#Ian Fried
vintagewarhol · 2 months
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marleneoftheopera · 4 months
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World Tour rehearsals!
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smoshmonker · 1 year
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don’t talk to me or my son ever again
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sparkling-treasures · 22 days
The Mark Of The MCU's Future Success - Jason Isaacs As Magneto, If Not What Were They Even Thinking... Only Acceptable Other Actors Are The Return Of Ian McKellen Or Michael Fassbender... That Is All.... If Not Jason Isaacs As Mr. Freeze In The DCEU. #MagnetoPrime
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emietook · 8 months
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More from Braves Gala
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rayrayor · 4 months
Holy moly. Chapter 54.
This chapter does discuss some prison sex of Mickeys. Not graphic but factual.
But a big frosted surprise at the end 💕
And in all serious teasing, check out the work and other beautiful art by @darthvaders-wife
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After a few minutes, I saw a bright, familiar sign in the distance. I took a deep breath and wiped my eyes clear. 
"Ian, could you do me a favor?" 
"Anything you want." 
"I want fast food." 
To me, this was a sort of a last meal - the final gift to the condemned.
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lupeloto · 1 year
just trying to do homework in starbucks and their wedding dance song starts playing… let me LIVE
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If anyone cares to know, I have a new song cover on my YouTube channel 👀
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Dont Go Insane (DPR IAN) - Cover by Itsme_Clarinha
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meangirls-imagines · 8 months
Rest and Relaxation
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"who's that?"
"that is the queen bee regina george. do not look her in the eye. she can smell fear."
cady rolled her eyes at damian giggling. in the small amount of time that she had known him, he had been very dramatic. janis also rolled her eyes. "she can't smell fear. but he is right, don't look her in the eyes." cady watched as the blonde girl walked up to her table holding cheese fries, sitting next to the girl that damian said "has hair full of secrets".
there was a thud as the trio turned spotting a girl struggling to carry her backpack, books, and lunch. the girl looked over at the trio, noticing janis and damian and shyly waved. they all waved back and watched as she stumbled past them.
"who's that?" damian shook his head. "that's y/n, regina's girlfriend." cady looked at the two shocked. she didn't think regina was gay. "really? she's so...shy." janis nodded as they watched y/n finally make it to the plastics table. regina's face lit up at the sight of her girlfriend. y/n smiled back and sat next to the blonde, unloading everything on the table. regina pulled y/n into a kiss, making the girl blush.
"hi baby. how is your day going?" y/n blushed deeper at the petname. "its going fine gina. i just have a lot of work to do." y/n was a nerd in the best sense. she had the highest gpa of the whole school, she was a mathlete, and she was in all advanced classes. she also had a really bad habit of overworking herself. regina hated watching her girlfriend burn out so she did her best to step in before it got bad.
"how about you come to my house with us after school? we can do a spa day for you. get you to relax a little. i know how stressed you've been." y/n's heart melted at her girlfriend's worry. as much as she wanted to do that, she had a mathletes meeting after school followed by sat prep until late at night.
y/n shook her head. "i wish i could gina, but i have mathletes until 4 and then sat prep until 8 and then i still have to finish my essay." regina sighed, scooting closer and scratching y/n's back to get her to relax a little. their moment was ruined when y/n's brother shane walked up to them. "ladies, nice to see you guys today. y/n, chris was wondering if you could possibly look over his history paper and see if its good enough for at least a b minus."
regina was about to speak up when y/n beat her to it. "yeah, just give it to me before i go to mathletes and tell him i'll have it back to him by tomorrow morning." shane smiled and ruffled his sister's hair, placing a brief kiss on her head. "thanks sis. i'll let him know." y/n smiled as her brother walked away. regina looked at her girlfriend worriedly. y/n shook her head. "it's fine gina. i'll be okay."
the bell rang, dismissing lunch as y/n stuffed all of her things in her backpack, kissing regina and heading off to her next class. gretchen watched regina deflate as y/n walked away. she put a hand on her shoulder and smiled at her. "she'll be fine regina." the blonde sighed. "i hope you're right."
y/n sighed as she opened her locker the next morning. she didn't get home until late last night and woke up earlier than usual to go with shane to football practice to give chris his essay and finish up any homework she missed the night before. she was exhausted and just wanted to go home. unfortunately for her, the world doesn't work like that and it was only going to get much worse.
