monty-glasses-roxy · 10 months
Was thinking about that old Jurassic Bark AU I barely spoke about set in like... Medieval fantasy kinda land and Roxy, Monty and Chica are all the highest (or close to) commanders of their respective kingdom's armies. Roxy being King Bonnie's adopted sister (as she normally is in my AUs lmao), Chica being Queen Freddy's childhood best friend, and Monty being King/Captain Foxy's best comrade in arms.
The three of the kingdoms are at war over a treasure that's said to belong to the kingdom that truly belongs or whatever I don't remember and none of them knows where or what it is. The idea was that once one of them got the treasure, they would be the ones powerful enough to bring peace to the land however they see fit. None of them have actually thought about what they're gonna do, but they know they can't let the other guys have it, because they don't know what they'll do either.
The story was that the three of them got separated from everyone else and are forced to work together. Surprise! The treasure is the friends we made along the way! And in their efforts to stop this bullshit, that friendship shifts into oh fuck they're in love whadda hell
So I was thinking about this again, and aside from some cool story scenes, it'd actually be really funny if Monty and Chica didn't know that this Roxy is Prince Roxanne. Because she's obviously not a rabbit. She mentions it and they straight up don't believe her lmao
Chica and Monty have managed to get to common ground. They've started talking more casually and enjoying eachother's company, which is strange, but it's making the situation more tolerable. Roxy has been mostly keeping out of it, but they finally get her talking when they're bitching about their respective leaders. They push her into saying literally anything about King Bonnie and start making some wild assumptions and she just.
Roxy: I miss him...
Chica: You... You what?
Roxy: .... We just... We're not normally apart this long... It's weird...
Chica: You're no-
Roxy: What?!
Like!! Can you imagine that conversation??? Lmao they thought they were all just lucky to land their positions or worked really hard for it and then Roxy's just there in the royal family living the fucking high life. They don't believe her for ages and she proves it when they have to cross into a village she's familiar with and they greet her with so much excitement. Monty and Chica like what do you MEAN she's next in line cause Bonnie doesn't have a child??? What do you MEAN she was adopted by royals????? What do you MEAN she's been thrown into battle a million times when she's so important to the survival of her kingdom????
They're having a time of it! Roxy doesn't see the big deal honestly. So she's next in line, so what? Do they honestly think she'd let her brother die first?? Tch idiots. She also has to keep reminding them that she does NOT have royal blood, or lord blood, or anything like that. She's got lower class blood than both of them and neither of them can wrap their heads around this.
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slaymitchabernathy · 3 months
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Cold & Calculated
Coriolanus POV
There’s a strange silence that sits between them during the ride home. Coriolanus almost feels uncomfortable sitting next to his wife. She doesn’t say anything, not a single word but that’s nothing new, Soarynn’s always been quiet.
But something is different.
He glances down at his wife who’s looking out the car window at the passing Capitol streets, she looks nice tonight, she looks pretty. His heart had skipped a beat when she showed up at the office earlier this evening. Due to some scheduling issues, Coriolanus had Soarynn come to meet him at the office so they wouldn’t be late for the company dinner.
Festus whisked her away for a brief tour but it was rather adorable how quickly she returned to him. Coriolanus assumes she finds some semblance of safety in him, or at least his presence. Coriolanus is a man of authority and respect, no one would dare mess with him or his wife for that matter.
“Quite a fruitful night,” he finally says, breaking the tension.
Soarynn simply hums without sparing him a glance, “Quite.”
His eyes travel across her collarbones and slender shoulders. They didn’t have sex last night, not after Sejanus mentally drained him for the entire day but tonight is the perfect night. The perfect way to end a long day at work.
“Perhaps it’ll have a fruitful ending,” he suggests, always trying to give Soarynn a bit of a heads-up before partaking in such sexual encounters. Soarynn brushes her hair behind her ears, “If that is what you wish.”
Now he’s upset. He’s upset because it almost sounds as if he’s forcing her, which is something he’d never do. If Soarynn decided that tomorrow she never wanted to have sex with him again then that would be the end of it but he sincerely hopes it’ll never come to that. Not when it’s the only time he can truly hold her, touch her, feel her.
But she’s acting like this all is one-sided. And he refuses to be on the losing side. The desperate side.
He clears his throat, “It is.”
He’s the man of the house, he doesn’t need to be doubting himself or his authority.
Neither of them says another word as the car pulls up to their apartment building. Soarynn takes his hand as she exits the car but immediately drops it once they're in the elevator. Coriolanus refrains from crying out like a wounded animal at the loss of contact because it's not the end of the world. But it feels like it.
Maybe she's mad at him, although Coriolanus doesn't think that he's ever seen Soarynn be mad a day in her life. She's gotten upset of course, but over little things like her favorite bakery being closed or a boutique not having a dress in her size. But Soarynn is not someone who's quick to anger. He, on the other hand, can get quite angry when pushed too far.
When the elevator doors open and Soarynn goes to step out, his hand grabs her wrist, pulling her back inside. Soarynn looks up at him with wide eyes, with a hint of fear behind them. Coriolanus doesn't like that. He wants her to respect him, yes, to be attentive and well mannered but he never wants her to fear him.
Is this what it's come to? Is this what his cold and calculated attitude towards her has gotten him?
"Are you alright?" He asks, feeling somewhat stupid for asking such a vague and general question, "I mean, have I done something to upset you? Or has someone hurt you?" Coriolanus can feel his entire body tensing at the idea of someone laying a hand on Soarynn, forcing themselves onto her, scaring her.
He'd become the Capitol's first murderer, that's for certain.
Soarynn bites her lip for a moment before answering him, "No, no one's hurt me, and you haven't done anything to upset me. I'm just tired." Coriolanus sees right through that lie because as much as she tries to deny it, Soarynn is a terrible liar. At least to him, she is. Her father probably agrees with him that it's quite easy to see through any of Soarynn's small, insignificant lies. She rarely ever lies but she's done it enough for him to notice the slight tells that give her away.
How she always bites her lip, fiddles with the rings on her fingers, sways side to side, and avoids eye contact if possible. She's lied about small things in the past, whether or not she picked up his clothes from the tailor, if she remembered to attend some event, things like that.
She's lying right now.
His grip on her wrist slightly tightens as he leans down until he's at eye level with his wife, "Do you remember what I asked of you the day we got married?" Their wedding had been a wonderful blur but he remembers clear as day what he'd asked her to do once they made it down the aisle and were out of earshot from all of their guests.
"Don't ever lie to me, things will be much easier between us as long as we're honest with one another."
Soarynn swallows and nods her head, "You asked me to never lie to you." He tilts his head and looks her up and down, his pretty little wife who's done such a good job at pleasing him so far. "Trust is...important," he tells her slowly.
"Trust is everything to me," Soarynn whispers, "but I don't think you trust me Coriolanus."
Soarynn POV
Not a sound can be heard in the penthouse.
Coriolanus is at work and Soarynn is at home, overthinking.
There are a million other things she could be doing right now. Cleaning her makeup brushes, clearing out her wardrobe, running errands, and painting. But her conversation with Coriolanus from a few days ago keeps repeating in her mind. It had been a rather tense conversation between them, a conversation that ended in Coriolanus suggesting that they both just go to bed since the drinks from dinner had clearly gotten to them.
Funny how he was able to lie to himself about that when moments before he was reminding her to be truthful with him. And she was! She is! Soarynn doesn't really see any point in lying to her husband, not when he's been nothing but good to her. Should he be controlling or abusive then she could see a reason to lie but he's not. Coriolanus is a good husband. But he's not a very good companion.
Soarynn has seen her friends with their own husbands, seen how they share little inside jokes and knowing glances. She and Coriolanus don't share any of those. They only share polite table talk with a side of expected sex.
So when the phone rings, Soarynn nearly jumps off the sofa. Maybe it's the people calling from the gallery, she thinks to herself as she pushes herself from the sofa, making her way down the hall to where the phone is sitting on a small table.
"Snow residence, to whom am I speaking with?"
"Soarynn?" It's Coriolanus.
"Coriolanus, is everything alright?"
For a moment she worries something might have happened to his parents but he's quick to soothe her thoughts, "Perfectly fine. Well, not entirely fine. I need you to go into my study and open the top drawer in my desk, it has several files inside of it. I need you to bring me the red file, labeled, 'Quarterly Sales Meeting.' I forgot to grab it this morning and just remembered it."
Soarynn finds herself nodding along to her husband's instructions, especially since she knows how important the quarterly meetings are to him and his colleagues. He's been working nonstop the past month and the dinner they recently attended was a way of thanking everyone for their hard work.
"I'll bring it to you right away," she assures him and she hears him let out a small sigh of relief. "Thank you, darling, I'll see you soon." After a swift goodbye, Soarynn hangs up the phone and ventures into her husband's study. She's never been in here alone, and she's never seen the entire study since she usually lingers in its doorway.
She easily finds the file he was describing in the top drawer of his desk and quickly glances over his desktop for a moment when her eyes land on a framed photograph. She blinks once, twice before coming to the realization that it's her in the photograph.
She looks much younger than she is now, about eighteen when she first started seeing Coriolanus. It's a candid shot of her smiling down at Petunia in her arms, standing in the backyard of her childhood home. She remembers that day, how Coriolanus had come over and she proudly showed him her new kitten. Coriolanus had brought his camera with him but she never saw him taking that photo of her.
But he did, and here it is. Does he look at it often? How long has he had this photo framed? Does he have other photos of her?
Coriolanus is a masculine man through and through and before she moved in, his penthouse lacked a feminine touch. Or a sentimental touch in general.
But Soarynn can't linger long, not with Coriolanus waiting on her so she shuts the drawer and leaves the study. Thankfully their car is waiting outside for her and she's greeted by their driver, "Where to Mrs. Snow?" Soarynn gives him a polite smile, "My husband's office please."
The drive is short and yet Soarynn still finds time to worry about her current relationship with Coriolanus. It feels strained and if they can't trust one another, then what's the point? The point was to marry for convenience, to act as if this marriage was a business agreement, and yet Soarynn finds herself wishing it was more than that so maybe that's her issue.
Either way, whether Coriolanus loves her or not, it won't hinder her from being a good wife.
Coriolanus POV
Coriolanus drums his fingers against his wooden desk as he waits for Soarynn to arrive. He'd left an important file at home and instead of having his secretary fetch it, he had asked Soarynn to bring it to him.
He was feeling rather impatient although he didn't know if he was impatiently awaiting the arrival of the file or his wife.
He likes to think he’s waiting for the file but he knows that’s a lie. He’s eager to see Soarynn, to be in her gentle, feminine presence for a few moments before she goes back home to make sure dinner is being properly prepared for them.
Then he’ll go home, and hang up his coat in the hall closet before she greets him with a kiss on the lips and her dainty fingers wrap around the handle of his briefcase. He’ll let her take it and set it down so that he can freshen up in their bathroom before joining her at the dining table.
Without children or guests, their dinners can be very quiet, neither of them speaking of much except surface-level topics. She’ll ask him how his day at work went and he’ll ask her how her friends are doing and if she did any shopping.
They might have sex. But it all depends on how he’s feeling.
They had sex the other night, after the company dinner. It wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t great. Despite her lack of experience, Soarynn can be quite the pleasant and sensual creature in bed. The sounds she makes, the way her body moves, and the way her eyes roll back are what Coriolanus craves on a somewhat daily basis.
And the conversations they have afterward always seem to let him catch a better glimpse of who Soarynn truly is. When she’s too tired and overstimulated, she lets her walls down and he does the same.
Rare moments like that should be appreciated more than they are, but he's never been too good at opening up. During the months of the two of them dating, Coriolanus rarely went beneath the surface of his persona. He knew what Soarynn needed, a good husband who took care of her and her needs. How could he be a good husband if he was constantly vulnerable in front of her?
So after their fifth date, he vowed to himself that he'd never let her see that hidden side of him if he could help it. The side that longed to hold her for longer periods of time, and bathe with her while playing with her hair. It's better this way, at least that's what he tells himself. Letting her catch glimpses of the real him after sex is much better than being seen as weak.
It's best to be cold and calculated.
