#Im still going to give it a chance though I am going to be holding my breath in caution
frogathy · 9 months
childhood was spent thinking i’d go to hell and men would not love me if i swore so now to heal from that i am swearing as much as i fucking can until i come to my own fucking conclusion about how i feel regarding the usage of such crude vocabulary
#it needs to be my own decision and understanding that i do not want to swear#not because other people Told Me it’s not ladylike or im going to go to hell if i do it#if i end up deciding hey you know what i really dont like swearing then Boom i actually have a reason other than guilt and shame#because i will have been able to feel something Other than guilt and shame when swearing. if that makes sense#like instead of being consumed by guilt and shame every time i swear or think about swearing#i am able to come to it without bias and understand for myself (without guilt and shame) why it is wrong or harmful#(or rather IF it is wrong or harmful. ive not comr to my conclusion yet but you can see i still have preconceived notions about it)#and who knows maybe men wont love me after all and i will be unloved by God if i swear#then so be it because ive never known a single thing in my life without someone else telling me#i just want to figure it out and understand for myself without someone holding my hand because im too stupid to come to my own conclusion#my parents put me in a classical school so i could learn to think critically but then have removed every chance for me to think critically#because they are afraid i will make the wrong decision (even though supposedly i have learned critical thinking™)#and they didnt do that intentionally of course. and this sounds resentful but i truly dont mean it that way#i LOVE my parents and the fact that they wanted to put money into giving us good education rather than just nice possessions#they have wonderful hearts and the best of intentions. but no parent is perfect and every single one will affect their kids in some way#whether they meant to or not. or maybe they did something with good intention without realizing the harmful outcome#every day i realize that individuation is an actual thing and its not just a montage in a disney movie#froegis meep tag
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cainite-bite · 2 years
While ultimately i want to see the silent hill franchise back, I am awfully disappointed it has to be 2. Not just because my bias of it being my least favorite in the franchise, but just the fact I feel there were other games that could have used it better, like you know... the first of the franchise that kicked the whole thing off. Especially since 2 and 3 already got (shitty) remasters and is a lot newer to people than half the franchise.
I know they’re just trying to go with the safe, what they are thinking is going to be the cash cow route, but I still just wished it would have been SH1 still.
That being said I hope they can actually do better for 2 and fix up some of its weak ends and fix up some of the characterizations going on  in the OG. SH2 has a lot of potential easily and I’d like to see that get more expanded
#Im still going to give it a chance though I am going to be holding my breath in caution#there's some things I hope they elaberate further cause there's a lot of ideas that sorta get started that do really have much to them#and for most people it didnt come to fruition much#like back in the day so few people caught on to the empty pram in a pool and the nurses having the baby faces hidden on them#and knowing mary's desire to have a family there I can't help but to feel the other notes to that died off eerily early in the game#at least outside of the point of Laura who Mary wanted to adopt later#but the others being there kind of makes me think there was something more- and later that got talked about by one of the creators too#an thats an end I wanna see maybe get taken off with more#I know each of the games have sorta had themes get lost too especially when it was felt it was going to be too disturbing#SH 1 already toed a fine line with Alessa and what happened to her in certain abused regards... but it also had censored monsters#a lot of these games have sorta lost a little from that there so if 2 had more of i hope maybe they can get it running#if they wanted to though#cause right now we live in such a different age where a lot more is allowed than it used to be#but while im disappointed in 2 i hope its the start to getting some of the others back#i wanna see SH1 and 4 going again#if we're doing a full remake i feel like 3 would still be an execellent cannidate for it#ill still probably get the game to support it enough so maybe we can get to that point...#that being said im just glad an entire announcement wasnt like... nfts only
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emphistic · 3 months
Doctor's Orders
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Synopsis: Sukuna catches a cold, and isn't able to make it to your guys' planned lunch. Luckily for him, though, you still take the food — as to-go.
A/N: i have a lot of works planned, but im kinda slow, thankfully i have a lot of free time now so i'll try to pump out as much sukuna content as i can
PS: i got sick the second day of writing this, why world? whyyyyy? also, i hated writing this. i am not proud of this whatsoever
Taglist: @starlets-things
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R u dead or smth??
You're late
Delivered 25m ago
Those were the last text messages you sent Sukuna, before picking up two hummus wraps and drinks from Sunny's Diner. The two of you were originally supposed to meet up there and have lunch together, but the pink-haired teen wasn't answering his phone, at all.
Now, you stand before his front door. A to-go bag tucked under your arm, and another hand rapidly knocking on the door.
Mr. Itadori — Sukuna's grandpa — wasn't home, you assumed, so you were alone in this.
Sighing, you decided to do this the old fashioned way.
It took you less than five minutes to climb the tree outside of Sukuna's bedroom, and five seconds to crawl on a branch to his window.
Finally, you pressed your face up against his window, and saw Sukuna — still in bed — with the blankets covering all of his body.
You aggressively knocked on his window, and saw him moving under the blankets before sticking a head out. He immediately fell back onto his bed at the sight of you.
He looked awful; there were bags under his eyes; his hair looked like a bird's nest, not to mention, he was sweating all over.
"Open the window!" You shouted, loud enough for him to hear, but quiet enough to not disturb the peace in the neighborhood.
Despite being outside, you could practically imagine his groan at the sound of your voice.
Sukuna knew he had no choice, though, so he begrudgingly got out of bed, and walked — no, wobbled — over to his window. His arms felt like Jell-O as he opened his window, and you crawled into his bedroom.
As soon as your feet touched the floor, you felt a familiar weight fall upon you, before you crashed into the wall and onto the floor. You were in a pile of tangled limbs.
"Sukunaaaaa, oww!" You rubbed your forehead.
You tried to stand back up, but the boy's body would not give you the chance to.
"Get off of me, you slug."
"I'm good." He mumbled into your neck.
"You're too heavy," you pushed at the older's shoulders until he finally rolled off of you.
You sighed in relief. "Thank God."
You stood up, pulling Sukuna with you. Despite his size, you had to practically hold him, and yourself, up.
"You look like shit." You cupped his face to get a good look at his condition.
"Wanted to look like you."
"Well, you failed. I'm flawless."
You maneuvered the boy to his bed and let him flop down onto his stomach, before you rolled him over on his back to a more comfortable position.
You grabbed a blanket and placed it onto Sukuna, and you sat down on the side of his bed, your hand placed just inches away from his head.
"So, like, you gonna tell me what's wrong?" You raised a brow.
"What do you think, dumbass. I'm sick," he coughed, "duh." Sukuna quickly retorted, curling onto his side in order to put his head on your lap.
"How'd you get sick?"
Sukuna glared up at you.
You sigh, carding your fingers through his pink, unruly hair. He hummed, clearly content. And if you didn't know better, you would probably assume he was purring.
"Oh! I almost forgot," you rummaged through your bags; Sukuna grumbled at the lost feeling of your hands in his hair almost immediately. "I got food for us. Since someone decided not to show up."
You placed his hummus wrap — covered in foil — onto his bedside table, and set yours likewise.
"Have you eaten yet, 'Kuna?"
"I haven't had breakfast," he murmured.
"You could've just said a quick 'no'."
"Girls are so bossy."
Sukuna cut you off with a whine. "Ughh, my throat hurts. And my head is throbbing."
You rubbed your chin with your thumb and index finger. You put the back of your hand against Sukuna's forehead. "You have a fever."
"Really? I couldn't tell."
"Take off your shirt," you demanded.
"In your dreams."
"More like my nightmares," you giggled, before helping Sukuna to remove his shirt.
You stood up to walk to his bathroom; Sukuna was quick to pull you back by the wrist. Even when he's sick, he's still got a strong grip.
"And where do you think you're going?"
You tugged your arm out of his grasp, "Don't."
You managed to enter the bathroom — without any more nagging from Sukuna — and grabbed a towel, soaking it in cold water.
