jalapenobee · 1 year
I need more content w/ Tachihara thinking of the port mafia (esp the black lizard) while he's with the hunting dogs like
Teruko: look ik we're not supposed to but...I snuck us cigarettes
Hirotsu would never let me do this
*tecchou spins his sword on his fingers at ungodly speeds*
Hey, I wonder if Gin can do that
Jouno, drunk: I just don't get it! Beef and chocolate sauce shouldn't go together because that's just logic? Isn't that right? I'm right, right? Somebody needs to go tell Tecchou he's wrong. Actually, someone go tell him he's horrible as well. And-
Lmaooo he's just like Chuuya when he gets drunk
And then realization that the port mafia isn't just his infiltration target but people he trusts and confides in and considers family
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constellaj · 3 years
Please talk more about your reboot!
16: If you could change anything in the show, what would you change?
okay so how i would re-do CANON is completely different from how i would talk abt a reboot so im gonna touch on a couple things in both contexts! the reason for the difference is canon rewrites imply i can go back in time and introduce dp fresh and new, before anyone knows what it is; but for a reboot, id be working with an audience that has a better understanding of the source material, so i dont need to spend as much time explaining, but i also need to keep everything recognizable
REWRITE: i would def make it more danny's fault that her dad lost his job, like danny was intentionally being reckless and shattered some security stuff, and he has a whole mini lesson about learning to not just run in guns blazing. i would probably remove the dating stuff with her and danny (and tuckers crush) too, I think them wanting to be good friends is good enough for freshman year
REBOOT: the fandom already knows valerie exists, so i would actually skip the whole shades-of-gray introductory episode and have her be present as the huntress from day 1-- probably even before danny got his powers. cujo is also HER dog, and her backstory-- we'd find out in like, season 1, that a natural ghost portal (maybe one wulf opened) ripped open on her dog and killed him, and since then shes had a vendetta against ghosts cause of how reckless they are and their disregard for life-- of course, cujo isnt actually dead. cujo is a halfa. a puby halfa. anyway instead of a hoverboard she actually rides cujo around cause he can fly and its big and epic. valerie has BEEN amity parks ghost-eradicating superhero for at least a year (tho shes been in the shadows abt it) and her hatred towards danny actually just becomes really petty, like them flying next to each other chasing skulker just going "I got this. no I got this. no I got this" and they just get in each others' way and its a mutual grudge.
BOTH: i am NOT keeping in vlad giving her the suit to watch danny under any circumstances. it was only utilized half assedly in canon (when vlad couldve just had an invisible duplicate watching him instead) anyway, and I dont have any reason to keep it in a reboot either. instead i want her tech to be a combination of half-stolen and half-gerryrigged stuff and she slowly slowly learns how to build her own.
I also dont want anyone knowing her secret identity, except maybe her dad, and sam or tucker. i think it works better if danny isnt privy to this magic info
REWRITE: i would honestly just remove him. the episodes hes in arent particularly interesting, theyre just generic "we need a plot about x" filler and he's not compelling enough a character (at least in writing) to carry a better plot that another antagonist couldnt. i'm serious
REBOOT: unfortunately in a reboot he's gonna have to pop up somewhere or else ppl will be like "where IS HE" so I'm going to stick with running some kind of ghost circus, maybe a few occult things, but cut out a lot of the spooky magical knowledge and mcguffin stuff. maybe i could make him like, someone from vlad/jack/maddies college who always felt pushed around by them and so he has a vendetta? and theyd be the only reason he even learned abt ghosts in the first place. idk in either way I want to force him into being irredeemable but also include LYDIA (the tattoo girl ghost) way more-- I want to give her an arc that ends in her tossing freakshow aside and running off to be a ghost vigilante.
BOTH: dear god the infinity gauntlet is stupid that needs to GO AWAY. especially for the reboot cause it would exist in a post-mcu world and way too many people would complain about it
REWRITE: amp him up to a far more sinister and villainous character. the crushing on maddie isnt enough, I want to show him on-screen performing experiments on ghosts and himself, dismissing everyone else cause he thinks hes smarter than them. i want him to be actively sabotaging the fentons at every turn. i would also clarify that he doesnt actually want danny as a son, but as a trophy-- a line where danny says something along the lines of "you don't want a son. you want a slave". i want to make him a character who wants to destroy the entire planet and put it in the ghost zone so he can be the true ghost king and i want to make this all evident from day one. if i'm writing a series villain you can bet i'm going to write a GOOD one. less petty drama here and more actual stakes.
REBOOT: it seems silly but sense with reboot we have the benefit of hindsight and recognizing that vlad wasn't a big series villain, theres no way i'd actually go back and write him to be such. for starters, of course, theres the fact that anything he does would really be an exaggerated part of the original, and it would bore an audience to see the same story again-- theres also the fact that it doesnt seem right to take a character who was treated as a joke half the time and suddenly make them big and important. no, instead for my reboot i want to lean into the petty gay uncle vibe. he had a crush on jack and now just casually insults him. he moves mansions every now and again by just haunting the family who lives in the one he wants, and taking over-- i mean, who is gonna believe that an actual ghost haunted you. he dislikes danny not because he has some concept of 'evil' and 'good' but bc danny is just too damn active. of course he actually does care about danny and his safety deep down, it's just on the surface they have very conflicting motivations-- not to mention that danny has been raised on legends from his parents of the villainous Wisconsin Ghost, who has to be stopped at all costs.
BOTH: i want jack and maddie to KNOW he's a half ghost and to actively be hunting him down for it, maybe bc they think hes possessed, or been a ghost tricking them this whole time, or the victim of a tragic lab accident who needs to be put to rest, etc. whatever the case it will give vlad actual tangible reason to despise them and genuinely suspect they dont have dannys best interests at heart. i think it would be neat if vlad was cynical and every time danny hit him with the "I'll expose us both. at least theyll still love ME" vlad could be like in the back of his head "oh god theyre going to kill this child"
REWRITE: cut her out. we don't need her character at all. maybe replace her with a more ominous shadow duplicate / clone that actually looks like danny himself and doesnt really have a name? you could probably combine her and dark dans characters for their arcs
REBOOT: instead of a clone from vlad, she's a guys in white creation using some of dannys dna after he was captured (and vlad broke him out bc he was like "ugh i guess i have to save this child")
BOTH: vlad actually cares abt her (duh), shes nonbinary (double duh), she gets the funny dissolve into goo powers
i had more i thought i was gonna write but this post is already very long and also im running out of coherency for this LUL
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babysizedfics · 4 years
hihi im back with another ask i send a lot of these now huh. anyway!! what would they all dress up as for halloween/how do they celebrate halloween when vee and ro are little compared to when they are big? do nana janus and chaotic cousin remus also join in? im super excited 'cause its halloween now and also i remembered my second ask from last night so m gonna send that now! 🐝
bee anon i know its been literal weeks since you sent this but i have been thinking about it loads and rlly hope that its worth the wait!!
i think this might be my longest headcanon post yet!
Halloween headcanon for the family
the timeline of labd took place in summer of this year so this halloween is their first one as a little family! patton was eager to suggest to the others that they make it a family halloween party where both boys are little and they can have some more childish fun!
virgil is nervous about it, he really loves halloween but he is easily frightened by horror and jumpscares and its a lot worse when hes regressed. and even though he trusts his family a ton hes worried they'll accidentally put on a scary movie or have spooky decorations that will scare baby him, so he's worried he will ruin the party by being a crybaby
however patton and roman are both so so so excited about having a child friendly halloween party and logan has been researching family halloween activities that are toddler friendly and vee is also a bit excited despite his anxiety so they all agree to it !!
originally they all wanted to have a family group costume theme!! but roman and vee's interests are so different when they're little
whatever roman suggested was either too scary or it was from a show that was too old for baby vee
and any of pattons suggestions that baby vee liked roman complained of them being too babyish or simple
so instead they decide each little will go as a matching costume with one of the CGs! so everyone gets to match with someone and the littles arent upset
Logan and Vee go as rilakkuma (big brown bear) and korilakkuma (littol white bear) respectively
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their costumes are basically just onesies they got from online, just standard onesie but with bear tail and bear ears on the hood and the tummy patch!
As a surprise though roman sews vee a pair of matching mittens for his costume! theyre fluffy on the inside and theyre white and have pink toe beans sewed on!! so they're like paws! and roman made them detachable so vee can have them attached to the onesie but can also wear the mittens without it
SIDE NOTE: this concept post is about how vee loves the mittens so much he starts wearing them a lot of the time when he's lil!
Roman and Patton go as Kuzco and Pacha
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roman makes both of their costumes from scratch!! even fake jewellery for kuzco!! he's REALLY proud of himself and so is everyone else!!
quick link to the posts for what their pumpkins look like and the shenanigans that ensued when they carved them!
During the set-up:
during the day patton and roman bake sugar cookies! and roman does a great job decorating them like pumpkins and black cats! theyre really cute baby friendly designs
meanwhile logan and baby vee decorate the house! logan sticks up paper pumpkin faces and bats while vee sits on the floor in a little play area rattling his giraffe rattle and logan is like talking to him "where should i put this pumpkin sweetheart?" and vee just babbles cluelessly and sucks the ear of the giraffe and logan is like "what a marvellous idea" and hangs the pumpkin exactly where he planned
also they make tissue ghosts!
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basically vee's job is to scrunch up a tissue into a ball! so logan gives him a tissue and shows him how to scrunch it and vee does a littol scrunch and giggles and logan takes it (scrunches it a bit more into a ball) and covers it in another tissue and rubber band! then he asks the baby if this ghost should be happy or sad (vee ALWAYS says happy) and logan draws happy little face on it!
when they have enough logan hangs them from the ceiling fan!! and he turns the fan on slow and the ghosts float around slowly and he goes 'vee look at that!'
and baby vee on the carpet is staring at them and then he whines and holds his arms up to mama - he wants to be picked up
lo was concerned that baby found the ghosts scary but!! vee giggles and reaches up to the ghosts and he bats them! like a little kitten! he loves it because its like a baby mobile!!
During the actual party:
lots of fun! logan cut out pumpkin shapes out of orange craft paper earlier and the boys get to draw faces on them!! and then they get blu tacked up on the walls!
and they nibble their cookies of course! very nummy well done roman and patton
but while ro is busy drawing and while vee is busy suckling his cookie and cuddling papa lo sneaks off to set up the main event...
trick or treat scavenger hunt:
there are bags of candy and little party favours (like little badges and bubbles and stuff) hidden around the house!
patton suddenly pulls out a piece of paper from his pocket and gasps! then he announces that the boys got an invitation to go trick or treating around the house by some special guests! at this vee gets a bit nervous and buries his face in papa's shoulder but patton rocks him and roman is really excited!!
so patton hands the invitation to roman and its a riddle! roman has to figure out which room the riddle wants them to go to! roman is a very clever little boy, just ask his mom and dad, so he figures it out and leads them to the dining room! roman runs ahead and paatton carries baby vee on his hip
and in the dining room is logan - but he's not really supposed to be logan - he is still wearing his bear onesie but also now is wearing a big black blanket around his shoulders (its meant to be a cape) and has those really cheap uncomfortable plastic vampire fangs
'welcah to i cashel' he lisps
roman giggles because its very silly and he LOVES silly, especially mom being silly
but baby vee grips his papa tighter. he doesnt know why mama is talking weird or why his mouth looks different and pointy but it scares him and he starts whimpering
papa bounces him a little and whispers that its just mama being silly
logan hates to see ve scared of him so he tries to rectify it 'ish ohay bee ish okay wook ish mama!'
vee looks over because papa and his brother are giggling so it cant be that scary right?
but as logan tries to talk again the teeth fall straight out his mouth with a trail of drool and roman bursts out laughing and so does patton and so baby starts giggling too!! because its just mama!
anyway the game is to convince the vampire to let you have his candy. the vampire says he will only give them the treats if they can name all of the characters in peppa pig
and they do it!! vee immediately bounces and squeaks 'pepepepepa!' and then roman names mummy pig and daddy pig and george and then they get treats AND another riddle!
logan sprints out of the room to shove the next costume on and get to the next room
then roman takes them to the laundry room where the wolf man (logan with dog ears made of socks) will only give them bubbles and the next riddle if they both pet his head VERY softly!
and then they find a mummy in the kitchen and have to unwrap him! roman tears off the toilet paper from logans body and hands it to vee and vee scrunches it up like he did earlier and holds a little bit to his chest and decides its his now - the mummy gives them more candy and another riddle!
the hunt goes on until they find mama in the living room lying on the couch - and he's asleep! (he's not really)
theres a note on his chest that says that mama is under a spell!! and he can only be waken up by a kisses from all his family!! roman giggles and goes first and kisses logans cheek really loudly and sloppy and logan winces in his "sleep" at the wetnes on his cheek and roman thinks its funny
vee is really nervous that mama is under a spell :( so papa says he will show vee how to wake mama up. and patton leans down to kiss logan - logan's eyes open when he's just above him and leans up to meet him in a quick soft kiss on the lips
then its baby vee's turn and he wriggles in papa's arms so patton puts him down onto logan's lap on the couch and vee does his signature baby kiss - he leans forward, gently presses his forehead against his mamas and whispers 'mwah' behind his paci!
and then logan wakes up and says 'oh you saved me!!' and wraps a smiley baby vee in a very tight cuddle!
and when logan gets up he says he is SO grateful to his boys for saving him that he's gonna give them presents!!
For being so creative and clever by solving all the riddles and finding ways to trick the monsters into giving them treats, roman gets a rainbow etch a sketch!
and for being such a brave baby and for being so gentle with the monsters and with mama, little vee gets a squishmallow bat who will always protect him and give him cuddles!
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the rest of the night is pretty much jsut roman being really excited and proud of how well he did in leadinf his family to victory and he draws all of the events that happened on his new etch a sketch!
and baby vee is just so relieved that mama is back that he doesnt leave mama's lap and snuggles with his new squishy friend al evening! he falls aslee pretty quickly because it was a busy day for just a little baby!!
the end :3
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mad-ncity · 6 years
Perfect for You | Ghoul!Renjun
tokyo ghoul au :)
youve always been best friends with renjun
ever since you two were little youve been practically inseparable
his family were the peaceful type of ghouls
they never hunted…only got food when it was already prewrapped
but somehow renjun has kept it a secret from you
cant say there havent been moments when he thought he was caught though
and you cant say you arent suspicious
but if he is actually a ghoul and keeping it a secret from you you can understand why and will gladly wait until hes ready to tell you
you two were now in high school together and lets just say that renjun has harbored feelings for you for a while
but he cant tell you that
one: because it could mess up your guys’ friendship
two: because he feels like he should tell you what he is before taking that next step
three: reason number two would absolutely mess up your friendship if number one didnt
for gods sake his kind eats people like you
but you also liked renjun
and you didnt see why you shouldnt just tell him
because you were sure that even if he rejected you you two could still be friends
it would take more than rejection to end many years of friendship
so as you two were walking home together one day you brought it up
“hey renjun could we stop for a moment”
he stopped and turned to look at you “yeah sure whats up y/n?”
you made sure to make eye contact with him “for a while ive wanted to say this and ive finally gathered the courage to say it”
you take a deep breath and grabbed his hand
“renjun i love you. i love the way you ruffle my hair, how you always yell ‘dog!’ when you see one, and how you always walk me home even though your house is before mine”
hes silent and avoiding eye contact with you and you take this as a sign of rejection
but hes actually having internal conflict right now
does he tell you?
“its okay if you dont feel the same i understand”
a few tears prick the corners of your eyes but you give him your best smile
“um i think i forgot something at school so you can just go home. bye renjun see you tomorrow! ill text you when i get home!”
renjun just stood there clenching his fists and grinding his teeth as you ran away
why did he have to be a ghoul
why couldnt he a be human so that he didnt have to worry about this
he made his way home slowly but surely still thinking about you
he tried to take his mind off of you by doing his homework and it works
when he gets it done he looks out the window and sees that its dark out
and then he looks at his phone
no text from you
you should be home by now
renjun calls your phone and theres no answer
he knows theres something wrong
you always pick up your phone whenever you go out for a walk because its not safe on the streets
he rushes out of his house and heads towards your school because thats the last known place you were at
hes running with everything hes got looking down every alley to see if youre in one of them
suddenly as hes running past one alley he hears something or rather someone
he walks down it and sees you slumped down against a wall panting and when you look at him he can see the fear in your eyes
he bends down to your level and puts a hand on your shoulder “y/n what happened?”
