dylchillvill · 10 months
hey. Hey did you know something about today?
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Hey people.
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klausinamarink · 9 months
Happy Accidents Allowed
Prompt: “Starry Night” (discord drabble from STWG and a happy birthday to @thefreakandthehair 🥳💜)
“That’s a perfect wall right there.” Eddie emphasizes his point by smacking a hand against the still-white, (thankfully) now dried paint. “Don’t ya agree, big boy?”
Steve puts his hands on his hips, letting himself survey every inch of the wall of their living room. It’s actually a small area, right next to the sliding door of the balcony, barely wide enough to fit his own frame even with his arms outstretched. It’s also the only wall in their new apartment left unpainted because Eddie had wanted it blank for a mural he wanted to do. Hence the many paint bottles and palettes around their feet.
Finally, Steve smacked his lips and said, “Better than a horse, I’ll say.” 
It came out less clever than it did in his brain, but Eddie laughed hysterically anyways. 
“Alright, I’m gonna start so do not distract me!” Eddie pointed at him with one of the paintbrushes. 
“Even if it’s for meals?” Steve asked, the corners of his lips quirking upwards.
Eddie paused. “Unless it’s for meals.”
“Even if you need a shower?”
“Unless I have to shower.”
“Even if-”
Steve cackled as he leapt away from Eddie’s attempt to smack his leg. “Even if I have to sleep, yes!” 
He left Eddie alone then. Steve spent a while in their bedroom to finish unpacking the last couple boxes, before he peeked back in the living room. 
Some of the wall was painted in a thick dark blue. Eddie was still hunched over on his spot, but Steve could see that his boyfriend already had some other colours done. They were too dark and blob-y looking for Steve to figure out what they were. But it wouldn’t hurt to ask, right?
“So what exactly are you painting?” Steve tiptoed over, careful not to disturb Eddie.
Eddie hummed, not looking up from where he’s still painting. “Been wanting to try my version of Starry Night.”
“Starry Night?”
“Yeah, you know. That one Van Gogh painting.” 
“Oh, I know that.”
They both fell into a comfortable silence. Steve kept watching Eddie until he finally looked up. “You wanna try?”
Steve blinked, “Huh?”
Eddie grinned, already handing him a paintbrush. “You can try painting too. It would be sort of cool if we did this together, actually. Like, I paint on this side, you paint on that side, we meet in the middle. Might be sweet.”
”Or hideous.” Steve muttered, taking the offered brush. Eddie laughed before turning back to his progress.
Steve stared at the remaining white space. He looked down at his brush. It’s one of the small ones that could do thinner strokes for the details. Probably a good choice Eddie gave him because Steve knew absolutely nothing about painting. Even in art classes as he had followed his teacher’s instructions, his projects always looked like a first grader’s attempt. Hell, he was pretty sure first grade was the last time he genuinely wanted to do painting on his own.
He took a deep breath. He can do this. He knows what Starry Night looks like, so all he has to do is paint what he remembers, right?
Steve sits down, dipping the brush in one of the blue paints. A lighter color. Because Starry Night had lots of cool brushstrokes and it makes sense to start from light to dark. Right?
Steve carefully taps the brush experimentally on the wall. As expected, the light blue paint appears as a new dot on the white wall, inches away from Eddie’s. But an inexplicable wave of dread comes over Steve. The longer he stares at the spot, the more it overwhelms him. 
Because he doesn’t know what to do next. 
Does he have to apply the same paint? Does he just have to bring the brush back and move it up and down? Did he have to add a new one? If he tried a different brush- no, it would just be the same, just more larger. Should he ask Eddie? No, it’ll just distract him anyways. Maybe if Steve left now- no, he would be a fucking asshole-
“I ruined it.” Steve said, blankly staring at the pathetic dot. 
“What?” Eddie blinked at him. His eyes darted to the horrible blue spot and he made a small laugh. “Sweetheart, you just started-”
“I ruined it.” Steve repeated. Pressure started burning right behind his eyes. He immediately pinched the bridge of his nose, careful with the paintbrush he’s still holding. Fucking pathetic. “This was a mistake.”
“Wait, wait, Steve.” Eddie’s hands were on his wrists, gently bringing them down to their laps. Steve looked away, biting hard into his bottom lip. If he had to look at his boyfriend, Steve was certain he would just start sobbing and never stop.
“Steve.” Eddie said softly. His hand carefully cupped Steve’s face. Lingering, not turning his head to face Eddie. “Tell me what’s wrong?”
“Like I said,” Steve clenched his jaw as he spoke, trying to stop the waterworks from going out, “I ruined it.”
There was a tiny rustle of clothes as Eddie moved forwards. His arms wrapped around Steve, easily pulling their bodies together. Steve couldn’t hold it anymore. He buried his face in his boyfriend’s shoulder, inhaling the smell of paint already ingrained in the fabric of his flannel. It soaked up his tears easily. 
After Steve felt like he could breathe without feeling choked up, Eddie spoke again, “It’s your first time painting, right?”
Steve nodded. He turned his head so he could press his face against Eddie’s neck. 
“I’m not expecting you to be a master painter.” Eddie paused, “Though it would be pretty cool if my boyfriend was secretly Van Gogh.” He cackled aloud when Steve good-heartedly pinched his arm in response. When he quieted down, Eddie leaned back so he was staring into Steve’s eyes. His thumb rubbed underneath them to wipe away any stray tears.
He continued, “It’s okay to fail, Steve. It’s okay to make mistakes, especially when you’re just starting something new. Believe me, I get the struggle. Sometimes, I come up with super cool ideas but I just tear my hair out when I can’t draw it exactly how I pictured it.”
“Really?” Steve asked quietly, even though he already witnessed plenty of those moments Eddie had just described, which was mostly amusing. But nothing about this situation feels funny to Steve. Surely, Eddie’s internally laughing at him right now.
But Eddie was only smiling at him, all so fondly, “Really. And there’s a lesson about it. If you think you ruined something, call it a happy accident.”
“Happy accidents?” Steve repeated it under his breath. Eddie’s smile grew wider as he playfully tapped his nose.
“Yep, no calling it a mistake or saying you ruined art. It’s just happy accidents.”
When they both leaned in to kiss, Steve thought about the circumstances that had brought them both here in this apartment, despite the horrors that had caused it. Thought about how if he hadn’t ran back to the Byers house that night, Steve’s life would’ve been more blissful but none the wiser. He wouldn’t have met the kids and known Eddie more this intimately.
Yeah, it sure was a happy accident. And that, Steve wouldn’t regret those spots of paint on his own mural of his life.
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thunder-point · 2 months
sometimes i think about q and phum’s relationship and how the show could explore more of it if this is a multi seasons kind of show. because q and phum seemingly do not have much in common but they’re also the closest people to peem so assumingly, they are the two people who know peem the best. so like imagine it’s peem’s birthday and phum wants to get peem something a bit more personal and creative and he knows peem loves art and anything related to so he got peem this really expensive wooden paintbrush box and he casually mentions this to toey. and q who sits next to him mumbles out, “if you want it to be personal, how about trying to paint something on it.”
ensue q teaching phum to pain. and this interaction could be so funny, because q could definitely acts like a dick just to fuck around with phum and he’ll show phum those “draw one line then connect the other line” methods and phum would grit it though his teeth, “im not an idiot i know how to draw a rectangular” and they’ll be talking over each other with q going “yeah mr ‘not an idiot’ what the fuck is this shit? that’s supposed to be a cloud why is your cloud circular ?????” and they’ll be fighting and arguing so much and the painting lesson is taking way longer than it should. over the span of the next couple of days, they’ll be leaving together amid group hangouts and peem is just looking at them like what the fuck could those two be doing together because they rarely had a one of one interaction let alone actually hanging out together.
needless to say, this definitely brings phum and q closer together and yeah they still don’t have much in common and they’re both pretty sarcastic and stubborn. bad combinations to be put together. but phum likes to pay for everything and q is just in it for the free food. they also go to each other for relationship advices and q often just tells phum he’s a fucking idiot which isn’t really helpful and phum prefers a much more constructive criticism but he’s no gonna lie, sometime that’s exactly what he needs to hear
this ask has me in me feels star what the fuck I'm so overwhelmed with love for both these boys LISTEN q and phum interacting is actually one of my favorite things. i could actually watch or read hundred of hours of them just talking to each other and you nailed the vibe PERFECTLY
like yes they would jump off each other's asshole-ish tendencies and have a back and-forth that's seemingly never-ending but i also just imagine rare moments where they both just sit in each other's silence, being more far off quiet than other people, and have low-murmured conversations that maybe hit a bit too hard. because they've both made mistakes in the past, and they know how it feels to be hopeless thinking you can't make up for them and AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
thank you so much for this ask and for feeding into my q x phum friendship headcanons because i just. i really love them so much.
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lemonxlimee · 6 months
Okay well I'm bored so here's some of my osc headcanons
Outdated as of May 29th 2024
Pencil and Pen are siblings. Pencil is older by a few years, and Pen has trouble being apart from her for too long due to his RAD (Reactive Attachment Disorder). Marker is their cousin, he's younger than them both.
Tree, Leafy, Flower and Grassy (in that order) are siblings. They usually don't acknowledge this because the age gaps between them are so big, but Flower and Leafy have a propensity to favour each other since their ages are closer and they grew up together. Their ages in BFB are: Tree: 27, Leafy: 19, Flower: 18, Grassy: 6
Woody is a cousin. He's 17 in BFB.
Silver Spoon and Knife are brothers. They don't know that; Silver Spoon was raised in a rich neighbourhood by their mother, and Knife was "raised" by his "father" somewhere else.
Firey and Match are half-siblings. Firey is a little older than Match.
Firey Jr is the result of a failed Firey recovery. The former likes to think of them as brothers, but Firey would rather not think about the little one.
I also agree with the idea that Firey is a fireafy child, but I don't like fireafy so I choose to ignore it.
Paintbrush and Broomer are cousins, and they have lunch over their art every other weekend. Paintbrush is The Broomer Boys' album artist.
Gelatin and Lollipop are not related, but they think of each other as their sibling. Gelatin is younger than Lolly.
Fan and Paper are cousins.
Coiny and Nickel (bfb) are twins, but Nickel is younger.
If they were to be humans, Yin and Yang would be conjoined twins.
Book, Journal and Casey are siblings.
Fan and Fanny are siblings.
Black Hole has alexithymia. That means he has trouble identifying his emotions and often feels as if he doesn't have them.
Liy used to be an assassin; that's why she found so much joy and fulfilment in being part of Death PACT.
Because of his RAD, Pen has convinced himself he and Eraser are soulmates.
Two's birthday is 2/2/2002. They're the third-youngest Numeric Algebralien, the only younger being Four (4/12/2004) and X (7/28/2008).
Golf Ball made herself prosthetic arms, but she rarely uses them as she finds them to be "a hassle." Tennis Ball wears him, though, only because he feels an obligation to use GB's invention (since she made it for him, and it would be rude not to accept a gift!)
all the Electric contestants (Remote, TV, Robot Flower, Lightning and Fanny) are in an alliance. Price Tag and Profily are honorary members.
Coiny is dyslexic. That means he has trouble identifying words and letters and often spells and reads things incorrectly.
Bell loves Christmas music and often forces her teammates to go carolling with her every morning in December.
Blocky is great at physics (some of his pranks wouldn't work unless he carefully calculated them first, so he needs to be at least a little smart). One time, while helping nanny one of Rocky and Grassy's playdates, he noticed GB building a contraption where the support beams were slightly too small, and he helped her fix them. Much to the surprise of everyone involved, Blocky ended up being an asset to the scientists.
Firey speaks Spanish, and Taco is fluent in Mexican Spanish; they often can be heard muttering to each other about their respective Grrrs. Neither Leafy nor the rest of TLTDBGSI know this.
Pie wakes up at 3:14 AM every single day. Since Fanny is a light sleeper, it bothered her for the entire 6 months they had to room.
Fanny isn't much more grateful for having to bunk with Marker, either -- if it were up to her, he'd be sleeping in the yard.
Needle was the kid who tries way too hard in gym class but no one complained because WOW can she kick that ball
Like all metal and electric-based characters, Nickel can zap people by touching them, if the conditions are right. The only exceptions to this are Balloon and Goo since they are made of rubber-based materials.
Pillow smells like lavender
Match has autism
Book speaks 5 languages - English, French, Latin, Greek and German
Firey Jr is very skilled in lockpicking. He usually uses this to get into Firey's gas stash (their equivalent to candy).
Leafy is bigender, she/it
Golf Ball is unlabelled (who has time for silly things like this when there's more important things (science) to be done??)