Soarynn POV
꧁ 6 Months Ago ꧂
It's a strange feeling to move into a room that is not your own. Soarynn feels like she's invading her husband's privacy as she unpacks her bags. Her husband, a new term that she is still not familiar with. She got married today, she's no longer a Nightingale.
Soarynn Snow.
Her hands are shaking while she puts her clothes into the dresser drawers and she does her best to still them, to calm her nerves. But she can't, not when she knows what will take place in a few minutes. She and Coriolanus have shared a few heated kisses, but they've never gone farther than that to honor tradition.
But Soarynn is terribly nervous, even dressed in expensive white lingerie. Her friends said it would make her feel more confident and more secure in herself, and yet she feels the exact opposite. What if he's not impressed with her? Coriolanus certainly isn't a virgin and Soarynn worries that he might be put off by her inexperience.
It's too late to turn back now.
She sighs and brushes her hair behind her ears, she'd rather just go to bed considering what a long day it's been for the both of them. Their wedding was lovely but tiring as she was expected to talk to all their guests. Soarynn doesn't mind the social chatter for the most part, so long as she can relax in her bedroom afterward. But this is her bedroom now, a room that she will share with a man.
Soarynn's curiosity gets the best of her and she pulls open the top drawer of the dresser and finds several pairs of socks that belong to her now husband, all the same color and style. Coriolanus from what she's seen, is a man who values routine and order, rarely ever straying from what he knows and trusts.
She just hopes that he'll come to know and trust her as time passes.
Soarynn hears the sound of heavy footsteps making their way towards their bedroom and she closes her trunk of belongings. She can put those away later. She glances at the large bed and her fingers graze over the white sheets. They might be stained sooner rather than later. Soarynn doesn't know why she's so nervous about the bleeding part of losing her virginity. She knows that it's supposedly a sign of one's virginity being taken but what if it doesn't happen to her? Then what would Coriolanus think?
Soarynn sits on the edge of the bed, her feet dangling off the edge and she grabs a handful of the lacy dress she's wearing over her lingerie. The dress itself is also lingerie, with intricate lace patterns sewn along the silk fabric. Hopefully, she meets his expectations.
The doors open revealing Coriolanus and her heart skips a beat. He looks so handsome, so regal and important even in the late, late hours of the night. It's past midnight but that's never stopped a man from taking what's his.
He offers her a small smile before closing the doors behind him and Soarynn manages to return his smile with one of her own. "You look pretty," he tells her as he walks towards her. Soarynn lets go of her dress and swallows, "Thank you."
She expects him to pounce on her but instead, he turns to the dresser where a small variety of alcohol sits on top of it along with several small glasses. She watches Coriolanus grab a bottle of something before twisting the cap off and pouring himself two glasses. It's a practiced ease she witnesses from him as if he's done this a thousand times, pouring himself a drink before bed to wind down.
"Quite the day," he muses to which Soarynn nods, "Yes, today was quite eventful." Coriolanus takes a sip of his drink and lets out a content sigh, "The alcohol selection was perfect, much better than the one at Festus and Persephone's wedding." Soarynn chuckles and shakes her head at her husband's words, "That's because you think you know what's best when it comes to alcohol."
Coriolanus shoots her a mischievous smile and nods, "I do know what's best when it comes to alcohol. If I weren't a businessman, I'd be a bartender." It's a funny thing to picture, Coriolanus working such a lower-class job but Soarynn strangely enough thinks that he'd be quite happy with it, money aside.
"You'd certainly be a crowd favorite," Soarynn agrees. Coriolanus grabs the other glass and offers it to her and Soarynn is unable to hide her surprised expression. She prefers wine over whatever he's drinking but he insists on her taking the glass, "To take the edge off," he explains, "you look like you'll need it."
Well, she can't argue with that.
Soarynn gives him a grateful smile before taking the glass and sipping whatever the glass contains. Whatever it is is disgusting and Soarynn pulls a disturbed look which causes Coriolanus to laugh, "Not a fan of whiskey hmm?" Soarynn shakes her head and offers it back to him, "I'm not really a fan of alcohol period, let alone whiskey."
Coriolanus hums and takes the glass back from her, throwing it back in one sip. It amazes Soarynn how much he can eat and drink, but she's learned that men are never truly satisfied. Speaking of satisfied....they still have to have sex, which means kissing, touching, and getting naked. Oh, why does she have to be so innocent?
Soarynn watches her husband drink from the other glass he poured, noticing the way his throat bobs when he swallows and how chiseled his jawline really is. Coriolanus Snow is devilishly handsome in Soarynn's opinion, it truly amazes her that she's his wife now, that she bears his last name for the world to see.
When he's finally finished he sets the glass down and finally takes a good look at her. To say she's been preparing for this moment would be an understatement. Over the past week, Soarynn has been waxed, primped, and primed for her wedding night. This morning she took a long bath and made sure her body was smooth and flawless.
Coriolanus tears his gaze away and begins unbuttoning his shirt. He took off his shoes and suit jacket the moment they got home, seemingly sick of wearing the clothes after a good twelve hours. Soarynn nervously fidgets as he bears his chest to her, showing off his toned physique. Soarynn's only seen him shirtless a handful of times before their marriage, but she has a feeling that she'll be seeing a lot of this in the near future.
He notices her staring and smirks, "Like what you see?" Soarynn blushes but she nods, remembering what he said to her earlier today, telling her to always be honest with him.
"Yes," she whispers, pressing her legs together. She'd be lying if she said she wasn't scared, mostly of the pain but the act of sex itself is terrifying to Soarynn who's still so young, especially compared to Coriolanus who's six years older than she is.
Coriolanus finally takes a step towards her and his hand comes out to cup her face, he does it so gently, as if he truly cares for her and Soarynn hopes he does, that her cares about her and how she feels. She's heard many tales about women marrying men who only care for their own pleasure. And Coriolanus has been so attentive so far, but that all could change right now, he could reveal his true colors.
But Coriolanus Snow seems like a good man.
Soarynn looks up at him, into his piercing blue eyes and she's overwhelmed with emotions to the point where she feels a single tear escaping her grasp and rolling down her cheek. The expression on his face changes from one of confidence to one of concern. Soarynn wipes the tear away and sniffles, "I'm sorry. I...I don't mean to be emotional, not on a night like this."
His thumb gently brushes over her cheek and Soarynn finds herself leaning into his touch, "I won't fault you for being nervous," Coriolanus gently tells her, "especially since it's your first time. Is it me that you're scared of?" Soarynn's eyes widen at his question because she really can't see herself ever being scared of Coriolanus. Not when she's seen glimmers of how kind he can be, how he laughs when playing with Petunia, or carries his mother's shopping bags for her.
No, Soarynn could never be scared of Coriolanus.
"No," she quickly assures him, "I'm just scared of the pain," she whispers the last part. His face contorts to a rather unsure expression and Soarynn highly doubts that Coriolanus has ever been tasked with such a needy partner like her before, one that requires constant reassurance. He sighs as he looks down at her with a fond look in his eyes, "I can't promise that it won't hurt, I'd be surprised if it didn't hurt. But it won't last long, and we'll go slow," he tells her and Soarynn slightly relaxes after hearing those words.
The smirk returns to his face as he adds, "Besides, I think you'll find sex to be rather enjoyable after getting over the first time." Soarynn doesn't even want to think about the second time, not when they've yet to get the first time over with but she nods all the same, "Alright, I trust you."
That seems to be the green light for Coriolanus who's quick to lean down and finally capture her lips in a passionate, heated kiss to which Soarynn eagerly responds. Coriolanus is an excellent kisser and Soarynn's kissed him enough to feel confident in herself. Their first kiss had been rather adorable but she was a flustered mess afterward and Coriolanus teased her endlessly about it until she finally gathered up the courage to be the one to initiate the kisses they shared.
Still, Coriolanus is a man who thrives with control and is a dominant man so he's been the one to initiate their kisses for the most part. Soarynn doesn't mind it in the slightest, not when she's always been so pliant and submissive all things considered.
Her hands come to rest on his biceps and she finally feels how toned and strong Coriolanus is. He's mentioned his fitness regimen before but Soarynn's never been able to bear witness to his strength before. He feels as if he could rip her in half if he wanted to.
His hands travel down to her waist, squeezing it while he deepens the kiss and his tongue explores her mouth. Soarynn whimpers when he tugs on her bottom lip with his teeth and then lets out a squeal when he picks her up by her waist and tosses her further back onto the bed. Coriolanus is quick to follow her, sitting on his knees while he kisses her again, and this time Soarynn pops up on her knees as well.
He's still taller than her, but the height difference is less significant than if they were to both be standing. Coriolanus grabs the back of her head with one hand, his fingers tussling with her blonde hair, the hair that was so carefully styled for their wedding. It'll be a rat's nest by the end of the night.
Soarynn gathers up a bit of courage and rests her hands on his bare chest, feeling how warm his skin feels against her palms. Coriolanus groans into the kiss, clearly enjoying the physical contact. Over the past year, Soarynn has learned how much Coriolanus values physical touch. Just because it's frowned upon for high society couples to sleep with one another before their wedding doesn't mean Coriolanus has kept his hands to himself.
He's constantly attached to her one way or another, holding her hand, resting his hand on her lower back, and having her hold his arm, he's even held pinkies once which was rather adorable.
Coriolanus wedges his knee in between Soarynn's legs and she lets out a breathy moan when his knee brushes against her barely covered cunt. Coriolanus smirks into the kiss and takes a firm hold of her hair before pushing her down onto the bed. Soarynn is breathless as she stares up at the ceiling, utterly and entirely vexed at how quickly things are moving.
But Coriolanus is on top of her again, this time on his hands and knees as he presses kisses to her neck and chest. Soarynn lets out soft, breathy moans at each little kiss he presses to her soft skin. One of his hands pushes down the straps of her white, silky dress, exposing the bralette she's chosen to wear tonight. It's made entirely of intricate lace and has a white rose in the middle of her breasts.
Coriolanus fixes his stare on the rose for a moment before swallowing, and Soarynn feels quite proud of herself for choosing something her husband seems to be so fond of. He presses a kiss to her breast and Soarynn grows restless under him which he quickly fixes by pressing his knee up against her cunt once again, drawing out a desperate moan from Soarynn's lips.
Coriolanus sucks hard against her soft skin and Soarynn gasps at the foreign feeling. She's seen her friends littered with lovebites after their own wedding nights but she never knew if Coriolanus was the type of man to claim what's his. It appears that he is.
Her chest is littered in love bites in a matter of minutes and Coriolanus sits up on his knees to admire his work. Soarynn stares up at him, growing more and more desperate for his touch. Coriolanus reaches down and grabs her dress before tearing it right down the middle. Soarynn gasps as the cold air hits her bare skin, revealing the matching set of lingerie she wore under the dress.
Coriolanus throws whatever remains of her dress in some dark corner of the room before finally seeing Soarynn's body for the first time. She feels nervous about what he might think, that he might wish she were fuller in other places and more spare somewhere else but he seems quite taken with her. "You're a vision," he tells her, and Soarynn blushes, "Thank you."
He nods and withdraws his knee, grinning when Soarynn lets out a displeased sound from the loss of contact, "Eager are we?" He teases to which Soarynn rolls her eyes, "You're very sure of yourself." Coriolanus shrugs all while wearing that boyish grin on his face before he grabs a hold of both of her knees, "I'm very sure of myself because I'm an excellent lover in the bedroom," he corrects her as he pushes her legs apart, revealing her to him. Well, almost all of her.
Soarynn's breath hitches in her throat when he brings a finger to the panties she's elected to wear tonight and swipes over her covered cunt, the feeling sending shocks throughout her body. Coriolanus leans down and kisses her knee, then her thigh, slowly working his way down, all while maintaining eye contact with Soarynn who's beginning to wonder what she's gotten herself into.
But Coriolanus doesn't give her much time to think about it before he finally reaches the waistline of her lace panties. "These simply have to go, darling," he says almost in a disappointed way. Soarynn immediately hikes up her hips and he lets out a deep, throaty chuckle that goes straight to her core.
