#If anyone has links to other stuff online or to download at a reasonable cost
thebluemeany · 7 years
Alexander Siddig Master Post: What to watch and where to watch it
WATCH: Good Candy
Peaky Blinders: most shows mash up all their cool shots with a soundtrack for their trailer. Peaky Blinders is that, only all the time. It’s beautiful, slick and oddly soulless: like a Vanity Fair photoshoot come to life. Siddig’s only in the romantic subplot of Series Three (£9.49 Amazon), but wait to buy as it’s on Netflix from September.
Cairo Time: Set in Egypt. Nice little love story. Surprisingly British in a repressed ‘I’d better go/ yes you better go’ sense. Except they all drink coffee rather than tea and smoke hookah. On YouTube. Worth cost of DVD.
Hannibal: Elephants crossing the Alps on a BBC Drama budget: what’s not to like? Actually done very well and in a sort of documentary style. Added bonus that Scipio is Rose Tyler’s Dad. On YouTube.   ☩
Spooks: Nest of Angels episode: Traumatic. Remember seeing it as a kid in 2003 before UK suicide bombers were a thing. It’s harder to watch now. But definitely do as it’s a bold early attempt to tackle a lot of issues. It was and still is a brave piece of drama. On YouTube.   ☩
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: 7 Series, all available on Netflix: hour after hour of episodes. Say goodbye to at least two months of your life. Noticeable increase in quality and complexity Series 4, 5, 6.
Lawrence After Arabia: interesting, well written and with a young Ralph Fiennes. Pace and style is more like a play than a film. Can rent for £4.00 on Amazon.
WATCH DEPENDING ON YOUR TASTE:  aka. The Marmite flavoured Liquorice
Doctor Who - 1001 Nights (audio play): Really neat idea at the core. Doesn’t really get to Siddig’s story until episode four, but listening to the other parts really adds to the build-up. Yes, it’s £12.99, but it’s made by Big Finish (all round reliable candy makers) who employ a lot of old UK actors & writers, so resist urge to torrent.
Waking the Dead:  Endgame part 1 and part 2. Don’t be fooled by the CSI set up - this is a level up in violent and gruesome. You can watch it on the BBC YouTube channel for £1.99.  ☩
The Phantom of the Opera (audio play): faithful to the novel. Adapted by a Dalek. Good Commuting Material. Tad expensive at £12.99. Slightly cheaper if you use monthly credit on Audible.
Syriana – complex little film, full of a great cast. Intriguing, realistic and with worrying similar themes to Lawrence After Arabia but set a century later. Tad heavy going. Available free on Amazon prime.  ☩
The Flat Earth (audio play): Weirdly like Lost. Don’t listen to it on a flight. I think the writer may have been going for a sense of the transcendent in a way that was meant to be life affirming. But it actually conjures up some pretty horrific mental images…so, yeah… part 1, part 2  ☩
OKAY IF YOU’RE BORED: aka. Chewing Gum
Inescapable: the landscape is shot nicely but the story is dull. £5.10 to download on Amazon, but you can rent for 99p on iTunes which is fine because it’s not a film for repeat viewing.
True Love: only improvised drama series broadcast ever on BBC One. Turns out there is a reason for that: actors need writers.  Siddig is in episode four, which is the least mundane of the bunch. Bonus of Jane Horrocks.
Doomsday: post-apocalyptic movie. Oddly similar ‘flee to Scotland’ vibe as Reign of Fire below.  Not done well. 99p on Google Play, but seriously just go watch the infinitely better 28 Days Later instead.  ☩
Doctor Who – Sisters of the Flame/ The Vengeance of Morbius (Audio play): Worth it to hear Siddig play a centipede. ‘Cause its radio you just hear the hundreds of feet pattering every time he enters. £8.99 so try and buy when Big Finish have a deal on. Part one is both better and has more Siddig than part two. ☩
Un Homme Perdu:  version in Arabic & French but I can’t find a copy with English subtitles. That said, there’s not a lot of dialogue: if your French is moderate like mine you can muddle through. Intention kind of reminded me of the British 60s film Blow-Up. Kind of dull in an ‘art-film’ way even without language barrier.  
24 - Season 6: By this point of watching the back catalogue, I’ve got to admit I was getting pretty fed up of variations on Islamic Extremism stories. Siddig’s in episodes 2 – 7 and 9. £7.99 for whole series on Amazon, but low res version available on Dailymotion.  ☩
Reign of Fire: so the poster looks AWESOME (dragons destroying London, hell yes!). But that all happens off screen. Lacking dragon destruction, Siddig, female characters or emotional stakes. Contains FAR too much Matthew McConaughey. Rent for £2.48 to watch Christian Bale valiantly attempt to make the best of a bad job.
BARELY IN: aka Empty calories
Game of Thrones: you’ve probably seen the whole series already. If you want to watch just the episodes with Doran in, these are limited to Series 5: episodes 2, 6, 9, 10 and Series 6, episode 1. The entire globe has downloaded it illegally already, but ignoring that, you can buy it on Google Play for £1.99 per episode. ☩
Turmanbay (audio series): available free on BBC iplayer. Game of Thrones but on the radio. Bit repetitive.
Atlantis: in various episodes across Season 1. Scrappily put together and feels like a kids programme. It’s £12.49 to download on Amazon but I wouldn’t bother. 
Primeval: Theoretically in all of Series 4 and 5 – but in reality very little actual scenes until last two episodes of Series 5 (and even then, the amount of acting is debatable). Crappy production values and scripts lacking depth. If you really want to watch it, its £6.99 to stream on Amazon. ☩
Strike Back: Episodes 5 and 6: SAS video game masquerading as a TV show, or one of those books where the cover has a desert and a bullseye on it and the name of the author is in bigger print that the title. Generic variation on Islamic Extremism story…again… ☩
Doctor Who – The Wreck of the Titan: It’s not bad, just a sort of average Sixth Doctor story and for £12.99 you can live without it.
Merlin: meh, not worth it. Series 1, Episode 10: On Netflix. Better than Atlantis and Primeval though. ☩
The Nativity Story – feels like something they make you watch in school. Pretty, but totally lacking humanity or emotion. Part with Alexander Siddig as the Angel Gabriel is here.
DON’T WATCH: Just plain bad
Clash of the Titans: APPALLING MOVIE. WARNING, WARNING. DO NOT WATCH. Can rent for £3.00 on Amazon, but again DO NOT WATCH.  Should also be under ‘barely in’.
The Diary of River Song: “I went to a marvelous party” episode (audio play): Story is boring and heavy handed on the allegory. Add to that the fact it costs £30.00(eek!) makes it a ‘skip it’.
Recon: Seriously does this movie even exist? I can’t find it anywhere. Possibly just an elaborate front set up as a tax dodge…
The Big Battalions: missing, presumed wipe. I work near the BFI so went in to see if they have a copy. They didn’t even have a record it exists. Still, it was made by Carnival Productions (who thirty years later churn out Hollow Crown & Downtown Abbey) so was probably good with high production values.
Wild Arabia - documentary narration kindly recommended by little-Vulcan for its ‘dope landscape shots’. On Netflix
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zombiesun · 3 years
Just wanted to tell you that you sound like a very interesting person! And was also wondering if you had any like books or youtube videos or something like that that you recommend about spiritual stuff (?), I’m not sure that’s the right word. But I’m very interested in your divination station tag and would love to read more on it :) xx
Thank you! I have been described as a character (derogatory and honorary). I actually have been trying to compile a list of resources so that I could have a ready list of books/media that has helped me with craft. I have yet to find a youtube witch that I’ve found as a valuable resource (they’re either very condescending or incredibly watered down in their practice for me personally) but if you want to get into tarot I do actually recommend finding youtube tarot readers and watching how they do their readings. That was my gateway to divination because I was fascinated with their craft and assurance and eventually got my own deck of cards because of that. I also recommend buying or making your own pendulum (if you want to know how feel free to ask it’s super simple and cost effective) regardless of whether you do tarot or not, it’s a great first magical tool. 
If you want to buy (I think it’s 6.99 a month?)  a pretty reasonable priced course on craft I did this for a few months. https://thetravelingwitch.com/ she has a very legible collection of beginner resources if you want a very basic overview of craft. I feel like of all intro resources I’ve found this one was the most helpful because it had all of the information in one place and a pre-organized course that takes you from topic to topic making sure that you have the understanding you need before introducing you to bigger concepts. 
as for books here’s some that I’ve read in the last few months that I found incredibly helpful. I didn’t begin craft by reading (I was actually roommates with a practicing witch/reader for all of last year and that contributed a lot to my understanding so I think my biggest suggestion is befriending someone in craft or joining an online community. people are always going to be the best resource for seeing a practical application of this)
you can find all of these books online as pdfs. (zlibrary is my go to for downloading books - you get up to ten downloads a day and I’ve never gotten malware from their downloads) also I read about three books a week, usually on craft so if you/anyone else wants to follow my goodreads to keep up books I’m reading and rec’ing you are more than welcome to. x. <--goodreads
Honoring Your Ancestors: A Guide to Ancestral Veneration by Mallorie Vaudoise is probably my favorite craft book to date. It isn’t necessarily about the herbs, smoke, and mirrors type of magic but about connecting with your bloodline and honoring the people who came before you. It’s a book that anyone can read/glean from regardless of religious practice or belief because we all have ancestors and they are watching us and invested in our lives. It also includes prompts at the end of each chapter which are excellent for beginner/intermediate shadow work which is a key part of craft. 
Tarot Shadow Work: Using the Dark Symbols to Heal by Christine Jette is a great resource for finding tarot spreads and an introduction on how to use it for self-healing and understanding. this is an excellent resource for shadow work and was the first book on tarot I read that really influenced me as a reader. alternatively,  Kitchen Table Tarot: Pull Up a Chair, Shuffle the Cards, and Let's Talk Tarot by Melissa Cynova is the perfect beginner tarot book. I just finished this one the other day and wished that I had read it much earlier. It not only covers the cards and their meanings but also what it means to be a reader, both for yourself and others. 
Psychic Witch: A Metaphysical Guide to Meditation, Magick & Manifestation by Mat Auryn is a great intro to the mental side of magic. I see a lot of witches starting craft by making spell jars and charging crystals on their sill and there’s nothing wrong with that but ultimately your greatest magical tool is your own mind and you need to deprogram yourself from the capitalist aspect that has seeped into craft which is the idea that your tools make the witch when really we’re born with the only tool you need. I can do magic wherever I am regardless of what I have on me because I have my mind. 
I think those are the four books that I think would be a necessary part of any witches library. There’s a lot of other “intro” to witch books that I just personally don’t like because I don’t make spell jars or work with herbs/crystals because I prefer divination/mental magic much more. I eventually do want to create a page on my tumblr that will link anyone curious about getting into practice a cohesive list. I feel like this is a pretty bare bones list of resources - honestly, my best advice is pick three topics you are intrigued by in craft and do your own research. I figured out a lot about what I know by deep diving. I don’t there’s a perfect entry point because your curiosity is ultimately going to lead you to what you want. The best part about witchcraft is each practice is individual, I can’t tell you how to become me because our journey will lead you to you. however, these are the topics I would rec you looking at once you get past your personal topics.
How to make an altar. How to make (and close) a magical circle + the cardinal directions. Meditation (note: there are a lot of different ways to meditate outside of traditional meditation) Cleansing. Shadow work. Spirit guides. Angel Numbers. Protection. Grounding. 
Good luck! 
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astonishinglegends · 4 years
Ep 199: The Disappearance of Frederick Valentich Part 1
“It is hovering and it’s not an aircraft.” 
– The last known words of pilot Frederich Valentich at 7:12 p.m., somewhere over the Bass Strait in Australia, October 21, 1978
On Saturday, October 21, 1978, at 6:19 p.m., 20-year-old Frederick Valentich took off from Moorabbin Airport just south of Melbourne, Australia, for what was supposed to be a routine training and pleasure flight over Bass Strait to King Island. A serious student aviator, Valentich had been flying for two years and had accumulated over 150 hours of solo flying time in his goal to one day become a commercial airline pilot. Although rated for night flying by instrument, the sun was still up, and with clear visibility and good weather, there was no reason Valentich shouldn’t have easily completed this trip, which he’d taken several times before. However, just over halfway through the flight at 7:06 p.m., Valentich contacted Melbourne Flight Service Unit and reported seeing an unidentified craft above him, traveling at high speed and shining four bright lights. Valentich would radio back a few minutes later that it didn’t appear to be any known aircraft, and now it had even more unusual characteristics: it was long, shiny metallic, and a green light was emanating from it. Even more unsettling, this craft he described was deliberately toying with him as it orbited above while his plane’s engine was sputtering. At 7:11 p.m., the last statement anyone would hear from Valentich would be that the object was still hovering and that it was not an aircraft. Valentich and his plane had vanished at that moment, but whether it was an elaborate hoax, a deliberate crash, or merely a misidentification combined with a mechanical failure, no investigation has been able to determine. What is not in doubt is that the case of Frederick Valentich remains one of Australia’s biggest aviation mysteries, if not in all of UFO lore.
Moorabbin Airport, where Frederick Valentich took off from on October 21, 1978, headed for King Island across Bass Strait.
Reference Links:
The Frederick Valentich case on the original Unsolved Mysteries, Season 5, Episode 2 on Amazon Prime
“Disappearance of Frederick Valentich” on Wikipedia
Cessna 182 “Skylane”
Valentich’s missing aircraft report online, from the National Archives of Australia
Download of Valentich’s missing aircraft report as a PDF
Bass Strait
Moorabbin Airport
“'Truth' was out there after all –An accidental discovery sheds new light on the mysterious disappearance of a pilot in 1978, writes Miles Kemp” from The Advertiser
Australian UFO researcher, Keith Basterfield
Melbourne, Australia
King Island, Tasmania
Visit King’s Island
“Biography of Bette Nesmith Graham, Inventor of Liquid Paper” on ThoughtCo.com
Bette Nesmith Graham on Wikipedia
Australian crayfish
The TCAS or Traffic collision avoidance system
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Episode 199: The Disappearance of Frederick Valentich Part 1. Produced by Scott Philbrook & Forrest Burgess; Audio Editing by Sarah Vorhees Wendel. Sound Design by Ryan McCullough; Tess Pfeifle, Producer, and Lead Researcher; Research Support from the astonishing League of Astonishing Researchers, a.k.a. The Astonishing Research Corps, or "A.R.C." for short. Copyright 2021 Astonishing Legends Productions, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
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entrepreneurnut · 3 years
Funnel Scripts Review – Write Pro Copy In Half The Time
New Post has been published on https://entrepreneurnut.com/funnel-scripts-review/
Funnel Scripts Review – Write Pro Copy In Half The Time
Are you struggling to write great copy to sell your products?
Perhaps you’ve been blowing a brain cell trying to think of what to write in your email sequences that will captivate your audience?
You may have been spending a ton of money on ads only to avail in a measly amount of clicks?
Or maybe you’re trying to promote affiliate offers but people just aren’t clicking your links?
There’s no denying it, good copywriting skills is an essential part of building a successful online business.
Without it, you’ll likely make next to no money and eventually quit.
However, when you get it right then just a few small tweaks can make a huge difference.
For example, as a blogger, I was surprised the first time I made a tiny tweak to a headline by using the free Funnel Scripts headline generator and saw the impact it had on both clicks and sales.
If you’ve been trying to learn copywriting yourself then you’ll already realize it’s difficult and it takes a long time to master.
The common alternative is to pay a professional copywriter to write your copy for you. If you can afford it, that is; they’re pretty expensive.
However, professional copywriter Jim Edwards and his marketing buddy, Russell Brunson have created another alternative that they say is much quicker and more cost-effective.
It’s a push-button software program that can write your sales copy for you. They call it Funnel Scripts.
Since I recently purchased this product, today, I am going to be diving deep into exactly what it can do and whether or not you really need it for your business.
So, here in my Funnel Scripts review 2021 I will give you the lowdown on the complete software, including the free headline generator you can use to test it out before you buy.
Get Funnel Scripts Lifetime Deal Here
Funnel Scripts Review: What Does It Do?
Funnel Scripts has been developed to give everyone the ability to quickly create professional-level sales copy without having to pay expensive copywriters to do it for you.
It works by using templates based on some of the best performing copywriting scripts in history and structuring them around the content you input that is specific to your market, audience and the products or services you are promoting.
Jim Edwards, the creator of the Funnel Scripts software, has included templates to enable you to create sales copy for a large number of reasons including, ad copy, landing pages, video, and written sales letter scripts, bullet scripts, headlines, email sequences, webinars and more.
Basically, you spend a few minutes inputting some data about your audience, product, the benefits and so forth, then press a button. Funnel Scripts will then generate multiple variations that you can choose from. 
Who Is Funnel Scripts For?
Most businesses need to use some kind of sales copy. If you’re trying to sell your own products, promote offers as an affiliate, collect leads, you need to write ads or you need to email your subscribers then you will need to have some kind of copy.
