#I've been given a large increase in work hours this week
xmy-love-to-youx · 1 year
Double Trouble: Chapter 2
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Pairing: Simon 'Ghost' Riley x reader x König
Summary: A short story about Y/N, a sweet and tiny woman who gets caught in between 2 large and strong men.
Warning: light smut, Ghost (yes, his a warning)
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No one knows where this tension between them came from. Some say it's a masculinity thing, others say they are competing to see who's the best.
Hours turned into days and days turned into weeks. The tension at the base increased, silence is the sound you hear. Everyone is now aware of the situation between Ghost and König, it's obvious having 2 tall men is scary enough but since they are openly glaring at each other, it put everyone on edge.
Even though they glare at each other at any given opportunity, they are at least civilized about it. When Captain Price is talking they would listen and once his done, they are back to glaring at each other.
To some people this is the scariest drama the base will ever have but to me, it's kinda hot. The way they glare at each other, thier dominant sides going out. I can only imagine what it must be like in bed with them.
The deep growl that echoes in my ear as they pound into me from being, taking what is theirs, claiming me.
My mind wonders into sexual fantasies, the type of fantasy that paints a blush on my cheeks, that leaves me soaking wet, the type of fantasy that makes me touch myself at night.
"It's rude to stare love"
That voice is familiar. Deep and smooth, soothing.
Once I snapped back into reality, a pair of chocolate brown eyes stares into mine. The stare was intense but in a good way, the way he looks at me with such a rough yet a gentle look, it's enough to make me melt in my seat.
My body warms up and a blush appears on my cheeks, it that moment I realized how close we are to each other. So close I could smell his musky scent with a hint of bourbon. It's so intoxicating.
"You okay?" he asks, his voice gentle with worry as I did not respond to him yet.
"Hm. Yeah. Just got lost in thought" I finally responded.
"What's on your mind?" he takes a seat next to me and turns his entire body to face me.
My eyes scan him, his quite a sight. The shirt that his wearing hugs his frame perfectly, it reveals just enough muscle just to remind you that his basically pure muscle under his clothes. His large hands covered with black gloves, the jeans he wears clings to him and reveals all the muscles he has. His legs spread perfectly, giving me a beautiful view of his bulky thighs and if you travel further in. His bulge, that tells me his big, my eyes widen at the thought.
Why is he so perfect?
"Like what you see?" he teases, knowing exactly what's flowing through my head.
"Uh. Well. Um. You look great!" I squeaked out.
A deep chuckles erupts from him.
Holy shit, his killing me.
"Oh! Look at the time! I have to talk to Price!" I stood to my feet as quickly as possible "Bbbyyeeee!"
I quickly walked away and once I was alone. I leaned against the wall, I brought my hands to my face and cupped my cheeks, my cheeks were warm, my mind wonders back to him. The way he sat and teased me. He knows what his doing to me...
Throughout the day, I've been keeping myself busy to distract myself. I've been doing more work than I should and that even Price raised an eyebrow, knowing that I'm doing more work than I should but he kept his mouth shut about it. Eventually when night rolled over and things calmed down, exhaustion hit me like a bullet train. I slowly dragged my body to the kitchen and make me a cup of coffee. My mind foggy with exhaustion, I wasn't aware of my surroundings.
A hand wraps itself around mine, it's warm, rough yet gentle. I looked over my shoulder.
"You were about to throw salt in your coffee. You should rest, you've been busy today" he says softly, his hand gently caresses mine.
I looked back to the salt container that I mistook for sugar. Man, I must be really tired...
"I'll make your coffee. Please sit down" he says gently.
"Thank you König" I turned around with a smile and pat his shoulder.
I walked past him and took a seat with a sigh. My eyes grew heavy and time slowed down for me.
König placed himself beside me and watched as I struggled to fight against sleep. He find it cute the way I blink slowly and the soft yawn that leaves my lips. He gently pulls me to him, my head on his shoulder and his arm wrapped around me.
The last thing I remember seeing is his ocean blue eyes looking down at me with the softest look. The last thing I felt was his body heat that comfort me like a warm blanket, his arm holding me against him. The last thing I heard was his gentle voice wishing me a goodnight rest. After that, I slipped into the most peaceful rest I've ever had.
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soul-controller · 1 year
Hey everyone, I hate to disappoint but I just wanted to share that there’s no way that the Halloween event can happen anymore this year.
My manager at my job initially promised me that I would be able to have a set schedule where I could have 4 days off a week so I could properly devote time to getting my writing done. Unfortunately, two people quit and my schedule for the next few weeks just came out and now I’m being forced to help cover their shifts until they hire new people (which will probably take a while since my job has a terrible reputation in town). Although I would have probably been able to find a way to make the event still happen given how excited I was about it, I’m still in the process of doing four relatively large story commissions so there’s no way that I can juggle both those and the Halloween event. Something had to give and obviously the event had to go as the commissions take priority.
To provide some context and be a bit vulnerable, things in my personal life have been a bit rough and hectic the past month or two, so I’m hoping things can eventually settle down soon enough. As previously mentioned my job is being a nuisance, but there’s other stuff going on like money issues on top of being in the process of getting a new doctor because my current one was refusing to take any of my concerns seriously. Beyond just him downplaying my anxiety and depression diagnoses when it comes to providing me effective medication, he also refused to try and help with the debilitating migraines I suffer through practically every other day.
Just to add a cherry on top of the shitty month that this has been, I just recently discovered that queuing on Tumblr has finally failed me. The story that was meant to come out this month never got posted and the concept of having to go through re-formatting everything and getting photos again was just too much of a depressing nuisance for me to deal with. Hell, I've been in such a stink recently that I didn't even do a celebration to celebrate the fact that my account had passed 4,000 followers! I guess doing it nearly three hundred followers later is a bit too late, but I suppose it's never too late to celebrate. I seriously appreciate all of the support I've received regardless of it was a like, a reblog, a follow, or a subscription to my Patreon. All of it means a lot to me... genuinely.
I suppose I just wanted to say that things feel a bit grim for me currently, but I remain hopeful that good days shall eventually come (especially since Halloween is my favorite time of year). To put a more positive spin on the increased hours at work, at least it means that I'll hopefully fix my money issues. Plus, I finally have a meeting with a new doctor this Thursday so I'm hoping I can get some results and find someone who actually cares and wants to help me.
In closing, I sincerely wanted to apologize again in case I disappointed anyone by canceling the Halloween event. Hopefully I can make it up to y’all though by releasing two stories here for October that I really enjoyed writing.
On top of that, I’m thinking I may give the concept of releasing long stories for purchase via Ko-Fi / itch.io a shot by having a trial run with a nearly 10k word Halloween-ish story involving misguided spells, twinkification, and age progression / weight gain between two best friends.
Thanks for reading, I appreciate all of your support and hopefully your understanding during this extremely trying time. 💙
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doonarose · 2 months
Hello internet,
It's 10.30am Monday and I have not checked my work emails since about 9pm Friday. Which is insane, I haven't gone more than 24 hours checking work emails in years and years. What's slightly less insane, but surprising given the not-working, is I've also not really been online.
Saturday was the mad drive down to the city, picking up unexpectedly large karaoke equipment (like, the car was full of speakers and mixers and screens) and then dumping the dog at my parents, making my excuses, dumping my car at my sisters and then taking all the karaoke stuff to the venue in an uber. Then a frantic hour and a half to assemble and get working the karaoke plus laptops hotspotting off phones and playing sportsball highlights. All this for a surprise party my dad was both surprised by and very happy with. Ended up being a great night: I drank the correct excessive amount to loosen up but pay minimal price the next morning, no fights, and I was never actually dragged into doing the karaoke myself.
Yesterday was then a lot more chill but had to go back to the venue and dismantle everything. Mostly just sat around the fire and celebrated his actual birthday, watching more sportsball, and only had a couple of beers. But I also booked myself three nights in a cabin in the forest which I am heading off to in a few hours today!!
Like, actual proper holiday mode activated! This morning I'm back on fic-writing/wrangling duty and hoping that'll take like a duck to water for my little solo romantic writer's mid-week away... we shall see.
I do still need to take all the karaoke stuff back which will take an hour and a half... gonna do that in a minute. And then just chuck everything in my car and take a meandering trip to the cabin. It's only an hour away but I should stop and buy some food and wine on the trip.
Gonna be grand.
Did I mention I've got three whole weeks off work? And I'm NOT going to check emails at all? And also that I sent an absolutely scathing email detailing just how unsustainable and ruined my department is at the moment (uni sector is terrible, blah, blah, but internal surveys recently confirmed that my particular department is about 40% more shit than the university average; also we've lost eight staff in the last four years without any replacement and with increased workload/students... just laid that out and ask how the fuck they were gonna fix it...) pressed send and then logged out. Trying not to think too much about what I might be walking back into.
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purplesurveys · 5 months
Who are you most nervous about introducing potential significant others to?  I'd go with my parents, although I've never done this with them ever; and Angela, just because she's my biggest confidante and next to my parents she is always The First One to know everything going on in my life.
What was the most important non-academic thing you learned in high school?  That 'fake it until you make it' is legit advice, even though I found and still find it to an extent shady. It was helpful in finally fitting in in high school, and has saved me a million times at work where I need to be an extrovert 24/7. At its core I detest the idea of having to project a certain image of yourself for certain situations, but at the same it's just something I need to grind through lest I get left behind.
Have you ever had a job that deeply affected your personal life? How so and do you still work there?  Yeah. My work is my life. It's all I think about, and even though I have been better at setting boundaries I still am largely known by my peers now by what I do. On a personal level, I honestly still don't know what to make of that; it is just what it is.
Do you have a “one who got away”?  No.
If you were in a superhero movie, would you be the hero or the villain? I'd be one of the citizens scrambling to get away.
If you found a mouse in your house, would you be frightened?  100%.
Have you ever tried to perform magic tricks?  I can do some silly illusions with my hands/fingers. I haven't really tried anything beyond that.
Can you do more with a yo-yo than just “go up and down”? Nope.
What is one form of technology that you wouldn’t be able to live without?  Imagining life without the internet at this age just seems insane. It's grown to become part of nearly everything we do, so the idea of becoming disconnected from everything and everyone feels kind of freaky tbh.
Did you get an allowance, growing up? Why or why not?  I started getting allowances in high school – I was given P100 for recess and lunch, but given that I had finally just started making friends and didn't want to miss out on cool high school parties and soirees and shit, I used to skip meals and instead gather my allowances to be able to go out during weekends (because otherwise my parents didn't usually give me hanging-out money). Definitely an unhealthy and a very stupid way to go about it in retrospect, considering it led to me feeling lightheaded throughout high school.
In college my allowance increased to P2,000 a week so I could cover gas and food.
Would you rather go to a water park or an amusement park? Why?  Amusement park, even though I can't go on rides. At least there's lots of yummy and sinful food options haha. Water parks just feel so much more unsanitary to me.
What is one instrument you wouldn’t mind learning how to play?  Piano.
What’s the longest amount of time you’ve had to wait in line for something?  I was at the LTO for 7 hours because apparently it takes that look to print out a driver's fucking license in the Philippines. I also waited the same amount of time for Seventeen, but to be fair the only reason we arrived at 12 PM for a 7 PM concert is if we left any later than that, we were going to be stuck in traffic with the rest of the late concertgoers and risk missing a chunk of the show.
What is something that you would like to learn more about?  I would love to take a wrestling class, just for fun and just to get to experience it once. I put my pro wrestler dreams to rest as soon as I made them because I knew I was never going to be physically cut out for it; but it'd be cool to take even just one session to learn the most basic of basics – taking bumps, doing rolls, running the ropes.
What is something that one of your family member collects?  My mom collects anything related to chefs - mostly figurines - as my dad is one and she has always been very proud of that. My dad used to collect Top Gear magazines and had every single issue until they stopped publishing physical copies.
Have you ever moved to a new school before? If so, how did it feel?  I mean, yes, but only because there was no college in my first school – and even if they did it wouldn't have been my choice to enroll there for university anyway. I went to the same school from kinder to high school, then attended my dream university for college; so, really, only changed schools once and it was out of necessity.
Have you ever legitimately forgotten to do homework?  Yes.
Do you enjoy autumn leaves or spring flowers more? Why?  I can't relate.
Depending on where you live, why might a day of school get canceled? Typhoons, or extremely high temperatures which is what is happening now. Kids today are very fortunate for that, whereas my generation hadddddd to power through the summer weather (it was worse for my school since we were one of the few private schools that didn't have aircon).
If you could meet any fictional character from a book, who would it be? Alice Cullen. Or Carlisle hehe.
What are some common places that people tour when they come to your city?  There is a well-known art museum here. Apart from that, I guess just the gazillion cafés we have.
What’s one food that you did not enjoy as a child, but do as an adult?  Curry. Dreaded it every time I smelled my grandma making it, now it'd kill me to miss out on curry – any kind of curry hahaha. Indian cuisine in general has grown to be my favorite type.
Would you rather have a mermaid tail, a fairy’s wings or a unicorn’s horn? I'd take the wings cause it'd be cute to be able to fly!
What is an animal that you’d like to have as a pet but it’s not allowed?  No way.
What are some things that you do to make the world a better place?  I look people in the eye, smile, and say thanks if they hold the door open for me.
Has the last person you had sex with ever had sex with someone besides you?  I'm most definitely certain that she since has. It's been four years.
What’s your favorite store at your mall?  I just go to the local K-pop stores lol. I hardly shop, and if I'm at the mall it's like 99.9% to eat out.
Have you ever done a workout DVD?  No.
Who usually takes out the trash in your family?  My mom or sister. We'll sometimes alternate, me and my sister.
What song are you currently obsessed with?  Together by Seventeen is a BEAUTIFUL song. Absolutely obsessing over it these days.
When you go fishing, do you make someone else get the fish off the hook?  I've never gone fishing.
Do you take any prescription meds?  Nope.
What happens if you don’t take them? 
Who was the last person you dreamt about?  I hardly remember my dreams.
Do you prefer your tea sweetened or unsweetened?  Sweetened.
Do you have any children? If so, names and ages? I do not.
Have your parents ever witnessed you doing something inappropriate? What?  I don't think so, at least not to my recollection.
Did you get babysat a lot as a kid?  No. My cousins and I raised each other and that was all the babysitting we ever needed haha.
Are you doing anything fun tomorrow?  Tomorrow is technically Monday, so there's nothing that'll be happening other than me going back to work. Today's my birthday though so all the fun stuff will be happening today – we have a dinner reservation at my favorite buffet and I'm really excited for that!
What is something you’d like to receive as a housewarming gift?  Wine. Hahaha.
How old were you when you first experienced the effects of puberty?  I mean I was barely 10 when I got my first period, so let's go with that.
What is your least favorite holiday, and why?  Chinese New Year, for political reasons.
Are cemeteries peaceful to you, or do they freak you out?  Serene and peaceful. Not only are those places filled wih a million stories, memories, and experiences of real people; but it's heartwarming getting to see the little trinkets and gifts that people leave their deceased.
