#I've never had a fucking moment to just. sit down. and think. and make decisions about my life. everything just. happens to me
running-in-the-dark · 8 months
well I can already tell this is gonna be a bad night
today has just been fucking weird and hard. I'm in a bad mood. everything feels bad. (probably not helped by me not taking the new antidepressant last night so I wouldn't sleep all day)
the plan was for my friend to come over this weekend to help me pack. she did that last time and it helped a lot. (my husband could help, obviously, but he's in charge of other things that also need to get done. plus he's very bad at putting things into boxes.)
but the rail strike is still going on so it's likely that she won't be able to get here (or get back in time). so now that's suddenly a lot more stressful and the one thing that I thought would make it go okay is gone.
and I also have to like. at least reread my thesis a few times or whatever to study for the oral exam on Friday. which will make me want to die. because it is bad. so. that will be bad. and the thought of being asked questions about that piece of garbage for 30 fucking minutes is so horrifying that I genuinely do not know if I will be able to get through it without taking my Lorazepam beforehand (which I know is a horrible idea, and my psychiatrist told me twice that it's a bad idea, and I know it would just make me unbelievably stupid. but holy shit that is the scariest thing I can imagine.)
and of course instead of doing anything useful I'm now just sitting here feeling like shit (like last night, only worse)
#it'd just be so fucking nice if I could just.. have a break#it's just been nonstop awful shit since my dad's cancer diagnosis in 🤔 2015. I'm sorry but that's too long. I can't do it anymore. I just#need some damn time to fucking calm down#like yeah any outsider would probably look at my life and think 'well you haven't actually DONE anything in like 6 years'#yeah that's true#but I've also been sick and/or in pain pretty much since 2018. and some of that was fixed last year when I had my gallbladder removed but i#is still not good. first of all that did not work out so well for me. but also everything else is still not right and no one cares and I#just don't have the energy to fight to get a diagnosis#I'm just so tired#I really thought I'd just. go to uni. get my degree in 3 years like expected. get a job. move out. have a normal life FINALLY for the first#time ever#and NONE of that fucking happened#EVERYTHING WENT WRONG. again and again and again#and I am just. so. tired. I can't. I can't do it.#it feels so fucking pathetic to be like 'my life is soooo hard everyone feel bad for me' when there is just. objectively not that much wron#but it just. never. stops.#I've never had a fucking moment to just. sit down. and think. and make decisions about my life. everything just. happens to me#I just. feel so lost and stuck and doomed and it won't fucking get better! it won't! my life got better ONE TIME and it has been pure hell#since then#like. no. it won't get better. this will keep happening over and over and over#I'll never have a choice. not really. I fucked up my life permanently when I dropped out of school at 18 and tbh I wish I would've just bee#brave enough to do what I really wanted then (killing myself)#because fuck. this is not worth it#literally everyone I love is either really fucking far away or just. fictional.#I have no close relationships with anyone irl#everyone I know irl is mean and kind of an asshole. and I'm too useless to meet new people.#I just. I don't want to survive anymore I want to live but I can't have that so. what's the goddamn point#its gonna be fine. because I'm a fucking coward so I'll never do it anyway. but I fucking wish I could
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strangersteddierthings · 11 months
Beg You to Love Me
"I'm surprised you even remembered, Harrington," Eddie shrugs, hoping he comes off as aloof as he wants to, instead of shaky and unsure like he feels. He was sitting atop the picnic table, arms behind him trying to look as unaffected by Steve's presence as he can, but he's been thrown for a loop ever since Steve emerged from the woods instead of Robin Buckley, like he was expecting.
"Of course, I remember. I- I've never forgotten," Steve whispers, head down and fists clenched at his sides. He looks more like a child being wrongfully scolded than a man defending himself.
The words pull a scoff from Eddie, though. Never forgotten? What the fuck ever. "Right. Something to hold over me, then, if I'd stepped too far out of line? Mutually assured destruction?"
Steve's head snaps up and he looks horrified, which Eddie will admit to almost believing. Steve doesn't seem like the type to join the drama club but his acting's pretty fucking good. "What? No! I would have never- I would never have said anything about us to anyone."
"Right. Sure. Of course. Your own reputation to think about there."
Something like hurt flashes across Steve's face before it frosts over. This is the face he's used to see on Steve. Cold and distant. "I- whatever, man. I don't even know why I thought..." but Steve doesn't finish his sentence. He just shakes his head and turns his back on Eddie, heading back the way he came.
He doesn't know why that sparks a rage from deep within him. "Yeah, that's right. Tuck tail and runaway again!"
"I ran away?" Steve shouts back, turning sharply on his heel to glare at Eddie. "You think that I ran away?"
Eddie just spreads his hands to the empty clearing as if to say 'look at all this room around me you've never occupied'. "You weren't here, were you?"
"Because you told me to not be!" Steve stomps back to Eddie but stops a couple yards away.
"Like fuck I did," Eddie argues back, because he didn't tell Steve to go away. He'd told him-
"'If this isn't good enough for you, there's the fucking door.' That's what you told me," Steve quotes, "I thought it was pretty fucking clear what you wanted."
"Yeah, I fucking thought it was clear what I wanted," Eddie snarls, lunging from the picnic table, closing those last few feet to get into Steve's face. "Yet here we are!"
"Don't act like this is my fucking fault. Like you weren't the one who forced it to be my fault. My decision-"
"Yeah, it had to be your damn decision! You were dragging it out-"
"-because you were too much of a coward to do it your-fucking-self-"
"-acting like you were. Acting too good to actually slum it with the trailer trash-"
"-so of course I made the choice that was best for me. Because I deserved more-"
"-like what I had to offer you would never be good enough for the goddman King-"
"-than just being your hookup when I wanted to be-"
"-like I wasn't good enough to be your friend, much less-"
"-your fucking boyfriend!"
"-your fucking boyfriend!"
The contrast of this sudden silence that falls following their screaming match that ends with identical sentiments is jarring. Eddie feels wrong-footed and lost. Confusion and hurt mixing in him that he can see reflected on Steve's face.
"What?" Steve is the first to break the silence, drawing into himself. Arms crossing to hold himself at the elbows as he takes several steps back, as if to be able to see all of Eddie will clear the confusion he's feeling.
Eddie just stares back, slack jawed for a moment. That's. What. No, wait. Really, what? "What what?"
"You- you said 'if this isn't good enough for you, there's the fucking door'. How was I- I thought you- you were breaking up with me!" Steve cries, "you. You said that to make me pick, because you knew I wanted more and you didn't. That's- you were breaking up with me!"
Eddie's in just as much disbelief. "No, you broke up with me! I said if this isn't good enough but, like, I meant if I wasn't good enough. And you left! You walked out because I wasn't good enough to be with you!"
Steve looks stricken and he claws harder at himself, sort of folds into himself like he's going to be sick. "No. No no no, that's- then that means I- it's all been my fault. No no no no."
Eddie stares wide-eyed and frozen as Steve talks to himself. Eddie kind of feels nauseous. There's no way that this is possible. That these last two and a half years of heartbreak have been because of miscommunication. That they both thought the other was breaking up with them and neither actually wanted to.
"Why didn't you- Why didn't you say something?" Eddie asks.
Steve laughs at that, sounding a bit hysteric. "Me!? Why didn't you! I wasn't- I wasn't going to beg you to love me like I had with my parents. You were the one who told me I shouldn't have to do that!"
Yeah. He had. When Steve had broken down and cried on his bed, in his arms, wondering what it was he had done to lose his parents' love. Eddie told him it wasn't his fault, never would be, and that he would never need to beg for love from someone who does love him. It was the same advice Wayne had given him when he'd taken Eddie in.
"I already thought you were wanting to break up. You were being so distant, I thought..."
Steve sucks in a deep breath and nods, "Yeah. Yeah I was. I was scared of scaring you away. Of being too much. Because I- what I felt for you was a lot. I was afraid I'd chase you away if I continued to be so clingy. I pulled back, to reign it in but. Fuck. Fuck!"
Eddie drops to a squat. His legs feel like jelly and he can't keep standing. He squats and looks down so his hair becomes a curtain separating him from the reality of the situation, if only for a moment. Fuck is right.
He's spent his junior and first senior year being pissed at Steve. Hurt by him and what he thought happened. And it's- if Steve's being honest, it's all been for nothing. If they both wanted a deeper relationship, they could have had it. They might still be boyfriends if Eddie hadn't been so wrapped up in his Munson Doctrine. He'd been convincing himself Steve was embarrassed of him, and was working on breaking off their- whatever they were. But he hadn't been.
He's thought such terrible things about Steve over the years. God, what has Steve thought of him over the years? No. He doesn't want to know, actually. That's not what he cares about right now.
He lifts his head to see that Steve's plopped himself onto the ground, sitting cross legged, elbows on his knees and head in his hands.
"Steve. Steve!" He calls Steve's name out until he looks up, looks at him, "why'd you come out here?"
He laughs again, slightly less hysterically, and he's shaking his head like he can't believe what he's about to say. "I. Fuck, I was coming out here to beg you to love me."
"No you fucking weren't!" his tone is filled with disbelief.
"I was," Steve repeats, sounding amused and heartbroken at the same time. "I really, really was. Graduation's coming and I know you want to get out of Hawkins the second that happens and I'm. I was running out of time trying to get you to notice me again, so I was going to beg."
Notice him again? As if Steve doesn't haunt his every waking thought. As if he doesn't dream of Steve every night while his eyes seek him across the halls and in their few shared classes like he's the goddamn night sky and Eddie is a sailor lost at sea needing the north star to guide him home. Eddie's never not noticed him, and he thinks he has to come out here and beg? "When someone loves you, you don't have to beg."
"Yeah, I know," Steve sighs, defeated, which lets Eddie know that Steve does not, in fact, know. He looks away from Eddie, down to his lap.
Fuck, it's like every fantasy Eddie's had of them making up and then making out has been handed to him on a silver platter and he's blowing it. His words are too vague, too easily misinterpreted. Again. He falls forward on to his knees, hands catching him so he's on all fours like an animal. "Steve. I mean it. You don't have to beg."
"I get it, Eddie," Steve huffs, not looking at him. Not actually understanding.
Eddie starts to crawl the distance between them. Steve looks up then, probably to see what the fuck Eddie was doing with the shuffling sounds and the chain on his belt clacking. Eddie watches Steve's eyes go wide, mouth dropping open to a small 'o'. "See, the thing is, Steve," Eddie says, pulling himself up to be just on his knees to shuffle the last few inches closer. Steve leans back to keep his eyes on Eddie's face, which opens his lap up. "You said you know, but I don't think you do." Eddie brings his hands to rest on Steve's shoulders and Steve lets him. "You don't have to beg." He uses his hold on Steve's shoulders to balance himself as he swings a leg wide, to straddle Steve, then shifts his weight to repeat the process with his other leg before settling himself into Steve's lap. Steve's hands land on his hips and Eddie isn't sure if it's intentional or a reaction to Eddie plopping himself in his laps but he's going to believe it's the first one. "You've never had to beg with me."
Steve sucks in a sharp breath and then he collapses into Eddie. Steve's hands on his hips slide up and pull him into a hug, as close to Steve's body as he can get, while Steve shoves his head under Eddie's chin, into the junction of his neck and shoulder and breaths him in like it's the last breath Steve will ever take. "We're so stupid."
"Yeah," Eddie agrees, as he lifts one hand to hold the back of Steve's head while the other drops to rub soothingly at his back. "Yeah, we are."
They sit in the dirt, the closest they've been since that summer between '81 and '82. They should probably talk about. They're going to have to, if they want this to work. Full sentences with no hidden meanings, even though the thought of that kind of vulnerability makes Eddie skittish. It's going to be difficult, but it'll be worth it. Steve has always been worth it.
Eddie wants to say 'I love you', just to get it out, in the open, and not just implied, but there's a different first step to take. One that's actually a little easier. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."
"Me too," Steve whispers, "I'm sorry. I should have-"
"Shut up," Eddie cuts him off, voice quiet and soft as he can be. "This is, and I cannot stress it enough, a we situation."
The huff of laughter on his skin from Steve feels like the start of something. A new beginning, a start over. A re-do.
A goddamn miracle.
Later, they'll drag themselves apart and up. Make it to the back of Eddie's van in the school parking lot to talk. Going to either's house feel too much, too soon. Their big fight happened at Eddie's home, and Steve's house isn't warm enough for the kind of comfort they want to share.
They'll have a talk. Filled with long pauses, stumbling over words and fears and insecurities because this is the hard part of a relationship. Getting it all out in the open so they can learn if they'll even work. The fear that they aren't going to be compatible anymore looms but doesn't deter. They both want a second chance, to give it a real shot, by the end of that first talk. But taking it slow.
They'll discuss what went wrong the first time (diving in without talking about anything certainly played a big part) and how to avoid that.
But that's later. Right now, Eddie just holds Steve, and Steve holds him back, and it certainly feels like the beginning of something good.
@i-less-than-three-you @nburkhardt @afewproblems
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avatar-anna · 1 year
It's hot as shit where I live and I may or may not be sitting in front of my ac unit, so...a blurb about that.
"Babe...What the fuck?"
You looked behind you where Harry had entered your apartment without you realizing. Perhaps a little too quickly because your head began to spin, but that didn't stop the wide grin from stretching across your face.
"H! What are you doing here? You're supposed to be...you're supposed to be..."
Shit, where was Harry Styles supposed to be at the moment?
Your boyfriend looked down at you, an amused glint in his eye. "I'm right where I'm supposed to be."
Now, normally that kind of sappy, lovey-dovey language made you cringe, which was why Harry used it so much. He liked to see you squirm. But in your current state, it just broadened your smile and brought color to your cheeks.
"Stop that," you told him. "Now come. Sit with me."
Harry didn't hesitate, joining you on the plushy beanbag chair you were sitting in. The two of you shuffled around until you were both comfortable, which meant you were perched on his lap. You took the opportunity to snuggle up against his chest, breathing in the scent of his clothes and the faint remnants of his cologne—a deadly combination on a sober day.
"Why are we in the middle of your kitchen?"
Blinking your eyes open, you looked around, feeling a little sheepish. "Well, the air conditioning is best felt right here, and since it's sweltering everywhere else in this apartment, I made the executive decision to spend some time right where the air blows out. Might as well make the best use of the money I'm spending, right?"
