#I'm very passionate about Pokemon lol
characteroulette · 10 months
for a thing, do you have any pokemon team ideas for the RGB puzzlers? I may be doing something
Ooohh!!! I love creating Pokemon teams!! Hold up I'm about to go full nerd mode --
Okay so I crafted one for Luke on a whim since he's so connected with animals all ready. We got
Toppy the Rattata,
Theo the Teddiursa,
a Ducklett,
a Chatot,
a Slurpuff,
and a Carbink! (Though Bunnelby, Buneary, or either Nidoran would also work)
(As a bonus, Layton's team includes an Unown, a Sigilyph, and a Galarian Weezing. Phoenix has a Talonflame, a Masquerain, a Sigilyph, and either a Dragonite or a Salamance. Just some sort of Dragon.) (Bonus bonus, Claire has a Chingling/Chimecho on her team.)
Apollo team is a lot harder a think for me. I am coming up with this on the fly okay here we go
Hisuian Arcanine,
a Litleo,
a Larvesta (or maybe even a Slither Wing?),
a Basculin (evolves into Basculegion, of course),
a Goomy (also Hisuian form),
and then maybe a Cacnea. Because prickly jokes.
And then Snufkin team can go one of several ways!! Either he has no traditional team (but there is a Celebi always following him around...), he has an entirely Fish team (Arrokuda, Veluza, Finneon, Bruxish, Magikarp, Barboach), OR he has the team I built for him in ScarVio
a Dragonite (his Moominite, if you will),
a Smoliv,
a Finneon (/Basculin; would tie him to Apollo more),
a Dedenne,
a Klefki,
and either a Larvitar or Bramblin, I can't decide. (Sudowoodo also good.)
Hopefully my theming comes through on Snufkin and Apollo's teams lol thanks for asking this!!!
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nouverx · 1 year
Do you play any video games?
~ 🧄
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I apologize for the person I'll become when TOTK and the rest of Deltarune will be out
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kafus · 23 days
ever since liko lost in her battle against chili back in HZ056 i've been pretty passionate about wanting liko to win her future battle against grusha, partially because i just love her and want to see her win after such a heart-wrenching defeat, but also because i thought it would be good character writing - she loses, but learns to be passionate about battling in the process, and then she can apply that to her next major fight and win as a result. that was my thought process.
as HZ063 drew closer however, i started feeling like that maybe isn't what would happen - the way episodes have panned out, she hasn't really had any major battle training since her loss against chili (her joining roy with "awesome training" does not count LOL), and that massive cetitan and the type disadvantage started to really loom over the whole thing. but i still wasn't sure and by the time HZ063 came out this weekend, i genuinely had no clue what to expect, i just hoped the character writing payoff would be good, win or lose.
AND IT WAS!!! thank fucking god i love liko so much i need more really good liko episodes. i'm eating this up
first off: liko REALLY shows off what she learned from battling chili. honestly an absolute treat to watch. her level of increased confidence and focus honestly made me feel spoiled as a fan. never once did she take her eyes off the battle, she was not distracted by grusha being a hardass, and she's able to think through being pinned into a corner to turn the tides despite the odds stacked against her.
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everything from the strategic switch to tebrim, to firing off magical leaf into huljukira's mouth, to grabbing tyltalis by the tail/feet... she's actually a really crafty and thoughtful battler when she sets her mind to it, which makes sense because her battle preferences are more to do with her mind than raw strength. even roy remarks "nice control" because she has notable precise control over her pokemon's actions. point is the payoff for her character development in her battle against chili was still present... despite her loss.
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and man does this loss sting like a bitch after watching her perform so well... AND on top of that grusha is a complete asshole about it. like UGH it just hurts to watch. and frankly there's no excuse as someone in grusha's position to be treating students that way... but there is a reason. and the reason makes this episode super fucking interesting. i really like how it was handled, actually.
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pretty much directly after a scene where grusha interrupts the trio having fun sledding with the arukujira, we're presented with grusha's backstory about why and how he quit snowboarding. the writing is essentially saying, here's grusha being a no-fun, shitty person, and here's why he's like that. (notably, the trio was doing something similar to snowboarding and had to dodge being injured themselves...)
what's important, though, is that we also find out that grusha didn't quit snowboarding because he was too seriously injured to ever do it again, just that it would be harder for him to achieve the same results he used to. he made a conscious, emotionally fueled decision to quit, because like the man says: he's harsh on everyone, himself included.
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at this point, he is basically the opposite of liko, and to the general themes of most stories in pokemon. he is not an incredible pokemon trainer because of passion, in fact he only became a trainer after his snowboarding accident just so he'd have something to succeed at again. he is not an incredible pokemon trainer because of friends or adventure or any other reason than a desperation to reach the same artificial "success" heights that he did before his accident. not to say that he's inhuman - forgiving the arukujira that caused his injury, patting it on the head, and becoming its trainer, signals a sense of personal guilt over the situation, and the arukujira in question obviously likes him despite his behavior. but it's a very strong contrast to what liko learned in HZ056, with being connected with her pokemon through battle, and enjoying fighting tough opponents even though she could lose.
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and it's important to note that even as far back as HZ056 itself, grusha was framed as a contrast to liko. he approaches her and his coldness (no pun intended) immediately slices into the atmosphere of the scene and liko's improved mood, and he implies that liko is weak for being happy after losing, because all he personally cares about is winning and being on top.
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all of this is to say that grusha is in the wrong to fail liko, he's in the wrong to talk down to her the way that he does. and this is made clear by the writing! when liko loses and grows from it, grusha's there to say something negative about it. when liko is having fun with her pokemon and her friends, he sarcastically remarks that she must be "pretty confident" if she has time to "goof off." the man in the gym says that he could have kept snowboarding, but he quit, as opposed to liko who gets back up again. everyone thinks he's harsh and offputting.
and at the end when grusha fails her, even dot and roy are like, no, maybe he'll pass you or give you a second chance! because they (rightly) experienced those things and were able to grow from those experiences, so surely the same would be the case for liko? but no! and it's a shock to everyone!
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the sound effect paired with liko's surprised face clearly indicates that this is supposed to shock the viewer just as much as it shocks liko and her friends.
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and her friends are so surprised that they even try to argue with grusha about it!! it is unfair and wrong! and that's so fucking interesting!!! grusha is a flawed adult character, he's not part of the explorers but he's still treating liko wrongly as opposed to with the support that most of the adults in her life have given her, and he has a reason which makes him compelling, but not an excuse. for the type of show this is i am continually surprised by the complexity of some of the character writing, and this hits particularly well. liko's loss feels meaningful... and like setup for something.
to me, this episode seamlessly bridges off of liko's character development set in motion in HZ056, and also makes her character more clear through her contrast with grusha. i definitely don't think this is truly the end of this plot thread - whether or not liko actually gets to fight grusha again sometime in the future or something else, i definitely think liko will get to prove herself in some way, that pokemon battles aren't just about winning or losing and that grusha was indeed in the wrong. and i do hope she gets to fight grusha again or grusha gets to see her prove herself in the future, because it seems like the guy needs to learn to loosen up and have fun and be passionate, too.
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i feel even more sure of this because amethio is in the upcoming episode (thank god, i missed him) and grusha parallels amethio in a lot of ways - they both work very hard to be stronger, but just because of a desperation to succeed, and they're both absolutely miserable and irritable as people because of it, though of course amethio's motivations for being this way are very different. i won't speculate too much about the next episode right now but i am hoping that this will be pointed out by the narrative in some way - an amethio episode coming right after this feels... intentional to say the least lol.
the intentional nature of horizons' character writing and its ability to follow through on things it sets up episodes ago never fails to impress me tbh. really good episode. i fucking love liko
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sillydummydum · 6 days
Hello Everybody!!!
My name's Luna, I'm an autistic 16y old demiaroace bissexual girl who really enjoys playing games, drawing and self shipping!! I've been doing it without knowing since I was like 8 so yeah -v-" I'm a little bit shy and definitely don't know how to make pretty aah tumblr posts but I try to have fun! Never interacted with much people from the self shipping community due to shyness-- but I'm happy to make new self shipper friends!! I tend to talk allot so sorry if I yap! I got the silly--
☆ She/her ☆
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I really like:
- Persona (main special interest)
- Pokemon (very strong special interest!!)
- Sonic
- Undertale
- Touhou
- Rpg
- Honestly videogame and uh-- hell! even anime in general!! sign me in! I really like to learn abt other people's passions so plz show me lots of cool media!! I'll love it!
