#like when hes with the hunting dogs as the hunting dogs then theyre just friends
jalapenobee · 11 months
I need more content w/ Tachihara thinking of the port mafia (esp the black lizard) while he's with the hunting dogs like
Teruko: look ik we're not supposed to but...I snuck us cigarettes
Hirotsu would never let me do this
*tecchou spins his sword on his fingers at ungodly speeds*
Hey, I wonder if Gin can do that
Jouno, drunk: I just don't get it! Beef and chocolate sauce shouldn't go together because that's just logic? Isn't that right? I'm right, right? Somebody needs to go tell Tecchou he's wrong. Actually, someone go tell him he's horrible as well. And-
Lmaooo he's just like Chuuya when he gets drunk
And then realization that the port mafia isn't just his infiltration target but people he trusts and confides in and considers family
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dirksawesomesprites · 3 months
editing / fixing sprites + my headcanons
Part 1: Beta Lowbloods
Aradia Megdio
without bag
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with bag
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she uses she/they and is demigirl and bisexual. her horns are covered in a layer of dust from scavaging for fossils and living in an underground hive. she wears a messanger bag that she uses to keep all of her fossile hunting materials and other things. she uses the fossils to decorate her hive and shes goth (original i know). her matesprit is sollux and her moirail is feferi.
Tavros Nitram
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he uses he/him and is a cis guy (just is slightly feminine) he is mlm/gay. he loves fairycore and his favourite dog breed is a golden retriver (speficially the human version dave showed him, not alternian.) his robot legs will occasionslly malfcution, causing them to either get locked in place, squeak loudly, or get sticky joints. dave constantly has to call dirk over to fix his legs. his matesprit is dave, moirail is gamzee, and he has a black crush on gamzee (not very "black" though, mostly a "i can fix him" mentality but it ends up being "i can fix him but itll make me worse in the prossess) type stuff. its a pale leaning black thing.
Sollux Captor
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he uses they/he/she and is bisexual and bigender (original i know but its kinda funny concidering my headmate with a sollux source is bisexual and bigender so im stealing that). hes emo and has a johnnie guilbert shrine in his hive he swears is ironic. he is colour blind (blue colour blindess specifically) so he sees voilet/purple as a ugly brown thats why he calls eridan ugly so much. he plays the synthesizer. hes double jointed and likes to gross his friends out with it. his shoes were orignially both white but he lost the second one but was too lazy to find it so he just wears the same brand shoe but different colours. theyre vans shoes. his matesprit is aradia , his moirail is dave , his kismesis is eridan , and his auspistice is karkat.
Karkat Vantas
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he uses they/he, theyre nonbinary / transmasculine (has top scars and is technially transmasc but is also nonbinary i dont know if im saying this right) and is unlabeled for sexuality (they kiss guys but is unlabeled take with that what you will) they are punk even if they dont particualerly dress like it. their sweatpants are too big and their sweater is too small / tight so theyre a small gap of stomach showing. he purrs when happy, sleepy, or comfortable. when he gets scared their voice cracks and squeaks. when theyre alone listening to music in their hive hell jump around bouncing off stuff pretending to play the guitar and screaming / singing at the top of his lungs to the song. his matesprit is gamzee, his moirial is eridan, his kismesis is dave, and they aupistice for eridan and sollux.
Nepeta Lejion
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she uses she/meow and is girlflux, catgender (original i know), grey romantic, and asexual. when she paints on her shipping wall she tends to get paint all over her and it has since stained her jacket. she has had her hat since she was very little and its very streched out and worn. same with her tail as its not part of her, it drags on the ground behind her and gets dirt, sticks and leaves caught in it most of the time. she likes to play the xylophone, read warrior cats, and play animal jam with equius. she purrs when she his happy / sleepy / comfy like karkat. her matesprit is feferi and her moirail is equius.
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forgottenronan · 2 months
OOC | Frosts & Pets
hello, friends, i am here with a VERY important announcement!! the frosts have three dogs and a cat!! id already mentioned the cat but more about her is coming <3 as for the pups, these dogs were initially runts in various litters of the malconaire sheep dogs that tended the malconaire herds etc. bc they were runts in too-large litters, these puppies required human care and thus the frosts took them home to hand-nurse and raise them, but!! lbr they're part of the family now <33333
RITH (irish, meaning run)
LEISCE (irish, meaning laze)
COIRT (irish, meaning bark)
MIOTAS (irish, meaning fable)
i think you can tell a lil abt personalities from their names hahaha but ill def give you a lil more info abt each of them in a bit <3 all of three of them are family dogs who grew up w the frosts always there and regard all three frosts as well as the reaves and the og malconaire sisters as part of their multi-species pack hahaha
leisce and coirt remain at the frost abode, and keep cillian company when his siblings are away and theyre not busy in the fields with the sheep (there are other dogs so they tend to come and go to work with him and return to him to head home and flop in front of the fire in the evenings)
rith, however, was always ronan's puppy and, when he went away to war, rith was inconsolable. after a time, rith ran away to find him and has been been through his side through everything ever since and yes ngl to use modern parlance rith is 100% ronan's emotional support dog lbr you mess with rith, you mess w ronan!!!! rith currently lives in the woods w ronan and is, as far as cillian is concerned, the unofficial mascot of the rebellion sdklajfksdf
rith is the cleverest of the trio, and also the wisest. patient, clever, loyal, sure-legged. as his name suggests, rith's extremely fast, though as he's getting on in years he's a lil less eager to race around than he was as a pup, but when he does you'll be surprised how fast he is. extremely well trained and obedient, he knows ronan's every move and will readily respond to a series of whistles from him, their own secret language. unlike his canine brothers, rith is part sheep dog and part hunting dog from a brood that was in no way planned when one of lord malconaire's hunting dogs pursued a forbidden love w one of the sheep dogs.
the sleepiest dog in the world, leisce is the oldest dog but don't let his laziness fool you: he's always been this way. he likes nothing better than lollygagging about in the bright sunshine and receiving pets. tho technically a working dog, he's more likely to snuggle the sheep than herd them, but he is very protective when it comes right down to it! he is, however, difficult to persuade to move. you'd do better to just step over him when he plants. leisce is saoirse's favorite and, when she's home, she lets him sleep in her bed with her (don't tell cillian or ronan!). (saoirse didn't want to be too obtrusive, so saoirse only brings miotas, back and forth w her from lorcan.) fortunately, leisce and miotas are also fast friends, though miotas loves to prank!
vocal and excitable, coirt is the youngest of the dogs and also sometimes known as rinceoir (dancer) to cillian for his habit of leaping up on his back legs and half-walking about in excitement when he smells things. as you've perhaps guessed, given his name, he is extrememly curious and barks constantly. was that a rabbit or a breeze? let's assume rabbit! BARK! was that anything at all? who knows! BARK! fortunately, this is a very cheerful sound and coirt is always deeply happy to see anyone and everyone (esp if they come bearing scraps!). unlike leisce, he hardly ever lazes about, preferring to continuously sniff everything within reach, though the pair do love to cuddle at night and generally sleep together in front of the fire most nights! this is cillian's four-legged bestie (but i hc coirt often abandons cillian to hang w @forgottenpercy, uninvited! -- cillian doesn't mind tho).
a sleek black cat, miotas is a mischief-maker (absolutely the sort of cat who jumps off on the mantel only to push things off it) and, as saoirse says, enjoys making trouble. she esp loves pranking the dogs (particularly coirt, mostly bc he's the easiest target due to his excitable nature). miotas is very clever and very faithful and, while quite independent, she is also very protective of the trio of puppers: miotas is absolutely the kind of cat who would fight a crocodile to protect her loved ones. she can absolutely be a touch aloof, but she also likes to be cuddly when she's in the mood, and she loves to travel by slinging herself around saoirse's shoulders like a scarf. no one knows precisely what miotas' origins are, beyond like being one of the malconaire barn cats. saoirse found her one day on the property as a tiny kitten, separated from her mother and litter and in of care. like the dogs, she was brought home and nursed by hand, and she's been saoirse's faithful shadow ever since.
