#I've heard those two words so many times coming from his mouth that my brain just went 👀🫠
my-drama-heart2406 · 3 months
That scene where Huijoo confesses to Tae-oh.
And he says... "Seuseung wa Cheja"...
(Master and Pupil for those who don't know)
And I just🥺😲😳😶😢😖 I just stopped listening any further.
I had to pause, takeoff my earphones and tell myself to focus on the show that I was watching and stop thinking about the show that I have already watched n number of times that has permanently taken up over half of my brain since 1 and 1/2 years and still refuses to leave...
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talaok · 8 months
Could you please write an imagine where Pedro and reader know each other for a very long time and reader comes from a not so happy family (unlike Pedro)
He’s in love with her and she does love him but does believe love is real or that relationships can last (thinking everyone only wants her for her body from past flings) and can’t give him a chance due to fear
Happy ending if you want
warnings: angst, and brief talk about reader's bad childhood
a/n: im starting to honestly think yall should start writing fics, cause the shit you come up with is so good like
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The first time you told him you were 13.
You had showed up at his doorsteps asking for a place to sleep.
You couldn't stand another minute of hearing your parents scream at each other two doors down.
They hadn't even noticed you were gone, they never did.
He was your only real friend at the time, and after a sort of awkward moment with his parents, he'd led you to his room and asked what had happened.
And that's the first time he heard the sentence he'd grow to hate.
"Love isn't real. It never lasts"
Your parents were the proof. Love is a trap, it deceives you into thinking you can spend your life with someone, when really, all you're doing is locking yourself into a cage, and when you finally realize what you've done, it will be too late, because then you'll be scared to get out, to start new, and that's why you'll stay, forever imprisoned because your own stupid choices.
From then on, it became your mantra.
With every guy who disappeared after having gotten you into bed, with every guy who dumped you as soon as they'd seen what's underneath your clothes, one sentence engraved itself in your mind.
Love isn't real. Love isn't real. Love isn't real.
And that's why, he, of all people, knew better than anyone why he shouldn't tell you, why he should continue pretending like he'd been doing for almost twenty years,
Maybe he was a masochist, or maybe his feelings were getting too strong and they had started to fog his brain, but he couldn't hold it in anymore, he'd kept it hidden for too long, and no matter how many women he'd meet there was always you in the back of his mind.
It had always been you.
And that's why tonight... tonight he had finally let go.
"Y/n, I love you" 
He saw you freeze before his eyes, shocked and terrified of the words that had just come out of his mouth.
"I'm sorry" he murmured, swiping his sweaty hands on his jeans and looking around your living room to try and gather some composure. "I'm sorry to drop this on you like this. I know how you feel about the whole... love thing" he winced internally as his eyes set anywhere but on yours "And- and I don't want to ruin our friendship, and it's ok if you don't feel the same way, but..." He swallowed what felt like sand in his mouth as he finally looked into your eyes "Y/n I've felt this way for so fucking long" he breathed "I-I think I was too young to understand it when we met, but as we grew up it just became clearer and clearer and... and I couldn't do it anymore, I couldn't keep it to myself anymore y/n, I'm sorry"
His words felt distant, muffled.
You felt like you were drowning and he was trying to talk to you from above the water.
He'd just told you the three words you dreaded most in the world, and now you didn't know what to do, or say, or even think.
And it wasn't the same as when any of your old boyfriends had said it, no, with him, with Pedro, those words scared you because they meant so much more, 
because they reached into that deep, hidden part of you that... that felt the same way.
And that part of you was hidden for a reason, that part of you was the only thing that prevented you from becoming like your mom, from falling into the trap.
And now he'd just handed you the keys, and all you needed to do was decide to open the lock.
And you didn't know if you wanted to.
"I don't want to lose you y/n, the last thing I want is to lose you, you- you're the most important person in my life, I-I'd be lost without you, so if you don't feel the same way, it's fine, I promise it's fine, I can take it, but before you say anything I just want you to know that when I say I love you I mean it," Both your hearts were beating faster than they'd ever beaten before"I mean I love every single part of you, every single inch, that I love you when you sing off-tune and I love you when you call me in the middle of the night" he laughed "That- that I wake up and go to sleep thinking of you- that without you I wouldn't know how to breathe, that since I met you, I felt the need to become a better person so that maybe I'd deserve you." he said more softly now "And I'm sorry about your parents, and I'm sorry about everything that happened in your life, but I promise you that I'd never do anything to hurt you, that if you just give me a chance, I'll try my hardest to prove to you that love is real, that- that it can last if you just give it a try"
The soft roar of an engine made its way to your ears as a car drove by outside, the fabric of the couch felt itchy all of a sudden, and your breathing had become uneven.
You didn't know how long you both stayed silent, how long it took you to take in all he had just said, but when you finally opened your mouth, your voice didn't sound like your own.
"Pedro-" his eyes were filled with hope, but yours only with pain "Pedro you know how I feel about this" you murmured, like doctors did just as they delivered bad news "I'm sorry I- I can't do this, you know I can't... I just-" there was this feeling in your stomach, like all your organs were twisting, like your body was telling you you were making a mistake "I don't want to lose you, and I know that if we did... this, it would only end badly" you watched all the hope in his eyes crumble and you didn't think you'd ever hated yourself more than in that exact moment.
"I'm sorry Pedro," you said "I can't"
He didn't look like himself anymore, he didn't feel like it either. He felt as if all the life had left his body, and all that remained was a useless sack of skin.
But still, still, he couldn't help but realize that you hadn't said one thing, the one thing that was gonna make him give up forever.
"So you don't feel the same way?"
It wasn't tears threatening to spill from your eyes, it was liquid pain, liquid hatred for yourself.
"T-that doesn't matter"
He frowned, trying to come up with something to say that wouldn't make him sound any more pathetic than he already was.
"B-but it does y/n. it does"
You swallowed thickly "Pedro, please" you begged
"I need to know," he said with a thread of voice 
"I-I can't" you murmured, as a tear finally stained your cheek "I..."
He took that as his answer.
You didn't love him, and deep down, he'd always known.
"I think-" he cleared his throat to try and gain some composure, "I think it's best if I go," he said as he stood up.
you didn't know if you nodded, you didn't know anything anymore
He glanced back at you for a moment to see if there was any sign of you wanting to stop him, but your head was down.
both of your hearts broke with each step he took, and as he got farther and farther, this... feeling spread inside your body, this presentiment of having just made the biggest mistake of your life sneaked up your throat and robbed you of all oxygen.
And was only when his fingers grabbed the doorknob, and you grasped his arm, that you could breathe again.
"y/n-" he tried to speak, but you needed to do this before your mind could catch up, so you cut him off.
"I do," you said, as more tears fell from your eyes "I love you, Pedro"
His mind was a mess and his heart was a mess but he still managed to spit out a sentence
"Y/n, if you're saying that just because-"
"Pedro" you softly placed your hands on each side of his head, as you huffed out a silly laugh "Just kiss me"
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hyperactive-cowboy · 5 months
So that's the second chapter of the landoscar christmas series, I have literally no idea of how to make a link between this chapter and the first one, so if you want to read it then you'll have to search it yourself, but it is my last post so no big problem. You have probably realized it, but I got inspired to write this story by "All I want for Christmas", so the titles of the chapters are part of the lyrics. As always if you have suggestions or there are issues with the story don't be shy kidsss. Oh and if someone can tell me how to make the link I'd be grateful for my life. ENJOYYYY
Make my wish come true
Warnings: like one curse word at the start and one at the end (I don't even know if those are considered curse words), the littlest angst and fluff. Some words are translated with google because english is not my first lenguage. It's not beta read because I don't have the energy to do it right now as I had planned on finishing the series in 2023 but here I am.
Ship: F1 involved!Lando Norris × not F1 involved!Oscar Piastri (established relationship)
Wc: 3.3k
Chapter 1, 2, 3
Summary: Max and Logan help Lando in his little gremlin plan to propose to Oscar during their christmas party.
Max's phone rang in the exact moment his dream was at its climax, waking him up without letting him know the finale of it.
Max looked at who was calling at such an hour in the morning.
It was Lando. Then probably it wasn't important.
Max deactivated the sound and left the vibration on, trying to fall asleep again just to see the end of his dream, but the buzzing wouldn't stop.
With a mix of frustration and malcontent for his not-well-started Wednesday morning, Max took the phone and answered his best friend.
"What do you want" he asked abruptly
"'Morning sunshine, I also miss my best friend so much" Lando answered sarcastically and Max could perfectly picture in his head the wide tooth-gaped smile his best friend almost certainly had on his face. 
"It's not a good morning when it starts like this" Max returned. 
Lando, on the other hand, laughed at his friend's distress. Max knew that, sooner or later, he would've killed his best friend.
"Anyways, I'm sorry for your pain, but I've just got an idea" it surely wasn't a good start. Every time Lando said stuff like that, it didn't end well.
"Oh god"
"I want to propose to Oscar"
Suddenly Max was sitting on the bed, totally awake and vigile.
He didn't know what to say. Well actually there were too many things he wanted to say but couldn't choose which one to say first. Between the "when?" The"where?" and the "Why?"s. 
Instead, his mouth (apparently not connected with his brain) deliberately and on its own expressed all his emotions at once.
"What the fuck"
"Yep it was pretty explanatory" 
Neither of them knew how to behave. Obviously some people they both knew have got married before, but neither Lando nor Max have ever experienced a crazy idea like that. 
"So… when?" The moment Max started to metabolize the news, he also began to like it in some weird way. 
He knew the two have been together for some time and (at least for Lando) have also been pining over each other for even longer, so it was logical that one of them would've done the big step in a short time.
"Okay, well, that's my plan…" 
Lando started to explain The Big Plan to his best friend, who was more excited every new sentence he heard. 
Max had known him for so many years and has always thought of him as more immature and childish than other people their age, but he was sure Lando would've made the perfect husband to Oscar.
This train of thoughts continued and extended in every direction that included memories of Lando, the emotions took over him and made his eyes water a bit. But thinking about it, those words were good, he should've taken notes for his best man's speech.
"Let's recap it from the start once again" Max read on his phone. It was at least the 25th time Lando had asked him to repeat The Plan. He was sure he could've acted even other people's parts in the show. 
"Dear god I only have to say yes when he asks me about the party" Max texted back.
"It's not difficult" then he added just to emphasize the pointlessness of Lando's worries.
"Don't you dare make fun of me I'm just anxious, it's normal I guess" Lando's answer arrived in no time
Max smiled to himself shaking his head. Some things never change, he thought while unfolding all the memories with his best friend and rewatching every time Lando acted anxious. There were a few.
"If your calculus are right, he's calling me in ten minutes, so maybe I should get ready to answer him?" Max asked, trying to find an excuse to not leave his friend on seen in this particular situation.
Lando texted just a "yeah you're right" and then left the chat.
Max sighed and closed his phone, just to get his hands on his face and rub his eyes.
"Hey Osc, long time no see" is the sentence Max and Lando have accorded for him to say, and he did it spectacularly. As if he hasn't repeated it for the past twenty minutes without a single stop.
"Yeah it has been a tough period. We were planning a christmas party at our place on wednesday, are you in?" Oscar asked him.
"But isn't Lando away?" He was trying really, really hard not to abruptly laugh and scream at Oscar's ear.
"Yeah, in fact we wanted to do this thing together, but then he was called away and we can't postpone it anymore" Max thought he sounded a little exasperated.
He felt his lungs expand and contract without an order, his cheeks had become red and swollen, in his eyes there were tears for holding it back, but then he couldn't take it anymore. 
Max let out a soft giggle, but that giggle meant to him like the most powerful and exorbitant laughter he had ever had, mostly because he felt (he could literally touch it) the importance of his position in there.
"Yeah I think I'll be there" 
"K, thanks mate" Oscar sounded pretty hesitant with his answer. "And you can come with who you want" he then added.
"Great, thanks. Bye" Max hung up just right before exploding in what he thought was one of the biggest laughs of his life.
He didn't know the cause of this, but that situation was so funny to him. Maybe it was just the stress. Most probably it was just the stress. But why should he be stressed? It wasn't even his proposal. What would have happened when it was HIS time to take the big step? Max didn't even want to think about it for a minute.
He jumped back to reality and immediately opened his and Lando's chat to update him.
Max rang the doorbell of his best friend's house and waited for his best friend's boyfriend (and next-to-be fiance) to open the door.
"Never saw you awake this early" 
Oh right! Oscar's humor was something he could never forget about.
"I'm happy to see you too" Max stated with the biggest smile stamped on his face. He patted the boy's shoulders with both his hands and looked him down, trying to imagine the guy with a different surname (something like Norris) and a different look (a smoking might be ideal, and maybe a golden ring on that finger could be even better).
"Yeah" Oscar mouthed with a raised eyebrow and a confused expression.
 Max entered the house without needing a welcome. He treated it like it was his, he didn't care if the actual owner was okay with it. At least he could say the same happened every time Lando and Oscar were at his place.
"What are you doing here?" 
If there was another person in the room, they could've heard three voices ask the same question at the same time.
"No no no. I asked you first" Logan yelled at Max getting up pretty fast from the couch he was previously lying on.
"Well yes man, but really why are YOU here" he repeated.
"I'm here to help Oscar. And you?"
"I'm too" 
Max and Logan looked at each other with a slightly confused stare, narrowing their gazes and tilting their head to one side or the other.
Oscar cleared his voice behind them and just then he realized he couldn't tell Logan what he was about to. ("Well, actually I'm here to help Lando" would've been his response).
"Max, can I ask you to get away from my home? I already have enough help" The youngest boy looked exhausted. It must be tiring to project an event like this almost alone and with his boyfriend hundred of miles away from him. 
He could not understand, but he surely could pity him.
"I'm very sorry Oscar, but I'm not leaving this house until tonight" 
"Okay then" he looked more exasperated every sentence. 
"Don't worry. This will be the best party you've ever been to" 
"Do I have to remind you this is MY house? Maybe I should be the one preparing it" Oscar pointed out almost ironically.
"We will be better than you, trust me" Logan, who has been silent the entirety of the time, had stepped in the conversation to support him, and Max couldn't be more grateful.
With all due care, Oscar left his house in his friend's hands and headed to work. 
Max and Logan had only six hours and a half to transform that house into a HOUSE.
"So why are you here really?" Logan broke the silence, leaning on the shopping cart as he pushed it.
The two were at the mall searching for cute items and classic christmas stuff to hang here and there in the house to make it look more comfortable.
They have given themselves a specific and perfectly timed list to follow religiously: the times were calculated per second and the both of them had certain works to complete.
"Lando wants to propose Oscar tonight" Max let out.
"LANDO WANTS TO WHAT?'' Logan cried out in the middle of the cheese island, standing up like he was electrocuted and launching three slices of gruyere into the cart.
"SHHH why are you screaming?" Max whisper-yelled at him.
"Oh ya know? It's just my best friend getting married to yours, why aren't YOU screaming?" Logan replied in the same voice tone.
"I've already had my screaming session a week ago" he explained.
Max looked at his clock and calculated there were two minutes of delay in their schedule.
Logan looked around himself in disbelief, pinching his own cheeks to make sure he was not living a dream. 
He looked at Max right in his eyes for the first time in their entire lives. 
"Then we have to make sure we do the best of it" Logan stated resolutely, speeding even more than before, driving his shopping cart like a formula 1 car.
"You go bake the cookies, I'll get the house aesthetically ready" 
Max nodded at his newfound friend and sprinted into the kitchen to prepare all the ingredients he needed.
Right after putting on his freshly-bought apron, his phone started vibrating.
Max boringly looked at the screen and would've even hung up, but noticing Lando's nickname on it, he thought it was preferible answering, after all that work.
He accepted the call and put on the speaker while calling Logan to make him participate at the "meeting".
"Everything's okay?" Lando's altered voice sounded more worried than Max had ever heard him.
He took a moment to appreciate the fact that his best friend was giving this plan all his soul. You could know how much he cared about Oscar (or generally about his loved ones, even if he didn't show it that much) just by hearing his preoccupied voice.
"Yep, we're almost ready" Logan answered, just as joyful as Max.
"Wait, who was that?"
"It's Logan. I know everything and I couldn't agree more with you on this decision" his face was stamped with a smile from ear to ear and his eyes shone brighter than the stars.
"Oh hey Log sorry, didn't know you were there too. Does he suspect anything?"
"There is absolutely no way he could. We were silent as a grave" Max answered, almost kicking his feet like a schoolgirl.
"Well then-" Lando's sentence start was interrupted by a not a little hasty Max, who was sure he was about to scream.
"Now that you have secured yours and our wellbeing, can we finish our work? We have a pretty full agenda to follow" 
"Oh okay then, I'm halfway there anyways" 
"Yeah yeah, you know where I keep my second set of keys" and without another word, he hung up the phone just as fast as they both came back to their respective jobs in the house.
"Hey that chocolate dough looks fantastic" Logan laughed entering the kitchen, looking at a totally covered in chocolate dough Max.
"Where? I thought I cleaned everything" Max responded. 
Logan sighed and continued his laugh, then threw a clean kitchen towel at him, telling him where he was still dirty while taking a seat to taste what they had prepared during the evening.
"It's not that bad" he exclaimed, chewing the biggest bite of cheese and ham toast Max had ever seen.
Logan raised the volume of his phone when he heard the first bits of  "Last Christmas" were playing.
By then, the trust between the two was near to the one in a years-long friendship, after all those hours spent together and a common goal in mind. For this sole reason, Logan felt confident enough to start singing his favorite Christmas song.
Max turned around with a shocked look. Not because Logan's singing skills were terrible, well not only because of this, but because he didn't think Logan was one to start singing around what was a stranger until a few hours before. 
And again his emotions changed, his heart melting a little. Logan singing like this in front of him meant that he trusted him enough to show him his silly side.
Max decided to match his energy and start wiggling his hips and dancing a little around the room.
The two were so lost in the moment they couldn't hear the owner of the house entering firstly the place, and then the kitchen.
"What in the world you two?" Oscar looked totally agape.
 Max and Logan fastly looked at each other and the american jumped between his best friend and his new one to try protecting him from any crazy action the Aussie could have done.
Max and Logan both knew Oscar wasn't one for physical contact, (everybody around him knew it) and because of it they were used to him never touching them. This was why, when they saw him coming this close so fastly, they were scared Oscar was about to stab one or both of them with a random pointy ornament found in the home.
It must've been a particularly shocking period for Max.
First Lando's announcement, then Logan's new friendship, and now a hug from Oscar.
"Thank you for everything" Max and Logan heard Oscar's muffled voice buried in their clothes and both moved a little because of the little gesture.
"That's no problem mate, really" Max assured him.
"C'mon now, there's people arriving here to party" Logan tried to lighten up the mood, receiving the tiniest and cutest laugh from Oscar.
"I don't think it's the worst idea you've had until now" Max whisper-screamed at his phone in his best friend's kitchen while everybody else, including Oscar, in the living room was living their best life.
It was at least the fourth phrase he had heard from Lando about what he thought could be the best starter of his proposal-speech.
"Well, at least not the weirdest" he continued.
"Ehy!" Lando laughed at him, but still his stress wasn't relieved, not even a bit.
Max, for the fiftieth time, didn't know how to act.
Like, what did he have to say? Something funny to let the pressure decrease? Or something meaningful to be That One friend for once?
He decided that saying nothing was the best option. For both, him and his friend. He was, actually, not a hundred percent sure about it, but on the spot he failed to think about anything better.
"I think it's better if I go now" Max admitted after a few moments of silence.
He received a "yeah" as an answer and immediately hung up.
Max was totally sure there were more mature things to do than he, seconds after, did. But, unfortunately, less mature things are usually the more spontaneous ones.
This is why, when his phone turned on again, seeing the new message from Lando and texted him back, the only natural thing to do that came to his mind was to start jumping and giggling, just like a schoolgirl.
He got only one thing not calculated in his mind: the fact that Oscar might be keen on entering his own kitchen for whatever reason. 
So when he turned around to face the exit, he found there on the door an astonished Oscar staring at him.
Max couldn't tell what was open wider: Oscar's eyes or his mouth.
Anyway, he had to think about a not-too-much- suspicious reaction on the spot. And surely he had never been good at thinking on the spot.
That's the reason why the first thing Max did was rebuking him, closing the door on his face.
Just a single moment after he thought that maybe his actions were more suspicious than anything else he could have done. 
With a worried expression folding his eyebrows, Max took his phone from the marble table's surface again and fastly texted to his friend he might have done something wrong.
"I'm here"
This was the message he had been waiting for the entire time, but now that Lando had sent it to him, Max was starting to get agitated again, knowing exactly what it meant.
"Is everything ready?" Was the following text he received, to which he answered with a "gimme 5 mins" 
The only three things he had to do were: inform Logan, inform every other guest and prepare Oscar.
The guests heard the news with surprise and loving eyes, while Logan started to sweat a bit.
Last point on his list was to take Oscar in front of the entrance and then his work would be done perfectly. 
But where the hell was Oscar? He had asked Liam, Max (the other one) and even Niran, but they knew less than him. So he searched in every room of the house, even the bathroom, but when he had knocked on the bathroom door, Logan's voice had answered him.
Max asked his and Lando's long time friend to text the next-to-be fiance and tell him to wait.
He tried to think about what could have happened: Lando would have rang the doorbell and Max would've opened the door instead of Oscar and Lando would've found his best friend instead of the love of his life in front of him (already on one knee and with the ring box open and about to repeat the speech he had been talking about for weeks) and then Lando would've asked him "what the hell?" and then he should have answered him with something like "I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but we have lost your future husband, we apologize for the unease" and what could've been Lando's reaction to it all?
Max's morbius thoughts were taking such a part of his brain, he didn't realize Logan had taken Oscar all the way in the living room, just right before entering the entrance.
When Max turned around and saw him, immediately looked at his friend Niran, winking at him as a way to give him the signal for Lando to ring.
All the guests were ready with their phones in their hands, faking sending and receiving messages or searching for something on google. Actually they were all about to flash the lights of their phones to make the atmosphere, using the devices just like in the 70s they used lighters.
Except for Charles: he was the one in charge of recording the video, in fact he had the best position of sight.
Max got out of the kitchen as the doorbell rang and Oscar (in a new outfit) rushed to open the door.
"My guest must've arrived" he announced looking at the young Aussie.
From his point of view, Max couldn't properly see all the scene, so he moved through the tangle of guests to crouch down one step away from Charles.
From there, Max could see everything perfectly: Oscar's (flabbergasted, he might add) expression, the fabulous ring, and most importantly his kneeling best friend and the biggest smile he had ever seen on his face.
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bmodiwrites · 2 years
If you are still accepting prompts I have the cutest idea I saw in a Tiktok - Eddie kisses Steve in the upside down before they part ways and Eddie says make him pay - Eddie and Dustin go to distract the demobats etc
But with like love confessions and pinning and Eddie surving
absolutely loved Voulez-Vous so much like I don’t have enough words to describe it!!!
Always, pal! I'll admit that I hadn't seen the Tik Tok until it came across my dash the other day, so I've been sitting on this one. I'm stoked to finally have an idea for it! & thank you - it's one of my favorites, too! This got a little long, hope you don't mind!!
Locked in the back of a stolen RV parked in an ammo store parking lot, Eddie contemplated the idea of being trapped. In the last forty hours, Eddie came to understand the concept of an animal cornered better than anyone else. And truthfully, only some of that feeling of confinement came from being wanted by the police.
Which was his own fault - there wasn't a single doubt about that. Eddie knew enough about the workings of reality to be aware of the dangers of falling for the wrong person, for the person that, until a day or two ago, Eddie was trained to despise. In a world where Eddie was the freak and a fine line existed between hate and love, there was a smidgen of poetic justice exhibiting itself in the fact that Eddie Munson was falling for Steve Harrington.
It hadn't been all that gradual, either.
To be fair, Eddie had always found Steve's particular aesthetic to be visually pleasing. Who walked around with that much hairspray in their hair without looking for a certain kind of attention, anyway? He had heard all of the rumors started by many of the prettier girls of Hawkins's student body, even bought into them as much as they did. As a young male of a certain age, many of those whispers fueled shame filled fires in moments of weakness - but that was just the idea of him.
Luck, the bastard of an ideal, was flighty in the sense that it brought good fortune right around the time the world was going to shit - especially in Eddie's case. He never thought that a moment of shared eye contact in a state of paranoia would cascade into something that was a long distance from lustful thoughts and stolen personal moments in private.
