#Idk if I really need it but I made it anyway
thechibilitwick · 22 hours
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me when i damashite gomen yo ienakute gomen yo
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froyaoya · 1 day
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001: iced lemon loaves & self deprecating humor
© froyaoya all rights reserved. do not repost, modify, steal, plagiarize, or translate my works on any platform.
cw: language, mentions “maul” “die” & sexual jokes
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“do you not have any friends?” a tousled head of dirty blond stands before you, his toned arms crossed over his chest. it’s only been five minutes; he’s already cutting five years off of your lifespan.
there’s a heartbreaker kind of look in his eyes that warns you to avoid him. you ignore it. “that’s an odd question to ask a stranger.” he’s not your type anyway; it doesn’t matter how much he pesters you.
“we don’t have to be strangers.” he stretches his hand out. “I’m miya atsumu, and my friend thinks you’re hot.” friendly (suspicious), you shake it.
“you or your friend?”
as he opens his mouth to reply, the door chimes cut him off. three people walk in. one is trailing behind the two—defeated, like he’s failed a mission. you look at the one that talked to you, and then to him. twins, you note. this one’s got better hair.
there’s a reserved figure that walks ahead of them with an air of authority around him. the captain? you wonder, noticing the sport uniforms. he bows at you politely. you like this one.
“don’t listen to him.” the third person speaks up, and your mouth goes agape. he’s gorgeous. “sorry on his behalf.” he’s perfect.
“do you all play soccer or something?” you wince at their reactions.
“volleyball, actually.” — twin #1.
“oh! my bad!!!” you pale. god. “that’s cool. cool cool cool. cool.”
“cool with you if we get something to eat?” god’s favorite teases, all the others staring at you both. your ears turn a deeper shade of red each second.
“..huh?” you blank.
“oh. RIGHT. um, what can I get you?” you want to crawl in a hole and die, but hiding behind the counter will do for now.
you hear crickets as atsumu opens his mouth. “your number?”
“for suna here.” he adds as he gestures.
he clearly can handle himself, “ignore him. I’m not in the market for any relationships. nor am I interested.”
miya glares at him. “that’s mean, man. she looks disappointed.”
“I’m not.” you correct. “even if I was, it’s not like I’d have a chance.” your lips move faster than your brain.
“talk about self deprecating humor.” gray-haired twin #2 smiles at you, considerate. that lets your shoulders relax a bit.
“this is all really awkward,” suna says, “but we could really use some cupcakes or something.”
the captain steps up, and you maybe unintentionally notice that suna’s the tallest. “can we please get those cookies that were on twitter? if it’s not a problem.” he’s formal.
“sure. how many?”
“four.” the twins echo.
“make that three.” — s
you look up at him, confused. “you don’t want anything?”
“those look good.”
you follow his line of sight, and grin. iced lemon loaves.
“yeah. good pick.”
author’s note: i made tsumu the punchline / punching bag in this au but oh well 😭 it had to be someone 😭 i also hate writing the embarassed / nervous character SO MUCH i cringe while i write.. i really don’t like this episode but idk what about my writing irks me here and IDK WHAT TO CHANGEEE i need 2 learn how to write dialogue better cause im DYINGGGGHHH OVER HERE
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@phoenix-eclipses @thechaosoflonging @yuminako @nbcvs @tenjikusstuff4 @intergalacticrory @sonicsolos @yenonnoff @wyrcan @cnnmairoll @causenessus @reads-stuff-quietly @giocriedpower @applepi25 @gra-eae @lilchubbyyy @thvvluvr @toges-cough-syrup
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candy-bun-bun · 1 day
I really need to stop listening to the voices at 1:00 am telling me to start a sick art piece right then and there- (I say as I will continue to listen to then for like 5 more year or my whole life idk)
Anyways so I think it turned out great!!
Ok so the main inspiration for the other two under the cut was the lost umbrella animation by @nyoomian and the song The TV Made Me Do It by Moon Walker (I think it's still ok to at you, sorry if it wasn't-)
(I color picked so I'm like 1% sure I got the colors right 😭)
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No color:
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Tw for blood like substance under the cut
Color! Again I color picked so the colors should be right!!
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No color:
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anifever · 3 days
can you pls do an outsiders x Nerdy fem reader? Like, braces boy band fangirl who rants about comics type. Would rather have it being Curtis sister reader but you can do whatever, tyy <33
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Gang w/ a Nerdy!Reader ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
The Outsiders x Fem!Reader
୨୧ : The Curtis gang with a nerdy reader
A/N : This is kinda bad bcs I get unmotivated to write sometimes but I swear I’m trying omg. Also I didn’t do Curtis sister simply so it’d be more ambiguous, sorry 💔 Anyways this is literally me except I just don’t have braces anymore
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୨ You cut pics of The Rolling Stones members, etc out of the newspapers he reads and keep them
୨ He’s confused at first then he’s like “Oh..” when he realizes what’s happening- he doesn’t mind tho
୨ You write the dumbest little notes/pickup lines and put them in his lunch bag for work
୨ He doesn’t understand most of them but he likes them regardless
୨ He read comics here and there when he was a kid, but he definitely doesn’t anymore 😭
୨ He’s always arguing with Pony about those things and just doesn’t really get it
୨ Even though he doesn’t understand yours and Pony’s infatuation with stuff like that, he thinks it’s nice you’re able to bond with each other over it
୨ At some point you convince him to watch one of your favorite sci-fi type tv shows with you whenever he isn’t busy
୨ It’s a pipeline of him saying he doesn’t like it, pretending he doesn’t like it, then being really invested in it
୨ Anyways, even if your interests don’t exactly line up, you still love each other
୨ You rambling over stuff all the time honestly helps him forget about the stress in his life
୨ He has no room to talk when his favorite show is still Mickey Mouse at the age of 18 and a half
୨ He thinks it’s cute in an endearing way
୨ He makes fun of you a bit but he doesn’t mean it seriously- that’s just how he is
୨ You guys discuss superheroes together and get way too in depth about it
୨ When he sees your room for the first time there’s like little figurines everywhere, etc and he’s just like “Huh, I have that one too” while pointing at the Hulk or something
