#I've also almost left an ask for a lot of people and then freaked out and deleted it
sleepis4theweak · 1 year
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This is a formal apology to all the artists that have had me appear and then suddenly disappear on their magmas...
I get nervous..............
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 10 months
I expanded on this.
The gate to hell was closed, and Vecna was dead. Unfortunately, Max and Eddie were still in a coma. Things were starting to change in Hawkins, and for a lot of people, it was a welcome change. . .for the more conservative, however, it was almost like the end of the world. While Max and Eddie slept, several people packed up and left the town they no longer believed was safe. They simply refused to believe that Eddie wasn't the killer or that he wasn't possessed by Satan.
In their place, freaks like Eddie started moving into their homes. It was metalheads who wanted to support their fellow comrades, and it was nerds who wanted to know that people like them no longer had people coming after him. It was also people like Eddie, people like Robin, and people like Steve who came to support someone who they felt like he was one of their own even though they had no way of knowing. Soon, it became a safe place for metalheads, nerds, and for the queer folk. It became such a safe place for them that Robin, Steve, and Will felt comfortable enough to come out to the party.
The only downside were the conspiracy theorists that followed everyone else and the insane people who believed that they were in love with Eddie. The overwhelming number of people who moved into Hawkins became too much, even if they meant well, even if they wanted to show support for Eddie. They needed more people on the police force, which meant bringing Hopper in back as Chief, something Powell had been grateful for.
"I still can't believe it," Robin rambled as she stacked videotapes. "Who knew that Vecna tearing a hole in the middle of Hawkins would lead it to becoming, like San Franciso?"
"Yeah, did you know the Hideout is basically a gay bar now?" Steve asked.
"What?! No!" Robin shrieked as she dropped a tape and then she narrowed her eyes. "Wait. . .how do you know? . . . Steve Muriel Harrington, did you go and have a one-night stand?"
"Shut up, I should have never told you my middle name. I couldn't sleep, okay?" Steve blushed.
"Okay, so, how much did this guy look like Eddie?" Robin asked.
"Not at all," Steve scoffed. "Okay, a little bit . . . a lot! He looked a lot like Eddie, but he was mean. I know that Eddie could be an asshole, but he was too mean. . . too rude to the bartender who was serving him drinks. It made me feel good about giving him a fake number and a fake name."
"So, how often did you call him Eddie while you were pounding away inside of him?" Robin said.
"You ever think we should consider the whole boundary thing that Nancy says we should have?" Steve asked.
"Okay, so several times then," Robin grinned. "Nance is joking because where is the fun in having boundaries?"
"By the way, there was no . . . um, you know. . .," Steve said, blushing.
"Penetration?" she asked.
"Nope," Steve replied.
"You're hoping to save that for Eddie, aren't you?" Robin asked, grinning and then looked at him softly. "He's going to wake up, you know. So is Max. Being possessed by an evil wizard takes a lot out of people. It has to. They just need to rest."
"I know," he said.
The bell above the door rang, and Vickie burst through, her face shining in excitement. She ran towards Robin and didn't skid to a stop in time, causing the tapes in Robin's arms to spill onto the floor.
"Sorry," Vickie squeaked.
"It's not a problem. I've done worse," Robin said with a wide grin, her eyes as shiny as Vickie's face.
"I got asked out by a woman! Though she wasn't the one that I wanted to ask me out or the one that I wanted to ask out, actually. Though she was hot, and I definitely have a thing for women with pretty blue eyes," Vickie rambled. "Anyway, after I rejected her, but I did it very nicely, I came here because I wanted to ask you out. I understand if you don't want to. I totally would get through it because I'd want you in my life no matter what. Yeah, right, I actually have to ask you out. Will you go out with me?"
They were still kneeling on the floor in the middle of a bunch of video tapes. Robin stared at her for a moment before grinning.
"Yeah, I would love to!" Robin exclaimed.
"Great!" Vickie exclaimed and surged forward to kiss her.
The kiss was quick, and she broke it to help Robin pick up the tapes. Vickie mumbled something about heading to work and kissed Robin again before rushing out the door. Robin gaped at the door before turning to Steve, who's mouth was also opened. They moved towards each other at the same time. They screamed and started jumping at the same time. Steve hugged Robin tightly. She pulled back and placed her hands on his shoulders.
"Don't worry, Steve. If it happened for me then it's going to happen for you," Robin said. "That's how platonic soulmates work, right?"
"Duh," Steve rolled his eyes affectionately.
The bell above the door rang, and they turned their heads at the same time. Hopper walked in. Steve frowned. Was he really expecting Eddie to walk in and ask him out?
"Am I interrupting something?" Hopper asked.
"Vickie asked me out!" Robin blurted out.
"She the girl you kept going on about?" Hopper asked.
"Yeah," she said dreamily.
"I'm happy for you. You know, uh, that Gareth kid asked out Will," Hopper replied.
"Gareth and Will? I didn't even know they were friends," Steve said in surprise.
"Yeah, Gareth was upset about Eddie, sitting by his beside. Will was volunteering as usual and he comforted him," Hopper said.
"Will is such a precious angel," Robin said fondly.
"Yeah," Hopper said, a proud look on his face.
"Aw, proud dad," Robin said.
"Isn't Gareth a little bit older?" Steve asked.
"Only by two years," Hopper scoffed. "I like the guy. He's pretty respectful of Will and the three inches rule so I'll allow it for now."
"As long as it's not Mike, right?" Steve asked with a grin.
"Hey, I like the guy as long as none of my kids are dating him," Hopper said. "Which thankfully none are. I actually came here to talk to you, Steve."
"Look, I think of you like a dad and I like Joyce too much so I'm going to have to turn you down," Steve quipped and Robin snorted with laughter.
"Don't make me shoot you, kid," Hopper said, the corners of his mouth twitching. "I'd hate to kill a potential deputy."
"What?!" Steve and Robin asked.
"Look, as you know, we're kind of overrun over there even with Owens providing some agents as deputies," Hopper said. "I know you don't trust anyone of those goons, neither do I but we need the help and I kind of need to someone else that I trust around there. I know you guys have a thing about cops too but sometimes the best thing is to fix it from the inside, and I trust what you have to say. You're a good kid, with good instincts, and I think you would make a good cop. Just think about it."
"Well, then we wouldn't be working together," Robin said with wide eyes.
"You're welcome to help out around the station part time, kid. I'd hate to break up the set," Hopper said. "Your mom told me you were looking for a second job. What do you call each other again? Oh, yeah. Platonic soulmates."
"Platonic with a capital P!" they said, leaning their heads together.
"Let me confer with my soulmate for a moment," Robin said.
They moved to the back to the store and pressed their foreheads together, whispering. It was only a couple of minutes later before they were back again.
"We'll take the job!" Robin and Steve exclaimed.
Now, here they were several weeks later, and Steve had settled into his role as a deputy pretty well. It was hard work and a pretty good distraction from the fact that Eddie, as well as Max, wasn't awake. Now that school had let out for the summer and Robin had graduated, she was now working part-time at the station. The crowd outside the hospital was still sitting in wait for the day their lord and savior, Eddie Munson would awaken. Some days, they were quiet and settled. Other days, they grew quite rowdy, and there are more days now where they were restless. Hopper swore they would get bored eventually, and it wasn't like they were violent. . .well, aside from a rare few. So far, they were just eager to know that one of their own was okay, which Steve thought was kind of sweet. Steve was filling out paperwork at his desk, ignoring the balls of paper Robin was throwing at him, when Hopper came barreling out of his office looking pale.
"Chief?" Steve asked.
"They're awake," Hopper said.
Steve didn't hesitate to follow Hopper out the door, and Robin followed quickly behind him. They went to see Max first, and they her sitting up slightly, her new glasses on her face. Lucas, El, and Susan surrounded her bed.
"Did I miss anything?" Max asked and then grinned. "Ew, Steve, are you a cop? Disgusting."
"I'll forgive you for that, but so you know, once you are up and moving around, I'll have something to say," Steve said. "I might even get a lawyer because I believe that's slander, Mayfield."
"If your lawyer is Dustin, he's not going to do well against Nancy," Max laughed.
"Ooh, your lawyer is Nancy? Yeah, Dustin's toast," Robin said.
"You make a good cop, Steve," Max said softly. "If anyone can make those lazy cops get off their asses, it's you. You're an example of what a good cop should be, Steve."
"Thanks, Max," Steve said, looking touched. "Glad you're awake, kid."
"So, I have to ask. . .the full grown mustache. . . Are you trying to look like Hopper?" Max asked.
"What? No?!" Steve exclaimed.
"He does think of Hopper like a dad," Robin pointed out.
"Aww, Steve, do you want Hopper to be your dad?" Max teased.
"Leaving now," Steve said, rolling his eyes.
He made it to Eddie's room and stood in front of it. He was trembling in excitement, but he was also nervous. Before he became a cop, he was here almost every day holding his hand. In that time, he got to know Wayne and Eddie's friends. He also got to know Eddie some more from the stories they told. They were weary about him at first, but once they saw how much he cared, they accepted him easily. Once Steve got them talking about Eddie, they couldn't shut up. Steve took a deep breath and calmed his nerves. He pushed open the door and strolled in. The members of Hellfire and Corrded Coffin had surrounded Eddie's beside. Wayne wouldn't be there yet, seeing as he was stuck at work. Calling him had been the first thing he had done when he got to the hospital. Eddie was sitting up, grinning, and then he spotted Steve. Eddie frowned in confusion.
"Harrington! You've been working so hard we were starting to forget what you looked like," Jeff said. "Damn, baby, you fill out that uniform good."
Jeff started wolf whistling, and the other boys soon followed.
"Alright! Cut it out!" Steve laughed. "What did I say about flirting with me to get my grandmother's brownie recipe, Jeffrey?"
"To keep doing it," Jeff grinned.
"No, no, I did not say that besides, I know I'm not your type," Steve laughed.
"What? Since when is a man with good hair and meaty thighs not my type?" Jeff cackled.
"Argyle doesn't have a problem with it?" Steve asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Please, Argyle doesn't have a jealous bone in his body. Besides, so far, it's just sex," he grinned. "Really good sex."
"Wait. . .so, Steve knows about you? You're flirting with Steve. . .wait, are you friends with my friends?" Eddie asked.
"Actually, they're my friends now, too, Eddie. We share custody," Steve said proudly.
"Aw, Dad, we finally have a mother, and he makes the best brownies," Gareth said, leaning heavily onto Steve’s shoulder.
"Fuck off, Emerson," Steve laughed.
"By the way, since when are you a cop?" Eddie asked.
"Things around here have gotten a bit overwhelmed since you've been asleep," Steve shrugged.
"Yeah, Hawkins has gotten a lot more interesting since you decided to be lazy, Munson," Frankie said.
"It's very, very good," Gareth grinned.
"What the hell does that mean?" Eddie asked.
"You'll never believe it until you see it," Frankie said.
Hopper popped his head in for a moment and whispered in Steve's ear. He smirked and looked over at Eddie, who was staring at them in confusion. Steve wiggled his fingers at him. Hopper tipped his hat at Eddie before leaving. Steve leaned down and whispered in Gareth's ear, and he grinned, jumping up.
"Alright, boys," Gareth said. "Teddy wants to talk to us. He's probably quite eager for Eddie to start playing at the Hideout again!"
They said goodbye to him one by one, and then they were gone. Steve went to take Gareth's seat but was impeded by the crumbs he left behind. Steve started muttering as he turned around to clean it off, giving Eddie a clear view of his ass. Suddenly, Eddie's heart monitor started beeping a little louder. Steve whirled around.
"Eddie!" Steve exclaimed. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I think I accidentally, uh, messed with one of the wires," Eddie blushed.
"Okay," Steve frowned, looking at him, thoughtfully.
He turned around again and started swiping off the crumbs. Eddie's heart monitor went off again, and Steve turned around again.
"I swear! I am trying not to touch them!" Eddie shrieked. "Just sit down, man! Forget about the crumbs."
Confused by his reaction, Steve sat down, crossing his legs like he usually did. Eddie groaned and leaned his head back.
