realkilljoyhoursnow · 10 months
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c'est la vie, said the old folks. you know you never really can tell.
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mibgl · 10 months
,, It was a teenage wedding, and the old folks wished them well
You could see that Pierre did truly love the mademoiselle
And now the young monsieur and madame have rung the chapel bell
"C'est la vie", say the old folks, it goes to show you never can tell ,,
Chuck Berry - You Never Can Tell
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164 notes · View notes
It was a teenage wedding, and the old folks wished them well You could see that Pierre did truly love the mademoiselle And now the young monsieur and madame have rung the chapel bell
"C'est la vie", say the old folks, it goes to show you never can tell
4 notes · View notes
kitschykitschykoo · 3 years
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It was a teenage wedding, and the old folks wished them well You could see that Pierre did truly love the mademoiselle And now the young monsieur and madame have rung the chapel bell "C'est la vie", say the old folks, it goes to show you never can tell 
They furnished off an apartment with a two room Roebuck sale
The coolerator was crammed with TV dinners and ginger ale
But when Pierre found work, the little money comin' worked out well "C'est la vie", say the old folks, it goes to show you never can tell
37 notes · View notes
butterflies-dragons · 4 years
Hey! I want to ask your opinion on Jon ygritte relationship and it's contrast with jonsa. I've seen jongritte wrt to jonerys but I want to know your opinions on jongritte wrt to jonsa as a foil n parallel.
Hello Anon,
Let’s talk about Ygritte then...
Ygritte was a mixture of the Stark Sisters.  
According to Jon: “she can kiss a man (Sansa’s romantic nature) or slit his throat (Arya’s killer abilities)” 
“And maybe her eyes [...] but they were a pretty blue-grey color”.  Blue (Sansa) & Grey (Arya).
Ygritte has skinny legs, was short for her age, and never brushed her hair, similar to Arya.  But Ygritte was a redhead, described like ‘kissed by fire’, similar to the Tully auburn of Sansa’s hair that is also described by Arya like ‘fire’: “Robb and Sansa and Bran and even little Rickon all took after the Tullys, with easy smiles and fire in their hair.”   
According to Jon, Ygritte is fierce, stubborn, and wild, similar to Arya with her touch of the wolf blood.  But Ygritte also can sing like Sansa.
Ygritte is a spearwife, a fierce killer, a warrior woman, which reminds us of Arya’s Needle, her training to be a faceless man, and the list of people she wants to kill.  But Ygritte also likes songs and stories and cries with sad and beautiful songs, like Sansa.
Who else was a mixture of the Stark Sisters? Lyanna Stark, Jon’s mother.  But this is another subject.      
Jon was not instantly attracted to Ygritte, but with time he started to have feeling for her, feelings that are linked with Ygritte’s similarities with Sansa:  
The wildlings seemed to think Ygritte a great beauty because of her hair; red hair was rare among the free folk, and those who had it were said to be kissed by fire, which was supposed to be lucky. Lucky it might be, and red it certainly was, but Ygritte's hair was such a tangle that Jon was tempted to ask her if she only brushed it at the changing of the seasons.
At a lord's court the girl would never have been considered anything but common, he knew. She had a round peasant face, a pug nose, and slightly crooked teeth, and her eyes were too far apart. Jon had noticed all that the first time he'd seen her, when his dirk had been at her throat. Lately, though, he was noticing some other things. When she grinned, the crooked teeth didn't seem to matter. And maybe her eyes were too far apart, but they were a pretty blue-grey color, and lively as any eyes he knew. Sometimes she sang in a low husky voice that stirred him. And sometimes by the cookfire when she sat hugging her knees with the flames waking echoes in her red hair, and looked at him, just smiling . . . well, that stirred some things as well.
—A Storm of Swords - Jon II
Ygritte’s singing and the shades of her red hair near the flames.  Jon is such a romantic.
Ygritte’s hair “by the cookfire [...] with the flames waking echoes in her red hair”, reminds me of this passage about Sansa’s hair:  
“She had auburn hair, […] the red in it would catch the light of the torches and shine like copper.”
—A Clash of Kings - Catelyn VII
And guess what turns Jon off about Ygritte?  That she is a cold blood killer: 
"I see no free folk. I see a crow and a crow wife."
"I'm no crow wife!" Ygritte snatched her knife from its sheath. Three quick strides, and she yanked the old man's head back by the hair and opened his throat from ear to ear. Even in death, the man did not cry out. "You know nothing, Jon Snow!" she shouted at him, and flung the bloody blade at his feet.
—A Storm of Swords - Jon V
"Who is Ygritte?" Donal Noye asked pointedly.
"A woman of the free folk." How could he explain Ygritte to them? [. . .] she's young, only a girl, in truth, wild, but she . . ." She killed an old man for building a fire. 
—A Storm of Swords - Jon VI
Ygritte was much in his thoughts as well. He remembered the smell of her hair, the warmth of her body . . . and the look on her face as she slit the old man's throat. 
—A Storm of Swords - Jon VI
Very telling.... 
I usually call Ygritte, “Jon’s Joffrey”.  Both Jon and Sansa accommodated Ygritte and Joffrey in their minds as a coping mechanism, because they both knew that their love interests liked killing too much, something that turn them off:
“Who is Ygritte?” Donal Noye asked pointedly.
“A woman of the free folk.” How could he explain Ygritte to them? She’s warm and smart and funny and she can kiss a man or slit his throat. “She’s with Styr, but she’s not … she’s young, only a girl, in truth, wild, but she …” She killed an old man for building a fire. His tongue felt thick and clumsy. The milk of the poppy was clouding his wits. “I broke my vows with her. I never meant to, but …” It was wrong. Wrong to love her, wrong to leave her … “I wasn’t strong enough. The Halfhand commanded me, ride with them, watch, I must not balk, I …” His head felt as if it were packed with wet wool. 
—A Storm of Swords - Jon VI
Look how Jon is having a discussion with himself in his mind: Jon 1: Ygritte was warm, smart, funny, young, only a girl....  Jon 2: But she was a cold blood killer, man!  She shot several arrows at us, she tried to kill us!  And remember when she blackmailed us to have sex with her? WTF dude? 
This is exactly what Sansa was doing here:
“I had a dream that Joffrey would be the one to take the white hart,” she said. It had been more of a wish, actually, but it sounded better to call it a dream. Everyone knew that dreams were prophetic. White harts were supposed to be very rare and magical, and in her heart she knew her gallant prince was worthier than his drunken father.
“A dream? Truly? Did Prince Joffrey just go up to it and touch it with his bare hand and do it no harm?”
“No,” Sansa said. “He shot it with a golden arrow and brought it back for me.” In the songs, the knights never killed magical beasts, they just went up to them and touched them and did them no harm, but she knew Joffrey liked hunting, especially the killing part. Only animals, though. Sansa was certain her prince had no part in murdering Jory and those other poor men; that had been his wicked uncle, the Kingslayer. She knew her father was still angry about that, but it wasn’t fair to blame Joff. That would be like blaming her for something that Arya had done.
—A Game of Thrones - Sansa III
After a time living in Kings Landing and knowing her betrothed a bit better, Sansa knew that Joffrey was not true knight material; deep down she knew about his killing/harming tendencies, yet she tried to accommodate Joff as someone that, at least, would never harm/kill innocent people.  
As I said before, Jon started having feelings for Ygritte, but she couldn’t wait to have him.  She blackmailed him to have sex, and Jon being the horny teenager that he was, at the prospect to be killed by the wildling versus having sex with a girl that he started to like, he chose the sex, of course.  Such a strong basis for romance...   
Women & Jon Snow:
How many times have we all heard that Jon loves warrior women and dislikes or even hates ladies?  This is not true tho...
These wrong assumptions are based in Jon’s interactions with the following women:
Ygritte, a spearwife, a warrior woman, his first and only lover.
Arya, his favorite and beloved sister, Jon himself gave her a sword, Needle.  Needle was named because of Sansa tho... Ygritte reminded Jon of Arya.
Val, “the wildling princess”.  Jon considers Val very physically attractive, he decided that she was a “warrior princess”.  But sorry, let me tell you that GRRM himself has said that Val is not a warrior woman.
Lady Alys Karstark, because she reminds Jon of Arya and she flirted with him.  She remembered them dancing in the past and invited him to dance again during her wedding.  Dancing is something very ladylike tho, just saying...
Back in 2016, a person asked GRRM about the possibility of a romance between Jon and Arya, pointing out the similarities between Ygritte and Arya, this is what he said:
“My con friend asked about the Jon/Arya relationship again and brought her (impressive) Game book that had all of her references marked out with little flags. She brought up the Ygritte connections to Arya that Jon saw in her. George did not directly answer yes or no if there would be anything romantic between the two.”
“George did say, despite what readers see as clues to a romantic relationship between Jon/Arya in the books themselves, he did not confirm this so easily but inferred that what Jon saw in Ygritte was a comfort level of femininity. <<<  She and I obviously discussed these comments after the meeting and this was the general feeling.”
“My con friend was referring to George explaining Jon’s perception: GRRM replied, “You know, I don’t think it’s a reference for that [for romance]. It’s a reference to a certain physical type, and  a certain indication of what Jon finds admirable. It’s like someone who reminds you of, you know… Other people might be put off by this, you know, hair that looks like small rodents have been living in there. It doesn’t put him off because he is used to that.” 
[Source 1] [Source 2] [Source 3]
So, as you can see, these links between Jon’s favorite sister and Jon’s first lover, according to the author himself, mean: 
“Comfort level of femininity”, 
“Jon is used to messy hair” 
“Not reference for romance”.
Not reference for romance indeed...  
Here you can read more about my opinion regarding the possibility of a romantic relationship between Jon and Arya: [x] [x] [x]
Repeat after me: Val is not a warrior woman. Again: Val is not a warrior woman.  One more time: Val is not a warrior woman. If you don’t believe me, then read this:
However, in my own defense, I should note that Dalla was not a “warrior woman” per se. She was from a warrior culture, yes; one that gave women the right, but not the obligation, to be fighters. Ygritte was a warrior woman, as was (most conspicuously) the fearsome Harma Dogshead. Dalla and Val were not.
But you may say, ¿What about the “the warrior princess and the willowy creature that only brushes her hair” quote?
Well, as GRRM has stated many times, all his POVS are “Unreliable Narrators”.  Being from a “warrior culture” doesn’t make you automatically a “warrior woman”.  But here is Jon Snow “deciding” that Val was a “warrior princess”. Once again, the contrast, the dichotomy in one single person: ¿A warrior like Arya, a princess like Sansa?  Not that Arya has ever fought in a war, but you get my point.  And Sansa was created following the princess archetype.  
I will show you one of my favorite Jon’s passages that will serve us to read “the warrior princess and the willowy creature that only brushes her hair” line with a better and more revealing light:
I call this passage the “Jon -It’s nothing special- Snow”.  Or as we say in Spanish when we can’t get what we really want: “Al cabo que ni quería”, that can be translated as “I didn't even want it anyway”.  Let’s see:   
"Oh, I learn things everywhere I go." The little man gestured up at the Wall with a gnarled black walking stick. "As I was saying … why is it that when one man builds a wall, the next man immediately needs to know what's on the other side?" He cocked his head and looked at Jon with his curious mismatched eyes. "You do want to know what's on the other side, don't you?"
"It's nothing special," Jon said. He wanted to ride with Benjen Stark on his rangings, deep into the mysteries of the haunted forest, wanted to fight Mance Rayder's wildlings and ward the realm against the Others, but it was better not to speak of the things you wanted. "The rangers say it's just woods and mountains and frozen lakes, with lots of snow and ice."
—A Game of Thrones - Jon III
I mean... COME ON!  This is one of the most telling passages to know, to really know Jon’s true nature, and it’s very, very similar to the quote about “the warrior princess and the willowy creature that only brushes her hair”:   
They are all convinced she is a princess. Val looked the part and rode as if she had been born on horseback. A warrior princess, he decided, not some willowy creature who sits up in a tower, brushing her hair and waiting for some knight to rescue her. 
—A Dance with Dragons - Jon XI
“Some willowy creature who sits up in a tower, brushing her hair and waiting for some knight to rescue her.”  Nah, it’s nothing special, I didn’t even want it anyway, not for me, no.
"It's nothing special," Jon said. He wanted to ride with Benjen Stark on his rangings, deep into the mysteries of the haunted forest, wanted to fight Mance Rayder's wildlings and ward the realm against the Others, but it was better not to speak of the things you wanted. "The rangers say it's just woods and mountains and frozen lakes, with lots of snow and ice."
Do I have to say more???
Actually, yes, I have.
Jon Snow does really want a lady.  Jon Snow does really want to be a knight and rescue a maiden.  Jon Snow does really want a lady to love and be loved back by her.  Here some evidence:
Jon Snow wished that his mother were a highborn lady: “Not my mother, Jon thought stubbornly. He knew nothing of his mother; Eddard Stark would not talk of her. Yet he dreamed of her at times, so often that he could almost see her face. In his dreams, she was beautiful, and highborn, and her eyes were kind.”