- Does my boyfriend counts?... cuz I do like him allot
- Making friends!!
I don't really enjoy:
- fighting on the Internet (I swear don't fight me I'll cry) /j
- Basic dni stuff yk just bad people in general
- Anti self shippers duhh
- People who don't like my boyfriend
- People who DO like my boyfriend/j
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Romantic F/O's:
- Goro Akechi ♡ (my main f/o!! My boyfriend! My silly!~ Will mostly if not a 100% of the time talk about him!! And I'm usually mocking him lol he's stupid, miserable and fun to laugh at/pos Not really comfy with sharing! Aaah sorry i mean i don't mind if you interact but you knoooow... ><")
- Naoto Shirogane (kinda jealous so nu-uh)
- X!tale Chara (don't mind!)
- Satori Komeiji (don't mind~)
- Shuichi Saihara (don't mind!!)
Short list lol the only ones I am very invested in are Goro and Naoto, i'm a detective kisser ig 😭
Platonic F/O's:
- Honestly all the persona 3/4/5 main cast are my best friends in my respective persona alternate universes, change my mind. BESTIES BESTIES BESTIES!!! I LOVE MAKING FRIENDS AND BEING SILLY WITH THEM!!!
- Akiren and Futaba specially tho, Leblanc familly makes me happy happy happy hi Sojiro plz adopt me :3
- Sumire too, THAT'S MY BESTIE RIGHT HERE EVERYONE!!!! (Can my royal trio favoritism be noticed throughout this post? Impossible challenge.)
- Nanako as well!~ my cute little consideration sis <3
- Sumireko is my absolute Touhou bestie!!!
- Flandres is my sis <3 (Remi too naturally cof cof)
- Cream the rabbit as my little sister? HELL YEAH, CLAIMED!! (I really enjoy having siblings leave me alone 😭)
- If a character exists in a media I self insert into, i'll probably be their friend or steal their blood/hj
Okay let me stop myself before i start becoming a friends/sister with the whole fictional universe...
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So that's it! I'm not really good at using tumblr or... talking to people-- so yeah lol sorry!! I just really really like my boyfriend and wanted to share that! he makes me happy and joyful and makes me forget about my problems to worry about his ♡ And i wish that everyone could be able to experience that hapinnes without judgements! happy self shipping for everyone!!! And remember...
Your F/O loves you ♡
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thoseyoulove · 1 month
Reacting to The Vampire Lestat - Part VI (with maybe big spoilers and quotes?)
Part 1
First chapter without Armand since his first introduction. I'm in my grieving era, leave me alone.
"And as we said our farewells, I believed that Nicolas and the little coven had every chance for survival and that Armand and I were friends." Why does this sound like a 'five minutes before disaster' situation? (If you say "that's because it is", I'm blocking you... shhhh)
It's like Anne didn't even bother to be subtle about it lmao.
"Nowhere did I meet a vampire who was in any way a magnetic creature, a being of great wisdom or special accomplishment, an unusual being in whom the Dark Gift had worked any perceivable alchemy that was of interest to me. Armand was a dark god compared to these beings. And so was Gabrielle and so was I." Armand mention! I'm gonna collect these like Pokemon while I wait for princess to come back (let's hope nothing bad happens when he returns :) <3 /hj).
"In the main it is Our Oldest Friend [Armand, obviously] who is relied upon to restrain him. And that he does with the most caustic threats." What I'm getting is that book!Armand and show!Lestat went to the school of Latin American mothers. Btw, the "Armand, obviously" made me laugh because it was so informal, it's like I was getting notes from Lestat himself and not reading an official book? Not to mention it was so unnecessary because it's clear that's Armand lol. But thank you, Lestat, for clarifying that I guess.
"I cannot say that we do not love him. For your sake we would care for him even if we did not. But we do love him. And Our Oldest Friend, in particular, bears him great affection." The show and even fandom gave me a totally different idea about Armand and Nicki? I didn't imagine Armand would ever care about Nicki in the slightest.
"As for Our Oldest Friend, I wonder if you would know him now. He has built a great manse at the foot of your tower, and there he lives among books and pictures very like a scholarly gentleman with little care for the real world. Each night, however, he arrives at the door of the theater in his black carriage. And he watches from his own curtained box." There you go my little neurodivergent princess with low social battery. We are the same.
I can't believe Eleni pulled a "Lestat, come back home, the children miss you!" lmao.
"And when I wasn't out roaming, I was traveling the realm of the books that had belonged to Gabrielle so exclusively all through those dreary mortal years at home." I'm so happy he can read and drown himself in books now. <3 Not being able to do it before left such a big impact in his life and it's great that he loves books as much as he thought he would. I think music, theater and literature are his biggest interests. I don't know if he has a favorite, but those are definitely his passions.
There's such a contrast between Lestat and Gabrielle because he was the one that got to go out there, hunt, kill wolves and have 'adventures', while she was at home reading. But he'd rather read those books and even as chaotic and adventurous as Lestat is, he's more disciplined and laid-back than her? And once Gabrielle is a vampire she's like "I'M DONE WITH BOOKS I'M GOING TO THE WILD I'M GONNA CLIMB MOUNTAINS AND SLEEP ON THE GROUND AND JUMP FROM HILLS AND LIVE AMONG ANIMALS AND EXPLORE THE WORLD" lmao. But I guess I'm with Lestat there, I'm way more inclined to arts than nature and adventure.
"Before we even got to Italy, I knew enough Latin to be studying the classics, and I made a library in the old Venetian palazzo I haunted, often reading the whole night long." Yeah you go baby learn how to read by accident and expand that knowledge to new languages now <3
"The truth was, I didn't want to forget them. I never stopped writing to Roger for news of my family. I wrote to him more often than I wrote to Eleni at the theater. I'd sent for portraits of my nieces and nephews. I sent presents back to France from every place in which I stopped." No matter what Lestat says, he is still a child that cares about his relatives even after everything, that deep down wanted a simple happy family life, that wants to keep his humanity, still has a conscience and cares about God. Many of his conflicts stem from that tbh. Just some Catholic village boy really.
"I do not know why I go on. I do not search for truth. I do not believe in it. I hope for no ancient secrets from you, whatever they may be. But I believe in something. Maybe simply in the beauty of the world through which I wander or in the will to live itself. This gift was given to me too early. It was given for no good reason. And already at the age of thirty mortal years, I have some understanding as to why so many of our kind have wasted it, given it up. Yet I continue. And I search for you." Not him mayhaps getting borderline suicidal that soon...
FFS, FORGET MARIUS! He cannot help you, stop putting your hopes on him, you don't know the guy! Babygirl, what you need is THERAPY!
I don't want to read the name Marius anymore btw. Maybe that will change when he shows up, but like this? No, thank you very much, but NOPE!
"For all my complaints about loneliness, I was used to it all. And there were new cities as there were new victims, new languages, and new music to hear. No matter what my pain, I fixed my mind on a new destination." Sometimes being right is not fun at all.
"It seemed no matter where I was that Armand and Nicki were both with me." I can partially relate.
I'm confused, did Nicki's hands grow back like Gabrielle's hair?
"'Oh, I'm monster enough to understand it,' I said. 'Do you remember what you told me years ago, before we ever left home? You said it the very day that he came up the mountain with the merchants to give me the red cloak. You said that his father was so angry with him for his violin playing that he was threatening to break his hands. Do you think we find our destiny somehow, no matter what happens? I mean, do you think that even as immortals we follow some path that was already marked for us when we were alive?'" One of my favorite pieces of the writing. Just deep and gorgeous. Also, Lestat still a Catholic boy after all this time with this reasoning.
However, I was expecting his death to be WAY MORE DRAMATIC and not this "told in a letter" thing? I was imagining the whole plot to be devastating, actually... And it wasn't? Maybe because Nicki was so mad since the beginning and didn't get enough book time, but I could never grow to care about him that much... I hope the show does a better job with it.
"Maybe people had to be dead six thousand years for her to love them." Ouch.
Second time that I think I'm having a completely different take compared to many people or even the whole fandom lmao. Noice.
Part 2
"'I can't and you know it,' I said. 'I can't do it any more than you can stay with me.' All the way back to Cairo, I thought on it, what had come to me in those painful moments. What I had known but not said as we stood before the Colossi of Memnon in the sand. She was already lost to me! She had been for years. I had known it when I came down the stairs from the room in which I grieved for Nicki and I had seen her waiting for me. It had all been said in one form or another in the crypt beneath the tower years ago. She could not give me what I wanted of her. There was nothing I could do to make her what she would not be. And the truly terrible part was this: she really didn't want anything of me! She was asking me to come because she felt the obligation to do so. Pity, sadness-maybe those were also reasons. But what she really wanted was to be free." This is sad, but I also think this is very human, relatable, realistic, well-written and a great conflict to explore on the show.
