#i just want to see some tough guy have to bowl over and curse because he accidentally got hit on one of his old scars
halfbit · 4 months
some brief advice for characters with small scars from a head injury (from my specific experience) since i do see people give these types of scars to characters sometimes
mine is like this for reference:
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specific info:
i didn't receive in-hospital treatment for it even though i lost consciousness i was kicked by a horse, the metal horseshoe is what did it it was a long time ago (over a decade now)
it doesn't effect me much day to day, it is always visible but it has become less prominent over time. certain expressions (anything eyebrow raising especially) make it very obvious.
it is physically raised and lacks pigment.
sensation wise, it used to itch but i haven't felt that for awhile now. if i pay attention when touching it, there's a slight difference in temperature from the rest of my skin. if i scrape it (even just lightly, like scratching with a fingernail) it feels like its bleeding even when its not.
if i accidentally hit it (i dont like doorways), it is extremely painful, it burns, my vision flashes white and i see stars, and it feels like its bleeding all over again of course. it feels like the irl equivalent of being stunned by an electric arrow. if your character has a scar like this, having them get hit on it in a fight is a good way to make them go down for a bit. the sensation also lingers for a decent amount of time afterwards, depending on how hard the hit was. the lingering feels like a heavy pulsing/throbbing, similar to a strong headache but localized on the scar. personally, it feels like even minor impacts can have a really strong effect still as long as its a pretty direct hit.
so yeah just my personal experience having a scar like this! i like seeing characters with similar scars but it often feels like it was just a cosmetic choice to show that they're tough. it's not something that is super high-impact for me, but it still has its effects, and when you aggravate them you can't really focus on anything else until it goes away.
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angry-geese · 3 years
Fluorescent Adolescent
Itadori x Reader x Sukuna
Warnings: sfw. platonic/romantic (interpretable). some minor swearing. mostly fluff. mention of violence. poly (sort of). Gn!Reader
Notes: Yuji and the reader have a movie night together. Sukuna decides to tag along
Nights at home were rare.
There’s not a lot of downtime when studying to become a sorcerer. Gojo was always sending you off on jobs that his students were very much not ready to handle. The line of work doesn't really follow a set schedule. Curses rarely exorcise themselves.
You haven't even graduated and you already wanted to retire.
You wanted to do something to celebrate your time off. Yuji suggested a movie night. You had nothing else in mind, and it sounded nice. The two of you thought about inviting Nobara. Movies weren't really her thing; she had other plans anyway. It wasn't often you got to hang out with just Yuji.
Gojo side-eyed you when you asked to borrow a movie. Your first mistake was asking him. The last time you borrowed one from him, the disc had been switched out with a porno. It took Yuji quite a while to figure out what was wrong. Nobara couldn’t pause the thing fast enough. Whether he forgot, or he did it on purpose, you’ll never know. You have the sneaking suspicion he meant to do it. When you gave it back the next day, Gojo never questioned why Yuji couldn’t look him in the eye.
Maybe that’s why Nobara passed on this one.
Eventually you settled on a horror movie. You're not quite sure what it was about. It looked gruesome. The cover had fake looking blood all over it. Despite being a jujutsu sorcerer, you were a wimp when it came to things like this. In the heat of the moment you could deal with it, but when it came to movies you were squeamish. It didn't matter how many times you told yourself that it wasn't real.
In the other room, the microwave beeps. The smell of burned popcorn fills the room. He likes his burnt; you can't stand the stuff. Two bowls had to be made. Both with a healthy dousing of salt and butter. Not the powdered stuff either; the real kind.
"You're going to miss it!" You call out.
"No I'm not!" Only a moment later followed by: "maybe I am!"
Yuji flings himself over the couch, just in time for the movie to start. Popcorn spills over the sides of the bowl, onto the couch and floor. He shouts "five second rule" before popping one into his mouth. Immediately you tackle him. He’s a bit stronger than you, and easily struggles free. It takes you nearly sitting on him to stop him. You have to pry the rest of the floor popcorn out of his hands like someone fighting their dog for an item it shouldn't be eating.
"Are you going to stop?” You ask. “Or are you going back for more the second I let you go?"
Weakly he nods.
The moment you let go of his wrists he’s lunging past you, reaching for it. In one swift motion you have him under you, pinning him to the floor.
The movie starts off with a creepy looking scientist, and two women stranded in a forest. You admit defeat, and collapse on top of him.
"Man I got hit so many times over this one," he offhandedly mentions.
His response is a grunt.
If he says something out of pocket, it's best not to acknowledge it. He could write an entire novel about his life and barely scratch the surface. It’s almost impressive at this point.
It intrigued you, though. There were about a million questions you had for him. Asking one only brought up a hundred more.
The first thing you learned about Itadori Yuji was how he was Sukuna’s vessel. The second thing you learned was that he was going to die.
You were told not to get attached. Against almost everyone's advice, you did. So did many others. Yuji was truly strange. He didn't have the look of a man given a death sentence.
You often wonder how you'd react in his situation. Maybe you'd go to your death with a lot less grace. But there's no way of knowing until it happens. You like to think you'll go out in a blaze of glory.
Your interactions with Sukuna had been few, and only in passing. Aside from stories, you don't have much to say about him. Generally you aren't around when they switch. The one time you were, they didn't stay switched for very long. It still made you wonder. Since they shared domes, could Sukuna see everything that went on in Yuji's daily life? How much control did they really have over each other?
Sukuna would often switch out with Yuji while he slept. You expected that. He was unpredictable, and a bit of a prick. He's the king of curses after all. What more would you expect from a demon? Strangely enough, he never did anything. It wasn’t a proper switch, more like a particular hand or leg was taken over. Sometimes he'd knock things over, or hide Yuji's things, but he was never much more than an inconvenience. The guy could be a menace, sure, but he wasn't nearly what you expected.
He lays his head in your lap. Instinctively your hand finds his head, gently carding through his hair. It's strangely soft. It feels nice between your fingers. Sometimes you wonder if he dyes his hair, or if it's naturally like that. Come to think of it, you've never seen a baby picture- or even a childhood photo.
It's almost horrifying how quickly Yuji began to doze off. You sat there the entire time in wide-eyed horror. Maybe a bit of disbelief. If he feels the way your legs tense underneath him, he says nothing about it. He's snoring in no time. He can't help it, your hands feel so nice in his hair.
Unfortunately, you had caught Sukuna's attention too.
Nothing went on in Yuji's life without Sukuna listening in. Every little detail about his day to day life was known by Sukuna. Most days he didn't care to listen in. Unless there was a fight, or something to piss off, he wasn't interested. He was the first to realize how fond his host was of you. Immediately he started plotting all the ways he could hurt Yuji with you.
That plan was cut short.
He's not sure when it happened. Slowly you became worth something to him. Your strength was promising. If you continued on your path you could prove to be a truly frightening sorcerer. He found your will to fight impressive, albeit naive. At first it was a reluctant respect. You had promise. He could use that. Either against your or against other sorcerers, it didn't matter to him. You'd work in his favor eventually.
There was one moment that stuck out. One where his feelings went from a general distaste to fondness. You were fighting a curse, of all things. Although it didn't hit hard, it could shrug off a lot of damage. It wasn't particularly strong, but it was tough, and smart, proving to be a pain in the ass to everyone involved. With a snap of his fingers he could have exorcised it. But he didn't. Watching you two fight it was much more entertaining. If his host was killed, he'd simply bring him back.
Something went wrong. He's not quite sure what. The moments went by like shots out of a badly filmed movie. One scene. Then cut. Then the next scene. Then cut.
You're clinging onto his arm, asking if he's—Yuji—is okay. You weren't even hurt, but you were soaked in blood.
His feelings for you weren't disgust, or hatred, or even pity. It was something much worse. If he was capable of liking someone, it would be you. Sukuna could never imagine himself feeling this way for a human.
He hates that.
The affection he feels isn't love in a proper sense, but that's the only word for it. A creature like him isn't capable of love. He's the king of curses, he'll never lower himself to the level of humans. He'll never view you as more than a pet, but he cares for you in some sort of way.
Sukuna's affection comes out as bullying. Well, as much as a lone mouth can bully someone. You've learned to tune him out or brush him off. He's harmless around you. Yuji seems to keep him on a short leash. His bark is far worse than his bite. At least to you. You really can't say that for any unfortunate bastard that decides to piss him off.
Jokingly, you began referring to Sukuna when talking to Yuji. It was only to make him roll his eyes. Everyone hated when you did that, because usually Sukuna would respond. You tried to see how long you could get him to talk before he realized you we're screwing with him. It usually took a while.
Yuji's snores have gotten awfully quiet. The movie is less terrifying than you expected, but it makes your stomach churn. His eyes are open when you look down. They aren't Yuji's; they have a different look in them. Sukuna’s eyes have no humanity in them at all.
Both sets of Sukuna's eyes are focused on the TV. You're not quite sure when they switched. He made no show of it. One second he was Yuji, the next he wasn't. His hand rests on your knee, his thumb gently rubbing across your skin. He feels a bit colder than Yuji. You can’t help but wonder if it’s a curse thing or just a coincidence.
You try not to stare for too long.
"This is boring." He says. "You find this scary? Let alone entertaining?"
He doesn't like seeing you distressed, even if it's directed at something that isn't real.
"Yes, thank you," you say.
Maybe if you keep scratching his head he'll stop talking.
"Why do you like these? Clearly you don't like being scared." He says.
"Keep talking and I'll stop playing with your hair."
His sharp nails dig into your skin. "No."
"Then I suggest you stop talking,"
He sulks. It’s almost impressive how quickly you get him to back down.
He's a bit like a cat; the second your arms are tired and you need to rest, his fingers are digging into your skin. He doesn't want you to stop. The moments where he wants affection are ones where you can't—or don't want—to give it to him.
It's almost a competition between him and Yuji. His host is always so open with how he cares for you. You’re very affectionate towards each other. You’re affectionate towards all your friends. He finds it sickening. He wants your attention to be on him and only him. Yuji is only competition. Unfortunately for him—and you too, let's face it—they're a package deal. Sharing isn’t exactly a skill he has.
He shifts so he's sitting up, his head resting against your chest. Your heartbeat drops off for a second, before picking up in pace. You rest your chin on top of his head. Your hands find his hair, brushing it out of his eyes.
It's not long after his breathing evens out.
His head nods, eyes half shut, gaze still on the tv. You're so warm, he notes. He doesn't remember human contact feeling this nice. However hard he tries to fight sleep, it's no use, he can't stay awake for much longer.
For now, he would settle on sharing you if it meant he could have moments like this.
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soliverse · 3 years
the way of the househusband - n.yt
reader x yuta
genre: gangster au, marriage and family au, fluff humor
warnings: mentions of blood, violence, and cursing
word count:1.5k
@nctcreations @kdiarynet @kpopscape @kwritersworld @culture-cafe @neowritingsnet @neoswitchnet @czennienet @nct-writers
ps: this was based off that cute little anime that I found on Netflix and I just had to write it. I didn’t have this beta’d because it was out of a whim and I needed to get it out my system.
 You grabbed your kid from her high chair and gave her a tight hug and plenty of kisses. You're about to leave once again for another workday, but you can't seem to get over leaving your child every single day.
 You cradled Yena as you made your way into the kitchen, where your husband, Mr. Nakamoto himself, was cooking breakfast for the three of you. Seeing him so domesticated made you giggle for a bit. His tattoo-clad body contrasts your pink frilly apron. You wiped his sweaty forehead and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
 Yuta has been working hard as a househusband for more than a year now. He used to be utterly hopeless in the house, something that he couldn't have learned from his past profession, but your husband still tried to keep himself busy while you work, and he stays at home with Yena.
 You see, Yuta is a former head of a famous gang in Japan. When he heard that you were pregnant with his child, he had quit the lifestyle and disbanded the whole unit. It was his life, but it's a small price to pay for raising a family away from chaos. And for that, you are eternally grateful.
 "Yuta, the eggs are burning."
"Shit. I fucked up."
 You sighed.
 "Language, please." You covered your daughter's ears and made your way back to the dining table, placing Yena right beside you as you prepared the baby food you premade for when Yuta will feed Yena throughout the day.
 "I managed to save the eggs..." Yuta brought out the plate of eggs, smilingly proudly as if he's accomplished something. You took one look at the eggs, and apparently, his idea of fixing it was to throw away the burnt pieces. You are now left with irregular pieces of eggs. 
 "Looks yummy..." You took the eggs from him wholeheartedly. You couldn't manage to break the fragile heart of the former gangster head right in front of you. Yuta took out one of the eggs as well, munching happily like nothing ever happened to them.
 Your phone started ringing before you even managed to take a bite out of your breakfast.
 "Oh no. I've got to go!" You stood up from your seat and struggled to find your coat from where you'd left it earlier. You grabbed your suitcase and gave your husband and Yena a kiss goodbye.
 "But… breakfast..." Yuta was disappointed to see you go, so you gave him one last kiss on the lips before saying, "Bring them to work for me later. I forgot I had a meeting at 7."
 You wore your shoes quickly and headed straight to the door. Before you left, though, you shouted, "Yuta, can you go get groceries later after you brought me my lunch to work?"
 Like a puppy, he replied, "Yes, dear. I love you!"
 "Love you too, baby! Give Yena lots of kisses for me!" Before Yuta gets the chance to answer you, you had already slammed the door and ran off to the bus stop to get to work.
"Hey, kid."
When you're gone, Yuta likes to play pretend with your kid.
 "You think you're tough enough for the job?"
 He spoke as he dresses Yena up after a bath.
 "We don't take kindly to rookies around here, kid. Are you sure you're man enough to take on the whole Kuma group?"
 Yena answered with a giggle, a gesture that made Yuta's heart melt every single time. It was a habit that Yena picked up from you, and he was glad that she did.
 "Alright. Suit yourself. You will be in charge of holding daddy's grocery basket while we go deliver mommy's lunch. You think you can handle that, kiddo?"
 Yena started babbling some incoherent words, but Yuta took that as her daughter taking up the challenge. She's such a go-getter.
 And after strapping Yena to her carrier, the two of them went on a mission to finish delivering mommy's lunch and buy groceries in one piece. A feat that Yuta wasn't expecting to achieve that day.
 Yuta had successfully done his task for that day. At the same time, Yena fell asleep in the middle of shopping, so he had an extra time of peace to himself. That is until a group of men came running in his direction. He tried to turn around, whistling as he silently gets away from that situation. If one of them recognizes him, he's dead.
 Yuta resisted the urge to facepalm as he heard someone call his former name. He slightly turned around to see Shotaro, his former apprentice, right before the group disbanded. The eyes of the guys chasing Taro went dark. It seems like they have been looking for Yuta through Shotaro for a long time now. He had made sure to hide very well until someone recognized his tattoos showing his plain white shirt.
 "I'm not sure who you're talking about. I'm Nakamoto Yuta, unemployed, full-time househusband."
 "You're the infamous Akuma. You're him, right? The head of the 127 group?"
 Yuta shook his head and flashed a friendly smile.
 "I don't know who you're talking about. If you'll excuse me, you'll wake my daughter up."
 Yuta tried to turn around again, but one of the goons grabbed his shirt. It caused him to move out of balance, almost waking Yena up.
 His attitude started to change. There was a rumor that you should never touch the Akuma unless you wanted to die a horrible death. Now that he has Yena with him, that rule extends to her as well.
 He sighs, and he motioned Shotaro to come to him. The younger guy hesitated at first, but he willingly obliged. Yuta started taking off Yena's carrier and strapped them into Taro's body. 
 "If something happens to her or that basket of groceries, consider yourself dead."
 Yuta warned as he instructed Taro to walk away as far as possible. His fatherly instincts kick in, which the other guy didn't realize made Yuta even more dangerous.
 Yuta cracked his fingers and replaced his toothy smile with something more sinister. It is what they call the smile of death.
 "Now, who wants to die today?"
 Shotaro came back to the scene, horrified at the lifeless bodies that Yuta left on the sidewalk. Yuta went back to his giddy self again when he saw that Yena was still sleeping in her carrier.
 "You sleep so well. I'm glad that you also got that from your mother." His white shirt was bloody, but that didn't stop him from holding on to his daughter.
 "Taro, help me carry out those groceries some will you?
 The three of them came home a few more minutes before you get home. Yuta quickly washed himself to get rid of the bloodstains in his body. He also threw his clothes at the trash as they can't take the stains off of them in time before you get home.
 Shotaro just watched as his former boss, the most ruthless killer in Osaka, wears this pink frilly apron while he makes that night's dinner.
 "Would you like to join us for dinner, Taro?" The kid wanted to refuse, but Yuta was wearing that deathly smile of his again.
 "U-uh sure thing, boss."
 "And please, stop calling me boss. Not in front of my wife or my daughter. Just call me Yuta."
 Shotaro dared not to call his former boss by his first name. However, he nodded as a sign of agreement and helped him take care of Yena and prepare that night's meal.
 You went home to the fragrant smell of soup, a dish that had recently become Yuta's specialty. It was certainly better than half burnt eggs.
 "Oh baby, you won't believe what happened at work today. I--" You stopped on your tracks when you were greeted by another Japanese man that isn't your husband.
 "Oh, hi. Are you a friend of my husband's?" The guy nodded, smiling happily like a little kid. 
 Yuta then came out from the kitchen and greeted you with a kiss. However, even if he hid his face with his long hair, you still noticed tiny cuts along with his eyes and forehead.
 "What are those?" You stepped closer and tried to sweep his hair off his face. You were hoping to get a closer look.
 "Ahh, haha, those were from when I was attempting to install a shelf earlier. The screw got loose and hit me in the face. Right, Taro?"
 The kid looked panicked, but he nodded profusely like he actually meant it.
 "Alright. What's for dinner, then?"
 You knew that Yuta got in a fight again. You're not as innocent as he deems you to be. There is a reason why you were married to a former gang boss, after all. However, you saw Yena all cleaned up and well-rested. Yuta did an excellent job of taking care of her well. It didn't matter that he went back to fighting once again. It was in his nature, after all. 
 What matters is that every day, you will come home to him, Yena, and a bowl of freshly made soup after a day of hard work. That is all you ask for your househusband as of now.
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bobohu4eva · 3 years
Sweet Tooth (Part 2)
Characters: Baekhyun x Reader
Genre: Royalty AU, fluff, angst, eventual smut, mutual pining
Summary: Life as the palace baker got a lot more interesting after catching the devastatingly cute prince sneaking around your kitchen.
WC: 4.3k
Tag List: @wooya1224 @dixnysustae @bbhile @geniusloey @blahblahblah-boo @leave-me-in-the-summertime
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“Good morning!”
The egg hit the counter with more force than intended, enough to be smashed completely and leave your hand a sticky mess.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to sneak up on you.” You heard from behind you accompanied by a giggle.
You turned around, smiling and trying your best to play it cool. The devastatingly cute prince had not just seen you smash an egg on the counter. And he definitely didn't notice how you were hiding your egg covered hand behind your back. Hopefully. At least that’s what you told yourself for the sake of your sanity.
You’d been jumpy for a reason. You knew he would be there again today, and you still didn’t quite know what to do about it or how to act around the guy. Sure he was funny and cute and honestly quite pleasant to be around but he was still very much the prince.
“I’m okay! Good morning to you as well.” You bowed to him before quickly finding something to clean the raw egg off your hand and work table.
Luckily he didn’t comment on your little egg mishap any further. Instead he rounded the table until he was standing on the other side of it and he pulled up a stool and sat down the same way he had the day before, elbow on the table, with his chin resting on his hands looking at you expectantly.
“So? Fruit tart?”
“Yes, fruit tart. Shall we get started?” He quickly nodded. “Would you like me to only show you how I make it or do you want to do some of it too?”
“Oh, uh, I hadn’t really thought about that… Can I just jump in if there's something that looks easy?”
A smile spread across your lips. You’d almost forgotten in the short 24 hours you hadn’t seen him just how non-aristocratic the man acted, but what a relief it was.
“Yes, if that’s what you’d like. Let’s get started? The first thing we need to make is the tart dough.”
As you started to gather your ingredients you found it more and more difficult to focus. He wasn’t wearing pajamas anymore, he was wearing what the princes usually wear. It was very attractive. He looked, well, like a damn prince. And you were expected to just act normal? When he strolled into your bakery looking that good?? It felt very unfair. He was just wearing a thin white cotton shirt and black pants but you couldn’t help but ogle him when he wasn’t looking. His broad back, the swell of his chest, it was too much to handle. Combined with the messy head of hair and lazy smile, it had you weak in the knees.
You combined your flour, sugar, and butter and started to add your water with shaky hands, before beginning to knead it.
“Can I do that?” He asked as he got up and walked over to your side of the table.
You nodded and handed him the dough and watched as he started to clumsily smack it against the table. That was when you noticed his hands, and how pretty they were. They were slender but not bony, and you found your mind wandering off, wondering how they would feel holding yours. They were probably so soft. The mole on his thumb was so cute.
“Don’t do too much, or else the dough will get tough.” You said quickly as you snapped back to reality, reaching for the dough and he let go of it. You internally cursed yourself for getting carried away daydreaming about the man’s hands of all things.
He stayed standing next to you, watching you, as you started to roll the ball of dough out into a big enough circle to fill your tart pan. You picked it up and started to press it into the edges and the whole time you were incredibly aware of his eyes on you. You almost wished he would do something embarrassing again so you could stop being so nervous.
“You’re so quiet today.”
“People tend to like me better when I talk less.”
You frowned. “I liked talking with you yesterday.”
You could’ve sworn you saw the man blush, but you pushed the thought aside, not wanting to think about that while you had a task to complete. It would be all too embarrassing if you messed up a mere fruit tart just because there was a pretty boy distracting you.
And he couldn’t actually be blushing at that. Right?
“I expected you to be stuck up, but you aren’t at all. That was a big relief. And I think you’re kind of funny. And like I said yesterday, it can get lonely here so I’m happy to have some company.”
“You can still ask me to leave any time if I’m getting bothersome, I’ll understand.”
You looked up to meet eyes with him and gave him a small smile. You didn’t quite understand why he said such things but you very much felt the need to comfort the guy anyway.
“You aren’t bothersome. It’s nice to have someone to talk to here.”
“Thank you, I appreciate that a lot.”
He was looking down at the table now, and this time you knew he was blushing. His pink cheeks had pulled up into a small smile. Cute.
“Is that ready to bake?” He asked when he saw that you were done touching the dough.
You nodded, and before you could react he picked up the pan and walked it over to the oven before putting it inside and closing the door.
It wasn’t on purpose that you were being so quiet now. You were getting quite flustered and didn’t want to say anything embarrassing. He was the prince, you couldn’t exactly explain to him that you were having trouble focusing because of how attractive he was.
“So? What now?”
You were quickly brought back to reality by his words and realized you’d been staring at him the whole time. Like a weirdo. You could only pray that he wasn’t catching on to your odd behavior.
“The filling!” You said, a bit too loudly, as you shook yourself out of your thoughts.
You started grabbing ingredients again, keeping your eyes anywhere but on him. Once you had everything gathered, you combined the egg, sugar, and starch and handed the bowl to him.
“Do you want to mix it?”
He nodded with an adorably excited look on his face as he took the bowl from you and started to whisk the mixture together. In the meantime you began to heat up your fruit puree, and by the time it was warm enough you took the bowl from him and started to temper the egg mixture into the hot fruit. You put it back on the heat for a little while longer to make sure it got thick enough and by the time it was done it was time to take the crust out of the oven as well.
The whole time you carefully poured the filling into the crust you knew his eyes were on you but you couldn’t bring yourself to acknowledge him, out of fear of what you might do to embarrass yourself if you did. It was too quiet for too long. You still hadn’t spoken when you started to gather various fruits to start chopping up to put on top of the tart.
“I can leave if you really don’t want me here, you don’t have to lie and tell me it’s okay just because I’m the prince, I can tell I’m bothering you.” He mumbled and you finally brought yourself to look him in the eyes.
He looked upset. Your heart ached. You realized just how cold your actions must’ve come across to him, even though you hadn’t meant it that way at all.
“No! I promise you aren’t bothering me, really, I just… I’m not used to having someone back here with me watching me, especially someone like you.”
Much to your disappointment this didn’t seem to cheer him up, his face remained just as sad as it had looked a second ago.
“Someone like me?”
“You know, royalty. I work for your family after all, so it’s a bit nerve wracking for you to watch everything I do.”
“Oh…” His face softened a bit, and it seemed to you that he genuinely hadn’t considered that yet. “I’m sorry, but you really don’t have to be nervous, I won’t mind even if you mess something up. I promise I’m nice.”
You couldn’t help but smile at his words. He was a nice person, you knew that much already, if anything he could stand to be a bit more sure of himself. You felt bad that you’d hurt his feelings so easily by making him think he was being a nuisance.
“You are really nice, I can tell that much, I guess I just don’t really know you yet.”
“Well then what would you like to know about me? Ask away, I’m an open book.”
You looked at him with one eyebrow raised, wondering what you could even ask someone like him.
“Well, what’s it like being the prince?”
He frowned, obviously disappointed with your question. “Not great. Next question.”
Not great?
“Well what’s something you do like about it?”
He tilted his head to the side and pushed out his bottom lip a bit as he thought of an answer. You wondered if he did this on purpose, if he knew how adorable he was and liked to see you get all riled up because of him, but he seemed too oblivious for that to be the case.
After a few seconds his lips formed a wide grin and his eyes met yours. “The food.” He said.
That time you knew he saw you blush, and you even had to cover your mouth as a surprised laugh rolled off your lips.
“I’m just being honest, I don’t care about power and titles and all that, and I don’t need to live in a castle to be happy. I’m a simple man. But the food is a really nice bonus.”
“The cooks are really talented, I can see why you like that so much.” You said, now focusing back on the fruit you were chopping up.
“You too though, and sweets are my favorite.” He said, picking up a piece of strawberry you had just chopped to put on the tart and popping it into his mouth instead.
Your eyes traveled from his hand, as it grabbed the piece of fruit, to his face as he brought it to his perfectly smooth, pink, lips. You watched his face as he ate the strawberry, not realizing that you were once again staring.
“Is there something on my face?” He asked, with the cutest look of confusion on his face.
Somehow, you felt yourself blush even harder at that. “No, sorry, I just spaced out for a second.” You lied.
“Why is your face so red?”
“Is it?” You tried your best to act casual, quickly changing the subject. “So what do princes do in their free time?”
He made that same face again, the little pout that showed you he was thinking of an answer.
“Well, I like to get out of the palace. Take my horse out into the woods or through town, anything to get out and feel some fresh air and not be bothered. Or go on a walk through the gardens. I’ve seen you there a few times, by the way, reading.”
“Oh…” You didn’t quite know how to respond. You must’ve been so caught up in your books that you’d never noticed when he was there.
“I sometimes wondered who you were, but I didn’t want to bother you since you always seemed so invested in what you were doing.”
You felt another twinge of embarrassment, thinking about the romance novels you would sometimes spend hours totally consumed in.
“Well, next time you should come say hello if you see me.”
His cheeks and ears started to look like they were turning pink again, although you couldn’t understand why. He had looked down at the table, and one hand was scratching the back of his neck. He had paused. He almost looked a bit nervous.
“Can we be friends?”
His eyes finally looked up to meet yours and the pout on his face as he nervously waited for your response made you feel crazy. There was no way in hell you could look back at him when he looked like that and say no.
You put a small smile to your lips and nodded, and to your relief his face immediately lit up into a wide smile.
“Thank you, Creampuff.”
You rolled your eyes at the nickname.
“I have to come up with a stupid name for you too now that we’re friends you know.”
“Well, then I am greatly looking forward to what you can come up with.“ He said grinning, and taking another piece of fruit you’d just carefully sliced.
“If you eat all my fruit before it can go on top it’s not going to be much of a fruit tart!”
He was giggling hysterically now, making a show of it, grabbing several more pieces of fruit and holding them up in the air, out of your reach..
“That’s okay, the topping is the best part anyway.” He snickered as he brought another piece of your oh so painstakingly chopped fruit to his lips.
Was it a good idea to befriend the prince? Probably not, however you didn’t want to think too hard about that since it was too late now anyway.
You had a fruit tart to finish, so you dragged your mind back to the task at hand.
“Baekhyun, do you want to put the fruit on top? Or are you just going to eat all of it as is?” You teased, gesturing towards your still naked tart with the pile of chopped fruit next to it.
“Okay okay I guess I can put some on top too.”
You watched as he started arranging the variously shaped fruit pieces atop the tart, and you once again marveled at his hands.
“So do I get help, or do I have to figure this part out myself? You always make them look so pretty, I don’t think I have the same artistic touch you do.”
You smiled at the compliment, more than you probably should have. Something about this guy enjoying your work so much was just too good to be true.
You felt silly. So silly. Has it really been so long since you’d had an interaction with a cute boy that you simply couldn’t handle yourself? He had to notice by now. It had to be painfully obvious why you were so flustered, right?
At that point you were openly staring. Luckily for you, he was actually pretty focused on making the tart look nice, so he didn’t seem to notice your eyes on him. His fingers had a slight sheen to them from the juices from the fruit and it took everything in you to not grab his pretty hands and lick them clean yourself.
“So? Y/n?”
You hadn’t even answered his question yet and you were already off in a little daydream about him.
You were crazy. You took a deep breath, recomposing yourself for the nth time.
“I’d like to see what you come up with.” You said, trying to sound as playful as you possible with how hard your heart was beating.
He gave you a smirk that told you he had accepted your challenge. His focus went back to the table and he started carefully arranging and rearranging his work.
Then, he was finished. The last of the fruit had been placed atop the cream filled crust. It actually looked okay, you were even slightly impressed with his artistic vision.
“How did I do?” You heard his ask as he set down his finished creation and looked at you with a pleased grin. He took his bottom lip between his perfect teeth, looking at you with those familiar puppy eyes and you wanted to scream at how cute he looked right then.
“It looks really nice. Not how I would’ve done it, but pretty.”
“Well if I did it exactly how you do it I would just be copying you and you wanted to see what I could do so how could I possibly even think to do something so unoriginal?” He looked very pleased with your response.
“You wouldn’t be able to make it look like mine even if you did try to. You just don’t have that special touch.” You responded, surprising yourself with your teasing tone.
Baekhyun perked up at your words, raising an eyebrow at you.
“What? You said it yourself earlier.” He really had. But you knew he was ready to fight you about it now anyway.
“I just need more chances to prove myself, but I think I did pretty damn good just now for someone who hasn’t prepared his own food in his life ever.”
“You’re so spoiled.” You giggled, plucking a piece of fruit off the tart and placing it between your lips, keeping your eyes locked with his. You weren’t sure where this new surge of confidence was coming from, but you decided to just go with it.
“Hey! I can’t help who I was born as!”
“That doesn’t mean you aren’t still spoiled.”
“You’re so mean to me.” He whined, obviously just trying to get a rise out of you. Unfortunately it worked very well for him. His little pout when he pushed out his bottom lip and furrowed his brows ever so slightly, was almost too cute to handle.
“Yeah, but you’re still here with me for some reason. Now are you finally going to eat your tart?”
He’d once again gone all bashful on you, acting like you were somehow the one in charge here when his family basically owned you.
“Can you cut it?” The words rolled off his lips softly.
You nodded, grabbing the sharpest knife you had, and started cutting the tart into slices.
It immediately felt wrong. You realized you’d fucked up.
The filling was still too warm to cut. It wasn’t fully set. It would start oozing into a big puddle of fruit goo as soon as you’d touch it.
It was so obvious. Of course you shouldn’t have cut into it already. Of course it wasn’t ready yet. You knew that, but your mind had been elsewhere. It was a dumb, dumb mistake and you felt it start to chip away at the last bit of sanity you had left.
You closed your eyes, clenching your jaw as you made a second cut, but you knew you were only making matters worse. It was already ruined. You put your knife down and squeezed your eyes shut, trying to fight the tightness in your chest and the tears that were building in your eyes.
The nickname just made it hurt more. The way he said it so softly was too cruel. You failed to suppress the sob that wracked through you and the tears flowed freely down your cheeks, which were now deeply tinted with your embarrassment.
“I’m sorry.” You choked out. “I messed it up. It’s ruined.”
“Huh?” The look on his face as he watched you cry could only be described as a combination of worry and panic.
He didn’t get it. It still looked fine. Before you could stop him he picked up a piece and you watched as the beautiful and delicious little project you’d spent all morning working on with him fell apart. His carefully arranged fruit topping was destroyed as the filing slowly sagged into the missing gap and his slice turned into a messy glob.
“Where are the spoons?”
You looked at him like he was crazy.
You watched as he picked up the two forks on the table. “I don’t think a fork is going to work for this, can you give me a spoon please?”
You were a wreck. You were crying, sobbing even, and here he was asking you for a spoon so he could try at least one pathetic bite of your fruit tart turned pudding mess.
“Y/n?” It was barely a whisper this time. “Why are you crying? I said it’s okay even if you mess up. I’m not mad at you.”
Swallowing your tears, you reached into a nearby drawer, grabbed hastily at its contents, and shoved a spoon into his hand.
It was huge. The kind of spoon that was usually used for mixing large salads. You didn’t even understand why you had such a monstrosity in your little bakery.
Baekhyun stared at the ridiculous instrument you had just thrust into his unsuspecting palm as you let out a few more sniffles.
Then he let out a loud laugh. “This thing?!” He thought it was hilarious. “Are you trying to fatten me up? You know my mom always told me that my good looks were the only good thing I have going for me, don’t go ruining that now. I can’t afford to get chubby.”
You let out a whine and opened the drawer again, this time paying better attention to what you were grabbing. You pulled out two normal sized spoons.
He watched as you set them down on the table and frowned when he saw how upset you still looked, despite his joking around. You didn’t touch your spoon, still too upset to want to try a bite of your mistake. He didn’t seem to care though, immediately scooping up a spoonful and taking a large bite.
He let out a pleased hum as he finished his bite. “I don’t understand why you’re so upset, this is still pretty amazing if you ask me, thank you so much for letting me make it with you.”
He genuinely seemed to not mind. He kept happily eating it. But you didn’t feel any better. This was your job, your thing, and he’d seen you make such a stupid mistake, and on just the second day he’d met you. It was embarrassing more than anything else. What if he thinks you’re bad at your job?
“I’m sorry.” You let out again quietly and this time he didn’t tease you or make a dumb joke. He looked concerned. When you felt a tear roll down your cheek, he looked scared.
“Why are you still crying?” He put his spoon down. He was rounding the table to walk to the other side, to where you were standing. Once he was standing directly in front of you he froze. He’d lifted one arm slightly, as if he was reaching out for you, but it quickly dropped to his side again. You took a shaky step back but he moved with you.
“I promise I’m not here to judge you, I just wanted some time with someone who’s nice to me for once. And the tart is still amazing. And I know everything else you make is amazing too, because I’ve been eating it for years.”
You made the mistake of looking up into his big brown eyes. His cute slightly droopy looking eyes that sat perfectly atop his smooth, round cheeks. The look he gave you was too sweet to bear. You let out another sob.
He turned towards the table. He grabbed your spoon, hastily taking a scoop and shoving it into your mouth before you even had time to react.
“See? It’s good. Really good. Who cares if it melted or whatever. That’s like, the least important part. It’s food. It’s supposed to taste good. And it tastes super fucking good.”
You chewed slowly as he spoke, still standing far too close for comfort. He watched as you ate with tear stained cheeks. When you swallowed his hand moved. He was reaching for your face. You felt his thumb lightly brush the corner of your mouth, removing the small drop of cream that had ended up there. He brought his finger back up to his lips and he licked off the bit of cream, eyes never leaving yours.
“Delicious.” He whispered.
Panic was setting in now. You couldn’t find it in yourself to cry anymore. You felt like you needed to escape. You couldn’t trust yourself to not make a fool of yourself right now, even more than you already had. The poor guy would probably never wanna come bake with you again. The thought of not spending time with him again like this hurt more than you expected it to.
You stared again, too taken aback by his actions to get any words out. He was closer now. You weren’t quite sure when he’d gotten so close, close enough that you could smell the lingering scent of sweet fruit on his breath.
He was right there, and he was staring right back at you, close enough to touch. Your mind was slowing down and you swore you saw his eyes flicker down to your lips, before he cleared his throat and took a step back.
“I’m sorry, I think I should go. The tart is amazing, really. Thank you again.”
He turned to leave, and the words left you before you had time to think about it. “Are you still going to come back?”
He turned back to look at you, a reassuring smile on his pretty face. “Of course, Creampuff.”
Next Chapter
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backtobackbakubabe · 3 years
Speak Easy Part 3
Bakugo x Reader
Words: 4892
Reader has a siren quirk and has spent the past several years of her life as a captive being experimented on by “heroes” Now that she’s out she needs protection and safe place to heal. Who will be the one to put her pieces back together?