Harry shook his head, more than used to your antics by now. "And it had nothing to do with the wine in that glass of yours?"
"Oh. Well that too."
Laughing, he nuzzled his nose against your cheek, and you let him, happy to be wrapped up in him after spending so much time apart.
"I've missed you terribly," he mumbled, not even bothering to move from where he was pressing kisses into your neck.
"I've missed you too. Wine nights and Survivor aren't the same without you."
Leaning back, Harry reached for the glass you offered him and took a sip of the wine in it. "Good choice," he said offhandedly before circling back to his point. "You're always more than welcome to join me on tour, you know."
"I know."
"And you wouldn't have to pay for a single thing. I would take care of every—"
"H, we've talked about this."
It was no secret that Harry had more money than you did. It wasn't something the two of you talked about, nor was it a point of contention. For the most part. You were more than accustomed to a simpler way of life, and Harry loved spoiling you, and sometimes the middle ground was murky, but you had boundaries. You didn't want him to pay for everything just because he could. You could too, it just took a little longer.
"I know, I'm sorry. Won't bring it up again. Tell me about your day. Was John giving you a hard time again?"
You took the change of subject in stride, always eager to talk about your coworkers who didn't do much work. But in the back of your mind, guilt lingered.
It wasn't like Harry was trying to throw his money at you, he just wanted to spend time with you, and you couldn't really fault him for that. Sometimes it felt like you got in the way of your own relationship, even if Harry never said that himself, nor would he ever. He wanted to help you pay for a trip that would allow you to spend more time with him, why couldn't you let him?
"While this has been fun, I think it's time we take this party to bed," Harry said a while later. You'd spent a couple more glasses of wine on the beanbag chair, but both of you were sporting droopy eyes.
"Classy, Styles," you joked anyway, standing up and offering a hand to help him out of the chair.
Harry stretched his arms above his head when he was finally on his feet, a couple pops coming loose from his back. "Ha ha. I'm not as young as I used to be, you know."
"Don't I know it. Come on, grandpa. Let's get you to bed."
Harry chuckled, but let you lead him down the hall to your room. You got ready for bed side by side, then promptly fell into bed, kicking the covers away so it wasn't so hot while you slept. Harry kissed you a couple times, holding your cheek in his hand as he slotted his leg between yours. Your eyes closed at the feeling, happy to have him beside you again after spending so much time away from each other. But that only made you feel guilty all over again.
"I know what you're thinking," he said, not even bothering to look up as he continued to kiss you.
"Oh yeah? What am I thinking?"
"I'm not upset with you for not letting me pay for your plane ticket. I never have been."
That made you freeze. It took a couple tries, but you eventually managed to hold his face in your hands so you could look at him properly. "Really?"
"Of course. Do I wish you'd let me spoil you the way I really, really want to? Definitely. Do I also love you enough to maintain your boundaries and respect your desire to be financially independent? Also definitely."
You couldn't help but laugh a little, though maybe it was the wine you'd had earlier. "You sound like my therapist."
"Yes, well, I did meet with mine before I got on the plane, so..."
You laughed even harder then, and Harry giggled with you. Leaning forward, you kissed his cheek a couple times, then said, "Thank you. I just...I don't want you to feel like I'm using you, but I also don't want to be the reason we don't spend time together."
"So we compromise," Harry said simply.
"And how do we do that?" you asked, curious to hear his answer.
"Not tonight, silly. Neither of us are sober enough for that conversation. It can wait until tomorrow."
You shrugged as best you could while laying down. Fair enough, you supposed. "Tomorrow, then."
Harry leaned forward and kissed your forehead once before capturing your lips in a kiss. "Tomorrow."
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strawberryspence · 2 years
(God I am such in a shit mood. So here I wrote this.)
It's 1986. Steve falls in love with Eddie first. It's crazy. It's so crazy. He falls in love between the world ending for the fourth time and saving it for real this time. He falls in love between rushing into a hospital Eddie's bleeding body and staying by his bedside.
In the aftermath, they become friends. Real actual friends with a little more trauma than normal friendships but they support each other, help each other grow. They smoke weed, go to the quarry, go bowling. They have hundreds of D&D nights. They co-parents the kids and they drag Eddie to his graduation. They throw parties and pool parties. Go to Indiana to go barhopping and record thrifting. In-between all these moments Steve falls in love. He can't pin point when exactly, but maybe he's been in love with Eddie Munson all along.
Steve keeps it in, because their friendship was so much more important. He's the closest thing Steve will have as a bestfriend (Robin's not counted, because Robin's not just his bestfriend). The pining, the yearning, the longing, it's okay. It's okay as long as he has Eddie beside him and it's so much better than not having him.
It's 1991. It's 1991 when Steve finally cannot take it. He wants so much more with Eddie. By now, they've moved to Chicago, they're both struggling adults but at least they're together and what he feels for Eddie is killing him inside. He knows Eddie doesn't feel the same. He knows. But Steve still wants to tell him so he can hear it from Eddie's lips, that he doesn't feel the same, so Steve can just fucking move on.
Steve tells him. Steve tells him on a rainy evening. Eddie looks shocked, like he's never even thought about it and it truly hurts more than anything. Steve would rather get eaten by demobats again than this. Steve tells him that it's okay if he doesn't feel the same way. He just wants Eddie to reject him so he can finally, finally move on. Eddie looks at him, and tells him, "I will always love you, Stevie. But I don't think I've ever loved you in that way." They move out of their shared apartment, a mutual decision on both their sides.
They both stay in Chicago. They stay best friends who meets up every Friday night for a drink. They have lunches together. They talk about the kids and share tidbits of secrets that was supposed to be secrets. They're best friends and it's everything Steve Harrington has wanted as he tries to finally move on.
It's 1996. The whole Party is in town for whatever reason. They don't really need a reason to see each other. They're in Robin and Nancy's shared home. Eddie's DM-ing just like the old times.
Eddie's working at a small music studio as a Producer. It's nothing big yet, but he's finally in that stage in his life that he's happy and he's done something real in his life. Steve's getting his Phd in Child Psychology and it takes everything in Eddie to not tease and call him Doctor every fucking waking minute.
They're having a snack break in between the campaign. Eddie's sitting and eating on the couch when Robin plops down beside him, throwing her legs on his lap. They're still close, they see each other almost every other week. They laugh as they watch Steve and Dustin wrangle each other for a drink or a snack, no ones really sure.
"Hey, Eds?" Eddie hums, looking over at Robin.
"I am glad you and Steve stayed friends." The confession surprises him. They never talked about it after that night, some part of Eddie knows that Robin knows but they've never talked about it too.
"Of course, we stayed friends. Why wouldn't we?" Eddie answers, his voice unsure of why Robin is even bringing this up right now. It's been 5 years since that rainy night.
"I don't know. You know that love where you feel like you'll explode if you don't tell them? Like the one that makes you feel like your a ticking time bomb?" Eddie shakes his head as Robin continues, "That's what Steve had for you. I guess that love was also enough to just love you as a friend. I am glad you're both happy." Robin kisses his cheek before leaving.
Eddie stares at Steve, really looks at him, as he laughs and smiles with the kids as they catch up with their lives and Eddie watches as if in command, Steve turning to him like a boat finding his lighthouse. Steve smiles at him and it's a different one, his eyes crinkle into crescent moons and Eddie swears his eyes shine in the dark room and a bomb explodes in his heart.
Eddie tries to remember every time he felt this way around Steve. The day he wakes up from the hospital, the day he graduates high school, the day they drop of Dustin to college, the day they move in to their apartment, the day Steve told him that he loved him, every goddamn day in between.
And god, Eddie's the biggest fucking idiot. Eddie's been a ticking time bomb in the last ten years and he always thought it was just nothing. It was normal to love someone this much because, you know, he saved his life and Steve's his bestfriend. He didn't even realize he loves Steve, but that means nothing now, he's already five years too late. He's seen Steve going on dates, trying to move on from him and he even supported him.
It's 2000. Britney Spears is everywhere and Eddie Munson is still in love with Steve Harrington. He stops dating, gives up on it all together. He's the one pining, yearning and longing now and he hates it only because this is what Steve felt for so long and Eddie can't believe he even didn't notice.
Eddie's content in it. He missed his chance, he missed it by five years when Steve held out his heart to him in his palm. Eddie's happy in every aspect in his life. Eddie is working as a Producer in a big company now, if you see the latest big hit you can usually see his name in the writers and producers. He just bought Wayne his first apartment, he has a cat named Sabbath. Max and Lucas just got married. Robin and Nancy are adopting kids. Dustin is ring shopping. Will and Mike finally got their shit together. Steve is in the peak of his career, he's writing a book about child abandonment issues and teaching classes and giving seminars in his free time while dating the most gorgeous girl Eddie's ever seen. Eddie swears that if he isn't gay, she would be his type, not only that but she's actually kind and good to Steve. She works as a social worker and is an actual angel on earth and no matter what Eddie does, he doesn't have it in him to hate her. They're all sure they're headed to marriage. The kids all love her, and has Robin's stamp of approval. He is happy. Everyone is happy.
There's a big gaping hole in his heart that only Steve Harrington can fill and he doesn't know what to do when he stays up at night, in a big cold bed, alone, filled with regrets or when they're at parties and Steve's laughing with her and Eddie thinks that could've been him.
But it's okay, Eddie will swallow his feelings because the love of his life is happy. It's okay as long as he has Steve beside him because being his bestfriend, even if that means he'll have to stand behind him at his future wedding, is better than not having Steve in his life.
-> part two
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goldsbitch · 9 months
That one flight home
part 6 to That one Christmas flight
summary: Kiss me hard before you go.
warning: oral sex, cheesy af, swear words I guess, cliche probably, typos most definitely
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It's inevitably a strange experience to wake up next to someone you'd never slept next to before. Y/N kept waking up as her heart was testing the limits of the amount of heartbeats a human body can entail before it becomes a condition. She watched Lando, as he snored ever so quietly, saving every moment in her memory. Unlike her, Lando was used to sleepless nights. And unlike her, the strangest part of their first night together for him was the fact he fell asleep in the middle of his sentence. So simple, so easy. His mind and soul safe and sound. Perhaps he made the leap of the first night slumber on the first flight, when she rested her head on his shoulder for almost six hours.
When he woke up, she was standing by the window, watching whatever seemed to be happening on the street. He stayed silent, admiring the figure and the way light higlighted her curves. Only once she turned around, he spoke to her.
"Hey you...early morning person, I see," he grunted, wanting nothing more that to return to any of their previous activities, starting with cuddling.
"Yeah, sadly so. Would love to sleep til 12 sometimes," she said and glanced over to him morning boner. Lando noticed her look and shook his head.
"What can I say, impossible to control that."
"I like it, it's cute!"
"Did you just call my boner cute? Ouch," he pretended to get hurt.
She returned back to the bed. "It's cute that you have one."
"Hard to imagine not having one." They locked their lips having absolutely no care in the world for morning breath.
"Breakfast?" she asked, hungry as ever. It was a hard decision as she absolutely loved being locked in his embrace.
Lando had something different in mind, but god he was starving.
They got dressed and lazily strolled downstairs to a lovely breakfast patio. Y/N was over the moon internally about how touchy Lando became with her. His and on her lower back was something she could get used to very quickly. Y/N noticed few looks coming their way as they sat down and could not quite pin down why. First thing on her mind was that they looked a cute couple. She disregarded that as she remembered that she was sitting here with Lando Norris.
"Did you notice that people were looking at us?" she remarked over her morning coffee.
"Yeah...But like in a different way than they usually stare at me. Fuck it honestly, we have few hours before return to the madness so let's just chill," he smiled without a care in the world. Y/N relaxed again. They chatted away for few minutes before an older Italian lady, one of the fellow guests, approached them. Lando was almost ready for a photograph and a plea for confidentiality - that was until she opened her mouth and started screaming at them in Italian. He had no idea what any of those words meant, so he searched for a clue on Y/N's face. The poor girl sat there with a red face, making it really hard for Lando not to laugh at this situation, so he sipped his tea to hide his mouth. Once this lady left, silence fell over. Quite few people were giving them looks.
"Was she commenting on my hair?" asked Lando to ease the tension. "I am having an exceptionally good hair day."
Y/N took a deep breath. "From what I've gathered, we are both absolute filthy pigs, who have no manners and use this nice hotel as a brothel."
"Ah, nice. Cool!" Lando respectfully waved at the angry lady.
"Do you think we were like loud yesterday?" It was wrong how proud it had been making him.
"We're in Italy for god sake, isn't it all suppose to be little louder here?"
Y/N shot him a look. He sent her a wink.
Time was a cruel lady. The pair was starting to reach the final minutes of their encounter. The quickly wrapped up their breakfast, sharing amused looks in silence. Lando felt a strange discomfort when he saw her checking out the time.
They were back kissing in their hotel room in minutes. It was impossible to do anything else. They were making out on the bed when the housekeeper came in. Lando stopped them in the door: "Late check out, please! Late check out. Yeah, thanks." He then turned back to Y/N. "I'm not done with you, honey." With a cheeky look on his eyes, he began to remove Y/N's shorts and underwear.
"Pretty," he commented once she was naked. She rolled her eyes and bit her tongue. Lando went onto putting slow kisses from her feet all the way to her thighs, testing which spots worked the best. Once he was almost the top of her thighs, he looked up to her and gently bit. When he saw that she was ok with it, he used more force. Y/N let out a shy scream of pain, the kind of pain that is dancing on the edge of pleasure and aching.
She moaned his name softly, as his tongue continued where it had started and abruptly ended the night before. She touched his hair and held his head in the place. Lando enjoyed her being demanding. He varied his moves and meticulously burned her reactions into his memory as if he was suppose to be completing his exams on this. Once he fund the specific moves she responded to the most, he repeated those until she could not continue no more. He watched as she reached the high for two times. There were few things making him feel genuinely proud of himself like this has. This what people meant when they described mindblowing, Y/N realized. "Come here to me," she demanded once she was done. Lando went to cuddle with her, face to face, watching her breath slowing down again. The laid like this for few minutes, neither of them wanting to break the silence. Until one of them had to.