I do think Gabrielle genuinely wanted to stay with him, that wasn't pity or obligation, but they just want different things. She loves him, but they love different kinds of life and that's the problem.
The plot twist that is not that much of a plot twist because it's predictable (but still good) with Lestat's family...
If somebody was meant to be spared couldn't they just make one of his brothers decent and keep him and the children alive?
Btw, we don't even know much about his family. I know he had parents, three bothers that lived into adulthood and nieces and nephews. But the book only acknowledged Gabrielle, his father and Augustin. Maybe one of the brothers wasn't really that bad and was forced to do that stuff. Idk.
Anyways, it doesn't matter now...
His dream omg???
Kind of weird, kind of messed-up, kind of sad.
The fact that he's still going back to his father, omg...
I feel bad for him. I also feel bad for him because that probably won't solve anything and just hurt him more. I don't see his father changing.
Lestat and Gabrielle's goodbye was so well-written. One of the best moments of the book.
If I'm to give my full opinion on the incest, it would have to be on a separate post just about that. But in short, at first I thought it had some logic that worked in a book like this, but it wasn't necessary and the show could go fine without it... Now I believe it might be necessary to explore Lestat and even Gabrielle as individuals.
Like, the relationship isn't cute, sexy or fun like some people make it seem. At least not for me. But I do think it is a sign of their inner struggles and that it might be a necessary discomfort for us to fully understand them?
I don't know. I don't have a conclusion yet. Still thinking about it. But I trust Rolin to adapt the book properly and not just be controversial for the sake of it and trivializing this look some fans do.
I do hope that the times Lestat and Gabrielle hug it will be JUST HUGS. Those moments were so great and the kisses left me like... WHY RUIN IT LIKE THAT? I can and would rather live without it, tbh.
Okay, so Marius is here.
Marius is a blonde? Wasn't expecting that. I don't know who to fancast as him.
Not really found of blondes except for a feeeeeeew exceptions. Anyway, I'll wait for the revelation to come to me, I guess.
If anybody wants to share their fancast, I'm willing to listen. Maybe it will help me picture him too lol.
Last chapter, here we go.
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i-write-boop-spoops · 2 years
Dating Arven headcanons
hello friends, apologies for the wait on this one! here's some fluffy arven content, with very mild angst and spoilers! reader is gn and basically the scarvio mc
also formatting might be weird cuz i'm on mobile
Arven is so SOFT towards you
You know, there’s something just so sweet and wholesome about a school romance
Awkward and flustered and abrasive and a bit overwhelmed by his feelings, yes
But undeniably devoted, passionate and just so damn happy to be with you
It’s his first romantic relationship ever
One of his first relationships of any kind really
He’s new to a lot of this stuff, new to opening up about how he feels
It helps that you were friends first
Faced all those titans, saved Mabostiff, ventured to Area Zero together
He had SUCH a big crush on you - he didn’t even realise it at first, you were just his little buddy!
Penny teased him endlessly about it
Luckily due to how bloody obvious it was, it was fairly simple for you to slide in and ask him to be your bf
Which of course, he gladly accepted!
After spending ten minutes staring at you in disbelief
Arven’s very new to affection
Apparently a fistbump is not considered romantic
But he absolutely loves it!
He is so very touch-starved
Relishes all your hugs and kisses
Has a habit of just slumping himself against you, wanting to take in all your lovely warmth and scent
Definitely loves to hug you so tight you’d vanish otherwise
Holds your hand ALL the time!
Most PDA is too much for him, but if he could, he would never let go of your hand
It fits so perfectly in his!
His favourite thing ever is when you gently brush his hair away from his face
And cup his cheek
And then he touches your hand 😳
You and Mabostiff are best friends now
Which is good, because if his doggy didn’t like you, you’d be gone
You like taking him for walks together
Brushing him (you keep finding his fur EVERYWHERE)
Bathing him was quite the experience
Somehow more water was on the floor (and the two of you) then on him!
Ah, but Mabostiff’s the bestest boy ever, so it was fine!
He may be a year ahead, but he’s not the most studious of individuals
So you two like to hunker down in his dorm and study together
Sure, you spend some of it goofing off, but you’re pretty good at holding each other accountable and get work done
You like to cover his notes in love hearts and phrases of love & encouragement!!
You barely eat cafeteria food now
When you have a cute chef bf who loves to cook (for you especially) why eat anywhere else
Cooking for you, providing for you, it makes him feel so happy and needed and valued
And speaking of cooking
He’s started teaching you how to cook
He’s quite a good teacher (though sometimes he can get a little annoyed and h u f f y)
(but you’re cute so it doesn’t last lol)
One day you aim to be the best assistant chef ever!
Now you just want to be able to cook something half-decent for him
Once you do, he’ll probably cry
He’s not used to home-cooked meals!
Please play with his hair! Braid it! Style it!
He will be FOREVER in your debt!
Trips across Paldea!
Ingredient hunting!
Camping trips!
Arven is very protective of you
To the point of jealousy sometimes
Has a habit of shielding you from whatever threat, be it a scary Pokemon or just a catty peer, with his body
He’s very afraid of losing you
After all, his own parents walked out on him
Who’s to say you won’t?
You, obviously, assure him you’d NEVER do such a thing
And that he deserves all the love and care this great big world has to offer
And y’know, he’s really starting to believe you 🙂
OF COURSE you go to the academy’s prom/formal together
Your photos are so cute!
(and yes, mabostiff was there too!)
(and yes, he was wearing a collar that matched your formal outfits!)
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nikki-tine · 7 months
So it's come to my attention that despite the page I have set up within the desktop version of my blog, I don't have a mobile version of an introduction post here. Oops! This one's newly written, too, in a different format than the other.
So, that being said - Hello!
I am Nikki/Niko (Whichever you prefer!) and I am a 27-year old Genderfluid artist person (My birthday is on January 9th!). I don't think there's too much to be said here, but I can and will say with confidence that this blog has been, especially in the last few or so years built up to be a catch-all for whatever I deem good to reblog or post (All of which typically related to fluff stuff, feel-good vibes or something that I may feel strongly about).
This place is, and always will be a safe space for a) People with disabilities (I am autistic, have ADD and Bipolar as well as Anxiety) and b) LGBTQ+-identifying people (I am, as mentioned before Genderfluid, and I'm Pansexual Panromantic!).
If a reblog or post makes you uncomfortable, then I will happily delete it if asked.
I make it a point to keep these posts SFW especially nowadays - however, I can't quite vouch for possibly the oldest of my posts (as I've been here since the early 2010s along with some ol' dumb teen thoughts involved and it'd take forever to sort absolutely everything out from over a decade ago at this point). I'm pretty sure that I've removed most of the NSFW stuff already from those years ago, but if I missed something then I don't mind deleting it as long as you let me know first (I'm incredibly disorganized and would appreciate a nudge in the right direction).
With these details out of the way - I am an artist that dabbles in various fandoms with no real sense of rhyme or reason outside of either hyperfixated interest or otherwise with the intent to update old ideas and refresh them into new ones. Like most artists on the internet, I ask that you do not repost without credit, trace and/or copy my work. I'm quite literally living paycheck by paycheck with my family right now. You CAN however use my artwork as a reference or as inspiration for your own work - If you do, lemme know! I'd love to see the result!
Here's a vague list of fandoms I dabble in (though my post history doesn't quite show that as I tend to leave most of my stuff to posting on Discord instead):
Pokemon (I've been a part of this one almost my entire life lol)
Sonic the Hedgehog (Another fandom I've been in for a grand majority of my life! I'm more of a casual fan as I haven't made much art recently, but I still absolutely love looking at what others come up with for OCs and stuff.)
Undertale (ESPECIALLY AU-centric)
Digimon (Passionate about this one specifically - I have a project I've been working with under this fandom since 2014 on and off)
Cookie Run (Kingdom primarily with a minor Ovenbreak focus for AU concept ideas)
Dark Cloud/Dark Chronicle (This one's SO obscure, but if you know these games then I give you a virtual baked good of your liking! These two games hold a very special place in my heart.)