Steve, despite Eddie's sincere surprise, was like a beating heart. He filled himself up with care and appreciation for the people he chose to have around and pumped out protection like blood through a valve. Though his wit was much more subtle, Eddie appreciated the strength and bravery in the actions he took to offer that protection. Steve even extended that gift to Eddie, which was entirely unexpected from the imago he created of 'the hair' throughout his years in high school.
Never mind the fact that, when all was said and done, Steve was genuine and funny - really goddamn funny. When the kids first started coming to Hellfire Club meetings, Eddie didn't want to believe anything that came out of Dustin's mouth - he truly meant that when he told Steve so. It was impossible to think that Steve Harrington was both good looking and halfway decent. More than halfway, even.
That meant the feelings Eddie always tried to lock away inside of himself were for someone genuinely worth the brain bytes.
Shifting his position on the uncomfortable seat, Eddie reached up to run a shaky hand through the fringe of bangs already in disarray. Now was the absolute worst time to contemplate the inner workings of the most disastrous crush to ever happen, yet he couldn't keep his mind from worrying at it incessantly, like a tongue against a sore tooth.
Mostly because Eddie wasn't far away from being convinced that Steve felt the same.
It was crazy, Eddie already knew that. His thoughts were outreaching all portions of reality that were rational and sensical in any way. Putting that aside, Eddie's brain stuck to the close proximity and probing questions that felt akin to trying to get to know someone. In a moment of weakness, Eddie allowed himself to get carried away, but the consequences weren't what he figured. Steve looked taken aback and somewhat entertained without a sign or symptom of anger or outrage. Eddie wondered what Steve might've done if Robin wasn't standing right there, mediating the interaction.
Of course, Eddie never forgot that Steve was a perpetual flirt that had no conscious recollection of the fact that he was doing such a thing. That kept up a permanent residence in his mind - which was clearly battling with those small periods in time that Eddie was sure Steve was treating him that way for real. There were some looks that just couldn't be faked without at least a little genuine feeling.
Regardless, Eddie was stuck between a giant rock and a very hard place. It looked like there was no end in sight for him, either.
Thankfully, the door of the RV opened and Ericka Sinclair came running in to break up all his wayward thoughts - her eyes were hardened with a determination that shouldn't exist in someone that young. Though, that didn't matter when they were crammed into a stolen vehicle with all of their lives on the line. In the moment, age and class and HP and prior experience in the field didn't matter. They were all equal players on the board.
Things were a whirlwind for a while where Eddie had little time to do anything but hammer nails into a trash can lid and cling to the little moments with Dustin - his friendship with the kid was real, tangible, something he could touch. Worth more of his time than thoughts that cost too much. He would've hated himself if Steve Harrington took up the entirety of his mental capacity while a bit of peace still existed. Especially when Dustin Henderson was so goddamn cute and worthy of the attention.
And while he was strong enough to stick to that resolve all the way through the journey into the Upside Down, Eddie couldn't keep it together long enough to watch Steve walk away - not when he turned in their direction for one last look, last quip, last second of time sharing the same breath. Eddie didn't have it in him to let Steve go without doing something.
Not waiting for rationality to win over control, Eddie let go and gave in - "Steve, wait."
All of the sudden, wide brown eyes were on him and every thought, every thing Eddie knew, every everything vanished. His feet carried him forward like the path was pulling him there on its own accord. The glint of his rings were bright in the haze of the Upside Down, drawing his eye just seconds before they were stuck in the hem of Steve's jacket. It took but a small yank to have Steve close to him, and another moment of drawing breath for their lips to be against each other kissing, sharing something so real and visceral.
It was only seconds, that Earth moving kiss, but it ensnarled Eddie in a grip so tight that it was hard to pull away. There were so many things to say, truths to utter, yet he settled on "make him pay" - it was no wonder that he only got a breathless nod in return. He kept Steve in his grasp until it was too much; forcing his fingers to work under his command was difficult but he let go, he had to. Eddie nodded back, gulping in a large gasp of air to deal with the empty space the sight of Steve walking away brought about.
He took another second to slap a lid on the well in his heart, then turned to Dustin with a grin - "now for the fun part!"
Dustin followed him silently into the trailer with a contemplative look on his face. Once they were inside, he yanked on Eddie's vest. "What the heck was that?" The squint of his eye made him look a little funny and Eddie had to work hard not to laugh. His nerves for what was to come were starting to creep back in, so the distraction of Dustin's exasperation was surprisingly welcome.
"Something to be dealt with later, Henderson. There's a concert to put on." Eddie kept his expression hard, though he was grateful for this brief moment of normalcy before the shit hit the fan. It was almost like they weren't walking straight into a raging fire.
Despite the circumstance behind his impromptu performance, Eddie was loathe to admit that it was epic all the same. With Dustin on his knee rocking out beside him, the task of distraction took on a shiner texture. Fun was an odd word to apply to a life or death situation, yet nothing else fit. Feeling his fingers fly over the strings in a flawless rendition of a song he'd been working on tirelessly was exemplary - Eddie was certain he'd never had a prouder moment.
The glitz and shine of it was unsurprisingly overshadowed by the arrival of a large swarm of bats circling them that suddenly made Eddie feel like a sitting duck. For all intents and purposes, their portion of the plan was over. As the noises started to get louder against the outside of the trailer, Eddie worried they weren't quite as prepared as they originally realized.
When the squeals of the demobats started to make his eardrums ache, Eddie was certain they were done for. It would make no sense to go through the gate while completely overran by beasts that could do major damage back in their reality. His gut was churning with the rapid pitch of thoughts and ideas whipping through his brain, never mind the adrenaline coursing through his veins. All of the sudden, what sounded like a large storm overtook the trailer.
Eddie closed his eyes, certain they were seconds away from battling for their life when utter silence followed. He was frozen in place, his ears peeled in wait for the other shoe to drop. As the quiet persisted, Eddie got some of the feeling back in his limbs, allowing him to turn around. He and Dustin shared a confused look before the ground beneath them started to shake.
"Get through the gate, Dustin," Eddie said, grabbing onto Dustin's shoulders. "I'll follow you." And while it was the truth, Eddie wasn't stupid enough to think Dustin wouldn't realize he had other plans before that would happen. He tightened his grip, silently trying to drive his point home. There was a tense second before Dustin nodded.
They were seconds away from splitting up when the trailer door banged open and Robin ran through it. She was carrying what looked to be a thick stick with an alcohol soaked rag wrapped around it that was caught on fire; like an old fashioned torch. Nancy and Steve were hot on her tail, running in with panted breaths and scared but triumphant looks in their eyes.
"We need to get the hell out of here," Steve shouted - his point was further driven home by the ground shaking again, this time with more intensity. No one hesitated to run down the hall into Eddie's room to quickly climb up the sheet ladder back where they all belonged. Thankfully, they were all through before his ceiling sealed up with only the slightest scar left behind.
No one spoke for many moments. It took a while for adrenaline to settle and breaths to be caught, for reality to sink in. Everyone was looking everywhere, like none of them could believe that some small part of the madness was over and done with.
It took a surprising amount of time for words to finally break the silence. Dustin was eager to know what exactly happened and once the shock wore off, Nancy was happy to explain. It came down to El being a badass with her jedi mind tricks; she subdued Vecna just long enough for Nancy to further prove her awesomeness with well aimed shoots. And fire - they used lots of fire.
When all was said and done, the resolution left something to be desired, but Eddie was not one to look a gift horse in the mouth. There were still many obstacles to overcome that any amount of success was a win. He made it out with his life after playing the most epic metal concert of his life - how much more could Eddie really ask for?
Except, the threat of dying wasn't keeping the thoughts of that kiss and what it could mean at bay anymore. While it'd been only a little easier to hold them back when life wasn't guaranteed, those persistent wants and ideas existed in the back of Eddie's mind, festering away. His performance, the stellar playing, that was fueled by the desire to contribute and help and maybe, at the end of it all, come out on the other side of things well enough to see something through with Steve. That's probably why Eddie was able to give himself into the music the way he did.
Still, the question of whether Steve reciprocated his feelings remained. Was hours after saving the world the best time to step up and ask something so life changing? Eddie knew the answer was no but the thought of waiting around just to see what happened next didn't seem all that good, either. That sort of unanswered question was nefarious, easily bringing stronger people to their knees. Maybe the small taste of death made him braver than before, or maybe, Eddie was just tired of hesitating, of turning his back when things he wanted were right there before him - reaching out suddenly wasn't the scariest thing in Eddie's world, anymore.
After collecting Dustin, Max, and Ericka from the Creel house, the party sunk into the warmth of Steve's empty place, happy to be home. When the celebrating was done, everyone split up to nurse wounds and get some well needed rest. Eddie waited until all the kids were taken care of before starting his hunt for Steve. It didn't take long for him to literally stumble into the younger boy - Eddie missed the top step leading upstairs and sent himself flying, right into the arms of Steve Harrington.
As he straightened himself up, Eddie tried to formulate the right thing to say that showed gratitude and made him look cool all at once. Though, a soft "thanks" slipped out, instead. His voice was pitched low, like anything louder than a whisper would break up the moment.
Steve's arms tightened around Eddie's middle where they settled in his attempt to keep Eddie upright. He looked contemplative for a second, then the tiniest of smiles overtook his lips. "I think this is becoming a habit, us saving each other."
Eddie was struck by the truth of that simple statement. It'd been so easy, sucking up all the fear in his heart and stepping out onto a thin limb. He didn't hesitate to jump headfirst into the water after Steve got dragged down. It was like second nature to grab the nearest weapon to swing away demobats with. Eddie didn't even bat an eye at the idea of being a distraction. When bigger, more important things were on the line, Steve's life and that of the rest of his friends too, Eddie could do nothing but make a habit out of doing anything to keep them safe.
In the end, Eddie settled with "yeah, maybe" as his answer, because anything else would've opened up the floodgate of emotions that were too big for the space in time they were currently occupying. Eddie's brain only had room for so much and he already felt a little overrun.
Of course, Steve's answering grin and the close proximity of their chests made it difficult to think about anything other than the pulsing need to lean forward and kiss him again. Maybe, after keeping it all in for so long, the feelings couldn't be held back any longer.
"I think I might love you," Eddie said in one long breath, blurting the words out into the open. Since they were already out there, he barreled on. "I think that's why it's so easy to be selfless and heroic when you're around. I'd do anything, Steve, to see you safe."
There was a heavy breath and the shift of feet on the hardwood below them, elongated the small silence following Eddie's confession. Though Steve hadn't dropped his hold or moved away, he hadn't said anything, either. Eddie wanted to stuff his head into the nearest wall - now that the world wasn't ending, maybe the previous bravery guiding his actions was too much for the return of a slower reality.
"So that's what that kiss was about," Steve finally said. His voice was laced with realization, like a light bulb had lit up brightly above his head. When their eyes met then, Eddie saw clarity and what might've been the beginnings of happiness in Steve's gaze. He looked at Eddie like one would a finished puzzle - triumphant and battle worn and glad to see all of the pieces finally fitting together.
"Would it be okay if I might love you back?" Steve asked, voicing his question as their faces drifted closer and closer. By the time the last word settled into the air between them, their lips were brushing, ghosting together in the smallest semblance of a kiss. It was too much and not enough and all Eddie wanted.
With one small shift forward, Eddie closed that final gap, kissing Steve softly in answer. Their lips lingered and fused, combining in a way that spoke of a new start and the possibility of forever that wasn't there before. This time, when Eddie drew away, he wasn't afraid to let Steve go. He knew, after fighting together and protecting each other that Steve, as long as he could, would always come back to him.
No matter the cost.
Steddie Prompts
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twoidiotwriters1 · 3 months
The Curse of Oenone (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: Somebody pls give this girl therapy -Danny Words: 2,213 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter // Next Chapter
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XVII: Am I Clinically Depressed or Is It Puberty?
Ara goes to the port railing where Percy is staring at the sea with a scowl.
"It's not you," she tells him. "Whoever took them doesn't want you to see."
"But how can they keep me out of the loop like that? I don't like it."
Ara chuckles. "You sound like me."
Percy shakes his head. "Been a while since you sounded like that," He turns and leans his back against the railing. "Annabeth and Jason told me you went ballistic last night."
Ara makes a face. "You know I could've been worse."
"Yeah," Percy laughs, which sounds wrong at the moment, but he can't help it. They have a hard time being serious when they're left alone. "Many things happened yesterday, huh? I heard Reyna wanted to hold a witch trial or something."
Ara turns and leans on the railing the same way he's doing. "That was an option."
Percy looks at her knowingly. "You almost went with her." Ara keeps her eyes ahead and nods. Her brother sighs deeply. "I can't even be mad at you... I get it. It's not easy to step aside, you were brave."
"I have this urge in me," the girl gestures at her stomach. "To protect the whole world at my expense. There must be another way, but..." she shrugs. "Look at me, doing the one thing I didn't want you to do."
Ara meets Percy's eyes, her gaze is worn and unsettling, like a cry for help she's yet to utter.
"It was worth it, in the end," she continues. "I protected you and the others just like you protected me all those years," she sniffs and scratches her nose. "You regret being my brother yet?"
He snorts. "We were on a ship like this one when I placed the offer," Percy leans his head on top of hers. "And you snubbed me."
"You did it out of pity."
"Only a little."
"See, this is why Annabeth would've been a better sister—"
"You take that back—"
"OVER THERE!" Jason calls out suddenly.
Percy and Ara turn and lean over, they spot three pink bubbles erupting from the sea: Frank, Hazel, and Leo.
"Thank Poseidon!" Ara looks at Percy and pats his back. "See? Told you someone had kidnapped them!"
"Don't say it like it's a good thing!" He scowls at her.
Piper jumps overboard out of excitement and wraps her arms around Leo, fussing over him. The trio seems fine, so that's a comfort. They promise to explain everything once they change.
"You should change too," Jason nudges Ara's arm as he lands next to her. "You're covered in weird stains... And you stink of fish."
"My new aesthetic," Ara mutters.
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"Incredible," Jason hums. "These are really good brownies."
"That's your only comment?"
"What? I heard the story. Fish-centaurs. Merpeople. Letter of intro to the Tiber River god. Got it. But these brownies—"
"I know," Frank's mouth is covered in chocolate. "Try them with Esther's peach preserves."
"That, is incredibly disgusting," Hazel states with aversion.
"No, no, he's onto something," Ara grabs a brownie, dipping it into the preserves. "Oh gods, that smells amazing..."
"Pass me the jar," Jason elbows her.
"They didn't want to meet me?" Percy insists while Jason, Ara, and Frank devour the basket of brownies.
"It wasn't that," Hazel says awkwardly. "Just... undersea politics, I guess. The merpeople are territorial. The good news is they're taking care of that aquarium in Atlanta. And they'll help protect the Argo II as we cross the Atlantic."
Percy nods, still frowning. "But they didn't want to meet me?"
"Come on, Seaweed Brain!" Annabeth hits his arm lightly. "We've got other things to worry about."
"She's right," Hazel says. "After today, Nico has less than two days. The fish-centaurs said we have to rescue him. He's essential to the quest somehow."
Hazel stares pointedly at Ara knowing she's the most hostile towards her brother, but Ara shrugs. "It'll be fun, rubbing in his face that I've saved his life like four times by now..."
Piper places a hand on Hazel's shoulder. "We'll save him, Hazel. We can make it in time. Right, Leo?"
"What?" Leo's been fussing over the control board, making sure everything works well. "Oh, yeah. We should reach the Mediterranean tomorrow morning. Then spend the rest of that day sailing to Rome, or flying, if we can get the stabilizer fixed by then. What do you think, doll?" Ara nods with her mouth full of brownie, she gives a thumbs up for confirmation. Leo smirks. "Great."
Jason pauses his eating and frowns. "Which will put us in Rome on the last possible day for Nico. Twenty-four hours to find him—at most."
"And that's only part of the problem," Percy adds. "There's the Mark of Athena, too."
Annabeth opens her bag and pulls out the disk. "This is the map that I found at Fort Sumter. It's... It's blank!"
Ara chokes and Jason has to hit her back so she breathes. "What?!"
Percy grabs the golden disk. "It wasn't like this earlier?"
"No! I was looking at it in my cabin and..." Annabeth stops to think. "It must be like the Mark of Athena. I can only see it when I'm alone. It won't show itself to other demigods."
"What did it have on it?" Frank fidgets. "And what is the Mark of Athena? I still don't get it."
Annabeth holds the disk at eye level. "The map was hard to read, but it showed a spot on the Tiber River in Rome. I think that's where my quest starts... the path I've got to take to follow the Mark."
"Maybe that's where you meet the river god Tiberinus," Piper suggests. "But what is the Mark?"
"The coin."
 "What coin?" Percy and Ara ask.
Annabeth shows them a silver drachma. "I've been carrying this ever since I saw my mom at Grand Central. It's an Athenian coin."
She hands it over so the rest can examine it until it reaches Leo. "An owl. Well, that makes sense. I guess the branch is an olive branch? But what's this inscription—Area Of Effect?"
"It's alpha, theta, epsilon. In Greek it stands for Of The Athenians... or you could read it as the children of Athena. It's sort of the Athenian motto."
"Like SPQR for the Romans," Piper hums.
"Anyway, the Mark of Athena is an owl, just like that one. It appears in fiery red. I've seen it in my dreams. Then twice at Fort Sumter..."
Ara claps once when Annabeth finishes the retelling. "So that's what happened when the door closed! I got so worried!"
"I should have been there for you," Percy says with sympathy, holding Annabeth's hand.
"But that's the point. No one can be there for me. When I get to Rome, I'll have to strike out on my own. Otherwise, the Mark won't appear. I'll have to follow it to... to the source."
"The giants' bane stands gold and pale," Frank quotes as he takes the coin from Leo. "Won with pain from a woven jail... What is it... this thing at the source?" 
"A statue," Jason says. "A statue of Athena. At least... that's my guess."
"You said you didn't know," Piper scowls.
"I don't. But the more I think about it... there's only one artifact that could fit the legend. I'm sorry. I should have told you everything I've heard, much earlier. But honestly, I was scared. If this legend is true—"
"I know. I figured it out, Jason," Annabeth sympathizes. "I don't blame you. But if we manage to save the statue, Greek and Romans together... Don't you see? It could heal the rift."
"Hold on—What statue?" Percy asks.
"The Athena Parthenos," Annabeth explains as she takes the coin. "The most famous Greek statue of all time. It was forty feet tall, covered in ivory and gold. It stood in the middle of the Parthenon in Athens."
Ara remembers Lily and Malcolm geeking about it a long time ago while talking about impossible dreams—one of them was to visit Rome and find the statue. It's funny, Ara's dream was to work for Hephaestus, but now her reality has surpassed that old ambition by a lot, and yet, she isn't happy.
"Okay, I'll bite," Leo sighs. "What happened to it?"
"It disappeared."
"How does a forty-foot-tall statue in the middle of the Parthenon just disappear?"
"That's a good question. It's one of the biggest mysteries in history. Some people thought the statue was melted down for its gold, or destroyed by invaders. Athens was sacked a number of times. Some thought the statue was carried off—"
"By Romans," Jason says. "At least, that's one theory, and it fits the legend I heard at Camp Jupiter. To break the Greeks' spirit, the Romans carted off the Athena Parthenos when they took over the city of Athens. They hid it in an underground shrine in Rome. The Roman demigods swore it would never see the light of day. They literally stole Athena, so she could no longer be the symbol of Greek military power. She became Minerva, a much tamer goddess."
"And the children of Athena have been searching for the statue ever since. Most don't know about the legend, but in each generation, a few are chosen by the goddess. They're given a coin like mine. They follow the Mark of Athena... a kind of magical trail that links them to the statue... hoping to find the resting place of the Athena Parthenos and get the statue back."
"So if we—I mean you—" Percy continues, "find the statue... what would we do with it? Could we even move it?"
"I'm not sure. But if we could save it somehow, it could unite the two camps. It could heal my mother of this hatred she's got, tearing her two aspects apart. And maybe... maybe the statue has some sort of power that could help us against the giants."
"This could change everything," Piper says in awe. "It could end thousands of years of hostility. It might be the key to defeating Gaea. But if we can't help you..."
"I have to succeed," Annabeth states. "The risk is worth it."
"I've spent my whole life hearing you say stuff like that," Ara points out. "And you wonder where I got my suicidal tendencies..."
Percy tosses a crumbled-up napkin at her. "Not funny."
"I don't like the idea of you risking your life alone, Annabeth, but you're right," Hazel says gravely, ignoring the siblings. "We saw what recovering the golden eagle standard did for the Roman legion. If this statue is the most powerful symbol of Athena ever created—"
"It could kick some serious booty," Leo concludes.
"That wasn't the way I'd put it," she scowls. "But yes."
"Except... No child of Athena has ever found it," Percy adds. "Annabeth, what's down there? What's guarding it? If it's got to do with spiders—?"
"Won through pain from a woven jail," Frank points out. "Woven, like webs?"
Now that they've gotten to this point, and Annabeth's mentioned the spiders, Ara's got a clear idea of what's waiting for her friend, and she hates it. "We need to talk," she says.
"No, we don't," Annabeth scowls. "You've got your own trials to worry about."
"What?" Percy looks at her sister. "What trials?"
Ara forgot Percy doesn't know about her prophecy. Her mind races trying to find an excuse but Piper saves her from the awkwardness of the moment. "We'll deal with that when we get to Rome. It's going to work out. Annabeth is going to kick some serious booty, too. You'll see."
"Yeah," Percy tries to sound cheerful. "I learned a long time ago: Never bet against Annabeth... or Ara."
"I'm glad you think that way," Ara grabs another brownie. "'Cause Janus talked to me while we were at the Fort—"
"What?" Percy interrupts her. "What did he want?"
"He's a recurrent visitor, that's not important," she points at the disk Annabeth's holding. "He showed me that when I talked to him. I have to do something, and we need to know what that is."
Annabeth gives her a sour look. "How does Janus—"
"Trust me, that's not relevant at this point." Ara cuts in. "I didn't say anything because, well—I couldn't even breathe when you brought me back to the ship."
Annabeth sighs. "And then Shrimpzilla happened..."
"But I'm telling you now," Ara presses. "And we'll figure it out together."
"Wait, no. Let's go back to Ara being stalked by a god," Percy frowns. "'Cause that—"
Leo presses a button and Festus spits out a large cloud of steam, interrupting Percy's train of thought. 
"Well!" He grins. "Good pep rally, but even though our General took care of the bigger issue, there's still a ton of things to fix on this ship before we get to the Mediterranean. Please report to Supreme Commander Leo for your superfun list of chores!"
Everyone gets up, but Hedge's bat pushes Ara away from the others.
"Sorry, Strategus," the satyr says. "You've done enough for a day."
"What—says who?" She scowls.
"All of us," Jason replies. 
Everyone's looking at her. "But—"
"No buts!" Leo pushes through and holds her by the shoulders. "You've taken care of us enough for a day."
Ara looks at him and doesn't know what to think. Having him this close makes her uneasy for many reasons and she's never appreciated not having answers at the ready when she needs them. She pushes his hands away, and although she does it gently, Leo's smile vanishes. 
The boy remembers what Hedge said the night prior, and guilt washes over his face. "Hey—"
She stops him and glances at the others, then lowers her voice. "We'll talk after dinner."
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Next Chapter –>
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ravenclaw-daydreams · 3 years
𝐭𝐨𝐬𝐬 𝐚 𝐜𝐨𝐢𝐧 | 𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐚
Warnings: Smut!! (18+ pretty please), language, adult themes.
Summary: Toss a coin to your witcher...
A/n: I would let this man do absolutely anything he wanted to me. :)
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𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 small feet patted across the chamber, your feet molding to the cobblestone underneath your skin with every gentle step. Your slip gently caressed your body, the extra fabric flowing after you like a veil.
When he finally came into view, you had to do everything to restrain your throat from releasing a small 'aww' at the sight. There, slightly stirring, was your witcher, cuddled up under blankets to keep warm from the biting weather outside.
Bottles of rum and other liquor rested on the small table beside the bed, signaling that he was enjoying his time off before having to march off in the early hours of the morning to fight whatever monstrosity there was left to fight.
But for now, he was yours until he left again, all of him, every part. It might sound selfish if you said it out loud, but you wanted him all to yourself. To keep him in the confines of your chamber. All yours.
