reggiestein · 1 year
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abra-ka-dammit · 2 months
all the adopted-family emotional uguus in DT is really trying to wreck me
family is fine. romance is fine. friends is good. you hit me with the siblings--especially adoptive siblings--or the adoptive family love in general, and you got me right in the Stuff. oof, my heart! i need to text my sister more often.
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Loving all the Mine chat today! In a world where neither of them have Daigo to fixate on (for whatever reason) what do you think interactions between Mine and Masato/Aoki would be like? All your comics have them obv pitted against one another (always gives me a giggle gotta say!!) but I'm curious bout your thoughts on them/their potential interactions if Daigo wasn't part of the equation. I think they could be so evil together in whatever capacity. Real "I could make him worse" territory.
Sorry if this is a bit silly (I know removing Daigo removes a lot of other things too) I just love listening to you talk about guys ™️ lmao
i am a renowned Guy(TM) Talker this is a fair thing to assert
BUT honestly they'd probably like. not be friends or Sincerely get along but they'd probably use each other one way or another if given the opportunity: aoki wanting to exploit mine's skills, knowledge, and wealth, all the while mine At Least keeping an eye on aoki's influence (and if he wanted to do his homework probably keep tabs on the arakawas) and considering if it'll have potential use down the line. it's not like it's hard to imagine them having similar ideologies or morals either
mine'd absolutely loathe aoki's pride in his philosophy tho- even if it does align with his own somewhat LMAO
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red-elric · 1 year
i think what a lot of ppl miss about the nuance when it comes to the retcon is that the POINT of it is that its a bad ending. homestuck is designed to be a tragedy and it was never going to end well; its frankly ridiculous to try and shoehorn in a scenario where none of the current main characters are dead when the story is ABOUT death. its not narratively satisfying at all like this! but thats not what the kids wanted (and, more to the point, thats not what the FANS wanted. newer fans DEFINITELY miss the fact that homestuck was written as a conversation between hussie and the fans, a conversation that turned into an argument halfway through and led to a lot of things being taken in bad faith on both sides. but i digress; this is a watsonian post)
the retcon powers are very VERY explicitly described as the ability to change the alpha timeline. the 'whats supposed to happen' of it all, the premeditated narrative the story was written to fill. conversely, when aranea used the ring of life to come back and meddle, she is explicitly described as 'causing a doomed timeline.' and like, the thing about doomed timelines is that theyre meant to happen as much as theyre meant to be fixed. theyre how paradox space accounts for and incorporates time travel, and the existence of the doomed timeline is often NECESSARY for the alpha timeline to function. thats how you get davesprite, thats how the aradiabot that brought gamzee's honkHONK code back from his crazy murder timeline contributed to doc scratch's creation, thats why every dead dave helped the alpha timeline dave figure out what to do. if vriska was meant to have never died in the first place the timeline wouldve been doomed long before game over. the ring went to the wrong person, and thats the kind of simple fix sburb was expecting to solve with some time travel to get things back on track
the ring was supposed to go to someone else. probably vriska! from the alpha timelines perspective, it wasnt that long after her confrontation with john that she really changed and grew as a character. that she became someone who deserved a second chance. imagine: john uses his retcon as normal time travel, the way sburb comprehended it through the limitations of its code. he takes the ring before aranea can, goes to the dream bubbles, and has another conversation with vriska. maybe she doesnt even really want the ring anymore, and thats exactly the kind of thing that would convince john to give it to her. and she agrees, because he tells her terezi is waiting for her. they go back, they have the final fight, and people die. maybe they dont come back. but its the group of characters who earned the ending, who we watched grow up for three years
but thats not what happened, and it was never going to be what happened, because as narratively satisfying as it could have been? john and terezi wanted something different. john wanted everything to be OVER and terezi wanted the chance to make a different choice, even if it was wrong. theyre selfish; theyre kids. theyre tired of being characters in a story, of someone else pulling their strings. thats what typheus's choice was about, you know? and john made the wrong choice. some other version of john could have fixed things the "right" way, had our john decided to die instead. to accept the consequences of the doomed timeline and let pardox space fix it. hell, between roxys first instinct to just sit and let the void take her and terezis pointy horns offering a counterpoint we have some pretty blatant devil/angel on the shoulder imagery! and john making the same wrong choice he did when terezi first told him to fly to the seventh gate, except this time there was no davesprite on angel wings, no one left alive he cared about enough to listen to. because as much as john felt like he was SUPPOSED to fall for roxy, the girl version of his fathers lover, someone strongly associated with his half of karkat's shipping chart but without the complication of being a lesbian, someone HUMAN to repopulate the world with cut out of his apocalypse movie fantasies...... terezis way of thinking has always appealed to him more. because as much as he pretends its not true, john doesnt like to take things lying down, and he doesnt like when other people do either. he gets bored! hes attracted to the danger and morally grey self confidence terezi and vriska exude, so. he listened to terezi, and they brought vriska back.... without any of the character development she had gone through.
and its a bad ending, because of course it would be. and thats the point :) it was stupid to think two kids could meddle with the fate of the universe and it was stupid to think that these kids could have a happy ending so easily. but can you really blame them?
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oshalittlestar · 2 months
saw a lot of TheAc. criticals post from angry/disappointed fans going around my dashboard these past few days -? tumblr algorythm when i catch you - whose recurring (and sometimes only) argument against it, is that Osha is OOC, (mostly starting from ep5) and would never have acted/done this kind of stuff to Sol, betraying the jedi, and mainly that [ep5 to 6] ruined the show.
and okay. okay. if you didnt like the turn and direction the show's taken, i understand, i have my beefs with other series/movies too, so here i'm only trying to share my own perspective on Osha's development, that some may have considered too 'sudden' and 'ooc',
and i completely get why others might see it differently and not be comfortable with it. their feelings are just as valid and legitimate.
but, her being out of character is something i just cannot quite 'accept', if only for the sake of 'rightful' criticism the show may have toward the end:
Osha [and by extension the Acolyte too, but this post is abt Osha] is a brand new character we just been introduced to for the very first time, no old reference, no comics, nothing. and that's something important to note, because in the 4 episodes we had before the 'infamous' ep5, the most we got on Osha's characterization was very 'scarce' in reality, and not really 'set in stone' by the narrative
( contrary to Anakin skywalker, for example: notice the stark difference between how they portrayed him in the 3 prequels movies, and the Clone wars cartoon - 2008. Here, we had 3 long ass movies to get used to Anakin's character, his story, his relationship with Obi Wan and Padme, and how his fall played out, and it was credible. What wasn't though, (beside the fact the cartoon did some blatant damage to how people now view Anidala and Anakin - cough cough sorry cough cough it was my first otp -) was that they heard some..fans didnt like the not 'virile' enough Anakin from AotC/Rots and thought, well, lets take the worst of him in the movie, all his flaws, his dark emotions, and lets mix it to give the fans some kind of jock/popular-aligned/macho-light w/ anger issues/possessive of his girl/action stoic/terminator hero, and nevermind the characterization already etablished by the 3 movies.!)
