#I'm throwing this in the main tag because it seriously took THAT long to find asdfasdf
beyond-far-horizons · 6 months
Hey hon, for the ask: 2,4,18,20,27 and 29? 😊
Hey hon, sorry it took so long to answer this - it's been a difficult week.
Right FYI for folks reading this - I'm not tagging it and I'm not getting into a debate esp re the first answer given that it's an emotive topic. With that said - let's begin!
2) Thoughts on veg@nism?
I have mixed feelings that are hard to articulate esp on here and given how fraught the topic is, is why I'm hesitant to answer the question. In short, I have a huge deal of respect for veg@ns but I'd struggle to be one. I do want to try to bring in more of it when I can, mainly because I find the industrialisation of food/farming so repellent. I hate the idea of animals suffering so I try when I can to avoid meat or to get things that are well sourced. My feelings on this subject have changed and developed across the years and it's complex so I think it's always worth thinking about. For example, although I hate the thought of killing something for food, I don't necessarily think that it's wrong. What I think is wrong is lack of compassion. Animals should be treated with respect, care and not as a product without feelings. I respect Indigenous communities for example that don't sentimentalise animals but respect and care for them and the world as part of a whole with themselves as a part of it. I also admit that I love meat and some of my favourite foods are dairy. Food is one of the few pleasures in my life so I don't want to be dictated to or guilt-tripped about that especially by people who haven't thought the topic through and just want to evangelise and gatekeep others (however understandable and worthy the cause.)
Also there's the tension with the fact that veg@n products aren't always environmentally friendly - mass deforestation for mono-crops like soya (although this happens for cattle grazing too) and toxic plastic for leather. There's another Indigenous perspective (I'm thinking of certain Plant Shamans in the Amazon for example) that view plants as having their own souls and awareness and if you think that sounds weird there are scientific studies revealing the sensitivity and intelligence of plants (look into rhizome forests for example.) Movements like Animism, Post-Animism, Post-Humanism incorporate the Non and More-than Human worlds and this includes plant-life. Are we and animals more important than them? How did we decide that just because we can't see their pain? Or is that just anthropomorphising them? It's another perspective for sure.
I don't think there's any easy answers but thinking in that way is the main reason I decided to get a forest burial if I can, instead of getting cremated. If I take from the earth as part of the circle of life well I should give back and there's no better way I think than to become a tree and give back when I die (yep this post just got weird lol, but seriously this is what I'm talking about - circle of life!) This way I get to be something that I adored in life - a blossom tree - as well as a whole eco-system supporting lichen, insects, birds, people etc. And I think that is pretty awesome. But that doesn't get round the central dilemma so I'm still working on it and doing the best I can in difficult times.
4)Mythical Creature you believe/think is real?
As a Brit I have a weird hope that the Loch Ness monster is real because I loved learning about it as a kid and it's too awesome to think that a prehistoric monster still lives in the modern age. I think the folkloric White Hart (Arthurian/British symbol of Kingship/Sovereignty) is real in terms of the Universe throwing up symbols sometimes. There was a really bad omen for my country in recent years when one was shot running through Manchester and that tells you everything you need to know about our government and current state of the country even if it was allegedly for health and safety reasons.
18) Your Boba/Tea order?
I'm ashamed to say I've never tried these. Sorry but they just look weird. As a English Breakfast tea-drinking cliché I don't trust cold tea or weird balls that look like rabbit droppings. Hehe sorry. I should give it go sometime. If we are talking actual tea then what we Brits call 'Builders tea' aka black tea with a little milk and one sweetener x 3 a day. Can't function without it.
20) Favourite Disney Princess Movie?
Ooh, good question! I love the Golden Age - Little Mermaid (I pretended to be Ariel as a kid for ages, drew her, had a whole toy cave set and dolls etc), Aladdin(first movie I saw in the cinema, had posters, toys etc) and Beauty and the Beast. Special shout out to Hunchback of Notredame as well even though that's not a Princess movie, it's awesome and I love Esmeralda. However the prize has to go to B & B. I was and still am obsessed with that movie, I think I can still recite it line for line. My friend and I spent one sleepover casting our school year group as the cast in our heads and then singing (badly) all the songs on a walk. I also have Belle's colouring (can't claim I look exactly like her, can I?) and more importantly can do a mean impression of many of the characters esp the Narrator and the bookstore owner (minor characters for the win!) Did I mention I was obsessed?
27) What’s your favourite or go-to outfit?
Difficult one...I'm (again) living out of a suitcase and carrying more weight than I want to so I don't have all the clothing options I'd like rn. Ideal world my favourite piece of clothing is this little black dress I have that you can wear for the office or for a night out - it makes me look great and I used to match it with different accessories including this beautiful pink and gold belt. Both are in storage now cos mama's too chubby to fit them! At present it's my chunky white grandma cardigan over black trousers with a different colour top and jewellery - pastels or vivids like bright red.
29) Preferred pasta noodle?
The phrasing of this question upsets me - is it fave pasta or fave noodle? I know them as two different things. So I'll cheat and answer for both! Haha.
Fave pasta...I...don't really have one. I like all of them - twists, shells, linguine (my internet is playing up so I can't check all the italian names.)
Favourite noodle - love a lot of them but Naruto and I share a love for ramen so ramen noodles!!
Thanks and hope that wasn't too much information overload!
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nyxzee · 11 months
i debated putting this on my art blog but as a point i've been vocal about this shit since it happened and i'm still fucking livid about it all despite how fucking long ago it was. this is going to be linked in my pinned posts so as a heads up, warning for all types of abuse, self harm (including a detailed description), suicidal ideation, suicide attempts, overdose mentions, intense mental health shit, ableist narratives and gore along with mistreatment from the fandom
hi, i'm nyx, this blog used to be called emeridan and my old main was bardofmotherfuck - i was one of the gamzee fans who was sent gore, the wish i kill myself, and other abuse for identifying with gamzee. this wasn't a "oh lol funny clown he's goofy like me" i identify with him due to abuse trauma, due to being an addict and mentally ill. because i was hurt deeply by religion and losing my faith caused me to fall into bad fucking shit. to slightly minor extents i identify due to the friendship and romantic issues he had, fuck gamzee makara even had me, a then 20something realize i was bisexual and nonbinary! to a more intense one i identify with him because his agency was taken away and he was made a slave to other peoples horrific intentions - which isn't fun as i hope you'd imagine. i used to have a tag for the vent art i did involving the makara line (blood, gore, abuse all in this tag as you'd expect someone with severe trauma to have in vent art)
i'm not unique in this. there are a lot of gamzee fans who dealt with this. it was a huge fucking issue, it happened on msparp too, to the extent they posted about it happening because it was so fucking frequent. there are multiple gamzee fans i used to follow on tumblr who were sent the same and worse shit. i'm not mentioning them because even to the ones still into homestuck content, this shit was traumatic. i'm a petty bitch so as a protest i only drew gamzee for a while! (just in case these are the real time posts from my main: 1, 2), i have this account from 2015 here, i have this mentioned again here. this fandom abuse has been established well for me, it started 9 months into my homestuck art centric blog after all!
i'm still here in spite of people wanting me to kill myself. honestly despite being petty and boastful in still being here about it when it happened i wasn't actually feeling like that in real life. shocking i know. i had an intense cutting period due to it, i'm still scared of having my submit open, i still want to vomit whenever i get an email that anyone's sent me anything. i've seriously considered suicide a lotta times because i was so frequently told i was in the wrong, i've still got methods in mind and whenever i take my regular medication for the chronic pain shit i think things would be better if i flat out just took everything and didn't wake up ever again. a lotta it is real life trauma, but i used and still use homestuck (and especially gamzee) to help with that.
i talk about it whenever i see a brief chance to, i just haven't screamed loudly in a while that this abuse happened. i find screaming that i'm hurt exhausting and i'm still pretty sure someone will end up giving me shit - and for what i'm doing in this fucking post i'm damn fucking sure i've painted a target on myself again. but i don't care. i am who i am, i've been through all the shit life has thrown (and continues to throw) at me.
@ardenttheories posted a thing that includes a message i sent on twitter (on anon of course because i was scared) in this post here. blog's inactive, i dunno anything about ardent and that isn't the point of this. i'm just proving i've been here for a long fucking time and i've seen some fucking horrors. the message was one i sent on twitter and it looks like the op has deleted their account so i can't prove this but i think i've shown that this isn't a thing i've pulled outta my ass because i'm one of the bitter old fans who hates the current team and wants to lie to hurt them.
i actually don't know anyone aside from james roach being involved and the fact kate was asked to rejoin the team. this is mentioned here by sarah who, was in fact part of this problem but of course that doesn't matter because gamzee fans are pigshit (no tag because i don't wanna waste anything on that drivel!). here's a casual reminder of what exactly the pigshit comment is referring to.
i don't think the trauma of gamzee fans trumps the trauma the team got. trauma and fandom abuse is bad all round. it's not fun, it's gross and painful and people who send abuse are fucking monsters. however, the team was a big part in sending a giant fuck you to the trauma gamzee fans have gotten. that's what the problem is here, that's what this whole post has been leading to. i'm not writing this as a call to cancel homestuck^2 - i'm writing this because i want some acknowledgement on what happened to us. as i said, i'm still here despite the abuse, hopes i'd kill myself and the want to kill myself so i'm making a point of saying something.
the issues in the fandom of team members didn't start with the hs^2 team, it had a nice jumpstart from shelby cragg. i refuse to link any of the accounts who have posted accounts of this as i don't want to get people who dealt with her more stress and the only other person who mentions it isn't someone i want to link any traffic towards. google 'shelby cragg gamzee hate' and you'll find it. she used to tag horrific shit on gamzee fans artwork. fans who had in fact, been sent gore and harassment. she used to post about how great abusive ships were, how actual abuse victims (specifically the gamzee fan ones!) should feel about gam/rezi, how stupid gamzee fans were and directly bait and switch gamzee fans who she'd directly told to call her out if she fucked up by telling them they were random people who had no right to call her out. she had an abuse survivor friend so of course, the wrong abuse survivors didn't matter.
her co-authoring the serendipity gospels which while not official canon had become fandom canon. purples and teals of course work together on alternia after they grow up! gamzee was a total abusive nut case whose personality was either lol druggie or abusive monster and terezi was his victim, gamzee was a bunch of things in this fanfic and it's still looked to as the greatest fanfic in fandom history. as anything shelby touched involving gamzee his portrayal in it was racist, ableist and was always abusive in some way to any character he was placed with. i'm not here to talk about the person who wrote it with her or whatever work she's doing now with her non homestuck content. my point is the fanfiction was bad and it became fanon legend.