Alas, the Witcher could never be a caged bird, no matter how hard you wished he could be, but the nights like these made the time he was away from you all the more worth it.
You wreaked of elegance. Something that your Witcher strictly was not. Your slip looked like it was spun out of moonlight, the pure white tone almost glowing. Your hair was untamed, but neat all the same. You smelled like roses and chamomile. A goddess... perhaps that was why Geralt would continue to come back to you.
Silently, you approached his bed, gently uncovering his bear-like body, hoping he wouldn't stir because of the sudden temperature change. You simply crawled onto the bed, gently straddling his nude hips, letting your evening gown slip its way down your shoulder, exposing your upper half, your breasts now fully exposed, nipples now pebbled due to the chilled air that circulated the room.
You were in a playful mood, leaning over slightly, feeling your breasts lightly graze against his collarbone, only proving how much bigger he was than you in size, your lips placing soft butterfly-like kisses across his face. You scattered your lips over his scars, his eyelids, and lastly his forehead.
When you finally pulled back, blazing golden eyes met your own.
You gasped lowly in surprise, your hopes of him not waking yet shattered.
"You missed your queue," you smirked, your smile almost like a drug to the man underneath you.
"Forgive me. Although, I would be more than delighted to start from the beginning," he growled playfully, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into his chest.
You giggled like a small child, before letting him flip you over, his hulking body now hovering over yours as he leaned down and gave you a passionate kiss on the lips, full of flame and desire.
Letting him slip his tongue into your mouth, your lips went pliant as you let him take what he wanted— what he needed. His hands roamed your body shamelessly, feeling every curve up like he was experiencing you for the first time.
His lips traveled to your neck and you wrapped your arms around what you could, one hand traveling up to his hair and grasping onto it as he sucked a brand new purple mark onto your flesh.
"You body," he grumbled in a thunderous and deep tone against the skin of your neck, "It never gets old."
You whined at his praise, the heat between your thighs warming up your body as you tried to rub your thighs together for friction, which didn't go unnoticed by Geralt.
"Aww, hush," he smirked, a devilish glint in his eyes, "Patience is a virtue that looks good on you."
You gave a small huff, but your attitude was promptly cut of by the sound of tearing fabric, your evening gown now nothing but sheds of cloth as the man above you tossed them to the side.
Just as you were about to protest, he pressed your lips to his eagerly, his hands exploring your breasts as you felt his skin fully pressed to yours, his height pinning you down as your eyes closed. The kiss was stealing your breath away.
You did your best to take back your stolen air when he pulled away, looking down at you with so much admiration, you thought you might burst.
“Take me, Witcher. Make me yours,” you pleaded, but unbeknownst to you, you already were his. Completely and undeniably.
But it became apparent that he needed to prove it. A love such as his needed to be described by not only words but also by touch. His one true love. A purpose. Something he longed for to couple with his chaotic, dutiful lifestyle.
“My dear. You already are,” the snow-whites of his teeth caught the firelight, his lips pulling back, a smile gracing his gruff features, “my perfect little dove.”
His hand gently grazed your cheek before you felt him line himself up with your aching, soaked core, and he huffed in amusement when he heard your breath hitch.
A beautiful flower all to himself. To please his cock, to keep him warm, to love him like no other could.
Slowly, you felt his tip pierce your veil. No matter how many times he had been inside you, it always felt like he was opening you up for the first time. You hissed, Geralt placing a comforting kiss to the tip of your nose.
Little by little, he pushed his large length into you, muttering praise and kissing you gently every time you made even the slightest noise of distress.
Finally; finally he was pushed in as far as he could go, your cunt gripping onto him like a vice as he took a moment to let you breathe and adjust, something he rarely did.
“Your so radiant. How could I have ever thought to pass up something like you?” You heard him say, which lead you to wonder if he truly meant to say it out loud.
Leaning over, his lips attached to your neck once again, licking and nibbling the dark spots littered across your skin. New, old, it didn’t matter.
“My perfect girl,” you felt him smile against your skin.
Suddenly, you felt him begin to unsheathe himself from your core, all the way to his tip, before slipping himself back in just as slowly as he took himself out.
You mewled at his actions, your nails digging into his back as he started a slow, calculated rhythm, taking you in the most delicious way possible.
All the while he muttered words of tenderness into your skin, “You always feel so perfect around me. Like you were made for me, my favorite body to lose myself in.”
This which was true. After the things he’s seen and done in his life, you were his faultless escape, a reminder of how beautiful life really could be.
Unhurriedly, (and almost unnoticeably), his pace began to pick up, his grunts and groans of pleasure mingling with your higher pitched moans and whines melodically, an ideal song of pleasure and passion.
Soon enough, he began to pound into you, and that was the point your brain went haywire, your moans increasing in volume as he took you selfishly. You scratched harshly into his back.
This only drove him to continue. The mixture of pleasure and pain was a perfect combination of everything he seemed to seek after.
Your fingers moved up his back, now into his tangled platinum mane, and he growled, his thrusts becoming harsher, driving himself into you vice like it was the last thing he would ever do.
"G-Geralt!" you moaned, your voice stuttering due to the brute force of his frantic, unrelenting, and punishing thrusts, "I- I lo-ve you!" your weak voice yipped, and everything stopped dead.
When you opened your eyes, you found his, his yellow eyes like a tiger's as he stared at you with a look you couldn't read. It was a spur-of-the-moment thing. But maybe that wasn't all that was.
"My dear, you have no idea how long I've longed to hear those words fall from your lips." he sighed, leaning down and capturing your soft lips with his.
Without warning, his thrusts resumed, and your world fell back into a spiral of pleasure once again.
"Say it again," he groaned into your ear, his deep voice like thunder, sending chills down your spine.
"I love you," you said with more confidence, a look of determination and lust crossing your features, Geralt watching as it did.
With renewed vigor, his pace resumed, the tip of his shaft banging into your g-spot with every brutish hit, your arms wrapped desperately around his large frame, nails digging into his scars and breath becoming ragged.
Suddenly, you felt the coil inside you tighten to the point it was almost painful, knowing that you were about to let go. Geralt understood the signs, sometimes you were convinced that he knew more about your own body than you did.
"Cum for me, petal, I want to feel you," he grunted, wiggling his hand down where both of your sweaty torsos conjoined until his large thumb found your dainty pearl.
He rubbed it in tight, quick circles as your eyes finally rolled back, your body shaking violently as you felt your sight turn a bright white. You fell into a state of ecstasy as he continued to rock you through it, the tightening of your slick cunt driving him over the edge, his balls constricting as he came deep inside of you.
You mewled at the warmth that bloomed in your core, Geralt's lips going into the crease of your neck, leaving soft kisses everywhere he could reach as you slowly found yourself coming back down to Earth.
Soon, all that could be heard were the soft breaths of the two lovers that laid exhausted on the bed. You loved the feeling of him in your arms as he did everything not to crush you, the white of his hair mingling with the tangles of yours.
Finally, he lifted himself out of you and you let out a whimper as he tried to ease the discomfort with a kiss to the nose. He flopped to the side of you, immediately pulling you in.
He held you tightly as you rested your head on his chest, his fingers gently trailing up and down your exposed arm. And you both sat in silence, reveling in the love you shared for one another.
"I missed you," you finally muttered, feeling your lover let out a low 'hmm' above you.
"As have I."
You opened your mouth to say something, but you stopped yourself, not knowing how he would react; if he would get offended.
"No, speak your mind, girl."
His commanding tone sent you straight to submission as you felt his fingers tilt your chin up to look at him.
"I'm just... afraid you won't be here when I wake up in the morning. The bed gets so cold, and I-"
You were cut off with a quick kiss to your lips, "Everything I do, I do for you. I used to only do what I did for coin, nothing more. But for you, I use the coin to take care of both you and I, the future that you and I both want."
"Truly?" you questioned.
"Truly," the witcher replied, sincerity lacing his voice, "After all, you said you loved me. Couldn't give that up, could I?" he smirked.
You tuned red, "No, it would be a shame if you did."
Geralt let out a chuckle at this, "You're stuck with me."
"I wouldn't have it any other way."
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a3r3n · 2 years
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Pairing: Yuta × girl!reader
Genre: angst, arranged marriage!AU
Word Count: 4.6k
⚠️Warnings: a bit of swearing; feelings of panic and anxiety; Yuta is a bit mean, above all at the beginning
A/N: soooo this is my very first written work here and it's about Yuta, because he wasn't my bias yet so I had to do something about it🤡 It's nothing special, but I've had this idea in mind for a while now and I think Yuta first the arranged marriage prompt perfectly!! Any type of feedback is highly appreciated and please, forgive me if there are any mistakes but English isn't my first language and I'm never confident about it :((
🌼Nct 127 Arranged Marriages!AUs Masterlist
🌼 Act I - Act II - Act III
Summary: Since you were little, you had always lived a humble life. That didn't mean your parents struggled with their finances: they both worked and you'd never had problems with money, but your mother and father taught you how not to waste it and to always make careful choices with it . You lived like that until your father's boss decided to retire and to split his huge enterprise in two, one located in South Korea and the other one in Japan and, since he had no heirs, he chose his two most trusted managers to become the bosses of the two businesses. One of them, the boss of the South Korean firm, was your father. From that moment on, your life took an unexpected turn and changed forever.
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"You can't be serious" you said in a whisper, refusing to believe what your parents had just told you. You’d been sitting in front of your father's desk for almost half an hour waiting for them to talk, but all they had done until that moment was looking at each other with concern and saying they were sorry. When they finally revealed what they had been planning for a year, you understood why they were so worried and reluctant to tell you.
"Please, tell me this is a joke." You felt tears wetting your eyes but you didn't allow them to come down.
At that point, your voice had become lower than a whisper. You didn't know how to feel, your brain was a mess of emotions and you weren't sure you could handle them all at the same time. Anger, sadness, disappointment, frustration... You were feeling them all.
"At first we also thought this was pure madness, but after some thinking we decided this is the best solution for both businesses... for both families" your father said, but he didn't have the courage to look at you in the eyes while pronouncing those words. He knew you were going to do it anyway, he was sure you would listen to their request because, at the end of the day, despite the cries and the tears, you would never want to disappoint them. It's something that had always hurt you: disappointing your parents, the people you loved the most in the whole world. This time, however, it was them who disappointed you.
"The best solution? You're talking about it as if your daughter's future isn’t involved at all!" you cried standing up all of sudden, which made your chair fall.
"Darling, please, listen to us. It’s been some rough years for both the Nakamotos and us, and merging the two firms will help our businesses" your mother added "and a wedding between their only son and our only daughter is what we need for that to happen."
You let out a sigh, then pointed a finger at your father. "That's because you're both too greedy to give up your place as the boss."
Those words were what it took the man to look at you in the eyes, although it was a furious gaze. "Enough of this! You're going to Japan with us to meet the Nakamotos and their son and you two are going to get married, you like it or not!" he shouted, and you were sure all the people in the building had heard him.
But you were too angry to even scream back, you had so many things to say that not even a word left your mouth. Your parents had always supported you in all your decisions, they had always given you the freedom to make your own choices... and they knew you wouldn't get married for anything in the world. You had been in more than one relationship before but you had never actually loved anyone, always having to break up with your ex-boyfriends because you couldn’t bear not being able to give back the love they gave you. And that’s when you decided you’d probably never fall in love and gave up, telling everyone you just wanted to be free, not to owe anything to anyone. Your mother used to say you thought like that because you hadn't found your real love yet, but you didn't believe her. Your real love was your freedom. Freedom they were taking away from you, and they knew it. Unfortunately, they also knew you were the nicest, sweetest, kindest person on earth, above all when it came to your parents and their job which you pretty much loved too. They knew you would do anything if they told you it was for a serious matter and you knew it too. That's why you weren't feeling just angry at that moment but also defeated... by your parents and by yourself too.
"What has money done to you" was the last thing you told them before storming out of your father's office and leaving the building he owned with bitter tears running down your face.
While the plane flies through the bright sky, the conversation you had with your parents only a couple weeks ago is the only thing you can think about. You're still mad, disappointed, upset, yet you are sitting next to them on a plane that's taking you all to Tokyo. As soon as you notice your eyes are getting wet again at the memory of the day your life was ruined, you decide it's better to think of something else and you start wondering about your future... no, there's nothing you can do, you can't manage to even think of the word husband.
You follow him on Instagram, Nakamoto Yuta. He’s a handsome guy, you must admit it, has a dozen thousands of followers, plays soccer at a professional level, travels a lot and has a bunch of rich friends he always goes to parties with. Something you don't have: friends. Since you were little, you had always been considered "the weak one" by all your classmates, only because you were really sensitive and never fought back. That's why you found it difficult to make new friends in middle school and high school too, where students tended to use you to do their homework and stuff but they were never your friends. The only people you got along with were your cousin Wendy and Yeri, a girl you met in middle school while you were both hiding from some bullies. You find yourself to think that you and Yuta couldn't be any more different, then a voice interrupts your thoughts saying the plane was about to land. "Lord give me the strength" you think as you prepare yourself for what’s about to happen.
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Barely two weeks with the Nakamotos and you're still wondering why your parents are so convinced about this whole marriage thing. Yuta's parents are actually nice and you must admit his father tells funny jokes and his mother is one of the sweetest women you've ever met. The real problem is their son. You understand that a situation like yours is hard to accept, but at least you’re trying to do your best to make yourself likable. On the contrary, it seems like Yuta is doing anything for you to despise him. At a certain point you even started questioning yourself, thinking that maybe you should act like him to let your parents understand you don’t want to get married, instead of pleasing them with your nice behavior towards the other family. But that’s just how you are and you can’t help it, you can’t be mean to Yuta like he is to you, not even in your situation.
The evening you met for the first time, during a dinner between the two families at a fancy restaurant, you barely talked, exchanging a few gazes but nothing more. That same night you found out both of your parents had booked a single room for the two of you.
«You're going to be sharing one sooner or later anyways» his father said leaving you speechless. Luckily the room had two separate beds, but that didn't help much. The atmosphere there was freezing and the tension was so thick it could be cut with a knife- and not in a sexual way. The first complete sentence Yuta had told you that night was "I don't wanna have anything to do with you and as soon as your parents fly back to Seoul, I'm going to Osaka, I don't care what you do". Actually, the original plan was that your parents would fly back to Seoul and his parents to Osaka, while the two of you would spend a few more weeks in Tokyo. Something he clearly didn't want to do.
«Are you going to leave me here... alone?»you replied, anxiety growing at the thought of being left alone in a city you barely knew.
«So what? I said I don't care. You can speak Japanese right? You'll have no problems then, and it'll only be for a few weeks until you come back to Seoul too». He then turned the lights off and went to sleep.
Days had passed from then and he kept ignoring you.
His parents took you to an interesting museum and left you alone to spend some time together, but as soon as they disappeared from your sight Yuta said he was going to a cafe and told you to call him when you had finished the tour, leaving you all alone.
One morning he had woken up late, so you kept one of what you learnt were his favorite desserts before other people could finish them all. However, a tired groan was all you received as a ‘thank you’.
Then, one day, you heard him talk to one of his friends over the phone. He probably didn’t know you had come back from the shopping center and he couldn’t even see you, since he was locked in the bathroom. «I’m telling you, I can’t stand her! She’s so nice and kind and doesn’t seem bothered at all that we’re complete strangers who are going to get married! … Please Johnny, don’t you dare compare your situation to mine! You and your girlfriend have just been lucky that you fell in love with each other, but this doesn’t happen to everyone! It only happened to you, actually!». Unfortunately you couldn’t hear what his friend was saying since he wasn’t on speaker, but you imagined he had probably asked something about you since Yuta’s answer was «Well yes, she’s kinda pretty but that doesn’t change anything! I’m too mad and the fact that she is not makes me even more furious! I don’t wanna marry her, I don’t even like her, the only thought of her being my wife makes me sick!» You suddenly felt a sharp pain in your chest. Those words hurt you, even if coming from a person you barely knew. It wasn’t easy and you understood that, it wasn’t like you were on cloud nine and you knew it was a messed up situation, but he didn’t need to say those words about you like you were some kind of slimy monster.
Barely two weeks with Yuta and you had lost count of all the times you had been on the edge of bursting into tears because of him.
«Honey, is everything alright?» your mom says interrupting your flow of thoughts. You could tell her nothing is alright, that you only want to come back home and not see that guy ever again, but you just nod in response. She goes back to chatting with Yuta’s mother and once again you’re left alone with your thoughts and a delicious piece of cake, at least. You can hear Yuta’s father planning on showing yours some buildings he was interested in, while your mother is all excited about an art exhibit she and her apparently new best friend are going to visit this afternoon.
«Will you be fine, the two of you alone?» Yuta’s mother asks you and you nod once again, even if you’re afraid you’ll be left all alone by her son for the eleventh time in these two weeks. However, there’s something you’ve always wanted to see in Tokyo and maybe Yuta will like it too, you think, giving him – and yourself – one last chance to get along. After your parents leave for their respective appointments, you turn to Yuta and show him a flyer you’ve been keeping in your purse for two weeks.
«What’s that?» he asks with not even a bit of interest.
«A flyer of an anime cafe! I’ve always wanted to go and I thought you might want to come too? If I’m not wrong you once said you like anime, don’t you?» You smile, feeling excited to finally visit what you’re sure will become your new favorite place, but the expression on the boy’s face is not amused.
«I thought I also told you I don’t wanna have anything to do with you, didn’t I? So stop trying to make me like you ‘cause it will never happen!»
«Well I… I just thought it would be nice to get along since we will have to get married anyway…» you say hoping he would understand, but he only gets more annoyed.
«And I couldn’t care less! I don’t care about you, our marriage and anything related to it! So drop this innocent and sweet act and don’t bother being nice to me! Do what you want but leave me alone!»
«Why do you have to be like this?!» These words leave your mouth before you can even think of what you’re saying, and the tone you use sounds a little more upset that you expected too. Yuta looks confused because of your sudden change off attitude too, as you can tell from the way his eyes widened a little. «It’s not like I’m dying to marry you either, to be honest I didn’t wanna get married at all in my life! But here I am, trying at least to build some sort of connection with you since we’ll have to spend the rest of our lives together… and don’t you dare say it’s all an act ever again! You know, just because you’re reacting to this situation in an obviously irritated way it doesn’t mean you’re the only one hurt, it’s just that I’m doing anything I can to make everything less painful but you’re not helping!» And here it is, everything you’ve wanted to tell him for the past two weeks comes out like tiny bullets you couldn’t control. Some people even turn their head at you because of your voice getting a little bit louder than usual. Yuta, however, doesn’t seem affected at all, as if he didn’t even listened to what you’ve just said – shouted. If something, he looks even more pissed.
«Say what you want, I still don’t care. Have fun at that anime cafe.» That’s all he says, then he walks away leaving you alone and lonely. Because you were feeling extremely lonely.
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«But are you sure you’re okay?» a warm voice says on the other corner of the phone.
«Yeah, I mean I had fun without him anyway, didn’t I?» you reply while walking out of the cafe, noticing the sun has already set and the city looks like a sparkling mosaic of lights.
«I guess so, but I truly hope you two will learn to get along… it’d be sad to spend the rest of your life with a person who doesn’t wanna have anything to do with you»
«Well I’ve done my best… anyway I gotta go now, it’s late and my parents must be worried, thanks for keeping me company Wendy» you greet your cousin and hang up, looking around you to try to remember the route you followed to reach the cafe you absolutely adored. Because of your lack of sense of direction, however, you need to use the gps to find your way back to the hotel, but after some turns here and there you realize you can’t even use it properly.
«Oh my goodness, what does this mean? Where do I have to go now?» you mumble to yourself turning your phone upside down with a confused look on your face, then looking around trying to match the colored line on the screen that should be your path to the streets where you were currently walking. Voices can be heard from afar, but the street you're crossing now is dark and deserted and doesn't make you feel safe at all. The usually chaotic Tokyo seems in fact quiet and empty and you wonder whether you’ve ended up in a dangerous zone of the city, since no one is around.
“Don’t panic, don’t be paranoid as always”.
Trying to ignore the feeling of anxiety growing in your stomach, you keep staring at the map drawn on your screen, but it's useless.
You then close the gps app and go to your contacts, but your fingers start shaking so hard you have to write Yuta’s name four times before getting it right, deciding to text him instead of your parents not to make them freak out.
[19:03]“Yuta I thunk Im lpst”
[19:04] “Yyta plwase I dpnt know wher to go thers noone arpund”
You have never experienced getting lost before, and it's terrifying. You start walking faster as if you were chased by someone, being unable to think reasonably as panic grew inside of you. You keep thinking to breathe and to calm down, but the more you walk around these empty streets the more stressed you get and you can't stop your mind from making up some very negative - if not apocalyptic - scenarios.
You’re panting, gasping for air as your cheeks get red and you can’t feel your legs anymore. Too exhausted to continue, you find a bus stop on the other side of the street and decide to go there hoping someone would stop by and help you. You check your phone and panicked tears start drawing lines on your cheeks when you see Yuta hasn’t seen your messages. You feel dumb, crying because you got lost instead of keeping calm and call someone - anyone - for help. But no matter how hard you try, the anxiety you're feeling makes your mind blurry.
With shaky hands, you try to dial Yuta’s number and after a couple rings you can finally hear his voice.
“Who’s this?”
If you were in another situation, you’d probably get upset that he hasn’t even saved your number, but you don’t have the time to think about this now. “Yu-yuta… it’s me, y/n” you say with trembling voice.
“What do you want?”
“I-I don’t know where I am… I g-got lost and I… I don't know where to go” a loud sob leaves your lips and you immediately cover your mouth.
“Can you send me your location?” he says after letting out an annoyed sigh, but his tone changes and gets more worried as he hears you sobbing again.
You nod in response, later realizing that he can’t see you.
“I’ll try to be there as soon as possible”.
You suddenly hear voices and footsteps and you feel relieved when you notice they belong to a woman and a man walking hand-in-hand towards your direction. Luckily for you, the couple stops right where you are, probably waiting for the bus and you don't know why, but their presence allows you to calm down a little bit.
Time goes by and after what seems a lifetime a bus stops in front of you, opening its doors for the couple to get on. Trying to stop your anxiety from taking control of your body is useless once the bus leaves and you find yourself alone.
And then the shadows of the buildings start taking weird shapes and every little noise makes you jump, your whole body is a shivering mess and you fall on your knees as more tears wet your warm cheeks. It's like you've lost all your enegies and there aren't many things you remember from that moment.
The hard braking of a car.
The loud slam of a car door.
Some rushed footsteps.
You don’t understand what’s happening anymore as your head spins dizzily. The last thing you remember are two strong arms keeping you from falling and someone saying “you’re gonna be okay”
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The first thing you see when you open your eyes is the bare back of a man who is only wearing a towel around his waist, too busy typing on his phone to notice you’re awake. Between sudden panic and slight embarrassment, you look around searching for something familiar to understand where you are, and you sigh in relief when you recognize the hotel room you have been sharing with a boy who’s only been mean to you up until now.
The boy immediately turns his head when he hears you calling his name with a very soft voice.
«Thank God you’re awake, your parents were so worried and I didn’t know what else to tell them!»
«You didn’t tell them what happened, did you?» you ask, the thought of your parents waking you up completely. The last thing you want is making them worry.
«I didn’t, but I’m not sure they ate up all the seven different excuses I made to explain why we were so late and why you didn’t wanna get out of your room». He sits at the edge of the bed looking at you with worried eyes while you massage your temples to alleviate a sudden headache. «Are you okay?» Yuta suddenly asks and you're surprised he isn't making fun of you for what happened earlier like most of the people you know would have done.
At the same time you were also mad though.
«Well, let me think… I was left alone in a huge city I don’t even know, spent the whole afternoon by myself and ended up getting lost and panicked… yes, I guess I’m okay, Yuta». You didn't want to sound rude. You didn’t want to make him feel guilty, even if he really deserved it. You just needed to unload all the anxiety caused by the recent events and Yuta happens to be the only person next to you at the moment.
And maybe you want to make him feel a tiny bit guilty too.
«Listen y/n, I’m really sorry for today, I should have never left you alone. And I'm sorry for all the things I've done and said to you these past two weeks, I’ve been an asshole and I don’t even deserve to be forgiven, but I want you to know that I’m feeling so bad for what happened and I… I don’t know what to say...»