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aroacesigma · 5 months
For the ask game ummmmmmm obligatory sigma but also chuuya <3
ok !!!
first impression - sigma
honestly i thought he seemed like a nice enough guy going off the whole thing where he let the man win . a bit bossy when he was talking to teruko but honestly i was kind of rooting for anyone but the hunting dogs at the point so i was like yeahhh go buddy . you got this . also thought he was very gender
first impression - chuuya
i thought he was REALLY fucking cool . loved his design instantly . like about half this fandom i thought that was a ponytail for ages but noooo . terrible mullet . look dazai was my fave at that point but i still laughed when he got his ass kicked by him lmfao
impression now - sigma
ok . deep breaths kai you can say this normally . i love him very much and he is my fave . as you can all tell . finding out his whole backstory and watching him go through the sky casino arc and the mersault arc was so fucking ... god . hes so tragic . i love him so much . he tries so very hard all the time and nothing ever comes out of it does it . i just want him to be happy .... he really deserves it . hes not a bad person but hes done bad things out of necessity which honestly makes you root for him more doesnt it ? its so heartbreaking every chapter watching him do everything , throw himself into danger, hurt people, hurt himself just so they can get a home... i really hope he does . very much . fucking hell
impression now - chuuya
pretty much exactly the same . hes so fucking cool and i love him . i think he should be allowed a weekly quota of kicking the shit out of dazai . stormbringer tore my soul to shreds that hurt which made me feel terrible for him also . hes a wonderful character and i really do love him and wish this fandom treated him a little better
favourite moment - sigma
oughh this is hard . uh . probably when we get his backstory honestly . everything really makes a lot of sense about him once you get that . its really sad but it really hammers in just how desperate he is to find a home. they dont really have anything else , their sense of being human is shaky at best because no matter how much he says hes just an ordinary man he knows he isnt . so having a place to belong to make up for the fact that there is nothing like them in the world and there never will be is something hes totally desperate for and their backstory hammers that in HARD . and just the art is just so well done ...something about the image of him just sitting alone in the desert really shatters my heart every time . honourable mention also goes to when he kicked the shit out of teruko , purely because its an excellent counteraction to people saying dumb shit about him being weak and pathetic
favourite moment - chuuya
ohhh..i think i really like the scene where the flags throw him a party . its nice to see him hanging around with his friends . even if theyre all a little bit fucked up . he deserves nice things even if he didnt fucking get to keep them god asagiri why
idea for a story - sigma and chuuya
ok i NEED YALL TO HEAR ME OUT on this crack theory that definitely will not happen but imagine if it did . now i trust dazai will come back for sigma butttt if he didnt . well dont you think mori , who sent chuuya into mersault , would be extremely pleased to have someone with an ability like sigmas . and sigma wouldnt really have too many options would he . being left behind again would probably kill any trust he had in the ada and really all his ability has ever been suiteed for is criminal activity right ? and that is how we get pm!sigma . which means chuuya and sigma interactions . they can bond over shared experiences like having somewhat funky relationships with humanity, terrible haircuts theyre somehow pulling off, and wanting to kick the shit out of dazai .
unpopular opinion - sigma
this is more of a bsdtwt / bsdtok problem but yall do know if you like a characters design but not their actual character you can just say that instead of making up an overused fanon personality for them right
unpopular opinion - chuuya
idk if this is unpopular exactly but it is blatantly obvious when people only like him in relation to dazai like it is not subtle at all
favourite relationship - sigma
ooh this is hard . if we're talking about shipping exclusively then sigzai is my fave (almost got put off it by the aforementioned annoying bsdtwt though lmfao) . but i do also find it very interesting how he interacts with and views fyodor and nikolai . i do wish we had more on how they were like as an organisation
favourite relationship - chuuya
again, talking shipping id probably have to go with skk , but even in a non shipping context it really does interest me how him and dazai interact . theyre so fucking weird
favourite headcanon - sigma
living up to my duties as ceo of transmasc sigma , thats obviously my favourite headcanon . hes soooo trans guy coded its insane . bless him . also my headcanon that he always has that new book smell hanging around him no matter what . cause . yknow .
favourite headcanon - chuuya
ok i also love to headcanon chuuya as a trans guy like honestly asagiri what is it with you accidentally coding all your funky little guys as trans . also i reckon hes a tea drinker . he will fuck that shit up . hes got all the fancy ones yknow those really weird flavours that honestly are barely even tea anymore thats just a fancy drink but hey the box is pretty so
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she-ismysun-archive · 4 months
do not read if you don’t want spoilers. Holy shit 100th episode started off with a BANGER. This is my live blog thread.
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Henry missed his flight???? NAAAUUU
HELLO CHASTITY AND SKIP TRACER RANDY. HE SKIP TRACER BOUNTY HUNTED PETE LOL. I literally can’t stop screaming. I can’t stop SCREAMING. I feel so feral
Chastity is teaching him how to kiss! 😆😆
Oh brother. Aaron is not as ok as I thought he was or would be. Bro is NOT ok!!! He’s still benched for a reason. Wade will not make the same mistakes he did before. He will not lose another one.
Wow healthy communication? No. Angst continues. Please help me save me save ME. He’s so mad. She’s so hurt. Pleeeease our lovers will resolve this episode I said so!
Henry missed the bullet train.
What is happening with Nyla and Celina rn. NARCOTIC POT?
MONICA?! Double fucking whammy
Friendship hugs. I said so. They’re friends. Please don’t force this romantic relationship :((
the hammer episode name drop 🫠
“No please don’t do me any favors” Angela please save us WAHH THEYRE BICKERING
Hello wedding DJ - womp womp drug dealer
BILLY BOB BENNET (the hammer)
Oh they’re scheming. Oh they’re scheming so hard
So I definitely misread this shot in the promo (they have not made up yet)
Eric Winter’s hardest fight scene of his entire career
Lucy negotiating is so fun
Tim get his shit rocked but he WINS - wait I just noticed Lucy holding his belt??
Goodnight Tim
Nyla just calling Celina “the rookie” and she gets to do her first interrogation
No flower. Almost no ring. Almost no Henry?? ENJOY GIRLS NIGHT? SHES TRYING TO GET HENRY INTO THE COUNTRY.
Randy is the florist expert now (Ty ClipTok)
Ou they’re both. Gossiping about each other at the bachelors party
Lucy: he’s the problem
Tim: how do I prove to her that I’m not the problem?
lie. detector. test.
he’s a. Lying liar. Who LIES 😭😭😭 it took a LIE DETECTOR TEST for him to ACCEPT that he doesn’t want Lucy to do UC work.
Luna’s getting her social work degree!
And of course their officiant doesn’t show up. Thank you Wade for saving the day
This wedding is so goddamn beautiful. Their vows are so fucking beautiful.
God they tricked me with all the happy promo shots of Chenford but their angst is far from over
Randy and Chastity is DJ-ing?? James saves the day with a playlist of his own.
Will Tim and Lucy make it out?? God I hope so! (I know they will but this is hurtinggg)
AARON. GOOD GOD. They were laying that on THICK. And now Celina is leaving the wedding. God Celina please be ok
I just spent last night spiraling about “dog bring a live part”
They’re dancing but they’re going to talk. Yea you DO need to deal with it Tim. YOU ARE GONNA GET THROUGH THIS
The chenford wedding kiss 🥹
Celina is in fact NOT OK. And Aaron is drunk off his ass. Of course why would Nolan have a peaceful wedding night when everything else went wrong.