"Your uncle wanted to be here, but unfortunately, he missed a lot of days sitting by your beside, so he can't get away. The compensation money only went so far, and you guys also got a house out of it," Steve said, grinning.
"Wait, an actual house?!" Eddie asked.
"With your own rooms and everything," Steve replied. "Of course, you'll still be living next door to the Mayfields. I think Wayne insisted on it."
"Really?" Eddie asked.
"Yeah, Susan and Wayne have gotten friendly over the last few months," Steve shrugged.
"How friendly?" Eddie asked, narrowing his eyes.
"Well, he is the one who pulled Susan's head out of her own ass. Her drinking got worse after Max went into the coma. It nearly killed her. I was visiting with Wayne when I decided to go check in on Susan, and we found her unresponsive. When we finally got her sober enough, Wayne gave her quite the talking too," Steve said, and then he deepened his voice to sound like Wayne. "I ain't gonna yell at you, but I am going to tell you God's honest truth. I heard a lot about that husband and stepson of yours to know that you put that little girl through hell. You didn't lift a single finger to stop it. If you die now and that girl wakes up, it's always going to hang over her head that she wasn't enough for you to do better, that she deserved the crap you put her through. You owe it to her now to prove to her that she is enough and that you can do better. I expect you to be clean and waiting by her beside when she wakes up. Don't do it for me, don't do it for you. . .do it for her."
"Damn, that sounds exactly like Uncle Wayne," Eddie said, blinking back tears. "It worked?"
"Yeah, she's even therapy now working on her issues. She's really grateful for Wayne," Steve smiled.
"Good for her, I'm glad it worked on someone's parents," Eddie sighed.
"Yeah, Wayne's the best, I wish my dad was more like him," Steve said.
"Dads can be such assholes. Guess it's not just mine?" Eddie asked, and Steve shook his head. "So, when can I leave here? The food here is just awful. . .company isn't so bad, though."
"Once the doctor clears both you and Max, you guys should be able to go home by this evening," Steve said. "By the way, you are in luck. I'm the one who's going to be taking you home."
"Lucky me. . .so we won, huh?" Eddie asked.
"In more ways than one," Steve grinned.
Once they were ready to leave, Steve wheeled him out to the back of the hospital.
"I guess the protesters are out front," Eddie muttered.
"Something like that," Steve said and wheeled him over to his car.
He helped Eddie out of the wheelchair, catching him around the waist when the metalhead stumbled. They were really close now, their noses practically brushing up against each other's. Steve could feel Eddie's breath against his lips.
"Uh, I'd like to sit down," Eddie said awkwardly.
"Right, right," Steve said.
He cleared his throat and set Eddie in the passenger's seat. He pulled out of the hospital and frowned. For once, the usual people weren't there. Where the hell did they go? Steve got his answer a moment later when he saw them lined up on the sidewalk leaving the hospital. Eddie had to do a double take when he saw them walking down the street.
"What the fuck?! Steve. . .where the hell are we?" Eddie asked.
"We're in Hawkins, dude," Steve replied.
"Um, no the fuck we're not. What did I just see? There's more of them!" Eddie exclaimed as he stuck his head out the window.
"Oh my God! ls that Eddie Munson?!" A girl shrieks, and Eddie freezes. "EDDIE! I LOVE YOU!"
"Oh my God! Steve. She's chasing after the car like a goddamn dog! Steve! She's fucking fast! You tell me where the fuck we actually are right this instant, Steven, because there is no way this is fucking Hawkins! Are you - are you laughing at me? Steve!!" Eddie shrieked.
Steve pulled him down by his belt, and Eddie glared at him as he rolled up the window.
"Okay, so, after you slipped into your coma, the gates closed, and you were cleared of all charges, a lot of people started to leave. Most of them were uptight conservatives, of course. Word started spreading about you and how you were framed for murder. Slowly, it started off with the metalheads coming to town to support one of their own, then came the gays, the lesbians, and the bisexuals as well as a few transgender people. It was enough to kick out more uptight assholes but there are some who are refusing to leave. At first, they protested, but now they're slowly coming to terms with it. It's funny watching them have to sort of adjust to our way of life instead of the other way around," Steve said. "And these people, they all love you, Eddie."
"Our way of life?" Eddie asked.
"Well, for me and Robin, I don't know about you, but she's a lesbian and I'm bisexual," Steve said.
"Yeah, me too," Eddie said softly, and then his eyes widened. "I mean, bisexual, not a lesbian. Not there's anything wrong with being a lesbian but it's not who I am."
"Eddie, I got it," Steve said, laughing.
"So, what? After being nearly swallowed up by hell, Hawkins is a safe place to live now?" Eddie asked. "I woke up expecting to be chased out of my own hometown like they've been trying to do with me my whole life. This is just. . . What the fuck?"
Eddie looked down at his lap, his eyes filling up with tears. Once Steve managed to get away from Eddie's admirers, he pulled off to the side and parked onto the shoulder. He leaned over and pulled Eddie into his arms, hugging him gently. Eddie wrapped his arms around, his hands digging into his back as he cried.
"It's okay, I've got you. You're safe," Steve whispered in his ear.
Eddie clung to him as he calmed down. Once the tears stopped and his body was no longer shaking, he pulled away from him. Steve pulled a tissue out of the glove box and gave it to him. Eddie thanked him, and they drove the rest of the way to his house. They finally arrived at Eddie's house. It was in a secluded neighborhood, two houses at the end of the street, and blocked off by trees from the rest of the neighborhood, which meant that Eddie could probably play his music as loud as he wanted to. Although Max might have something to say about it. Eddie's house was a modest one story with white shudders and pale blue walls. The paint was peeling a bit, but overall, the house was nice, and it was a lot better than the trailer.
Eddie started struggling with his seat belt, which was perfect because Dustin's face appeared in the window, and the curtain pulled back. 'Not ready,' he mouthed. Steve sighed. That meant distracting Eddie. Steve grinned. He leaned over and started helping him with his seatbelt. They got it unstuck, but Steve didn't move from his position once the seat belt was removed. His face was rather close to Eddie's.
"There's something that I've been wanting to do since you woke up," Steve said.
"Kill me?!" Eddie yelped.
"What?! No!" Steve laughed. "Close, though."
He captured Eddie's perfectly plump lips with his, kissing him softly. At first, Eddie didn't respond, and Steve was worried that he misread the signals. He started to pull away when suddenly Eddie grabbed him the back of the neck and pulled him back in. Suddenly, his soft kiss had turned into a bruising, desperate kiss. Steve returned it with the same amount of enthusiasm, hand in Eddie's hair. Eddie broke the kiss, breathing heavily.
"Maybe we should take this inside," Eddie gasped.
"Or maybe we take this to the back seat, and you shackle me with my own handcuffs," Steve said and attached his lips to Eddie's neck.
Eddie groaned as Steve kissed his neck and let out a guttural moan when Steve started nipping at it, his mustache tickling his neck.
"You're killing me, Steve," Eddie said. "I fucking knew you would. Robin?"
Steve broke away and looked at him.
"Okay, I have to say calling me by my best friend's name when I'm trying to put the moves on you is a little weird," Steve said.
"What? No! She's just popped her head out of my new front door, looked at us, rolled her eyes, and went back in. What is going on?" Eddie asked.
"You'll see, come on," Steve said and climbed out of the car before helping Eddie.
"You were distracting me," Eddie said, narrowing his eyes at him.
"I really did want to kiss you," Steve said sheepishly.
They started walking towards when Eddie stopped him.
"You threw me a welcome home party, didn't you?" Eddie asked.
"I might have, for both you and Max," Steve said. "Planned the whole thing while you were sleeping."
Eddie grinned at Steve and wrapped his arms around his neck, kissing him deeply. He broke it, leaning his forehead against Steve’s.
"This is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me," Eddie said and paused. "By the way, you're absolutely killing me with that uniform. It should be illegal for anyone to look this good. You're going to have to arrest yourself because, baby, you're breaking quite a few laws."
Steve giggled and kissed him, not caring if anyone else was watching them. They broke apart when they heard Max's front door open. She came out and started walking towards Eddie's house, leaning on her cane. She narrowed her eyes at them, looking much like a bug with her new glasses. Her mother followed behind her.
"Dustin called and said he wanted us to come over," Max said. "He threw us a party, didn't he?"
"I'm not saying anything," Eddie said, and Max rolled her eyes. "It was all Steve!"
"Nice," Steve scoffed.
"Thanks, Steve," Max said softly.
She wrapped her arm around his waist, hugging him. She leaned against him and let him help her inside. His free hand wrapped around Eddie's. They all walked into the small but spacious living room where everyone jumped out with noisemakers. Steve, Eddie, and Max jumped. Max stuffed her face into Steve’s side.
"Surprise!" Dustin shrieked. "Welcome home!"
"Oh my god!" Eddie exclaimed. "I am so surprised!"
"Oh, Goddamnit! Steve told you, didn't he?" Dustin exclaimed and Eddie shrugged, grinning.
"He guessed," Steve shrugged.
"This is still pretty nice, Henderson. Thank you all," Eddie said, and he started hugging everyone. "Max is crying, by the way."
"Fuck off!" Max exclaimed.
Steve watched as the party took off, and Eddie mingled with everyone. For the first time in a long time, Steve felt at peace, and he felt safe, especially when he looked at Eddie. . . When he looked at what this town had become. At some point during the mingling, Eddie came over and nestled himself into Steve’s arms. Yeah, everything was perfect.
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passionateseadruid · 4 months
Snake kings bride 5
The Date(s) part 1 Lu Lu land
Back to touchy pervy Lucifer! The floodgates have been opened and he is a touch starved whore. Warning F Bombs! Lots of them.
The next morning you woke up to something soft wrapped around you and something poking you from behind. 
"Lilith please don't go." You heard him mumble. "Charlie needs you, the people need you, I need you."
You opened your eyes and were brought back to the reality of the situation. The Devil from Da Bible had kidnapped you, made a lot of innuendos towards you, hugged you almost everyday without your consent, and to top it all of he tried to gaslight you last night into thinking that the reason you were uncomfortable with this situation was because you weren't giving him a chance.
"What in the Apollo and Daphne?"
This man threatened your family and had the Gaul to say YOU were the problem.
(A/n: Lu Lu world more like delulu world. If you can't tell I think I'm funny.)
"Lily please." Lucifer's pathetic whines snapped you out of your thoughts. He had his arms wrapped tightly around your arms and torso, while his big white and red wings were laying over you like a cage
"I'm sorry I married her, but you were gone for seven years. I needed help running hell. You should know that better than anyone. I'm a mess, Lil. I was broken when you left." With every word his arms tightened around you.
You don't know whether or not you should interrupt this. He clearly still loves her, so maybe you should let him have this moment even if it’s not real.
"If you loved me as you claimed you’d let her go." You snarked.
"Don't say that Lilith… 's not fair. You left me. I should get to be happy."
Okay this is getting too weird. "LUCIFER!!"
"AH!" He gasped, letting you go.
"Is that how you see me? As a replacement for her?" You turned 
"What?" He asked rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
"When I said you don't love me you thought I was Lilith."
He slowly blinked one eye after another "When did you-"
"Just now when you were sleeping."
"That was you?"
"Yes. And I mean both that and the inverse. If you still love Lilith you should let me go, I don't want to be a replacement for her."
"Does that mean that you want to marry me?"
"No." you deadpanned. "It's called basic self respect." You turned to get out of bed and he pulled you back down into bed.
"Stay~" He whined. "Don't you want to hear about the dream I had last night?"
"It was our wedding night. Things were getting steamy~"
"Well that explains… that…"
"You wanna help me get rid of it?"
"Aw c'mon~ I think you’d look pretty with a round belly on our wedding day~"
You felt you face heat. "So we fucked then Lilith walked in and called you a whore?" You changed the subject.
"Basically. Let's forget about that part though. C'mere, I want a morning kiss."
"Wait, don't kiss me! I have really bad morning breath."