୨ He doesn’t gaf, at least it’s clean unlike his
୨ If you have braces, he’s absolutely making jokes about it
୨ You’re getting called metal mouth but it’s out of love I promise
୨ He doesn’t let other people make jokes about it though
୨ Like that’s his job!!! Leave his girl alone!!!
୨ This man defends you with his life I’m so serious
୨ Anyways, whenever he gets super drunk and he starts rambling the exact same way you do normally so it sort of evens you out
୨ Idk what else to even say because you both just make so much sense- it seems so obvious
୨ I hate to say it, but he calls you brace-face
୨ Ironic because he needs some himself!!! 😊
୨ You said something along those lines to him once and he was so caught off guard and offended
୨ Even though he’s a smartass and you’d figure he’d be mean abt it, I feel like he’s probably kinda the same as you- at least when he was younger
୨ Bro knows his DC and Marvel lore
୨ You guys are constantly re-watching ‘Godzilla’ together
୨ There’s probably a picture of him from when he was younger dressed as it for Halloween or something too
୨ You have made him go to a concert with you
୨ He didn’t even really care about you freaking out over the guys, he was more upset that you chose The Beach Boys of all people
୨ He considers it “Soc music”
୨ You most likely don’t understand anything about cars
୨ He could sit there for hours trying to explain stuff to you and it just won’t click
୨ He’s like “How can you remember every fucking Beach Boys song but not what an exhaust does??”
୨ Okay you probably aren’t that dense but still
୨ Yeahhh, he’s making fun of you
୨ It’s out of love tho 😇 most of the time..
୨ You constantly make references about comics and shows and he has no clue what you’re talking about
୨ You use the word kryptonite around him and he’s like “..What the HELL did you just say to me?”
୨ Most of the things you ramble about, he doesn’t understand, like, at all
୨ Much to his dismay, he can’t help his features from softening when he watches you do it
୨ You definitely gives him a break from all the reckless crazy stuff he does
୨ You use so many big words (they usually aren’t that crazy) and he’s just like “Could you speak English?”
୨ When he first went inside your room, it was covered in posters from movies like ‘Dracula,’ ‘Creature from the Black Lagoon,’ ‘Psycho,’ ‘Frankenstein,’ ‘The Birds,’ etc
୨ At first he was like “Jesus…” but really he thought it was pretty cool
୨ You guys are horror movie enjoyers⁉️
୨ You’re probably more of a geek over them than he is, but it’s just barely (he’d never admit it)
୨ You definitely fangirl over The Beatles and it lowkey hurts his feelings
୨ You have to be like “Soda.. you literally look like a movie star why are you worried-”
୨ Yes you know Paul’s blood type, time of birth, and who his fourth cousin twice removed is; so what? 🙄
୨ Knowledge-wise you balance each other out
୨ You have amazing grades in all your classes and he’s dropped out 🤍 but on the other hand, you are not very street smart
୨ Like if you have a gun held to your head, let’s hope they’ll ask you trivia about ‘The Twilight Zone’ for your freedom
୨ Anyways, he tries to keep up with and understand the stuff you talk about
୨ Give him time 💔 he’s trying
୨ He probably already knows a bit from having grown up with Pony, but it’s still nothing crazy
୨ He carries around extra wax for your braces in his pocket in case they ever start hurting you (idk if they were invented yet in the 60’s but let’s pretend)
୨ Throws wrenches and things like that at Steve if he says stuff about you
୨ You get pretty insecure since he’s so popular with girls and they usually aren’t like you; but he’s always reassuring you over it
୨ You guys read comics together
୨ He’s a spider-man lover and I’ll die on this hill
୨ Someone write Johnny Cade spider-man au rn
୨ He’s constantly telling Dallas to “lay off” when he says stuff about you
୨ Finds your braces cute- he thinks they just add to your charm
୨ Anything that helps him somewhat escape reality, he enjoys; he gladly talks about nerdy stuff with you
୨ He gets along with Pony so well and he has most of those interests, and it’s the same way with you
୨ You guys sit in the lot and stargaze constantly; each time you point out and name the constellations along with explaining their backstories
୨ He listens with a fond smile on his face every time
୨ He thinks it’s cool you’re able to remember all of that
୨ You’re both just so cute I’m crying
୨ Whenever he comes over, he always admires the figures, posters, books, etc you have around your room
୨ Idc his ass is also a nerd
୨ Maybe not in the exact ways you are, but he definitely still is
୨ You help him in certain classes he’s not doing well in which he is extremely thankful for
୨ You guys also read comics together 😋
୨ Usually you make him read them out loud though since you love his voice and also think he’s good at the sound effects
୨ That being said, you both give each other book recommendations
୨ You guys go to the drive-in/theater together constantly and have heavy debriefings over all of the movies (mainly the sci-fi ones)
୨ You guys are both big fans of Elvis
୨ He’s a fan music-wise, you’re a fan of literally everything
୨ You’ve seen every single one of his movies. Multiple times.
୨ Definitely makes him a little jealous but he tells himself it’s not a big deal
୨ He can’t even be mad at you geeking out when he preforms on TV, he understands
୨ All that being said, you guys actually go really well together
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hiii idk if you’ve ever discussed this before but i’ve been thinking about louis and marius interacting all day and so i’d LOVE to hear your take on what you think their dynamic would be like! what do you think it would take to get louis to engage with him on a more intimate level?