Words with 'this' is dialogue written in her journal rather than said out loud and and words with ~this~ is dialogue said in sign language rather than out loud.
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Dabi had laid you down gently in the back seat of his car, taking off his jacket to lay over you. You wanted to fall asleep you really did. But the consistent pain coming from your hip was enough to keep you awake, but not enough for you to pass out. You hugged the jacket around you that smelled like smoke and coffee.
You don’t know much time passed but eventually you were being pulled from the backseat. He picked you up bridal style and made his way to the house, “Look at you. We’re not even married, and you already have me carrying you over the threshold.”
When you didn’t react to his little joke he sighed, “Wow tough crowd, okay.”
He walked straight to the couch and put you down before immediately jogging to the kitchen to grab some first aid supplies… amongst other things.
He came back and sat on the table that was in front on the couch and maneuvered you so your injured hip was accessible to him. “Okay this is going to sting for a little bit, but I’m going to need you to stay still until I’m done.” Without any more warning then that he poured what smelled like vodka on the wound.
It stung like a bitch, causing you to dig your nails into the cushion of the couch and grit your teeth so hard you were surprised they didn’t crack.
He started to wipe it down with some kind of cloth. Cleaning all the dried blood and sweat from you. You were practically panting now trying to breathe through the sharp pain. “That’s it. Keep breathing. Good girl. I’m almost done.” He taped a bandage over it before pulling your hoodie back down. “There. Good as new.”
He helped you sit up a little so he could give you a glass of water, which you were incredibly thankful for. “Alright… so I have all the good stuff. Anything you could want really.” He pulled out several bottles of pills.
You didn’t know what was in those bottles, but you knew you didn’t want any. You’ve had enough drugged out days to last a lifetime. So as much as you knew it’d help with the pain, you didn’t want it. You just met Dabi less than twelve hours ago. You didn’t know what kind of bullshit he’d pull once you went under.
You shook your head no and pointed to the bottle of vodka. You may not want pills, but a shot wouldn’t kill you.
He chuckled, “Okay tough guy. Whatever you say.” He walked back to the kitchen and returned with two of the biggest shot glasses you had ever seen. “Let’s get this party started huh?” He poured two shots and handed one to you. “To life off the grid.”
You both threw your shots back. He with no reaction, you however immediately started coughing.
His hand rubbed a circle on your back, “Look at you. Took it like a champ. Didn’t even need a chaser.” He poured another shot for himself and brought it up to his lips but stopped when he saw you looking at him. “What? You didn’t think I’d give you more than one, did you? Oh no, no, no. With how tiny you are? Not to mention your tolerance has probably gone to shit. I think one is plenty for now.”
Well jokes on him. Just because you seem weak doesn’t mean you are. He’s not going to tell you how much you can and can’t drink. You scooted to the edge of the couch, wincing a little as you did. You scooped up the bottle of vodka and took a swig straight from the bottle.
You saw something flash behind his eyes, but he immediately hid it behind a playful smirk, “I don’t know if you’re a badass or a brat. Only time will tell. But I’ll have you know that in my house… My word is law. I’m just trying to help you after all.” He tore the bottle from your hands before securing the lid, giving it an extra hard squeeze to keep you from opening it again. “But because this is your first night here, and you’re hurt, and I really am a nice guy. I’ll let it slide this once…. So? You still want some ice cream?”
You nodded as you reached for your notebook but was alarmed when you couldn’t find it. You could already feel the light feeling of a buzz taking over, but you refused to let Dabi know he was right about your tolerance.
“What’s up? What are you looking for?” You made a gesture with your hands as if you were writing something down. “Ah, right. The handy dandy notebook. It’s probably in the car. I’ll go grab it.” He took a few steps away before coming back to grab the bottle of vodka, mumbling something about how he refuses to clean up your puke.
You took this time while he was away to get a better look at the place. It was very minimalistic. Lots of greys, whites, and blacks. The couch felt just as expensive as the giant tv on the wall looked. From what you could see of the kitchen, it looked nice. The shiny appliances were either kept impeccably clean, or never used. Was this his house? It hardly looked lived in.
“Alright got the notebook. How about you pick something to watch while I scoop some ice cream. What do you want? One for Vanilla, two for chocolate, three for cookies and cream.”
You held up three fingers. You were amazed at how well he was adjusting to communicating with you already. He had just accepted that you weren’t talking and went with it.
“Cookies and cream huh? I thought you’d be more of a fan of vanilla.” He chuckled. “The remot is on the side table next to you. The TV is rigged so you can basically watch whatever you want. Just type it into the search bar.”
You picked up the remote and quickly started scanning through channels. Your finger accidentally brushed the microphone button and you froze at the loud beeping noise that signaled it was listening.
Dabi had made his way over with two bowls both with cookies and cream. He saw the face you made at the remote before taking it from you and replacing it with a bowl of ice cream. “Hey none of that pouty shit. It’s not cute. This is temporary, you’ll be talking again in no time.”
He looked at the screen, “Okay one for anime, two for live action.” You held up one finger. “Okay, One for thriller, two for action, three for comedy. Four for romance.” You held up two fingers. “Oh, thank god I really thought you were going to pick romance. Okay I’m going to scroll through them, just tap my shoulder when you want me to stop.”
He scrolled for a while before you stopped him at Naruto. “Ah a classic. Good pick. Now get comfy. I have a feeling you’re gonna pass out before the first episode is even over.”
Sure enough, soon after finishing your bowl of ice cream you felt your eye lids drooping. A part of you was still nervous to fall asleep. But seeing as you just had a wild 24 hours… there was no way in hell you were fighting sleep for long.
“You ready for bed yet?” You sleepily nodded your head and started to slide down so you could lay down on the couch. “Oh no you don’t.” He scooped you up and headed down a hallway. He entered a rather large room with a bathroom attached and tossed you onto the bed causing the wound in your hip to throb. “Okay welcome to you room, this your bed, that is your bathroom. I will be right across the hall. I’d say yell if you need something but… well you know. So… try to not need me. Have a good night.”
You grabbed his wrist before he could get far, “What don’t tell me you’re like afraid of the dark or something.” He turned around to see your blushing face as you pointed to the bathroom and then to yourself. “Ooooooh, okay. Right. So, is this like a you need to pee situation? Or did you like… want to shower? Not that I’m against helping you take a shower…” He smirked at you.
You rolled your eyes and held up one finger. “Okay, okay, but you will eventually have to shower. But I guess we can figure that out tomorrow.” There was a wicked gleam in his eye that could only be compared to a child who was plotting on how to steal a cookie from the cookie jar.
He had been pretty patient while waiting for you to finish going to the bathroom, but he was still just as rough as he tossed you back onto the bed. “Alright, so, to reiterate, I’m right across the hall. Try to not need me. Good night.”
You sank into the bed the second the door closed behind him. You were alone. You were free and you were alone. Twenty-four hours ago, you had been strapped to a bed with shock collar on. You curled into a ball and cried. You wanted this to be the last time you felt sorry for yourself, so you wanted to get it all out now. Tomorrow was the first day of your new life and you didn’t plan on wasting a single second of it.
It didn’t take long for you to cry yourself to sleep considering how exhausted you were. What would have surprised you however was the fact that Dabi was sitting just outside the door listening to you muffled sobs, clenching his fists in rage.
It wasn’t until he heard you screaming that he realized he had fallen asleep there. On his feet in seconds he ran into your room. What he saw shook him a little bit. You had kicked all of the blankets off the bed. Soaked in sweat and tears. Your body was jerking around so hard it looked painful. You were having a nightmare, likely due to PTSD.
Shit what did he do? He’s no stranger to bad dreams, but he also knows he could make it worse if he doesn’t do this right. “Hey y/n. Y/N! I need you to wake up honey. It’s just a dream. You’re safe. Y/n. Y/N! Come on now follow my voice. Wake up for me yeah? You’re okay, I promise.” He reached out and as lightly as he possibly could touched your cheek.
You were burning up. He cursed as he tried to peel your soaked hoodie off of you. He started to shake your shoulder a little harder. But all that did was make you panic and thrash around. So he grabbed you and held you to him. “God Damnit Y/n. Wake up!”
He felt the tension leave your body only for a moment before you started to try and push him off of you.
He immediately dropped his arms and pushed away from you. “Hey you’re okay. It’s just me. Remember your hero pals saved you yesterday and now we’re roomies.” He could see the confusion in your eyes start to fade as you woke up. “Believe me I understand. I’d be scared too if I woke up in a weird place with my ugly mug lookin at you.”
He reached for your journal and tried to hand it to you. “You want to talk about it?”
You shook your head and hugged your knees to your chest. He nodded and put the journal back on the nightstand. “That’s okay. You don’t have to…” He wasn’t very good at this part. Talking about emotions and shit. “Yeah so uh… I can get you a different shirt.” He could see the goosebumps already raising on your arms. Now that the panic and adrenaline had subsided you were damp and cold. “And I can get a warm bath going if you want? He looked at the clock. It’s 5:30, which in ungodly early for me, but if you’re up I guess we can go ahead and start the day… How does that sound?”
You refused to look him in the eye and settled for a shrug of your shoulders, letting your knees drop from your chest. He could see straight through your tank top and was pleasantly surprised to find that under that baggie hoodie you had some nice tits.
He liked his lips and lucky for him, you were too busy avoiding eye contact that you didn’t even notice. “Alright well I tried being nice in giving you an option so now I’m telling you. You’re taking a bath.” He picked you up and walked towards the bathroom. “I’ll get the water going. Do you think you can manage making it from the toilet to the tub without me?”
Again, you shrugged which was quickly becoming one of his biggest pet peeves. He groaned, “One for yes, two for no. No more fucking shrugging.”
You nodded and held up one finger. “Alright, that wasn’t that hard was it?”
Without waiting for an answer he knew he wasn’t going to get he started the water and left you to it.
He went out to the car to grab the backpack the mini might kid had packed for you. Then into his room to grab you a clean shirt. He was going to leave the items outside the bathroom door until he heard a thump followed by a groan.
“Y/n? Did you fall down?” A very long pause later and you hit the side of the tub once. “Okay do you need help getting up?” Another long pause before you hit the side twice. “Are you sure?” He desperately wanted you to say no. Not to sound like a perv, but he’d love to get a quick peek at you.
Two hits on the tub sounded. “Okay, I’m coming in.” He opened the door almost too quickly. There you were sitting on the floor, back against the tub, completely naked. He had expected you to try and hide yourself from view, but was shocked when you practically reached for him, baring your entire chest for him to drink in.
He stopped for a moment before picking you up. “I’m not going to pick you up like I usually do. Instead I’m going to help you stand, and hold you while you try to get in yourself. We gotta start working on those legs.” You looked nervous but nodded anyways.
He hooked his hands under your armpits and pulled against him in standing position. His pinkies barley brushing the outside of your breasts and even that little bit drove him crazy. But he contained himself. The last thing he needed was you randomly activating your quirk and figuring out what a horn dog he is.
You weakly attempted to raise your right leg high enough to get into the tub. You were almost there, you almost had it. “That’s it, you’re doing so well. Just a little more, come on you can do it.” Whether you knew it or not, your ass was pushing back into Dabi’s crotch and he wasn’t going to make it much longer. So he lifted you a little higher making it easier for you to step in. “OKAY, I think one leg is good enough progress for now.” He sat the rest of you in gently before quickly turning away calling over his shoulder, “Alright, I’ll be back in… ten minutes to help you back out.”
You waited until he was gone to let a small giggle out. It honestly took you by surprise. It was the first time you had made a noise that wasn’t out of pain in a while. But just remembering the blush of his cheeks when you reached for him was enough to have you smile to yourself.
Before all of this happened to you were no stranger to being naked. In fact, you loved it. Maybe it was some weird side effect of your quirk. But you loved being naked, being intimate, having sex. To you there was no better bliss. You craved it. Your quirk allowed you all the control you could ever want, but there was something so intoxicating about giving that control over completely to someone else. To be praised, to be worshipped, to be adored.
Well at least that was the way you were before. Before you weren’t allowed to touch anyone, or look at them, or… speak to them. What if you were different now? What if being controlled for so long, being forced to do things against your will… what if it changed you?
The thought made you sad. You briefly considered testing the waters with Dabi, but quickly shook that from your head. And it wasn’t even the fact he was a villain, as much as you hate to admit it, you’d slept with villains before. But could you even consider him a villain anymore. You could see what Todoroki had meant by saying he was neither hero nor villain.
No, the biggest reason you needed to keep your hands off Dabi is because he was nice enough to take you in. You don’t need to jeopardize your safety just to curb your cravings.
You quickly scrubbed your body clean and did your best to wash your hair, but it was a nightmare. Your hair was crazy long now and the knots and tangles were just impossible to get through. You wined in frustration as your fingers yet again got stuck.
“You know I could always shave your head, I’m sure you could pull it off.” You stuck your tongue out at him as he handed you a brush. “Better watch who you’re sticking that tongue out at.” He hesitated, “Arms up, time to get out.”
You felt like a child, but you obeyed without protest. Earning you a “good girl” that sent shivers down your spine. “Hm? Do you like it when I praise you?”
You shrugged and avoided eye contact and you could feel the growl rip through is chest. “What did I say about fucking shrugging?”
You bit your lip and pulled yourself closer to him so he couldn’t see your blushing face.
Like a sack of potatoes, you were tossed onto to the bed. He tossed you a pair of clean underwear and one of his shirts that would easily come down to your knees. Once you were dressed, he roughly pulled you to the edge of the bed and sat between your legs.
Your heart rate spiked, and you let out an excited gasp. His hand smoothed up your thigh, “Relax, I’m just putting a new bandage on your hip. Don’t get so excited.” He examined the shallow wound and you winced. It took everything in him not to place a kiss right over your wound. He’d made that mark on you. It would definitely scar and as twisted as it sounded… he liked that.
He started to tape the new bandage down. One of his hands rubbed the inside of your thigh, while the other made sure the bandage was secure. God he just wanted to bite into the soft flesh in front of him. He took a deep breath to steady himself, but he was absolutely not prepared for… was you winding your fingers through his white locks.
“Y/n… what?” Your fingers tightened causing him to groan and let lose. He started to kiss the meaty part of your thigh, biting ever few kisses drawing sweet sounds from your lips that made him wonder what your voice sounded like. He made his way up to your hip and kissed right above the bandage before licking up from you belly button and up your sternum, pushing your shirt… well his shirt up as he went. He grabbed one of your tits in one hand while he sucked on the other nipple. Your hips bucked up as his hand traveled south. As soon as his hand started to sneak past your underwear something in you snapped.
You couldn’t do this. Not now. Something wasn’t right. You felt trapped under his body weight, you couldn’t breathe. Too much, you weren’t ready.
You pushed at his hand and whined until finally he got the message. He stopped and looked at your confused eyes, “Shit… I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that. I-I guess I misread that one.” He pulled your shirt back down and knelt in front on you on the bed. “I guess we should set some rules huh?”
Rules… rules… follow the rules.
You yanked your gaze down to stare at your hands that you had folded in your lap. Don’t look, don’t talk, don’t touch.
He reached for one of your hands, but you yanked it back shaking your head. “Hey look at me.” You continued to stare into your lap. He swore under his breath, “Please… look at me. I need to know what I did or said that freaked you out so bad. This is what I mean when I said we need rules-“ You flinched. “Oh is the word rules?”
You started to shrug before you remembered he wouldn’t like that. You lifted a shaky hand and picked up your journal and handed it to him open to the first page. You snuck a glance at his expression as he read over them. His face was expressionless as he read over your list of rules. “Hm… sounds kinky.”
He looked around for something to write with before coming to sit next to you, making sure to give you plenty of space. “Okay so how about instead we have laws?” You gave a quick shrug before nodding in agreement. He narrowed his eyes at you, “And law number one. No fucking shrugging.”
He handed the pen to you, “You’re turn. Write something down.” You gave him a questioning look, “Don’t worry about it, if I don’t like it, I’ll just draw a line through it. We’re brainstorming here.”
You wrote down “No drugs.” You heard him groan but he nodded anyways.
“Okay fine but then you have to make eye contact when talking to me. Doesn’t matter if it’s verbal or not.”
You went on like that for a while until you had a new set of “laws”
You had agreed to workouts in the pool to get your strength back up and he agreed to try and learn sign language with you.
The last law he added however was “I will not initiate the sexy time without written or verbal consent.”
You rolled your eyes and went to push him away but he dodged you easily enough. He quickly stood up throwing you over his shoulder. “Alright enough of that. We have a long day ahead of us.”
You helped him make breakfast while he explained that this house was one of many that he owned under different aliases. This one was the most secluded and had the best security system.
You were still picking at your pancakes when he sat next to you at the kitchen island bringing a laptop with him. “I’m not helping you down from here until you eat every last bite. Law number 7- Eat three full meals a day. Need to put some meet on those bones.”
He pulled up a website that had a video queued up that said introduction to sign language. “Okay before we get going 1 for tea, 2 for coffee.”
Your eyes lit up as you held up 2 fingers and scurried to grab your journal. ‘Can you put some milk in it?’ It had been so long since you had coffee and the thought had you bouncing with excitement.
He read it and gave you a thumbs up. “Go ahead and start the video, I’m just over here.”
And that’s how you set into your routine. Every day you’d sleep in until you decided to get up. Eat a big breakfast. Work on sign language. Eat Lunch. Do some kind of workout in the pool. Relax and watch TV. Eat dinner. Take a bath. Go to bed.
You did this every day for the past two weeks and you could already tell a difference. You and Dabi had learned a few basics in sign. Only a few words, but it was a start. But Dabi’s favorite part was helping you walk.
Not that he didn’t like carrying you, but this was just as much fun. He’d hold you under the armpits from behind and he’d let you stand on his feet like a child. You still couldn’t walk on your own, but you were so close. Every day you felt stronger and you knew it was only a matter of time.
Today marks sixteen days that you had been here. You watched as Dabi cleaned up the rest of breakfast. You frowned as you thought about how much he did for you and how little you gave in return. You hadn’t noticed him walk over to you until his hand was lifting your chin to look at him. “Pool time?”
You nodded and signed back ~Pool time~. You reached your arms up to be picked up and he easily complied, no worse than a trained dog.
“You’ve gained weight. I can tell.”
You looked horrified as you slapped his shoulder. ~rude~
He chuckled, “Hey don’t get all huffy about it. It’s a good thing. You were way too skinny before. You looked like a strong breeze would blow you over and break all of your bones.” He stopped at the edge of the pool giving you a wicked look. “Now you’re starting to look healthy again. Healthy enough for me to do this and not feel bad about it.”
He tossed you into the pool, clothes and all. You sputtered to the surface but didn’t have to struggle long before he was behind you leading you to the shallow end. “You’re fine. Almost there, don’t be so dramatic.”
He led you to the wall you usually hold on to for your exercises and let you go. You growled as you flipped him off. Idiot doesn’t need to know sign language to understand that one.
You pulled your wet shirt off and tossed it over to one of the lounge chairs. Leaving you in just a bra and underwear, which is how you normally did these exercises. Dabi had requested the heroes send a bathing suit in the next care package, but it hadn’t arrived yet.
He reached around your middle section and pulled you away from the wall after you had done a couple sets of squats and leg kicks. “Okay now lets see how you do without the wall.” He turned you around to face him and slowly backed away only holding your elbows now. “Okay now lets take a lap around the shallow end shall we?”
At first your steps were more like tiny shuffles. “It’s gonna take us all damn day if you don’t start taking bigger steps. Come on you can do it. Pick those feet up!”
You gave him a harsh glare. He knew you couldn’t fight back right now because your hands were too busy gripping his arms for support.
You started taking larger steps and then larger ones and then eventually you had made it almost all the way around. Dabi stepped back and completely. “Okay just a few more steps. I think you can do them on you own. Come on baby girl. Just a few steps. You can do it.”
You nodded enthusiastically, of course you could. It was just a few steps. You could do this. You reached your hands out to the side and took your first step by yourself. Your eyes lit up at the feeling. Sure, it was only in the pool, but that was progress! “That’s it! Good girl, keep going!” You reached for him as you took another step, followed by another and another and then suddenly he was picking you up. “Hell yeah! Atta girl! Good job. I think that earned you some kind of reward.” He gave the top of your head a quick kiss as he started to carry you out of the pool.
Your head was singing with his praises, and your body was buzzing with adrenaline after crossing such a huge milestone. He carried you to his room where he pulled out another shirt for you to wear. “Okay so about that rewar-“
He was interrupted by the sound of the doorbell. His eyes went dark. No one was supposed to know where this place was. He quickly picked you up and sprinted to the office. There was a secret false wall panel that led to a saferoom. He had told you of its existence in case he ever needed to hide you, but you hadn’t actually seen it. He was in the process of opening up the wall when a familiar flash of blonde hair showed on the security monitor. You pinched his shoulder and pointed.
He looked at what you were pointing at and groaned. “What the fuck is he doing here?”
tags: @falling4fandoms @wifunozomi @here-in-never-land @whore-for-anime @klecksstorys @aurorahoneybuns @theunknownrandom @insane-without-delirium @frenchsfryys @officiallydarkgeek @neofixcs
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moonflower-31 · 4 years
Tender Kisses - Spencer Reid x Reader
Requested? No
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader
Warnings: None
Summary: The reader and Spencer had a great date planned. And you just cannot wait. That is, until you come down with the flu a couple days before. Que Spencer being the best boyfriend ever.
♡♡Also! I do requests! Any kind at all. Though right now I'm a little rusty at smut so... yeah. Send me an ask if you have an idea you wanna see me write♤♤
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Today was supposed to be great. You know, a date with the best boyfriend in the world and probably the best food. You see, you and your boyfriend, Spencer, were supposed to go on a date to the nearby fall festival. It was in your hometown and you hadn’t gone in years. So you wanted to go with him. Make it even more special for you. But no. Some asshole decided to sneeze on you and give you the damn flu. 
You rubbed your puffy eyes as soon as you finished sneezing. You sniffled pitifully and groaned. You shivered from your fever. The doctor had said you had a rarer strand but it was still treatable. But the thing was, it was gonna take about a week or more. So you were down for the count for a week or two. And you hadn’t seen Spencer for a week because of the previous case. Now you wouldn’t see him for even longer. 
You clutched at the blanket around you, shivering again. You couldn’t go out with Spencer today. If you got him sick, he’d never forgive you. Him and his germs. You also didn’t want him to get sick anyway. He had a job to do. He didn’t have the time for sick days. You, unfortunately, did. So here you were. 
You grabbed your phone from your nightstand and checked to see if Spencer had texted you. He sure had. 
Spence -Hey, are we still up for that ‘fall festival’ of yours? I thought you were going to be here ten minutes ago.  
You felt your heart ache with longing for you not to be sick. As if you could will the sickness away so you could spend the day with him. But no. Mother nature decided you were gonna have a weekend inside. 
(Y/N) -Hey, Sorry. Something came up. I can’t make it. I promise I’ll make it up to you. 
You sighed and set the phone down on your nightstand once again. You didn’t tell him you were sick. You loved him, more than anything. But with how you were feeling, you didn’t feel like being babied or told the statistics of the flu you’d searched up on your own in an attempt to maybe hope you had a strand that went away quickly. 
Just as you began to try and relax into your blanket cocoon, your phone buzzed on the nightstand. 
Spence -Is something wrong? I can come over. 
Curse him and his kindness. 
(Y/N) -Kinda. But don’t come over. I’ll be okay. You’ve got work. 
You felt a cough coming and pulled your phone away from your face. You then let out a long series of throat-rawing coughs. You rubbed your throat in pain, finding your phone had buzzed twice since you began coughing. 
Spence -If something is wrong I want to come over. 
Spence -I’m off today by the way. 
You rolled your eyes. He was so stubborn. Guess that just proved how devoted he was. 
(Y/N) -You don’t wanna come over, trust me. Trust me on this. 
You finally just set your phone on vibrate and laid down in your blankets, shivering like it was the coldest night of the year. You smiled to yourself as you imagined Spencer’s most-likely response to that thought: 
“Actually, the coldest night of the year is the shortest day of the 365 day pattern. It’s called the winter solstice and it’s been used in a multitude of religions as a passage of time or a surge in spiritual presence.”  
You snickered and shook your head slowly. You for sure missed him and his statistics, no matter how sick you were. You groaned in your uncomfortable state and rolled over to ignore whatever buzzing might continue to come from your phone. You loved him, sure. But he was stubborn. 
An hour or so later you heard a soft knock at your bedroom door. You groggily opened your eyes and saw in all his glory: Spencer Reid, with his arms crossed and a playful look on his face. 
“So this is why you didn’t want me over?” He asked, teasing you as he got down onto your eye level. 
“Nghhh… What do you think? I’m sick,” You sniffled, holding back a cough. “I’m germ-y,” You croak. “And I don’t wanna get you sick. You can’t afford sick days.” You remind him. He chuckles playfully and reaches over, pushing a strand of hair behind your ear. 
“I don’t care if you’re sick. You’re my girlfriend. If anyone has germs I want to be around, it’s you.” He teases, kissing your nose. You immediately turn your head to your elbow and sneeze, immediately rubbing your tired eyes. 
“What happened to my boyfriend and what did you do to him?” You asked softly. He laughed softly back, caressing your cheek. 
“He’s right here. And he’s going to take care of you, whether you like it or not.” He insists, giving you a playful look. You groan and shove him gently away, cuddling deeper into your blanket cocoon. 
“This is exactly what I knew you’d do. You’d take care of me instead of having a fun day out with Morgan or JJ.” You complain. “I don’t want you sick. All it took was one sneeze from a guy who didn’t even know he had it to get me sick.” You reason. ���Imagine what a thousand sneezes from me will do to you?” You ask him, almost testing his germaphobia. 
Instead of the reasonable response of ‘Oh you’re right, I should probably go and leave you alone so I don’t get sick’ plus whatever statistic he found appropriate, he instead pressed a kiss to your lips. “Then I’ll take a thousand sneezes. Besides, Morgan is out with Garcia. JJ’s with her family. I-If I’m honest I’d like to be with mine.” He insists, making you blush heavily. 
“Spence…” You whine. 
“Don’t ‘Spence’ me. I’ll be right back. I’ll make you something to eat.” He promises before he stands up, kissing your head before he turns to head to your kitchen. You shook your head and smiled to yourself. 
He returned shortly after with a bowl of warm soup. He set it on your nightstand and pulled out a container of cough syrup and the bottle of medication I had left on the table after returning from the pharmacy. “You need to treat that cough along with your fever. These pills won’t do you much good if you don’t take them. Especially on an empty stomach.” He insists, pouring the exact amount of cough syrup into the measuring cup/lid. He lifted it up to your lips and indicated for you to open. You rolled your eyes again at his way of treating you like a child. However, you still opened up to let him pour the medicine into your mouth. 
It was extremely nasty. Which is why you preferred to just tough it out. Guess this is what you got for dating a guy so infatuated with statistics and facts. He knew what was best for you; even if you didn’t want it. You coughed and groaned at the taste, making him chuckle softly. You peeked open an eye and glared at him. He shook his head and sat on the bed beside you. “You still have these too. Ibuprofen, or acetaminophen is great at lowering fevers. So I added a few.” He explains as he puts a few pills in your hand. You groan at the brightly colored fever reducing pill in your hand along with the tylenol. You hated this part. You gave Spencer your best puppy dog-eyed look and slightly pouted your lower lip. Sure, you looked like a child. But you didn’t care. 
Spencer laughed at the look you gave him, picking up the cup of water he had managed to bring it as well. “You aren’t getting out of this, (Y/N/N).” He says heartily. You pouted fully, closing the pills into a fist and crossing your arms like a child in time-out for drawing on the walls. Spencer grinned at this, pressing a kiss under your ear. “Stop pouting or I’ll kiss that lip for you.” He teases, nipping at your ear playfully. You felt a small shiver run down your spine as you groaned. Why must he do that when you were sick? 
You huffed and took in a puff of air. You grabbed the glass of water, taking a swig before you put the pills in your mouth. You swallowed uncomfortably, almost coughing afterwards. You put the cup back into Spencer’s hand with a grumpy look. He smiled at you amused, an eyebrow raised the entire time. “There, happy?” 
Spencer grinned wider and wrapped an arm around you, pulling you closer as he whispered “Very.” 
You groan and try to shove him away. He instead just pulls you closer and presses multiple kisses to your cheek. “Stoppp…” You whine, a smile pulling at the corners of your lips. He smirked and pulled your head to lay against his chest. 
“No.” He persists, running a few fingers through your hair. You sigh, enjoying the tenderness of his fingers gently massaging your head through your hair. He hummed softly a tune you could only recognize as Bethoven’s Symphony number 9. Before you met Spencer, you wouldn’t have been able to differentiate one of Bethoven’s works from another other than a name you might’ve seen on youtube. Now you could tell just by the tone and rhythm. 
You closed your eyes and hummed along with him, forgetting a few parts that he helped you with. Thank god for his eidetic memory. Even in small moments, it helps. He kisses your head as he finishes with the tune, rubbing your shoulder through the blanket that hadn’t fallen from your left shoulder. Otherwise, you had no covering since the blanket had fallen and Spencer was warm. You whine softly as he moves, upsetting your comfy position. 
“You need to eat, you know.” he points out, having grabbed the bowl of soup he had brought in earlier. You didn’t feel like eating. Although your stomach growled in protest to that thought. You just didn’t feel up to it. But you ignored the feeling and turned enough for Spencer to spoon feed you. You never said you were a complete stubborn woman. 
Spencer smiled again as you let him lift the spoon to your lips. From the way he looked at you, you could tell it was his plan the whole time to spoon feed you. You swallowed the soup he helped you eat, humming at the warmth. You still didn't like being babied, but this felt nice. For some reason. 
"Why couldn't you just feed me while we were cuddling? That was comfy." You whined. He shook his head and chuckled, kissing your cheek instead as a response. 
You huffed when he didn't respond, taking a moment to take the new spoonful he had gathered in the metal spoon. "Spence…" you whined, only getting another playful chuckle in response. 
"You're only decreasing the probability that I give into what you want by begging." He informed. You pout again and let a small smile place itself on your lips. He grinned and kissed you gently. 
"Is my probability up now?" You ask, laughing a bit. He chuckled again, getting you another spoonful of soup. 
"Definitely." He says sarcastically. 
"No fair. And all I wanted was cuddles." 
"No you want to get out of eating." He rephrases your statement. You, knowing he was right, just took the spoon from him and shoved it in your mouth in protest. He let out a cackle of laughter, turning your head towards his face to press kisses on your cheeks. 
"You're too cute for your own good." He says with a sigh. You giggle in response and take out the spoon. Spencer takes this opportunity and grabs the spoon back from you faster than you could realize he was going for it. 
"Spencer!" You gasp in mock disbelief. He grinned again. You were surprised his face didn't hurt yet from smiling so much. You loved his smile, especially this cheeky one. But you didn't want him to know that right now. You were fake mad at him. For stealing a spoon. 
"What? I saw the chance and figured my probability of getting it back was more than 75%. So, naturally, I took it." He teases, poking your nose. You huffed and took the bowl from him gently and lifted it to your lips, sipping most of it. 
"There. No more soup." You huffed. But in the mix of your insistence to be stubborn, and your sick brain, you played right into his hands. He had wanted you to eat more, and you had. 
"Good. Now you can come here and cuddle with me." He says in a happy and teasing tone. You glare at him annoyedly and playfully. 
"Now you'll cuddle with me? Seriously?" You ask. He nods, pulling you close by your hand. 
"Cuddling, in it's more specific term has actually been proven to release oxytocin, which can help when you're sick to keep your symptoms from getting worse. They also have been proven to help with lessening pain with the distraction." He explains, petting your hair to help relax you. You hummed happily as he began to rattle off facts on cuddling. Anything that comes out of his mouth was something you wanted to hear. You just loved hearing his voice. Maybe there was some truth in the whole cuddling as a distraction concept. 
"Oh yeah?" You said semi-groggily. He smiled, kissing your forehead before speaking up again. 
"Yes, actually. It's proven to lessen stress and lower high blood pressures. The oxytocin released acts like pain blockers. It can help stop pain signals as well." He explains as he helped you to once again lay your head on his chest. 
"Sounds nice…" you reply tiredly. He smiled and adjusted you and him to lay near the head of the bed. 
"You know… it also helps with sleep. Lessening the presence of nightmares." He adds, knowing you were close to falling asleep. 
You mumbled a few words before they turned into incoherent mumbles. You curled up against his chest and clutched at his shirt. He couldn't help but admire how peaceful you looked. He didn't like seeing you upset in any form. Especially the one where you're sick. But he was glad to have been here for this one. 
He pet your hair gently again as he continued to hum. You were beautiful. Inside and out. And he was the lucky one to be able to see it all as much as he wanted. Especially this form of beauty: you curled up peacefully in his arms away from all the evil he faced every day. Though he couldn't keep it that way forever, although he would damn well try, he was going to protect you and hold you as close as your physical bodies would let you. And love you, more than the human brain was capable of comprehending. 
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writer1 · 4 years
A regretful Wolf and his Beauty
Chapter One
Beast!Rex x fem!reader.
Summary: As punishment for his actions, young prince Rex was cursed to become a monster by a witch. The only thing that saved him from his fate was an enchantress, who gave him a condition. He has to find true love in order to redeem himself and he only has until the last petal of the enchanted rose falls. Rex's family helps you by guiding your way into his heart. Rex's fate now lies in your hands."
A/N: Hey, this is a collaborative fic between myself and @ahsokatano-thetogruta. We have created a star wars the clone wars fanfic based off the story Beauty and the Beast, so we both hope that you love reading this as much as we had fun writing it. Enjoy!
It's a crisp winter's day, the untouched snow was glistening, as more beautiful soft snowflakes danced through the air, swirling around each other in time as they waltzed their way to the ground. The slowly rising sun peers over the horizon, it feels magical as the sun shines over the sparkling snow, glistening and gleaming, creating a beautiful, breathtaking winter wonderland, and the inhabitants of the royal castle start to stir, the younger kids are already running around. They were waiting Impatiently to open the nicely wrapped presents under the tree. Christmas day is finally here again.
Rex was surrounded in peace until he was abruptly awoken to the sounds of exciting cheers and shouting of his younger brothers and cousins who are now running around the halls of the castle outside of his room.
Rex groans at the sound. He tries to go back to sleep, pressing his face tightly into the pillow. He had a late night, and is absolutely exhausted.
He almost growls when his door swings open and Fives, Echo and little Stutter run in. The ten year old twins and four year old kid run over to Rex, with Fives picking up Stutter, dropping him on top of his side. Rex almost growls again, but holds it back so as not to hurt his little brother's feelings.
He turns over, Stutter sitting on his stomach now, hands against his chest. The cute smile on his face makes Rex give him a small little smile.
"Come on, Rex. It's time to get up, right Stutter?" Stutter looks at Fives, nodding happily.
"Yeah! C-C-Come on, O-Ori'vod" Rex smiles tiredly.
"Okay! I'm up Vod'ika, can you three please leave so I can get dressed." They all nod, Echo walking over and grabbing little Stutter from Rex. They all walk out.
"Hurry up, Ori'vod." Echo yells back, causing Rex to huff a little. Rex rubs his face and yawns, trying to wake up more. He feels like he could go right back to sleep for the rest of the day, but that's not happening. He sits up, stretching his arms and legs out.
Once he's half woken himself up, he hops out of bed, padding over to the wardrobe slowly. He looks through his collection of clothes, finding his favorite shirt inside. He smiles, grabbing it and a nice brown pair of pants. Once fully dressed, he starts walking towards the door to leave his quarters.
On his way, Rex's vision goes slightly blurry and his eyes struggle to stay open from fatigue, so he yawns again, but because he couldn't see where he was walking, he clumsily stumbles into a small table making him curse as he snaps his eyes shut for a second. When he opens them again, he can see a vase wobbling around on its base, almost ready to topple over at any second. It all happens in slow motion and Rex is unable to move quickly enough to stop it from hitting the ground.
It makes a loud crash as it shatters into a thousand pieces. Rex feels his frustration earlier come rushing back to him, his annoyance growing with every passing second. A few moments later, he hears his door swing open. Without bothering to turn around to see who it is, his words come out snappy. "Don't you know how to knock?" He turns around to see Cody standing in the doorway. "Oh...sorry Cody. I didn't mean to lash out like that."
"It's alright, Vod'ika. I heard a loud noise so I just needed to make sure that you were okay, I was worried for you." Cody smiles knowing that Rex is okay, he saw the frustration on his face for a second after he turned around. "Are you okay?"
Rex feels a guilt wash over him like a ferocious wave, regretting being so rude, especially in front of his Ori'Vod. "I'm sorry, Cody. I accidentally bumped into it." Cody smiles kindly at Rex, he knows that it's not his fault.