«Woah, it’s so kind and humble of you to acknowledge your shitty behavior towards me only after I got an anxiety attack» you interrupt him, bothered by the thought that he might be telling you these things just out of pity.
The boy in front of you is looking at his feet and you realize only now that he’s still wearing just that towel. The sight makes you blush, but that doesn’t stop you from saying your next words. «Listen, thank you for helping me today – even if you shouldn’t have left me alone in the first place, but besides this do you realize how mean you’ve been to me the past few weeks? All I wanted to do was to build a civil relationship with you but you kept treating me like your worst enemy! Would you mind giving me at least an explanation?»
«I...» he sighs «I was mad at first. I was mad at my parents for this whole marriage thing and I poured it all out on you. I know it wasn’t right because you’ve been so kind all the time, but I guess that’s what made me even more annoyed: the fact that you didn’t seem bothered at all by the whole situation!»
«You think it doesn’t bother me? I literally ate only muesli and milk for a whole week as a protest after my parents told me I had to marry a stranger, and I even destroyed my collection of teddy bears out of anger! The difference between you and me, however, is that I’ve tried to make this situation less miserable for the both of us even if, as I’ve already told you, I didn’t even wanna get married at all in my life!»
The boy’s eyes get filled with curiosity at your last statement, forgetting anything else you’ve been talking about. «And why don’t you wanna get married? I mean, why don’t you wanna get married at all?»
You actually didn’t expect such a question from Yuta, at least not while you were in the middle of a – partially – different argument. That’s why you stuttered a little before giving an answer.
«I… uhm I… I want to be free. Well, I wanted to be free. Not being attached to anyone. You know, being married requires some responsibilities, and you might think I’m childish and egoistic but I’m not ready for it and I doubt I’ll ever be. I wanted to live by myself, travel the world all alone and not owe anything to anyone, but that’s not possible now.»
«Are you afraid of commitment?» he suddenly asks, and this question of his leaves you more surprised than the previous one.
Are you, y/n?
«I’m… of course I’m not. I just don’t think I’ll ever be able to love someone because I love my freedom too much». You hope this explanation satisfies his curiosity, but it doesn’t.
«Have you even ever tried to love someone?»
«Well, I’ve been in a relationship once or twice. No, I’ve actually had three boyfriends in my life and it’s never worked. It’s not like you just try to love someone and puff, you immediately catch feelings and live happily ever after. I had these crushes on my exes but they faded away with the time passing by, and that’s because we were always together, doing the same things and I… I told you, I like to be by myself and got tired.»
«Couldn’t it be that maybe it wasn’t real love? Don’t you think you’d change your mind when you truly love someone?» he insists and you can’t explain why all of a sudden he got so curious about your love life.
«No, Yuta, I don’t think so. On the contrary, I think love isn’t for me. I can’t fall in love, never have, never will. But that doesn’t matter now, does it? I have to get married despite what I believe».
With these last words you manage to make Yuta stop asking you questions, but his brain doesn’t stop thinking about what you said. And all the negative feelings towards your arranged marriage are suddenly gone, because he is now stuck with one only thought: making you believe that true love exists and you can feel it too.
©Aeren All Rights Reserved. Please do not copy, repost or translate any of my works.
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donutloverxo · 3 years
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*gif is not mine*
Note - this is for @buckyownsmylife 's 2k celebration and birthday. Congrats and happy birthday! I've never done a breeding kink so it's very new to me but I hope you like it.
Dividers by @whimsicalrogers
Summary - You've been in a secret relationship with Steve for two years. What happens when he tells you he wants to be with you forever?
Warnings - 18+ ONLY PLEASE, smut, breeding kink, sir kink, cum play, anal play, d/s relationship, deepthroating, boss/employee relationship, loosely edited.
Pairing - CEO!Steve Rogers x reader
Word count - 2.6k
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You watched him carefully, on the edge of your seat to see how he’d react, although you had a pretty good idea of what he’d say.
“Mm,” Steve made a face, scrunching his nose up, “What is this?”
“Why, it’s pumpkin spiced latte!” you gushed, “Starbucks most popular drink,” trying to hold in a giggle to not give away your little scheme of annoying him.
“I--that’s not my drink, doll,” he frowned.
“Yes! I remember, your drink is iced black coffee, no sugar or cream. I’ve been working for you for two years, sir, it'll be pretty hard to forget.”
“Then why did you get--whatever this is?” he put the cup on his desk, too disgusted to even hold it in his hand.
“I thought you’d like to try something new! Be a bit more adventurous!”
It’ll be pretty hard to get your sir to be anything like that. He has always been so uptight and set in his ways, he had a rigid routine, a clean and proper house which was frankly kinda boring looking which is why you refused to live with him. He had asked you so many times. But you always refused. There’s no way you could live in a house that looked like it was taken out of a magazine catalogue. Where you’d be afraid to even eat anything on or near his expensive and spotless furniture. You’d probably murder him in a month or so.
But maybe he can be more open to other possibilities, he was with you, he should adopt maybe a little bit of your personality as you had done his.
“I’ve got all the adventure right here,” he smiled, wrapping a hand around your waist and pulling you into him, putting his cheek on the softness of your stomach.
“Hm, your next meetings in thirty minutes,” you hummed as you felt his fingers massage your hips, tempted to run your hands through his golden hair but not wanting to mess it up or make him look sloppy for his important meeting.
“Well, princess, I didn’t have my coffee so now my days off to a bad start. How will I sit through a meeting with Tony Stark? It’s impossible to keep up with that man.
“Um...” you bit your lip, “I didn’t really think of that... maybe I’ll go run and get you a new one right now!”
He chuckled, shaking his head at your naiveté, you were too innocent for you own good, even after being with him and doing the most depraved of things for so long.
He leant back in his chair, spreading his legs, “There is a way you can make it up to me and help me clear my mind.”
You blinked for a moment trying to process his words, “Oh,” you let out when you realised what he meant. “I’m, but...”
“My implants expired. I need to get a new one, I’ve got an appoint in two days and I don’t want to take a chance...” you trailed off. There was no way you’d make him come in a condom or anywhere that wasn’t inside you either. So sex was off the table.
“Doll, you need to use that brain of yours sometimes, I know you can, you’re so much more than a pretty face,” he taunted you.
His harsh words really shouldn’t make your panties wet, so much so that you could feel slick running down your thigh but they did.
“You act as if you’ve got just the one hole,” he gave you a faux pout, a hand trailing up your thigh, up your skirt and past your stockings, “I can just use your mouth
....or your ass.”
“What? My ass?” you jumped, wanting to get away from him but he firmly held onto your hip.
You were well aware of his unhealthy obsession with your ass. He had ate it and fingered it, made you wear all sorts and colors of butt plugs so many times, sometimes even in the office. But you absolutely refused to take his dick up your ass.
Nope. Never. Absolutely not. No. Nada.
No matter how many times he’d ask for it, you were not taking his nine inch dick up your poor small ass.
“Relax, doll,” he grinned, “Get to work. I don’t have much time,” he motioned to his bulge.
You simply nodded, quickly scrambling to get on your knees. There were many ways to have sex than the good ol' penis in vagina--even if that was your personal favorite. You could just blow him for the next couple of days and ride his face.
It was honestly ridiculous how you literally couldn’t go just two days without his dick.
You were using your hands to pump his throbbing shaft, giving light kitten licks to his tip to rile him up and to maybe get a taste of your favorite creamy goodies.
“No hands,” he commanded.
And you almost whined. He always does this! Ruins your fun by taking away control from you.
“Not fair!” you mumbled, putting your hands behind your back as he held onto your face to properly use it.
“I decide what’s fair and what’s not, princess,” he stated, pushing your head down on him.
Lifting his hips up, cooing when you choked on him, tears streaming down your face and ruining your sweet makeup.
He tutted, brushing them away with his thumb, “Look at me, doll,” he told you and like the subservient secretary that you were, you immediately looked up. “What the fuck do you spend thousands of dollars on Sephora for if you can’t even get waterproof makeup?”
You frowned in confusion because you didn’t he if he was seriously asking or not. Did he expect you to answer? With your mouth full of dick?”
It wasn’t surprising that he knew what you spent money on, he let you spend as much money as you wanted on anything you liked, but he insisted on having a joint account so you both could be transparent with each other.
He shushed you when you tried to speak--to explain that you’ll try a better mascara next time.
“You look so pretty with your face stuffed,” he groaned, his hips stuttering as he emptied his load in your mouth.
You swallowed it all, knowing well and good by now that sir didn’tlike it when you let anything go to waste, “Thank you, sir,” you smiled up at him as you popped his dick out of your mouth. “I’ll go clean up.”
“You go do that. And remember to be at my place at seven sharp for dinner.”
“Yes sir,” you answered as you tried to stand on wobbly legs.
He looked at the ring in the turquoise blue box, so bright and shiny and beautiful, so much like you. A big diamond with smaller ones on the band. He was sure you’ll love it. With the fortune that he had spent on it--you have to.
He just wasn’t sure if you’d say yes.
Or how he should go about asking you.
He couldn’t do it at a public restaurant. Even after all this time your relationship was still very much a secret. If people found out you’d have to stop being his secretary. And he wasn’t sure he could bear going so many hours everyday without you. YOU were his life now. How did he ever even live without you?
“Guess who,” he smiled when he heard your sweet voice, and felt your soft hands over his eyes, closing the box in his hand on instinct.
“Oh my god!” you squealed, removing your hands and jumping up and down in mirth, “Is that Tiffany’s?! Is it for me!”
All the screeching and the screaming made him flinch, he got up from his chair, turning around to see you, “Who else would it be for, doll?”
You squealed again, clapping your hands, you tried to snatch it away from him but he held it away, making you frown. You whined like a petulant child when he held it above his head, too tall for you to get your hands on.
“Sir!” you stomped your foot.“Please give it to me! What is it?” you jumped, hoping to snatch but with Steve being over a foot taller than you, it proved to be difficult.
“Uh... honey, you’ll have to wait a bit...” he had planned on cooking a five course meal for you and asking over candle lights, but you decided to show up over an hour early.
You stopped your ministrations, your lip wobbling, “Why...”
He sighed, his heart breaking at the mere thought of upsetting you, “You just have to, princess. Do you trust me?”
You nodded without a second thought. You most definitely did.
“Then you’ll just have to wait.”
“Oo sir...,” you moaned, pushing on his wide shoulders when you felt his tip brushing against your pussy lips, “Not on birth control. Remember? Just... um.. just.”
He released your nipple from his mouth with a loud, obscene pop, his elbows on either side of your face as he looked down at you, “Just what, princess?”
“Just... um... well could you just eat my pussy tonight? I was so good in the morning to you!” And you missed having his talented tongue on you. Even though you were pretty sure he made you pass out by eating you out just two days ago.
“Of course I can, princess, you know I love the way your cunt tastes.”
Your cheeks heated up as he moved you onto your stomach, propping your hops up with a pillow.
Shivers running down your spine as he pressed kisses to it with his soft lips, over your butt before biting it and making you gasp.
“Love how I can pull all those sounds out of you,” Steve mused. There was no way in hell he could ever be with anyone who wasn’t you. He looked up at your empty hands, how he should have out a ring on it ages ago. He can’t let you go.
He wanted to do this forever. To be with you forever. What was he even waiting for?
“I want to give you my name,” he blurted.
You looked back at him over your shoulder, meeting your lust blown dark eyes, “Huh?” you asked, not sure that you heard him right.
“Mrs Rogers. It has a nice ring to it don’t you think?”
“Um, yes, maybe,” you immediately pushed your head into your pillow, too shy to even look at his beautiful face.
You had thought about being Mrs Steve Rogers the moment you met him. You loved the idea of being his wife and bride. You liked practicing your signature with his name, write your name along with his whenever you wanted to doodle or pass time. He had caught you more than once but never mentioned it.
Since he didn’t even want to tell others about your relationship, you doubted he’d want that kind of life long commitment.
Which was okay. For now.
It sucked but you were never going to beg him or even ask him to marry you.
“Are you just teasing me? If so... then that’s very cruel.”
You knew he wouldn’t play with your feelings like that but then why would he bring that up out of nowhere?
“You know I never lie, sweetheart,” he said, spreading your cheeks to reveal your glistening cunt and your small hole to him. “In fact I think I should prove it to you. Pump you full of my come tonight and knock you up.”
You propped yourself up on your elbows and looked back at him, stuttering over your words and gaping at him like a goldfish.
“What? Are you serious?”
“Hopefully I can we can conceive tonight itself.”
“I – uh – I don’t wanna be pregnant on my wedding day, I don’t want anyone thinking that it’s a shotgun wedding or that I’m trapping you,” you stammered.
“Then we can get married in a month, or even a week. I can’t wait anymore. I want a family with you, I want the whole world to know that you’re mine.” What better way to do that then to literally make you round with his child?
Before you he hadn’t really given having kids any thought. But now he knew he wanted to have a little you. He imagined having just one kid with you. He wasn’t too keen on sharing you so maybe one would be more than enough.
But he hadn’t thought about this aspect of it. The trying phase. How he'd get to keep you full of his cum till you got pregnant.
And how much more beautiful you’d look when you were round with his child, carrying his seed.
“Uh, okay,” you whispered you couldn’t really think straight, it was all happening so fast, but there was one thing you knew for sure--this was all that you ever wanted. To be married to the love of your life and to have his kids.
“What? You’ll have to speak up, doll.”
“Yes, sir, I want to have a baby with you. I want us to be married. Please make me yours,” your eyes watery as you bore yourself to him.
He smiled, moving up to press a kiss to your temple, “That’s all I needed to hear,” he promised.
Turning you to your back, “Wanna see your face when I come in your pussy, doll.” He told you.
Your face was heating up, with the way he was looking at you--as if you were the most precious thing he had ever seen, you couldn’t bear to keep facing him but decided to look into his eyes, dig your nails into his biceps as he entered your channel.
“You’re squeezing me so tight, doll, will make me come, ugh,” he groaned, pressing his forehead to yours once he was completely sheathed in you. He wrapped you up in his strong arms, slowly rocking into you.
“Steve,” you whimpered, “wanna come...”
“I got you, baby,” he hushed you, pecking your lips before being his hand down between your bodies to roll your bud, which had you squeezing him even tighter.
Your entire body quivered as you clenched around his length, gushing all over him. Laying limp in his arms as he started fucking into you.
“You’ll make such an amazing mother... your titts,” he looked down at them, bouncing due to the force of his hips driving into yours. He latched his lips onto a hardened nipple, imagining them fuller and heavier.
“They’ll be even bigger, your hips too...” he whispered against your skin, his nails digging into your skin, sure to leave scars.
“Oh... you’d... you’d...” Make good dad too. He had all the qualities it took to be a good father. And where he lacked you flourished.
You sighed, feeling his warm cum fill you up, he stayed inside you, a leg between and under yours as he laid on his side.
Wiggling his hips to make sure his softening cock was as deep as it could be, so his spend would stay inside you. He collected some that leaked out of your joined sexes with his fingers, bringing it up to your mouth, “Don’t let it go to waste, sweetheart.” As you eagerly sucked his fingers clean.
“Hopefully it takes,” he said, drawing random patterns on your stomach.
“Mhm, guess I can cancel my appointment...” you murmured before drifting off to sleep.
You yawned widely, sitting up and stretching out all your limbs, aching so painfully since Steve was hell bent on keeping you full of his seed, you could still feel it seeping out of you, he made love to you three more times before he finally let you get some shut eye.
Something sparkly caught your eye, you looked in at your hand and the diamond on it. Smiling in awe at just how lucky you were.
“Wonder if it worked,” you said to yourself, rubbing hand over your tummy.
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birdsofpry · 3 years
i can still see the smoke. i can still smell the fire.
rick flag x reader
summary: "sometimes i think maybe this is my true penance for all the wrong i've done. getting to have you in my arms, but never truly being able to hold you."
word count: 9k
a/n: i? finished? this????? i seriously worked and reworked this for nearly two weeks and finally got it to a place i like enough to post (: my first time writing for flag (and writing anything in quite a while) so be gentle
i hope you enjoy (:
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You had a special talent. It wasn’t overtly unique and wasn’t something particularly hard to come by, you just happened to be the very best available.
Amanda Waller had known this, and it was why she recruited you in the first place, and it was why she had you sat in a dive bar in the middle of nowhere Montana. She knew your abilities were best attributed to a recon mission like this one, and she knew that no matter what the task would take to compete, you would make sure to see it through. The nano-explosive in your brain stem not your only incentive, the other in the form of a burly brown haired Colonel.
She hadn’t originally thought that you could be another pawn to play to keep Rick Flag’s loyalty, but it seemed that the universe had dropped your affections for each other in her lap and she was happy to exploit them.
In her very meager defense, you also had not expected to become so infatuated with him, or that he'd find his way into your chest and stamp his insignia on your heart.
You hadn't thought he’d be a problem in the beginning. You hadn’t thought the bubble of emotion that formed in your stomach at his sight was anything more than lust and the thrill of the impending conquest. You had felt the same thrill jolt down your spine when you saw the multitudes of other guards, rangers and soldiers had been funneled through the machine in the hopes of taming you. To you, all they were was flesh, blood, and opportunity. Nothing more than a means to an end. A way out.
“Heard you’ve fucked up more guards than anyone in this damned place,” he had said to you in his southern lilt.
He shadowed a dower looking Amanda Waller, her bulldog expression locked on you as you meticulously polished your toenails.
The viper’s smile that spread across your oiled lips worked as your answer.
Both the lip balm and nail varnish were contraband that you had procured through batted eyelashes and pulled heart strings of the weakest men and women who surrounded you on the daily. It wasn’t unusual that you would be in possession of prohibited items. In your first week behind bars at Belle Reve, you had weaseled your way into many of the guards lives and consciousnesses, and had begun a promising stockpile of vending machine snacks and gossip magazines.
“You the new watchman?” you asked, eyes still on your paint job as you ran the edge of your fingernail across your skin to catch the pink polish on your cuticle.
“This is Colonel Rick Flag. And he sure as hell isn’t a new plaything for you to maim, (Y/L/N),” Waller chided, “he’s here to operate as your captain once you take me up on my proposal.”
It was only when she spoke his name that you looked up from your primping to take him in.
The glance you had acquired upon their entry had not done him justice, and the shock of his handsome features caused Waller’s cryptic proposition to fall on deaf ears. He was beautiful; with hazel eyes rimmed with dark lashes, high cheekbones, and an angular jaw covered in sparse facial hair. He was thick, well toned and tall, something you could tell even from his distance. As you followed the thick cords of muscle of his exposed forearms to his hands, you watched as thick fingers flexed at his sides and you couldn’t help the fleeting notion that they would feel delicious against your bare skin.
You would have never imagined that in just one short year, Rick would be pulling you away from life saving missions to pin you himself with his mouth and those very same fingers.
You often wondered if Waller knew at that moment how taken you were with Rick. If she had chalked your salivating up to deadly glee over a new victim to ensnare, or if she knew that he piqued you in a different way. You wondered if she thought Rick’s ruddy skin and ticking jaw were due to his disgust for criminals, or if she knew it was due to his flustering and overwhelming attraction to you.
It was something you would never know, and most days, didn’t want the answer to.
Amanda Waller saw all, but your connection with the colonel was something so strange that even she could not have predicted it. She already had her contingency plan with Flag and June, surely adding you to the mix would have been overkill. At least, that’s what you told yourself as your skin burned with his scarce touches and your heart hammered when he met your eyes with a simple smile.
Earlier on that day, when you and Harley secluded yourselves from the hordes of men around you to suit up, you had assured her that Flag would be your next victim.
A means to an end.
A pawn to play to get us out.
When you were both free to roam Gotham City, you and Harley had crossed paths on occasion and had both seen the other’s crimes up close. She knew your strategies, your games and abilities. She knew of your easy seductions and the effortless control you took over the weak willed (and some not so weak) that fell into your trap.
But as the day progressed, your ruse began to fall flat, your emotions becoming much more genuine than fabricated. The dry banter and sarcastic jokes traded between you and your commander caused genuine joy to seize in your chest and sting your cheeks. His concerned expressions and soft inquiries of your well being after each altercation feeding a need for honest affection that you had done your best to bury years ago.
And as the final crescendo of battle ended and Rick embraced a newly freed June Moone, your relieved demeanor turned lovelorn and sour at the sight of their reunion. Though, as quick as you could comprehend the falter in your expression, you had disguised it by grabbing your wounded side.
When the helicopter had arrived to usher your squad back to Belle Reve, you heard Waller bark for June and Rick to join her in her own private plane. When Harley had moved to link her paper white pinky through your own in comfort, you knew that anyone who had been looking your way could see through your farce, including Waller.
You refused to look back at him to see if he spared you a glance of his own. If you had, you would have met the gaze of a very emotionally muddled man.
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Months later it had become clear to most that your relationship with Rick was not just that of colleagues, most glaringly so to Amanda. She had been monitoring your juvenile flirting through the coms you both wore in your ears, saw the warm looks you exchanged and your affectionate body language. She even spotted with her eagle eye vision the lingering hand Rick would leave on the hollow of your back before handing you over to Belle Reve staff. The small, panicked gasps you would take when Rick was being ambushed and his insistence to locate you before doing anything else on the battlefield was also observed by Waller with devious glee.
You without a doubt that she had seen you slip up in Midway City and was alert to your interactions with Rick, when she supposedly accidently told you that Rick would be commanding every subsequent Task Force X mission. He would be immediately relocated from D.C. to Louisiana, and would be transferred from any remaining ARGUS work.
“He’s proved a suitable leader,” she’d said, “he has the chops to keep you people in line.”
Amanda Waller chose her words precisely and articulated them like a weapon. She wasn’t the type of woman to have a slip of the tongue.
While this registered to you, and set off a flare of worry in your brain about what the notoriously calculating woman could do to you, the way your heart began to race at the idea of Rick becoming a permanent fixture in your life drowned out any reasonable doubt or anxiety.
After the first Task Force assignment, you both had begun to build up a foundation of trust and camaraderie with each other.
Your relationship should have felt strange, you were two people as opposite as they come.
He had been raised in a loving military home in Louisiana with a white picket fence and home cooked dinners. You had been kidnapped and coerced into a life of crime by a couple of mad men who conditioned you with pain and terror.
While you were plunging a knife into their respective throats when you finally saw your chance to escape; Flag was graduating the top of his class at West Point.
When you were stealing gems, talking your way into dying billionaires' wills and wracking up assault charges; Rick was working with the Navy Seals, getting his first serious girlfriend and discovering his love for golf and triathlons.
But somehow, you both worked. You were both tough, committed and ruthless. You both loved rainy Sundays, bagel’s from Lucy’s in downtown Gotham, black and white television and the smell of cedarwood. You both hated when people said “pacifically” when they meant “specifically”, the waxy taste of apple skins and the feeling of warming up your extremities after being in the cold. You both grinned knowingly at the other when an old joke would surface; roll your eyes at the other’s incessant teasing; and grow warm and flustered when the other was too close in proximity.
“Oh god, you would like Tom Clancy books,” you snorted a laugh.
Rick put on an affronted expression, “what? And you don’t? He is a damn good author.”
“I’m not saying he’s some dime-a-dozen guy, I’m just saying that he writes books for masculinity glutens with a hard on for guns.”
“I think you just described someone like me, darlin’.”
He sounded amused and it made you smile, “you’re much more than a masculinity gluten with a boner for bullets, Flag.”
“Ya? Am I?” he stopped in his tracks so he could look down at you with a cocked brow.
“Of course,” you replied, “you’re also a pretty face.”
He snorted and shook his head.
(A week after you returned from that operation, a paper package was smuggled to you by your newest mark in the prison. It’s contents? Without Remorse by Tom Clancy, with the scrawled signature of R. Flag on the inside cover.) (You felt so fat with happiness that you thought you might split at your seams).
You seemed to talk about anything and everything with him, no topic too serious or sill to borscht. You loved learning everything about him, soaking up the knowledge and using it to sustain you on lonely nights in your cell.
Although, something that your extensive conversations with your captain did not entail, were mentions of Dr. Moone. After you had seen first hand the lengths he had gone to save her, you had just assumed that she was the all important love in his life. You assumed there would come a day when you’d board the helicarrier to spot a ring laying purchase on his forefinger, and you’d have to cough up a well-wished sentiment for him and his bride.
You had tried to bring her up, but Rick always seemed to work around her mention whenever possible. Odd, as he seemed anything but chaste and hesitant when he had pulled her from the Enchantress’ corpse and held onto her for dear life.
