#I've been thinking about it for awhile..
tortorllini · 1 month
I wanna shave my entire head.
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notmoreflippingelves · 2 months
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#elena of avalor#beauty and the beast#batbedit#disneyedit#eoa edit#belle x beast#estebalena#kinda but also not kinda#I think a lot about the fact that it's been confirmed that this is an intentional homage#like EoA series supervising director Elliot M. Bour was just like casually bringing BATB into things as an Easter egg#since it was his first job in animation#and like don't get me wrong; I LOVE that he did this. I just don't know how he expected anyone (i.e. me) to be normal about it afterwards#once you've introduced BATB; it ceases to be a fun and casual reference and just makes the literature major girlies go feral#i thought this was gonna be a quick and easy little project but it wasn't#the parallels are all there but they're in slightly different order in EoA than the original and the pacing for each reference is differen#so i had to determine which ones I needed to skip frames for and which ones to use all the frames#and then try to figure out the speed from there#the coronation day scenes were very hard to color because the grey skies and muted filter kind of whitewash the characters#like you don't even understand i added so MUCH vibrance and saturation to the 4th and 5th gifs but elena's skin still is just gray#and the coloring is still just a very very mixed bag#also i've realized that while I don't think it was an intentional reference in the same way BATB was#anna's sacrifice and resurrection from frozen is perhaps just as --if not more-- a clear parallel to the coronation day scene than BATB#so maybe I will do that one someday too?#once i psych myself up again to try coloring coronation day again#which i imagine will be awhile#these do not look like the same scene and pretty much the same scene at all even if i tried to use the same psd when i could#and edit them to make the coloring as close as i could
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halfbit · 17 days
some brief advice for characters with small scars from a head injury (from my specific experience) since i do see people give these types of scars to characters sometimes
mine is like this for reference:
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specific info:
i didn't receive in-hospital treatment for it even though i lost consciousness i was kicked by a horse, the metal horseshoe is what did it it was a long time ago (over a decade now)
it doesn't effect me much day to day, it is always visible but it has become less prominent over time. certain expressions (anything eyebrow raising especially) make it very obvious.
it is physically raised and lacks pigment.
sensation wise, it used to itch but i haven't felt that for awhile now. if i pay attention when touching it, there's a slight difference in temperature from the rest of my skin. if i scrape it (even just lightly, like scratching with a fingernail) it feels like its bleeding even when its not.
if i accidentally hit it (i dont like doorways), it is extremely painful, it burns, my vision flashes white and i see stars, and it feels like its bleeding all over again of course. it feels like the irl equivalent of being stunned by an electric arrow. if your character has a scar like this, having them get hit on it in a fight is a good way to make them go down for a bit. the sensation also lingers for a decent amount of time afterwards, depending on how hard the hit was. the lingering feels like a heavy pulsing/throbbing, similar to a strong headache but localized on the scar. personally, it feels like even minor impacts can have a really strong effect still as long as its a pretty direct hit.
so yeah just my personal experience having a scar like this! i like seeing characters with similar scars but it often feels like it was just a cosmetic choice to show that they're tough. it's not something that is super high-impact for me, but it still has its effects, and when you aggravate them you can't really focus on anything else until it goes away.
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kerink · 1 year
i hate when people shit on minimalism because they don't understand that it's a philosophy not an aesthetic.
it's about having high quality items that are made well and made ethically, and you have fewer of them because those types of items are expensive. you spend time picking items that serve a purpose in your life, have a function, and that you want enough to do the research and spend the money.
it's about having a life that's simple and relaxing. when you have less you have less to clean and fewer choices to make. you don't have a lot of clutter which allows for visual and mental rest.
the thing that got me into minimalism was the fashion, and i spent years researching the philosophy and fine-tuning it for myself. once i'd shifted my wardrobe i noticed that my mornings were faster and easier because my entire wardrobe matched (matched how i wanted to represent myself) and everything fit. i felt more confident and had more time.
minimalism also aligned with my identity as an environmentalist due to its focus on ethics. it was in one of my environmentalism courses that i first came across minimalism concepts. the quote was something to the effect of: people buy homes and fill them with things, then have too many things and buy a bigger home, they then have to buy more things to fill the new home. minimalism is environmental in how it stands against consumerism and therefore is also anticapitalist
i'm not saying minimalism is better than maximalism, esp since the maximalism that's popular on tumblr is very much about diy and repurposing and thrifting. the maximalism on tumblr is very reduce reuse recycle. the maximalism on tumblr is very does this bring me joy
which also circles me back to two of the main tenants of minimalism that guides my life: purpose and function. as marie kondo taught us, sometimes that function is to bring us joy. which is the third tenant of minimalism: want.
i wish i saw less hate on minimalism, when what people often mean is beige mom life and fully empty show room homes. i hate those things as much as you do. it's warped and corrupted a way of life that's deeply personal to me and how i relate to the world and practice environmentalism and anticapitalism.
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thetopichot · 1 month
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Ya'll can we talk about how Auron is literally the male equivalent of the Office Siren? No, I don't mean like "Oh he's similar to Mr. Grey!". No we gotta talk about how much he radiates such strong feminine energy that it goes crazy. He's similar to Faust in a way if you get where I'm poking at? Like Faust has this strong, iconic feminine energy to the point that I want his goddamn gender.
In short, I wanna see Auron in a more feminine light. Similar to Alphonse & Faust. WE NEED TALK ABOUT HOW ABSOLUTELY GENDER AURON IS IF WE THINK ABOUT IT HE'S SUCH A DIVA-
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atomi-cat · 9 months
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Canvas Country -- Favorite Animal
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mattzerella-sticks · 2 months
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Marvel, X-Men, whoever - I'm begging you.