As a blogger, I also realized that I can benefit a lot by improving the headlines of my posts.
Copywriting is a hard to learn skill and does not come naturally to most people. However, if you already have this skill then it’s probably not necessary for you to buy Funnel Scripts unless you just want a faster way of doing it.
If copywriting is something that gives you a headache, it’s a task that takes you hours without really knowing how effective it’s going to be or if you outsource it but pay a hefty price for it then Funnel Scripts will be a big benefit to you.
Watch The Funnel Scripts Webinar Here
What I Like About Funnel Scripts
When you first buy Funnel Scripts and get inside the member’s area you will notice there is a huge amount of stuff in there for you to dive into.
There are several features I really like, but some of my favorites are the following:
Large Number of Scripts Available
Funnel Scripts is not just a headline generator; it’s not only used for writing ad copy; it can be used for much more than just creating your email sequences.
It is a very powerful program which, gives you the ability to create copy for any kind of purpose you could imagine.
Funnel Scripts Produces Good Quality Copy
When I first heard about Funnel Scripts, I must admit I was a little skeptical as to how good the copy it produces might be.
Many years ago I purchased a headline and sales page generator, but it was mediocre at best. However, that was around 2007 and fortunately, software has come a very long way since then.
I was more than pleasantly surprised to see that the quality of the copy produced by Funnel Scripts not only reads well, but it also keeps to the structure of professionally written copy that creates engagement.
You Can Create Copy Very Quickly
There are no two ways about it, Funnel Scripts is fast.
Compared to writing copy yourself or even outsourcing it to a professional and waiting for your copy to come back, Funnel Scripts can bash out your copy in minutes.
When you use one of the script generators, it will ask you to fill in some boxes with data about your product and target audience. Depending on the script you’re using this can take around 10-20 minutes.
Then, all you do is hit the build button and wham! Your copy is generated.
The copywriting script generators will produce a few different variations for you to choose from, all of which are fully editable by you if you need to.
Free Copywriting Training Included
If you’re using Funnel Scripts then you don’t need to learn copywriting yourself.
However, knowing a bit about the formulas of creating great copy and how it leads your audience to take the action you desire will help you to get even better results with the copy you generate.
I have always been interested in copywriting and the psychology behind it.
While I do now use Funnel Scripts myself, I am still interested in and fully intend to learn more about it to improve my skills in this area.
So I was pleased to see a number of training videos that are also in the member’s area if you do have the inclination to learn more about writing great copy.
Monthly Copywriting webinars
Creator, Jim Edwards, is really passionate and proactive about Funnel Scripts.
Since copywriting is a skill that is close to his heart and he wants his members to get the most out of using his product, he holds monthly training webinars that you can sign up for for free.
You can also watch the latest webinar replay in the member’s area if you can’t make it live.
Pimp My Funnel
If you want expert help with your sales copy, from Jim Edwards himself then you can apply to be featured in an episode of Funnel Scripts Tips, which are Jim’s copywriting tips webinars.
Since there’s so many users of the software it’s not guaranteed that you will get chosen. However, you can keep applying if you want to get his help directly. If you are chosen then it can make a huge difference to your business.
Extra Funnel Scripts Bonuses
When you buy Funnel Scripts you will also notice you get 4 extra bonuses in the member’s area. These bonuses are:
Bonus #1 – Inception Secrets
This is a training that marketer Russell Brunson gave to his inner circle a few years ago. He shows you how to be able to sell anything to anyone and make it seem like it’s their idea to buy from you. It will teach you how to plant the seeds of desire inside a person’s head so they will naturally want to buy your stuff.
Bonus #2 – 5 Fast Funnels
Here they give you access to the 5 most popular and commonly used funnel that you’ll likely need to use online.
Bonus #3 – Copywriting Secrets Master Class
This is a course Jim created to help people get high-impact results from their sales copy without having to hire a copywriter. He also teaches you some simple tweaks that can make a huge difference to your conversions.
Bonus #4- Live Monthly Training with Jim
Each month you can join Jim live on his monthly webinars to learn how to get the most out of Funnel Scripts and sell more stuff.
Get Funnel Scripts Lifetime Deal Here
What I Don’t Like About Funnel Scripts
Funnel Scripts Navigation Is a Bit Crowded
Since there’s so much inside the Funnel Scripts members area it can take you a while to get to grips with it.
Some of the features are hidden within other tabs, which can take you some time to find where everything is when you first use it.
It’s Quite Expensive
The sale price of $797 might be quite steep for a lot of small businesses and solopreneurs to shell out at one time.
However, if creating effective sales copy is a big part of your business then it will save you a lot of money over time not having to pay a professional copywriter, whose fees are usually very high.
Funnel Scripts: What Scripts Are Available?
In this section, I’ll share with you all the different kinds of scripts you can create and show you screenshots of each section so you’ll know exactly what you get with Funnel Scripts.
Not only are there quite a few different categories of scripts you can generate, but each category also has several different types of scripts. This is good so you can drill down to create exactly the right kind of script you need for the right channel you are promoting through.
While most scripts work directly from the dashboard, others are available to you form the dashboard as downloadable wizards.
Some of the most common scripts people use include:
Email scripts
Ad scripts
Headline scripts
Bullet scripts
Sales letter scripts
Video sales letter (VSL) scripts
Besides these, Funnel Scripts also has a ton more. Check out the full list of available scripts below.
Get Funnel Scripts Lifetime Deal Here
Funnel Scripts Pricing
Funnel Scripts used to be a yearly subscription at $497 per year.
However, in 2019 the Funnel Scripts pricing changed to $797 for lifetime access.
While this is a fairly high price to pay initially, if you will need to write good sales copy in your business on an ongoing basis then this is a better deal than the original price of Funnel Scripts.
Basically, you need to consider how important it is to you and your business to write good copy before you buy Funnel Scripts.
For example, if you need to regularly write emails to your list, headlines for your blog posts, ads, and landing pages or if you’re regularly creating ads and need them to always perform well then it may be worth it to you to invest in the Funnel Scripts lifetime deal.
Whether you should buy Funnel Scripts or not will depend on several factors. You need to weigh up the following:
How often you will need to create copy
How much money would it cost you to outsource it to a professional copywriter
How much time would it cost you if you decide to learn copywriting yourself
How much might it cost you in both time and money to do it yourself through trial and error
Funnel Scripts Free Trial
When people hear about this software they often ask, is there a Funnel scripts free trial?
The answer is, Yes.
However, while there are a large number of scripts you can create with Funnel Scripts to make copy for all kinds of reasons, there is only the Funnel Scripts free headline generator that can be used on the free trial.
If, while you’re reading this Funnel Scripts review, you’re interested in taking this sales copy generator for a test-drive then you can try the Funnel Scripts headline generator for free here.
Personally, I would like to see a free trial of other scripts besides only the headline script. For example, I think it would be really helpful to also include an ad script and a bullet script trial so people can get a clearer picture of what Funnel Scripts can actually do before they purchase.
However, the headline generator script is a good tool and gives a reasonable insight into the Funnel Scripts software. Just be aware that the tool can do so much more than just create fancy headlines.
Funnel Scripts Webinar
Jim Edwards and Funnel Scripts co-founder, Russell Brunson created an hour-long copywriting webinar that teaches some important fundamentals of copywriting that marketers and entrepreneurs need to understand.
While, of course, this webinar does also promote the Funnel Scripts product, they show you everything the software can do, what you get when you invest and how to get all your copy from sales letters, webinar scripts, ads, and even email sequences written in under 10 minutes.
If you’re not interested to buy Funnel Scripts but you do want to learn more about copywriting then I still recommend you watch this webinar.
You can watch the Funnel Scripts webinar here.
Where Can You Buy Funnel Scripts?
The owners of Funnel Scripts would prefer you to first watch their free Funnel Scripts webinar and then move through their sales funnel. This way they can hook you in and sell you more stuff.
However, if you just want to buy Funnel Scripts without having to go through the sales funnel then here’s the back door where you can buy Funnel Scripts directly.
Funnel Scripts Pros and Cons
Like any product you buy, there will always be pros and cons. Here are the pros and cons of Funnel Scripts:
Funnel Scripts Pros
Instant access once you purchase
Easy to use
Instruction videos for each script
Many different script types for all kinds of marketing needs
Easy to use script generators
Data input fields allow you to customize scripts with your personality and to fit your audience
Multiple versions of each script generated to give you choice
Scripts can easily be edited
Example scripts included
Additional downloadable wizards for more complex script creation
Lots of training videos
Monthly webinars
Additional bonuses included
Funnel Scripts Cons
Some scripts take time to enter all your data into the input fields
Sometimes the script can be a bit generic – fortunately you can customize and edit the scripts as needed
It can take a while to get your head around all the different available features
Initial price can be high for some small business owners and solopreneurs (fortunately, this has been improved slightly since Funnel Scripts has now been made a one-time purchase)
Funnel Scripts: My Final Thoughts
When you buy Funnel Scripts you certainly get a lot for your money. There are a ton of scripts available inside the members area, and you also get access to a few downloadable wizards for more advanced scripts.
Russell and Jim have included scripts for all kinds of copy you might need to create.
While the initial price tag of $797 can be expensive for a lot of entrepreneurs, if you’re going to be using it regularly then, in my opinion, it is worth the investment as it can save you both time and money moving forward.
So now, the question is, do you and your business need it..? Only you can answer that question.
If you’ve not already tried the free headline generator, why not try it out to see what it can do.
If you want to have a more detailed look at the product that goes beyond this Funnel Scripts review, and see it live in action then I highly recommend you join the free copywriting webinar with Jim and Russell.
Get Funnel Scripts Lifetime Deal Here
Want A Funnel Script Alternative?
If you’d like to see what other copywriting software options are available on the market then check out my article on the 3 best Funnel Scripts alternatives.
If you want to read more marketing software reviews that can help you to grow your business then you can find them by visiting my homepage here.
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Assistant Lila AU!
Link: AO3 | FFN
Pairing: Choi Saeran/Original Female Character(s)
Description: Unknown always wanted to have his own assistant. One that is bathed in wisteria and petunias, covering their throat until they suffocate or give in. There are some things that he can't do by showing his face and that's where someone who was very much his equal in sense of the word would be able to help him achieve the goals of Paradise. He's got his eyes set on somebody and surely, with her, the success of Mint Eye is ensured.
Based on the Prologue's Bad Ending. A standalone fic that can read without reading any of the other stories in the series.
Lila wasn’t sure exactly sure why she had decided that she needed to get this far away from her home. She just looked at the map on her wall and the first country that her eyes met became the one that she would escape to. It just turned out that it happened to be the country that she last expected it to be.
She did know why she wanted to get away it just wasn’t something that she wanted to focus on.
Family life had gotten really bad, and after that really bad breakup, she just wanted to escape. It wasn’t until she had the ticket in her hand and she was boarding her flight that it hit her; She was getting away from all the lingering problems that had haunted her for months. It was liberating in some ways that were hard to express.
This was the first time in a very long time that she felt free to do whatever she wanted to do. She didn’t have to live up expectations or push herself so hard into her word that her fingers bleed. She could frankly do anything, and she went straight ahead without even thinking through all of her choices as they were endless.
She was going to take life by the flip of a coin.
It was very unlike Lila, but, she wanted to make a change. If she wanted to be more daring and bold of a person then she needed to take some risks.
So, that’s exactly what she did. It took a couple of long hours but after a nap and a quick read-through of one of her favorite books, the plane arrived in Seoul sometime during the afternoon. She settled in rather quickly. She headed to her hotel right off the bat and slept off the lingering jet lag until her body felt refreshed.
That following morning, she got up and for once, she had no idea of what to do with herself.
Normally her anxiety would have chomped at the bit at that realization, however, this time, she didn’t feel as concerned about it as she normally would. Lila just pilfered through her phone for a little bit to let those that were concerned, not as if there were any apart from one person, and after reassuring her sister that she had arrived just fine and sound, she rose from the bed and decided to start the day.
She got dressed and then left her hotel to just do whatever seemed interesting. Whether that meant she walked for some time until anything intriguing popped up, or if she recalled something from her online research back home and wanted to check it out. That cycle was rinsed and repeated over two weeks.
Sure, a good portion of that time was spent looking for new accessories and props that would look good with the coords back at her apartment, but there was nothing wrong with that. The best place to find cutesy stuff always seemed to lead back to South Korea or Japan. There was no way she would pass up the chance to find great prices on stuff that cost an arm and a leg to buy and ship back home.
You had to keep your eye out for the next coordinate and all the looks that went with it, that’s how Lila enjoyed spending her free time and just being able to bask in that hobby without the judging eyes of her mother on her back was the greatest feeling she had ever felt thus far in life. Everybody has their little niche.
Hers just happened to be Lolita.
She didn’t always get to dress up, though. It was harder back home when there weren’t enough meetups and never quite enough people to chat with her about it in a positive way. Some people just didn’t get that it was a form of rebellion, just like those classic punk kids in ripped jeans. Although, that just meant all the more chances for her to come across rare items without competition.
Never let it be said that Lila was someone who could be stopped when she got her eyes locked on target.
She might have hissed at someone if they dared touched something with Cinnamoroll on it before she could. Of course, only in her head would that scenario play out. She was far too socially anxious to ever push a confrontation.
All and all, the first couple of weeks had been a lot of fun and allowed her to breathe. All of the weight that had been suffocating her back in America was all but gone. It still existed but it was like there was a barrier that kept it from reaching her while she was here. Lila was grateful for that.
It was nice, and she wasn’t sure if she wanted to go back just yet. She would have to, though, eventually, and when that day came, she would still be reluctant. For the time being, she just wanted to enjoy this vacation for what it was.
She hadn’t spoken to many people, although be it not much of her fault because while she was relatively fluent in the language, she was by no means an expert. She would often misplace the right word she was looking for with something else. It could be embarrassing and she wanted to avoid making a fool of herself.
Better left unsaid when you didn’t know what you were doing. Faking it till you made it only worked in the context of other situations.  
Tonight, though, something felt off.
As a matter of fact, something hadn’t felt quite right in the last few days. She couldn’t put her finger on it but it was like something was watching her back everywhere she went. Lila didn’t know why this was the case. She never did see anyone looking at her or trailing behind her at all.
She knew when to look and not get caught. It was just a trait that any woman in a city learned fast either when they were young or when they started living there on their own. She would try and note for any abnormalities in windows and her phone camera but nothing came out. She decided tonight that she was just being irrational.
It wasn’t unlike Lila to get overwhelmed with a sensation and run with it.
It just had to be one of those things, right?
The city streets were always alive with people and there was always the sense that she wasn’t alone so that couldn’t have been it. She frowned and glanced at her phone as the view of her hotel started to appear on the horizon.
She had stayed out a little later than usual to get some tea, and that wasn’t much of a big deal. It was nice to meet up with other Lolita. She didn’t often get to do that. So, she was dressed up tonight and as cute as can be. Nobody would take her as much of a threat when she looked like a cute cupcake, you know?
It was just this feeling that wouldn’t go away. She just didn’t like this feeling. If she had to make a break for it, it would be a little harder than normal. Her phone told her that it was around nine o’clock. There weren’t as many people out as there were when she normally took this path back, but there were enough that she wasn’t as nervous as she might have been on another night.
Another odd thing that she couldn’t ignore was happening. For some reason, her phone was downloading something and that shouldn’t have been happening.
Lila stopped in her tracks and went underneath the first streetlight she saw to see what it was loading up. She didn’t remember clicking anything. She never even unlocked it. Her data was limited too abroad, so this shouldn’t have even happened without her okaying it.
She watched as it finished loading and then with a raised brow, she murmured the title of it to herself in confusion,  “R.F.A.? ...What the heck is that?”
It could have been an accident?
Against her better judgment, she clicked the little button a chatroom opened out. Most of it was distorted in the background like the code had been frayed, or broken, maybe tinkered with just in the wrong way?
She pursed her lips. Something here was fishy. It gave her the prompt to enter a username.
Lila plugged in her nickname, then she hesitated. She may be trying new things but this might have been a reach. She was going to close it and try to remove it because it could have easily been a virus but a message popped up.
Unknown: Hello?
Wisteria: Um, hi?
Unknown: Can you see this?
Wisteria: Yes.
Unknown: Oh, thank goodness. I didn’t think I was ever going to get a response from anyone.
Wisteria: I’m a little confused myself.
Wisteria: Um, what is this app? Do you know?
Unknown: …
Unknown: I was going to ask you that. You see, I found this cell phone on the subway. There was nothing on it.
Unknown: Except for this messenger app.
Unknown: I wanted to return to its owner but there
weren’t any contact details written anywhere on it.
Wisteria: Well, this app just kind of… appeared on my phone. I’m not sure who that device belongs to, or how this got on my phone in the first place.
Unknown: Hm. That’s really odd.