Alright then. That was wrapped up quickly. Everyone quick thinking weeehh Everyone’s ok.
This is the third shot of them laying on their back? It’ll be fun to clip that together.
Well ok then.
I feel so betrayed and tricked but it was delulu of me to think they would make up that quickly!!! IT TAKES A LIE DETECTOR TEST FOR HIM TO ACCEPT THAT HE DOESNT LIKE THE IDEA OF HER DOING UC WORK? This is actually just so in character for them! This is actually just chenford being chenford because it took them going undercover as a couple to even CONSIDER the fact they have feelings for each other.
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splatooshy · 6 months
okay, so i’ve got my ‘Eternal Teenager’ verse, right — yk, the one where enzo and damon escape in the 50s and then pose as stefan’s legal guardians in 2009, that one?
well, i forgot about it until a moment ago, when i came across the file for it and saw some of the gems in there.
and boy, oh boy, are there some gems.
- damon gets enzo to steal thierry’s hat each time hes in nola (‘cause damon’s banned n all). has a collection of them (maybe a whole cupboard of them? idk something wacky like that. a display cabinet? each hat on a little stand with an engraved label below).
- kol turned enzo. idgaf about canon, this is a true story.
in 1888, kol’s moseying ‘round london, a-whistling and a-ripper-ing when a dying enzo turns up, sees kol dismantling a woman like a grotesque puzzle, and goes “huh. could you spare any change?” and kol thinks it would be a catastrophe to deprive the world of a man that unphased by the sight of innards becoming outtards, so, deciding he’s found a new best friend with benefits, kol turns enzo, declaring him the world’s most level headed vampire. enzo goes along with it because, well, he doesn’t really have anything better to do.
1914 - damon’s living it up in nola and so is kol. enzo signs up for the great war as an american, because kol says he has a top secret mission he needs enzo for. (“hey mate, while you’re over there, think you could shoot at marcellus with wooden bullets for me?” “we’re on the same side…” “please 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺” “if i see him, sure. not gonna hunt him down though.) enzo leaves kol at the bar less than a minute before damon walks in (they pass eachother at the threshold.) damon is meeting freya because they’re bffs, kol sees them sitting at their table and thinks to himself ‘wow look at that lovely lass on a date over there. i should go over and ask her out.’ and struts on over to hit on freya. freya just looks at damon, then at her brother, going ‘yeah, um, i’m not really interested, sorry.’ and kol instantly grins and waggles his eyebrows knowingly like ‘ah, i see. you’re one for the ladies then, aren’t you? no matter.’ and then turns to damon and starts flirting with him. (on the extremely rare occasion that someone may not want to have sex with him, kol instantly decides they’re most definitely a lesbian. because even the straightest male would jump him in an instant.)
oh and once kol decides that freyas a lesbian, he won’t hear otherwise, not even 96 years later when he’s undaggered (“damon, what happened to the clever witch you befriended?” “i’ve known lots of clever witches, kol, you’re gonna have to be more specific” “the lesbian, from new orleans” damon blinks “freya? she wasn’t a lesbian…” “uh, yeah she was, she told me so herself” “no, she just didn’t want to sleep with you,” “exactly, because she was a lesbian!”) OH OH OH and finn’s in the background being all… well, finn, and he perks up like a little dog when he overhears freya’s name. fun bit irrelevant to the plot.
ANYWAYS back to 1914. so enzos at war, kols up to nefarious acts with mary alice and astrid, damon and freya are best friends and have comfort sex bc theyre both tragically touch starved. damon and kol have a sneaky little thing on the side, but then one day kol disappears #daggered and then freya tells damon to meet her outside dowager fauline cottage in 99 years before disappearing. damon’s sad and thinks ‘well at least i’ve learned to be patient’ (thinking of katherine).
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wain-fleets · 7 months
since you made a post wanting to know people's funny stories, what are some of yours? <3
uhh funny stories. when was this sent to me
okay okay anyways
the first story that comes to mind is when i lost my fingers. my pinky and my ring finger on my left hand. had my ring finger reattached but pinky couldnt be saved unfortunately. i was working on a dirt bike with my cousins when one of the dumbasses decided to get on and take off when i was adjusting the chain. uhh dont really know what he was thinking, but he was just a stupid lil kid so cant fault him much. i was a stupid kid too. a bunch of young teens left unattended with a machine they're determined to fix-- not a good idea. dragged me only a couple feet by my fingers till they popped off. cousins found my digits, i was in shock, my dad was pissed at me. drunk like he usually was. mom was at work cause my dad was a deadbeat and didnt give a fuck about his kids. he called my mom and made me sit on the front steps to wait for her with my hand in a rag. guess its not really a funny story, but it is to me cause now i get to make up crazy stories on how i lost my pinky. i got my boss' kid convinced a gator bit it off. i told him and he was deadass shocked. kids in their santa and tooth fairy stages are so funny. theyll just believe anything LMAO. (no i don't just feed children lies. theyre just funny stories. if you can tell a kid that santa is real, i can tell them my finger got ate by an apex predator ty.)
uhh another one. i was with a group of friends in lousiana, hog hunting. illegally. pretty long story so to sum it up. police showed up, we all scattered, i ended up camping in the woods with my dog for the night. returned to our trucks, found out everybody was gone except for one other dude who had the rest of the dogs with him. rest of the crew returned to pick us up, they had mcdonalds. informed us they'd just been pulled over and received a speeding ticket. but yeah, broke a whole bunch of laws and came out with just a speeding ticket.
lots of other hunting hiccups.
my dad used to lick my mom's eyeballs to fuck with her before he went off the deep end. pretty gross.
i once threw a football at a girl's face because she was talking shit, and it fucked up her braces. uhh another time when i threw a football and jammed a kid's thumb. and then that time i accidentally broke one of my teammates noses with a football. i throw footballs way too hard i guess?
lots of bottle rocket fights. give me and my brothers fireworks and we're gonna shoot them at each other. surprised we haven't lost any eyes. same way with paintball guns. me and my older brother are both grown now and we still do that shit. lots of roughhousing. our love language is beating each other up. theres 3 of us, youngest is 15. we cant go out in public together cause somebody would think we're gonna kill each other, and call the police. also happened before.
still laugh at this time i was putting up drywall at church and this kid, lil dude who was there cause his dad was workin with me blah blah-- he squirted hand sanitizer in his eyes and thats the funniest scream ive ever heard. he was fine, we got him fixed up and bought him a happy meal, but shits still so funny to me and i dont even know why.
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mayday505 · 2 years
BSD College band AU
Look i have so many au ideas that im not prepared to write but i think theyre cool so theyre going on here anyways heres one brief outline of a band au thats been floating around my head for the past few days:
-Dazai Osamu, lit major. He starts a band with his sister Yosano (pry the sibling dynamic from my cold dead hands i dare u). He's perfectionistic and controlling since this is his dream, and isn't ever happy with the suggestions that Yosano makes for members of the band. He's the lyricist of the band, and plays guitar and piano. He was a piano prodigy as a kid, being forced to compete by their foster father Mori when he was young, but always preferred guitar. He's the rhythm guitarist. He's obsessive over music and will neglect his own health over the band (he almost always is sleep deprived and has bandages over his hands from overplaying the piano and guitar until his fingers would bleed)
-Yosano Akiko, bio major, she helps Dazai start the band. She plays violin classically but was the one to teach Dazai guitar when they were kids since she rebelled against Mori. Now she plays bass guitar. She does vocals occasionally, depending on what Dazai's vision is with the lyrics.
