moonstruckme · 4 months
happy new year lovie!!!! i feel bad for requesting this bc just thinking ab the volume of ur inbox is a little overwhelming and ive gone a bit overboard 😭
but..... bodyguard!james finds out his mum is quite sick right before his shift one day and leaves to take care of her after letting reader know. he has to take the week off and reader is visiting and bringing them their favorite homecooked meals everyday (which she has memorised bc, bless him, james loves to talk abt his mum) and james is LOVEEESTRUCK. she's there, bright and early every morning (with a different bodyguard bc god forbid she leaves the house with no protection right in front of james' own two eyes!!!) with muffins and flowers and bags of food in hand :( james is enamored and so sweet on her!!!!! and reader is obsessing over how vulnerable and emotionally in tune james is at a time like this!!!!! i'm thinking maybe confessions are getting pretty hard to hold back by the end of the week ☹️🩷
thank you! (if you do decide to write this or if you dont for letting me ramble on in your asks x)
Don't feel bad my love! Thank you for requesting :)
cw: sick family member
bodyguard!James x fem!reader ♡ 1.3k words
No matter how many times James has visited home throughout his adult life, he always manages to discover something he’s forgotten about living there. Like how particular his mum is about the way the dish towel is folded, or which drawer the scissors are kept in, or the ungodly amount of door-to-door salesmen that come by on a daily basis. 
Lately, he’s being plagued by the last. He recalls them being vaguely annoying when he was younger, but James’ family is currently going through a difficult time that leaves one with somewhat frayed nerves. He very nearly snapped at a particularly tenacious primary school student selling chocolate yesterday. Not one of his finer moments. 
So when the doorbell rings while his mum is trying to sleep down the hall, James has to make an effort to reel his wrath back in before he’s even answered it. 
Funnily enough, any negative emotion completely evaporates when he sees you on the front steps. 
“Hi,” you say, looking apprehensive. 
“Hi,” James echoes. He opens the door the rest of the way, nodding to the fill-in guard you’ve brought with you. “Hey, Singh.”
Singh nods in return. 
“I hope it’s alright that I just came by.” You give him a sheepish sort of smile. “I didn’t even realize I don’t have your phone number until now. You’re always just…there.” 
James laughs, the mood that’s descended over him since getting the call about his mum lifting slightly. “Yeah, I suppose I am. What brings you out, sweetheart?” 
You hoist the bags you’re carrying a bit higher in your arms. “I brought some stuff for you and your mom, if that’s okay.” 
A tiny hand fists around his heart, squeezing pleasantly. “Course it is,” he all but coos. “Come on in. Singh, you alright to stay here and keep watch?” 
Luckily, the other man doesn’t think to remember that James is currently on leave, and so defers to him with a curt nod. James shoots him a smile as you come inside, closing the door behind you. 
“They put Singh on day shift?” he asks, taking one of the bags from you and leading you into the kitchen. “He’s barely finished training.” 
“He seems fine,” you say in your good-natured way. 
“He took you to a location that’s never been reconned without even bringing another guard to post outside.” 
“It’s your mom’s house, Jamie.” The smile is evident in your voice, sweeter even than the smell wafting out of these bags. God, he’s missed you. “I doubt he suspects either of you are going to try and hurt me.” 
“He should be prepared for the possibility,” James says, but he can’t manage to work any menace into his tone even to tease you. You tilt your head at him, mouth curving up to one side like you’re well acquainted with his particular brand of silliness, and he lets his grievances go instantly. “You didn’t have to bring us anything, angel face.” 
You flush a bit at the endearment, directing a soft smile down at his family’s old wooden table (which is great, because now James is in the position of being jealous of a table). “I wanted to do something,” you reply simply. “How’s your mom?” 
“She’s alright.” Not great. Not worse, which is always good. If the only thing he accomplishes in a day is that she doesn’t get worse, James can feel good about that. “She’s sleeping in this morning.” 
“Oh, shit.” Your voice drops to a hush like the breeze blowing through leaves. “I haven’t woken her, have I?” 
James grins. “No, you’re good. She can sleep through anything.” 
You lose a breath. “Right, well I brought some meals to last you a few days,” you say, digging some containers out of the bag. “It can all be heated up whenever you’re ready to eat, and—oh, also some flowers. I know it’s stupid, but I thought they might brighten things up for you two.” James doesn’t think it’s stupid at all, but you go on before he can tell you so. “Can I put these in your freezer? I brought some muffins for this morning too, if you want them.” 
“Yeah,” James says, the word leaving him on a breath. “I mean, yeah to both. Thank you.” He grabs several of the containers as well, showing you to the freezer. You both start cramming them in between things, wherever they’ll fit. He takes note of the food as it goes in, a heady warmth growing in his chest. “Did you make all of this?” 
You hum in brisk affirmation. “I had plenty of time on my hands yesterday. Turns out things are pretty boring without you around.” 
“How’d you know what to make? This is all—these are our favorites.” 
You turn to him, a tenderhearted sort of smile curving your lips. “You talk about your mom a lot, Jamie,” you say. “I know all her favorites by now. And the things she’d make that were your favorites, too.” 
James hadn’t realized he’d spent so much time rambling about his mum. It hurts his chest a bit to think of it now, worse to think that you’d been listening so intently. 
“This is only really enough to get you through a few days,” you go on, oblivious to his yearning, “but I figured I’d come back with more if you’re both alright with it.” You look at him as you pack the last of the food away, your gaze careful. “I don’t want to intrude or anything.” 
“You could never intrude.” James isn’t sure how he gets the words out, his heart ballooning until it’s nearly cutting off his airflow. The cool air breezing onto one side of his face stops, and he realizes you’ve shut the freezer. “This is just…so, so kind of you. I don’t know what to say.” 
“James.” Your voice is soft. Your smile has faded, and now you look at him with an unabashed, steady kindness. “You don’t have to say anything. I can’t stand the thought of you and your mom going through this. I wanted to help, somehow.” One of your shoulders comes up in a sheepish half-shrug. “Even if it’s really small.” 
He wraps his arms around your shoulders, and you hesitate only a second before bringing your arms around him too. You squeeze him tight. James lets himself relish the feel of it, lovelorn. “It’s not small,” he says fervently. “It really…it means a lot, sweetheart.” 
You only squeeze tighter in response. When he lets you go, your gaze is sad. Worried. You ask without prelude, “Are you doing okay?” 
James gives you a half-smile. The truth of it. “Yeah, we’re alright over here. It’s hard to see her like this, but I think everything’s going to be okay.” You nod, solemn in your understanding. “Sounds like I might be doing better than you, actually, if your company’s bad enough that you’re entertaining yourself in the kitchen all day.” 
You crack a smile at that, and James’ heart lightens. “Yeah, Singh’s no you. He doesn’t seem to like to chat.” 
“Ahh, so that’s why you’ve really come out here, yeah? You just missed me.” 
“You’ve caught me.” 
It’s said like a joke, but James’ pride inflates foolishly nonetheless. “I hate that I can’t be there,” he says. “Especially now that I know they’ve put Singh on my shift.” 
“He’s not so bad,” you laugh, heading towards the table. You fold up the bags. “Anyway, it’s more important that you’re here. And I’ll be back in a couple days to restock you.” 
James fixes you with a look as you start for the door. “You really don’t have to.” 
“I’m going to,” you say breezily. “Don’t forget to put the flowers in water, and the muffins are strawberry chocolate chip.” He grins. His mum’s favorite. “I’ll tell Singh you were raving about him.” 
“Oh, please do.” He rolls his eyes, feeling lighter than he has in days. “Thanks, angel.” 
You shoot him a smile worthy of the moniker as you go out the door. “See you in a couple days, Jamie.”
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24hlevi · 6 months
AAAAAAAA URE TAKING REQUEST??? 🥹 one for eunhyeok pls, just a sweet fluff(or an nsfw if ure okay with that) i miss him sm, u can do anything with it i’ll take anything 🤲🏼
i literally am in love with eunhyuk so how about...fluffy smut 😍 thank you for requesting 🫶
— so beautiful
lee eunhyuk (sweet home) x gn!afab!reader
genre: smut
summary: eunhyuk comes home from a rough day at work, knowing he's been distant and not noticing your needs, and all he wants is you
warnings: language, nsfw, praise, soft sex, fingering, p in v, unprotected sex
minors do not interact
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the second eunhyuk walked through the door, you heard a long sigh from the walkway entrance. you knew eunyoo was gone doing something, whatever it is she did whenever she was out of the apartment, so thankfully you two had the place to yourself.
"jagiya," eunhyuk called out once he slid his shoes off his feet.
"in the bedroom!" you responded, putting down the book you were reading as you sat on the bed.
eunhyuk walked through the bedroom door and a small smile immediately lit up on his face upon seeing you on the bed. he took his flannel off and tossed it on the ground next to the bed before he crawled into the bed next to you, his arms quickly wrapping around you and putting his face in the crook of your neck.
a short chuckle came from your lips at his actions, one of your hands playing with his hair. "rough day at work?"
"mhm," he hummed, nodding his head slightly.
a comfortable silence filled the room and just when you thought eunhyuk was going to get up, he started to leave little kisses on your neck. they started out light and soft, but soon enough he was biting down on your skin, with your own teeth between your bottom lip as you struggled out words.
"what're you doing?"
eunhyuk pulled away from your neck, looking down at you and seeing the blush on your face made him smile a bit. "i thought maybe we could spend some time together, since eunyoo is gone and we have the place to ourselves," he answered, his hands holding your hips.
"are you sure? what if she comes back?" you questioned worriedly.
"you know when she's gone it's for hours, we'll be fine," eunhyuk replied, his hands starting to trail down to the hem of your shorts. "i know i've been distant lately, and i want to make it up to you."
his words were true, he had been being distant with things seemingly getting worse at his job, but you would never admit you were getting needy because of it. however, it was obvious by how your hips jerked upwards when hyuk's fingers grabbed your shorts and slowly started to pull them down.
eunhyuk noticed, obviously. he was coming home either so late or so early that he would immediately fall asleep as soon as he hit the bed, leaving you to attempt to make yourself feel good, but it wasn't the same. which is why he was so grateful when his boss said he could leave a little early, so he could spend time with you.
he pulled down both your shorts and underwear, then spreading your legs apart with his hands, seeing how wet you were. "all this for me? i've hardly done anything yet," he said almost teasingly.
you were unable to come up with a response, too embarrassed by how aroused you were just by him finally giving you the attention you needed, only to be interrupted by a moan leaving your lips when he started to circle your clit with his thumb.
his other fingers were dragging up and down your slit, collecting your slick on his digits, his eyes peering at you before he inserted a finger suddenly, making you let out a louder moan than the last. your hips bucked upward again, and eunhyuk used his free hand to hold you down, slowly starting to push his finger in and out of you.
"hyuk," you whined, your hands gripping the bedding beneath you.