so, back to Osha in the first 4 eps:
first, from her interaction with her meknek 'bud', Fillik. She's friendly enough - not that much, she didnt went out with her crew/ nor she wanted to share her doings with him (yeah, you can put that on her preferring her privacy/but also: her Jedi's teachings! it did take roots in her very being, her mind and consequently her everyday's life after!), but she knows how to level the mood, and doesnt hesitate to go toward something ..dangerous, if it need to be repared, even if this something is trauma related, like fire...(mmmh. im not saying it's forshadowing, but it was without doubt the first indication that she wasnt at peace with her past - and vice versa, that she's have to confront it)
second, from Yord. it's the first figure from her 'second' past life we/she see. She's a little playful, teasing him, not even a little wary when she sees him again after all this time, and most importantly she seems to trust him from the get go, thats why it hurts her that way! - and it matters, that it was him first, i think. Sol wouldnt have had the same - ah! - detachment, ironically as Yord. Yord, with whom she likely used to train with as a Padawan, and who didnt see her for 6 whole years after she left the Order. so for him to not trust immediately her words, her, it highlights from the start that the connection she had with the Jedi Order is no more, -at the very best holding on a veeery light thread- since she left it behind all these years ago; and even if in the 3 following episodes, Jecki, Sol, Yord (to some extent venestra) believe her, there's always this gap in the back of her/our mind, between her and the Order, that she cant seem to fill...
thirdly, from Sol. do i need to say more?? okay, i will only say that: blind trust. there's nothing this man could do to make Osha dislike him, or acting ill toward him, he held the truth, 'controlled - take this word with a grain of salt, when i say 'controlled', it holds no malicious intent from Sol, - the narrative, for years ! (and here im not saying he was a villain, i am not demonizing him nor am i saying he was an abusive piece of shit at ALL just so we're clear. ik my words may seem cold and harsh) but, indeed, Osha had no special reason to be mad at him, there was this parental/father figure she saw in him, replacing what she had lost on Brendok... ( but the savior hold as much weight to their relation me think.)
and lastly, from the twins/her coven's interactions, and how she (and we, watchers!) interpreted a lot of things 'wrong' because..povs !! To name just a few :
Osha is literally torturing the poor insect: Mae copying her and since Osha is the one calling her out on it, her sister is seen in a bad light by the viewer, since we identify a lot more with Osha, the 'light' twin
Osha getting mad at Mae for taking a sneekpeak at her drawingbook (she needs the space from her sister, who wont give it to her, who's becoming too much, too close, she needs to breathe alone, and it gives the impression that Osha is trapped, in some kind of 'prison')
Osha seeing her sister lighting it on fire just after locking her up, aaaand the fire expanding, fast (we dont see Mae panicking!!!) i'll admit, the show did a good fucking job at trolling us, into thinking Mae was some sort of... 'unhinged' and 'deranged' sister, who set the entire coven on fire 'just' to keep Osha : thats why i also cant get behind these 'ooc' accusations, because, as flawed as the writing might have gotten at some parts - and other things, but i wont dwelve on that here, the Acolyte was, from start to finish, headed in one direction, fully centered on Osha/Mae subversion arcs, and Osha ascension to the dark side: its all the emotional unbalance i mentioned above, in her interactions with Sol, Yord, her family, and how the serie choose to present us with Osha's version of the story first.
and finally, the fact everyone is throwing 'OOC' around to describe Osha's actions is, very mid 'critic' at best, and inherently contradicting the core message of the Acolyte, which is that everyone can do 'evil' and destructive acts in the name of what they may consider the greater good, whether they're justified or not (Sol/Mae parallels go hard in that sense), and inversely the most 'evil' character can be all in all, very honest -Qimir, even back in Khofar didnt really lie did he? - and vulnerable in his presentation: the revealing of his intention toward Osha etc etc..)
aaand im done i dont know if what i wrote made sense (i dont want to cringe so im not rereading this but know that if there're any typos or weird turn of phrase then its normal :)
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pastanest · 2 years
if you’re wondering why I’m having to repost this, or why you were perhaps previously following me but no longer are, please refer to this post. I was able to retrieve this thanks to @iamburdened - thanks so much!! ♡
Daryl Dixon x she/her!reader
spoilers: set in seasons 2 & 3
warning: LOTS of sexual references
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Sounds Good
Yours and Daryl’s relationship had been...interesting, for quite a while. It started after the group found Sophia in the barn. Daryl was affected in a bad way, and because everyone was rightly worried about Carol, nobody noticed Daryl storming off. Except you. As quickly as you could, you told Rick you’d go look after Daryl, and you sprinted after him. Naturally, Daryl was pissed at you, he snapped at you a few times, but you kept following him. He eventually realised that he wasnt going to stop you, so every so often he glanced behind him to check you were still there, and every time he saw that you were, he’d scoff and shake his head.
The two of you stumbled across a farmhouse, and in the basement was a goldmine. It was an alcoholic’s wet dream, bottles of alcohol covered the walls of the dark, cold room. Without a word, you and Daryl barricaded yourselves inside, and started to drink. The tension eased the more you drank, and before you knew it, you were rolling on your backs laughing at anything and everything. You dont remember anything after that, and neither does Daryl. All you know is that the two of you woke up completely naked, with your body sprawled over his. To say that was a surprising wake up call would be an understatement.
Daryl woke up to the sight of you pulling your jeans back on, and he checked you out for a few seconds before you noticed he was awake. You rolled your eyes at him, but you were smiling.
“This stays between us.” You told him once you were both dressed, and Daryl held his hands up in surrender.
“Aint plannin’ t’ kiss and tell!” He said, and you laughed as you headed back up the basement stairs.
“Whatever you say, Big Dick Daryl.” You teased him, not needing to look over your shoulder to know that he was blushing.
“Absolutely not.” He said, and you burst out laughing.
“What?” You asked innocently.
“Ya cant call me that.” Daryl told you, the shock of what you had just said was still scrunching up his face.
“Alright, what can I call you?” You questioned playfully.
Daryl did his signature scoff-laugh at that. “Anythin’ apart from that!”
And you smirked to yourself mischievously, knowing he would regret that choice of words. Challenge accepted.
Whacky, sexual petnames was how you began flustering him. You’d jog up to his bike, knowing that’s where you’d usually find him, and greet him loudly enough for him to worry the others could hear.