-Atsushi Nakajima, a down on his luck 3rd year in high school who just got kicked out by his foster parents after he turned 18. He played guitar as a kid and is a prodigy. He met Dazai one night after he tried to kill himself bc college sucks, and Dazai sees his guitar case, since Atsushi was busking at the time to pay for a hotel room, and is asked to join the band. Atsushi agrees bc why not, and Dazai lets him move in with him since he doesn't live in dorms (him and Yosano have their own place) He's the lead guitarist in the band.
-Ranpo Edogawa, Yosano's best friend and a criminology major. He has nothing to do with the band, but he's their biggest supporter. He works at a cafe alongside Poe, where the band frequently plays since Ranpo convinced the owner (Fukuzawa) to let them play there.
-Akutagawa Ryuunosuke and Gin, high school students and friends of Atsushi. Atsushi recommends him to Dazai who begrudgingly lets them join the band (Gin is their sound tech, and Higuchi later joins to become their manager) They compete over who gets Dazai's validation since they both look up to him (which dazai is like literally why. you should not be doing that Yosano is gonna kill me) He plays bass alongside Yosano. (also side sskk bc slay)
-Kouyou Ozaki, sociology major, she meets Yosano at a party where she sings karaoke and Yosano decides that she wants Kouyou to be their vocalist. She initially refuses since she's busy with college stuff, but introduces Yosano to her friend Verlaine (a psychology major), who's adoptive brother Chuuya is a drummer, and is looking to join a band. Later they make a deal that if Yosano can convince Chuuya to join she will too. Which miraculously does happen. Kouyou is their main vocalist.
-Nakahara Chuuya, lit major. He plays drums and guitar. He used to be in a band in highschool that got fairly popular with his childhood friends called "The flags". The band split up when they all went to different colleges though. He is in Dazai's lit class and they have a rivalry. Yosano asks him to join the band and chuuya refuses bc he HATES DAZAI. They do not get on WHATSOEVER. But after a lot of bickering and fighting Dazai gives in and lets him join (he says its bc he wanted Kouyou on board, but doesnt mention how he saw Chuuya playing his songs solo at a open mic at a bar nearby and was mesmerized) They eventually become friends. Chuuya is their main drummer but helps with lyrics sometimes. (bc i need soukoku writing songs together pls)
-The two other main bands are the hunting dogs (consisting of Teruko, Jouno, tetchou and Tachihara, except Tachihara's brother is the leader instead of Fukuchi bc i actually dont care about him sorry), and the decay of angels (but its just the russians lmao its just sigma nikolai and fyodor and sigma is sick of their shit)
-Dazai knew of the flags before and liked their music but is unaware that Chuuya is the same person that was in the flags.
-He falls for chuuya first and hard. (also making dazai ace bc #slay ace world domination) and chuuya also likes dazai but is like unsure of whether its reciprocated, and since both are shit at feelings its just pain as everyone else has to watch them pine over each other for like months.
-Kousano bc slay band lesbians <3 Yosano is very vocal about her love for Kouyou and is constantly asking her on dates etc, even though Kouyou goes weeks thinking its a joke.
-Chuuya's first band wasn't the flags, but the sheep, which ended with the sheep stealing the songs chuuya wrote and claiming credit for them, after chucking him out of the band. He's still salty about it years later, especially when Yuan attempts to get in contact with him when Dazai's band starts playing venues and getting popular.
-idk if i'll write any more for this but it popped in my head and im actually attached to the idea lol <3
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yveltalreal · 3 months
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//i finally drew what maple looks like as a houndoom lol. boys when the aura trio accidentally awaken ancient werewolf curse genes. also did you guys know heavily referencing images of irl animals is actually good for your art to look better? lol.
//rambling about the reasoning and choices for stuff, as well as some lore under the cut
//markings on the horns and bone protrusions has a reasoning its related to the special breed of houndoom only his family breeds and stuff. heres a picture of them cause i wanna finally post about them a bit lol
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//this is a slightly older image and not as polished since its mostly a general guideline/concept but it gets the point across. this breed of houndoom is ONLY bread by maples family and who ends up owning one is heavily regulated by her family and they keep an eye on all of the known houndoom. the markings on the hones and bone sections come from their origins, special houndoom given to the family by legendary pokemon in order to mark them, its the same reason they once turned into houndoom and acted as were-houndooms. it was a curse/punishment put on them by the gods as a punishment for the crimes of their ancestor, who stole from various legends and killed many chosens.
//the houndoom were eventually bred to be larger, fluffier, have an extra set of horns, curled tails, and a forked tongues by the hounds themselves. it should be noted that only really the forked tongue shows up on the houndour, though.
//most of these traits were chosen as the union of hounds (the family) often fought large, dangerous pokemon. being larger and having thick fur protected them against attacks, made them stronger. the curled tails developed for a similar reason as irl dogs with curled tails, where it helped keep the tail closer to the body preventing it from freezing and this helping in colder environments, but also served a secondary effect of making it harder for opponents to grab or bite the tail.
//i hc that houndoom tails are naturally prehensile, allowing them to hold and move things while still keeping their mouths open to spew flames or bite. because of the curled tails, the family houndoom lost some of that ability but not all of it. they can still uncurl their tails but rarely do so unless theyre "off duty" so to say and can only carry or grab lighter stuff with them, holding them up to their back rather than just dragging it behind them like most other houndoom breeds would.
//now as for maple. because only the markings was put on the family hounds (the breed of houndoom) and the family bred all the other traits onto their houndoom, when they were werehoundoom (the last one was maples great grandmother) they only ever had the markings. for the most part they all looked like regular houndoom with minor differences for each one like slightly different horns or different fur length, etc etc etc. yveltal, xerneas, and zygarde fucked up at one point and kinda. re-awakened the werewolf genes in maple so!! he can turn into a houndoom now, but he doesnt quite have control yet.
//i chose to base his werewolf form off a borzoi partially because haha funny, partially cause a borzoi houndoom wouldnt stray TOO far from the actual dog breeds houndoom is based off of, but also because of the breeds history as wolf hunting dogs. as a sight hound, borzois hunt primarily using their eye sight and speed. maples always been themed around speed, with his earliest concepts being born from the idea of a cyclizar racer speed freak. the idea of using a wolf hunting breed was especially interesting, as maples job as yveltals chosen is to hunt down and kill chosens causing trouble or certain large-scale threats that cannot be left alone any longer. some of maples friends abusers and other people who have troubled them have been likened to lycanroc, a pokemon based off wolves, and maples drive to protect his friends and fight anyone that hurts them if allowed to plays into that when designed with a wolf hunting breed in mind. the final reason a borzoi was chosen is because for a long time one could not purchase a borzoi and youd need to be given one by the tsar if you wanted to own one because of how popular they were with the russian monarchs. this parallels with the family's breed of houndoom, which is typically only owned by members of the family and are only given out to certain trusted individuals.
//theres a lot more houndoom lore i got and maple lore but trgerw im not making this post even longer. the family hound breed is not open to use without permission as it has SUPER important ties to my characters lore and i have. thoughts and opinions on it. only a couple of characters outside of my own have family hounds and its cause they have permission from me to have them and also in lore reasons to. love wins.
