#If sword got Vision before Tony was back on earth Pepper could be part of this...because she is his wifes and his property is hers right???
purple--queen · 1 year
Something that still pisses me off is this whole Sword having Visions body. Did Hayward just showed up at the Avengers HQ & was like "Sooo this Vibranium belongs to the goverment & since this is also a...uh...weapon it should come with me :)"
& was Steve & the rest was just like "sure. He is dead now & the only person that cared about him is also...dead"
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marveloushiddleston · 4 years
The Monster Within
English German
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Chapters: Prologue / Chapter 1
Plot: After the last fight against Thanos, the task of the remaining Avengers was done. And a new team of Avengers must now protect the Earth from a new unknown force. Together with SWORD, Wanda, Vision, Doctor Strange, Carol, Bucky, Sam and Loki, who must first prove himself on Midgard as a team and face unknown enemies.
"Thor, you can't be serious," Loki rages, running into the meeting room with big strides, "You really want me to work with these idiots? What do you expect me to do."
"Well those idiots are in the room with you and they can hear you very well Loki," Stark says, his right arm was in a sling around his neck, red scars were across the right side of his face as well as across his neck, although the burn from the Gammer radiation was slowly starting to heal, but they were still very visible. Tony eats another goji berry from the bag before turning the opening to Loki, who still has his eyes on him, "Would you like a goji berry."
Loki snatches the bag from his hands. He ate one of the berries and screwed up his face in disgust. A mischievous grin crept onto his lips.
"Loki, whatever you're going to do, don't," Tony warns him, "I'm warning you."
"What if I don't fear you?" he asked Tony purely rhetorically, looking at him. Loki let the bag disappear in green smoke before Tony's eyes.
"A simple no to the berries would have sufficed," Tony says to Loki, getting up from his seat, "I preferred you dead, rock of ages."
"Well lucky for you I'm not dead, because if I were, I promise you wouldn't have survived your little blip. It's only thanks to me that your daughter doesn't have to grow up without her father," Loki says, slightly angry.
"Thor must have refreshed your information," Tony tries to guess, casting a quick glance at Thor, "But as much as I hate to admit, since it was my last pack of goji berries, you're right and for that I will forever owe you and now that it looks like we'll be working together, albeit not actively. I'm just the guy who pays for everything. It's probably better if there's peace here."
"Tony, I think it's time to head home if we want to be there by dark. Morgan and Happy are certainly waiting," Pepper explained as she opened the door of the room and joined the small group. Pepper looked at Loki and after a moment Pepper turns her gaze back to Tony with a smile, "Besides, it's better if we give these two some space to talk."
Pepper supports Tony slightly as he was still a little weak on his feet as the two leave the room. Loki to the windows in the room and looked out at the bustling city that continued beneath his feet without even one of the people looking up. Would the Midgardians ever forgive him for what he had done? Or be able to see him without prejudice someday? It may be that he had suffered and lost enough, but was it enough to gain forgiveness from them?
"Brother, you have no choice but to work with the new Avengers, it's either that or imprisonment in a cell in a maximum security SWORD prison and I think you've had enough of spending your time in jail. You have to understand Loki, here on Midgard you are still seen as a war criminal by many. Being a part of the Avengers would help improve your standing on Midgard."
"And you, Thor? What will you do?" asks Loki as he tilts his head and clasps his hands behind his back.
"Rocket has offered me a ride. I decided to accept the offer and go with the Guardians. Brother, through all of this," Thor says as he makes a circular motion around the room. Loki realized he meant the situation with Thanos, "Did I realize as long as I pretend to be someone I'm just not, I can't find happiness. I need to finally be who I am and I hope you will succeed as well. “
"And Asgard? What's going to happen to Asgard? They need a king.", Loki frowns.
"Well Brunhilde will lead it...", Thor calmly explains and shrugs his shoulders. Loki opens his mouth to protest that Thor wants to leave the throne to her, but before Loki could utter a sound, Thor raised his hand and silenced Loki, "But only until you prove yourself here on Midgard. Once you have done that, you will become king of Asgard."
"Are you sure about this?",Loki staggers back as if someone had shoved him backwards with a powerful shove.
"Yes.",Thor says and you could hear the conviction of his words in his voice, "You are and were born to be king, Loki. I would trust no one else with the welfare of Asgard but you. You know what it is to rule as I never could and I failed at it. ", Thor says and almost Loki gently on his shoulder, "I know you can do it. Be the man I know you are."
"I'll miss your optimism, who would believe in me but you?" he asks dejectedly, lowering his gaze to the ground. The sadness in his voice was unmistakable.