We went to visit my grandpa last Sunday and I was touched seeing a letter pinned to a woman's columbary cell – it was a letter obviously written by her granddaughter, and seeing the clumsy handwriting... all just felt very human to me, if that mkes sense. Being in cemeteries or similar places evokes a sense of calm for me.
Has anyone close to you ever gone to war?  Nope.
Have you ever experienced altitude sickness?  No. In what is a shock even to me, I manage boat and plane rides well. It's car rides I always seem to be terrible at.
Is there anything, any event, you wish you could remember more clearly?  My Paramore concert in 2013, only because I spent the damn concert watching through my camera. It was my first concert so I didn't know any better – but anyway, lessons were learned, I never did it again, and for all concerts that followed I only have a handful of photos/videos from them because I've since spent of the time living in the moment instead.
If you had to get advice from someone of the opposite sex, who would you go to?  Hans.
What was the last new food/drink that you tried?  I tried the barbecue chicken sandwich from Popeye's because apparently they're doing this flavors of the world thing where they have variants for UK (barbecue), Korea (gochujang), US (spicy chicken)...you get the drill. It was delicious but I thought the barbecue sauce was a tad bit overpowering. I'd get a less-saucier one next time.
Have you had a good day today or was yesterday better?  I mean it's my birthday today so it'd be hard to imagine this day going south haha. We'll see; it's only 1:30 in the morning.
Have you ever played Sudoku?  No I never understood how it works hahaha.
Do you ever take surveys for money?  I once tried to go for that, but for context: It was the peak of COVID, absolutely no one went out, I was a fresh grad, my parents (who are both in the hospitality industry) were just as jobless as I was, and money in the house was depleting at an alarming rate. I was desperate to help as much as I can, so much so that I had to consider that making-moneys-through-surveys thing. It never amounted to anything because I was never qualified for most of the surveys available anyway.
Thank FUCK we have since gotten out of that rut. I've blocked out most things from 2020 because of what we as a family went through.
Do you like Barbie or Bratz better?  Bratz was popular as fuck when I was a kid.
Do you prefer purple or green grapes?  Neither.
Who was the last person that made you laugh?  My sister.
Where does your best friend live?  In a nearby city.
Who did you last confide in?  Trina.
Does your car have an alarm?  Like...an alarm clock? No? Lol. It does go off if hit too hard while locked, though, if that's the kind of alarm you mean.
Where was your mom born?  Just...somewhere in the metro, I'm not about to give that kind of stuff away.
What can always make you feel better no matter what?  MY DOGS
What is something you’ll never eat again? Why?  Apart from fruits, I was never the type to shun any kind of food.
What is currently happening that is scaring you?  Just...time. The natural course of aging. Not because it's my birthday, but the passage of time is just something I think about more and more now. My high school peers getting married and having kids, my parents getting older, my grandparents getting older...it is what it is and it's constantly in my head.
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staymirthy · 2 years
Gummies for Sleep: The Complete Guide [ux_text font_size="1.2"] Why Mirthemp CBD Gummies Help You Get a Better Night Sleep Let’s Get Serious About Sleep 😴 How good sleep can affect you and your health? Nothing beats waking up refreshed and energized after a good night’s sleep. Sleep is a prerequisite for our physical and mental health. ✔ Boost energy & productivity ✔ Regulate mood ✔ Repair & restore ✔ Fight disease ✔ Lose weight [/ux_text] [ux_products style="normal" type="row" columns="1" animate="flipInX" ids="12196" image_height="50%" image_size="original" image_hover="zoom" text_size="large" text_hover="bounce"] [ux_text font_size="1.2"] The CDC recommends that Americans get at least 7 hours of sleep a night to ensure optimal health and wellness. Simple as that may appear, the reality is numerous grownups struggle with falling-- or staying-- asleep. According to the National Sleep Foundation, nearly half of all Americans feel drowsy between three and 7 days a week, and 35 percent of U.S. grownups report sleeping less than 7 hours a night. [/ux_text] [button text="Shop Sleep Gummies" expand="0" icon="icon-angle-right" link="http://mirthemp.com/product/sleep-gummies-with-10mg-cbn-25mg-cbd/"] [ux_text font_size="1.2"] Desperate for a good night's rest, increasingly more customers have actually been relying on CBD gummies for their sleep problems-- specifically as natural wellness trends have actually increased because of the pandemic. Given the benefit of gummy supplements and existing information on CBD, which suggests the compound is an effective way to improve sleep with little to no side effects, it's no wonder why the CBD gummies market is forecasted to hit $12 billion by 2028. Interested in trying CBD gummies for sleep? Keep checking out to read more about how CBD can assist with sleep issues and how to take this up-and-coming health supplement to get some more shut-eye. [/ux_text] [ux_text font_size="1.2"] However First ... What Are Cannabinoids? CBD (brief for cannabidiol) can provide a variety of health benefits, such as reducing inflammation, relieving stress and anxiety, and improving sleep, thanks to the compound's special ability to engage with our endocannabinoid systems (ECS)-- a network of chemical messengers and receptor websites responsible for keeping homeostasis in the body. This is because CBD is a cannabinoid, a kind of fat-based substance produced by cannabis plants. CBD and THC are 2 of the most popular cannabinoids, however, there are over 120 different kinds we've discovered so far. Cannabinoids communicate with our ECS systems to produce several healing benefits by assisting with several functions including emotions, metabolic process, memory, and ... await it ... sleep. This brings us to the next question ... Do CBD Gummies Work for Sleeping? The more scientific research study is required regarding CBD's result on sleep, but existing data up until now is promising. Research studies in rats, for example, reveal a connection between the dose of CBD and an increased portion of sleep. A 2017 evaluation of cannabinoids and sleep noted CBD may "hold guarantee for REM sleep behavior condition." Other studies reveal that CBD can be "beneficial in treating depression, stress, anxiety, sleep conditions" with little to no adverse effects. Like lots of those who take CBD, Mirthemp client Amy G. observed several health benefits. She began taking CBD for running-induced knee injuries, as physical therapy wasn't entirely relieving the discomfort and swelling. "Ever since I began taking these ... I've had numerous days where my knees feel nearly entirely regular, and even the bad days aren't nearly what they used to be." But discomfort relief wasn't the only advantage she observed. "Additionally, my sleep has considerably enhanced when I take even half the advised CBD dose." Amy was accustomed to waking up about three to 4 hours after going to sleep and after that struggling to fall back asleep for the remainder of the night.
Her results from taking CBD? "Now I sleep 7 1/2 to 8 hours with very few disruptions. I truthfully had low expectations for CBD, but I've been pleasantly surprised." Mirthemp consumer Roger N. has had a comparable experience. "This is probably the best sleep aid you can discover," he says about CBD. "This is way better than using Ambien or some other drug that just assists you to go to sleep, not staying asleep." CBD Gummies for Sleep and Anxiety One of the systems by which CBD gummies are thought to assist with sleep is by minimizing anxiety, as an anxiolytic (or anti-anxiety) result is one of the therapeutic advantages of CBD communicating with our endocannabinoid systems. " I was having a problem getting to sleep during the night," states Mirthemp consumer Elaine S. "Too lots of ideas going through my head!" She decided to finally attempt our CBD. Now Elaine finds she can "fall asleep quicker and sleep better." Lindsey F. likewise takes Mirthemp CBD, every night before bed. "It helps me unwind and easily drop off to sleep," she states. [/ux_text] [ux_products style="normal" type="row" columns="1" animate="flipInX" ids="12196" image_height="50%" image_size="original" image_hover="zoom" text_size="large" text_hover="bounce"] [ux_text font_size="1.2"] CBD Gummies for Sleep: What You Should Know The Very Best CBD Gummies for Sleep Customers wanting to optimize the restorative benefits of CBD gummies for sleep must take care when looking for items as the marketplace is currently unregulated by the FDA. That implies you might end up purchasing CBD items that don't contain what the label markets-- which can result in complications for anybody with medical conditions, among other health risks. That's why it's crucial to do your due diligence and seek out top-quality CBD gummies. Look for natural active ingredients, very few ingredients, and natural sweeteners, especially as ingredients or adulterants might cause harmful impacts that can exacerbate health conditions and sleep problems. Full Spectrum CBD Gummies The most efficient CBD gummies for sleep likewise consist of complete spectrum CBD. There are 3 primary kinds of CBD items on the marketplace today: CBD isolates products, broad-spectrum products, and complete spectrum products. CBD isolate is, as the name recommends, chemically isolated CBD. Broad-spectrum CBD products contain other beneficial compounds found in cannabis plants such as terpenes and flavonoids, but they consist of no THC. Complete spectrum items, on the other hand, contain all of the plant's beneficial compounds consisting of trace amounts of THC. They're frequently considered the most reliable kind of CBD product thanks to what's called the "entourage effect"-- whereby all the substances in the item work synergistically together to produce maximum advantages. How to Take CBD Gummies for Sleep You might need to utilize a little trial and error up until you discover your "ideal" dose, however, you'll know you've struck it when you experience sleep relief with very few negative effects. We recommend beginning with 30 mg per day, or more NuLeaf Naturals CBD gummies, split between 2 doses-- one taken in the early morning and one at night-- and after that increasing the dose slowly as needed. The Length Of Time Do CBD Gummies Take to Work for Sleep? It can take anywhere from 1 to 2 hours for the effects of CBD gummies to be felt, which is why it's a good idea to take CBD gummies before your bedtime. As far as long-lasting results go, some consumers report it can take as many as several weeks to see visible results. The essential thing is to stay constant and change your dosing as needed. Where to Get CBD Gummies for Sleep You can purchase CBD gummies at several various locations-- from supermarkets to smoke shops-- if you reside in a state where CBD is legal. Take a look at the Mirthemp store locator readily available here. If you're purchasing CBD gummies from a brick-and-mortar shop, be sure you're always purchasing from a trustworthy maker.
Check for laboratory results (known as Certificates of Analyses, or COAs) and search for natural logo designs on labels. Opt to purchase items with credible certifications such as cGMP and ISO certifications whenever possible. It's likewise a great concept to search for product evaluations before your purchase. CBN Gummies for Sleep In addition to CBD, Cannabinol (CBN) is quickly increasing in popularity as a supplement for promoting relaxation and better quality sleep. Cannabinol is a kind of cannabinoid produced through the oxidation of THC, however, it does not have psychoactive residential or commercial properties. While research is still required regarding CBN's impacts on sleep, a new study by scientists at Salk's Cellular Neurobiology Laboratory shows the compound boasts neuroprotective residential or commercial properties. Customers report that CBN has a positive effect on the quality and period of their sleep. Mirthemp customer Bruce L. used our CBN oil alone along with in conjunction with our full spectrum CBD oil and Multicannabinoid solution. In both cases, he found CBN to be "an efficient yet mild sleep aid." States Bruce: "I have experienced no negative effects at all. I have a regular relaxing night's sleep with normal REM cycles and deep-stage delta sleep durations. I extremely recommend this product if you have trouble sleeping." Added to a CBD program or by themselves, CBN gummies can be an efficient sleep aid. Try to find complete spectrum CBN gummies, as well as CBN gummies that contain CBD, for optimum therapeutic advantages. Premium Full Spectrum CBD Gummies for Sleep: The Mirthemp Difference Mirthemp full-spectrum CBD gummies are some of the most powerful gummies out there, each gummy includes 15 mg of CBD to assist you to snag some well-earned z's. With their ratio of CBD: CBN in a 3:1 ratio, our full-spectrum CBN gummies also make for the ideal sleep help. All of our cannabinoids are sourced from safe, environment-friendly approaches such as CO2 extraction to make sure a full variety of useful phytonutrients without hazardous ingredients. And with each gummy made from 100% plant-based, natural ingredients, you understand you're getting the best CBD and CBN gummies the marketplace needs. [/ux_text] [button text="Shop Sleep Gummies" expand="0" icon="icon-angle-right" link="http://mirthemp.com/product/sleep-gummies-with-10mg-cbn-25mg-cbd/"] https://mirthemp.com/gummies-for-sleep-the-complete-guide/?feed_id=15203&_unique_id=6393ce5894c9f #Sleep
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sleepy-time-ingo · 2 years
Hey, I'm sleep-walking here!
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chichiscloset · 3 years
Self Care Tips for the High Maintenance Woman 🌸
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Life is tough.... but don't let it consume you!
 Hey babes, It’s your girl Chichi! it’s no secret that living in the 21st century is tough. It seems like there are more demands on women than ever before, and the expectations for what a woman should be capable of doing at any given moment seem to increase with each passing day. The result? Stress levels through the roof, not enough time or money to do anything about it, and an emotional rollercoaster that never stops running.
Self-care is important for everyone, but it’s especially crucial for women in the age of self-doubt, social media judgment, and FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out)
The good news is you don’t have to live this way!  Further down in this blog post, we’ll discuss 3 self-care tips for women so you can finally start taking better care of yourself without sacrificing who you are. 💅🏾
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So... Chichi what even is self-care?
When you care for yourself, you are taking time to recharge your batteries. Its a form of tapping into your Feminine Energy! You’re self-nurturing, taking care of your body and mind so you can be the best version of yourself. It’s not selfish or a sign that you don’t love others; it’s simply about giving yourself what you need to do all the hard work in life. If you are interested in some other tips; “On how to tap into your Feminine Energy click here!
Self-care can be as simple as taking a few minutes each day for yourself, doing something that makes you feel good inside out, surrounding yourself with self-loving people, or treating yourself to something special every once in a while..
Self care is crucial for us High Maintenance Ladies!
A lack of self-care comes from never feeling like we have enough time, money, or self-love to do the things we need. We don’t prioritize ourselves because of our own self-doubt and lack of self-worth. Keep scrolling down to find out what 3 self care tips I focus most of my attention on!
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#01 Prioritize  Sleeping Early
Want to improve your looks, memory, concentration, energy, and productivity? Want to more easily maintain a healthy weight? Want to strengthen your immune system and live happier, healthier, and longer? TRY GETTING AT LEAST 7-8 HOURS OF REST EACH NIGHT!
How you put yourself to bed and what time you turn off the lights makes a huge impact on how productive you’ll be the following morning, as well as our looks, memory, concentration, energy, and maintaining  healthy weight. I find it repulsive that western society stigmatizes sleep. Glorifying those who can push through an all-nighter and dismissing those who prioritize sleep as lazy or unmotivated.
Humans are not like the owls, or cats, or bats that sleep in the day and are awake at night. We are physiologically programmed to do the opposite. This phenomenon has been understood for thousands of years and was recently validated by modern science.
If your like me and used to be a night owl I literally had to train my brain to sleep early as 8-10pm! After a few weeks I fully became used to it and I've been doing this for the past year and a half! Here’s how I was able to do it:
 1.Avoid Large Meals Right Before Bedtime. Eat dinner at least 3 hours before sleeping
2.Start prepping yourself for bed in the Early Evening 7-8pm. Keep lights low. Limit exposure to bright light in the evenings. Relax. Worrying about a problem or a long to-do list can be a recipe for insomnia. Well before you turn in, try writing down your worries and make a list of tasks you want to remember. This “worry journal” may help move these distracting thoughts from your mind. Closer to bedtime, try com¬forting rituals that may help lull you to sleep: Listen to soft, calming music, take a warm bath, do some easy stretches or read a book or magazine by soft light.