“i-i saw a ghoul eating and i gasped when i saw them and then they whipped their head at me and grinned at me and started to walk to me so i ran”
you were crying at this point
he let out a deep breath and wipped your tears away
“y/n lets get you home”
he helps you up and when you two start to head out of the alley a figure steps out in front of the exit
“ahh heres where you went. you cant escape me babe i can smell your sweet blood anywhere”
renjun pushed you behind him “y/n theres something you need to know about me”
he isnt looking at you while hes talking though hes keeping his eyes on the ghoul in front of him thats slowly making their way towards you two
“renjun i hardly think this is a good time to make a big revealing monologue”
youre squeezing his shoulders so tight out of pure fear right now and he can feel you slightly shaking
“no i need to say this y/n im-“
“oh my god will you two shut up now give me that precious little thing behind you or ill take them by force”
the ghouls kagune is out now and is running at you two
renjun pushed you back and released his kagune
the two of them fought until it was just renjun standing
he was panting from the fight and was bleeding in many places but he didnt care
he turned around and rushed towards where you were at
before you could say anything renjun grabbed your hands with a slight tremble in him
“y/n im a ghoul. thats why i was so hesitant to accept your feelings because even though i return them i didnt want to lose you because of what i am”
you placed a hand on his face and rubbed your thumb over a cut on his cheek thats already healing
“renjun you idiot ill love you no matter what you are because that doesnt define you. you define yourself and the renjun i know is smart, caring, a little insecure but has an open heart. im not scared of you so please dont be scared of me and what i might think of you”
you closed the gap between the two of you and kissed him
he swiftly moved one hand behind your neck and the other around your waist
when you both pulled away for air renjun smiled at you
“why are you so perfect?”
you chuckled a bit “im not perfect…far from it actually but maybe im perfect for you”
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
in which we learn a story from twain’s childhood, fire brigade training, a new base for a certain group, and hibana giving tamaki a pep talk
twain: are we theeere yeeeeet? Hemingway: "Twain, how many days has it been?" twain:...three i think? its hard to keep track, hehe. Hemingway: "Then the answer 'yes.' We are here." twain: FOR REAL?! emily: *chop* bad hemingway. we arent there yet. twain: mean. =3= ..... i ever tell you about the summer i spent on a raft? *They're passing a sign that says '150 miles to Chicago'* Hemingway: *rubbing his head* "Nah..." twain: well, i got this raft and decided to take a trip down the mississippi river. and i saw all kinds of crazy things. like a feud between two rival families, an almost murder, but the craziest part is when my raft got taken over by these two conmen, called themselves 'the duke' and 'the king'. emily: oh wow. twain: isnt that scary? picture it. 11-year-old me, on a raft with two guys who could kill me at any time probably. luckily i did manage to escape and get them arrested during one of their schemes. and later, who do i run into by my ol friend sunny davis and her dad. they were down in alabama visiting her grandparents and mr davis gave me a ride back home, and oh man, did aunt polly give me the scolding of a lifetime. Hemingway: "That's an adventure. Ever look up what happened to Duke and King?" twain: *shrug* not sure really. probably in jail for all i know. plus i dont know what their actual names were. 737; Hemingway: "Huh...How did you even build a raft?" twain: hard work and determination. Hemingway: "I mean...you just don't seem like the determined type." twain: hey, cut me some slack! i can be very determined when i put my mind to it! >3< i might not be the best at school smarts, but im not dumb. Hemingway: "Ever go hunting?" twain: i think so. i've gone trapping. my bro and i caught rabbits, squirrels, stuff like that. aunt polly made us release them though. Hemingway: "Hmm...We are low on food. I say we pull over and--" emily: here's a place. Hemingway: "??? That's just a pit stop. I meant a place to go hunting, like a park, or a zoo--" emily: ERNEST NO. Hemingway: "...I'm buying all the beef jerky they got." *pouts* -elsewhere- Kid: *his hair is still blown back* -_____-# stocking: *head pets* Kid: "It took me by such surprise..." stocking: i can imagine. Kid: *sighs* *holds her hand* "I'll miss you." stocking: i'll be back before you know it. *kiss* Kid: ^\\\^ "I'm counting on it." -elsewhere- Damon: *eating pasta* soul: tastes delicious, right? Damon: "..." ^w^ becky: =u= *nom* Damon: "Can I have more of the sauce?" soul: sure thing, kiddo. ^^ Damon: "...Thank you, um..." soul: ?? Damon: "...N-Nothing..." soul:....take your time. *weak smile* -elsewhere- Hyde: *shakes a jar of cinnamon onto a bag of popcorn* romina: aw yeah, movie night! julian: *monotone* yaaay. Hyde: "What we got to watch?" -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: "You two comfortable?" erina: i-i think so... Jordan: ^w^ "Thank you for hosting, sir!" Fitzgerald: "...Is that a Daffy Duck tie, Jordan?" Jordan: "...It's all I got..." erina:...it's fine. Fitzgerald: "..." *looks at Louisa* louisa: ^^; Daisy: "So, you work security?" erina: at the mall, yes. Daisy: "Busting up punk kids loitering and shoplifting?" erina: yeah. Daisy: "You take their pot?" erina: ._. louisa: miss fay! Daisy: "Just making conversation." Jordan: ^^;;; "Heh...Daisy...What a kidder..." Fitzgerald: "You were previously at the prison?" erina:.....................................yes..... Jordan: "...You don't have to talk about it." erina:...... Jordan: "...Hey, I like your hair." erina:...thanks. Jordan: ^w^ "We got a lot of food options. What you hungry for?" -elsewhere- Tanizaki: *snore* sylvia: ..... Kyoka: *puts a blanket over Tanizaki* "You find a pillow?" sylvia: *clings to hers* Kyoka: "??? What's wrong?" sylvia: n-nothing.... Kyoka: "..." *hug* sylvia: !!!! Kyoka: "It's okay...If you're afraid, we're here for you." sylvia: *shakes* p-please....dont touch me..m-my a-ability.... Kyoka: "..." *pulls back* "Sorry. But...you wouldn't try to hurt me anyway." sylvia: n-not at all, miss kyouka, i-i dont want to hurt anyone! b-but what if i fall and get hurt while- Kyoka: "Then we'll make sure you don't fall. Or, you know, that it's just, like, tripping on the rug or something, not like falling off a rooftop." sylvia: .~.;;;; Tanizaki: *turns over on the couch--and falls off it* sylvia: EEP! >A< Tanizaki: "..." *yawns* *looks up at the ceiling* "...What time is it?" Kyoka: "About 8:30. At night." Tanizaki: "..." *grunts* "I better text Naomi..." sylvia: ....it must be nice....having a sibling.... Tanizaki: "..." *smiles* "Yeah. Naomi means the world to me." sylvia: ....do you...have parents? Tanizaki: "..." *awkward smile* "Who doesn't?" ^^; sylvia:............. Q________Q Kyoka: *hard glare* Tanizaki: ._____.;;;; "...S-Sorry." -morning- Bon: *asleep in the tent* *snoring* Rin: =____= "It went all night." konekomaru: ^^; Yukio: "Perhaps you should have packed earplugs." Rin: -_-# *kicks Bon* Bon: "UMPH!" *sits up, looks around* "...Wait, what happened?" konekomaru: well, we better get started. i heard there was a spot with a great view of a waterfall. Bon: =___= "I barely slept thanks to cold feet kicking me all night." Rin: -3- Yukio: "Konekomaru, got the map laid out to the waterfalls?" konekomaru *nod* Yukio: "Well, get your shoes on, and let's go." Bon: *already tying his* Rin: -_- "I'm coming, I'm coming..." -elsewhere- shiemi: *yaaawn* morning. seiya: good morning, miss moriyama. Shura: =_= *scratches, burps* seiya: -.-; Izumo: *looking outside* "Wow..." shiemi: *also looks out the window* it's a nice little village. stocking: yeah. Izumo: "Quiet...Peaceful." Shura: *stretching* "Where's breakfast?" seiya: it should be downstairs. *puts on robe* Izumo: "What will they have?" *grabs a robe* -elsewhere- Kid: *looking into his cup of tea* liz: hey, it's only for a few days, cheer up. *smile* Kid: "..." *nods* "I just...miss her." liz: *pap pap* lord death: she'll be alright. and she'll be home before you know it! -elsewhere- kirako: *checking the mail*.... oh! Kyoka: "???" kirako: mr fukuzawa, you have a letter! Fukuzawa: *examines it* "...Amazing." naomi: what is it? Fukuzawa: "...We are being honored." atsushi: for real? Fukuzawa: *nods* "For our contributions in the capture of Dostoyevsky." ranpo: ... aya: AWESOMESAUCE! yosano: even though it was the government and manhasset that caught him? Fukuzawa: "If not for the work of many of our members, we could not have pursued the culprits to their location--and rescue others who had been captured." yosano: right... atsushi:... Fukuzawa: "And I think we know who should accept the award--" Dazai: *shiny eyes* kenji: *looks at kunikida* Kunikida: "...Sir...I did nothing. I must decline." Fukuzawa: "..." kirako: then why dont you do it sir? Dazai: *puppy dog eyes* Fukuzawa: "...Very well." atsushi:...*pats dazai on the back* Dazai: Q_Q Fukuzawa: "It makes sense, I suppose, to accept it on behalf of all of us." -applause- atsushi: maybe next time, dazai. Dazai: "I'll make my own trophy from money I make on the horses..." atsushi: ._.; Kunikida: "You spend it on your child." yosano: *nod* Dazai: "...I mean, obviously..." >_> kirako: ^^; Kyoka: "Will you get to pose for a photo, sir?" Fukuzawa: "...I suppose?" -elsewhere- Kafka: *still in bed* "Zzz..." wilhelm: *sneak sneak sneak sneak* Jakob: -w- *follows* Kafka: *muttering* <Stop...Not my fault...> wilhelm: *has shaving cream out* Jakob: *holds a feather...* Kafka: *his arm hangs over the bed* wilhelm: *sprays the shaving cream* hehehe Kafka: *small grunt...calms down* "...Zzz..." Jakob: *takes the feather...tickles Kafka's nose* Kafka: *scrunches his face...he hasn't swung his arm yet* wilhelm: >w< Jakob: *one more tickle* Kafka: <No, stop--> *swing--* *SPLAT* wilhelm: XD Kafka: "Wh-What?!" *bolts up out of bed--landing on his face* wilhelm: *laughs* Jakob: "Heeheehee!" Kafka: "..." *shriek* wilhelm: *runs* Jakob: *follows* Kafka: *scurrying, practically on all fours, looking like a rabid dog* wilhelm: *laughs* george: ._.;;; Kafka: "I'LL RIP YOU BRATS LIMB FROM LIMB--" george: .____.;;; Kafka: *leaps* *loud angry noise as he tries to grab the twins* -YOINK- hans: -_-; Kafka: *hissing noises, hanging off the floor* "LET ME AT 'EM!" hans: kafka, breathe. Kafka: *inhales* "...I WAS TRYING TO SLEEP WHEN THEY DID THIS TO ME!!!" hans: *looks at the twins* Jakob: *practically has an angel's halo over his head* wilhelm: *puppy eyes* hans:......well, at least you didnt do something like murder him. Kafka: "THAT'S IT?!" hans: kafka...*sigh* do you need to take a walk? Kafka: "..." T~T "It's too early..." hans: it'll do you some good. Kafka: *sniff* "F-Fine..." *muttering* hans:...*sigh* Jakob: ^w^ "Better wash off first..." -elsewhere- Justin: *praying* -knock- Justin: "..." *opens his eyes, stands, checks the door* "Yes?" marie: hello~ ^^ christa: hi hi. Justin: "Marie! Christa! Hello...Come in, come in...How are you?" marie: doing good, thought we'd check on in. oriko: *small wave* marie: ^u^ christa: *tiny wave* Justin: *smiles* "Very well. But how are you after...after that?" marie: getting better. Justin: *nods* "Shall I get us some tea and something for Christa?" marie: sure. -elsewhere- Rin: *shiny eyes* "So cool!" konekomaru: talk about a view, huh? Yukio: "It is impressive..." Bon: "..." Rin: "How far does it go down?" konekomaru: please do not go jumping off the waterfall. Rin: "Oh, come on! It'll be a great bonding experience! You all want to try it, right?" Yukio: "No." Bon: "Hell no." -elsewhere- Akitaru: "It'll be at the Fifth. Enjoy the luxury." shinra: *gulp* Relan: "Has Hibana hosted one of these before?" shinra: cant recall... tamaki: it's been a while. Arthur: "The Princess will lead us to glorious victory." maki: here we are. takeru:... oh, the 8th's here now. tao: OuO vivian: about time. ryuuko: that just leaves the 3rd and 1st. ???: "--and then I found a $20 bill!" tamaki: ?? *look* ???: *looks at them* "Oh, hey--new people!" ???: oh, greeeat.... ryuuko: you must be the new recruits with the 3rd and 1st, correct? ???: "Yep!" *hugs Ryuuko* ryuuko: um... mikami: ^^; ???: "I'm Yotsuba--it is so super to meet you!" ^w^ ryuuko: likewise. now could you let go of me? Yotsuba: "??? Sure." *lets go* tamaki: so you're in the 1st, huh? Yotsuba: "Yep! I'm from the 1st--and I'm so lucky to have gotten in!" tamaki: oh im so sure of that. what can you even do? maki: tamaki! my apologies, she used to be in the 1st. tamaki: -_-; Relan: *looks at the one from the 3rd* ???:... the hell're _you_ looking at? Relan: "!!!!" *steps back* "N-Nothing..." >_>; shinra: *glares at the 3rd member* hey, what's your problem? ???: everything. Yotsuba: "Oh, you know, a little bit of this, a little of that. I guess since I'm at the 1st now and you left, I'm kind of the new you there." ^w^ Relan: "..." Q_Q tamaki: *rolls eyes* shinra: *protective hug of relan* Relan: *pat pat* gabriella: ok, line up everyone. Yotsuba: "I've heard so much about you! Is it true you trained in nun stuff? And now you're at the 8th? Is that guy there yelling at the horse statue your boyfriend?" Arthur: *screaming* "YOU ARE AN EMBARRASSMENT TO STEEDS EVERYWHERE!" tamaki: .....when did the 5th get a horse statue? Relan: "Hibana probably saw 'Caligula' too many times--" Hibana: *suddenly behind Relan* "What was that~?" ^^# tamaki: OxO shinra: .x.;;;; Relan: "..." Q_______Q tao: hi princess iron-fan! ^^ Hibana: "Hello, new person~" *pats Relan's shoulder--a bit too hard* ???: *siiigh* can we get this over with? Hibana: "...Okay, Relan and Captain Sunshine over there get to do 100 push-ups while Gabriella states your training objectives." Relan: D8> ???: *siiigh* fantastic. Kishiri: "LOL." vivian: hehehehe~ Hibana: "And 200 for Kishiri." Kishiri: Q_Q shinra: *smirk* Hibana: *studies the newbies while Gabriella begins--* gabriella: alright, we'll start by two against two combat practice. Yotsuba: ^w^ Arthur: *nods* tamaki: .... (something about this girl....really ticks me the eff off....) Hibana: "Let's see...Tamaki against the new girl--" tamaki: D8< Yotsuba: "Yotsuba, ma'am! Huge fan! I've been following your designs since the Milan show." Hibana: "..." *looks at Gabiella* "Mark her as a favorite." tamaki: D 8 < Yotsuba: *stands in the battle ring...just standing, not even in a fighting pose* ^w^ tamaki: heh, ok madame sparkles, lets do this. *assumes stance* Yotsuba: "Wonderful! I'm thrilled to get to learn from this engagement with you!" tamaki: *charges* Yotsuba: *still standing there* ^w^ tamaki: *jumps up* Yotsuba: *not moving* ^w^ tamaki: (hmm?) *catwheel cartwheel* Yotsuba: *still not moving--until the last second, when she quick steps out of the path* tamaki: O_O *CRASH* Yotsuba: "Ouchie! I almost felt that..." tamaki: >~< Hibana: "Point Yotsuba! Tamaki, get back in there." tamaki: *glares back at yotsuba* Yotsuba: ^w^ "I thought that looked pretty good. But maybe next time gauge the distance better--" tamaki: you totally moved out of the way! DX< Yotsuba: "I know--it was impressive, right? I'm so lucky I had great teachers at the 1st to help me improve my innate talents, like Commander Burns--" tamaki: -_-# Yotsuba: "And everyone is just so invested in helping me! Like, watch this--" *she seems to disappear immediately* tamaki: ??? *Something lands lightly on Tamaki's head* tamaki: ?! *It's a flower crown* Yotsuba: ^w^ Hibana: *shiny eyes* tamaki:..... (she's really getting on my nerves...) shinra:..well tamaki seems to be making friends. Arthur: "...What even is her ability? Super-speed? Pre-cognition? Witchcraft? Witch. Must be a witch." Relan: *panting, struggling with pushups* Kishiri: *muttering* ???: how annoying. Yotsuba: "But I guess I should wrap this up, so--" *grabs Tamaki by her index finger* tamaki: ?? Yotsuba: *flips Tamaki over, gracefully, and out of the ring--* tamaki: X-X she cant be human...there's no way she's even human.... Yotsuba: *spins, does a peace sign pose* "I'm just lucky!" Hibana: OwO "Can we adopt her?" tamaki: oh i'll show YOU LUCKY- *trip* oh no.... *faceplant with her ass in the air* Yotsuba: OwO; "Oooo~" Arthur: ._. shinra: talk about making an ass of yourself. *sweatdrop* tamaki: TT_TT# (i will murder all of you in your sleep) -elsewhere- Q: T_T higuchi: you ok? Q: "I'm lonely..." higuchi: you have us, dont you? Q: "Yeah...But I miss Aya." higuchi:....