#I've never written Steve before so I'm sorry if this sucks
sidekick-hero · 6 months
I'm a fool (for you)
Written for the Stranger Things Writers Guild daily drabble, prompt was 'meet ugly'. I don't know what happened here. warnings: implied cheating (not steddie) | tags: meet ugly, hurt Eddie, emotional hurt/comfort, love at first sight with the worst timing, hopeful ending | 1.2k | AO3
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April is Eddie's favorite month.
Winter is finally over and spring is breathing life back into the world. With the colors of spring, happiness seeped back into people's hearts.
As Eddie walks home from work, whistling his favorite tune, his heart swells with it. The sun still shines brightly, a gentle breeze carries the scent of cherry blossoms from the nearby park, and tucked in his pocket is his very first bonus check. He can't wait to tell David, the exhilaration of a beautiful day gives him hope that maybe they can have a nice evening with some wine and dinner before falling into bed together. It's been a while, and he knows it's partly because he works so much, but lately he feels like he and David are drifting apart.
Determined to surprise David with some quality time together, Eddie plans to come home early. Perhaps they could even use the extra money for a vacation, he thinks with a smile on his face.
Filled with hope and happiness, Eddie opens the door to their apartment, only to be greeted by a sight that shatters both.
A stranger, clad in nothing but black boxer briefs, stands in their bedroom doorway.
"I'm such a fool," Eddie murmurs, blinking at the unexpected sight of an almost-naked Adonis standing in the doorway to the room he shares with the man Eddie thought loved him.
The stranger mirrors his shock. "You're not David.”
A mirthless laugh escapes Eddie's lips. "No, I'm Eddie. His boyfriend. Or rather, ex-boyfriend. Guess he forgot to mention me, huh?"
When the man just buries his face in his hands and groans, "I'm such a fucking fool," Eddie almost feels sorry for him.
Almost, because it's his heart that's just been broken.
"Looks like we both are," he agrees with the stranger. He really is beautiful. Eddie can see why David went for him, he just wishes he hadn't.
"I swear, I had no idea David had a boyfriend or I never would have gone home with him. I'm so, so sorry."
The guy looks sincere and Eddie believes him. After all, it was David who decided to trample on their relationship. It must suck to be drawn into the drama of Eddie's imploding relationship, less cause and more casualty.
Closing the door behind him, Eddie steps fully into the apartment. "I believe you -" he pauses here, waiting for the man to tell him his name.
"I believe you, Steve. Where's David, by the way?"
"Buying condoms," he admits sheepishly, and Eddie rubs his hands over his face.
"Of course. How awfully considerate of him." Steve winces at Eddie's tone, but he's too tired to care. He takes a moment to think about what to do next. "I think it's best if you get dressed and leave now, I doubt you'll want to be here when David gets back. To be honest, I don't want to either, but I guess there's not much of a choice."
Steve looks at him silently for a second before turning and going back into the bedroom, presumably to get dressed. Eddie sighs and heads over to the kitchen to make himself some coffee. He's going to need it.
He's thinking about where he could stay tonight when Steve comes into the kitchen, now dressed in tight, light-washed Levi's and a white shirt that looks painted on. Eddie can even see the dark chest hair through it.
It's hard not to hate Steve for making Eddie feel even more inadequate.
"I know you want me to go, but if it's okay with you, I'd rather stay? Just to make sure you're okay. I've been cheated on before and I know what it's like to feel like the rug has been pulled out from under you. You shouldn't have to deal with it alone."
It's hard to hate Steve when he's so kind to Eddie.
"Do I look so pathetic that I need the man my boyfriend cheated on me with to comfort me?" He spits, more out of self-preservation than anything else. Anger is so much easier to deal with than heartbreak.
Steve's response, however, is gentle. "You look like someone just broke your heart and you could use a friend. It doesn't have to be me, I can take you to one of your friends. I just don't think you should be alone right now." With that, Steve walks over to the coffee machine and pours out a cup. "Sugar? Cream?"
Eddie plops down on one of the kitchen chairs in defeat. "Both. More sugar."
Steve prepares their coffee and then they wait for David to get back. When he does, clearly shocked to find his boyfriend and his hookup in the same room, they both confront him. Steve has Eddie's back the whole time and gets downright mean to David, while Eddie is mostly tired and disappointed. After their confrontation, Steve waits for Eddie to pack some of his things and, as promised, drives Eddie over to Chrissy's apartment.
They park in front of her building and Eddie thanks Steve for everything he's done for him, but before he can get out, Steve takes Eddie's hand and squeezes it.
"I'm really sorry, Eddie. Nobody deserves to get cheated on and I hate that it happened to you. I can understand if you want to be mad at me or forget I even exist, but if you ever need to talk, even if it's just about how small David's dick is, I'm here, okay?"
In the palm of his hand, Eddie feels a piece of paper, and he's pretty sure it's Steve's number.
Steve reaches over and tucks a lock of Eddie's hair behind his ear. "You'll probably think I'm weird, but I feel like I almost know you. It sounds crazy, I know, I know. I can’t explain it. I just want you to be happy, and I can't help but want to be the person who makes that happen."
At Eddie's stunned silence, he hastily adds, "Oh God, I sound like a crazy person. Or worse, a psycho stalker. I promise, I'm neither. And that's exactly what a psycho stalker would say, for Christ's sake. Please say something before I put my foot any further in my mouth."
This makes Eddie laugh again, and this time it doesn't sound bitter. Just a little confused, but mostly fond.
"Thank you, Steve. Really. I appreciate it. You... I have no idea what I'm feeling right now, or what I'm going to do, but you've made this totally fucked up evening suck less, and for that alone I don't want to forget that you exist or be mad at you. I just need some time, y'know?"
Steve's smile is warm, if a little sad. "I do. You should. Take your time, I mean. I really wish we'd met differently."
"Me too. Believe me."
Eddie starts to get out of the car again, and this time Steve doesn't stop him. Just watches him, his hazel eyes shining brightly in the light of the street lamp.
"Take care, Eddie."
"You too, Steve."
As Eddie climbs the stairs to Chrissy's apartment, he saves Steve's number in his phone.
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An exclusive deal
Written for @astrangersummer, week 12
Prompt: not-date
Rated: M
Words: 1,778 (also on AO3)
Relationship: Steve/Eddie
Tags: No UD AU; Future fic; Record label owner Eddie; Waiter Steve; Sex work; Attempted non-con (mentioned); Protective Eddie; Possessive Eddie
Notes: Previous part | Part 1
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Eddie has been fantasizing about Steve Harrington for as long as he can remember. 
There was nothing tender to it in the beginning. Eddie was well aware of high school hierarchies and the unspoken laws of small town life. He was a freak who listened to the wrong kind of music, who lived on the shady end of town and sold drugs from his run-down van. He’d never amount to much in life. 
Steve on the other hand? Perfect, pretty King Steve with his rich parents, the big house, a different girl on each arm every weekend? That boy was destined to go far, everyone in Hawkins knew that much. 
Eddie was not an idiot. He knew that there were worlds between the two of them. There was no way in hell Steve would ever be his. And so he contented himself with imagining how that soft, smooth skin would feel under his hands, how those lips would taste as he sucked and bit at them while Steve moaned into his mouth. How the muscles of those perfect thighs would shake, wrapped around his waist or slung over his shoulders as he slowly reduced the King to a whining, sobbing mess.  
Eddie booked it out of Hawkins the second he finally had his diploma in hand. He never once looked back. He still thought about Steve, occasionally. 
It was only after they met again, years and miles away from that wretched place and with their positions in life all but flipped that Eddie's fantasies took a different turn. 
Suddenly, Steve wasn't just an unattainable pretty face floating past in the hallways, but an actual, real person. Still floating, mind you, now on roller skates while waiting tables, but a person no less. A person with a past he refused to discuss. A person with a stubborn streak for miles and a beautiful, snarky sense of humor, and a soft, vulnerable side he was desperate to protect. 
And suddenly, without warning, Eddie’s feelings shifted. Suddenly, he found himself preening at each glimpse of that smile, found his chest growing warm and tingly every time Steve accepted his tip money or leftover food.
Suddenly, the very thing that had always been a distant daydream seemed possible, and suddenly, he found himself craving it with a burning urgency that startled even himself. 
He wanted Steve to be his. 
And now, Steve is here in his apartment, shifting on the sofa so that he can lean further into Eddie’s space.
It's everything Eddie has been thinking about for weeks. Having Steve here, in his living room, close enough to feel his body heat, close enough to touch.
Except this is not a date. 
“Ow, fuck,” he hisses as Steve touches a piece of alcohol-drenched gauze to his split lip. “That hurts!” 
Steve scowls at him. 
“It wouldn't hurt so much if you could stop fidgeting for five seconds” he scolds, but his touch goes more gentle. “We need to clean this before it gets infected.” 
“Well,” Eddie says, “Maybe I’d stop fidgeting if you were more careful.” 
Steve rolls his eyes, putting two fingers to Eddie’s chin so that he can keep his head in place. “Stop being such a crybaby. I swear to God, I've babysat four-year-olds less whiny than you.” 
“Yeah, well,” Eddie snarks. “I doubt the four-year-olds ever had their heads bashed in trying to protect you from some sleazy, wannabe rapist in a dark side alley, so there.”
Steve freezes. 
“Shit,” Eddie says, fighting against the rapidly rising urge to punch himself again. He's probably mildly concussed already, God knows he can do without extra hits. “I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-”
“It's okay,” Steve says, but his expression has become guarded and distant again. Before Eddie can stop him, he stands, snatching the first aid kit from its place by their feet and carrying it over to the side table standing a small way off. A tense silence settles over the room while he turns his back, pretending to organize the contents, and Eddie wrecks his brain for something to say to lift the mood.
“Who was that douchebag, anyhow?” is what his mouth settles on. Steve's shoulders go rigid, and scratch that, Eddie clearly hasn't been punched enough yet. 
“Dunno,” Steve mutters, just as Eddie is considering whether to bash his stupid fucking head against the sofa table or the nearest wall. “I don't ask their names, usually.” 
Eddie can practically feel how the remaining color drains from his face. 
“Wait, whoa,” he blurts. “Hold on a second. Their names? As in plural? What the hell, Steve?” 
“Oh, for fuck's sake.” Steve slams the first aid kit shut so hard the plastic cracks, and whirls around. “Don't act so shocked. You think I'm getting by on waiting tables alone? Please! We're both grown-ass adults, don't make me spell it out for you.” 
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Eddie screeches. His hands are shaking, he can hear his own blood in his ears, and apparently, he's gotten off the sofa at some point, because he's on his feet and Steve takes a step back as he advances on him, bumping his ass against the table. “What are you even- … You can't do that.” 
