#I'm thinking probably not but I'm curious
highvern · 16 hours
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Drive Me Crazy
Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x f!reader
Genre: smut
warnings: strangers to lovers, virgin!JK, dry humping, oral sex, cum eating
Length: ~3.7k
Note: yes i'm insane. no i won't be taking further questions. thank u @gyuswhore for chaperoning my descent into JK madness
summary: You're not the only one with a shitty dating life. Your driver seems to be having a worse night than you can imagine. But things take a turn for the better in the backseat of his car.
This blog is intended for 18+ only! Minors/blank blogs will be blocked.
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“Uber for Y/N?” you ask, stumbling into the backseat. “Thanks. God, you wouldn’t believe the night I’ve had.”
“Jesus fucking Christ,” the man, Ian according to the information on the app, gasps. 
“Sorry, didn’t mean to startle you.” You’re a wreck; makeup running, clothes damp from the rain peppering on the window. The last thing you want is some hot guy as your driver for the short journey back to your apartment but at this point you can’t muster the energy to care. 
“You probably don’t want to hear about my shitty night.”
“Well that and—” he starts, cut off before he can say more by your tipsy motormouth. 
“Where does a man get off telling me he isn’t interested in gold diggers when he’s a public school teacher? No offense but what gold?” you ramble. “Not to mention, when I told the waiter to split the bill he asked if I thought he didn’t have any money. Like make up your mind dude.”
“What the fuck?” he asks lowly.
You nod in agreement, hands thrown wide in exasperation. “That’s what I’m saying!”
“That’s fucked up.”
The thickness of his voice doesn’t register in your mind, a broken edgy scratching at the edges of your brain but it doesn’t signal any significant interest “Oh, that's not even the worst part.”
“There’s more?”
“He said ‘I asked too many personal questions.’”
“What he liked to do for fun, if he’s originally from the city, do you like dogs or cats? Literally anything I could think of because apparently he’s allergic to carrying a conversation.” In your hand, your phone rings with an unsaved number. “Hello?”
“Hi, this is your Uber. Did you mean to cancel your ride?”
“Ian from Uber? I’ve been circling the block and haven’t found you and you weren’t answering your phone.”
“Oh! I’m sorry I’ll just—cancel. Yep. Bye.” You stare at the equelly unease expression on Not-Uber Driver Ian’s face, muddled brain racing. If he isn’t your driver that means you got into the car with a random man. 
“Who the fuck are you?” you scream. 
“Who the fuck are you?” he yells back.
You fiddle with the door handle, unable to grab a hold with shaky hands. “Oh my god, you’re a kidnapper.”
“I’m not a kidnapper!”
“That’s what a kidnapper would say!” You fumble for the pepper spray in your bag only to find it absent. It’s not your usual bag. It’s the nicer one that barely fits your phone and chapstick. Damn it.
“YOU GOT IN MY CAR,” he argues.
He makes a good point. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
“I tried but you talk a lot.” 
Another good point.
“Oh my god, what the hell,” you gasp. “Why are you sitting here with the doors unlocked? I could have robbed you.”
“I used my last five bucks to buy this ice cream. Just kill me instead.”
You balk. “That’s so sad.” 
“Yeah, I’m aware.”
“You’re a horrible kidnapper.”
“And you’re a pretty shitty carjacker so I’d say we’re even.”
If he was dangerous he's had plenty of time to prove it. Instead, when he looks back over the center console, all you see is the red rimmed eyes of a kicked puppy with a bird nest for hair. A ridiculous expression for a man of his size but you pity him nonetheless. He’s harmless. Pathetic. But harmless. 
There’s a story about him and you’ve always been curious. “Okay, not-Ian, why are you sitting in a parking lot eating ice cream on a Friday night? Kidnapper thing aside, this is just sad.” 
He’s hot. Even in nothing but sweats and his own misery. The intimidating kind of handsome that people, men and women, pine over. Hand themselves over on a silver platter if he so much as asked.
“Thanks,” he grunts, going for another spoon of ice cream. 
“So why are you upset?” The rain outside intensifies, setting the scene to bare your souls in his cramped Toyota.
“Ugh…” he hesitates. 
“You don’t have to tell me, but I don’t think it can be any more embarrassing than what I just went through.”
“Wanna bet?”
“Why not? If it’s more embarrassing then I won’t steal a bite. Is that chocolate?”
“Cookie dough,” he corrects. “This girl I’ve been talking to ditched me.”
He prepares with a deep breath, steeling himself against whatever motive his fling had. “I’m a virgin.”
“What?” you ask dumbly. Virgin.
Chin tipped back, he swipes at his face in embarrassment. “I told you it's embarrassing.”
“You’re eating your feelings because you’re a virgin?”
“Yes.” He waits for your interjection. When it doesn’t come he hesitantly continues. “And the last person I told laughed in my face and started hooking up with my roommate. So…”
“What a bitch.”
“Yeah. People just assume I’m some kind of man whore.” He explains, head banging against the wheel. “But I’ve never done anything besides… ya know?”
“I have no idea, complete stranger.”
“Like hand stuff.”
“Yeah, you’re definitely a virgin,” you snort. “Move over, I’m coming up.”
Shimmying into the front seat takes more coordination than you’re prepared for. The hem of your dress rises to brazen heights, a draft curling around the edge of your panties. Its a feeling you assumed would be happening with your date and not in the car with a random stranger. But beggars can’t be choosers. At least it’s good ice cream.
He pointedly avoids looking anywhere close to your legs. Polite. Innocent. Virginal. How cute.
“Thank you. That makes me feel so much better.” His eyes roll as you settle into the passenger seat, snatching the container and taking a bite from the same spoon he’d been using. 
“Sorry,” you say after swallowing. “Is it because you don’t want to? Because that girl can go fuck herself then.”
“No, I just, I don’t know. I get nervous? They’re expecting someone who knows what they’re doing and I have no idea. And then all I can think about is what if I’m bad at it which makes me more nervous and then I feel like throwing up.”
“Please tell me you haven’t thrown up on a girl.” 
“Ew, no,” he laughs, taking a bite for himself. “I just make an excuse to slow down and then leave.”
“Okay. Well…” You try to think of something, anything, that could make him feel better. It’s not everyday a stranger spills their guts about lacking sexual experience. “So what if you’re bad? It’s not like you can’t get better.”
“Okay, but what girl wants to sleep with a guy who’s bad in bed?”
“How do you know you’re bad if you’ve never even tried? It’s different if you’re bad and you don’t care. Just tell whoever you're with you’ve never done it before. If they don’t jump at the chance to teach you then they can fuck off.”
“Well, Mina rubbed my face in it—”
“Oh fuck her. She seems like a bitch.”
“You’re not wrong,” he says. 
Rain drizzles on the windshield, obscuring the lights into messy streaks. A flood of memories surrounding your own virginity rush to the forefront.
Your college boyfriend, Jimin, wanted to wait. It was cute. High school sweethearts going to the same school, taking similar classes, holding hands in the library. You thought he wasn’t ready and you respected it, found it endearing that he wasn’t like most of the guys your friends dated that couldn’t wait to do it.
Or you did until you decided to surprise Jimin for his birthday with breakfast in bed and got your own surprise. A girl, naked in his bed, Jimin’s own clothes scattered around the room.
You broke up with him right there. Two days of crying later, you invited your lab partner, the one Jimin couldn’t stand, over.
It was Yoongi that sent a selfie of you two cuddled up in bed to Jimin. He still likes to cash in on that favor whenever he needs a dog sitter.
Yoongi knew there were no feelings involved. A simple favor in the form of revenge against a shitty ex. Maybe not-Ian is your chance to pay it forward. By the looks of things, you wouldn’t be suffering.
“Ya know, some girls like guys who are inexperienced. It’s hot knowing you can teach someone how to be good in bed. Like an ego boost.” You shrug. If he wasn’t looking at your legs before but he sure is now. Pink ears and round eyes, his fingers twitch in his lap as you suck the spoon clean. At least the hour spent shaving your legs isn’t going to waste. “Besides, you obviously care how the other person feels, which is more than some dudes.”
“Why would someone not care if the other person feels good?” he asks, tone laced with disgust. “That seems like the entire point.”
“The world is full of mysteries.”
“My name is Jungkook by the way.”
Jungkook. Fitting somehow. It tastes good on your tongue. Like the cookie dough ice cream.
You end up in his lap in true stereotypical fashion. A too long silence, his eyes on your mouth and yours on his. Someone leans forward and now you know Jungkook is a great kisser with even greater upper body strength.
His inexperience shows in the fine details: shaky hands, hesitant tongue, waiting for you to take the lead as not to offend. It’s endearing. Someone as big as him treating you with such gentleness. But it means he’s thinking about messing this up and that’s the opposite of what you want. 
You kiss him deeper, a grip on the side of his neck that he eagerly surrenders too. Your other hand wedges between your chests. Teeth nipping at his lip, you rock against him, palming against the soft cotton sweats until he’s plump in your hand. 
“God,” he chokes. His own hands busy themself on your body, one at the seat of your ass, teasing the edge of your dress where bare skin peaks out while the offers a tight grip at your chest, pinching your nipple in desperate retaliation.
“Feel good?” You rut again, a tease for your own pleasure in the form of Jungkook’s heavy breath. It’s decent contact on your core, not enough to get you off but plenty for right now.
Kissing is well in his realm of experience. Obvious from how quickly he finds his bearings, licking behind your teeth. It’s good. Better than dry humping his thigh in the front seat should be. Vision dark from his hands frantic at your ass, thighs rising to meet every torturous curl against the heat of his lap.
You fall into his shoulder, drool staining his sweater as you pant. “Ever had your dick sucked?”
A vein raises across his neck and becomes your new guidemap. Your hand at his crotch squeezes, his cock twitching at the action. “Do you want to?”
“You don’t have to,” he hisses. 
You squeeze his cock again, enough for a needy drive of his hips in response. “I want to.” 
“Seriously?” he marvels.
“If it’s cool with you.” You nose along his jaw, teeth scraping red over his skin. His stomach dips under your hand. “Get in the back, I don’t need to get caught with your dick in my mouth.”
“Holy shit, don’t say that.” He kisses you again, firmer this time. 
You crawl back through the narrow opening between the front seats, ass on full display for Jungkook’s eyes. The heat of his palm ghosts over your legs but he doesn’t touch. The deliberate arch in your spine isn’t enough to break his self control just yet.
He comes next. The struggle is endearing, half stuck between the seats and wiggling forward. “I think I’m stuck.”
“Why didn’t you just go around?” You snort, grabbing around his arms and pulling to no avail.
“Too late now.”
You're both laughing. Breathless because Jungkook is lodged between the seats with zero hope. “Why are you so heavy?”
He wiggles through with your help, nearly elbowing you in the head in the process. But he’s in the seat with his lap as prime real estate. You try to commandeer the space once again but Jungkook stops you. Instead, he settles between your legs, weight pinning you into the door. Broad shoulders block out the light but you take it in stride, fisting the back of his sweater as he finds your pulse.
“Can I go down on you?” He nuzzles down your throat, mouthing the spots he’s learning make you putty in his hands.
“Yeah, sure,” you hiccup. “That’s fine.” 
Jungkook crams between your legs, bending in half on the floor like a contortionist. The sparse kisses across your thighs would be a blatant tease if nervousness wasn’t rolling off him in waves. He’s eating pussy for the first time and acting like it’s open heart surgery.
“Calm down.” You brush a hand through his hair, attempting to be comforting. 
“I am calm.” A bold faced lie. Even in the darkness of the backseat the signs of his impending nerves are obvious. 
“You’re shaking,” you say. “I’ll tell you what feels good. You’re not gonna mess it up.”
An open mouth on your core kiss leaves you sweating with a weak hum. At least he knows where the clit is. Or has a vague idea of its presence. Jungkook presses his face further into the cotton, suffocating himself without realizing. 
“O-oh,” you hitch.
Humiliation brews from such a visceral reaction to something as basic as a kiss over your panties. But Jungkook is out of his depth here and any reaction will stroke his confidence. 
He ducks away, watching you with rapt attention. You’re the teacher and he’s a student eager for whatever validation that may fall from your lips. “Good?” 
“Yeah, do it again,” you praise. 
He nods before diving back in, throwing your legs over his shoulders for better reach. Your pulse jumps with juvenile eagerness. Like it’s the first time you’re left with a boy unsupervised and his hand is the first real thing to touch you between the legs. It makes you feel dirty. Has your hairline sweat and tongue go dry. A bold wash of his tongue couples the next kiss, hot and wet as he laps against the fabric until your own arousal mixes with spit. 
"You fucking liar,” you croak. The back of your head knocks against the window, hips rolling into his mouth.
"What?” Jungkook asks, leaning back but just barely. His breath fans over your skin, a shiver crawling up your spine. “Did I do something—" 
“It’s good. So good,” you praise. “Touch me more.”
He jumps at the chance. Your panties tear down your thighs, out of the way with some rough maneuvering. Bare for his eyes, Jungkook takes more than a fill before diving in for another taste. But not until he spits on your clit and rubs in the mess with his thumb. Your thighs spread wider to accommodate a hard pass of his mouth, more wet kisses burning your cheeks.
“Jungkook, fuck,” you sigh. “When you said ‘hand stuff’ what did you mean?”
“I’ve touched a vagina before if that's what you're asking.”
You swat his hand. “Don’t say vagina, it makes me feel like I’m at the gynecologist.”
“Sorry, a pussy.”
“Don’t say it like that either, weirdo. Have you fingered one?”
Pointed silence is answer enough.
“It’s okay. I’m not gonna make fun of you. Just don’t put a finger in my ass and you’ll be fine.”
He doesn't laugh at your poor attempt to cut the tension but he releases a weighted sigh, muscles sagging an inch. Better. Instead, he focuses on stroking you to life between your folds, fingertips nudging your bud teasingly. 
“Use your mouth some more and then finger me too,” you beg. 
“Uh—how many? I don't wanna hurt you." He’s unsure despite the obvious twitch in your thighs. It burns depravity through your veins. His innocence is hot. Jungkook doesn’t even realize how fucked up he has you from some softcore porn level touching.
"All of them. I don't care, I’ll tell you if it’s too much."