"It's fine, Vod'ika. It was an accident. I'll clean it up, are you okay, you look frustrated." Rex nods, Cody's been here for him ever since their parents died two years ago. The reason Rex is crown prince is because Cody and his other brother Bly didn't want the crown.
"I didn't sleep well last night, and I was woken up by all of the noise." He mumbles a bit, still tired.
"I'm sure you'll feel throughout the day. We have a lot of fun things planned." He says with a big smile, hoping it will make Rex feel somewhat better.
"I'm sure I will too." He thanks him with a tired smile. Being thirteen and having hormones is not making his morning any better, but he tries to power through it the best he can and hopes he'll have a good time.
"I'll meet you in the ballroom to open presents once I've cleaned this up for you."
"Thanks, Ori'Vod."
"You're welcome, Vod'ika."
It's always very busy in the kitchen on Christmas. Many Chefs are preparing the vegetables and various foods for the Christmas dinner and snacks throughout the day. Gregor is a fifteen year old chef in training after being promoted from a dishwasher to a sous chef. He was given the day off today to spend with his brothers and cousins, but asked the head chef if he could make some cookies for everyone when they all open their presents. His boss is really nice, so he lets him do what he needs to do. Gregor gets up early to start making them. He hears the younger kids start running around upstairs, waking up the oldest of the family. He chuckles thinking of the kids running into his room to find an empty bed, he won't be woken up by someone jumping on him this year.
Gregor grabs all the ingredients he’ll need for the cookies, starting with the flour. He pours it into a bowl, there's a cloud of flour in the air after he pours but he just ignores it. He grabs the milk and eggs next, being careful to measure it correctly, the eggs are cracked in a separate bowl then, once checked for shells, are poured in with everything else. Next is Gregor's favorite ingredient, sugar.
He measures out a little more than the recipe calls for since his brothers and cousins love it when he adds extra into the mixture, because they all have a big sweet tooth. He mixes it in, giving the batter a quick taste. Once he finds that the taste is good he adds the baking powder and butter, checking the taste just to make sure it's still good.
Once the batter has reached the desired consistency and sweetness, he grabs a selection of Christmas spices from a cupboard and places them on the counter. He separates the batter into 3 different bowls, each one for a different flavour. He will make some cinnamon, ginger and vanilla cookies, though he makes about a batch more of cinnamon cookies because almost everyone goes crazy over those.
He mixes in the spices in and then puts the batter onto the counter. Gregor goes to get a rolling pin and some cookie cutters shaped like Christmas trees and stars to give them that extra Christmas feel to them. He rolls out the batter evenly and then cuts some out, placing them onto a tray ready to go into the oven. Once they are all cut out and placed on baking trays, he puts them into the oven that was preheated earlier on and then grabs a sand timer that will tell him in 20 minutes that the cookies will be baked and ready. He turns over the small timer and takes it with him so he can join everyone to start opening presents.
Rex sits in a circle with the kids, everyone between the ages of 2 to 15 is there. They all have presents in their laps, ready to be opened, the older kids and adults just have to give the say. Cody walks into the room, glancing around and smiling.
“Okay, you can all open your present now!” 99 calls out, he's the oldest among them and is everyone's uncle. All the kids start ripping open their presents, Rex feels a little bit of fear for Anakin's present when he starts to shake it.
“Be careful, ani. You’ll hurt him.” the twelve year old knight in training looks at Rex with wide eyes.
“Him?” he asks, setting the box down gently. He rips it open, hearing a bark when he opens it. He gasps loudly.
“A PUPPY!!!!” he yells, hugging the young dog to his chest. Rex smiles at his best friend's happiness, it was hard work keeping the puppy a secret. And getting it into the box a little while ago was tough, he had to ask Obi Wan for help. The older knight was surprised when Rex had asked him about getting Anakin a puppy, but agreed. He could see why Cody loved the guy. Anakin put the puppy down, pouncing on Rex.
“Thanks Rex, I love him!”
"Aw, he's so cute! What will you name him, Skyguy?" Anakin looks to his left to see Ahsoka petting his new dog gently on its head.
He smiles at her, she's only three years old but he finds her so enthusiastic and sweet "Hmm…" Anakin thinks for a moment, looking deeply into the puppy's eyes. "I'll call him Artoo!" He says, and the puppy lets out a little bark and wags his tail. Anakin feels tears of happiness well in his eyes as he hugs him close to his chest again, feeling Artoo snuggle into him.
After a few moments of admiring the adorable sight, Rex sees Stutter hand him a present. "Here y-y-you go R-R-Rex. T-T-This is f-for you."
Rex takes the wrapped up box from Stutter,smiling as he does so. "Thank you." He is only four years old, so the wrapping is a little bit untidy, but he is just so sweet and thoughtful. He peels back the paper to reveal a box with a lid. Discarding the wrapping paper on the floor, he carefully lifts off the lid to reveal a drawing inside. "Wow! This is so good, I love it. Thank you very much, Vod'ika!" Rex thanks Stutter, making him smile and then giving him a big hug. "Is that me and you that you've drawn?"
"Y-Yeah! We are p-p-playing t-t-together." He grins, happy that Rex loves his present. Stutter loves art so much, so any chance he gets to do something creative he will go and make more pieces of artwork.
While everyone is busy exchanging presents and making conversation with one another, the air is filled with a delightful and sweet aroma, making the ballroom feel even more Christmassy. Gregor notices that the sandtimer has almost run out, so he gets up and heads to the kitchen.
Rex watches as Hardcase rips into the wrapped present, he shakes his head. He swears that Hardcase is younger than him, not the same age. Hardcase finds a jigsaw puzzle inside, it's a puzzle of knights in shining armor, riding their horses into battle.
“This is awesome!”
“Did you remember to check who it's from?” Rex asks, Hardcase makes a sheepish expression.
“Oops!” he looks around. Finding the name tag, it says that it's from Jesse.
“Thanks Jesse!” hardcase yells to the twenty year old, who smiles.
“Your welcome, Vod’ika!” Hardcase laughs, he absolutely cannot wait to put it together.
Not a moment later, Gregor returns with some plates of his freshly baked cookies. Everyone's eyes go wide as he starts to hand them out to everyone. They always love his baking, especially his Christmas cookies, they are his speciality.
Rex runs over to Gregor, grabbing a handful of cookies. He runs them back over to the group, handing them to Anakin, Hardcase, Ahsoka, Stutter and everyone else in the group. Each person gets one for now to be fair, they'll have more once the presents are all done.
Ahsoka is next to open a present. She rummages through the various other presents under the tree until she finds one with her name on it. It's wrapped in silvery white paper with snowflakes and has a big blue ribbon tied around it. The tiny Togruta's eyes light up and the cutest smile graces her face. "Found mine!" Ahsoka exclaimed excitedly. She runs back over to her Ori'Vod.
Ahsoka lost her family about a year ago and Rex took her in, taking care of her and it wasn't long before everyone in the castle became her new family. She is so happy to have so many great brothers and cousins there for her. When they found out that she could use the force, Obi-Wan suggested that Anakin should be her mentor in her training to become a knight when she is old enough.
"Who's it from, Soka?" Anakin asks, still petting Artoo in his lap.
"It's from…" she searches the box for the label and then reads it out loud. "Rex."
Rex smiles at her kindly. "Go ahead, open it. But be careful with it."
Ahsoka nods and her eyes sparkle with excitement as she begins to peel back the paper, revealing a wooden box. She holds it and looks a bit confused at it for a moment.
"Here, you open it like this." Rex gets up from his chair and crouches down next to her, showing her how to open it. She then opens it all the way.
There's a little ballerina posing as if she was dancing. The lady is wearing a cute pink dress and has a pair of slipper silhouettes in the same colour as the dress. Her hair is tied up in a bun with a ribbon.
“I tried to get you a Togrutan one, but I couldn’t find one anywhere, sorry.” Rex says apologetically, he searched for one for weeks but they were always sold out or just didn't sell them.
"It's okay, I love it so much! Thank you, Ori'Vod!" She puts down the box and gives Rex a big hug, wrapping her arms around his neck. Rex chuckles and hugs her back.
"You're welcome, Soka. There is something else to it as well." Ahsoka looks at him puzzled, not sure about what he means. Rex picks up the box and shows her the little key on the back. "Turn this around a few times and see what happens."
"Okay!" She is excited to see what happens. When she lets go of the key, the ballerina starts to turn around as music from inside the box plays a beautiful song. Ahsoka is in love with this gift. "Wow! Thank you so much, I love it!"
"You're very welcome." Rex smiles at her and then she runs off to another room to carry on listening to the melody that the box produces, completely amazed with her present.
Taglist: @pro-fangirls-unsocial-life @captainrexisboo
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missinghan · 4 years
what if we ⤖ lee minho
❖ genre : college au; roommates au
❖ word count : 4,1k.
❖ warning : explicit language
❖ summary : Minho is more than fed up with your nonsense of not having a roommate until you graduate because he’s desperately in need of a new place after getting kicked out.
❖ a/n : the continuation of roommate lino is out now!
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Minho takes dreadful strides into M.I.A Cafe, completely waterlogged from head to toe like a wet rat, drained from trying to walk back home without an umbrella—even if he had one, the wind would have taken him along with it on an exhilarating ride while Poseidon is throwing a rampage at Zeus or whatever gods up there.
He slumps into the nearest seat possible, sinking deeply into the cushioned surface only to stain the blue velvet with his sodden leather jacket. Anyone else happening upon the scene might notice a more than average looking college kid; Minho’s mesmerizing, he really is. But not just because of his catlike smile or stupidly good hair without even trying, it’s also because he’s the president of the dance club despite being a business major. It’s not hard for him to gain even more attention since he works at the cafe on campus anyway. 
However, all Woojin sees from overlooking his workplace is his idiotic coworker who left ten minutes ago has officially given up on going against the bloody family feud above and come back to make his life miserable. Kang is going to give him shit for the wet cushions because Minho’s shift has fortunately ended. And it only gets worse from there. The younger boy pushes himself off the chair and flings his dripping bangs away from his face before taking off his jacket, deciding it’s a good idea to sway it back and forth, splashing water all over the clean floor.
“Lee Minho,” Woojin raises his voice slightly but Minho simply ignores his threatening tone and stuffs his leather jacket into his backpack. 
The brunet makes his way over to the countertop, hopping effortlessly onto one of the bar stools. “I would like a Vietnamese coffee, please,” Minho shows his friend those ridiculous looking sparkly eyes like he just stepped out from an anime, and Woojin forces a smile through gritted teeth. “Come on, I’m tired, don’t look at me as if I’m in charge of the weather or something.”
Woojin remains silent, and so does his death glare. Hence, Minho gives in and props his head onto his hand lazily. “Fine, just give me a hot chocolate, I’m freezing over here,” he shivers stoically as his brain is multitasking (yelling at him and considering his options at the same time). With the sky roaring as if it’s raging on with other supernatural forces, Minho isn’t overly fond of heading outside by himself again. Meaning, plan A: get a ride or plan B: stay with Woojin until his graveyard shift is over. Minho’s having an eight AM tomorrow and he’s not about to walk up to the nurse’s office with a broken ankle for skipping three steps at a time. But in what world would a guardian angel appear out of nowhere to drive him home?
A random Twitter notification pops up and he swipes it away dejectedly, wholly uninterested. When Woojin slides the paper cup across the countertop, he catches a glimpse of Minho’s lock screen and gasps as if he just saw something out of the ordinary. It’s not. “You replaced your cats’ photo with Y/N’s instead? Okay, I see you, you sly little bitch,” he chuckles creepily while wiping his hand onto the white apron. 
“It’s temporary,” Minho sneers like a cat having someone step on its tail. “Besides, she hates it, that’s why I put it there.” 
“Yeah yeah, keep telling yourself that.”
Woojin is making a big deal out of this as if it’s a picture of you cuddling Minho or something. But in reality, it’s just a really ugly photo of you taking too big of a bite when he decided to flex his paycheck and took you out to a pizzeria. You forgave him because 1) you had the opportunity to eat real pizza after months of stocking up frozen ones from the supermarket, and 2) it’s only a matter of time until he’s over it and returns to his typical photos of his cats at home. 
“Yo,” Minho says after a sip of the hot beverage. “You’re moving out of Seungmin’s next week?”
Woojin replies, silently appreciating one of the rare civil conversations with his friend. “Yep, you? Don’t tell me that you haven’t found a place yet,” he stops himself right there, only to be met with complete dead silence. “Wait, you’re kidding, right? Aren’t you getting kicked out on Monday? How are you gonna find a place within three days?”
“Tough luck?” Minho shrugs nonchalantly, staring rather deeply at his lock screen, and an idea pops up inside his head. He feels the need to kick himself because he should have thought of this sooner. Biting his lower lip, he’s slightly nervous when his thumb taps onto your name in his contact. It’s not like you’re gonna rip his head off, why is he so jumpy about this anyway?
His train of thoughts get cut off when your raspy voice rings through his eardrums, “What do you want?”
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Your white Rover pulls up in front of the cafe after five minutes of cursing at him through the phone while dragging yourself out of bed and another ten to drive to your unwanted destination. 
“Get in before I rip your head off,” you deadpan, pushing your bangs away from your face. 
“I love you, did you know that?” Your heart totally didn’t skip a beat at that. He didn’t mean it, he couldn’t have meant it. It was lighthearted, it sounded lighthearted but was it supposed to be lighthearted? Great, now your heart just gives up on you while your brain is harassing you with some stupid assumptions without valid shreds of evidence. 
Minho smiles sheepishly at you after waving to Woojin—who isn’t very interested in his departure and enters your car in relief. Although you were doing nothing but spitting strings after strings of curse words at him, it genuinely made him feel at ease when he heard your voice through the phone, hanging by three percent of battery left. 
“Also, spill the hot chocolate, and I’m gonna throw you on the highway,” you warn him before starting the engine. The only problem with your morbid remarks is that Lee Minho is exclusively immune to them because he too, shares the same amount of insanity with you like how you both shared a sad tuna sandwich last Tuesday when the school canteen tried to recreate a Chipotle bowl. You both tasted it. And you were offended. 
Minho tosses his backpack to the backseats and replies in monotone, “I won’t, just don’t kill us. That’s all I’m asking from you.” He looks awfully good for someone who’s completely rain-soaked. How fucking unfair.
“That’s all?” you question without looking at him in the eye. He only hums a random melody from a song that you can’t quite remember before plugging his phone in with your speakers. Your face morphs into a frown at his vague reaction, “Usually one thing leads to another, you never ask me for a single favor and just leave me alone, are you sure that you didn’t forget your wallet and now you wanted a new tattoo?” 
He breaks into a fit of giggles at that, three are already enough for his ancestors to haunt him in his sleep. And your heart magically comes back more alive than ever at the sound; it really needs to stop doing that before you’re found dead on the street just by talking to him on the phone or something. “It’s not that,” Minho scratches the nape of his neck. “I’m basically gonna be homeless next week if I don’t manage to find a new place in like...three days.” 
The car grows silent for a second there before Didn’t know me by Heize starts blasting through the speakers when he puts one of his playlists on random. You look over at him deep in the eye, thinking rather thoroughly about this. And Minho starts feeling knots in his stomach when you avert your gaze back onto the road. Are you perhaps...mad at him?
“Don’t-even-think-about-it,” you deadpan. “You know how Yeji pleaded to move in with me after freshman year, and..failed miserably.”
“Come on! You can’t be this heartless, are you really gonna let me sleep on the sidewalk for a good three weeks?”
You click your tongue in annoyance while making a turn to the left. “I never said that you moron,” An eye roll soon follows your statement, and before Minho can even say anything, his mouth snaps shut, eyes wide. “You know that Chan lives alone right?”
He protests, “Chan always let Changbin and Jisung crash to make music. Besides, it’s a studio apartment, like hello? I’m not planning on losing my beauty sleep here. ”
“After the mess I made back there? He will murder me, Y/N,” Minho says without a single shred of fear in his voice, yet he’s giving you those Puss in Boots eyes as if he’s gonna let Woojin snap his head off that easily. Jeongin is still living on campus, and Minho would rather be sleeping with dead rats than sharing a room with Jisung because Seungmin would never let him step a foot onto his white carpet. 
You scrunch your nose and ignore the golden specks in his eyes, “You didn’t even try asking him, I’m sure he wouldn’t mind housing you for a few weeks. He’s a good guy and definitely doesn’t hate your ass enough to not let you sleep in the living room.”
“But,” he pouts sadly, in which you’re completely unaffected by. But here’s what makes your chest swell. “I like spending time with you,” he mumbles under his breath. Huh? Your heart rate falls flat before coming back to thunder inside your chest cavity twice as fast. Did he really just-
Minho sighs, and suddenly his shoulders start getting heavy. He feels rejected, but he shouldn’t since it’s not mandatory for you to let him stay with you. Perhaps, he’s nothing but a complete nuisance in your eyes after all. “But if you say so,” he murmurs, eyes turning stormy and you can feel a pit at your stomach. “I guess I’m gonna call Woojin then..”
And he ends the conversation there, abruptly. 
Raindrops knocking at your car’s windows. The sounds of his fingers tapping against the keyboard. Even your own rhythm of breathing. Everything’s piling onto your back as if you’ve just committed a terrible sin. 
Woojin is really busy this year, preparing for grad school and everything. And your current courses are pretty easy to handle, it’d be mean of you to let him contain Lee Minho while working two jobs. Especially when he’s constantly turning in assignments at a single minute right before the deadline. So with the little amount of morality left, you tell yourself to stop being a little bitch and start considering the possibilities of having a roommate for the very first time. 
“Fine,” you grumble after a good twenty seconds of thinking. “You can use my old air mattress, a month should be good before you’re able to find a new place. So we’re taking turns washing the dishes and splitting the bills in half, cool?”
Minho’s brain suddenly demands every part of his body to stop, his finger hovering over the ‘send’ button. “Gee okay, I get it, you don’t like having roommates. But you don’t have to be so pressed about it,” he concludes almost too fast for your brain cells to comprehend what’s going on in his mind. Was he even listening to you? “I knew you weren’t gonna let me stay with—“ His words instantly come to a halt, eyeballs ready to pop out of their respective sockets any second. 
“What?” he blurts, round eyes staring right at you expectantly. 
You scratch your nose with your ring finger when a coral tint rises on your cheekbones, something that you do a lot whenever you’re nervous. “I said you can come and stay with me for the time being,” you say lamely, having a spontaneous interest in the row of Sumikko Gurashi figures that Minho gave you on your birthday last year. “I don’t want you to poison Woojin with your cooking, roomie.”
“You’d better feed me then, Ramsay,” he beams with a bright smile—far brighter than the Sun itself and any of the stars above. And who were you kidding? It’s not his cooking that you’re worrying about. It’s not even Woojin that you’re worrying about. It’s him, you’re worried about him.
Besides, maybe you like spending time with him too. 
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After a whole night of hauling three gigantic cardboard boxes along with two suitcases into your apartment, you drag Minho’s ass out of bed at nine in the morning, push him into your car and slowly reverse out of your apartment’s parking lot. 
He’s not very attentive to his surroundings when he’s tired so he didn’t mind the monotonous voice of the news reporter coming out of the speakers. Whereas, he would have yelled at you by now to shut it off so he can blast his Spotify playlist at maximum volume to annoy people who apparently don’t know how to park their cars properly. Still, he only finished unpacking half of his luggage at four so it didn’t occur to him how little time he spent half-sleeping against your car’s window. 
It didn’t occur to him how you managed to maneuver him out of the vehicle either. But when his eyes start hurting from rubbing them too much, Minho realizes that you’re piloting him through an old couple shopping hand in hand, a sweaty man in his mid-forties wearing a tracksuit and a child tugging at his mom’s skirt, begging for a lollipop. He gazes downward, eyes stop dead in their tracks seeing your hand intertwined with his while your free one is scrolling through the list of groceries on your phone. 
“Good morning, Sleeping Beauty, glad that you’re finally awake,” the amount of sarcasm laced in your tone just makes the blush on his cheeks disappear in the span of half a second. 
Minho makes a face and pulls his hand back to grab a cart, trailing after your footsteps grimly like an obedient puppy. “Waking up early was not in the contract,” he lets out the loudest yawn possible without covering his mouth, no manners whatsoever. “That lawsuit for child labor? Pending.”
You chuckle dryly and toss a box of oatmeal cookies into the cart, not really caring that he’s sleepy and tired. You’re the one who’s driving after all. “It technically is,” you say with a meek smile and turn around, watching him throw in a bag of popcorn, barbecue flavored chips, and other junks that scream college staple food. He told you that he’s making use of the school’s gym five times a week but seeing the amount of trash that’s piling up, you doubt that his efforts are gonna matter at this point. 
“I told you that we’re grocery shopping every Monday morning because we both don’t have classes on Monday mornings.”
Minho only groans loudly like a damsel in distress until you both reach the vegetable aisle. He immediately goes for the asparagus and broccoli, probably to water down the amount of sodium from the chips. 
You’re not sure if it’s just because he’s sleepy but the rest of your banter while raiding the supermarket is fairly civil. In short, it’s the most normal conversation you’ve ever had with him. Not that you’re complaining, it's actually really nice to see how he also has a soft side to him. Not only did Minho grab the chicken breasts for Chan because that guy cannot live without them, but he also called Changbin to check which flavor of the protein bar that he prefers. It seems like he’s gonna crash at Chan’s place for an upcoming secret project. 
When you both queue up at the self-checkout line, he observes the light blue packaging of your shampoo curiously. He notices how you stopped getting the twelve ounces bottle and went for the twenty-four ounces one instead. 
“You’re still using this one? I thought you said you wanted to change it up every time?” He asks, propping his head onto your shoulder lazily. Minho remembers how you started to try out this brand three months ago and he laughed his ass off at you for being so determined to go through all of their scents. It’s dumb, yes, but he commented on every single one of them anyway. 
“Hello? Earth to Y/N?” 
Your body tenses up when he sniffs at your hair, nose brushing against the back of your ear, and it’s not helping either when his forearms are resting against the lines of your waist so he can hold onto the cart while you’re too busy bombarding Yeji with questions about the frat party she attended last night. You’re basically trapped between him and the cart; you can’t believe you’re only realizing that just now. 
“Hold up, I thought you usually go grocery shopping alone?” Yeji flips the table and inquires slyly on the other line, then she lets out an audible gasp. It’s so loud that Minho staggers backward from surprise, almost hitting the cart behind. “Is that Lee Minho?! Y/N, what are you two doing at the Asian market at ten AM? Together?!”
Words spill out of your mouth before you can even process them properly. “We saw each other coincidentally and ended up using the same cart.” And now you want to put your head through a wall because what kind of an answer was that? Your brain had to malfunction at that very moment, in the middle of that very call, it just had to. “Okay, whatever, I’ll tell you about it tomorrow during Park’s lecture, see you,” you hang up just like that, not knowing how to act because now you have to tell Yeji about how you—a complete loner—is finally having a roommate. But that roommate isn’t her specifically. 
“You good? You look a bit..feverish,” Minho rests a hand on your forehead while his free one pushes the cart forward. Still in a daze, your heart shudders, and your back accidentally comes in contact with his chest, making you drop your phone onto the carton of eggs in a panic. “Careful there, that’s two months worth of eggs,” he reminds you, clearly not having a single clue of how giddy you are right now. 
Also, saying that you’re giddy is an understatement. 
You shake your head and mutter, “Right, sorry, you were saying?”
“I just asked why you stopped trying the rest of the scents and committed to April Cotton so easily.”
“It’s because you said it’s the best one so far,” you answer honestly, almost too honestly because right now, Minho feels like someone’s using his heart to juggle right inside his chest cavity. 
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That night, after Minho’s monstrous shift at the cafe and three hours of you FaceTiming Yeji to procrastinate about a writing assignment, you both are sprawled across your white fuzzy carpet that sheds more than three of his cats combined. 
In between is an empty cup of McFluffy, a sad piece of pepperoni pizza and leftover fries, all being placed on a piece of newspaper because Minho’s promised you that if he ever dirtied your carpet, he’d take you to a concert. His bank account isn’t ready for that yet. A Dog’s Way Home just ended two minutes ago and as the ending credits roll, you’re all curled up inside your over-sized hoodie, sniffling into a piece of tissue. 
“Day one with your new roommate here and you’re already shedding tears Jesus Christ,” Minho tells you after stretching his limbs out tiredly, eyes becoming droopy.  
“Shut up,” you punch his arm and laugh, wiping the remaining of your tears with your sleeves. “I swear I saw your eyes watering when Bella reunited with Big Kitten.”
“They did not?” He shoots you a shit-eating grin when he settles back down onto the floor, supporting his head with his hands. To be fair, the CGI was kinda shitty, a little bit noticeable but the reunion was too emotional for him to care about something as meaningless as that. 
Minho ignores how you’re mumbling something and instead, turns onto his side and grabs a piece of fries, chewing obnoxiously. “So, Y/N,” he inquires rather cautiously. “How does it feel like to finally have good company along with good food?” 
You hum for a while but answer with little consideration, eye closed, “I could use someone with a smaller mouth, and a smaller ego too but yeah, it’s kinda dope.” And you open one side of your eyes to see him being the literal CTRL+V of the surprised Pikachu meme. He looks betrayed, as if someone just sneaked into your apartment and snatched all of his packets of instant ramen in one go, just like whoosh, out the door they go with his daily breakfast. 
“It feels kinda nice too,” you proceed to continue, staring at the ceiling to avoid eye contact with him. “Because I know although this person acts like an asshole most of the time, he’s just a really big softie on the inside. I like how he called his friends in the middle of his shopping trip to see if he’s getting them the right flavor of protein bars, how he paid for the groceries even though we’re equally broke, and how he skipped dance practice to volunteer at a nursing home every weekend.” 
You’re not looking, but you’re pretty sure that Minho’s smile is growing so big, his cheeks are about to crack in half. “I didn’t tell anyone about that,” he stifles a laugh. “It’s either you’re somewhat a creep or you’re just really cautious about what kind of people you let into your life.”
“I’m a loner, what can I say?” You chuckle lightheartedly, feeling slightly fuzzy inside for no particular reason. “I am really cautious when it comes to stuff like that because the more you let people into your life, the more it hurts when they decide they’re gonna leave you.”
“Hah! So that’s why you’re so stubborn about the whole not having a roommate thing?” You nod sheepishly at that, feeling kinda embarrassed because it feels like he’s unraveling your secrets right under your nose. 
The signature catlike smile lingers on his lips when you turn on your right to face him, and your useless heart thinks it’s a good time to skip a beat when your eyes meet his round ones with ridiculously beautiful lashes. You’ve never felt like this towards anyone before, it’s risky, you know it but you think you can trust him. You can trust Lee Minho. 
Although he wasn’t this big, sassy persona that has a questionable obsession with cats and dancing when you first met him. You encountered Minho for the very first time backstage at the school’s music festival to support 3RACHA’s performance. Initially, he made absolutely no effort to even greet you like how a civil human being would, but he was intrigued when he saw the SpiderMan plush keychain on your backpack. And it seemed like fate was only trying to push both of you closer together because you kept bumping into him on campus. So it’s only a matter of time before he decided that he hated eating lunch alone and asked for the empty seat next to you, offering you his watered-down cup of coffee. 
“What made you change your mind then? Why not just reject me?” Minho scoots closer to you, eyes sparkling with anticipation. 
“Because I feel like..you won’t be leaving me anytime soon..”
“Damn right, I can never stop bothering you.”
You don’t know where, how, or why you can muster every fiber of courage left inside of you to tell him that. But that doesn’t matter now, does it? Maybe this is a sign, the universe wants you to stop being so closed up all the time and open up to new people (regardless of how shitty you think they are) because life’s way too short to play the role of the lone traveler on this planet. And it’s madness to think that all it took this boy was half a cup of Vietnamese coffee and a call at such an ungodly hour for your heart to be completely his. Nothing’s gonna change much, you think. You’re gonna still free-fall into this hellhole called ‘college’ with your first world problems like everyone else but the only difference is that you don’t have to be alone anymore. There’s a hand for you to hold, a shoulder for you to lean on and your heart has found its new home. You don’t think you’ve ever felt it being so alive before. However, you’re not against it even when you’re still dubious. 
Because that’s how you’re supposed to feel your entire life. 
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❖ p/s : I hope you enjoyed this little monster that I managed to whip up in the past few days, I thought it’d be nice if I could give you guys smth as a “parting gift” for my [rest]. I was very, very sleep-deprived as I proofread this so please don’t come for me & I’ll see you in the next fic!
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ciggylungz · 4 years
Worship me- chapter.2
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Worship me- Chapter 2
Warnings: abusive family, arranged marriage, talk of sexual abuse/ child marriage, talk about religion and other triggering themes. (lots of angst as well)
Word count: 2.6k
Last chapter recap: Her fingers gripped her phone tightly as she typed in his number, writing him a text
‘Harry, it’s Y/n are you awake?”
His response was quick, maybe 30 seconds after she’d sent hers
‘yea, what’s up? You alright? Feeling better?’
A fresh wave of tears were building in her eyes, shaky fingers typing out her next message
‘no, Harry please help me. I’m scared please.’
The word that best describes Harrys current state is : panic.
As soon as he read her response his heart started to race, hands itching to clench into fists and his stomach felt like it’s been punched by Mike Tyson. He didn’t understand why he felt this surge of emotion, he’s not used to experiencing empathy or concern for people other than himself. He was a cold, confident and described as a ‘tough guy’ so he really didn’t know how to handle the way he was feeling right now, especially over his classmate. Harry was the type of guy who fucks and dumps a girl, he didn’t really care much but with y/n for some reason it was different and he didn’t know if he likes it or not.
‘what? What’s wrong Y/n?’
He was gnawing on his lip waiting for her reply, his forehead breaking out into a cold sweat from the stress when she took over three minutes to reply.
‘my parents hurt me Harry, please help me’
Immediately he was on his feet, marching towards his mothers room since she took his car keys at night, trying to prevent him from sneaking out at least on school nights. He didn’t care it was midnight, someone asked him for help and he was going to try his fucking hardest to do so.
“Mum! Mum please open the door! I need my keys it’s an emergency” Harry felt a bit guilty about pounding on his sleeping mothers door at such a late hour, but he has to focus on something else right now. When a sleepy confused Anne cracked her door open, squinting at the hall lights he took his chance to barge in, “Harry, what are you doing? What happened baby?” the boy plucked his car keys from the little bowl on her dresser turning back to his confused mum. “I’m sorry, I’ll explain later but my friend needs help. It’s Y/n, you know the girl I did a project with? The sweet one? She needs help. I love ya’ mum I’ll be safe I swear.” As soon as he entered the room, he left slipping his shoes on as he slipped out the door to rush to his car, fumbling with his phone to send another text to her.
‘I’m on my way, what’s the plan? Are your parents asleep?’
He cursed to himself when his nervous hands dropped his keys under his seat while on their way to be shoved into the ignition. His ringtone sounding deafening to his ringing ears.
‘They are still awake. This was a bad idea, I’m sorry for bothering you. I shouldn’t of overreacted.’
Y/n was shaking, her parents had come knocking on her door just as Harry texted her about his whereabouts and she immediately knew she wouldn’t be getting out of there and she was stuck doing damage control through a text while trying to stuff her phone under her mattress so her parents didn’t break down her door. She somehow managed to do it all in 10 seconds, swinging her door open to reveal her mother. Y/n shivered from the look her mother was giving her. She knew what was going to happen and she wanted to vomit from it. Her parents would force her to do ‘purity checks’ whenever they thought she was disobeying god. It was a humiliating experience, painful and it made her feel sick every time. she felt stripped of all security and privacy when her mother did a gynecologist type exam on the young girl to make sure her hymen is still intact justifying it saying, ‘when you disrespect god, we have to make sure you aren’t doing it from lack of purity’ ‘no husband will want a dirty girl’ ‘it makes god happy’, but it didn’t make Y/n happy. It made her scared, it felt wrong but she knew she didn’t have a choice and she was royally fucked if Harry was still on his way there.
Her tongue was numb from how hard she had bitten down on it, silent tears puddling at the side of her face while her mother did her ‘check’ on her daughter. Y/n was mortified, felt entirely violated and was trying to resist the urge to vomit. Y/n has started to disassociate during stressful times like this. She forced her mind to go else ware so she wouldn’t completely break down. If she let her mind convince her she was on the beach, wrapped in a warm towel with the sunsetting it made the reality less loud to her.
Her lucid state vanished as her mother removed herself from between her legs, noting she was still ‘pure’ and ‘valuable for trade’. The dehumanizing way of speaking, truly and deeply made Y/n feel like nothing more than an object. A possession that’s meant to be bought and sold, rather then the young woman she was growing to be. Feeling worthless was something she was becoming accustomed too even when it made her feel like maybe, life wasn’t worth living anymore. She didn’t like feeling like this.
The tears didn’t seem to stop while she walked into her bathroom, dipping her head down to take a sip of water from the faucet to try to soothe her pounding head.
When she was sure everyone else was asleep, she felt grabbed her phone from under her mattress finding loads of messages from Harry.
‘what? Love, you’re scaring me what’s going on?’
‘I’m coming anyway, I don’t care.’
‘I’m outside, whenever you see this let me know because I’m not leaving I’m parked by the end of the block.’
‘Y/n please, please answer me. you’re not okay I know it’
y/n was conflicted. She felt trapped, her way out was so close yet felt so fucking far. She didn’t know what to do, her head felt like it was going to explode.
‘sorry, my mum came in and did a purity check. Had to hide my phone. I’m sorry I scared you I shouldn’t have said anything. You can go home I’m sorry Harry.’
Harry lifted his forehead off his steering wheel when he heard his phone go off, a frown etched deep on his face while he read it. What the fuck is a purity check? Why is she defending her parents? Why is she apologizing for asking for help? It didn’t sit right with him, not one bit. Harry had met y/n’s father once at a school event and he didn’t like the vibe he gave off in the slightest. He reminded him of how the handsy priests looked at the young girls at school, her father had cold eyes was basically emotionless and spoke about Y/n like she was a dog or an object. It made his skin crawl then, and now more than ever his alarm bells were going off. Harry was good at reading people and energy they gave off. He was associated with drug dealers, and other not so savory characters and he had a good reader on for when they were sketchy, or untrustworthy and her father definitely gave that vibe.
‘no, y/n I’ll break into your house if I have to. You either come with me willingly or I come in and get you. I’m not leaving without you.’
His response woke Y/n up a bit. She was reminded why she asked for help earlier, the feelings coming back completely. And so, she listened. When she heard the soft snores start to grow louder coming from her parents’ room, she started quietly gathering up a small bag with her phone, a charger, her school bag and a toothbrush. She was still dressed in her school uniform from earlier, she never had a chance to change. Her knuckles were swollen, bruised and aching while she zipped the bag tiptoeing down the steps and fleeing through the door in only her tight clad feet dashing towards Harry’s car.
 Harry jumped when he heard the sudden knocking on her car window, seeing Y/n he immediately unlocked the door breathing a sigh of relief when she hopped in the car. He felt better knowing she was with him now, she was safe for the time being, and as soon as he looked at her, she burst into tears. Big fat tears coming from her pretty eyes, rushing down her cheeks as choked sobs rattled through her throat. He felt a foreign pang in his chest seeing the usual sunny girl breaking down in front of him. “Here, hey c’mere.” He spoke softly to her, his hands moving to bring her over into his lap using his free one to pull a lever so the seat slides back to give them enough space for her to be held securely in the older boys embrace. “it’s okay, everything’s gonna be alright. You’re safe, I’m not going to hurt you. Not gonna let them hurt you either. Breathe Y/n breathe, god you’re shaking like a leaf darling.” He kept his tone level and soft while he spoke to her, stroking her back and hair trying to calm her down enough so he can drive them somewhere safer.
Y/n sat herself up a bit to wipe her eyes, only then did Harry see the damage on her poor hands. It looked horrible, how someone’s knuckles look after punching a concreate wall. He gently took her hands in his, looking over the injury sucking in a pained breath “Christ love, what did they do to you? Does it hurt? can you bend them?” she nodded and showed him how she could still ball her fists even with the bad pain, which showed him they weren’t broken.
“C-can we le-leave please? Y-you can drop m-me at the school and I’ll c-camp out there till we have class. I don’t have anywhere e-else to. I c-can go back home if yo-you want me to-“ she was rambling, she felt like a burden. Y/n really didn’t know where to go from here, where did she even have to go? Her sisters were hours away with their husbands, she didn’t have any friends and there was no where to go. “No no, you can come to my house. Not letting you sleep outside that shithole. Can come to my house, promise I won’t hurt ya’”
At this point she was too tired to fight, too upset to refuse so she simply nodded and let him place her back in her seat and make the drive towards his home.