gamzee fans have been out crying that we have endured severe trauma that made us relate to gamzee. we weren't there for the ableist shit shelby made out of his character. there are different types of fans for his character, but i hope i've made a point that i'm referring to the people like me. the ones who were directly targeted because of our mental illnesses and abuse history. the ones who monsters wanted to kill.
homestuck proper ended on a bad note for gamzee fans. we had no conclusion, we had nothing. in the end after everything we were left with absolutely nothing but people filling in the blanks to say we likely deserved it because we liked this fucking awful clown. we got nothing for what happened to us. we just had to blindly accept we were hated and people wanted us dead for identifying with a fictional character.
then the epilogue's happened. then homestuck^2. then pesterquest. it bought this hate for us back front and center. the team hated us, hated a character who helped us get through shit no one should have had to endure.
like shelby did, they brutalized his character, and i'm damn fucking sure those cunts know what happened to us. we screamed, and screamed and SCREAMED that we were suffering but they boiled it down to "oh they just like that abusive man! let me make him more abusive" - the portrayal of gamzee in the new work is nothing but someone constantly spitting in our faces. the album of the team's string of bullshit should give you an idea on how the rest of this is gonna go.
the epilogue portrayal of gamzee went into the shit we'd had enough already, it turned a character who helped people cope become a gross dystopian version of our fucking abusers!!! the shit we'd endured from the fandom and our real life trauma was the butt of every fucking joke. there was no conclusion to his actual arc in it, there was no happy resolution for us, but there was a shout out to us. we got our moment of acknowledgment! they turned something that had helped real life abuse survivors, mentally ill people, addicts and victims of religious trauma - a fictional character who people wanted us dead over - into our abusers, into the worst things we'd dealt with, into a fucking mockery of our abuse. ALL of our abuse. all of our trauma. all we'd been through.
homestuck^2 did this further. they were parading the mockery of our abuse to the fullest extent they could think to do. i couldn't get past gamzee's death. but i know they've continued to hate us. i know they can't wait for us to end up killing ourselves so they can piss on our graves.
i have a review of pesterquest here, it's not complete. i couldn't finish the game fully. rose's story caused a self harm relapse and a huge hope i'd be brave enough to take the fucking overdose and end it all. i didn't go into how much gamzee's route broke me. i couldn't. i gained something outta it though! my left pinky and index fingers often lose feeling and i'm unable to use them unless i rigorously shake my hand for five minutes because i burnt my arm as badly as i could. i have cigarette burns all over my wrist, it looks like an octopus scarred me with every arm of its on one side and like someone made an attempt to burn down to my bone with something far bigger than a cigarette on the other. it wasn't something other than a cigarette, but it was a few cigarettes in the same spot. it was burning until i snuffed it out, relighting and burning down again until i'd finished the cigarette, lighting another and repeating. i did this until i felt like i'd earned my right to be alive again.
i need you to understand i'm disabled due to severe pain. i have fibromyalgia that was undiagnosed and untreated since i was 15. i'm 30 now. i've been suffering chronic headaches since i was 11. i've had my lip ripped open. i have ganglion cysts that make bending my wrist in the slightest hurt. i tore both rotator cuffs severely 10 years ago, my wrists are hypermobile and hurt constantly. my dominant arm sufferers from tendonitis. my jaw is so fucked i can't open it fully some days and it always makes a horrific pop outta alignment when i yawn. i've spent at least 10 years sleeping on a couch instead of on a bed as i either didn't have a bed or the one i had was so busted it made sleep impossible, as such my back and neck are a fucking nightmare stream of nonstop pain. i have back trauma from a car accident as a kid. i've strangled myself a few times with cords to try numb the pain out, i've been physically abused to the point i nearly died, i've been sexually assaulted multiple times, i've been violently ill from attempted overdoses or allergies. my point is, i know pain. it's the oldest companion i have and i'm tired of having it.
the continued burning i did to myself from that night however, surpassed any of those individual incidents. it eclipsed the regular intense agony i'm in daily for a solid month. the emotional turmoil of a life like mine had led to this. i'd found fiction to hide in, i'd found a character who so perfectly captured all of this trauma, all of this pain, all of this shit i've had to fucking deal with. i've had people try and take him away, i've had monsters try and get me to take the plunge and kill myself. i thought i was largely numb to bad gamzee interpretation and could move past all this hurt. it turns out i wasn't numb and this shit would continue to hurt. but it wasn't just a random ignorant idiot this time round, it was official. it was the team digging my grave and getting ready to throw shit on top of my corpse. that hurts in a unique way.
i don't do homestuck^2 now or ever. i refuse to finish pesterquest. i do my best to ignore the additional trauma the original team was aiming for. i viciously ignore and deny the shit they pull now. i quietly hiss to friends that some disgusting and ignorant cunt said the dumbest fucking shit that makes me want to scream until my vocal cords snap. i see the odd snapshot of what mutilation is happening to a comic that frankly saved my life in so many ways. i don't look in the gamzee tag as someone will have tagged the mutilated hs^2 version in there and that will do nothing but hurt. i don't enjoy being irritated by the snapshots i've seen. i want noting more than a fucking retcon where hs^2 and pesterquest are removed and we were left with the snapchat panels as the finale of homestuck.
in a more petty sense i want a personalized apology from everyone involved in the project, tattoo "i'm a dumb cunt" to their forehead, write an essay as long as homestuck's entire transcript about why they're sorry for what they did. i want the fans who rejoice in the mangled mess that gamzee is in hs^2 to shut the fuck up and delete their blogs. i want the amount of money the kickstarter for hiveswap raised deposited into my paypal account weekly. i want my therapy sessions paid for until i die. i want them to pay for private health care so i can stop physically hurting. what i want is illogical and those are frivolous things off the top of my head. they're stupid and petty and a complete fantasy.
what i really want though, is something that seems like it's a million times more impossible than a weekly deposit of $2485506. i want some fucking acknowledgment of this shit having happened. i've laid out my personal history with this shit, but it's not a personal "here's the essay nyx wrote about how much gamzee hate has fucked them up - it's totally worse than what the homestuck^2 team went through - gamzee hate is a bannable offense as such on every site due to it" that i want. i've burnt down to my bones on how much this shit has hurt me and in truth, i think i'm largely writing this for myself so i can at least say i said something. i wasn't a coward. i stood up and shouted at the void that gamzee fans have been badly abused.
the truth is: i want the abuse gamzee fans went through, the harassment, the gore, the threats and the physical abuse some of us have endured recognized. i'm not trying to overshadow the harassment the team got. but i'm saying the personalized attacks on us were unjustified. the mockery of the abuse we received from real life abusers and the abuse we were sent online for liking gamzee makara. they knew what they were doing. they did it to mock us. they did it to hurt us because we were the wrong kinda victim. we weren't their warped view of the canon and we interpreted, saw, identified, found comfort and loved a character who they disliked. our real life trauma and circumstance wasn't what they saw in gamzee and we had the fucking nerve to see ourselves in a character who can't be replicated in any other media. we were the ones in the wrong. we're the wrong victims. the wrong fans. the pigshit.
i've been writing this for over four hours now and i think i've exhausted how much i can say this stuff. it's been painful and i've ripped myself open to say this all but i think i'm doing the right thing. i'll second guess my way for the rest of my life, i'll overthink everything i do every time because i'm the wrong sorta victim. overall, in a sense i don't care anymore. i'm not numb by any means, i'm not saying i don't care as a bravado this time. i'm saying that i'm not letting you motherfucking cunts put me in the darkest place i've ever fucking been again. i'm not relapsing and losing more use of my hand. i know what kind of people the team are, i know the ignorance and venomous victim blaming and hate in people who hate gamzee fans. over all my final point is this:
it's unfair. why was this shit justifiable. why do we get ignored when we're hurt severely. why don't we matter. why can't our method of coping with homestuck be accepted like everyone else's. why are we the wrong ones. why did we deserve this. why was the fandom abuse towards us a good funny thing.
why the fuck do you hate us so much?
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randum-famdoms · 2 years
About my blog
Some things that might be useful to know about this blog:
First of all, this is just a casual blog I run for fun. No specific fandoms or theme, just posts I think are funny and whatever random shit I decide to throw into the void. I don’t have a consistent posting schedule and most of the time I’ll pop in here and reblog 50 things then vanish for weeks.
Second, if you want to check it out, I recently started a side blog dedicated to my photography. That's @katography-photography if you're interested. As of rn it’s kinda dead, because I haven’t had time to edit my photos in freaking forever, but I’ll revive it eventually.
Third of all, I know DNR’s are kinda just a joke now but seriously please don’t message me just to send hate. It will be a waste of both of our times and I’ll just block you. But if you do want to send me an ask for some reason, feel free.
In case you’re skimming, I’ll restate that MY ASKS ARE ALWAYS OPEN! You can send my anything, scream into the void, please talk to me I’m so lonely-
Lastly, I currently have FIVE consistent tags on my blog.
The first is for my own art, which is just a hobby but I thought I might as well share. It’s #some art i made if you’re interested. It doesn't get updated very often, because I'm a slow artist, but I do post whenever I have something to share.
The second tag is for my photography. The tag for that is #some photos i took. It is no longer active, as all my photos will now be posted on my side blog, but I'm leaving it as a dedicated tag on here for organisation's sake.
My main tag is #randum thots, which I use to label all my original/non-reblog posts (except for art and photography, which I tag using the previous two tags obvi). Not all my original posts are under this tag because I only started it relatively recently and trying to find every original post in my years long backlog is a fool’s errand.
I recently started getting asks more often, so I’m making a tag for it. That’s #some ask i got , and it does have some fanfic related ask stuff in it that I didn’t think was important enough to include in my fanfic tag, along with other silly ask box shenanigans. Update: been getting a lot of scam asks, posts that aren’t answering asks but are ABOUT asks also get lumped in here now.
My last tag is for my fanfics and writing updates: #some fic i wrote . I am an author on ao3 (although I only have 2 fics on there, and one is still unfinished), my username is Pan_Gremlin if you wanna read my works. One is a short Bakugou-centric bnha fic, the other is a p5 shuake fic that looks like it’s gonna be over 400k words (only have 11 chapters posted rn; I am actively writing tho. As of August 25 2024 it’s on a mini hiatus cause of irl shit but still very much alive). The tag is a bit of a catch-all for anything related to my main fanfic for p5, and rn it’s a bit sparse but it helps for organization’s sake.
