#Ikrit (star wars)
saphronethaleph · 3 months
Backpack Bnuuy
“Your training,” Yoda warned. “You must complete your training!”
“The whole point is-” Luke began, biting off the words. “Look, I know it’s a trap, but my friends are in trouble! The reason why it’s a good trap is that it’s going to work, and it’s going to work because I won’t abandon my friends. I don’t want to be someone who would abandon my friends.”
Yoda looked thoughtful.
“A good point, you make,” he conceded. “Still. Face Vader alone, you must not.”
“I don’t have a choice,” Luke objected.
“A choice, there always is,” Yoda chided. “A good choice, less often. However…”
His cane swung up to point at Luke. “Wait there.”
Luke stood there as instructed, confused, then glanced at Ben’s spirit.
“Do you know what this means?” he asked. “Was he always this odd?”
“Not really, no,” Ben replied. “He’s really been able to focus in the last few months.”
Yoda came back out of his hut, holding a fuzzy animal.
“Here,” he said, putting it down. “A travel sized Jedi Master, this is.”
“I wish you wouldn’t call me that, Master,” the animal replied, shaking out his long ears. “Good day. I am Master Ikrit.”
“Small enough to fit in your ship, he is!” Yoda said, with a nod. “A pacifist, he also is.”
“I can explain myself, Master,” Ikrit replied.
“...have you been there all along?” Luke asked.
“I was actually on Yavin Four,” Ikrit said. “Meditating on the Force. I… lost track of time a bit.”
“Missing for four hundred years, you were,” Yoda pointed out.
“I said I was sorry, Master,” Ikrit replied. “I did skip the whole… massacre thing, though.”
His tail flicked slightly, then he launched himself in a Force-guided leap that placed him neatly on Luke’s shoulders.
“As my old teacher says, I am a pacifist,” the lapine-feline Jedi Master said. “Fortunately, the World Between Worlds does not involve violence. Do you have a backpack?”
Luke blinked, confused.
“...a backpack?” he repeated, carefully.
“I will be your emergency evacuation mechanism,” Ikrit told him. “Through my four hundred years of meditation on the Force, I became aware of the ways in which distance itself is an illusion. A very persistent illusion, to be sure, but I can take you from one place to another in an instant.”
His ear bounced. “...so long as I already know the destination, that is. Distance is an illusion, but getting lost is not. I only got here by following my padawan bond with Master Yoda.”
Luke still felt confused.
“What’s a padawan?” he asked.
“An old term, it is,” Yoda supplied. “A Jedi term. A term for the one who learns while a Knight or Master teaches.”
Around a day later, Yoda was humming to himself and cooking when there was a thump outside.
“Master?” Ikrit called. “Do you know how to heal? I’ve got Luke and his hand, but… there’s an and there.”
“Always rushing around, young kids these days are,” Yoda grumbled, taking his cane and stumping out of the house. “Lost, you did?”
“I don’t think so,” Luke replied, staring at the stump of his hand, then winced as Yoda began making passes over the gap and lifted his severed hand to intersect with the stump. “I lost the fight, but… Leia and the others escaped. I can feel it. I won.”
“Good,” Yoda said. “You did learn the lesson.”
“...does that whole process of going from world to world involve hallucinations?” Luke asked, looking at Ikrit and away from the healing process going on with his missing hand. “Because I swear I saw a really big wolf.”
“Oh, that’s Dume,” Ikrit said. “I’m… not really sure what’s up with him. He’s nice but I’ve not spoken to him much. I think he used to be human?”
His ears flicked. “Sorry I didn’t catch the lightsaber.”
“All right, that is,” Yoda said, firmly. “Make a new one, we will.”
He pointed his stick at Ikrit. “And then, take him to Yavin, you will. Get in touch with his friends from there, he should. Visitors, I do not want.”
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organatwins · 9 months
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This was my experience reading the Junior Jedi Knights books btw
(art log -> @2sdaynight )
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sw5w · 9 months
Yoda Contemplates This Alarming News
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:24:35
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seyferta · 2 months
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Star Wars: The New Jedi Order favourite characters: Priestess Elan, Vergere, Danni Quee, Jacen Solo, Elegos A'Kla, His Eminence Harrar, Tahiri Veila, Mezhan Kwaad, Wurth Skidder, and Ikrit.
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sawthefaeriequeen · 1 year
We're over at our mom's for the long weekend and one of my brothers is showing me the Ahsoka series and this is me every time there's the tiniest Expanded Universe reference:
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peashooter85 · 2 years
Andor is awesome and all but we still need a Star Wars series/movie about Ikrit, the cat who became a Jedi Master
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pileofsith · 1 year
I like when star wars shows how alien those aliens actually are. For example Lasats. They don't wear shoes and can run on all force. I like to imagine Kalus riding on Zeb's back like He-Man.