“Here, drink some water. Do you want to change hon?” Harry had Y/n sit on the couch as they got into his home, handing her a bottle of water before sitting on the coffee table in front of her. “No, I don’t have any clothes. I’ll just keep this on since we have school in a few hours. I’ll just have to wait to get home before I can change.” Y/n wasn’t really understanding the situation at hand, she didn’t see the turmoil around her like Harry did. “No no, we’re taking the day off school and you’re not going back home till I know what the hell is going on there. you can wear some of my clothes. They’ll be big on you but it’s better than our shitty uniform.” He insisted, holding her chin to make her look at him. “Harry those are bad words, shouldn’t say that.” Her reply was soft, reminding him she still was y/n sweet and innocent. But right now, he needed to be the mature and brutally honest person for her because she was clueless.
With some gentle convincing Y/n finally agreed to change. He gave her privacy while she changed into the baggy sweat pants and hoodie that seemed to swallow her since they were so large. Harry thinks she’s never looked smaller, more fragile, or cuter. But right now wasn’t for crushes or cuteness, this was a time to take care of the girl. “Comfortable? Good, here finish the water and eat a few of these crackers. Can sleep in my bed, I’ll take the couch yea?”
She did as she was told, sipping the water till it was gone and munching on the saltines while she sat on his bed laying down when she was finished.
Harry took a blanket and pillow downstairs and started to situate himself on the couch, getting himself comfortable before a soft padding on the steps caught his attention and there was Y/n standing with misty eyes holding one of his blankets in her hand. “What’s wrong love?” “Scared…scared to be alone I’m sorry…c-can you stay with me please? Or i-I can sleep on the floor while you sleep on the couch so I’m not alone?” Harry took a few moments to think her words over, his mind slow from his tiredness but Y/n in her fragile state took this as a dismissal and so she nodded to herself and sniffled, “It’s okay, sorry for asking…sleep well Harry.” Before he could respond she had rushed back up the steps and into his room. She felt embarrassed, small and vulnerable. Her mind screaming, she was ‘stupid’ for even asking him that, she was convinced he only pitied her and that’s why she’s here. She couldn’t fathom the idea of anyone actually wanting her around or caring about how she feels. While in her current mental state with the loud thoughts banging on the inside of her skull, she started putting her things back in her bag, planning to leave so he could sleep without being bothered by her.
“What are you doing?” Harry’s voice seemed 10 times louder as he stood against his doorframe, rubbing his tired eyes while watching Y/n scramble to collect her belongings. Her movements halted instantly, nerves making her feel sick yet again. “W-was just gonna go home. I’m sorry I shouldn’t of come here, you did so much for me I just have to change and I’ll be gone, I’m sorry.” Her speech was frantic, fumbling her words a bit as she tried to rush it out. “What? Is this because of what you asked? Love I’m sleepy took me a minute to form coherent words. Relax put the bag down, lay down I’ll stay with you.”
When she didn’t react he took it upon himself to remove the bag from her shaky bruised hands, gently placing it on his desk and guiding her to lay in his bed moving in next to her before flipping the lights off.
“Harry?” her voice was mouse like, but he still heard it. “yea love?” his hand searched for hers in the dark, “Thank you for helping me…means a lot…i-I’m afraid Harry...” once he grabbed her hand he remembered it was injured, opting to wrap his arm around her shoulders instead. “Scared of what Y/n?” there was a few beats of silence before she timidly answered, “My parents…and God”
Harry took a deep breath before responding, “Well, you don’t need to be scared of God. You’ve done nothing wrong. Your parents are going to be punished by him, not you. And for your parents…can you please tell me what is going on?”
“what do you want to know?”
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btsmosphere · 4 years
When You Know | KSJ x MYG
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~summary: Seokjin and Yoongi aren’t just neighbours. They are enemies. Well, either that or they were destined to be in each other’s arms, but Yoongi can’t see that happening (nor can his cat). Let their friends try all they want, but they’d have to weather storms together and stand back to back in battle before Yoongi would look twice at Jin... Jin x Yoongi ~word count: 3.3k ~enemies to lovers, soulmate au (you have the name of your enemy AND your soulmate tattooed, without knowing which is which), neighbour au, crack, humour, fluff, angst if you squint? Rating: pg13 Warnings: swearing, that’s it :) ~a/n: welcome to my first mxm fic! This is for a special occasion as it is the wonderful @eternalseokjin​‘s birthday!! To celebrate Dean’s birthday over at @thebtswritersclub​ we were sent a bingo card and a challenge to include everything on it in one fic. Our regular mxr content will resume soon, but this has been super fun to write, even if the outcome is -ahem- quite chaotic. So, enjoy, but don’t ask me what’s going on here. I don’t know, and the characters certainly don’t either...
At the end of the fic, I will include what was on my bingo square, in case anyone wants to know, and some basics about d&d for those who (like me a few weeks ago) know nothing about it, but I promise you don’t need to know this to read the fic!
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“You’re not serious.”
“I am totally serious.”
Namjoon’s straight-faced response matched Yoongi’s exactly, leaving the two in a sort of staring contest. Seeing no change in the other, Namjoon cracked first, slumping back into the sofa with a sigh.
“Yoongi, come on. It’s not that big of a deal-“
“Why would I want to do it?” Yoongi grumbled.
“it’s just a bit of fun-“
“Then go and do it with Seokjin. I’m sure you’ll have a great time playing wizards, or whatever the fuck-“
“That’s the entire point!” Namjoon threw his hands up in frustration, “we will all be playing, you and Jin included, and we will have a great time.”
Yoongi wasn’t sure if he had ever been threatened with having fun before. Staring back at his friend, his expression remained guarded. Eventually, he sucked at his teeth, turning his eyes away from the younger man.
“Fine,” he bit out.
“Thank you,” Namjoon huffed, pushing on his knees to stand up, “we’ll start at 5 on Sunday, but I’ll get here earlier. Jin will bring food to make up for the trouble.”
Following Joon out to see him off, Yoongi’s brows furrowed.
“Wait- what trouble? And what do you mean you’ll get here-“
“You’ll be hosting. Okay, bye!”
The door was shut in his face before he could protest any further. Cursing Namjoon for knowing him so damn well, Yoongi stomped to the kitchen and soon began scrubbing the teacups to within an inch of their life.
He’d heard of dungeons and dragons before. Well, vaguely. It hadn’t occurred to him before to pay attention to Namjoon whenever he spoke about it, because surprisingly enough, he hadn’t expected his friend to suddenly whip it out as a method of forcing him and Seokjin – his mortal enemy – to bond.
The whole mortal enemy thing wasn’t even an exaggeration.
What else were you supposed to think when the new neighbour, whose name happens to be printed on your wrist, tries to turn your cat over to the authorities on their first day after it launched a ‘targeted attack’ on their pet sugar gliders.
Yoongi was yet to meet the mysterious V that graced his other wrist, but he knew for sure that Kim Seokjin was his enemy. He could not be soulmates with someone who thinks it’s okay to leave a pair of sugar gliders by an open window and not expect a cat to see them as a tasty meal.
When they had learned each other’s names, and of course connected them with their tattoos, an icy silence fell between the neighbours.
Every now and then, Yoongi would get a reminder of the fact his mortal enemy lived next door. Like this morning, when Seokjin’s wheely bin had blown over and spilled rubbish onto his lawn.
Yes, that man’s evil knew no limits.
And if Yoongi would have to endure his friends’ attempts at reconciling the two of them, in his own house, then he was sure of one thing. He was not going to eat Seokjin’s cooking. It was probably awful, anyway.
That Sunday, at precisely five minutes to five, Namjoon arrived. Yoongi’s eyes widened in alarm at the bulging folder held under his arm. He really had come prepared. Yoongi had barely spent twenty minutes scribbling down some things about his character. Well, except when he had to read all about the different class choices… and then when he needed to select the perfect traits… and picking his spells was quite tough too…
“Are you excited?” Namjoon grinned as he set his stuff down, but then he faltered, “…I did tell you Jin would bring food, didn’t I?”
“Can’t remember,” Yoongi muttered.
He slouched over to the sofa while Namjoon shrugged, grabbing a bite from the nearest bowl of snacks. The table was littered with them, and Yoongi would never admit just how early he had got up that morning to start cooking.
Jungkook turned up next, and of course the brat would instantly wolf down the tub of popcorn rather than the bites Yoongi had been slaving over.
Seokjin’s was the last knock on the door, and a timid one at that. Although it may have had something to do with the food his arms were laden with.
As Yoongi opened the door (Namjoon had shoved him towards it before anyone else had the chance to respond), he couldn’t help but feel the slightest bit guilty. It seemed his neighbour had worked just as hard as him on preparing it all.
But still, more of a grimace than a smile showed on his face.
“This way,” he spoke through gritted teeth.
His guilt was short-lived, irritation setting back in as Seokjin invited himself into the kitchen to put down his things. Jungkook bounded after him almost instantly, the pair’s loud greeting audible from the next room.
Turning away bitterly, Yoongi sat in the empty seat between Namjoon and Taehyung, determined to keep his distance from Seokjin.
In time, however, he came to regret this decision, if only because it put Seokjin in full view of the eyes Yoongi so desperately wanted to roll when he announced he wanted to attempt to charm his way to free dinner at the first inn they got to. His reason? His stupid elf claimed to be ‘worldwide handsome’.
The infuriating smirk on his face as he declared this (and then proceeded to pass his roll, because of course) left Yoongi with little doubt this arrogance was nothing but a projection.
After introducing themselves, Yoongi slumping back in his chair the whole time, he let the others take the lead as they set off to find monsters, or something. A pointed look from Namjoon prompted him to pay more attention.
In fairness, he had been a bit creeped out when Taehyung announced he had named his character ‘V’, but he tried his best to listen to the adventure as Namjoon described it. And so they went along, the supply of snacks steadily dwindling as they made their way through some ruins.
The scene was quite vivid, until-
“That’s cat food, Jungkook!”
“Urgh, gross,” Jimin groaned as Jin pried the bowl away from the sheepish-faced younger.
If it had been anyone else, Yoongi would have returned the fond-but-exasperated look they were all well practised in, given the nature of their younger friends. As it was, he ducked his head, scribbling nonsense on his notepad.
It would be a lie if Yoongi said he wasn’t quite proud of himself for solving a riddle to get them into the final room, and getting the final hit on the hellhound inside. And maybe, just maybe, he was a little excited for their next game.
Shutting the door at long last, Yoongi paused for a moment.
Screw Namjoon and his good ideas.
Clearing away the dishes, Yoongi couldn’t help a glance out the window to watch as Seokjin let himself in to his own place, his own stack of plates in his arms. Not that he would ever admit it, Yoongi hadn’t been able to resist just one bite…
Well, it turned into a lot more than that. Maybe Seokjin was a good cook after all.
But that was just one redeeming quality. Best not get ahead of himself.
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Yoongi was in trouble.
It had only been a couple more weeks, but he knew that much. As they sat around his table, he caught himself laughing along to Jin’s jokes. And look, he was already calling him Jin! No, he had to stick to Seokjin, the evil neighbour, his enemy.
If he got fond, he would only be sorry later when Jin – Seokjin – did something to remind Yoongi of what a terrible person he was.
Shame all of this seemed to slip his mind the moment Jin came around again.
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“The slope is steep, with rocks falling where you move your feet. You can still hear the song, though, and you are certain it’s coming from inside the dark opening you can see at the bottom of the path.”
“No. Absolutely not,” Yoongi was the first to speak.
“Are you kidding? We just spent like an hour trekking over here specifically because of that music,” Taehyung was next to chip in, jabbing his finger into the table.
“It wasn’t an hour,” Yoongi rolled his eyes, “Joon told us it was hour, it was what? One minute?”
A high pitched giggle from Jin was overtaken next by Jimin.
“No, I can feel the weariness in my bones! It won’t be complete until we hear the song!”
“We’ve been hearing it all this time! Aren’t you guys sick of it by now?” Jin retorted.
“No! Joon specifically said it’s the most beautiful music we’ve ever heard,” Tae insisted.
“I don’t give a shit if there’s a chorus of angels in there, my dexterity is not gonna let me get down that cliff,” Yoongi folded his arms to punctuate his argument.
“Ugh, fine, well I want to go down with V,” Jimin said.
The two factions that had emerged looked expectantly towards Namjoon.
“Okay, so V and Christian want to go down and Genie and Suga want to stay here. Anyone else?”
“Yeah, I’ll go down,” Kook shrugged.
All heads turned now to Hobi. Unease written all over his features, he glanced between the two groups.
“Come one, don’t be boring, hyung!” Jimin elbowed him.
“Yeah, come with us!” Kook bounced in his seat as Taehyung switched on the puppy eyes with a string of ‘pleeeease’s.
Cracking under the force of the youngers’ begging, Hoseok laughed and agreed.
Folding his arms, Yoongi leant back in his chair, more than ready to be a bystander to whatever the hell the others were about to get themselves into.
The others of course had an irritating success rate, somehow making it down the cliff without plummeting to their deaths. Not that Yoongi would ever wish death upon his own party members. Of course not.
It would have been funny, though.
Anyway, despite his aversion to following them, Yoongi admittedly was a little curious about the mysterious music they had followed here.
“Stepping inside the cave, the party hears the music louder than ever, ringing in their ears as it bounces off the rocks, making its source unclear. However, it doesn’t offend your ears. The cave extends further into the cliff, and you follow the sound further in. But as you take a step, a great groaning drowns out the music. Behind you, the mouth of the cave shifts, everything around you going black.
“Those of you at the top of the cliff stumble back from the edge as they see the path crumble away into the sea from the shaking of the earth.”
Namjoon sniggered softly at the silence that followed.
Staring at him with comically large eyes, Hobi and Tae looked terrified. As Yoongi watched, Tae slowly turned his head, a smirk turning the edges of his mouth underneath puppy eyes.
“Come rescue us?” he asked sheepishly.
Before Yoongi could respond, Jin was cutting him off.
“Well, that was a fun detour! Where was it we were heading again, Yoongi?”
Yoongi had been preparing to be mad at Seokjin, but his glare dissolved quickly into a snort.
“Yeah, that demon up the road needs seeing to,” he agreed, creating instant uproar from the others.
“You can’t leave us!”
“Justin’s scared of the dark!”
However, Jin’s squeaky laugh as he revelled in the others’ pain was all Yoongi could hear. Then Jin leaned closer.
It was all Yoongi could do not jump from his seat when Seokjin’s voice spoke in his ear.
“Shall we leave them?” he was barely containing his mirth.
Feeling rather like he was plotting a prank in the back of the classroom, Yoongi grinned and agreed with a nod. He didn’t quite trust his voice to function as Jin’s breath tickled his cheek.
“We’re leaving!” Jin declared, sitting back in his chair, satisfied.
Before any more chaos could erupt, Namjoon continued with a smirk.
“Okay, so Suga and Genie carry on their previous path, away from their friends and the cliff…”
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This was officially getting out of hand.
First of all, Yoongi couldn’t believe how eagerly he was anticipating the weekend, when Seokjin and the others would come around.
Particularly worrying, however, was the way Yoongi had to restrain himself from going to see Jin before Sunday rolled around. It was as if that writing on his wrist was staring at him. The more he tried to look away, the later he would find himself sat up at night, glancing between his wrists and what was written there.
Surely, if Kim Seokjin was his enemy, he wouldn’t be dying to ask how he makes his ramen taste so good. Or how his day was, or any trivial thing, just to be able to have Jin’s eyes on him and his voice in his ears.
Second of all, he had no idea how their campaign had devolved into such utter chaos.
Since the party split, the others made friends with the sirens they found in the cave, and ended up at a drinking party with some demons while Yoongi and Jin were nearly killed by one some miles away on the surface. The demons had apparently taken a particular shining to V, as a tiefling, which resulted in the group they abandoned somehow siding with the very demons they were trying to kill at the start.
Last Sunday had seen Yoongi and Jin going out of their way to find random things to beat to death in the forest, trying to get as many points as possible to face off against four members and goodness knows how many demons.
Yes, this had got rather out of hand.
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Two old foes stand face to face on a precipice. Around them, fire blazes. This battle has ravaged the very land they stand upon, whipped the air into a frenzy.
Admittedly, they can barely remember what started this feud. Rumour has it these two great powers were friends, once. If that was so, it was a long time ago.
V stands, battle-worn, waiting for his adversary to make a move.
Suga looks at the body of his fallen companion.
“I’ve only got one spell slot left.”
“Use it,” a whisper returned.
“Aren’t you dead?! Stop talking to each other!” Jimin exclaimed, finger pointing accusingly towards Jin.
“Okay,” Yoongi cut in before they could start arguing, “if this hits, I can take him down. But there’s a fat chance of that, with his AC…“
Trepidation filled him as he looked across the table to Taehyung, a small but unmistakeably victorious smile already on his lips.
A dry chuckle came from one side.
“It’s been a good run,” Jin clapped him on the shoulder.
“Are you accepting defeat?” Joon prompted.
“No…” a hand ran down Yoongi’s face, “I’ll give it a go…”
“There’s no way! If you succeed…” Jin laughed, “if you succeed, I’ll kiss you.”
A quiet round of laughter went around the others, too focussed on the dice in Yoongi’s hand to pay it any mind. But Yoongi could no longer concentrate on that. What did Jin just say?
He couldn’t mean that.
There was no way he would kiss Yoongi. Was there?
All he could hear was the slow drumming of his heart rushing in his ears. The breath caught in his throat as he reminded himself to raise his hand, dice cupped inside.
It wasn’t just the defeat of V he hoped for as it rolled off his fingers, dropping onto the tabletop.
The faces flipped over, every eye trained on it. Around the table, there was no sound. Even Jungkook had stopped munching his popcorn, mouth hanging open.
Round, round, round…
Yoongi caught a glimpse of 20, the magic number, right within reach.
A small thud, the dice settling. A number glared up at him.
All the air left his lungs, deflating as he stared at the number. For a second, the table remained silent as everyone came to terms with the roll, the only sound the tapping of his cat’s paws-
When Yoongi turned to find his cat leaping onto the table, it was already to late to grab her as she dashed across the surface. As she went, her paws caught a bowl of snacks, Joon’s notepaper, the dice. Hobi exclaimed with shock, several yells going up as everyone snatched their own stuff out of her way. Jungkook had dived after the snacks.
“Hey!” Yoongi shooed her as he stood up, watching her dart out into the hall.
“Oh my god…”
The small mutter from Jimin caught his attention. Looking around, Yoongi found him staring at the table and followed his gaze to the crime scene. In the centre of which, the dice still lay.
But now, a different number was displayed.
Yoongi’s jaw dropped. It was 20.
“That’s not fair!” Taehyung cried.
“Shush Tae, Jin has to do what he promised,” Hoseok teased, nudging a very red-eared Jin.
“Yah! Hey, I-I, that’s-” Jin spluttered, mouth seemingly fixed open as his cheeks warmed, growing defensive.
As Yoongi watched, Jin only stuttered more under the teasing cries erupting from the other boys as they egged him on with an array of ‘go on’s and ‘you said you would!’
“I-I-“ his eyes flickered over to Yoongi’s.
And despite the jeering and laughter in the background, neither of them looked away. Jin’s lips remained parted, ears pink with embarrassment, protests lodged in his throat.
Yoongi stepped forwards and kissed him.
The distance between them closed in the blink of an eye, Yoongi’s hand flying to Jin’s jaw as he pulled him in, turning his back to the gasps and cheers of their friends.
But they didn’t hear it. Not when their lips were pressed together like this, lighting fireworks in Yoongi’s stomach until he felt like sparks might fly out of his fingertips, the ones he was trailing down Jin’s neck, the ones pulling at the small of his back to bring him closer.
The others had gone quiet.
By the time he groggily pulled away, Yoongi seemed to have forgotten what the world looked like. Were his feet even on the ground?
In what was probably a mirror image of his own face, Jin stared back at him, eyes wide and those perfect lips round with shock. Jin’s fingers trembled as he brought them to his mouth.
“Holy fuck.”
“U-uh, guys,” a small voice from behind them did little to snap them from their trance.
“That was-“ Yoongi breathed, words escaping him.
“It’s you, you idiot!” a grin broke onto Jin’s face.
A laugh left Yoongi’s throat, taking him by surprise.
“It- really?”
“Did you not feel that too?”
Eyes still not leaving the beautiful man in front of him, Yoongi realised. Jin was completely right. Everyone had always told him how it would feel, when he kissed his soulmate. Like butterflies, or a flame, or like the world turned golden.
But through all the different feelings people described, there was one common thread. When you know, you know.
“You’re my soulmate.”
It wasn’t something he had to question, the words leaving him as easily as air.
“You’re my soulmate!”
And then he was wrapped up in Jin’s arms, his lips captured once again, euphoric feeling surging through his body once more.
“Come on, guys…” Namjoon’s groans were completely ignored.
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Taehyung was still a bit put out that V had been slain at the last hurdle, but it hardly seemed fitting to be angry about it anymore, what with his two friends falling in love in front of him.
Everyone left together after the revelation, and pretty swiftly at that, deciding to leave them to it. And for once, Jin wouldn’t be leaving with them, even if he would only be one house away.
Smile never once leaving his face, Jin turned to Yoongi after shutting the door.
“So, what are we going to do about my sugar gliders?”
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Thanks everyone for reading!! Reblog if you liked it xx
Taglist: @aianloveseven​ @preciouschimine​ @kb-bangtanenthusiast​
Okay, for anyone interested, my bingo card contained: dungeons & dragons, neighbours, enemies to lovers, namjoon, yoonjin, cats, fluff, music, soulmates And here are some dnd basics for those who want them: you have a dungeon master or dm (Namjoon here) who tells a story. The others play as a character and choose what they want to do in the given situation. There are scores that dictate how good your character is at certain traits, and you roll the dice to see whether you succeed in your choices. That’s really all you need to know for the purposes of this fic, but you can ask me any questions too!
Lastly, I have to give another HUGE happy birthday to the amazing writer and friend and person @eternalseokjin​!! I hope you have the best day, you really deserve it! I’m so glad to have met you and of course played dnd together in the net! Lots of love xx
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Price for Flight
Summary: Modern! Au! After a brief accident in bumping into him, reader and Taishiro became friends, then he left to his home country in Osaka, Japan, but not before they exchanged phone numbers and mailing addresses. Cue shared memories, laughs, and pining from an international distance from high school, to college, and after.
Notes: Guess who’s been listening to Sister Christian by NightRanger, and had the idea of international friendship/crushes with each sharing gifts, knowledge, and videos of events from each one’s respective country? Wanted to start off with a fluffy fic for Fluff November.  
Warnings in the fic: a little bit of blood in the beginning, curse words, and there will be a 2nd chapter, but it’ll have smut in it, so if you want just fluff, you can read this chapter as is.
Disclaimer: I have the Big Dumb, and so my writing is used to sculpt real life cities, countries, and traditions for pure fictional purposes. Everything isn't lined to a T with my limited knowledge.
“I’m so sorry!” You found yourself shouting out loud. It was an accident. You had a vase of reddish yellow rose buds that you’ve just recently cut within the school’s garden. Walking down the hallway to place them in your classroom’s window, you tripped. It wasn’t like you planned on tripping, who could have known that tiny rocks could do that?
What made matters worse, you tripped into somebody, spilling water and crushing rose petals onto the poor student who hastily caught you.
“Are you alright?!”
“I’m so sorry!”
Came out from the both of you at the same time. Your face was red with embarrassment, trying your best not to inwardly wail. It was the cute student from Japan, Taishiro Toyomitsu, you recalled. Although you had trouble with pronouncing his name, you tried your best to learn it out of respect.
He was pudgy, and had a Japanese accent mixed in with an odd southern accent, and all around, you couldn’t help but think that he was a little cute. Sure he was new, and your friends found him to be a little weird, but he was always nice and polite, and insisted on everybody call him “Tai-chan”. Now, you were leaning up against him, fingers bloody from the thorns cutting into you, and the both of you fussing over one another.
“You’re bleedin’!”
“There’s blood on your shirt! I’m so sorry!”
The two of you stared at each other, both embarrassed and apologetic.
“Please let me take you to the infirmary?” He broke the silence as the blood from your little cuts smeared into his uniform.
“Okay.” You gave in, tucking your hand into your shirt as you set the vase down out of the way. You’ll make sure to clean it up, later. ……
You honestly felt bad. He had a dirty and wet uniform on, because of your clumsiness. Luckily, the nurse patched up your hand, and he called his mother, speaking fluent Japanese while you stared, impressed. The nurse had the two of you wait while his mom dropped off his clothes, and she telling the janitor and teacher of what happened to you.  
“That’s super cool!” You blurted out truthfully when he was done. His face reddened a bit, as if embarrassed. Of course you knew why. Some of your classmates are jerks, and he stood out like a sitting duck, waiting to get bullied. You didn’t see him get picked on, but you knew that he was. Kids are mean, and gossip spreads.
“Ya think so?” He asked. You nodded without hesitation.
“I’m not the only one, though.” Passing the time, you told him that several students were impressed, and he shouldn’t listen to vulturous children. You were a kid, and unsure on how good your advice was, but he seemed to brighten up. It was too soon for you to leave and go to class, but you had too.
“Ya wanna hang out, after school?”
You replied quickly after his outburst, and he couldn’t help but smile sweetly, whilst you felt your heartbeat quicken. ………
      That was how the two of you had met, you remembered it so clearly, the feelings of your teenaged heart were confusing, but you wanted to find every excuse in the book to just be near him. It was a close, endearing friendship, and the two of you had taught each other a lot of things whenever you could.
Your friends began to like him, too, and the bullying lessened as the two of you were basically attached to the hip. They corrupted him, showing him memes, funny videos and such, and he would catch you off guard with outward, dirty jokes, causing the both of your ears and cheeks to flush into a dark shade of pink.  
Although, his stay in your country was only six months until the both of you graduated, the two of you had learned a lot. He taught you Japanese, and you began practicing writing it, you liking the feeling of his hand gripping yours, guiding you to write kanji. When he had to leave, your heart almost broke as you hugged him tightly, him shushing you as he promised that the two of you would share phone numbers and mailing addresses, so that you’ll always keep in touch.
Keep in touch, you did.
“Tai-chan! That’s so pretty!” You gushed. It’s been a year, since he left, and oddly enough, your feelings and thoughts did not waver as you entered your freshman year of college.
“I know, right?” He boomed, holding the phone towards him and the blooming Sakura trees underneath the Osaka castle. It was Hanami, a holiday for flower viewing, and it was so very pretty as the pink petals fluttered around within the wind. Taishiro was in his hometown, Osaka, wearing informal clothes as he popped a dumpling into his mouth as he sat on the blanket with his mom and her new husband. It was almost hard to hear him due to the crowd of people happily chattering among themselves.  
You were entranced, seeing such a vibrant and beautiful scene before your eyes as he grinned at you, smiling warmly whilst his mother waved at you, and you waved back.
“So, how do you like it?” Taishiro asked, diverting your attention, and you smiled.
“Dude, everything’s so pretty and vibrant! I wish I was there with you guys!” You admitted freely, and he grinned.
“Wish ya was here, too! Mom’ll force ya to wear a kimono, though. I got lucky ‘cause they dragged me here right after class!” He admitted.
“Formal dress isn’t so bad, Tai-chan! How’s college?” You changed the subject. He shrugged.
“Not too bad! Classes are pretty easy, I got my own apartment an’ job, now! Little small, but makes the bills easier to pay!” He spoke loud enough to drown out the crowd.
“I’ll talk to ya later, okay? Mom’s getting’ mad that I’m shoutin’.” He admitted sheepishly.
“Okay! Tell her that she looks pretty in her kimono!” You grinned. He nodded as the two of you eventually hung up. It was moments like these that made your day, you smiled to yourself, feeling your heart beating faster as you plopped down onto your comfy pillows. After graduating high school, you followed your dream in getting into college, and getting your own apartment and job. It was tough, but you made it, and as a bonus, Taishiro was pretty happy and proud for you.
  You wish that he didn’t have to leave, but his mother wanted to go back to their country after moving to yours to escape the grief of a rather nasty divorce. You can’t escape from everything, Tai had said to you, and shrugged, saying that he really didn’t care about his father, but he’d support his mother in anyway that he could.  
You felt warm at the memories, trying his mother’s cooking, tasting a different country’s cuisine had excited you, and your pleased face was evident as you slowly chewed the rice ball. Your face went red as Taishiro wiped some of the sticky rice off of your face, and when he noticed that you were staring, he’d blushed too as he wiped it on your shirt, leaving him to snort with laughter at your pathetic attempt at a glare.
Yeah, you missed him. ……..
“Happy Halloween!” You tilted the brim of your witch hat, grinning as you handed the little goblins and ghosts some candy from a bowl.
“We don’t really give out candy, but we do cosplayin’, zombie runs, n’ Disneyland has somethin’ special around this time of year.” Taishiro spoke to you from your phone, which rested neatly in your breast pocket, smiling softly at the kids who gave toothy smiles with thanks behind their masks. To your luck, he and you were always on camera when the two of you spoke, now, seeing how each other changed since last year.
To your surprise, he had two little piercings in his ear lobes, stating that he was a grown man, and that he got them as to treat himself for passing his first semester of college. He didn’t lose any weight, but he had been going to the gym, gaining muscle as he shot up about two feet in height. It didn’t help your increasing heartbeat, or confusing feelings that you thought were just a little girl’s crush in high school.    
You changed, too, and you’ve noticed that he obviously noticed, and pinned every little reaction into your brain, liking the way that you caused him that.
Right now, you had him listen to classic Halloween songs such as Monster Mash, Flying Purple People Eater, and Thriller. He knew the songs, but you liked playing them, anyway to fill in the Halloween spirit. You set the phone down on the kitchen table as the two of you talked while the music playing in the background. Although he didn’t really dress up, he admitted that he liked your costume, and might invest in something next year.
You smiled, basking in the moment. ………
“Time to open yours!” He put the chicken leg from KFC down on his plate, as he and his family gathered around his phone with you on camera, looking at the brightly colored wrapping paper. His family had adopted the more Western customs of gift wrapping and receiving during Christmas, and he was not disappointed when your gift had arrived in the mail. He had sent you one, as well, knowing that it would tickle you pink. He was right.
Although the both of you knew that Christmas Eve was the day to give and receive gifts, it was generally for couples, but you wanted to share the holiday joy with him, and find an excuse to give a gift, and although beet red, he thought that gift giving was a nice thing to do.  
   He wanted you to open yours, first, and so you did, grinning wickedly as you opened the paper slowly, drawing out the suspense on purpose.  
“Hurry up, already!” Taishiro huffed, then jumped when his mother hit him lightly with her shoe, shushing him. You couldn’t hide your smirk at the gesture, but quickened your pace at the playful glare that you were receiving.
You tore open the beautifully wrapped paper, regretting to waste it, but you were curious on what he had gotten you. Finally getting the box opened, you all but squealed with joy.
“What? This is amazing!” You winced on how loud your voice was, but his grin and his family’s warm smiles made it worth it. You pulled out the organized snacks from Japan, eyes twinkling with joy as you realized that you were smiling. Underneath the bags of konpeito, onigiri senbei rice crackers, jagariko, and among other snacks, you pulled out a very pretty snow-globe. It seemed simple, but the fake snow dancing around the dolled up log cabin and the smiling snowman, melted your heart.
“I like it! Thank you, Tai-chan!” You beamed, and he grinned sheepishly as blood rushed to his cheeks.
“I didn’ wanna get anythin’ that was too lame, ya know?”
“Nonsense! It’s very charming and thoughtful, thank you.” You grinned as you shook it gently, watching the glitter swish around the heartwarming scene.
“Alright! My turn!” He changed the subject as his eye twitched at the snickers of his step-dad. He huffed, then grinned as he all but tore open your gift, faster than your slow pace. You grinned wickedly, as to when he opened the box, it revealed another box. He gave you a look.
“It’s in there. Eventually.”
“Yer such a lil’ shit.”
“I know.” You admitted, him glaring at you until he had finally opened the last box, eyes twinkling as he reached inside, admiring the prize.
“Y/n…” He murmured, pulling out a crocheted scarf and hat. It took you a little longer to make them than you’d like to admit, but it was worth it as his face softened while he eyed the bright orange garb.
“I like it, too.” His eyes met yours as he felt something else within the box. You smiled.
“Oh! A new set of earrings?” He grinned, pulling up the small thick hoops, eyeing them as they shined within the light.
“Hypoallergenic, too!” You chirped, eating up his expressions as he began putting on the hat, scarf, and switching out his old jewelry for the new ones.
“Merry Christmas, Tai-chan.” You murmured, and he gave you that infamous toothy, sweet smile of his.
“You too, Y/n.”
“See? It’s not so bad!” You giggled, holding the phone up high.
“Yer a devil, ya know that?” You could hear him grumble. It was spring, again, and the both of you were in your second years. He admittedly lost a tiny bit of weight, due to him going to the gym, and you remained the same, except your feelings for him had grew. Almost three years of friendship, and you felt as if you knew him, forever.
Right now, you were sitting neatly at the small Fair, in the highest seat in which belonged to the Ferris Wheel, holding your phone up high while Taishiro was taking a break from his work to watch you look over the whole Fair grounds.
“Yeah, but you’re best friends with me!” You chirped loudly, giggling at his disgruntled huff. You had to be more careful with your words, you thought, as certain words were on the tip of your tongue.  
 You didn’t know what or how he felt. His face did redden a lot, but your mother said that he was young, and pretty girls did that to young men. You knew her intentions weren’t to drown out your hope, but to let you get a perspective on the situation, and to be careful with your feelings.
 He and you had never dated, anyone. Him complaining that he was too fat, and you arguing that he was fine the way he is, genuinely caring about him as your lovable best friend. Of course your feelings had grown, and each time you went to reflect on them, you couldn’t help the passing negative thoughts.
He was in another country. He could actually have anybody he wanted to. If he was seeing somebody, you knew that you’d had to keep your distance from him, in respect of the relationship that he would be building with somebody else.
“Hey, you alright? You’re kinda silent.” His voice snapped your attention away from your thoughts.
“More than fine! Oh! They have a game in which you could win a live rabbit! It’s a little tough, but the bunnies look so cool!” You admitted, changing the subject, and he let out a bark of laughter.
“Bunnies, huh?”
“Nothin’. Hey, I gotta go back to work, see ya later!” He waved, and you waved back, smiling as you ended the call.
As your ride ended, you wondered around the grounds, just looking at the sights, and then something shiny had caught your eyes. It was a little stand selling trinkets, you thought as you walked closer. The shiny thing, were two little friendship bracelets with little clear plastic gummy bears hooked onto them, one orange, and the other was your favorite color. You felt yourself smiling, remembering the nickname that his mom had called him, thus leading to everybody else calling him that.
Of course, he was embarrassed, but the absolute flustered and adorable look that he’d given you as you tried out the name, was memorable. A thoughtful gift wouldn’t hurt, you grinned.
You held up your wrist, grinning at his flustered look as the orange plastic bear twinkled in the sunlight.
“What are we, twelve?” He asked, but he held out the trinket, an evident smile was on his face. It was August the eighth, his birthday, and you’ve decided to surprise him with the thoughtful gift that you’d gotten in spring. Of course the look on his face was priceless, and you just ate it up with a grin as he seemed to think the same thing.
“Pft. Gummybear.” You broke the silence, and he bit his lip, looking away.
“That kinda sounds like a pet-name, when ya think about it.”
“What? It is a nickname.”
“Yeah. Between…well, never mind! Thank you for the gift, Chickadee!” He smiled warmly, tying the little bracelet onto his wrist. You gave him your own smile as he referred to your own nickname from school.   …………
 “Guess what?” You couldn’t help but grin wildly, the pure, cheerful energy was radiating off of you as you poured yourself a glass of tea.
“Hm? What is it, Chickadee?” He asked, smiling as if he could just feel your joy all the way from Osaka.
It’s December, now. The two of you had been friends for almost four years, and you had finally, finally-
“I’ll be graduating this spring!”
“Oh, Hon, that’s amazing!” He couldn’t help but mimic your wild grin.
“Yes!” You chuckled.
 To be honest, because of the both of you being in college and at work, living two separate lives, you hadn’t seen or heard from him in a while. It didn’t stop the two of you from trying to reach out, however. The longest time you remembered not really seeing his face, lasted about a week because the two of you were so busy.
 Imagine his surprise when you started crying with tears of joy, extremely happy to see him as he sent you a little gift in the mail. It was an ornament hair pin from the fair in Osaka, and oddly, it reminded you of him. Although humble, it had specks of amber and yellow, and you couldn’t help but feel touched that you had something significant that reminded you of him.
You wanted to hug him. You wanted to talk, face to face in a decent little cafe as he wore the hat and scarf that you’d made him, as you could hear his laughter that wasn’t sullied by the phone’s filter. Also, you wanted to know where the two of you were heading in life. You knew that you couldn’t hold in these feelings for him, forever, hell, you didn’t even know if you’ll ever see him face-to-face ever again, or when he’ll find a very accepting, lovely person and move on without you.