"mm?" he hummed, looking at you with a teasing smile. he loved watching you unravel before him, he adored the way your face contorted in pleasure every time he made a movement, he could stay here for hours if he could. "you look so pretty like this," he said, pressing a kiss to your inner thigh before slipping in another finger and picking up his pace.
you writhed around under him, moans leaving your lips freely and without any care of others possibly hearing through the thin walls of the complex. his hand held you down from your hips bucking upwards, and your back arched when he curled his fingers inside of you. "fuck- don't stop, p-please- oh my god."
eunhyuk watched you with a small smirk on his face, his fingers thrusting in and out of you at a quick pace, and just when you were about to cum, he pulled his hand away. you let out a loud whine and opened your eyes to look at him, seeing him undo his belt and take off his jeans and boxers in one swift motion and immediately hovering over you again.
he moved some of your hair from your face, kissing your forehead before slowly slipping inside of you. he let out a low groan as he sheathed himself all the way inside, putting his face in your neck again, his warm breath hitting your skin. your arms wrapped around his neck as he started to thrust into you, little whimpers coming from you right into his ear.
"fuck," he sighed into your skin, his hands grabbing your waist in a tight grip. "it's like you were made to take my cock, baby." he began to pick up his pace, leaving crescent moon shapes in your skin from how tight he was holding you.
"hyuk," you moaned loudly, eyes squeezing shut and clawing at his back. you couldn't help the noises coming from you, it just felt too good for you to even think about being quiet.
"so good for me, just for me," eunhyuk mumbled, leaving kisses and bites on your neck. "i love you so much, baby. you're so beautiful taking my cock so well."
you writhed around under him, whining at his words feeling the knot in your stomach building up higher and higher towards release. "do-don't stop, please- fuck! hyuk please please." your nails scratched at his back.
he used his free hand to reach down and start rubbing your clit in quick circles, smiling into your neck at your moans getting louder. "so good, baby. you're doing so good, fuck."
one particular thrust of his hips had your eyes rolling back, your back arching up against him as you tried to speak. "c-close, fuck- hyuk please please."
"cum for me, baby," he told you before kissing you deeply.
moaning into his mouth, your legs shook and convulsed as you came around his cock, your nails digging into his skin. he pulled out of you and immediately laid down beside you.
"you okay?" he asked softly.
you nodded your head as a response, rolling onto your side and cuddling next to him while leaning your head on his chest. he grabbed the blanket and pulled it over the two of you, glancing down at you and kissing your head.
"i love you," he said quietly.
"i love you too," you replied in the same voice.
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6ix9inewiturmom · 2 months
Parents Basement - Chris Sturniolo
Summary: chris came to meet your parents but he got turned on in the middle of our pool match in your parents basement
Warnings: Smut, p in v, unprotected sex (don’t try at home!!) degradation, mouth covering (?), dom!chris, Sub!fem!reader, use of Y/N, slight choking (lemme know if i missed anything!
Chris and I have been dating for about 6 months now, i recently just told my mom and dad about him and she INSISTED on having him over to meet them, I was nervous as HELL, i’ve brought over one of my past boyfriends home ONCE, my dad hated him, absolutely DESPISED him, i mean he did cheat on me in the end but im just scared my parents won’t like chris, i mean he’s sweet, he’s kind, he actually cares for me, and he’s incredibly sexy.
“ma” chris softly rubs my shoulder as im sitting in the couch thinking of every way things can go wrong. “you ready?” he kisses my cheek softly handing me my keys since i can drive and he refuses to get his license at 20 years old.
“mhm” i hummed trying to put on a ‘convincing chris im okay but in reality im shitting myself because i’m so scared’ smile hoping he won’t catch on.
“nu uh Y/N stop right there i know that smile, what’s wrong love” his gaze softens as he holds my shoulders trying to get me to open up.
i sigh before answering chris “you’re the second boy i’ve ever brought home and im scared they won’t like you, i mean i don’t care if they don’t it’s just i want them to like you so they can see what i see in you, and why i want to get married to you someday and have little mini chris’ running around and i jus-“ he cuts me off.
“woah woah hang on, i know we’ve only been together 6 months and we’ve never actually had the ‘where do we see each other in the future’ talk but i didn’t know you felt that way?” he pulls me into a tight embrace “well i can only hope they love me” he kisses the top of my head “i love you Y/N, but i hope you know you’re kinda stuck with me now” he smiles down at me
“you’ve been stuck with me since the day u took me on that date with ur brothers cause you insisted on picking me up” i smiled back at him getting on my tip toes to give him a peck on the lips “now let’s go we’re gonna be late” i sat dragging his hand out the door and getting in the car.
the entire car ride wasn’t silent, Chris and i were talking about OUR future together and what we wanted for us, how many kids we wanted, if i would be okay with twins or triplets, you know the little stuff. what felt like forever we finally arrived at my parents home. i get out of the car waiting for chris as he steps out of the car and grabs my hand we began walking to the front door.
as we got to the front door, i knocked and my mom immediately answered the door with the biggest smile on her face “OH Y/N MY LOVE YOUVE GOTTEN SO MUCH MORE BEAUTIFUL THEN THE LAST TIME I SAW YOU” she hugs me quickly before pulling away smiling
“mom, this is chris, my boyfriend” i say looking at chris smiling at him
“so you’re the handsome boy my daughter tells me so much about hm?” my mom says smirking at me.
chris’ smile brightens and holds his hand out for her “yes ma’am, you can call me christopher if you would like too mrs.Y/L/N”
“oh chris is fine by me, and it’s just Nora please, the mrs makes me feel far too old” she smiles shaking his hand “come on in you guys, your father is far too excited to meet him”
we both walk in holding hands again. “RICHARD, YOUR DAUGHTER AND FUTURE SON IN LAW ARE HERE TURN YOURE HOCKY OFF AND COME JOIN US” my mother yells from the bottom of the staircase.
chris pulls me to the side to whisper in my ear “you didn’t tell me your dad likes hockey??” he smiles at me with an amused expression on his face
“how do you think i got a love for hockey chris?” i laugh slightly at his comment.
“oh i’ve got this in the bag ma” he shoots me his signature smirk before looking back up at my mom.
“come in the dining room, i’ve got you’re favorite casserole waiting on you love” my mom leads chris and i into the dining room sitting us down at the table across from where my mom and dad normally sit.
my dad comes downstairs and sits next to my mom and chris automatically stands up and puts his hand out “im christopher Mr.Y/L/N, thank you for allowing me into your home” he smiles as my dad shakes his hand and shoots me a proud smile. “call me Richard please” he smiles softly at chris before sitting down.
“so chris did you play any sports in high school?” my mother questions as she serves chris and i’s plate
“um yes ma’am i did, i played hockey and lacrosse with my brothers throughout high school” he says softly.
“oh Y/N, i love him already, please keep this one around dear” my dad smiling at me “what position did you play in hockey?” my dad looks at chris
“oh me and my brother were left and right defensemen” he smiles at my dad
“so you were the people beating people up hm?” he jokes
“yes sir i was” chris chuckles and looks over at me who’s too worried and just stuffing food in my face the whole conversation
“well before richard talks your ears off about hockey, how did you meet Y/N? she never told me the entire story about it” my mother smiles at chris.
i have my reason for not telling her, chris and i met at Tara’s party a little over a year ago, i got too drunk, chris was half hammered and we hooked up in a public bathroom nearby, so chris and i discussed that we wouldn’t tell his or my family that story just because well for obvious reasons we were underage drinking, and we hooked up, so we decided we’d them a different PG-13 version of the story.
“we had a mutual friend who was having a friends birthday, you know nothing too big, and i thought she was pretty and i asked for her number and we became friends and now here we are” he smiled at me before looking back up at me who had already nervously finished my food.
“oh Chris that’s so sweet” my mother says with a smile at both of us.
the rest of dinner went great, no problems, my dad and chris bonded over their love for hockey, my mom and i were talking about how well my dad loves chris and other little stuff catching up with each other.
“Y/N your father just put in a pool table in the basement if you and chris wanted to try it out, him and i have been working a lot and haven’t gotten the chance to so if you two would like go right ahead baby” my mom smiles at me.
i look over at chris “you want to see my amazing pools skills?” i smirk
“oh you’re on Y/N” chris says as i stand up leading him and i to the basement.
walking down to the basement which had been completely remodeled since i had moved out of the house chris had this glare in his eyes, he had something planned i just couldn’t put my finger on it.
chris and i grabbed a pool stick and we started to play a round of pool. halfway through me whooping his ass in pool he came up behind me and placed his hands over mine trying to “fix my stance”
“remember to keep you’re hands here ma” he says at a low tone in my ear causing shivers to go down my spine and his body getting closer to mine pressing his hard-on against my ass.
“chris” i whisper “we can’t do this here” i roll my eyes and turn around to look at him and his eyes were now filled with lust as he bites his lower lip.
“yeah? why not? you can be a good girl and be quiet for me yeah?” he places his hand on my cheek rubbing my cheek up and down caressing it.
i groan softly “fuck it, but if you get us caught-“ he cuts me off by kissing my lips softly “then i guess you’re gonna have to hush that filthy mouth of yours” he says smirking.
he presses his lips into mine once again this time with more force and hunger than last time using his tongue and fighting for dominance playing with the top of my jeans.
he picked me up and turns me around so i’m bent over the pool table ripping my jeans down to my ankles tapping my legs giving me the hint to step out of them and bending down so he’s at eye level with my soaping wet pussy.
using his finger to spread his juices around on my pussy causing a groan to escape his lips and a soft moan out of mine. “you’re so fucking wet” he stands up pulling his pants down stepping out of them and reaching his hand to my mouth “spit” i obeyed “good fucking girl” he uses his spit to spread on his cock.
he took his cock in his hand and lines himself up with my entrance and pushing just the tip in in letting a whimper out of my lips. he takes his hand to cover my mouth. “as much as i love the nasty shit you say with my cock buried in your pussy you gotta be quiet baby” he groans in my ear before bottoming out biting his lower lip stopping his groan from escaping from his lips throwing his head back and starts slowly thrusting in me.
“fuck ma, you’re so fucking tight” he whispers picking up his pace with a small whimper leaving my lips and my eyes rolling back to my head trying to use his arm that’s now around my throat to hold on to in order to keep my balance.
“chris” i whimper in almost a cry
“am i making you feel good baby? you like this?” he growls in my ear
“y-yes” i softly cry out trying not to moan so loudly as he is repeatedly kissing my cervix with his tip at almost an ungodly speed.
my walls tighten around him signaling i was getting closer “someone’s close hm? you gonna cum all over my cock yeah?” he grunts holding his arm around my neck for his balance still trusting behind me.
“mh-mhm yes” i nod vigorously biting my lip canceling out my moans.
“do it, cum all over my cock baby” he growls in my ear kissing my neck sending me over the edge as my legs began to shake and i release all over his cock.
his thrust get sloppy as he buried his head in my neck biting my shoulder as he releases in me softly pulling out kissing my cheek.
“you did so good baby” he says softly helping me get my pants back on “we can shower when we get back to my house” he smiles at me.
