that actually, the relationship he was so against is GOOD for Ed, is a sort of attempt at amends, as is his tutoring Stede, and he could have done more, if there had been time to explore that before he was killed off.
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acourtofthought · 3 months
Elriels want their ship to have a forbidden romance in the next books, but given how the bonus chapter ended, I'm not sure how that would work. I mean, how would that conversation go between Az and Elain?
Azriel: I want to finish what we started on Solstice.
Elain: Why should we finish what we started? You already said that it was a mistake.
Azriel: No, I only said that because Rhys got in my head right before we were about to kiss.
Elain: So, Rhys made you say it was a mistake?
Azriel: No, I actually said that on my own, but when Rhys told me to stay away from you, I told him he couldn't tell me what to do.
Elain: So, you called us a mistake of your own free will, but you still want to be with me?
Azriel: Yes.
Elain: Even though your high lord has spoken out against it?
Azriel: Yes.
Elain: How would that even work?
Azriel: Easy. We just have to keep it secret.
Elain: Secret? From our closest friends and family?
Azriel: Yes. It may be difficult, but think of how hot it'll be. Secret meet-ups late at night, stolen moments in the shadows.
Elain: And what happens if Rhys or someone else finds out?
Azriel: We'll be alright. Rhys might be worried about a blood duel, but I'm not.
Elain: Blood duel?
Azriel: Yeah, it's an Autumn Court tradition where two males can fight to the death over a female. Lucien has the right to demand it of me if he finds out I've been with you, but don't worry. I'd defeat him with little effort.
Elain:... You want to kill Lucien? You want to kill my mate?
Azriel: Why not? You have no interest in him, and I don't think he'll ever be good enough for any way.
Now, I'm not saying that exact conversation would happen, but given that not everyone is aware of the BC and sjm would have to reintroduce parts of it into the next book, I'm sure we'll get something about the almost kiss, "this was a mistake" and the blood duel. But, do Elriels really expect a secret relationship from all this? And even if that does happen, what if the necklace comes up again?
Elain: Az, I know we can't tell anyone about us, so I've decided I'd like the necklace back. I think it’d be romantic to wear it every day, a little token of us that I don't have to hide.
Azriel: Ok. I'll head down to the library and tell Clotho I need it back.
Elain: Clotho? Why would she have it?
Azriel: After you gave it back, I decided that returning it to the store wouldn't be right. So, I ended up giving it to Clotho to give to Gwyn.
Elain: Gwyn? Nesta's friend? You gave it to her?
Azriel: Yeah, but she doesn't know it's from me. Clotho just told her it came from a friend. I'll go down and tell Clotho that Gwyn needs to give it back now.
Again, this exact conversation probably won't happen, but if Elriel does happen, I'm sure the necklace is going to come up again at some point, and people just think Elain is going to get all this new information and just be fine with it?
I was so entertained reading that, I need more 😂
I agree with you though, there is no way for Az to tell Elain that Rhys told him to stay away from him without shooting himself in the foot a thousand times over. Without her being extremely put off by his words and actions.
We also need to add:
Elain: "Why didn't Rhys understand when you explained that you had these feelings for me?"
Az: "I didn't actually say I had feelings for you. I said we should be mates because your sisters are with my brothers. He also asked if I was over Mor but I refused to answer then he told me to use a pleasure hall if I was just looking for sex. I didn't say anything then either."
Elain: "So THIS is why the Mother gave me Lucien as a mate."
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icarusignite · 1 year
Like an old melody, my heart resumes
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Summary: After years apart and with several misunderstandings between them, you meet Prince Daeron at what is meant to be his betrothal feast. When secrets and unspoken desires come to light, you and Daeron are faced with a choice: to let go of the past and embrace a love that has always burned between them or allow your tumultuous history to keep you apart. 
High Valyrian words: 
ñuha rūklon = my flower
kepa = father
Pairing: Daeron x Fem! Reader | (angst, hurt/comfort, fluff)
A/N: for the lovely @lady-targaryens-world and their request. Thank you, I had so much fun writing this. Daeron is a total sweetheart. I fancast him as Lucas Lynggaard Tønnesen cuz he looks like how I imagined Daeron. Hope you like the fic and hope your exams went well 💙💙💙
Word Count: 4K
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"What's on your mind, ñuha rūklon?"
Your head snapped up to meet the eyes of Daemon Targaryen as he leaned in the doorway of your room, observing you keenly. You shifted your position on your bed, sitting up straighter against the headboard, careful not to disturb the slumbering brunette whose head lay on your lap.
"Nothing, kepa," you smiled at him.
"You've been distant lately. Ever since news of our travel."
You sighed as your eyes strayed to the crumpled letter in your fist, "Do I have to go Kingslanding, kepa? May I not just stay here, please."
Daemons said your name disapprovingly and gave you a stern look, or tried to anyways, but he was powerless when faced with your mournful eyes pleading with him.
"Your grandsire would feel your absence deeply if you do not go. Not to mention your mother, she would like all her children in one place."
"You will have a good time there my little flower, and you will have your brothers to keep you company," he stated firmly before leaving.
You rolled your eyes and huffed in frustration. This trip to King's Landing would be anything but fun. Your parents kept trying to tempt you with tales of festivities and merriment, but all you could think about was that the only reason such an event was even being held in the first place was that he had returned.
Daeron Targaryen, third son of King Viserys and Queen Alicent, your dearest childhood companion, and also the boy who broke your heart. You frowned at the letter in your hand once again, a choked melancholic feeling rising in your throat. It was the last letter he'd ever written to you, dated years ago, and although you had written many ever since then, you never received a reply. It was unfair. He had promised you that he wouldn't forget you, but he had. He had forgotten you within the first year of being sent to Oldtown, and now your parents expected you to attend what would be his betrothal feast with a happy disposition. You could not do it. Although years old, the ache of betrayal still felt fresh.
"You've been frowning an awful lot lately sister," came a sleepy mumbled sound from below you, and you looked down to see your younger brother, Lucerys, looking up at you in concern.
You grinned as you carded your fingers through his hair, "Don't worry your head over it, little Luke."
He rolled his eyes at the nickname and pushed your hand away in annoyance.
"I'm serious. Why are you so sad? Do you really not want to go? If you want I can pretend to be sick and tell Mother that I'm not fit to travel and then you'll have an excuse to stay behind with me."
"You don't have to do that for me, Luke."
"But I would. I don't like it when you're sad."
Your heart swelled with affection for your younger brother and you smiled at him, hands going to brush the hair from his forehead.
