dragonkid11 · 1 year
Over Arms by Rookie Jet Studio is a rules-light tabletop RPG designed to replicate media like JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, Persona, FATE ,Shaman King and more, where select people are able to develop an "Anima", a powerful psychic manifestation of their own psyche and will, that can assist their "User" in a myriad of ways in and out of combat based on the strengths of their individually unique abilities, as they unravel the mystery around them while discovering a new world within them.
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theunderneath · 4 months
Read a few pages
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Walking over to one of the tables in the room, your gaze wandered over all of the papers. You felt a little overwhelmed by all of the papers.
Jumping as a loud thud rang out into the mostly quiet cabin. You quickly turned around and sighed just seeing a book that fell off the table.
Walking over to the book, you picked up the thick novel. It didn’t seem to have any title.
Running your fingertips over the leather cover you wrapped your fingers around it and turned. You watched as the book open revealing what looked to be an index for this house.
(Some of the links for the bigger fandoms couldn't fit all here, so just click on the name and it'll take you to its own master list)
One Piece
Golden Kamuy
Hetalia / 2p Hetalia
Yandere Aizen with a chubby Darling (Headcanon / EDITED)
Yandere Ryuken Ishida headcanon (EDITED)
Yandere Kisuke Urahara Kisses (Headcanon / NSFW-y / EDITED)
Yandere Ichigo cuddling with his Darling (Headcanon / EDITED)
Yandere Kisuke Urahara headcanons (NSFW-y / EDITED)
Demon slayer
One punch man
Most likely to least likely to give their S/O an aphrodisiac (headcanon / Sweet mask, Fubuki, Garou / NSFW / EDITED)
Garou, Fubuki, and Zombieman Darling want to play the Pocky game (Headcanon / EDITED)
Hunter x Hunter
My Hero Academia
FMA/Fullmetal Alchemist
A conversation about Greed being a yandere
Jujutsu Kaisen
Toji with a sassy plus-sized Darling (Headcannon / EDITED)
Poly Yandere Gojo and Geto with an S-grade sorcerer reader (Headcannon / EDITED)
Ouran highschool host club
Dress Up Darling
The Apothecary Diaries
The Ancient Magus' Bride
JJBA / Jojo's Bizzare Adventures
Darling Dearest Fashion Art
Darling Dearest Expressions Art
Black Butler
Yandere Erik Lehnsherr with a reader that has the same power as him? (One shot / EDITED)
Slashers/Horror movies
Yandere Hanzo headcanons (EDITED)
Resident Evil
Twisted Wonderland
Genshin Impact
Other media
SCP Foundation
Yandere Masky x touched starved fem reader (Headcannon / EDITED)
Yandere Masky headcanons (EDITED)
Yandere Hoodie and Eyeless Jack headcanons (EDITED)
Meme about blog and post 
Yandere meme (Guess I’ll die)
Do I do platonic yandere? 
Fanart of other people's OC (ONE, TWO, THREE)
Old OC art
Old creepy art (ONE, TWO)
Meme about SCP and my blog
100 follower special
Fanart of the white dear
Self-made art of another artist's rendition of this blog username
An artist rendition of this blog username (reblog)
Me simping over another OC called Fox (art)
Shit post Hearts Day (art)
Yandere short story
Viral hit
Manager Kim
The index you hold in your hand closes. Your eyes feel heavy from how much reading you just did. There is not much to do now.
You could rest, maybe eat some food in the kitchen, but you have a suspicion if you leave the house and return at a later date. There might be more wonderful stories for you to read.
However, the choice is yours. You could mark this cabin on your map to return to or close the door on this chapter to continue on your journey unburdened.
The choice is yours.
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riacte · 1 month
Re: reddit. Warning, lot of yapping about stats. Yh i agree the reddit does shit even in the best players and their "golden boys" (what they did to purpled last season was weird af, and they adore purpled as one of the more competitive players), although i would argue that is part of their goddamn goat debates. With "players who are praised with just existing" I was more talking about players who are seen as incredible while other ccs of similar and better stats are regarded as far worse.
For example, Owen and Krinios have better average placements than Joel, but the reddit tends to forget about both of them while Joel is often predicted top 10 (and for the record, i love Joel, one of my fav povs and ccs in general, but his reddit fanboys irk me). Kratzy and Hannah are so underrated it s almost funny atp. Martyn is inconsistent so it s difficult to explain his case, but i felt it was weird how people s reaction to his top 4 in party was "well it is non canon", while Joel is still praised for his top 1 in scuffed (where the games were, well, scuffed) and his average is only 2 spots better. Grian is also regularly overrated, and weirdly enough I have seen that Gem is as well? People assume that she is far better than Pearl and False, while in reality they are all kinda similar statistically. Pete s case is so funny, bc he s not underrated individually but people always assume his teams will do badly. The second Jojo steps down of top 6 or 7 people stop considering her s tier, while sapnap or dirt block never had that issue, and people still bring up mcc 23, when she was 18th or so, to argue she s not that good?
So yeah, as you said, the reddit shits on everyone, but there are some big biases and 2 different types of shitting: disappointment in s tiers for not doing their absolute best (which puts lots of pressure on them and is toxic af), and certain players being systematically underrated (which obv pisses them off). Sorry for the rant, I like to analyse the mcc reddit as a social experiment. I think i could write a whole ass book
Ohhhhh yeah definitely. Your last paragraph is very true. Massive shitfest. There's also again, the popularity aspect and well-intentioned overrating which could lead to underrating of other people (I was frustrated at Reddit during S2 and the whole "Grian is good at BM so every hermit must be" thing but then I stopped caring lol). And their inability to acknowledge they might be subconsciously biased against women. No one is immune to accidental / subconscious sexism. Not me, not you.
Watching everyone scramble to include Joel in the hermits' stats was originally heartwarming but then it started to feel unintentionally dismissive of the 2020 hermit cohort? Like yeah, builders in general were underrated, and Joel + 2020 hermits share that similarity. But he did Orange10, not Blue9. He was part of Pink9, but it was Grian who did the iconic move. Joel (and Pearl) can be included but it somehow feels diminishing of what the others accomplished with the hermit identity. And I mention the hermit identity specifically because they teamed together as friends and hermits, and inter-team solidarity was displayed because they were hermits (Pink9 and Blue9). Not just "haha yeah xyz hermit achieved this on their own". They were moving forward as a group under the hermit banner. False, Ren, Cub, Grian.