“then let’s go say our goodbyes because i have to drive, and my legs hurt baby” i say smiling back at him placing a kiss on his lips heading back upstairs to my parents which is just my mom considering my dads back upstairs watching hockey probably asleep.
“i’m sorry guys but we gotta get going, thank you for inviting us over” i say kissing my moms cheek pulling her into a hug.
“thank you for inviting me over Nora” he smiled over at my mom holding his hand out.
“no no i give hugs chris” my mother says pulling chris into a hug “i expect to see you around more” she smiles pulling away “and ill make sure to tell richard you guys left, he really likes him Y/N” she smiles at me.
“i’m glad, bye mom!” i say exiting my parents house and stepping into my car with chris in the passenger seat.
“well that went better then i expected” i say starting the car and pulling out of the driveway.
“you had nothing to be worried about ma, i have a way with parents” he winks at me smiling at me causing me to giggle.
“thank you chris” i say smiling at him before turning my focus back on the road
“anytime princess, thank you for letting me meet your parents, now you gotta meet mine, cause my mom already loves you and she’s never even met you” he chuckles.
“how much do you talk about me to your mom chris” i laugh back at him.
“focus on the road Y/N” chris says in his attempt to change the subject.
“i’d love to meet your mom chris” i say looking softly at chris as we make our way back to his shared home with his brothers.
gabs 💋
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lowkeyrobin · 2 months
would you be willing to do a TMR minho fic?
basically just them at the little glade treehouse (i live for that treehouse lol) and maybe they stole some food from frypan and are just chatting and having a laugh together whilst cuddling or something bc they dont get to spend alot of time together as he is always in the maze??
(been loving your writing recently btw, literally one of the v few writers who write for MCYTS and respect their boundaries so tysm!!)
hope ur having a good day:)
oh hell yeah brother LMAO ; also thank you and you're welcome!! im all for respecting boundaries because ik how that feels when they're broken + I'm not a weirdo lol, and thank you for appreciating my work, it means sm to me 🫶🫶🫶 ; have a good day/night :) ; post writing me, sorry this is so short :( ; also I know I said I was in trouble but NEVER BACK DOWN NEVER WHAT??
MINHO ; tree house cuddles
summary ; sneaking food into the tree house and having late night convos with minho
warnings ; language
disclaimers ; reader is a track-hoe, Thomas has been in the maze for months and exists, but no Teresa/escaping the maze
word count ; 459
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You loved your beautiful boyfriend Minho. He was an angel sent from above, truly. Or... maybe below? The box and what existed out of the Glade was confusing, sadly. God, you wished you could remember anything outside of here.
Sadly, you hadn't seen him very much recently.
He'd been busy with his duties in the maze and the Map Room, and you've been busy working in the gardens damn near all day every day. Your rations were running low, the crops were growing slower than ever, and you couldn't figure out why. It's not like there were deer or raccoons feasting on them either. It was just you Gladers here, nothing else. You'd been stressing out over it and needed some time away from it for a while.
Thankfully, the beloved tree house existed, and rarely anyone used it.
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You'd stolen a basket of fruit from Fry's kitchen, awaiting the arrival of Minho. Hopefully, Newt stuck to his word, or remembered to, to send Minho to the tree house to spend some time with you.
Thankfully, the beautiful Korean boy showed up, dressed casual and out of the heavy gear he had to wear in the maze. He greeted you with a tired yet warm smile, sitting down with you on the wooden floor.
"Hey, how's your day?" He asks, sitting next to you, shoulder to shoulder.
You hand him a little basket of strawberries. "Fine, I guess." You shrug, "Need a minute away from the gardens"
He nods, "I need a minute away from the shuckin' maze"
You dangle your feet off the side of the platform, soaking up each other's presence.
He pulls you into his lap, between his legs. He rests his chin on your shoulder while his arms rest around your waist. You feel your stomach swarm with butterflies, resting your hands over his.
"I love you" He whispers, placing a kiss on your temple.
"Love you too, dork," you reply with a smile, leaning your head back to rest yourself against him.
"What a romantic" He giggles, pulling you a little closer.
The night continues on in peace, smiles, giggles and kisses shared, hands intertwined. You share your body heat, cuddled up and comfy.
"No, no, no, he said something like he was gonna beat him back into the box! How does that even work? Gally acts like Thomas is some universal threat or something" You laugh as you speak.
"I have no idea, darling." He smiles and chuckles, listening to you ramble on and on about stories he'd missed during the day.
You look up at him and place a kiss on his jawline, a stupid smile on his face.
"Love you"
"Love you too"
"...Thanks for being mine"
"Okay, shut up, shank"
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juuuulez · 7 months
Negan x Virgin wife reader smut??? Questionable age gap if ur comfortable no pressure though
info: absolutely FILTHY, age gap (reader is 18 when they have sex, negan is like mid 40s), alcohol consumption, negan calls himself daddy, oral (female receiving), loss of virginity, probably more but i can’t even think rn.
summary: Negan’s always taken care of you, only now, you want him in a different way.
omg this took soooo long to write and is also absolutely huge 😭😭 it’s also just pure filth but totally is everything i’ve ever wanted
You were 16 when you arrived at the Sanctuary.
Though, you never really did anything. Negan didn’t even know if you knew how to fire a gun, but he didn’t mind. Your little fingers probably were too soft, they’d shake upon just nearing one, afraid of blemishing your perfect nails.
Your father was a loyal soldier of his, always carried out orders to a T. Therefore, Negan believed that your debt was paid, and didn’t feel the need to make you pull your weight, like most others.
After meetings, when everybody was dismissed, those big wooden doors would open to you standing there, waiting for your father with a sweet smile on your face. He’d place his hand on your back, kiss you on the head, walk you out.
It made Negan think that maybe, just maybe, there was good left in the world. That good was you.
Sometimes a mission would go haywire. Radio connections lost, a truck missing, hijacked. When this happened, you’d always wind up at the door to Negan’s office, timid little knocks garnering his attention. You’d ask, visibly upset, if your father would be okay, if he had any news on when he’d be back.
And Negan would always assure you it was fine, that you’d best get to bed. Morning would come, your father would return, and your world would be complete again. Each time, you’d sniffle, flashing him that sweet little smile before bidding him goodnight.
You were 17 when your father died.
It was a seemingly random attack on an outpost, though Negan knew otherwise. 20-odd men were killed, including your father. When he’d shared the news, you weeped and cried for what felt like hours.
Despite the million tasks to be completed, justice to be avenged, Negan had set that aside to comfort you. Sit down with you, ease your worries, promise that he’d make things right. That whoever did this would pay, he would get your revenge. Even though the tears didn’t stop, and you practically didn’t move from your bed for days afterwards, you’d still managed the effort to give Negan a smile.
You were trying, so, so hard.
But things changed after that.
Well, you changed.
A year went by, and you got harder. Learnt to live on without the guidance of your father, though the struggle was still evident. You were lost, like a little lamb.
Some of the older girls took you under their wing, teaching you the necessities of life in this world. How to make a knife, how to escape rope binding, how to please a man. All the things your father had sheltered you from, made sure you wouldn’t need to worry about.
Though you appreciated their help, it wasn’t the same. Women were too… understanding. They were soft, gentle with you, but it came from a place where they saw a version of themselves in you. No, you wanted something masculine. That protective hand on your back, the feeling of a beard scratching your cheek when he left you sweet little kisses.
You were 18 when you found this again.
Albeit, in a different way.
The war was progressing, however slowly, and tensions were high. Infighting was getting more and more common, Rick was getting on Negan’s last nerve, and his wives were starting to tick him off.
It was another late night, chain-smoking and trying to brainstorm any sort of play against the Alexandria group. Just something to gain some leverage, as he could feel the power slipping from his fingers, whilst they were only getting more and more rebellious.
Just last week, they’d attacked the Sanctuary, where Negan realised that he needed to put an end to this.
There’s that slight knocking at his door, the quiet tap tap tap. He doesn’t need to see to know who it is, nor does he need to answer for you to enter.
You push past the doors, feet clothed in white cotton socks. The type with pink bows on them, on either side. It makes your footsteps silent, padding across the wooden floorboards until you’re standing in front of Negan’s desk.
“I couldn’t sleep.”
It’s become a rather common phrase, though Negan had thought that you were getting better. The attack must have set you off again, put you on edge, anxious. It makes sense, as you weren’t exactly accustomed to the gunfire and shouting.
“You try counting, doll?” Negan asks, watching you over the rim of his glass, letting the smooth whiskey slide down his throat. His eyes wandered downwards, taking in your silk nightdress, falling just to the top of your thighs.
Tantalisingly small, you needed a new one.
This past year, after your 18th birthday, you’d become dangerous. Confident. Each day your shorts seemed to get shorter, the straps on your tanks skinnier. You pushed the limit, that sickly sweet smile transforming into something alluring and tempting whenever you gazed at the younger soldiers.
It was like a ticking time bomb, and without your daddy to guide you, Negan knew you were moments from acting out.
“Mhm. Doesn’t work,” You shrug, eyes downcast upon the wooden desk, like you’re searching the dark grain for some sort of answer to all your problems, “Why count when I can come see you?”
This causes Negan to chuckle, that deep sound that rumbles from his chest, causing you to look back up at him. He sets the glass down, a soft clink as it collides with the table. “Because sometimes I’ll be busy. Ya gotta learn to handle yourself.”
Wrong choice of words.
Negan knew that, because there was this little flicker in your eyes, like a light that had switched on.
Of course you could handle yourself, that’s what you’ve been doing this past year.
You knew what you wanted, and were willing to hunt it down, like prey. All those hushed conversations with the older women, reading all those magazines, you knew what you were doing. Or, you thought you knew what you were doing.
Negan could see this, which is why indulging in these thoughts with you was a dangerous game. He was only a man, after all, and you just looked so good in that little silk dress, the spaghetti straps almost hanging off your soft shoulders. It was like a temptation from the devil himself, the ultimate forbidden fruit.
“C’mere, princess.” He calls out, internally cursing himself for being so fucking stupid, but nonetheless leaning back slightly in his chair.
He was going to hell.
But luckily, sinning was a two player game.
You accepted the invitation, slinking over to him, knuckles just brushing the wooden desk as you pass. Without instruction, you situate yourself between Negan’s slightly parted legs, your ass making contact as you sat on his thigh, rough denim creating friction against your soft skin.
His hands instinctively wrapped around your waist, pulling you in closer, where you allowed your head to fall against his chest. It was comforting, and Negan smelt like smoke and leather, something to unfamiliarly masculine but you loved it. You wanted to smell it forever, feel him forever.
“Why haven’t you asked me to be a wife?”
This causes Negan to furrow his brows, tilting his head to look down at you. In turn, you meet his gaze, looking up at him through your lashes. The position makes him feel powerful, like you’re tiny in his hands, something he could direct with ease. He quickly banished the thought away, not wanting to corrupt your innocence.
“Because you’re too young, doll.”
“But I know things,” You assert as soon as Negan has given his excuse, desperate to make him understand, “From.. from asking people, from reading magazines. I know what to do.”