Then, you walked back into his room, and placed it atop his forehead. Sukuna immediately went to remove it, before you swatted his hand away.
"Get this thing off of me. It's freezing," Sukuna scowled.
You had to restrain yourself from putting him in shackles, "This is literally helping you. So, shut up. You talk too much."
"This is literally," he coughed, "my house. Don't tell me what to do, girl."
"Doctor's orders."
"Nuh uh, you're far from a doctor. More like a witch instead," Sukuna snickered.
You rolled your eyes, already used to Sukuna's antics by now.
"Do you have medicine anywhere in the house?" You asked, caressing his cheek and rubbing it with your palm.
"Mmhm." He nuzzled his face impossibly closer into your hand.
You sighed, "C'mon. Work with me here, 'Kuna. Where's the medicine?"
A long break of silence, "'m not gonna tell you."
"Tell me, or else, or else I'll — ," you thought for a moment, "or else I'll tell your grandpa. And you know how he takes of people when they're sick."
Sukuna's eyes immediately shot open. He knew his grandpa's old fashioned ways.
"It's in the cabinet in the kitchen. The one above the fridge."
You struggled to reach, having to stand on your tiptoes, but at last, you brought a bottle filled with red liquid and a measuring cup to Sukuna's bedroom.
When you entered, he immediately started to move away from you. Alas, he only had so much room on his bed.
"I would rather die, than drink that shit." Sukuna pointed at the cup with his finger.
"Then die," you quipped back, shoving the cup — that you filled with medicine — into his hands.
Sukuna glared at you, but you remained unwavering in your demand. When he realized there was no point in trying to argue, he leaned his head back and drank.
"Weirdo," you sneer.
"What's the problem now?" Sukuna placed the now empty cup on his table and fell back onto his bed, covering his eyes with an arm.
"You drank the medicine like it was a shot."
"Doesn't matter."
Sukuna began to cough, and cough, and cough. He sat upright.
You rubbed his back.
Sukuna felt utterly selcouth. He never had someone help him through a sickness. Sure, Grandpa was always there, but he's different. Sukuna's had tutors, coaches, people whose jobs were to help. But it wasn't your job.
"Why?" Why do you help me? Sukuna asked.
You know why. But those words never left your mouth. Instead,
"Shh. Be quiet. Let me take care of you."
At the end of the day, you knew why you were helping Sukuna. And Sukuna knew how you were helping him.
You tucked him in, raised the blanket up to his shoulders, adjusted the towel on his forehead, and kissed his forehead.
"Don't overexert yourself," you walked to the door, "I know you will."
Sukuna wanted to call your name, have you stay by his side, run your soft fingers through his hair for just a little longer, but his throat itched, and he didn't even have the energy to cough or sneeze. So, alas, he shut his eyes, and dreamt instead.
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popponn · 4 months
Hihi, im the same anon that loves ur page!!
the froggys are seriously silly :)
Anyways, can i request some hcs abt bllk boys with a reader who's going thru a depressive episode? im just goin thru stuff rn, if u can't its fine.
So, hows ur day been?
I hope you're well
have a great day! <33
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notes: anonnie;;; i hope you are feeling better when you finally read this;;; this took so long, im sorry. i have been busy and there are lot of things going on, but i am fine thank you for asking :> and hey, a depressive episode could be tough. but you got this! okay? try to take it slow and step by step, drink water, eat food, and move around a bit. a light walk or a stretch is okay. like how the clouds always change, things will change. i hope reading this could give you a little happiness, especially when you need it.
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if you are looking for someone who will listen and give practical advice without dismissing your feelings or concerns, honestly he is the one. especially as a boyfriend, you can trust him to be the one who will sit beside you on the sofa while wrapping you in the blanket. will ask you what you want to eat and the moment you decide to fight the cold hard life back, don’t worry, your isagi yoichi will be your #1 supporter! especially if you guys have spent more time in the relationship, he really is good at balancing giving comfort while still giving you trust to walk on your own. though he sometimes couldn’t 100% understand your point of view, but the sincerity in his effort to be always there for you is no joke. he promised every part of him he could give to you and he means every word of it.
who hurt his baby—he will fight it. somehow. he has this odd sixth sense when it comes to you. just with a glance, he will immediately get how down you feel and what you need. a joke and a cheer up along with many kisses? coming right up. a listener who will hug you like a koala? do you want to do that while cuddling in the bed or in public in front of his friends because he won’t hesitate honestly. just say what you want—if he must eat a cake messily like 5 year old to make you laugh then so be it. will get you out for recreation the moment he could and if he couldn’t that means it’s time for his creativity to shine (and boy does it always shine). but if the one that makes you feel down is someone, bachira is not one for violence but he could you know. if you want. (please stop him.)
if you don’t cry, at best he will be an awkward listener—but a good listener nonetheless. if you cry, though, honestly he will panic. this guy is already not good with his own emotions, so you need to be clear about what you want with him. he is not the best with words though, and advice he offers is usually either “let me just fix this for you” or a straight up detached, objective one that is better offered to someone with a cool head and controlled emotion. therefore, more often than not, he opts to just listen and hold your hand. he will try to help, though, and if he can’t—at the very least you will get a really menacing guard dog who won’t let anyone mess with you while you are trying to get up. (also, go tell him to buy something. his credit card is ready and feeling like he is doing something for you is good for the both of you.)
itoshi gene is harsh and he is somehow worse than his brother in this scenario. he is a naturally critical person towards anything. if you are ready to get your fault pointed out and think up a “what can i do to make this better or avoid this from happening again” go to him, but if you are looking for someone who will listen or give validation, as much as you love him, don’t. him and a terrible headspace is not a good combination. however, a direct “can you hug me?” or a “can you do something for me?” is not completely out of the question—he, after all, still cares about you. high chance he won’t ask, especially if you said you don’t want to say anything, but in this situation the softer part of him who has a hard time saying no to you truly comes out. a movie night, even if it involves the goddamned fries, would happen. he is smart enough to know when to spoil you, especially since he knows your habits and tendencies by heart.
the sort of person who sees a hint of gloom on your face and immediately cradles it with a tenderness that no one would expect from someone with his build. he is a good, caring person by nature, if you are looking for someone to help you, he is the best choice. he can be clumsy sometimes and the words he gives to cheer you up have a high chance of being uttered with a lot of pauses in the middle—but the way he acts will probably be enough to bring a smile to your face again (and he will also smile along with you when this happen because by god you are his happiness). all those aside, high chance he can’t give advice, but he will give you top-notch cheering up—words, actions, cuddles, everything—along with genuine validation. (especially after wild card, he has seen hell. “feeling terrible” is something he understands a lot.)
for this one i won’t sugarcoat it: jesus christ. why. is there no one else?
jokes aside, as i love to bully him a bit here, objectively—this really depends on the sort of type of person you are. if you are looking for advice or validation or a listener—not him. but if you are the sort of person who prefers a distraction or the “tough love” sort of motivation that is more scathing and heartless—borderline degrading—he is the one. out of spite, his words are probably enough to spur you into action, forgetting whatever blue feeling you have as it has turned into a red raging anger. however, a little note, believe it or not, this actually comes from a caring place in his heart. kaiser is someone with many, many harsh edges—and this comes more from “i rather see you angry and living than seeing you down without me being able to do anything” root that he rather die than say out loud.
the best you could get is a passive listener. worse you can get is a passive listener who still plays games. the worst you can get is that one scene where isagi has a legitimate concern and gets his hair pulled by this guy. another one who is better to have as a company in seeking distraction for the time than anything. but, despite how admittedly terrible he is in cheering you up with words, he truly makes it up by action when it finally hits him how down and different you are. it will take a few hours or a few days, but he will get there. afterward, expect many small sweet gestures ranging from cute gifts, your favorite snacks, et cetera. your chatroom with him will too suddenly get noisy with many cute stickers and “u ok? :x” for at least a few weeks. (also he is shameless enough to ask out loud to his teammates about what should he do with you when he realizes how stuck he is. so hey. there is that: possible extra brains if you need a solution.)