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dorkshadows · 3 years
srry if this is out of left field but a while back i remember you reccing a pigsy x wukong fanfic to someone, saying it was the fic everyone that shipped the two in the chinese fandom has read? i cant find the link to the fic or your post now and i was wondering if you still have it on hand. thx!
Hi anon! Sorry it took me so long to come online. You know, I've been trying to stay off tumblr more and more often nowadays (with the exception of chatting with close mutuals), and one time, I did consider saying goodbye to blogging.
Then I saw this ask. And you single-handedly reminded me that I can't do that yet. I am NEEDED. So not a left field question at all! This is the kind of thing I'm here to help with.
I actually didn't have it on hand, so I tried googling adsfasdf and anon, I was literally searching for that fic for a grand total of like, 3 hours. The original fic was part of a large collection of individual stories. But it was pretty "famous" in the chinese jttw fandom, even for people who don't usually ship Wukong/Bajie. The fic was called 呆子 (Idiot) and was basically a 2-chapter story from Bajie's 1st person pov. He was in love with Wukong, who was in love with Sanzang, and the story was an AU take on the White Bone Demon arc. And it has an open-ending where maybe Wukong reciprocates.
It's quite angsty, but very memorable because it's extremely in-character (Zhu Bajie is nicer than his original self of course). The author didn't base it on any adaptation, nor did they "beautify" the main characters (so Wukong and Bajie are very much a monkey and pig lol). Anyway, the fic really stuck out to me the first time I read it. It's just one of those beautifully written rarepair things that sticks to your mind.
ANYWAY, google yielded a lot of people asking for the fic or reccing it, but with no links LMAO. But I knew you were counting on me anon, so I switched gears and went to Baidu. Again, I went through like 5 pages of dead links and questionable sites- until finally, I found a site with the mobile txt book (the entire collection, including Idiot).
So if you're here anon, I do hope you read it :'D
Here's the link.
Enjoy the read!
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syuga-s · 3 years
Tumblr media
The Last Time
w.c 4.3k
pairing. Jooheon x gn!reader
genre. angst, a little fluff maybe, idk how to classify it but it's my take on relationships in real life(?)
a/n. (warnings) I throw some curses here and there, mention of the word "sex" once, tried to make it as gender-neutral as possible, I could really use some help about t/w, feedback is more than welcome, hope you like the fic 🧍‍♀️
Once again you were at the same bar. With the same friends. Same music. Same drinks. It's safe to say that nothing's changed in here but you.
For some reason, you were awfully quiet tonight. Everyone was away from the table by now. All of them talking and dancing in groups.
You were regretting saying yes to going out the very moment Jasmine was at your front door. But your best friend really wanted to get you out of your house.
The thing is you weren’t going to be alone, all of your friends were tagging along. I guess I need to suck it up, maybe I could have fun, despite him.
And you really tried, there was no need to make a scene anymore. All of your friends have had their fair share of nights seeing you 'talk' with him and making things awkward for everyone. It's been a while, though. You haven't seen him in exactly 2 years.
How do I explain this? There's no resentment anymore, no hate for what happened between you. But when there's a choice between spending your Friday night at the same place as him or staying at home? Well...
But tonight was clearly different. Something (Jasmine) had dragged you here and to be quite honest, it hasn’t been half bad yet. Jasmine kept waiting for you to get up from your chair to come and chat with Jackson and Changkyun. Her all-time crush and his best friend.
"In a sec!! Just let me finish this drink!" You said while you showed her your glass. She quickly nodded and turned to keep talking with those two. You have to remember to thank them later for keeping her entertained because if it weren't for them cracking jokes every single second, she wouldn't have let you off the hook that easily.
Meanwhile, you decided to get a little lost in your head. Laughing to yourself because you were feeling like having a main character moment. Being the only one sat down in a place full of people. The mysterious persona drinking by themselves.
But that didn't last long.
"Mind if I sit here?" You shook your head. He put his drink next to yours and asked, "How are you?" And it somehow felt like you couldn’t have avoided this exact situation.
You released a breath that you didn't even know you were holding. "I'm sitting Jooheon, drinking… existing, you?" He forced himself to smile. Trying to hide the fact that he was still feeling uneasy around you. Nonetheless, showing you the dimples that you used to love so much.
“I can see that”, he paused, "it's been a lot since I last saw you, you look different".
You hummed softly, finally making eye contact with him. "So you expected for me to look the same?" You surely weren't going to pass up the opportunity to be passive-aggressive to him.
It still makes you happy to know that he has never minded this side of you.
"I'm teasing, I guess we both look different, it's been what? Two years?"
"I'm not sure, but it feels like a lot" He took a sip of his drink and started to fidget with the glass. Maybe you're not the only one that's changed after all.
In the two years, you were together, you never saw him like this. But let's remember the fact that you never fully knew him back then. It just feels weird to see him this anxious. Especially with you.
"I've wanted to reach out to you for a while now," You frowned at his words. "Guess I lacked a little courage" He let out an airy laugh. "I really want to talk to you".
Now it was your turn to feel tense. What is this supposed to mean? How long has he been wanting to talk? And talk about what?
You tilted your head and opened your mouth to ask him all this, but he didn't give you the chance to get the words out.
"Before you say something, please believe me I just wanna talk", "but not in here”.
"Alright then, where do you suggest we ‘talk’ Jooheon?” He took his phone out to check the time. 10:44 p.m. He pursed his lips and said, more like hesitating, "I could walk you home?"
You stared off into your group of friends. This was going to make their night interesting. Seeing you two go together again, just like all those times before.
Jooheon's been waiting for this since he saw on your social media that you were leaving the city. And Jasmine took care of letting him know that you would be coming back in about 6 months.
That was a year ago. More than 365 days waiting to be in the same room with you. Praying that you would let him talk to you. Not that you would reject him. But he was scared, he was perfectly aware he messed up everything.
As you were both saying goodbyes to your friends, you started to think about how everything had ended between you two.
You know what? Yes, maybe I was wrong in ghosting him but after all, I don't owe him anything. Just like he threw me out of his life two years ago. We didn't work out, he never communicated with me. He didn't choose me back. I just had to watch him get rid of me, no explanations, no nothing. And I find it really hard to believe that he's been dying to talk to me. What could be so important that he wants to have a proper conversation? How will I explain to him that I stopped replying for no particular reason? That I just realized that we weren't good together, and I had to let go of him? Should I tell him that no matter my hard feelings, I still thought about him constantly?
You had left each other in the cold back then.
He called your name, and you snapped back to reality. Didn't even realize you were already outside of the bar when he softly asked you, "aren't you cold?"
You smirked and told him "Well yeah, walking back home in this weather wasn't in my plans dummy, but I didn't bring a jacket though".
He used to be so attentive to you. One of the other things you used to love about him. Always concerned about you.
He simply put his jacket around you and started walking before you could complain about something as simple as this. Like you always did.
It feels nice to know that someone in this world knows you to this extent. The way you’ll react to simple things. How can you still love someone despite knowing that you don’t work together?
You realized he still has this jacket. It's the same one he gave me the first night we spent together. Why do I have to remember this now? Not fair. Maybe he wore it on purpose.
You gave a little run to catch him. Now that you were by his side, you were getting impatient, "Can you please start talking? I'm intrigued by all your seriousness".
You were kind of hating this feeling. Everything about him felt familiar. Suddenly, you wanted to cling your arm to his but thought twice about it.
He chuckled. "Well it's not super serious, I want us to have a nice conversation, you know?" You snorted at this, what does a nice talk mean?
"I can be nice, as long as you tell me WHAT you wanna talk about…", "come on Jooheon, just get to the point".
"Okay!! OKAY… I-" he took a deep breath and continued, "First of all, I want to apologize to you for everything, then I want us to talk about what happened between us if that's okay with you?"
You'd be lying if you didn't say that you wanted this to happen since you drew apart the first time. You always dreamt of having an adult conversation with him.
But the dream left your mind bit by bit. Just like your heart got itself back together after he left you, piece by piece.
Overwhelmed, you could only stare straight ahead into the street. He called your name again. Now your eyes were on his, and you could see his concerns. How his mind was going miles per hour, just like yours.
"I want to apologize too,” you smiled and finally let yourself link arms with him. “It’s gonna take us a while, isn’t it?”.
The walk to your apartment took around 15 minutes. The words you exchanged with Jooheon were kept to a minimum. You weren’t gonna get into the heavy stuff right there in the street.
When you finally arrived, you gave him back his jacket. It was gonna get uncomfortable to talk with him with a piece of clothing that made you remember too much.
“Want something to drink? I have a beer, wine, you name it”. He sat on your couch while you searched for something non-alcoholic in your little fridge. “A beer would be okay”.
You got yourself some water. Otherwise, your head would be fuzzy, and wouldn’t be able to tell him all you’ve had on your mind for years.
You handed him the bottle, and you took your seat on the carpet. Your mind wandered off to the last time he was in here.
When he told you goodnight and planted a soft kiss on your lips like he always did. You knew it wasn’t a simple ‘good night’, for you.
You remembered how your eyes followed him until he closed the door of your apartment.
He took a swig of his drink and by the time he put the bottle on your little coffee table, it made you realize he was sitting right there, in front of you.
Finally, gathering the courage to start telling you what was on his mind. “I never thought I’d get the chance to talk to you again”.
I didn’t think so, either. We both fucked up multiple times.
You were never a couple. After 5 years, you never understood what had lacked between you. The desire was there. Now and then you had your moments of happiness. Usually on the weekends.
When you met, you weren’t looking for love or a serious relationship. At least one of you.
Jooheon was free, like the wind or like a bird. He flew back and forth and once in a while he needed to land somewhere for a while. Every so often he sought another fire, another bed, other arms that weren’t yours.
The time came when he made you feel a million things inside. Overwhelmed with words and emotions, mostly love. But also turmoil and maybe desperation.
It made you happy that he made you feel so much after being empty for months. You felt different with him. It was the kind of love you didn’t know you had in you. Didn’t even think it was possible to express about someone like this. Until him.
You didn’t need anyone else. You just needed Jooheon. Not only that, but you didn’t care for how long your love would last because you believed that the meaning of the word love was what you had built together.
A few hours together. Every so often the whole night.
But when the morning came, the nightmare started to take form. Texts at inappropriate hours, and even unanswered messages.
You started thinking that you didn’t know better. You started feeling insecure. Replaceable. Maybe he knows better than to be with me.