Book is mtf
Pillow uses she/it
All the algebraliens are agender
One uses he/she Two uses they/he Four uses he/they/it Five uses she/they Six uses she/he/they Seven uses he/it Eight uses he/they Nine uses any/all Ten uses he/they Fourteen uses it/he Fifteen uses she/he X uses he/they Pi, tau, euler, and i all use they/it
Lollipop is mtf
Fanny is a demigirl
all the mechanical minds are agender and just go with whatever pronouns
Pie (canonically?) Uses she/they
Pen is ftm
Sexualities (there's a lot here)
8 ball is aroace Balloony is gay Barf Bag is asexual panromantic Basketball is lesbian Bell is ace lesbian Black Hole is aroace/gay Blocky is gay Bomby is aroace Book is lesbian Bottle is pan Bracelety is VERY lesbian Bubble is lesbian Cake is gay Clock is demi/bi Cloudy is gay Coiny is bisexual David is ??? Donut is pan Dora is ??? Eggy is demi lesbian Eraser is bicurious (thought he was gay for AGES until Teardrop) Fanny is demi/pan Firey is straight Flower is lesbian Foldy is straight Fries is straight Gaty is unlabelled (sexuality doesn't matter to her as long as she has friends, and if she falls in love, oh well!) Gelatin is aroace Golf Ball is unlabelled (who has time for silly things like this when there's more important things (science) to be done??) Ice Cube is unlabelled (too focused on REVENGE >:D) Leafy is bi Liy is demi/ace Lollipop is lesbian (obviously) Loser is gay Marker is asexual Match is lesbian Naily is bicurious Needle is bi Nickel is gay Pen is gay Pencil is lesbian Pillow is lesbian Pin is bi Price Tag is unlabelled (rimshot) Profily is aroace Puffball is pan Remote is unlabelled/asexual Robot Flower is unlabelled (what is sex.?) Roboty is aroace Ruby is lesbian Saw is lesbian Snowball is straight Spongy is aromantic but wouldn't pass up on an opportunity to have any relationship Stapy is straight Taco is demiro/demisexual Teardrop is bi Tennis Ball is straight Tree is pan TV is aroace Winner is gay/ace Woody is bi/ace Yellow Face is ??? All the Speaker Boxes are aroace Four is bi Two is unlabelled X is bi
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trashbag-baby666 · 6 months
Sweet Creature-Curt/Lemmons
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Happy birthday to my dearest Curtielicious @mangokitkats !!!! Luv you I apologize this is a day late!!!
Summary: a glimpse into the first morning of Curt and Ken’s honeymoon in Italy!
WC: 1,613
C/W: NSFW, fingering, penetration, riding, y’know it’s smut.
A/N: I just wanted to say this is like an off shoot of my high school au of them as adults!!! So I’ll provide more lore at any request that’s mentioned in here!
MOTA Masterlist!
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Curt had to click together in his mind whether he had died and woke up in heaven or if this really was his life. Ken sat by the window with his knee pulled up to his chest, his chin resting on it. A paintbrush rested between his dainty fingers, dancing a light shade of yellow over the canvas. He blinked a few times to clear the morning fog out, Ken still sat there with the early morning Italian sunlight kissing his bare shoulders.
“Good morning, Curtie.” Ken glanced over to him from where he sat. The remnants of last night's clothes and Curt’s prosthetic tossed onto the floor next to the bed. The soft white sheet haphazardly lay on Curt’s waist, his thigh peaking out just slightly.
“Surprised you’re awake.” Curt rubbed his eyes resting his arm on the pillow staring at the beautiful angel in the room. They decided to meet in Italy for Ken’s birthday. Curt had a flight to pilot there a couple days ago. Ken got off of work yesterday and flew from Wyoming to Orvieto, Italy, “Not jet lagged?”
“Slept on the flight. Slept hard for a couple hours after our love making. Decided to paint you.” Ken turned the canvas showing the beginning of a painting of him.
“Well you better be awake, Kennie we got a birthday wine tasting today.”
“Don’t remind me…I already felt extra crunchy when I got out of bed today.”
“Couldn’t stretch your legs on the flight?”
“Not everyone can have less legroom as an option.”
“Some of us are just lucky, well now you’re married into the luck of the Irish.” Curt winked rolling over in bed. “Come here.”
“Should I now?” Ken dropped the paintbrushes in the mason jar of water, swirling it around, turning the water a beautiful soft yellow.
“I’d recommend it.”
Ken smiled standing up off the floor and pulling the sheets off Curt. He leaned down running his cheek up to Curt’s mouth. “God I missed you, Curtie.”
“Missed you, doll face.” Cradling his jaw Curt stared up at his beautiful husband, “Lemme kiss you, come here.”
“Didn’t get enough last night?”
“I’m starving,” Curt mumbled out Ken sinking his lips into him balancing on his knees. The friction of his bare cock against Curt’s chest proved to cause some sort of sensations. Curt raked a hand into Ken’s golden curls tugging gently.
“Must’ve missed me?”
“Like you wouldn’t of fuckin’ believed, Kennie. I scoped out all the best spots in the Airbnb for us.”
“How kind of you,” Ken let out a little chuckle, tipping their foreheads together.
“Are you going to bend me over somewhere?”
“Of course, pretty boy.” Curt slid his hands down Ken’s thin waist to his hips, delivering a gentle squeeze.
“Right now I just want you on my cock, let the birthday boy go for a little ride, hm?” Curt purred, beginning to massage his thumb into Ken’s plump ass.
“Oh, I think I would like that.” Ken leaned over pressing his lips back into Curt’s, rocking his pelvis against his. The feeling of Ken’s perfect, soft skin providing a warm feeling for Curt inside of him.
Curt darted his tongue into his mouth, swirling his tongue around the others. The white gold heat of their dicks rubbing against the other Ken trying to pick up his pace.
“No, no, princess, you have to wait your turn.” Curt scooped up Ken’s hips off of his, the other man jerking forward slightly in Curt’s familiar calloused, rough hands.
“That’s unfair, it’s my birthday.” Ken pushed out his lip, softening his eyes.
“You don’t even want me to finger you?”
Curt snickered, reaching to the bedside table he had already prepared for their get away.
“You really thought ahead.”
“You know I did, sugar.” Curt snatched the travel size bottle of lube, “You want me to go slow, baby?”
“No,” Ken didn’t hesitate watching Curt squeeze out the clear gelish substance onto his fingers.
“Oh you whore, someone really is impatient.” Ken readjusted on his knees then laid his head back against Curt’s chests, “Ready birthday boy?”
“Mhm,” Ken murmured into his chest, feeling Curt’s fingers plunge inside of him with ease.
“Oh, hell.” He pushed his hips back into his fingers.
“Sit still,” Curt barked, pulling his fingers from Ken teasingly.
“Come on, pretty boy.”
“Ye…yes sir.”
Curt let his lips split into a small smirk, his cheeks running red hot. God he loved hearing those words leave his pretty, pink lips.
Sucking in a breath, Ken clenched down around Curt’s fingers. fighting everything inside to keep his hips still. Ken wanted to just let Curt hold his fingers there and just let him rock his hips back. Fucking his fingers until he came but that was not the case. Without even thinking Ken pushed his hips back into Curt’s hand just as he began to pick up his pace.
“Someone just can’t wait, can he? You just wanna ride me right now, you slut?” Curt pulled his fingers from Ken fast, whipping them on the sheets. Ken's mouth left slightly agape against Curt’s chest as he’s left empty and horny, “Hm I asked you a question?”
Ken turned a deep red, his cock twitching against Curt’s stomach. “Please, I need you so bad, Curtie.”
“Oh that’s my good boy right there.” Curt rubbed the others' hips, “Come on.”
“Yes, sir.” Ken nodded against his chest, sitting up with his hands resting on Curt’s pecks.
Ken sat up on his knees letting Curt line him up perfectly with his entrance. The moment he felt his tip enter him he immediately lost it. Four days without Curtis Biddicks cock was some other worldly hell for him.
“Oh you feel amazing, darlin’.” Curt whined out grabbing onto Ken immediately as he began moving himself on his cock, “You’re such a gorgeous boy my beautiful, beautiful angel.” Curt stared up at the halo of morning sun swirling around Ken’s curls. Curt left a hand on his hips sliding his hand grabbing onto his cock.
“Oh hell,” Ken almost tumbled forward onto Curt but quickly caught himself on the bed frame.
“Must’a really liked that one?”
“Yes, sir.”
Curt let a wide, curling, devious smile enter into jerking his hand up on Ken’s cock again, “Oh, oh.” Ken stuttered out pushing a hand out against the bed frame.
“Mhm, you like that you little slut?” Curt growled pushing his hips into Ken’s as he sank down again. Ken threw his head back with a grunt as he finally let his body collapse forward onto Curt. His forearms resting on his chest, rocking his ass back and forth in attempted movements.
“Oh my god…Curt.” Ken whimpered into his chest, mouthing at him and nipping, his hips rocking. Curt almost balls deep inside of him right when he felt Curt hit his spot, “Please keep going. Mhm…”
“Oh you asked so nicely for it, who am I to deny you your orgasm?” Curt bucked his hips up causing Ken to feel the white, hot tension in his stomach tighten arching his back as he clenched his teeth together. “Come on, let me see your pretty eyes.”
Ken pushed his hips back hard as Curt grabbed Ken’s jaw forcing him to make eye contact. “So fuckin’ gorgeous and it’s all just for me, yeah?”
“Yes, Curtie. Oh my god.” Ken could barely form words moving his hips back and forth his cock in Curt’s hand. The white substance seeped from his tip, “m’ so close, daddy.”
“What was that, baby?”
“Daddy, I’m so close.” Ken felt the hot tears pricking his eyes, grabbing onto Curt’s shoulders and smashing his face into his collarbone.
“Do you want me to,”
“Please, oh my god, please!” Ken cut him off sinking his nails into his shoulders leaving little crescent moon indents.
“Cum for me you beautiful little whore.” Curt growled into Ken’s ear, the other releasing all over his hand, his body going rigid.
“I fucking love you, Kenny.” Curt murmured, filling Ken with the warm substance, Ken repeatedly clenching down into him his mouth agape. Ken laid on Curt’s chest while he rode out the aftershocks, Ken slowly mouthing at Curt his pink lips making a soft hum against him.
“I love you too,” Ken smiled. He felt literal euphoria. The sun lightening them golden, Curt’s soft skin on his cheek, and his big calloused hands on his hips. He felt like he was in heaven and he wanted to stay here forever.
Then the loud howling from outside the door started, “It’s your turn to let him out.”
“It’s my birthday!” Ken broke a wide smile on his cheeks and gently slapped Curt’s chest. He rolled off of Curt and watched him sit up and grab for his prosthetic. “Thank you.”
“Hm?” Curt turned, raising an eyebrow at Ken.
“For the sex.”
“It’s your first birthday present,” Curt stepped into his prosthetic and placed a kiss on Ken’s forehead.
“Well, unless it’s Barry Keoghan I don’t know if anything will be better than that…” Ken rested a hand on his chest and held a hand out for Curt.
“I can do the impression but I don’t see the resemblance.” Curt kissed Ken’s knuckles and grabbed for his boxers. Ken started giggling but quickly interrupted by Humvee starting his barking again.
“I’ll be right there Hums.” Curt tripped over himself putting on the boxers and caught that door handle before he could fall.
“Be careful.”
“Love you, oh and.” Curt stopped leaning on the door frame and tapped it, “Happy birthday my angel.”
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birthday bash - xavier thorpe
requested: no, but requests are open!
word count: 1.551 warnings: use of y/n, she/her pronouns, talk about death and birthdays
check my masterlist for more work!
In which you, Wednesday's cousin, celebrate your first Nevermore birthday party organized by no one less than Xavier Thorpe.
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"Once again, Enid, Y/N never celebrates her birthday."
"But Wednesday," the blonde pouts, staring at her friend. "How can she not celebrate her birthday? Does she not like cake? Who doesn't like cake?"
You only look at her, a small smile on your face.
"After the incident at her ninth birthday, we never spoke of it ever again."
"No birthdays," you shrug.
"But- But!" Enid sputters. "But that was years ago! Please, we can go to Weathervane and get drinks! You like coffee, right?"
The poor girl blabbers on, trying to convince the Addams girl to celebrate a birthday here at Nevermore.
"Enid, I care about you, but I promise you, I do not miss celebrating a birthday. I have to go to Fencing class now, I will see you both later."
You leave your cousin and friend behind at the picnic tables as Enid still goes on about anything she could do for your birthday. It was in only a few days, but to be entirely fair, you did not mind skipping it again this year.
It is not like you despised it entirely, not at all actually. Your mother would place a bouquet of your favorite wilted flowers in your bedroom as your father made sure that the theme of your birthday cake was always on point. But, after your dearly loved black cat had passed away on your ninth birthday, you never celebrated it again, though your mom did always leave a single wilted flower, just in case you wanted to celebrate that day.
Another day of Enid suggesting different things to do on your birthday goes by. You had finished all your classes and had just grabbed your paintbrushes and paint, but you could barely leave your shared room with Yoko before you got jumped by your friend. It is hard to not notice her though, as she was one of the most colorful people to walk through Nevermore. Her bright pink shoes alone would catch anyone's attention.
"Okay, what if we go shopping for Rave'n dresses then?"
"I doubt if I will be going, Enid."
"What about getting a haircut? Or going out for dinner?"
You stop walking, facing your friend.
"Enid. You are one of my closest friends, but I simply do not celebrate my birthday. I am willing to just hang out with you, Wednesday, and some other very close friends, as long as the birthday is not at all discussed. Now, please excuse me, but I shall go for a small walk now. I will be back later, we planned to paint our nails, right?"
Enid's face lights up as she nods, quickly saying goodbye before walking off.
You would often spend a lot of time in the art studio, with or without Xavier. And that is exactly where you are heading now. He would let you use the studio if you needed a moment of quiet and calm, or if you just wanted to paint at any given time. Not a lot of people knew where the little shed was, which definitely was a good thing in some moments.