What are your headcanons?
Same, I love seeing non-human traits in aliens that aren't just a visual detail. When I was a kid, I read a Star Wars expanded universe novel where they had a quadrupedal Jedi (that fluffy little thing called Ikrit), and I was soooo excited.
I would love to see more sentient alien species in Star Wars that look nothing like a human!
(LMAO at the He-Man riding comment!)
I don't have particular Lasat headcanons, but I do imagine Lasat hind feet/paws have excellent traction because they kinda remind me of a gecko's feeties. Like I could see Zeb saunter up an angled window surface with ease, just startling anyone inside the building.
And I think Lasat should have good jaw strength to open up fruit and nuts with a single bite.
For Pau'ans, I guess my only headcanons are that their facial markings get longer with age, and that their lined skin is good for giving water droplets an easy path to dribble down to keep their heads dry, because I am sort of imagining the sinkhole microclimate to be humid.
(Oh and I am playing with what kind of expressions they could use their teeth for, I would like easily readable emotions that don't feel human. Any ideas appreciated lol.)
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kiwikipedia · 3 years
Disaster Lineage and How Well They Can Cook (based off of vibes)
Dooku Can cook a basic meal. Nothing super extravagant (why bother when he has people who can do it for him?) but decent enough to taste very good.
Qui-Gon Jinn Can cook boxed dinners or cans of soup. Lived off of wild mushrooms once, so he knows how to cook those, but nothing else.
Xantos Can’t really cook but he tried his best ™ 
Feemor Who do you think kept Jinn alive during his padawanship?
Obi-Wan Can cook and can cook well. Though baking is his downfall. At least he hasn’t burned down his quarters yet. Anakin swears he’s the best cook, though, so at least he has that going for him.
Anakin The kitchen is on fire and God is dead
Ahsoka Doesn’t know how to cook, eats raw meat right out of the package or lights it on fire. Best to just let one of her like seven dads or Shaak Ti do it for her. 
Cin Tired, but cooks very well. Someone has to make sure the Temple Guard get fed. Sucks at determining the correct amount of food though, so he always ends up with a shit ton of leftovers. Once fell asleep while making soup for Bene when they  both got sick
Serra She can follow a recipe but that’s about it. She does her best though, but any deviation from what’s written is bound to be really weird.
Bene She’s really good at baking and making sandwiches. Literally any type of sandwich. It’s kinda weird how good she is at making sandwiches.
Kit Either everything is on fire or its a goddamn full course, five star meal. there’s no in between and really, Kit would rather get take-out. Doesn’t want to risk burning down the kitchen or blanking out and suddenly there’s a full course meal
Nahdar Does not know how to cook. Thought that beating the eggs meant hand to hand combat
Bant She’s good but she never has time to cook due to being busy in the Halls of healing. She’s really good at making Caf too, so that’s something that she can do while working. Ikrit Is still missing in action, therefore unable to cook.
Yoda No.
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New Jedi Order: The Old Masters
Purge Survivors, those who remember a time before the Empire, before the Dark Times. A lot of them are actually very hands off, content to let the new generation do their work.
Anakin Skywalker: Didn’t become Palpatine’s apprentice or slaughter the Jedi at the Temple, but did cut off Mace’s hand, and promptly passed out from shock. Has plastic surgery so he looks relatively normal, and honestly just hangs around and fixes the Order’s ships. Dies 21 ABY, becoming one with the Force to prevent Palpatine’s second attempted resurrection, saving his youngest granddaughter, Shmi, in the process.
Obi-Wan Kenobi: Unfortunately dies in 10 ABY, his adventures and various injuries (especially those caused by Palpatine & C’Boath) finally running him down. Sassmaster to the end. Proves ghosts can cry when Mara names her and Luke’s firstborn after him (Obi Wan, Ben is actually a nickname). Basically became Yoda in his last years.
Ahsoka Tano: Cool aunt, later cool grandma of the Order, and operates the Order’s unofficial intelligence network, which she later hands off to Mara Jade. Ben’s master alongside Cal Kestis. Joins the fighting during the Yuuzhan Vong War and might have to be physically restrained to keep her from fighting the First Order (though there’s a large section of the Jedi who think they shouldn’t bother).
Soaring Hawkbat Clan: Led by K’khruk and Chase Piru, a small community of Force more beholden to the old Jedi’s ways, and somewhat estranged from the much more reformed New Jedi Order. Comes back into the fold during the YZV War, with both K’khruk and Piru serving on the Naboo Council by 38 ABY.
