#lucky for steve that he is on the moon because as the leader of the team i would kick his ass on the moon if i where wanda
purple--queen · 1 year
Something that still pisses me off is this whole Sword having Visions body. Did Hayward just showed up at the Avengers HQ & was like "Sooo this Vibranium belongs to the goverment & since this is also a...uh...weapon it should come with me :)"
& was Steve & the rest was just like "sure. He is dead now & the only person that cared about him is also...dead"
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nastybuckybarnes · 3 years
Promises, Promises
Pairing: Bucky X Reader
Summary: Bucky keeps his promises.
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, Language
Word Count: 1K
A/n: I’m feeling a lil down but that’s probably because of the moon and the equinox coming up. send movie recs cause I’ve got mad writers block still. I’ll be posting shit that I wrote a while ago so it might be garbage rat but oh well
Companion piece to Promise.
Five years.
Five painfully long years, where each day is just as bad as the one before.
Wakanda lost its leaders.
The Avengers lost half of their team, their family.
And you lost your other half.
The only man you’ve ever truly loved.
Five years is a long time to be without someone, yet every day something new reminds you of him.
More than once you’ve found yourself begging the Gods to bring you to him. If they won’t give him back, the least they can do is let you go with him.
But every time you’ve gotten close to the edge, his voice whispers in your ear to stop, that it’ll be okay.
And so far, you’ve survived.
Steve comes to check on you every so often. In the beginning, he was practically living with you. Making sure you didn’t do anything rash.
But now you’re lucky if you see him once a month.
And if he’s on time, he should be here any day, now.
You’re in the back yard of your new home, fighting with some particularly stubborn weeds in your vegetable garden.
You wipe the back of your hand across your forehead, wiping away the sweat and leaving mud in its wake.
Since the blip, you’ve moved out of the house you shared with him, gotten a new place, and a job that understands deeply how much the snap affected you.
Almost all your free time is spent in your garden.
He’d wanted to start one for so long, but neither one of you got around to doing it. Now, it’s something you do for him. Something he could never do.
Thinking about him still hurts, but not nearly as much as before.
Steve says it takes time, but you don’t think any amount of time will stop this ache in your chest.
“Steve said I’d find you back here.”
You stiffen, heart skipping one beat, then two, before doubling its pace in your chest.
It can’t be.
Can it?
You don’t turn around, far too afraid that this is just your mind playing tricks on you again.
It hurts. It fucking hurts and you shake your head to try and get the voice to go away.
You thought the hallucinations had stopped.
Tears well up in your eyes and you wipe your trembling hands on your shirt.
“Go away. Please. I-I can’t do it anymore. No more. Please.”
Your voice is a tired, broken whisper that absolutely shatters his heart in his chest.
Two hands are on your back, one warm and one cool, and you snap your head up at the contact.
You spin around and launch yourself into his arms, sending him sprawling onto his back in the grass.
“Whoa! Easy there, honey.”
You cling to him, sobs bubbling out of you.
“Are you real? Is it... is it really you?” You don’t want the answer, far too afraid that he’ll slip through your fingers like he did so often during that first year.
“I’m real, love. I’m real.”
You shake your head and push yourself off of him, crossing your arms over your chest and glaring at him through the blur of your tears.
“You promised! You fucking promised!” You spit the words with venom rivalling a viper, and he frowns at you.
He made you a promise and then he broke your heart, and now he’s sauntering back like nothing happened.
“I’m here, aren’t I? I told you, sweet girl, I never break my promises. Just... took a little detour on the way home, I guess. Sam wanted to stop for McDonald’s. Came back later than I thought but I’m here. I’m here now, baby.”
Your anger and betrayal are washed away by the tears of joy that fall freely from your eyes, and Bucky wipes them away with his thumbs gently.
He holds your face just like he did that day five years ago, and you can’t stop your bottom lip from wobbling.
“How... why... why now? Steve said...” You trail off, squeezing your eyes shut and shaking your head.
What Steve said doesn’t matter. He’s here now. He’s back.
He pushes himself onto his knees and pulls you into his arms, holding you tenderly to his chest.
“I’m here, honey. I’m here. Did you really think I could break a promise I made with my best girl?”
You don’t answer, your face smushed in the crook of his neck while you cling to him desperately.
So many years you wished for this, and now he’s here.
It feels far too good to be true.
He kisses the top of your head with a heavy sigh then slowly pulls away to look at you, wiping some dirt off of your face.
“It’s okay, my love. It’s okay. It’s all gonna be okay. I’m home now. And m’not gonna leave you. Not again.”
You sniffle and look into his eyes.
“But what about... your team? Your family?” He shakes his head and cracks a soft smile.
“You are my family. And... I wanna start my own team. Me, you, and a buncha chubby little babies.”
You let out a wet laugh, shaking your head at him.
“You can’t just... quit.” He nudges his nose against yours gently then presses his forehead to yours.
“Already did. I’ve been fighting for almost eighty years now. I deserve a break. Fought in the Second World War, the first intergalactic space war, the second intergalactic fucking space war. I’m done. No more fighting. No more war. Just me, my best girl, and our fat babies.”
You shake your head again and smile, holding onto his wrists with your muddy hands, but he doesn’t care how dirty you get him. All he cares about is having you in his arms now and forever.
“You’re really here? To stay? Y-you promise?” He nods, his own eyes getting teary at the hope in your voice.
Your heart is so full of love and longing and optimism. And this time he’s not gonna break it.
He grasps your hands tightly in his then switches his grip, linking his pinkies with yours and pressing his lips to yours softly.
He takes a moment, re-learning the way you feel, the way you move, then falls into a familiar pattern.
Kissing you is like muscle memory. He could get his memory wiped again and again, but he’d never forget how it feels to have your pillow-soft lips against his.
“I promise.”
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forever-rogue · 5 years
Lucky You - Part 2
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A/N: Holy guacamole you guys, thanks for all your support on Part 1! I’m glad you guys are enjoying it so far. I hope you like this part as well, let me know how you like it! Taglists are open! xx
Pairing: Billy x Reader
Warning: language
Word Count: 4.1k
PART 1 | PART 3 | PART 4 | PART 5
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Detention had started mostly as a silent affair. The first day you had trudged into the designated classroom, silently shoving the detention slip into the supervising teacher’s face before slinking into a seat at the back of the room and throwing down your backpack in a huff.
A few other students milled about the room, all there for one various reason or another. But probably not for the outrageous reason you were there; after cooling down the day you’d hit Billy in the face, you’d gone back to your teacher and practically begged him to reconsider. You went so far as to give him the biggest, most innocent doe eyes you could muster up, combined with making sure your already short skirt was even short. You’d seen his eyes dart momentarily to the short hemline, but he made no comment other than denying your request for reconsideration.
That’s how you were stuck with three weeks of bullshit, commonly known as detention. Billy must have sneaked out of the boys bathroom at some point, as he was perched against the lockers, causally eating an apple as his ocean eyes had locked onto yours. He hadn’t uttered so much as a word, instead giving you a wink as you scoffed and walked away, trying your best not to turn around and look at him. It was hard, very hard, to not look at the handsome boy you swore you hated. But at this point, even you were starting to question were the line between hate and lust and even love lied.
Billy had shown up late to detention for the first week, not surprising anyone but yourself; part of you had been wondering if he’d even bother showing up at all. He cared about few things in life, and school was definitely not one of them, and you were so close to graduating, you doubted it would make much of a difference to him.
He had come into the room with his usual amount of swagger and bravado, throwing the detention slip onto the supervisor’s desk, his smirk growing the second he had spotted you, sitting by yourself in the corner, nose buried in a book. You knew he was waiting for some sort of reaction, but refused to give into him, not even to spare him a glance as sat in the desk next to you. Almost every other desk was free, unoccupied since there apparently were very few other trouble makers at school.
“Hey Princess,” he said coolly, crossing his legs on top of the desk and leaning back in his chair, dangerously close to tipping it over. You bit the inside of your cheek to keep from barking out a smart remark, or even making a sound. After a few moments of unresponsive silence, he let out a low sigh, an eyebrow raised as he leaned closer to you. You could feel his warm breath fanning over your face, the smell of peppermint laced with the cigarettes he fancied so much invading your senses, “so that’s how it’s going to be, huh?”
It took every fiber of your being not to say something, to either curse him and blame your current situation on him, or to grab his face and start kissing him then and there. His lips always managed to look so plump and kissable, and you often caught yourself daydreaming, wonder how they’d feel against your lips. Probably perfect, you figured, but you weren’t going to give in and find out. Never. Never ever.
You gripped the sides of your books so hard that your knuckles were turning white and you had to reread the same sentence about fifteen times before you were finally able to comprehend it. Billy’s eyes didn’t waiver from your frame for a long time that first day, but you managed to remain steadfast and ignored him.
The next several weeks were spent in a similar fashion: you arrived on time, took a seat at the back of the room and intently focused on your books. One of the few benefits of detention was that at the very least you were able to catch up on books you’d been wanting to read. Billy would show up late, making his grand entrance, taking a seat next to you, greeting you with a cheeky grin. You never responded, but that didn’t deter him. When Billy Hargrove wanted something, he got what he wanted. And he wanted you, and he’d get you come hell or high water.
The last day of detention had you feeling a prisoner finally getting their release from years of confine. You almost skipped in, cheerfully throwing your detention slip on the desk of the front, slipping into your self assigned seat, ready for your last day of afternoon reading. It had become a sort of comfortable routine: get out of your last class, grab your bag, and then head to sit in an isolated room and get to read for a couple of hours. In some ways you’d almost miss it in a way, but you were also excited to finally rejoin Steve and Nancy and enjoy the little bit of warm weather before it became unbearably hot.
But of course as fate, or Billy Hargrove, would have it, your last day in detention would not go down quietly, and it wouldn’t just consist of you reading in your little corner, lost in your own little world. Of course not - Billy stomped into the room, late as per usual, only giving the supervisor a nod before slamming his toned body down into the seat next to you.
He walked you intently, drumming his fingers along the side of the desk, waiting for you to say anything, willing you to even spare him a quick glance. He’d tried every day, getting increasingly annoyed by your resilience, to earn your attention but it hadn’t worked. In some ways it made you a little happy, to see him getting so worked up, almost at his own break point.
“Princess,” he finally said, almost in a sigh, unsure himself while he was still bothering to try and get your attention. Billy didn’t want to quit though, giving up and walking away from a challenge was not an option. Feeling bold, even if it was only going to last a few moments, you put your book down, taking care to properly dog ear the page you landed on, before snapping it shut and and setting it down. Billy sucked in a breath as he realized you might actually speak to him, hell, even acknowledging his presence would have been enough to send him over the moon.
“Billy Boy,” you said after a few moments, turning to him and raising an eyebrow at him, attempting to anticipate his next move, “what can I do for you? Is there something you need?”
He let out a sound somewhere between a snort and a laugh as he leaned back in his seat. After solidly ignoring him over the course of the last three weeks, that was all you were willing to give him?
“You’re not deaf then,” he commented back, putting on a cool facade as he tried to still the wild beating of his heart. He’d gotten your attention again and wasn’t about to throw it away.
“Never purported that I was,” you teased, twirling a lock of hair around your finger, feigning innocence and trying to give off the vibe you’d seen so many daft pretty girls do. That seemed like it would be something Billy would like, an airhead who did what he wanted and give in easily, he didn’t have to know you were only acting the part, “if you wanted something you could have asked.”
“Don’t play coy with me,” you weren’t fooling himself a second with your rouse, and just shrugged one of your shoulders, eyes quickly flitted all over his body. Billy reached over and grabbed your chin with his hand, firmly enough to get your full attention, but not hard to do any lasting damage. His hand and deft fingers were warm against your skin, and sent a shiver down your spine. He leaned in closer, eyes never wavering from yours, “is there a reason you’ve been completely ignoring me for the last three weeks? Even before you weren’t this bad.”
“You really have to ask?” you rolled your eyes at him, gripping his wrist with your hand, sending a jolt to course through his body. He nodded slightly, a sandy curl bobbing with the motion; you wanted to play with it, but refrain from doing so, not ready to relinquish the upper hand, “tell me, Billy, why are we here right now? Why have we spent every afternoon for the last three weeks here?”
“Because a certain someone couldn’t control her anger and decided to pie me-”
“Wronggg,” you drew out the world and pulled his hand off your face, surprising him with your snappy retort, “we’re here because you don’t know when to keep your goddamn mouth shut, not because of me. If you’re so intent on wooing me, or whatever you want to call it, you might want to learn when to just shut up.”
