#Also since Jarvis was put into Vision...Tony maybe should have a word too...
purple--queen · 1 year
Something that still pisses me off is this whole Sword having Visions body. Did Hayward just showed up at the Avengers HQ & was like "Sooo this Vibranium belongs to the goverment & since this is also a...uh...weapon it should come with me :)"
& was Steve & the rest was just like "sure. He is dead now & the only person that cared about him is also...dead"
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fanficshiddles · 3 years
Tear You To Pieces, Chapter 7
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Kelly was so nervous, no, terrified that she was going to get caught by Stark or one of the other team members.
What she was doing was breaking every single rule there was. Even though she was part of the security team and could simply say she was improving the system, there would be lots of questions. Why at this time of night when she should be sound asleep in bed? Why did she have the box that contained Loki’s powers? Why had she turned off all the security cameras and overridden Jarvis?
She tried to remain calm and stop her hands from shaking as she picked up the golden box. She had still been worried that it would burn her hands or maybe explode upon being picked up by a human, since it was from Asgard. But she was relieved when it just felt like a heavy golden box. Not that she had ever picked up a heavy golden box before…
After replacing all the security firewalls and making sure it looked like it had been untouched, she rushed back to the security room to turn the cameras back on and sort out a loop for the tapes. It was easy enough for her to do. Overriding Jarvis had been the difficult part, but she had managed from her own room with her own computers and equipment.
As she rushed back into her room to finish off, she nearly screamed because Loki was stood in the middle of her room, waiting for her. He couldn’t help himself from being eager. But she could understand that, really. He had a part of him taken away from him without consent. That couldn’t have been nice at all.
‘Loki! You scared me.’ She blushed hard, as usual when she saw him.
‘Sorry, darling. That was not my intention… I just merely wanted to check that you’re alright, and if you managed to get it.’ He said softly and reached out to give her upper arm a soft squeeze.
‘All good. I just need to release Jarvis… Here, I believe this is yours.’ She handed him the duffel bag she had with her. While she sorted Jarvis, Loki opened the bag and felt a rush of adrenaline shoot through him when he saw she had succeeded in getting him the box.
‘I can’t thank you enough, Kelly my dear. You’ve done so well for me, I am so proud of you for doing this. Your skills are truly impeccable.’ He moved towards her once she was finished and he embraced her, making her heart soar as she hugged into him.
‘You’re welcome, Loki. I’m glad I could help.’ She said with a big smile as she looked up at him.
He let go of her and leaned back, grinning from ear to ear down at her. ‘You have no idea how much you have helped me. I am forever grateful, pet. I shall never forget this.’
‘Really, it’s my pleasure. I’m just glad I’ve been able to help, I hate the thought of anything bad happening to you.’ She said, slightly flustered.
Loki cupped her cheek and pressed a kiss to her forehead. ‘Nothing bad is ever going to happen to me, pet. Or you. I give you my word.’ He whispered.
Loki went back to his own room not long after. Kelly assumed he was going to get his powers into him. She wasn’t even sure how that would work, she wasn’t sure if she really wanted to know anyway.
When she went to bed, she took a while to get to sleep. Her mind was racing. Did she do the right thing? What if she was found out? But she eventually calmed herself down, knowing Loki wouldn’t let anything bad happen. It wasn’t like he was going to use his powers for bad now, anyway. He wasn’t under Thanos’ control anymore. He had changed.
And she hoped that once the others saw that, even if they found out he had his full potential, it wouldn’t matter by then. As he’d have proved himself worthy of their trust from missions, especially the big one coming up.
The following morning, it was late morning and Kelly was a little nervous as she hadn’t seen Loki yet. He was usually an early riser, but there was no sign yet. No one else had noticed, or even cared.
Part of her was worried in-case he’d ran off. She wasn’t entirely sure what all of his powers were, exactly. What he was capable of. But she knew teleportation was one of them. Again, she wasn’t sure how strong and how far he could actually go. But it was at the back of her mind.
She instantly felt guilty for thinking such a thing when Loki came strolling into the kitchen.
But then she noticed he seemed a bit… off. He was wearing his full Asgardian armour, which was unusual unless he was off on a mission or training.
‘Morning, Loki. Is everything ok?’ She called over to him. Clint was also in the kitchen leaning on the counter, and Pepper was making a brew. But they paid no attention to Loki. As usual.
‘Everything is absolutely wonderful, my pet.’ Loki growled. His voice was darker, much darker than normal. It sent shivers down Kelly’s spine, and she wasn’t entirely sure if it was the good kind or not.
Clint and Pepper looked over at Loki then, noting the difference in his tone too.
‘What have you done, Loki?’ Clint asked warily.
‘Nothing…’ The wickedest, most evil grin spread across Loki’s face. ‘Yet.’
Kelly felt like time froze as Loki suddenly aimed the palm of his hand towards Jarvis’ camera in the corner of the kitchen and blasted it to pieces with his green energy.
‘LOKI?’ Kelly screeched at him, confused and scared.
Clint jumped up to his feet and Pepper was about to call Tony. But Loki used the same energy and blasted Pepper right through the wall. A few SHIELD agents that had been close by came running in, but Loki dealt with them easily.
‘What the hell, why does he have his powers?’ Clint shouted and made a move for his arrows that were on a chair a few feet away from him.
‘I’m sorry… He said he needed it for the big mission, that he was worried.’ Kelly blurted out quickly, eyes wide as she watched Clint scramble for his arrows and bow.
Clint grabbed his bow and began pulling out an arrow, he glanced at Kelly, frowning. ‘Mission? What miss’ before he could even take aim at Loki, he was taken out too by Loki. With terrifying ease.
Kelly let out a scream and she ran in a blind panic towards the door. But a strong arm slipped around her middle and stopped her, lifting her off the ground and into his body. She kicked and screamed, trying to get him to let go.
‘Now now, pet. No need to fear me, I will spare you, while I burn this place to the ground.’ He growled into her ear.
Before Kelly could apprehend what was happening, Loki put a spell over her and transported her elsewhere. Her vision went hazy and all she remembered seeing last was Tony in his suit flying into the kitchen, using his blasters on Loki.
When Kelly came round, she was confused as to where she was at first. But as she sat up and blinked a few times, she realised she was in a library. She recognised it.
Running towards the door, stumbling a bit on the way, she burst outside and looked up and down the street. People were running around and screaming in panic. She looked up the road and towering over the buildings of the city she could see the Avengers tower. There were huge explosions coming from it, a big fire and gaping holes. It was getting utterly destroyed.  
‘What have I done?’ She sobbed, putting her hand over her mouth.
But she knew this wasn’t the time to be scared or to cry. She wiped her eyes with the back of her hand and started running up the road towards the tower, while other people were running away from it.
She needed to try and reach Loki, try and talk sense into him before he killed anyone else. She could only hope and pray that she wouldn’t be too late.
But Loki wasn’t under Thanos’ control this time. There was no hope of acceptance from his father or brother, he didn’t want to be equal to anyone anymore. He had no leash, he was his own master. In control of his own destiny.
And he was going to make sure he got what he wanted.
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imagine-loki · 3 years
Tear You To Pieces, Chapter 7
TITLE: Tear You To Pieces CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 7 AUTHOR: fanficshiddles ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Loki was sent to make up for his deeds by helping out The Avengers at the tower. Everyone thinks he’s changed, but he is just biding his time. He manipulates and uses someone who works there, who has a crush on him, to get exactly what he wants.  RATING: M
Kelly was so nervous, no, terrified that she was going to get caught by Stark or one of the other team members.
What she was doing was breaking every single rule there was. Even though she was part of the security team and could simply say she was improving the system, there would be lots of questions. Why at this time of night when she should be sound asleep in bed? Why did she have the box that contained Loki’s powers? Why had she turned off all the security cameras and overridden Jarvis?
She tried to remain calm and stop her hands from shaking as she picked up the golden box. She had still been worried that it would burn her hands or maybe explode upon being picked up by a human, since it was from Asgard. But she was relieved when it just felt like a heavy golden box. Not that she had ever picked up a heavy golden box before…
After replacing all the security firewalls and making sure it looked like it had been untouched, she rushed back to the security room to turn the cameras back on and sort out a loop for the tapes. It was easy enough for her to do. Overriding Jarvis had been the difficult part, but she had managed from her own room with her own computers and equipment.
As she rushed back into her room to finish off, she nearly screamed because Loki was stood in the middle of her room, waiting for her. He couldn’t help himself from being eager. But she could understand that, really. He had a part of him taken away from him without consent. That couldn’t have been nice at all.
‘Loki! You scared me.’ She blushed hard, as usual when she saw him.
‘Sorry, darling. That was not my intention… I just merely wanted to check that you’re alright, and if you managed to get it.’ He said softly and reached out to give her upper arm a soft squeeze.
‘All good. I just need to release Jarvis… Here, I believe this is yours.’ She handed him the duffel bag she had with her. While she sorted Jarvis, Loki opened the bag and felt a rush of adrenaline shoot through him when he saw she had succeeded in getting him the box.
‘I can’t thank you enough, Kelly my dear. You’ve done so well for me, I am so proud of you for doing this. Your skills are truly impeccable.’ He moved towards her once she was finished and he embraced her, making her heart soar as she hugged into him.
‘You’re welcome, Loki. I’m glad I could help.’ She said with a big smile as she looked up at him.
He let go of her and leaned back, grinning from ear to ear down at her. ‘You have no idea how much you have helped me. I am forever grateful, pet. I shall never forget this.’
‘Really, it’s my pleasure. I’m just glad I’ve been able to help, I hate the thought of anything bad happening to you.’ She said, slightly flustered.
Loki cupped her cheek and pressed a kiss to her forehead. ‘Nothing bad is ever going to happen to me, pet. Or you. I give you my word.’ He whispered.
Loki went back to his own room not long after. Kelly assumed he was going to get his powers into him. She wasn’t even sure how that would work, she wasn’t sure if she really wanted to know anyway.
When she went to bed, she took a while to get to sleep. Her mind was racing. Did she do the right thing? What if she was found out? But she eventually calmed herself down, knowing Loki wouldn’t let anything bad happen. It wasn’t like he was going to use his powers for bad now, anyway. He wasn’t under Thanos’ control anymore. He had changed.
And she hoped that once the others saw that, even if they found out he had his full potential, it wouldn’t matter by then. As he’d have proved himself worthy of their trust from missions, especially the big one coming up.
The following morning, it was late morning and Kelly was a little nervous as she hadn’t seen Loki yet. He was usually an early riser, but there was no sign yet. No one else had noticed, or even cared.
Part of her was worried in-case he’d ran off. She wasn’t entirely sure what all of his powers were, exactly. What he was capable of. But she knew teleportation was one of them. Again, she wasn’t sure how strong and how far he could actually go. But it was at the back of her mind.
She instantly felt guilty for thinking such a thing when Loki came strolling into the kitchen.
But then she noticed he seemed a bit… off. He was wearing his full Asgardian armour, which was unusual unless he was off on a mission or training.
‘Morning, Loki. Is everything ok?’ She called over to him. Clint was also in the kitchen leaning on the counter, and Pepper was making a brew. But they paid no attention to Loki. As usual.
‘Everything is absolutely wonderful, my pet.’ Loki growled. His voice was darker, much darker than normal. It sent shivers down Kelly’s spine, and she wasn’t entirely sure if it was the good kind or not.
Clint and Pepper looked over at Loki then, noting the difference in his tone too.
‘What have you done, Loki?’ Clint asked warily.
‘Nothing…’ The wickedest, most evil grin spread across Loki’s face. ‘Yet.’
Kelly felt like time froze as Loki suddenly aimed the palm of his hand towards Jarvis’ camera in the corner of the kitchen and blasted it to pieces with his green energy.
‘LOKI?’ Kelly screeched at him, confused and scared.
Clint jumped up to his feet and Pepper was about to call Tony. But Loki used the same energy and blasted Pepper right through the wall. A few SHIELD agents that had been close by came running in, but Loki dealt with them easily.
‘What the hell, why does he have his powers?’ Clint shouted and made a move for his arrows that were on a chair a few feet away from him.
‘I’m sorry… He said he needed it for the big mission, that he was worried.’ Kelly blurted out quickly, eyes wide as she watched Clint scramble for his arrows and bow.
Clint grabbed his bow and began pulling out an arrow, he glanced at Kelly, frowning. ‘Mission? What miss’ before he could even take aim at Loki, he was taken out too by Loki. With terrifying ease.
Kelly let out a scream and she ran in a blind panic towards the door. But a strong arm slipped around her middle and stopped her, lifting her off the ground and into his body. She kicked and screamed, trying to get him to let go.
‘Now now, pet. No need to fear me, I will spare you, while I burn this place to the ground.’ He growled into her ear.
Before Kelly could apprehend what was happening, Loki put a spell over her and transported her elsewhere. Her vision went hazy and all she remembered seeing last was Tony in his suit flying into the kitchen, using his blasters on Loki.
When Kelly came round, she was confused as to where she was at first. But as she sat up and blinked a few times, she realised she was in a library. She recognised it.
Running towards the door, stumbling a bit on the way, she burst outside and looked up and down the street. People were running around and screaming in panic. She looked up the road and towering over the buildings of the city she could see the Avengers tower. There were huge explosions coming from it, a big fire and gaping holes. It was getting utterly destroyed.  
‘What have I done?’ She sobbed, putting her hand over her mouth.
But she knew this wasn’t the time to be scared or to cry. She wiped her eyes with the back of her hand and started running up the road towards the tower, while other people were running away from it.
She needed to try and reach Loki, try and talk sense into him before he killed anyone else. She could only hope and pray that she wouldn’t be too late.
But Loki wasn’t under Thanos’ control this time. There was no hope of acceptance from his father or brother, he didn’t want to be equal to anyone anymore. He had no leash, he was his own master. In control of his own destiny.
And he was going to make sure he got what he wanted.
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Stark’s Girl
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Steve Rogers x Stark!Reader
Summary: Tony Stark is a good man. He has lost his entire family yet lives his life devoting himself to helping others. Steve Rogers never knew the secret that Tony has kept since his parents death long ago, but it finally comes out, and everything makes a little more sense. Things change for the billionaire, playboy, philanthropist when someone he thought long gone, has been alive this entire time. And Steve has to learn how to keep his secret from everyone around him, without hurting those he cares the most about.
word count 3.4k
an: wow hey lol yes another steve fic, but different then i’ve done before. did the reader go through trauma? yes. but i still want her to appear strong. in control. for now aha. hope you enjoy!
part 01/015 “two peas in a pod”
next part
If you knew Tony Stark then you knew there was one thing that you could not talk to him about. And that was anything having to do with his family. If you even tried to mention anything about that fateful day in 1991, Tony would leave and ban them from ever interviewing him again.
Especially if they tried to mention his younger sister. God forbid anyone tried that.
“No, we’re done here,” he’d say before walking off the set, his team (Pepper at the time and Happy) would follow behind him, and that reporter would never step near Tony Stark ever again.
Tony never spoke of his family, to anyone, besides maybe Pepper as their relationship developed. But it was December now, and Tony’s demeanor seemed to change the more the month passed. He grew more quiet, not being as snappy as he normally was, and secluded himself from group activities. This time around, he was focused heavily on work, and the other Avengers only saw him when there was a mission on hand. Recently, with the news that Hydra was embedded deep within SHIELD, that’s what they were being sent out to do: take out Hydra bases.
Steve Rogers was concerned for his friend. He had only seen Tony this way once before, but what he couldn’t figure out was why he would get like this. One day, he tried to ask Natasha about it. She shook her head, and told him not to ask, especially don’t ask Tony. He understood, but the information finally let itself out one night.
The Avengers tower was home to a few people on the team when they were in New York. One night, in the early morning of December 16th, there were loud crashes coming from the common area. When Steve came down the stairs, a glass cup flew into the wall between the two elevators on the floor. It shattered, rippling in the air as Tony was going on a tangent.
“How could, how could that even happen! The car losing control my ass,” he slurred. Pepper was there as well, trying to calm him down, but Tony paced back and forth in front of her. Pepper’s eyes met Steve and she extended a hand out for him to stop where he was. Steve stopped his movements, staying on the stairs, Natasha had ended up behind him, watching in silence.
“My parents they didn’t,” he hiccuped, “they didn’t have to take her with them! I said I could, I could take care of her.” Tony paused for a moment, looking into Pepper’s face. Pepper could see the tears in his eyes, but Steve would never admit that he could as well.
“If my father had just listened to me, she’d be here with me. She’d be alive, Pepper.” the last part kind of came out as a whisper. She said something quietly to him, and Tony let himself fold into her arms, and soft cries filled the room. Natasha placed her hand on Steve’s shoulder, motioning for him to follow her back upstairs, away from the scene unfolding before them.
That was when Steve learned that Howard and Maria had also had a little girl, who was with them when the crash happened. She was only fairly young when the crash happened. Natasha told him that Tony and his sister were really close when Tony was home from his schools, two peas in a pod, at least that’s what she read in the past, not that Tony would ever speak of it. Natasha also told him that if he were ever to mention it, the outcome would not be good.
Steve looked into it a bit more, and with each piece of information his heart dropped further into his stomach. Howard and Maria welcomed you into the world as a healthy baby girl, and Tony was seen carrying you into the family home a few days later. Over the next few years as Tony grew older and went to several ivy league schools, he would come home most of the press that was released was of him spending time with his little sister, whose face was blurred in every photo. They were extremely close. Steve had to close his computer, and try and move on with his day with that information running rampant in his head. He could never tell Tony about that day in 1991. For Tony’s sake.
It was spring now, Tony returned back to his normal self but now knowing what he knows, Steve looked at him a little differently. From what he read, he had never seen Tony as intimate with anyone before (with no offense to Pepper), and that changed some of the things he said to his friend.
“Stop looking at me like that,” Tony said, snapping Steve out of his thoughts.
“I’m not looking at you in any way,” he replied earning a grin from the man close to him.
“You look like you’re falling in love with me, but you’re too scared to admit it because I’m your boss. Have you ever seen Two Weeks Notice?”
Steve shook his head a slight smile crossing his lips. They were headed on a quick mission, get in, get out, and kick some Hydra ass, they as in Steve, Tony, Natasha, and Sam. This was their third base this month alone, but with the rate they were going there weren’t going to be many left in the Hydra channel.
“Alright boys, we’re reaching the drop point in a few minutes,” Natasha said from the front of the quinjet. Tony was quick to release his buckle from his body, and stood to move near his suit.
“Well that’s my cue,” Tony commented walking backwards into his suit, “try not to miss me too much Steve,” his words turned more automatic as he stepped back into his suit and it closed around him. Steve rolled his eyes, and Tony shockingly put his hands over his heart as if he was shocked. But then he wiggled his fingers at him, and Natasha opened the back of the plane and Tony dropped out of it flawlessly.
“He’s in a good mood today”, Sam commented, as he was strapping his Falcon wings on.
“He sure is,” Steve replied, and nodded at his new friend who followed Tony’s lead, disappearing into the air.
“I’m bringing her down,” Nat called over the wind. Steve released himself from his constraints and slid his helmet over his eyes. He took the time to tighten his gloves as Natasha lowered the plane to the ground. There was gunfire nearby, some ricocheting off the metal exterior. 
“Always making a mess, you boys,” she said in a joking manner, walking past Steve ready to fight. 
It was supposed to be an easy job. Get in, get out, take out the bad guys. That was always Tony’s tag line for these kinds of missions. This time though, there were more Hydra agents than anticipated, which could only mean one thing.
They were hiding something.
“These guys are really starting to piss me off,” Tony commented over their com links, and without hesitating, “Jarvis claims there to be possible hostage inside.”
“Romanoff and I will storm the building,” Steve managed between throws of his shield, ricocheting off an enemy and back to him, “watch our backs until we give you word to join us.”
“Sure thing, Cap,” Sam replied in his ear. Natasha nodded her readiness to Steve, and he kicked the door in, using his shield to cover them. He moved first, each foot softly moving in front of the other. They were like lions looking for their prey.
The first man that tried to come around the corner, Nat was on him like a predator. Her moves were swift and like fluid, knocking them out and leaving them on the ground. But they pressed on, glancing around corners before making their moves. They needed to find the hostages and get out of there. Carefully, Steve moved into the door frame of a room.
The lights flickered, and there were shuffling noises deeper inside. Steve narrowed his eyes as he tried to focus on the shadows, Natasha behind him felt the wall for any sign of a light switch.
“Bingo,” her sweet voice said, pressing it on and the lights coming to light. As their vision adjusted, Steve lowered his shield a bit. His gaze was on three individuals. Each cowering around one another, they had their arms wrapped around their legs and into their chests. He looked back at Natasha, and nodded for her to proceed. She seemed to be good in these cases. Nat put her gun back into her holster and moved around Steve and edged to them slowly.
“Target acquired, you can join us,” Steve radioed to everyone else.
“I’m thinking we should do Chinese after this, anyone else?” Tony asked in everyone’s ear. Steve shook his head, replacing his shield onto his back.
“We can talk about it later, Stark.”