It did break your heart, a little, you couldn’t help but think as you sipped your tea, looking out from the window as he scribbled down notes in the background.
“Tai-chan.” You said, and something in your voice made his attention snap onto you with a look of worry as he read your face.      
       “Hey, Chickadee, what’s wrong?” He asked. You looked at him.
“When can we ever really see each other, again?” The weight must have been evident in your voice, and his expression furrowed with sympathy.
“That’s what’s gotten ya so upset?” He murmured softly.
“Fuuuuck, I wanna see ya, too!” He whined, suddenly, and you looked at him with surprise as he cursed.
“I’m telling your mom.”
“Because I said ‘Fuck’, or because I wanna see ya?”
“Both. She can arrive you in tow with a bar of soap in your mouth.” You felt yourself grinning, and he smiled warmly.
“Don’t be sad, Chickadee. When we’re rich and successful from such good jobs, we’ll go see each other every weekend. Hell, I might even get a soap dispenser so ya can wash out my mouth, yourself.”
“Oh, really?”
“Letcha tie me down.” He winked as you rolled your eyes.  
“Aaaaand that’s when our friendship ends.”
“Pft. Anyways. What if….ugh, never mind. Hey, I gotta go, Chicky. Class starts in an hour, kay?”
“Alright, Gummy. See ya later.”   …………………
 What if, what? Kept playing in your mind for months, now. You’ve landed a very good job, and you were great at balancing time with work, family, and your life, while you and Taishiro had kept your ritual of staying in touch. He was more muscular, but still round, and had his earrings that you’ve gotten him for Christmas, still in tact.
 He looked good, and the both of you knew it. You pushed down the little spike of jealousy and discouragement when he mentioned that he was getting more looks, now, but you were more mature, and you knew that he was an adult and could make his own decisions, despite your own feelings. You cared about him, and if you loved somebody truly, their happiness and growth should make you happy, you concluded.  
It didn’t help the fact that he had still a pink flush to his cheeks, rubbing his head awkwardly as he said that he wasn’t really interested in people that he didn’t know, taking little glances at you.
God, Kami, or what, help you, you bit the inside of your cheek. You were hopeless. …….
“Hey, Chicka-umph!” He couldn’t finish the words. Five years. It took the two of you five years to finally graduate, get jobs, save money, and finally, finally-
“It’s been way too long!” You hugged him, burying your face into his jacket as you couldn’t help but let out the most widest grin in years. You let out a yelp of surprise as he had the gall to pick you up and spun you around, him laughing at your stunned expression as he settled you down after the short spiel, and you let out a giggle.
He was smiling down at you, chuckling as he had hugged you back, swaying you a little side to side as his cheeks flushed.
The two of you were in Osaka, his mother and step-father weren’t there, and you traveled alone, bringing only a small amount of luggage with your passport. He sighed.
“You’re still short.”
“Shut it, you’re just a giraffe.” You playfully stuck out your tongue and he rolled his eyes.
“Damn, it’s so good to see ya. Just think, our friendship started ‘cause of yer clumsy ass.” He couldn’t help but joke with you as he grinned at your pitiful attempt of a glare. He chuckled.
“I’m glad, though.” He murmured, and you hummed in agreement.
 You’ve been waiting for this moment, learning Japanese and studying kanji as you walked alongside him, talking about everything and nothing, noticing that he had never really took out the earrings you’ve gave him, plus he and you opted to wear the gummy bear bracelets. Your smiled softly. It was as if the world spun on and the two of you slowly changed, yet like magnets, pulled closer together.
  Since the day that you’ve discovered your own feelings for him, you had decided that you didn’t want anybody else, for he was showing interest, and your heart had remained unbroken as he unconsciously had taken good care of it. He was worth the hours you’ve put into your work, and the extra savings that you’ve had put back. If you had him as just a close friend forever, you’d be happy, you’ve decided.
  It was a fun day. He had saved up to pay for reservations for the two of you to go to the aquarium, telling you that since you’ve made such an effort to see him, he was the one to treat you in Osaka, drinking in your expressions of wonderment and joy as he explained. He chuckled when you excitedly pointed out the whale shark, letting you rant on about how it was a filter feeder, and the biggest fish in the sea.
“Here. It’s my favorite, an’ I figured ya might like to try “the nation’s kitchen’s” street food.” He grinned, holding up a piece of takoyaki for you to try. After a long day of cooing and buying a bit of souvenirs, he led you outside, opting to let you try something that differed from his mother’s cooking from all those years back. You bit into it while he was still holding the toothpick, causing him to fluster, yet you paid no mind, letting the taste of octopus, onion, and sauce envelope your taste buds.
Your face heated up when you realized that it was actually pretty good.
“Good?” He gave a knowing grin. You nodded, and he chuckled.
“Ya got sauce on your cheek, ya messy thing.” He thumbed your cheek, wiping off the sauce. Much to your utter surprise, he had the gall to lick it, eyeing you with a smirk etched on his face.
“Did you just-”
“Tit for tat.” He winked, and you felt the blood rush up to your cheeks.
You couldn’t stay, long. Your boss had given you a limited amount of vacation days, and you could only stay until the night. He knew it, as well, and so the two of you had tried draw out the remaining day, him showing you all sorts of vending machines, helping you walk the ever busy streets as you felt so tiny compared to the skyscrapers, trying different foods, and briefly meeting his mom and step-dad.
She hugged you, rambling fast in Japanese, as you caught certain phrases. Taishiro let out a laugh.
“She misses ya. We all did.” He smiled, and you let out your own, deciding to comfort the fretting woman.
“She has to leave, ma.” He spoke in his native tongue, and she huffed.
“I haven’t seen her in years! Plus you spent all day with her, you heathen.” She then turned towards you.
“Ah, Honey, you look so tired and happy! Did you have a good day?” She cooed, squishing your cheeks playfully and you laughed a little.
“Of course!”
“I’m glad. Let my boy escort you to the airport, alright?” She hummed, and you nodded. ………
 “Today was the best day I’ve ever had in such a long time.” He told you gently, and your heart hammered as you waited on for your flight in the lobby.    
“Same for me. Makes me regret going back.” You gave out a little laugh, but it felt hallow.
“Yeah.” You focused on his solemn expression, eyebrows furrowed as he looked as if he didn’t really wanted you to go, either.
  “Hey.” He broke the silence with a heavy conviction, and you looked up at him with confusion. He said nothing as he took your hand and placed it on his chest, and you were surprised on how fast it was beating. With his other hand, he cupped your jaw, rather gently, and now it was your turn to feel your heart hammering through your rib cage. You didn’t have time to say anything, as he leaned down and gave a chaste kiss on your mouth.
Time seemed to still to a stop for you, but he broke away too soon, face reddened, but he didn’t look as if he regretted it, and you couldn’t find yourself too, either.
“Please, for the love of Kami, be mine. Doesn’t matter when we’ll see each other again, I’ll save up and move to your country, if I have to-”
You interrupted him with your own little kiss, and he hummed into it, gripping you tighter to him as he broke away, only to lean into your neck.
“I’ve been holding these feelings in for a long time.” You murmured, and he nodded.
“Yeah? Since high school?”
“Same for me. When I was away from ya, I kept thinkin’, she’s so lovely, in no time, somebody’s gonna snatch her up. Was she waitin’ for me? Took me a while to figure the last one out, but I did.” He hummed, opting to raise his face and kiss your cheek, smiling.
“So, when’s the wedding?” You broke the silence with a joke, and he huffed.
“Ya know what, ya lil’ shit? Maybe tomorrow.”
“Really? We’re just going to...get married?” You looked at him with wonder, and although blushing furiously, he shrugged.
“We’ve known each other for so long. Been pinin’ and sayin’ nothing. Ugh, we’re both dumbasses.” He sulked a little, and you let out a giggle.
“Alright. We’ll plan for a wedding.”
“No dates, or anythin’, just jumpin’ right into it?”
“We’ve been low-key dating. As friends, though. Maybe we could give it another year? See how everything works out as a couple? If we save up, we could get married and one of us move to either Japan or my country.” You explained, his expression softening as he kissed you again, a little firmer, this time.
“Alright. I don’t mind either option, or even if ya wanted your own traditional wedding. Heh. This is happening.”
“You’re mine and I’m yours, an’ we’re gonna get married.”
“I’m still a little surprised, but I’d have it no other way.”
“Same here.”
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taeswurld · 4 years
Ace III [Sporky]
pairing: bakugo x fem!reader
genre: humor, romance
TW: violence, cursing, angst, fluff
Summary: Shifting into My Hero was a total mistake, all those tiktoks you watched on a daily about shifting somehow convinced your brain to take part. Now the question is how to wake up, and most importantly, DON’T GET ATTACHED TO STUPID DRAWINGS!
New chapter! Not sure how my upload schedule will go, I’ll probably just wing it or something. And I don’t really know in what direction I wanna take this fic, but I promise to make it as great as possible! Anywho, here’s sporky!
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Oops. Well it’s clear what big of a mistake you’ve just made. 
While being on the verge of passing out, you decided to grab the closest thing next to you, so you don’t fall and hit your head. Instead of a counter or wall (or literally anything else) you decided to grab onto an arm. 
A very muscular and warm arm. 
You quickly retract your arm to look straight into glowing red eyes. They look at you in that moment with so much hated and anger, that you literally had to do a double take.
Jesus did you kill this dude’s grandma or something? What is going on?
“Next time you even think about touching me, I’ll be sure to remind you why I’m the strongest guy here.” 
“Well shit my bad, no need to act like I shoved a scorpion up your ass. Jesus christ, what the fuck is your problem man? Did someone spit in your coffee or something?” You move to walk away, you are not about to deal with someone who acts like complete dick. Before you could though, this asshole grabs your arm and pulls you back.
“What did you say, extra? Alright then since you act so tough, fight me! I doubt you would win though, I mean, you have a weak ass quirk anyways!” He shouts as explosions start to come out of his hand, putting it up to you face as to scare you. 
Wait, pause. You just realized you have a quirk. I mean it had to be good enough to get into U. A. But what was it? Was it like Aang, and you were like some type of avatar? Or were you more like Wonder Woman, and had super strength? Or were you like Spiderman, and could climb walls with spidey-senses? Or maybe, you were just incredibly smart, like Batman or Iron Man? No, that wouldn’t make sense, they would’ve thrown you into the support course if that was the case. Or maybe, you could-
“Hey! Did your dumbass not hear me? Or are you deaf as well as stupid?”
Okay. That’s fucking it. 
You were hungry, had an agitated dog, and you still haven’t gotten your stupid pills. 
You push the guy off you with as much strength as you could (which wasn’t much) and growled at him. 
Yes, growled at him. 
“Bro, shut the fuck up! No one wants to fucking hear you scream at 7 in the fucking morning! Just stay fucking quiet! Or are you too fucking stupid to do that? Your dumbassery is getting on my last fucking nerves, so just SHUT THE FUCK UP!” 
Immediately, everyone backed away, and looked scared to be within 5 feet of you. And you don’t blame them, you always looked scary when you were really mad. You’re glad your angry, and not frustrated. Otherwise, you would’ve broke into tears. Nope, all you felt right now was pure hatred and rage. 
You took a quick peek at your reflection in the microwave and you couldn’t believe what you were seeing. 
You had a white aura around you, and your eyes were a dark blue, with a little bit of fog coming out of them. With you’re pajamas still on, your eye bags, and a little bit of smudged mascara from yesterday, you look like you crawled out of the straight depths of sleepy hell. Hiro growling next to you waiting for your orders to attack didn't exactly help you look any friendlier. 
You quickly calmed down, and decided to just take a quick breath, and whistled for Hiro to back off as well.
“Okay, I’m calm. Does anyone know where the Tylenol is? I have headache. I also need food, not just for me, but for Hiro. I’m sorry for yelling, I’m just really irritated right now, so I ask that no one pushes my buttons.” You take another breath, just to calm your heart rate. 
“Yeah. Yeah, yeah, no worries Y/N. I know how Bakugou can get on your nerves pretty badly.” A girl with pink hair quickly comes up to you. Well, not just pink hair, pink everything. 
“Here, Ochako, you know where the pills are right? Go get them from the medicine cabinet. I’ll go get you some breakfast, hun.” She quickly runs off to get me some much needed food. The girl with the short fringe, Ochako you assume, goes off to get you my stupid pills.
“Koda, would you mind going to Hiro-san and asking what he might want to eat? I’ll help out.” The boy with green hair asks. A really big guy comes up to Hiro, and tries to whisk him away. 
“Hey! Sorry to disappoint but he stays with me. I’m on edge right now and he’s the only dude who can calm me down.” They are not to about to take him away, you don’t know these guys yet enough to trust them, you still don’t even know how you got here. Hiro’s pretty much the only thing closest to home, if he leaves now God knows what could happen. 
“Oh! I apologize L/N-san. He already told me his answer anyways, so I’ll go prepare his breakfast so you can both relax!” He blushes, and bows before running off to make some food. 
“Thanks, sorry for yelling. I’m just kinda anxious right now.” Hiro barks as if to agree with you. It’s not even 8 a.m and you’re both already done with this bullshit. 
“It's okay L/N-san. Last night, you got hit pretty hard, you we’re not going to blame you for being a little rough around the edges.” The boy with green hair says before walking away to join the other dude. Jesus, you really need to know everyone’s name. You can’t call them ‘dude’ and ‘guy’ forever. 
“L/N-san! Sorry about Bakugou! I know the two of you seem to bash heads a lot, but I promise you that he doesn't mean it!” 
A cute little redhead comes up to you. He looks really sweet, except for his razor sharp teeth that look like they could cut thought anything. He puts his hand on you shoulder, as a little gesture to calm you down a little. Apparently Hiro didn’t like it, because he started to growl. 
‘Back off, dude. Don’t touch,’ he seemed to say. 
“Oi! Shiity hair!” Oh god. “Don’t apologize on my behalf! It makes you look stupid, and me look weak!” The red eyed blonde from earlier walks over. 
‘Shitty hair’, or whatever his real name was, put his hands up and took his place next to the blonde, tossing his arm around him. 
“Come on, Bakugou! You’re always fighting with her, maybe it’s best to just chill down! Come on! It’s a beautiful Saturday, we don't have any plans except to relax! We should totally go out! When was the last time we hung out with the class?” 
“Tch, I don't want to deal with these extras longer than I already have to. Besides, when doesn’t she get on my fucking nerves? That’s the only thing she’s good for anyways.” He shoves the red head’s arm off of him and stares at me.
“Come on Kacchan! You know she’s only teasing! Besides, you need to learn to be sweeter to girls! This is probably why you don't have a girlfriend, and why Ca-”
‘Kacchan’, or ‘Bakugou’, you’re not even sure anymore, grabs the pikachu looking dude from earlier by his shirt and looks like he’s about to punch him. 
“Don’t you dare finish that fucking sentence Dunce Face! And besides, it’s not like your desperate ass could get pussy anyways!” 
The piss-yellow blonde immediately gets scared and screams to run away. 
“Well you don’t have to say it like that, ya know! At least Y/N likes me!” He comes over to me and puts his arm around you. He pulls you into his chest and places his head on top of yours. Since you're sitting, it’s quite easy for him to tower you. 
“Not now dude, you are on my last fucking nerve.” You muffle into his chest as you move to push him off. 
Okay, super strength is for sure not your quirk. 
“Right, your pissed right now, sorry. By the way, I’ll go get you some wipes for your makeup. You look like a demon right now, no offense.” He runs off to God knows where, finally letting you breathe. 
“None taken,” you mutter. 
“Y/N! I brought the Tylenol, and some water for your to drink!” Ochaco comes back with a small pill tablet and a glass of water. As she hands you everything, she rubs your back as to say ‘don't worry, you’re in good hands now’. 
“L/N-san! Hiro’s food is ready! Midoriya helped out, so the process went by faster.” Koda and the green haired kid, Midoriya, comes back with a bowl of kibble and some steak. 
Of course Hiro would ask for steak. Why did you even bother? 
“Y/N! I’m back!” The pink girl from earlier comes with some rice and eggs. Weird combination, but okay. 
“I know you’re still getting a little used to using chopsticks, not being from Japan and all, so I had to look around for a fork.” You hands you your breakfast and a spoon. 
“Um, this is a spoon.” You say, holding it up for her to see.
“Yeah, I know. I said I had to look around, I never said I was successful.” She gave me a smile and little shrug before walking away. 
Oh boy. 
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mirkwoodshewolf · 4 years
The Prankster Queen is dethroned; SPN & Lucifer cast x teen reader
*Author’s note*
Well this was a LOOOOOONG time request from my Wattpad account but I finally got some motivation to write and finish this fic. Now I talked with the requestor about this and some changes were made, originally this was gonna involve Criminal minds cast but I had barely watched the show at the time so I talked with them and they agreed to have this be a SPN X LUCIFER cast crossover. So I hope you all enjoy this little fic and until the next update.
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“Okay guys; here we are back at the Supernatural set ready to start filming the 2nd half of season 14. Before I get into the special prank on Alex day I want to first send a very special thanks to the Lucifans for the #SaveLucifer and thank Netflix for renewing a season 4 and 5 of Lucifer.  Yes I am a fan of that show as well. I mean I’ve got to my dad plays the famed Devil himself. No, no, no, no, no I’m joking. I watch the show because I really love what they did with it. The writing is phenomenal and the cast is super friendly. They’re like my second family next these guys here at Supernatural.”
I spoke through my Youtube channel streaming live.  I could already see comments popping up along my livestream. Comments like ‘YASS LUCIFERXSPN SUPPORT’ or Winchester sister stans Lucifer.
“Yes I do thank you. Now for the moment you’ve all waited for. I’ve got the plastic wrap, the super glue, feathers, and fan. And of course the star of this prank on Alex, my baby boy Shadow.” I then presented my black German Shepherd who was lying on Alex’s trailer couch. “You ready to prank Alex boy?” he tilted his head to the side. “You ready to prank him?” he let out a bark and I cooed. “Good boy!” I flipped my camera back around and said. “Now Jared kindly set up the camera just a bit ago so I will transition to that in just a little while. For now I’m going to set up the door so please enjoy this fast forward montage of me getting the prank set up.”
I spread the super glue all around the plastic wrapping and tapped it across Alex’s trailer door so that when he would run right into it, he would get trapped with the plastic wrapping before I would attack with the pillow filled with feathers.
“Okay everything’s all set up. Now for the final touch, c’mon boy up on the bed.” He got off the couch and into Alex’s bed and just lay there at the foot of it. “Good boy.” I opened the trailer door and waited for Alex to come around.  Once I saw him walking alongside Misha, I cried out. “ALEX! ALEX! SHADOW’S TAKING A SHIT ON YOUR BED!!”
“I’m not kidding I was walking him and he just ran in here and literally shit on your bed! Bad dog!”
“Shadow! Shadow! Damnit Shadow!” Alex then ran up and just like I hopped, he slammed right into the plastic wrap and fell right to the ground.  I then pelted him with the pillow till his entire face was covered with feathers.
“BOOM SUCKA!!! That’ll teach you to eat my big cookie.” I told him.
“Okay maybe I deserved that.”
“Wow (y/n), all this for a cookie?” Misha said as he helped Alex back up on his feet.
“Misha you don’t understand. Those cookies were my mum’s special recipe. Plus she makes them so big that you can eat it in the space of a week. I was saving the last bit of it and then this guy decides it’s a good idea to eat the last of it.” I said pointing to Alex.
“You know….one of these days. We’re gonna get you back. Everyone that you’ve pranked, we’re gonna get you.” Alex spoke as he coughed out trying to get the feathers out of his mouth.
“The day that happens is the day J2(I/l) turns on each other. And the boys and I have been doing this for a long, long time.” I sassed as I snapped my finger and Shadow hopped off Alex’s bed and we left the trailer.
Little bit about myself; the names (Y/n) Ellis, the last name sound familiar? Yep you thought right. Tom Ellis aka Lucifer Morningstar is my father.  He and I have been in the acting business together for a good amount of years.  In fact he’s helped me when it came to running lines or dealing with the pressures of the acting life, especially since I started off as a child actor at the age of 5.
I had a few small roles, but when I was just 9 years old a role on a little show called Supernatural came knocking at my door.  As a young British girl I was worried that I wouldn’t get it because this was an American tv show and I had to speak with an American accent.  But thanks to a good dialect coach, and 2 test screenings with the boys to see if we were a fit, I got to play the role of Sarah Winchester, the younger half-sister of Sam and Dean who was cursed with witch powers.
But instead of killing her, Sam and Dean actually take her in and she uses her magic for good instead of evil.  For years the Supernatural cast didn’t just become an ordinary job, it was like being home, we became a family.  Jared and Jensen were like the big brothers I never had (even though they were around my dad’s age).
When things got too tough around set, J2 always found a way to make me smile and laugh. And as the years passed, Misha came on board followed by the 2 Marks, Ruth, Brianna and Kim, Osric, Rob and Richard, and now finally Alexander Calvert.  The Supernatural family is a tight bond and we all send out a powerful message that Family don’t end in blood, and to Always Keep Fighting when things got bad.
Then when season 11 of my show was being filmed, my dad had gotten the role of Lucifer Morningstar in Fox’s new tv series “Lucifer” which was basically the story of the devil taking a vacation from Hell and he ends up working with the LAPD alongside a clever detective named Chloe Decker.
When Lucifer exploded every time I went to conventions, fans always ask me questions about potential crossovers or what I thought of the show.  And truthfully I loved it.  In fact whenever I would wrap on my time on a season, I took the hour and 45 minute drive where they filmed Lucifer and spend time with my dad and the Lucifer cast.
Lauren, Aimee and Lesley became my partners in crime when it came to the subtle pranks on the Luci cast or even my dad.  Aimee and I are always making Instagram videos of each other acting like complete nutjobs, she’s like the older sister I’ve always wanted (since I am the eldest of my three sisters).
But that’s my life, and if you were to ask me if I could trade it away for anything else, I would tell you hell no (no pun intended).
After getting Shadow back into my trailer, I decided to see if my dad was willing to talk. I grabbed my I-Pad and went over to Facetime and clicked my dad’s name (of course I added the devil emoji beside his name).  It rang about five times before I finally got an answer.
“There’s my little She-devil.” He answered with a smirk.
“Hey dad.” I said with a smile.
“Aimee saw your prank on that Alex chap.”
“She like it?”
“Mini Ellis you are a she-devil genius!” Aimee soon came into the frame. “You got to show me how that brilliant mind of yours works.”
“Guess I learned from two of the very best. I know exactly how to push buttons but not go overly extreme that it hurts someone’s soul. I’m not completely soulless like Jared is when it comes to pranks.”
“I still can’t believe he actually cut one of his credit cards. That’s super low.” She said.
“I know. I’ve been trying to get him to ease back and not go quite extreme. So far he hasn’t done it knock on wood.”
“Anyways you two, what brings on this call my dove?” my dad asked.
“Just wanted to call and see how you were doing. How’s season 4 coming along?”
“Great. Everything is great. Thanks to the Lucifans, and the Supernatural family.” My dad said.
“No sweat. You’re my dad. I’m still pissed that FOX could just cancel your show like that. And the way they would’ve ended it. God that’s literally the worst cliffhanger ever!”
“Tell me about it.” Aimee groaned.
“But it’s all fixed now. Netflix will take good care of us now. Plus we don’t have as much restrictions as FOX gave us.” My dad teased.  I then heard a knock at my trailer door which made Shadow raise his head up from his bed and his attention turned toward the door.
“Hang on dad, who is it?!”
“It’s Jared! C’mon kiddo they need us on set now.”
“Alright I’ll be there in a minute.” I turned back to my dad and Aimee and my dad said to me.
“Go on, we’ll catch up later.”
“Alright dad. Give my love to the rest of the cast.”
“You already have my love mini Ellis.” Aimee said.
“Love you Aims!”
“Alright darling love you. Stay safe and have fun filming your next season.” The two of them blew me a kiss goodbye and I waved bye to them and the Facetime shut off. I put my phone aside and quickly refilled Shadow’s water bowl before I took off and raced towards the set.
Although unbeknownst to both Jared and Jensen something was waiting for them.  As I walked in on the set I sat down at the spot where my character Sarah was to sit for this upcoming scene.
“Okay guys on cue marks. Cue lighting and roll sound.” I got into the mindset of Sarah and took the prop book in my hands as our director called out, “Okay cue Jensen and Jared. And…..action.” it was then Jensen came down the staircase while Jared came out from the back corridor.
“Hey, so any word from Jodie?” Jensen asked as Dean to Jared.
“No not yet. Hey Sar, any luck with the research?” Jared asked me as Sam.
“Not a damn thing. God even for a witch like me I still can’t figure out the spell to get us to that other place. I’m sorry guys I may be strong, but I’m not Rowena strong.”
“No, no it’s alright. It’s okay. We’ll……find another way.” Then Jared and Jensen took their seats before suddenly jolting upwards and letting out girlish screams of shock and pain.
“CUT!!!” our director called out.
“The hell was that!?!” Jensen proclaimed.
“Oh thank god I thought it was just me.” Jared sighed with relief.  I kept my poker face up as I said to them.
“What happened just now?”
“Something shocked us. I don’t know what but whatever it was, it should never have shocked me back there. My butt does not deserve that kind of treatment!” he looked around the cushioned seat until he found some sort of electronic shock pad. It was slightly smaller than the cushioned pad and as soon as Jensen took hold of it and pressed a certain button, it caused another shock to run through his arm as he swore out loud and shake his arm.
“Uhh Jensen why would you do that?” I asked him.
“I don’t know I needed to see if it was real or not don’t judge me!”
“How the hell did these even get here?” asked Jared.
“No idea.” Jensen said.  I covered my smile as I tried to act inconspicuous but that’s when the two of them looked at me. “You did this?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” I said as I stood up and strutted out of the room sassily to run into Misha and I told him. “Your revenge plot has been successfully played out.”
“I knew I could count on you (n/n). Thanks.”
“No problem, but just know Misha all things come at a price with me. Pranking the kings don’t come without consequence.”
“I know, I know. But still I thank you for doing this for me. That’ll teach Jared to put old cheese in my pillow.”  I patted his arm before leaving him to reset the scene again.
Weeks passed and filming continued on up until I was finally done with my scenes which meant that I was now allowed to travel on up to the Lucifer set and pop in and say hello.  After bidding everyone goodbye until July, I got into the car and my driver Tommy drove me on up towards the studio where my dad and the rest of the Lucifer family were filming.
After finally arriving on the set, I saw Lauren and Aimee out and about with a Starbucks cup in their hands.  As soon as they saw my car, they immediately waved.  I rolled down my window and said.
“What up my Luci sistas!”
“Ahhh mini-Ellis!” Aimee proclaimed.  Once the car stopped, I stepped out and I raced towards her and she met me in the middle as the two of us embraced each other tightly, rocking aggressively from side to side.  “Where’s big Shadow? You usually bring him with you whenever you’re done with shooting.”
“Well for some reason Misha wanted to keep him around set. Guess he must’ve needed the fluffy protection from Jared and Jensen after the prank I pulled on them a few weeks back.”
“What’d you do to them?” asked Lauren.
“Just put a shock pad cushion underneath their chairs. Misha told me to do it to get back at Jared for putting old cheese in his pillow.”
“Wow those guys are relentless huh?” said Aimee.
“Yep. But enough of that now, let’s get going. I wanna watch you guys film some stuff.”
“Alright! C’mon kiddo let’s go.” Lauren wrapped her arm around me before playfully giving me a noogie while guiding me onwards to the set.
I greeted my Lucifer family like D.B, Kevin, Lesley-Ann, Rachael, and of course young Scarlett (ever since the show I officially adopted her as my younger sister).
“So, have you guys seen my dad anywhere?” I asked.
“Last we saw him he was leaving his trailer for costume and makeup.” Aimee said.
“What have you got in mind she-devil?” asked Lauren with a grin.
“Ohhh not much.” I grinned as I walked towards the costume and makeup trailers.
Once I got there, I had spotted my dad just getting out from the costume trailer in the full Lucifer suit.  I grinned mischievously and slowly stalked towards him.  This was something that I used to always do to him when I was a little girl, it’s been awhile but I hope I still got it.  Like a tigress on the prowl I stalked behind my dad silent and carefully.
Whenever he turned around, I would hide behind anything I could whether it was the side of a trailer/tent, or even one of the many gold carts/motorbikes.  Then when he would resume his walk, I trailed behind him once again.  Closer and closer I got till finally I was within strike range.
The mighty huntress has cornered her prey.
I then trotted forward before leaping up but I was foiled when my dad turned around and managed to catch me and spin me around for a moment in his arms.
“Thought you’d sneak up on my again huh my little tigress? After all these years I finally caught you red handed.”
“Took you over 20 years but no time like the present eh?” my dad smirked down at me, the smirk that I had inherited from him, and said as he booped my nose.
“I just know when my daughter feels a little extra cheeky.” He bopped my nose as he said ‘cheeky’ which made me playfully stick my tongue out at him. “And put that tongue away young lady we are not a snake.”
“Wrong. Don’t you remember I got sorted into Slytherin when we went to Harry Potter world.”
“Yes I do recall that. But that’s still no excuse. Stick that tongue out at me again and I’ll give you a good whopping, do I make myself clear.”
“Yes father.” I submitted.  He pecked my forehead before releasing me.
“So, you’ve finished with your filming?”
“Yep. Managed to wrap up a little early, at least for me.”
“Now I’ve been hearing a lot of rumors about you potentially branching off and getting your own spinoff series?”
“Well I don’t like to brag but it’s still a rumor. Not even I can confirm it. Besides, who knows if the CW will allow it. I mean don’t get me wrong the other two sub-series I didn’t agree with but Wayward Sisters, I would’ve LOVED to see that become something. Maybe have Sarah make a few surprise appearances.”
“Well, if the CW don’t allow it, maybe Netflix will. You never know. I could put in a good word for you.”
“Thanks dad.”
“Tom! Hey Tom! Susan needs you in makeup stat. You’re shooting in ten.” One of the make artists came racing up to us.
“Oh fu—sorry about that Johnny.” My dad wrapped an arm around my shoulders and the two of us walked towards the makeup trailer so that he could get ready.
After doing a quick touch up on my dad, the two of us left for the LAPD set and everyone was already running around getting to their marks or getting the cameras rolling.  I sat right next to the director Sherwin as he was calling for cameras to focus and start rolling.  Finally he called action and I got to sit and watch the new Netflix: Lucifer finally be filmed.
It was a long day of shooting and filming but it was a very productive day.  I even got to learn about directing since (spoiler alert! I get to direct an episode this season of Supernatural!).  I was currently right now sitting with my dad sipping a cup of tea.
“Now I know that one episode that witches have familiars. If Sarah were to have a familiar, which pet would she have and who would you want to play that familiar?” I hummed.
“Well. No offense to the women but most of the time when a new female comes on Supernatural she always ends up being a bitch. With the exception of Kim, Bri, Ruthie, Felica, and the rest of the Wayward sisters. So I’d have to say Sarah would want a male familiar. And yes while I do love dogs and would KILL to have Shadow actually be in front of the camera, I think she’d prefer a cat. Now for the actor to play him. Now don’t laugh but—this is my fantasy dream cast…..”
“Oh just get on with it will you little missy! Stop droning on!” my dad whined. I mimicked his whining before I finally admitted.
“Gwilym Lee okay!”
“The Welsh actor from that Midsomer murders series you used to watch?”
“Yeah, why not? I think he’d make a perfect cat familiar. Wise, loyal, good fighter. And—not that bad looking if I may say.”
“Alright down girl. I swear you and Aimee have been fawning over actors far too much.”
“Then you do not want to see me with the young Wayward sisters. We’re a lot worse. Plus it gets awkward when they start talking about you. Especially when it involves the Lucifer cast.”
“Oh my god.” He groaned.
“I know right!? It’s bad enough I hear from the fans about how much of a ‘thirsty dad’ you are. But now I have to hear it at work!” before my dad could say anything else, Lesley came running in with a worried look on her face. “Whoa Les, where’s the fire at?”
“You gotta call the Supernatural set (y/n).” she panted out.
“Why what’s going on?”
“I don’t know something about Shadow.” Without hesitation I took my phone out and dialed Misha’s number.  It rang and rang and as it kept ringing I grumbled.
“C’mon Misha pick up your bloody phone already!”
“Misha what’s going on!? What happened to my son!?”
‘I’m sorry (y/n) Jared was eating some M&M’s earlier and he left the table for one second and the next thing he saw was Shadow eating the M&M’s he had managed to knock down on the floor!’
‘Just come by over here, he’s been whimpering and we don’t know the contact information to the vet.’
“Okay I’ll be there as soon as I can. Try to make him as comfortable for me as possible. Okay! Tell him mummy’s on her way!”
‘Okay I will. And (y/n). Hurry!’ I hung up the phone and raced off.
“Whoa, whoa mini-Ellis where are you off too in such a hurry?” Kevin said as he and Aimee were walking back from the catering (after I had noticed the chocolate doughnut in Aimee’s hand).
“Shadow’s sick! Ate M&M’s. I gotta go!” I couldn’t even form a proper sentence as I raced outside and phoned my driver to hurry the fuck back to the set and drive me back to the Supernatural set.
Thankfully, he was right outside and the second I jumped right on in, I banged on the back window and ordered him to drive and soon he was off.  Oh Shadow baby hang in there baby boy!
Finally after what felt like an eternity (I don’t know why the driver had taken the long way around. Said it was fucking traffic or something like that). But before the car could even come to a complete stop, I jumped out of the car and raced towards the building calling out Shadow’s name.
I quickly raced into the main Supernatural set to see that it was completely empty.
“Shadow!? Shadow! Here boy!” I whistled.  Just hearing the way Misha had talked on the phone it made me really worried about my baby boy’s health.  And now just not seeing him come on command when he’s supposed to, got me really anxious.
I walked further through the main set (which was the map room of the bunker) when I felt myself slightly trip forward and I looked down to see a tripwire.  Oh shit.
SPLASH! I jumped as I let out a shriek when a small water balloon fell right at my feet.  A split second later another dropped on the other side of me but still close enough to my feet.  I jumped two more times as two more water balloons splashed right by me.
“Really guys? If you’re gonna do something like that at least have good aim.” But I was unaware of the enormous water balloon that was now starting to roll down. When I looked up, my heart sunk as I slowly let out a scream and soon I was drenched.
But it wasn’t water.  Well normal water anyway, when I had looked at myself I had seen that I was now covered head to toe in the famed fake blood the makeup artists make from corn syrup, chocolate syrup and food coloring.
My breathing sharpened and I growled out.
“J2. Are without a doubt. The lowest most vile Americans to EVER WALK THE PLANET!!!” This was my favorite shirt and now the boys ruined it.  Plus do you know how long it takes to get fake blood out of your hair? Believe me it’s not pretty. Hours upon hours of just brushing through one section of hair.
Soon enough the entire cast came out laughing and clapping but what was shocking was that the Lucifer cast also came out smiling and clapping along.
“We got you good kid!” Misha laughed.
“You—you all were……”
“About time we finally dethroned the Prank Queen. You’ve been stealing our thunder for too long kid.” Jensen said.
“And thanks to your dad and the rest of the Lucifer cast, they gave us the time to set all this up.” Jared said as he held his phone up probably recording the whole thing.  I turned to my dad and hissed.
“Et tu Papa?”
“Sorry darling. They were convincing. Plus you’ve been going a little overboard with the pranks. You even placed a dead fish in my car.” Dad said.
“Or itching powder in my underwear drawer last year during season 3.” DW added.
“And hacking my Instagram professing love for the DCEU when you know I’m a Marvel girl.” Aimee said.
“And of course you can’t forget your recent little prank. The electric cushions.” Jared said.
“So we all came together and finally got you back.” Alex said smugly.
“How’s it feel now? You just got Carrie’d!” Lauren proclaimed.
“You all are so lucky I’m not a real witch or a telepath. Cause otherwise you’d all be screwed right now!” I spat out the fake blood that was starting to seep into my mouth.  “But I’ll admit. Only I could come up with something like this. I’m impressed. Especially since it was a crossover team effort.”
Both castmates from each show came around me and that’s when all the selfies and self-promotion of dethroning the “Prank Queen” has officially happened.  Of course I couldn’t help but chase after J2 as well as my dad so that I could smear the blood on them as payback for what they did to me.
Yep the life of an actress on Supernatural who happens to be the daughter of the current ‘hot’ Lucifer Morningstar, but I wouldn’t change it for the world.  So while the entire cast and my family got their victory out of the way, I began plotting my next ultimate prank.
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jamielea81 · 5 years
Chapter 11
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Description: You accompany your friends on a day trip to Animal Kingdom Theme Park where you meet Scott Evans by chance. This one afternoon leads to a year long friendship with both Chris and Scott over text messages and phone calls.
Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader
Warning: Angst. A few curse words. 
