#I've had some ideas of how they can spend the night on the roof under the stars together......
spaceratprodigy · 2 months
*gulp* deacon/iris "please just kiss me" intimacy ask........ NYE party- (i am shot)
@oldworldwidgets — [ intimacy prompts ]
It's in the stars, it's been written in the scars on our hearts
We're not broken, just bent, and we can learn to love again
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koolkat9 · 1 year
Can you create a fanfiction where your favorite hetalia otp is stuck in a christmas hallmark or lifetime movie?
You know what, I've actually been meaning to do this. Now a full-on fic would require multiple chapters, but I could give you a small section. For context, I'm basing this off a Hallmark themed dress up thing I made once:
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Rating: T
Pairing; GerEng
Word Count: 1602
Read on Ao3
A Puppy for Christmas
Arthur Kirkland--or more widely known by his pen name A.K. Walker--had made a plan: Spend Christmas with his eldest brother Dylan in their hometown in the heart of the English countryside and perhaps stir up some new ideas for his next novel. But life had always had that psychotic way of toying with you, and Arthur had been faced with one of those moments.
Instead of his cozy childhood home in the middle of nowhere, he was stuck in a small, but bustling tourist town in Michigan after an emergency landing. Though he’d love to do nothing more than scream, he wasn’t a child, and that wasn’t going to help him. Collecting his suitcase, and tightening his coat around him, he set off into the freezing vortex.
Though the rest of the town lay dark save for the Christmas lights lining the street, one building stayed lit. It was a grand home made of weathered brick, mossy trimming, and a homey wrap-around porch. Vintage, just how Arthur liked his buildings.
Garland strung with golden lights swayed in the wind as Arthur approached. It looked like something out of a Christmas card. Safely under the roof of the wrap-around porch, Arthur could finally read the sign: Beilschmidt-Übernachtung mit Frühstück and in smaller print: Beilschmidt- Bed and Breakfast. Thank God.
Arthur shuffled in, not realizing how cold he was until the warm air of the in brushed against his chilled body. He brushed off the snow from his coat and stomped his boots on the carpet.
“Good evening,” an accented voice called.
Behind the reception desk stood a tall, broad-shouldered man, with light blond hair kept neatly back by gel. His blue eyes pierced into Arthur, far colder than the snowy world he just escaped.
“H-Hello…” Arthur stammered. He felt something wet against his hand, and he immediately pulled it away. Looking down, he found two adoring brown eyes looking up at him.
“Berlitz, don’t scare the guest,” barked the receptionist, “Heel.” The dog obediently trotted behind the desk and promptly laid down. A blink and you’d miss it smile spread across the receptionist's face as he praised his dog. But his sharp eyes and frown quickly returned when he turned back to Arthur. “How may I help you?”
“Uh…I was hoping to get a room. I’m a little stranded at the moment."
“You’re lucky, I have one room left. I hope you don’t mind two double beds.”
The receptionist sounded pissed or at the very least annoyed. Arthur bristled but tried to remain polite “I’ll take whatever you have,” he replied tightly.
“Here you go, room 202, just up the stairs. Breakfast is from 8:00 AM to 11:00 AM.”
No ‘enjoy your stay’ or ‘have a nice night.’ Of course, a handsome, tall, blond receptionist with a body carved by God Himself had to have something wrong with him. Before he blew up over something so small, Arthur made his way to his room for the night.
- - -
As soon as Arthur awoke the next morning, he immediately booted up his laptop only to discover that his flight was still grounded. With a groan, he rose to his feet despite the cloud of jet lag that hung in his brain. He looked over at the clock. Shit 10:30. He quickly threw on some clothes, brushed his teeth, and rushed downstairs, not even bothering to try and tame his bedhead (he always looked like he had bedhead anyways).
He was in such a rush that Arthur didn’t notice the large German Shepherd napping in the sun and the center of the bottom of the stairs. He didn’t notice until he was falling face-first into the pine floor.
But the impact never came. No hard cold floor, no throbbing face, he almost felt like he was floating. Opening his eyes, he found himself suspended mid-fall. Arthur looked back and meant those cool eyes from the night before.
Arthur felt as though he was being strangled under the intense gaze. The receptionist pulled him back up, causing Arthur to collide with his sturdy chest. His face burned.
“Uh…A-Are you alright?” The blond man asked, sounding much more unsure than he had the night before.
“I-I’m fine,” Arthur stuttered out, “I overslept a bit. Jetlag and all that.”
“Understandable, but there is no need to run.”
Feeling like a child who was being scolded, Arthur looked away. “S-Sorry…”
“It’s okay. Now go take a seat, I’ll make you something.” But the receptionist's hold lingered a few minutes too many before he seemed to shake himself out of whatever state he was in, going back to that cool, calculated man from before.
The dining room, just like the rest of the inn, was as if it was trapped in time. Dark wooden floors, cream-coloured walls, tables, and chairs right out of the Victorian-era novels that Arthur had loved as a preteen and well into his adult years filled the room. He took his seat.
“Hello there,” a gravelly voice called from behind, “I sure hope my brother hasn’t scared ya.”
Arthur turned to see a man with eyes as sharp as the receptionist's, but much more fire behind them. “Not at all.”
The man grinned. “Good... I just want to make sure no one feels uncomfortable. Both him and all you guests. Anyway! Can I get you some juice?”
This guy must have been the owner. “Orange is just fine.”
“Coming right up. Now, if you need anything during your stay, just call Gilbert or Ludwig, and we’ll help you out.”
Arthur nodded.
Breakfast came out minutes after Arthur had gotten his juice. Pancakes, covered with apples, cinnamon, and sugar with syrup and bacon on the side. Dipping his finger the syrup and giving it a tentative lick, Arthur concurred it was real maple syrup and not the ‘sugary fake shit’ as his cousin Matthew would say.
He poured a generous amount over his pancakes before digging in. Of course, nothing would beat Matthew’s pancakes, but these were a very close second.
Well-fed, Arthur decided to see what this little town had to offer while he waited for any news that he would make it home for Christmas.
The streets were bustling as residents and tourists alike browsed the colourful storefronts. So many shops full of little knick-knacks, artisan goods, and Christmas decorations you couldn’t find anywhere else. An old-fashioned bookstore that reminded Arthur of the one his late mother once owned particularly caught his eye. He made a mental note to ensure he stopped there on his way back to the B&B.
But what had truly taken Arthur’s interest was when he spotted the receptionist–Ludwig–struggling with a few gift baskets. Without thinking, Arthur rushed over, taking one of the baskets before it fell.
“Danke,” Ludwig said breathlessly.
“You’re quite welcome.”
Ludwig straightened himself out, cheeks flushing slightly. “Um…would it be too much trouble to ask you to help me bring these in?” He nodded towards a small brick house. Or at least it looked like a house, but the outside pens and the sign deemed it an animal shelter.
“None at all.”
A cheery auburn-haired man with a strange curl greeted them. “Ah, Luddie! You brought them.”
“Yep, this is the last of them.”
“Perfecto! Can I get you and your helper to take these to the back?”
Ludwig looked over at Arthur hesitantly.
Arthur nodded and followed the auburn-haired man to the back, Ludwig following close behind.
A cat spotted with patches of orange, brown, black, and white lay on the office chair. It stretched as they entered and blinked at them slowly.
"Hello Pookie," the auburn-haired man cooed, scratching the kitty behind the ears. "Just place them on the table with the rest of them.”
Arthur and Ludwig unloaded the baskets amongst the others. Arthur took a moment to look over them all. One full of toys and games, another full of craft supplies, one for a movie night, soaps and creams, chocolate and sweets, and so on.
“Great! Other than decorating the rec center, we’re all set. Thanks again for everything Luddie.”
“Good to hear. Just let me know if there is anything else you need me to do.”
“You’ve already done so much. And with that storm, I’m sure you’re busy at the inn.” For the first time since they got there, the auburn-haired man’s eyes fell on Arthur. “Oh! You didn’t introduce me to your friend. I’m Feliciano.” He extended his hand to Arthur.
“Arthur,” Arthur replied, shaking Feliciano’s hand.
“I sure hope you’ll be coming to the fundraiser next weekend. We could use all the guests we can get.”
Feliciano nodded so quickly that it looked like his head would snap off. “Yes! For the animal shelter. We’ve…um…we’ve been struggling a bit. Too many animals, not enough homes.”
“Ah. I-I’ll see. I’m not from around here.”
Feliciano’s face fell slightly. “Oh. Heh, sorry.” He shook his head, and his smile returned at full force. “Don’t let me keep you!”
Ludwig and Feliciano exchanged a few more words before Arthur and Ludwig took off.
“You didn’t have to wait for me,” Ludwig said as they exited the shelter.
“Oh uh…” Arthur wasn’t even sure why he had waited. “I-I uh…I don’t want to get lost on my way back.”
Ludwig tilted his head slightly. Arthur couldn’t blame him, after all, it was just down the street. But thankfully Ludwig didn’t say anything and just started walking.
Arthur stumbled behind, mentally slapping himself for such a lame excuse.
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ryker-writes · 10 months
Another Chance
Jaxon Crowley's masterlist
"Listen up Kingscholar. I've made my decision about what to do with Jaxon."
"Since you and Kalim were so insistent about him not being expelled, he will remain here at Night Raven College. There will also be some changes made to his rules and expectations."
"Good. Go on."
"Jaxon's rules will be lifted, but he will be held to the same standards as normal students. This means he will also have to follow the same rules, and if he breaks those, he will be punished like a normal student."
"Sounds like that's how it should've been from the start."
"Yes well, mistakes were made on both sides. Anyway, in light of this, he will be held to the same expectations. This means, he must actually participate in school events, classes, and he needs to get his grades up. The rest of the staff has varying opinions on how to handle him in classes, so we will have to see how things are after a bit."
"Sure. What's the catch?"
"...The only thing is that you have to tell him all this."
"Why don't you do it? You're his father, so take responsibility."
"I can't. Not yet. Our last conversation before it all was what pushed him over the edge, and I may have said too much. I have no doubt that he doesn't want to see me. The most I can do is let him stay at the school."
Leona sighed.
"Fine. Avoid him all you want. At least he's actually being treated like a student now."
And with that, Leona left the office.
Jaxon had recently got out of the infirmary, and was back to his room in Savanaclaw.
He never spent that much time in his room. After spending a year sleeping outside it sort of felt...unnatural to sleep in a bed under a roof. Even if he wasn't trying to keep himself awake before, he definitely would've had problems sleeping.
Now that he was told he couldn't use his powers on himself, he would have to sleep more. It wasn't an idea he liked very well, but he didn't have a choice. And now that he couldn't use his powers on himself, it would be best if he actually slept in his room instead of outside.
His room wasn't exactly...decorated. Most students had their small items and stuff scattered through their rooms, but not Jaxon. His room was pretty bare.
He didn't have many possessions, so there wasn't much to decorate his room with. All Jaxon really had was a few outfits, the essentials of hygiene, and his guitar. So...not much to really decorate his room with. But what did you expect when he spent a year living outside his school?
Jaxon never really paid any attention to how bare it was until now. He only ever spent time in here to be away from others or to shower, so he didn't see it too often. But now that he had to try and sleep, his thoughts wandered and he truly noticed how bare it was. If he's going to be here more, he should probably look into decorating it more.
Even though he was late at night, there was a knock on his door. Jaxon huffed and got up to open the door. Leona was waiting when he opened it.
"You got a moment?"
Leona walked past Jaxon, and went to take a seat on his bed. Jaxon shut the door and leaned against a wall as he waited for Leona to talk.
"Looks like you're stuck here at school."
"Crowley decided you aren't getting expelled. In fact, you're gonna start being treated like a normal student."
"I don't understand."
"You can stay here and you gotta do whatever a normal student has too. So events, sports, rules, clubs, and classes. The old rules set for just you don't apply anymore."
There was a moment of silence that passed through the room as Jaxon had to process this information. It was hard to believe he was still allowed to be at the school. Something had to encourage Crowley to let him stay.
"Does it matter?"
"It...it does to me."
For just a moment, the two locked eyes. Leona seemed to be searching to see how serious he is, and Jaxon was silently asking him to tell him. Golden eyes met the forest green ones, and there was a silent conversation. To Jaxon, he needed to know what or who was the reason he was allowed to stay, allowed to be a student, and allowed to do what he wanted. He needed to know who it was that gave him another chance.
"Me and Kalim had a talk with him, but he made the decision."
"I see."
Jaxon believed Leona and Kalim had something to do with it...but not fully that Crowley just decided it was okay. As far as he knew, Crowley hated him and wanted him gone. Was Leona and Kalim's status enough to counter that? He wouldn't know, and he's not sure if he wanted to know.
"You think he wouldn't do it?"
"I'm sure he wouldn't. But I'm not fully sure what to believe anymore."
"Well, the facts are that you're staying. That's the end of it for now."
"You're gonna have to start wearing your school uniform."
"On that note, it's about time you head to bed. You got years of sleep to catch up on, and I need some sleep too."
As Leona got up to leave the room, Jaxon spoke up again.
"Thanks Leona."
"You really softened up after spending a year away huh?"
"Maybe I have. Still don't know if that's for the better or not though."
"Well you're not getting into a fight every other day, so that's something."
"I guess it is."
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pocket-size-cthulhu · 2 years
Can't believe that when i was a teenager afraid of growing up, nobody told me about this:
Right now, I'm sitting in my kitchen, at a table that's mine, under a roof that's mine. The pantry is full. The dishwasher is humming in the background. Vegetables are roasting in the oven. I'm sipping icy lemonade and eating chips straight out of the bag with guacamole that my partner and i made last night. My cat is dozing on the couch. The sun is shining; it's a beautiful Sunday; and nobody can come into my house and tell me what to do. I'm living my best adult life and it's freaking amazing.
Like, yeah, i have bills to pay and a corporate job during the week that can be a pain. I still have depression and anxiety. Some of the problems i deal with now are more complex than i could have imagined as a teen, and the stakes are higher.
But also, i live under my own roof. I make my own rules. I set my own curfew. I decide who i get to spend time with. I decide what kind of media i want to read/watch/listen to. I get to decide when and what to eat. I get to set the thermostat. I get to decorate how i want to. This space is mine, this life is mine.
In short, i don't have to put up with any of the bullshit that comes with being a fully formed human living under someone else's roof.
Dealing with complex problems is a small price to pay for that freedom.
I have good parents. I love them very much. They are also very strict--i didn't even completely realize how strict they were until after i had moved out. So yes, i have to pay my own bills now yada yada, but also, paying my own bills means making my own rules, being my own person, and taking pride in my life.
I genuinely believe that any adult that's like "adulthood sucks! You teens don't know how good you have it" is suffering from the rose-colored glasses of nostalgia. I have good parents and I'm always welcome in their home, and yet even in my worst moments, living on beans and potatoes cause it was all i could afford, working at terrible jobs, shivering as i rode my terrible bike through the snow to school, I've preferred the life i have to the idea of moving back home, or returning to the life i had as a teen.
Maybe not everybody feels this way. But like, this is on my mind right now since my younger siblings are right on the cusp of embarking on adulthood and they're scared. I remember feeling like that. But if you're a teenager and you're scared of adulthood, just know you're gonna be ok. It's ok to be scared; you're going to figure it out. It's completely different on the other side. It's so worth forging ahead for.
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(Hold up!!! Before you read this, at the bottom I've left links to the first 4 parts. Go read them first, so youve got all the back story.)
((This is a long fanfic and will consist of multiple parts.)
True to your word, you sent him the address later that day.
You agreed to meet up in the afternoon, telling him the meeting up time to meet.
Stolas had suggested a dinner date, but you had turned that down for some reason, telling him you had a better idea.
You had actually asked him on a date.
So happy was he, the rest of the day seemed to pass in the blink of an eye, the owl caught in a blissful haze.
Eventually it was dinner time, where the prince found himself eating alone, again.
He hadn't eaten with his family since, well you know.
He chose something simple.
Grabbing the plate of last night's roast, he popped them into the microwave.
As he waited for his meal to heat, he quickly scrolled through his phone.
He was checking your voxtigram again, enjoying the collection of photos of you.
As he looked through he found the picture of you and Blitzø, the sight sending a pang of regret through his chest.
It was strange to think, just a day ago, he'd been head over heels for the Imp. Totally infatuated with him, and now... now he knew the truth.
Blitzø saw him as a meal ticket,nothing more.
He was just way to get to the living realm. What an idiot he'd been, a few kind words, a bit of sex there and he was totally under Blitzøs spell. He felt like an idiot.
His eyes shifted to you, and such warmth bloomed through his chest.
But you. You were genuine. You didn't want money or power, you wanted to make him happy.
You wanted to actually spend time with him, he wasn't just a meal ticket to you, he was someone worthy of love an attention.
He knew you weren't in love with him, not yet, but you would be, he'd show you just how worthy he was of your love.
His thoughts were interrupted by his dinner finished heating up.
He ate in silence, Stolas spending the whole time staring at the pictures of you.
After dinner he went for a shower, the hot water cascading down his body, the heat reminding him of the warmth you brought him just a day ago.
His thought slid to his time with you, fantasising about how intimate, how delicate and seductive you'd been.
The complete opposite of Blitzø.
His thighs ground together, his breath picking up as he slid a hand between his thighs.
He imagined you, holding him close, treating him like that delicate work of art, bringing him pleasure he didn't know existed.
Pleasure racked his body, his breathing hitched. And before he knew it, a mind shattering orgasm wracked his body.
After recovering from his little self pleasuring, he cleaned himself up and got out of the shower.
Walking into his room, he fell on his bed, feeling quiet satisfied. Curling up in bed, he fantasied about what the next day could hold for him.
He had a dreamless sleep that night waking up later than he had the morning prior, finding himself again, well rested.