Unknown: Darn. I thought I had found someone to give this to after not knowing what to do with it.
Wisteria: Well, you can always take it to the local police station.
Wisteria: I’m not really from this area. I don’t know anyone, I’m afraid.
Wisteria: It’s very good of you to want to return something like that though. Most people would have just pocketed the free device.
Unknown: Well, I’m a very religious person. It would be against the teachings to not do the right thing, you know?
Unknown: Oh, look at me. I was so excited about finding someone that I forgot to introduce myself.
Unknown: I don’t care for my name. I usually leave all my accounts blank like this.
Unknown: I guess you could say my name is Unknown…
Wisteria: My name is Lila.
Unknown: Since you’re typing in English, I can assume you’re American?
Wisteria: I would hope it wouldn’t be that obvious.
Unknown: Wow, you came from a long way away.
Wisteria: To clear my head, if that makes sense.
Unknown: Sure. I can understand.
Unknown: I'd hate to bother you anymore and I figure you're probably really wary of strangers in a foreign country...
Unknown: I'm not all that great at talking to people... or reaching out... but I want to find the owner of this phone.
Wisteria: Well, your best bet is lost and found or the police station.
Unknown: Yeah. That makes the most sense but... ah.
Unknown: I've got really bad social anxiety when it comes to stuff like this.
Wisteria: Oh...
Wisteria: I understand. I have the same problem.
Wisteria: Don't you have any friends that can accompany you?
Unknown: Ah, no. I'm pretty new to this area too since I came here for my studies.
Unknown: There is an address on this phone now that I’m trying to pick it apart, but that's really about it.
Unknown: I don’t want to just pop into somebody's place out of nowhere without being able to speak with them first!
Unknown: You wouldn't happen to want to go there for me?
Unknown: Would you?
Wisteria: Just pop up to a stranger's place to tell me this person found their phone but they're too nervous to give it back themselves?
Wisteria: You're joking right? lol
Wisteria: Don't put me in that position too!
Unknown: It is strange to suggest, isn't it?
Unknown: lol
Unknown: I'm kind of trapped between a rock and a hard place. I know it’s silly but…
Wisteria: I'm gonna kick myself for this but if you're in the same area as me then I might be able to come with you to drop it off with the authorities.
Unknown: Really? Oh, you don’t know how much that would mean to me.
Wisteria: What could it hurt?
Wisteria: As long as it's in a public area, it should be fine.
Unknown: Oh, man, I never thought someone would be so nice to me like that.
Unknown: [address]
Lila clicked the link and it took her to her maps app.
It said that the location wasn’t all that far from where she was. It was a couple of blocks away but it seemed like a dense area given the few different restaurants and businesses. It was probably alright. They seemed okay. She didn't have any bad feelings in her gut and she empathized with this person.
She wanted to give them the benefit of a doubt.
She was trying to be more spontaneous and open. Surely this could count as one of those things if she let it. If things got fishy, she could always leave and turn around.  
It wasn’t like they were asking her to go out of their way and do it. They seemed to appreciate the thought. She didn’t want anyone to feel worried about themselves and if that got her into trouble, well, so be it.
Her empathy was, unfortunately, stronger than her brain at times.
If someone said that they were struggling in a way that she did, her empathy overtook her brain and she just went to help them. It had gotten her into a lot of trouble in the past but there times where she did believe it was an asset.
What kind of person would she be if she didn’t try to help others?
Wisteria: That’s not far from me…
Wisteria: Well, I’ll help you out. But if things seem fishy, I’m out of there.
Unknown: Really?
Unknown: I won’t let you regret it.
Unknown: Th
Unknown: ank
Unknown: you
Unknown has left the chatroom.
Wisteria has left the chatroom.
Lila stashed her phone away and decided to head towards the location using her GPS to guide her the rest of the way along with the signs that she couldn’t quite read on her own. As she began to turn away from her hotel, the bright lights started to die down the further she walked away. It was a little ominous but she paid it no mind.
It wasn’t like she would be gone for very long.
When she arrived at the area that had been sent to her, she glanced around to see if she could see somebody that seemed to be looking for someone else. It took a few minutes of looking at whoever passed her by but after five minutes of looking around, she had decided that whoever it was didn’t really want her help.
They would have found her by now if that was the case.
She blew out a puff of air and went to stash her phone back into her coat pocket when a voice spoke from behind her head, “You wouldn’t happen to be username Wisteria, would you?”
Lila immediately spun around to face this person. She found herself staring up and into the most dazzling and haunting green eyes she had ever seen. They were almost unnatural in color the way that they shimmered underneath the streetlights. His locks were dyed white but had to a sheen to it where pink lingered through the tips.
He was a stark contrast in dress compared to what she was wearing.
He looked like he had walked into a mall Hot Topic and grabbed the first thing he saw to make himself look tough; With a leather jacket that purposely hung from his shoulders and a tank top that fit a little too well against his frame, as well as dark jeans and boots.
She wasn’t one to say something about the way that somebody looked so she wasn’t going to comment on somebody’s aesthetic. People would take a look at her and make their assumptions. She hated that. Plenty of people were far different from the way that they looked and she knew plenty of people that were kind and dressed dark as night.
She cocked her head to the side, “And I presume you’re username Unknown, then?”
It made him grin involuntarily. It didn’t reach his eyes, though. “You’d be correct. I don’t hate smart people so I’m impressed you’d picked up on that so quickly. Yeah,  that’s me, Unknown. Funny, isn’t it, though? I don’t bother with nicknames but the system gives you one anyway. ”
“Yeah. Society and labels, am I right? You’d think somebody like me wouldn’t fit the name I picked either,” she offered a small, polite smile.
“Mmm,” he hummed. “No, I’d say that your name suits you. It isn’t a symbol I expected to see from somebody with such a nice disposition like yourself, but then again, my name doesn’t match me quite fit as one would think… right?”
“I suppose so,” she nodded in agreement.
Unknown seemed alright.
His hands rested at his sides and he didn’t move much. There was enough space between them that she didn’t feel out of place.  She didn’t feel very threatened by him yet so she didn’t say much to him. He wasn’t making any sudden moves or anything so this seemed like it was legit.
She shuffled from one foot to the other as the lingering anxiety buzzed. Lila looked away for a moment and then looked back at Unknown, “So, you said you found a phone? Whoever lost it must be missing it plenty. I can head with you now if you still want me to!”
Unknown stared at her for a moment as if he were trying to read her expression for something hidden underneath the surface.
When he seemed to find what he was searching for, he nodded his head. “Yes, I want to do the right thing. I appreciate that you want to help me so willingly. Most people wouldn’t help a stranger like this.”
The two of them started to walk down the sidewalk together and the further that they traveled away from that spot, the darker and more lonely the streets grew. Fewer people were standing around or walking in the same direction, and the streetlights were dwindling. It was like the road they were on was getting into a more desolate part of town.
“Yeah, but you seem like an alright guy to me,” Lila said. She kept her hands close to her body. ”I’m sure you deal with this sort of thing often, not a lot of people are nice to anyone who deviates from what people consider normal. I get it. I hear plenty of flack from people about the way that I dress from time to time.”
“It suits you,” Unknown replied.
His tone, although dry, made her chest feel warm.
Heat rose to her cheeks. She wasn’t used to compliments nor did she know how to react when she got them from people. She let out a little awkward laugh. “Well, thank you. I work hard to pull these off. It takes a lot of thought to make something look just right.”
They spent the next twenty minutes or so just talking and chatting about this and that. He would charm her or make her feel like she was really special, and her trust for him would grow stronger and stronger by the minute.
It put her off-guard.
She was so preoccupied with chatting with this stranger that she didn’t even realize that they were the only people standing on the street now.
"It really is my lucky day," he commented, idly.
There was no sign of any other light and all the lights sans the moon were long but gone.
Lila glanced at him, “What makes you say that?”
A chuckle bubbled up from the back of his throat. It was dark and made her shiver as it echoed throughout the street, “Oh? You don’t know? At first, I thought that you would be the perfect choice for my plan. Anyone would be enthralled by a girl as naive as you without even blinking. But, I think I changed my mind. I don’t want to share you with those bastards.”
That was when Lila realized the position that she was in and just how far they had strayed from the rest of the world. It was just she and him. There was nobody if something happened. She wasn’t sure what he was talking about.
Her blood ran cold.
What plan?
"Plan?" Lila asked, trying to keep her cool. She didn’t want to escalate anything. Clarification was going to be key here. “What are you talking about? I thought that I was just helping you with…”
Unknown held up his hand and shushed her before she could finish talking. His face told her all she needed to know. He clicked his tongue in distaste. “I’m getting ahead of myself. I don’t want to play twenty questions, princess. I’ll put it in simple words for you. I’ve come to take you to paradise. A place where only the chosen can wander freely, and where all your pain disappears.”
What was he talking about? She had no clue what he was talking about. She just wanted to help him return a phone. There was nothing about this when they spoke. He never mentioned that he had a speech ready for some sort of mythical location.
Her body was trembling.
Every part of her was screaming that she needed to get out of this place as fast as she could but her legs weren’t listening. She could feel her chest tightening and her breath start to quicken. This wasn’t good, this wasn’t good.
Unknown took a step closer, and another, and another until he was in front of her. “My dear naive princess.... did you really think you could trust any stranger? Don’t worry, I’ll reward you greatly for your actions. I know you’ve been hurt by the outside world but I know just how to correct your woes and pain.  You’re going to come to paradise with me… whether you like it not.”
Lila swallowed, “A… And what are you going to do if I scream for help right now?”
"Let’s just say, I don’t want to have to do those when it’s all that easier just to get you to walk willingly for me, you wouldn’t like the answer, trust me." He said, “I really don’t want to dirty my hands or hurt you. But, I must do what I must do for paradise. You’re the one that willingly came to help somebody shady, you know? You don’t have any regard for your safety.”
She could try to make a break for it.
But she didn’t have any idea if he had a weapon or not. Even if she tried, he would be able to take her down. He was a lot bigger than she was. It wouldn’t have taken much to do it. She had no choice but to listen to him.
Lila knew that she should fight back.
But, at the same time, she knew that if she fought him right now, the odds were stacked against her from all sides.
Unknown was watching as she ran through all of her options and landed on the one that he already knew was coming. He only laughed when she dropped her head in defeat and went quiet. From his perspective, she was about to burst into tears.
He gripped her chin in his index finger and thumb and tipped it back so he could see her nervous brown eyes.  “What a good girl you are, princess. You really do act as you look. I thought you were going to make it hard on me, but it turns out you’re just as polite about following your manners as your profiles led me to believe.”
Lila didn’t say anything.
“Haha… hahaha…! Don’t worry. I’ll treat you better than that traitor ever would have.”
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yourultraarchive · 5 years
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Reply to @prurientpuddlejumper​ on this ask:
I’m sorry you’re frustrated or if I offended you somehow, but to be frank I don’t appreciate the tone you’re using here. However, to answer you anyway:
> they def meant the links to these alleged "online generators," because I am in the same boat as anon
First of all, unless you ARE that anon, I don’t think you can say they “def” meant anything, since they never came back to clarify, and I did try my best to answer them the first time, and I seemed to have helped since they didn’t come back to report any problems with my answer.
Second of all, “alleged”? That’s very rude. Just because you cannot see them on tumblr mobile, does not mean they do not exist. Plenty of other people have used them just fine, as evidenced by the many posts submitted to this blog. And as the last two people who’ve asked about mobile access before never came back with problems, I can only assume they simply went on the desktop site to use the generators instead of accusing me that it’s not accessible at all.
>  post after post about how you updated the UI or whatnot with no link to the thing you updated
It was only two posts (so far anyway), and if you read them closely, you may have noticed I said I was only working on new updates, that they weren’t done, and that they aren’t out yet. And also that “the current generators are still up” so that people have a fully functional version of the generator to use, even if it’s not as pretty as the update is going to be. So no, there is no “link to the thing I updated”, because it’s not done yet. And as the point of the post was about the updates-to-come, I saw no need to promote a link to the generators that are currently available. Seeing as you want that though, I shall go correct those posts and link it, for your and future readers’ convenience.
I apologize for the misunderstanding, if I wasn’t clear enough about the updates being a work-in-progress. I was just trying to update my actual followers (of which I noticed that you are not one) that I was working on stuff, since this blog is usually pretty quiet.
> I REALLY wanna see it, and am growing increasingly frustrated about how much work you're pouring into this *thing* without giving mobile users any way to *access it*.
Again, I’m sorry this is frustrating to you, and you do bring up some legitimate feedback about the mobile accessibility. As I mentioned, I’ve answered at least two asks about this issue before, but since it’s been a few years and phones have definitely gotten more powerful I can look into developing a proper mobile version. But a lot of issues come up with making a mobile version, namely UI and responsive design (because I’d have to account for both vertical and horizontal orientation, and again I reiterate that UI design is hard), dynamic coding/image generation/data input/font importing and styling/etc., and how to save the actual generated image or at the very least the export/import save data for later use on a desktop browser. It takes a lot of work (more than most people realize, I imagine), so if you would like to help with that, let me know, otherwise you have no right to shame me for not making a mobile version, taking my time, or doing any of this.
As it is, you can actually still access the generator on mobile, just not tumblr mobile. You just have to go to a browser on your phone (there’s a reason my URL is so simple). However, as mentioned above, the template was not designed with mobile in mind, so all the fonts and effects and arrangement on the template itself just looks... not like it’s supposed to. Which, again, is part of the issue with the design, but at least you can access it on mobile, against your claims that you cannot.
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Also, I mainly made this a desktop site because of how large the dimensions of the template are, in order to make sure the text is visible/legible even in the downsized preview image. Even when I view the template on my phone, I have to zoom in a lot, and with the current live version of the online generators, it would have made scrolling around to input data annoying. The PSDs, as well, would be inaccessible on mobile as far as I know (if Photoshop Mobile has improved enough to handle all the layers, masks, and effects, I’m unaware) so it was a conscious decision to make this whole thing desktop-only when I first started this blog several years ago.
> Even the "downloads" link you just shared just redirects back to this same page. Which is probably because you've hidden all the links away in "pages" which are completely invisible and inaccessible on the mobile app
It’s very much tumblr’s fault, and I really should have thought of that at first, but again, it was a conscious decision to make this a desktop site. Even if I made rebloggable/viewable posts with the links in them (which I plan to do soon, if only to satisfy mobile users like you), only the PSD download links would work (but again, not sure how well downloading PSDs work on mobile devices), as the tumblr app will still loop back to the blog, since the online generator is still one of those blog “pages”. And that is not changing for as long as I don’t have the time or money to host it on its own domain.
I can’t change the fact that tumblr mobile doesn’t automatically open blog pages in an external browser, so the only solution I can offer you is to take the extra step to copy the url and go into your mobile device’s actual internet browser, or just go to your browser and type in my URL manually.
If you actually couldn’t access the templates at all (which should not be an issue if you “REALLY wanna see it” given that not only did I offer you explanations and solutions for the tumblr app problem, but also that it IS accessible on desktop and you reasonably could have just gone on a computer) or had any other problem with them, I have made no stranger of myself and have always been open to help people. They have been polite or nice when they do talk to me, and I’ve always tried to be cordial in return. Your feedback is legitimate, and I appreciate it, but you really could have worded your implied suggestion a little better. And to be quite honest, I was offended by the rudeness of your reply, especially when you called my hard work a “*thing*”. Those asterisks imply a very negative tone, in case you weren’t aware.
I get the impression that you think that your demand will be fulfilled right away if you make enough fuss about it, but I’m not going to be manipulated or guilt-tripped because you feel bad. Maybe you don’t mean it that way, but you can “grow increasingly frustrated” all you want, because not only am I working on this for free, on my free time, and by myself, but I am also not doing this for you. You’re right that I am pouring a lot of work into this, as much work as any fan artist or fanfiction writer will put into their own works, and I’m very proud of it (both as it is now and what it will be in the future) and I have fun working on it, but this is not my job. And you’re not paying for a service.
I’m not working for anyone, and I have no reason to have made more than I originally did--originally I only made the student template PSDs for some friends, and the generator (which seems to be my most popular template, even though my original focus was on the PSDs) only came about because one of my friends didn’t have Photoshop. And I wasn’t even going to release either of them to the public, but I did, and the villain ones came over a year later because of this blog and the people who follow it. No one asked for a user interface update (in fact, more people have asked for a pro hero template), but I’m doing it anyway because I can and I want to. That’s all this boils down to. Also my free time (if you hadn’t noticed, everything on my blog runs on a queue, and when I do queue stuff it’s usually like 3am or so--including right now... it’s currently 5am actually) and motivation (I’m well aware of how few people actually use the templates compared to how many people follow and reblog the posts, and honestly it’s a little discouraging). So if I do make a mobile version, be aware that it won’t be coming out for a very long time. (Also, I think you’re the only one in several years who has complained about it, and you are literally 1 in... what, 3000+ people? Judging by the number of notes on the original post I made when I started the blog and my current number of followers. And again, you’re not even one of them. So to be honest, I’m really not motivated to work on this quickly.)