“First of all, I know when to shut up,” he countered, the fact that you were still holding onto his wrist was not lost on him, even if you were doing it unintentionally, “and second of all, if it’s working, I’ll carry on.”
“Never gonna happen,” you insisted, finally realizing how close the two of you were, letting go of his arm and pushing your chair back from him, a vain attempt at a physical barrier, “I’m speaking theoretically.”
“What will it take?” a small tinge of eagerness mixed in with his usual tone as he got ready to take mental notes on your requests. You wished you had it in yourself to give into him, to just go with it and not care what anyone else thought, but that wasn’t you. As much as you despised it, you had moments of being a little lamb that followed the leader and gave into societal pressures, and dating a guy like Billy was a thousand leagues away from that. You’d sooner date someone like Charlie Eddington, whose idea of a wild Friday night included alphabetizing his entire vinyl collection. Just the thought of that was enough to make you want to gag, there was no doubt Billy would much, much more exciting. But that wasn’t an option.
“Anyone but you,” the words sounded much harsher as soon as they escaped past your lips, reverberating in the otherwise quiet room. The two of you were the only ones in the room, sans your supervisor who literally could not have cared less about what was happen. The tension in the air was so thick you could have cut it with even the dullest of butter knives. A cringe contorted his features as his eyes seemed to lose a bit of their fiery spark, “I didn’t…that came out worse than I…”
“Don’t worry about it,” he pulled back from you, his arms crossing over his chest, turning his face away from you, “you and I are just two different people. How stupid of me to think that someone like you would ever enough spare me a glance. I’m so sorry, your highness.”
“Don’t be so pathetic, Billy,” you were annoyed his instant victim mentality, and also by the fact that he wasn’t fighting back harder. You’d expected more from him, and wondered if it was his turn to put on an act, “why are you so hung up on me? I don’t have anything to offer you. You don’t like girls like me.”
“What makes you say that?” his tone was cool and he barely tilted his head to look at you.
“History,” you stated simply, “it’s a very cyclical thing, it tends to run in similar fashion and repeats itself over and over, and we are creatures of habit, and we don’t learn.”
“You think I wouldn’t change?” he offered up but you just shrugged, not willing to give him a firm answer one way or another, “and what about you? Is it always going to be uptight assholes who are about as exciting as white bread?”
“Touchè,” was the last thing that left your mouth before the supervisor glanced at the clock and started to gather his papers. It was earlier than he’d normally excuse you, but it appeared he was done for the day and ready for the weekend.
“It’s Friday, we’ve all got other places to be, enjoy your weekends,” he dismissed you both without another word, jamming out the door before you or Billy could say anything. You were more than happy to leave, ready to escape for the weekend, you were supposed to meet your friends at the mall soon anyways.
Stuffing your book back into your bag, you slung it over your shoulder, almost sprinting out the door, ready to escape Billy. Not that you feared him or anything, more just because you wanted to avoid throwing yourself at him.
“Enjoy your weekend, Princess,” he smirked at you, a cigarette already hanging out of the corner of his mouth, “have fun alphabetizing your record collection or whatever you do for fun.”
You narrowed your eyes at him, amazed that he had almost read your mind exactly from earlier. A million snarky responses came to mind, but you held them back, instead giving him a quick wave before saying, “bye, Billy. Enjoy whatever girl you have tonight, just remember to not call them by my name.”
The cigarette fell from his lips and landed with a soft thud on the desk. He was surprised by your gall, but wasn’t fast enough to think of a response before you dashed away. He vowed he’d get you back for that one, regardless of how good of a comeback it was.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
May had arrived and brought the promise of freedom as the rains subsided and all the flowers, trees, and bushes started to bloom. The days started to extend, sunshine illuminating everything for longer hours, just the right amount of warmth in the air.
But the fact that you only had a few weeks of school left made it all the more difficult. It was hard to focus on anything as the finish line neared and a major case of senioritous seemed to hit everyone. Even your teachers didn’t seem to care much anymore, ready to start their own vacations, not even bothering to try and reign any of you in, knowing it would be a fruitless effort.
Your history teacher had even gone so far as to let you outside, telling you all to enjoy the sunshine, and if anyone asked, tell them the classroom had a bug problem and for everyone’s safety he’d ushered you outside. It was a weak excuse at best, but you were definitely going to take advantage of it.
You’d thrown your sweater over a sunny patch of grass, distancing yourself from the rest of your class, a vain attempt at a cat nap before your last period of the day. The sun left so good on your skin you couldn’t say no and promptly flopped down onto the soft matter of sweater, resting your head in your arms. Closing your eyes, you knew it wouldn’t take much for you to fall asleep, but after a few minutes, you suddenly a shadow disturbing your sunlit peace.
“What the hell-”
“It’s not safe for young girls to be by yourselves in such a vulnerable position,” it was Billy of course. As soon as the first word had left his mouth you knew it was him. Squeezing your eyes shut tighter, you turned head away from him, hoping he’d go away.
But of course, he wouldn’t do you the favor; even after your last encounter with him that afternoon of your final detention, he still tried to get your attention, although he was back to being more subtle about it. There were lingering looks, little smirks, and bold winks, enough to earn your attention, but not enough to satisfy your needs. Your daydreams and nights were becoming more frequently invaded by thoughts of him, no matter how hard you tried, they always flooded back, nagging at you, your subconscious working overtime.
“Hi Billy,” you said quietly, deciding not to fight with him. Maybe you could kill him with kindness instead, maybe that would deter him. You opened one eye and glanced up at him, and he was standing there with a grin, hands on his hips, as he watched you, “can I help you?”
“Yeah,” he answered simply as he stuck out a hand to help you off of the ground, waiting to see if you’d take it. You raise an eyebrow at him, wondering what he was playing at, “come on. Live a little.”
“And then I’d be doing the exact opposite of going with you,” you countered, but despite your best efforts to refrain, you took his hand and let him hoist you up to your feet. He was surprisingly gentle, even picking up your sweater and shaking it out before handing it to you.
“Come on,” he jerked his head in the direction of the parking lot. You had a moment of hesitation knowing what this meant. He noticed how you stopped, “when’s the last time you lived a little? What’s the worst that could happen?”
“You murdering me?” you joked, casting a longing glance at the school building, knowing you should stay and just go to your last classes. Billy threw his back in laughter, a sound you rarely heard, but decided you really liked, as you looked at him incredulously.
“If I wanted to murder you, you’d already be dead,” he insisted, “now let’s go. Have you ever even ditched a class?”
“I didn’t think so,” he laughed, holding his hand out for you to take. The internal struggle was increasing, but you took it anyway, letting him lead you to his care, “I promise I won’t kill you. Look, we’ll just get some ice cream and see a movie. Safe non murderous activities.”
“This doesn’t count by the way,” you reminded him, “this isn’t me giving into you and agree to go on a date. You’re practically forcing my hand.”
“Fine,” he agreed, shaking his head in amusement, “besides, if this was a date, you’d know. Now relax, and have some fun. It won’t kill you.”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
June brought summer, and although you typically despised the season, this year things were different. School was over, at least for the summer until you started college in the fall. But that was a whole world away and you decided not to let it loom over you for the moment or ruin your summer. It was going to be all about relaxing, enjoying as much of the long days with your friends as you could be you entered what your parents had dubbed as the real world.
This particular day consisted of you laying poolside and trying to soak up as much of the sun as possible. Your friends were all working, including Steve over at Scoops Ahoy. You’d already decided you’d pay him a visit later to sample some of the delicious flavors they offered, it was one small perk of your best friend spending his summer working, but you figured you might as well take advantage of it.
As you laid there and watched everyone, your jaw almost dropped as you saw none other than Billy walking out of the lifeguards’ little office, sporting nothing but a pair of swimming trunks, a whistle, and sunglasses, and of course, that trademark smirk. The girl currently in the lifeguards tower climbed down as she saw him approach, which meant that it was his shift. Of course.
Of course there wasn’t a single place you could escape him. Ever since your afternoon of ditching school with him, he’d backed off a little, and gave you some space. Not that you had done anything with him, no kisses or touches were exchanged, but you had a good time. You couldn’t even deny that; Billy was actually pretty okay when he was on his own and didn’t put on his typical swagger.
He zoned in on you almost immediately and you cursed yourself for wearing that brand new bright yellow bathing suit; it had caught everyone else’s attention, of course Billy had spotted it too.
“Well, well, well,” he was cool as ever as he made his way over to you, beads of sweat already dripping down his tanned body. It was hard not to stare, but you hoped your sunglasses made it a little less obvious that you were looking at him up and down, eyes lingering longer than necessary, “look who we have here. Didn’t take you for much of a swimmer.”
“I’m not,” you admitted, “but before you even get any ideas, I’ll have you know that I can swim properly and no, I don’t need extra, private lessons. Get that fantasy right out of your head.”
“Your words wound me,” he joked pushing his sunglasses to the top of his head, his curls looking more defined than normal today. You tried to get that thought right out of your head - fantasizing about Billy was still a big no, even if you did give into it on occasion, late at night when you couldn’t sleep and would end up tossing and turning endlessly.
“What do you want, Billy?” you sighed at him, noticing that his eyes had flicked between your lips and your chest, and he had no move to that fact. You felt your cheeks heat up and were glad for the fact that you could blame on the sun’s harsh rays, “shouldn’t you be watching all these kids and not starting at me?”
“Probably,” he admitted, “but you’re a much better view. I’d rather save you ten times over any of these kids.”
“Cherish the thought,” you sighed at him, not wanting to give into his little game, although you did like the attention, especially from Billy. Billy, who had proven to you, at least somewhat, that he wasn’t all bad. At least not towards you, but perhaps you were his weakness, his kryptonite so to speak, “but if a child dies, you’ve got other problems on your hands. Besides, I’m pretty sure I can handle lying on this chair and reading.”
“Whatever you say, Princess,” he winked at you before putting his sunglasses back on and making his way to the pristine white tower. Just before he reached it, he turned around and said, “I like the suit, by the way. Looks good on you, and if you need any help with sunscreen, I’m pretty good at applying it.”
Your eyebrows rose so high they almost went into your hairline as you watched him saunter away. He had a lot of nerve, and you knew he was just doing it to get a rise out of you, but it was working. He was slowly chipping at away at your icy exterior and finding his way into your heart; the very same heart that had almost constant thoughts of him. But you didn’t just want to let him win, not that easily.
“Hey Billy!” you shouted back over at him, causing him to look down at you with a victorious little grin. You held up your hand flipped him off, earning a few tuts from the adults around you, “it’s never going to happen.”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Permanent Taglist: @ruinerofcheese @courtneychicken  @santa-crew @supernatural508 @ssweet-empowerment @nerissa98 @jamesbarnesappreciationsociety @buckybarnesappreciationsociety @mannatgalhotra @prxttybirdz @piensa-bonito @mightyhemsworthy @shewalksinanotherworld @jems8241 @bookaddic @fairyxxfighter @asguardiansoftheavengers @esoltis280 @the-bright-lights @artisticlales @loislp @dixonsbugaboo @sleepylunarwolf @patzammit @thisismysecrethappyplace @princess-evans-addict @bookgirlunicorn @makapaka11 @bornfortherainydays @avipshamitra  @justanewqueensfan @yourealegendroger @anna1523 @thesecondlastjedi @bitemerog @rogernroll @secretsweetscollectionblog@sheridans-dynamos @dinkiplier @deacontaylormercurymay-blog @starrystarrybabe  @musical-prostitute-my-dear @onexlittlespark @benhardyseyes @marvelstuck  @whenthe-smokeisinyoureyes @wonderwich  @sunflower-borhap-boys @reedusteinrambles @a-kind-of-magik @persephoneslazynebula @lv7867 @itissnowingandimstuckinside @brian-may-be @dessert-hardy @rogertaylors-lipgloss @rogerfxckingtaylor @queenbbarnes @luvborhap 
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lurafita · 5 years
Avengers/Peter, dub/con, captivity
Know these moments when you just can’t get this one idea out of your head, and all of a sudden you are writing it down, even though you have other stories going that you should be focusing on?
Heed the tags, everyone.
kidnapping, dub/con, captivity, chains, bondage, obsessive Avengers, Peter/Everyone, darkly soft Avengers (in the sense that they hold Peter captive, but only want to love and protect him), non-powered Peter, dark-ish Avengers, 18+ Peter, Clint is not married and has no kids, Tony is not in a relationship with Pepper.