*pap pap* Q: *sniffs, rubs his eyes* "We're stuck here..." higuchi: im sure it'll blow over soon. *smiles* Q: Q___Q "Really?" higuchi: yeah. Q: "O-Okay..." -elsewhere- Kafka: *walking, grumbling* -looks like it's about to rain soon- Kafka: "Shoot...I didn't bring my umbrella..." *looks around* -there is an awning nearby at a shop- Kafka: "..." *stands underneath* -there is a fancy pair of shoes in the window- Kafka: "???" -they seem pretty fancy- Kafka: "..." -in his thoughts- {Kafka: "Here you are."} {etta: aww, how sweet! *cheek smooch*} {Kafka: ^\\\\^ "Only the best...for you."} {etta: hehe~<3 } {Kafka: "I want to give you the world...because you deserve that happiness."} {etta: aw, franzy...} {Kafka: "..." *leans in--*} Kafka: -3- girl: is that guy kissing a window? girl 2: weirdo. Kafka: O\\\\O "..." T\\\\T -later- Kafka: *reaches the door--soaking wet* -___- george: ... ._.; Kafka: *grumbling* "First those brats prank me, then I get kicked out to a walk, can't even buy shoes--then I don't have my umbrella--" george: rough day? Kafka: *snipes* "Who asked you?" george: OxO; Kafka: "..." *marches to his room, leaving wet shoe-prints down the hall* george:....whats eating him? Walter: *pops up* "That's just the kind of guy Kafka is." george: hm... Kafka: *locks himself in his room* "..." Walter: "Come to think of it, I haven't heard Kafka call any family..." george: ..... Walter: "...Hey, George? You like pudding?" george: yeah, why? Walter: "Let's make pudding treats!" george: oh, ok. Walter: ^w^ "Kafka will love them..." -elsewhere- lydia: ......*staring at her drink* *Everything is quiet in the building* lydia:.....*sigh* ......*walks back to her room* Gogol: *humming* lydia: ....<kolya.> Gogol: <Yo yo yo!> lydia: *rubs her eyes* pleasant evening, i take? Gogol: <As good as it can be. You?> lydia: <could have been better. just thinking a lot.> Gogol: <??? About...?> lydia: <what im going to do after finding the book...> Gogol: <Ah...Maybe go home?> lydia: .....<you do know why i joined the rats, right?> Gogol: <Do I? Likely. But tell me anyway.> lydia: <there's someone important to me i want to save.> Gogol: <All this for a loved one?> lydia: *nod* <she means the world to me.> Gogol: <...Hmm. And Dossy knows this?> lydia:....*she nods* i was by her side in the hospital when he contacted me... Gogol: "...He does that sort of thing." lydia: he offered to save her if i joined him. though i have been considering a second wish for the book..... Gogol: "Oh?" lydia: the first would be to save her from her coma......the second....i might use to erase her memories of me. Gogol: "...Why..." lydia: *removing her mask* it's my fault that she's in this coma to begin with. because she got close, she got hurt. I’ve done so many terrible things for her sake, my hands are too stained with blood. If she knew what I had done, she’d undoubtedly hate me. I don’t want to be a burden to her. Maybe it would be for the best if she forgot about me, even if it hurts so much. I want her to live a life without suffering. Gogol: "..." *sighs* lydia: ... Gogol: "Before doing something so drastic, perhaps actually say goodbye to her first." lydia: *sad chuckle* that's just the thing. i'm scared to face her again. that sounds pretty pathetic, right? perhaps im just doing this to punish myself. im not sure. but as long as i can know she's alright, then i'd be glad, even if it meant erasing my own worthless existence... Gogol: "...Is that what you want?" lydia: ....im only considering her wellbeing...i dont want for her to get hurt again because of my actions. Gogol: "Hmm...Too bad you can't wish to just change your past." lydia: ...i have no desire to change what has happened to me. Gogol: "...All for her, then?" lydia: *she nods* Gogol: "...Admirable." lydia: ...*wipes her eyes* Gogol: "...Well, sleep will help figure this out." lydia:....right.... -elsewhere- Takehisa: "Let's hope they learn something during this exercise." miwa: *nods* Takehisa: "That gives time to handle some other tasks around here." *opens a closet* "I have repairs to finish." miwa: need any help from us? Takehisa: "Since Vulcan is busy, yes, I could. I'm going to check the furnace. Could you check which lighting fixtures are broken?" miwa: sure thing. serina: need us to do anything? sayu: ^u^ Takehisa: "Hmm...We have paperwork that hasn't been signed. Could you check the mail in that pile, and anything that needs the commander's signature, set it aside?" serina: *nods* nayumi: i'll help iris with cleaning out the chapel area. Takehisa: *nods* "Thank you." -elsewhere- Rin: "Ow..." konekomaru: *patching him up* Bon: "It's like training a dog..." konekomaru: ^^; Rin: "I thought it was a good idea at the time...How was I supposed to know the speed?!" Yukio: -_-# "You could have died, if not for your abilities--and hard head..." *takes off his glasses...looks in the water* "..." konekomaru: .....?? Yukio: "..." *sighs, splashes water on his face* Rin: "??? Yo, bro..." Yukio: "Hmm?" Rin: "..." *shove* Yukio: O_o "?!" *SPLASH* konekomaru: rin, come on! *chuckle* Bon: ._. "..." *snort* Yukio: *soaking wet* -_____- "At least my glasses weren't tossed in...However--" Rin: "???" Yukio: *grabs Rin's arm--and flips him into the water* Rin: O______O "WAIT! I HATE GETTING--" *SPLASH* konekomaru: ^^; stocking: *whistling* Izumo: "???" seiya: ?? is something wrong, izumo? Izumo: "Just...thinking. It would be nice to have...to have spent this time with my..." seiya:....*pat pat* it'd be best not to dwell on the past. she's safe, isnt she? Izumo: "...I hope..." seiya:... *pap pap* Izumo: "Th-Thanks..." stocking: hey, we're here for you, ok? shiemi: *nod* Izumo: "..." *sniff* "I-I know that!" T\\\T *looks away* shiemi:...*hug* Izumo: T~T *hug* -elsewhere- Relan: *groans* T~T Arthur: *bandaging his arm* mikami: everyone alright? tamaki: *in full cast, grumbling* Kishiri: *holding tissue to his nose* "Is it broken?" Q_Q Yotsuba: ^w^ "So much fun! I can't wait for tomorrow for more training!" vivian: *in a medic's uniform, patching him up* it's just fine, torry~<3 tamaki: *glaring daggers at yotsuba* Kishiri: =\\\\= "Thank you..." vivian: hehehe~<3 Yotsuba: *holds up cups of hot cocoa* "I made cocoa! With my own special recipe..." tao: yay! tamaki: (i swear, she's doing this on purpose! DID BURNS HIRE HER JUST TO SPITE ME?!) Yotsuba: "Here you go, Tamaki~" ^w^ tamaki: *muffled annoyance* Yotsuba: "I could give you a straw..." tamaki: *GLAAAARE* shinra: it's like she's the anti-tamaki... tamaki: <SHOVE IT UP YOUR ASS, KUSAKABE!> Yotsuba: OwO;;; "Um...Did I do something to offend her, Shinra?" shinra: dont worry, she's like this all the time (more so than usual today...) Yotsuba: "D'aw...I'm sure tomorrow will be even better! I look forward to making friendships with all of you! We can even share treats, play video games on my new Switch, I can have my private driver pick us up--" vivian: you have a chauffeur too?? OvO Yotsuba: "I won one in a lottery." ^w^ mikami: they do that in lotteries now? tamaki: <OH OF COURSE SHE DID!> Yotsuba: "Lucky, I guess~" Relan: "...Shinra. What is even happening?" shinra: some weird gag most likely. tao: ~? shinra: best not to think about it too much. ???: ugh, how annoying. can you guys just shut up, i want to sleep already. and maybe die. that'd be great. Arthur: "??? ...Do you know Mr. Aizawa?" ???: who? Arthur: "...Nevermind." *polishes his hilt* ryuuko: for now, lets all get some rest, we're gonna need it..... -elsewhere- Kid: *baking a cake* "..." -elsewhere- twain: hey steinbeck? owo Steinbeck: "What?" twain: did you ever have any childhood crushes? owo Steinbeck: "...I guess." twain: liiiiiike? Steinbeck: "I-I don't know...There were cute people in my neighborhood when I was younger..." twain: oooooh. 7u7 Steinbeck: "..." {Steinbeck: "..." *small noise* } {girl: ?? what's with him?} {rosasharn: john? are you alright?} {ma steinbeck: ??} {Steinbeck: "N-Nothing!" >\\\\< } twain: bet you want to know who my childhood crush was, right? 7u7 Steinbeck: *serious face, crying* "I could not care less." twain: well, when i was like, 8 or something, i had the huuuugest crush on the town judge's daughter, becky thatcher. she was like, the prettiest girl i'd seen like, ever. and i was certain we were gonna get married and stuff like that. not sure where she is now. probably in university for all i know. Steinbeck: "...I'm not one to advocate creepy online stalking, but why not search online for her? She may be an ace student, or a famous journalist, or a mass murderer--" twain: eh, kinda keeping my options open, y'know? Steinbeck: "...Yeah. Wide open." twain: 'sides, those 'find old classmates online' ads are almost always scams. Steinbeck: "...I guess." *looks out the window* twain:...thinkin' bout someone? Steinbeck: "Just...thinking. That's all. ...All." twain: sure, steinbeck. -morning- Rin: *huddled under blankets* -3- "And they still aren't dried, even overnight..." konekomaru: *asleep* Bon: *packing* konekomaru: *yawn* are we heading home soon? Bon: "At least to the next stop along the way home..." Yukio: *buttoning his shirt* konekomaru: *nod* -elsewhere- Chuuya: *grumbling, shaking in bed* -chuuya....- Chuuya: "N-No..." -it hurts so much. i cant breathe...- Chuuya: "H-Hang on...I'll help..." -she's bleeding all over and screaming- Chuuya: *reaches out his hand* "NO!!" *sits up in bed with a lurch--covered in sweat* "..." *pants* -silence- -the space next to him is empty as it always is- Chuuya: "..." *covers his face* “…” *whimpers, whines* -the door creaks open a slight bit- sonia: papa? mito: *mew* Chuuya: "..." *lowers his hands, smiles* "Yes, Sonia?" sonia: are you ok? Chuuya: "...Just a bad dream." sonia:....do you want a hug? Chuuya: "...That'd be kind." sonia: *hug* mito: *nuzzle* Chuuya: *hug, pat pat* sonia: i love you a lot, papa. Chuuya: "I know...I love you, too." sonia: ....aunt higuchi's making breakfast... Chuuya: *smiles* "Then that should be delicious, right?" sonia: *nod* Chuuya: "Give me a minute, okay?" sonia: ok... Chuuya: *watches her exit...hugs a pillow* "..." -...- Chuuya: "...I'm doing my best..." -...- Chuuya: "..." *sighs...* *sets the pillow back* -elsewhere- Hibana: "Good morning~!" tamaki: -_____- shinra: you look like a bit of a mess. tao: is it cause of miss sparkles? shinra: *chuckle* Relan: *small smile* *humming is heard from the kitchen* tamaki: laugh it up, you guys.... mikami: she's already awake.... ryuuko:...im beginning to lose certainty of her humanity. *sweatdrop* Hibana: "And she's making all of us breakfast! And it looks divine..." gabriella: ^^; Yotsuba: *humming, making fresh whipped cream* "The muffins are all ready!" *the muffins are...sparkling* Relan: "..." *LOUD STOMACH GROWL* shinra: good god they multiplied overnight! tamaki: *ELBOWS HIM* shinra: ow. Yotsuba: "They have different fruit fillings, too!" *pours hot chocolate, adds whipped cream* "Tamaki, I even made some of those little fish-shaped pastries that Mr. Fulham told me you like~" tamaki: ^^# why. thank. you. Yotsuba: ^w^ *sits next to Hibana* Hibana: ^w^ "Okay, troops, eat well, because today--" *evil face* "YOU MAY DIE." Relan: *half-way into a muffin* "..." Q____Q ???: good. hanako: D8> mama, she's in my seat! Hibana: "Yes, Yotsuba..." *DEATH GLARE* "MOVE." Yotsuba: OwO;;;;; "..." *quickly gets up, sits behind Tamaki* tamaki:....*smirk* Kishiri: "...Boss Lady, when you say 'die'--" takeru: *shaking...causing a mini earthquake in the room* Hibana: "Death. Demise. Expire. Six feet under. Dead as a door nail. Deader than disco-- ...Holy crap, is he causing that?" Relan: "C-Calm down, T-Takeru..." shinra: takeru. inhale. takeru: *INHAAALEEEE....*breathes out* i-im ok.... Relan: ^^;;; *pat pat* -elsewhere- Magaki: *sipping tea* otogiri: how is it? Magaki: "..." *small smile* "Good." himawari: *smiles* thank you. Magaki: "Was it from the garden?" himawari: *she nods* i've been learning how to make new blends. Magaki: "That's impressive." himawari: *smiles* Magaki: "Do you use these in other meals?" -elsewhere- Izumo: "..." *looks outside* shiemi: *packing* seiya: this was an enjoyable trip. *smiles* Izumo: "...I suppose so..." Shura: *passed out* *snore* stocking:....