Jon Snow wanted to be a hero like the Prince Aemon Dragonknight.  The same Prince Aemon that jousted in a tourney, won it, and crowned his sister and lady love “Queen of Love and Beauty”, something that is straight out from the courtly love book: “The Dragonknight once won a tourney as the Knight of Tears, so he could name his sister the queen of love and beauty in place of the king's mistress”.    
Jon Snow tried to comfort Gilly with courtesy: "Gilly, he called me. For the gillyflower."  "That's pretty." He remembered Sansa telling him once that he should say that whenever a lady told him her name. He could not help the girl, but perhaps the courtesy would please her”. 
Jon Snow put Ghost between Ygritte and him and remembers that knights put their swords between their ladies and themselves, something that is straight out from the courtly love book: “After that he had taken to using Ghost to keep her away. Old Nan used to tell stories about knights and their ladies who would sleep in a single bed with a blade between them for honor's sake, but he thought this must be the first time where a direwolf took the place of the sword”.
Jon Snow imagined romancing Ygritte as if she were a lady: “If I could show her Winterfell . . . give her a flower from the glass gardens, feast her in the Great Hall, and show her the stone kings on their thrones. We could bathe in the hot pools, and love beneath the heart tree while the old gods watched over us”.
Jon Snow wished for a domestic life in Winterfell, with his wife and children: I would need to steal her if I wanted her love, but she might give me children. I might someday hold a son of my own blood in my arms. [...] I could name him Robb. Val would want to keep her sister's son, but we could foster him at Winterfell, and Gilly's boy as well. [...] Mance's son and Craster's would grow up brothers, as I once did with Robb. He wanted it, Jon knew then. He wanted it as much as he had ever wanted anything. I have always wanted it, he thought, guiltily”. 
Jon is a romantic that called his mare “sweet lady”.
Jon Snow closer friends in the Night’s Watch are Samwell Tarly and satin, they are literally male!Sansas. 
Jon remembers fondly Sansa’s more feminine and ladylike traits: her romantic nature, her courtesies, her singing. 
It’s also worth to mention that, despite Val’s beauty and physical attractiveness, Jon Snow, once again, appreciates her being maternal and singing to Gilly’s son, but was turned off by Val saying she would kill Princess Shireen:  
"I have heard you singing to him."
"I was singing to myself. Am I to blame if he listens?" A faint smile brushed her lips. "It makes him laugh. Oh, very well. He is a sweet little monster."
—A Dance with Dragons - Jon VIII
Once outside and well away from the queen's men, Val gave vent to her wroth. "You lied about her beard. That one has more hair on her chin than I have between my legs. And the daughter … her face …"
"The grey death is what we call it."
"It is not always mortal in children."
"North of the Wall it is. Hemlock is a sure cure, but a pillow or a blade will work as well. If I had given birth to that poor child, I would have given her the gift of mercy long ago."
This was a Val that Jon had never seen before. "Princess Shireen is the queen's only child."
"I pity both of them. The child is not clean."
—A Dance with Dragons - Jon XI
Wait a minute! Val was “singing to herself” like Jon’s memory of Sansa “singing to herself” while brushing out Lady’s coat???
Where did Jon get this idea of “some willowy creature that only brushes her hair” from???  It could be from his half sister Sansa, a literal princess, now trapped in a tower, that always brushed her hair and even brushed out her direwolf’s fur???
“She had brushed out her long auburn hair until it shone” —Sansa
“Her thick auburn hair had been brushed until it shone.” —Eddard
I often sent away her maid so I could brush her hair myself. —Catelyn
He thought [...] Of Sansa, brushing out Lady's coat and singing to herself. —Jon
And I also suspect that when Jon said this about Val: 
Then Ghost emerged from between two trees, with Val beside him.
They look as though they belong together. Val was clad all in white; white woolen breeches tucked into high boots of bleached white leather, white bearskin cloak pinned at the shoulder with a carved weirwood face, white tunic with bone fastenings. Her breath was white as well … but her eyes were blue, her long braid the color of dark honey, her cheeks flushed red from the cold. It had been a long while since Jon Snow had seen a sight so lovely. 
—A Dance with Dragons - Jon XI
He was remembering another pretty girl, princess like, next to a direwolf, looking as though they belong together.
A young beautiful girl, that everyone considers a princess, next to a direwolf???   
Val is a beautiful young woman, Sansa is a beautiful young maiden. 
Val has long blonde hair the color of dark honey which she wears in a braid. Val actually take care of her hair, enough to braid it, like Sansa that always brushes it. And if you google “dark honey” hair color you will find a variety of reddish brown (auburn) and reddish blonde hair colors.    
Val has high sharp cheekbones, like Sansa. 
Val’s eyes are pale grey or blue.  Again the grey/blue eyes pattern...  
Val is slender with a full bosom, like Sansa.
Then Ghost emerged from between two trees, with Val beside him. [...] It had been a long while since Jon Snow had seen a sight so lovely. 
Of Sansa, brushing out Lady's coat and singing to herself.  
Think about it!
You may have heard about how Alys Karstark reminds Jon of Arya.  She was the girl of Melissandre’s vision, right? No? Melissandre was wrong? Really?Anyway, this is another subject, for another time.  The thing is that Jon was really hoping that the “Grey Girl” was Arya.  He was desperate to have Arya safe and away from the Boltons.  And once again, look at Alys Karstark’s description: 
Alys is a tall, like Sansa, but skinny, like Arya.
Alys has brown hair, like Arya, but wears it into a braid, so she cares about her hair, like Sansa.  
Alys has a long face, but blue-grey eyes.  Blue like Sansa, and Grey like Arya. This pattern again? George, I need some explanations. What are you doing?  
And also all these connections with Sansa:
Alys is a lady, a maiden, and she asked Jon his protection:  “You are my only hope, Lord Snow. In your father's name, I beg you. Protect me”.   She sounds like a willowy creature in need to be rescue by some knight, right?
Alys remembered dancing with a sullen Jon Snow when she visited Winterfell in the past.  Alys invited Jon Snow to dance again during her wedding.
Alys’ wedding happened in a very similar way to Sansa’s dream wedding: ”It was not supposed to be this way. She had dreamed of her wedding a thousand times, and always she had pictured how her betrothed would stand behind her tall and strong, sweep the cloak of his protection over her shoulders, and tenderly kiss her cheek as he leaned forward to fasten the clasp”. —A Storm of Swords - Sansa III & “The Magnar all but ripped the maiden’s cloak from Alys’s shoulders, but when he fastened her bride’s cloak about her he was almost tender. As he leaned down to kiss her cheek, their breath mingled”. —A Dance with Dragons - Jon X.
A northern maid and a wildling warrior, bound together by the Lord of Light.  A northern maid like Sansa: “The northern girl. Winterfell's daughter”.  A wildling warrior like Jon: “I see what you are, Snow. Half a wolf and half a wildling.”
There is much more to say about Women & Jon Snow, but I will stop here.  There are more topics to explore for this answer.
This is too long already, so I need to make a cut. 
Parallels & Contrasts:
As I said this post is already too long, so I will summarize with the help of my friends.  Let’s see:
Some great findings by my friend @shieldofrohan​ in this post: JON X SANSA BOOK HINTS- IN ORDER:
Sansa is the blue flower that bloomed from the North
Ygritte tells about the song of Bael the Bard and the Winterfell’s Rose in ACOK; Jon VI
In the story the blue roses of Winterfell just bloom and they represent a love between King Beyond the Wall and Winterfell’s maiden heir
Next chapter is Sansa (ACOK; Sansa IV) and she flowers for the first time, next chapter is Jon again. (Jon-Sansa-Jon)
Bael the Bard and Winterfell’s Blue Rose
He meets with Ygritte
So after the introduction of his future love interest comes a Sansa chapter. 
She tells him the story of a song about the love between King Beyond the Wall and Winterfell’s maiden lady heir.
Jon-Ygritte meeting // Sandor-Sansa last scene
Jon meets with Ygritte in ACOK; Jon VI   
Sansa sees Sandor for the last time in ACOK; Sansa VII
Jon has grey eyes // Sandor has grey eyes
Ygritte has red hair // Sansa has red hair
Jon // Sandor puts a knife to her throat
Ygritte tells him a song // Sansa sings for him
Jon-Ygritte last scene // Sandor-Sansa last scene 
 Sansa-Sandor last scene ACOK; Sansa VII // Jon-Ygritte last scene ASOS; Jon VII
Ygritte cups Jon’s cheek // Sansa cups Sandor’s cheek
Ygritte // Sandor says her/his catchphrase:
You know nothing, Jon Snow // Littlebird one last time and dies // leaves.
The men didn’t touch redhead girls but girls say they did
Jon didn’t touch Ygritte but Ygritte lies that he did and Sansa believes that Sandor kissed her in ACOK; Sansa VII. But he didn’t
Sansa remembers UNKISS after a Jon chapter.
Jon-Ygritte // Tyrion-Sansa
Jon beds Ygritte and it kind of means they are married in Wildlings’ sense.  Because they believe in stealing + bedding = marriage philosphy.
Meanwhile Sansa really marries Tyrion.
Two hearts that beat as one. Mance Rayder’s mocking words rang bitter in his head. [ASOS; Jon III]  The septon raised his crystal high, so the rainbow light fell down upon them. “Here in the sight of gods and men,” he said, “I do solemnly proclaim Tyrion of House Lannister and Sansa of House Stark to be man and wife, one flesh, one heart, one soul, now and forever, and cursed be the one who comes between them.” [ASOS; Sansa III]
Jon has sex with Ygritte because he needs to prove that he is loyal.  But he feels guilty because he takes pleasure.  So he stole her and bed her.  They are basically married. He didn’t want to but he was forced to.
Sansa had to do it because she is surrounded by the enemy.  And Tyrion believes he has to consummate the marriage because his father commanded him.  He desires Sansa even though she is a child and he feels a slight shame because of it.  But unlike Jon, Tyrion doesn’t bed Sansa.
Bed your sister
Ygritte asks some interesting questions… while someone was about to bed Jon’s sister.  She punched him. “That’s vile. Would you bed your sister?” [ASOS; Jon III]
I didn’t steal you… I’m no thief
Ygritte says that Jon stole her like Bael the Bar and talks about the star called Thief.  But Jon says he didn’t steal her.
In TWOW; Alayne I, Ser Roland also calls Sansa a thief for stealing his heart. But she says she is no thief.
Ygritte is a girl with Tully look with her red hair and blue-grey eyes whereas Ser Roland has Stark look with his brown hair and long face.  Sansa even says he is horse faced, and Arya is called Horsaface too and she looks like Jon. 
Ygritte // Sansa
Ygritte is a northern girl with Tully hair and she says she is a “half fish”
Sansa is a half Tully aka fish, redhead and northern…  Ygritte punched his arm. “You know nothing, Jon Snow. I’m half a fish, I’ll have you know.” [ASOS; Jon V]
More from this post by my friend on reddit: Jon and Sansa's parallel journey/imagery/settings in Jon and Sansa CHAPTERS PLACED NEXT TO EACH OTHER
ACOK Chapters 51, 52 and 53 - Steal the girl Chapter 51 - Jon, Chapter 52 - Sansa and Chapter 53 - Jon
Jon meets Ygritte who bares her throat for him and Jon puts his Longsword at it, intending to kill her but frees her:
She pushed her hair aside to bare her neck, and knelt before him. “Strike hard and true, crow, or I’ll come back and haunt you.”
“Now,” he said, “before my wits return. Go.”
She went.
The Hound puts his longsword against Sansa's neck but also frees her:
He laid the edge of his longsword against her neck, just under her ear. Sansa could feel the sharpness of the steel.
Now fly away, little bird, I’m sick of you peeping at me.”
Wordless, she fled
Before this, Ygritte tells Jon the tale of Bael the bard and how he stole the "Fairest flower in Winterfell"
‘All I ask is a flower,’ Bael answered, ‘the fairest flower that blooms in the gardens o’ Winterfell.’”
Next, we have Sansa recieve her first moonblood described as having "Flowered"
You’ve had your first flowering, no more.
Chapter ends with Cersei asking Sansa if she wants to be loved and have it followed by a Jon chapter.
Do you want to be loved, Sansa?”
“Everyone wants to be loved.”
“I see flowering hasn’t made you any brighter,” said Cersei. "Love is poison. A sweet poison, yes, but it will kill you all the same.”
Next chapter : Jon
ASOS Chapter 15, 16 
These two chapters are a bit icky and deals with sexual maturity. Feels like a parallel journey.
The Jon chapter consists of Tormund talking about his sex life, Jon claiming he's too young for sex and Ygritte basically throwing herself at him.
The Sansa chapter consists of men staring at Sansa's body sexually, maids remarking about her matured bosom, Margaery playing kissing games with her cousins etc.
First love’s Resemblance: 
And Sansa fell wildly in love with Ser Waymar, and Jon fell in love with a wildling girl kissed by fire:
Indeed, Sansa’s first crush was a brother of the Night’s Watch:
“Bronze Yohn knows me,” she reminded him. “He was a guest at Winterfell when his son rode north to take the black.” She had fallen wildly in love with Ser Waymar, she remembered dimly, but that was a lifetime ago, when she was a stupid little girl. “And that was not the only time. Lord Royce saw … he saw Sansa Stark again at King’s Landing, during the Hand’s tourney.”