Steve's eyes go hard. 
“Why not?” he asks, and the aloof tone and stubborn jut to his chin remind Eddie painfully of the first time they met again at the diner. “What's it to you?” 
Everything, Eddie wants to say. It's fucking everything to him, because Steve is everything, and the idea of Steve with anyone else makes his blood boil and his stomach twist.  
“I just…” he stutters instead. “I don't- … I don't get it. Money's a little tight, so you thought it would be a good idea to fuck strangers in an alleyway?” 
Steve flushes and sputters. It would be adorable, under any other circumstances, if Eddie could feel anything but helpless rage right now. 
“I don't fuck them,” he says. “I just …” 
He trails off, blush darkening by about five shades. His eyes stay glued to one of the framed band posters on Eddie’s wall as he forms a loose circle with his thumb and fingers. He does a vague, jerky up-and-down motion, once, before he lets his hand flop to his side. 
“Sometimes I suck ‘em off, but only if they're nice and pay extra.” 
Eddie stares at him. Maybe, if the situation was any different, he'd find it funny how Steve can't bring himself to say the word handjob, but will casually talk about sucking someone off for a bit of extra money, but right now, all he wants to do is scream. The thought of Steve on his knees in that dark, stinking side alley, of that pretty, pink mouth opening for some other guy's cock, fills his mind with dark needlepoints of red. 
“Are you fucking serious?” His hands have found his hair, pulling on a fistful of curls until his scalp stings. “That's- … Shit, that's dangerous, Steve. Do you have any idea what-” 
“Oh, wow!” Steve throws up his hands and laughs, but there's no joy in it. “It's dangerous? Really? Well, thank you for telling me. What would I ever do without you?” 
“Well excuse the fuck out of me,” Eddie snaps, and his voice rises dangerously. “Like what, I'm not allowed to worry about you?” 
“No, you're not!” 
The words bounce unpleasantly off the walls of the living room. They feel like a punch to the gut, and without his conscious doing, Eddie finds himself stumbling a step backwards. Steve takes in the shock on his face and huffs. 
“You're not,” he repeats, more calmly this time, and somehow it's even worse the second time around. “You don't get to- … fuck, Eddie, I dunno what you think this is, but we're not- … You're a customer. I serve you food, you pay me. You tip well, so I'm nice to you, but that's- … We are not friends. You don't get to worry about me, and you most definitely do not get to tell me what to do or not to do with my body, okay?” 
Silence settles between them. Somewhere outside, the sound of sirens slices through the night. 
“Okay,” Eddie says. “I'm- … okay.” 
Steve nods. His breath is coming in ragged little puffs. 
“Okay,” he repeats. “Good. Thanks for helping me out.” 
Panic clawing at his chest, Eddie watches how he turns, picking up the bag with his roller skates from the floor. He wants to shout out, wants to tell Steve not to leave, wants to lunge and hold him back and never let him go again. 
But he can’t. This is not a date. They’re not friends. Steve isn’t his, and he can't tell him what to do, can't protect him, can't do anything but pay him for his service and hope that-
The word is out before the thought fully settles. Steve turns on the threshold of the living room, eyes weary and tired. 
Eddie doesn't allow himself time to pause. If he did, he'd think about what a horrible idea this is, and he doesn't have time to second-guess himself now.
“How much do you make with that little side hustle of yours?” 
Steve shrugs. 
“Depends? I have a couple of regulars, but-” He cuts himself off and Eddie can see how he reels himself back in, how his shoulders go rigid and his expression closes off. “Why should I tell you?” 
“Because I'll double it.” Eddie means to sound bold and confident, but he nearly barrels over himself in his haste to get the words out, and his voice cracks pathetically on the last syllables. A disbelieving little smile twitches over Steve’s face.
“You'll what?” 
“Double it,” Eddie repeats, more firmly this time. He finally finds the use of his feet again, bridging the distance between them with a few quick steps. Steve’s smile drops. “No, screw this, I'll triple it. You want me as a customer, I'll be your goddamn customer. On one condition.” 
Steve's shoulders bump against the doorframe as Eddie steps into his space. For a second or two, Eddie thinks he's going to bolt - run right out the front door and into the darkness, maybe disappear from Eddie’s life forever. But he stays. Stays close enough for Eddie to see how his breath hitches in his throat. Close enough for Eddie to see the temptation in those gold-flecked eyes. 
He knows he has won before he even says it, and it fills him with a grim, possessive satisfaction. He's probably a horrible person for it. 
“I want this to be an exclusive deal.” 
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To be continued ...
Tag list: @p0lybl4nkk @fairytalesreality @colidamae @dissociatingdemon @steddhie
@formosusiniquis @steddiehasmywholeheart @ellaelsinore @rozzieroos
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jbbarnesandnoble · 5 months
What could have been
Pairing: Modern!Steve Rogers x F!Reader
Summary: Steve attends the wedding of his first love, now he can only wonder what could have been.
Warnings: angst angst angst, regret, my best friend's wedding type pain, Steve doesn't get the girl in the end so the pairing is a lie... sorry
Word Count: 1,435
a/n: wow, the first thing I choose to write in years is angst, I came back and chose violence. But fr, I'm surprised anyone is still here (or you just forgot you followed me haha) anyway, I saw those pictures of Chris and knew I just had to write something. I've also wanted to get back into writing for the longest time but have been so busy. This is definitely not the best thing I've ever written, and I'm sorry for any typos or errors (I didn't proof read) but I did it and I am proud of myself for doing it! I hope you enjoy it and feel free to leave feedback!
(not my pic)
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Fairy lights shimmer and glow over the banquet hall, candles glow at each table, couples young and old crowd on the dance floor all swaying and dancing to a cover of 'Can't Help Falling in Love'. Steve watches from the sidelines, a wistful look upon his handsome face. Though he wears a smile, it fails to match the hint of sorrow in the blue of his eyes.
"It's a wedding, Steve, not a funeral." Bucky jabs at his best friend as he sits in the empty seat next to the blond. Steve laughs, though forced, it was a laugh nonetheless. A moment of silence passes between the two men before either of them speak. Steve is the first to break the silence.
"I screwed up." Was all he could muster.
"You just realized?" Though masked as a jab, Bucky's question carried much truth to it. Steve had made a grave mistake and it took him far too long to realize. Now, he knows he will never be able to share his true feelings with her.
"Her wedding is a real crappy place to have this realization, isn't it?" His blue eyes look to the table across from him, he watches Y/n for a moment and for a split second, he imagines what could have been had he had the courage to tell her how he truly felt. Maybe he would have been the one to make her smile, the one to make her laugh, the one the hold her when she needs a shoulder to cry on. He sucks in a sharp and quite painful breath as he wonders if he could have been the one she walked down the isle to today.
"Bucky I-" Tears prick at his eyes, a lump forms in his throat. He no longer wishes to speak because he knows if he does he will break. Bucky places a supportive hand
A few songs have played and ended before he finds the composure to continue, "I wanted to support her, to show her I'm happy for her, because I am. But I..." his voice drowns in the now upbeat music, most of the guests are now on the dance floor jumping and dancing to the song currently playing, the bride and groom included.
Steve looks away, his eyes falling to his plate of untouched food. It looks and smells delicious, but he hardly has the stomach for it right now. His eyes fell onto the glass of wine next to his plate, he might not be hungry, but he could surely use a drink. He picks the glass up and downs it in one swig.
"It was selfish of me to come here when I'm in love with her." The words fall past his lips, his face changes from a look of grief to one of disappointment. He can't help but feel guilty for attending her wedding only to sulk in a corner for the entire night.
"You being here means the world to her, Steve." Bucky says, looking at him with all sincerity. "Just take a look," he points across the room and even in the dim lighting he sees her in all her beauty. Her hair is done in a low bun, a few pieces were left out as a face frame. Her makeup is simple, but even if it were done extravagantly, it would have been in vain, for her dress was the talk of the evening, it truly made the bride look like royalty. 
Even in the crowd of people, she manages to find Steve's eyes, a small flush creeps into his cheeks. A radiant smile spreads across her painted lips which makes Steve's heart skip a beat or two. He wishes she wouldn't smile at him like that, like he was the one she had married that day.
Lucky for Steve, he's smart enough to know that she looks at her now husband with a look that she reserves for him. Steve hopes the guy knows how lucky he is.
"Steve, Bucky!" Y/n yells over the music. The two men stand to greet her and offer their congratulations. "Thank you so much for being here. It means the world to me!" She adds with a joyous smile. Bucky gives Steve a knowing look.
"We wouldn't have missed it." Bucky says for the both of them. Steve attempts to listen as Bucky asks Y/n endless questions about the wedding and how she's feeling. Steve can't help but think that having to entertain so many guests all in an evening would be the most draining part of it all.
"I'm drained physically, but I feel so full." She beams at them, her eyes shimmering from the fairy lights or love Steve isn't sure. But he is sure of one thing, even if he isn't the reason for her joy, all he's ever wanted was to see her smile and that's exactly what he's getting.
"I'm glad." The words fall past Steve's lips before he can think. He smiles at her and for the first time this evening, it's genuine. She thanks them both once more before the DJ calls the newlyweds to get ready to make their exit. With that, she takes her leave. Steve and Bucky find themselves alone once more.
Outside of the venue the guests line either side of the exit, each waiting with anticipation to send off the new Mr. and Mrs. Each guest was given a sparkler to light for when the couple makes their exit.
Steve stands at a distance, watching from the back of the small parking lot, wishing not to be spotted. With a few more drinks in him he's even less sure that he'll maintain his composure. Especially after how he barely managed to keep it together inside. A breeze blows gently, sweeping disheveled blond hair into his face.
The cool autumn air pricks at his skin, but it does little to chill him. From the drinks or being naturally warm, he isn't sure, but he's happy either way since he left his jacket inside.
Blue eyes watch as everyone gets ready to send the bride and groom off, friends laugh and share stories about the couple's early days. The mother of the bride and mother of the groom wipe tears as they remember their children's first steps, now they're married.
He looks up to the night sky, the stars shine so bright it looks as if they are shimmering. The moon shines brightest of all as it reflects the sun, it illuminates the night. Casting light on that which is in darkness.
He rocks gently with the wind as he observes the galaxy. Loud cheering pulls him from thoughts of a different life, the bride and groom, Y/n and her husband, have made their exit. His right hand falls to his pant pocket and pulls out a sparkler and matches.
It takes him a second to light it, as though lighting it is what seals their marriage. Swallowing the lump in his throat, he lights it and waves it in tribute to the newly weds.
