mintedaisies · 1 year
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you were the sunshine of my lifetime, what would you trade the pain for?
🌿 (they/them) cishet men dni 🌿
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sporadic-writer · 4 years
Welcome to the Neighborhood pt. 2
Note: ok so I know that not all of the boys, meaning both twins, live with the others. And I know my update schedule sucks but I go in a block and funk. Sorry guys. I just want you to read something I would read and truly enjoy. Also, I think I may make this a Haz fic bc ones about hin deserves more love and notes.
No one really reads these but I also think I'll write this for Harrison bc when Tom posted the pic of Nadia, it shattered the illusion in my head lol and it feels weird to a certain extent to write when he is most likely dating her. Don't get me wrong, I'm so happy for him and he doesn't know I exist, but it feels odd idk. So im pausing on Tom stuff atm lol. Harrison is single as far as publicly that ik so thats that 😅
Pairing: Harrison x Reader (most likely)
Warnings: mentions of weed, alcohol, and swearing. I enjoy all these things responsibly and ik im not the only one. As always stop reading if you dont like something.
Part 1 here initial teaser here (got around 100 notes soo 😎 check that out)
“Alrighty boys. That’s enough about me, tell me about yourselves. I only know this one from the big screen and that 2 of you are brothers.” You gestured to Tom as you spoke about him. “And from basic eavesdropping I gather you are all very close.” 
Tom smiled, “Actually I’m a brother to the twins, older obviously.” It was fun having a celeb lounging in your hot tub, drinking a beer with you. “But yeah I am an actor, Spider-Man as you probably know. Harrison’s an actor too!”
“Oh my god you are! I watched Catch-22 on Hulu! Comedy my ass..! I balled my eyes out several times.” He had the nerve to laugh in response. “Don’t laugh! That shit got intense quick. Then the shot where you all are swimming? Killed me. I don't know how I didn't notice you. Sorry!”
“Did you at least like it?” He smiled and asked hopefully. When you nodded yes he beamed! “Well then that’s all that matters. I will say an American accent is hard.”
You brought your beer up to your lips. “Yeah because your guys’ accent is so easy. You make fun of how different areas in America have different accents but it’s the same here!” They nodded in agreement at your words. You leaned your head back a tad and enjoyed the warm water. “Southern accents have different twangs bepending on the area, I have family that lives closer to New England, that's something all in its own. Just like here. You got London, Wales, some place called Essex and other places more north of here. It's not just the US." You reached over for your joint to finish it amongst the bubbles. "Now for real. Tell me about yourselves. Harrison you start I guess."
"Why me?"
"Shorter wikipedia page." You smirk as you re-lit your herb. The guys laughed and made 'ooh' noises to tease. "I'm kidding! Relax a touch. I just picked your name because you are right in front of me."
"Well I've known this lot since we were all kids. Tom and I went to school together and we have been stuck with each other since. I was his personal assistant for a while too." You listened as he spoke. Sweat was building up on his face from the hot tub. It added a nice shine to his, and everyone's faces. In order to avoid makeup running everywhere you sat up as you listened to him. You watched his eyes watch your movements as you took a hit and slowly exhaled. Almost like he was relaxing from watching someone relax from getting high without actually doing so. He kept going and you realized you zoned out a tad. "And then I wanted to do more than just model so I did more auditions and Catch-22 became my biggest so far."
You nodded, noting you heard and were listening. "That's cool and all but tell me like favorite song, movie, animal! Hahaha it isn't everyday famous people are in my hot tub. I'm going to savor this first encounter!" He smiled and answered your sort of questions. You offered the joint around before it finished. Tom passed, Tuwaine and Harrison took quick hits though. "But yeah that is me. Now someone else go so I don't have the spot light on me anymore." He looked at you as he said that and handed you the last bit. You winked in thanks, and to flirt lightly. (Shoot your shot right?) "Same questions to you love."
You responded your favorite song, movie, and color to him. "Yeah I like a bit of everything. But funny movies are my favorite. Obviously I like Marvel too Tom don't worry. Same goes for music but my preference ranges from new pop to older rock. I grew up on 80s alternative pop stuff." You smiled at him and he beamed in pride at the brand he represented. "Ok Sam you now."