Getting up, he went about his usual morning routine, all the way until he chose his outfit.
You had said something about wine, so did that mean it was more of a fine dining establishment. But you had said a pizza place right? So was it more of a casual, family restaurant.
He spent nearly half an hour thinking it over before he just decided to text you.
Stolas: Is there a dress code for tonight? I'm just picking out my outfit and don't want to come over dressed, I want something that to wow! you.
(Y/N): Hehehe, not really. Pick something casual and probably bring a coat as well, It gets kinda chilly out there at night.
(Y/N): We'll only be staying at the restaurant to eat, then I've got something planned for afterwards elsewhere.
Stolas: Is that so? And what have you got planned, something exciting I hope.
(Y/N): Nu uh, no hints. You'll just have to wait till tonight.
Stolas: Not even a little hint? 🥺🥺🥺
(Y/N): Nope, but I can promise it'll at least be the most romantic thing an Imp has ever done for you.
That kinda stung, bringing many unwanted memories to the forefront of his mind. You quickly texted again,
(Y/N): Fuck, I'm sorry, I didn't mean anything like that. I just, doubt an Imp like me could match the typical royal date.
Stolas: it's alright, I understand what you meant.
(Y/N): But I can promise it'll be the most romantic thing someone's done with you on a budget.
Stolas actually laughed at that, falling onto his bed like a teenager. The two of you exchanged a little more info, before he finally picked an outfit.
He chose a fairly simple outfit; A stylish pair of jeans, a simple red and black T-shirt with a rather attractive heart pattern across it and then it was one of his favourite leather jackets with a beautiful fur collar
He left the manor grounds just as the sun began to set, the city night-life around the manor already beginning to pick up.
It was a fairly short drive, most people knowing to stay out of the way of a royal limousines.
Finding the street and location you'd described, he had the limo park in front of a rather unassuming building, not really looking any different from the hundred other boarded up buildings on the block.
Getting out, he stood there for a few minutes before he heard you call out. 'Hey good lookin, looking for a good time?' Turning around, he found you approaching.
You carried a simple wicker basket, wearing a humble, yet fitting attire,
You wore a stylish black T-shirt that seemed to just cling to all the right places, your jeans were faded, but not enough to warrant throwing out. And a pair of simple black shoes.
When you got closer, the demon piped up, 'If you were planning a picnic, the basket kind of gives it away.' He told you playfully.
You released a laugh, shaking your head. 'Nah, all that's already set up. I just don't wanna carry everything from here to there by hand.' You told him simply.
'Ooooh' he cood, 'and what is it your getting here, hmm?' He asked, playfully gesturing to the building.
'Oh you know, this and that, you'll be surprised how much they serve here.' You told him just as playful.
Stolas stood up before looking around, 'Speaking of what they serve here', I can't help but wonder where "here" is, this doesn't exactly look like a restaurant.' He told you, gesturing to the rather dull wall of buildings before you.
You just chuckled, looking up at the prince before telling him, 'Dont judge a book by its cover, dear prince of mine' you told him playfully.
You hadn't realised it, but when you called him yours, it sent a wave of euphoria through the owl that he simply couldn't describe.
His mind was addled, the owl clutched himself as he watched you speak, to caught up in this feeling to catch what you said.
He was snapped from his stupor, when he found you were looking up at him, seemingly expecting a response.
The owl panicked, snapping to attention and blurting out, 'Of course, words to live by,' before he just stood there, smiling like an idiot.
You stared at him for several moments, the awkwardness so palpable you could practically see it in the air.
After another moment, Stolas shook his head, 'S-sorry, uh, what was that last thing?' He asked, trying to salvage the situation.
You chuckled, shaking your head, 'nothin, let's go shall we?' You asked him, stepping forward.
He followed close behind, following you into a nearby alleyway.
He followed in silence, but as your path grew longer he decided to ask where you were going. Only for you to suddenly stop and turn towards a large metal shudder.
Looking up at him, you did a little knock on the shudder, before just standing there.
A few minutes pass by before Stolas whispered, 'what are we waiting for?'
You laughed at that, before telling him, 'He always takes a minute to get here... any second now.'
A few seconds go by, just as Stolas was gonna pipe up again, the shudder suddenly shot up, revealing an middle aged Imp carrying a shotgun.
The Imp stared at him for a few moments before looking down and spotting you, 'Oh (Y/n)! Didnt expect you so early.' He told you, lowering the shotgun, 'who's the string bean?' He asked bluntly.
You just laughed as Stolas became indignant, looking himself up and down before asking himself if he really look like a string bean?
''This is my...' you hesitated for a moment, the owl held his breath, waiting for you to finish the sentence
'... my date' you finished, 'this is my date "Prince" Stolas.' You told him firmly, enough pride in your voice to make Stolas flush.
The Imp looked him up and down, 'A prince huh? Damn (Y/n), really pickin up your game' The older Imp gave you a rather lecherous grin.
You scoffed, stepping forward and asking 'Can we come in or are we just gonna stand around talking all night?'
The elder Imp just huffed before stepping out of the way.
The two of you walked into a somewhat narrow stairwell, the prince having to crouch walk to squeeze in there.
'Sorry 'bout the tight fit there your highness, we usually only get Imps down here, it'll be more roomy downstairs.' The old Imp spoke up as they made there way down the stairs.
Stolas chose not to reply, choosing instead to just take it in stride.
It was another minute of walking down the cramped stairwell when they suddenly entered a much larger chamber, the owl able to stand up.
Once he'd stretched his back, Stolas got a good look around, and found himself transfixed by the splendour of the place.
Honestly the place could probably give most of the restaurants he'd been too a run for there money.
It was a large hall, clearly some old structure with black bricks making up most of the walls.
A number of quaint little lanterns hung from the roof giving the whole chamber a pleasantly dim atmosphere.
A series of tables filled the centre of the chamber, each one decked in a cloth, with its very own candle lit center piece.
The architecture created smaller arches along the walls, many of them gave way to small booths where other Imps were enjoying there meal. While others were filled in by wine wracks, each one filled with a variety of bottles.
'My it's... it's...' before Stolas could finish, you cut in, 'yeah... I know, it's not exactly the rits, but for an Imp run business, it's pretty sophisticated.' You seemed disappointed, likely having interpreting his stunned silence as disappointment.
Stolas quickly cleared that up, telling you 'it's beautiful, I've never seen a place like it.' He told you honestly.
Looking down he found you positively beaming.
Reaching out, you grabbed his hand. You dragged him along like an excited child, taking him to what was obviously the front desk.
Placing the wicker basket on top the counter, you binged the bell.
A moment passed before a shorter and clearly much older Imp walked out. Upon seeing you there face lit up, 'Oh (Y/N), so good to see you.' They said cheerfully, pulling out a medium leather bound book from under the counter, they looked up and said, 'Lets see. Ah! Here you are. One table. A high ceiling and a strong bottle, correct?' They asked pleasantly.
You just nodded, them quickly putting the book away and began leading you away.
He found himself led into another chamber, this one much smaller but still just as pleasant.
In this one, a quaint little chandelier, giving the room a pleasant warm glow.
The older Imp quickly left, promising to bring menu's upon his return.
You led him in 'Beautiful place, isn't it?' You asked, seeming a hundred miles away.
'It is' He agreed, never taking his eyes off of you.
It took a few moments, but eventually you locked eyes, a smile growing across your lips.
After a moment, you seemed to snap back to reality, quickly walking over and pulling out one of the chairs, 'Your highness' you told him, an almost seductive tone to your voice.
'Such a gentleman' he spoke playfully, taking his seat.
Pushing him in, you walked around and took your seat.
Sitting down, you leaned forward, the two of you sitting in silence for a moment, neither of you sure what to say.
Eventually you spoke up, 'Can... can I ask you something?' You asked hesitantly.
Stolas, seeing the mood shift, leaned forward, responding with 'of course you can... what is it?'
You took a moment, placing your mouth behind your balled fist, 'I just... I just want to know... What is this?' You asked somberly.
That took him off guard, 'I, uh... I thought this was a date,' he tried to lighten the mood.
You did smile at that, but it was short lived, the sombre look returning.
'No... I mean like, you and me. What is this?' You asked him.
Stolas found himself at a loss.
What were you?
This was a date, wasn't it? So that would make you a potential couple? But he was already married... so, what the hell did that make you?
He sat there for longer than he'd like without an answer, before he felt he just had to say something. 'I don't... I don't know.' He told you honestly.
'I mean, this is a date? And I uh...' He didn't know were to go.
Out of options, he decided to do something that hadn't gone the best for him lately, but with you he felt it would be his best course to take.
He was gonna go with his gut.
'I want there to be something.' He told you, 'You make me feel like... like I deserve to be loved. Like I can be loved... Something I haven't felt in quiet a while.'
'I haven't felt like I really deserve anything in... Hell.... Decades?' He was tearing up now, his voice thick with emotion, 'I don't know if I deserve love, (Y/N).'
'I only ever seem to end up hurting the people I care about.' Tears formed in his eyes, the owl gripped his head, 'Lately I feel like a curse. Like I can only bring pain and misery to those around me... and after what I've done, I can't help but feel I deserve it.'
He looked up at you, a little smile across his face, 'But you... you make me feel like... like someone cares about me... Like someone cares about what I want. And you don't want anything from me... your not just using me as a means to an end... You care about me.' He was shaking now, a gentle tear sliding down his cheek.
He sat there for a moment, on the brink of tears, just as he felt you grab his hand.
Looking down he found you gently grasping his hand. You slowly inspected it, gently running your fingers along the long slender digits.
'You know...' you began, unease in your voice. 'I had no idea what I was doing, that first time.'
'I wanted to cheer you up, make you smile.' You let out a little chuckle, 'And as cliché as it might sound, I could tell you just wanted someone to love you, to make you feel something.' you smiled up at him.
'I knew you needed some kind of affection and I... I couldn't just let you sit there, drowning in despair. So I did it, I gave you the love you needed' You told him, your voice getting a little unbalanced.
You looked up at him, your throat tightening and voice becoming shaky, 'And if after that first time together... I after what we did... you had said you wanted to just pretend like nothing happened. I would have accepted it. I could have accepted that.' You told him firmly.
'Theres so much misery around me, so many suffering for no real reason. So if I could make you happy, even for just a moment. I'd be happy.' A smile spreading across your face.
'I don't know what's gonna happen next.' You told him. 'And I don't know what's gonna happen next.'
Your voice grew firmer, as did your resolve. 'But I wanna get closer to you and you wanna get closer to me. So how's about we just... see where this goes?' You asked him.
Stolas was a little shocked, 'You... you'd really do that, just give it a shot, to be with me?' He asked incredulously.
You just nodded your head, a little smile across your face, 'I... I wanna be with you Stolas, if that's alright with you?' You asked almost playfully.
Stolas couldn't help but laugh, vigorously nodding his head, 'Yes, Yes, a thousand times Yes.' He told you getting to his feet.
His emense height allowing him to lean over the table, locking you into a passionate kiss.
The Owl couldn't help it, he pressed into the kiss, so much so he was scared he might hurt your lips.
But he just couldn't help it, he was feeling such passion right now, all he could think to do was get as close to you as possible.
Hey Hey. Doing some old stories now. I've got so many requests I think I'll just relax a little, do them at my own pace.
This is the 5th part of my series Here's the link to my other chapters
so check that out. I'm gonna be doing some more of my own original works lately, but feel free to leave a request, just don't expect me to get to it any time soon. Any way, hope you enjoyed the story. Bye Bye.
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mellometal · 3 years
ATTENTION: This is some recent information about the current events with Chris Chan that I've been able to find, plus additional information that I couldn't find anything on that is now public knowledge.
ALL videos about any updates will be linked so you can watch them for yourself, if you wish.
Again, OBLIGATORY trigger warning: This post will be going into very sensitive subject matter, including r@p3, s3xual assault, elder abuse, and inc3st. I will also be mentioning the site Kîwî F@rm$ and the person who runs it (Null). DON'T go onto Kîwî F@rm$. Just stay away from there. It's like 4chan (another site full of REALLY fucked up shit, depending on which forum you go to), but worse.
If anything I mentioned is triggering for you or makes you otherwise uncomfortable in any way, you don't have to read this post. It's not worth putting yourself in a bad state mentally. Take care of yourself, please. Consume media that sparks joy for you.
ALRIGHTY, LET'S GET TO IT. Because there's quite a lot of bullshit that happened since the first post I made about the current events. And some more information that will most likely be the nail in the coffin for Chris. I'm patiently waiting for more updates as they come and I'll share them here as soon as possible.
The person Chris was in a call with was revealed to be a troll under the name "Bella". The screenshots of messages and the audio from the call have all been confirmed to be real.
It's also been revealed that Chris confided in Null about her having a girlfriend, having s3x with her, all that. Here's a list of things to describe this "girlfriend" below, which I will compare to Barbara in bold:
This woman is "in her over fifties". (Barbara is eighty years old. Most people would assume that someone's in their late fifties when this terminology is used. Eighty is well over fifty.)
Her favorite person was the late Adam West in the 60s, as it was "for her son back then". (I don't know if Chris is referring to her half-brother Cole Smithey [he does movie reviews, and he's most famous for being one of the only people to give Toy Story 3 a negative review] here, or if she's referring to herself before she came out as trans. I'm adding this here anyway.)
Chris has known this woman "for a long time", offline and in-person. (OBVIOUSLY she's known Barbara her whole life, since she's, AGAIN, HER MOTHER! DUH.)
They've been having s3x "every three nights". (Like how Chris admitted to doing to her defenseless mother. PRETTY FUCKING FISHY, IF YOU ASK ME.)
They began having s3x on June 27th. (The same day that Chris admitted to doing to Barbara.)
This woman was an accountant when she was younger. (Barbara's job was EXACTLY this.)
Chris said she feels grateful to "enlighten" her girlfriend with s3x play that she (the woman) "missed from even her exes". (I didn't mention this in my initial post, but if you chose to watch the videos that were linked, Chris mentioned that Barbara's boyfriends and ex-husbands "have never been able to make her 0rg@$m" like Chris did. SHE EVEN MENTIONED HER LATE FATHER. THAT'S FUCKING DISGUSTING AND DISRESPECTFUL.)
Chris has been "keeping her girlfriend safe" too. (She had been "taking care of Barbara" since Bob, her late father, passed away. This right here is proof alone that she was talking about HER MOM!)
Her girlfriend "didn't want to do it at first", it was "very painful" for Chris's girlfriend in the beginning, and it took a few tries for them "to get going". This included Chris doing it FOR her because she thought her girlfriend would "feel better" due to her lack of mobility and lucidity. (Chris said all of this exact stuff TO "BELLA" during their call.)
Null initially thought that Chris was lying about sleeping with her mother to cover up the fact that she had a girlfriend and having s3x with her. Why? Because apparently people would believe Chris would have s3x with her mother than some other unknown woman. Chris told Null to keep her girlfriend's identity secret because she was afraid her girlfriend would get trolled and she'd end up losing her.
What Null realized was that what Chris told him completely matched the description of Barbara. Note that before he looked into this, he was unaware of the context Chris was giving him about her "girlfriend".
It's extremely possible now that Chris admitted to s3xually assaulting Barbara to Null and "Bella", but she wanted Null to keep it confidential. Chris wanted NULL to keep the fact that she admitted to committing a VERY serious crime A SECRET.
If Chris WAS actually lying, she'd use a lot more CWCisms (her own phrases) or say that she was "using her psychic powers" to have s3x with Barbara's fictional counterpart in another dimension. But no, Chris was VERY straightforward and talked about it casually like if you were to talk about the weather.
Chris, according to Null, slept in a parking lot in her car the other night. At least for a few hours, though I don't remember where the FUCK else she slept (maybe a hotel room eventually), considering she had -$200 in her bank account. I believe some people who are in contact with Chris sent her some money to get food too.
Null revealed that he set up a GoFundMe previously for Chris to attend a Brony convention, which was a test to see how Chris would be able to handle commissions. The GFM was successful, to say the least. Chris fulfilled commissions successfully, DESPITE NOT WORKING ON THE FUCKING COMIC. Y'KNOW, THE THING SHE'S PAID FOR ON PATREON TO DO!
Well, due to recent events, he has since taken down the GFM and is refunding all the money to all the donors. He was debating on sending Chris money (the GFM money, since Chris isn't able to go to the Brony convention), but he decided not to do so. He told Chris to sleep in her car, spend the night under the stars, and reflect on her current situation until the morning, when Null would help her find a temporary roof over her head until August 5th.
Barbara tightly manages Chris's finances. Those are Null's words, not mine. You want to know why Barbara's been having trouble with the house and shit? CHRIS HAS BEEN STEALING MONEY FROM HER FOR YEARS. HER CREDIT IS ALL SORTS OF FUCKED, SHE'S BURIED IN DEBT, AND IT'S CHRIS'S FAULT. THE PERSON WHO'S SUPPOSED TO BE TAKING CARE OF HER.
How did we find out about Chris recently getting more money, specifically $750? Well, Null has had access to Chris's emails for the past few years (Chris knows this), and he found an email that Barbara had sent Chris money.
That's a violation of the EPO (Emergency Protective Order) that was put into affect for Barbara. Chris was NOT supposed to contact Barbara in ANY way, shape or form.
Null asked Chris about this and told her that this was a violation of the EPO. He asked her if her mom sent her money. Chris denied it at first, and then went into the whole goddess bullshit she goes into. She then admitted to accessing Barbara's banking account online and wiring the $750 to HER account. Chris also said that she'd pay her back the $750 after receiving the $1000 that Null was supposed to send to Chris. Null was obviously upset with what Chris had done. Who wouldn't be?
Guess what Null did in reaction to what Chris told him? HE BLOCKED CHRIS AND REPORTED HER TO THE POLICE. I'm honestly surprised he stuck with her this long. He genuinely wanted to see Chris become a better person.