for backstory, regina and y/n had been friends since 4th grade. regina had been very protective over the girl since they first met all those years ago. they met when regina stepped in and stopped a few boys from shoving y/n around. and since then, nothing had changed. regina was just as if not more protective over the girl. they had come out at the end of 8th grade which just boosted the protectiveness. ever since they came out as a couple, less people picked on y/n, though there were some who just didn't get the message.
enter ian. who had harbored a major crush on regina even after she came out. he was the stereotypical high school male. he was the captain of the basketball team, he was ripped, he was hot and every girl in north shore (except the plastics and y/n) wanted him. he felt like he was a better match for regina than y/n was and never failed to make his opinion shown every once in a while.
regina and the plastics hadn't made it to school yet and shane was in the locker room so this was his perfect opportunity. he and a couple of his friends walked up to y/n, who was reading over her ap chem homework and not paying attention. "hey there nerd. i see your guard dog isn't here." y/n rolled her eyes. "no ian, regina isn't here yet. can i help you with something?"
that was apparently the wrong thing to say as ian slapped the papers out of her hand and shoved her against a the locker next to her. at this point, people had started recording on their phones. y/n winced at the impact as the group of boys started laughing. "you don't get to have an attitude with me nerd. i think you forget where you fall on this food chain. allow me to remind you."
he brought his fist back to swing at y/n but the punch never came. the only thing y/n saw of her savior was pink nails before she was let go and ian was flying the other way. y/n looked up to see an angry regina flanked by an equally angry karen and gretchen. the two obviously weren't as close to y/n as regina was but they also had a protectiveness over her.
ian looked up scared as his friends fled the scene. karen and gretchen helped y/n pick her stuff up and dusted her off. ian shrunk in fear as regina towered over him. "i don't think you understand where you fall on this food chain, but allow me to remind YOU. you do not compare to y/n. she is so far above you that you don't even exist in her world. that being said, if i ever see you mess with her again, you will be finished."
he nodded and scrambled away. regina looked at the crowd that had formed. "anyone else have a problem with my girlfriend?" the crowd scattered as everyone went back to what they were doing. regina smirked victoriously before pulling y/n into an empty classroom, karen and gretchen standing guard outside.
regina looked over y/n for any injuries before y/n's grabbed her shaky hands and kissed both of them softly. "i'm okay, gina. just a little shaken up." regina let out a breath she didn't even know she was holding before pulling y/n into her arms. "i'm so sorry i wasn't there. i couldn't find my keys before we left so it put us behind-" y/n pressed her lips to regina's. the blonde instantly calmed as the two kissed, y/n being the first to pull away. "breathe babe. i'm okay. he's not going to mess with me again."
regina nodded and pulled y/n into another kiss, this one quicker than the last. "will you please come over after school today? i wanna take care of you. it's the weekend so you can stay the whole weekend while i help you relax. please." y/n nodded. "if it will make you feel better, yes." regina smiled and pecked y/n's lips. "good. i wasn't taking no for an answer. now, let me walk you to class?" y/n nodded and the two made their way out of the room.
regina stood against her jeep, waiting for y/n. karen and gretchen had hitched rides from shane so that way regina could take her girl straight home.the front doors to the school opened to reveal an exhausted looking y/n. regina's heart broke at the sight of the girl, she looked more exhausted than she did when the blonde saw her at lunch.
y/n shuffled to the jeep, regina grabbing her backpacks and throwing them in the backseat (carefully of course) before helping y/n into the passenger seat. regina walked around and got in, holding y/n's hand and kissing it. the girl sent her a sleepy smile and leaned her head against the window.
regina made it to her house in record time. she left the girl's bags in her car, making a mental note to ask her dad to grab them later. she helped y/n in the house and to her room, gently laying her on her huge bed. "stay right here baby. i'm gonna go run us a bath." y/n sleepily nodded, nuzzling into regina's pillow.
five minutes later, regina came out in a fluffy, pink robe, gently shaking y/n awake. "come on baby. let's get you in the bath." y/n stirred and nodded. the blonde helped her to her feet, gently pulling her into the bathroom. from there, she slowly took y/n's clothes off, head to toe. regina then got into the tub and guided y/n in, holding her to her chest.