literally all my favorite quotes about Louis in canon come from that little bit in QOTD from Marius' POV! Like!!! I will never get over how IMMEDIATELY smitten they are with each other!!!
Like on the one hand we have: "Louis stood quite still looking at [Marius] as he had earlier, as though he were seeing a myth made real."
and then we see that the feeling is absolutely mutual with Marius: "He smiled at Louis. Something in the manner of this one made Marius happy, though he wasn't sure why."
I think their dynamic is just so especially interesting because they have so many connecting threads re: Lestat and Armand, so up until QOTD they really have this mythologized version of one another— to Louis, Marius is this grand figure with all the answers Louis had always been searching for, and someone who both deeply loved and deeply hurt some of Louis' closest companions. For Marius, Louis is this strange fledgling who had the audacity to expose these secrets he's kept hidden at his own expense for literal centuries. By all accounts there should be some tension there, or at the very least some awkwardness!
But just as Armand and Louis are sort of two sides of the same coin in a lot of ways, I think Louis is one of the only vampires who has an innate understanding of Marius' worldview. Louis is not the artist or philosopher or politician that Marius is, but he holds a lot of the same values. I mean— Louis is a textbook Libra for god's sake— he NEEDS order and balance in his life, and lord knows Marius is the only other person who prioritizes that as well!
So anyway this is all to say that I really don't think it would take much for Louis to want to engage with Marius on a more intimate level!
And like, I was talking to a friend about this the other day as well but I'd like to think that in their contemporary era, Louis could really be the pupil that Marius needs. Yes, Daniel's relationship with Marius is bittersweet and interesting and fun to play with, but I've always wanted to see who Marius is outside of being a caretaker, and I think Louis is just like the perfect middle ground where he doesn't need or want anyone doting on him or worrying over him, but he's still coming into his own in the new era, he's still finding himself, he needs a kind hand, someone to talk with about books and music and art and culture.
And on Marius' end, I think it would do him good to spend time with someone who is just so genuine. As much as Marius needs and wants his pupils to challenge him, I think he would really benefit from having someone who is willing to just listen and appreciate his philosophy (that's not to say that he and Louis wouldn't have disagreements— but even then I'm sure they hash it out Socratic Style and end up with enough intellectual stimulation to get them all giddy).
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uriwoos2 · 2 days
gentle with me ☼ ִֶָ · (lrw)
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pairing: bf!riwoo x gn!reader. genre: fluff, hurt/comfort. overview: soft, gentle bf riwoo <3 who comforts you, when ur feeling down. word count: 1.8k warnings: the reader has unpleasant thoughts. they both have unusual nicknames for each other. idk it's cute, ok? ♡ note: got the urge to write this boyfie riwoo fic, cuz he's quite literally my biggest source of comfort. he's just so lovely <3 this ended up longer than I intended, but.. anyway. hope you enjoy. likes & reblogs are very appreciated! — with love, cream <3
♪₊˚song – touch tank by quinnie.
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you're sat at the kitchen counter, cheek resting heavily on your palm as you pick at the remainder of the pancakes on your plate, having lost your appetite.
i don't feel so good.
before this you were doing just fine, what could have triggered such an unpleasant surge of feelings, that you can't even give a name to?..
you and riwoo had an early breakfast this morning, both of you waking up at an ungodly hour. it was uncharacteristic even for him, who tends to get up before you on most days. he tells you he doesn't mind it, even if he has to be alone for a bit, because he gets to wake up next to you every morning.
sometimes, he remains next to you in bed, admiring your sunlit features in secret with a smile on his face. but more often than not, he opts for an early start to his day. you have no idea where he gets all the energy from but thanks to that, he can get some chores done. his reasoning for this being, that if everything's already taken care of by the time you've opened your eyes, you can focus solely on him.
he's so sweet.. so so sweet, just for me.
today you actually arose from your slumber first, after a restless night. something just wasn't right, you could feel it since the evening before, but you couldn't really put your finger on what was bothering you. your rustling made riwoo shift in his sleep too, as you gently removed his arm from where it was resting on your belly. always such a light sleeper, his eyelids fluttered open at your slightest movements and this time was no different.
"baby?" he croaked out, sitting up while rubbing his eyes, "what's going on? are you okay?" his hand instinctively finding it's way back to yours, "did you have a bad dream, sunbeam?" he put your intertwined hands in his lap, his thumb stroking the back of your hand, soothing.
you couldn't think of a way to relay what you felt to him, because you yourself had no idea, and no matter how accepting his gaze was at the moment, you chose to not worry him for no good reason.