—A Feast for Crows - Alayne I
And Waymar Royce looked like a Stark.  Waymar Royce was Jon’s lookalike.  More about it here. 
And Jon’s first love was Ygritte, a redhead, with blue-grey eyes, and to make the Tully look even more evident, Ygritte called herself half a fish: 
“Ygritte punched his arm. "You know nothing, Jon Snow. I'm half a fish, I'll have you know.” 
—A Storm of Swords - Jon V
Sansa’s first crush having the Stark Look and Jon’s first lover having the Tully look, reminds me of Catelyn being first betrothed with Brandon Stark but marrying Eddard Stark instead.  Brandon, died like Waymar.  Ned said Jon’s is a younger version of himself.  Ned never imagined marrying Catelyn, he had a young infatuation with Ashara Dayne, but he never acted on his feelings for her, and she died.  Ned also killed Ashara’s brother Arthur.  
Sansa fell wildly in love with Waymar, but she won’t marry him, he died.  She will probably fall in love with Jon in a more mature and calmly way.  Jon Snow, after a non-con beginning, ended loving Ygritte, not a lady, that offered him a “comfort level of femininity”, but he won’t marry her, she died.  Jon will probably fell in love with Sansa, freely and willingly.     
I think there is more to say and I could expand what was already said, but I think I covered the basics.
And to finish this post I will leave you with this picture.  A friend helped me to colored the rose blue, the original was yellow.  I call this picture: “Sansa with messy hair”.  And I think this picture is the perfect way to end this long answer.  
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Good night.
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ironicscavenger · 4 years
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Chapter Two: To keep an open wound
You have been silently drowning. Never let anyone in. For who could ever judge you, When no one truly knows you.
Start Here | Previous | Next 
important information and authors notes under the cut
Transcript of the articles in the pictures (because I worked too hard and you can’t see):
Economy Daily: “Youngest CFO in History, by Sarah Longbottom”
It may come as a shock to many, but C.W. Enterprises has welcomed the youngest CFO in history, at only 22 years old. And yes, it might be because she’s the natural heir of the empire, but it cannot be denied this is still huge for women everywhere.
Photo Caption: The youngest CFO in history giving her speech at the steps of the Coldwater Center.
TMZ: “We Hear Expensive Wedding Bells”
Rich Celebrity. You heard it here first folks! For years, April and Jonathan have maintained a long distance, on and off relationship, and now, the newly graduated Doctor and millionaire philanthropist, has finally popped the question. Luckily, the CFO of C.W. Enterprises and heiress to the family’s empire, said yes, sources report. This comes on the heels of the Gillespie’s tragic accident that left the siblings to inherit the fortune, as well as the lawyer firm Jonathan Gillespie Senior founded alongside Jessica Torres. With Frederick still a teenager and Jonathan barely out of Med School, the future of their family’s legacy hangs in the balance. Could the union of both families help their situation? We doubt this is a publicity stunt, but the timing is suspicious, so who knows? What we do know is we are obsessed with them, and have nothing but good wishes. Hope my invitation doesn’t get lost in the mail! XOXO, Gossip Mistress
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Author’s Notes:
Perhaps you remember Jon from that short story I never finished? Decided to bring him back because he fits this world. Also, Fred is his brother.
April is concerned here but it’s probably not for the reasons you imagine. Also, very subtly, I have dropped clues for the story, especially about April, all over her office. If anyone can guess anything from that, I will love you forever.
As you know, I’ve made that pose and the ones that will follow. And I also built the offices complex (and you can only see the front, omg). I’ve been practicing, and I’m getting better at both activities. But I still am a long way. 
Trying something new. I’ve been drawing inspiration from other creators and I want to develop my own style. I’ve been changing it so much this past year, and it is still a wip. It’s almost where I want it... almost.
I tried finding a quote that fit her, but I didn’t find it. So I wrote a little poem (?) I suck at it, clearly. 
That’s it! Sorry about so much rambling! I wanted to share these things cause I think they’re neat, and no one ever hears about it.
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forsomeonessake · 5 years
Slow Snippets
For @mia-ugly ...
Hey! Fixomnia here, radioing in from my GO!Sideblog. This is the simplest way I could think of sending a longpost your way.
I think you know how deeply your Slow Show has resonated with me. It’s been a rare delight to anticipate each chapter. These are just some random fluffy clouds that drifted by as I was reading (and re-reading) that I thought I’d share. Feel free to take them as a compliment, mere reflections of the light you’ve sprinkled about – or do what you will with them!
Having the kids down to the cottage to give Sarah and her husband a weekend to themselves now and then. It’s awkward at first, but Anthony turns out to be a wicked kids’ cooking teacher. He somehow doesn’t mind icing sugar all over his black jeans while holding forth on Meringue Technique.
Even the eldest teenager opens up to him, feeling weird and lonely and nothing like the rest of the family. Anthony knows an adolescent anxiety shrub when he sees one and takes the kid for a walk. He nearly teaches him to smoke, but doesn’t. God help him, he teaches the kid pranic breathing and sensory grounding tips by the river, like some hippie guru.
Uriel and Beez genuinely loathe each other, but the two of them are grudgingly in awe of each other, and they realize they’re each holding half of a goldmine if they can handle working together. Because Beez suddenly has Anthony, Avery, Anathema and another half dozen variously non-conforming young actors on their list and everyone wants a piece of them.
Beez has to deal with being regarded as a Safe Space and a confidante. Jesus wept. Eyes could not roll any harder. It’s not tough love they practice so much as battlefield foxhole tactics to keep everyone alive another day, but it works. Mostly. Beez gets so wrung out that it’s Anthony’s turn to talk her down from a fugue state score now and then.
Anthony and Avery manage to escape their first Christmas with The Families. Avery’s not ready to deal with being Uncle Avery and Uncle Anthony quite yet. (Sarah’s youngest came up with Uncle Az and Aunt Tony, which shows signs of sticking.)
Anthony is tempted to bring Avery to his parents’ New Years All Day Champagne Brunch out of spite. Who better to parade in front of their noses than Avery Class Act Fell? Because Anthony knows that whatever quotes his parents’ publicist released, they aren’t exactly proud, even if they generally wish him well. Vera and Reginald knew they’d be crucified in the press if they were anything less than supportive of their famous gay son’s prodigal return to health, love and career success, but they will never understand how they could have a son like Anthony.
Avery’s dad, unlike Anthony’s, does get to meet “that actor chappie friend of your’n”, before the big wedding. They have nothing in common except for a working knowledge of Vera and Reginald Crowley’s film career, but it’s enough. They both love Avery deeply. And Anthony’s scones don’t hurt.
During the visit, the Garrity lads’ teenaged kids come round to ask for autographs, to the Garrity brothers’ chagrin. Pints together down at the local doesn’t cancel out the hard years. (Anthony insisted on accepting the invite, with a sharkish grin, and threatened to femme out completely, though he settled for sparkly diamond earrings and a scarf. Totally demure by London standards.) But it’s worth something to see the younger Garritys teaching their elders about simple appreciation of different kinds of folk.
After that, Avery seeks out Daniel, to finally have that talk. It turns out Daniel had known instantly what Avery was going through, when they were kids. He’d kicked himself for nudging Avery too hard towards an admission when he wasn’t ready. They were both painfully young and inexperienced at the time. Unlike the Garrity situation, this one ends in a genuine friendship that just skipped a few decades. Daniel and his family are delighted to attend the wedding.
Tracy and Shadwell are actually married-married within a year. Shadwell looks like he doesn’t know what’s hit him, but it’s definitely good. Trace doesn’t go off with the ladies for a long while after, preferring to find jobs on film sets near Shad, wherever he’s working. After keeping Avery going for so long, she’s a natural actor’s PA. And part-time psychic. It starts as an improv in someone’s trailer, showing off her old persona, but Madame Tracy Draws Aside the Veil soon turns into her popular party thing.
Turns out Anthony can sing. Properly sing. He used to have a decent New Romantics croon, back in the 80s, but it’s mellowed into a Nick Cave-ish I’ve-seen-some-shit baritone when he wasn’t paying attention. Avery catches him singing along to some afternoon piano junketing, and prods him into an actual duet. Avery has a stage-trained lyric tenor, self-conscious, but sweet. (“Trace was always the one for singing in the car or while she was doing the hoovering. I just hummed along. Bit of a metaphor, really.”)
Getting Avery to let out his full powerful singing voice becomes something Anthony can actually help him with, something they can work at together. You can imagine how many buttons that pushes for both of them, the sensitive ones and the good ones.
Oh, God, and Beez gets wind of their musical interludes, and next thing they’re signed up to do that Christmas charity CD. And then a West End Panto, one Christmas season when Sir Patrick and Sir Ian are both away filming in America. Avery was made for Dame roles, and Anthony for the Evil Magician. It becomes an annual thing.
One of Beez’ young clients, kicked out after coming out to his parents, ends up billetting with Avery and Anthony for a while. Then he gets into Central for drama school, and it’s decided he might as well move properly into the bottom floor (technically the old servants’ quarters of the London townhouse Avery and Anthony bought together) with a classmate till they’ve finished their course.
The usual papers start to get slimy about them moving a pair of young gay men into the house, but they tackle it head-on with a blistering interview about the rates of homelessness, depression and suicide among LGBTQ youth without support. Avery speaks powerfully about setting himself up for a life of hidden abuse and self-loathing while Anthony manifested his on the outside, and how close they both came to disaster.
The response is so great they find themselves doing something of a speaking tour, working to publicize youth support networks and self-resilience campaigns. It’s not what they’d expected to become Their Social Cause, as actors, but once Avery sees how they’ve been able to help even one young man, it’s as if his shackles have fallen away. (Anthony can’t stop grinning through it all, because people keep congratulating his parents on having such a son.)
Thirty years later, they both somehow end up with Knighthoods for Services to the Arts, a few years apart, and a couple more major industry awards each. The recently crowned King William V recalls watching Avery as the conflicted missionary St. John Rivers in a mid-90s BBC-1 Jane Eyre, with his mother Diana, which makes Sir Avery tear up.
Sir Anthony too. Big Diana fan, him, after all.
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mrsrcbinscn · 4 years
Franny’s 30 Day Cover Challenge
Franny’s 30 Day Cover Song Challenge: (categories are mostly from here, and here, with some from here, and a couple I made) in September 2020 one of her musician friends challenged her to do the thing and she was like “It seems like a fun way to show everyone what kind of music has influenced me as a musician, singer, songwriter, and just like, person. So I’m going to do it.”
In reality, she recorded most of them in 1-2 days to distract her from how sad she is because Wilbur hates her and he’s sad lmao
It helped a little.
(If you want me to drop the playlist she mentions in #24 let me know, I have it started I can finish it)
TW: mentions of Franny’s political beliefs so tw: politics, an allusion to suicide though the word isn’t directly used, mention of 9/11 and the subsequent invasions...nothing graphic with any of these triggers but worth a forewarning
Day 01 - A song that makes you happy
Honey Spiders by The Parlotones
“The Parlotones are this fantastic indie rock band out of South Africa. And I actually thought about doing their song, uh, Stars Fall Down for day sixteen, but I’m going with Honey Spiders for day 1. There were lots of Parlotones songs, I mean. Push Me to The Floor, We Call This Dancing, Should We Fight Back...but ah, Honey Spiders always puts me in a good mood.”
Day 02 - A song that helps you clear your head
Light of a Clear Blue Morning by Dolly Parton
“I grew up on Dolly, and it’s funny because for the longest time this song wasn’t really on my radar as much as it is now. But when I was twenty-two I was going through something really difficult, and my then-fiance now husband was abroad for work, so I was alone in our apartment and just. Really, profoundly sad and lonely. So I put on a Dolly Parton record and just laid on the bed and Light Of A Clear Blue Morning played and I had a good long cry and felt so much better after that. When I need to think about how to solve a difficult problem, or I feel overwhelmed, I just listen to that song.”
Day 03 - Song you love from a band/artist you hate
Should’ve Been A Cowboy by Toby Keith
“Honestly, he’s called me a nasty lady to my face and I’ve called him a facist enabling pig to his, so I have no qualms openly saying I hate Toby Keith. That being said, Should’ve Been A Cowboy is one of the best country songs of the 90s, undeniably. I loved that song when it came out when I was thirteen, and I still love it.”
Day 04 - A song about drugs or alcohol
Whiskey Lullaby by Brad Paisley and Alison Krauss
“This is probably cheating, because my lovely best friend Daniel and I cover this a lot at Dara & Danny shows. But today look who I have! My friend Max from Seoul Hanoi’d! Max the Korean Scot who can’t hide his accent to save his life, so let’s see how it sounds in a Scottish accent.”