If you want it faster? Being nice when you show your interest helps, it’s how I got encouraged to make the villain templates. Though I never asked for much other than patience. Or at the very least, the respect any fandom content creator deserves--I may not be cranking out fanart daily or new chapters of a fanfiction weekly or anything, but I am still providing the fandom with something they can enjoy at no cost. And like reviews on fics or comments on art, many people have expressed that they’re grateful the templates and generators exist at all, unlike you, which is really the reason this blog continues to exist and the generators/templates to be updated with new and improved features. I could have just left my original template generator up there and abandoned it, but I know how it feels to find out a fanart you loved years ago was deleted or a really good fanfic was discontinued. So I’ll continue to work on it, and yes I’ll put mobile compatibility for the generators on my to-do list, but I’ll do it at my own pace.
Also I’m not making money off of this, but hey, if you wanna give me incentive that way, hop into my DMs or something and we’ll talk, but I’ve never asked for donations or anything and I don’t plan to. The generators and templates are free for use, and most of that is because of tumblr, which gave it a platform and a home. If I hosted it on its own domain, I’d need a means to pay for that, and I’m personally not invested enough to do that when tumblr is free and works well enough.
If you or anyone else wants to help change that, come talk to me, the ask box is always open.
Otherwise, please visit this blog page on a desktop browser or at the very least something that isn’t just the tumblr mobile app, because nothing can be done about mobile compatibility right now, and I’d hate for you to miss out on seeing the templates. Hopefully I can look forward to whatever you will create with it.
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atopfourthwall · 6 years
State of the Wall: 8-8-18
Some big History of Power Rangers news, some big DVD news, and various other things in this one!
Schedule of Upcoming Episodes 8/6 – Ravage 2099 #2 8/13 – Adventures of the Kool-Aid Man #2 8/20 – Tandy Computer Whiz Kids: Safeguarding the Environment 8/27 – Mr. T and the T-Force #4 Star Trektember 9/3 – Star Trek #2 (DC) 9/10 – Star Trek 2009 Comic Adaptation 9/17 – Star Trek: The Next Generation #4 9/24 – Star Trek #1 (Gold Key)
As always, the schedule is subject to change for any reason – particularly if something happens in my personal life that forces me to interrupt the regular schedule, as what happened in the last few months (in case you somehow haven’t heard – flooding in my basement, car crash, etc.). As such, one episode that I had originally scheduled for this block of episodes has been bumped and I HOPE to add it back in as a double feature for one of these weeks, but I make no promises because my schedule is very busy – especially around this time of year as I start gearing up for Longbox of the Damned. On that note…
Longbox of the Damned Two big things for Longbox that hopefully you guys can be made aware of! First and foremost is that the Longbox of the Damned 2018 Bumper Contest has begun! You can see more details HERE, but the short version is that like the last two years, you can submit an end-of-video bumper for Longbox and 31 of them will be shown off! The ending date is September 15th and the exact rules and regulations can be found in the video I just linked.
Otherwise, as per the Patreon Milestone, this year we’re having another Midsummer’s Nightmare! It’s a brief one – a four-episode Godzillathon premiering on Saturdays throughout August first on a regular Saturday Night livestream before then being made public on its own. Details can be found in THIS VIDEO, so check that out and I hope you enjoy them!
History of Power Rangers As a reminder, the Ninja Steel videos won’t be scheduled until the series is complete and it’s all out on DVD. As of right now, I have the first season of Ninja Steel on preorder, but Super Ninja Steel isn’t yet complete.
So of course a while ago when I announced I was going to be putting History of Power Rangers on youtube in new versions only and completely replacing the old versions, I was operating under the assumption that I could knock them out pretty quickly since I had the scripts done. However, due to storyline stuff in Atop the Fourth Wall, all the prepwork necessary for the 10th anniversary, my own personal life issues that keep getting in the way of everything, and just basically EVERY OTHER THING IN THE WORLD KEEPING ME BUSY it has taken far longer than I expected them to go back up.
I still want to finish their revised versions and make those the official version, but until I can finalize all that, I’ve uploaded them to Vimeo. There’s still the potential for them to be taken down for Copyright reasons, but at this point I’m willing to risk it. Even youtube is having issues with stuff now as they’ve revised their ContentID algorithm and some videos have been hit by multiple ContentID claims (sometimes not showing up until a few days after I reupload them). I want people to actually be able to see them, especially as people have been following the instruction to circulate the links and people have found them missing. So yeah, all History of Power Rangers videos are up now in SOME form – be it youtube or Vimeo.
Eventually, the new versions WILL supplant the old ones, but these ones should be a lot easier to download through Vimeo than they were on Vid.me, so feel free to pirate to your heart’s content the ones on Vimeo (as long as you don’t reupload them to youtube). Don’t worry about costing me revenue for downloading them – Vimeo doesn’t use advertising for its videos. If you still feel like contributing something for all the work (especially since the downside of Vimeo is that *I* have to pay to use it), feel free to buy a DVD, a t-shirt, sending money to the Patreon – it’s all good. Ooooor you can purchase a DVD digitally, which brings us to the next point.
Digital DVDs I’ve been talking about doing this forever, but it’s finally happened! One of the advantages of the Vimeo account is a digital distribution platform for the DVDs!
Vimeo has limitations depending on what kind of account you use for how much you can upload per week, so right now because of me having to upload all of History of Power Rangers, only volumes 1 and 2 are currently available for sale. However, volumes 2.5 and 3 WILL be available soon (most likely next week once the weekly restriction resets). I still need to discuss with Screenwave about selling the movie DVD’s contents online, but we’ll see about that.
In the meantime, you can check out volume 1 HERE and volume 2 HERE!
Unfortunately, due to my workload with everything else, I likely won’t have that volume 4 DVD I was teasing for October. Still, when it IS eventually released, there will be a simultaneous digital release on Vimeo.
Patreon Patreon-sponsored review slots will be returning in September! I don’t know if I’ll make a big announcement on social media when it happens, but that’s mostly because there will be a TON of people hoping to get them… and there will still only be two slots available.
As I discussed in the last State of the Wall post, the method of payment WILL change. When you get the slot, you will be charged $50 immediately and that will guarantee your slot. However, you also have to stay into the next month and be charged another $50 for a total of $100 to absolutely have it. Think of the first $50 as your down-payment. This should hopefully keep Patreon-sponsored episodes from overwhelming the schedule as it sometimes has done in the past. You can feel free to hang onto the slot longer if you want, but bear in mind I will STILL have the policy in place that you can only request a review once per year.
On another note, I wanted to ask you guys about something that’s been suggested by some of my colleagues. Patreon has two ways of paying for things – per video/content or per month. I go per month considering I like the stability of knowing how much I make per month plus I sometimes put A LOT of content out there – minimum of four videos with Atop the Fourth Wall. However, the thing about paying per video released is that I don’t have to CHARGE people for every single video put out (nor would I), so it’s not like, say, if it was October and you were a $2 patron that you’d suddenly get $64 charged for Longbox for that month. You can also put restrictions on how much you’re willing to pay – so if you were a $5 patron, but you don’t want to overspend, you could limit it and say “I cannot be charged for more than $10 for this month.”
This would likely alter how I do the reward tiers and if you ARE interested in me switching to per-video I’d love to hear suggestions on how you’d prefer the reward tiers be handled – is the $10 reward of getting your name in the credits now for anyone who has a minimum of $10 in a single month… or is it still just for the people who are pledging $10 per video? That sort of thing.
Let me know what you guys think!
Conventions Power Morphicon – As indicated in the Power Rangers Turbo vs. Beetleborgs Metallix review, I will be returning to Power Morphicon this summer! I was last there in 2010 when I had nothing to really show for it other than some minor name value for having done History of Power Rangers, but this time around I should have a live show and get to hang out with some other Power Rangers-related youtubers. Power Morphicon is on August 17-19 at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, CA! And as a reminder for that one, if you can’t attend to get the exclusive Lord Drakkon figure, you can purchase a non-attending badge and have it shipped to you! LionCon – Another Minnesota convention! I’ll be at LionCon at the River’s Edge Convention Center in St. Cloud, Minnesota on September 22nd-23rd! I’ll be doing a live show, selling stuff at a table – that kind of thing. Come on out and have some fun!
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sending-the-message · 6 years
I used to work on the deepweb: Part Three by Panley01
Hey everyone. It's Ryan again. I mentioned in my last post (Link here if you missed it: https://redd.it/7mzdw4 ) that things were getting a bit hairy, well I'm out of town and sorting things out. I've received multiple threats for talking about this stuff but I think my tracks are well enough covered, I should be safe. I can't help shaking the feeling I'm being watched though... I'll put it down to paranoia. But enough about that, I'll be fine. It's time I carried on with my story.
After the second set of events at the farmhouse I made the outward decision to never go there again, regardless of pay. Yes, I like the grand I had to spend, yes I was curious. But I wanted to live and going back there would lower my life expectancy by 60 odd years. If the old lady didn't shoot me, I'd likely die from cardiac arrest just from being back there. Matt has been busy researching the case. I've messaged him a few times but I only get one word replies. I can't help but worry about him... This whole thing feels off and not just because of the murderous old lady. I decided I'd do some of my own digging, perhaps I could find something to help Matt out. In all honesty not knowing was killing me, but then again... Knowing could literally kill me... Regardless I started by looking at the cases of the missing children. Online records showed that the mayors two kids went missing a couple months ago... Considering the old lady supposedly shot them only a couple weeks ago... Either that old man was lying or those kids went missing before showing up at the farmhouse...
The other kids had all went missing within 2 months of each-other. All the same story, they go out to visit a friend or go to an event and never show up. No trace of the disappearance... No leads... No witness... They were all dead cases. All kids of powerful people going missing then two turn up at a farmhouse on the fringe of town, get shot and all of a sudden the person who shot them is getting blackmailed by those same powerful people? Perhaps the old lady wasn't at fault after all... But what could be going on? It's been roughly two months since the last disappearance, would there be another missing kid soon? If so, who? How was Matt so good at this stuff? More to the point... How can he afford to pay people? Did he have a boss? This whole line of thought added to my theme of having lots of questions and barely any answers... But then again, some questions you just don't want answering... If the old lady didn't commit those murders, then why did she have that cork board? Perhaps she was trying to find the truth as well... It hit me. Jacob.
I sent Jacob an e-mail asking him if he had photos of the cork board, also letting him know to contact me on the sending e-mail if he had any work for me. His reply came quite promptly: "Ryan, I do have photos but I can't show you. Photos are for Matt. You ask him, not me. Thanks for letting me know e-mail. I'll tell you if I have work. You good kid." I sighed in defeat. I could ask Matt but there was no way he'd say yes... I didn't want to go behind his back and Jacob was his employee but... "Jacob, I'm looking into the same case as Matt, please, I really need to have those photos. I'll pay you?" Ironic, I was going to offer to pay Jacob with the same money he'd paid me not long ago. "Ryan, I have uploaded the photos. Here is the link: [Removed, for obvious reasons.] Link goes in 5 mins. Get quick. You owe me job." I always found it hard to argue with Jacob, especially when his point involves me not losing my money. I quickly visited the link and downloaded the photos. It was a clearnet link so I was about 90% sure the files were safe. I studied the photos, trying to scavenge whatever information I could.
I'd been looking through the photos for a few hours, I wasn't much further but I did find out that all the kids were involved in drugs. Nothing hardcore, just weed, couple less intense pills... I suppose when you have rich parents you can afford to do that crap. Quite how the old lady knew this is beyond me but then again, everything about that hag was completely beyond me. The two kids who invaded the farmhouse were dealers it turns out, weed dealers. They operated in the town, where they got their drugs from was a mystery though... The other kids seemed to all be users. The kids in question would also often frequent the same pubs, restaurants, shops... Seems they were all friends? Even with this new information, I was no closer to actually having an idea of what the fuck was going on... A bunch of drug loving friends all vanish progressively then two break into the home of an old lady who was watching them? This was all incredibly confusing and I was STILL no closer to knowing anything substantial. I decided I'd look into drug traffic in my town, best way I knew how? You guessed it. Deepweb. I went back onto my favourite forum and started asking around, pretending to be asking as a buyer. I found a guy who was a local dealer and asked to meet up under the premise of buying some weed. I had no fucking idea how much weed cost or how much to buy so... I asked for 2 spliffs worth. Do kids even say spliff anymore?
After a short drive into the town centre, I met with the guy at some apartment block, he was waiting in the foyer. I had brought £500 of the 1k pay Jacob had given me, I wasn't here for drugs of course, I was here for answers. I greeted the guy with a handshake. As part of our agreement, I'm not allowed to describe him so... He was a person. He had arms and legs. That's all I have to say. After talking to him for a while, offering the money and saying a dealer had hurt a friend of mine and I wanted to know who, he told me a bit about the local dealers. Apparently the entrepreneur who's kid went missing had been siphoning off business funds to run a deepweb drug trade in the town. The dealer didn't know much more than that, only the boss himself and the fact the trade was carried out over the deepweb. Guy even said the deepweb gave him the chills, he just operated on it because that's how the boss likes it. He also said he knew two dealers had been taken out recently. He wasn't sure who did it, just that they were missing. I thanked him and headed home. Was this what being Matt was like? It was pretty exciting... This whole situation was still irredeemably fucked up but actually finding stuff out? That almost made this worth it... Oh, I never actually bought the weed by the way. In fact he ended up smoking it so... Said snitching gets him edged but clearly £500 is enough to buy some pretty useful info.
So... A bunch of druggie kids who are all friends, who go missing when they go to meet their friends, who's dealers work for a guy on the deepweb, who's kid is also friends with those kids, and those dealers invade the home of someone investigating them, end up getting killed, all the other kids are still missing. All this had me at was that clearly, that businessman was corrupt as fuck. If only I knew someone on the insi - Lara. -- Breaking from the story to let you know, if you haven't read my "Courier" story, you won't know who Lara is... Give it a read if you missed it! https://redd.it/7n70em -- I sent her a message, asking if she had done any work in the area, if she had any contacts? She got back to me after a couple hours, hours I spent staring at the ceiling contemplating why I took that job in the first place... "Hey stranger, long time no talk, yeah I've ran a few jobs. What's up? Something wrong?" I was at a standstill for what to reply with. Should I tell her the truth? "Some dealer attacked a friend of mine, all I want to do is find out who they were..." I paused, choosing my next few words with inhuman trepidation "... But they went missing a few weeks ago. Know anything?" I waited... My breath catching in my throat as the seconds ticked by. "Ah, I think I know the guy, I take drops from him pretty often. Mostly weed right? Last time I saw him he was gassing on about someone who was watching their work... There were a few kids with him at his place, all looked about his age. Half of them spent their time ogling me as ever... Stupid kids ;)" I thanked her for her help and promised I'd talk to her more often again, I'd been pretty busy recently after all...
I think I was beginning to get what was going on... Bunch of kids get together, all with powerful parents who can aid them, and run a deepweb drug business? With the Mayor, police inspector, a supporting entrepreneur and the kids themselves, they could run a pretty good business free of risk. And anyone who tried to interfere... Well, just look at the old couple. I thought about what Matt might know... Maybe he could help? I composed a message full of the information I'd gathered and the sources. It took me about an hour to write up... His reply came more promptly than his previous ones. "Holy crap Ryan! You've been doing my job for me eh? I was trying to find out the same things but, being so far away I couldn't meet with any contacts. I was actually considering asking you to work for me again but hey, I needn't ask! Good job man! I'll get to work trying to find out more. In the meantime I need you to lay low. I've looked higher up the pyramid than you and let's just say some potentially dangerous people are behind this. Same account as last time for your pay I take it?" I was at a loss, I'd found more than Matt? These people were dangerous? I mean I know they attacked the old lady but... Where did it go from here? I was so busy thinking this over I almost forgot Matt had just offered to pay me. I replied with a curt yes and a good luck and sure enough, there in my account was another £900. Christ. I mean, costs considered it was more like £400 but still... This was good money. And yet... Was I really about to risk it by going against Matt and investigating more?
Well, that's it for now. Before I can put out the next part I need to make sure some people are okay being mentioned in it. After all, this information is pretty... Well... Illegal. But I should be able to get the go ahead by tomorrow, after all, money talks. And I didn't impulse spend ALL the money Matt paid me which leaves me with some bribery cash. Things will nearly be wrapped up in the next part, I'm sorry for extending things out by telling this in parts but there are alot of factors at play and I control barely any of them. Hopefully, I'll see you all next time for part four, until then. I'm going to head to bed for another painful night of no sleep.
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shainethecat · 6 years
Create your own blog
 Blogging: how to start a blog, using a CMS is as easy as writing an email. The whole purpose a CMS is actually by enable a person to publish content on the web simply by typing or pasting content into a website and clicking on the "publish" button.