"it's nothing, don't worry. I just couldn't sleep much, but I'm good." he squinted at you, not taking your word for it. "riuriu, I swear I'm alright." you go to pinch his cheek lightly, your heart swelling at his thoughtfulness. "but I don't think I can go back to sleep, you wanna go make some breakfast? I'll help this time." you offered with a smile.
he chuckled adorably, nodding his head, eager to spend more time with you. "okay, okay, but tell me if there's something wrong, okay?" you just nodded at that, wanting desperately to change the subject.
yeah! I just need to keep myself occupied, that's it. no need to make a big deal out of this.
you got up to follow your boyfriend into the kitchen, determined to distract yourself by helping him make some food, hoping it would clear your head.
cooking with riwoo is always so much fun, and the food comes out super delicious, too. and another bonus, is that both of you tend to become especially affectionate when you're in the kitchen together, something about the atmosphere there being so intimate and homely. as if you won't be able to breathe if you're not latched onto his arm while he's at the stove, or if he hasn't got his head on your shoulder hugging you from behind while you stand in front of the fridge, picking out the ingredients. doing such simple every day things together means everything to you, these moments being your favorite, because you can relish in the uncomplicated warmth they carry.
the breakfast came out perfect, and you told riwoo as such, at which he just blushed, and said it was your stirring and pouring that made all the difference. he gets really shy and smiley at your compliments, which you find to be the most endearing sight ever.
everything was seemingly going well, until you ended up on your own at the table. riwoo had finished his food, and got up to clean the mess you made while cooking, and even if he was still in the room, that uneasy feeling returned once again. it came in waves woven with anxiety and discomfort, slowly increasing in size and submerging your mind deeper and deeper, with each rise and fall of the tide.
what's wrong with me today?
you couldn't tell what was causing this flood of unpleasant emotions, as there was nothing out of the ordinary. if the environment is unchanged, that means it must be coming from within.
is something bothering me? but I don't know what it is! how can something bother me without me knowing what it is?..
"hey, baby.. I don't think I can finish this." you decide to inform your boyfriend, who was right across the kitchen, now washing the dishes. but you didn't expect your voice to come out so small, making it impossible for him to decipher your words over the loud stream of water.
he looks at you over his shoulder, "what was that, love?" then turns off the tap, to face you completely, "I'm sorry, could you repeat that?" he says, with the small encouraging smile of his that he always sends your way, no matter the situation.
"I..." you trail off, unable to form your thoughts into an intelligible sentence, eyes lowering. riwoo seems to sense your distress somehow, which cements his suspicions about your mood ever since you got up this morning.
he picks up a towel to dry his hands with, as he's walking over to you, and then sits back down in his chair opposite of you. "hey, what is it?" he reaches over to touch your fingers with his own. "are you not feeling well, love?" his words are laced with such intense concern, that you feel guilty for letting your feelings show.
"i.. i- don't know. I'm just.. ugh. I'm sorry bug, I don't even know how to say it. my brain just shut down on me." you sigh, a lump forming in your throat, making it hard to keep your voice level, "I actually have no idea what's wrong with me either, or if I'm like.. I don't know, making it up."
riwoo's brows furrow in displeasure, instantly rushing to validate your feelings, "don't say that, of course you're not making it up!" his features settle into that gentle smile of his once again, "if you're not okay, then you're not okay, it's simple."
you nod at his words, "I know that, i do. but I don't even know what I'm sad about, I just think I couldn't get enough rest last night, and it's messing with my head." you shake your head absentmindedly, rubbing at your eyes.
riwoo is silent for a bit, and then, taking your entire hand in his, he says, "alright, maybe. but you know you don't have to give everything a reason, right? you can just feel sad sometimes, with seemingly no reason at all. that's completely alright, love." the corner of his mouth upturned slightly, in hopes of comforting you.
and he is, comforting, that is. everything about him is. just being quiet in his presence is a comfort of its own. he is so considerate and so so sensitive. you're eternally grateful for him, and his love, his attention, his affection. but right now it just seems like you've blanked completely. suddenly feeling strangely tired, you find it impossible to relay all this to your sweet lover, who's waiting. being just so patient with you. your heart tightens. my beautiful love.
when he doesn't receive a verbal response from you, he simply reaches out to brush strands of hair from your forehead, a smile never leaving his features, "wanna go lay back down, sunbeam?" it's apparent to him that you're in no shape to tend to yourself, and you don't need to worry, because he will take care of you. he seems to know when you need it, he always just knows. "we don't need to dwell on this. let's just rest for a bit, mhm?"
you want nothing more than to be in his arms now, these weird feelings weighing too heavy on your heart. "yeah, okay." you look down at your unfinished breakfast, as he's picking up the plate to put it away, feeling bad. "love?.. sorry about the pancakes, I just can't stomach anything right now."
