#I've been gone for months but..........
raycatzdraws · 2 months
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A Linked Universe meets The Dark Crystal AU! I don't even remember what started it at this point. I remembered that the Dark Crystal and Age of Resistance are things I like, blinked, and woke up three days later with an AU and a bunch of art.
The designs and the story are a wip and for fun so expect a lot of variation! (I have a few different beginnings, ideas for different designs, etc)! :D
In addition to #linked universe I'll be using the tags #the dark crystal lu au and #courage of the dark crystal!
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Theatre staff: which movie?
The heartstopper gang, dressed all in pink: Barbie
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thebibliosphere · 2 years
How are the new glasses working out?
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Yeah, they're um, *clears throat and starts crying anyway* they're working great.
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smeddiemunson · 1 year
No Upside Down AU + a platonic Stobin sleepover + buckingham and steddie referenced.
“So?” Robin asked. 
Steve sucked his teeth. “Robin, we’ve only just started the sleepover, I’m not telling you yet!” 
“I’m in my pyjamas! We have a movie on, we have popcorn! We built a blanket fort!” Robin pointed to each thing in turn as if to remind Steve that he knew exactly how long she had been waiting already. “If you make me wait any longer, I’ll kill you.” 
Steve snorted. It was the most empty threat he’d ever heard in his life. If he died, by Robin’s hand or otherwise, she would follow him soon after. They were soul bonded at this point; one couldn’t exist without the other.
“Alright.” Robin slapped at his arm excitedly. “Alright! Stop hitting me!” 
Robin stopped hitting him but left her hands on his arm, fingers pressing, urging against his skin. 
“It was good.”
“Steve!” Robin moaned, throwing herself back against the pillows in truly dramatic fashion. “You can’t just give me that! I want all the details!”
“I don’t know, Rob!” Steve cried back. “I had fun. He’s really funny and sweet, and...” Steve bit his lip as a blush spread across his cheeks. 
Robin picked up on it like a bloodhound. “At least tell me what film you watched?” 
Steve turned his face away from her, focusing too intently on the movie. “I don’t really remember,” he mumbled. 
Robin squealed. “Steven Harrington, you sly dog! I knew there were details!” 
Steve rolled his eyes. “He had all these blankets and pillows in the back of his van, and he put fairly lights up, and we kinda couldn’t see the screen because we had to park further away for obvious reasons. But-“ Steve took a deep breath, then rushed out, “It might have been the best first date I’ve ever been on.”
“Eddie Munson, a romantic. Who would’ve thought? Certainly not me!”
Steve shoved at her.
“Well don’t stop there! I want the details!”
Steve groaned. “Do you really want the details?” 
“Of course I do! If I can’t have my gay romance, then I want to live through yours!” 
Steve lifted his arm to tuck Robin underneath it and pull her into his chest. He ignored the way she tried to struggle away. “You could still have your gay romance, Birdie. You just have to tell her.” 
“You don’t know that!” Robin replied as she was finally able to get her arms free enough to push away from Steve. 
“She’s friends with Eddie,” Steve reminded her. That should be all Robin needed to know to explain anything about former Queen of Hawkins High, Chrissy Cunningham. 
Robin slapped at him. “Just because she’s friends with a gay person doesn’t mean she is gay, dingus. That’s not how it works!” 
Steve easily batted her hands away with a chuckle. “That’s how it worked with me!” 
Robin groaned. 
“I’m just saying, I would never have thought about being bi if you hadn’t said anything about being a lesbian. Maybe Chrissy is the same!” 
Robin buried her face into her hands. “Okay,” She said, though it was muffled by her hands so much that Steve pulled them away from her face and kept her wrists in his hands.
“Okay. Say, by some miracle, she likes girls, what’s to say that she would like me?”
Steve made a noise of disagreement. “First of all, she would be crazy to not like you because you are amazing and beautiful and the bravest person I’ve ever met—” 
Robin rolled her eyes but Steve merely rolled his back, shook her hands a little and carried on. They’d had this exact conversation before and Steve didn’t feel like retracing it because there were more important things to get to.
“But I am almost certain she does like you back. She definitely flirts with you all the time.”
“No she does not.”
“I think I know more about girls flirting that you do, Robin.”