"Mother. Mother told me.", Loki lifted his gaze and looked at Thor with a confused expression. Thor smiled slightly, "When I traveled back in time, I met Mother. She saw the good in you and believed in you until her last breath. Loki, I can understand your situation. And I know that all this isn’t ideal or easy, but it is the only way, brother, how you can show everyone the good in you, that you are not the same person as eleven years ago. That you've grown from your mistakes, that you've changed."
"The Asgardians will never accept me as their king after my little charade as Odin," Loki walked over to one of the chairs at the table. He pulled one of the chairs toward him, the chair legs scraping across the floor.
"I disagree , you'd be surprised what people can forgive when you show him you deserve it and you have five years to change their minds about you," Thor leaned against the wall and crossed his arms in front of his chest.
"A whole five years?", Loki asks, sitting down on the chair. He put his head down in his hands and ran his fingers through his hair. He looked up at Thor again, "You expect me to live here for five years?"
"Loki, I believe if you integrate well with the new Avengers, SWORD will shorten the five years and you may be able to come to New Asgard in less than half a year and take your rightful place on the throne," Thor said, "Besides, you should cut your hair."
"Ehehh! Should I?" asks Loki with a laugh, "Now who will be fighting alongside me on the new Avengers team?"
"Let me introduce you to the team.", Thor opened the door and walked with Loki down the hall to a larger room that looked like a living room. As Loki and Thor entered the room, the Avengers got up from their seats and turned to face the two brothers. The team consisted of: Wanda Maximoff, Vision, Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, Carol Danvers and Doctor Strange.
"Avengers," Thor explains, “This is Loki.“
"I think we're going to have a lot of fun," Loki says mischievously.
A/N: My tag list is open, post in the comments if you want in it. And please also write me in the comments what you think of the chapter!
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cevans16 · 4 years
Choosing Between Two Loves Part 4 ~ Infinity War
Summary: You were a Goddess named Elara, who had powers similar to Thor and even stronger, you joined the Avengers back when Loki had tried to take over New York. You were great friends with most of them. Tony Stark was someone you were always in love with even though you knew you could never have him. However that all changes when you get to know a certain super soldier.... 
The group and you were up in the Shuri’s lab trying to think of a way to remove the mind stone from Vision. You were amazed by the lab, it reminded you so much of Tony, you sighed looking around and wondering if he was doing okay. “Got your mind on something?” you heard Bucky ask you, “More than something, Tony would love this” you said referring to the lab. “So are you and him?-”, “No, no. I did have a huge crush on him for a long time but I know he and Pepper belong together, Tony has been such an awesome friend, I loved working with him in the lab along with Bruce” you explained, “You don’t have a family?” he asked curiously, “No, they were....murdered, I’m not from here Bucky....I’m from another realm” you said slowly. “Well that makes me feel better about you almost kicking my ass” he smirked, giving you a slight shove. You returned the smirk, “I think I did kick your ass but you stabbed me remember”, he shook his head, “And you don’t have a family of your own here, I’m not asking about the team, you haven’t built a family?”, Bucky was trying to see if you had a significant other or kids, anything. You sighed thinking about it, “No, I don’t. I was too busy trying to recover from losing everyone, too busy joining this team, working for this team, I can’t really build a family of my own, it’s impossible” you said the last part sadly, “I can’t have kids Bucky, not here on this Earth, it’s impossible for you average joe shmos to...reproduce with our kind, probably only someone like Thor can but I don’t see him that way, he is a handsome man but I don’t know” you said laughing at Bucky’s expression, “You don’t think I’M handsome”, “You are a pain in the ass”.
You walked around to talk to Shuri when you all noticed something was entering the atmosphere, the fight was here you thought, Thanos would be coming. “Evacuate the city, engage her defenses and get this man a shield” King T’Challa said as he walked out towards the fight. You were lucky to had been gifted a new sword along with some battalions similar to Nat’s.
You walked over to the team standing next to Bucky, “You have my back doll?”, “Ehh we’re on the same team now so I guess so” you teased him. Nat and Cap walked with King T’Challa over to part of Thanos’ army. They came back a little worried, you knew it wasn’t going to end well, “This will be the end of Wakanda” M’Baku said, “Then let it be the noblest end in history”, Okoye replied. You took a deep breath looking around to everyone by your side, not every face would survive, you hated wars yet you always seemed to find yourself in one. “You okay?” Bucky asked, “Yeah, never better” you gave him a smile before turning to face ahead of you.