Negan’s eyes flicker across your face, taking in the cute little pout on his lips. Reading? It suddenly dawns on him that you’re more inexperienced than you let on. All those flirty remarks, seductive stares directed at his soldiers, hadn’t proved fruitful.
You were a virgin.
Now, that shouldn’t have turned him on as much as it did, but God. Negan’s grip on your waist tightened slightly, keeping you pressed firmly against him, to which you lifted your head from his chest. One hand raised higher, gently brushing the hair from your face, tucking it behind your ear. The other shifted downwards, snaking his long fingers just under your soft asscheek, peaking from that silky nightgown that bunched above your thighs.
As much as Negan had resented the idea of tarnished your innocence… now it just seemed all the more alluring. Being your first, being the only one you’ll ever taste. Making you his.
“You ever drank whiskey, baby?” He finds himself asking, voice just as smooth and fiery as the alcohol in question.
Your head tilts, eyes owlish and curious as you shake your head no. Negan leans forward in the chair, keeping you close to his chest, and scoops up the previously abandoned glass.
Auburn liquid sloshes slightly with the movement, and Negan takes a moment to adjust you in his lap, manoeuvring your body with ease. He presses his thumb against your plush bottom lip, the slight pressure causing you to open your mouth around him, where he is able to replace the digit with the rim of the glass.
His hand shifts to your jaw, holding you with a firm grip and tilting your head backwards, tipping some of the whiskey into your awaiting mouth. It passes your tongue, gliding down your throat until he pulls the glass back, allowing you just a taste.
Your nose scrunches at the harsh burn, not accustomed to it, before letting your tongue dart out to lick your lips.
“It’s warm.” You mumble, voice still quiet and delicate despite the actions you were partaking in, “Like… in my chest.”
“Yeah? Feelin’ it here?” Negan asks, a smirk beginning to play at his lips in response to your pure innocence. His hand slides up your body, brushing along smooth silk, until it comes to rest just in the channel between your plump breasts. He applies a slight pressure, a firm hand that sits over your heart, where he can feel it increase in tempo.
At this, you smile, pink lips curving upwards while you lean in a little, head tilting up to look at him. Negan feels inclined to mimic the motion, allowing you closer until he can feel your soft breaths against his mouth, lips slightly parted in anticipation.
His eyes flicker down, weighting the severity of these temptations, before meeting your gaze again. “If you wanna do this, baby-girl, then there is no going back,” He advises, voice lowered to match the tension of the situation, “I am going to tear you apart.”
A mixture of anticipation and fear floods your stomach, butterflies tingling and reaching areas that you’d forbidden yourself from touching. Only the slightest motion is required until your lips are touching, pressing against his, causing you to shift closer on your lap.
Negan takes note of your pure eagerness, licking into his mouth with no hesitation, letting your tongues intertwine like you’re trying to taste every inch of his mouth. You’re drunk off the feeling, how he tastes like whiskey and cigarettes, and you can feel his stubble irritating the skin around your mouth but it feels so inexplicably good.
You’re ravenous, fulfilling that deep yearning that’s directed your every movement for the past year. But Negan wants to take it slow, pull you apart, help you understand everything that he’s capable of doing to your body.
So he wraps a hand in your soft hair, balling it around his fist and holding the back of your head in place. A desperate whine leaves you when he pulls his face away, a grin quickly spreading upon seeing your dissatisfied pout.
“Not so fast, baby.” He hums, before diving in once more, directing the pace of the kiss himself.
Whenever you get too eager, trying to take control, Negan will pull away again, letting you gasp and whine and beg him to kiss you again. It’s utterly pathetic, you’ve barely even started and it’s already apparent just how much control Negan has over you, a notion that makes him feel completely elated and also extremely aroused.
It feels like an eternity, with you seated in his lap, leisurely making out and learning exactly what makes you tick. Negan finally lets go of your hair, giving appreciative pets through the silky locks and then down your back, before two large hands are hooking underneath your ass and pulling you upwards.
The sudden movement causes you to gasp, arms quickly gripping onto Negan to steady yourself, but he’s strong enough to manhandle you onto the desk. That white nightgown bunches at your hips, and Negan pushes it upwards to your waist, letting out a low whistle at the sight of your little white lace panties.
“Look at you, princess.” He grumbles, pushing your thighs apart on the desk to get a proper look. There’s a wet stain right over your core, and Negan shamelessly presses his fingers against the thin fabric. The contact makes you squirm, bracing your hands behind you on the wooden desk.
He brings himself closer by pushing the chair forward, whilst simultaneously gripping your thighs and pulling you towards him. Closing the gap, Negan presses his nose against your clothed cunt, letting his tongue dart out to further soil the sticky fabric. The lewd act causes you to gasp, nails scratching against the surface and legs shaking, clamping around his head.
“Tastes so fucking good, baby-girl. This pussy was just made for me.” Negan groans, inhaling your intoxicating scent mixed with the slightly salty taste on his tongue. It took everything in him not to completely brutalise your poor cunt, though he knew it would be sopping by the time he was finished.
Two large, rough hands skate up your thighs, fingers slipping into the dainty handles of your panties. Negan pulls the straps down, letting the fabric fall from your hips and down your legs. Instead of discarding the item onto the floor, or setting it aside, Negan slips them into a nearby drawer. You clock the action, and it makes your face flush bright red.
Negan takes a moment to admire the sight of your bare skin, his hands tracing loving circles into your thighs. “Fuck, can’t believe this is all for me.” He groans, before finally, finally, bringing his mouth close enough to make contact your with your heat.
He licks a long line from your dripping hole, to your clit. Tongue flattened, feeling every ridge of your pussy. The sensation is completely new, leaving you to gasp over him, palms splayed out against the wooden desk. It’s tempting to squeeze his head in your thighs, to completely crumble, but you keep them open and spread.
The effort must be visible, because Negan tilts his head to the side, pressing a tender kiss against your skin. “Bein’ such a good girl, aren’t you? Don’t worry, baby. Let go for me.”
Each word of encouragement is rumbled into the meat of your thighs, and eventually, back into your waiting cunt. It’s overwhelming, in the best way possible, and Negan takes the time to talk you through the pleasure, albeit muffled by how devotedly he’s eating you out.
You squirm against the desk, little pants and surprised cries leaving your mouth, struggling to adjust to the sensation of Negan’s lips suctioning over your clit, creating a steady motion that causes a whole other wave of pleasure to wash over your shoulders.
But then, he’s pressing a single, thick digit against your hole. There’s a slight resistance, but Negan takes his time, circling his finger around the silky cavern until it finally gives, sucking his finger inside. All of this, whilst he continues his assault on your pussy, licking into it shamelessly in a pattern he’s learnt will give you the most pleasure.
“Fuck, it’s.. I-I dunno if I can take it.” You mumble when Negan perseveres, pushing another finger into your warm cunt. It’s a tight fit, but he’s willing to make it work. Determined.
“Oh, baby. You will be taking a lot more than this.”
It fills you with a sense of fear, an anxious feeling growing in the pit of your stomach, like you’ve swallowed a rock. Until Negan pushes his fingers upwards a little, and you practically jump from the desk, a ragged moan leaving your throat. He continues to press against the fleshy spot, meanwhile suctioning his lips around your clit and sucking hard.
You gasp and cry, little tears filling your eyes as you drop backwards. One arm supports you on the desk, the other moving so that you can grip onto Negan’s short, dark hair. Your nails scratch as his scalp, but he doesn’t care, because it’s only a sign of how much pleasure he’s bringing you.
It sounds like you’re trying to say something through the distraught moans, but the words carry no meaning, practically unintelligible. It’s like your bones have turned to jelly, this new feeling arising in your stomach, something you haven’t felt before.
It feels like pressure, an intense pressure. It builds and builds, and you know that it’ll snap soon, but you can’t find your words in order to warn Negan. Yet, he already knows, of course he knows. By the end of this, he’ll understand your body better than you do. Maybe he already does.
Because when it snaps, your orgasm finally reaching its peak, Negan only quickens the pace of his fingers and tongue. His other hand is now on your lower stomach, leaving soft pets against the skin, gently trying to bring you down from everything.
Now, Negan would love nothing more than to keep going, to devour your sopping pussy until you’re crying tears of pain, begging him to relent. One day, he’ll have you like that. Not now, not while you’re still adjusting to everything that he’s possible of giving you.
The hand previously positioned in his hair falls down to his shoulder, where Negan finally brings his face up from your pussy, leaning in closer to you. His beard is shiny with your slick, fingers similarly coated in it, and there are red marks from where his stubble had irritated your sensitive thighs.
You look a mess.
Panting, teary eyed. Face all red and flushed, looking up at him. Your mouth opens to speak, but Negan is quick to cover it with his own, capturing you in a deep kiss.
It’s messy, passionate, though you’re really worn out. Yet, you show him your appreciation, licking feverishly into his mouth, tasting yourself on his tongue. Then you’re leaning forward, pushing yourself back into a sitting position on the desk, arms wrapped around Negan’s shoulders.
When you break apart, he nudges your cheek with his nose, moving to press kisses against your skin. “How ‘bout I get you into bed, huh?”
You push away from him, shaking your head. There’s a look of confusion on your face, a small pour forming against your lips. “No, no, not yet. We can keep going.” You protest, looking up at him with the most precious, hurt little eyes.
Negan moves his hand up, capturing your face in his grasp, holding you still. His thumb rubs at your plump bottom lip, still wet with his spit, all bitten and red.
“You really want this?” He asks, “Because ‘s gonna hurt, baby. It’ll feel good, but it’ll hurt first.”
You only nod, separating yourself from his hold, to lie back against the wooden desk. It’s slightly uncomfortable, and cold against the naked skin of your thighs, but you prop your feet up against the wood in order to present yourself to him.
It’s lewd, a temptation, you’re trying to lure him in. And it works. Of course it does. Negan can’t deny you any longer, not with that sweet smile, beautiful little face. He wants nothing more than to know that you’re his, and only his.
“Beautiful girl.” He rumbles, splaying a hand over your stomach, running it up over the curve of your breasts. The silk nightgown is pushed upwards, until it’s pooled around your neck. Negan leans down, helping you to sit up a little, so that he can remove the nightgown completely.
Now, you lay bare on his desk, causing him to whistle at the sight. There’s already a damp spot near the edge, where your pussy had stained the wood, a mixture of slick and Negan’s spit. There was another pool forming, where your legs now lay spread at the end, awaiting the blessed moment you’d been dreaming about.
Negan is careful about it, sticks his fingers back into your sopping hole, making sure it’s maintained it’s previous elasticity. It practically sucks him in, and to prove your point, you squeeze your muscles around his fingers.
“Okay, baby. Don’t get impatient on me.” He coos, one hand remaining on your thigh, whilst the other works at removing his pants.
They drop to the floor with a heavy noise, to which he doesn’t bother to fully move them, letting the denim slump around his boots. You prop yourself up a little, looking down the length of your body to where Negan finally reveals his cock.