"I don't care." He grabbed your chin and kissed you. "You taste hellishly good. I wonder if the rest of you tastes this good~"
You shuddered. "Your highness! The queen is-" Pluto burst in with Nina behind her.
"Missing?" Pluto asked as the two stood staring at you two.
"Did you find her?" Renesmee came running. "Hello my lady. Oh uh... your highness you've got a problem there. Shall I start a cold shower for you?"
You bury your head under the covers. "No need! I've got my wife for that." 
The ladies and Styx who has joined them in the doorway here a muffled. "HEY!"
"See I told you all that she hadn't ran away. His Majesty would tear through every ring of hell to find her and if he couldn't he'd raise hell on earth till she was returned to him."
"I'm going back to my room to take a shower and get dressed." You Say and wrap one of his comforters around him and leave.
"I’ll iron the outfit you chose my lady."
"Thank you Renesmee." You walk away with her and Nina in toe.
After your shower you sneak back into Lucifer's room. "If there isn't one book about the living world in the library then there has to some in either be in his room, or in his study. He's the Devil, it's not like he can just not stay up to date on the news of earth. Great, now I'm talking to myself."
His room was filled with pictures of Charlie. There were some family photos of him Charlie and a blond woman with horns.The walls were once again… red. White trim laced the top and bottom of the walls with gold apple decals. Ducks littered buckets in each corner of the room. The double doors were stripped a bright red and a burgundy red.
"If he loves me as much as he says he does I'm redesigning this whole room and I don't want to hear shit from him!"
His bed was exactly like your own. With the exception that his comforters were Long. You didn’t realize how big his bed was. 
"Who needs a bed this big? What was he so much of a freak with his wife that they had to roll around so much?"
"STOP FIGHTING!" You hear a deep scary voice from the hallway. You look around the room and decide to duck under the bed. It was kind of crowded under there but the comforters reached all the way to the floor so it was the safest option.
"Mammon for all of our sakes and sanity stop trying to steal our shit! You took practically my entire brand, you've stolen Levi's thing, and Ozzie wants more control over the Fizz robots your selling."
You held your breathe as Lucifer walked through his room. Several voices were talking over each other! "All of you shut UP!"
"I'm looking through my paperwork, right now Levi."
"Ozzie, please focus."
"Bee! Stop encouraging him! We're in a meeting."
"Fine! You two want to know so badly, My bride is fine. Here they are, finally found the paperwork."
While Lucifer was talking on what you can assume to be his phone you turned to look at what was under his bed and why it was so cramped. It was mostly ducks, shoes, random pieces of clothing that you assumed to be Lilith's (Seeing as how they were sparkly dresses (Though no hate if he wants to dress in drag)); but what caught your attention the most were polaroid photos. They were all of you. Some were of you sleeping; some were you Renesmee and Nina with the latter twos faces scribbled, burned, or cut out; some were of you looking through books in the library; and luckily there were none of you in the bathroom (So he's not THAT much of a creepy stalker.) And in the very back there were some books.
'The Ars Goetia.'
It chronicled the history of… a bunch of bird demons? And their various duties and trips to the…
'Mortal realm'
This was it! This was your ticket out of here!
"No Belphy I don't think I'm moving to fast! If I don't tie her down she'll leave me." Lucifer spoke.
"Oh hardy har har, Mam! Laugh it up that my wife left. And no, I don't have abandonment issues!"
He finally left and you made a mad dash for the exit.
You spent the rest of the day pondering on what you could do to try and get in contact with one of these "Ars Goetia".
You looked through the entire library once more.
"No offense princess but do you do anything other than read? You have the hell wide web and you're spending all your time reading."
"Nina she's the future queen. Please be nice." Renesmee begged.
"No offense was taken even if intended. And for your information, web searches can be traced and tracked. I also would rather not give that prick the satisfaction of using his bribes."
"Not even gonna sugarcoat it." Nina rolled her eyes.
"I'm pretty sure everyone in Luci's inner circle knows what I am. Or at least his daughter, her girlfriend, and his servants do. And most people can assume what happened to me."
"Has anyone actually ever correctly guessed that you were kidnapped?" Nina snarked.
"Well… no. But I'm hopeful!"
"You'd have to be insane to have hope in a place like this."
"I think I found something my Lady!" Renesmee called. You slid down the ladder and she pointed out where she was reading.
"Most Goetia are Loyal to the king that presides over their circle of the pride ring.”
"Wait what? Circle? Like Dante's inferno?"
"Yeah. Dead souls can only be in the pride ring, while there are six other rings stacked on top of each other like a cake." Renesmee explained.
"Like a cake?" You giggled. "Are you hungry?"
"Kinda. I skipped breakfast because Pluto called in telling us that you'd gone missing." Renesmee confessed bashfully.
"I'm sorry. I didn't have any say in whether or not I stayed with him."
"I'll go get you a snack, Love." Nina kissed Renesmee on the cheek and left.
"You two are so cute."
"Thanks. Now anyway, there are nine kings for the nine circle. Lucifer presides over them all, and they all have various degrees of loyalty to him."
"Why does this make so much sense with Dante's inferno. Like how did he know? Because if he's dead then he'd only be able to see the pride ring so he'd think that there was only nine rings. But if that's the case how did he publish the book? Hallucinations of the other side?"
"Apparently only one Goetia has ever rebelled against Lucifer and the system at large. His name was Apollyon and he was once a knight in the Ars Goetia. He left to pursue a relationship with an imp woman, they fled from the pride ring and were never seen again. It says he was the guardian to the gates of hell."
'He might be my way out, but how am I going to find him?'
"I'm going to my room. You and Nina have a break okay?" The rest of the day you spent reading.
The next morning you felt a tight grip around your waist.
"Sleeping with my wife. What does it look like I'm doing?" Lucifer replied.
"I'm not your wife!"
"Not yet, but you will be."
"Get out of my room fucker!" You tried to push him off the bed.
"Noooo..." He whined. 
"I'm leaving and I'm burning these sheets."
"Stay Doll." He pulled you to lay in bed with him.
This went on for a few weeks. He either snuck into your bed or you ended up in his by morning without your knowledge.
One day you finally snapped and had enough.
"Stop! Stop touching me! Don't you see how fucked up this is? I don't know you. You don't know me."
"I want to. Please just give me a chance."
A light flickered on in your brain. "One chance, and on one condition. You let me go anywhere I want today. ON. MY. OWN."
"Okay... don't wear yourself out today! Because tomorrow we're going to Lu Lu world! Oh and here!" He pulls out a briefcase of money. "I won't follow you but please take the succubus."
"I'll take Nina. And I'm not going to ask what Lu Lu world is. Thanks for the money." You take the briefcase.
"I'm just so glad that you're finally seeing things my way."
It was the day after your outing and You had to get ready for a date with the devil.
"I think I'm actually going to be sick, Renesmee." She was brushing out your hair as you wore a pastel yellow romper and some matching platform tennis shoes.
"You'll be fine My Lady." She finished off by tying a bow in your hair and pushing you towards the door.
"Wow... you look like a giant duckie. I'm falling even more in love with you than before." Lucifer said as he stood outside your door holding up a bouquet of your favorite flowers. "Hey this isn't fair. Why do you get to wear platforms when you're already taller than me? It's going to be even harder to kiss you now." He teased.
"Thanks for the flowers I guess. How did you know I liked these flowers?"
"I talked to that old coworker of yours, and she mentioned you had a roommate and so I paid her a visit. I promised her that if she filled me in on all of your likes, dislikes, and interests that I'd put her in your contacts."
"Lilian? Did... did you tell her that you're... what you are?"
"Do you want to get going?" You asked.
He nodded and you took the limo to a big theme park. He wrapped a wristband around your wrist and took your hand as the two of you exited the limo; you in the regular disguise of course.
There were several different attractions. A tower of babble drop, a great flood water ride, and lots of other bible themes attractions. In the front there was a big map. According to that there was a far off cafe that was called Eden's eats. Along the right there were some game booths where you can win various prizes.
"Where do you want to go first? We have fast passes to anywhere in the park. Perks of being the owner."
"Owner? OH! That makes so much more sense. Lu Lu World, Lucifer. I feel so dumb. Are there any food carts I didn't get breakfast."
"Hmm I think the golden apple food cart should be in the upper left corner at this time. Cmere I'll teleport us there. Their candy apples are the best thing in the park." He opens a portal and you two step through to find a man cowering in fear at the short man next to you. "Hello my good man! We'll take two of your ripest candy apples." 
The man gives you each a candy apple and you smiled and thank the man. He sighed as soon as Lucifer took you hand and lead you away.
He Took you on several rides. Once he figured out that you'd cling onto him on the higher, faster rides he'd take you on exclusively those. After a while you ended up regurgitating that candy apple and he took you to some of the game booths to try and calm you down.
"Pick a duck to win a duck?" You questioned.
"I'm pretty good at this one. You want the big plushie? Oh what am I saying of course you do! If I can't get you the biggest and best plushie, what king of Husband would I be?"
"Wait let me guess. You're simple one Hell of a husband." (A/n: To those of you who get this I love you.)
"Yes actually. I'm also the embodiment of pride though so I kinda need to get you the absolute best of the best."
He ends up winning the game with a high score and you two get the biggest duck plushie they had and a small matching plushy for him. He teleports them home and you two keep walking around.
After a while you two had lunch. Then you won matching apple keychains for you and him. He bought you one of those long white snake plushies they sell at zoos. And at the end of the day you two rode up to the top of the Farris wheel and watched the firework display. 
This was honestly one of the least unpleasant dates you've been on. If you were being honest this was probably one of the least unpleasant days you've spent with him. He spent the day cracking jokes and being a dork. He made you one of those origami fortune teller things earlier. He talked all about how and why Lu Lu world was built, and he even got a bit into his first date with Lilith here. 
But now as you sat in front of the fireworks display, his arm around you, you felt scared. Scared because you felt warm and safe.
'NO! This man threatened my entire family. He knows where Lilian Lives now. He could use her against me.'
"Hey Darling?" He turned you to face him. "I love you."
You gulped down the insults you wanted to throw at him.
"Thank you for today."
He cupped your chin and forced a kiss from you.
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 year
Hey I have a possibly another, better..? idea👀 it's a Slenderbeing reader! but they like to travel the world, a LOT. and usually in their human form. but they are so in depth with their magic's capabilities it's almost near impossible to detect any magic sauce from them, it's like they are truly a regular human being. until they reveal themselves and give everyone a heart attack😂
The slender reader is also like a runt, they hate the height difference compared to average Slenderbeings, but low-key likes the attention :P
Any characters! Have fun n take your time!! :D
Various characters with a slender-being reader!
Again so so so so sorry for taking so long to get to this :(
I've kinda been mostly checked out mentally this week and the past 4 days spiderverse has taken over my brain and
Anyways! Most of these are platonic leaning, but that's mostly because I couldn't think of anything explicitly romantic <\3 these also may be
Short since I'm kinda
Dry brain
No gifs for each character since it lags my phone and I ain't dealing with that rn <\\3
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Head tilt
Of course he knew he and his brothers weren't the only slender-like.. beings in this world
But he didnt expect to see another (that wasnt splendor or trender) enter his woods... that and he also. Never really left his woods save for a few occasions.. never really met another creature like him outside family
Hes curious, of course! He himself can only talk so much about his day to day life, being more or less binded to his forest.. so hes willing to let you talk his non existent ears off
Likes making crafts for you that remind him of your stories
Doesnt particularly favor one form over the other; though with that said he almost offed you when you first waltzed in, disguised as a human
Makes him realize he... doesn't know how to do that..
Oooh how cute! You're so tiny!
On the flip side, hes met dozens of slender-beings, due to him bouncing around just about everywhere
Doesnt make fun of your height, bullying isnt cool!!
You both exchange stories about places you've been and things you've done
Sits down and looks at you with so much interest when its your turn to speak
Finds both of your forms adorable
Laughing Jack
"I didn't even know they made them this size!"
