#I'm working on it tho XD
notsodailycake · 1 year
I have fallen for you baiting with the Zelink kids, I’m begging to hear something about them
If you need something specific maybe their names and favorite hobbies or who they most take after
Whauwie YES
OK OK SO, so far i have built already how they come to be and all, I'm just working on how life will be like after totk (dont have the game yet, but friends do so imma be asking for sum help)
But so far, we have 2 kids! Both of them are girls, 3 years apart. Older sister is named Sonia (yes in honor of Queen Sonia herself), and the youngest is named Adira
Sonia is more like her dad, especially in terms of looks, but she had inherited her mother's eyes and thurst for answers. She's very energetic and adventurous, and likes helping others
She tends to be the guinea-pig to alot of her sister's projects and creations since she has almost no self preservation. She enjoys it tho, thinking it as a fun activity to try out new things and hang out with her sister. She also enjoys carving things, mainly toys and masks. Most of her sister's toys were made by her when they were around 11 and 8
Although she is usually quite the airhead, and not really the brightest (like her dad, cough-), she definitely inherited her mother's overthinker mind. Doesn't help that she also tends to think little of herself, being the firstborn of the Princess and Hero themselves, alot of people put her under alot of high expectations and although her parents tried their best to show she didn't have to prove her worth, the gossip around town was hard to ignore, doesn't help the fact that her sister has started to become a prodigy to her mom, creating inventions to help hyrule and planning to bring the royal system back when she's old enough
Sonia though, has no intention of bringing the royal life back, nor to continue it. Like her dad she wants to explore, she's fascinated by history and wants to disvover every small relic left unseen. And she wants to travel beyond Hyrule one day as well and help those she comes across her path. But also perhaps, escape the duties and expectations others put on top of her, and perhaps prove herself better then those expectations
She loves her sister tho, despite everything, and will never admit to her how jelouse she actually is of Adira. How jealous she was of Adira of being able to hang out with their mom so much, have so much in common with her, sometimes she wonders if she has anything from her mom other then her eyes
Adira is alot like her mother, especially in the looks department, but she has her father's eyes and thurst for chaos. She's usually quiet, but very sassy when needs be, and although seeming quite shy, she got quite the temperament and wont hold back her tounge
Like mentioned previously she becoms a prodigy to her mom, creating and getting invested on inventions to help hyrule and planning to bring the royal system back when she's old enough. She spends most of her time studying and working on anything technology finding it fun to see what possible outcomes it came give
Although sometimes the pressure is too much, as much as her parents give her the liberty to explore her interests, as she had started to show advancements in her creations and helping hyrule, as well as proclaiming to bring back the kingdom (even tho she was a child when she said that), all eyes were now set on her and she is terrified of any failure, and to disappoint everyone, she usually confides on her sister who never cared of her status and just liked to be around her for her (and well, she felt too embarrassed about it to tell her parents about it, they didn't need to worry about such simple things in her eyes, they already fought the townsfolk so much bc of that, she didn't want to make them dislike her parents bc of her)
She admires her sister alot, looks up to her and wishes she could be as cool as her, as free as her, but she isn't good in any sort of physical activities and is usually just stuck in the lab. And that causes a smidge of jealousy as Sonia is able to bond more with their dad then Adira ever could, she feels like she has nothing in common to her dad other then his eyes and need for chaos (which the second part was something looked down apon by others)
And those are the basics i have so far, there is more but I'm unsure about it for now, and aren't 100% concrete yet, so i wont share at the moment
But before i end this, here are some small fun facts:
Both Sonia and Adira are pure glutons, just like their dad XD. They have cooking sessions together quite often, helping around the kitchen when they can;
Sonia loves horses as much as her dad does, but she is terrified of riding them, because when she was little and riding one for the first time, the person who set settle on didn't do it properly and she fell, head first into a rocky ground, and to add onto it, the horse stepped right onto her pinky. Now she has small panic attacks trying to ride them
Sonia actually used to hate Adira. Since Adira was a rainbow baby, Zelda and Link did kinda get overprotective with her, and accidentally neglected Sonia. That didn't last long after Sonia did cause a whole scene with running away and almost getting killed- but that's likez a whole other story in itself lol (i might make a more detailed post about this later). But after that incident they were able to work things out and Sonia ended up being way more protective over Adira then her own parents
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omaano · 2 years
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New season's coming tomorrow, so Din's got an upgrade (shiny new weapon) and his kid in hand
(I've got new ideas to explore in this Hades style exploration besides the already existing interactions with Boba and Cobb - and look there is a pocket Luke already next to pocket Din in the background!)