"We'll need to get going so you don't miss your flight," Lando whispered. Y/N wanted nothing else then to miss her flight and stay stuck in this room with him.
"Yeah, I know. Just one more minute."
The drive to the airport was unusually quiet. Lando had his flight later than Y/N did, but insisted on going with her earlier to accompany her. Airports were becoming her least favorite thing, as another goodbye was knocking on the door. They held hands casually all the way to the check in. Another last kiss. The kind to leave sting.
"Give me something of yours. So that I have something to remind me of you," he asked softly. Taken back a bit, Y/N took her necklace off and handed it to him and exchanged it for Lando's hoodie.
Y/N was the last passenger to board the plane taking her back home. Lando had the same coffee at the same place as he did yesteday, only this time it had a weirdly bitter aftertaste. He played with her necklace, she wore his hoodie trying to soak his perfume in while it was still fresh.
First hangover is always the worst. Pains in weird places one did not know existed, blood flowing in a strange pace. Everything slightly out of place and sun just a little too bright on the tired eyes. Y/N got drunk a little too quickly on her racer crush and the come down was more like a vertical crash down.
The evening she arrived back home was a joyous one. She got out the plane and almost danced all the way to the train heading to the centre. Met up with her friends and would just not shut up about her time with Lando. Unstoppable force that would talk the most skilled politician into listening her talk about the way his hair curled and his touch burned. Like every other drug addict, once the reality hit and the high lost its intense hue, she crashed.
What was supposed to happen now? Monday morning rolled in and new chapter began. The darkest thoughts she kept at bay for long enough got landed the main role. It was just a hook up to him. Nothing more. He was way beyond her league. She gave him what he wanted and he will not be able to give her what she wants. He is already is somebody else's arms by now. All the other guys will be just a different shade of gray compared to the bright orange that followed his charming aura.
"Y/N? Yes, she is a hard to get bitch, she will not fall easily for just about anyone. Not the relationship kind, that's for sure", is how she'd probably get described as by her friends. Her best kept secret was that she was an absolute hopeless romantic. Fell a little too hard for every crush she had and never found a way how to attract those she wished to spend her days and nights with. Her evening with Lando was the closest she got to her deepest dreams coming true. Every other situationship she has had in the past was so dull compared the how loudly this one screamed. So of course, when no messages came in from him, her natural instinct to draw herself back kicked in. A lovely coping mechanism that has destroyed lots of chances in the past. Even though she was well aware of that, it was the road she knew how to walk and somehow could not help herself to avoid it.
A lifeless copy of the bubbly girl from this weekend roamed the halls of Bologna university, digging her self into a deeper hole than needed. All those sad songs suddenly made sense.
Life came back screaming loudly at Lando. As soon as he landed back it was one thing after another to make up for the time. Races comes first, always. Even if it does not on that day naturally, there will always be several people to force it upon him. In those randomly scattered moment where his mind could run freely, he immediately went back to the salt cured late night air in Italy and the kisses with the one who'd been occupying his mind for longer than he'd be willing to admit. Life demanded a lot from him, so daydreaming had to be put on hold.
One thought haunted Lando no matter how much he tried to ignore it. Y/N was just so pure in his eyes. Unaffected by clouds of fame, free in whatever she wanted to do whenever she desired to. Not having to face constant criticism and prying looks. He still hadn't processed fully the effect this has had on his relationships in the past. How it gradually changed the tone of the romance, until it destroyed it completely. He fell for her hard. Fascinated by the lightness that surrounded her. She radiated, lifting him up to her heights when he was with her and that was something you just could not buy.
She was grounded. Belonged somewhere, was a local and a regular. Had a life centred in one place (mostly, excluded family), group of university friends and was figuring this life out on her own, without anyone inserting their own ambitions into her. There were no people relying on how she did and he almost envied the freedom this provided her. A feeling he was sure she could not properly understand, as he did not as well before responsibility had been thrusted on him.
He loved his formula 1 life. But a part of him felt strangely inadequate around those who have had these student life experiences. She could do anything.
He needed time to think about his next move, if there was any to ever happen. Gut feeling was to fly her out here to spend time with him, introduce her to everyone that walked by and make sure she falls for him at least half as strongly as he fell for her. On the other hand, he also felt like clumsy giant trying to pick up an origami dove - once he would, he would inevitably crush her and damage the wings, the kind of she did not know she had. The kind of wings one starts to see only once they are impaired. Maybe keeping their affair as it was now was the only way how to keep the light in this memory.
But at night, when the noises of his busy life went quiet and the the intrusive thought we like "yeah baby, let's go", he buried himself deep in his favorite sad songs and dreamed of touching her again, of seeing her smile and of her proudly introducing him to her friends. Sleep was something Lando struggled with even on a normal day, but on days like these it was like as if it was a secret language he was never taught to speak.
Jealous. That’s what Y/N was. In the ugliest sense of the sinful word. Gone was any internal morale compass guiding her to not go against other girls. Feminism said goodbye when she scrolled down endless adoring comments on his fan page.
She did not give two shits about his fame or god forbid money. When she met him, she had no idea what he meant to so many people. A cheeky well dressed funny boy with a dream, that’s what she saw. Seeing the pure adoration thousands of people had for him was overwhealming. So in the random moments between other people talking, she imagined meeting him in another life, one where he was just one of the other students and she finally got to relive the uni romance she had wished for - cute study dates, making out at parties and sitting at local balconies, over looking the historical town. It was becoming a little too consuming. Like a headache that won’t go away.
She wondered why - why was there a huge ever-present hole in her stomach making her nauseous.
part 7
Tagged all those who like to suffer: @prudyhoo @anuksunamon @sagestack @esquerkaren @ushygushybaby @ilove-tswizzle @thehufflepuffavenger1  @superlegend216 @mehrmonga @lovely-blackinnon @mylifeihate1029 @lausdigitaldiary @tswizzleismother @goldenharrysworld @llando4norris @classiclitfreak @llando4norris @ophcelia 
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talaok · 1 year
Love your writing!!!! I’m obsessed! Can you do one where a mutual friend sets Pedro and (y/n) on a blind date? Xoxo
Pairing: Pedro Pascal x reader
a/n: thank you love, and thank you for the really cute request💗💗
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Why did I agree to this?
This is not like me. Not even close to how I am.
I don't go on blind dates, I don't even have Tinder for fucks sake, that's how much I don't like hanging out with strangers.
It had taken Julie a whole night and more drinks than you'd like (or could) remember to make you agree to this, and as soon as you woke up the next morning, regret had settled into your chest like a fucking life sentence, but as much as you would have loved to call your friend up and tell her how much of a mistake you had made, a part of you couldn't help but wonder how bad could it really be.
It had been a while since you'd been on a date, and from what Julie had said, this Pedro looked like a nice enough guy, so you had taken the downright mental decision to not tell her you'd changed your mind, decision that, as you walked into the restaurant, you were starting to really regret.
he waved at you as you entered, and as you walked closer and he stood up from the table, a part of that regret couldn't help but shimmer out of your mind.
He was... handsome.
The photos Julie had shown you didn't do him any justice.
"hi" you smiled nervously "I'm y/n" you said, shaking his hand
"I'm Pedro, it's nice to meet you"
He had a nice smile, very comforting and very much matching yours in terms of nervousness.
It had been a while for him too.
And the photos Julie had shown him definitely didn't do you justice either.
He had never been good at talking to such beautiful women.
"nice to meet you too," you said, sitting down opposite to him.
"so" he cleared his throat after a few moments of embarrassing silence "umh- How are you?"
A smile pulled at your lips "I'm good, thank you" you nodded "what about you?"
"oh I'm- I'm nervous" he let out a small chukle, making you laugh softly.
"yeah, me too" you said "It's been a while"
"yeah, for me too" he confessed "and you are... well you're very beautiful, so you're not making things easier for me"
A soft blush crept up your cheeks but you managed to chukle nonetheless.
"Well I'm sorry, I'll go into the bathroom and take off some of my makeup if that'll help"
He laughed at that "No, no I don't think that will be necessary, but thank you for offering"
"anytime" you joked
"So umh, Julie told me you're a writer"
"Yup, that's me" you smiled
"That's incredible"
"Oh c'mon you're an actor, now that's incredible" You raised an eyebrow
"Oh no no, I just repeat stuff that's been written for me in front of a camera, you create whole stories from your imagination" he debated "That's far more impressive"
You rolled your eyes playfully, as your smile got only wider.
"You're a real flatterer you know that Pedro?"
"Who, me?" he grinned, putting a hand on his chest at the accusation "I'm just speaking the facts" he spoke, making you huff a laugh "so what do you write about?"
"all sorts of things, I don't really have a genre" you explained "I've written sad stuff, romantic stuff, creepy stuff..." you shrugged "It mostly depends on my mood"
"that's nice" he nodded,
"and what about you, are you working on something right now?" you asked
"I've just been cast in a tv-show"
"really? What show, if I may ask"
"Oh it's umh- It's the Mandalorian, it's in the Star Wars universe"
"oh my god" your eyes widened in surprise "You're joking right?"
"nope" he smiled "yeah trust me, I was pretty freaked out myself"
"Oh my god" you breathed, "I think I need a moment to take this in"
"I take it you like Star Wars?"
"like?" you laughed "I've grown up watching Star Wars, My brother and I know every single line to The Return of the Jedi, I-" you stopped yourself "I think I just fell in love with you Pedro, I think we ought to get married as soon as possible"
"Well that was easy" he chuckled
"How are you not freaking out?" you asked, watching him as if he were an alien doing cartwheels
"I think you're doing enough of that for the both of us" he joked
"Yeah I really am, aren't I?" you smiled, coming back down to earth a little bit "it's just- that's crazy. I'm- I'm really happy for you"
"Thank you" he flashed you a smile, and that's when you noticed that it wasn't only his smile that was comforting, but his eyes too, they were so incredibly... expressive.
The rest of the dinner went by so smoothly you completely forgot you hadn't known this man your whole life, but in fact, just met him two hours ago.
"Well, I... I had a really great time y/n" he smiled, looking nervous again all of a sudden as you stopped in front of your car. 
"Me too" you grinned 
"So, since I have your number..." he cleared his throat "I was just wondering if you wouldn't mind me calling you sometime soon, to umh- to maybe do this again?"
Your heart started beating a little bit faster
"I'd love that Pedro"
"Oh thank God" he let out a sigh of relief
"You were nervous I'd say no?" you asked, doing a poor job of hiding your shock
"well... yeah"
"I proposed to you during the first five minutes of this date, of course I want to see you again" you laughed
"well I suppose that's true" he chuckled, letting his eyes take you in one last time "So umh, have a good night" he said " I can't wait to see you again"
"me either" you beamed "have a good night Pedro"
And as you watched him walk away, you couldn't help but smile up at the sky.
Thank god I didn't call Julie back
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liveontelevision · 6 months
Redemption Pt.2 | Lucifer x Reader
I'm kind of having a hard time getting motivation to write if anyone has any Luci prompts they wanna drop in my asks 👀
But for now, here's some more angsty fluffy slow burn Luci for y'all
(Check out Redemption Pt.1!)
It's been an.. awkward... few weeks. You kissed Lucifer. You kissed the king of Hell, who you've known for almost 2 decades, your boss and best friend. If that information didn't overwhelm your brain enough, he's managed to make you doubt Redemption. Still undecided, you began to fear the outcome of just disappearing without getting to make a decision. Without saying goodbye.
Even with your mental disaray, Business went on as usual. You did your routine paperwork and helped out with anything Charlie needed. Lucifer wasn't asking much of you these days. You assumed the best of him. Maybe he was just too busy. Or maybe he was avoiding you. You shook the frightful thought out of your head only to suddenly be hit with the memory of Lucifer looking so lovely with your lipgloss all over his face and neck. Damned man has taken over your entire brain.
Charlie would often ask you to help with touring, partnering in exercises, or helping new residents set up. You didn't really consider how much free time you'd have without seeing Lucifer as much as you usually do. Some days, you did at least walk by him in passing. You would smile at him, maybe say good morning or hello, and he would do the same. Like strangers. His smile was always sweet in the past, but these had a sense of disparity behind them. You couldn't confide in your dearest friend, and your paranoia got the better of when considering going to others. But you needed another opinion.
"Well, shit! Good for you toots! That all tracks, Luci's clearly a bottom." Angel laid on his stomach, kicking his long legs in the air like some gossiping teen. You just needed some advice on redemption, but you ended up spilling out the entire interaction. You sat at his vanity, your arms crossed over your chest. "Angel, please. What do you think about redemption? You've been here longer than anyone, don't you.. worry..? About never seeing anyone here again?" Angel looked down for a moment before swinging his legs around and sitting at the edge of his bed. He pat the spot next to him, and you quickly took a seat by his side. He gripped the edge of his bed and hunched over his torso, propping himself up by his elbows with his upper set of limbs. "Actually? I'm terrified. I've been here for 70s years, kid. This is basically all I know now. I had a family, a buncha siblings, and a whole backstory n shit, but.." He spoke softly, his voice cracking at the mention of his biological family." I barely think of 'em. Even with Val up my ass, I think of this as my home now. Charlie and Vaggie, even Alastor - and.. Husk." He swooned, without even realizing, at his own words." I think you gotta want redemption, babes. Maybe that's why i'm still here. I dunno." He placed a hand on your shoulder and sent a sympathetic smile. The tender care you hadn't received in so long was too much. You sniffled a bit and let your head fall onto his shoulder. "I don't know what to do, Angel... " He rubbed your arm that had traveled around your shoulders as you attempted to slow your shakey brrath.
Lucifer did what he always did when he was stressed. He created. Frustration seemed to be a common inspiration for his.. hobby. He filled his office to the brim with ducks, each with a fun little feature that he came up with spur of the moment. Without acknowledging it, he did leave your desk clear. Like he was waiting for you to suddenly appear there, all neat and tidy. A glimmer of relief in the pool of chaos his life had become. This went on for days.
He was rarely a participant at the bar, alcohol was just another reminder of the wrecklessness that could occur with free will. But fuck, he needed a drink. Making sure it was far too late, to avoid any unexpected interactions, he went down to the lobby. Still looking dishoveled and exhuasted, he prayed that no one would be down there, to see the king of hell looking to get sloshed at 3 in the morning.