Natasha was busy trying to get close to the three people on the floor, who had all but pressed themselves into the wall they were against. She could only focus her attention on one at a time, but Steve kept an eye on them as well from a distance.
Tony and Sam joined them shortly after. Tony’s suit opened automatically as he rubbed his wrists cooly.
“SHIELD eta is three minutes, hope you’re making progress over there Romanoff,” Tony expressed, earning a glare from the red head.
“Shut up, Tony.” she replied.
She had wrapped a blanket around one, who had finally averted their eyes from the ground and met hers. She promised each one a life of peace now. They were there to help. The last one she edged towards, was pressed against the wall, knees scooped to their body. Hair laid all around their face, covering their face from her view. What Natasha didn’t know was they could see everything.
Natasha tried to peer into the curtain of hair, hearing faint words leaving their mouth. But with Tony’s incessant talking, she couldn’t make it out.
“Guys-” he called over her shoulder, not earning a response. She glared and spun around on the floor.
“Guys!” she exclaimed, making the three men jump. They looked her way and saw her scowl, and mumbled apologies. She turned her attention back to the third hostage.
She could see the outline of a face now, they had lifted their head slightly. Eyes peered ahead past her, focused on something or an object behind her back. She could make out lips moving, and she tried intently to listen.
Bubba. Bubba. Bubba.
Was Natasha hearing that right?
“Bubba,” she repeated, and the voice she once heard fell silent. But someone behind her stirred.
“What did you say?”
Tony had stepped forward, earning a look from Steve and Nat turned around to look over her shoulder.
“They’re saying bubba, it’s a term mainly used in the south which means-”
“Brother,” Natasha and Tony said at the same time. Steve had never seen Tony so pale in the face. Natasha’s eyebrows were furrowed in a brow before her head snapped back to the source of the voice. Her bottom lip trembled a bit as she looked back to Tony. He had taken a number of steps towards the cowering person, and Natasha backed away.
“Oh my God,” Steve mumbled to himself, watching it all unfold.
Tony kneeled before them, careful of his next movements. His forehead felt hot and his hands were trembling. But he couldn’t deny the tiny word that filled air between them.
Tony was careful with his trembling hand he reached forward, his hand gently moving the person's hair. He was holding his breath as he did, pushing the hair back as he tried to get a look at their face. Their face would tell him everything he needed to know. His hand was nearly cupping their cheek now, and the person let him lift their face up.
Tony gasped. He stared at a face he hadn’t seen in years. He was starting to worry that he would have forgotten what they had looked like. Their eyes had locked with his, the same beautiful color he could remember from his teenage years, but filled with fear and tears. He quickly placed his other hand on their cheek, rubbing his thumbs along their skin.
“(Y/N),” he breathed out. A tear fell down your face, and he pulled you into his arms. He crumpled to the ground and let you sit in his lap, cradling your head on his shoulder. Behind him the rest of the team looked on, Natasha had her hand over her mouth and Sam looked on in bewilderment. Steve on the other hand was quick to take one of the blankets they were using to wrap the hostages and made his way over to Tony. He also was watching your movements. Most of your face was hidden by Tony’s shoulder, but he could see your eyes staring straight ahead and brimmed with tears. As he approached your eyes shot to him, and Steve nearly faltered. Your (e/c) struck him heavily, filled with something other than sadness and the only word he could describe it was deadly.
You detached yourself from Tony as Steve came near, hunkering back to press against the wall. One knee was pressed to your chest while the other kneeled to the ground, watching Steve’s movements. Tony quickly grabbed the blanket from Steve’s hands, and the sound of SHIELD arriving behind them filled the empty halls.
“It’s going to be okay,” Tony whispered, and placed the blanket around your shoulders.
Tensions had never been that high. Not since SHIELD fell.
Because of the victims they found, they had to be brought to a safe SHIELD facility to begin reconditioning. That’s what they called the process of beginning to heal these people from the torment they had to endure. When they would get onto the large quinjet (a bus they said), the victims were carefully given a sedative, and would sleep for the next day. That gave the agents time to put them into their own rooms and check every vital sign that they could run. Assess their health and try to find out who they are.
When they would wake up someone (a psychologist or similar) would go in and start talking to them, and analyze their reactions. From there, they hoped to learn anything about what had happened to them, and try and rehabilitate them.
But in this case, Tony wanted to be apart of every step. The doctors on the other hand thought it would be best to have someone else go in when you first woke up. Tony would then call them an idiot and Steve or Natasha (most of the time both) would have to step in and calm him down.
“Tony you have to listen to them,” Nat would say.
“How is someone else going to evaluate my sister? I know her better than anyone else,” he replied.
“But Tony.. She’s gone through an extremely traumatic event, she isn’t going to be the exact same.” Steve would remind him.
Tony would then get frustrated and storm away. Several hours into the ordeal and Pepper was arriving on the scene. Tony and her were alone for a few hours, well into the night and weren’t seen again until the morning. The next time Steve saw him was before you were expected to awaken, and Tony looked tired. But in all honesty so was Steve. Neither had slept all night.
“I’ll only agree to this on one condition,” Tony said. The doctor looked annoyed but allowed him to continue, “I want Steve to be the one to talk to her.”
Steve stood a little straighter at that. He wasn’t 100% surprised but he was still taken aback. He swallowed the lump in his throat and nodded.
“Of course Tony,” he replied and Tony smiled, putting a hand on his shoulder.
“Thanks, Rogers.”
Inside the room you slowly awoke, eyes fluttering open as you fought your way out of the sleepiness. The room was bright, making you quint for a moment as you regain your composure. You sat up fully, almost robotically as someone on the other side of the mirror would note, and the blanket that was covering you fell. You looked down at the clothing you were in, a long sleeved shirt and some soft pants, and you threw the blanket off the rest of your body. You didn’t like unfamiliar places. You carefully swung your legs over the edge of the bed and pushed yourself to stand.
The last 48 hours were still a bit hazy. You had returned from an intel mission, being ushered inside to the dark and dank building and into interrogation. They believed that you had blown your cover and contacted someone from your past. They knew who you were, and you knew as well. But you wouldn’t dare try that. You weren’t stupid. You were always watched when they sent you out. No matter what you collected from them, or who you killed for them - there was never to be trust in your case.
But who would blame them. If you were alone, you would have tried to flee back to America in all honesty. They had tortured you for hours before throwing you in with the others. Each cowering against that wall as you were all watched. And that’s when the attack happened. But you truly never expected to see Tony.
You turned around the room, wondering where he was. Your thoughts were cut short when the door opened suddenly, startling you. You were quick to hunker back onto the bed, in that crouched position and protecting your back by pushing against the pillow on the bed. Your eyes locked with the man who walked in.
Tall, broad, and handsome. But a stranger in ways. You didn’t know him personally, but could remember the stories your father would tell Tony and you when you were younger. He walked in and it felt like he could command a room, and he did. His eyes didn’t break your gaze either as he made his way to a chair on the other side of the room. He sat down, hunching forward to rest his elbows on his legs.
“How are you feeling,” he asked first. You had never been asked that. Your eyes scanned him up and down, he noticed easily, not that you tried to hide that. You were assessing him. He knew that. You chose not to answer. He didn’t let that affect him though.
“My name is-”
“Steve Rogers,” you finished. He nodded, hearing your voice fully for the first time. It was distinct, strong in a way he didn’t know how yet, but laced with something sweet. He nodded at you though.
“Do you know who you are?” he asked.
Your eye twitched a bit, a reaction you couldn’t control. You broke your eye contact with him to glance at the two-way mirror and then to your hands. One laid on your leg that was close to your chest, and the other on your thigh. You didn’t answer but nodded in response.
“What’s your name,” Steve pushed. You shook your head ironically.
“(Y/N) Stark,” you said, and looked back up to meet his eyes, “I could never forget.”
Steve nodded, sitting back in the chair and motioned a hand to you, “Do you want to tell me what happened?”
“Not particularly, but I don’t have much of a choice do I?” You asked. Steve didn’t reply to this, instead he threw a glance at the two way mirror as if searching his reflection for an answer. You moved to criss cross your legs to sit more comfortably, and grabbed the pillow to place in your lap. Steve’s eyes met yours again but this time they looked different. 
They looked vulnerable. You inhaled and sighed deeply and cast your eyes down to the ground, and Steve leaned forward and rested his arms on his legs. He wanted to show he was listening and that you could trust him, but a part of him knew that you may not feel that right now, but he wanted someone else to know that. Someone on the other side of the glass. The two people in this quiet room had the same objective. They wanted to show Tony that they could be strong for him.
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clara-licht · 4 years
Caught in a Lie | Prologue
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Word Count: 1,820
Summary: When Wanda told the team there was a young girl with her during her days with HYDRA, they knew they had to save her. Only she was no longer the little girl Wanda was familiar with; everything about her was now a mystery.  Unbeknownst to them, her past may just hit a little closer to home than expected.
Pairing: (Platonic) Avengers x Reader
Warning: may contain description of blood, violence, human experimentation, and anything you might associate with HYDRA.
Teaser | Series Masterlist | Marvel Masterlist | Main Masterlist
"Should I go with you?"
"You can."
"Will I be happy?"
"Happy is indefinite. You will have people around you who will care about you. You will be happy, but you will also feel sad, at times. It's inevitable."
"…and if I stay?"
"You will continue what you're doing right now."
"…I see."
"But in the future, you will gain what you longed for."
"What I longed for?"
"A father."
"How are you doing?"
Wanda didn't look up from her steaming cup of tea.
"You were off at practice today."
No answer.
"Come on, speak to me, Wand."
Realizing she wouldn't answer, Steve sat next to her. Both of them said nothing for a while, letting silence draped over them. The common room in the compound was eerily silent save for the pitter-patter of the rain outside.
"I dreamt of him last night," Wanda murmured, her accent thick.
Steve hummed, but offered nothing else.
"It was getting better, it's just…"
"Getting worse at times, I know."
She pulled the blanket around her tighter before sipping the steadily cooling tea in her grip.
"I lost someone too, you know," Steve started, "to HYDRA, of all people."
"I heard. Those people never shut up about how they managed to take down Captain America's best friend in the past." Wanda bluntly said.
Steve shrugged. "HYDRA can be a bitch."
He laughed when Wanda slapped his shoulder. "I thought they said Captain America disapprove vulgar language!"
"I lied on my enlistment form multiple times since I was a teenager, picked up fights I knew I wouldn't win, and volunteered myself to be experimented on. That pure image is just a front, you know, something I keep up with just because."
Wanda flinched when he casually mentioned volunteering for experiment, but commented nothing.
"Anyway, do you want to talk about it?"
"About what?"
A hum left her lips, "I don't know."
Steve raised an eyebrow, "How come?"
"When I think of him, sometimes I feel heavy, yet sometimes I feel light. I remember the good times and I remember the bad times. Mostly I just remember him and nothing else, and that can still make my heart hurts," she spoke lowly, her hands waving in front her, creating red wisps from the tip of her fingers. "Does talking about him makes me feel better? Or would it make me feel worse? I don't know. I don't really want to find out, to be honest."
Once again, silence ensued.
"I like to think it makes you feel better."
Wanda glanced at the super soldier beside her.
"It may be hard at the beginning, but those who left us wouldn't want to be forgotten or just remembered for the bad parts of their life, would they?" He smiled. "Talking about them brings back the good memories, along with the bad ones, sure, but doesn't it feel nice to just remember?"
"…I suppose."
Steve chuckled.
After a while, Wanda spoke up again, "I dreamt about our time in that base."
"We were just children, we just lost our parents, and we thought we were going to die by a bomb Stark made. We were desperate. When we signed up, we thought of nothing but revenge. It was the only thing that kept us going," she mumbled. "…at least for me."
"What do you mean?"
"He made friends easily, you know?" She chuckled. "It doesn't matter who they are, he just had this way into people's hearts."
"He was a bright young man, from what I saw."
Wanda smiled sadly. "I dreamt of him and the little girl he liked so much."
"Little girl?"
"HYDRA's other experiment. She was so young and so terrified and was already there even before us. Pietro," she stopped short. God, just saying his name brought back so many feelings… "Pietro… He tried to comfort her. Befriended her. After a while, she became one of the reasons he kept going."
"What did you think of her?"
"Well… I didn't like her at first," Wanda shrugged, "I thought she had distracted my brother from our purpose. Stryker even made her 'a prize' for him. Of course, it was actually a threat, a blackmail, but Pietro was too focused to make sure she was fine."
Steve frowned. "Did he… did he have a, a relationship… with her?"
Wanda snorted, "Of course not. We were all just children. Pietro thought of her as another sister to protect."
"Then what do you mean, prize?"
"We didn't get our powers easily, you know. It was a struggle. The pain itself was unimaginable. We were so close to giving up, but Stryker threatened to hurt her if we don't push through. He called her a prize for us. I kept going because of Pietro, and he kept going because of her. Pietro, my dumb beloved brother, believed Stryker. I knew better. There was no way they were going to do anything to that girl. She was their number one project, after all."
"Number one project?"
She huffed, "Pietro and I are enhanced by the Mind Stone. But her? She was a mutant from birth. Add that to Mind Stone enhancement? You got the perfect weapon."
"Wait, mutant from birth?" Steve asked incredulously.
Wanda looked at him weirdly, "You've seen gods, aliens, powerful stones from the space, an android with said stone on his forehead, and you still think it's impossible for people to have power since they were born?"
"Well, when you put it that way…"
"Unbelievable," Wanda shook her head, "but I suppose that's why he was so adamant to keep her safe. She did go through a lot, having been there not by her own volition. What they did to her… I heard it was way worse than what we experienced. With time my dislike just went away, because I pity her more than anything else."
When Steve didn't reply, Wanda turned to look at him.
Steve had a deep frown creasing his forehead. His eyes were serious and his lips were in a tight line.
"Steve? What is it?"
"How old did you say she was?"
"I didn't…" She answered, confused, "but when we first signed up, she was 7 years old."
"And where is she now?"
Wanda stared at the still frowning Captain, "She was moved from the base we were experimented on 3 years ago. We never knew where."
"But there's a chance that she's alive," he stated rather than questioned.
"…Yes, there may be."
"Why didn't you tell us earlier, Wanda?"
Closing her eyes, she let out a tired sigh, "I tried not to remember Pietro so much I actually forgot about her. It's also been 3 years since I last saw her, I don't even know if she's alive."
Steve stood up. "We're going to find out," he said, "All those HYDRA bases we took down didn't have any children or traces of human experiment, so there must be more bases out there. We'll take them down, and we'll find out about her and other human experiments if there are any. They don't deserve that life," he stated firmly. "A child. God, she would only be 14 years old now…"
Wanda finished her cup of tea before asking, "How are we going to do this, then? Thor is not here and Stark and Clint retired, remember? We're down 3 people already."
Steve pursed his lips.
"We'll go with everyone we have right now, but if push comes to shove, we'll have to ask for backup."
Wanda hummed. "So you're going to assemble the team tomorrow?"
"Maybe not tomorrow. I'm going to do some research beforehand."
"Okay," she stood up and picked her cup and blanket up, "I'll go to bed now." She started walking away.
"Wanda, wait."
"Hmm?" She looked back.
The frown still hadn't left Steve as he asked his final question of the night, "What's her name?"
It was supposed to be a normal training day, but they were all told to gather in the meeting room. Steve, Natasha, and Wanda were still absent, leaving only Sam, Rhodey, and Vision.
"Do you think it's a mission?"
"I don't know why else would we be gathered here, so yeah, a mission."
"Where's Maximoff though?"
"I believe Miss Maximoff is currently with the Captain, as I have heard that this mission comes from Miss Maximoff's information."
"Man, I can never get used to hearing JARVIS' voice from you, Vis," Rhodey chuckled, "It's just so weird, you know? Tony started coding when we were still in MIT, so I got used to hearing his voice wherever Tony was."
Steve stepped into the room followed by Natasha and Wanda, effectively cutting Vision. The three man (two man and an android?) stood straighter.
"Have a seat, fellas."
As they sat, Steve pulled up a hologram displaying map of the world with a few red dots littering. "A few months ago, before Sokovia, we thought we took down the last HYDRA facility. We were wrong. Nat found these locations after some digging."
And by digging, he meant threatening and going through with said threat.
"From what we know, there are only less than 5 locations left. We're going to take them all down."
Steve looked around, seeing his teammates all nodded in agreement. "But there's a catch. Last time, we were looking for Loki's scepter. This time, we're going to look for HYDRA's human experiments and save them."
"Wait, human experiment? Like Maximoff?" Sam asked.
"Exactly like me," Wanda answered before Steve could, "I told Steve about a girl my brother and I used to be with before she was moved. There's a chance she's alive, so Steve decided to try and save her."
Rhodey frowned, "I get that wanting to save her is good and all, but aren't you being too positive right now? There ain't any assurances that she's alive, especially after that whole Triskelion fiasco and information leaking. She could already be killed to save information or whatever."
"Rhodes," Steve started, "She's just a child."
"A child?"
Steve rubbed his forehead tiredly and sighed, "She was only 7 when Wanda met her. If there's even a slight chance she's alive, we got to take it. No child deserves that kind of life."
Rhodey swallowed hard. A child? They experimented on a little girl?
"I know what it's like, being used as child," Natasha said, "and I don't wish it upon anyone. We have to find her."
"Say that we found her," Rhodey spoke again, "what are we going to do with her?"
"We keep her safe," Wanda said.
"If that's what it takes," Steve insisted, "she deserves it."
"But who's going to take care of her? Us? We're not babysitters, Cap," Sam interjected.
"Look, we'll talk about that later, alright? We must find her first before all of that."
"Well then," Vision spoke, "when do we begin?"
Author’s Note
Welcome to the prologue! I was going to end it after Wanda said (y/n), but the next part doesn’t fit in chapter 1 at all, so here it is. I don’t show it in the moodboard, but Steve and Tony will play a big role in (y/n)’s life as Pietro did!
I’m actually excited about this story, but I don’t know when I will post chapter 1. It depends on reader’s interest rating; whether there are people who actually want this or not. I don’t want to waste anyone’s time by writing something that no one reads anyway. So if you’re interested and want this story to actually continue, let me know!
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Fandom: The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, The Avengers - Ambiguous Fandom Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Steve Rogers & Tony Stark, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, James "Rhodey" Rhodes & Tony Stark Summary:
Tired of Tony and Steve's constant fighting and bickering, the other Avengers sentence them to couple's therapy.
Ugh, it was way to early for this, Tony was only two coffees in and dealing with Steve required at least two more cups. His holy coffein intake didn't seem to matter to Steve though, as he came storing into the living room, interrupting Tony and Rhodey's highly intelligent discussion about Jeopardy.
“What?”, Tony shot over; he was however pretty sure that he didn't want to know and most certainly didn't care.
“When the milk is empty, just throw the damn carton out! Is that so hard?”, Steve moaned and gestured around with the empty carton.
“And who says it was me?” Steve was completely right, it had been Tony. But before he'd admit to that, hell'd freeze over.
“Please, can we not argue about it like five-year olds? Just throw out the milk so I know to get a new one.” With a sigh and an exasperated and frankly quite condescending eye roll that Tony did not miss, Steve turned and walked out again.
“For fuck's sake”, Rhodey groaned, once the door had closed behind the super soldier. “Correct me if I'm wrong, JARVIS, but that puts the milk-fights somewhere in the mid-twenties, right?”
“It was indeed the 26th time Stark and Rogers have fought over the milk”, JARVIS reported. “Add that to the 19 discussions about profanity, 23 about appropriate levels of music during night time, 11 about Star Wars, 17 about Star Wars before Captain Rogers had seen them, 28 about how to make proper coffee, 24 about cars vs motorbikes, 16 about Monopoly and 8 about how to pronounce GIF. Together that makes 172 in the last 16 days.”
“You kept fucking count?”, Tony groaned. “you Rainman...”
“No, not Rainman. I currently feel like something between Ms Doubtfire and Mary Poppins. So either you two get your shit together or I'll turn all Nurse Ratchett/ Ms Trunchbull on your asses, capiche?”
“Yes, Mum...”
“Just get your damn coffee”, Rhodey grumbled and turned his attention back to the rerun of Jeopardy.
“Ok, but hear me out.” Tony pulled up the holographic model to show Bruce what he was talking about. “If we manage a miniscule version of the arc reactor, the Hulkbuster wouldn't be just some giant armour, but could fulfil some minor automated functions.”
“What kind of automation are we talking about here?” Having that powerful a reactor comprised into something that was supposed to take down Hulk, without blowing up an entire city block... Bruce wasn't too sure about that.
“Mostly for movement. We're talking about copious amounts of weight here, and without some form of automation, Thor'll be the only one who can actually move in it.”
“Yeah, I get that. It's just... Does it have to be arc-technology? Last time it was Hulk against Ironman, I almost blew up half of New York and was this close to giving you a heart attack.”
“But that's why we need to make it smaller so...”
Ugh, not again. Steve stormed into the workshop and stared Tony down.
“Steve, please. Me and Tony are very busy and...”