There were so many of them, animals; at first you guys had a slight advantage but they kept duplicating, at one point you had five surrounding you. Luckily the new weapons gave you more power, a sword made from vibranium was the best thing ever. You fell onto the mud, fighting one with your battalions this time to keep it from munching on your head. You heard a thunder crack, that could only mean one thing, Thor. You were ecstatic to see him, you had built a great friendship with him since you had a lot in common, thinking that he was dead had taken a toll. “I’ve miss you!” you yelled over to him, he turned to give you a smile. You were close to Bucky when he picked up a racoon to shoot at the other animals, not seeing that you were in that pile too. “Are you serious?! You almost SHOT me!!” you furiously yelled, “Sorry doll” he apologized, “Vision is in trouble!” you heard over the set. You took care of three others before heading over to help Vision.
You ran into the woods to see Cap trying his best to fend off one of Thanos’, an injured Vision behind him. You ran in between Cap and the man or creature, you pulled out your sword to stop him from hurting Cap. “GO! I’ve got you” you said turning to Cap, he smiled at you, you did have his back after all. He took Vision to get some aid while you fended against the other. You killed him after a great fight and then Thanos came. You were more than afraid but you knew you had to kill Thanos even if it meant it costing your life. When you arrived to where he was you saw a dead Vision on the ground along with a heartbroken Wanda, Thanos reached down to touch her head, “Don’t you dare....touch her” you gritted through your teeth. Thanos turned to look at you, “I thought you were gone for good little one” he said, “You picked the wrong side” he added. You were about to stab him when Thor beat you to it, “I said you would pay for that” Thor said to Thanos. “You should have gone for the head” Thanos whispered, you saw him snap his fingers and then disappear. You looked at Thor, he gave you the same look, Thanos had done it, he cut off half of the universe, it was only a matter of time before you saw who was that half.
You went around looking for the others, when you spotted them, you were relieved to see Nat and Cap were okay along with Rhodey. “Where’s Bucky?” you asked, no one answered your question, you looked at Cap, “Steve??”, his look told you everything, Bucky was part of that half. You didn’t know why but you felt an immediate loss, you sat down on the ground, just like everyone, trying to brace yourselves to face what had just to happened.
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demigodofhoolemere · 7 years
I’ve seen several people categorizing who they think is safe or not in Infinity War and Avengers 4, and figured I'd throw in my two cents. Warning for spoilers below.
Totally Safe:
- Peter Parker: Obviously. He just got here and he's got more movies coming. I'm not sure they'd kill off a child anyway, but the whole “future of the MCU” thing is a great comfort.
- Stephen Strange: Same deal, he hasn't been here for long at all and Benedict has more films in the contract. He’s also been described as being a very important fixture in the MCU’s future so he's not going anywhere.
- T’Challa: Again, a newbie with a huge future ahead of him. They’re already discussing his sequels and calling Wakanda a mainstay. No way is anything happening to him.
- Bucky Barnes: Sebastian still has movies in his contract and I highly suspect they're going to have him take up the Cap mantle.
- Sam Wilson: That good old contract reassurance again. And while Bucky seems pretty much poised to become Cap, Sam is another possibility (though he's more likely to remain Falcon and help Bucky get his footing).
- Peter Quill: Chris Pratt is definitely here to stay. Both Peters have a 100% chance of survival.
- Rocket Raccoon: James Gunn already confirmed we’ll get Rocket’s backstory in Vol 3.
- Groot: Where Rocket goes, Groot goes. He’s fine.
- Mantis: Barely been here and confirmed for Vol 3.
- Scott Lang: I'd be shocked if they pulled anything with him. He's got a future ahead of him.
- Shuri: Literally untouchable. They wouldn't dare.
- Okoye: Ditto. The Black Panther cast is pretty much guaranteed to be protected.
- M’Baku: Before Black Panther came out I probably would have placed him elsewhere on this list but I honestly can't see them getting rid of him after his newfound popularity. (I know this was filmed before BP was released, but still)
Probably Safe:
- Gamora: I don't know what Zoe’s contract is like but I simply don't think they'd do it. Her story is far from over and killing her would be a dumb move.
- Natasha Romanoff: I’d be more worried about her if they weren't discussing a Black Widow movie. For all we know it’ll be set in the past, but it's enough to give me hope that she'll be alright.
- Thor Odinson: Same goes for Thor. For the time being, Chris is contractually finished, but the fact that he's talked with Taika about ideas for a Thor 4 makes me feel a lot better about his livelihood.