Waving a sparkler is a simple thing, mindless even. He waves it back and forth, watching his first love from a distance, watches as she beams at another man that is now her husband, he watches as she leans in to kiss him, as they get into his car and drive away.
Soon, the sparkler fizzes out and he's alone again in the dark. For how long he's unsure, for at some point his vision began to blur and he could no longer see clearly. Hot tears stream down his rosy cheeks, and drip onto his dress shirt.
It is now, after the dancing and celebration, after the food and drink, after the laughter and conversation that he can finally fall apart. His heart aches in his tight chest. It's that kind of pain that feels like your heart could give out at any moment. It's the kind of pain that sinks into your stomach and makes you sick. For the first time that night, he falls apart, in the middle of that parking lot.While he is happy for her, it is now he realized that he only ever focused on being happy for her. Not once did he stop to realize the importance of grieving what could have been. For the first time, Steve has allowed himself to grieve the loss of his first love. Not because she had died, but because he never took a chance. Now he is left wondering what could have been.
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jonathanbiers · 2 years
hello may i have some fic lore please. i am requesting a dvd commentary analysis of your favorite ever scene you've written. please and thank you and only if you feel like it <3
EVER WRITTEN? OOOH. uhhhh my favorite scene i've ever written has not been published yet (and may not ever? it's. complicated. but i won't talk about it in detail i'm so sorry) and while my favorite fic in general that i've written, like, with the whole thing taken into consideration is from the tone of your voice, i've talked about my favorite scenes from that one multiple times before, so i'll give you my 2nd fave.
which is from part one of the steddie fic i actually finished last week, which i affectionately refer to as "eyeliner steve" because that's a lot shorter than you're shooting stars from your eyes (it drives me crazy, drives me wild). i'll put the excerpt and my rambling under a read more because i will be quoting whole paragraphs, oops. also it's nsfw, so there's that.
so first of all, the alley scene in part one was the very second image that popped into my mind when, way back in SEPTEMBER, i had the conversation with @jeysuso that inspired me to write this whole entire ass fic. i really wanted to make it so obvious that, sure, while the idea behind the fic was basically "omg what if steve wore eyeliner and eddie fucked him till he cried" (happens in part 2 👀👀👀) this is still an established relationship where they're very much in love, talkin gomez and morticia level whipped and horny for each other. but the scene itself starts in the hideout:
The first time in a few weeks that Steve’s free to make it to Corroded Coffin’s show at The Hideout, there he is in the crowd, eyes rimmed with black and sticking out like a sore thumb in a teal polo. He’s got his denim jacket—he bought it because it reminds him of Eddie when they’re apart, he says—draped over his arm and he’s singing along to Eddie’s every word, knows all the lyrics by heart. He insists Corroded Coffin is the greatest metal band of all time, and Eddie knows it’s because they’re the only metal band Steve likes, but how supportive he is makes Eddie’s heart sing anyway. 
i think after time (which it isn't stated but i wrote this with the idea they'd have been dating for a year, maybe two) steve would adopt little eddie-esque pieces into his wardrobe, but definitely not in a "becoming someone else" way where he's donning a new style he's never previously had any interest in for himself. just something simple, so i chose a denim jacket, which would remind him of eddie's vest, and maybe he'd have a little corroded coffin pin on it or something. but he's still going to show up to eddie's show in what he's comfortable in, and eddie would never ever want him to change just to fit in with *his* crowd or whatever. i really like the sweet little moment i wrote to get that across, when eddie spots him in the crowd.
And Then 😈😈😈 the alley.
After the show, before Eddie can so much as get his lit cigarette between his lips, Steve is cornering him against the brick wall between the emergency exit and the dumpster, clinging to his sweat-soaked t-shirt and kissing him like he’ll just die if they part. Eddie’s come to expect this by now. He doesn’t get it, but Steve seems to love how he gets after shows, how he’s all sweaty and flushed and breathing hard and— Okay, yeah, maybe he does get it.  That doesn’t mean he’s any less amused about it as he carefully holds the still-lit cigarette at a safe distance. Eddie’s free arm snakes around Steve’s waist, pulling him as close as he can and eagerly swallowing down the sound Steve makes at the contact, using the opportunity to get his tongue inside his mouth. Steve one-ups him, because of course he does, sucking on Eddie’s tongue until he starts to feel like his jeans fit a bit tighter than they had before. 
if i had money to commission someone to draw a scene from any of my works, this would be my 2nd choice (behind the shotgunning scene in fttoyv with steve in argyle's lap but again. i've talked abt that one)
this kind of starts off the dynamic i keep in mind through the whole thing, which is: steve gets his way, eddie knows this, and wouldn't change a thing. even if eddie is technically filling the more "dominant" role, steve is the one in control of what's happening, and eddie loves giving him exactly what he wants, even (especially) if he can tease him before getting there. which also happens later. 👀
When Steve finally breaks away, it’s only because he’s trailing more kisses along Eddie’s jawline and down his neck. Eddie tilts his head, gives him some room, and has to suppress a shudder when he feels Steve’s tongue on his skin, licking a line up his neck. It shouldn’t turn him on like this but it does, he knows he’s all sweaty and gross but he also knows Steve loves it. He has it confirmed when Steve’s lips brush against the shell of his ear around a whisper of, “Eddie, you looked so fuckin’ hot tonight, under all those lights...” 
i got called out in my dms by a lovely friend for this paragraph ghfjkjgk don't look at me too close. anyway. my point here is that steve has a sweat kink. maybe i'm projecting. that's my business
Before Eddie can even get a chance to respond, Steve is sinking to his knees on the pavement, and all the words fade right off the tip of his tongue. It’s well into the night but his eyes have had enough time to adjust, and between the distant streetlights, the full moon, and the neon red of the sign above the emergency exit, he can see the man in front of him very clearly. And what a pretty picture he makes, kiss-swollen lips and disheveled hair and that fucking eyeliner, all tinted in red as he leans in to mouth at the obvious tent in the fabric of Eddie’s jeans. 
i don't even think i need to comment on this one because i just? yeah. that image. steve on his knees <3 i love it as much as steve in laps <3
but behind the curtains, we have steve doing what he does throughout the entirety of this fic, which is intentionally pushing eddie's buttons in order to get what he wants, which of course he eventually does. because they are equally as weak for each other, and steve knows he's hot. also i hc eddie's favorite color as red? but that's just me, and even if you disagree, we all know red is sexy lighting.
i really don't even have that much more to say about it ghdjgdk i'm really proud of this. and of course there's some good stuff immediately following 😈😈
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amarriageoftrueminds · 4 months
Stumbled upon an old post about what awful lines were said about Bucky in TFATWS and holy fuck it is horrific.
"Your overextented life"
"Before you were his pet psychopat"
"Big cyborg brain of yours"
"They cleared the bionic staring machine and he killed almost everybody he's met".
Don't get me started on removing Bucky's arm without his consent. You DON'T take away someone's limb, especially not as a punishment for "bad behavior."
And people honestly wonder why some of us had issues with how Bucky was treated in that show. I remember people accusing us of not liking Bucky's story because "we don't want trauma survivors to find happiness and healing". Like I'm sorry but just because he's smiling at the end of the show doesn't mean his arc was written well. As a trauma survivor myself I don't have high expectations when it comes to Hollywood but Bucky's recovery arc (if you can even call it that) has been among the worst depictions of trauma and healing from it I've seen in recent years.
(I'd appreciate a link to that post so I can reblog it please, Anon! I was wondering the other day how many horrible lines there would be, if you put them all together. 😬 Yikes.)
*warning: this is gunna be salty af cuz I've been binge-watching House and have his acerbic voice in my head.
You're right not to call it a recovery arc, Anon. Bucky has never had a recovery arc, because that requires acknowledging he has something to recover from.
TPTB refuse to, because they want to paint Bucky as generic Crossbones dudebro villain, who needs to 'do better' after being a mind-controlled slave, and deserves to be verbally and physically abused.
As demonstrated by supposedly 'good' character X treating him like crap (ha! so hilarious! boys will be boys!) and/or not standing up for him when other character Y treats him like crap in front of them. (And yes I have to include Steve in this writing, too.)
Bucky in TFATWS is spoken of literally as Secretary Ross talked about Bruce et al in CACW. Comparing them to weapons. Things... not people. Just how a villain would talk about human beings. (And even badly-written!Steve was appalled by that, remember?) No alarm bells ringing in the TFATWS writer's room, tho? Hmm. Guess they were too lazy to watch the movies.
Although Disney skipped the actual arc towards happiness, to relegate SebStan to cheaper cut scenes, Bucky did have happiness and healing in the movies (thanks to Ryan Coogler, not the Russos. Thanks Ryan.)
But TFATWS had to shit on that, via the VA's Second-Worst Counselor. They wanted to take credit for what Coogler did -- by limp-dickedly retreading the exact same story beats (too lazy to come up with something original? too dumb? too reluctant to include Bucky in the first place?) Only with a different set of black people swapped in to replace T'Challa, Shuri, and the village people kids (because they're interchangeable? or because only black Westerners count, now? Ah but I'm forgetting that Arabic guy who came up to- uhh- thank the American Air Force? 😬 Genuinely jaw dropping. Gotta love those good clean Iron Man values.)
"I remember people accusing us of not liking Bucky's story because "we don't want trauma survivors to find happiness and healing."
I can't stand people who hijack that kind of therapy-speak to bullshit that that's why they like something.
IMO the truth is that fans don't want to admit that the writing sucks, that the writing of Sam has been sucking since CACW, because they like Sam and see TFATWS as his show -- when, jesus, is it really tho? Just because his name's on it?
Zemo and Walker got more attention and arc than Sam. Even Izaiah got the better speech. Steve got to demolish an American alphabet agency, what did Sam get to do in his show? Introduce the Flagsmashers when Sam is reluctant to dress in the flag, and he doesn't even get to lead them He gets stuck protecting the status quo?
That's the danger of 'media consumption' with Disney these days. Woke-washing.
It's... kind of like how fast fashion chains will greenwash their products, to pass off plastic fabric as organic material.
People who think of themselves as X-leaning, (or want to be seen as X), also want to believe they would recognise Y-leaning portrayals... but they lack critical thinking skills when it comes to media analysis.
So corps like Disney know they don't actually have to be left-leaning in their portrayals, because they can pass off any right-wing thing as a genuine progressive doodad just by cloaking it in the correct language or aesthetics.