*nudge nudge* shura? Shura: *grumble* "Booz..." stocking: -___-; *sigh* -elsewhere- Fukuzawa: "...Is this really necessary?" yosano: it's a formal occasion. kirako: plus a suit is quite becoming on you. ^^ Fukuzawa: "Hmph. Very well." naomi: ^^ -outside, atsushi and aya are training with kunikida- Kunikida: "You know what to do? Then come at me." atsushi: *charges* Kunikida: "..." *shifts his weight* aya: *jumps in from behind* Kunikida: *turns* atsushi: *TACKLE* Kunikida: *knocked down, lies back* "..." atsush: yes! aya: woot! -they do a little victory dance- *Then something knocks them both in the head* aya + atsushi: X-X Kunikida: *holding a handful of acorns* "What did I say about keeping an eye on downed opponents?" aya: Q3Q atsushi: TT,TT; Kunikida: *sighs* "At least you got me down." atsushi: *smile* Kunikida: "Now, what did you get wrong?" aya: keep an eye on a downed opponent? Kunikida: *nods* "What else? For example, Aya, notice your watch is missing--" aya: but i dont even have a watch- Kunikida: "..." *looks at the watch in his hand* "...Then whose--" atsushi: *points* Kafka: *collapsed on the ground nearby* X____X *he's missing a watch...and a shoe* Kunikida: "... ... ..." *stares at Atsushi* "Get a shovel." atsushi: D8> -elsewhere- Jakob: "??? Where's everyone?" george: they said they were out doing errands. Jakob: -3- "Boring...Need a game to play." george:.....alright, how about 'two truths and a lie'? Jakob: "Ooooooh! Sure!" wilhelm: im first! i own a slingshot, im the older brother, and im a student. george: im guessing the older brother thing is the lie? Jakob: >w< "He got you!" wilhelm: =3= that was too easy. george: alright. i lived in england, i've been inside a submarine, and im a girl. Jakob: "Hmm..." *looks at Wilhelm* "The submarine thing. No one uses submarines nowadays." wilhelm: you sure? george:...you guessed it. wilhelm:....so wait, you're a girl?....huh. george: ^^; Jakob: "Why the secret?" george: *shrug* i guess i just decided to take on a new identity after leaving home. even if i dont consider myself being a guy, i do enjoy the facade. wilhelm: understandable. jakob's disguised himself as a girl lots of times. Jakob: >\\\\\< george: huh.....well, there's pudding from last night in the kitchen. you two hungry? wilhelm: yes please! Leroux: ^w^ etta: *shivers* c-cold down here TT3TT hans: its not that far now... Leroux: "You saw some of them before?" hans: i think. i do recall a rather tall woman, a shorter woman, and a strange man with a bowlcut... *BOOM* hans: !!! etta: EEK! >A< hans: *peeks past the wall* *Someone walks through the blast* ???: "MY BOWL CUT IS NOT STRANGE!" hans: ??? etta: OxO *Motojiro emerges* Leroux: "...Are those...lemons?" etta: what even is this place? hans: hello? we're the group the agency told you about? Motojiro: "..." *looks back* "How can we confirm they're who they claim to be?" hans: *hands him a document* hirotsu:...hmm....seems to check out. etta: w-we even made ID cards. OvO;;; *shows hers* Leroux: "Hmm...Some of Walter's glitter got on mine..." katya: whatchu guys even want from us? hans: we're here to talk to you about our alliance- hirotsu: so we've heard. Leroux: ^w^ "Have you decided?" hirotsu: what do you have to offer us? hans: we have a large accommodation to your numbers. and you will be kept protected within our residence. and food and showers and such will be provided. hirotsu: hmmm...and what is it you want from us? Leroux: "Well, you do have an awful lot of people..." hirotsu:.... hans: think of it this way, do you really want to stay hidden in a smelly old tunnel? Leroux: "And can be some assistance in the combat side..." hirotsu:......very well. we just have one request. a certain member has to be kept under strict lock and key at all times due to...rather complicated circumstances. hans: that can be arranged. Leroux: ^w^ "Yay! Neighbors!" hirotsu: *shakes hans' hand* it will be a pleasure working with you, ma'am. everyone. pack up and roll out. Leroux: OwO "...Old people say 'roll out'?" hirotsu:... 7///7; naoya said i had to 'get with it'. Leroux: ^w^ "Understood, sir!" -elsewhere- Lily: *sleeps* "Zzz..." misono: *taking notes* Kuro: *poke* "Give me your notes..." misono: -,-; dont you have your own? Kuro: "Just comparing to make sure I got all of it..." *his notes only have his name on it* misono: ... -elsewhere- hyakuya: *stares at her paper* ..... {hyakuya: *trembling*} {yuuichiro: AKANE RUN!} {hyakuya: ah-} {yuuichiro: JUST RUN DAMMIT!} {hyakuya: *tears in her eyes, taking off into a sprint down into the tunnels*} hyakuya: ......*sniff* *rubs her eyes* ???: "Here." *holds a tissue* hyakuya: i-im fine! TnT Yoichi: "Just...trying to help." ^^; hyakuya:.................................YOICHI!!! *HUGS*.... 7///7; g-glad you're here. i'll be sure to let shinoa and mitsuba kno- mitsuba: already on it. shinoa: the gang's all back together again, fufu ^^ Yoichi: "Y-Yeah." ^^;;;; "Little tight..." hyakuya: *lets go* wait, all? mitsuba: kimizuki's here too. hyakuya: ... =-=# faaaantastic. just what i freaking needed. Yoichi: "Just...hang in there..." hyakuya: 7,7 -elsewhere- Kafka: *walking down the street, missing a shoe* T~T *spots the HQ* "...This is going to be embarrassing..." -elsewhere- Hibana: *blows a whistle* "Faster! Lift those legs!" tamaki: *jogging* tao: *sprint jumping* takeru: *pant pant* >~< Yotsuba: *practically skipping* ^w^ Relan: *catching up from behind* Arthur: *galloping like a Monty Python horse* ???: *still at the start line* Yotsuba: "..." *doesn't turn around, looks forward--and side-steps* ???: *KO'D* fuck... Yotsuba: "Ouchie." ^w^ Relan: Q_Q "Scary..." Kishiri: *panting* "Ugh..." Hibana: "Move it, move it! You'll get your reward later--so move!" -elsewhere- Yohei: "Kepuri, hold Toru for a bit--" Kepuri: "?! Wait, what--" Yohei: *ties his shoelaces* Kepuri: -_-# toru: *staaare* Kepuri: "...What are you staring at?" toru: babwa! ^u^ Kepuri: "...'Babwa'? What is 'babwa'?" toru: *baby babble* chie: i can take him from here. ^^; Kepuri: -\\\\- "Thank goodness..." *hands Toru to Chie* chie: hey sweetie~ were you good for aunt kepuri? toru: babwa! chie: *giggles and pokes his nose* ^^ toru: *laughs* Kepuri: "..." >\\\\> Yohei: "He's a happy boy..." nea:....kepuriiiin, are you considering children? Kepuri: "I am nowhere ready to deal with babies, messes, the cost--the pain of child birth...How even parent?" nea:.... 737; Kepuri: "What about you?" nea: *whistling* Shinoda: .////. -elsewhere- Giriko: "Yo, Priest! Yo...Um..." oriko: ~? justin: good afternoon, giriko. ^^ anna: chitty pweest! Justin: O_O Giriko: ^^; oriko: ?? anna: ^o^ chitty pweest! chitty pweest! Giriko: "Kids say the darndest things..." Justin: ^-^;;;;;;;;;; oriko: ~?? Justin: ^^; "Giriko...Why is she talking like that?" Giriko: "Blame Kirika." kirika: *laughing too hard* Justin: *sweatdrop* -elsewhere- Karim: "Raise it a bit higher..." pearl: *doing so* Karim: "Okay...Now, what do you feel right now?" pearl: alright for the most part. Karim: "Do you notice any stress when you raise it?" pearl: a bit of tension on my hand, but that's about it. Karim: "Hmmm...How about emotionally?" pearl: fine, i think. Karim: "...What powers up your flame?" pearl: what do you mean? Karim: "Well, some people increase their flame when they feel happy, or sad, or angry..." pearl: i never really thought about it. Karim: "Well...Maybe think about something that makes you happy and see what happens?" pearl: ...... *FEWM* .-.; Karim: "...Okay, so happy thoughts help. Interesting...Guess keep thinking about them for a bit." pearl: .////. r-right... -elsewhere- Anya: *flipping through an old yearbook* rowena: ?? Anya: "...Rowena, what do you know about previous students?" rowena: i havent really looked into it. Anya: "...Tsugumi is still researching, based on research from a...departed student. But I think it's hitting a wall, so I'm seeing whether there were other halberds or their meisters. ' rowena: hmm. -elsewhere- elizaveta: ... *There's the sound of metal hitting metal, like someone stacking...plates? Cans?* elizaveta: *peeeek* Gogol: *quickly shoves something into his coat* *hums* elizaveta: OvO~? Gogol: <Ah, there you are.> *smiles* <What are you up to?> elizaveta: <iii dunnoooo. stuff?> Gogol: <Hey, me too!> *closes his cloak* <I have to finish something, so can you give me five minutes?> elizaveta: ok. *waves leila's hand and walks out* ~^^ Gogol: *waves...when she is out of view, he frowns...* "..." ("Just keep to the plan...") -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "..." Gin: "Is this a good idea?" naoya: well, it's really our best option right now, all things considered. Gin: "I understand. Yet we know little about these people--and it feels like moving from...this 'prison' to another one." naoya: hey, on the bright side, they have food and showers. Gin: "...Good. Some people here have smelled awful." Tachihara: "FUCK YOU!" Akutagawa: *picks up Tachihara by the ankle* katya: so what do we know about this goat guy? Tachihara: Q_Q "...He's an animal-human hybrid?" Gin: *smack* "Stop listening to stupid people." katya: WANNA FIGHT?! leo: i believe she meant goethe. katya: what lev said. Motojiro: "Oh! The one with those people in Germany! He killed a child abuser." higuchi:....wow. katya: why does he want to form this alliance anyway? Motojiro: "He is an ability user..." katya: so? higuchi: he wants to form this alliance to stop dostoyevsky. katya: im in. pushkin: that was a fast answer. Motojiro: OwO; "That easy?" katya: im down for anything if it means taking that backstabbing sack of feces down several hundred pegs. Akutagawa: "...Sounds good." higuchi:...you still arent over that, are you? katya: NOPE. Motojiro: ^w^ "I'll start packing!" Tachihara: *blood all flowing to his head* =~= -elsewhere- Kafka: "...How? How are we even going to fit that many people in here?" goethe: we have a lot of rooms. like, loads. Kafka: "Since when?! I have looked at the floor plans--" Walter: *flips a page--spreading out a much larger blueprint of the building* Kafka: "... ... ...SHUT UP!" Walter: "I said nothing!" -elsewhere- Hibana: ^w^ "There! Now wasn't that a successful training day?" Yotsuba: *sparkling and smiling* "Oh, yes, Commander! Thank you for today's lessons!" Relan: *collapsed, face-down* X___X tamaki: Q_Q Arthur: *clothes torn* "...I think one of the Angels bit me." shinra: *faceplant'd* Kishiri: *mindlessly chewing on gum...shivering* "N-Never again..." Hibana: *claps her hands* "Well, time for your reward~" vivian: OvO Hibana: "We ladies will enjoy some time in the baths and spa this evening." Kishiri: *at attention* "HOT." tamaki: *about to punch him* Hibana: *holds up buckets and toothbrushes* "While you boys continue your training by scrubbing the toilets~" tamaki: oh. Kishiri: D8> Relan: *sad angry quiet scream* shinra: that seems a bit rude, ma'am, with all due respect Hibana: "I'm kidding! Mostly. You can go use the boys' baths down the hall." Yotsuba: *claps* "Yay! Tamaki, we can bond and discuss training, the First, how to improve your jumps--" tamaki: (i'd rather be scrubbing toilets.) -elsewhere- Haumea: "...So, he's a masochist, right?" kagu-tsuchi: ?? whom do you refer to? Haumea: "Charon. He just keeps having everyone punching him. One big beefy man after another big beefy man punching him..." kagu-tsuchi: ..... guruna: *yaaaawn* pass thanks. Haumea: "In any case, the noise is getting in the way of me listening to radio waves, so..." *presses a hand against the wall--plasma shoots through into Charon's training room and--* Man 1: "AAAAH!" *clutching his head, falls* Men 2, 3, 4, etc: *also all fall* Haumea: "..." =w= "Ah, silence." guruna: ._. kagu-tsuchi: .... -elsewhere- Lucy: "Jeez, he messed you up good." atsushi: T~T; Lucy: "..." *small smirk* "At least you're alive, aren't you? Regeneration is a heck of an ability." atsushi: yeah......*looks at lucy* ..... .///. Lucy: "??? What's wrong?" atsushi: you're just really cute. >///< Lucy: O\\\\\O "WHERE ON PRINCE EDWARD'S ISLAND DID THAT COME FROM?!" atsushi: .////. its true though. Lucy: >\\\\< "Well, yes, but...but...You're cute, too!" *pouts* atsushi:... ^////^ Lucy: "..." *hug, cuddle* atsushi: *huuug*....... .////. Lucy: "..." .\\\\\. "...You..." atsushi: >///< *leans in* Lucy: "..." *closes her eyes...brushes her lips against his* -kiss- atsushi: *shivers, tail twitching* =/////////////= Lucy: "Mmm..." *her arms wrap around his lower back* -elsewhere- Benimaru: "...That is too adorable." kirei: ^^ hinata: we're gonna be flower girls! hikage: flower girls! Benimaru: "And I'm sure you will do great." *head pats* hinata + hikage: ^^ -elsewhere- Izumo: *nodding off* "Mmm..." seiya: well, here's your place stocking. stocking: thanks. *takes her luggage* i had fun. ^^ *enters* kid im ho- Kid: *tackle-hug* >w< "Stocking!" stocking: ^^ *head pats* im home, sweetie. Kid: *purrs* =w= "Was it a good trip?" stocking: it was nice. *kiss* Kid: *smooch* "Good...How were the others?" *cuddles* -elsewhere- Hyde: *holding up his hands* "...Dude. This is a mistake. I can't open the freaking cash register without the manager being here--" licht: -_-; Robber: "Shut up! Crack open the register if you have to!" Hyde: -____-# *glances at Licht* "Thieves aren't getting any smarter, are they?" licht:...*proceeds to wreck the thief's shit* Hyde: *smiles, leans back, gets back to sipping his soda* "Just don't knock into the can display. Took me forever to get it to look like Mega Man." licht: i have become the savior of this establishment *poses* because i am an archangel sent from the heavens above. Hyde: "..." *taps button on his phone for applause to start playing* -elsewhere- Poe: *sets flowers around the room* =w= karl: *resting on his shoulder* Poe: *inhales* "It's like a garden in our home~" lana: *smiles* ghost: it sure brightens the place up a bit. so nostalgic~ Poe: "Yes, it does." *smiles at the ghost* "You had flowers here before?" ghost: in life, yes. *sad smile* Poe: "..." *nods* "Is there anything to do to help make our home more suitable to you?" -elsewhere- Relan: *practically passed out in the bath* =\\\\\\= "I could stay here forever..." shinra: *snuggle* =////= takeru: .-. Relan: =w= Arthur: *scrubbing his hair* Kishiri: "...Okay. I got to ask. Are you two happy?" shinra: *smiles* yeah. Relan: *nods* Kishiri: "..." *sighs* "What the heck? I didn't see myself in a relationship. Didn't see any of us in relationships...How did we luck out?” takeru: .~. shinra: *shrug* life's unpredictable like that i guess. Arthur: *washes his hair, steps into the bath* "Yes. Before, I was pursued by that loud blonde crazy girl--and now she's dating Juggernaut. How is she, by the way?" takeru: she's doing well i-i think. Arthur: "...That's good. It keeps her away from me." -_-; tae-hyun: 7_7 Relan: ^^; "She seems nice. You have any anniversary coming up?" -elsewhere- Hibana: =w= "Nothing better than reclining with numerous beautiful ladies~" Yotsuba: *blows bubble bath* "Yay!" *it's sparkling* gabriella: this is nice. tao: *swimming* vivian: uvu tamaki: =_= Hibana: "Yes--minus the glitter bomb--" Yotsuba: "What glitter bomb?" Hibana: "..." *turns to Vivian* "How's your commander doing?" vivian: commander huang's been doing well. Hibana: "...She still a hard-nosed pain in the butt?" Yotsuba: *swims over and sits close to Tamaki* ^w^ tamaki: -____- -elsewhere- Rin: "We're home!" kyouko: welcome back! madoka: ^^ momo sakura: hey guys! Rin: "Hee hee..." *picks up Momo* momo sakura: ^u^ -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Okay, suitcase is opened. Put all in there." sonia: *packing things up* Chuuya: "May need the cat carrier--" mito: *mew* Chuuya: *strokes her* "It'll be okay..." mito: *purrrr* Chuuya: *opens his suitcase...* "..." *There's a ring box...* Chuuya: "..." *holds the box* sonia: *watches* Chuuya: "..." *holds it close* sonia: ..... Chuuya: "..." *small choke* sonia: *hug* Chuuya: "..." *pat pat* "Thank you." -elsewhere- elizaveta: *sitting in a chair, swinging her legs* Ivan: "???" <What are you doing?> elizaveta: <waiting.> Ivan: <For what?> elizaveta: <kolya said he was gonna show me something cool> Ivan: <Oh!> *looks down the hall* ???: *humming* elizaveta: *peeeek* Gogol: ^w^ elizaveta: oooh, cool! Gogol: <Glad you like it!> elizaveta: *HUG* ^w^ *It's a doll in a dress that looks similar to Gogol's usual outfit* Gogol: <You're gonna take good care of her, yes?