Sam starts talking about his life and Harrison goes to grab more drinks. At this point the sun as almost finished setting and you tell the blonde how to turn the deck lights on. Soon the rows of edison bulbs flick on and a lovely mood is set. The glow isn't too bright and adds a nice light to your summer tanned skin. What you don't know is that the gentlemen appreciated the glow as well. However, they are too polite to say anything too bold after just meeting you.
If you could read minds or be sober enough to detect a certain lack of subtlety you would pick up on how the single men checked you out as you got out of the tub to get rid of the roach. Polite of course, 20 something men are going to appreciate a beautiful American girl right in front of them.
And if they could read your mind they would hear how you were taking in Tom and Harrison's jaw lines and toned muscles. How you appreciated Tuwaine's smile and height. Then add the twin's curls and freckles to the list and they'd think you were picking them like boys from a catalogue. Despite the slight oggling on your part, your eyes always wandered back to the blonde hair blue eyed boy the most. He seemed a little more laid back then Tom. Probably just because one was working more than the other, but that was just initial vibes you got. Regardless of vain appearance choices and vibe preference, all these boys were wonderful and you were just lucky enough your uncle's hot tub fit them all nicely.
Tuwaine smiled cheekily and spoke up. "Alright, we all have fresh drinks and proper buzzes. Let's make it fun and play a game. So Y/N, you went to college in the states, give us a classic drinking game and show us what you got."
"Ha! I don't know what you're looking for but I assume never have I ever is universal? You can't play kings or flip cup in a hit tub. Hold up 5 fingers, put them down if you've done said thing, drink as well."
"No fingers, just play till we are right pissed." Harry grinned and everyone else went along with it. "I will start. Never have I ever- wait this a normal game or sexy version?"
You said you didn't care and Tom said what the hell, so he continued. "Never have I ever gotten walked in on during a scandelous activity." Tom and Harrison both drank and groaned saying they have both walked in on each other at some point in life. Tuwaine continued.
"Never have I ever fooled around while someone else is in the room." There was a pause and no one drank. But then you rose your beer to your lips and they all looked at you in a manner of surprise and demand for explination.
Shrugging you said, "Old drunken hookup in school. We didn't know his roommate was in his top bunk asleep until it was too late. The mistake we made was keeping on going when we thought we heard him, because we did..."
"Wow Y/N. Learning a lot about the neighbor girl right away!"
"Shut up this game was your idea!" You laughed as you spoke in response to his teasing. "But whatever it's my turn now anyway. Never have I ever sent a dirty text to the wrong person." That got all but Harrison and you felt proud for getting them. "Alright so you are either morons or were in a rush to send that sext."
Tom defended himself saying her name was Sam and it was instant regret the second he realized.
Sam glared at him and said, "Yeah no one enjoyed that bro. I'm still shaken up about it."
"Get over yourself it was like 5 years ago! And you accidentally sent your friend Jake one, so pot, kettle, hi both black."
"It was detailed!"
You just sat there amused taking this all in. "I am so glad this happened tonight." You said more to yourself than them.
"Darling if this ends up in the tabloids we will never speak again." They were teasing with the threat. "But come on this is good let's keep going. Never have I ever done it in a car." You, Sam, and Tuwaine all drank and giggled.
The game continued on and another round of drinks were had. You learned Tuwaine had said the wrong name in bed. Also, that both Harry and Harrison have fooled around during family functions. In return they learned that you've hooked up in a college classroom and in a restaurant bathroom. That ended up getting you and your former boyfriend kicked out of the establishment. Towards the final round all were getting sleepier but still in a good mood.
"Never have I ever had sex high." Harrison challenged the group. No one drank. "Wait really? Thought I'd get you with that. Finish your beer and all." He looked at you as he spoke.
"Nope. Just never happened now that I've thought about it. Huh. You'd think right? But nope. Not that I'm opposed." You ended your statement by glancing his way while finishing your beer anyway. Harrison just watched the way your neck moved as you tilted your head back. "Ok boys this was fun but I am gettin tired."
Tom nodded. "Same here. Thank you for having us darling, it was fun!" The others spoke in agreement and you smiled at them saying they were welcomed back anytime. They offered to help clean but you grabbed the remaining bottles and told them you were good. After final goodbyes, you told them to not he strangers, you were all in your respective homes.