To his luck, it was empty. The lights were almost all off, but the lobby was still filled with the red glow of Pentagram city just down the hill. Letting out a sigh of relief, Lucifer steps behind the bar, struggling to read any labels without a set light. That didn't stop him one bit,, randomly taking a bottle and drinking whatever was inside. It didn't taste good, but his head finally seemed to forget your face for a moment. He'll realize how horrifying that felt in the morning.
Looking for another drink that didnt burn his throat, he continued to sort through the drinks without any clear light source. Letting out a frustrated scoff, he flung a handful of golden flames behind him, attempting to light a display of candles that sat at the bar counter for decor.
"Fuck - !"
The sudden voice that came from behind made him drop whatever drink he had in his hand. It shattered, the sound echoing through the cleanliness of the new lobby. He turned his body around way too fast, only managing to focus on your face after a few dizzying moments. You hold onto the top of your arm, a clean burn swiped right across your skin. His eyes were darting across the room, seeing only half of the candles lit, your sudden appearance and newly burned flesh, and a small flame forming on the top of the couch across the room.
Despite his dizzying mind, he snapped his fingers, planning to at least stop the couch from burning the whole place down. In this attempt, he managed to sinch all three flames, the room suddenly being plunged into a darkness that you both had to adjust to. Lucifer's overwhelmed senses made him stumble, clutching onto the edge of the counter and holding his spinning head in his hand. Everything he's felt for the past few weeks and the guilt of causing you any harm finally hit him.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck - I'm sorry, i'm sorry..!" He wailed out, almost at the brink of tears. He gasped for air, his chest heavong. He could barely feel your hand brush across his back and start to rub it soothingly. He hitched his breath, doing his best to calm himself from this little attack. You had rounded the bar, your back leaning against the counter. standing at his side, you ran your fingers lightly across his back, starting to trace along his tense muscles. It was the smallest affection, yet he shuttered before feeling his unbalanced body relax, then began to sway in your direction.
"I'm okay, Lucifer..! I-I barely felt it! You're freaking yourself out, just try and - " his body finally hit yours after a stumble, his shoulder falling into your chest and knocking the air from your lungs. You shifted your postion to brace him from behind, his back now flush against your chest as you leaned both of your weight onto the counter.
You did your best to keep a clear mind, but seeing your beloved friend in this state did nothing but make you panic. Your friend.. that's what he'll always be at the end of this. Your friend who you've known since you died, who took you in without ever considering you'd grow this close. Your friend, who's created an incredibly difficult decision for you to make.
"Sweetheart, I'm s-sorry! I never meant to scare you off! I-I'm so scared to lose you - I can't imagine my days without you, love, I need you -" you shushed him, needing to cool your absolutely heated face at his words, but also to keep anyone else from seeing this display. You ushered him to the front of the building and out the front doors.
Despite it being Hell, there was a light breeze that hit the both of you with a relief. Lucifer stumbled onto the nearest wall, finally releasing his face to adjust his eyes to the sudden change of setting.
Blinking slowly, he took in your appearance much longer than anticipated. You wore a comfortable baby blue slip that loosley hung over your figure. He surely wouldve taken the time appreciate your figure if you didnt have a a blanket bunched around your entirety. He did his best to not look disapointed, but failed miserably. You couldnt help but smile at his poor display of affection.
You took a hold onto Lucifer's clammy hands, making him turn redder than he was before from embarrassment. He took a moment to meet your eyes, something he hadnt done in days at this point.
"Come with me?" You spoke so neutrally, a clear tone that seemed to calm his thoughts. He simply nodded, allowing you to lead his staggering body around to the side of the building. It was a bit of a hike, but the brisk air and the movement seemed to settle Lucifer's high. That being said, he still kept his arm around your shoulders for balance.
Upon arrival, the sight was enough to startle him, a small walkthrough garden sprouting from the side of the building. It was lush with Hell's native fiolage, flowers and vines with dangerous looking thorns and teeth growing from them. The purples and reds growing from the fenced off border and the small iron table and bench that sat in the center just underneath an arch with flowers intermingled, it all looked so innocent.
"Wh-hhow.. what is this?" He managed to ask, looking over at you as you continued to lead him through the garden.  "I'm actually not sure. I don't remember seeing it in any blueprints when we redid the hotel, but i went for a walk and saw it here. Someone else must've put it together." You weren't sure if he was able to process that information, but you led him to sit on the bench with a thud. His body fell limp, hitting his head on the back of the frame with a ting.
You simply sat beside him for a moment in a bliss silence. It was comforting, despite all the previously chaos the two of you just went through.
"I should be scoldering you, sir. You haven't been drunk in years and last time you did - "
"Lillith. It was after she left, I know.." you only meant to call out how poorly he handled his liquor in the past, but it made your heart ache hearing him make that connection.
You let out an awkward agreement and continued to sit in silence for another moment longer. Lucifer finally let his head fall onto your shoulder and a sigh of relief escaped his lips, as you felt the heat coming off of his body.
"How'd you find this place? It's nice." He said softly, his voice raspy and wavering." I've been using it to escape.. to think." You said in an equally soft tone, unsure of his mental state at this point. You discovered this little hidden gem while desperately looking for air, struggling through one of your own panic attacks. Once you saw it the first time, it almost became a nightly routine. The walk to it was always clear from other demons, and passing Lucifer's giant pentagram in front of the hotel gave you a sense of comfort and protection. You felt him shift slightly, he pulled the blanket away from your arm and held it up lightly to inspect the burn that you had nearly forgotten about. His hands flinched for a moment, letting out a quiet hiss. He could've simply snapped his fingers or waited for your demonic body to heal itself, but instead he lightly ran his thumb across the entirety of the wound. As he pressed into your arm, you noticed the burn mark simply disapear behind his hands. You let out a satisified hum. It was always so interesting to see him use his powers, you rarely got to see him in action.
"I think - to be redeemed, you have to accept it. To be absolutely sure it's what you want. That's what angel thinks, at least." You wanted to ask why he was out of his room at three in the morning, getting drunk and why he was avoiding you for days. But you knew why.
"I still don't really know, Lucifer. I don't know what I want.. but I need you right now. I can't lose you because of t-this.." You admitted, your voice cracking slightly at your own words.
You fretted this conversation. You worried about how he would react to any answer that wasn't I'm staying with you forever! Forget redemption!
As your breath began to pick up, you watched lucifer stand, his back facing you for a moment. It made your heart drop, rushing to the conclusion that he'd leave you there alone. To your surpise, he makes a smooth motion of turning to sit in front of you on the ground, holding gently onto your calf that he pulled from the blanket. You jumped at the small touch. Turning beat red, your mind inappropriately jumped to conclusions.
"U-Uhm - Lucifer.." you called out his name as if you had any idea what to say in this moment, with him at your knees holding you so tenderly.
"You've done so much for me, love." He planted a small kiss right below your knee. "I promise I'll do anything in my power to keep you happy and safe while you're in Hell." He paused in between words, to move his small kisses up your leg." No matter how long that will be."
He's much bolder with drinks, you thought. That aside, you couldn't help but feel small tears well up in your eyes, a combination of relief and embarrasment washing over you. "Really..?" You asked so quietly, it was as if you were still worried about the answer.
He nodded with a sleepy smile, resting his head on your knee. In need of any type of comfort, you carefuly reached for his head, brushing your fingers through his dishoveled locks. He shut his eyes, letting out a sweet purr at every touch. What a strange effect he had on you. Your heart was racing, yet its mever felt lighter. Your mind, still full of dreaded thoughts, only occupied his relaxed expression in this moment. Your face was red with embarrassment of this treatment, but you were ready to beg him to keep touching you this way.
You placed your finger under Lucifer's chin and guided him upwards, making him stretch to his knees and place both his hands on either side of you. You hesitated in front of his lips for a moment. His breath was so steady, and feeling the pulse through his throat, his heart seemed to beat much slower than yours in this moment. You gulped, more nervous than before, before meeting his lips with yours. Your kiss was tender, yet it hinted at a longing for something more. He decided to take the lead, compared to last time, his hands moving up to cup your cheeks and wipe any of the wet streaks that had stained your skin previously.
Tilting his head to invite himself into your mouth, your breath hitched at the energy he seemed to eminate. He stands for a moment, then places a knee beside you, moving his hands to either side of you and caging you in by holding onto the back of the bench. This upper hand that he suddenly had made you squirm a bit, letting out a nervous yelp into his lips. You felt his smile at the sound of your voice, making you turn impossibly red. After pulling away for air that you didnt realize you needed until then, he pressed his forehead against yours and let out a sweet hum.
As he went back in for more, the breath that hit your lips reaked of alcohol. That was enough to snap you back into reality. As he reached down, you planted your hands firmly on his chest, a serious intent, even with your eyes being glazed over as much as they were. "Come to bed with me, Luci. Just to sleep, alright? It's been a long night." You said softly, running your hands up and down his curves despite your intentions of not taking advantage of him any more than you've already done. You felt his skin crawl, his breath finally speeding a bit, a more nervous side of him that you were used to coming out. Maybe it was the idea of sleeping beside you, or him overthinking the invitation. Or maybe the newfound nickname was just too much for his drunken mind to handle. He quickly nods, making you pull the blanket back up around your shoulders and lead Lucifer back inside.
You take him into his bedroom, which you've rarily seen since you moved to the hotel. It wasnt as large and regal as the one in his previous residency, but it still was much grander compared to yours. His colour scheme matched the rest if the hotel, rich reds and purples. Most of the room was filled with the bed that sat on a slightly elevated platform and hit the cieling with a canopy that adorned silky drapes. A bed truly fit for a king, was unmade and unkept. Blankets were thrown about and the pillows were scattered in various places. The room was slightly cluttered, a few stray ducks that you recognized from his office making their way into his room like muddy footprints.
Lucifer stumbled his way into his room, immediately pulling his shirt off over his head, letting out a groan and letting his body cool down as he started to remove his boots. You couldn't help but stare, no matter how hard you tried to avoid it. You turned your body to the side, covering your eyes with the side of your hand. You manuevered your way around him and plopped onto the edge of the bed. You nearly sunk in with how plush the blanketing and mattress was. Still keeping your head lowered to avoid peeking, you curled up into your own blanket.
Feeling the mattress barely shift, you quicklly looked up to see Lucifer crawling his way towards the head of the bed. He barely changed, just managing to throw on a more casual pair of pants that you recognized seeing on the floor when you first walked in. His still bare chest left you abolutely flustered. His porcelain skin had shifted to a pink hue where he had gotten too cold. He immediately pulled his large blankets over his body and relaxed to the point where you assumed he had fallen asleep immediately. You listened to his steady breath for a moment, a comfortable silence in your mind, then rose to your feet, ready to shuffle out of the room.
"Noo, come back - " he groaned. It wasnt intimate or distressed, he sounded like a damned child. You rolled your eyes, unconciously smiling and crawling a comfortable distance from him on the other side of the bed, an easy task considering the size of it. You thought it best to keep your hands to yourself, so you curled up into the blankets with a comfortable wiggle to situate yourself.
Lucifer slightly opened his half lidded eyes, seeing you coccooned in his blankets, nuzzling your head into his pillows. He would pray for this to be the last and first thing he saw everyday. He closed the distance, pulling you into his chest and intertwining your legs in an attempt to be closer. His skin was incredibly soft, smooth and still warm to the touch under your cold hands that snaked around his waist. You felt him nuzzling your head, taking in a deep breath and resting his chin atop it. How was he so calm right now? This is a completely different side of Lucifer that you've yet to see. And certainly werent expecting to see any time soon.
This is fine. You'll wait until he's in a deeper sleep and leave before anyone else wakes up! Easy peasy. You just wanted him to get to bed after all.
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lumilasi · 14 days
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Since I've been updating one of my bleach fics more recently, I felt the once-in-a-blue-moon urge to draw something from it.....decision I VERY MUCH regretted lmao, because what I picked was SUPER difficult to draw, and I had to take some creative liberty with these designs, lessening the detail in them (Didn't even have a proper ref for Oni-Ichigo to begin with...).
Still, I managed to finish this at least. Fanart isn't really my thing anymore that much so these will be rare, even if I am writing semi-regularly.
The scene this bases on from Jack of All Hollows:
(Context, this is a memory viewed by "main" Ichigo of the story, Oni-Ichigo is a separate person)
Grimmjow eventually shifts, now just sitting on the bridge ledge properly, dangling his bare feet over the water. His companion follows his example, though chooses to keep his legs towards the bridge instead, sitting the other way around. He was still glancing at Grimmjow, and Ichigo could tell that color on his demon doppleganger’s face wasn’t just alcohol. He looked like there was something he was trying to say, but was hesitating.
Ichigo knew what it was.
Clearly, Grimmjow was aware of his companion mulling over something, as the blunet eventually snorts and turns to look at Oni Ichigo annoyed.
"What? Spill it, I can literally hear yer overthinkin’ shit again.”
"You can share memories, not read minds.”
"The gears in your brain are so rusty they make shit ton of noise, Kurosaki. Hard not to hear all that.”
The ginger demon laughs at that, his reaction seemingly confusing his companion a little, the point he now grabs Oni Ichigo’s arm and threatens to throw him into the river if he didn’t explain what was so damn funny now. His companion eventually manages to stop laughing with a wheeze, now looking back at the pouty looking blunet, who was clearly still confused about his behavior.
"Yer way too drunk huh; never knew your stubborn ass was this lightweight.”
"Yeah, guess I am.”
Watching the pair, Ichigo felt uneasy now, suddenly having a feeling this wouldn’t end well for his twin. Obviously, this Ichigo had died, but beyond that…
Suddenly, his twin leans closer, clearly catching Grimmjow off-guard. The kiss doesn’t last long, and once his twin pulls back he had gone completely red, now averting his gaze and rubbing his neck sheepishly. Grimmjow had gone completely stiff, just like he’d done that night at that other bridge.
"S-sorry. I….uh.”
He seems to struggle for a moment to decide what to say, still avoiding the blue eyes staring at him. Grimmjow still hadn’t moved an inch, as if his brain had short circuited and he was struggling to process what just happened.
"….You know. You’re not as bad as I thought when we first met. And lately, I don’t know. I just….I like hanging out with you, when you’re not trying to kill me.”