He kept mention of her so closeted that if you had not been in Midway City, you might not even know that he was a man spoken for, especially with the coquettish demeanor he held around you.
Ruminating on the reasons why or why not he wouldn’t talk about June with you was anything but healthy. Were you his secret? His emotional mistress? Was he embarrassed of his life? Of her? Of you? Did he not trust you as much as he let on? You couldn’t find an apt conclusion that made perfect sense.
Eventually, you did get your answer, when you had offhandedly commented on a new watch he wore and had asked if it had been a gift from June.
“June, she, uh, she didn’t buy it. She, well, she didn’t buy it and won’t be buying things...” his jumbled words came out in awkward intervals and you could tell there was a tender pain behind them.
It was her first and last mention from him, and you couldn’t help but feel the jealousy in your stomach simmer and cease knowing that you were now the only woman in Rick’s life. And the only woman he wanted at all.
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A month after Rick had confessed his split from June, your relationship boiled over to the place of no return. Spilling your emotions and sullying any professional integrity Rick still masqueraded and any notion that you were just a femme fatale out to pick him apart.
You were somewhere in South Africa fighting a Superman-wannabe. You had already lost a handful of Rick’s men, along with a second rate thief that you never bothered to learn the name of. For most of the fight, your fire power felt like offence, just deflecting his power but doing nothing to damage him. As you watched the carnage the space man brought down around you all, you couldn’t help but think that the only way you were making it out alive was if you found a place to hide and wait out the worst of it. If it weren’t for the bomb in your neck and Rick and Harley fighting tirelessly on the frontlines, you would have.
After what felt like an eon of fighting ray vision, teleportation, and super strength; the tremor the alien had been emanating into the earth stopped and the crumbled ground under your feet finally ceased it’s vigorous rumble. The air soon rang silent and his presence had completely vanished from the sky.
Without any confirmation that the threat had been defeated, other than the terrified locals slowly emerging from their hiding spots, you let out a pant of relief. You could finally hear your labored wheeze and the blood pulsing in your ears. Without the distraction of battle and the race of adrenaline, you now felt the full weight of your injuries. You likely had a dislocated shoulder, a broken ankle, and a litany of scrapes and cuts that would need medical attention, but you couldn’t care. It had by far been your most grueling Task Force mission to date, and all you could do was collapse onto the graveled remains of the city and hope for a long respite from the action.
Until you heard your name.
At first his call didn’t register. You were exhausted and focused on slowing your respiration rate. You had your uninjured arm over your head as you took deep steady breaths to calm and center yourself away from the searing aches in your body. Shamefully, you hadn’t even thought of your teammates’ fate yet, too focused on not vomiting from Co2 intake and pain. But, when he had come closer, your voice being screamed with terror and determination, you snapped back to the reality of your situation.
Rick was calling your name.
Rick was alive and he was calling your name.
Your heart picked up once more, all actions to self soothe forgotten, as you pitifully tried to scramble to your feet in search of him. The wordless thrum of your pulsing blood now sounded so much like his name.
Rick. Rick. Rick. It beat in a study rhythm to drive you up onto your feet and to him.
As you hobbled on shaky legs and used the rebar next to you as a crutch, Rick came into your field of vision.
Worse for wear but still a sight for sore eyes, there he stood. Honeyed hair black with soot and arms bloodied from the attack. His shirt was torn at the collar and he had long lost his tactile jacket and vest. He looked like a man stripped. A man who had seen hell and lived to tell the tale, and he was staring at you with eyes bulging with fear and a grimace on his lips.
When he recognized that it was you who he’d found supported by a block of cement, the thankful relief that washed over him was tangible. His chest deflated, his shoulders sagged and his expression made the seamless transition to pure relief.
He whispered your name once more before he ran to you, borderline sprinted with the energy he had left.
“Rick, I-” you began but didn’t finish before he collected you in his arms and held you firm and steady to his chest.
“Where the hell were you? I couldn’t fuckin’ find you,” his words wavered with unshed tears and pent up anxiety.
“Hey,” you hushed him, as you dug your fingers into the tattered fabric of his shirt, “It’s alright. I’m ok. I’m ok and so are you.”
You felt his chest hiccup against your own and your stomach clenched.
“You can’t, baby, God, fuck… you just, nothing can happen to you. I need you right here, I need you here,” he spoke with such unflinching conviction and raw emotion you felt your own tears strain in your throat and sting your eyes.
“Ok. Ok, Rick. I’m here. I’m with you, I’m with you as long as you want.”
He held you with a hand pressed to the base of your neck and his other on your lower back to push you flush to him. One of your own hands was still tangled in the cotton of his shirt, while the other mimicked his own as it lay on the nape of his neck. His face was buried in the side of your head, just above your ear. Your own was snug under jaw, your nose firmly planted in his neck to inhale his intoxicating scent.
Sweat and gunpowder and iron and cedarwood.
A loud crash from afar jolted you both from the brief calm you had stolen to jolt you apart from one another just long enough to locate the noise’s origin. Once you both realized it was not a threat, and just King Shark moving a large piece of scaffolding, you relaxed again.
The moment of forgotten circumstances had passed, and it seemed Flag knew this as he sighed, his forehead coming down to rest on your own.
“What a fuckin’ mess this’ll was…”
“You’re telling me,” you chuckled humorlessly, shifting your weight away from your hurt ankle that had begun to throb again.
“And yet,” he was quick to reply, “and yet, durin’ all that space monster alien bullshit, all I could think about was you.”
Your eyes moved from where they were planted at your feet to his own, which were closed. You felt his hands migrate from the other continents on your body to cup your cheeks.
“All I ever think about is you, darlin’. Every mission, every operation, my mind is on the objective, sure. But in the back of my head just chirpin’ away is this voice that needs to know where you are. Needs to know if you’re safe, needs to come up with somethin’ to say to make you laugh or somethin’ to say to make you slap my chest the way you do just so I can be close to you…” he swallowed thickly and finally opened his eyes.
They were as kind and impassioned as you’d ever seen them, with something extra that you could only pin down as love.
“And, just, when I’m not with ya? You’re still… you’re still there. Do you get what I’m saying? What I’m trying to say? That you have been runnin’ around my head every second of every minute since the moment I saw you.”
Your lips parted and you could feel your jaw shake with the prospect of speaking. Your eyes glazed with tears and you swore your heart was pounding as hard as it was in your chest so it could break through your rib cage to reach him. You wouldn’t mind if it had. It was already his, what would be the problem if he had it in his possession?
“But, it’s not just me… is it? This isn’t a one way street, right?” the tenderness from his confession had left him soft and exposed, his voice breaking with fear, you realized, because you had yet to say a word.
“Of course it's not. Oh, Rick,” you choked out, forcing yourself to speak.
“It’s not just you. It never was. I was always here, I am here.”
You moved to cup your hand around one of his own that lay on your face. You wiggled your fingers between his palm and your skin so you could grip him and show him the gravity of what you had just said.
The fear was wiped from his face once more, and you were rewarded with a boyish smile. You watched as his skin turned pink and the tips of his ears burned the same. You never once in your life had seen a person so beautiful. Happiness just looked so good on him.
You couldn’t help but to smile back, a gurgled laugh thick with emotion came from your throat and he returned it with a lovesick giggle. You felt his hands fasten themselves tighter against your cheeks, and he let his nose descend upon your own, brushing the tip all along your face. He ran it down the bridge of your nose; over the apple of your cheek, around the curve of your ear; down your jaw and up your chin until his lips hovered over your own; and he paused.
You could smell his breath and the shadowy scent of his aftershave with his proximity. You tilted your chin just a hair closer to his face and swore you could already taste him in the damp erotic air between you.
With a shaky exhale and a cautious lick into his parted mouth, Rick responded in tandem with the gentle brush of his lips against yours. It was just a tease, just an introduction to what was to come, and after he heard your needy whimper, it seemed he couldn’t hold back any longer as pressed his mouth to yours once more. But this time with more passion, with far more hunger and with a notable eagerness.
Rick groaned deep and sweet with pleasure. He finally had you. He had captured you once and for all and you didn’t want to escape.
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It became the worst kept secret in Louisiana and beyond that you and Colonel Rick Flag were something of an item. Something that outwardly, Waller disparaged and scoffed at, something that she waxed on about to her superiors that she was taking care of. Inwardly, it was thought of as a high achievement, and helped tack on an inch to her height and blow wind into her already inflated ego.
June and Rick had been her first orchestration, and she used their bond until it had run dry. Without Rick’s heart or the Enchantress’ possession, it was easy to banish Dr. Moone from her mental rolodex of pawns and move onto her next pet project. Eventually, when you lost your novelty to Rick; when your sob story no longer endeared him and he was bored of your crassness; she would rid herself of you, too. You were helpful, sure, but no criminal was worth the success of her vision.
For the time being, she worked with the angle she could to achieve the best mission outcomes, by having you and Flag work together and work twice as hard as to protect the other. It was why she turned a blind eye to your stolen kisses and rushed love making in the bathrooms of government planes. It was why she knew that you would be the perfect operative to send to rural Montana and corner the notoriously private and standoffish Dr. Denis Krane, a mad scientist on the run with vital United States intel and ARGUS secrets.
“Huntsville is a forgotten town, just shy of off the grid. The weather this time of year calls for intense snowfall and below freezing temperatures. Because of this, you will be spending the night in a secure motel to regroup and rest before the three of you are extracted back to Louisiana in the morning,” she did her best to repress the sneer that came across her face as both you and Rick suddenly became much more interested in the operation. Robert DuBois, who would also be accompanying you both on the mission, only rolled his eyes at your intrigue.
“I do not think I need to remind either of you about the contingency for your brief stint with freedom, do I?” Amanda glanced between you and DuBois, who didn’t have a problem holding back his own sneer. Rick’s excitement turned tart at the mention.
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Your mission was to make contact with Dr. Krane, seduce him and retrieve the information he kept on his person at all times: a small flash drive full of shady dealings and blackmail material.
When Waller had described it to you earlier in the day, you almost laughed. You had been pulling schemes like this on old, lonely men since you were sixteen. The work you were expected to do would take far less than the time she allotted, and then you were granted a full night alone in a motel room with your boyfriend? You started to wonder what exactly the catch was. But you chose not to dwell, you were never given ample time with Rick to simply relax and enjoy each other’s company without the looming threat of the end of the world crashing around you. You were going to savor this opportunity.
Now, as you sat sidled up against him in a garishly designed bar, you couldn’t help but wonder if you’d ever felt this content before in your life. Rick’s arm was slung around your shoulders, gently stroking your shoulder, with your nose buried in the column of his neck. You drew diagonal lines on his jugular and mandibular muscle as your hand followed a similar pattern on his abdomen.
Rick looked just about as pleased as you felt, leaning down regularly to press soft kisses to your hairline and to chuck under your chin up so he could press his mouth to your own in a sensual embrace that never failed to leave Robert gagging.
“You do really have to do that while I’m right across from ya?” he asked after the fourth or fifth time Rick indulged in you.
“You jealous, DuBois?” Rick smarmed, never taking his eyes from your own as you both shamelessly ogled the other.
“Yeah,” you followed in a saccharine voice, “jealous?”
“Please, don’t make me retch,” he scoffed into his glass of bourbon.
You snorted, “don’t act like you don’t look at my ass every time I turn around. I may not have eyes on the back of my head, but Harley sure does love to gossip.”
Robert’s mouth opened to reply but came up mum.
“You’re doin’ what now?” Rick’s temper flared around the edges of his voice and a warm well in your stomach began to boil.
“What I’m doin’ is going to get another drink and wait for this bloke,” he retorted blandly before he made his escape from the booth in favor of a puckered vinyl stool at the bar.
“With a name like Bloodsport, you wouldn’t expect him to run away scared.”
“You sayin’ I ain’t scary, sweetheart?” he smirked down at you, his blush pink lips quirked.
“Not even close,” you said, “you’re very scary, baby. My big, scary attack dog who seizes to kill any man who looks at my ass.”
“Damn fuckin’ right,” he replied as he zeroed in on your lips again.
Kissing Rick was unlike anything you had ever experienced. His lips were petal soft and marzipan sweet, his kiss was firm and held fiery passion each time. His hands touched you with a confidence and certainty that never failed to make your blood thrum with pleasure. His arms held you tightly and with the most delicious hint of possessiveness. Everything he did to you set your nerve endings on fire and tingled your fingers with their blissful buzz. You were of the devout belief that anything Rick did to you, he’d do it damn good.
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Rick ran two fingers over the skin of your shoulder, having snuck his hand past the collar of your shirt as you continued your idle chit chat. You’d taken to manipulating and massaging the muscles of his left biceps. He strained the arm a week before in a mission and had been complaining about its painful tenderness since. At first you thought his unease was due to his injury, until you noticed just how considerably he was leaning into your touch and knew something else was wrong.
“Hey? Earth to Flag. What’s up?” you asked with lingering worry, pressing a chaste kiss to his collarbone to call him from his mind.
He turned his head from where he had been staring down to you. When he met your concerned gaze, he sighed.
“Just DuBois, that’s all.”
You grinned, “Still getting over the fact that your friend thinks I have a nice ass?”
But you didn’t elicit a laugh like you’d hoped, instead he grumbled deep in his chest.
“S’not just that. He keeps fuckin’ lookin’ over to us. Just don’t like it,” as he spoke he pulled you closer to him.
“It’s his mission, too. He’s just doing what he’s told,” you replied, not bothered in the slightest by the older man’s presence, especially now that he was across the room and giving you and Rick some much needed privacy.
“Just wish it wasn’t,” he muttered, “makes this all feel like a fuckin’ job and not a night out like we deserve.”
Rick was the idealistic one of the pair of you. He believed firmly that if you worked enough for the Suicide Squad and strived to become a model prisoner, you would be released on bail from Belle Reve in no time. He had a picture of a little house in NoLa, a garden out back, a dog for him and a cat for you. He pictured himself retiring to a desk job or taking up his old job at ARGUS while you pursued anything your heart desired. He’d told you on more than one occasion that he had no problem supporting you fully until you found what you were passionate about.
“All I need is you, darlin’. Everything else, we’ll figure out.”
But you, hardened by life and cynical of the universe's ability to do right, weren’t as positive. You recognized that Rick’s dream was only granted to those who had a great deal of luck, something you stopped believing in a long time ago. Whatever omnipotent being watched over the universe had dealt you a dead hand of misgivings, tragedy and the instruction card that comes in the back. The life Rick envisioned only happened if Amanda Waller saw fit to it, if the negligent and corrupt heads of Belle Reve allowed it. And those were all powers that you believed were far more mighty than any karma or good deed points you’d racked up.
But, you rarely had the heart to tell your beloved of these factors. That Waller would rather see you dead than free, and that Belle Reve had granted parole to less than five percent of it’s inmates over the last two decades. You just indulged him in his fantasy and tried to forget about all extenuating factors.
And that’s what you did now.
“Is this what you’d do? If we were on date night? Take me to some nasty wilderness bar and feel me up in the booths?” you poked a finger below his ribs where you knew he was ticklish, and Rick squirmed.
“And what if I did? I think that sounds like a pretty good evenin’,” he said, tone slowly warming back to normal, forgetting his gripe.
“Ok, but I think I would want you to take me to a nice restaurant every once and a while. Or, oh! Mini golf! The kind with all the fancy water features.”
Rick chuckled and nudged your ear with his nose, “we could do that. Whatever you want, baby, we’ll do.”
You grinned up at him, showing your teeth off to your molars. You loved the idea of your large boyfriend holding a small candy colored putter, hunched over in concentration to make his ball through some ridiculous obstacle.
“I think I’d still take you to dive bars, though. Always have loved ‘em. Hell, it could even be our thing after this,” he propositioned.
Butterflies erupted in your stomach, “I like the idea of having a thing with you.”
“You already do, darlin’.”
You hummed and brought your hand to his cheek, “Good.”
Pulling him down to meet your lips, Rick had already begun to close his eyes when you were interrupted.
“Hate to break up the love fest, but Krane is a block away,” came Robert’s voice through the coms.
Rick stopped short of your mouth and cursed under his breath.
“Fuckin’ ruining everything,” he muttered, not caring if DuBois heard him.
“Hey,” you gripped his jaw with purpose, “the faster this is over, the faster we can head back to the motel and continue our night.”
Rick heaved out a breath and leaned back into the booth, “I know, you’re right.”
“When am I not?” you said with a wink.
Rick rolled his eyes.
“Just have a drink with Robert, watch my six, and we’ll be back by eleven.”
Rick nodded tightly, the vein in his forehead beginning to pulse with tension.
“(Y/L/N), gotta do this now, he’s about to enter,” DuBois reminded, as he used his placement at the bar to peer out the window.
“On it,” you said, pressing your ear to the com and gathering your winter coat that lay across the wood back of the booth.
“I’ll be back before you know it,” you slipped your arms through the sleeves and gave Rick’s cheek a quick kiss before you were headed for the back door.
Rick knew the plan inside and out, something he was sure to do whenever you played a major part in whatever operation he was heading. But he never got used to letting you go into a fight alone. Call him pig-headed or old fashioned, but all he wanted to do was keep you safe, and letting you launch yourself head first into trouble never failed to leave him pissed off and restless.
Rick grabbed his own coat in a strangled grip and he walked over to where Robert sat.
“Trouble in paradise?” the other man mused, a smirk on his face.
“Fuck off, will ya?” Rick replied, motioning the bartender over for a drink.
Dr. Krane entered moments later. He took a seat close to the window at a high-top table, and pulled out a worn paperback from his coat pocket. It would be mere minutes before you reentered as your alias and bypassed Rick in favor of the mark, doing everything in your power to woo him and get the drive. Rick tried not to look at the door and remain nonchalant like every other bar patron. Although, when you did enter, he visibly stiffened.
Rick had seen you in action a handful of other times, but he had always had a task of his own to distract him. He had never fully seen you pull apart someone with your manipulations and take whatever you wanted. But, as you took a seat a few tables away from Krane, Rick was shocked at how you had transformed from the woman he had just had in his arms.
You had pulled your hair back to reveal your intensely beautiful face. He could tell you had rubbed your skin with snow to run your makeup and make your cheeks glossy and wet. Your eyes were bloodshot, your shoulders high and your hands buried in your coat pockets. You looked small, absent and overly timid.
He watched from the corner of his eye as you loomed your head low and gave a whispered sigh. You shuffled yourself close to the wall and didn't look up from the tabletop, where you pushed around salt particles and struggled to hold back tears.
You weren’t vying for Krane’s attention by making a scene, by sauntering over to buy him a drink or flirt with him, you were being strategic and cunning. You knew your mark and what made him tick and you were executing your character perfectly. After less than ten minutes of Krane’s repeated glances your way, he finally called out and asked if you were alright. Rick turned his back to the exchange and hoped Robert would take the lead to watch for anything fishy.
“Folie à deux,” Robert spoke, calling Rick’s attention.
“Excuse me?”
“It’s French,” he continued, “Roughly, it means the presence of the same delusional idea in two people close to the other.”
Rick didn’t need to pry to know what he meant.
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The ride to the motel was full of tense silence.
You had been right, it had taken you less than two hours to exploit Krane and get the drive. After you had pocketed it seamlessly, you excused yourself to the bathroom and slipped out the window. You felt a warm nostalgia as you hiked yourself onto the toilet and pushed the glass up. You hadn’t shimmied out of a window after stealing from some short-sighted man in years.
When you dropped into the icy ally below, your feet skated beneath you. You put your arms out for balance but you were studied at the waist by familiar hands. You looked up to see Rick, with a hood covering his brunette hair and a stern look on his face.
“Thank you, colonel,” you smiled, but he didn’t return your cheeky pleasantry.
Once he was sure you weren’t going to slip, Rick let you go and began to walk toward the getaway car, where you assumed Robert already was. All residual excitement and adrenaline from your heist was lost as you watched his figure sulk into the night, the street lights and falling snow flickering his vision.
You knew that Rick wasn’t a big fan of letting you work alone, but he had never acted so cold to you after you had completed your mission before. Quite the opposite, he would scoop you into his arms, look you over ad nauseam with whispered coos and concerned questions until you silenced him with a kiss of survival, reminding him that everything was ok now.
When you finally caught up to him, he and Robert were already in the beat down Mazda, the ancient heater rattling and spitting out pitiful excuses for warmth.
“Got it?” DuBois said around the filter of his cigarette, looking at you in the rear view mirror as you climbed in the backseat.
“‘Course,” you replied.
You fished the drive from the inside pocket of your down jacket and placed it in his outstretched palm.
Robert took the drive and secured it in the locked military briefcase that had been by Rick’s feet in the front.
“Nice work. Now let’s get the hell outta this podunk nightmare.”
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Rick had refused to acknowledge you the entire drive, and he continued to ignore your existence when you arrived at the motel. He didn’t open your door when the car had parked. He didn’t lace his fingers with your own when you walked to the property office. He carried your small duffle bag, but he seemed to only do it out of spite. You half expected him to ask for a third room with how he was snubbing you. Thankfully, he didn’t.
With two rooms now in your purchase, you walked to your respective rooms. When you arrived at rooms four and five, Rick handed Robert a key, who gave him a mock salute.
“Don’t have too much fun now, kids.”
Rick was already opening the door and walking inside, so when you told Robert to fuck off, he likely didn’t hear you.
When you entered the room, you toed off your snow-caked boots and discarded your damp jacket. After you locked, you made your way inside to where Rick was sat on the bed.
You had never felt the type of anxiety that spurred in your veins like you felt it now. The sole perk of the unconventional relationship you had with Rick was that you didn’t have to fight like normal couples did. Your fights came out of unadulterated danger and the fear that came along with that. They were always resolved with loving words and him between your legs, showing you in every way he could that he was glad you were safe. But this? This simmering anger? You just weren't used to it.
“You all good?” you asked with hesitation as you pulled at your sleeves with worry. You tried not to think about how just hours earlier Rick had been feeling you up through the fabric.
He drew in a sharp breath through his nose and looked at you, “no, no I’m actually not.”
“Oh, okay…” you trailed off uncomfortably and took a step forward, “do you wanna talk about it?”
“Am I fucking joke to you? Are we a joke to you?” he bypassed any preamble with an accusatory bite.
“I just had to sit for two hours watchin’ you with him, y’know. I watched you, and I started to feel like it all felt pretty familiar,” he stood suddenly, his face darkening with anger.
Your heart raced in your chest and your shoulders pulsed with spidering tension.
“Are you kidding me? Baby, that was all an act. You know that,” you reached for his arm to diffuse him, but he retracted it quickly.
“Everyone thinks I’m this big idiot, y’know that? Everyone at the interior and at ARGUS. Fuckin’ Flag, here he goes again, fallin’ for another woman with all this baggage,” Rick said, “but I always brush ‘em off. Because who cares! I don’t! I care about you, and what we have, but-” his jaw clenched and his lips curled in, “that. That show back there? It’s makin’ me feel crazy.”
“Rick, what are you saying?” your fingers flexed into the hems of your sleeves, itching to touch him and make this all better.
“What I’m sayin’ is… I’m sayin’ I’m freaking out,” he shook his head, “was anything of this real?”
He motioned hastily between you both.
“Or was I just another one of them?” he gestured behind him, in some vague way to point back to the bar.
Your throat felt like it was coated with thorns as your breathing became ragged with fear. Your stomach bubbled with nausea. Your skin felt hot and your eyes burned with shame.
The only man you had ever loved, the only person who had ever shown you any compassion or care in your entire life, stood across from you close to despondent as he questioned everything that you had built together.
And you fucking deserved it.
Trauma or not, you had lived your life as a bad person. You stole and you cheated and you lied to anyone and everyone to get what you wanted. You had only cared about your needs dismissed any fallout in favor of them. You’d hurt people, ruined lives and families, and for what? Money? Jewels? Notoriety? None of that meant anything now as Rick watched you with a bleeding heart.
This was your true moment of punishment for all the chaos you had caused.
“Please,” you choked through rising tears, “please Rick, please know that that’s not true. Please, please know that every second of us has been real.”
Rick sniffed and placed his hands on his hips, averting his eyes from your own.
“You know everything about me,” you stepped closer, “you know what I thought in the beginning and what I told Harley. You know that I started to fall for you that day in Midway and that whatever ruse I had created went straight out the window. You know that one of my biggest heartbreaks was watching you kiss June. Watching you kiss her and it not being… just please, Rick.”