Desperate to know what you had. But afraid that you would ruin everything with the words “What are we?”.
Tried to convince yourself that all of this was okay. That it was a good thing that you were going slow, giving him the chance to open up to you.
Months kept passing and your trust in him was running thin. He made you feel weird on the daily. Wondering if he was seeing someone else. If he danced with someone tonight. Had they kissed? Is he having sex with someone who isn’t me? What if he’s tired of me?
You wanted to be with him, but It was starting to hurt.
I hate that when I try to get myself to think that I don’t like you anymore… you do these little things that make me love you.
When you were together, he treated you like there was no one else for him. His hand was always wrapped up in yours. Talking until dawn, about college, his family, and your relationship. Those times, you couldn’t lie to yourself about your feelings.
He was the only face you could see in the world. The only guy you’ve ever wanted to keep around. But how did we get to this point?
The day you told him you were starting to fall in love with him, all he could reply was, “I don’t know what to say, I never thought you would be in love with me”.
“That’s all you have to say?”
“Well what do you want me to say? You took me by surprise”.
“You could tell me how you feel. I’m not expecting for you to tell me you love me back, I-“
There’s no return now, you have to keep talking.
“I’m just tired of not knowing what’s in your head, I’m not sure if you want to have something with me anymore, it’s okay if you don’t so, just be honest with me”.
“I like you”. You stayed quiet after hearing this, urging him to tell you more than just three words.
“I mean, of course, I’m attracted to you”.
At that moment, you liked what you heard. But the more you thought about it, you realized that he didn’t actually care for you, or loved you. Maybe that was a greedy thought from you. Maybe you expected too much.
You were angry but mostly angry at yourself.
Why are you still waiting for him? It's been years and nothing has happened between you. Nothing ever will at this point.
You ended up telling him not to bother you again, that if this was his way of ‘loving’ you, you were better off without it.
But that was a lie, you longed for your phone to show his name, even if it was at 5 A.M. Still thinking that there was no other way to love someone.
Unable to put an end to it, months kept passing and nothing changed between you. Jooheon had many others, and you only had him.
You loved spending nights like this by his side, watching him sleep, wondering for hours about you two. Unable to explain how you could love him this much.
Maybe he did love you, but you can’t handle this kind of love anymore. It’s better for both of you to end this, whatever it was because it's driving you crazy. And you meant it this time.
Jooheon told you goodnight and planted a soft kiss on your lips like he always did.
You knew it wasn’t a simple ‘good night’ for you, this was the last time you were gonna let him in. Your eyes followed him until he closed the door of your apartment. Fighting back your tears while softly saying to yourself, “I’m always going to love you…”.
The texts at 5 A.M. came again, but this time there was no answer. Jooheon started calling and sending texts for days, but you didn’t reply. All your efforts in disappearing from him on social media weren’t stopping him.
He met someone else, yet the texts wouldn’t stop. Until one day they did.
Now and then your curiosity would get the best of you and you would see his Instagram stories with her. An older girl you had met once. They were supposed to be friends.
You wanted to avoid comparing yourself to her but, he never posted something with you. It’s a dumb thing to worry about, but it’s one of those things that sometimes matter.
You tried to understand the whole situation. Accept the fact that you two weren’t meant to be. That he didn’t see a future with you.
Your days stopped revolving around him. You focused your time on getting your degree, learning another language, going out with your friends. Even tried meeting new people.
There were a few here and there. No one was enough for you.
Your ideas of love and relationships were different now. You gave another meaning to the word love. You wanted to find someone who would love you and take care of you. A quiet kind of love, real love.
What you had with Jooheon, was something you never wanted to experience again. Days went by, even months until you saw each other once more; for the first time in Jooheon’s life, he felt a knot in his stomach, he knew he lost you, for good this time.
Months passed and Jooheon left his girlfriend. He now felt different because he looked for you in everyone, yet he couldn’t find you, and he felt empty.
He cursed himself a thousand times for not knowing how to appreciate you and the love you gave him for two whole years. Tears finally fell from his eyes, he couldn’t believe he was crying for someone, crying for love, crying for you.
He took his phone out, swallowed hard, and started typing another text.
“I miss you, and I need you with me now and always, I never thought I would say this, but I’m not happy without you. Maybe I should’ve loved you less and loved you better, I just want you to know that I’ll always be waiting for you my sweet y/n…”
But the message was never delivered. You had changed your number.
It made sense that you would do that someday. It’s been too long, but this didn’t stop him from sending you texts in the middle of the night. When he felt the overwhelming need to have his arms wrapped around you.
I still love you
(9:05 p.m.)
no, I don’t
(9:06 p.m.)
I’m confused why did this happen
(2:26 a.m.)
I want you to be happy, if this is what it takes then I’m okay with it. be happy. for me. please.
(10:45 a.m.)
I kind of hate you for changing your number
(8:57 p.m.)
I’m sorry
(1:43 a.m.)
maybe if I wasn’t so fucked up this wouldn’t have happened
(3:37 a.m.)
why can’t things be like they were before
(10:13 a.m.)
please come back to me. I need you. You need me
(1:58 a.m.)
I still want you
(4:06 a.m.)
The day you left town was the day he swore to himself to try his best to get another chance to talk to you, just once more. To make things right, not caring anymore about his pride. He just wanted to let you know everything he didn’t say when you were by his side.
That he was sorry that it took him too long to acknowledge he was wrong. That he knew he was a little too late and wishes that he could say something more meaningful than a simple “I want you back”.
“I wonder why” You smirked at him.
The more you kept making eye contact, the more you realized you didn’t feel any kind of resentment anymore. You both had grown, and while you didn’t actually need this kind of closure, you figured this was the healthiest moment to do so.
His eyes were avoiding you now, his smile was still there, but you could tell he lost a bit of his confidence. “Okay, so I’m gonna talk first, please just hear me out. I want to rip the band-aid,” He said with a forced laugh.
“I don’t know why I could never tell you that love scares me. That it scares me to be attached to someone”. His tone was soft now.
“I still play in my head the day you told me you were falling in love with me. I couldn’t bring myself to tell you not to tell me those things because you could have changed your mind any moment”.
“I never told you how I felt one of the many nights you spent with me. You were stroking my hair and I seriously felt like crying because I was fucking scared”.
“I was scared to lose you”.
“I’m sorry because I know I made you think I didn’t want you for something serious. I’m sorry for being immature”.
“I look at you now, and I’m happy to get to see you like this. You’re still everything I’ve ever wished for and more. You need to know that nothing compares to you”.
“And believe me, I don’t expect you to take my words as a way of asking you for another chance, I know I don’t deserve it… but I would really love it if you could let me show you I could love you better this time”.
You never imagined these words coming out of his mouth. Couldn’t believe how he was looking at you. Hopeful but understanding at your loss for words.
“Can I ask you one last thing?” His voice was barely audible, but you nodded at him.
“Well, maybe it’s not an actual question, but I’d like to know why you stopped talking to me”.
“Look Jooheon, I don’t know how everything I wanna say will come out, so please bear with me”.
You didn’t know where to start, either.
There were so many things to be said that you were getting nervous to start talking. Because once you opened your mouth, you didn’t know if you would be able to piece everything together.
“When everything ended I really wanted to hate you, everyone around me hated you,” you admitted to him, “except for me and I hated that”.
“I knew that all I could be able to do was cut you from my life, so I just decided to stop talking to you”.
It may sound harsh, but it’s the truth. “I admit it was a poor way of handling things, and I’m sorry for that”.
You’ve always been scared of having this type of conversation.
You let out a sigh because you never thought that the following words were gonna come out of your mouth, ever.
“I’ve only been in love once in my life, and that was when I was with you”.
“It used to frustrate me that I wasn’t able to make it work with anyone after you. I couldn’t help but compare everyone to you”.
“I swore to myself that I never wanted to go through the same thing we had, maybe because those memories are yours and I don't want anyone else messing that up, you made me feel so safe, I felt alive with you, nothing could stop me when I had you”. 

“You've been the only one I've ever wanted to see every day, no matter the hour or how busy I was, I truly wanted everything with you”.
You hadn’t noticed how he had been looking at you this entire time. He couldn’t believe that you used to feel that way about him. Still couldn’t wrap his head around hearing you say how you loved him.
You quickly wiped a tiny little tear that escaped your eye, hoping we wouldn’t notice. But he did.
You let out a nervous laugh and said, “I’m not sad, I swear, It’s just that I never thought I would say all this out loud, especially to you”.
“You don't know how many times I wanted to call you, run to you”.
“Last year before I left I wanted to see you, I kept trying to convince myself that It didn't have to mean anything, that I was just desperate for any physical touch, but from time to time, I wonder if what I really needed was just you”.
He didn’t say anything. So you just said his name out loud. “Jooheon…” Followed by a long pause.
“I feel so different now”.
“When I was far away from you, I realized that I need someone who isn’t absent when it comes to me, someone that isn’t a ghost in my life”.
While you were talking, you were watching his every move and how he couldn’t stop playing with his rings. You’re still not used to seeing him act like this.
“At this point, I want someone who will take care of me, that makes me feel safe. Someone who wants to be with me because they love me, and they love to have me next to them. I’m beyond only spending the night over, I want whole days”.
You finally got up from the floor and sat next to Jooheon. Facing him, making him do the same. He kept looking at you for a whole minute but it felt like hours.
You didn’t know what to do after his following words.
“What I realized with being away from you is that I was pushing away what I’ve always wanted. I wasn’t confident that I could meet you where you were. I felt it would be better not to waste your time back then, but that was then, and this is now…”
You kept looking at each other a little too long. Both realizing you didn't need words anymore. The love was still there.
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noforkingclue · 4 years
Can I request a Star Trek AOS Bones X Reader where they have an away mission to an abandoned/taken over starbase and they get separated from the main group and have to survive (whoever took it over) and get back to the enterprise? Maybe throw in a baby or small child they have to protect?
I don't do a lot of asks lol I have no idea if I'm doing this right. 😅😬 I love your writing by the way it's really, really good!
Yay a Star Trek request!
Thank you so much for this request I had a lot of fun doing it!
Thank you so much! It means so much to hear that :D
Title: Rescue
Everything tag list: @greenrevolutionary
You could feel Bones’s glare on the back of your head as you made your way through the corridors of the star ship. The Enterprise had received a distress call from them and Kirk had immediately leapt into action. It had been an unusually quiet couple of months and everyone could tell he was becoming restless.