Coriolanus peels her panties off, unhooking them from her legs before throwing them somewhere in the room. Soarynn feels her legs shaking because there's nothing keeping her from his view anymore. Coriolanus blows air onto her cunt and Soarynn twitches from sensitivity, "You just might have the most perfect cunt I've ever seen," he groans, his fingers ghosting her folds.
Soarynn moans at his words and ruts her hips up, "Please," she says, not really knowing what she's asking him for. "You're soaked," Coriolanus says, his breath so close to her cunt, "can't wait for my cock to be inside of you hmm?" It's amazing to hear such vulgar words come from her husband's mouth, a man who's normally known for speaking so eloquently.
Soarynn ruts her hips again but this time Coriolanus wraps his arm around her waist, pressing her against the mattress, "Be patient darling," he chides, "a good girl waits to be given what she deserves." Those words strike a nerve within Soarynn because she so desperately wants to be good for him, to be a good wife and partner.
When the tongue of Coriolanus Snow finally licks a strip over her cunt, Soarynn nearly screams. The feeling is so overwhelming and he's a talented man with an even more talented mouth. Soarynn is inconsolable as he laps at her cunt, his tongue slightly delving into her entrance before pinpointing her clit.
Soarynn moans at the feeling, attempting to grind against his mouth but still being pinned down by his arm. Her hands grasp at the bedsheets and she feels herself growing closer and closer to what must be her peak. "Oh, oh, oh please," she moans, her right hand reaching down to grab her husband's blonde curls. Coriolanus groans when she tugs on them but it sounds like he enjoys her hands on him and she's in no position to stop unless he does.
Just as she's about to hit her peak, he pulls away. Soarynn lets out a frustrated groan and her legs immediately shut when Coriolanus sits back up. She feels sensitive all over and wonders how women do this on a daily basis. When she looks up at Coriolanus she can see him wearing a cocky expression, clearly proud of himself. She can also see the evident bulge growing through his pants and her throat dries at the sight.
"I'll show you how to return the favor another time," he says, his hands undoing his belt buckle. All Soarynn can do is nod because she doesn't quite trust herself to speak right now. It's an ungodly sight to see Coriolanus only in his underwear, a clear imprint of his cock now visible and he looks like he's on the bigger side.
The nerves kick back in as Soarynn is reminded of what is about to take place in a few minutes. Coriolanus pulls his boxers down and Soarynn visibly pales at the girth and length of his cock, the tip red and a bit of precum already visible.
He's going to tear her apart.
Any reassurances he gave her have flown out the window now because how on earth is that going to fit without being the most painful thing she's ever experienced?
Coriolanus takes notice of her distressed state and takes her hand in his, giving it a squeeze, "Don't be scared, I promise I'll go slowly, you'll get used to it after a few minutes."
It's made quite clear to her at that moment that he has every intention of still going through with the deed, even if it's at her own expense. The marriage must be consummated, no arguments there. And children are expected to come from the two of them sooner than later and Soarynn has a feeling that Coriolanus wants them as soon as possible.
But despite her underlying fears, Soarynn nods, "Okay."
Coriolanus positions himself over her, his arms caging her in as he lines himself up at her entrance. At least she's somewhat prepared, Soarynn can't imagine having sex while being dry as a bone down there. She didn't even try to get wet, it just happened. Coriolanus seems to have that effect on her.
There had been a handful of times when Soarynn attempted to make herself feel good by using her own fingers but she found it to be unsatisfying and after a while, boring. But Coriolanus is so different and now he's about to take her virginity, something she's guarded for so long, unbeknownst to her, for him.
"Try to hold still," he mumbles while slowly pushing into her. Soarynn grits her teeth at the uncomfortably stretch she feels. Coriolanus is big in girth but he keeps to his word and goes slowly, watching her reactions. There's a slight burn that Soarynn is sure she'll experience every single time they have sex. At one point she closes her eyes, unable to look into her husband's piercing gaze. She hopes she's not being too demanding or needy, she wants to be good for him.
Soarynn gasps when she feels him finally bottom out, the tip of his cock presses against a very sensitive spot inside of her, and her legs spasm. Coriolanus leans his forehead against her own and lets out a deep, strained breath, "Fuck you feel so good Soarynn." Soarynn nods but doesn't say anything, she wouldn't even know what to say.
Coriolanus stays there for a moment, letting her get used to the feeling before he slowly withdraws his hips from hers before thrusting back in. Soarynn moans at the new feeling, of her walls wrapping around him and how good it feels when he thrusts back into her.
She finally opens her eyes when he picks up the pace and is faced with a very attractive-looking Coriolanus Snow who seems to be focused on keeping his thrusts steady yet powerful. She can feel the pain ebbing away slowly but surely, the pleasure finally taking over.
Soarynn has been subjected to several detailed recollections of her friends losing their virginities since being married so you’d think that she would have an idea of what to expect and yet it’s entirely new and overwhelming to her.
Once the pleasure finally kicks in Soarynn finally understands why people obsess over sex the way they do. It feels amazing. He feels amazing.
“Oh,” she means, arching her back. Coriolanus looks down at her and flashes her a smile, “Feeling better now are we?” He continues to thrust deep inside of her and Soarynn curls her toes in response, “Yes,” she pants. She brings her hands up to his bare, broad shoulders so that she has something to hold onto and Coriolanus seems to take that as a challenge to take her harder than before.
One thing she’s learned about Coriolanus is that he can be very competitive when he wants to be. And apparently, that bleeds into their sex life as well.
Soarynn can feel herself reaching her peak once again but this time it’s stronger and better as if his mouth is truly no competition for his cock. “Fuck,” he grunts, placing one hand on her lower abdomen. It scrambles Soarynn’s brain when he does that and she lets out a whine, “Please, please,” she begs, her eyes becoming glassy.
Coriolanus goes harder and faster once she starts begging and it’s all too much for Soarynn who finally reaches her first orgasm. Her eyes roll back and she sees stars as her entire body nearly convulses from pleasure. Her perfectly manicured nails dig into his porcelain skin and her mouth is left wide open in a silent scream.
Coriolanus follows right behind her with his own orgasm, swearing under his breath as he finishes inside of her for the first time. Soarynn whimpers at the feeling, at his cum coating her walls, truly claiming her as his now.
Coriolanus takes a moment to calm down, resting on his forearms as he catches his breath. There’s sweat on his brow but he still looks handsome. “Are you alright?” He finally asks, brushing a stray hair from Soarynn’s face. She gives him a tired smile and nods, “Quite. That was…that was much better than what I could have ever imagined.”
Coriolanus laughs and presses a soft kiss to her forehead, a sweet gesture that Soarynn is rarely given but she cherishes all the same. “I’m sure with time, you’ll discover things you like and things you don’t like,” he tells her, his hand traveling down her abdomen, leaving a trail of goosebumps in its wake.
Soarynn simply hums and lets him slowly pull out. It almost feels strange to be empty once again but Coriolanus looks mighty proud of himself as he looks down at the mess he’s made between her legs. Soarynn gasps when he swipes a finger up her cunt and it comes away sticky with a red-looking substance. She sits up on her elbows to see a small red stain on the once-white sheets as well.
Her blood. Well, looks like she’s not a virgin anymore.
Coriolanus gives her a rather sultry look, “Looks like you’re truly mine now darling.”
꧁ ꧂
꧁ Present Time ꧂
“Here we are, Mrs. Snow. Would you like me to wait?”
The driver’s words pull Soarynn away from her reminiscent moment and she nods, giving the driver a kind smile, “Yes, please. I won’t be long.”
If Coriolanus is as busy as she thinks he is, she’ll be in and out. Even though she wishes she could stay longer, be around him longer. It’s rather hard to get to know your husband if you only see him when he gets home from work.
But Soarynn pushes those negative thoughts away and opens the car door, stepping out onto the Capitol street in front of the large office building her husband works inside. A slight wave of dizziness hits her and she steadies herself against the car.
She’s been feeling a bit lightheaded for the past few days but she’s shrugged it off for the most part. She probably just needs to get some more sleep. But as she walks into the prominent office building and spots a front desk worker sporting a rather large pregnant stomach, it dawns on her that she might be pregnant.
Certainly, it couldn’t be. But maybe it could be. They certainly haven’t been having unprotected sex for the lack of trying to get pregnant and Soarynn knows that Coriolanus longs for children someday.
Pregnancy aside, Soarynn is here for one thing and one thing only. Her husband. She prepares herself for his closed-off demeanor while riding up in the elevator. She knows it’s nothing personal, that he’s not doing it to hurt her. That's simply how Coriolanus is.
Cold and calculated.
| Part 3. |
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oops-all-concrete · 8 months
BG3 fandom! I have more headcanons- but first!!
I must issue a very loud
For The Dark Urge playthrough of Baldurs Gate 3! There is no further warning below the cut, so if you care not to be spoiled, do not continue to read!
For those of you interested- ahead lies: Angst, hurt/comfort, canon-typical violence, blood, mentions of death, no MCD or any perma-death anyway, and lots of love. Greif and pain and emotional hurt are heavy themes as well!
Last warning! ⚠️Spoilers ahead⚠️
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I've just gotten to this point in the Dark Urge run (where you reject Bhaal and fucking) DIE, and DUDE- I am stunned companions say NOTHING to your LITERAL DEATH after rejecting Bhaals gift or whatever. (Not in the scenes anyway) So, I'm writing how I think they'd respond cinematically, because your lively Durges deserve to be mourned and loved.
(Of course in-game this would be limited to the dialogue, but I've describes how they would be animated anyhow)
Lae'zel -
She's running to Durge the moment they start lifting from the ground, but pauses once their eyes start rolling back and blackening. There's something beyond her control happening, and she needs it to stop- and it does. With Tav hitting the floor eyes black, soul gone. She's immediately yelling at the others to do something, hand her a scroll, something- but nothing is working. Her shoulder slump after a good few minutes. And finally her voice breaks. She holds a hand to her chest as she wails in agony, holding her Tavs body like it's the last time- because to her- it is. "My angel, my moon. My great protector. I have failed you" She hisses, eyes scrunched shut.
Shadowheart -
She's been afraid her whole life. But even in the face of Bhaal, she will not be afraid if it means Tav will be safer. She immediately casts warding bond, if they're in danger, she'll halve it. If you're going to get hurt, so shall she- and she's okay with that. "Hang on-!" And then it all goes black, she falls without a word or scream, but she's content. If she dies protecting Durge, she cannot ask for better.
(After cutscene convo) Once Durge has been revived by Withers, it's up to them to get a scroll and revive her from the bloodied mess on the floor. She's stunned and confused, but the moment she sees Tav okay she couldn't care less. Why did you do that? "It might sound silly, but I was scared that you would be alone through whatever was about to happen. I don't regret it, if you're wondering"
Wyll -
"Gods- NO!" He shouts, a hand reaching out for them as they hit the ground. He's over them in a flash, holding their head in his arms, trying desperately to wake them, find a pulse, wake up himself and have this all be some sick nightmare. But of course, no such thing happens. The Tav he knows and loves just ceased living before his eyes. There's blood soaking into his every apparel and he's crying his eye out. It crosses his mind. Mizora is powerful- even if she can't fix this, she will know someone or something that can. He'd give anything- his whole life, he'd gladly be a lemure if it gave Tav back. He almost calls for her- until Withers starts his speech. (During the 'your rejection of Bhaal has earned you a place among heroes' section of his dialogue, he'll turn to Wyll and add: 'No devil's, demons or feinds required, I assure you')
Karlach -
If she wasn't raging before, she is now. A tomb-rocking scream echoes around the chamber, eyes wide with horror, body shaking and burning all over, engine out of control but she couldn't care less. One of the others will tell her to calm down. "FUCK THAT! FUCK EVERYTHING! FUCK THE GODS ABOVE AND THE HELLS BELOW." She roars. It goes on, swearing, screaming, swinging- and then, finally- collapse. She drops to her knees and punches the hard ground next to Tavs body, sobbing and exhausted. Withers walks in the the most gut-wrenching agonised scream of why
Gale -
He's frozen as it happens. His hands crackle with weave but he can't move. He needs to do something- anything, but time moves without him. All he knows is he can't breathe, all he can smell is blood and he thinks he's going to be sick. He can hear invisible bones cracking, distant blood dripping and their last choke. The wizard stumbles forward, barely making it to their body before collapsing beside them, on his knees and positively glowing from the mark on his chest. The orb can sense his distress and buzzes within him, as though it can smell the death. He pulls and hand to his mouth, kissing it gently- unable to comprehend a kiss goodbye. "Oh- Gods. Oh my love" he sobs, brows furrowed in what looks like physical pain. "I'm so sorry... I'm so, so sorry..." He wheezes out, scarcely finding breath.