You went to bed pretty quick. Next door, at their place Tom, Harrison, and Sam lingered to get some water before bed. "She was really cool." Sam said while sipping water.
Harrison hummed in agreement. "Yeah I think so too. Very chill and all that."
Sam smirked and playfully said, "You just think she's fit mate." There was a pause.
"Well she is." It was Tom who said that and the others looked at him in playful shock. "What I'm not blind! She is! She's isn't some shy girl freaking out over us. She's cheeky and just seems normal about us living next to her. More Harrison's type though I'd say."
Sam laughed. "Yeah he always liked the classic American 'girl next door' type. Just a bonus she is actually American this time." They paused for Harrison to negate their statements but he just sipped his water and looked at them with a glint in his eyes. "Told you." Sam said as he took a sip. "She is better than half the models either of you bring back. Nuerons fire and she can keep a conversation. Not that all models are like that! But come on you went out with some stereotypes." Neither could disagree. Sometimes you just want to have a date with the beautiful face. Long term needs substance though, and both Tom and Harrison thought you had it all.
"We need to invite her over tomorrow, and any time she's free." Groundwork was to be established and Harrison was determined to get to know you more.
As always, like and reblog! I hope you like it! Also if i forget to tag someone lmk, same if you wanna be tagged or not tagged. Feedback and notes are appreciated but be nice haha I edit as best I can. Thanks for reading and enjoying.
Tags: @jillanaholland @averyfosterthoughts @sarah-m-limelight-2007 @astridcommings
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napoleon--bonaparte · 4 years
i read @focsle​‘s novel Lacrimore. this is my review. it is FULL OF SPOILERS.
rating: infinity/10. i just LOVED it!! it just ah!! it was so good!! i was totally and effortlessly swept up in the whole universe of Lacrimore. i was also completely 1000% invested in every character, including the house's staff (LOVED Fel omfg). i enjoyed every single second that i read this book. it was difficult to put down but because of the way that life is i had to at times and until i could get back to it, it was ALL i thought about. i thought that it was beautifully crafted and well and satisfyingly plotted. it was also extremely emotionally and thematically resonant with me. it just really hit me right where i live!!
i have all sorts of thoughts but they're kind of loosely assorted so bare with me
the house was AMAZING. i mean, W O W! "atmospheric" is the word that really comes to mind the strongest. the writing is not only beautiful but also incredibly effective and fresh. in a work like this, it is so important to get a sense of the house in a physical (well, as close to physical as you can get with this particular house) sense and SJ really just knocked it out of the park. i was blown away. not surprised, just totally delighted. in particular, the ballroom windows and the east wing captured my heart. the sense of history there just totally haunts me
i adored all of the characters. Sivre Sen was a great choice for protag, and such an interesting character in this universe. i found her internal struggles with her faith to be deeply compelling. i really felt for her and cared for her as things progressed. and. fkjda; sorry to keysmash like its 2011 here but. the whole ass climax !! INTENSE. ROOTING FOR HER SO HARD. and the close... when she lit that lantern... and starts calling spirits away.... what a beautiful, powerful culmination of her character arc and the book as a whole. i just. knocked on my ass. found dead, rip me she was so young
Vandorus. i. i love him. ALSO rooting for him so hard. number one, what a GREAT character. like, just conceptually within this universe. fascinating. number two. he stole every scene he was in. i mean, everything was well balanced and super well written. but he was just such a compelling, interesting dude with such a strong personality that it was hard not to be just totally taken with him wherever he went!! god. I JUST WANT HIM TO BE OKAY. when he and the house were getting buddy buddy i was like.... this is very sexy of you Vandorus, however as your mother i am concerned.
his relationships with Sivre and Lalichai were the touchstone of the whole book for me. i loved watching his relationship with Sivre evolve. it was exactly what i would want to happen between the two of them but i'm not used to getting that kind of satisfying turn in a lot of narratives... and when it happened, i was just beside myself. they have such an interesting dynamic. when he let her go... and then when she didn't leave him. i'm crying like a baby over here, its 1am, i'm scaring my dog.