“How much further did you say it was to the emergency shuttles?” asked Bones
“Not long.”
“You said that five minutes ago.”
You sighed and stopped walking and turned around to face him. Bones continued to glare at you but you couldn’t take him seriously when he was holding a small child in his arms. The two of you weren’t meant to be on board the ship but a panicked parent started screaming that his child was still on board. You didn’t give anyone the chance to stop you before you ran back on board. Unfortunately you hadn’t realised that Starfleet’s grumpiest doctor had followed you.
“I know these old ships,” you said, “Had to study them to become an engineer. Starfleet always has a few on commission.”
You moved to fold your arms and winced. When you are Bones arrived back on the ship it had lurched suddenly to the side causing you to smash into a wall. You were pretty sure that it wasn’t broken but Bones wasn’t taking any chances. He had made a make shift sling for your arm until you were back on the Enterprise.
“Now let’s hurry,” you said turning back around, “The soon we find these shuttles the sooner we can get back.”
“And the sooner we can give this child back,” muttered Bones, “You and you bleeding heart.”
“I thought Kirk was the one with the bleeding heart,” you said, “He was the one who-“
You cut off and almost let out a string of curse words but managed to stop yourself just in time. The child looked between you and Bones as Bones said,
“What’s happened now?”
“You know those shuttles.”
“Take a look.”
Bone walked over next to you and sighed.
“Oh shi-“ he looked at the child, “Shoot.”
All the remaining shuttles had been destroyed. You ran your fingers through your hair and started pacing.
“What do we do now? How can we fix these?”
“I’m a Doctor not an engineer. That’s your department.”
“Fu- Shi-,” you managed to stop yourself from wearing and punched the wall, “We’re not going to get out of here are we?”
“Careful,” said Bones, “You don’t want to damage your other hand.”
You slid down the wall and put your head in your hands. You were going to die on a burnt up star ship with someone who clearly didn’t like you. Even if by some miracle the two of you survived you had burnt any bridges with getting close to Bones. Damn him for being so handsome.
“Hey,” Bones sat down next to you, “Don’t be like that. Jim will find a way to get us out of this mess. And besides,” he looked down at the now sleeping child, “You went back to save a life.”
“And you followed,” you said looking up at him, “Why did you follow.”
“Well,” Bones said quickly, “Someone needed to make sure that you didn’t die or injure yourself. Speaking of which,” he held out his hand, “Let me see how badly you’ve injured yourself.”
“Nothing’s broken,” you said, “I can still move my fingers.”
“I’ll be the judge of that.”
Bones gently took your hand in his and brushed his fingers over your knuckles. You winced slightly which caused him to raise an eyebrow.
“Not broken you said.”
“Just because they’re not broken doesn’t mean that they don’t hurt.”
“Well luckily you’re correct. Just bruised slightly. Easy fix once we get back to the Enterprise.”
“You’re arm in another story. You’ll probably going to have to remain in the med bay for a couple of days.”
“I can think of worst ways to spend my time.”
“Is that so?”
“Well,” you gave him a shy smile, “As long as I’m under the watchful care of Doctor McCoy.”
“I wouldn’t trust anyone to look after you.”
You turned bright red much to the amusement of Bones.
“Umm Bones.”
“You’re still holding my hand.”
“You want me to let go.” Said Bones with a hint of disappointment in his voice
“Not really,” you said, “But I-“
A crackle above your head made you and Bones look up.
“Enterprise to Octavian. Enterprise to Octavian.”
“What the-“
It was Chekov.
“Do you hear me? Enterprise to-“
“Bones!” yelled Kirk, “Y/n! Answer us!”
“Dammit Jim,” yelled Bones as he jumped to his feet and pushed the button on the communicator, “We heard you!”
You heard Kirk let out a sigh of relief. However that didn’t last for very long. The shouting had woken up the child who had started crying. Bones groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose.
“I hear you found the child.”
The amusement in Kirk’s voice was clear and you guessed that if he was in front of Bones he would’ve tried to punch him.
“Please give us some good news. Can you get us out of here?”
“Yes,” replied Chekov quickly, “I have locked onto you and should be teleporting you out of there soon.”
“Great,” said Bones as he offered you his hand, “We should be out of here soon.”
You had been trying to calm the child down with no success. Bones just shook his head at your attempts and once you were standing he picked up the child who quickly calmed down.
“You’re a natural.” you said smiling
“Comes with practice darling.”
You gave him a small smile at the nickname and blushed when you felt his hand brush against yours. The two of you moved away from each other as you were teleported off of the ship and back to the Enterprise. Neither of you wanted any rumours to start about the two of you but as soon as you saw the Captain’s face you knew that it was a pointless wish.
Sometimes you thought that Captain Kirk was a little too invested in his friend’s love life.
135 notes · View notes
fangirl-ramblings · 4 years
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Pairing: Arthur Morgan x gn!reader
Summary: A return trip from Annesburg is about to change your life forever
Word count: 1520
Notes: CW: vague descriptions of wounds | Unsure how to tag this right now, Amensia Plot | Unbetaed [Any feedback is appreciated]
Tags for: @husbandits.
I was so excited when I saw that I was assigned to be your Secret Santa this year (even if i do still have a request I need to fulfill for you 🙈) I loved each item on your wishlist, but this one really jumped out at me.
"okay, so there was a post going around like last year i think where arthur had gotten amnesia and the reader took him in, and honestly i haven't been able to get it out of my head these past few months for some reason"
I couldn't find the original post you referred to, but a rough idea started to form in my head...The only problem is, this idea is so much bigger than the stories I usually write and I was starting to run out of time to get it posted for in time for the @rdr-secret-santa event (as you well know, I'm a slow writer) so...please accept my humble offering of the first chapter while I try chip away at the remaining parts.
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The Best Kept Memories
[working title]
Chapter 1: Late 1899 [Oct/Nov]
All this commotion was frustrating to say the least; you'd arrived in Annesburg late yesterday afternoon, ready to pick up the supplies you'd needed to stock your cabin up with before the weather turned back into the harsh winter the Grizzlies were famous for. Despite arriving in town a good 30 mins before the train carrying your supplies from Saint Dennis was due in at the station, an hour later you were still standing on the platform waiting for it to suddenly come rumbling down the tracks.
   "All the trains have been delayed you know" A local busybody informed you.
   "Yeah, I kinda gathered," you politely replied - not really wanting to be drawn into conversation...too bad the older lady didn’t get the message.
   "Talk is…" she leaned in close, as if she was sharing confidential intel that only you were to know about, "a bunch of degenerates living not too far from here, decided to rob one of the earlier trains coming up from city." 
You found yourself rolling your eyes internally upon hearing this; you were aware the Murfree Brood were a sadistic bunch of murdering bastards, but from what you previously heard about them, they could barely care for and ride their horses, let alone plan to board and rob a moving train.
"Terrible affair I heard, seems they managed to make it all the way up towards Bacchus Bridge before…" she stopped mid-conversation, not because she ran out of gossip to share with you but she had noticed that the tracks began to rumble and the sound of a train's whistle could be heard approaching the station.
   "Well, looks like the delay is finally over," you commented, pointing out the obvious.
  "Oh do excuse me will you." You sighed with relief as you watched the woman move a little down the way, heading towards the train's engine to see if the driver had any updates of the goings on in Saint Dennis to share with her.
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By the time you'd finished loading your wagon up, you were exhausted and couldn't face the thought of driving home through Roanoke Ridge in the dark, especially if the Murfree Brood were still loitering about. Looking down the main street you saw the local hotel had some vacancies and made the impulsive decision to spend the night in one of the rooms there, ready to feel refreshed in time for your morning ride home.
While it seemed like a very good idea at the time, you soon realised you'd made a huge mistake. After waking up and having a quick wash before getting dressed, you made your way back outside to find the most peculiar sight. The mining town of Annesburg, usually full of workers with dirt covered faces, wandering about in their equally filthy overalls, was now overrun by well dressed men in suits. 
   "They say they're Pinkertons." You overheard the gossiping woman that you encountered the previous night, telling her newly captive audience. "One of them told me personally that there was a gunfight up near Beaver Hollow."
   "Well Eunice, I heard talk there was reports of those hooligans that they're after, fleeing into the night and the 'Pinkertons' had to chase them all over the Ridge well into the early hours of the morning," another lady informed her, looking super smug that she'd been able to provide some information that her friend wasn't already privy too.
   "Well either way, several roads around the area have been blocked off by the men in suits." Eunice huffed before walking off, looking for a less informed person to chat too.
Shaking your head, you dismissed their talk as nothing but idle gossip and jumped up on your wagon, ready to head back home along one of the roads leading South.
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   "This road is closed," the well-suited man hissed as you approached the roadblock with your wagon. "I suggest you find another route."
   "It wasn’t closed yesterday when I rode into town, any chance you could let me go past just this once?" you protested, not really knowing why you were bothering. His stony face told you this was not a man who had much compassion for others, but wanting to get back home before the storm brewing on the East side of the Lannahechee river rolled in, you persisted, "I can be home within the hour if you let me past, whereas the other route will take me twice as long - not to mention those treacherous mountain roads I'd be forced to travel along."
   "I said, find...another...way" he growled at you, clenching his teeth as he emphasised each word.
   "Fine," you sighed as you reversed your wagon and drove along the road heading north.
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Even though this route would take you the better part of the day to get home, you didn't mind so much as you could take the time to enjoy the beautiful scenery of this part of the country, especially the area around the huge mountain that rudely stood directly in front of you.
Taking a left hand turn to finally head southwards; you trundled along, lost in a world of your own as you admired the red wildflowers that grew in abundance here. Making a mental note to maybe pick some up on your next visit up here, so you could liven your cabin up, you were shocked when your horse suddenly reared up, whinnying a distressed shrill.
   "Hey now Ponos, what's to do with you?" you asked gently, hopping down off your wagon to assess the area around you. There was nothing obvious that you could see in the road, but out of the corner of your eye you noticed a flock of scavenger birds circling over something that must be hidden out of sight behind the giant rock to your right.
   "Trust you to be scared of a half-eaten animal" you chuckled as you patted Ponos' neck in an effort to calm him down. A beautiful Chestnut coloured Belgian Draft, you'd named him after the Greek God of hard labour & toil and while you couldn’t fault his excellent work ethic and seemingly unlimited stamina, you soon realised why the stable owner had offered you such a cheap price for him all those years ago; this giant of a horse was easily spooked by the smallest of things.