One hand firm on your stomach, keeping your dress out of the way as he spreads your insides with two. The first strokes are meek. Nothing to scream over but he’s learning and that’s what's important. Seconds tick by and Jungkook finds a hesitant rhythm. Wet noises echo with each slow sheath, reserved but stretching you all the same. The wet strokes of his tongue are there too, placating just in case. A soft curl of his fingers makes your hips cant into his mouth. 
The fogged windows are a dead give away to what's playing out in the backseat. If anyone stumbles down the sidewalk then you’re both dead but Jungkook’s mouth is distracting in the worst way.
And then he licks between his fingers, tongue slipping past his knuckles for a pure taste of your arousal. You go fuzzy at the edges, thighs squeezing tight until he’s forced to keep them spread or risk having his head crushed.
“Oh–fuck me, god.”
It’s not fair. For him to be good at this so quickly. To delude himself into thinking he could possibly be bad, trying to convince you he’d be bad. Complete unfair how ill prepared you were for Jungkook worshiping your pussy like he’s never tasted anything better.
He really needs to be more confident because, in the cramped back seat of his car, you’re losing your mind and it’s barely been ten minutes.
“Can I—” he asks around your clit.
“Do whatever you want, just don’t stop,” you ramble. “Jungkook, fuck.”
A hand of your own sinks into his hair, angling his chin for better access. Wet echoes fill the car, sharp mewls from your lips adding to the noise. Nerves blazing, your ride his mouth for all its worth. Eager slippery circles of his tongue against your clit intensify, built on praising moans of his name.
“Fuck. Tastes good,” he grunts. A squeeze of your hand, the one not pulling his hair and then he’s finding your chest, blind groping until you guide him to your nipple and curve into the sting of his grip. He twists it. Hard. 
You want to cry. The sweat suck of his mouth, fingers confidently curling it that spot that makes the air thinner in your lungs. Moans die between your teeth. Too quick into the next sensation to revel. There isn’t a thought other than Jungkook, Jungkook, Jungkook.
“Jungkook!” you cry, grinding into his fingers. Your teeth clench as a third one stretches that extra inch. Stiff in the thighs, you force yourself down into the friction. His tongue hardens, perfect for use as you hump his face weakly.
Your legs kick, scrambling under the sharp pleasure. He’s got you melting into nothing right on his carseat. Jungkook doesn’t lean back to ask for more confirmation; just takes the signs for what they are and keeps going with renewed stamina at the promise of your pleasure. 
“I’m gonna—oh, god. Yessss,” you hiss. Nails sharp against the back of his neck, Jungkook buries his face in your cunt. 
You go rigid, voice breaking into a desperate whimper. Jungkook has the sense to keep going, lashing at your clit over and over with each desperate pulse of pleasure through your veins. Flashes flare behind the darkness of your eyes squeezed tight. You make a few more desperate noises, lurching in his hold before falling lip and worn.
“Fuck, okay. Okay,” you whine, pushing him away from your core before the stimulation becomes too much.
His mouth is drenched, cheeks and chin smeared with your orgasm. A flash of tongue collects some of the mess but you drag him into a kiss before he can go for seconds. First time eating pussy and he’s one for one. If that doesn’t help his confidence then nothing else will. 
“Give me a second and I’ll blow you,” you pant into his lips. 
“I-it’s okay.”
You pout at the brush off, a deep kiss as you invade his space. “I promise I want to.”
Your hand goes for his pants just to be captured with his own. His fingers are still soaked from your insides. “No, I…I came too.”
“Really?” you ask in awe.
Jungkook is embarrassed again. “Sorry.”
“Don’t be. That’s hot.” You kiss him again with a gentle suckle along the curve of his lower lip. Jungkook drinks it in, crowding you back into the door again like you aren’t a pile of mush. Your back hurts from hunching over for so long but you let him keep you tangled up for a little while longer just to feel the shuddering exhale from his nose across your cheek. “Can I see?”
He swallows thickly before rolling down his sweats. The thin fabric of his boxers are wet, sticky under your shaky hand. You dip below the waist band, fingers grazing the limp ridge of his cock. He’s stuck in the inbetween of soft and hard but still hot and heavy in your hold. Your core throbs in interest at the feeling. 
Jungkook shivers as you swipe at the slit, collecting a bead of cum. You want to get your mouth on him but he looks like he might cry if you keep playing with it.
When your hand retreats, rising to your lips for a taste, his eyes round, mouth gaping over silent words. The pink of your tongue comes out, lapping at the thick mess coating your thumb. 
“Is it okay if I get your number?” he asks after the initial shock wears away.
“Yeah,” you snort. “You can have my number. You can give me a ride home too. And we can do that again in my bed.”
The glee on his face is worth the disgusting mess between your thighs. “Hell yeah.”
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Taglist: @tomodachiii @cvpidyunho @miniseokminnies @ddaengpotate @arycutie
@gaebestie @primoppang @gyuguys @mine-gyu @doremifasire
@missminhoe @toplinehyunjin @crvs4vldtn @prettygyuuu @sliceofwoozi @writingbarnes
@dokyeomkyeom @christinewithluv @minwonfairy @idkjustlovingbts @wobblewobble822 @futuristicenemychaos
@seungkw1 @horanghaezone @jespecially @scoupsjin @isabellah29
@luvseungcheol @crisle19
© highvern. copying/reuploading/translating my work anywhere is strictly prohibited.
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bluedew · 3 days
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for the love of god please don't just ask about romantic pairings. there is so much more to this world than romance...
trust your gut instinct. if you're not drawn to any piles then this reading isn't for you; if you're stubborn, try thinking of a different person and seeing if you're drawn to any piles then. enjoy, my loves. also remember that this isn't the whole person; there are other aspects of them that i didn't mention! tell me if this resonates!!!!!
oof. i don't think this person likes you too much, but i don't think they know you well enough to judge you like this. they see you as very analytical, and they can practically feel you dissecting all of their actions. they're curious about you, albeit they're afraid to show you their whole self because you are very secretive and on the outside you appear judgemental. also you seem flighty; this person is afraid of your very temporary likes. they're very stable and prefer to be grounded.
they feel like they know you. in their eyes they painted you as this tragic person; they think you're sad. one of my favorite songs came on--'cigarettes' by amir obe. they probably think about you a lot at night, because they wonder about how you're doing. there's this allure to you; your woundedness attracts them. they're probably a charmer in real life, and you're one of the diamonds that piqued their curiosity. you're probably more ahead of them in life and more mature.
wow!! this person definitely thinks about you often. they've probably observed you when you're not looking, but they still don't know what to think of you. they do think you're different than them; this could be due to anything ranging from culture, experience, age, etc. they want to be friendly with you, but don't know how to approach you. you seem very elegant and eloquent to them. they're a very honest person, valuing hard work and effort.
they're kinda scared of you i'm not gonna lie. this is probably because whenever you see them you try to act 'big'. you wanna seem bigger than life in front of this person, and it's definitely working...in someway. it's almost like you're flustered and frightened and you're trying to hide your true self from them, and this person can tell. it's very obvious to them as they look through people quite easily. they also probably aren't too interested in you right now because this facade that you've put up makes you seem dull and boring as it's not your true self. my advice? be yourself.
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erwinsvow · 2 days
ive been rereading ur bitchy reader stuffs n pleek do more of the pope cameo.. HER SAYING DICK APPT WHEN RAFE COMPLAINED ABT HER HAVING POPES NUMBER MADE ME GIGGLE OUT LOUD pretty please give us more of them 🤲
i imagine her being pissed off at rafe so she keeps giving him the cold shoulder and when he asks something she’d just go “maybe i should’ve gone to heywards instead he wont treat me like this 🙄” BUT ITS SO FUNNY KNOWING SHE DOESNT LIKE POGUES !!!!
LMFAOOO THIS IS KILLING ME!! one thing about my readers, their secret pogue crush is always gonna be pope <3
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one thing you had in common with rafe—despite the glaring differences that were so hard to ignore—was that you both didn't care much for pogues.
that was putting it lightly, rafe despised them and you just didn't like them. but some were more tolerable than others—for example, the maybank boy who seemed to you the equivalent of a toddler with sticky hands versus pope heyward, who used to tutor in math. you don't know why or how they're friends, just that you like pope enough to be friendly, or rather polite, and you definitely don't like maybank enough to even think about him.
rafe didn't like any of them, and you didn't really care. you weren't in the habit of defending pogues, and certainly not when you were constantly trying to remind sarah to stay away from them, even though she never listened.
but seeing how angry rafe seemed to get at the mere mention was enough to give you some ideas. when you had jokingly—although now you remember you hadn't really ever clarified—said that you had pope's number because of dick appointments, rafe had gotten so angry it had resulted in the best sex of your life.
you were curious to know what else you could get out of it. unfortunately, your curiosity didn't last for very long. rafe pissed you off just as much as you pissed him off, and though these thoughts were often in one ear and out the other for you.
like today. you had been waiting for twenty whole minutes at the club for rafe, who had insisted he would be on time even though you knew he would probably run late since he was coming from barry's—all the way across town.
all he had to do was admit it, and you would have come later, but instead he had told you to show up at noon and that he wasn't going to be late.
normally you would show up at half past and just tell him to fuck off, but if he really was on time you would never hear the end of it. so you showed up on time and waited... and waited.
rafe finally shows up about forty minutes later, and you stare at him with your signature look—eyes rolling back, an i-told-you-so expression with arms crossed. you could make it more withering if you wanted, but right now you just wanted to hear rafe admit he was wrong.
"shut the fuck up," he says, taking a seat the table. your half drunken diet coke has left a ring of condensation, and you move the cup towards you, wondering how you'd become the kind of girl that waits forty minutes for a guy to show up.
"first of all, i didn't even say anything. second of all, you shut the fuck up. i'm the one who was forty-fucking-minutes late."
"it took longer-"
"longer than you thought? yeah, i said that. yesteday."
"well m'here now, so just order."
you huff, scanning the menu and not sure exactly what retort to use. instead you settle for shutting up entirely, not speaking to rafe the entire time. the waitress comes and goes, the food comes and goes, and you look up when rafe speaks but don't say anything back.
rafe thinks you'll give it up once lunch is over, but you grew up in a household where an hour of silent treatment is child's play. so the car ride to tannyhill, throughout the movie you put on and when you walk away to make popcorn, you haven't said a word.
while the movie credits roll, you look down at your phone, waiting for your apology and deciding when to leave if you don't get it.
"are you seriously gonna ignore me the entire day?"
you stare at rafe, not answering. this is your withering look.
"fine, princess. your choice," rafe shrugs. "finally got you to shut up for once."
you take a moment for his words to really hit you. like any other girl in the world, that comment from your boyfriend hurts a little. it even stings. you don't like the words in the air and you can even tell it left a bitter taste in rafe's mouth. he looks like he's just realizing he overstepped a little. then, for the first time since you saw rafe that day, you speak.
"you know, it's a good thing i didn't delete heyward's number from my phone. times like this i realize how handy it can be."
"what the fuck is th-"
"i mean, really, rafe. even these pogues you hate so much would treat me better than you do. i should go call him up now-"
"okay, princess i get it-"
"bet he'd probably fuck me better than-"
"okay, enough. jesus, i get it. m'sorry, okay? can you knock it off now?"
"i'm not knocking anything off. and you can go fuck yourself if you can't apologize for a little thing like being late-"
"i'm sorry, okay? now can you stop talking about pope fuckin' heyward?" you huff, finally a little pleased he apologized.
"thank you. was that so hard?"
"oh shut up-"
"you shut up. and don't be late again. or i'll show you fuckin' heyward-"
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thewertsearch · 14 hours
Familial Determinism
Or: let's make wild, uninformed guesses about the troll Ancestors, based solely on the lives of their descendants!
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As a bearer of the lowest blood on the hemospectrum, Aradia’s ancestor was probably as poor as she is. She may have been an archeologist like her descendant, assuming the field existed in her era, but I'm much more interested in her potential necromancy.
On the instruction of your ANCESTORS, you have recovered MYSTERIOUS TECHNOLOGY from the ruins, and convinced a friend to adapt it into a GAME THAT WILL BRING ABOUT THE DESTRUCTION OF YOUR CIVILIZATION.
See, due to her bloodline, Granny Megido is the most likely ancestor to be behind the Voices. She's the only one who can claim a direct relationship to Aradia, and I think she was probably still around in the modern era - as a ghost, of course - guiding her young protege, as she worked to trigger the apocalypse.
What's your story, Granny Meg? How did a lowblood medium discover the secrets of Sgrub, centuries before it arrived? How much did you know back then - and how much influence do you still have, even now?
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If Alternia's past is anything like its present - and it certainly seems to be - then I can't see Tavros's ancestor surviving there for long. If he survived to adulthood, then it was probably as a peaceful nomad, or perhaps some sort of ranger.
Either way, I don't think he'd involve himself with other trolls, instead preferring to spend time with his planet's wildlife. Basically, I'm picturing Snow White with a mohawk.
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Sollux’s ancestor is undoubtedly still a techhead. I know it's centuries in the past, but this is proto-Sollux we're talking about. He'd invent technology if he had to.
Actually, that might have been his role. He could have been one of Alternia's first engineers, leveraging his Sgrub foreknowledge to contribute to Alternia's technological advancement.
Congratulations, Sollux Senior - you helped turn a nation of pirates into a space empire.
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Karkat's an interesting one. In a more primitive society - ie, one without Imperial Drones - it might have been easier for him to hide his blood color.
...actually, he might not even have Karkat's blood color. It's possible that Karkat's candy red mutation is unique to him, and the other Vantas has yellow-green blood, like his Trollian position implies he should. That would result in an ancestor with a very different social position to Karkat, and the two could be substantially different as a result.
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Nepeta’s current lifestyle would translate perfectly to a primitive Alternia. Her ancestor could easily still live in a cave – and since shipping is probably her calling, too, I'm picturing her as an accomplished matchmaker.
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Kanaya’s situation is rather unique. Jadebloods are rare, and inextricably linked to the Mother Grub, so her ancestor has some of the strongest ties to her counterpart.
We're actually aware of an ancient Mother Grub, who may have been alive in the time of the ancestors - which hints at a relationship between Kanaya's ancestor and the next troll on our list.