Ljs already a little shit, but hes going to be even more of a little shit around you being a runt
He'll try not to take it too far, but hes definitely got a problem with his filter
Due to him being bound to his box and being passed around Lj only has so much experience with different kinds of people
So even though he'll crack jokes and interrupt, he's willing to listen to a story or two
You can still be taller than him and he'll still tease about your runt status <\3
Eyeless Jack
"Oh.. huh.. you're like.. that one guy,"
In my au he lives in the same woods as slenderman but they hardly interact and when they do it's barely civil
Both are very possessive of their areas so... yeah
Asides slender you're the only slender-being hes met; he wont even know you're a runt unless you bring it up
If you do he'll just
Not care, I mean hes short too so??
Has a weird.. vicarious thing going on with your story
Hes condemned himself to being a hermit due to his curse, so he ends up naturally.. doing that with your stories and makes small suggestions on where you should go next
What having your normal life snatched away does to a mf
Masky & Hoodie
"Mini boss?" "Mini boss"/j
Masky is.. well my take on him hes a little.. funky.. bro is likely watching you from a distance and not really.
Kinda freaks out when you reveal your true form
Hoodie is a little more tame and open than masky, kinda just
Signs and asks questions but he isnt too social
"Why are you so short??"/j
Honestly I feel like these two would take a long time to warm up; they're already distant enough with slender
Idk, I really dont have any ideas for these two 💔😔☝️
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kkami-writes · 9 months
hey guys!! long time no talk......here's a little life update!
so as you remember I got a job at the beginning of novemeber! while kinda stressful and hectic I really enjoyed working with the dogs and was happy even if i didn't have as much time for other things. December took a bit of a rough turn with seasonal depression and just feeling no motivation for really much of anything. For context for years I've never really had amazing birthdays, I've been disappointed, upset or just alone on my birthdays and I've long lost the excitement of my birthday. This year, I took a trip to Orange County/LA to visit family. We had planned on doing an escape room (something I've only done once but enjoyed but with my anxiety the thought of being locked in a room freaks me out). my cousins bf however booked a saw themed room. for those of you who don't know. I hate horror. ok, I digress. sometimes I can watch horror. but i mostly more enjoy horror video games but even then I do NOT play them for the most part. And if I do I usually have to take a break bc my anxiety spikes. In years I have gotten better at dealing with it, but in general horror movies specifically trigger me pretty badly. And prior to this, my anxiety had been out of control, constant anxiety and panic attacks that I didn't think I was even going to make it on my trip. So needless to say I was upset. Because I was looking forward to doing an escape room, I enjoy puzzles and thinking but that being said I would never ever do a horror themed escape room. I felt bad because I couldn't do it and they had already paid and it was about an hour before we had to leave. (thank god I asked what the theme of the room was before we got there). anyway, with all my emotions that I had been piling up in me, I just had a bad breakdown and cried. They all ended up going bc again, didn't want to waste money and I just wanted to be alone at that point anyway. Regardless, I still had a good time on the trip, "minor" bump aside. We went to little tokyo and I got to go to designer con for a bit. ALSO I love my cousins bf, he's a really nice guy. He did not know I don't do horror so it's not his fault. In his defense it was more supposed to be horror comedy / parody but I was already very highly anxious that even that would freak me out.
With my job, the original owners of the daycare had sold it, due to personal circumstances so we were getting a whole new owner. Except that a lot of us did not agree with things they were going to be adding or the way they interacted with the dogs. They have "nap time" which is literally just them crating all the dogs for almost 2 whole hours. Not all the dogs are crate trained and needless to say, did not enjoy it. When we tried it a few times it was just non stop barking for 2 hours. It was heartbreaking and sad. Literally everyone but two people have quit and decided they would not be working with these new people who clearly don't really care about the dogs. It's all about how to make the most money. The new owners don't even HAVE a dog. It's kinda crazy. So that being said...I have also decided to leave as I just don't feel comfortable there anymore. Which is heartbreaking because even though it's been two months, I've really bonded with these dogs and love them and it feels like I've left them to fend for themselves :/ anyway, I don't want to keep rambling on and on. but basically! i'm on the hunt for a new job and still struggling a bit with motivation and my mood, but i'm still hoping to return back to writing in january. I miss you guys a lot and have missed writing. I'm gonna answer all my asks soon. Thanks <3
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chainoftalent · 2 months
Hi hi!! I adore your writing. Could I request your headcanons for yandere pregame Kokichi and/or Shuichi?? Tysm!
Actually I've been thinking about my Pregame Shuichi a lot
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Pregame Shuichi headcanons and also I got carried away and made a short prologue fic for it
I see pregame Shuichi as a person with very very bad intrusive thoughts and likely some form of undiagnosed personality disorder. To make it more clear this is my pregame shuichi im using my own personal pregame name for him, Shinichi. If you want specifically a more fanon kagehara or bonkichi send another ask specifying
Shinichi was having a normal day, people watching while writing in his notebook. He liked to watch the people go by, even if he never had the guts to talk to them. How could he when he couldn't stop thinking about all the ways he could hurt them. How easy it would be to just plunge his pencil into-
He took a deep breath and turned his pencil back to his notebook. Writing down the gory thoughts and impulses that made his fingers twitch. It was cathartic, to write them down, it felt almost like purging himself of the thoughts. Channeling them into writing a potential execution or murder for his fangan even helped make it almost feel productive. He'd been getting behind on updates.
Then he locked eyes with them for only a split second, and their mind went wild. Depraved lustful thoughts swirled in their brain, and they quickly snapped their eyes away.
With a shaking hand he fumbled for a cigarette, needing to calm his thoughts. He hated smoking, he hated everything about it, but it would shut up his brain for a few minutes. Long enough to regain his composure, frantically tugging down his face mask.
Lighting it up, he blew his thoughts out with the smoke. He could feel his body unclenching, and his mind slowed. Even in that smoke, they couldn't stop thinking about them. They had looked so...innocent, sweet, the kind of person that had his hands twitching to touch and hold and rip into and devour.
He remembered they smiled at him when they made eye contact, they hadn't originally noticed in their panic. It made him blush, no one had smiled at him in awhile. It felt...nice, to be noticed, acknowledged as existing. He wanted to run after them, to chase them down, to talk with them and maybe for once in his pathetic life not ruin a social interaction.
That would be really weird though, and he didn't want such a nice seeming person to think of him weird. So he turned back to his notebook, writing down all the information he had seen from that glimpse. A few moments later when he looked down at his notes and realized he had approximated so much as their shoe size, that he knew he might have been a bit of trouble...
Shinichi cannot stop thinking about his beloved, its a problem, hurting them or having sex with them or both quickly become one of his most prominent intrusive thoughts that plague them constantly
He's both very drawn to and repulsed by the thoughts, he thinks its pretty and aesthetic and god it would feel good but also he's a monster for that he CAN'T!!
Definitely stalking them, Shinichi probably doesn't even fully realize that they've gone beyond a normal background check on a new friend and into stalking until they've broken into their house and he takes a look at what he's doing, oops!
Constantly beating themselves up for their obsession, but can't stop himself even as he calls himself a creep and a monster, he can't stop himself from channeling his thoughts and desires into fucked up stories and gruesome drawings, its cathartic.
CLINGY if you be his friend, he's TERRIFIED of being left behind or that you'll realize he's a freak and leave him. Would die for you in a heartbeat.
Shinichi's a fussing type, the type to call you at 3 am because he had a bad feeling and wanted to make sure you're okay. This and variants of it happens twice a week minimum.
He's very self aware that he's fucked up and wrong for all this but...but...he needs it! It feels more tolerable then just rotting! Like he has a reason for living!
His parents give him terrible advice when it becomes really blatant he has a crush, telling him to be more aggressive about it and to keep pursuing them and to be a strong man they can rely on that's what people want. This does not help his intrusive thoughts at all and makes him worse, thanks mom and dad.
A sadomasochist, he doesn't mind if you slap him and boss him around as long as he gets to be near you, and likely finds the whole thing very very hot and fantasizes about it if you do.
Despite being a sadist Shinichi doesn't actually want to hurt you but if you happen to get hurt from other ways they'll absolutely sneak a picture at it to stare at when he wants to hurt them, he knows he's a monster for it, but if keeping a collection of photos of their scraped knees and papercuts makes it easier to not pin them down and see them bleed for him and eat their heart then he has to do it anyways.
Doesn't want to admit to their beloved that anything is wrong or they're obsessed but will crumple like a wet paper towel if pressed
Shockingly actually very observant and good at putting together and remembering small details when he can actually focus.
Is using their beloved as a form of self harm, using them to justify feeling worse and doing things bad for his mental health because he deserves it!
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yakuzacanons · 11 months
I know this is gonna sound pretty random but since I started playing Yakuza 6 (dw I won't spoil anything!!) I've been wondering how the boys would react to finding a baby and how they would take care of it while they find out what happened/take the baby back to their parents/etc. Feel free to use your imagination as how they found the baby (ex.: the classic "left it at your front door inside a straw basket lmaoo)
If possible do hc for all the boys pls 🙏🙏🙏
sksksk this is so funny to me, yes it's babey time. My apologies for such a late reply, been taking my time coming up with these. Love you guys, mwah. Headcanons below da cut, it's a long one. So many boys...
Kazuma Kiryu
His first thought: what the heck is a baby doing by itself out here. His second thought: if I don't care for this baby, who will? Pretty well practiced with kids so the most difficult thing is actually figuring out who the baby is and what happened to them. Type of guy to tell a baby to stop crying and have the baby actually listen magically.
Majima Goro
Similar reaction to Kiryu except louder and much faster. Baby is now number one priority. Protecting baby is now the most important thing. Will literally walk on water to figure out who the baby is, what happened to them, and most importantly, how to help them. Zero clue how to care for kids though so he mostly calls Kiryu for help.
Akiyama Shun
Clueless as hell and not afraid to admit it. Kind of just bullshitting his way through the whole taking care of a baby thing but he does think the baby is awful cute. Hana lends him a hand whenever Akiyama goes out to figure out more info on the baby. Pretty good at playing peek-a-boo with the baby though.
Saejima Taiga
Mostly confused by the fact that the baby doesn't instantly burst into tears upon seeing him as Saejima is kind of used to most people being freaked out by his appearance. Finding info about the baby is easy, it's the care itself that's hard. Treats the baby oh so very delicately. They take naps together a lot, typically with the baby in its crib, which Saejima most likely built himself, while Saejima naps on the floor next to it with his hand lazily draped over the edge of the crib.
Tanimura Masayoshi
Shockingly a natural with kids. Secretly dedicates a lot of his time on the job digging into the baby's past. Typically when he's working, he leaves the baby at Homeland. For some reason, he's really good at comforting babies when they cry. Fights tooth and nail to find out who this baby is as he feels some part of himself relating to the baby.
Ryuji Goda
This baby is an Omi Alliance issue now. Ryuji kind of relates personally to the baby as he himself felt so disconnected from his own childhood. Puts his Omi resources into not just learning info about the baby but also having the best care in the meantime. The baby's gonna have a nice crib with nice pajamas and a nice bottle and the baby's gonna have all that now, today, immediately, because Ryuji said so.
Nishikiyama Akira
Do not give him a baby, he doesn't know what the heck to do. Just as scared as the baby honestly. Similar to Saejima in that solving the mystery of who this baby is is actually quite easy, especially with Tojo resources. Nishiki does not understand babies. Type of dude to just ask the baby what they want as if the baby can answer. Poor guy, he's just trying his best.
Daigo Dojima
Mostly just wondering who the heck leaves a baby on the steps of the Tojo Clan Headquarters. Kind of just resigns himself to being a temporary dad until the situation gets sorted. Assigns some men to dig up info on the baby but handles the baby's care himself. Secretly thinks babies are adorable and is one of the most doting of the boys, almost on a similar level to Kiryu.
Mine Yoshitaka
Just as clueless as Nishiki but will not show his frustration because he, as silly as it sounds, refuses to be bested by a baby of all things. Kind of guy to kick himself down the line for getting himself so attached to said baby without realizing it. Similar to Daigo, he delegates the info gathering to some of the men below him. His job is more office related like Daigo's so he cares for the baby personally, but mostly out of efficiency, at least at the start of things.