After reaching up to grab your gun from underneath your seat, you started walking over to the most likely spot to investigate. If it was a fresh kill you had enough space on your wagon to throw the carcass on and take it home to make a nice meal or two out of.
Approaching the overgrowth behind the rock, the birds squawked and scattered when they realised that you were about to steal the meal they had their eyes on. Getting closer, you noticed a heaped mound laying there. Your mouth started to water as you realised whatever this was, it was certainly likely to be bigger than a rabbit and therefore would provide several tasty meals over the next few days. Using the barrel of your rifle, you cautiously moved apart the long grass, almost dropping your gun as you finally saw what was previously hidden.
Looking like death personified this was certainly no animal, but a seriously injured man. His poor face, gaunt, bloody and bruised. Judging by the shallow, laboured breaths you could see him trying to take, he was still alive - but only just.
   "Sir? Sir? Can you hear me?" You asked, not really expecting a response but the almost corpse groaned and weakly nodded in response.
You glanced back at the grey clouds that had followed you on your journey from Annesburg, before looking back at this wretched soul. What was it your old pa used to tell you?
   'There's never any harm in being a good Samaritan to those that need your help.'
Realising that you could never let yourself walk away and leave a healthy man to be stranded in a storm, let alone an almost dead one to succumb from his wounds, you quickly set your gun aside and placed his arms around your neck. Summoning all the strength you had, you somehow managed to pick the sandy-haired man up and manoeuvre him onto the back of your wagon. 
   "I live a short ride away, you’re welcome to rest there until you get your strength back up.” Unravelling a few pelts you had stored with the rest of your cargo, you tossed them over the injured man to help try to keep him warm.
   "Sorry it's not very comfy but I guess it beats lying there in the cold waiting for the cruel embrace of death," you explained whilst taking out a carrot from your satchel to feed Ponos, in the hope he had gotten over his fear and was willing to continue your journey back home, “Tell me, do you have a name sir?”
Jumping back into the driver’s seat, you looked back over your shoulder, only to find your passenger had passed out.
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stateofgrace1303 · 5 years
My chronic illness, how it started.
*Can you guys please reblog and/or tag Taylor?? I really want her to read
this. I want this to get to her and I'll take any help I can get. I rarely ask this but it'd mean to world to me. I wanna get my story
out there (even if this is only a part of the entire story. The rest I
might post sometime if you guys want me too. I think I did include
everything I wanted to for now though). Just thank you all so much!!! I
love you all ❤*
(Im really sorry about how long this is. Its like a little novel. Plus I'm
OCD and tend to talk/rant until it feels just right... I just wanted to
share it with all of you, since its something I would've shared on TSL,
even though it'd probably be too long for there... But I wanted to share it
here because most of those swifties can be found on tumblr, and I want you
all to hear this... Maybe it'll even get to Taylor too. But please read if
you can. It'd mean a lot to me. Also I tried writing this but then it got
deleted when I tried posting it, so hopefully this one posts (I ended up trying to post this ALL DAY. I'm so glad it's finally up).)
Hey Swifties! So, I thought I would post this because its something I'd
post on TSL if it was still around, as I shared pretty much my whole life
on there, and I always found swifties very easy to talk to (plus you're all
just the nicest people)! So, I wanted to share this on here since most
swifties can be found on tumblr. I'm sure i talked a little bit about this
on tsl (my user was stateofgrace1303, same as on here and ig) but I wanted
to tell you guys more, especially because its getting so much more intense
now and like I said I've always found swifties very easy to talk to you.
Basically, when I was 12, my dad took me to see the RED tour at Gillette
Stadium. We had gone to see the Speak Now tour there and I had been
completely wonderstruck (no pun intended) by Taylor that night. I was 10 at
the speak now tour and had idolized Taylor since I was 6 and she put out
TOMG (and I was known as the Taylor Swift girl by now at my school). So
even though I was 10 I asked my dad, if I save up the money will you take
me to see her when she comes again? And he said yes. About 2 weeks before
the show, I had saved up enough. He didn't think i could do it, but I did.
So, I got tickets and we went to the tour. But when I was walking towards
the stadium (we had parked in a lot right down the street), my vision
became weird, almost like tunnel vision although nothing was turning black
around the edges of my vision. My feet looked very far away from me.
Suddenly, a rush of dizziness came over me and instinctively i grabbed onto
my dads arm to keep from falling down. He asked if I was okay and I could
barely get out words for some reason. I was starting to sweat and we
thought maybe i was dehydrated, so we got into the stadium as quickly as
possible. I was gripping onto everything around me to keep from falling,
but eventually we got into the stadium and I got some water. We had seats
on the field, so that's where I was, drinking some water when suddenly I
was pretty sure I was going to throw up. It was starting to get super
uncomfortable so my dad brought my to the first aid, which was actually
right at the enterance on the field. So when we went in there my dad told
them what was going on and they all looked at me weird and said "people
never get sick. We usually treat bee stings and allergic reactions. We
almost never have people get sick" which actually surprised me. But, they
took me back and laid me down. Almost immediately I started puking. The
nurse I had actually had just had a baby and had some anti nausea
medication on her. So, she gave me that but it didn't work. And I just got
worse. My dad went to find me something to eat so I'd have something in my
stomach. He came back with some chips and iced/frozen lemonade but I threw
up every time. I was so dizzy at this point I was gripping onto the bed
they had me on and puking my guts out, as well as sweating a lot. After a
while, as it only got worse, they actually thought I might have had food
posioning and asked what I ate. But there they noticed something. I was
completely white. Like white as a ghost. Except for my lips, which were
turning blue. And I was struggling to breathe. They wanted to take me to
Boston Childrens and my dad asked if I wanted to, but it was Taylor. I
couldn't miss it. So I said no for that reason. But actually, everyone at
the stadium was trying to get me tickets for the show the next night as she
was playing two nights. Security guards, the nurses, my dads girlfriend...
But nobody could get tickets in the end which was okay. But later my dad
went and for a list of everybody's set times. I had been in first aid for
about an hour at this point. He came back with the list and said "I promise
I will not let you miss them" he said and pointed to Ed Sheerans name, then
Taylor, since I was a huge Ed fan as well. He knew I probably wouldn't be
able to stay, but even seeing them for a minute would've been perfect to
me. Another hour had passed, and I was still there in the same condition.
It was terrifying, and they were really pushing me to go to the hospital
(they wanted to call an ambulance because they actually thought something
very bad might happen if they didn't). But I keep pushing that off because
I wanted to see Taylor and Ed so badly. But, 2 hours I had been there in
the same condition, puking up everything, completely white with blue lips,
struggling to breathe, so dizzy I couldn't even sit up. It was starting to
get painful honestly. So, I suddenly just burst out crying. I was just a 12
year old who wanted to see my idol, and I got this... This weird sickness,
and got stuck in first aid. In so much pain. I didn't even really
understand what was happening. I had always been a sick kid. Always getting
colds and infections. In fact, I almost died as a baby from a problem with
my kidneys, and had become septic. Its a miracle I lived. But I had never
experienced anything like this... And to experience it when I was just
trying to see my idol? When it was only my second concert ever? It crushed
me tbh. My dad asked what was wrong and I finally said the words I had been
avoiding all night... "I wanna go home" (which was actually his
girlfriend's house who lived in Boston... I'm from Maine). And he said
"okay". That was all he needed and he left, walking back towards where we
left the car. However, around 7:30ish the traffic in this area is really
weird I cant even explain it. But traffic can only go one way, instead of
both ways like normal.. So he couldn't get a ride back to the car and had
to walk, and then drive the car in traffic all the way to the stadium to
pick me up. So i had to wait a while, and while I did I heard clapping and
then a British voice say "hello Boston" and he started playing give me
love. I listened to him play and i only cried more because I was so
frustrated I couldn't go out there to see him. About half way through the
set, my dad showed up. They let him park in a no parking zone to come and
get me so he was right next to the enterance to the field. They were going
to put me in a wheelchair, but instead my dad came and helped me up. He was
holding me up straight and almost dragged me out of the first aid station,
into the stadium. I remember this part so well. The air hit me, I heard
Ed's voice clearly and saw him on stage, and suddenly, I let go of my dad,
and I was able to stand on my own... And I was fine. It was like a miracle.
I yelled to my dad over the music "is it too late to stay?" And he screamed
back "what??? After all that you wanna stay???" And I said yes, so, we
stayed. He went to go move the car (the girl was so nice who did the
parking, he told her the story, and he just needs to park the car and het
back in the stadium, how much would it cost. And the girl said park
wherever you want no charge. I thought that was seriously the sweetest
thing.) Sooo he did that, and since I was only 12 in a huge stadium, one of
the cops that was patroling the place stayed with me and asked me all kinds
of questions about Ed Sheeran, especially about the A-Team, when he played
it. He said "this isn't his song right?? Is this a cover?? I know this
song." And I told him it wad and told him all about it. It was the ideal
conversation for 12 year old me 😂 Anyway, my dad came back, we got to our
seats, and I actually met Andrea for a very brief moment! And before I knew
it, Taylor was playing. And I had made it through the entire show. I woke
up the next morning, still feeling a little sick but actually felt better
after eating, so I thought the worst was over. But, I was wrong... I didn't
know that one night would become my life... And god I wish I had gone to
the hospital... Maybe I would be okay now if I had... But anyway... A month
later (in August), it happened at my friends end of summer party. Then a
month later (in September), while I was at school... Each time worse than
the time before. Everyone had been informed I was having issues, but nobody
had seen anything happen yet. I seemed like myself. Then one day, I was on
my way to lunch with my friends, and I collapsed in the hallway... Same
thing happening. All my friends freaked out and 2 stayed with me while the
rest went to get the nurse. She actually thought I was dying, and honestly
I could've. She called my mom and said she wasn't sure if she should call
my mom or an ambulance. Then my mom came and got me and immedaitly took me
to my doctor (because she said next time it happens to come in so they
could monitor me). I was monitored and fell asleep, then 4 hours later i
woke up like nothing happened. After that i was pulled out of school and
constantly at the doctor. And I just got sicker and sicker... Which was
later diagnosed as... "Anxiety". By an unqualified doctor. He was a thyroid
doctor and diagnosed me with that?? As time went on, I got incredibly sick
to the point I can't even move. I have become completely disabled and lose
control of my body a lot. It's like my brain is disconnected from my body.