Dance Dance Revolution, NotITG, Friday Night Funkin (I'm a rhythm game nerd and love the creativity of the communities surrounding these three - I just haven't been able to piece together anything for it yet visually except for FNF stuff on and off)
A Dance of Fire and Ice (Same as the DDR fandom part, but I've made a couple fanart pieces before so this one I may have an easier time of conceptualizing later)
FNAF (Specifically Security Breach AU work! This one's not as frequent as others but I still have stuff in mind for it. Security Breach is how I finally caved with the FNAF series as a whole after watching how the fandom grew over the years.)
Warriors (Warrior Cats, in our year 2024? Eeyup. I just like the funny spiritual witties!)
Team Fortress 2 (This one's in and out but it's one that I come back to a lot as my boyfriend, regularly interacting and involved in the GMOD animation community reminds me of my own TF2 stuff with his presence alone lol. Love you James! &lt;3)
Persona 3, 4 and 5 (This one's a lil self-explanatory but I have AU ideas surrounding these games that I want to make more art for eventually)
If I have anything else not listed before, I'll add it to the list. C: Please keep in mind that although I dabble in these fandoms, AU versions of existing characters may be changed in terms of sexuality, personality etc to reflect the AU they are from (For example, I have a version of Cream Unicorn Cookie that uses he/they pronouns, and my Redeemed!Pomegranate Cookie from the same AU leans bisexual over lesbian for reasons relating to reflection of character and overall character development. I like to make characters more flexible while self-indulging, so keep this in mind). I note this because my own headcanons about certain characters have set off one or two people in the past unintentionally and they VERY much have pushed things in an effort to keep canon down my throat out of retaliation. Let's just say that this part in particular is a thing that taps a sore spot for me for personal reasons. :/
When it concerns making art of my characters - surprise or not, feel free to make art of them and mention me in post (and/or message me, either way works)! It makes me feel SO loved when I get art from others, and I appreciate every piece dearly. 💜💜💜 (I go so far as to hold onto an archive of art that was done for me - with artist names in-tact within the file name nowadays!)
A few things to consider when it concerns tickling-related matters with me:
I am a Switch! I'm unsure how far Ler or Lee I am just yet, but I do enjoy tickling both ways. Unfortunately, however, I'm the kind of person that practically flies across a room when poked,, (if it comes down to tickling my sona - Niko Spirata - tie or hold 'em down if you want to wreck 'em with tickles lol)
My interest in tickling alone is purely SFW - It feels too weird looking at IRL photos/videos with very rare exception (a lot of the exception is the giggle the lee produces from ticklish contact). As a result, all the stuff I'll be reblogging and posting here is art or animation-related instead!
My favorite tickle trope is the one where a shrunken someone or a small something wiggles under the unwitting lee's clothing to tickle them! (Points at wormonastriing's Squirmles as an example of this trope :3) No, seriously. If I end up with art of any of my characters getting destroyed with tickles in this manner I will ASCEND BEYOND GALAXIES.
My favorite spots with tickling overall are belly, side and rib tickling - on rarer occasions, I enjoy tickling in other places (I prefer foot tickling if the lee has paws instead of normal feet!). This lines up with a particular enjoyment of characters being slightly chubby! I looove a good squeeze of the sides or belly, enough to get the lee blurting out giggles.
I have only a few tags I use now on a regular, but these are:
#nikki-tine (This is my user tag and I put it in with my art posts and other things I post sometimes. You may also see others' posts under this tag, primarily with stuff related to asks or when art's been posted for me in the past &lt;3)
#art, #tickle art, #tickling art (These are self-explanatory!)
#NJEGNJ (Something to that effect, lol. It's not exact but keyboard smash tag is typically wrote similarly or around the same for several posts, all of which ones that got me chuckling or giggling like a dork!)
My Commission Status is currently set to OPEN (paypal prioritized for now).
It's really complicated, however, and I don't have any other methods than Paypal and Robux right now so if you have questions about that then feel free to message me and I'll try to clear it up as best I can!
I only have two prices, both fully colored and shaded.
Chibies are $25 USD (+ 5 for an extra character)
My normal art style is $50 USD (+ 10 for an extra character)
I do best leaving the BG transparent, but if I HAVE to work on one then I can do nature-themed backgrounds pretty okay. It’s not a strong-suit of mine, however…
My Art Trade Status is Busted Wide Open™ to Mutuals, but I'm a little picky and choosy with random people.
If I decline an Art Trade, please don't take it personally!
In terms of Roleplay, It's Closed on-blog, BUT I'm Open to Roleplay in Discord servers (Provided there's a Tupperbot there for me to use).
I've been looking to find an RP server that has mutuals/friends and allows Undertale-related stuff (especially of the tickling-related kind!), so if you're a part of one please let me know!
DM Status overall is Open (As long as you are kind to me, I will return kindness back!).
My Asks are ALWAYS OPEN! I really like getting stuff in my inbox (and I unfortunately don't get asks often at all).
I'm most comfortable interacting with other adults and SFW blogs (this is more-so for safety than anything else on my end. I don't have the emotional or mental energy to handle potential drama involving context-disconnected words). I don't mind interacting with NSFW blogs here but only if in the context of specific interests of mine and not much else.
I don't really have much in the way of who can't interact with me as long as you are respectful/mindful of chat etiquette and are aware of the kind of impact you may make in messaging people like myself.
I do my best to look at blog descriptions and respect DNI's - If I end up poking at something I shouldn't by accident, as long as it's not met with aggression in DMs, I will happily fix whatever problem you may have related to that. I HATE making others uncomfortable/upset!
If you have questions, feel free to ask! I don't really use other forms of Social Media, but I do use some websites with a social aspect to them casually.
Flightrising (Funny dragon site)
Chicken Smoothie (This one's a fun lil adopt site from the late 2000s)
GPX Plus (This is literally Pokefarm Q before Pokefarm Q lol)
Gaia Online (Another old site with unfortunate currency inflation, but it's the site that's kept me going with character designing and such over the years! The blog part here is old, but the avatar is updated from time to time. This site is the reason I lean on Monochrome + a color as an aesthetic a lot lol)
Bluesky (mostly inactive - want activity there? nudge me here!)
DeviantArt (It's VERY rare I post here now. Also a warning for those under 18 - there's suggestive and nsfw art in my favorites dotted here and there so look with caution. my gallery itself is SFW however and all the works that would have been nsfw are archived.)
Artfight (Self-explanatory!)
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maykitz · 1 year
please recommend some asmr channels 🙏
ok i'm going to assume you're familiar with the big names like goodnight moon (big favourite), latte, tingting and ppomo. if not...get the hell on youtube.
i almost exclusively listen to female voiced roleplays so that's going to be really obvious here.
one of my favourite channels i've ever found is moonlight cottage asmr. her voice is beautiful, intelligent and a little bit more mature and the french accent just hits. her historical videos are compelling, you can tell they're passion projects and she is quite an actress.
another definite recommend is ALB in whisperland. she has a gentle voice, her soft speaking is so good, and she has a lot of videos where she delicately does things with her beautiful hands, which i like a lot.
some more in no particular order:
-aen ani asmr. i feel like she's so underrated. she mainly does fantasy roleplays in costumes and the channel is still a bit small so you have a good chance of getting a reply or your request being included in a video. it's not like, insanely polished and high production value but i like it.
-asmr mood. speaks russian but many are subtitled in english. oftentimes has fanservice and is one of the few asmrtists (on my list, maybe even in general) who usually presumes the viewer as male. i don't care about it but it means there's no makeup videos (which i find boring). and as i've said before, when the russian language k and t sounds come out in asmr i... no, i shan't say.
-amy kay asmr. pretty much exclusively roleplays and usually has interesting concepts (ie not the 5 millionth makeup and cranial nerve exam). confident and charismatic and is a bit more peppy in the way she speaks rather than the, like, pure bedtime voices.
-eunzel asmr. korean with english subs + english spoken videos. roleplays, also weird and odd triggers. i've rewatched both of her "doctor asking you insanely personal questions" videos many times.
-bluewhisper. first asmr video i ever watched was her (sadly quickly deleted) "rescuing harambe" video which got screenshotted and i think gave her a lot of negative attention because her sense of humour is playing it completely straight and people are obsessed with being smarter than the person being ironic. she does simple roleplays, vlogs, flips through the new burpee seed catalog once a year for her garden and opens pokemon cards.
-seafoam kitten asmr. if you remember the "adorable organ harvester uwu asmr" screenshot going around, that's her. she does weird, cringe-humour roleplays. she also has a slightly risque one where you get indoctrinated into being a "love pet" puppy which i think would do numbers on here.