Tatsuo Shinada
Caring for a lost baby is easy, but when it comes to figuring out who this baby is, he's kind of at a loss. Might honestly call up Daigo to ask for assitance, to which Daigo will probably say something like "What the heck do I know about finding information on babies?". Shinada's natural talent is playing with babies. Probably buys more toys than he can afford or that the baby would ever need.
Ichiban Kasuga
Ever the optimist, Ichiban isn't really phased by a lost baby. He and his friends will figure out who the baby is and care for the baby together, like a big happy family. The baby loves playing with his hair, which he resents at first but eventually thinks it's super cute. Calls the baby all kinds of silly pet names.
Tianyou Zhao
Honestly, he would just call up Ichiban and ask him to look after the baby while he goes out to figure out who this baby is and what to do with them. Zhao eventually learns that he does in fact think babies are cute and that he's really good at rocking them to sleep. Babies really like hearing him sing for some reason too. The baby can't stop trying to grab his glasses though, much to Zhao's annoyance and Ichiban's entertainment.
Joon-Gi Han
If he found a baby, he'd just go straight to Seonhee and ask her what they should do. Seonhee would honestly be the one gathering intel, especially with all the surveillance the Geomijul has, which means Joon-Gi still gets stuck babysitting. Treats babies super gently given his abusive childhood and he'd absolutely kick himself if physical harm ever came to the baby. Would give Seonhee a full break down of what the baby did that day even if she didn't ask. Also good at remembering what the baby likes, especially things like food.
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orofritokathy · 8 months
Sparring Partner.
Jin/Xiaoyu. Fluff. Post Tekken 8.
My first attempt at a Tekken fanfic and a first fanfic for A WHILE so please be nice:
I don't own any of these characters.
"A sparring session? From Jin? While he's still recovering from the... You know...?"
Xiaoyu sat on a random table with Panda, Asuka and Alisa discussing that the other night Jin asked his best friend to join him for a sparring session this evening.
"You sure he wasn't still recovering from all the blows he got from his deadbeat devil dad?" Asuka asked.
"I mean could very well be but Jin has always been alert and on his toes and I wish there was a way to say that danger is truly gone." Xiaoyu scratches her head.
"Still, I think you should go and that's when you tell him..." Alisa noted.
"Tell him about what?"
"That there's a super sized edition of the decaffeinated coffee by Ortiz Fa... No, that you've been having the hots for Jin, pigtails!" Asuka smacked the table, almost startling Panda who was enjoying a can of fish.
"Hey, those aren't pigtails and how did you know?!" Xiaoyu protested.
"Where do we begin? You've always been so damn nice to him and stood by his side even when he literally went demonic and started WWIII!" Alisa crossed her arms.
"I just had to help him! I know him better than anyone else!" Xiaoyu passed another can of fish to Panda.
"Rawwwrrr awwwraaaarrr!" Panda answered.
"Oh come on, I don't stare that much at his pecs, Panda!" Xiaoyu groaned as the other girls laughed.
"I've fought demons, like actual demons and was responsible for an actual war yet... How do I kiss a girl?!"
Jin was walking around the panel room where Lars and Victor were listening to the young Kazama's problems.
"You're saying you asked this Xiaoyu lady out without practice?" Victor asked in his french accent.
"I didn't think she'd say yes on the spot!" Jin growled.
"You're not saying that you didn't see that coming? Oh Kazama, your bloodline is full of cunning and smart people, surely you're not an exception...!" Victor shook his head.
"Take that back you greyhaired frog!" Jin hissed when Hwoarang peeked in.
"Who am I high-fiving for insulting Jinbo over here?" Hwoarang grinned.
"This is none of your business, get lost!" Jin crossed his arms.
"You better leave." Lars glared at the Korean rival sternly.
"Alright... I'll leave quietly... AY YO, DEMON BOY IS A VIRGIN!" Hwoarang ran off cackling into the distance before Jin took off.
"Better pray that I don't have any demon genes left, dicknugget!"
Despite Xiaoyu's protests, she appeared at the training dojo looking beautiful and dolled up thanks to Lili and Panda fixing her up (While Asuka insulting Lili's styling tips).
She wore a gorgeous dark pink traditional outfit and a sweet headband. She looked around as she was alone.
"I knew it. It's going to be just a sparring session and I will look like a fool for dressing up too nicely for this... Grrr, once I get my hands on Jin I will..."
"You will what?"
Xiaoyu turned around and saw Jin wearing an all black suit, the top buttons undone and holding out a flower.
"I'm glad I'm not the only one who was freaking out over this." Jin chuckled and handed over the flower to Xiaoyu.
"Thanks... What's going on?" She asked.
Jin took a deep breath.
"The only reason I did not notice your... Advances to me was because I was afraid... Not afraid of feeling wonderful emotions but I was afraid of hurting the one woman that means as much to me as my mother. I saw a lot of her in you but... I was scared of committing the same mistakes as my..." Jin felt a lump on his throat.
"Your father." Xiaoyu added and Jin added.
"The devil gene has done lots of damage but it also saved me in some ways... Yet now with that gone... I'm ready to become a whole new man and I just want to start with... A new move." Jin finished as Xiaoyu looked at him sideways.
"A what?"
"Come on, arms up... Fists on the ready. Defence stance." Jin held up his hands and Xiaoyu shrugged as she obeyed him.
"What kind of a move are you...." Xiaoyu was interrupted by Jin - kissing her on the lips.
It was a gentle yet a passionate kiss, something Xiaoyu has only seen in her favorite romantic movies but did not expect from the usually tough and silent Kazama. She held him close and answered the kiss with the same enthusiasm and need.
"Well...?" Jin asked after their lips parted ways.
"That was... Smooth. Didn't know you had that in you, mister Mean Demon." Xiaoyu teased and Jin just nudged her. "Shut up, Xiao." He chuckled before kissing her again when Panda stumbled in, gazed at the couple before passing out.
"I'll get the fish..." Jin shook his head with a grin...
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gutterspeak · 20 days
12, 14 and 16 for Luth :)
ty dujour!!! from this ask game!
under a cut because it got long, whoopsie
12. How does their mythic path synergize with their personality - does it augment it, or is it in contrast? Something in-between?
aeon definitely highlights certain aspects of his personality in... not the greatest ways! it ends up making him one of the worst versions of himself once all's said and done <3
Luthais as a whole is really defined by his desire for control and that particular aspect of the aeon path is part of what makes it so attractive to him, but he goes from just wanting agency in his own life for once + overcompensating for his crippling self doubt to really, deeply, genuinely believing that he is the only one who can see things as they truly are, let alone solve what needs solving. it's a gradual slip and slide into this totalitarian way of thinking, and it starts with this little number in act 3 right here
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the aeon in the mirror enabling his inner control freak does NOT do him any favors!!
14. What about another mythic path that they did not take? Is there one that would fit them, build or personality wise, and what might that have looked like?
oh boy...
HAHA this is actually something I've given a lot of thought! something I'm sure I've said about a thousand times (and I will say it again!!!) is that Luthais is a mirror of the events and people around him. he has a strong presence and sense of self but he also, almost subconsciously, shapes himself to fit the expectations and assumptions other people have for him
that being said, I've come to the consensus that the stars could align and I could see him being tempted down nearly every path EXCEPT. probably. trickster. it's just so strongly antithetical to aeon and his own personality that I can't do the mental gymnastics to justify it. angel is also a hard sell considering the baggage he has around Iomedae. gold dragon... is just hard to picture. but 7/10 isn't bad! he has the RANGE!!
azata is the one I think about for him the most! next to demon, it's probably one of the easiest jumps for him, as funny as that is to say. somewhere deep... DEEP down... he has a little bit of whimsy. he wouldn't have a completely drastic shift in personality by any means, but he'd be having a slightly better time than he does as aeon. his RBF would relax a little. he might even smile more than once a week 🥺
demon is a likely alternative too though. he has a maybe not surprising amount of repressed rage? aren't you tired of being nice, etc, but he'd also be self destructive and out of control and thus be deeply, horribly miserable :(
lich and swarm would both come from his morbid curiosity and general resentment for his situation being left unchecked. he's a scientist and a petty bitch first and second!
devil COULD come about in the right circumstances, and most likely through aeon > devil over going azata first. he typically frowns on using his position to his own benefit but he does do it when he thinks it's justified, and ain't that just a slippery slope...
16. How well do they play mechanically with their romance, if any? If not, which party member do they synchronize best with?
well. I LIKE to think they fight well together, but my knowledge on how to build effective characters in the pathfinder system is mid at best, so who knows really LOL
I'm running Luthais as a blood kineticist this playthrough with a focus on using kinetic blade over ranged blasts, but I keep changing my mind and respecing him back and forth. what I picture in my mind and like aesthetically vs what works better mechanically does not always align </3
BUT Daeran's on a wolf pet with dual rapiers, so for now they're both usually in melee, and I slapped them both with the half of the pair necklaces to capitalize on that. from what I remember they were taking down enemies pretty quickly together when I was rolling through the ivory sanctum on core
Daeran's obviously the main support but Luthais can throw out a kinetic heal for him in a pinch. they keep each other alive really well and dish out enough damage between the two of them (and Growlfrey the wolf, of course) that I do tend to keep them on the same enemies as a pair!
I do wish the kinetic blade got attacks of opportunity to take advantage of the wolf trip, but I usually have at least one or two other melee within reach anyway to delete the enemy's health bar when they stand up... and it's even better when they start piggybacking off each other's crits :]
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yuymayd · 1 year
I know, probably, nobody will read this, but I NEED to say this somewhere. I just despise how people treat both Yang and Ruby and their development throughout the show. It almost looks like people are not watching the same cartoon as I am. Also, the fact Ruby and I have a very alike household and story of life makes everything hit stronger to me. So, I will make a small analysis of some aspects of Ruby and Yang throughout the series based on my pov and on the information we were given by the series.
After Summer left and ended up dying during her mission, everyone was crushed in pieces. As we saw in Red Like Roses part II, Ruby always had the feeling her mom would not come back home someday. To a little kid, waking up and getting to know that your worst fear turned up to be real is devastating, especially when it comes to losing someone that it's the glue of the house and is your mom. After that, Tai was so broken that he couldn't even be a functional father and Yang, who was also a kid, had to pick the responsibility of taking care of Ruby. In my vision, both Yang and Ruby blamed themselves from all of this bad situation, one thinking that because of her Summer left them and the other trying to compensate all the time for being a "burden" to others. In their household, it looks like everyone didn't use to talk about their feelings or about everything that has happened (as we saw Yang and Tai arguing in the volume 4). With all of this, it's crystal clear why Ruby and Yang have so many difficulties in talking about their struggles and their difficulties.
Ruby always felt like she was a burden to other people (and I think it's because she feels guilty that Yang had to kinda put her need before her own and she blames herself for Summer's d3ath), so she tried so hard to be the best leader and to make the best choices, but EVERYTHING was crumbling and, with more and more choices to make and with all of the weight of the world on you shoulders because everyone is counting on you, she started to lose herself and feel like she's incompetent. She truly felt like she had no value and that she was completely alone. Since the beginning, she wasn't the kind of person that would ask for help when she was struggling (she tried to figure it out by herself) and, with the situation getting more complex, she had the feeling she needed to do everything on her own. When they were in Ever After, all of her trauma hit her like a truck: the absence of her mom; Penny having one moment of living like a human and, just after that, her life ended because she needed to pass the powers; the weight of her choices, including the people who died in the middle and all of the destruction it caused; and all of her mistakes. Everything was too much for her to handle and she felt like she failed to everyone. Thinking about all of this, it makes sense why she was so broken and why she didn't have hope for things to get better. To everyone saying she was being selfish, she was not. She was really having her first real mental breakdown in her life. In this kind of moment, everything is extremely intense and it's sooo hard to see that there are people who you can rely on by your side. She's just a girl who has to fight in a very unfair battle she didn't ask for.