Astarion -
He doesn't let their head hit the ground. He's swift as he catches them, but frantic as he sets their head on his thighs as a pillow. He pulls open their eyelids only to find a blackened core beneath, animalistic and distinctly unfamiliar. "Wake up, damn you...not after all this! You don't get to go!" He yells sounding genuinely furious- like he was going to get violent. If any of the others approach he doesn't notice. "We still have a cult to cull, we have a brain to control- I need you!" He yells, voice raw and eyes wet, the anger melting into greif. He makes a sheild of himself over Durge when Withers walks in, dagger/shortsword in hand, teeth bared, despite his damp face.
(Withers greets Astarion: 'Cry no more Spawn of sanguine- the universe is finally in your favour')
(Only Halsin is romanced for obvious reasons, but closeness is still implied for Minsc and Jaheira)
Halsin -
He catches Durge on the way down, their head on his chest as he lays them down over himself. "My heart? Can you hear me? Please say something" He begs hands glowing with healing magic, eyes aglow as well. He tries for a little, but then his breathing changes entirely, a small hushed gasp sounds from him, his he starts shaking his head, eyes wide. "Oh- oh Gods- Silvannus, please- I cannot bear to lose- oh Gods" He gasps, breath becoming harsher- finally letting tears fall. "Oak Father- please, wherever they go- keep them safe" he prays, teeth gritted in agony.
Jaheira -
She looks away as Tavs life is sapped away, unable to watch another Bhaalspawn friend suffer. When all falls still and silent, she looks among the other companions, shocked and frozen. "They're at peace now. Take comfort in knowing they chose to keep you all safe." She says with a proud nod- but her eyes are wet and her nose scrunched a little with a sniff.
Minsc -
There's small squeaking in the berserkers ear, before he sighs, almost a sob and speaks with a tired voice. "Wise words, Boo. I only wish our friend could hear you" Before he turns away, unable to look at them on the floor. "I am proud to have called them our friend. We should make them proud in return"
Hope you enjoyed! To the lovely people who have made requests, I will get to them as soon as I can!! Thank you for the requests, and please feel free to send me more!
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saltwaterburns · 3 months
Hey! If it’s alright, may I request Lockwood and co x reader (platonic) where they comfort reader after finding out their partner cheated on them with a close friend?
intertwined, sewn together - lockwood & co.
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This is so extremely late and I'm so sorry but this whole thing just, clicked today. I also included Holly from the books, I hope that's okay!! You can switch her and Lucy's places, though, it's not relevant to the plot. This one is short, but hopefully enough 🤍
Small sobs are wrecking your body as you hurry down the road, the soft pitter patter sound of raindrops falling down around you echoing throughout the entire street. The weather is gloomy, the entire sky painted almost black with the hues of dark blue clouds, the rumble of oncoming thunder heard in the distance. You suppose it's slightly funny that mother nature is keen upon showing off your inner turmoil to other people like this, because it's almost a picture perfect copy of how you feel.
How could you have been so stupid? You knew it was a bad idea to date someone, taking your current occupation into consideration. It was even worse of an idea when that someone was a bloody Fittes agent. But you decided to make an exception, to finally cave and try something new, something exhilarating. You really thought you could make it work with him, oblivious to the little white lies his mouth was spewing the whole time you were together about how he'd treat you like you were the loveliest girl on the planet. Yet here you are, tears shining on your red and blotchy cheeks after seeing him with his tongue stuck down another agents throat. Its not her fault, of course. At least you hope. You're praying that he hadnt told that girl anything, that she had no idea about your existence. You really dont want to hate her. You've seen her around the archives sometimes when you're tagging along with George to work on some research. She was always the only one to send a kind smile your way, often times making the tips of George's ears turn pink.
You turn around the corner and as Portland Row comes into your line of sight, the tight grip on your heart starts loosening. Home. You quicken your step and just when you reach the threshold to the house, it starts pouring down behind you. The streets quickly become flooded and you smile weakly in victory for making it there before getting soaked, messing around with the doorknob a bit before managing to somehow get it to open.
You let the door slam shut behind you and the gut wrenching feelings return now that you managed to arrive at home. Soft glow is emitting from the kitchen alongside gentle muffled laughter you manage to pick up and the melancholy feeling makes your eyes well up again.
"Y/N? Are you back already?" Someone asks. It snaps you out of your thoughts and you look up, quickly wiping your eyes with the backs of your hands. Holly is standing before you, her head tilted to the side in confusion, then worry. "Have you been crying?"
You shake your head frantically, not trusting yourself with the task of speaking. You're pretty sure nothing but a sob would leave your mouth right now. But Holly knows, Holly always knows. She opens her arms and pulls you into her warm embrace and for a moment you feel like a kid who has scraped her knee and is now crying silently in the arms of her mother. She sits down with her back leant against the wall and pulls you down alongside her, her hands not once leaving yours. You sit beside her and your head rests on her shoulder, her arm wrapped around you. Not a word is spoken, but her presence feels like a snug, homemade blanket smelling of cinnamon buns. Even if they're low carb.
Two presences join you. Its one for all and all for one, after all. George and Lockwood situate themselves down on either side of you and Holly. A moment of silence passes, and then Lockwood breaks. "I knew it. I knew he would end up being a slimy git. What else can you expect from Fittes agents these days. I'll hunt him down, I swear. He will regret the day he messed with an asset of Lockwood & Co."
The sudden outburst makes a small flame of joy spark in your chest and before you know it, you giggle. You cover your mouth in embarrassment, but then Holly also giggles and before you know it, you're a heap of laughing mess on the floor with George and Lockwood snickering beside you as well.
"I could steal something from Fittes again and blame it on him?" George offers, brushing it off as a mere joke when Holly looks up at him bewilderedly. You laugh again, your stomach cramping at the action and thank him, whispering that you'll think about it when Holly is distracted by noticing that Lucy is approaching, waving her over. Lucy sits down in front of you, offering you a doughnut from a big plate. You grab one (chocolate filling, your favourite) and thank her with a little smile. She smiles back and takes your hand in hers, giving it a reassuring squeeze.
"I'm here for you, babe, always. We all are. That prick wouldn't recognise a good thing even if it hit him in the face," she says, rolling her eyes. Everyone is keen to agree, starting to list things wrong with the man. You're glad that they haven't forced you talk about what went down, the ache of it still very real inside your heart. You would tell them, eventually. For the safety of the bloke. He should've thought about having bloodthirsty agents after him before sticking his tongue down her throat.
You lean back into Holly's side, her arm sneaking around you. All of them are laughing and excitedly conversing with each other but you're glad to stay out of it for now, doing your best to memorise this moment so you can revisit it when the feelings become too much. Your friends are the things you hold closest to your heart, you're sure of it now.
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aishangotome · 3 months
Alfons Sylvatica: [Mad Love] Chapter 24 Premium Story
Chapter 24
Why this room...!?
Alfons had pulled me into a shady room behind the tavern.
Alfons: Because if we went back to the castle, Victor or someone might...
Alfons: ...start a drinking party, saying, "Let's celebrate solving the case!" or something.
Kate: But there's no lock on this door, is there? What if someone comes in...?
Alfons: There is a lock.
Alfons nonchalantly takes a metal key with a chain from his pocket and shows it to me.
Alfons: And I've told the owner that no one can come in today.
Kate: What...!
I'm shocked to learn that he lied to me that day, saying there was no lock, after telling me the horrible lie that he let another man hold me.
Kate: You liar...!
Alfons: Hehe, the real bad liars are the ones who don't reveal the truth.
But I'm probably just as bad for being so easily swayed by his words.
In fact, I was so overwhelmed by what was about to happen that I closed my eyes,
and my heated eyes were gently stroked.
Alfons: More than that, I have to make sure I take good care of you tonight for making you wait...
Alfons: It would be troublesome if you end up falling for the wrong man with your desirable body.
Kate: D-don't lump me in with you! Alfons: That hurts. Do I look like the type to cheat? Kate: You do, very much so. Alfons: Hehe, a liar and a cheater, that's a harsh assessment. Alfons: Should you just give up on a man like this? Kate: …No. Kate: I'll make sure you have no time to cheat, I'll please you. Alfons: …… (W-what am I saying…?) (But even if I say I won't allow cheating, it won't resonate with him) (The only way is to use force…) While I was making excuses to myself in my mind, Alfons put his hand on my cheek and gently lifted it up. Alfons: You have too much talent as a toy, it worries me a little. (Alfons…?) The voice that was uttered was so sweet that it melted… the depths of my body trembled. The gaze and voice he poured on me were different from before. It was as if the sunlight I had been feeling through the curtains was now burning me directly. Kate: W-what do you mean… talent as a toy…? I've always been frustrated by the distance between us. Now, I feel so close to him that I feel like I could reach deep inside his body with my fingertips. I was happy about it, and a feeling of elation welled up from the bottom of my heart… (I feel like I'm going to lose my cool--) I couldn't help but look away. Kate: Oh, right. I bought cupcakes. (This is definitely not the time to be talking about this.) The fact that I'm bringing up such irrelevant topics probably means I'm not calm anymore. I tried desperately to regain my composure and sat down on the bed to check the contents of the paper bag, but the cupcakes I had dropped once, bag and all, were a mess. Alfons: It's an avant-garde design. Alfons sat down next to me and peeked into the bag. Kate: Um… I was hoping we could eat them together, since it's a special occasion. Alfons: It's fine. They may look like that, but they're not rotten and they didn't fall directly on the ground. Alfons: …Kate, please feed them to me. Kate: …? He whispered in my ear, lightly touching it with his lips, and my heart, which had long since lost its composure, pounded so hard that it felt like it would break.
Kate: ... Here you go...
Ignoring the burning in her ears and cheeks, she picked up a cupcake and offered it to him...
Alfons: Thank you for the food.
Her wrist was grabbed and pulled closer, her heart beating like a drum.
The cream that should have been on top was crushed, and he bit into the misshapen cupcake.
Alfons: Mmm... Oh, it's really delicious.
Kate: Is that so...?
(Alfons, you take big bites...)
The small cupcake was quickly devoured in two or three bites, and now only crumbs remained.
Kate: Ah...
He licked off even the remaining cream with the tip of his tongue, and I couldn't help but let out a sound.
Kate: Ah, Alfons...
Alfons: Since you were kind enough to buy it for me... I have to eat it all, without leaving anything behind.
Alfons narrowed his eyes as if enjoying my reaction...
He put my fingertips, which should have been clean, in his mouth and ran his tongue over them.
Kate: Nn... Ah...
He traced the spaces between my fingers, my palm, the thin skin on the inside of my wrist, and my body trembled sweetly.
Even so, the reason I let him do as he pleases is...
Because I'm already hoping for more.
Alfons: It was delicious. Thank you for the food.
Alfons: Ah... I wanted to eat it "together," but I ended up eating it all by myself.
Alfons: There should be one more left in the bag... Would you like to have it too, Kate?
I glared at him for asking such a question when he had put me in a state where I couldn't refuse, and his smile deepened with amusement.
(I'm frustrated...)
But there's nothing I can do about it, since what I want more than a cupcake is right there in front of me.
Kate: ...Mine... can wait until tomorrow morning.
Alfons: Let's hope it's ready before what one might call morning, shall we?
He flashed a mischievous grin, then scooped me up and dove onto the bed.
The creaking of the bedsprings gradually subsided, replaced by the sound of ragged breathing filling the room.
While kissing each other passionately, we reached out our hands to take off each other's clothes.
Alfons: You're not embarrassed today, are you?
Alfons: The first time you came into this room, you turned so red at the slightest touch and ran away.
Heat rises in my cheeks as I remember the time when he made me feel good with his fingers, and showed me my disheveled appearance using a hand mirror.