- Wanda Maximoff: They’ve already killed one Maximoff too many. Wanda has too much story left to tell, both on her own and with her relationship to Vision. To kill her before telling those stories would be a criminal misuse of the character. And I'm really hoping she sticks around long enough to meet Magneto if the X-Men get integrated.
- Vision: I put him here purely because I don't think he's been around long enough to kill off, and he doesn't need the Mind Stone to survive which means Thanos getting his hands on it does not automatically mark Vision for death. He's still potentially on thin ice, and I considered placing him as At Risk, but he probably has a future with Wanda to explore and I'm not sure they'd throw that away.
- Bruce Banner / Hulk: Pretty sure Mark still has a movie left on his contract after Avengers 4. From the looks of set pics, Hulk seems to run away at the end (again), so he's probably fine. However I am concerned about Bruce and whether he'll be completely buried inside of Hulk.
- Wong: Killing him would make sense as a personal blow to Stephen, but I'm sure he's still got a place in future Doctor Strange material. A Stephen without a Wong feels incomplete.
- Ramonda: Only because everyone’s parents are dead and I don't trust Marvel. She's probably fine but I've got my eye on her anyway.
- Pepper Potts: She probably won't be involved in any action therefore remaining in safety, but if the Rescue rumors are true and if she and Tony are married and possibly expecting any children, then she's just a little bit more at risk than she would have been otherwise.
- Happy Hogan: I’m literally only concerned about Happy because Tony made a throwaway comment in Homecoming where he told Peter not to stress him out too badly because he’s “seen his cardiogram”, implying a heart issue (probably because of what happened to him in Iron Man 3). I'm sure they'll be too busy to pay much attention to Happy whatsoever, but I mean, if anything is gonna give you a heart attack, it’s this disaster.
- Valkyrie: Pretty sure they've confirmed they have plans for her, but with all of the Asgardians in serious jeopardy, I'm still just concerned enough.
At Risk:
- Nebula: I would say that she's probably safe because Karen and the writers have expressed their love for exploring her character, but between her and Gamora, there are high chances that something bad will happen to one of them because of Thanos, and I don't see it being Gamora. With her quest for vengeance, she could all too easily find herself in the line of fire.
- James Rhodes: My only hesitation is that he's recovering from a serious injury from Civil War and I'm not sure they'd kill him after that, but otherwise, Rhodey is a prime target. He's been around for ages and he’s Tony’s best friend, so it would be very impactful for Tony as a character and for us as an audience.
- Clint Barton: I'd like to say they wouldn't do it because he has a family, but Marvel doesn’t seem to give a rip about Clint, which could either work against him or in his favor because it could mean that he's disposable or it could mean that they wouldn't find his death impactful enough to do it. Fingers crossed it's the latter, but I don't trust them.
- Drax: I hadn't been worried about him until Dave mentioned wanting to go back to wrestling, which would make it difficult to commit to acting gigs since they both take up so much time. I could see Drax going out in a blaze of glory trying to avenge his wife and daughter.
- Heimdall: I was worried enough about him as it was because the Asgardians clearly get attacked and I've heard pretty much nothing about Heimdall and his role in this movie (for months I didn't think Idris was even in it!), but then they released a toy where Thor has Heimdall’s sword with him and my anxiety skyrocketed. If they make me watch Heimdall die while giving Thor his sword with my own two eyes...
- Nick Fury: I have no clue what he's even supposed to do in this movie, but I figure he's important enough yet small enough of a role that they could get away with killing him (for real this time).
- Maria Hill: Same goes for her.
- Laura Barton: They'd better not touch a hair on her sweet head, but all I'm saying is that Clint will need an emotional push into the Ronin identity, and the comics where he had a family ended up with said family being violently murdered, so I have reason to be suspicious...
It Physically Pains Me To Say That They’re Most Likely Goners:
- Loki: Contrary to popular belief, I don't think he'll get killed in the first five minutes, or maybe even the whole first act, because he definitely has a role to play that requires him to live longer than that (and Feige has said that he'll be with Thanos for “a while” which is definitely longer than five minutes) and I think his character progression will be a key part of whatever that role is, but that character progression is also part of the problem, because I can 1000% see him sacrificing himself and/or being killed fighting against Thanos. No matter what happens, the chances of him going out as a hero are massive and I don't see him making it, whether that be in Infinity War or Avengers 4. When it comes to some of the people who are in A4 it's a little tricky because it may simply be whatever flashback/timeline/AU nonsense seems to be going on rather than them still being alive, so I can't begin to speculate on when his death will occur, but I'm pretty resigned to the idea that it will happen whether I like it or not (literally anyone could tell you that I don't).