Now, about Yang. I've seen people from the fandom saying she is not really intelligent or even calling her stupid, but she's everything but those things (of course she can act silly and be goofy, but she's not dumb). Yang grew so freaking much when it comes to fighting and she thinks a lot before making some decision, even on battle or in her private life. This girl tends to bottle up her feelings and she puts all of her teammates and other people before her. She would sacrifice herself without even thinking twice because she cares more about other people's well being than her own (and this is something I would love to see being discussed in the next volumes). I think she does this because, to her, it's better to lose herself than losing people she loves (almost thinking she's replaceable). And, I mean, she had to sacrifice a lot of stuff for other people's sakes, especially for Ruby. Being a young kid and having to parent your younger sibling can change the way you see everything and even you own self worth. To everyone who said she doesn't care about her sister, please, watch the last three volumes again. She asks Ruby a couple of times if she was okay and, when Ruby made the theory about what happened to their mom, Yang pulled herself together after sobbing a little and pulled Ruby into a hug, trying to comfort her little sister instead of letting all of her emotions out. If Ruby doesn't talk to Yang what's wrong, she cannot do anything about it, she doesn't have a crystal ball to tell her what's happening with other people. Yang always showed to be someone reliable and tried her best to tough for everyone else's sake. Don't say she's a bad sister when she isn't.
Well, this was just my small rant about these two sister I love so much! I have more things to say about this but I think the rest is more projection :') and I'm too tired to write more hehe
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poopwons · 8 months
ok now im gonna need u to write photographer armin pls & thank you!! him giving u a photo album of his fav photos when he confesses? yes 100%
CHLOE MY DEAREST. omg I'm sorry I left you in drafts for so long. I had two panic inducing pet incidents happen within like two days of each other. Everyone's okay, I just freak out when things happen to my babies. **I've also never written for Armin, so this was a bit of a challenge for me. I hope this is okay💖 It's probably my own insecurities about the way I look but I literally fantasize about seeing myself through other peoples eyes, so literally any opportunity to write about that, I'm gonna take it LOL**
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You love when it's like this. Just you and Armin laying out on the hood of his car, music playing softly through the open windows, while you talk about anything and everything under the sun.
You loved everyone in the friend group, but you and Armin just seemed to have a special connection. It was easy to talk to him about everything, and he was always bringing little fun facts for you when you needed some cheering up or even just a change of subject when things got too heavy.
So, here you were, chattering on and on about a movie you’d watched recently, telling him about every theory you’d thought up and all the different characters. You can’t help but notice Armin seems to be looking at you differently this time, more attentive, but also not. Like he’s making more eye contact but he’s not actually hearing you.
“Armin?…you okay?” You ask, face etched with concern.
“Hm?” He seems to shake himself out of his head to answer you. “Y-yeah. I’m fine, sorry. Just a lot of my mind, I guess.”
Well, that was different. He’s usually really up front with you when something was bothering him. The two of you confiding in each other and offering advice where you could.
“Do you want to talk about it?” You sit up, propping yourself up on your elbows to look at him more clearly. He seems…you don’t know, nervous maybe?
He pauses, like he’s trying to decide if he really wants to talk to you about this specific thing or not. He sighs, turning to face you.
"Do you ever wonder if it's better to enjoy something the way it is, taking what you can get, rather than risking ruining everything by asking for more?"
"I guess that depends on what the thing is," you say, trying not to pry. "I think, if it's something important to you, what's the harm in asking for more and trying to get the most out of it?"
Armin makes a face, it's almost a pained expression. You scoot a little closer to him, taking his hand in yours, trying to comfort him.
"It would help if I knew exactly what we were referring to." You say gently, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze. You just want him to know that you're here for him, just like he's always been there for you.
He takes a deep breath, looking into your eyes, you hope he can see the genuine concern there,
"You know, every time I talk to everyone else about this, they always tell me just to man up and say something. That everything will end up okay, and I'm sure if it was anyone else, that would be true. But, I'm not anyone else, I'm me and..and.."
He does this when he's nervous or anxious about something. Ranting and going on and on, not realizing that all the extra words don't do anything to soothe his nerves. You give his hand another squeeze.
"Armin," You say gently, "I still don't have any idea what you're talking about."
He gives you an apologetic look, then lets out a nervous chuckle.
"Sorry, you're right. I'm not being very clear, am I?" He shakes his head again and goes to move off the hood. "Hang on, maybe this will help."
You wait for him as he goes into the trunk of the car, searching for something before slamming the trunk back down and holding out a book to you. You take it hesitantly, unsure if it's really meant for you or not despite him handing it to you.
"Open it," He's still standing at the hood of the car, fiddling with his nails.
You take the book, holding it upright and opening it, surprised to see a bunch of photos, and you seem to be at the center of all of them. There are photos where you were all obviously with the group, but despite there being so many other potential subjects, Armin had focused on you. There were some photos that he took when it was just the two of you, late at night when he'd take you on a drive after complaining that you couldn't sleep, photos of the two of you at breakfast together.
"I um.. I was saving that for your birthday, but Jean and Connie said I should just give it to you now. It's all my favorite pictures of us, a-and some of my favorites of you." He runs his hand through his hair, sighing before he continues. "Look, I know we're really good friends, and I don't want to mess up anything we have.. I just.." Another sigh, and you can't help but stare at him now, album still clutched in your hands. "You're so... special, an-and smart, and funny, and beautiful, it..god, it drives me crazy sometimes. I...like you..like, really, really like you."
You just sit there, hands clutching the album, staring at him. You can't believe what you just heard. Your heart is hammering in your chest, the blood rushing in your ears. He keeps going while you process everything he's said.
"and I... totally get it if you don't feel the same. Our friendship is so important to me and I don't want this to make things weird.."
"Armin," You start, setting the book to the side, before sitting up on your knees to wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him into you. "I like you too, a lot."
"You do?" He asks like he's genuinely surprised.
"Yes, you dummy." You chuckle, cupping his face in your hands. "Do you see me calling anyone else at 3am when I can't sleep?"
"I..I mean, no but I thought you just liked riding in my car the best."
"I like being with you the best."
"Oh," He lets that process for a minute, while you just look at him with that same lovey-dovey look you've always given him, wondering how in the hell he could have missed it. "So, do..do you want to be with me?"
"Obviously," You giggle again, before pressing your lips to his, content to spend your whole summer just like this, with your boyfriend.
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lucycore · 10 months
Hello again haha
As you can tell by now I LOVE your work. And I saw you wanted some ideas.
I've got a Peter Criss fan fic (🌶🔥 of course) idea for ya!
I've heard from Paul and Gene that Peter threw his drumsticks on them (live on stage) when he got upset.
So... What if that drumstic hits you (reader). After the show and he walks towards "you" after the show to ask if you're alright, and yeah... You'll do the rest😏
Heyy I really enjoy that idea. Hope u like it and thx a lot ♡
Peter criss imagine
Pov: Peter accidentally hurts u with his drumstick.
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It's 1979 and u finally could go on a Kiss concert. U were very excited to see the boys but deep down in ur heart u were more excited about seeing ur favorite catman with his cute cat make up. Peter criss.
U decided to be the most beautiful girl on the concert and even made sure to get in the very first row, right next to the stage. Ur heart was beating like crazy knowing u will see soon ur favorite boys..Or should I say boy? ;) (sorry).
After waiting for way too long finally, the lights changed and u heard loud screams and cheering all around u..The boys finally came on stage. Ur eyes immediately turned themselves to see Peter with his cute face paint, smiling at the fans that were freaking out. U couldn't stop smiling seeing him all happy and cute..He made u blush like crazy.
They started playing and u couldn't help but just cry out. U waited for way too long and now finally u could see them life..It felt like a dream.
As u were singing along all dreamed up and not aware of anything as if u left earth, u got woken up by a bang to ur head and slight pain that followed right after.
"What the heck? What was that?" It shocked u. "Felt like I got hit by something."
U looked around if someone hit u by accident but that wasn't the case. Everyone was concentrated on the guys playing. U looked down on the floor and saw a drumstick.
"Wait?..Is that...Is that Peters drumstick?" U had a lot of feelings go through u at that moment when u realized that u got hit by his drumstick.
In fact, peter was known to throw his sticks around and people did see it but when they couldn't catch it they just kinda left it there thinking someone else did catch it also Peter was known for getting upset and not throwing it directly at the fans but rather at Paul and Gene. Well this time it hit u.
U couldn't really process what was happening. Is it real life or am I actually dreaming? I got to see peter live and now even found his drumstick? Wtf is going on?
U could stop smiling, everything was perfect. The last great thing that could happen would be him calling u backstage but that's impossible so u quickly got it out of ur mind.
After the show was done all the fans started going out or backstage when they had a vip ticket. U sadly didn't so with the pain in ur heart and Peters drumstick close to ur heart u started making ur way out. Surprisingly u heard a voice behind u saying "hey" so u turned around curious who would it be. "Now I'm really getting nuts." U thought.
U couldn't believe ur eyes. It was peter..Fucking Peter criss standing in front of u with a soft almost nervous smile. U started shaking, ur heart beating higher and ur face getting pale.
"Im sorry for hurting u with my drumstick..I should be more careful and maybe not throw too hard objects..."
U just stared at him with a shocked face not quite ready to process what was going on.
"Hope ur ok?..." He added.
"Y-Yeah sure..Don't worry about it..Didn't even hurt that bad.." U smiled nervously.
He smiled back and nodded softly.
"So...Can I do something for u?.." He asked.
"F-For me? U stuttered. "N-No..I mean I'm okay and it's already a blessing getting hit by ur drumstick and then having u talk to me..What more could I wish for?" U said happily what made him laugh a little shyly as he looked down.
"Well are u sure? How about I take u backstage..We could talk more and better..It's quite chaotic here."
U thought u will pass out..Usually these things only happen in ur imagination but this time it's fucking real. U of course nodded and went with him. U guys went into his room and u just had to look around..It was stunning to see his room that he had while being on tour.
*Time skip*
After talking for some time u got more comfortable with him and he with u. U saw noticed his looks on ur body, literally striping u down with his eyes. U did look sexy that evening and got some guys to look at u but tonight it seems like ur only his..And by his I mean Peter.
"Yk it was nice meeting a chill girl like u..and again sorry for hurting u..I didn't mean to throw it that far."
U again told him that it was alright. He suddenly moved closer to u and ur heart again started beating faster.
"I know how I can make this up.." He whispered softly what made u blush like crazy.
"R-Really? How?" Ur face got read and the look in ur face was just shocked and nervous.
Peter smirked and as u were trying to realize what was happening, u were laying there, legs spread wide apart and Peters head between them.
Ur hand were grabbing onto the bed sheets as Peters tongue entered ur opening. U had ur head thrown back feeling his tongue penetrating u.
U let out not too loud but high moans while feeling all dizzy from the pleasure. U never had ur pussy licked before and for the very first time of yours it felt like heaven.
U didn't know what to do with ur head and the bed sheets weren't enough to grab so u just went for his hair and pulled him even closer, making his face almost disappear in ur private parts. His hands were stroking ur thighs and grabbing onto them. Ur eyes rolled back as u felt close to cumming.
U started cursing and his fingers thrusted in u as he felt u getting closer. His tongue was eating ur clit, hitting ur g spot.
Ur moans got louder and ur legs started closing but he forcefully kept them open. Ur back arched and ur body lifted itself while u were cumming all over his face and fingers. U literally squirted his fingers out of ur opening. That's how well he made u cum. He had a lot of experience and good for u..Ur first time having Oral was like an complete dream..People wouldn't believe if u would tell them.
He left u hardly breathing on the bed. U closed ur eyes cuz u needed a second while he was watching u and smirking. U told him that it was ur first time and he got excited about it and also got a little ego booster hearing how good he was.
Now u didn't have any condoms like him but u still wanted to repay him so without saying anything u sat up and made him lay down. U never sucked dick before but u didn't care about that, u just wanted to satisfy ur king so u just started stroking it and slowly licking and kissing his tip. Peter let out a little groan and closed his eyes, having one arm behind his head.