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 Tags: how to create a blog, start a blog
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Tags: how to install WordPress manually beginners guide, setup wordpress blog manually in cpanel
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Tags: Install wordpress themes step by step, how to install WordPress themes for beginners
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revivalzine · 6 years
How Would You Like Your Music News Madam?
Happy Wednesday all. 
So with NME’s cutting its physical publication a few weeks back, it got me thinking about a chat I had with James Kendall founder of Brighton music publication Source Magazine. Back then The NME had just become free, now you will only find the publication online. When we spoke the fate of music journalism was quite similar to today but with the dwelling uncertainty of what would happen to physical publication. It’s fair to say as we put the NME magazine to rest, the direction is quite obvious. Oh well, save the trees n all. 
We spoke during the creation of Revival so, yes this conversation is about two years old. Never the less this chat is still very much relevant, I think we touch on some very interesting topics James really showered me with his music journalist knowledge. I thought I’d only be genuine of me to let you into the research process behind ma baby blog, give you an insight into my noggin. 
Basically, this interview is a lil gem and I want to share it with you lovely people. 
Just in case, you didn’t get my awful pun the overall contentious is a discussion as to what is the prevailing platform for music journalism: physical vs online publication.
 I had the idea that idea that the fanzine, the DIY publication was set to have a revival, in physical format but then I realised that maybe not, maybe it isn’t?
“People have started to appreciate objects again, people who grew up with the Internet are appreciating having something and that’s why vinyl records have had a revival.”
 Yes exactly, I compared vinyl to the possible physical publication revival.
“Yes you are bang on with the vinyl analogy, it’s the same as with the cold craft beer thing people like things that have had some effort put into them, and things that have got no physical being are difficult to prove that effort, things that are so throw away. But to have something that someone’s put enough love into it to bother to get it printed or made makes a huge, huge difference. Saying that it is much more expensive to print a magazine, or fanzine that it is to build a website, which costs you exactly no money. So yeah there are people that are doing magazines, but there is probably less printed material that there was 5-10 years ago, the things that are being made are the more sorta’ special things. There’s an element of ‘people wanna’ make something that isn’t being represented, there’s no point making a fanzine that is similar to Q magazine. If you’re interested in feminist punk or some obscure music, it seems like hip hop and dance music are more of an online thing, and guitar music is the thing that’s more likely to be featured in a fanzine.”
 I originally based my project on fanzines similar to ‘Sniffin’ Glue’ during the punk era but punk has derived and changed so much that it’s not what it used to be it’s not as DIY.
“I think there was a necessity for fanzines in that era to be physically printed, where are no if you’re really punk then you’re not making something that cost money you’re doing something in the cheapest way possible. Now a true punk aesthetic would now be online. There’s a sort of middle-classiness of fanzines now.”
Do you think if blogs where around then punks would use them?
“ When Sniffin’ Glue came out there was nowhere to read about punk, I’m not quite sure about the chronology of NME and The Melody Maker but there was nowhere. When The Sex Pistols where on The Paul Grundy Show it was a big sensation, it was shocking that they were on TV. There were no music programs apart from Top Of The Pops, there was nowhere to find out this stuff; so people had to make something - to talk about what they wanted to talk about. Now you could make a video, you could put something on YouTube, you could do a podcast, you could put something on a blog.”
I think the platforms changed the prevailing platform isn’t; really physical anymore like it was. Many people say they want physical nice things but at the end of the day, the internet has given everyone a platform to talk about things I guess...How do you think the internet has effected physical publications and music journalism?
“Massively, massively. In a way that I never expected when it came out, I thought it would be a threat to magazines cause of the speed of reviews coming out makes something like NME a week out of date as soon as it’s hit the newsstand. But that’s not how it’s affected, it is effected that if you wanna’ know what a song sounds like you go on the internet and find the song; and listen to it, and find out whether you like it or not.”
 I guess you can review if yourself in that sense.
“Yeah, when I was sorta’ eighteen/nineteen the only way you could hear music and find out whether something was good or not, was by reading reviews. You had to know which review was shaped to your taste, which publications, you had to read a lot to figure out whether it was worth spending a tenner on a record. Music was more expensive in those days as well. So yeah it would be a big risk buying a record, some shops would let you listen to it on headphones, but if it was a busy Saturday probably not. So you kind of had to hang out in the record shop a lot, or you had to read a lot of music reviews. Now you could just go online and listen to it, and if you like it you can save it to your Spotify, or you can download it for 79p off Apple, or just play it again on YouTube, so you don’t need people to tell you if something’s any good or not. What you do need, is something that is similar, that is kinda a filter as to what is good. There’s 15,000 songs that come out in the week, and you can’t listen to all of them, so you need someone to help you through that, and that might be through a weekly compiled Spotify playlist or through somebody’s opinion. But the whole, reviewing an album to tell somebody whether it’s any good is not necessary anymore. There’s still an argument to say that music journalism is important, cause what music journalists can do that lots of other people can’t do, is they can contextualise something in the history of music, they can say whether it’s interesting with what’s gone one now and the past joining these links.”
 Do you think in the way anyone can be a bedroom DJ, anyone can be a producer, anyone can make music.. so anyone can create a blog, do you think that has a negative effect on the industry because there’s an abundance of opinion?
“It would be a bit negative for me to say that other people can’t write about music, only the chosen few, of which, I’ve been one of those, that would be an awful attitude to have. The more people that write about music, the more good journalists discover that they can do this, and the better journalism should be overall. So yeah, it is the same as music... I mean dance music; it’s a prime example of this, when you had to get things pressed onto vinyl it has to be good enough for the label to spend £1000 to get it pressed. So there was a quality barrier there, and then as soon as Beat Port came around all of a sudden there's thousands and thousands of tracks every week, and loads of them haven’t got anything really important about them and will disappear. The fact that people are able to on a cheap computer - people were making records on PlayStations for a while. So the fact that there are kids on housing estates are able to make beats, and then their mates can rap over the top, then they get it out on beat port or iTunes, or, whatever is amazing. And the fact there is a kid on the same housing estate that can write about that on their phone, and update it to Tumblr, is an absolutely brilliant thing. Any old people that say it was better in my day are wrong. There are challenges is in every situation, but the fact that more people can access to their writing, and get their writing out there is the best thing that could possibly happen to journalism.”
Do you think there is a battle between physical and digital format, in terms of are people more inclined to read something online then buy something physical?
“People are definitely more included to read something online because of the speed of them. For example the NME might write a news story of Beyoncé falling of stage, and have a picture on physical format - if you read that online you probably will have a video of it, so that’s a better article not just cause it’s out there quicker, but because it’s a richer experience. Although it’s more difficult to read a long article online on your computer, there’s a reason why books are still around just as much. There are no distractions from other notifications, it’s easier on your eyes and it’s a nicer experience. There are different positives for physical and digital. I think what has happened, is people have decided that they’re either going to do physical publications or are going to focus on online, we’ll be known for one thing. Pitchfork is a great example. They’ve got enough readers to put out a magazine, and people would buy it but they’re concentrated on the online format. The NME is also interesting, they’ve been all about their website for quite a long while.”
 Now the magazines free right?
 Yes now the magazine is free, and that completely changes things. Now they’ve got a 1/3 of a million readers or print run that’s going out there, it seems to me that their website is doing a different thing to their magazine, and they don’t have a lot of cross over. You can’t look at the magazine online on issue, they do a preview but you can’t see the whole thing, which is really interesting. From an advertisers perspective, they want their adverts to be seen, so if they’re appearing on the digital version of issue that’s fine, but NME have decided they want people to pick up the physical magazine, that’s important to them. They’ve got both physical and digital but it’s not that same content.
 Do you think all digital publications are all transferring online? Or the magazine will become free a like NME as well an online platform?
“ I used to have my own magazine, so I know how much it costs to print a magazine, and it’s a lot of money. So my magazine we did like 10/12,000 copies, on the lowest quality paper, like 60-90 pages, and it would cost somewhere between 3,000- 6,000 on printing. So that’s 3-6,000 pounds of adverts you’ve go to sell before you even break even.”
That was my main problem I faced with my project, funding and with my own experience I felt a blog was an alternative that did the job just as good. I just have an inkling that all publications will be online.
 “Yeah. I find it interesting that the Independent has stopped printing, so it’s the first newspaper to shut down in thirty years or something so that’s really telling. But what happens to a shrunken advertising market for print publications is that when people split up their advertising budget they don’t put so much into print anymore. That print advert money is smaller, and as it filters through, the big print publications don’t suffer as much, but the smaller ones suffer massively. And that’s what happened to us, local adverts disappeared because of social media, a way of getting your message out there that’s free. So we replaced it with bigger brands and companies, but that sort of died out even though our print run was the same as ever, our readership was the same as ever, but we were getting less of that money as it wasn’t filtering through the magazine industry. And that’s why we went out of business, the magazine industry as a whole wasn’t big enough for us to take a share that was enough for us to do a good quality magazine. There are other local magazines, but I would argue that they are surviving, as they aren’t spending enough money making a decent project.”
Do you think major scale print publications are okay then?
“I think it’s become more and more difficult, even for major publications. Something like vogue, which is like 700 pages of advert - advertising is a sign of quality for them; they’re okay. If you look at something like Uncut Magazine it’s a lot thinner than it used to be, at one point it was so thin people stopped buying it. So it’s a spiral you get in, you haven’t got enough money to print such a good magazine, because you haven’t got many readers, then you haven’t got many readers cause your magazine isn’t as good, it’s a spiral and goes down and down until you go out of business. It is probably a good argument to say that paid for magazines will totally become free; I’m surprised by what the quality of the current NME, I’m surprised it’s doing so well. Shortlist and Stylist continue to do really well, and Time Out it struggled and firsts but it’s better than it’s been for years and years. So four of the most successful British magazines are all free. Everybody’s looking at that, everybody’s struggling. There will be some premium magazines that survive but everything else will be free. Lots of publications will try to go free, some people will make it some people won’t. To be a successful free magazine, you will probably have to be a big company, it will be big companies that provide successful free magazines - it won’t be the independent.”
I read ‘How To Write About Music” and it says that physical publications are just a regurgitation of PR
“ Nick Davies uncovered the phone-hacking scandal; he says that the problem with journalism (he’s talking about newspaper journalism) is the journalists don’t have enough time on a story to dig deep enough to find the truth they can only report what they are told. What is happening is that you are getting somebodies carefully PR’d opinion. That is definitely true about music journalism as well. If you don’t have enough time to devote to finding out what the truth is you are either rewriting a press release or you’re rewriting somebody else’s story.”
Do you think blogs are more passionate, more excited therefor it’s more of an honest raw opinion?
“ It is more honest but it has probably come from less knowledge. If I was writing about Slaves I probably no more about to roots of their music than the actual band themselves. But if you’re 15 and you’ve never heard punk before, and Slaves is the first band you’ve heard like that, it’s going to be very exciting prose and a very honest review, but it’s not going to have much depth. It was the same with me, I really loved Suede, and then I realised they were a rip off of David Bowie.”
 I’m kind of focusing on that for my blog, I’m looking at the nature of revival and how we are living in a culture obsesses with it’s own past.
“Looking at it through that lens, it’s a retro thing again, were as when Sniffin Glue came out that wasn’t a very retro thing, it was cutting edge and modern. So if you are a punk band or a punk journalist that’s putting out fanzines it’s really you’re like; if you were about in the punk era you’d be writing about Jazz basically, because you are looking back at something that’s nearly 30-40 years old. When I was young it was at the tail end of the acid house era, people were kinda into this punk idea, but at the time It was dance music which was very DIY, on the edges of legality and that was the punk thing of the time. Not a revival or something that happened ten years ago. I think you could make an interesting point of the revival of fanzines and what they mean.”
Interesting, any last words?
“ So I think that blogs are the new fanzines; in terms of people who are not getting info on the sort of music that they like, people are writing blogs about it. People who are making fanzines have lost the DIY origin, its more about crafting something and making an object, whereas making a blog is about getting a voice out there and information about a subject that isn’t being portrayed in mainstream media. That’s how I would sum it up.”
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williamlwolf89 · 4 years
The 8 Best Affiliate Networks for Earning Passive Income in 2020
Let’s cut right to the chase…
If you want to find the best affiliate networks in 2020 so you can start earning some sweet passive income, you’ve come to the right place.
There’s no fluff here.
No overwhelming list of 100+ affiliate networks that all sound the same.
No superficial content that doesn’t help you answer the only question that matters: what’s the best affiliate network for me?
Here’s what we’re going to do:
I’m going to briefly answer some common questions, show you the top affiliate networks we recommend for 2020, and quickly break down each of them for you.
You will then take the information, choose an affiliate network to join, and start making money online.
Sound good?
Then let’s get started.
Affiliate Networks: Q&A
Up first are the questions and answers.
Already an affiliate marketing network aficionado? Feel free to jump ahead.
What is an Affiliate Network?
Affiliate networks are middlemen connecting bloggers and entrepreneurs (“publishers”) with companies (“merchants”) offering affiliate program opportunities for their products or services.
Through a single portal, affiliate networks give publishers access to numerous affiliate programs.
If that sounds like a bunch of gobbledygook, don’t worry. Here’s the important part:
You monetize your blog with these affiliate programs by using a process called affiliate marketing.
What is Affiliate Marketing?
Affiliate marketing is a new twist on an old idea: getting a finder’s fee when you refer a customer.
You introduce your audience to a product or service and, if they buy using your unique affiliate site link, you earn a commission. There are even CPC (cost-per-click) affiliate programs that pay you every time someone clicks your link (PPC or “pay per click”), as well as CPL (cost-per-lead) programs that pay whenever you send a them a prospect.
However, many of the most profitable affiliate websites are those that refer sales.
Free Bonus: How to Go From $0 to $1,000 in Passive Income With Affiliate Marketing
In other words: find a product or service you like, promote it to your blog’s readers, and earn part of the profit on each sale.
Can You Really Make Money with an Affiliate Marketing Program?
Pat Flynn of Smart Passive Income earned over $2 million through affiliate marketing in 2017. John Lee Dumas of Entrepreneurs on Fire earned $25,865 — in June 2020 alone.
Slightly (ahem) on the other end of the spectrum, one of my affiliate programs has earned $3,450 over a span of 3 years.
That’s not “quit all of my freelance jobs” money. It’s not even “hire Nicolas Cage to attend my birthday party” money.
However, as passive income resulting from a single landing page I created years ago, with minimal time spent on outreach and SEO, it’s not too shabby.
Your mileage can and will vary, of course.
But it’s definitely possible to make real, tangible, passive income through affiliate marketing.
Smart, attractive people just like you do it every day.
So, that begs the question…
What is the Best Affiliate Network?
That’s what I’m going to help you figure out.
I’ll give you the breakdown (in no particular order) — you choose the network that best fits your needs.
Let’s get to it.
The Best Affiliate Networks in 2020
CJ Affiliate (formerly Commission Junction)
Amazon Associates
eBay Partner Network (EPN)
Rakuten Marketing (formerly LinkShare)
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1. ShareASale
The Scoop on ShareASale
Long track record. Founded in 2000 (and acquired by Awin, formerly known as Affiliate Window, in 2017), ShareASale (affiliate link) has been around the block a time or two.
Numerous affiliate opportunities. ShareASale offers over 3,900 affiliate programs in 40 different categories.
Safe and secure. With zero customer complaints on file, the Better Business Bureau gives ShareASale an A+ rating.
Consistent payout schedule. On the 20th of each month, so long as you have a balance of at least $50, ShareASale sends you money.
Different payment options. You can have ShareASale pay you via checks in the mail, wire transfer, or direct deposit. International men and women of mystery can use the transfer service Payoneer. No PayPal, though.
What Makes ShareASale Different?
Thanks in part to its solid reputation, ShareASale is trusted by quite a few big-name companies.
In fact…
Over 1,000 merchants and influencers, such as WP Engine and OptinMonster, are exclusive to the network.
If you want to advertise their products, you can only do so through ShareASale.
That’s one of the reasons entrepreneurs like Jessica Bishop of The Budget Savvy Bride swear by it:
ShareASale was the first network I joined as an affiliate, and it is still my favorite to this day, nearly a decade later! They have a huge assortment of merchants across a variety of niches so you are sure to find lots of great stuff to promote.
Who Should Join ShareASale?
Anyone who’s looking for a reliable affiliate network that offers a wide variety of affiliating marketing options (thus eliminating the need to join multiple networks) should give ShareASale a try.
Whether you want to offer services, physical goods, SAAS (software as a service), or digital downloads to your audience, ShareASale (affiliate link) has you covered.
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2. ClickBank
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The Skinny on ClickBank
Track record of 20+ years. Founded in 1998, ClickBank has been around longer than M. Night Shyamalan’s The Sixth Sense. (Spoiler alert: Bruce Willis was wearing a toupee the whole time.)