(Hey, right wing writers! Want to make a dehumanizing ableist gag? Make a black woman do it! Ever wish sexual assault in the office could be shrugged at again? Make a white woman do it! (Make sure she's Upper Class and English, too!) Want to to make sure your protags can't be read as queer? Want to get away with basic locker-room homophobia without being nagged about it? Just play on the nostalgia of interracial 'buddy cop' movies, and - as usual - make a black guy do it! Want to portray the USAF as an heroic force in the Middle East? Make an Arab say thanks to a black American Airman! Wokewashing -- it covers all ills!)
Time was, Disney would only do this with their villains -- and you do get a hint of that Classic Disney long-coated predatory gay villain with Zemo.
Only now, instead of getting away with it because of widespread homophobia, Disney and fans can get away with it by accusing anyone who criticises of it being a homophobe.
But they're still writing the creepy gay scene-stealing villains. 🤔
Same with a shitty victim-blaming portrayal of a therapeutic 'arc'. The people who don't give a shit about that won't criticise it, and those that do- well, they must just hate trauma victims IRL, uwu. 😥
Insidious, isn't it?
Disney may be virulently allergic to giving SebStan anything significant to do these days, for fear of getting more gay cooties on Captain Comphet, or distracting from Captain Coloniser: Creator's Pet... but you cannot deny even those idiots M&M wrote a better arc for Steve and Bucky than the idiots that had a whole show arc to accomplish that for Sam and Bucky.
(Seriously, how do you fuck up in six attempts a thing you've already seen someone else manage in two? Oh- wait. Right. They haven't seen them manage it in two. They didn't watch the movies. 🤦‍♀️)
As far as friendship goes, I would have preferred Sam and Bucky ended as mutually-respectful frenemies (or even - imagine! both apologising for things they've actually voluntarily done to each other!)
Rather than just slapping some schmaltz onto a turd at the last second and calling it a rose. As you said: one instance of Mackie & Stan breaking character to smile at the end of a lazy montage does not equal a written arc. Let alone a well written one.
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goldenavenger02 · 5 years
Irondad Bingo 4: Trope: Superfamily
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"When's Dad gonna be back?" A  14 year old Peter asked as he shoved a spoonful of Frosted Flakes into his mouth trying to beat the clock while Steve flipped through the newspaper.
"He'll be back tomorrow afternoon. And take smaller bites, Petey." He insisted, not even looking up from the paper.
"Okay." Peter insisted, taking the last bite before looking up at the clock. "Shit! I'm gonna be late!"
"Language!" Steve shouted as his son scrambled to the sink, put his bowl in, and came back in, giving him a hug while picking up his backpack.
"Love you, Pops. See you later."
And in a flash, he was out the door, most likely running to catch up with the bus.
When Peter returned home, he planned on relaxing, maybe doing some homework, but then his Pops came in with worry on his face, which concerned the teen as he walked toward him.
"Is Dad okay?"
"He's fine. I need you to suit up though. We need your help for a mission."
Peter nodded, and went straight up to his room to change into his suit, grinning ear to ear as he changed.
"If Pops needs my help, it's really serious, or he can't get in contact with Dad. Both of which are not good. Spider-Man, New York Hero."
"I'm sorry to interrupt you, Peter, but Mr. Rogers still needs you and fast."
"Sorry, Karen. I'm just excited." Peter insisted as he went back downstairs and followed his father to the Quin-Jet, sitting down beside his dad.
"Are you doing the debriefing or am I?" Natasha asked as she sharpened one of her knives, which made Peter grateful   that he wasn't on the wrong end of it, but then she looked him in the eyes. "Baron Strucker, a former SHIELD agent, broke in with a security code, and stole several artifacts, including vibranium. We need to find him and get our supplies back using any force necessary."
Peter nodded, and the fear started to set in. This was his first real mission with the Avengers, and if he messed up, someone could die. And that was not ideal for him.
The jet landed about twenty minutes later outside of a small base, and immediately several security guards came out with large guns, and the group started attacking them.
Peter immediately webbed onto a large tree and started webbing guys up from above, making sure not to web the guns in with the ropes, and he could hear yelling and shouting all around him, causing panic to start rising up as he kept webbing guys up from above.
'Just breathe, Peter. Calm down.' He told himself, and finished webbing up the guys running toward him, so he climbed down from the tree, and started looking around at what was unfolding around him.
Natasha was beating people up left and right, Hawkeye wasn't anywhere to be seen, but an occasional arrow would fly into someone every now and then, he didn't see Banner or Hulk anywhere, but maybe that was a good thing, and he turned around to see his Pops fighting a few guys, and that's when he saw it.
Baron Strucker was quietly approaching behind his father with a large pistol drawn, and ready to fire.
Peter ran toward him, grabbing his father and tackling him to the ground, with a large "Bang!" Filling the air.
Everything stopped for a second. He was on the ground, arms wrapped around his father, who was also on the ground, Natasha had taken Strucker down and was restraining him and then everything came rushing back to full speed.
A burning pain came flooding him, and caused him to cry out, which immediately made Steve freak out as he adjusted and propped Peter up against him.
Then Peter looked down, and saw the blood.
"Petey, eyes up here." Steve insisted as he gently turned his masked face toward his, meeting his eyes with his. "Don't look at it. Just look at me."
"I't burns..." Peter whimpered as he curled up against Steve, trying to breathe a little better. "M-make it stop..."
"We will, bud. It's gonna be okay." Steve insisted, as he gently put an arm under Peter's legs, and the other behind his back, before lifting him up, which only made the pain ten times worse. "It's okay, Petey. I've got you."
Natasha came over, gently curling Peter's fingers around a few towels, before telling Steve.
"Helen and Tony are waiting for us at medical. We've gotta get this to clot a bit once we get back on the jet. You okay?"
"I will be once he's okay." Steve insisted, feeling Peter drift off in his arms. "Peter, you have to stay awake. Listen to me, alright ?"
"S-sorry, Pops... I'm s-sorry I'm not s-strong enough..."
"Are you kidding? You took a bullet without hesitating. When you grow up, you're gonna be the strongest out of all of us."
"T-thanks, Pops..." Peter trailed off, before going limp in his arms, which caused Steve to start holding pressure on the wound while running to the jet, praying for his son to just hold on.
As soon as they reached the compound, Peter was whisked away to medical, still unconscious, and Steve was about to head straight there, but then he met the angry eyes of his husband.
"What the hell were you thinking?! Bringing our-my 14 year old son on a dangerous mission. He could've been killed! And he's still not out of the woods."
"I'm sorry, but I was desperate, and you were out of town. We needed the help, and he did a good job."
"He was shot, Steve!"
"At least I'm giving him a chance! You're sending him on all these baby missions, and he just wants to prove himself!"
"I don't want him dead!" Tony shouted, his face almost bright red, but, he stopped, and sat down, putting his head in his hands and sighed. "I'm sorry. I'm just worried about him."
"I am too." Steve insisted, sitting beside his husband and putting a hand on his shoulder. "But we both know a bullet isn't gonna take him without a hell of a fight."
"Aren't you the one who is always telling Pete to watch his language?" Tony smirked as he looked back up at him, meeting a small smirk back.
"I grew up during the 20's and 30's. Trust me, I know a lot worse then hell."
"I know that, you've said it in the bedroom."Tony joked, before his expression turned serious again, and he looked down at his watch, feeling worry consume his every thought.
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ghostdaichi · 2 years
Dance With Me
Steve Harrington x Reader
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After the demodog attacks, Steve realizes how much (Y/N) actually means to him. In true Steve nature, he doesn't say anything and they end up helping Dustin get ready for the Snowball.
//AN: This is a part of a series I have written in my head with my OC, so there are some things that may come out of the left field but that is why. If yall are interested in the whole series, please let me know and I will definitely write it!
Warnings: Fluff, mention of possible reader death, Reader with injuries (mentions of Reader in a skirt but who says a guy can't wear a skirt)
Steve pulls up to Hawkins Middle School, "Love is a Battlefield" by Pat Benatar playing over his radio. You are in the back seat and Dustin sits nervously in the passenger seat.
"Here we are. So remember, once you get in there,"
"Just act like I don't care." Dustin finishes Steve's statement while you roll your eyes.
"You don't care."
"I don't care!" Dustin says it with more force this time, trying to will the action into existence.
"There you go, you're learning my friend. You're learning." You are surprised you haven't smacked the hair right off of Steve's head yet. Steve has been telling Dustin stuff like this for a few weeks and he's been hanging on every word, no matter how many times you try and tell Dustin something different.
He goes to check his hair in the mirror again until Steve covers it and pulls it away. "Hey," "What" "Come on, you look great okay? You look great okay? Now you're gonna go in there. Look like a million bucks, and slam dead." Steve gives his pep talk with a chorus of "Yeahs" thrown in from the boy next to him.
"Like a lion!" Dustin purs, you and Steve visibly cringe at this and say in tandem, "Don't do that." He immediately nods and says, "Okay."
"Good luck." The boys shake hands and Dustin starts to get out of the car.
"Hey, Dustin? You've got this buddy. Be yourself." You smile at him and he gives a small smile back before going into the gym. The two of you sit there for a moment, Steve staring into the building. You follow his eyes and see he's staring at Nancy. You sigh and climb into the front seat.
"Go park."
"What?" He looks at you as if you were speaking a different language.
"Steve go pull over into a parking spot." Dumbfounded, he pulls over into a parking spot further away from the school. You turn your body in the seat so you're facing Steve before you start talking again.
"Breakups are hard. I've had a few and all of them sucked. I mean you saw me after breaking up with Billy right? I found that it's easiest to get over them when you have your mind on something else. So I guess what I'm trying to say is, do you want me to help you get your mind off of it?"
Steve completely breaks at your question. His face heats up and his ears turn bright red. "I- I mean I- I don't know if that's a good idea here-"
"Ew pervert not that, we're at a middle school gross. It's a simple yes or no question. What'll it be?" Steve lets out a breath of relief, but his face is still red.
"Um yeah, get my mind off it." You grin and get out of the car. "Time After Time" by Cyndi Lauper can be heard from the gym as you walk around to his side of the door.
"Come dance with me." He opens the car and steps out.
"Dance with me, Harrington."
You hold out your hand to him. Steve looks you up and down, the baggy pullover you stole earlier that day covers the bandages on your side, while the skirt you wore barely covered the white bandages on your thighs. He takes your hand and places it on his shoulder. He goes to put his hands on your waist but quickly removes them when he sees you wince. "Sorry, where can I.." You place his hands on your hips, which only have a few bruises thankfully, before returning your hands to his shoulders. The two of you swayed to the music, reveling in the quiet for a moment.