common knowledge that he never shies away from using that money of his when he needs to and this is one of those situations where he genuinely considers taking you away for a trip so you can feel better near a sunny beach or a peaceful lake—you pick. if you don’t want that, however, this guy is still the best when it comes to understanding you and will be there until you give him a smile. what else do you expect from someone with a complete set of love languages? do watch out though, he is also someone who could get angry pretty quickly, especially when it involves something or someone he cares about—and this time it’s you. on a brighter note, though, this means if you are looking for someone to shit talk with, he is the one. he is a smart caring boyfriend, so talking with him during this time will do a lot of good to you. a good advice along with good validation.
bonus round:
barou — has this very awkward and unique way of cheering you up by getting you to clean the house along with him (and somehow he is less strict with you this time) and then cooking for you after; somehow always works like a charm. yukimiya — do you know all those shoujo manga perfect handsome famous sporty smart boyfriends? this is it. coming to you live. chigiri — shit-talking session that will soon move on to a pep talk that will give you every bit of confidence and drive you to need. a best friend and a boyfriend in one package. one of the people who truly knows and understands how despairing an overwhelming situation could be. karasu — will he tease you a bit like a meanie to distract you, ironically? yes. but if you need an advisor to brainstorm the best possible solution he is also the one.
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cool-cowboy · 5 months
Infinite Darkness Leon loves boobs. I don’t make the rules. (please make a thing about it im gnawing at the bars of my inclosure)
Ask and you shall receive !!! He doesn't just love them, he is obsessed. Always happy to provide ;) Enjoy !
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In which Leon just really loves boobs, gets home from a long day's work and wants to unwind with his face buried in the most perfect tits he's ever seen.
“Hey, hun.” He nearly makes me burn myself, his footsteps reflexively silent, even off duty, his voice low and close to my ear, tired. He wraps me in his arms, doesn’t even give me the chance to finish up what I’m doing, his arms around my waist, lips tucked down into the crook of my neck. He smells like sweat, that and leather, never takes that damn jacket off, I swear. 
“You scared the hell outta me, Le. You’re early, dinner’s still got an hour.” He hums, letting me turn around in his arms, inspecting, though he doesn’t look too bad, light day, I suppose. His scruff is grown out, a little longer than he likes it, the only evidence of his profession a yellowed bruise on one cheek. 
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“Sorry, Didn’t mean to. God, you look pretty.” He kisses me, the little beard he has going scratchy on my skin, but I kiss him back, not willing to deny him after not seeing him all day. He keeps going, hauls me up onto the counter with gloved hands on my hips, still in his work clothes, his kisses turning a little less loving, more sensual, his beard becoming painful, my hand in his hair getting him to pull back. “Damn, you’re not in the mood?” I huff a laugh, shaking my head at him, his clippedness something I spent a long time getting used to, used to think he was being an asshole, when really that’s just him, straight to the point, not one to waste time. 
“No it’s- I am- Just, you’re… hurting me.” I rub at the sides of his jaw, giving him a fake disturbed look he does not seem to enjoy, frowning at me and pulling my hands away and down on top of my thighs. “You need to shave.” He gives me a look, unimpressed, eyes cast down, staring unabashedly at my chest, utterly obvious, not that I mind, just never expected his overt love for boobs, well, my boobs, he says, idiot. 
“Later. I have some uh- Things to attend to…” He’s being goofy, giving me a little smirk as he runs his fingers up, teasing over the underside of my breast, more teasing himself than me, we both know where this goes, his face shoved between them, lips and hands lathing them with attention, time spent against my chest one of his favorite ways to spend any time off he can catch, and I indulge him every time, even if he is rather silly, a grown ass man entirely obsessed with boobs. 
“Hey.” I grab his hand, and the other, holding them off to either side and giving him an authoritative look, well aware I’m not even close to menacing, especially to him, but he’ll listen anyways, with what I’m willing to threaten. “You are not “attending” to anything until you shave, Le.” He frowns, debating it, staring longingly down before testing my grip, pulling gently against it, my hands still tight around his wrists, even if he could easily break free, he plays along. 
“You’re serious? Sweetheart, I’m-”
“Shave, then we’ll talk, yeah?” I give him a quick kiss, pushing against him to get him going, but he doesn’t go anywhere, chases my lips for one more kiss and pulls back to look into my eyes. 
“You shave me.” He apparently has forgotten his manners, demanding I shave for him, something I’ve offered a couple of times before, and he thoroughly enjoys, just getting to stare at me while I do all the work, and I get to do the same, so I don’t mind. “Please?” He ducks down, placing quick, messy kisses to my neck, speaking between slick presses of his lips to my throat. “Please..? Please…? Plea-” “Fine!” I pull him back by his hair, his smile wide despite the definite burn of his scalp, pleased at my agreement, even if I am playing at exasperation. He doesn’t say anything else, just slips his hands up under my ass and carries me off, setting me down on the bathroom counter before bending to collect his things, a hand to the back of his hip. 
“Take your shirt off.” I can’t see his face, but I’m sure he has that stupid look, that pleased, expectant one he loves to give me when he knows he’ll get his way. 
“Take off yours.” He hums, bringing his things over and setting them down beside me, looking at me with his head tilted before he reaches over, grabbing the opposite side of his shirt and whipping it up over his head, tossing it at me in his own form of playful defiance. 
“Your turn. Go ahead, gimme somethin’ else pretty to look at while you work, yeah?” I smile, only a little, always shocked when he’s smooth, usually his flirting doesn’t go over so well, just some silly shit I have no idea how he came up with. I give him his wish, not willing to refuse something so easy, pulling my top up and over my head, his affectionate gaze cast down when he steps between my legs, hands trailing up my thighs and over my shorts, rested on my hips as he gazes at my boobs, overly affectionate, seeming dazed at the sight, even if he has seen them a million times. 
“Kay, Le, Gonna need you to keep your head up, I don’t wanna cut you.” I tilt his head up, and he meets my eyes, one of his hands sliding up, impatient man, shaving cream spread over his scruff by the time he runs his thumb over my nipple, hardened from the chill of the bathroom, that and my lack of clothing. “How was your day?” He hums, staring at me as he presses his thumb down, squishing my breast absently, not quite focused on much of anything. 
“Boring. Missed you, how was yours?” I frown at him, gripping his neck to keep him still, the innocent action earning me a suggestive smirk. He’s kneading now, cupping his hand and gripping lightly, his eyes flitting back and forth from my face to what he’s doing. 
“That’s not-Le-!” I nearly cut him, his fingers pinching my nipple startling me, but he doesn’t seem bothered by the near injury, pleased, if anything, at having gotten a reaction, my back arched in discomfort, the little choked surprised sound something he undoubtedly enjoys. “Can you- Just let me finish, okay? Won’t take long just… Stop being a nuisance.” He pulls a face, nearly getting himself cut again before he realized, quickly fixing it down to neutral, his hand going back to its kneading, his thumb fanning back and forth over my nipple, the attention pleasurable, if only in a doting sort of way. 
“Nuisance? You’re so damn mean today… First you don’t like my beard, then… This…” I scoff, pressing into the side of his neck to get him to turn his head, his eyes straining to peer down from the side, his hand splayed over the boob he’s been messing with, squishing it into his palm, giving it a light squeeze and letting out a pleased sigh. “Can we take this to bed once you’re done, I have some-” “Something to attend to? Sure, Le, tuck your lips.” He does, looking goofy with his lips pursed, letting my get the hair above his mouth without nicking him, his hand drifting over to the other side, doing the same slow slide and squeeze, relishing the feel of it, for whatever reason. “Okay. All done. Let me wipe this-” He takes the towel from my hand, wipes the extra cream off his face by shaking his head side to side, looking entirely idiotic, but cute. “Feeling impatient?” He tosses the towel off to the side, trailing his hands down to my hips, gripping the meat there, always so handsy. 