Millions of options. ClickBank offers more than 6 million unique affiliate products.
Quick to respond. With zero unresolved complaints as of this writing, ClickBank sports an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau.
Flexible payment schedule. ClickBank lets you choose how often you want to get paid. Want monthly payouts? You got it. Weekly? Done.
Variety of payment options. Check, wire transfer, and direct deposit are available. International users can get paid through Payoneer. Alas, no PayPal here either.
What Makes ClickBank Different?
By focusing on digital products created by entrepreneurs from all over the globe, ClickBank offers some of the highest paying affiliate opportunities (man of which you can’t find anywhere else).
But be careful…
While ClickBank itself, the network, has a solid reputation, some of the products offered by its merchants can be questionable.
You have to do your homework. If you do, you’ll be fine.
If you don’t, and you end up promoting some subpar products, your audience won’t be happy.
(For the record: this advice is applicable to every affiliate network.)
Who Should Join ClickBank?
If you’re looking to exclusively promote digital products, and you want (literally) millions of options (many with high commissions), ClickBank is a good bet.
Further Reading: ClickBank: The Brutally Honest, Must-Read Guide
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3. CJ Affiliate (formerly Commission Junction)
The Lowdown on CJ Affiliate
Two decades of experience. Founded in 1998, CJ Affiliate was around during Y2K and lived to tell the tale.
Lots of brands. CJ Affiliate gives you access to more than 3,000 merchants.
Too big to fail. CJ Affiliate is part of Alliance Data Systems, which is a Fortune 500 company. It also has an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau.
Get paid monthly. CJ Affiliate combines all your affiliate commissions into one monthly payment.
Two payment options. Get paid by direct deposit or checks in the mail. PayPal is a no.
What Makes CJ Affiliate Different?
It offers lots of bells and whistles, such as real-time reporting.
That means you can monitor activity on your account as it happens.
(No more having to refresh your browser every five seconds like a caveman.)
Who Should Join CJ Affiliate?
Anyone with an established audience who wants a feature-rich affiliate network will find a lot to like with CJ Affiliate.
However, it may not be a good choice for beginners.
Because accounts are deactivated if you go six months without earning a commission, and because their merchants have a reputation for being picky on who they accept as publishers, CJ Affiliate is best for those who get steady traffic to their websites.
However, if you already have an audience of modest size and engagement, you’ll appreciate what CJ Affiliate has to offer.
Further Reading: The Beginner’s Guide to CJ Affiliate (Commission Junction)
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4. Amazon Associates
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The Rundown on Amazon Associates
One of the first online marketing networks. Started in 1996, Amazon Associates is old enough to legally drink alcohol.
Huge selection. Publishers can promote Amazon’s massive catalog of physical and digital products.
Backed by Amazon. Valued at over $1 trillion, and with over 90 million paying Prime subscribers in the United States, Amazon’s massive e-commerce offerings aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. The Better Business Bureau gives the company a B+ rating. And because it’s a trusted company, Amazon products typically rank very well in Google search engine results.
Not the best payment schedule. Amazon Associates pays you approximately 60 days after the end of the month in which you earned your commission.
Several payment options. You can get paid by direct deposit, Amazon gift certificates, or checks in the mail. (Tip: Avoid checks in the mail since there’s a $15 processing fee.) International users can get paid by gift certificates or checks (with the $15 fee waived).
What Makes Amazon Associates Different?
By offering the entire Amazon catalog, no affiliate network can match the sheer volume of physical and digital products offered by Amazon Associates. Plus, Amazon’s conversion rates tend to be very high.
Heads up, though:
Including affiliate links in emails is against Amazon’s company policy, so keep this in mind if email marketing is your primary method for promoting affiliate products.
Who Should Join Amazon Associates?
Affiliate marketers who are familiar with the Amazon ecosystem will feel right at home with Amazon Associates. Though its commission rates aren’t as high as others, Amazon affiliate offers are typically solid.
Those looking to promote services should look elsewhere, but anyone who wants to focus on physical and digital products will find millions of different opportunities in hundreds of different categories with Amazon Associates.
Further Reading: Amazon Associates: The Ultimate Money Making Guide
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5. eBay Partner Network (EPN)
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The 411 on eBay Partner Network
Founded in 2008. Though the eBay Partner Network is a relative newcomer on the affiliate network scene, its parent company (eBay) is an e-commerce mainstay that’s been around since 1995.
Billions of opportunities. eBay has 1.1 billion listings. You’ll never run out of physical products to promote to your audience.
Backed by eBay. With 175 million buyers purchasing over $23 billion of merchandise each year, EPN’s parent company (eBay) is built to last. The Better Business Bureau gives the company an A+ rating.
Reliable payment schedule. So long as you’ve earned the minimum of $10 needed for payment, EPN pays you monthly.
PayPal! For those who prefer to use the service, EPN allows you to be paid via PayPal. (Direct Deposit is also available.)
What Makes eBay Partner Network Different?
One thing that sets EPN apart from other affiliate networks is the way it lets you promote… unique offerings.
The great Weird Al Yankovich once sang about buying William Shatner’s toupee on eBay.
With the eBay Partner Network, if such a transaction ever takes place, you could earn a commission on it.
Who Should Join eBay Partner Network?
If your focus is on physical products and you want the peace of mind that comes with doing online business with a large company you’re already familiar with, eBay Partner Network is a great option.
Further Reading: eBay Partner Network: Is eBay’s Affiliate Program Right for You?
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6. FlexOffers
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The Skinny on FlexOffers
New (ish) kid on the block. Founded in 2008, FlexOffers is a relatively new affiliate program. As such, doesn’t have as long of a track record as most of its competitors.
Growing list of affiliate platform opportunities. FlexOffers has 12,000+ merchants in 25+ categories across 27 (and counting) countries. And they say hundreds of new merchants are added each week.
No rating with BBB. Partly due to its relative youth, FlexOffers doesn’t have a rating with the Better Business Bureau. On the upside, BBB shows zero complaints with the company.
Quick payments. One of the areas where FlexOffers shines is with payments. When you refer a sale, your commission is paid within 30 days (so long as you meet the minimum balance of $50). And if you’re a top performer, it’s possible to be paid within 7 days.
Standard payment options. U.S. residents can be paid by check or direct deposit. PayPal is available for those outside the USA.
What Makes FlexOffers Different?
When you sign up with FlexOffers, you’re assigned a dedicated affiliate manager to help you navigate the affiliate marketing waters.
This makes it a good fit for both beginners and veterans of affiliate marketing.
Who Should Join Flexoffers?
Don’t let its youth fool you.
If you want lots of affiliate options, great support, and quick turnaround on payments, FlexOffers is a solid contender.
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7. Pepperjam
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The Scoop on Pepperjam
New to the affiliate network game. Though it’s been in the digital marketing business since the 90s, Pepperjam started its own affiliate network in 2015.
Quality over quantity. With only 1,500 merchants, Pepperjam has fewer options than its competitors. Why? Well, according to Pepperjam, it’s because they only work with brands they love.
An open book. The Better Business Bureau gives Pepperjam a B+ rating. With its focus on transparency and communication (more on that below), Pepperjam goes out of its way to show it has nothing to hide.
Payments twice a month. So long as you meet the minimum $25 balance, Pepperjam pays you twice a month. Payment cycles are around the 1st and 15th of each month.
Lots of payment options. Pepperjam lets you get paid via PayPal (which is the default payment method), check, or direct deposit.
What Makes Pepperjam Different?
Publishers and merchants can communicate with one another inside the Pepperjam system.
That’s very unique.
Want to ask a merchant who caught your eye a question? Have at it. Flirt away.
Pepperjam actually encourages communication so strong relationships can be built.
Who Should Join Pepperjam?
If you value transparency and customer support, you’ll be hard pressed to do better than Pepperjam as an affiliate network.
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8. Rakuten Marketing (formerly LinkShare)
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The Lowdown on Rakuten Marketing
One of the oldest affiliate networks. Founded in 1996, Rakuten Marketing (formerly LinkShare) has been hooking up merchants and publishers for over two decades.
Only 1,000 merchants. Though it’s been in the affiliate networking game longer than most, Rakuten’s list of brands is shorter than most. However, this somewhat shortlist is made up of many household names.
Loved by BBB and guys on social media. Rakuten has an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau. It’s also been called “cool” by someone named Kenny on Twitter.
Sporadic payments. Rakuten only pays you after the merchants have paid them. So, if you earned a commission in January, it would be invoiced in early February, the merchant would have a due date to pay Rakuten by February 28, and Rakuten would pay you in March.
Solid payment options. Direct deposit, check, and PayPal (in certain markets) are all offered by Rakuten.
What Makes Rakuten Marketing Different?
It’s been ranked the #1 affiliate network for 9 straight years by an industry publication that presumably knows about such things.
Who Should Join Rakuten Marketing?
If you want an affiliate network with an intuitive user interface, a great reporting system, and the kind of solid reputation you can only earn by being in the business for two decades, Rakuten Marketing is a great selection.
Editor’s Note:
Earlier versions of this post included Avangate, MaxBounty, and the PeerFly affiliate network, the latter of which was a popular CPA network that offered a variety of digital and physical products. However, on July 31, 2019, PeerFly discontinued its normal operations and closed the PeerFly affiliate network.
It’s Time to Choose an Affiliate Network
Let’s cut to the chase one more time…
Which affiliate network are you joining today?
Which one is going to launch you on the path towards Pat Flynn and John Lee Dumas levels of ginormous passive income in 2020?
You now know the track records and distinguishing details of 8 great affiliate networks. You have the know-how.
So now it’s time to choose.
Passive income isn’t a myth.
It’s real. It’s out there. And it’s yours if you want it.
Are you ready?
Then let’s do this thing.
The post The 8 Best Affiliate Networks for Earning Passive Income in 2020 appeared first on Smart Blogger.
from SEO and SM Tips https://smartblogger.com/affiliate-networks/
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t-baba · 5 years
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What Makes WordPress a Great Choice for Creating Websites?
If you’re planning on setting up a website for yourself or your business, chances are you’ve come across WordPress. You might be wondering what WordPress is and what sets it apart form other website systems.
In this article, you’ll learn what WordPress is, how it compares to other web platforms and what its benefits are.
WordPress Comes in Two Flavors
There are two types of WordPress site: WordPress.com and WordPress.org, also known as self-hosted WordPress. Let’s look at the differences between the two.
WordPress.org, or self-hosted WordPress, is code that creates a website for you. To get your own website, you install that code on your hosting account, and then set up your website.
The code is open source, and anyone can download it for free. You can either download it from the WordPress.org website, or you can use a one-click auto installer provided by your hosting company (which is much easier).
Once you’ve done that, you can do whatever you like with the code—it’s yours. You can add a theme to define the way the site looks. You can add plugins to give your site extra functionality like mailing list signups or a social media feed. You can even add your own code if you want, or edit the existing code (not a good idea if you’re not experienced).
There are thousands of free plugins and themes. If you like, you can pay for a premium theme or plugin. You don’t get these from WordPress, but from a third-party provider. You necessarily need a premium theme to create a professional website, but there is a good choice at ThemeForest.
The Best WordPress Themes on ThemeForest
You can explore thousands of the best WordPress themes ever created on ThemeForest. With a low-cost one time payment, you can purchase these high-quality WordPress themes and improve your website experience for you and your visitors. 
Here are a few of the best-selling and up-and-coming WordPress themes available on ThemeForest for 2020.
WordPress Themes
23+ Best Responsive WordPress Themes (For Sites in 2020)
Brenda Barron
So to sum up, with a WordPress.org site, you buy hosting and then install the free software and add whatever theme or plugins you want. If you don’t buy premium themes or plugins, all you pay for is the hosting.
If you decide to go with a WordPress.org site, take a look at SiteGround. It comes with an easy installer, free support, and automatic updates. We're happy to be able to offer a huge discount of 70% off self-managed WordPress hosting, thanks to our partnership with SiteGround.
WordPress.com is an installation of WordPress that belongs to a company. This isn’t the same company that runs WordPress overall—that’s a nonprofit foundation.
This company (Automattic) lets you create a site on their server, meaning the code belongs to them. You can get a basic site for free, but if you want extra features such as a better than average theme, getting rid of ads or using your own domain, you’ll have to pay for a premium plan.
There are two main differences:
The code isn’t yours. If the site goes down, or WordPress.com ceases to exist (admittedly unlikely), your site is lost.
You’re limited to the themes and plugins offered by WordPress.com. You can’t add any others unless you get a paid plan.
The upside is that if you’re starting out on a tight budget, you can get a free site, then build on that in future when funds allow. But for a professional business site, I would recommend starting with self-hosted WordPress, which gives you much more flexibility.
If you decide to switch to self-hosted WordPress further down the line, you can.
WordPress is a Content Management System
So those are the two types of WordPress. But what’s also worth knowing is that they both run off the same codebase, which is a content management system, or CMS.
A CMS is software that creates a website that you can add content to without coding new pages. It has admin screens for you to create and edit that content, then stores it in a database. The software then pulls all this together when people visit your site.
A self-hosted WordPress site will consist of three things:
The WordPress installation itself.
The database, which stores all the content you add and your settings.
Any files you add, including plugins, themes, and uploads such as images.
Wordpress.com is a little different as you’ll have a site on Automatic’s Wordpress installation, which uses something called WordPress Multisite to make it possible.
You don’t need to worry about all these elements: it’s all held together by the admin screens, which you use to manage and update your site.
Why is WordPress a Great Way to Create a Website?
WordPress is the website platform used by almost half of the entire internet. It’s used by everyone from mom and pop operations to multinational conglomerates, because it’s flexible, robust, and great value for money.
Here are a few reasons why WordPress has grown to be the world’s biggest CMS:
1. It’s Free or Very Cheap
The code underpinning WordPress is free, and always will be.
You might be rolling your eyes and thinking, yeah, yeah, I’ve heard that before. But it’s true.
WordPress is run by a nonprofit organization called the WordPress Foundation. Its code is developed by hundreds if not thousands of volunteers. Some of these people are paid for their time, but they’re not paid by the WordPress Foundation. They’re paid by the companies that employ them, because these companies are built around WordPress and know that developing WordPress is good for their business.
This is a model called open source. WordPress isn’t the only software built on this model: you can read more about open source on Wikipedia. 
Now, in the real world, if you want a professional website you’re going to have to pay something. If your site is built on self-hosted WordPress, you’ll have to buy hosting. If you’re on WordPress.com and want advanced features (such as your own domain name), you’ll need to pay for a premium plan. And you may decide to pay for premium plugins such as those at CodeCanyon.
The Best WordPress Plugins on CodeCanyon
You can explore thousands of the best WordPress plugins ever created on CodeCanyon. With a low-cost one time payment, you can purchase these high-quality WordPress plugins and improve your website experience for you and your visitors. 
Here are a few of the best-selling and hot new WordPress plugins available on CodeCanyon for 2020.
24 Best WPBakery Page Builder (Visual Composer) Addons & Plugins of 2020
Want to know the coolest and most useful new addons and extensions available for the WPBakery Page Builder? Here’re a list of the 24 best of 2020.
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23 Jan 2020
17 Best WordPress Slider & Carousel Plugins of 2020
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Do you need a way to book appointments on your website? Do you need a way to show your business's upcoming events? Use high-quality WordPress calendar...
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25+ Best Popup & Opt-In WordPress Plugins
Whether you are running a blog or an eCommerce business, you will need to convert your website visitors into subscribers in order to be successful. By adding...
Daniel Strongin
10 Jan 2020
WordPress Plugins
2. It’s Popular
So what? you ask. I don’t want to follow the crowd.
But using software that’s popular gives you two advantages:
It’s less likely to disappear.
If you need help, there’s plenty available.
The WordPress support forums are packed with helpful people who are happy to answer your questions. There are thousands if not millions of articles on the internet which will answer your WordPress questions. And if you do need to hire a developer in the future, you’ll have no problem finding one.
Using the world’s biggest content management system (CMS) gives you a degree of robustness that many other platforms can’t give you.
3. It’s on Your Turf
This third benefit only applies to self-hosted WordPress sites.
Unlike your Facebook page or your Twitter account, it’s your site. You have access to the data, can use it to sell products or services, to communicate with followers, or to build a mailing list.
Unlike a site on a website builder like Wix or a blogging platform like Blogger, it’s yours. You own the code and all of the content. Sure, you’ll need to buy hosting space to host that code and content, but your hosting provider has no rights to your website.
If your hosting provider should go out of business (or if you decide they aren’t good enough anymore), you can take all of your code and your content and move it to another hosting provider. A good hosting provider will do all this for you when you move to them. But if Wix disappeared and you decided to move to SquareSpace (i.e. from one website builder to another), you’d have to start again from scratch.
4. It’s Flexible
WordPress is by far the most flexible website platform. By installing plugins, you can add just about whatever you like to it.