It's only a matter of time for Chris's arrest. With all this information that's out there now, more information probably coming very soon, plus people close to Chris confirming all of this....I feel it's safe for me to say that Chris did s3xually assault her mother.
I don't feel bad for Chris anymore. I have no sympathy for Chris. Any ounce of respect for this person has been long since gone. I don't feel comfortable even referring to Chris as a person. She's a monster.
I talked about Chris a few times a few years ago on Instagram, and I got yelled at for tearing this motherfucker apart. Because apparently I was an "ableist bully" for having my grievances with Chris, despite the fact that I'm autistic too and I've never "bullied" Chris for being autistic. Not even once. My grievances had more to do with Chris using her mother and their animals to exploit them for her own monetary gain INSTEAD OF TRYING TO FIND A JOB. I've even tried to suggest that she go work through a temporary work industry and get paid daily. (At that time, I didn't know that trying to interact with Chris wasn't a very good idea. I've since learned, obviously.)
Here's a link to Gibi's video:
Dillon Thomas's video:
The stream with Null:
Geno Samuel's stream:
Here's Rogue's video and live stream he did about the situation. Rogue is one of my FAVORITE YouTubers, as edgy as his content is.:
Thank you for your time.
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whythewords · 2 years
Days 75 - 87: What a beautiful mess this is
A loooot of up and down. Things are a bit strained at home, just thinking about if, when and how I'm gonna get outta this house eventually and the psychological/emotional wear and tear that's going to occur the longer I stay. I was away for this past weekend, just a couple towns over at a friend's place for another friends' birthday weekend. Drinks, tabletop games, junk food, home cooked meals (the guy that was hosting us is quite the chef). It was very much needed, just being not at home for a while and among friends. And then sushi with another couple close pals ono Sunday. There's my gratitude for this post I suppose...mostly downhill from here, sadly.
Back on the grind now and in the home stretch for school stuff which is unfortunately making it harder for me to put time into music and working out, two things that I desperately need in my life to regain a little sanity these days, good for my health both mentally and physically, in fact.
Co-op is coming up and a friend working for the city (where my co-op placement will be once again) is pressuring me to apply for another job there that starts soon. I definitely don't have anything to lose, interview experience would be good even if I don't get it, but if I do it's a whole process to figure out what to do about co-op and how to finish my classes that are supposed to go to the end of the year. I just wanted to do one thing at a time, I tried fast tracking a little but in order to pull off some grand 4 month time gain like I had originally planned, I would have had to spend last co-op term as well as this coming one, working my standard 35 hours a week, plus close to an additional 10 hours worth of night classes (that weren't guaranteed to be conducive to my schedule). It would have been a mess and very likely broken me. I like co-op because I can focus on doing the work (which I am presumably going to do more long-term once I graduate) and there is a consistent routine which is good for me...and no exams to study for or homework assignments to think about on the weekends. I'm certainly gonna try for the job anyway because, again, nothing to lose...but man I'm daunted by just the thought of yet another thing on my plate right now.
Gotten a few more visits from the ol' loneliness fairy. It's been tough. I've pretty much severed all communication from my former wife, but unsurprisingly there is still a lingering thread connecting us, and it's kind of an important one. We were gonna wait for the spring and I was hoping to take some of our dearly departed bunny Jonesy's ashes and find an apple tree to spread them under (apple was his favourite treat.) She liked that idea and wanted to do it together, to which of course I was receptive. He was a huge part of both of our lives. Jonesy's passing was the thing that kept us hanging onto one another after the separation process was all through, and it also seems like it'll be the last thread to spool up before I'm able to move on from this whole thing.
Being here has been hard. In another timeline where I enjoyed my job just fine, I would have stuck around Brampton and fought for that house. It might have ended badly. It might have been considerably less amicable. But I wouldn't have this problem I have right now of feeling like half a person, like a 35 year old child. This is not where I was supposed to be. I was the responsible one.
Dad has the impression that I'm gonna stay here for another 3 or 4 years. I'll be close to 40 by then, and if current timelines are any indication, he'll still be treating me like I'm 14...an unexpected side effect of my surprise taking up residence under my folks' roof again. It lends more credence to the idea I proposed on here earlier in the year about finding a job in a completely different city...or province, or hell another country. Regret is a terribly unhealthy thing, I know that...but it doesn't stop me from this occasional feeling of wanting to burn my entire past to the ground, just take a mulligan on every single thing I've done up to this point. And I know that's overdramatic and way too extreme and probably just a really fucking stupid sentiment but...
...maybe I feel like it'll help. Maybe surrounding myself with a new locale and a dearth of new people will make me myself feel new, and rejuvenated and more ready to take on the next challenge without worrying so much about the past getting in my way. Maybe I'll be able to be that guy who I've occasionally wondered over the years what it might be like to be. And maybe, just maybe forgetting how much it hurt to fall out of love will make it easier to fall back in with someone new.
It feels like I've made so much progress but...fuck, it still also feels so far away.
Feet, don't fail me now.
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julyarchives · 4 years
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key: ✿ (fluff) | ♡ (smut) | ✰ (angst) | ✻ (horror)
Requests are open!
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Don’t You Hear Me Howling? 
Pairing: Changgu (Yeo One) x Reader | Kino x Reader
Index: 01 • 02 • 03 • 04 • 05 • 06 • 07• 08
Finding out you are a female Alpha sparkled some rivalry inside your pack, and resulted in you losing your best friend and your life turning upside down, so leaving for college was the fresh start you needed. Years later, you are about to finish your degree and suddenly this past comes back to mess with your head.
Teach Me Series 
Pairing: Wooseok x Reader
Index: 01 • 02 • 03 • 04
Friends with benefits to lovers
A collection of friends to lovers that can be read as a multi-chapter story or independent one-shots
Thicker Than Blood
Pairing: OT9 x Reader 
Index: 01 • 02 • 03
Mafia AU
Growing up in a tough neighborhood had you learning to deal with hard situations, the occasion leads you to cooperate with the mafia organization that took care of your neighborhood - Pentagon. Looking after yourself and valuing your safety brought you to adapt to the moment, but the line between working for them and protecting yourself is very blurry when you are forced to live under their roof.
Christmas Lights Special  ✿ 
Pairing: Reader x OT9
Index: Here
2020 Christmas inspired fluffy one-shots to warm your heart during the winter season
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REDAMANCY ♡  Hui x Reader x Yeo One
(n) the act of loving the one who loves you; a love returned in full
When your boyfriend Hui wasn’t treating you right, you didn’t expect someone else to do so. And you definitely did not expect Hui was going to be there to watch everything.
[or the one where Changgu shows your boyfriend how you deserve to be treated, and he likes it.]
The Things We Do In The Dark ♡  Hui x Reader x Hongseok
Treating yourself with an expensive night out turned out to be way more rewarding than you thought when you meet the two hot club owners Hui and Hongseok.
Eyes on me  ♡  Hongseok x Reader x Wooseok
You always knew your friendship with Wooseok was really special, and the best part is that your boyfriend Hongseok wants to always make you happy. Who are the best people to take such good care of you if not your two favorite boys in the world?
Love Is Plural  ♡ Yanan x Reader x Wooseok
Dealing with two boyfriends might be tricky, but the advantages of having twice the fun make everything better.
Triple Fun ♡ Yuto x Reader x Wooseok
An uneventful movie night ends up becoming way more fun than you would have imagined
Watch Me ♡ Shinwon x Reader x Hui
An open relationship takes a lot of trust and friendship, and that is not a problem for you and your boyfriend Shinwon, especially when he's so cool about your crush on one of his best friends - Hui.
Mixtapes and Love letters ✿ Jinho x Reader x Hui
A mix-up of feelings makes a mix-up of letters, but much to your surprise, Jinho and Hui come through with their feelings for you.
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Lee Hwitaek (Hui)
Take Me Higher  ♡ You're assigned for a different flight than you were used to, but once you saw Hui there you knew it was going to be a fun trip.
Sweet Melody  ♡ You showed up at your boyfriend’s band practice to support and take care of him and seeing how tired he was, you just had to do something to boost his energy and reward him after such hard work.
High Heels and Night Skies ♡ "My lifestyle demands certain appearances that would be much better with you accompanying me, and I can provide everything you need to. You would have to be available and ready for our…" he paused  "dates"
"So you want to be my sugar daddy?" You scoffed, more amused than offended.
Complicated ♡ Your ex gets really jealous after seeing you flirting with someone else at a party, and he makes sure you don't forget anymore who do you belong to.
Jo Jinho (Jinho)
Wonderfully Wrong  ✰ ✿  When you thought your boyfriend Jinho forgot your anniversary it really upset you, but later that night you realized how wrong you were
Closer ♡ You thought you would be nervous on your first time with your boyfriend Jinho, but everything about being with him is simply perfect.
Skinny Love ✿  You didn't understand why your roommate was so angry when his friends started interacting with you, but everything was clear when he decided to be honest with you
Baby, pull me closer ✰♡ If you had ever believed in soulmates, it was because of Jo Jinho. When you were just hanging out at a bar with a few coworkers on a Friday night, the last thing you expected was to be confronted with your past.
Yang Hongseok (Hongseok)
Reuniting ♡ Coming back home and meeting with your best friend, you weren’t expecting the night to take such a surprising turn.
Lazy Days and Loving Touches ♡ Doing nothing with your boyfriend can be interesting when your boyfriend is Hongseok.
Meant To Be ✰ ✿ You didn’t think you would have to deal with past feelings until you meet your ex-boyfriend Hongseok, right after your current boyfriend proposes to you.
Ko Shinwon (Shinwon)
Warm Water, Slow Hands ♡ After having a rough day at work, a relaxing bath prepared by your boyfriend Shinwon is the best thing you could have asked for. 
Late Night Gym ♡ Going to the gym isn’t always the part of the night you look forward to the most, but after you started flirting with Shinwon things just might work out well for you. 
Focus ♡ Your boyfriend Shinwon puts you in your place when you lash out at him after a bad day, and you love every second of it.
Play For The Win ✿ Shinwon and you discover a common passion and it turns out that the soccer stadium is the perfect place to fall in love
Just Breathe ✿ When the world seems to be closing around you, your boyfriend Shinwon is the only one who can make you feel like breathing again
Yeo Changgu (Yeo One)
Drip ♡ Seeing Changgu looking so handsome at a wedding leads you two to a steamy shower after the party.
Elysian  ♡ Spending Valentine’s day with your boyfriend is always special, and Changgu knows how to make you happy in every possible way.
So Bad  ✿ You couldn’t find a better way to put your feelings into words, so you let a song speak for you when you couldn’t hold back your feelings for Changgu.
Lovers In The Night  ♡ Dating an idol is already hard, and when you debut it gets even harder, but your boyfriend Changgu knows just how to make up for all the time spent apart
Yan An (Yanan)
Scintilla ♡ Having to deal with the most handsome and cocky nemesis can be fun when that person is Yanan
Sparke (Scintilla pt.2) ♡ Falling for your enemy can be dangerous, but Yanan doesn't make it easy to just forget about him.
Lunar Love  ♡ Stuck between forbidden love and duty to the kingdom, decisions under the moonlight may change everything
Oblivious ✿ It all feels right when you and Yanan admit you love each other more than friends.
Adachi Yuto (Yuto)
Halloween Party  ♡ At a Halloween party, you had let your insecurities take the best of you, but Yuto showed you that there was nothing to be ashamed of. 
Vorfreude  ♡ Vorfreude (n). The joyful, intense anticipation that comes from imagining future pleasures.
Into You ✿ First dates can be a little awkward, so you thought that a carnival would be a good place to make it fun, and Yuto definitely is the best company for that.
In The Dark ✿ Late-night feelings always seem more intense, but it's better when they are mutual.
Fireworks In My Heart ✿ going to a lantern festival with Yuto
Afterglow ♡ comforting Yuto after he's had a long day.
Kang Hyunggu (Kino)
Die For You ✻ Being taken hostage turns out to be what you needed to find what you have always been looking for.
Earned It  ♡ Secretly dating the Teacher’s Assistant has its perks, especially when you two get the classroom all by yourselves and he enjoys his new pet name.
Among Flowers ♡  If you had to pick a favorite place on earth, it would be your boyfriend’s flower shop. A new relationship can come with a few insecurities, but nothing that would be a problem for you and Hyunggu
Something About You ♡  Visiting Hyunggu in his studio ends up with you helping him finish his song in the best way you could have thought.
Blossom ✿ You can see all the colors perfectly, except your soulmate’s favorite, but you were a little skeptical about that. You just didn’t expect to be proven wrong when your best friend’s brother takes you on a fake date.
Sunrise ✿ Spending the night getting to know Hyunggu better is as sweet as it sounds.
Jung Wooseok (Wooseok)
DO or NOT ♡ To All The Boys I've Loved Before AU
Come With Me ♡ Your boyfriend Wooseok tries to convince you to move in with him with a very compelling argument.
Safe Place ✿ Wooseok comforts you after you second guess your attitudes on a drunken night.
Third Time Is The Charm ✿ Two times you and Wooseok didn't kiss, and one time you did.
Play With Fire ♡ Working with Pentagon becomes harder when Wooseok notices you. It doesn't help that he looks extremely hot in the new concept.
Teach Me ♡  The boys were making fun of Wooseok for not being as experienced as them, and since you two have always been good friends, you decided it was a good idea to give him the help he needs.
Secret Rendezvous ♡ After the last encounter, Wooseok was acting a little weird and distant, but the boys made sure to help you two get closer again. Really closer.
Impulsive ♡ A lot of things go through your head when you think about your relationship with Wooseok - and so you feel very conflicted. You two can’t help but go for each other every time you are together, but where will that lead you two?
147 notes · View notes
xxkellsvixen19xx · 3 years
Spotlight: A Life Of A Troubled Celebrity Heartthrob Ch 3
Word Count 5,033
The first leg of the tour in the USA and Canada was complete and the next stop was Europe. Y/N had avoided Colson as much as possible and they had one or two brief run-ins but there were always people around. She had stayed at the penthouse with the others until they left for London.
So many times he had tried to call her, to talk to her, to try and get her attention but he always got cold feet. He had tried to get Jax to go and speak to her on his behalf, threatened him even but Jax wouldn't budge.
"She's a good girl and you're not worthy of her yet.. Leave her be." Jax said, causing him to become more frustrated.
"I always get what I want and I want Y/N. I'm going to get her with or without your help." He vowed.
"Why do you want her Colson? So you can hurt her? To ruin her? Just to stroke your ego?" Jax challenged. "Why would you want to pursue her when you have no good intentions towards her? You know you will go back to your old ways once you get what you want from her and ruin her for the next guy!"
"She's different from all the other girls I've been with.. I don't know okay??! I know I can't be faithful but I just want her!" He pulled his hair in frustration. "It may be for selfish reasons but -"
"Then what Colson?! After you promised to keep your distance you do a 360 and your hormones are taking over as usual." Jax bellowed, as he came face to face with Colson.
Daring him to say the wrong thing. He was ready for anything at this point. He couldn't understand why Colson would want to ruin a sweet, innocent girl like Y/N. Colson would never change for her-for anyone for that matter. It would take a miracle for that to happen.
Colson stared at him with his icy blue eyes and walked towards the window. He couldn't explain it but he wanted Y/N like he never wanted anyone before. Maybe it was in the way she looked at him, her melodic laughter, her natural beauty or her child like innocence. He couldn't quite place his finger on it but all he knew was that he had to have her. He was tired of being with shallow-minded, pea-brained girls that just wanted him for his fame and fortune-for his body. Y/N was just content with cuddling and talking or just sitting in a comfortable silence. He had never been with a woman that just wanted him for just him. They always had some hidden agenda-their career, money, sex-but Y/N had never exploited their relationship for personal gain.
From the first time he laid his eyes on her something inside him shifted. He had offered to drive her home although he knew that Jax was waiting outside. She was a mystery to him and he wanted to spend more time with her to try and unravel it. He had made sure to keep the music low so that they could talk-once again in his life he wanted to just talk to another person with no hidden motives.
"So tell me about yourself Bambi?" He had asked with genuine interest.
"Ummm..there's nothing much to tell." She twisted her fingers on nervously in her lap. She was shy. He decided there and then he would help her to break her out of her shell. He wanted to know everything about her but the ride was so short. There wasn't enough time.
"Then tell me a little?" He urged on.
"I-I..I'm a student at-uh- Cleveland State University..and I-want to major in music." She stumbled over her words and it made her even more appealing to him. Her long lashes brushed her cheeks as she blinked rapidly.
"My Dad-he died..three years ago and I live with my Mom."She said out of breath.
"Sorry..about your Dad. Mine is as good as dead." He frowned deeply. "But-your Mom? She's cool?"
"Yes-she's the best." She still wouldn't look at him and he wanted her to. More than anything he wanted to look into those big brown eyes.
He had pulled up outside her house and as she made a jump out he thought quickly.
"Hey, smile." He said as he put up his phone and snapped a selfie. It took her completely by surprise and she looked like a frightened deer in the photo.
"Let's try again?" She relaxed slightly and the next photo was definitely a Kodak moment.
"Do I make you uncomfortable??" His hand tightened on the steering wheel as he stole a glance at her. She was standing outside the car and boring a hole into the ground with her eyes.
"Yes." She squeaked. .
"Then we're going to have to do something about that Bambi." He chuckled as he stepped on the accelerator and turned up the music. She was going to be a challenge and Colson Baker always loved a challenge.
"Byron." He spoke through the phone. "I've changed my mind..I need you to set up that thing with Y/F/N Y/L/N."
"Sure thing Colson. I'm on it." Byron replied.
"One more thing-as soon as we get to London, make sure Y/N and I live separately from the rest. You think you can manage that?" It was more like an order and not a question.