-myaling asmr. english with korean accent. mostly long roleplays, very sweet voice and puts great effort into having a lot of props, background detail etc. often has cinematic intros which i love. her "aesthetic school outfit styling" has probably my favourite intro scene i've ever seen in asmr.
-callie blossom asmr. she's strikingly beautiful and has a "girl who's secretly obsessed with you" series that is very popular with lesbians for good reason.
-maya winky asmr. silly, fast paced humour asmr. i feel bad not saying more but like just look at her channel lol
-mid mod meridian asmr. american accent. older lady who does 50s, 60s and 70s themed roleplays. not to be like aww sweet grandma but. yeah.
-ella asmr. korean with english subs. a lot of scifi themed videos with special effects, surgery on you and mechanical equipment sounds.
-whispering willow asmr. nice, simple, basic roleplays, usually in the 20-30 min range. i like when videos aren't too long because i usually clock out after 5 minutes anyway.
-african xhosa asmr. criminally underrated. she speaks and has a few videos teaching phrases in xhosa, a south african language with clicks that i've never even heard before. also talks about history and culture often.
-90sfairyasmr. relatively new channel with not too many videos, she mostly flips through y2k/1990s teen magazines so far.
-asmr emiko ffujio. no talking, but has cool slimes and fake cooking.
-gentle whispering asmr. a very big channel, russian accented. i like her voice and soft speaking a lot but her topics tend to bore me a bit. it's generally beauty focused.
-triniti j asmr. american accent. i havent watched a lot of hers because they're usually beauty focused, but for example in the "best friend picks out your smell goods" she gets really close to the mic and chews gum which creates a speaking sound i like a lot. idk how to describe it lol
-pelagea asmr. doesn't upload on youtube anymore but a lot of backlog. mostly more or less fanservicey videos that get a bit unintentionally silly and too much sometimes. i mainly recommend her "100 ways to kiss" video with the lesbian bait thumbnail that got her 13 million views.
now feel free to recommend ME some i don't know yet.
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liquidstar · 1 year
Ok so, I have only ever watched one episode of Adventure Time, and it was on a hotel room TV, in terrible hindi dub, and I barely remember it on account of being 10(?) but it horrified me.
I remember the MCs trying to get Ice King a girlfriend or something, but he keeps being a gross asshole so they take him to a lake and point at some swans to try and explain love to him. They point to two swans kissing like ':D' and he's like 'ewww' and then the male swan suCKS IN AND EATS THE FEMALE and IK's like ':)))' while the boys stare in horror.
IDR how the episode ended or how much I watched, but I remember thinking 'wow american cartoons are hardcore. I'm sticking to pirated pokemon from now on.'
And you are telling me that show had lesbians in it leter????
oh my god im so sorry but imagining you watching that swan scene as a 10 year old is so fucking funny, i can understand why you stuck with pirated pokemon LOL
adventure time is absolutely very fucked up in a lot of different ways. the early seasons leaned into that type of absurd shit you just described a lot more especially. while the later ones actually started getting more existential and building on the worlds lore.
there wasnt exactly a focused plot, per say. i mean, there was, but it wasnt something methodical and planned out, it was played by ear. and i think it really worked. the way they did it turned out a really cool magic system (based on the idea that reality is just collective perception, and magic users are aware of this and can manipulate perception ergo reality. but the more cosmic knowledge you have the more insane or depressed you become etc especially if youre mortal), and also cool world building (it takes place in a post apocalypse after a nuclear war, now far into the future the face of the earth has completely changed but the horrors unleashed still impact it today), and also a lot of really amazing themes (the world is always changing and nothing is ever permanent, but no matter how things change things also stay the same, in a different way. especially where bonds and love are concerned. everything stays.)
and YEAH there are lesbians (i mean i always hc marcy as bi but still). and they also come from the shows improvisational nature. theres a lot of genuinely really amazing relationships and plotpoints born out of that to me. like, as the show starts to get a lot more thematically dense later on it can seem like a weird shift. some ppl say it got pretentious over time bc its not as goofy (its still pretty goofy lol), but i think it worked... like... perfectly.
because its a coming of age story where the main character actually ages, it actually feels so right that the world around him begins to seem different too. it makes sense that when he was 12 we were doing stupid goofy adventures, when he was 15 we were watching him deal with a lot of really fucked up trauma, and when he was 17 we watched him learn to grow as a person who thinks beyond simple terms of good and evil.
i know im tottaaallly rambling at this point but theres really an insane amount to talk about with adventure time. the timeline alone is ridiculous. but mostly i think my passion comes down to the fact that i was also growing up with the story, always around the same age as the mc going through similar stuff... even now, the story is focusing on a depressed 20-something trying to find whimsy in her life again. and technically the last episode timeline-wise is about accepting death lol
so like idk how exactly id recommend it to a new viewer, its really possible that a lot of ppl wont be able to really tolerate the early seasons as adults (i mean, i think theyre charming, but i have nostalgia goggles lol). that being said i think that its a series totally worth a shot for everyone... eventually. if it sounds interesting you just gotta accept the goofiness at first and trust that youre in for something wild in a totally different way later on. and totally unique and cool and special in a way nothing else has really been able to capture for me since.
TL;DR: no yeah the show was incredibly fucked up and that swan did eat that other swan. but it does have themes and also lesbians.
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dipplinduo · 6 months
1. What's your favorite Legendary Pokemon and why? 2. If you could Kieran any legendary (other than the Gen 9 legends), which would you give and why?
Omg a random ask for my personal opinions?? I'm touched B)
1. What's your favorite Legendary Pokemon and why?
(I'm using these specific classifications as I answer your question)
So hot take but I don't really feel too strongly about most of the legendaries 💀 I seem to be more of a sub-legendary and mythical pokemon fan by happenstance, so I'm just gonna expand my response with them since I'm more interested in them.
Strictly Legendary:
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I like Lugia and Mewtwo because of their respective movies, but I honestly think I'm most attached to Cosmog by a long shot. I don't have too much of an articulate answer behind as to why other than Gen 7 really nailed the landing with creating an attachment to the curious lil' thing and I love it so much :') I just love its personality, and would 100% love to keep it as a little pet and yell at it to get in the bag. xD
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I really, really, really loved the concepts behind the lake trio and what they represented, and was particularly drawn to Mespirit at the time (although Uxie lowkey has the best cry). Nowadays the trio is almost neck-and-neck even, tbh.
I also have thoroughly enjoyed Ogerpon - she's the only legendary I've actually opted to use in my main team throughout all the gens because I got attached and didn't like the other grass pokemon options.
Blacephalon is also a weird take I can't explain. I love the chaos and variety of colors in its design. It just seems very chaotic and strange as is. OH, AND THE DOG TRIO FROM JOHTO. AND LATIOS AND LATIAS. GOD I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT THEM IN EVERY MEDIA.
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OOOOH this one is VERY close because I love, love, love the mythicals apparently. Celebi's connection to time, the movie, THE GAMES, and the overall atmosphere behind it is just 110% my kind of personal aesthetic lmao. Like I'd love to have this little fairy are you kidding me???
Shaymin is a very very close second. I love how it has two forms and love its connection to nature. My connection to this pokemon in particular also grew because I associate it with the late memory of someone close to me who passed away. I think of them with this pokemon, so it holds an extra sentiment.
Otherwise I really really really also love Mew (fight me) and Jirachi is awesome because WISHES??? Bangers.
2. If you could Kieran any legendary (other than the Gen 9 legends), which would you give and why?
Lol you're so based for excluding the gen 9 mons, lets go.
Strictly Legendary:
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Helloooo Gen 5 fans LMAO. I really feel like there's a lot of unspoken poetry between Kieran & the player with Reshiram/Zekrom parallels. I could honestly see Kieran holding either legendary relatively well from a symbolic standpoint, but Zekrom seems to fit him a bit more imo. He's quite motivated through his ideals to find a truth he wants to see - whether it be "the Ogre being misunderstood" before it was verified, his concepts for what makes a capable trainer and respectable or valued person, and his desires to prove himself. He gets a little too lost in his visions to the point where they cloud his perception and his judgement is ultimately soured; he's desperate to compete and externals it on the player, but in reality he's competing with the standard of an ideal he thinks he himself should be.