As you arrive, you can see that the lights are already on. Xavier must be inside already. You knock on the door before opening it, seeing your friend splatter paint on his canvas, a paintbrush in his mouth as he looks at his work.
"Hello, Xavier."
A bright smile forms on his face as he takes the brush out of his mouth, placing it on the table next to him before sipping his drink.
"Hey! Want to paint?"
You hold up your own paint and paintbrushes with a small smile on your face as the boy gestures to the easel next to him. It still had your canvas resting on it, ready for you to start whenever you wanted. And so you did.
It was quiet for a while as the two of you were immersed in your own work, but then Xavier speaks up.
You nod, looking up at him.
"Why do you never celebrate your birthday?"
Enid must have told him. You hesitate to tell him. What if he will see you as weak? You are not like your cousin, you are not as good at masking your emotions as Wednesday.
"I uh... My cat died that day. Never celebrated it since."
"Oh, wow... Sorry," Xavier winces but you just shake your head.
"No worries," a small smile again. "You didn't know. And besides, I never quite had friends to celebrate it with. Though Wednesday does take me to the same place on my birthday before getting the strongest coffee we can."
"You celebrate it with Wednesday? What do you guys do?"
"Well, she always takes me to the closest funeral house to see who passed on my birthday. I bring flowers while Wednesday watches the corpses and crying people."
You let out a laugh. Though more outwardly emotional than her, you do not smile, laugh or cry nearly as much with others as you do with Xavier. He makes you feel safe. He does not judge.
Xavier looks at you blankly, furrowing his eyebrows before nodding.
"Sounds like an Addams."
A few classes had gone by already and no one had mentioned your birthday yet. Your nails had been painted a deep, bloody red, which was your color choice as Enid gave you a manicure. Speaking about Enid, she had also not said a word about your birthday yet. You did quite appreciate it.
At the end of the day, you could finally relax. You had nothing planned yet, except for hanging out with some others in the dorms, and you were on your way to your when you hear someone running up to you.
You stop, turning around to see Xavier walking closer to you, a smile on his face as he points behind him.
"I uh- I wanted to see if you wanted to go and pick up my canvas from the shed? It's uh, it's kinda big and I could use a pair of extra hands to take some materials back to my room?"
You agree, gripping your backpack as you walk with him. It is quiet, but not in an awkward way, but rather in a comfortable way. You could almost walk to the shed blindly, having gone there many times before already.
"Close your eyes," Xavier says, blocking the door to the shed with his arm.
"Close my eyes?"
"Please," he nods.
You give him a look before closing your eyes, feeling one of his hands covering them as well before the door creaks open. What is he hiding?
The sound of matches, some shuffling, and then the clearing of a throat.
"You can open your eyes."
You do as he says, rubbing them before looking around. The room is filled with candles, circling two pillows that are sitting on the ground. In front of those is a smaller canvas, hidden behind a thin rag that Xavier often used to wipe the paint off of his brushes. He nervously sits you down on the pillow before taking a deep breath.
"I uh- I wanted to give you a gift. Before everyone was here."
He had gotten you a gift?
"I know you don't like to celebrate your birthday, and I know you do not like gifts, but I hoped you would like this."
He lifts the rag off, revealing the painting hidden underneath it. Your shoulders relax and your eyes grow big once you see what it is.
The painting portrays a black kitten, sleeping on top of a bed which is very familiar to you. It starts moving as the kitten wakes up, stepping out of the painting before stopping in front of you, licking her paw before meowing and disappearing back onto the painted bed on the canvas.
"If it's too much, please tell me. I had to hunt down Wednesday for this and she said that she would kill me if it made you upset," Xavier laughs awkwardly before reaching into his bag and pulling out a small plushie that looked exactly like your cat.
You stare at the plushie that he had placed in your lap. Xavier nervously looks at you, did you like it? Did you hate it?
Your gaze moves from the plush animal to Xavier before crashing into him, your arms around his neck as a stray tear falls down. You whisper a 'thank you', unable to say anything more even though you would love nothing more than to say much more. Xavier just held you, a smile on his face as he looks at the flickering light of the candle. You did not often engage in any physical closeness, but for Xavier, you make an exception.
Time passes before Xavier his phone buzzes.
"Hey, Enid. Yeah, she is here. No, we didn't forget about the get-together. We'll be there in a bit. Yes, I bought the donuts with sprinkles."
Xavier slowly stands up, blowing out the candles before reaching his hand out to you.
"Ready to go?"
And so you celebrated your first birthday in years. Surrounded by your dearest friends, tons of snacks, and the gifts that you had gotten from Xavier.
Maybe birthdays aren't so bad after all.
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tiffanylamps · 6 months
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🌻🌻🌻happy birthday, iva!!! 🌻🌻🌻
“Ultimately the bond of all companionship, whether in marriage or in friendship, is conversation."
Happy Birthday, lovely! I hope you're having the best day and that the sun is shining and all of the food you eat today is absolutely delicious, with zero tummyache.
I was trying to finish one of my wips/fics as a little gift to you, but alas, that side of my brain is still in hibernation lol. So instead, you get a (pretty awful) drawing of the queer icons themselves: the frog and the toad by arnold lobel!
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I'm not the talented artist that you are*, but I hope this little gift will bring you a smile. I was going to paint it (irl), but when I tried, it looked pretty bad, so I "painted" it in photoshop instead. It's actually so much easier 😅
Annnnnd, I knooooow, the quote is kind of ironic considering what a terrible communicator I am, BUUUUUT i want to try and be better at it. 'cause, some friendships are just worth cherishing 💛
*idk why your frog is so much smaller than mine, or why my one looks so sad, or what happened to the bike... andddd for clarity, your frog isn't wearing a snapback, it's meant to be a baker boy hat and that's a paintbrush poking out from the side of it.... but despite all of those mishaps and because of all of those mishaps, it adds to the charm- a bit messy, like me lol
Anyway, love ya! 👋🤭
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smutracha · 5 months
I saw you in a dream… Part one: A blank Canvas
Japanese House - I saw you in a dream
Why was it like this. You aways felt so close to him, since the day you turned 16. You started hearing him, seeing his world, feeing his warmth. You felt his happiness, you felt his sadness, his frustration, you felt him. But you never met him.
Your entire life you hated your soul bond. Those dreams. You felt him but it was just a hollow reminder that you were nowhere near him. Still, you waited. Until you couldn’t wait anymore. You needed to go be happy, to live for yourself and not a dream.
You hadn’t seen Min in ages, it felt. You left the country just after your 16th birthday, he flied to see you when he could but then the traineeship got serious and you guys had to settle for texts and calls. But now you were back. “Bestie! No way I actually missed you this much.” “You bitch, it’s been years. You definitely missed me this much.” “Yeah sure, keep believing. C’mon let’s get you home.” “Roll your eyes again, maybe they’ll get stuck.”
The car ride to the dorm was filled with laughter and smiles and a few sniffles followed by scolds of “I’m driving yn, don’t make me cry.” Finally he pulled up at a large plain looking building and pulled his hood up so it cast a shadow over his eyes, and with a mask pulled up over his mouth and nose he ushered you out of the car as he grabbed both of your heavy hard case luggage bags from the trunk. Knowing what you were to face next, a buzz of nerves and anxiety settled into your stomach.
“So, we’re sure me staying here for the month is not a problem? Cause I have savings set aside, you know?” “Lee knows, Lee doesn’t care. Its so not a problem, look we’re on a break right now so it’s totally chilled. I mean you should really just be worrying about Yongbok cuddling you to death and Jeongin using your conditioner.” “His is probably way better so he should be worrying.” You pout with your arms folded as you both finally stop in front of a door you assume must be the entrance to his dorm. “See, you shouldn’t be worried… but Felix might actually cuddle you to death.”
“Wait, I missed you.” You wrap him in you arms before he can even turn the door handle but someone on the other side must have heard you two in the hallway because it opens anyway.
“Oh my god! The hyungs have to see this! You’re showing affection!” “Fuck’s sake Jeongin. Way to ruin a moment.” “OOOOOOOhhhhhhh, a moment you say.” “Oh shuttup dude. Move or grab a bag I got a jet-lagged girl over here.”
Moving away from you, Minho grumbles an apology of sorts about the younger boy before you can even see him. But there he his, the younger boy you’d seen on facetime and everywhere else really. He was always curious about his hyung’s best friend, so you’d spoken to him on your movie night face times a couple times over the years.
“Yn, hi. Come in before he starts wondering what I’ve done with ya.” He says with a light shy blush coating his cheeks. “Ok, but first we gotta do this… hug?” The word is barely out in the air before you’re wrapped in his arms, the two of you both giggling like you always did when you spoke through Minho’s phone. “Finally, somebody my age in our house. Finally, you in our house.”
He pulls you into the dorms, past the kitchen and through the passage to Minho’s room. He stops your luggage in the room next to your best friend. “Why did you two take so long? Oh god, surely he’s not your dream boy is he?” he chuckles softly. And while you do turn slightly sour at the reminder, you chuckle too. “I hope not. Doesn’t paint does he?” “Heh, haven’t got the talent for it. That reminds me, Hyunjin said something about telling you to say goodbye to Han because of something with his paint and viciously murdering him with a paintbrush.”
“My viciously murdered husband must wait because my yn is here and Chan should be here too soon. And we got food to get to.” “Min, can we get takeout, m too tired to dress up.” “Nope.” “But why not-“ “Minho! Jeongin! I got the groceries, I need a hand though.” “Ah, that’s Chan. And no, because I’m cooking for you.” “Wait-“ “It’s been years and I haven’t been able to cook for you in all that time and well, I gotta show ya how much I love you somehow.” “I missed your cooking.” “I know, we can cry later ok. You still have to tell me why you finally came back, remember?”
There was that sour feeling again.
“I know you’re going to SNU for your PhD but like come on, you were so set on waiting for dream boy.” “Yeah but I figured, I have to live for me. If soulmates are so destined then it doesn’t matter where I go, we’ll meet someday. I didn’t wanna wait for it anymore. Plus you know how much those dreams suck.” “Ugh yeah don’t we all, Hyunjin has them too and at this point we all wanna sew his lips shut. We’re practically stuck in that nightmare with him.” “Well then, he gets it. Do I get to meet the others soon?” “Yeah, Yongbok and Seungmin should be here soon. But you need to be getting to bed, look at you half-asleep on my shoulder.” “Ok, but in the morning, by the way Chris is pretty cool.” “They all are. But you’re way cooler.”
The next morning having been woken up at 8 by Minho’s constant texts you realize that it wouldn’t stop anytime soon and cave.
“Min, I am personally gonna shove your head so far up your ass it’ll be your new party hat for the next five years.” You say as you stumble into the kitchen. Where, to your realization, you are met with three other shocked faces. “I told you guys she’s not that sweet.” “I am pure fucking sugar and rainbows, after coffee that is. But sorry for the rude first impression.”
“I made you coffee, hyung said you’d be grumpy if you came out here after his texts and there wasn’t any.” Seungmin chirped at you with the most heart melting smile you have ever seen. “Oh thank you, that is the nicest thing in the world.” “Nice to meet you, by the way I’m gonna need all the dirt you can give me on him.” “Anytime, m your girl.” “Coffee every morning in return?” “Deal.”
“Oh my god, she fits right in. I like her, we’re keeping her if she can shut Minho hyung up like that every dance practice.” “Yongbok, you’re supposed to be the sweet one.” “Just cause m not a heathen like the three of you, doesn’t mean I’m sweet.” “I like him, m keeping him.” “Y/n, no.” “Yesss, besties.” Felix lights up with the prettiest smile and you are in pieces for his beauty. But Minho sees how the boys immediately pull you over to the dark side and sighs. “What have I done?” “Will there be tequila at the party?” “Yes, y/n. And whiskey, don’t worry we got this. Jeongin, tell new bestie that we got this.” “We got this.” “I love it here.” “What have I done?”
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curewhimsy · 8 months
Resonate (my magical OCs)
Resonate, sometimes stylized as “Re:SON@Te,” is a group of 15 magical girl (and boy/enby) idols who are lifelong best friends.
The transforming catchphrase for everyone is “Whimsical Wonder Wave!”
They all transform with special perfume paint.
The story, Symphony Saga, begins when Amelie hears a forecast that her hometown, Speckle Town, will be destroyed by a meteor. While everyone else evacuates, Ame feels there must be a way to save her town so she goes and investigates. She ends up finding a book that tells a legend, if an idol group of fifteen friends performs a "legendary song" under the meteor as it falls, it will destroy the meteor and the town will be saved. So Ame, along with her two best friends, round up twelve other people to be an idol group of fifteen…
This group becomes Resonate. Each member has a story to them.
During the group's musical performance, they gain the ability to transform into magical girls! They successfully destroy the meteor. Now the adventure begins…
This story takes place in the magical world of Whimsica.
After they save Speckle Town, many other magical adventures await Resonate…
The Cozy House is an apartment complex that houses many of the characters. It’s also like a “town within a building.”
Their school, Adventure Academy, is a surreal, wacky school with 100 floors and is filled with adventure, monsters, dungeons, secret rooms, surprises, and fun…
Amelie Sugar | アメリー・シュガー  | 佐藤飴
Color- Pink
Weapon- Giant magical paintbrush/broom, Whimsicalibur
Signature Attack- Vivid Fantasia
Catchphrase- Always believe! The power of dreams!