It’s thick, much thicker than his fingers. How is that even supposed to fit in there? It’s wide around the base and tip, long and curved upwards, towards his stomach. Subconsciously, your legs close a little, but Negan keeps his grip firm as he presses your thighs against the desk.
“You still wanna do this, baby?” He asks, despite his greater instinct to just claim what’s in front of him. Admittedly, it’s been a little difficult to hold off this long.
If you were anyone else, the act would be long done by now. But this was different. You were different. He still wanted to take care of you, like you were a helpless little girl, except you weren’t. This was your plan, after all. Like a lioness, you’d hunted him down, and there no way you were going home without your reward.
A smile spreads on your lips, looking up at him through your lashes, “Yes, please.”
It’s said in that same sweet tone, as if you’re not actually begging for his cock, but another bedtime story. Like you aren’t naked on his desk, pussy dripping down onto the wood, completely spread out like a lavish meal.
“Good girl.” He mumbles, pulling your legs so that they dangle over either of his shoulders, pressing a kiss to the inside of your knee. At this angle, he can already feel your heat, so, so close to him.
One hand grips his cock, the other planted across your stomach, a large hand splayed over your skin for comfort. Negan looks down, guiding himself to finally press against your core. There’s a slight resistance, but in no time, he’s length is being sucked into your gooey walls.
There’s a pensive look on your face, which he notices, causing a smile to grow on his own. Your nose twitches slightly, chewing on your bottom lip, trying to adjust to the new feeling. It doesn’t necessarily feel bad, just strange.
But, Negan is only able to get the first few inches in, until there’s a hitch in the process. He leans down, letting you wrap your arms around him, and captures your mouth in a kiss. You give in instantly, preoccupied completely with licking into his mouth, therefore not fully aware of the firm thrust he gives to break through the barrier.
You hiss into his mouth, accidentally biting down onto his lip. Negan doesn’t seem to mind, as he begins pressing kisses down your jaw and neck, leaving a trail of bloody marks in his wake.
“Shh, you’re okay,” He soothes, keeping his hips still, not yet pressing any further until the pain has subsided, “Ain’t gonna hurt for much longer.”
The promise proves fruitful, as within a few moments, you’re wiggling a little in his grasp, giving the silent permission to continue. You look down the gap between you, watching as Negan’s cock slowly pushes further in, until your hips are finally flush.
“Breathe, babygirl.” He murmurs, still licking and sucking over your skin. The wet trail continues, until Negan pays attention to your plump breasts, his tongue collecting the beads of sweat that’s built from the exertion.
You claw at his neck, one hand making it’s way into his hair, scratching slightly at his scalp. Then he’s moving, gently pulling out, until just the tip remains. You breathe through the uncomfortable feeling as he pushes back in, a mixture of your slick and a little blood dripping down your ass, only to pool on the wooden desk.
It’s intense, having Negan stretch you open on his cock, the kind of sensation you’d never felt before. You keep watching between you, keen interest in your eye, which he finds adorable. Even as he speeds up a little, the twinge of pain subsiding into a constant flow of pleasure, you’re still fighting to keep your eyes on him.
He readjusts, bringing your legs back down, only to firmly pin your thighs to the desk. In this position, you’re completely spread for him, causing a blush of embarrassment to rise on your cheeks.
It doesn’t last long, as Negan has found the perfect angle to thrust up into you, causing you to raggedly moan and your eyes to squeeze shut. He continues to hammer the same spot, and it feels heavenly, like his cock is actually in your stomach.
You scratch at the wooden desk, gripping for dear life as Negan holds you still, both large hands planted across your thighs. He’s gripping and kneading them, and you hope they’ll be bruised the next day.
But finally being sheathed in your wet heat is it’s own struggle for Negan, as he’s trying to hold off cumming for as long as possible. He’d been rock-hard the entire time you were making out, but this? It was a victory better than war.
So he moves one hand off your thigh, bringing it to your swollen and abused clit. You gasp as he makes contact, tracing firm, tight circles over the muscle that make your eyes roll back, pathetic noises leaving your parted lips.
“That’s it, baby. Cum for daddy.” He praises, leaning down to leave dark marks on the junction of your neck. You wrap your arms around him, sobbing into his shoulder as Negan continues to fuck into you, hitting that fleshy spot that causes you to cry.
It’s obvious when your orgasm hits you, as your whole body shudders, moans tapered off into high-pitched whines of pleasure. Your gooey walls clench around Negan’s cock, making him groan into your flesh, putting more force behind his thrusts.
Luckily, it’s all he needs to finish, pumping his cum deep into your channel. The overstimulation causes your hips to twitch, legs jolting with the sudden sensation, but Negan tests your limits, shallowly pushing his seed deeper inside you.
Your nails scratch at his neck, eyes pricking with overworked tears, “It’s too much.” You squeak out, voice all raw from all those noises that had been forced from your throat.
“Okay, beautiful,” Negan whispers, pulling himself out of your sensitive cunt, hands gently soothing the bruised skin of your thighs, “But next time, you’ll take it until I say so.”
It’s vaguely threatening, and causes another wave of arousal to ebb through your stomach. However, your mind focuses on one thing, a bashful and pleased smile growing on your tired face.
“Next time?”
It catches Negan off guard slightly, realising what he’d said. That, and you just look so happy, like you’ve finally gotten what you wanted.
“Of course, darlin’. You belong to me.” He assures, savouring the fact that you were so eager to be with him, despite everything.
That night, the nightmares didn’t return. Of course, you didn’t go back to your bed, but instead Negan’s. He took care of you from then on out, it was safe to say you were his new favourite.
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judeswhore · 8 months
Situationship!jude that thinks he can fuck whoever he wants but you can’t. You’d be scrolling through your socials and you stumble over his private story and it’s a photo of him in bed with a cocky caption like “I’m free tonight” just him being in his whore era and it gets under your skin so bad because this isn’t the first time he’s done this and you guys are always at each others house and even ‘spend a few nights.’ And ur just like “is that my Jude..?” so you do the same thing; posting a picture of you in this really skimpy outfit with a caption like “my bed was finally warm last night” something kinda discreet because you can read that in two ways (but your bed was warm last night, just not because of Jude😒), and now he’s blowing up your phone with “wtf are you posting?”/“so you’re just being a whore now?😐” Obviously annoyed: you leave him on read but he just comes straight to your door at 11:30 at night and now you’re really pissed because you almost fell asleep and you have an appointment tomorrow morning. When you finally get out of bed and open the door you’re met with an angry Jude who pushes his way inside and shuts the door all “who the hell do you think you are?” And you’re just baffled at how he thinks he owns you but deep down you know you love when he shows you attention but sadly this is the only way you can get it because when you guys have a tiny fight the first thing he does is storm out, find another girl, and forget about you.
By the way your staring at him in a sad zoned out type of way it kind of breaks his heart to see you look so sad; asking if your okay. “Did you really just ask me that? I mean you just get to fuck any girl you want while I sit at home and wait for you to even see my text?!” Is all you can really scream at him before yelling at him to get out. The next morning you wake up to a bouquet of flowers at your door step, specifically your favorite and Jude’s blowing up your phone trying to apologize because you were always so quiet about what he did so he never really noticed or cared because you guys weren’t official.
waking up the next morning and ur still a complete wreck and u feel like an absolute mess bc you’ve been crying all night and it’s so clear to see and u hate jude for making u feel this way. checking ur phone to see so many missed calls and texts from him, all of them begging u to let him explain and make it up to u, asking u to meet him for breakfast or lunch bc he needs to make it right. but ur ignoring all of them, going as far as to leave ur phone at home bc u don’t wna deal w anything today but u have uni or work so ur having to leave and when u open ur front door there’s this massive bunch of ur favourite flowers sitting there with a note from jude saying that he’s sorry and again asking u to let him make it right. but it’s too little too late so u don’t even bother taking them inside u just leave them on the front and head out. then later in the day when u finally get home the flowers are still there and sitting right next to them is jude looking absolutely distraught and out of his mind. jumps up the second he sees u and comes rushing over, hands finding ur cheeks so he can inspect ur face and he’s all “ur okay? fuck, ur okay. do u know how worried i’ve been? u haven’t been answering anyone’s texts all day i thought something had happened to u!” and ur so confused bc ofc u haven’t been answering and why does he even care? he goes days without answering u. so ur shoving him off and telling him that but he’s shaking his head saying he gets u not answering him but when u called ur friends and ur mam they all said you’d been ignoring them too and now ur staring at him like he’s got two heads bc “u called my mam???” which has him glaring at u all “i thought u were hurt!” now ur both just sort of glaring at each other in the hallway and then ur telling him “well, u can clearly see i’m fine. u can go now” which has him answering “i’m not going anywhere until we talk this out. u have to let me fix it”
but ur so tired of the same routine bc he never changes and he’s broken ur heart one too many times and when u tell him this he’s huffing a little sigh and being like “u know u never told me how u felt, right? u never told me i wanted more than what we had. u told me it was fine, u said u didn’t care who i slept with. jesus, if you’d have just told me how u felt i wldnt have even looked at anyone else! i was waiting for u but u never gave me anything” which is like a slap to the face to u bc he never gave u the impression he wanted more. and u know deep down that the whole thing is a result of terrible communication between u but ur so stubborn and still so hurt that u don’t know how to actually forgive him despite what he’s saying so all u can do is tell him u just want space and it’d be best if he just left u alone for a while
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Hi, I hope ur doing well bc I rlly love ur writing🥺anyway can u do a sweet boyfriend James scenario with a reader who’s been avoiding him because she suddenly broke out on her cheek and is self conscious about it😭I literally have the worst skin in the winter and I’m trying so hard not to cry but my skin is so important to me😭😭😭😭like I’ve never felt uglier and I know breakouts are normal but still🥺😭
Thank you so much for liking my writing, love! And I am so sorry! I totally get that and I hope you get well soon! I know how annoying skin things are! 🥺 sorry, this turned out to long for a dialogue so I made it a drabble, I hope you like it  😊 Warnings: reader feeling insecure about the breakouts on skin Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter 😊 gifs aren't mine 😁
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"Go away!" James heard on the other side of the door of your dorm.
"It's James" he tried again.
"I know! Please, go away!" he heard you again, feeling his heart shatter.
You always wanted to see him. He hadn't seen you all day. When you missed breakfast and he thought maybe you slept in and would be late. But you never came. If it wasn't because Remus forcing him to go to Potions, he would have gone straight to your dorm. You didn't come during first period. Or second period, making him worry. When he looked you on the Map, he saw you were still in your dorm and his worries lessened a little. He grew anxious because maybe you were sick. But none of your roommates had said anything to him, and they did whenever that was the case. He wanted to go look for you after Transfiguration was done but he had Quidditch practice and, being the captain with a match on Saturday, he couldn't really skip it. He hated it when he didn't see you there, waiting for him to go to lunch, as you always did. So, here he was with a basket full of food, waiting for you to open the door.