“Why? Because you turn into a little school girl around Eddie and do the same thing?” 
“No,” Steve said, though he did so through a blush that did nothing to defend him from the accusation. “I know because girls always flirt with me.” 
“Oh shut up.” 
“They do!” Steve finally let go of Robin’s wrists so he could push a frustrated hand through his hair— already floppy from his shower and lack of product. “They do and I know Chrissy is doing it to you.”
“Prove it.”
Steve grinned and began listing off his points on his fingers. “She always laughs at your jokes. She twirls her hair whenever she talks to you. She asked you to explain that fucking French movie you forced us to watch the other week and she listened.”
Robin whacked him again. “You told me you liked that film!”
“I fell asleep! Of course I liked it.” Steve huffed. “Do you need me to keep going about Chrissy?”
“Maybe not,” Robin muttered. Then she squarked as Steve scrambled over her and out of their blanket fort to where the phone was hooked into the wall. “What are you doing?” 
Steve just grinned as he quickly clicked some numbers on the keypad. 
Robin watched in confusion from her spot on the floor.
“Hello, this is Steven Harrington. I was wondering if I could speak to Chrissy?” He waggled his eyebrows at her. “Thank you, Ma’am.” 
Robin’s face turned white in a second. She scrambled to her feet, losing them under herself a couple of times, but she couldn’t reach Steve to slam the phone down for him before he started speaking again. 
“Hi Chrissy, I have Robin here.” He thrust the phone at her chest, not giving Chrissy time to answer and mouthed, ask her. 
Robin glared, hoping that Steve would let it go. But he was as stubborn as she was and Chrissy’s confused call of Robin meant she wouldn’t be able to hold out longer than him this time. She would get her revenge, he was sure of it.
“Chrissy. Hi. How’s things?” Robin stumbled when she finally put the phone up to her ear. She didn’t stop glaring at Steve though. 
Steve only smiled in triumph.
“Yeah, I’m good. It’s good. Yeah.” 
Steve jabbed Robin in the side to stop her from talking herself in circles. He gestured with his hands for her to get on with it. 
“So, my reason for calling, and just, you know, stop me if this is at all weird and you don’t wanna hear it or if i’ve got the wrong idea. it’s Steve’s fault really--” He jabbed her again and pouted when she managed to land a meaty smack against his ribs. But it did get her to blurt out, “Do you wanna go to Benny’s with me? On Friday? As, like, a date?” 
Steve pumped his fist in the air. It may not have been the way he would have asked a girl out, but Robin had done it!
“Awesome. Yeah. Great. I’ll see you Friday then. I’ll pick you up. No, I won’t I can’t drive. Steve will drive us. But I’ll see you Friday? Yeah. Cool. Awesome. Bye Chrissy.” 
Robin handed him the phone in a daze, eyes following his hand as he hooked it back on the wall. 
“What the fuck?” She breathed. 
“I think you just got yourself a date with a hot girl, Robin.” 
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kiradrabbles · 2 months
"fucked in both ways", ticci toby x athlete reader fuck or die drabble
this was requested on my a03!
cw: noncon, brief mention of sh scars!
kinks: outdoors sex, noncon, toby is dominant and rough, he degrades you a little, fear play, he chases you, that type beat.
In hindsight, taking a walk in the woods at night was a horrible idea, but at the time it felt like a good one, your arms and legs had been burning from training and what better than a relaxing evening walk to calm you down. After all, what could go wrong?
A lot. A lot could go wrong.
It all started off well, at least. The only sounds you could hear were the crunching of the autumn leaves under your feet, and the sound of the birds and wildlife chirping. It was nice, relaxing even. Always nice to get out of the city, to breathe fresh air.
Until you started to get paranoid. It's not hard, alone in the woods, to convince yourself something was going wrong. Odd cracking sounds that weren't from you, footsteps behind you, rustling and a quiet voice.
You were just being paranoid, you told yourself. It was just birds fluttering through the trees, a little later at night than usual. It was just the fauna, the deer, perhaps a rabbit. just your imagination running wild.
It was only when an axe came screaming towards your head that you re-evaluated, deciding there was, in fact, someone following you.