The long chain wasn’t actually necessary, what with Friday being able to control every door and window in the building, and every single one of the Avengers being physically stronger and faster than him (even the non-enhanced ones like Tony, Natasha, Clint and Sam).
So it’s not like Peter could escape from their private floor, much less the tower as a whole.
They simply liked the physical proof that he couldn’t get away. They liked being able to touch the chain, to hear the links clink when he moved. They liked being able to see him tethered to their home. Their territory.
It hadn’t started like this. Of course not. These things never do. Or, at least Peter doesn’t think they do.
He had been one of the very few lucky college students to get an internship at Stark Industries, home of the Avengers. (Though, while Peter was undoubtedly a fan, he cared far more about the Stark Industries part of the deal, than being close to the cities heroes)
He had started out as a lab assistant to one of the project leaders, working on different things. After about four months of that, the new interns (which included Peter), had been asked to propose an idea for a new project that could benefit the company, and/or society.
Peter’s idea of an organic polymer that could be compressed and stored in great quantities, and hardened to adjustable strength when exposed to air, had immediately caught the attention of one Dr. Bruce Banner.
After the initial shock and hero worship that Peter experienced when being face to face with one of the greatest minds the scientific community had to offer wore off, he was able to talk to Dr. Banner (”Please, call me Bruce.”) about the different applications his formula could be used for, especially in the fields of emergency rescue and medicine.
Peter had apparently left such a good impression on the doctor, that the man who would occasionally turn into a green rage monster, had elevated Peter to  his personal lab assistant.
Needless to say, the college student was over the moon.
Shortly after beginning to work with Dr. Banner (”No, seriously Peter, call me Bruce”), Peter had gotten to know Tony Stark.
Stark was a close friend and frequent visitor of Dr. Banner (which of course he was, with them both being on the same Superhero team), and had come to the lab one day to talk shop and escape one of his many, many board meetings.
After Peter somehow managed to stutter his way through an introduction to Tony fucking Stark, the man had enthusiastically joined the two in brainstorming for more and more ways to adjust and improve on the ‘web-fluid’. (”So you are the little Spiderling Brucie-bear has been ranting about for the last few days.” “Sp-Spiderling, sir?” “Well, your web-fluid, yes, that’s what I’m calling it, does have some similarity to spidersilk. I was just going to call you ‘Bug-boy’, but seeing you in person, that name doesn’t really fit someone as cute as you.” Not knowing how to deal with being called ‘cute’ by one of the smartest and most powerful men in the world, Peter’s brain had zeroed in on the one thing it could process. “...Spiders are arachnids...” The two older scientists had given him an impossibly fond look for that comment)
Lab work often ran pretty late, and on one day where the hours had flown by particularly fast, Bruce had invited Peter to just stay the night there.
(”I wouldn’t feel good about you taking the subway at this hour of the day, or rather night. There are more than enough guest rooms on the Avengers floor. And I’m sure we can find you something to sleep in.” “I, I couldn’t, Dr. Ban- I mean Bruce. That would be such an imposition-” “You are not an imposition, Peter. As I said, more than enough rooms. Tony has actually raised the idea of giving you one of those for your internship. You are our most promising intern in years.” Peter had blushed fifty shades of red “But Dr- Bruce, that’s not necessary, really, it’s not that late, I can just-” “Nonsense. Crime has been picking up lately, especially after dark. Can’t have my best assistant get jumped on his way home. Come on, it’s Steve’s turn to cook tonight, and that man makes a mean casserole.”)
And that’s how he had met the other Avengers.
He was awkward at first, shy and insecure about every little thing he said and every gesture he made. But the Avengers (THE AVENGERS!) had been very welcoming of the younger man. Asked him about his studies, his work in the labs, teased lightly about how much both Bruce and Tony were always praising him. The dinner had been great, conversation flowing between him (a total nobody) and the worlds mightiest heroes, going through many different topics. It had been mostly lighthearted and funny, with Peter being just as pleasantly surprised about the easy camaraderie as the Avengers were. He had helped clean the dishes after, and had tried his best to not feel emasculated when the clothes to sleep in, had come out of the Black Widow’s closet. (”You have a dancer’s figure. Nothing to be ashamed of. The guys’ clothes would just swamp you.” “I,... uhm.. th.thank you, miss Widow, I mean, miss Romanoff? I used to do ballet, but had to stop once I got into college. Time constraints..” “Call me Natasha. If you want, you can join me in the training room sometime. I like to go through a few of the routines, they are good for balance and agility.” “O-oh, I couldn’t disrupt your training like that-” “I will pick you up from college tomorrow, then we will go through some positions and figures. Make sure you eat something light beforehand. After, we will come back up here and make Barnes cook something. I know about that ‘starving college student’ myth, and I will not have you become one, you are skinny enough as it is.”)
And so Peter had started to do a few hours of ballet with Natasha every week. Which always led to being fed by whoever was in charge of cooking on that particular day. Tony tried to steal him away from Bruce’s lab and into his own about 4 times a week, and succeeded about half the time. Lab hours stretched late into the evening on more and more days, and Peter found himself sleeping over at the tower a lot. The closet in the guest room he used, gradually filled with clothes in his size, and three new pairs of shoes appeared in the room one morning (while his own, old and very battered ones, were nowhere to be found.) Tony never admitted to buying the items for him, but the satisfied expression on the older man’s face when he saw the brunette in his new clothes, was its own confession. Bruce started to keep snacks and drinks in his lab, and made sure that Peter took regular breaks in between the sciencing. Whenever Tony had Peter in his own lab, Friday would remind the genius that both he and his intern were required to take a break to eat and drink something. Peter was made to stay for dinner almost every night, even the ones that he didn’t sleep there. He got to know the men and woman behind their hero persona’s, and in turn opened himself up for them. Thor would visit a lot, and while it took a little more time for Peter to get over being starstruck by the god, than it had for the other Avengers, a friendship was struck quickly.
He truly, genuinely liked the Avengers. And they truly, genuinely liked Peter.
And the college student had thought that that was all it was.
He didn’t notice when fond, friendly looks, became lingering, longing stares. He didn’t notice when little, friendly touches, would last longer, would become caresses. Jovial shoulder pats turned into full body hugs. Leading the younger somewhere suddenly always required the other to hold on to his wrist, hand, or arm, or to keep a guiding hand on Peter’s lower back. They sat closer during dinner and the occasional movie night. Natasha corrected his stance and form during their ballet sessions far more often than Peter thought necessary. Pressing close and intimate every time. They started to fuss over him more. Made sure he ate and drank enough, always asked if he slept well, insisted he just stay over to study for his exams and other college work. (”Where else would you get a super computer and two certified geniuses to help you if you need it, Spiderling?”)
Peter hadn’t thought anything of it.
So they were a little protective and tactile, it’s not as if Peter minded physical forms of affection.
When they started to gripe about the neighborhood Peter lived in, he took it in stride. He knew it wasn’t the best part in the city. Ned, MJ and Aunt May similarly weren’t happy with Peter living there. But student housing had been filled to the brim when Peter started at the university, and the apartment had been close to the campus and cheap. (”Because it’s a shithole, Petey. Wasn’t there a drug raid just around the blog from your address last week? I think I heard something about that in the news. Do you even have hot water in that hovel?”) His answer of “Sometimes.”, had been met with many heavy and worried frowns.
Needless to say that Peter had been vigorously urged by the Avengers to abandon the place, and just move into the guest room he was already occupying most of the time anyway.
Peter had declined, of course. He could not be such a burden to his friends, not when they had already done so much for him. But the Avengers were evidently far more stubborn and determined than the college student, and by the end of that same week, Peter’s lease had been canceled via one phone call of Tony’s lawyers, and all of his belongings had been moved to the tower.
But still, the brunette hadn’t really thought anything of it.
Sure, their actions had been a little heavy handed (and controlling), but it was understandable, was it not? They were his friends. They worried. They just wanted to help.
But soon after that, the young college student had been appointed a personal driver, who would cart him to and from the university every day. Outings with his friends became decidedly less, the more each of the Avengers wanted to spend time with Peter. Between ballet, lab work, assisting with cooking or baking, video game sessions, movie nights, spontaneous shopping trips, or any one of the team just sitting down with him and talking, not to mention his course work for university, he hardly found time for his semi-regular phone calls with Aunt May. (Who was, by the way, ecstatic that he lived with the Avengers. “At least now I don’t have to worry about you being robbed blind one night, because your landlord is too cheap to install a working lock on your door.”)
It was fine.
Tony, Bruce, Bucky, Natasha, Clint, Sam, Steve and Thor were his friends. His very tactile, affectionate and protective friends.
When the pet names started, Peter took it as simply another form of affection.
Friends gave each other nick names. It was fine.
“Petey, would you hand me that test tube over there? Thanks.”
“Alright, sweetheart. Almost done with Mark 39. Just some little adjustments, then it can be taken for a test run.”
“Want more sugar for your coffee, doll?”
“That last pirouette was beautiful, lastashka.”
“Your Toad may have bested me in this round, sweetie, but Bowser and I will have our revenge!”
“Honey, did you remember to eat lunch today, or did you neglect your poor empty stomach over studying through your break again?”
“You cold, pumpkin? Come over here, I will warm you up right quick.”
“I understand that education is important to you, but you shouldn’t push yourself so hard, love. Give the books a rest for today. Sweet dreams.”
It was fine.
It was fine.
Until it wasn’t.
Read Part 2:
Read Part 3: here
Read Part 4: here
Also, I’m not sure about ship names for a few of them, so I’m just gonna tag every combination I can think of.
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bettercalllacho · 6 years
Introduction: I want to do an analysis about Henry Bowers and Patrick Hockstetter since long time. I will be focus on the source material, so the masterpiece of Stephen King. I will give lines for each global ideas. I want to work on the madness they both shared but in different states. Henry and Patrick are so different and alike at the same time and I want to underline this fact. First, there is  a french psychiatrist concept of «Folie à deux» it means «Madness of two» or «shared psychosis» and that applies perfectly to them.
→ Henry Bowers born in 1946 , son of Oscar Bowers (Butch) and Mrs Bowers, his mother in law is Rena Davenport.
He killed his father in 1958 when he was 12 years old, under the influence of Pennywise. In 1956, Mrs Bowers ran away from the farm because she was beaten nearly to death by her husband, she left the home without her son. Contrary to Patrick, Henry is more close to his father than his mother, he is in a complex relationship with his father, he loves and hates him at the same time. His father was an ex-marine who fought in the Normandy beach during WW2 (a reference to “Stand by Me” an another novel of Stephen King in which an abusive father is accused of madness but his son is the only one who defends him because he is an hero to him even if his own father burns his ear).
→ Patrick Hockstetter born in 1946, son of Arthur Hockstetter and Mrs Hockstetter, big brother of Avery Hockstetter.
In 1951, at only 5 years old he killed Avery while her mother was sleeping. His dad a seller of painting, has some doubts about his older son Patrick because of snow footprints in Avery bedroom but he never asks him nor tells his suspicion to his wife. Patrick likes to have the attention of his mother (he occasionaly cooks with her, show her his draws) but doesn’t react to her cries when she saw that her second child stopped breathing because of him. Just like Mrs Denbrough she is totally under the shock at the death of Avery.
So Henry and Patrick shared the murder of a relative but Henry was a beaten child and killed his father mainly because of all the bad treatments and under Pennywise influence. Patrick is the one responsible for the death of his brother and his parents seems to be normal parents, his mother is a devoted catholic who died of a breast Cancer in 1962. The biggest mistake of Mr Hockstetter is to have hide his suspicious about his son, he could have bring Patrick to a psychiatrist to “cure” his solipsist view and his murderous desires (at least try to stop that).
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→ Henry began to have friends at 6 years old (1952 in the novel) and they all became members of the Bowers Gang.
There are 7 members of the BOWERS GANG just like the Losers Club. 7 is a lucky number in many cultures but the irony of fate is that many of them are tragic figures. Patrick is killed in the Junkyard, Belch and Vic are murdered in the sewers by Pennywise, Henry is accused of all the murders of kids in Derry and is locked in the Jupiner Hill asylum from 1958 to 1985 until Pennywise free him to kill all the adults Losers. Henry meets his death by the hand of Eddie Kaspbrak. Eddie implies that all the friends of Henry are dead that summer so perhaps Peter, Steve and Gard are also dead. It’s not clear without putting them in the victims list of Pennywise or perhaps they are not real friends for Henry. They are more like minions to him, especially because Peter is a rich kid who leaves in first along with Moose the ROCK WAR against the Losers Club. They both prefer Belch and Vic and they fear Henry.