You can practice saying this self-care affirmation right before you head to bed:
“I deserve to sleep 8 hours each night, because I am worth it!”
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#02 Stay Active & Keep moving!
We know that staying active is one of the best ways to keep our bodies healthy. But did you know it can also improve your overall well-being and quality of life?
Here are just a few of the ways physical activity can help you feel better, look better and live better. Because, why not?
Regular physical activity can relieve stress, anxiety, depression and anger. You know that "feel good sensation" you get after doing something physical? Think of it as a happy pill with no side effects! Most people notice they feel better over time as physical activity becomes a regular part of their lives.It keeps you physically fit and able.
Without regular activity, your body slowly loses its strength, stamina and ability to function properly. It’s like the old saying: you don’t stop moving from growing old, you grow old from stopping moving. Exercise increases muscle strength, which in turn increases your ability to do other physical activities.
I dedicate an hour a day to practicing either Yoga (for relaxation, raising my vibration, & aligning my chakra’s) & Pilates (for stretching & maintaining my figure) with my little sister.
For those who don't know what pilates is I'll give you a quick summary..
Pilates is a challenging low impact exercise method that balances strength with mobility, aligns the body, fine-tunes movement patterns, and strengthens the deeper muscles of the core. It helps strengthen your core, Posture, reduces mensural pain, eliminates stress, boosts flexibility & agility enhances body awareness.
You can practice saying this self-care affirmation when you choose exercise!
“I deserve keep my body fit, because I am worth it!”
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#03 Make a habit of eating healthy
Practicing self-care eating means making thoughtful choices about the foods that you put into your body.  
Being mindful of what your putting inside of your body is important! Think about it you were born with this body only. would you want to feed it things that would be detrimental to your health?
If you think about it..without attending to one’s own bodily, emotional, and mental needs, how can that same person attend to anything or anyone else?
The food that you choose should provide energy and the nutrition that you need to manage your weight and stay healthy for the long-term. That includes protein, vitamins, fruits, vegetables, whole grains and healthy fats.
To practice self-care eating, ask yourself these 6 questions when you are in the grocery store, planning your meals for the week, or sitting down to eat:
Am I eating to fuel my body? Food is energy. If you are choosing food for other reasons, try writing in a food journal to better understand those choices.
Am I including fresh fruits and vegetables? Fruits and vegetables provide important micro-nutrition as well as fibre. Good gut health will lead to a longer life! reduce risk of Colon Cancer.
Am I meeting my hydration goals? 64 oz or 2L of water, each day help you maintain regularity, lubricate joints, avoid headaches, and regulate temperature.
 Am I eating at mealtimes? An eating schedule helps you avoid mindless snacking, impulsive or emotional eating, and helps keep calorie intake in check.
Am I focused on the meal, or distracted by something else? Eat in your eating place. Avoid eating in the car, in front of the TV, or in your relaxing place.
You can practice saying this self-care affirmation when you choose nutritious meals! 
“I deserve to eat this healthy food, because I am worth it!”
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In Conclusion...
We all need to care for ourselves for different reasons. Whether you have a family, work full time outside of the home, or are studying to become a professional and it’s hard to balance both responsibilities with self-care.
Self-care is an essential part of living a healthy life. If you’re not taking care of yourself, you may not be able to take care of the people who matter most to you.
Taking time for yourself without feeling guilty, isn’t selfish. It’s essential. It may be difficult at first, but it’s worth the effort if you want to feel healthy and be there for the people you love the most.
If making yourself a priority isn’t coming naturally to you yet, don’t give up—it only gets easier with practice. It takes different forms depending on your needs and personality preferences. One self-care routine could involve taking walks outside or listening to music while another might mean reading a good book by candlelight.
So, find what works best and inspires you and make yourself a priority.
Have any self care tips you’d like to add? let us know in the comments! (chichi xo)
want to see more posts like these? follow @miss-femme-fatale​ for more!
Source: @miss-femme-fatale​
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shingia · 4 years
❝𝐡𝐨𝐭 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐧𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐛𝐨𝐫 - 𝐛𝐨𝐤𝐮𝐭𝐨 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫❞
FINALLY a bokuto fic ! i've rarely had this much fun writing so i hope you’ll like it !
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summary : bokuto would’ve never imagined that his new neighbor would be so hot. and he would have never imagined he’d be her type. actually, there are many more things bokuto would have never imagined…
⤷ bokuto x fem!reader | slight nsfw, fluff? | word count : 3.1K
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bokuto would’ve never imagined that his new neighbor would be so hot. and he would have never imagined he’d be her type. actually, there are many more things bokuto would have never imagined…
bokuto had long ago given up on the idea of ever living out his « mysterious hot neighbor » fantasy ; he had resigned. yet there you were, your back turned to his front door, struggling with your keys while carrying two big cardboard boxes. maybe today was finally his lucky day ?
« hi… um, do you need help ? » he asked before closing his door and taking a step towards you. too focused on your keys, you hadn’t even noticed that someone was behind you and almost dropped a box when you heard his voice. with the warmest smile he had ever seen, you accepted his proposition. and honestly, even if you had not wanted his help, it would have been hard to pretend you weren’t struggling.
he quickly wrapped an arm around the biggest box, holding it from below with his other hand before taking a step back to let you open the door. it took you about a second to stop staring at his arms and focus on the doorknob instead. today sure seemed like your lucky day too…
« nobody told me i’d have a new neighbor » he said as he entered your apartment right after you. a huge effort from his part had been required not to change « new » to « hot » at the last minute. and he mentally thanked himself for having a decent amount of tact.
« yeah, the moving was pretty rushed. and it also explains the obvious lack of decoration » you responded while pointing to your gloomy living room, completely empty except for your cat sleeping in a corner.
bokuto put the box he was holding on your kitchen table before giving a quick look around. « yeah, i can’t say it’s very welcoming for now » he stated, « need more help ? i can carry more stuff if you want »
i’m sure you can, you thought, still having trouble looking away from his arms that his t-shirt revealed right under his shoulder. « actually, there are still three boxes on the landing… » you started, fiddling with the cloth of your jacket.
he raised a hand, not needing to hear more to go fetch the said boxes and bring them back in an impressively short amount of time.
you would have loved to offer him something to drink as a thank you, but you had not been grocery shopping yet and the only thing you could have given him was a glass of plain water.
and bokuto would have loved to stay more, but he had left his apartment for a reason, which was a team meeting that took place in about ten minutes now. reluctantly, he left you alone to deal with your boxes but promised himself that he would see you later during the day. « i’ll be back in two hours, feel free to knock on my door if you need anything » he exclaimed from the stairs, looking up at you who was still on the doorframe.
when you went back inside, your noticed that the faint scent of his perfume was still lingering in your kitchen, bringing your mind back to the charming figure of your new neighbor. and you spent the next two hours thinking about an excuse to knock on his door before the end of the day.
it turned out that bokuto had been a substantial help in your moving. especially for the first two weeks, where he had gladly helped you out with ingredients you didn’t have or just helped you build a few shelves. so obviously, you had to invite him over for a drink when you were finally settled in.
but little did you know that, if he never left your mind, you certainly didn’t leave his either. even his teammates noticed that he was more glowing than usual, and he did not even bother to deny it. « yeah, maybe it’s true love… » he’d say dramatically, earning countless teases from his team.
when bokuto knocked on your front door, you almost ran to open him before immediately putting your hand on his eyes. he had not yet seen the decorated interior, but he was more than proud to be the first you were showing it to. you grabbed his arm to lead him to the living room, (un)intentionally making him bump in a few furnitures before taking your hand off. 
« no way, are you kidding me ?! » he exclaimed as you spun gracefully to point out your surroundings. « you’ve done all that in two weeks ?! it took me six months to just choose a carpet ! ». with a chuckle, you thanked him and told him to go sit on the couch as you headed to the kitchen to get two glasses. 
but as you opened the drawer, you heard him let out a cry of surprise and immediately turned around. « i swear to god your cat wants me dead, y/n ! » he exclaimed, looking defiantly at your cat who was hissing at him from the other side of the couch.
« no he doesn’t ! look at him, he’s so cute ! besides, it’s your fault if he doesn’t like you, you shouldn’t have walked on his tail the second time you met him… »
bokuto let out a grumble as he dropped on the couch, telling you for the hundredth time that it was just an « unfortunate accident ».
the truth was that, the day of the « accident », he had been too busy looking at you cleaning the shelf that you had just built together to notice your cat’s tail in front of him. but he would never admit it.
« look, he scratched me ! » he insisted, showing you the tiniest scratch on his palm when you got back from the kitchen.
with a scoff, you put the glasses down and grabbed his hand to inspect it. as usual when your skin touched his, an electric shock ran up your spine. but for some reason, the shock did not stop at your spine today, it went straight up to your brain, causing you to mechanically bring his hand to your lips and gently kiss the scratch. you had trouble believing what you had just done, but managed to play it cool as you took a seat on the couch.
« i should get scratches more often » he mumbled to himself, his eyes still wide as he kept staring at his palm.
your lips parted in surprise, not quite sure you had heard him right. but if you had, then this might’ve been the little push you needed to finally ease the tension between the two of you.
« what did you say ? » you asked, feeling your body temperature increasing when his eyes darted to yours. for the first time since you knew him, bokuto seemed to have lost the confidence that usually radiated from him as he muttered « me ? oh, nothing… ».
well, if he wasn’t decided to make the first move, you were certainly not going to let this chance slip. « actually… i’m 99% sure i heard you right. and if i have, then… » you spoke before leaning in to kiss his cheek softly. as you parted, the temperature went up another notch. « …and if i haven’t, well this is probably very awkward for you. sorry » you let out with a nervous laugh.
you could almost hear the cogs turning in bokuto’s head while he intensely thought about what he was supposed to do now. well, he knew what he wanted to do, but he didn’t know if it was appropriate enough. his familiar grin spread on his lips again, but there was a light in his eyes that you had never seen yet.
« does that mean i can kiss you ? » he asked, his heart pounding in his chest just at the thought of you saying no. you let out a lighthearted laugh that was like music to his ears and he looked at you like the eighth wonder of the world before carefully capturing your lips with his. 
in the bliss of the moment, your flesh against his mouth felt like porcelain and he tried to hold back, too scared that he might damage you if he let go. but there was something about the way you deepened the kiss with every movement that made him forget about holding back as he pushed you down onto the couch, ignoring the hiss from your cat and just smiling at the sight of you so close to his body.
« you’ve been on my mind more than allowed » he breathed out, cupping your cheek with his large hand. he pulled his face away a few inches more just to get a better view of yours and chuckled when he noticed you were already out of breath. « seems like i’ve been on yours too » he smiled before giving a quick peck at the corner of your lips.
he was right. way too much. and that’s why you avidly pushed his head back down to crash his mouth onto yours again ; his chest tensed with pride at the thought that you already couldn’t get enough of him. slowly but surely, he put all his weigh on one of his arms as the other one glided down your chest until his fingers met with your skin, sending shivers down your whole body.
bokuto felt like he needed to have more of you under his touch and let his fingers wander on every inch of your belly, like his hand had finally found its purpose. his mouth started to trail kisses on your cheek, sweet and loving until it reached your jaw. and by the time his lips were against your neck, the kisses got rougher, impatient to get a taste of the different textures of your body.
you were absolutely helpless, weighed down by his body and unable to form coherent thoughts as he began to suck on your neck amorously. you could feel he relished every point of contact between your body and his, making you feel more wanted than you ever did.
once he was satisfied with the mark he left on your neck, he lifted his head to look at his work. proud of himself, he then looked into your eyes and whispered as if you guys were in public : « is this really happening right now ? ». there was an endearing contrast between the innocence and the sweetness of his tone and his firm grip around your waist that you suspected might leave a mark.
« it is », you answered as you started to stroke his back that seemed way too large for you to wrap your arms around. as much as you loved to look at him, you already missed the taste of his lips and stretched your neck to reach for them. but just as they were about to touch, you were interrupted by the familiar sound of your phone, ringing on the coffee table.
the two of you froze and, with a groan, you tried to reach for it without moving : unsuccessfully. bokuto got off of you and you were finally able to grab your phone and look at the screen to discover who had the audacity to interrupt such a long-awaited moment.
but all your frustration immediately left place to panic when you read the name on the screen. « oh fuck ! i forgot that I told my cousin he could come by today. ughh… I love him but right now he’s not the one I wanna see » you whined before picking up.
the phone call brought bokuto down to earth in an instant. still sat on the couch, his eyes were wide by just thinking about what had happened between the two of you. amazed, he stared at his hands like they’d had the privilege to touch some kind of protected work of art.
« alright, see you in a minute ! » you ended the call before throwing your phone on the couch and heaving a heavy sigh : « he’ll be here in five minutes ».
bokuto tilted his head to the side and shrugged before putting his hands back on your waist and leaning in. « then let’s hurry » he grinned before smashing his lips onto yours again. reluctantly, you put a hand on his chest to push him back. but your hands were not blind to the burning desire in your heart and instead, gripped his t-shirt to pull him closer. he let out a gasp of surprise, which turned into a wide smile as he leaned against the backrest, letting you straddle his lap.
« just two more minutes, then you’re out of here » you whispered against his lower lip. « deal » he chuckled, letting his hands find their way back to your bare skin.
the feeling of his body against yours already felt like home, and the two minutes passed at the speed of light. you were internally debating whether you could afford to let yourselves one more minute, but something else made it obvious that you couldn’t. indeed, it was now his phone’s turn to ring.
« really ? but no one ever calls me ! » he sighed as you got off of his lap with an amused smile. he grabbed his phone before raising an eyebrow when he saw the name on the screen. « hey, what’s up ? » he asked, putting the phone to his ear.
you could only hear a muffled voice coming from the device, but it was enough to pique your curiosity and pay attention to what the person was saying. because that voice sounded horribly familiar…
« i sound out of breath ? » bokuto repeated, giving you a knowing wink. you leaned in closer to hear the answer from his friend : « no way… are you with someone right now ? that’s my boy ! osaka’s really working out for you, huh ? ». with a proud shrug, bokuto was forced to admit that yes, it was. his friend spoke again, and you were still eavesdropping. « anyways, i called you because i’m actually seconds away from your apartment. turns out my cousin lives in the same building ! i thought we could catch up, but i certainly don’t want to disturb you right now ».
both bokuto and you were left speechless. he quickly covered his phone’s speaker with his hand and scream-whispered : « WHAT THE FUCK ?! YOU’RE KUROO’S COUSIN ? ».
your were still gawking at the news, but bokuto’s terrified eyes pulled you out of your daze pretty fast. he jumped a foot away from you, almost like he was scared of being so close. « HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW YOU WERE FRIENDS ? » you whispered back, panic settling in your belly. « WELL HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW YOU WERE HIS COUSIN ?! ».
on the other side of the line, kuroo called bokuto’s name, probably confused by what was going on. you guys agreed that the best thing to do was to hang up as quickly as possible and to send bokuto back to his apartment before kuroo had time to go up the stairs.