Somehow you managed to duck out of the way just before it thudded into the tree a few inches beside your head.
Before you even processed it you had set off running, legs moving faster than your thoughts.
You felt a hand grab you, yanking you back, coming face to face with a masked man. He looked to be wearing a mouthguard of sort, and a pair of scratched up orange goggles obscuring his eyes. His breath stank of iron as you both stayed silent for a second, both of you heavy breathing.
Untill you swung your leg back and kicked him in the shins, hard. And you knew damn well the kick would hurt, you were an athlete, having strong legs were your thing.
Nothing. No reaction. If anything the man squeezed your shoulder tighter, jerking his head and letting out a laugh.
"Nuh-nice try" He grinned under the mouthguard "Can't feel pain."
In the heat of the moment, you weren't sure how, you managed to pull yourself away, throwing his arm back at him. And you ran, oh how you ran.
You ran until you felt your legs shaking, ready to give out, blood burning as you took heaving breath after heaving breath. You collapsed and leant against a tree, throat dry as you took in gasps. Surely you had lost him.
You didn't know where you were, you couldn't risk calling for help.
"I'm fucked" You groaned under your breath.
"In more ways t-than one" That voice said, and suddenly, you were tackled to the ground.
You weren't sure where he'd come from, all you could focus on was trying to get up, thrashing and kicking at him. You couldn't tell if any of your feeble attempts at punches (your coach would be dissapointed) landed, even if they did it wasn't like he could feel them.
Finally you stopped as he shoved a knee between your legs, arms pinned over your head with both hands as he stared down at you.
His goggles had been pushed up, revealing a pair of deep brown eyes, that despite the eye bags, would almost be pretty if not for the rest of his face. A lot of his skin, especially on the left of his face looked scarred and rough, all convoluting on a massive gash on his cheek, going through to the gums and teeth. His hair was matted and looked like it hadn't been brushed in.. a while as he stared down at you.
"P-please don't hurt me?" You managed out after a few seconds of silence, fear overcoming your pride.
He was silent for a few seconds, before he laughed, neck jerking to the left. It didn't serve to make you feel much better.
"See, heres the - wow! - heres the thing!" He spoke "N-normally i'd kill you f-for trespassing on it's land, a-and make it slow too, suh-since you made it such a pain in the ass."
A few painfully slow seconds passed "…but?"
"You're pretty." He let go of one of your hands, staring at you as if daring you to move it, and ripping off one of his gloves with his mouth, spitting it onto the forest floor a few inches away from you. You finched, and he grinned wider, seeming to enjoy it as he cupped your face.
His hand was rough and callous, and you could see scars on his fingers, almost looking like bite marks along the tips, barely healed up. "A-and i've got a weakness for p-pretty girls. Never got them as a kid, i-i mean look at me" His neck jerked and he inturrupted himself with a laugh "I-i digress. W-what'll it be cutie, fuck, or die?"
"..fuck" You managed, deciding that it couldn't be worse than death.
He didn't even wait to hit you with an 'i told you so', slamming his body into yours, his lips - at least, the majority that was still there - into yours, teeth clashing, pushing his tongue into your mouth. He tasted like copper, and something else you couldn't place. You weren't sure if you wanted to know.
He didn't wait, either, to shove his hands under your shirt and squeeze your breasts roughly. And as much as you hated yourself for it, you moaned slightly into his mouth.
He grinned into the rough kiss, taking that as if it meant you enjoyed it, continuing to squeeze, moving one of his hands and squeezing your nipple as you whine into him.
"yuh-you want it, don't you?" He almost purred, goading you, breaking away from the kiss, a few strings of saliva still connecting your mouths.
You stare up at him, almost speechless. After a few seconds you manage to respond. "No-" panting slightly from the kiss.
"L-Liaar" He crowed smugly, removing one of his hands from your shirt, yanking your trousers down. You felt your skin prickle at the sudden cool air from the forest, suddenly exposed to the wind and his prying eyes. And they were prying, alright. The way he stared, you'd think he'd never had sex in his life.
He finally stopped staring as he did the same to your underwear, before pushing his index and middle finger right into your pussy, as you clenched at the sudden intrusion. Fuck, they slid right in. You were wet.