"I know you're looking forward to it Luke. You don't have to stay behind for me. I'll be fine."
"Are you sure?"
"Okay," he hesitated before raising his fist in the air. "But if anyone bothers you, you tell me, and I'll duel them!"
A giggle bubbled out of you at his heartfelt exclamation. You pushed his hand back down, thumbing the scar that stretched across the back of it.
"How about we leave the duelling to someone else? Wouldn't want our little prince to get hurt."
"You've got to stop calling me little!" he pouted and you couldn't help pinching his cheeks in affection.
"Oh, but you are little," you cooed. "You're so very little."
Luke grumbled your name sternly, and you laughed again, already in better spirits.
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The great hall of King's Landing was ablaze with life and festivity. The air was filled with a symphony of chattering nobles, their voices blending together in a lively hum. The room echoed with laughter, gossip, and the occasional clinking of goblets, creating a vibrant backdrop to the grand event.
The hall itself was a sight to behold. Tall, arched ceilings stretched overhead, adorned with exquisite tapestries depicting scenes of Targaryen history. Soft candlelight bathed the space, casting a warm and inviting glow upon the gathered guests. The flickering flames danced upon the polished surfaces, reflecting in the shimmering armour of knights and the elaborate gowns of noble ladies. Long tables adorned with elaborate centrepieces and sumptuous feasts lined the hall, laden with platters of roasted meats, trays of fresh fruits, and delicate pastries. The tantalizing scents wafted through the air, mingling with the fragrance of perfumes and the rich aromas of fine wines. The air itself seemed to carry a sense of indulgence as if every breath was infused with the anticipation of revelry and celebration. The hopes and aspirations of potential suitors, the desires of ambitious families, and the excitement of a long-awaited reunion all converged in the great hall.
Nobles and courtiers, clad in their finest attire, mingled and exchanged pleasantries. Their colourful garments, embellished with intricate embroidery and delicate jewels, added to the opulence of the scene. Laughter rang out, accompanied by the occasional flirtatious whispers and stolen glances toward the newly arrived young prince.
Prince Daeron Targaryen sat upon the elevated dais, his family flanking him on either side. His presence commanded attention, drawing gazes from all corners of the hall. His posture was impeccable, his back straight and his chin held high, and his eyes scanned the crowd with a mixture of curiosity and expectation. As each of his prospective wives was introduced, Daeron's gaze fixed upon her, his expression charming and polite. He listened attentively to their names and the descriptions of their families, his demeanour respectful and gracious. Though his duty was to find a suitable match, there was a flicker of anticipation in his eyes as if he awaited the presence of someone special.
Just as one particular noble lady was stepping forward to be presented, the herald's voice echoed through the great hall.
"Announcing the arrival of Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen and her family!"
The grand entrance of Rhaenyra and her entourage commanded the attention of all present. Daeron's gaze shifted instinctively, his eyes seeking out the captivating figure of his niece. The noble lady, momentarily forgotten, hesitated mid-sentence, her words drowned out by the flurry of excitement and murmurs that filled the hall.
Daeron's heart quickened at the sight of you, his eyes locking with yours, and for a moment, the rest of the world faded away. The noble ladies, the festivity, everything paled in comparison to your presence. He had not seen you in years, but the time apart had only enhanced your beauty and grace. Your hair cascaded down your back, framing a face that bore a striking resemblance to the Rogue Prince who led the procession with your mother. Your eyes sparkled with a lively intelligence, and your gentle demeanour held an irresistible allure. That was until your eyes hardened and when your gaze turned away from his with a barely concealed sneer, he felt his heart plummet.
King Viserys Targaryen, seated at the head of the dais, greeted his daughter with a warm and open smile. His eyes lit up with joy and pride as Rhaenyra approached, the years apart momentarily forgotten in the embrace they shared. As Rhaenyra stepped back, her gaze shifted to her father, and the smile that graced his face widened further. The aging king's eyes were drawn to you, his beloved granddaughter, who stood beside her parents. There was a mix of tenderness and nostalgia in his gaze as he took in your features, seeing glimpses of his late wife, Queen Aemma, in them.
When he uttered your name, it was filled with warmth.
"It warms my heart to see you once more. You grow more radiant with each passing day, just as your mother did," he pulled you into an embrace.
"It is an honour to see you again, Grandsire!" you grinned and then presented him with the present you had been working on during your entire journey.
The parchment you handed to him depicted both King Viserys and Queen Alicent. A royal portrait of sorts, done in charcoal. Your grandsire's eyes widened with delight as he took the sketch in his hands. His weathered fingers traced the lines and curves, his expression filled with a mixture of joy and melancholy.
"Oh, my dearest," he said, his voice tinged with emotion, "this is a gift beyond measure."
He then turned to his wife, who stood by his side, and held up the sketch for her to see. A smile adorned her lips as she admired the work, her eyes shimmering with affection as she thanked you.
Eventually, the clamour subsided and Rhaenyra and her family took their seats at the grand table, finding their places on the dais. By some twist of fate, you found yourself seated between Daeron and your brother Jace. You settled into your seat and turned yourself so that you were facing your brother mostly, wanting to avoid speaking to your uncle for as long as you could.
Once everyone had been seated, King Viserys stood again, raising his goblet high to catch the attention of all those gathered in the grand hall. The room fell silent, and the flickering candlelight reflected in his eyes, revealing a mix of pride, nostalgia, and a touch of sadness.
"My esteemed guests, noble lords and ladies. Tonight, we celebrate not only the return of my son, Prince Daeron Targaryen but also his journey of growth and learning in Oldtown. By the end of tonight's event, it is my fervent hope that Daeron shall find a bride, a woman who will stand by his side as he takes his rightful place in the realm. Let this be an occasion for new beginnings and the forging of alliances that shall strengthen House Targaryen and the Seven Kingdoms."
Your heart sank at your grandfather's words. The affirmation that Daeron's search for a bride was the purpose of this grand celebration struck you with a wave of unexpected pain but you pushed it away and kept a placid smile pasted on your face. You turned your attention to your brother, seemingly engrossed in conversation with his own betrothed, Baela.
"Jace, my dearest brother," you whispered, nudging him with your elbow.
Jace turned to you with a raised eyebrow, "What is it now? You're being suspiciously polite."
"I am always polite, how dare you?"
"You want something, don't you? C'mon spit it out, what is it?"
You grinned, "May I borrow your handkerchief? My hands are in desperate need of cleansing from the clutches of charcoal."