"don't worry about that silly, you can eat as much as you want." reassuring you with a smile, "I'll make it for you again, once your appetite has come back." he takes you by the hand, leading the way, "c'mon, love." you follow him sluggishly.
he helps you lie down comfortably, and after getting in right beside you, he glues his body to your side. just how i love it.
you turn, almost instinctively, sinking into his arms, your head finding it's way onto his chest. you're thankful he isn't trying to figure out the root of the problem, because you can barely take even thinking about it right now. you're glad he knows exactly what you need. sighing, content, and grateful to your boyfriend, you feel overwhelmed, a surge of various emotions overcoming you. he's just so perfect. he is so kind to me. my love.
you didn't even notice you were crying, until riwoo placed a soft kiss on the crown of your head, hands rubbing soothing circles on your back, whispering a soft "it's okay." pulling you even closer, hugging you even tighter. "I'm here, sunbeam." another kiss, "it's okay." he buries his head into your hair, arms secured and unmoving. he wants you to feel safe, he wants to protect you, but feels really helpless in moments like these. so the only thing he can do is give you warmth and comfort of his body.
you don't stop crying for a while, but once it subsides and turns into occasional sobs, you're so exhausted, that you think you can pass out. your head is pounding and your eyes are swollen, and.. it's so warm, my baby's so warm. it feels very nice, so so nice. I think I can just fall asleep like this. yeah...
so you do. your boyfriend, upon noticing your evened out breaths, sighs in relief and shuts his own eyes, laying his lips on your hair in a tender kiss, one more time. riwoo isn't planning on letting go of you anytime soon, for as long as you need, he'll let you borrow his chest as a pillow, and his arms for warmth.
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i need to find more musical theater/911 fans bc i made josh’s twitter handle “joshana bean” and i know no one on 911blr will get that joke and it’s so sad to me
also if you’re a 911/musical theater fan, josh’s favorite elphaba is shoshana bean hands down and i will not be told i am wrong on that front
actually need to know who bryan safi’s favorite elphaba is now that i mention it bc this is actually really important to me
wicked is only a few degrees removed from 9-1-1 now that i think about it… in multiple ways… and all of them have to do w tracie…
also idk how this became a wicked post but uhhhhh anyway…
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restinslices · 2 days
Could you possibly do a scenario where the reader goes to Johnny and asks him for romantic advice because she has a crush on Kitana or Mileena? “Man I’m desperate, I had no idea who else to ask.” Type of scenario.
This kinda short. It only has 1101 words and idk if I fully like this but fuck it, we ball. Idk why I’m so bad at fluff😭
Content Warning: Johnny
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The word “crush” was typically used by children. Almost everyone has had a crush in their younger years. Someone in their class, or a random person in a hall, or someone in a higher grade level. Even celebrity crushes are usually talked about by younger people. Because of this, people tended to foolishly think that having a crush would no longer be a thing when they got older.
You were one of those people. Unfortunately, you found out that that way of thinking was false.
You hoped it was simply attraction when it came to Kitana, but the more time you spent together, the more you realized it went beyond that. Everything about her was perfect. Her hair, her smile, the way she’d scoff when hearing something stupid, her need to protect her family and defend the innocent. That was just a small list of what made Kitana amazing. 
You groaned and put your head in your hands. You were so pathetically in love with her and had no idea if she’d ever feel the same way about you.
”I’m almost done with the story. Relax” Johnny elbowed your arm and smiled at you. For weeks you debated on whether or not you should ask someone for advice. It couldn’t be Liu Kang, because that felt like asking a parent. Kung Lao and Raiden were busy training new recruits, so you didn’t wanna bother them. Any other allies like Syzoth, Ashrah, Kuai Liang and Tomas were busy with other things. Bi-Han… well… you couldn’t ask him for obvious reasons. You probably wouldn't have even if he hadn’t betrayed everyone. 
That left you with one other option that was in Earthrealm. Johnny Cage.
Pros? Johnny had plenty of experience with romance, so he had to have some sort of advice.
Cons? Johnny is Johnny. Johnny tends to blab about his movies, like he was doing now. To be fair to him though, you hadn’t worked up the courage to admit you wanted his help. It just seemed strange to have to ask for help with a crush as an adult. 
You lifted your head and looked at him. You don't know what he saw on the other side of his shades -or why he was wearing shades indoors- but it must've tipped him off that something was wrong. 
“I have a feeling you're not worried about whether or not the movie had a happy ending”. You rolled your eyes at his joke. You hadn't even been listening the whole time he was talking. 
“Absolutely not”. Johnny leaned back against the couch and sucked his teeth. 
“You sure?”
“Positive” He booed at you, which made you swat his arm. “I got serious shit I need help with”. He looked at you as if saying “go on”. So you did before you'd say nevermind and run out of there. You let it all spill out. How much you liked Kitana, how you had no idea how to make a move on her and other pathetic sounding things that came out before you could stop it. When you finished, Johnny sighed and took off his shades. 
“And of course you came to me for help” he said with pride. “I am a love expert”
“Please!” You scoffed. “I just had no one else to go to. You're a last resort Cage-”. He put his finger against your lips to shush you. 
“Shhh… it's okay. I'd ask myself for advice too if I were you- hey!” he pulled his finger back when you tried to bite him. “No biting the love expert”. 
“Already regretting this” you mumbled. Johnny either didn't hear or didn't care. You had your bets on the latter. 
“So you want Kitana? Now that's a woman! You're gonna have to be real smooth to earn her heart”. Those weren't really helpful words but you kept listening anyway. “Kitana seems like she'd love confidence. You can't be all small and scared. You gotta walk with confidence”. He pulled you up to your feet after he stood up. “Puff your chest out”. 
“What?”. Johnny moved to your side and pushed on your back, making you slightly arch and your chest raise. “This feels ridiculous”. Johnny shook his head. 
“Women love confidence. Kitana loves confidence. This gives the image of confidence. Now walk with confidence”. 
Walk with confidence?
You started to walk how you usually did but Johnny stopped you immediately. “No! Walk with confidence!”
“What the hell does that even mean?”