« oh my fucking god, i almost hooked up with kuroo’s cousin… » bokuto kept repeating after hanging up, this close to hyperventilating. you stood up from the couch and grabbed him by the arm to get him off the couch ; the clock was ticking. « THE FUCKING CAT WAS A CLUE ! » he yelled, pointing accusingly at your cat who was looking at him from the chair he was curled up on.
bokuto seemed incapable of thinking coherently so you had to bring him his shoes yourself before hurrying him out, covering his mouth to make sure he wasn’t going to keep yelling on the landing.
« we’ll sort this out later, just go home now ! » you whispered as you opened the door.
still shaking his head no frantically like he had committed a crime, he got out of your apartment and pulled his keys out. but after making the first step towards his door, he turned around and got back to you just to give a quick peck on your lips. « it doesn’t mean we won’t finish what we started, though » he said before finally walking to his door.
you felt your cheeks turn red instantly. but just as you grabbed your doorknob, the dreaded voice of your cousin resounded in the staircase.
it felt like everything around you was in suddenly in slow motion. kuroo climbing up the stairs, bokuto too panicked to get his keys into the lock : you were basically counting down the seconds before the disaster.
kuroo only had five steps left to your floor. but he stopped right where he was when his eyes laid on the familiar silhouette of his friend, who was quietly cursing himself and his keys.
then his eyes moved to you. your lips were red and swollen, your hair was messier than usual and most importantly, your neck was bruised.
kuroo let out the most offended gasp, putting his hand where his heart was as his eyes went back and forth between you and bokuto.
« no… NO ! PLEASE NO ! » he implored you, seconds away from begging on his knees. bokuto turned around and made eye contact with his friend ; obviously embarrassed, he tried to give him a nice smile to calm him down. but it had the opposite effect on kuroo : « you. are. dead. » he let out before suddenly running after his friend.
bokuto immediately let out a high-pitched scream, but luckily, he managed to open his door and close it right at kuroo’s nose. you were still on your doorframe, awkwardly standing there and waiting for your turn to get scolded. but kuroo didn’t seem done with his friend. « you can’t hide forever ! » he screamed before starting to pound at his door.
yeah, that day definitely didn’t go as planned. in more than one way.
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toointofiction · 3 years
Hey, guys. This is my first writing attempt. I've been thinking about writing a little something for Darklina for a while now. I really hope you like it and if you have any feedback to give me, you are more than welcome to do so.
Darklina One-shot
Pairing: Alina x the Darkling
Genre: Fluff, Feel-good
Summary: Alina and Aleksander are enjoying a rare tranquil day together in bed away from their royal responsibilities, wrapped around each other and Alina has some exciting news to tell her husband.
Check it out on the link below:
Or keep reading below:
Next to her, her husband’s body is wrapped around her, holding her close. The room is dimly lit with only a few candles burning around them, and the royal chamber’s red and gold embroidered curtains drawn shut. Both Alina and Aleksander keep their eyes closed, relishing in the calmness that’s wrapped around them. Just like the way the soft silky bedding is wrapped around them. The only sound in the room comes from the Grisha children playing outside in the royal gardens, giggling, and screeching in delight, celebrating merrily the end of classes for the day.
Alina is lying in bed, in the royal chambers, surrounded by an unnecessary amount of elaborately colourful pillows, relishing in the rare serenity. Ever since she became Queen of Ravka, there’s hardly any room for such tranquillity. Whatwith the stress and long hours of ruling a country, keeping borders secure, and the people safe.
Ever since Alina and Aleksander became the King and Queen of Ravka, they had to expand the Little Palace, a school and safe place for all Grisha, as their numbers increased significantly after they ascended the throne. They also allow children and any other Grisha access to the royal gardens, the Grand Palace Library, which is twice as large as the one at the Little Palace, and anywhere else they wish to go to for that matter. Something that the former king would never have agreed to.
Alina continued listening to the children’s merry sounds when she felt Aleksander stirring at her back. He was slowly waking up from his well-deserved nap as his arms lazily tightened around Alina and moved to kiss her lightly on the temple.
“Hey,” he rumbled.
“Hi.” Alina smiled slightly, snuggling deeper into her husband’s embrace. “This is nice.”
“It is.” He took a deep breath and began tracing the side of her face with kisses, slowly reaching her shoulder.
“Do you think Ravka would be fine if we hid here for a few days?” Alina asked, only half-joking.
“I highly doubt it,” he responded, “This is Ravka after all.”
This made Alina laugh a little. He was right, of course. This was Ravka and there was hardly ever a moment of peace here, even though, they weren’t actively at war for the moment. Based on Ravka’s track record, this would doubtfully last much longer. However, there have hardly been any issues between Ravka and her neighbouring countries, Shu Han and Fjerda, since Alina and Aleksander were crowned.
This was something else that has improved since the old King forcefully abdicated the throne, with the help of the former Prince Nikolai now Captain Strumhold or Lord Nikolai depending on where you find him, and promptly exiled, far away from Ravka. Both Alina and Aleksander wished to have him executed for his incompetence in ruling the country all these years and his continuous abuse of power, especially when it came to the Palace servant, but were subtly talked out of that by the golden-throated Prince.
“Well, we can stay here a little while longer, right?” Alina asks as she turns around, still under the covers, to face her husband.
Aleksander tangled a hand in Alina’s snow-white hair. “Yes, I suppose we can,” Aleksander responds, a small smile grazing his lips. “For a little longer.”
Alina stretches up towards him, moving her face closer to his, and gives him a small kiss. “Good.”
After a moment’s pause Aleksander asks, “So, are you finally going to tell me what you’ve been trying to tell me for days?”
Alina stills. “What do you mean?”
“Alina, I can tell you want to tell me something, he replayed, quietly. “I keep catching you looking at me, ready to say something but you always stop yourself from doing so. What’s going on?”
Alina lets out a long breath. “Okay, fine. I’ve been trying to find a special way to tell you this but kept coming up empty.” She tilted her head up slightly and looked into his eyes. “I’m pregnant.”
She held her breath waiting for the reaction she knew was coming, but for a long moment there was nothing. His face was completely devoid of emotion. Then his mouth split into a giant smile, his unusual, grey eyes shined as bright as the sun, which was a little funny given that he was a man made of darkness, and he said, “You are? Truly?”
Alina grinned, “Yes. Yes I am.”
He let out a breathy laugh and dropped kisses all over her face, “That’s amazing, Alina. I can’t believe you waited this long to tell me.”
“I know.” Alina wined, clutching on the front of his shirt. “I wanted to turn it into a special occasion but kept coming up with nothing. Not to mention that we hardly had any time on our own like this in longer than a week.”
Aleksander laughed again, “Okay, fine. That’s true. Do you know how far along you are?”
Alina kisses the side of his mouth. “The Healer said a little over a month.”
“Any symptoms, yet?”
“No, not really. Except that I’m always sleepy and hungry.”
“Well, that could apply to any other given day,” he joked, laughing softly.
“Hey!” Alina shoved him slightly, which only made him laugh louder.
“What? I’m not lying, am I?” It was hard to stay mad at him. Especially, with all that joy written all over his face.
In all honesty, Alina would never have guessed that he wanted or even liked children. But she would often catch him looking at the young Grisha playing together in the royal garden with a soft almost wistful smile on his face. She also noticed he visited the children at the Little Palace more often than he had to, always bringing them presents and making sure they felt safe and comfortable, and that their lessons weren’t too much, too tiring for them. That was when Alina figured it out. He wanted children of his own. That was the moment she decided that they should have a talk about it. That was why, just a few months ago, on another quiet night after their dinner, she sat him down and told him of what she realised and that she, too, wanted the same thing. It was that same night they decided to start trying, right away, much to both their delight.
“I almost can’t believe this is happening for us so quickly,” Alina said after a few moments of silence.
“I know. I can’t believe it either. I certainly expected us to keep trying for longer than this.”
Alina giggled, “I bet you did. We could still try for fun, you know.”
“Well, I would definitely like that,” Aleksander responded while pulling Alina under him, placing his hand on her abdomen for a short moment. Then, he bent down and kissed her deeply on the lips.
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harry-sussex · 3 years
You're lovely, and I enjoy seeing your blog on my dashboard. I'm sorry this has been such a difficult thing to process. It's always really difficult to rework an image of someone you once thought you knew. However I'd like to just put it out there - sometimes (I think the large majority of the time) news is presented in the most sensationalist way, such that nowadays I make a point of de-sensationalizing any news I read in my head. In the case of the whole Harry's memoir thing- I can sympathize with Harry as a person possibly just wanting to take back some control of the narrative for himself. Not just in the most recent events with family (that I tend to think are less horrifying than the fandom/Twitter sussex squad discusses it anyway), but in all aspects of his life. I do not at all think he's going to put his family on blast. I can easily imagine Meghan reigning that dialogue in; she has the tendency to think before she speaks that he seems to lack. And he loves his family. Similar to The Interview promos, I imagine the publishing house knew to increase the interest by implying it to be a tell all memoir. I think he's just done a lot of growing up that he didn't know he had to do over a short period of time, esp re: implicit bias/racism in the setting of media's blatant attack on someone he loves, and is disappointed by the institution's and his family's response to it. I think he's emerged a more introspective and aware human, albeit a disillusioned one. Yes it breaks my heart to think that Meghan won't get a break from the tabloids any time soon. If I were him I'd counsel him to write it & sit on it for a few yrs. But I don't want to give the media the power to destroy Meghan in my mind, and I pray she & Harry won't either. I think she'll be okay. She's a strong one, and I think he's able to draw that same link for himself and be thoughtful about what he does. No one likes being misunderstood/misinterpreted, and I wouldn't be surprised if Harry's especially triggered by that given his history with the press. Maybe this idea emerged from therapy, idk. I can empathize with that, even if I wouldn't do it myself. I hope and pray Meghan gets the support she needs from him and her loved ones in the meantime. I'm honestly not going to read it. I think the less attention I give the BRF the better off they are, unless they're doing something immoral/illegal (see: Woking pizza alibi). And I think at the end of the day, people will unfairly judge other people, especially public figures that have tragic pasts and are publically fighting with the media. A lot of it is going to be noise and I'm not going to give my energy into figuring it out. I like to think I've got a good sense of who they are as people - flawed but ultimately well meaning and earnest. I'm a huge admirer of Meghan and think Harry got really lucky with this one and I'm proud of him for choosing her in more ways than one. I believe Harry and Meghan are lovely people, and I 100% believe their interview. I believe that there are people in the palace with a lot of unchecked power who deliberately uncovered her and Archie from BRF protection for reasons of believed superiority over Meg & Arch. And they're figuring out how to deal with that as a couple and a family. And it's none of my business past that imo. I pray for them and hope it'll eventually end in peace for them all. Just wanted to add another perspective, and hopefully some levity. xx M
Hi, dear. First thing’s first, I really appreciate that this is off anon lol. I love it when people own their opinions, and it says a lot that you did. So thank you for that.
Second of all, I really appreciate the nuance and perspective that is in this message. I agree that the news is sensationalist, and my initial reaction was based off of that. I did watch the promotional clips of the interview and I believe it did sour my expectations going into it when I watched it nearly a week after it aired. I did my best to stay away from Tumblr because I didn’t want that to hinder my view, but it was impossible to separate the promotions that presented the information one way from what it actually was, and thank you for bringing that up with respect to the memoir because I hadn’t considered it. I will say that my knee jerk reaction is pretty on par with the way I still feel about it 24 hours later, especially since I got the news directly, not from Tumblr or Twitter or anywhere else, but you’re right that it could have soured my view from the very start.
I appreciate that he wants to take back some of the narrative but I think that ship has sailed, tbh. He did that with the interview and now I just think it feels like information overload. At some point, people are going to get tired of hearing the wealthy, privileged, powerful Prince complain about his life while more than 4 million people have died due to a global pandemic in less than 2 years. Not to say that he doesn’t struggle - in the words of Roxane Gay, there is no oppression Olympics (and that can be extended to struggle Olympics) - but people view it that way and will get tired of it, if they haven’t already.
I also agree that Harry’s past with the press has tarnished the way he has handled the media and the public post-exit, when he’s finally in a position to strike back without being somewhat obliged to them as part of the circumstances of his birth. I understand and sympathize with him but I just don’t think the public does, and the public matters much, much more than the perspective of one single American fan, to whom he’s never been obliged, and I simply do not think the public will afford him that same understanding, sympathy, and leniency. The public and the media are critical to his humanitarian work - his mother never realized that towards the end of her life, and I truly don’t think she would have been the martyr/saint she is perceived to be now if she had lived, because she did not know how to meet the media in the middle and eventually that started to piss people off. He’s starting to piss people off now and if it doesn’t bother him personally (which it definitely does), I don’t want it to affect his causes. The Invictus Games, Sentebale, Walking with the Wounded, WellChild, Mayhew, Smartworks, Archewell, etc. deserve better than to suffer the wrath of the media and an apathetic public because their patrons simply will not shut up lol.
I guess my point is that they will be unfairly judged (regardless, but especially due to the way they’re handling things), and I think it would suit them better in the long run if they adopted a different strategy. I really sympathize with the fact that he feels frustrated with the narrative that has been manufactured but I really, really think the narrative will only get worse and worse as he continues to go on and on about how badly his life sucks, basically. Again, I don’t deny that he struggles - we all do, some more than others, especially when there are mental health issues - but the public, to me, simply does not care. My own therapist has told me to simply stop caring about the things that I discuss with him. Not to say that they’re not relevant, important, or worthy of discussion - they absolutely are - but his point is that you cannot change people and you are wasting your energy and struggling yourself because you want to change them so, so, so badly that you’re neglecting your own self care in the process. I hate that I do it to myself and I also hate that he appears to be doing it to himself. I’m sure a lot of this conversation has been brought up in his own therapy, and I’m no professional, but I’m doing my best to heed the advice of my own therapist - which is the opposite of what Harry is doing - and it’s done wonders for me, when I actually can do it.
If there’s anything I know from this whole thing, it’s that Harry is absolutely punching above his weight, love him as I may, and that he adores, adores, adores his wife. He has chosen her from the very second she came into his life and I couldn’t want anything more for him or from her. I’m not going to lie, I would have been in this thing for any wife that Harry chose, because I was here long before Meghan specifically came into his life. However, I am glad every day that he chose her, that he loves her, that he wants to protect her, that she loves him back, that he lives the life with her that he’s wanted as long as I (and I’m sure he) can remember. I love her because he loves her, and I would have no matter what, because at the end of the day, it’s his happiness and comfort that matters to me, that has mattered to me since I discovered him and how wonderful he can be more than 7 years ago. What more could I ask of Meghan? What more, as his fan to the end (annoy me as he may), could I want for him? Who could say anything about her in that regard? If there’s anything that has come of this mess, to me, it’s that Harry loves, loves, loves his wife. I will always be happy for him and I will always be proud of him for choosing her, even if I don’t always agree with the way he goes about it.