"You shouldn't have been scribbling away then," he eyed your stained hands with amusement.
"Oh, come on. Please," you begged, tugging at his sleeve.
"But I just had it washed."
"Oh, brother, surely you can spare your dear sister a clean handkerchief to save her from the grips of artistic messiness. Think of it as an act of kindness."
Jace huffed, reluctantly reaching into his pocket and producing the handkerchief, "Fine, but promise me you won't turn it into another work of art."
"I would never do that!"
"Mhmm, and what happened to the last few I lent to you?"
"I don't even have any drawing instruments right now. I promise, dear brother, it shall remain unscathed. You have my word."
You accepted the handkerchief with a grateful nod, laughter bubbling forth at the sight of Jace's disgruntled expression. With a swift and discreet motion, you wiped away the charcoal smudges, returning your hands to their former cleanliness. You handed the handkerchief back to your brother, who grumbled good-naturedly, but with a playful glimmer in his eyes.
As Daeron watched you engage in laughter and conversation with your siblings, a pang of hurt settled within his chest. The tinge of disappointment lingered as he longed for your attention and connection and the weight of his unspoken emotions was not lost on his older brother, Aegon.
Aegon, noticing Daeron's gaze fixed on you, couldn't resist the opportunity to tease him. He leaned closer, a mischievous glimmer in his eyes, and nudged Daeron playfully.
"You seem awfully distracted, dear brother. Is it the beautiful ladies or something else that's caught your eye?"
"It's nothing, I'm just lost in thought."
"Lost in thought about a certain someone, perhaps?" Aegon teased, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.
Daeron scowled, "Leave it, Aegon."
"Well, well, dear brother, it seems our enchanting niece has indeed stolen your attention. You've had your eye on her since she arrived."
Daeron's cheeks flushed with a mix of embarrassment and annoyance. He tried to deflect Aegon's teasing, but the slight quirk of his brother's eyebrow told him that Aegon wasn't about to let him off the hook so easily.
"I said leave it, Aegon. It's none of your business," he muttered defensively, forcing his eyes away from where they lingered on the curve of your jaw.
"All right, all right. I won't tease you anymore. But I have to admit, I think she is quite lovely myself."
Daeron gave him a withering look, making him laugh even harder. He took a swig from his goblet of wine and leaned in close.
"You know, you have this entire hall of ladies to choose from. I don't think you should mind if I were to take a liking to our dear niece here."
"Don't you dare-"
"Don't be selfish, dear brother."
"Aegon," Daeron warned.
Aegon leaned back in his chair with a satisfied smirk, "Well, if that's the case, then you might wish to speak to her yourself. This feast may have been held to find you a wife, but she sure is garnering a lot of attention."
He gestured to the various noble lords and knights who had their eyes fixed on your graceful movements. Daeron turned his attention back to the banquet in annoyance, choosing to ignore the surge of jealousy that rose within him. He watched you laugh with a scowl on his face. He wanted to be the one making you smile like that, to be the one sitting next to you and sharing in your conversation, but you were pretending as though he didn't even exist, never once meeting his gaze, no matter how desperately he sought you out.
As Daeron sat there, nursing his wounded pride, a group of noble ladies approached him with flirtatious smiles and sparkling eyes. Their gowns swirled around them as they curtsied and extended their hands, inviting him to join them.
One of the ladies, a vivacious brunette with a playful tone, spoke up, her voice laced with excitement, "Prince Daeron, would you do us the honour of sharing a dance with us?"
Daeron glanced at the ladies, his initial reluctance warring with the desire to distract himself from his lingering disappointment. With a sigh, he relented and rose from his seat, offering a polite smile.
"I would be delighted, ladies. Allow me to make this evening memorable for us all."
You watched him leave, a mix of bitterness and sadness welling up within you. You had expected this, but now as you witnessed him embracing the company of other ladies, you couldn't help the surge of tears that forced their way into your eyes. You scolded yourself inwardly for feeling this way, knowing you had no right to claim his attention solely for yourself.
Berating yourself, you forced a smile and attempted to push your discontent aside. You knew that Daeron was at the age where a potential wife was being sought for him. These noble ladies, giggling and vying for his attention, were merely following the customs of courtship as they tried to make themselves as appealing as possible to him. Each attempted to capture his interest with their charms, their eyes sparkling with hope. They swirled around him, showcasing their graceful movements and engaging in light-hearted banter.
Daeron, despite his initial reluctance, allowed himself to be swept into the dance, making polite conversation and offering charming smiles to each lady in turn. He appreciated their efforts and acknowledged their beauty, but his heart remained distant, his thoughts still preoccupied with you. He thought he caught your gaze from across the room, but he couldn't be sure and he didn't want to delude himself into thinking that you actually cared.
It was only the trembling of your lips that gave you away and when you discreetly excused yourself to rush out of the great hall, Daeron abandoned his dance partner mid-step and made his way swiftly towards you. The noble ladies he left behind exchanged confused glances, their voices hushed in curiosity as they watched him break away from their company. He followed the path you had taken, emerging into one of the adjoining dimly lit corridors where you stood with your back toward him. Your shoulder shook as you clamped your hands over your mouth to stifle the sob building inside.
Daeron stood at a distance, not sure what to do or say. You must have sensed his presence though, because you straightened your back and quickly brushed away any lingering tears before turning to give him your brightest smile.
"My prince. Should you not be back in the great hall? You know, dancing with your future wife?"
Daeron frowned, "What future wife?"
"One of those ladies is meant to be your future wife, isn't she? So shouldn't you be spending time with her?" you snapped.
In the solitude of the corridor, Daeron's eyes flickered with hurt as your words cut through him. He had hoped for a warm reunion, a chance to express his feelings and seek understanding. Instead, he found himself facing your unexpected harshness.
"Is that what you truly want? To see me dance with others while you remain distant? Can you not find it in your heart to tell me why you're upset? Why you've been avoiding me?" he pleaded.
"Oh, that's rich, coming from you!"
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"You know exactly what I mean!"
"How am I supposed to know when you won't say anything!"
A fresh wave of tears welled up in your eyes. How dare he be this audacious. He was pretending to be oblivious.
"You think I've been avoiding you? That I've willingly chosen to keep my distance? Perhaps you should look inward, Daeron. You never responded to a single one of the letters I wrote to you. You went to Oldtown and forgot all about me!" your voice broke, the tears running freely down your face now.
"Do not pretend not to know!"