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That would be Terezi's ancestor, whose symbol adorns the Doomsday Scale. This device was probably a collaboration between the Pyrope and Maryam ancestors. Its purpose is unknown, but the Gate symbol is proof that someone had Sgrub foreknowledge. Curious.
Anyway, aside from this side hustle, Pyrope was probably a legislacerator. I wonder if the Alternian legal system was as broken then as it is now?
Equius... well, I don't really know, actually. He certainly feels like the kind of guy who’d model himself off his ancestor, so he was probably a pro-hemospectrum horse enthusiast.
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Gamzee’s ancestor could have gone one of two ways. If Sopor Slime existed back in early Alternia, he might have been as docile as his descendant used to be. If it didn’t, he was probably the exact kind of bloodthirsty monster that Gamzee is currently regressing into.
I know which option I'm putting my money on, and it's the one that would make Gamzee proud of his 'Subjugglator' ancestors. Can you guess which?
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Eridan’s ancestor is the Orphaner, which makes me think he has a similar role as a slayer of lusi. My best guess is that he killed the custodians of adult trolls.
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Feferi is an odd case, because her ancestor would probably be an extremely famous historical empress. Fuchsia blood is so rare that Feferi is literally the only modern troll who has it, so I wouldn't be surprised if her ancestor was revered in her time.
What did you do to Alternia, Pexies? Did you help make it what it is, or - like your descendant - did you try to make it better?
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bonefall · 3 days
What are your thoughts on Crowfeather's Trial? I already know how you feel about my other least favorite super editions so I'm curious about your opinions on this one lol
I think at best it's just okay. Like...it feels like they're going "see!! We're holding him accountable!!" But then they just kinda...dont?? Like I didn't feel any differently about Crowfeather by the end than I did when I started. There's parts I like about it but overall it just fell flat for me
Like how am I supposed to like this guy when he's just constantly a dick?? he can't stand Harespring for some reason, there's a moment where he's like "I wish my son was dead" and when Nightcloud goes missing he barely gives a damn and doesn't bother to even try and look for her
Anyways I'll forever be mad that they gave this guy a whole super edition and he'll probably have the most dramatic death ever while Leafpool suffered her entire life (and afterlife) and got killed off screen. Hoping he gets jumped by rats and dies from infection
I'm not a big fan of it. It's one of the better written SEs and has a clear goal in mind, but every time I have to encounter it, it feels like it's sidelining the characters who actually deserve to be explored in favor of Crowfeather Sadboy Whinging.
Breezepelt has 12 books detailing how being mistreated by Crowfeather is making him worse, and showing that social alienation is pushing him towards the Dark Forest. Nightcloud was demonized by the old team even though they wrote Crowfeather deflecting all the blame of Breeze's behavior onto her, giving the new team a great opportunity to correct the mistakes of the old writers... and they decided to focus on Crowfeather instead.
And, mind you, they conveniently leave out massive details about how BADLY Crowfeather was abusing his child.
There's this one part of the book where he learns that Breezepelt broke his leg as a kid and he feels like shit for not remembering it, and it's supposed to be a big moment where Crowfeather realizes he was apathetic and careless. But he WASN'T just apathetic and careless. We see him TEACHING his child xenophobia in order to mock and offend Leafpool, smacking Breezepaw around for being 'rude' (the way Crowf always is), and screeching at him for having basic needs like hunger or rest.
Crowfeather WASN'T just a sad, sad boy who didn't pay attention to his kid because he was too busy pining over Dead Wife. What he did to Breezepelt wasn't just neglect; it was physical and emotional abuse.
The book DOES ultimately hold him responsible for how Breezepelt turned out, yes. But it doesn't properly focus on WHAT made Breeze come out the way he did. It wasn't genes, it wasn't Daddy Not Smile At Me. I can only assume the reason why they didn't address how ghoulish Crowfeather actually was is because they knew that being honest and direct about him abusing his child would make him unsympathetic.
Which is a problem, because, y'know, you can just make it Breezepelt's Trial and NOT have to thread that needle??
And furthermore... the book is trying to show Crowfeather addressing that he's kind of an asshole and moving on from it, earning deputyship as a reward for his growth, but what the book really demonstrates to me is that Crowfeather is a dickhead who actually shouldn't have ANY power at all. I don't understand why people would trust him or want him as their leader. I don't see any reason to think that he would be responsible with the lives of an entire Clan of people.
Before I hear clown shoes; if you think that means I "just don't like" that he would be an ""interesting leader,"" pile yourself back into the car with your 30 other jesters and drive away. I mean that it feels completely wrong that any character in-universe would look at the person who exists in Crowfeather's Trial, and say, "this is a person who would help me effectively rule."
What he does, all-book-long, is show that he's an emotionally unstable loose canon borderline incapable of self-reflection. Other characters have to directly tell him "you should try being less of an asshole" and "maybe be nice to your family sometimes?" while he comes up with bullshit reasons to seethe at every character who wanders into his line of sight.
I massively resent the fact that even Leafpool has to mommy his baby ass towards the end of the book. After he spends a good part of Po3 and OotS finding roundabout ways to snipe at her for not giving him exactly what he wanted. It falls on HER to be the one he can ask for advice on how to fix the family he treated like shit his whole life.
no that's not hyperbole she literally. textually. is compared to his mother.
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and he can't even be gracious about it, he's instantly all huffy and offended, completely proving her point. Why the hell would anyone make this guy a deputy? The man needs TWO motherly figures giving him the exact same basic advice and a dedicated super edition before he adjusts his behavior even slightly.
(watch him get Boring Leader Syndrome the minute he inevitably becomes Crowstar, too)
Sooo, in a nutshell;
It's one of the better SEs. unfortunately.
Crowfeather is held accountable for being the problem in his own relationships, thank god
but it doesn't fully hold the actions we SAW in the main series books accountable, seemingly purposefully leaving out the worst things he did.
Another WC book where a male character gets an insane amount of sympathy and rewarding that female characters are NEVER deigned deserving of.
Should have been Breezepelt's story. I strongly dislike how Breeze's "redemption" was based on his shitty dad saying sorry. He deserved an actual character arc struggling with ever trusting WindClan again after they took his dad's judgement about him at face value.
Absolutely awful that Leafpool is killed between books and given a trial where they consider sending her to hell when they finally DO get around to showing how she died, while Crowfeather gets an SE about the whole world holding his hand so he can fix the family he broke in 5 easy steps.
Its biggest problem is that it is about a character whose actions you can go and read about. It doesn't deliver on the setup of 12 books of Crowfeather being an absolute git; it's a good story for the version of Crowfeather the new team seems to have created in their heads.
Doesn't stop me from manifesting him getting an infection and having a Sandstorm-tier disrespectful death in the upcoming series, lmao.
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smytherines · 21 hours
Okay I'm already seeing some faint rumblings upset about Curt Mega not playing Agent Curt Mega in the Spies London show. So... some thoughts
1. Don't blame Adrian Hansel for it. He seems lovely and very talented and if anyone gets pissed off at an actor for playing a role in a concert maybe take a good hard look at yourself and then don't do that
2. We have no idea what happened there. Maybe TCB couldn't afford to bring someone else over that they weren't already bringing for Solve It Squad. Maybe Curt Mega has other commitments for September. Maybe its a secret third thing that is none of our business. We don't know. They aren't talking about it, so it isn't fair to TCB or Curt Mega to speculate online about it
3. I'm also feeling some kind of way about it. I mean literally yesterday I was posting about hoping that somehow Curt Mega would be there. We're a passionate fandom, we are very attached to Curt Mega playing... Curt Mega. I think it's okay to be curious about what happened, or even disappointed that Curt won't be there, but again its not fair to anyone involved to start shit online about it
4. If, somehow, there were some sort of issue between TCB and Curt Mega (which I have absolutely no reason to believe is true), posting about it is definitely not going to help things. Selfishly, I would like more Spies stuff with Curt Mega playing Curt in the future, so please god do not create drama where we have no reason to believe drama exists
I get it, truly I get it, probably a month ago I made a post about how it was really weird to me that Curt wasn't going, and then got gently called in about it and deleted it. I get it.
We all love this character so much, and we're all very attached to the actor who has been playing this character for the last eight years. I think it's fine to feel protective of someone we all admire, to feel sad that he won't be there, but we can't do that at the expense of the London show or TCB or Adrian Hansel or Curt Mega himself. Okay? Okay.
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shamixlour · 1 day
I am really curious to know and like don't get me wrong, I'm not being sarcastic or judgmental, I really want to know why as this gets me quite baffled and dumbfounded and what I mean by this is people who are surprised or don't understand why Louis stays with Armand after Paris or even SF.
Like, sure, in a way I understand where you are coming from... like how can Louis stay after what Armand did to him and Claudia in Paris? How can he continue to be with him after SF even though their relationship has been nothing but decades of boredom? Why is he still with him, years later in Dubai? Why didn't Louis leave him after everything? Imho, regardless of the mind controlling and all that memory erasure that did happen between them, it is a rather simple answer.
Where do you want Louis to go?????? Like genuinely. What do you want him to do?????? Who do you want to meet??? Is there anyone else for him now???? Is there someone????? Same for Armand, really. They are both almost forced to hold along because who would want to be with any of them? Who would want to be with Louis? Who would want to be with Armand? They both think no one would, and so they hold onto each other, they've seen the worst of e/o anyways and so they stay with each other because that is the only thing they can do and there might have been love at some point, affection but when we see them in Dubai, only an empty shell remains or rather they are both a lap of resentment and unuttered feelings.
Louis's got all eternity spread out in front of him. He is immortal and he is all alone, or at least he believes so. Claudia is dead. He probably thinks Lestat doesn't want anything to do with him anymore or maybe they can't be together for some other reasons, the point is Louis is alone and has nowhere else to go other than stay by Armand's side. He has nowhere to go.
He's like a bird stuck in a really pretty cage.
Louis is all alone, and his hands are tied, and his heart aches, and he is half a world away from where he belongs, from where he really wants to be. Again, it is not complicated, it is that simple and tragic (for both of them btw) and so i don't get why it is such a big deal for a lot of people although I'm always open for conversations and speculations and all of that but for this particular thing, idk I feel like it is quite crystal clear. It is made crystal clear, it is painted very outwardly and it is utterly sad and purposefully expressed in subtle ways but it is here.
Daniel and the interview shine a big fucking spotlight on it, on the entire situation, on all the flaws and pain and bitterness of Loumand's relationship throughout the years but also the mere condition of being a vampire and coming in terms with it and all the struggles that comes with it.
Daniel and the interview also will be, imho, what will help Louis break free from this cage, from this golden prison and finally be himself, accept who he is deep down. It will free Armand too because they deserve better and it is definitely not each other.
But yeah, that is why they stay with each other all these years, because what else could they have done??? Who would have want their company? Would Louis even indulge himself in accepting said company? *crickets* yeah exaclty.
Anyways, this was way too long, so if you read all of this, heart on you! Also, in no way i'm trying to belittle people's interrogations and emotions, it was mostly just some brain splash of things i wanted to express but also because Louis is not to blame for staying...like there are plenty explanations as to why he stays just like there are some explanations as to why Armand does what he does for this relationship to keep going forward. Besides, i'm always curious to read how people view them ect so feel free to hop on the discussion!
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I'm curious...
Why do you think Meghan is backtracking?
And why blame Nachos? He is a producer on Polo's doc. Why sabotage your own people while they are doing good for you? 
The most likely theory is probably the most plausible rumors: that the Sussexes really pissed the palace off with the Nigeria tour and there were threats made or consequences promised. Meghan’s backtracking sounds like there’s a little bit of fear in her statement because she never done an almost-apology like this that I can recall.
Originally my theory was that Harry might be trying to fish for summer vacation invitations and Meghan doing this jeopardized those invites. After seeing Rebecca English’s latest exclusive, I’m thinking there’s some truth to that one too.
So ultimately, Meghan backtracked because Harry (and she) wants something from the BRF and not cooperating puts it at risk.
I do not buy that Meghan didn’t know Kate would be coming back at Trooping. Are you telling me that Miss Chronically Online completely missed the whole frigging press release that came out late morning/midday (US time) on Friday announcing Kate’s attendance? Pssh.
As for throwing Nacho under the bus, it’s Meghan’s MO. She doesn’t take accountability for anything.
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thisgirlnamedblusy · 2 days
hello! could you write about donna accidentally buying an asphoratic tea from a villager, and so when she brews and drinks it she becomes extremely aroused? she would become extremely flustered, but the reader eventually notices and helps donna with her “problem.”
also can you give her a g!p? thanks!
Yess!!! Thank you for your request!!! I hope you like it and sorry about the language mistakes!!! :))))
A curious "aftearnoon"
Pairing: Donna Beneviento x Fem! Reader
Warnings: G!P Donna, smut, Minors DNI, aphrodisiac tea
Word count: 4,445
Summary: Maybe that tea is not just a tea...
N/A: Sorry about the language mistakes!!! Requests are open!!! I'm waiting yours :))) I love you all!!!
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“How was the meeting?” You asked your girlfriend when she finally, after three long hours, walked through the door.
The woman in black, Donna Beneviento, shrugged as with a sigh, she pushed her veil away from her face so you could kiss her.
“I still can't get used to how good your kisses feel...” She whispered into your lips, with a shy smile, caressing your cheek.
Although it had been several months since you started a relationship with one of Mother Miranda's Lords, you could finally feel really comfortable with her.
Donna was a strange woman, tormented by her past, self-conscious about her face and her body. You never cared about those minutiae. You loved her almost since you met her. Blessed coincidences. Your relationship developed little by little and amid many difficulties, but some time ago it had completely stabilized, still putting aside your insecurities and showing the lady in black how good it felt when you had someone who loved you by your side.
“Well, I guess that's good,” you said amused, giving him another quick kiss.
“Why?” She asked curiously, with that innocence that made you melt.
“You know, Donna. Everything stops being exciting when you get used to it,” you explained, grabbing the lady by her waist and gently kissing her cheek, making her body tremble due to the contact.
“Well, then I hope I never get used to it...” Donna murmured, biting her lip, which made you blush.
“What's that?” You asked curiously, pointing to a paper bag the lady was carrying in her hand.
“Tea,” she answered, briefly, as always. You blinked several times, letting her understand that you needed a developed explanation. Poor Donna, she was still quite clumsy when it came to human relationships.
