#If I eat it... it does have a value!
laski-and-sage · 2 years
TJ: Y'know... I understand if you wanna go vegetarian or vegan- Your thing! But if I have my steak on my plate and you gonna beg me not to eat it... what's the use of it?
Pip: Try to... convince you?
TJ: The cow is already dead, cooked and right in front of me. If you can bring that thing back to life I'll give you the steak! But... damn! Dead is dead!
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tangledinink · 10 months
new gemini update was so good as always but I can't stop thinking:
big mama: there's nothing wrong with my sons
splinter: you fucked up two perfectly good kids is what you did. look at blue. he's got an eating disorder
wwhhhattttt? nooo, don't be silly. leo doesn't have an eating disorder.
leo and donnie have eating disorders--
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is-the-owl-video-cute · 4 months
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Tags on a post that said “if both candidates agree on an issue, it’s a non-issue”. Regarding a genocide.
Okay lol. Very normal people on the “vote blue no matter who” side.
“I personally don’t want to die” yet you’re alright voting for someone who kills others just because you think it’s a lost cause? You’d rather vote for someone you KNOW is going to kill thousands of Palestinians just because he MIGHT not kill you. And that is an extremely privileged take.
“Mehmehmeh third party can NEVER win” yes because you’d rather give Biden a deepthroat than actually vote for important change. This isn’t something like tax brackets or stimulus checks, Biden is, currently, right now, killing people. He condemns Israel to the press and then mails them more bombs through the “”humanitarian aid”” port he built.
I swear to god Biden could pick up an infant, bring it to the podium during a speech, set it on fire, and slam it on the ground as hard as he physically could and you’d still vote for him as long as it wasn’t YOUR baby.
Anyway, I’m done humoring this. I’m breaking and blocking mutuals over this. I’m not going to pretend this is an even remotely leftist let alone justifiable take.
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heartru · 5 months
my least favourite thing from the watcher discourse has been people saying “WE never asked for higher quality” or “your most popular shows are where you just sit around and talk!!” - babes its likely not what THEY want to do for the rest of eternity lol. they’re allowed to want to grow as creatives and make things they are proud of?
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sergle · 5 months
lollll stevens insta post is so tone def too like uhh u can smell the privilege coming off this 🧍
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ohhhh... I think I'm going to hurt him
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essektheylyss · 9 days
I was personally assaulted (honorific) by this essay on ambition. It's very good.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
i love your blog so much. i love your art. im eating it
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Finally, I have discovered why my art has bite marks on it. I can't stop what's already been done so...Guess I'm flattered?
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spicyicymeloncat · 3 months
You ever think about how whenever you hit a female character with the “buff, smartass, takes no shit, is never vulnerable” gun you might accidentally be reinventing the “tough guys don’t cry” mentality which is part of the reason why men have shorter lifespans than women.
Being vulnerable isn’t inherently female but you’re hating it for misogynistic reasons anyways and it helps no one on the gender spectrum.
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moodr1ng · 24 days
every time someone asks me about why i have a pet leech and why i feed it on me and i gotta be like welll you see i find theres a sort of grounding aspect to having a relationship to an animal that is parasitic and where you dont just give the animal food, you ARE the animals food, and a leech is a very safe way to feel like i am in some way integrated, even if minimally, in a food chain that i have largely been able to discard; i am never under any impression that the leech likes me or even has the capacity to like me or have any particular opinion about me, and in fact i dont really see it as a pet so much as just.. a creature that lives in my space and that eats a bit of me sometimes, and i kind of like having that. i think theres a certain attraction to the idea of being essentially consumed which we have very few realistic ways of actually experiencing and a leech does do that. it is profoundly fascinating to me to watch a leech actively sucking up my blood, to observe the rhythmic undulation of its body as it visibly gorges itself and to see it become larger and larger off of matter that is literally me - in much the same way that i always find myself watching my blood be drawn with a sort of visceral satisfaction, except its weirder and better.
but the reality is just well im a vampire so its funny that i also have another thing that sucks my blood lol!!!!
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anonymocha · 6 months
suddenly seeing parallels between kumar and medicine pocket
#wonderful day to be a kaalaa baunaa x medicine pocket shipper#you know the difference between kumar and mp#kumar did the things she did out of vengeance — a cause — a purpose#and a desire to destroy others or oneself#mp does the insane shit they do because its FUN#because they have the capabilities to bear it#essentially because they can#considering their dialogue and hobby; they definitely hold life at a high value#perhaps careless#but honest#both defo insane and self-concerned#just in different flavors#hence why i think shipping kb x mp is either an angst abyss or healing journey#mp is smart and emotionally mature despite their mad kid behavior#but yes definitely a victim of impulse and chaotic practices#meanwhile kaalaa baunaa is a woman of method and routine#in research or in life#these two are kind of opposites...#mp shows a petty and nasty front but behind it lies a surprisingly mature and insightful self#kb maintains monumental composure and mysterious but friendly front#although inside i am sure many many things eat away at her#especially kumar#oh ESPECIALLY kumar#she probably acts all cool and level-headed saying things like “life goes on”#she starts to fail to follow her own philosophies and drown herself in work#because staying still will only make the memories of kumar manifest louder#she relies on her routines for comfort; whats always there and always will be#but shes tiring herself out because she cannot entirely confront the idea that kumar is gone#because kumar's presence IS a part of her routine — her methods — course — orbit#mp is like a replacement — better or worse? fuck around n find out
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evilmagician430 · 1 year
spencer is the only thing keeping the acachalla house from being infested with bugs and rodents such as rats and mice. this is why they keep him around and also why they do not let him leave. hes like a barn cat
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mariocki · 2 months
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Friday the 13th (2009)
"Jason. My special, special boy. They must be punished, Jason. For what they did to you. For what they did to me."
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whenever anyone comments on my body i want to cut all ties tbh
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wiser-girl · 1 year
My mother seriously just took the muffin I was given at a bakery today bc we were there when they were closing so they gave it to me for free and says she’s giving it to our neighbour bc I’m so fat I clearly don’t need it I’m fucking LIVID
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justaholeinmysoul · 1 year
Some of yall really don't know what it means to be working class in some countries. Yes maybe we can afford little "luxuries" from time to time but that doesn't make people rich or capable to completely boycott the low costs companies.
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kdsburneraccount · 2 years
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Wow okay anyways
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