Age- 20
Gender- Demigirl (she/her) (they/them)
Amelie is optimistic, overly idealistic, ambitious, a dreamer, sometimes awkward, quite animated, a bit chaotic, and a bit dramatic.
She is best friends with shy elfin girl Yuki Aizaki and cheerful yet clumsy girl Joy Smiley.
Amelie Sugar is usually spelled in Japanese as アメリー・シュガー but “Ame Sugar” which is something of a stage name, is 佐藤飴 (Satou Ame, but pronounced Sugar Ame in this name.) The kanji for Satou mean “sugar” and Ame means “candy.”
She is bunny fauna, meaning part rabbit, and has bunny ears and a tail.
Her magical paintbrush weapon, Whimsicalibur is huge and colorful and can be ridden on like a witch’s broom. Ame can create magical objects by painting them to life with Whimsicalibur. It also shoots magical sparkle beams.
Lives in the Cozy House with her family.
Her character items are strawberries and cupcakes. Her favorite foods are these and also ramen and cheese and bubble tea.
A genki girl.
Somewhere between introvert and extrovert.
Lives with her mother and father, and also an erratic gremlin version of herself named Pastell.
Has a close friend named Anya, who is nonverbal.
Has two cats, Scout and Minnie.
Friends with the anthropomorphic bunnies Muffin and Merengue.
Ame has quite a huge appetite.
Ame likes to write and draw.
She is half black, half Korean.
Her height is 5 feet 0 inches.
Her birthday is February 4.
Yuki Aizaki | 藍崎雪
Color- White
Weapon- Color palette that’s a boomerang/shield, shoots color.
Signature Attack- Lyrical Snowstorm
Catchphrase- It will be okay! The power of hope!
Age- 22
Gender- Demgirl (she/her)
She is Kiri’s cousin. Yuki and Kiri met each other recently for the first time since childhood.
Yuki is gentle, sensitive, shy, a bit gloomy, yet hopeful, and a bit boyish in style. Deep down, she is courageous and heroic.
She is an elfen, meaning she has elf ears and nature-related magic.
Yuki’s magical powers are ice and snow related. They are hard to control at first.
A shy girl, dandere. She is introverted.
Yuki lives in the Cozy House. She recently moved there.
Yuki has family troubles.
Yuki loved her grandmother who passed away. Her name was Shiro. She was Kiri’s grandmother as well. Ever since the death of her grandmother, Yuki’s mom had been acting erratic. This is why Yuki ran away. Ame also was running away because she had a bad grade on her test. The two meet, and Ame invites Yuki to live in the Cozy House.
Yuki has a distant half-brother named Shimo. They share the same father. Their father, Gin, had Shimo from a previous marriage before divorcing and meeting Yuki’s mom. Then Gin divorced Yuki’s mom as well, and took Shimo with him. Yuki and Shimo never saw each other again, until…
Yuki’s mother is named Murasaki. Murasaki’s sister (also Kiri’s mom) is named Midori.
Has a beloved pet kitten named Snowbell who was originally a plush from her grandmother, but came to life when everyone gained magical powers.
Her favorite foods are flan, bubble tea, and spaghetti.
She is Ainu Japanese.
Her height is 5 feet 8 inches.
Her birthday is November 21.
Joy Smiley | ジョイ・スマイリー
Color- Red
Weapon- Magical giant color-changing crayon
Signature Attack- Blissful Jubilee
Catchphrase- Spread some joy! The power of smiles!
Age- 18
Gender- Female (she/her)
Joy is cheerful, clumsy, strange, dorky, childish, and has a dream to make everyone smile. She can also be a bit irritating, but she hates more than anything else to be called annoying.
An extrovert who loves parties.
Joy is a regular human.
Joy has two moms. They’re named Hope and Love. She still lives with them.
Loves animated movies and magical girl things.
Jokes a lot. Doesn’t take things seriously easily, which she is criticized for.
Her favorite food is chicken nuggets.
She is black.
Her height is 4 feet 9 inches.
Her birthday is April 6.
Yume Yozora | 夜空夢
Color- Purple
Weapon- Magical violin
Signature Attack- Nebula Vortex
Catchphrase- Endless possibilities! The power of wonder!
Age- 19
Gender- Female (she/her)
Yume is quiet, stoic, a bit sarcastic and snarky, silent a lot, a hardcore gamer girl, quite serious, music lover, and caring.
Yume is an android, a realistically humanoid alien robot. She also has cat ears and a tail. She was originally from a planet called Dissonance, where music is banned. Upon discovering music, she falls in love with it and gains a dream to be a musician.
Lives in the Cozy House.
A kuudere.
Has three siblings who are also androids, hyperactive Suzu, dorky Hikaru, and gentle giant Kanade.
Her favorite food is okonomiyaki.
Yume unexpectedly has a huge appetite. Basically a harapeko.
Yume is ambiguously Japanese.
Her height is 5 feet and 0 inches.
Her birthday is November 18.
Lanyue Fei | ランユエ・フェイ | 菲藍月
Color- Cobalt
Weapon- Magical guitar
Signature Attack- Final Crescendo
Catchphrase- Open your heart! The power of compassion!
Age- 21
Gender- Trans masculine (he/him) (they/them)
Lanyue is a dapper gentleman, soft-spoken, polite, mannered, generous, a music lover, a bit particular, fancy, and kind.
Lanyue is a cat fauna, meaning he has cat ears and a tail. He wears a monocle and always fancy menswear, usually a tailcoat.
Lanyue has bad vision, but in only one eye. Thus the monocle.
Lanyue has a long lost friend named Yuelan. Her name is inverse of Lanyue’s. She was the one who gave him the courage to pursue music.
People say Lanyue acts different around Juhong. He is normally soft-spoken, but he yells and has an attitude when Juhong is involved. It’s because they’re best friends…
Lanyue’s dad Jingyue is very classy. Jingyue is so classy that he wears two monocles instead of regular glasses.
His favorite foods are lasagna and blueberries.
Lanyue is Chinese, specifically Tibetan.
His height is 5 feet and 5 inches.
His birthday is November 20.
Juhong Cha | ジュホン・チャ | 차주홍
Color- Scarlet
Weapon- Magical portable floating keyboard
Signature Attack- Passionate Inferno
Catchphrase- Look forward to it! The power of excitement!
Age- 21
Gender- Demiboy (he/him) (they/them)
Juhong is wild, loud, chaotic, fun-loving, mischievous, obnoxious sometimes, love music, snarky, a bit of a troublemaker, but a good friend and listener, surprisingly introspective as well.
Juhong is a cat fauna, meaning he has cat ears and a tail. He is a guy, but dresses in elegant feminine fashion.
Yells a lot. Has a loud voice. Does a lot of chaotic antics, and drags Lanyue in.
He also likes to make up lies about himself, like that he was grown in a lab somewhere far away and was raised by wolves and whatnot.
Juhong is a an orphan.
His favorite foods are dumplings and kimchi.
Juhong is Korean.
His height is 5 feet and 2 inches.
His birthday is November 16.
Rhona Hydra | ハイドラ・ロウナ
Color- Blue
Weapon- Magical trident
Signature Attack- Roaring Tide
Catchphrase- Give it your all! The power of dedication!
Age- 22
Gender- Trans female (she/her)
Rhona loves the ocean, is stoic, quiet, calm under pressure, is mistaken for harsh and calculating. She is a very sweet person and is awkward around people. She has low self-esteem and a generally self-sacrificial nature.
Rhona is a descendant of the sea people from the lost underwater civilization of Nautica. She does not find out until later. This can explain her love of the ocean, ability to talk to sea creatures, gift in swimming, and feeling at home among the waves.
Has a whale shark friend named Quartz as her best sea creature friend. They met when they were both young children. Quartz was a whale shark stuck in a lagoon and Rhona helped free him to the ocean. One day years later, Rhona was out freediving when she ran out of oxygen. Quartz happened to be there to see her drowning, and pushed her to the surface. This is how they met again.
Has strict parents. Doesn’t live with them.
Her favorite food is tuna, and tuna sushi.
Rhona is black, specifically Caribbean.
Her height is 5 feet and 9 inches.
Her birthday is March 10.
Nagisa Onda | 音田なぎさ
Color- Magenta
Weapon- Magical trident that looks like a spork
Signature Attack- Blossom Windstorm
Catchphrase- Devote and share! The power of generosity!
Age- 20
Gender- Female (she/her)
Nagisa is shy, timid, cheerful, yet nervous a lot, emotional, but relaxed when with friends. She is very loyal and generous to those around her who have shown her kindness.
Had a friend named Amara who loved the ocean. Unfortunately, Amara died at sea, leaving Nagisa terrified of the ocean she also once loved. Meeting Rhona has rekindled her love for the ocean. Also, Amara still might be alive…
Nagisa is a normal human.
Nagisa lives on the second floor of a sushi restaurant run by her single mother, Alisa.
Her favorite food is sushi, specifically salmon.
Nagisa is half-Japanese, and half-Latina.
Her height is 5 feet and 3 inches.
Her birthday is August 4.
Luana Kai | ルアナ・カイ
Color- Aqua
Weapon- Magical pirate sword
Signature Attack- Thunderous Crash
Catchphrase- There is no limit! The power of imagination!
Age- 21
Gender- Female (she/her)
Luana is chaotic, adventurous, brash, bold, a bit uncouth, a bit arrogant, but has a strong sense of justice and is a loyal friend and ally. She is generally accepting of everyone, and tends to stand up for those in need.
Luana is from a family of pirates, and she even lives on a docked ship in Speckle Town’s port. Her parents sometimes visit.
She has an older sister named Oliana.
She’s kind of dumb but she’s amazing at geography and also directions.
Her favorite food is takoyaki.
Luana is Polynesian, specifically Tongan.
Her height is 5 feet and 6 inches.
Her birthday is July 7.
Rie Hibiki | 響理恵
Color- Green
Weapon- Magical harp
Signature Attack- Harmonic Echoes
Catchphrase- Be yourself! The power of sincerity!
Age- 18
Gender- Female (she/her)
Rie is a bit pretentious, weird, obsessed with standing out, erratic, random, tomboyish, and tends to hide her emotions and weaknesses. She is a sweet girl but wants to appear tough.
Rie is a fox fauna, meaning she has fox ears and a tail.
She has three brothers, Yuuma and Touya who are older twin brothers, and younger brother Jun.
Rie lives with her parents. Her mom is named Chie.
She has a crush on a girl named Setsuna, who feels like the failure of her gifted family because she’s clumsy and “useless.” Rie often cheers up Setsuna by being silly.
Rie’s favorite food is meatloaf.
Rie is Japanese.
Her height is 5 feet and 4 inches,
Her birthday is June 29.
Aya Hart | アヤ・ハート | 心彩
Color- Orange
Weapon- Magical musical tennis racket with balls of light
Signature Attack- Intense Daybreak
Catchphrase- Get motivated! The power of cheer!
Age- 19
Gender- Non-binary (she/her) (they/them)
Aya is cheerful, jumpy, sporty, energetic, adventurous, naive, and rarely in a bad mood.
Aya is part cryptid, and her true form comes out when she feels intense anger. This form has bird wings, a raccoon tail, glowing red eyes, horns, and fangs. Aya has learned to repress her anger so that she doesn’t become a cryptid, because disaster usually follows when she does. As a result, she has a lot of repressed emotions…
Lives on the outskirts of town in a small cursed trailer with her brother Aaron. She does not get good cell phone reception there, so she mostly uses her phone in school or in the town. Her area also has a lot of cryptid sightings and generally feels cursed. Out of all the characters, her house is the closest to Forsaken Woods. Aya and Aaron live without their parents.
She is friends with a talking snail named Sheldon who lives around her house.
Her favorite foods are ice cream and quiches.
Aya is part black, part white, and part Romani. She is Jewish and therefore eats Kosher foods.
Her height is 5 feet and 7 inches.
Her birthday is September 30.
Sonata Coda | ソナタ・コーダ
Color- Black
Weapon- Magical electric bass
Signature Attack- Midnight Void
Catchphrase- Express your emotion! The power of honesty!
Age- 23
Gender- Female (she/her)
Sonata is pretentious, edgy, grumpy, and tends to hide her true feelings. She wants to be a mysterious shadow lord of the dark, but deep down she is just a vulnerable and shy person with lots of insecurities. Also, she can smile.
Well… she’s tsundere.
Sonata is a wolf fauna, meaning she has wolf ears and a tail.
She likes liminal places, and is fascinated by abandoned places, and where Aya lives.
Friends with a grumpy talking dog named Bagel.
Her favorite food is quesadillas, bubble tea, and black tea.
Sonata is Afro-Latina.
Her height is 5 feet and 7 inches.
Her birthday is November 17.
Saga Sun | サガ・サン | 순사가
Color- Yellow
Weapon- Magical frying pan
Signature Attack- Dazzling Sunshine
Catchphrase- I’ll never doubt you! The power of trust!
Age- 23
Gender- Trans female (she/her)
Saga is dependable, adventurous, mature, nurturing, a bit emotional, tough, and like a big sister figure or “mom friend.”
Saga is a bunny fauna, meaning she has bunny ears and a tail.
Her favorite food is macaroni and cheese. The cheap kind too. Generally has a childish taste in food.
She likes to cook, despite having a simple taste in stuff she eats.
Saga is Korean and French.