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idiotdriftinginspace · 4 months
Earth with aurora borealis crown
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This is fanart for @lets-try-some-writing and the Unicron and Earth AU
So...I was absend mindly doing some house chores, while day dreaming and thinking about yesterday's amazing aurora borealis, and this image poped up in my head and had to draw the moment i got some free time 😅
I just suddenly had the urge to draw it, because I think it's a pretty cool concept - the aurora being a beautiful crown, and happy Earth
Part 2: Mars
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leahblountart · 3 months
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they're in a band :>
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I'm so sorry to hear you were in an accident im glad you are alive and feeling okay again <3<3
I'd love to send you a lotura prompt, hopefully it lifts your spirits to be back on that sweet ship.
How about Lotor and Allura talking about weapons? (i.e. Like how Allura prefers a staff and Lotors sword designs (like the one he was first shown with) )
Hey, good to hear from you and thanks for your super kind note!! I'm doing a little better each day and am excited to get back to regular routines! While I was on hold over the phone about paperwork today, I managed to exercise my brain with the prompt you gave me! <3
Staff vs. Sword
Emperor Lotor leans against a wall, crossing his arms and quirking a slim, white eyebrow at the princess before him. “Surely, you jest with me,” he murmurs. “A staff again?”
Princess Allura beams, and she grabs her favorite staff from the blunted practice weapons with a solid grip, fingers tight. With a quick flick of her wrist, she spins it and sets the end solidly on the ground. “My bayard for Blue Lion also turns into a whip,” she says nonchalantly, “but that seems entirely unfair to use against you, as it produces an electric shock.”
“Ah, yes.” His eyes crinkle, his slit pupils dilating with softness. He adds dryly, “Because we do not already create enough sparks on the courts.”
She brushes back her long, thick braid and waggles her eyebrows. “You said it, not me.” And then she pokes his chest plate with the end of her staff. “Do tell me you’re not afraid of a second round after I defeated you.”
“And nearly caused an intergalactic incident,” he says, voice halted. “The training grounds are intended for practicing the art of combat—not the art of catching one’s opponent off-guard with a kiss.”  
With a giggle, Allura pulls the staff back, her Altean markings glowing a bright pink. “Yes, well, we Alteans have a saying that all’s fair in love and war. Now, pick your weapon, dear emperor, so that I may defeat you once more. And do choose something other than a sword this time—at least mix it up for me?”
Lotor eyes her before grabbing a blunted sword from the wall, inspecting its balance. His long fingers grip the hilt tightly. “A sword is the best extension of a warrior’s will,” he declares, raising his chin with a petulant chin. “It is simple. It is efficient. It is my favorite weapon.”
Allura sighs dramatically at him. “It does not have quite the—” she waves her hand—“the impact of a staff, though.”
He raises the silver sword to her. “The staff is an impact weapon,” he says dryly. “You simply seek to showcase your Altean strength to the Galra who prowl these courts, and that is why you prefer it as of late."
“Tish tosh,” she says, planting her feet properly on the training mat and eyeing him with an increased wariness. She knows Lotor likes to strike unexpectedly. “I also happen to like the way training robots crumple to bits beneath a staff. It relieves the stress I feel after a large conference with intergalactic leaders.”
A tick of silence stretches between them.
And then in a blur, Lotor races toward her, slashing down.
She blocks with the staff and swings, and he ducks smoothly before stepping back, flipping the sword in his hand.
He paces the mat, the overhead lights capturing the glow of his eyes like a predator in the dark wilderness. “Poor Princess Allura,” he teases. “All the power in the universe, and yet you fear the peace we have wrought together, instead longing for means of violence. Are you certain you are not of Galran blood somewhere in that long ancestry of yours?”
Alura’s voice strains as she circles him as well, resetting her staff. “I can’t think of a single species that doesn’t enjoy a rough tumble now and again, in a safe, non-war environment. Why, the humans even have something called, um—” Her concentration breaks as she pauses, snapping her fingers. “Um, wrestling. And something called rugby. And then they have a very large, worldwide competition for their various violent sports, called the Olympics.”
Lotor pauses.
His slit pupils widen in curiosity of other cultures. “Olympics? Is that similar to a Kral Zera?”
“Somewhat,” she nods, “but instead of choosing a world leader by, um, killing everyone, these tournaments are for medals that they wear around their necks and then bite in front of cameras. And no one dies generally.”
He lunges again, and in a blur, wrenches the staff away from her hands and presses her up against a wall.
Allura squeaks, eyes wide.