The super soldier barely graced Bruce with as much as a fleeting glance and pointed right at Stark. “Next time you're hungry, stay the hell away from my leftovers!”
“Right, because I would voluntarily eat your sprouts with cabbage and shit”, Tony scoffed and turned back to the Hulkbuster model.
“Every time I put my name on it. And of all the Avengers you're the only one disrespectful enough to ignore that.”
“Oh, so now I'm disrespectful?”
That was it for Bruce. Those two could continue for hours like that and Bruce was not gonna do that to himself. And, as much as hulking out might help to get those two idiots in line, Bruce really was not keen on doing that either.
Neither seemed to notice him leaving the lab and after the door had closed behind him, Bruce leaned with a heavy sigh against the wall. “JARVIS? What's the count?”
“Boss, your presence is required in the briefing room.”
“Oh, come on.” Tony hated being interrupted mid-project with a passion. “Scale 1-10 how important is it?”
“According to Agent Romanoff it is at a 17.”
“Fine”, he groaned, put the wrench down and trudged upstairs. It couldn't be an imminent mission, JARVIS hadn't sounded any alarms, so there was probably no need to worry.
Or maybe there was, at least judging how all the Avengers stood around the table, eyeing him sternly.
“Where's the fire?”
“For weeks, you and Rogers have been at each other's throats”, Clint began, and Tony was already done.
“Right then.” Tony turned on his heel and walked back towards the door. The locked door. “What the fuck, J? Unlock the door!”
“I am not authorized to do that.”
“Excuse me?” Tony stared at the camera. “You are my AI. My command trumps every other command you're given.”
“Not if I deem it crucial.”
“Traitor!”, he hissed before turning back to the Avengers. “Taking over my AI comes with dire consequen...”
“Shut it, Stark”, Nat interrupted and motioned for him to sit back down next to Cap.
His hands raised in mock-defense, he complied.
“And now listen, both of you. Your bickering is making everybody miserable.”
“Amen to that”, Wanda threw in.
“We're not that bad”, Steve stated, and Tony nodded along.
“In the last 4 weeks alone have been 256 incidents. This number accounts only for altercations within proximity to the tower and all tech linked to my server.”
Granted, Tony got how that might be annoying. However... “That is so not on me.”
“Excuse me?” Steve turned to Tony, pure offence written all over his features. “Clearly the team cannot excuse your behaviour or they...”
“It's on you both”, Natasha made clear. “And everybody suffers for it. So you left us with no choice: you're being sentenced to couples therapy.”
“No.” Both Tony and Steve stared at her with wide eyes, their jaws on the ground.
“You can't be serious”, Tony protested once he caught himself again. “We do not need therapy!”
“Tony's right”, Steve nodded.
“See?” Tony gestured between himself and Rogers. “We're agreeing on something! There's absolutely no need for any type of counselling.”
“Your opinion doesn't matter”, Banner made clear.
“Yes, it does! I run this damn team.”
“And I finance this damn team”, Tony finished Steve's reasoning.
“As your doctors, me and Helen already signed off on it. And so has Fury. You're going and that's it.”
Fuck. Tony slumped back in his chair. Therapy. With Rogers.
“Everything is handled with utmost discretion”, Vision explained. “The SHIELD-approved psychologist has already signed a NDA and should arrive at the tower as we speak.”
“THE FUCK?”, Tony yelled out, “our appointment is NOW?”
“So neither of you can weasel out of it”, Rhodey shrugged.
That was the worst part about all this: his honey-bear being part of all this. It felt even worse than JARVIS being part of this conspiracy.
“Fine”, Steve just groaned, “Let's get this over with.” With that he got up, looking at Tony all expectantly until he too, followed suit.
“Conference Room C”, Nat fake-smiled and waved them away.
Tony was in no hurry to get there any time soon and inspected the spectacularly unspectacular white walls of the hallway.
“Come on!”, Steve complained.
“Because we shouldn't let the doctor wait!”
“I couldn't give less of a fuck about that doc or your annoying need to be perfectly on time.”
With an eye roll, Steve just turned and strutted off towards the conference room. Fine with Tony; he could very well do without the nagging.
He was gonna get them back; Nat, Rhodey, Clint, all of them. And if it was the last thing he'd ever do; Tony was gonna get his revenge.
Mark was nervous, immensely so. He was about to start counselling Captain America and Ironman! How in the name of everything that was good and holy in the world was this real life?
It was incredibly bizarre; as a kid he had collected the Captain America baseball cards and just two weeks ago he gifted his son the newest Ironman action figure; his daughter never went to sleep is she didn't have the Avengers-blankie.
But there wasn't time for more than two deep breaths, the door opened and in walked Captain America. Keep it together!
“Hello, Mr Rogers, the name is Mark Simmons; it's a pleasure to meet you.”
“Likewise”, he smiled and shook the outstretched hand. “Please excuse my partner's tardiness; it's his form of protest.”
“Don't pretend like you want to be here”, Stark scoffed as he walked through the door, before he turned to Mark. “Good day, doctor. Just so you know, up until ten minutes ago, neither of us knew about this...” - he waved his hands around, gesturing between the three men - “arrangement. And to be perfectly honest, neither of us really fancies the idea of therapy.”
“Your honesty is appreciated”, Mark smiled. “Since I'm already here though...” He motioned for the two to sit down and, less willingly than anything else, they complied.
“Well, since neither of you know what to expect from me or our meetings, let me explain what it is I do. My name is Mark Simmons and I specialize in business psychology; you could say couple's therapy for a co-workers. What I'm here to do, is to get the communication going.”
“Oh there is no issue there”, Tony rolled his eyes. “This one's more than vocal about what I apparently keep on doing wrong.”
“Not apparently”, Steve hissed.
“It doesn't seem to bother the others.”
Oh dear. Not even five minutes in and Mark already feared the worst; this would be a tough one.
“I understand that your situation is a difficult one”, he commented, when he finally got a word in, “since you not only work but also live together. But that's why it is important for us to get to the bottom of it all, of where all this tension stems from.”
“We don't like each other”, Stark shrugged”, what more is there to it?”
“More than you'd think. I do need to say right away that this will only work if you are honest with me and each other. In return I assure you that I will be transparent about any and all methods and intentions.”
“That does sound reasonable”, Rogers nodded. Still, even though he seemed to be more open to the whole idea than Stark, the Captain was just as apprehensive; he just tried to hide it.
“No promises”, Stark made clear and Mark could only smile.
“Thank you for your honesty, Mr Stark.”
“Right then. If you'd be willing I would like to hear some of the typical arguments you have, so I can get a better picture of the situation.”
“Ask JARVIS, he keeps a log”, Tony snorted.
“It is not my job to counsel JARVIS” - whoever that was - “you two are my clients, so it's from you I'd like to hear it.”
“He's just got one to many sticks up his ass”, Tony shrugged and toyed around with a screwdriver he got out his jeans pocket.
“No, he's just a sloppy and spoiled prat, who never learned how to share and live with others.”
“I am not sloppy! I mean sure, I can get sloppy in bed...” He left the rest unsaid, and a smug grin played over his lips.
“You see”, Steve groaned, “everything is a joke to him! I – honest to God – can't remember if I've ever had a serious conversation with you.”
“Well, maybe I don't want to have a serious conversation with you”, Stark shot back.
“Well, doctor”, Steve forced a smile, “I guess there you have it.”
Wow. This was gonna be just great.
“Hey Tones.” Rhodey, that traitor, walked into the lab and shot Tony the smuggest grin. “How was your first session with Dr Simmons?”
“You're an asshole”, Tony grumbled and turned his attention back to the motor he was repairing.
“Thanks dear, I love you, too.”
“Seriously, what the fuck were you thinking?” Tony must have looked sufficiently pissed off, since the smugness in Rhodey's look changed to something sombre.
“Me and the rest of the team were thinking that whatever is going on between you and Rogers can't continue like this. It's breaking the team and it's breaking the two of you as well. So you're gonna deal with it.”
“And what if I don't?”
“Then we're gonna lock you two in a room with Hulk.”
“Proactive choice. Just gotta warn you: this is gonna end in disaster.”
“Can't be worse than it is now.”
“So why don't you just throw the empty milk carton out?”
It's been thirty minutes and the two Avengers were still fighting over the damn milk. But, instead of giving Mark the chance to dig a little deeper and guide the conversation towards what really upset them, they kept on talking over him. If their last four sessions were anything to go by, they probably forgot Mark was there.
“I have more important things going on in my head to check if I finished the milk or whatever.”
“Right because it's too much to ask for you to take these three seconds to check that.”
“Yeah, but guess what, Rogers: I don't owe you shit.”
Ah, finally, they got to a bigger issue. For a few moments they just stared at each other, Tony's defiance head-on meeting Steve's confusion.
It was the super soldier that broke the silence. “That has nothing to do with me wanting you to do this for me. It's just the proper basis for a bunch of people living together.”
“And why am I the only one that gets your speeches? Clint drinks the juice right out of the container, Vision has zero instinct about privacy and walks right through walls, Thor eats everybody's pop tarts and I don't think I can recall a single time that Wanda cleaned the microwave. So please, Captain, what is it about me that is so unbearable or well, more so than the others?”
“Because you do it on purpose!”, Steve cried out. “All that bullshit didn't start until about two or three months ago. So what the hell changed that you felt the need to be such a pain?”
“Because I can't allow myself to like you.” Tony all but spat the words in Steve's face, got up and turned to Mark. “Thanks, doc. For everything.” Not sure whether it was meant sarcastically or not, Mark just stared after Ironman as he walked out.
“Well”, he eventually cleared his throat. “I guess we can stop talking about milk, leftovers and swearing.”
“Yeah...” Until now, Steve had stared at the closed door, only now he turned to Mark. “Let's just hope he shows up next time...”
He didn't.
But Steve hadn't really expected anything else. All week, Tony had kept away from Steve, not once did they run into each other.
After Tony missed another appointment, Steve got worried. Fine, he had been worried ever since Tony had told him that he couldn't like him, but now he allowed the worry to come through.
“Bruce?” The scientist was – as he had been for the last few days – by himself in the lab.
“Steve, hey”, Bruce smiled and waved for Steve to come inside. “What's going on?”
“Have you seen Tony these last few days?”
“Of course not”, Bruce chuckled, “he's in his house in Malibu.”
“Wait, what?” Steve couldn't help his face from dropping.
“Yeah, he said something about some issues with the LA branch of SI.”
“Oh. Right then. Thanks.” With an awkward wave, Steve turned and walked out, as Bruce's concerned looked burned into the back of his head.
Right, SI LA needed its boss every now and again; it made plenty of sense for Tony having to go there somewhat spontaneously.
Something in Steve's gut felt so very off about it though. Disappearing from one moment to the next, not even cancelling their sessions with Dr Simmons... Something was not right and Steve felt somewhat responsible.
Unfortunately, very impulsively so; as much as he hated flying, Steve found himself in the next machine to California.
All through the flight, he had thought about what he wanted to say, but now that a cleaning lady, Miriam, led him through the villa, his head was pretty empty.
In a wide light-filled room, Tony sat on the floor, screwing around with something that looked like it had once been part of an Ironmansuit.
“Rogers, what the fuck do you want?” Stark didn't even look up.
“I want to check on you.”
“Could've just called.”
“Would you have picked up?”
“Probably not”, he admitted, still not gracing Steve with as much as a fleeting glance. “Thanks for flying out though and have a safe journey back to New York.”
“Tony, I'm not leaving until you talk to me.”
“What do you want me to say?”, Stark groaned, threw the wrench on the ground and glared at Steve. “Seriously, what do you need to hear to fuck off?”
“The truth.”
“How original.” With a roll of his eyes, Tony got up and wiped the oil off his hands. Steve doubted it was of use, the rag that had probably once been white was almost black by now.
“Tony, please.”
“Why?” He strutted right up to Steve but he wasn't about to let himself be intimidated. “Why do you care?”
“I care about you and our team. And I thought we have gotten close, I do consider you a friend. And that's why I care about you.”
After staring at Steve for a few moments, Tony dropped his head. “Fuck”, he mumbled. “Right here goes. I'm sorry for screwing with you these last weeks. It was all my fault and I'll be good from now on and we no longer need to deal with the shrink. Deal?”
“No”, Steve made clear. “I flew to LA so we can work on what has the entire team upset and isn't good for the two of us either. So tell me, what I can do to make you more comfortable around me, and I'll gladly do it.” He took two careful steps towards Tony. “Please.”
“I appreciate that, but there's nothing you can do.”
“You said you can't allow yourself to like me.”
When Tony stayed silent, Steve continued: “Is it because of Howard?” It had to be, Tony's Dad was the only thing that connected them profoundly enough for Tony to hate Steve.
“What do you think?”, Tony scoffed. “The great and amazing Captain America, Howard's greatest ever creation, I just never could measure up to.”
“Tony, I'm so sorry...”
“Can it”, Tony interrupted him, “because it's not your fault. You were dead then, it had nothing to do with you and everything with Howard being the worst.”
“But you don't want to end up like your Dad, so you forbade yourself to like me”, Steve finished the explanation and interpreted Tony's shrug as affirmation of his assumption. “So why be a pain in my ass then?” This part, Steve didn't really get: Tony could just stay away from Steve, the Tower gave more than enough opportunities for that.
“Just because”, Tony mumbled, as he actually blushed. What the hell? As hard as he tried, Steve couldn't remember Tony Stark ever being flushed.
“That's not an answer.” Steve was aware that he was entering dangerous territory; a cornered Tony was even more dangerous than he normally was. But what was the alternative? Him and Tony just avoiding each other, pushing it all way down until it all blew up in their faces?
“Rogers, please...” Tony's voice went softer, almost a whisper, the exact opposite of how Steve had expected Tony to react.
“Tony, you're seriously worrying me.” Steve took another step towards Tony, who looked like he just wanted to bolt. “Please, what's bothering you?”
“You are, damnit!”, Tony yelled out. “The fact that you're nothing like the damn asshole I pictured you to be throughout my childhood. The fact that you're actually a pretty great guy. The fact that I like you, no, that I like you too damn much.”
Steve couldn't follow. The part about Tony's childhood and Howard, he got. But the almost desperate look in Tony's eyes... “I get that all that, with me, Howard was, or still is...” At Tony's exasperated face drop Steve halted mid-sentence. Was he missing something? Judging by the way Tony looked at him, he probably did.
“You really don't get it, Rogers, do you?”
His meek shrug was only met with a Stark-typical eye-roll.
And then everything seemed to happen at once. With two big steps, Tony closed the last bit of distance between them, grabbed Steve by the shirt collar, pulled him down and pressed their lips together.
And Steve's mind just went blank. Of all the things he'd expect Tony to do... This was not one of them. Frozen in shock, Steve could do nothing but let Stark kiss him.
“Here you go”, Tony shrugged, once he broke away and took two steps back. “Now if you'd please fuck off, I'd be very grateful.” With that he turned and motioned to walk off.
“Tony, wait.” Steve heard himself speak, before he realized he had done it. But it was all so very much in a haze, and Steve wouldn't bet a lot on this being real life and not just a dream, so before he knew it really happened, he grabbed Tony's arm, pulled him back and immediately their lips met again.
After a few shocked moments, Tony's arms wrapped themselves around Steve's shoulders.
Steve had no idea what was really happening, but he didn't care, because it felt amazing. It was electrified, passionate and all the little things that irked them about each other seemed to vanish, making room for desire to run wild.
“Rogers”, Tony mumbled after a while, “what is...”
“Shut up”, Steve shot back, not in the mood for talking.
“Works for me”, Stark chuckled, and, with his hand on Steve's neck, he pulled him down and deepened the kiss even more.
Was this a good idea? Probably not. Did Steve care? Fuck, no.
When Steve woke up the next morning, he wasn't quite sure where he was. He definitely didn't know this enormous bed, and these silky bed sheets were not to his taste.
Oh. Right. He was in LA. In Tony's bed. And very naked.
What was more, he was alone in Tony's oversized bed. There was no genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist, but a note.
sorry, had to dash. Help yourself to whatever's in the kitchen, if you want.
I'll see you in New York.
Shit. With a loud groan, Steve fell back into the cushions. What did he think? He didn't, that was just it. Or he thought with the wrong body part. Sure, it felt good, very much so. Kissing someone hadn't felt that good ever since he kissed Peggy. And then... Passion just took over.
That was admittedly the weird part, Steve wasn't someone who just let himself run over with desire and just jumped right into bed with whoever kissed him. Well, he and Tony had a lot of pent up tension between them and now they just had the need to get it all out.
I'll see you in New York.
Well, maybe things would be a little more relaxed between them from now on. But Steve doubted that.
“Omigod”, Nat sighed, “I can't believe I'm saying this but I liked it so much better when they were fighting.”
“Tell me about it.” Clint fell down next to her on the couch. “The way Cap just silently stares at Stark is seriously creepy and so awkward.”
“And Stark barely ever talks any more when Steve is in the room and flees as soon as he's got the chance”, Wanda observed.
“If it weren't those two, I'd say they're boning”, Clint giggled, until he stopped dead. “Omigod. Do you think that Steve and Tony...”
The assembled Avengers just looked at each other with wide eyes.
“It would explain so much”, Nat eventually broke the silence.
“All that bickering and fighting is just unresolved sexual tension”, Bruce commented.
“We gotta fix them!”
“Right”, Nat scoffed, “because they both would react so positively to us walking up to them and telling them to bone.”
“Maybe we should stick them back in therapy.”
“Because that went over so well the last time.”
“What then?” Rhodey looked around the group. “There's gotta be something we can do!”
“We'll leave that to you”, Nat suggested, “you're the only one who can get through to Tony.”
With a ping the elevator doors opened and Rhodey walked into the penthouse, already dreading in what state he was about to find his friend. “Tones? You in here?”
“Platypus!”, Tony beamed and staggered towards him with wide open arms. Shit. He was really hammered.
“Here”, he handed Rhodey a bottle, clearly not realizing that it was already empty. “Drink with me!”
“How about we switch to water?”, he suggested and took the still half-full bottle of whiskey out of Tony's hand.
“You're so boring”, Tony moped and walked over to the kitchen cabinet, where he got another bottle. “So boring”, he repeated after a generous sip. “Just like Steve. He's so stupid and boring.”
“Yeah, I know.” Gently, Rhodey guided Tony to a couch and all but pushed him down. “I'm not worried about Rogers, though.”
“You should...”
“Nah, I'm only responsible to look after you.”
“I'm fine”, Tony claimed, however swaying and slurring a lot more than fine would suggest.
“I know you are. That's why you ran off to LA, avoid Steve since you're back, lock yourself in up here and drink that much again.”
“I'm really fine”, Tony repeated. “Look!” He T-posed and shot him a kissy-face. “I'm so good.”
“Right, then you won't mind talking to Steve, would you?”
“But I don't want to.” Not unlike a child throwing a hissy fit, Tony crossed his arms in front of his chest; all that was missing was Tony sticking his tongue out at Rhodey.
Well, if Tony was gonna act like a four-year-old, then Rhodey'd pack out his parental voice. “And why don't you want to talk to him?”
Thankfully, he was too drunk to pick up on James' condescending tone. “Because he's stupid.”
“And why is he stupid?”
“Because he is.”
“Tony.” This was gonna be a tough one.
“Rhodey”, he mocked him.
“Well, if you're fine, then I can go.” He got up off the couch and, as he had expected, he couldn't get two steps until Tony stopped him.
“Don't go”, he mumbled, grabbed his arm and pulled him back on the couch.
“Alright, I'll stay”, James smiled. “You gonna tell me what has you upset though?”
Tony clutched a pillow and looked down on the floor. “We... we had sex.”
“You did what?” Oh damn. They were right, the Avengers were damn right about them.
“He... He just didn't get it, so I showed him. And then he kissed me back. And then...” Instead of finishing his sentence, Tony took another sip from his bottle.
Well, damn.
“Sounds to me like you and Steve have quite a bit to talk about...”
“Talking fucking sucks”, Tony groaned and slumped against Rhodey's side.
“It helps though”, he shrugged and put his arm around Tony's shoulder.
“Still sucks”, he mumbled and snuggled into the embrace.
Rhodey had lived through enough of Tony's drinking sessions to know that a) Tony was about to fall asleep, that b) Rhodey would not be able to move until he woke up again, that c) the chances of getting thrown up on were at least in the high seventies and that d) this disaster human being was his absolute favourite person in the entire world.
“I love you, Tones.”
“I love you too, Honey-bear.”
5 days. 5 days since Steve had flown to LA to confront Tony about their 'situation'. 5 days, since Tony had grabbed his shirt and kissed him. 5 days, since Steve kissed him back. 5 days, since Steve had just about the best night ever. 5 days, in which Steve couldn't think about anything else than the surprisingly soft lips, the taste of coffee, the strong hands on his body and most of all, how good being with Tony had felt.
And with all that came a realization: that flutter in his stomach that came every time Steve was around Tony was not dread, awkwardness or anything like that, it were the butterflies in his stomach going into overdrive.
When Steve finally gathered enough courage to talk to Tony, he ended up standing in front of a locked door.