“Hey there sexy!”
“What’s up, the human embodiment of arousal?”
“Why hello, you sexy hunk of man meatloaf!”
“Hi there, sex on legs.”
The way Daryl’s eyes would widen at every new petname you invented for him, the way he blushed and scoffed and shrugged you off; tormenting him was just delicious. It was all in good fun though, and Daryl knew that.
What was less fun was when Daryl gained the confidence to retaliate in his own way. Whenever you greeted him with something whacky, he figured out exactly how to fluster you in return.
“Well hi, sunshine.”
“Hey gorgeous.”
“‘Ey beautiful, y’ alright?”
“Mornin’ sweet girl.”
Somehow, Daryl had figured out that because you were so comfortable calling him overtly sexual things, it must be the more cheesy stuff that flusters you. And he was absolutely right.
Soon enough, the two of you had pretty much formed a relationship that consisted of nothing more than ridiculously blatant and loud flirting. It started as a battle of who could fluster the other the most, but considering how constant it was, you both got used to each other behaving that way and getting flustered became more difficult. So instead, it just became a fun thing between you two that was guaranteed to make each other smile, as well as make anyone within earshot laugh or want to bleach their ears.
Once the two of you were confined to the prison, it only got worse for everyone around you.
Daryl casually leant back on the truck as Rick searched through it, his eyes were glued to your form as you headed for the doors with a basket of laundry. Daryl nodded at you.
“Ay gorgeous, ya headin’ my way?” He called out to you, and you grinned at him.
“In your dreams!” You shouted back, to which he laughed.
“Damn right!” He responded, his eyes lingering on your hips as you entered the prison doors ahead of him.
Rick just chuckled and shook his head, unfortunately used to situations exactly like that.
Neither of you had any real consideration for who overheard your comments, so long as the kids didnt hear the more sexual ones, of course.
“You comin’ by my cell later?” You’d ask Daryl whenever he wasnt on watch that night.
“Why, ya need tuckin’ in?” Daryl would smirk at you from the other side of the room.
You’d lean on the table that stood between you, so that you were dramatically pushing yourself towards him. “Ooh, keep talking, it’s just getting to the good part!”
And then you and Daryl would break off in fits of laughter, going about your separate business.
There were smaller and more common comments too. At least once a day, someone would overhear Daryl walk by you in a lowcut shirt and simply say:
“Nice wrack.”
Overall, though, the group had grown accustomed to the fact that although it wasnt the typical relationship, it was your own cute way of showing each other how you felt. Strange, but cute. So although at first it was shock after shock with the stuff you’d say to each other, everyone was so used to it by now that they simply smile and shake their heads like proud parents.
“Good morning to the sexiest man alive!” You call as you exit your cell, knowing that Daryl would be close by, waiting for your daily complimentary greeting.
Sure enough, as you round the corner you see him sitting on the floor fiddling with his crossbow, laughing at what you’d said.
“Mornin’ gorgeous.” He replies, giving you a smile he reserves just for you.
Later, you find yourself tending to the crops in the prison field while Daryl patrols the fences on watch. You wipe sweat from your forehead, holding your hand above your eyes to shield you from the son as you wolf whistle at him. Before Daryl has even turned around, he’s smiling, because he knows exactly who that whistle came from.
“What d’ya want, sweet girl?” He asks as he strolls over to you.
You very dramatically rake your eyes up and down his form. “You’re really gonna walk around here looking that good and not makeout with me?”
Daryl laughs, his eyes flicking between the ground and your eyes, smirking at you teasingly as ever. “Naw, you couldnt handle it.”
You bite your lip as you smile up at him. “Oh, I can handle anythin’ you’ve got for me, big boy.”
Daryl scoffs and shakes his head, trying to hide his slightly pink cheeks. Anytime one of your comments has the potential to link to his dick size, it’s guaranteed to fluster him, no matter how many times you do it.
“Get back t’ work, horny girl.” Daryl tells you before walking back over to the fence, and you smile away to yourself. Once he’s back at the fence, Daryl turns and sees you still smiling at the crops below you as you tend to them, but he knows you’re not thinking about tomatoes.
Finally finished with your farming duties of the day, you head back inside the prison. A few seconds after you flop into your bunk, you hear a vehicle drive in, and you jump to your feet. It takes your sore limbs a minute or so to get to the doorway, and since you only see Daryl, you assume that those who had just returned from the run have gone elsewhere in the prison. You stretch your arms above your head and let rip with a petname you have been waiting to use.
“HEY ANGEL DICK-“ But much to your soul destroying surprise, Rick, Maggie, Glenn, Hershel, and Carl, are standing with Daryl, so the rest of your sentence doesnt pass your lips.
You stand in the doorway with wide eyes, everyone staring at you, before they burst out laughing. Rick has his hand on Carl’s back, the two of them hunched over they’re laughing so hard, while Maggie and Glenn are crying laughing as they hug each other, and Hershel is chuckling and shaking his head at you. Blushing furiously, you bury your face in your hands as everyone loses their minds.
Daryl tries to laugh as quietly as he can since he doesnt want to add to your embarrassment, and he walks over to pull you into his chest so you can hide away. The rest of the people that heard your words are still laughing as they stumble back into the prison, leaving just you and Daryl outside.
“Did’ja need me for sum’?” He asks you quietly, that same teasing tone in his voice. He is never going to let you live this incident down.
However, you’ve had enough time to collect yourself and the pitiful remnants of your confidence, so you pull away from Daryl just enough to look at him as you sigh very dramatically.
“I got that fatal sickness again.” You break the news to him with a mocking sad expression.
“That so?” Daryl questions, his face already twisting into a smirk, and you nod.
“Yeah, the one that can only be cured by seeing the most arousing smile to ever grace the earth. A swoon is the only way to save me, Daryl, Im feeling faint!” You fall back dramatically in his arms and he, of course, makes sure you dont land on your ass.
“Fine.” Daryl smiles at you and you smack your forehead with the back of your head, wobbling your knees as you swoon.
“Im cured!” You cheer.
“Sure you dont need some rest? I can take you back to your cell.” And the smirk is back.
“Already coming onto a girl fresh out of recovery! Bad boy! I’ll talk to you later.” You flick Daryl’s biceps, and he laughs as he drops his arms from your waist and strolls back inside the prison.
Turning around, your eyes drink in his form as he walks away from you. Unfortunately for you, Daryl was not the only person in the doorway. Carol stands there, smiling and shaking her head at you.
“You are so in love with him.” She teases, and your jaw almost hits the floor.
“WHAT!?!” You whisper-shriek, not wanting Daryl to overhear and come running because he thinks you’re in some kind of trouble.