"I never thanked you for saving my life, Steve. I thought I was a goner for sure." "It wasn't me, it was Hopper. He-" You cut Steve off. "He told me what happened. You were the one who ran after me and found me. You were the one who called for help. Hopper may have stopped the bleeding and did the chest compressions, but you, Steve Harrington, quite literally breathed air into my lungs. I am alive because of you."
"It was reckless of you (Y/n)...you shouldn't have let that dog chase you. It was badass but we almost lost you. I almost lost you." Steve sighs and holds you a little tighter.
"It's okay now though, I'm here and safe. We're both safe. So let's just enjoy tonight like nothing ever happened, okay?" He nods and you bring your arms down to be on his waist, laying your head on his shoulder.
The two of you dance the next few songs before getting back in the car. Faint blushes cover both of your faces. You look at the clock and back at Steve.
"Did Dustin eat before you picked him up?" Steve nods.
"His mom made him eat before he got dressed so he wouldn't stain anything. Why?" A loud growl erupts from your stomach which answers Steve's question immediately. "We've got a couple of hours to spare before we have to pick the kids up, why don't we go get a bite and come back."
"That sounds like a great plan." You nod at him and he pulls off down the road.
'He looks happy...maybe this is for the best.' You think as you drive off into the night.
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jerry-hornes-foot · 2 years
IDK WHAT ARE THE RULES FOR ASKING SOMETHIN I'M SORRY BUT I FOUN YOUR ACCOUNT AND I DIDN'T FOUND NOTHING IN A03 WITH DOM STEVE AND SUB JONATHAN SO PLEASEEE DO IT IM BEGGING with orgasm denial if you want and the rest you can do all you want thank you english it's not my first lenguage sorry if this is weird
Absolutely not weird at all!!! I've never written a stonathan story without a reader character before so I hope this is okay! :))))
Also for anyone ever not sure of my fic rules they're all in my pinned post :)
874 words
18+ only
Steve Harrington x Jonathan Byers
Tags: dom/sub; dom!steve; sub!jonathan; service dom; orgasm denial; handjobs; rimming; blowjobs; begging; hair pulling; biting; dacryphilia; degredation; anal sex; cumshot; mild praise; pet names; good boy (jonathan); baby (jonathan); whore (jonathan); sweet thing (jonathan)
Steve's fingers gently brush Jonathan's hair out of the way, making space for him to sink his teeth down into Jonathan's neck. Jonathan groans roughly, bucking his hips into Steve's hand which is wrapped firmly around his dick. His fingers tangle in the bed sheets, gripping them tightly in his fists as Steve's hand picks up speed. The feeling of Steve's teeth pressing into his skin once more makes his head spin.
"I think I'm gonna- mmmph- !" Jonathan mutters through gritted teeth.
Steve's hand stops instantly, drawing a pathetic whine from Jonathan.
"Not yet, sweet thing." Steve purrs. "You cum when I say."
Jonathan nods obediently. Steve smiles, gently tucking Jonathan's hair behind his ear for him.
"Good boy."
Jonathan's body tenses as Steve's tongue gently flicks of the tip of his cock. Steve isn't sucking his dick, that would be too easy, instead he's gently tracing his tongue along it's length, occasionally running the tip of his tongue around the shaft or along Jonathan's balls. Every now and then he surfaces to make eye contact with Jonathan.
"What's the matter, baby? Not enough for you?"
Jonathan can't even reply, every inch of his body is focused on holding back. He's so close that even these little kitten licks from Steve are about to push him over the edge. Steve's hands, which are firmly pressed into Jonathan's hips pinning hip to the bed, grip tightly to Jonathan's body and in one quick move he rolls Jonathan onto his front. Steve snaps his fingers and, without the need for a word between the two, Jonathan pushes himself up onto all fours.
"Think you can take a little more?" Asks Steve, before running his tongue gently over Jonathan's hole, making him moan desperately.
Jonathan manages only an affirmative grunt in reply. Steve grabs his hair tightly, tugging Jonathan's head back to whisper in his ear,
"Remember, baby, I don't want you to cum until I've got my dick in that tight little ass of yours."
Releasing Jonathan's hair from his grip Steve positions himself behind him, and begins quickly, messily lapping at Jonathan's hole with his tongue. Jonathan shouts and lurches forward, the sudden sensation knocking the wind from his lungs. Steve's tongue rolls inside of him, making his thighs twinge. Reaching forward Jonathan grabs a pillow and pulls it into him, burying his face in it desperately. Every muscle in his body aches with tension. He needs to cum so badly it hurts. Steve's tongue keeps searching expertly inside Jonathan's ass, knowing just where to touch to drive Jonathan absolutely insane. Steve stops suddenly at the sound of a muffled yell from Jonathan into the pillow.
"You okay?" Steve asks, softening his voice for a second and placing a hand on Jonathan's back.
Jonathan turns and looks up at him, face burning red and soaked with tears,
"I can't take anymore!" He cries shakily. "I've got to feel you inside me, I need your dick please, Steve."
A wicked smile reappears on Steve's face.
"Hmm, I don't know if you want it badly enough."
"I do, I do! Please Steve, I'm yours to do whatever you want with, I just need you to fuck me."
"And why's that?" Steve raises an eyebrow, knowing full well he'll get the answer he wants.
"Because I'm a little whore." Jonathan whines desperately. "I'm a whore and I deserve to be treated like one."
Steve gently cups Jonathan's chin in his hand and smiles,
"Such a pretty little whore, too."
Loud moans tear at Jonathan's throat as Steve thrusts into him.
"Christ, baby," Steve grunts, sweat forming on his brow as he jackhammers his hips against Jonathan. "I thought I'd stretched you out so well, but you're still so fuckin tight. Feels so good. I could fuck you all night."
Jonathan groans, his head dropping into the pillow once more, muffling a loud scream.
"Such a good boy for me, aren't you." Steve coos gently. "So well behaved. Always such a good little slut for me."
Steve's cock glides effortlessly in and out of Jonathan, hammering into him and making them both dizzy with pleasure.
"Cum for me, sweet thing." Steve instructs.
Jonathan doesn't have to be told twice. His body explodes, thick ropes of cum spraying onto the mattress below him. Every ounce of energy evaporates from his body, pleasure and exhaustion flooding through his bones all at once. He collapses forward, his whole body spent, but Steve manages to catch him in a strong arm and flip him onto a clean part of the mattress. Steve smiles down at him, placing a gentle hand on his thigh and stroking gently.
"You did so well for me. Think you can get up for a second so I can clean up?"
Steve moves to gently help Jonathan of the bed but Jonathan sits up suddenly, a slight surge of energy rousing his aching body. Placing a gentle hand on Steve's hip Jonathan's eyes flash between Steve's face and his still hard cock.
"Do you think... um... maybe I could help you with that first?" Jonathan mumbles awkwardly.
Steve smiles, cupping Jonathan's face in his hands,
"You know, I can't think of a better use for that pretty little mouth."
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agirlwhoisaphantom · 3 years
Into you- Steve Rogers x Reader
Professor!Steve Rogers
Summary: Steve Rogers has been your Professor for a while now and now that you were in person he had been sending you mixed signals.
Word Count: 1800
Warning: Blow Job, deepthroat, professor kink, um a hint of praising
Author's Note: My friends and I decided to do Marvel Professor AU and well I decided to do Steve.
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Professor Steven Rogers, it was hard to focus in class due to him being so handsome.
Having Zoom classes for the first half of your semester made it so much easier to focus on what he was teaching instead of how good-looking he was. But hearing his voice didn’t help either.
Transitioning to in-person classes, you were so nervous.
Professor Rogers was more handsome in person. His broad shoulders were amazing, his ocean blue eyes, his perfect hair and him being 6’0, wait- are you daydreaming again. No, no, focus on what is being taught.
Besides Prof Rogers being the handsome guy, he was such a fun professor to have. Everyone loved having him as a history professor. He focused more on making sure his students would have a fun time learning than having their heads stuck on a book. His classes would usually fill up within the first day of registration.
Oddly enough, whenever he would grade an assignment, there would always be a wink face written on your paper. You would look around at other students, and they would have a smiley face. You didn’t think much of it since you did amazing on your assignments most of the time.
You were a little shy to ask him why he was giving you random winks on your papers; meanwhile, he wouldn’t do it for other students. “Professor Rogers- can I ask you a quick question about something?” you tuck your hair behind your ear and look onto the ground focusing on the nice shoes he had on.
“Call me Steve. And yeah, what’s up?” he continues to wipe down the board.
Grabbing the sleeves on your shirt and start pulling them downwards, hiding your hands from him. “ I was wondering about the small notes on my paper” your voice got small, but it was loud enough for him to hear you.
Steve turns around to face you, and he notices your face was facing downwards, and your cheeks were bright red “if it makes you uncomfortable. I can stop writing them down” a worried look formed on his face as he knits his own eyebrows together. He never thought that he would make you feel uncomfortable, and if Steve did, he needed to know to stop doing it.
Your eyes slowly roamed from his shoes to his face as you lifted your head to have a clearer view of how he looked like. “no- it’s not that. I truly don’t mind. I was just wondering why you were doing it” you started swaying back in fourth. You were nervous to talk to him.
A soft chuckle escaped his mouth “are you a bit nervous, darling?” he places his hand on his waist and observes the reaction you had.
“no- not at all” you could feel your face burning. You could already imagine how red your face must be. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have asked. I’m heading home now. Thank you for your time, Steve.”
Before walking away, Steve grabs your arm and tries to stop you “hey, we should go to my office. I can make you a cup of tea or coffee to help you relax” You nodded in agreement.
As you two were walking to his office, he asked you a couple of questions about yourself. Such as what you did for fun outside of school? Do you have any pets? Etc. He wanted to get to know you. He knew it was completely wrong to do. But something about you caught his attention since the first day of classes.
Walking into his office, you didn't think that it'll be cosey, but it was instead of having a normal table for students to sit on. He had small bean bag chairs and a complimentary chair. His lights were dimmed and, on the walls, there were frames with pictures of the Avengers.
Steve notices you are staring at a particular one with Natasha, Banner, Tony, Thor, and Clint. He chuckles as he pours hot water into a mug "2012, to be honest, I don't quite remember what happened, but it was crazy" he starts walking towards the shelf full of boxes of different types of tea's and pull out a packet that flavored lavender with honey.
You gave him a brief smile as he hands you the mug with hot water "thank you."
He sits down on the bean bag chair and copies his motion on sitting on the one next to him. "so, as I was saying-"
"why was I drawing Winkey faces on your papers" he interrupts you. He already knew what you were going to say. He takes a big gulp since he knew that what he would say next would make him potentially lose his job. "I've liked you for a while. And I know telling you this will jeopardize my job, and I may lose my job because of it. But I needed to tell you this." He gets up and looks outside of his window, facing his back towards you. There isn't turning back. He said it already.