"Consider it done." Byron said.
"Thanks Byron." He cut the call and smiled to himself. His plan was starting to come together. Byron could convince an Eskimo to by an ice-machine. Y/N wouldn't be able to say no once he worked his magic on her.
Colson went to take a shower with a self-satisfied smirk on his face. He was Colson-fuckin'-Baker after all. No one could say no to him.
When they arrived in London their luggage was taken care of as usual and they were ushered to the waiting limo. By this time everyone was suffering from a mixture jet-lag, exhaustion, hangover and a dash of homesickness.
"Hey guys! Great to see you again." Byron was waiting to meet them outside. "I see you're all tired and stuff so I've instructed the driver to take you straight to Eaton Place. You will be staying at that penthouse for the next three days-then we leave for Paris. However, Colson will not be joining you this time he will be living at an undisclosed location-for security reasons."
"Any questions? Great. Go home and rest guys tonight will be a busy night." He turned to face Y/J. "Miss Y/L/N, you have to come with me. We have that meeting remember? This way please."
"Oh yeah, sure." Y/N turned to Ashleigh. "I'll see you later."
"Good luck. Call me okay?" They embraced quickly before Y/N went after Byron.
Not wasting a single minute, Byron dove right into it as soon as the car started moving.
"Y/N, you already know what this is about right? We spoke about it before and also last night on the phone." Byron asked.
"Yes but I'm not sure it's a good idea.." She said skeptically.
"I don't want to insult you-but what if I threw in some money to make it worth your while? Name your price."
"What? No! What do you take me for?" She cried out.
"Okay. Okay. Calm down," He raised both his hands. "What about an internship and a guaranteed job at XX Entertainment once you graduate? Sounds good huh?"
"Byron, I don't want to feel like you've bought me..Whatever job or post I get, I want to earn it. Not to get it because.." She felt so dirty right now and insulted. Was Colson behind this? She couldn't help but wonder if he was the one that put Byron up to this.
"Okay let's do this your way." He sighed and massaged his temple. "What't it going to take for you to go along with our plan? If not money then..should I appeal to your humanity?"
"Look..it's fine I will help-"
"Yes!" He threw his fist in the air in triumph.
"But on my own terms." She said firmly.
"Whatever you want Y/N. Name it and it's yours." Byron looked at her earnestly.
"I will only agree to this if you will allow me to call it off anytime." She swallowed hard.
"What? What do you mean?" Byron asked, confused.
"If I feel it's becoming to much for me to handle then I will pull the plug on this..thing-anytime-without notice. Any questions? Great." She opened the door and jumped out without waiting for a response.
The penthouse One Hyde Park in London was were Colson and Y/N would be co-habitating. Only she wasn't aware of this yet. She thought they were just coming here for a meeting to finalize their "deal", although she didn't want anything out of it. The house was a contemporary and modern property, sitting on over an acre with a large garden, set back, screened and secluded with automatic solid sliding gates. It had a roof terrace and jacuzzi. 5 bedrooms that overlooked the garden, 4 bathrooms, 4 reception rooms. The servants quarters were on the first floor along with a stunning spiral wine cellar. The property had under floor-heating, surround sound and electronic sliding curtains.
"Wow!" Was all Y/N could say as she twirled around the house in awe. Jax showed her to her room and turned to leave.
"Wait...am I going to be staying here? Where's everyone else?" She asked.
"I'm sure Byron will fill you in soon." Jax responded.
"Oh." Her face fell.
"Don't worry about your luggage Miss Y/L/N. I will send someone with it shortly." Jax assured Y/N. "Welcome to Colson's humble abode."
She felt like Belle in Beauty and the Beast at this precise moment. Surrounded by so much luxury and yet she felt so unhappy. She kicked off her shoes and threw herself onto the bed, where she fell into a fitful sleep.
Meanwhile Colson was pacing up and down his bedroom floor, trying to think of how to approach Y/N. He had never had to make a move on a girl, it was always the other way round. He was clueless when it came to girls.
"Byron! Jax! Get in here." He hollered as he leaned over the banister.
They came up to his room promptly and sat on the chaise lounge waiting for him to speak first. He was in a plain white t-shirt and sweat pants but still looked like he stepped out of a magazine. He sat at the edge of the bed and looked on them.
"Byron, any progress with OGB?" They had labeled it Operation Get Bambi.
"She's on board." He pursed his lips into a thin line.
"But..? He raised a perfectly shaped eyebrow.
"She wants it on her own terms..which she will discuss with you. But she's taking a nap now." He bounced his knee.
"Cool. I can handle that." He pushed his hair back and let out a sigh of relief.
He never expected her to agree but then again Byron could be very persuasive. He wondered what Byron had offered her in exchange for her help. She never struck him as a girl that could be bought but maybe he was wrong-maybe everyone had a price. His heart sank the more he thought about it. She was probably just like the rest he thought.
"So why the long face? I thought you would be glad-" Byron stated.
"How much?" He gulped and stared at the floor, not meeting Byron's eyes.
"She doesn't want anything. I offered her-" Byron sat forward and tried to explain.
"What??" He looked up in surprise, his blue eyes startled.
"I could have offered her all the money in the world but she would have still turned me down." He said dryly.
"That's my girl!" Jax grinned widely as he clapped his hands dramatically.
"Shut up Jax." Colson scowled but inwardly he was just about to burst with happiness. So he was right about her after all. He didn't know why but, he felt relieved beyond comprehension.
"Now you can see that I was right about her." Jax shot back.
"Whatever-is everything set for the concert tonight? What time is sound check?" His heart was racing at the thought of seeing her again, that she was under the same roof, sound asleep in the next room.
"Yes but I'm about to head over to Wembley Stadium now to check if everything is in order..so if there's nothing else..?" He stood up and straightened his suit.
"Nah, that will be all." He said with a wave of his hand. "Jax you can stay."
"Still up for the after party?" Byron asked as he stood at the door. They always had one after every concert at a five star hotel, but only the who's who of show business in the city were invited. It was strictly by invitation.
"What else do I have to live for?" Colson rolled his eyes. "But I'll just make a brief appearance for an hour or so, I really need to rest."
"See you in a bit." Byron saluted and left.
"So what's your game plan?" Jax pursed his lips.
"I thought maybe you could help me with that?" For once he looked uncertain. Jax's heart melted.
"If and a big if- if we going to do this then you going to have to change Colson. Otherwise I won't be a part of it." Jax said with seriousness written all over his face.
"Yeah, yeah spare me the lecture Jax." He gave himself a face-palm.
"Don't you roll your eyes at me, I'm being very serious right now." Jax said.
"Jax nothing in life is guaranteed man. People make up to break up and so on. You need to chill out man." Colson replied.
"Look I'm not expecting you to marry Y/N, ride off into the sunset, have adorable twin babies and live happily ever after. But if you don't have good intentions then let's drop it. You can have any girl you want Colson. Young and old, short or tall, they're yours for the taking. Just don't go and ruin an innocent girl just for kicks. That's just plain downright cruel."
"Why do you care so much anyway?? You don't even know her man!" Colson burst out.
"That doesn't make it right. You know what forget it. I'm out." Jax stood up but Colson pulled him back.
"Listen Jax, don't get your knickers in a twist..I hear you man. Now let's discuss this like adults? How do I get my girl?" Colson cocked his head to the side and smiled.
"Thought you would never ask." Jaxs' face broke into a grin as he sat down again.
Y/N's phone was vibrating somewhere on the bed and she finally heard it.
"Hello." She said, half awake.
"Hi sweetie. Sorry did I wake you?" Mrs Y/M/L/N asked.
"Hi Mom," She propped a pillow behind her back, "Don't worry I'm awake now. Is everything okay?"
"Yes. I just miss you that's all." She said wistfully.
"I miss you too Mom." All of a sudden she broke down and started crying. She was overwhelmed by a cocktail of feelings right now and she couldn't keep the tears back any longer. Hearing her mother's voice made her homesick and emotional.
"Hey honey? What's wrong? Are you okay?"
"Ye-yes." She tried to compose herself. "I guess I'm just tired. Haven't slept properly you know.." She sniffled.
"I thought you were having a great time? Did something happen? Is it Colson?" Her mother rained questions Y/N couldn't quite answer herself.
"No-yes I am Mom. It's been great. Colson's been great Mom." She reached out for a Kleenex and wiped her face and nose. There was a soft knock on the door and she asked her mother to hold.
"Come in." Y/N called out and immediately regretted it. Well kind off..
"Hey-is this a bad time? You're crying? Why? Is it me? Did I do this??" He rushed to her side and held her at arms length.
"No-wait.." She held up a finger to her lips. "Mom, can I call you back? Colson is here."
"Put him on the phone. I need to have a word with him." She demanded. Y/N was sure Colson heard that and her fears were confirmed when he held out his hand for the phone. She looked at him hesitantly then handed it over to him with resigned sigh.
"Hi Mrs Y/M/L/N. Colson Baker here." He turned on the Baker charm and there was no female on planet earth that was immune to it, so far anyway.
"Oh hi there-um-Colson." Y/N imagined her Mom fluffing her hair like she usually did. She had already fallen for the trap.
"I just wanted to thank you personally for allowing Y/N to come on this tour. She is such a breath of fresh air. You raised her well." He smiled at Y/N as he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.
"Oh thank you Colson. You don't have to say that." Mrs Y/M/L/N gushed.
"Anyway we got to run now, I promised to take Y/N for lunch and I'm a man of my word." Y/N gasped and he turned his back on her to keep from laughing.
"Really?? You don't have to! Surely you're too busy for that?" She asked.
"Anything for my Bambi." He said sweetly.
"Awww you even have a cute pet name for her?? You know they used to call her that in kindergarten?" She laughed.
"Really?? Why don't you tell me all about it when we visit this weekend?" He turned to face Y/N, her mouth almost hit the ground.
"You're coming over? Y/N didn't say.."
"It was a surprise but now it's out there." He shrugged.
"Okay let me not keep you then. See you then." He rang off.
"Explain Baker." Y/N crossed her arms and pushed her tongue in her cheek.
"Can we eat first sweets? I'm starved." He said with exaggeration. "Can we call a truce? No more mind games. No more ping-pong with feelings and let's learn how to communicate okay?" He held out his hand and she shook it. He would have preferred them to seal it with a kiss but he didn't want to get ahead of himself.
"So we're good?" He asked.
"Yes." She said with a smile.
Colson was lying on his bed but for the life of him he couldn't fall asleep. It was 3:00 am. He had sang his heart out at the concert, stayed very briefly at the after party and tried to get drunk but failed. Women had tried to entice him but he just wasn't interested. He kept his eyes on his prize all night. He even got jealous when a dark-haired guy approached her and engaged her in conversation. She seemed taken with him-they laughed, they smiled and even flirted. The guy kept her entertained most of the night and he saw them dance a couple of times. Finally, when he couldn't take it anymore he walked over and cut in. After the dance he faked a headache and asked Y/N if they could go home.
"Bambi? Can I come in?" Colson knocked softly on the door and got no response. He had a serious case of insomnia and this was his only remedy. All the alcohol that he had didn't seem to do the trick, even some stronger stuff-he was wide awake.
Colson opened Y/N's door slowly and found her fast asleep on top of the covers, her long legs overlapping each other and her flat stomach exposed. She was in shorts and a sports bra, her smooth, milky skin glistening in the moonlight, her hair fanned all over her pillow and her face looked so serene. He sat on the edge of the bed and lightly traced his fingers across her stomach and then up to her face. If it were possible, he could sit here and just watch her sleep all night but she would freak out when she woke up and found him staring at her.
Common sense told him to leave the room but he found himself jumping on the bed and snuggling behind her. Taking in her scent, nuzzling her neck and just reveling in being close to her. She was completely out because she never once moved. He gave a contented sigh as he put his arms around her and fell asleep almost immediately..
Y/N woke up an hour later feeling thirsty and tried to move but she was firmly secured in a grip. She woke up with a start and turned to see Colson sleeping like a baby. Just watching him sleep made her heart melt into a puddle. Her hand reached out on its own accord, to stroke his hair and his beautiful face.
A smile lit her face as she reached out for the glass of water on the nightstand. Colson Baker was lying in her bed in his bare necessities. He was right here with her and not some floozy or flavor of the night. This was the stuff dreams were made of. Her heart fluttered as she took in the sight before her again as she assumed her position once more. Their bodies fit so perfectly together when they were like this, if only it could apply in every area of their relationship. That's if you could even call it that. But a girl could only hope...
"Y/N!" Ashleigh barged into the room, "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry-I didn't know-sorry!" She covered her face and quickly backed out. The said couple were deep in sleep and were oblivious to the intrusion, fortunately for Ashleigh.
"There is such a thing as knocking you know?" Jax stood at the foot of the stairs, with his hands behind his back, as she descended in a hurry.
"I didn't know-" She said, her face beet red.
"You should learn to expect the unexpected when it comes to those two." Jax said with a knowing look. He had learned that the hard way.
"I didn't expect them to be..you know..Gosh I wish I could unsee that!" She covered her face, trying to hide her embarrassment.
She didn't anticipate walking into Y/N's room to find her and Colson half-naked and glued to each others bodies. After all how could Y/N get with him after everything he had done to her? She just couldn't understand it. But then again this was Colson Baker and he was beyond irresistible. I mean who could say no to that hot body? If Ashleigh was in the same position then they definitely were not going to be sleeping.
"May I interest you in breakfast per chance?" Jax asked as he led her to the sitting room, drawing her out of her nasty thoughts. "What brings you here so early anyway?"
"It's way after 9 Jax." She flopped onto the couch. "I need to talk to Y/N..about something.."
"Well, you just have to wait or come back later?" Jax suggested. "When ever they sleep together they have been known to wake up way past noon..and we had a pretty late night coupled with the heavy hangover.." He perched on the armrest.
"What do you mean "when they sleep together?" She looked at him suspiciously.
"I think I've already said too much-breakfast?" He stood hastily and retreated to the kitchen.
"I think I'm going to go then!" She shouted after him and followed him to the kitchen.
"Slow your roll there little lady. I'm sure they will be up and about in no time." He said. "What would you like the chef to prepare for you?"
"An omelette and toast-he can be creative but I don't eat mushroom." She slid onto the stool by the kitchen island.
Y/N began to stir when she heard a murmuring of voices coming from downstairs. She tried to turn but Colson's arms-and legs were tightly wrapped around her. Why would anyone want to ever wake up from this, she thought as she tried to sleep again but Colson had other plans.
"Good morning sweets." He said, his voice still husky.
"Hey." She said nervously as his arms tightened around her waist
"I could get used to this." He buried his face into her hair and groaned.
"What? Waking up in someone else's bed?" She turned onto her back and faced him.
"Your bed you mean?" He smiled and pushed her messy hair back so he could look at her face. Never had he wanted the female specie as much as he wanted her right now. Never had he slept in a bed with a woman and just traded war stories. He knew that if he made a move she would comply but he couldn't. There was more to him agreeing to keep from jumping her bones but she was clueless, and he hoped it stayed that way until he had dealt with the issue. He would take that secret with him to the grave.
"No ping-pong remember?" She was saying to him. Maybe dreams do come true, she thought. Maybe he was really into her? But then again there was no telling with Colson Baker. He was just to complex and she didn't have the energy to try and figure him out.
"Yeah, yeah I get it but-I think we've already crossed that line Bambi.." He looked pointedly at their tangled limbs. Not to mention her undergarments left very little to the imagination. She looked at their entwined bodies and fell silent for a moment. They were in quite a predicament-it was clear as the light of day.
"Well..you decided to invite yourself into my bed Baker. After you promised to keep your distance." She said in defense mode.
"..and you were purring like a contented cat next to me. You never really put up any form of resistance sweets." His blue eyes twinkled like the sea when they were hit with the rays of the sun. The liquid courage had worn off and both of them were now completely aware of their actions. She felt her cheeks redden as she looked at Colson's inviting body . Fortunately, Y/N's phone broke the awkward moment.
"Hey Mom." Nice save Mrs Y/M/L/N.
"Hey sweetie. I'm sorry to disturb you but the press has been camped outside my house for two days now and-"
"What do they want? Why didn't you say something?" She sat up and Colson looked at her with concern.
"I'm sorry sweetie I just didn't want to worry you. Plus they have been blowing up my phone and my practice has been overwhelmed. I know I'm a good therapist but this has just been ridiculous. I have had people make appointments just so they can ask me questions about your relationship with Colson. Even your friends Liv and Lisa are being stalked-it's a nightmare. Urrgh.." She screamed in frustration.
"I'm so sorry Mom. This is all my fault. How can I fix it?" Y/N said with determination.
"No, no honey, don't do anything hasty. I think I'll just take a well needed vacation to Bora Bora or something and I think I have a conference coming soon-" She sighed.
"Should I come with you? I can-"
"No. You stay put. Besides, that will do more harm than good." She murmured.
"So what can I do?" Y/N raked her hair with her fingers. Colson motioned for her to hand over the phone and she gave it to him.
"Mrs Y/M/L/N. I'm sorry to hear about your little inconvenience but not to worry I got it handled." Colson said confidently. Y/N looked at him in disbelief-who did he think he was? Ethan Hunt?
"Oh really?" Mrs Y/M/L/N was equally shocked.
"I'll get my team to come and get you out of there and set you up in a place where you will be secured and- where you can enjoy your privacy once again." He assured her.
"Oh no Colson, you don't have to do that sweetie." She protested.
"I want to. Please let me? It would mean so much to me." The Baker Charm was turned on.
"Okay sure." Mrs Y/M/L/N caved in.
"Great." His face lit up. "One of my assistants will be in touch shortly."
"Am I still going to see you guys on the weekend?" She asked.
"Yes. We will be there sooner actually." Colson confirmed.