- Steve Rogers: This one just feels like a sad inevitability. Killing such a huge character would cause a gigantic impact on the audience and the other characters. He would be a martyr that would make everyone else fight even harder so that his death wouldn't be for nothing, and Bucky could take on the Cap mantle. I already felt like it was luck that he made it out of Civil War, considering Steve famously dies in that comic, but now they're adapting yet another story in which he dies, and I know the MCU certainly doesn't always follow comics (and they've promised that despite the influence of the Infinity/Gauntlet comics, things will definitely be different) but I’m not sure how many times he can cheat death like this. And for the character, dying for a cause he believes in is the best possible way he could go out (and frankly the only way, how else would you off Captain America?), and he could be at peace in death with Peggy.
- Tony Stark: I need to preface this by saying that if they're writing Tony out, my emotional state hinges on him making it out alive and living happily ever after with Pepper and being surrounded by the people who love him, however I get a bad feeling that my emotional state is going to be completely screwed over, whether it's this movie or the next. Tony started all of this ten years ago, and much as I hate it, it makes sense from a writing perspective to cut off the head of the figurative snake as we move to the next decade of Marvel. And talk about an impact. There is no other death that would cause such earth shattering repercussions as his would, for the characters and for us. The Marvel Universe would be rocked to its very core. I used to be more hopeful about his chances for survival, but over time it's started looking worse for him and at this point I'd be more surprised if they let him live.
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agent-shield-blog · 7 years
The Dark One (3/3)
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Part 2
Pairing: Reader X Loki Featuring: Reader X Loki X Tony Stark Father X Avengers Warning: Very graphic, blood, fighting, graphic death, swearing.
Loki pushed past Heimdall as he made his way back to the castle. Your body for the first time felt something other than numbness. Pain. You whined every time Loki took a step. Your body was screaming at you to stop moving.
"Loki." You whispered to him as he finally made his way inside the castle. Not wanting to put your body under further stress he carried you to the throne. He sat down carefully and held you in his lap. He brushed the bloodstained hair from your face, revealing bruises and scratches.
"(Y/n) why, why would you do this? We had a plan." You sighed as your body began to relax.
"This was always the plan Loki. From the day I met you this was always the plan. I didn't want to betray you, but I needed to do this. It's something I had to do. Pepper ruined my life. She stole everything from me. Tony has never experienced pain in the way I have. It was time for him to learn how I secretly felt every day." Loki sighed as he leaned back into the throne.
"I'm not used to being on the other end of the trick. I understand why you needed to do what you had to do. But I fear (y/n) with this plan, I don't see it ending well for either of us." He spoke nervously as he began to examine the wounds covering your body.
Minutes went by while Loki tended to you. Suddenly he straightened from his seat. Loki lightly placed his hand upon your jaw and smiled at you.
"I'm afraid my dear we are no longer alone." Within seconds in walked the Avengers. Everyone looked tired and distraught. They never imagined being in this situation. But here they were on Asgard ready to finish what you had started. Tony led the group and was making his way to you and Loki. With your last bit of energy, you got off of Lokis lap and stood tall over Tony, ready to fight till your last breath.
"Before I end this before I put you away for life I demand a better explanation of why you've done the things you've done!" You scoffed at Tony's comment as you slowly walked down the steps of the throne.
"Because you and Pepper destroyed my life. You left me for her; you loved her more than me, your own flesh and blood. I wanted you to feel the pain I have endured every day of my life. If it wasn't Pepper, then it would be you leaving me to go save the world. Birthdays, anniversary, graduations. You were never there." You shouted at the top of your lungs. You tried to calm yourself, but the words continued to tumble out. "If it wasn't off saving the world, you would hide away in your lab working on suits or inventions. There could be weeks where I would barely see you because you would bury yourself in your work. I had no mother, but I certainly had no father. You pretend like you don't see this but-"
"Your mind is askew. Not one day passed where I didn't tell you I loved you. Not one moment passed where I didn't try and do best for you. I made sure to see you every day because you were the most important thing to me. And the lies that spew from your mouth are all bull shit." Deep down you laughed at the words that he had said. They were all excuses. He was trying to manipulate the situation, but you remembered the life you lived. You remembered those lonely days where only the materialistic items were there for you. No, he would not turn your mind. Not this time. You looked back to Loki and gave him a nod. He willingly grabbed the sword that had been leaning against the throne and tossed it to you. He walked up behind you ready to defend you. He would do anything in his power to protect you at this moment.
In seconds the fighting started all over again. You were taking on Tony and Steve, while Loki focused on Thor and the others. With every swing and block, you could feel your body begin to slow down. You watched as Loki took down his opponents one by one.