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bugsinthebayou · 1 year
this is an official request for rambles abt ur turtle ocs
first: Levina
a black-knobbed map turtle. she fights with a kusarigama, and im thinking of making her ninpō being invisibility, maybe? shes named after Levina Teerlinc. i didnt wanna break up the naming theme of the turtles. she and mikey are the same size and age. shes very excitable. she and mikey get along really well. they spar quite often, and their weapons getting tangled is a common occurrence. once she starts talking its hard to get her to stop. when it comes to battle, she likes to jump in without forethought, and messes around to make the fight last longer for fun.
its only a few months after she and the mad dogs meet when they offer her a mask. its in the main area of the lair. mikey holds it up to her with a grin. the other turtles are behind him, also excited. she accepts immediately and puts it on as fast as she could. pink really suits her. its her favorite color, afterall.
second: Atlas
a leatherback sea turtle. she fights with a sort of spear or trident, not sure yet. i dont know what her ninpō would be. she doesnt follow along the naming theme. shes as old as the older twin. shes slightly shorter than raph, but still growing and will one day be bigger than him. she doesnt talk much. she'll say something if she deems it necessary (orders, questions, requests), but usually prefers to remain silent. even in those moments she keeps her words to a minimum. she obverses the world around her, and analyzes the words and actions of people (friends or enemies). atlas likes to have a read on who someone is deep down. she prefers having plans before fighting, and when fighting she tries to end it quickly. she doesnt get along extremely well with any of the turtles like levi does with mikey, but she enjoys their company.
she is offered a mask at one point. its in the training room. the lights are low, like she prefers. shes meditating. raph, only raph, kneels behind her, holding out a hand. he says nothing, but she knows hes there anyway. atlas turns to look at him and his offering. she pushes herself forward a bit, enough to reach him. she brings her claws up and gently closes raph's fingers around the turquoise fabric in his palm. "not yet," she whispers. she isn't close enough to the turtles to wear such a symbol of kinship. raph nods, and leaves her to her meditation.
so the stuff with lou draxums lab happen as normal, only the four boys are mutated, and lou escapes with them.
in the chaos, draxum manages to retrieve just enough ooze to mutate two more turtles
he takes a few weeks to get a stable-enough living situation, and then hunts down two turtles.
a black-knobbed map turtle, and a leatherback sea turtle.
he mutates them, and starts rasing them.
he waits until theyre a bit younger than the mad dogs are in the short "turtle tots" to start training them
atlas takes to it quickly. she likes the adrenaline rush it gives
levi doesnt enjoy the serious part of it. she prefers spars that are more for fun
when theyre roughly 9/10, draxum takes them to the hidden city for the first time.
during this trip, levi gets lost, and draxum n atlas are unable to locate her
now heres where is gets a bit unclear for levi.
im not sure exactly what happens to her. ive played around with some ideas and i think her being adopted by a battle nexus champion might be interesting? not sure, but its on the table. sometime during this levi finds out shes actually a girl
atlas is distraught at the loss of levi, and her skill during training drops drastically.
draxum is faced with two choices.
let atlas take a break and comfort her through their loss, or order her to toughen up and increase training.
he ultimately decides to let atlas mourn, letting her train on her own accord.
she gets back into the swing of things roughly a year after levi goes missing.
when shes 13-ish she marches up to draxum and declares that she is, infact, a girl, and that he cant stop her from being one.
they meet sometime in s2. atlas is still living with draxum after his redemption, and levi's. doing whatever it is shes doing.
technically atlas has known the mad dogs longer than theyve known levi, but due to atlas' reserved nature, they arent as good friends
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sumeria · 1 year
okay you know what this is my riverdaleification treatment for a live action scooby doo tv series. it builds off the traditional default setting of the 60s/early 70s as well as more modern entries, and expands on the scooby doo & the ghoul school, scooby doo & the reluctant werewolf, scooby doo meets the boo brothers, the 13 ghosts of scooby doo, scooby doo on zombie island, scooby doo and the alien invaders, scooby doo and the cyber chase, scooby doo and the witch's ghost, scooby doo and the goblin king, scooby doo mystery incorporated, and scooby doo and the curse of the 13th ghost (perhaps even scooby doo & kiss rock and roll mystery) establishing that supernatural shit Actually Exists in the scooby dooniverse.
its set in the late 60s and the gang are seniors. fred jones is a football player, his dad is the mayor. daphne blake is the cheer captain and daughter of old money. norville 'shaggy' rogers is a straight c student except in biology, home ec, and autoshop and is on the track team. velma is the valedictorian and runs the paranormal research society school club.
freds dad is the mayor and he feels like as a result he has to be the most manly morally upstanding citizen as a result of it, even though he really isnt. he likes singing and playing guitar. he likes hunting and trapping sure, but he hates killing things. he doesnt care that much for football but does it because it looks good. he just wants to hang out with his friends :( fred has an artsy exploratory side and is interested in the paranormal which leads him to joining velmas club
daphne comes from a strict overbearing old money family. her life has been heavily controlled and she does most everything she is told almost without question, except when shes with her childhood friends fred and shaggy. shes actually quite outspoken and aggressive, and on her own is fashionable and rebellious and political. her family knows that she would be a lot more openly outspoken towards them if they didn't bend slightly, so they offered her a free hobby of her choosing: she picked martial arts. it was approved as a lady should be able to defend herself in this tumultuous day and age. daphne follows fred to velmas club.
fred and daphne are dating out of moral obligation more than anything else. they love each other as friends but intimacy always feels forced and awkward between them. theyre childhood friends.
shaggy actually comes from old money but is an illegitimate kid and after some Shit went down he and his mom got kicked out and hes been homeless for the past few years. fred lets him live in his van and garage and tries to help where he can. shaggy is also the school weedman. everyone knows it. he got scooby for $5 as a puppy and he kinda has become an emotional support dog for him the past few years. shaggy is also the weed hookup for everyone. hes gay. he is also the oldest of the group. he follows fred to velmas club as well because. well. freds his ride yknow
velma is newer to coolsville and feels like a fish out of water. immigrant family, pushed to succeed, etc, but she also genuinely adores learning. she has a passion for the new field of computer science and is actually lowkey terrified of ghosts which is why she started the paranormal research society, to help her overcome her fear of them, and it has worked a bit! shes very political and tries to be very active in her community. she likes that more people join her club but feels alienated from daphne and fred at first because of the class disparity and initially bonds more with shaggy, but soon finds more in common with daphne than she expects
the pilot is the group coming together and then the end reveals the overarching mystery the gang investgates throught the season. it seems supernatural but the grand reveal is traditional scooby doo, financially motivated
shaggy is 18 and terrified of being drafted. fred is too but is a lot quieter about it, hes almost resigned to becoming a soldier because of his family, but the more everyone talks about it the more he decides that fuck it, we're LEAVING! we're dodging the draft! we're getting our diplomas and getting the fuck out of dodge! velma and daphne both decide to agree because they refuse to let their best friends leave without support. besides, this is a great chance to see if they can find some real paranormal shit out in the world :)
the end of s1 is them leaving coolsville in the newly swagged out mystery machine. s2 has more supernatural trappings and there are things that legit cannot be explained but overall? again, financially motivated spooky con. s3 there is far more supernatural fuckery afoot and its an evil capitalist wizard. s4 maybe shaggy gets turned into a werewolf halfway thru and has to hide it. the finale he gets caught by fred and confesses both his lycanthropy and love of fred and they kiss. s5 they keep going further into esoterica and supernatural territory. daphne dies and velma becomes a necromancer and/or a dr. frankenstein figure. fred loses an arm to alchemy. s6 they introduce aliens. you understand
its gotta be dumb gay and weird.
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cephiwyrm · 1 year
please please please share all of your ocs!!