“I'm sorry, boss has restricted access to anyone.”
“JARVIS, please.” In the worry about his friend, Steve didn't give too much thought to him currently trying to reason with a bodiless robot. “You can't tell me that he's doing alright. Let me please talk to him.”
“Since he is not in imminent physical danger, I am not authorized to ignore boss' orders.”
“Is he drinking?”
“With his history, it's more than dangerous for him to be locked up all by himself with these amounts of alcohol, don't you agree?”
“I do”, he admitted and the door opened for him.
“Thanks, JARVIS, you're the best.”
Damnit. JARVIS was really keen on disobeying all of Tony's orders, was he? “One of these days”, he groaned towards the general direction of the camera, “I'll donate you to a high school.”
“I believe my fosterlings there would be less determined to kill themselves and be more grateful for my unwavering support.”
“You sure as fuck aren't supporting me”, Tony hissed, as Steve walked all through the penthouse in search of him. If Tony was lucky, Rogers would respect the sanctity of the bedroom, where Tony had created a make-shift workstation on and around the bed.
“I have your best interests at heart, even if you might not realize it.”
For fuck's sake.
“Tony?”, Steve called again, closing in on Tony's location.
“He is in the bedroom”, JARVIS announced and boy, if looks could kill, Tony would have to install new security cameras.
“Can I come in?”
“Whatever”, Tony grumbled and the door opened to the sight of a nervous Steve.
“Rogers, I don't know what went wrong with you that you can't seem to get I don't want to see you.” Tony didn't even bother with looking up at Steve and hoped to whoever was in charge of hurried prayers that the super soldier would see it as nonchalant and not recognize the pained insecurity. Which, by the way, fucking sucked.
All of this, of what happened these last few weeks, months, fucking sucked.
It started to suck, when Tony got to know Steve for who he really was: not the absolute pinnacle of American perfection who Tony would never be able to measure up to, but instead.... Sure, Steve was all that, but so much more.
As much as Tony pretended to be exasperated and annoyed by his in all honesty at times pathetic tries to catch up to modern technology, his determination was really commendable and quite adorable. Same with his annoying righteousness; knowing about Steve what Tony knew now, he could recognize and appreciate how passionate Rogers was about the things most important to him. And that undying loyalty... But not – as Tony had thought – to the US army, the government and blindly following orders, but to the people closest to him. Even to Tony. Who had been quite the dick. But even though he didn't understand a word of it, Rogers often listened to Tony's engineering rants. And listening to Steve going on and on about injustice or whatever, Tony just got roped in by that seemingly boundless passion.
And with all that wrapped up in *that* package... Yeah, Tony really had fallen for Steve. And he hated himself for it.
Why of all people did it have to be Captain America that made Tony's heart skip a fucking beat? And why in the name of Edwin Jarvis did Tony 'confess'? Why couldn't he have just stuck to the fucking plan, ride these damn feelings out and be enough of a pain so Steve would hate him?
But no, Mr Impulsivity just couldn't leave well enough alone and keep it in his damn pants, could he?
“I'm sorry, Tony”, Steve eventually apologized.
“For what?” For being a giant idiot, who didn't get what was going on? For pushing what should have been left alone and thusly making everything a million times worse?
“Yes, to all of those.”
Tony didn't even realize he had said all this out loud, but whatever. Not like all this could be even more fucked up...
“But there's a bit more I need to apologize for.” Almost cautious was Steve's movement as he walked up to Tony, who sat on the bed. “I'm sorry that I'm so slow and dumb when it comes to feelings. I'm sorry I brushed all of your actions off as you being nothing more than a childish pain in my ass and some other choice words I feel like leaving out of this right now”, he chuckled and yes, that was indeed a blush creeping up Steve's face. “Because I know you're not like that.”
“Oh?”, Tony shot over, rife with sarcasm. “Then what am I like?”
Steve locked eyes with Tony, sincere and earnest. “You're so generous, intelligent, caring, admittedly quite funny and supportive of everybody important to you. I know you like to play all that down, hide behind the genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist tag, but that's all it is. A tag. But that passion, that fire... You light up every room you enter and that's not because of your genius-billionaire-bullshit, it's because of your big heart.”
As much as he hated to admit it, Tony was speechless and could only stare at Steve with wide open eyes.
“And I'm especially sorry that it took me so damn long to realize that all that has roped me in long ago.” Steve scooted closer, bringing them mere centimetres apart. “It took LA to make me understand that this weird feeling in my stomach whenever you're around, had nothing to do with dislike or annoyance. More like the exact opposite.” As he spoke, Steve's voice went quieter as he leaned in closer, and before Tony could compute any of this, Steve's lips were on his.
“What the fuck?”
When Nat opened the door to the kitchen, she couldn't quite believe what she saw: Tony, making coffee and Steve's arms wrapped around his waist, with his head rested on Tony's shoulder.
“Hi Natasha, want a cup?”, Tony asked, barely looking over.
“I'm good”, she waved him off and pulled Clint, whose jaw was still on the ground, to the table. “Let me guess, therapy did you two a world of good.”
“We might not be that pissed about it any more.” Tony turned around, and leaned against the somewhat blushing Steve.
“Thanks for forcing us to go”, he grinned.
“We told you.”
“Yeah... Guess that wouldn't make you the smartest person in this building after all...” Steve grinned over at Tony, who smacked Steve's side.
“It's definitely not you, I could have told you that long ago”, he shot back with a smirk.
“Oh really?” Steve raised his eyebrow and Nat felt like she was about to get sick.
“Oh god, what have we done”, Clint hissed over, staring wide-eyed at Tony and Steve. Flirting. Actually flirting.
“We've created a monster, that's what we did.”
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cami-chats · 5 years
I Always Have You
Fandom: Marvel
Pairings: Bucky Barnes & Tony Stark
Warnings: Mentioned pedophilia (but nothing happens or even comes close)
Summary: From Tony's first day on the earth, he had a soulmate looking after him. Not everyone wanted Bucky to be that close with him, but they manage.
Also on AO3
Bucky was half excited and half scared. Mostly excited because it's not like this was his baby, it was his friend that was having a kid. Which meant he got to have all the fun and none of the headaches. Ply him with candy so Bucky was his favorite, but then he wouldn't have to deal with the kid bouncing off the walls at bedtime. He had it made, and he loved it. 
Maria's labor didn't take very long according to people that knew more about birth than him, and when Howard came out to retrieve them, they filed in with quiet steps but eager faces-- Peggy and the Howlies minus a noted few. 
Peggy was the first to hold him of course, positively beaming at the scrunched up little face. Bucky was next, and he was careful that his left arm was already perfectly in place when Peggy eased the baby into his arms. 
Maria was exhausted but smiling, strands of hair sticking to her face from sweat. "His name's Antonio Edward Stark," she said, pride clear as day in her tone. 
"Aw you little thing," Bucky cooed, "they'll probably call you Tony. Do you like that? Tony?" He wiggled a finger in front of his face, then stroked it over a chubby cheek. The he froze as the world... exploded. There was no other word for it. Color didn't seep into his vision like it always belonged there, it was like a knock to the head that landed so hard his vision whited out before blowing back in. 
"Bucky?" Howard was asking from in front of him, clearly no the first time he had said his name. 
"Yeah," Bucky said nonsensically, glancing down at Tony for a moment before shoving him into his father's arms. As if that wasn't enough to warn everyone in the room that he wasn't feeling right, he fumbled the door knob when he tried to stumble out into the hallway. He didn't bother trying to find a chair, he just leaned against the wall right next to the room and slid to the floor. 
He had a soulmate. Shit. Shit. He'd always thought that if it wasn't Steve it wasn't going to be anyone, and he was fine with that. But now he had a soulmate and he couldn't even begin to know how to handle that. He was going to have to go to a goddamn class to learn what all the colors were. He probably wouldn't have to take the meds that would prevent him from getting headaches the first week because of his healing factor, but that was a pale comfort. He didn't know how to be a soulmate to anyone let alone a baby. He was good with kids when the occasion called for it, but that was a hell of a difference to helping raise one. But maybe he was getting ahead of himself because there was no guarantee that Howard would even let him see Tony again. 
Howard was kneeling in front of him now, face concerned and saying his name over and over to try and catch his attention. When Bucky finally met his eyes, he gave a small smile. "It's okay. We're just uh-" he glanced at the closed hospital door- "not going to tell Maria for a while. She'd panic, but it's not like anything's going to happen. Take a couple of breaths and get back in there, okay?" 
"You're takin' this better than I am," Bucky noted, doing as instructed and taking several deep breaths. 
Howard shrugged, staying where he was on his knees so Bucky didn't feel rushed. "He's not going to have it easy being my son. I feel a lot better knowing that you'll be there to look after him." He clapped Bucky on the shoulder, and it actually made him feel better. He was still freaking out, but he knew that it was temporary. 
Bucky spent more time at Stark Mansion than his own home. Howard offered him a room full time, but Bucky turned it down, citing Maria as an excuse. Even so, he ended up spending the night about half the time. 
Tony was absolutely adorable, all wide-eyed curiosity and demanding that Bucky explain things to him. It only took a couple years before Tony was asking questions he didn't know the answer to. 
"Dad says you knew Captain America," Tony said one day, a Bucky-bear in one hand and an official Captain America action figure in the other. 
Tony tilted his head. "Like the one in the comics?" 
"Yep, only I knew him before he got super." 
Tony looked at him skeptically, so full of doubt in a way only kids could manage. "He's always been super." 
"Really? I thought the comics showed him getting bigger." 
"That's not real," Tony said like it was obvious. "Nobody grows that much in one minute, it takes years." 
Bucky was the one that had corrected him on that originally, explaining that everyone had to wait years to get big and Tony would too. Evidently Tony had taken that to heart. "That's how it is for you and me, but Steve was... special." 
"I thought I was special." 
"You're special too," Bucky assured him. "It's just in a different way." 
Tony hugged the Bucky-bear tighter, Captain America falling to the side, forgotten. "Different," Tony repeated. 
"That's right." 
Bucky-bear firmly clutched in one hand, Tony crawled onto the couch and put himself in Bucky's lap. "Was Captain America different too?" 
"Yeah kiddo," Bucky said, laying a kiss on top of Tony's messy hair, "he was different too." 
"Why do people wear white to get married?" Tony asked. He was lying on his stomach, arms propping up his head while he wrinkled his nose in disgust. 
"I dunno," Bucky said. "Purity, I think?" 
"Well it's boring. They should wear red. Red's the best color." 
Bucky shrugged, and Tony continued to frown. It should have been so innocent. Tony knew that Maria worked with fashion, so if Bucky didn't know why people wore white to weddings, maybe she would. He sought her out a little later, when Bucky had to leave to do some boring adult thing. "Mama?" 
"Why do people wear white to weddings?" he asked. Then, because he wanted someone to agree with him, "Wouldn't red look better?" 
Maria froze. "Red?" 
Tony nodded, sure that she was about to say 'Yes Antonio, you're right, red would be much better'. 
"Who taught you your colors?" 
"Bucky." It had been a little game, pointing at candies. When Tony got the color right, he got to eat the candy. Tony was too big for that game now, but he still did it sometimes. 
"Bucky," Maria repeated, jaw clenched and something steely in her gaze. Tony didn't know why she looked like that. Bucky was great! He gave hugs anytime Tony wanted them, and he was always warm and squishy. Plus, anytime Tony asked, Bucky would carry him around like he didn't weigh a thing. 
Without answering Tony's question, she left the room, yelling for Howard. Tony waited for her to come back at first, but nothing happened. With a put-upon sigh, Tony went to go look for him. He heard the yelling long before he saw them. 
"I want you out of my house!" Maria screamed. 
"It's my home, and I say that he'd not going anywhere!" Howard yelled right back. 
"Think of our son!" 
"That's who I am thinking about!" 
Him. They were talking about him. Tony ran to get closer, stopping just outside the doorway so they wouldn't see him. 
"You have no idea what he's going to face in the future, wouldn't you like it if he had some protection?" 
"He needs protection from him!" 
"Maria-" Bucky tried to say, but she cut him off. 
"Take your shit and get the hell out of here!" 
"No," Howard snapped. "He stays." 
There was a tense, long pause. "Fine," Maria spit, and Tony ran back to the parlor so he wouldn't get caught. He had no idea what was going on, but it sounded bad. 
Three days later, Maria told him he was going to boarding school, cheery smile on her face and his already packed bag by her feet. 
"Boarding school, darling. It'll be better for you than staying cooped up in this house with only the occasional visit from your tutors." 
"I'm not cooped up," Tony protested even though he knew that she'd already made up her mind and no amount of protests would change that. He couldn't help but try though, especially since what she said was wrong. Bucky brought him out all the time, and Howard taught him things the tutors didn't know. He didn't say any of that aloud, remembering the strange argument he'd heard before. 
Maria looked at him in that way adults did when they thought he didn't understand what they were saying. "This will be good for you Antonio. I want you to be happy, and this decision's already been made." 
"My name's Tony," he muttered, and Maria's face hardened though she didn't say anything to correct him. 
"It's time to go darling, we wouldn't want for you to be late." 
"We're leaving right now?" 
"That's correct." 
"Are Bucky and Dad coming?" 
"They're both awfully busy Antonio. It'll just be you, and, and Mister Jarvis. Doesn't that sound like fun?" 
No. In fact, it sounded weird and like nothing they'd done before. But when she took his hand and started pulling him towards the door, he didn't try to get away. 
When Tony had realized that boarding school had meant never going home and not getting visitors, he'd tried to leave. When he got shipped back, he figured that she couldn't do it again if the school wouldn't take him. So he got himself expelled, but instead of everything going back to normal, Maria found a different one to stick him in. He got kicked out of that one. He tried telling her that he was miserable, the classes too easy and the other students too mean, but nothing worked. For whatever reason, Maria was determined to keep him away. 
Before he knew it, he was in college, shoving all the engineering tools he was unwilling to part with in a tiny dorm room that was painted slate grey. 
Tony was busy trying to shove boxes under the bed when the door opened. The only part of him that was visible were his calves and feet. 
"You must be Stark." 
"Yeah that's me!" This thing was stupid heavy. If Bucky'd come to help, it wouldn't have been a problem, but Bucky had looked all awkward and said, "I don't think I should. Call me when you get there though, yeah? Let me know if I can help." It finally shoved into place, and he wiggled out from under the bed. He rolled over and saw his roommate. James Rhodes was plenty handsome, but god at what cost? Tony had no idea a shade of red that horrible existed. He looked nice though, and Tony wasn't going to make Rhodes annoyed with him quicker than usual if he could help it. "Rhodes?" 
"Yep." He offered Tony a hand up, and Tony forced himself to take it because he wasn't allowed to be squeamish with his classmates-- Maria had made that pretty clear. "Listen man, I know this is college and all, but you're way underage so don't expect me to get you beer or anything." 
Tony snorted. "Yeah don't worry. I'm sure if I want some, I can get it on my own." He almost went back to putting things away, but he wanted to check on this before it became a problem. "Try not to bring too many people to our room, yeah? Who you sleep with is your business, but people have a tendency to 'accidentally' pick up my things when they leave and I'd prefer not to deal with it." 
"Shit man. Yeah, you got it." 
"No problem, it's not like I was hooking up with a whole bunch of people anyways." He looked at his side of the room, nodded to himself then said, "Ignore the ten different people helping me move three boxes. My family all insisted they come even though I told them I didn't really need the help." 
His entire family was coming? Tony had Howard and Maria for family. Past that, the help he could expect would come from Jarvis of Bucky (of course). But Maria wasn't exactly that kind of mother, so wherever she was was where Jarvis would be. Howard had a trip planned for this entire month, and they'd known about that before they even knew Tony was going to college. Bucky's help had been a given to Tony, all the way until Bucky had given him that look and been entirely uncertain in his own skin. "I'm probably going to clear out if it's all the same to you," Tony said, and Rhodes grinned. 
"Don't want to deal with them? Smart move. See you around." 
Missing out on the family interactions was definitely a bonus, but mostly Tony needed to find a phone so he could call Bucky. It was easy to find a phone, and he didn't have to wait for anyone else to be done, because everyone else on campus was busy moving. He dialed the number for the Mansion, assuming that's where Bucky was. 
"Stark residence." 
"Hi Mrs. Jarvis, it's Tony. Can you put Bucky on?" 
"Mister Barnes is not here," she said, and Tony waited for her to elaborate but nothing was forthcoming. 
"Uh, okay. Thanks." 
"Of course sir," she said, then hung up. 
Well. Maybe he'd be at his apartment, though only Bucky and god knew why he bothered to keep it. He tapped the receiver down then dialed the much less familiar number for Bucky's apartment. It didn't make it to two full rings before he answered. "Barnes." 
"Hey Bucky." 
"Tony," Bucky said, noticeably happier. "How was moving in?" 
"Would've been better if you were here." 
"Yeah, I'm sorry. Maria sorta hates me though, so I would've just gotten in her and Jarvis's way." 
"Their way?" Tony asked. "They didn't come." 
"...what? Then who helped you move in?" 
"No one." 
"Fuck Tony, I'm so sorry, I would've come to help you if I'd known. Maria told me-" Bucky blew out an angry breath "-or I guess she implied that she'd be there to help you so I wouldn't have to show up. I'm sorry I wasn't there. I know it doesn't do you a whole lot of good now, but next time something like this happens, you can call me before you start and I'll come help you." 
"I will." 
"I'm so sorry," he said again. "You shouldn't have had to do that alone." 
"It's okay," he said, though he was still a little hurt; he just wanted Bucky to be happy again. "What are you doing at your old apartment? I'm surprised you spend the money to keep the lease running when you spend all your time at the Mansion." 
Bucky made a noncommittal noise. "Without you or Howard there, there's not much point in me staying, y'know?" 
"It's your home too." 
"I'm happy you think that kiddo, but technically I'm only visiting. And again, without you there, there's not much point." 
Normally, Tony would have been comforted by the reminder that Bucky liked him, but something in the phrasing was off. Was Bucky a babysitter? Is that... why he always spent so much time with Tony? He didn't want to believe it, but it was a familiar pattern in Tony's life. Teachers, tutors, and friends, they'd all been bought for him before. What was a babysitter in the face of that? All the fond smiles Tony remembered, all the times he'd thought that Bucky was rescuing him from boredom, bought and paid for. Tony swallowed around the lump in his throat. "I should probably get back to unpacking." 
"Yeah of course. Did you want me to come down and help you finish? Not as good as being there from the start, but better than nothing." 
Tony thought about saying no and pushing him away. But the truth was that even if Bucky's time was paid for, Tony liked him, and he wasn't willing to give that up. "I'd love that. If you have the time." 
"I always have the time for you. I'll get there as soon as I can, and don't bother trying to finish before I arrive. Sit around and work on that AI of yours or something, yeah?" 
"Yeah." He thought about saying something else, something about how much he appreciated him. He settled on, "Thanks Bucky." 
"Anything for you kiddo. See you soon." 
"Hey sugar patch, can you hand me the screwdriver?" 
"Which one?" 
"The red-handled one." 
"Uhh, right. And which one is that for us normal people?" 
Tony looked up from his project frowning. "It's that one," he said, pointing to the one on Rhodey's left. "Do you not... know your colors?" It seemed ludicrous to him, but he didn't have a better guess. 
Rhodey handed it over with a snort. "Man, I can't even see my colors, let alone tell them apart. When did you meet your soulmate?" 
"My who?" 
"Soulmate," Rhodey repeated. Now they both looked confused, and that was never a good place to be. 
"Am I supposed to know what that means?" 
"I mean, I thought you would, but I guess not. You're... you and- you have a soul, right?" 
"Okay," Tony said slowly. It was the same tone he used when Rhodey was explaining why he thought Han could use the Force.
"So, the idea is that there's at least one person out there with a soul that complements yours." 
"That's nice. What does this have to do with me?" 
"When you touch them, you can see colors. It's how you recognize them from everybody else." 
Tony blinked. "Seriously? You're not messing with me or anything, this is real." 
"Yeah it's real." 
"It sounds like romanticized bullshit." 
"Some people think that, but it's still true. Until you meet a very specific person, you won't see colors. It's not perfect obviously, since some people are blind and some have the medical condition of color blindness, but it's legit." 
"But I've been able to see colors my entire life. There was never a chance to meet anyone." 
"You probably met them really young. I don't think there's actually ever been anyone born with them." 
Tony started to say that well, he must be the exception because Bucky definitely would have told him. Then he froze. Bucky. "Are soulmates- um, romantic?" 
"Most people think so." 
"But you don't?" 
Rhodey shrugged. "My older sister has a soulmate, and she swears up and down that she'll never love him that way even though she loves him more than anybody else in the world. Maybe that'll change, or maybe they'll keep being best friends the way they are now. Nobody really knows but them, y'know? Everybody's different." 
"I see." Bucky... if by some chance he wasn't Tony's soulmate, he'd definitely know who was. "I'm gonna make a call." 
"I'll clear out," Rhodey said getting to his feet and stretching. "I've been craving a meatball sub for hours." 