“You’ve got no idea.” He lifts me up, apparently not too keen to let me do any walking today, lifting me up high enough for him to bury his face in my chest, smooth skin against me, as well as his heaving chest, his sigh dramatic and happy, pleasing him entirely too easy. 
“You don’t wanna watch where- Le-! Careful!” He groans, bouncing himself off the doorframe on the way out of the bathroom, too busy kissing at the space between my breasts to offer any of his attention elsewhere, nearly crashing the both of us into the wall before I steer us out of the way, unable to strangle down my laugh when he stumbles through the doorway, only parting from his burrow to lay me out in bed, giving himself a second to look me over from his spot stood at the foot, his expression gooey and affectionate, so damn sweet I sometimes think he’ll rot the teeth straight out of my head. “C’mon, they’re waiting…” I put on a singsong voice, teasing him, not sure what his fascination is, but finding it entertaining at the least, especially so when he dives over me, carefully not to land without keeping his weight off me, his kisses moving quickly up my stomach, eyes peering up at me as he does, all love, his hands on my side and beside me, his back arched in a probably obscene way to let him reach his path, his lips skimming along the outside of one breast as he stares at me, his non-supporting hand moving to knead at the other, never one to be unfair, his words. 
“Perfect… Fucking love this shit… So pretty for me…” He kisses across, from the outside over to my nipple, watching me as he flattens his tongue over it, pulling back to take a look when he’s done, the sight apparently satisfactory, if the groan he lets out is any indicator, low and guttural, giving himself over to whatever pleasure he gets out of this, closing his lips over my nipple and running his thumb over the other, his teeth grazing the sensitive flesh making me gasp, his smile pressed to a kiss to the wet skin left behind before he’s trailing further across, licking and sucking at the opposite breast, his hand moved down to my ribs, holding me still against my squirming, all the attention too much, nearly evenly pleasurable and painful. “So damn cute… Can’t sit still, huh? That’s alright…” He brings his knees up, sitting back on his haunches straddling me, giving himself the freedom to use both his hands, which promptly squish my breasts together, his face shoved between, a pleased groan ticking the skin his lips are pressed to. The alarm is going off on the oven, but he’s pretending not to hear, vying for some more of my time by keeping himself buried in his chosen “Heaven”. 
“Le, Food’s done, get off.” He groans, unhappy, pulling back to lay sweet kisses over random places, peppering my chest in slick spots, his hands trailed down to my waist. 
“Couple more minutes…” I hum, petting his hair, nearly allowing it, but I can’t let dinner burn, I’m sure he’s starving after a long day of saving the world. 
“After, get off.” He sighs, placing one last, longing kiss to my sternum, pulling back and staring at my chest before sitting himself up, pulling me along with him. 
“Sit in my lap while we eat?” I huff a laugh, shoving him off me and onto his back, his flop overly dramatic, his body lax, splayed out, his smile upside down when I give him a look over my shoulder on my way to pick out a shirt. 
“No, weirdo.” “Keep the shirt off, then?” “No.”
“Okay… Bra only..?”
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supernaturalistthings · 5 months
Friends? pt 4
Female!Reader x Dean Winchester
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Months had now passed. Months filled with a lot of hunts and to counter all that stress nights alone together like our first. Even a few actual dates when we had the chance, he is truly very good at mini golfing. I am absolutely in love with Dean. I of course haven't told him that, and I like to think he feels the same but I wouldn't know because he hasn't said it either. I felt it though, through his touch, his actions, and his gestures. Like when we got back from a djin hunt that nearly took all three of us out.
“You need to be more careful” Dean lashed
“I am careful” i lashed back
“Clearly not enough… I mean what the hell were you thinking?” he says with a look that says to me he's deadly serious.
“I can’t lose you… i wont lose you… not like that.. Understood?”
I hesitated for a second, really taking in the underlying hurt that was being masked with strict anger. The meaning in his eyes when he said he couldn't lose me, the seriousness in his voice, the anticipation in his eyes as he waits for me to say,
I knew when he immediately calmed down and took a sigh of relief after receiving my answer. He motioned me over and started delicately cleaning any wound I had as if I was made of glass. The concentration in his face as he worked, the quietness because he was still harboring a little bit of resentment over the fact he almost lost me. He could hardly hold it together at the thought.
I knew with his touches the way he held, kissed, made love to me. The way he'd brush my hair out of my face when we would drive together. The way he’d hold my hand as he drove for hours barely ever letting go. The way he'd always have a hand on my back in all of these shady dives we've gone to.
“Stay in sight, okay?” he'd say
The latest motel door swings open breaking me of all my thoughts
“Hey baby” Dean says casually, setting down some gas station bags on the table by the window.
“Hey” i reply “how'd it go”
“I've got beer, snacks, and a movie from red box so i'd say we're in for a pretty good night” he says sweetly walking over and ending his sentence with a quick kiss.
“What have you been up too” he continues
“Nothing just thinking”
“Oh no that's never good” he jokes
“Shut up” i laugh and joke back
“Whatchya thinkin about? Hopefully me” he inquires smugly
“Actually yeah i was” i laugh, “I was thinking about us to be more specific”
“Everything okay?” he says in a softer tone, a slightly concerned tone
“Yeah everythings good just reminiscing”
“I'll give you more to reminisce about tonight if you play your cards right” he says, popping two beers open and taking a swig of one while handing the other to me.
“Im serious” i laugh and take the bottle “we've had a good run”
“We definitely have… this isn't a goodbye is it?” he laughs sitting down on the couch beside me
“No Dean definitely not”
“Good, you already made me fall in love with you, you can't leave now i mean my god”
Did he jus-
“I mean we've been through it all, i can't imagi-”
“Did you just say that?” I interjected, almost startled from what I just heard.
“Say what?” he replies
“That you… love me” i say
“Well yeah.. i'll admit i should’ve said it sooner i just didn’t know if you’d be ready t-”
I cut him off with a kiss filled with the love that i've been waiting for a moment like this to say that i had for him
“Woah” he says when i finally pull back for air “well i would’ve admitted that sooner if i knew you’d react like that”
“I love you too Dean, you have no idea”
“you mean it?”he eyes me waiting for an answer
i nod confidently and smile
“You know what, come here” he says as he starts to pick me up spontaneously from the couch princess style and runs me over to the bed, us both smiling and laughing the whole way there.
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iouinotes · 1 month
Heroic love (part 4) | Luke Castellan
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pairing: Luke Castellan x female!reader
show: Percy Jackson and the Olympians
warnings: betrayal, dark romance, no verbal consent, angst, smut MINORS DONT INTERACTE
summary: Luke finds out your plan and you give in. After all, it is better to be with him than with the monsters that suround you.
authors note: The reader joins Luke rather unwillingly, even though she still loves him. I just want to say up front that Luke's threat at the end is not meant serious. He would never do something like that to her. He only does it so that she realizes that there is no other way than to join him. If it's too dark, I'm sorry... @qwertydddddddddd wanted to be tagged, so I hope you enjoy it <33
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Sometimes you think to yourself, this is real love. I'm gonna marry this person. I will spend my life with them, building a home and a family.
Well thats the regular scenario, I mean for the people who are regular. Not demigods.
And you see, even though we dont have an easy life, fighting monsters, losing friends, being scared and anxious all the time, that some bad evil guy suddenly wants to rule the world- we live. Because we have to and because we have each other.
So, for me, I was prepared for it to become harsh. I always knew my life would be like sitting on a rollercoaster, never having the chance to exit.
But I found comfort in this reality. I would imagine being on this attraction, but holding onto something that grounds me. Someone that gives me strengh, so I don't lose myself.
For a long time, I held hands with Luke.
Then of course, something did go terrible wrong, as if they goddess Aphrodite wanted to watch an exciting, action packed romance movie, with the plot twist of I-hate-to-love-you-because-you-left-me trope. Something like this.