HELLO YES I WILL??? there was one i was specifically vague posting about in the one reblog which i will NOT but i will share something funny abt him
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my ex made a cardboard cut out of him, hated him so much they STABBED HIM and then mailed me the arm, and of course i still own it. ANYWAYS! pulling these from my main toyhouse (i have an ugly watermark i am so sorry) let the rambling begin (extremely long i am so sorry LMAO)
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(cutely pulls up a piece of art) alright this is my cherry pop story! they are 3 cryptid / unnatural monster type hunters in a universe that is pretty much exactly like earth 1:1 except it was cats and dogs that became the main dominant species. the main character (aka just the one we see through her POV theyre all main characters to me.sniff) is Annie! she is a quiet and get it done type of character, besides working the 9 to 5 monster hunting job, she really likes games (this takes place in the 2000s btw) and is interested in how mechanical stuff works! also she is a trans icon :)
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next is Peyton! shes she nerdy, figure it out type. probably the one in the group the most interested in what they're actually being paid to do; also one of the first ones to notice what is actually going on. she mainly enjoys going out and fucking around with her skateboard and shes a little sillay gal
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last but not least in cherry pop is Micah! hes the brawns and usually helps with doing physical objectives, and also just catching the monsters in general if need be. first one to come to conclusions, even if they are SEVERELY wrong. he is captain of the swim team and wishes to go to a bigger college one day (they are in a small town)
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OK NEXT !! AFTER PARTY they are some of my oldest ocs (not OLDEST oldest but def. there) and their story is a little all over the place since its with me and my friends and we havent gotten into it recently (its basically a masquerade type kill scenario) all their art is a little old but this is Okano! at a very young age, her father died and she was able to take over a very well off company. Well she doesn't make huge decisions by herself at the moment, she shows great opportunity in the future. she is very distrusting because of it though, and takes a while to warm up to people.
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next is kaga! (one next to peyton) shes a little silly gal, shes very reckless and kind of doesn't care about danger shes in it for the thrill. absolutelu kills it being a roller blader, but also just likes walking around with no shoes on. also ! she works in a tattoo shop :)))
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now realizing i have a lot of. trio characters huh. anyways! heres kiki. no ur not getting a genuine image bebcause she iisss so baby...... anyways; she is a french vlogger! she loves exploring the world and showing it to her growing number of people. also has a small AU inside of stardew valley :) shes obsessed with seagulls as well
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ok realizing i have too many ocs and i dont want this to be like two million word post (30+ on my main and more not even on TH) so ill end off with my TTRPG charas :) this is Milo my druid aarakocra for DnD! on like the second session he got struck by lightining and got a god that way. When he was just a litol baby he wandered off from his home and into a forest where his brother, an elf named Leo, went up to his soon to be mentor/father figure Crechir like CAN WE PLEASE KEEP HIM PELASEEEEEE and may or may not have lied about his entire home burning to the ground later on he found a little gold dragon which when touching different objects changed colour; and was named skittle. little funny thing about skittle was everytime a gold coin was fed, he would grow just a little bit. even more later on, he was sent an ominous message about his birth home about how his mother had died and he was the next chieftan and so he had to go do some special trials in order to become one! he also went to the hell casino and since crechir gave him chips he was able to get an amulet that lets him shift between his two forms, treefolk and birdfolk
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and finally, this is Ash for MOTW! she is a twin in a small town in canamerica (canada and america fused because our irl party is in both) due to being a twin, she was born with some spooky (haha her class) powers, and will send her twin Ali memes via telapathy. unfortunately being a teen with powers, she is also kind of very angsty and prone to some bursts of outrage. besides that, she has a very strong interest in wood carving, while her twin loves to hunt crytids, due to the strangeness of their town they have to deal with it every once in a while! they have a pet snake belovingly named banana (or boenana. shes a boa constrictor) and is honestly a teen that is addicated to her phone
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darkicedragon · 1 year
darkicedragon frankenstein catching and releasing wild werewolves the werewolves just like <OnO>??? when they get bundled up under an arm azure AHAHHAHAHA XDDD "Have you quite finished?" o-ô as the werewolf goes all >8"V also OMGGG the lil jacket the swan was like onq Franken catching and releasing instinctual werewolves and keeping them away from human cities not bc they're dangerous but bc they will hunt the first fast food restaurant and become a nuisance or destroy gardens with their digging or steal socks darkicedragon frankenstein making the lil dog jackets that make them easier to carry
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azure HAHAHAHAHHA OH MY GOOOOD YESSSS the werewolf like <ono> darkicedragon werewolves just like 8V trying to bite, but theyre kept at arms length, so cant snap 'youre not meant to be in the city. i know it smells interesting, but you're better in the wild. now shoo' frankenstein learning he cant put them in carriers bc their claws and fangs are just Too Strong for basic plastic 😂 darkicedragon either that or he catches them and then holds them in place overnight so they dont cause more trouble, and once theyre transformed back/regained their senses and can act human again, releases them again azure XDDD shoo pfff azure OH MY GOD TRAPS the werewolf like QAQ in a trap box that just closed darkicedragon XDDDDDD he closes the trap. 'i caught-!' //BANG// doggo either bust straight through, or is running around with the cage over them 😂 azure has a day/night care for werewolves XD with toys and things to distract them until they transform back darkicedragon lots of snacks as well 😂 azure the cage just rolls to the side and doggo is much confusion???? *tries again* *cage rolls, doggo ends up on their back* darkicedragon muzaka just like ouo at frankensteins door every night. 'yes, i would like to be here' 'you do know youre supposed to only be brought in if you're caught, yes?' 'i here' ouo/)}} 'well, i suppose this keeps you out of trouble... in you get' azure OH MY GOD THAT IS ADORABLE and he slowly brings in friends either bc he guides them there or bc they just follow him to!!! interesting!!! person!!! Franken's house accidentally becomes a safe heaven for werewolves darkicedragon does frankenstein know theres werewolves when he first takes in muzaka (bc ofc hes the first one) or does he take in this weird looking dog while he figures out if hes meant to take it to the vet or the wildlife sanctuary, and then suddenly theres a naked dude in the cage like OwQ azure both options XDDD bc its hilarious Franken was so tired he thought Muzaka was a simple doggo "Ofc you'd be a werewolf" darkicedragon 'its not that youre a mutant, its bc youre a supernatural being. that.....makes marginally more sense' 'hey, i think you should sleep now' 'how can i sleep when i know theres more werewolves with their heads stuck in jars' 'uhm'
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deepenthevoid · 2 years
First running review of watching stranger things for the first time:
Episode 1.
-typical terrified doctor running away from mysterious force in a darkly lit building. I bet it’s gonna be some supernatural monster. He’s def gonna die. It is gonna pan out to a happy friends/family thing next or a police office? PO might be too much CM to lol…
-istg if these lights flick off one by one or turn off and turn back on to a monster who runs to him….
-yep. toldja not to use the elevator. Dr is dead. Stupid. It was in fact a monster. Idk what. Is this the demigorgon everyone talks abt? I thought those were tall? It wasn’t shown but on the roof of the elevator? Unless the elevator is absurdly tall why the the doctor completely disappear?
-panned out to a water spigot thingie. What??
-panned out to friends telling each other a scary story. Cute. 🫶🏼 the Curly haired kid. I forgot his name. Devin? Dustin! He’s a cutie I wanna pinch his cheeks and give him a lollipop and pat his head. He would be a cute lil bro. Nerd.
-foreshadowing. It’s a demOgorgon. (The monster attacking the doctor.) (how did a demogoron come to earth??? Manifestation???)
-mikes mom is a milf. Omg. I want in on that.
-the music is good. I love the cinematic of the bike lights. Nicely done.
-what the fuck is this boy doing?? Doesn’t he know to his friends house?
-nope. Nope. I don’t fuck w that. RUN LIL BOY.