Her height is 5 feet and 11 inches.
Her birthday is November 23.
Kiri Takamori | 高森霧
Color- Teal
Weapon- Magical hammer that is also a microphone
Signature Attack- Towering Spiral
Catchphrase- Lend a hand! The power of kindness!
Age- 19
Gender- Non-binary female (she/her) (they/them)
She is Yuki’s cousin.
Kiri is cheerful, colorful, sweet, but not very intuitive, she tends to be a bit dense when it comes to other’s feelings. It’s never on purpose though.
Kiri is an elfen, meaning she has elf ears and nature related magic.
Kiri has plant and forest related magic.
Kiri has a bunny friend named Flurry who came to life. Flurry was originally a plush given to her by her and Yuki’s deceased grandmother.
Popular and has the most experience being an idol. She struggles from the pressure.
Lives with her mother Midori and her father Aosuke.
Her favorite food is ramen.
Kiri is Ainu Japanese.
Her height is 4 feet and 11 inches.
Her birthday is May 30.
Chija Song | チジャ・ソン | 송치자
Color- Sky
Weapon- Magical scythe
Signature Attack- Moonlight Mirage
Catchphrase- Always by your side! The power of loyalty!
Age- 20
Gender- Female (she/her)
Chija is mysterious, quiet, kind, somewhat stoic, doesn’t speak much or show much emotion at first, unless it’s to her best friend Aya.
Chija is a phantom, meaning she is part ghost. She has a pair of horns on her head.
She lives in a haunted mansion with two siblings, Isuel and Jumin.
Has a single mother.
Kind of a kuudere. She is silent but very in touch with emotions.
Her favorite foods are milk tea and spicy udon. Tolerates spiciness well. In fact, she loves it.
Chija is Korean.
Her height is 5 feet and 1 inch.
Her birthday is January 13.
Coming soon-
The story, plot and conflict lol
Monster of the week type antics
The Twist in the middle of the series
Story details
Character relationships with each other
Where everyone lives
Siblings and family
Name meanings
Likes and dislikes
About Speckle Town
About Adventure Academy
About the Tragic School Bus
About Forsaken Woods
Favorite music styles
Character songs/signature songs
Character tidbits and trivia
Side characters, other idol groups
Amelie Sugar is my self-insert. She is also an UTAU and possibly upcoming Vtuber.
I have also made UTAU voices for Rhona, Nagisa, Luana, Joy, and Rie by editing my/Ame’s voice. They’re imperfect for now.
Symphony Saga was originally a Vocaloid/UTAU fanfiction.
A lot of these characters are based on my interpretation of Vocaloid and UTAU characters. These characters have no canon, and their personalities are up to interpretation. I decided to make my personal interpretations into OCs, because it feels much more fulfilling. It’ll finally be canon, in a way. Because they’re their own characters.
Yuki Aizaki is based on Yowane Haku and replaced her original role in this story. You could also imagine her to have Yowane Haku’s voice, since that’s now her voice claim.
Kiri Takamori is based on Hatsune Miku and has her as a voice claim.
Yume Yozora is based on Utane Uta and has her as a voice claim.
Lanyue Fei is based on Soune Taya and has him as a voice claim.
Juhong Cha is based on Namine Ritsu and has him as a voice claim.
Aya Hart is based on Kasane Teto and has her as a voice claim.
Sonata Coda replaced Yokune Ruko in this story, though she is drastically a different character. Her voice claim is still Ruko though.
Chija Song replaced Momone Momo in this story, though she is drastically a different character. Her voice claim is still Momo though.
Saga Sun replaced Fuuga Koto in this story. She still shares some similarities. Her voice claim is still Koto.
Aside from Ame Sugar actually being my UTAU, sometimes her voice claim is Asane Bou.
Yuki’s voice claim is sometimes Gekiyaku.
Kiri’s voice claim is sometimes Yamine Renri.
Rhona’s voice claim is sometimes Kohaku Merry.
Luana’s voice claim is sometimes Anna Nyui.
Joy’s voice claim is sometimes Haruka Nana.
Nagisa’s voice claim is sometimes Sekka Yufu.
Rie’s voice claim is sometimes Matsudappoine.
I chose the name Yuki 雪 for her because aside from meaning snow, her kanji has the kanji radical for “rain” in it, 雨, one of the ways Ame translates to Japanese. Also her half-brother’s name is Shimo 霜 meaning frost, her cousin is Kiri 霧 meaning drizzle, and Kiri’s little sister is Kasumi 霞 meaning mist. Did you notice that all those kanji look similar because of the 雨 being in it?
Yuki’s mother Murasaki has a name meaning purple. Kiri’s mother Midori has a name meaning green. Shiro means white, Gin means silver, and Ao in Aosuke means blue.
Amelie Sugar is usually spelled in Japanese as アメリー・シュガー but “Ame Sugar” which is something of a stage name, is 佐藤飴 (Satou Ame, but pronounced Sugar Ame in this name.) The kanji for Satou mean “sugar” and Ame means “candy.”
The reason why many Resonate members’ birthdays are in late November is because in real life, November 16-23 is something called Rainbow Week for me. It’s a made-up special time for me for a few reasons. In the world of Whimsica, Rainbow Week is also a special time. Being born during Rainbow Week is regarded as special…
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piercethewon · 2 years
⚔️Kingslayer. (Final!)
7 — Strawberry jam lips. || wc: 2,3k.
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Blue, what a splendid color; one that paints birds, flowers, and butterflies with its deep hue, the only color that is able to unify the sky and the sea in an immense, breathtaking scenery that could make the strongest and bravest of people feel small and insignificant with its mysterious beauty. No one knows what is hidden in the depths of the sea, or the highest peaks of the sky, but regardless of the ignorance that is helplessly tied to our condition as humans, everyone seems to agree that the point where both of them collide can bring comfort and tranquility to those who admire its striking beauty.
Nishimura Riki was the sea, sometimes calm and collected, sometimes turbulent and untamed, swinging in an unpredictable pattern between both states, full of secrets, full of surprises, sparkling with life. You were the sky, frequently hiding between the clouds of your mind far away from everyone else, you were more predictable and easier to read, but that did not mean people would understand you, or agree with you; some people want you to rain, others to shine, and a few ones wish for rainbows, but it is impossible to please everyone.
Both of you were now beautifully painted, as sky and sea, by your skillful hand that gently guided a brush past the canvas, leaving carefully calculated traces of blue behind to bring your emotions to life.
Not a day had passed where you could get the now king of the south out of your head, ever since you saw him last in the gloomy forest. Today, you were celebrating your eighteenth birthday, and the least you were expecting was some kind of proof that you were too, running laps inside his intricate mind.
A few weeks ago, the boy who you used to know as prince Nishimura had been coronated and was now the leader of the kingdom on the coast. The ceremony had been held privately so little to no people had witnessed him wearing the royal crown, but the mental image was enough to excite you even more with the idea of meeting him again.
Your ears perked at the sound of someone knocking on the door, your hand staying still in front of the unfinished painting, but every single hypothesis that you had impressively fabricated in the span of merely a few seconds had disintegrated after you recognized the voice of one of your maids telling you that lunch was almost ready.
A defeated sigh left your lips as you resumed your work, paintbrush dancing on the wet and colorful surface of the canvas, and eyes darting through the blue scenery in search of imperfections. Time had passed, that was for sure, but why did you even think that Riki could have grown civil enough to knock on the door instead of, for example, crashing through the ceiling? You thought that, if the king had actual plans to make an appearance, it would be unconventional and unexpected, but impressive regardless.
You sighed again and closed your eyes, feeling the spring breeze slip through the open window… wait, when exactly did you open the window?
—I accidentally stepped on a nest on my way here and crushed all the eggs that were inside— Riki fixed his clothes, he was covered in pollen and small leaves, possibly from the newly bloomed barricade of plants —Someone has to explain that to the parents… not me though. Oh, and happy birthday!—. A squeal left his lips when he dodged a brush soaked in blue paint that came his way like a projectile —Hey! If you keep throwing things at me, I won’t visit you anymore!—.
You crossed your arms, unfazed by his stare —I waited for you the entire day! What took you so long?!—.
He tilted his head, frowning at you —Didn’t you tell me to look for you today?— he handed you the brush, watching with amazement as you immediately started working on the finishing touches —Please don’t tell me you were joking back then… Sunghoon had to tie me to a chair because I wanted to come here so bad— it was starting to become a difficult task to keep your serious front when his cute pout threatened to break through all your defenses.
—But my birthday started twelve hours ago! You could’ve come faster!— he snorted at your childish antics, effectively making you smile.—I’m sorry for that…— he followed along with your impromptu skit —but I bet my gift can make all those months of wait worth it— he winked as he walked closer, bringing a chair with him to sit beside you. —Woah, it’s so pretty— he beamed, looking at your painting— is this what you were talking about when you mentioned something about learning new things?— he rested his chin on your shoulder to take a closer look, his messy hair tickled your ear.
—One of them, yes…— you turned your head slightly, enough to gaze at his side profile; his face was even prettier now, his hair had gotten a little longer, and his aura was less chaotic than the last time you saw him, but the curiosity and attentiveness for you were still there. —That’s you and me— you gestured at the sky and sea that adorned the wide canvas, Riki made a sound of confusion —I’ll explain it to you someday… maybe—.
—You surely will, we have a lot of time ahead to catch on— his eyes scanned through the spacious bedroom; the pink bedsheets and your doll, lady pumpkin seed, were still there, but many other things had changed for good, like your etiquette manuals and fairytales being replaced with plenty of books about politics and history of all the neighboring kingdoms. —We changed a lot since then, haven’t we?— you nodded, then both of you sighed in unison; a “few months” had felt like decades because you were apart from each other, wishing on every star for a day when you could be reunited again, in a healthier and clearer headspace. —I don’t mind it, though, I can get used to this new you— you nodded, the feeling was mutual.
Riki placed his hand tentatively over yours, holding it when he noticed that you had no plans on retracting it —Can you follow me outside? I have a present for you— you smiled at him and followed his steps outside your room and through the castle hallways, lunch long forgotten. The sunlight filtered through the windows, painting the floor with a pattern of quadrilateral shapes of warm light, the scent coming from the variety of flowers that adorned the gardens could be smelled even from inside, and the melody performed by all kinds of birds accompanied your echoing steps; having the king by your side made this spring day feel fairytale-like, exceptionally magical.
You gasped after taking account of the familiar pink blanket that spread under an apple tree at a faraway corner of the garden, the sense of deja vu bringing tears to the corner of your eyes that threatened to spill any second. You looked up at Riki, who grinned in pride at your reaction —Who could’ve guessed that you were such a sentimental person? Recreating our first meet-up…— you hit him gently with your elbow and walked beside him to the isolated picnic, no servants in the area this time.
—It’s fine, you can call it “our first date”— he gestured for you to take a seat in front of him —I made the food this time! Well, I had a little help from my mom, but still…— he noticed how your hand had stopped midway from taking a bite of a blueberry muffin and pouted at you —Hey! It’s totally edible!—.
You laughed, deciding it was enough teasing, and tasted the still-warm delicacy, your eyes immediately opening in surprise as soon as your taste buds became aware of the sweet flavors melting in your mouth —It has brown sugar!—. The king could only smile at your endearing reaction, too mesmerized to react or eat the strawberry jam sandwich that rested on his hand, you felt your face burn under his stare and evaded his eyes, faking interest in the few trees that grew elegantly on your right side.
He noticed your reaction, getting flustered himself; it seems like some things would never change between you two. —Yeah, I wanted to recreate that day as best as I could… It was the first time I told you I liked you, after all— his words made you choke on your muffin, and he snorted, offering you some water —My feelings haven’t changed since then, so I wanted to take us back—.
You coughed a few times more before being able to regain your composure —You mean… back to when you and I were supposed to get married?— he nodded slowly, slightly surprised that you could see through the facade and find the hidden message behind the cute lunch date.
—Y/N— his voice softened, and his eyes were fixed on his hands that played mindlessly with a small tissue —I don’t think I can marry you—.
Time seemed to stop in your little, private corner as you assimilated his words; the muffin started to feel heavy inside your knotted stomach. —Don’t get me wrong— the king continued, trying his best to disperse the heavy silence —I like you, a lot, actually— he took a deep breath and mustered the courage to look at you in the eyes again, only for his heart to sink after taking in all the sheer sadness that flooded your eyes —But you have a life here, you just found things you like, things that you want to learn, that you want to see… I don’t want to take all that from you and practically force you to become the queen of a nation you’ve never even visited in your life…— his voice trembled, pronouncing these words was so painful for him —I don’t want you to feel miserable by my side—.
You patiently waited for him to finish, straightening your posture —You really are way more mature than the last time I saw you— you spoke softly and reached for his hands, he was shaking —But you are wrong, I would never feel miserable by your side, in fact, I’ve been preparing myself to become queen all these past months— he tilted his head in confusion and you offered him a reassuring smile —Politics, history, speech… I’ve been studying to become a public figure ever since the moment I came back home from the forest—.
He sniffed, pouting as he watched your thumbs caress the back of his hands —but what about your paintings? And why are you forcing yourself to study all those boring things?—.
You clicked your tongue —Oh, damn it, I totally forgot that painting was prohibited in the south—.
—Y/N! This is not the time for jokes! I’m being serious!— his complaining was so cute, you had to stop yourself from pinching his fluffy-looking cheeks.