Well, I think the movie sucks. In the last months, everything was just not right- Luke leaving camp to join Kronos? Betraying everyone and kidnapping me? Showing up here, messing with me and then holding my own dagger to my throat? (Deja vu)
No, that just isnt what I Imagined to happen in the future. I didnt want my boyfriend to turn into the bad guy, who we swore to fight.
But now I guess, thats up to me. At least some part of it.
"I think Luke ist turning into Darth Vader." Sometimes I'm not sure whats going on in Percys head.
"I never heard of this monster?" Annabeths parents are so wrong for not watching Star Wars with her.
"Guys, after we discussed this, you can have your movie night. But please, let's focus." My voice sounds harsher than I intended, so I immediately feel bad about it.
"Sorry, it's just very complicated. I want to know what our next steps are, what we are planning to do with this- situation." I don't know how else to call it.
"We need information. Who is the spy? What are Kronos plans? Where will he attack? Who joined him? So many unanwered questions." Chirons voice sends a shiver down my neck. He's right, but how do we achieve it?
Percys gaze unnerves me and when I turn my head to meet his eyes, he immediately shakes his head.
"I am not letting you alone with him this time. Nope." I sign, conflicted how I would want to deal with this.
All eyes are on me and when I turn to them, I try to explain my plan. But I cant even finish my second sentence and already everyone seems to be against it.
"We cant let him out!"
"He will kill us!"
"His army is already searching for him, he would escape!"
Annabeth raises her hand and the voices calm down. As she looks at me, I sense her own doubts about the situation.
"They are right. How do you know he would trust you? Could you convince him?"
I nod my head, ignoring my doubts.
"I can."
The moon shines beautifully in the sky, but it helps nothing to calm down my nerves. Im so stupid, why did I thought I could pull this off?
"Youre sure, you want to do this? You dont have to." Percy's standing next me, as always trying to comfort me.
"He will believe me. I always had dreams, where I thought he-" I need a moment to finish my sentence.
"-died. That he got hurt or is in pain. When I had this sort of dream, I would always sneak out of my cabin and came to him. I would walk into his cabin and he somehow always knew what happend. He would tuck me in his bed, letting me cry and cuddling me. Resurring me that everything is going to be okay, that he will live. That was always my biggest fear, that he would die and I would be helpless to do anything against it. He knows that."
We stand in silence for a moment.
"If you need me, I will be there. Just be careful." I smile at him.
I take a deep breath and go trough the doors, seeing that the only light he has, is a small lamp on the ceiling. I quicken my pace so he can hear me coming. When I stand in front of his cell, he is already on his feet. He looks alarmed.
"What-" his t-shirt is wrinkled and his eyes are sleepy. My breath catches and I don't even have to pretend to be confused and afraid, standing in front of him alone in the dark is enough.
The bars are the only thing that separates us.
At first I don't say anything, I just look at him with watery eyes. And just like I said, he knows it. He always knows.
"Another nightmare?" His voice is so gentle, it makes me remember the old days when everything was good. When he took me in his arms and wiped the tears from my cheeks.
I just nod, I don't think my voice is stable enough yet.
I have to play the role, I can do it. He has to believe me.
I slide down the wall and put my head in my hands, all the despair and pain I've been carrying for weeks suddenly coming out of me. I'm crying so hard that I'm almost afraid of waking up the others.
"Shit, princess- what can I do? Let me help, please." He sounds so desperate and it's only now that I realize, that I don't actually have to act. Because my tears are real.
"Y-you ruined everything! And I'm still s-so scared that something h-happens to you" I meet his gaze and see the remorse in his eyes. His heart hurts too.
"I didn't want something like that to happen- please, darling. Come here." Sniffling, I stand up. My knees feeling weak and unsteady. If I go in there now, I won't be able to defend myself properly.
“You hurt me, I shouldn’t even be here. You're an idiot, Luke. I hate-" but I can't bring myself to say it. I cant say that I hate him. Because I don't, at least not yet.
"I know, believe me. I hate myself too. Only your belief in me has always held me together." He grips the bars, I see the inner conflict within him.
"But you won't change. You've never been able to do that well." I know I'm right and he knows it too. Silence surrounds us.
"Let me hold you. Just for- a few minutes. Please. I can't stand seeing you like this. You've always been the sunshine in my life. I don't want my sun to be obscured."
The key jingles in my hand and I look at it uncertainly.
"I won't hurt you, never again, I promise. I also got an anklet. I can't escape." His eyes look so honest. I'm feeling nervous, my heart is beating way too fast.
I put the key in the lock and open the door, freezing in my movements for a moment. What am I doing here? But then I hear his voice and I know why.
“It’s not that comfortable on the floor, but you can sit on my lap." I close the door.
As I move towards him I see how thin he has become and how brown his eyes still are.
Slowly, he raises his hands and when I stand in front of him he puts them around my waist. My knees buckle and I sink carefully onto his lap. My hands rest uncertainly on his shoulders, then moving down to his neck. Playing with the strands of his hair, lost in thoughts.
His face is right in front of mine, both of our breaths are uneven. His hands linger on me, holding me tight to him. Warmth fills my chest as I look into his eyes.
"You're so beautiful. So, so beautiful." A sob tries to escape me, as I do something, I always loved. I put my head in the crook of his neck and wrap my arms around him.
He holds me for a few minutes, stroking my back and whispering soothing, sweet nothings in my ear.
Once I've calmed down, I'm basically lying on top of him and can hear his heartbeat. It's almost soporific.
"Luke?" my voice is calm.
His head turns to me. "Yes?"
"I...I want to be with you. I don't care how or- or where. I just know that I can't live without you." I see his eyebrows furrow.
"You dont mean-" I am silent. Just looking at him, sitting up a little, straddling him.
"I need you. I tried not to need you. But it's out of my control, nothing helps to ease the pain. Only you, only you matter."
Is it the truth if the words escape me so easily?
His hand finds my cheek and I lean into his touch.
"We're the only ones that matter. We will get through this, together and united. You don't have to fight my darling, you just have to be by my side." His hand around my waist pulls me towards him, the other one, he continues to lay on my cheek. Caressing the skin, drawing invisible heart-shapes.
Then his lips meet mine and my eyes flutter shut. The kiss so intoxicating, that I forget for a moment my real intention. Forget why I'm participating in this madness.
As he pulls away from me, I hear his whispering voice.
"You won't betray me, right? You won't do that to me?" He tugs on my hair, ever so slightly, to get my attention.
"No, Luke. I won't." Lie.
The key in my hand is no longer idle as I remove his shackles carefully.
"Then princess, let's get out of here." I slowly get off his lap, but before I stand up, he lifts me up in his arms.
"I promise you that I will never hurt you again. You deserve only the best." As cliche as it is, he carries me out of the cell, which isnt locked anymore.
He lets me down outside and breathes in the fresh air. It's still night, maybe 4 a.m. Everything is quiet.
His hands cup my face and place several kisses on my skin.
"You are incredible, I knew you would join me. For real this time." He takes my hand and intertwines our fingers. I don't see Percy anywhere.
"Let's go. I know where my troops are stationed. Nobody will notice that we're gone until it's too late."
Joining Kronos' army was the hardest thing I've ever had to do in my life, and that includes keeping the truth from Luke.
That I'm a spy for the camp, better hidden than anyone else ever could. No one would accuse or suspect the leader's girlfriend, because everyone can see how much I love him.
After all, it's the only reason I'm tolerated here. Because Luke would kill anyone who even came near me. He has already done it to a dragon lady who was too pushy and even when I tried to stop him, he showed no mercy.
Because he can't afford to do that, if he shows that he has a heart, it will be taken away from him.
Every day it is torture to witness this evil, to help maintain cover, to save my friends.
And every day I feel worse, because I lie to Luke. But it is the only way. I cannot help in the camp, if my heart is somewhere else. Here, with him, my thoughts are not always here, but my heart is.