“Tea...” You repeated amused, pointing your head at the bag. She repeated the gesture, confused.
“Oh, well... Alcina recommended it to me at the last meeting so... I, I’ve stopped by the store and...”  The woman in black stammered. “I have, I have bought it…”
“Fine,” you said amused, getting closer to her ear. “Don't be nervous, Donna... It's not an interrogation,” you whispered, taking her hand and kissing it softly.
“If you had been away from me for so long I would ask you too,” she said, with a more serious tone.
“I know, I know...” You sighed, shaking your head.
“Do you want some?” She asked, displaying the bag and putting an end to that absurd conversation. You shook your head, placing a hand on your chest.
“Ugh, I think if I drink one more drop of tea I'll have a heart attack...” You said jokingly, moving out of the way of the Angie doll, who didn't seem to want to bother you that time. You knew how much she hated meetings with Mother Miranda. You couldn't blame her.
“I... I thought we could...” Donna said, a bit nervous. She probably interpreted those words of yours as a rejection, which you had to prevent.
“What I mean is that I don't want tea but... I'll be happy to accompany you, Donna,” you said, putting both hands on her shoulder to reassure her. The woman in black smiled satisfied and nodded.
“I'm going to make some,” she said, smiling and walking past you.
“I'll wait for you right here,” you said, winking at her.
After a few minutes, Donna sat across from you on the couch, in your little “tea and snuggles” corner. The aroma of that infusion was strange, but pleasant, like walking on a cloud, or at least that's the feeling it gave you.
“Well, so...” You said, leaning your back on the sofa and looking to have some conversation. “What evil deeds is the crow woman planning this time?”
“If she hears you talking about her like that...” Donna said, her voice dark. Fortunately, she had already gotten used to the little sympathy you had for Miranda.
“You would protect me, wouldn't you?” You asked amused, narrowing your eyes.
“With my own life, (Y/N),” Donna stated, taking a sip of her tea, tasting it slowly and giving her approval with a nod of her head. “Wow, it's delicious.”
“I'm glad to hear it,” you said, nodding, breathing in the sweet aroma of the drink. “Did Alcina recommend it to you?”
“Yes, well... She told me that I should try it,” Donna said with a soft voice. “The next time I see my sister I guess I will thank her.”
“You were with her an hour ago,” you commented, sighing and leaning back on the couch. She suddenly shook her head.
“No, she has not come to the meeting this time.”
“She hasn’t? Human blood overdose?” You joked, raising your eyebrows. Donna laughed sheepishly, setting the cup down.
“Apparently she was very entertained with her new maid,” the woman in black explained, softening her expression and blushing.
“Oh, I understand…” You mumbled, rolling your eyes.
“I don’t”
“You don’t? Why do you say so?” You asked curiously, at your girlfriend's unexpected response.
“People seem to be obsessed with sex,” Donna commented, blushing again.
“Well, people usually like sex,” you said, holding back your laughter at her attitude. “You don’t like it? Because your screams last night said the opposite,” you said in a sensual voice.
“Don't say those things, (Y/N), you know I'm embarrassed...” Donna murmured, looking down. You laughed at her reaction and bit your lip.
“Oh, come on, Donna. It's just you and me here,” you whispered, feigning confidentiality.
“Besides, when I make love to you, I don't do it just for fun, I do it because I love you,” the woman in black explained, picking up the cup again and bringing it to her lips.
“I know. But there are people who... You know, they do it just for fun,”  you said, sitting up, interested in that conversation.
“That's very unromantic. It’s rude” Donna said, shaking her head and making a strange face, looking at her cup.
“Maybe you’re right...” You sighed with a smile, which she returned to you, confused. “Are you alright?”
“Oh, yes, yes. It's just… I'm a little hot,” she said, blinking repeatedly and running a hand over her forehead.
“Hot? We are in the middle of winter,” you said curiously, narrowing your eyes. Donna nodded, bringing her legs together, her breathing strangely heavy.
“Maybe, maybe the tea was too hot,” the doll maker murmured, shifting in the armchair uncomfortably and frowning.
You looked at her carefully. Something was definitely happening to her. It wasn't normal for Donna to avoid your gaze so much.
“Hey, you don't look good,” you said worriedly, standing up and running a hand over her forehead. “Donna, honey, you're sweating.”
“I'm fine,” she said abruptly, pushing your hand away. “It's nothing.”
A nervous breakdown? It seemed unlikely.
“Okay...” You murmured suspiciously, sitting back down on the couch, without taking your eyes off your girlfriend, who seemed increasingly nervous.
“What about you? I want, I mean, what...? What have you been doing?” She asked, clearing her throat, as if she were trying to distract herself. You stared at her again, trying to find an explanation for her strange behavior.
“Me? Bah, nothing interesting,” you said with a sigh, downplaying her nervous movements, fearing it was another crisis. “I've been doing a little cleaning. Seriously, the dust in this house is going to kill me. Oh, and I also tightened the screws on the bed. I'm surprised it hasn't fallen apart yet.”
“The, the bed... Screws,” Donna repeated, with serious difficulties speaking clearly. You nodded with raised eyebrows.
Her gaze seemed lost, but in reality, oh no, it actually wasn't. You lowered your head to see where exactly her eye was landing. The answer almost makes you laugh.
“Donna,” you said, amused. She didn't react. “Hey, Donna,” you repeated, snapping your fingers to get her attention. The lady looked up, confused. “Were you looking at my tits?”
“What? No,” she said, shaking her head, continuing to move in the armchair.
“Oh, of course you were,” you said, amused, with an evil smile.
“No, I... Well, what if I was? I like your ti… Your breasts,” she said embarrassed, crossing her arms.
“I was just asking,” you whispered, winking at her knowingly.
She nodded nervously, looking for somewhere in that room to fix her gaze, somewhere that wasn't your body. You, determined not to give her a hard time, stood up slowly, studying her gestures. Her hands clenched the black fabric of her dress tightly.
“Hey, are you really okay? You're very...” You asked lovingly, lifting her chin.
Donna gasped, as if the mere act of your skin coming into contact with hers was like an electric current coursing through her body.
“I'm…. I'm fine...” She murmured, looking away again. You stopped, studying her nervous look.
“You're burning,” you commented, your hand on her forehead again. “Do you want me to prepare a bath for you? I'm sure it's good for you.”
“No, no... I... No, I don't need a hot bath...” Donna said, shaking her head again, squeezing the hands even harder on her dress.
��I didn't say it was a hot bath,” you said amused.
“Of course you did”
“Of course I didn’t. Hey, Donna, honey, tell me what's wrong,” you said with a more concerned tone, crouching down next to her and taking one of her hands so she would stop grabbing her dress. The lady in black bit her lip at the contact and looked at you, unable to utter a single word.
“I was thinking...” She whispered in a low voice, taking her hand away from yours and bringing it to your hair, playing with it in a strange way. “I like to see you like this”
You frowned, even more confused.
“Like that? What are you talking about?” You asked, caressing one of her legs affectionately.
Her hand traveled slowly to your face, passing over your cheeks and then over your mouth, caressing your lips gently with her finger.
“I wonder how good my dick would feel inside your mouth,” she whispered with a hoarse voice, making you stay glued to the floor with your eyes wide open.
“What?” You asked, surprised and amused at the same time. She closed her eye tightly and stood up from the couch, embarrassed by her unexpected words.
“I'm sorry, I didn't mean that,” she said, running away from you, who looked at her with curiosity and some excitement at that rudeness.
“Oh, but you said it...” You purred, sitting up and putting a hand on her shoulder.
“Non l'ho detto,” she whispered softly, running one hand over her forehead while the other kept you away from her.
“You have, Donna,” you said mischievously. “What is it that…? Oh, wow...” You were speechless when your gaze lowered further, being able to make out the growing bulge under her dress. “Well, well, Donna…”
“I don't know what's wrong with me, (Y/N),” she finally said, playing with the black fabric to hide her erection. “I'm... I, I’m feeling...”
“Has the conversation excited you? I knew you were sensitive, but not that much,” you said, amused and worried at the same time. She shook her head, putting both hands between her legs to hide her embarrassment.
“No, I... Suddenly I got very hot and I looked at you and... No, I can't stop...” Donna stammered nervously, closing her eye to avoid looking at you.
“Come on. It's okay, Donna...” You said with an understanding voice, beginning to suspect that it wasn't a coincidence. Normally Donna controlled her arousal very well but this time she seemed unable to do so.
You scratched the back of your neck, thinking about the reason, the factor that could have caused that. Your eyes traveled to the table, where the empty cup of tea rested.
“Wait a moment,” you said, picking up the cup and looking at the dregs it had left behind, smelling them carefully. “This tea…”
“The tea?” The lady in black asked, approaching and taking the cup from your hands.
You, who didn't take long to realize what was happening, couldn't contain your laughter, which, as expected, made Donna deeply angry.
“Can I know where the fun is? It's not funny, I... It, it doesn't go down...” The lady in black protested, looking at you offended.
“And I don't think it'll go down, darling,” you laughed, picking up the cup again. “See this? It's an aphrodisiac. I should have realized it as soon as I smelled it.”
“An aphrodisiac?” The lady in black asked.
“Yes. An aphrodisiac is…” You began to explain.
“I know what an aphrodisiac is,” Donna interrupted with a stern tone. “I’m not a fool.”
“I didn't say you were,” you said, leaving the cup on the table and putting your hands in surrender. “I think Alcina played with you, huh?”
“But I don't...” Donna stammered, huffing and raising a hand to her forehead. “Maledizione!”
“Well, well, it's not that bad...” You said, massaging her shoulders to make her relax, trying not to make fun of poor Donna anymore.
“Isn't that bad? You know how…? How hard it is?” She asked, turning suddenly and looking down at the bulge in her dress.
“I see,” you said, lowering your tone, with a dangerous gleam in your eyes, lowering your hand down her chest until you reached exactly where you wanted, making Donna step back when she noticed your hand right there. “Relax. I'm sure we can solve this.”
“I don't know how,” Donna murmured, gasping with pleasure at your naughty caresses, which gently ran over her erection. “(Y/N), I... Your hand...”
“You like that?” You asked in her ear, making her cock tremble in your hand, eager to get out. “Come on, my love, let me help you.”
“Help me...” Donna moaned involuntarily as your caresses increased in intensity, making her entire body tremble. “Gods, (Y/N) your caresses are... I feel them... Much more...”
“Oh, that's good...” You purred, taking her hand and leading her back to the armchair, sitting her on it with a gentle push. “Let me help you with that, huh?”
“Please, please...” The woman in black asked you, ashamed of having to do it. “I can't stand it, it almost, it almost hurts...”
“Shhh, calm down... I'll take care of you, right?” You whispered, approaching her lips and kissing them slowly, letting those overwhelming sensations make her tremble.
With the same gentleness, you climbed on top of her, with your legs on either side of her hips, making contact with her erection, which caused an involuntary moan from the brunette, who began to move to increase the friction.
“Don't make me suffer...” She sighed, burying her head in your chest and lowering your hips even further. You gasped from the contact, and from your girlfriend's slightly uninhibited attitude.
Donna used to be extremely romantic and cautious when it came to being intimate. That affection, those kisses and that delicate way of treating you drove you crazy but seeing her that way, terribly excited and anxious, sent a sudden moisture between your legs.
“Tell me how you want me to solve this problem, Donna...” You whispered in her ear, letting her hands squeeze your breasts until they were out of your dress and her hot mouth took care of your neck, never stopping rubbing against you, not even a moment.
“I don't know...” Donna murmured, pulling hard on the buttons of your dress, making them fly through the room. You laughed, unbuttoning hers, feeling her extremely hot skin against yours.
“I can use my hands, my mouth, my body... I'll do whatever you ask me, honey... I want to take care of you...” You whispered tenderly, biting her earlobe. She pulled back for a moment, looking at you with a bright, anxious eye.
“I want... I want...” She murmured between gasps as you took advantage of that moment to remove the sleeves of her dress and carefully lowered it, releasing her eager erection with a gasp of relief from the woman in black.
Your hand grabbed the trembling length and began to massage it carefully, taking your time to see the great effect that tea had on Donna. The woman in black moaned at your gentle up and down movements.
“You're so hard, tesoro,” you murmured, knowing that it would only excite her more. She closed her eye, ashamed. “Mm,” you moaned, staying for a moment on the tip that was already beginning to shine. “Come on. Tell me what you want…”
“I want...” Donna gasped, joining her hand to yours, increasing the pressure on her penis, forcing you to stay there. “Cazzo, (Y/N), I want… Voglio la tua bocca…” She finally said with a broken voice, joining the movement of her hips to your hand.
“You want it? You want my mouth on your...?” You murmured, removing your hand and placing soft kisses on her hot skin, burning with desire.
“Yes, (Y/N), I want it, now...” She said with a stern tone, pulling your hair lightly so you could look at her face.
“How impatient...” You joked, kissing her quickly and descending little by little under her completely lost gaze, blinded by desire. You had never seen her that way and it didn't bother you at all. You should thank Alcina…
You knelt on the wooden floor, rubbing her legs as you kissed them, making the wait unbearable, making her moan in discomfort while she herself began to massage her erection.
“That's cheating, my love...” You said jokingly, resting your head on her lap as her movements grew in intensity.
“Well then stop... Stop playing with me and...” Donna gasped nervously, masturbating without any qualms. The sight before you was exciting, but you weren't going to let her do it anymore.
“No hands, Donna,” you said, grabbing her wrists and placing them on either side of her hips. “I told you I would take care of this.”
“Hurry up, (Y/N)... It hurts...” She protested, with a slightly innocent tone, writhing on the couch.
“Calm down...” You whispered before leaning and kissing the glistening tip slowly, enjoying the taste of her arousal as one of your hands grabbed it to keep her lenght right where you wanted it.
“Gods... Your kisses are...” Donna gasped, increasing the friction with desperate movements of her hips.
You smiled as, little by little, you went down, surrounding her erection with your lips and moving your tongue slowly, not leaving an inch of skin unlicked. Her hand rested on your head, making you hold on, not daring to stop surrounding her, hugging her with your mouth.
Your hand began to move too, picking up a harmonious rhythm along with your mouth, slurping, licking and kissing all the arousal out of her. Her moans increased, without a trace of her usual shyness, grunting as your tongue ran over the tip before going down again slowly, unhurriedly, but increasingly intense.