I feel like False is in a weird spot on the Reddit because they clearly like her, more so than HC Reddit, False Supremacy memes, calling her queen, etc. But she's not really.... discussed at length? False may be quiet, but I've watched her and I know she's good at comms and has an excellent battle sense. She notices things and reacts quickly. But that depends on how well she meshes with a team, considering People Don't Listen To Her in SkB. Which leads to fluctuating morale and inconsistency and stuff. So I get why Reddit calls her both underrated and overrated? But I am a poor judge of skills but the fact that they mention her and congratulate her is already enough to make me happy lol. The bar is ten feet underground, I'm sorry but I'm a wee bit easy to appease post Demise 2 😭
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eyeofnewtblog · 2 years
Things that happen at home:
Me: *trying to coordinate with friends about the big blow out Halloween bash over a month away in a group chat*
Everyone: *absolutely will not shut the fuck up with memes and asinine comments that are not actually contributing to the planning of said party*
Me: *googles how to mute conversations*
As I’m muting the conversation, my SO: Who the fuck is blowing up your phone every thirty seconds? It’s literally been an hour.
Me: I KNOW. The extroverts you only like to hang out with once every six months. There’s a Halloween party next month.
My SO:…what did you do.
Me: I’m dropping you off with the bacon at 7:30, the party starts at 8 and I have to get Lala from the airport at 8:30 so I’ll be back by 9 at the latest, but Jojo needs help setting up. Also I bought us matching costumes.
My SO:…what.
Me: it’s not until the actual weekend of Halloween, I feel like six weeks is more that enough notice. Also, also! I said you would only help set up! I specifically said you wouldn’t be doing any grilling or cooking, and normally Jojo just does a goat char-toot-er-y board anyway. And we have T-shirt costumes! You literally just have to wear one special T-shirt and normal clothes, we’re going to be completely comfortable for the whole night!
MySO: …Thats not…how that’s pronounced?…fine. *goes to walk away, comes back* Hey, I really do actually like the fact that you didn’t drop this on me like your mom does (my mom tends to make plans with only a couple hours notice) and I do appreciate that you were specific about the help I would want to do. I don’t particularly care for your friends, but they are nice people.
Me: Aawww!!! You saw the shit and toilet paper couples costume on Amazon didn’t you?
My SO: I did, yes, a week ago…but that’s not why I just jizzed my feelings all over you.
Me: I love you, too. I bought me a jack o lantern shirt and I got you a “Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater” shirt.
My SO: *hovers awkwardly* cool. Thank you? I love you. *walks away again*
Me: *starts singing the K-I-S-S-I-N-G song using our own names, as if we aren’t 30+ and haven’t been together for 8+ years…loudly.*
Zelda puppy: *thinks my singing is a sign of Want To Play*
Me: *gets my ass kicked by a hundred pond dog*
My SO: *has absolutely zero (0) sympathy and is, in fact, laughing his ass off from the next room*
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onebizarrekai · 1 year
Hello, you used to do these things for ds characters a long time ago, like:
full name:
And other-
Could you do this for Error or Cross(or both) please? I need it for my friend and his project-
sorry it's been like 100 years since I got this but anyway I feel like those characters have become so inconsistent it's tricky to narrow them down. if you ask modern me their names are ellie [last name missing] and victoria crow respectively, both are she/her, and none of the characters have articulated sexualities anymore besides Not Straight for imaginative ease. or if you're asked me from 4 years ago they're just error and cross and they probably are still trapped in the undertale dark ages of men who wish they were fashion disaster enough to fit in jojo's bizarre adventure.
do you mean like you want the WHOLE thing? like the whole whole thing? I just searched back and found the text base. dreamswap has plot holes and changed so much around its later era in it that it's difficult to articulate the details, but I can TRY.
ds ellie (to differentiate from the fatal flaws universe) was raised in an ambiguous institution (in other words, an orphanage) and has no mentioned relationship to her parents nor where she lives, barring the implication that she lives in an underground city. ds vick was born… somewhere in the spectrum of the multiverse, in a chunk of real estate owned by the ds version of big bad xgaster and it wasn't established who her familial relations were in this version. half the characters in ds are also conveniently unemployed and this includes the entire meme squad. ellie and vick's phobias have yet to be articulated because it was never that important to the plot. in other, less jokey words, I would say phobias are much more severe and neurological than bad memories or unpleasant situations. I don't really wanna say that ellie has a phobia of human connection or that vick is has a phobia of defeat or something. they have bad things that remind them of bad things and may even be debilitating, but I haven't had a chance to articulate them in writing or even figure out entirely how to do that or how they might relate to any given story. I never decided whether they had any irrational fears either. same thing for the next inquiry; what their guilty pleasures might be. all I can come up with is that vick likes fighting, and it's not always the wholesome kind.
morality alignment. uhhhh. it's complicated. people are complicated. the whole next list of character traits that split everyone into one half of the chart or the other feel like they're not accounting for any hypothetical specifics. like, I could say ellie is agreeable, but she's capable of doing things that make her disagreeable to many others. vick could be disagreeable to the people she picks fights with but she's capable of being agreeable to others. either one of them could be more optimistic depending on the circumstances. vick's carefree attitude could be read as optimism or nihilism. some of them are more cut and dry (for example, I'm sure both of them are anxious messes, which is common for their age), but I feel like saying it doesn't really say as much as just reading the material that exists of the characters… and said material is already only semi-reliable at best.
basically, I have this image in my head of the complex potential of each ds character, but none of them have really grown into it. you get what I mean? there's a lot of character details that aren't very clear simply because the characters were created, but not wholly written. not wholly developed. I'm not saying I have contempt for them or something, or wish I had done more. they just have something they COULD be one day. more complete versions of themselves. versions of them that I started out imagining back in 2018, but the directions I was going in with what I was making resulted in those versions of them not being fully realized. a character can only go so far with bouts of lore and minimal continuity.
I dunno if any of that even matters. it's probably more useful for me to just give yes or no answers, but I just kinda felt like talking about ds and its characters and how they've aged. maybe they'll end up in some medium one day that focuses more on who they could be rather than just their backstories and they'll be more fleshed out then.
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A rational explanation of why Jojo’s is a great anime
I have no doubt you have some expectations of how this is gonna go down. Lots of bombastic and strange praise, many odd memes, and references that are without a doubt… biza- peculiar. But I’m not. This will be a calm analysis and thorough dissection of just why I love this anime and think it is one of the most creative stories ever made.
I detest over exaggerations. They tend to be very misleading, though for purpose entertainment, are all fine and good. But even still are buy and large ,overused and thus have lost all real meaning. I do all of this to tell you that I am not over exaggerating.
There is no other work of fiction as creative as JoJo’s bizarre adventure. I would go so far as to say the series itself is nothing more and nothing less than a love letter to creativity. Araki is more than willing to reference, remix, and reexamine anything and everything that crosses his path; while seamlessly and shamelessly experimenting and creating new, fascinating abilities, designs, and character concepts. Now some of you might be thinking “how can one be called creative if he makes so many references?” Allow me to show you the greatest truth of storytelling that no one is really comfortable talking about.