“You gotta walk with long strides but a little slow. Like a model”
“You want me to walk slow?” You looked him up and down with distrust. “Why?”. 
“It'll give her more time to look at you”. You felt stupid, but you did it again and again until Johnny was satisfied. It felt more like bootcamp than love help. 
“Now here comes the confession part. The trick…” you leaned in in anticipation. “Don't”. 
“No questions without a raised hand”
“I'm gonna raise my hand and beat you with it”
“And I will prosecute you to the highest extent of the law”
“AnD i WiLl-”
“Do you want Kitana or not?”
“Of course I do!”. Johnny put his finger to his lip in a shushing motion. You sucked up your pride and stopped talking. 
“Now, you don't wanna confess. None of that 'oh I love everything about you. I think you're so beautiful and intelligent’ nonsense. You approach her-”. Johnny put back on his shades, put his hands on his hips and got uncomfortably close. “Listen babe, you and I… we could be something. You're diggin’ me and I'm diggin’ you. This Saturday we got a date”. 
“Shouldn't I ask instead of telling her to go on a date with me?”. Johnny shook his head at you. 
“You do that and you don't seem confident! Remember confidence is the key!”. 
This made no sense. So let's recap. Johnny wanted you to puff your chest like a peacock, walk like a model and tell Kitana that you two were going on a date instead of asking? 
Maybe you should've just googled this. 
“Um, okay… great talk Johnny” you patted his shoulder then walked towards the door before he could protest. “Great talk. Brilliant talk. Enjoyed it. I'll remember it!”. You closed the door behind you and sped walked to your car, leaving Johnny alone in his house. 
Once you got in your car, you sighed. Well… that was something that happened. You pulled out your phone and went to the voice notes app. 
“Note to self. Never ever ask Johnny Cage for love advice again”. 
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bomberqueen17 · 23 hours
holding it down
currently am being held down in the chair by Chita, who was waiting patiently next to my recliner while i was in the other room packing up my clean laundry. I'm going back to the farm today, and need to leave sometime before noon to arrive in time for dinner. The only productive thing I really did this week is that last night I made a Vat of Borscht that i'm going to bring to serve for dinner tonight so my sister doesn't have to cook. anyway. Oop Chita just had enough of absorbing my body heat / qi (we joke that's what she's after, absorbing qi by sitting on people) and has transferred herself to the other chair, where she will sleep for six to ten hours without moving much. Her life is hard.
anyway wittering on behind cut
my dreamwidth crossposter broke so i should figure out how to set up an RSS thingy there, idk how to do that though. i think tumblr did something that broke how they do RSS and that's why the crossposter went down.
I'm trying Vyvanse again, a slightly higher dose. One pill a day, I can do. Yesterday I just felt scattered and ran around not getting things done. I did go double grocery shopping with Dude, and there was a Pokemon Go thing going on so I was catching cyndaquils while wandering through the grocery aisles, and i just-- sometimes I can feel that what I am doing is really bad for my attention span, and I could super feel that this was not helping me at all.
"I need to meditate," I said, sweating, on the ride home in the car. (It has been so hot. It was so hot yesterday. It was 87 and so humid and even with the ac in the car I was just sweating. ugh.)
"So meditate," Dude said, but I don't know how.
I probably should start writing in my journal again. I had been using a like day planner thing, and I was doing pretty poorly at it-- i'd write goals but they were never concretely connected to anything, and mostly I was writing down what I did after I did it, but at least that tied me to reality somewhat. So I should at least go back to that, I stopped the last week at the farm when things were so fucking hectic I didn't do anything but work, eat, and sleep.
I don't know if it helps but doing nothing doesn't help either.
And it's a lie to say I did nothing this past week. I was very off my game, but I did consult two different medical professionals for whatever that's worth, and I did manage to get past a huge writing block that's been deviling me for over a year really.
The horrible heat is supposed to break, which is good timing, because there is no climate control at the farm, and the only air-conditioned room is insufficiently conditioned and so is usually warmer than the surrounding spaces. I would have had a miserable week if I'd been there this past week, when it was over 90F most days and wasn't getting below 75F at night. (It was 81F here this morning at 6am, but it is supposed to rain and the day's high will only be 82. So.)
I did get some sewing done this week, though not as much as I wanted. I did a bunch of laundry. I did not clean the house or make any progress organizing any spaces, which were things I had wanted to do. But the writing, I can't describe how important getting that writing done was for me.
I'm having trouble being confident in my writing currently, a couple of scenes I feel are not emotionally true to what I was trying to say. I did rediscover some old notes though, and I think I've figured out what was bugging me in the Geralt/Emhyr scenes, and what I should work on with them. (I think the background information that Pavetta was an unhinged little gremlin monsterfucker and that was what formed Emhyr's id is really important and I have to work out how to incorporate that into everything going forward.)
I also keep finding myself yearning to write some original stuff. So we'll have to see, if I can get through the backlog of ideas in the Witcher stuff and start winding some of that up (??!!?!?!) then maybe there'd be some time to poke those ideas.
Anyway. Cat tax, here is what Chita looked like as I began this post, being a feline seat belt holding me into this chair:
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[image description: small gray cat, head turned and eyes closed, is lying on my green-clad lap and has one paw outstretched toward the camera, touching the gray arm of the chair we're sitting in, holding me in position.]