I’m looking forward to peace, too. I cannot wait for things to just die out, for them to work things out as a couple and as a family, and for everyone to move on. The family will still do their thing and the Sussexes can do theirs, but I cannot deal with this back and forth, tit for tat, petty nonsense anymore. They’re wonderful and flawed, like the rest of them (except Andrew), and I just hope that they can all come to some kind of agreement or terms that lets this die down. It’s exhausting for everyone - themselves included. If I’m this tired, I can only imagine how tired they all are.
Thanks for stopping by, and sorry for the essay (essays, these past 24 hours lol). I really appreciate your kindness in this message, your presence in my notifications (I do see them!), your nuanced perspective and like I said before, I really, really appreciate that you own it!
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hippoland · 6 years
11 Things I've learned from running a micro VC in the last year
It's been about a year since I started working on Hustle Fund with my business partner Eric Bahn.  People often ask me what it's like to start a micro VC and whether they should do one too.  (Hunter Walk just wrote his perspectives here) 
Here are some of my learnings from the last year.  
1) It is absolutely the best job in the world for me.  
I enjoy learning about new technologies and ideas -- and you get to see a lot of them in this business especially in early stage investing.  And I enjoy working with founders immensely.  But most importantly, I love fundraising.  I know -- that isn't what you thought I was going to say.  (more on this later)
Much like running a product-startup, you're your own boss, so you sometimes end up working really hard and at all hours depending on where you are in your fund life cycle.  But, if it's work you enjoy, then it doesn't feel like work.  And, there's also a lot of flexibility, and I've definitely taken advantage of that.  You can whimsically pick the most powdery day of the winter and go up to Tahoe to ski.  Or go to the beach or lake mid week in the summer and no one will be there.  It's great.  
2) Starting a micro VC is just like starting a product company.  Except harder. 
Probably 10x harder.  If you go in knowing that with eyes-wide-open, then it's totally fine, but most people don't do enough homework before deciding to start their funds.  I would talk with at least 10 micro VCs before deciding to do this.
3) In particular, there is no money in micro VC!
Hah - this seems ironic, but I'll explain.  
Most people think VCs have a lot of money.  That's if you work for an existing large established VC.  But if you are starting a VC, this is definitely not true.  I'll break this down across a few points, but the gist is that you have to be willing to make no money for 5-10 years.
If you are not in a solid financial situation to do that, this business can be terrible for your personal life.  
Tumblr media
3b) Micro VC's have no budgets.  
This is surprising to a lot of people.  Even if you have say, a $10m fund, most of that money needs to be used for investing -- not for your livelihood or for other things.  
In fact, the standard annual budget that VC funds have is 2% of the fund size for the life of the fund (typically 10 years).  If your fund is say $10m, then that means you have a yearly budget of $200k.  To be clear, this isn't your salary -- this is your budget to run your company.  Your salary does come from this number, but you also need to cover salaries of everyone else on your team (if there are others on your team).  And, if you travel, those costs come from this number too.  If you have an office, that cost fits in here too.  Health care and benefits also fit under this.  Marketing -- if you have t-shirts / watches / swag, parties -- all of this fits under this budget.  There are also fund ops costs that need to be factored into this number too.  As it would turn out when you factor in all these costs, $200k actually doesn't go far.  To give you some perspective, my salary today is less than what I made at my first job out of college...in 2004. 
You need to be willing to bootstrap for about 5-10 years.  In contrast to building a product company, where most people bootstrap for maybe 2-3 years and then either raise some money or build off of profits or throw in the towel, when you sign up to do your own VC, you are committed for 10 years (the standard life of a fund).  You can't throw in the towel.  And if your fund does well -- i.e. your companies either raise more money or they grow their revenues a lot -- you also don't make more money, because your salary is based on a percentage of your fund size.  So your salary (or lack of salary) is stuck for years -- until you raise your next fund when you will have new budget from that fund.  
Some Micro VCs write into their legal docs that they will frontload all of their budget in the first few years.  Under this model, instead of taking say a $200k budget per year for 10 years, some funds will do something like frontload the budget -- say $400k per year for 5 years.  This can help increase your budget, though there are still fund ops costs every year for 10 years, so I'm not sure how these funds end up paying for those costs in years 6-10 if they are taking the full budget up front.  This is not something we do at Hustle Fund.  
Other micro VCs will try to make money in other ways by selling event tickets or whatnot.  In many cases, depending on how your legal docs are written, consulting is discouraged.  So it actually is very hard to bootstrap a micro VC, because on one hand, you get virtually no salary but are also mostly prohibited from making money outside of your work.  
3c) You also will make General Partner contributions to your fund.
At most funds, you will also invest in your fund as well.  This allows you to align with your investors and have skin in the game, and this is standard practice.  In many cases, fund managers invest 1-5% of the fund size.  So if you have a $10m fund, you'd be expected to invest at least $100k to the fund.  
So, not only are you not making money on salary, you are also expected to contribute your own money to the fund.  
There are some funds that don't write this requirement into their legal docs, but it's something that a number of would-be investors always ask about (in my experience).  They want you as a fund manager to be incentivized to make good investments, because you are staking your own cash too.  And this makes sense.
3d) Sometimes you need to loan money to your fund.  
There have been several cases over the course of the last year, where either Eric or myself have had to loan Hustle Fund money interest-free to do a deal that needed to be done now (before we had the fund fully together).  
One thing that is different about raising money for a fund (vs a product-company) is that when investors sign their commitment, they don't actually send you the money right away.  So, let's say we raise $10m, we don't actually have the $10m sitting around in a bank account.  This surprises a lot of people -- VCs don't actually have cash on hand!  
The way investors invest in a fund is they sign a paper committing to invest in the fund.  And then later, when the fund needs money, the fund does a capital call.  Typically, capital calls are done over the course of 3 years.  So, if let's say an investor commits to investing $300k into a fund, then on average, that fund will call 1/3 of the money each year over the course of 3 years.  In this case, that would be roughly a $100k investment each year from this individual.  The capital calls are not done on a perfectly regular cadence, because sometimes a fund will need money sooner than later.  But most funds try as best as they can to do regular capital calls.
But, this also means that there's a lot of strategy and thinking that needs to go into capital calls.  For example, when you're first starting out to raise money and have very little money committed -- say $1m, it can be tempting to call 50% of the money right away to start investing $500k into a couple of deals.  However, as you continue to raise, subsequent investors, will be required to catch up to that 50% called amount.  And let's say you round up another $6m in capital, this means that all of a sudden you have $3m that you're automatically calling to catch up to the proportionate amount that the first set of investors contributed.  And if you're writing small checks out of your fund, much of that $3m will then just sit around in your bank account not earning interest and will negatively affect your rate of return.  So instead of doing a capital call, loaning your fund money is a way to ensure that you don't have capital just sitting around in your bank counting against your rate of return.  
There are bank loans you can get once you are fully closed and up and running, but very few banks will loan you money in the very beginning when you have raised nothing - hah.  
3e) And even if your fund does well, you still make very little money at the end of 10 years!
First, most VC funds are failures.  In fact, much like startups, I've heard that 9 in 10 VCs will not even get to 1x returns!  
But, if you happen to be in the lucky 10%, there's even a range here.  The "gold standard" for profitable VCs is a "3x return" benchmark.  If you're above it, you're considered excellent.  And this is very hard to do.  Just getting into the profitable category is an accomplishment in itself.  But, let's suppose for a moment that your fund is excellent (because we all believe that our funds are excellent). And let's say that we return 5x on our fund.  
On a $10m fund, a 5x fund return means the fund will return $50m.  Using a standard 20% carry formula, and after returning most of the gains to the fund's investors, it means that the team will receive $8m.  If you have 2 managing partners, that's $4m per person -- but 10 years later.  Considering that you'll make no salary for much of that time, there are many other professional / tech / established VC jobs at big Sand Hill firms that will make you more money or the same amount of money on salary alone (not including benefits or stock) with greater certainty.  You don't have to be a 90%+ performer as a Director of Product at Google to accomplish the same outcome as an exceptional micro VC manager.  Think about that -- you risk so much, much like a startup, but your upside is equivalent to working a steady job at Google for 10 years!  
For all of these reasons, this is why microfund managers who are able to raise more money on subsequent funds end up doing so, because for the same amount of work and risk, you'd much rather be paid more in salary and in carried interest later.
4) You should love fundraising.
I think most people think that as a VC you spend most of your time looking at deals.  The breakdown of a given week for me is something like:
50% fundraising-related (preparation of materials / meeting potential future investors / networking / etc)
20% marketing-related (content / speaking / etc)
5% ops (legal / audit / accounting / deal docs / etc)
15% looking at deals (talking w/ co-investors & referrers / emailing with founders / looking at decks / talking with founders)
10% working with portfolio companies
Of course, it varies a bit depending on if you're at the beginning of a raise or if you have closed your fund.  But, the point is, you will spend a solid chunk of your time as a micro VC on fundraising activities.  Even if your fund is closed and you don't have a deck to pitch, you are always in fundraise-mode.  
If you have never fundraised for anything before, you will probably think that this process is horrible.  Having raised money before for my startup and having coached a lot founders on fundraising over the last few years, I've grown to love it.  And part of that is just lots of practice -- the more you practice, the better you get, the more you like something.  
5) Fundraising for a micro vc is exactly like fundraising as a product-startup.  Except more involved.  
Prior to raising a fund, it never occurred to me where fund managers raise their funds.  That was just not something I had thought about before.  For the big Sand Hill VCs, most of them raise money from institutionals.  These are retirement / pension funds at goverment entities.  Or endowments at universities.  Etc.  But as you can imagine, these entities are pretty conservative.  And rightly so, the pension check that granny is counting on for her retirement shouldn't be frivalously thrown away on a fund that invests in virtual hippos recorded on some blockchain.  
So as a first time manager, often it can be difficult to convince these types of institutional funds to invest.  It can be done if you have a strong brand already.  But even if you are an experienced angel investor or worked at a well-known VC fund, you're still starting a new fund with a new brand, and there are still questions about whether you can repeat your past success on this new brand.  
This means that much like product-startups, you end up raising from individuals, family offices, and corporates primarily.  But much like with raising money from angels and corporates for a product-startup, angels and corporates don't have website announcing that they are funding vc funds.  You have to hunt for these folks.  Often these "angels" whom you can access are folks you know or folks who are 2-3 degrees away from you whom you don't know yet (see my post on raising from friends and family).  
And much like a product-startup, the check sizes are going to be smaller if they are from individuals (unless you know lots of very very wealthy individuals).  When we first started fund 1, our minimum check size was $25k -- much like the minimum investment amount for a typical product-startup.  Except that we were raising tens of millions of dollars not $1m.  So, $25k doesn't go far on say a $10m fund.  
This means you need to be doing lots of meetings.  And this takes time.  The average time for a microfund manager to raise a fund is ~2 years.  We felt fortunate and incredibly thankful to our investors to be able to raise our fund in < 1 year.  But, when you think about it, that's still months of actively fundraising.  (see point #4)
6) And you have a limited number of investors you can accept.
Per SEC rules, you can only accept 99 accredited investors into your fund.  This means that if you want to raise a $10m fund, you need the average check size to be above $100k.  
When product-startups set a minimum check size, it's usually arbitrary.  If you're raising $1m for your product-startup, it won't hurt you to take some investors at $1k or $5k checks here and there, especially if they are value-add.  With a fund, every slot counts.  
So when we started with $25k as a minimum check size for some friends, we knew we needed to quickly raise that bar in order to raise a significant enough fund and still maintain 99 investors.  We ended up having to turn away a lot of great value-add would-be investors who could not do a higher investment.  I would have absolutely loved to have brought in more investors if I didn't have this restriction.  
In other words, you cannot just accept $5k here and there from friends and claw your way to momentum.  
To get around this, some funds set up a “1b” fund.  E.g. Hustle Fund 1a and Hustle Fund 1b and split startup investments equally between the two.  That would be one way to get bring in more investors, but the costs of this setup start to go up, so we decided not to do this.  
7) Ok, so there's no money.  You also cannot change the world on fund 1.  
If you can get past all of the above, and you're still "yay yay yay -- I want a life of making no money and want to fundraise all day and night for whatever cause I am trying to support," the last piece is that you should know that you cannot change the world overnight.  
I know so many aspiring micro VCs who go into this, because they want to fund more women or minorities or geographies or some vertical that is underfunded.  And I think those are all awesome worthy causes.  And me too -- the reason I'm doing this is that I don't believe the early stage fundraising landscape is a meritocracy, and I want the future of funding to be much more about speed of execution rather than about what you look like or how you talk.  
But you absolutely need to go into this with a 20-30 year plan.  And the reason is that you're a small little microfund with say $5m, you won't be able to change the numbers in any of these demographics, because impact happens at the late stages when VCs pour tens of millions of dollars into companies -- not $100k here and there.  What does effect change is having lots of money under management.  And that happens by knocking fund 1 out of the park.  And then fund 2.  And then fund 3.  And growing your fund each step of the way.  And growing your believers who start to hop onboard your strategy -- not only your investor base but other VCs.  And that is a 20+ year plan.  
Moreover, you need to be contrarian to have a good fund.  But at the same time, you cannot be too contrarian either on fund 1, because you need to work with other VCs in the ecosystem.  You need your founders to get downstream capital.  So to a good extent, I do care a lot about what downstream investors think and how they think about things.  You can only start to be very contrarian once you have more money under management (i.e. have proven out the last couple of funds) and follow on into your companies yourself.  
So in short, you will not make any money on fund 1.  You might need to loan money to your fund.  You will need to have money to invest into your fund.  You will constantly be selling your fund as an awesome investment opportunity for this fund and the next fund and the fund after that, etc...  And you will not change the world on fund 1.  But, if you still love all of this and go in with eyes-wide-open on all of these things, and if you believe you want to do this for the next 20-30 years, then I would highly encourage you to go for it.  I think it is the best job in the world.  
Fundraising is a nebulous process that I aim to make more transparent.  To learn more secrets and tips, subscribe to my newsletter.