Story telling is really like the wheel. No one knows where it came from and all we have done and will ever do is make simply make it better. That means taking things that came before, mixed with some other thing you saw another guy do, and maybe some weird stuff you found in the back alley. You put your own flare on it and send it running. And there is no better example than JoJo’s. From turning song lyrics into characters, their abilities, and even entire plot points. Like how under pressure defines Kira’s life in hiding. Or how killer queen’s allusions to explosives made his stand a bomb creation stand. And that’s just one character how about the band areosmith inspiring one of the few and greatest nonhumans stands of Narancia’s plane. I could go on for a while but there is still more to discuss. In a different genre of art…
Fashion, anatomy and shot composition. JoJo’s has exiled So much in these categories that even real-world art galleries and fashion brands have taken note of its pure genius. JoJo’s characters whether emulating the muscular vibrato of the 80’s action movie, or the subtler elegance of the slimer frames of the latter parts. There is an expressed mastery of anatomy, not only its natural forms but it’s almost surreal combinations. These poses are not just done for strangeness’s sake but are done to express the pure artistry of the human form and its myriad of forms and positions. The outfits also are not random and without design they are meticulously selected and obey the fundamentals of high fashion. All of these combing to ground a story featuring such seemingly conflicting ideas like Victorian vampires, to serial killers, evil priests, and president in search for the pieces of Christs body... Into something that not only defies the mind but celebrates the strangeness most people want in their stories anyway.
           Then there is a wholly different way which makes JoJo almost infinitely enjoyable. Unlike many stories featuring combat and violence as the main conflict resolution system, which tends to be one of the most engaging of conflict resolution in fiction. I mean come on court cases and investigations are all good and exciting. But nothing can be as pure in establishing steaks and motive then the conflict between bodies against each other in a struggle for survival. But JoJo’s avoids the greatest flaw of these purely physical combat systems while gaining usually something lost to it.
You see in a normal combative setting, a story can only do so much. There are only so many ways a combat encounter can go and eventually one expects the heroes to grow in power and so too the bad guy. This can unfortunately however spiral into the absurd feats of power to the point where the audience becomes bored or unable to really relate to the struggle. This is commonly referred to as power creep and JoJo’s dodges this masterfully. In JoJo’s the fights remain physical and intensive but avoid power creep because in JoJo’s no fight is as simple as power levels. But instead are based on the application of those powers and abilities, turning mere brawls into a beautiful and ethereal game of mind and body. How will the stand that can leap through any reflective surface defeat the stand who can increase the gravitational pull on any object? With this no two fights will ever be the same and yet each fight can maintain the same levels of excitement and stakes just based on the characters abilities presented. Simply brilliant.
           Following this point is something I think really sets JoJo’s above and beyond. Any show can have great and thought provoking conflict, but what sets JoJo’s beyond is the struggle. It’s a true and universal experience I think every life that has ever drawn breath can relate to. That moment where that breath is called upon and one must put everything one has to achieve ones goal, to overcome the obstacles before them to grit one teeth, to bear ones lashes and push on. This is JoJo’s
From bullets to overwhelming odds to near physics breaking hurdles, the characters fight on even to the presence of death. They push beyond the walls and fires and see the path to victory and through blood sweat and tears obtain it, in a usually karmic and cathartic fashion. Showing all they are and all they have learned up to that moment and shine like gold, better and stronger than before.
           For those who don’t know JoJo’s is it is known as a generational story. Ever new season or part, has a new member of the JoJo family facing a new threat. Sometimes these relate to a previous part or sometimes its something new altogether. This is what I think makes the story so great. Not the Joestar family itself but the idea of family both by blood and the found ones we make ourselves and how sometimes those can coincides or not at all. No man really acts alone, he is always supported by and supports other around him. There’s a reason why we have the term Joe-bro in our fandom it’s because each and every JoJo has that most trusted companion or group of companions and JoJo’s does not treat them as mere support or comic relief each one has their own unique personality, backstory, and reason for staying by the Joestar’s side and it’s not in the combat or the mysteries or peril where these moments shine the brightest. It’s in the little breaks the show takes to let the characters eat or rest, the conversations they have in long car rides or the little handshakes or dances they do. The jokes and teasing the share with the other. Its with these moments of calm and pearl that these friends become more than friends but family.
Then there is the actual family itself, and I think it’s in here where the show gains such respect from its fans. It’s not like most shows where there is a deep connection between ancestor and descendant and sometimes the bloodline isn’t even so clear. For example, my favorite is the relation between Joseph and Josuke. You see Joseph is Josuke’s father from an affair. Now most shows would treat this revelation and their inevitable meeting with allot of drama and try to maybe alleviate this into a proper father and son relation. But JoJo’s chooses not to. Josuke when he meets his actual nephew Jotaro who is much older than him (yeah family trees can get strange like this). He doesn’t really care all that much he doesn’t want to butt into Joseph’s family or cause them any trouble he even refuses any chance at an inheritance and is perfectly happy with his one not so traditional family of his single mom and loving grandpa. Eventually of course he meets his father Joseph and they basically get some closure, but they don’t become instantly father and son close. It’s awkward and strange, they both get the closure but Joseph doesn’t gain a son and Josuke didn’t get a new dad. And they were both ok with that and even a little happier for it. But the show isn’t afraid of the closeness a family can share either. You see Jotaro and his daughter Jolene were quite at each other’s throats and didn’t have that great of a relation but during and after the Crisis of Stone Ocean their bond grew stronger and impart that bond gave them strength. Its honestly some of the sweetest imagery to see Joslyn embracing her father, the character we all know and maybe even look up to like she does. It’s a beautiful display of all a family can be and what it means blood relation or otherwise.
           And I find it so shocking in show of life, laughter, family, and friendship. That there is so much death... But when you think about it long enough, doesn’t that just make so much damn sense? How could someone, anyone set out to write about life and its nearly infinite experiences, and not touch on that one universal experience. Death. From tragic losses of fate, like a mother lost in a carriage accident, or loved ones dying at the hands of murders, heroic sacrifices made for the sake of ones friends, and the sudden unexpected loses of those so young and full of life. There is not a single part free of that pain. And if I may be so bold Arkia is at his greatest when depicting loss, both its grief and even its sometimes ethereal beauty of not only what could lie beyond, but the spark of life that was lived. For greater love has no man to lay down his life for his friend.
           So yeah, there it is, a very serious analysis of a show that most people think can’t even take itself seriously. I hope you enjoyed it, and maybe you can enjoy the show for yourself now. Or if your already a fan maybe you got an even deeper appreciation of it. Or hey, if you didn’t like it, maybe you can now see why other do. No pressure bud. Well, see you guys latter.
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alittlebirb · 2 years
Some scorching successes from the MCC 25 Green Geckos!
Magical mountain stealing the socket eyes for their own purposes, which Scar wholeheartedly blames on Joel
Their skins are perhaps some of the best that have ever debuted on MCC. The evening gowns complimenting the stormtroopers?? Incredible.
Tubbo orbiting around Scar like he's the center of the universe <3
Scar entering the vc by whispering haunted echoes of "green geckoes..."