"Okay," Tony said, even thought they both knew Rhodey was only leaving to give him privacy. "Thanks man." 
Rhodey pat him on the shoulder as he left, and for a brief moment, Tony stared at the phone without moving. What was he hoping to hear? That Bucky was his soulmate and maybe the obligation he felt had nothing do with Howard or money, but was solely because he cared about Tony? That was exactly what he wanted to hear actually, but what then? If that was true, Bucky would've been keeping it a secret this whole time. Even if it wasn't Bucky, he had to know, and he still hadn't told Tony a damn thing. He picked up the receiver and dialed the number for Bucky's apartment since that where he spent all his time these days. 
"Barnes," he answered, like after all this time he was still expecting a military call. 
"Hi Bucky." 
"Hey Tony," Bucky said, smile evident in his voice. "How's it going?" 
"Who's my soulmate?" he blurted. He expected a pause, some sort of stalling, but there was nothing. Bucky answered immediately. 
"Me. Unless you've got some big news for me," he joked. 
Tony couldn't often say that he'd been struck dumb since most of the time when he was quiet it was by choice. But right now he wanted to ask how the hell Bucky could say that so casually, but he couldn't force the words out. 
"Tony?" he asked, sounding worried. "You okay?" 
His throat worked, and he choked out, "No one told me." 
"No one told you what? Tony? Are you okay?" 
"Soulmates. I didn't- no one told me." 
"...oh." It was amazing that one little word, more of a sound than anything else, could hold so much emotion. "I thought you knew." 
"I didn't even know that soulmates existed. Rhodey mentioned it and I sounded fucking stupid. Are people really born not seeing colors?" 
"Yeah. Shit, it never even occurred to one me that you wouldn't know. Of course you wouldn't, we all just assumed that you'd know, somehow." 
"Maria," Tony said suddenly. "This is why she hates you, right?" She thinks you're going to take advantage or some shit." 
"Basically. And Tony, I would never-" 
"I know. Fuck's sake, you're better to me than I am." 
"I wouldn't go that far," Bucky said, but it was a blatant lie. 
Tony felt numb. He'd felt numb (and more than a little disbelieving) when the police told him that his parents had died in a car crash. He'd felt numb when Obadiah clapped him on the shoulder and said that he'd take care of things until Tony was ready. He'd felt numb as they made the funeral arrangements and Bucky had to leave the room to cry because he didn't want anyone to see him like that. He'd felt numb through the wake, with old friends and business partners huddled together in the grass as reporters took pictures and filmed from the sidelines. 
He didn't know how long feeling numb would last, but he guessed another week. He wasn't expecting it to hit when they got back to the mansion after the funeral. It's not like he saw something that reminded him, but he realized that Howard was never coming back; he wasn't on a trip, he was just gone. 
Bucky already had an arm around his shoulders, so it was easy to turn and smush his face against Bucky's chest as he cried. Tony didn't say anything, and Bucky didn't say anything. He simply held him, like a warm shield between Tony and the rest of the world. 
It was probably the first time Tony truly understood that Bucky was his soulmate, not just a friend who had always been there for him. In the midst of a tragedy, snot clogging his nose and cheeks sticky with tears, he felt true comfort. It didn't fix anything, and in the moment it didn't even make him feel better. But he clung to Bucky that much harder, and in return, Bucky squeezed him tighter. 
"I've got you," Bucky said when the tears tapered off. He pressed a kiss to the top of Tony's head. "I've got you."
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avengerscompound · 6 years
The Unicorn - Chapter 16
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The Unicorn:  A Pepperony Fanfic PREVIOUS
Series Masterlist
Buy me a coffee with Ko-fi Word Count:    2441
Pairing:  Tony Stark x F!Reader x Pepper Potts
Warnings:  sex talk and panic attacks
Synopsis:  You, Tony and Pepper go to the Malibu home to see if it’s where you might want to raise a family. 
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Chapter 16
Tony tapped his fingers on his thigh nervously as he pulled the BMW i8 coupe into the driveway of his Malibu home.  He had seen it since it had been rebuilt obviously.  He’d even stayed there a few times when he had visited LA.  It was never meant to be a permanent stay those times.  It wasn’t meant to be his home.
Now the idea that they were bringing you here to potentially stay here and raise children was bringing him right on the edge of a panic attack.  He had such mixed emotions about the house since it had been rebuilt.  This was his home that he had first designed and built.  He was proud of it.  It was his and his alone.  Yes, it was a rebuild but it was one based on his designs using the money he had earned.
It was also where he had nearly lost Pepper.  Where it had been her that had saved his life after he’d chosen her life over his.  It made him anxious thinking about being here and reliving that.  He wondered if he could sleep soundly with his children in a nursery of a house he saw fall into the ocean.
Pepper put his hand on his as he pulled the car into the garage.  “You know, we could always sell it.  Buy some land.  Build something new.”
That thought didn’t exactly make him feel better.  He was reluctant to give it up.  It was his and while he could afford to own two places in LA.  Easily really.  He could probably afford to own half the homes in LA if he so desired.  It made no logical sense and he had always wanted to have logic be what dictated his actions.  Anytime he faltered with that, things went wrong.
“I could also hate it in LA.  I mean the chances are good.  It’s a hell hole.”  You said cheerily from the back seat.  “Now let me out.  I need to pee, like half an hour ago.”
Tony chuckled and climbed out, lowering the front seat so you could climb out.  “That’s another thing, we’re gonna need to get a minivan or something.”
“No.  How dare you?”  He said, askance as he helped you out.
“She has a point, honey.”  Pepper said getting out of the passenger side.  “How do you expect all six of us to fit into any of your sports cars?”
“We are not minivan people.”  He said firmly.
“We might need to become minivan people.”  You said looking around.  “Jesus… how many cars do you own?”
“30 I guess.”  He said with a shrug.  “I stopped counting.”
“Alright, give me the tour.”  You said.
“JARVIS, can you…”  He caught himself.  He kept doing that too.  He hadn’t lived in this house since JARVIS was destroyed and then turned into Vision.  He kept forgetting that he wasn’t here still.  He scrubbed his hands down his face and shook his head.  “FRIDAY I mean, sorry, dear.  Can you light the place up.”
“Of course, Mr. Stank,”  The AI teased, making the three of you laugh as lights turned on lighting up the corridor up.
He led the three of you upstairs and you gasped in shock when you emerged from the stairs past the waterfall and into the living room.  “Holy, hell,”  You said moving to the large windows overlooking the Pacific Ocean.  “This is crazy.”
“It’s a nice view to wake up to.”  Pepper said coming over and kissing the side of your neck.  “There’s plenty of bedrooms.  Space for a yard.  Space for more than a yard.  They could all have ponies if they wanted.  There’s a gym, a lab, a sauna, even for some reason a recording studio.  The schools here are all good schools and set up for people like us because that’s who lives here.  It’s not a far commute to the main Stark Industries factory and offices.  We could buy land around them to extend it into a secondary Avengers headquarters if you really don’t want to give it up, even though I wish you would.  Disneyland is even a short drive away.”
You hummed, tilting your neck and opening it up to her more.  “Disneyland.”
Tony watched the two of you and his heart started drumming in his chest.  The sound of it seemed to drown out your words and it felt like it was about to crack his already quite fragile ribs it was pounding against them so hard.
The sight of you and Pepper against the window, the way Pepper’s hand slowly skimmed up your side as she ghosted her lips against your ear.  The way you leaned back against her, letting her hold your weight.  He should feel happy.  In love.  At least the slightest bit turned on.
Instead, he felt like his heart was about to explode in his chest.  He kept picturing a missile headed straight for the two of you and he wanted his suit.  He needed it to protect his family.
There weren't any here and he'd had the casing for the bleeding edge armor removed after the last time.  He felt helpless.
He was also dying.  He was sure of it.  There was a numbness growing up his arm making his fingers tingle.  He rubbed his arm and tried to focus on his breath, but it felt painful drawing it in, and he couldn’t hear it over the sound of his heart.  He sunk to his knees and doubled over, trying to catch his breath.  An overwhelming feeling of grief washed over him, adding to the pain and panic.  He had fought so so long and so hard to protect the world and forgone any kind of family or love and now he was finally getting one it was being snatched away again.
You and Pepper turned suddenly.
“Tony!”  Pepper shrieked.  He heard it even over the sound of his heart hammering in his chest.
The two of you rushed over to his side.  You pulled out your phone and called 911 as Pepper wrapped her arms around him.  “Tony, can you hear me?  What’s wrong?”
He made a feeble grab at his heart and opened and closed his hand.  “Can’t… heart…”
“Yes, I think he’s having a heart attack,”  You said into the phone.
Pepper cupped his jaw and looking into his eyes.  “Tony, it’s going to be okay, just focus on me.”
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By the time the ambulance had arrived the incident had passed.  He still felt shaky and disoriented but the feeling of impending doom had left.  They had assured him it was just another panic attack even though he had argued that it couldn’t have been, he was sure his heart was about to give out.
“I don’t think I can do it,”  Tony said as the three of you went to sit down by the couch near the window.
“Do what?” Pepper asked.
“Move back here.  I can’t live here.  I was looking at you both at the window and all I could see was that missile headed straight for us again.”  He said.   He wanted to sit down with you both.  Curl into the two of you.  Have you cocoon him and tell him everything was going to be okay.  He couldn’t keep still though and he just paced up and down the window tapping the wrist of his left hand and opening and closing his fist.
“We could sell it?”  Pepper suggested again.  “If it’s really hurting you that much to be here, selling it might be the best option regardless of where we live.”
He turned back frustrated.  He always had so many words and never the right ones to express how he was feeling.  “But it’s mine.  I made it.”
“You’ve made lots of things.”  You said.
He groaned.  “It’s not… you’re not… you don’t get it.”
Pepper stood again and came over to him.  He curled into her and she wrapped her arms around him and ran her fingers through his hair, making his scalp prickle.  “So make us understand.”
He sighed and looked up at her.  “I lived in his shadow for so long.  Nothing I did was good enough for him.  No number of awards.  I went out just trying to outdo him as a womanizer I guess because I didn’t think it was going to happen as a scientist.  I don’t know.”
Pepper moved him over to the couch and the two of you wrapped your arms around him and he curled in between you.
“Then they die… and I go off the rails.  And I come back to take over the business and I’m just living in his house and running his business and all everyone is saying is that I’m just coasting on his success.”  He looked up at Pepper hoping she was already getting it.  Her blue eyes looked both sad and worried.  He took another breath and ran his hand through his hair.  “Only I wasn’t.  I worked hard.  Okay, maybe I wasn’t too deep in the running of the company but I was making things.  In a year of me being back, the company’s profits went up enough that I sold mom and dad’s home and I built this.  It was mine.  It was the first thing that was mine and not his.  I designed it myself.  I designed JARVIS to run it.  I don’t want to give it up.   That’s why I rebuilt it.  Only… now the thought of living here … I can’t… I can’t stop thinking about how I nearly got us both killed.”
“Okay.  I understand.  We could hold onto it anyway and just buy something different.”  Pepper said.
He shook his head.  “And just have it empty forever.  At least now we use it for it when we need to be in LA.”
Pepper sighed.  “So no New York and no LA either?”
“I’m sorry.  I’m sorry that I’m such a fuck up.”  Tony said hiding his head in her neck.
You ran your fingers down the back of his neck.  “You aren’t a fuck up.  We all get a say in where we live right?”
He nodded.
“Well you’re one of the people and if this isn’t right, we’ll find where is.”  You said. “Besides, I hate LA anyway.  I don’t think I’ve made a huge secret of that.”
“You’re sure?”  He asked.
You nodded and slowly Pepper gave a single nod of agreement.  “She’s right.  It should suit everyone.  If this isn’t it.  We’ll keep looking.  Where was next?”
“London?”  Tony said softly.
“London has good schools.”  You said.
“Okay.  We’ll check out the London place next.”  She said.  “And don’t worry, we’ll figure it out.”
Tony nodded and curled back in between you, letting him take comfort in your arms.  He still felt like he might be letting the both of you down, but there were two more homes left to look at.  Maybe one of them would fit after all.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 5 years
Chapter 2; Avengers Assemble
*Author’s note*
Like I promised, more chapters still to come. Here we are with chapter 2 ya’ll so I hope all of you are ready to buckle up and prepare yourself for the upcoming rollercoaster ride I’m about to put you guys through, this is just the start of the rising action (speaking as an English major here lol) Now I just have a specific request for all of you, I have linked a video to listen to as a scene is playing, can you all please listen to that song, it will definitely put you all in the scene, thank you all so much. Enjoy this next installment chap.
I felt a stroke of my head and when I opened my wolf eyes I saw Wanda kneeling beside me.  My tail wagged softly, and I licked her cheek and she said to me.
“We’re here”. I stood up and looked out the window and saw a place that I had not seen in over 2 years.
The Avengers facility.
It had gotten some upgrades since I was here, but it was still my old home after the whole Ultron fiasco.  I phased into my human form and said out loud.
“God in a way I’ve missed this place, this was my first real home in so long”.
“Mine too Wolfie, mine too” she said as she stood beside me.
“Come on you two, we’re heading in” said Nat as she peeked up at us from the bottom of the ramp.  Wanda and I walked down and that’s when Sam piped in.
“And sleeping beauty awakes”.
“Shut up Birdbrain, I’ve been planning a wedding for the past several weeks and barely had any sleep doing it. When it comes time for you to find yourself a girl and tie the knot, I’ll be saying the same thing to you”. I said as I punched Sam in the arm with my metal arm making him cry out in pain.
“Alright you two, calm down. We’re heading in and we may not be the best people to see right about now” said Steve.  We all then walked inside and walked towards the conference wing to see Rhodey on virtual comm-link with the man that started all this bullshit between the Avengers, Secretary Ross.
I walked between Steve and Natasha as we all piled in and Steve said.
“Mr. Secretary”.
‘You’ve got some nerve, I’ll give you that’ Secretary Ross stated as his hologram walked up towards us.
“You could use some of that right now”. His attention then turned towards me and he said.
‘And you—you’re still alive?’
“Surprise bitch. Throw me to the wolves and I’ll come back leading the pack” I stated smugly with a grin but also showing him my wolf eyes telling him that I was done playing by his rules.  If he hadn’t come in with his fancy suit and law-making small talk, telling us we were a danger to the world, maybe all of this could have been prevented before it even started.
‘The world’s on fire, and you think all is forgiven?’ Ross said as he walked up and stared down Steve.
“I’m not looking for forgiveness, and I’m way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we’re here to fight”. He then walked right up to Ross and finished, “And if you wanna stand in our way….we’ll fight you too”. Ross then turned to Rhodes and said plain and bluntly.
‘Arrest them’.
“All over it”. He then swiped Ross away and soon the table of pointless diplomats and generals disappeared from our sights as the computer beeped.  “That’s a court-martial” he said.  But in the end, he shrugged it off and said as he held out his hand, “It’s great to see you, Cap”.
Steve walked down to Rhodes and the two of them shook hands as Steve said.
“You too, Rhodey”. Nat soon joined in and the two of them hugged each other and soon Rhodey’s attention came onto me.
“And look at you She-wolf, nice suit”. I smiled at him and walked down the steps and hugged the man I looked to as an uncle.
“Ohh Rhodey I missed you, how are your legs?”
“Ahh you know, at least it was just my legs and not my life. But Stark took care of it with these,” I soon took notice of the devices connected to Rhodey’s legs and that’s when he noticed my arm. “What happened there? That didn’t happen in Siberia did it?”
“No, no. Well long story short Klaue blew it up with his sonic canon arm as I was trying to save some boys, then my mother killed him in vengeance. Was depressed for weeks until finally I decided what the hell give me a metal arm like my brother Bucky”.
“Klaue did that to you?” asked Steve.
“Yep, but like I said he’s dead and been dead for 2 years now thanks to my mother”.
“Your mother? Wait I thought your parents died when Hydra invaded your village?” asked Sam.
“Not my birth mom, there’s this woman whose an old friend of T’Challa’s, she trained me, taught me some mystic arts, helped Bucky with his trigger words and long story short I call her my mom since she became like a mother figure for me while I was in Wakanda. You may have heard of the Jaguar, that’s her”.
“Wait that name rings a bell, yeah in South America the Jaguar once stopped an illegal trade of Hydra intel and experiments, that was her?” said Nat.
“Yep, that’s my mommy”. After that exchange of stories, Rhodey then piped up as he got a look at Sam, Wanda and Vision.
“Wow, you guys…..really look like crap. Must’ve been a rough couple of years”.
“Yeah, well the hotels weren’t exactly five star” teased Sam.
“Uh, I think you look great”. We all turned around and soon coming out of a room was Bruce Banner.
Wow, I had not seen this guy ever since Sokovia, he had disappeared supposedly when he tossed Ultron out of the quinjet and then we never heard from him since, but now here he was alive and well.
“Uhh—Yeah I’m….I’m back” he stammered softly.  With one sniff of the air, I could smell the awkwardness as Nat stated at him and she said softly.
“Hi Bruce”.
“Nat” he nodded softly at her.  Silence rang through the air and that’s when I heard Sam whisper.
“This is awkward”.
“You’re telling me, you should sniff the air” I muttered back to him.
We now stood in the conference room with an image of the two aliens we had just fought.  Bruce had explained to us exactly just who these guys were and who we were going to go up against, a mad Titan named Thanos who wanted to destroy half the galaxy once he got all six Infinity stones.
Bruce said that he had already killed half of Thor’s people just shortly after them escaping Asgard from some war with his sister and he didn’t know whether Thor and Loki were still alive or not.
“So, we gotta assume they’re coming back, right?” asked Rhodey.
“And they can clearly find us” stated Wanda.
“We need all hands on deck, where’s Clint?” asked Bruce.
“After the whole accord situation, he and Scott took a deal. It was too tough on their families. They’re on house arrest” explained Nat.
“Who’s Scott?” asked Bruce.
“Ant-Man” answered Steve.
“There’s an Ant-man and a Spider-man?” I rolled my eyes remembering that little punk kid from the airport. He seemed charming but due to us being on opposing teams, I couldn’t really like him. Plus, he was a showoff. “Okay look, Thanos has the biggest army in the universe…and he is not gonna stop until he gets—Vision’s stone”.
“Then we have to protect it” I said.
“No, we have to destroy it” Vision spoke up as he was leaning against the back door.  We all turned to him and he continued, “I’ve been giving a good deal of thought to this entity in my head about its nature. But also, its composition. I think if it were exposed to a sufficiently powerful energy source…something very similar to its own signature, perhaps….its molecular integrity could fail” Vision now stood in front of my sister.
“Yeah and you with it. We’re not having this conversation” Wanda stated firmly.
“Eliminating the stone is the only way to be certain Thanos can’t get it” Vision tried to reason with her.
“That’s too high a price” my sister said.  Vision cupped her head gingerly and he said as he stared into her eyes.
“Only you have the power to pay it”.  Wanda looked at him before walking away and not looking back on him as she stood beside me.  I took her hand in mine and squeezed it comfortingly as Vision continued, “Thanos threatens half the universe, one life cannot stand in the way of defeating him”.
“But it should,” said Steve. “We don’t trade lives, Vision”.
“Captain, 70 years ago, you laid down your life to save how many millions of people? Tell me, why is this any different?”
“Because you might have a choice” stated Bruce. He walked up to Steve and Vision and said to Vision, “Your mind is made up of a complex construct of overlays. Jarvis, Ultron, Tony, me, the stone. All of them mixed together, all of them learning from one another”.
“You’re saying Vision isn’t just the stone?” asked Wanda.
“I’m saying that if we take out the stone, there’s still a whole lot of Vision left. Perhaps the best parts” explained Bruce as he turned toward my sister.
“Can we do that?” asked Nat.
“Not me, not here” said Bruce.
“Well you better find someone and somewhere fast. Ross isn’t just gonna let you guys have your old rooms back” said Rhodey.
I looked down at my metal arm as well as my suit and turned toward Steve who was already looking at me.  I grinned at him and it was then Steve spoke up.
“(Y/n) and I know somewhere”. I smirked softly, and I hopped off the table and said.
“I’ll make the call”. I then walked out of the conference room and walked down the familiar hallways towards my room to get something I knew no one would think of importance.
My essence.
Play video
I picked up as many as I could and then quickly raced outside.  I set the four large essence sticks representing a compass before closing the gaps with stones that I could find.  The rest of the team came out and Bruce said.
“Wouldn’t it be easier to just give them a call?”
“Spiritual communication is the faster way to reach the one person I know who can get to T’Challa”.
“Your mother?” asked Wanda. I nodded then I said.
“Now I need you all to step back and try not to disrupt my concentration, what you are about to see will be—intense”.  I then raised my hands up in the air and chanted out in Cherokee.
Graceful winds of the spirit world,
I beseech thee, hear my howls.
I slowly lowered my hands and made a few more hand motions.
The Wolf Messenger seeks to you.
Carry her message with your might.
Carry my message in your spirit arms.
Send my soul to the one I seek.