His nose is inches from her own, his breath a hot puff against her face. “How very curious.”  
Her breath stalls as her cheeks heat hard enough to radiate to him. “Um, y-yes.”
Lotor’s wide mouth splits as he whispers against her mouth, “Fortunately for you, princess, I’ve no intent to fight you truly, or you would already be dead with your silly staff. And if it were these Olympics, you would have no medal to bite.”
Face flushed, her eyes narrow to slits, and before Lotor can avoid it, she hooks her ankle against his and unbalances him. Surprised claws protract from his hands, gripping into her practice armor and his eyes widen.
And the two royals fall in a pile of limbs upon the mat, with Allura sprawled on top of a stunned Lotor, his sword clattering to the mat beside them.  
“Oh, no,” she says with a triumphant giggle, hands planted over his chest plate. Her curly flyaways are an angelic halo around her face. “You lowered your weapon but did not fully secure me, so I still win.”
Lotor grumps beneath her, his lavender cheeks flushing as he grips her forearms.
And despite Galra leadership watching the courts and murmuring with gossip in the far distance, Lotor softens. His rough, calloused thumbs stroke a pink marking along her bare forearm. “Best two out of three, then? I promise to secure you fully next time and cause another scandal for it.”
Allura leans forward, eyes sparkling. “Very well, Emperor Lotor. You’re on.”
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luna-loveboop · 2 months
HOW HAVE YOU BEEN?? Hope you’re doing well!
It’s been awhile since I’ve been active on tumblr so I wanted to check on my mut ☺️
IM GOOD!! Kind of. I melt into a puddle that splashes over sharing when asked how I am but
I'm working with teenagers!! And holy shit.
I got (accidentally) slammed in the face with a football in the gym... what the poor bleachers they were aiming at did to earn their ire I don't know. Pretty sure I might have something like a concussion from that? Also my glasses broke. Fun times. Anyways.
Before the school session starts I'm working much longer hours so 'how I'm doing' basically boils down to earning the trust and respect of kids at the age where they do Not Trust and Respect. It's going well so far tho! It's been a week and they've gotten much more chill with me :)))
But it is starting to seem like getting slammed in the face with a football unexpectedly in the first week was a very accurate introduction to working with teenagers.
And how are you doing? Glad to have you back! Friend :)
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blitzbuckz · 4 months
℧ :: starter with / @yoroiis
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【𐂃】 ❝ Christ on a stick WATCH YOUR AIM DIPSHIT !! ❞ It was unknown whether the "target" was the imp, or the creatures behind him, needless to say Blitz wasn't about to lay low and act as if nothing happened. The arrow nearly left a mark! and if there's one thing he didn't appreciate is another goddamn hole on his body!
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having the true autistic experience of just stating an observation abt someone and everyone going LMAOOOO OHOHLY SHIT!!!!!! OMFG SAVAGE HAHAHAA
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yamsgarden · 2 months
Just some more Still Wakes the Deep blah blah, but omg having just been diagnosed Diabetes type 1 myself recently, it makes me only love and feel for Roy 10X more...
This shit is litteraly poison, but so does the food we eat with how much sugar there is in ugh OTL
Never thought in a million year I had DT1, I had 0 symptoms and am in pretty good shape, but then suddenly, organs are starting to hurt really badly out of nowhere...
Don't wait too long poeple and check with your doctors even if there's ''nothing'' T0T and to all Diabetic ppl out there, keep on fighting 💪✨
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wispurring-moss · 2 months
✨📻 Just Alastor 📻✨
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When I can't even read my own feelings What good are words when a smile says it all? And if this world won't write me an ending What will it take just for me to have it all?
......idk, just another really silly idea that wouldn't leave me alone until i drew it,,, ¯\_(;;ᐛ )_/¯ he just kinda gives off a similar kinda vibe, yanno~? x3c
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dawdlecentric · 6 months
Man, this doujin isn't fucking around
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Meanwhile, Seikuri in the background...