Callum and Jojo pondering the potential of cats that could be unlocked should they have thumbs
"I just want you to know I've fashioned up a padded royal chair for you guys to carry me on." -Scar
Callum calling SOT and GR "statistically horrific" for them
Oli getting penalized in Joel's chat for calling the enemy team "idiots", but approving of Scar
Scar calling Tubbo "a little pirate, a little buccaneer-like!"
Scar's watch telling him that he was going to have "impaired reflexes" when he woke up that day
Callum calling the idea that 6 hours is a decent amount of sleep "the gamer in all of us speaking"
Scar talking about making his functional trash cans late at night and Joel getting immediately invested
Jojo giving an incredibly powerful pep speech under the light of fireworks, hyping everyone up and being an excellent team captain
Callum immediately beginning calling out the kits in BB, confusing Joel, which Callum responds to with: "Dude, I'm a nerd."
Jojo saying she's shaking, and Callum saying he's shaking too
"Cool, we can quake together." -Jojo
Jojo getting aces, taking names
Joel and Scar seeing Jimmy in the opposing team and immediately slandering his toy status to the rest of the team
Jojo and Callum having their minds messed with by the amount of MCC Island they've been playing
Scar sharing a fact about calming yourself and the chat skeptically asking if this was a "Scar fact" or a real fact
Jojo and Callum being horrified by the monstrosity at the bottom of the elevator
Callum understanding that the continuous dunking is a karmic punishment that's reached mythic status at this point
"I've yet to not have a good time with Scar!" -Callum
Everyone asking for another speech from Jojo before MD
The team winning the first round of MD!!! Masterfully played!
"I want a count of how many times I hotguy-ed somebody." -Scar
The dynamic between Jojo and the others being solidified through Callum complimenting her, Jojo saying she was nervous, and everyone reassuring her that it was not apparent at all
"I am not looking at the incoming destruction." -Jojo
Scar adding insult to injury by slandering the "fake socket duo" after Green wiped Pink
Scar getting frozen above lava, and saying "I'm going into to hot tub soon if anyone wants to join me."
Them once again winning, ending MD in first place with a 300 coin difference?? Absolute foreshadowing.
3/4 of them getting into the top 5 MD players, with Scar incredibly close behind
"You guys popped off, you guys are my heroes." -Jojo
Scar being notified that he was in the top 10, and immediately asking if they see Jellie? (They do!)
"They say S-Tier for Scar-Tier." -Scar
Callum tiredly explaining the weird dunk meme to the others
Everyone picking up saying "hawkeye!" when shooting during GR
The roller coaster of emotions that was the room breakdown of coins, and the agony of how they spent four and a half minutes in the tower room
Callum somehow moving up a place after that???
Scar doing the echoey Green Geckoes voice as a running bit after every game
Everyone making cat noises for a solid minute in imitation of their own pets
Callum and Joel engaging in a brief battle of wills with Jimmy before getting dunked
Joel explaining why he's spamming &lt;YOU ARE A TOY> to Tim in the chat, and Callum congratulating him on the great joke
Scar ONCE AGAIN killing Jack Manifold, this time in SG, and saying "Jack's been Scarified!" I don't know how Jack could ever come back from that.
"We should go for them. Wilbur has no pants." -Jojo over Scar's giggling
"Good for Wilbur." -Callum
Jojo getting in the top 5 players for SG! QUEEN!
"Jojo...I have something to admit. They weren't throwing potions at us. I was. I was like, the arm on those guys over there! But I was adjusting, it was a whole thing." -Scar, confessing with great shame
"The slushy fairy has been activated." -Scar during the break
Scar giving Tubbo an extra "because slushy gang", Scott an extra slushy, Pearl "because she's Pearl", and then just showering Grian with all the slushies in his inventory
Joel explaining he stopped using face cam "because my concentration is horrible"? Scar being the voice of the people and saying that he needs to show his face cam now.
Scar watching someone fall during AR and delightedly declare "we love to see the failure!"
"I was so excited and swinging my hand around that my watch asked if I was okay and whether it should call me emergency contacts." -Scar, after getting 25th
AR bringing them SKY HIGH and giving them a coin gap of 2k above second
Callum observing Pete's arc from 38th to 19th like the stats nerd he is
"Jojo, win all three rounds please." -Joel before HITW
Scar, watching Jojo and Callum play: "Look at our stormtroopers go, I'm so proud of them."
"For our princesses!" -Callum
Everyone yelling "ENERGY!" before TGTTOS in order to pump up the group
Callum beginning to sing Everything Is Awesome and Joel immediately shutting him down
"Can you hear that? It's the cries of Hbomb in the distance." -Scar after PKT was chosen
Callum seeing Purpled is hunting and gagging
"Purpled? More like Shmurpled." -Callum
"Wiggle those gecko-y legs!" -Scar
Scar accidentally calling Ponk "Pork" and everyone laughing their heads off
"Foolish just destroyed me. Foolish ruined my life." -Callum, shell shocked
Joel and Callum's unwavering faith in Jojo getting 1st individual, and the celebration when she does!
"This is more important than dodgebolt right now!" -Callum
Scar asking for DB advice and Joel telling him to "be random lol, rawr xd"
Oli's advice being "don't get hit, idiot"
Jojo continuously calling Sylvee her hero
Callum for some reason referencing the witch from hit Disney movie Brave???
Callum suggesting he do a recording of him saying "good job" that he can send to Jojo whenever it's needed
Scar calling Jojo "the true hawkeye"
Scar's watch once again asking if he fell off his chair during the victory celebrations
Jellie being immortalized as a pettable cat in the winner's hall
Scar and Joel calling themselves the Top Gun Duo
Green Geckoes finished MCC 25 in 1st place!
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ghirganatik · 1 month
marsposting #5
reminiscing my time as an early jjba fan + thought dump as a narancia fan woop
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yk what, sometimes I wish i was a jojo fan during the peak of GW. Like looking at the old memes and trends, as outdated or old as they are now, it must have been really fun to be part of the jjba fandom when part 5 was relevant. I was around for part 6's runtime but I didn't really feel the hype, netflix screwed it over, ik.
I was what? 13? when GW peaked, I saw content and posters of it but I idgaffed bc I was too busy danganronpering. Like cmon, one of my ex-friends spammed me with instagram posts of this narancia plush from this acc called "naranciadaily" and I never really thought much of it, just thinking 'oh, it looks cute!' like GIRL HAD NO IDEA THAT CHARACTER WAS GONNA RUIN HER LIFE IN THREE YEARS./hj
okay saving the narancia talk later, I just, yknow? Kinda wish I was around for the part 5 hype. I've arrived to the JJBA fandom during the airing of late part 5's dub, but that was it. I remember still laughing at kono dio da, and loving the stereotypical "mama bruno and the gang' memes from r/shitpostcrusaders and all.