Word Count: 6,113 
A/N: I know nothing about the lives of the Evans family and mean no harm. This is purely fiction and for fun. Reblogs and comments are much appreciated! The tag list is now closed. Each chapter tends to get reblogged from me a few times, so if you’re following me, you can’t miss it.  
*Italics are internal thoughts
Catch up with with Chapter 10
You weren’t trying to be immature about the situation you found yourself in. No, not at all. Taking a minute or several hours for yourself was normal. You needed to think about this from the point of view of someone who knew what she was doing. Was that you? Absolutely not.
Firing off a text to your brother to tell him you’d call him later, you groaned and then plopped yourself face down in your bed.
Sleep is good. I just need more sleep.
Somehow you managed to doze off for a little more than an hour but with that brought no further clarity.
Food. I need to eat. It’ll help.
After grabbing the cartoon of eggs from your refrigerator, you mindlessly found a bowl and a pan without even having to think about it. Your mind was too busy on something else, well, someone else. It was a good thing you weren’t using knives this morning. Afternoon? What time was it anyway? Not that it mattered.
Once the scrambled eggs were cooked just about to your satisfactory, you added shredded cheese. Lots of it.
Why the hell not?
With your stomach full, you cleaned your dishes, showered, and changed into a pair of cutoffs and a t-shirt. You applied a layer of moisturizer and decided to let your hair dry naturally. Flicking on the switch for the ceiling fan on the lanai, you made your way out there, sitting on the cushioned couch, curling one leg under you.
You needed to talk to Chris and hear him out. He wanted to explain and you were going to let him, although it was pretty obvious that you weren’t the only one he was seeing. You were just the dummy who didn’t know that.
You clicked on his contact and listened to the ring tone go on and on with no answer. You clicked the end call button rather than leaving a message.
Must be busy.
Deciding to get the phone call with your brother over with, you click on his contact. It’s no surprise to you when he answers on the first ring.
“Are you okay?”
“Yes, Heath, I’m fine. It is what it is,” you replied trying to sound as casual as possible.
“I thought you guys were seeing each other.”
You should have kept your mouth shut, but during a long phone call a couple of weeks ago you let it slip that you and Chris had been seeing each other.
“We are, we’re just not exclusive. Apparently,” you added.
“You didn’t know?! Do you want me to kick his ass? I could probably take him.”
You erupt with laughter at his offer. Heath isn’t small, but you’re not so sure he could take on Chris.
“Thank you for the offer,” you said between laughs. “We never had the “what are we?” talk, so it is what it is. Of course, seeing it in print in front of my face isn’t very fun.”
“I’m sorry, Y/N. The offer still stands, you just say the word.”
“I appreciate it. But it looks like he’s trying to call me, so I’m going to take it. I love you and will call you next week.”
“Okay, sis, I’ll talk to you later.”
You take a breath and click the answer button.
“Hi.” It comes out softer than you like.
“Hey, I’m sorry I missed your call. It’s been a day.”
“It’s fine.” You’re not giving him anything you decide.
“So, I wanted to talk to you about some pictures that got posted online from last night.”
“Yeah, I saw them,” you interrupt.
You hear him let out a big puff of air before swearing under his breath.
“Sweetheart, listen to me, it’s not what you think,” he said strongly.
“Chris, it’s fine. We aren’t serious. You’re allowed to see other people,” you said with conviction. The truth was you were crumbling inside. Your fingernails dug into your skin as you tried to keep calm.
“Wait, no. That’s not. Y/N, that’s not what was happening,” he tried to reason.
“I just have to know one thing. Was there really a meeting about a movie or did you really just not want to see me? Maybe better plans came along?”
Well, there went your “I’m strong and you seeing other people is cool” attitude.
“Of course, there was a meeting. I wouldn’t lie to you. Just listen to me, please,” he begged.
“I’m listening.” Your tone was impatient but you honestly were struggling to keep it together.
“I got the part and it starts filming right before Christmas. I called a couple of friends in the city, Scott was there for a bit too, and we all went out to celebrate. Unfortunately, and trust me, I’m regretting it, I drank way too much.”
“You know, it’s funny,” you couldn’t help but interrupt. “You called some friends to celebrate, but you didn’t call me to share the news. I mean, I know you have a lot of friends, but you’ve called me one of your closest friends recently. And we did fuck, but I digress.”
Yep, you have lost it.
“Jesus Y/N. I fucked up, okay? I know I did and I’m sorry. You are one of my closest friends. I knew you were flying home last night and I didn’t want to call you later because I was already plastered. I should’ve sent a text knowing you’d get it when you landed. I’m a dumbass. Ask my mother, she’ll agree.”
You let out a frustrated sigh. He had you on the not calling you when he was drunk thing, but that was beside the point.
“Fine,” you answered.
“Fine, you’re calling my mother?”
“Of course, not,” you said while rolling your eyes. “You are a dumbass. I agree with you on that.”
“And that girl wasn’t anything.”
“Nice of you to appreciate the female species.”
Not that you were a fan of the chick, but “wasn’t anything” was a little harsh.
“That’s not what I mean,” he groaned. “You’re a little frustrating, you know?”
“Me?! Christopher! Maybe we need to have this talk another day,” you snapped.
“No! Please. Please just let me explain. I’m sorry.”
You took a shaky breath. The holding it together was out of the question now as a couple of tears escaped and rolled down your cheeks.
“Explain,” you whispered.
“Baby,” he soothed. “That woman was hanging out with a buddy of mine for most of the night, so she was just with us. At one point she sat on my lap and I didn’t kick her off. I’m an idiot and I was drunk. But nothing happened between us. I swear,” he reassured.
You believed him, but it didn’t matter. Clearly this relationship was going to be too hard to pursue. The distance served you no advantage.
“I believe you,” you said sullenly. “Would you,” you took a breath, and licked at your dry lips. “Would you have told me about her if there weren’t pictures online?”
You weren’t sure if that was a fair question but you wanted to know. He was silent for a long while. You only knew he was still on the line by the sounds of him breathing.
“Probably not,” he replied.
It hurt your heart, fair or not.
“Okay then.”
“Y/N, nothing happened, so I wouldn’t normally tell you. It happens quite a lot, I won’t lie to you about that. Women tend to hang around if they get the chance. Some grab me. It’s not something I want to happen, it just does.”
“It’s fine. I get it. It’s just that I normally don’t date guys that have women throwing themselves at them.” You heard him lightly chuckle. “But, listen.” You took a breath to center yourself again, wiping at the tears quickly. “I don’t think this is going to work out. We’re just better off friends. I think it will be easy to slip back into that again.”
“No. No. No. Listen, sweetheart. I care about you and I want to keep moving forward. Please don’t let this one night get in the way of what we have.”
“It’s more than the one night. This is tough, the distance and not seeing you thing. It’s like we start moving forward but then plans get canceled and we are stuck where we were. You just said you’re going to start filming before Christmas and I’m sure you have other responsibilities before then.”
“I don’t want this. What about what I want?” he asked. “I’m not ready to give us up. Please, let me prove it to you,” he asked.
“Chris, I need time. You’re still my friend, but I need time,” you said softly.
“Okay,” he sighed. “But I’m still going to call you. And text you. I’ll give you time, but I still need you in my life, Y/N.”
“I need you too.” You took another breath. “I’m going to let you go though. Laundry awaits and all that.”
“Okay, sweetheart. I’ll call you later.”
“How about in a few days?” you asked.
“A few days?” he sighed.
“Yeah, I just. I just need some time for me.”
“I understand, anything you need sweetheart.”
“Bye Chris.”
Ending the call, you went back into your house to cry. No use in having your neighbors hear you bawling your eyes out. Back to your bed you went. Good thinking about not wearing makeup today, it would have been ruined.
You were relieved that he didn’t hookup with the girl from the picture, but it still hurt how easily he accepted her on his lap. Wasn’t like she was a friend of his and he was just being nice. You also didn’t like how low his hand was on her body. Yes, he wasn’t officially yours, but you felt something for him and you know he feels the same about you.
I’m making the right decision.
Life was easier when Chris Evans was no more than your friend. Easier, but it wasn’t better.
You spent Sunday cleaning your house, painting your nails, giving yourself a facial, and digging out clothes from the back of your closet that you hadn’t worn in sometime. It was me day to the fullest, right down to the medium pizza you consumed between lunch and dinner.
It wasn’t any later than six at night when your doorbell rang. People rarely stopped by unannounced, so it was a tad odd. When it rang for a second time, you got up from your comfy spot on the couch to unlock the door. Whoever rang was no longer there, but sitting on your stoop was a box of what appeared to be flowers. Bringing the box into the house, you set it on your kitchen island, grabbed the scissors from the drawer. Inside was a beautiful bouquet of yellow tulips. You pulled a clear glass vase from the cupboard above the stove and filled it with water. Arranging the flowers in the vase, you couldn’t help the smile on your lips. You left the flowers on the island as they matched some of the yellow you had in there and you could still see them from your living room. Reaching back into the box, you pulled out the small white envelope, removing the tiny card from it.
I’m not giving up on us.
-        Chris
Back in November, you had mentioned to Chris that your mom always had tulips planted along the walkway up to the house and that they were always your favorite. The trouble was you only visited in winter most years, so you never got to see them anymore. It was a conversation you had regarding Christmas and how you were visiting home. It was such a minor thing to mention in the grand scheme of things of your relationship, but he remembered. For all the flowers Ethan brought you, never once did he ask what your favorite kind was. It’s not that important, but Chris remembering pulled at your heart a bit.
You went back to your spot on your couch, pulling the gray colored throw around your bare legs. The news was on, but you weren’t really paying attention, it was essentially background noise at this point. The thought of thanking Chris for the flowers crossed your mind. It’s the polite thing to do, but you wanted to stick to the me time that you told him you wanted. It had only been a day. Yeah, you were going to wait.
World News Tonight with David Muir started and you were one hundred percent paying attention now. David Muir was your celebrity crush, well, besides he who shall not be named. David was not only handsome, but he was intelligent, seemed sweet, and overall a good person. Landing an interview with him would be a dream come true. In general, you were a news junkie through and through, even if David wasn’t the anchor.
Despite not leaving the house all day, you were tired and decided to go bed early. Well, early for you since it was only ten o’clock. With an old episode of Friends playing on your TV, you dozed off only to be awakened by your cell phone ringing. You hoped it was Scott but worried it was Chris. Hitting the mute button on your remote, you grabbed your phone seeing a goofy selfie of Scott on your screen.
“I was trying to sleep,” you answered.
“This early? Are you ill? Zach’s a doctor, want me to put him on the line?”
“No, he’s not.”
“Yeah, you’re right. But he does watch a lot of doctor dramas,” he replied.
“Funny,” you responded sarcastically. You hadn’t called Scott at all since your phone call with Chris. There was no need to drag him into whatever the hell was going on between you and his brother. It wasn’t right and you would never put him in that position. “So, what’s up?” you asked.
“My brother is a dumbass,” he said flatly.
Guess he’s putting himself in this situation.
“Look, I’m not disagreeing with you, but do you really want to talk about this? I thought you once told me you weren’t going to get involved when it came to him and I.”
“When it’s slapped in my face by pictures getting posted online, it becomes my problem too. Plus, I was there that night, not the whole night, but I was there when it began. All I’m going to say about it is he’s a dumbass and I am sorry. While women do tend to hang on him, he should have been in control enough to ask her to vacate his lap.” You giggled at his use of vacate. “And least not forget you guys are together and you don’t do that kind of thing when you have a partner.”
“Well, I wouldn’t go that far. We weren’t together. There was never talk of anything being official. But everything else I agree with,” you said.
“Hold up. You two were very much together. I’m sorry, but my brother does not call a girl daily if they aren’t in a relationship.”
“Scott,” you sighed. “I don’t want to get into this. It doesn’t matter anymore. The distance thing is just too complicated. I’m not in the industry. I’m not from New England. I don’t fit. Friendship is enough.”
“Do you really believe that? I’ll drop it, I swear, but is that really what you want?”
You didn’t know what you really wanted anymore. Okay, that’s a lie. You want it to be easy. You cleared your throat causing Scott to chuckle.
“And just so you know, I told him he’s getting a kick to the ass. If not by me, by my mother.”
“Your mom knows?!”
“Ma knows everything and she’s not happy. I’m pretty sure her words were “I can’t believe he was stupid enough to do that to Sassy” or something similar.”
“Oh boy,” you replied.
“But none of that matters, I really called for another reason. You’re going to meet Zach!”
“What? Really? Don’t tease me,” you exclaimed.
“I’m serious. He’s real and you’re meeting him this weekend. We are flying out Friday. We’re getting a rental, so you don’t need to pick us up, but we’re staying with you. Surprise!”
“Scott,” you sighed. “You don’t need to come out here to make me feel better.”
“Who said it’s to make you feel better. We have a free weekend and Zach wants to go to Magic Kingdom. You’re just a place to stay,” he stated.
“You’re an asshole,” you chuckled.
“You love me.”
“I do,” you groaned. “What time will I see you Friday?”
“I know you work, so we’ll come by after five. We’re treating you to dinner since you’re hosting us.”
“Love that you come up with all these plans without consulting me,” you chuckled.
“And Saturday we’re all going to the park.”
“You do realize it’s still one hundred degrees out, right?”
“We’ll take breaks. It’s fine,” he replied.
He was lucky you loved him, or was it the other way around? You weren’t quite so sure anymore.
“Okay, fine. I’ll do it for Zach. But I’m going to bed, so leave me be.”
“Night Sassy.”
“Night Grumpy.”
You unmuted the TV, set your phone down on the night stand only to pick it right back up.
Before you could change your mind, you sent a text to Chris.
Y/N: Thank you for the beautiful tulips. Have a great Monday.
It was simple enough and it let him know you weren’t planning on calling him tomorrow.
Chris: I meant what I said in the card. Have a good day at work sweetheart.
You scheduled a last-minute dinner with Jana and Brooks late Monday night. It’s not that you felt the need to talk about your relationship with Chris, you just didn’t want either of them to eventually see the pictures or have Scott spill the beans to Brooks. And if your going to break down in public, who better to break down in front of than your friends.
You were honestly fine up until the point Jana frowned and reached across the table to grasp your hand. That’s when the waterworks happened. Most of it was due to embarrassment.
“I just feel so silly thinking that this would have worked out,” you said between tears. “I know I played it cool to you guys, but a really big part of me thought maybe, just maybe it could have been real.”
Like yourself, Jana was an empathetic crier when it came to the ones she loved. Tears breached her eyes as she attempted to blink them away, whiled she held your hand in hers.
“Why can’t it be really?” Brooks asked.
The two of you shot Brooks a dumbfounded look. Instantly he lifted his hands in surrender.
“All I’m saying is this doesn’t mean it can’t eventually work out. Maybe it’s just not the right time. But who’s to say a month from now or six months from now the two of you won’t align,” he said.
“Who are you and what have you done with my husband?” Jana asked with a shocked expression on her face.
You gave him a watery smile. It was a nice thought to think of, but you weren’t so sure.
By Wednesday, you were missing your daily calls with Chris. Over the last month he had called or Facetimed you every day. Even the days that got away from him, he would call you just to say goodnight. Technically, the three days you had asked for had passed, so you could call him. It was such a strange feeling to be nervous to talk to the person you felt close to, but that’s exactly how you felt.
I’ll just text him. Yep, texting is safe.
Snuggled up in bed, you chewed on your lip and contemplated what to text.
“Hey Chris, how’s it going?”
“Had any ladies on your lap lately?”
Definitely not.
“Do you miss me?”
You couldn’t go there.
You sat up, criss crossing your legs.
Y/N: How are you?
Turning on Nextflix, you queued up Friends, continuing where you left off. The episode where Ross dressed up as the Holiday Armadillo always made you laugh. Unfortunately, nothing could distract you from starring at your phone. You weren’t left in your misery for long as Chris responded only a few minutes later.
Chris: Hi Sweetheart. I’m so glad you texted me.
Chris: I’m doing okay, but I’m really missing you.
“You are going to stay strong. Chris is your friend. Friends miss each other, right? You miss Scott. You use to miss Chris when you were nothing more than friends.”
Y/N: I miss talking to you.
Chris: Do you want to call me?
Of course, you did. But you just couldn’t, at least not yet.
Y/N: Tomorrow?
You didn’t think you could do it tonight. Putting it off until tomorrow felt safer.
Chris: That sounds good. 9 work for you?
Y/N: Yeah, that’s fine. I’m going to watch some Friends and then crash.
Chris: Night sweetheart
Y/N: Night babe.
Tomorrow would be hard, but eventually it would feel like normal or at least you hoped it would.
It’s funny how tomorrow comes a lot sooner than it seems. It never comes quick when you’re really looking forward to something. No, those are the days that drag on forever. But the days that your worried or anxious, those show up in a blink of an eye.
It was nine and you weren’t sure if you were supposed to call him or if he was supposed to call you. You should have clarified. So now you stare blankly at your phone with a cold beer in your other hand. Yes, you had to work tomorrow, but what’s one beer, especially if it helped?
Hitting the home button on your phone again, it was now nine eighteen.
I should just call him.
With your finger hovering over his contact, the phone rang in your hand. Unlike Scott, you didn’t have a picture of Chris. You were too worried that you’d forget your phone somewhere one day and someone find it, they would have Chris’ number. Maybe a far-fetched concern, but it did cross your mind.
“Hi,” he sighed. “I wasn’t sure who was calling who.”
You chuckled lightly. “I actually had the same thought.”
“What are you up to?”
“Just hanging on the lanai. Not so bad out at night,” you said.
“Still pretty hot?”
“Oh yeah. Need to wait until December for it to cool down.”
This was awkward. You felt like you were really trying to make a conversation happen.
“Why does this seem so hard?” you asked honestly.
Chris lightly chuckled and took a deep breath. “Cause this isn’t us and it’s my fault. I’m sorry.”
“Chris, it’s fine. It might just take sometime for us to get back to the way were. I’m willing to try if you are.”
“You mean, try to make us work?”
It was your turn to sigh.
“We already talked about that. I just don’t think it’s going to work, Chris,” you replied.
“That’s negotiable,” he said. Before you could disagree, he spoke again. “But I’m willing to table it for now.”
“You’re so stubborn,” you said.
“You are.”
You shook your head.
“Did you know your brother invited himself to stay at my place?”
“That sounds like Scott. He did mention it.”
Damn this is hard.
“It should be fun. But, um, I’m actually going to finish cleaning so I’ll talk to you later,” you said.
“Oh! Okay. Um, can I call you tomorrow?”
“Well, Scott will be here and I just kind of want to concentrate on that. Next week?” It was very noncommittal, but you were being honest about wanting to just hangout with Scott and Zach.
“Ye-Yeah. Whatever works. I’ll talk to you later sweetheart.”
“Okay. Goodnight Chris.”
It would get easier.
You were rushing having left work a little later than you would have liked. Scott had sent you a text at quarter to five saying they were on their way to your house having already stopped at the liquor store because he still didn’t trust your wine selection.
The plan was to be home and have time to freshen up before they got there. At this rate, they may actually beat you to your house.
An unknown SUV pulled into your driveway just as your turned down your street.
Pulling up along side the gray 4x4, you parked and quickly hopped out of your car, running around to the driver’s side. Scott quickly got out of the car, closing the door behind him.
“You’re here!” you cheered, rushing into his arms.
“I’m here! I mean, we’re here!” he corrected, pulling away as Zach walked up to the two of you.
“Sassy, this is Zach. Zach this is my Sassy,” he stated.
You extended your hand to shake his, but he quickly brushed it away, wrapping his arms around you instead.
“No, ma’am. We’re huggers,” Zach said as you hugged him back, not stopping the giggle that escaped your lips when he hugged you tighter.
“Well it’s nice to meet you,” you said when he let go of you. “Hate to say it, but I think Zach gives better hugs.”
Scott rolled his eyes, moving to the rear of the vehicle and pulling out two small rolling suitcases. “I won’t argue with that.”
“Alright, so you two are in my room this weekend,” you said, unlocking your front door.
“I’m sorry, what? We can’t take your room Y/N,” Scott said.
“Well, my second room only has a twin-size mattress since I have that monster of a desk in there and it doesn’t make sense to have one of you on the couch and one in the spare room. I just changed all the bedding this morning so it’s all made up for you both.” Scott gave you pouty lips but you just shook your head. “I insist.”
“Thank you, Y/N, that’s very kind of you,” Zach said.
Scott grabbed Zach’s hand, dragging him into your bedroom to drop their bags.
After dinner that Scott did indeed treat you to, the three of you spread out in your living room. The boys lazily lounged on the couch while your legs hung over the side of the cushioned arm chair. The glass of red in your hand was doing nothing to help energize you.
“What time are we going tomorrow?” you asked.
“Mind if we leave here by nine?” Scott asked.
“That works. Do you have a plan to concur tomorrow?”
“All three mountains?” Zach suggested.
“Doable since we Fastpassed two of them,” you agreed.
“Soooo,” Scott started. “I’m not trying to kill our food coma, but are you really okay?”
You’re not sure how you thought you’d escape talking about Chris with his brother sitting in your living room.
You shrugged your shoulders and took a long drink from your glass to delay the conversation a little further. “I’m okay. It wasn’t great to have our plans change last weekend. And then to see those photos of him out, drunk, and some woman hanging on him also didn’t make me feel great. But I can’t even be mad about that because we weren’t exclusive.” Scott opened his mouth to speak, but you cut him off. “And before you jump in, Chris and I never discussed what exactly we were.”
“Fine. Fine,” Scott said causing Zach to push on his shoulder. “I just don’t understand why your going back to just being friends.”
You gulped down the rest of your wine while sliding your feet back on the floor. “Anybody else?” you asked, pointing at your empty glass. Zach held his up and you nodded. Scott did the same waving his free hand around annoyed with your lack of an answer.
“All I’m saying is that dating anybody in the industry can be difficult. Shit happens and it isn’t fun a lot of the time. But if you care about someone and you feel like it could go the long haul, sometimes the heartache is worth it in the end. I’ll leave it at that.”
You walked back in the room, filling Zach’s glass, then Scott’s. Setting the empty bottle on the coffee table, you dropped one knee on the couch and wrapped your arms around Scott. “Thank you,” you mumbled against his head.
He returned the hug before blowing out a big puff of air. You pulled back and gave him a questioning look. “Your hair was sticking to my face. And you’re welcome.”
The three of you ran around the park like kids Saturday morning. You lingered in gift shops to soak up the cool air before running back out into the sauna. Dole Whip and ice cream ended up being lunch because the three of you were too hot to eat an actual meal.
On your way out, Scott made a pit stop in a shop on Main Street.
“Go next door. I’m buying you a surprise and I don’t want you to see it until I have it.” Scott said, shooing you away.
You pouted like a child but moved on to the next section of the store to look at pins. The bulletin board in your office was nearly full, but you hadn’t bought a new one in quite a while.
Twenty minutes later, Scott and Zach found you, all three of you with bags in hand.
“Let’s go outside,” Scott said.
“Then, I’ll see my gift?” you perked up.
“Of course, but only if you’re good,” he chuckled.
Once outside the shop, the three of you stood on the sidewalk, against the window to be out of the way of passing crowds. Scott reached in the bag and pulled out the classic Mickey Mouse Club ears and plopped them on his head. He pulled another pair out and handed them to you. You smiled politely at the gift, but thought it was a little odd.
“Thank you, Scott. I have a bunch of the ear headbands, but didn’t have the original hat.”
“Turn it around silly,” he stated blankly, tilting his head to the side.
You turned the hat so that the back was facing you. Scrolled across the back in pink stitched lettering was the name Sassy. Your face split into a huge grin as you rushed him, throwing your arms around his neck with the hat and bag dangling in your hand.
“This is perfect. I love it so much!”
“You haven’t seen the best part,” Scott mumbled into your hair.
Letting your arms fall away you waited for him to continue. Scott turned around showing you the back of his hat. Scrolled across in gold stitch was the name Grumpy.
“Oh, my goodness!” you squealed, Zach laughing at your reaction.
“It’s perfect, right?” Zach asked.
“So perfect.”
“Alright, let’s get a picture of you two,” Zach said, walking out into the middle of Main Street dodging strollers and other adults.
You and Scott followed him, finding a spot facing the castle in the distance. You posed with your arm going around his back and him doing the same to you. Bright smiles on both of your faces. Then the two of you turned around so that your nicknames were on display for the camera. You took a few pictures of Zach and Scott before the three of you headed out of the park. Scott posting the picture of the back of your hats on Instagram as soon as you got to the car.
It was late afternoon and the three of you were lounging in your pool. Zach and you were laying on two floaties while Scott sat on the edge of the pool with his legs in the water. He had been on his phone for the better part of an hour. His face looked a little peeved and if you had to guess, he was angry texting.
Lizzo’s Good as Hell started on your portable speakers, you instantly clapping your hands. “Turn it up, please,” you hollered to Scott, since your phone was lying right next to him.
He did as requested and went right back to his phone, typing at a feverish pace before sighing dramatically and setting his phone next to yours.
“Woo child, tired of the bullshit. Go on dust your shoulders off, keep it moving. Yes Lord, tryna get some new shit. In there, swimwear, going to the pool shit,” you and Zach sang.
“You know what we need? Shots. Be right back,” Scott said abruptly, pulling his legs from the pool and going into the house.
You looked to Zach who shrugged his shoulders and gave you a smile.
“I do my hair toss, check my nails. Baby how you feelin'? Feeling good as hell. Hair toss, check my nails. Baby how you feelin'? Feeling good as hell,” you sang.
Both you and Zach were well past tipsy since Scott began feeding you shots four hours ago. In between that time, you had ordered a couple of pizzas and breadsticks which helped soak up some of the alcohol, but carbs could only do so much with all that liquor running through your body.
“Boston! When are you coming?” Scott asked.
“Um, October?” you asked.
“Yes!” Zach said.
“I want to do all the touristy stuff, so you need to tell me where to stay. I don’t know the area, obviously,” you replied.
“Um, no way. You are staying with me. I want you to plus my ma would kill me if I had you staying at a hotel.” Scott shouted a little too loudly.
“Plus, we kind of invited ourselves here this weekend. We’d love to host you.” Zach added.
You nodded your head in agreement. “But will you play tourist with me? I want to see everything. Cheers! We have to go to the Cheers bar!”
They both chuckled at your enthusiasm. “We’ll go to Cheers.” Zach agreed.
Before you could make any other plans, your doorbell rang.
“Did we order more food?” you asked the boys. They both shook their heads while Scott hopped to his feet. “We should order more food,” your drunken head stated.
The doorbell rang again reminding you that someone was there waiting for you to answer. You started to walk to the door, Scott hot on your trail.
“I had nothing to do with this and I’m sorry,” Scott spit out.
You gave him a questioning look as you turned the knob on the door.
On the other side stood Chris with a large duffle hanging around his shoulder and a small smile on his face. You turned back to Scott who looked pissed, starring down his brother. You turned back to Chris who dropped his eyes back to you.
“Chris,” you whispered out. “What are you doing here?”
“I’m your pool boy,” he chuckled. “I wanted to see you.”
You stood there with your mouth hanging open.
“Can I come in?” he asked.
“Uh, sure,” you said, opening the door wider for him to pass.
Chris stepped in, walking toward the living room, getting a small shove from Scott as he passed.
“Hey, Zach,” Chris shouted.
“What the fuck?” you asked, still standing at the door.
“I told him not to come. I’m sorry. I kind of hoped he wouldn’t actually go through with it. He sent me a text after he was already at the airport. I swear I didn’t know,” Scott said.
“No,” you shook your head. “No, it’s fine. I’m just going to need more alcohol.”
“On it,” Scott said, walking toward your kitchen.
“You can do this. Chris is your friend…who you just happened to have sex with. Twice. No big deal,” you said to yourself.
Walking into the kitchen, Scott passed you the shot glass which you quickly downed, him doing the same with his own. You held up a finger, silently asking for another which he quickly poured. You downed that one just as quick. Scott put an arm around your shoulder, pulling you close.
“You gonna be okay?” he asked.
“I hope so,” you replied.
The two of you walked into the living room, Zach and Chris were in the midst of a conversation, stopping only to look at the two of you.
“Have fun sleeping on the couch,” Scott chucked.
Chris’ mouth dropped open, looking from Scott then to you.
“Sorry,” you said with a shrug.
Chapter 12
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personasintro · 5 years
Sleepover [oneshot]
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⏤𝘴𝘺𝘯𝘰𝘱𝘴𝘪𝘴; Jungkook is your best friend’s little brother who invites you to have a sleepover at his place. Nothing can happen, right?
⏤𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴: oral sex [female receiving], strong language, light spanking, penetrative sex, protected sex
⏤𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘳𝘦: fluff, smut
⏤𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵: 10.4k
request: “Would it be ok for it to be smut? And oc is going over to jk house to have a sleepover with his older sister, only that his sister is working late and will be home later on in the night so it’s just oc and jk?” 
A/N: This one is inspired by one of mine requests. I made a little twist to it I hope you’ll like it x
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You don’t think you’ve ever seen so many boxes in one room. The room is already filled with so many boxes and you put another one on top of it. 
How can one person have so much stuff? 
You turn back to repeat the same process of putting boxes from the huge van to inside. You’ve been doing it for the past thirty minutes and even if you’re holding boxes which aren’t that heavy, you still feel the little ache in your arms. You should probably start working out but you’re too lazy for doing any of it. Plus, being an adult while trying to survive in this awful world — nah, you don’t have time for that. 
“Jungkook, why the hell have you so much stuff?!” you hear your best friend’s — Jina’s — loud voice, seeing her already wiping the sweat off her forehead.
 You chuckle at her furrowed eyebrows, probably mentally cursing at her younger brother. You come up to the van he rented for today seeing your best friend fuming with her hands on her hips. He hops out of the vehicle, his boots hitting the floor while wiping his own forehead. His hair is curly and raven and even though he is probably the most tired person here, he still looks effortlessly beautiful and you’re trying not to stare too much. He smiles at his sister in teasing manner while his eyes crinkles at the end. 
“I’m an adult, I’ve a lot of stuff.” he explains but his sister only scoffs loudly.
“Just because you’re twenty doesn’t mean you’re suddenly an adult. You’ve to take care of yourself now, no mom’s homemade food.” Jina says but not in rude tone. 
She talks to him softly thinking her younger brother doesn’t realize what it takes to live on your own. Moving out from your parents’ house — your home — is a new and big step. You and Jina have been already through that and it was way harder than it seems.
“I know, I can perfectly take care of myself,” Jungkook states confidently, while taking one of the lightest box in his hands. He looks up at you, those big doe eyes looking at you softly. 
It’s your best friend’s brother, Y/N. Don’t be so effected by him. And what? You can still think he’s attractive because well... he is and there’s that. It doesn’t mean you’ll jump on him. You’ve some self control and besides, it’s like best friend’s code — no dating with each others’ siblings. As much as you and Jina get along, since high school, you know she wouldn’t be able to get through it if you and Jungkook would be somehow involved. Also, he’s five year younger than you starting with a college. You both are completely at different places. 
Not that you’re thinking how it’d be dating him. 
“Can you please take this, Noona? It’s one of the last ones,” he asks you kindly and you quickly scurry to him taking the box from him. “Thank you.”
“Yeah, no problem.” you nod with a smile, taking the box to his new home. His new apartment looks like some storage space but it’s understandable when he’s just moving in. There’s no personal touches to his new home yet — the apartment isn’t that big but still looks amazing. The bathroom and kitchen looks modern and even the walls he got painted look amazing. It looks like he’s got a great taste. 
You put the last one box down turning around to see Jina and Jungkook coming in.
“Thank you so much for helping.” he says to his sister as soon as he closes the front door.
“Of course, I told you I’d help you. I’m your big sister,” she says slinging her arm around his frame but it looks rather funny. 
Even though he’s younger — he’s obviously a man now. He’s taller than her at least for good thirty centimeters and his whole body is perfectly fit and manly. The dark khaki long sleeve T-shirt he’s wearing shows his broad shoulders and chest perfectly. Jina getting emotional for her brother who’s not affected by it that much like she is, she quickly gasps wiping her eyes which got watery. 
“I’m thirsty, I’ll be right back.” she says trying to get to the kitchen through boxes. 
After she’s out of your sight, Jungkook looks at you with his soft brown eyes. You almost visibly gulp but you stand there simply staring back at him. What is this kid doing?
“Thank you Noona for helping me. I really appreciate it.” he thanks you with a soft smile playing on his small plump lips revealing his bunny teeth.
“It’s okay, you don’t have to thank me. I’m glad I could help. Moving out is a huge step for you,” you tell him sitting down on the side of his sofa still covered in huge plastic cover. He leans against the wall next to him ruffling his hair which got into his eyes.
“I know, my mom is freaking out since I told her I’m thinking about moving out,” he chuckles. “She thinks I’ll die from hunger but I can cook something. Besides the convenience store is just around the corner.” he shrugs. 
You simply stare at him seeing him differently. He’s not a little kid anymore like he used to be with his ball cut wearing extremely edgy clothes for his age trying to look tough. His skin acne free now, looking smoothly and velvety which you’re secretly jealous of.
“I live just a few blocks away. If you ever feel hungry I’ve got enough food for you,” you laugh but you’re serious. 
He’s like a little brother to you as well. Whenever the Jeon’s family went camping, organized some family gathering — you’ve always been there. You’ve known their family well for about six years know. You’ve met him when he was only sixteen, remembering the first time he shyly greeted you with a bow. You’re a part of their family — as they like to claim.
“Good to know,” he laughs while pulling his sleeves up to his elbow. His gold skin almost blinding you, the little veins decorating his skin. He definitely grew up real fast. “Why are you looking at me like that?” he asks suddenly cocking his head to the side.
“You just... grew up. You’re not that sixteen year old kid I met anymore,” you let out a laugh watching his eyes staring at you.
“I can assure that I’m definitely not,” he says lowly and your eyes widen a little bit at his tone. You cough smiling at him awkwardly.
“I think I know how Jina feels now,” you tell him and his brows scrunch is confusion. “You’ve been like a little brother to me and now you’re living on your own. It’s just emotional a little bit.” you laugh in amusement but he doesn’t laugh with you. 
His jaw clenches while he watches you darkly. Your laugh freezes and you think you’ve somehow crossed the line. Maybe he doesn’t feel like you’re that close for you to call him your little brother. But you’ve been there. Since his rebellious period to now.
“Yeah, it kind of is.” he mumbles smiling at you but it doesn’t look real.
Thankfully, your best friend comes to the room with smudged mascara under her eyes sighing dramatically. “I wasn’t crying!” she quickly says, putting her hand in front of her like in defence when both of you look at her with raised brows.
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Checking yourself in the mirror for the last time you make sure that you look decent. Satisfied with your look you lock your car walking inside trying to find Jina. Once you spot her pink sweater you walk up to them. 
Jina, Jungkook and his friends invited you to hang out with them. What is better way than spending your Saturday playing bowling? Even though you’re absolutely awful at playing it but you don’t mind. 
Everyone greeted you with cheerful greetings, Jina hugging you so hard you could barely breathe. But one particular pair of doe eyes looking at you while he sits on a leather couch. 
“Hi, Noona.” he greets you with little wave and you smile at him greeting him back. When you said you’re awful at playing bowling — you were right. 
Your name being the last one on the big board with the lowest score is the proof of it. Even Taehyung and Jimin are better at it and they were fooling around the whole time. 
“We’re going to order some drinks, do you guys want any?” Taehyung asks when the game ends, everyone ready for another one but decided on taking a break. 
Jungkook reserved the bowling alley for the whole night. Everyone says their order when Jina’s phone starts to beeping ending up with her going outside for a while to talk with her boyfriend. It’s just you and Jungkook — and it feels awkward. You haven’t seen him since he moved in and it’s already been two months. It wouldn’t be even that awkward but the silence between you two is. The sounds of a bowling ball hitting pins, music and people talking could be only heard. Jungkook feels the weird and awkward atmosphere so he coughs loudly catching your attention. 
“So,” he starts giving you a soft smile. “How have you been?”
His body is slouched on the leather couch, arm stretched around the couch’s seatback. He wears an oversized khaki hoodie with matching pants and those favorite black boots of his. He looks stunning. He looks completely different from the all men with suit and ties in your work, maybe that’s why you always find his fashion sense interesting. His forehead could be seen making him look somehow different than with his usual fringe covering it. 
“Noona,” he speaks when you don’t give him any answer and you quickly gave him your awkward smile. You hope he doesn’t catch you checking him out — that would be too embarrassing.
“O-oh, I’ve been great. Just too busy with my job and everything... but besides that I’m great. How’s living on your own?” he smiles at your question looking happy.
“It’s been great. I definitely miss my mom’s homemade food but other than that, it’s been great.” he answers while you nod at him making sure he knows you’re listening. “I haven’t seen you for awhile.” he adds reaching for a bottle glass of cola and drinking from the straw. 