At least it's enough for me to function. When Luke isn't distracting me.
When I wake up that morning on the Princess Andromeda, it is still quiet. In the presence of these monsters, I have not been able to sleep well for months. Even the dreams I have, make me wake up in the middle of the night and the only thing that calms me down is Luke's touch.
His fingers gently stroke my exposed skin, and as I turn my head and look at him, I see an emotion in his eyes, I've only recently noticed. There is a desire in his gaze, as if he wanted to consume my entire being, to have me just for himself.
My voice, my body, my thoughts, my feelings. Simply everything. He wants it all to be his.
"I wish I could erase every bad dream you have and send whoever is responsible for it to burn in hell. It should scare me that you make me think like that, but if I'm honest, it doesn't. Are you scared?" His eyes look into mine.
Slowly, my fingers intertwine with his. "Not when you're with me."
The next thing I notice is his lips on mine. The way his hands grip my hips and pull me onto him.
He leans towards me, his lips caress my ears and I hear his whispering voice. "Every day I hear one my followers talking about you. That they want to have you, to decorate your beautiful body with scars, with their initials." I freeze at his words, wanting to pull away and look at him, but he holds me tight. Makes me continue to listen to his voice.
"They want to see you bleed, to alternate between pain and pleasure when they push their cocks into you. Do you like that? That you are so desired? That you turn everyone's heads, when you go by and they start wanting to see my head roll? To get close to you, huh?" I want to shake my own head, but he holds me even tighter.
"Do you know how hard it is not to execute every single one of them? Do you know that? I would, if I could. I would kill every single one of them, in front of you, so that everyone knows that you belong to me. Do you understand? No one will speak to you anymore, because your voice is mine. No one will look at you, because your sight is mine. You keep your hands to yourself, no more help with injuries, I don't care if they die. Your hands only touch me."
As I start to sqirm, he leans back, keeping his hands on my hips until a finger strokes my cheek.
"No one will ever kiss you except me. And anyone who even thinks about fucking you, I will let die in battle. You may think my loyalty is to Kronos, but it is to you. My beautiful girl. Now think carefully about who you are pledging your loyalty to."
When his eyes look into mine, I fall silent. Then, even though I try not to, my voice trembles.
"What do you mean? I'm loyal to you, Luke."
His hands caress my skin, examining how the sun shines on me. I'm only wearing one of his T-shirts and my panties. His hands, stroke my bare thighs.
His eyebrows rise, slowly his fingers wrap around my panties, pulling them down until I am revealed to him. My heart is pounding so loudly in my chest, that it feels like it's about to give up. I hold my breath as he places the tip of his cock at my entrance.
What am I doing here?
"I think you're not being completely honest with me, princess. Let's try again. Who are you loyal to?" As he slowly enters me and his hands hold my hips, I moan. I lay my head back for a moment and enjoy the stretch, feeling his hands slide under my shirt and stroke over my stomach, to my breasts and to my neck.
"Luke, what's going on? I'm here with you, I'm-" But I can't finish my sentence as he plunges into me with a violent jerk, right up to the edge. My eyes roll back.
"These sweet lies that come from your lips. Of course you are here physically, but with the mind? Oh no, while I fuck you, your thoughts are on Camp Halfblood. On Jackson. Can you believe it?" His hands push my hips down until I am connected directly to him and can feel every inch inside me. I almost melt as one of his hands presses into my lower back and I move even closer to him.
When I try to answer him, my voice is a mixture of horror and pleasure. "Luke, that's not true. I only want you, I'm on your side- ahh-" Faster than I can react, he thrusts into me. Once, twice. So hard and ruthless that he hits the spot inside me, that makes me see stars. I can't concentrate.
"How I wish you would tell the truth. There's nothing to be ashamed of, sweetheart. Admit it, I already know. My girlfriend is the traitor. Behind my back, she talks to the person I hate the most and yet, she sits on my lap and rides my cock. What would Percy say about that?"
His hand wraps around my neck and holds me tight, his hips keep pounding into me and even though my brain tells me to stop, my guard is down. I want this.
"How-" But when I want to ask, he pushes me onto him again. So fast, too hard, it almost hurts, but it also feels so good.
"I have my eyes everywhere. It took me a while to figure out how to deal with it, how to deal with you. But I found a good solution. After all, Percy lets you be here, without cover, without protection. Hoping I wouldn't find out that you were passing on information. That I wouldn't hurt you."
His last sentence makes me tense up, but even though his face twists in amusement for a brief moment, he doesn't stop talking.
"Your pussy won't save you either. And since I have given you my word, I will not harm you. I found a better punishment. A choice."
He suddenly stops moving and I almost cry, wanting to move myself, but he takes my face in his hand, tightly. Focusing all attention on him.
"Either you stop your underhanded loyalty to Jackson immediately and serve me, or I will make the wishes of everyone behind this door come true and you will be used like a beautiful, little doll. From each one of them, I assure you. But after that, you won't be so beautiful anymore."
Tears well up my eyes, whether it's from the tight grip he's holding on me or from his words, I can't tell. And I'm scared, it feels like I'm being buried alive. With no prospect of ever being able to breathe or be free again.
Without me saying anything, he starts moving inside me again, letting my hips sink onto his. I breathe in loudly.
"Come on, move. Your choice. It's either my cock or anyone else's."
When I look at him, the person I once loved has disappeared. It's like looking at a stranger.
My heart feels like it's been stolen and in the back of my mind I realize, that I should have never gone with him.
But then I close my eyes, put my hands on his shoulders for support and sink down onto him. Again and again, even stronger. Until my thighs shake and tears run down my cheeks. Until I hear Luke's quiet voice again.
"If you think you are strong enough to be like me, treacherous, cold-hearted and ruthless, then I have to disappoint you. Your heart will be soft forever unless the world hardens it. I will protect you for that, princess. Forget camp halfblood, you only serve me now."
His lips are hot on my skin, a strong contrast to my heart, which feels like it's made of ice.
And when I receive the next secret sign from Annabeth a few days later, I ignore it.
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invidiia · 11 months
I am obsessed with your Yan!Chuuya and willing darling bc. Me. So so so me. I'd be worse, even. Even more willing darling incoming.
Poor thing doesn't even bother to confess, just goes right to kidnapping because everyone else left him, even if darling says yes that doesn't guarantee their safety :( he needs to keep them safe, he needs to control their environment so nothing and no-one can hurt them. So he slips a nifty little designer drug in their drink and whisks them away when they get woozy, petting them affectionately and reassuring them that everything will be okay, he'll keep them safe forever :)
But then? They wake up all groggy, their head pounding and mouth all pasty and gross, and he's immediately rushing over to give them water and waiting until they notice the chain around their ankle (he can't take any chances!!). Darling asks what's going on, all soft and confused, but when he explains the situation they.... Look delighted? He was prepared for a fight, kicking and screaming, he was ready for them to shut down and refuse to speak to him, but they're beaming at him? Blushing and fidgeting with the sheets, avoiding his gaze? Poor boy would have to take a walk to process everything I think.
He thinks they're just really good at faking it so he keeps a close eye, but... no, they really do just sit in bed and read or fidget with the toys he got them, sit on the floor and draw, trot up to the door until the chain pulls tight when they hear him coming and offer him a hug with a big, happy smile. Like a lover. Eventually he gives them free reign of his (huge) penthouse, though he still hides the knives and anything else that looks like it could be used for a weapon. But darling just watches TV? Sits on the kitchen counter and swings their legs, watching him cook? Runs up to the door whenever he comes home, wearing his clothes, smelling like his shampoo? And maybe he does have a chance after all, maybe they really aren't faking it.
(Sorry I'm just absolutely whipped I mean come on. Like I wouldn't be obsessed right back at him. I love that last completely willing darling hc especially him taking them outside just. Man takes me for a walk holding me so I can't escape, as if I wouldn't take any chance I got to slide my arms right around that delicious, tiny waist of his and grope to my filthy little heart's content. Anyway yes I love him I love this.)