—And also, I am not forcing myself to do anything, you might find it boring because I highly doubt you ever finished reading a whole book— you ignored the look of disbelief he gave you and continued —The paintings are coming with me, I made sure to paint all my favorite places, my family, stuff like that, so that they would always be with me— you paused to squeeze his hands, waiting until his tremblors had ceased —Leading a nation is not easy, more so if you’re alone, that’s why I’ve been preparing myself, I want to stay by your side and help you lead your people… But if you reject me like this, all the things I learned will go to waste—.
Riki took a few moments to scan your face before talking —Then… does that mean you want to marry me? Are you sure you don’t need more time to think carefully about it?— his eyebrows knitted in worry; him being this attentive and taking your feelings into consideration at all times, even when you have not said a thing, was one of the many reasons you were completely sure of your decision.
—I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you by my side, Riki— his smile was so pretty, so contagious, you were mirroring his expression in no time. Your hand reached for his face, holding him gently as he leaned into the warmth of your touch —Let’s change the world together— you whispered and finally closed the distance, meeting his lips once more.
There was a faint taste of strawberry jam on his lips that made you smile into the kiss. You soon felt his hands holding one of yours, swiftly sliding a ring on your fourth finger —Can’t wait to see that happen, my queen— he said, forehead pressed against yours as you gazed down at the familiar crystal that shone with a pink glow under the midday sun.You stayed in this position a few minutes more while Riki caressed your hair and pressed loving kisses all over your face, making you giggle at his sudden outburst of affection.
An idea suddenly popped up in your head, and you sneakily reached for one of the plates, collecting a considerable amount of jam on your index finger before spreading it on the king’s face.It took a moment for him to wake up from his trance and realize what happened, he brought a hand to his face to feel the jam that painted his cheek.
He looked at you with an unimpressed expression —Sharing a living space with you will surely be… interesting— he said, snorting after taking account of the sly grin that adorned your face.
—You’re right, this is going to be so much fun—.
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Previous ⚔️ Masterlist
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indiekidsau · 2 years
Chap. 10-Moving Pictures
Here it is! The long-awaited Bendy chapter! I originally planned this as Chapter 9, but I wanted to celebrate Basil’s birthday first. I know I’ve been releasing new characters left and right, but I want to introduce as many characters as I can before I can get into major story stuff. 
I know after the Bendy chapters I’m gonna take a break from introducing more characters and get some limelight on our other characters! Though I know who I’ll be introducing next after Bendy!
Thanks to @gigilefache for being my beta reader!
Hope you all enjoy it!
Art class was one of the most relaxing lessons for the kids. The lesson was run by Henry Stein, an artist and a pal of Vice Principal Joey Drew. He smiled seeing the kids painting and drawing together, enjoying art to its fullest.
Henry was an easy going guy. He wore a rusted gold jacket over a white shirt with a loose tie, black jeans, and black shoes. He had graying hair and his eyes looked like he hadn't slept in days even though he always said to his students he did. He was the type of art teacher who didn’t care how you drew or what style you went with. Henry respected all art styles, even anime.
Kel wasn’t much of an artist, but started to draw thanks to his friend Mincy; a young girl with black hair, who wore brown glasses, a gray jacket with darker gray stripes, a black hood, jeans, and brown shoes.
“So what are you drawing this week Mincy?” Kel asked.
“Well, after what you told me about Hat and Bow I figured I would draw something for them.” Mincy explained, her eyes not turning away from her drawing.
Kel carefully put down his paintbrush and looked at the drawing. It showed Hat and Bow on top of a hill looking at the stars and planets. Kel smiled as he looked at Hat Kid, who was also in their art class drawing away with some colored pencils. She and Bow have made the kids' lives a little bit brighter.
Henry glanced at the clock and saw it was five minutes before the bell was about to ring. “Alright class, your next lesson, or lunch depending on your schedule, is about to start soon!” He announced. The class did what they were told by putting their art away, and their supplies in their lockers before gathering their stuff and waiting for the bell to ring. Once it did, the kids walked to class or lunch.
Kel and Mincy made it to their history class and sat down at their seats while they waited for Mr. Prince to enter and start the lesson. Kel and Mincy took out their notebooks for their lessons until the latter noticed something missing from her backpack.
“Oh no!” Mincy exclaimed. Kel turned to his friend seeing her dig through her bag hoping she just misplaced it. 
“What’s wrong?” Kel asked.
“My sketchbook! I thought I put it in my bag, but I must've left it in Mr. Stein’s class.” Mincy yelled.
“Don’t worry I can run and grab it!” Kel replied. He got out of his seat and ran out of the classroom to get to Mr. Stein’s art room, however, Mr. Prince caught him running off and grabbed him by his shirt.
“Where are you going?” Mr. Prince asked.
“Mincy forgot her sketchbook so I’m going back to Mr. Stein’s class to grab it for her.” Kel explained. The warning bell reminded the kids that there was one more minute left before heading to class or they’ll be tardy. Kel sighed knowing he wouldn’t make it to the art classroom in time.
Mr. Prince smiled and led the boy back to class. Once back in class Kel went to his seat and put his head down. Mincy looked back at her friend and patted his back. “There’s always after class before you go to lunch.” She reminded him.
“Thanks.” Kel muffled from his seat. Once the final bell rang, Mr. Prince started the lesson for the day.
The bell to end classes rang, and Kel took this chance to book it and go straight to Mr. Stein’s art class. Luckily, everyone was to busy coming or going to lunch to notice Kel sneaking into Mr. Stein’s classroom. Good news, Mincy’s notebook was in the same place, and like a spy, Kel was low to the ground as he crawled his way and grabbed the notebook.
“Easy! Mincy is gonna be so happy!” Kel whispered. He was about to leave the classroom when he heard a voice.
“C’mon Henry, can we please join everyone for lunch?” A voice asked. Kel’s eyes widened, not recognizing the voice as any of his classmates. He took a small peek to see the silhouette of the art teacher as well as Vice Principal Drew, talking to someone in the art closet.
“I told you, no one can see you.” Henry told them. 
“Please, Henry!” The voice begged again.
While Henry was trying to convince the voice to stay put. Kel decides to look a bit closer and sees what looks like a cat talking with the art teacher.
“I’m sorry Bendy, but I’m not sure if anyone is ready to see you yet.” Henry told the figure named Bendy.
“Now, now Henry. He’s been cooped up in here long enough I’m sure he’s ready.” Joey told the art teacher.
Kel tried to get an even closer look, but he ended up bumping into a chair causing it to scratch along the floor. It caught the attention of the two adults, but before they could see who was watching them Kel had bolted out of the classroom.
In the lunchroom, everyone was enjoying lunch when Kel came rushing horrified and catching his breath. “What’s up with you Kel?” Aubrey asked. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
“I have.” Kel whimpered.
Aubrey and Micahel looked at each other, but both had different expressions over this whole thing. Aubrey didn’t believe this whole ghost in the school thing while Michael was planning an idea after hearing Kel mention the ghost in the school thing. “Care to explain before Michael gets too excited and comes up with something stupid.”
“Well, I went to get Mincy’s sketchbook. Then I heard Mr. Stein and Mr. Drew talking to someone named Bendy, and that’s it.” Kel explained.
“So it could be another kid at the school?” Aubrey replied.
“Yeah, but has there ever been a kid at this school named Bendy?” Kel asked.
“Maybe a relative? Plus if it was a ghost, how can Mr. Stein and Mr. Drew see them?”
Kel sighed and stared Aubrey straight in the eye. “They see dead people.” He whispered.
In a split second, Aubrey smacked Kel in the back of the head. “You're an idiot!” Aubrey yelled. Kel glared as he rubbed the back of his head. “I can think of hundreds of theories and none of those is the school being haunted.” 
“Well, I’m willing to see this ghost.” Michael said.
Aubrey groaned. “Look there is no ghost!” She yelled.
“What’s this about a ghost?” Mincy asked as she passed by the lunch table.
“Oh, Mincy!” Kel exclaimed. Quickly he saw her sketchbook and held it out for her. “I found your sketchbook! Safe and sound.”
Mincy smiled and put her lunch down, grabbing her sketchbook and hugging it tight. “Thanks, Kel!” She beamed hugging her friend tight. Kel chuckled in reply. Mincy let go and left the lunch room to go draw, forgetting about the ghost Kel mentioned.
“Okay, after school let’s check and look for this ghost.” Michael suggested.
“Michael there is no ghost.” Aubrey repeated.
“That’s why I said look. We went to the art room, took a look and if there’s no ghost then you're the hero of the day Aubrey.” Michael explained as he teased Aubrey.
Aubrey glared ready to smack Michael in the back of the head. The latter gave a smirk testing Aubrey, which proved her point as she smacked him in the back of the head too. “You two are idiots.” She grumbled. “But,” She continued with a sigh, “I’ll take a look too.”
Kel sighed as well and smiled. “Great!” He beamed. Kel didn’t know why he was excited. Maybe it was for the fact he, Aubrey, and the rest of their friends would do Ghost Hunts when they were kids. This brought back memories for him.
By the time school ended Aubrey and Michael followed Kel into the art room. On their way there they stopped seeing Audrey go into the art room. “What is Miss. Drew doing?” Kel asked.
“Maybe she’s gonna see Mr. Stein or her dad.” Aubrey guessed. “Remember, Mr. Drew is the father of Miss. Drew.” 
The three kept walking and looked through the window of the art room. From the other side of the room, the strong smell of ink lingered in the hallway. “Man I didn’t know ink could smell that strong!” Kel complained, keeping a low whisper.
Michael sushed the taller boy as they kept looking at Audrey as she talked to a figure in the corner. The shadow of it showed two horns.
“See no ghost!” Aubrey mentioned.
Michael got a closer look and glanced at Aubrey. “Yeah, but do kids have horns? We don’t have a ghost, we have a monster in the school!” He yelled.
The trio saw Audrey look through the window, which quickly made the three dash out of the classroom and out of the school. Once the three were out of there they caught their breath.
“Now do you believe me?” Kel asked.
“For the ghost thing…” Aubrey paused so she could continue to catch her breath. “I still don’t believe it, but with the wacky shit at this school. I can believe that!” She yelled.
“You know what this means?” Michael asked, making Aubrey and Kel look up at their friend. “We could do a monster hunt! Tonight!” He beamed.
Aubrey’s eyes widened as she turned towards the boy. “Oh no! We are not sneaking into the school again!” She yelled.
“Oh yes, we are!” Michael chuckled. “This time we are not gonna steal test answers, but gonna go on a monster hunt!” He beamed.
“You're an idiot, Michael.” Aubrey groaned, slamming her hand into her face.
The trio waited until sunset before coming back to the school. This time equipped with flashlights and Michael brought his video camera in hopes to capture the monster on tape and make a profit out of it.
Along on their journey joined Hat, Bow, and Basil who was dragged into this by Michael. The latter did ask if his siblings could come along, but they refused before Michael could explain more of the plan.
Aubrey thought bringing Basil and two little girls to this was crazy, but was surprised that Hat and Bow were excited to go.
“I can’t wait to tackle the monster!” Hat Kid beamed as she swung her umbrella.
“A-are you sure you should be doing this? Your father will kill us!” Basil yelled.
Michael scoffed. “He won’t!” He replied. “As long as we stay quiet, and get footage my dad won’t harm us.” If he kept his eyes on Basil, the latter whispered something under his breath. Michael did hear whispers, but couldn’t make out what he just said. Michael then used his sister’s bobby pin to unlock the door and let the group in.
Once inside the school, Micahel turned on his camera and Kel and Aubrey turned on their flashlights as they walked inside the school. “Alright gang, let’s hunt for this monster.” He said taking the first steps inside the dark and quiet school.
The school felt different at night. It was quiet and dark, and every corner felt like someone or something was watching you. Basil flinched every time they stumbled upon a corner. “S-so-w-where is this monster?” Basil asked, stuttering.
“It’s in the art room.” Michael replied.
Basil slowly nodded. “Okay, you guys go into the art room, while I stand outside to be safe.” He replied.
“Alright, but if the monster gets you first don’t come crying to us.” Michael replied. Basil whimpered as he slowly followed the group. Aubrey linked her arms to Basil’s in hopes to calm him down. It made the nervous flower boy smile seeing his best friend help calm his nerves.
“Hey Hat. Promise me you're not gonna fight this thing like previous monsters?” Bow Kid begged.
“Ha!” Hat Kid laughed loudly. “Bow you should know me by now! I'm not scared to fight some monster!” She yelled. Soon she was shushed by everyone.
“Don’t let it hear you.” Kel whispered.
A loud bang was heard from the art room causing Bow and Basil to yelp and hug each other in fear.
“Too late. It did.” Michael said. The group paused to see they were just inches away from the art room. It felt different for the trio to approach the room as it was night time and whatever they saw in there would have escaped and was hiding in the shadows. “So who’s going in first?” He asked.
“Well,” Basil gulped before speaking up. “Kel was the one who noticed it first he should go in.”
“I agree to that.” Aubrey replied. She then used her bat and pushed Kel to the door as everyone stood behind. Kel turned to his friends as Michael and Hat Kid gave him a thumbs up for luck. 
Chuckling nervously Kel slowly opened the door and was ready for whatever they were gonna face. Once Kel opened the door wide open he was surprised not to see a looming monster. Just an empty dark classroom.