I was hyperfixated on Giorno and Bruno, on Giorno's birthday in 2020, 13 year old me hung purple and orange (foreshadowing.) streamers made of japanese paper because that was all we had in the house during the pandemic. My room had these streamers and I even microwaved those tiny ass microwavable pizzas to celebrate, then counting down to midnight with Giorno's theme, good times.
Then I'd spend my quarantine days watching Part 5 on my (now defunct) TV in my room, filming my reactions and sending them to online friends. Aside from the anime, I binged on those leitmotif videos and those japanese MAD edits.
No matter how much friendship drama I've caught on, JJBA was always my landing net for some reason. Though at that time I always thought to myself I'd eventually move on after a year or two.
Then on May 2021, Narancia Ghirga happened.
Funny thing, during 2020, I had a period where I disliked Narancia due to his association with someone I had drama with. So sometime during early May 2021, I suddenly found myself hyperfixating on Narancia? Why? That mf was relatable.
But hey, my longest character fixation (Bakugo) lasted a year. So surely Narancia would wear out by 10 months minimum, right? Oh, I was SO wrong.
I'll spare the rest of a details to another post ( unless you want 3 years worth of lore/j ) but it has gotten to the point my literal prom dress was directly inspired by Narancia, I'm known to always play Aerosmith songs in the drums, my teachers in school identify me by my favorite color etc.
Like take Nymphia Wind, but make her orange.
Do I kin Narancia now? Not really, long story to unpack, but I think I've stopped relating to him for all the good reasons. But am I still heavily fixated on him? Yeah. Am I happy? Yup.
the human mind is interesting
So in conclusion uhhh
I miss being an early jojo fan
I wish I was around during part 5's peak
hyperfixation takes you places
not mentioned but do not buy a narancia super action statue on ebay, shit's overpriced LMFAOOO
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beasts-of-jadewood · 10 months
Goodbye Volcano High is just a week away! Yippee! To celebrate this occasion I will release GVH protagonist first-date ratings part 2, in which I rate how well my first dates with GVH characters will go based on what I know about them from fandom memes and promo materials. Part 1 can be found here. Contains spoilers for JoJo's Bizarre Adventure part 6, and now featuring alt text.
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I think Naomi would be the type of person who would provide me with a full list of philosophical personal questions on our first date in order to acertain a comprehensive first impression of me that accurately represents who I am. For example, she may ask me what I would do with an elephant in my possession if I could not sell or give away the elephant, which was apparently a real job interview question someone had. While I would undoubtedly appreciate her hard work, I will not guarantee that I won't accidentally give out a response so profoundly disturbing and strange at some point during the process and possibly make her cry (for example, answering that I wish to recreate Thomas Edison's elephant electrocution procedure just to prove that I can do it better), leading to an overall 5/10 experience.
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Much like the Trish date, I suspect that my date with Rosa will take place at an arboretum due to her interests. Because of this, I will likely be reminded of the fact that I once went to an arboretum in China during my childhood, to cheer me up after I completely failed at an extracurricular English speaking competition due to stage fright and the fact that I forgot to study the prompts they gave out before hand. I will then give an extended speech to Rosa about how my years of hard work studying English didn't matter in that moment because I fucked up one high-stakes competition and everyone thought I was a dumbass. If Rosa is able to relate to this as a potentially bilingual character herself, then my date will be a 9/10 experience. Otherwise, it's likely a 4/10 if she got weirded out instead.
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Stella's interest in the occult is a major jumping point for my first date conversation with her, as I will use her knowledge of Tarot cards to discuss archetypes in the classic Hero's Journey and possibly analyze how each card's meaning corresponds to their respective Stand user in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. If Stella does not like JoJo's Bizarre Adventure then I will reveal the fact that I do not either and then go into an existential rant on why Part 6's ending retroactively made all the other parts pointless by undermining the agencies of previous protagonists with the idea of Fate being an unstoppable force that pre-determines all actions. Overall, this will be an invigorating discussion if nothing else. 7/10.
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I don't know why but attempts at adding Sage's image to this post consistently results in an image of Rosa being added instead. Sage himself does show up on the final post after saving, but during the editing process itself his image keeps being replaced by Rosa. My conclusion from this is that Sage does not want to go on a date with me and may in fact prefer to date his original love interest Leo instead. I respect his loyalty to his lover even after he has been completely cut from the final game and thus functionally erased from existence. Sage is a good boy and I love him platonically. 10/10.
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7grandmel · 9 months
Todays rip: 13/09/2023
Hen'yoku no Piraman
Season 7 Featured on: SiIvaGunner's Highest Quality Rips: Volume Sapphire
Ripped by Madinstance
(Thank you to Madinstance for providing the tentative album release name for this post ahead of the album release!)
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is, I'm sure, not something you need to be introduced to. Its a series revered for many things, and amidst all of that reverence is the music featured in its various anime adaptations - notably, its opening themes. For most of the channel's life, SiIva has loved to celebrate JoJo much like any other franchise, with rips such as the Great Days Fusion Collab, The Pillar Men Theme, and indeed a rip I've covered on the blog before - Crazy Noisy Beautiful Girls.
Back in Season 1, though, the team had a sort of playful aversion toward the series. JoJo memes were at an all-time high in 2016, and a good number of commenters would fervently ask the team to make more JoJo rips: SiIva would respond in typical SiIva fashion, by making a bevvy of JoJo rips which were all some of the most off-key, intentionally-bad rips the channel had yet seen at that point. Part of why I'm retelling this story now when I'm discussing a Season 7 rip is due to the JoJo song said rip uses - BLOODY STREAM to me has been sort of the posterchild for these intentionally-terrible rips from Season 1. And hell, even as the series has gotten more quality rips in later Seasons, that aforementioned playful aversion never really left it - rips like GREAT DABS - Jake Paul's Bizarre Adventure: Christmas is Lit continued to be made, pairing JoJo music with intentionally-controversial joke sources to keep making fools out of JoJo fans with higher expectations.
What I love about Hen'yoku no Piraman, then, is that it sort of feels like the final push to break JoJo on SiIva away from this ironic enjoyment. Its a rip part of a more recent, insanely high-effort series of rips wherin the subject of the rip is arranged into the boss theme of Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII - One Winged Angel. Avid readers may recall I covered a rip in this series way back when the blog first started with One Winged PSYcho - V​.​S. Sepsyrop, yet I feel like I did sort of a poor job conveying just how much of a damn undertaking these rips are - the fact that there are multiple of them is insane in its own right given just how extensive and iconic of a sound One Winged Angel has. Its not just a song with multiple phases, multiple layers of iconic escalation - but with full-on latin lyrics, which feel near essential to include *somewhere* in an arrangement to truly get an authentic feel. Yet Hen'yoku no Piraman (Japanese for "One Winged Pillarman") pulls it off with what I can only describe as maddening elegance - the latin singing is sentence mixed perfectly in the first segment of the song, BLOODY STREAM's original upbeat jazziness is perfectly preserved, but One Winged Angel's threatening tone still somehow manages to seep in through the cracks, its able to be both upbeat and imposing at once in what I can only describe as pure witchcraft.