the couple stayed in the bath for about half an hour before regina decided to get them out. luckily, y/n had been over to the blonde's house enough that she had her own little section in regina's massive closet. regina grabbed a hoodie and a pink pair of boxers for y/n and a hoodie for herself before getting them both dressed and into the bed.
y/n sunk into the soft mattress as regina gently maneuvered her to lay her head on her chest. y/n kissed regina's jaw and nuzzled into her neck. regina began scratching her nails down y/n's back. "take a nap and then when you wake up, i'll make you some dinner, and then maybe followed by dessert and a massage?"
y/n nodded before fully drifting off.
a few hours later, y/n woke up to the smell of her favorite pasta. she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and stretched, getting out of bed and heading downstairs. she found regina cooking dinner with her "y/n❤️" playlist playing softly from her speaker. y/n smiled at how soft the queen bee looked before walking up and wrapping her arms around the blonde's waist.
regina smiled at the feel of her girlfriend snuggling into her back, turning the burner off and turning around. "hi baby. sleep good?" y/n nodded, pressing her lips to regina's. "what's for dinner?" regina smiled and pecked y/n's lips before explaining. "i made your favorite, cacio e pepe, some salad and garlic bread, and for dessert i made a lemon tiramisu. and after we are done eating, i am giving you a massage to get the stress of the week and especially today out of that sexy body of yours and we are going to cuddle up on my bed and watch some love is blind and you are going to sleep for more than five hours."
y/n smiled at her girlfriend, already feeling the stress of the week melt away. regina always took care of her when she needed it and she couldn't be more grateful to have her as her girlfriend. "god, i love you." regina blushed and kissed y/n's cheek. "i love you too. now, let's eat."
after they ate dinner and dessert, regina ordered y/n to take off her shirt and lay face down on the bed while she slipped in the bathroom. y/n did as told and winced a little before tossing the shirt off to the side and laying down. regina came out and lit a few candles before dropping the oil and bruise cream on the bed. she straddled y/n's lower back and gently ran her hands down the girl's back.
she leaned down and kissed y/n's shoulder gently. y/n sighed at the feel of the blonde's lips and whispered, "i love you gina." regina smiled, grabbing the bruise cream and started applying it to the newly forming bruises on y/n's back. "i love you too baby."
after a very, very, relaxing massage, y/n laid in between regina's legs as they watched "love is blind". regina had her fingers running through y/n's hair, scratching her scalp with her acrylics. y/n was drawing shapes on regina's stomach, the blonde girl shivering every once in a while. after a few episodes, regina asked y/n if she wanted anything to drink before realizing y/n was asleep. smiling, she carefully reached over to the nightstand to grab her phone, taking a picture of y/n.
she took to instagram to post the picture, smiling at the amount of cute comments their friends were leaving. she put her phone back and gently guided her and y/n into a more comfortable position. once comfy, she placed a gentle kiss on y/n's forehead, slowly drifting off.
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regivaem · 2 years
we’re safe. without power and all our food in the fridge/freezer spoiled but we’re okay. we’re further inland here so we were lucky but many weren’t as fortunate as us. cell service is spotty so it might be awhile before i post another update here but we are okay. texts tend to be the only thing i can get out most of the time so if we’re good friends and you want my number to keep in touch during all this just lmk via d*scord if we have each other there.
again, we’re okay, but this city will never be the same after yesterday.
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hayleythesugarbowl · 3 months
could I request an Ian hecox x reader where it’s an established relationship and reader also works at smosh!? Ty + I love your writing so much!!! Please take care and take your time :)
Fishy || Ian Hecox x reader
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ masterlist • smosh masterlist  ⋆˚。⋆୨୧⋆
summary: you and ian have been dating for some time now, sneaking around so no one in the office knows you’re seeing each other. but when you find yourself in an uncomfortable situation, you’re forced to reveal your relationship to your coworkers
word count: 1.8k
warnings: none
a/n: hello love!! i hope you enjoy this + the way i went with it. it’s a little short but it gets the job done i think. i love ian sm 🤭
     “Hey you.”
     You spun around to find Ian, your boyfriend, standing behind you.