In your moment of distraction, you were knocked down by Steves shield, and you slid across the floor, hitting the steps of the throne. You looked up at the ceiling and took a deep breath in. Like a firework in your stomach, a surge of energy sprang through your body. You stood with a new found spirit and devilishly grinned at the men. They both charged, and you were right back in the game. You took out Steve with ease, but Tony was harder. He sent his blasters left and right, but you were prepared for his every move. Finally, you were able to strike him down causing him to land heavily on the floor. You walked over and pinned his suit down with your sword.
"You have no idea how much pleasure this will bring me. For once in my life, you will bring me happiness." As you brought up your sword, you ignored the shouts coming from Loki. You began to bring down your weapon, but suddenly you were moved across the room. Your stomach felt warm, and as you looked down, you watched the blood flow from you like a river. A decorative guards sword had pierced you through the stomach. With much pain, you pushed yourself off the sword and slid down to the ground landing in a pool of your own blood.
"Tony!" You screamed out in pain as the red sea around you grew larger. To everyone's shock, Tony ran to your side.  Loki attempted to join him, but Thor kept a grip on him. Tony kneeled to you taking in the horrible sight, not knowing what to say he merely stayed there in shock. You attempted to smile as you felt the cold begin to rush through your body. "I'm sorry I was never the daughter you wanted. The only way to make this all stop and go away is to kill me. I won't stop until one of us is dead, and right now that looks like me." You begin to lift your hand, but Tony sharply grabbed it and brought it back down to your side. With a wild look in his eyes, Tony brought up his repulsor and had it aimed at your head. You closed your eyes as you listened to his gun charge. Loki was shouting once again, begging for Tony to stop and for you to do something but you no longer cared. This was finally it. The ending to the pain. You held your breath as you recognized the familiar sound of a full charge. But after a few second you open your eyes and saw that the gun was no longer there. Tony had exited his suit and was holding your hand.
"I forgive you (y/n). I don't know how but I forgive you.' You watched as the tears began to collect in Tony's eyes. "You killed the love of my life, you destroyed the family I worked so hard to build, but I forgive you. I just want my daughter back, I just want my (y/n) back." Although the words sank deeply into your heart, your mind did not care. You discreetly grabbed a small knife from your waist belt, and as the tears fell from Tony's eyes blurring his vision, you heaved the knife towards Tony.
Before the knife could reach his chest, a red haze took over the handle, and the knife turned and made impact with you. Tony and Loki screamed out in horror. Tony attempted to put pressure on the new wound as Loki escaped form Thors grasp to be with his lover.
"(Y/n) please, my love, do not do this." Loki pleaded with you as your eyes began to grow heavy.
"I'm sorry Loki, this wasn't supposed to be our ending. This wasn't how it was supposed to be. I guess this is why we should never make plans huh?" You turned to Tony who had now moved away, with tears running down his face. "I'll see you again Loki I promise." Your chest began to heave, and your breaths became shorter. You didn't want to be in this pain any longer. You closed your eyes, and soon, darkness took you completely.
"I'll see you soon my love," Loki whispered as he kissed your limp hand. The only solace he took was knowing you were no longer in pain.
Loki had not given up that day and continued to fight for you and him, but it was no use without you. Loki was put in the dungeons to serve out a life sentence.
Your body was placed in the lowest dungeon of Asgard, in the event of your soul returning to its host. Back on Earth the Avengers had to stage yours and Peppers death, blaming it on an airplane accident. Tony couldn't live with the pain if the world knew his own daughter murdered the one he loved.
Years had passed, and many of the Avengers had learned how to move on from the horrible events that had taken place with you. Tony even somedays could leave the pain behind, and find happiness in working in the lab or just being with the other Avengers.
Not to anyone's surprise, Loki had managed to escape from the prison, with no trace of where he might be going. Some said he was plotting his revenge against the Avengers; others said he was living out the rest of his days in peace. But the largest speculation was that he took his own life to reunite with (y/n) and to be with her forever in the stars.
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ca11m3raven · 6 years
Notes from re-watching infinity war;
Doctor Strange addresses Bruce as “Doctor Banner”, which I fell is important.
Wong just does his sorcerer duties and gets invited to Tony motherfucking Stark’s wedding.
For some reason, Friday’s voice crackles when losing connection to Pepper’s call. Maybe because Friday isn’t actually in the suit but is remotely accessed by the suit and when Tony leaves earth he loses connection to her too?