Day 05 - A protest song
Talking Vietnam Blues by Phil Ochs /// and Here’s to The State of Mississippi by Phil Ochs
“This one was hard because I. Fucking. Love. Protest music. I could have done a whole 30 days of protest music - wow, let me know if I should do that and give my husband a heart attack with all the twitter threats I’ll invite. Huh. Right, so I was going to do Your Flag Decal Won’t Get You Into Heaven by John Prine. But I decided to do two Phil Ochs songs because I don’t think Phil Ochs is talked about enough. It’s a shame we lost him so young. Ochs’ sardonic humor and honesty in his writing has influenced me as a songwriter deeply. When I write political songs, I don’t hold back, and it’s because of Phil Ochs’ writing that I have that courage. I’ve been singing Love Me, I’m A Liberal since I was in college with constantly updating lyrics. It was so hard to even choose which songs of his to do because for his fairly short career his songbook is lengthy and full of gems. I’m Going to Say It Now, Draft Dodger Rag, Spanish Civil War Song, I Ain’t Marching Anymore...I couldn’t pick one so I’m cheating and recording two.”
Day 06 - A song you wish you wrote
When I Think About Cheatin’ by Gretchen Wilson
“I will forever be pissed off that I didn’t write this song. I’m absolute trash for my husband, so it’s never -- I’ve never had to be in a situation to ever consider -- but this song gets me every time. It feels like I could have written it. Because we do spend a lot of time apart travelling for our work. And the sentiment expressed in the song is a little too real.”
Day 07 - A song in a language you don’t speak
Khattar by Khine Htoo
“This will either be a charming attempt to sing in Burmese or I’m about to offend a lot of people. Which, being a politically outspoken woman on the internet, I’m used to anyway. So. 1, 2, 3, okay here goes.”
Day 08 - A song by an artist no longer living
Phop Samnang by Sinn Sisamouth (inspiration)
“Haha, you thought I’d see the name of this category and not do a Sinn Sisamouth song? You were wrong.”
Day 09 - A song you want to dance to at your wedding
Devoted To You by The Everly Brothers
“I’m already married, so this was actually our first dance song at our wedding. Day three of our wedding, like the more Westernized wedding ceremony day. We had a three day long traditional Cambodian wedding and I felt like a princess. An-y-way!”
Day 10 - A song that makes you cry
Borrowed Rooms and Old Wood Floor by Emily Scott Robinson
“Unfortunately, Emily Scott Robinson and I aren’t related. Sad, I know, because she’s so talented. Almost her entire album Traveling Mercies is...sad as hell. The record reminded me of early Dolly Parton, and my second solo album. You know, all those sad-ass songs. The Dress is honestly the song that makes me the saddest but I can’t even listen to it without crying so.”
Day 11 - A song that you love hearing live
Prove My Love  by Violent Femmes
“There is nobody I have seen in concert more than Dolly Parton, but Violent Femmes and George Strait come incredibly close. The Cranberries, the amount of times I saw them in the 90s and early 2000s...close fourth. Probably. The very first concert I dragged my husband to was a Violent Femmes concert, he was not prepared for how hard college me went.”
Day 12 - A song from before 1960 
There Ain’t No Sweet Man That’s Worth The Salt of My Tears by Libby Holman
“This song is from 1928. I came across it when I was in grad school and it’s, as the kids say, a bop.”
Day 13 - A song you think everybody should listen to
White Man’s World by Jason Isbell
“I think perspectives of people of color should of course take precedence in these conversations. But I find this song to be a good faith attempt of a white man coming to terms with the institutional racism and sexism in the world around him. And I think this song can be a useful tool to explain certain concepts of racial justice to ignorant but well-meaning folks. As a woman of color I think Jason Isbell did a great job not centering himself even though it was from his perspective. This song is great musically and necessary socially.”
Day 14 - A song from the 1970s
You’re No Good by Linda Ronstadt
“Linda Ronstadt is grossly underrated, that’s all I have to say here.”
 Day 15 - A song people wouldn’t expect you to like
Racists by Anti-flag
“I mean, I’ve talked about how much I like punk in the past, and I remember a video of Seoul Hanoi’d doing Spanish Bombs at a San Antonio show made the rounds, but I don’t think I’ve talked about how much I like Anti-flag. People don’t expect me to like punk for some reason. But I agree with...everything punk music is all about.”
Day 16 - A song that holds a lot of meaning to you
Blue by LeAnn Rimes
“It’s silly, but I won a county fair singing competition with this song in high school and it really fueled my passion for music, that win. It’s also the first song Cornelius heard me go full Georgia on, with the yodels and all, at the little bar in my hometown on his first trip meeting my parents. The song doesn’t cut to my very soul ot anythin’, but it’s special to me.”
Day 17 - A song attached to a memory
Supernova by Liz Phair
“I remember buying Liz Phair’s Whip-smart album when I was eleven. And in college, when I was getting ready for dates with Cornelius in my dorm room, I would dance around to a CD I burned and wrote on it with a sharpie, ‘Pre-date Movie Scene Music.’ God, what was even on there? I’m about to expose myself as the most basic 1999-2001 bitch. I remember Head Over Feet, I mean, Alanis Morisette? I was a young woman in 2000, obviously I loved her. Mm, Dreams by The Cranberries...oh, Kiss Me, Sixpence None The Richer...yeah, anyway, Supernova was on there.”
Day 18 - A song from the year you were born
Call Me by Blondie
“...I can’t believe Call Me is as old as I am.”
Day 19 - A song that reminds you of someone you miss
Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing (yes, of course she does a cover with banjo)
“This was my late best friend Molly’s favorite hymn. And I sang it at her funeral at her husband’s request. Molly and I grew up together in the small town of Payne Lake, Georgia and Molly was the most devout Christian...but she was also the first person I came out to as bisexual when I was a teenager, and she said that Jesus taught her that love was the greatest commandment and that meant I was automatically twice as good at it as her. Her faith guided her every action but she never talked down on her two best friends - Dan(iel Maitland) and I for not sharing it. Molly was doing the whole emulate Jesus thing beautifully. I miss her every day and it’s been seven years. If you ever think that people won’t miss you...you’re wrong. All right, let’s see if I can get through this without crying.”
Day 20 - A song by an artist you discovered this year
Hello, Anxiety by Phum Viphurit
“I just discovered this quirky Thai-Kiwi singer and not to be dramatic, but he’s my favorite thing in the world right now.”
Day 21 - A song with a city or country in the title
Oh! Phnom Penh (track 20)
“This song was written after the fall of the Khmer Rouge, and after people began to make their way to what was left of their homes, alone, or with what was left of their families. If you want to learn more about what that was like to actually live it, my cousin Reena Boran has a video interviewing her parents and paternal grandfather and uncle about it. Reena is a journalism student currently studying in London but she lives in Cambodia. Her mother is my aunt Malisruot, my mother’s youngest sister. The video is English subtitled on her channel, I’ll link it in the description box below.”
Day 22 - A song from the 1960s
To Sir, With Love by Lulu
“I didn’t actually discover this song until I heard it covered at a 10,000 Maniacs concert in the 90s. My friend Allison was standing next to me and I just started crying and she’s like ‘are you okay?’ and all I just blubbered out ‘My dad!’ For the uninitiated, my dad married my mom, who’d raised me alone until then, when I was six and he adopted me when I was eight. My dad didn’t have to adopt me, he didn’t have to call me his daughter, he could have just been like half of my friends’ stepdads and give me a place to live and nothing else. But my dad was my biggest supporter from day one. He convinced my mom to let me join the dance team and show choir instead of science club, he was the one that talked my mom down from probably killing me when they found out I was only studying music and not music and political science at NYU. I am who I am today because he is my dad. And this song just says everything I’ve always thought about him.”
Day 23 - A song from your childhood
Una Lacrima Sul Viso by Bobby Solo
“But Franny, aren’t you a Cambodian raised in the US? Yes, but you were fooled. My very white father is also an immigrant. He is from Switzerland and while he didn’t teach me to speak Italian and German growing up, he played German, Italian, and French records all the time. My parents often spoke to each other in French and I picked up some French but properly studied it starting in high school, and I didn’t study Italian until college -- and my German is still …. [points to a spot on the screen where she later inserted a card linking to a video on her cousin Köbi Framagucci’s YouTube channel titled ‘Can My American Cousin Speak German?’ where he tests her Standard and Swiss German speaking and comprehension]. But hell if I couldn’t sing every one of the songs from my father’s French, German, and Italian record before I knew what the words even meant.”
Day 24 - A song that gives you chill vibes
Glorify by Ivan & Alyosha
“Dan(iel Maitland) and I actually have an entire playlist on my Spotify accounts of songs to listen to to get us out of writers’ block. And one that I often will put on repeat and just absorb through my headphones with my eyes closed is a song called Glorify by Ivan & Alyosha. I think it touches on a lot of the themes I include in my songwriting. Christian mythology, the darker side of humanity, it often reminds me of what I love about songwriting. If you say please I might drop a link to that playlist.”
Day 25 - A song that’s your signature song
Long Gone Lonesome Blues by Hank Williams“Right, so I chose this instead of a Kitty Wells song or I Get A Kick Out of You (her being
featured on a 2005
recording propelled her career majorly) because if you’re familiar with me you might have seen a video that went around in like….2017? 2016? of Dan(iel Maitland) and I doin’ the song at our hometown bar in 2014. I posted it in response to some tweets because hoes mad when a WOC calls out racism and sexism in the Nashville music industry. ‘Bet she don’t even know Hank’, really? You think I wouldn’t know the history of one of the two music industries I work in? Please. Anyway, she knows Hank and nails the incredibly technical yodel -- the
most difficult
one in Hank’s songbook - in Long Gone Lonesome Blues. Mm...Lovesick Blues though, that also strikes fear into my heart. Anyway stay mad I guess?”
Day 26 - A song by your favorite band
Gun Shy by 10,000 Maniacs
“10,000 Maniacs was one of my favorite bands when I was in like 5th grade through 10th. I listened to them for a little while after Natalie Merchant left for a solo career, but the Natalie Merchant era was really what resonated with me the most. Gun Shy was a bit too advanced for my little 5th, 7th grade ears to really appreciate when I first discovered the album In My Tribe. Merchant’s voice -- because like, I don’t have a very conventional voice either, so her and Dolores O’Riordan really changed my entire perspective on what a woman’s voice can sound like in rock music. Um, yeah, so her voice more than the lyrics just wowed me. And as I got closer to graduating high school and especially in college I actually understood what What’s The Matter Here, Hey Jack Kerouac, and Gun Shy were talking about. Gun Shy...really became a significant song to me because...being born in 1980 I grew up in a relatively peaceful time. The Cold War was all but thawed by my tenth birthday. But I was getting ready to leave my then-boyfriend-now-husband’s apartment for class at NYU on the morning of 9/11. We stood in line for hours to donate blood. And then my government invaded two completely unrelated countries and jingoism and terrifying, fervent nationalism, and xenophobia just smacked me in the face. And friends of mine from high school were convicted to drop out of college and join the Army, and died, for an unjust, imperialist war, and suddenly Phil Ochs, John Prine, and Bob Dylan lyrics hit a lot different, and I understood what Gun Shy was really about.”
Day 27 - A song you hate by an artist you love
Mrs.Robinson by Simon & Garfunkel 
“Paul Simon is one of my favorite songwriters ever, um, and I actually used to like Mrs. Robinson….until I got married and everyone sang it at me. It’s kind of my fault, I did choose to take my husband’s last name. And I leaned into it by making my social media handles all Mrs. Robinson...but still. Only play the song around me if you want to die.”
Day 28 - A song that a younger you would have loved
Mean by Taylor Swift
“I’m so genuinely glad that I am older than Taylor Swift. Middle school Franny did not need Taylor Swift to enable me and fuel my ego. Some of her singles, while not really 35 and 40 year old Franny’s cup of tea, young me would have played until my mother hid the record or cassette from me. Although - fuck if Tim McGraw didn’t immediately give my happily married ass flashbacks to my first love and make me bawl like a baby? Right, so when Speak Now came out and I listened to it, Mean, while not a song that adult me has listened to maybe more like ten times, I immediately thought ‘wow, I needed this song when I was in middle and high school.’ I could literally picture 7th grade me with my little guitar and my little cowboy boots my dad bought for me singing this at the talent show making eye contact with the kids who bullied me as if it was some kind of own when it’s not. I could still, almost thirty years later, name them if I really wanted. So, for 7th grade me, Mean by Taylor Swift.”
Day  29- A song that reminds you of your partner/spouse
ផាត់ជាយបណ្តូលចិត្ / Phat Cheay Bon'dol Chet by Sinn Sisamuth (translation) (female singer covering it) (modern, studio recording of a male and female singer dueting it) (a cool violin cover) (another female singer) (cool guitar cover)
Feat. some members of Seoul Hanoi’d. Andy Chaiyaporn (violin), Max Cho (piano), Jodie Batbayar (cello), Aisulu Niyazova-Li (percussion) and Franny has her guitar
“The song, lyrically, only reminds me of my husband a little bit. But Phat Cheay Bondol Chet has several memories with my husband attached to it. The first time he heard me sing in Khmer was at my mother’s house in Atlanta when I had him visit the first time to meet my parents. My mom had a little dinner party at our house to show him off, like Asian moms do when they think their daughter snags a good one, and I was hand washing the dishes while my mom and the other Cambodian parents were listening to Sinn Sisamuth records. I’ve always loved the song I’ll be showing y’all today, like I’ve always just stopped what I was doing and -- so it came on and I just started singing along without really being aware of it. And then at a different diaspora get together that summer, that song came on and I just kinda. Pulled him aside to the side yard of that person’s house to look at the stars with him and translated the song. It’s one of the Khmer songs he instantly recognizes now, so it’s special.”