Kate: ...I can't be embarrassed now...
Alfons: Aha, as expected of someone who spent a month in the evil lair of Crown Castle,
Alfons: and fulfilled the unprecedented job of a Fairytale Keeper, Kate.
Alfons: You adapt quite easily to indecent things, don't you?
Kate: It's not like I'm used to it or anything...
Alfons: Oh really... then, what is it?
His provocative whisper makes my heart pound as if it's going to break.
Kate: Th-that is...
Kate: It's because I'm going to do something even more embarrassing...
Alfons: ----!
I pushed Alfons down and straddled him.
Before embarrassment, insecurity, and all sorts of things catch up with me,
I lowered my hips, and the tip of his heat splits my body open.
Kate: Uh...Nn, Hm...
Alfons: ...Ah, Kate.
Alfons: You're already soaking wet when I haven't even touched you... here.
Kate: Ah, uh, don't move...!
Kate: I... I'm going to....
Alfons: When it feels good, isn't it better to be "together"?
A hand reaches out to the wet mess that has half-engulfed her.
The moment his fingertips crush the swollen, small tip, a spark of pleasure explodes in her head.
Kate: Ahh, ....don't...n-n-n-touch me... no...
I shake my head, but the nectar overflows and runs down his heat, negating my words.
Alfons: You're a terrible liar.
Alfons: You feel so good here.
Kate: Ahh, hm, ahh..
As he continued to knead with his fingers, the sound of water grows louder.
The repeated stimulation makes my thighs tremble, and I can't lower my hips or pull them back as I squeeze his heat inside. At that moment,
Alfons: Ahh...
Kate: Ahh---!
Alfons' hips rose up, and a shock ran through my body.
Kate: Hah, ah, ahh.....!
As he shook his hips, a sweet ecstasy welled up inside me.
Kate: Nnn.... I... I.. I was planning to make you feel good, Alfons...
Alfons: Okay, okay. Next time.
Kate: Ah, nnn, I was so embarrassed to insert it myself... but I tried my best... ah, ah
His bouncing hips knocked me deep inside, and I spoke in broken breaths.
Kate: Why did you move first? ... That's mean... Nnn..
Alfons: ....Aha
After a loud sigh, his hips started moving faster.
Kate: Nn, ah, ahhh
Alfons: Are you thinking that I did that on purpose?
Alfons: I didn't have time to think about it.
Kate: Mmm....?
Alfons: ......I couldn't wait to get messy with you.
Alfons: Covered in honey, squeezed tight, rubbing against each other...
Alfons: I wanted to feel good with you as soon as possible, even if it was only for a second. That's all.
The words that came from his lips along with his hot breath made the depths of my body burn hot and the pleasure rose all at once.
Kate: Ah...ah...nn..!!
I was shaking violently while being swallowed by the waves so sweet that I couldn't speak....,
By the time the night came, with only pleasure imprinted on my body, I was left... feeling exhausted and full of happiness.
And then-- the squashed, misshaped cupcake ended up being brunch.
Mad Love Chapter 25
If you’d like to support my translations, feel free to buy me a coffee here! :)
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sugdenlovesdingle · 10 months
ok I need to yell about these scenes and I don't think there's a video yet so let me annoy you with a recap.
Aaron and Vic having drinks in the pub, she's in the toilet or something - Away From The Table - and left her phone, which is pinging with messages. Aaron does not do privacy and checks who the messages are from, sees they're from Jacob, cracks some jokes about keeping it in the family when Vic comes back to the table.
"Like father, like son."
"So I can't ask you who is better in bed then?"
the scene changes to other nonsense and when they come back Aaron is all serious.
Aaron: It's nobody's business, so just tell them to do one
Vic: i want to avoid anyone else getting hurt, we're not all heartless like you. Sorry, I didn't mean that.
Aaron: it's fair. Since when do you care about other people's opinion?
Vic: Since David's reaction. I'll have to go into hiding when Leyla finds out. She already hates me for poisoning Jacob.
Aaron: So that's why you're running off to Portugal, so Leyla can't hunt you down?
Vic: No. I said I need a break from all the lies. I want it out in the open, but Jacob can't tell them yet. Don't ask why, but it's reason enough.
Aaron: You love him don't you?
Vic: yeah, yeah I do. We just get each other you know?
Aaron: nods and looks like this
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Vic: do you think I'm mad?
Aaron: No more than usual.
Vic: *laughs*
Aaron: But listen... if Jacob is... you know... the one... then... wait for him.
Vic: You sound like you're speaking from experience.
Aaron: Maybe. *looking all serious but also suddenly very interested in the table and not looking at her*
Aaron: *getting all defensive* I DIDN'T ASK! *staring at the table again but Vic definitely Hit A Nerve there*
Vic: *bringing out the Smugden Sugden*: I know. But whilst we're talking about The One...
Aaron: I'M GOING TO CHANGE THE SUBJECT! Have I helped you here?
Vic: for once, yes.
Scene change, other nonsense.
Aaron: *literally runs into Jacob in the cafe*: woah, easy! Don't you think you should go and see her rather than texting her?
Jacob: Sorry?
Aaron: You should be seeing your girlfriend. Face to face.
Jacob: Haven't got a girlfriend.
Aaron: Jacob, I know you have. I know about Victoria. She wants to talk to you. So don't mess it up, yeah?
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whoslaurapalmer · 10 days
an ask if you have time: what do you think violet, klaus, and sunny’s favorite foods are? (and why?)
okay so sunny first. clearly she likes hard, really bite-able things, but i think also, really big and bold flavor. definitely will try anything once!! i also think she likes things with a little bit of mess. evidence that something was really eaten and enjoyed. fav food: ratatouille, on really good, toasted bread. i read that if you make ratatouille right the veggies get like a, smooth, jammy consistency? which sounds like it would be INCREDIBLE slapped on some bread, where you're left with these fun and amazing flavors on a good good bread. i think she'd like that combination. i think it's versatile, and different recipes call for a variety of vegetables, which i think sunny would like. the craft of it all, changing a little every time, a challenge to use what she has or add something new, something that she can still make incredible. i also think that when she makes it, the baudelaire household all sits really close together and eats it out of the pan, which is her favorite part. the community of food! who you make it for and who you eat it with!!! fav snack: raw carrots (good, convenient, crunchy snack.) (she eats them so much to the point that, when she stands around, idly leaning on something, chomping on them, frank is convinced she's one day going to 'what's up, doc?' him. she won't, but she likes to look like she's considering it, just to keep him on his toes.) but also, parmesan cheese crisps. am i eating some right now and savoring their salty parmy crunchy crunch goodness? ............maybe. oh, and nice herby croutons........... fav dessert: i think a napoleon!!!!!! all that crispy flaky puff pastry.........nice and chocolatey, too.
for klaus......we know canonically he likes custard eclairs, so i think klaus likes, food that goes down easily, not a great deal of crunch most of the time, food that is.........reliable. in terms of like, sustenance? typical nutritional value? and consistent taste? flavorful, but not necessarily, IN YOUR FACE FLAVOR fav food: oatmeal, with strawberries. now i hate oatmeal bc i can't stand the texture, although i've seen some good-looking diner oatmeal in my time i must admit, but i think he likes the texture and oatmeal is reliable!!!!! and the variety of toppings he can pair with it. i think he's mainly a strawberry person, like i imagine beatrice was. i think babybea has an oatmeal period and he eats the kind with the little dinosaurs in it..............(the entire baudelaire household tries it at least once and compares dinosaurs.) fav snack: soft-baked apple bars. god when you have a good chewy almost melty soft-baked bar...................ugg it's so good. anyway he thinks they're a satisfying snack and uses the wrappers as bookmarks a lot of the time fav dessert: pumpkin bread, with icing!!! hearty, chewy. just sweet enough. nice spices. freezes well.
for violet, i'm not sure what i think her tastes are.......maybe light and fresh but filling things.........like, things that don't feel heavy, but only in terms of, like, What If Something Terrible Suddenly Happens And She Has To Move Fast But Oh No She Just Ate A Really Heavy Meal, you know??? things that also can be eaten cold bc this girl will fix the toaster but will she USE the toaster?? the microwave?? she's like, very aware of her surroundings but gets lost in inventing thoughts when she feels safe so she just wanders into the kitchen, grabs some leftover pasta from the fridge, and wanders off again, not even realizing she's eating the pasta. (i think bertrand did this too, not gonna lie.) fav food: so, pasta primavera. fav snack: tomatoes. i think she reached into the fridge once in a daze and thought she grabbed an apple and didn't realize it was a tomato until she bit into it. but she really likes tomatoes, so. worked out. on some nice toasted herb crackers with some mozzarella and balsamic.........little basil leaf................i think sunny makes this snack for her a lot not only bc violet likes it, but sunny likes making it a lot. fav dessert: blueberry swiss roll with mascarpone cream. nice airy sponge and tangy sweet blueberries..........
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thegamingcatmom · 1 month
Don't worry about not understanding my rambles!! It was a bunch of stuff that just randomly came to my mind!
As for the ask I will try my best to reword it 😂
I was thinking of a moment where (if you had siblings) you guys get into a fight and someone pulls the "MOM" card to get the other into trouble! Or pulling a "Moom *name* is bothering me" like an annoying sibling!!
Would MC use that card if one of the girls are messing with her?? Maybe using it playfully? And how would each sister react to the situation? How would Tanya react if Irina was called to help MC get her away!
Hey again! 😊
Oh, that's totally fine, really! Rambling is what I do best as well, so I totally get you there. 😅
Thanks for sending me another ask and clearing things up for me though, much appreciated! ❤️
RIGHT, so-
Yes, no doubt about it, LMAO.
Not sure which universe we're talking, but I think it's safe to say that MC would defo make use of the hold she has over them all in just about ANY universe, that lil minx.
(She learns from the best, what did yall expect?)
Most times, it's Carmen's name that leaves her lips whenever things don't go her way someone is bothering her. Carmen is Momma, and MC is basically the baby of the family. She gotta protect her baby cause she's smol and vulnerable and very fragile. 😤
(The Sisters)
MC: "Give it back."
Kate: "Come and get it."
MC: "...Give.It.Back"
Kate: "...Come.And.Get.It."
MC: "..."
Kate: "..."
MC: *takes a deep breath*
Kate: *realizes a moment too late what´s going on and is helpless to stop what´s coming*
MC, on the top of her lungs (which is entirely unnecessary considering they're all vampires but MC doesn't know which makes it even more hilarious): "CARMEEEEEN!"
Kate, scream-whispers in horror as her hand flies to cover MC´s mouth: "SHHH!"
MC, muffled: "MOU PFFF!"
Carmen, in the distance: "Mi amor?!"
Kate, under her breath: "Fuck..."
MC: 🫢+😏
*The sound of quick (but not too quick, lest MC gets…suspicious) footsteps echoes from the second floor, drawing steadily closer.*
Kate: *closes her eyes in agony*
MC: 🫢+😏
Carmen: *hurries down the stairs*
Kate: *mentally prepares for the inevitable, eyes still closed*
MC: 🫢+😏
Also MC: *starts licking-*
Kate, eyes flying open: "WHAT THE-"
Kate: *snaps her hand back as if burned*
MC: 😏
...Kate: *regrets her decision right after because that was actually kinda hot-*
MC, who notices the sudden glint in Kate´s eyes and knows exactly what it means: 😏...🤨...😑
Carmen: *rounds the corner-*
MC, as soon as Carmen comes into view: 😑 -> 🥺
Kate, torn between annoyance and pride at the cunning devil that stands before her: "...You little shi-"
Carmen, almost on autopilot as she makes a beeline for MC: "Language, Katrina."
Kate: *spluttering*
MC: 🥺
MC, internally: 😏
Carmen: *wastes no time checking MC for injuries, hands and eyes flying over her body before anyone can even utter a word*
Carmen, once she´s made 100% sure MC isn´t in danger of dropping on the spot: "What is it, my dear? Are you feeling unwell? Do you require medical attention?"
Carmen: *tenderly cradles MC´s face with both hands*
MC, sniffling a bit: "No, I´m alright."
MC: *pauses for dramatic effect*
MC: "...Physically."