It’s really convenient that the phone to Steve just sorta fell on the street out in the open and that Bruce was able to find it relatively quickly. And, did Bruce and Wong walk back to the area where the fight started together? Why did Wong go with him? Did Bruce know the phone was there or was he just holding out hope that he’d find exactly that. And why would he not assume that the phone was still with Tony? I mean, it would literally make more sense for Bruce to ask Wong to make a portal for him to wherever Steve is rather than making a huge gamble by going off in search of this flip phone he saw one time for 5 seconds.
While I legitimately enjoy the Thor and Guardians scene, the realist in me is having a fucking bitch fit over the fact that; Of all of this debris, which is easily navigated through because of how spread out it is, AND considering that this was the whole ass ship that the asgardians fled on. that the one (1) thing they hit is fuckin’ Thor Odinson, son.
Half-sister? Frigga was Odin’s second wife? AAAAAA?
“I need a hammer, not a spoon“
How does Thor know that Thanos got the power stone from Xandar a week ago? Where did he get this information? I actually would like an answer to this if anyone knows.
Wanda’s nickname for Vision, “Vis” is adorable.
(Also, W for Wanda. V for Vision. Volkswagen logo)
Scotland donut: yeah, hi.
Wanda and Vision. “just wanted time” together. That hits me right in my LDR heart.
When Quill makes the decision to kill Gamora, Thanos says “I like him.” This is more than likely because he made a hard decision for the greater good, something Thanos values highly.
Cap’s secret avengers should know that Bruce is back, yet he reveals it dramatically. I..?
So, Bucky’s been out of cryo for a bit while, and only now they’re giving him an arm? Maybe one was offered to him earlier, but he decided to take time to come to peace with who he was without his arm.
Does anyone else find it slightly weird that Ebony Maw has hair? Prob just me.
Is anyone else curious as to what exactly  Thanos brought Gamora to eat?
Does Thanos work out or were all titans just naturally jacked?
I know everybody knows this already, but, Groot pees.
When Thor says; “Well if I’m wrong then what more could I lose?” Uh, your friends, the Avengers. Like they are his friends, right?
If you look at Strange’s hands, they’re shaking. Little continuity detail.
Alright, think about this for as long as you need to: Red skull. Is in Infinity war.
Bruce is a dork that addresses a king as “sir”.
Bucky’s all like; “God, I love this place.” and.. yeah. I cant see why. Not only is it the most advanced place on earth, but it’s where he;s been able to collect himself after decades of control and torture.
Wouldn’t Vision be able to get his wounds repaired in Wakanda? He’s got some serious booboos, and ir made of vibranium.. sooo...
Someone told me that Groots are descendant from Yggdrasil. So stormbreaker’s handle being made from a groot is really fitting.
Tony and Strange bot conjure swords during the fight on titan.
So, what exactly is stopping them from killing Thanos when they’ve  got him locked down? Like, I’m pretty sure that, with the exception of Peter Parker, everyone here has killed someone before. Can Quill not just fucking shoot him in the head? Can Nebula not just stab him through the eye? Can doctor Strange not just.. well, everyone knows that one. Are we to assume that Drax is not going to try to kill Thanos right here, or make the case to the rest of them that he should die?
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If you think about is, Shuri is actually an amazing person. She’s in this position where, she could easily allow herself to fail the operation on Vision, killing him, but giving plausible deniability as to whether there was any intention on her part. thus leaving no barriers to having the mind stone destroyed. There are real reasons for her to just let that happen. but she doesn’t.
It kind of escaped me how the black order’s forces were defeated, so as a reminder to anyone who’s also been left wondering.  Thor started fucking up their ships and they retreated. It’s an 18 second shot of just Thor shredding alien ships.
Remember when people were guessing who was going to die in infinity war? And on everyone’s list was Vision? Like, how crazy is it that the one through line in those lists DIED FUCKING TWICE!
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marveloushiddleston · 4 years
The Monster Within
German Masterlist English Masterlist
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Plot: After the last fight against Thanos, the task of the remaining Avengers was done. And a new team of Avengers must now protect the Earth from a new unknown force. Together with SWORD, Wanda, Vision, Doctor Strange, Carol, Bucky, Sam and Loki, who must first prove himself on Midgard as a team and face unknown enemies. Will Loki be finally himself?
Chapter 7
Tony and Morgan came out of the house as he notices a black jeep come to a stop a few feet away. Loki, Catherine and Monica got out of the car. Tony sighs. He wasn't looking forward to putting his retirement on hold again.
"Hello, Mr. Stark.", Monica greets Tony. He sighs again and shakes his head.