T’ra Saa: A Neti Jedi, taken up exile on a remote world following her husband’s death, but returned to the wider galaxy after being discovered by her lineage descendant, Ezra Bridger. Embarrassing Grandma for Ezra, Pypey, Barratk’l, Jacen and Korto Vos. Sacrifices her life to allow the Jedi to escape the Yuuzhan Vong siege of Yavin 4 in 26 ABY.
Ikrit: A Jedi who served with the Order during the High Republic, who went into a state of prolonged Force Hibernation on Yavin 4, completely circumventing the Jedi Purge. Would be awoken in 20 ABY by Anakin Solo and Tahiri Veila, the former xey would take as xer official Padawan. Would give xer life to allow both xer pupils to escape the siege of Yavin 4, breaking a centuries long vow of pacifism to hold off a team of Slayer Vong and drawing fire from Peace Brigade.
Tallisibeth Enwandung-Esterhazy “Scout”: A member of the Fulcrum intelligence network in the Rebellion, who re-founds the Antarian Rangers following the foundation of the New Jedi Order, and would weather the YZV War before retiring to serve as a mentor and advisor at the Ossus Jedi Temple.
Cere Junda: Cal’s second master, gets in debates with Obi-Wan and Anakin. Forever grateful she lived long enough to new the Jedi born anew. Dies peacefully in 23 ABY. Tionne’s informal teacher and responsible for training new searchers.
-----Old Jedi who didn’t rejoin, yet still stayed close-----
Katooni Muwal: Lucky enough to have escaped Operation: Knightfall, unlucky to be the only escapee to have outlasted the Empire. She would find herself with her old friend Hondo Ohnaka, eventually becoming his right hand...up until she ousted him (he couldn’t be prouder). The Pirate Queen would eventually join the New Republic as a privateer against the Empire and the Yuuzhan Vong, and flirt with the idea, but never commit to, going straight, including trading an apprentice by the name of Sidon Ithano...
Oppo Rancisis: Laying low on the planet he was on during Order 66, by the time of the NJO’s foundation, had found a place in the re-established Church of the Whills, alongside people like Lor San Tekka. Would be a keystone member of the Great River underground refugee network during the YZV War, finally dying at peace on Zenoma Sekot in 32 ABY.
Barriss Offee: Jedi, Sith, healer, killer, damned, redeemed. Barriss’ journey has been a long and fraught one, and her journey to the Light has revealed ugly truths about herself. Yet she continues on, a wandering healer and holy woman, close with the NJO yet following her own path, her only desire to help the downtrodden and heal the sick.
Asajj Ventress: Ventress’ adventures during the reign of the Empire would remain unknown, but by 20 ABY, she would return to the valley of the Nightsisters, maintaining a solemn vigil over her dead people and exploring the Force. Such vigil would be broken, repeatedly, by members of the NJO, until she resigned herself to helping the next one before they began begging.
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chaifootsteps · 2 years
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Here’s special favorite boy! May the Fourth be with you!
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saphronethaleph · 3 months
Linguistic drift
A faint presence touched his consciousness, and Master Ikrit’s muscles twitched.
He fell out of his trance with an exhalation, then stretched himself out.
As a kushiban, he had two long ears, and a vaguely lapine face, and four paws supporting his body with a long tail behind him. He was covered all over in off-white fur, and he weighed about ten pounds.
This made him noticeably smaller than his old Master, but his old Master had been noticeably smaller than just about everyone else so that had never really bothered him.
Stifling a yawn, Ikrit exchanged stretching muscles for stretching his senses, and he felt the Force around him for answers.
The Palace of the Woolamander remained closed. That much, at least, was good news… and that he had woken at all meant that there was someone nearby who could touch the Force.
Flicking his tail, Ikrit felt for their presence, and detected a flowing current of light. Like a miniature humming whirl of sound going up and down the scales, muted but still present.
They were definitely heading in this direction, and there were others with them. Not sensitive to the Force, not like the single presence he could feel strongly, but it told him that they were moving towards him using some kind of airspeeder – or spacecraft.
Next, the small Jedi Master felt for his own internal sense of time – and flicked his ears, trying to hide his somewhat embarrassed surprise.
It seemed he had been in hibernation for around three hundred and seventy standard years.
Master Yoda would never have approved of quite such a long nap, and right now Ikrit wondered if perhaps he should have done something else.. but what was done was done, and he let his embarrassment go into the Force.
Then he focused, and sprang up to the roof of the Palace with a single spring.
He was going to need to ask the visitors for help, after all.
“Any idea who built these temples, General?” Bail asked, looking around. “This one’s designed differently to the other two, but it’s got to be the same style – despite being so far apart.”
“We don’t have much,” Dodonna replied, apologetically. “A lot about the moon has been lost, but that’s exactly what makes it a suitable base location – we can hide a lot of power signatures behind this much stone.”