The rip just keeps impressing me the more I listen to it, man. With each new One Winged Angel rip I always think, "surely this is the best it'll get!" only to be blown away by the next, each one finding so many ingenius ways to blend music iconic to SiIvaGunner with this legendary boss theme. Its begun to feel almost like a rite of passage for truly beloved memes - to see if anyone on the team loves a joke source enough to dedicate their time to such a herculean task. And it seems like people like Madinstance will continue to step up to the plate for such challenges.
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z-paladin · 8 months
Jojo Digimon au... color me curious. ( @izunias-meme-hole)
Okay some thoughts I have
Of course, the scifi gaming headset thingy needed to get all up in the virtual space like in Cyber Sleuth is S. T. A. N. D
The avatars used are based on the stands or theoretical stands of the guys.
But what I'm rotating in my brain right now is the Beginner Attachment Objective Host... baoh
One of the earliest beta testers before the avatar system is implemented is the son of one of the programmers - Ikuro. There's a massive power outage while he's in and they can't get him out. This is later called THE DOOR INCIDENT and Ikuros body is still on life support
Kid is just stuck in there for years and the time difference messes with his memory a bit. All the digimon call him baohmon. Guess that must be his name, right? Yeah- Baohmon. Yeah...
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The Polycule Begins (26 January 2024)
Notes this session were taken by Mick
We start this session with talk about Jensen Ackles and morally grey characters with daddy issues
And lots of talk about Percy Jackson
We got severely distracted and are starting the session nearly an hour later than intended
We are heading on a quest
We are levelling up out characters and I forgot my class.... we also all forgot how to level up
IRL ASMR done by Lara using micks water bottle
"Alex is in Spain without the S" "Nah, Alex is in Spain without the A" Alex proceeds to stand up and spin
We have yet to officially start
We went full circle back to one of our first conversations where we discussed the plausibility of using a gnome as a butt plug/dildo to shoving a gnome up your ass and letting the magic go wild
We have yet to actually do shit
Georgie didn't realise that they can stack the lollies to make different flavours
Raven knocked on Westers door like he was Sheldon
"Barthen body works"
Juniper and Iphigenia go to the bakery. Juniper meets Greg (short for Gregor)
We get more cheese
Juniper successfully gaslight Iphigenia's dad-"Where are you from" "uhhh, your mum"
Greg is officially a himbo
The fantasy version of Game Of Thrones is called Fourplay (a series of plays created by a friend). Alex thought it was a sexual thing.
I screamed after accidentally calling Zain Zak. It was a decent scream
The montage of us travelling is to either On My Way (from Brother Bear but by Mick and Alex's choir) or the Indiana Jones theme song
We are travelling 25 miles per day
"Four hours of your mom"
Georgie and I keep comparing Norwegian and Danish as we are both learning them
there are 18 sets of dice on the table rn. I don't have a dice addiction, I swear.
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both watches are fine on our first night of camp
"what is the first thing you guys want to do at camp?" "Die."
"Laylon" "Laylon on these nuts!"
Alex is done with us
Shenanigans ensue. Alex is still done with us "Stop jacking off your armlet please" - Zain is talking about my Pandora bracelet because when i shake my wrist it jangles (also seems he forgot the word for bracelet)
Juniper now canonically wears jangly bracelets
Zain and I just rolled two sexy 20s.
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Juniper was trying to push Raven off the cart because he called her a Centaur
Juniper got clotheslined
Riverlea and Iphigenia see it in slo-mo
Alex drew Raven clotheslining Juniper
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Juniper is now the shooting star meme
Georgie cracked out the soundboard
Juniper climbing onto the cart to push Raven off Raven: Call an ambulance, but not for me
Juniper sees nothing on her watch
Alex was glad he didn't pay attention when I explained what the blood eagle was
Iphigenia is about to be attacked by bees
They are not bees. They are alarmingly large wasps
Georgie is trying to rick roll Alex
free bird.mp4
we drew a map
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Guardian battle.mp4 (Legend of Zelda BOTW)
in halo voice headshot
headshot x2
old mitre 10 ad is referenced
Juniper just used a level 2 spell slot to use burning hands on the wasp
Georgie rolled a slutty 20 to bonk the wasp with a mace
Riverlea caved the wasps skull in
Juniper and Raven play soccer with a wasps corpse
We get stuck in Auckland traffic
We smuggle weapons into Neverwinter
We go to the vinenratt (vine and rat)
There's only one bed. The polycule begins
Juniper, Iphigenia, and Riverlea are all cuddling on the bed, Dewdrop and Alistair's ghosts are going to try and shove Raven onto the bed
It took Divine intervention to get Raven on the bed
Raven is officially in the snuggle pile
Insert jojos tbc meme
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notsomajestic · 1 year
Your top 5 favorite fanfics!
I chose my favourites from five different fandoms! I really should start bookmarking more; I had to go back through the ship tags for some of these…
Fics and their summaries under the cut~
hearts and bones (28237 words) by honey_wheeler Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, Game of Thrones (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Major Character Death, Underage Relationships: Renly Baratheon/Loras Tyrell Characters: Renly Baratheon, Loras Tyrell, Robert Baratheon, Margaery Tyrell Additional Tags: Canon Compliant, Falling In Love Summary:
Loras is gliding the razor carefully over his chin now. Renly hates this part; Loras is too close for too long, concentrating on his task with a focus that makes it too easy to stare at him. And Renly has done far too much staring. He could probably provide a tally of Loras’s eyelashes by now (a staggering lot), or identify which side of his lower lip Loras bites when he’s concentrating (the left), or number the tawny flecks in his eyes (eight in one eye, five in the other). He could probably even find the freckle just under Loras’s eyebrow in the dark. With his tongue. Gods.
RIBBONS (104397 words) by LNRlavish Chapters: 20/20 Fandom: ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 | JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken | JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Leone Abbacchio/Bruno Buccellati Characters: Leone Abbacchio, Bruno Buccellati, Guido Mista, Narancia Ghirga, Pannacotta Fugo Additional Tags: Slow Build, Slow Burn, Getting to Know Each Other, Self-Esteem Issues, References to Depression, Pre-Canon, Mystery, Gangsters, Original Character(s), Minor Original Character(s), Internalized Homophobia, Closeted Character, Internal Monologue, Internal Conflict, Canon-Typical Violence, Eventual Romance, Eventual Fluff, Eventual Smut, Light Angst, Gritty, Playing Fast and Loose with Stands, Abbacchio Feels, Fashion!, Unreliable Narrator, Bruno Whump, Abbacchio Has Anxiety, And possibly PTSD, Drug Abuse, Awkward Tension, Torture, Dance Dance Revolution - Freeform, Explicit Sexual Content, Low-key turned High-key Praise Kink Summary:
Bruno Buccellati seems to enjoy picking up strays from the gutter. He shouldn’t have bothered with Abbacchio. The Ribbons, Napoli underbelly thugs, drag them down together, and tie them closer than he ever thought possible.