“Okay, keep your guard up. The monster can strike at any time.” Michael said. Basil and Bow Kid whimpered as they held onto each other with Michael behind them using his camera to scan the art room. The ink still scented the room knowing the monster was around.
Soon a low growl shook the room causing Basil, Bow, and Kel to hug Aubrey for comfort. “What…are you…doing here?” The monster growled.
Michael turned to the group and shushed them. “Keep quiet.” He whispered.
“I can smell your fear.” The monster growled. “No need to go quiet.” Soon footsteps were heard as the group looked around for the monster.
“Alright, stop with the jokes Mr. Afton! You scared us good!” Aubrey yelled.
Michael’s eyes widened seeing something horrifying. “Uh Aubrey, if this was my dad, that door wouldn’t be turning into ink,” He yelled.
Aubrey was confused until she faced the door to see a spiral ink portal and something, or rather someone, coming out of it. The group started freaking out seeing the figure slowly coming out from the ink.
“You fools, you dare disturb me?” The monster roared. The group whimpered as they backed into the wall as the creature’s horns and feet appeared. “Well, prepare to fear, Bendy the Ink Demon!” Soon a small black and white cartoon imp came from the ink door.
The group opened their eyes in shock seeing that their “monster” was just a harmless imp. “Wait, THAT'S the monster?” Michael asked.
“Yep!” Bendy replied. “So do you fear me now?” He asked.
Bow Kid looked closer, her eyes widened as she blushed seeing how cute Bendy was. “Oi me Cutie!” Bow exclaimed in her alien language as she ran and scooped Bendy into her arms. “You're so cute! Aren’t you? Aren’t you?” She said in a gushing baby voice.
“No, I’m not cute!” Bendy yelled. “Alice! Boris! Help me!” He yelled just as soon as Bow started to nuzzle the demon.
The rest of the group stared in disbelief seeing Bow just cuddle and nuzzle the demon like it was a pet cat. 
“Don’t worry buddy I’m coming!” A deep voice yelled. The group turned back at the door and soon they heard another voice that followed suit.
“Wait Boris no!” A female voice shouted and two other toons came out from the door and fell to the ground. The toons in question were a black and white wolf wearing overalls, and a black and white Angel with horns and a halo.
“There’s more of them!” Aubrey yelled.
Soon footsteps came running across the hallway and quickly opened the door. “What’s going on?” Henry shouted. He then groaned seeing the kids inside the art room. “And how did you guys get into the school?” He asked again.
“Uh…” The kids all stuttered.
“Henry! Henry! What’s going on?” Joey asked, running into the art room. He then saw Bendy, Boris, and Alice as well as Michael and the gang all together in one room. Joey just let out a chuckle. “Well guess the cat’s outta the bag!” Henry sighed seeing none of this as a joke.
“Mr. Stein, Mr. Drew, could you explain what’s going on!?” Aubrey asked.
Henry sighed. “Alright. Alright. I’ll tell you.” He said. “So many years ago, Joey…” the second Henry said his name Joey let out a bright big smile. “Somehow brought my creations, Bendy, Boris, and Alice to life.” The second he said the toon's names, Boris and Alice did a little bow.
Kel and Michael had to think of how they were born, but before they went too far, Hat Kid quickly spoke up. “So they were just born like how everyone is born or…”
“Well with just a pencil and a dream, and a whole lot of ink,” he stated before mumbling, “from an ink machine.” 
“What?” Aubrey asked.
Joey ignored the girl and continued. “I was able to bring this lovely trio to life!”
“Like this bundle of joy?” Bow asked as she continued to nuzzle the ink imp.
“Henry! Joey! Help me!” Bendy called out.
Henry and Joey chuckled seeing how cute this was; Bendy was being treated like a plushy as Bow continued to cuddle and snuggle him. Bendy glared seeing he didn’t take this as funny. Henry stopped laughing and cleared his throat. “Uh… Bow could you put Bendy down?” He asked.
Bow Kid smiled and put Bendy down but not before giving him a head pat. The imp sighed as he brushed himself off. “Thank you! Now that I’ve been discovered, could I please be enrolled in the school!”
Henry sighed. “Bendy we talked about this. I can’t have you enrolled here.” He told the little ink imp.
“Why not Mr. Stein?” Kel asked. “I mean we have Cuphead and Mugman in the school, why can’t Bendy be enrolled?”
“Because,” Alice spoke up. “We’re different from them. Like we weren’t born by regular means.”
“So you're just gonna hide and live in the school for the rest of your days?” Hat Kid asked.
“Yep!” The ink trio said at the same time, though Bendy sounded not impressed.
Hat Kid frowned, feeling bad for the three as she looked up at the art teacher. “Mr. Stein, could you please give Bendy and his friends a chance?” She begged.
“Please!” Bow spoke up. “I wanna be best friends with Bendy!” Her eyes then grew big, which made Joey clench his heart.
“Oh Henry can’t you say no to that face?” Joey asked, pointing at Bow.
Henry tried to be strong and stick to his word, but he couldn’t handle the cuteness. With that he let out a sigh, giving up. “Fine.”
Bendy gasped with a big smile. “Really?”
“Yes, you three can go to school here.” Henry said.
Bendy cheered as he hugged Boris and Alice excitedly going to school. “Did you hear that guys? We’re in!” Bendy cheered.
Henry let out a soft chuckle seeing the little demon happy. Once Henry took a good look at the time he knew the celebration could wait till tomorrow. “Alright before Mr. Afton could see that we all should go home and sleep.” Henry said.
“Oh right!” Joey realized. He then cleared his throat and went serious. “Okay, kids! Get out of here! I hope to see you all bright and early.” He said. The kids complied and went out of the school building and went their separate ways home.
Not long after, Henry, Joey, and the Ink Trio followed and went home as well. Bendy was constantly talking about how excited he’d be about going to school and making new friends. The more he talked about it the more Boris and Alice smiled at the thought of going to school.
Once everyone left, the camera that faced the art room manually shut off.
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adventure-oc · 2 years
What’s there to understand ?
(Lyrics in the background)
Between the parts of the song
"But mama." Camilo asked as she took some of Antonio's toys. "Why do you hate me that much ?"  A dark cloud appeared as the woman looked at her masked son in shock.
"Que ?! I don't hate you mijo. Who told you that ?!"
"You, of course. Considering what happened during the last ten years..."
"My question first. What do you feel when you see me ? Is it because I refused my Gift ?"
"Camilo, not now. We have to be ready for the Guzmans."
That line was the last straw for Camilo.
"It's never the moment with you anyway. I just wanted to ask what you think of me, but apparently it's too much to ask of you." He was about to leave, his vision and the ruby safely hidden in his already full bag, and ignoring the now thundering cloud, when his father barged in, an angry look on his face.
"It was a real problem !"
"Félix !" Pepa exclaimed out of anger and shock, her voice covering Camilo's exclamation of confusion.
"We have to talk to him, Pepi. We have to."
"What do you mean by "It was a problem" ?" Camilo asked.
"We couldn't understand you, Milo. One moment, you wanted a Gift, and then, nada, nothing. You changed your mind."
He didn't really change his mind, well, at one moment and then, but he wasn't going to tell them that.
"Can you give me a clear answer, Si or no ?" Camilo didn't flinch at all when Félix grabbed him by his shoulders.
"Well, we are your parents, but we don't understand you."
Pepa then interposed between the twos, wagging her finger at her husband in the rhythm.
What's there to understand, stand, stand, stand ?
What to understand about you ?
It was your ceremony
It was your ceremony
Everything was ready and no mistake were made
No mistake during that day
But you went up with a frown on your face
You telling this story, or I am
I’m sorry mi vida, go on
You refused your magic door
Why did you do thaaat ?
In doing so it became flat
Nothing fantastic anymore.
Anger during your birthday
It should've been a joyous day, 
What was there to understand, stand, stand, stand ?
What to understand about yooouuu ?
Camilo : Alright, I get it. I’m so hard to decipher and you, so forgetful that you forgot the reason why I did that. I’ll ask someone else about what they think.
He opened the door, leaving the dancing couple alone, but stopped when he saw Dolores in front of him.
Camilo (half-exhausted, half-serene) : What do you want Lola ?
Dolores : …I want to be part of the song.
Camilo : (Sigh) alright, but for that you have to tell me what you understand-
Dolores : -about you, I know. Listen to me about what I hear about you.
For years I heard children laughing and your friends being so loving 
But some people were always gossiping and complaining
We associate you with the sound of clattering paintbrushes, clac-clac-clac
A very young child immature, dirty and lazy
Refusing to help because he’s selfish
Unlike the family he didn’t really flourish
But didn’t you already ?
Camilo (frowning before smiling) : I’m not sure. But thanks, Dol. It helps me a lot.
Dolores (grining) : Anytime, hermanito. Anytime.
Camilo was about to go to the kitchen when he bumped into someone carrying some tapestry rolls.
Camilo : Sorry, Mira.
The girl humphed and was about to leave when she saw Dolores with a grin on her face.
Mirabel : …What the heck is going on ?
Camilo : I just wanted to ask people what they understand about me, and it became… singsongish.
Mirabel (smiling in a creepy way) : Really ?! I want to say something- no wait, I’ll sing it !
Camilo (backing away) : Thanks, but no thanks, prima. I will ask tio Bruno or tia Julieta about me.
But before he could leave, the sewist grabbed his arms and dragged him to another part of Casita.
Mirabel : Sorry, primo, but I practiced a long time and I want to say it NOW !!! Because to me, you’re a…
Burdensome boy
Masks hard to peck
Because you’re complex
You’re ruining the space
An ungrateful boy 
With every disgrace (But !)
What’s there to understand, stand, stand ?
What to understand about you ?
As Camilo walked away from Casita (and Mirabel), he recognized his friends in the village and looked ready to be part of the song.
Arturo : You and your masks are parts of a strange play.
(Yeah, yeah !)
Angelica : You’d buy candies for children and reward them.
Valentino : But with your craziness, you make people’s hair gray.
(Yeah, yeah !)
All (with people approaching ) : Why ask about these problems, 
When you can solve them ?
Camilo was highly surprised when he was back in Casita and saw Isabela descending from the ceiling on her swing of vines.
Isabela : You made sure my destiny would be perfect
Like tio Bruno prophesied years ago
Your presence makes such an effect 
That we can’t ask you to stay low.
(Oye, Mariano’s on his way)
Dolores : Because of you, the man of my dreams
Is out of my reach
I want be with him-
Isabela (glaring at Camilo) : Cousin. I want not a sound out of you ! (And my only wish…)
Dolores : ...Is to be with him !
Camilo : Yeah, that’s hard.
To see if I’m good or bad 
Will I achieve or fail in my mission ?
Please, let me understand, dear vision !!!
(Hermana, your fiancé’s here !)
Time for dinner !
As people danced as they prepared the table, Camilo walked to his room and was saddened when he saw Luisa’s door flickering and the latter struggling to lift a vase, which was normally so easy for her to carry. He took the ruby he found out of his pocket and glanced at it, before closing the door behind him. 
Burdensome boy (It was your ceremony, It was your ceremony)
Masks hard to peck (Everything was ready)
Because you’re complex (and no mistake were made)
You’re ruining the space (No mistake during that day)
An ungrateful boy  (But you went up with a frown on your face)
With every disgrace (Surprise)
He kept looking at the vision he assembled and spun to find either Casita broken or healed. As time passed, the different parts of the song influenced him as his family and friends danced around him, chanting their verses at the same time.
You telling this story, or I am
I’m sorry mi vida, go on (Oye, Mariano’s on his way)
You refused your magic door (Burdensome boy, masks hard to peck)
In doing so, it became flat (I’m okay, I’m okay)
Anger during your birthday (I’m okay, I’m okay)
(He’s here !) 
At this moment, Camilo gave up on understanding the vision and sat on his bed with his hands in front of his face. 
What to understand, stand ? (Why can’t I understand ?)
Nothing to understand about you !
I should’ve understood myself !!!!
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remoony-lupin · 1 year
chapter 1 - the boy in the bookshop
(this is on my ao3 - the fic is called 'the moonage daydream to his lady stardust')
remus lupin woke up to a cold and bright january morning. he’d always had a thing for blue skies, waking up when there was a patch of light shining through his cotton curtains, with the feeling that the day was going to be a good one. he didn’t know it yet, but this day was going to be better - well, at least the best he could hope for. remus got out of bed, searching for the socks he’d discarded on the floor the previous night, and slipped them on as he walked towards the windows. he opened the curtains and let a bright stream of light enter the room, showering it in pretty little patterns and rainbows. the sky was all blues and pinks and purples and fluffs of clouds streaked across the sky, as though someone had drawn them with a paintbrush.
the apartment had only been his for 3 months, but it already felt like home. on coming to london, he’d bought various things from home like his record collection, his plants (stuart, kiki, and jeff), an inexplicable amount of mugs and a couple of books that he’d accumulated over the years. however, remus had always been looking to grow his collection. books were a safe space for him; a world where he could be anyone and anything, live in the biggest castles, the prettiest cottages, watch someone else grow and go through the phases he was going through. classics allowed him to feel a sense of solidarity and connection with those from the past, fantasy let him be the most confident, strongest, beautiful person and poetry let him see that he wasn’t alone - the fact that he could read and hold someone’s experiences and hopes and fears in his very own hands made him feel, well, it made him feel-
“boo!” a hand grabbed him by his shoulder.