Oni Ichigo chuckles sheepishly, still avoiding his gaze. Grimmjow now turns his head away, his face still unreadable, though the shock seemed to have faded. The atmosphere around the pair had shifted from the easygoing drunkedness to something much more tense and awkward, though Ichigo wasn’t sure if he was reading it that way, or if the emotion was attached to the memory itself.
"I’ve been thinking about that a lot. And….I-I don’t think its…”
Oni Ichigo swallows down hard now, finally daring to look up at Grimmjow. Seeing that uneasy look in his eyes, oh fuck he was scared too. It had clearly taken his twin a lot to bring this up, and so far, neither could tell what Grimmjow was thinking.
"I don’t think it’s friendly affection I’m feeling.”
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strawb3rrystar · 8 days
Hey, are you gay?
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Pairing: Dave Lizewski x Popular! Fem! Reader
Summary: One message can set down a path that could determine the rest of your high school life, or get you a really sweet partner.
Warnings: Reader is a rich girl, mentions leaked nudes, slight angst, not proofread
Word count: 2.8k
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'Hey, can I ask you a question?'
The first message read. Quite unassuming, except for the fact it came from you, one of the most popular girls in school. Now, you wouldn't describe yourself as the typical mean girl, or cheerleader. You just knew a lot of people, and most of them really liked you. Well, Dave Lizewski was one of those people, which is why he felt like his brain was exploding when he saw that message pop up on his Myspace. His heart raced, hands feeling clammy as he typed out his response.
'Yeah, sure. What is it?'
Your question came a few minutes after, not expecting him to answer so quickly, if at all.
'Are you actually gay?'
Dave stared at it for a few moments, his heart dropping in his chest. Of course that's what you wanted to talk about.
'What? No! Why would you even ask me that?'
'Well, all the girls are spreading a rumor that you're gay. Thought I'd ask.'
That truth made him feel sick. Sure, Todd and Marty had already delivered that news to him. But hearing it straight from the source felt like being run over again.
'Yeah, well that’s bullshit. I’m not gay.'
'Okay, cool.'
Dave didn’t reply straight away, he just stared at your message for a few moments, still feeling a bit bad.
'Why are they spreading that about me?'
'Fuck if I know. I try to stay out of that shit. Besides, they're all fake petty bitches anyways.'
That actually got a surprised laugh out of him, not expecting that kind of answer or vocabulary from you at all.
'Yeah, I guess they are. You know, I don't think we've ever actually spoken before. Funny, considering we go to the same school.'
'True, but we are on opposite ends of the social ladder.'
Dave leaned back in his chair with a smile. His attention now completely on this chat as he began to type a response.
'Oh, yeah. You are WAY out of my league.'
'You really think that?'
He paused for a moment, thinking of what to say next. A few seconds passed before he settled on a decision.
'Well, yeah. I mean, you're popular. You're attractive, smart, funny. And I'm, well, I'm just a loser nerd.'
'But here I am, talking to you.'
The two of you had fallen victim to softcore flirting. Even if neither one of you would ever admit that.
'Yeah, but... why are you talking to me?'
His response read as he furrowed his brow in confusion, wondering why someone as popular as you would even give him the time of day.
'Well, I thought it would be awkward to ask you out if you were gay.'
Dave was completely taken aback by that message, he had to read it over a couple of times to make sure he read that correctly before he responded.
'Wait, you wanted to ask me out?'
That reply left Dave a bit dumbfounded, why on earth would a girl like you, especially one he had never spoken to, want to ask him out?
'You're screwing with me, right? This is some kind of joke?'
'No, it's not. When are you free?'
Dave didn't have the faintest idea what was going on. A part of him was telling him that this was all just some kind of cruel joke. How else would he have gone from sitting on his computer being miserable and pathetic to being asked out by a pretty girl.
'Uh- well, right now I've got nothing planned.'
'Great. Want to come over?'
Dave's heart jumped in his chest, he was almost sure now that this was some kind of joke or prank or something. No way this was actually happening to him. How on earth had he gone from being the loner on the outside to being asked out and asked to come over by you?
'What... really? Like, now?'
'Yes, really. My parents aren't going to be home for the next few days.'
Dave was seriously tempted to check and make sure this wasn't all some kind of dream. He pinched himself under his desk to see if it was. It wasn't.
'Damn. Uh... yeah, okay. I’ll head over. What's your address?'
When you sent him your address he quickly pieced together that area as being where the rich people live. Big expensive houses and fancy cars, something an average guy like him can never afford. He had almost forgotten that you were rich. The realization that a rich girl was asking him to come over to her house, a loser like him, made this feel even more like a joke or prank. He was still a little skeptical and hesitant about the whole situation but he couldn't say no.
'I'll be there in 20.'
'See you soon ;)'
Were the last messages exchanged between you two. Dave spent the next 20 minutes getting to her house, it was the fastest he had ever cycled in his entire life. He was now standing outside of this gorgeous house, looking up at it in a mixture of awe and disbelief, in fact, he was completely in disbelief that this was even about to happen. Dave took a moment to compose himself before he marched up your front walk and knocked firmly on the front door.
As you open the door all of his doubts went away. You looked even better than you did at school, You were standing in front of him in a pair of short shorts and a crop top. For a few moments Dave forgot how to speak, until he finally remembered how to form words into sentences. "Hey.. I'm here."
"I can see that." You reply, Dave feeling very conscious of how dry his mouth was right now, his heart racing in his chest. "So... I can come in, right?" You nod your head, moving out of the way for him. Dave walked into the house, taking in the interior of it. It was very apparent how rich your family actually was. "Nice place you got here."
You shrug, closing the door and locking it "It's my parents. They want me out when I graduate college anyways." Dave's jaw almost dropped a little at the nonchalance in your voice. It was like a rich girl didn't even realize that she was rich. Even if your parents did expect you to leave once you graduate college, you really had nothing to worry about. You'll inherit the family wealth, you were set for life. It was then that Dave realized how different they were, you were the rich popular girl and he was the poor loser nerd. "They really want that?"
"Yeah. But it's whatever." Dave's eyebrows furrow at your nonchalance, that kind of stuff wasn't 'whatever' for people like him. He didn't have anything to inherit, his father was just a single parent, a middle-class factory worker struggling to make ends meet. He's not gonna inherit anything. That's probably another reason you picked him; he was below you. Regardless, he decided to change the subject. "So... what's the plan for today?"
"Well, what do you want to do?" That made Dave pause, he honestly hadn't thought that far ahead. He just thought that you would take the lead. After all, you were the one who invited him over. But, at the same time, he did have an idea in his mind. "I have a proposition."
"Oh? A proposition?" You grin, making Dave's cheeks flush a little. "Uh, yeah... but it's a little... weird." You nearly roll your eyes. As if you'd ever find anything he says weird. "Hit me." The smile you had on your face made him both anxious and excited, but also strangely helped give him a bit of courage. "Could we.. maybe.. cuddle?"
You smile, agreeing to his proposition. "Wait, really? Just like that?" Dave was a little shocked, you agreed a little too easily, he was expecting you to have lots of questions. "Listen, my ex liked taking me through the back door and getting bj's under the bleachers. A little cuddling is like middle schoolers holding hands at this point."
Dave's eyes widened as she said that, he couldn't help the images that started to run through his mind, images of her doing those kinds of things. "You really let him do that stuff to you?" The thought of doing this with her growing more and more real and more possible. "Wish I hadn't, but yeah."
You laugh a little at your own comment, then turned to head over to the stairs. Dave quickly followed after you, the feeling of excitement bubbling in his stomach once more. When you two first walked into your room, it was what he had expected. The room of a rich popular girl. It was filled with expensive things, makeup on the desk, a very expensive vanity and stuff. The room itself was a lot larger than his own back in his crappy apartment. "So... how are we doing this?"
"You've never cuddled before?" You question him. Dave freezes up, but nervously nods his head. You grab his arm and lead him over to your bed, instructing him to get on it. Once he's settled back into the pillow, you climb in beside him, leaning into his side. After a few moments of silence you decided to speak up. "You know, the real reason I invited you over was because I thought you'd understand what it feels like to have rumors spread about you."
That gained Dave's attention, his eyebrows perk up "What do you mean by that?" You sigh, leaning against him more "My ex spread a rumor that I cheat on him, then leaked my nudes as 'revenge.'" Dave feels his heart break a little as you say that. The idea that your ex had done something like that to you... it disgusted him. He gently hugs you closer to him, his hand rubbing your shoulder softly. "I'm so sorry."
You shake your head in response "No, I shouldn't trouble you with my stupid problems." Dave's stomach twists as he hears you say that, continuing to hug you closer to his chest, his hand moving to rub your back. "Hey... they're not stupid problems, I know they are serious to you, and that makes them serious to me as well. I care about you."
You look up into his eyes "Why?" Dave slowly brought both his hands up to your face, his thumbs gently brushing over your warm skin as he spoke to you. "Because you mean so much to me... more than you'll ever know." You lean into his touch, trying to fight off tears. You've never had someone care about you this much.
For a moment, he can't keep the nerdy, awkward part of himself from speaking up. He hesitates, before speaking in a soft, quiet voice. "Can I tell you something?" Dave takes another beat before continuing, his hands suddenly feeling clammy. "I've had a huge, massive, incredible crush on you, for years now."
"Oh, me too." you reply, as if it was nothing. Dave's eyes widen in surprise, he couldn't believe it. "Wait.. really?" You nod your head slowly. Dave's brain just can't compute it. He had spent so long being the nerdy loser that everyone made fun of and no girl wanted to pay attention to, but there was this incredible, beautiful girl confessing to having a crush on him. "For how long?"
"Since middle school." you admit to him. Dave tries to speak but his throat has gone dry at the revelation, the idea that you've had a crush on him since middle school was almost too much to process. "For real?" Your conformation sent Dave's brain into a spiral, it was just so unbelievable. This incredible, popular girl confessing to having a crush on him since middle school, it was like a nerdy guy's dream come true or something. "And you never said anything?"
"I think I was in denial that I actually liked you." You take a moment, then lean closer to him, whispering. "But I don't think I am anymore, though." Dave's breath catches in his chest when you lean closer to him, his brain feeling like mush. A few seconds pass as the two of you lay in each others arms. "Yeah?"
"Yeah." you echo, your lips hovering over his. Dave's heart thumps even faster in his chest, he was so close to what he's always wanted. "Can I... you know, kiss you... or something...?" You smile a little at him "You'd be stupid not to."
The comment has a smile tugging at Dave's lips as he looks down at you. He can't tell if it's confidence in your voice, or the fact that you're finally giving him permission to kiss you. But it doesn't matter... either way the fact you're practically giving him permission to kiss you, is enough to set the butterflies in his stomach in motion once again. Dave moves a little closer to you, so his chest is almost pressed up against yours. "Then I guess I'm stupid."
"Oh, shut the fuck up." You roll your eyes before crashing your lips onto his. Any thought, any idea, any witty, semi-confident comment goes out the window. Dave closes his eyes and kisses you back, wrapping his arm around you to pull you close. His lips eagerly press against yours, kissing you with fervor and passion. One of your hands travels to grab onto his shoulder lightly. Dave groans softly against your lips, he still felt as inexperienced and as socially awkward as ever in this moment, but he didn't care. Not right now.
He pushes his tongue against your lips as he continues to kiss you, gently running his hand up and down your back as he does. You part your lips for him, your fingers playing with the fabric of his shirt. Dave pushes his tongue into your mouth, exploring and licking every inch of you. One of his hands moves to gently grip your waist, while he pushes his body against yours, pinning you to the bed a little. You moan against his lips in response, making Dave nearly lose control over himself. A switch is flicked in his brain that wants to hear that sound from her over and over again.
You pull away from his lips a minute later, gasping for air. "Jesus Christ. I was starting to feel lightheaded for a second." Dave lets out a soft laugh at your comment, the fact that their kissing has left you feeling lightheaded, has him feeling smug and almost proud of himself. "Does that mean I'm a good kisser?" You don't want to feed his ego, but if you had to be honest, it was the best kiss you've ever had. "For a virgin, I suppose you are."
Dave's ears go scarlet at her comment, the idea of her calling him a virgin to his face "I... I'm sorry?" You tilt your head in confusion "For what?" Dave just looks down at her for a moment, the knowledge that you know that he's a virgin is both embarrassing but also kind of turns him on a bit. "For... you know, being inexperienced... I just... I don't want to disappoint you."
"Relax, we have all been virgins once." Dave takes a breath as he looks down at you, trying to calm his already thumping heart. He knows you're trying to reassure him, and it does work a little, but he still can't help the insecurities and the nerves that are running through his head. "I just... want to make you feel good... that's all I care about." You nearly scoff, finding him unbelievable. "Have you met my ex?"
Dave's expression immediately hardens at the mention of her ex, the fact you just brought him up is enough to ruin the moment a little for him. "Well, that asshole didn't ever make me feel good. He only cared about getting himself off. So, you're already like ten steps ahead." He feels bad that you were ever with someone like that in the first place, a pit in his stomach dropping. "Damn... the bar is really set low then, huh?" You place a kiss on his neck "You could say that."
Dave lets out a soft moan when you place a kiss on his neck, his body suddenly tensing up a bit at the feeling in a good way. He bites his bottom lip for a second as he responds, looking down at you, his voice softer now. "Is that all it takes? I just have to be better than your shitty ex?"
"Just.. do whatever feels right." Dave takes that in, staring at you for a few minutes. "Hm, well, I've wanted to kiss you for years. So I think I'd like to continue doing that." He says before his lips are back on yours.
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Star's notes -> Decided to not turn this into smut because I thought this was cute on it's own.
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melancholicbat666 · 3 months
The Other Woman.
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You and carmen had been dating for a while, but he unfortunately didn't seem to think it was that serious. (not about cheating)
On the mornings at the beginning of it all, Carmen used to welcome you with breakfast in bed, treating you like something easily breakable, that could end up slipping out of his hand and breaking into so many pieces that it couldn't be glued back together. Several huge bouquets at home, heart-shaped chocolate, it was a cliché, but in the end it was a cliché that Carmen made, so it ended up being everything.
Everything was going well, until the day you had to ask yourself "What the fuck did I did to him?"