      He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you in for a kiss.
     “Ian,” you whispered. “Not here.”
     You were in the middle of the Smosh studio. Well, not exactly in the middle. More like a secluded corner. But still, anyone could walk in.
      “Man, you eat a few garlic fries and suddenly it’s—”
     You laughed, interrupting him. “You know it’s not that.”
     It wasn’t that you didn’t want anyone to know that you were dating Ian. In fact, if any of your coworkers were perceptive at all they would’ve noticed by now. You’d come to work wearing something of Ian’s too many times to count.
     But nobody had noticed yet and you just weren’t exactly eager to tell them. That way you were spared all the dating your boss jokes. 
     “I could send everyone home,” Ian shrugged. 
     “You’re impossible,” you smiled, rolling your eyes at him. 
     “Or a genius,” he countered, tucking your hair behind your ear.
     You leaned into his touch, wishing this could last forever.
     Suddenly, you heard the sounds of voices coming towards you. Your friends must have just gotten done with a shoot.
     You quickly stepped away from Ian, leaving a safe distance between you. 
     You felt Ian flinch. You hated it too, but it was better this way. Or, that’s what you told yourself.
     Courtney was the first one to round the corner, smiling when she saw the two of you. “Hey, my guys! You ready?”
     You’d almost forgotten. Some of you had planned on going to lunch after filming was over that day. You couldn’t believe it was already that time—the day had flown by.
     “Definitely,” you shot Courtney a thumbs up. 
     “I’m starving,” Shayne came up behind his wife, throwing his arm around her shoulder. “All I’ve eaten today is Garret’s weird peanut butter pasta.”
     “I didn’t think it was that bad,” Anthony admitted, standing beside them. “It was flavorful, at least.”
     “And oddly fishy,” Angela added, making a face as she followed.
     “Oh that was the Anchovy paste,” Chanse said. “And I liked it, Garret let me keep the jar.”
     “This coming from Mr. Lube,” Ian mock- whispered and everybody laughed.
     “Laugh all you want, but it came in handy last weekend,” Chanse crossed his arms.
     “Which reminds me,” Courtney turned to you, “Jonah’s coming with us to lunch with us!”
     You felt your face pale. “What?”
     “What does that have to do with lube?” You heard Angela mutter to Chanse.
     “You remember, the guy I was talking about that would be perfect for you? I invited him so you two can officially meet,” she beamed.
     You saw a muscle in Ian’s jaw tick as you tried to fake a smile. 
     You had forgotten about that too. A couple weeks ago, Courtney had mentioned one of her friends who had just moved to the area. She kept going on about how he was kind and funny and something about your signs being compatible. 
     You knew Courtney had no idea that you and Ian were in relationship, otherwise she definitely wouldn’t be trying to set you up with another guy.
     You had panicked in trying to cover up your’s and Ian’s relationship and told her that you’d love to go out with him sometime.   You kinda hadn’t thought anything would actually come of it. 
    “Court, I don’t know,” You started. “Maybe some other time or—”
     “It’s already done,” she said, “Trust me, I wouldn’t set you up with anyone I didn’t think you would hit it off with immediately.”
     There was nothing you could do but smile and say, “Alright.”
     You couldn’t tell her why you suddenly had changed your mind about wanting to go out with her friend. Not without revealing your secret relationship. And you couldn’t not go to the lunch, not without raising everyone’s suspicions. 
     You looked at Ian and he shrugged. Anthony caught your eye and he gave you a reassuring smile.
     He was the only one at Smosh that knew about you and Ian. Being Ian’s best friend he said he just knew these things.
     That, and he’d caught you one time in the break room. 
     “Well, yay!” Courtney exclaimed. “Let’s go then.”
     All of you began walking towards the door. You hung back so you could talk to Ian without anyone hearing your conversation. 
     “I’m sorry,” you whispered.
     “Hey, it’s not your fault,” he said, letting his fingers brush yours as you walked. “Just, you know, be really repulsive so he doesn’t want to go out with you.”
     You chuckled, “I’ll try my best. Where are some of those garlic fries when you need them?”
     You grabbed Ian’s hand, linking your fingers together, safe behind everyone else.    
     Anthony turned around, smiling at the two of you. 