The Revenant (4268 words) by Lycaste Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Transformers - All Media Types, The Transformers (IDW Generation One) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Rape/Non-Con Relationships: Megatron/Starscream Characters: Megatron, Starscream Additional Tags: Explicit Sexual Content, Oral Sex, Sticky Sex, Dysfunctional Relationships, Rape/Non-con Elements, Reclaiming, Dominance, complicated relationships on barren asteroids, Kink Meme, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot Summary:
Megatron clearly needed a different tactic this time. He'd already subjugated Starscream physically, to do so again would send him further down the spiral of resentment and despair. To turn Starscream's universe into a pleasure-drenched haze of capitulation, Megatron just needed to employ some patience. After all, there was more than one way to possess another mech.
Bon(d)ing sessions (15442 words) by Papy_1412 Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Reiner Braun/Eren Yeager Characters: Reiner Braun, Eren Yeager Additional Tags: Canon Compliant, Explicit Sexual Content, Dubious Consent, Marathon Sex, Switching, Masturbation, Mutual Masturbation, Wet & Messy, Bondage, Nipple Play, Coming Untouched, Multiple Orgasms, Come Eating, Dom/sub, Humiliation, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, First Time Blow Jobs, Snowballing, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Unhealthy Relationships, Mental Health Issues, Suicidal Thoughts, Just typical Reiner stuff, Ambiguous/Open Ending, Bottom Reiner Braun, Character Study, Internalized Homophobia Summary:
“Hey Eren, I get it, I have a fat dick — but stop staring like that. It’s embarrassing.” “S-Sorry,” he slurred. “It’s just…” The gulp that resonated between them gave him a chill. He suddenly wasn’t so sure he wanted to hear his reasons. “The first time, you told me I should think about things that made me hard. And it’s right in front of me now.”
hide your head in the sand (19502 words) by ichinoseharu Chapters: 3/3 Fandom: Free! Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Matsuoka Rin/Yamazaki Sousuke Characters: Yamazaki Sousuke, Matsuoka Rin Summary:
He smiles easily at Sousuke as he draws closer and then reaches out to nudge him in the shoulder with a fist. When Rin looks up through the curtain of his windblown fringe though, Sousuke’s eyes are dark and unfathomable. He's looking right at Rin, and Rin can’t properly put words to it, but he feels a little like an errant fly caught in a spider’s web. It's unsettling.
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HELP i forgot i had in my drafts the dreadful stream of consciousness that's behind the cut - slightly out of date supplementary material for this meme days WEEKS ago tagged by @brofisting and @phneltwrites. re. the question 'what are you watching'. MDL list expounded on after the jump
Boys Over Flowers - the Korean version from 2009 - I started watching this ages ago on netflix and have been stalled about halfway through for MONTHS. It's good for learning about wild problematic old shojo tropes - some of which resurface in bl drama obv, it IS interesting to make the comparison. And I wanted to see another version of this story other than F4 Thailand (which i really liked). Unfortunately BOF 2009 eps are long and big chunks of them are....... . bad....... or just very slow ... SAVE me from the interminable episode(s) where they all go on holiday to the maldives . and the one where they race horses. (it's not just that it's 'old' bc Coffee Prince is pristine perfection and that was made in 2007!)
Fish Upon The Sky - so THIS i have now actually finished. I know this series is fairly divisive - I know a lot of people REALLY did not enjoy it - in particular seems like didn't like the characters. personally i - mostly - Really enjoyed this*... people will say 'pi is annoying!' and to this i say YES and that's why i love him. I Love the totally deranged turned-up-to-eleven romcom plotting i love that he somehow managed to kiss the WRONG BOY in the club.... I love that he's SO determined to pursue the boy he (THINKS HE!) likes - I love the moment when you THINK he's finally going to be honest w himself only to DOUBLE DOWN! on his mission. I love the pseudo-date with mork where he gets drunk and checks his TEETH. he's a classic stubborn misguided romcom lead and i Enjoy that phuwin makes this characterisation quite extreme, there's a kind of reservoir of anguish behind it all that sharpens up the whole series. and pond is clearly Not the most experienced actor but also genuinely great at looking totally whipped.
crash landing on you - I am something like five or six or seven eps into this and going slowly bc I'm watching with someone else. what can i say. it is Thee het kdrama of recent years! it's fantastic
Devil Judge - I began this AGES ago but again I am stalled a few eps in. I started it bc people kept mentioning it in the same breath as Beyond Evil and it was obviously u know . Homoerotic. Tick!! Unfortunately for me it suffers by comparison to BE, it currently just seems ... sillier ...... The homoerotic stuff is much more textual which should be a plus but I am simply not enjoying the Flavour as much.
Enchante - i am Giving ForceBook A Chance bc 1. they're going to be in Only Friends, 2. I Dooo like the look of their next series, the office one. I am 7 eps in and it still feels very VERY slight - I kind of don't really GET it. is there really much to get. But FB doooo have nice chemistry. Fond and easy! For some reason I keep thinking of old hollywood when I try to pin them down mentally. like. Fred and Ginger in this scene. this is forcebook in enchante. TO ME
my school president - I am behind on this (boo). it IS very sweet, I think I am not QUITE as into it as some people on bl tumblr (blblr??) - I can definitely get put off things if they get too nice and too sweet and the first few eps kind of .. felt like that might happen. but ep 6 was an absolute banger, v strong episode, v well structured. Also I often struggle with side pairings but I think the side pair here are really well done.
the warp effect - WACKY WHOLESOME FUN. what if thirteen going on thirty was eighteen going on twenty-eight and also was a boy and also was kind of like netflix's sex education. jojo killing it. Silvy killing it! Fluke Pusit killing it! I have no particular attachment to New as an actor and i guess i ... am less interested in him actually solving the mystery than I am in Every other character & storyline in this series. inc. the most whimsical depiction of puppy play u will probably ever see. And casual nbd trans inclusion of a kind Thailand can do really well.