And I get this weird feeling im falling off a cliff and I cant feel my arms
and when that happens, I cant move at all. I cant even express how bad it
can get, how scary and painful it is. I'm a lot sicker than most people
think I am... I spend most days in bed, actually unable to move. I find
ways to keep my spirits up, luckily. Mostly its listening to Taylor and
watching friends but yeah 😂 I have days where I can't even sit up I'm so
dizzy and weak and it hurts so much. Its also terrifying when you don't
have full control over your own body. Absoultely terrifying. Although I
have okay days where I can stand up and function for a little bit, most
days lately have been like this... Bad and living from my bed due to
weakness and dizziness (extreme dizziness honestly). I have days where its
even a struggle to breathe, the most simple thing in the world. It gets
depressing at times... When you spend all ur time in bed or a wheelchair it
really can vet discouraging... But I'm still fighting. And I'm so happy I
am. And like I said, Taylor always lifts me up. Even on my worst, most
disabled and bed ridden days. Oh, that reminds me... I also have seizures
now, sadly. But I hadn't had what happened that night at the RED tour in a
while though... Until one night last year... While I was seeing Ed Sheeran
in Gillette Stadium 😂 Maybe its him?? I dont know 😂 Anyway, I spend most
days in bed, and I do online schooling now. I've seen Taylor twice since
then. For 1989 and for reputation. With 1989 I needed a lot of help but I
got through it. Reputation, it had gotten so bad I needed a wheelchair and
I still do whenever I go out, really. I dont have full control over my body
and I'm too weak and just very sick. I'm really hoping to go to lover fest
but if i do will need a wheelchair and even then I'll probably still feel
sick... But Taylors worth it ❤ Hopefully can get ada seating like with rep.
Wanted to keep this last part short but I think I failed 😂 Mainly wanted
to focus on the red tour. My health story is so incredibly long, I couldn't
say it all (maybe I will later). However, for now, I will tell you this, I
was diagnosed with a thyroid disease, migraines, and seizures. Then it was
discovered that all of this... Was advanced Lyme Disease... And it created
something called Dysautonomia (basically a disfunction of the autonomic
nervous system, which most people don't even realize they have, or how
important it is, until it makes you sick and either nearly kills or
cripples you... Depending on the kind though.) Also known as POTS, or
Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (there are actually 15 kids of
dysautonomia, that being one of them, I might possibly have more than one
kinda, were not sure yet. But its basically half cardiology half
neurology). And there's no cure... I could be this way, this disabled and
sick for a while... But there are treatments that might work luckily!!!
Since there are no Dysautonomia clinics in Maine, I either have to go to
New York, Baltimore, Cleveland, or Minneapolis. So looks like im taking a
trip! Sadly to a hospital, but still 😊 I honestly don't know how we'll pay
for it, but I need it, or I will spend my life like this. So I'm sure we'll
find a way... Like I always seem to do in life, no matter what 😊❤ Oh, and
funny thing is, I have something called PANS as well... So I have Pots and
Pans 😂😂😂 Anyway, I just wanted to share this with you guys because like
I said you guys are always so great and Taylor is my favorite artist so I
wanted to share it with the people who understand my love for her. I've
been a huge fan of her for 13 years (I'm 18, 19 next month, now). Theres
something about her... She's always helped me but especially now. She makes
me so happy and feel so safe during this time... Im fact, the only time i
smile like i did when I was younger,before all of this, is when I listen to
Taylor. I even have a Long Live tattoo on my wrist because I felt it
represented my love for her the most, and what we've made as a fandom, the
magic we've created. Plus, it reminds me that I'm fighting my battle (this
"dragon") with Taylor and her music on my side, as well as all of you. And
it makes me smile. I can't wait to get more Taylor tattoos... Honestly,
after all of this and the other health issues I faced as a baby and a
child, I can't believe I'm still here, that I'm still living... Especially
because since I've always been so sick with so many different illnesses and
health issues to the point I'm disabled, my immune system is so weak. I
truly cannot believe I'm still here. But... I guess my body just isn't
ready to give up. It hasn't yet at least!!! And it doesn't want to. It
won't. I'm strong. Me, and my body, want to fight until the very end. And
I'm grateful for that. So grateful that I am still alive, and still
fighting every day of my life. It might be hard, and I can't function or do
really anything but lay in bed and watch tv most days, but I'm just so
thankful that I'm still alive, that it's okay I have to be at the doctors
so much and have to take all these meds (I do anything at this point that
can help me even the slighest). And no matter what life throws at my
health, my body always fights it and gets right back up. I fall down 10
times, I stand up 11. And I could not have the courage and strength to do
this if it wasn't for my idol, Taylor Swift. I've been a fan of Taylor for
13 years (I'm 18 now, 19 next month) so her and her music have helped me
through every problem I have ever faced, and this is no different. She has
a song for everything, so I can always find something to listen to that
makes me feel like she understands and she's telling me it'll be okay...
And ever since LOVER came out, I've been listening to soon you'll get
better on days its really bad, and my girlfriend sends me that song on bad
days too... It makes me feel safe. And like I can fight this. Thank you,
Taylor. I will never be able to repay you. I may struggle with this every
single day im here on earth, but with your music and the support I feel
from the swiftie fam, I know I'll get through it. Anyway... I guess I
should end this here. Again, sorry this is so long but if you read this
thank you so much for taking the time to!! If you made it to this point,
I'm proud 😂❤ And it means the world to me, you have no idea. Im hoping
this will get to Taylor and maybe even Ed one day. I love you all so much
and once again, thank you for reading!! ❤❤❤
@taylorswift @taylornation 🌈❤ @taylornotices 💜
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(Pic is from when I was in First Aid at Ed Sheeran. It was so bad there
they had to give me an IV. I was in the first aid station, wrapped up in my
nightmare before Christmas blanket, on a stretcher with an IV in my hand
pretty much the entire night. It was so painful. When I arrived to first
aid I was actually unresponsive. Like I knew what was happening but I
couldn't talk or open my eyes. All I could do was make very small
movements. It felt like my body was shutting down. I was having bad heart issues as well and they wanted to give me a medicine fot my nausea but since I had lyme disease it could make my heart issues worse so they had to give me an EKG... Right there at the concert 😂 Interesting... But, I got through it.
Like always 😊 So yeah thats where the
picture is from ❤)
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chenziee · 6 years
Do you have any ereri fic recommandation? I read the 6th ward yesterday (and I'm still slowly moving on, it was so sad ;-; but in a weird way it made me accept Sasha's death in the manga more easily, and it's all good), so preferably a long one please. Thank you for being awesome!
Aaahh, thank you ;__;
Hmm, I have a few fic recs but I’m not sure what you have and haven’t read so I’ll just throw in whatever has stuck with me through all these years and I can think of off the top of my head meaning these might be fics that have been recced a million times over already because they are good. If you want more/something else, let me know :)(On that note, I’d like to direct you to @fuckyeahererifanfic who have a large and beautifully categorized database of ereri fic to fit any specific needs
I’m only going to link COMPLETED fics, because I tend to only read those AND I have a particular track record of fics being abandonded after I pick them up and now have trust issues but if you want some in-progress fics, I can rec some too.
The Little Titan Cafe by @pocketsizedtitan (66k words): Modern, coffee shop AU and the cutest thing.
Just another cliche AU in which Eren works as a barista in his mother’s café, specializing in latte art. And then there’s Levi, who’s not exactly your typical patron, because, well, he’s blunt and rude (which Eren supposes isn’t that much different from regular customers) but mostly he just confuses Eren’s poor little homosexual heart. 
Nuthatch (31k words) and the sequel Sparrow (116k words) by @sugarplum-senpai Canonverse. Pining and slow burn at it’s finest. All I’m going to say about it.
After the war has ended, Levi finds himself thrown into coerced retirement. With nothing but time on his hands, he buys an old house, and throws himself into renovation work to fulfill himself an old, almost forgotten dream: opening a tea shop. If only he could forget about expressive, green eyes and a smile like sunshine. Luckily, he’s still got Hanji.
[Prequel to “Sparrow”]
After the war has ended, Eren’s life is finally good. He’s seen the ocean, is back at HQ where he trains the new Scouts, and he has dinner with Levi every single night. So yes. Things are just as well.
[Sequel to Nuthatch | can be read as stand-alone work]
The Old Boat House by @oppa86oppa (102k words): Modern/fantasy AU, Levi is a merman (fitting to read during mermay no?) Has some andgst and some fluff, a bit of everything, really.
One night after Eren and his friends share a bottle of whisky, two bottles of whatever Annie brought and a couple of ghost stories, they walk the path along the gravel road, through the wheat field and past the small forest and stumble upon the old boat house. Inside they find something that’s sleeping on the bottom of the lake, someone clearly not human. One of them comes up with the idea they should catch it, probably fucking Jean, and in their surprise they actually succeed. However, in mere seconds the situation is suddenly turned completely upside down.
Eren doesn’t fall into the water, he doesn’t jump, he’s pulled down.
Art of War by catsonfire(53k words): Modern AU, fluff and comedy
Noisy neighbors, nursling dinosaurs, satanic box cutters, shitty convenience store management, the word ‘fuck’, hereditary (but not really) homosexuality, beer and ramen, pennies, truckstops, strippers, closets, semi-public defacing, rings, house parties, “recreational” drug use, accidental rendezvous, toxic stew (don’t eat the stew), nice abs, housewives–batteries not included, over-educational movie sessions, copious domesticity, kittens named after landlords, a shit joke at participating locations, and many, many happy endings.A modern AU in which Eren moves into the apartment directly above Levi’s.
Do you want me or do you want me dead? by fmaloser (82k words): Modern not-your-typical-high-school AU. A personal favourite of mine and the amount of kudos is a sacrilage. Although yes, it’s dark. There is blood and gore. The relationship they have is not healthy. Lots of angst. Boys are both broken and break other peoples’ bones, but I love them for it. (Read the tags before reading the fic.)
It’s decided that the school douchebag, Levi, needs a tutor to help get his grades back up. It’s also decided that high school senior, Eren, is perfect for the job.At first, the two hate each other. But after their pasts come back to bite them in the ass, they realize that maybe that’s not the case.
An Unlikely Alliance by @monsoondownpour (117k words) Arranged Marriage Between Waring Kingdoms AU. Everything you want from a good fic.
When Scouting Legions main trading partner, Wall Maria, is experiencing economic strain from constant attacks by the neighboring kingdom Titan, the leaders of the two nations come to an agreement: Scouting Legion will provide military protection in exchange for land and financial aid for the still growing nation.Their new alliance will be sealed with the union of King Jaegar’s son Eren to the Scouting legions strongest soldier, Lance Corporal Levi. But how will the cold, impassive soldier warm to his new husband, who is far from the weak, spoiled princess he was expecting?