Awake all night, looking at the boy's feet, in the middle of the night, walking here and there. He spent so much time walking around the house, that his steps almost formed a song with a specific and well-formed sequence, everything, except sleeping with you, could be on the couch, or on top of the bills at The Beef, but it was never with you.
The next day of those many nights, when you woke up suddenly after dozing off, all you could hear was Carmen's footsteps. Going to the door. Opening. Going away. Forgetting your kiss, or maybe a "hi" via text, even if it's late. Leaving the cigarette smoke of the day.
The house was empty all day, but empty of affection for the rest of the week. So you could try to occupy yourself completely, with a quick kiss on the weekends. And more and more you could remember traditional American couples, both of whom no longer love each other, but they remain together for what they once were, for the hope of looking at that stranger and thinking: "I once loved someone who was like you."
After work, you started washing the dishes, singing as if everything was fine, and putting the damp dishes out to dry, the kitchen was a disaster, but that was a matter for Carmen-Distant, when he came back from work, to the greatest point of stress. There was also the living room, which was the same as the kitchen, especially the painting of the former owner, a clown smiling, with his eyes looking to the side in a very expressive way, perhaps he thought he was going to turn into a cuckoo clock. Carmy used to leave the day's notes there, and over time the untouched image created a barrier of dust over the post-it, and a small square was formed behind all the dust. There were no squares, just dust.
It was annoying how your own boyfriend became just a submissive thought, someone you didn't see right for a good period, that's what made you make the decision to question Carmy, and without the right to escape, or any unsuspecting nap.
-Are you awake at this time?-The blonde asked, entering the apartment, and immediately coming across the image of the living room, you sitting on the sofa with a stressed expression, with your legs crossed, but not at all courteous, more controlling.
-Awake to wait for you to arrive.-You looked at Carmen, but looked away elsewhere, biting your lower lip, then said:
-I want to tell you something, actually, I want to talk about something with you.
Carmen frowned, and his eyebrows too, setting up a series of expression lines on his face, and looking to the side, like the clown, and then at you, he said:
-Okay, so, can I take a shower first?
-Carmen, now. Please.- Your posture remained the same, and Carmen, without insisting (perhaps he realized you were stressed), sat down in one of the armchairs, close to the sofa. It was these small things in addition to the big ones that made you upset, for example, at that moment the sofa wasn't occupied, not even a little, and he preferred the armchair at the other end of where you were.
The two looked at each other for a while, until anger took its toll on your mind, and you managed to wake up and remember what you were going to do.
-Don't you realize how far away you are? how alone I am, and it's not even because I don't have anyone, I've been alone in the relationship, since some time ago. I want it to be something plural, that's why we date.
The boy's face shriveled like a fruit, if he hadn't been close to someone, you could have sworn he would cry right there, he got close, but broke your heart, when his voice was shaky.
-You know it's my brother's restaurant, I mean, it was. Sorry. I shouldn't be justifying this shit, but I really don't want you to be mad. What have I been distant about?-He dropped his eyes to the ground, redder than a tomato, and panting like a Pug.
-In everything, Carmy. You don't call me anything affectionate anymore, we no longer have hugs, sex isn't important to mention, but it has an honorable mention.-You laughed at your own speech, but the boy remained mesmerized by the floor.-I shouldn't laugh. But I feel useless, and inconvenient, like, why should I be in your life if I'm ignored? you know?
-I'm sorry. Fuck. I didn't want to be so overwhelmed.-He stopped talking, and looked at you with the kind of look you've never seen coming from him.-Damn, you're the most important thing in my life, and I'm leaving you to listen to Richie complaining all day. Can I say sorry again?
-I forgive you, Carmy. But I really hope it's not something without confidence, because if it is, it will hurt me a lot.
-It will not be. It won't be.-He got up, and gave you a passionate, delicate kiss, different from superficial and quick kisses. Looking at you, he gave a smile, which for sure, if it had a taste, would be milk chocolate. -Do you want to go take a shower? you smell like Carmen-Repressor.-One more kiss, before you could respond.
The shower was quick, the water hot, and both of them laughing at themselves. Carmen started to tell a story about when he developed a phobia of bar soaps, when he thought about the manufacturers putting their hands on something that would later go all over his body. Both laughed together, but shortly after Carmen bent over, and "laid" on your lap, with his cheek on your collarbone, his hand around your waist, and his hair touching your shoulder.
-I love you.-He said, looking up, with a smile.
-I still need a tidy kitchen, and a big breakfast in bed, to fully reconcile with you.-You said, with a serious face, a staged and sarcastic seriousness.
Note: srry if the story was horrible, its late, and I didnt even proofread the text before posting 😭
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drurrito · 4 months
Move Along
AN: literally just wrote this bc i refuse to journal!! I'm also off a melatonin gummy so all mistakes are mine
Warnings: it's angsty, a little suggestive, probably cursing
Wanda rides out her high while you watch from below. She falls over with a dreamy sigh, her arm falling across your chest and her fingers curl against your neck. You pull her in closer with a kiss atop her head. You let her mindlessly play with the hairs on the nape of your neck for a few moments until you catch the vacant look on her face.
"S'wrong?" you mumble, not really expecting anything to come of it. Wanda doesn't say anything for a few beats, and that makes you turn towards her, lifting her chin with the softest grip, her eyes choosing to look at the lamp on your nightstand.
"Vis asked me to come see him in Hamburg," she's still not looking at you.
"Oh? Like a weekend trip?"
"More than a weekend trip," she shrugs, "for the summer, said I'm too far away for his liking."
"You guys talk like every night, don't you?" you tilt your head, cocking a brow.
"That's not the point," she lightly flicks your ear. You both have had this flirtationship/friends with benefits thing long before Vision ever came into the picture. You weren't used to competing for someone when he came around, you still aren't. Wanda used to think it was cute how you always acted like you were at the top of her roster--because you were--at least until Vision proved to be a top contender. You never hit the gas, but you never hit the brakes either. You've just been cruising like always, and Wanda absolutely factored that in when she was making her decision about Vision.
"Y/n," Wanda eyes finally land on yours, her hand moves down to cup your cheek, her thumb grazing against your skin.
"It's getting serious, between me and him."
"Okay," you knew this is what she was getting at the whole time, she's always been too nice to just come out and say things like this.
"What am I supposed to do about it?" You gently grasp her hand and prop yourself up on your elbow, "he's sweeping you off your feet from miles and miles away, and I'm just, here I guess."
"There's nothing else you want to say to me?" Wanda sits up too, she wraps the sheets around herself while you sit there at the crossroads you hoped to never reach.
It was always going to end this way.
Maybe, deep down, you hoped that by the time this day would come that you would have figured out the right way to go about things.
But you haven't and that's on you, so you have to take this on the chin and keep it moving like you used to do.
"When do you leave?" You turn to face Wanda in time to watch her shoulders droop.
"Thursday," her reply is curt. You wince, it's Tuesday.
"So this is it then?"
"You're not even going to try to keep in touch?" Wanda frowns while you chew on your lip.
"And talk about what, Wanda? How amazing it is to live with the guy that has way too much money to shower you with gifts for so many lifetimes?"
"It's not about the money y/n-"
"It's the effort, I get it. But I've been here, Wanda--more than Vis has, even."
Wanda opens her mouth like she's going to say something, but she just sighs instead. You're right, you've been here, but not in the way she needed, wanted you, and you both know that. You never bothered to evolve beyond a fuck and a flirt, and Wanda realized she had to give up on waiting for you at some point.
She just didn't expect for it to happen so soon.
Wanda reaches for your hand, taking it in hers when you don't pull away.
"I'll always remember this, us," she lifts your hand to her lips and releases it with a kiss. Your jaw twitches with an emotion you thought was long-lost. Wanda moves to get up from the bed, but you still her with a hand on her own.
"Stay? Just for tonight?" You curse yourself with how much that resembles begging, and you barely have the courage to look Wanda in the eyes while you wait for her answer. After tonight, nothing will be the same, so the least you can do is just savor what's left of it now.
Wanda's eyes soften, you'll always be special to her. She wordlessly nods and climbs back into bed with you, pulling you close to her chest. Wanda pretends that she can't feel your tears on her skin. You finally relax and fall asleep after a few minutes of her whispering sweet nothings into your ear while drawing patterns across your shoulders and back.
As much as Wanda wishes things were different between you, she knows that life will leave her behind if she keeps waiting around for something more to happen.
You wake up, the other side of the bed is the coldest it's ever been.
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fencecollapsed · 10 months
once again thinking about Hey Melissa because this story lives in my brain like a little worm that wants to slowly kill me. anyway I've thought of exactly what changes I think would've made the story work better in my opinion so uhh here's my Hey Melissa script doctor I guess djskfjdsk
cut Paul's dog story. I get what the intention was, it's meant to be a full-circle thing at the end, but I just don't think it works the way it was meant to. it muddies the story too much and makes Melissa's motivation more complicated than it needs to be. if in every timeline she's trying to kidnap Paul to keep him as a dog (and she hates and kills dogs), why is this framed as her breaking point? why does she like him at all? and why does him just meowing convince her? cut all that, simplify it. Paul's a cat from the start. give her little club a bit of a clearer and simpler base logic: men they hate are kept as dogs, men they like are kept as cats. Melissa's been wanting a cat for so long, and she's had her eyes on Paul, and she's finally got him where she wants him.
Paul still denies that he's as good of a person as Melissa thinks he is, but instead of telling the dog story, have him just. lose his temper and be kind of a dick to her. he wanted to let her down easy, but she just keeps pushing. goddammit Melissa, he'd like you more if you'd drop this. he's made it clear he's not interested. she's not his type, he doesn't like the things she does. they're not compatible. and he's dating Emma right now anyway. can she please just let this go and stop pestering him so they can at least stay friends? Melissa's clearly upset, barely holding back tears, but says she understands. Paul now feels guilty, asks if there's anything he can do. Melissa asks him to feed her dog. the dog is Ted, and Melissa knocks Paul out. Paul wakes in the cage, afraid he's going to be defingered like Ted, but Melissa assures him no, she would never declaw a cat. Ted's a dog, see, he's a nasty, filthy dog pretending to be a man, he needed to be taken off the streets to keep everyone else safe. but Paul? Paul's a sweet kitty who's just confused and thinks he's a man, thinks he knows what he wants, thinks he's happy. thinks he doesn't like her back. he broke her heart, but that's okay, he's just a feral cat who doesn't understand that he's safe with her. he bit and scratched her because he doesn't know what love really is. he just needs to be trained and socialized. in time he'll understand that all Melissa wants is to love him, and he'll come to love her, too.
add like. one scene or moment to ground the tone and force the viewer to sit in how horrific this would actually be. one mention of Ted's wounds being infected, or the guys being cold and malnourished. just like, a single line, or a brief exchange between Ted and Paul would be enough. keep it light and absurd the whole rest of the time, but one moment that takes the situation more seriously would add a lot, I think.
have Emma bitch Melissa out after their exchange. do not have her just walk away crying, let her get MAD. let her rip into this freak who's boasting about having stolen her guy. who does Melissa think she is?? someone who deserves a cup of milk to the face, Emma thinks. it's full of spit, by the way. fuck you. and fuck Paul. you assholes deserve each other. and Emma starts crying then, at the end if her rant, and realizes she's. a lot more hurt than mad, actually. more hurt than she'd expect to be about Paul. fuck, she'd thought there was something special about him. but he's just another asshole. and then she storms out crying.
foreshadow Paul's decision to stay with Melissa. one moment of him starting to kind of like being here. she's scratching his chin, or petting his hair or something, and he's enjoying it a little. has to snap himself out of it, like he forgot for a moment that this is a waking nightmare. would give the ending more of an ambiguous terror, that maybe it's not just the bump on his head, and there was something in him that was being won over, because we saw it.
at the end Paul apologizes to Melissa for breaking her heart, thanks her for being patient with him. he always wanted to be a good man, but he never believed he was. but Melissa believed he was a good cat, and now he is. she made him what he could never be on his own. and to make up for hurting her, he'll be hers until he dies.
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deadpool15 · 11 months
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Mommy Duties P.2
"Hola mi amigos, it's your girl Cassie. And today is a very special day. And before you hit me with the omg, she is finally having the baby comments. No, this thickass baby isn't coming until like 2 months from now. Anyways, today will be a pool day. So, I'm sure everyone knows that last time I visited Bada on set, and while I was there, Mina and some of the staff suggested I come to their little pool break. Now, it will be a bit difficult because, well, you know who isn't ready yet. Obviously, Corey is a toddler and feels the need to make everything difficult."
Cassie says dramatically while walking around the house, trying to gather all of Corey's things. Realizing, i forgot to pack his diapers, which is the most important thing. I laugh at the camera, looking around my room before sitting on to my bed, trying to figure out where the hell I put those diapers. "I swear I had them last night yall, shit just be disappearing in this house." I look down on the floor and see the diapers sitting right there still in the pack, turning around looking at the camera with a guilty smile on my face. "We just gonna edit that out, I don't need yall knowing my pregnancy brain be fucking with me ok. And while we are on the topic of kids, I just wanna let yall know how I raise mine is how we meaning me and my wife choose to raise our son. I've gotten comments saying all this and that while questioning my methods. Like first of all, I do say I will hit him sometimes when he does shit but I always just yell. I mean, I don't put my hands on him. I grey up with Dominican parents yall trust me I know what the fuck I'm doing. Second, aren't Asian parents known for giving their kids childhood trauma? How about yall ask yall kids why they are so afraid yo fail and depressed before you come at me. Thank you."
Now, after that moment, I managed to get Corey ready. "I got him ready off camera mainly because he was being a bit fussy. It's slightly earlier than when I usually wake him up, so bear with my baby yall." I state after grabbing all the items, including my son, who is currently in the process of going to sleep. Thank God for that. Hopefully, he will wake up with a lot of energy when we get there and get worn out. Carrying everything to my car with a sleeping baby and being pregnant, call me superwoman at this point. I unlock the car door and place everything inside, making sure that Corey is all tucked in before I start driving. I make my way towards the front of the car and sit down, getting ready to go. "Yall, be sitting there saying our heights are so funny to look at compared to Bada. Like, yall simply don't know the struggle. Every time I get in this vehicle, I have to adjust the seat before I drive. Like who can drive from all the way back here. The steering wheel is in Korea, and the drivers seat is in Japan. That's a time difference here, people. Anyways, I'm gonna be doing a little Q&A to keep yall preoccupied. So, yall don't have to focus on my side profile."