That exciting situation caused you to moan against her skin, making her entire body start to shake.
“(Y/N) no... Don't stop now... I...” Donna stammered, gripping your hair tighter, making your speed increase before, with a muffled moan, her hips ground against your body and you noticed how heat flooded your mouth. “Oh, Gods, I, I'm so sorry...”
Her apology made you raise your eyebrows and laugh in amusement, wiping away the remains her seed had left in your corners, resting your head on her lap.
“Don't apologize, Donna...” You purred, climbing on top of her again and kissing her tenderly and warmly, heat that began to become unbearable for you. “I love your flavor…”
Those obscene words made her laugh nervously, tasting herself in your mouth, with her hands hugging your half-naked body, with her kisses becoming wild again.
“Are you feeling better, honey?” You asked tenderly, studying her still confused expression, even with that sparkle in her eye. She looked around for something to look at, as if she were terribly embarrassed by what had just happened.
“No,” she said, sighing, grabbing your face in her hands and kissing you in a messy manner. You laughed, lowering your hand to corroborate her words. Her erection had gone down for a moment, but didn't take long for it to rise again, making you look at her, biting your lips.
“Wow... I had never seen this before,” you commented amused, caressing her hard penis again, maybe less hard, but hard nonetheless.
“That damn tea...” Donna muttered, caressing your back erratically. “I want more, (Y/N)”
“More tea?” You teased, kissing her neck and unhooking her bra skillfully and discreetly, running your hand across her bare chest, making her moan again.
“No. I want more of you,” she said with a serious tone, pushing you so she could grab you by the legs and lift you up with a strength you had rarely seen.
You held onto her waist with your legs as she carried you to the other couch, letting you fall onto it as she got rid of the rest of her clothes.
“Don't make me wait, Donna...” You said putting on a good girl's face as you pulled down your underwear, throwing it to the other side of the room. When your hand reached the fabric of your dress, hers held you back from taking it off. Her eye continued to shine with hunger and desire as she positioned herself between your legs, pressing your wetness with her erection.
“Don't take it off...” She whispered in your ear. “I like to see you like this… Helpless…”
“Who are you? What have you done with Donna?” You asked jokingly, pleased by Lady Beneviento's lack of self-control.
“Shut up...” She said, holding your chin firmly in her hands. “I want… I need to fill you, (Y/N)... I need it so bad…”
“I know, honey...” You said in an understanding tone, knowing that it was the tea that was talking and not Donna, or at least the part of her that you knew. That slightly more dominant side of your girlfriend was quite funny.
“I can't take it anymore...” She growled as, with a small movement, she entered you without warning, making you moan in surprise, but pleased, very pleased.
“Oh, Donna...” You moaned, closing your eyes to help your body get used to her size.
She moaned too, grabbing your legs and starting to move slowly, enjoying like never before the feeling of your body hugging her erection, wanting to feel the slightest movement, the hug with which your walls worshiped her body.
“So... Tight...” The lady whispered, in a low tone, probably thinking you hadn't heard her. She was so clouded and distracted by her desire that she didn't realize that you were enjoying each one of those words.
“Just for you, Donna...” You said in a seductive tone, matching her slow movements with your hips, feeling how your moisture ran through her body, how yours fought to keep her dick from leaving it.
“Just for me...” She repeated, stopping for a moment, probably to not get carried away by desire, by that cursed tea. “I can barely… I can barely move… It hugs me so well…”
“Move, Donna... I need it,” you moaned when her movements were barely perceptible. Your body quickly adjusted to the intruder and your arousal helped it to slide easily as her thrusts resumed.
The obscene sound of your humidity and almost desperate moans began to be the soundtrack of that room. Donna seemed impatient, overcome by the pleasure she was feeling, that she was making you feel.
You scratched her back, arching your body involuntarily and stealing a kiss whenever you could, to which she smiled contentedly. At no point would you let that tea blur the love you felt for her, the love she felt for you.
The doll maker caressed your legs, slowly raising them and grabbing them over her shoulder, moving her hips gracefully, knowing that your bodies couldn't be separated, didn't want to be separated.
“Donna... I'm so close...” You moaned, biting your knuckles to contain your excitement. She smiled and closed her eyes, intensifying her thrusts. The tremors of her erection inside you told you that she wasn't far from her second release either.
“Turn around,” she said, pulling out of you before a wave of heat washed over you. “Turn around, please…”
You looked at her hungrily, moaning at the lack of her body in yours, but you obeyed. She raised your hips slightly, exposing you in a terribly arousing way and entering you again with a guttural moan.
“Just like that, just like that, tesoro... You’re taking me so well...” She moaned, bending down to insert her dick deeper, as far as it could. You couldn't stand it and it didn't take long for you to tense your body, making your muscles squeeze Donna even more, who gasped from the shock, letting herself be placed on your back while she filled you with her heat.
You both stayed in that position for a few moments. Donna rested her head on your back, still not leaving you, enjoying the feeling of her wetness on your body, not letting it to come out.
Her breathing was now more normal and the pressure inside you decreased enough to realize that the effect of that tea had ended, fortunately, or rather, unfortunately...
“Donna...” You sighed, realizing that her body was trembling against yours. Carefully, you turned around. Lady Beneviento was unable to look you in the eyes, embarrassed by her actions. “Hey, Donna…”
“I'm so sorry...” She whispered into your chest, pulling out of you and hugging you tightly. “I'm sorry, cara mia...”
“Why are you sorry?” You asked, gently stroking her black hair, playing with it with your fingers. “It seems that you are feeling better now…”
“Yes, I... No, I haven't treated you well,” she said with a tone of regret, letting you hug her tenderly, giving her the warmth that was now missing from her body.
“Are you kidding me? I had a great time,” you said with a smile. She looked up for a moment, but looked down again, embarrassed.
“I, I felt... I was so... I couldn't think clearly,” she said, apologizing again, her body shivering from the sudden cold.
“It wasn't your fault, I know you're not like that, Donna,” You said with a reassuring tone. “Besides, I liked it. It has been... Different.”
“Alcina...” She hissed with a dark voice, snuggling closer to your body, letting your hug comfort her.
“It doesn't matter, Donna, really...” you whispered, patting her back. “Hey…”
“What?” She asked curious.
“Can I have some tea?”
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mtchee · 1 day
Silence is Silver, Your Voice is Gold - [Shouto Todoroki] SOULMATE SERIES | GN
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The first words spoken to you by your soulmate are encripted somewhere on your body and glow and tingle when heard.  After hearing the voice of your soulmate for the first time--knowing they were out of your league and deserved (and probably would want) better, you keep silent. However, fate determines you to be together nonetheless, forced into several scenarios where your time and theirs cross and you're forced to mingle.  Despite your silence, they either grow fond of you or curious, wherein eventually, you can be silent no more.
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cw: not edited, second-person-pov, [name] is Inasa Yoarashi's twin, SPOILERS if you haven't watched BNHA like at all but nothing descriptive or major, i know i'm the one writing this but i'm also mad at shouto on behalf of [name] lmao, Inasa best brother, deku squad friend squad!!, redemption arc for shouto, he's actually very sweet, love of your life fr, tooth rotting fluff at the end
| masterlist | boku no hero academia collection |
"I'm not here to make friends."
Those were first words Shouto Todoroki said to you. Unfortunately, those were also the soul words written on the outside of your left thigh.
On your very first day at U.A, you'd barely even opened your mouth, having been about to utter a chirpy greeting to your blank faced classmate before he interrupted you.
Immediately your heart had dropped and you took a surprised step back. Though his face was impassive and his voice a monotone trail, the words and their implied meaning didn't bite any less.
Back off, I'm not interested--that's what he meant.
Thank god your uniform covered the glow of your soul words.
You'd stiffly bowed and quickly moved away, snatching a different seat on the otherside of the classroom before they were all taken.
In that single instant, you knew you would never get the happy ending you and your brother would always giggle about as kids. Even if you turned back around and spoke to him now, you knew he'd never come around. It was obvious he doesn't care.
It was evident he never would.
So why bother? It hurt enough now, and speaking up wouldn't change that outcome. So, you resolved to never speak to Shouto Todoroki.
Inasa was right, the Todoroki's were horrible.
You hadn't gotten in through recommendations, so you took the normal trials to get into U.A. It was no wonder Inasa was upset when he got home from the recommendation's test, Endeavour's son was just as stand-offish and cruel.
You thought your twin brother had been exaggerating, but you had always been more sensitive between the two of you.
No wonder he declined U.A...
And now you were stuck here, with a heartless soulmate and no brother to keep you company.
Is it too late to transfer?
You think your brother was more upset than you were when you later told him who your soulmate was. Inasa had teared up dramatically and collapsed to a knee in front of you, vowing to you that had he of known he would've taken you with him to Shiketsu instead like he should have in the first place.
You think you were still in shock though, since normally you would have burst into tears at the prospect of your soulmate rejecting you.
Subconsciously, you think you already accepted it too. He was a Todoroki after all. The son of the Number 2 Pro Hero Endeavour. If he knew, he wouldn't want you anyway.
Unlike your first day at U.A, before your first class where you had introduced yourself to most of your classmates and had been chittering away happily, you were quiet.
Luckily though, you befriended Ochaco Ururaka, Tsuyu Asui, Tenya Iida, and Izuku Midoriya, most of whom were more than happy to yap in your stead.
Todoroki had since lost any respect you held for him--even more so than from when your brother had first encountered him--but he still scared you too.
You didn't have the confidence that Inasa did to pull his nose up and scoff, rather, you tilted your head down and averted your eyes, nullifying your presence as much as possible.
To your misfortune, you had to verse Todoroki in 1v1 of the Sports Festival. You don't think he even remembered you, not that he said anything anyway. His eyes were as lifeless as his expression when he was looking at you, and you couldn't help but glare back.
Your quirk similarly manipulates the wind as your brother does, though while his quirk is Whirlwind, yours is Piercing Breeze. Whereas Inasa can manipulate and summon impossibly powerful gusts of wind, you can create and control short and sharp bursts of air that can cut through cliffs of stone.
The battle between you and Todoroki was a cruel one, where your quirk sliced through his protective walls of ice and littered him in various lacerations.
However, it was Todoroki who ended the fight victoriously after managing to forcefully kick you out of bounds after feinting an ice shield and propelling himself into the air as you did.
You had refused to look at him as Present Mic announced his victory over the speakers, keeping your head down as you trudged your way from the field, not bothering to see Recovery Girl before taking seat in the stands.
You ended up coming in third, but when you went home at the end of the day you cried in your brother's arms about the events. Inasa could only hold you tighter with pain filled eyes when you started to scratch at your soul words.
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Silently, you damned the world around you.
In any other circumstance, you would be absolutely petrified at your own morbid thoughts, but desperate times called for desperate cussing.
Not only had you and the rest of class 1-A faced one too many debacles so early on in your schooling, but each time without fail you were in someway, somehow, paired alongside Todoroki.
Group projects saw you put in an assignment with Todoroki and a couple others. Training saw you either fighting alongside or against the dual haired boy. And, possibly worst of all, Midoriya and the others took a liking to Todoroki's company (like, how!?) so now he'd started sitting with your lunch squad. Also, you have dorms now.
Eventually, you gave up trying to perk up and find your way around things, but you were just so tired now. And over it.
So you shut up.
With Todoroki in vicinity, you didn't say a word.
If you noticed him approaching, you would calmly turn yourself around and walk away.
You began excusing yourself from lunch and would grab something small from the vending machines before taking a long stroll around campus.
Your soul words had been itching painfully, so you started to keep a cooling patch on it to stop yourself from scabbing it anymore than you already have.
But every third or so day, you'd call your brother and cry about it.
About how much it hurt. About how irritating the micro scars were. About how the skin the words were etched on were ever so red and swollen and pulsing. You wanted to tear off the skin and be rid of it.
Inasa panicked at that one.
But you did nothing of the sort, you knew how low your pain threshold was anyway. That much was evident with your whining from a few scratches.
Tsu was the one who noticed you withdrawing the most, but you just brushed off the subject and changed it.
The Provisional Hero License Course was where it clicked for your closest friends. When they saw you reunite with your brother, they were surprised at how much... louder, he was than you.
But also at his uniquely polite mannerisms towards others his same age. Although, that part kind of made sense to them, seeing as your classmates had also witnessed that from you.
The first trial was fun, at least you thought so. Apparently, Inasa had talked you up to the point his own classmates (and hence, also your opponents) decided to leave you alone lest they face his nagging. You did have some trouble with a couple other schools, but you passed pretty early on.
It was at the final trial that it all went down hill.
You were successful in rescuing many of the false civilians in the debre, and you knowledge on their injuries and acting manner impressed many of them.
When Gang Orca and his croonies started attacking, you switched from rescue to defense as it was better suited for you quirk.
It just so happened that your brother and Todoroki also made that choice, however, clashed in their tactics.
"Inasa!" You'd called out after sending an onslaught of wind blades towards a line of crooks, "pick your fight elsewhere!"
But his eyes remained locked on Todoroki who was positioned opposite him from Gang Orca. A passionate anger fuels him on your behalf, and he couldn't pass up the opportunity to show up Endeavour's son and put him in his place for wronging his kin.
"What is your issue?" Todoroki finally called, frustrated at his continuously foiled efforts from his very much one sided feud.
"My issue," Inasa growled, sending a hurricane off to the side to gather up concrete and Gang Orca's accomplices, "is your issue with [name]!"
"What?" Todoroki frowned incredulously, not taking his attention off their main opponent.
"Inasa!" You snapped. He ignored you.
"We barely even talk."
Todoroki dodged a flying boulder.
"They're suffering because of you!" Inasa summoned another gust to throw Gang Orca off balance, but it's only intercepted by Todoroki's flame, "if you weren't so uptight and entitled--"
Your eyes widened, "Inasa--"
He let out a battle cry when his attack once again gets interrupted.
"--then maybe you'd have even a decent chance with a soulmate who aleady deserves WAY BETTER THAN YOU!"
Todoroki's attention wavered.
"--he doesn't know!"
Inasa's whirlwind stopped, and his heart dropped. Todoroki's gaze darted to your panicked form, eyes widening as he spied the inked skin on your left thigh from your torn costume.