> elizaveta: *nod nod* look leila, you have a friend! Leila: "..." Gogol: "What will you name your new friend?" elizaveta: hmmmm... i'll think of something. Gogol: ^w^ elizaveta: how about nina? Gogol: "Lovely!" lydia:... *faint smile* Gogol: "I have to finish some tasks--want to play in an hour?" elizaveta: ok! ^u^ Gogol: ^w^ -elsewhere- Hibana: "Good night, sweetie." *forehead smooch* hanako: zzzz Hibana: "..." *strokes her head* -morning- Kid: =w= "Zzz..." stocking: *snuggle* mmm kid... Kid: *hug* *yawns* "Morning..." stocking: *kiss* Kid: "Mmm~" *smooch* -elsewhere- zoey: ....*stares at the calendar. its her birthday*..... *It sounds like noise in the kitchen* zoey:.....*looks over* Gogol: *stirring batter* ^w^ <Cupcakes, cupcakes...> elizaveta: ^^ zoey: ....... Gogol: <Got any candles?> elizaveta: yessir! Gogol: *opens the oven, slides the batter-in-cupcake shells inside* *turns* "...Oh, hey." *waves at Zoey* "Ready?" zoey: *stare* elizaveta: ^u^ Gogol: "...Well, Zoey, you sitting or what? They'll be ready in a minute." zoey:... *takes a seat* *He serves the cupcakes with candles in them* zoey: *stare* lydia: happy birthday. yana: *blows a party blower* *Ivan is locked in a room with some reading materials* Ivan: "..." *turns the book around* "???" Gogol: ^w^ "Surprised?" zoey:....*sad nom* Gogol: "...How's the baby?" zoey:...*rubs her stomach* Gogol: "That well, huh?" zoey: .....*nod* Gogol: "Need anything? Medicine? Kidnapping?" zoey: i want master here..... Gogol: "...Yeah. I think a lot of us do." *looks at Yana* yana: ...... Gogol: "I'm sure he'll be out soon enough..." lydia:....*looks at the door ivan is behind* Ivan: <I can't make any sense of this...Reads like a child put it together.> lydia: <vanya?> Ivan: "??? Huh? Yes?" lydia: are you alright? Ivan: "Yes--just looking at these odd books Gogol lent me." *looks* "What's going on out there?" lydia: serving birthday treats, mostly. Ivan: "Oh! Whose birthday?" lydia:.....the medic's. Gogol: ^w^ *offers Elizaveta another cupcake* "Just be sure to blow out the candle first before--* *BOOM* Gogol: O_O; elizaveta: owo zoey: ..... Ivan: *LOUD SCREAMING* elizaveta: *covers ears* lydia: *holding him back* Ivan: *loud growls* zoey: ..... yana: oh boy. Gogol: "I left him books to keep him occupied! Why did you open the dragon's jail?!" lydia: ivan, please calm down. -_-; Ivan: <WHY DOES SHE STILL HAVE BIRTHDAYS?! DON'T YOU JUST GET OLD AND DIE?!> lydia: she's 25. *sweatdrop* Ivan: <SHE'S LIVED LONG ENOUGH!> Gogol: *reaches into the oven, takes out a cupcake--and shoves it into Ivan's mouth* Ivan: "?!! What flavor is--" *The cupcake sprays knockout gas in Ivan's face* Ivan: "..." *collapses* =w= elizaveta: knocked out! Gogol: "You may ask why I have a knockout grenade shaped like a cupcake. The real question is, why don't you?" lydia: ....*sweatdrop* -elsewhere- Izumo: *walking to class* konekomaru: morning izumo. Izumo: "Oh, good morning, Konekomaru. How are you?" konekomaru: doing well. Izumo: "You're here without your other half?" konekomaru: bon's in class already. Izumo: "...Well, that's punctual." konekomaru: well, we better get going in now. Izumo: "...I-I guess..." Bon: "??? The heck's with you?" Izumo: "Shut up!" Bon: "Don't get all pissy at me!" Izumo: "Don't be an asshole!" Rin: "..." *whispers to Konekomaru* "Is this a mating ritual or something?")) konekomaru: *shrug* -elsewhere- Gopher: "Going to need a new shirt for the spring..." eibon: *nod* Gopher: "Maybe new shoes..." *looks to his sister* "How about you?" -elsewhere- sonia: *looking around* Q: OwO; "...Biiiiiiiiiiiig..." sonia: *following chuuya closely* george:....so those are the new kids, huh? Chuuya: "..." *staring at the walls* ("Odd art...") Jakob: "...That kid looks colorful." wilhelm: are they even real? Jakob: "Not sure...Why is that one kid wearing a hat?" Chuuya: "...?!" -_-# sonia: ??? george: im pretty sure he's a teenager. Chuuya: T_T# Jakob: "Get out...What about the little kid with the sour puss--" katya: *russian profanities* pushkin: *holding her back* ._.;;; Jakob: OwO;;;; <What even are those noises...> leo:....she's 27 years old. wilhelm: 0_0 Jakob: "...Is she cursed?" katya: YOU WANNA GO? leo: <katya, dont fight children.> katya: =n=# pushkin: do you want something to eat, kati? katya: *grunt* pushkin: ok. ^^ *drags her to get some lunch* katya: =.= Jakob: *hiding behind Wilhelm* O~O "What was Goethe thinking..." Q: *spots Jakob, Wilhelm, and George* "..." sonia: *staaaare* george:...hi. Q: *waves* "Hello." Jakob: "...The Mafia has kids?" sonia: *she nods* im sonia, and this is Q. Jakob: "...I'm Jakob. This is my brother Wilhelm. And this is George." george: hey. *wave* leo: well, the children are getting along well. hans: seems so. Motojiro: "What is their schooling?" hans: well, i am their instructor here. Motojiro: "Oh! I've been Q and Sonia's teacher! They're so great--we just finished a science fair, and their project was great!" {*the classroom is full of soap suds--and on fire*} {Motojiro: *crying in the middle of the fire* "I'm so proud..."} higuchi: *sweatdrop* Gin: "..." *stares at Etta* etta: ~? Gin: "...Nice dress." etta: why thank you~ higuchi: is it custom? Walter: *talking off Akutagawa's ear* "--and then we can play games and trade stories and marathon this super cool new anime that came out--" Akutagawa: -__________- Kafka: -__________- Leroux: "Etta has excellent fashion~" goethe:....*smiles* -elsewhere- Arthur: "...Feeling bad still?" tamaki: im just ready to head home... Arthur: "Well, it'll be over soon. And your reaction time is faster." tamaki: thanks... Arthur: *smiles* Hibana: "Okay, troops, line up! We're starting with a sprint. Winner gets a gift certificate to my famous spa. Loser gets this..." *puts a bazooka over her shoulder, aims* "Now run!" -elsewhere- Damon: *opens lunch bag* "...???" *pulls out a note* note: 'have fun at school today ~dad' Damon: "..." Q_Q -elsewhere- Yohei: "..." {Yohei: "Line up!"} {mono: *at attention, shiny eyes*} {Yohei: "I know you know the mission--so now we go through the logistics." *projects a floorplan* "The target can be anywhere in this building--but they can't get out. We have every entrance and exit blocked. We even have our counter-measures..." *nods to a soldier* "Bring them in."} Yohei: "..." *staring at a headline from years ago on his tablet: "Almost 100 dead in police raid"* "..." *opens his drawer--and removes cigarettes and a lighter* saki: *ahem* ^^# Yohei: "...Sorry. I'm just stressed." saki: *holds out hand for the pack* Yohei: *looks pissed, hands it to her* saki: *disposes of it* *pap pap* good yohei. Yohei: *grumbles...shakes* saki: *hands him chewing gum* Yohei: "..." *takes it* "Thanks." -elsewhere- Steinbeck: *pulls over* emily: here we are. Hemingway: "...Did we just end up in a haunted forest? Does that tree have a face?" emily: seems the rest of the way we have to take a carriage in. twain: rustic. nice. baum: QuQ;;;;; Steinbeck: "...Lock the doors on your way out." -and so- dorothy: .... twain: sooo, whats town like? Coachperson: "Oh, quite nice. A bit old-fashioned, if I do say so myself. Isn't that right, Geoffrey?" Geoffrey the Horse: *horse noise* twain: yeah i get ya, i lived in an old fashioned styled town myself. Coachperson: "Where's that? Yonkers?" twain: st petersburg, missouri. emily: i thought you were from louisiana? Coachperson: "Your voice does have a bit of both in it. Isn't that right, Geoffrey?" Geoffrey: *more horse noises* twain: to be fair, my bro and i were _born_ in Louisiana, but we moved in with our aunt polly after our parents died. Steinbeck: "Well traveled..." *There seems to be some...Spanish architecture?* emily:....hmm. Hemingway: "Huh--18th-century Spanish architecture?" baum: quite charming, right dorothy~? dorothy: its something. Steinbeck: "It stands out..." Coachperson: "The city planner took many suggestions from a notable leader of the community on architectural choices." emily: is that so? Coachperson: "Hm-mm! You out-of-towners should get a thrill from our town. Just don't...lose your heads." Geoffrey: *loud noise, kicks up their feet* Coachperson: "Wow! Easy, Geoffrey..." baum: EEP! >~< dorothy: =A=; Steinbeck: "...Twain, let go of me." twain: *lets go* ^-^; Hemingway: "Hey, that one carriage in front of us is moving slow. Can you get ahead of it--" Geoffrey: *kicks up again* emily: ah! Steinbeck: "!!!" Coachperson: "Easy, Geoffrey! Don't get upset." emily: *looks out the window* *looks like someone is napping under a tree* emily: .... Steinbeck: "Any recommended spots to stay?" Coachperson: "How about the King George? ...Or is it the Washington? I can't keep it straight." ^^; emily: i think our reservations are at the king george. Coachperson: "Right, King George Washington." Steinbeck: "..." *whispers* "I think they have a screw loose..." emily: *sweatdrop* Coachperson: "The hotel is up ahead...Oh!" *waves at passerbys* -a few wave back- Hemingway: "..." *wave* "Seem friendly." -elsewhere- Kid: "Care for anything?" stocking: some pudding would be nice. Kid: "With a little whipped cream?" *opens the fridge door* stocking: yes please~ Kid: *scoops out whipped cream, drops a dollop into her pudding cup* "Enjoy~" stocking: *nom* mmmmm~<3 Kid: "May I have a spoonful?" stocking: *offers one* open wide~ Kid: "Aaaaaah--" *nom* stocking: tasty~? Kid: "Very..." *leans in* stocking: *licks his lips* hehe~ Kid: O\\\\O "Mmmm~" -elsewhere- Walter: *carrying groceries* ^w^ "New people...So much fun!" Leroux: *following* "Yep!" hans: lets just keep this on the downlow, alright? Walter: "Right! ... ..." *checks his social media* -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *grumbles* kim: you ok? Jacqueline: "...Sorry. Just been feeling..." *shudders* "...kind of cooped up." kim: hmm...maybe we could request a mission? Jacqueline: "That'd be greeeeeeat..." *stretches* "Just something other than books for a few days." kim: awesome! Jacqueline: *smiles* "You can take off time from work?" kim: im sure i can arrange something. -elsewhere- Karim: "Now we try focusing without distraction." pearl: *she nods* Karim: *puts on music* pearl: *inhale* Karim: "Right...Just focus on the breathing, ignore the rest..." *turns up the bass* pearl: .... Karim: "..." *taps his foot...and blasts a note on his trumpet* pearl: *JUMPS UP* o-o s-sorry! Karim: "...Hmm. It's to be expected. But in the field, you're going to be distracted, so you have to learn how to focus despite the distractions." pearl: r-right. Karim: "Is the music too loud?" -elsewhere- Chuuya: "How's this room?" sonia: it's nice. *sits on the bed* Chuuya: "...I guess we can unpack. And set up a decent kitty litter bin now..." sonia: *nod* Chuuya: "What do you think of the kids?" sonia: they seem alright. that girl george seems the most mature. Chuuya: "Well, it's good that someone here is--Wait, 'girl'?" sonia: yeah. Chuuya: "...Huh." ("...After all those dresses I wore as a kid...") -knock- Chuuya: "...Yes?" naoya: lunch time! Chuuya: "Oh, good! What are we having?" -elsewhere- Damon: "Why don't you have any pets?" soul: never found the time. but maybe aunt blair counts? she's actually a cat you know. becky: *raises a brow* Damon: "...Is that a nickname for her?" soul: ..... *paralyzed* saaaay why dont we play some video games together? ^^;;;; Damon: -_____- "Fine..." becky: *sweatdrop* -elsewhere- Izuku: "It's a super rare retro game featuring superheroes of the time! But...it's hard to find and expensive..." eijiro: ooh, neat. jirou: i think there's a place near grissom street that sells old games and stuff. Izuku: "Oh! That would be great to check out!" -elsewhere- Master: "Welcome back." liz: *wave* tsugumi: ^^ Meme: "Howdy! How are the employees?" Patty: *grabbing straws* miranda: pretty good so far. Anya: *sits down* "How is business?" miranda: doing good -elsewhere- Walter: "--and we can have pillow fights and anime marathons and hot chocolate and--" ayako: HECK YEAH!! >8D Akutagawa: "..." *looks at Hans* "Why is he so chipper?" hans: he tends to look at the bright side of things. it's pretty admirable. Akutagawa: "...Hmm. I suppose. Have you been here long?' hans: only recently. Akutagawa: "And in this organization?" hans: well, most of us have been here a long time. i think i've been here the longest. Akutagawa: "Hmm. And you recruited those children?" hans: *nods* they were abandoned and had nowhere else to go... Akutagawa: "..." *shudders* hans:...heh, i guess thats something a lot of us have in common....or had in common... Akutagawa: "I suppose...Do any of you have friends outside of this organization?" hans: just a few acquaintances back at the school. Walter: "I got Tumblr buddies!" sonia: .....*looks at christine* Leroux: "..." *waves Christine's hand* "Hello~" sonia: is she a doll? Leroux: "... ... ..." QwQ sonia: the people underground turned mommy's corpse into a doll too. -awkward silence- Chuuya: ^^;;;; *pats Sonia's back* "Maybe not the best conversation starter--" Leroux: *inhale* "PROTECT THIS CHILD." sonia: … Chuuya: "I...have that handled." Leroux: *seizes Chuuya by his cheeks* sonia:...*hugs chuuya's leg* Chuuya: )O~O( Leroux: "PROTECT..." hans: leroux, i think you made your point. Chuuya: *muffled* "It's okay, Sonia--nothing to worry about..." Leroux: Q__Q hans: *pap pap* etta: its ok roro. ^^ Leroux: *whimpers* hans: *whispers* his girlfriend died some years ago...it's a sensitive topic for him, but he's making a little bit more progress now in healing... Chuuya: "..." *tears falling* hans: sir- Chuuya: "I-I'm fine..." hans: .... -elsewhere- Hibana: *wearing punching mitts* "Okay, aim for the mitt, Tamaki." tamaki: *PUNCH PUNCH KICK* Hibana: "Good...Watch on your right...Benimaru teach you this?" tamaki: *focusing* Hibana: *moves the mitt up* "Not bad...but you seem pissed." tamaki: oh jee, do i? i wonder why the _fuck_ that is? maybe its because _some_ people are making a fool out of me? maybe its because when most time i actually acomplish something, do people care? OF FREAKING COURSE NOT! WHO _CARES_ WHAT SHE CAN DO LETS JUST OGGLE HER BOOBS AND BUTT CAUSE THATS APPERANTLY ALL IM GOOD FOR! LIKE THEY EVEN CARE THAT I HAVE FEELINGS AND THAT IM TRYING MY BEST TO PROVE MYSELF! Hibana: "..." *takes off the mitts* "Sit down." tamaki: *plops down, tears in her eyes, even though she's still got an angry face* Hibana: "...So, if it was not apparent already, I'm hot." tamaki:...*rubs eyes* *SNIFF* Hibana: "And...when you're like us--when you're a woman--you get looked down upon. Treated as just a body." tamaki: thats total bullshit and it should be illegal. Hibana: "Agreed. And no one cares. No matter how great you are, how qualified you are...Do you know how many times I had to knock on that fucking brigade door to get the Fifth going? You think for a second gender maybe didn't have something to do with it taking this long for me and Huang to lead groups? ...What you go through? That's not just some bad luck." tamaki:....*sniff* why do people have to be assholes? Hibana: "..." *sighs* "World's not fair. All you can do is survive it..." *pat pat* tamaki: .... Hibana: "Wouldn't it be great to be such a success--that you can rub it in every one of their dumb faces?" gabriella: true, the world can be harsh, but with a bit of effort, things can get better. tamaki: i-i guess. Hibana: "..." *smiles* "Give it time, practice--and a good right hook." tamaki:..