You were completely shocked. You weren't sure what to say or what to do. One thing you knew is that you wouldn't want to jeopardize his career nor want Steve to lose his job. You stand and start walking to where he was standing. Placing your hand on his bicep and slowly moving it, "Steve, I feel the same way about you. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone about this interaction."
Steve takes a big breath that not only you felt the same way towards him but that no matter what happened in the four walls, it won't go into the outside world.
He turns around to face you and places his hand on your cheek, and gently started to move his thumb against your skin. Even though you told him how you felt, there was something else that was addicting to him. He didn't know if it could have been the way you dressed or the way you were so kind-hearted, but something about you was like an addiction to him.
Steve stares at you with these soft eyes and a smile. Without a second thought, he wanted to know what your lips tasted like. He presses his lips against yours, roughly kissing you. Steve pulls away, unsure what he had done. "I'm sorry I-"
Getting on your toes and placing your hands on both sides of his face, you rapidly pull him into you slamming your lips onto yours. You both put every ounce of frustration into the lip lock, and greedily you took it. You have been craving this moment since the day you had met him.
"Darling, with that short skirt and high thigh socks. You were very distracting today," he whispered onto your lips as his hands were moving from your face towards your waist. He wraps his arms around you, pulling you in closer towards him feeling your body against his.
Humming against his lips, "I didn't mean to be Professor."
Steve's hand roams your body again, placing his hand underneath your skirt and cupping your cheek. "I don't believe you one bit. But there is a way you can make it up to me for being such a big distraction" pulls away from your embrace.
You noticed Steve’s eyes were darkened, full of lust. He leans in forwards near your ear and gives a growl, “on your knees, little one.”
Without breaking eye contact, you slowly kneel on the floor in front of him. You start to unzip his pants and slightly wiggle them, pulling his cock out. As it was right in front of you, you slightly widened your eyes in surprise. He had a thick, veiny, large penis. You place your hand around his cock, giving it a few pumps. Your thumb brushing on his swollen head caused you to lick your lips.
You proceed to pull his pants down to his thighs. His cock leaking precum. With a moan, you opened your mouth wide, holding your tongue out. Steve quietly growled underneath his breath. You flutter your eyes as you press your tongue against his tip, catching the drip of precum. “fuck, just like that,” he whispered. Your lips were pressed against the head of his cock as your hand was jerking his length. Flicking your tongue on his tip and gently kissing it.
A sharp breath left Steve’s lips as you were wrapping your lips around him. You were heavy sucking on the head of his cock, gently moving your tongue around his flesh as your hands were occupied with pumping the base.
Steve tried to be quiet be he couldn’t. He places his hand on your head, wrapping your hair around his fingers. He started to guide you and gently control your movements. Cupping one of his balls in your right hand, you were rolling them and squeezing them. You wanted to try something, so you remove your hand and decide to slowly take more length inside of your mouth. Gagging as the head brushed over your sensitive part of your mouth.
Moaning around him, you couldn’t take your eyes off of him. Seeing the reaction, he was having was priceless. With the effort to swallow down what was left, you tried to ignore your gag reflex. When he felt the reflex against his cock “fuck, fuck- little one, you feel so good.”
Chocking and gagging, spittle and drool leaking down your chin. As the head of his cock hit the back of your throat. You have dreamt of this day for a long time. Wondering how he would taste like.
“fuck, fuck, I’m going to cum” Steve chanted as he growled. Having a stronger grip on your hair. Tenderly yet demanding shoved his cock in further down your throat. After a couple of more pumps and head movements from up and down his cock his cum hits the back of your throat, making him want to push him off, but you wanted all of him.
Steve was above you, slowly letting go of his tight grip and massaging and running his fingers through your hair. “Next time you know, you can’t be wearing things that can be distracting, little one.”
Pulling his cock out of your mouth, he pulls up his pants and sits right next to you on the floor. He grabs the box of kleenex and helps you wipe your mouth.
Steve pulls you in to hold you into his arms “are you okay?”
Placing your head onto his chest, it felt like you were finally at peace. You briefly nodded in agreement that you were okay.
“Don’t worry, darling. One day, I’ll take you home, and I’ll pleasure you instead,” he whispers into your ear seductively.
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hansensgirl · 3 years
(Okay here's the second half I felt super cringy rereading the first half and writing this cuz I've never written smut before but here is my poor attempt)
"Shhhh baby. It's ok. Momma knows, momma's gonna help you"
She gets behind you and pushes you off of Bucky thing onto his clothed, hard cock the both of you letting out moans at the action. She pushes you forward and Tony's shirt off, having you arch your back as you go. Aching breasts shoved into bucks chest.
"You were asked if you wanted a paci, and you never answered baby." Steve's pulls bucky hair as he tries to shove his face into your neck.
"Yuh huh, daddy. Really, really want a paci."
He smiles and lightly taps the side of Bucky's face.
"Well you and dada better get to it then, puppy." He pulls his red leaky cock out of his sweats encouraging you to take it in your mouth.
You moan around the warm and heavy feel, letting your mind drift off as Nats hands massage your back-side, offering little spanks as they go along. Bucky lifts his head off the couch and bring his lips to Steves balls. Sucking them in, and the groan that leaves daddy's mouth sounds like heaven. He lets you and buck contently suck as he gives the two of you pets. (That supersoldier stamina and all, helps him restrain himself from just fucking the both or your faces.)
"Oh Stevie, this poor baby is just drenched." Nat hooks her fingers into your panties pulling them down and off. She spits down into your pussy, just watching it clench around nothing. "Just so fucking desperate. Can't wait to get a cock or my fingers in her, can't she." She lets finger nails scratch over the backs of your thighs before bending forward and licking up your slit to your ass, skipping your clit entirely. Spreading your cheeks before she spits again. You can't help but moan around your daddy's thick paci and push your self further into Nattie.
"God such fucking whores" daddy let's out as buck sucks harder and brings his own hand down to your clitty. Just pinching over and over letting you get more and more whiny. Nat pushes her tongue through your folds, sucking as she goes, moaning into you and letting the vibrations flow throughout your body. "Such a sweet little cunt, kotenek. Our own special whore, I bet the others can hear you moaning like a slut." She moves back and smacks your cunt.
"Thank you, momma!" You keen, pulling yourself off of Steve's cock, nuzzling it with your face leaving little kisses along the large vein that runs up the bottom.
Bucky releases Steve's balls from his mouth with a loud, pop! And stretches up to you, smashing his lips into your own "You wanna sit on a paci? Beg, puppy."
"Dada please." A scoff coming from Steve before you hear his voice,
"Really? Now we all know you can do better than that."
"Please fuck me dada, pretty please. All I wanna do is sit on your cock. Please let me have my paci Dada!" You can feel the tears welling in your eyes. Frustration swelling in your lower tummy, you just need release. "Please! It hurts, I wanna cum! Momma, Daddy, I'll be so good. I promise!"
"Aww c'mon Stevie, put the little bitch out of her misery."
"Yeah, yeah, alright. As long as you promise not to cum without permission baby." he grabs your hips pulling you to sit over his cock, but stopping before you can feel full.
"Yes, daddy, please! I won't do anything without permission. I promise!" He shakes his head, smiling in the way that makes you swoon everytime. "Such a good girl, baby." He pushes you down onto him, sinking down onto his throbbing cock. You can hear him and the others groan as you bite down onto his shoulder. "Oh fuck!"
Steve's hand collapsed into your now stinging ass, "Language, baby. Show me some respect before I throw you off my cock, like some cheap whore." He growls as he thrusts up into you. "Sorry daddy!" "It's okay baby, just don't do it again."
As Steve fucks into you Natasha moves to sit behind bucky, rubbing her hands up and down his arms, then moving to wrap her graceful grip around his cock. Mouthing at his neck whispering to him. "You should let him out. He must be jealous, watching you, her, this. It's not fair to him, being all cooped up in there." She says pressing a kiss to his temple.
He groans as she tightens her grip, and moves her hand faster, he angles his neck back to whisper back. "Can't. S'dangerous. I don't wan em to hurt her. You. Stevie can handle em."
"You're her dada, buck she'll love Winter as much as she loves you, he knows the rules. Either way, she doesn't mind being hurt"-. Nat tightens her grip again, bucky let's out almost a shrill whine- "and I'm the last thing you'd need to worry about."
The foursome kept going at it into the evening, you'd been edged over an over meanwhile the other three have cum at least twice each. The ding of the elevator couldnt be heard over your moans. Bucky's cock piercing through your walls, Steve's in you ass, nats mouth on yours and hands ravaging you, your tits, your hips, your thighs.
The four eyes shoot up to the source of the noise
"The hell was that for Wilson?!" Bucky asks stilling himself and Steve inside you.
"EVERY FUCKING TIME. Every fucking time I come in here you are fuckin her, Barnes! If it ain't tin man, its you!"
"You could always join in Sam."
"You could always join in Sam. Sure, always." he repeats back in a squeak- mocking tone. "Baby girl you mind comin to my room tonight, alone? Or has one of these losers already called dibs"
"Nuh uh, no dibbs. M' all yours, Sammy."
"Thank you!" He sends a look of victory to bucky and presses a kiss to your lips. "I'll see you tonight baby girl."
(Lol the ending was crap and I hope I captured the idea of Sam and winter )
NO WAIT I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!!! this is so fucking good you’re such a greta writer!!!
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sidekick-hero · 1 month
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers! Spread the self-love ❤️
Emmerson, my dearest dear, thank you so so much for the lovely ask! A bit of self-love and self-hype is always a good idea 😊💜
Because I got several lovely self-rec asks I'm giving you my favorite AUs I've written 😘
Would you fall for me? (explicit | 8.8k) - my try at enemies to lovers
Dustin hugged him again and when he pulled away he patted Eddie on the back and said, "Great. Maybe you and Steve will finally bury the hatchet, now that you both have to help me plan the wedding.” "Sorry, I think I heard wrong. It almost sounded like —" Eddie started, praying that he had indeed misheard Dustin, because no way in hell... Dustin let out an exasperated sigh. "You didn't. Steve is also my best man." At Eddie's horrified look, Dustin added, "I really don't understand why you two hate each other so much. I think you could be great friends if you both just stopped acting like kids, man." "He started it," Eddie grumbled like the very mature adult he was. This was going to end in disaster, he fucking knew it.