Franny did NOT say in the video that college her 100% had him sit in the grass with her outside that person’s house, where nobody could see, so she could makeout with him 
 Day 30- A song by one of your favorite songwriters
Reincarnation by Roger Miller
Feat. Seoul Hanoi’d, done more in the style of the Cake cover 
Also instead of singing the lyric “you’re a girl, I’m a boy” she goes “you’re a girl, so am I” because she doesn’t ever change pronouns, she just makes it gay because she is a bi-con
“Roger Miller, to me, is as important as Dolly Parton, Paul Simon, Bob Dylan, in the American songbook. He’s not as talked about which is a shame because his discography is iconic. Getting to be a part of King of The Road was one of the highlights of my career.”
0 notes
poetryintheyes · 4 years
Sex Is a Good Thing!
Orgasmic sex between consenting adults gives a larger number of advantages to people than basic shared closeness. It's additionally significant in keeping up one's physical and psychological wellness.
Various investigations have indicated the helpful impacts of customary orgasms. Sex has been demonstrated to be an incredible cardiovascular exercise and it has been demonstrated to calm pressure, thereby forestalling pressure related clutters. Standard, fulfilling sex may even assist you with living longer!
Then again, sexual frustration, as I would see it, is probably the best issue people face today.
Presently, I'm not discussing a person who's frustrated in light of the fact that his wife has been away for seven days. I'm discussing 40 year old folks who have never had intercourse. I'm discussing women who have been so scarred sexually, that they are planning to get past the remainder of their lives while never needing sex again. Where does this originate from?
All things considered, how about we start by investigating history and religion. In numerous societies, sex has been named "messy." And it's obvious in the manner in which we interface with one another consistently that this observation has persevered. One of the most clear cases is the work "f*ck." Apparently left over from significantly increasingly harsh occasions, the letters are intials portraying a barricade offense, "For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge." Today, it has become one of the most negative and broadly utilized words in American English.
See secondary school boys who as of now have twisted perspectives on sex before they've even participated in the demonstration. We hear things like, "eat me", "chomp me", "suck this," "decent girls don't yet underhanded girls do," and even as they get more established, "she's fun, however she's not the sort of girl you need to wed!" what number great hearted and bold teenage girls have submitted to the desires of their lover, just to be disgraced, freely mocked or surrendered?
At that point boys become men. They get married to "pleasant girls" and spend the remainder of their lives wishing their spouses were progressively brave in bed. What number of spouses bother and harrangue their wives to give them what they need (regularly without thinking about their wife's needs) until she is exhausted and not, at this point intrigued by any stretch of the imagination? Our entire idea of sex has become so curved that numerous really disdain its healthful and holding impacts since it has become so messed up with torment.
Also, remember the commitment of intense sexual frustration to wrongdoing. Each sexual offense has its underlying foundations in sexual agony and frustration or confusions about sex. In the event that sex wrongdoers were equipped for having adoring, capable, adult relationships, there would be no requirement for them to perpetrate such wrongdoings as assault and attack.
What would we be able to do?
To start with, how about we get it straight that sex isn't "filthy." It is a consummately ordinary natural capacity and overlooking the desire won't cause it to leave. This is just the manner in which we are structured. On the off chance that we genuinely have regard for an almighty Creator, at that point it's time we respect the way that He/She/It made us the manner in which we are. The Human body is a lovely thing and it's off-base for us to join such negative undertones to any part of our natural selves for some Human origination of how we "should" be.
We should figure out how to grasp our sexuality. Because you may have had an awful involvement with the past doesn't mean you're unequipped for having a decent sexual encounter. In the event that your present sex life isn't all that you'd like it to be, converse with your partner about what you'd like and work together to get through restraints. In the event that your partner is excessively requesting or not open to such conversation, I recommend you consider finding another partner.
Show our kids. Studies show that youngsters who experience childhood in family units where the parents are progressively open about their bodies, instead of continually concealing bare bodies away from plain view, are in reality better balanced as adults. Kids who get oblivious signs that the exposed body is disgraceful or nauseating end up with a lot increasingly close to home hang ups and hindrances bringing about lower confidence which just makes it harder to enjoy a healthy sex life.
What's more, don't be hesitant to converse with youngsters about sex. It unquestionably includes definitely more than "where do babies originate from." Considering the effect sex, or absence of sex, has on one's life, it appears to be really senseless to make everybody make sense of everything for themselves by experimentation. Try not to shrivel away from chances to converse with your kids about what you've realized with regards to picking a partner and keeping up a relationship. Regardless of whether you don't feel effective, they can profit by your transparency and experience.
Folks, put forth a concentrated effort and figure out how to get laid. Try not to state moronic stuff that solitary serves to expand protection from sex. You need sex. Try not to remove your nose to demonstrate hatred for your face by sending messages that what you truly need is appalling or loathesome. Furthermore, don't let yourself arrive at a point where you are so frantic for sex it's everything you can consider. It appears. We've all observed an unneutered hound that attempts to bump the leg of everybody that tags along; it's not appealing and it won't assist you with arriving at your objective. Try not to be reluctant to assume control over issues occasionally to discharge overabundance strain so you can introduce the genuine you to forthcoming partners.
What's more, recollect, sex is a two way road. Men wouldn't need sex constantly on the off chance that they once in a while ever had a genuine orgasm and it's the equivalent for women. I know women who have never had a true blue, shivering, mind blowing, toe twisting orgasm! Why, in light of the fact that their partners were unmistakably progressively worried about their own pleasure as opposed to concentrating on supporting a durable sexual relationship. On the off chance that all you care about is yourself, at that point proceed to pay somebody to deal with your requirements. Legitimate and directed prostitution could go far to mitigating the overwhelming measure of sexual strain and coming about wrongdoing in our general public.
Envision an existence where there is no sexual strain. Hang tight, I'm not discussing a reality where individuals go around stripped engaging in sexual relations everywhere with any individual who happens to go along. I'm discussing an existence where individuals are glad and OK with their bodies and sex. Where individuals are not all that urgent for physical warmth that they are in reality increasingly alluring. A reality where individuals have a sense of security and ready to free themselves up to all the valuable impacts of sex. It's a difficult task, I know. We've never had such a general public, however it's justified, despite all the trouble to attempt.
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Sex Is a Good Thing!
Orgasmic sex between consenting adults gives a larger number of advantages to people than basic shared closeness. It's additionally significant in keeping up one's physical and psychological wellness.
Various examinations have demonstrated the advantageous impacts of customary orgasms. Sex has been demonstrated to be an incredible cardiovascular exercise and it has been demonstrated to alleviate pressure, along these lines forestalling pressure related clutters. Customary, fulfilling sex may even assist you with living longer!
Then again, sexual frustration, as I would like to think, is perhaps the best issue people face today.
Presently, I'm not discussing a person who's frustrated on the grounds that his wife has been away for seven days. I'm discussing multi year old folks who have never had intercourse. I'm discussing women who have been so scarred sexually, that they are planning to get past the remainder of their lives while never needing sex again. Where does this originate from?
All things considered, we should begin by investigating history and religion. In numerous societies, sex has been named "filthy." And it's apparent in the manner in which we interface with one another consistently that this discernment has persevered. One of the most clear occurrences is the work "f*ck." Apparently left over from much progressively oppressive occasions, the letters are intials portraying a stockade offense, "For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge." Today, it has become one of the most negative and broadly utilized words in American English.
See secondary school young men who as of now have contorted perspectives on sex before they've even partaken in the demonstration. We hear things like, "eat me", "nibble me", "suck this," "decent girls don't yet devious girls do," and even as they get more seasoned, "she's enjoyment, yet she's not the sort of girl you need to wed!" what number great hearted and brave teenage girls have submitted to the desires of their lover, just to be disgraced, openly criticized or deserted?
At that point young men become men. They get married to "decent girls" and spend the remainder of their lives wishing their spouses were progressively bold in bed. What number of spouses bother and harrangue their wives to give them what they need (regularly without thinking about their wife's needs) until she is exhausted and not, at this point intrigued by any means? Our entire idea of sex has become so turned that numerous really disdain its healthful and holding impacts since it has become so tangled up with torment.
What's more, remember the commitment of intense sexual frustration to wrongdoing. Each sexual offense has its foundations in sexual agony and frustration or misguided judgments about sex. On the off chance that sex guilty parties were fit for having cherishing, mindful, adult connections, there would be no requirement for them to perpetrate such violations as assault and attack.
What would we be able to do?
To begin with, how about we get it straight that sex isn't "messy." It is an impeccably typical organic capacity and overlooking the desire won't cause it to leave. This is just the manner in which we are planned. In the event that we genuinely have regard for an almighty Creator, at that point it's time we respect the way that He/She/It made us the manner in which we are. The Human body is an excellent thing and it's off-base for us to append such negative meanings to any part of our natural selves for some Human origination of how we "should" be.
We should figure out how to grasp our sexuality. Because you may have had a terrible involvement with the past doesn't mean you're unequipped for having a decent sexual encounter. On the off chance that your present sex life isn't all that you'd like it to be, converse with your partner about what you'd like and work together to get through hindrances. On the off chance that your partner is excessively requesting or not open to such conversation, I recommend you consider finding another partner.
Show our kids. Studies show that kids who experience childhood in families where the guardians are progressively open about their bodies, instead of continually concealing bare bodies away from plain view, are in reality better balanced as adults. Kids who get oblivious signs that the bare body is despicable or appalling end up with a lot increasingly close to home hang ups and restraints bringing about lower confidence which just makes it harder to enjoy a healthy sex life.
Also, don't be reluctant to converse with kids about sex. It positively envelops unmistakably more than "where do babies originate from." Considering the effect sex, or absence of sex, has on one's life, it appears to be really senseless to make everybody make sense of everything for themselves by experimentation. Try not to contract away from chances to converse with your youngsters about what you've realized with regards to picking a partner and keeping up a relationship. Regardless of whether you don't feel exceptionally effective, they can profit by your receptiveness and experience.
Folks, put forth a concentrated effort and figure out how to get laid. Try not to state inept stuff that lone serves to build protection from sex. You need sex. Try not to remove your nose to demonstrate hatred for your face by sending messages that what you truly need is disturbing or loathesome. What's more, don't let yourself arrive at a point where you are so frantic for sex it's everything you can think about. It appears. We've all observed an unneutered hound that attempts to bump the leg of everybody that goes along; it's not alluring and it won't assist you with arriving at your objective. Try not to be reluctant to assume control over issues occasionally to discharge overabundance strain so you can introduce the genuine you to forthcoming partners.
Also, recall, sex is a two way road. Men wouldn't need sex constantly in the event that they once in a while ever had a genuine orgasm and it's the equivalent for women. I know women who have never had a true blue, shivering, mind blowing, toe twisting orgasm! Why, in light of the fact that their partners were unmistakably increasingly worried about their own pleasure as opposed to concentrating on supporting a durable sexual relationship. On the off chance that all you care about is yourself, at that point proceed to pay somebody to deal with your necessities. Legitimate and managed prostitution could go far to easing the overwhelming measure of sexual pressure and coming about wrongdoing in our general public.
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Second part of the request as promised
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14) “Can I have this dance?”  + Mista, undercut for length:
Man… This was awkward. Mista had finally found someone cute to go out with. He couldn’t believe that his flirting techniques worked but his bad luck has struck once again. The first date was going so poorly. His date seemed to be shy so Mista has tried to struck a discussion with no success. They answered his questions with short sentences, and he ran out of ideas for conversation topic very soon. Since then, both of them has been sitting in an uncomfortable for what seemed like an eternity. He didn’t know what he was doing wrong, and this point, the silence felt too heavy to break. Each of them were staring down at their drink. Mista was crying internally,  abandoning any hope of seeing them again when a certain song started playing:
“It was a teenage wedding, and the old folks wished them well. You could see that Pierre did truly love the mademoiselle. And now the young monsieur and madame have rung the chapel bell. "C'est la vie", say the old folks, it goes to show you never can tell~”
His date finally lifted their head from the plate in front of them, their eyes lighting as they recognized the song. Mista seized the opportunity, he had nothing lose after all.
- Can I have this dance? he proposed, putting on his most confident smile as he was praying to all the existent saints deep down.
They stared at him with wide eyes before resuming a calmer facade, saying softly:
- S-sure, why not…
Mista grin got wider as he seized their hand, pulling them away from the bar. He started dancing energetically which stole a laugh from his date. This promptly made them  join him in his dance with the same eagerness. The two were out of breath when the song finished. They returned to their seats in order to rest.
- I didn’t think you would know “You never can Tell”, said Mista. It’s such an old song.
- I don’t have a wide musical culture, they replied. I only listen to the songs I stumbled upon while watching movies.   
- Where do you know this song from then?
- It was in a memorable dance scene from a movie called Pulp Fiction.
- Wait, you know Pulp Fiction?