He made eye contact with you, and everything seemed to stop.
Fear and shock painted your features, and both your lips and throat are dry from horror at the revelation your brother had dropped.
Todoroki's right wrist tingled pleasantly despite the terror filled words you uttered.
"...You weren't supposed to know."
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Inasa and Todoroki failed to pass in the end.
Along with a few others, but they were lucky to be offered remedial courses.
You weren't so lucky though.
Well, you passed. But it wasn't long before your soulmate situation became common knowledge. On one hand, unsuspecting classmates came up to you to congratulate you on bagging the grade's pretty boy.
On the other, your friends knew better about it.
After all, Todoroki had been sitting with you guys for lunch and hanging out at many other points in time throughout the year.
You made the conscious effort to stay back from everyone when it was time to leave, spying your brother and some others from Shiketsu talking to Todoroki and your class.
You'd said bye to him earlier, though a bit gruffer than usual becuse of his mishap. You saw him bow lowly to everyone, speaking a few more words to your dual haired soulmate before you had to depart.
You sat beside Koda on the way back, knowing he wouldn't say much on the situation. You didn't miss the stressed and concerned glances he sent you though.
In the following days you dodged your friends like bullets--barely.
It didn't seem like Todoroki wanted to talk to you anyway, and it was easy enough to avoid him after school due to his remedial classes.
Inasa had apologised to you profusely afterwards, decidedly giving you part of his allowance to spend on your favourite drinks and snacks to earn redemption. You tried to give him the cold shoulder at first, but when his eyes had started watering you were quick to tear up with him and gave in.
You didn't bother approaching him on the subject of Todoroki again. You felt stressed enough that they shared their remedial class, and a bit guilty that one of the reasons for your brother's failure was because of your coulmate issue, though he didn't see it like that.
Since the hero licence course, your friends had been subtly poking at you to find out about your soulmate predicament.
Uraraka was intent on listening to your side of things, so she managed to squeeze out a few details from you. Iida was intent on you confronting Todoroki, which you sternly refuting facticiously that Todoroki didn't care anyway.
Midoriya was similar to Iida, though in a much more roundabout way. He wanted to listen like Uraraka did, but you also knew how much closer to Todoroki he was, so you kept your mouth shut with him.
At some points, Momo chatted with you between classes to piece things out on her own. It was unlike her to get involved, but you noticed while she didn't push you to talk to Todoroki, she made sure to address him in a positive light.
Tsu scared you the most.
She had cornered you (again) and made you fess up everything one night after everyone dispersed after dinner. You ended up bawling in front of your door from the stress of it all, and Tsuyu had panicked as she tried to calm you down. Talking to her lifted a weight off your chest, but it also made you relive all those repressed feelings of longing and anger and hurt. You cried yourself to sleep that night.
Damnit, Tsu.
The day that your brother finished his remedial classes, it all seemed to change.
Despite you teetering around the topic of your soulmate with Inasa, he suddenly seemed... invigorated?
Well, he normally is. But, it was different this time.
When he finally got his provisional hero licence, he called you and started yapping about the positively riveting tale of his harrows, before eventually cooling down to address the issue about Todoroki.
At first, your brows had furrowed in concern when Inasa talked light about his interactions with Endeavour's son, which eventually turned into praise about his skill and his ethic.
"Since his quirk worked so well with mine," Inasa had started, "there's no doubt that you two'd pair together perfectly!"
You almost hung up on his strange change in character.
Inasa had planted a seed. And your friends continued to nurture it.
The school festival was right around the corner, and gave everyone an excuse to hang out. At the suggestion of a performance, you'd bounded right up with Ashido to make up a dance, the two of you giggling and wiggling around in front of everyone in excitement.
When you caught sight of Todoroki watching you with a meticulously blank stare, you winced and shrunk back, looking back at Ashido with a lesser smile than moments before.
After most of the band had been decided (courtesy of Jirou), the topic of special effects took everyone's attention.
"Hold up, how's this for an idea!?" Ashido took the reigns once more.
"Uraraka makes Todoroki and Kirishima float! And then, Kirishima chops at Todoroki's ice and sends it flying! Then, Aoyama can be a mirror ball, and all the light twinkling off him and the ice will make it look like it's raining stardust!"
"You know," Momo intercepted, thumb and index finger beneath her chin, "[name]'s quirk would actually be perfect for that. Instead, Uraraka could make [name] and Todoroki float, that way, with the suble manipulation of [name]'s quirk, the movements would be much more fluid, and they could continue the dance routine in the air."
"Oh! That's a great idea!" Ashido beamed.
You felt a cold sweat break down the back of your neck.
"Indeed, that would be much more effective!" Iida stiffened, but blatantly ignored you when you spun around with a disbelieving glare.
That settled your schedule for the festival preparations. When the class wasn't practicing together for the dance, everyone was split into their groups for their assigned tasks.
You were positively sweating at the prospect of speaking with Todoroki--but you didn't want to let the others down.
It was the first time you would talked to him since the incident, and the second time actually talking to him altogether. You stuggled to meet his eyes first time around, his gaze intense with slow, cat like blinks.
You started the discussion, stictly about your parts in the performance, which he only ever added to when necessary, otherwise he was busy observing you.
It was only after scurrying away that you processed how amicable he and patient he was, simply waiting unperturbed as you gathered your thoughts and piping up gingerly when your ideas needed a nudge.
But you digress, it was strictly business.
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At least, it was for you.
For some reason, Todoroki took that initial conversation as an ice breaker of sorts, and immediately started seeking you out for things pertaining to more than just the school festival.
When you sat down at lunch the next day, he made a point of sitting right beside you with a bottle of one of your favourite sodas that the vending machine had ran out of when you checked. You couldn't help but pout at the sight of it before turning back to your food.
Your sad bottle of unopened water was then swiftly stolen from your tray right in front of you, and then quickly replaced by the carbonated drink you oh so desired.
You straightened in surprise, looking to your left only to see Todoroki slurping up his soba undisturbed.
You hazarded a look across the table and spot Uraraka and Midoriya still with wide eyes and Iida biting back a small knowing smile. You glance at Tsu beside you, and she blinks slowly with each eye individually.
Todoroki sat beside you at dinner too, but not before having taken your plate and filled it with parts of the meal that you liked most, ensuring you got first serve before sitting down.
A few seats across and down from you, you saw Momo cover her mouth with a light chuckle.
The dual quirk boy also volunteered to clean up with you, though that only really consisted of him shadowing you in the kitchen as you put away the clean dishes.
You worried at first. Not that you really thought he'd do anything to you, but after having avoided each other for so long it was... nerve wracking.
Since you were used to keeping your mouth shut around him, it was kind of hard to break that habit.
In class when you yapped to the others, you could spy him staring at you from your peripherals. If you went out of your way to seek someone out, he would watch you converse intently.
You only really talked to him again at the next rehearsal for the festival, but he sat with you once more at both lunch and dinner. You had an inkling that you had no choice in the matter.
He was quietly stubborn.
The cycle continued for the upcoming weeks, the school festival drawing closer and closer. He'd started initiating small talk with you during lunch, and he'd lean a bit closer to engage with you at dinner. Gradually, you started talking to him on your own--and really, he wasn't that bad.
To be fair though, having your soulmate reject you before they even knew you was hurtful.
But you did also carry the guilt of having not spoken up. Still, he obviously didn't want anything to do with you.
You figured he didn't care about the whole soulmate debacle, so you put that behind you and focused on making subtle amends for ignoring him.
Sure, the thought about the rejection still stung a bit, but what was there to do? Todoroki wasn't making a fuss, so neither would you.
Your soul words didn't itch as much anymore.
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It's now the day of the school festival, and you are buzzing with nerves. Sure, practicing the dance and details with your classmates was fun, but now, you actually had to put that plan in motion.
But you refuse to let it dampen your mood!
You gotta keep the energy up for everyone else! Though some of your friends were ecstatic, others such as Midoriya and Jirou look just about ready to keel over.
Todoroki hadn't really left you side all morning--you did drag him out to practice your moves one last time though, before your nerves got shot and you stiffened.
He kept up with you bouncing around and checking in on everyone, and helped you set up wherever you offered your assistance. When he noticed your energy already starting to deplete he turned around to retrieve a tangerine, a small packet of cookies, and a bottle of your favourite flavour of fruit infused water.
You couldn't stop your knee from jumping up and down anxiously, even when he firmly sat you down on a set of stairs outside the gymnasium.
You made sure to distract yourself by babbling about all the preparations so your stress wouldn't overwhelm you, Todoroki standing beside you peeling the tangerine as he listens.
"--the box nearly tipped, so the streamers would've gone everywhere, but Shoji caught it before it did, so it was fine. Also, the sign Denki made was spelled wrong, but Momo did something so it actually looks like it was meant to be that way--"
Todoroki crouches down in front of you, holding out a meticulously peeled tangerine slice that he feeds you when you open your mouth.
"--Mmf," You lick your lips, "thanks. Momo's super resourceful that way, which is cool. Iida's similar, I think, but he lacks the creative capacity she has."
He feeds you another piece.
"--Uraraka's getting nervous, I can tell. But Mina's been hyping her up, so I think she'll be okay. Also, have you seen Midoriya? He might've gone to the bathroom but it's been so long... oh, also, Ojiro needs help setting up the synthesizer since Jirou's busy with the mics. Then we need to do a sound check."
"Drink this."
Todoroki pops open the bottled drink, watching intently to make sure you get your fill. When you go to talk again he tips the bottle back up to your lips for another sip before nodding contently.
"Mm!" You perk up, more energised now, "I love that flavour."
A smile tugs at his lips, "I know."
"Thanks for helping me with that ladder by the way, I didn't see Hagakure when I was walking with it--no pun intended. I would've wacked her with it if you weren't there."
When you're done with the tangerine (rejecting his offer of the last few slices, which he then eats instead) he opens the packet of cookies.
He hands it to you absentmindedly when you make a quick grab for it, the processed sugar and chocolate bits being much more appetizing than fruit.
"Oh, I love this brand!"
Todoroki watches you fondly as you munch down two at a time, nodding off handedly at your statement.
As you continue your ramblings, your nerves gradually lessen--as does the amount of cookies. When he offers you the drink again he spots a smudge of chocolate on the lower corner of your lips and gently grips your chin with his hand to thumb at it.
He pays no heed to your sudden silence as he cleans your face, humming contently when the tiny mess is gone and leaning back casually.
You blink at him.
"What was that."
You frown, "That."
"Don't worry too much," Todoroki ignores you in favour of addressing your prior anxious babbling, "the performance will go fine. Everyone's worked really hard too. We'll do well."
He kisses you on the cheek.
You feel faint.
"What was that."
"What?" Todoroki blinks stupidly.
The change in his features is subtle, but he almost looks like he's pouting, "Did you not like it?"
Your face burns, and you frown at him, "Don't copy me. You need to answer my question."
"But you didn't answer mine?"
The sheer audacity of this man to tilt his head at you after a move like that.
"You... You kissed me!"
"You didn't like it." He comes to the conclusion with the look akin to a kicked puppy.
"I-I didn't say that!"
"What do you like then?" His face is carefully stilled as he watches you with round eyes, "what do soulmates normally do?"
"Stop that!"
His head bows, "You still didn't answer my question.."
"You've... soulmates!?" Your heart thrums in your chest, and a rush of feeling threatens to overwhelm you, "you want to be my soulmate?!"
His carefully placed mask breaks into surprise at your outburst.
"Of course I do," His eyes pierce into you like you've said something strange, "why wouldn't I?"
Your mouth drops in shock and disbelief, "B-Because! You said," your hand rests over the covered words encripted onto your thigh, "you're not here to make friends..."
"Oh," He has the decency to look ashamed, "sorry. I didn't know those were your words. Is that why you didn't want me to know?"
"Well, duh! I thought you rejected me!" You huff, taking an angry sip from your tasty water, "Inasa really didn't like you then, you know."
He breathes out a laugh, "I realise."
He watches you adoringly, and when you glance at him you're suddenly all too aware of his closeness. As your lips part from the rim of your bottled drink you're reminded of his chivalrous acts from the weeks prior.
You had thought he was being weird, but you also didn't really care to get to know him before then. Whereas he, on the other hand, did attempt polite conversation when he first started sitting with your group at lunch. He was also civil with you whenever you were paired together for anything.
You suddenly felt awful.
"What about now?" Todoroki's voice pulls you out of your pit of self-deprication, "what do you think? Do... would you like me to be your soulmate?"
When you look at him knelt before you, a subtle pink flush on his cheeks and an almost unnoticable nervous shake in his otherwise placid tone, you can't help but swell with happiness and relief.
You decide to pay him back with a kiss on his scarred cheek, and he takes in a sharp breath.
Your cheeks ache with how wide you smile at him, "More than anything."
As it turns out, you would get your happy ending after all.
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Asking in completely good faith here - how is a bullet journal different from an already made planner?
I have a daily planner that has hourly increments and a place for notes. I color code it in terms of meetings, appointments, to-do list. I just put everything in there and it's for the year so if it's something for a future date I just flip to that date and put the item on that date. I check off my to do list during the day and anything I don't get done, I just put on the next day's to do list.
I'm just curious how a bullet journal differs?
Without actually seeing your planner and how it's set up/your system for it, I probably can't give an accurate answer. Plus I'm very new to this and still learning the basics. But my guess is it's probably in the simplification and customisation of a bullet journal.
There's a funnelling effect of going year-month-days that I think I personally am finding particularly useful - when I work out what I need to do for the day, I'm finding it very helpful to be able to go back to the monthly list and remind myself of tasks that have completely dropped off my radar because I was busy hyper focusing on something else. There have been points where I haven't completed a task, too, but haven't wanted/been able to migrate it to the next day; it's helpful to be able to pick it up days later instead. Again, the monthly log is great for that.
Àlso, for me personally, hourly increments would make me feel stressed, I think. But bullet journals are just notebooks, so you can space things however you like, which for me means avoiding adding phantom time pressures. I think that's probably the real answer - a bullet journal gives you freedom to arrange everything however you personally find it most helpful.
But, you know, you've found a system that works!