"I can't wait." She squealed in delight.
"Okay speak soon." Colson rang off.
"Colson Baker did you just lie to my mother?" Y/N said in bewilderment. There was no way they would go back to Ohio and back again to Paris in time for his show.
"FYI sweets my Paris Show has been cancelled because of the bombing at Ariana Grande's concert. I'm not taking any chances and my security team has advised against it. So..we can fly to Minnesota then straight to Norway after the weekend. Easy." He gestured with his hands.
"You're too sweet. I could kiss you right now." Y/N said without thinking.
"Then what's stopping you sweets?" He leveled his face with hers.
"I- we-can't." She hopped of the bed and grabbed a robe. "So what you got planned for today?" His heart sagged, he expected her to be all over him. Most girls would have jumped at the opportunity-but not Y/N.
"Pack your bags Bambi. We're going to Ohio." He said as he left the room, his shoulders sagged. She really wanted to kiss him but she wanted to tread carefully. Things between them were complicated enough.
Tagged: @kellysimagines
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beclynn-herondale · 3 years
In Another Universe: Chapter 9 - The Greenhouse part 1
He wasn't sure if he had screamed, if he had it would have been again for the hundredth time tonight. The motorcycle was flying, it felt like a rollercoaster almost, it also caused that weird feeling you get in your stomach when you ride one. He looked back at the roof and saw the vampires and werewolves. And looked away honestly if he ever saw that place again it would be way too soon. Jayce was screaming in delight. Clar tightened his arms around her. "My mother told me that if I ever rode a motorcycle with someone, she'd kill me." he called over the sound of the the wind and bike. "Not if she knew me," she called back with confidence. "I am excellent at driving." Clar remembered something suddenly. "Hey, I thought Alec said only some of these could fly?" "Only some can!" "So how did you know this one could?". "I had no idea if it could!" she shouted happily, she did something that the bike ride in the air.
"Look down!" she shouted. "It's so amazing!" Curiousity making him want to, even though he was still terrified, he looked down. They were a lot higher than he had originally thought. They were flying over the city, it was beautiful, in a terrifying way. Jayce tunred the bike towards the brooklyn bridge. "You okay?" she shouted. He didn't say anything, held on more tightly. He felt nauseous all of a sudden and was reminded of how high they were and how they could fall so far down, he shut his eyes. "Clar?" she yelled again. "Are you ok, Clar? He shook his head. Something scratched at him, he ignored it until it scratched again. He opened his eyes slightly, and saw it was Simone, her head out of Clar's jacket, tugging at it. "It's okay, Simone." he said, not wanting to look down. "It was just the bridge—" But she scratched him again, pointing her paw towards the waterfront, rising up on their left. Still dizzy he looked up and saw sunrise. "Yes, it's very pretty," he said, shutting his eyes again. "It's a beautiful sunrise.' Jayce went rigid. "Sunrise?" she yelled, and jerked the bike towards the waterline. Clar leaned as closely as he could without squashing Simone. "What's wrong with the sunrise?" "I told you back on the roof! These bikes run on demon energies!"
She pulled the bike on level with the river. Water splashed them. "When the sun comes up— The bike started to sputter. Jayce said a colorful amount of swear words, and slammed her hand into the accelerator. It lunged forward, jerked under them. Jayce was still swearing, one time in what sounded like french. Clar saw every rock and pebble that was under them as they cleared past the river and over the narrow bank. Below them was the highway, full of early morning traffic.
They barely cleared it, beyond was a parking lot. "Hold on tight, Clar, don't let—" The bike struck the asphalt of the parking lot, the front wheel hitting first. Then it struck a concrete barrier with a terrible force that it lifted him off the bike and threw him sideways, his grip breaking from Jayce. He curled up into a protective ball, hoping Simone wouldn't be crushed. He hit the ground hard, pain shooting up his arm. He flipped over onto his back, the wind knocked out of him. He reached for his pocket, but it was empty. He tried to call for Simone but the his breath was knocked out of him, He wheezed.
His entire body hurt, he rolled over. Dawn had come, he saw the remains of the bike turning into ash as the suns rays shined on it. And there was Jayce, getting to her feet painfully, she hurried to him, and slowed down a little when she got closer. Her jacket sleeve was torn and she had a long graze her arm that was bleeding. Her face was pale under her golden curls, that were now dirty from the events of last night. He wondered why she looked so pale and shocked. Was his leg was torn off, lying across the parking lot with a pool of blood?
He started to get up when there was a hand in his shoulder. "Clar?". "Simone!" She was kneeling down beside him, looking a little dirty and crumpled, her glasses were gone but she appeared to be unharmed otherwise. She reached out and touched his face. "Ow!". "Are you alright? You look good," she said, with a catch to her voice. "The most amazing thing that I've—". "That's because your glasses are gone," he said weakly, but Simone didn't give a smart response back, instead she threw her arms around him, holding him tightly. She was alright he thought, she's alright. "Clar," she said. "I didn't—i didn't think you—". "Come for you? Of course I did," he said. "Of course did." he said and put his arms around her. He stroked her back reassuringly.
He glanced back at Jayce for a moment, she was turning away as if the sun hurt her eyes, he wondered why.
Joan was leaning against a wall in the training room that was in this dimension place, flipping a knife back and forth, she was very good with knives now. Her father wanted to talk with her, she may be more connected with her demon blood now, but that didn't change the fact she still hated the man's guts. She thought his goals were boring and that he was your typical villian, he didn't have any ideals that surprised her. Not to mention a shitty father, and sounds like he was a shitty husband.
"Still having trouble with your anger, I have heard," said Valentine. "Still having trouble finding a Cup, I have heard" she replied. He looked furious for a moment but composed himself. She loved how she could get under his skin. "All in good time," he said. "Yeh? And how much time is that?" "Very soon." She looked at him. "Are you sure it's soon enough?" He smiled a devilish grin. "Yes." She didn't like the grin, there was something he wasn't telling her. "Jonathena," he said. "Yes?" "You have completed much if your training, faster than I had thought," he said. "Soon enough we will be in Idris, and with we'll have your mother, brother, and Jayce." He took a minute before he spoke again. "I have been thinking, if Lucian does decide to make a move, and if he does somehow succeed in getting in my way, I'll need you to play spy for me. Clar will trust you, and believe you. I don't think things will go wrong but I want a backup plan." She was slightly more intrigued now. "Whatever, not like I have a choice in the matter." He stared at her. "Things will not be so boring soon enough, my daughter."
Yeah, soon enough you'll have an angel cup and some sword and be attacking god knows what. She just wanted Clar and her mom, make sure they are safe and do whatever she needed to do to keep them safe. This Jayce did intrigue her though. Valentine seemed to speak slightly softer about her.
She went back to training with Alan, learning how to take on ten people at once. Lilith had some kind of way to strengthen her demon blood, Joan had no idea how, but with Greater Demons you never really knew, she supposed.
Hodge was enraged when they got back, Alec and Isidore in the back lurking behind him. When Clar and the girls came in limping, covered in blood and filthy, he had instantly gone into a lecture that would have made Clar's mom very proud. He also didn't forget the part of how they had lied about where they had gone to—Which apparently Jayce had or the part about never trusting Jayce again. Also bits about breaking the law and being thrown out of the clave, and bringing shame onto the Wayland name. After he calmed down slightly, he looked at Jayce with a glare. "You've endangered other people people with your actions. This time I will not let you shrug it off!" "I wasn't planning on it," said Jayce. "It's kinda hard to shurg anything off at the moment. My shoulder is dislocated." "If only physical pain was actually a deterrence for you," said Hodge furious. "But you'll just spend the next few days in the infirmary with Isidore and Alec caring to your every need. And you'll probably very much enjoy it."
Hodge had been partly right. Jayce and Simone had both ended up in the infirmary, but only Isidore was running around caring for their every need when Clar — who'd gone to clean up — came back a few hours later. Hodge had tended to the bruise on his arm, and almost half an hour in the shower gotten the asphalt that was stuck in his skin out. But he still ached all over. Alec was sitting on the windowsill and looking irritated, angry, maybe almost even sad all at the same time, scowled as the door shut behind him. "Oh. It's you." He ignored Alec. "Hodge says he's on his way and hopes you two can hang onto your slowly fading life forms until he is here," or something of that variation." "I do hope he hurries," said Jayce crossly, she was sitting up in one of the infirmary beds, still in her filthy clothes, the lace top she had worn to the party torn in some places, though he assumed Shadowhunters were used to ruining clothes. "Why? Are you in pain?" he asked. "Nope. I have a very high pain tolerance. But I do get very easily bored." she narrowed her eyes at him. "Do you remember how back in the hotel you promised that if we survived, you'd dress up in a nurse's outfit and give me a sponge bath?". "I think you misheard that," said Clar. "It was Simone who promised you that." Jayce looked over involuntarily to Simone, who gave her a wide smile. "As soon as I'm back to good health, beautiful." "I knew we should have left as a rat," said Jayce.
Clar laughed as he went over to Simone, who seemed uncomfortable surrounded by the many pillows Isidore had gotten for her. He sat down on the edge of her bed. "How do you feel?" "Like someone tried to grate me into cheese," she said, wincing as she moved her legs. "I broke a foot bone. It had swelled so much, Isidore had to cut my shoe off." "Glad he's taking such good care of you," he said with a little bit of acid in his tone. Simone leaned forward. "I want to have a talk with you." Clar nodded. "I'll be in my room. Come see me once Hodge gets you all fixed up, k?" "Yup." surprising him she leaned forward and kissed his cheek. It was a butterfly kiss, but as he pulled away, he knew he had blushed, probably, standing up, because everyone was staring at them.
On his way out to the hallway he touched his cheek, a kiss on the cheek didn't mean much of anything, but it was odd for Simone. Was she trying to make a point to someone? Clar never would understand the whole making someone else jealous thing that people did. And then there was Jayce, doing her wounded princess act.
"Clar!" He turned and to his surprise, there was Alec coming down the hall after him. They both stopped once she caught up to him. "I need to speak with you." Surprised again, he asked. "About what?" She hesitated for a moment. With her pale ivory skin she looked almost as striking as her brother, but unlike Isidore she did anything she could to downplay her looks and not be seen, her frayed sweaters and her bangs and blunt cut of her hair that fell over her shoulders that looked as if she cut it herself in the dark, was only part of it, she looked seriously uncomfortable in her own skin. "I think you should go. Go home, I mean," she said. He knew that Alec didn't like him but it still felt like she had slapped him. "Alec, I can't go home, it has forsaken and demons crawling around it, believe me nobody wants to go home more than me but i—" "You must have family somewhere that could take you in?" he thought she sounded desperate. "I don't have any family, and Hodge wants me to stay here," he said shortly.
"He can't possibly actually after everything you've done—" "Everything I've done?" "You almost got Jayce killed." "I almost— what are you talking about?" "Going after your friend like that—do you even know the danger you put her in? Do you know that—" "Her? Do you mean Jayce?" he cut her off.  "Just so you know it was all her idea. She asked Magna where to find the vampire. She went to that church to get weapons. If I didn't go with her, she would have gone without me.". "By the angel, you don't understand," said Alec. "You don't know her like I do. I know her. She thinks she has to save the world, and she would gladly die doing it. hell I think she wants to die, but that doesn't mean you need to help her along to do it." "I really don't understand you people," he said. "Jayce is a Shadowhunter. This is your job, you help and save people, you kill demons and put yourself in danger everyday. How is it that last night was different from any other time?"
He saw her self control break. "Because I wasn't there!" she yelled. "Usually I am there, covering her back, making sure no harm come to her, keeping her safe. But you are just a burden, a mundane." she said the word like it tasted bitter in her mouth. "No, that's where you're wrong," he said. "I am a Nephilim, just like you." Her mouth curled up. "Perhaps," she said. "But with no training whatsoever, nothing at all, you're not much use, are you? Your mother raised you mundane, raised you in a world where you didn't have to know about the evil and darkness, and that's where you belong. Not her making Jayce act like someone she isn't, like she isn't a Shadowhunter. Making her break her oath. Making her break the law and not care—"
"Here's a news flash," he snapped at her. "I don't make Jayce do anything. Jayce does what she wants. You should know that." She looked at him with disgust. "I always forget, that you mundanes are totally selfish, isn't that right? You don't care about all that she's done for you, what she has risked? This isn't just about her safety and almost getting killed. She could be kicked out of the Clave. She lost her father and mother already, do you want her to lose the only other family she has?"
Rage rose in Clar. Rage against Alec, for being a little right. rage against his mother for not telling him about what the world really was and what he really was, for not telling Joan as well, for bit preparing them for all of this, and being some angel warrior who Clar didn't know, someone she needed so desperately right now but was not there. Rage against the fact that his father had died before he was born. Against Simone for almost getting herself killed and doing dangerous things. Rage against Jayce for not caring about whether she lived it died. Against Luke for not being there.
"You're one to talk about being selfish," he hissed viciously and Alec took a step back. "You don't about anyone in this world but yourself, Alec Lightwood. No wonder you've never even killed a single demon, because you're so afraid." Alec looked stunned, as if he had slapped her. "Who— who told you that?" "Jayce did." She looked again as if she had been slapped. "She wouldn't have. She would never say that." "Well, she did. You can go on and on about honor and honestly and all that but we both know if you were really honest, you would admit this is all because you're in love with her. It doesn't actually have anything to do—" He hit hard against the wall, felt his head hit against it hard. Alec had thrown him against it, she was taller than him and had her Shadowhunter training. Alec with her face inches from his now. "Don't you dare," she whispered with rage. "Say anything like that ever again or I'll kill you. I swear I will." It hurt where she gripped his arms. She let go, pulling back quickly. She looked horrified, like she couldn't believe she had just done that. She spyn around with no words, and stumbled towards the infirmary like she was drunk. "Great, Clar" he thought now she definitely hates you.
He should have gone to sleep, passed out with exhaustion, but sleep wouldn't come. So instead he pulled his sketchpad out of his backpack, he started to draw scribbles at first, he drew the hotel, empty streets with dim lampposts, a shadowy figure at the end of the lamppost. Raphaela all covered in blood. He drew Jayce on top of the roof of the hotel, ten stories high, as if the fall was more a challenge, as if she was invincible. Like in the the dreams he had, he drew her with wings like the ones on the statue on the bone city.
He drew Joan, him and Simone, as kids at Luke's farm sitting in a pile of leaves. Lastly, he tried to draw his mom. He had told Jayce that there was really no difference after he read the gray book, it was mostly true. But now when he thought back to the memories of his mom, he saw the scars that lined her shoulders like snowflakes.
It hurt knowing that it was all a lie. Everything about his childhood and mother was a lie. he slid his sketchpad under his pillow know, feeling more exhausted. A soft tap on his door knocked him out of his thoughts. "Come in." Simone came in, she was still her dirty clothes and looked rumpled. He scooted sideways, so she could be on the other side of the bed with him. Lying a bed with Simone was never odd, they grew up Sleeping over at each other's houses, building blanket forts with the help of Joan, she always helped them build it right so it wouldn't fall down on them. When she had learned how to read, she read to them to get them to sleep on those nights. When Clar and Simone were older they stayed up reading comics and manga.
"You found your glasses," he said. noticing a lens was cracked slightly. "They faired pretty well considering they were in my pocket. I'll have to write a nice not to my eye doctor." She sat down by him slowly. "So Hodge fixed you up?" She nodded. "I still feel terrible though." She looked at him very seriously, her brown eyes fixed on him. "Clar, the fact that you came to save me—that you risked all that—" He held up his hand. "No need," he said. "You'd do the same for me." "Well, of course," she said. "I just always thought that was the way with us. You know." He looked at her puzzled. "What?"
"What I mean is," she seemed surprised it wasn't obvious. "I have always needed you more than you needed me." "That isn't true," Clar said appalled. "But, it is," she said calmly, it was unnerving. "You have never really needed anyone, you've been so I independent, so. . . Contained in your own world inside your head. All you've ever really needed was your pencild, chalk, and imaginary worlds. Sometimes I would say the same thing over and over to you before you'd come back to reality and realize it. And you'd give silly smile you always did. And I knew you had forgotten about the real world, about me, but I was never upset. A little of your attention is better than anyone else's entire attention." He reached out for her hand but instead got her wrist. "In my life, I have only loved four people," he said. "My mom and Luke, Joan, and you. I have lost mom and Luke, and Joan, but not you. Don't you ever imagine that you don't mean enough to me, don't ever think that."
"My mom always says you only need three people for self-actualization," said Simone, voice light but it cracked slightly. "She says you seem pretty self-actualized." Clar smiled. "Does your mom have any other words of wisdom about me?" She gave him a crooked smile. "Yeah," she said. "But i'll never tell." "No fair.". "Life is not fair, Clarus," she said, jokingly. But there was a slight truth to that statement.
Jayce was avoiding Alec and Iz cause they were both trying to pick an argument with her, and Alec would give Jayce one of her usual speeches about responsibility and caring about yourself. She wasn't really in the mood for any of that. So she went off to take a shower and finally after what felt like forever was clean, she threw on a pair of jeans and a plain grey t-shirt. Hodge had reminded her it was Clar's birthday, well almost. So she snuck food from the kitchen and decided she would bring him to the greenhouse to show him the midnight flowers, they were one of the most beautiful things Jayce has ever seen, she couldn't quite describe how beautiful they are.
She remembered the first time she had seen them, the glow of them, all the colors they radiated.  How when you saw them it was like time had stopped for just a moment. Jayce loved plants and even though many people would call it cliche for a girl to love flowers so much she didn't care, Jayce loved plants for their beauty.
She came up upon Clar's door, she held the paper bag that had the food in it behind her back. She knocked gently, he opened the door. There he was in jogger pants and a t-shirt, she looked at the freckles on the pale skin of his face and arms that she secretly thought were cute. He gave her a look up and then down.