Luffy57-When did you and Bada decide to have kids?
Monsterhigh99-Why do you always call them Bada's kids, aren't they just technically yours?
I read the first two questions, trying to gather all the information before I start up the car so I won't have to keep looking down or anywhere else but the road while driving. "OK, to be honest, I didn't want kids like at all. I'm not saying you are supposed to like count kids out if you are with a woman. But me personally, I didn't want any. I just could never see myself as a mother, I didn't want to. But, I met Bada, and life kinda changed. Now, ywll don't go thinking just because you meet people, your perspective will automatically change. Bada didn't change my decision, I did. I envisioned a different life for myself. After doing some thinking, I decided." I said while looking at the camera for a split second and looking back at the road. Until we reached a red light. And I glance at Corey. "He always knocked out in the car."
I sit there for a while, thinking about food, to be honest. Then I remember the second question, and the light turns green, causing us to go back on the road again. "Right, my bad yall. So, wait, what was the question again? Ooo, right, so I obviously call them her kids because they are. I mean, we are both raising them, so it shouldn't matter about the little details. Second, technically, Corey is literally her son. He looks like both of us. Bada wanted to be more involved in the process when we decided that I would be the first runner-up to have the baby. She volunteered, even though she was scared too. But here, career was just taking off, and I refused to have her waste time when she was finally getting recognized. So, she offered to give me some of her eggs and stuff like that, and yea shit happens."
I look up and see the building, realizing we made it. I call Bada to help with stuff. Because I no longer feel like carrying all this shit anymore.
Myocean💖-Hello baby
Mywife💞-You mind introducing yourself to the exit to come help me carry all this stuff.
Myocean💖-And by stuff, do you mean our child and his things?
Mywife💞-Yes, before I randomly decide to make today not your day, if you keep sweet talking me Ms. Lee
Myocean💖-Whatever you say, baby. I'm on my way, Mrs. Lee
I hand up the phone smiling. "That's my baby yall." I giggle all girly like, and then I see Bada smiling at me through the window. "Omg, what is wrong with you? Couldn't you have told me you were here, out here scaring me." She opens the car door before looking me up and down, "and ruin your little moment. Nah, baby, I wouldn't do that. Are you wearing a top under that ?" I look down at my pink bathing suit top before looking up at her. "Baby, this is the top. I mean, it literally has long sleeves and stuff." She stares at me while poking her tongue on the inside of her cheek. She only does that when she is made or annoyed. "Now, would it happen to have long sleeves because you are trying to make for that fact that you happen to me wearing a thong under that skirt?" I just kiss her check telling her how much I love her.
After some minor issues with Bada, we finally make it into the building, with her carrying Corey, who, by the way, had finally woken up and chosen his favorite to spend the day with as always. "Crazy, how you hold a lid for 9 months only for them to come out picking the other as their favorite. I'm basically just a storage closet." She laughs at my remarks and kisses the corner of my lips, causing a whine to leave my lips. "Behave." I listen for the moment. We make our way inside, and I see all the girls playing in the water. I almost forgot that tsubakill members were eliminated. Then I see Mina running up to me. "Omg, you made it. I thought you weren't gonna come. Almost had to beg Bada to get you here." I turn around and look at Bada while hugging Mina.
"Of course, I made it. I mean, who would miss a free pool day." We chuckle at each other before she grabs my hand, and I turn to look a Bada seeing her motion towards Bebe. Letting me know where they will be. "I just thought with Corey and everything you would be busy, you know," she says while sitting us down, making sure to place a cushion under me. I nod as a sign of thanks. "I mean, he was eager to come when I told him this morning, though I think he completely forgot. He was only focused on the fact that I was waking him up early." We laugh together, and soon the whole crew of DeepnDap comes over, greeting me. Though, since I mainly know Mina, I stick with her throughout the day. We talk for what feels like hours. She gets a bit touchy after seeing her with her members. I notice that's just how she is. I can't help but feel a certain stare on me, knowing who it is I excuse myself.
I walk over to the table, grabbing something to drink. Until I hear breathing behind me, startling me. I turn and find Bada looking at me with a smirk on her face. "You scared the shit out of me, baby. Don't do that." She completely disregards my statement. "You and Mina seem to be getting along quite well, don't you think?" I grab my chest startled by her walking up on me. "Bada what the fuck, my heart can't take all that, and I don't know what you're talking about." Ofc I knew what she was talking about I just liked to fuck with her. How evil of me, right? "Well, whether you choose to know or not, you're off the market. I stare up at her now that she has gotten closer. "Is that so?" "Yes it is so. Because the moment I put that ring on your finger, actually fuck that the moment I looked at you, you were off the market. And now that you're carrying our baby, it just makes it better. Now tell her to back off before I have to do a repeat last night." I shyly turned to face the table again, making myself busy. "I don't know what you're talking about last night wasn't all that good." "O, really?"
For the night, Bada's parents agreed to watch Corey. Saying they missed their grandchild, but I think it was simply for our alone time. Considering they winked at me while picking up Corey's toys. Bada's mom even told me to be careful and pointed to my stomach. But now that was long forgotten, well, at least by me. As I'm laid on all fours, completely at the mercy of Bada, with her constantly slamming her strap into me. "F-fuck... slow down...m. mmm." She leaned down and locked a bold strip of my neck, "really, I thought I wasn't moving fast enough. Now it's slow down. You just don't know what the fuck you want, huh? Just a greedy little whore." As she says that last word she makes sure to push in harder making me see stars. I didn't know whether I wanted her to go faster or slow down anymore. It all felt too good. The only thing anyone could her in or outside of the room was skin claps on skin claps. And of course, me screaming for my fucking life. "Just needed this can't filled, that all you ever need, huh? Just me." I can't register what she is saying anymore. "Y-yes fill it upp."
End Flashback
Bada is sitting there reminding me of everything that happened last night. "OK, ok, I'm sorry, I remember shit." I tell her, hoping she will stop embarrassing me before she drags me to the nearest bathroom. "Bada, we can't do that here. What about everyone? And Corey?" I ask already in fear and slight excitement of what she is doing. "Corey is sleeping." She states while turning me around, shoving me into the sink, though making sure not to hurt my stomach. She is always cautious about that. "And everyone else should mind their business and now their place. Which is not with my wife, much like Mina, correct?" I simply nod as she pulls down my thong bottoms and immediately shoves a finger in my pussy. "I fucked how many times last night and you're still fucking tight. So I have to fuck you open again, huh princess?" I look at her though the mirror before looking down in embarrassment.
"Look at the mirror right fucking now." I hurry and look up and make eye contact with her as she places another finger inside and rubs my clit hard. "Answer me, you know I don't like repeating myself. Remember your manners." I start to answer or try to, as all that comes out is a much of bullshit. "Y-yes please fuck me open. J-just f-uck me so good, Bada." She nods her head, getting down on her knees, causing me to grab her shoulders to stop her. "But-", she kisses my lips, shutting me up for the time being. "No more, talking baby, just let me eat, ok."
*request by @vachieve
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elliotsgrl · 1 year
pregnancy scare | min ho x reader
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synopsis: you think you might be pregnant. you decide to tell min ho the news so you can find out together, but min ho doesn't take it so well....
pairing: min ho x reader
a/n: thank you to @a-mexican-waffle for this idea! also yall ntm on me pls i'm still very entry level when it comes to writing fics- i'm just tryna get the min ho x reader tag saturated yk.
warning: some spicy material, mentions of unprotected seggs. don't be silly, wrap ur willy!
i took a deep breath, looking at the pregnancy test box in my hands. this cannot be happening. i had been about two weeks late on my period, which is completely out of the ordinary. i am never late on my period. ever.
min ho and i had not used protection the last time we were together. we were both way too turned on and i was too impatient for him to grab the condom, so i let him go in raw.
now that my judgement is no longer clouded by lust or desire, i've realized that it may not have been the smartest decision to make.
who am i kidding? it was not. i palm my forehead and sigh, recalling how we got in this position.
we were in my dorm bed, both nude, and engrossed in a passionate lip lock. min ho was on top of me with my legs wrapped around his waist, and his hands trailing up my thigh. he pulled away to kiss and suck on my neck, which made me moan loudly and grip his soft hair.
"fuck, min, you're gonna leave a mark," i breathed out. i didn't want to deal with the fuss of having to cover up multiple hickeys. he left my neck alone and we were now face to face again. "you're no fun." min ho said playfully.
"shut up," i grabbed his face, closing the gap once more. we were kissing like we hadn't seen each other in months. i could feel how hard he was since it was pressing up against me. it only made me wetter than i already was. i needed him now.
min ho was trying to reach for the box of condoms on the dresser next to my bed while our lips were still entangled. i broke the kiss, not being able to wait any longer. "baby, i need you right now. i can't wait." i whispered. min ho raised his eyebrows in shock, trying to process what i just said.
"are you sure about this, y/n?" min ho rarely ever uses my full name, so i knew he was serious. but all i could think of in this moment was feeling him inside me. i nodded.
i put my hand on his cheek, letting him know that i meant what i said. "i'm sure. now put it in, please..." i was so desperate, i couldn't think straight until he gave me what i wanted.
he did, in fact, give me what i wanted, and more.
i felt a chill go down my spine from the flashbacks of what went down that night. it was an interesting night for sure. i knew this was the reality of what could happen when you don't use protection, but i was too horny to care.
time to tell min ho.
i grabbed my phone from the table to send him a text to come over. his dorm wasn't too far from me, so i knew it wouldn't take long for him to get here.
ten minutes later, i heard a soft knock on my door. he's here.
i went to the door to open it, revealing min ho. he had on loungewear and was looking sexy as ever. focus.
we hugged and kissed each other, and i led him inside to the living room. i let out a deep breath i didn't even realize i was holding.
minho went to sit on the couch, while i remained standing.
"your text sounded kinda urgent. is everything okay babe?" min ho said, looking at me.
"i have to tell you something, but you have to promise not to freak out." i said. knowing min ho, i know he was not going to take this lightly.
min ho stood up from the couch to come closer to me. his expression changed from being calm and collected to slightly worried.
"okay.... i promise i won't freak out."
he says that now. but he doesn't know about this bomb i'm going to drop on him.
"i think i'm pregnant."
min ho laughed. "you're joking, right? is this a prank or something?"
i shook my head. when he realized i wasn't joking, it started to sink in for him.
min ho's eyes got as big as saucers.
"you think you're WHAT?"
"shit, y/n!"
"oh my god, i don't think i'm ready to be a father-"
"but i literally pulled out!"
"babe, do you know what this means???"
min ho was talking so fast that i could barely understand him. he was now pacing back and forth, rambling about the whole thing. he was losing it. i had to bring him back to earth.
"my love-"
"we're too young to be parents!"
"i wonder if the baby is gonna look more like me or you..."
"MIN HO!!!" i screamed, trying to get him to stop rambling. he immediately snapped out of whatever trance he was in.
"first of all, i need you to be calm, okay? second of all, the pull out method doesn't always work. and yes, i do know what this means. but, i'm not even a hundred percent sure if i am pregnant. it's just a possibility. my period is two weeks late, so i think i might be."
min ho pursed his lips, finally stopping the pacing.
"do you have a pregnancy test?"
i went to grab the two pregnancy test boxes i was holding earlier.
"yes, i do. i haven't taken them yet because i wanted us to find out together."
i went back to him and grabbed his hand.
"whatever the results are, we'll get through this, alright?" i spoke softly.
min ho nodded, squeezing my hand.
"you're right, we will."
we walked to the bathroom together, hand in hand.
i peed on both of the sticks, setting them face down on the sink. i put a timer on my phone for 3 minutes, and washed my hands.
minho sat on the flat edge of the tub while i sat on the covered toilet seat.
"this could really upend both our lives." min ho said, looking down.
"yeah, i know. i should've just let you grab that condom," i laughed, trying to lighten the mood.
min ho chuckled, looking back up at me. he shook his head. "you're such a nymph. you couldn't wait just a few more minutes so i could get the condom on?"
i smiled while rolling my eyes in a playful manner.
the alarm on my phone went off, signifying that three minutes has passed.
the smiles on our faces disappeared as quickly as they had came. this was it.
we both stood up.
we each grabbed a pregnancy test, so we could look at the same time.
"okay, on the count of three."
as we flipped them over, my heart was beating out of my chest. i don't think i'm ready to be a mother either.
i had never been more relieved to see the words "not pregnant" in my entire life. the weight that was on my shoulders being released felt so damn good.
"oh, thank heavens!" min ho exclaimed, seeing the negative result on the pregnancy test he was holding. he let out a relieved sigh.
"i think i was about to grow a grey hair just now. that was so stressful." min ho said. i laughed so hard.
"you're such a drama queen. i would've been the one carrying the baby!" i took the test from him so i could chuck them both in the trash.
"am not. how else was i supposed to react when my girlfriend tells me we might be expecting?"
we both washed our hands and left the bathroom.
we went back to the living room to cuddle on the couch. i grabbed the remote to surf through netflix.
"i'm really glad i'm not pregnant. that was fucking scary."
"i agree, let's never do that again."
min ho and i looked at each other.
"never ever..." i gave him a quick peck and smiled.
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gemini-sensei · 11 months
Hear me out... (unedited)
Reader just broke up with her boyfriend. She's sad about it, yeah, mostly because she's been looking for "the one." All she's ever wanted was to marry the love of her life and have a family with them, but it's slowly starting to feel like that is impossible as everyone she's gone out with has either said she isn't their type or things don't end well. Case and point, her most recent ex who found someone else...
Reader feels a little hopeless. As her friends start to make families of their own, she feels even worse. She's there for them as they go through pregnancy and have their babies, being an aunt to their kids and a babysitter when her friends want to have a night out. She loves the little ones, but at the same time, she feels cheated out of the life she wanted for herself.
Hawk, her best friend, watches from the sidelines and doesn't know what to do. He takes her out in an attempt to forget about it, distracts her mind from it all. The one time they got drunk, she swore up and down about how her ex made so many empty promises to her and how upset she was when he left because she thought he was the one. Why couldn't he have been the one?