-I don’t think I can watch this
-sacrifice the loud dog and run. GOOD BOY.
-idk how but I just KNOW it’ll be behind him. I bet he’ll drop the gun.
-I’m trembling. It’s paused. These directors are gooooood. Or maybe I’m just a sissy.
-acab but damn his butt is huge I wanna bite it
-intrusive thoughts. Goddamn. I don’t even know his name. War criminal demogorgon destroyer prison escapee guy
-don’t get onto your son when he’s trying to help out. Idk who he is but he’s a good kid. You’re pissing me off and it’s the first episode, ms byler.
-no bike locks? Whew. Those r the safe old towns I guess. Old days.
-is that young Tom holland?
-Tom holland wannabe I better not hear a racially motivated statement coming from you…
-at least it wasn’t racially motivated. Sorry Dustin.
-bullying is never okay. Sic the demogorgon on them.
-I just KNOW Nancy acts like hermione. Goody twoshoes but outside of society just a fuckin badass rockstar.
-god I love redheads. Her body is to die for. Gorgeous person. Wow. Idk u yet but I’m just in awe.
-Steve move out of the way I’m imagining Nancy is in love with me.
-ok Steve looks pretty sharp in those clothes…
-Alexa play djo…
-who the fuck is Lonnie? Good on her to know her sons sexuality. Bad on her to use it as an insult or something to be ashamed of. No wonder will is quiet and reserved. This actor is good. How old is he in this episode? I’m proud of you, Noah schnapp. You’re an amazing actor even at this age. Incredible.
-hopper and miss thang have a history??
-notes from my knowledge of s4: THEYRE NOT TOGETHER?? IM SO FUCKIN CONFUSED???
-ohhhh Lonnie’s probably wills dad. Nothing to do w this huh??… maybe Lonnie is behind the lore of why will is connected to the underworld or the other world or the nether portal idk what it’s fuckin called the uk or whatever
-dr Brenner huh? What is this, the hulk?
-…that’s banner. Shut up, marvel fans.
-send in the mf swat team not a bunch of fuckin doctors wtf??
-ngl the kitty throbbed when he got authoritative talk like that more daddy drunk cop man
-the dad of mike is just fucking clueless 😭 people want bimbo men well there is one 😭
-why is Nancy wearing HEELS in her ROOM? I wear my crocs 😭
-HE IS SUCKING HER FACE. Straight ppl 🙁
-ooo a smooth talker…
-here’s a theory: mike only likes el in a romantic way bc she appeared in a moment of need when they were looking for will and helped get will back. Mike likes el bc she symbolizes wills safety to mike while also fitting into society’s stigma of mlw instead of mike being mlm
ALRIGHT FOLKS THATS ALL OF EPISODE 1. Thanks for joining me.!
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guideaus · 1 year
nimona movie thoughts as i watch
it feels kinda very heavy-handed so far? just 13 mins in theres a mean old bully, some stranger call nimona a freak despite just standing there
idk if i like the change plotline of ballister trying to earn his redemption back due to false charges? again, the quietly cast aside by someone who couldnt take not winning/not even admitting there was foul play was a lot more subtle than ballister being accused of killing the queen in front of everyone
i dont like ballister claiming hes not a villain. nimona is obviously the one that internalizes that perception more, but hes more like that character trope where he says hes a mean old villain and then works on a cure to help sick people and quietly bring to light the injustice of the institute, so again i guess a lot of it isnt subtle just in the first 13 mins
ballister either got himself caught or is much less capable here
nimona literally speaking abt her feelings abt being perceived poorly is... dont like that. ms shapeshifter who'd rather rage and lie than come anywhere close to the truth
cant say i like the cutesy puppy dog face for ballister
again the conflict between our best friends/lovers to enemies feels silly when its a false charge instead of a simple awkward moment of jealousy. goldenloin is jealous of how ballister was talented and skilled enough to keep up w him, goldenloin casually takes the promotion, and ballister fades away. while a goofy moment of ballister here shouting to murder everyone in a sarcastic way being taken seriously be goldenloin feels... silly (dumb)
nimona asking a rando to trust her right off the back when in the original even in the end she's wary of ballister. the movie is going hard on being goofy in tone, idk why they didnt just have her show up and joke abt her monstrous appearance as a shark or whatever
the tone is much more for kids lol. the comic had characters cussing and being dramatic and tense and here it feels like im watching a nick short
Wish with the conflict being such a huge change there'd be a timeskip, the original made sense for him to quit being a hero, but here it's off
Idk why the movie is portraying nimona almost as a nightmarish burden. That should be her intrusive thoughts, not a suggestion to the audience, shes not even really doing it in a performative way, ballister does not like it
Idk why ballister is ready to kill her after she helped him, like why they wrote that. Comic nimona would never allow that and would ghost immediately
Ballister calling her a monster is very different from his comic version suggestion to run tests, which triggers her anger.
Speaking of, he seems to have lost all interest in science here
Sucks they made ballister ask what she is, not after she was killed and revived herself, but in their actual introduction. She would never take that
Hate her not deflecting. And whys she wanna help him clear his name and say she'll stick by his side, not even in a lying way
I'd like to say I like the "I'm not a girl, I'm a shark" (v reminiscent of wolfwalkers) but ballister telling her to be a girl sucks
He says he regrets this and should've stayed in jail. Idk why this ballister is so passive... his whole thing in the comic was continuing on in spite of goldenloin and the institute. Accepting the label of villain even if he knows he's not.
idk why they created a high school jock bully-type character. maybe to make goldenloin look better by default?
a lot of the knights are faceless compared to the comic which makes them feel less real
kinda sucks goldenloin offers to hunt down ballister in place of ballister
ballister saying theyre doing things his way is the closest to the comic so far, hopefully, nimona respects that bc her attitude is way off so far
SUCKS ballister every second is like "i cant be seen with that, its too much" while ballister in the comic gladly rides into wherever on dragon nimona
the worldbuilding in the movie feels the opposite of the comic. it kind of reminds me of dishonored
i wonder why they added a whole "never been outside the wall" plotline, im not sure how relevant it is seeming as their city seems super diverse already (unless its exclusively for monsters like in Hilda)
again wish they didnt remove ballister's interest in science :( nimona kinda just goes for a wacky villain vibe, no different from what she does w herself
feels silly our movie ballister is established as uptight and stressed and goldenloin is like "hmm... this doesnt look right" seeing ballister dance around. i'd be like "oh, my ex has gone mad."
HATE ballister being the one to say microaggressions to her
if nimona's backstory isnt a lie, i'll scream
instead of lying, she pretty much was evasive for the first time. super sad there'll be no "what witch?" scene now. it was a '"fuck off, youre not getting an answer"
i have to say i did find a violent baby funny
hate goldenloin refusing to fight ballister. but i guess the entire context is different
ballister helping her w the arrow was the first nice reaction to her, but him being a pussy abt blood is annoying. is he not a knight...
going hard on the "not like everyone else" i see
ballister is kind of becoming reformed in his mindset here concerning monsters, but its hard for me to accept concerning nimona. her point was hanging out w him bc he had also been labeled a monster, i feel the moment he wasn't also accepting it, she'd ditch, not suffer his character development. hes not the literal father in wolfwalkers, ms evasive would not bet on him, esp in a scene where in the comic the point was her being defensive about letting someone else help her
i dont know why they turned ballister blackheart, the guy accepting the label of villain through exposing the institute's injustices into the guy desperately trying to cling to that life. maybe ppl really like redemption arc stories, but i'd rather watch some queer terrorists
SUCKS ballister is defending goldenloin now... the man is literally hunting u down
why cant ballister text the vid to goldenloin lmao
theres literally no reason nimona would still cling around to a man so against her ideals. im watching no.6 rn, nimona would be nezumi, but ballister isnt showing much of a reason to keep him around
its hard not to call ballister stupid, but ig the movie has them brainwashed. she-ra pt 2
hate nimona pleading w goldenloin
does nimona only have like 5 forms in this movie
ballister finally fights i guess. almost 50 mins it in it now feels like a prequel to the comic
why dont they let her be a dragon :(
tbh nimona hasnt quite shown too many of those traits
she is a dragon. but a brand mascot version to be cute 😞ok.
i cant remember if nimona ever interacted w children, i feel like she'd do her best to have as little contact as possible, not create situations to possibly be disappointed by
movie nimona is more internally self-loathing then externally as the comic was
does ballister here not care she should have died... is that not a plot point in the movie anymore.
was gonna say goldenloin wouldve been fired on the spot for even taking an attitude w her, but :/
the institute seems to have more and less power in the movie?? the 'that was a shapeshifter' thing fits, but...