I picked up my hand which held some dust and soil at the palm of it and I slowly blew on it, sending it into the wind. Around us, the wind slowly began to pick up and suddenly a light began to shine within me and my eyes went pure gold.
I let out an exhale and soon coming out of my was an aurora that almost resembled the Northern Lights and soon it began to take shape in the air until it formed a beautiful blue and purple wolf with stars for eyes.
*3rd Person POV*
The Avengers stared in pure awe at what was happening before them.  Once the wolf took full shape and stood just as tall as (y/n)’s wolf form was, Wanda spoke up.
“(Y/n)? Is that you?” The wolf nodded once before letting out a proud howl and soon shot up like a beam of light before shooting across the sky.
Out in space through the night sky, (y/n)’s spirit ran through the sky, trailing and creating the Northern Lights as she raced across the sky towards Africa.  Even in the daytime, the Northern lights shined proudly just as they would if it had been nightfall.  She continued to race through the skies with great speed until finally she reached just where she needed to be.
In the palace, Okoye and Morowa were discussing the plans for the upcoming war that was to come when Morowa felt a strong, magical presence heading her way.
“What is it?” asked Okoye.
“Don’t worry nothing bad” answered Morowa.  She then saw the Northern lights suddenly appear in the sky and that’s when a voice cried out to her.
‘Mother. Mother’. She turned around and there standing just a few feet away from her was a giant spirit wolf.  Her spiritual tail gently waving almost like wind was blowing against it and the fur around her neck was doing the same thing.  Okoye suddenly went on the defense holding her spear outward when the wolf spoke again, ‘For someone who always prays to the ancestors, you’d think you’d know magic when you see it Okoye’.
“(Y/n)?” she asked.  The wolf nodded before turning back towards her mother.
“What’s wrong (y/n)?” asked Morowa.
‘Nothing in particular, I just need to ask T’Challa and Shuri something, where are they?’
“I will get them” stated Okoye before leaving the room.  The two waited for a moment when she finally came back with the King and Princess of Wakanda.
“What is it (y/n)?” asked T’Challa.
‘Well for one thing I have to ask this, what army are we looking at so far to fight this war?’
“The King’s guard and the Dora Milaje have been alerted. Those that are left of the Border tribe, the Jabari and of course the chimeras” stated T’Challa.
‘Good, now remember how I told you about the stone and Vision?’ she said. They all nodded. ‘Well we’ve come to the decision to try and remove the stone from Vision, but we can’t do that in New York. Shuri do you think you can do it?’
“Hand over the droid that I seek, and I’ll see what I can do” she stated.
‘Good. And of course, since we’re technically made of up wanted criminals I will need the King’s permission to enter Wakanda’.
“You and your friends may enter; how soon can you get here?”
‘We’ll leave immediately as soon as I get back to my body’ (y/n) said.  Suddenly a bright light shone in the room and (y/n)’s wolf spirit disappeared and was immediately back in her physical body.
*My POV*
My astral wolf form soon entered back into my body and I let out a wide gasp before panting softly.  Steve came up beside me with a hand to my shoulder and I waved him off telling him I was fine.
“I’m fine, I just never get used to the reentry”. He helped me stand up and I said. “Fire up the quinjet, we’re going to Wakanda”.
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elizabeth-234 · 5 years
Whumptober 2019
Day Ten: Unconscious 
Hi Friends. Sorry this one is late. I'm not entirely happy with it but I couldn't crack it. Thank you for sticking with it!
This is a sequel to chapter 7, Isolation!
Day Nine: Shackled
Summary: Tony unconsciously begins to change his thoughts after Peter falls unconscious.
A week passed and Tony was a wreck. Only seven days but it could have been a million for all he knew. Tony found himself half way to the door to check on Peter but each time with failing conviction he made himself go back to his chair and stare at the paintings instead.
It was like all the sudden there were reminders that there was someone else living in the Tower with him everywhere. There seemed to be a shortage of toast, although he knew the boy didn’t go to his floor. Tony noticed the small stools that were positioned in almost every bathroom for someone to reach the sink.
His thoughts inevitably circled around to himself. How was he supposed to overcome a lifetime of thoughts about himself in so little time? As it turns out, he would have help along the way from the very boy he was trying not to think about.
Peter was sure something was wrong with him. All week there was this itching feeling that crawled along his skin but no matter if he tried to assuage it or not, it sat there lurking beneath his skin. He also found himself feeling spiny lately. It was the same feeling that overcame him in the closet before everything went black.
He remembered waking up in the Medbay with Mr. Stark at his side and if not for the hospital bracelet he refused to take off Peter was convinced that it was a dream. It was a lovely dream, though. He didn’t care that he must have passed out or he was now sequestered to his room and Mr. Chi’s class. None of that mattered. Peter was over the moon that Mr. Stark was there. He had been the knight in shining armor and rescued him again. Like he did when Peter came to stay with him.
Throughout the night Peter remembered opening his eyes. Each time the worry that he was an apparition grew until he peeked and the man would be right were he was before, quietly sitting vigil over him. It was more than he could have wished for and on the anniversary of his parent’s death Peter didn’t feel so alone. But with all fairytales and good dreams we have to wake up.
Peter knew he what happened as soon as the nurse escorted him back to his room. Mr. Stark had to get back to his life and Peter did not fit into that equation. He was prepared and kept the memory locked away for when he needed it. What Peter wasn’t prepared for was how empty his chest felt. There was a moment when he smiled at Mr. Stark and the man’s shocked expression changed. That stranger’s face morphed into something gentler. His brown eyes softened as they regarded him and Peter felt something change.
That beginning went unrealized because he was swept back into his normal routine.  Mr. Chi maintained his razor wit and dedicated tutelage. Peter life’ continued to run like clockwork. The only thing different was the memory of that beautiful dream and the emptiness in his chest.
He wasn’t sleep well lately. Peter could feel something building inside of him. Strange dreams and dense grass surrounded something he was reaching for. Something he was trying to find. He woke up shaken and often times with tears running down his face. Not even the memory was helping anymore and Peter had taken to staying up as late as possible. Who would know anyway besides Jarvis? The AI warned him that it was vital to motor functions to get enough sleep but it wasn’t worth it.
Today his eyes drooped and there was this bundle of awareness in the back of his mind. Peter started second guessing all of his actions. Was he being stranger than normal? Was he pouring his cereal right? Did he even like cereal? The thought startled him and Peter slowly put it back hoping no one had seen instead opting for toast.
His breath came heavy as he rushed to his tutoring. Mr. Chi didn’t comment but Peter felt his eyes linger today. Come to think of it, it happened all week.
“That’s good, Peter, but you need to move the five into the next column over.”  Even Mr. Chi’s voice sounded extra soft and something about it made Peter’s hands clench.
His teacher stood behind him and Peter scooted up to the front of his seat. When Mr. Chi took his pad of paper to correct it Peter found he had tiny pricks of premature tears in his eyes. What was the matter with him? His heart felt he’d just ran around a playground. Peter raised his hand and Mr. Chi’s brow furrowed.
“Can I be excused?” He said, noticing that his vision seemed hazier than normal. He thought it was at least. Maybe this was how he saw all the time. Mr. Chi asked him if he was okay and Peter nodded before hurrying out of the room not noticing the way his legs wobbled on his way out.
Mr. Chi noticed thinking the boy was under too much pressure and sighed to himself before asking Jarvis were his boss was located. The man first made sure Peter made it to his room before making his way to Tony’s office. He entered without knocking and Tony slowly lifted his head to see the man who visited entirely too much that week.
“What is it this time?”
Tony prepared himself for some type of verbal set down. In a way he was almost becoming fond of them. Mr. Chi pulled up the chair and sat assessing him. Not for the first time he felt a wave of pity for Peter for being at the end of that stare and remaining strong.
“Peter was distracted this week and will not tell me what’s wrong.”
“Distracted how?”
“I believe you should talk to him.”

Tony looked down at his desk but couldn’t see the legs he built holding it up.
“I can’t.”
“Excuse my language but that’s complete shit.” The man saw his wide mouth expression but continued. “You’re doing more harm than good by leaving him alone. He’s not feeling well and needs a parent to look after him.”
“I’m not that.”
“You’re as close as they come. Tony, you know he needs you.”

He thought stubbornly that he didn’t know that. Actually, the last year illustrated that Peter was doing fine on his own. He had been fine without his father, too. The image of Peter’s small body lying in the bottom of a closet surfaced. The small shoe half shrouded in darkness.
If asked Tony would say that Mr. Chi’s nagging finally caught up to him and that’s why he decided to go talk to Peter. If pressed again he might mumble under his breath about needing something from the other level of the Tower. What he would not do was admit that he was worried for Peter… not aloud anyway.
Tony found himself standing outside of Peter’s bedroom pacing the hall. He raised his hand but snatched it away before he could knock. Tony sighed and stepped forward again. He knocked and heard no answer. Again he rapped on the door, trying to keep the frustration from creeping up.
“Peter?” He said and thought back to last week when he was in a similar situation. Tony wasn’t ready to admit he was worried but he could admit it to himself. “Jarvis, can you open the door.”
The AI was still giving him the cold shoulder but complied. Something loosened in his chest at the sight of Peter sitting safe on the edge of his bed. His back was to Tony but he could see Peter’s outline in the window and found himself walking across the room.
He was struck with how long it was since he’d been in the room. It was before Peter permanently moved in. Tony had Jarvis order anything the Ai thought a young boy would like but never saw how Peter got along with everything. Tony ignored the guilty pull in his chest.
Before he came on the boy Tony noticed how clean the room was. All the counters were bare besides one photo frame turned down on one of the cabinets. There was some paper sticking out of the closet but everything else was placed in the drawers. Even Tony had clothes strew over his floor at the moment.
Tony came around and sat on the bottom of the bed away from Peter. The boy remained facing forward and Tony was struck with how out of place he looked in his own room. Peter sat on the edge of his bed. His hands were clenched on his knees as he stared out the window. Tony’s weight braced on his hand resting on the bed and Peter whipped around to stare at him. He leaned back away from the boy’s space and furrowed his brows. Peter’s eyes were glassy as they stared at him. He held up his hands in surrender, though he wasn’t sure what he was surrendering to.
“Mr... Mr. Stark?” Tony could hear the pauses in his name and the silent room echoed Peter’s loud breaths. He leaned forward trying to catch the boy’s eye but it drifted back to the window.
“Peter, can you tell me what’s wrong?” Peter didn’t answer but his breaths continued harshly.
“Mr. Stark, I think something’s wrong.”
Tony watched with bated breath as the boy’s eyes rolled into the back of his skill. His body pitched off the bed and Tony leapt forward. There was no time to hesitate, no time to worry about hurting the boy. He was already hurt now by his inaction. Tony’s hands came around Peter’s shoulders between his neck and back and he laid the boy back onto the bed, not minding his legs, which were still dangling off. He didn’t realize he was yelling his name until Jarvis finally broke his silence and talked over him.
“Boss, Peter has passed out because of lack of oxygen. He had what seems to be a panic attack, again.”
He cursed that word for the second time. Again and again the boy was subjected to horrible things that no person should be to in their whole lives. It wasn’t fair and Tony felt like it was his fault. He knew something was wrong and yet he brushed it under the rug, to afraid of what he might do to think of what he should do.
His hands hovered over his shoulders before descending and moving him so his whole body was on the bed. Tony sat beside him and gently moved his hair out of his fair noting the small freckles fading slowly as fall began to fade to winter. Peter’s eyes fluttered open and he asked for water. After bringing it over Tony sat beside him. He hadn’t realized his hand was resting against the boy’s forehead until Peter smiled.
They sat like that as the light passed over the room. Tony’s thumb brushed back and forth along his hairline and slowly Peter’s breaths slowed. He lost track of time after thirty minutes but after that Peter’s eyesight started to normalize. The tunneled haziness left and he was left looking at the silhouette of Mr. Stark who was staring out the window.
When Mr. Stark asked Peter said he was fine. He was sorry for freaking out. When the man gave him a withering look Peter blushed and admitted he was nervous about what happened and that it would keep happening. He went on to tell Mr. Stark how he felt like he could breath, like his body was spinning for no reason. Mr. Stark continued to sit by him, not ever looking toward the door or sighing. The man gently carded his hand through Peter’s hair. He wasn’t sure that the man knew he was even doing it and deep down Peter wondered if this time he really was dreaming.
Tony stood behind his desk chair and gazed down at the table. The picture Peter colored lay covering the glass. Jarvis called the nurse for him and after she check Peter over. She told him that the boy should talk to someone and get as much rest as he could. It was as he was ushering her out that Tony spotted it sticking out of the closet. Curious he grabbed it out once the boy was asleep again and took it with him. It did say his name in the corner so he didn’t feel so guilty.
The coloring caught his eye and Tony reached out to flip it over. On the back was another drawing done by Peter. This side was dated five days ago and recreated what looked like Peter’s stay at the Medbay except he was wearing some type of metal armor. It was chunky with a rounded helmet and looked ridiculous. The more he looked at it the more awesome it looked. Fantastical vines threatened to encroach into the room but he stood in their way.
Again, something loosened in his chest and Tony felt strange. Different somehow.
He made sure Peter was resting and asleep before leaving. He asked Jarvis to update him on the hour so he was… Tony checked his watch, due for another update in fifteen minutes. He made it all of two minutes and thirty-two seconds before: “Jarvis?”
“Peter’s heart rate is normal. He is asleep and resting.”
Tony let a small smile on his face and leaned back in his chair gazing at the drawing.
Thank you!! 
Taglist (let me know if you want to be added)” @verdonafrost
Day Eleven: Stitches
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cottontail20 · 5 years
Memories, Chapter 5: His Greatest Creations
Summary: Vision finds some very special letters.
Ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/19778191/chapters/47629006
After that, their nighttime routine sometimes changed a little. Not every night, they weren't suddenly insatiable sex fiends.. But often enough. Wanda and Vision did, after all, have time to make up for.
This particular morning, Vision woke to the pleasant, soft warmth of Wanda's bare skin as she lay curled sleeping against his chest, her arms curled tightly around him. Vision shifted slightly so he could look at her properly. A small smile adorned Wanda's face as she slept. She looked so relaxed, more perfectly at peace than he had ever seen her.
And, Vision thought, why shouldn't she sleep peacefully? She didn't have to run anymore. Didn't have to hide. They had a space to call their own. Anyone could look around their room now, see it filling with Wanda's things, and Vision's, and know immediately that it was their room. They were safe now. Secure. They were Home.
Vision was home, because he was with Wanda. He looked at her again, and his synthetic heart swelled, a warm feeling spreading through his chest. He loved her so much it almost hurt. She was his home, he belonged with her, now and forever. Forever. Vision knew he wanted to be with Wanda forever, and he knew their was something specific that he had to do to make that happen.
Now, he just needed to remember what exactly that something was. Vision was feeling quite stupid, because he knew it was something obvious. He knew it was something he should know, something he should remember, but he simply didn't, yet.
At that moment, Vision was distracted again from whatever it was he'd been trying to remember by Wanda beginning to stir, eyes fluttering open, a sleepy smile spreading across her face.
"Mmm.. Morning, Vizh."
"Good morning, Wanda" Vision replied, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. "How did you sleep?"
"Destul de bine. I think someone might have worn me out a bit."
"I didn't say it was a bad thing" Wanda shifted, stretching, causing some of the covers to fall away. Visiion's cheeks turned a darker shade of red as he quickly tried to gather them up again. Wanda chuckled. "I don't mind if you see me, Vizh. You have special, uh, Boyfriend privileges."
Her brow had crinkled a little as she spoke, because truthfully, the words 'Boyfriend' and 'Girlfriend' had never felt quite special enough for what they were to each other, but then, what other word was there to use?
"I know" said Vision. "I see you, and you are beautiful. But I also love and respect you far too much to just shamelessly ogle any time you happen to be naked in front of me."
"Well.." Wanda blushed slightly, propping herself up on on one elbow to kiss him. "Thank you, Vision. I feel very loved and respected."
"Good.." Just as Vision leaned up to return Wanda's kiss, there was a knock at the door.
"Vision?" came Morgan Stark's sweet little voice. "Big Brother, are you awake?"
"Just a minute, don't open the door!" Vision and Wanda both sprang out of bed, searching for anything resembling appropriate clothing. Vision could, of course, instantly phase himself into something, but he had somewhat got into the habit of usually wearing Tony's old pants, even if they were a little short on him.
"Why?" They could almost see the crinkle in Morgan's adorable brow.
"Uh.. A monster stole my pants!" Vision replied, and Wanda burst out laughing as she slipped into her gown.
"A monster?!"
"Don't worry, your brother fed the monster and it went away" Wanda smirked, throwing Vision's pants at him and waiting for him to get them on before opening the door. "Now, what can we do for you, fata dulce?"
"Can we make Mommy a special Breakfast?" Morgan asked.
"Yes" Vision smiled fondly at her. "Of course we can." --
Morgan, quite a sweet natured child, often liked to do nice things for her Mother, and her reasons for doing so were often just as sweet as she was. So, when Vision had a meal of eggs, mushrooms, and grilled tomatoes almost ready to serve, Wanda asked Morgan what the occasion was for Today's special breakfast.
"Oh, Mommy is a little bit sad Today" Morgan explained.
"Why is that? Wanda frowned.
"Today was 'sposed to be her and Daddy's 'versary."
"Oh.." Wanda's face fell. "You mean their Wedding Anniversary?"
Halfway through dishing food onto a plate, Vision froze. Partly due to a sudden pang of sympathy for Pepper, but also because of one particular word. One word, and all the words surrounding it.
Wedding. Marriage. Proposal. Husband and Wife. And a ring.. --
Vision remembered standing in a jewelry store in New York, one of the very few occasions that he had worn his human disguise.
He had made a few visits, before he had finally chosen a ring. Simple, but beautiful. Just like Wanda would want.
"Good luck, sir.." The clerk had wished him as he left, ring-box in hand.
"Thank you.." --
He remembered taking the ring back to the compound and tucking it away in his suitcase.
The suitcase now stowed in the bottom of his cupboard.
"Well," Vision managed to speak, dishing up the remainder of the food, "I hope this Breakfast helps your Mommy feel a bit better. Maybe you and Wanda can take it to her? I just have to go check something.."
Wanda opened her mouth to question him, but Vision was already gone. --
Vision bolted to his room, throwing the closet open and dragging out his suitcase, dropping to his knees to search it's contents.
Soon, he found it. A ring-box, containing the ring he had chosen for Wanda. Strangely, though, attached to the box with a rubber band, was an envelope. It looked rather fat, and was taped shut, as if it had been sealed and reopened again. Vision removed the envelope, carefully opening it. He pulled out letters, in Tony Stark's handwriting. Letters to him. Feeling a lump in his throat, Vision began to read. --
Dear Vision,
As much as I've tried, I just can't seem to wake you up. And believe me, I have tried. I've tried everything I can think of, so has Bruce, we even called Helen Cho.. We just can't wake you up without that damn stone.
I found this ring in your stuff.. You were going to give it to Maximoff, I suppose. I'm sorry you never got the chance. I can't help thinking things would be different, for you, better, if she were still here. That she could wake you up. I almost one hundred percent sure she could, and that sucks, 'cause I can't help blaming myself for her being gone, for you, for everyone.. Wondering if things could have been different if I was here, instead of up there..
But I'm trying not to dwell. This letter is my way of trying to let go, I suppose. To say goodbye, to you. It's harder than I thought, because I don't think I ever realized how much you actually meant to me until I saw you broken.
I'm sorry I couldn't save you. I should probably bury you or something, but I just can't bring myself to do it. Just know that you're safe here. I'll protect you, like I couldn't then.
Goodbye, Robo-son. Rest In Peace. --
Vision's eyes were stinging a little, though he hadn't shed any tears, yet. He wiped them anyway moved on to the next letter. --
Dear Vision,
So, it turns out there might be a way to bring everyone back. If it all works out, you might get a chance to give this ring to Maximoff after all. That's why I put this letter with it, because I know you'll come looking for this thing.
So, hopefully I'll see you soon. But this mission is big, it's dangerous, there's a whole lot that could go wrong. If this plan works, but I don't make it, if you wake up and I'm not here.. There's some things I need you to do for me, Vision.
There's a little girl.. my little girl, Morgan. She already loves you. Calls you her big brother. I'm going to need you to look after her for me. And Peter, and Harley.. you remember both of them, right? I hope so. They'll both need a bit of support.
I know how great you turned out has very little to do with me. You were your own great man from the moment you sprang out of that cradle. But whatever little part of you did come from me, (probably just the Jarvis part), I want you to know I'm proud of you. And Morgan, and whatever tiny little parts of Peter or Harley that I can lay claim to.. I am so proud.
Tell them that, if I don't get the chance. I don't mean to get soppy here, but If I go, I know I'm leaving behind the best of me. My greatest creations are you.
Hope I see you soon. --
Tears spilled from Vision's eyes, really, truly feeling Tony's loss for the first time. And then he remembered.. A memory that wasn't entirely his, not anymore, but still very much a part of him. --
"Hello, sir. I am Just A Rather Very Intelligent System. You may call me J.A.R.V.I.S."