Suitcase of Memories (explicit | 55.7k) - my first and only big bang, written with the amazing @legitcookie 💜
In a bygone era, two men overcome all societal norms and find an instant, powerful connection that defies all odds. Their secret love blossoms in the shadows, forming an unbreakable bond. However, fate eventually intervenes, cruelly tearing them apart. Fast forward to the present day, Steve awakens from a startling dream that feels surprisingly real, like he was really there. The memory of it haunts his every waking moment, making him question if he somehow recognizes the mysterious, curly-haired stranger playing his guitar at a street-corner, although they have never met before. Steve continues to cross paths with this enigmatic figure, Eddie, until they surrender to fate and their instant attraction. As their relationship deepens, Steve's dreams become increasingly vivid, detailed, and intense, leaving him with an uncanny sense of familiarity. They also strangely reflect the growing romance and struggles of his newfound relationship. Is it all just a coincidence, or is there a deeper connection that defies the boundaries of time and fate?
we were meant to be (we live happily in my fantasy) (explicit | 5.6k) - my try at rockstar!Eddie
Eddie Munson has it all. The big mansion with more bathrooms than anyone could ever need, five platinum albums in as many years, countless awards to show the world that the trailer trash from a shithole town in Indiana had made it, and enough money to buy said shithole town if he ever wanted to. Which he certainly didn't, thank you very much. The only good thing about this hellhole is his uncle, who still refuses to live anywhere else. Eddie Munson also has the most gorgeous date of all the Grammy attendees on his arm, smiling charmingly at the flashing cameras and winning the hearts of everyone he so much as looks at. Or: Eddie is a Big-Shot-Rockstar and Steve is the escort he hired to get people off his back. Too bad he fell in love with him.
I’ll keep you like an oath (may nothing but death do us part) (mature | 20k) - finally, I tried my hand at the fake dating trope!
When Steve's grandmother dies, he finds out that he can only get his inheritance - half a million dollars - if he marries someone. It's her way of forcing Steve to live a heterosexual life. Sucks for her that gay marriage has been legalized since she wrote her will. Sucks for Steve that he doesn't have a man or woman in his life to marry. Cue Eddie Munson, roommate and best friend of Robin's girlfriend Chrissy and the guy Steve has had a crush on for years. What could possibly go wrong?
Emotional Motion Sickness (explicit | 16.5k) - emotional porn, pure and simple
"This is actually my first time in a gay bar and I had no idea it was a theme night, that people would be here looking for... for... leather and chains and whatnot. If I knew that, I wouldn't have come." It comes out in a rush, the words stumbling over each other in his haste to get them out as quickly as possible. Steve fights the urge to bury his head in his hands again, but part of him is glad he got it all out. Now he can only hope that Eddie still wants to talk to him, because he likes Eddie, and he may not be into the same things as him, but maybe... Steve doesn't know what he's hoping for, only that he doesn't want his night to end without at least getting Eddie's number. Maybe they can at least be friends. Steve really needs more gay friends, ones who don't send him to a bar without telling him they have theme nights.
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linkispink1995 · 4 years
Better as friends (18) worlds worst dinner party
Series Masterlist
Chapter warnings :language, mentions of alchohol, mentions of being abandoned (barely)
A/N : this chapter gives a little glimpse into Alison's backstory and it's the first time I've written anything like it , so let me know what you though
It was a cold and icy Christmas eve in Indianapolis one of the coldest winters the city had ever seen , the streets were beautifully decorated and the children all asleep as the awaited the highly anticipated jolly old St. Nick. Except one , in the Martin home there were two daughters Beatrice the oldest who had a long day including a nutcracker performance and making cookies with her mother and younger sister Alison. Alison was the youngest daughter unlike her sister Beatrice she the more creative and artistic one who preferred to be inside and color which was something she was very goo at especially for being five. Alison quietly creeped down the stairs before peeking into the formal living room where the beautiful decorated Christmas tree was. Since Mrs. Martin takes pride in how her home looks , seeing that there were no gifts and the stockings were still empty Alison tiptoed into the kitchen for a small glass of water only to find her mother sitting at the kitchen island. The same kitchen island they would eat blueberry pancakes and decorate ginger bread , but her mother didn't look like the same woman who was cheering and applauding her first born at the ballet earlier or the one that would read the night before Christmas by the fire place as her daughters fell asleep on the father's lap. Instead she had mascara running down her cheeks and a glass of wine in her hand and wasn't even acknowledging the dog that the girls had woken up to last Christmas with a bright red bow on him. What made it worst was she was practically devouring Santa's cookies , Alison frowned before saying "mommy". Kathrine didn't even turn around she just stayed quiet in the dark kitchen before saying "what Alison" Alison spoke again saying "where's daddy" her mother responded "he left to get food for the dog, but that was hours ago". Alison frowned saying "oh well is he gonna be home before Santa comes" Katharine placed her wineglass on the counter before laughing , laughing so hard almost falling out of her seat. The kinda laughter you would only hear from her when her daughters came inside covered in mud including the dog or when one of the girls pick socks got in the washer while washing her husband's dress shirts. She then turned in his seat before walking towards the stairs saying "oh Alison don't you know there is no Santa , it was your father and judging by the fact he's not here there will be no Christmas". Alison frowned before watching her mother walk up the stairs leading to the master suite leaving Alison all alone on the last Christmas eve they'd spend as a family...
Steve's P.o.v
"Alison" she looked up at me saying "what" I responded saying "I'm going to dinner with my parents tonight do you wanna go". She shook her head before I added "are you sure" she nodded before pecking my cheek saying "have fun though" I nodded before shrugging off her quietness. Alison was never quiet was something bothering her , should I stay but my father pulled me aside at work today telling me that my mother wanted me over for dinner and Alison was welcome to come but it wasn't as required as my presence. An Alison was excited about dinner until a few minutes ago , I realized after meeting her parents that Alison wasn't very fond of family gatherings especially holidays. As I made my way to my parents house I couldn't help but think what was so pressing , and the thoughts of Stewart and Y/n showing up yesterday were still fresh in my head especially the fact that I had packed Jackson's bag and made sure the blanket was in there. I pulled into my parents driveway to see both my parents cars and now I knew why my mother wanted me over for dinner, my sister was here. I kicked around some of the gravel trying to relief the stress of having to see my sister, but I knew she didn't know about Alison and that my parents were probably giving a nasty review on her and I knew she'd take Y/n's side over mine just cause. I knocked on the door before opening it to see the front door was unlocked , I removed my sport coat I wore to work before walking thru the dinner room to see my parents and my Sister. My mother quickly walked over to me engulfing me in a hug before my sister walked ove brushed my hair causing to roll my eyes and my mother to say "be nice you too". It had probably been two years since I last saw my sister and I could already feel suffocated by the awkwardness before she spoke saying "so baby brother" I rolled my eyes at the awful nickname she'd been calling me since we were kids almost worst then the nicknames Alison had for me , I mean I loved those. My sister continued saying "what's it like working for the old man" I shrugged saying "okay I guess" she then added. "How've you been" I nodded before returning the favor with the awful nickname saying "fine how about you Polly pop" she rolled her eyes saying "yep your still and ass". My mother spoke before saying "Polly , Steven that's enough , I swear you kids haven't aged past five" my sister and I rolled our eyes before sitting down for dinner.
It was after dinner when we eating my mother's peach cobbler when dad asked "how's Y/n doing these days" I rolled my eyes saying "fine". Polly spoke up saying "hey sorry about missing his birthday work was crazy but I sent something to Y/n" I rolled my eyes as my mother asked "how's work Polly" she nodded saying "fine , hey listen do you know where nana's ring is I know a place in Indianapolis and I thought I'd get it cleaned". Mom shrugged before dad spoke up saying "it's in the cabinet in my office" I sighed saying "actually I had it". Dad huffed saying "had it , you idiot you lost it" I shook my head saying "no I know were it is I just don't have it". Dad huffed saying "I swear if it's on Alison's left hand you'll be-" I cut him off saying "no dad I gave it to Y/n , she has it". Mom gasped saying "you were engaged" before I could respond Polly spoke saying "who the hell is Alison" mom responded saying "don't let me get started on her". I sighed saying "Alison is my girlfriend and yes Y/n and I were kinda engaged it's a long story and she's keeping it for Jackson". Polly chuckled saying "good thing cause he'll probably get married before you" I rolled my eyes as my dad said "what do you mean kinda engaged" I shook my head saying "it's a long story I'm not getting into it". The table remained quiet before mom spoke saying "Steven I was talking to the girls at lunch and I just can't seem to remember what it is Y/n does for a living". I signed saying "well one you could probably talk to them about my actually girlfriend and Y/n works for Matt's dad and that's all I know cause I really don't care". My mother sighed before dad asked "how's that Paterson kid" I responded with "fine him and Coleen are having a baby I guess". My mother responded saying "I thought Y/n was with Matthew" I shook my head saying "no mother Y/n is with Stewart". Polly laughed before saying "Stewart Graham , oh that has to suck for you" mom huffed saying "language Polly" polly continued her laughing fit before my father spoke saying "well what did I tell you-" my mother cut him off saying "were not talking about this at the table", my father shook his head saying "no Jenifer I'm not going to baby him like you do , he's a grown man so here it goes. Your mother and I don't like Alison " I sighed as he added "she's no good something is off there and from what I overheard at the birthday party , what she said to the woman who stuck around when you were being a little asshole the same girl who gave you that little boy. Now from what your mother tells me it's not an easy task but she did it and this is how you repay her by bringing someone like that around". I huffed saying "you know you Y/n and everyone else needs to get over it cause I like Alison a lot and you all can just deal with it". Dad shook his head saying "maybe you should start wearing your glasses again son cause you are so blind I'm telling you she's not who she says she is" I rolled my eyes again saying "dad could you just try to be happy for me and for Jackson" he responded saying "not when your being stupid and don't think throwing his name around makes you look innocent". I huffed before finally losing my patience with my family , I got up from the table before walking towards the front door as my mother asked "where are you going" I huffed saying "getting away from you monsters" mom responded saying "we are your family". I shook my head saying "no your not , my family is Alison and Jackson I'm done with you people" I slammed the door before getting to my car,
Feedback is appreciated , stay safe and let me know what your thoughts were and please don't plagiarize my work.
Taglist @disneyprincessbuffyannesummers @queenofthehairharrington @charmed-asylum
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shay-iamiam · 6 years
°Still|Part 5 °
Pairings: Boxer! Bucky x reader
Warnings: Angst.. I love y'all I'm sorry 😂
A/N: I really hope y'all enjoy this part.
This part is written as if the reader wrote a journal entry in the middle of everything. I thought it would be a different perspective to write from. I hope this comes across the way I intended it to!