“fuck me.” he whispered.
he turned round to face his flatmate lily.
“i was calling out for you, y’know.”
“shit. sorry. didn’t hear you.” he said, pulling her into a hug.
“daydreaming again?”
“you know me too well,” he grinned. “anyway, what did you want?”
“well, i was wondering if you had anything to say to me.”
remus mind buzzed. fuck, he thought, what have i forgotten this time? he’d remembered to lock the door when he came home from work, he’d put out the bins, cleaned the kitchen, made lily’s cake-
“fuck! happy birthday.”
“there we go.” she laughed.
“i’m so sorry. i was just thinking about… well, you know. and only just got up.”
“excuse me,” she mocked. “do you mean to say that you don’t spend every waking moment thinking about me?”
remus laughed. “of course i do, lilyflower, of course. how could i not? just look at you, with your ravishing looks, and pretty ginger hair, and intellect. and your obsession with loving people that are way below you.”
“you flatter me, remus. always the charmer.” she giggled.
remus’ stomach growled.
“ooo, someone’s hungry.” she said. “and don’t worry about breakfast. i took the liberty of cooking for both of us on my special day. i knew you’d be tired.” she smiled, hugging him.
after a breakfast of pancakes coated in too much nutella than remus would like to admit, he showered, brushed his hair (only to mess it up again), threw on a band t-shirt, jumper, jeans, patterned socks and docs, said goodbye to lily and left for the day.
thanks to his brain and stupid boss making him work an extra shift at the concert venue, remus had forgotten to buy lily’s present. he’d always been a last-minute kind of person, but he was really pushing it this time. remus has known lily since he was 14 when they bumped into each other on accident, whilst reading a book. hers had been pride and prejudice and his had been maurice. they’d been heading to the same english class and soon became the best of friends. they sat by one another every lesson, recommended books and music, and had been remus’ only friend forever. when he was 16, and felt ready enough, he came out to her as bisexual. and then, once lily was ready, so did she. for a while, people had thought they were a couple and, in fairness, remus had thought about it once or twice, but they were better as friends. platonic love was just perfect.
remus stopped outside the bookshop. it was his favourite and he always found the cheapest books with the best stories and sweetest covers. it was a run-down kind of place, vintage, one could call it, and had a comforting and warm air to it - which remus liked.
he stepped inside and the bell rang.
a boy looked up from the counter, one he hadn’t seen before. tattoos snaked up his arms. his ears were covered in small rings, studs and loops, particularly round his helix. a leather jacket sat on the chair behind him and remus assumed it was his. he had beautiful shiny blacked hair that was tied up in a messy bun with a pencil through it at the back of his head. remus’ eyes moved down towards his hands, which were adorned in silver rings. and his eyes seemed to glow with a kind of dark but soft energy.
fuck. me. he thought.
“can i help you?” the boy asked.
“errm, no. i think. yeah. i’m fine. all good. just, yeah, just looking.” he stuttered, his face burning up.
“alright, cool. well, let me know if you need anything.” grinned the boy, revealing a ring at the top of his teeth.
“gay. i mean, okay…”
oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. what the fuck was that? remus was sure the boy could see him blushing, not even in a cute way. just bright fucking red.
anyway, he could not let a cute boy - the hottest man he had ever seen in his life stop him now. he was on a mission and would not leave the shop until he was done.
he looked around the shop, thinking about lily. she was usually a classics type, liked old romances - but not the kind where the woman takes a passive role. the sort where she fought against her society, against the men and the time, and, although you knew she’d end up with a man, it was the journey she liked. now all remus had to do was find it.
he went over to the classics section and scanned the shelf. boring, gay, women, boring, too long, read already, gay, boring, sexist, genuinely awful and gay. clearly, the classics shelf had a lot to offer. remus ran a hand through his hair; this was going to be harder than her thought.
“are you sure you don’t need help?” asked the boy at the counter.
“ha, might take you up on that offer.” remus smiled.
“the strain of choosing a book, i feel you.” he said, walking over to remus.
“yeah, i know. i can never choose one. always end up spending hours in here, going over the pages.”
“well, what kind of thing are you looking for?”
“it’s a present for a friend. i kind of forgot it was today ‘cus i was gonna come yesterday but i had to work late because my boss is a dick and then i spilled curry on myself at 3am and cried and went to bed instead.”
fuck, he always did this, always overshared to the most random people at the most awkward times, great coping mechanism, right?
“sounds rough.” he said, giving remus a sympathetic smile. “almost as bad as mine.”
“yeah. i woke up late, missed the bus, which made me late for class, got shouted at by the teacher, forgot my homework, got shouted at again, cried in front of the class, stormed out, lost my keys, had to sleep at my mate’s house, listened to him and his girlfriend the whole night, watched eyeliner tutorials until 6am, got up for work, cried again, and i think that’s about it.”
“shit. slightly worse than mine,” he nudged. “but at least you didn’t spill curry on yourself.”
“no point crying over spilled curry.” the boy shrugged.
“too late for that.” remus laughed.
the boy laughed too.
remus smiled.
“anyway, you said you were looking for a book for your friend?”
“what kind of stuff do they like?”
“usually classics, with a female, feminist protagonist, something with enemies to lovers or friends to lovers, and where men don’t dominate the whole scene.”
“pretty specific,” the boy laughed under his breath. “but, i think i might have something.”
remus watched his eyes as he laced a finger across the shelf. they seemed golden in the light. and it was cute. really, really cute.
“ah-ha.” he said, pulling one out.
“little women.”
“little women indeed. have you read it?”
“yeah, a while back though, i think.”
“well, if your friend likes what i think they do, then she should really like this. it’s pretty beautiful and the story’s good and it’s very female-lead. yeah. should work.” he smiled.
“okay, cool. well, i’ll take it. how much?” he said, pulling his card out and walking over to the counter.
“usually 12 pounds. but i’ll do it for seven. because you look desperate. and cute.”
what? what the actual fuck? cute. this man. this fucking man had just called him cute. remus could have cried right there and then.
“haha, cool.” he said, trying to play it off.
he swiped his card on the machine.
“do you want me to wrap it for you? i can even put a bow on it, if you want.”
“yeah, sure. she’d like that. i’m shit at wrapping presents anyway.”
the boy picked up a roll of brown paper from behind him and cut a piece to fit the book, wrapping the paper around it and sealing it with tape.
“ooo, which ribbon?” he asked, showing remus blue, red and green rolls.
“the green.”
“good choice. my personal favourite.”
remus watched as the boy’s fingers looped the perfect bow of forest green. he went to take the book.
“oh, wait. hang on.” he reached up and pulled out the pencil that was holding his hair up. it all came tumbling down in a swath of shiny black and the boy shook it out of his face.
as if this man could not get any more pretty, remus thought.
the boy doodled a little smiley face and kiss on the paper.
“courtesy of yours truly.” he bowed.
“fabulous.” remus chuckled.
“have a good day cutie.” the boy waved as remus started to leave the shop.
“you too.” remus sighed.
and left the shop feeling a whole lot happier than he had done this morning. this boy had called him cute. this beautiful, beautiful, beautiful boy had called him cute. and remus held on to that until the next time he saw him.
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pickled-paintbrush · 2 years
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I posted 29 times in 2022
19 posts created (66%)
10 posts reblogged (34%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 27 of my posts in 2022
Only 7% of my posts had no tags
#my art - 12 posts
#my ocs - 9 posts
#not my art - 8 posts
#shut up pickle - 7 posts
#not art - 7 posts
#reblog - 6 posts
#rajata sarin - 4 posts
#sloppy - 3 posts
#francine clarke - 2 posts
#cola - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
deleted the tag from here cause I didn’t rly want ppl to see it lol
My Top Posts in 2022:
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I’ve had Alika for almost eight years now but for some reason have never drawn her with her hair down...look how cute she is!
4 notes - Posted January 30, 2022
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Important OC update! Ricardo vapes now.
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@marriedsaiou happy purrthday, meowshal!
9 notes - Posted January 20, 2022
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Recently, a bunch of people on DeviantArt have been faving a really ugly drawing I made in 2016 of the Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew, so I went ahead and whipped up a slightly better one
9 notes - Posted July 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Him birthday...
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Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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imnosuperman12 · 9 months
To All the Boys I’ve (Kissed) Before pt 3
This is the one that hurt. And coincidentally, I ran into him at IKEA this weekend.
Before I get carried away, the lesson here is that when someone shows you who you are: believe them.
It's not that I don't believe in second chances, clearly. It's moreso that when you're shown a pattern of behavior, don't expect things to change just because time has passed.
My time with you was fun. It was light. You were the first boy that bought me flowers. I'd always wanted to go to a cute painting class, and you took me to one the week after my birthday. I'll never forget the giddy feeling I felt leaning into you as we waited in line to get our paintbrushes. Or the feeling of making pizza from scratch in your kitchen. Or my sides hurting from dying laughing while watching the timeless classics: Freaky Friday and Bridesmaids. When it was good, it was good.
It's the pulling your hand away in public, the feeling of the distance between us even though you're standing right there, the unwarranted ghosting, and the weeks of me gaslighting myself that followed. Not once, but twice. And I hate that I let you have that power over me.
The first time around, I asked myself all the questions. Was it something I did? Did I come on too strong? Show too much of myself too quickly? Carefully made myself calculate where things went wrong when they seemed to be going well.
Just when I was getting over you, I get a text out of the blue saying that you were in a weird headspace, were going to therapy, and wanted to meet up again for coffee.
Green flags, I said. Maybe this time, I said.
Maybe I'll finally be enough.
More coffee dates. Challenging each other on which Taylor Swift era was the best one. Talks of upcoming travels, aspirations of the future. Reflections on how much we each have grown since moving to Seattle.
A string dates later on our second shot together, and I get the text. "It's just not clicking for me."
And I think a part of me would have reacted differently, had I not had the experience I had with SD. A taste of my own medicine. Stringing along someone who is completely fine, who is completely kind, but just isn't the one.
"We gave it our best shot." I said. "Thanks for communicating." Was about all I could muster up.
I certainly cried over it. Partly because I genuinely thought this could be something. But mostly because I let myself be fooled not once, but twice.
Most of all, I'll remember the release of your hand and the miles of distance I could feel between us despite standing right next to each other on the day before it happened each time. Like a flip of a switch. The chemistry, off.
So I can't say I was completely blindsided, and I did learn that I just have to trust my gut when something feels off.
I don't harbor any bad feelings towards him and genuinely hope he finds happiness. I'm just nervous that I'm gonna bring my guarded feelings into the next guy that I try with. I think on some level I should be intentional about protecting myself, but I still believe in allowing yourself to feel all the feelings and communicating what you feel when you feel them. Even if that leaves you vulnerable.
At least you know it's real.
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no-mercy-bby · 2 years
Not many people write about Ralph, so this is heaven for me 😭✨💓
I have a request.
It's his birthday party, Ralph is sitting in a corner alone and depressed, pouting because Lauren made fun of her shoes and no one wants to dance with him. The reader sees him and decides to approach him to ask him to dance, perhaps he flatters his suit. The poor boy needs love
YESSS! Okay, but buckle up cause it's my first time writing for Ralphie <3. Also I made Ralph ask reader to dance cause it flowed better, and this sort of ended up as a more shy!reader
[[Fluff, double use of Y/n, it's short btw]]
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"That's a rather dashing suit to simply be sitting around in." You state rather quietly to the man before you who was sitting rather glumly as he nursed his glass of champagne. You believed his name was Ralph, he was Victoria's brother, and Ralph's pretty brown eyes had such a sadness in them. You suspected it was because no one had danced with him, and you actually witnessed Lauren making up some pathetic excuse not to dance with him.
"Pardon?" Ralph gasps out, seemingly caught off guard as he snaps his head up to meet your eyes.
"I-," You flounder for a moment, now under his attention, as you try to say what you mean," -Your suit I mean, it's dashing. You look very handsome in it."
"Oh. Thank you," Ralph's cheeks are quickly painted a rosy color by some unseen paintbrush," Would you care to dance? ..With me? ...It is my birthday too after all."
"I would love to dance with you, Ralph." You agree happily, extending your hand out to him as he stands. Ralph grins as his hand envelopes yours and hastily, no, excitedly pulls you along to the center of the dance floor.
While doing so, you notice a peculiar sort of tapping sound coming from below. You glance down and gasp as you realize he's wearing tap shoes.
"What it is, darling?" Ralph asks you kindly with concern, and the nickname flows warm over you like sunlight. You had only known Ralph for a few minutes, but you were already enamoured with him.
"Are you wearing tap shoes?" You question him with a quiet poorly concealed giggle.
"Yes," Ralph beams at you, his free hand snaking around to rest on the small of your back," Aren't they wizard?!"
"They are most definitely wizard!" You grin back with just as much excitement, resting your hand lightly on his shoulder as he starts to sway with you.
"Forgive me for not already knowing," Ralph's voice was now more timid, so he presses closer to you and you relish in the warmth of his closeness," but what is your name, lovely?"
"My name is Y/n." You hum with a smile as you lean in closer, and press your cheek affectionately to Ralph's.
"Y/n darling," Ralph coos lovingly into your ear as you both continue to steadily swirl around the dance floor before purring," Splendid name for a ravishing lady."
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