Sub Legendary:
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I don't mean to pull too much from the lake trio with this post, but honestly, I feel like a lot of Kieran's journey and character arc can be summed up with his enduring willpower. Whether he's motivated through passion, spite and envy, or through his desire to correct his wrongdoings, Kieran really grows into his own because of how much he prioritizes his fire and determination.
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Bit of an indescribable take for me but I'm oddly drawn to Marshadow for the mythicals - especially for Teal Mask Kieran. I think it just really symbolizes more of his timid dispositions and more gentle personality underneath everything his edgieness LOL, I guess? And there's something that speaks to me in terms of having him honor that side of him and learn to embrace it - especially alongside the other picks I listed.
This was fun!! I hope these answers were entertaining. :)
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kiawren · 7 days
a bit into their relationship, does kiawe stay with his role as the trial captain? if so! does he ever try to incorporate you into any trials?
he seems very passionate about them hehe he’s just havin fun!
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Yes!! He's in the role when they meet and stays in the role throughout Wren's duration in alola for their conservation programme thing (about 4 months in self insert lore but in my head the timeline honestly doesn't matter).
In the Ultra games he hints at stepping down and passing over the captain role to hiker david (who is actually also more interested in dancing) which means he's almost of trial captain retirement age (the cap of 20 years).
For my selfship I almost always imagine them in alola together during this period. But Kiawe wants to study dance overseas and in canon he hasn't had the money to do so yet, but eventually down the road I think he goes to a university overseas.
This coincides with Wren's alola programme ending and he goes back to his home region (idk where). The uncertainty of them parting was. A thing. That I haven't really thought much about. It's emotional but ultimately doesnt make me that sad Becuz they'll actually reunite in the same university! (just that that particular period of wondering about ending up apart is angsty. Which is as far as kiawren angst goes)
Currently I'm sort of waiting for my irl self to enter university mid next year to try imagining us in the context of university together. Though for kiawren I've always just went with the flow so who knows for sure.
So to answer your first question (sorry it was so long winded), yes he's trial captain for the duration of kiawren's time spent together in alola, until he steps down and prepares for university which is when wren is either also preparing to go home or already has.
Second qn whether he's incorporated me into his trials.. I've actually never thought about that! It'd be interesting but in my selfship my s/i is supposed to be doing fieldwork during the day (he can't just be coming to alola to Chill and pine for a pretty boy) for his conservation thing which runs while Kiawe's trial runs. So they usually do their thing during the day separately, then meet in the evenings to talk.
But in theory. It'd be cool to add some Talonflame since it's both a fire and flying type (kiawren's specialties combined)
Becuz sincerely just look at this. What's a few more pokemon to this LOL
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If he really wants to up the observation aspect of his trial throwing in some flying fire birds seems to do the job.. Anyway I believe his actual trial is not so simple, the game just made it simple and funny for game purposes, and he actually Does incorporate traditional dances into it. So yeah why not add more birds for the spectacle and complexity of it. And Wren helps train the birds :)
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Thoughts on Ace Attorney?
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Ace Attorney and Professor Layton were the main games I played in the mid-2000's, outside of Pokemon. They weren't bad, although I confess Phoenix wore on my patience a bit (his origin story is very lackluster). He got better in Trials and Tribulations, but I definitely was not a fan of the spirit medium elements in the series. Call me old-fashioned if you like, but I generally prefer grounded court dramas. Stuff that doesn't heavily involve channeling spirits, seeing victims' final moments, or even magical bracelets.
... Although the last one could be explained pretty reasonably, I think. So I tend to cut Apollo more slack than Phoenix, who's more like a bull at a rodeo and goes where he pleases. I'm also in this apparent minority of people that didn't fall in love with Maya at first sight... or thirtieth sight... or... Yeah. lol Don't get me wrong. I'm cool with loveable goobers. There's just... a number of things that I don't like that much about Maya. The medium stuff is one thing, the running gag of getting kidnapped or framed for murder is another, she doesn't help Phoenix understand crime scenes or law better (she's literally a teenager in that first trilogy, and still a kid at heart in Spirit of Justice), and this incessant shipping with Phoenix by her cousin Pearl is one of the most uncomfortable things I've had to suffer through... XD It's just my opinion, but Phoenix feels more like an older brother to Maya and Pearl. They're related to his old boss Mia, and it's cool he wants to look out for them... I just don't ship Phoenix x Maya. That's just me~...
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That said, do I have Ace Attorney ships? Ehhh... A few. I'm not too passionate on shipping in AA. I like Phoenix x Iris. I like Phoenix x Franziska. Mia x Diego, of course. I don't mind entertaining Miles x Kay when Kay grows up a bit (for some reason I vibe a lot more with Kay than Maya, probably just the fact she's a 'thief' and not a medium~...). Gumshoe x Maggey is alright. I like Apollo x Ema. Apollo x Athena is fine. I wouldn't mind Bonny and Betty joining the Wright Anything Agency, though I don't necessarily ship them with anyone... Maybe Apollo, if I was so inclined. Rayfa is cute, but she's a kid. No pedos in this house, no sir. (人◕ω◕)**
I honestly have no ships in the Great Ace Attorney duology, though. I'm neutral to Ryunosuke x Susato, I don't object to them. They are cute. I just don't ship them cuz my mind's on the lovely plots and characters of GAA~...
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If I had to do a tier list for Ace Attorney games... Let me see...
Tier 1 (Masterful) - Great Ace Attorney 1&2, Ace Attorney Investigations 2, Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright
Tier 2 (Great) - Trials and Tribulations, Spirit of Justice
Tier 3 (Passable) - AA1, Investigations 1, Apollo Justice, Dual Destinies
Tier 4 (Abysmal) - AA2 (Justice For All)
Obviously, not a perfect tier list. A couple titles in the 3rd category are close to Tier 2 level, there's just some aspects of each game that take away my enjoyment somewhat. I loved Rise from the Ashes in AA1, and I liked the ending of Case 4... I enjoyed Edgeworth's flashback case in Investigations 1 (Detective Tyrell B A D D~). Apollo Justice had sleek designs and a more tempered protagonist I thought. And Dual Destinies introduced Athena and had mostly okay cases....
It's just. The rest of AA1 was meh to me, outside the last two cases. Investigation 1's Case 5 was dragged out so unnecessarily. Apollo Justice's Case 4 felt short to me and tried covering way too many bases; not to mention he kept getting shunted to the side by Phoenix, getting led along by the nose. And Dual Destinies, well... Overall, I just wasn't wowed by the writing. Phoenix was brought back, and Apollo and Athena took backseats; they had cases, but they weren't anything to write home about. By the time you hit the case at the space center, I'm barely sold on the bonds they have. XD Although I will say this: Attorneys interacting are much better than spirit mediums thrown into the mix. For all the criticisms we can throw at Phoenix, Apollo, or Athena depending on people's biases, it's nice to see the Wright Anything Agency get a staff again... Athena might not be level-headed like Mia, but I feel she'll get there in time. In her own way. Apollo's rebuilding a whole judicial system in a foreign land, so his arc's pretty much over. lol
I'd love for more Miles adventures. See more Agent Lang, Judge Courtney, even Prosecutor Debeste... But it's up in the air if they'll ever do a 3rd Investigations game. I've already been proven wrong about ever getting an official localization of Investigations 2, so I'll shut up since Capcom's been on a roll recently. (人◕ω◕) Took them some thirteen years, but they finally brought the best Investigations game over. Or will, in a month's time. Honestly, though? I'll probably be stubborn and favor the Scarlet Study fan translation. That's been around for the past decade, and they worked hard on it. I can almost guarantee you their fan translation will have fewer typos than the official one... But I'm looking forward to having Investigations 2 on a portable console. So. I'm sucking it up. (人◕ω◕)
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I've rambled on enough, but the gist is that I'm more for plot and characters in Ace Attorney franchise than shipping. XD Not too surprising that what ships I do have tend to stray from the mainstream favorites (Phoenix x Maya, Miles x Franziska, the yaoi and yuri which I don't touch... and yes, I'm aware of the absurd amount of that in the fanfic community...). I'm built differently from most people, I guess. (人◕ω◕)
And I'm aware some people will have different opinions on my tier list for the games, too. Fite me. I stand firm. (人◕ω◕)
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eizzil2 · 1 month
Ok I need to ramble about pokespe Ruby. I haven't read ORAS yet sorry lol, and won't be touching much on Emerald because they aren't the focus. (using they/them pronouns for Ruby because that child is so gender and I have thoughts on that but I don't want to formulate that here, maybe another time) Ruby is very often mischaracterized by certain parts of the fandom, and there is a general lack of grace the community gives the kid. (Not saying this is everyone, but especially some of the posts you find from a few years back just kinda give me a general vibe of "huh. the person who made this doesn't quite empathize with Ruby a lot, and to be perfectly honest, neither does Canon") I think the problem is coming from a lack of handling Ruby's trauma like actual trauma in the source material. Things that severely screw with a kid are happening to Ruby left and right, but after that tidbit in the story is "resolved", we never see it have a clear, visual effect on Ruby down the line. The closest we get is Ruby crying in Wallace's car after losing Feefee. (side note: WHY exactly does Wallace have a flying car?) Despite this, if you look at Ruby's actions, it's clear that they aren't some miracle child unaffected by trauma. Where Blue (Green? the girl) has panic attacks because of her past, Ruby seems to just bottle everything up and learn all the wrong lessons. This again, is part of Ruby as a character is screwed over by the storytelling. We are not meant to read into all of this kid's behavior, because they are not meant to be read as a traumatized kid. But they are, and that seeps into every plot line, every character interaction. Why is Ruby such a jerk throughout the RS arc to everyone, but especially Feefee and Mumu? They see the "ugly" members of the party as everything they think defines them. Ruby is insecure to at every turn, bowing out when they think they'll lose, trying to prove they're better than others when they feel threatened, and lashing out at anyone and anything they see themselves in. This makes Ruby come off as very shallow and vapid, which is an unfortunately prevalent "criticism" of the character. Why the overconfidence? A way of shielding all the insecurities. If you act like you love everything about yourself to a fault, It hides all the self loathing. This is a common coping mechanism, and we should not judge Ruby too harshly for this especially considering the whole 11 YEARS OLD part. Why are they so hostile towards Sapphire? Breaking down the scene when they meet, She scares them, attacks them, and insults their passion before showing that she is both proficient in and enthusiastically participates in pokemon battles, (something that drives a large wedge between Ruby and Norman) and has an at least surface level positive relationship with her father. That last part is something Ruby very desperatly wants. This is Ruby's first knowledge of Sapphire. After this, Sapphire is actively hostile towards Ruby even when they are working together. (This is NOT a dig on Sapphire. in her eyes she is entirely correct, and I'm inclined to say she was usually "in the right" but this is from Ruby's POV.)