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betrayal…. (playing uno is 100% more worth your time than patrol, can confirm, best game ever, played a game with 20 people in a german exchange (but it was kinda quick since we only had one pack of cards and. well. 20 people))
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HELL YEAH, WE’RE MAKING PROGRESS!!!!! (i have a feeling this might get a bit angsty…)
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😭😭😭😭 (speech to text is really annoying i get the struggle)
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y’know, of all the turtles to slander clothes, i didn’t think it’d be him
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god noooo the feels 😭😭 (i never quite experienced the bad-teacher side of the neurodivergent experience (my physics teacher was crazy supportive despite the fact i never scored higher than a 40% in his class) but i would get a loooottttt of shit from classmates,,,,,,, sucks ass i feel for mm mikey)
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gotta keep expanding your horizons!
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ok but. of all the turtles………
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love it when this happens
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taking action! (also hold on 2012 mikey is an adult in his timeline???)
sighhhh i hope tech stays with the mikeys forever because their dynamiccccc 😭😭😭
not sure if i’m ready for the angst that is most likely coming our way. BUT i’m excited for it
Happy you liked my insane rambles again!
Referring to what you said about teachers, I have personally had some struggle throughout school with the way they teach things which I kind of use to write the issue mm mikey is having, very loosely. Though I don’t have a neurodivergency diagnosed (though a lot of people have kind of told me that I most definitely probably have big ADD or something similar rattling in the old noggin so idk) I learn much differently to what schools want. I am a very hands on learner, and really struggle with visual/auditory classes. It’s like being told how to write a good story but not actually doing it - I just tune out, or it is difficult to get it to “click” unless I explain it to myself in a weird way that actually makes much more sense to me. Once this “click” happens it’s great, I have no issues, but I have a lot of questions and thoughts that others don’t get prior to this point that I’ve unfortunately been disregarded for, as my teacher just didn’t want to explain and deemed me as stupid and needing extra classes because I didn’t learn in the same way. Not to brag but I’m pretty intelligent without even studying so this was a slap in the face for me.
So yeah, I kinda based at least some elements on this experience, though obviously a lot is also made up/fictionalised.
Wow that was a ramble
Anyway, you also mentioned Mikey’s age? I don’t think I’ve ever properly written down the ages outside of a discord I am in that talks about this fic, oops. In short, the timelines are not linear, but rather dotted around the place. A breakdown:
1987 are the ones where I’m not 100% sure on what to age them as, but I imagine around 17 - 19, all the same age
Rise boys are about 6 months - a year after the events of the movie
2012 are about 20 - 22, a few years after their final series (with Mikey being an extra 2 years ahead due to Dimension X)
2007 are what I believe are their cannon ages at 21? Takes place a few months after their 2007 movie (I also consider the 90s movies to be from the same universe due to the details present in 2007)
2003 are a few years after the crossover movie, making them the oldest at around 25 (Mikey being 24 due to him being a few months or so younger when they were sold)
Mutant mayhem boys are literally a couple of weeks after their movie
Bayverse boys are a year after their second movie
Hopefully that clears things up a little :)
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sailorsplatoon · 3 months
📌Pinned post
Hi you can call me Lily or LilyMoon, or whatver you want, idc.
My pronouns are she/they!
I mostly post about Splatoon, but I also like Pokemon, Kirby, Pikmin, The Owl House, Amphibia, Gravity Falls, Sailor Moon, and a bunch of other stuff!
I have an ao3 account that I occasionally post fan fiction on, I also post the same fanfic here on Tumblr!
My asks are pretty much always open, so feel free to send me one! I love seeing what you guys have to say! Also I recognize that my blog can be very difficult to understand if you don’t have all the lore, so if you have any questions about anything on the blog at all, just send them over and I’m happy to answer them!
I am a minor, so no NSFW interactions on my blog please.
I like all sorts of ships, but my OTP is Acht x Agent 4 (or dedfour as I like to call them). I post about them a lot. You can check the #dedfour and #acht x agent 4 tags on my blog if you’re curious what I’ve posted about them in the past!
But the ships don't stop there! I also post alot about Harmony x Acht x Agent 4, AKA p4ruf1sh. Now Harmony gets to join the lovebirds in a polycule! You can find more about that on the #p4ruf1sh tag!
And it keeps going! I post a lot of oc x canon stuff too, which you can find under the #oc x canon tag! Currently there’s Marie x Shina, Shiver x Birch, Frye x Elle (au exclusive), and Callie x Elita/Pepper. If you want to know more about a specific one, search my blog for a tag of the canon character.
Here’s my carrd if you want to know more about me (though it's mostly the same stuff that I wrote in this post).
I also have Twitter, but I’m not as active there as I am here.
Pfp credit goes to the amazing @agent-marusankisser!!!
Anyway thanks for checking out my blog! Bye!
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arinmoss · 9 days
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Beautiful trans man for the lads :3
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horse-surgeon-barbie · 6 months
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maybe we STOP playing house ,, we're not good at it
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t-u-i-t-c · 2 months
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ROBIN FURUYA as Takashi Iwanaga Love is Better the Second Time Around (2024) │01x06
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ronanlynchbf · 2 months
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195 notes · View notes
demodraws0606 · 5 months
What Cyberpunk DeadBoy Means and What it's Potentially Foreshadowing (aka very complicated analysis that makes a lot of sense and could happen depending on how colorpalet is feeling while writing the story)
Now I'm seeing so many people like running around wondering what this event could mean for the future for multiple reasons and like I've made like one post throwing my hat into the ring.