“He’s in love with you too, you are both being ridiculously obvious about it and you’re somehow still blind to each other’s feelings. Crazy kids.” Carol sighs, shaking her head as she walks around you, the two of you choosing to sit on the edge of the truck trailer.
You scoff. “The chances of Daryl actually being into me are next to none.”
Carol looks at you like you have personally insulted her. “Are you insane?!”
You roll your eyes. “Seriously, Carol. Daryl and I can flirt as much as we like, but he deserves so much better than me. The whole reason I dont make an actual move on him is because Im waiting for some beautiful girl to steal his heart from right in front of me.” Staring down at your jeans, you feel your own words weigh you down.
Carol’s quiet for a moment, and you barely notice because you’ve lost yourself to a period of sad overthinking. It’s only when she speaks up again that you realise she hadnt already replied.
“I think a beautiful girl has already stolen his heart.” Is all she says, and when you’re about to question her, Carol hops off the trailer and ever so casually waltzes back inside. Your eyes follow her, and that’s when you see Daryl leaning against the prison entrance with his arms crossed.
Feeling petrified all of a sudden, you snap your gaze away from him, not knowing what to say or do in this scenario. Somehow, Daryl is the one who knows what to do in a social situation, more than you do, because he strolls right over and sits down where Carol had previously been sitting, right beside you.
“Ya really thought I wasnt bein’ serious with ya this whole time?” Daryl asks you after a minute of silence, his voice hushed.
You just shrug, your gaze fixed on your jean covered thighs.
Daryl scoffs. “Jeez, (Y/N). How’re you the only one that cant see how crazy I am about ya?”
You stay silent, unable to find any words to speak as you lift your head to look at Daryl, but he’s staring off at the prison field.
“There aint nobody on this earth that could come take my heart from me, ‘cause I don’ have it no more. Ya’ve had ma heart since that night in the basement, and ya aint even known it.” He confesses, shaking his head and letting it hang as he falls into silence.
“If this is real, you have to promise to never bring up the angel dick incident ever again.” You tell him as you sniffle, wiping away the happy tears that had started falling from your eyes.
Daryl lets out a hearty laugh at your words, the kind of laugh that only you can bring out in him and he looks at you from the side. “Fine, I’ll sacrifice that trump card if it means you’ll believe me.”
You smile at him warmly, cheeks rosy as you breathe deeply and rest your head on his shoulder. The two of you stare out at the sunset, seeing the world in a true moment of peace, and understanding it.
“So, you wanna come back to my cell later?” You ask him, and he chuckles at you using one of the most classic lines within your flirtatious relationship
“Ya need tuckin’ in?” Daryl responds with a classic reply, and you sit back up, shaking your head.
“Nah, I was thinking you could stay.” You shyly meet his eyes, biting your lip, and seeing his eyes darken makes your stomach flip. Daryl leans in real close, his lips mere centimetres from yours when he decides to answer you.
“Sounds good.”
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opbackgrounds · 9 months
Thoughts on Sabo as a character?
I am of two minds on Sabo. On the one hand, I feel like there is something poetic about the idea of one brother dying before his journey began, one dying on the way, and the last achieving his dream. Unlike a lot of other fakeout deaths in the series, Oda made it very clear that hed be coming back, so I wasnt upset or surprised when he showed up again. The fact that he's such a blatant Ace replacement is annoying--he should have kept the nose design he had as a child for example. I also think he shouldn't be Dragons right hand man (Koala deserves that honor) and should be a much more in the shadows agent of chaos, and should not have regained his memory until Dressrosa (Mansherry is right there!).
On the other hand, he's really fun to write fanfic for. His righteous fury against the system sets him apart from Ace and Luffy is fun and distinctive enough that I can't say he's *totally* derivative.
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p41nty · 9 months
adam katz has done way too much shit and y'all just let it slide we all know about the ableism in the show and the fact he blocked who dared criticize him, but let's talk about the blatant ZIONISM of this man:
he had an isreali flag in his instagram bio until he was called out for it.
he said he put it there for "jewish pride" BITCH THAT'S NOT AN EXCUSE, THE GENOCIDE HAS BEEN GOING ON FOR 70 YEARS
he originally wanted to delay an episode for ONE DAY "to express our condemnation of violence"… sounds like shitty white man capitalist performative activism doesn't it
when he was called out he deleted his twt, privated his instagram and blamed it all on "harassment" and "death threats". what a fucking coward. y'all yt ppl love using the word "harassment" as a fucking buzzword
his mother, jill katz, openly expressed her support for isreal and was following the IOF on twitter. guess the apple doesn't fall far away from the tree.
we should kill this fucker already
do i even have the mental capacity to reply to this coherently.
adam is not his mother? he doesnt share the same views? hes made it explicitly clear he does not support the genocide. hes a jewish man who wanted to celebrate jewish pride but all of you motherfuckers think that just because someone is jewish means they support israels actions. news flash, they DONT.
have you even been on twitter to witness the threats actually happening? i have SEEN people be absolutely horrible to that man and send him death threats and harass him. but just because hes a white man you seem to think he just throws around that word to get sympathy. how is he gonna SEE any of the sympathy if he doesnt have any accounts to begin with?
and im not gonna pretend i wasnt pissed off at ae's shit episode delay, i was. i was infuriated that they thought one day was enough.
they heard us and changed it in the end didnt they? they listened to us and delayed it another week to make room for more awareness
of course at the time preferably not air it at all as it would act as a distraction from what was happen but ae is kinda going downhill so im not really surprised + the ableism thing has been going on for a while with the entire team and not just adam on his own (this is not defending him im mentally disabled myself so seeing him do this stuff is also harming towards me)
"blocked people who dared criticize him" because it resulted in him getting harassed. he unblocked them and apologised + put out a public apology about it later on (and it was well written might i add) since he had to step back and take a breather due to all the harassment he received
let me say this again.
the fact youre wishing actual DEATH on him makes you no better.
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butch-reidentified · 8 months
I don't want to reblog from these blatant misogynists rn BUT
this post got my interest because of this specifically:
Women also tend to use methods that are reversible or for attention. For example, swallowong pills and then announcing it counts as a suicide attempt, but likely wasnt done to actually end one's life. Cutting one's wrist virtically generally wouldnt kill you, but it will officially count as a suicide attempt. These are added to statistics anyway since only therapists can officially confirm if an attempt was fake or not.
because all else aside (and there's plenry more to unpack here forsure), it's extremely fascinating to me to assert that women are frequently attempting suicide for attention as if this is a proven fact (no source cited in the post, though). because if we just stop and think critically for a second, we must ask WHY this person believes women are so desperate for attention? surely if there's a male loneliness epidemic, women get plenty of attention! surely the known fact that women's emotions/needs are always welcomed and cared about and listened to and respected by pretty much everybody should mean women's need for attention is rather satisfied! surely all that male attention we're just so desperate to obtain should be enough to keep us from doing something so drastic and literally life-threatening just for attention! right?