You eye the movement of his lips puckering around the thin yellow straw seeing him sucking and drinking from it.
“Yeah...” you mumble just watching him simply drinking his cola like some lunatic. Get yourself together, Y/N! “So why bowling? Other than you’re perfect at it.”
He chuckles while shaking his head. “Perfect? Barely.” he scoffs while smiling putting the cola back on the little table.
“Come on, you’ve won for third time with biggest score. We weren’t even close to your score,” you laugh pointing to the big screen above your bowling alley which shows the old score.
“Okay, I’m good at it. I’ll admit that,” he puts his hands in surrender and you tsk at him. “And why bowling? I guess I wanted to thank all of you who helped me with moving out. I already payed for everyone’s dinner but you couldn’t come so...” 
It’s true. 
After a week or so Jungkook moved in, he invited everyone who helped him — which included you and Jina helping him the first day and Taehyung and Jimin the next day — but unfortunately you couldn’t come due to your work schedule.
“Yeah, sorry about that. I wish I could’ve come,” you apologized with small pout and he finds you adorable. Adorable even though you’re five years older than him.
“Oh, no don’t apologize. I get it. I’m just glad you’ve made it this time,” he smiles looking at you deeply in the eyes. 
You could see the honesty and spark in his big doe eyes and you feel your heart beating faster. You’re not supposed to feel like this about him. The attraction towards him is pulling you to him but you’ve to stop yourself. Wanting nothing more than to sit on his lap and— no you can’t think about that. It’s Jina’s younger brother. He’s simply just a... kid. Even if he definitely doesn’t look like one with his toned body. 
“So do you want to learn how to play bowling?” he asks suddenly and you blink couple of time quickly nodding before processing his words properly. This is what an handsome boy does to you.
He walks to the bowling alley before turning around to finding you sitting there watching him. He quirks a brow at you chuckling to himself. “You’ve to come here, Noona.”
Idiot! You want to slap yourself for making this even more awkward than it already was. You just hope he doesn’t find you weird. You never thought you’d ever care what a twenty year old thinks about you. But now it’s like the only thing you’re thinking about. Does he think I’m weird? Does he find me awkward and annoying?
“Alright, but I suck at this.” you announce hand in surrender while walking up to him. Maybe coming to the bowling in your work attire which consist of pencil skirt and high heels wasn’t the best choice, but you’d come even later if you would go home just to change yourself to better and more appropriate clothes. Thankfully they insist on wearing a bowling shoes which they borrow for everyone at the counter.
“I know,” he shrugs and you slap his shoulder with offended ‘hey’. “That’s why I’m helping you with this.” he adds with cheeky smile and you shake your head at him while laughing. 
He clicks something on the little side board setting up the pins before choosing from the bowling balls. 
“This is the lightest one and best for you,” he says handing you the neon green ball. “Put your fingers here,” he says showing you while he puts his fingers into the little holes on the ball and you gulp. This is rather awkward seeing his long fingers disappearing in the hole. 
“Okay, your go,” he says and you do exactly what he done. “Perfect.” he muses.
He walks to the balls arranged in the line choosing the black one. It seems way heavier than yours, the way his biceps bulge out. “Now watch me.” he says walking back to the front of the lane.
I am, you don’t have to worry about that.
He shoots the ball giving you a good view of his ass. You watch him intensely as he releases the ball. It glides smoothly in the middle of the lane. He hits all the pins, the sound echoing loudly. He turns around a proud smirk on his lips when he hits the strike. He walks to you proudly with cocky grin. “And this is how you do it.” he points out and you roll your eyes.
“Okay, Mr. Jeon. Enough with the bragging,” you tease him trying to mimic the posture he showed you just a few seconds ago. 
You’re focusing scrunching your brows in concentration when you hear his loud laugh. You turn around seeing him holding his stomach while laughing at you.
“What the hell are you doing, Noona?” he asks through his laugh and you frown at him.
“I’m bowling, obviously.” you mumble watching him calm down from his laughter. “And stop laughing at me, I’m older than you.” you huff at him while pouting without realizing it. He bites his lips while looking at you.
“Let me help you,” he says walking towards you, standing behind you. 
You can feel his presence behind you, the masculine smell mixed with his cologne filled your scents and you hold yourself from humming. He smells nice. You always had a weak spot for men who smells nice. He places his hand over yours, which is way larger than yours. 
“Don’t throw the ball, simply just let it glide.” he explains quietly his lips too close to your right ear. 
You can feel the little breaths from his lips on your skin and it tickles. Closing your eyes you try to control your beating. Jungkook continues talking about your posture and more professional stuff about bowling but you’re not really paying any attention. You just nod like you do but you could care less about it now. He steps away from you gesturing to the lane. 
“Try it.” he says while you blink at him for awhile. He raises a brow in confusion before you quickly smile.
“Yeah, I got it.” you say trying to glide the ball — just like Jungguk advised to you — trying to hit all the pins. It’s not that easy as it looks, the ball sliding towards more left side but you still manage to hit four pins. You squeal happily clapping to yourself even though you weren’t so good as Jungkook.
“Great job, Noona.” he comments you with cute smile while scrunching his nose a little bit.
“Hey, did you start without us?” Jimin asks as he and Taehyung walks to you with hands full of your drinks. You quickly walk to them and help them placing the drinks onto the table.
“No, I was just showing to Noona how to play a bowling.” he answers while Taehyung arches a brow at him but you don’t see that.
“Okay, can we start? I’m ready to kick your ass, Jeon.” Jimin teases Jungkook pretending to stretching up.
“We still have to wait for Jina.” Jungkook says still slight smile playing on his lips at Jimin’s little show.
“I’m here!” Jina yells little bit louder causing to some people look at her with annoyed expressions but she could care less. 
She runs to your lane with grin plastered on her face. The similarity between her and Jungguk can be seen when they’re doing similar mimics. 
“Guys, we have to kick Jungkook’s ass.” she says causing everyone in the group laugh including Jungkook who stares at you with sparks in his eyes. Maybe it’s the lighting or he really has those sparks in his eyes.
As expected, Jungkook beats all of your asses without even trying. You all go return the shoes they borrowed to you, standing at the counter where young male is standing. He looks very young he’s probably still in college. 
“Did you have fun?” he asks everyone seeing the good mood between all of you. You spent at least three hours here playing bowling.
“We did, this place is amazing.” Taehyung, the social butterfly, answers with his boxy smile already telling Jimin how better he was than him at playing bowling. They both were miserable so you don’t see any difference in that, but you still find them funny.
“And what about you? Did you have fun?” The guy asks with little cockiness in his voice. You’re surprised when you look up at him finding him looking straight at you, grinning at you like some teenager. He probably still is. He takes the shoes away from you touching your hand slightly before pulling away.
“Yeah, she did have fun. Can you take my shoes?” Jungkook interfers all of a sudden, tossing his shoes on the counter leaving everyone speechless. The guy visibly gulps before quickly taking all of yours shoes before saying goodbye and rehearsed ‘thank you for coming to our place’.
“Damn, girl that boy was after you.” Jina says teasingly, slouching her hand around your shoulder grinning at you widely while Jimin walks next to you laughing at your sour expression.
“He is too young.” you scrunch your nose leaving the building with Jina teasing your ass off about how you should go back and take his number.
Jungkook pays for everyone, Taehyung waiting for him with his arched brows. Jungguk puts hit wallet into the back pocket of his pants before looking at Taehyung in confusion. “What?” he asks.
“What was that?” Taehyung asks looking at Jungguk with his big knowing eyes. He narrows his eyes at him while Jungkook looks even more confused.
“What was what?” he asks before walking towards the direction all of you went. Taehyung catches up to him quickly walking beside his friend.
“Come on, you know exactly what I’m talking about.” he says seriously causing Jungkook to stop, an annoyed expression visible on his face.
“No, actually I don’t.” he says somehow bitterly. But Taehyung knows better — Jungguk knows exactly what Taehyung’s aiming at.
“Y/N is too old for you. What are you trying to do, Jungkook?” he asks straight ahead. Jungguk isn’t really a type to play around, although girls are practically falling for him everywhere. It’s just — he’s too picky with girls. And Taehyung knows his friend really well and he’s sure Jungguk is somehow interested in you. But you’re unavailable. He doesn’t want him to start something which may hurt everyone including his sister.
Jungguk bites the inside of his cheek in annoyance. “I’m not doing anything, hyung.” he shrugs before walking away from his friend who only sighs following him.
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Ramen. Do you need it? Yes, you do! You toss it into your little shopping basket grabbing couple of packages of chicken, vegetable and shrimp ramen. It’s necessary to have these at home plus they’re quick to cook. 
Coming to home from your work to finding out that your fridge is indeed empty wasn’t a good end of your day. There was nothing in it expect one bottle of soju — you won’t probably eat that for your very late dinner. The most annoying is, that you took a shower and changed yourself into pajamas excited for some food. But then you had to dress up to come to the nearest convenience store. Putting the most ugly sweatpants you have with nasty oil stain that even your wash machine can’t wash out anymore. You don’t care, it’s late and you’re in convenience store. Not on fashion show.
“Noona?” Soft voice calls at you and your eyes widen when you turn around to look at Jungkook. 
The same shopping basket in his hands, he scans your figure and you want to freaking dig yourself into the floor. Why the hell did I have to meet him? You nervously smile at him feeling your cheeks red. When you said you don’t care wearing this, well you do now. And it annoys you that he has such an impact over you. You shouldn’t care that your face is makeup free and he can see that one spot on your forehead you desperately trying to hide for the third day. Even the hoodie you’re wearing is massive and it’s hiding your whole figure. How did he even recognize you? You look like a piece of shit.
“Hi, Jungkook.” you greet him brightly acting confident while he walks up to you looking like some model. 
All he's wearing are sweatpants with a baggy T-shirt, his outfit similar to yours, but he can definitely pull it off. You look like som beggar compare to him. He probably thinks that as well but he just doesn’t say anything.
“What are you doing here so late?” he asks with his bright smile, fingers gently moving the fringe which covers his eyes.
“I was hungry when I came home and had nothing in the fridge, so...” you trail off awkwardly pointing at your basket. His eyes follows your movement looking at the ramen packages in it. 
“That’s not very healthy, Noona.” he scrunches his nose disapprovingly. You look at his basket — vegetables, fruit and some pasta in it.
“I know, but I’m really craving ramen, okay?” you exclaim jokingly and he laughs with you. “And it’s quick to cook.” you mumble.
“You’re right about that.” he agrees moving the vegetables revealing two packages of ramen and you gasp.
“You hid it really well,” you laugh looking down for a moment before looking back at him seeing him staring at you. You stop laughing nervously shifting. “I know, I look like a piece of shit.” Wait, did you just say it out loud? Yes you did.
He scans your outfit before looking back at you. 
“What are you talking about? You look beautiful, Noona.” he says, the spark in his eyes once again and you gulp. Biting the inside of your cheek you awkwardly stand there while gripping the handle of the basket.
“You’re right, I do. With these ugliest sweatpants I own with a stain on it.” you roll your eyes hiding the embarrassment.
“Really? I thought it’s suppose to be there,” he says lightly touching his chin gesturing that he’s thinking. You stare at him when he looks at you with cheeky grin and you lightly slap his shoulder. He was just messing with you. “No, but really. You look fine.” he says his eyes serious although friendly smile on his face.
“Thanks.” you mumble still thinking he’s bluffing. There’s no way you look fine. You kind of thought you wouldn’t meet anyone you know and you don’t care about strangers’ opinions about you. But then you had to meet Jungguk just like that. It’s okay, Y/N. Just think about his awful fashion sense when he was sixteen.
“So... I’m planning this sleepover with Jina and you’re more than welcome to come. I told her to invite you as well since you’re hanging out more often, but I guess she still didn’t ask you.”
“No, she didn’t.” you confirm his thoughts while thinking about it. “Will Jimin And Taehyung be there?” you ask slowly walking to the next aisle while he trails after you.
“Hell, no. We already had our gaming night while Jimin spilled beer all over my new couch and Taehyung vomited all over my bathroom,” he says with horrific face at the memory. 
He had to scrub and wash all Taehyung’s vomits all by himself because Taehyung wasn’t able to — even the next day. And Jimin? Jimin simply ran away as soon as he woke up not wanting to smell those vomits any longer. 
“So, what are you saying? Will you come?” he asks with hopeful eyes. You’re ready to decline since your attraction towards Jungkook has been all over the place and you don’t like how much he attracts you. But he does that cute thing with his eyes — or it’s simply just his doe eyes — when he looks at you with hope and hopeful smile.
“When is it?” you ask and you swear you can see him grin in your peripheral sight.
“This Friday.” he answers. It’s tomorrow. You stop in your track turning around while biting your lip. You don’t know what posses you, but the next words in your mouth are much quicker than they should be. 
“Okay, I’ll be there.”
Jungkook smiles or smirks — something in between you can’t exactly define it but it makes your heart beat faster — and says; “Okay. See you tomorrow, Noona. I can’t wait.” And just like that he walks away from you while you’re standing there dumbfounded.
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Jungkook walks to his home with two bags full of food finding his dearest and only sister slouched on his couch — clean from the beer Jimin spilled there. 
“Don’t you have to go, I don’t know... home?” he asks her as he puts the bags on his kitchen counter. She averts her eyes from the big television their parents gave him as a welcoming gift, before scrunching her brows in response.
“Yah! I’m older than you!” she exclaims threateningly but he only rolls his eyes off. 
Since he moved in, she’s been more at his place than at hers. At first, he thought she’s just being the protective and caring older sister, but now it seems like she’s using benefits of his new home. New home which he got rented, but it’s still his home.
“Doesn’t seem lIke it sometimes,” he mumbles under his breath knowing if she’d heard him she’d probably throw her slipper at him — it wouldn’t be the first time. He puts all the groceries to the fridge and cabinets — where it belongs. He sits next to her exhaling but even then she doesn’t pay much attention to him. “I met Y/N at the convenience store.” he speaks.
“Oh, really?” Is all she says, her eyes still stucked to the television. He sighs looking at James Franco on the screen while his sister has literal heart eyes. Is this what women like?
“I invited her to our sleepover since you forgot.” he tells her little bit annoyed that she forgot. She looks up at him for a moment before continuing watching the movie.
“Yeah, sorry. I completely forgot,” she apologizes. “Did you buy a popcorn?”
“I did. I also bought some nachos and snacks. I thought about cooking a kimchi stew for dinner.” He says watching how James Franco appears shirtless. Jina looks at her younger brother with scrunched brows.
“You barely cook for me,” she remarks suspiciously looking at her brother. “Are you doing this for Y/N?” she asks with louder tone and it causes Jungguk to flinch.
“What? No? I can’t really invite someone for sleepover without any food.” he justifies but she doesn’t believe him.
“Jungkook,” He looks up at her curiously not liking the way she looks at him. She looks intimidating. “Do you like Y/N?”
“Of course, she’s a part of our family.” he answers diplomatically hoping she’d just let it go. But knowing his stubborn sister, she won’t. And that’s exactly what happens.
“I don’t mean it that way.” she almost snaps at him knowing he’s playing his little game right now. Jungkook is completely smart and sly at the same time.
“And what way do you mean it?” he asks her with fire in his eyes. The staring contest between Jeon siblings starts. Nobody says even a word before Jina groans leaving Jungkook smirking little bit.
“The bowling night... when that guy was flirting with her. You snapped at him. Why did you do that?” she asks with her jaw locked. But Jungguk doesn’t seem phased. He simply chuckles at that not letting that memory annoy him.
“I found it disrespectful for him to flirting with her. He was way too young and Y/N is like a second sister to me. I was just protecting her.” he explains and Jina’s eyes soften. 
She knows how protective Jungkook is. Once he and Jina went for a family dinner with their parents at this nice Korean restaurant in the center of Busan. There was this one waiter who was shamelessly flirting with her. Jungkook ignored it with his balls fisted under the table but when he tried to sneakily sneak his phone number to Jina that’s when he bursted. Let’s just say... that guy stopped working there. Probably too embarrassed and scared of Jungkook.
“Good, because she’s my best friend, Jungkook. I can’t imagine if something happens between you two. She’s like my sister as well, I hope you know that and respect that.” she says already vomiting at the thought of you and Jungkook. 
She hasn’t seen anything suspicious between you two but the way he reacted at the bowling made her wonder if he likes you somehow... different. Plus, she has never seen anyone with Jungkook recently and she doesn’t really get that. She’s pretty aware of her brother’s looks and the way all girls are drooling over him. But now she sees he doesn’t see you like that.
“I know, I won’t touch her.” he says and she pats his head which he annoyingly flinches away from her touch.
“Promise?” she raises her brow and he sighs while rolling his eyes.
“Promise.” he mumbles with a fake smile while those words leave a bitter taste in his mouth.
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You knock on the door shifting your weight. Was this a good idea? Well, why not? They’re like siblings to you. Yeah, siblings. Exactly that. The door opens and Jungguk stands there with bunny smile. 
“Noona, you came.” he says happily letting you in.
“I told you I would, remember?” you laugh, taking your shoes off while he closes the door after you.
“Come in,” he says leading you into his living room and you gasp at the amazing interior. 
There’s a no sign of boxes and everything looks so good. This apartment has Jungguk’s personality in it. You can see his three cameras on the shelf, one of them you bought him for his eighteenth’s birthday. You like he kept it, you were scared you bought some bad camera even thought the price wasn’t that low. But you’ve no knowledge about cameras so you had to go with seller’s opinion. 
“Jina is still not here. I guess she’s late as usual.” he explains when he leads you to his kitchen, which is combined with colors of white and beige. You love the kitchen the most — you can imagine yourself cooking in that pretty kitchen. You put your bags on the table already showing what you brought.
“I bought some strawberries and whip cream, me and Jina loves it as a snack.” You explain when you see his surprised look. “I bought some soju, I didn’t know if you’d like to drink but I still bought it because I know Jina will.”
“You didn’t have to bother with buying anything. I already bought a lot of stuff.”
“Did you buy a strawberries with whip cream?” you ask with raised brow. Silence. He stays silent looking at you dumbfounded. “Exactly.” 
He only sighs feeling like he messed up. He should’ve ask you what would you like. Maybe he should’ve bought more ramen since you obviously love it.
“Do you want to try it?” you ask pointing to the strawberries. “It’s really good.” It’s not exactly healthy with the whip cream but you don’t care and neither should he, because it’s delicious.
“I’m not sure...” he mumbles not really convinced by you.
“Let’s try it, you’ll love it.” you say happily clapping while he smiles already pulling out some bowl you can put the strawberries in it. 
You hand him strawberries and he washes them with cold water before putting them in a bowl. He leads you to his living room when his phone rings. He puts the bowl on the coffee table while he reaches for his phone. Jina’s name is flashing on his screen and he accepts the call.
“Hey, I’m sorry. I’ll be late a little bit I have to work a overtime. I should be at yours by ten.” Jina says, the disappointment clear in her voice.
“Don’t worry about it.” Jungkook says kindly giving you a look. You look at him with puzzled look wondering who’s calling and he mouths ‘Jina’ at you. You only nod reaching for one of the strawberries quickly putting it into your mouth.
“Is Y/N already there?” she asks. 
“Yeah, she just came.”
“Okay, wait up for me. Shit, my boss is coming I’ve to go. Don’t watch that movie with Chris Hemsworth without me, bye!” And just like that she hangs up leaving Jungguk chuckle at his sister’s behavior.
“What was she saying? Is she on her way?” you ask when he puts his phone back to its place.
“She’ll be late. She has to work overtime.” he answers and you only nod.
“Okay, let’s try this.” you say almost too happily causing Jungkook chuckle at you. You’re cute. “This is the way we do it.” you explain, shaking the whip cream before spraying it at the big plump and red strawberry.
He stares at every motion you do with your lips — sucking the whip cream before gently biting into it. But that’s not all. On top of it all you moan at the amazing taste while rolling your eyes off. You don’t think about it too much, simply eating and enjoying the strawberry. But he quickly covers his crotch while biting his lip. He can’t believe such a stupid thing just turned him on.
“Do you want to try it?” you turn to him when you swallow. 
“Huh?” he asks and you chuckle at him. 
“The strawberry... do you want to try it?” you look at him seeing him acting weird.
“Yeah, sure.” he says quickly popping a strawberry to his mouth without the whip cream.
“You forgot the whip cream.” you comment and he rolls his eyes before spraying it right into his mouth. 
His neck stretched you eye the glowing skin there as his Adam apple bobs as he swallows. You want nothing more than to kiss it. Wait what?! You quickly advert your eyes away from the pleasuring sight.
“Noona,” he speaks and you shut your eyes for a moment. 
His soft voice calling you like that makes your heart tumble. You look at him before spotting some of the whip cream in the corner of his lips. You reach out for him wiping it off with your thumb. You put your thumb to your mouth cleaning it while swallowing the whip cream. You haven’t realized how bad and inappropriate this looked as Jungkook’s eyes widen. He reaches out for you, pulling a strand of hair behind you hair. You sit there frozen feeling the light touch on your cheek. He bites his lip before leaning in. His lips are becoming too close and you put a hand on his chest stopping him.
“Jungkook...” you murmur softly but he only puts his hand over yours pulling you in and kissing you.
 He holds you in place kissing you softly like he’s afraid he’d break you. The little kiss is innocent as he pulls away while biting his lip. You breathe out opening your eyes. 
“What...” you trail off shocked from what has just happened.
“God, I wanted to do that for so long.” he admits shamelessly and you open your mouth in shock.
“Why would you do that?” you somehow manage to say as he chuckles. It’s not that you didn’t like it, you did. And you’re scared of that feeling because you want more.
“You didn’t like it?” he asks innocently but his eyes sparkles with cockiness. He enjoys this and you scoff.
“No,” you cross your arms over your chest making your breasts peek out from your top. Jungkook’s eyes follows the movement and he shamelessly stares at them. “Yah!” you scold him covering your chest.
“Oh, come on! We just kissed!” he exclaims laughing at you. You can’t believe you kissed him. Well, you can’t believe he kissed you. Whatever, you both kissed each other.
“You kissed me!” you exclaim this time frowning at him.
“And you liked it!”
“No, I didn’t—“ You’re cut off by his lips being pressed roughly on yours. He moves his lips skillfully and damn, this boy can kiss so good. He rummages your mouth with his tongue pulling you more to him. His hand gripping your neck as he hold you in your place. You move your lips against his enjoying the sweet taste of his lips. He stops leaning his forehead against yourself trying to calm down his breathing. 
“Did you like it, Noona? Hm?” he whispers and you almost whimper at the seductive tone he has. You push him away slightly with a scowl on your lips and he almost pouts wanting to pull you closer to him.
“Jungguk, stop playing around.” you scold him feeling embarrassed you just kissed with Jungkook. The same Jungkook you watched growing up into an adult.
“Do you think I’m playing around?” he asks serious, any sign of playfulness long gone. “Oh, I’m serious, Noona.” he smirks at you. 
You visibly gulp sitting there frozen while your lips are tingling. He grabs your hips putting you onto his hip while you screech.
“I like this much better,” he says looking up at you while you’re peering at him surprisingly. 
But you don’t pull away simply enjoying how good it feels to sit on his lap. You shamelessly feel the slight bulge above your entrance. He burrows his face into your breasts inhaling your scent while you’re sitting on him all dumbfounded. 
“Umm, Jungguk—“ you try to speak but he cuts you off. 
“Shhh, let’s enjoy this.” he says his voice muffled by your skin. 
You feel his hot breath on your skin and you hold his figure closer to you. You feel the little smirk on his lips against your skin before he starts pecking it making his way from your breasts to your neck. Blushing, you bit your lip when you feel him getting harder in his pants. He feels getting harder but he doesn’t do anything even though he needs to feel some friction between your bodies — he wants you to do the next move and luckily enough, you do. Without too much thinking you buckle your hips, brushing against his bulge and both of you moan immediately.
“Oh, shit I didn’t—“ you whimper as he thrust his hips upwards, your crotches colliding together. “Oh my god,” you moan out throwing you head back at the amazing feeling. 
He starts moving your body so your crotches brushes against each other. But it’s not enough — the slight pleasure you’re feeling is not enough. 
“I need more.” you breathe out and Jungguk slightly pulls away to look at your face.
“Are you sure?” he asks scanning your face but you quickly nod.
 He chuckles at you massaging your hips. You feel your arousal between your legs, the way it’s slowly dripping damping your underwear. 
“What do you want, Noona?” he asks looking at you innocently before cocky grin makes appearance on his face.
“I want you to touch me,” you answer quietly and he hums in acknowledgment. He grabs your T-shirt silently asking for your permission. You nod and in one swift movement he takes off your T-shirt leaving you in your bra and leggings covering your legs. 
“Jungkook,” you whine in anticipation and he chuckles.
“You’re not very patient, Noona.” he comments with cocky tone and you roll your eyes. He slaps your ass making you jerk away gaping at him. “Stop rolling your eyes at me.”
It’s your turn to chuckle at him in amusement. “I think you’re forgetting that I’m older than you.” you say with authoritative tone. His hands caressing your naked skin on your hips stops.
“Who cares about the age? I certainly don’t.” he remarks bitterly kissing one of your breasts. 
You feel your nipples hard against the material of your bra and you want nothing more than to take it off. So you do. You reach back slowly taking it off surprising Jungguk. His eyes immediately spots your naked breasts and he doesn’t wait a second, simply dipping his head taking one of your nipples into his mouth. You gasp at the way his tongue swirles against it before he starts sucking your nipples.
“Should I continue?” he asks breathlessly and you’re quick to nod. 
“Tell me.” he insists and you obey. 
“Yes, please continue.” he smiles putting you on his couch as you lay down. 
He takes off your leggings leaving you only in your panties. You look down, your eyes widening at sight. Your unmatching underwear is nowhere attractive and you blush in embarrassment.
“I didn’t know this would happened, so my underwear—“ Jungkook laughs pulling your feet up, bringing his lips to kiss your knee.
“I don’t care about your underwear,” he speaks glancing at your for a moment. 
You can’t believe this is happening. 
You, almost all naked at front of Jungkook. 
But you’ve no regrets simply anticipating his next move. “Can I take these off?” he says pulling your panties before letting it go. It slaps against your wet entrance and you bite into your lip.
“Yes,” you breathe out and that’s all he needs for him to start pulling it against your legs slowly revealing your wet entrance.
“Beautiful,” he says looking between your legs before giving you a quick glance. You freaking blush at his words wanting to close your legs but he holds them in place before you could. “So pink,” he mumbles kissing your ankle. “Can I taste you, Noona? Will you allow me to?” God, this boy is playing with you and you’re so up for it.
“Fuck,” you shiver at the feeling of his fingers tracing random patterns on your ankle. “Yes, taste me.” 
But he stands up and you immediately lean against your elbows to look at him. He takes off his T-shirt revealing his abs and you drool at the sight. This boy keeps working out and it definitely pays off.
“It’s fucking hot in here,” he grumbles annoyed and you giggle.
It’s true, it was really warm when you came in and now it’s definitely getting hotter in here. You watch him as he shifts the hem of his sweatpants. You can see the outline of his hard length and you clench your legs together. He smirks and you embarrassingly look away. This kid will kill you, that’s for sure. He reaches for something on the table and your curious self can’t hold yourself, watching what he’s doing. He grabs the whip cream shaking it wilth little smirk on his lips.
“What are you doing?” you ask unsurely watching him as he comes back to his place. In one hand holding the whip cream, he uses the other one to pull your legs apart. He watches your entrance glisten and he feels himself twitch in his boxers.
“You’re driving me crazy, fuck.” he rasps out as he shakes the whip cream. “Do you trust me?” he suddenly asks and you widen your eyes.
“Huh?” you lay there dumbfounded looking as Jungguk sits on his knees in front of you.
“Do you trust me, Noona?” you gulp as he caress your ankles with light touch. 
His eyes glisten in the light — those same eyes which looked shy when you first met him. He barely looked at you. That shy kid who was avoiding you to that point you thought he’s scared of you. You were there — his first heartbreak when he locked himself in the room not letting in anyone. You knocked on his door as he yelled ‘I don’t want to talk’ without knowing who’s behind the door. Not that he’d opened the door because you’re there — he was angry at everyone but mostly hurt from his first heartbreak. That day, you’ve talked to him through the door trying to take his mind off by talking nonsense. Both of you sitting against the door with your backs.
“I do.” you answer confidently and he smiles at you. 
Not a smirk in the hottest way like he's able to do, he just genuinely smiles at you. Happy by your words. He sprays the whip cream on your heat as you squirm when you feel the cold substance on your most sensitive part. He lays down between your legs quickly dipping his head and latching his lips on you. You gasp out loudly rolling your eyes back when you feel him sucking the whip cream. He eats it like he’s been hungry for days while you’re gasping for air. You clutch your hands around Jungkook’s expensive couch. Thrusting into his mouth he moans at the feeling. His whole nose and chin stained by your wetness and whip cream but he doesn’t care. The heat pooling in your stomach is enough for you to star clenching uncomfortably.
“Come on, Noona. Cum for me.” he says with raspy voice and that’s all it takes for you to let go. 
Your thighs shake while Jungkook tries to swallow all of your cum. He moans at the taste of you on his tastebuds. He gives your clit small kiss causing you to flinch at the overstimulate feeling. He rises to his knees simply watching you fucked out state looking so vulnerable and sexy at the same time — laying there naked just for him to see.
“Where did you learn that?” you pant out breathlessly slowly sitting up covering your naked breasts which causes Jungkook to frown. He doesn’t like that you’re hiding from him. “That was... amazing.” you admit which he smirks at.
“I told you, Noona. I’m not a little boy anymore,” he smirks at you standing up revealing his huge bulge in his sweatpants. 
You bit your lip at the sight. You don’t even see him exposed and you’re already drooling. You’re surprised when he lays beside you cuddling you to his side. He grabs one of your breasts holding it in his big palm.
“What are you doing?” you ask quietly feeling his breath on the back of your neck. It tickles but you don’t move away. Enjoying his naked chest on your back.
“Let’s cuddle.” he mumbles into your hair and you scowl. 
That’s what he wants to do? To... cuddle? 
You can feel his length digging into your lower back waiting for attention. But he doesn’t say nor do anything, simply holding you in his arms while inhaling your scent.
“But you’re—“ you try to say, not feeling like it’s fair. You’ve reached your orgasm while Jungguk is painfully hard. 
“Shhh, forget it. I’m fine.” he shushes you but you don’t let it go. You pull away from him sitting up ignoring his mischievous eyes on your breasts.
“At least let me...” you trail off not really knowing what to propose. ‘Let me blow you?’ he smirks at you seeing you struggling. “Or we could just...” His eyes snap to yours eyes widening little bit at your suggestion.
“Are you sure? Because... there’s no turning back once we’ve sex.” he tells you waiting for your final answer. He lays there watching you with curious eyes half naked. You should take this opportunity because damn, this guy is a piece of art.
“Yeah, I’m sure. Fuck me, Jungkook.” you tell him loudly and he growls at how sexy you sound. He sits up pulling you onto his lap. 
He leans against the seat back kissing your breasts.
“You really love them, right?” you chuckle humorously but quickly groan when he bites your nipple.
“They’re fucking amazing.” he says amazed and it warms your heart. 
You’ve always been little bit self conscious about your breasts. It’s not like you are not comfortable with their size or anything, more like what would other guys think about them. It’s stupid thing to even think about this, but you can’t help it. You stand up on your knees ready to pull his sweatpants down when he grips your wrist stopping you. Thinking he’s stopping all of this you’re ready to feel embarrassed. But he quickly searches your face before smiling. 
“Are you sure?” he asks one last time and you nod not ready to wait any longer. 
He leans back slowly caressing your thighs letting you know you can continue. You pull down his sweatpants just enough to let his length spring free.
“You aren’t wearing your boxers?” you question him and he laughs at you shaking his head. 
“No, I forgot to put them on. You came little bit earlier.” 
Really? You didn’t realize you’ve come earlier. 
You chuckle averting your gaze to his length. It’s slightly curled making it a perfect angle. His size isn’t that huge like you can find on porn sites staring with men with abnormally huge cocks. But it’s still big and thick in width. He lets you to curiously look at him almost like you’ve never seen one in your life.
“You aren’t virgin, right?” he asks just to be sure, since you’re looking at him that way. 
You look at him bewildered by his question and he awkwardly scratches himself on the back of his head. 
“It’s not a problem, if you’re. I just don’t know if I’d like to take your virginity, it should be someone you love and...” you actually laugh at his little ramble while his blushed cheeks contrasts with his creamy tan skin.
“Jungkook,” you say making him hum. “Shut up. I’m not a virgin.” Laughing you shake your head at him. 
It’s not that you should be ashamed even if you were one. You’re twenty five but that doesn’t mean you necessarily had to have your virginity taken. He breathes out almost like he’d be afraid you are. Even if he wanted to be the one to take your possible but not existing virginity, he’s much more of a man than that. He’d stop even if he doesn’t want you because he never really craved for someone like you.
“So why’re you looking at it like you have never seen one?” he asks with his mouth open eyes adverting to his length wondering if something’s wrong with it. No one ever complained about it so...
“I did,” you shrug. “I just have never seen one like yours.” you answer shamelessly and he blushes. Jeon Jungkook blushes at you hating the feel of his red cheeks. 
“Are you?”
”Am I what?” he asks confused and kind of tired of this conversation. 
He’s too needy for you and he wants to feel you warmth wrapped around him. There’s already pre-cum on his cock, that’s how desperate he is for you.
“Are you a virgin?” you ask feeling the same thing like Jungkook. 
You wouldn’t want to take something like that from him, even if it isn’t that precious to men. You feel like they don’t care for that kind of stuff. But the way Jungkook ate you out — using the whip cream and you can’t help but blush at the memory — you’re sure he has to have some experience at least.
“Hell no.” he scoffs at you and you slap his chest. 
“I just wanted to be sure.” you mumble and he puts away some hair strands from your face.
“Can I fuck you now?” he asks and this time you’re the one who scoffs. 
“Wow, such a gentleman.”
“I can be,” he shrugs. “But I just want to really fuck you.” he says honestly and you chuckle at him. 
“Then fuck me.” His eyes sparks at your words already lining himself against your entrance but you stop him.
“Wait,” he almost rolls his eyes at you. He was so close to finally feel you. You’re annoyingly cute, he’ll admit that. “Condom?” he almost whines at you throwing his head back. 
But he doesn’t move he looks at you with hopeful eyes and you shake your head. 
Even though you want nothing more than to feel him bare — just like Jungkook wants you to — you don’t want to risk anything. And it’s not like you don’t trust him, because stupidly to say, you do. You just want to be careful and he gets that. He groans setting you on the couch before awkwardly scurrying away in his sweatpants. He doesn’t pull them down nor he pulls them up; quickly heading to his bedroom. He comes back with a condom in his hand showing it to you with raised brow and you give him thumbs up. He puts it on and you don’t waste one single second, quickly sitting on his lap. You raise yourself as he slowly guides his tip to your entrance. You both moan as he coats himself with your arousal and previous cum. You slowly slide down on him taking his entire length in one go making you gasp out. He entwines his fingers into your soft hair pulling you to his lips. He kisses you in praise how good you take him. 
“You feel so fucking good,” he groans as you slowly lift yourself before dropping onto his length. 
He can’t believe he’s fucking inside of you, feeling your velvet walls welcoming him in warmth. You’re balancing yourself while holding his broad shoulders which you’re digging your nails into but you don’t care. You pick up your pace — the sound of your ass slapping against his thighs echoes through the room. It turns you on even more and you clench around him making him gasp into your mouth. He’s fiddling with your clit causing you to see starts. You lean your forehead against his feeling his cock hitting all the right places.
“Oh my god,” you moan out when he pinches your clit. He chuckles darkly looking up at you. 
“You like that, hmm? Your cunt wrapped around my cock?” You never thought you’re a fan of dirty talk but the way he says it with his dark voice and lust filled eyes cuases you to clench around him tight.
“Yes!” you pant shutting your eyes off suddenly feeling as he tucks his fingers under your chin. 
“Look at me, Noona. Look at me while you’re fucking yourself on me.” he pleads and you slowly open your eyes, looking at him with hooded eyes. 
He freaking smile at you with his bunny boyish grin. That similar grin. The one your best friend has.
You suddenly stop, the guilt slowly creeping its way out. She’s going to fucking kill you — the both of you if she ever founds out. You can’t believe you’re fucking her little brother. The one she helped to raise and here you’re, having him inside of you.
“Y/N?” you hear him say but you’re too deep in your thought. 
“Noona? Are you okay? Why would you stop?” he asks a hurt flashing through his eyes wondering if he hurt you somehow.
“Jina...” you mumble and his eyes widen at hearing his sister’s name. “We can’t do this.” you mumble but not moving away from him. 