PART 2: (Why I splitting this into parts I didn't do part 1) Daddy issues
Ruby and Norman have very clear issues. Even though Norman was going through a really rough spot, he had no right to take that out on his child. Ruby is seriously afraid of Norman, and as much as that is kind of played for laughs a couple times, that is not something we should look past. I also do not think we should leave their mom off the chopping block, as she is absolutely complacent in Norman's mistreatment of Ruby. Though we don't know exactly what, something must have happened between Ruby and Norman in between Salamence and the start of RS because Ruby is just so afraid of their own father. And their mom just. Doesn't get Ruby out of there in what can be assumed to have been an abusive situation for her kid. Norman ATTACKS Ruby at the weather institute, slams his kid into a wall. Norman is brutal, and even the onlookers think it's too far, but he keeps going until horrid weather stops the fight. And yet Ruby keeps coming back to Norman, keeps wanting his approval, and it keeps hurting them. Norman clearly wants Ruby, just some sort idealized version of Ruby who does everything Norman's way. (which is very queercoded but y'know) This is actually explored with Wally at the sky pillar, when Norman takes a chronically ill child with issues breathing at times into a potentially deadly and physically taxing ancient crumbling tower that goes up so high the oxygen thins, before sending the child to attack a god and leaving him at the top of said tower by himself as in falls apart in the middle of the weather apocalypse. Norman wanted to do this with Ruby, but Ruby wasn't being compliant. Norman seems to resent Ruby for this. When they finally work together in a moment of sheer desperation after Ruby witnessed Courtney's death and almost died themselves, Norman ends up dying in Ruby's grasp, right next to the kid. Honestly, given Ruby's patterns as a character, I find it hard to believe they wouldn't blame themself for this. But this wasn't the end. Ruby had to watch their father's body get burnt to crisp whilst being attacked by two possessed men. Yet we are meant to see Norman's actions as justified because Ruby was being a jerk. This is how it was framed, and Norman just gets off the hook because he is not punished by the narrative. He is not a defeated enemy, he is a lost soldier of good. I understand this is how Ruby sees him, but we as an audience should not be seeing him this way. He is abusive, and should be treated as such by the story. I understand Nuance is important, but he should not be framed as a good guy. This, I think, leads to a lot of people thinking his abuse of Ruby is "justified", and the fact that people think he was in the right seems like an issue not just with media literacy, but with the framing of his character.
Part 3: Found family
Ruby bounces of a lot of characters, but I'll stick to the main ones they have a positive relationship with and could be seen as found family in some way, and I kind of already covered the key points with Sapphire earlier so I'll skip her.
Wally: Ruby immediately takes Wally under their wing after Norman rejects Wally's wish to find a pokemon, and although they don't spend much time together, Ruby is constantly looking for Wally, even following Wanda thinking it's him. They also trust Wally with Rara. (Not terribly much on this one bc they don't actually interact much)
Gabby and Ty: They actually look out for Ruby a lot during the arc, letting Ruby sleep in their car and travel around with them, and try to intervene in the Ruby v Norman fight. They don't have huge story roles, but they are actually pretty decent people and help Ruby out a lot.
Wallace: (Oh boy I have many ideas) Wallace is the mentor figure Ruby always wanted. They wanted someone who understood contests and cared about their passion, and Wallace was just that. Wallace, on the other hand, was not ready for a pupil. A kid starts following him around, and he just. Doesn't know what to do about it. He sees the kid's talent, sure, but takes until he sees that the kid is also powerful (and Norman's kid) to agree to mentor them. So while Wallace should not have been berating Ruby for what they did to Feefee, (Ruby is a child, and although what they did was wrong, they should also be given a bit of grace because. 11 years old.) I can understand that he was not in a position he might have been ready for. It is also shown that he trust Ruby very much, and wants Ruby to succeed and learn from their mistakes. Also, when he does not know how to help Ruby, he calls his mentor who presumably helped him through tough times as a kid, and lets Ruby learn from Juan. Overall better "father figure" than Norman, and I think he genuinely really does want to help Ruby, but doesn't really know what to do. Side note about this part of the story: I read Wallace's character as one who sees himself in Ruby, and in how Ruby lashed out. Not knowing what to do, he called Juan, who was his mentor figure and helped him as a kid. This is just my humble interpretation though.
Conclusion: Fandom, be nicer to Ruby. They are a good kid in a bad scenario just trying their best. They are a kid. They can make mistakes, but what matters is they learn from it. No one is infalible, and they are by no means a bad person, and we should agknowledge they are also a product of their environment.
(Final thing, I was looking back through the RS arc for this and in chapter 225 Wallace is shown playing the flute. I feel like we should appreciate this fact as a fandom.)
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kafus · 9 months
ok i've decided i want to infodump about vee and nova a little after all! because uhh not only am i impatient because autism but i also. want to dip my toes into talking about this. just days ago i was still terrified but now i am Tentatively Brave... if i can talk about it here casually like this then i should be able to write a more formal summary later some other time
i've tagged this post appropriately (at least i think i have, feel free to suggest if i should add more) but also a heads up here too before i keep talking that while i'm not going into graphic detail on anything there are STRONG themes of organized sexual abuse of a child, sexual abuse of animals, and grooming! (there are no disturbing visuals in this post, just text)
takes a deep breath alright so the deal with these two. back all the way in 2021, i decided i wanted to make "vent ocs" as in i just wanted some concrete/consistent designs i could use in vent art drawings that weren't a direct reflection of what i envision myself to look like or whatever. i was going through a lot in 2021, in december 2020 i had just gotten my first big repressed memory back and my life was in a whirlwind of change and heavily increased PTSD and DID symptoms, so i was using art a lot as an outlet. in the end i settled on this drawing, based on the design taste i would have had as a young person (god the quality is so old now LOL i've improved a lot but anyway)
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i was intending for these two to be just visual designs and nothing more than that but i got attached and actually ended up giving them a whole storyline and everything, which is something i admittedly hadn't done in a long time up to that point so that's cool.
the reason i preface explaining the premise of the storyline with this is because i think it's important to acknowledge that these two are intrinsically tied with my real life and the feelings i experience as a CSA/OA survivor. not because i think someone has to go through awful things to write or draw about them necessarily, but because i am passionate about expressing myself. it's important for me to be seen in some way, to be heard after years of silence. it is not safe for me mentally to share the exact details of my abuse online rn (and please don't ask for them!) but i also don't want these two to be removed from the message that i survived something and this is me making art about that in an abstracted and magical way with a fictional universe that brings me a lot of comfort. i hope this makes sense lol
oh and also with that in mind if you think for even a second any of this is a weird sex thing for me or some shit please stop reading this post and go do something else with your time. this is my trauma expression and i don't need to be compared to the people i was abused by when i was a literal toddler thank you!