ugh. IK THAT IT ENDS ON KIND OF AN AMBIGUOUS NOTE. WHICH I **LOVED** AND THOUGHT WAS PERFECT. so whether or not he fully survives this whole thing is kind of up in the air. the ambiguity. god, him telling Sivre that he knows he should have just put Lalichai out of his misery... tears. Van isn't a bad guy. i just. head in my hands. when Sivre tells him that the house would just use him, i'm like throwing shit into the air. like listen to her you beautiful salty dingus!!! I JUST WANT WHATS BEST FOR YOU
also. every time Sivre and Van have a scuffle this was me irl:
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and Lalichai. smoothes shirt. i run a Lalichai stan blog now. i was NOT expecting at all to like him so much, just figured he'd be there, but he was JUST SO CHARMING and i am a SUCKER FOR THAT TYPE OF BOTH CHARACTER AND REAL LIFE INDIVIDUAL PERSON. and when he died, i wasn't expecting to see him again so like, to have a whole ass other scene with him was just a true delight. i just loved him to bits. here's something i wrote at some point for my notes for this review: "lalichai is SO my type as a character love that bitch GOALS except the evil house part but would totally also make that mistake so like i get it babe."
anyway. here's an assortment of moments that made me have a irl physical reaction:
i GASPED AUDIBLY and in doing so SCARED MYSELF when sivre found minah's bead
i had to stop reading and get up to take a little emotional walk every single time van's mom was brought up (i was literally like wow.. rip my heart out, thanks) and ALSO at that four lines of dialogue between lalichai and minah. i'm just. those lines are fucking haunting me
i cried throughout the entire climax and also at any point where minah showed up.
overall, in a broad sense i loved the whole narrative structure. i loved that it was on a bottle on the island. i thought that was very effective and well done. i also loved the broad thematic tanglings with legacy, death, ambition, struggling against authority, etc. this might sound odd but i'm still processing them, not that they were difficult to understand or not well crafted but i think they're just really hitting me very hard and i need some time to parse how the work is impacting me emotionally beyond my deep investment in the characters and universe. i will certainly be rereading this again.
i don't know a great deal about american spiritualism. but the influences on this work was such a rare treat. i haven't said a lot about the worldbuilding, but it was fascinating and effective. it just... all worked really, really well.
in conclusion: i really enjoyed the book. it has been a long time since a written, non-podcast work of fiction has grabbed me like this. i find it terribly gauche when fans rope creators into fandoms or try to talk about things like fanfiction with them. but i would be remiss if i did not share that, for me personally, it is rare that a work grabs my heart and imagination to the extent that i would want to read or produce any fanwork. it must be very special in a particular way for this to happen. and right now all i want to do is dive DEEP into a healthy lacrimore ao3 tag!!!
where's my vandorus & sivre "buddy cop" style sequel riffs. and at least one 6k fic where they go find his mom (IF SHE STILL ALIVE....) that makes me lose my mind.
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chalicefarms-blog · 5 years
CHALICE TV | "Leather Storrs" EP.
Penn: We're here today with Leather Storrs he's a restaurateur and part owner of Noble Rot, an incredibly successful restaurant in the Portland area, and one of my personal favorites. We just wanted to talk to him a little bit about, one, his upbringing as a chef and the foray into cannabinated foods and cooking with cannabinated foods. I want to start with, where did it start, where did the love of cooking start? How did you get here?
Leather: When I was born, my dad was 50. So he’s quite a bit older and so we didn't you know throw the ball when my dad said go out for a long one. And you take three steps, thats it. But there were things that we did together, and food was a big one. He did most of the cooking in our family and he was invigorated by it, he made it exciting, he took us places with his food and that was a place where we were able to bond.
Penn: You dabbled with cannabis all kind of throughout formative years, when did you decide that cooking was past the family past the connection with your father? When did you decide like that's what I want to do and that's my passion 
Leather: Greg Higgins who had a restaurant of his same name was the chef at the Heathman at that time, and to watch him orchestrate the service throughout whatever sort of hiccup whatever sort of personality issue, whatever sort of disorder. It was magic you know, and to be a part of that team, to feel that adrenal rush and to feel like you're accomplishing something in a
short period of time was really exciting for me.
And so that. really honestly focused me because of my comfort with food from a young age and because I traveled quite a bit I had some familiarity with cuisine and it was just a perfect fit.