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hiroshotreplica · 4 months
im sorry you probably dont want this in your askbox but i dont really think it makes sense to talk about madness and leafi the same way for a lot of reasons. Idk maybe im just seeing a transgirl getting relentlessly dogpiled because of old screenshots and having an over-empathetic response but fuck man she was 13 when those screenshots were taken. Shes not even 18 right now shes crazy young for her level of play (like literally should be community banned for lying about being 13 for multiple years during splatoon 2 to get around discord community guidelines but thats a tangent). She said in her apology she was trying to fit in with a real shitty group of people she doesn't associate with anymore and fuck man im probably giving herself way too much grace cause i seeing a terrifying exaggeration of something i went through on a public scale but like people are editing HER face onto memes and talking shit about HER and constantly misgendering her when madness is not only an actual adult but has been ACTUALLY DOING THIS SHIT RECENTLY. im not saying the shit she was saying wasnt heinous but fuck man this isnt gonna help her and i dont want the dumass bullshit she said when she was a middle schooler to ruin the rest of her life. sorry for the white girl mental illness blast but there is important context in this ranty anxiety and projection goop
anon asked for a tldr for the situation w/ jackpot as a whole, which included leafi's part in the situation. as the post was about how jackpot as a team has made racist statements. i chose screenshots that put my point clearly, which just so happened to be screenshots with madness and leafi. i'll go more into it here, though
i did not mean to compare her to madness when including screenshots of her old statements. i was compiling the most blatant screenshots from the thread i had originally linked in a prior post. i was going to include other things, but didnt have the time to compile them and was beginning to get stressed about being the source of this info on tumblr.
i was also going to include this video of her saying racist statements in 2024, but i didnt want to include a twitter link for an anon that couldnt access twitter. im realizing i shouldve done so
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i do feel bad for her getting involved with a group of people THAT bad if she was truly that ignorant when she was younger, but thats where my sympathy ends. she still acted racist and still associated with clearly racist people even when she was older and more mature. ive learned since making that post that she was born in 2007. 16 is still an age where you should be mature enough to understand that those comments are racist, even with america's shitty public education system glossing over racism.
i definitely see why this can look like people dogpiling on a trans woman though, and the people doing memes and editing her into them in general about this situation are disgusting. i had no idea she was trans and that people were misgendering her. anyone making this situation about her being trans are awful and not people i stand by.
but all of that, including her being skilled despite her age, still doesnt forgive or erase her actions. nothing like that does for the other members of jackpot that have also stated racist things. nothing like that does for any other comp splatoon player that has said anything similar. the apology she put out was needed, but from what ive heard from others, it wasnt the best. she is writing another apology, though, so it couldve just been rushed.
no one has to accept her apology, either. as a white person myself, im not one that should even be one to accept her apology. it wasnt an apology for me, and it isnt one for you, either (if you are white as you say but i might be misreading). people should not be painted in a negative light for not accepting her apology even if it were an amazing one.
the way some people are reacting to this situation is not okay, but she still did awful things that she should be held accountable for. the other guilty members of jackpot are not better than her, but theyve all still said fucked up things. none of them have done anything to prove they arent racist, and theres only more evidence coming out that proves that they have been, so its hard to process at the moment.
could things change? yes, of course, but as of right now, leafi has stated racist things as recent as 2024 and put out a poor apology trying to defend herself. people are handling it poorly and trying to make it about her identity and making memes on it when it is not the right thing to do. these racist claims are being put w/ other racist claims made by other jackpot team members so it was included in my tldr post about the entire situation.
i apologize for poor wording in this, im not the best w/ these kinds of posts
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terraliensvent · 8 days
r we saying its problematic to post sfw artwork of a character with a nsfw alt cause thats rlly stupid
i agree the toyhouse should not have been linked without that art being maturity locked but as long as the art sent in the server wasnt nsfw which it appears it wasnt i do not see the issue.
not allowing sfw art of characters who have anything nsfw on their th seems rlly strict for no reason when they could just don’t allow the nsfw stuff or not allow the th to be shared
i would like to see both sides here fully bcuz no offense vibez is petty and aggressive af even if some of their points r valid and this feels like it could have been solved by asking them to just maturity lock the art in the th
post related
i think the bigger issue with it is the sheer hypocrisy of it.
smile demons is a species that has a history of being unsafe for minors and not taking proper action when dangerous people are reported, there are strong connotations to nsfw themes like leather play and bdsm, but its perfectly fine to post them in terra server because its (wrongfully imo) a “16+” species, yet symps (which are arguably more sfw) arent allowed because you cant advertise 18+ species. i find it pretty irresponsible that youre allowed to advertise a species that minors really shouldnt be playing around in (again, because of the suggestive theming and nsfw connotations, the fucking thumbnail for most of the myos is a character in leather gear), especially considering the fact we have proof of minors owning and interacting with others that have these fetish oriented characters
theres also the hypocrisy of being allowed to post characters/species with nsfw connotations when terra staff is so insanely strict about the nipple rule that you cant even post reference images without getting a warning
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its, again, incredibly irresponsible to have someone on your mod team who argues leather gear and BDSM imagery is sfw, and who blurs the line to the point where they will link to a toyhouse with blatantly suggestive art and art where the character is wearing a GIMP MASK, with none of it being mature locked.
if youre gonna have a “minor friendly” server with adults in there too, you NEED to be as strict as possible with these things, the line shouldnt be blurred when it comes to NSFW shit because its incredibly easy for predators in discord servers to use plausible deniability to push the boundaries of what is and isnt ok to have around kids. ask yourself, would you be okay with seeing your 13 year old child be shown characters with gimp masks?
i think its one thing if youre just posting a normal sfw pic of your fursona who also has MATURE LOCKED nsfw on their profile. but its another thing entirely when youre posting a character with direct connotations to BDSM, who is part of a species that has heavy ties to BDSM and kink and has had issues in the past with minors, and linking that profile where none of the images are mature locked (and again, in the screenshot where they link the TH profile, a minor directly replies to them). you can bring up the hypocrisy again here, because terra staff HAVE taken issue with people posting th links in advertisements that contain art going against their nipple rule or other rules in the terra server. i also think its an problem that, when the issue is brought to tycho, he deflects and tells vibez to directly talk to the person theyre making the report against. thats just irresponsible from a moderation standpoint as well, and the cherry on top is banning them over this. they made a reasonable point, this character shouldnt be posted in the server, but because they bothered the mods enough in other situations this constituted a ban.
i said it in the og post, you can feel however you wanna feel about vibez being a bit of a dick lately with starting fights in terra server, but they shouldnt have been banned for bringing up the fact that characters like this should not be posted in the server. it seems like blatant loopholing around “no posting nsfw” and “no posting 18+ species.” like, in a fucked up alternate universe where succubuns was 16+ instead of 21+, would you say that should be allowed to be posted in a server full of minors that might want to join upon seeing the art?