-Henry Bowers “Hank” (nickname of Henry Freeman James in 1922 novel by Stephen King)
-Reginald Huggins “Belch” (because of his ability to burps)
-Victor Criss “Vic”
-Patrick Hockstetter “Pat” (only in the 2017 movie by Henry at the kissing bridge)
-Peter Gordon
-Steve Sadler “Moose”
-Gard Jagermeyer
Henry Bowers best friends are Reginald Huggins and Victor Criss.They are always together until the end in the sewers. Henry deeply regrets to have abandon them when he talks with a “ghostly” Belch.
→ Henry is the leader of the Bowers Gang and must be the one who chose Patrick to be part of the gang, Patrick appears after the Rock War and the disappearance of Peter Gordon in the gang. But it could be possible that Patrick knows Henry before and it’s not established if he is a replacement of Peter. Anyways because of the psycho side Patrick must be feared by the other members of the gang. Henry is the only one who doesn’t fear him, the same goes for Patrick who doesn’t fear Henry.
→ Patrick has no friends, his asocial side (solipsist view and psychopathy) puts him aside from society. They fear him, especially the girls in the classroom. Patrick hang with the Bowers Gang to be with Henry Bowers.
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→ Henry and Patrick have repeated classes. Henry isn’t anymore with Victor and Reginald, they are in 6th grade, Henry is in the 7th grade.
→ Patrick might turn in test papers that were utterly blank or blank except for a large, decorative question-mark
→ His report cards showed Patrick as being an apathetic student.
→ In classroom Henry, Belch and Vic are most noticed by Mrs Douglas for their bad behaviour than Patrick.
→ They both have Mrs Douglas teacher and she doesn’t see the how much dangerous and psychothic is Patrick and nor does she see the violence of Oscar «Butch» Bowers against Henry.
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Toward animals=
→ Patrick kills insects and animals, he brings them in his school stuffs or in the Amana Fridge in the Junkyard. He sometimes shows dead insects to pupils at school.
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→ Henry kills at 8 years old «Mr Chips» Mike Hanlon's dog in order to pleased his father Oscar Bowers «Butch» who hates William Hanlon and always blames him for his failure on the farm.
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So about hurting animals Henry does it for his father and Patrick does it for himself BUT at the same time we need to UNDERLINE that Patrick find the Amana fridge the day George Denbrough died so when Pennywise is awake, moreover «perhaps some other force did that», so yes Patrick is a puppet just like all the Derry habitants and that's one of the reason why he is a “victim” of Pennywise.
Toward humans=
( Summer 1958)
→ Henry torments the Losers with several acts of violence, such as partially carving his name onto Ben Hanscom’s belly, killing, breaking Eddie Kaspbrak's arm, and white washing Stan Uris' face in the snow until it bleeds.
→ During Chapter 16 «Eddie's bad break»: Patrick Hockstetter appears for the first real time (before his name was mentionned as one of the missing kids). During this chapter Henry breaks the arm of Eddie, and  Henry and Patrick are the most violent members of the gang and the only ones who don't fear Mr Gedeau, they even face him.
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→ For Patrick killing is a need, his Psychopathology brings him a God complex. There’s irony because he was raised in a catholic family.
→ Henry does it for having his father attention: “he had finally found the key to his father’s attention” “it was the first beer Henry had ever had, and for the rest of his years he would associate that taste with positive emotions: victory and love”. When it’s not for attention it’s for jealousy/vengeance against the Losers Club. But Henry become crazier and crazier through the story, even Victor Criss one of his most loyal friend become worried about his mental state.
→ Henry hears voices from the moon because of Pennywise. It's often the dead voices of his cherish friends or the Losers Club who tortures him.
→ Patrick sees a black and white world, he even draws only in dark colors (black and brown) looping scribbles and tell that's different things.  
→ Henry doesn't leave the Junkyard when Belch and Vic does. He accepts to be alone with Hockstetter knowing what he is capable of, because he reveals that he knows the dirty secret of Patrick for the Amana fridge.
→ Henry is capable of doing blackmail, if Patrick said something about the handjob in the junkyard he would reveal the truth behind the missing animals.
→ Irony of fate: Jupiner Hill for Butch but it's Henry who truely goes there. Henry said to Patrick that he can't go with the loonies so the asylum if they know his secrets but Patrick died before and Hen goes to the asylum.
→ Hockstetter POINT OF VIEWS: Bill Bev Henry Stephen King
IN THE MOVIE (2017 version):
→Pat's lighter must be the Hen's lighter
→ Surname Pat «Just hold him Pat»
→ The red baloon I love Derry
→ Pat is totally fond of Hen during violent acts
→ He goes with Belch to chase Ben Hanscom, and like in the book that's because of Hen orders that he died.
→ Henry is aiming a cat it remind the murder of Mister Chips but also show that Henry could hurt animals just like Patrick.
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endof-theline · 5 years
AU Yeah August | Day Sixteen: Supernatural
A carry on from day 10, but with a little insecure Tony and some pack fluff.
On Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20313931
Maria was suddenly supportive of their relationship while Howard was still nervy and anytime Steve was around him, he was tensed up and eager to leave the room, though that wasn’t so much of a problem anymore. Tony barely turned twenty one before the ball where he met his soulmate and Steve was heading to twenty five, although being a werewolf he didn’t look much older than his mate and will continue that way, but being an adult Tony moved out of his parent’s home and straight into Steve’s pack house.
Steve’s pack welcomed him with open arms and all of them thought it was very funny that Steve’s mate was human, though they were all sad and sympathetic to Tony when he explained his side of the story that was much less entertaining than Steve’s.
“Mate, my darling mate, I missed you” Steve whined as he peppered Tony’s face with kisses making the younger laugh and blush shyly as he heard the rest of the pack tut at their leader before Steve’s snapped his head up to growl at Natasha who had ruffled Tony’s hair when she walked past, but was ignored immediately.
“You were gone ten minutes, Stevie, all I did was get out of bed and have a shower” Tony coaxed his protective soulmate, Steve had always been much more protective of Tony than the rest of the pack had been towards their mates since he wasn’t also a werewolf.
“Mnh, ten minutes too long” Steve hummed as he buried his face into Tony’s neck and growled softly when Tony just rolled his head to the side. After a moment Steve pulled away and looked much more composed now that he had assured himself that Tony was safe and unharmed, he always hated going for a run with his pack every morning and leaving Tony to wake up alone.
“You need to run with your pack, Steve, it’s good for all of you and there’s no way in hell that I would be able to keep up with you as a human” Tony explained as he ran his fingers through the werewolf’s hair making him lean into the touch instantly, he found out that his mate loved any kind of touch from him and it was lucky that Tony was just the same.
“I know, but I miss you when I’m running” Steve pouted and laughed when Tony stretched up onto his toes and kissed the pout off his lips “You can’t always kiss me quiet, Tony”
“But it works so well” Tony whined playfully before Steve pinched his side with a laugh as the younger whined at him annoyed “Come on, I wanna go say good morning to the rest of them”
“Go on then, I need a shower anyways”  Steve shooed him off as Tony laughed and ran to where the pack headed off too.
Natasha held her arm out straight away and Tony dove for her on the sofa, she was always more than happy to give their only human pack member cuddles when he required them. He hummed when she pulled him in straight away and nuzzled the top of his head, a question was burning in his mind and had been for a while and without thinking as much as he probably should have he asked it.
“Would Steve love me more if I was a werewolf too?” He asked much louder than he should’ve as well and the pack all snapped their heads to look at him making him shrink back nervously “I mean, because then I’ll fit in with the rest of you guys, you wouldn’t have to leave me behind anymore”
“I don’t think it’s possible for Steve to love you anymore than he already does, he looks at you like you hung the moon and stars” Natasha pointed out to him as the pack all agreed, he lowered his eyes from the group with a sound noise in his throat “Do you want to become a werewolf?”
“I want to fit in” Tony mumbled a little but knew all the wolves could hear him anyway so he didn’t really care all that much “I’ve never fit in with people before, I was weird at school for dreaming about a wolf, people avoided me because I went to therapy, I don’t fit in here because I’m human and everyone else isn’t. I just- I don’t know”
“You might not fit in because you’re human, but you are a part of the pack Tony” Clint chirped up and Tony smiled weakly at his attempt to coax him, when he came to the pack they all made it clear that he was welcome here which he really needed to hear.
“I know that, but you guys always go on runs in the morning and I can’t go and you guys like to be wolves and chill with each other and it’s kinda lonely sometimes” Tony explained and shot Sam a panicked look when Steve walked into the room, Tony beamed at him and Steve grinned proudly at his mate. The conversation was dropped straight away and they never brought it up again, the rest of the pack thinking it was just a random thought of Tony’s after he had been on his own for a while.
They didn’t think of it again until Tony disappeared for the day, weeks later, and came back smelling of someone unfamiliar and of many weird smells that no one could really place, Tony just grinned and waved it off but Steve couldn’t help but keep his nose pressed to Tony’s neck as he was convinced his scent was off.
It hit midnight and Tony woke up with a groan, his whole body was aching and he felt way too warm, even though he was warned about it it still came as a bit of a surprise. Tony managed to get out of bed and felt cooler already, he couldn’t explain the pull he felt but he needed to be outside.
He had been out in the moonlight for barely a minute before Steve was sprinting to him and basically tackled him to the ground making him yelp in pain, he flinched when Steve pinned him against the ground and snarled at him.
“Who turned you?” He spat through his growls and Tony’s eyes went wide.
“N-No one, it was a witch, she helped me but she said I had to have someone to bite me to make it complete, I wanted you to be surprised” Tony whimper as he tried to defend himself and he wriggled against Steve’s restraints.
“You bet I’m damn surprised! I could have lost you, don’t you know not to trust witches?!” Steve was still spitting furiously, muscles coiled and tense as he looked down to his mate who looked confused and anxious.
“No, Steve, no I don’t because before you I had never met supernatural people and then you brought me to the fucking forest where I have to be careful which way I walk home in case I wander into someone else’s territory!” Tony snapped back at him and managed to wriggle a hand out to push against Steve’s chest to try and get away from him even though his whole body felt like it was on fire “Normal people don’t get taught that kind of thing!”
“Well I don’t know! I was brought up in the forest, we all were, how am I supposed to know what you do and don’t know!” They kept yelling and Tony heard a gasp from Bucky and Sam when Tony managed to kick Steve off of him and ran to them as the whole pack had woken up now.
“Sweetheart, you should have told us you wanted this, we could have helped you” Bucky cooed at the younger man who clung to his waist and nuzzled into his chest, Tony was much shorter than all of them so it felt like having a pup around all the time.
“I did!” Tony sobbed and the pack all whined sadly as they remembered their conversation “I did and none of you ever said anything about it again so I thought you couldn’t help me!”
Natasha cupped his cheek gently and brought his head up and out of Bucky’s shirt to look up at her, Tony sniffled and let out a small whimper in response.
“I will bite you if this is something you want” Natasha offered to him and Tony nodded straight away before Steve was growling again “You can’t stop him if this is what he wants, Steve!”
“I’m not going to stop him!” He snapped back at her, hating the feeling in his chest as his mate found comfort in someone else, someone else offering to turn his mate. Steve took Tony’s hand gently and led him back into the moonlight, heart leaping at the sight of his mate, before he knelt down on one knee and dropped his head down and slightly to the side “Please let me bite you, Tony, as your soulmate and your mate, please”
“I thought you didn’t want me to turn?” Tony sniffled as he rubbed at his eyes to rid his face of tears.
“Not at all, anam , I was so afraid that you had been harmed, my dreams all showed me you screaming in pain and my heart broke, I thought you had been turned by someone else and you were hurting” Steve rushed out and purred the Irish endearment, it was rare for Steve to call him his soulmate and even rarer in his first language.
Tony folded to his knees and pressed his head to Steve’s shoulder with a soft whine “Please, my mate, please turn me” Steve pulled Tony’s head up carefully before bringing him into a kiss so soft and so full of meaning that it had Tony in tears as they pulled apart.
A sharp scream rang through the trees and morphed into a howl which was quickly followed by a chorus of the pack's own howls joining in.