A plugin is extra code that makes something happen on your site. It might add a link to your newsletter list, or an online store, or a gallery of cute cat photos. It means that the core code for WordPress itself doesn’t have to include stuff you might not need. If you want that extra functionality, just install a plugin.
Want a video streaming site? WordPress can do it.
Want to sell products in your own online store? No problem, and for free.
Want to add extra sections, for reviews, or events, or a blog, or anything?
Want to add maps, or quizzes, or slideshows?
Use WooCommerce to add a store - for free
WordPress can run anything from a one-page site designed to encourage people to contact you, to a vast multimedia site with everything you could ever want to tell visitors about you and your business. And you can add whatever you want as you go along, without deciding on all of it at the beginning.
Start small, and grow—if you need to.
And even better, you can do it all without spending any extra money.
5. It’s Robust
Some years ago, WordPress had a reputation for being insecure. This was largely around a few specific plugins that introduced vulnerabilities to the system, and they were by no means included with every WordPress site.
Since then, things have changed. WordPress is secure, it’s fast, it’s well coded, it’s accessible, it’s mobile-friendly (with the right theme), and it’s easy to back up.
If this weren’t the case, then news sites and government bodies wouldn’t use it. And they do.
WordPress is based on clean, well-written code that means your site will run faster, something Google loves. A fast site will boost your search engine rankings.
With the addition of some free plugins, you can make a self-hosted WordPress site more robust still, enhancing security, boosting speed, and making it easy to back up and restore your site with one click. With WordPress.com, this all comes out-of-the-box.
As long as you keep your site up to date (which can be automated), you can have peace of mind.
6. It’s User-Friendly
Why have I left this till last?
Because it’s one of those myths about WordPress. It has a reputation for being unwieldy and hard to work with.
It’s a myth that’s sometimes spread by people who’ve worked with WordPress in a corporate environment; people whose employers probably have a highly customized site that may be less than intuitive. A site like this is worlds away from the kind of WordPress site an individual or small business needs.
With the right theme, you can get yourself set up with a gorgeous site using an interface that’s as easy to learn as a website builder.
The new Gutenberg interface for writing posts is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive, with a full-screen mode that lets you focus on your writing, and blocks to help you add media and other types of content.
Installing and activating plugins is all done via the admin screens (no code required).
Now, I’m not going to say that WordPress is as intuitive as a website builder. But I believe that the trade-offs for that aren’t worth it. Website builders give you less flexibility, can run slower, aren’t as accessible for people with disabilities, and can be much, much more expensive.
Try It For Yourself
The only way to really understand how WordPress works and what it offers you is to try it out. Why not set yourself up a free site at WordPress.com, or sign up for a cheap hosting package and install self hosted WordPress today? You can start small and grow your site, and our resources here at Envato Tuts+ will help you on the way.
What Is WordPress?
Adi Purdila
What is a WordPress Plugin?
Rachel McCollin
How to Add Plugins to WordPress
Jessica Thornsby
How to Install WordPress
Rachel McCollin
by Rachel McCollin via Envato Tuts+ Code https://ift.tt/2SrEfun
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deanmarkfullerton · 5 years
The Elements Project
This is blog looks at different content types, organising content and looking at taxonomies. This blog also looks at the elements project and the building of the work page for the website.
Different types of content 
When someone thinks of content they may think of the stuff they read or see, but they don’t realise is the content is specific to them and what they want. It may also shock them to find that there is a multitude of different content types each with their own specific benefits. Different content types help with connecting with loads of different audiences as everyone is looking for something specific, below are the 8 main types of content:
1.Blogging:  Blog post are probably one of the most common types of content people will see and they are a main stake in a companies content marketing strategy and for good reason. Blogs are easily found in google, people are happy to read and share them but they also don’t have to take to long to write and it offers some value to customers without costing much. While blogging is the most accessible type of content some brands can fall into a few holes in the ground such as not posting regularly, not linking sources or not including keywords, these blunders can make people tune out of the content but if done smartly it can drive a lot of traffic to a site or businesses. 
2. Longform Content:  The thing with longform content is that its free and online. This is a great way to build and increase a subscriber count by giving people a taste and offering to keep them up to date if they subscribe they will be the first to know when the next phase comes out. These longforms are big they can range from about 5,000 to 15,000 words and this increase the immense value seen by the customer due to various chapters and several url links, user wont have to leave the main form to read the rest of the info and they are incredibly accessible. They do require planning such as knowing how and when to break sections up, how to link them well and how to advertise them well so they gain the traffic they need.
3. Case Studies:  Case studies are a in-depth coverage document which provides users with both knowledge and actionable information. They work well for a number of reasons primarily because they allow people to share them easily and are unique take on a study or article that has been conducted. They follow a simple structure which is to have a summary, explaining the problem and the solution. The biggest problem for these is lack of structure as most studies just show the results and people get bored and confused as to how the results were achieved.
4. White Papers:  These papers are the more information dense content sources. They offer solutions and data about a range of topics and subjects. The main focus is on the details of the paper, they work well for building a good reputation within a industry and are good magnets for users looking solutions to problems. Due to the large amount of info in these papers they do naturally take longer to create and can be the more expensive type to create if someone is hired to create it. Good footnotes to remember is that a good paper has a table of contents and has a summary with the rest of the information organised into specific sections and always focus on one specific problem. These papers are very good way of showcasing a product or services due to the break down that is provided.
5. E Books: Ebooks seem daunting at first glance but they are on the rise in terms of reading material which means they are great magnets to attract people to the content that a company is creating or about a specific issue. They can be long and short 5 pages or 30 pages it doesn't matter as long as the value is there. The content needs to be structure right for this format and again like most content it needs to be clear about its message other wise it will confusing and bore people while rubbing badly off on the company or oneself.
6. Info graphics:  Info graphics are most likely the best shareable source of content due to the comp[act nature and nice visual style they have. It takes the most important information and displays it nicely with some graphics that make people share it. The joy about using these to get many shares is that the back links that generate from these mass shares will divert a lot of traffic back in the long run. Info graphics shouldn't be over cramped with content just the key details and they need to be legible by using sections for the content and if necessarily sub titles can be sued for people to understand the information otherwise no one will care.
7. Template and Checklist Downloads: These are great lead magnets for users as they are actionable and great resources that users can utilise more than once giving it that sense of value and re usability. They don’t take a lot of money to produce and offering them for email subscriptions to a news letter to promote other content that is produced. These need to be clean and organised and have constant font choice and have the brand somewhere on it, these also make good use of white space.
8.Video: Video may get overlooked as a form of content creation but it is. They can be dynamic, they engaged with the viewers and more people would rather watch a video than read in today's world so its dumb to not consider this as a viable outlet for a content creator. The best place to upload videos is to YouTube, having the videos linked into and be relevant to the blog post but also linking the blog posts in the description so people have everything they need. Good videos will put the CTA at the end as views that watch to the end are the ones more likely to use the CTA to forward themselves to a product or more content.
Taxonomies in word press
Taxonomies are a way of grouping posts together based on a few key relationship values. Usually a standard post will have two taxonomy types called categories and tags which is an easy way for user to find certain types of content on the site. Taxonomies can be pared with things called terms and the best way to think of it is a taxonomies would be the tile while the term would be the sub titles for example a blog post about Cars would have car models as a term and car engines as a term.
The elements project 
The elements project is a task to create a user experience around the elements of the periodic table. The challenge is very open and allows for great creative freedom. The elements project can be for any age group, the only limitation was that it had to be about elements. The ulster museum has the elements exhibit which was focused around using the elements in a very attractive looking way to appeal to primary key stage 3 students to show that chemistry inst scary or hard but can be fun. The museum highlights the focus on the STEM learning curve and its importance in their exhibition so that something to think about for the future of the project. The first task was to arrange content into a spreadsheet, there were a number of elements and the task was to research the data and arrange them in fitting titles and display them so anyone could understand the info much better. Below is the before and after of the data that was arranged.
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The audience 
The audience for this project is young kids in about P7 as designing for these younger audiences is something that has never been tried before by oneself and the experience and challenge for this where intriguing. When thinking about this type of audience the mind goes back to thinking about the very basics what do they need to know and who can it be fun and engaging. Below is a spider diagram which was done to highlight the main areas of child learning. 
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The work page for the website 
The continuation of the website development  of course continued this week, the main progress for this week was the work page being completed. The work page used the css grid to have a column going down the middle of the page that consisted of two rows, the title replicates the main logo with the crown and the buttons don’t move from their original positions. The code for the columns was just repeated to have multiple of them but most of the code follows the main page code. For the grid auto fill was used to make the most of the space with a grid gap of 20px.
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yeonchi · 5 years
2019 In Review
This year marked the start (or rather, a continuation) of my transition into society. It kind of sounds weird when I put it that way, but the truth is that I have much to learn about how society works and that despite all my time on the Internet, I’m gonna have to face up to reality sooner or later. I’ve never really created a name for myself outside of my anime posts, English dub rants, or even my work on preserving the Sea Princesses series, but I still hope to continue posting online at times.
Where previous reviews were released on New Year’s Eve, this year’s review will be released a bit earlier for reasons that I’ll elaborate on in this post. Let’s begin after the break.
Sea Princesses
2019 has been a big year for Sea Princesses. During the first half of the year, I worked on transcribing the episodes and writing plot details for the wiki, since not a lot of work was put into them since the other admin, Liggliluff, joined the wiki in 2015 and gave provision for them. In the second half of the year, I renovated the character pages, adding infoboxes and story involvement (highlights for the major characters) to them. I also created pages for the (named) animals that appeared in the series. Since the wiki is pretty much complete at this point with the addition of transcripts and episode plots, any further work on the wiki from me (in regards to the animated series) is up to whether I feel like doing any.
After six months of seeing no further uploads on the Mr Bean and Friends channel, I caved and decided to shell out some money on a premium account to download the Amazon Prime episodes someone had uploaded to a website. Six months after that, I found that someone had downloaded the episodes themselves and uploaded them to KimCartoon. I know this was way after everything I had done, but better late than never, I suppose. The sad thing was that a few weeks after that, someone reached out to me on the Lost Media Archive saying that they had ripped some of the episodes from ABC iView and put a link to their MEGA folder on 4chan /trash/ and not /co/, which led to me not realising it until he told me about it. Regardless, the split English episodes and Spanish Disney Channel raws are still in my cloud drive folder.
While working on the transcripts for the wiki, I also wrote a review of the series. After watching it, I found that there were quite a few disappointments here and there, but the series wasn’t as bad as I had remembered it. Also, from July to October this year, artist Princess Rainbow Channel did some amazing fanart of each character in the series (including background characters) that trumps everything I had seen before and possibly after. Feel free to check it out here along with my reaction and her response.
Public opinion of the series depends on where you are; in Brazil, people are still bringing it up in their childhood memories on Twitter (usually in response to the question “what were some cartoons you remember from when you were young”), while in Australia, you barely get anyone talking about the series and even if you did, quite a few of them would be people trashing it. I’d seen a couple of Americans who had apparently seen the series as well; aside from the Latin American Spanish version, I have no idea which channel the English version was broadcast or where, otherwise I’d have known by now.
So like I said, the wiki is pretty much complete in terms of the TV series. As for the Princesas do Mar books, I am hoping to cover them in the long term when I have the money and capacity to do so. If you want information about them now, then I’m hoping that someone (mostly from Brazil) will be kind enough to provide transcripts and/or snapshots of them. There won’t be anything about the books on the wiki (with the exception of Marcela and the titles of the books) until I get that information, whether it be from a kind volunteer or by myself, so the entire thing’s pretty much on hold until then.
One thing I realised - the author, Fabio Yabu, recently published the first volume of the Combo Rangers graphic novel for free on WEBTOON. No doubt about it, Sea Princesses would have been more popular if it had received as much love as Combo Rangers. Maybe it’s time that Yabu showed some love to the series after nearly a decade since the last Princesas do Mar book published by Panda Books - I wouldn’t mind seeing rereleases, a graphic novel, ebooks or a compendium of the ten books published by Panda Books (those are the titles that I’m hoping to focus on for the wiki, everything else is irrelevant). With my current situation right now, if I can’t get transcripts or screenshots, then I’d be more happy to spend my money buying ebooks than printed books from Brazil.
Doctor Who
Right at the start of the month, the release date for Doctor Who Series 12 was announced to be on New Year’s Day with subsequent episodes to air on Sundays. Like with Series 11, I’ll be continuing the Thirteenth Doctor reviews after the episode airs. The prelude post will come out later with more details. In fact, it’s because of this that I decided to release this post earlier instead of on New Year’s Eve. That’s pretty much the only reason.
English Dubbed Game News and English dub rants
In case you guys missed it, I’m fully moving on from talking about English dubbed games. I don’t know if anyone ever saw this coming since the end of the feud a couple of years back, but I guess my promise to stand tall back at the end of 2017 must sound ironic now.
As I explained back in September, I’ve lost interest in video games altogether and had conflicting thoughts on how to deal with the occasional toxic comments on my pages. I didn’t mention this back then, but in case you were wondering, no, all the Vic Mignogna stuff did not play a factor in my decision. I’ve never been a fan of him so I don’t care and to be fair, innocent or guilty, he is really only one voice actor. In terms of Koei Tecmo games, he only voiced two characters in Dynasty Warriors 7 and 8 (Jia Xu/Xiahou Ba) along with two characters in Samurai Warriors 3 (Mitsuhide Akechi/Yoshimoto Imagawa), which, I should remind you, never made it onto a Warriors Orochi game. If Koei Tecmo wanted to replace him when the allegations came out, they would have done it already. Ironically however, they did just that with Dynasty Warriors 9, but with the whole cast because of the voice actor strike.
Speaking of the voice actor strike, I’ve noticed something that I never did back when I was writing the rants; a lot of voice actors are part of SAG-AFTRA and I’ve deduced that Japanese game companies are being cheap and cutting corners in localisation (specifically, dubbing) because they don’t want to hire union actors because of the cost (presumably). Additionally, I’ve also read that union actors can’t openly do non-union work, which leads to them being uncredited officially. I know I’ve supported the union during the voice actor strike, but I can’t help but think that I should have criticised them at some point during my rants because their rules for union actors kind of play a factor in this whole debacle of video game dubbing.
I’ve suggested crowdfunding as a way to raise funds to hire (union) voice actors, but in recent years, I’ve seen them go the way of Western game companies and put out season passes and neverending DLC packs. Anyone who defends game companies for being cheap and not dubbing their games has no right to complain about them being greedy in other areas. I kind of saw it coming myself, which didn’t come as a surprise to me. As far as I’ve heard, there aren’t any loot boxes or pay-to-win gimmicks in Japanese games, so I guess I’m still relieved.
As for my opinion on all of this or Japanese game companies, including Koei Tecmo, they haven’t changed much, although I’ve become more and more apathetic towards them given my declining interest in video games. Much as I hate to admit, I’ve gotten back into playing older Warriors games I still have for nostalgia and because I was bored and wanted to procrastinate. This shows that regardless of my thoughts, I’m still grateful towards Koei Tecmo for the games that inspired me in certain aspects of my life.
I’m going to burn a few bridges here and say some fuck yous to a few groups. First of all is a big fuck you to the haters, namely the dub haters, sub purists and opinion-neutrals (that much is obvious). Next up is a fuck you to Japanese game companies for being cheap in localisation (and by extension, even cheaper in DLCs), then a smaller, belated and ironic fuck you to voice actor unions like SAG-AFTRA for making the rules that lead to Japanese game companies being cheap in the first place and enabling them to keep doing it. Finally, a really ironic fuck you goes to my fans and all other fans of English dubbing - the fact that nobody else had made something like EDGN by this point, let alone before I found and joined the page, is really telling of what little you do to promote dub advocacy, let alone not being aware that things like said page or #NoDubNoBuy exist or supporting them by liking or sharing my posts.
Anyway, the current plan is to finish posting whatever games I’ve got in the backlog before New Year’s Eve and then unpublish the page sometime after. I’m not going to delete the page out of respect to its creator, who despite still being an admin on the page, has never posted anything since I joined it. The games list will be kept up through this link for reference. Despite the fuck you I just gave my fans (particularly the 230-so followers on EDGN), I want to thank everyone for the support you gave over the years and invite you to continue following me on my Facebook and Tumblr pages.
The state of social media
I felt that I should address something given YouTube’s new measures regarding COPPA, not forgetting that they literally said that they have no obligation to host content. At the start of last year’s review, I stated that there was always something that managed to affect my Internet life in stupid ways. I haven’t been affected directly this year, but YouTube’s measures have led me to think about what would happen if Facebook were to follow suit, particularly because Tumblr already banned NSFW content at the end of last year and Twitter looks like it’s about to follow suit themselves.
Sure enough, YouTube suddenly updated their harassment policy, which resulted in the Leafy Content Cop being removed as a result of retroactive enforcement. I’ve got nothing much to say about this except that it just proves what we’ve been suspecting all along. To be honest, around the time of the NSFW ban on Tumblr, I was kind of expecting that the parody I did would get flagged ironically, but I guess it never got near the radar, not that there would be any justifiable grounds for it.