He can feel how much you want him, your arousal slowly dripping down Jungkook’s balls. He scoffs thrusting up causing you to jerk and moan out loud.
“We can,” he says sternly thrusting his hips slowly at you. You grip his shoulder thighly while enjoying the feel of his cock slowly hitting your g-spot. “We both want this.” he picks up his pace and you become a moaning mess.
“But Jina—“ you try to talk but he thrusts harshly into you. You’re hot and cute, but he really wants to tape your mouth right now.
“Fuck Jina, I don’t care about her.” he says breathlessly feeling his balls tighten. You clench around him uncontrollably feeling your second orgasm approaching you.
“You. Talk. Too. Fucking. Much.” he says with each thrust pinching your clit and that’s all it takes for you to come down. 
You clench around him cumming while he keeps thrusting into you. He chases his climax grunting through gritted teeth gripping your hips so hard you’re sure it’s going to bruise later on. You flinch from the overstimulation quietly begging Jungguk to stop, but he doesn’t listen. He’s hitting your g-spot again and just like that, you’re cumming again. He groans his thrusts getting sloppy. Jungguk let’s out low moan emptying himself into the condom and you wish you could feel him bare, but it had to be like this. He thrusts one last time before throwing his head back breathing heavily. 
“You’re fucking amazing.” he praises you with his closed eyes and you smile.
 You lift yourself, his now soft cock sliding off of you. He removes the condom with scrunched nose quickly tying it down while you chuckle at him. He stands up pulling his sweatpants up before throwing out the condom in the nearest bin. When he comes back, you’re putting your clothes back on and he pouts.
“I can’t believe I just fucked you.” he mumbles in realization but cocky grin making its appearance on his lips.
You glare at him. “Have some manners, boy.”
This time he glares at you with a cocky scoff. “Boy, I think I showed you I’m not a boy anymore.”
“Yeah, yeah.” you wave him off with teasing grin and he growls.
“I can show you again. Just give me a few minutes, baby.”
“I’m older than you!” you exclaim with a laugh. His eyes crinkles at the end laughing with you.
“I’m aware, Noona.” he says with soft smile and you blush masking it with a laugh. He comes closer kissing you once last time before there’s a loud knock on the door. 
“Is that...?” You question out quietly causing him to pull away slightly.
You can hear her rustling with a keys and Jungkook’s eyes widen before throwing your pants at you. “You gave her keys?” you whisper shout at him quickly putting your pants off.
“I didn’t think she would ever use them!” he whispers at you quickly putting his T-shirt.
“Fuck!” you whisper in anger when you can’t seem to get the little button into the little hole on your pants. 
Your fingers are fidgeting nervously and Jungkook kneels in front of you quickly doing it for you. He stands up giving you a quick kiss before you hear the front door open. You both jump onto the couch, the both of you on each side of it.
“Hey, you didn’t hear me knock?” Jina says coming into the living room, still wearing her working attire. 
She looks at you the both of you when none of you answer her and you glance at Jungkook in panic. Luckily, he gets the message right away.
“Oh sorry, we’re watching movie.” he smiles at his sister innocently and you almost want to laugh at his great act.
“What’s whip cream doing here?” she asks pointing to the can of whipped cream thrown on his coffee table. The color of your face drains and you gulp but Jungkook’s already got you.
“Y/N brought it here, she claimed it’s really good so I had to try it.” he tells his sister and she nods in approval.
“It’s really good, right? It tastes like heaven!” she exclaims remembering all the times you both ate only strawberries with whip cream.
Jungkook looks at you with mischievous grin before saying to his sister; “It really does, indeed.” You gulp looking at him with wide eyes, his sister and your best friend completely obvious to your stares.
But Jungkook isn’t done. He stares at you deadly looking into your eyes as he smirks at you.
“I wouldn’t mind trying it again.”
4K notes · View notes
softbiker · 5 years
Steve Rogers Oneshot
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Warnings: mentions of character death, cursing, haunting, spooky stuff, angst
Word count: 7.1k
Summary: Steve Rogers is a man out of time. He knows more ghosts than people. One of his ghosts has come home. 
A/N: This is waaaay longer than I normally write, but I just wanted to do it justice. This is my submission for @barnesrogersvstheworld​ AYAOTD writing challenge! Sort of an Endgame AU, also features an appearance from a rather obscure Marvel comics character. The prompt I had was “Don’t look behind you.” - it’s highlighted in bold. This is also really sad. I’m sorry for that...but please let me know what you think! 
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His tastes have changed.
Most people wouldn’t have known that - wouldn’t have seen anything abnormal about a 100+ year old man reaching for minute oatmeal and Folgers at the grocery store. There had been a few articles, before, in health or men’s interest magazines, about the ‘Super Soldier Diet’. They were much more colorful than this - full of sugary cereals and peanut butter and seasonal frappuccinos. The articles always ended with reminders that a normal human should reach for more nutritious foods.
Steve pulls his oats - plain, made with water, no sweetener - from the microwave, and stirs just a little. Not thick enough; he replaces the bowl and adds another 30 seconds to the microwave timer. On the counter, the Mr. Coffee drips away, slowly filling the pot.
He eats quietly, perched on a stool at the island; he never uses the table anymore. A few news highlights appear in the notifications on his phone, and he scrolls through them, eyes scanning as he spoons his tasteless breakfast into his mouth.
New York Nears Completion of Relocation Program he reads, letting his thumb swipe down to read more of the article.
“Almost three years after the globally devastating event in which Earth’s population was reduced by half, the people of New York City are finally seeing a light at the end of the tunnel in their relocation efforts for residents whose homes were damaged or destroyed in the aftermath of the Decimation. The project, one of the last proposals by Tony Stark before his retirement from the Department of Damage Control, is expected to end-”
He closes his phone.
There are three support group meetings that he attends each week - two as a leader, one as a participant.
“You should come, Nat.” He’s a broken record, but he just keeps spinning. Like the planet, like the solar system. If he falls out of orbit- “Just once. You might be surprised…”
“Some of us still have jobs, Steve.” She raises a still perfect eyebrow, now back to its natural red. He finds a little comfort in that.
“They’re not mutually exclusive.”
“Maybe not. But don’t wait up for me.”
The Tuesday meeting is the hardest, though it was the first one he ever lead. It caters to a specific group, a group that looks to him because...well, because he lost what they lost. He wonders if they know, if they realize, that it’s all his fault.
“Jackie was...she was my rock, you know?” The new woman, Elsie, sniffs as she continues. “We went through a lot together, and I remember thinking all that time ‘God, what would I do without her?’ And now I know the answer - spiral and-and become an alcoholic.”
“You can’t blame yourself for all of that.” Steve shakes his head. “There was so much more going on - the world was practically in flames, and you were trying to cope. What matters is that you’re here now, trying to get better.”
Elsie is nodding, accepting a tissue from the man sitting next to her. She gives a shaky little smile and settles back in her chair, done sharing for now. Steve glances around the circle, waiting for someone else to speak up.
It was such an odd reversal for him, especially at first. When he first wandered into one of Sam’s support group meetings, he had felt out of place and alone - and that feeling was exactly why he belonged in a place like that. Sam could see it. It was one of his gifts; he was better at reading people than anyone Steve knew, except maybe Natasha. Even when Bucky came along, and Sam played the tough act, he could see all of that fear and pain, and knew exactly what to do with it. Over the years they were in hiding, Sam would secretly reach out to Bucky - during their visits in Wakanda, Steve found the two of them sitting at the lake behind Bucky’s hut and talking, low and intense.
“You know, sometimes-” It’s a man on the opposite side of the circle, dark-skinned with a greying beard. “I don’t know about all of you, but sometimes...I wonder if they can see us. If they know what we’re doing. Does that make any sense?”
He gets a few nods and murmurs from the group, so he goes on.
“I mean, after my old man died, my mom used to say he was watching over me.” He swallows thickly. “She was on her own, tucking a 9-year-old boy in at night, and telling me that Daddy could see me from heaven, that he was looking out for me. And I just think....well, I wanna know - where are they? Are they in heaven? Is that even possible?”
He turns to Steve, several of the people in the circle do. It’s always like this - whenever the sessions turn to specific questions or musings about what happened, they look to him. Because shouldn’t he know? He had lead them, he failed them, he was there when their lives went up in dust.
“Well, I don’t think I’m qualified to offer religious advice,” he starts with a rueful smile. “And, from everything I’ve seen, I don’t think we even know what’s possible. All I know is, we can’t live in the past...even if they see us, wherever they are, we have to accept that they’re really...gone.” He crossed his arms. “They’re not here with us anymore.”
The group has gone quiet, reflective. Most are staring at their hands rather than him, each lost in their own haze of memory and ashes. He wishes he could offer them more, but he knows grief like this, and Steve Rogers is honest to a fault - he won’t lie, even for the sake of comfort.
“We’re on our own now.”
He goes for runs alone now.
No Bucky to keep up with him, pushing the pace and trying to trip him. No Sam to complain about his hamstrings and insist on coffee afterwards. Not even music on those weird tiny headphones she had gotten him. Just his sneakers and pavement and the sound of his own breath. Sometimes he hated that - how he never got winded anymore, never sounded hurt and tired, the way he would wheeze through his asthma attacks with Bucky holding him up and reminding him how to pull in air. The machine of his body was too efficient for that.
In his apartment, he takes short showers, cold and fast, like in the Army. The soap is blue, with a generic smell that is clean and reminds him of nothing. He turns and tilts his head back under the spray, allowing a few more seconds to rinse and-
He nearly jumps when a burst of heat runs down his back.
The water has suddenly turned hot, a steamy, balmy, sultry hot that turns his soft Irish skin pink. He had never had this problem with his showers before - never run out of cold water certainly. Maybe something was wrong with the…
When he turned around, he saw the hot water knob turning slowly clockwise, centimeter by centimeter, untouched.
He shut off the water and got out.
“I’m gonna have to call a plumber sometime.”
“Oh yeah? I thought all you old guys were handymen.”
“Ha ha.” He watches Nat scoop some spaghetti into bowls for the two of them. “I was the artist type. Not really handy around the house.”
“Guess that means Barnes was wearing the pants?” She’s smirking, and he feels like he’s seeing the real Nat again, so he goes along with the joke.
“How could he not? Who’s gonna let a 90-pound asthmatic wear the pants?”
“So what’s wrong with your plumbing?” Nat peeks over the fridge door as she grabs some parmesan and a bottle of wine. Steve, under strict orders not to help, is watching from the kitchen table.
“It’s my shower, something happened the other day. The water turned hot while I was in the middle of showering, even though I had it turned cold.”
“Hm. Weird.”
Steve comes out here at least once a month, or as often as he can. He sees the way that Natasha would rather slip into her work, lose herself in the business of holding the pieces of the world together, let go of her own life. The pantry, open and visible from where he’s sitting, is stocked with the bare minimum dry goods and canned foods; the fridge isn’t much better. He’s seen her on missions, seen her at home in her mismatched socks; he knows that she’d barely feed herself, surviving on a sandwich a day, if the thought or the hunger struck her. So he comes and threatens to cook and she saves the compound from being burned down by making a meal for the two of them.
It’s a far cry from normal. From pizza nights with Sam and Wanda at the compound, the two of them taking turns introducing Steve to movies he missed - all the “classics” he hadn’t heard of. They were missing their monthly family dinners, too; Tony always made room in his schedule to attend, dragging Pepper along from the office, and Steve sat at the head of their long dining table watching this strange, funny little family he had share and eat and laugh with each other.
Now he sits across from Natasha at a table otherwise occupied by her scattered files and reports, a pair of pointe shoes laying in the chair next to her. He didn’t come often enough to expect her to clean for him. She had enough on her plate.
“You know, I was talking to Carol last week,” Nat says, twirling her pasta around her fork. “And she said she might make it to visit us next month. It’ll depend on that trafficking case she was working in the Pegasus galaxy.” She shrugs a little.
“That’s good.” Steve chews, sips his wine. “It would be nice to see her.”
They don’t talk much throughout their meal; there isn’t much new to share. Through the floor-to-ceiling windows along the wall of the compound, Steve watches the early sunset fall over the grounds, shadows reaching and reaching, as quiet as it was empty.
Sometimes, sometimes, when he’s feeling more stupid than usual, he opens the drawer.
That drawer. The lower one in his bedside table. With her box inside.
The box isn’t really anything special - just plain black, with her name written on the top. He got it at the suggestion of the team’s - his - therapist, Dr. Rajan. She recommended that putting some things away, rather than leaving them around his room, might help him move on, realize that his life had changed. He thought about putting the compass in the box, too, but it felt wrong. She wouldn’t want that in there. Somehow it mostly ends up in his pocket, and he stares at it from time to time, at the picture inside, thinking about words like should have and what if.
He’s staring at the drawer now, remembering the night before, when he thought about getting the box after he shuffled in from support group. When he was halfway through his flask of that Asgardian shit he kept under the bed. Steve had shuffled out of his clothes and fallen asleep in his underwear instead, flask still clutched in his hand, just sober enough to turn down the bad idea.
So why was the drawer open?
“Have you thought about getting back out there? Dating again?”
His laugh is humorless.
“Doc, come on. I think we both know I’m not the type.”
“All we know is that you’re a serial monogamist.” She smiles. “And a very eligible one.”
“Sure, but…” Steve pauses, rubbing his palms against his jeans. He looks around the office, trying to find something to focus on. “I feel lucky...really lucky, to have had the kind of love I got. I mean, I never really expected to have it, not after I woke up in this century. And then, with her, it just sort of happened so naturally...well, lightning never strikes twice, as the saying goes.”
“It seems like, for you at least, it did,” Dr. Rajan raises her brows. “Two great loves in one lifetime? More rare than lightning.”
He runs a hand through his hair, still long on the top.
“I-I guess so. But it won’t strike a third time.”
“Because you’re not going to give it a chance?”
“You know me too well, doc.” His smile is apologetic, kind.
At night, he sweats through dreams of her. His legs tangle in sheets where they used to twist and curl around her. The pillows smell only of him, his blue generic soap, but in his mind, locked somewhere far and sweet, her scent fills the air. Fills him up until he tastes it.
He tastes her, too, in dreams; under him, around him, pressed close in that intimate haze only lovers can know. Her lips chase his and smile into his mouth, following the curve of his jaw as he tucks his own face into her neck. It’s in his veins now, her smell and taste, ripe and alive on his tongue and oh, he’s swimming in it. She sighs, blissful, and sinks her teeth into that spot at the base of his throat-
Bedsheets fly off him as he bolts upright in bed, chest heaving, the sweat rolling in little beads down his temple. The smell is fading, drifting away from the room even as he tries to hold on to it; she was here, right here, and it had all felt so real, having her in his arms again. But now he’s wading back to consciousness, unwillingly, the tide of his dream pulling away from the shore and tugging at his ankles, carrying her with it. He wants to drift out to sea on it, drown in it, never resurface in this half-empty world.
Always so dramatic, Rogers.
Something nags at the corner of his eye, and he turns to the bedside table. In the pre-dawn light of the window, he can see the second drawer open. Her box is pulled forward to the front of the drawer with its lid propped up, asking, begging to be seen. He feels himself almost chasing the tide, diving back in as he leans over the side of his bed…
He slams the drawer shut.
Steve blows a harsh breath past his lips and swings his legs out of bed, tugging the sheet from between his thighs. His bare feet brush the cold wood and he arches up on his toes, tight muscles protesting the stretch. Palms scrub at his heavy eyes, brushing away what he can of his sleep. He has no plans to go back to bed, not now. He’ll just get an early start on his run. Maybe put in a few extra miles. He runs a hand through his hair, fingernails scratching absently at his scalp.
Stumbling into the bathroom, he turns the cold water tap in the sink and splashes his face a few times, feeling the two-day stubble on his cheeks. The shave can wait until after his run, he thinks. He stands straighter and reaches for the towel next to the sink, patting his face dry - he leaves his eyes closed, buried in the cotton for a moment before meeting his own gaze in the mirror. Immediately his eyes are drawn down to - what the hell is that?
At the base of his neck, just where it meets his shoulder, is a small red mark. A love bite. He presses it with a finger and hisses at the tenderness of the skin. Unbidden, the wave of his dream crashes over him, rolling him under, and he can almost feel her lips again…
The hair on the back of his neck and arms is standing straight up, his body gone cold all over. He thinks, maybe, he should go back to bed after all. Somewhere deep in the back of his mind, he hears his own name. What if...what if she’s waiting for me? He almost turns around, almost looks at the rumpled bed, almost expects her to be in it, rolling over in that tangled mess and smiling past the curve of her shoulder…
He yanks on a hoodie and running pants, toeing into his sneakers without socks, and leaves the apartment unlocked. Hardly knowing it, he clocks 50 miles, the sun high overhead before he can force his legs to stop, even his enhanced muscles starting to twitch. His sweat is still cold.
There’s a memorial. Lots of them, actually.
All the major cities have at least one, and New York has built theirs, unsurprisingly, in Memorial Park. It’s huge, a sprawling garden of sculpture installations covered overhead by a soft white canopy. A retaining wall, approximately 3 feet high, lines the garden beds and holds in the dark rubber mulch, its outer white brick etched with the names of the lost. Even Steve could admit that it was beautiful, and so different from the solemn obelisks and walls of names he had expected when the memorial was announced.
The city had commissioned a team of artists, led by the famous Chihuly, to create blown glass sculptures using...well, as much of the collected ashes of decimated people as they could. “Cremation glass” it was called. The concept was morbid; though symbolically beautiful, most hadn’t imagined a stunning art gallery, more suited to the Met than this mass grave of the unknown.
Steve was there when it was dedicated, as was Tony. He was asked to say a few words, and he did; he has no idea, now, what he read from those cards handed to him by the administrative team. A black suit stretched around his shoulders, no shield in sight, his tie more like a noose as he watched the somber faces of the attendees. Loved ones and friends of people he had failed. A living memorial. Tony stood next to him, year-old wedding band still shining as he crossed his hands in front of him and declined to speak.
There are a few locations he has memorized around the park, the Lost Garden, as it has been named. A blooming blue hydrangea bush, sculpted white flowers and leaves pressed between the green, with the name “James B. Barnes” carved a few inches below. Across from it, red and yellow globes hang from a white tree, the round shadows falling over “Samuel Wilson”. Two rows over, an exploding tower of tangled green and blue spirals, surrounded by bushes, guards the name “Wanda Maximoff”.
Hers is carved neatly - block letters, plain font - into the white brick near the entrance of the memorial. Above it, a cherry blossom tree blooms sweetly, the pink flowers joined by purple and pink glass stems sprouting up from the ground around the trunk of the tree. Soft green bushes hem in the sculpture, as though keeping the glass from growing too far. It’s whimsical, charming. Elegant.
He fucking hates it.
He hates how this is meant to honor her - the vibrancy of her memory, the slyness of her smile, the passion of her love, the ferocity of her anger. She was more solid and real and hard than the delicate stems of glass that stood for her now. It wasn’t even her ashes in there anyway - he knows that for certain. He knows because he felt her drift through his hands under a hot Wakandan sun. He had watched the dust float and settle and knew that all the parts of her he kissed and held were under his feet and in his mouth and Jesus God it made him want to scream.
He doesn’t know whose ashes are here, in the glass above her name. But he wants to smash it. Put a fist through it. Hear that tinkling glass shatter on the ground the way she did. It would only be right.
As he stands there, staring at the falling cherry blossoms scattered around the sculpture, he feels the air go cold around him. His whole body breaks out in goosebumps and the little hairs on the back of his neck start prickling. He shudders, looking around, but no one else is nearby. It’s a late spring day, warm and getting warmer, with the sun beaming through scattered clouds. He shouldn’t be shivering.
The wind picks up, light breeze growing stronger, and the long stalks of glass begin to vibrate. A low hum builds as the wind carves its way between the sculptures, a plaintive, lonely noise that he feels low in his belly.
He whips his head around, looking up and down the row, but he’s alone - no one else is here. That whisper, his name, it was so close…
He’s turning a full circle, looking for a microphone or a drone or something tiny like Scott’s suit.
“Hello? Who’s there?”
Stevie …
A cloud of cherry blossoms billows into his face, making him jump back. The chill sinks through his skin, slips down his spine bone by bone with each breath. His heart is hammering hard and fast. That name, that voice - it’s been three years. They’re gone. It’s not possible. He closes his eyes as he feels a presence close beside him, right at his shoulder, and he knows, he knows if he turns his head she’ll be-
“Captain Rogers? You alright?”
He jumps again, startled, and looks over to see a policeman watching him, eyes wary and concerned. The officer was young, like all of them now - mass recruiting in public services has been going on for a couple of years, with things nearly falling into chaos after...everything. The military, the police, trying to swell their numbers enough with what was left of the population to keep the world in check. Not like the Avengers were doing a very good job.
“Captain?” The young officer asks again, inching a half-step towards Steve. His hand, unconsciously, twitches towards his radio.
“I’m fine - really,” Steve shakes his head and offers a smile. “Everything’s fine. Just...remembering someone.”
The kid nods; Steve wonders if he himself ever looked so young in a uniform.
“I understand.” He’s tugging at his uniform jacket. “My, uh, parents - they’re over there.” He points at a patch of lilies, not far from Wanda. “And my brother.”
“I’m so sorry.”
That’s all he ever says these days. I’m sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Everyone pretends that it’s enough.
He walks the kid - the officer - back to his patrol car, shakes his hand; the boy has to crane his head back to look up at him, and he stares up at Steve like there’s still hope in this world. Steve doesn’t have the heart to tell him.
The chill follows him into the summer. Even with the sun high and New York sweltering with heat, Steve shivers in his apartment, cold biting at him until he aches with it. He cranks the heat on his thermostat, yet still finds a harsh breeze blowing through his apartment somehow. He allows the shower faucet to continue turning hot - blistering hot, the way she liked it - now that this chill won’t let him go.
Despite that, he finds himself staying in more than ever. He was never exactly a social butterfly - Bucky could testify to that. It tumbles him into memory: Bucky, slicked-back hair and spit-shined shoes, a rose tucked into the lapel of his jacket; Bucky, chin thrown back and ready to laugh at the world, an arm around Steve’s shoulders as he drags them on yet another double date. “Ya gotta get out more, Rogers,” he’d say, cigarette tucked behind his ear. “I’m a piss-poor excuse for real company.”
The only people he sees now are Dr. Rajan and the members of his support groups. Occasionally Nat, but she’s been traveling more lately, following the crumbs of Clint’s trail. Their emails are few and far between, containing only the bare bones.
It’s a Friday night - or maybe it’s Saturday, Sunday. He sits on the edge of his bed, turning the little thing over in his hands. The compass stays in his pocket most days. He flips it open, stares at the portrait inside, the one he’s had memorized since ‘43. He could draw it with his eyes closed, probably.
Suddenly, the compass snaps shut, unbidden, in his hand. It shakes, the mechanisms inside rattling violently, and grows hot to the touch. He yelps and it falls from his palm, dropping to the floor between his feet. The skin of his hands is red, scalded, and he flexes his fingers, watching the trinket warily. It lies on the floor, perfectly still.
Behind him, he hears the second drawer of his dresser roll open.
More dreams come to him, sweet ones, and he sinks into them without protest. He falls into his bed at night happily, searching for the smell of her somewhere behind his eyes. She’s always there, always smiling for him, reaching and pulling him further down into their own special hiding place. She’s there in her uniform, in her sweatpants, in his t-shirt, in nothing at all.
“C’mere, Stevie baby,” she nuzzles his nose, and he’s close to tears but he doesn’t know why. Then she’s tugging at his own clothes and he’s not thinking about it at all.
The ache in his throat returns when he wakes empty-handed and alone. Beneath his jaw, a line of hickeys leads down his neck and across his shoulder. His breath puffs in small clouds as he pants and tries not to cry.
“You don’t look so good, Steve.” Nat’s tone is worried, her voice tight. She watches him stare at the wall with a cup of coffee in his massive hands. “Have you been sleeping?”
He nearly chuckles at that.
“A little too much, I think.” He goes quiet then, mouth turning back down, carved sadness in that larger-than-life face.
“I think...God, Nat,” Steve slumps forward, elbows on his knees. “I think I’m losing my mind.”
“Join the club.” She sits down next to him, sliding a soft hand across his back. Her voice is just above a whisper. “We’re all still struggling. You know that. You’ve seen it. Sometimes it feels...it feels like...you’re just holding on by a thread.”
He’s shaking his head before she finishes.
“Have you - do you dream about them? Ever?”
“Of course.”
“No, I mean…” Steve rubs his eyes. “I mean...do the dreams feel...when you wake up, does it feel like it really happened.”
Nat frowns.
“I’m not following you, Steve.”
He sighs, heavy and resigned.
“No, I know. I’m not making any sense.” He leans into her embrace a little. He likes the contact of it. Hasn’t had that in a long time.
“Listen, Nat. I know S.H.I.E.L.D. used to keep a lot of records of...enhanced individuals…”
“Sure. Everyone that pinged on their radar,” she nods. “So, pretty much anyone with abilities.”
“I need to have a look at them.”
“Anything in particular you’re looking for?”
“Yes. But if I told you, you’d have me committed.”
“Yeah, that really makes me want to help you.” She leans her head against his shoulder, fingers squeezing his bicep. Her voice still soft and low. “Tell me what you need.”
They meet in a public place. It’s not hard now, with the world half-dead, to go about their business as though they are two men with nothing to hide. A bright, hot July sun beats on their heads, and Steve adjusts his sunglasses as a bead of sweat slides down his neck. On the street, traffic grumbles along, bikers and street vendors and tourists darting between. The hard metal chair of the café presses into the soft underside of his knees, leaving little dents in his skin.
“It is nice to finally meet you, Captain,” the man across from him smiles. The white symbol on his forehead stands out starkly against his dark skin. “I understand we move in different circles.”
They’re sitting outside a small restaurant in Port-au-Prince, only coffee on the table in front of them. The heat is sweltering, oppressive, different from the New York heat that Steve knows. Part of him wishes they were near the beach, with the wind coming off the ocean. She would have begged him to go to the beach.
“That we do,” Steve raises his eyebrows. “Even with everything that’s happened, aliens, Thanos...things like magic are still...hard to believe.”
“Hm.” Jericho Drumm leans back in his chair, steeples his fingers. “I think you are here because...it’s not so hard anymore, yes?”
He grits his teeth. There are fingernail scratches on his back and they chafe against the sweaty cotton of his shirt.
“You’re a smart man, Jericho,” he sighs. “And I think you might be the only person who can help me.”
Jericho Drumm nods.
“Yes, I think so, too.”
According to the S.H.I.E.L.D. files Steve spent all his free time digging through, there were only a few enhanced individuals with supernatural abilities. And now half of them were gone. Some, like the sorcerer Tony told him about, had managed to stay under the radar for thousands of years. With precious little to go on besides an alias, Steve commandeered a quinjet and packed a bag for Haiti.
“What you are asking me...communication with the spirits…” Jericho shakes his head. “It’s not what you think. Or what it looks like in the movies.”
“Then tell me,” Steve presses, leaning his elbows on the table. His coffee is half full. He can see his reflection in the oily surface of it.
“I’ve served as a houngan for many years; I’ve served as Sorcerer Supreme. In fact, with Stephen Strange gone, they may ask me to serve again. But inviting spirits into this world is a dangerous practice - not white magic.”
“But it can be done?”
Jericho narrows his eyes. The white streak in his hair is bright in the noonday sun.
“When Thanos tore a rift in this world, in this universe,” he speaks slowly, choosing his words with careful consideration. “He tore through the other side as well. The things he’s done affect us all, the living and the dead. It is possible, the things you describe, are caused by this. A ripple effect, if you will. A door not closed.”
“A ripple.”
“Yes. However,” Drumm raises a finger, leaning forward to speak in a low voice. “I will say something else. I may have years of experience with the supernatural, but I studied psychology as well. My time in America was mostly in a university, studying the human mind, how it works…” He pauses for a moment, giving Steve a look that is on the suspicious side of apologetic. “Our minds are powerful. When a person wishes for things, even terrible things, the mind can give them what they seek.”
Steve closes his eyes, jaw tightening.
“Believe me, I know how I sound,” he sighs. “I know. My therapist says the same thing. But if anyone’s going to believe me, it’s you. This is not in my mind.” His fingers are shaking and he curls them into fists. “This is real. She’s...it’s real. It’s her.” Haunting me.
Dr. Drumm nods, sympathetic and quiet. He watches this captain, this legend, the age showing in his young man’s body. With the sunglasses propped up on his head, the dark circles beneath Steve’s puffy eyes are on full display. His shoulders curl in, posture defensive, small. His knee bounces under the table, and his jaw ticks every so often, teeth clicking in his mouth. There is a bruise visible at the base of his neck where the collar of his shirt has shifted to one side.
“Very well, Captain. I will do my best to help you.”
He sits cross-legged on the tile floor of the bathroom, surveying the items in front of him. According to Dr. Drumm, he would need only a few candles, items that belonged to her, a circle of salt to protect himself. Incense, too, burning in the corner, the smell of sage and smoke floating around him. The lights are off, only the flickering candles illuminating the room.
He feels a little silly, setting all of this up. When he was a boy, vampires and werewolves and ghosts were all just stories - hiding under the covers with Bucky and scaring themselves silly. No real monsters hid under his bed. All of that came later.
Under his shirt, the amulet rests against his chest, growing warm with his own body heat.
“If you must do this alone as you insist,” Jericho had said, shaking his head. “Then wear this. Bene gris-gris. It is the best I can do to protect you from dark magic.” His steel grip closed around Steve’s arm. “And this may be a dark thing, Captain. Her coming back to you. It doesn’t feel like white magic.”
Steve had only nodded, his hand closing around the amulet. He was beyond light and dark now, beyond counting costs. He had chased ghosts for so long after he woke up. It’s only right for him to chase her, too.
Here, in the bathroom, toes pressed to cold tile, he digs two more items out of his pockets. Dr. Drumm said to bring something that would ground him to himself, something special. He turns the compass over in his hand, flicks it open, and sets it on the edge of the circle. From the other pocket, he fishes a black velvet box. His fingers twitch, feeling the soft fabric; he doesn’t want to open it. He hasn’t opened it, since he took the ring off their nightstand in Wakanda and put it back in the box. She hadn’t worn it - didn’t like wearing it on missions or in fights. Afraid of scratching it. She had wiggled it off her finger, smiling at him, leaving a kiss on his bearded jaw-
He leaves the box closed for now, and places it in the center next to the other tokens - a photo of her, a necklace with a small silver pendant she used to wear whenever they went on dinner dates, a little jar of seashells from a beach vacation she took in college. All the little things he had packed away in that nightstand drawer. Memories he had put into storage.
Safe inside his little circle, he reaches in his shirt and grabs the amulet tight in his fist. He closes his eyes. Breathes deep the incense and soft curling smoke from his candles.
He says her name softly in the dark.
In his mind, he shifts his awareness down the plane of his body, piece by piece. He learned meditation techniques during his therapy sessions; now he has another use for them. He says her name again.
“I want to speak to you.” He says, voice low, a lover’s intimacy. “I call on your spirit.”
Her name. Her name. Her name.
He’s not sure how long he stays there, curled on the floor, but the chant of her name lulls him into a trance. His eyes are half-open, the candles wavering in front of him, casting long shadows on the walls. He licks his lips, calls her name again.
One by one, the candles snuff out.
He goes quiet. Smoke curls up to his nose, but he can’t see - the only light is coming from underneath the bathroom door. That familiar chill trickles down the back of his neck, raising the hairs. His flesh is covered in goosebumps; his muscles tense up, coiled tight, ready to spring. His tongue lies dry and thick against his teeth.
He sighs her name. “Sweetheart, is that you?”
A cold breeze passes over his face, rumpling his shirt.
“Are you there?”
The compass flies up and smashes against the wall.
Her voice is harsher. Sadder.
“Baby, please,” he’s begging now. He can feel how close she is, she’s in the room, he knows it like he knows his own body. Like he knew hers.
For the first 25 years of his life, he lived with asthma - any little trigger could set him aching for air, his lungs betraying their purpose and seizing up on him, his whole body trembling in relief when he managed to pull in oxygen. He feels that ache for her now - acute and sharp as it was the day he first lost her, a physical pain and its cure so close, so close, if she would only let him - let him breathe-
Oh, Steve.
“Honey, I’m here, I’m right here.” He stands in his little circle, spinning around, though he still sees nothing in the darkened bathroom. He feels the tip of his nose go numb in the frigid air, his body shivering slightly.
I’m here, too, Stevie.
“Where, baby? Where are you?” He’s desperate, so desperate. He’s going to cry if she doesn’t-
I’m here. Look.
He feels, thinks he feels, cold fingers brush down his cheek, and he turns. The mirror above the sink is frosted over, he can see it now that his eyes are adjusting to the pale dark, and he stumbles towards it. Pulls a sleeve down over his hand and wipes at the fog, the remains of his body heat melting it away in streaks.
“Oh...oh god.” He grips the edges of the sink.
Hi, baby.
There she is. There she is. Standing right behind him, over his shoulder. His eyes sweep over her face in the mirror, scanning the details he never forgot, not for a moment. Her lips quirk a sad little smile, tilting her head.
You don’t look so good, Rogers.
His laugh comes out as a sob, and he nods. Fingers curl tighter over the edge of the sink because it’s all that’s holding him up right now. In the reflection, he sees her take a step closer to him - feels her presence, her smell is right behind him and if he can just turn and take her in his arms then everything will be alright again…
The force of it is loud in his mind, sends him reeling forward against the sink. Her lips are trembling in a soft frown.
Don’t look behind you.
It sounds so soft. So sad. And he knows, knows in the marrow of his bones, that this is it, this is all they can have. This halfway, this inbetween, this ships in the night barely seen as they pass - it’s all he gets. All he has left.
He presses his hand to the cold glass of the mirror, tips of his fingers stroking the image of her face. His chin feels weak, jaw slack, his hip leaning against the sink. She’s crying, too, tears shining against her soft cheeks.
“Where are you? Do you know what’s happening?” He manages to ask. It’s the question, the question everyone would ask of their ghosts. She shakes her head a little.
I...I don’t really know. But I know I’m not with you.
He nods, tries to swallow around the thick lump in his throat.
Wherever I am, I’m not with you. And I miss you, Steve.
“I miss you - God, honey, I miss you so bad-” his breath hitches, and he wonders in the back of his mind if he’s going to have another asthma attack, his first in 70 years. “I-I need you, sweetheart. Jesus Christ, I miss you. I don’t know what I’m doing without you and-and-”
He’s hyperventilating, breaths stuttering in his chest. The hand that’s pressed to the mirror has gone numb with cold but he won’t move it, not if it’s the closest he comes to touching her face. He watches her come closer to him, behind him - her smell fills the room, no smoke, no incense, only her. His teeth are clattering in his mouth even as he tries to grit them together, lungs stuttering and he’s so so cold but he only half feels it; the muscles in his back jump and twitch as he feels her, really feels her, right behind him. And then-
I know, baby. I know.
Her forehead presses between his shaking shoulder blades. Icy hands creep up beneath his shirt, pressing right over his heart. Her arms lock around his ribs and squeeze, squeeze, squeeze - as if she could brand herself there. In the glass, Steve’s lips are blue and his sobbing breaths come out as little frozen clouds. The mirror is starting to frost over again; the goosebumps on his body won’t lie down. His eyes slip closed, tears chilling in their tracks on his cheeks, and he presses his hand over hers at his heart.
I’m right here.
The ache in his chest sharpens, then dulls, slow and familiar. Something he always carries. His breaths are slowing now, the trembling in his muscles calms a little. She traces a frozen circle over his heart.
I’m right here.
He sighs her name before he blacks out.
Natasha watches Steve in his kitchen, her green eyes sharp and narrow. She hasn’t been to his apartment in a long time, but three days of no answered phone calls, texts, or emails and the Black Widow will investigate. He seems...fine. As fine as Steve has been since it all happened, when he went clean-shaven and cropped his hair, like girls do after a break-up. He smiles over his shoulder while stirring the pot in front of him.
“It’s the one thing my ma made sure I knew how to make for myself,” he says. “She knew I’d need this soup every time I got sick.”
“That’s sweet,” she says. And it is, though she’s never heard him mention it before.
They eat on barstools at the island, sharing little bits of conversation, small talk, mission updates. Sound bites of friendship. Still no explanation for his radio silence.
“Can I use your bathroom?” She sighs as he scoots back his stool, scooping up their bowls to take to the sink.
“Of course - you don’t have to ask, Nat.”
She slips down the hall. Doesn’t go to the bathroom - turns right instead.
On the floor of his bedroom, she sees the candles. The circle. The pictures. A little jar of seashells on his nightstand. While they were eating, she had seen something new - a little chain around his neck, the shape of something underneath, suspiciously like a ring.
Natasha leaves without saying a word, maybe hugs him a little tighter at the door.
She won’t begrudge him this.
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