Daeron rushed toward you, entwining his fingers with yours, eyes boring into yours as he said your name.
"What letters? I swear I never received any letters. I thought it was you who had forgotten about me."
"Liar! I do not care if you did not care enough to respond but at least do not be a coward and pretend not to know about them altogether."
"It doesn't even matter," you interrupted, wrenching your hands away from him. "I stopped writing last year, anyways."
"You...you wrote to me for six years?" Daeron's voice was soft in disbelief.
"What, is that supposed to be surprising? Not all of us can be callous and cruel like you. You were my friend, of course I wrote to you!"
Daeron took your hand once again, placing it on his chest so that you could feel his racing heartbeat, voice tinged with desperation.
"I swear on all the gods, the old and the new, that I never received a single one of your letters. I would never willingly ignore you or dismiss your words. Please, you have to believe me."
"Stop! Just, stop," you pleaded. "Go back to your dancing and select a wife from amongst the ladies grandsire has chosen for you."
You wanted to believe Daeron, to let go of the resentment that had consumed you, but the wounds ran deep, and trust was a fragile thread between you two.
"Why would I lie about this?" he implored again, stepping closer. "I have spent every moment longing for you, questioning why you had grown distant. If I had known about your letters, I would have responded, you know that."
"I find that I do not know you at all, so forgive me for disagreeing."
"Do not say that. Please do not say that. I have loved you since we were children!" Daeron's words came tumbling out of his mouth, making both of you freeze.
Your breath caught in your throat, eyes widening at his confession. Your anger and doubt began to crumble, replaced by a mix of astonishment and a glimmer of hope. You listened intently, heart yearning for the words you had always longed to hear.
"I cannot imagine marrying any of those women in the grand hall," he continued, his voice earnest. "Not when my heart has always been set on you. You are the one I have dreamed of, the one who has occupied my thoughts and fueled my hopes. Please, believe me when I say that you are the one I want to spend my life with."
Your breath was shaky as you struggled to absorb the weight of Daeron's confession.
"I... I don't know what to say," you whispered, your voice filled with a mix of vulnerability and bewilderment.
"Say you feel the same way. Say you love me too," he begged.
"I...you truly meant what you said?'
"I have never meant anything more in my entire life," he gently brushed away the tears from your cheeks, his touch filled with tenderness. "I understand your doubts and fears. But I want you to know that I am committed to proving my love to you, to mending what has been broken between us. I will do whatever it takes to earn your trust again and make you feel cherished."
"I...I don't know."
Daeron nodded, his eyes filled with unwavering patience and determination.
"I will give you all the time you need. I will be here, waiting for you, for all of eternity, if that is what it takes. Just know that you hold my heart in the palm of your hands, and nothing will change that."
You couldn't help the chuckle that escaped your lips as you met his desperate gaze.
"I do not think you have all of eternity, my prince. Grandsire expects you to be betrothed before the night is up."
"Whether or not I am betrothed by the end of tonight depends entirely on the lady I hope to be betrothed to. The decision is hers entirely."
You sniffled, "And who might such a lucky lady be?"
Daeron thumbed your cheekbone affectionately, tracing his fingers up your jaw and then settling them to cup your face. His other hand dropped to your waist, pulling you closer.
"There will never be another lady. Not when I belong to you wholly."
You sighed, leaning into his touch with your eyes closed. When you opened them, you were met with his startling intensity.
"I suppose I might be inclined to accept," you murmured, arms coming up to wrap around his neck.
His lips curled upward in a beam, "Is that a yes then?"
Daeron paused for a moment, his lips a hairsbreadth from yours, giving you a chance to pull away, before they met yours in a gentle kiss. Your lips moved in perfect harmony, a dance of affection and yearning. As your kiss deepened, Daeron's arms wrapped around you, pulling you impossibly closer, as if afraid to let go, his body pressing you into the cool stone wall behind you.
When you pulled away eventually, he pressed his forehead against yours and closed his eyes reverently as he whispered in the space where your breaths mingled.
"I am yours. I will be yours for all of eternity."
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inkblackorchid · 30 days
dunno if you've ever been asked, but what are your thoughts on z-one? He's one of my favorite final boss villains in YGO but I know (especially for a while) people didn't like him due to the fakeout of not being an evil Yusei.
Hey there! As a matter of fact, I have not been asked. I think Z-ONE's a fine antagonist, frankly. The setup to get to him takes a while, but the reveal when he finally shows up is pretty good where I'm concerned. (Of course, some things about him are plagued by the same plotholes as the entire WRGP—mostly, the scope of his "godlike" powers is very, very unclear. But since it adds a lot of pizzazz, I can usually overlook it.) Moreover, I think the initial reveal of his face—where it's unclear whether or not he's Yusei at first—is perfect, because it really throws you for a loop.
That said, I'm a bit in two minds about the identity thing. On one hand, I get why people wanted him to be Yusei, as in, the actual, real Yusei, who was simply pushed to his limits by a horrid, inescapable future. The sheer amount of angst would have been unparalleled. And it would have posed the very interesting question of just what it would take to push Yusei, our very own protagonist, that far. After all, he's the hero, he's the one preaching hope and friendship even when everyone else has given up on it already. Just the implications alone of a person like Yusei—Yusei—being pushed far enough to become the villain would have been downright cataclysmic. It would have sold the sheer hopelessness of the Meklord future like nothing else. So I get why people wanted it to be true, there's certainly potential there.
But at the same time... I'm not sure I can bring myself to see it. And a lot of that has to do with what canon presents us before the big reveal of Z-ONE's face already. First, there's the fact that it's Yusei. As I said, this is the guy who's all-in on loyalty, hope, and friendship even when nobody else is. It is arguably one of his, if not the defining trait he has. To topple that unwaveringness by implying even he could be pushed to give up on these things... I don't know if it might not have soured his character a bit in some people's eyes. Even if it might have been more realistic, even if it might have been human. Then, there's also the things we get about Z-ONE, as a character, before the reveal. And yes, I concede that's very little, but frankly? It's enough to make him feel like he absolutely couldn't be Yusei to me. Like yes, granted, the unavoidable future of despair™ would have probably changed his personality somewhat, but to that degree? Z-ONE acts nothing like Yusei to me. His tactics in manipulating Sherry, the way he speaks with Aporia during their duel, hell, the sodding Timelords he plays. I mean, sure, obviously they gave him a completely different deck so they could a.) sell more cards and so b.) the reveal could be delayed a little longer for more tension, but something about the idea that Yusei, had he actually been Z-ONE, would have completely abandoned his old deck, kept not even a single card, not even Stardust, or Speed Warrior, or Scrap-Iron Scarecrow, doesn't sit right with me. And that's obviously not touching on the timeline shenanigans that don't quite match up, because Z-ONE's ruined future is implied to be far away enough to exceed Yusei's own lifespan. (Now, if they had actually written Z-ONE to act more like Yusei, and to perhaps, damningly, have kept some of Yusei's cards, I might have been more on board with the idea.)