     You took a deep breath, looking at Ian, and praying you could get through this lunch unscathed. 
₊˚ ✧ ‿︵‿୨୧‿︵‿ ✧ ₊˚
      “Ok, is it just me, or does everything taste like fish?” Angela asked, dipping a fry in ketchup and holding it out in front of her.
     “It’s just you,” You took the fry out of her hand, popping it into your mouth.
      You sat at a table, an array of food and drinks atop it, Ian on one side of you and Jonah on the other.
      Of course it had worked out that way. 
      Jonah had tried to talk to you throughout the whole lunch—why wouldn’t he? as far as he knew this was supposed to be a date?—and you had tried to act as politely disinterested as possible.
     Now, he turned to you, asking, “So, are you more of a ketchup or a mustard  person?”
     “Um, I like both,” you answered. “Depends on what I’m eating.”
     “Me, I can’t stand mustard,” the man said, “Not since the shark incident of 4th grade.”
     He began telling you the story and you promptly spaced out. You looked across the table. Shayne and Courtney were deep in a conversation and Angela was putting fries in her mouth and imitating a walrus to an annoyed Chanse. 
     Next to you, Ian was talking to Anthony in a low voice. 
     “And so anyways, needless to say I don’t where orange pants on Tuesday’s anymore,” Jonah was saying. 
     You nodded, realizing you’d missed most of whatever he was saying. 
     You turned to Ian. He smiled at you and grabbed your hand under the table. You looked round to make sure no one had seen the exchange.
     But everyone was fully engrossed in their conversations. Except for the man next to you.
     “So,” he started, and you gave him credit for trying to make conversation, even as you were practically ignoring him, so as not to give him the wrong idea. “Do you come to this place often?”
     “First time I’ve been,” you said. “But the fries are killer, I may have to come back.”
     “Maybe we could come back together,” he answered. 
     You felt Ian grip your hand tighter under the table.
     “Oh,” you fumbled for words. “Maybe. But I’m going to be pretty busy with work for a while. You might want to go with someone else, no use waiting on me.”
     “And if I want to wait on you?” He almost whispered. 
     “I’m flattered,” you managed. “But I’m just not really looking to date right—”
     “Courtney told me you were looking for a serious relationship,” Jonah accused.
     Of course she had. You had basically told her as much.
     “Courtney may have gotten the wrong idea,” you said, “I’m not really interested in a relationship, of any kind, at the moment.”
     “What?” Courtney asked. She must have heard her name and now was waiting for a response. The whole table was, it looked like.
     “I lied,” you said. “I’m not looking to date—I can’t date.”
     “Why not?” 
     You took a deep breath. “Jonah, you seem like a great—”
     If not a little pushy
     “—person, but I can’t go out with you. With anyone. Because…”
     You looked to Ian for help, nodding ever- so-slightly. He smiled back at you, as if to say go for it. You watched as everyone’s eyes were on you. Now was a good a time as any.
     “Because I’m already seeing someone,”you blurted out.
     “Oh!” Courtney exclaimed. “Well, that’s great! Can I ask who?”
     “He lives kinda far away,” Anthony interrupted quickly, looking at you. “Right, (Y/n)? You probably wouldn’t—”
     You shook your head, silently thanking him for being willing to help, but knowing you might as well spill the beans now.
     “I’m—” You stared, but Ian beat you to it.
     “It’s me,” Ian said. “(Y/n) is dating me.”
     Everyone’s shocked expressions moved back and forth between you and Ian.
     He lifted your linked hands from under the table, as if it was some kind of proof. You supposed it was.
     “That’s right,” Ian said, pointing at you and looking around at all of your friends. “I’m the lucky guy who gets to get with this.”
     “We were waiting for a good time to tell you guys,” you said, rolling your eyes at Ian. “And, surprise!”
     “You’re dating?” Anthony over-dramatized. “This is news to me!”
     “Anthony, shut up, you knew the whole time,” Ian waved him off.
     “Wow,” Shayne ran a hand through his hair. “Congratulations you guys. I have like four—no, five!—jokes I could—”
     You raised an eyebrow at him.
     “Later,” he corrected, leaning back in his chair as Courtney patted his arm. “It can wait till later.”
     “I had no idea,” Courtney turned to you. “I totally didn’t mean to encourage you to cheat.”
