pyr0cue · 8 months
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wonderbutch · 5 months
i was right i did need to listen to the front bottoms about it
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libelelle · 4 months
Just watched zombie movie thwy should make zombie movie that doesnt make me sad
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goodnightwindy · 4 months
tbh i cant relate to all those tiktok girlies who r like ' auhh i wish i could dress like the 2000s but i can never find the clothes :( ' because like. im an 07 mf and ive been wearing the same style of clothes since i was a little baby child. i exclusively shop at thrift stores so all my clothes are at least ten years old. basically what im saying is , Skill Issue
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recents · 1 year
how dare you write the one i project onto NOT bottoming. youre hurting me. youre hurting me
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masonsystem · 7 months
ene could do I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream but AM could never do yuukei yesterday
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dayurno · 9 months
to add on to my last ask I honestly dont know if this is a safe space to talk about why I dont really like aftg and you really like the books and dont wanna see anyone criticise them in your asks if that's the case im sorry😔😔
HAHA ill post your ask soon with an answer but just as a general statement i think aftg has many fun things and many bad things and ultimately criticizing it as harshly as ive done in my time can only be done from a place of love. i understand most people dont think criticism equals appreciation but to me half of the fun of aftg has been analyzing all the bad and nonsensical and stupid parts. love and peace on planet earth i will allow anyone to criticize anything if its amusing (but not kevin day. off limits)
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shuxiii · 1 year
Good luck winning jihu over after these posts 😂
why do i need to win her over when i already have KIDDING!!!
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yuuuhiii · 2 months
What kind of girl do you think yuuta likes?
I truly do feel like Yuuta loves confident girls *cough* maki *cough*
He just loves knowing you know your worth and you have high standards, that’s a true definition of a woman to himHe’d love someone that’s ambitious and not scared to strive for what they want
Yuuta is a timid person at heart, so he’d appreciate if you tackle his awkwardness well. Whether that be just jokes or honestly disregarding it so he doesn’t feel like he is being awkward
Yuuta is clingy. So he’d also like if someone was just as clingy as him. Yuuta doesn’t mess around if he chooses you and dates you. He’s in it for the long run. Because when he falls, he falls hard
So he’d love someone that’s loving and honestly he loves attention soooo damn much, he’ll never ask for it but god does he love it
Overall he just wants a loving accepting person that’d like him and his flaws!
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barneysballsoffire · 2 months
How do you know my name 😟😟 IM JOKINGGG!!!!😝😝☺️ did u like it when i joked on you hm ..?
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satoruyes · 2 years
i’m glad
when you tell them youre glad you didn’t break up with them.
pairing: satoru, geto, nanami, mahito (sfw + gender neutral) naurt proof-read heh IGNORE TYPOSSS
m.list | navi
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s. gojo
you watch his back muscles flex as he washes the dishes shirtless. You watch from the island counter seated on a stool. And that’s when you decided to give into the prank nobara has been pestering you to do to the sorcerer. “im glad i didn’t break up with you when i was,” you say while “absentmindedly” forking the food sitting on your plate. You bit down on your lip to stop yourself from laughing as you hear him drop the plate he was washing and turn off the faucet. He turns around slowly and says, “what was that?” you repeat yourself, while innocently smiling at him. His usually confident self seems more glum as he approaches you from behind, “my baby was gonna leave me?” you can feel him frowning into the nook of your neck. At this point you couldn’t help but laugh, he realizes it’s some sick prank and he moves back to the sink and wets his fingers and flicks water at you.
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s. geto
you were lying down watching netflix in your room when the raven haired man comes to join you, pulling you to his chest. you inhale his scent and you immediately feel comfort in his smell “m’so glad i didn’t end this when i was,” you breathe out while focusing your attention back to your mounted tv. suguru snaps his attention from the tv and to you. “what? what are you talking about?” he questions while trying to meet your gaze, you ignore him and turn to the other side trying to not face him. “hey, you shithead what does that mean,” he says while gently shaking you. You stifle a laugh, well atleast you tried, it didn’t go by unnoticed, “are you kidding me,” he sighs while picking up on your “unfunny joke” he uses his feet to playfully push you off the bed, “hey! get those dogs away from me,” you say while falling off the bed.
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k. nanami
you were washing your face while he was behind you in shower, “hey babe can you pass me the aftershave?” he calls to you, you grab the can and pass it to him through the shower curtain. You cherished moments like these when you were alone with your lover just in each other’s presence, enjoying it. and that’s how you cooked up a devious plan to ruin it (😈). “kento, im so glad we’re still together,” you say. “why wouldn’t we be love,” he asks, questioning where a such query came from. “well that one time when i was gonna break up with you, m’ glad i didn’t actually do it,” you reply back nonchalantly. You hear the shower curtain draw back., revealing your lovers face and upper chest. “when was this,” he asks, unaware of the joke you were playing. “like, last month i think,” you reply, just pulling lies out your ass at this point. the blonde huffs and turns off the water pulling a towel against himself, you finally melt and say, “kento, baby it was a joke.”
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“im so glad i didn’t break up with-” before you could even finish your sentence you were disfigured. rip.
you were sitting on the beach in your swimming attire when you mention to the man, “hey i’m glad i didn’t break this off” you swear his head does a full 360 as he stares at you stoically. Then he says “y/n it wouldn’t be wise to pull childish pranks on me,” he says while throwing you over his shoulder “but you’re more childish than me,” you whine back while hitting on his toned back, he walked into the water and threw you in. He was way stronger than he led on.
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hope you enjoyed lmaoo just how i think they would react but i’m seriously corny 💀
reblogs, likes and comments are motivating and appreciated
i don’t like this actually, mostly mahitos bit
© ymylu (2022) reblogs are appreciated! ☆
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cjrights · 13 days
Mom I still love you so so so so much!!!!!
Please don’t be mad when you go onto mamas page, it was a joke and I didn’t mean it! I promise I still love you no matter what!
😣😣😣 it’s okay baby
i know you were jokinggg but im not even small guys ☺️
i love you too!! ive missed you even if yall are clowning me when i cant defend myself
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straykats · 3 years
Omg yasss, you spoke my language. balls and orchestra and jazz.. and the Victorian era, I’m in love with it all 😭 if I find a way to time travel, I’m def taking u then lol
oh why thank you! I shall look forward to it hehe
but yes like !!! there's so much beauty in exploring these things now and imagining how it must have been, but being able to experience would be way different? And i realise that sounds very... idealistic/naive of me, because it probably wasnt as !!!!!!!! as we make it out to be, but if we could like... just plop ourselves into those times just to experience certain things with the knowledge that we're experiencing the past, it would be ahhhh!!!
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ieropilled · 2 years
I just think its funny how
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doodlebloo · 2 years
Ok Aimsey is wrong about Oliver not being the perfect guy for Rahnald Boo and I stand by that BUT. I do want Ranboo to play Dialtown again and do a different route for fun... So like Oliver IS perfect for Rahnald Boo BUT Ranboo also needs to romance someone else. Just for the content though not because Rahnald Boo actually has eyes for anyone else you get what I mean
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yanwrld · 2 years
hope i am not just a person to you but also your crazy internet tumblr girlfriend
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