In the morning, the pack didn’t go on their usually run, and they didn’t go for the whole week either, they spent their bonding time gathered around the wolf pup and gently nudging him back up onto his paws and encouraging him to walk and then run. The wolf pup let out a small growl when Clint knocked him over making the rest of the pack grin at him as he started a very wobbly run after the dirty blonde wolf, Clint let the pup catch up to him and he rolled onto his back, whining and whimpering as he acted hurt for the pup who leapt onto his stomach and looked up to Steve proudly.
“Good job, Tones” Steve cooed at his tiny mate, none of them expected Tony to be a pup when he was pushed into his shift after Steve bit him, but all of them jumped straight into helping their leader look after his mate until he was able to shift back.
Tony barked excitedly as he span around on Clint’s chest before the older wolf nudged him off of him so he could shift up and Tony whined at him and nipped at his ankle, he moved to Steve’s side and whimpered at him sadly.
“I want you up on your feet too, Tony, but these things take time” Steve petted his hair making the pup growl again before shaking his head, barking as his ears flopped around his head since they weren’t staying up just yet. Natasha called him from the kitchen and Tony bolted with his tail up and wagging furiously, knowing he was going to have his breakfast “Don’t tell him how many pictures and videos we have of him like this”
“Never, Cap” Clint snickered before he bit his lip and muttered “Nat and I have been thinking about pups and having puppy Tony around kind of helped our decision, would you be okay if Natasha and I tried?”
Steve knew with a guilty heart that his packmates didn’t want to have pups while he didn’t have a mate at all, but now that he had Tony in his life he was beaming with pride that his pack wanted to expand “Of course Clint, thank you for waiting to find Tony and I’m glad you trust me and the rest of the pack to look after your pups with you”
“Wouldn’t want it any other way” He grinned before hearing his mate yell after Steve’s, the tiny pup running away from her as fast as he could with a sandwich in his mouth making the pair laugh “Yeah, this is exactly what I want”
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Steve Rogers x Reader
Word Count: 937
Summary: Pure fluff.
Author’s Note: Hi all! I’ve been in a very Steve Rogers mood (to be fair, when am I not?) so here’s something I pulled together. I’ve got a few things coming up I promise, things have been crazy but I’m going to try and set some real time aside for writing things because I miss it and love it. As always, requests, asks and tag lists are open! Thanks for reading- Abby x
Tags: @vikingsandetc, @l8nit-l0vr
She woke up cold. The blanket had moved and her feet weren’t covered anymore, sending goosebumps up her bare legs. It was still dark, when she finally got the energy to open her eyes, and the clock next to be bed told her it was 3:26AM. She rolled over slowly, stretching herself out, her fingers reaching out to where he was meant to be laying.
Steve smiled just a little a her fingers grazed his back. He looked down at her half open eyes. She was wearing one of his t-shirts and some cotton shorts to sleep in. It was a cold night, and she’d been wrapped up in duvet, it was only now that he replied that he’d pulled some of that off as he’d woken up from his nightmare.
He hated the nightmares. They’d stopped for a while and he thought things were going back to normal, but tonight had been a bad one. He woke up in a sweat, shaking. He didn’t want to wake her up, so he stayed put, sitting with his knees pulled up to close his chest. He was wearing the pyjama pants she got for him with cartoon rockets patterned on them. They were a joke at first, she’d gotten them to tease him when he said how fascinated he was with the moon landing, but they were soft and he liked wearing them. The feel of them against him bought him back to reality, back to the woman lying next to him. Ironically, he thought, they bought him back down to Earth.
His hand reached out and took hers to hold in his own. He lifted it to his cheek, where she could feel the slight prickling of the beginnings of stubble, a standard feature on his face when he came back from a mission. Steve only did this when things were really bad. She knew not to ask when he took her hand without being able to explain why. She knew that her cold feet should be the least of her worries when he was like this.
“I’m so sorry, Doll.” He whispered, his lips gently pressing against her fingers. “I didn’t mean to wake you up.”
“I’m glad you did.” She rolled overland propped herself up, finally opening her eyes properly and looking at him. His hair was messy at the back and his eye looked dull and ahead as though he was still seeing whatever it was in his dreams. “I’m thirsty, do you want some water?”
Steve nodded and she got up and pulled him from the bed, not letting go of his hand.
Thy’d moved into their Brooklyn apartment just under a month ago. Life had been busy and they hadn’t gotten round to buying curtains yet, so the moonlight came through the windows, casting a silver light over the room. Steve propped himself up against the counter as she poured each of them a glass of water, the sound of the tap bursting through the silence of the room.
“Go back to bed, Y/N.” Steve sighed.
“Not without you.”
“Nope.” She forced a smile to her lips and placed the water down next to him so she could wrap her arms around his waist. “I can’t sleep if you’re not okay.” he watched as he softened and rested his head on hers. His arms were warm and normally, she loved to have them around her like this, when they had a rare moment of privacy, but she could feel how tense they were. As much as he was trying to hide it, he wasn’t okay just yet.
“I’m so lucky I have you.” He spoke softly into her hair. She chuckled a little and felt him relax. He pulled away, just a little so that his face could meet hers.His eyes were so full of love when he looked at her it made her heart want to burst. She didn’t care that it was 3 in the morning when he looked at her like that. She wanted to tell him that she was the lucky one to have him and that everything would get better soon, but instead she just kissed him. She put everything into that kiss, hoping Steve would understand. His hand reached up and held her face, the edges of his fingers pressing into her hair. His lips were trying to suppress a smile under hers as he kissed her back, making things a little toothy and clumsy and ridiculously perfect.
She didn’t want the moment to end, but eventually Steve pulled away.
“You need to sleep.” His look had changed from soft to stern in a heartbeat. Leader mode had been activated.
She tried to match his expression. “So do you.”
“It’s not that easy.”
“Well, we could start off by going back to bed.” She smiled, walking back, knowing it wouldn’t be long before he followed her.
She climbed under the covers and Steve eventually the joined her, lying facing the opposite direction.
“You don’t have to do everything alone anymore, y’know.” She whispered.
“I know.” He turned and faced her, his hand gently caressing her cheek. “I’m working on it, I promise.”
She blushed a little under his hand and nodded, taking his fingers and kissing them. “I love you, Steve.”
“I love you, too.” He pulled her close to him and went quiet. His breathing was so deep he could feel his chest heaving against her, lulling her into the same deep sleep he had finally found.
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bbparker · 7 years
🎄When the Night was Full (Bucky Barnes x Reader) 🎄
Summary: Its been years since the fight between Steve and Tony, all was forgiven and everyone moved on with their life. Everyone but (y/n), the new leader of the New Avengers. All she wants is a family of her own but nobody’s willing to stick around, she needs something impossible. A Christmas miracle.
A/N: This is like 4,000 words so Rip But I really liked this one! Also please excuse my terrible translated Russian!
Requested by: @slywinterpilot & @rafaeladreamer
Prompts: Can you just lay here with me and we can talk about our dreams, our loves and our downfalls? (I slightly altered it for this story, soz)
Words: 4,100
Warnings: Kida angsty reader and a lot of fluff!
(Gif belongs to buckaholic)
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(Y/n) ran around her room trying to organise her presents she had bought for all her family and friends, resulting in her whole room is stacked floor to roof with presents of all kinds. She never liked to leave them in the lounge room because people would start guessing (and often get it right).
It had been a few years since the incident of the Civil War and once everyone had forgiven each other, quite a lot of people had moved onto starting families. (Y/n)’s relationships seemed to never work out and often she wanted to give up but every time she got a glimpse at Sam’s little boy Angus, Steve’s little girl Rebecca or Vision and Wanda’s little girl Ingrid, she wanted nothing more. Only she was always too busy, the main cause of most of her relationship breakups.
“There’s just no time for us.”
“I barely see you! And when I do it’s when you’re sleeping!”
Now, due to most of the Avengers having familial responsibilities they couldn’t do as much world saving as before, leaving it up to (y/n) and her new team. It consisted of herself, Bucky Barnes, Thor (occasionally), Johnny Storm, T’Challa and Riri Williams. (AKA- The New Iron Man) Of course the other Avengers sometimes tag along to help on the bigger missions but for now, you were leading the new Avengers.
A knock on the door snapped (y/n) out of her reminiscing, the thought of everyone’s family still running through her head as she opened the door. There stood Riri Williams with crossed arms, her dark afro so prominent It made (y/n) jealous that her hair could be that gorgeous without effort. “C’mon we’re watching Christmas movies in the theatre.” (y/n) laughed lightly, closing the door to her present stash (room) and followed Riri down the hall, both taking on a slow pace so they could talk. “Shouldn’t you be in Chicago with friends or family, Riri?” The girl shook her head and smiled lightly. “Uh, Tony’s got me working on the suits twice as much as usual, so no point. Anyways, you guys are my family.”
(Y/n) gave her a side hug in gratitude, both girls giggling at the cheesy moment. Once the girls arrived at the theatre, it was utter chaos. Kids were running a mock throughout the theatre and it seemed the all-powerful Avengers were helpless to stop it.
“Anatoly! Don’t kick your cousin!”
“Don’t you dare yell at me! A teper’ idi syuda!”
Watching Natasha slip in and out of Russian with her adopted five-year-old boy Anatoly made (y/n) giggle. Other kids ran past (y/n) chasing each other “Angus! I told you no more kissing girls!” Sam called, catching his four-year-old around the waist and pulling him to his chest; erupting into a tickle fight. “But I know my boy would be a lady killer, just like this dad!” “You wish, honey.” Sam’s wife laughed, causing a hand to go over his heart in mock shock. Moving on from that family, (y/n) spotted Clint’s teenage kids sitting bored on their phones, Clint and Laura sitting beside them and like (y/n) watching everyone’s young kids.
Seeing her new Avengers team, mostly childless (T’challa’s children were back in Wakanda) (y/n) began to make her way there with Riri, about to greet them before a tiny squeal stole her attention.
It was Steve sitting beside Sharon, a little Rebecca sitting on his lap, playing with his fingers as he smiles softly at his daughter. Noticing a spot open beside Steve, (y/n) almost ran to the seat, wanting an opportunity to play with the sweetest and youngest child here. Unfortunately, the seat was stolen by frosty, “Dammit…” (y/n) muttered, standing next to the chair as he smirked up at her. “Too slow, (y/n)” Bucky opened his arms for Rebecca as she readily dived into his arms and making Steve and Bucky laugh. “We all know who her favourite is, don’t we?” Bucky baby talked her before smirking at (y/n) as Rebecca released a giggle. (Y/n) simply decided to sit next to Bucky as someone began the first Christmas movie.
Rebecca continued to sprout baby babble at Bucky as he let her play with his metal fingers. Although Bucky had his issues in the past, slowly T’challa was able safe lock the trigger words behind other trigger words, which only the pair knew of. Of course, he still had insecurities but didn’t everyone?
(Y/n) watched as Bucky carefully brushed his metal fingers over Rebecca’s face, making her giggle and Bucky to chuckle. (Y/n) was simply mesmerised by the sight. Bucky was slightly older than when they had first met during the fight between Tony and Steve, but he was still as amazing to look at as ever. He began tying his hair back into low ponytails and puns, an extremely attractive look for him; or so (y/n) thought but would never admit. He was her second in command after all and she would want to compromise anything between them.   For years Bucky and she had been great friends, even when he was hesitant about being around people; (Y/n) and he had been close friends. But something in (y/n) shifted in the theatre the night of Christmas Eve, watching the Grinch with her Avenger family.
Looking from Bucky and Rebecca to the sight of a once loud Anatoly now sound asleep on Natasha’s shoulder with his mouth open. (y/n) looked around to all the families snuggling up, even Clint’s teenagers seemed to come together. Slowly (y/n) eyes teared up at the sight. She’d never had a family, not one of her own anyway. Growing up alone, she always dreamed of having her own family, a big one with ten kids and a husband. It was awfully cheesy but there’s nothing wrong with wanting to start a family and be loved.
Feeling the tears run down her cheeks, (y/n) looked down at her hands, unaware that Bucky had practically read her mind. Holding a now sleeping Rebecca to one side of his chest, Bucky reached out his other arm to grasp hers.  “Are you alright, doll?” (y/n) simply grasped his hand in her own two as she looked him in the eyes and whispered something Bucky thought he’d never hear. “You’ll be a great dad someday, you know that?” In shock, Bucky was unable to grasp her again as she fled the theatre, some giving Bucky questioning looks as if a signal for him to go after her.