You had begun to sob, his pain and doubt too much to bear.
“I have faked a lot of things in my life, but I could never fake what we have. I could never fake how I feel about you. Everything that I do and say out there, it’s not me. You know me. You are the only person who ever really has,” you voice squeaks.
Without giving it much thought or weighing the consequences, you closed the distance between you two and grasped his hand to placed it on your chest.
“Do you feel that?” you settled his palm over your heart, “it’s freaking out, isn’t it? And it does that any time I’m near you. Any time you look at me, any time you brush your hand across my back, any time you kiss me or tell me how important I am to you.”
Twin tears fell down his cheeks as Rick closed his eyes.
“My heart has never beat so fast for anything or anyone else in my life. Sometimes I swear it beats so hard just so it can be closer to you,” you huffed a pitiful laugh and to your surprise, he returned it.
You sniffled and felt snot drip down the back of your throat as Rick came to grasp your wrist. For a moment, you thought he was going to remove your hand from his and your heart shutters. He must have felt it because his brows pulled together and his grip held strong.
“Sometimes I think mine does, too.”
He opens his eyes and they are thoughtful, but they are still haunted with sadness.
“You’re right. I do know you… sometimes I think I know you better than I know myself, which I know doesn’t make any damn sense,” he chuckled softly, “but I don’t care. Because if I lost all of me tomorrow, I would just be happy to remember you.”
You choke out your own laugh, laced with tears and coated in mucus as he continued.
“And I think that just gets to me… the way I feel about you gets to me sometimes. ‘Cause this ain’t my first rodeo, I’ve been hurt and tricked and scoured and I -” he paused, “and sometimes I think it’s impossible to have fallen for two women who are a part of this strange world I’ve entered, and I start to doubt.
S’not right, I know, but sometimes it still happens. Tonight, with fuckin’ DuBois and Krane, ‘guess it all just crept in. All those thoughts that I do my best to keep away.”
“It’s ok,” you reassured, “I get it, this whole thing seems so crazy from the outside and it-”
Rick stopped you.
“S’not ok, baby. It’s not. I shouldn’t doubt you, and I sure as hell shouldn’t’a just accused you like that. Especially on the one night that we get to pretend we’re normal.”
“But I get it, ok? Just know that. Know that I’ll understand if you have doubts or worries, and I’ll never have any problem proving them wrong with everything I have. Because I am madly in love with you Rick Flag. And I would do anything to soothe your heart.”
Rick’s breath caught in his throat and his eyes widened. You had never said it before. There was a healthy amount of fear in exchanging those words, something neither of you had had the guts to broach and tackle until now. For you, a love virgin, it was the fear of not knowing if what you felt was love. For Rick, it was the basis of the fight you had just had, Robert’s words in the bar articulating his fears perfectly.
But under yellow lights in Northern Montana, his hand to your heart and tears in his eyes, he knew that all his worries had been for nothing. This was real. You were real and so was this moment, and hell if he didn’t love you back.
“Fuck,” he let out and his shoulders fell, “I love you, too. Man oh man, do I love you.”
He wasted no time crashing his lips to your own. Sweaters and thermal wear stripped from your bodies and tossed around the room as he finally had the chance to take you in a proper bed and for a significant amount of time.
His skin was warm under your cold fingertips and his hips ground into yours at an eye crossing pace. His hands were everywhere, groping and stroking and loving every part of you he could reach. His lips sprung marks across your neck and played delicious tunes to your mouth as he thrust inside you. His words an endless loop of I love you’s, moans, grunts and everything that you needed to hear.
“I love you.”
“I know you. I know you. I know everything about you.”
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When Rick had had his fill of your body and you were faint from orgasms, you both ceased to simply revel in the lazy time that stretched in front of you. There was no lack of affection or a drought in traded love declarations. You catalogued his freckles and he drummed his hands in a coy rhythm against your ass that had you peeling with giggles. You tried to braid his growing hair and he counted off all the shades he swore he saw in your eyes.
As the cards of the prehistoric alarm clock flipped it’s numbers to early dawn, Rick brushed your hair from your eyes. The impending doom of your time together running out had begun to break through and you could tell it was making him antsy.
“What if we ran away from here? Jus’ got in the car and drove?” he whispered with reverence into the air.
You simply raised a skeptical eyebrow and he shook his head.
“If we left now, I’m sure we could get in contact with someone who could figure out how to get that shit outta your neck. Hell, maybe with a gun to his head Dr. Krane would even figure it out,” he laughed but there was little humor to it, only frantic desperation.
“Baby, let’s not even talk like this, ok? It’s too depressing,” you offered him a small smile and moved to kiss his palm.
“I know it sounds crazy, but just… don’t you deserve happiness? Don’t I? Don’t we? We have this chance now, we could run off like thieves in the night and just, fuck, just be together,” his other hand came to grasp the other cheek he didn’t occupy, “we could be so happy.”
For the second time tonight, your throat grew thick with tears and a dull hopelessness ached in your chest.
“I know. I do, and we could,” you said, “but there is no way we could go where Waller couldn’t find. She’d tear the world apart to find us. Toss us in solitary and throw away the key. We’d never see each other again, and I can’t risk that.
“This is one problem that can’t be solved with loopholes or cutting corners. I have to fight her fights and serve out my sentence for what I’ve done. And that’s just that.”
You could tell your objection frustrated him, but most of all you could tell he was just sad. Sad, that this was the way it had to be. Chance nights in shitty motels and stolen moments that would never be long enough.
“S’not fuckin’ fair.”
Your lip quivered and you sighed, “you’re right. It’s not… sometimes I think maybe this is my true penance for all the wrong I've done. Getting to have you in my arms, but never truly being able to hold you.”
“Then what about me? Shouldn’t all the good shit I’ve done weigh this in our favor?”
“Maybe you were a bad man in a past life and have yet to even the scale,” you mildly joked, and to your effort, you earned a small smile from Rick, which is all you really wanted.
You both ran out the clock in each other's arms, making love and smiling and laughing and telling little stories of whatever you could think of. Around four, Rick dozed off with you tightly wrapped in his arms. You did your best to commit his sleeping form to memory, not knowing if you’d ever get the pleasure to witness a truly relaxed Rick Flag ever again. When you were sure you’d never forget the pout of his lips or how his eyelids twitched with dreams, you allowed yourself to get some shut eye of your own before you were set to head back to prison. You pressed yourself deep into his chest and tucked your head under his chin.
As you snuggled against his bare skin and listened to his even breathing, you wished you could stay forever in his arms, wrapped only in him (his body, his warmth, his scent) and the thick blankets of the motel. You wished you could sleep forever to sustain this moment, so you would only know the solace of slumber, and the safety and love he provided.
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and fin! i really hope you enjoyed, if you did, i would love to hear it (: i am still on the fence on how this is structured, but i just really wanted to add into the great rick x reader fics out there (there will never be enough lol)
if you did like this, i sort of already have a part two lined up, and about 3k+ words from various iterations of this story i could post as blurbs, too (: so let me know if you want either of those things
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oneofthosesimps · 3 years
His Mate
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pairing: bakugou x fem!reader I nsfw
word count: 2740
summary: bakugou takes care of you during your heat and makes you his mate
warnings: blood (because he bites you), rough sex, sub/dom, dirty talk, insulting (because it is bakugou), fluff
authors note: i love the alpha/ beta/ omega universe and it has always been a dream to write a fanfic on this topic. and bakugou would be the perfect alpha change my mind <3
-> you don't even notice that i have a certain preference when it comes to the selection of my husbandos
all credits to the artist of this pic:
unfortunately i do not know who it is from (again, I'm so sorry, but I can't find the original source)
Thick, shiny beads of sweat form on your skin and make your hair stick to your forehead. A deep blush begins to cover your body and you whimper out.
Your head is heavy and feels dense, as if opaque veils of mist are wrapped around your brain. Your body begins to burn, but from the inside. Blazing flames roam your limbs, licking at your nerve endings and leaving them tingling.
You feel so terribly hot.
You tear your eyes open and push the blanket off your body to cool down a bit, but the cold wind blowing in through the open window brings no help. Your hands start to shake as you feel your legs getting wet. Thick juice flows out of your core, leaving your abdomen aching. Your body starts to move and you roll out of bed, "So hot, fire." Your croaky voice echoes through the room, you don't recognize it. Tears form in your eyes and you sob. Your body aches and tingles at the same time. Before your legs touch the soft carpeted floor of your room, arms wrap around your waist.
"Where are you going?" A warm shiver comes over you as you hear his dark, deep voice and your eyes roll slightly.
"Out, shower, hot, fire." With another whimper, your body is pulled back into the bed and a warm, large body leans over you. Paws grip your wrists and press them into the soft mattress. Bakugou above you frowns as your bitter pheromones reach his nose. Immediately, he releases more of his scent to push the fear and pain out of you. Your glazed eyes turn upward and you look into dark red eyes that sparkle down at you from between blonde strands, "You don't seem to be giving me much of a break this time."
Your stomach does a tumble before you push yourself towards him. Your nipples harden and stand up at him. He watches your movements and licks his lower lip as he breathes in the sweet scent of your slick, "I see." He props himself above you so as not to crush you with his weight and presses his face to your neck. His soft tongue slides over your scent glands and your eyes turn into your skull. He is so close to you that his smell takes you completely and messes with your head. He smells good enough to bite into, like warm caramel, blazing fire on a lukewarm summer evening and the after smell of fireworks in the night. You inhale deeply and sigh contentedly, stretching your neck out to him for complete access. Bakugou feels much the same way. He had never smelled anything as good as you. It drives him crazy and leaves his cock hard. He rubs himself harder against you, spreading his scent over every part of your body. Never again shall you smell like another Alpha, everyone shall know you are his.
"Fire," you gasp as his teeth gently dig into the tender skin of your neck, careful not to bite too deeply and make you his mate.
"Not for long, I promise." His voice is like warm honey, easing the pain in your abdomen a bit, "This time we'll try something different, so hopefully you'll be satisfied longer, shitty Omega." With those words his hands leave your wrists and you are turned onto your stomach with a flip. Immediately you push your butt in his direction and stretch towards him. The moisture between your legs becomes stronger and flows down your legs. At the sight of your round cheeks in front of him, Bakgugou growls out. The sound comes deep from his throat and makes you groan. His big hands on your ass make you whimper and he pulls the soft fat apart. Immediately his eyes fall on your little asshole, which twitches from the spreading of your cheeks. His balls tighten painfully at the thought of fucking it, stretching and tearing it apart. But that will have to wait until you have regained your senses and can really perceive what dirty things he is doing to you. Further down, he sees your red, swollen lips. Slick oozes out of them, leaving them shiny. The strong smell wafts towards him, making the water in his mouth pool.
"Alpha will take care of you," he murmurs behind you, and his right hand leaves your ass cheek, moving upward. He strokes along your spine. Despite the heat in your body, goosebumps come over you and you groan. How good every little touch of him feels. His hand lingers in the small of your back and he presses it deeper into the mattress, pushing your butt even higher. You claw into the sheet beneath you as you feel his thick glans at your entrance moments later.
"Alpha," you moan, pushing your pelvis back. This causes his cock to push in easily. His hot, fat tip pushes your walls apart and slowly slides inside you, stretching you. A deep growl comes from Bakugou.
Alpha happy, Omega makes Alpha happy, repeats over and over in your head.
His hands press firmly into your flesh, making you yelp. The pain mixes with the feeling in your stomach and you're sure he's leaving dark marks on your skin. They will join the other bite and scratch marks on your body and once you leave this room, everyone will see what Bakugou is capable of. Despite all the liquid, you can feel him splitting your insides and leaving them tingling.
"Alpha," you moan again as Bakugou sinks fully inside you, him pressing against the back of your cervix.
"You're so stupidly fucked, you can't say anything else, can you, Omega?" He pulls out of you before sinking deep inside you again, making you yelp. Slowly, over and over again, he repeats this process. It makes you feel so nice and full. His fat cock fits perfectly inside you, filling you to the hilt. "I haven't heard you say anything but 'alpha' or 'fire' in hours," he taunts. Bakugou's hands settle on your ass again and he spreads it. How beautiful it looks when his thick cock, shimmering with your juices, pulls out of you, leaving your tight cunt empty before drilling into the heat of your body again, arriving home, "Such a good, stupid Omega, you make Alpha so happy." With each of his thrusts his balls lightly smack against your clit. With each of his thrusts, you moan out, clawing into the pillow beneath you. Mouth open, you drool all over the fabric as the Alpha behind you fucks you so well. The sound of flesh on flesh fills the room. Your moans grow louder as Bakugou changes angles and thrusts against the squishy spot inside you. Burying his face against your neck, he inhales your scent and rolls his eyes.
"Alpha," you moan out, trying to push harder against him and follow his rhythm to push him deeper inside you.
"What, Omega?" his right paw leaves your ass and travels to your shoulder, clasping it and pulling it back. Your torso straightens upward, making him hit every point of your insides perfectly. The blond spikes of his hair graze your neck and his breath on your neck makes your belly tingle. "What do you want? Do you want more?"
You whimper out and a smirk crosses his face. His other hand goes around your neck and he presses your back against his chest. At this angle, he changes his speed and hardness. Each thrust hit even deeper and tears you in two. Each thrust sends you closer to heaven and makes you jerk in his arms. Now his balls hit right against your clit, massaging it. Shamelessly, you moan loudly as he fucks you way too well, murmuring to your neck about how well you're doing and what a good Omega you are.
"You think you can cum for me, shitty Omega?" he murmurs, his hand on your shoulder running between your legs. His long fingers gather your juices and massage them into that little knob. Your moans grow louder and your lower body twitches harder. Your walls tighten and Bakugou moans loudly, "Oi, Omega. You're so tight again, and that's even though I've fucked you so many times. How is this possible." Your eyebrows draw together at his words and butterflies flutter through your body. "Can you feel my full, heavy balls slapping against you?" you whimper loudly and he laughs softly, "I can't wait to fill you again, Omega. Are you looking forward to it already as my knot grows inside you and stretches you painfully wide?"
With these words in combination with the friction of your clitoris, you go over the threshold. You moan loudly as your body jerks in rhythm with your insides. Bakugou gasps as you tighten to the max, trying to milk him. He bites your shoulder, far away from your neck, so as not to come inside you right away. He wants to savour this round longer, but his Alpha growls at him to finally fill you, to squirt his thick, hot juice inside you. Meanwhile, the flames spread inside you. Starting in your belly, they burn everything in their path and leave you breathless. It feels so incredibly good, like you're floating above the clouds. Bakugou's massive body continues to rock against you, fucking you through your orgasm before you fall weakly against him. The flames inside you retreat again, but the fire is still on. Your Omega is not satisfied yet, the thick knot is missing. You need more, want more.
Your head rests against Bakugou's chest and he catches your weight. He licks over the bite mark on your shoulder and puts his hands on your waist. His nails dig into your flesh, leaving crescent moons behind. The scent of your orgasm is heavy in the air. He clenches his teeth and tenses his muscles. Like all the times before, he's about to put his mouth to your throat and claim you. His Alpha is fighting inside him. You are hisperfect mate, you shall be his. But the last brain cells in him tell him that he has to hold back until your heat is over. You have to ask him to dig his teeth into you - otherwise the whole ritual has no value.
"Alpha." Your delicate voice gets through to him and he looks down at you. You are so beautiful when you are fucked. Sweat coats your skin and makes you glow like a goddess.
"Omega." Such beautiful, small, perfect Omega. He gets more brutal, in search of his own release he fucks against your body, making your breasts bounce up and down. Your moans get louder again and the knot reappears. Your voices blend, vibrating the walls around you.
"Alpha." God, your voice is so sinful. The knot in his stomach tightens, tightens. His cock is pumping full, getting ready to shoot all his juice into you, filling you to the brim. He can no longer control the sparks that form on his hands and shoot into your skin. They shoot single bolts of lightning through you and converge in your clit, making your walls twitch uncontrollably.
"Good Omega, good Omega," he moans out loud, and he stares at your face. Your red cheeks, your half-closed eyes staring forward unfocused, your open mouth, your tongue sticking out. A thread of saliva drips down from its tip and comes up your leg. His eyelids close and he thinks about you. How he bends his head down and sucks your saliva off your tongue, pulling it into his mouth. He's so close, getting closer to his end with each thrust.
"Mark me." He tears his eyes open and his gaze falls on you again. Your voice is so low and weak he thinks he's misheard before you repeat those words, louder this time.
"What did you just say?" Those are the first real words from you in ... three days? Your voice is so raspy, and yet the words come over him like a flood. His eyes go pure black before his thrusts stop. He holds your body in place as you move back and forth to create more friction. A deep dark sound escapes his throat, making you wince. "You're babbling bullshit, shitty Omega. You can't think straight." His voice is frightening yet gives you a sense of security. He is so strong and powerful.
"Please, mark me." Again, the sound comes from him and you press yourself against the heat of his body. The flames in your body grow stronger again and you tighten your walls.
"Don't joke with me, Omega. Don't say something you'll regret later." His face approaches your neck again, though he tries to pull himself together, but his Alpha is about to take over his thinking. The situation is dangerous. His teeth start to ache and saliva flows from his mouth as he admires the site of your scent glands. Hadn't he just decided not to make you his mate during your heat? He wants to wait until you can live and think independently again, and yet you say these words to him. How can he not mark you? He wants it so badly. Omega, his Omega.
"My Alpha." That's the first time you've titled him as his. Otherwise, you're always just calling him simple Alpha when you're not complaining about burning inside. And those words push his Alpha to its limit. His eyes are wide-set, black. His fine hairs on his skin stand up. He draws in your scent deeply and licks across your neck. His blond spikes tickle your skin again and you whimper.
"Omega, my Omega, mark you." His soft tongue tickles you before he grips your neck and stretches your throat. He presents himself the wet, fragrant spot before his bit digs into you. My silly little Omega
Explosion. This is what it feels like to get a mate. It's an explosion, rising up from the deepest of your hearts and taking you in. It overtakes your senses and you lose touch with the earth. Different feelings roam your body.
As sweet as fresh strawberries on a warm summer day, while the sun is just casting its last rays on his face. As light as feathers stirred up by a barely perceptible breeze and slowly sinking back to the ground. As beautiful as a flower just opening, its petals covered by the dew on the meadow.
This explosion brings another. Bakugou's thick, white juice squirts into you as he bites into your skin. He moans loudly and clings to you. His knot forms and stretches you wide, closing off your little hole as he continues to fuck you, his hips working against you. The same feeling for you. You come again, much harder this time. "Katsuki," you scream deep from your throat, making the Alpha behind you whimper and moan.
It never seems to end.
Blood pours from your throat and between Bakugou's teeth into his mouth. He drinks it greedily until the flow subsides. His teeth loosen and he licks over the wound, cleaning it. Your whole body weakens and your strength leaves you. Immediately Bakugou holds you tight and supports you while his head gradually becomes clearer and he realizes what just happened.
"Shitty omega," he mutters, pulling the blanket around you, "You're stupid. You shouldn't have said that, shit. Omega, do you know what that means, stupid?"
"My Alpha," you murmur, and his heart swells. Your slowly dozing body snuggles up to him and he brushes the hair off your forehead. His gaze falls on the fresh, deep bite wound on your neck and the fire that is just slowly leaving you seeps into his body. He is overcome by a clarity he has never felt before. The earth's gravitational pull seems to change, seems to weaken, and suddenly you are the center of his world. The whole universe comes apart at the seams and accepts you as its new center. Like a shining star you sit in his lap, his thick cock buried deep inside you and he could worship you immediately and on the spot. Never would he ever let you go again, never would he not protect you. This stupid little omega, this shitty woman is his for all eternity. You are his life. His mate.
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eunoiaflow3r · 3 years
not ur friend
spencer reid x reader
aaron hotchner x reader
part two - part three
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a/n: haven’t written for spence in a while lol. hope you guys like it. wow...and i wrote him as an ass. bahahaha what am i going through i’m so sorry.
warning(s): language. angst. not proofread. will be mistakes.
word count: 1.8k
request(ed): no.
summary: y/n overhears something she shouldn’t have. this conversation alters her relationship.
not ur friend by jeremy zucker.
Hang up, if you ever think of calling me up. Not afraid to say it, darling.
3 days.
It’s been an entire weekend of you ignoring Spencer and his ever intruding phone calls. This wouldn’t have been a big deal except for the fact that this felt like a breakup. Your head and heart was treating this like you were in a relationship and he made it painfully clear that you weren’t.
It was quiet in your apartment. The television was off, the radio was silent, the heater had paused and even the refrigerator wasn’t making the usual silent buzz noise it made. The deafness of it all allowed the conversation you heard friday night play over and over again through your ached head.
Friday 11:37 pm.
“So Reid...” you picked up your phone when it rang and read Spencer’s name across the screen. It wasn’t like him to call so late but you picked up anyway. When it was a muffled Morgan’s voice you heard instead of Spencer’s you realized he hadn’t even meant to call you at all.
“How’s your girlfriend?”
You just knew all eyes were on him. Spencer Reid was very private about his social life. It was rare he even told you about anything he’d been up to. He just wasn’t one for small talk. The fact that you just knew they were talking about you made you press your phone harder into your ear even though you weren’t even sure you should have been listening.
“Oh y/n? Yeah she’s definitely not my girlfriend.”
This stung. There wasn’t even a label or anything that you guys put on it, but usually when Spencer would talk about his romantic relationships he’d get nervous and stuttery and try to change the subject. Spencer’s voice was clear and steady. Zero hints of nervousness and bashfulness. He was serious.
“Really?” This was Emily now, you could recognize her voice. “You guys seem like pretty close friends if you know what I mean.” Her tone was laced with humor but Spencer’s was far from joking.
“No. I wouldn’t call us friends either. She’s just someone I visit. Like y’know...how you would a grandmother.”
A grandmother? He compared you to a grandmother? He said visiting you was like visiting a grandmother?? You could feel the tears in your eyes. You really thought Spencer was a good guy. Why would he say something so rude? Something so hurtful about the person he was sleeping with.
It wasn’t a friends with benefits. You guys had agreed on that, but you weren’t dating either. You had met him at a museum and ever since then you two had behaved as if a couple would. The only difference was that you weren’t public. You weren’t posting pictures, or gushing over how cute you thought your “boyfriend” was to your friends. And you were fine with that. Labels are constricting. You were glad not to have them except when he decided to say he barely knew you at all and compared you to a grandmother.
“Damn.” Morgan sounded impressed. “Does she know that?”
“Maybe.” Spencer paused. “There’s nothing really romantic about our relationship. To be honest, she can be a bit needy at times and it’s suffocating.”
He paused again.
“I’m actually thinking of breaking things off. She wants more and I just don’t like her that way.”
Sorry, I'm not sorry if it hurts. I don’t mean to make it worse.
This is where you hung up. Your tears never stopped flowing. How dare he? How dare he say you were needy and suffocating? You rarely asked him for anything, and didn’t bother him with things at all. You knew he was a busy person. A busy and hardworking person. You never tried to ask him for more than he was willing to give. Ever. It hurt your heart to think he was playing you the whole time.
It hurt to think that all the “I adore you’s” and “I think I’m in love with you’s” were all fake. You were pretty sure with the way things were headed that you and Spencer would have much more than just a relationship. Much more than sex and cuddles. But a meaning - an understanding.
Spencer was your comfort. Your safe place. The person you’d go to if you were hurting, or in trouble. You were his. Countless times he came to your house and cried to you about the stress from his job. He’d hold you and tell you all about his day and what more he wished he could have done.
You’d buy him his favorite food and he’d cuddle you to sleep only to wake you up in the morning with kisses and great morning sex. To hear all of that meant basically nothing to him tore your heart to pieces.
It made you want to throw up. Had you wasted your time? Had he felt this way the entire time and you just never noticed because you hoped he felt the same? Were there signs that you missed? Something you could have done to prevent yourself from falling this hard for someone who didn’t care?
But you thought he cared.
Spencer was the most caring, empathetic person you’d ever met in your life. He was so understanding in a way no one could ever get.
I've decided that I'm not your fucking friend.
This is why you thought that maybe this is why he tried to hide you. Maybe he just was afraid of his friends not liking you, or afraid of someone from where he worked would try to hurt you. You prayed this was the case. You hoped and cried that this was the reason he’d ever let those words leave his mouth.