He glanced at Bail’s daughter, who was looking around herself with great interest. “Are you sure it’s a good idea to bring her along?”
“I’m sure Princess Leia is quite able to keep silent on important matters,” Bail replied. “Isn’t that correct?”
“Of course,” Leia replied, with a smile. “I haven’t told anyone about the thing.”
“The thing?” Bail repeated, amused.
“Oh, I couldn’t explain,” Leia replied. “After all, then I would have told someone about it.”
She frowned, slightly. “What exactly are we trying to do here?”
“Investigate the thickness of the walls, mostly,” Bail told her. “Like Dodonna said, thick walls can conceal power signatures – if the walls are thick enough, this could be an independent base.”
“Or if they’re less thick, they might still make for a good satellite base,” Dodonna added. “To cover an evacuation, if the main base is found out – an unexpected fighter strike coming from a novel location can do a lot for clearing the air.”
“Got it,” Leia said. “And how can I help?”
“Carrying a sensor pack should do,” Bail suggested. “We can get good density and dispersal readings by flying the ship over while there’s sensor packs in different parts of the structure.”
He winked at Dodonna. “I’ve learned a few things myself, General.”
“I wouldn’t want to suggest otherwise!” Dodonna replied, with a chuckle. “I’ll get my men turned out – and an extra pack for the Princess.”
Ikrit’s ears twitched, as he watched the group disembark. They were mostly humans, with a scattering of other races.
No kushiban, but he was expecting that. His people were mostly not wanderers.
The problem was, what he could hear indicated that there had been some quite serious linguistic drift… which meant he could have serious trouble making himself understood.
On the plus side, though, being this close let him pinpoint the person with the ability to touch the Force. Ikrit could work past at least some of the problems by working with concepts, allowing the other adept – a human girl, not yet into her full growth – to fill in his meaning without him needing to use exactly the right words.
He could also see where she was going, and turned to scamper down into the Palace to get ahead of her.
A few minutes of going down though the Palace’s chambers – much the same as they had been over three hundred and fifty years ago, except for the precise layout of plants – and Ikrit was ready to introduce himself.
Introduce himself to a girl who was very strong in the Force, but who bore no Padawan’s braid and who had no sign of that strength being trained.
It was quite strange, but Ikrit shook himself out, then appeared out from behind a rock with a smile as the girl entered a corridor.
“Greetings,” he said, weighting his words with the Force and aiming to let the concepts he was transmitting flow through the air. “It is nice to meet you.”
The girl stopped, and blinked at him.
“You (communicate<>can talk)?” she asked.
“Yes,” Ikrit agreed. “I am not quite speaking your language.”
“I can (understand you<>follow your meaning),” the girl replied, looking confused. “How?”
“The Force,” Ikrit replied. “You could do it as well. If you agree to a mutual connection, with my help you can become a female-padawan.”
Leia stared at the strange creature smiling up at her, covered in fine white fur.
“It’s something (you)(can learn),” he said. “If you (make a contract)(with me), you can become (a magical girl)!”
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oh-no-eu-didnt · 4 years
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Ikrit was a Kushiban Jedi Master who survived the Jedi Purge and joined Luke Skywalker’s New Jedi Order. Ikrit was trained by Yoda, and after finishing his apprenticeship, Ikrit found himself on Yavin 4. Failing to free the spirits of children trapped on the planet, Ikrit entered a self-imposed exile on the planet for the next three hundred years. He was kind, and eschewed the use of lightsabers, preferring to use his size and the Force for defense.
Source: Power of the Jedi Sourcebook (Art: Jeffery Carlisle, 2002)
First Appearance: Junior Jedi Knights: The Golden Globe (1995)
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prankprincess123 · 4 years
I think my least favorite story trope has to be "We'll be fine as long as we stay together!" *get separated and immediately the entire universe implodes* because that crap HURTS
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Hey, does anyone else remember that one time Star Wars Legends introduced a Jedi Master who was so damn lazy he somehow managed to sleep through both the rise and fall of the Empire?
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lizartgurl · 5 years
So I'm heavily invested in seeing this AU through with all the Young Jedi Knights
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emcandon · 3 years
Star Wars magical girls, anyone?
"Become Meguca" - Sheev Palpatine
But in all seriousness, hmm, a Star Wars magical girl homage. A Kushiban Jedi Master trains a group of young girls in the ways of the Force (and friendship), who together form bonds and fight against the forces of darkness.
I guess this could then be followed up by a sequel in which the girls deal with Order 66, with it now taking a far darker turn, paying homage to the Post-Madoka magical girl genre.
You have retroactively complicated my relationship with Jedi Master Ikrit in a way I can't honestly be mad about.
I am also devastated that I actually badly want this. I'm crying. You've done it, anon. Please reward yourself.
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