"Shit!" Tony exclaimed joyfully. "It worked! You work!"
"Shit.. That word is not in my speech bank. Shall I add.."
"Fuck!" cried Tony. "I mean, shit.. crap.. No!"
"No, sir?"
"Don't say shit, or fuck, or crap.. Miss Potts will be pissed if she finds out I created an artificial intelligence and thinks the first thing I did was teach it to swear.. She'll do that disappointed little sigh that's actually kinda sexy.."
"Miss Potts is sexy?"
"Ye.. NO!" --
Suddenly, Vision was laughing through his tears. He heard footsteps approaching, and stuffed the ring back into the suitcase. Soon, but not yet.
Wanda entered, finding Vision laughing and crying at the same time. She glanced at the letters in his hand for just long enough to recognize Tony Stark's handwriting. Without any questions, or any words at all, she knelt by Vision's side and just held him, because that was what she felt he needed her to do.
Vision curled into her arms. Safe. Home. He laughed, and he cried. He was sad, for the loss of his friend.. of his Father. But Vision was also happy. So very happy. Because Vision remembered. The very important thing he'd been trying to remember since he first woke up. He remembered exactly what he wanted, what he'd planned to do before everything went wrong. What he still planned to do now.
Vision was going to ask Wanda Maximoff to marry him.
Translation: Destul de bine: pretty good Fata dulce: sweet girl
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leoneandpegs · 6 years
The Art of Deception
I’m here and back on my bullshit
(this was originally a vent and it turned into this? I apologise in advance)
Tony was confident. He was smooth and sly. Growing up with the press, he had learned at a very young age that he had people to impress. He was constantly in the spotlight. Constantly watched. The whole world was watching him. Every move; every word; every little thing he had done was known by everyone and able to be accessed by anyone. He was a celebrity; an icon that the whole world looked up to. He influenced society with what he said and did. He couldn’t take anything back. Once it was done, it was there forever. Never forgotten. Easily accessed.
Sometimes, he wished he had a normal life. Wished he didn’t feel like he had to live up to society’s standards. Wished the world wasn’t watching his life play out. Wished he wasn’t constantly judged for anything he did. He desperately wanted a life where he didn’t have to have the pressure of impressing everyone.
Tony’s father wasn’t great. In fact, he was a piece of shit. He didn’t love Tony. If he did, he was just shite at showing it. Tony only longed for his father’s love and support. He wanted a father to tell him that he was proud of him. As a child, Tony worked hard to show Howard that he was worth his time. To show that he was just as smart as him. But even with that, Howard still turned him away. He just wanted to be at least acknowledged by him. Was it just too much to ask? For a father to be loving and supportive? Maybe Howard wasn’t cut out to be a father. (Of course he wasn’t, he was a terrible father.)
Maybe that’s where the problems all started. With his father. Maybe if his father had been somewhat good at what he was supposed to do, he wouldn’t be overly self critical about himself. Maybe he wouldn’t think that everything he did wasn’t good enough.
The Tony the world knew was different to the real Tony. He wasn’t confident and self-assured. He was hurting. Constantly. He never felt like he was good enough. Was he good enough? Was anything he did good enough? Were his inventions good enough? No. That was always his answer. No.
And as life went on, it only became worse.
The Avengers. A group put together to protect the Earth. To make the world feel safe. A group of remarkable and skilled people that were able to bring hope and stability to the world. A group that were meant to be friends. In a sense, they were.
Tony cared for them; he really did. He showed that in his own way. He tinkered and built them their weapons. That was always the way he showed someone that they cared for them (with some exceptions). That was always the way he showed it. It was the only way he knew how to show it. It was a way to relieve his stress. Sometimes though, he felt like they didn’t care about him.
Maybe it was his terrible self-esteem, but he often felt like he was cast out from the group. Like he didn’t really belong there. Sure, he was part of the Avengers but he didn’t think he belonged there as a friend.
Ever since Afghanistan and becoming Iron Man, his mental health had deteriorated even quicker than before. Mixed with his depression and anxiety, there was PTSD. His mind was tainted with the memories of torture, the terrible surgery for his arc reactor and flying into that wormhole during the invasion. His dreams were replaced with nightmares that haunted his mind. That’s part of what caused the insomnia.
He never slept. He couldn’t sleep. Thoughts plagued him, whispering from the back of his mind. A mantra. Not good enough. Not good enough. Not good enough. He wished he was good enough.
As a superhero, you can’t save everyone. A fact that Tony was yet to accept. The guilt was always there. People he couldn’t save. All those innocent people that died because he couldn’t save them. He should’ve been able to save them. He should’ve saved them. They had friends. They had family. Why couldn’t he save them all?
The press was unforgiving. Always highlighting his faults and mistakes. Did that help him? Of course not. It only gave him another reason to keep on upgrading his suits and the Avengers’ weapons. He had to be able to save everyone. He needed his gear to be the best it could be. The whole world was relying on him; on the safety he brought to them.
Therapy kinda helped. But then again, he had never been the kind of person that would talk about his feelings. He was never allowed to. (Another fault of Howard Stark.) He was given medication. At times, it felt like it really did help him but at others, it felt like there was no point in taking them. The ups and downs of his mental health, he guessed.
He saw Pepper die. Well, she didn’t really die but he watched her fall. He thought she was dead. She should’ve been dead. If it weren’t for that damn Extremis that she was injected with, she would’ve died. He was thankful for that, but she shouldn’t have been kidnapped or injected with it in the first place. And that was his fault. He shouldn’t have let her get kidnapped. Now she had to have the memories of it.
The Avengers - his second family. And although he felt cast out at times, he enjoyed having them live with him. He enjoyed having their company and the shenanigans they got up to. It was never truly uneventful when they were there. Their family was dysfunctional, but he wouldn’t have had it any other way.
In his quest to keep the world as safe as possible, he created Ultron. In theory, his plan was great. A robot that would bring safety to Earth. A set of hands around the world; protecting the whole population from the inevitable alien attack. If only it didn’t completely backfire.
He didn’t expect Ultron to become evil. Nobody did. He just wanted another way to protect everyone. Apparently, that was just too much to ask.
Ultron was built to protect the Earth, but instead wanted to destroy it. His plan was to kill the entire population of the planet. All of the innocent people. Everyone.
That took a big toll on Tony. He was to blame. He created Ultron. Bruce was missing. He lost JARVIS and even though he now had Vision, he would never be the same. Anyone who died during that attack was on Tony. His fault, his fault, his fault. His mental health got worse.
As he was still yet to fulfil his quest of ensuring the safety of the entire Earth, Tony kept on working. Working on new suits. Working on new weapons. Anything and everything to make sure everyone was safe. ‘You can’t save everyone.’ Bullshit. Tony would make sure that everyone was safe. He could save everyone. He had to be able to. After all of the innocent people he couldn’t save, he had to make sure there wasn’t anymore.
But what happens when those weapons are used against him? The same weapons he gifted those he called family used against each other. They were meant to protect the world, not create what they called ‘the civil war.’
Betrayal. Betrayed by the people he cared for the most. He did a lot of things he regretted during that time. Blinded by rage and hurt, he became desperate to bring his family back together. He brought Peter into the fight. And even though he was definitely good enough to go into a fight like that, he was only a child. He didn’t have to be dragged into that.
Rhodey. Oh god, Rhodey. He was paralysed. And it was his fault. Was it really his fault? No. But did he still think it was? Yes. But still, he made sure that Rhodey has the best damn leg braces that he could build. He would make it so he could walk again.
Then, Siberia happened. Finding out the truth about the death of his parents, he couldn’t hold back anymore. He couldn’t. He wouldn’t. Learning that someone he completely trusted had lied to him for years, he felt utterly betrayed. And then he was left there to die.
He was alone. Again. He only had Pepper, Happy and Rhodey. And maybe Peter. Not that he meant to let Peter into his life like that, Peter just had a way of working his way into people's hearts.
He gave Peter the suit. It was so much better than his homemade suit anyway. Such a drastic improvement. He was able to track how well Peter was doing and if he had any injuries. He also gave Peter an AI for his suit. Peter named her Karen which he found quite cute.
That was until the ferry fiasco. He took away the suit. He had to take away the suit. It was to keep him safe. Peter couldn’t be responsible about having the suit. That would stop him, right? Wrong.
Tony thought about if it was the wrong decision to take the suit away from Peter. No. It was definitely the right decision. He wouldn’t get hurt. He didn’t need the suit. He needed to learn that he could be something without the suit. He couldn’t have known that taking away the suit wouldn’t stop Peter.
Peter, desperate to prove himself to Tony, went after Vulture on homecoming night. In the end, he didn’t know if he should have gone or not. Having a building dropped on you isn’t a great experience. But he saved the Avengers’ items and that’s what really mattered. To him, anyway.
Tony was absolutely devastated when he found out what really went down on that night. Peter still went out in his fucking pyjamas after Tony took the suit. He took away Peter’s layer of protection. And now he was dealing with the PTSD of having the damn warehouse collapse on him. That was his fault. Everything was his fault.
Even after Peter turned down the offer to be in the Avengers, they still stayed quite close. Peter was gifted the suit back and he visited the tower, which Tony decided to no longer sell, at least once a week.
Tony loved Peter. Hell, even Pepper loved Peter. Have you looked at him? That boy is literally a puppy. At that point, Peter was basically Tony’s son. And Tony was basically a helicopter parent. Howard didn’t completely fuck him up. He was able to take care of his totally not-son. Fuck you Howard.
Peter knew Tony; the real Tony. Despite what the kids at school said about his ‘Stark Internship’, he did actually know Tony Stark himself. And not the press Tony Stark™️, the real Tony Stark. He was one of the lucky few who knew what Tony was really like. Not like how the press portrayed him. He wouldn’t dare say it, but Tony was his father figure. (Honestly, both of them needed to fucking grow some balls and admit it; everyone knew that they were father and son.)
When Tony was with Peter, he finally felt like he was enough for someone. That someone being Peter. And really, to Peter, Tony was more than enough. He had looked up to Tony his entire life so now knowing him was kinda a mindfuck to Peter.
But even so, Tony still wanted to ensure safety to all the people of Earth. Then, he made Mark 50. A nanotech suit that he can get in an instant. Even though it was quite a pain to get the whole mechanism installed (and a pain to have in his body,) it was well worth it if it made sure that Earth could be protected.
It had been about a year since the ‘Civil War’. Still, no contact had been made between Tony and Steve. Tony didn’t really want to. Yes, he wanted his family back but could he really trust them all again? Would they betray his trust again? Steve lied to him for years. On something he had the right to know. Something he shouldn’t have found out about in Siberia. Forgivable? Probably not. He wasn’t mad at Bucky. He was never mad at Bucky. As much as he wanted to be, he couldn’t be. It wasn’t his fault that he was brainwashed and used by HYDRA. He was the weapon that HYDRA yielded. He was mad at the fact that the truth was hidden from him for years. Hidden from him by someone he put his complete trust in.
The Avengers were no longer a reliable option when it came to protecting the world. Nobody knew where they were. Did Team Cap ever think about the consequences on the civilians of the world? They only had a handful of people left that they could put their faith in to keep their world safe. They lived in fear of what could happen without them.
Infinity war. That’s what they called it. That was the inevitable invasion Tony always prepared for. What Tony had been thinking about ever since the invasion in New York. And another one was about to happen.
It seemed like a somewhat normal day. It was a normal day. It should’ve been a normal day. Why wasn’t it a normal day? Just him and Pepper in that park. That’s how it should’ve stayed. Fate works in weird ways and it’s not always the way that it should be.
Tony never thought he would ever actually have to go into space. And especially not with the kid. Peter was just meant to be help the little guys, not carry the whole weight of the world on his shoulders. Peter was a good kid. He already held grief and sadness yet still managed to keep a smile on his face at all times. He didn’t need to be corrupted by the demons and pain of the world. He didn’t need to see space as what it really was.
Oh, yeah and Thanos was a fucking demon of a purple space grape. He stabbed- wait no, impaled Tony. He had the audacity to do so after talking so highly about him. He stood there, waiting for the black to start coming into the corner of his eyes. He was waiting for death. He was going to have the death he always wanted. Dying while saving the world; dying in honour. And he was, until-
Looking over, he saw Strange. Didn’t he say that he would protect the time stone even if it cost him his life? He wasn’t just going to give over the time stone. This wasn’t the way they would win, right? This couldn’t be the only way.
“It was the only way.”
Well, shit. This is not how he expected any of this to go. And now Thanos was gone. He was sat there, helpless. Not knowing what would come next. Thanos had surely gone to Earth. He didn’t have the mind stone - Vision was still out there, alive. All he could hope was that those that were defending Earth could do so. He prayed to a God he didn’t even believe in that it would all go well.
First it was Mantis. Then it was Drax. Then it was Quill. Then Strange.
“Mr Stark?”
God please no. Not him. Not Peter. The sweet innocent boy Tony had grown to love. He had so much to live for. He had so much potential. An amazing future waiting for him.
“I don’t feel so good.”
Falling into Tony’s arms, Peter clutched desperately onto him as he begged for his life. Too young; too pure. Slowly fading away. Grasping on to Tony for his dear life. This wasn’t the way it was meant to go. He was meant to be peaceful, not in pain. Not begging for his life. Not meant to be a child when he experienced death.
He dusted. Ripped from existence. Ripped from Tony’s grasp. Tony sat there and waited for it too. He waited for the dust to come from his fingers and take him away from existence. It was his turn.
But, it never came.
For the first time in years, he cried freely. He didn’t hold back. Tears rolled down his stained cheeks, mixing with the blood from the various wounds situated on his face. He tasted the dust and the blood. He tasted the tears. He tasted the pain. He tasted the loss.
He failed. He failed to protect the Earth. He failed to protect the universe. He failed to protect Peter. This was all his fault.
His fault. His fault. His fault. His fau….
- 🌻 (Pegs)
My AO3: oofandpeggy
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wolfsrainrules · 6 years
Stuckony Ficlet
This is entirely @tonystarktogo fault. NO REGRETS. I wrote this without editing and it is AU in that Bucky is part of the Avengers, and JARVIS lives 
Tony had learned a long time ago how to hide when he hurt. 
His father was always too busy to care, and his mother wasn’t any good at taking care him. Jarvis had been his best bet at actual care for his hurts. Jarvis was the one who pressed kisses to scraped knees, who pressed bandages on tiny wounds because the bandages made him feel better, it was Jarvis and his wife who took the role of caregiver to a tiny child Tony.
And when Jarvis and his wife died...it was only natural that Tony turn to his father and mother for reassurance and care. It didn’t take him long to realize he wouldn’t get it. Not from his parents who had no idea how to be anything but hard and demanding as a son of their prestige needed to be.
Which lead to Tony learning to hide when he was in pain. First emotional pain, and then physical. As years passed, and kidnappings and ‘accidents’ became more common, as ‘friends’ turned out to be gold-diggers, or people looking for secrets on Stark Industries Tony only got better at it.
And then the Avengers happened.
And maybe it wasn’t true at first, but eventually...it became more about ‘not worrying’ the team and less ‘hiding weakness’ from them. And when Steve came in with Bucky, well how was Tony supposed to say no?
He was there the entire process of helping the man, getting rid of triggers, helping him adjust, getting through therapy, regaining memories…
He was there when a mostly recovered James Barnes joined the Avengers, happy to watch their backs if not happy to fight again.
It had been a couple years since then, and Bucky had joined the small number of people that Tony worried more about worrying then he did about protecting himself from them.
Which lead to now.
Tony kept his breathing soft and even, thankful for the suit hiding his form.
It should have been a simple mission. Tony was supposed to go in as a ‘civilian’ without his suit- Steve and Bucky had been not happy with this part of the plan- to get close. With his new nanobot tech, it should have been simple to be suited up in less than a second. No real danger.
It was what he had promised them both, swore to the team.
And yet…
The bullet wound in his side was definitely a case of dangerous.
They’d caught him just before the suit closed over his body. Tony had set the pain to the side, following through his part of the plan. He couldn’t falter- couldn’t stop- or Clint and Tasha would be compromised. He had to stop Jones here and now, get his identification credentials off him, and set it up so Clint and Tasha could get into his secured files four stories below the building Tony sat inside.
His hands shook as he had JARVIS run the proper scans and pulled the proper identifications out of the man’s suit.
It was a simple matter to have JARVIS send the scans to the blank cards the two spies carried. Tony had designed the cards so that once JARVIS had a scan of the proper ID badge, he could ‘send’ the information to the blank card and transform it using the same nanotech that was in his suit. He’d done the same with a pair of contacts the spies were wearing- he had JARVIS send the iris scan just in case.
As soon as that was done, Tony leaned hard against the wall.
“Sir?” JARVIS’ voice was steady “You are bleeding rather heavily. I would suggest medical attention be found immediately.”
Tony pulled in a harsh breath. “No, J.” his voice was only mostly steady, as his comm was not transmitting their conversation and Tony had no need to pretend he was fine. “It’s fine. Just a graze.”
“Just put pressure on it J. We can look at it after this.” Tony shoved himself off the wall, moving for the door even as he felt the nanotech in his suit press harshly against the wound. His hissed sharply, eyes closing against the spike of agony.
“Tony! Get out of there!” Steve’s voice was loud in his ear and Tony felt himself straighten up instinctively at the worry and anger in Steve’s tone.
Russian curses flowed over the comm and Tony recognized Bucky’s voice as he rushed from the room.
“What’s the situation, Cap?” he was proud of how steady his voice sounded as he rushed for the door and ripped it open, firing up his repulsors and flying down the hall.
“The entire plot was a trap! The building is rigged to blow, you need to get clear of the building. I’ve already got the team clearing civilians, and Clint and Tasha are working on the C4.”
Tony froze, and then whipped himself around, aiming for the floor he knew Clint and Natasha had gone down. “Is the building clear?”
“Aside from the man you were with, yes.”
Tony cursed softly. He couldn’t just blast his way through the building lest he cause the place to collapse or otherwise explode prematurely. “How long do we have?”
Clint’s voice was hard in the way it was when the archer was intensely focused “Three minutes. Tasha and I are working on dismantling what we can, and containing the explosion.”
Tony smirked and tossed his head, kept his body up, his shoulders back, and was generally very glad for the suit helping keep him on his feet. He played his part expertly.
Tony had realized almost immediately upon  entering the room that even with all three of them working together, the amount of explosives in the small room would still be much too big, would still take out entire blocks of city homes around the building. He also- with JARVIS scanning the room and his extensive knowledge base on weapons and their functions and set ups- realized the main trigger would detonate no matter what they did.
So he made a call- and he took the trigger itself, the part that would explode and set off the chain reaction- and flew up out. He took it into the sky, high above his team and the city, flew it up, up where he had trouble with icing over the first time, and he flung it before rocketing himself downward. He kept an eye on the countdown in the corner of his screen, and listened to the rush of voices over his comms screaming at him and for him.
When he landed, the large explosion about their heads marking the moment before he settled on the ground, he tried to ignore the black spots dancing over his vision, the way his knees would have buckled if the suit was not present as a bracing agent.
“TONY!!” Steve and Bucky reached him first, their voices echoing over the others as they rushed him.
“Hey, hey, it’s fine, we’re fine!”
He straightened up as much as he could as the two super soldiers approached him, going through the motions without thinking as he reassured and lifted his faceplate, smirking and generally being himself after a close call where they prevailed over Villain of the Week.
And he saw the team relax as he played this part, reassured them verbally, and visually- he knew exactly how to stand in the suit to use the shadows to hide how pale he had to have been- that ‘he was fine, they were fine, well done team, what restaurant did you want for victory dinner this week?’
And when everyone began moving towards the Chinese Buffet down the street, Tony followed behind them. He listened as JARVIS whispered in his ear, warning him that he had to get medical attention, that he had lost too much blood, that he was approaching unconsciousness, and the only thing keeping him standing was willpower and adrenaline.
Tony was getting ready to open his mouth, hitting the point he could no longer hide his wound, when his leg folded under his own weight, and no amount of bracing suit was going to stop it. His knee hit the ground with a loud clang and Tony threw a hand out to catch himself as he tried to breathe through the black edging his vision.
“Tony?” Bucky’s voice was suddenly there, the man crouched at his side his hand bracing a shoulder up while Steve knelt at his other side and the team formed around them. “Tony, what’s wrong?” Bucky’s voice was steady and commanding and Tony lifted his eyes.
“JARVIS” he whispered the AI’s name, and bless him, but JARVIS knew what he wanted without the command, the suit retreating from his body, aside from the pressure bandage that had formed on the bullet wound.
“Fuck! Tony!!”
Steve’s hands were suddenly pressing into his side even as Bucky lowered him down to the ground carefully. “Why would you not say something Anthony?”
Tony scrunched his nose blearily at the use of his full name from Bucky’s lips in a rolling Russian accent. Usually Bucky didn’t have that- the Brooklyn draw of his childhood being his natural state now-a-days- but whenever Bucky felt emotionally compromised, or when the Soldier was close to the surface, that Russian tint to his words would come back.