"It's Tony, Mr. Stark makes me feel old.", Morgan pulled Tony by his sleeve and whispered something in his ear.
"These are friends.", Tony explained, pointing to Monica, "This is Captain Monica Rambeau from SWORD.", then to Catherine, "This is Agent Catherine Mikaelson from SWORD.", after some hesitation, he pointed to Loki, "And this is Loki of Asgard, one of the Avengers. They are all our friends.", Pepper stepped out.
"Morgan, come let's both play a little. Daddy has something to talk about.", Morgan ran into Pepper's arms, "What do you want to play?"
Tony looked behind his two girls before looking back at the group with a questioning expression on his face. As Loki looked at him, he noticed that his injuries had healed, but the marks were still visible and may never go away. But the scars were a sign, a sign that he had saved the entire universe and millions of creatures that lived in it.
"Coffee?", Tony turns to the house and tells Loki, Monica and Catherine to follow him. The small group climbs the steps of the terrace and followed him into the house, "Sit down, I'll get the coffee."
Tony points to the sofa and disappeared into the kitchen. Loki sat down in the middle of the sofa, Catherine on his left side and Monica on the right side. In the room hung and stood many pictures of the Stark family among them birthday, celebrations and special moments. A short time later, Tony came to the small living room table in front of the three of them with a tray that had coffee on it.
"Tony, as much as I'd like to keep drinking coffee, time is of the essence and the new Avengers are currently missing," Monica explained, looking at Stark
"So what do we know?" asked Tony, taking one of the coffee cups. He sat down in an armchair and leaned back as he waited for an answer from Monica. Loki and Catherine listened intently to the conversation, not wanting to interfere.
"All we know for sure is that the Avengers got caught in a time vacuum and have now ended up in the different timelines," explained Monicam
"So why not ask SWORD? I'm sure they have enough good technicians who can build the time machine again."
"We didn't get permission from Director Tyler Hayward," Monica resolves after some hesitation. Loki and Monica looked up curiously when they heard the news.
"So you guys are working without permission from an organization?" says Tony. He put his coffee cup on the table and stood up, "I like that, let's get started."
Everyone stood up and followed Tony into another room by many different techniques. Tony walked over to a large computer screen.
"So, when you contacted me, I set to work to create, through the time machine, some sort of time camera, so we can find out what timeline the other Avengers ended up in. But I must warn you, the Avengers may not be able to remember living in our timeline, so you must be vigilant," Tony types something on the keyboard, "I have located a first change in one of the timelines, it is Barnes.“
"Do you know what timeline he ended up in?", Loki says, crossing his arms in front of him.
"Wait, I'll try to find out.", he intently typed something on the keyboard, "He seems to be in a timeline by still being a soldier who had his brain washed by Hydra."
"This is going to be fun," Monica said sarcastically.
"What's Hydra?" asks Loki, looking at the people in the room in confusion.
"A dangerous terrorist organization.", Catherine explains to Loki.
"Well, one thing is clear then. You all need an upgrade, you can't start out this unequipped.", Tony stood back up and walked across the room to one of the tables, "Lucky for you, I have a few gadgets in stock that you might like. ", Tony lifted a weapon from the table and turned with it to the small team, "This one in my hand is a proton energy weapon, I modeled it after Captain Marvel, who it looks like won't be there?", Monica shook her head and confirmed Tony.
"Captain Marvel is unavailable at the moment as she is busy with a mission in space," Monica explains.
"Well then let's go ahead and gear you up. On a side note, Loki, you could use some new armor as part of the good guys.", Loki raised his eyebrows and made a new armor appear through his Seidr, on his right shoulder was a golden armor while on his other shoulder was a green and black plate that went to the middle of his upper arm where he could make a black cloak appear with Seidr. On the sides of his arms he had various golden armor. He wore black boots with a dark green sole. His trousers were also dark green with black edges at the seams and in the outer sides of his trousers were pockets in which his daggers were stuck. The back of his armor was black while the chest of his armor was dark green. His helmet was also changed, the horns were smaller and in the center of the helmet were two small spikes.
"So what do you think of my armor now?" asks Loki with a mischievous grin and arms spread out.
"You'll have to teach me that trick," Catherine says, dumbfounded.
"Well, since you're half light elf, it should be possible," Loki explains with an approving nod.
"It's definitely an upgrade." says Tony, "Now for you, Catherine and Monica, let's give you both an upgrade."
A/N: My tag list is open, post in the comments if you want in it. And please also write me in the comments what you think of the chapter!
Tag-List: @silvers-hero-vault @i-like-most-things-i-guess
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