Kate, groaning in utter disbelief: "Oh my god-"
Carmen, shushing her without turning around: "Katrina."
Kate: *muttering under her breath (something about "not fair" and "can´t believe this is happening")*
MC: *some more sniffling*
Carmen, still concerned: "What do you mean by that, mi amor?"
MC: *glances over Carmen´s shoulder at Kate*
Kate: 🙏🥺
MC: "..."
MC: *starts lifting her arm-*
Kate: 🙏🥺
MC: *lifts it further-*
Kate: 🙏🥺
MC: *and further-*
Kate: 🙏🥺
MC: *until it´s stretched out all the way, finger pointing right at-*
Carmen, whose eyes have followed her arm: "...Katrina?"
Kate: "..."
MC, behind Carmen: 😈
Kate: 💀
Carmen: "Katrina, what is the meaning of this?"
Kate, panics: "...It´s not what it looks like-"
MC, still pointing her finger: "LIES!!"
Kate, who doesn´t respond well to facts: "NO, YOU!"
MC: "NO, YOU!"
Kate: "NO! Y-"
Carmen: "Girls."
MC: "..."
Kate: "..."
Carmen, eerily calm: "Now...will one of you tell me what the problem is?"
Kate: "..."
MC: "..."
Carmen, using her last resort: "...Alright, I will get Tanya then-"
MC: "Kate stole my Gingerbread Sheep...again!"
Kate: *muttering under her breath (something about "that snitch")*
Carmen: *sighs in great disappointment cause they´ve been over this...multiple times*
Carmen: "Katrina...give it back."
Kate: *still grumbling*
Carmen, not having any of it: "Now."
Kate: *emits the most dramatic sigh in history*
Carmen: *The Look*
Kate: "...Fine! Here-"
Kate: *pulls the abomination out from between her boobs and throws the ugly thing back...with a lot more force than necessary*
MC, the drama queen: *cries out in pain as the plush thing hits her right in the forehead*
Carmen, appalled: "Katrina!"
Kate, in disbelief at this shitshow: "...Are you kidding me?! That thing is made of cotton-"
Carmen, not having any of it: "That is not the point and you know it."
Kate: *muttering under her breath (something about "I know that´s bs")*
Carmen: "I heard that."
Kate: *more grumbling...but quietly*
MC: *picks up the abomination and holds it close like a kid would its favorite plush animal*
MC: 🧸🥰
Carmen: 🥰
Kate: 😑
Carmen: *checks her watch*
Carmen: "Oh, will you look at the time! What do you say, dear - shall we prepare some lunch for you?"
MC: 😇 "Yes, please."
Carmen, swooning: "So polite. Let us hope some of it will rub off on Katrina..."
Kate: *splutters in indignation*
Carmen: "Come then, mi amor."
Carmen: *leads MC out of the room with a hand between her shoulder blades*
Kate: *stares after them in disbelief*
MC: *turns around just before rounding the corner*
Kate: "..."
MC: ...😎🖕
Kate: 👁️👄👁️
Sooo, I think it´s safe to say that one should never underestimate their hooman...
Also: Tanya and Irina would have a similar reaction, I think. At least when it comes to Carmen. It´s just...you just don´t mess with that woman. Not because she might become physical or anything. Heavens no. Carmen wouldn´t hurt a fly.
It´s the aura. She enters a room and you just wanna make her happy. I don´t make the rules. 🤷🏻‍♀️
And in case any of you are wondering: Yes, the Gingerbread Sheep is a reference to the unsightly thing from Chapter 2. 🤭
But also, I´ve just realized-
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That is literally them here. PLEASE. 😭
As for Tanya´s reaction to Irina coming to MC´s aid:
I assume we´re talking The Sisters universe? Because in the "normal" universe Irina wouldn´t hesitate to come get her baby obv. And Tanya knows this.
Irina might be the baby sister, but she's got...personality. Only Kate would be foolish brave enough to poke the (Momma) bear. 🐻😅
In The Sisters though? Well, let's just say nobody quite expected...tbh? I don't even know- 💀
Tanya, the horndog: *swaggers into the room*
MC, sitting on the couch: *already done af*
Tanya: *sits down on the same couch...very close indeed*
MC: *scoots away*
Tanya: *scoots right after her*
MC: *scoots a bit further*
Tanya: *scoots right after her*
MC: *stands up and walks the short distance to the opposite couch, about to sit down-*
*...Only to jump up again in fright when her bum meets rock cause Tanya, having used her super speed, has already taken that exact seat.*
MC: *turns to face her in indignation*
MC: "Excuse you?!"
Tanya, innocent puppy eyes: "Hm?"
MC: "I was going to sit there."
Tanya, confused (and fake) af: "...What is stopping you, love?"
MC: 😑
Tanya: 😇
MC: *stomps over to the first couch, turns around, makes to sit-*
Tanya, still on the other couch: 😇
MC, paranoid af: *keeps her eyes firmly on Tanya as her bum starts to lower in slow-mo*
Tanya, still on the other couch: 😇
MC: *bum has almost landed*
Tanya, still on the other couch: 😇
MC: *bum has finally landed*
Tanya, still on the other couch: 😇
MC, suspicious af cause that was way too easy: 👀
Tanya: 😇
Also Tanya: *gets up, walks over to the far end of the first couch, turns around, makes to sit-*
MC: *starts to sweat*
Tanya: *bum lowers*
MC: "..."
Tanya: *lowers further*
MC: "..."
Tanya: *almost sitting at this point*
MC: "..."
...Tanya, one second later: 😇...😈
MC, in horror: "Oh, fu-"
MC: *scrambles to get up-*
Tanya: *sits down with such force that the other end of the couch lifts off the ground - exactly the end where MC is sitting*
MC: *tumbles down the couch before landing square in Tanya´s lap, throwing her arms around her on instinct to hold onto something...what a coincidence*
Tanya: 🥰
MC: *still recovering from her involuntary takeoff*
Tanya, mind already on other things entirely: "My...you certainly do not waste any time, do you, poppet?"
MC: *indignant spluttering*
Irina: *enters the room and stops in her tracks at the sight of her leader and the Stray wrapped around each other*
MC: 👁️👄👁️
Tanya: 🥰
Irina: *opens her mouth, then closes it again after a moment, opting instead to shake her head, wondering how this has become her life*
MC: 💀
Tanya: 🥰
Irina: *slowly makes her way over to get her book that she's left on the other couch, avoiding any and all eye contact*
MC: 💀
Tanya: 🥰
Irina: *has arrived at the other couch, grabs her book, turns around, makes the grave mistake of making eye contact with MC-*
MC, with her eyes: *HELP ME*
Irina: "..."
MC: 🥺
Irina, actually considering: 🤔
MC, who can't believe her luck: 😲🤩
Irina: *remembers she hates the human*
Irina: "...Anyway, I'll be in my room-"
MC, panics: "WAIT-"
Tanya: *is confusion because MC has never addressed Irina directly before*
Irina: *is confusion too, but hides it well under all that scorn*
Irina: "...What?"
MC: *panics because she never thought Irina would actually listen*
MC, at a loss for words: "I..."
Irina, already regretting her choice: 😑
Tanya, still confused af: ❓👀❓
MC, who is malfunctioning: 💀
Irina, done with this shit: "...Right, if that is all-"
Irina: *turns around*
MC, panics even more: "WAIT!"
Irina: *grumbles under her breath (something about "why me") before slowly turning back around*
A few seconds of tense silence pass...
...Tanya: ❓👀❓
...Irina: 😑
...MC: 💀
Irina, truly done at this point: "Either you SPEAK this instant, mortal, or-"
MC, in her panic: "W-What´s your skincare routine?"
...Tanya & Irina: ❓❓❓
MC: *dies inside*
Irina: *discreetly takes a look around as if looking for hidden cameras*
Also Irina, after she´s made 100% sure that this is, in fact, painfully real: "...My skincare routine?"
MC: *slow nodding, as if she isn´t quite sure herself*
Tanya: ❓👀❓
Irina: "..."
MC, starting to sweat: "Yknow cause...your skin looks so...I-I mean-"
Irina: "...?"
Tanya, not liking where this is going: ❓🤨❓
MC: *swallows*
MC: "So...p-perfect..."
Tanya, definitely not liking where this is going: ❓😤❓
Irina: *torn between annoyance and...something else*
Irina: "..."
MC: 🥲
Irina: *muttering under her breath (something about "can´t believe I´m doing this")*
Irina, emitting the greatest sigh in history: "I...use water."
MC: *nods in a way that is much too violent for the situation at hand*
Irina: "...And moisturizer."
MC: *nods in a way that is much too violent for the situation at hand*
Irina, remembers she's supposed to act somewhat human: "...Some sunscreen, depending on...the weather."
MC: *nods in a way that is much too violent for the situation at hand*
Irina: "..."
MC: *sweating again*
MC: "That´s...wow, I mean...wow-"
Tanya: *much too focused on feeling betrayed to notice none of this makes fucking sense*
Irina: *painfully aware none of this makes fucking sense*
Irina: "...Right, if that is all-"
Irina: *starts to turn around again*
Tanya: *starts to calm down...barely*
Irina: "..."
Tanya: *betrayal 2.0*
Irina, about to lose it: "...What?"
MC: "...Can you show me?"
Tanya: *indignant spluttering*
Irina, unsure if she´s heard correctly: "...What?"
MC: 😅
Irina: "..."
MC: 💀
Irina: "...Show you?"
MC: *slow nodding*
Irina: "..."
MC: "I...it´s just...I think you´re...b-beautiful."
Irina: "..."
Tanya: *eye starts twitching*
MC, realizing how this sounds: "YOUR SKIN. I-I mean your skin is quite...beautiful. And I would like to have...beautiful skin too. Because yours is really...beautiful. So...yeah."
Irina: *torn between disbelief and...other things*
Tanya: *brain.exe has stopped working*
MC: 🥲
Irina, who just wants this torture to end: "...Fine."
MC: 👁️👄👁️
MC, in disbelief: "...Really??"
Irina: *says nothing in return, merely turns around to finally leave the room, mentally preparing herself for what´s to come*
MC: *unsure of how to proceed from here, was that a yes or-"
Irina, in the distance: "This century, mortal."
MC: *moves at a speed that would stun even a vampire, in fact-*
...A few seconds later:
Tanya: *realizes only now that her arms are painfully empty*
Also Tanya:
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Honestly? I have no idea.
Btw, if I might ask: Are you my "frosted anon"? I got an ask sitting in my drafts that used the blue heart as well, so I thought I'd ask. No pressure to answer though! Just curious. 😊
Thanks a lot for your ask! 💋
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aita-blorbos · 1 year
AITA for trying to end the world?
Okay listen. This might sound kind of bad. Just hear me out here.
So, the world is kind of already ending. The beings which oversee this world are corrupting, their realms are merging with ours and it's kind of a matter of time before something happens anyways.
The messenger of the goddess who creates universes came into the dreams of many to find a chosen hero to wield this sword, and I was it! I'm pretty happy with this, because while I'm smart and cool and all that, enough people are those things that I was always overlooked. She asked me to slay all of the corrupting overseers, and I accepted.
Turns out, defeating those overseers will end the world. I only learned this because this singer who I'll call B was confronting me on killing an overseer when I met them, since apparently they're trying to learn this song from all of them which will supposedly save the world (it's never worked once in the history of the universe), and the messenger apparently told them that, but not me. After I shot B with lightning (don't ask), I talked to the messenger about it, but overall, I was honestly cool with the whole world ending thing. Not the idea of the world ending in general, but it was going downhill no matter what, so I decided to go with my duty.
B collecting pieces of their little song actually corrupts the overseers, so it basically became a race between me and B (plus a witch friend B apparently had) to get to the overseers. Even though I kept defeating those overseers before B could get parts of their song, they kept going, for some reason. Though, at a certain point, it kind of felt like they were just trying to mess the world up more, because I caught their witch friend helping some fairies escape from the realms that the overseers are in. Naturally, I shot her down with lightning, because that was really dumb of her.
The messenger from before ended up telling me to slow down and let B take those song pieces, and at that point, I was kind of done with her, because she'd had some really weird loyalty for a while, and I couldn't just slow down.