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uconnposter01 · 2 days
Warnings: Cursing
3.2K words
Chapter 2
 February 2022  3rd person’s POV    
The last four months have been a blur for Aniyah.Between gymnastics and classes and friends, she truly loves college life.Currently Aniyah is getting ready to go to lunch with Nuveah, Paige and Azzi and she's running a bit behind.
“Mo-Mo are you ready yet?” Nuveah yells questions while walking in the Dorm apartment.
“What the fuck, you don't knock now? I could've been naked,”Jazmine says.
 The girl is sitting on the couch fully dressed so Nuveah isn't sure how she's in the wrong.
 “Don’t start with your bullshit, you know I have a key,and it would be weird for you to be butt ass naked in the living room ” Nuveah says walking up the steps before Jazmine responds.
“Mo-Mo are you ready?” Nuveah questions walking into Aniyah’s room. 
“No, I gotta finish my makeup” Aniyah says while doing her makeup.
“We’re going to AppleBees,” Nuveah says blankly.
“And?” Aniyah questions.
“Hurry up so I can go eat,I got the munchies”  Nuveah says, rubbing her stomach. 
“Imma be ready when I am, don't rush me” Aniyah says, rolling her eyes.
Nuveah doesn't respond, she just pulls out her phone to scroll through Tik Tok. She's excited, it's been a while since she’s hung out with Aniyah without Jazmine there and she couldn't wait. 
“Niyah can I borrow your tight black dress, I wanna make my sneaky link drool” Jazmine asks, opening the door and walking in.
“Sure” Aniyah responds without even looking up.
“Thanks girlie” Jazmine says, already going through Aniyah's closet.
“You got plans with your sneaky link?” Aniyah questions. 
“Supposed to,but she hasn't texted me back yet” Jazmine says frowning.
“Then why are you still looking for a dress?” Nuveah questions looking up.
“Because I want to, is that a fucking problem?” Jazmine asks, looking over Nuveah.
Aniyah frowns, not liking how Jazmine replies back to Nuveah. Jazmine may not like Nuveah but she is going to respect her sister.
“Jazmine chill out, you know how Nu talks, she didn't mean it that way” Aniyah says, cutting her eyes over at Jazmine.
“Yes she did, she's making fun of me Aniyah, why don't you ever say anything to Nu-Nu” Jazmine whines. 
It pisses Jazmine off so bad that Aniyah never says anything about Nuveah's tone or what she says. She doesn't care if Nuveah's tone is naturally monotone and she says things bluntly,Jazmine feels as though Nuveah hides behind that and uses it as a lame excuse.
“No I'm not, I'm genuinely curious” Nuveah says her tone laced with slight confusion.
“So I can look ready for her just in case she texts me back” Jazmine mumbles.
“But that's foolish,”Nuveah says.
“How?” Jazmine questions, rolling her eyes.
“You are getting all ready for this girl and she hasn't even texted you back yet” Nuveah says.
“I don't see your point” Jazmine says, her eyes narrowing.
“Imma keep it real with you ion think that girl likes you Jaz, you've been sleeping with her for almost two years and you haven't even met her team yet, shit you haven’t even met her friends it's like she's hiding you, and no one deserves that, you should drop that girl and find the right person for you” Nuveah says softly looking at Jazmine.
As much as Nuveah doesn't like Jazmine she sympathized with her situation, she's been in the same situation and it hurts and it's embarrassing. Nuveah just wants to save Jazmine before she has to experience the same type of hurt she did.
“No offense Nuveah but you don't know our dynamic, her team is just weird about meeting new people,and she gets super busy,my situation isn't anything like yours was”Jazmine says in a smug tone.
Nuveah doesn't respond but she does sigh. Maybe this would be the best for Jazmine since she's ignoring all warnings and signs. Her situation has nothing to do with Aniyah so Nuveah has no problem washing her hands of this.
“What shirt do you think I should put on?” Aniyah says holding up black and white baby tees.
“What bottoms are you choosing?” Nuveah asks.
“Probably these tan ones” Aniyah answers.
“White, it'll match with your Forces” Nuveah says, eyeing the options.
“Thanks Pook,” Aniyah says.
“Well shit” Jazmine says her once happy mood disappearing.
 “What's wrong?” Aniyah questions noticing Jazmine's mood change.
“My sneaky link said that we won't be meeting up” Jazmine says frowning.
“I’m sorry boo” Aniyah says sympathetically.
“Damn that's crazy” Nuveah says trying to hide her smile.
“It's fine” Jazmine says huffing and leaving her room.
“You ready yet Mo?” Nuveah questions starting to feel impatient.
“Yeah,I'm ready,” Aniyah says.
“Finally, I'm starving,” Nuveah complains.
“Stop bitching,” Aniyah says, sucking her teeth.
The duo both make their way out of the dorm and into Nuveah’s 2022 black Honda Civic.
“Hoe don't slam my car door, do that with your shit” Nuveah complains.
“Are you gonna be bitching all day?” Aniyah asks, rolling her eyes.
“We still here you can get out,” Nuveah says, raising her eyebrow.
Aniyah doesn't respond, she just grabs Nuveah's phone so she can turn on music.
“That's what I thought” Nuveah says smirking.
Nuveah reverses out of the parking lot and begins the 30 min drive to Applebees with a huge smile on her face. She's so excited to see Azzi, her crush on the girl has increased tenfold,and she really likes being around her. Nuveah isn't sure if she'll ever tell Azzi of her feelings but she won't ever pass up an opportunity to be near her.
“It’s so fucking cold in here” Aniyah shivers.
“Oh shit my bad” Nuveah said, turning on the heat.
“ Girl you are insane,” Aniyah said, pulling out her phone.
DaddyP💜🤤: I got a feelin you and Nu late cause of you
Read: 12:45 PM
                         Aniyah💚: ntm on me,I had to make sure I looked good
         Read: 12:46 PM
DaddyP💜🤤:  Im sure u do
                             Read: 12:47 PM
                                    Wya tho 
                                    Read: 12:48 PM
                          Aniyah 💚: like 10 mins away
                                                  Read: 12:49 PM
DaddyP💜🤤: bet
                          Read: 12:50 PM
Nuveah pulls into the Applebee's parking lot and quickly jumps out of her car. She couldn't hide her excitement,and she has the munchies and she gets to see Azzi  so she anxiously wants to get inside of the restaurant.
“Damn Pook slow down” Aniyah says trying to keep up with the soccer player.
“Can't I wanna see Azzi” Nuveah says, wiggling her eyebrows.
“Bye girl” Aniyah laughs.
The pair make it inside of the restaurant and out of the frigid Connecticut weather. The pair  both excitedly look around for the two basketball stars.
“Hello, can I help you two?” the hostess said as the pair approached.
“Hi yes, the other half of the Bueckers or Fudd party” Aniyah says.
“Okay, you two can follow me,” the hostess says, leading the duo to the two basketball players.
“Aye finally” Paige said with a goofy smile gracing her features.
It had been at least a week and a half since Paige saw Aniyah and seeing the girl after so long made Paige’s heartbeat fast and butterflies erupt in her stomach. It's a constant battle for her to not expose her true feelings for the girl, knowing that Aniyah doesn’t want anything serious. Paige admires her for being so upfront and honest with her about her situation with her ex. But sometimes Paige wishes they could be more.
“Nu sit next to me” Azzi requests softly.
Azzi hopes Nuveah realizes how much she likes soon.She’s dying to spoil and love on the girl.
 “Blame Aniyah, you know I don't like to be late” Nuveah says, slipping into the seat next to Azzi.
“Stop being a hater Pook, it's not cute” Aniyah says, rolling her eyes and sitting next to Paige.
Paige immediately places her hand on Aniyah's thigh like her hand belonged there.
“I missed you,” Paige softly says, glancing over at Aniyah.
“I missed you too,” Aniyah said, trying to hide her smile.
Paige smiles to herself as she sees how flustered she made Aniyah.Paige can't wait for the day she can call Aniyah hers. She's not sure when it'll or even if it will happen but for a chance at Aniyah's love she would wait for an eternity.
“Did y'all order yet?” Nuveah questions her eyes fixed on Azzi.
“No, we were trying to wait on you guys” Azzi replies.  
Nuveah doesn't respond though, she gets distracted by playing with Azzi’s fingers.Smiling Azzi intertwines their fingers winking at Nuveah in the process. Nuveah felt her heartbeat increase and her palms start to become sweaty. Licking her dry lips Nuveah studies Azzi’s side profile for a few seconds. Azzi’s beauty could rival Aphrodite’s in her humble opinion. She wishes she knew how Azzi felt about her; the Shooting Guard is naturally flirty, so she genuinely cannot tell if the girl is actually flirting with her or just being playful.
“Az” Nuveah says softly 
“Yeah pretty girl”? Azzi asks just as softly.
“Can you let my hand go?” Nuveah mumbles. 
“Oh my god, I'm so sorry ” Azzi says quickly, letting go of Nuveah’s hand. 
Azzi’s cheeks turned a light pink as embarrassment flowed throughout her body. Aniyah constantly tells her Nuveah likes her but Azzi genuinely can't tell. She constantly does things to show Nuveah that she likes her and the girl always subtly turns down her advances. Azzi knows she's oblivious but Nuveah isn't that unaware right?
                                   3 Musketeers
Azakins👹🩷 : are you sure nu likes me? 
                                          Read:1:20 PM
Buckets👱🏻‍♀️: nah fr she said gimme my hand back🤣🤣🤣
Read: 1:21 PM
Azakins👹🩷: do you wanna be blocked 🤨
                                          Read: 1:22 PM
Buckets👱🏻‍♀️: chill and u kno how Nu is she probably don't realize u gotta just tell her that shit she wont kno how u feel til u make that first move
                                          Read: 1:24 PM
Azakins👹🩷: I just made the first move
                                                Read: 1:26 PM
Buckets👱🏻‍♀️: u didnt tell her tho
                                        Read: 1:26 PM
                       Nu is slow as hell too she prolly aint   kno wat u was doing fr fr
           Read: 1:27 PM
                       Puerto Rican Princess 🇵🇷: imma have  to stop you right there at least Nu can read 💅🏾  
                                                Read: 1:28 PM
 but yes boo she likes you so much her hand probably got sweaty we know how Nu is about her  hands being sweaty        
           Read: 1:29 PM
Buckets👱🏻‍♀️:  dont start wit me Niyah I will blow ya back out after we leave here                          
             Read: 1:31 PM
                  Puerto Rican Princess 🇵🇷: prove it 😁
                                                              Read: 1:32 PM  
Buckets 👱🏻‍♀️: Bet 
                    Read: 1:33 PM
Azakins👹🩷: take this freaky ass shit somewhere else my virgin eyes cannot handle this
                          Read: 1:34 PM
Nuveah steals quick glances at Azzi hoping she didn't make the girl upset, Azzi's been looking at her phone since Nuveah asked for her to let go of her hand,and she's really worried she upset her in some way. Which wasn't her intention, her hand was getting extremely sweaty and she was anxious Azzi would feel how gross it was getting. Nuveah then glances at Aniyah hoping she could give her some type of cue like she usually does but she's also on her phone smiling.Nuveah can feel the anxiety creeping into her brain. Not wanting to kill the vibe for everyone else, Nuveah decides it's best that she deals with this anxiety by herself.
“Imma be right back” Nuveah says slipping out of the booth.
“You okay?” Azzi questions softly, concern etched on her face.
“Yeah, I just left something in my car” Nuveah mumbles while walking out of the restaurant.
Slamming her car door, Nuveah sighed. Opening her glove box she pulled out her weed pen and took a couple of hits. Nuveah felt her anxiety melt away, she wishes she had the confidence to tell Azzi she likes her,but she knows she never will say anything about her feelings.Maybe she should just let the idea of being with Azzi go.
                         20 minutes later
“How long has Nu been outside?” Azzi questions.
“I don't know, but it's been a minute though” Paige replies not looking up from her phone.
“The food is gonna be here soon” Aniyah says, glancing at the door.
Azzi eyes shoot up from her phone to look over at the pair. Between conversations and ordering her’s  and Nuveah's food, she didn't realize how much time had actually passed by.
“Imma go check on her” Aniyah announces standing up 
“Wait Niyah, let me do it,” Azzi says, also standing up.
“Okay” Aniyah says, winking at Azzi.
Azzi smiles at Aniyah and then makes the walk to Nuveah's car. She is determined to get to the bottom of what had upset Nuveah.
“You okay ma?” Paige questions looking over at Aniyah. 
“I’m good, you good P?”Aniyah asks.
“ I’m chilling,” Paige says, her voice low and husky.
“You tryna chill after this?” Aniyah inquires.
“Of course, I wanna blow ya back out” Paige states her eyes tracing Aniyah's body hungrily.
“You will baby, I promise” Aniyah says, booping Paige’s nose.
“Gimme kiss,” Paige demands softly.
Aniyah quickly looked around the area of the restaurant seeing that it was pretty empty in the area. Leaving over Aniyah presses a soft short peck to Paige's lips.
“Ma that was not a kiss, stop playing and gimme a real one” Paige whines.
Aniyah leans over once more and presses her lips firmly on Paige’s lips. The point guard's hands immediately grip Aniyah’s waist trying to subtly pull her closer. Breaking the kiss Aniyah rests her forehead on Paige's, placing a gentle peck on her lips.
“You so pretty ma” Paige mumbles, her lips ghosting over Aniyah’s.
“Not prettier than you” Aniyah says 
“Thank you” Paige says, smiling a blush rapidly spreading across her cheeks.
“Before I forget,Lou is coming up for my birthday, I want you to meet her,” Aniyah says softly.
Paige couldn’t stop her smile from fading ever so slightly. She really  doesn’t want to meet Lou. She actually was hoping that this day would never come. Paige sees Lou as a rival, the biggest hurdle in her way.She’s slowly but assuredly falling for Aniyah and Lou still being as constant as she is in Aniyah's life puts her plans on a permanent hiatus. 
“Okay, I got no problem with that ma,” Paige says, a fake smile gracing her features.
“Thank you P, you both are very important to me, so I just want y'all to be able to finally meet and not just hear me talking about the both of you to each other” Aniyah rambles.
“I’ll do whatever makes you happy,” Paige admits.
Aniyah looks over at Paige to find the blond already looking at her, her eyes filled with desire and admiration.