And you felt it, too, now that attention was brought to it. a shameful need in your cunt. The slick from your hole almost dripping onto his hand, down your thighs, onto the forest floor. fuck.
You almost whined as he removed his fingers from your cunt, feeling the emptiness. You clamped your mouth shut, not letting any noise out. You weren't supposed to be enjoying this. But despite yourself, you wanted It. You wanted this- this man who'd tacked you, who'd said he'd kill you. You wanted him to fuck your brains out.
You sat up a little, leaning on your elbows as he pulled back, watching as he struggled with the belt buckle, listening to the metal clink.
His cock was painfully hard, almost straining through his gray boxers as he pulled them down too, cock springing up, pre-cum dripping from the tip as he leant over you. His thighs were lined with scars and bruises, and you almost felt bad for him.
You didn't have long left to feel bad, however, as he positioned himself obove you, grinning wildly, a little saliva dribbling from his mouth. He pressed his tip against your hole, and you tensed up, preparing for him to enter you. but.. nothing.
You reopened your eyes, staring up at his smug grin, a little of his matted hair falling over his face.
"Tuh-tell me you want it"
You squirmed a little at the request, cheeks heating up in embarrasment at the thought, and he grabbed your arm, squeezing hard enough you were sure there would be fingerprint bruises tomorrow. He pressed you against the rocky ground.
"c'mon, you know you- you know you want it" He growls "Y-you wanna get fucked by a stranger like a fucking whore d-don't you. C-come on."
"Fine!" You gasp quietly, squirming a bit more, hips bucking up with the need for stimulation. "P-please? i want you to fuck me"
He did not wait to bottom out inside of you, shoving into you, his bony hips meeting yours.
"fuh-fuck" He groans, the sound of his hips stuttering against yours, a rhythmic slapping, echoes through the forest. God, you hoped no one was hiking….
He lowered himself over you leaning in for another kiss, his lips scraping yours. you found yourself kissing him back, moaning and rolling your hips against his, in time with his thrusts.
Your skin prickled with sweat as the two of you , arms wrapping round his shuddering body, digging into his back through his hoodie.
fuck, this was fucking insane. and hot.
His thrusts began to get irregular and disjointented as he started to pant, breaking your kiss, strands of saliva connecting the two of you still.
"S-Scheisse" He cursed quietly through the pants as he continued to thrust, hips juttering against you. "Sh-shit, i'm going to-"
And he came. You could feel it inside you, his hot speed spurting inside of you. The two of you stood - or, more accurately - laid there for a second and radiated in each others body heat.
He pulled out and it dripped down your legs, landing on the forest floor.
his neck jerked as he stared at you, eyes raking appreciatively over your body, cum dripping out of your pussy, bruses up your legs and breasts, shaking.
"Hm. i-i like you." He grins "i think i'm going to - birdie! - going to keep you."
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ms-all-sunday · 2 months
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I'm back to drawing her again <33
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flowercrowngods · 1 year
The quill scratches roughly along the page, too aggressive for the paper softened and hardened over time by wear and tear and seawater air. Ink spills, making a mess of the log's entry, splotching over fingers and staining them almost black in the cabin's dim light, a flame flickering in its hold to the right, unaware of the tension in the air. Unaware of the captain's rapidly beating heart and his hands clenching around the quill until he fears it might break.
Although the fear he feels is not on behalf of the quill in his hand.
His first mate is insistent on gaining his attention, but he refuses to acknowledge that she already has it. He knows it can only mean one thing if she comes to him at this hour, if she seeks him out despite clear orders – or, rather, because of them.
He looks up, his jaw clenched, and the quill breaks, spilling ink all over his palm where the sharp tip is cutting into his skin with a spark of pain that pales in comparison to what he can find in her features.
Robin nods, imperceptible to every other soul in this universe. Every soul that is not him, attuned to her every move, every twitch of a brow, every hint of a frown, and every gesture that she dares him to overlook if only to have an excuse later on.
But she nods. And Steve swallows.
"It's him. He's back."
It's the captain who nods now, incapable of doing anything else, and feeling as his sanity slips away from him, through the cracks in the floorboards and sinking down to the bottom of the ocean to join his heart and his conscience. All have long been lost at the cause of one man.