SUCKS ballister goes back to the institute mentality calling her a monster instead of their comic conflict of nimona lying to him. she should have died already, why didnt he point that out instead, itd still be understandable for him to get upset abt her lying, its not normal for someone to suddenly pop into ur life, regardless of if movie ballister had mercanaries or not that betrayed him too
aaaand im quitting the movie
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caspianxth · 1 year
okay first, Kaz would have not fucking given up his cane, and for a king?!?!? love it but he would not do that, it was adorable tho. Second, he just wanted to be loved:( i think i read it in the book cause they never said it in the show but all he wanted was the love of his people, and for them to be safe, and look what it cost him:( Third, why would they change all that, like yes i get this is basically a prequel for six of crows BUT i enjoyed jesper and wylan being slow burn and now theyre a thing?? like what happpens now instead of all the teasing and pining in both upcoming heists, and also with kanej, cause like yeah the love confession was word for word which was nice BUT theyre still TWO heists to come, what about the pining!?!?!! and speaking of inej, she's now free and also a slaver-hunting pirate, which is all she wanted but what about the heists!!!!! like i guess she'll come back out of the love in her heart but why have her achieve her dream just to give it all up?? And don't even get me started on Mal and Alina, like i get their story hasnt really ended, especially with the nikolai thing (poor baby), but wtf.
Despite all of that, I really enjoyed it, it was really well made, I just wish I didn't compare everything with the books, anyway, sending love, thanks for letting me rant none of my friends like s&b.
I do v much agree that it's v diff from the books, but I don't hate that! lemme dive in under the cut tho <3
I wish they had more time bc they were trying to do So Much though and I feel like nikolai's arc as a monster was just weirdly done. alas, lemme dive in!!
I actually disagree on the cane, and here's why. kaz had no reason to tell inej about jordie. he even says in his chapter he had no idea why he did it. was it because he loved her? or was it that he truly felt like she deserved to know? why would she deserve to know??? he also expands on this with jesper, someone who unwittingly betrayed him! he sees jesper as jordie and then when jesper asks who jordie is after kaz slipped and called him jordie, he doesn't tell jesper off, he doesn't shut down. he tells jesper that jordie was someone who meant a lot to him in a way that makes it pretty clear for me that he truly cares for jesper too. he didn't have to do that, but he did it for inej and for jesper, the crows who have been by his side longest. also in soc he allows the crows to drag him to a different cafe in djerholm after they stake out the prison transports. kaz's way is the highway at this point in soc, the crows haven't learned that they can team up on him the way nina and inej do for the ketterdam grisha in crooked kingdom, they didn't have to relocate, but they did. if kaz wanted to shut down their complaining he would have. instead he gave into their apparent need for sweet buns and hot cocoa. also, when we get flashbacks from the ferolind via wylan in crooked kingdom, kaz was the one who was warning wylan about tailoring his face using nina's powers on parem and it was kaz that believed that wylan's father still loved him. he even bet on it and lost (which is hilarious btw, I mean not for wylan but u get me). also, in crooked kingdom after kaz robs cornelius smeet and then crashes into him to return the dog whistle and returns his wallet, smeet gives kaz 5 kruge. he then turns and gives that to wylan. sure, they have pekka's money, but why would kaz brekker give wylan something for nothing? he also steals back jesper's pistols from club cumulus's safe. he claimed that a shooter's nothing without his guns, but jesper helped get his dad and wylan back to black veil just fine without his beloved revolvers. kaz also swore to inej that even if her legs were broken, he'd come back for her. yeah, he's in love with her, but would he do that if there wasn't still a kernel of kaz rietveld inside him?? would he give wylan 5 kruge or warn him that he might always have kuwei's face?? would he have worked so hard from the initial heist at smeet's to get wylan back his money by replacing jan's will??? no. dirtyhands wouldn't. kaz rietveld would. there's still pieces of him there, and that's exactly why he'd give his cane to nikolai. firstly, he still needs to be paid, a slow king is an easily killed king, and as kaz himself said he is more experienced with pain. it's the most logical move to make. kaz is also someone who still has kindness in him despite what he says, even in the show when he promises that he'll help nina w freeing matthias. there's a heart buried in him, and I for one love to get peeks at it. also I think they made his need to be loved by his crows in the show decently clear, like when he asks wylan when he last ate or when he gives up the deed for the crow club for inej (let's face it, dirtyhands could have found a way to get leverage on helene to make that work without risking everything for inej but he did it bc he cares about her) and with how he was keeping jesper's zowa powers a secret. even though jesper's zowa powers could have been pretty useful before, kaz said nothing. he also wanted all of the crows in the building when he took pekka down. inej was the only crow not in attendance (and matthias but he's in jail, so he kinda has bigger shit but kaz still paid the guards to keep him out of the fights).
w the wesper: gimme gimme gimme!!! I'd rather get it fast than not at all esp w how weird netflix has been the past year with what gets renewals and spinoffs and what gets cancelled. and I think they did it in a way that was very true to the characters!! it's so cute!!!! the stroopes!! you remember that nOW??!!??!?!?!? and can we talk about tolya being the #1 wesper shipper!!! also there's a gifset idk if I can find it tonight but it's kaz saying 'everyone's losing their minds' after wylan and jesper kiss outside ohval's and the caption on the gifset is 'my brother in ghezen you set them up' and I think about that a lot.
with inej I think that it's great that she's slave hunting early bc I think that it gives a really great opportunity for a bit of kanej closure that the books never had. at the end of crooked kingdom, inej prepares to leave and just says she isn't done w ketterdam (and by extension kaz) yet but that's p much it, even in king of scars / rule of wolves we don't get concrete kanej. I think with inej's story, it gives her that option to find her family and get that closure, and hell that could've been the payment kaz asked for when they returned to ravka, we don't know, but once she finds the slavers it'll bring her closure and I think that'll help give us a possibility of a definitive kanej endgame for the show.
also w the not malina end, I'm sorry but I'm all for it. I think it makes sense esp bc she used merzost to rip him away from death. we saw him in the field, he was content, he was at peace, and she legit Yanked him back. I think a part of him knows that. also, he did die. that no doubt changed him, so he's v right to explore who he is if not a mythical tracker and I loved nikolai dread-pirate-roberts-ing him by making him the new sturmhond even tho he isn't in charge. also I really really wish they'd done nikolai's monster story better. I wanted to see him w the wings and the talons and all they did was make him look like a nichevo'ya. boo!! but I think they were just trying to set up too much and cut a ton (harshaw and oncat 😭) and redo stuff to make it work, it felt like at times alina got sidelined for everything else they had to do.
also of course!!! ur welcome in my inbox bestie!!!
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