- Of course, I do. It’s one of the greatest movie of all time!
Mista’s heart fluttered as excitement run through his body. Finally, something they had in common! It was nothing small too. They had the same passion for cinema as him. They spent the next hours talking about their favorite movies. Mista couldn’t express how fun it was for him to share his theories with someone who was as interested as him in the subject. They didn’t even roll their eyes when he presented his own detailed analysis. On the contrary, they listened patiently before adding their point of view too! He was on cloud nine. When the bar had closed, neither of them wanted to leave the other. There was still so much they wanted to talk about! He accompanied them back home, and they spent at least another hour in front the door, discussing.
- Let’s go see a movie! they suggested eagerly before resuming with a more tempered tone. Next time... I mean…  if you want to…
-  I would love to! exclaimed Mista.
From that day on, “You never can Tell” was known as their song. The song that saved their relationship from sinking...  
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empathetixss · 5 years
Margaery Tyrell Verses ( taken from my old blog )
Margaery as a child growing up in Highgarden.
Margaery as a teenager in Highgarden. (ages 13-14)
Margaery during her marriage to Renly. sub versus: (listed with particular players.)
When Winter met Spring (Robb Stark marries Margaery after Renly dies)
Book Canon. Margaery of House Tyrell. She is gentle and kind, sweet and beloved by the small folk. Recently engaged to one Joffrey Baratheon. She is the QUEEN to be, though the real question is, does she desire it? Verses that are housed under this verse LOTR Verse - Elvish Rose - Mace Tyrell is Half-Elven. He marries a human, Alerie Hightower and chooses the fate of the mortals. His children have the choice as well, His youngest has not chosen her fate yet. Lady Rose - Lady of a keep. Margaery is a mortal, that lives close to Rivendell. (or in some verses Mirkwood)
During Margaery’s Trial by Faith. She’s held in a tower by the septa’s and The High Sparrow. After the evidence falls away from Margaery, she is released into the custody of Randyll Tarly.
After House Tyrell falls on the ‘wrong side of history.’ Loras is sent to the Stormlands, Garlan is sent to the vale, and sweet, young, Margaery is sent to the North. On top of all of this, the Tyrell’s must pay a certain amount of gold every year to the crown to keep the children fed. Or so they are told. Margaery wins over House Stark and eventually ends up betrothed to Robb Stark.
Margaery is engaged to marry Robb Stark, but it all ends at the Red Wedding. Jon Snow, now Jon Stark, saves her life. (with: @moreastark )
Season 2-3: Margaery is the daughter of Frankish King Mace Tyrell. He’s done his best with all three of his sons, now he wants Margaery in on the game. Yet there was a reason she was kept hidden. To keep his kingdom safe Mace was forced to give up his beautiful daughter to King Ragnar. Now in Kattegat, she has to survive.
Season 4B: Margaery is the daughter of a Frankish Lord. She resides in Paris and among Princess Gisla and Duke Rollo's court. She's just a lady in the court, curious about the Viking Raiders among them at the moment.
A royalty au currently under construction. (Verse with: halfawolf)
grim tides/Black Sails/POTC/Pirate!Queen Margaery. Queen of the Pacific, and Agean, The Rose of Highgarden has truly come a long way. From stowing away on a ship as a small child to escape the British Attack on her family, to having her own crew, she’s practically unstoppable. It doesn’t hurt that many of her male counterparts doubt her ability as a pirate captain because she’s a woman. She proves them wrong, Every. Single. Time.
From a young age, Margaery was betrothed to Jon Targaryen. The Heir to the Seven Kingdoms. Now, it’s time for them to bring their families together. (w: halfawolf)
Jon is exiled and stripped of his title, Margaery is forced to wed another, life is not as she planned it until Jon comes back to her. (w: moreastark)
(A WANTED VERSE) Forced into marriage with one another by Lady Olenna and Lady Catelyn’s arrangement. Margaery tries to make the best of her fate. Lady Catelyn is a joy and kind to her. Wonderful in every way. While Robb… Robb is cold to her. Margaery becomes scared that she is trapped in another loveless marriage and struggles to understand her cold & grim husband.
Margaery works for her father a respected lawyer in the Tyrell Firm. In her spare time, she paints.
Gangster Lawyer: assilat-vojjor Drogo is a respected Gang leader on trial for a murder he didn’t commit. Margaery is his Lawyer. Our Gentle Sin: astormcrow. Margaery and Daario get close to one another, start an affair. At the same time, he kills people for a living. Crushing them in high heels and pearls: wintersking. Margaery is Robb’s boss. Currently they’re having a torrid affair.
If you let my soul out (it’ll come right back to you.)  Reincarnation verse.
The Drifter: Margaery Tyrell runs into Jon Snow while wandering the streets of Paris. & she can’t help but be drawn to him. Little does she know that he is hiding a secret. (w: moreastark)
Margaery is the Youngest of the Tyrell’s. Attending Harvard Law in the fall, Margaery is just trying to make it in a family that vacations in Europe for the hell of it. Mostly she’s just looking for fun.
Margaery Tyrell is a British-born scientist, working for the government. She double majored in biology and anthropology. She’s never really thought much of the superhero’s other than the fact that they’ve saved the world. She proud of the work she does and believes in what’s right for the future. That being said, her loyalty is not easily swayed or bought. (Notes for Marvel-verse)
* Recruited by Nick Fury. * Security Level Clearance: 5 (sub verses): Webbed Roses with webheadedhero You Can Keep Your Shield On with buyxwarxbonds Notes for DC verse * Recruited by the Secretary of Defense. * Lived in Metropolis
The White Queen Verse: Margaery is a noble lady. Her family has the symbol of the Golden rose. They are neither York or Lancaster. Tyrell’s are really all for themselves.
Upon hearing of the death of her beloved cousin Anne, Margaery ventures to King Henry VIII’s court for answers. - She’s managed to ensnare the king in her thorns and finds herself caught as well, because her feelings fro him have grown beyond what she thought they would. (Timeline: Anne of Cleves is queen, but before Kitty Howard meets Henry.) - Anne sent for her cousin before her death and she has been there since her second miscarriage. verse with vivatreginam -Margaery arrives after the death of her cousin Anne, taking in Elizabeth and offering up her home as a place for her. verse with any elizabeth
French born, but Spain raised Margaery Tyrell, is brought back to court along with the rest of her family when they hear of Prince Francis’ wedding to Mary Stuart. Of course they are overjoyed and offer their services to the young couple swearing themselves to them. While Margaery’s ambitious grandmother seeks a powerful marriage for Margaery perhaps with a royal of Scotland, Margaery skeeks to get to know the future queen better. Hoping to call her friend one day.
BBC’s The Musketeers Verse. Margaery is the King’s Cousin, but that doesn’t mean much in France. Serving under Queen Anne as a Lady in Waiting, she is happy with her position. Although, she is intrigued by The Musketeers in the service of the King. 
Une Rose de Versailles: A Noble Catholic Lady from the south of france, originally she’s engaged to the Dux De Baratheon known as Joffrey. She’s not very happy with the match, as the man has a reputation for cruelty. She has come to Versailles, when the King moves court from Paris to there. She finds herself a bit more at ease there, she is able to be herself more and be around women other than her future mother-in-law. Her fiance hates it and wishes to return to Paris. She has hope that she might catch the king’s eye, but she knows that women here are everywhere each wanting a piece of the king.
Margaery has taken the Iron Throne through her son after the death of her husband. Now she has to keep it. (husband can be Renly, Joffrey, or Tommen.)
The Original Rose Beauty: Margaery was a noble lady in Snow’s court, but also a friend for Queen Regina until her identity as a Princess and future Queen of her own realm was reviled. Margaery was Aurora’s mother, the first sleeping beauty. Sometimes known as Briar Rose. She tried her best to shield her daughter from the curse but was unable to do so. When the first curse hit, she was swept up and sent to Storybrooke. Living under the curse, she works in the flower shop owned by Moe French. She spends her days doing inventory and ordering new flowers when needed. The day that repeated for 28 years, she would visit the sheriff's station with coffee, and cut flowers in the shop. When Emma came to town, she was curious about the woman who seemed to be hanging around Young Henry but said nothing of it. Sticking to herself and the solitary life the curse forced her to lead. After the curse breaks, every memory is brought back to her. She believes she is without her brothers, her husband, and her daughter in this land without magic and would give anything just to see them again.
A modern twist on a love story. Verse with moreastark
Athos entered Margaery’s service when she was still married to Joffrey. The sadness that surrounded the man caught her attention and she did everything she could to get him to smile. Little did she know she would fall head over heels in love with the knight. They hide it as best as they can although she would rather be with him than apart from him. (w: dettexhonneur)
Margaery had gotten out. More than that. She had made a place for herself outside of the MC. Her father had just been the MC's lawyer, it wasn't like she had to be anything to them, right? She could go and do whatever she wanted. That is until, she came home. She came home for a funeral and saw... Him again. Jon. She had been to High School with him. He had been her first everything. She had thought for a while, he would be her everything. Until she grew up. She went to college, became a lawyer, and seeing Jon again, made her feel like a teenage girl. Especially on the back of his bike. Now she's got a choice. Stay, start over with the man she loves, or go back... (verse with: moreastark)
When Margaery was a child she always knew there was something different about her, and her family. She always just thought it was odd that her father could influence those around him with a word, her grandmother’s plants never died, and her brothers… Well, Willas’ super memory and intelligence was next to none, and his ability to seemingly communicate with Animals, Garlan and his super strength, Loras and his agility, she wondered what her powers would be. At nine the voices started. She could hear them even in her sleep, it was all so very loud and overwhelming, she just wanted it to stop, but it didn’t. It just got worse and louder, it wasn’t until later that she learned these voices were not in her head, they were in the heads of others. She also learned that she could feel other’s emotions as well and project her own on them. Margaery harnesses the powers of empathy and telepathy, her grandmother does her best to help her control it.
Her family is heavily involved in the Hellfire club, and Margaery didn’t have much of a choice, but to do the same. She has always admired the X-Men though and is considering switching sides.
Margaery Tyrell is visiting the Kingdom of Camelot with her father and brother.
Growing Strong. It’s the Tyrell House motto, it’s also Margaery’s personal mantra. She's a Ravenclaw.
District Eleven, Margaery, and her family have much knowledge about plants, orchards, and people. When Margaery is picked as a tribute, she proves herself and wins her games… Allowing herself to be taken in by the charms of the capitol like her brother before her. She’s become the favorite of many. Alt verses: Burn it all down - Margaery joins the rebellion.
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artificialqueens · 6 years
Twist Of Fate - Ch11 - (Trixya) - katyahzamo
A/N: Here we are folks, the penultimate chapter of this fic! Things are slowly falling into place with these two and I can’t believe it’s been three months since I started writing it. Thank you everyone, for your continuous support and lovely feedback!
A reminder: Trixie is a hairdresser and Katya is a struggling photographer slash yoga instructor. Lesbian AU. Read the chapters on AO3 and/or come hang out on my tumblr katyahzamo. Comments are welcome and encouraged!
Katya wakes up sometime around eight in the morning the next day, with sweat on her upper lip and on the back of her neck. The air is stuffy in her bedroom, and only when her eyes open does she remember that she’s forgotten to leave the window open before falling asleep.
Additional source of heat is the pile of blonde curls spread across her bare chest, with an arm and a leg hugging her close as Trixie Mattel sleeps peacefully snuggled up to her. Katya can barely feel her arm that got trapped under Trixie sometime through the night, and there is a certain soreness in her thighs that reminds her it’s been a while since she’s had sex… or done strenuous yoga for that matter. Still, she has a large smile on her face as her fingers trail through blonde hair splayed across her collarbone, feeling her heart speed up at the mere thought of the last night’s events.
Seeing Trixie naked, getting to kiss every single inch of her soft skin… it was better than any fantasy Katya’s imagination could have conjured up in many lonely nights when she thought about it. Trixie was both gentle and teasing, and heat pools in the bottom of Katya’s stomach as she remembers Trixie between her legs, eating her out like it’s the last thing she’s going to do. Her thighs squeeze when she recalls the sounds that Trixie made as they fucked, as she made Katya come, over and over again, until they fell asleep snuggled together, too tired to move a muscle or put any clothes on.
Katya is pulled back to the present when Trixie snorts in her sleep and it almost makes her laugh out loud, but she remains silent when she slowly untangles their limbs and slips off the bed, in desperate need of a shower, a cigarette and some food.
Trixie doesn’t wake up until two hours later, to Katya’s great delight, since she has plenty of time to run to a convenience store right across the street, buying some toast, eggs, maple syrup and a pancake mix which she prepares quietly in her narrow kitchen that she barely ever uses for herself in the morning.
It seems that it’s the smell of French toast, eggs and bacon that rouse Trixie from her slumber, and she’s standing in the doorway, in one of Katya’s shirts no less, hair pulled back in a messy ponytail and a bright smile on her face. It makes Katya’s heart jump violently and then drops to her ass. The shirt strains a little over her chest, but reaches her thighs nevertheless. She looks sexy as all hell.
“Good morning, birthday girl. How did you sleep?”