"Thank you," he says, though his voice does not feel like his own, and the candle beside him flickers once more as if to signal that, really, he shouldn't be sounding like that. He blinks, deliberately, because he has been staring for too long and she doesn't need to know that he has been losing himself since the second she appeared at the door.
"That's Captain to you."
She swallows, defiant, but choosing her battles wisely. He is grateful, for he hasn't the strength to argue any more than he has the strength to stand upright in this moment.
"Captain," she says, deliberate but gentle, because she knows and she forgives. "Are you alright?"
"No," Steve says, and his voice remains remarkably steady in this confession. "I'll be out in a second. Make sure they do not to say a word to him. Shoot everyone who does, or throw them overboard. Nobody talks to The– to Munson but me. Understood?"
"Understood," she says, straightening her posture, though her eyes remain worried and wary. There is more she wants to say, but Steve dismisses her before leaning his fists on the table and breathing deeply. The tip of the quill buries deeper into his palm and he closes his fingers around it, hard, to keep himself anchored and distract from one pain with another.
Theo is back. Theodore Munson. Though he will have a new name, Steve knows. But those eyes... Those eyes never changed, not once in all this time, and Steve fears that he will break apart if he has to look at them again and find no ounce of recognition. No memory of words whispered in the dark, of gentle touches to roughest scars, of time spent together in different lifetimes.
Steve plucks the tip soiled in ink and blood from his palm and reaches for a book hidden underneath a false bottom in the first drawer of the desk. A book with the initials T M pressed into fine, deep red leather.
He writes, with blood and ink in unsteady hold,
27th March He came is back. I wish he weren't.
@vampeddie remember me talking about this before i disappeared? remember how you went insane? remember that you like me?
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cottonii · 8 months
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words can't describe how excited i am for this boy
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bbdoll · 11 months
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no-carpets · 1 year
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because the only good reason to go to london on vacation is to visit the filming locations of the best movie ever made and be absolutely insufferable about it
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nebuladreamz · 3 months
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Singles under the cut!
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Something I've been thinking a lot about lately is how everyone thought Egon had gone insane. What Happened that made them think that. They've fought a gigantic Stay Puft Marshmellow Man TWICE (counting the 2009 video game because iirc it's canon? Correct me if I'm wrong), fought an interdimensional god, fought a blood thirsty ruler that killed thousands and was hated by all that was trapped in a painting (and managed to get in to beat him by making THE STATUE OF LIBERTY start walking down the street with slime that reacted purely based on vibes), found an underground abandoned transit system full of the moodslime, had a bathtub try to eat Dana and her baby, fought a giant murderous black widow lady, fought the fisherman ghost who turned an entire hotel floor into the bottom of a ocean, and that's not even mentioning them getting trapped on an island that randomly raised up from underwater that had been abandoned for decades created by Ivor Shandor who worshipped Gozer. So what did he do or say that made everyone else think he'd gone insane?? All I can think is maybe he was acting strange / eratic before, but he's always been like that to some degree.
I don't know. It's something that I've been thinking about. The correct answer is 'it's not that deep and they needed a reason that the others weren't together anymore and weren't aware of Egons death or know what was going on,' but also. What Was He Saying that prompted everyone, including Ray, to think he lost his mind when he'd been right almost every time before that.
I'm genuinely so curious as to what he was up to before this. What was he doing. What insane idea was working on prior to this or was he even working on anything at all??
Also want to clarify this post isn't negative 😭 I really love the newer movies and their lore / the newer storyline / characters, I just like thinking about small stupid things like this. Gives me something to think about / speculate about / figure out an answer to.