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ikemenomegas · 1 year
Just read all of your jjk works and loved loved all of them, especially that one post about yuta thinking gojo got a gf and gojo's alpha loosing his shit and laughing bc an affair is the least likeliest thing that gojo would do. and now im kicking my feat thinking about what the other students would think once they knew that gojo did in fact have a mate and wasnt at all a fuckboy. Like nobara side eyeing gojo when he says that he has a mate, totally not believing him until you actually appear or when she seas gojo in the passenger seat with you in the car.
Aaah! Thank you for reading. That Yuta can't think of anything worse than having relationships problems is one of my favorite jokes. My second favorite is maybe people thinking that Gojo is a player, with all the "time" he doesn't have, and all the emotional bandwidth he also doesn't have? I also don't write him as having a particularly high sex drive... I am also giggling at the faces the rest of the students make haha.
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Gojo is going to pout when you laugh at him. He's going to say something like "you don't think I could..."
And you can pat him on the arm and say "I don't think you would" and even if you mean different things by it, it still makes him preen a little.
He doesn't hide you exactly but even if he calls you his mate in front of others, he's told enough bad jokes this could just be another one of those. Everyone knows he's touchy and a little possessive so if some other omega is around and he's a little louder than usual, that's just Gojo being Gojo. And everyone knows the best way to survive Gojo is just doing what he wants, so if you let him swing you around like a ragdoll and pat his hand and say "yes dear" with an insincere expression, or call his name when he's being especially overbearing... well you were classmates and get away with more than most.
Sure some people know he's mated, and not just mated but married, but often those are put off by his blatant displays of loud, whiny behavior that they just think he's being his usual ill-mannered self and don't confirm or deny anything.
It drives the students who care nuts. Some of them (Panda and Inumaki) are gossip-mongers. Some of them just absolutely do not believe it (Nobara cannot imagine who would mate their useless sensei, let alone you who is responsible and serious about jujutsu, and treats people with respect). Some of them... encourage Satoru to make this dream a reality (Yuuji doesn't care whether it's true or not, but if Satoru says he's leaving them early for date night with you then he's cheering Gojo sensei on to "make it a great night"; Hakari also encourages Satoru to "get it"). The others mock him if you refuse to do something to his face (Maki, mostly Maki).
Let's be honest, Satoru orchestrates the little clues he ends up leaving for the students. The adults? he will perform some misdirection so no one gets weird ideas about you and Satoru being one anothers' Achilles' heel (really you're in more danger than him). The kids, he chose because he trusts them enough to join his faction and he has this thing about wanting people to like him, but not minding if they don't.
He smirks at Nobara when she catches sight of you picking him up in an expensive car. The car makes her jealous. The fact that he sticks his tongue out at her and leaves her to catch the train/bus back to campus puts her in a delightfully entertaining little rage.
Inumaki and Panda enjoy the game of finding out whether you and Satoru are together much more fun than the outcome so he lets them play. He'll "almost" get caught going to his knees while you kiss him on campus, he will show up if you're at the convenience store and the students are nearby and openly flirt with you while they're watching, etc. They're disappointed when they find out because they would rather help facilitate drama.
Yuta is... sort of appalled haha. So is Maki, but for different reasons. Yuta at this point has never been in or witnessed a healthy relationship in his life. He has a bit of a hard time wrapping his head around what he's actually right about - the ways in which Gojo and his Alpha's relationship is unhealthy but they still stay with one another without ever thinking about changing. Maki cannot believe you "chose this guy", and will say it to your face while sparring to try and win.
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thetruecthulhu9 · 1 year
Just saw a rick books tier list that I can't agree with so here's mine
1: PJO
2: kane Chronicles
3: hoo
4: Magnus chase
5: trials of apollo
6: sun and Starlight
7: chalice of the gods
1: it's the OG, I grew up on this shit and it still holds up. People are building a genuine connection with eachother and it's just solid
2: the concept slaps and he introduced some really interesting concepts. I'd love it if he returned to explore other things they had going in Egypt even if the execution of some of it wasn't great
3: whole thing was meh, I was only rly engaged by Percy hazel and annabeths chapters and even then there wasnt consistent characterisation. I mark it as the beginning of the downfall of ricks writing ability
4: I rly enjoyed the first book, but it stopped being interesting fairly quick. Props to rick for the queer characters it was nice to see, but there have been enough valid complaints about his depiction of muslim characters for me to not rly be a fan
5: again interesting in the first book but had a fast nose dive. I haven't got much to say about it in general
6: the whole concept is bullshit and I hate that solangelo is considered a good ship or that the trauma babies are "cute". I'm tagging this anti solangelo so if u have a problem with my opinion just block the tag??? Honestly it's more official fanfic than ricks writing
7: fuck this book as a concept Percy saved the world three times and the book is a blatant cashgrab
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mako-neexu · 3 months
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cannot stress how much this makes me unwell. and i literally cant believe this is in the game. in the story itself. blatant like blaring headlights enough to blind me permanently . i cant believe the entire dev team worked on this and went yeah send the update lol as if it wouldnt change some people's brain chemistry i literally saw so many people go crazy on their live reading in Id chapter, everyone's fusetter tweets was just them becoming that screaming beaver meme.. and until now, so many people are still re-reading Id chapter because it was all so intense.. how can you greenlight this so casually... right of course my wallet.. but still, its so funny at the same time kanou san asking sakurai to make it sweeter or rather, it would be funny if kanou was like 'sensei this is too sweet pls edit this' and we end up with MY FATE MY STAR MY ONE AND ONLY as if that wasnt enough sugar to kill someone instantly..
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ravenaveira · 10 months
Why are you "anti Karin" in general?, and so "pro" a manipulative, repulsive relationship like s/s?
Pfffft the fact that you would say that with a straight face in defense of KARIN of all people.
"Manipulative, repulsive relationship" you mean like this?
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Wanting Jugo and Suigetsu to kill eachother so she can have Sasuke to herself, then being turned on by Sasuke's killing intent.
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Hitting Suigetsu because he was about to reveal something she did to Sasuke in the past without his knowledge that she REALLY didnt want him to know. Even though we'll never know what it was, her reaction says enough that it was something Sasuke wouldnt like her for doing.