“S’rr’y.” he slurred the apology struggling to keep blinking eyes open.
“No-no Tony come on, stay awake.” Steve’s voice was thick with panic and command as he leaned so he was in Tony’s line of sight.
“I know, I know baby, but you need to stay awake okay?” Steve’s voice shook and cracked, and Tony squinted at him trying to figure out what had caused the fear and distress in one of his men.
“Zvezda moya” Tony’s eyes drifted over to Bucky at the Russian endearment (It means ‘my star’ Tony, because you helped light my way home-) and he blinked at the hard light of the Soldier warring with terror in his eyes. “Stay with me, little star. Stay with us.”
“M’not goin N’ewhere.” Tony promised them both even as his eyes closed.
“That’s right, Tony” Steve’s voice reached him first, choked up and with hints of pleading in his tone “you’re going to stay with us.”
Bucky’s voice was next, rock solid and unwavering in that way he got when he was pulling so hard on the Soldier, when he was absolutely terrified.
“You’re not going anywhere zvezda moya. We have you. We have you, Tony-”
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embersofalily · 5 years
Avengers Endgame
With 10 years of story and film coming to an end, needless to say it was going to be epic.
Spoilers ahead.
Last Warning SPOILERS ahead!!
Ok, if you’re still reading, and haven’t seen Endgame, stop here.
All sorts of emotions happened during the film.
Be prepared to at least shed tears.
The start of the film was as expected with everyone in a devastation.
Little Kate being hinted as future Hawkeye (comics)! Or so I think. Mayo, wierd taste buds.
Clint’s family being dusted in the snap! I was expecting it from the trailers but it still made me feel dread and then pain for Client. The panic Jeremey Renner portrayed felt very real.
Some of my theories were off like how and who would be rescuing Tony and Nebula. Tony’s farewell message we saw in the trailer still made me feel for the character.
Heck yea to Ms. Marvel’s ( I can’t get use to Captain Marvel as her MCU name) appearance! I’d say I’m satisfied with her being their rescue.
Part of me wonders if Pepper or any of the Avengers staying at HQ we’re receiving the recordings.
It would have been moot since they rescued him, unless, the recordings were how they were able track where the Milano was drifting. If they were that deep in space, would explain why it took so long for Carol to find them. And enough time for Steve to finish shaving, haha.
It hurt to see Tony and Steve still not fully on the same side. I had forgotten momentarily, that, while they fought Thanos together, they were not fighting side by side. When Tony ripped his core out, it scared me out of concern.
That Lets Fight Thanos one more time to get the stones- plan could have been grief talking. With maybe Carol’s personality heh.
While having the stones destroyed in the current timeline was disheartening for the hearts, anyone who’s been theory crafting with the trailers probably expected Scott’s arrival and time travel.
5 years! I wasn’t expecting that amount of time to pass.
Scott’s actions of experiencing the after math was heartbreaking too; thank goodness Cassie wasn’t part of it. I wonder who was taking care of her those 5 years, perhaps Scott’s friends from Ant Man movie? Forgot their names...
Ooh, so it wasn’t Scott in the past like some were theorizing on the net, it was real time Scott ringing the front door.
Little Morgan was adorable! I wonder if her putting on that helmet means something for the future Marvel films? Or is that me looking too into it?
Time travel movie references HA. MCU time travel rules involves multiverse, like how the cartoons and comics have multiple Earths.
Ooh, Tony, you’re still an Avenger even if you want to protect the now (Pepper and Morgan).
Also, Tony should have pulled a “language!” at Morgan, bwahaha. “No, only Mommy can say that word. She coined it.” 
Wasn’t expecting Banner Hulk combo or his new found fame.
Time travel experiment was amusing since Banner wasn’t familiar enough with Quantum physics and Cap and Nat were concerned about Scott’s safety. Insert forced smile towards Scott and comedic time travel effects on Scott.
Tony and Steve make up! And aw, Tony gave Cap another Shield ~
New Asgard!
Oh gosh, I thought Thor with a beer belly was bad but Thor rambling, drunk?, about Aether and Jane. Rocket’s face and Hulk’s gesture said it all haha.
Time heist! Nice ring to it by the way.
Bwahah, Banner Hulk, Cap and Tony (2019) seeing Hulk (2014) smashing things and realizing the personality change. Insert fake punch car and weak throw bike, Bwahaha.
I knew the heist was going to have a hiccup somewhere, potentially more than once. Bruce talking to (2014) Ancient One and she realizes Strange had a plan! That was a sigh of relief there since it seemed like it was going to be full Nope not giving you the Time Stone - situation.
Cap 2019 getting in the elevator with 2014 SHIELD agents (hydra agents) was a nod off to Civil War!! I was prepared for the same beat down that happened in Civil War to happen again.
Cap 2019 meeting Cap 2014. “ I could do this all day” “oh I know you can. (Sigh)” was funny.
I’m assuming using the scepter on Cap 2014 erased the fact Cap 2019 told himself about Bucky being alive.
Pointing out Evans butt was amusing.
Tony 2019 getting hit by door+ annoyed by stairs Hulk (2014) had to hurt. Loki warped away with 2014 Teseract! That has to be something that’ll be touched on in future films, with how the Ancient One talking about branches of the timeline.
Tony meeting his dad and their interactions as fathers was sweet. And hey 1940s Jarvis!
Cap 2019 seeing Carter 2014 from another room was bittersweet.
Nat and Clint fighting each other to sacrifice for the Soul Stone was tense and then heartbreaking when Nat did sacrifice herself.
Nooooo I didn’t realize Nebula 2019 was connected to the system still in 2014 so Thanos got to see the future! Gamora 2014 def has some hint of switching side though.
When they all returned from their respective missions, their reactions finding out Nat sacrificed herself was saddening.
Execute plan to return the 50%! Was worried about damage to Banner Hulk’s body post Iron Man Gauntlet snap. Luckily it was only the arm and not full body and that his body could indeed take the toll.
Victory was short lived since Nebula 2014 brought Thanos, Order and army of 2014 to 2019 and oberlierated HQ.
So worried that when Nebula 2014 caught up to Clint that she’d kill him but luckily Nebula 2019 and Gamora 2014 caught up to Nebula 2014!
Surprised Nebula 2019 killing her 2014 self didn’t have any temporal backlash, but Marvel time travel meant it only caused a branch.
The 3 vs 1 fight between Cap, Tony and Thor vs Thanos!
Cap finally able to pick up and call Mlojnir!!!! Insert audience claps and cheers!
“I knew it!” -Thor
“On your left! “Insert audience cheer as all those who got snapped came back via Strange, Wong and other fellow mystical monks’ yellow portals.
Peter and Tony’s hug~ warm and fuzzy feels there :)
Carol just destroying the mother ship in her reentry to Earth. Oh yea~
The LaCucaracha car alarm ha! A nice comical break during the battle.
“Anyone see a brown van?”
The hot potatoing of the stones to try to bring it to the van.
All female hitters assisting Carol to the final goal, another heck yea~
Thanos’ headbutt to Carol doing nothing, mwahahaha, YES! 
Thanos destroying the van just as Carol was about to toss the stones in , nooooo!
Strange signaling Tony about the one chance.
Tony using the gauntlet to snap Thanos and his goons. Yes! But..!
Noooooooooooo! Peter’s and Pepper’s farewell to Tony was so sad! Tom Holland’s acting and voice really brought me to tears. It was a reversal of RDJ and Tom Holland’s scene in Infinity Wars. 
Tony’s recorded farewell was also sad to watch. Happy Hogan making his appearance to the funeral and interacting with Morgan was bittersweet.
I was surprised to see that boy from Iron Man 3 at his funeral but it was a good kind of surprise. I actually didn’t know who he was when I saw the scene but found out after I read an IGN article.
Cap’s choice to stay and live life naturally with Carter was sweet! I wonder if Bucky knew of Steve choice before Cap went back to return the stones to their natural place. It was a nice end to Cap’s story.
Sam gets his Shield!!! Nod off to comics Sam Wilson becoming next Cap!!
Thor going the Guardians and Valkyrie becoming next Ruler of Asgard were nice touches! I’m glad for Thor that he got to have a talk with his mother in 2014.
Clint reuniting with his family was nice especially since in the beginning it was so heartbreaking. I wonder if he’ll tell them about their Aunt Natasha though ):
Wonder what Banner Hulk’s future plans are? He’s pretty popular with the kids it seems, so it’s not like the Incredible Hulk where the Army was after him.
Young Avengers seems possible for future films. There was also news of a Black Widow movie, though I wonder if that’ll be a prequel type or another lady taking up the name???
Peter seems pretty learned with his powers, or at least the Iron Spider suit during the showdown. Well, I guess the suit is broken now and no one can repair it like Tony could ):
I wonder if Vision will return? If Shuri did indeed download all of his data, his body could be (or perhaps even is being??) remade and restored via Wakandan tech even. 
The metal clinks at the end of the credits made me wonder. Are they a nod to Tony Stark, for starting these 10 years? Or a hint of a future armor wearing hero? 
Now that Disney has bought Fox and X-Men back, I wonder what sort of stories will be coming up. I’m assuming with these hints of Young Avengers line up in Endgame, that they’ll be character movies in the future.
All in all, Endgame was a nearly definitive end to Phase 1, with only the questions of the branches to alternate Earths the Ancient One mentioned being questioned (Loki’s escape with Teseract 2014). The weaves of the story were pretty well done in my book, with nods off to past films in Endgame during the Time heist as well as closures for many of the original Avengers.
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Polyamorous: The day Stark Jr. found out
Pairing: Steve Roger x reader x Bucky Barnes/ Stucky x reader
warning: mention of cheating, making out, panic attack, fluff, angst 
words: 991
First kiss | First touch | Moving in | The day they left | Found you | The day Stark found out| Big Change | The Train | The Plane | Alone | Unfortunate Sequence of events | I know her | Restaurant Pt 1| Restaurant Pt2 | It’s me | you can keep her | He’s okay with that | Mama loves me | Kissing Captain | Kissing Winter | Healing | Hurt | We’ll wait | Memories | Prude | Whore | Put in her place | The day Stark Jr. Found out 
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Natasha didn’t say a word. True to her word Natasha kept their relationship a secret. But that didn’t stop her from meddling in their relationship. Meddling as in trying to get some details and basically the full story of the relationship which none of them ever gave. “what’s the point of knowing if I can’t get details” she’d complain but never the less she was happy for them.
Bucky was away in a mission with Natasha for the next three day so (y/n) was spending her day stuck to Steve’s side like glue since Bruce had no work for her and told her to take the day off she just worked with Steve.
But (y/n)’s following of Steve didn’t go unnoticed by the others. Everyone noticed how as soon as Bucky was gone Steve got all of her attention. Everyone was thinking of something.
Bruce simply thought of it as an emotional bond. (y/n) and Steve had a past together, had a child together, and a very close bond. The doctor in him thought of her abandonment issues, emotional issues, trust issues, and her time with hydra in general. Her being with Steve made sense.
Thor was clueless as shit and thought of their relationship as nothing but friendly, friends, really close long times friends.
Sam did suspect something but didn’t believe anything. He believes that the two did have feelings for each other but didn’t believe they would act on them. They knew it would hurt Bucky and both cared about him too much to hurt him like that. So he let it be.
Vision wasn’t worried about it his attention was on the two.
Wanda suspected something was going on and was conflicted with herself. Should she check their minds and see if her suspicions were right or should she leave it alone? She honestly didn’t know what to do at the moment and planned to speak with Natasha once she returned.
Clint knew some shit was going on he knew they were fooling around but he also knew Bucky was fooling around with Steve. Actually... he knew about their entire relationship. He just didn’t give two shits. It was their relationship so he let them be.
Tony, on the other hand, God bless the man, he couldn’t keep his nose to himself and had to dip it into others business. And he was all in (y/n), Steve, and Bucky business since day one. He suspected something was going on and like Clint he had evidence but unlike Clint, he just thought (y/n) and Steve were cheating on Bucky. And seeing (y/n) and Steve all cuddled up together after Bucky had left was just proving him further.
It was late at night everyone seemed to be in bed it was a little after midnight. Tony was having a difficult timing sleeping and decided maybe a little late night TV would help and headed for the common room as to not disturb Pepper. Steve and (y/n) were also awake and in the common room watching TV.
Walking into common room Tony was meet with a very interesting site. Steve and (y/n) were on the couch she was laying down while he laid cross her. He kissed up and down her neck and chest she giggled at the feeling and ran her hands through his hair.
Tony scoffed at the site and was about to leave when he heard them start talking.
“ we should tell them,” Steve said against her chest between kisses
“what are you talking about?” (y/n) asked her giggling stopped she was confused but not confused at the same time, she knew what he was asking.
“I mean we should tell the team ...about us? I’m tired of hiding, running around, and just waiting for you. I’m just -”
“I’m sorry. What did I do wrong I can fix it I promise I can fix it I’m so so sorry. I’ll fix it just please just tell me what’s wrong -” (y/n) was now begging for Steve she started hyperventilating and panic thinking she had done something around. Maybe she didn’t show Steve enough love. Maybe she spoiled Bucky too much Maybe Steve never really love her but kept her around for Bucky. Maybe neither of them loved her she was just a toy to be played with she wasn’t loved.
Steve sensed her oncoming panic attack he sat up and pulled her back into his lap. Tony signaled for Jarvis start recording. Steve stroked her hair and held her close to his chest “ Hey, Hey, Hey you’ve done nothing wrong there is nothing for you to fix... I love you and I’ll never stop loving you.” he knew what she was thinking and quickly silenced the thoughts with a kiss “ I love you”.
“but you said you were tired of running and waiting” (y/n) said claimed down.
“I just want to let the others know. I want to kiss you whenever I want, I want to touch when I feel the need, I want to hold you on movie night and cuddle into the couch fall asleep in the middle of the movie. I want you, all of you, both of you” he whispers the last part as he gives her a small kiss not even Jarvis could hear.
After the two start a basically make out on his couch Tony decided to call it a night right there and by calling it a night he meant to go into his lab and think of different way to bring this to light and not bring a conflict to the team. But then again he decided to just fuck it Steve was cheating and he was Captain Steal your girl so he was going to get burnt. Tony would comfort Bucky with some alcohol later.
Tony signaled for Jarvis to stop recording and retreated to his lab.
Yet another Stark has found out but this one wasn’t conflicted about it as the first one this was going to bring it to light with a bang.
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tonycanrestnow · 6 years
Attachment (Father!Tony x reader) Part 3
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Summary: Hydra tries to take you back
Warnings: Kidnapping
Word Count: 1617
It had been a week since they found you. You still hadn't talked, and Mr. Stark still wouldn't let you down in his lab. No matter how many times you had snuck down there (Which was a lot). You thought he hated you, but little did you know he had actually grown very fond of having you around. Yeah, you didn't talk but he liked it when someone showed interest in what he was doing. He knew when you were standing outside the glass door of his lab, and he would let you watch up until he was going to test something. He didn't want to scare you, as sometimes his testing can go very wrong.
They had finally learned your name after Tony took one of your prints and ran it through the lab. Natasha had started to homeschool you, knowing you hadn't been in school while you were with Hydra. However, you were very advanced in Math and Science. So advanced Nat knew Tony would have to help you soon. Maybe that's why you were so interested in Tony's work? She thought.
You were lying in bed, unable to sleep when you heard the faint music. Tony was awake and still in his lab. Even you began to question if he ever slept. You threw the covers off of you and headed downstairs. You watched him through the glass like you always did, not wanting him to call Steve on you again. You sat on the third step to watch him as it gave you a better view. You watched him as he worked until he looked up at you. The disappointment showed in your eyes and Tony saw it. You had only stood up when you heard him tell JARVIS to let you in. The door slid open, but you stood there. You didn't know what to do, but you slowly made your way in. You stood next to the wall, not wanting to push the limits.
"Isn't it way past your bedtime?" He asked
You looked at the clock and saw it read 2:03am. Sighing, you started to walk to the door when he spoke again
"I won't tell Steve if you won't" He said without even glancing your way "Now come over here and sit in this chair. I know you can't see very well from over there"
You walked over to the chair he said you could sit in and watched as he worked on his suits glove. Neither of you talked, but you enjoyed being able to sit and watch. You sat there for a long time until it got hard for you to stay awake. You leaned back into the chair and tried your hardest to keep your eyes open but you couldn't. You eventually fell asleep, leaving Tony to his work.
Another week had gone by, Steve and Natasha had talked to a guy named Nick Fury and convinced him to let you stay there for a while. You had gotten closer with Tony, spending most nights down in the lab watching him work. Everyone else didn't understand why you felt so safe around Tony but they weren't going to question it. You still didn't talk, but you were so mesmerized you couldn't think of the words to say even if you had wanted to. Tony had actually gotten you to smile once after he accidentally shocked himself on a loose wire.
"Oh you think that's funny huh?" He said with a smile "You've got a cruel sense of humor"
You smiled at him, only after he said he was ok of course. That was the first time you had smiled in a long time, and it actually surprised Tony but he viewed it as progress. You didn't know it but Tony loved it when you came down at night to watch. He wish you would get some sleep instead, but he'd just carry you to bed when you fell asleep in the lab. He asked Wanda to start helping you learn to control your powers, her really being the only one who could help.
You got up out of bed and made your way to the Kitchen. Clint and Natasha had been away for a few days, something about Clint's family.
"Good morning (Y/N)" Steve said as he poured you some cereal
You climbed up on the chair that used to be hard for you and ate the Cereal that had been put in front of you. Steve and Vision were having a conversation in the kitchen while Sam and Wanda were eating their food in front of the TV, but also talking. You didn't know where Tony was but before you could even wonder where he was there was a loud boom and glass was shattering. A loud ringing filled your ears, so you didn't hear Steve as he told you to hide. There we gunshots and before you knew it someone had grabbed you.
"I've got her" The person holding you said as they ran towards the stairs to sneak out
You tried to get away but you were small compared to him and no one had seen the man grab you. Tony ran up from the lab and began to fight with Steve as more men piled in.
"TONY" You screamed as you struggled to get away
Tony looked up in search of the unfamiliar voice that yelled his name but the man holding you had ran towards the window and was climbing down the side of the building, attached to a cable from the broken windows. Of course you didn't struggle as if he dropped you, nobody could save you then. Once you were both on the ground you were thrown into a van. The man slammed the door, leaving you sitting alone in the dark. You expected the van to start moving, but instead you sat there for a few minutes until the door was suddenly opened. The light blinded you but your eyes adjusted quickly, allowing you to see Tony standing there was his arm reaching for you.
"C'mon kid, we don't have all day" He said, half expecting you not to take his hand
He was right, you didn't take his hand. Instead, you jumped towards him and wrapped your arms around his neck. You knew who was after you and the last thing you wanted was to go back to the place that you feared the most. Tony was the only source of safety you felt you had, so hugging him was you reaching for safety. Of course he'd never admit it but he was enjoying the hug, knowing it was progress for you and knowing you trusted him. Just the thought of losing you terrified him, he had grown very protective of you but no one could know that.
It had been days since Tony rescued you from that van and you hadn't been able to sleep since. As you were just a child, being forced into that van was terrifying. You knew where it would have taken you, and that alone brought on the nightmares. Night after night you sat awake in bed, trying your hardest not to sleep. You heard the music coming from the lab downstairs and decided to go visit Tony. You had grown very attached to him, he was like a dad to you. Once you made it down the stairs you saw him working on a car. He didn't notice you at first but when he turned around to grab another tool he saw you.
"You know, you really should get some sleep. It's not very healthy" He said, turning back to the car
You let out a sigh and sat on a chair behind Tony, sitting close enough to feel safe but not too close to bother him. With your cheek pressed against your hand, you watched as Tony worked on his car with AC/DC playing loudly through the speakers. Even though you didn't talk, Tony knew something was off. Generally you're up close, watching every move he made.
"You ok kiddo?" He asked as he turned to face you
Shrugging your shoulders you began to spin the chair in circles, avoiding his question. He got the hint that you didn't want to talk about it, knowing it was probably what happened a few days ago so instead he came up with a way to distract you.
"Wanna see something cool?" He asked, standing up and walking over to an open area
Intrigued, you got up and followed him. As you stood next to him he began talking to FRIDAY, telling him to "do that cool thing" and suddenly you were surrounded by blue objects.
"This is was keeps my suits going" Tony explained, watching as you looked around in amazement "interesting isn't it?
He couldn't help but smile at the way your face lit up, forgetting your worries for a while. Of course he explained some things to you, and somehow you understood. Even though you were just a child, you understood what he was saying.
After looking at that for a while and him showing you a few other things, he told you it was time for you to get some sleep. He saw the disappointment on your face but he knew you needed sleep, so he told you he would show you some more cool things tomorrow. He walked you to your room to make sure you went to bed but before he could say goodnight your arms were wrapped around him. It took him by surprise of course, but he let his hands rest on your upper back as he was much taller than you. Once you let go, you shut the door and walked over to the bed with a smile.
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