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staymirthy · 2 years
Gummies for Sleep: The Complete Guide [ux_text font_size="1.2"] Why Mirthemp CBD Gummies Help You Get a Better Night Sleep Let’s Get Serious About Sleep 😴 How good sleep can affect you and your health? Nothing beats waking up refreshed and energized after a good night’s sleep. Sleep is a prerequisite for our physical and mental health. ✔ Boost energy & productivity ✔ Regulate mood ✔ Repair & restore ✔ Fight disease ✔ Lose weight [/ux_text] [ux_products style="normal" type="row" columns="1" animate="flipInX" ids="12196" image_height="50%" image_size="original" image_hover="zoom" text_size="large" text_hover="bounce"] [ux_text font_size="1.2"] The CDC recommends that Americans get at least 7 hours of sleep a night to ensure optimal health and wellness. Simple as that may appear, the reality is numerous grownups struggle with falling-- or staying-- asleep. According to the National Sleep Foundation, nearly half of all Americans feel drowsy between three and 7 days a week, and 35 percent of U.S. grownups report sleeping less than 7 hours a night. [/ux_text] [button text="Shop Sleep Gummies" expand="0" icon="icon-angle-right" link="http://mirthemp.com/product/sleep-gummies-with-10mg-cbn-25mg-cbd/"] [ux_text font_size="1.2"] Desperate for a good night's rest, increasingly more customers have actually been relying on CBD gummies for their sleep problems-- specifically as natural wellness trends have actually increased because of the pandemic. Given the benefit of gummy supplements and existing information on CBD, which suggests the compound is an effective way to improve sleep with little to no side effects, it's no wonder why the CBD gummies market is forecasted to hit $12 billion by 2028. Interested in trying CBD gummies for sleep? Keep checking out to read more about how CBD can assist with sleep issues and how to take this up-and-coming health supplement to get some more shut-eye. [/ux_text] [ux_text font_size="1.2"] However First ... What Are Cannabinoids? CBD (brief for cannabidiol) can provide a variety of health benefits, such as reducing inflammation, relieving stress and anxiety, and improving sleep, thanks to the compound's special ability to engage with our endocannabinoid systems (ECS)-- a network of chemical messengers and receptor websites responsible for keeping homeostasis in the body. This is because CBD is a cannabinoid, a kind of fat-based substance produced by cannabis plants. CBD and THC are 2 of the most popular cannabinoids, however, there are over 120 different kinds we've discovered so far. Cannabinoids communicate with our ECS systems to produce several healing benefits by assisting with several functions including emotions, metabolic process, memory, and ... await it ... sleep. This brings us to the next question ... Do CBD Gummies Work for Sleeping? The more scientific research study is required regarding CBD's result on sleep, but existing data up until now is promising. Research studies in rats, for example, reveal a connection between the dose of CBD and an increased portion of sleep. A 2017 evaluation of cannabinoids and sleep noted CBD may "hold guarantee for REM sleep behavior condition." Other studies reveal that CBD can be "beneficial in treating depression, stress, anxiety, sleep conditions" with little to no adverse effects. Like lots of those who take CBD, Mirthemp client Amy G. observed several health benefits. She began taking CBD for running-induced knee injuries, as physical therapy wasn't entirely relieving the discomfort and swelling. "Ever since I began taking these ... I've had numerous days where my knees feel nearly entirely regular, and even the bad days aren't nearly what they used to be." But discomfort relief wasn't the only advantage she observed. "Additionally, my sleep has considerably enhanced when I take even half the advised CBD dose." Amy was accustomed to waking up about three to 4 hours after going to sleep and after that struggling to fall back asleep for the remainder of the night.
Her results from taking CBD? "Now I sleep 7 1/2 to 8 hours with very few disruptions. I truthfully had low expectations for CBD, but I've been pleasantly surprised." Mirthemp consumer Roger N. has had a comparable experience. "This is probably the best sleep aid you can discover," he says about CBD. "This is way better than using Ambien or some other drug that just assists you to go to sleep, not staying asleep." CBD Gummies for Sleep and Anxiety One of the systems by which CBD gummies are thought to assist with sleep is by minimizing anxiety, as an anxiolytic (or anti-anxiety) result is one of the therapeutic advantages of CBD communicating with our endocannabinoid systems. " I was having a problem getting to sleep during the night," states Mirthemp consumer Elaine S. "Too lots of ideas going through my head!" She decided to finally attempt our CBD. Now Elaine finds she can "fall asleep quicker and sleep better." Lindsey F. likewise takes Mirthemp CBD, every night before bed. "It helps me unwind and easily drop off to sleep," she states. [/ux_text] [ux_products style="normal" type="row" columns="1" animate="flipInX" ids="12196" image_height="50%" image_size="original" image_hover="zoom" text_size="large" text_hover="bounce"] [ux_text font_size="1.2"] CBD Gummies for Sleep: What You Should Know The Very Best CBD Gummies for Sleep Customers wanting to optimize the restorative benefits of CBD gummies for sleep must take care when looking for items as the marketplace is currently unregulated by the FDA. That implies you might end up purchasing CBD items that don't contain what the label markets-- which can result in complications for anybody with medical conditions, among other health risks. That's why it's crucial to do your due diligence and seek out top-quality CBD gummies. Look for natural active ingredients, very few ingredients, and natural sweeteners, especially as ingredients or adulterants might cause harmful impacts that can exacerbate health conditions and sleep problems. Full Spectrum CBD Gummies The most efficient CBD gummies for sleep likewise consist of complete spectrum CBD. There are 3 primary kinds of CBD items on the marketplace today: CBD isolates products, broad-spectrum products, and complete spectrum products. CBD isolate is, as the name recommends, chemically isolated CBD. Broad-spectrum CBD products contain other beneficial compounds found in cannabis plants such as terpenes and flavonoids, but they consist of no THC. Complete spectrum items, on the other hand, contain all of the plant's beneficial compounds consisting of trace amounts of THC. They're frequently considered the most reliable kind of CBD product thanks to what's called the "entourage effect"-- whereby all the substances in the item work synergistically together to produce maximum advantages. How to Take CBD Gummies for Sleep You might need to utilize a little trial and error up until you discover your "ideal" dose, however, you'll know you've struck it when you experience sleep relief with very few negative effects. We recommend beginning with 30 mg per day, or more NuLeaf Naturals CBD gummies, split between 2 doses-- one taken in the early morning and one at night-- and after that increasing the dose slowly as needed. The Length Of Time Do CBD Gummies Take to Work for Sleep? It can take anywhere from 1 to 2 hours for the effects of CBD gummies to be felt, which is why it's a good idea to take CBD gummies before your bedtime. As far as long-lasting results go, some consumers report it can take as many as several weeks to see visible results. The essential thing is to stay constant and change your dosing as needed. Where to Get CBD Gummies for Sleep You can purchase CBD gummies at several various locations-- from supermarkets to smoke shops-- if you reside in a state where CBD is legal. Take a look at the Mirthemp store locator readily available here. If you're purchasing CBD gummies from a brick-and-mortar shop, be sure you're always purchasing from a trustworthy maker.
Check for laboratory results (known as Certificates of Analyses, or COAs) and search for natural logo designs on labels. Opt to purchase items with credible certifications such as cGMP and ISO certifications whenever possible. It's likewise a great concept to search for product evaluations before your purchase. CBN Gummies for Sleep In addition to CBD, Cannabinol (CBN) is quickly increasing in popularity as a supplement for promoting relaxation and better quality sleep. Cannabinol is a kind of cannabinoid produced through the oxidation of THC, however, it does not have psychoactive residential or commercial properties. While research is still required regarding CBN's impacts on sleep, a new study by scientists at Salk's Cellular Neurobiology Laboratory shows the compound boasts neuroprotective residential or commercial properties. Customers report that CBN has a positive effect on the quality and period of their sleep. Mirthemp customer Bruce L. used our CBN oil alone along with in conjunction with our full spectrum CBD oil and Multicannabinoid solution. In both cases, he found CBN to be "an efficient yet mild sleep aid." States Bruce: "I have experienced no negative effects at all. I have a regular relaxing night's sleep with normal REM cycles and deep-stage delta sleep durations. I extremely recommend this product if you have trouble sleeping." Added to a CBD program or by themselves, CBN gummies can be an efficient sleep aid. Try to find complete spectrum CBN gummies, as well as CBN gummies that contain CBD, for optimum therapeutic advantages. Premium Full Spectrum CBD Gummies for Sleep: The Mirthemp Difference Mirthemp full-spectrum CBD gummies are some of the most powerful gummies out there, each gummy includes 15 mg of CBD to assist you to snag some well-earned z's. With their ratio of CBD: CBN in a 3:1 ratio, our full-spectrum CBN gummies also make for the ideal sleep help. All of our cannabinoids are sourced from safe, environment-friendly approaches such as CO2 extraction to make sure a full variety of useful phytonutrients without hazardous ingredients. And with each gummy made from 100% plant-based, natural ingredients, you understand you're getting the best CBD and CBN gummies the marketplace needs. [/ux_text] [button text="Shop Sleep Gummies" expand="0" icon="icon-angle-right" link="http://mirthemp.com/product/sleep-gummies-with-10mg-cbn-25mg-cbd/"] https://mirthemp.com/gummies-for-sleep-the-complete-guide/?feed_id=14979&_unique_id=63935bf881b0e #Sleep
0 notes
staymirthy · 2 years
Gummies for Sleep: The Complete Guide [ux_text font_size="1.2"] Why Mirthemp CBD Gummies Help You Get a Better Night Sleep Let’s Get Serious About Sleep 😴 How good sleep can affect you and your health? Nothing beats waking up refreshed and energized after a good night’s sleep. Sleep is a prerequisite for our physical and mental health. ✔ Boost energy & productivity ✔ Regulate mood ✔ Repair & restore ✔ Fight disease ✔ Lose weight [/ux_text] [ux_products style="normal" type="row" columns="1" animate="flipInX" ids="12196" image_height="50%" image_size="original" image_hover="zoom" text_size="large" text_hover="bounce"] [ux_text font_size="1.2"] The CDC recommends that Americans get at least 7 hours of sleep a night to ensure optimal health and wellness. Simple as that may appear, the reality is numerous grownups struggle with falling-- or staying-- asleep. According to the National Sleep Foundation, nearly half of all Americans feel drowsy between three and 7 days a week, and 35 percent of U.S. grownups report sleeping less than 7 hours a night. [/ux_text] [button text="Shop Sleep Gummies" expand="0" icon="icon-angle-right" link="http://mirthemp.com/product/sleep-gummies-with-10mg-cbn-25mg-cbd/"] [ux_text font_size="1.2"] Desperate for a good night's rest, increasingly more customers have actually been relying on CBD gummies for their sleep problems-- specifically as natural wellness trends have actually increased because of the pandemic. Given the benefit of gummy supplements and existing information on CBD, which suggests the compound is an effective way to improve sleep with little to no side effects, it's no wonder why the CBD gummies market is forecasted to hit $12 billion by 2028. Interested in trying CBD gummies for sleep? Keep checking out to read more about how CBD can assist with sleep issues and how to take this up-and-coming health supplement to get some more shut-eye. [/ux_text] [ux_text font_size="1.2"] However First ... What Are Cannabinoids? CBD (brief for cannabidiol) can provide a variety of health benefits, such as reducing inflammation, relieving stress and anxiety, and improving sleep, thanks to the compound's special ability to engage with our endocannabinoid systems (ECS)-- a network of chemical messengers and receptor websites responsible for keeping homeostasis in the body. This is because CBD is a cannabinoid, a kind of fat-based substance produced by cannabis plants. CBD and THC are 2 of the most popular cannabinoids, however, there are over 120 different kinds we've discovered so far. Cannabinoids communicate with our ECS systems to produce several healing benefits by assisting with several functions including emotions, metabolic process, memory, and ... await it ... sleep. This brings us to the next question ... Do CBD Gummies Work for Sleeping? The more scientific research study is required regarding CBD's result on sleep, but existing data up until now is promising. Research studies in rats, for example, reveal a connection between the dose of CBD and an increased portion of sleep. A 2017 evaluation of cannabinoids and sleep noted CBD may "hold guarantee for REM sleep behavior condition." Other studies reveal that CBD can be "beneficial in treating depression, stress, anxiety, sleep conditions" with little to no adverse effects. Like lots of those who take CBD, Mirthemp client Amy G. observed several health benefits. She began taking CBD for running-induced knee injuries, as physical therapy wasn't entirely relieving the discomfort and swelling. "Ever since I began taking these ... I've had numerous days where my knees feel nearly entirely regular, and even the bad days aren't nearly what they used to be." But discomfort relief wasn't the only advantage she observed. "Additionally, my sleep has considerably enhanced when I take even half the advised CBD dose." Amy was accustomed to waking up about three to 4 hours after going to sleep and after that struggling to fall back asleep for the remainder of the night.
Her results from taking CBD? "Now I sleep 7 1/2 to 8 hours with very few disruptions. I truthfully had low expectations for CBD, but I've been pleasantly surprised." Mirthemp consumer Roger N. has had a comparable experience. "This is probably the best sleep aid you can discover," he says about CBD. "This is way better than using Ambien or some other drug that just assists you to go to sleep, not staying asleep." CBD Gummies for Sleep and Anxiety One of the systems by which CBD gummies are thought to assist with sleep is by minimizing anxiety, as an anxiolytic (or anti-anxiety) result is one of the therapeutic advantages of CBD communicating with our endocannabinoid systems. " I was having a problem getting to sleep during the night," states Mirthemp consumer Elaine S. "Too lots of ideas going through my head!" She decided to finally attempt our CBD. Now Elaine finds she can "fall asleep quicker and sleep better." Lindsey F. likewise takes Mirthemp CBD, every night before bed. "It helps me unwind and easily drop off to sleep," she states. [/ux_text] [ux_products style="normal" type="row" columns="1" animate="flipInX" ids="12196" image_height="50%" image_size="original" image_hover="zoom" text_size="large" text_hover="bounce"] [ux_text font_size="1.2"] CBD Gummies for Sleep: What You Should Know The Very Best CBD Gummies for Sleep Customers wanting to optimize the restorative benefits of CBD gummies for sleep must take care when looking for items as the marketplace is currently unregulated by the FDA. That implies you might end up purchasing CBD items that don't contain what the label markets-- which can result in complications for anybody with medical conditions, among other health risks. That's why it's crucial to do your due diligence and seek out top-quality CBD gummies. Look for natural active ingredients, very few ingredients, and natural sweeteners, especially as ingredients or adulterants might cause harmful impacts that can exacerbate health conditions and sleep problems. Full Spectrum CBD Gummies The most efficient CBD gummies for sleep likewise consist of complete spectrum CBD. There are 3 primary kinds of CBD items on the marketplace today: CBD isolates products, broad-spectrum products, and complete spectrum products. CBD isolate is, as the name recommends, chemically isolated CBD. Broad-spectrum CBD products contain other beneficial compounds found in cannabis plants such as terpenes and flavonoids, but they consist of no THC. Complete spectrum items, on the other hand, contain all of the plant's beneficial compounds consisting of trace amounts of THC. They're frequently considered the most reliable kind of CBD product thanks to what's called the "entourage effect"-- whereby all the substances in the item work synergistically together to produce maximum advantages. How to Take CBD Gummies for Sleep You might need to utilize a little trial and error up until you discover your "ideal" dose, however, you'll know you've struck it when you experience sleep relief with very few negative effects. We recommend beginning with 30 mg per day, or more NuLeaf Naturals CBD gummies, split between 2 doses-- one taken in the early morning and one at night-- and after that increasing the dose slowly as needed. The Length Of Time Do CBD Gummies Take to Work for Sleep? It can take anywhere from 1 to 2 hours for the effects of CBD gummies to be felt, which is why it's a good idea to take CBD gummies before your bedtime. As far as long-lasting results go, some consumers report it can take as many as several weeks to see visible results. The essential thing is to stay constant and change your dosing as needed. Where to Get CBD Gummies for Sleep You can purchase CBD gummies at several various locations-- from supermarkets to smoke shops-- if you reside in a state where CBD is legal. Take a look at the Mirthemp store locator readily available here. If you're purchasing CBD gummies from a brick-and-mortar shop, be sure you're always purchasing from a trustworthy maker.