I don't know, I might be in the minority there, but I think Z-ONE was fine the way he was in canon. We got the shock moment of him possibly being Yusei without delving into either the emotional can of worms, nor the timeline nonsense can of worms that would have come with him actually being Yusei. Z-ONE is an excellent, end-of-show antagonist to me, with or without that extra angst. I don't usually like fakeouts that much, either, but this one, I'll happily tolerate. (Though I would argue the guy could have used just a smidgen more setup and would be even stronger if not for the nonsense worldbuilding of the Meklords. But everyone and their mother who knows my blog knows how I feel about the Meklords, worldbuilding-wise.)
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3cosmicfrogs · 8 months
for the ask game: naybe an AU where LXC is not on the stairs at thaf JGY/NMJ confrontatiom but baxia Got Attached so she refuses to be like. Slammed down?? And nieyao js now awkwarsly staring at each other, because whay is happening
hmmmmm you propose an interesting scenario.... i guess this could fit into the More Sentient Baxia AU that Woob and i have fever-dreamed up? in that case, five headcanons of what would happen if baxia got Attached:
baxia does not want to kill the Searching-Wanting-Waiting-Watching Human. she likes him, he gives nice skritches. and he always surrounds himself with a delicious aura of almost-evil that she just itches to sink her teeth into and rip away from him... Plus, her master clearly likes him too, he just needs her to show him!
baxia has seen into her human's heart and decided that he needs to get laid, immediately. She will take the necessary steps to make this happen, because she is a Good Sabre! now that she's saved the Searching-Wanting-Waiting-Watching Human, she only needs to find a way to make her intentions clear to the Floating-Calming-Softly-Quietly Human... her best course of action is clearly to start hovering in his peripheral vision from what she is sure is her most seductive angle.
Misunderstandings! Misunderstandings everywhere! naturally, because they are grown adults, mingjue and meng yao cannot possibly have a conversation about this. they will continue to Agonise separately and entirely unproductively while Xichen looks on and sighs. All the while everyone is being terrorised by baxia. Eventually someone breaks (my bet is on xichen) and demands to know exactly what is going on?! and if you think the resulting argument anything is but a sarcastic word-duel you'd be wrong! again, because nieyao are mature, grown-ass adults about this who can totally handle their feelings.
"are you upset you couldn't follow through, da-ge?" "I swear this has never happened before! I usually perform just fine!" "that's alright, mingjue-xiong, maybe you were just stressed?" "yes, there's no reason to be embarassed, da-ge." "a-yao is right, i'm sure this sort of thing happens all the time...?" "well did it ever happen to either of you?!" "...no." "whatever! let's try again then, i'm sure i'll manage this time!" <- this conversation will be overheard by an outside character of your choosing (nhs perhaps?) to Maximum Comedic Effect.
When the Issues Are Being Resolved, mingjue is faced with the absolutely mortifying ordeal of explaining to his increasingly incredulous sworn brothers that yes, nie sabres do in fact sometimes talk to their masters, of course this is normal what are you talking about, and also his magical bloodthirsty weapon has decided that he really really needs a romantic relationship and picked xichen and meng yao. yes she's been tormenting him. they can try a relationship he supposes, just to satisfy the Magical Bloodthirsty Weapon of course, no feelings will arise surely, and if nothing comes of it she will back off. this is entirely unaided by huaisang, who keeps orchestrating bed shortages and feeding the three of them aphrodisiacs because he is convinced that his brother is suffering from erectile dysfunction.
I'm not very good at making coherent plots or headcanons as you can see, but i thrive in crack treated seriously, and so this is what this will be.
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paradoxcase · 4 months
Gideon the Ninth audiobook, to the end of Part 2
New voices:
Camilla's voice is described in the text as "low and calm" which should mean more deep-voiced women rep, but the audiobook isn't really reproducing that description well, I don't think
Palamedes' voice is not bad, although I kind of expected something clearer and lighter. I'm not sure if it's my imagination, but it almost sounds like another accent? I can't decide. It's kind of hard to tell when Moira Quirk's base accent is also foreign to me
I like Abigail's voice, it's definitely the same Welsh accent. I wonder why Moira Quirk picked that accent for the Fifth? Since they are culturally dominant, I would have expected an accent with more cultural capital IRL, but I guess the main characters are already using a standard British accent and the Fourth teens got the French, so I'm not sure what's left in that regard
There were a few words of Isaac voice, it seems fine
Magnus's voice is really growing on me... just in time to never hear it again for the rest of the book. Woe. Oh well, he'll be back in the next one
The pronunciation of Palamedes' name is also growing on me a lot faster than I predicted
Other stuff:
Gideon notes that Teacher does not eat breakfast, and guesses that he just eats it earlier in the morning. NOPE
On the possibility of Harrow being murdered: "What if the murderer was like, weird" and musings on Gideon's subsequent marriage to the murderer, and thoughts about swapping friendship bracelets with them - Cytherea is the murderer and is indeed seducing Gideon here, and this probably also foreshadows the "friendship bracelets" with Ianthe, although who knows if that's what they actually are
Harrow knew that Gideon was hanging out with Cytherea as early as when she was working in the facility by herself, which I had forgotten, and I'm wondering how she knows this. It doesn't sound like she's doing a lot of socializing and doesn't seem to know a lot about the others beyond the Sixth and the Eighth, who she considers her main competitors at this point, and I don't think either of them would know about Gideon's time spent with Cytherea, because they're also busy, and I doubt Harrow has been trading pleasantries with Cytherea herself
I still love that Gideon figures out the purpose of the Imaging/Response rooms by saying "the arms kind of look like swords, I want to fight it" after Harrow has spent literal days beating her head against it
Gideon punches the construct twice in this segment, which I think really shows the utility of her using that move against Babs earlier, and Marta's assessment that she was the better fighter for it. Babs would have been outraged that the construct didn't follow all the proper rules of dueling
I like how written notes and so forth are read in the voice of the character that wrote them (except for John's letter, I guess, but he doesn't have a voice yet); even when Gideon is reading Magnus's invitation aloud to Harrow, it's read in Magnus's voice
After the dinner party, Cytherea tells Gideon "I liked that dinner, it was useful" which is very chilling now considering I now know it made her decide to kill Abigail and Magnus first
She also says "What do [the Houses] compete for? The Emperor's favor? What does that look like?" I think it's interesting that Cytherea, who is intimately familiar with the Emperor, doesn't really know what his favor looks like, or possibly doesn't believe it exists. Or she just knows that John is shit and finds competing for his favor to be pointless and self-defeating, no doubt strengthening her commitment to murdering everyone before they can succeed
After reading the Unwanted Guest, I think I can guess that the reason Gideon sees the thanergetic signatures when she's fighting the construct is more permeability of the soul stuff - that when Harrow sits in her head, Gideon becomes enough of Harrow to see things that only Harrow can normally see? Even though they only did this for like a few minutes at this point
Gideon being completely floored by Harrow's praise of her fighting ability was fun to hear about again
And now Magnus and Abigail are dead and it's time for Part 3. I think the only voice that's left to hear for the first time is Judith, and also John will make his first appearance in the epilogue
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illuminatedquill · 1 year
Sabine x Ezra/Anakin x Padme:
It's Like Poetry, It Rhymes
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I'm already falling I couldn't help it, didn't think of the risk I got a problem, problem when I look in your eyes You're mine and you know it I'd still do it even if we were cursed Won't you be my problem? It's okay with me if it hurts - BANKS, Under the Table
George Lucas has a phrase that I always come back to regarding his work: "It's like poetry, it rhymes."