#ghostbusters#egon spengler#nikolas posts#I have so many thoughts on it because I've just been rewatching the two movies on loop for the past few days.#All we got was Ray saying that he'd started talking about the end of the world (IIRC) and that he went insane and took everything#when he eventually left to deal with it on his own#which for the record it's extremely impressive that he would've stopped Gozer from returning BY HIMSELF. The only reason it hadn't worked#was because of the electricity issue#Hiding all the traps and setting up the proton packs to fire at the hell pit?? Insanity. He's just on a complete different level of existin#Like they were aware of Ivor Shandor and his plans long before??? They found his ISLAND DEDICATED TO GOZER who had full intention of#BRINGING THEM BACK#it's really Really REALLY not this deep but I have thoughts and I wanted to share them. Maybe someone else might have an idea I#couldn't think of or might have something to add.#I guess it could be a 'they beat Gozer once and assumed they were gone' but that wasn't the first time Gozer 'died' so??#if I missed something Please tell me. I haven't watched the newer movies as much as the older ones (I grew up watching them / playing#the game so I'm more familiar with the older lore and haven't had the chance to rewatch the newer ones 1000 times over unfortunately)#so it's entirely possible I missed something#I'd think maybe it was just because they were older but I really don't think thats the case. I have reasoning for it but I need to do#the math to make sure I'm getting the ages right by the time AfterLife happens.#really need to make a chart / timeline of all the events that happened and what year / month / day they happened. That's a project#for tomorrow perhaps.#anyways if anyones reading this sorry for the insane rambling and congrats for making it to the end#also this post isn't negative I adore the newer movies so much. I love them a lot and I genuinely don't really care about this at all#just a thing to think / ponder / speculate about if that makes sense#I enjoy thinking about stupid irrelevant stuff like this#so so so many thoughts
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ratstuckinamarble · 1 year
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I've been meaning to paint Frankie's polaroid camera for months now, and I finally got to it! I was absolutely in love with the sculpt, but the hot pink didn't do it for me. You'll notice I also replaced the bag strap with a chain, because why not.
If you're curious about that, here's an explanation of how I did it:
Basically, I just split the bag open like a walnut.
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It's simple in theorie, but a little fiddly. As you can see, it consists of two parts, meaning if you separate them, the strap is very easily removable. The two halves aren't glued together either, they just fit together like a puzzle.
I used my favourite sculpting tool:
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And stuck it inside the bag where the polaroids are supposed to go, kinda just wriggling it between the two pieces. I did it there so you wouldn't be able to see any minor damage.
The tool is thinner at the bottom and a little wider going upwards, so by cramming it in there, the two halves get forced apart just a bit.
That's where I had to use a scalpel, because it's thin enough to fit into the tiny gap that should show at the top of the bag. While there was no glue, the plastic was a little fused together at the top, so I cut the two pegs there through completely. That doesn't make it any less sturdy btw, but I was then finally able to wriggle the two pieces apart.
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I put the chain into the empty spots the strap left, and it was the perfect size where I could just attach the other piece and it would stay perfectly in place. But with a smaller one, you'd have to glue it in.
I hope that wasn't too confusing. I painted the bag pieces separately and sealed them with Liquitex Matte Varnish. That way I could also paint the inside black. Then I just assembled everything. I think once I figured out how to split it open, I was done in about two hours.
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toastermin-it · 1 year
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akira: what did you two do?
akira: you're not in trouble.
akira: i just need to know if i have to lie to the police again or not.
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idsb · 2 months
Hello Etsy randomly flicked the kill switch on my merch getting any traction; usually my Florida shirt gets 20+ likes a day and for the last 3 days it's gotten ZERO which is nottttt an organic slowdown.... if anyone wants to be really kind and helpful and go on Etsy + search "ttpd merch" or something like that, and scroll until you see mine & favorite it and add it to your cart (you don't have to check out it just helps the algorithm) (it should be in the first 5ish pages; if not search "florida Taylor Swift" and do the same thing). that would be SOOOO helpful.... ily ty
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yansurnummu · 8 months
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“I’m sorry,” Drals said, his voice just above a whisper. “Yesterday, I… said some things. Things I didn’t mean, but… I think I wanted to be true.” “Why would you want those things to be true?” Azandar turned to him, leaning his head against the opposite side of the window frame. Drals sighed, mirroring him, no longer avoiding his eyes. “It’s easier, isn’t it? When you know people don’t want to stick around. When you don’t have to look at yourself in the mirror and face the things you’ve done. It’s easier being a fuckup when you’re alone. Now I feel like I’ve got an audience.” “Ah,” the corner of his mouth turned into a smile. “Introspection is a cruel mistress.” “Never knew her, before I met you.”
a scene from my fic that I really wanted to try drawing. I just love them a lot :')
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