The reason you couldn’t believe this though is something understandable.
He had never, ever, called you anything other than his friend, and never wanted to go out.
He told you it was because he was protecting you, but he never wanted to even meet your friends. And when you talked about a guy or introduced him to one, he’d get upset and say something like, “Yeah well he seems perfect for you anyway. Not like we’re a thing - do what you want.”
And your brain tried to rationalize this as protection. The more you thought about it the more the other part of your brain screamed manipulation. You tried to ignore it but is that what was happening? Had he been manipulating you the entire time and you just never knew it?
If he was protecting you he wouldn’t call you needy. He wouldn’t not even bother to look at your friends. He wouldn’t feel the need to hide you from the entire world and lie about it in such a - douchebag way.
This hurt you though. His team can call out a liar faster than anyone and they would have said something if they thought he was lying. They would have defended you. The wouldn’t have egged him away and joked about you like you were some embarrassing one night stand.
You expected respect and decency and got dishonesty and asshole attitudes instead.
After the weekend of pitying yourself you realized you needed to stop. This wasn’t your fault. He has issues of his own. Issues he needs to work out and come to terms with on his own. Why should you feel anything for a man trying to hide you? Lying to you? Lying to his friends ABOUT you. Reassuring yourself helped but didn’t help the ache in your heart.
Were you ready for this? Were you ready to throw it all away? After all it could just be a misunderstanding. A misinterpretation. It could be your fault. Maybe you were clingy.
No. Absolutely not. You weren’t going to try to defend his actions.
Right now, there's not much that we agree on. Sit down, if you need someone to lean on.
You called him.
“Hello?” he answered right away. “Where have you been are you okay? I was gonna come over and check.”
“Don’t come over.” You cleared your throat and blinked away tears.
“Then please come to mine. I have to talk to you, I missed you.”
He still has no idea. He doesn’t have a clue what you overheard on the phone. All the pieces of the puzzle you put together. All that you’ve realized in the past 3 days.
You rolled your eyes. Any other day you’d think his obliviousness was adorable but right now it only made you want to punch him in his stomach for lying to you and wasting your time.
“I’ll be over to give you your things.”
And you hung up.
That was so hard for you to do and you had hot wet tears running down your face to prove it. No matter how many times you tried to brush them away they just kept on going down.
Fuck him.
A shower and a change of clothes later you were finally ready to see him.
Honest, if I'm coming to your place, it's to say it to your face...
In your car you tried to talk yourself out of it. You told yourself to just forget the phone call over happened and just go back to the way things were. At least you here happy then...at least...sort of. You were okay. You were happy with him. The time you spent with him was enjoyable but you were tired of being his therapist. You were tired of being his dirty mistress. You didn’t want to be lied to or lied about. You were over it.
When you got there he rushed you in the house and looked down at you confusingly.
You had never been inside his place. The only time you were ever really here was when you were inside waiting in the car so that he could change his shirt.
“I thought you were coming tomorrow?”
“I came now to give you your things.”
“JJ will be here soon, you should probably leave. Why did you bring this stuff?”
“They’re yours. They shouldn’t be at my place.”
He looked confused but took the box from your hands anyway.
“I’m leaving.” You simply said and turned towards the door. The sooner you were out the better.
“Can I at least have a kiss?” Spencer asked in the cute voice he knew you liked.
You closed your eyes. “Sorry Reid, but no. I don’t want to seem needy or suffocating, ya’know? Makes it easier to break things off.”
Color drained from his face as he realized what you were talking about. He couldn’t even come up with an excuse other than a - “No, baby I -“
You put your palm in the air facing him telling him to stop.
“It’s okay. I was just someone you visited...like a grandmother. You shouldn’t miss me too much. We’re not even friends, right?”
You walked out of the house.
You walked out on him. Your heart was beating out of your chest. He was always the one to leave. He was always the one to say goodbye.
I've decided that I'm not your fucking friend.
taglist: @hotchsbabygirl @pinkdiamond1016 @thefemalestorywriter @sizzlingclamturtlesludge @samyilf123
941 notes · View notes
kimhargreeves · 3 years
A Little Mad- Jasper Badun x Reader (Cruella)
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Summary: You're Cruella's sister but treat everyone worse than she does, this doesn't go unnoticed by the people who love you and little by little they begin to distance themselves from you, will he do the same?
"You imbeciles can't do anything right!" I shouted loudly and threw a couple of ceramic cups and plates against the wall. I took a deep breath and tried to calm down, Jasper and Horace didn't utter a word too scared to say anything to me at the moment.
"My sister needs this job done or the Baroness will have Cruella's head. Now, can I count on you to not make a scandal and have no one see you entering. Seriously guys, if you continue like this you'll get caught." I bitterly told them both.
It's been a couple of days since my sister started working for the most famous fashion designer in London, but shell become a better one in time. Estella keeps her head down and found out that the Baroness killed our mother.
And that's where Cruella appears, whenever The Baroness has an event Cruella steps up and makes the headlines instead of her.
I've always been more bitter and harder on those who don't get the job done or when I want things. I'm doing this for myself and Cruella, she's all the family I have and I'll protect her no matter the cost.
Estella and I are twins you see. But she's the one who has her hair differently and I don't.
"It won't happen again, (Y/N)." Horace mumbled and petted his small dog wink and buddy.
I look over to Jasper and he looks away and finally agrees. "Great! Now to relax or whatever, I'm gonna pay my sister a visit."
I spend most of my time at what we call our home, I also make clothes that's more on the alternative side and of course I steal along with my sister and her friends.
"Great." I huff when I notice the gates locked up to where the Baroness make all of her people work for her. I placed the brown bag with food on my mouth and carefully begin to climb up the gates and make my way inside the building without anyone noticing me.
As I walk down the halls I notice no one paying much mind to me, "Estella, that designed you sketched was beautiful." Someone complimented my sister.
I turn around and see that the person is talking to me, all I do is nod and keep moving forward. They must've confused me with her. I notice Estella sitting on the floor with an apple in her mouth.
"Hey." She lifts her head and smiles when she sees me. "Sister, about time you arrived with my meal." She jokes so I hand it to her.
"Those idiots are going to sneak in tonight, speak of the devil." I mutter when I see Horace walk in with what Estella ordered to make a dress.
"I'll see you later then-" I stopped talking when I came face to face with the Baroness. I heard movement behind me and noticed that Estella had disappeared.
The Baroness stares at me up and down, I see a hint of disgust on her face. "Why you staring at me like that?" I ask not being afraid of her.
She seems taken back but doesn't change her expression. "You didn't leave your brain today did you?"
"Pretty sure it's right here somewhere." Quickly I reply. "I'll be leaving now." I walk past her and begin to follow Horace back outside of the building.
"Did you notice the inside well? You two will be coming in from above." Horace nods his head and the dogs bark. Jasper stares at me so I stare back confuse.
"You ran into The Baroness, does she even know you and Estella are sisters?" I shrug my shoulders and smirk.
"Don't know, don't care...You worried for my sister?" I tease. We hear Horace chuckle and carry both dogs.
"I don't think he's that worried for her you know?" I give Horace another confused look but ignored him.
"Look, I just want everything to turn out well for my sister. You know how I get when I don't get the things I want."
"Just look at these many diamonds I have." I lay on my small messy bed and stared at the many diamond necklaces and earrings in my hand.
"Thanks to me."
"What?" I sit up on my side and see Jasper who's sitting next to me. Horace on the other hand is sitting down watching something on tv. His dark eyes finally meet mine and I'm genuinely confused at what he means.
"All those diamonds? I got them for you because you asked and wanted them."
"Really? So you'd do anything for me." I batted my eyelashes and stared at him with a grin.
Jasper stayed quiet and looks away. "Don't be shy, I love it when you get the things I ask." I say when I grab his hand and begin to daydream of the many things I might have.
"I'm feeling nice today so let me prepare dinner for tonight before you and Horace leave." I pat his lap and begin to get up until I feel him grab my wrist.
"You won't let us right?"
I stare down at him and smile, "Course I won't."
"I want those damn dalmatians now! Bring them to me." I glare at both men and they both shiver on their spots. "Now." I repeat. Horace frowns and Jasper sighs and follows him.
The Baroness has gone far enough, I'll get that necklace and skin those dogs alive for what they did and their horrible owner. I impatiently wait until they return and finally they did with the three dalmatians.
"Hey hey! You better not bite us!" Horace scolds the dogs as he holds them by their leash. Buddy and Wink see by the corner watching all of this and Jasper comes in too.
"Took you long enough. Did anyone see?"
"Only the guy who was bathing them."
"Oh, look at them." I lean down a bit and smile at the dogs when they begin to growl. Estella told me what happened to the necklace to there's only one way to get it.
"Won't they look beautiful if I skin them into coats?" I suggest and see the guy's look horrified and try to take the dogs away.
"What's gotten into you?"
"Me? I'm doing this for us and my sister. Go make yourselves useful and get that necklace out of them or I'll do it the other way." I say pointing my scalpel at the dogs.
"We've been doing everything you and Estella have told us to do. The least we can get us a thanks." Horace tells me, I put my hands on my hips and shake my head. He quietly leaves so it's just Jasper and I.
"You have four days to get that necklace." I warn and walk past him to finish making the next of Cruella's outfit.
Cruella looks gorgeous with the new coat I made for her. Artie is singing on a stage we made with Jasper and Horace playing instruments and Cruella having a good time while many of her fans are cheering for her.
The cops quickly showed up do our fun was quickly over, right when I was about to leave someone pulled me aside while everyone around us ran says to not get arrested.
"Where's Estella?"
"Somewhere safe I'm sure." I roll my eyes and smile up at the tall man.
He stared down at me with a blank expression. "I was at home earlier and the dalmatians were missing..don't tell me that coat Estella was wearing was-"
"So what if it was?" I ask with a laugh and cross my arms over my chest. He scoffs and glares down at me. "I did what I had to do."
"No, you did what you thought you had to. I can't believe I helped you in doing all of this, you don't deserve anyone. Meanwhile Estella was working you always boss us around and never think about anyone but yourself! You've gone too far, (Y/N). Don't think I didn't figure your plan out too, you were ready to grab everything and leave."
"Yes I was, want to know why? Because no one's ever loved me, so I've grown to love all the material things and money cause they'll never leave me. Everyone I've known has left me so you don't deserve me, Jasper!"
"You're right...You don't deserve anyone to love you."
With that Jasper left without looking back and I smiled to myself and felt my hands shaking and before I knew it I was crying for the first time in many years.
"I've done nothing in my life for anyone, I'll do it. Count on me."
Those words kept repeating on my mind. As far as I knew everyone thought I had indeed gotten my things and left London, everyone thought Cruella had died in that fire when The Baroness lit the place on fire.
I was glad when I found Estella at the very fountain we arrived when we were little. She told me that we both are The Baroness' biological child. She nearly killed my sister if it weren't for that man known as John who worked for the Baroness.
So I'll do this for her and everyone else, well frame The Baroness and show everyone her true colors. Cruella was inside the The Baroness' estate and I was outside, waiting for her to show up.
I fixed the red wig and glasses Estella had given to me along with a small whistle. I stared up at the stars and took a shaky breath and began to blow on the whistle and I heard the dalmatians arrive to my side much to the Baroness' surprise.
"Glad to see you came.. Mother." I bitterly say that name to her and she looks at me surprised. "I found out about my birth certificate, you planned on getting rid of me."
"I did what I had to.." I can't believe how much I was like her. "But I regret my decision, no wonder you took the public's attention you're like me."
I took a step back when she got closer, I looked back and started to get scared at the roaring waves below us.
"Tell me about when I was born." I pretend to say still playing as Estella.
"I gave birth to twins. You were the only one who survived." That's a lie. I'm alive and well. "Can I give you a hug?"
Slowly I nod my head and she comes closer to me. "You're not going to push me are you?" ....and that she did...she pushed me and I fell to my death..or should I say Estella did.
I made it back fully wet when Horace rescued me from drowning and Jasper ran to my side and placed a blanket on me. Estella showed up as Cruella and revealed The Baroness that we were both actually alive.
We made it to Hell Hall with the dogs, Artie, Horace, John and Jasper with Cruella of course. I was already changed into a different pair of clothes and pulled Jasper aside and grabbed his hands.
"I-I want to apologise for the way I treated you, you had it the worse and you did everything I asked and I was always so ungrateful."
Jasper lifted my chin up and smiled down at me. "Apology accepted love, just don't change back to who you were. I have a feeling well have plenty of trouble with Cruella now around."
Cruella glanced back at us and smiled when she noticed me talking to Jasper.
"I promise I won't hurt you again." I leaned up and wrapped my arms around him and closed my eyes when he wrapped his arms around me and leaned down to kiss my lips.
I opened my eyes up and hugged him again. "I wish I could stay longer..but I have to go." I said. I told them all that I had gotten a plane ticket to go to New York, this is the first time I'll be leaving London and on my own.
"You can always stay and live a new life here as a new you." I shook my head and held onto his hands and sadly smiled at him.
"I have to do this, be my own person and figure myself out. I'll be back before you know it."
"I'll be waiting for you then." He forced a smile and hugged me again.
I said my goodbyes and headed to the airport with John who offered to drive me there. I looked one last look at Hell Hall and promise my friends that I would be back.
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yeongwvnhi · 3 years
ᴸᵒᵛᵉ ᴬᵍᵃⁱⁿ
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Pairing - Baekhyun x fem reader -> exes to lovers | Genre - Angst, fluff | warnings - none | taglist - @twancingyunhoe @trashlord-007 @tiddy-boys | synopsis - when Baekhyun and you broke things off a year ago, it felt alright, but you came to the painful realization that nobody could ever replace him or love you like he did | word count - 2.1k | thanks to @tiddy-boys for beta-reading ♡
It's days like these, rain hitting the window in harsh taps and angry wind blowing, when the nostalgia hits the hardest. After all, you were always one to dwell on the past. It's just what you do. 
Every day felt the same after the two of you broke things off. You don't even remember why exactly you even ended it in the first place. The pain still sits deep, coming to haunt you when you least expect it. 
Rainy days like those just trigger the nostalgia, the memories and bygone feelings. 
It's 12pm when you check your phone, yet you're still laying in bed. The lack of motivation due to this sudden wave of sadness is something you're not experiencing for the first time. 
And it's killing you slowly. These feelings are eating you up from the inside out. 
Without even realizing, tears are running down your cheeks in even, salty streams. 
"Why am I even crying…" You mumble and lift your arm to cover your face, trying to make it stop. "God, I'm so pathetic" 
You try to manage to stop your tears, wrist harshly rubbing your eyes. After a minute or so, you succeed in stopping them. 
instead pick up your phone, unlocking it and opening Instagram. 
One peek won't hurt, right…? 
His name at the top of your searches seems to be mocking you as you hover your finger above it. Should you really do it? What if he found someone new and his profile is filled with couple pictures? Or what if he feels nothing and is glad to be alone? What if, what if, what if…
"Fuck it" you hiss and tap on his username, his profile popping up after a brief second of loading the page. 
He… hasn't posted anything for a few months, his last post being from October last year. 
Oh for fucks sake… is this a good sign or not? It could mean he's been seeing someone new, but it could also mean he's just been living his life like usual. 
So many possibilities, yet no resolution seems to be in sight. 
"This is so annoying, oh my gooood" You groan and smack your head into your pillow, laying sprawled out like a star with an annoyed pout on your face. 
"It's been a god damn year," You grumble, "why do I still feel like this?" 
The sound of your fist hitting the mattress of your bed is dull, not the way you wanted it to sound. "I hate this, UGHH" The frustration in your voice is for sure loud and clear, accentuated well by the 'ugh'. 
This whole situation is stressing you out. "I need a shower.." You mumble, absent-minded, as you fling the covers back and swing your legs over the edge of your bed. 
Despite the gloomy weather, you decided to take a walk outside. The rain still hasn't let up, droplets of it occasionally hitting your face. 
"Why is it so cold today? It's already spring…" You mumble quietly to yourself, eyes strictly trained on the path in front of your feet and head held low. 
You're so lost in your thoughts, you don't see the person headed your way. 
And apparently, the person doesn't seem to notice you as well. So your shoulders collide and you stumble, umbrella falling out of your hand and fast quick steps to regain your balance. 
"I'm so sorry! Are you al-" The man rushes to apologize, but his words get stuck in his throat as he takes in who he just, quite literally, stumbled into. 
Rain has hit you mercilessly, soaking you from head to toe within seconds as you stand there, paralyzed. "Baek…Baekhyun?" 
His eyes are wide and mouth slightly open in shock as he doesn't know what to say or do. 
He hasn't seen or talked to you in at least nine or ten months for sure. What is he even supposed to say? "Yeah… it's- it's surely been a while" he dumbly answers. "Ah! Your umbrella!" Baekhyun rushes to pick it up and hold it over your figure. 
But the damage is already done. 
You're shivering, dripping with water but still you've a tiny smile on your lips at the sight of him. 
You delicately take hold of the handle, fingers gently enclosing around the man's hand. 
He doesn't move to let go, just standing there and staring into your eyes. "I-" 
You cut him off by mistake with a sneeze, the cold creeping in deep. It feels like your bones might freeze, grasp around both Baekhyun's hand and the handle of your umbrella tightening, muscles contracting to desperately stay warm. "S-Sorry for interrupting you" You say, teeth clattering and eyes averting. 
"No no don't worry about it!" He insists, "but we should get you home, your hand is cold as ice, Y/N" 
"Ah… you're right" You nod and he flashes you a warm smile. 
"Do you still live in the same apartment or did you move?" Baekhyun asks, back to being concerned about your wellbeing now. 
"I- I still live in the same place" You reply, your free hand holding onto your jacket for warmth, but in vain. 
"That's too far away, my place is way closer" He objects and gently pulls you along, "come on, let's get you freshened up before you really get sick" 
You only manage an awkward nod and let him lead you along, a surprisingly pleasant silence engulfing you two. 
Baekhyun unlocks the door to his apartment and firstly puts both of your umbrellas away, taking off his wet shoes in the process and you follow along. 
"Come on, I'll show you the bathroom" He says and you tag after him. 
He opens the door, turns on the light and quickly pulls out two towels for you. "You can just use my shampoo, I don't have anything suitable here for you, sor-" 
"Thank you" you break his rambling. "You wouldn't need to do this, so thank you" 
Baekhyun smiles softly, although his eyes tell a different story. "I'll bring you some clothes in a bit, okay?" 
"Mhm" you nod and give him a curt bow before he leaves the room, shutting the door behind him. 
You waste no time in stepping out of your soaked clothes and into the shower. 
You set the water to a nice warm temperature and rinse off the cold first, feeling relieved. 
Then there's a knock. "Hey Y/N, I'm putting some clothes on top of the washing machine for you now" he announces before opening the door, doing as he said and then leaving just as quickly as he came. 
"Still the considerate guy he always was…" You mumble with a sad smile, old memories coming back to haunt your mind with sweet images of the two of you. Him always knocking before he'd enter a room you would be in to announce himself. 
You loved that about him, he was always mindful of others and you're happy to see it hasn't changed at all. 
You finished quickly and put on the clothes he gave you. Some boxers and a way too big on you, black shirt. You dried your hair as best as you could with the towel he gave you and made sure you don't look like a lion by patting down your hair a bit. 
"Baekhyun?" You timidly call out after opening the door a bit. 
"Yeah?" He replies and you hear his footsteps approach. "What is it?" 
"Uhm- Where to put my wet clothes?" You ask. 
"Oh- Hold on, I'll put them in the washing machine" He says with big eyes and opens the machine for you to put them in. "I'll dry them after they're washed so you can change back, alright?" 
You nod quickly and thank him quietly. He opens the machine and you put your clothes inside, him doing the rest. 
"So, uh-" 
"Do you want some water?" He quickly asks, ears flaring red as he avoids your eyes. 
"Sure" you squeak back and follow him into the kitchen. He gets a glass out of a cupboard and fills it with water before handing it to you. 
You nip at the liquid as Baekhyun leans against the countertop adjacent to you, eyes taking in your figure. 
He missed seeing you in his clothes, you always looked so good in them. He just missed you in general. 
The reason why the two of you broke up a year ago? 
Baekhyun remembers it all too well. 
It was a work related thing actually. The two of you worked in different shifts and barely saw each other, yet alone had time for any couple stuff. 
Free days? Spent alone or arguing about never seeing each other. 
And at one point you had said to just break up. In that moment Baekhyun felt like he was hit by lightning, body stiff and eyes wide. He couldn't believe what he heard. Baekhyun felt anxiety cursing through his veins as his brain processed your words.
You had told him that you wouldn't hate him, but that your situation at that time just didn't allow any dating. The two of you never had hard feelings about the outcome, but it was hard to suddenly go back to being alone. 
And now you're here, in his apartment, wearing his clothes and smelling just like him. He can't believe this is happening. 
"Uhm, so" You speak up after setting the glass down on the other counter behind you. Your hands come up to grab the surface besides your waist and you avoid the man's eyes. 
"Yes?" Baekhyun can't help the hopeful hint in his voice as he urges you to continue your thoughts. 
"How has life been for you?" 
A chuckle escaped his lips at your question, shoulders jumping up and down in the process before he answered. "It's been rather boring but nice, if you get what I mean? I found a different job and work from home now" 
You nod quietly, "I've also found a new job and my shifts are less hectic" 
"Have you… found someone new?" 
You halt at his inquiry, gears in your mind temporarily stopping and he seems to take the lacking answer the wrong way. A frown pulls at his normally friendly and soft expression, making him look grumpy and bothered. "I see" 
"No, no! I- I haven't found anyone!" You quickly say, "I just… I couldn't move on" 
His expression changes to a sad smile, although he's kind of glad you're still somehow his. "Me neither" 
You scoff lightly, a cheeky smirk suddenly on your face. "No wonder, nobody could put up with your annoying ass anyway" 
"Hey!" He exclaims in shock. 
"I'm joking, I'm joking!" You insist, holding your stomach and laughing. "You're bearable most of the time" 
"That doesn't make it any better!" Baekhyun whines and you laugh out loud, hand flying up to cover your mouth. 
"Still the cocky little girl you've always been" He fires back and you snort. 
"Like you're one to talk" You roll your eyes at him and he exhales through his nose. 
His hands grab you by the collar of his shirt you're wearing and unexpectedly pull you into him. You squeal, hands shooting up to brace against his broad chest and you look up to be met by his cocky smile. "You never knew when to stop, no change at all there" he playfully nags. 
"Shut up" You weakly fight back. 
Baekhyun chuckles and you feel the rumble drumming against the palms of your hands. "How come you haven't moved on?" 
You lower your head, hands fumbling with his shirt. "Well… I came to the conclusion that just nobody could replace you. Nobody could love me like you did…" You mumble against his chest and Baekhyun feels a smile creeping up on his face. 
"I felt the same" He whispers back and his arms move to pull you into him more by your waist. 
After hearing that, you look back up at him with big eyes. "Really?" 
He nods and flashes you a bright smile. "Even though we fought a lot and barely had time for each other, I never stopped loving you" 
"Shut up" You almost whimper and move your hands to pull him closer by the back of his neck, lips meeting in the middle. 
Baekhyun's eyes almost fell out of their sockets before he came to his senses. 
One of his hands found its place on the back of your head as he moved his lips against yours with fervor. He greedily breathes you in, not wanting this to end as moves his mouth against yours. 
You shiver when his tongue meets yours and that's when you draw the line… for now. 
He chases after you for a second and you chuckle, dazed eyes meeting yours. "Slow down tiger" you say and peck the corner of his mouth. 
"Okay, okay" He smiles and pulls you in for a hug, "will you let me love you again?" 
"You bet" 
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itsthestutterforme · 3 years
I'll Always Find You (Vincenzo)
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Summary: Joon woo defends you from a group of men in an ally way and he ends up killing them. You tried running away from him, but caught you. // Slight smut, oral sex (f receiving).
I was waiting for Joon woo to pull the car around when a groups of guys rounded the corner. My heart races, knowing exactly what would happen when they saw me. "Well hello there, pretty girl." One of them say. "I'm not interested," "What? Come on, you didn't even give us a chance."
"I don't care. I have a boyfriend, now leave me alone." I say, tugging my jacket closer to my body as the nightly breeze kissed my cheeks. "Awe, you cold, baby girl? I know a few ways to warm you up." The group grew closer to me and I unbuckle the taser from it's holster.