never let me go - it took me the first couple of eps to fully warm up to this and I think ep 1 is possibly better on a second viewing - the ambiguity to palm and nueng's interactions is maybe better served by knowing the end-of-ep reveal that palm has already been assigned to look after nueng. and I Really enjoy the fleshing-out of the class division between them, the breakfast scene, palm's dad saying that PALM has to enforce the division between them. (If I think about Cutie Pie and Kinnporsche, which both dealt with Rich People - they just didn't focus much on the class stuff. Or handwaved it. And porsche was fully merlin'ing every job anyway. Anyway I appreciate what NLMG is doing w this) the awful situation at school - nueng getting bullied BECAUSE he's rich - feels very plausible. the business side of things feels sketched in enough for me to believe it. The romance side of things - I LIKE that it has built up so carefully. it has not been... crazy stuff from the start it's been all significant staring and not knowing how to behave around each other. Fear and nervousness and ambiguity and not Saying anything. it's like a helenish fanfiction. The wholllleeeee show feels so fraught so foreboding - everyone so trapped - heart in my MOUTH whenever I watch it. Ofc I fear for them!! But also I have a level of trust that whatever happens will be well done. OH yeah also perth and chimon REALLY good in their support roles. perth especially doing an incredible performance of 'boy who's about to throw up out of jealousy'
MIDNIGHT MOTEL. offjan supremacy ... pragmatic approach to sex work... neolouis!!! .... For plot function reasons I can see why the thing they make has to be an app but they appear to be using iphones & I do think that apple would not approve an app to go on the appstore that was for buying sex from sex workers. THAT aside. it's fiction whatever. . I feel like it would have made a really neat little movie if it was a bit more sharply written and was condensed down a bit. it's fun it's fine I enjoy it
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v0mitgh0st · 9 months
Since I’ve gotten back to playing Final Fantasy XIV again finally, and while now also being obsessed with my Jojo F/O’s I have decided to come up with something fun ! I wanted to share my thoughts on my Jojo F/O’s and what class they would be in FFXIV !
This is mostly based off of aesthetic, personality and just overall what I think would fit best with them ! And also a bit of comedy thrown in because I enjoy making things lighthearted :D
Jojo F/O’s and their Classes/Jobs in FFXIV Part I: Tanks
✁Rudol Von Stroheim: Warrior
Stroheim just radiates Warrior energy, he only has one goal and that is to spam Fell Cleave. Big chaotic energy that the healers simply must keep up with. Hydaelyn forbid he starts sprinting because the healers have to pray that they can keep up with him in time. He pulls wall to wall with enemies in higher level dungeons, he actually does use his cooldowns, uses just about every healing factor that Warrior has that miraculously keeps him and the party alive in tight situations and he knows just about every layout of each dungeon/raid. Who needs a mini map ? Stroheim sure doesn’t. He really is that type of tank to look reckless but actually knows what he’s doing lol. On top of that he texts in the chat in all caps. By accident or intentionally is up to interpretation by the rest of his party lol. His glamours are always the actual tank amour as he only uses other clothing glamours for other classes. He also makes sure he has the biggest axe because bigger is better ! (So he says) He claims that Warrior is the best tank in the world. He also gets player commendations for his entertaining personality and great tank performance !
✁Jonathan Joestar: Paladin
Jonathan 100% mains Paladin. He chose it for the dedication and loyalty to the light and the passion to protect others. He’s the type of tank to always ask the healers what they’re comfortable with in terms of pulling enemies and always communicates with the party. And in trials he asks the other rank if they want to main of be an off tank and he’s totally fine with any position. A gentleman through and through ! He uses his cooldowns effectively and behaves like a proper textbook tank. He uses Clemency as a way to make the healers job a little easier and he always uses Passage of Arms during a huge boss AOE (if the trial/raid is the appropriate level) He also uses emotes when typing in the chat because he’s very friendly like that. Usually gets a player commendation for being a great guy and an amazing tank ! He’s also the type of mentor to actually give out helpful advice to new sprouts :D
✁Josuke Higashikata (DIU): Gunbreaker
Josuke exhibits the confidence and charisma of a Gunbreaker. As soon as he knew the job was available in Shadowbringers it became his main ever since lol. Good news is that he actually took the time to learn it ! He understands that Gunbreaker’s defense isn’t as strong as the other tanks so he uses his cool downs efficiently and will pull normal amounts of enemies in dungeons unless the healer gives him permission to pull more. Better safe than sorry ! He also always makes sure his gear looks great all the time and usually colors his gear purple or blue. He’s also the type to have a really memey macro for Superbolide and sometimes uses it just to give the healer(s) a heart attack lmao. He’s often pretty chill when typing in the chat and explains mechanics to new players with the same aura as a meme lord lol. He also does well to communicate with the party overall and gets player commendations here and there for his fun personality and awesome tank performance ! :D
✁Dio Brando (PB): Dark Knight
Dio meets most of the criteria for a Dark Knight. The cool edgy armor, the overwhelming power of darkness, the hefty sword and the troubled soul who wields it. I’m sure when he discovered this tank in Heavensward, the nature of it piqued his interest quite a bit. He’s a pretty good tank overall, a bit overbearing but nothing the rest of the party can’t handle lol. He’s also the type to infamously type “healers adjust” if anything goes wrong because was it his fault ? No, of course not. Not everyone was following his lead therefore they fell behind. (Or so he tells himself lol) Also the way he types is very vague so no one is really sure if he’s either being rude or just too stubborn to actually type longer sentences lmao. He’s also the type to stand idle and admire his current gear as he waits for queues cause why do other things in the meantime when you can admire your own gear and weapon that you spent hours grinding for ? He also gets a handful of player commendations simply for being a good tank :3
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This is how I'm gonna contribute to this year's ECtober. I'm doing the Seven Deadly Sins again, but instead on focusing on the worst aspects of the Sinners like last year, I'm focusing on Secondary Sinners, basically Demon contractors who are not as fully recognized as the main 7 such as Banica or Riliane, but are still just as infamous in their own unique way such as Ney or Prim. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In this case above we have Kyle Marlon, the King of Marlon and the son of Queen Dowager Prim Marlon.
Even though the Green Hunting was sparked because he was accidentally possessed by Lust, it was being possessed by Pride that did most of the heavy lifting in terms of screwing over Elphegort and annexing Lucifenia and later Beelzenia. If it hadn't been stopped, then all of Evillious(and possibly Akuna) would've been annexed and become one big Imperialistic Marlon Empire, all for him and his cruel mother to rule with an iron fist. And of course, thanks to Ney's lies and the Demon influencing his Hubris, he began a witch hunt to track and put down people who are supposedly responsible for Michaela's death and/or are against Marlon's government, even going as far as to eradicate the Lucifenian Resistance. Eventually things began to escalate further when he unwittingly turned into his Demon form, eventually however he snapped out of it thanks to Michaela's singing voice, and the Demon was removed. Reading all of this, while all the things he had did was inexcusable, he seemed more like a victim to his mother's conquests than an actual villain, if not just a tragic villain, not to mention he's one of the few Sinners to actually want to redeem themselves of all the crimes they committed. Also he's doing that weird thing where he's caressing the mirror, not kissing it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I meant to get this done last night, but unfortunately my own body picked the worst time to make me tired and sore, that and I got distracted by Jojo memes and I had to attend Art Program for two days, either way the day just got away from me because of these inconveniences. That being said I was originally gonna use the Blue King as Lust, but thanks to @seths-wife ‘s suggestion of using Yuzette for Lust, I made him Pride instead and it's honestly the best idea to date, she was right to do that, plus I didn't think that Miroku Rin would be a good candidate for Pride considering what happened in the Envy novel.
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