I've been frustrated with people's unwillingness to realise that this comm is prob foreshadowing because this is not the first time Colorpalet has hidden foreshadowing into comms weither subtely or not
Exemple's being :
-Akito's second comm foreshadowing his third event
-Lower's cover art literally foreshadowing what would happen to Mafuyu's phone in her event
-88 vocals being emurui and nenekasa foreshadowing the kind of dynamic the disbandement arc had with nenekasa wanting to move forward with emurui being scared of isolation
-Probably way better exemples that I forgot
I've seen people make Some assumptions which I don't agree with but there is one thing I think is true
There is 100 pourcent gonna be struggle between corporation/reality and WxS.
Purely because that's been WxS's entire theme since the beginning. They constantly bash you over the head with the theme of compromising with reality and the importance of dreams. In fact the pick of Maiki-P is not at all surprising as he basically has the same message WxS has just... well harsher.
The Big thing people have ignored however is by focusing on the lyrics, they've ignored something that's personally to me even more telling and that's the line distribution
We know for a fact colorpalet loves to mess around with line distribution, weither it's to make characters say lines that fit them or to kind of foreshadow their headspace.
Now something Big happens with the line distribution of Cyberpunk Deadboy that i've seen NO ONE notice and that's in the last chorus (that and also Tsukasa's lines which people have pointed out but it works less on it's own which is why I'm gonna analyse his lines afterwards).
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This is the only time the chorus is like that, the others have a much more even distribution.
In fact the distribution choice makes it look like the rest of WxS is Talking to Rui.
It's even more evident considering the lines they chose to make WxS sing compared to only just Rui
Emu/Tsukasa/Nene saying kimi (you)
Rui saying boku (i)
Which honestly makes me think this is colorpalet foreshadowing some kind of issue reguarding specifically Rui. Remember Emu's second event ? The story of Rilley whose imagination was crippled by the industry to the point where he didn't really have any artistic vision until Emu's grandpa helped him.
In fact remember how the flashback that showcases that has Rilley working on a film
Now we get to Tsukasa's line which have been pointed out to be kind of sus but it's not just his lines.
Tsukasa refuses to sing with Rui (unless it's a line they all sing together but i consider those exceptions). In fact pretty much everyone has a duo line with each other except those two.
In fact in the section where Rui has duo lines with everybody, Tsukasa is the only one he doesnt sing with and the visuals make it clear that it's something that we're supposed to find strange
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And then we of course have Tsukasa's solo lines
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Tsukasa is the only one that say "fuzakeruna" outside of Rui (of course ignoring entire group WxS lines) and i've seen some people pointed out how it sounds like he's saying it in response to Rui's lines. Which I agree with.
Then we got his big boy solo lines
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These lines will make more sense with my theory/analysis but right now if we go with the idea that WxS in the last chorus were speaking to Rui and Tsukasa in this comm refuses to sing with Rui then this implies those lines are Tsukasa speaking to Rui.
And this is where the insanity begins because people have pointed out a concerning trend with Ruikasa that I know some people use for shipping fuel but for me kinda feels more so like foreshadowing.
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IGNORING all the ARG ass weirdness of the Fixer 2dmv, this choice to switch Ruikasa's colors have to mean something in my opinion outside of just wholesome shipping influence especially considering the two songs they do this are less than jovial.
What this kind of color switching signifies to me is that, Ruikasa somehow are/or will switch places.
And with that let me bring back Tsukasa's lines
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These lines stand out because Tsukasa before remembering his dreams was extremely shallow only doing things for fame and probably the money that would come with it.
Now if you think about everything I've layed out I think you can gain a pretty clear picture.
Of Rui falling into the trap Rilley did, becoming jaded and losing the true motivation of his dream (or at least starting to have doubts). Becoming stuck with the struggle of managing dreams and reality.
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Rui's costume even has a mask which can be a metaphor for his artistic voice and individuality being silenced .
Which now you get into the line distribution where WxS is implied to be talking to Rui.
And you get to Tsukasa, who is refusing to sing with Rui and in fact seems to be arguing with Rui if we really want to overthink it. In fact almost switching their roles from the main story.
Because Tsukasa has grown now and how else to show that growth than to switch Rui and Tsukasa's perspectives/roles.
Now how this would happen really depends since there are multiple ways they can go about it with the time they have.
There is obviously mystery dude dude (who i know now is sakaki) who still gives me bad vibes. However there is actually two way they can make mystery dude trigger this sort of plot :
-Mystery dude is malicious and actively manipulates/confronts Rui to make him rethink his worldview
-Mystery dude isn't malicious but instead is just jaded/has been through a lot of industry bullshit which ends up rubbing off on Rui accidentally
But you can even just not have mystery dude involved with this at all (which i doubt but still) because you know what loose plotpoint is still lingering over WxS, fucking Asahi
Rui still has not talked about Asahi to WxS, in fact Curtain Call ends on an explicit cliffhanger which is never really emotionally concluded (at least in Rui's own events, technically the arc ender did but there are still a lot of loose threads from that arc). Why would Colorpalet make Asahi come back after Rui graduates, they could've just had him disappear into the sunset but instead they hint at his potential comeback.
Unless Rui will be forced to again confront similar feelings he did during Curtain Call this time with possibly an added layer of whatever happens during WxS's freelance arc.
Anyways yeah this is overly complicated but then again colorpalet is not being easy with us so...yeah.
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