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fallenclan · 9 months
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(sorry this was technically meant to go w yesterday's asks but I only got a chance to ink it just now... Th. God. Still haunted by the "the embodiment of your failure in the only role you could have" (approximation, couldn't remember exact) line you replied with. Thus!) (Also I didn't meant for the flash to catch Sunwish like that but c'est la vie. Vague gesture) (OH YEAH. Morningbloom coming down to lead Sunwish into the stars for clarity's sake.)
(ALSO. FORGOT. (CRYING WAILING CAT IMAGE) I DIDNT KNOW HAILCRASH WAS CLOSE WITH STORMSIGHT AND SUNWISH WERE CLOSE THATS SO SO CUTE... Oooogh. Well now I'm thinking about a ghostly Storm (OR Sun... ue ue ue...) coming to visit even though they can't be seen.. wails about it.) (also unrelated but struck by thought while typing. Do u think Stormsight was named for his connection w Starclan cause he saw a SC cat while he was an apprentice... Also gives me the image of him having been good at predicting storms which is just really cute to me. ANYWAY! Godspeed in your pursuits comrade)
(OH YEAH. DEFINITELY FORGOR EAGLE'S AGE IN THAT LAST ONE ALSO SORRY </3 for some reason I thought she was younger than she is. Woops!)
(- 🐈‍⬛)
AUGHGAHG>?????A UGUUG?????? I AM. i am holding this so gently its so wonderful i love it sm wtf,,, sunwish having a little floppy ear :(((( im feeling things about these cats i . aughhhgh
and YES you're so right with Stormsight's name... i always thought it was something like he was good at predicting the weather but he DID TOTALLY SEE GHOST NICK WHEN HE WAS AN APPRENTICE!!! now they are chilling up in starclan together. unreal
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hey. hey now hold on
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f1-disaster-bi · 3 months
could you do 'not wanting to let go hugs' & 'goodbye kisses' for lando and martin g? im kinda in a norrix craze rn 🥹🥹
Anon I am right there with you and this idea is so so so soft
His bags were packed by the door, but Lando made no move grab them. He had another few minutes before the airport transfer arrived and he almost cancelled it. He knew that on the other side of the door was reality, and he didn't want to go back to it. Lando loved his job. He knew how lucky he was to be where he was in his career when so many didn't make it, but that didn't make going back any easier. He wasn't just going back to his team and racing, but to the noise of the media circus. Back to the online abuse that would be throw his way for every little mistake, every time he didn't place above his team mate, and back to the comments that seemed to just be aimed at the fact that he exist. The break had been his sanctuary, and Lando didn't want to leave it or the man he had built it with. "Car will be here in ten" Martin spoke softly, pulling Lando out of his staring match with his cases as he looked at his boyfriend. Lando was still getting used to that term even though it had been months now. Sometimes he whispered it to himself when Martin was asleep, curled around him as if he was trying to protect him from the world, and Lando needed to hear the words outloud. The emotions in his chest were a tidal wave that threatened to drown him so Lando grabbed onto his life line as he pulled Martin into a tight hug. He buried his face in the other's shoulder, just trying to memorize the feeling of him in his arms. He breathed him in and tried squash the anxiety that was building in his chest at the thought of leaving him. Lando almost wished that he could leave the sport behind so he could keep this instead of shoving himself and Martin back in a closet until their next chance at stealing away together. He had joked once about retiring and being Martin's WAG that followed him to shows, and Martin had just pressed him into the mattress and told him he'd be the prettiest WAG before kissing him silly. They both knew Lando would never give this up until he was done racing. "Hey, it'll be okay", Martin whispered, holding him close, "It's not forever. Just a couple of weeks" Lando knew that. Realistically he did, but still, he held him closer because he didn't want to say goodbye. "Lando", Martin sounded so fond as his accent wrapped around his name, and it lodged itself in Lando's chest with the same warmth that everything Martin did, did. "I don't want to go", Lando mumbled into his shoulder as he squeezed his eyes shut. Martin's arms gripped him tighter. "And I don't want you to leave", he admitted as Lando sniffled, "but you have to" "I know. I know", Lando whispered as he pulled back and fuck why was he crying. When had he started crying? He hadn't really noticed it until Martin was brushing away the tears, "I just....I love you, yeah?" Martin's worried look shattered at the admission. A fond smile crept onto his lips, and there was this look in his eye that made Lando smile back as his stomach fluttered. "I love you too, dummy", Martin reassured, pulling him into a soft kiss, "We'll see each other soon, yeah?" Lando didn't answer as he felt his phone buzz letting him know his car had arrived. He just wrapped his arms around Martin's neck and pulled him into a long, slow kiss. One that all those romcom movies had people gushing over. Lando never saw himself as that type of guy, but Martin just brought it out of him. His phone buzzed again. This time with a call from the service. "Jeddah, yeah?", Martin whispered as he pulled back. Tongue brushing his bruised lips, and they both pretended not to see the tears in Martin's eyes as Lando wiped away the last of his own. "Jeddah", Lando confirmed, kissing his cheek once more before he turned away to grab his bags. It was time to return to reality no matter how much they both wanted to stay.
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boydepartment · 1 year
Enhypen as Taylor Swift songs
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fun fact abt me, i sang taylor swift in my schools talent show as a kid <3 i love taylor swift still foerfnerjkge
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Jungwon as New Romantics-
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You probably ran into Jungwon at a coffee shop or something cliche like that. You both are busy people but you want to be crazy and still feel young and stupid. Both you and Jungwon will sneak out of your dorms and do late night walks which end up into races to the random playgrounds. You don't need expensive things to show love for each other, and that means the world to the both of you. Jungwon promises to himself one day he will show everyone how much he loves you.
Heeseung as Everything Has Changed-
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You've known Heeseung for years. A lot of time spent training super late at night. All that work has gone to something though- both your debuts. Everything changed from late night ramen to waves from across the red carpet. He still feels like home to you, just like you feel like home to him. But everything has changed and you weren't predebut anymore, you were idols who now had boundaries. You weren’t kids anymore with a dream, you were adults who still build up their dreams.
Jay as Love Story-
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In this case, you are Romeo, he is Juliet. He is PROTECTED by his parents heavily. You've known this since you were kids and you accidentally smacked him with a soccer ball. They want the best for him and they did not see you fit. Jay was a prince to everyone but you. That bothered his parents, but Jay loved it. He loved how you teased him and poked fun at him. Jay loved being able to tease you in the kitchen when something messed up. He wanted to marry you more than anything, so he was thrilled when you asked him after practically begging his parents to finally give you a chance to love their son forever.
Jake as Fearless-
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im biased i am so sorry-
Oh boy okay. You did not have any good experiences with romance. You did not know how things were supposed to go, he had no clue either but Jake will always act like he does! You are both terrified that you are going to do something wrong, neither of you ever do though. After a really important test, he drove to a secluded area, Jake knew you were stressed. This was both your spot you’d go to think. You were unsure of everything, did you fail? Are you going to disappoint your parents? Did all that work Jake did to help you study go to waste? You were ranting wildly. When you finally stopped to breathe and he leaned in to kiss you. All your fears washed away. Everything felt right, everything was going to be okay.
Sunghoon as Back to December-
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He pushed you away, Sunghoon didn't mean to and he didn't even really want to. Life just got in the way and he felt like he was holding you both back. No matter how much time passed by though, he was still in love with you. No amount of time will make that go away. So here he is, calling you back to meet at the tree where you both first met. You started laughing when a pile of snow fell on him, he will never forget that day in December. Sunghoon is hoping as you stand in front of him, now in the summer heat that you will take him back. He is hoping you still have the same feelings you harbored for him Back in December.