*chuckle* thanks, commander. Hibana: "...If you need something, stop by the Fifth. Door's open." tamaki:... *nods* right. -elsewhere- Kid: *hug* stocking: u///u ~<3 Kid: "You are the most...amazing..." stocking: you too. *kiss* Kid: "..." *sniff, wipes his eyes* "You make me so happy..." stocking: *snuggles* kid… *kiss* i love you so much, you know? Kid: *nods* "Which is why...I'm so happy. And I love you, always and forever, so much." stocking: hehe ^////^ Kid: *cuddle* "You perfect person..." -elsewhere- Shamrock: *knitting* lavender: *streeeeetch* Shamrock: "So, how are things?" lavender: same as usual....we should take a vacation somewhere. Shamrock: "...That would be pleasant..." otogiri: it would be nice to get out of the house for a while...preferably without C3 hounding us... Shamrock: "How? Disguises?" otogiri: possibly... Shamrock: "Well, we'd need someone who knows disguises--" Belkia: "DISGUISE KIT!" otogiri: that would be appreciated. Belkia: *opens up a box, takes out make-up* Shamrock: "Now hold on just one--" Belkia: *starts painting Sham's face* ^w^ lavender: ah, let him have his fun, sham. ^^ Belkia: "La la la~" Shamrock: X_-# "I feel like a clown..." belkia: rude =3= -elsewhere- Yumi: "We have mission requests." marie: sweet! homura: oh? Yumi: "More investigations, this time overseas." homura: i see. Yumi: "Do you have any preferred teammates you want to request?" homura: i'll put the request up and see who answers. perhaps it can be field training for some of the students. Yumi: "I trust your judgment. Keep me informed whom you choose." homura: understood. -elsewhere- Vulcan: *playing with Buttons* buttons: *squeek* yu: ^^ lisa: he seems happy. yu: vulcan or buttons? lisa: yes. Vulcan: ^\\\^; "In any case, glad someone like Relan knows how to take care of their pet..." -elsewhere- Relan: "I'm glad you got to the Fifth...but is the Commander usually this...um...hardcore?" mikami: well....she seems more fired up than she usually is. shinra: tamaki too....best not to question it. Relan: "....Good point." Random Angel: "You all. Follow me." shinra: ._.;;; (my instincts tell me this wont end well for any of us.) Relan: ._____.;;;; *The Angel leads them to a dark room* shinra: Q-Q;;;; *A match is struck* shinra: Q___Q;;; *gulps* Hibana: *lights a candle, revealing pillow cushions* "Sit." shinra: *takes a seat* Q_Q mikami: ?? ryuuko: ... Relan: "..." *sniff* "Th-They smell nice..." Hibana: "We've trained your bodies. Now we work on the minds and your feels." shinra: *passes out* Relan: D: "SHINRA!" Hibana: "??? I-I was just going to try meditating with you all..." ryuuko: i think his nerves got to him... Hibana: "..." *pours some tea* "Well, good thing I brought this." *hands the tea to Ryuuko* "Maybe dump it on him." mikami: .....hold on, im going to try something... *kneels with shinras head on her lap* ....*inhales, focusing* ryuuko:....hmm.... -...- shinra:...am i dead? mikami: i dont think so. shinra:....huh, we're in that adora place again.... mikami: you passed out from nerves. shinra: =3=;;;......hm? mikami: ?? shinra: is that...a person? *There's a figure, floating in the air...They seem to be making a sound--* ???: *snore* "Zzz..." shinra: ...??? um....hello?? mikami:...i think they're sleeping.... -4 more figures are in the distance, but they seem too far away to interact with...- *a low rhythmic sound is heard...* shinra: ?? *it's...laughter* ???: "Ha ha ha..." shinra: !!!! GAH! *wakes up with a start* mikami: *comes to* ah- ryuuko: mikami! are you alright? mikami: i-i think so... Relan: "Shinra...?" shinra: i..im ok.....may i have some water? Hibana: *hands it* shinra: thank you.... Hibana: *sighs* "Let's skip it...Just sit and rest." shinra: yes ma'am... *exits* -elsewhere- Motojiro: "This! This is the nursery! This is perfect!" leo: *she smiles* Motojiro: "We just need items...Do you have any baby items here?" hans: what all do you need? Motojiro: "Some furniture to start..." hans: im sure that wont be too hard. Walter: "Need books? I got reading material..." *holds up manga* -elsewhere- hanako: ?? shinra: ....? tamaki: whats up squirt? hanako:........*HUG* its ok. tamaki + shinra: ....... Q~Q *HUG* (TOO PRECIOUS FOR HER OWN GOOD) Hibana: *looking around the corner at it* Q_Q "...Oh, God, we're good parents." gabriella: TTuTT Hibana: *hugs, keeps watching* -elsewhere- Harvar: "What mission?" ox: looks like we're doing some security checks in shinjuku. Harvar: *groans* ox: there a problem? Harvar: "The travel...Just seems like work." ox: well, its our job. Harvar: *grumbles* "Fine...I'm bringing games." -elsewhere- george: so, this agency... Kafka: "It is full of weirdos." george: i...see....*sweatdrop* (not unlike sturm and the mafia...) Kafka: "Yet one of our former members is in their care, so they aren't all bad...Don't go near the suicidal one." george: ._. um.... .__.;;;; Kafka: *rings the doorbell* george: wait, arent sturm members bound by a contract? Kafka: *shakes his head* "Sylvia was born with an ability." naomi: yes? oh..... owo;...hello mr....um....roachman. george: *looks at kafka* Kafka: -_-# "It's Kafka. Franz Kafka. Jeez..." naomi: right...do you have an appointment with the agency? Kafka: "No. This is an update on something important. May I speak with your leader or your second-in-command?" naomi: right this way......say...you're not still mad about the whole decapitation thing, are you? ^^;;; george: O-o (DECAPITATION?!?!) Kafka: "FURIOUS." naomi: oookay then. ^-^;;;;;; Kafka: *sits down on the couch* "...Well? We're your guests. Have you no tea and treats?!" kirako: right away, sir. ^^; naomi: to be fair, we werent expecting you. ^^; Kafka: "Too be fair, you owe me! ..." *sits back, crosses his arms* "...How is Sylvia?' naomi: she's doing well. atsushi: ??.. !! Kafka: -n- "Oh. You're here, too." atsushi: yes i am. i do work here after all. Kafka: "...D-Don't sass me, you furry...furball!" >n< *crosses his arms* atsushi: *sweatdrop* naomi: mr fukuzawa will be with you in a moment, sir. *exits* Kafka: *crosses his arms* "..." *sniffs* "...What is that smell?" atsushi: *looks in the kitchenette* smells good... Kafka: "...Oh! Maybe they are baking cookies!" *stands, approaches--* "... ... ..." Dazai: *has his head towards the oven* "..." Kafka: "..." Dazai: "..." Kafka: "...WHAT THE FUCK?!" sylvia: .~.;;; Dazai: "Obviously testing the heat of this oven--what are you doing, Mr. Roach?" Kafka: "KAFKA!" Dazai: "Kafka-roach?" Kafka: -n-# sylvia: Q~Q;;;; m-m-mr dazai, please dont put your head in the oven! QAQ;;; Kafka: "Yes, get away from that, you fool! There are cookies to be had!" Dazai: *sighs* "Just testing for the sake of childproofing, you bunch of weirdos..." -and so- fukuzawa: so what is it you wanted to speak about? Kafka: "..." *ahem* "We have successfully transferred the Mafia members to our estate. _All_ of them." fukuzawa:...i see. atsushi: must be a big house *sweatdrop* Kafka: "Incredibly big. Has to for all the desires of our members: Hans's library, Walter's gaming room, Etta's dance floor--" Dazai: o\\\w\\\o;;;;;; atsushi:.... >->;;;;;;;; george:... ? Kafka: "...What is with that face? Do you have some insult against Etta? Do you? DO YOU?!" atsushi: i wasnt about to say anything!! Dazai: "I-I don't know any Etta!" Kafka: "Yes, you do. The ballet dancer?" Dazai: "I NEVER TOUCHED HER!" fukuzawa: ... atsushi: ... Kafka: "... ... ..." *hard glare* george: ._.; Dazai: "...It was just a small touch." Kafka: "..." fukuzawa + atsushi: ....... Dazai: "She's quite buxom--" Kafka: *flips the table* fukuzawa: -____-; george: mr kafka! please calm down! Kafka: "HOW DARE YOU DEFILE THAT PERFECT ANGEL!" Dazai: "I didn't defile anyone! It was an accident!" Kafka: "YOU SHOULDN'T TOUCH HER! YOU AREN'T WORTHY OF HER!" george: *literally holding kafka back from murdering someone* fukuzawa: (what even went down in berlin...? do i even want to know?) Dazai: "..." *light bulb* "Oh! You're concerned because you like her!" Kafka: O\\\\\O *stops struggling* atsushi: eh? Dazai: "You wish to defend her honor because she gives you the light that has so long evaded your dark life, the sweetness to your sour..." Kafka: .\\\\. george: that's.....oddly poetic, um…w-who did you say you were again? Dazai: ^w^ "Thank you, small person. I am Dazai. And you are?" Kafka: *frozen in embarrassment* george: it's george. george eliot. sylvia: m-mr kafka? are you alright? Kafka: Q\\\\\Q "..." *whimpers* Kunikida: "Oh, Kafka. Hello. I--" *spots them all* "...Dazai screwed up, didn't he?" george: to be honest, i have no idea whats even going on... Kunikida: "Oh, hello, ma'am." george: OwO;;;;; *points to sylvia* d-doesnt she work with you, though??? ^^;;;; Kunikida: "...Oh. Sorry. I didn't..." *clears his throat* george: ^^;;;;;;  (just play it cool, george. play it. fucking. cool.) Kafka: *high-pitched whine* "I'm mortified...Just cut my head off all over again, Furball." atsushi: no thank you.... fukuzawa: *aHEM* if we could get back to the matter at hand? Kafka: *sniffs* "We-We locked up Mori..." fukuzawa:....i see.... Kafka: "The other members of the Mafia are accounted for...I did have some notes from them to some of your Agency members." fukuzawa: i see. i'll round them up now. -and so- Kafka: "Which one of you is 'Aya'?" aya: *raises her hand* (oh boy...) Kafka: "From the small one named...Um...R? Was it R? Or P?" aya: Q? Kafka: "That's the one." *hands the letter* aya: *inhales and opens it* *The handwriting looks like Q had to re-write it repeatedly--a little messy* aya: *squints*....kunikida can i-..._may_ i borrow your glasses? Kunikida: "...Okay. Don't break them." aya: *puts them on and begins reading* Q’s note: [Hello, Aya! How are you? I miss you.] aya:...*sigh* Q’s note: [Can I marry you?!] aya:... -_-; this poor kid, i swear. Kafka: "Furball, from the Skunk." *hands a letter to Atsushi* atsushi:....*INHALES* oh boy.... Akutagawa’s note: [Dear Atsushi--We have settled into the new facilities. All seems well, and my sister and I are safe. How are you? I hope you are well--and that news of my move calms your mind, as well as the fact I still have not killed.] atsushi: *sweatdrop and continues* Akutagawa’s note: [And I will not kill up to our agreement--at which point I expect you to honor our agreement.] atsushi: ........ Dazai: "And this one's for me!" *opens it...and the color fades from his face* .______. naomi: *peeeeks*..... *It's a drawing of Chuuya giving the middle finger and certain words not suitable for children written down by Gin and others* naomi:..... kenji:...naomi? naomi: huehuehuehuehue~ Tanizaki: -_-; atsushi: was that everything, then? Kafka: "..." *hands one to Fukuzawa* fukuzawa:...*opens it* *It's Mori's handwriting* fukuzawa:........*reads* Mori’s note: [--they treat me well. But I am alone and locked away.] fukuzawa:.... Mori’s note: I want her to return. fukuzawa:...*sigh* Kunikida: "Sir?" fukuzawa: *puts the letter away* it's alright... Kunikida: "..." *nods* Kafka: "We will keep you updated to their condition--and I expect you will share information that can help us against the Rats." fukuzawa: of course. atsushi: we'll keep an eye out. fukuzawa: have you made contact with manhasset? Kafka: "Yes...What do you think of this Fitzgerald?" atsushi:....welllllll... >->;;;;; its a long story.... Kafka: "He seems...Well, I don't think his reactions to my colleagues were very cordial." *clenches his fists* "Especially how he welcomed Etta--" Dazai: OwO Kafka: "QUIET, YOU!" atsushi: ...^^; Kafka: "...*ahem* Keep an eye on Fitzgerald. I don't trust him." atsushi: already on that too... Kafka: "...Oh. ...Well, I guess you're all so organized, then." atsushi: i suppose. Kafka: -n- "Hmph. We're organized, too. Were able to give you all a run for your money..." -elsewhere- Steinbeck: "Does everything in this town feel...off?" twain: what do you mean? emily: other than constant fog? Hemingway: "Seems really old-fashioned--like it's stuck in time." emily: a few small towns are like that. Hemingway: "...True..." *takes a harpoon* "I'm going for a walk." emily: ._.; Steinbeck: "He'll be fine--I told him not to stab anyone." emily: *sweatdrop* sir..... baum: in any case, we better begin our investigation... Steinbeck: "Right..." *takes out the souvenir map of Sleepy Hollow* "Let's divide this up..." emily: i'll investigate the community college. Steinbeck: "I can try some of the bars..." twain: im gonna check the park! baum: dorothy and i will stay here as home base. Steinbeck: *nods* "Very well." -elsewhere- Kafka: -n- "I expected a decent apology from you..." Dazai: ^w^ "I expected you to kill me." Kafka: -_______-# ranpo:..... Kafka: "..." ("Is he a child?") ranpo:....oi. mr kafka-roach. Kafka: "IT'S KAFKA! JUST KAFKA!" >n< ranpo: right, anyway i have a favor to ask of you out in the hall... Kafka: "..." *walks with him* ("Why the secret?") ranpo:...some time before the agency encountered sturm, my friend gave me a warning. 'soon, the agency will receive a mission that could destroy it'. i dont know if he's dead or alive now, but i want to ask you something. if something does happen, get the agency to safety. Kafka: "...We have an agreement with your Agency. I am sure my boss can honor your request." ranpo: please do... Kafka: "..." *nods* -elsewhere- -a light rain is falling- yuuji: *walking* Izuku: *holding a shopping bag* ^w^ "Took forever, but I found it--" yuuji:...oh, hey midoriya. Izuku: "Oh! Hello! How are you?" ^^ yuuji: just taking a walk, enjoying the weather. Izuku: "Yeah, spring is great...Should be fun!" yuuji: heard you're going to be having an exam next month. Izuku: "Yeah--kind of nervous after how the tournament went..." yuuji: understandable... Izuku: "Has Aizawa asked you to monitor?" yuuji: havent gotten around to it yet. Izuku: "Well, hope he does..." -elsewhere- Damon: "...So...He said you're a cat." blair: why yes indeed~ *poof* ta-dah~! becky:...oh. Damon: "Eep!" *hides behind Becky* blair: its ok, im not going to hurt you, honest. *puts up a paw* Damon: *peek* "..." *holds out a hand* "Promise?" blair: *puts other paw over her heart* scouts honor~ ^^ Damon: "...Do you mind being pet?" blair: not at all, hun~ ^^ becky:..*pat pat* blair: =w= Damon: "..." *pat* -elsewhere- shinra: *looking at photo albums* Akitaru: *walks by* "???" shinra: hope you dont mind me looking, sir. ^^; Akitaru: "Hey, no biggie...but, um, why?" shinra: just curious i gue-.... ._. huh... Akitaru: "...Oh. That." shinra: wow. Akitaru: ^^;;;;; "I...had a bit of a punk phase." shinra: ah... Akitaru: "Used to go to the best concerts, mosh like nobody's business--" *does the devil horn signs* "ROCK ON!" shinra: *mimics him* YEAH! >u< Akitaru: ^^ "RAWR!" shinra: *laughs* Akitaru: "I still have some of the old stuff on vinyl." shinra: cool. *smiles* Akitaru: "I'll put one on..." *opens a drawer, pulls out a cardboard box* "The fashion was wild back then! All those spikes--hair took forever..." shinra: i could imagine. Akitaru: "Let's try this one--Dead Jeffersons!" -elsewhere- Kafka: *walking back to the HQ* etta: welcome back~! Kafka: "..." .