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Doujin: Flashbackers by Totobe
#my ramblings#bocchi the rock#no fr tho. please read flashbackers!! it's so good!#it's a ryokita doujin made by one of my fave artist and everything about it is just...so great. I can't express it enough#whether you ship ryokita or not it's still a good read! like really it's well articulated and goes in depth about ryo & kita's relationship#and acknowledges how unhealthy it is but the realization of this makes the both of them understand each other more clearly without-#-seeing through rose colored glasses. I just- ughhh! I'm not good with words and I can't stress it enough so once again please read this!#you can really tell how much this artist is passionate and dedicated about the ship#not only that but how they color the cover page (and their art in general) is JUST SO CATCHING! LITERAL EYE CANDY!#and the pacing and panelling of the story is well thought out plus the equal balance of humor and angst is so entertaining & heart wrenchin#and their art style... fricking adorable and expressive and striking!! Just grrr!! I LOVE THIS ARTIST'S WORK SO MUCH!!!#I'm not that particularly crazy about ryokita but they are very interesting to explore and could have some potential if they worked out-#-their own flaws. I've been meaning to draw them sometime (if only I could start posting decent bnj art-#-tfw hyper fixation so strong it overwhelms you and in turn can't make fanart of it even if you most definitely WANT TO)#ehem. anyways I think it's quite criminal that ryokita was one of the least popular btr ships#in other story. I was woken up by my cat way to early today so I ended up reading this in a half awake state XD#I just found out last night that this doujin was already translated so what better time to read this other than first thing in the morning-#-running on three hours of sleep 😃👍
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truly-quirkless · 3 months
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@familylightfox asked:
It wasn’t often that a certain feline tagged along on adventures but Harmony wasn’t too bothered by Fafo’s curiosity. Although she could have done with if him darting after a bird on a construction site. So far all she had seen when they arrived was humans. How were they going to react to her.
“Fafo!” It was a hushed yell. “Get back here!”
[Unprompted. || Accepting!]
Admittedly,...the reception would not be as strange as Harmony would think. After all, it was a world of Quirks- which could result in anything from super-strength to being some animal-human hybrid, from looking like a normal human to one or two Harmony passed that had something akin to stars growing out of their head- or looking as though they were made fully out of solid rock. One of them even looked like an anthropomorphic orange cat- who yelped as Harmony raced by.
"Boss! We've got a kid on-site!" The call was sent through the radio- as Fafo continued to run and Harmony gave chase.
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"I got 'em!" Fin dashed towards where they last recalled Filo having been- only to yelp and have to jump to avoid tripping over the fluffy Maine Coon. They spun, watching as the cat raced- and gave chase themself. "Okay, maybe not, but-!" Maybe they could corral the cat into a dead-end street on the site before it got hurt. If there was one thing Fin didn't want, it was a kid's pet to suddenly get injured while here- though the kid herself looked like some heteromorph-Quirk user. Something to sort out later.
"Everyone in Section C! Pause!" The closest sounds of construction came to a halt, several 'what's' echoing over Fin's radio. Now all that was left was keeping the cat from accidentally stepping in fresh concrete, or something. "---Y'got any treats??" They turned their attention towards the strange teen, at least audially- though they were more concerned with trying to corner the racing c---! "Idea-!"
Though whether it worked or not was anyone's guess. Fin grabbed a wire from the side of the incomplete road- pulling a soft bar from their pocket to puncture on the end, before waving it back and forth rapidly. A silly attempt at a cat toy, but one nonetheless- and hopefully one that would get the feline's attention, if only long enough to make it stop running.
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capn-twitchery · 4 months
to the kiss meme askers: i will work on them but i Will be incredibly slow!! i'll be chipping away at them over time between other art, but don't think i've forgotten! even if the trend passes i Will keep going >:3
but they take a while and there's other things i wanna work on in the meantime, so ty for being patient!!♥︎
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giantkillerjack · 6 months
Learning Blender as an experienced artist is so galling like
😤😤😤 "I have spent 21 years of my life learning how to be a better artist, from copying the pictures in my Pokémon handbook at age 9 to finally reaching a point around age 30 where I can pretty much create almost any image I have in my head if I have enough time. Even though there's always so much more to learn, it is extremely gratifying for all that hard work to be paying off in the way it is. I am, finally, becoming the artist I'd always hoped I'd be." ❤❤❤
(I'm still proud of my art and of the progress I'm making learning a new program, but it's an ego check for sure. 😅)
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bereft-of-frogs · 7 months
it is kind of funny writing commentary in fics about the differences between Cal and Cere's fighting styles when Cal's fighting style is....technically dependent on how good of a gamer you are and I am a Bad gamer XD 'Cal over-relies on a few key practiced moves, while Cere is more fluid, natural' yeah because there was actual fight choreography involved in Cere's fight in Fallen Order, and not just me button-mashing and doing the same thing over and over in the hopes it actually works this time XD
like I think it works thematically and idk this paragraph might end up getting cut, but it is just kind of funny to be like, trying to reflect on canon and how to describe it and then having to be like 'well…that might be on me...'
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acronym49 · 8 months
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A handful of animations I've done over the month!
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