He said this in reference to Luke's battle with Vader in the Emperor's Throne Room aboard the second Death Star. During the climax of the duel, Luke faces the same choice his father did so many years ago.
And Luke chooses differently. Instead of killing Vader, he tosses aside his weapon and chooses to stop fighting. He wins the battle without violence and claims the mantle of Jedi Knight, which helps Anakin return to himself fully and turn on the Emperor.
For this post, I'm using this phrase to another interesting similarity within Star Wars: the relationship between Sabine Wren and Ezra Bridger having echoes of the doomed romance of Anakin Skywalker and Padme Amidala.
There's no way that Filoni is not aware how he's setting these two up.
Sabine, clearly, has resemblances to Ahsoka's former master; it doesn't surprise me that Ahsoka immediately cut Sabine's training short after the Purge of Mandalore.
Sabine is messy, angry, reckless, impulsive, and obviously depressed after experiencing so much trauma in her life. Despite her efforts to keep up appearances that everything's fine with her, we can tell in the Ahoska premiere that she still keenly feels the loss of Ezra and her family.
Anakin was the same way. We know his story; I won't re-hash it here.
Because of Sabine's inability to reflect on her problems - much like Anakin - they tend to influence her decisions. She can't focus on what needs to be done, versus what she wants to be done.
Love versus duty. The age old conundrum.
She should have destroyed the map to Thrawn. She didn't. She could not face returning to a galaxy without Ezra Bridger in it.
Anakin prevented Jedi Master Mace Windu from finishing Palpatine because he wanted the knowledge to save Padme from death.
Anakin's decision, I also want to remind, led to Padme's death being realized. In doing what he did to prevent it, he ended up causing it to come true.
Sabine's decision to save Ezra . . . well, we've yet to see how Filoni plays this out. But I think there might be a similar outcome here; some sort of consequence for Ezra due to Sabine's actions.
The galaxy - both times - shifted on its axis and began to spiral towards darkness. The Empire rose. Thrawn returned.
The seeds of darkness have already been planted in Sabine. Her decision to hand over the map to Baylon was a failure of temptation. And once you go down the path of the dark side, it's incredibly hard to turn away. Yoda told this to Luke and he failed to heed his advice until it was almost too late.
Lucas, with Luke and Vader, had them face the same dilemma in their respective journeys to show how different their choices would be and how their characters, despite being so much alike, were ultimately different.
So Filoni, with Sabine and Ezra, is - at least in my point of view - doing the same. He's going to have these two reckon with what Sabine did only for them to choose differently than what happened with Anakin and Padme.
We never really saw Anakin and Padme reconcile after his fall. That's the tragedy of their relationship.
But with Sabine and Ezra, there's still hope. They can choose better and not end up cursed like their predecessors.
For one, Ahsoka is literally right there. I'm uncertain as to how much she knows about the reason for Anakin's downfall but if she does know (or Anakin's Force ghost reveals it to her) then she's perfectly armed with the knowledge to make sure Sabine doesn't follow the same path.
Sabine and Ezra also have much more of a personal history with each other. Their foundation is built on stronger material than Anakin and Padme's. There's a lot of trust and respect and love already built into it.
But, admittedly, Sabine's actions threaten to unmake that relationship. I've talked about it before in a previous post; that she could end up losing Ezra due to her selfishness.
And that's not even mentioning the reactions from Hera. Hera, thinking of her son, Jacen, and her desire to raise him in a galaxy not at war. Now it's being threatened by Thrawn's return.
All because of Sabine's need to save Ezra.
I really don't know how, but I'm excited to see Sabine and Ezra work it out. Because we've never seen a proper redemption arc in Star Wars. Anakin was redeemed, yes, but he died shortly afterwards.
Sabine has to put in the work to make up for what she did. She's already started on the path by staying behind with Ahsoka instead of going home with Ezra, but being open to the Force now means that there's only more trials and temptations ahead.
I can't overstate how worried we should be for Sabine. She messed up so badly before being able to tap into the Force. And now she has it.
I know she's on the path to set things right but that temptation will never go away. It will only be amplified, going forward, and I'm sure that there will be more opportunities for abuse considering the inevitable conflict between Thrawn and the New Republic.
And then there's Ezra, of course. Her desire to keep him safe.
Because he wouldn't sit on the sidelines, even if he wanted to. Sabine's actions, like it or not, have involved him in ways that he cannot understand. He'll be at the center of this fight.
I expect Sabine is going to experience some troubling visions soon. I'm thinking similar to what Luke faced in the cave on Dagobah, or even what Anakin saw during his encounter with the Mortis gods.
There's nowhere to hide anymore now that she's stuck on Peridea.
The Force, I'm sure, is going to have a lot to show Sabine about herself that's been hidden away. I hope she's ready.
Much as I want to see these two together and living happily, it can't happen until Sabine and Ezra work through these issues together.