Anyone who celebrates censorship or deplatforming with the same argument that “private companies can do whatever they want” should really look at themselves in the mirror because if any of this has proved anything, it’s that anyone can be censored or deplatformed with or without reason whether they’re following the rules or not. You’re all just sitting ducks and you don’t even know it even though you play by their rules in the hope that you won’t be next.
On a more lighter note, I wonder if I should use paragraph gaps instead of horizontal rules in future posts, given that Tumblr removed functionality for the latter in the rich text editor. Sure, I could manually add them in the HTML editor, but it would mean that they would disappear when I switched back to the rich text editor, regardless of whether I saved or not, and it would absolutely kill me to put them back in the exact same spots when I’ve changed something there.
In regards to Hong Kong
Back in August, I made a post about how I nearly got deplatformed from Facebook by the guy behind the feud because of what I said in my repostings of Hong Kong news. I really want to look back and laugh at it now not only because him doing so made him look like a pro-Beijing supporter, but because a pro-Beijing politician he scapegoated as a dub hater in a parody post to evade my criticism of him as such lost his seat in the district council to a pro-democracy newcomer.
In that post, I admitted that I did use some racial slurs in some of my repostings. Given the escalating violence (on both sides, police and protesters) since the start of the protests in June, I’m just gonna come right out and say it - if I could use one word to describe it and the negative reaction from those against the protesters (around the world), it would be the hard-r n-word. I used that word against said pro-Beijing politician because like many other people, I don’t think he’s a good person in any way. He’s advocated violence against pro-democracy supporters, has suspected links to the triads and commended old men in white shirts attacking people in black shirts at a train station following a protest some distance away. If that third thing doesn’t remind you of white (shirt) supremacy, then I don’t know what will. Let’s not forget that at the time, I reposted some news about him not being admitted as a solicitor in England and Wales, making him a “fake lawyer n-word”.
In case there are people who disagree with my (former) use of the slur, I want to acknowledge something here. I know I’m using the slur towards Chinese people instead of its historical target, namely people of African origin, but if it helps move the focus away from the latter, then so be it. If I could find another (preferably stronger) word to describe it, then I would, but at this point, I should be lucky that I’m able to control my anger and not use the actual word itself. If you don’t like how I used the n-word at all, then fuck you, you missed the point, but of course, you’re free to leave.
I don’t want to talk about the finer details or criticisms of any party involved in the protests, but I’m quite amazed with the pro-democracy protesters’ motto of not splitting their movement, not condemning the violence from the radical side and not ratting anyone out. In my interpretation, the radical protesters know that their so-called “violence” is illegal, but the other protesters can’t condemn them because words have barely had any effect on the government and they know that the radical protesters are the only people who have a chance of making the government cave into their demands or expose the true sides of Hong Kong and China’s governments to the international community, because their failure to do so five years ago was because they failed to keep their movement together. I probably don’t know as much about this compared to Hong Kong locals or immigrants, but I wager that at least some of my interpretation is spot on.
Two years ago, I said on my personal Facebook page, “I hope that the future of Hong Kong and its politics will improve for the benefit of the people, especially the younger generations, given everything that has happened up to now”. I know it may seem ironic right now, but I believe that the future will continue to improve for the better, but if it turns to the worst, then I hope that due justice may be served.
At the start of this post, I said that I was undergoing a transition into society. I’ll be finishing my university course and graduating at the end of next year, so at this point, I’m currently out looking for work. A lot of people make it look easy, but in truth, it’s been quite excruciating for me; because of some government benefit thing I signed up for, I have a quota of job applications that I need to send per month. It sounds easy, but after a while, it becomes so hard when you look at a job you think you’ll like and realise that you don’t have the necessary skills or experience for it. All I can say for myself is that I’ll keep praying for guidance and hope that I can find something that fits with my timetable, at least until I graduate.
See you all on the other side in 2020.
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learninglcom · 5 years
SEO 2019: Complete SEO Training + SEO for WordPress Websites
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SEO 2019: Complete SEO Training + SEO for WordPress Websites
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Rank 1 on Google with Technical SEO, 0.5s Pagespeed, UX SEO, Backlink SEO, Keyword Research SEO + WordPress SEO Training What you'll learn : SEO Training on 40 SEO factors to rank 1 on Google Search Engine Reason why those SEO factors matter in real-time How those SEO factors affects the ranking of websites on Google Rank 1 in Google Search with WordPress SEO 2018 Training: Do's and Dont's Learn all the 13 Technical SEO factors SEO your website to bring in more organic traffic from Google & other search engines Make your website to load in less than 0.5 seconds & increase sales / conversions by 2X Get Page speed insights score of up to 100 for both desktop and mobile Learn the Essential skills to optimize your website for Google, Bing & Yandex search engines Get indexed by search engines faster Improve the User experience of your website - The future SEO factor Decrease your website visitor's bounce rate and improve time spent on your site Learn to use the best free SEO tools across the entire web Get targeted traffic to your site, by using the chosen transactional / informative long tail keywords Get low competition, high traffic optimized long tail keyword list - Hands on Get demystified on Link building myths and learn what type of backlinks works best Learn which type of backlinks are not worthy anymore Get an actionable list of more than 25 White Hat Backlink generation sources Learn expired SEO techniques / Myths, which can hurt your website Immune your website against Negative SEO attacks and identify bad backlinks to your site Requirements : Students need to be just aware of SEO - Search Engine Optimization You may need a WordPress website to use the plugins I have demonstrated in this SEO 2018 Training course Description : This course, SEO 2019 Training: The Complete SEO Course for WordPress Websites is all about 40 SEO (Search Engine Optimization) factors on how to reach top spot on Google search with Search Engine Optimization. Each SEO factor is explained in the following ways: > Why is that a SEO factor? > Trend analysis for the SEO factor in the recent years > Live example of how that SEO factor delivers results > When and how to use these SEO factors? Danial Ashrafi says, "For Newbies it is a thousand time better course than others" Beam Co says, "His content is very well presented and I would say of high value for people looking for a big picture overview to get started" Aravind Automation Engineer says, "Excellent and very clear explanation on SEO core points. Commanded.." Abhishek Bamotra says, "Easy to understand and best SEO guide I ever came across :)" This entire SEO 2018 course is based on a keyword research compiled from 10,000 keywords for top 30 SERPs across the years 2014 to 2018. So they are all new, working and they apply 100% to 2019 and up. Also this is the most rated SEO course on the platform. SEO is NOT a Cost but an Investment. This course is specially designed for Webmasters, Bloggers, Business owners, Search Engine Optimization Beginners / Experts and Website owners, who want to rank #1 in Google. Khairul says, "Really Excellent Course. My WordPress website has been optimized. not only by SEO and improvement on the speed.  SEO requirement explained in detail on the importance of it and how to achieve it. Really Excellent Course.   If you are owner of a WordPress website, or developing for others. This will really help you. Fully recommended" This is a no fluff SEO course. Each and every lecture is prepared and polished with loads of rare information, SEO tutorial that produces results and examples or research data to justify those SEO factors. Social Proof Bestselling SEO Course Over 35,000 Satisfied Students Over 4,900 Positive Reviews Closed Captions (English Subtitles) 9 Hours of Full HD Videos + More to Come Streamlined + Efficient Course Organisation Course Completion Certificate 30 Days money back guarantee - No questions asked Above all - Instructor with 'Lightning speed' badge holder for his fast response time and support Course Update Timeline Mar 2019: Pagespeed SEO May 2018: PageSpeed SEO v3.3 section April 2018: Pagespeed SEO v3.2 section April 2018: Keyword Research v2.1 SEO section November 2017: Technical SEO v2.3 section - 14 Lectures - 55 Mins August 2017: Page Speed SEO v3 section - 16 lectures - 1 hour 45 minutes August 2017: Demystifying Backlinks SEO section - 8 Lectures - 27 Minutes July 2017: Technical SEO v2.2, Page Speed SEO v2.2 sections - 12 Lectures - 55 minutes June 2017: Technical SEO v2.1 section - 14 Lectures - 1 hour Dec 2016: Page Speed SEO v2.1 section - 7 Lectures - 40 Minutes May 2016: Keyword Research SEO section - 11 Lectures - 1 hour 15 minutes April 2016: Negative SEO section - 17 Lectures - 1 hour 6 minutes Timothy Izquierdo says, "I'm a beginner in SEO. Everything dealt till now in technical SEO factors are stuff that we do/write in daily blogging. But each of them are dealt from an advanced perspective. Still, it's so easy to learn.  Every concept is said, what it's? why it should be done? when it is to be done? how it should be done? based on the research graphs which is shown for each & every concept.  I'm simply blown away!" This course will help you to Master Technical SEO factors – The entry ticket to search Engines Make your website load in less than a second. The interesting part of this section is, your page speed insights score will up to 100 /100 for desktop and 100 / 100 for mobile Get indexed by search engines faster Implement the best User experience for your visitors / customers – The future SEO factor. Reduce user abandonment rate and increase user’s time spent on your site Learn Keyword Research in SEO - Get targeted traffic to your site, by using the chosen transactional / informative long tail keywords All backlink myths demystified - Learn the important attributes of backlinks and ignore the ones that don't work anymore Protect your website against Negative SEO – It’s not a black hat SEO. This is your line of defense against negative SEO attacks Learn everything from Positive SEO factors to Negative SEO factors, master them and implement on your website to get top ranking in search engines. Though SEO is not a rocket science. It’s not that easy to grasp the impact of various terminologies used in SEO like Doorway pages, keyword stuffing, bounce rate etc. That’s why, for each and every SEO factor, not only you’ll learn what that SEO factor is, but also you’ll learn Why is that a SEO factor? When and how to use them? I’ve also given justification, several examples and the proof and how to implement it on your website. Negative SEO is a must know section for every WordPress owner, because you may rank #1 in top pages of Google search, for your popular keywords now. What if, Google penalizes your website and you lose ranking for your popular keywords What if, your invisible / unknown competitor attacks your website with Negative SEO We have covered everything regarding Negative SEO attack, how to recover from it etc., in this course. Now you should have realized, this course is not just a collection of information, it’s highly efficient, streamlined and it will give you the solid results, you have expected. If you have ever dreamed of getting to top #1 position in Google search results, then you've come to the right course. Click on 'Take this course' green button on the top-right corner to enroll now. Once you rank #1 in Google Your brand name will be popular You will be invited for exclusive product releases in your niche Your business / ad revenue will grow 2X to 100X based on your current position Your unique visitors per day, subscribers will increase And Much more Who this course is for : Webmasters Bloggers Business owners Online Marketers Search Engine Optimization Beginners / Experts Web Designers and Web Developers who wants to design / develop search engine optimized website Website owners, who want to get to rank #1 in Google with SEO 2018 Training for WordPress If you're a Content Creator, looking to increase your subscribe base and struggling to get new visitors from organic search Anyone who wants to improve his / her / other (e.g. your friend/client) website's ranking in search results If you want to save 1000s of $$ without hiring an SEO company & Learn in-house SEO If you want to build / create / setup SEO friendly WordPress websites Download Torrent Read the full article
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magzier-blog · 6 years
RuneScape Brand New Security Option Whimsy: What Else Can Prevail Against SMS Confirmation In Intercepting Hackers?
Hackers' Capability
It is estimated that there are a dozen number of Old Scholl RuneScape accounts got hacked on a daily basis, and takes its toll on the RuneScape Security in the meantime. According to incomplete counts, hackers gain an average of 2 billion dollars illegitimate earnings per day from breaking into OSRS accounts, and that even excludes the loss from RuneScape.
RuneScape, for sure, has a steady and die-hard player base more than any other games does in the world. As one of the oldest and most-updated games that even have made it into the Guinness Record, the game is now a renowned title in the game industry and its 2013 nostalgic version, Old School RuneScape, serves at least 50,000 concurrent players every day. However, like any other with unfailing fames, this game has been haunted by an online illicit group made up of hackers, scammers and spammers for all these years. Undoubtedly, security measures called for higher-level and more efficient protection over all RuneScape accounts by its players has been rolled out by Jagex, the game publisher, since the day one with spotting the first crime scene. For the illegal business and their practitioners, the technology has been evolved and the modus operandi upgraded too, however, it's a bit hard to ask for this game and its creator following suit with that, not even mention exceeding it or a clean sweep.
Currently, there are two mainstream measures fully deployed by Jagex In RuneScape to prevent the hackers and scammers online: first, Bank PIN; second, Authenticator. Hard to judge their functionality and efficiency in the first appearance, but can't resist to point out that only 2 protections seem pretty thin to anyone with the needs of securing their in-game substantial assets which mostly earned by their bare hands from scratch. And the fact is, for the most advanced hackers, the measures won't roll them back as their moves are cunning enough while some players are loosened up completely and were about to fall for their traps in the next few seconds.
So let's take about how this kind of hacking works in the way that some of RuneScape couldn't even take notice of:
I have recognized the most important ways to get hacked and/or get your account stolen. Each of these methods is of common knowledge, and I will list them here: 1, phishing links via twitch Facebook Reddit 2, malware software downloaded via Facebook Reddit 3, third-party clients with little to no protection and/or fake plugins
If you put your info in Option 1, I'm sorry but the attackers already are on your account, and you have lost everything. If you download malware software the attacker may be watching your screen so a bank pin won't prevent you losing your items, the authenticator may prevent their access UNTIL they learn how to access your email because it is stated here:
The authenticator is not a Jagex product. is supported by the email account of the user so I'm sorry again you have lost all your items.
New Security Option Whimsy
So again I have come to a solution I think it will prevent every option stated above, and I will, of course, make clear that is not mandatory, same as pin and auth, you can have it or not is just a plus, of course it will take money to Jagex, time, and probably it wouldn't be easy, but its the only way to ensure hackers don't get money thanks to Jagex and/or users with poor security. Solution: Enable a phone number option to receive a notification everytime someone tries to access your account. How would this work and how would Jagex recognize a possible hijack? Easy if I had logged every day from the same devices and suddenly one day it has access from 2000km away of my devices THAT is 99% sure to be a hijack THE WHY is not relevant at this people all that matters is ensure my security.
So how is this mechanism working?
When a person/attacker try to log in I will receive a phone notification VIA SMS that an unrecognize log in has been detected, it would ask me if I recognize this log from X location and that to proceed I should tap
HERE. Previous option was that it may give me a randomly generated code but people don't seem to like that idea...
Now that I explained that method lets test its security.
Option 1, I by whatever reason didn't realize it was a phishing site and introduce my pass and bank pin into a phishing site, by enabling the new option, when the attacker tries to log in I will be suggested by Jagex my account has been breached and I, of course, would realize its a phishing site but since I didn't authorize all my items are safe Option 2, I download some malware, and sadly an attacker can see my email my pass my pin etc., but when they try to log in to change the password or to steal items, what will happen? Automatically I will receive a message to my phone that notify me of that. So all my items are safe. Option 3, I'm seeing a plugin that offers double XP through a third-party client of my choice so I will give it a try, oh.. it was false they now have access to everything but wait for thanks to having SMS confirmation enabled my items are safe because I didn't recognize the log. As you see with this option, every account items are safe when my foolishness have exposed my data.
Why this has worked?
Because it doesn't work with the internet because the attacker can have access to my email to my screen to my keyboard, but they can't hack Orange Vodafone or whatever provider you have.
So finishing up, of course its my fault if I click bad links, download fake stuff, or use not authorized clients, but is Jagex duty to protect me from my own foolishness because that's why we pay the membership, to be able to play whether I'm an idiot a super smart or just some really normal person unaware of internet dangers... Well, that's all, I hope everyone reads everything and say their opinions, and of course the idea could need improvement so I would love that with the help of all we can make Gielienor safe again, and of course, prevent hackers to gain insane amounts of money through stealing people items.
As with Jagex is jubilating for Runescape "coming-of-age ceremony", as one of the most-loved and widely praised OSRS Gold dealer, MMOAH also is cheering for a unique sales promotion in Runescape transaction area for all consumers. From now on, every order on MMOAH regarding RS Gold, especially OSRS Gold, will be given freely with exclusive coupon code "RS6" - Anyone can use this code in the checkout page to save your payment 6% off when you place an order of Runescape Gold order on our website. And more importantly, for anyone who yearns for substantial OSRS Gold with fast and secure delivery, our website guarantees that all of our Runescape order will be completed within 30 minutes otherwise a full refund will be issued immediately. Now we gladly inform you that One Million OSRS Gold on our site only cost $ 0.99! Plus there are a variety of Runescape accounts, power leveling services, and Fire Capes in the store for your selection. We are dedicated to improving every customer's purchase experience and enhance the credibility of our service in the long run. Choose MMOAH, no one can top our services in Runescape and you will get more than what you ordered!
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