We moved Noble out here in 2008, opened it up and we've been doing great ever since and then. When the cannabis started to gain momentum and because I've always been intrigued I
started to mess around I started to figure some things out and I started to make some things with cannabis that were actually kind of delicious. And the first thing that I made was a version of the caramel sauce that we made here, 
Weed is supposed to be fun. Here's the play and it's silly and maybe this is the time that all of 
these things come together, and it was at that point that I realized that that was the ingredient missing from my plan. That made what I had to say about food both unique and resonant. Being able to play and being able to do it legally with cannabis to a receptive and an enthusiastic audience has been.. I've been tickled.  It really a lot of fun I am most interested in being able to deliver a known quantity with delicious food that is playful, interesting, a little silly, and so all my efforts have been towards that idea. 
Penn: It's almost like you have a certain amount of tools in your tool chest to work with as a chef. I just want to know what it's like to go through your entire culinary life and then have another tool added to the shelf, and that tool is varied and nuanced and psychoactive.
Leather: I think more than anything is an affirmation and an encouragement to kind of keep questing. But again, most importantly a reminder that things are always moving and so why don't we mess around with a fat preparation and then I'll call preparation and we'll do it with some stuff that we pick upstairs !
Penn: So we are up on the roof of Noble Rot, where you actually grow almost all of what herbs vegetables grown.
Leather: We use everything we grow. We grow everything we use. 
Penn: But a lot of that connection to like craft quality products right here.
Leather: Exactly this is sort of the epitome of our approach in our mindset so we'll use some of those leaves, tea leaves, those other cute little green things.  It's amazing kind of haunting, it's like seems to be sweet arugula right there. 
Penn: So we're here with our offerings from the garden and we're gonna, I mean it blows my mind, but we're gonna turn this into food. that isn't what's sitting right in front of me
Leather: ideally I don't wanna like let have training wheels okay for your first foray and let make it calm and easy and seated. My goal my plan is a quick cure on some steelhead which is in season right now. If we're curing a fish and we want to do it quickly it's about service area, so we'll have to cut it down. 
I'd ike you to go through these, we don't need a big salad we’re not gonna use all of it but we'll need a good collection of the things that we picked. The trio of sexy greens these are all from the mustard days. We want equal amounts mizuna, ruby streaks, arugula. Okay a little bit of chervil, a few of those gem marigold pieces and then I'll keep this sorrel. We'll mix it in with our tartare. I'll get cutting on that fish. This is a shallot, remember the onion family 
Here's that sorrel that blew you away that nice sharp shiny sorrel to visit and I'm just gonna take
it off the stem here again really nice fine filaments of shiny bright soil
that's gonna pop in there with our fish 
Penn: Well I think that's always my struggle with cooking is, and I ran into this with cannabis as well, when I first wanted to learn how to water a cannabis plant. People just let just feel your plant like well how do I know what it should feel like? And often times with chefs it's you know how much of that did you put in? ‘Oh I just kind of felt right!
Leather: Now so in a few of those okay gem marigold pieces. Here's that Everclear thing okay and just put your hand out I'm just gonna put a couple drops, I put a couple drops of tincture in there with that fish and so we'll give that a little mix just to kind of coat everything. Start those flavors going but we're gonna also salt it. And when we do the clock will start because salt will denature the proteins. So that is pretty pink, it will start to become opaque. So we're gonna get everything ready and taste it. I'm gonna grab two spoons, keep picking little tiny pretty stuff don't go crazy. We'll just let that kinda hang out and see where you are. Right in our salad and here this grapeseed oil is infused. This is about 10 milligrams of THC per gram. Okay again and so that's where gonna give you. 
I'm doing it from the ground up with flower, numbers that I know, with high quality ingredients. A little fresh olive oil to finish that fish. Right there a sexy little garden hammer, with about 25 milligrams.
Its this idea that, I'm really trying to balance, we're trying to taste that salad. We're trying to take advantage of the place, we're trying to show a time stamp, and then you get those those nifty weird flavors up a little pop of the fennel yeah that's strange gem miracle. Did I pass the audition?
Penn: it's so good!
Chalice Farms Marijuana Clinic
With over 100 years of combined cannabis experience, the team at Chalice offers craft, quality products to a wide variety of people – from its new user effects carts to the more sophisticated user with its strain specific uncut oil. Chalice’s nutritionally enhanced and award-winning fruit chew line appeal across the board.
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