Because if they can't, well . . . we've seen how that story ends.
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pico-farad · 2 months
I hit episode 90 of Vrains! Season 2 is long, so I'm stopping here to put down some thoughts.
But before that, I wanted say that I was blown away by the response to Secret Identities AU! I didn't even know the Vrains fandom was still alive, but clearly I was mistaken. I plan to make a part 2 going over more characters and changes I'd make, but I'm going to hold off until I've finished the series, so that I can factor in the larger arc of the story.
For now though, here's my thoughts on the second third of Vrains (up to Aoi vs. Bohman). I had too much to say again, so this part will cover Soulburner and Flame.
Critique is meant in good taste. I don't think the Vrains writers will be offended.
All Vrains season analysis posts
⇀ Soulburner
Well, I saw this coming. With a protagonist like Yusaku, the writers need a character who can engage him and generally fill up that "Yugioh friend" role, which was sorely missing in Season 1. Naoki, Go, or Ai? Not marketable enough. They needed to make an anime boy, and they sure did.
That said, I was expecting more from Yusaku and Soulburner's relationship, it's a little... nondescript. They had the same problem in season 1, where the writers don't leave room for the characters to just be characters and bounce off each other, it's all just plot and duels and exposition. At least season 1 had the excuse of Yusaku's trauma alienating him from others, but not only has Yusaku already resolved to overcoming that barrier, but Soulburner is one of the only people who can connect with him because of that experience.
I really would have liked to see them connect more on both being victims of the Lost Incident. Season 1's emotional conflict resolved with Yusaku putting his trauma behind him, so Season 2 needs a new emotional conflict. This would be an excellent use of Soulburner's character, except they've made the strange decision that Soulburner has also already overcome his trauma... offscreen.
Don't get me wrong, the Soulburner vs. Blood Shepherd episodes are good. Having Soulburner and Flame trick Blood Shepherd with their acting is a fine gotcha, but think about what we could have gotten if Takeru was allowed to grow through the story itself -- Yusaku and Flame both encouraging him, Takeru finding strength in Yusaku, the only person he knows who has been though the same trauma as him, but was able to stand up to Hanoi nonetheless. Instead, we don't even get to see Yusaku's reaction to Soulburner's backstory, he's stuck outside the bubble.
I can see why people like him though. Both his designs are good, he gets some funny lines, some good duels. I like his trait of fanboying over the heroes who saved Vrains, EXCEPT that the duels vs. Go and Blue Girl were unforgivable and I WILL go deep into that in their sections, mark my words anime boy.
Most of all though, I like his relationship with Flame.
⇀ Flame
He's funny. Like if Jack was five inches tall. I like how he just casually puts words in Soulburner's mouth. ("Prepare yourself! Soulburner never shows mercy!" "What? I didn't say that." "You didn't?") Flame thinks he's the Ratatouille rat in this relationship, both of them think they're the one calling the shots, and that's great.
I wish that element of their relationship had come back in the Soulburner vs. Windy duel, which is another case of introducing an interesting challenge for the characters -- in this case, the idea that Flame should want to be independent of Soulburner -- only to once again go Psych! Bamboozled! They were just acting the whole time!
Ah yeah, they sure tricked me into thinking we would get some good character development...
It's a shame, because I think Windy actually does raise an interesting point. The audience is biased towards thinking of Soulburner as the one who calls the shots -- he's the one who plays the cards, who declares attacks and announces effects, while Flame is the one who looks like a mascot and provides standard Yugioh audience commentary. It makes complete sense for Windy to instill doubt in Flame this way, because the conflict between the Ignis and humans is that humans think AI should only serve humans, and Ignis believe in their own free will.
For reference, here is the exchange that happens (paraphrased) after Soulburner refuses to listen to Flame's advice not to set a card (though this is just part of the act)
Windy: Don't you want to fight using your own will, Flame? Partners are just a nuisance. That's why I got rid of mine. Soulburner: Nuisance? During the Lost Incident, the captured spent every day in an unimaginable situation. Despair, day after day... When we were freed, we were so happy that our hope became reality! But you stole that away from your partner because you thought he was a nuisance? Flame: Windy, we were able to be created because they spent day after day enduring despair. We should be thanking them. We have no right to steal their hope!
Flame's rebuttal to Windy is so bizarrely essentialist. The Ignis don't owe anything to the Lost Incident victims, much less gratitude. They didn't ask to be created, and they are not responsible for the crimes of SOL. The message should have been something like "I chose Soulburner with my own free will."
Flame does not owe Takeru anything, but he chooses to be his partner, because the whole point of the Ignis is that they have free will. That is the proper resolution to Windy asking "Don't you want to fight using your own will?" The answer is no, they choose to fight together. Even if Soulburner appears to be the one calling the shots because he wears the duel disk, they are equals, and the reason Soulburner takes the lead is because Flame trusts him. 5D telepathy chess undercuts that.
⇀ Lost Incident Victims, and Alternate Season 2 thoughts
The more I think about it, the more I wish they used the different Lost Incident victims to explore different reactions to trauma. Yusaku used it to fuel him and his revenge, Takeru went down a route of self-sabotage and lashing out, Jin shut himself down, and Spectre, uh, decided to be Like That lmao.
Here's the set-up that I would have done for Season 2: after Jin is kidnapped, Yusaku decides to seek out the other Lost Incident victims to see if any of them have been targeted too, which could give them a clue on how to get Jin back. This is how he meets Takeru. 
Yusaku has to learn how to connect with people, which follows up on the season 1 finale, where he resolves to open himself up to others and tells Revolver that he wants to be friends. By befriending Takeru and helping him overcome his trauma, and eventually the other Lost Incident victims too, it builds up to the reprise of Yusaku vs. Revolver, where Yusaku finally succeeds in connecting with Revolver, who he realizes is another victim of the Lost Incident.
Jin and Miyu get to be actual characters this way, too, rather than just damsel devices. I'd also pay to see the deranged interactions Spectre would have with Yusaku.
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enemyoflactose · 5 months
I finished Noah's Arc
My descent into villainy begins.
@lostsomewhereinthegarden wanted to be tagged in this one 💕
Voice acting:
I have no clue what any new characters sound like in the sub, so this 4kids performance only.
Noah: round of applause he sounds fantastic.
Gozuburo: he needs to sound more like he smokes
The Deep Sea Warrior guy: I forgot what he sounded like
Crump: he sounds weird
Johnson: Why is his voice so deep? Why is it so deep? He sounds like a big scary monster.