“Mmm really good, but I think I fully didn’t move all night. Everything hurts.”
There is a little pout on Trixie’s lips, that playful one that Katya has seen so many times in the last twenty-four hours, and it is hard to breathe for a moment before she flips the pancake.
“Maybe you can do some yoga with me later?”
“Hard pass. I’d rather do something else.”
Katya turns her head, and Trixie is there, leaning her hip against the counter, her eyes big, and brown, and staring at Katya’s mouth.
A second later she hops on the counter to sit there and gets a toast and nibbles on it, watching Katya who puts the last pancake on the plate, turns off the stove and comes in front of her. Trixie’s knees part instinctively and Katya settles between her thighs.
“This is really good.”
“Yes. I usually don’t eat white bread that much but I was starving.”
“I also made you pancakes and bought a little candle so you can blow on it. Even though you don’t celebrate your birthday-”
“Oh I celebrate it.”
Katya, who had her hands resting on Trixie’s bare thighs and was brushing her fingers up and down lazily looked at her with her eyebrows raised.
“But you told me last night you-“
“I did that only so you would finish what you started.”
“Oh my god.”
“Hey, it worked, didn’t it?”
Trixie’s wide grin makes Katya cackle, all with head thrown back in delight.
“You’re such a fucking brat.”
“It’s what you signed up for, mama.”
They laugh and Trixie drops the toast back on the plate when Katya leans in to leave kisses under her jaw and down her neck, her eyes closing instinctively and arms wrapping around Katya’s shoulders. She leans up seconds later to capture Trixie’s lips with her own, and before long Trixie has her nails dragging down Katya’s back and Katya desperately digs her fingers into the soft flesh of Trixie’s thighs.
“God you’re so sexy.” Katya’s words are barely a breath she speaks into Trixie’s open mouth, and are greeted with a soft moan before the kiss becomes needier, causing both of them to grind their hips towards the other.
“Trix-“ Katya starts again, but Trixie’s fingers are already trailing down Katya’s abdomen and past the hem of her boxers, finding her wet already. Feeling Trixie’s cold fingers pressing against her clit makes Katya gasp into the kiss, and she adjusts her hips so Trixie can have more access.
It doesn’t take her long before she drops from the counter and on her knees, to Katya’s surprise, in the middle of the tiny kitchen. With Katya’s boxers discarded on a nearby chair and Trixie’s mouth between Katya’s legs, Katya is reduced to a shaky, moaning mess minutes later, barely holding herself upright by leaning back and gripping the countertop with one hand and Trixie’s hair with the other. She comes without much effort and Trixie’s fingers knuckles deep in her pussy, and Trixie playfully kisses her before going for a shower; leaving the Russian disheveled and barely able to put her underwear on and set up the table for breakfast.
“So you know Mrs. Davis, right? Kasha Davis?”
They are sitting on the couch, Trixie’s feet in Katya’s lap and a plate of pancakes in her own. Katya made her blow a single candle she found in one of the drawers and make a wish she then refused to share with Katya. It won’t come true if I do! She said and interrupted Katya’s laugh with a lingering kiss and a hug in a silent thank you. They moved to the couch immediately after and put a movie they weren’t paying attention to, too distracted by kissing and Trixie force-feeding pancakes to Katya, who refused to eat pieces that had maple syrup on it.
“The older, rich lady that comes to Honey? Yeah I know her.”
“Her daughter Jean is having a Sweet Sixteen party in two weeks.”
“Oh god don’t tell me she’s gonna be on MTV or something.”
“How old are you?” Trixie laughs loudly and Katya swats at her ankle playfully. “No, grandma, she won’t be on a show that ended ten years ago, but-“
“It didn’t end! It’s still going!”
“Wait, what?”
“Yeah! I’m pretty sure I watched it last week.”
They bicker for a little while longer, until Trixie pulls out her phone from underneath her and stares at the Wikipedia article with her mouth open, and Katya laughing loudly at her.
“I’m right, huh? It’s still airing.”
“Who the hell funds this still?”
“Mrs. Kasha Davis?”
“Right!” Trixie tosses her phone Katya’s way, who catches it and laughs again, doubling down on intensity when Trixie glares at her and then Katya raises her arms up in surrender.
“I’m sorry! Go ahead, what about her daughter?”
Trixie blinks at her pointedly a several times more but then her expression softens when she speaks again.
“Latrice called me while I was still in Wisconsin. Apparently, Mrs. Kasha Davis wants me to do her daughter’s hair. And her daughter’s best friends’ hair. And probably makeup too. There will be like… seven or eight girls there.”
“Trix, that’s great! They’re loaded, they will probably pay well.”
“Right? There’s a problem, though. Maybe one you can help me with?”
Katya tilts her head and can’t help but grin back when Trixie bats her eyelashes again, feeling her heart thump at the sight.
“What do you need?”
“They need a photographer. Apparently there’s a company who organizes these things and they usually send a photographer and a makeup artist in a bundle. And it’s hard for them to find a photographer on their own on such a short notice. So…”
“So if you don’t find a photographer, they will go with the company.”
“Right. I know you’re busy and you’re getting like a thousand jobs offer an hour but…”
“Trix, being booked one week in advance is barely a thousand offers.”
“I know! But you’re so good and all these modeling agencies are fighting for you, and I know teens are not your thing but…”
“I’ll do it.”
Trixie’s eyes widen, and her smile too. Money aside, this sight alone makes Katya think that hanging around teenagers the entire day makes it totally worth it.
“Yeah! I mean, they are loaded and I can probably get a rate as high as I get for weddings so…”
She doesn’t finish the sentence since Trixie has put the pancakes away and is pulling her down towards herself, her soft pink lips covering every inch of Katya’s face, causing her to burst into laughter, over and over again. Doing what she loves to do and with the girl that she’s pretty sure she’s in love with? Who would say no?
The two of them stay on Katya’s couch for the remainder of the morning and early afternoon, cuddling and watching Casablanca that comes on, parting reluctantly only when Trixie says she needs to go into Honey even though it’s her last day of paid leave and it’s her birthday. Since Katya needs to work on engagement photos she’s taken the day before, she lets her go, but not before spending fifteen minutes kissing at the front door and agreeing to see each other that evening for birthday celebration, and the next day, when Katya would pick Trixie up from work and go with her to test out a new lens in the park nearby. As she watches Trixie get into her Uber while she smokes on the window, Katya wonders what she did in her largely miserable life to finally get so lucky.
“No, go back. Details bitch.  Is she a top or a bottom? What does she like? Did you talk kinks yet?”
The connection on Violet’s side is not really the best, and Katya has to squint at her own phone to recognize that the pixelated blur is in fact her best friend, calling her from the other side of the continent, after having blown up her phone when Katya told her Trixie began spending almost every night for the past week.
“Vi, I can barely hear you, what?”
Maybe she is trying to avoid the subject altogether now, at least until Violet is in the same room as her, since sleeping with Trixie is… different. She is not just a tinder hookup or a casual dating thing that Katya had no issues talking about with her best friend in the past, all details included. Now, she is afraid of sharing too much with the universe, fearing that the universe might yet again be a bitch and take it away from her.
Just that morning Trixie left her apartment to go to work, and she woke Katya up by dragging her to the shower and kissing the sleep away from her puffy eyelids, then proceeded to make them both coffee after which they sat by the window as Katya smoked. Trixie’s thumb rubbed her knee as they talked about their plans for the weekend. It has been surreal, more surreal than any other thing that had happened to Katya in the past year. Considering all the changes that she went through, this being the biggest one, it was a lot, and now difficult to put into words.
How can she even begin to describe the happiness she feels to get to spend every single free moment with Trixie when it seemed just like a distant fantasy only a month ago? No words could even begin to come close to describe how beautiful Trixie is, or how funny. How her nose scrunches lightly when she yawns over her cup of coffee in the morning or how she chews thoughtfully and looks into the distance when she thinks Katya isn’t looking. Anything she could say to Violet pales in comparison to the warmth in her chest when Trixie kisses her collarbone and talks sleepily before drifting off and the way her small apartment rings with the sound of Trixie’s absurdly loud laughter. Katya is happy, and it’s a scary thing to even fathom talking about.
“Fine, you don’t have to tell me now. Is it good at least? Is she good?”
The connection clears enough for Violet to see the wide grin on Katya’s face, the crinkles around her eyes visible even through the blurry video.
“She’s the best, Vi. I’ll tell you everything when you get back.”
“So, I want my hair to be wavy, but not too curly. I don’t wanna look basic, you know?”
Katya is barely holding in her laughter as Jean continues chattering on, giving precise instructions on how her hair needs to look like, the funny part being the way Trixie’s eyes are bugging out a little. Katya can see that Trixie is holding in an exasperated huff too, but nods along and keeps saying okay as the girl continues talking.
“And please don’t give Amanda the same hair as mine, she’s been trying to copy me for months.”
“Isn’t Amanda one of your best friends, dear?”
Mrs. Kasha Davis is sitting in the chair next to her daughter, flipping through the menu that the caterers have brought minutes after Katya and Trixie walked through the door of the gigantic mansion where the Davises lived. Her eyes lift up towards her daughter, a perfectly shaped eyebrow quirked.
“Mom, I told you fifteen times already, I have to keep Amanda close because she has the pull with the cheerleaders. But I can’t stand her, all she talks about is Justin Bieber and we all know he’s so 2013.”
Katya cackles at this when her eyes meet Trixie’s, and the girl looks at them in the mirror.
“What? You know I’m right.”
“You sure are.” Katya says amusingly, lifting the camera and adjusting the lens before she snaps a photo of the mother and the daughter, with Trixie fiddling with the scissors in the background.
Both Trixie and Katya woke up at seven in the morning to get everything ready for the Sweet Sixteen party, or at least the part they play in it, since Latrice instructed them both on what Mrs. Davis loves and doesn’t love, and when she saw Trixie getting nervous about her first big gig, encouraged them both that Kasha, despite being a rich white woman, has a kind heart and will tell them if anything is amiss.
They had no issues finding the house in the outskirts of Boston hours later and Katya expected to see swans in their larger-than-life front yard that had a fountain decorated with endless balloons and pink bows. Despite the kitschiness of it all, Katya appreciated how this girl’s parents went above and beyond to make their daughter’s birthday special. Jean, all teenager drama aside, is not as snobby as Katya expects most girls of her class to be, and she spent half an hour discussing photography with her before they sat down for hair and makeup.
Soon after they shit talk Amanda, the head cheerleader walks in with half a dozen of other girls and Trixie sits them all down and gives them catalogues to browse for hair styles they want, while Katya walks around, taking quick photos as girls get ready, of the tables and canopy set in the backyard, of the house and exterior decorations, and finally of Trixie.
The only dress code for the party is to incorporate something pink in their outfit, since that is the main color of the event. Trixie sure looks the part n her baby pink dress, slightly loose around her shoulders and flowy around her legs and reaching down below her knees. Her thick curls are pushed in a ponytail and makeup is as soft as one could imagine it being on a warm September day. She looks like she walked out of Katya’s wildest cotton candy dreams. Katya, in return, sports only a dark pink button up shirt that she matched with the black pantsuit, the jacket tossed aside as soon as they arrived to the house.
Katya feels smug whenever she notices Trixie swallowing every time she looks at her, and remembers how breathlessly she complimented her that morning when she saw Katya get out of the car to kiss her hello in front of Kim’s building when she picked her up.
She sees Trixie looking at her now, a curling iron in her hand and a little smile on her face that Katya snapped a photo of seconds before, and now has the wild urge to go over and kiss her senseless. Instead, Katya walks past her and squeezes Trixie’s hip lightly before she walks out of the spacious, bright-lit room and into the back porch of the house. Some of the guests have begun arriving already, mostly family members including older aunts and uncles. Mrs. Davis has told them that the main event would be after seven, when half of Jean’s school would be coming over for the party, but the afternoon was reserved for the older family members and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Davis.
Katya spends an hour or two walking between the tables, introducing herself to people who want to know her name, and taking photos much to the guests’ delight. Despite having initial reservations for an event like this, Katya realized that older rich white people are a goldmine for photography opportunities, and she has already given out a dozen of her business cards before she sees Trixie on the porch too, drinking something that looks like pink lemonade.
“Almost done?” Katya comes to stand next to her but only after she’s quickly snapped a photo of her, feeling her heart grow ten sizes when she sees Trixie pose playfully.
“Yep. Jean was right, Amanda talks about Bieber more than you talk about your Russian weirdo bands.”
“Hey!” Katya cackles and nudges her with her hip, sending Trixie into giggles too.
“They’re a cool bunch, though. They keep asking me if I can redo their makeup too.”
“How could they not? You’re the incarnation of their favorite Barbie they played with up until two years ago.”
“I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that.”
“What? I think you look beautiful.”
Trixie’s blush is visible even in the slight shade of the porch and Katya is grinning proudly.
“God, if we made out right here, right now, do you think we’d look unprofessional?”
“Only one way to find out.”
“What? You think dykes would be too much for the poor old aunt Shirley over there?”
“She’d fully be clutching her pearls.”
“Oh there you two are!”