Handing an asleep Rebecca to Steve, who cuddled into her dad’s chest, Bucky shot after (y/n). She was usually a bright and happy person, so to see her break almost broke Bucky himself. He searched everywhere, her room, the lounge room, and admittedly the kid’s playroom, before coming to stop at his last destination. The Kitchen was big and amazing but what really held the beauty in the room was the large balcony that ranged off it. Seeing the doors open wide, Buck ventured outside, tucking his hands in his pockets due to the cold, only to find (y/n) standing and looking at the moon and stars.
“You know there was a time when I was younger I believed I was one of the lucky ones. The other kids in my foster home had been through worse tragedies than myself, having loved and lost their entirety of their family. I didn’t know my family, what they looked or sounded like, so I guess it was probably a blessing on my part.”
Bucky moved forward, standing next to (y/n) after realising she was talking to him. (Y/n) was their team leader who excelled in anything and everything they did. She didn’t have huge and special abilities like super strength or flying but what she did have was determination, years of training and heightened senses.  She became the leader of the new Avengers because of her sheer determination and ability to sympathise. ‘And that-’ said Steve had explained to Bucky one day, ‘-is enough to be the leader of any team, with or without abilities.’
“But as I got older there was nothing I desired more than to actually HAVE a family of my own. You know the saying-” (y/n) had not looked at Bucky once, continuously gazing at the marvellous twinkling lights in the sky. “- It’s better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all. But how can I do that when everyone I meet gives up on me so easily. I mean everyone else has made it work with their jobs.” Finally, (y/n) turned to him with a sad smile, the small breeze coming through threading through her hair. A few flyaway parts of Bucky’s hair also flew into his face, but his shock at her confession had him ignoring the small parts. Instead, he stepped forward to really look at (y/n). His strong leader had always been open but her past and her thoughts were somewhat kept to herself. Not allowing herself to ever damper the mood.
“How long has this been bothering you (y/n)?” She laughed sadly, turning back towards the stars. “Far too long Bucky, far too long.” Bucky leaned on the railing as well but instead of the moon and stars, he was looking at her. “Did I ever tell you about my family?” (Y/n)’s head snapped up and her voice suddenly became soft. “No… You haven’t…”
Bucky’s lips perked up softly, as (y/n) and Bucky looked at each other, really looked. “Steve was obviously a part of my family but I had a mom, Winifred who would make the most wonderful pies you’d ever tasted. My dad…” And from there he listed a lot of his family members, giving (y/n) a little characteristic to each of them. (Y/n) felt that little shift within herself once again, watching as he happily told her stories about his family and their adventures, some including Steve.
“-and that was my aunt Ida for you. My sister though, Rebecca she was a real firecracker-” Thoughts clicked together for (y/n), “Wait, did Steve name Rebecca after your sister?” Bucky looked down and smiled softly at (y/n), “Yeah, it was originally going to be James because we all thought I was going to be a boy but it turned out to be a girl and… well, now we have Rebecca. It was probably the best day of my life, Sharon has been nothing but accepting and patient with me. I mean to name your first child for me is-” “They love you…” (y/n) says in both a sad and happy tone. Bucky simply watched as the light tears lay in her eyes like shimmering diamonds ready to fall.
“You’re very lucky James, to have many families throughout your life.” She couldn’t help the slight jealously slipping in her tone as Bucky listened, slightly shocked at her use of his first name. “You have a family (y/n), it’s-”
“If you’re about to say the Avengers are my family, I’ll punch you.” Bucky couldn’t help but let the slight laugh leave his lips, leaning on the railing and looking down at his hands. “I know they are but they have their own families. Families, that when the battles done, they get to return to. Do you know who I return to? My room and as I watch everyone’s kids cross my path I can’t help but want that too.”
The moment was interrupted by Steve clearing his throat, (y/n) quickly cleared her eyes and turned to face him, with a slight smile. “We’re all heading to bed but I’ll see you both in the morning. Goodnight.” Steve smiled lightly at (y/n) as they said their goodnights. When Steve left, (y/n) turned back to Bucky and laughed lightly. The serious tones went with Steve. “Should we go-”
“Can you just stay out here with me and talk? I want to know what you want Bucky Barnes. What are your dreams, your hopes and loves huh? We can’t be Avengers forever so tell me, what does the great Bucky Barnes want from life?”
Bucky paused, considering (y/n)’s eyes as she looked right back. “I-I haven’t figured it out yet…”
(Y/n) gave a small smile almost disappointed. “Lucky you…”
There was a long pause, neither said anything for ten minutes. “I want someone for my own.” The statement broke (y/n) out of her reminiscing with wide eyes.  Bucky looked at her shocked look and huffed a laugh. “Don’t act so surprised, I’ve been a third wheeling for so long I’m pretty sure I’ve become the family pet. Guess we’ll find out.” A boisterous laugh left (y/n)’s mouth, making her bend over. Her laugh brought a large smile from Bucky as he watched (y/n) double over in laughter.
Finally pulling herself together (y/n) turned to Bucky smugly. “If you’re the family pet, then what does that make me, hmm?” Bucky’s smile continued as he looked around thinking, “probably the pet trainer.” A tone of seriousness entered his voice, making (y/n)’s laughter die out. “Oh yeah, and what does this training include?”
“Mostly how to kick someone’s ass but-” The slight pause caused some tension between the two, (y/n) anticipating his next response. “How to finally love someone.”
Shock ran through her system like electricity and that shift was back once again. “I-i…”
Stepping forward slowly, Bucky was taller than (y/n) which caused her eyes to drift upwards but not before glancing at his lips. “You think you’re so alone in this world, but oh how wrong you are (y/n). You asked me what I want most in this world…”
(y/n) only hummed as her gaze drifted between his lips and his ocean eyes. Bucky was so close that both were basically chest to chest, noses inches from each other. She was captured by his gaze and the words drifting through the cold air.
“I want- “
“YO, we’re tryna’ sleep in here! What in the world-oh” A frazzled Sam stepped through the doorway, hands on hips. Glancing at the pair and noticing your closeness, Sam smirked. (Y/n) quickly moved backwards before saying a quick goodbye to both men (and a sorry to Sam), before exiting as fast as she could.
“Thanks, Sam…” Bucky muttered shoving his hands into his pocket, releasing a deep breath. Sam smirked, “Goodnight family pet… and Merry Christmas!” “SAM!” Bucky charged after the man as he laughed and ran back to the safety of his room.
Bucky simply sighed out, “shit…”
The next day came in the form of an air horn, literally. “RISE AND SHINE!” The voice of Riri rang throughout the compound, causing multiple yells and moans. Covering her ears (y/n) muttered, “She definitely is another Tony that’s for sure.” When (y/n) finally was up, showered and Christmas, she gradually began trying to take the presents out into the lounge room, where they would begin the day by opening the presents. However, realising the number of gifts she had, (y/n) realised she’d need to get help. Spotting Thor and Johnny exiting their rooms, she was quick to call them over. “Thor! Johnny! Would you guys be able to help me take these presents to the lounge room?”
“Yeah sure”
“No problem lady (y/n)!”
When both men entered the room, (y/n) stopped Johnny. “And Johnny?” “Yes, darlin’?” The man gave her a flirty smile, leaning on the doorway. “Don’t burn any of my presents otherwise I’ll kill you.”
Johnny’s flirty smile dropped and he raised his hands, “I definitely believe you.”
Moving to the lounge room with two bulking guys behind her, (y/n) set all her presents in the corner near the tree, before turning and asking the boys to grab the next load. “YES! (y/n) gives the best presents!” Turning, (y/n) found Anatoly standing behind her, dark curls and hazel eyes staring up at her. Kneeling in front of him (y/n) smirked, “You know it kiddo.” Ruffling his hair, she returned to her room to gather more presents.
Entering the lounge room (y/n) could see everyone gathered and seated apparently waiting for her as she placed the last of her gifts. (y/n) saw the only seat open was next to Steve, so she quickly rushed to it, knowing what would happen if she didn’t. Also, Rebecca was awake and she wanted cuddles.
Suddenly a huge mass landed on the couch beside Steve, “dammit Barnes!” (y/n) threw her head back in frustration, last night forgotten. “Just once, just once! I’d like to sit next to my niece!” Bucky laughed and threw out his hands like ‘what can I do’. “Gotta be faster than that doll.” (y/n) huffed but smiled lightly, deciding just to stand instead. Turning to Sam who was originally talking. “So, who wants to go first?”
“Can we get (y/n)’s presents first? She has the biggest pile!” Angus yelled, throwing his hands up, followed by the agreement of the rest of the children on the floor. “Aim big, good choice son,” Sam said approvingly. Bucky couldn’t help but roll his eyes.
“Alright, here we go…” (Y/n) began gathering her presents deciding to begin with the kids. Handing them all their gifts and to hear the ripping of paper before shouts of “mum/dad! Look what (y/n) gave me!” Finally (y/n) turned towards Sharon, who currently had Rebecca in her arms being wriggly, trying to join the excitement on the floor. Rebecca was only one, so a little too young for most of the other children.
“And for my favourite niece…” (y/n) handed Rebecca a small gift and as if the child had done it a thousand times, ripped open the gift to reveal a metal rattle. “Oh (y/n) it’s gorgeous!” Sharon exclaimed, looking at it as even Rebecca seemed to be admiring it.
“This looks strangely familiar, Bucky have you seen one like this before?” Bucky leaned over Steve to take a closer look. “Yeah, actually. My sister used to have one like this when she was a baby.”
Steve and Bucky both looked up to (y/n) slowly, “I-I found it at an antique store and it seemed fitting since you know, Steve it…”
“A grandpa.”
Natasha and Sharon both piped in. “Well, yes” (y/n) laughed. Steve looked upon the little rattle and noticed a tiny engraving on the hilt. Reading it, Steve stood instantly and wrapped (y/n) in a bear hug, whispering his thanks to her. Others were too occupied with their kids to realise the scene in front of them.  Releasing her, (y/n) smiled softly while Bucky just looked confused, trying to get a glance at the rattle. “Anyways, time for the adults!” (y/n) called, making Clint perk up. She tended to choose very good gifts.
As (Y/n) handed them out, she gave kisses on cheeks and hugs to accompany her gifts. When she got to Bucky he simply pulled her by the waist and into his lap. Sitting on his lap and leaning her right side against his chest, (y/n) remained shocked as he opened his gift. Discovering what was inside, Bucky went stark still. “Y-you… how?” (y/n) finally looked down to her gift. It had taken her a long time to find them all but her connections helped her find them. In Bucky’s hands were photo’s; some of his family, some of his and Steve when they were younger and some from when they were in the army.
As Bucky sorted through the photos, taking in every detail, he became shocked at the last photograph. It was of Bucky and herself just after a mission, both covered in dirt and looking tired; yet, they were smiling at each other. Bucky had no idea who took it but he was sure glad they did. Looking to (y/n) Bucky found her already looking at him. “I didn’t tell you about my family until-” “Last night, I know. I spent almost all night retrieving them.”
Their faces were so close, noses almost touching, not noticing everyone giving out gifts. “Thank you (y/n)…” He whispered, awe-struck by her in every way. “No problem…” She seemed to also be lost but the moment was broken yet again.
“Alright, everyone time for my presents!” Clint announced, a round of groans surfacing as Clint tended to give THE worst gifts.
When everyone had handed out their gifts, (y/n) receiving a new knife set, which she adored their blue tint and thanked him with a kiss on the cheek, they moved to eating Christmas lunch. The lunch was heavenly, everyone animatedly chatted away and the kids fell asleep at their plates from food comas. However, for (y/n) and Bucky it was a different situation. Both had this tension that had been building up for a seemingly long time only to be recognised last night. The pair continuously looked at each together and sent secret smiles and winks, egging the other to laugh and give the game away.
As (y/n) ate some mash potatoes, she glanced up to see Bucky’s mouth stuffed to the brim with food, making him look like a fish.
A snort left (y/n) as she tried not to laugh. Thor mistook it for choking and thumped her on the back, causing her to spit out her food. Bucky burst out into laughter at (y/n)’s mortified face. The table laughed heartily at the incident quickly moving on. However, a blush adorned (y/n)’s cheeks and slowly glancing up to find Bucky fondly looking at her. The shift returned, causing (y/n)’s face to burn further as she sent a soft smile back. Bucky’s gazed turned from soft to gooey as he admired her.