"Princess, you weren't at breakfast, or classes, or lunch" he insisted. "I'm starting to get worried. Are you okay?"
"I'm fine, Jamie, please just... go to lunch!"
"I'm not gonna go without you, love. What is going on?"
"Nothing! I'm just not feeling well!"
"But... I haven't seen you all day!" he whined. "Sweetheart, please just open the door. You know I'm not going to stop worrying until I see that you're okay" he told you.
You knew he was right. He wasn't going to leave until he saw you. You grabbed your wand and pointed it at the door so it would slightly open, but you remained on your bed underneath your blankets and comforters. James slowly entered your dorm and you could hear his footsteps approaching you until you felt a weight sitting at the end of your bed.
"You've seen me, Potter. Now you can go away" you mumbled, grumpily.
"No, what I see is my beautiful girlfriend wrapped in a cocoon of blankets" he said, trying to remove some from you but you pulled them tightly. "Love, what's going on? Do you have a fever? Do you need me to take you to Madam Pomfrey-?"
"No!" you quickly replied.
"Okay, fine. I guess, I'll just... eat all of these brownies by myself then" he said, grabbing the picnic basket and placing it on your bed. You slowly peeked a little from your blankets and James could only see your eyes, looking back at him. "Oh, there she is. There's my beautiful girlfriend" he smiled, trying to pull you to him but you pushed him away.
"I'm not beautiful today" you mumbled.
"Honey, what are you talking about? You're always beautiful!"
"No, not today! I have been really stressed because of exams and my period is coming next week and my stupid face decided to have a stupid breakout and I look horrible!" you said, pulling your blankets closer to you again and resuming your original position, away from James.
"Princess" he said, feeling his heart breaking a little at the pain in your voice. "Is that why you stayed here today?"
"Yes! I look like a troll!"
"Sweetheart, I seriously doubt that's true" James said, with a small chuckle.
"Easy for you to say! I bet there's not one day in your life when you haven't looked perfect!" you replied.
"What are you talking about? I don't look perfect!"
"James, I have seen you naked. You always look perfect!" you insisted.
"Oh, if you want to play that game, I have also seen you naked, my love, and if any one of us is perfect, it's you" he said, lying down next to you but you still didn't budge. "Fine, if you're not coming out, I guess I have to come in" he said.
"What-?" before you could continue, you felt the blankets around you fly away before it quickly placed James underneath them again. There was no way out now. Your boyfriend was facing you with the most enamored look on his face you had ever seen.
"Hello, gorgeous" he smiled goofily at you, wrapping his arms around your waist and you quickly buried your face in his chest, feeling tears in your eyes. "Hey, what's this for?" he said, stroking your back with his hands.
"I look h-hideous, Jamie" you said between sobs.
"Sweetheart, I know that you may feel that way because you don't feel comfortable right now, but I promise you could never look hideous" he insisted.
"Y-you have to say that because you're m-my boyfriend" you said, still not looking up at him.
"No, I say that because it's the truth" he said, kissing your temple. "Could you please let me look at you? I haven't seen you all day. You have been really mean to me" he pouted.
"I'm sorry" you murmured, still looking down.
"It's okay" he said, gently cupping your cheek and making you finally look up at him. "There's my beautiful girlfriend" he said, leaning down to give you a soft kiss on the lips and making the tiniest smile appear on your face.
"You're a dork" you said, trying not to laugh.
"I know, I have the thick ugly glasses to prove it and my dorky hair that goes everywhere" he told you, making you glare at him.
"I love your dorky glasses and your messy hair" you pouted, running a hand through his messy locks.
"See? So how come you don't believe me when I say you still look beautiful?"
"It's not the same thing!" you insisted.
"It's the exact same thing, love" he said, kissing you again. "Does it hurt?" he asked, his expression turning worried and you felt yourself smiling even brighter at him.
"A little" you told him. "It's more uncomfortable than painful" you assured him. "But I already took some meds so it should be gone in a few days" you instructed him.
"Wait a minute, were you planning on avoiding me FOR DAYS?!" he said, dramatically with a hurt look on his face.
"No" you assured him. "I was hoping that they wouldn't look as bad tomorrow" you said.
"Well, that is still just cruel, love!" he said, pulling you closer to him and peppering your face with kisses.
"Jamie!" you complained, giggling as he kissed you once more. "I believed you mentioned some brownies?"
"Is that all I am to you? Your brownie dispenser?"
"Of course, not!" you said, kissing him again. "You're also my personal teddy bear that I can cuddle any time I want" you said, laughing a little.
"You're lucky I love you" he said, sitting up, making the blankets into a fort above the two of you before he grabbed the picnic basket.
"I really am" you said, sitting up next to him and kissing his cheek. "I love you too" you said, as he kissed your temple.
The End
A/N: hope you liked it, loves :)
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Hi guys sorry I haven't posted anything in a while. When I first saw this photo today all I could think of was how tired he looks and this little thing just popped to my mind and I decided to shared it with ya'll. Anyway, I hope enjoy it and sorry if it's too short💕
This is the first thing you see as you turn to go out of the kitchen. Matty is standing there with his head leaned to the cupboard. Its 1 am and this is the first time you're actually seeing him today, he was in his room all day long doing his work and you decided to let him be since lately he had been very anxious and didn't really like it when people tried to interrupt him when he was working. 'Hey!' You smile looking into his puppy eyes . 'You alright?' You put a strand of your hair behind your ears. He looks tired, his hair's a mess, his face a bit more hairy than usual but he still looks very beautiful. 'I, um... yeah, I'm fine I guess' he whispers rubbing his eyes. 'Do you need anything? Something to eat? You haven't eat all day.' You say lowly as you mirror him and lean your head to the cupboard just like his. 'I'm fine, had some snacks.' He says and you nod 'missed ya.' He grabs ur hand brushing his thumb over the back of your hand. You melt as his skin feels yours, this is the first time he's touched you this week. 'Yeah?' You ask as your eyes land on his for the second time tonight. 'Mhm' he interlock his fingers with yours. 'Im sorry' he chuckles Looking right into your eyes. 'I'm such a bad boyfriend baby, I suck.' He continues 'shhh, I'm okay, we're okay. I understand. You don't have to worry about it yeah?' You put a step closer to him, your hand lands on his neck and your forehead rests on his. Your lips too close to each other that they're almost touching. He glances at you briefly before putting a step closer and capturing your lips in his. You hum at the sudden touch which sends electricity all over your body, you feel hundred butterflies in you stomach. You bit your lip as you pull away and before you know you are grabbing him by his neck and pulling him in for another passionate kiss.
He runs his hands all over ur back and you both deepen the kiss, your fingers go all over his hair as his tongue roll on yours. Pulling away he rests his forehead on yours as you try to catch a breath. 'Let's get you to bed you need to sleep darling' you whisper as you realise just how red and puffy his eyes are. ' I don't wanna sleep just yet. Can we umm... cuddle please?' 'Yeah I think we can' you smile holding his hand and guiding him to living room.
He lays his head in your lap as you turn the TV on. Your fingers go through his hair. He closes his eyes and hums in pleasure as you message his scalp and temple. 'I promise to make it up to you baby you just gotta give me a little time.' He kisses the palm of your hand and you smile at him. 'Just relax okay? I'm honestly fine and the last thing I want is you being anxious over me.' 'But darling I've been anxious over you since the day we met' he chuckles making you roll your eyes at him. 'Come on gimme a kiss' he says grabbing your neck gently and pulling ur head closer to his. 'I love you' he whispers tasting your lips 'a lottttt' he smiles. 'I know.' You nod looking up at the TV screen.
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hollisartsblog · 10 months
Sorry for the long post, I just felt like I needed to get it out, if you want to read I'd be happy, if not, it's okay!
reading for the first time after almost 5 years what I used to write and think about late at night, and now I feel like doing it again, trying to find the right words.
I wanna talk about being in the moment as an artist, appreciating what you do, and not giving a fuck. (and loving ur young self)
I spent my teenage years drawing and posting here, so I had a lot to read tonight and to think about.
have u ever experienced that strange feeling, where you are like "wow. I was actually so beautiful and smart, who could have ever hated me?"
I was a completely different person, and maybe I miss that little girl, and maybe I hate her even a little. now, I'm not here to talk like I'm in a psychoanalyst's deckchair, of course. but I'm here, to resume the beautiful, however embarrassing in my opinion, habit of writing my most intimate thoughts (shareable, of course) that cross my mind at night, because maybe they can help someone, because we are never alone. just as they helped you years ago, just as it has helped me re-reading them now after all this time. I've had some crazy years. I was young, I was passionate and genuinely free to do whatever I wanted. I had friends, I had just sold a self-published book, I had "fans", I was "successful", I had good grades, I had a girlfriend, yet I wasn't happy. I know it sounds like the usual sweet story about happiness and self-satisfaction, but I don't think so (and even if it was, well, here we are ;) ) I didn't realize how necessary EVERYTHING that was happening to me was.
artists have a huge difficulty accepting that sometimes we have to look inside and accept that we have to constantly learn, instead we are always in a hurry to be perfect, to get likes, to earn, but that's not how it goes. I was literally 16 and already thinking about this, thinking I must be good enough to please everyone.
spoiler: you can never do that.
as I said years ago, our eyes are not the right eyes to judge us.
appreciate the compliments, don't dismiss them with an embarrassed smile. appreciate the effort and hours put into a work even if it is bad for you. hug your self when after a bad day you still have the courage to do what you love. being an artist is beautiful, but a huge burden, especially for us. remember that when our insecurities take over, we are not lucid.
yes, that drawing u posted that got 8 likes made 8 people feel something. how amazing is that?
yes, it will be fine, that text you wrote will be something new in someone's eyes, it won't be something read and re-read to make it perfect. you will amaze and make someone fall in love with what u did.
internet is an amazing place, and sometimes it's not. I got myself into a really bad place because I was too immature and too impatient to immediately be the artist I always felt I was, but NO ONE is after you with a clock ticking away time.
you really think someone care about how much time does it take you to get to your goal? why should it matter? I'm not going to list every single successful person who actually made it and tell you "look! they were poor now they are rich, so u can do it!". i'm telling you to always love the process; I would've punched myself in the face, I hated when adults told me this phrase, but it's true: everything pass. you are not gonna be like this forever. you are gonna love what you do one day, and love life because life takes but gives.
(tw: mental health) I spent years between psychologists and suicidal thoughts, I was never enough, and my art not only made me feel miserable, but it was one of the first reason I fell into depression. it always reminded me how plain, boring, and uninspired I was.
there was never anything that was right in what I did, every comment and every ask you sent me had no weight for me, they meant nothing because I didn't I believed in myself, yet I should have tasted it. now I reread them crying, not believing what I read. I was talented, man, I was full of ideas, I was amazing. I lost that spark, because of fear, of waiting for the right moment. i sabotaged myself because i was afraid of judgement, of pressure, when i had love around me, everywhere.
now I'm in Florence, far from home, studying in a private academy of animation and digital art. would I ever have thought that? absolutely no. I deserve it? Yes. because I, like you artists, have grown, we have learned, and I'll tell you this once and for all: do not give up. things are really getting better. now I'm not saying that because I magically healed and I love my art all of the sudden (unfortunately, I still really struggle) but please don't look at likes, followers. you're good, just because you love what you do, literally that's all that matters. I took a long break, now 2 years, because, as much as I didn't want to admit it, I was starting to hate what I was doing, it had become an obligation, a simple circle to mark before going to sleep on the to-do list. to alone.