The voice of Mrs. Davis makes them both jump a little and they turn around, their expressions slightly flushed and guilty. Katya prays she didn’t hear any part of the conversation they just had. But, even if she did, Kasha shows no signs of it.
“Trixie, dear, Jean is absolutely glowing because of your handiwork. You did a marvelous job!”
Trixie grins and Katya’s heart skips several beats. She’s so proud of her.
“I’m glad she’s happy with it. I only have two more girls left and I’ll be done.”
“Beautiful! Katya, we’ve agreed you’ll be staying here until nine, isn’t that right?”
“Yes, Mrs. Davis.”
“Please, darlings, call me Kasha. You’re making me feel old.”
All three of them laugh and Katya nods.
“Anyway, I’m here to offer you to stay for the party too, Trixie.”
“Oh you really don’t have to, I-“
“No, nonsense! You can keep Katya company and David ordered too much food for this amount of people. I insist.”
Katya and Trixie look at each other and Katya gives her a non-committal shrug, even though all she wants is to have Trixie around for the entirety of the day. It would definitely make the remainder of the party more bearable.
“Okay, I’ll stay then. Thank you. If you need me to help with anything-“
“No, absolutely not. You can finish up the hair and makeup, and I might ask you to touch up mine later in the afternoon, but the moment you are done you’re a guest like everything else here.”
“Thank you M- Kasha.”
“Oh you’re both welcome. Now if you’ll excuse me, I see my mother-in-law calling.”
Both Trixie and Katya laugh at the eyeroll and the wink Kasha gives them, and watch her trod across the lawn.
“Better go get Amanda ready before she cuts my head off.”
Katya laughs and takes her hand briefly, kissing it.
“Go. I’ll be out here. And bring me one of those lemonades when you’re done.”
The remainder of the afternoon goes by fast, and Katya barely has time to shove some of the food in her mouth while people call her from one side of the lawn or another, wishing her to take photos of them in different poses and with different family members and friends. It’s well past six in the evening and the majority of the adults are already tipsy and ready to dance, so the DJ is already in his spot too, forced to take requests of songs that range from Frank Sinatra to Spice Girls. When five minutes pass without anyone calling out her name, Katya decides to take a bathroom break while she still can, since the only people who like having their photos taken more than middle-aged people are teenagers, and almost a hundred of them are soon to start arriving through the door.
The bathroom offers a welcome silence and Katya feels her head pulsating a little bit, but she has to admit to herself that she is having fun, more so because she knows Trixie is going to join her soon. What makes her the happiest, though, is the fact that Trixie will be coming home with her later and they will get to snuggle on her worn out couch and talk to each other about the day they had.
Just as Katya flushes and goes to wash her hands, there is a brief knock on the bathroom door and Katya calls out that she’ll be out in a second. When she does open the door, she sees Trixie standing on the other side, the look on her face making butterflies in Katya’s stomach dance for the millionth time that day.
“Oh hi.”
Trixie’s hand pushes her lightly from the door and back into the bathroom again, and follows her in an instant before she closes the door and locks it.
“I’ve missed you the whole damn day.”
“Me too.”
Katya wraps her arms around Trixie’s  waist and Trixie cups both sides of Katya’s face and leans in to kiss her – her soft lingering kisses that Katya returns eagerly, humming contentedly.
“I’ve wanted to kiss you all day.” Trixie mutters into the kiss and Katya kisses her again, and again, and again, until she’s backed into the wall and raking her fingers through Katya’s waves, the feeling of blunt nails against her scalp causing goosebumps on the back of Katya’s neck.
“Did I tell you how hot you are in that fucking suit? Holy shit.”
Katya squeezes Trixie’s waist in response, digging fingers there and grinding against Trixie’s thigh just a little, their mouths inches apart, both of them breathing heavily.
“Do you think it would be unprofessional if I bent you over in our client’s bathroom and fucked you senseless?”
That makes Trixie’s mouth fall open and she kisses Katya softly again, and Katya knows that she’s considering it. They both know it’s a probable thing that would happen if their kisses lasted for more than five seconds.
“Probably. Maybe we shouldn’t.”
“Maybe you can do that later tonight when we’re back at your place?”
“Sounds like a solid plan.”
Katya is the first one to rejoin the party, her neck still flushed from how easily worked up Trixie has gotten her, but her dark red lipstick is in place once again and her hair brushed out. There is an ache between her thighs for a while after, especially when Trixie comes to join her soon after with a hand on Katya’s lower back, but knows that they still have a few hours to go.
Taking photos of teenagers is definitely more work, since they ask to see how they look in photos every time they are taken, but they are also ready to go with Katya’s ideas of crazy poses, so Katya finds herself having a lot of fun. Both her and Trixie, who watches the entire thing unfold, are invited into several selfies too an hour into what turned into a photoshoot with the cheerleaders.
It’s well past nine when Katya packs up her camera, and when she comes out to the lawn that is now lit up with hundreds of small lights and with a crowd consisting now mostly of people under twenty, save some of the adults here and there, she finds Trixie surrounded by several girls who keep asking her about the hair products she uses to make her curls be the way that they are. Once Katya reaches them, Jean begs them both to stay a little bit longer to join the dancing since the band has taken over, and Trixie is the first one to give in.
An hour later Trixie and Katya are still on the dance floor, and no one seems to care that they are dancing with each other and not talking with anyone else aside from several older cousins who are there more out of solidarity for their cousin’s birthday wishes more than anything else. When the fast-beat song changes to something slower, Katya pulls Trixie close and Trixie leans her head on Katya’s shoulder as they sway slowly.
“This is like a prom I never got to have.”
Katya pulls her head from where it rested, leaned on top of Trixie’s, in surprise.
“You never went to your prom?”
Trixie rolls her eyes but laughs.
“Of course I went to prom, but I never got to go to one with a girl that I liked.”
Even though Katya knows that Trixie likes her, she’ll never get tired of hearing it.
“Did you go with a guy, then?”
“Yep, Bob. We were the only two out gays in the entire school so no one really wanted to do anything with us.”
“I’m sorry, Trix.”
“It doesn’t matter, we had a lot of fun. And I get to redo it with you now.”
“Does this mean I forgot to buy you flowers and that I’m a horrible girlfriend?”
Trixie lifts her head up to meet Katya’s eyes and only by the expression on her face does she realize what she just said.
“So that’s what you are, huh? My girlfriend?”
Katya grins wider, and kisses the small crease that formed in the corner of Trixie’s eye as her smile grows too.
“Cool. Then I’ll need those flowers.”
“I’ll get them for you as soon as we get out of here.”
They leave the party shortly after that, and Katya does stop in front of a little flower shop whose owner knows Katya from before, and who gives her a bouquet of lilies that she passes on to Trixie when she gets back in the car.
“Are we having a little Imagine Me and You moment now, Katya?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Imagine Me and You? The best lesbian movie ever made?”
“Never heard of it.”
“And yet you know that Sweet Sixteen is still airing? I’m breaking up with you immediately.”
The ride to Katya’s apartment is full of their bickering and Trixie’s loud laughter, and Katya can’t remember a better day at work in her entire life. A part of her wishes that she and Trixie can do things like this forever. She loves photography, and getting to finally do it for living is a dream come true, but now she wants to share that dream with Trixie. As she watches Trixie kick off her heels and stretch before she joins her on the couch, Katya thinks that it’s probably too early to even bring it up. She knows that Trixie has been planning to leave Honey for a while now, but Katya doesn’t want to put a strain in their very new relationship by proposing something like that. They have time.
An hour later they are still on the couch, their carefully applied lipsticks gone and their clothes discarded on the floor. They barely spoke anything in the hurry to get each other off, the tension between them building for the entire day and released only when Katya fucked Trixie until her thighs shook and then gladly returned the favor. Katya felt so exhausted afterward, especially with Trixie cuddling into her side, both lazy to get up, shower, and go to bed. The silence breaks shortly after, and Katya didn’t notice that Trixie has been chewing on her lip nervously for at least ten minutes before she speaks.
“I have to talk to you about something.”
“Remember when I went back to Wisconsin to be with family couple of weeks ago?”
“Yes, of course I remember.”
“I went to see Pearl too.”
The name Pearl, spoken out of nowhere, and in that context, sucks all of the air from Katya’s lungs and suddenly she can’t breathe, so she sits up. Trixie, who was leaned on her, sits up too, bringing the blanket to her chest, suddenly feeling exposed. Katya opens her mouth once, both unsure of what to say and not understanding why this is being brought up now, then closes it. Then finally:
“I didn’t know how to tell you back then. I wasn’t sure where you and I were going and there never seemed to be a right time. This is also not the right time, but I have to tell you anyway.”
This exact moment not being the right time is an understatement. Katya’s jaw is clamped shut, but all she can do is look at Trixie, and wait. After all, she has no idea what seeing Pearl means in this case, and wants to give Trixie the benefit of the doubt. Shiver passes down her spine, but it has nothing to do with being cold.
“And I know you and I didn’t talk about it at all, but our breakup went really badly, and I was afraid that I hurt her so I – I needed to fix it.”
Met with Katya’s silence, Trixie seems to falter a little bit, but she continues talking.
“So Bob and I went to Chicago and Pearl and I met over lunch and talked about… everything. Nothing happened obviously, I knew I didn’t love her that… way, and I knew I liked you, so I wanted to do the right thing and bring us both closure.”
A part of Katya, that has been under considerable strain and threatening to snap since Trixie started the conversation, loosened up and she let out a small breath. Nothing happened. Yet, there is an irrational part of her that’s still hurt about it. It’s not something she can help.
“Why are you telling me this now? That was almost a month ago.” Her voice too is slightly strained, but Katya tries not to project her insecurities on Trixie. Her insecurities are what ended every single relationship she’s had so far. There weren’t many.
When Katya didn’t snap, something that Trixie apparently expected, the corner of her mouth pulled into a small smile and she shrugged. Despite the rollercoaster of emotions that Katya went within two minutes time, she can’t help but want to hug Trixie when she sees her this way.
“You called me your girlfriend tonight. I was afraid that mentioning Pearl would fuck all of this up, and these past couple of weeks have been the best I’ve had in my life.”
“Mine too.”
Trixie’s face seems to light up at that.
“And tonight you called me your girlfriend and I became aware that I can’t hold this back from you because I don’t want to hide anything from you, Katya. I really, really like you and I want us to work. More than I want anything else.”
“So I had to say it. And I see that you’re upset and I’m sorry. I just wanted you to know and not find out from one of our friends or something.”
Katya reaches out and takes Trixie’s hand for the millionth time that day, and pulls her close, meeting in a kiss as she closes the distance between them, and Trixie readily responds.
“Thank you for telling me.” Katya speaks when they pull away, and Trixie leans into her side to snuggle her again.
“Thank god. If we had to fight it would have killed me.”
“How did Pearl take it?”
Trixie lifts her head to see that Katya’s looking at her, and they smile at each other.
“She was surprisingly okay and appreciated that I wanted to clear the air. She’s going on a big world tour and said it was for the best anyway.”
“And you’re okay? You guys were together for a long time.”
“Trust me, Katya, I’ve never been more okay with anything in my life. I have you.”
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symbiotic-toxin · 6 years
Tumblr media
♪ It was a teenage wedding, and the old folks wished them well.
You could see that Pierre did truly love the mademoiselle ♪
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ecosta00 · 2 years
Chuck Berry Analysis
There are many indirect ways that economic inequality can happen in society, and the music industry is somewhere that this can be very commonplace. Many songs that are known due to their fame and the fame of the artist who released it, are written by black artists. Chuck Berry is often referred to as the father of rock and roll, yet his time of mainstream dominance did not last all too long. What Berry did for rock music is undeniable, his usage of double stops and fast major/minor blues licks were staples of his legacy. Many famous bands of the 60’s had liked Berry’s style and implemented his riffs and licks into their songs, but without giving credit to him, making him miss out on any royalties of his creation. What also happens in the long run is that as more famous artists take this style without giving credit, the original artist will be forgotten and fall out of the mainstream, hence losing them more money than just one song’s royalties. Another thing that attributes to the vulnerability of berry’s music to be covered and copied is that his music differed from other Black music. Berry wrote songs about every day, relatable things. “It was a teenage wedding, and the old folks wished them well” is a lyric from the Chuck Berry song “You Never Can Tell” and clearly shows that his music could be understood by a wide reach of people, especially white people. Another example of the lengths that berry traveled to sell his music would be in Johnny B. Goode when he replaces the lyric “colored boy” to “’country boy” as to not dodge the race topic entirely. Record companies are also notorious for taking advantage of Black artists, especially back when it could be done with noticeable ease. The article from marketplace linked below describes how Berry had to share writing credits with a DJ and someone who gave money to the studio to produce it. So, no matter how many people covered his song, and there were many, he would barely see many of those royalties. The economic inequality that Berry faced, and the legacy he still managed to maintain is a true sign of his tremendous influence.  
0 notes
slowturning · 6 years
Bruce Springsteen - You Never Can Tell
It was a teenage wedding, and the old folks wished them well You could see that Pierre did truly love the mademoiselle And now the young monsieur and madame have rung the chapel bell "C'est la vie", say the old folks, it goes to show you never can tell
Chuck Tunes
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