A hand reaches out to touch my shoulder and I spin around to collide my fist to his face. The man stumbles back and holds his mouth. "You bitch!" He lunges towards me and I quickly switch on my taser and tase him in the throat. He falls unconscious and hits his head on the brick wall on his way down.
The next thing I knew, I am pushed into the wall and my wrist was twisted until I had no choice but to drop the taser. Two other men rallied behind the man who was holding me and they tried to pull off my jacket. Tears swell in my eyes in both fear and pain.
Their rough hands on my skin is something I don't ever forget. Another second later and their hands left my body. I felt a warm mist splash across my face and I slowly open my eyes to see the man with his throat slashed. My eyes widen when I see Joon woo with a crazed look in his eyes.
"Oh my God." I say when Joon woo stabs another man through his ear drum. "Joon stop, please!" I exclaim. He punches the third man in the face and pushed him against the wall. "No, no, Joon don't." Anger completely engulfed Joon woo and he stabs the man until his arm got sore.
By the time he was done, there was blood all over his face and clothes with a few droplets on my face. He looks in my direction and I take a few steps back. "Get in the car, Y/N." He says.
"What if I don't? You're going to kill me?" His eyebrows dip with hurt. "Baby, I would never hurt you." "I don't believe you," I say, shaking my head.
He tucks his knife under the backside of his belt and walks towards me. I continue to walk backwards until my back hits the wall. I started to hyperventilate and without a second thought, he grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder. There was no point in fighting so I just dangle from his shoulder like a rag doll.
He sets me into the passenger seat and clicks my seat belt before hopping into the drivers side. I look out the window the entire time and didn't say a single word. "Come on, baby." He says, placing a hand on my thigh and I slap it away. He huffs in annoyance and stayed quiet until we got home.
I wash off the blood in the guest bathroom and he reluctantly took his shower in the master bathroom. I rubbed my hair dry as I walk out of the guest bathroom. Joon woo leans against the wall and stares at me. "Why did you kill those men?" I finally ask, breaking the silence.
"Because I love you, and they were going to harm you." He kicks himself off the wall and was in front of me in two strides. "That's not love. That's possession. You were possessive of me and that's what got those men killed." "No, their stupidity is what got them killed!"
I wince at his voice and his face softens. "You're scared of me," he says with hurt in his eyes. "Do you blame me?" I whimper as a few tears leave my eyes.
He wipes them away and cups the sides of my cheeks before kissing me warmly. "I will never hurt you, I promise." "The look in your eyes.. I've never seen that before. It made the blood run cold in my veins."
"Hey, you have to trust me on this. Out of all of our time together, have I ever laid a hand on you?" He asks softly. "No, and I made it very clear what would happen if you did," "There's my girl. This is just one small mishap that won't happen again, I promise." I huff with uncertainty but slowly nod, I had to convince him that I actually believed him.
He takes my hand and leads me to the master bedroom. My eyes fall to the hamper where his dress shirt is soaked in blood. He closes the closet door and says, "I'll get Han seo to take it to the cleaners tomorrow." "Why not burn it? Get rid of the evidence," "Look at you. Even when you're pissed at me. You're still looking out for me."
He motions to the bed and I lay on my back with my hands intertwined on my stomach. He slides himself in between my legs and rest his head on my chest cavity. He spreads himself like a star fish and I unconsciously run my fingers through his hair. He sighs softly and we both slowly fall asleep after that.
This is the third time I've woken up tonight. There's something that my brain is telling me but I'm just not seeing it. I cautiously pull myself out form under Joon woo and walk downstairs.
Something didn't feel right about staying here with him. He killed three people and I'm both an accomplice and a witness. He'll probably kill me, he just wants to gain my trust so it's easier.
I throw on a jacket and slowly slide my keys into my hand when I heard Joon woo say, "Did you really think it would be that easy to get away from me?"
My heart weighs heavily in my chest when I meet his gaze. The mass of his 6'1 body towers over my own. He didn't seem anrgy, if anything, he looks amused. "If you're going to kill me, at least make it quick." I state.
"How many times do I have to tell you that I won't ever lay a hand on you? If anything, you begged me to touch you." When I don't say anything he adds, "I love you more than I love myself baby doll, but if you try to leave me, I will find you. I'll always find you." He says as he trails the back of his hand along my face.
"Joon woo-" "Let's go go bed." He motions to the stairs with his head. I slowly walk away from him and up the stairs. "Go," he adds as he slaps my ass playfully. I sit on the edge of the bed and fixed my eyes on him. He takes off my jacket and takes the keys out of my hands to set on the night stand.
"Why so tense?" He asks with a small smile. I close my eyes and slow sigh leaves my lips. I lie on my back and he lays on his side next to me. "I want to fix things between us." "And how do you plan on doing that?" "I know where to start," he says, trailing his hand down to my body to where I needed him most.
He waits for any signal for him to stop but I find myself pulling him in for a kiss. His hand slides into my shorts and cups my heat. I gasp into his mouth as he pushes my panties to the side and sinks two fingers in. My back arches and my grip on his hair tightens while he curls his fingers into my g spot.
I buck my hips against him and find a beautiful rhythm against his fingers. "Atta girl," he praises before shifting down to kiss my neck. I spread my legs to give him more access and I feel his face inching closer and closer to my throbbing core. "P-please, woo." I whimper and he wastes no time pulling off my shorts.
He licks my stripe painfully slow and I groan with annoyance. He sinks his tongue in and drags it along the upper wall, making my legs shake. He rolls and flicks his skilled tongue to the point where I was screaming and clawing at his shoulders. "J-joon woo, I'm cl-"
"I know baby doll, you're such a good girl for me." He spends the last few seconds sucking and curling his tongue on my clit until I went rigid under his touch. He kisses me firmly before laying down next to me and piling me on his chest. "Just so you know, you're on house arrest starting tomorrow."
"How long will it last?" "Until I can trust you again," "Keep doing things like that and that won't be a problem." He chuckles and ghosts a hand over my ass. I look up at him and straddle his waist as his hands hold the sides of my hips.
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𝘏𝘦'𝘴 𝘢 𝘑𝘦𝘳𝘬 || 𝘗𝘪𝘦𝘵𝘳𝘰 𝘔𝘢𝘹𝘪𝘮𝘰𝘧𝘧, 𝘛𝘳𝘢𝘪𝘭𝘦𝘳
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Soon on Wattpad~
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"Do you have one of the Parasites like your dad used to have?" asked Mrs. Chen the girl who paid for the snacks, eyes wide she shook her head in disagreement before stepping out of the store
"it's not my fault, dad used to call you that man just don't kill her she can give us a lot of free food you know and you can have extra brains when they always rob her poor store?" "Fine, we'll let it slide" "what do you wanna do?" "We can do whatever WE want" chuckling slightly she nodded making her way upstairs to the rooftop, sitting at the edge with venom beside her they both ate the Pack of chocolate in silence, sure, she was terrified finding out about a symbiote living inside her body just like her father after protecting herself from some scientist, but for these past years she got used to it and they were more like best friends and if something happened to Venom it's like happening to her.
Making her way toward the bathroom, attempting to hide from those Men but a voice inside her head made her scream in fear, hiding inside one of the stalls she stared into nothing but emptiness staying quiet as if a serial killer was following her, shaking in fear she tried not to sob out loud by putting her hand on her mouth a drop of a tear falling to the ground as the 10-year-old girl cried in silence with her hands still shaking, the sound of the bathroom stalls being slammed open made her heart stop beating as she started praying for her life, she was going to die that's for sure.
The next thing she knew was the lock breaking and her being pulled harshly by 2 men, screaming in fear she tried biting their hands off but the guns aimed in her head was worse, in a blink of an eye black tentacles came out of her arms and stabbed both of them in the heart, a pool of blood surrounded her as she watched in fear at what she has just done, she just killed two men trying to kidnap her, blood on her white shoes and arms as she tried to open the door and make her way out of this hell hole, but it was the same thing instead this time a group pointed their guns at her as she looked around in search of a place to run away, giving up she sat on the ground putting her hands in the air as told letting the 'police' handcuff her, she's just a 10-year-old girl what possibly could she do?
"mom! please I am begging you to tell them to let me go, we were supposed to be having a girls' night! I promise I didn't kill those men something came out of my arm and-" she couldn't finish her words, Tears welled from deep inside and coursed down her cheeks as she begged her mother for help with a high pitched voice, Anne on the other side stared at her with a guilty look before shaking her head, staring at her in disbelieve she was brutally pulled by the handcuffs away giving her mother one last look.
Did she stay in an Asylum for 8 years without seeing her 'mother' and outside? yes sadly she did, did she get out of the asylum once? no, she never did and that was driving her crazy she was the only one in here and everyone was afraid of her, this place wasn't like any other asylum they brought people with superpowers here, like Eleven from stranger things except Mery didn't have Telekinesis she had Venom.
Sitting in the chair defeatless with an emotionless look on her face, her hands tied to the table, as always, she stared at Anne straight in her eyes "Mery-" "hey doctor, can you please open these handcuffs and let me go back to my room before I do something?" she finally said looking straight into the camera about to transform into the big giant monster when a syringe was on her neck preventing her from doing so, 'how dare she says my nickname' she thought looking straight into her eyes after 8 years of not seeing each other how would you feel and how can she still manage to say her nickname, especially when your own mother is the reason you're looked in here "I Hate you and you don't deserve to be called a mother!" she yelled out struggling from their grip, black tentacles came out of her back as she grabbed every single scientist killing them with no mercy, "Venom, let's get the hell out of here" her voice deadly as she spoke "Copy, you're the boss" just as Anne described she looked just like her father, huge teeth, white eyes, and a long tongue.
𝙀𝙣𝙙 𝙤𝙛 𝙛𝙡𝙖𝙨𝙝𝙗𝙖𝙘𝙠-
"Don't open that door"
"Bitch, Don't order me to do something because you will die waiting?" she said with the usual level of sarcasm before taking off her apron making her way toward the door, what was shitty about this house was it didn't have a peephole, rolling her eyes she opened the door staring at the group in front of her "May I help you?" asked the girl in confusion to why the Avengers are in front of her apartment with a raised eyebrow the Black haired girl was about to close the door when black widow finally said a word after 10 seconds of silence "we need to talk to you?" "Listen, I don't have time to deal with superhero shit I've had enough" "please?" sighing she pushed the door fully letting them in sitting on the couch in front of them with her legs crossed "what?" "Can you introduce us to who you were talking to?" asked Captain America looking at her, raising her eyebrows once again, it was a habit sometimes she bites her nails "were you listening to us the whole time?" "no-" "Jesus, y'all are so famous and busy with superhero shit to the point where you don't understand a joke, Venom can you come out please?" annoyed, a black face appeared beside hers, that was the Parasite living inside her body?
"don't touch it, everyone this is Venom my best buddy and a parasite living inside my body, Her favorite food is brains and chocolate and we both kill robbers every day" putting a fake smile on her face she could see the look on their eyes, Bruce wanting to touch it so badly but stopped when Meryam sent him a look of disagreement, "alright this it, you guys can go, it was lovely meeting you, y'all are awesome superheroes and bye-bye!" "would you like to come with us we need your help, please?" asked Thor holding his hammer, glancing at Venom they both nodded at the same time, they were partners in crime anyways.
"We will but I'm coming alone, see ya at the Tower!" smiling she slammed the door shut
"Can you imagine Thor the god of thunder asking me to come with them, that is awesome right?" "not as awesome as us" nodding with a grin she grabbed her pocket knife charging the gun just in case tying her hair into a bun, putting on the mask Meryam grabbed the bag making her way out of the room.
"Hey miss Chen came to have some supplies?" stated the girl making her way toward the snack session she was probably the only customer here, the threatening sound of another robber echoed around the store as he pointed his gun at the poor woman, "That guy?" "yes bestie, free food for you tonight?" she said making her way toward the man, grabbing his wrist she punched him straight in the jaw, "Mask!" in a blink of an eye the same monster Mrs. Chen saw a long time ago was in front of her expect it was a woman, and that woman was Eddie Brock's daughter, Biting his head off she paid for the snacks before making her way out "night, thanks for the free snack!"
(venom ate the man, duh)
"This walk is boring!" "I know but we're almost there don't worry" "I Miss the Loser" "yeah, same he was the best dad" "and best Host, you both are the best" "aw thanks Venom you're the best too" a soft smile rose on her lips, The world was a better place when she smiled to Venom and he promised to Eddie he would keep her safe, thank god, she had her earphones on so people wouldn't call her crazy for talking by herself, "Jesus how many floors in this Tower?" "93"
"Excuse me is Tony Stark here, he said I can meet him here?" politely asking the blonde woman who was holding a little girl in her hand she took off her mask not to scare her, they didn't seem to recognize her right? "She's probably his wife" the voice of the symbiote echoed around her head as she nodded, "oh yes you must be Meryam, you seem kinda Familiar?" the blonde woman asked her, her heart stopped beating as soon as she said the last words, "o-oh really, who?" "oh never mind, you're so pretty by the way, I should probably go take Morgan to sleep Tony is having a meeting with the rest and they're waiting for you" "Yeah thank you?" "Pepper call me Pepper dear" nodding she waved at the little girl who had a cute smile on her face before making her way to where Pepper pointed
"Hey Old man, you wanted to meet us?" the same sound they heard 30 minutes ago echoed around the room earning their attention, chuckling at how startled they looked Meryam tried to hold her laugh while Venom was grinning evilly on the other side, "Ahh miss Brock come in" "it's Meryam, Anthony" okay that surely got him annoyed she could see how he rolled his eyes, sitting down on one of the chairs she looked around greeting the rest with a straight look.
"Tell us more about yourself?" not wanting to tell them her whole story, she shook her head with an emotionless look on her face "there's nothing more to know about me, I lived 13 years alone that's it, my life is useless anyways I only have Venom and kill robbers nothing more interesting?" one thing they learned about her was how fast she changed her emotions, 5 seconds ago she was trying not to laugh and now a deadpan look on her face. Pietro didn't trust her, not even a single bit and that was why a glare was attached to his stupid face
"So Meryam we're going to be on a mission for these past days and since you have nothing to do, you're going to catch the robbers around the city and take Morgan to school" tearing her gaze away from Pietro who was still glaring she blinked slightly trying to process what he just said, "excuse me, am I getting paid for that?" "yes" "fine, I'll do it, and will you stop glaring at me like I am some target?" her Black eyes met his as she spoke with gritted teeth's, anger rushing through her body Wanda slapping his shoulder before apologizing to her "I am so sorry Meryam-" "it's alright Wanda don't apologize in his place, he just needs to stop and do it all by himself if he's a true man, good night everyone" with that she made her way out of the place trying to calm her nerves down
Anger Issues
"Ohh she got you good" Teased Sam the twin who was still fuming in anger, rage thrummed through his veins as he swallowed down his frustration sending him a harsh look, "shut up birdy" with that he was out of sight just before Clint could say something
"oh these two are not going to be friends or work together, it's probably something worse"
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waywardtakami · 3 years
- don't leave me
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✦pairing: hawks x gn!reader
✦c/w: language, slight mha manga spoilers, 16+ only , angst
✦a/n: hello!! I'm very excited about this fic, it's my first gn one! It's been sitting in my wips for so long and I'm finally happy with it. hopefully people will still read this without there being smut. thank you! <3
✦summary: hawks gets hurt during a mission...
✦w/c: 2k
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Keigo had left you again to fight in another mission. He had only been gone for a few days, but you wished he was with you instead. You missed him so much. He hadn't been physically by your side in so long, causing your heart to ache again. Times like these were practically torture. Waking up without him by your side was agonizing, but you were used to it.
His job was all-consuming and you knew him being away for large amounts of time would affect you when you committed yourself to this relationship. There was a constant worry for his life and maybe a little for your own. 
You and Kei decided to keep your relationship as private as possible so no one would go after you. He didn't want anyone to kidnap or hurt you. 
Even though his musk scent was flooded throughout your shared home, you still tried distracting yourself the best you could.
After making your favorite food, you plopped onto the couch and turned on the TV to try and take your mind off him. 
As the TV flickered on, your boyfriend's face flashed across the screen. A gruff voice played over what was being shown. You assumed it was just something about his stats or a recent interview per usual. It didn't help the feeling in your heart subside by seeing him.
You changed the channel, again and again. But every channel had been taken over by the same broadcast. You eventually fixated and listened.
Your heart dropped.
Hawks had been accused of murder. 
"Murder...?" you mumbled to yourself. "No..he...what?" Your heart was beating so fast it felt like it was about to thump out of your chest. You were stuck in a pool of emotions of confusion and immense shock, it was like your head was on fire. 
Dabi...one of the League of Villain members was behind this. All the information you received was from Keigo's colleagues and the media. 
Keigo had been hurt bad...real bad.
The fact that you couldn't do anything about it had you overwhelmed and panicked. When you finally found out which hospital he was brought to through FatGum, you drove yourself there.
Of course he was brought to one one of the furthest ones from where you guys lived. On top of that, traffic was horrendous. With everything that had gone down, the citizens of the city were frantic and trying to get home to their families.
Your hands and entire body practically trembled while driving. Your eyes pricked with tears at the thought of Keigo's wounded state. "He's fine he's fine he's FINE!" You kept telling yourself over and over. 
When you made it to the hospital, there was a large number of people in the waiting room. The sounds of people clamoring in and trying to get a room were deafening. You hurried over to the front desk. 
"Hello Ma'am I need to see Hawks, he should be here." She wouldn't let you in his room. You wanted to see him, no you needed to see him. You started crying, pleading, begging for her to let you go in his room. But the front desk lady apologized and insisted he needed to rest and isn't accepting visitors. 
You knew it was really because she probably thought you were just some fan of his. Or maybe even a reporter trying to sneak in photos. But no, you were his baby, his life, and they weren't going to let you in.
"I'M HIS DAMN PARTNER FOR GOD SAKES!" You yell while slamming your fist against the counter. You didn't realize how much impact you put into your fist until you felt pain in your hand. The waiting room goes almost quiet and heads turn to look at you. You glance back to see all the faces turned to you. 
Your voice softens from embarrassment. "Please...just let me see him." Your fist still against the counter looking at the nurse with tears streaming down your face. 
She stands up and moves closer, "I'm so sorry, I believe you…" She slides a clip board with a few papers attached. "...but we can't let you in just yet he's still recovering from his injuries, he needs to rest right now. Please fill these out while you wait." She looks back up with you with a faint smile. She really does believe you. She can see it in your eyes, the pain, she understood.
You release your hand, and pick up the clipboard. Looking at her on the other side of the counter you give her a face flustered nod and mouth a quick "thank you."
You go sit down comfortably in one of the empty chairs to wait for keigo to wake up...
The news of your wounded boyfriend was already half across Japan. After filling out the forms you scroll through your phone to calm yourself down. You kept seeing post after post about him. Almost all news headlines had his name. 
You think to yourself about how much of it is all bullshit and that he's fine. Deep down you weren't sure if the words your brain kept telling you were true. You click on one of the posts about him that reads: 
Your heart skips a beat, but quickly you realize it's just a fake. You scroll through, lightly skimming the bullcrap you were reading. You scroll and see a photo taken of him the night he was brought to the hospital. You wonder how the press even got a photo of him. You focus on the photo, he does look dead. It only showed his upper body, completely covered in burns. More tears forming at the corners of your eyes just seeing him in the photo. Oh and his wings, his big bright vermilion wings...gone.
You were a complete mess at this point but your sniffles and choked sobs were interrupted by the front desk lady waving to you. "He's awake." 
Quickly following her into the room you see him. As you stand in the doorway for a moment, your heart sinks. You hurry to him. He had bandages wrapped around his head. His hair was short and mostly singed off. And his wings...they really were gone. "I'll leave you two alone," the nurse walks out and closes the door behind her.
You turn back to him.
"Kei?" you whimpered out.
His half lidded eyes look at you. His formerly bright, charming and yellow pupils have become dark and filled with anguish. He was wearing a mask over his nose and mouth with two tubes coming from the sides of it. He couldn't speak or breath himself, due to his throat being burned. 
Of course he knew it was you. Tears welled up deep inside and coursed down his cheeks. Seeing him like this had your body nauseas. You move to cup your hand on his face, feeling the material of his mask rather than his soft subtle skin. You graze your thumb against his cheekbone to wipe away his tears.
You pick up one of his hands to hold it in yours. "Kei….I'm so glad you're okay." You were sniffling through each word. He slowly raises his arm to point to the phone sitting on the table near his hospital bed. Handing it to him, you watch as his calloused fingers type out what he wants to say. 
"Angel, I've missed you so much, please never leave my side." You faintly smile at him, wishing you could hear those words come from his mouth and not the AI voice. 
"I won't leave you Keigo, I'm here, I won't go anywhere."
He types again. "I'm pretty beat up, but I think I'll make it."
Your ears focus on "think" for a moment. "Yes Kei you'll be fine, everything's gonna be okay. You felt a bit better being in his presence but you still couldn't bear the sight of him. Your eyes began to prick with tears once again and this time Kei was the one who bought his hand up to brush your tears away just like you did moments ago. 
You try your best to wrap your arms around him without causing him anymore pain. You could feel him wince when you laid your head against his chest. "Sorry Kei I didn't mean to hur-" He waves his hand and shakes his head, signaling that it's okay.
Your body looked calm despite how tangled your mind was.There were many questions that flooded your mind. So many things you wanted to say. But you could worry about the details later. Right now you were finally with him again, there was no way you were letting him leave you ever again.
You were bent over, upper body on top of him at an awkward position. You didn't want to hurt him, so this had to work.
Despite the position, you took in the moment with your boyfriend. Feeling his chest slowly rise up and down. You close your eyes and imagine you were back home with him in bed. Just snuggling on a weekend afternoon, light shining in on him making his wings light up beautifully against the sun. His golden locks and glowing skin, his scent washing over your senses. Your warm bodies practically glued together. You wanted that again, you wanted everything back to normal.
He moved one of his scarred hands to your back, slowly rubbing up and down. He knew he wasn't going to make it. He was fighting so hard on the inside. So damn hard...for you. He didn't want to leave you, he couldn't. His mind wandered about the life he had planned to have with you.
He faintly smiled under the mask when he imagined you walking down the aisle...holding your first child...sitting in little rocking chairs growing old together. That's all he wanted.
Both of your tears never stopped. You were both silent. The only sounds to be heard were each other's quiet sniffles and the monitor Keigo was attached to, making a faint beep to his heart beat. Still laying on his chest, his breathing started to slow and so did the beeping, being lost in the moment you didn't notice really but he knew.
He waved his hand signaling for you to stand up and brought his hand to take off his mask. He couldn't hold on much longer. Every aching pain inside him felt like knives stabbing his insides and with each stab more time from his life was taken.
"Kei, you need to keep it on to breath, please." He shakes his head and takes it off anyways. The beeping still started to slow. The mask hung off the side of his face. His honeyed voice now husk from the burns. 
"Baby...I love you so...so.." He coughs making him hiss at the pain.
"No..fuck..Kei stop, you're going to be okay just put the damn mask on." 
"I'm too..far..gone, I have no more fight left." 
Holding his jaw in your hands,your face inches from him. "No you have to stay strong for me, please don't leave me again, I can't do this without you." 
"Kid...please...when I'm gone...find someone else and-
"NO- I ONLY WANT YOU!" You cry out, holding his head to your chest. Long-lasting sobs leaving your mouth.
"I love...you" His breathing is heavy from trying to speak. He needed to tell you this. He needed you to understand how much he loves you.
Moving his head from your chest. "I love you too...kiego." You manage to say through your choked sobs. 
You move to have your lips brush his, softly, delicately, like butterfly wings, just long enough that he could inhale your breath, feel the warmth of your skin. He closes his eyes and connects his lips to yours. It was deep and passionate, like you were kissing him for the first time. You held one side of his face with one hand, and held his hand with the other. 
But when you pull away, his eyes don't open. It's like that's all he wanted, no needed. One last kiss, one last touch. To feel you. 
His breathing completely slows, and you're left with the prolonged beep of the monitor. He was gone. The man who was always too fast for his own good, had left you and the world too fast.
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✶tag list: @levithestripper @sleepysnk @conniesspringersgf @regretfulfairies @miyanom @sashatotie @romeoandjuliet96 @strawberry-pp @megvmi-s @cinnamonnn-roll @gooddayzarerare @kkodzvken
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