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Stealing Sasuke's sweaty dirty clothes without his knowledge. She had this even before the sensory unit became an issue btw.
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Being creepily turned on everytime shes bitten by him, any normal person would wince in pain at being bitten like this, not moaning in pleasure. Not kink shaming cuz I know masochism exists, just pointing out how weird af it is cuz Im pretty sure Kishimoto wasnt intending for her to be a masochist since she only finds pleasure in the biting, not pain in general.
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Pretty much dehumanizing Karin, treating her as no more than a tool to find Danzo. To be fair Sasuke was awful to everyone atp, but yall try to act like one was better than the other [Karin or Naruto in other cases] this entire arc was to show how far into darkness Sasuke had fallen, remember that for my next points.
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Sasuke literally telling her not to move so he could inflict a fatal would on Danzo through her and tells her shes a burden to him now for getting taken hostage. He does this not long after she had got drop kicked tryin to help him and then healing him while Danzo was down. As I stated above, Sasuke was awful to EVERYONE during this arc, but since yall like to use it against SS for why the relationship is toxic then I have to do the same for SK here, yall not special.
She begged Sasuke for help and he told her not to move and then betrayed her so he could fatally injure Danzo with the most sinister look on his face, that was beyond foul.
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He was literally about to kill Karin who was a non threat to him, compared to Naruto and Sakura who were actively attcking/threatening him, Karin was on the ground bleeding out and he still was gonna go finish her off with zero hesitation. Atleast in Naruto and Sakura's case it was self defense, but for Karin it was just blatant cruelty, he told her not to move so he could get the killing blow on Danzo, said shes a burden for even getting taken hostage, now hes about to kill her cuz she 'knows too much', how any and I mean ANY of you excuse this but cant do the same for SS is beyond me. Sasuke was defending himself from Naruto and Sakura, but he was just being downright cruel to Karin unnessecarily. But you wanna talk about manipulative and repulsive.
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Instantly forgiving him for his cruel treatment of her after a half hearted sorry and then creepily rubbin up against him. Its at this point I and many others lost all respect for Karin because not even Sakura was this pathetic when she first saw Sasuke after what he did to her in the previous arc.
Keep in mind shes inlove with him too, same as Karin, and did not act this pathetic. Even down to the apology Sakura wouldnt let him get off with just a 'sorry' but made him clearly say what he was sorry FOR and he apologized for everything he had done, thats way more sincere than just 'Im sorry Karin' while she's yelling at him to get her to shut up [which worked] compared to him apologizing voluntarily to Sakura who wasnt even asking for one but he did anyway because he genuinely felt remorse for what he did to her.
You dont even SEE what expression he has when he apologizes to Karin and the scene is used as comic relief, but Kishimoto shows Sasuke's sincere and remorseful expression as hes looking and apologizing to Sakura for what he's done and the scene is taken seriously, theres no jokes or weird creepy behavior, but a genuine heartfelt moment between the two.
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She planned to make moves on an injured Sasuke while Suigetsu and Jugo were asleep. It dont take rocket science to know shes gonna make sexual advances at him based on her behavior up till this point and Suigetsu even implying she 'did' something to Sasuke in the past.
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This is all self explanatory really, these are snippets from her databook which is canon content and consistent with her character. Her feelings are described as an obsession, dangerous, and that she keeps aiming to make him HERS. I dont think it gets any clearer than that why I wouldnt support someone like this.
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Just a friendly reminder for all those who like to bring up Sakura being 'useless' and Sasuke feeling the same way well guess what? he's said the same about Karin too and that she was easily replacable, ironically by Sakura lol but he said there were other shinobi he could've picked just as good and way stronger too so, the only real reason he chose Karin was her tracking ability, he literally would've taken anyone else if not for that, and now that that ability is no longer needed neither is she.
No really he never uses her services again even when she comes back later to help in the war but he still gets help from Suigetsu and Jugo, she really was USELESS to him after this point lol speaking of the war though that brings up my next point.
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In the middle of a war where the entire fate of the world is at stake, Karin says the most important thing right now is jumping Sasuke and licking him all over. Idgaf if you say this was just comic relief, this is consistent with her character so comic relief or not she REALLY thinks like this.
She stole his sweaty clothes, gets turned on when bitten by him, rubs up against him even while hes clearly uncomfortable, plans to make sexual advances at him while hes injured and the others are asleep, and your telling me this is just all comic relief and that she doesnt actually wanna do the things shes thinking of doing? fk outta here man.
Do I think Karin genuinely cared for Sasuke to some capacity? yes, do I think Sasuke cared for Karin to some capacity? yes, but that doesnt make their relationship any less disgusting or repulsive overall just because I believe there was some mutual care on both sides, that does not outweigh all the weirdo creepy behavior Karin has exhibited, nor does it outweigh Sasuke's total indifference and lack of remorse for anything he did to her even after coming to his senses and redeeming himself.
He never treated Karin as a friend, for a short time he viewed her as a comrade but afterwards he's never treated her as anything more than an acquaintance. Even though this is how he treated all of Taka really, Suigetsu and Jugo were atleast on the same wavelength Sasuke was, they wanted to help him of their own accord with no ulterior motives while Karin did aka 'making Sasuke hers'. Suigetsu and Jugo never asked for an apology nor expected one, they knew who Sasuke was and how he felt about em and accepted that, so as long as both sides are cool with the treatment then I cant condemn Sasuke for his actions if they themselves allow it and feel nothing about it, Suigetsu pretends he did but he still helped and followed him regardless even tho he no longer had anything to gain nor any reason to, even his reasoning that it was to 'split them up' Sasuke has always been indifferent to Karin from the start so there would've been nothing between them whether Suigetsu was there or not, it was all lies just to avoid saying he enjoyed Sasuke's company and actually had gotten attached to this little ragtag team.
Karin however did not accept it and was yelling at him about it until he gave her a half hearted sorry, then mentions multiple times when anyone confronts her about her feelings for Sasuke how 'he tried to kill her so how could possibly like him' which is a lie but the point is unlike Suigetsu and Jugo she actually DID feel some type of way about his betrayal and wanted to hold him accountable for it, so she WASNT ok with how he treated her and therefore I shouldnt be either.
But the main reason Im anti Karin is because of how creepy and perverted she is, I've felt no different about other perverted characters to this creepy an extent, the only reason yall shrug it off or say its just comedy is because its a girl towards a guy, but if Sasuke stole Karins sweaty shirt, did something to her in the past he punched Suigetsu to keep him from exposing, getting turned on and moaning everytime she bites him, wanting her to let two ppl die so it could just be the two of them, locking them in a room together and pressing up on her even while shes visibly and verbally uncomfortable, if he was plotting to make moves on injured Karin while the others are asleep, if he started rubbin up on her chest after he forgives her, if in the middle of the war hes thinking about wanting to jump and lick Karin all over.