Check for laboratory results (known as Certificates of Analyses, or COAs) and search for natural logo designs on labels. Opt to purchase items with credible certifications such as cGMP and ISO certifications whenever possible. It's likewise a great concept to search for product evaluations before your purchase. CBN Gummies for Sleep In addition to CBD, Cannabinol (CBN) is quickly increasing in popularity as a supplement for promoting relaxation and better quality sleep. Cannabinol is a kind of cannabinoid produced through the oxidation of THC, however, it does not have psychoactive residential or commercial properties. While research is still required regarding CBN's impacts on sleep, a new study by scientists at Salk's Cellular Neurobiology Laboratory shows the compound boasts neuroprotective residential or commercial properties. Customers report that CBN has a positive effect on the quality and period of their sleep. Mirthemp customer Bruce L. used our CBN oil alone along with in conjunction with our full spectrum CBD oil and Multicannabinoid solution. In both cases, he found CBN to be "an efficient yet mild sleep aid." States Bruce: "I have experienced no negative effects at all. I have a regular relaxing night's sleep with normal REM cycles and deep-stage delta sleep durations. I extremely recommend this product if you have trouble sleeping." Added to a CBD program or by themselves, CBN gummies can be an efficient sleep aid. Try to find complete spectrum CBN gummies, as well as CBN gummies that contain CBD, for optimum therapeutic advantages. Premium Full Spectrum CBD Gummies for Sleep: The Mirthemp Difference Mirthemp full-spectrum CBD gummies are some of the most powerful gummies out there, each gummy includes 15 mg of CBD to assist you to snag some well-earned z's. With their ratio of CBD: CBN in a 3:1 ratio, our full-spectrum CBN gummies also make for the ideal sleep help. All of our cannabinoids are sourced from safe, environment-friendly approaches such as CO2 extraction to make sure a full variety of useful phytonutrients without hazardous ingredients. And with each gummy made from 100% plant-based, natural ingredients, you understand you're getting the best CBD and CBN gummies the marketplace needs. [/ux_text] [button text="Shop Sleep Gummies" expand="0" icon="icon-angle-right" link="http://mirthemp.com/product/sleep-gummies-with-10mg-cbn-25mg-cbd/"] https://mirthemp.com/gummies-for-sleep-the-complete-guide/?feed_id=14531&_unique_id=6392596e7a7a1 #Sleep
0 notes
staymirthy · 2 years
Gummies for Sleep: The Complete Guide [ux_text font_size="1.2"] Why Mirthemp CBD Gummies Help You Get a Better Night Sleep Let’s Get Serious About Sleep 😴 How good sleep can affect you and your health? Nothing beats waking up refreshed and energized after a good night’s sleep. Sleep is a prerequisite for our physical and mental health. ✔ Boost energy & productivity ✔ Regulate mood ✔ Repair & restore ✔ Fight disease ✔ Lose weight [/ux_text] [ux_products style="normal" type="row" columns="1" animate="flipInX" ids="12196" image_height="50%" image_size="original" image_hover="zoom" text_size="large" text_hover="bounce"] [ux_text font_size="1.2"] The CDC recommends that Americans get at least 7 hours of sleep a night to ensure optimal health and wellness. Simple as that may appear, the reality is numerous grownups struggle with falling-- or staying-- asleep. According to the National Sleep Foundation, nearly half of all Americans feel drowsy between three and 7 days a week, and 35 percent of U.S. grownups report sleeping less than 7 hours a night. [/ux_text] [button text="Shop Sleep Gummies" expand="0" icon="icon-angle-right" link="http://mirthemp.com/product/sleep-gummies-with-10mg-cbn-25mg-cbd/"] [ux_text font_size="1.2"] Desperate for a good night's rest, increasingly more customers have actually been relying on CBD gummies for their sleep problems-- specifically as natural wellness trends have actually increased because of the pandemic. Given the benefit of gummy supplements and existing information on CBD, which suggests the compound is an effective way to improve sleep with little to no side effects, it's no wonder why the CBD gummies market is forecasted to hit $12 billion by 2028. Interested in trying CBD gummies for sleep? Keep checking out to read more about how CBD can assist with sleep issues and how to take this up-and-coming health supplement to get some more shut-eye. [/ux_text] [ux_text font_size="1.2"] However First ... What Are Cannabinoids? CBD (brief for cannabidiol) can provide a variety of health benefits, such as reducing inflammation, relieving stress and anxiety, and improving sleep, thanks to the compound's special ability to engage with our endocannabinoid systems (ECS)-- a network of chemical messengers and receptor websites responsible for keeping homeostasis in the body. This is because CBD is a cannabinoid, a kind of fat-based substance produced by cannabis plants. CBD and THC are 2 of the most popular cannabinoids, however, there are over 120 different kinds we've discovered so far. Cannabinoids communicate with our ECS systems to produce several healing benefits by assisting with several functions including emotions, metabolic process, memory, and ... await it ... sleep. This brings us to the next question ... Do CBD Gummies Work for Sleeping? The more scientific research study is required regarding CBD's result on sleep, but existing data up until now is promising. Research studies in rats, for example, reveal a connection between the dose of CBD and an increased portion of sleep. A 2017 evaluation of cannabinoids and sleep noted CBD may "hold guarantee for REM sleep behavior condition." Other studies reveal that CBD can be "beneficial in treating depression, stress, anxiety, sleep conditions" with little to no adverse effects. Like lots of those who take CBD, Mirthemp client Amy G. observed several health benefits. She began taking CBD for running-induced knee injuries, as physical therapy wasn't entirely relieving the discomfort and swelling. "Ever since I began taking these ... I've had numerous days where my knees feel nearly entirely regular, and even the bad days aren't nearly what they used to be." But discomfort relief wasn't the only advantage she observed. "Additionally, my sleep has considerably enhanced when I take even half the advised CBD dose." Amy was accustomed to waking up about three to 4 hours after going to sleep and after that struggling to fall back asleep for the remainder of the night.
Her results from taking CBD? "Now I sleep 7 1/2 to 8 hours with very few disruptions. I truthfully had low expectations for CBD, but I've been pleasantly surprised." Mirthemp consumer Roger N. has had a comparable experience. "This is probably the best sleep aid you can discover," he says about CBD. "This is way better than using Ambien or some other drug that just assists you to go to sleep, not staying asleep." CBD Gummies for Sleep and Anxiety One of the systems by which CBD gummies are thought to assist with sleep is by minimizing anxiety, as an anxiolytic (or anti-anxiety) result is one of the therapeutic advantages of CBD communicating with our endocannabinoid systems. " I was having a problem getting to sleep during the night," states Mirthemp consumer Elaine S. "Too lots of ideas going through my head!" She decided to finally attempt our CBD. Now Elaine finds she can "fall asleep quicker and sleep better." Lindsey F. likewise takes Mirthemp CBD, every night before bed. "It helps me unwind and easily drop off to sleep," she states. [/ux_text] [ux_products style="normal" type="row" columns="1" animate="flipInX" ids="12196" image_height="50%" image_size="original" image_hover="zoom" text_size="large" text_hover="bounce"] [ux_text font_size="1.2"] CBD Gummies for Sleep: What You Should Know The Very Best CBD Gummies for Sleep Customers wanting to optimize the restorative benefits of CBD gummies for sleep must take care when looking for items as the marketplace is currently unregulated by the FDA. That implies you might end up purchasing CBD items that don't contain what the label markets-- which can result in complications for anybody with medical conditions, among other health risks. That's why it's crucial to do your due diligence and seek out top-quality CBD gummies. Look for natural active ingredients, very few ingredients, and natural sweeteners, especially as ingredients or adulterants might cause harmful impacts that can exacerbate health conditions and sleep problems. Full Spectrum CBD Gummies The most efficient CBD gummies for sleep likewise consist of complete spectrum CBD. There are 3 primary kinds of CBD items on the marketplace today: CBD isolates products, broad-spectrum products, and complete spectrum products. CBD isolate is, as the name recommends, chemically isolated CBD. Broad-spectrum CBD products contain other beneficial compounds found in cannabis plants such as terpenes and flavonoids, but they consist of no THC. Complete spectrum items, on the other hand, contain all of the plant's beneficial compounds consisting of trace amounts of THC. They're frequently considered the most reliable kind of CBD product thanks to what's called the "entourage effect"-- whereby all the substances in the item work synergistically together to produce maximum advantages. How to Take CBD Gummies for Sleep You might need to utilize a little trial and error up until you discover your "ideal" dose, however, you'll know you've struck it when you experience sleep relief with very few negative effects. We recommend beginning with 30 mg per day, or more NuLeaf Naturals CBD gummies, split between 2 doses-- one taken in the early morning and one at night-- and after that increasing the dose slowly as needed. The Length Of Time Do CBD Gummies Take to Work for Sleep? It can take anywhere from 1 to 2 hours for the effects of CBD gummies to be felt, which is why it's a good idea to take CBD gummies before your bedtime. As far as long-lasting results go, some consumers report it can take as many as several weeks to see visible results. The essential thing is to stay constant and change your dosing as needed. Where to Get CBD Gummies for Sleep You can purchase CBD gummies at several various locations-- from supermarkets to smoke shops-- if you reside in a state where CBD is legal. Take a look at the Mirthemp store locator readily available here. If you're purchasing CBD gummies from a brick-and-mortar shop, be sure you're always purchasing from a trustworthy maker.
Check for laboratory results (known as Certificates of Analyses, or COAs) and search for natural logo designs on labels. Opt to purchase items with credible certifications such as cGMP and ISO certifications whenever possible. It's likewise a great concept to search for product evaluations before your purchase. CBN Gummies for Sleep In addition to CBD, Cannabinol (CBN) is quickly increasing in popularity as a supplement for promoting relaxation and better quality sleep. Cannabinol is a kind of cannabinoid produced through the oxidation of THC, however, it does not have psychoactive residential or commercial properties. While research is still required regarding CBN's impacts on sleep, a new study by scientists at Salk's Cellular Neurobiology Laboratory shows the compound boasts neuroprotective residential or commercial properties. Customers report that CBN has a positive effect on the quality and period of their sleep. Mirthemp customer Bruce L. used our CBN oil alone along with in conjunction with our full spectrum CBD oil and Multicannabinoid solution. In both cases, he found CBN to be "an efficient yet mild sleep aid." States Bruce: "I have experienced no negative effects at all. I have a regular relaxing night's sleep with normal REM cycles and deep-stage delta sleep durations. I extremely recommend this product if you have trouble sleeping." Added to a CBD program or by themselves, CBN gummies can be an efficient sleep aid. Try to find complete spectrum CBN gummies, as well as CBN gummies that contain CBD, for optimum therapeutic advantages. Premium Full Spectrum CBD Gummies for Sleep: The Mirthemp Difference Mirthemp full-spectrum CBD gummies are some of the most powerful gummies out there, each gummy includes 15 mg of CBD to assist you to snag some well-earned z's. With their ratio of CBD: CBN in a 3:1 ratio, our full-spectrum CBN gummies also make for the ideal sleep help. All of our cannabinoids are sourced from safe, environment-friendly approaches such as CO2 extraction to make sure a full variety of useful phytonutrients without hazardous ingredients. And with each gummy made from 100% plant-based, natural ingredients, you understand you're getting the best CBD and CBN gummies the marketplace needs. [/ux_text] [button text="Shop Sleep Gummies" expand="0" icon="icon-angle-right" link="http://mirthemp.com/product/sleep-gummies-with-10mg-cbn-25mg-cbd/"] https://mirthemp.com/gummies-for-sleep-the-complete-guide/?feed_id=13831&_unique_id=6390d5f51ee04 #Sleep
0 notes
staymirthy · 2 years
Gummies for Sleep: The Complete Guide [ux_text font_size="1.2"] Why Mirthemp CBD Gummies Help You Get a Better Night Sleep Let’s Get Serious About Sleep 😴 How good sleep can affect you and your health? Nothing beats waking up refreshed and energized after a good night’s sleep. Sleep is a prerequisite for our physical and mental health. ✔ Boost energy & productivity ✔ Regulate mood ✔ Repair & restore ✔ Fight disease ✔ Lose weight [/ux_text] [ux_products style="normal" type="row" columns="1" animate="flipInX" ids="12196" image_height="50%" image_size="original" image_hover="zoom" text_size="large" text_hover="bounce"] [ux_text font_size="1.2"] The CDC recommends that Americans get at least 7 hours of sleep a night to ensure optimal health and wellness. Simple as that may appear, the reality is numerous grownups struggle with falling-- or staying-- asleep. According to the National Sleep Foundation, nearly half of all Americans feel drowsy between three and 7 days a week, and 35 percent of U.S. grownups report sleeping less than 7 hours a night. [/ux_text] [button text="Shop Sleep Gummies" expand="0" icon="icon-angle-right" link="http://mirthemp.com/product/sleep-gummies-with-10mg-cbn-25mg-cbd/"] [ux_text font_size="1.2"] Desperate for a good night's rest, increasingly more customers have actually been relying on CBD gummies for their sleep problems-- specifically as natural wellness trends have actually increased because of the pandemic. Given the benefit of gummy supplements and existing information on CBD, which suggests the compound is an effective way to improve sleep with little to no side effects, it's no wonder why the CBD gummies market is forecasted to hit $12 billion by 2028. Interested in trying CBD gummies for sleep? Keep checking out to read more about how CBD can assist with sleep issues and how to take this up-and-coming health supplement to get some more shut-eye. [/ux_text] [ux_text font_size="1.2"] However First ... What Are Cannabinoids? CBD (brief for cannabidiol) can provide a variety of health benefits, such as reducing inflammation, relieving stress and anxiety, and improving sleep, thanks to the compound's special ability to engage with our endocannabinoid systems (ECS)-- a network of chemical messengers and receptor websites responsible for keeping homeostasis in the body. This is because CBD is a cannabinoid, a kind of fat-based substance produced by cannabis plants. CBD and THC are 2 of the most popular cannabinoids, however, there are over 120 different kinds we've discovered so far. Cannabinoids communicate with our ECS systems to produce several healing benefits by assisting with several functions including emotions, metabolic process, memory, and ... await it ... sleep. This brings us to the next question ... Do CBD Gummies Work for Sleeping? The more scientific research study is required regarding CBD's result on sleep, but existing data up until now is promising. Research studies in rats, for example, reveal a connection between the dose of CBD and an increased portion of sleep. A 2017 evaluation of cannabinoids and sleep noted CBD may "hold guarantee for REM sleep behavior condition." Other studies reveal that CBD can be "beneficial in treating depression, stress, anxiety, sleep conditions" with little to no adverse effects. Like lots of those who take CBD, Mirthemp client Amy G. observed several health benefits. She began taking CBD for running-induced knee injuries, as physical therapy wasn't entirely relieving the discomfort and swelling. "Ever since I began taking these ... I've had numerous days where my knees feel nearly entirely regular, and even the bad days aren't nearly what they used to be." But discomfort relief wasn't the only advantage she observed. "Additionally, my sleep has considerably enhanced when I take even half the advised CBD dose." Amy was accustomed to waking up about three to 4 hours after going to sleep and after that struggling to fall back asleep for the remainder of the night.