When u noticed that u were doing the right thing u decided to take him deeper inside but got stopped by ur gag reflex. U sucked on it for a bit to get ur throat used to that feeling so it allowed u to take him deeper and let him feel the heaven u felt a few mins ago. His groans got louder and ur sucking deeper and faster.
With ur free hand u squeezed his big balls for extra pleasure and with the other one u were stroking his cock while sucking.
He groaned and was keep telling u how good ur doing and how much he enjoys it.
This made u even weaker for him and letting him fuck ur throat was like a reward.
While he was closer to his climax, he grabbed the back of your head and pushed u deeper in. Ur gag reflex returned but u didn't care less. Ur only goal was to satisfy him and nothing more. He was thrusting faster and faster making ur eyes clench till he finally released in ur mouth.
His warm load was dripping down ur throat and his cock twitching on ur tongue. After he took it out of ur mouth u swallowed what was left of his load in ur mouth mixed with ur saliva.
He fell back on the bed all exhausted and heavily breathing while u laid ur head on his chest.
"That was amazing y/n" He mumbled.
"It was" U had ur eyes closed and breathed out deeply.
"I won't let u go..U will have to stay here till morning..U were so amazing and so beautiful..I need u right now to calm down and spend time with someone who's not like those groupie whores."
His words made u feel so special and u just still kinda couldn't believe that it's true..Usually at that point u would wake up and hate that u did but this time it was completely real. U were laying in ur favorite Rockstars arms and u were more than happy, hoping this never ends...
Excuse any typos. It's currently 1am I'm tired goodnight.
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Hi, Lost. I recently saw a discussion about Ackermans and how Levi never mentioned to Mikasa the possibility of them being distantly relative. And it suggests that Levi doesn't actually reveal that he's an Ackerman to the others, at least, not to a lot of people. I always assumed Levi and Mikasa at least discussed this off-scene but anyway, we all know Levi definitely talked to Erwin about it. Knowing Erwin's curiosity and personality, there is no way he wasn't obsessed with the idea of a clan of, basically, titan slayers. He loves a good mystery and they would be too important for Survey Corps and Paradis in general. It's weird that this Ackerman thing was never explored other than "yeah Levi and Mikasa are OP don't question it" because I don't know about you but I would be so interested in freaking super soldiers living amongst us and I believe so was Erwin. We were robbed of that conversation, it'd give us so much Eruri material I believe :(
Hi Anon, sorry it’s taken me so long to answer your ask. You're definitely not the only one to be frustrated with the lack of information and resolution about the Ackermans. People waited years for Levi and Mikasa to have “the Ackertalk”, but when it finally came in chapter 63 it left everyone pretty disappointed. It did happen though, and Levi does suggest to Mikasa that they may be related.
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There was a glimmer of hope that more would be revealed when the Ackermans were referred to as a “subproduct of Titan science” in chapter 93.  That really set the cat amongst the pigeons, but again, we got no further explanation about what that actually meant, either in the manga or in any of the supplementary materials. The only subsequent information we got about the Ackermans were Eren’s lies to Mikasa in chapter 112, where he claimed that Ackermans were slaves to their host, and Zeke revealing in chapter 130 that there’s nothing magical about the so-called Ackerbond, it’s just love. 
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A lot of the additional information we have about the Ackermans comes from interviews with Isayama in the supplementary guidebooks, and it’s confusing at best and contradictory at worst.  For example, in chapter 65 Grandpa Ackerman tells Kenny that the king’s power to alter memories does not work on the Ackermans, and that this is one of the reasons they were feared and persecuted by the crown. However, later in the manga Eren was clearly able to alter Mikasa's memories, so that doesn’t add up. It's almost like Isayama was just making it up as he went along!
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The lack of resolution around the Ackermans is just one of a number of threads that Isayama never tied up, which includes HIstoria’s arc and Mikasa’s relationship to the Azumabito clan.  It’s frustrating, because the Ackerman lore had so much potential, but none of it was ever developed, and at the end of the day they were a bit of a McGuffin. (Levi McGuffin doesn’t quite have the same ring to it though 😂)  Having said that, I can understand why Isayama shelved the Ackerman backstory, because it wasn’t really central to the plot. Also Levi, Mikasa and Kenny didn’t need any additional lore to make them really compelling and popular characters.  
If you're interested, I've got a post collating all the canon information about the Ackermans from the manga and the guidebooks: Ackermans Master Post.
With regards to how much Erwin knew about the Ackermans, there’s nothing in the manga, but I agree that once he discovered the connection between Levi and Kenny he would definitely have made it his business to find out more.  I wrote a tiny ficlet once about Erwin learning Levi’s name, it’s called Everything and Nothing
The words have been rattling around inside Erwin’s skull for days. Clattering against each other, discordant, disconcerting.
When they finally pass his lips one is familiar on his tongue, familiar as his own breath, the other foreign, sharp and bitter in his mouth.
Levi’s head turns towards him on the pillow.
He turns away again.
“I always wondered…”
“I didn’t know.”
Erwin runs one finger lightly over Levi’s shoulder.
“I know, but it makes sense somehow.”
Levi is silent for a moment.
“It doesn’t change who I am. It doesn’t change anything.”
Erwin looks down at the black hair feathering over the pillow beside him. The pulse flickering in his neck; blue blood below porcelain white skin.
Erwin leans down and presses his lips to Levi’s throat, to the pulse.
“Levi,” he says again.
It changes everything. And nothing.
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via-rant · 1 year
Wanted to experiment on Trichotillomania (Especially since I've had many urges.)
"You agreed to letting me on watch."
"Yeah, on watch! Not fight them by yourself!"
"I didn't have a chance to wake anyone up!! Why even agree to it if you know I'm not going to be good at it?! I'm not a fighter, you said it yourself, I fix the ship!! That's it!! And now we're all stranded until I can get her working again!! Which is going to take at least a month!!"
"What the hell is wrong with you?!"
"What did I do now?!"
"You yelled at me!"
"What are you, five?!" He asked and another second he felt his cheek stinging.
Everything was frozen as tears filled his eyes. Cause it hurt.
"You don't get to talk back."
"I was explaining-" He slapped him again.
"No. Talking. Back. You understand?" He asked and Leo didn't know what else to do.
"Um..." He raised his hand again and Leo flinched.
"Do you understand?"
"Y-yes." He forced and he slapped him again. He felt 8 again. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. He shook, tears falling, not knowing what Jason wanted. He was scared. Alone.
"He'll never understand."
"He'll probably just mess up again anyway."
"No, I can do it."
"Oh Leo. You'll never be able to do it. You'll fail over and over and over and everyone will hate you."
"Will? We already do."
"You're not good enough."
"Stop it."
"You're weak."
"Just a thing people use. You're not special."
"No one needs you."
"Stop it."
"How do you even know you're human? You like machines more than us."
"Stop it!"
"And you look like Sammy. How do you know your parents didn't just built you because your mom was losing him?"
"Stop it!!" He yelled holding his ears tight fingers digging into his head.
"Stop it stop it stop it!!" He screamed hitting the palm of his hands on his ears. Then someone punched him. He backed away holding his nose and when he saw the blood dripping he made a noise of distress and stomped his foot. He took his hammer and started hitting a tree with it. He yelled and threw it when it didn't work. He started hitting his head with his fists yelling and crying and pulling at his hair. Pulling at his hair helped a lot. Especially when he pulled out a big chunk of it. He felt better. And it hurt so it grounded him.
When he opened his eyes, he found himself in his bed, a chunk of his hair in his hand. He shook as he looked at it. Feeling sick with guilt, he threw it away in the trash next to him. He sobbed after another minute, head in his knees.
He wore a hat the rest of the week hoping it wouldn't happen again. But it did. Over and over and over. Meltdown after meltdown, nightmare after nightmare. He forced himself to stay awake after a month of it. He pulled his hair out at least five times in the span of almost two months.
Not to mention the nightmares. Oh the nightmares just like the first one. They yell at him, throw things at him, hit him. Or everything is on fire and he watches his mother burn all over again or he feels himself burning as the voices tell him how useless he is. How much of a freak he is. There was one where they walked right through him. No one saw him, talked to him. He never existed. He yelled, begged for someone to look at him, notice him, notice how much he's suffering.
"Please. Please I'll do anything." He had cried. He woke up having to remind himself it wasn't real. After throwing away another chunk of hair. He also started to get more scared. He knew his nightmares weren't real but they seemed real. He just ended up hiding in Bunker nine after another one hoping he'd be left alone, forcing himself to stay awake.
He was left alone. But only because they couldn't find him. He hid in a capartment in the back of the Bunker. They looked for days. Annabeth found him in the bathroom. She watched him slip when she opened the door, hitting his nose on the corner of the counter, a glass piece getting stuck in his wrist.
"Oh my Gods are you okay?!" Annabeth yelled running over. Great. Annabeth. Fuking Annabeth. There was nothing wrong with her he just probably looked pathetic to her. She went through literal hell, what did he have to complain about? Hair?! She tried to help him up but he flinched back and sat himself up.
"I'm fine." He said with a weak smile before raising his head to stop the bloody nose.
"No. You're not. Sit still." She gave him his hat and some toilet paper for the nose and rushed off before coming back with bandages and some ambrosia. She pulled out the glass and started wrapping it while he had his head up, until his nose cleared.
"This is all I can do for now. We'll get you to the infirmary-" Leo started to panic.
"You know, I think I'm-"
"Stop it Leo! Just... just stop." When he looked at her, he actually looked at her. She looked worried and almost scared. She had tears in her eyes. He realized she was caring for him. She cared.
"You need help, Leo. I want to help you. We want to help you." Her voice cracked and he broke down. He sobbed and she hugged him.
"We're here. Okay? You can tell us anything. We won't judge you. We won't make fun of you. Especially not for something like this."
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shirtlessradfahrer · 3 months
warning cringe venting/rambling about stress and trip planning and hair under the cut
I had a total breakdown after work yesterday
like...dry heaving sobbing into my knees on the floor kind of breakdown
not about the hair…ok yes it was about the hair but not entirely, I've been stressed about a lot of things and the hair change was just what finally set the emotional bomb off
I've had a crapload of anxiety about my trip for weeks (which looking back now I've definitely been suppressing too much, and that was a mistake) bc it's my first time flying/traveling alone, and overseas to boot
Thinking about stuff like, will I forget some crucial papers/tickets/passwords etc and be unable to do fun stuff, will I have a panic attack on the flights despite my meds, will I have some freak accident and end up in hospital over there, will my cat still like me when I get back, will I fit in with enough of his other fans. Will i come back the same person or changed for the better, or for the worse...they all scare me equally.
And I worked my fucking ass off in order to be able to afford everything I'm going to do without going into a ton of debt. Which really did a fucking number on me mentally.....but for almost a year I've told myself it would all be worth it, bc I'd be overwhelmed with joy when I *finally* see that beautiful bowlcut boy in front of me, just as I was filled with joy when I first saw him peeking out of that box
I planned my trip under the loose assumption that the album would be out (or almost out) by this point and I'd be able to celebrate that with people. I got even more excited for this after Böle bc I figured that was the template for everything going forward, and I loved everything I saw-I loved the staging, I loved the new songs, I loved his outfit, I loved the almost bird-esque styling he was doing with the front of the bowlcut
But now....I don't know what the actual fuck he's doing.
I'll be on the (first) plane in a little less than 48 hours and I just feel like the universe is playing some sick joke on me - in less than a week he's gone from someone I would abandon feminism for (I joke) to Some Guy I would be actively avoiding at public events (based on a few unfortunate past experiences with individuals who resembled this, not entirely a joke). Not his fault, I know, and nothing to do with his actual personality of course, which I’m *well aware* is lovely. But that's my reality 🤷🏻‍♀️ and it’s incredibly jarring and not in a good way, and sure as hell not at a good time
And as I said it’s not just about the hair, I feel sick thinking about how much time and money and effort I've put into planning things - esp. gig outfits which I was basing off of the purple/green suit.....and I don't even know if there was any point to that now, bc is he even going to wear it? Again, not specifically *his* fault. But I’m miffed, to say the least.