I DARE you to try and tell me yall wouldnt want Sasuke's head on a stake for that, but since its a digusting creepy repulsive female towards a guy its all jokes and laughs. THATS why Im anti Karin in general, idc about her past, idc about how shes changed now, and idc about SPs made up filler about her past that contradicts what Kishimoto has written about her past because its not canon and has no basis in canon so why would I treat it like it is? even if it was it doesnt negate anything I've pointed out, nor does it excuse or justify her creepy behavior.
I support SS despite its flaws because there was mutual love and care on both sides, Sasuke was willing to die and lose out on getting his revenge, his lifes mission to save her, and Sakura was equally willing to sacrifice her life for his. He inspired her and made her want to be a better ninja, he made her understand her ignorance of what being an orphan is like which made her way more empathetic towards Naruto, Sasuke acknowledged and praised her strengths and encouraged her to get better, Sakura is the one who gave him both the push he needed to fight back against Orochimaru AND she's the one who made the curse mark rescind when Sasuke snapped, which btw he rampaged because of the state he saw Sakura in and wanted to avenge her, it was her [and Naruto] AGAIN that made Sasuke able to push back the curse mark during the chunin exams.
Sasuke had always acknowledged Sakura's feelings for him and responded to them while till this day he has never even acknowledged Karins weird obsession with him and always just brushed her off and told her to get back, but with Sakura he DID acknowledge her feelings, he never rejected her, but couldnt allow himself to accept those feelings because of the paths he chose to walk, the first one being avenging his clan and the second for him to create peace by ruling the world alone and severing all ties.
People like to use him saying 'she has no reason to love me and I have no reason to love her' as a rejection when it isnt when you look at the context of the scene.
Kakashi is standing up for Sakura telling him how much she only wanted to save him, SASUKE is the one who brings up romance but Kakashi shuts him down by saying you only need a reason to hate someone and that Sakura wasnt trying to make him hers but she just wanted to save him. Actually Ima just let Kakashi speak for himself.
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I dont know how much clearer it needed to be than showing Sakura's sincere love for him reminding him of the sincere love he has for his family, he says perhaps those are ties to a failed past right after Kakashi says she's suffering from loving him, he immediately thinks of his family who he suffers from loving as well, he's literally acknowledging Sakura's feelings for him are genuine like Kakashi says but unfortunately nothing can be done about it, the same way his family is gone and he'll always suffer from loving them, is the same way things ever going back to the way they were with team 7 is gone and Sakura will always suffer from loving him as well, because he's decided to walk the lonely path again and cut all ties with them, with Naruto being the last.
After everything is resolved though and Sasuke is finally able to let go of all that hatred and accept Naruto's [and team 7s as a whole] love for him, we see Sasuke's true self and true feelings, and whats the first thing he does when he has this clarity? apologize to the one person he's hurt the most besides Naruto.
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When he leaves to go on his redemption journey the only people he talks to before he leaves is team 7, Sakura asked to come with him but he told her he has nothing to do with her sins and to stay behind, which is true she didnt have anything to do with his sins so he really did have to take this trip alone for self reflection. But even though he turned her down from joining him, he promised to see her when he came back, which is a promise he obviously kept as he did come back and the two did travel together and somewhere in between got married and had their daughter Sarada at Karins hideout before coming back home to Konoha where Sasuke stayed for a short time before leaving alone again to go look into the other looming Otsutsuki threats.
Were there flaws with SS portrayal too? of course there was, every main ship got done dirty in one way or another cuz Kishimoto was just bad at writing their romances for some reason despite doing much better with other ships [MinaKushi, YahiKonan, DanTsuna] but thats not a flaw of the ships themselves as it is the writing for them. And no that doesnt excuse SK, because Kishimoto clearly intended for that to be weird, but he obviously meant for SS and NH to be viewed as sincere, he never took SK/Karin seriously and treated em as such, but he did SS/NH which is why you see their scenes are way more heartfelt with more effort put into it, was the execution always the best? hell no, but for what it was he still got the point across whether you disagree with how he handled certain things, myself included, or not.
SS is far from manipulative or repulsive, if your referring to anything from the novels I thought yall didnt consider the novels canon anyway? personally I rarely use the novels in arguments because theres so much debate in their validity, so personally I only acknowledge the novels that got official adaptions or snippets that have been referenced in canon material [like Sakura's childrens mental health clinic is implied in the anime, and Sasuke retsuden got an anime and manga adaption with Kishimoto's involved in the manga ver] these aspects I consider canon, anything else is debatable imo so I didnt use anything from them in any of my rebuttals, just official manga/databook content because thats whats the most explicitly canon by the creator himself. So if your talkin novel stuff I have nothing to do with that, I thought yall didnt consider it canon anyway, but if you do, then even in the novels shes not what you'd describe as manipulative and impulsive just because she isnt giving up on her feelings for Sasuke and will continue to pursue him? if Sasuke truly had no feelings for Sakura he would've made that explicitly clear, but he always left the door open for the possibility which is why Sakura never moved on while Karin did, cuz Sasuke made it clear his heart was with Sakura, not her.
So I'd love to know where you got manipulative and repulsive from because Sasuke's never been repulsed by Sakura, nor has Sakura ever tried to manipulate Sasuke or vice versa. If thats just your personal opinion thats fine, but you should atleast use the right labels to condemn SS with instead of ones that dont apply at all.
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realpinkdiamondsstuff · 2 months
I love Steven Universe Future for its dark topics and the examination of the aftermath of a traumatic "child hero" childhood. I also love seeing all the characters, both gem and human,"grow up" and become someone new after the events of the main series.
I hate SUF for the fact that in the few instances and episodes where PD/Rose was mentioned, her name was dragged through the mud in favor of a "she's the ultimate villain" narrative. This series was the last occasion to talk about her and give her a little bit of forgiveness, in grace of all the good she ultimately did for the gems and Earth, and lay her character peacefully to rest. Instead, she's treated as a " wicked lying witch" by her own son, and the last we hear of her actions she becomes an abuser to the fandom ( if Spinel wasnt enough already). She's murdered again and again and again, and even if the creators didnt intend for it to be this way, the way they handled the situation and the topic seems as if they want you to hate her. People tend to forget that Pink Pearl damaging happened at the very start of her character arc, and it was clearly an accident. How does her character end in the show? Buried in Lions mane, forgotten and her memory repressed. Wasn't Steven supposed to be understanding and forgiving? I didnt expect a grand show and for everybody to LOVE her, but not such a blatant character assassination. I just wish there would've been more closure at the end, this just leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.
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