The thing is, B ended up getting trapped by this one corrupted overseer, and a potion they gave me before when I heroically swept in just didn't work, so we ended up getting trapped in this cave together, and I lost my sword, aka the one thing which could help me there. B ended up finding a way out for themselves, but basically told me that if I didn't promise to stop defeating overseers and trying to end the world (even though it was ending anyways and their plan obviously would not work), they'd just ditch me. They also asked me to apologize for the whole "shooting their friend down with my cool lightning sword" thing. I agreed to that. Except I lied, and immediately killed that overseer from before, because that had to happen, no matter how B felt about it. After all, their plan wasn't going to work, no matter how much the messenger thinks it could or how much faith B has in it.
I'm heading off to go after the last overseer, who has been evading me for a while. I have a feeling B is there already, plus maybe their witch buddy. I'm pretty sure my plan is the right one here and that I'm doing just fine, but I did also betray my promise to not end the world to B, and ending the world is kind of a divisive matter, so, I need to ask, AITA?
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inseasofgreen · 1 month
For the oc ask game: INFERNO - What is the cruelest thing they've ever done?
to whatever character you would like to or all of them lol
thank you for sending an ask!! all of them sounds so tempting but i'm practicing self care lol. I'll do The Kings of Dawn minus the younger members of the family.
Ilyos - Honestly? Stealing Daemys from Gaelin, knowing Daemys' life could be at risk by having children with him. And since the kings of dawn's magic only passes' down through parent to chlid, as King there is no way around having a child once they were married. He aknowledges this, has tried his best to make amends with Gaelin. (the fault lies with Daemys, but Ilyos was not innocent in this) He and Gaelin now share a deep bond, both in their love of the late Queen and the daughter they now share.
Cyren - His treatment of his eldest son. Cyren finds it hard to forgive Ryon of a huge scandal that had put a stain on the family name. He's cold with Ryon and often wishes Ryon would never come back from his travels. Cyren's overwhelming sense of duty clashed with what he believes Ryon's priority lies. He's rather believe in court gossip then the truth from his son's mouth.
Sorin - He is known to do the King's dirty work, often cleaning up messes from the other royals. The worst thing he's done would be killing a man he knew was innocent but wasn't able to prove otherwise. He could've told Ilyos to pardon the man, but he saw Ivaenia wanted justice. Seeing as they had recently lost Queen Daemys, though in an unrelated event, emotions were high. Sorin lied during the trial and condemned the man to death.
Aeris - Aeris brutally killed a man when he was only 12, it was an accident and one he struggles to accept to this day. Magic, even one granted by the gods, is dangerous if not controlled. Aeris tries to atone for it by training his cousins from a young age. He visits the man's grave at least monthly.
Ryon: Ryon aired his dirty marital laundry for all to see. He's new wife had been found in bed with a servant. Instead of listening to his father, and letting it be - he brought her before the king and demanded the marriage be annulled. The wife's father insisted the marriage be kept in place, offering Ryon a hefty sum of wealth to not annul the marriage. Ilyos, who was in need of said father, sided with the lord. Though the king did honor Ryon's request that she not be styled with the honorary titles she had received upon marriage to the prince. Ryon had let his pride get to him, as she had refused to let them consummate their marriage and often mocks and be littles him. He's not proud of his actions, as it weakened the Crown and left a poor tastes in people's mouths. No one won in that situation.
Sciosa - Her relationship with her sworn shield is what comes to mind. Not only is the whole dynamic troublesome, she doesn't love him and knows he worships the ground she walks on. She lets it go on anyway. She blatantly ignores all the signs of a very messy fall out just waiting to happen. She'll be Queen someday, as well as the prophcied hero that has long been awaited, she needs to be well liked by her subjects and the nite region as a whole.
They're so messy omfg. I almost needed some popcorn while answering. I knew but I didn't know lmaoo
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ramonag-if · 2 years
I just had to tell you. The way you write family angst? Akin to how our old pal Da Vinci wields a paintbrush. Masterfully.
When Ahlf died? I was gutted. Genuinely. I'd been watching him and MC interact, holding out hope that they'd one day get to form a... warmer father-child relationship. Then he died. MC watched him die. I watched him die. I MC was so devastated, I MC called Crown's name stupid (Sorry, Crown. You too, Irus). Let it be noted that I'd been playing the shy/sincere MC till then. I was so gutted, MC moped/angsted all the way to the temple, while I sat there internally blubbering over the loss of MC's grumpy, emotionally unavailable, father.
(In case it hasn't been made clear yet, I also have father issues in the spades).
(Also, MC recovered their shy/sincere nature eventually. And became absolutely besotted with Irus. He obviously already knew, but still. Don't tell him that.)
(You can bet that I MC took all the chances to mourn/blubber over Ahlf whenever the chance came up, though. Those chances did come up frequently enough, now that I think about it. That moment when MC goes through Ahlf's box of letters in his room at Ellie's castle, mourning him and whatnot. Thanks for that, by the way. Really. I'm glad you didn't gloss over the persisting, subtle ache that comes with loss, which so many stories seem to do.)
Then, Salyra. Mama. MC had thought she was dead. I was convinced she was dead. So, seeing her alive and well and with a whole new husband and child to boot was. Wow.
By then, I had already fully immersed into the story. And while I don't see MC as myself, rather as an odd extension of my soul that I'm watching like some omniscient being who has nothing better to do with their time, I was, well.
Gutted. Again. And MC, too.
I MC's been going back and forth between being uncertain or bitterly angry for a while now. And Maybe accidentally gave Rana a Mean Look while still reeling over how Salyra was alive, with a new family.
When Salyra protected Rana from MC's Big Bad Stare and gave MC a disappointed look? Wow. Delicious scene. MC damn near imploded into a very sad confetti of abandonment and bitterness anger, but I really have to admit. That was peak writing and character interaction right there.
The best thing? None of the characters were demonized for all the things they'd done wrong. Not Ahlf, not Salyra, not MC. They were so human, in their actions and reactions and emotions and tears. You can hate them, you can love them, you can feel nothing about them, but they weren't just characters with an 'MC's parents: kind of really bad at it' label tacked on. They were characters made human, fleshed out and alive and raw.
Which is why it makes it hurt so much more. Makes all the family angst hurt so, so much more.
And I'm all for that, obviously.
Ah, and a special mention! The scene where MC just hugs Irus for comfort after another showdown with Salyra? Spectacular. Outstanding. Covering your arm with gold star stickers as we speak. I have to admit, I damn near melted at that scene. They're so cute. God.
Aaand after that long, long spiel that was definitely just 90% rambling, I'm bringing whatever this mess is to a close. So, Ra; (can I call you that? It sounds cool) thank you for bringing this story into existence, and for sharing it with us all. It was a lovely, beautiful experience, and I'm excited to see what lies ahead in this bloody wild ride you're taking us all on. You're awesome. Once again, thank you!!
Ah, thank you so much! 😭💖 Your message just made me smile like a fool! I don't think I'm anywhere near Da Vinci levels in writing family angst, so it means a lot to me that you enjoyed what I've written so far.
I felt really bad at the way Ahlf died, but his death had been planned long before Chapter 1 had been written. His death was supposed to be less dramatic than the way he went, but as I do try to remind readers, I'm a pantser opposed to a planner when writing so I rarely stick to my chapter outlines and will usually just go with my gut 😅 Ahlf's death really set the tone for the rest of the game, so I'm glad you enjoyed all the small moments to simply mourn his death. I knew that I was going into IF the way I normally write books - emotions are valued over branching/plot points.
Salyra was never going to be this complicated. She wasn't going to be married with another child either 😅 I obviously ignored plans and went right ahead into Angst Central, because I kept questioning Salyra as a mother and the person she would have become in the absence of Ahlf and the MC and suddenly, she was very complicated and brought a lot of baggage.
It was definitely important to showcase that it isn't all good and bad with Ahlf and Salyra. I know neither of them is perfect - no parent is perfect though they are quite far from that bar of being good parents 😬 You'll always get the choice to feel as you feel and the characters will always respond to your MC's choices. I do prefer the emotional development of the characters to the external factors, so glad you're feeling it too!
I actually enjoyed the scene where the MC cries into the ROs shoulder opposed to the hug. But that's just me, being an emotional wreck of a person when playing IF 😅
Please feel free to call me whatever you want 😋 I am quite liking Ra because Ra is my favourite Egyptian god and from my many nicknames over the years, I've never been called Ra before 😂
Thank you again for your support and kind words! I really do appreciate it 💖 It really makes writing the game worthwhile and pushes me to continue writing it.
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bunbeeplays · 3 months
The Lemon Legacy: Generation 1, Chapter 100 - Celeste and a Star
Ophelia hasn't been in the spotlight much lately, so she lost a bit of her progress towards her next celebrity ranking, but The Main Squeeze is debuting their latest song at the Lemon Drop tonight. Time to get back in the spotlight!
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Meanwhile, Gemma's not sure how she feels about yogurt, so she's the one who's really struggling in this house.
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Xander's seemed a bit off all morning.
Ophelia: Babe, you doing okay?
Xander: We spent all day yesterday working with Gemma on crawling and she's still not doing it yet. Do you think we're doing something wrong?
For a self-assured Sim, he's kind of a mess.
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This game has great timing sometimes. As they're worrying about her development, Gemma hits another milestone: pincer grasp!
Ophelia: Xander, are you seeing this? She's never done that before!
Xander: That's my girl!
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Ophelia: See, she's doing fine. She's going at her own pace.
Xander: Yeah, you're right. I just want her to be a top-notch infant.
Ophelia: Hitting milestones helps, but being well-loved and taken care of is what counts. We're killing it in that department!
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Ophelia: You need a hobby that's not Gemma-related. I know fitness has been really good for you lately but what about something more creative?
Xander: Well, nectar-making is in the game now. I've always wanted to try it, but the Watcher never got around to downloading the mod…
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A lot of Ophelia's friends come out to listen to their debut single! Lilith Pleasant wishes it was more emo apparently.
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🎶And up until now, I had sworn To myself that I'm content with loneliness Because none of it was ever worth the risk Well, you are the only exception🎶
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Everyone seems to be loving the new song! Especially this woman who Ophelia can't help but feel looks… familiar.
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When Ophelia comes out of the bathroom, she bumps into the woman from the crowd.
Woman: Oh my gosh, you were amazing! You always said you wanted to make your dreams a reality and you did it! I'm so proud of you, girl.
Ophelia: Thank you… Do I know you?
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Woman: It's okay, I look a little different than I did the last time you saw me. We were in debate club together… Monica Pierce would call us Fat Bitch and Gay Kid? Well, turns out I wasn't gay after all.
Ophelia: Oh my Watcher!
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Ophelia: Look at you! You're stunning! Did you change your name?
Celeste: I go by Celeste now. I'm sure this is a bit of a shock.
Ophelia: Actually, a lot of stuff you'd say makes more sense now. Like how you liked boys but wanted to be 'the girl' in the relationship.
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Ophelia hugs her old friend. She missed a lot since she moved away…
Ophelia: I never thought I'd see anyone from home again.
Celeste: Well, you should come visit!
Ophelia: Hehe, yeah…
As nice as it was to see her friend from high school, it does bring up memories…
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Celeste: I gotta admit, for a while, I was really mad you just left for Britechester without saying goodbye, but once I saw you singing on FlipFlop, I couldn't hold a grudge. Your parents were always so hard on you, I couldn't blame you for leaving early.
Ophelia: Britechester?
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Ophelia: What are you talking about? I didn't even go to University.
Celeste: What? When you didn't show up for graduation, I went to your house and asked your parents where you were and they told me you got accepted into Britechester for early admission.
Those sons of…
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Ophelia: I CANNOT believe them. Celeste, my parents lied to you. They disowned me for pursuing a music career.
Celeste: WHAT?! Ophelia, I'm so sorry. Why didn't you reach out? My dad loved you, he would have let you stay with us. You could have gone to graduation!
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Ophelia: I was humiliated… I wanted to leave my old life behind, but that never should have included you. I'm sorry, Celeste.
Celeste: Honey, it sounds like you've been through a lot. I'm sure you did what you had to to heal.