Her results from taking CBD? "Now I sleep 7 1/2 to 8 hours with very few disruptions. I truthfully had low expectations for CBD, but I've been pleasantly surprised." Mirthemp consumer Roger N. has had a comparable experience. "This is probably the best sleep aid you can discover," he says about CBD. "This is way better than using Ambien or some other drug that just assists you to go to sleep, not staying asleep." CBD Gummies for Sleep and Anxiety One of the systems by which CBD gummies are thought to assist with sleep is by minimizing anxiety, as an anxiolytic (or anti-anxiety) result is one of the therapeutic advantages of CBD communicating with our endocannabinoid systems. " I was having a problem getting to sleep during the night," states Mirthemp consumer Elaine S. "Too lots of ideas going through my head!" She decided to finally attempt our CBD. Now Elaine finds she can "fall asleep quicker and sleep better." Lindsey F. likewise takes Mirthemp CBD, every night before bed. "It helps me unwind and easily drop off to sleep," she states. [/ux_text] [ux_products style="normal" type="row" columns="1" animate="flipInX" ids="12196" image_height="50%" image_size="original" image_hover="zoom" text_size="large" text_hover="bounce"] [ux_text font_size="1.2"] CBD Gummies for Sleep: What You Should Know The Very Best CBD Gummies for Sleep Customers wanting to optimize the restorative benefits of CBD gummies for sleep must take care when looking for items as the marketplace is currently unregulated by the FDA. That implies you might end up purchasing CBD items that don't contain what the label markets-- which can result in complications for anybody with medical conditions, among other health risks. That's why it's crucial to do your due diligence and seek out top-quality CBD gummies. Look for natural active ingredients, very few ingredients, and natural sweeteners, especially as ingredients or adulterants might cause harmful impacts that can exacerbate health conditions and sleep problems. Full Spectrum CBD Gummies The most efficient CBD gummies for sleep likewise consist of complete spectrum CBD. There are 3 primary kinds of CBD items on the marketplace today: CBD isolates products, broad-spectrum products, and complete spectrum products. CBD isolate is, as the name recommends, chemically isolated CBD. Broad-spectrum CBD products contain other beneficial compounds found in cannabis plants such as terpenes and flavonoids, but they consist of no THC. Complete spectrum items, on the other hand, contain all of the plant's beneficial compounds consisting of trace amounts of THC. They're frequently considered the most reliable kind of CBD product thanks to what's called the "entourage effect"-- whereby all the substances in the item work synergistically together to produce maximum advantages. How to Take CBD Gummies for Sleep You might need to utilize a little trial and error up until you discover your "ideal" dose, however, you'll know you've struck it when you experience sleep relief with very few negative effects. We recommend beginning with 30 mg per day, or more NuLeaf Naturals CBD gummies, split between 2 doses-- one taken in the early morning and one at night-- and after that increasing the dose slowly as needed. The Length Of Time Do CBD Gummies Take to Work for Sleep? It can take anywhere from 1 to 2 hours for the effects of CBD gummies to be felt, which is why it's a good idea to take CBD gummies before your bedtime. As far as long-lasting results go, some consumers report it can take as many as several weeks to see visible results. The essential thing is to stay constant and change your dosing as needed. Where to Get CBD Gummies for Sleep You can purchase CBD gummies at several various locations-- from supermarkets to smoke shops-- if you reside in a state where CBD is legal. Take a look at the Mirthemp store locator readily available here. If you're purchasing CBD gummies from a brick-and-mortar shop, be sure you're always purchasing from a trustworthy maker.
Check for laboratory results (known as Certificates of Analyses, or COAs) and search for natural logo designs on labels. Opt to purchase items with credible certifications such as cGMP and ISO certifications whenever possible. It's likewise a great concept to search for product evaluations before your purchase. CBN Gummies for Sleep In addition to CBD, Cannabinol (CBN) is quickly increasing in popularity as a supplement for promoting relaxation and better quality sleep. Cannabinol is a kind of cannabinoid produced through the oxidation of THC, however, it does not have psychoactive residential or commercial properties. While research is still required regarding CBN's impacts on sleep, a new study by scientists at Salk's Cellular Neurobiology Laboratory shows the compound boasts neuroprotective residential or commercial properties. Customers report that CBN has a positive effect on the quality and period of their sleep. Mirthemp customer Bruce L. used our CBN oil alone along with in conjunction with our full spectrum CBD oil and Multicannabinoid solution. In both cases, he found CBN to be "an efficient yet mild sleep aid." States Bruce: "I have experienced no negative effects at all. I have a regular relaxing night's sleep with normal REM cycles and deep-stage delta sleep durations. I extremely recommend this product if you have trouble sleeping." Added to a CBD program or by themselves, CBN gummies can be an efficient sleep aid. Try to find complete spectrum CBN gummies, as well as CBN gummies that contain CBD, for optimum therapeutic advantages. Premium Full Spectrum CBD Gummies for Sleep: The Mirthemp Difference Mirthemp full-spectrum CBD gummies are some of the most powerful gummies out there, each gummy includes 15 mg of CBD to assist you to snag some well-earned z's. With their ratio of CBD: CBN in a 3:1 ratio, our full-spectrum CBN gummies also make for the ideal sleep help. All of our cannabinoids are sourced from safe, environment-friendly approaches such as CO2 extraction to make sure a full variety of useful phytonutrients without hazardous ingredients. And with each gummy made from 100% plant-based, natural ingredients, you understand you're getting the best CBD and CBN gummies the marketplace needs. [/ux_text] [button text="Shop Sleep Gummies" expand="0" icon="icon-angle-right" link="http://mirthemp.com/product/sleep-gummies-with-10mg-cbn-25mg-cbd/"] https://mirthemp.com/gummies-for-sleep-the-complete-guide/?feed_id=13775&_unique_id=6390b9d181d47 #Sleep
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staymirthy · 2 years
Gummies for Sleep: The Complete Guide [ux_text font_size="1.2"] Why Mirthemp CBD Gummies Help You Get a Better Night Sleep Let’s Get Serious About Sleep 😴 How good sleep can affect you and your health? Nothing beats waking up refreshed and energized after a good night’s sleep. Sleep is a prerequisite for our physical and mental health. ✔ Boost energy & productivity ✔ Regulate mood ✔ Repair & restore ✔ Fight disease ✔ Lose weight [/ux_text] [ux_products style="normal" type="row" columns="1" animate="flipInX" ids="12196" image_height="50%" image_size="original" image_hover="zoom" text_size="large" text_hover="bounce"] [ux_text font_size="1.2"] The CDC recommends that Americans get at least 7 hours of sleep a night to ensure optimal health and wellness. Simple as that may appear, the reality is numerous grownups struggle with falling-- or staying-- asleep. According to the National Sleep Foundation, nearly half of all Americans feel drowsy between three and 7 days a week, and 35 percent of U.S. grownups report sleeping less than 7 hours a night. [/ux_text] [button text="Shop Sleep Gummies" expand="0" icon="icon-angle-right" link="http://mirthemp.com/product/sleep-gummies-with-10mg-cbn-25mg-cbd/"] [ux_text font_size="1.2"] Desperate for a good night's rest, increasingly more customers have actually been relying on CBD gummies for their sleep problems-- specifically as natural wellness trends have actually increased because of the pandemic. Given the benefit of gummy supplements and existing information on CBD, which suggests the compound is an effective way to improve sleep with little to no side effects, it's no wonder why the CBD gummies market is forecasted to hit $12 billion by 2028. Interested in trying CBD gummies for sleep? Keep checking out to read more about how CBD can assist with sleep issues and how to take this up-and-coming health supplement to get some more shut-eye. [/ux_text] [ux_text font_size="1.2"] However First ... What Are Cannabinoids? CBD (brief for cannabidiol) can provide a variety of health benefits, such as reducing inflammation, relieving stress and anxiety, and improving sleep, thanks to the compound's special ability to engage with our endocannabinoid systems (ECS)-- a network of chemical messengers and receptor websites responsible for keeping homeostasis in the body. This is because CBD is a cannabinoid, a kind of fat-based substance produced by cannabis plants. CBD and THC are 2 of the most popular cannabinoids, however, there are over 120 different kinds we've discovered so far. Cannabinoids communicate with our ECS systems to produce several healing benefits by assisting with several functions including emotions, metabolic process, memory, and ... await it ... sleep. This brings us to the next question ... Do CBD Gummies Work for Sleeping? The more scientific research study is required regarding CBD's result on sleep, but existing data up until now is promising. Research studies in rats, for example, reveal a connection between the dose of CBD and an increased portion of sleep. A 2017 evaluation of cannabinoids and sleep noted CBD may "hold guarantee for REM sleep behavior condition." Other studies reveal that CBD can be "beneficial in treating depression, stress, anxiety, sleep conditions" with little to no adverse effects. Like lots of those who take CBD, Mirthemp client Amy G. observed several health benefits. She began taking CBD for running-induced knee injuries, as physical therapy wasn't entirely relieving the discomfort and swelling. "Ever since I began taking these ... I've had numerous days where my knees feel nearly entirely regular, and even the bad days aren't nearly what they used to be." But discomfort relief wasn't the only advantage she observed. "Additionally, my sleep has considerably enhanced when I take even half the advised CBD dose." Amy was accustomed to waking up about three to 4 hours after going to sleep and after that struggling to fall back asleep for the remainder of the night.
Her results from taking CBD? "Now I sleep 7 1/2 to 8 hours with very few disruptions. I truthfully had low expectations for CBD, but I've been pleasantly surprised." Mirthemp consumer Roger N. has had a comparable experience. "This is probably the best sleep aid you can discover," he says about CBD. "This is way better than using Ambien or some other drug that just assists you to go to sleep, not staying asleep." CBD Gummies for Sleep and Anxiety One of the systems by which CBD gummies are thought to assist with sleep is by minimizing anxiety, as an anxiolytic (or anti-anxiety) result is one of the therapeutic advantages of CBD communicating with our endocannabinoid systems. " I was having a problem getting to sleep during the night," states Mirthemp consumer Elaine S. "Too lots of ideas going through my head!" She decided to finally attempt our CBD. Now Elaine finds she can "fall asleep quicker and sleep better." Lindsey F. likewise takes Mirthemp CBD, every night before bed. "It helps me unwind and easily drop off to sleep," she states. [/ux_text] [ux_products style="normal" type="row" columns="1" animate="flipInX" ids="12196" image_height="50%" image_size="original" image_hover="zoom" text_size="large" text_hover="bounce"] [ux_text font_size="1.2"] CBD Gummies for Sleep: What You Should Know The Very Best CBD Gummies for Sleep Customers wanting to optimize the restorative benefits of CBD gummies for sleep must take care when looking for items as the marketplace is currently unregulated by the FDA. That implies you might end up purchasing CBD items that don't contain what the label markets-- which can result in complications for anybody with medical conditions, among other health risks. That's why it's crucial to do your due diligence and seek out top-quality CBD gummies. Look for natural active ingredients, very few ingredients, and natural sweeteners, especially as ingredients or adulterants might cause harmful impacts that can exacerbate health conditions and sleep problems. Full Spectrum CBD Gummies The most efficient CBD gummies for sleep likewise consist of complete spectrum CBD. There are 3 primary kinds of CBD items on the marketplace today: CBD isolates products, broad-spectrum products, and complete spectrum products. CBD isolate is, as the name recommends, chemically isolated CBD. Broad-spectrum CBD products contain other beneficial compounds found in cannabis plants such as terpenes and flavonoids, but they consist of no THC. Complete spectrum items, on the other hand, contain all of the plant's beneficial compounds consisting of trace amounts of THC. They're frequently considered the most reliable kind of CBD product thanks to what's called the "entourage effect"-- whereby all the substances in the item work synergistically together to produce maximum advantages. How to Take CBD Gummies for Sleep You might need to utilize a little trial and error up until you discover your "ideal" dose, however, you'll know you've struck it when you experience sleep relief with very few negative effects. We recommend beginning with 30 mg per day, or more NuLeaf Naturals CBD gummies, split between 2 doses-- one taken in the early morning and one at night-- and after that increasing the dose slowly as needed. The Length Of Time Do CBD Gummies Take to Work for Sleep? It can take anywhere from 1 to 2 hours for the effects of CBD gummies to be felt, which is why it's a good idea to take CBD gummies before your bedtime. As far as long-lasting results go, some consumers report it can take as many as several weeks to see visible results. The essential thing is to stay constant and change your dosing as needed. Where to Get CBD Gummies for Sleep You can purchase CBD gummies at several various locations-- from supermarkets to smoke shops-- if you reside in a state where CBD is legal. Take a look at the Mirthemp store locator readily available here. If you're purchasing CBD gummies from a brick-and-mortar shop, be sure you're always purchasing from a trustworthy maker.
Check for laboratory results (known as Certificates of Analyses, or COAs) and search for natural logo designs on labels. Opt to purchase items with credible certifications such as cGMP and ISO certifications whenever possible. It's likewise a great concept to search for product evaluations before your purchase. CBN Gummies for Sleep In addition to CBD, Cannabinol (CBN) is quickly increasing in popularity as a supplement for promoting relaxation and better quality sleep. Cannabinol is a kind of cannabinoid produced through the oxidation of THC, however, it does not have psychoactive residential or commercial properties. While research is still required regarding CBN's impacts on sleep, a new study by scientists at Salk's Cellular Neurobiology Laboratory shows the compound boasts neuroprotective residential or commercial properties. Customers report that CBN has a positive effect on the quality and period of their sleep. Mirthemp customer Bruce L. used our CBN oil alone along with in conjunction with our full spectrum CBD oil and Multicannabinoid solution. In both cases, he found CBN to be "an efficient yet mild sleep aid." States Bruce: "I have experienced no negative effects at all. I have a regular relaxing night's sleep with normal REM cycles and deep-stage delta sleep durations. I extremely recommend this product if you have trouble sleeping." Added to a CBD program or by themselves, CBN gummies can be an efficient sleep aid. Try to find complete spectrum CBN gummies, as well as CBN gummies that contain CBD, for optimum therapeutic advantages. Premium Full Spectrum CBD Gummies for Sleep: The Mirthemp Difference Mirthemp full-spectrum CBD gummies are some of the most powerful gummies out there, each gummy includes 15 mg of CBD to assist you to snag some well-earned z's. With their ratio of CBD: CBN in a 3:1 ratio, our full-spectrum CBN gummies also make for the ideal sleep help. All of our cannabinoids are sourced from safe, environment-friendly approaches such as CO2 extraction to make sure a full variety of useful phytonutrients without hazardous ingredients. And with each gummy made from 100% plant-based, natural ingredients, you understand you're getting the best CBD and CBN gummies the marketplace needs. [/ux_text] [button text="Shop Sleep Gummies" expand="0" icon="icon-angle-right" link="http://mirthemp.com/product/sleep-gummies-with-10mg-cbn-25mg-cbd/"] https://mirthemp.com/gummies-for-sleep-the-complete-guide/?feed_id=13187&_unique_id=638f72cd91e3b #Sleep
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