The robot: I wasn't paying attention to him
Lector: nice. I like his voice.
Dark Magician Girl: it's really annoying for some reason.
Flame Swordsman: hot voice
Serenity's deck master: I don't like it.
Yugi: that sure is Yugi. He gets more screentime than usual and that's a nice change. I love his interactions with Téa after her duel, he's so sweet it makes my dumb shipper brain go crazy.
Yami: he sure does duel. He insults Noah a few times, and is mean to Kuriboh in his first duel.
Téa: QUEEN. If Kaiba didn't exist this would have been her season.
Joey: That sure is Joey. It killed me every time he thought of Mai. Bro wants her back so badly.
Tristan: he was robbed. He deserved to duel again.
Duke: this man is so fucking rude like what the hell? I love him tho he's funny and silly.
Serenity: this poor girl blames herself so much. It was not her fault that Tristan died. It was 100% Duke's.
Seto Kaiba: why is he like this? He's so cool.
Mokuba: precious baby wanted to forgive Noah so badly. He said they were family. He said Kaibacorp would help build him a robot body and they could be twins. I'm crying.
Noah: Why was his backstory handled better than the Ishtar's? Why? This is a filler character and I felt worse for him than Marik. Maybe it's because he's a better duelist idk.
The big five: they exist
Gozuburo: his love for Noah was so conditional, I hate this man. I'm glad he's dead.
Important note
Deck Masters are a thing. I like the idea of them.
Duel 1 - Yugi vs Gansly
Yugi chooses Kuriboh as his deck master and is upset about it because it was an accident.
Gansly is his own deck master.
Most of the duel is Gansly explaining the rules to Yugi and using cards that either don't exist, or are really bad.
Yuugi wins using Kuriboh, Rainbow Bridge, and Gaia the Fierce Knight to attack Gansly directly.
Duel 2 - Téa vs Crump
There was so much Téa fan service in this duel and before this and after this duel. It would have been distracting if this duel wasn't hype.
Téa picks Dark Magician Girl as her deck master, and Crump uses himself/Nightmare Penguin as a deck master.
Crump uses Penguin cards and cards like Cold Wave (Rest in Peace King) to gradually turn Téa into an ice sculpture.
Téa uses cards like Maha Vailo, some equip spells, and Mirror force to help herself, but due to still being a beginner mirror force gets destroyed.
Téa is getting guidance from Dark Magician Girl on how to duel, and ends up using Sage's Stone to special summon Dark Magician.
Téa wins the duel.
Also, Crump wanted to build a penguin themed amusement park, but that's not important.
Duel 3 - Joey vs Johnson
Joey stumbled into a court room after thinking he found his way back to the blimp. He was tricked by Johnson who was pretending to be Mai.
Joey's deck master is Flame Swordsman and Johnson's is Judge Man.
During this duel, Joey is using his deck master's special ability to raise his monsters attack points, but then they all get destroyed.
Now Joey is putting his faith in his gambling cards, but Johnson is cheating and making it so Joey can't use them
Noah catches this and calls out Johnson, but Joey says it's fine as long as he doesn't cheat anymore.
Joey ends up winning.
Duel 4 - Tristan, Duke, and Serenity vs Nezbit
I wasn't paying attention to this duel until Tristan died.
I still wasn't paying attention after he died.
Duke and Serenity win, but Nezbit got to take control of Tristan's body and now Tristan is Robot Monkey Tristan.
Duel 5: Kaiba vs Lector
This duel was too short.
Lector's deck master is Jinzo and Kaiba's is Lord of D.
During this duel, Lector is using cards like Jinzo and Imperial Order to make sure Kaiba can't use spells or traps. He also uses Injection Fairy Lily. I miss her. I miss my Lily.
Kaiba catches on to Lector's plan and makes him lose too many life points to keep Lily and Imperial Order on the field, then he summons Blue Eyes White Dragon and destroys a Satellite. I'm pretty sure 4kids censored this scene, because there was a weird jump cut from Blue Eyes attacking, to the debris falling.
Duel 6 - Joey and Yugi vs The Big Five
The big five are using Tristan's body to duel, and they're doing alright with early Umi Control. Then Johnson ruins it.
Yugi and Joey fuse their deck masters The Big Five fuse their deck masters.
Yugi and Joey win and we never see the Big Five again.
Important stuff that happened
Mokuba got kidnapped and brainwashed.
Kaiba and the gang found out that Noah was Kaiba's step brother.
Noah is being really creepy to Mokuba.
Duel 7 - Yugi and Kaiba vs Noah
This duel is so long
Kaiba is really trying his best and is kind of winning, but Noah is reciting the Bible and using Mokuba as a shield so Kaiba loses because he is a hardcore reddit atheist and loves Mokuba.
Yugi calls Noah a hypocrite and combines his and Kaiba's deck.
Kaiba and Mokuba are turned to stone at this point.
Yuugi keeps talking shit and then Duke gets turned to stone. Nothing of value was lost.
Noah has to activate his deck master's second ability because Yugi destroyed the first one, and now Yugi has to fave Shinatu or whatever his name was.
Noah keeps raising his life points and he's using Spirit Monsters
Tumblr media
My honest reaction to spirit monsters.
At least we saw Yatagurasu.
Noah is turning Yugi's friends to stone every turn, but Téa gets to stay alive for one more turn because she's just cool like that.
Yami summons all three Dark Magicians that he has ,but Noah destroyed all of them.
Then Yami summons Blue eyes and wipes out Noah's life points.
Yugi won and Kaiba wasn't happy that Yugi used his deck.
Duel 8 - Kaiba vs Gozuburo
This duel was also too short.
Gozuburo has Exodia and it gave Kaiba PTSD.
Kaiba has to send all 5 pieces of Exodia to the graveyard so that Gozuburo can summon Exodia Necros.
Necros is invincible and Kaiba's all like "You still take damage dumbass"
Gozuburo raises the attack of Necros, and Kaiba banishes (or puts them back in the deck I forgot) the Exodia pieces that were in the graveyard.
Kaiba wins and Gozuburo tries to take over his body anyway, but Yugi saves him.
Important stuff that happened
The squad was looking for an exit with Noah
Noah was told he was disappoinment so many times.
Mokuba accepted Noah as part of his family
Noah went to the real world to help the gang get their bodies back.
The island is about to explode.
Téa, Tristan and Serenity get their bodies back first
Then Duke and Joey
Then the rest of them.
Noah traps Gozuburo in Cyber space.
The island exploded
The End
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