     “I know,” you assured her.
     “Yeah, well, I’m going to take off,” Jonah said, standing up. “Later Courtney. Nice meeting you (Y/n).”
     “You know, I’m not sure I liked him,” Chanse crossed his arms. 
     He left the table and Courtney leaned in. “You know, the more I think about it, the more I’m starting to feel like you’re not perfect for each other.”
     Your whole table burst into laughter, before quieting down again.
     You turned to face Ian. You felt lighter than you had in a while. As fun as it was sneaking around, it would be a lot more fun not having to hide your relationship from your friends. 
     “So,” you started.
     “So,” Ian agreed.
     “I think there’s only one thing left to do,” you told him. 
     “Eat Jonah’s food?” Ian joked.
     But you just shook your head, leaning in and kissing him on the lips.
     Your friends whooped and hollered, enjoying the moment with you. 
     You pulled away from Ian gently, his arm still around your shoulder. 
     You loved Ian so much. 
     And you thought your coworkers reaction was something? Wait until the fans found out. 
     Because you would tell them—in due time. In fact, you had all the time in the world. Right now, you just let yourself enjoy this moment, surrounded by people you love.
     “Okay, taste this celery,” Angela said, as she held out the stalk. You’d almost forgotten she was there—she had been uncharacteristically quiet this whole time.
     “You can’t tell me it doesn’t taste fishy!”
ˋ°•*⁀➷ ahh hope you enjoyed my babes 💋 stay tuned for another ian fic coming soon!!
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bumblekastclips · 3 months
KYLE CROUSE: And here’s one from N’Oni. “An enterprising group of wildlife biologists have taken an interest in the territorial habits of hedgehogs. They're given a research grant and begin their project... tranquilizing Sonic, Shadow, Amy, and Silver. The four hedgehogs are weighed, measured, and finally fitted with radio tracking collars and ear tags before being released back into the wild. What are their reactions to what is without a doubt the weirdest day of their lives?”
IAN FLYNN: Uh, Sonic realizes that they’re trying to get tracking data off him, and takes that as a challenge. He’s gonna go fast enough that it fries every circuit they have. KYLE: Good luck. [laughs] Good luck tryin’ to keep up with this! IAN: Amy will find a way to make it fashionable. You know, if she’s stuck with it, she’s at least going to make it work. Silver… is a little weirded out because he didn’t think the tagging and collaring started for another ten years. At least, that’s not how history went. KYLE: Oh no. IAN: But at least the revolution is gonna be right around the corner. KYLE: Oh no! [chuckling] IAN: Wait, this collar doesn’t suppress his powers… who did this?! What— why did they do this? Now he’s really confused. KYLE: [chuckles] IAN: And Shadow will just hunt them down. KYLE: Mm. Shadow would’ve woken up before they even left! [laughing] He would’ve got— he would’ve gone Mutant X on ‘em. IAN: All the researchers wake up with their own collars and ear tags, and he’s just standing over them. KYLE: Yeah! [chuckles] Yeah… yeah. IAN: Luckily, Amy made it a fashion trend, so they’re perfectly fine with it. KYLE: Yeah, yeah. Thanks Amy.
—– TRANSCRIBER’S NOTE: Please remember that nothing that is said on BumbleKast is canon! It’s just some guys and their opinions occasionally spitballing ideas. If you don’t like an answer, you don’t have to take it as Word of God or anything like that. It’s all just for fun!