16 years old. and it wasn't right.
love what you do, take breaks, post without checking a thousand times, show your work, accept compliments. you have created something, and that is enough.
look at you past as an amazing book you just read, the satisfaction coming from all the pages you already read and learnt from, now you are a different person thanks to them. look at you future with the same excitement when you still have a lot of those pages to read.
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pooplyface1423 · 4 months
~Hidden love ~
Warnings : Murder, usage of a gun
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"Please al have mercy.......we won't ever say anything about this, never we promise," says one of the men gossiping bout Al the day before
"YOU three should have thought that before talking," says Al with a smug grin in his face
One of the three was d e a d body cold and limp instantly. That made the other two plead more and whimper, trying to save themselves from this tragic situation. But Alastor wasn't going to hear their pleads. Two more gunshots were headed to both their foreheads.
"Good morning Al"
"Oh good morning to you too y/n"
After the small greeting, you both went into his host room to get things ready.But before anything else could be done, your manager came rushing in, saying that 3 staff members were missing. How? You asked
"I don't know, they won't answer, and I just came back from their houses and didn't find any of them"
"Oh my, what should we do now?" You asked with a worried expression in your face.
"Well, the broadcast will be a little late today since most of the other staff don't know how to operate the equipment correctly," says the manager
Then, after a 30-minute delay, Al finally got the green light and started the broadcast
"Good morning, everybody. It's quite the pleasure to have you allhere listening. Anyway, sorry for the small delay, and let's get started with the rest of the broadcast, " says Al as he looks over at you and gives you a warm smile, one that doesn't feel forced
"And that completes today's broadcast till tomorrow. Thank you and GoodBye "
After the broadcast ended, Al came up to you
"Hey y/n, I know we've just I known each other for less than 2 weeks, but would it bother you if I asked you out for a devine date?"
"Oh, sure! Today?"
"Yea, today I'll pick you up at 9:00"
While waiting for Al, you dressed in your beautiful red dress, so lost in the thought of going on a date.💃 . Then, a soft knock at the door got you out of your thoughts.
"Wow - you look beautiful, dear," says Al as he grabbed your arm
"Thanks, you look nice as well," you said, wrapping ur arm around Alastors.
The date was going amazing. You both talked a lot about the same things. You both liked the same things, or so you thought
After the date, which if I didn't mention it went great, he walked you to your house and when he was about to leave he kissed your forehead wishing you a good night's rest.
"Oh my, don't even think about it y/n" you thought right before kissing him in the cheek and also wishing him a careful way home and a good night's rest.
When Al got home, he quickly went to the bathroom and saw the slight pink in his cheek, which was the light tint of your lipstick.
With a slight blush in his face, he washed his face before being interrupted
"Baby, what happened?" Said Al's mom as she came up from behind, cupping his cheeks in her hands.
"Oh nothing, mom, I'm fine," says Al, clearly lying thru his teeth
"Oh no, I know when something is up, so tell me know before I find it out myself." Says his mom, still cupping his cheeks, but this time slightly harder
"Ouch, fine. I'll tell you, just stop holding my face so hard, " says Al after the pressure his mom was putting on him
"I went on a date with someone"
"Aw, my baby has a girlfriend. When will I meet the young lady who has my son wrapped around her finger? " says his mom, getting all excited
"She's not my girlfriend... yet"
"Oh well, tell me more bout her tomorrow, but for now, go to sleep, okay?"
"Okay, mom, good night," says Al, as his mom gives him a small kiss on his cheek
"Good night," says his mom, walking away
Hello, I finally finished pt 2. Yay! Randomly got inspiration to finish.
Anyway, I hope to finish pt 4 of the luci x reader fic soon
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mattestrella · 5 months
guys i need some fucking advice !!
so basically there’s this boy lets name him garry??(tf did that come from) so basically garry is in like 5 of my classes at school and we sit next to eachother in one class (it used to be 3 but we got moved) nd we talked like all the time not in a flirty way or anything just friend way. and basically at the start of christmas break (dec 15) he added me on snap so i was like okay? like its not weird we talk a lot, so i added him back and we texted like everyday for the whole of christmas break and it wasn’t really flirty (btw when i added him i knew i didn’t like him romantically) and i would send him pictures just like normal pictures of myself but i was VERY AWARE that a lot of cleavage was in these pictures (naughty😩😈) but i still sent it because i like when boys like me??? and we js kept doing that for like 3 weeks and he wld ask me to send more pictures and i would act clueless like i didn’t know why he wanted to me to send them even know i knew DAMN WELL. i would talk a lot abt sex to him?? not like in a weird way tho. but then after we came back to school (jan 5) this man was STARING ALL DAYYYYY at me and when we got home that’s when everything like changed like he got all sexual?? like he was saying shit like ‘i would do anything for you’ and blah blah blah so i was like oh okay? and then i would say stuff that didn’t mean to sound sexual but he would make it ex: (we were talking about sneezing for some reason and i typed in on google ‘how to sneeze on purpose’ and it said to stick something long up your nose (i think you can see where this is going) and then this is the conversation: me: it said you need to stick something long up your nose garry: oh yeah? well i think i could help with that so obviously i was like oh? 😧 and he would say JOKING JOKING JOKING after so i was like hahahahaha😐 like so funny and but like that’s when i started getting bold for some reason even though i didn’t like him and i only liked him as a friend?? i would send him like sexual screenshots of like a girl and a guy together (not like naked or porn js like SOMEWHAT sexual) and i would say ‘us’ and then would say joking after blah blah and he would reply ‘i wouldn’t mind’ and then he wld say joking. like ok we get it ur joking. OKAY ANYWAY LETS GET TO THE PROBLEM, so on friday after school he texted me saying he’s obsessed with me (like okayyy serve girl😜) and then i was like cute and he would say he misses me and THEN, he texted me and said ‘it’s hard knowing the person u like doesn’t feel the same way’ and then this bitch DELETES THE MESSAGE? (i half swiped) and i said ‘what did you say’ and he said ‘nothing’ so i half swiped and left him on delivered for 2 days and i opened it today and just told him i’m js like depressed lately (which is true) but like he js said ‘okay it’s fine i’m always here’ AND NOW I FEEL SO BAD BECAUSE I LEAD THIS POOR BOY ONNNNN NOOO I FEEL SO BAD IDK WHAT TO DO ITS MY FAULT I CANT I LITERALLY HAVE TO SEE HIM TOMORROW FUCKCKKCKCKCKCK WHAT THE FUCK DO I DO??😣😣🙏i was literally js craving male validation i didn’t expect us to talk for a long time
(i’m not expecting for anyone to read this but i had to get it off my chest)
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itsdelicate · 1 year
hii so sorry this is late!! I literally just slept the whole day yesterdayyyy. but I'm more awake now sooooo
right?? I honestly can't even remember. I think like around folklore time? but I didn't really stick to it until after evermore-ish cause I was so busy and quarantine was a bad time lmao. ofc that's okay and THOSE ARE AMAZING CHOICES!!!! all masterpieces and ivy is one of my fav too omg. okay folklore it's always been really hard for me to pick my top songs from so here are just alike 3 ones I really really love but idk their place in my top aknsmsn: my tears ricochet, mad woman, hoax. and evermore: ttds, happiness, dorothea, coney Island, and ivy (sorry I just can't pick three they're all in number one for me lol)
OMG that's so cute and I love that it happened to u!! bash is so akdbsjns. yes yes he is!! and he's so funny and sweet too he could not be annoying. AKDNSJSHSSB OMG if you fell to the ground and screamed at seeing her irl I would NOT blame you. dying on seeing her is so valid
it's a classic!! and I heard ab the musical and really want to watch it!! that's a good choice tangled is amazing. is rapunzel ur fav disney princess then? mines mulan skdhj. I LOVE KINGSMAN SO MUCH!!! taron egerton is so good in it. and Colin firth in anything is an immediate yes for me. I loved her greatest showman!! yesss it's soundtrack is everything but honestly I'm so sick of this is me cause my school was like obsessed w it and that thing where u get bored w a song cause it plays over and over and over again happened lmao. rewrite the stars is still and always will be a bop tho. aww that's sweet and idk if I've watched it before so maybe I'll check it out!!
omg those are all so good. sweet nothing is such a rare top 5 but it's everything. ooh okay mine are prob: wcs, maroon, labyrinth, glitch, and bttws!!
thank u!! I did have a lot of fun asisnjs
random qotd: do u celebrate christmas? cause I actually don't so I thought why not ask
xxx ur secret santa
no omg that’s totally fine hehe i hope you got some good rest 😌 i’ve decided to answer this while getting my tat ahsjf so if there’s any typos pls ignore them 🤠
ooh that’s pretty recent!! i’ve been a swiftie since 2008! insane that it’s been that long?? over half my life ago 💀 were you into taylor at all before folklore/evermore? i know a lot of people who knew some of her more popular songs before that but became fans after! ivy is SO good i need that song imprinted on my brain permanently idc!! your choices are so valid mad woman makes me so elmofirememe.jpg and happiness makes me want to CRY (the irony lmao can never trust her istg)
literally omg and the entire cast is 😭 i have them all little letters with their gifts and kit looked at me right in the eye and was like thank you 🥺 i promise to read it so carefully when i get home WHEN I TELL U I WAS TRYING TO STAY ALIVE AND SIMONE oh my god quite literally gay panic™️ etc etc
the musical is so good! little miss woods comma elle <3 i hope u get to see it someday!! yess she is 🥰 omg mulan is such a great choice a girlboss 😌 YES omg taron is amazing in it and colin firth <333 (which reminds me i also LOVE mamma mia!) omg i totally understand ahsjf that happens with me too such a pain when you like the song as well but you get sick of hearing it over and over 😩 omg pls do if u get the time! i think it’s my fav christmas movie now :’)
omg yeah now that you say it i haven’t seen that many people rank it higher up even though everyone loves it it’s such a soft song 🥺 amazing choices glitch took some time to grow on me but i love it now but omg bttws makes me so sad but it’s such a lovely song ☹️
yay i’m glad!! and i don’t either actually hsjfk but i love the season and the Vibes around christmas time everything is so festive 🫶
answering this was such a good way to pass the time my tattoo’s almost done hehe thank you for the distraction 🥰 i hope you’re having a nice weekend!! any plans for the coming week? <3
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chelleztjs18 · 1 year
Hello you mrs. oldie lefty eyebag honey nut cheerio 😅
I am good, just cold and working. It's snowing here, I'll whisper to the sky to go to Oklahoma so you can have some snow 🤣😁
You don't have to apologize for replying late, it's fine if it takes you awhile lol but I am sorry that you are having your visitor, it always dampens my mood the day before it arrives. I hope you don't mind me asking, how often do you do intermitten fasting? Do you get mad when you see pictures of food that you can't have while fasting?