AANYWAY so! premise! gonna be point blank with it! vee (not her original name but shh) is born as a normal 100% human girl, aka without the eevee ears and tail. she is groomed from a very young age (like, toddler age) and eventually abducted by her groomers which happen to be members of... well right now it's team rocket because i haven't spent the time to worldbuild a new villainous pokemon organization yet. roll with me here. she is taken to a remote facility out in the middle of fucking nowhere and is never returned to her previous life or family.
Why? well i'm glad you asked! the org is running a bunch of different experiments in this facility and one of them happens to be trying to enable humans reproducing with pokemon. this doubles as both a money thing and a power thing. they seek out a child as the victim of these horrible experiments because children are easily malleable. way easier to control a child than an adult who already has a firm identity/self.
vee is the child they chose. surgery is forcibly done on her to give her working eevee ears and tail, and also like, fuck with her body chemistry and stuff. she's biologically part eevee now. yes this is bullshit pokemon magic science LMAO but she is kept in this facility and chronically sexually abused for a few years by pairing her with various mons and trying to get eggs to happen.
the experiment isn't working though so they hypothesize that giving her a dedicated partner, especially of the same evolutionary line, would help, and they raise nova from birth as an eevee to take on that role. eventually the two of them are paired together. despite the acts they are forced to commit on each other and the abuse they endure, they actually become inseparable very quickly cause like. they don't have anyone else. and also they just genuinely care about each other. additionally at this point nova has evolved into an espeon and has telepathic powers, so him and vee can communicate linguistically with each other, so you know that helps
generally my current focus of this story is in the early years, when vee is 12 and younger, before they start realizing that shit is fucked up and they need to escape (up until that hypothetical point they have been successfully groomed into believing everything happening to them was not abuse/was normal). i have left out a metric fuckton of detail here just to get across the basic premise. i am constantly exploring vee's psyche, nova's psyche, it's like an in depth exploration of the mind of an abused child in horrific circumstances and god it's cathartic. i love these two so fucking much
btw i guess this art has more context now huh haha after i infodumped off the plot to my sister they looked at this art again and was like. OHHH THIS IS EVEN MORE OMINOUS AND HARD TO LOOK AT WITH CONTEXT. AND I WAS LIKE YEAH!!!! YOU SEE THE VISION!!! THE SYMBOLISM!! ETC!!!!
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uh yeah if you read this far thank you and i just wanna say i've been building up the courage to talk about these two for GENUINELY two years, it has been over 2 full years since that initial drawing, and i am nervous and jittery posting this but i do not want to die without having shared my work with the world and i'm willing to take the risks to get my voice out there. so you reading it is very much appreciated ur like my first step into being more confident as a survivor lol
oh and fwiw despite these guys being so correlated with my trauma it's not offensive to make headcanons or ask me questions about them or compliment darker art of them however you want, in fact i love that shit!! please i've been holding these guys back for two years i have so much to say that hasn't been said. as much as i am nervous i am EXCITED
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mothwithapencil · 2 years
do you ever wonder what ghetsis’ past was like since he’s like related to the ancient king and all? was he held up to high expectations by his parents? did he have parents??? (or at the very least present ones) curious about ur hcs about that if you have any
I'm not entirely sure if he always knew he was a descendant of the king or if he found out in his early adulthood... I think he comes from a wealthy family, but his parents didn't put much of that money into providing for him. I don't think his parents were active in his life, and I want to say one of them was probably absent entirely. Despite this, I imagine he had a lot of expectations put upon him (ie grades) (he probably had to take piano lessons too lol). Despite his proficiency in academia, his real passion lied (and continues to lie, somewhere down there) in nature and art. I think for a long time he really loved being outside with Pokemon, play fighting and getting his clothes dirty and climbing trees. I think he loved people too, and a lifelong interest in humanity and history could be how he found out about his relation to the king and what fueled his delusions of an impossible grand destiny later in life. Back to his parents, even with only one parent "present," I always imagined that they weren't at the house often, leaving Ghetsis alone. I've said before that I think Ghetsis and Colress were friends as kids, and Ghetsis spent a lot of time at Colress' house when his own parent wasn't home.
I tried to find a good pic of my interpretation of him as a kid and couldn't find anything, so I digitalized a class doodle of him and Colress from a little while back. Here you go!
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varietyacademy · 3 months
Hey there New Students!
Welcome to Variety Academy, where both students and teacher Can Study and learn about the World Wide Creature known As... pokemon!
The Academy is In the Region of Lachian! A Wide Island far from The other regions and Hope to all sort of Pokemon from Kanto to Paldean. That's why It's the perfect place to study Pokemon!
Let me introduce Myself, My Name is Lisa and I'm the Principal of this lovely Academy! there might be a few Teachers and Staff but Our top tier are called 'Mentor' Here! And they're around 9 Mentor in this Academy (including me), Each Mentor Have different speciality And Depending on the students choice of Passion they will be Put under Different Mentors to help the students grow to becoming An excellent Trainer in their fields.
I'll introduce Them to you right Away!
Before I Introduced the Mentors I'd like to introduce Professor Anthony! He's the Professor Specialist in Pokemon Behavior and Nature, He's the One that'll give New students their very first pokemon! He's quite busy though so dont bother him unless it's really important.
Our Number One is Kheara, She's an Adventure Type of Mentor, for Those who wants to explore the world and Be Free like the wind then she's your Best Picked of Mentor. Although you'll rarely see her around and she rarely Teach her class or the students under her care... Hehe
Our Second is Kasory, He's The Research Mentor, Focused on Research and Pokemon Development in scientific and or Supernatural Occurrence! He's Quite approachable and most students adored him because of His Charismatic Energy and How Friendly he is... Although Dont be around him when Anthony is around because that Pacifist And friendly attitude of Kasory will be flip upside down once he and Anthony See each other... The two gets quite violence...
Our third Is Antonio, He's Our Current Region Champion and He's a Mentor in the Academy too! He's a Battle Mentor, He doesn't speak much... And tends to write what he's saying instead of Speaking, he's quite an introvert so he tends to be distance from his student, If you want to know where Kheara is... he's the Right guy to ask... If you can even talk to him that is-
Of course I already Introduce you to me, I'm Lisa! I am the Hatcher Mentor, I focused on Pokemon Eggs and Their Progress, You need quite a passion to be able to Wait fpr an egg to hatch! But once it does it's definitely worth it.
Then we Have Tyson or well known as Tosya, He's The Medical Mentor, Head of the Pokecenter in the Academy and In the whole Region, He's Quite easy to talk too and very chsrming but Dont get too attached... He's a Wolf in sheep clothing.
There's Also Taylor, She's the Fashion Mentor, Is it different from a Coordinator Mentor? It is! Because Fashion Study in the Academy focus on MAKING a Fashion instead of Performing, They're more of a Model designers. She Gave out Wine aunt Energy and It seems like the student likes her lol
We Have... Masuyo, The Coordinator-Performer Mentor, Mostly exclusive for Women but in Lachian any genders can be a coordinator or performer! Masuyo is An Idol Icon in our Region... So dont be surprised if you see her walking down a Red Carpet With a bunch of paparazi.
There's Raice, He's The Cooking Mentor, He's quite sensitive about food and he always have high expectations for his student to Make sure the food they Made is actually edible and not... Crawling out of the pan
And Last but not Least Azrae, she's the Tamer Mentor, If you're looking for to be a Tamer... She's the right mentor for you, she's the youngest out of all of us yet she's the most dedicated to her job! But dont spook her she's quite timid.
Each Mentors hold Maximum 10 students and let the rest Be handles by the other regular Teachers, And Each New Students gets to choose the mentor they want... It's just depending on if the mentor accept them Or not if not we'll they'll be Handed down to the Normal Teachers.
Now that the introduction is Over, I'd like to thank you for Visiting our Academy I hope to see you soon! There will be a lot more to this! So just keep an eye open :)
Author need to stop being lazy and start drawing
Author's Commission
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