"I didn't wake you up did I?" she asked curiously. "No," he said, stepping out into the hallway. "What makes you think that." "No reason." "I layed in bed almost a day," he said. "Aren't you tired though?" "Nope," she said. "Shadowhunters are always hard at work, almost no rest." "Uh huh," he said. "So why are you here, anyway?"
"Do you mean as in at your bedroom door or why am I here on earth, in this time. Do you mean what is my purpose here and what great things will I achieve?" He gave her that usual look he did, the one that said I know you're half joking and I am slightly amused but also slightly annoyed. She knew that look well, Alec gave her similar look at times, but Clar's was different in a way, it for one of the first times since she could remember left her not able to describe it exactly, like he could see through to why she was this way. "Imma go back to bed," he said.
He reached for the doorknob but she slid in front of him. "I am here," she said. "Because Hodge reminded me it's your birthday." He gave a sigh. "It's tomorrow, actually." "Why not start celebrating early," she said, and gave him a grin. He eyed her. "You're avoiding Isidore and Alec, aren't you?" She gave him a nod. "You caught me," she said, and added in a more serious tone. "They are trying to pick fights with me, and I am simply not in the mood." "Do they both have the same reason?' "I don't know." she glanced down the hall, as if she were trying to avoid eye contact with him. "Hodge, as well. Almost everyone wants to talk to me. But not you I suppose. I bet you don't want to talk." "You're right," he said, and for a moment he thought she might walk away, but he continued. "I want food, I am hungry."
She brought up the bag from behind her. "I sneaked food when Hodge wasn't paying attention." He grinned at her. "A picnic? Isn't it late for that? Isn't central park—" "Full of faeries. Yes, yes it is." "I was going to say muggers, actually," he said. "Though I pity the fool who would try and mug you.". "Ah, very wise of you, I commend for it," she said. "But I didn't mean central park. I was thinking the greenhouse." "Won't it be dark? It's night—" She smiled at him. "Come, I'll show you."
Tag list: @khaleesiofalicante @chibi-tsukiko @spotsandclawsthings @megs-readstoomuch @replayfootsteps @magnus-the-maqnificent @simply-ellas-stuff @my-archerboy @jazzkaurtheglorious @bookfast-at-tiffanys
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derireo · 4 years
I've had this in my head for a while, so I'm just gonna ask, from the winter troupe, who do you think are ummmm v i r g i n s (oh God I can't believe I am even asking this sorry omg) if you would like, you can also do the other troupes, i dunno why but I find it interesting in a way (obviously not muku or yuki if you decide to, and also, if you feel uncomfortable with this ask feel free to ignore it! you are the writer after all! take care!❤️❤️
np, anon! to those wondering, very strictly i will not include members who are 17 and under in the game here so please be mindful of that if you do not see a member you like in this post
All Troupes (no members 17 & under): Virgins?
Definitely a virgin
You think he's ever held hands with someone in a romantic way??? He can't even ask someone out without quickly changing his mind before going back to ask again. Maybe when he's older and gets out of his cute baby thing, he'll get to bone, but not now. Maybe not ever? Keep him celibate.
Definitely not a virgin.
He probably got tired of rejecting people's advances at some point and just cooly agreed to spend the night a few times. Very likely that he barely did any of the work, but still got them to orgasm; he's crazy good for no reason. Definitely really likes being the one receiving, but he's different around you though, and actually makes an effort lol
50/50. I have no idea. Most likely a virgin though.
He literally has like 3 younger brothers and juggled a lot of part time jobs along with school; I don't think he has ever had the time of day to pop a boner. His mind is so preoccupied with getting tasks done and finishing upcoming assignments that he's gonna be a virgin for a long while.
Literally no clue. Maybe not a virgin?
He's 22, and a lot of people tend to lose their virginity in their twenties so who knows with Citron?? He's awfully good at flirting with others and knows how to fluster people, but does he know how to Get Down & Dirty????? Again, no clue. Maybe he bones so well that his victims can't even say anything about it.
Not a virgin probs
Despite how well he socialises with other people, he's not one to just casually have a fling. He does think of other's feelings and how they feel about him, but it's rare for him to take initiative with someone he's interested in. Otherwise if it's the other way around, but he isn't attracted to the person that's coming onto him, he'll refuse and scurry off.
Definitely a virgin!
He literally only thinks about triangles and food, there is no chance that he's had sex yet. Maybe if he had a character in the play that required him to be a playboy or something' he'll absolutely fool people into thinking he's been around, but his sunshine personality and tunnel vision towards certain things prevents him from having fun. Don't think he's interested in sex, really.
Mr. Tough Guy over here tries hard to let people know he's been around. Totally, not true. He always brags about having more girls liking him than Juza, and it may be true (since he doesn't seem as terrifying as him), but he has never gone that far with a girl. Sure, he has dated A LOT, has had plenty of girls sit in his lap and has definitely had his fair share of kisses, but he's a virgin. He dumps a girl before he even has the thought of boning.
Absolutely no way could he have ever had sex. He's so self-deprecating sometimes, so that's one reason why he hasn't gotten that far with girls, plus he really loves sweets and food so that's probably the only thing occupying his mind. He hasn't even been in a relationship yet because he gets nervous around the people he likes and probably thinks he's not even worth dating anyway. He's probably a good boy though and will wait after marriage.
Surprisingly not a virgin
Shocking? Not to me, honestly, lol. Again, Omi is a people pleaser, and remember that phase in his life where he was a super tough guy ass kicker??? And rode motorcycles (from what I can remember)??? Of course this man is gonna be a chick magnet, and Of Course I am willing to let him choke me. So, yeah, he's probably fucked once or twice during that time in his life, but once he got into Mankai, abstinate.
Not a virgin, but he'll definitely fool you into thinking he is.
What do I mean? Why, I'll tell ya. He's got a stick so far up his ass sometimes that you can't help but wonder if he's sexually deprived. Like 31 years without getting your dick wet? Absolutely tragic. Anyways, nah, he definitely has a body count higher than 3. May have been quick flings considering he used to work a shady job and got high off the thrill, but he only focuses on Mankai now.
He did have a girlfriend at some point, but I don't know how far he would have gotten with her. It seemed like she was so annoyed with him and his lack of emotion that they probably didn't get too far. He is quite the notorious poet though, so maybe he used to have a few groupies??? Is that possible??? Do u think Rupi Kaur has groupies???
. . . Maybe
With his vague storyline about being a spy prior to his amnesia, the only reason I can give for him not being a virgin is solely because he had to have sex for a mission. Like how James Bond has sex with the enemy or something and then gets all the intel of the evil organisation he has to go against (never watched any of the movies). Otherwise, he's a virgin in his life as Hisoka.
Doesn't care about men or women; too preoccupied with working out and acting that his dick never gets pulled out by someone else. Sure, maybe he'll tug one out because his body demands him to, but he never really was interested in relationships nor does he seem to be someone who finds physical attraction important.
Also focuses way too much on acting and working that he doesn't get the chance to. He was in a relationship before if I recall correctly, but he probably didn't have enough time for them considering he was so busy. He has also probably tugged a few out, but only because his body required him to do so. I'm not sure how he feels about sex tbh?
You can't tell me he's a virgin, it's just not possible. We don't even know this man's age!!!! He's probably a vampire!!!! He's probably been fucking for centuries!!!! And have you seen how well he can flirt? Super crazy. Pretty sure he's a sadist as well with how he always says he likes to be the one playing, plus he always manages to lure out the worst of the boys just for his amusement. Body Count: Out the Roof
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nervousmendes · 4 years
Drunken Haze | Shawn Mendes
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Shawn x reader (smut)
a/n: this was a failed attempt at writing smut for the first time. (it's very mild, mostly just sexual tension and making out) do check out more of my work on my masterlist right here
summary: Shawn sees the reader at a bar and makes a move.
warnings: mild smut (making out) and very little swearing
Cez does his fair share of research when it comes to choosing a bar to spend the night at, and when you're in Paris (yes, with a French accent) it's totally worth it. Brian walked in first, Shawn and Cez not far behind. "Man I'm so getting shit-faced in here." he sighed as the three of them observed the fancy lights, furniture and wall hangings, taking in the scent of alcohol and cigerettes suspended in in the warm air of the closed space. Cez being the only bright one in the three, quickly spotted an empty booth in the lounge but Shawn's eyes fell straight on a blond haired women, her black dress hugging her hips so well and her toned legs crossed one over the other while she tipped her head back, letting the expensive wine in the glass she was holding flow into her system.
There was something about her that intrigued him. Maybe it was the confidence she radiated, the way she sat with her back poised, the way her silky hair flowed down her shoulders or maybe it had something to do with how her skin glowed in the dim lighting. He felt the urge to approach her, like she pulled him towards her. And it was as if his legs knew what his heart wanted when they started making calculated steps towards the bar counter that she was facing. His thoughts went every which way trying to figure out what to say as he took the stool exactly beside her's, completely ignoring the five (or more) empty stools on his other side.
"Hey." He internally patted himself on the back for sounding a lot more confident than he actually was.
"Do I know you?" Her face broke into a polite smile, and her thick french accent dripped with the words she spoke out of her red stained lips.
Too cocky.
"You don't give me a businessman vibe." She said looking at him from head to toe. Looking. She saw the black denim that covered his toned legs, his satin, white shirt that hugged his broad shoulders and the little scar on his cheek that gave his soft facial features a more rugged look. Shawn watched her keenly. His hand went to his hair, fingers pushing a stray curl out of his eye.
"What makes you think I'm a businessman?" He turned in his stool and rested his arm on the bar counter to make her shift her vision from his face to his forearm that flexed under the thin fabric.
"They're usually the cocky ones." He was searching for what to say slightly taken aback by the fact that someone found him cocky, considering that no one has ever called him that before, not in a bad way. He wasn't offended, just surprised. In fact he liked that the whole 'be confident' thing was working.
"But you seem nice, I'll give you that." She chuckled while twirling the empty wine glass in her small hand.
"Will you let me buy you your next drink?"
She considered it, and almost nodded yes for affirmation but then her brows drew in an L shape. "I think I've already had too much to drink." She was mentally trying to count how many times the bartender filled her glass with Chartreuse.
"So why don't you tell me your name, mysterious, handsome, American man?" She said leaning close to him. The already deep cut neck line of her dress plunged down even further, dangerously low, making Shawn draw in a sharp breath through his mouth.
"I love mysterious and handsome, but I'm actually Canadian." He narrowed his eyes at her with a smirk and she couldn't help but smile.
"And nice to meet you, I'm Shawn. Et toi?"
"I can tell you skipped your french classes often back in school." She broke into a chuckle, making Shawn grin right back at her, his face very close to hers.
"You know nothing about me, but I'm afraid this one's true." He whispered, his minty breath fanning her face. She laughed again while placing her hand on Shawn's toned bicep that was rested on the countertop.
"You're funny." Her gaze burned into him.
"I wasn't even trying." Liar.
"I'm guessing that's a lie." They never broke eye contact.
"For someone that guesses a lot, you're pretty accurate."
"You know nothing about me." She said just like he did a minute ago, her lips almost grazing his making sure to not touch them. What a tease.
"How about," the tips of his calloused fingers went to her bare shoulder, "I start with knowing what those pretty lips of yours taste like?" and stroked the soft, supple skin on her arm, leaving a trail of goosebumps behind.
"That's a good start." She inched closer.
"So is that a yes?"
Instead of giving him an answer, she touched his lips with hers, hands going to either side of his neck. He covered her mouth with his, tasting the expensive alcohol she had been drinking all night. He nudged closer to get a better angle, his large hands taking purchase on her waist. Their tongues danced with each other's, deepening the kiss. He moaned under his breath when she licked the roof of his mouth, and he used that as an opportunity to suck on her lower lip. Her nails scratched his scalp, tangling her fingers in his long, soft curls and she quickly figured how much he liked it from the way he kissed her harder in response to tugging his hair. She broke the kiss for air, he assumed but then when he pulled her in again, she opened her mouth to speak.
"I live only ten minutes away, let's get out of here." She was breathing heavily. He nodded and gave her a quick kiss on the lips before getting off the stool and helping her down shortly after. He left a quick text to Brian asking them to carry on with whatever they were upto and rolled his eyes at Brian's response telling him to "not bust that nut too quick". They got in an Uber and sat beside each other, lips red and swollen, breath heavy, and their thoughts everywhere. They didn't say a word to each other. They didn't know what to say but they were both trying to reach out for some sort of connection. She cleared her throat in an attempt to gather the right words before she spoke. Her eyes were set on her hands that played with the hem of her dress.
"Is now a good time to tell you.." He looked up at her, signalling for her to go on. She gulped, "that I actually know who you are, and I acted like I didn't because I didn't want you think of me as someone who would see you as an object just because you're a celebrity." She made air quotes on the word 'celebrity', like it was such a weird thing to say, a word that gives a human, with a little fame they never knew was coming their way, the title of an object.
"That is the best decision you ever made. If I knew you knew I'm sure I wouldn't even have made a move. You have no idea how glad I am that you did that."
She finally dropped the hem of her dress and looked back at him through her long eyelashes. That was it, there was no holding back anymore. Shawn's lips crashed into hers and she kissed his mouth back with that much force, curling her fingers into the collar of his shirt. His one hand went around her waist, palm flat against the small of her back, and the other was tangled in her beautiful, blond locks.
Their lips didn't leave other's even while unlocking the door, and just like you see in the movies, they kissed their way into her bedroom until Shawn's legs hit the cot and his butt landed on the soft spring mattress of her bed. She kicked off her heels and threw one leg to his other side, her knees on either side of his legs, straddling him. His hands slid down from her waist to fill his palms with the flesh of her toned bum. He cooed as he kneaded them with every movement she made sitting right on top his hard-on that strained his tight denims. Shawn drew his lips away from her mouth to leave wet kisses down her jawline and along the expanse of her throat. He attached his lips to the spot under her ear and sucked on the skin there, causing a shivering moan to tumble down her plump lips. He explored her neck and her chest with his hungry lips, tasting the lavender flavour of the soap she lathered on herself earlier that evening. Somewhere along kissing and a lot of exploring later, all the clothing they helped each other get rid of were scattered on the floor, sweat covered bodies moulding and crashing to give each other the climax they longed for.
(I cannot write smut for shit so I cut the crap out and got to the point.)
She woke up to the warmth of the sun shining on her golden skin through the half drawn blinds, feeling a mild headache from all that she had to drink the previous night. That's when she remembered him. She jutted her head out of her pillow to see that his clothes weren't on the floor anymore. She shifted under the sheets to find an empty bed beside her and a post it note neatly placed in the centre, exactly where he slept. She took it in her hand, squinting until she could read what it said.
Sorry, I left without saying goodbye. I'm playing a show today and I have to be there early. Last night was really fun. x
- S.M
Her lips formed a shy smile and her cheeks were tinged a shade of red as she recollected the events of last night. She folded the piece of paper in her hand contemplating whether she had to throw it or save it. She looked down at it one more time, and that's when she noticed that something was written on the other side. She turned the post-it around, to find a phone number written on it and under it he'd written, "maybe I'm glad I didn't say goodbye".
She laughed to herself, carefully placing the paper in her journal, already excited by the idea of seeing him again. She met Shawn less than twenty four hours ago and hardly knew anything about him, but there something about him that drew her in, made her want to get to know him better and of course feel that pretty mouth of his between her legs once again.
I'm thinking maybe I'll do a part 2 to this so let me know what you think. Hope you liked this one. Reply to this or leave me a message if you want to get added to my taglist!!
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 5 years
A LunaTic and her Gunn (Part 61)
"Chain-Smoking, Hard-Drinking Woman"
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Colson and Casie wake up late and discombobulated on the couch the next morning. Rushing around, Casie eats a quick bowl of cereal before getting dressed. They boogie out the door, getting Casie to school just in time.
"Love you, Peanut!" He tells her as she hops out in the drop off line.
Love you too, Dad!! She calls.
Colson finally checks his phone as he pulls off. He has 2 missed calls and a Snap from Luna. He checks the Snap.
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Dick growing at her picture, he calls her back. Knowing she has to be at rehearsal.
She answers groggily. He tells her good morning to her groans. Colson apologizes for not answering. Explaining his night and morning. Asking her if everything is ok, she says yes. They touch base on their plans. Everyone is flying in tonight, they plan to meet at 30Rock to see how a quick run through feels. Talking a bit more before Luna has to get up, they tell each other they love the other before hanging up.
Colson walks into the house as he hangs up. Cleaning up the mess from last night. Shooting out texts to the band to confirm their plans. He spends the day preparing him and Casie for NY and the tour.
Luna gets off the phone with Colson and hides under the covers.
"I have to tell him...." Rubbing her face, thinking of Colson. Her stomach hurts already and she isn't even out of bed yet. "Ugh... FUCK my life.... " She whines in her mind, touching the padlock around her neck. Still hiding from the world. The feeling of past guilt creeping into her heart.
She gets up to shower and dress. Burning along the way. Her anxiety through the roof. Luna's performing on live TV tomorrow night but is more nervous about seeing Colson. She pops a Xanax before slipping into cutoffs and a light off the shoulder sweater.
Grabbing her bag, Luna hops a cab to MidTown. She's headed to rehearse with Ashley.
It's early and 30Rock is buzzing. Being expected today, Luna is greeted warmly by a lot of familiar faces.
Lorne in particular. They hug tightly, asking each other how they are, Lorne excited to have her on the show after all these years. They discuss Luna and Ashley's performance, loving the idea of Casie onstage with them after realizing she is not only Colson's daughter but the little girl at the end of the video. Seeing the connections come full circle. He asks if she needs a seat for her grandmother, her politely asking for two. One for Joni also. He happily obliges. Lorne reminds Luna to not hesitate to ask for anything she needs. Telling her she's going to be great before giving her another squeeze and heading off.