I hear you on that, growing up in the Philippines, it's always humid and hot. But it is different from the heat here, I've noticed.
Maybe someday you will go there with the family 😃 I want to go to Disney world too, and Legoland and Epcot. The tickets are just so expensive. But I want to go so I can check out the food and some of the rides!
For my birthday last year, I went to a small lego land in KS, I could've stayed in there the whole day 😅
Yeah, I am going there this March. I think if we're timing it right, I will be gone for almost 2 weeks! It's not enough time but we will make the most of it. Don't miss me too much when I'm gone hahahaha just kidding
Of course I remember your birthday. It's close to Elizabeth's birthday! Do you at least have cake or something for your birthday?
Have you ever collected little trinkets that hold a sentimental value?
Corn-punn! Heeeyy! How r u? Again, sorry for the late reply..
Hows ur day so far?
Yes please blow the snow to come here..😅🤣 but dont use straw, it takes too long.lol.
I just found out im not gonna have a visitor this week. His cousin will come next weekend.
I just started the fasting yesterday.. i did it for a week last month but then i got sick of bronchitis so i stopped until i feel better.. n i just restarted it again yesterday. No, i dont get mad when i see picts of food when im fasting.😅 it just make my stomach growl though.lol.
I been to phlipine's airport for transit and i could feel the heat n the humidity even when i didnt get out og the airport. Same like indonesia..
I hv been to legoland, for me it was okay.. 😁 but i was amazed with all the things that they built with lego pieces.
What is epcot?
Yeah disneyland is expensive. I used to have season pass for disneyland n included parking n no blackout dates i think, n it's like 500 or 600 a month.. but still it's a better deal.. because u can come anytime n not worry if it's too busy n cant ride anything then u will just go home.haha.
I also used to have universal studio season pass as well. So i went there pretty often with my bestfriend, usually on mondays because we have the same day off.hahah.
Now i have the diamond elite member season pass for six flags. It's way cheaper than disneyland.. i think it's only 50 dollar a month n it's included lunch n dinner plus a snack everytime i go n i can go to any six flag in other states. Including the waterpark.
Oh wow, that sounds fun.. any plans u gonna do or place of food u gonna go? What food that u crave the most that u cant find it here?
Haha i will miss talking with u.. u probably miss me more 😅🤣 so u wont be online here while u r there?🥺
Aaaw thats so sweet u remember my birthday! Thank you! Yeah sometimes i get cake for my birthday. I usually eat noodle on my birthday. It's a tradition since i was a kid, my mom always try to make me some noodle or buy somewhere, for a symbol n good wish of long life, she said. Haha.
Yes, sometimes i collect small sentimental trinkets. What abou u?
Next question?
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spacedykez · 2 years
hey! (why we r following ask thingy) I think i followed you bc of lifesteal stuff? cause that was my newest hyperfixation at the time and the whole reason i returned to tumblr, and you were very swag! and then i stuck around because youre neat and i like your vibes :] also otterverse was epic hopefully ppl send in more asks n things for that i miss the otterverse when will it return from the war /j
also sorry if this is a mess i am. sick. its okay tho ill be fine tmrw ya boi can sleep off anything o7
OH YEAH AND YOUR WRITING i also followed/stuck around because i am in love with your writing. i want to eat ur style. it is so. hhrrsbjhppmm just. the characters voices. are so right. you are so based and correct always and have the most awesome ideas and word choices and. hhnnrmrmrm share the swag please /lh
i have a couple otterverse asks i've just been... i dont know. kinda busy with irl stuff lately. i dont have the brainpower left to do otterverse. sorry one day ill get back to it i hope.
oh aw tysm!!
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mackenzielovee · 2 years
Could you post another cute little blurb bout Connor I’ve been having the roughest time and he makes me happy like ur writing literally makes me so happy
your wish is my command <3 so sorry to hear you've had a rough time lately. sending goodness for you. i love you & hang in there
You close the oven gently, grateful for a break from the intense heat that had been aimed right at your face as you slid the tray of homemade chocolate chip cookies into the oven. When you turn around, you can't help but giggle at the sight of Connor sitting in the middle of your kitchen island, hand in the bowl of remaining dough, flour covering his cheeks and nose.
"What do you think you're doing?" you ask him, hiking up a brow and placing your hand on your hip.
He freezes, hand still in the bowl, and his eyes dart up to you. You can feel your heart tugging in your chest; the way his eyes are wide and his lips are parted reminding you so much of Rafe.
"Gettin' some dough for you," he replies, lying straight through his two and a half year old teeth.
You grin and shake your head, "For me? Are you sure?"
He nods, pursing his lips and pulling his hand from the bowl. A small scoop of dough rests on his pointer finger, and his eyes linger on it for far too long before he reluctantly hands it out for you.
Your eyes flicker to the doorway as you step toward your son, finding Rafe with his finger pressed to his lips. He'd been out on a Sunday morning run, his AirPods still in his ears, and now is sneaking up behind Connor.
"Can I have some after you, Mama?" Connor asks, still holding out his hand.
"What about me?" Rafe asks, causing Connor to jump at the sound of his dad's voice so close.
Before Connor can even process it, Rafe's reached for his hand and removes all of the dough from Connor's finger, grinning as he does so. Connor, who recovers from his scare, frowns and immediately protests.
"Dad! That wasn't for you," he pouts.
"It's really good, bub," Rafe says, his voice muffled through the dough.
You laugh at the two of them, shaking your head at Rafe as he rounds the kitchen island and wraps his arm around your waist, pulling you in to kiss your temple.
"It better be," you mumble, "He needs a bath, now."
Rafe laughs, "Nah. He's fine."
"Mama," Connor whines, his hand already halfway back in the bowl.
You laugh and grab a spoon out of the drawer, then hand it over to him.
"Here. Use this, please," you lecture.
Connor grins and yanks the spoon from your hand before diving in, to which you politely and kindly remind him that one scoop is all he can have. He nods slowly, and you can tell he's already figuring out the ways he can sneak more.
Rafe steps over to the sink to wash his hands, to which you follow. This pregnancy feels similar and different for you; your clinginess to Rafe seems to only be increasing as the days pass.
"You feeling okay, sweetheart?" he asks.
You nod, "Yeah. Could use some fresh air. Maybe we could sit outside and read for a bit?"
"Yeah," Rafe agrees, "Little man can run off all his sugar."
You smile and watch as he dries his hands, seemingly aware of the fact that you just need to feel his skin on your own at this very moment. His arms wrap around you and he pulls you close, no part of you caring that he's sweaty.
"How was your run?" you ask him quietly.
He snickers when Connor sneakily grabs a bunch of dough with his free hand, keeping his eyes down in the bowl.
"Good," Rafe whispers back, pressing a kiss behind your ear, "Missed you."
"Mhm," you hum incredulously, but you smile like an idiot regardless.
"Anything I can get for you before I go bathe our little baker?"
You smile, "No, I'm okay."
"Okay, baby. Go sit down. We'll be down in a little."
He spins you around in his arms and presses a quick kiss to your lips, then your cheek, and reluctantly removes his arms from around you.
"Wait-" Connor objects when Rafe scoops him up, his spoon still in hand, "Daddy, hold on-"
"Drop the spoon, Connor Cameron," Rafe says, deepening his voice, "You're going to get sick if you eat any more."
"Ugh, fine," Connor groans, "Mama, you comin'?"
Rafe looks at you expectantly and shrugs, as if silently asking you to consider. One glance at the two of them has your mind completely made up.
"Yes, baby, I'm coming," you smile.
Connor reaches for your hand over Rafe's shoulder and holds onto it, the three of you climbing the stairs together.
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pesiko · 3 years
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The Enemies to Lovers Project - dating your enemy [18k]
Youngblood - he crashes at your apartment 24/7 [17.4k]
Countless Skies Upon Me - the skilled swordsman [16.5k]
Haven - sometimes a real family isn’t just blood M [16k]
Too Early But Not Enough - grim reaper Minho [11.6k]
Love Equation - minho’s ideas are dangerous [11.5k]
And They Were Roommates - torn shower curtains M [11k]
How to Win Over the Ice Prince - annual Xmas party [10.3k]
Dawn - like everyone has their own guardian angel [10k]
Between the Lines - late fees and a missing love letter [9.7k]
Give it a Chance - a party and something to tell you [9.6k]
Felines over Flowers - feeding the alley cats [8.5k]
Kisses - his kisses evolve and so does the relationship [8k]
Misfits - there’s no hope for people like you [7.6k]
Playing with Fire - descendants of the sun AU [7k]
Aria of an Assassin - hasn’t been fazed in yrs til now [6.2k]
All I Want for Christmas - driving with enemy Minho [5.4k]
Big Brother - he doesn’t know why ur acting like that [5.4k]
All on Me - the star soccer player is interested in you [4.5k]
Soonie, Doongie, Dori, and John - stealing a fish [4.4k]
Who Are You - a college dropout and a detective [4.3k]
Strawberries - an impulsive trip to the tattoo parlor [4.3k]
What if We - ur nonsense abt not having a roommate [4.1k]
Home Run - the four times you ask him to the formal [3.8k]
7 Days - confessing but he doesn’t take it seriously [3.7k]
Wounds - you always knew he was your soulmate [3.7k]
Dance with Your Neighbor - him dancing to Usher [3.6k]
Something’s Gotta Give - can’t stand Jisung’s friend [3.4k]
Pawprints - no pets allowed in the student dorms [3.4k]
Black Magic - you knew a love potion was risky [3.3k]
Sign of the Times - apocalypse, everything was fine [3.2k]
Nude - didn’t expect to draw a nude model so soon [2.9k]
Rewrite the Stars - “see you next week, lover boy” [2.8k]
I’ll Be Here, Always and Forever - even at ass o clock [2.7k]
Even a Fool Knows - I might fall apart by myself [2.6k]
Paws Off - “it’s not mine, I swear” [2.5k]
Of Ramen and Duck Slippers - keep running into him [2.4k]
Be Okay - 2 kids knowing nothing abt the real world [2.4k]
Ready or Not - the new addition looked familiar [2.2k]
Somewhere Like This - after being cheated on [1.9k]
The Morning After - hooking up w campus fuckboy [1.5k]
More Than Anything - “cute but gross” [1.4k]
The Anatomy of Loving You - a beard of bubbles [1.3k]
The Things I Do With You - he wasn’t feeling the best [1.2k]
The Aid of a Body Pillow - Minho isn’t a cuddly sleeper [1.1k]
Club Light - platonic, mafia leader Minho asks you [1.1k]
Dance First, Think Later - choreographing with him [1k]
Coffee, First - “because you’re too slow” [1k]
Teddy Bear
A Marriage Story & Part 2
[main masterlist] [stray kids masterlist] updated 7-31-21
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