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astaraels · 5 months
so I know I'm in the no galladads side of the fandom but hear me out on this one—
so it's maybe five years after the end of the show, Ian and Mickey are still going with their security business, maybe they've even branched out and hired some extra help, making good money, swapped out the stolen ambulance for actual SUVs that Debbie has fixed up for them, and they've maybe even bought a house back on the South Side with a dog and a cat and they're close to all of Ian's siblings (Debbie and Carl and Liam all still live in the old Gallagher house, Lip and Tammi are a few blocks over)
and one day they're on a lunch break together, leaving some diner when some rando kid bumps into Ian, turns out it was a pickpocket, and Mickey takes off after the jerk who tried to steal from his husband (he may not be a South Side thug anymore but like hell is he gonna let that shit slide)
he knocks the pickpocket over and it's some kid, like thirteen or fourteen with bright pink streaks in her dark hair and fierce brown eyes, and Mickey is like wtf kid do you wanna die
and the kid is like oh fuck you, very much an angry kitten type because she's definitely a scrawny thing—by this time Ian's caught up to them and his bleeding heart is like look if you give me my wallet back I'll buy you lunch (Mickey complains that "we just ate, Gallagher" but Ian insists)
so they either go back to the diner or find some McDonald's and this kid practically inhales some burgers and fries, and both Mickey and Ian know the look of a kid on the streets, but she's giving off those vibes that say don't touch me don't talk to me don't fucking perceive me
but Ian probably sees something like Mickey, and Mandy, in this girl and we all know he wants to help people, so he asks her if she's okay or if she needs anything, and even though he can feel Mickey starting to grumble next to him Ian still offers her their couch to crash on after she mentions getting kicked out of a salvation army shelter because they found out she was trans
and after some very intense eye to eye communication between the husband Mickey's like okay yeah fine but if one thing is outta place in the house then we're gonna have words
and the girl—they find out her name is Starr, or something like that—is like wtf why are you people being nice (they understand the suspicion, obvs, they aren't stupid), and Ian's like uhhhh we're gay and we've gone through some shit of our own so maybe we just wanna help?? (although he does notice she relaxes a little bit when he tells her that they're gay)
so they drive back home and Starr is absolutely enamored by the gallapets (a beautiful fluffy black cat and a big pittie mix, both of these animals are Ian and Mickey's baby girls), while Ian fixes up the spare bedroom with fresh sheets—usually it's where Franny or Fred stay when they come for weekend visits
and at first Starr is like okay yeah I'll stay one night but then I gotta go, and somehow it ends up that one night turns into two, then Ian and Mickey come home one afternoon and the house looks amazing because Starr is like "yeah your place was a fucking mess so I figured I'd clean" because she's not a freeloader gdi
and before they know it she's been there for a few weeks and Ian's trying to help get her back in school, because one night they were sitting around and talking and she offhandedly said that she does kinda miss school but the last place she went they were assholes about her transition, and Mickey is like just do that homeschooling course thing that maybe Tammi talked about one of her bougie friends doing for their kids
and then it's been a month or two and they bring Starr to a Gallagher family get together—Debbie hosts the family at the house at least twice a month, but everyone's been super busy lately so it's been a while since the last family dinner—and Debs gives Starr a hug and is like "oh so you're the kid my brothers adopted" (she and Sandy worked things out btw and have been back together for a while now, they've even maybe talked about getting married)
and Starr is like oh no I'm just crashing for a bit but by this point Ian has already got her the homeschooling correspondence courses, and Mickey's taken her to find a doctor who can prescribe her HRT ("it was on our route anyway, fuck off, Gallagher") and their pets adore her—Ian jokes that their cat is the one who actually adopted Starr, they just went along with it
and basically I just love the idea of them taking care of a young queer girl, and being like the cool gay uncles, and yeah :')
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emietook · 2 years
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mywaybacktoyou · 4 months
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Ianthony Week: My way back to you
Join us in celebrating Ian and Anthony's story, seven years since their separation, and one year since their reunion.
During this event, we aim to recapture the emblematic moments of their journey over the course of a week. Seven days, seven prompts/tropes to tell the story of their relationship.
Period June 14, 2024 (Fri) - June 20, 2024 (Thu)
Schedule Friday 14: Breakup/Resentment Saturday 15: Anger/Denial Sunday 16: Regret/Distance Monday 17: Memories/Nostalgia Tuesday 18: Healing/Connection Wednesday 19: Destiny/Soulmates Thursday 20: Confession/Proposal
This event allows NSFW works, so all participants must be +18. No exceptions.
All types of works are welcome, not just fan art and fanfic. Manips, video edits, gif sets, you name it!
Let your imagination go wild, AUs are more than welcome.
No negativity and no kinkshaming.
Don't forget to use the hashtag #my way back to you when posting on Tumblr, or share your works (fanfic or fanart) on Ao3 in our collection Ianthony Week: My way back to you
Have fun, appreciate other people's works, and don't bash other people's preferences. If you have questions, you can DM this blog.
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