Let these two (Wolverine and Bishop) get together.
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aurosoulart · 1 year
one of the things I wasn't prepared for as a trans person in a big industry was the absolutely OVERWHELMING emotions around being accepted for who I am. ;__; some highlights from the past couple months:
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a prominent speaker at a UK media company showing my work to his son, casually saying: "Do you like this picture? Ewan drew it." I've never spoken to this man, but he respects me enough to not only show my work to his child - but to future students as well. these kids are going to grow up knowing the work of a publicly trans artist, and with any luck it will be normal to them.
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Tilt Five publicly replying to my TDOV post with THIS, from their official corporate account.
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Tilt Five also featuring me in a blog post on their website, and using they/them pronouns!!!!
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and even more Tilt Five positivity: being INVITED TO DEMO IN-PERSON AT GDC FOR HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE. I'm in this picture but you can barely see me because of the crowd. again, I'm visibly trans here - long hair, stubble, voice deepened by testosterone... and it was a non-issue.
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and lastly: not only being able to publicly fundraise for LGBTQ+ causes like the Club Q healing fund without fear, but actually receiving support & donations from my employer while I do so. technically, I get PAID to fundraise as long as I use Figmin XR, like with Cover The World With Flowers!
and that's just a handful of examples!!! there was also the whole getting accepted into AR House thing (where I'm one of MULTIPLE trans people in the community), and then PERFORMING LIVE at the Marriott HQ, and then my art making it onto Adam Savage's youtube channel???!?!
I keep saying this, but I legitimately don't have words for the level of gratitude I feel. I've had other trans folks reach out and say that my visibility gives them courage, which makes me want to fight even harder to show that trans joy is REAL and POSSIBLE and that there is still so much love, despite everything.
I don't want to take for granted that it is still very much radical to just exist publicly as a trans person - and even more radical to exist publicly as a HAPPY trans person. I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared being in this position, but at least I know I'm not alone. there are still so many good people fighting for us.
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daz4i · 1 year
wait so chuuya has angel imagery about him in stormbringer. and dazai is referred to as a demon on more than one occasion. and. hold on. wait. I'm going insane. hold on.
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taigastyle · 2 months
I don't understand what destiny's planned I'm starting to grasp what is in my own hands I don't claim to know where my holiness goes I just know that I like what is starting to show (Sometimes)
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selarina · 2 months
Nanami x Reader (Roomates!AU) WIP
There were a lot of things Nanami hated about this place. The creaking door of his bedroom, the jumping neighbors up above, the constant faint noise of a moving car, but if there’s one thing he would say he liked about this place — it’s the balcony.
It’s located in a little nook attached to your living room, its entrance delineated by two modest, mahogany doors. The space there isn’t much, but you always seem to squeeze your way through, promptly, every evening after work.
Nanami never did manage to go all the way through — always finding something to complain about but at least he stopped censuring you for going yourself. And if he’s being entirely honest, he happened to like this routine of yours. Even as the winters came, he would want to chide you into shutting the doors, but he could never truly bring himself to say anything.
He would resort to grabbing a lonely chair in the living room and practice sitting. Maybe he’d make some tea, or fill out the tiny crossword on the day’s newspaper. Occasionally, very occasionally, his eyes would rise above, peeking over to see you perched on what looked like a cold slab.
Your eyes are heavy with weariness as you let the wind hit you straight in the face, your clothes ruffling as you stare away at whatever seems to have caught your eye for the evening.
If he’s being honest, it took him a little time to get used to you. He had been friends with you for years, but living with someone — he thinks takes a special level of patience and intimacy.
He wasn’t fond of your nocturnal self – staying up till the crack of dawn, eyes bleary and body aching as you tried to catch the very few hours of sleep you could muster in before work. He was used to structure. He liked structure.
"It fuels my creativity," you would assert in your defense.
“You have five words written,” he’d say, bending down to match your height on the seated chair. “And three of them are part of the title.”
But he’d leave you a cup of coffee anyway before he made his way out, even if he saw that it did more harm to you than good.
And you weren’t that different, even if you did get used to him way earlier than he did you.
There weren’t a lot of things to hate about Nanami. He was clean, he took out the trash, he cleaned up after himself, and he was your friend. But if you really had to nitpick something, it would be his newfound smoking habit. It had started quite recently after the two of you had moved in. It started because of what you now call the early stages of his job at Wall Street. When you had realized this habit of his wasn’t going away, one would have thought that would make you get over it, but you never really did.
For your sake, he finds himself trying sometimes.
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simplepotatofarmer · 2 months
i did it!!! i fixed the toilet!!
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vellichorom · 1 year
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blows a kiss to my other fandoms & blorbos as well ღ
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qphiltits · 4 months
As the wise individual Bee Dykenihachu said I believe in Schrodingers genitals so in theory if the qsmp character had a cock who's would be biggest
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sagau-my-beloved · 1 year
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So this took me way too long...
I didn’t add the wings/hood thing because I actually do value my own sanity, and also his shoulders, but I might add it in later once some of that has replenished
Anyway enjoy Archon outfit Venti
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deathsweetblossoms · 1 year
The way Elriel is singlehandedly turning me back onto Friends to Lovers, back onto deep, quiet, enduring love, back onto emotional intimacy and comfortable silence and having someone you know you can depend on. The trope of two people, unseen by others, but seen by each other. The trope of chosen love over preordained love. Taking your life into your own hands and saying, "This. I want this. If they will have me. As much as they will have me. And even if all this ends up being is the memory of the way they laughed when I gave them a present, or the holding onto a bottle of headache tonic just because they saw me and gave it to me, then that is simply enough."
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