She cried in Hawk's arms before throwing up on the bar floor. After that, he decided that drinking wasn't the best distraction. So they did other things... like play video games and go sight seeing and practice karate.
Reader appreciates everything he does for her. He's the best and she always tells him as much.
It's when Yasmine is pregnant that she comes to a realization. Well, Moon helps her get there.
As the two women are leaving Yasmine and Demetri's home, Reader says something about how she can't wait to have all of this; the lush house, the loving partner, a baby on the way. It's not the first time they've talked about this.
"Why wait at all?" Moon asks.
Reader sighs. "I don't know. I'm still trying to find that special someone, you know?"
"They're not worth waiting on if you're ready for a baby," Moon tells her. It's quiet for a moment, Reader a little warm in the cheeks. "Reader, we all know how long you've wanted a family. Sometimes it's all you talk about. Just skip the search for someone and go for the baby. No one said you had to actually have a partner to have a baby."
Reader looks at her, a little stunned. She knew single women had babies all the time, through whatever means led them to that path in life, but she never considered it for herself. She blinks and licks her lips, smiling. "I'll have to think about it."
Moon giggles. "Definitely think it over."
And she does. Reader thinks about it for months before she comes to a decision.
The first person she tells is Hawk.
"I've decided I'm gonna have a baby," she tells him.
He laughs. "We all knew this about you."
"No, I mean soon. I'm gonna get pregnant soon and have a baby, Hawk." He looks at her questionably because he's known her plan all their lives: meet the person of her dreams first, then start a family. Sitting with her in his lonely apartment, he knows she's single as fuck. She knows he knows this and goes on to elaborate. "I'm tired of waiting for someone to love me enough to have a baby with me. I'm just gonna do it myself."
"Okay, but that's a lot more responsibility put on you," he says, concerned and only looking out for her best interest.
She nods. "I know. I've thought through all of it. I know what I'm doing."
He stares at her and sees how determined she is in this decision. Whether he thinks her doing this on her own isn't the best idea or not, he knows he won't be able to change her mind. "Okay. So are you gonna go to a sperm bank and tell them you want a donation?"
"No," she says and he almost chokes on air.
"That's too expensive," she tells him. "I can spend that money on something a lot better. I mean, who knows how much I'd waste if it doesn't take the first or second or even third time, you know? I'm just gonna find a tinder hookup and go from there."
Now he puts his foot down in protest. "No. No way, Reader. For someone who's put a lot of thought into this, that is the worst way to go. I mean, you could meet someone dangerous or someone that you don't want to get you pregnant. Just save up for the clinic."
"I don't want to wait for that," she tells him, looking at him rather cross. But it's more out of desperation than being angry. "What other choice do I have?"
He says it before he thinks it through. "You have me."
She stares at him stunned. "What?"
He swallows hard but committs to it. "Reader, I don't want you getting hurt. I mean, all I want is for you to be happy. I'd do anything for you. I'd kill for you and you know that. So why not this?"
She sits silently and listens, then asks, "You'd really do this for me?"
"I'd do this with you," he tells her. He takes her hand and squeezes it. "Then you wouldn't have to do this alone and the kid can have both parents around."
She smiles.
"This is what best friends are for, right?"
She laughs and hugs him, nearly knocking him over. "You're the most amazing best friend ever!"
They hold each other for a moment longer than maybe what was necessary, then pull away from each other. He smiles at her a little cheeky.
"So, should I go get a turkey baster?"
He hits him on the arm. "Shut up! And no!" She sits shyly for a moment, cheeks growing hot. "That's another reason I didn't wanna use a clinic... I still want the have the whole... involved experience."
His eyes darken and he licks his lips. "Oh, I see."
He puts a hand on her thick thigh and squeezes it. She giggles nervously and puts her hand on his.
"Now isn't the time," she tells him, quickly explaining, "I'm not ovulating."
"We could still practice," he offers, wearing a cheeky smile.
She bites her lip and nods. "Yeah, a little practice wouldn't hurt."
They move to his bedroom, where their friendship takes on a whole new meaning. As he holds her pudgy waist and pounds her from behind, he silently hopes it takes some time for her to get pregnant because it's the best sex he's ever had. She moans and curls her fingers into the sheets, also wishing the same thing.
And even when they're cuddling in his sheets after their practice run, they're blind to the fact that this changes everything. But it does at least open up their hearts to the truth that's been there all along: they've been each other's meant to be for a long time. They just don't realize it yet, just like they haven't all these years they've been friends.
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jungkookjeon0007 · 2 months
Nights in Vegas | CH. 24 (JJK FF)
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☆ summary: When Olivia flies to Las Vegas for her first ever BTS concert w/ her best friend, she was expecting to make lots of unforgettable memories... What she wasn't expecting was to end up with the lead singer, Jeon Jungkook, knocking on her hotel room door only to find her in nothing but a towel. What will happen when the golden maknae wants to see her again? Will it lead to heartbreak, or a promising future for them both?
☆ pairing(s): jungkook x olivia.
☆ ratings: (18+) for detailed sex scenes + harsh language.
☆ genre: smut, angst, fluff.
☆ word count: 2.25k.
[Author's POV]
"I'm so damn nervous." Jungkook stated.
"It's going to be okay. I promise, just respect whatever she tells you okay, Kook?"
"Of course I will Yoon. I'm heading up now, she's supposed to be meeting me in my room at 5:30, and it's already 5:15."
"Okay. Call and let me know how it goes!"
"Always. Thank you Hyung."
Jungkook took off towards his room but when he got there, he was surprised to find Olivia pacing back and forth in front of his door, waiting for him. He walked up to her as she turned around, shocked to see him. "Hey. What are you doing here?"
Jungkook chuckled, "Umm it's my room?"
"Oh yeah, shit. I'm sorry."
"It's okay. Are you doing alright?"
"Yes. No. I just-I-"
"Hey, hey. Calm down, it's okay it's just me baby. What's going on?"
"Can we go inside and talk please?"
"Of course."
He unlocked the door and motioned for her to enter first. He walked in after, shutting the door behind them. As he turned around, her lips were attacking his with such want and angst, a feeling he's never felt before while kissing her.
Jungkook pulled back out of breath, looking at her. "Not that I don't love your kisses so fucking much, but what is going on baby? You're acting strangely and it's making me nervous."
"I just-I..." She sighed heavily and after calming herself down, she continued. "I've made my decision."
My heart dropped in my stomach and suddenly I felt sweaty, "Oh okay. Do you want to sit down and talk about it?"
She shook her head, "No. I want you to sit down and I'll talk if that's okay."
"Yeah, of course." I walked over to the couch and anxiously sat down. She was on the other side of the coffee table that was in between us, pacing once again.
"Okay, so I want to explain everything I feel before I go straight into my answer. I am more nervous about this than giving you my actual answer, so forgive me if I stutter or stumble."
I smirked, nodding my head understanding that she needed my full attention and support.
"I want to start off and say that I am so thankful that I've met you, Jungkook. I never believed in love at first sight but the day that you knocked on my door, I knew that we instantly clicked and there was something between us. When we continued to see each other, I couldn't help but get butterflies in my stomach every single time you'd even look at me. The day that you took me on that helicopter tour and took me to sight see the places I never thought I would get to see in my lifetime, I felt excitement, I felt free, and I felt myself wanting to continue to have adventures like that with no one else but you-"
She stopped for a second, taking a deep breath as she continued speaking. "In such a short amount of time, you have become the love of my life and I couldn't even begin to imagine a world where you're not apart of it. All of the experiences we've had together from us making love for your first time, to getting your first kiss... I am so grateful I've been able to be the one you experienced all these firsts with. Last night when you called me, I was sobbing into my pillow and I spoke out loud that if I'm meant to go to Korea with you, for something to give me a sign. Not even 5 seconds after I said that, you called me. In that moment I was shocked, I didn't know what to think. But, when you came to me when I needed you the most even if it was just to give me cuddles because I didn't want to be alone, you came down in minutes and I felt like my whole entire world was perfect again-"
She stopped for a second as the tears were pouring down both of our faces."I'm sure that you're confused as to why I'm telling you all of this now and on the day that I'm supposed to give you my decision. To give some clarity, the reason why I'm telling you this is because you need to understand that this is not a game to me. This is not a relationship that is simply just a fling, this is something that I want to last forever between us. I want you to be the one I have a family with, that I get married to, that I have brand new crazy adult life experiences with, and someone that will always be beside me no matter what. If this isn't something that you're ready for and you're just looking for a girlfriend to have a good time with, then you need to tell me so I can move on. I need to know what direction you plan for this to go in before I agree to move anywhere or do anything. I need you to tell me what you want, right here right now."
I stood up, walking over to her and gently grabbed her cheek in my hand. "Sit down and I'll tell you."
She sat down and I began to explain.
. . .
[Olivia's POV]
"Liv. From the moment I laid my eyes on you, I knew I needed to win your heart. You were outgoing and so beautiful, I fell for you before you even said a word to me. I can't explain it, but I was pulled to you like a magnet and before I knew it, I  wanted to see you, hear your voice, see you smile... everything. I knew you were meant for me, but I had barely even spoken to a woman in my whole life. This was all a first time experience for me, all I've ever known was working and the members. But, when we started spending more of our time together I knew that I was missing something important in my life, and that was you. Since being with you the last 2 weeks, my confidence is higher, I feel more passionate about things, and in short, I feel so complete. If I didn't have you with me, idk what I'd do. I would honestly probably go crazy because being without you is like being without air-"
Tears were pouring down my face as I listened to him speak his heart to me.
"I want to fall asleep next to you ever single night and wake up kissing you good morning. I want you to be the only one I ever make love to because the way we make love is my absolute favorite and I can't ever imagine that it gets any better than that. I want to have adventures, go on picnics, be spontaneous with you. I even want a family one day, and to definitely marry you. I want you to be my one and only for the rest of my life and if I wasn't serious about any of this or thought for a second it was a game or fling, I would not have asked Bang PD about us. I asked him because I wanted to be with you no matter what and for us to do whatever it takes to be with one another. You're my everything and I love you more than anything in this entire world. You're my baby, and as long as you'll have me I will always be faithful, loyal, and will be for you and only you."
I couldn't even let him finish, I jumped up from the couch, running around the coffee table and right into his arms. "I fucking love you Jeon Jungkook."
"I fucking love you too baby."
"I've made my decision. Do you want to sit down for it, or do you want me to just say it?"
"Just say it, I can take it."
I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer to me as I put my lips up to his ear and whispered very softly. "I want to move to Korea with you."
His eyes got huge as he pulled me back to look in my eyes. "W-what did you just say?"
I giggled.
"I said I want to move to Korea with you Jungkook."
"Oh my god. WHAT?!" He picked me up and spun me around. "Oh my god, are you serious right now???"
I laughed. "Yes baby. I don't want to be here without you. I've decided that this will be the best thing for me, and I don't care what people say anymore. You're my soulmate."
He pulled me in even tighter."I love you so fucking much. I'm so happy right now!"
"Me too baby!"
"Wait, I have to call Bang PD and get your passport and everything ready for tomorrow."
"You can do whatever you have to do, I will be right here waiting."
He kissed me so passionately and I could tell this was about to get carried away if I didn't stop him.
"Mmm. Kookie. Baby." I said in between kisses.
"If you don't want this to go any further, we better stop now so you can call the guys and Bang PD."
"Okay, but later... you're all mine."
"Of course. Whatever you want."
We joked and carried on for a bit until he finally went to call Bang and the members. I called Lacie and she was over the moon excited.
Once they all had heard I was moving, they came to our room to celebrate with us. We ordered some dinner and sat around talking, then everyone went to their own rooms to pack for tomorrows flight. Lacie stayed up a little bit longer to help me pack my bags and we stayed up until 3 am. I was going to miss her the most out of everyone, she's been with me through it all for as long as I can remember. I will have to have Jhope fly her out to Korea with us from time to time.
. . .
Time skip
We woke up at 7 am to get our luggage packed into our designated cars that were taking us to the airport. I said my good byes to Lacie and we both ended up crying.
"Call me anytime of the day that you want. We will be on different time zones but I don't even care. Call me whenever you can, okay?"
"Always and you be sure to stay out of trouble and be good. If you need me for any reason at all, call me and I'm here for you Lace."
We hugged again and waved goodbye as our cars pulled away.
"Are you okay baby?" Jungkook asked as he held my hand.
I sighed as I laid my head on his shoulder. "Yeah, it's just really hard but I will be okay."
He kissed my forehead and we were silent the rest of the way to the airport.
Before we got there, the car stopped and I had to be moved into a different car with the staff until we could get on the plane. This was for my and the boys protection, so I was given a mask along with my passport, now ready to go.
The airport was polluted with fans and paparazzi that were waiting for the members. Once we made it through security, we were put into a very private room to wait in for our flight. I was able to see Jungkook again, but it wasn't long and we were moving onto the plane. My seat was beside his of course and once we were seated, he attacked me with kisses. "God that was torture, I missed being able to touch and kiss you."
I whispered softly in his ear. "Well now you can touch and kiss me whenever you want."
We giggled, we played, we looked out the window of the plane and discussed how this was my first time ever flying. We spent several hours doing this, until I eventually fell asleep.
3 hours later, I was being woken up again by several different voices.
Jungkook - "Liv, baby." Taehyung - "Hey, wake up sleepy head." Honi - "She's waking up now."
When I opened my eyes, I was startled to see 7 pairs of eyes all looking at me.
"Why are you all staring at me like that?"
"Look out the window." Jungkook said with a smile.
I turned my head, looking out the window and gasped.
"Welcome to Korea."
I smiled bringing him in for a kiss, then continued to look out the window with the biggest smile plastered on my face.
My whole world is about to change, and I have all those Nights in Vegas to thank for it all.
THE END. ♥️♥️♥️
A/N: Well, I'm officially sad!!! Nights in Vegas is now completed and I don't know how to feel. Writing this book has shown so much to me and I don't believe the love I've gotten for it.
I want to say thank you so much to everyone for your votes, comments, and kind messages. It kept me motivated to complete this story for you all. There is more to come though, a book 2 will be written soon enough for this book and I'm so excited for that!
Love you all so much! ♥️♥️
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