°Still°| Masterlist
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Day Seven | Week one
Dear Diary,
It’s been one week.. One week since Bucky’s been in the hospital. It’s been one week since I’ve heard his voice, one week since I’ve heard his laugh, one week since I’ve looked into his eyes. I feel like I’m going crazy.
I’ve never known a emptiness like this. Everyone keeps telling me to stay strong, it’s all I hear. But how can you stay strong when your unsure about everything.
Nurses and Doctors come in constantly, they chart away at the foot of his bed.  Checking his vitals, charting his blood pressure, checking for a ounce of him coming back to full consciousness. But still, there's nothing.
I'm asked questions constantly like I'm supposed to know anything on Bucky’s current condition. I can't even get his doctors to give me a clear answer.
Every question I've asked has been down played tossed to the side. I'm at there mercy for any true update on his condition.
I would move heaven and earth to have a answer. Not only for myself but for his mother, for the rest of his family. For the whole community of people who love and care for him.
His mother doesn't come around often Winefred, never stays long. She barely touches him. Becca hasn't come to see him once. Bucky is there world. He was and still is there rock. The endless number of tubes and medical equipment would break anyone in this situation.
Steve and Sam come by everyday. They talk to him as if he was right there engaged with them, they don't speak to him as if he's struggling for life. They talk to him like there Bucky. There Friend.
Staying hopeful has become the hardest thing. Day in and day out there is no change. I'm more aware of the looks I'm given now more than ever.  The receptionist at the front, the janitor on the ICU floor, the hospital staff. I can feel the pity they have for me.
And that makes it twice as hard to hold on to this little sliver of hope I have.
Bucky's, doctors where very blunt at the beginning. People in his situation don't usually come out. And if they do well, there usually not the same.
Staying strong for yourself is one thing. But right now I'm holding him and a whole community of people who love him on my shoulders. If a crack shows in my porcelain facade, than everything and everyone will tumble to.
I keep these feelings to myself. I put on a brave face when everyone is around. I splash my face with cold water hoping it will help calm my  bloodshot eyes. I put on fresh clothes and take off his sweater I've been wearing for the past week. And I smile. I put on the best facade I can possibly muster. I recite the same mantra I've had since he's been here.
“If I crack, they crack."
 I say it over and over again until I feel like I can face them. I smile, accept the endless prayers and good thoughts, put away the endless number of casseroles I've been given. And breath the best I can… Even though I'm drowning just like the rest of them.
When I feel the little starin of hope I have left start to dwiddle, I look to him. I look at every bruise and every cut on his body. I think back on the nights he came home beaten and bruised from fighting. He endured that because he loved me. And I can endure this because I love him.
The other night I dreamed of him. He was there, we were laying in bed. He held me close. He squeezed my hand three times like he always did in the morning. He never wanted to wake me while he got ready for work so he would squeeze my hand three times. The lightest pressure in the morning. Just to let me know he loved me.
God it felt so real, I would do anything for it to be real again.
Every night before I leave his room I squeeze his hand three times. When words fail me and I can barely form a full sentence without sobbing, I squeeze his hand so he knows I'm there. I squeeze his hand to let him know I love him…
Next Part
___________________________________________A/N: Feedback is gold! I was/am still a little unsure if this part came and will come across well. It's so different from anything I've ever written. I didn't want to post anything I didn't put any effort into.
Even if this sucked I'm glad to day I at least gave it a try 😂
@attorneyl @leahnicole1219 @swtmckngbrd @akamaiden
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So I've decided to rewatch atla b/c I haven't seen it since it ended. I'm just about finished w/ the show. And while I've always shipped Zutara and was never happy w/ the Kataang ending (even as a child), I never disliked Aang. But rewatching it now, wow. Aang is actually kind of a terrible person at times. And it kinda sucks having that realization, you know? The entire Gaang were my heroes growing up. Seeing that one of them is kinda awful breaks my heart. So sorry for rambling 😅
Hello, Friend!
Alrighty… Sorry that I left this sitting in my inbox for a few days. I felt the need to address it when I had more time to write out a cohesive answer. So, here we go!
As someone who has been in your place before and who has watched the entirety of the series several times during my adult life, I will definitely agree with you on the fact that Aang can be very immature at times. I will also agree with you that that can be a little disheartening, and can make him seem less likeable. 
HOWEVER. I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about this both now and in the past, and I’ve come to realize a few different things about Aang that personally restores my faith in him. While he does tend to be in the wrong quite a few times throughout the series, I think it’s important to remember a few crucial facts.
Number 1, Aang is just a child who happens to be carrying the literal pressure of the world on his shoulders while coping with his own massive trauma. One of my pet peeves is when people brush off the fact that Aang has literally lost everyone he’s ever known, and has awoken in a world completely different from what he’s used to–AND upon waking up to this new world, he is immediately shoved into being the savior of it. (Anyone else getting major Steve Rogers vibes over here?)
Even with his status as an actual twelve year old, nobody ever really addresses this trauma since it isn’t as apparent as, say, someone who’s mother died in a raid during the war. Sadly, his trauma is completely overlooked because it no longer is relevant to the more pressing issues of the war. “Oh, you woke up from a 100 year nap and everyone you know and love is long gone? That’s rough, buddy. Why don’t you just try and forget about that for now and prioritize the massive shitstorm that is our political climate?” No wonder Aang can sometimes act bitter or selfish. Hell, I would too if everyone dumped their problems on me and didn’t bother to help me with my own. (P.S. That is a generalization of everyone in the series and is not meant to represent every character. I think plenty of people, like Katara and Sokka and Toph and eventually Zuko, showed a lot of support and concern for Aang’s well-being, but I also think that Aang’s PTSD is well beyond their abilities.)
Number 2, Aang’s flaws are actually an example of great character writing. Do I think that his character was always written well? No. But do I think that he was written in a believable way? Yes. I think that by the end of the series, Aang still had a long ways to grow in a lot of different ways, but who didn’t? I actually think his character arc went very realistically. I would rather watch somebody make mistakes and learn from them than watch somebody be perfect all of the time. By the last episode, Aang still had issues with entitlement and immaturity to deal with, but I don’t think that those are unusual things to find in a preteen. All things considered, he easily could have let his tragic backstory turn him into an epic villain, but Aang still chose good over evil. Repeatedly.
It’s also important to realize that the whole Gaang had their fair share of ugly moments. I could go more in depth, but off the top of my head I can remember specific moments in which they all showed some nastier sides to themselves. But that doesn’t make them bad characters, and it doesn’t negate their goodness. In fact, it actually makes them more inspiring because they’re more relatable to everyday people. They show the constant struggle between good and bad, which we all have to go through. 
So to answer your comment, I don’t particularly like everything that Aang has said or done, but I do think that we need to give him a little bit of a break. I like Aang, and I still admire him to this day, not because he was flawless, but because he was good and compassionate and kind, and he refused to give up despite all the odds stacked against him. I look up to him because he did not let resentment consume him even with his own past trauma. I love him because he took the worst possible situation and found the best possible outcome (see: Aang refusing to kill Ozai even though nobody would’ve blamed him for it). Even with my status as a Zutarian, I definitely don’t hate Aang. He’s a pretty tough kid if you really think about it.
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samwilsonsbabymama · 6 years
Hey, good morning! What characters do you specifically write for? I was wondering if you could do some fics/hcs/drabbles/one shots (whichever you prefer) based off of the songs Easily by Bruno Major and Little Things by One Direction for Sam Wilson and/or Bucky?
Hi!!! I write for Sam (I'm in love with him), Erik Killmonger, and M'Baku. I've never written for Bucky but that might change today because that One Direction along gave me an idea for him and I love it so much. When I write, the reader or OC are always written as a plus size black girl even though I suck at describing how a character looks lol But I did take the song by Bruno Major and wrote this for Sam Wilson. It's a little angsty and I left a lot out but yau can figure it out from the clues I left lol I hope you like it!!!
"What do you mean, 'It's not meant to be' Y/N?" Sam asked.
Youd never seen him look so... hurt before. This wasnt how you imagined your relationship with him. You thought you could handle all of his missions, all of the time that he spent away from you when he was here, but it began to weigh on you.
"Exactly that, Sam," you responded heaving a sigh. "We worked so hard to get to be together, but I can't this anymore. You're constantly coming and going, and even when you're here you're not here. I cant take it anymore."
He sat across from you, arms crossed and pain etched on his face, as you slid your his key across the table.
"I'm sorry, Sam," you whispered before you stood and walked out of his house.
Two months had passed and you were finally NOT REALLY getting settled into your new life without Sam. When you first left he called you every day for two weeks straight, leaving messages begging you to come back. You didnt return any of his phone calls but you listened to his last message, and his words stuck with you.
Hey Y/N,
This is going to be the last message that I leave you. I know that you think we're not meant to be, but I dont believe that's what this is about. I know that you're scared, hell, I'm scared too, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't try. I'm not about to let us fail we worked so hard for this, for us, and we cant just give up because it's not easy like you thought it would be. We need to work at this, together. I know you need time, so I'm going to give you that. I'll be here whenever you're ready to work this out.
By the end of his message you were crying. He was right the two of you needed to work things out together, this one thing specifically, but you were worried about how he would react. You needed time to gain the courage to go talk to him.
And that's how you allowed 6 more weeks to pass before you finally saw him. You would have let more time to pass if it weren't for running into Steve at the store.
His smile was bright when he saw you, he was truly happy to see you, something that you thought odd since you had essentially dumped one of his best friends. But his smile was genuine. When he embraced you, you tried to keep a bit of distance between the two of you, but his super strength pulled you flush against his body, well as flush as it could be, before he slowly pulled away. The look he gave you nearly broke your heart. He now understood why you left Sam. He gave you a small smile and looked over your shoulder. You knew what, or rather who, he was looking at and your heartbeat sped up.
Dropping your head, you slowly turned around and faced Sam. Your eyes landed on his shoes first and you slowly dragged them up his body. You noticed that his fist were clenching and unclenching as he looked at you. Your eyes continued their perusal of his body, finally landing on his face. His eyes were slightly bugged and his jaw was unhinged. There was nothing you could do to hide it so you just stood there, waiting for him to look you in the eye, and when he did you felt everything fall into place.
"Y/N," he whispered before he took a tentative step towards you, and when you didnt back away he quickly scooped you into a hug. He held you for what seemed like hours, what was actually minutes, thankfully the store was nearly empty.
You knew you had some explaining to do, but right now wasnt the time. You needed to enjoy this.
When Sam pulled away he placed his forehead against yours and sighed. "I'm not letting you leave me again, Y/N," he whispered causing you to laugh as you nodded your head.
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