Luna roams around for a minute, catching up with different people she knows from life and her internship. She's shown her dressing room. After settling in, she grabs a bagel and coffee from craft services. Her phone goes off as she looks for Pete and Ashley. It's a text from an unknown number.
Is all it says.
"MOTHERFUCKER." Luna's stomach starts to immediately hurt. Her chest feels like it's caving in. Luna's had the same number since she got a stupid cell phone. She knows exactly who it is. Her heart races as she quickly types up a text.
"The subscriber you are trying to reach is no longer in service."
Lost in her head, Pete scares the FUCK outta her as she hits send. Both laughing as she catches her breath, she gives him a hug. She asks how his date was. He goes on in detail about the comedy show he took Kate to as he leads her to Ashley.
Pete continues telling Luna about his night, expressing how he really likes Kate. Luna smiles up at her friend as they watch Ashley run lines. Telling him she's happy for him, asking if Kate will be around tomorrow night.
"That's a great idea, actually!" His eyes getting wide with excitement. "She's been wanting to come." He tells her pulling out his phone.
Luna nods her head. "It'll be fun to hang out with her again. Considering brunch was a fucking disaster." She says looking up at him. "Sorry again about that."
"Don't sweat it, Loons. That was more Tim then you." He tells her, glancing over at her from his phone. "You talk to him?"
"Nah." She shakes her head.
They talk for a bit before they're interrupted by someone calling for Pete. He punches her lightly on the arm before telling her he'll see her later as he heads off.
Luna turns back to watch Ashley. Once she finishes up, she walks over to Luna. They greet each other with excited hugs.
"I've always told you Ash, you're funny as fuck." Luna reassures her when Ashley asks Luna's opinion on how she's doing.
Luna grabs an electric guitar and tunes it. They want to do something different with this performance. Playing around with different chords, both of their voices are strong and clear. They find the house band. Running through Nightmare a few times until they know they've nailed the change.
Luna and Ashley break for lunch with Pete. All three talk excitetedly about the show. Pete loves when his friends come on. It makes it so much more fun for him. He gets a text from Kate saying she'll be there. Unable to hide his cheesing smile as he tells the girls. Both excited she's coming, it'll be Ashley's first time meeting her, they tease him about his cute face. Finishing up lunch, Pete heads off as Luna and Ashley go back to find the house band. They do one more full run of Nightmare just to be sure, having someone substitute for Casie. Ashley then practices Without Me. She's performing that before they perform together. Watching, Luna gives her opinion when asked. After a while Luna heads to her grandmother's. She wants to grab a guitar from her house.
Walking out to catch a cab, she gets another text.
"Some things never change 😛"
"What the fuuuuuuck...." She sighs, looking at it. Shoving her phone to her bag and hailing a cab instead of responding.
Colson picks up Casie from school meeting Slim, Ashleigh and Baze at the airport. Benny and Rook are flying in from LA. The five of them hop the 6hr flight to NY together.
Luna pops into her Mom-Mom's. Pattie's home, hugging Luna tightly when she comes through the door.
They talk about SNL, Luna telling her about the tickets. Pattie helps her find the guitar she's looking for.
She hangs out with her Mom-Mom. They share an afternoon cocktail and joint as Luna checks her mail. Asking Pattie her opinion about starting her own lable after talking about Luna leaving Riot Records. She thinks it's a great idea and is in full support.
Luna hangs out a bit more, before grabbing her stuff. Kissing and hugging her Mom-Mom goodbye.
In a cab back to MidTown, she pulls her phone out. Shooting Monica a text about starting a lable first, she then goes to the unknown number. Blocking it and deleting the thread.
"You're not doing that again." She tells herself. Colson floats through her mind. For the first time, she kinda doesn't want to see him. Her stomach hurting again.
Back at 30Rock, they all meet up. It's Colson, Casie, Ashleigh, Benny, Slim, Baze, Rook, Luna and Ashley. AJ couldn't make it, influencing some of the change to their performance.
Luna and Ashley explain what their thinking to the boys. They love their idea. The switch up isn't hard, mostly being on Luna and Ashley's part than theirs. They run through it fully, two seperate times, including Casie so she can get a feel.
Taking a little over two hours, they wrap up and head to a late dinner.
They hit Ocean Prime in MidTown. Kate and Pete joining them.
Casie can get a burger or chicken quesadilla there. Everyone orders drinks and food. Eating, laughing and talking, Colson notices Luna's rather quiet. He asks if she's okay. She nods, giving him a light smile before sipping her cocktail and starting a conversation with Kate.
"Get your fucking shit together Asshole." She thinks to herself as her heart pounds, trying to focus on her conversation with Kate.
They finish dinner. Colson and Luna looking at the tired little girl between them.
"We Out?" He asks to her nod.
Collecting Casie, they give their goodbyes and love. Heading to the brownstone Luna rented as the others continue to drink and bullshit.
Upstairs in the room Luna's been staying in, with Casie asleep in the next room, Colson comes up behind Luna. Putting an arm around her neck, she rests her head and a hand on it. "What's up?" He asks. His face in her neck, deep voice in her ear. He knows something's wrong.
Luna's stomach drops. She's been dreading this conversation all day. Sighing, she turns around, still under his arms, to hug him tightly.
She has him worried.
After a minute, Luna leads Colson to sit on the bed with her. She lights a joint and hits it a couple times before handing it to him. Turning so that her entire body faces him, she takes a deep breath. Talking quickly like she does when she has something important to say, her words fall out of her mouth like an avalanche.
"I never told you this before because I never told anyone. Not even Ash." She bites her bottom lip as they stare at each other. "A long time ago I had an affair with a guy for almost a year. I went to a show in Queens last night and ran into him. We hung out at the bar for like an hour or so before I left. He texted me today though and I blocked his number." Luna finishes. She sits watching Colson.
It's a lot to take in. Thousands of thoughts are running through Colson's mind as he jumps up from the bed.
"FUCK." Luna thinks. Her chest is closing in again and she can barely breathe
"DID YOU FUCK HIM?" He asks her loudly.
"What? NO! I Snapped you from right here." She's off the bed now too, pointing at it.
"You didn't touch him at all?" He cocks his head at her.
"I mean of course I hugged him and what not..." She answers, feeling like she's on trial.
"What's the what not?" His eyes flare up.
"I kissed him goodbye." She says flatly.
Colson snaps. Hitting the wall hard with his fist.
"NO!" She shouts back. "Like on the lips goodbye before I hopped into a cab."
"Show me the texts." He demands from her.
"I deleted them." She shakes her head.
"Because that's not fucking suspicious." He scoffs at her.
This lights a fire.
"I didn't do anything wrong TO YOU. Fuck. I didn't even have to fucking tell you." She snaps at him.
"Oh no?" He looks at her like she's fucking nuts.
Reaching for him, she pulls at his crossed arms telling him "No. I didn't but I did." She's standing her ground. She may have felt some type of way last night but she didn't even come close to doing the shit she could've.
"How long ago was it?" He asks.
"What?" She confused.
Pulling away from her, he gives her an angry look asking "How long ago did you FUCK him?"
Luna sighs, shaking her head. "I don't know, almost 6yrs ago. Back when I was like 21yrs old..."
"Why?" He demands.
"WHAT???" She asks, looking at him like he's crazy now.
His bright blue eyes give her a daring look, arms still crossed, his blunt words bite the air. "If you loved Justin so fucking much. Why'd you cheat on him with the dude?"
His words stab her in the heart. She puts her hand up and walks out of the room.
"WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU GOING!?!" He hollers after her. Not caring if he wakes up Casie.
Returning a few moments later with a bottle of whiskey. She tells him he needs to be quiet. She sits on the edge of the bed as she swigs the bottle. Cocking her head down next to her, she demands him to sit.
He can see the anger in her clenched jaw. "You got fucking questions. Ask em." She tells him swigging the bottle before passing it to him and lighting another joint. She doesn't know where the other one went.
"Why?" He asks her again after swigging the bottle.
She takes it and hits it before answering. "I don't know. It just happened. Justin was balls deep in drinking and Xanax and it was an escape." She shakes her head, hitting the joint now. Noticing she's double fisted, Colson takes the bottle.
"Why didn't you just break up with him?" An attitude lacing his question.
She doesn't have an answer and he's starting to piss her the fuck off.
"Are you SERIOUSLY gonna act like you've never fucking cheated on anyone before?" She hits back. They trade off the bottle and the joint. Both hitting one or the other.
"No.... I just thought..."
"That I was fucking perfect?" She interrupts him. "I'm not. And I won't apologize for it because that's fucking stupid." She hits the bottle again before trading it for the joint.
"I didn't think you were fucking perfect, I just thought you were different." He says, not filtering his words. Regretting them immediately.
Tears well up in Luna's eyes. Putting one finger up, she tells him "Fuck you." Firmly before snatching the bottle from him, grabbing her bag and walking out of the room.
Down the steps. Out the front door.
"WHAT the fuck?!" Colson rubs his head, looking around the room. He's always so confused after their fights. He doesn't know why he's taking finding out she cheated on Justin so personally. "She didn't do anything... Psh, not yet..." His brain goes back and forth. Wondering about this goodbye kiss.
Leaning against the outside door, Luna searches her bag for a cigarette. Lighting it she sits down and hits the bottle again.
"What the fuck, Dude. You'd think I just told him I cheated on his bestfriend." Luna thinks annoyed as she smokes her Newport. "I shouldn't have even fucking told him." She shakes her head at herself. "This is why I side step. No one needs to know everything." Luna can't help but feel jaded as she leans her head back and exhales a large cloud of smoke.
Colson finds Luna chain smoking on the stoop, still hitting the bottle
"Hey..." He says, sitting down next to her.
"Hi." She says exhaling. He can tell the whiskey is catching up to her.
"It was just a goodbye kiss?" He asks her quietly.
Luna turns, grabs his face and kisses him on the lips, the same way she kissed Tommy last night. Letting him go, her head spins as she feels her body heat up.
He feels his dick jump when she kisses him.
Looking at each other unhappily, both with their elbows on their knees, he tells her. "Don't be fucking kissing people like that. You're too fucking hot and you're MY fucking girlfriend."
Knowing he's right, Luna submits. "Okay. I'm sorry." Her face softens when she apologizes.
"I mean it." He says sliding his hand around the back of her skull before pulling her in for a deep, aggressive kiss.
"I know.." She tries to get out. He kisses her harder. Pushing his point.
Luna closes her eyes as he washes over her. She climbs onto his lap, to straddle him. Kissing each other sloppily, he pulls her into him tight by the small of her back. His other hand still in her hair. "I am sorry."  She whispers as they make out.
Luna's grinding on him as her head is thrown back. Colson has her shirt up, kissing her chest and breasts. They jump when they hear clapping along with "Woooooooo!!!" "Get it Dawg!!" "LunaaaaTiiic!!" and other nonsense.
It's Ashleigh and The Boys coming down the street. They had spotted the couple on the stoop and are drunkenly cheering them on.
Buried in Colson's neck, Luna can't help but laugh when she realizes it's them. They slap Colson high fives as they come up the stairs. Luna shaking her head and telling them to be quiet, Casie's sleeping. They all stop and look at her. She shrugs like 'I don't fucking know' before they walk inside laughing.
She looks back at Colson. He has a look on his face she's never seen. It's a mix of determination and fear.
Sliding his hands through her hair along the side of her head, he tells her firmly. "I meant what I said, Luna. You're fucking MINE." He takes one hand and pulls her closer by his necklace. "MINE. Don't make me fucking kill somebody."
She gives him That Look he loves as she places her hands on his face. "Yours." She agrees before kissing him again.
To be continued...
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abunchofbadchoices · 6 years
Michael's Song
HSS Michael x MC (Jordan) in Midnight Sun AU
*Disclaimer: Most of the lines and scenes I got from the movie the Midnight Sun and all the rights belongs to the creators and writers, as well as the characters from PB. This is merely a converted fan fiction*
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Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six
Part Seven
They let their feet guide them to wherever they go. The town is silent, but not in a creepy silence kind of way. Just the kind of quiet when you can able to clear your mind and feel at least a bit of peace.
Somehow, the two of them ended up by the shipyard which is, of course, empty at midnight. His uncle's boat was located to the private area, where most luxury boats and yachts are place. Michael got them in without problem as he had access to the gates and together, they walk down the path and passed by different kinds of boats.
The wind is cool, but not too freezing. Jordan's wavy blonde hair gets blown by the breeze from time to time but not enough to mess it. She looks at the dark sky, eyes closed in bliss as she inhale the fresh salty breeze coming from the sea.
Michael had been recording their little trip with his digital camera. Then smiles at the sight of happiness on her face, glad to have brought her to the place he goes to when he needs some peace, so he made sure it was all caught in the cam.
"I-I don't get it." Jordan suddenly turns to face him and the camera, blushing. "How could they just take your scholarship away?"
Ah, yes. Their latest topic of conversation : College. Michael brought her up to speed about what he has been doing, about football and about wanting to go into filming, when she noticed him recording the party earlier.
It was rare for him to tell a story, much less something that has left a bitter taste in his mouth, but there was something about Jordan that makes it easy to open up a little.
He paused the camera and looks down as they walk, his left shoulder suddenly feels like tingling at the memory. "Well, I had to have a surgery, and they didn't think I could ever play again. No more scholarship meant no more Berkeley. It was probably my only choice of place to go to, away from here."
Jordan nods slowly, understanding etched on her beautiful face. "I'm really sorry."
He feels sorry for himself too, if he wasn't too busy thinking how he brought it all to himself, or how he was fooled by his so-called friend.
"So, how did you do it?" She asks deliberately, in a careful yet soft voice. "How did you hurt yourself?"
"It was just a freak accident. You know, I fell down some stairs and... that's not true." Michael paused, then stops to look her in the eye. He wants to see it in those innocent green orbs as soon as he tells her the truth. He wants to see the same judgemental gleam everyone gives him when they hear about it. "That's kind of what I tell everybody."
Jordan knits her eyebrows, an indication that she was being thoughtful and sympathetic. But she stays quiet and let him continue.
"I got really drunk one night at my friend Brian's house. It was his birthday and we're all having a drinking game, just the school team. We all agreed he can give all the dares and well... He dared me to jump off the roof into the pool. I clipped the edge with my shoulder." He let out a humorless chuckle, remembering his father's raging disappointment. His coach's regretful voice when he told him he can no longer play. "I'm such an idiot. I don't wanna be that guy, you know?"
A few steps passed. From the corner of his eyes, he noticed Jordan look up at him with a gentle smile. She shakes her head. "Then don't be."
That was all he needed to hear. He hates long talks about having faith and listening to fake promises that everything is going to work itself out.
There, Jordan doesn't seem to feel the need to promise or reassure him, she knows it was all out of their hands. It was her calming presence that gives all the reassurance he needed.
"You know," she starts. "My mom used to take me here when I was little."
"Really?" He smiles.
It was the first bit of personal story she ever shared that night. Jordan is a big mystery, giving very little information about herself or what she does every day. All she ever told him was that she isn't available during the daytime and as much curious as he is, he never asks 'cause he trusts her to tell him at some point.
Jordan points to a spot by the harbor, a huge cleared space overlooking the sea. "She sat me right... there. And, um, she tried to teach me how to play the guitar. Actually, this watch was hers." The girl held up her wrist, where a gold watch was wrapped and complementing her pale flawless skin. "I spent so much time looking at this thing on her hand, and..." Her smile turns wistful. "Uh, she died when I was little. She was in a car accident."
"I'm... I'm so sorry," Michael frowns, worried he had totally blew their night off. "You know, we can go someplace--"
"No. No, no." Jordan shakes her head quickly. "No, I'm...I'm good. "
"You sure?"
"Yeah, yeah. I promise."
Michael offers his hand. "You wanna see something cool?"
His uncle's boat was only a few meters down the pathway so Michael lead the girl to the private sailing boat where he practically spends all his time since summer starts.
"Ta-da!" He spreads his arms, jumping on board which sways gently on its spot.
Jordan's eyes widen. "This is yours?"
"No. But it's something I'm taking care of for the summer. It's a Jespersen 53."
Michael reached out and she let him help her up to the deck as well. He watched her balancing awkwardly on her feet and smirks. "One of these days we could take her for a sail around the harbor. We can watch the sun set."
Jordan holds onto a metal support beam and smiles up at Michael. But the last sentence he uttered just registered in her mind and suddenly, she felt a huge lump on her throat.
Michael wants to go on sailing with her to watch the sunset. Out on the sea. It was probably the most romantic idea she ever heard if only she can be able to make it come true.
Which is impossible, unless she wants to achieve a grade-A cancer that will probably wipe off any chance of ever going to sailing ever again. Jordan pretends to watch the sea. She doesn't want Michael to see that she can never go with him on those trips. Not as long as there is sunlight involved. Hell, he doesn't even know what the main problem is.
Just tell him, dammit! Her mind and conscience keeps on scolding her.
No, no. She can't... She doesn't want to. What if Michael starts seeing her more like a fragile sick creature than the funny awkward Jordan he had always known?
"That sounds... perfect." She says instead.
Michael leans down from the elevated deck he is standing on and press his lips softly on her. Jordan reaches up and put his hands on his shoulder, pulling him closer as she responded to the gentle kiss in a deliberate manner.
You see, Jordan had never kissed anyone before, not this way. Surely, those kisses all over Maria's face that she used to give her when she feels like annoying her wouldn't have counted.
It feels like forever, their lips melting to each other like they were meant to be that way. A smile tugs the corner of her lips and when they pulled away, Michael has the same smile on his face.
Luckily, the pickup truck decided to die just a house away from the Lee's house.