“So I have the Blackened Cajun Salmon, Bourbon Street Steak, Chicken Alfredo and finally the Chicken Fajita Rollup” Their waitress Stephanie says breaking the intense eye contact between the pair. 
 “Thank you” Aniyah says, smiling at the waitress.
“Imma text Azzi” Paige mutters softly.
 “Okay” Aniyah responds, pulling out her phone.
LouLou🤗: have fun IG 🙄
                     Read:1:00 PM
                      You still wit white girl 
                      Read: 2:10 PM
                                Favorite ex 🫶🏽: Yeah
                                                             Read: 2:15 PM
LouLou🤗: why u being so dry
                               Read: 2:16 PM
                   Favorite ex 🫶🏽: cause I'm out to dinner don't start Lou 
Read: 2:17 PM
LouLou🤗: Im not I just asked why I were being dry
                                                Read: 2:18 PM
                     Did u tell white girl i wanna meet her
                                                Read: 2:19 PM
        Favorite ex 🫶🏽:yeah she cool with it 
                                           Read:2:20 PM
“Sorry, we were talking,” Azzi says, slipping into the booth.
Aniyah looks over at Nuveah seeing her eyes slightly glazed over and red. 
“Did you save us some weed?” Aniyah questions teasing the pair.
“Yeah” Nuveah replies while eating her Salmon.
“Girl quit lying” Aniyah says playfully, rolling her eyes.
“Can I have some of your wrap things?” Nuveah questions softly. 
“Of course, pretty girl,” Azzi says, letting Nuveah take a piece of her food.
“Damn Pook, you hungry” Aniyah teases.
Nuveah doesn’t respond, she just eyes Aniyah’s food wondering if she would be able to steal some of the Chicken Alfredo from the girl. Quickly noticing how her sister is eyeing her food Aniyah rolls her eyes and puts a little on her sister's plate. 
“Here girl” Aniyah says, sucking her teeth.
“Thanks Mo-Mo, how'd you know I wanted some?” Nuveah questions.
“Your greedy ass was eyeing my plate” Aniyah replies, rolling her eyes.
Laughter and conversation filled the table as the Quartet enjoyed their time together. Being with Azzi makes Nuveah crave more from the girl and she hates it. Her hand is itching to be able to rest on Azzi's thigh, or to just lean over and whisper sweet nothings in the girl's ear. 
“You okay?” Azzi questions softly quickly, noticing Nuveah’s mood change slightly.
“Yeah, I'm low-key ready to go,” Nuveah says.
“Not gonna lie me too, I'm ready for my dessert”  Paige says while eyeing Aniyah hungrily.
“Y'all are nasty” Nuveah says, her nose scrunching in disgust.
“Stop hating Pook” Aniyah says with a smile gracing her features.
Azzi glances over at Nuveah wondering if the girl would come back to her dorm with her. The Shooting Guard is enjoying her time with the Soccer player and she really doesn't want it to end so soon.
“Nu, are you doing anything else today?” Azzi asks 
“Nah, I was probably just gonna play Far Cry 5 and eat a edible” Nuveah says.
“Do you want to do that in my dorm?” Azzi asks.
“Not really” Nuveah bluntly says.
Hearing Nuveah's response made Azzi feel rejected. The thought of no longer pursuing the girl crosses Azzi’s mind, Nuveah is clearly showing that she doesn't see Azzi that way and it hurts so much.
“I'm a bit overstimulated, so I really just want to be in my dorm, you can come over to my place if that's cool with you”Nuveah says after a brief second.
“I would love to,” Azzi says, smiling widely.
“Is it cool if I come to your dorm?” Paige mutters to Aniyah. 
“Lemme text my roommate” Aniyah says
NiyahTheBestRoomie: do u mind if I bring someone home
Read: 3:02 PM
                           Jazzypoo:yeah, that's fine I won't be home for a couple of hours anyway, I'm trying to make my sneaky link jealous
                  Read: 3:04 PM
NiyahTheBestRoomie: how you gonna do that
Read: 3:05 PM
          Jazzypoo: I'm gonna go fuck this girl and send it to her 
         Read: 3:06 PM  
NiyahTheBestRoomie: good luck
                                         Read: 3:07 PM
“Yeah you can come over, she’s gonna be out for a while” Aniyah responds looking over at the blond.
“Bet” Paige says smirking.
Paige pays for the lunch before anyone else could even attempt to. Feeling proud of herself Paige loks over at Aniyah subtly letting the girl know she's ready to leave. 
“You ready ma” Paige questions looking over at Aniyah 
“Yeah” Aniyah says standing up.
“Aight, we heading out see you” Paige says, leading Aniyah to her Jeep.
An: Thank you for reading I hope ya'll have a good day ❤️
Criticism and feedback welcomed
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bluedew · 2 days
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tlou themed intuitive reading!
which tlou character do you resemble the most?? series 1!
i will be making a sequel so if none of the photos here appeal to you, you should wait for the other one, which will come later this week. choose based on gut instinct. don't try to pick the most obvious one because these don't work that way. also i'm not just going to be using the main MAIN characters, so make peace with that.
well helloooo there lev. yeah. bet you didn't think i was gonna say that did you!! well you are similar to him. you're young, naive; you have a very mixed view on life, though. you battle the bad and good hopes inside of you. you've dealt with heavy topics in your life, probably through your childhood, and you were the only one who was there for yourself to heal. you like animals and nature, and although this isn't true for lev you probably have a close connection with the ocean. orcas might be significant? either orcas or kelp forests; maybe the pnw is near where you live, if you live in america. anyways. your hope for goodness is what makes you special. do not lose it!!
i think you're most like younger ellie, particularly her from 14-16ish? you're curious about the world but you know that it has both good and bad things in it. unlike pile one, who tries to see only good or only evil, you accept that there are both in the world. you're trusting but not too trusting. you're lionish, extremely brave and courageous. you've been through heartache, probably throughout your teenage years, but i'm getting that for majority of you you've healed. you haven't reached the peak of your life yet; there are so much more good things coming to you because you're a good person. you ARE a good person. but you must watch your desire for negative emotions. they're natural and will come to you anyway, but do not swallow more than you want to.
dear god 😭 you're most like joel. you have a very pessimistic outlook on life, or had; then something comes along and makes you see the world anew. it's likely that you've been through something traumatic that has affected you; it's like a chip in a cup. but that doesn't render you completely useless, my love. you know how joel became happy? by letting ellie into his heart and allowing himself to love again after losing sarah. staying sad didn't help him. you're a person that grows by having deep conversations, because you rarely open up to anyone without trusting them enough to talk about deep topics. you're a very full, wholesome person; if you have younger siblings, you're like a mentor to them, perhaps even their mother/father figure more so than the actual parent. please remember that you are loved.
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cainsau · 2 days
Pitch Black Therapy || The Boys Imagine
(Platonic) Hughie Campbell x Supe!GN!Reader
Summary: After escaping the asylum, the boys went on their respective missions, leaving you, Lamplighter, and Hughie in Mallory's safehouse. Hughie gets curious about you and your power.
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You were told to stay in Mallory's house with Lamplighter and Hughie while the others went on their errands. It was a strange situation, considering that you and Lamplighter used to be on opposite sides in the asylum. He never harmed you specifically, but you could hear all the screams and crackling of fire whenever he had to burn someone, which made your headaches worse back when you were stuck in the cell with those bright lights. You would often glare at him, but he couldn't tell, because you always had a pair of sunglasses on ever since the escape.
If glaring at him felt good, it felt even better to not see him at all, so you made yourself comfortable in the kitchen for a while, until Hughie came.
"Hi." He said with a smile. "Not sure if i've officially introduced myself before, but i'm Hughie."
"Oh, hey," You reached out a hand towards him, offering a handshake, "I'm [Y/N]."
At first, he was taken aback by your normality. Whenever he introduced himself, it usually brought out a hostile reaction for some reason. He was just trying to be nice, but people didn't seem to like it, and now finally someone appreciated it.
You both sat on the kitchen stools in silence while you drank a can of soda, only accompanied by muffled voices of the TV in the other room.
He glanced curiously at you a few times, and finally gave in. "Hey, uh, you always wear those sunglasses. Are they, like, your trademark style or is there something… else going on?"
You chuckled, almost choking on your drink, "Man, i wish it was a style choice. But no, it's a side effect, i suppose. Everything's too bright for me."
"Sounds terrible." He grimaced. "What kind of power do you have that does that? Is it, like, night vision or something?"
"I do have night vision, but my power is... well," You paused for a moment, trying your best to find the correct words, "I can blind people."
"Blind people? Turning people blind?"
"Pretty much." You finished your drink, and threw the can towards the trash bin, but missed. "I can generate darkness and submerge people in it, causing them to not be able to see anything." You walked over and picked up the can, dropping it into the bin. "It also works on cameras and stuff."
"Whoa. That's cool... but scary, but... cool."
You then turned around to face him. "Do you want to see?"
"I think the question should be: do i want to 'not' see?" He joked, which earned a small laugh from you. "That seems horrifying, to be honest."
"You know, actually, i heard that there's people who pay to experience having all sensory inputs removed. They say it's therapeutic." You said, pretending to try to convince him as you returned to your seat. "You don't wanna try some pitch black therapy? Free of charge."
He shook his head dramatically, "Nope, no way."
"Alright, alright." You put both hands up, a playful gesture of backing down. "But seriously though, i think you should try once, so that you're not too shocked if i have to use it in the field later."
He thought about it for a moment, it actually made sense. "You're probably right."
"Great! I'll go for five seconds, how does that sound?" You clasped your hands together, ready to start.
"Woah, hold on, you seem way too excited about this." He chuckled.
"What can i say? I'm new to this too."
"Right." He nodded. "Five seconds is enough, i think."
"Okay, on three. One. Two. Three." You released your hands, and a pitch black substance appeared from between them, expanding instantly until it engulfed the whole room.
One second in. Hughie jumped a bit in his seat, frantically looking around for any source of light. Two seconds. You could see him panicking a little. Three. He brought his hands right in front of his eyes and waved it, but he could see nothing. Four. He put his hands back on the kitchen counter, relieved that it was still there. Five. The room turned back normal.
He seemed a bit disoriented, suddenly being able to see again.
"You alright?" You asked, feeling a little bad.
"Yeah, no, it's just... i thought it would be a regular kind of darkness, where i could still see a little bit of movement or something, y'know? But i couldn't see anything at all. Like, if i had to experience that for the first time while we're out there? I'd probably get a heart attack or something."
"Yeah..." You smiled apologetically. "Sorry."
"No, it's fine, you were right, and that was pretty awesome. Not therapeutic at all though."
You gave a small laugh, which Hughie returned.
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lutawolf · 2 days
Hey Luta !
This is a question for you but also maybe for your followers?
I'm just curious - do you or anyone know if there is let's say ... a list of most popular bl shows from certain years? I'm just curious, my guess is that 2023 would be dominated by MSP?
Also, I'm just wondering if certain bl couples are popular and I just haven't noticed? Personally, i was never really into ForceBook's pairing and I didn't think their first show was that popular but they still got another show which surprised me? So I'm wondering whether just my perception was wrong and they were indeed popular from the beginning? No shade whatsoever, I'm also not trying to upset anyone, I'm just wondering?
Hey nonnie!
I'm pretty sure there is a most popular list... @absolutebl is it you who does it? Or am I crazy?
Honestly, 2023 had some seriously amazing bls, but MSP hits as a 2022 for me. Aired: Dec 2, 2022 - Feb 24, 2023, I usually go by the starting date on year. What does everyone else think?
ForceBook are the third best-selling gmm couple for fan meets and are number 14 for Instagram. So, they are making big numbers for GMM. 
Most bl couples have a following before they make it to a main couple. So yeah, they probably don't hit with you, but they hit with others. I adore KimCop and JoongDunk, but not everyone does. I used to not be a fan of OffGun, no shade, just wasn't me, but then Not Me came out and hot damn. That's when I realized that I just hadn't seen them in something that struck a cord with me.
I hope this answered your questions! 💜💜💜
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theeniebeanie · 3 days
project sekai characters and if I think they are cat or dog coded
Virtual Singer:
Miku: Dog, but like, one of those silly ones with the floppy ears.
Rin: Kitten, specifically one about 8-10 weeks old that's curious and explores.
Len: Puppy. Excitable guy.
Luka: Cat. She's wise and cunning, I think. Cat-coded.
Meiko: Cat, but more in the sense that she's in control of the situation, like a cat that's lived in a house for ten years. Not mean or dominant, but you know she's in charge.
Kaito: Dog. Meiko's dog, specifically.
Ichika: Puppy. Like one of those cautious baby dogs that's still curious about the world.
Saki: Kitten, in the excitable sense.
Honami: Dog. Specifically, like, a twelve-year-old cocker spaniel - gentle and quiet, but still loving.
Shiho: Cat. Behaves like one.
Minori: Kitten. She's easily startled, but is full of curiosity and wonder.
Haruka: Cat. Just gives me cat energy. Plus that one card with the ears and tail.
Airi: Cat, absolutely. She's even got the little fang. She should have a :3 face I will say this until the day I die.
Shizuku: Cat, specifically an elderly cat. Not a mean one, but a cat that's lived a good life and is visibly happy simply to be alive.
Kohane: Kitten. Easy to startle, still very brave and is trying so hard.
An: Dog. She acts jumpy and excitable, golden retriever.
Akito: Dog, similar to An but more along the lines of a black Labrador rather than a retriever. Still bouncy and excitable, but less so and it's expressed in a different manner.
Toya: Cat. He just is.
Tsukasa: Dog. He acts like one, specifically one of those loud, hyper, huge dogs. Can be calm when needed, but is usually loud and bouncy.
Emu: Puppy. Not just a dog, but a puppy. Extremely hyper, loud, bouncy, loves people.
Nene: Kitten. Nervous and can be territorial, but is still loving when around people she likes.
Rui: Cat. I don't even need to explain, look at him.
Nightcord at 25:00:
Kanade: Puppy, but more specifically a docile puppy that's so sleepy. A young puppy, maybe 3-4 weeks old.
Mafuyu: Dog. If I were assigning other animals, I'd assign her as a lizard, probably a bearded dragon or something of the sort, but I'm not. Dog.
Ena: Dog. I don't actually know why. Just vibes.
Mizuki: Cat. Behaves like a cat.
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