\\\\\. "...I WILL DEFEND YOU!" etta:....eh? OvO Kafka: "..." o\\\\\\o "...I ran into undesirables at the Agency. I did my best. It wasn't enough...I suck." hans: well, what all happened? Kafka: "..." *ahem* *stands professionally now* "I distributed the letters. The Agency has protected Sylvia." hans: thats good to know. *smile* Kafka: "I received a request from the Agency. One of them expects a problem in the future." hans: ?? Kafka: "We are expected to move the Agency to safety, if something happens. It sounds like...the chibi Sherlock Holmes person did not want to let the others know of his request." Walter: *pops up from the couch* " 'Chibi'?" hans:... ^^; Kafka: "I would address the question to Goethe--but I think you are more likely to give a straight answer." hans: *she nods* come along. Kafka: *follows* -elsewhere- Hibana: "It's quieter now..." gabriella: yeah. Hibana: "...You think they learned anything?" gabriella: i think so... Hibana: "...I hope." *rests a head on her shoulder* gabriella: u///u Hibana: "And our little girl...Wow." gabriella: im so proud of her TT~TT Hibana: "I know." T~T *hugs* -elsewhere- Black Star: "They want a vacation?" tsubaki: just up to vegas.....i sent someone to watch after them. Black Star: "Really? Who?" -and so- Belkia: "LOOK AT THE LIGHTS!" lavender: WOOOT! otogiri: -_-; ayami: oh wow... Sakuya: "A little too bright..." lilac: >~< naho: *pats their back* misono: how did we get dragged into this? lavender: say, you're not still mad about the whole christmas incident...are you? OvO;;; Lily: "Misono, look--an entire club for taking off clothes!" misono: LILY. FOCUS. Sakuya: "...I'm gonna guess they are. Better not get too close to them..." Lily: ^^; "Now, what was your question? Oh, yes..." *deathly serious smiling face* "..." lavender: OvO;;;;;;; Belkia: "I thiiiiiiiiiink you opened up an old wound--" Lily: "You have no idea~" ^^# lavender: *SWEATS* otogiri:....let me be the first to give a formal apology. (even if there was a reason...) Lily: "Thank you, ma'am." lavender: ^^;;;;;;;;; Lily: *stares at Lavender* lavender: OvO;;;; sorry~ ^^;;;;; Lily: ^^ "Thank you." -elsewhere- goethe: so that's what you have to report...? Kafka: *nods* "As far as I can tell, Chibi Holmes was sincere." goethe: hmm... Kafka: "Would you actually bring in their members? And what awful thing is he anticipating?" goethe: they are our allies, it only makes sense to do so...as for what he anticipates.....im not exactly a psychic. =3= Kafka: -___-# "I'm just making conversation in hopes that discussion could lead us to anticipate what could--" goethe: too long winded! get to the point before i die of boredom =3= Kafka: -_-# "...Just brainstorming." -elsewhere- Chuuya: "It's good to have clean laundry again..." higuchi: yeah anyway. Chuuya: "What's up?" higuchi: just getting somewhat back to normalcy... Chuuya: "...Yeah. No more dumpster diving--I hope." higuchi: ^^; Walter: *pops up* "Don't knock it--the freegan movement is vital." higuchi:....why were you in- Walter: *pulls out a bag of bread* "See this? Free bread! Only two days past 'best by' date, and I found it in the dumpster!" higuchi: ... -elsewhere- Takehisa: "How was training, Tamaki?" tamaki: -_- too many people at the 1st piss me off so much. Takehisa: "...I'm sorry. That kind of happens there. But did you make friends?" tamaki:...... -____________________- Takehisa: "...Did you learn new techniques?" -elsewhere- Belkia: "Gather all, for the illusive illusions of the great, the powerful, the not-half-bad...BELKIA!" -applause- lavender: ^^ Belkia: "My lovely assistant, Lavender--open the box!" lavender: *doing so* Belkia: "You can see this box is lined with multiple blades. I call it 'The Box of Murder'!" ayami: *claps* lilac: ._.;;; Belkia: "Lavender, if you'll be so kind..." *steps inside* "Close the box, count to five slowly, then open the box!" -later- Belkia: "Thank you, thank you!" *holds out his hat for cash* -elsewhere- Haumea: *whistling* kagu-tsuchi:....charon? are you in? Charon: *grumbles* kagu-tsuchi: ...is something bothering you? Charon: "Got to get stronger..." kagu-tsuchi: did you remember to eat today? Charon: =_= "I don't need--" *STOMACH GROWL* kagu-tsuchi: ...come on. *opens the door and drags him out* Charon: *grumbles* "Don't treat me like some child..." kagu-tsuchi: *sweatdrop* Charon: "...We got pizza bagels?" kagu-tsuchi: i'll check...........lady haumea, do we have pizza bagels? Haumea: "Jonah ate them all!" kagu-tsuchi: -_-# Charon: -_____-# "I'm gonna rip him in two..." -elsewhere- Dazai: *hums* atsushi: *wave* Dazai: "Hey, what up?" atsushi: the usual.......can i ask you something personal? Dazai: "Sure!" atsushi: where were you before joining the agency? after leaving the....y'now... Dazai: "...Well, I had to lie low for a bit..." atsushi: understandable.... Dazai: "You know Masuji?" atsushi: ?? i think so? the name sounds familiar… Dazai: "Publisher." atsushi: hmmm....i see. Dazai: "Yep...Then I came here." atsushi: ... Dazai: "...So, now you know that." ^^; atsushi: yeah... Dazai: "...Something else you wanted to know about it?" atsushi: any other stories? Dazai: "Like about hanging out with Masuji? Or the time Chuuya and I put on dresses?" atsushi: oh? Dazai: "There was the time we were kids, the time we were undercover, the time we got smashed--" sylvia: um...m-mr dazai? Dazai: "Hmm? What's up, Sylvia?" sylvia: um.... .~.;;; Dazai: OwO; "...Yeah?" sylvia: Q~Q i forgot.... Dazai: ^w^ "Happens to the best of us." -elsewhere- emily: *looking around the building* Twain: "So many doors..." emily: *notices the study hall* maybe someone here knows something. *enters* -there are a few people there, including a young woman, sitting at one of the chairs and reading* Twain: "..." *approaches the young woman* girl:.... can i help you? Twain: "Howdy! We're new to town--you know an Irving?" girl: no. sorry... Twain: "Aw, nuts. Hey, what you reading?" girl: .... -seems to be a text book- Twain: "What'cha studying?" girl:....*glances behind him* Twain: OwO; ???: "Something wrong here?" emily: ._. girl: just some weird guy bothering me, babe. ???: "How 'bout you come with me, buddy..." *grips Twain by the shoulder* Twain: OwO;;;;;;;;; emily: excuse me, he was just asking her a question. does the name 'irving' ring any bells, sir? ^^;;; ???: "Nah. Ask Mr. Crane." emily: right. where is he? ???: "Office hours, I think. Room 310." emily: thank you. *drags twain off* Twain: Q____Q emily: *searching* *There's a door with some gothic art taped to it* emily *examines* Twain: Q_Q "That's some weird art..." emily: (seems like something poe would have framed in his room...) *There's a rattling heard inside the room* emily: ?? *listening* *A small laugh is heard...* emily: ._.; Twain: "What on earth is he--" *The door slams open--crushing Twain* emily: D8 Twain: *smushed voice* "I'm fine..." ???: "I got it! I can't wait to share my findings--" *spots Emily* "...Oh. Um, my office hours are finished. Please email to make an appointment--" emily: um....hello? ???: "Yes, hello. I was in the middle of heading to inform someone--Wait...You're not one of my students. Who are you?" emily: we'll explain momentarily. but for now, we're searching for a man named 'Washington irving'. do you know where we might find him? ???: "...Yeeeeeeeees?" emily: that's great! we're researching local legends in the area. Crane: *shiny eyes* "Then you found the right person!" ^w^ -elsewhere- Damon: "Who are some of your other friends?" soul: well we got uncle kilik, aunt sayaka, kim and jackie, uncle ox, harvar's kind of a butt, uncle hyde, etc. becky: oh. Damon: "..." *laughs* "Harvar butt...Did you go to school with them?" soul: yeah, they were school mates of mine. actually aunt sayaka is still technically a student. ^^; Damon: "...Did you like school?" soul:....*sad smile* it was nice. Damon: "...Must have been nice..." soul:...still having trouble? Damon: "..." *nods* "This is all new..." soul: it can be a bit scary at first, but it will be ok... becky:... soul: *hugs them both* Damon: "...Thanks..." -elsewhere- Relan: "You were a good boy, Buttons?" buttons: ^o^ Relan: ^w^ *pet pet* *holds out cheese* button: *NOM* Relan: "Hee hee...So cute." -elsewhere- Black Star: [how is it going? everyone out of jail?] otogiri: [no one was arrested, thankfully.] Black Star: [good. having fun?] otogiri: [for the most part, yes] -elsewhere- Steinbeck: *walking by bars* -quiet, save for some music coming from inside- Steinbeck: *approaches the music* -seems lively in there- Steinbeck: "..." *walks to the bar* bartender: new in town? Steinbeck: "Yep. Visiting. What you recommend?" bartender: we make a damn good bloody mary here. or did you want something on draft? Steinbeck: "Just draft. And any appetizer?" guy: i'm telling you, somethin's out in the woods! Steinbeck: *glances back, listening in* Guy #2: "Yeah, wind." guy: im being serious! i was out there earlier this week with my dogs, and one of them took off. when i found her, she was cowering like she'd seen the damn devil 'imself. Guy #2: "So, they saw your sister?" guy: screw off. Guy #2: "Screw your sister--" Steinbeck: "Excuse me. Sorry to interrupt..." guy: yeah? what? Steinbeck: "Whereabout did your dog go?" guy: she was near an old salt mine in the woods. she's fine now. Steinbeck: "Ah. I think I know where that is..." guy: you do? Steinbeck: "I've asked around town...The one north of here?" guy: yeah, that's the one. just before the waterfall... Steinbeck: "On it...Thanks." guy: just be careful.... -morning- Allison: "Wakey-wakey..." erina: nnnh..... Allison: "...I made waffles!" erina: thanks.... Allison: "You're welcome! Sleep alright?" erina: yeah...*yaaaawn* Allison: "Long work shift?" erina: yeah... Allison: "Anything planned after that?" -elsewhere- Yumi: "Okay, let's get back to the garden work..." liz: ^^ Patty: *holding a potted sapling* "All set! Even got the trimming shears." ellen: do you need anything else? Yumi: "Two more trowels?" Patty: "Fertilizer!" -elsewhere- michelle: ..... Neuhaus: *sets down tea* michelle:...thank you.........can we have katsudon? Neuhaus: "Of course...I just hope I can do it right..." michelle: thank you... *faint smile* -elsewhere- Steinbeck: *knocked out cold* "Zzz..." emily: *asleep on the chair* Steinbeck: *groans* "Damn headache..." *turns over--and falls off the couch* emily: *startled awake* Steinbeck: *face-down on bear rug* "..." *muffled* "Ow." emily: are you alright? Steinbeck: "Beer...is evil." emily:... ^-^; Steinbeck: "How'd I get back?" emily: ernest found you passed out near the woods. Steinbeck: "...Woods? Why the heck was I there?” emily: you were saying something about a salt mine? Steinbeck: "...Oh! Right. Ghosts!" emily: ghosts? Steinbeck: "Or something scaring dogs and people out in the forest." emily: hmm... twain: ooooooh.... OwO Steinbeck: "..." *sighs* "What, Twain?" twain: we got ourselfs a classic 'town with a dark secret' situation here! emily:....wonder how lovecraft is doing? Steinbeck: ^w^ "Fine, I'm sure... ... ..." =\\\~\\\= "I need to throw up..." emily: *pat pat* -elsewhere- oscar: howard, ever think of settling down and having kids of your own? lovecraft:? why should i settle down when i can just make one now? *detaches a tentacle, that mutates into a young girl*.....oh.... oscar: OvO *SCARRED FOR LIFE* -elsewhere- Damon: *walking to class* "..." teacher: good morning. *nods* momo sakura: *wave* Damon: "Morning..." ._.; *sits* momo sakura: ?? Damon: "..." *takes out his book* "Um...Which page?" momo sakura: page 94. Damon: "Thanks...Um...What was your name?" momo sakura: momo. Damon: "Momo. Right." -elsewhere- Poe: *brings out more books* "Here you are, Miss Harudori." tsugumi: thank you, sir! ^^ Poe: "How is the research?" tsugumi: doing well. Poe: "That's good. Anything interesting you found?" tsugumi: well, i suppose i have. just more information on grigori souls... Poe: "The ones that create wings?" tsugumi: *she nods* Poe: "Any luck on yours?" tsugumi: sadly no... =3=; Poe: "Oh, dear...I'm sure with more time and reading..." tsugumi: y-yeah.... -elsewhere- Kyoka: "So she was some preternaturally good-luck annoying sugar princess?" tamaki: =~= yes. it was hell... Kyoka: *pat pat* "All horrors create some end. At least you're away from her." tamaki: i guess... -elsewhere- Asako: "How was training?" vivian: it was quite an experience~ tao: it was fun! ^^ Asako: "Oh, good! Learned a lot from Commander Hibana?" tao: yep! princess iron fan taught us a whole lot of stuff! Asako: ^^; "I'm sure our commander looks forward to seeing you apply it." -elsewhere- Asura: *swinging his scarf like a jump rope* heibito: *jumping* ^u^ Asura: "Yay..." *small smile* mikan: ^^ Asura: "You're up to 20 jumps now..." heibito: hehehe! luka: ....its surreal. Nirvana worker: "What? Just a son and dad playing..." luka:...i suppose...*sips her coffee* they're the furthest thing from being human, and yet... Nirvana worker: "Think these are habits that go beyond humans?" luka:....cant say for sure...but they behave more human than most people do.... Nirvana worker: "Like Becky after one too many mojitos..." luka: *siiiigh* fuckin' hammond.... Nirvana Worker: *nods* "So, what else you notice about those kishin?" luka:....*shrug* Nirvana Worker: "What about what they drink while they eat souls?" -elsewhere- Hemingway: "Hungover? On what you drank? Ha! When I was your age, I drank an entire pickup truck of moonshine, and I'm fine." *looks around* "...Did my vision go again?" emily: *sweatdrop* baum: ... dorothy: ...? Twain: *still looking worse for wear* "Baum, have you done anything this trip?" baum: dorothy and i did some local reading. seems to be a lot of urban legends and ghost sightings here. Twain: "Well, we knew that talking to Professor Crane-game." baum: 737 Steinbeck: "And you got your butt kicked by a jealous boyfriend." Twain: Q_Q emily: ^^; *pap pap* baum: so whats today's gameplan? Steinbeck: "It's still daytime, so I propose exploring near the suspected site." baum: dorothy and i will accompany you. Steinbeck: "Good. Emily, can you gather more research?" emily: *she nods* Twain: "I'll go with you--for protection." emily: thanks. ^^; Hemingway: "I'm going to go hunting." emily: just be careful. Hemingway: "Righ. I'll make dinner tonight with what I catch. Hope you like fish and squirrel." -elsewhere- Kyoka: *folds paper* "Then you can count numbers to learn your fortune..." sylvia: ... Kyoka: *holds up the destiny paper toy* "Okay. Ready?" sylvia: *nod* o-ok. Kyoka: "I'll choose 5. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5..." *opens* "..." *reads* "..." sylvia: w-what does it say? Kyoka: " 'Don't take candy from strangers.' ...Why did I write that?" sylvia: hmmm.... Hyde: *pops up* "Want candy, folks?!" Kyoka: *PUNCH* sylvia: QAQ licht: *KICKS HIM* -_- Kyoka: "Scaring other people." *kicks him* "How dare you." Hyde: X____X ("Ophelia...Am I dead?") (soul: hyde? hyyyde? you up?) soul: yo, hyde. becky: ?? Damon: "Uncle Hyde?" Hyde: XuX "Hi, kids. I'm up..." *sits up--and falls over again* -elsewhere- Kafka: -n- "What errand is it that you want?" george: looks like we're investigating a small area in the slums... Kafka: "...That sounds dirty." george: im sure it wont be too bad. i've seen worse. Kafka: "...I'm sure. Where exactly did you live again?" george: it was around here...there it is! Kafka: "???" ("What am I seeing?") -it seems to be an old shed with a few orphaned kids playing nearby- Kafka: "..." *small frown, looks away* "So, you'll talk with them?" george:....oooi! kiddos! boy: ?? hey, george is back. girl: we thought you died or somethin' Kafka: *watches* ("What is George, their caretaker?") george: sorry guys, some things happened. but i do have some good news, i got us a place to stay! Kafka: "..." *walks up* Child 3: "Really?! Where?" george: this guy can take us there. well, we better gather up our stuff, ok? Stephan: ^^ "Yay!" *looks at Kafka* "... ... Can we trust him?" Kafka: "?!" george: cross my heart. tom: is he gonna be our dad now? Stephan: "...Ooooookay." *goes inside* Kafka: OnO "I most certainly will not!" george: there's lots of people at the new place, even a few other kids! Bessy: "A-Are they mean or anything?" george: wilhelm and jakob are a bit mischievous, but mostly harmless. (really its a few of the grown ups you should be worried about...) Stephan: *dropping items into an empty cardboard box* *looks out the window* Kafka: -n- " 'Mischievous'? They once shaved my eyebrows off in my sleep..." maggie: *giggle* Kafka: "It's not funny...Walter drew new ones on me--with glittery ink!" maggie + tom: *laughing* george:...*smile* *footsteps are heard* george: !!!! kids, hide. now. Bessy: Q_Q "Wh-Why?" Kafka: "???" *turns* ???: haaaa, so boooooring... ???: "D'aw, but look--cute babies!" Kafka: "..." ("Who on earth...?") george: *standing on the defensive* Bessy: Q_Q *stepping back slowly* ???: "Look! That one's trying to get away..." 'greed oni': probably wont have much on them but scrap. totally lame. the tall guy though... george: !!!! Kafka: *narrows his eyes* "I have nothing for you. Now scoot." 'greed oni': lets see how lucky that one is... *rolls a die....causing an explosion* george: !!! get inside! now! Kafka: *consumed by the explosion* "GAH!" Bessy: Q_Q Stephan: *hiding under the window* "Wh-What are they doing?!" maggie: *picks bessy up and gets her inside* george: i dont know, but for now, we need to hurry. *hands them two knapsacks* Bessy: *clutches hers* Mantis: >_< "You blew up the tall one!" 'greed oni': boo, how bor-....hn? *all that is left are burnt clothes* Mantis: "Um...I'm no physist-ist-ic, but don't people usually just get burnt? Not just leaving clothes behind..." 'greed oni':...that's weird..... *chittering is heard* Mantis: "???" *splat* 'greed oni': ?! *glances up*....aw fuck. Mantis: "..." *there is some ooze on his shoulder* ??? *looks up* "!!!?!!" *There's a drooling, very pissed up roach on the alley wall...* 'greed oni': *nervous smirk* mother fucker. Roach: *roars, leaps down* 'greed oni': *jumps back* Roach: *rushes at Greed, slamming into dumpsters along the way* Mantis: *tosses blades, missing* "Damn it!" 'greed oni': shit! *rolls die* give me something good here! Roach: *shows off a ferocious set of teeth* "yOU THinK I WAS JUST, whAT, GOING tO GIVe up MY WALLET?!" 'greed oni': the fuck even are you? Roach: *crashes into Greed* "YOUR NIGHTMARE: a greEDY LITtle ROAch!" 'greed oni': mantis! do something, you idiot! -inside- Bessy: *unable to move* Stephan: "WHAT IS THAT?!" george: .....ok, maggie, if things get hairy, take the others and run to the outskirts of town, there's a van with some anime girls on it and they'll get you to the safe place, ok? maggie: how do we know which one? george: *hands her a picture* it's that one. maggie:...o-ok.. Bessy: "W-We can't leave you--" george: it'll be ok, i promise. *smiles* tom: ok, that's everything now. Bessy: *whimpering* Stephan: "Just avoid the weird roach thing outside..." george: .....i'll explain later about that. maggie: come on! lets go! Stephan: "On it!" *follows Maggie* {Dazai: "--Roachman--" Goethe: "--roach--" Ranpo: "Roachman."} george: ... -BOOOM- *the house rocks* george: AH! *her leg got stabbed with debris* c-crap... RUN! maggie: *takes philips hand and runs with one sack* Bessy: "GEORGE!" *trying to reach back* george: *trying to stand, limping* o-ow... -a pipe was busted, leaking water inside- 'greed oni': that all you got, you big ugly? Roach: *growls* "I AM NOT ABOUT TO GIVE UP ANYTHING FOR SOME WORTHLESS HOODLUMS, YOU STUPID FIERY BEASTS! IT IS MY MONEY! AND I AM SICK OF LOSING ALL TO YOU SUCH STUPID, STUPID PEOPLE!" {*Goethe looks...smirks*} Roach: *roars, rushes--and passes the building, everything looking like slow-motion, as he spots George* "...?!" george: *limping, trying to carry bessy away* Bessy: *crying* Roach: "..." ("Oh, God--") *SLICE* Roach: *SCREAMS* *one of his limbs is flopping on the ground* Mantis: *pants* "Look at that...He's easy to slice..." 'greed oni': why dont we just raid this bitch?.....oh?....oops~ *drops die* -BOOOM- -the house is beginning to burn up- george: !!!! *grabs bessy and limps over to the puddle of water* (please let this work!) Mantis: *face lit up by the flames* "I used to love pinning down bugs...rip off their wings and limbs..." *stabs blades into the Roach's back* Roach: *roars, panting...* "I'll kill you..." 'greed oni': oh~? Bessy: *panicking, unable to breathe, clutching George* Roach: "That's...a promise--" *SLICE* Roach: *screams, an antenna cut off* Mantis: "Empty words, monster." george: *jumps into the water......popping up in a tub back at the sturm base* *GASP* bessy! are you ok? hans: !!!! leroux, get them to medical! Leroux: "!!! R-Right..." *picks up Bessy* Bessy: *sobbing* -in Walter's van- maggie: there it is! Walter: *listening to music* "--shining finger!" Stephan: "...What the heck is this guy?" maggie: well, if george trusts them....*bangs on the door* HEY!!! Walter: *checks his phone* "...?! How did George get all the way there before--" *looks out the window* "...Oh. Hello." maggie: let us in! philip: th-there's a roach monster and fire! Walter: "What?!" *unlocks the door* "Ah, poop..." *looks out the window* "..." *lifts the sun visor* "Buckle up, kids..." *buckles himself* -the kids do so- -back in the alley- Mantis: *flipping through a wallet* " 'Franz'? What, your parents hated you?" *flips to photos* "Huh. That girl's cute..." *It's a photo of Franz's sister* Roach: *pinned, numerous blades in his shoulder* *panting* "Giv-Give it...back..." 'greed oni': we coooould....or we just burn the useless stuff and take the money. Roach: "?!!! P-Please...don't..." Mantis: "...Wow. I've seen a lot of things--but a bug crying? That's just sad..." 'greed oni': really sad...it makes me want to puke. can i just-.....hn? Mantis: "Yeah..." *pockets the cash, tosses the wallet down next to the Roach* Roach: "..." Mantis: *aims a kunai* "Let's just kill it and--" *CRASH* 'greed oni': !!!! *Mantis is knocked off his feet and into the dumpster* Walter: Q_Q "...Crap. I think I killed that person..." Roach: "Walt-Walter...You stupid..." Walter: "Kakfa! You're still..." *gets out, pulling the blades out* "Yeah, call me stupid...Just keep talking..." 'greed oni':...tch-...*grabs mantis and flees* Roach: "The wallet..." Walter: "..." *grabs it, pulling the roach into the back of the van* "Jeez, you're heavy..." maggie: wait....that's the guy with george?! Roach: *groans...* "The kids...George..." philip:...bruh. Walter: "They got back...Just sleep..." *The Roach reverts into Kafka* maggie: *covers her eyes* Walter: "...?!" *puts a blanket over Kafka* "AT LEAST WEAR PANTS!" *It's a pretty girl anime blanket* Stephan: "What even is all of this, Mister?" philip:....are we gonna die? maggie: ._.; Walter: "...Typical day, I guess? And no, you're not going to die..." maggie: HOW IS THIS _TYPICAL_?! Walter: "One time Kafka lost his head. Literally." kids:............................ philip: *passes out* Kafka: “…..” -elsewhere- kan: got the notes! *puts them onto a desk of one of the publishing company employees* Employee: "...Um...What?" kan: the note paper you asked me for? ^^; Employee: "Oh, right..." *flips through* sakutaro: kikuchi. the boss has assigned another task for you. *hands them a photo* it's a new member of the company. you and miyoshi are to meet them at the airport today. kan: yes sir! miyoshi: .~.; sakutaro: and try not to screw up. miyoshi: Q~Q o-kaaaaaayyyyy... kan: miss tatsuji, remember your breathing. miyoshi: *INHAAAAALES* i-im good... ???: "Waaaiiii....Ooooo...KAH!" *making poses* kan: ooooi, eiji! were heading out now! Eiji: *stops posing* "Okay!" *bows to his samurai action figure* "BRB." *follows* miyoshi: mr yoshikawa if i end up passing out, you take the wheel. Eiji: " 'Ight! But try to keep under the speed limit..." -elsewhere- ???: "What a mess you two made--over, what, $40 and a...cicada?" Mantis: "Roach." 'greed oni': they guy hit mantis with a fucking van- Mantis: "HOW AM I NOT DEAD?!" ???: "Stubbornness." Mantis: >n< 'lust oni': it's quite amazing actually~, right isadora honey~? 'greed oni': ugh, i told you, it's 'izzy'! Mantis: "Jeez, get a room." izzy: mantis, you know that's how they are to everyone...fitting for the oni of lust. 'lust oni: guilty as charged~<3 Mantis: "My point stands--get a room, even if it's by yourself." hyouga: regardless, lets just get back to the meeting. Mantis: "Hmph." *counts money* ???: "Look at me, Mantis." Mantis: "I'm looking, Pride..." Pride: "...Very well. What are we here to discuss?" taoka:.....*glances at another person*....you havent spoken a word since the meeting started. Envy: "...How come PRIDE gets to start us off?!" Mantis: -_- *eyeroll* izzy: cuuuz the boss put him in charge? Envy: "I COULD DO IT, TOO!" Pride: "Yes, but poorly." Envy: *incoherent scream* lust oni: oh my, there they go again~ ^^ taoka: so unprofessional... hyouga: now come on you two, you're grown ass adults, start acting like it.
Pride: "I am nothing if not mature." Envy: "I CAN BE MORE GROWN UP THAN THE LOT OF YOU! So, what's the next tasks after 'failed alley robbery #487?" Mantis: -n- "It was 'Successful Alley Robbery...#7." taoka: 'retrieving wrath'? Pride: "...Oy." Mantis: "We have to?" -elsewhere- juria: *chewing gum, leaning against the wall* Carin: "...Yo." juria: *pop*....*pop*...... Carin: "Hey. You had tasks to do." *offers a broom* juria:...so? Carin: "So get to work and drop the attitude, you bum." juria: heres some food for thought. if you want the work done so badly, why dont _you_ do it? Carin: "Because it's assigned to _you_, I have other tasks to finish--and because I said so!" juria: three things. 1, i. 2, dont, and 3, care. Carin: "...Look, your royal highness, do I need the commander to have you scrubbing toilets with a toothbrush?" juria: how would _you_ like to be swallowing your own teeth? Carin: "Try it--I'm sure someone would love to have you dead where you stand." juria: *flame gauntlet* bring it. ogun: come on guys, knock it off. gwen: .... Carin: *grumbles* "Fine..." *turns his back* "Dumb gum-chewing demon..." juria: you two want in on the pain train too?! WELL COME ON THEN! *DEAFENING WHISTLE* juria: >-o gwen: >^< Pan: "..." *lowers the whistle* "You all done?" Carin: *covering his ears* Q_Q -elsewhere- hans: *patching up george* Leroux: Q_Q "Oh, dear..." Goethe: "..." *sighs* george: c-could have been worse....but on a lighter note, i think i know how my ability works.... Goethe: "...Well, that's right on time. It's going to let you travel, then?" george: yeah, but just as long as theres water nearby... Goethe: "That's a pain, Aqualad...Carry a water bottle with you." george:....*sweatdrop* (what kind of nickname is that...) etta:....the van's back! george: the others- hans: you stay right there young man! walter: we're back. and we got another patient... *The back door of the van opens, revealing the kids--and Kafka, covered with a blanket* Kafka: "..." *barely conscious* maggie: george! *hug* Leroux: *covers his mouth* george: !!! mr kafka! etta: !!!!! *shocked* Goethe: "Jeez..." Kafka: *shivers, pulls the blanket over himself, ashamed* hans: what the hell even happened to him? *there's blood in the back of the van* walter: things got bad...there were these goons that showed up.... Kafka: "F-Fire..." hans:...... Goethe: "Get him to the infirmary, too. And get him a hospital smock or something..." -and so- hans:....christ, kafka, what were you thinking?! Kafka: "...I just...got wrapped up..." Goethe: "You acted stupidly, you pest." walter: ...... Kafka: "..." george:....still.....he did buy time for us.... Kafka: "..." Goethe: "And if he had paid attention and done what he was supposed to, you wouldn't have needed to get more time..." Leroux: *pulls back the blanket--and all color fades from his face* "..." hans:...leroux?...what-.....!!!!! walter:.....*his stomach drops in shock* Kafka: "...What are you all looking at?" *Carved into back: "ROACH"* george:....y-your back..... Kafka: "...What did they do..." walter:..... *holds up two mirrors so that he could see it...* im sorry..... Kafka: "...Everybody...get out." hans: but- Kafka: "GET OUT! ALL OF YOU, GET OUT! I HATE YOU! I HATE EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU! NOW GET OUT RIGHT NOW!" hans:...... george:...... walter:....... Goethe: "...Come on. Let the roach ruminate..." Kafka: *furious roar--without turning into a roach* hans: ........*puts george into a wheelchair and exits* *All head to the exit...but Walter* george: *looks back, sympathetically...* ..... walter:........... Kafka: *looking at the wall* "...I said leave." walter: .....*he shakes his head* why do you keep doing this? Kafka: "Doing what?" walter: you keep pushing people away, even when they're only trying to help you... Kafka: " 'Help'? Oh, yes, real helpful. George was a big help with my back. Goethe was so helpful with that insult. You, Walter, were sooooooo helpful getting there late! What, had a show to go binge watch?!" walter: *grabs kafka by the collar* HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW THINGS WOULD GO TO SHIT? HUH?! Kafka: "?! Unhand me! Haven't I suffered enough for everything?!" walter: do you think i _wanted_ you to be put through this?! newsflash, we're only human! we make mistakes like this! Kafka: "I'M NOT! I am supposed to get it right! I should be perfect! And now, I'm just...some insect!" walter: ..... Kafka: "I hate all of this! I hate all of you! And I’m miserable! And now I’m stuck in here because of this insane Faustian bargain!” walter: then why havent you left then? what's keeping you here!? Kafka: “...Because I have nowhere to go.” walter:....... etta: *listening from outside, tears falling* ..... Kafka: "...What, go home to a family that I can't show myself to? What friends?" walter: ..... Kafka: "...I can't even die...Not normally." walter:...........*hug* Kafka: "..." *too exhausted to push him away, he cries silently* walter: we arent going to give up on you that easily, ok? Kafka: "...You should..." walter: well we're not. so get used to it, buddy. Kafka: "..." *sobbing* "Idiot..." etta: ..... -elsewhere-
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