The engine rumbled and groaned before completely stalling in the middle of the road. Michael fumbled on the steering wheel. "Um, just, let me get out of..."
He tries once more, there was a brief groan then the engine died all over again. Jordan grinned, studying the guy's face which looks a bit redder than usual. Oh, he's embarrassed. It only makes her smile for more.
"Sorry." He says, sounding sheepish but not at all surprised.
They sit in silence for a few awkward moments. Jordan bites her lip. "So, what are you gonna do this year, now that you're not going to Berkeley?"
"Well, first I'm gonna get a new truck." Michael quipped. They chuckle. "Or not, I have my motorcycle anyway. And then I'm gonna drive across the country. You know, I've been in the football field my entire life and I haven't get to see much else, so..." He looks at her, noting the downcast look on her face. The beautiful smile gone. "Um, what are you gonna do--"
"I'm not doing anything." Jordan says immediately, shaking her head. "I'm just gonna take some online courses, I think. But... I'll just be here." I cannot leave anyway, she wanted to add. I cannot go across the country or have vacation under the sun...like a normal girl.
"I, uh... I meant what are you doing tomorrow?" Michael clarified. The shock on the girl's face made him laugh.
"Oh, God..." She slapped her forehead, but she is also laughing. A hint of hesitation passed through her face for a second. "Um... I... I'm busy during the day, but I can be free tomorrow night."
"That's perfect. I'll see you tomorrow night?"
"Okay." Jordan flashed him with her signature beam before jumping out the door. She made it a few feet away before she stopped as if she forgot something and run back to the window. "I have something to tell you." Concern filled his chest at the look of panic in her eyes. She sighed heavily then let out a guilty smile. "I don't actually have a hamster."
Michael grinned, not at all surprised. In fact he didn't even try hide it. "No shit."
As if satisfied, the girl waved her hand then run to her house.
From the inside, Scott watched his daughter get off a blue pick-up truck. He glances at his watch and sees it was almost three in the morning. A couple more hours and Jordan might have reach the morning sunlight.
This was exactly what Dr. Maddox had warned him about. The age when his daughter will no longer be contained inside the house and meet people that will trigger some issue on her condition.
The truck isn't Maria's. Jordan didn't went home with her best friend just like what they always talked about.
He couldn't help but feel threatened.
That morning, Maria lies on Jordan's bed, with the latter has been using her stomach as a pillow while she strummed lazily on her guitar.
It was moments like this that she feels closer to the blonde. No parties, no other friends... No Michael. Just the two of them having a lazy morning with no plans to think about.
Last night had been the first time Maria really enjoyed a wild party. She threw caution to the wind and let herself lose, probably had drunk more alcohol than she ever had her entire high school years. It was also a bonus fun that Jordan adjusted rather quickly to the party and managed to gain some more friends.
And today, well, they have nothing to do.
A beep sounded from her phone and Maria put down her book. She opened the message and smirk at joke that was sent to her.
Jordan glances up, eyes narrowing suspiciously. She had noticed Maria had been texting a lot that morning. "Who are you texting?"
"No one." The dark-haired girl casually turns of the screen and dump her phone.
"Maria..." She put her guitar on the side of the bed and shifts on the bed to face her friend. "Who are you texting?"
Maria closes her eyes and winced at her soft voice then whispers almost inaudibly. "Caleb."
"Um? I can't hear you when you're whispering..."
"Caleb!" She repeated. Somehow she feels guilty for the other things that happened in the party. It is true that alcohol makes people lose control sometimes. "I made out with Caleb!"
Maria groans, face completely red as she buries her face on the pillows in shame. At some point during the night, in the middle of the dance floor, she and Caleb ended up dancing on a particularly sexy song. Then stuffs happen. After that Maria felt like getting sick because Caleb isn't exactly the one she was thinking off during their...uh, moment.
She tried looking for Jordan, but neither her best friend nor Michael were nowhere in the party. So she rushed to get home by herself.
Now, Caleb had been texting her all morning. However rude it might be, Maria admitted she wasn't attracted to him as she is already liking someone. Which led to the guy teasing her and coercing her to tell him who the lucky person is.
"No!" Jordan cooed, but her chuckles betrayed her voice. "He's really really really cute. And he totally likes you."
Maria stayed buried on the pillows and after a few minutes, she felt arms wrapping around her and cuddling her. The blonde nuzzles on the back of her neck, which tickles but she tried to ignore it.
"By the way," Jordan speaks close to her ear, her breathe sending shivers down her neck. "Can I tell my dad that I'm going over to your house tonight, so I can go hangout with Michael?"
In a micro-second, Maria is sitting on her butt and looking at her best friend pointedly. "You're asking me to help you lie to your father so you can hang out with a guy?"
Jordan pouts.
"Ugh. I'm telling him you'll be having a sleepover to my house." She conceded anyway. She is totally powerless when it comes to pouts.
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the-firebird69 · 3 years
IPOs | Recent IPO Filings, Calendar of Upcoming IPOs, and IPO Data
We offered an i p o we were forced to cover it we covered it besides buy everything. They kept the stocks the same thinking that we can't take the companies over and that's what their attitude is and that's what they're doing regardless of what's happening we're taking the companies over was we bought and we bought our company back Sim you never put hard knock out
Didn't want you opening the hard-knock company because it's our company because you're the one who gave it up when not having him get anything that's how he said it you will not get anything a thing is what you said. Which is absurd to say to someone who's so smart and can sell things in absurd person I love you are we have sold you and we all built you in three months there's no motorcycle company on Earth that has built or sold as many as us and even combined they haven't and that's just Hardknock not including Sim bikes. And our cars are now selling more than your cars sell globally combined and soon it will overtake all vehicles and you won't have any on the road that are new none just Sim and public transportation is going to be ours shortly were building those two Orville those people do stuff looks like you I don't give a hateful a******* that's what got you here moron I'm hateful bang, mine hit you s, I'm fully loaded. We're going ahead and telling people that he was under extreme duress and his anger is up there and so is there is though they say most the time I want him to do well and we're going to take over your company in Miami and he's going to run it from wherever he wants to in ken be out on the yacht let me tell tell him Ken what to do I am ken get on the phone and tell them what to do. So flabbergasted sitting there exhausted sweating and tired and it's nuts are hurting them is sent to spend all day long and wasting time and energy and money putting holes in the roof and ruining it you're idiots cuz everyone told you how to fix it you won't listen making a message she wants to do an apartment that's it's a good idea he'll tell me about if he gets one he'll tell me right away this isn't going to listen and see what they say and then I'll get I got to get over to him and tell him that I said already already in space so Ken says that's what I say it is what we'd like him to do something like that you guys are using this company against those who want to use it against them and see if they can see it the necklace to see what we do with it and so far he's doing absolutely nothing so take advantage of
And by the way the Kraken will be up shortly and surely means very soon we're talking only a few hours we got everything lined up and ready to go and those kikker 5150 or all up there and DC in the Bronx in New York and Jersey price of Delaware most of its waste land and most of jerseys wasteland and you girls will send in the Martians it's Zig Zag's territory. And he says yes and he's going to do it and do you want to see these people. Georgie porgie and the noise that I make he says slapping people and get Tom Cruise out there to get dust all over him actually this is it cuz we're going to go ahead and do that and what time cruise to see what it's like in other people who are sitting there using and abusing and infusing and bothering and harassing you needed gone you're so dumb it's bad enough he's famous and everyone like wants to talk to him is he does that all the time Oru zoos and he rips a big one she's practiced for a long time. I'm going to pull that thing out of there I'm going to go over there and make sure it's going along so I keep saying it's going along
Weather now I'm talking about girls to help her out of the way that things going to things that need to be done so get them done so you can focus on getting it ready healthy feels okay so we're doing that and clear it all out and we're wrestling with people also new says this why is it so important to get it out you know why if you don't cut the crap and give you sitting right under me no offense but that's not it the severity is horrible here everything smells like s*** everyone smells like s*** they talk like it they look like it and they're like the the head guys you have to try and talk to you about some stuff and they don't talk straight and they hardly tell the truth and how they remember it and they're very mean and their temperament is nasty and all cannibals as like Wade through all that as you know and you do it a lot but sitting here the Thor father are going to be nearby not looking forward to it let's see what else can I eat well it's kind of competing with you up there.
We need a boost and we're going to get one because of Dave stager who's the electric bike guy he knows about it and said he's cold Kohl's your Frozen I was like electricians or something we have like these monkeys in your room from The Big bang theory yeah when will that happen probably when the queen moves out of the big tank so it's on now and it's going on there's tons of people and we have to move in and doing that the same time northlake computer but he wants that out today and he's insisting on it is asked too many times it's taking too long you had to get involved last time so he keeps on doing it every few minutes and is asking why do is it calculated is it fed is it monitored each area of it shoot and it says yes so is it on schedule for early evening . And no honest as the real answer is no not ready for early evening why is there anything I can help with usually it might be something that's already done on occasion or something that you're not thinking of her maybe I can't I don't know so going to tell you there's a few things in the way and a pretty big-sized one of them is right here knowledgeable about with me here just have to go there with me out and if you have to and that's the whole object of the game here and Thor is good at that as well as my wife and Nuada Arrianna, we have a consensus that we need to feed it more and what you're saying is why if it's livened up if it's moving and it's healed and a strong it's easier if it's not a huge it's hard to agree with you answer this it's got to be healthy and only has to be healthy yeah not really plump less plan for this case is decent and Thor agrees. Fully operational difference. So Nuada Arianna agree, we should not make him huge it should make him at optimal performance possible or at least 80% thinking about he'll be off tomorrow in like 10 minutes everybody agrees with that it's just start picking out and getting rid of you and eat whatever he wants so we decided something under here it's kind of the way it is we've got to win do we need to use it we need to get people in here we need to stop listening to all the stupid s*** I need to get the damn thing out of here so if it's going to come out fully intact at 80% like a whole bunch of them probably do then I get it out so I understand you're angry and you're expressing it all the time and you should be and I should be angry because I keep saying stuff like that it's a pain in the ass hasto we aired but I know is most come out a little small and most rare kind of smelly and not really up to speed about 70% and he's about 80 so he's ready so things are out of the way and it's trapped take it out right now right now is there anything preventing at right now because we're stopping ourselves from survival this is terrible this people blab every 5 seconds.
So I look at you and I say I don't understand what we're saying we have to do it during the day and we have to do it during the night and I don't know what you're saying you're saying we have to do it during the night now I figured out something you listen to what I'm saying and obviously means something during the day it's somewhat visible and during the night is not cuz it could be so indifferent with a gear Love Field Michelle us team is that a lot of steam I figure someone messing with a gear do the steam at night and really should. Also I got to straighten out this effing argument he wants it done and wants it done now and we have ways to do it and we're arguing in public for no damn reason except everyone wants to argue with him all the time such an addiction I don't want him arguing with anyone is tired he wants it out he wants to do the damn job you do it to me too I'm in the middle I don't know which way to go I need it done and he comes along and gets it done and it was sitting there watching me suffer and you know she doesn't want this tennis match it doesn't help him doesn't help hours and starting humoring Andy ever and going back and forth trying to get close to people. I'm starting to realize something I've been doing that for weeks and people are starting to get annoyed I don't stop doing that ask him what we need you went and kicked out of Ireland this is a piece of crap to you is not useful as risking your life there's no point to it so I'm going to do that and take all the stuff he doesn't he's a little s*** to I'm going to put Factory is wall-to-wall just like the did you say said but really they push us out and push this all over the place so they can't tell who we are huge pain in the ass because you lose track of people and you get weaker and that's what they're doing it for so I'm going to do that now I'm going to catch all the snakes that I chase out of there so he knows what to say so I'm mad this is what he going to do that if you're not helping to get this out and it's slowing the process you can go do it now cuz I need distraction in order to get this going leave it or not it's a lot easier so I'm going over there now and will provide distraction and he does need adhere to certain things that need to be done so I sign lobo and proxima midnight the 11th to come over here instead of beating them up I guess in Atlanta for some reason that's what I do so I understand so wow what do I do fire up that big two wheeler and roll cleaner and save the island it's awesome so I think we might do that the gang member perfect well and nobody noticed the Lobo was in East LA... Me too hahaha Proxima Midnight.
I vote we raise it now Thor
I vote we raise it now Hera
I vote we raise it now Zues
I vote we raise it now one for me one for her Nuada Arianna
I vote we raise it now to votes Isis and Rah
Tons are voting now finally
They all say now. Who begin the protocols and we start to prep for it and put in heavy I'm starting to do it now isn't it goes over there is extinct anything it starts to warm is extinct any groups that start forming all of the world were going to hit where they are
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rhinestone-fries · 7 years
can i have an imagine for the band's reaction if their s/o is having a depressive/suicidal episode? i've been feeling really shitty lately and it would absolutely make my day/night/whatever/time doesn't exist. thank you
Aww. I’m sorry to hear that, anon! I haven’t been doing so well myself lately, so I hope things pick up for you soon. 
-Immediately notices something is up. 
-When you don’t touch your food for a couple days, only picking at little bits, he gets so worried. 
-You sleep so much more than you used to. 
-He doesn’t know what to do. 
-He’s experienced things like this in his own ways, but he always dealt with them in his own ways, and he’s not quite sure what would work best for you. 
-When he asks you about it, you tell him you’re fine, but he doesn’t believe a word of it. 
-You try to force a smile for his sake, but he can just tell that it’s not genuine. 
-He tries to understand what you’re going through, but can’t help but blame himself a little bit. 
-One rainy day, he sees you staring at the rain as it falls down the window pane. 
-You’re scratching yourself. 
-Russ grabs the softest blanket he can find, a warm cup of tea and some ice cubes. 
-He drapes the blanket around you, hands you the cup of tea and holds you close as he presses the ice to your scratching on your arm. 
-He says nothing. 
-You break down in his arms and tell him what you’re going through. 
-You promise to work through it together from now on. You promise not to leave him in the dark anymore. 
-When you smile at him, he can tell it’s genuine. 
-Every night at a certain time, you sit down together over a cup of tea and talk about everything together. 
-She had noticed the scars, but never asked about them. 
-She thought you would open up about it when you were comfortable and ready, and when that time came she would listen. 
-But when she notices some fresh wounds, her heart fucking drops. 
-It hurts her so bad to see you hurting like that. 
-She’s learned a lot from looking after her bandmates over the years, but she’s not quite sure how to go about this. 
-She doesn’t want to drive you away. 
-She gathers the courage to speak up one day over breakfast. 
-The only thing you say is, “it helps.”
-She doesn’t question it, but she solemnly nods. 
-She spends a lot of time doing research on how to help you, but always consults you about it first. 
-She does everything in her power to help you. Sometimes you feel bad that she’s going through all this for your sake, but she assures you that she’s more than happy to help, and as long as you’re improving, she’s willing to go to the ends of the earth for you. 
-She leaves Katsu in charge whenever she’s not around. 
-This man is not mentally well, okay. 
-Both of you feeling unwell makes for a toxic environment. 
-But you both try so hard for one another. 
-Murdoc catches you in the bathroom, making minor incisions on the ends of your fingers with a razor, and his stomach grows cold.
-He takes the razor from you and throws it as far as he can out the door, wraps his arms around your waist so tight from behind, and he just holds onto you. 
-He’s apologising so much, because he thinks it’s his fault. 
-And you’re apologising to him because you blame yourself too.
-And you’re both just standing there, weeping against one another for so long, neither of you quite sure of what to do next. 
-After a long time, he turns you around to face him and plants a kiss on your forehead and wipes away your tears. 
-Takes you by the hand and sits you down in the kitchen, where he starts putting bandages on your fingers. 
-He’s talking to you, which is something he has a lot of trouble doing, and he tells you how much you mean to him, that the idea of a world without you in it frightens him. 
-You stay up into the early morning, talking things through together. 
-When the sun rises, he takes you outside to watch it, and tells you to pay attention to the fresh air, take a deep breath, watch as the clouds drift by and listen as the birds sing. 
-He tells you that whenever he finds things hard, he watches the sunrise, and thinks maybe you should do the same. 
-You have a special spot just for watching the sunrise set up for the both of you on the roof now. 
-He notices a bottle of his pills missing. 
-He swears he hadn’t taken them already. No way could he have gotten through them all this fast. 
-He finds you to ask about it, maybe he just misplaced the bottle?
-He finds you at the edge of the bed, wearing your nicest clothes, trembling with the bottle of pills clutched in one hand. 
-When he enters the room, you look at him with tear-filled eyes. 
-”Hey, have you seen-…”
-When you see the raw despair that comes across his face, you throw the pills away from you as hard as you can, as if you just realised what you were doing. 
-2D rushes over and falls to his knees in front of you, where he wraps his arms around you so tight and sobs into your lap. 
-Your hand is on the back of his head, and you’re crying too. 
-You keep telling him how sorry you are, but he just shushes you, until you’re just crying together. 
-After a while, he stands up and helps you dress into more comfortable clothes. 
-He tucks you into the bed and sweeps up the pills on the floor. 
-When he’s done, he turns on a star projector on the bedside table and turns the lights off, then crawls into bed and holds you so tight. 
-You lay with your head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. You two find constellations together in the starry abyss, and make up the stories behind each one. 
-After you’ve both calmed down, it’s time to talk. 2D strokes your hair while you speak to him, and he listens with full intent. 
-He asks you what you think would be best for you, what you think would help you the most, what he can do for you. 
-Overall, he understands that this is something you need to deal with, but something he is going to help you through, and he never wants it to get this bad for you ever again. 
-He promises that he’ll always be there for you. 
-You fall asleep together under the simulated stars. 
I hope this was okay. Just a heads up to any of my followers who may be going through a tough time right now, I love you very much and I hope things look up for you soon. If you ever need anything, I’m always ready to listen and help as best I can. You’re loved, always remember that.
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