Finally, as a homage to the ex-leader of Avengers, a dance ensued. Everyone partnered up and the children lay sleeping in various places around the room. Bucky and (y/n) sat watching the couples sway lightly to the Christmas music. (Y/n) saw Johnny looking a little lonely, walked around the table, not noticing Bucky’s longing look, and offered her hand to Johnny.
He smirked up at her, “c’mon, this is about the only time I’ll ever allow you to touch me.” Johnny laughed and decided not to even try his antics, the mood was too cheery. Grabbing her hand, Johnny led her to the dance floor, grabbing a hand and wrapped a hand around her waist, leading her around the dancefloor.
“How come you didn’t go home, isn’t your sister worried about you?” Johnny laughed lightly. “No, I’ll give her a call later but she’s got three kids to deal with-” “I thought Susan only had Matt and Elliot?” “-Oh no, Reid counts too.” (Y/n) gave a loud laugh, throwing her head back.
A tap on Johnny’s shoulder cut their conversation short.  “May I cut in, fireball?” “Sure, grandpa.” Johnny thumped him on the back, going over to converse with Riri. Bucky Barnes stood before (y/n) and ever so slowly his metal appendage lightly gripped her right hand as his flesh arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her close. Not breaking eye contact Bucky and (y/n) began to sway around the dance floor.
Sliding her hand from his shoulder to his neck, she played with the hair at the back of his neck. Leaning down Bucky rested his forehead on (y/n)’s, his eyes closing, however, (y/n)’s did not. Would not close as she refused to give up the chance to see him this up close. Bucky subtly pulled (y/n) into his chest, yet not distance felt close enough.
Slowly moving away from the group and into a different room. The music still heard as it played over the intercom, (y/n) laughed lightly.  “What are you up to Mr Barnes?”
Stopping in a doorway away from prying eyes, Bucky let go of her to twirl her around with a hand before pulling her back to him. (y/n) breath was taken away.
Looking up quickly Bucky laughed. “What?” (y/n) was oblivious to what he had deliberately put her under. His laughed converted into a chuckle as he pointed upwards. Her eyes followed his metal appendage to the green plant above them. “Oh… I see.”
(Y/n) looked back to Bucky and laughed lightly, if not nervously. “Well…” Bucky slowly leaned in, testing the waters, she was his team leader/boss and he would hate to do something she didn’t want to. “Is this okay?” (y/n) earnestly, her hands running up his arms slowly, slipping over his shoulders and around his neck. Pulling on him slightly, Bucky’s arms wrapped around (y/n) pulling her to him and he went the extra few centimetres.
At first, the kiss was light, like two kids and their first kiss, (Y/n) felt the soft yet chapped edges of his lips, his tongue slightly prodding her lips. The kiss slowly gained, the true passion leaking out of them. Years of tension finally built up to be released in this moment. Pulling back lightly, Bucky kept their foreheads together. “I don’t deserve this…”
(y/n) simply pulled him back to her, divulging herself in him. In between kisses, three words slipped out, causing the passion to become fire as they desperately gripped for one another. “You. Deserve. Everything.”
There it was. The shift and although she wasn’t sure what it was before, (y/n) knew exactly what it was. It was her heart skipping beats for him. Her heart and mind both humming in sync at the sight and touch of James Buchanan Barnes. As if yelling at her that this is the one. The one she’d been looking for the whole time had been here, her second in command. Finally releasing one another to breathe, Bucky was already talking before she could even think.
“You asked me what I wanted from this world and I know my answer.”
“Someone for your own?”
“Yes, but it’s more than that. It’s you. My god, (y/n) it’s you.” Suddenly his lips graced hers once more, the pairs heart and minds singing as one. A hum of electricity ran through the air as if the very Earth was blessing the pair.
Breaking apart once more. “Be mine? Not just now, but always. I see my future right here; in your eyes, in us.”
Small tears formed in (y/n)’s eyes as words like honey dripped from his mouth and all she wanted to do was savour it and so, she did. Their lips came together as they began slightly swaying once again before they released each other’s lips to breathe.
 “Bucky Barnes, I believe what I’ve been looking for all my life has been right here in front of me this whole time. You’re perfectly perfect in every way.” Looking up into his watering eyes, (y/n) saw her future, “I faith in what I see, and I see my future.”
“Into the future, together?” He laughed.
“You’re a dork but yes, together.” She agreed with a laugh.
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orbemnews · 4 years
Covid? What Covid? Taiwan Thrives as a Bubble of Normality TAIPEI, Taiwan — As the coronavirus has upended lives and economies around the world, Taiwan has been an oasis. Every day, droplets fly with abandon in packed restaurants, bars and cafes. Office buildings hum, and schools resound with the shrieks and laughter of maskless children. In October, a Pride parade drew an estimated 130,000 people to the streets of Taipei, the capital. Rainbow masks were abundant; social distancing, not so much. This island of 24 million, which has seen just 10 Covid-19 deaths and fewer than 1,000 cases, has used its success to sell something in short supply: living without fear of the coronavirus. The relatively few people who are allowed to enter Taiwan have been coming in droves, and they’ve helped to fuel an economic boom. “For a while, Taiwan felt a little empty. A lot of people moved abroad and only came back once in a while,” said Justine Li, the head chef at Fleur de Sel, a Michelin-starred restaurant in the city of Taichung, which she said had been booked up for a month in advance since the fall. “Now, some of those once-in-a-while guests have moved back.” These Covid migrants are largely overseas Taiwanese and dual nationals. They have included businesspeople, students, retirees and well-known figures like Eddie Huang, the Taiwanese-American restaurateur and author. About 270,000 more Taiwanese entered the island than left it in 2020, according to the immigration authorities — about four times the net inflow of the previous year. Taiwan’s borders have been mostly closed to foreign visitors since last spring. But highly skilled non-Taiwanese workers have been allowed in under a “gold card” employment program, which the government has aggressively promoted during the pandemic. Since Jan. 31 of last year, more than 1,600 gold cards have been issued, more than four times as many as in 2019. The influx of people helped make Taiwan one of last year’s fastest-growing economies — indeed, one of the few to expand at all. There was a brief slowdown at the start of the pandemic, but the economy grew more than 5 percent in the fourth quarter compared with the same period in 2019. The government expects 4.6percent growth in 2021, which would be the fastest pace in seven years. Steve Chen, 42, a Taiwanese-American entrepreneur who co-founded YouTube, was the first to sign up for the gold card program. He moved to the island from San Francisco with his wife and two children in 2019. Then, after the pandemic hit, many of his friends in Silicon Valley, particularly those with Taiwanese heritage, began to join him — a reverse brain drain, of sorts. He and colleagues like Kevin Lin, one of the founders of Twitch, and Kai Huang, a co-creator of Guitar Hero, have traded coffee meet-ups at the Ferry Building in San Francisco for badminton matches and poker nights in Taipei. Taiwan’s leaders say the infusion of foreign talent has given a shot of energy to its tech industry, which is better known for manufacturing prowess than for entrepreneurial culture. “That whole chain that you have in the Silicon Valley — the entrepreneurs who are willing to take a risk, the investors that are willing to write an early check — all of those folks have actually come back and are in Taiwan now,” said Mr. Chen, lounging on a couch at his office in a government-backed co-working space in Taipei. “I feel like it’s a golden era for tech,” he said, “and it’s dawning on the government that they should really take advantage of this time now.” The surge of returning citizens has put a squeeze on the short-term rental market. One property manager estimated that the number of dual nationals or overseas Taiwanese looking for apartments was twice as high in 2020 as in most recent years. Updated  March 13, 2021, 3:49 a.m. ET Not all of Taiwan’s industries have been flourishing. Those that depend on robust international travel, like airlines, hotels and tour companies, have taken big hits. But exports have been on the rise for eight straight months, fueled by shipments of electronics and surging demand for Taiwan’s most important product, semiconductor chips. Domestic tourism is also booming. Taiwanese who had been used to taking short flights to Japan or Southeast Asia are now exploring their home. Sightseeing destinations like Sun Moon Lake and the Alishan mountain resort area have been swamped with tourists, and at least one upscale hotel outside Taichung is booked through July. Orchid Island, a small, coral-ringed island off Taiwan’s east coast, had so many visitors last summer that hotel operators started a campaign encouraging them to take two pounds of trash with them when they left. Some aspects of pandemic life have permeated Taiwan’s borders. Temperature checks and hand sanitizing are common, and masks are required in many public places (though not schools). But for the most part, the virus has been out of sight and out of mind, thanks to rigorous contact tracing and strict quarantines for incoming travelers. Some returnees, like Robin Wei, 35, are dreading their eventual departure. “We just feel very lucky and definitely a little guilty,” said Mr. Wei, a product manager for a Bay Area tech company who returned to Taipei with his wife and young son last May. “We feel like we are the ones who benefited from the pandemic.” For many, coming back has meant a chance to reconnect with Taiwan. After getting a master’s degree in computer science in Australia, Joshua Yang, 25, a dual Taiwanese-Australian citizen, decided to return in October. The job market in Australia was looking bleak, he said, so he took the opportunity to do the military service required of all Taiwanese men under 36. Mr. Yang wasn’t the only one with that idea. When he arrived for basic training in December, Mr. Yang said, he found himself bunking with an assorted group of returnees and dual nationals, including an American, a German, a Filipino and an overseas Taiwanese who had been studying in California. Since completing two and a half weeks of training, Mr. Yang has been allowed to finish out his service by volunteering at an Indigenous history museum in a remote town in southern Taiwan. “It’s something that I have always wanted to do, but I don’t know if I would have had the opportunity if it weren’t for the pandemic,” Mr. Yang said. “I’ve been able to understand my homeland in a different way through a different lens and learn what it’s like for the Indigenous people of Taiwan, who are the traditional owners of the land.” Many are wondering how long Taiwan’s status as a Covid-19 outlier can last, especially as vaccine rollouts surge forward elsewhere. So far, officials have been slow to procure and distribute vaccines, in part because there has been so little need for them. The government announced just this month that it had received its first batch, to be given to medical workers. Some people, like Tai Ling Sun, 72, are already making plans to leave the bubble. In January, Ms. Sun and her husband came from California to the city of Kaohsiung, where she grew up, at the urging of friends and family in Taiwan. They were concerned about her safety in Orange County, where coronavirus cases had been on the rise. After two weeks in quarantine, Ms. Sun stepped out into a Taiwan that — aside from the masks — looked and felt almost exactly as it had on previous visits. She has since been making the most of her stay with a series of routine medical checkups, something that many in the United States have been delaying since the pandemic started. But a virus-free paradise doesn’t provide immunity to all ailments. Ms. Sun said she had begun to feel homesick. She longed to see her five children and breathe pristine suburban air. And, she added, she wanted a vaccine. “It’s been great to be here,” Ms. Sun said. “But it’s time to go home.” Source link Orbem News #Bubble #Covid #Normality #Taiwan #thrives
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spydre · 8 years
Libertas Shrugs
via Zach Wienersmith, SMBC Comics
Today, the Statue of Liberty shrugs.
Some of you have family somewhere overseas. I do not.
I do not, because four generations ago my great grandfather came here while his sister chose to stay behind. Her name, to the best of our knowledge, was Peltia Wollach (née Winokur) and she was lucky enough to die before the Shoah. As far as I could tell from the records digitized by JewishGen.com from Bialystok, Poland, and from documents in Yad Vashem, everyone else was murdered. Her husband Itzchak, and (I believe) five children - Chasia, Riwka, Tauba, Avram, and Jehoszua.
I am lucky that my ancestor, Szimon Winokur, came here in 1925. I am also lucky that he was white. If he had been Chinese, the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1923 would have kept him out.
He brought his family here. One of his sons, my grandfather, was a small business owner. His son, my father, received a free education in New York, then went to Caltech. My father was, until his retirement, a doctor in a small town in Texas. He has six children - One is a Christian pastor. One is an executive director at a medical technology company. One is a conservative political philosopher, one is a chief technical officer in silicon valley, and my little sister is a doctor in Louisiana. I’m the one black spot on this record because I write books for a living.
We are all here, all contributing to this country because in 1925, a boat passed Ellis Island and nobody told the ill-clad funny-accented people in it to turn around because they were too poor or not Christian enough, or that they hadn’t been vetted properly. You all know the poetry - give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses, yearning to breathe free. The green lady’s tablet doesn’t say a thing about whether those huddled masses were Chinese or Muslim or Jew or Arab. And, it specifically enjoins us to take those who yearn for freedom. It doesn’t say take a highly educated European or Indian on an H1-B visa. It doesn’t say take a Christian or a rich business owner or a diplomat.