Ophelia: Yeah, it was a struggle, but a good one.
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Ophelia: I can't believe they lied to you like that.
Celeste: It's not just me. They told everyone that. Last I heard, you were going to take over the firm soon.
Ophelia: WHAT?!
Celeste: Now that you're getting more famous, I don't think they can keep the lie up much longer.
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Ophelia: I knew they were scum but I didn't think they'd stoop that low. Well, if you still like gossip as much as you did in high school, feel free to tell everyone you know the truth.
Celeste: Ooooh you know I will.
Ophelia: If it's okay with you, let's change the subject…
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Ophelia: Look at that rock on your hand! Who's the lucky guy?
Celeste: His name is Christopher! We met at the tech startup we work for. And you just got married to the owner of this bar, right?
Ophelia: Yeah. I'm sorry I missed so much.
Celeste: Well, let's catch up!
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Celeste and Christopher have two adopted children: Atlas and Orion. Ophelia shows her 8000 pics of Gemma.
As fun as it is to catch up with her old friend and learn about her new life since transitioning, Ophelia can't stop thinking about her parents and their audacity.
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Ophelia: I want to stay in touch, okay? No more ghosting from me, I swear.
Celeste: I'd love that. This feels like old times.
Ophelia: All we need is Monica Pierce making fun of us.
Celeste: That basic bitch is in a failing pyramid scheme now. We should be making fun of her.
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balladetto · 1 year
     These aren’t his hands.
     Staring down at them, at the way the fingers flex, at the way the coverings stretch over the skin, the thought pierces through him again.
     These aren’t his hands.
     He’s a child of the forest. Kokiri, even without a fairy — Kokiri, now that he has Navi. He may be special, but this isn’t— he’s not supposed to be big. He’s not supposed to be grown up. These— these aren’t—
     The hands clench, shaking. The leather warps against them. Seven years. Seven years.
     ( Well, do you understand your destiny?
     What other choice is there? )
     When he leaves the Sacred Realm, blinking back into the Temple of Time, the first place he is told to save is home. The first person he is told to help is a good friend. There are more instructions, some needed item at Kakariko Village, and he listens — as he always does.
     The ocarina is smaller in these hands. He swears the sound, as he blows, is different. He plays Saria's Song to hear her voice, and it's the same high, gentle pitch he remembers; it's the same Saria he heard yesterday, seven years ago.
     Help me, she pleads. Help me, Link!
     He goes: the path set for him. No distractions this time. He does everything right: runs straight to Kakariko, finds hints, chases a gravekeeper's spirit, gets the hookshot.
     He steps into Kokiri Forest at the wrong height.
     Everything is too small. Everyone is too short. They call him mister 'cause they don't recognise him, 'cause he can't be recognised. They talk about Link like that isn't him, and maybe they're right for it.
     ( Don't I know you from somewhere, mister?
     What other choice is there? )
     He gets rid of the monsters. He asks about Saria. He passes by his house once, twice, and on the third time, stops in all his pacing to look at it. The chalk drawing by the roots hasn't faded. His sign is still there. The curtain has been drawn shut, just as he left it days ago.
     Seven years ago.
     "Are you tired, Link?" Navi asks.
     He climbs the ladder with a body too big for its steps.
     The first thing he notices as he enters is the open window. He must've forgotten to close it. There are leaves scattered by and on his bed, bugs that've settled in his absence, and the blanket has turned a weird yellow. It's a mess. Just as it was beyond the entryway behind him, everything is too small.
     Long legs awkwardly bang on the frame as he dusts his bed off and climbs in. He's not sure where to put everything as he lies down, curled and cramped for the first time in his life here — for the first time his home has ever forced him to be. He can't even rest on his front. Can't even sleep the way he likes. He bunches himself up on his side and squeezes his eyes shut. Navi says something about it looking uncomfortable.
     He doesn't move. The blanket, beneath those hands that aren't his, feels the same as it did the last time he was here, and it's the truth he doesn't want to admit.
     Everything is too small — 'cause everything is the same.
     Everything is the same but him.
     Everything is the same but him.
     He hiccups over a breath that has Navi's warmth fluttering to his forehead, and pretends he can hear more than the quiet of a home that's no longer his.
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sailorplanet1997 · 6 months
is it just me or was this trailer misleading?
when i first watched this trailer i thought it was about rescuing Vidia for whatever reason it was but once the movie was released, it was actually about rescuing Tinkerbell instead of Vidia (the tittle from the movie still makes sense, even now these days) at first i didn't wanted Vidia to appear but once i watched this movie, my point of view on Vidia have changed and it makes sense she appears more then the first 2 movies and even more so then others (except Tinkerbell, she still appears the most but Vidia comes close by in this movie) in the scrapped version Lizzy was supposed to be a antagonist but thankfully in this movie it got replaced by Lizzy's dad instead, it shows NOT each humans are bad and Lizzy's one of them who's a good guy while her dad is (or rather was) bad i'm glad Vidia is also involved in all this, she leaded the others to the house and knowing for its concenquences because of the rules, she stepped in to rescue Tinkerbell from the humans but by doing so, she got captured instead of Tinkerbell when she took that risk (like it was seen in this trailer) and she panicked very badly with the thoughts Tinkerbell gets killed by the human dad after seeing all those poor butterflies getting pinned up in display cases thinking Tinkerbell was gonna be the next target which turned out to be true, and she eventually revealed the others the truth for what really happened to Tinkerbell and was a tiny bit involved in that mess and actually felt quilty for it from her small mistake it proves that she didn't turn out the way we thought she would (i'm sure half of the people have thought bad about her like i did) compared to Lizzy's dad, Vidia actually have the best redemption and it isn't just compared to Lizzy's dad but also compared to everybody else (even Tinkerbell) Vidia was probably more scared for Tinkerbell's well-beings then she did for herself during missions it looked to me it was 3 against 1 as crazy as it might sounds, Lizzy doesn't want anyone to die, Tinkerbell is not a surprise (both characters sees the good in like everybody and like wants everybody to get along with each other) but much to my shock as the opposite character even Vidia seems to think nobody deserves to die, even if they made mistakes by making bad choices while still stays true to herself (she rescued Tinkerbell for a reason, Tinkerbell wouldn't be alive if Vidia wasn't even there at all) Vidia still didn't trusted the dad though (during picnic scene maybe yes but that's just it) Lizzy's dad didn't care about anything and he didn't cared he captured the wrong fairy, literally but thankfully he got defeated a few people still don't like her and thinks she only called the others for help to make herself feel better or something but if that was the case she would've either lied or don't say anything at all so i don't believe in these things a few people have said bad about her and Vidia actually felt quilty for what happened to Tinkerbell and blamed herself for the mess (she just wanted to tell the others the right time without being judged by others) and she DECIDED to get involved in fixing the mess even if it wasn't even her mess to begin with, besides she would've get rid of Tinkerbell by then, all the more reasons she actually isn't selfish, it's the opposite of selfish but then again you always have people who dislikes/hates certain characters whatever it's a popular thing or not (she gets loved by most people including me, it doesn't bother me if people dislikes/hates some certain characters perse unless it's lots of them but it does bother me if they only thinks bad about them and act like they know better then we do by like saying *they're doing this to make themselves look/feel good/better* that's often not the case) like i said, she have the best redemption from everybody but each their own opinion i guess
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soulsxng · 1 year
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"Aww, do we have to fight? I don't want to hurt my poor, sweet Raph-- that would be mean! Besides, he would get all pouty when he lost!"
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"I don't really want to be fighting you either, but-- wait, wh...Niri! That's more than enough out of you. Let's just hurry and get this over with."
Raphael: Most of his abilities lay in healing, and he is known as one of the best in all of Heaven. Still, another of his major powers lies in sound, similarly to his younger brother, Gabriel. With this, he can debilitate his enemy in many different ways-- messing with coordination and balance, creating shockwaves, temporarily charming his opponents, and all kinds of other things.
Outside of that, he fights with a rapier imbued with divine light, switching between precise strikes with that, and casting close ranged light and water based attack magics. He's also capable of cloaking himself with these two forms of magic to make himself disappear-- healing him at the same time as granting him a period of time to catch his breath and change plans of attack, if necessary.
Nirbhi: Also primarily a healer, with the added bonus of having powers of precognition. Though she really doesn't fight often, when she does, she likes to utilize her abilities in spatial and energy manipulation. Essentially, she likes to open up random voids to control where her opponent is at any given time, as well as help her move about. They can also be used to alter the space around them for various things-- such as changing gravity, air, temperature, the land itself-- but she doesn't use those unless she's actually in a lot of danger, because it has some not-so-nice effects on the realm/area she's occupying when she does that.
Her weapons are sort of like arrows, or short swords, that spend most of their time in the air around her, thanks to her energy manipulation. If they hit an opponent, they'll drain some energy, and once they're "full" (generally about 10 hits) they can release a haze that dulls the senses, causes confusion, and has a mild poisoning effect. Even with all this though, she doesn't have a lot of stamina for fighting, so if a fight goes on too long, she'll slow down significantly.
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wordsandrobots · 1 year
What if 'Gundam SEED' was told from Flay's point of view? How would they approach it? Would it have been better?
For a long time, watching Gundam SEED, I would have said Flay was the most interesting character so I understand the appeal. 'X manipulates Y to exact revenge for Z while simultaneously being what Y needs in the moment and using this to avoid dealing with their own grief, fear and bigotry' is definitely a meaty premise.
However, this is also very clearly not the story SEED was interested in telling.
SEED is fundamentally about Kira and Athrun, and when I say 'fundamentally', I mean the show commits to the day being saved by two blokes in magic space robots who successfully blow up various bits of evil technology and/or bad guys because they're just that special. And to my mind, it's with this notion of 'special' that SEED's underlying flaw lies.
See, the Coordinators are definitively special. Textually, they can do things other humans cannot. We are told (and shown) that people are scared of them as a result. Yet this and Kira's struggles to be defined beyond his genes are obviously poor analogies for any real-world prejudice. It's 'being bullied for being smarter than everyone' logic, rather than how oppression or ethnic conflict actually work.
Basically, it's the X-Men. Hated and feared for being the brilliant ones, why oh why can't we just be treated as people.
Now, I like the X-Men. Always have. It's just, once you commit to inherent genetic 'specialness' of any kind, you back into a corner from which it is extremely hard to extricate yourself. Despite its token protests about Coordinators still needing to train, SEED presents a world where some people are just better. It embraces the idea of functional eugenics. There's nothing here of the nuance allowed by 'new-types' being analogous to new ways of thinking that emerge naturally from a changing world and are subverted or maximised by people who want to control the future. Nor does SEED turn around, as Gundam X did, and saying, nah, you're all random quirks of nature and/or incredibly lucky.
Eugenics is the explanation for why Kira is special. Someone literally bred a super-protagonist. That is a thing that is possible in this world.
So is Flay therefore right to fear the Coordinators?
Even as it presents her hatred and anger towards them as a flaw, SEED allows the possibility that the answer is 'yes'. Because it is reasonable to be wary of those who hold power over you, and the Coordinators come with power built in. Which is an exact inversion of the ways prejudice ascribes particular malevolence to groups who are, in fact, more vulnerable than people holding the prejudice.
I think a story centred on Flay over Kira would automatically be more interesting. If that's the criteria for 'better' then I must answer your question in the affirmative, straight up. The thing is, given all of the above, I can't in good conscience say it would address the stuff I don't like about what SEED is saying. As much as there are stories I love whose politics and worldview are quite at odds with my personal beliefs (currently delighted by Dracula, adore The Man Who Was Thursday, etc), I draw the line at centering lazy misconceptions about bigotry and oppression. And you would need to centre those things if you spent more time with Flay because, within the confines of what is presented in SEED as it stands, they form a significant part of her character.
If you were to take out the whole concept of the Coordinators and simply make Kira a talented member of some group responsible for killing Flay's dad, then tell the story of how she uses him as her instrument of vengeance before growing as a person and confronting the fact Kira is a person too? Sounds like a fantastic set-up with which you could do some very entertaining, very messed-up stuff.
That, however, essentially brings us back to my one big idea for improving SEED which is this: rip it up and start again.
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