It feels so incredibly rare these days that I can share a deeply passionate long-term interest with others. I feel like this whole...thing has been a perfect example of how much I struggle with FOMO....with feeling like I'm always left behind. And even when I try my hardest to catch up I can never quite make it before people have moved on to something different.
I know my reaction seems way over-dramatic to some but I just gently ask that you imagine how I feel watching countless people essentially drop by Finland on their free weekends or time off to see him once, or twice, or three times, or five times, or twenty freaking times over the past year, while I’ve had to move heaven and earth for the chance to see him even once (and I'm not trying to generalize, I know for various reasons a lot of you have also been unable to see him still, and I really hope that changes soon <3 especially if you *do* like this look)
The point is that I just wanted to experience the “classic” Kä ONCE! I didn't even plan on going to multiple shows until it became a thing for Summer Camp!! Just ONCE! He could copy the Daltons and go bald after that for all I care!!
He's 100% allowed to style himself however he wants - if I weren't in the *very particular situation* I'm in I'm sure I would be more open to the change although I still hate this particular shade of blonde and think there are much better options but whatever.But I’m allowed to be disappointed when I’ve spent literal thousands of dollars-and will be spending more-to make seeing him a reality. I've had so much bad luck and bad timing already this year and this just took the freaking cake. And again that's not *his* fault, I know. But fuck, am I sad. I just wanted something, anything to go according to plan for me this year.
I know I'll still have a great time - I'm excited to meet and hang out with everyone, and I'm excited to do touristy things and I’m still excited for all the great music I’m going to hear. I'm just venting now bc I don't want to be such a downer when I meet everyone in person.
....now watch me completely clown myself if this really is just for Traffic and he goes back to black in a couple weeks - and I will so very happily wear that clown suit lmao, you can all buy me one if you find one
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Gates to Heck Chapter 7
Shigeo teleported them back to Seasoning City and promptly threw up in a flower bed.
Ritsu used his powers to levitate Teru's prone form, while Reigen did his best to block them from view. People had been a lot more accepting of psychic powers in Seasoning since Claw attacked, but most of them had accepted that it was a problem.
Shigeo was probably also grateful for the privacy.
He had wanted to carry Teru himself, but Ritsu said that "Hanazawa has been through enough for one night without someone throwing up in his hoodie." Shigeo opened his mouth to argue, maybe that it was technically his hoodie.
Then he sighed instead, barely more than an exhale.
"Please be careful," he said. "I think his chest got hurt when he was struggling."
"I could carry him," said Shou. "I'm very gentle. I have hamsters."
"What does that even-" Ritsu started to ask, but Shou interrupted him.
"And I've never dunked my Shishou in a rice paddy."
"He isn't my Shishou!"
Teru had passed out while they were still arguing over who got to carry him. Reigen woke him right back up and made him name the Prime Minister and at least two Vocaloids. Teru rolled his eyes during the concussion check, but he definitely did it on purpose, which alleviated about five percent of Reigen's immediate concerns.
Anyway, the kid looked like he needed some sleep.
Teru's hair was plastered to his head with dirty water, which had also washed off the makeup he'd apparently been wearing. The skin around his nose was tight and technicolor. At least it didn't look broken, but he seemed to be having trouble breathing normally, whether from the swelling or his recent not-technically-waterboarding, which Reigen was trying not to think about while he was in a Family Mart because the cigarettes were right there.
They stopped at the convenience store on their way to Seasoning General to pick up a sports drink for Shigeo. He wanted milk, but Reigen insisted he needed to replenish his electrolytes.
Reigen bought him a carton of milk to drink later.
He also bought himself a pack of cigarettes to have much later, when there were no children around to see him freak the fuck out.
Teru regained consciousness in the waiting room. Reigen had been hoping to get him admitted first, but he had never encountered an emergency room that took its name seriously. They had been waiting for almost an hour when Teru stirred awake.
Reigen was worried about another teleportation incident, but apparently Teru didn't have the energy, because he started arguing instead.
"I don't need to be here," he said, and his voice sounded like he was the one with the smoking problem. "I'm fine."
Shigeo shook his head. "You don't have to lie, Hanazawa-kun."
"I'm not!"
"I think he's fine by his standards, Mob," said Reigen. "Drink your electrolytes."
Shigeo obediently sipped his sports drink.
"Reigen-san," Teru started, but Reigen cut him off.
"If you're worried about the hospital siccing Social Services on you, then you can unclench. I managed to convince them you're my nephew."
"You… what?"
"It was so cool," said Shou. "He didn't even give them a chance to ask any questions. He was just all, 'My sister is so irresponsible!'"
"Which is true," said Reigen.
"And, 'I only recently found out that Teruki has been living alone for years!'"
"Which is true."
"And, 'I'm going to make sure he gets the care he deserves from now on!'"
Reigen didn't say it this time, but the implication alone left Teru looking like he was going to bolt whether he had the juice for it or not.
"They do have some concerns about your medical history," said Reigen, casting about for a distraction.
"Huh? But I haven't been to the doctor in years."
"That's the main concern," said Reigen. "We might have to get you vaccinated at some point if I don't want the hospital siccing Social Services on me, but don't worry. We'll smooth it over."
Reigen shifted in the easily-sterilized plastic chair. If he was uncomfortable, he couldn't imagine how Teru felt.
"That's not it," said Teru. "It's not safe for other patients."
"Why wouldn't it be safe?" asked Shigeo.
"I ended up in the hospital once, a few years ago," said Teru. He was talking fast, like he was afraid the waiting room nurse would actually finish processing their paperwork sometime that century. "Some do-gooder called an ambulance after a Claw attack. I was fine, but they wouldn't let me go."
"I still don't understand-"
"Claw attacked the hospital. No one died, but it… wasn't good. They threw an MRI machine. I had to tell every lie I could think of just to keep them from calling my parents or the Child Guidance Center. There wouldn't be anything to stop Claw from attacking me there either."
"They never attacked you at school, right?" asked Ritsu. "Why would they attack you at a hospital? Aren't there too many people?"
"People, but not psychics," said Teru. "Claw thought I knew other espers. Other kids. Maybe they even thought the Black Vinegar gang was some sort of Psychic Squad. We did get a bit of a reputation for levitating people."
"Oh," said Shigeo, "Your introduction."
It was hard to tell with the fever, but Teru might have blushed. "It's a good way to intimidate and immobilize at the same time, okay?"
Reigen was having a hard time following their conversation, but that had never stopped him before. "Claw's gone now, right? The names on your conspiracy-board were all crossed off. Ochinko-san was the last one, and he's in custody. You're not getting out of a checkup that easily."
"They can't even do anything," Teru wasn't giving up that easily either. "They can't do anything for a concussion or cracked ribs, and my shoulder's already back in its socket."
"They can give you painkillers," said Reigen, trying not to let his wince show. He hadn't even known about the dislocated shoulder.
"I don't want painkillers," said Teru. "They make it hard to think."
"You shouldn't be thinking if you have a concussion."
"I'm sorry, Hanazawa-kun," said Shigeo, which surprised them both enough that they stopped arguing.
"What?" Teru rasped. "What do you have to be sorry for?"
"I know you told me about how you can set broken bones with your powers, but I've never done it before, and I was afraid of messing up, so I thought it would be better to let the doctors set your ribs. I'm protecting and supporting them though. I hope that's okay."
That was probably a good thing, since Reigen was reasonably sure that you couldn't actually set broken ribs.
There weren't a lot of treatment options. Teru had been right about that. They could treat the pain, but the primary course of treatment for broken ribs was just holding real still and not breathing too hard.
Reigen's irresponsible sister had broken a rib in a moped accident sophomore year. She'd been laid up for a couple of weeks, and she'd recruited Reigen to help convince their parents it was just period cramps.
Their dad had bought it, but their mom had gotten suspicious around the second week.
Teru looked pathetic, still dripping slightly onto the laminate flooring. He still managed a smile for Shigeo. "You're amazing Kageyama-kun. I can't feel a thing."
"That might be the shock." Shigeo frowned infinitesimally. "We should get you a blanket."
Before they could get Teru a blanket, he was actually admitted. The kids insisted on coming too, so the nurse led them all to a small room that definitely wasn't intended to contain multiple teenagers. Another nurse took Teru's temperature and blood pressure while they all pretended not to notice his hands shake.
Eventually the doctor joined them.
"I understand you're having a rough day, young man," he said in what was probably not intended to be a patronizing tone.
Teru shrugged his good shoulder. He seemed to be in a fugue state. He managed a polite smile for the medical staff, but it was like he'd used up all his words trying to convince them he didn't need help, which had only convinced them he needed a lot of help. Preferably professional. Reigen wondered if he still had the number of that therapist whose patient was literally haunted.
"Can you tell me how these injuries occurred?" asked the doctor.
Reigen opened his mouth to answer, but his mind went blank as a fresh word document. He didn't have a single lie lined up. Some conman he was. They were going to get in so much trouble.
"Basketball is a dangerous sport," said Shigeo.
"I see," said the doctor, and that was that. Apparently he was used to teenagers. Although probably not teenagers like these.
Teru's polite smile slipped when the doctor threatened to X-ray his ribs, and Reigen wondered how many untreated injuries they would find.
Not untreated. He'd heard Shigeo earlier, no matter how much he wished he hadn't. Teru had been treating his own injuries. Setting his own bones.
Reigen reminded himself that he definitely wasn't allowed to smoke in a hospital.
Teru was released less than an hour later with a shoulder brace and a prescription for a mild painkiller. Reigen filled it in the hospital pharmacy while the kids tried not to fall asleep on each other in the waiting room.
It was past their bedtimes. Ritsu had called the Kageyamas to explain that they were with an adult, even if it wasn't a very responsible one. Then Shigeo took the phone and exchanged some quiet words with his mother that Reigen hadn't been able to overhear no matter how hard he tried.
Even Shou had called his mother, but that had been less about explaining why he was out late, and more about describing their adventure, with unnecessary emphasis on the part where Ritsu dunked Reigen in a rice paddy.
"Okay, kids. Let's go home. Hanazawa, you're with me."
"Can't he come home with us?" asked Shigeo. "We have real food at our house."
Sometimes Reigen couldn't tell if his student was giving him sass or just being blunt.
He cleared his throat. "That's why God invented takeout."
"I don't need to go home with anyone," said Teru, but he was universally ignored.
"Besides, do you want to explain this to your mother?" Reigen asked Shigeo, gesturing vaguely at Teru's everything. "Because I sure don't."
"Why not?" asked Teru. "It wasn't your fault."
"Maybe not," said Reigen, "but you would have been safe at home with only about half of your current injuries if I hadn't barged in and acted like I knew what was best for you."
"Probably not for long. He knows where I live."
"Okay!" Reigen clapped his hands together. "At the risk of sounding like a child abductor, you're definitely coming home with me. I'd invite the rest of you, but I don't think there's enough room."
"I'm coming too," said Shigeo. "I don't take up much room."
Reigen sighed. He only had one spare futon, which Shigeo should know, since he was the only one who had ever used it.
"I already told Kaa-san."
"...What exactly did you tell her?"
Reigen was not intimidated by Shigeo's mother or her ability to narrow her eyes and see through every single lie he told, because that would be silly.
"That Hanazawa-kun is sick, and you're taking care of him."
Reigen sighed again. "Sorry, sick kid." That was what he had told the cab driver who took him to Teru's apartment that afternoon. Reigen could barely believe it was still the same day. The hospital clocks were just ticking over to midnight.
"Can we have a sleepover too?" Shou asked Ritsu.
"Come on! I can borrow Ritsu's Nii-san's futon. He won't mind. Right, Ritsu's Nii-san?"
"I don't mind," said Shigeo.
They argued about it all the way out to the hospital entrance, where Reigen called a cab to take them home. He slid into the front passenger seat while the kids crowded together in the back.
"Long time no see," said the cab driver. It was the one from that afternoon. The one who hadn't minded all the swearing. She glanced at Teru in the rearview mirror.
"Damn," she said. "You weren't kidding."
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