But, look east, and you can see Libertas shrugging. There are weights around her robes, and her torch is flickering in New York Harbor.
And the politicians who had the poverty of spirit to diminish her poem by knicks and cuts, and now slashes, could at least have the honesty to add their caveats and fears to the tablet she carries before it sinks to the bottom.
This nation is supposed to have been founded by pioneers. People like Franklin, who defied a Crown. People like Lewis and Clark who went west, not knowing exactly what they’d eat or what they’d find. People like Teddy Roosevelt, who took a bullet, then smiled through a speech.
We’re supposed to be a culture of people who are rugged and risky and independent. And yet, when you are more likely to be killed by a shark attack than a terrorist, we are told that we need protection. We are told we should be afraid. And the people who are telling us we need to be afraid are the very people who benefit most from our fear. Fear is their currency. Don’t make a deposit.
I want to quote at length from the book The Moon is Down, by Steinbeck, written in the midst of World War 2. This passage is from the end of the book, when Mayor Orden is going to be executed for not capitulating to the conquering authority. The people of the conquered city have gotten access to explosives from the British, and the conquering enemy (in the person of Colonel Lanser) wants the mayor to tell his people not to use them.
The Mayor spoke proudly.  "Yes, they will light it.  I have no choice of living or dying, you see, sir, but - I do have a choice of how I do it.  If I tell them not to fight, they will be sorry, but they will fight.  If I tell them to fight, they will be glad, and I who am not a very brave man will have made them a little braver."  He smiled apologetically.  "You see, it is an easy thing for me to do, since the end for me is the same."
Lanser said, "If you say yes, we can tell them you said no.  We can tell them you begged for your life."
Doctor Winter broke in angrily, "They would know.  You do not keep secrets.  One of your men got out of hand one night and he said the flies had conquered the flypaper, and now the whole nation knows his words.  They have made a song of it.  The flies have conquered the flypaper.  You do not keep secrets, Colonel."
From the direction of the mine a whistle tooted shrilly.  And a quick gust of wind sifted dry snow against the windows.
Orden fingered his gold medallion.  He said quietly, "You see, sir, nothing can change it.  You will be destroyed and driven out."  His voice was very soft.  "The people don't like to be conquered, sir, and so they will not be.  Free men cannot start a war, but once it is started, they can fight on in defeat.  Herd men, followers of a leader, cannot do that, and so it is always the herd men who win battles and the free men who win wars.  You will find that is so, sir."
Lanser was erect and stiff.  "My orders are clear.  Eleven o'clock was the deadline.  I have taken hostages.  If there is violence, the hostages will be executed."
And Doctor Winter said to the colonel, "Will you carry out the orders, knowing they will fail?"
Lanser's face was tight.  "I will carry out my orders no matter what they are, but I do think, sir, a proclamation from you might save many lives."
Madame broke in plaintively, "I wish you would tell me what all this nonsense is."
"It is nonsense, dear."
"But they can't arrest the Mayor," she explained to him.
Orden smiled at her.  "No," he said, "they can't arrest the Mayor.  The Mayor is an idea conceived by free men.  It will escape arrest."
Steve Bannon, who is now inexplicably advising the president on matters military, reportedly said he wanted to bring our entire system crashing down. But our system - our system of free people who do not want or need to be ruled - is like Mayor Orden. It can’t be destroyed, because you can’t destroy an idea. The idea may be silenced. It may leave its home, for a time. But, as long as people can think, no idea can die.
The Statue of Liberty may step down from her podium, she may sink below the surface, but will still be there. And, when the moon is up, you will see her shining through a rippling surface, ready to stand again.
I should end on that note, but I want to close with something pragmatic, because this can’t all just be talk. Barney Frank - the first openly gay congressman in US history - gave an interview to New York Magazine shortly after he retired. He said something that I’ve never forgotten:
I believe very strongly that people on the left are too prone to do things that are emotionally satisfying and not politically useful. I have a rule, and it’s true of Occupy, it’s true of the gay-rights movement: If you care deeply about a cause, and you are engaged in an activity on behalf of that cause that is great fun and makes you feel good and warm and enthusiastic, you’re probably not helping, because you’re out there with your friends, and political work is much tougher and harder. And I think it’s now clear that it is the disciplined political work that we’ve been able to do that’s won us victories. I am going to write about the history of the LGBT movement partly to make the point that, in America at least, this is the way you do progressive causes.
For a lot of us, in recent times politics has gotten a lot less fun and a lot more scary. I know we have to buoy each other up, but I say this as a professional writer of jokes - let’s take politics to an even less fun place.
When I heard about the immigration ban, the first thing I did was to order 400 sheets of paper, a giant roll of stamps, and a bulk box of envelopes. I will be writing letters as frequently as possible to all of my representatives. And, if they do not stand against this prodigy of indecency, I will personally donate to whoever opposes them. And, if Trump defies a federal judge’s order, I will join those calling for an impeachment.
You cannot arrest the mayor.
Zach Weinersmith
January 29, 2017
PS: I’m declaring this document public domain. Feel free to share any way you like.
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itsyourturnblog · 6 years
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Becuase, books… Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash
12 months ago I summarised 30 insights from the 30 books I’d read in 2017 (here and here).
This year I have a better word than insights: noodles.
I also have 40 books under my belt, so strap yourselves in for a two-part post.
With a commitment to more fiction and variety (thanks mum) I present the first half of said list, accompanied by an ‘in a gif’ summary for those who enjoy a visual:
1. Deep Work — Cal Newport
Will change the way you think about structuring work days. Deep Work steps through the inefficient truths of most peoples relationship to work, what it means to do real, deep, uninterrupted work and why it matters.
Noodle: Put away your phone and go deep.
It’s easy to get caught up in the ‘shallow work��� of responding to emails and notifications and trick ourselves into thinking we’re being productive. The good stuff lies on the other side of uninterrupted blocks of deep work, ala A Beautiful Mind.
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2. The Girl Who Takes an Eye for an Eye — David Lagercrantz
Got a dose of fiction early in the year with the latest continuation of the Millenium trilogy. While no longer written by Stieg Larsson, I still found it to be an engaging and sometimes thrilling read.
Noodle: Lisbeth Salander is still a badass that makes me want to get really good at coding and hacking.
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3. Tribe of Mentors — Tim Ferriss
The latest Tim Ferriss book where he asked the same 11 questions to over 100 of the world’s elite (in their respective fields). It’s repetitive, huge and best consumed in small chunks.
Noodle: It’s never been easier to learn from the best, even if you can’t speak to them directly. I wrote this separate post about this book earlier in the year.
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4. Radical Self Acceptance — Tara Brach
An audiobook that goes deep into meditation and our relationship with ourselves.
Noodle: I mean, this quote says it best:
“Perhaps the biggest tragedy of our lives is that freedom is possible, yet we can pass our years trapped in the same old patterns… each day we listen to inner voices that keep our life small.”
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5. The War of Art — Steven Pressfield
A reread as I began to re-wrestle with how to best work creatively and dance with the constant voice of doubt, which Pressfield calls, ‘the resistance’.
Noodle: Creative work is a constant dance with fear.
“The more scared we are of the work… the more we have to do it.”
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6. Footprints on the Moon — Seth Godin
No link because, well, this was a gift from Seth and isn’t available for sale publically.
Noodle: Changemakers understand these three things: a) creative people change the world,
b) you can’t change everyone, hence the importance of the question ‘who’s it for?’ and;
c) you must add intention to everything, therefore ask ‘what’s it for?’
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7. How to Walk — Thic Nhat Hanh
A tiny book that focusses on walking mindfully.
Fun fact: Ironically I read this around the time I had hip surgery and was forced to teach myself to walk again.
Noodle: Most of the time we’re walking we are distracted in thought and forget to think about the act itself. What would it look like to bring attention to each step we take?
“Forgetfulness is the opposite of mindfulness.”
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8. The Little Prince — Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
A children’s book that I’m sure I read as a kid but had almost no recollection of (much to the shock of my girlfriend).
She gave me a classic case of “I’m not angry, just disappointed” so I had no choice but to read it. Two hours later on a lazy Sunday afternoon, I turned back to the front and read it again.
Noodle: Another I was compelled to write an entire post about earlier in the year.
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9. Four Hour Work Week — Tim Ferriss
A reread to remind myself how I might be more effective and efficient with my time.
Noodle: I was reminded of this gem and its relevance to Deep Work:
“Are you inventing work to avoid the important?” which I also translate to: “Where are you hiding?”
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10. Little Book of Hygge — Meik Wiking
A book that single-handedly opened my eyes to the simple joy of having candles.
I still have no idea how to pronounce or explain the Danish phrase, Hygge. It’s best thought of as a feeling, according to this book. The kind of feeling that comes from sipping a hot coffee on a freezing winters day when you’re inside by the fire.
Noodle: The Danish know what’s up. Small things like nice lighting, warmth, candles and living minimally are some of the most important contributing factors to our happiness.
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11. It Happens to Strong People Too — Kaci Kai
I’m lucky enough to call Kaci a friend and her short collection of poems is everything.
Take it from someone who previously didn’t “get” poetry all that well, no matter who you are there is at least one poem among this collection that will get you right between the eyes.
Noodle: The title says it all. Everyone has their thing. Their battle, their struggle, that voice in their head. The more we realise and share this, the more connected we all become.
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12. Jonathan Livingston Seagull — Richard Bach
A friend’s answer to the question “do you know any more books like The Little Prince?”
Noodle: The main character (yes, it’s a seagull) realises that his tenacity and desire to learn make him “pretty well a one-in-a-million bird.”
I loved this as a reminder to always be curious and seek to learn more.
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13. The Coaching Habit — Michael Bungay Stanier
A reread of a book I read last year about asking great questions.
Noodle: “What’s on your mind?” coupled with “And what else?” are questions we don’t ask each other enough.
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14. The Prosperous Coach — Steve Chandler and Rich Livin
Terrible title but a super insightful book. It will help you think about coaching, relationships and business in a way you might not have before.
Noodle: There is no right way to run a business, be a leader or a coach… Only your way.
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15. The Art of Possibility — Rosamund and Benjamin Zander
Another reread, this time because last year I said some parts were lost on me. Not this time, though. It’s firmly become one of my favourite books on creativity and if you haven’t already, just read this book.
Noodle: When learning, the way we respond to ‘mistakes’ or ‘failures’ is everything. The Zanders introduce this elegant idea for responding to our mistakes with the simple phrase: “how fascinating.”
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16. Nine Stories — JD Salinger
Fiction? Check. Great author? Check. How could this series of short stories not be good? Sadly, I won’t lie, I was a little disappointed. Maybe it was me and my state of mind at the time, but I struggled to keep up, relate to or connect with any of the nine stories.
Noodle: Not all books are for everyone.
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17. Designing Your Life — Bill Burnett
A very actionable and useful book based on a popular class of the same name at Stanford University.
Noodle: What would it look like to apply design thinking to your life? To get proactive, rather than reactive?
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18. Reach Out — Molly Beck
An easy, actionable read on how to generously start conversations with those that inspire you. Generously being the operative word.
Noodle: It mean, it’s obvious, but if we took time to generously reach out to 1 new person every day for a year, we’d have up to 365 connections we wouldn’t have otherwise had.
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19. Purple Cow — Seth Godin
I know, I know, yet another Seth book, and yet another reread. Alas, I planned to read intentionally this year and Purple Cow came just as I was reconsidering my website.
Noodle: Stand out and make your business, product or service something people remark at, just like a purple cow… Or in the case of the gif, a cow with luscious locks.
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20. Story Driven — Bernadette Jiwa
A brilliant little book on how to use stories as a strategy for communicating your business.
Noodle: What if paused to consider the stories that got us to where we are? Could they help us better connect with current and future clients?
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Next week I’ll tackle 21–40, in the meantime Happy Holidays you amazing humans.
Thanks for reading and being you. It means a lot to me.
Note: If you’re enjoying A bird’s eye view and all of its noodle-y goodness tell a friend they can subscribe here too.
Originally published at abev.blog.
20 noodles from 20 books was originally published in It's Your Turn on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
by Peter Shepherd via It's Your Turn - Medium #itsyourturn #altMBA #SethGodin #quotes #inspiration #stories #change #transformation #writers #writing #self #shipping #personaldevelopment #growth #education #marketing #entrepreneurship #leadership #personaldev #wellness #medium #blogging #quoteoftheday #inspirationoftheday
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