Witch’s Vein and Bloodstains by @monsoondownpour (38k words) Fantasy AU. Not that long but so beautifully written it’s unreal. The atmosphere and how it’s delivered is honestly something I aspire to.
In a land of sentient forests and unpredictable magic, it is never wise to venture far without a witch.  
The Survey Corps is in dire need of a replacement after a tragic accident took Ilse’s life in a quest gone horribly wrong. Eren might not be what anyone expected, but he has raw talent and curious allure that even Captain Levi can’t deny. When circumstances conspire to pit the squad against the same adversary that took Ilse barely a year ago, will they be able to handle the challenge a second time round?
Fallen Star @monsoondownpour (31k words) Modern AU. Lots of angst. Actually it’s mostly angst because even the ridiculously fluffy parts hurt. (But spoiler: happy ending, yay!)
Detective Levi Ackerman had his life in order; a steady job he enjoyed, a close circle of friends, and a spitfire little sister who was all the family he could ever want or need. His world was a simple one until ballet prodigy Eren Jaeger stumbled into it.Someone like Eren didn’t belong in his world.Now he wasn’t sure how he would live without him.
Lists by Trick_Fantasy (72k words) College AU. Can be highly triggering for anxiety, there is emotional manipulation, and VERY toxic friendships. It’s about learning to get past all of that. Read at own risk. But it’s an amazing fic and will forever be one of my favourites.
The story of Levi (“Why bother trying to make friends when you can learn to control people instead?”) and Eren (“Because you can control people better when they think that they’re your friends. They don’t even know they’re being manipulated.”) coping with social interaction at college in their own different ways.
Augenfresser by @foxicology (75k words) Modern/Fantasy AU. Horror/Thriller. Deals with heavy stuff, the ending is up for interpretation and known to fuck people up. Be warned.
Monsters did not like to hide under beds, as his father had told him. No; he found the monster hiding in his closet.
Love.exe by @cofferi (70k words) Modern AU. Finishing off with more fluff/comedy so I don’t seem like such a psycho. Definitely a fun read.
All Levi wants to do is drink tea, run his goddamn convenience store, and not have to deal with this kid who keeps coming in to leech his wifi bringing down high-end corporations.
Also literally anything by @sciencefictioness is a sure bet. Just saying.
Also going to take the oppotunity to throw in my own AO3 because why the hell not (although it’s mostly oneshots).
I’m very sure I’m missing some amazing fics and authors but this is what I could think off at 1AM and not make it a mile long post. I hope you find something you haven’t read and that you enjoy these gems anon :)
Also I can’t help but throw this fic in:
Tinsel Town by TheWonderYears (33k words) Modern AU. Psychotic-murder-boyfriends AU. Seriously. It’s very graphic. Blood, gore, torture, all the fun stuff. I love it. My ultimate fave, always and forever.
There’s Definitely Something In The Water.
Aaaand there goes my ‘I’m not a psycho’ claim.
136 notes · View notes
mminhos · 6 years
🍒Soft Bias Tag🍒
I was tagged by the lovely @pikachulein to do this tag! so thank youu hunnn 💕💕
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🍒Who is your bias? 🍒
My bias is a hardworking man who I have nicknamed as 'Mango'. He's an amazing vocalist, dancer, rapper, and has probably the cutest laugh I have ever heard. He always makes me laugh and its of course, Lee Minho 😘
🍒What made you notice them?🍒
I mean, its always been Hyunjin that I've considered my main bias in Stray Kids. At first, Hyunjin was my bias but I'd always liked Minho for his dancing and singing, then i watched 'Hellevator' and his visuals hit me right in the face. I started considering him as my intense bias wrecker and it took lots of gifs from my gc to make me bias him. even though I still didn't. I don't know what happened, but one day I just said, "fuck it, he's my main bias" and here we are today.
🍒What's your favourite thing about them?🍒
e v e r y t h i n g. I do have a real soft spot for his laugh though. Like its so cute and funny and its one of those laughs that make you laugh because of it and I just find that really lovely. Its no secret that he was born to dance, and I think the passion he has for it is another thing I love about him. Minnie is so hardworking and determined and that's another thing i love about him. One thing that made me start to bias him even more is his sarcasm and sassiness. Like its really funny seeing him sass the members and, TBH, I'm kinda like that too, so that drew me into him as well. And Minsung. I cannot leave out Minsung because I think my friend would kill me lmao.
🍒Who would initiate skinship more?🍒
I mean, most probably him. Have you seen the way he is with Jisung?😂 All seriousness though, I do love hugs and if I got the chance, I think I'd non stop hug Minho. Like follow him round in a backhug, actually, I would probably just want to backhug him 24/7 because he seems really cuddly to me. Minho's also always trying to kiss the members, so if I'm behind him, he wouldn't be able to do that :).
🍒Who would hog the blankets more?🍒
I tend to roll around a lot and the blankets get caught up in my legs because they're so d a m n long and annoying, but sometime during the night, I'm going to end up basically on Minho's side, so he can take the blankets back if he wishes. Mind you, I'm a hot, temperature wise, person, so i get warm really easily, so he can have them all. Apart from in the Winter, because they're all mine then.
🍒Who would be more clingy?🍒
Hmm.... that depends. I feel like him? I'm not a naturally clingy person when it comes to anything, apart from hugs, so I feel like he'd always be trying to give kisses, like he does to Jisung. But ngl, I'll accept them anytime of day. Even if its past midnight.
🍒Who would be more flustered?🍒
Me 100000x. The boy doesn't even blush s l i g h t l y when he's trying to kiss or hug a member. I also think he likes to do secret aeygo and his American dancing. B o i , if he does his American dancing anywhere near me, I'm going red as a tomato and running out of there. Plus, I'm five years younger than him which is the age gap between my parents just saying I feel like he'd like getting me to blush because he's that type of person.
🍒What cuddling position would you two have?🍒
Well, we're the same size as each other, so I believe I'm going to permanently back hug this bean. I also really want to like play with his hair because he seems like he'd fall asleep to that and I want my boy to get rest. But then, i also like my hair getting played with, so the classic lying head on chest thing, because I fall asleep like that a lot. So basically, any cuddling position, I will not care, because its my baby mango.
🍒What colour reminds you of them and why?🍒
Pink. Not because of that video where had changed all his bedding to pink, but because he just seems so soft and and his sassiness reminds me of pink. So lets say like a light pink, because that's a good colour, and I think it matches Minho well in my opinion.
🍒Which season would you like to spend with them?🍒
Well my favourite season is Autumn and his is as well, so why not Autumn? You can go for walks in the parks and I would really like to do that with Minho tbh, and I always see cute dogs running after leaves so I'm going over to stroke them all. And then we can go to a café and order a takeaway hot chocolate and walk back through the woods and just have fun.
🍒Who would bake the cookies and who would steal the batter?🍒
I mean, I'm clumsy af, and I think Minho is as well. So, uhh, how about TRY to make the cookies. I mean, I can cook, I just burn myself a lot, so I feel like Minhi would be in the kitchen to make sure I don't burn myself and in the mean time, start eating the cookie batter, to which I throw flour at him for. Then I'd probably start eating the batter, so we ain't gonna be having cookies.
🍒Which one of you would make bad puns and how would the other react?🍒
I mean, we all saw how he reacted to "Lee Know, You Know?" and bad puns make me cringe so we'd both probably avoid them. Although, i will say one from time to time, just to annoy him. He'd probably just stare at me like he did with Chan, so I'll just walk off and do something, sniggering to myself because I'm lowkey evil.
🍒Who would want to adopt 50 dogs and cats?🍒
Minho already has two cats, and I have a cat and a dog, so probably both of us. He'd probably want the cats so I'll take the dogs and just cuddle them instead of him because I adore dogs ask anyone in my gc @uselessflower-pan
🍒Which one of you would nearly burn down the kitchen trying to microwave a poptart and who would come to the rescue?🍒
Lowkey probably anyone of us. I tried putting a plastic cup in the microwave when I was half asleep, so I'd probably try a poptart and then he comes in and is like "I don't think we do that babe" and I'm like "sure whatever , I'm going back to sleep"
🍒Who likes to lean over tall railings and who pulls them back?🍒
Well this is obviously going to be me. Minho, the poor baby, doesn't like heights while I don't actually mind them. I do have a habit of leaning over railings but I feel like he'd just pull me away because he's more scared for me than I am for myself😂
🍒What would watching a horror film with them be like?🍒
I l o v e horror movies. I can watch them all day. I feel like Minho isn't the biggest horror movie fan, but because I'm such a loving person, I'm gonna make him watch them with me. However, I am a very jumpy person, so he has to be prepared for me nearly knocking him in the face with my arms and nearly making his hand lose all blood circulation.
🍒Who would be the cheesy flirt and who would be the smooth flirt?🍒
Him for both. I can't flirt to save my life, so he's gonna be doing all the flirting. Sorry Mango
🍒Who is more competitive?🍒
I mean, both of us? I feel like we'd be competitive with each other. Also, I'm going to be doing Just Dance with him. Just saying.
🍒Who would have to be given reminders(remember to eat, don't forget your keys, etc.)?🍒
Both of us? I feel like it might just be a thing we do, like I'd remind him not to forget to eat and take breaks, he'd remind me what books I would need and that i do need to drink more than one drink a day. I guess it would just be a couple thing.
🍒Who sends memes and who sends cute things like "I miss you" texts at 3am?🍒
You see, this is where I said that me and Minho are similar, comes into play. I feel like we'd both spam each other with memes and then he'd say something like 'I miss you' and then I'd say 'I miss you too' and then its 'nah i don't actually' and then me calling him about fifty swear words and then spamming with a bunch of love hearts because I'm soft for one man, and that is Lee Minho.
So that is it, damn this was long, but i ain't lying when it comes to my special mango.💞💖💓💘💕💗💝
And Chan or Seungmin or any of you, if you're reading this, tell Minho I love him very much and am proud of him. Thank you 💗
I'm tagging: @ultrasoftstraykids @uselessflower-pan @brini144 @strawberry-jaehyun @magicaldreamfox1 @stray-kz @taetaejagiyaaa95 @bloomingfantasy @renjuncoven @junguwuz @miatsubaki23 @bndnsclf8 @dreamsaboutnct @uwu-seungminnie @yeehawnana and anyone else who wants to do this!
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