Sunoo as The Way I Loved You-
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You used to tease him a lot, he used to do the same to you as well. It was a mutual teasing. Everyone didn't see it like that though, and they blamed you (sound familiar?) You pulled back from being around him even behind closed doors. You truly believed that you were in the wrong here. Never in your life would you be malicious towards him. People made you believe that you were horrible. Sunoo was totally in love with you, and he missed that fire you used to have. He missed you teasing him. Sunoo just MISSED you.
Ni-Ki as Mean-
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Whenever Riki would have people being horrible to him. You always reminded him that he was going to end up being successful while they are going to be stuck being miserable. You were always there to bring him up, so when he finally made it. Riki made sure to never forget your advice. Even when you both haven't talked since you were both kids, he still remembers the way you were always there to remind him to stay confident. You watch from the sidelines proudly.
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tomaytow · 2 years
omg im having brainrot about venti and how do u think he would cuddle windblume? would he be big spoon or small spoon? lmk ur thoughts!
i am so sorry it took me a while to respond bUT OOO
i hope you’re still having a venti brainrot because i’m still having a brainrot abt him (24/7,, check my dms with tala aka tumblr user blooming-cecilia LOL i flood her with venti stuff a lot)
cuddling venti hcs, you want? i’ll give it to you. let me just ransack my mind for a bit;
- imagine just laying supine on the bed and venti just. crawls on top of you and buries his head on your chest. venti likes listening to your heartbeat and he also likes it when you stroke or pat his head. go on. run your fingers through his hair. he’ll probably sigh, pleased, and if you stop – he’ll definitely tell you to do it again (do it again! why should you not?) if you’re feeling playful and decide to stop, there are chances he’ll put your hand back to where it belongs.
- imagine sleeping so deeply that nothing ever wakes you. a venti comes to join you for bed, and when he sees you hugging a pillow, he won’t hesitate to replace said pillow with himself. venti will either nuzzle his face on the crook of your neck, or he’ll let your head rest on his chest. hm. he likes smelling your shampoo, by the way, because it makes him feel so much at home.
- ((akshsjbsjsjsjb the idea of venti just content with windblume… it’s so nice…))
- in the idol au, i discussed a similar concept where you try to make venti jealous by cuddling a plushie instead of him. it didn’t end well cuz venti couldn’t take it (archons, he’s just so silly-) and threw it across the room, before glomping you. why is the plushie getting more love than him??? he’s your boyfriend!!
- during the morning, it’s hard to get up because of venti’s hold around your waist. you’ll have to wake him up so he can let go of you. (but bear in mind, though: that venti’s very clingy—an understatement, tbh—and he loves you very much. i think waking him up just made it worse because he’ll hold you tighter. he refuses to let go.) there is no e s c a p e.
- cuddle him and he’ll cuddle you back. it has more passion and vigor it’s overwhelming. he’ll giggle a lot. cuddling is his favorite past times with you.
- you expect me to not think abt needy venti???? wrong. needy venti is for the soul. imagine him just sitting on the couch and has his arms raised. hands closing and opening in a grabby motion. he pouts at you, “windblume. cuddle.”
- he wants your attention, your affections, so it’s not so surprising when you’re on the phone with someone and you feel arms squeezing your waist… and kisses on your cheeks…
- don’t get me started on possessive venti during cuddle sessions cuz even though you both look cute & wholesome on the outside, who’s not to say that venti’s mind is only filled with mine, and only mine… mine always
- the anemo archon “i’ll be your alternate jacket / hoodie / sweater!” barbatos, then proceeds to BEAR HUG you
- AJAHAJWBDKJDKKDLNDNP i just remembered abt his wings 🥺🥺 venti will definitely wrap his wings around you for more warmth……they’re so soft and comfortable and fluffy
- imagine you just both sitting together and one of his wings guide you close to him
- during rainy days / winter season, cuddles with venti will increase (if venti’s being a lil trickster, he’ll insert his cold hand under your shirt)
- “windblume, i’m cold. i think i deserve some cuddling, don’t you think?”
- personal hc: venti can’t choose which position he likes, but he has a soft spot for digging and hiding his face on your neck… he wants to be in his haven; his paradise; your arms around him, his arms around you. or just you, really. you’re home to him.
- after a long day, venti just drapes all over you. there are no words exchanged but you can understand what’s happening. he’s recharging. praise him, will you? comfort him? give him little kiths… or if you can, sing him songs? (yes. when venti’s upset, he calms down when he just presses himself closer to you)
- venti’s hugs are just the best. there are times where things are hard and it’ll always be resolved with proper communication and really— just a tight hug will suffice.
- when you’re both curled with one another, venti rubs your fingers with his thumb tenderly. hand holding with venti is always nice because you can feel that he really loves you, even in simple gestures.
- look at venti whenever you guys cuddle. yep. the soft gaze. the small smile. ah, yes. he loves you very much.
as for the big spoon and little spoon… venti can be both. he can be the big spoon or the small spoon.
that’s what’s perfect about him.
he doesn’t care.
as long as he’s cuddling you, he’s satisfied.
at first i only thought him as a small spoon because i want to give him the comfort that he deserves uNTIL I REALIZED THAT BIG SPOON VENTI IS GOOD, TOO. i mean. wouldn’t you want to be spooned by the anemo archon???
((tho… i’m in a huge big spoon venti mood rn…….. time to feed myself))
so yeah!!! it depends on the mood.
but you know. venti prefers it more when he sees you.
there’s easy access to the lips—easy access to the eyes. easy access to the face. he loves seeing you.
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viennacherries · 2 months
what is your favourite thing that you’ve ever written?
this maybe isn't the answer you were looking for/expecting, and it's a little bit personal/deep, so sorry for that.
my actual favourite thing i've ever written is the eulogy i wrote and spoke at my mum's funeral. she passed when i was 16 after a long battle with cancer, but her passing was still very sudden. we were told she had about 6 months just days before she died.
it was more of a 'celebration of life' rather than an actual funeral. my mum wasn't religious and we wanted it to reflect on her more rather than a god she didn't believe in. it was amazing. friends she hadn't seen in years travelled from across the country and even the world to come and say goodbye to her. there were so many people that we didn't have enough chairs, and the room was completely full because people had to stand at the back and sides.
i've put it below the cut, if anyone wants to read it. it's obviously very emotional, so be prepared. but it's also very hopeful, in a way that i think you have to be when you experience a profound loss.
i turn 21 in just over a week, and i think about her and this speech around my birthday. 16 year old cher was very scared, but hopeful that things would get better, and im glad she was right.
I think everyone is aware of the fact they'll have to say goodbye to their parents someday from quite a young age. I think the problem is I never imagined it would be this soon.
To an extent I had prepared myself when mum was first diagnosed with cancer. I had to accept that there was a chance I had to say goodbye. But then I didn’t have to.
I never got the chance to prepare this time. Maybe that's what feels so bittersweet. Would things have been different if I’d known sooner? If I'd known the last time would be the last time. Would I hug her tighter? Would I say all the things I needed to say?
Or would I have just never let go?
Would any of the words felt right? Would any of it have felt enough? Or would I have spent forever regretting the words I misspoke or the ones I missed? Maybe this way is better because it was unclouded by the fear of the future.
There are so many things I wish I'd told her. That I didn't blame her. That it wasn’t her fault. That I loved her more than she knew. That I hoped she found peace.
I really hope she has. I think in my heart I know she has.
I see her in everything. In the sunset and the sunrise when the sky is clear. In every Robin or Blue Tit that seems a little too calm around me, that lands a little too close or sings extra loudly. I see her in the kindness others give me, because I know she has inspired it because they loved her. It's like she’s talking to me. Like it's her telling me things will be okay. When I hug my family or friends I hold on extra tight as though it's her, and I never ever want to let go.
I think something I hadn't considered is how hard listening to music would be. Because suddenly all these words have a new meaning and you hear them in a way you never have before. Or a song comes on that I know she loved and I realise I'll never hear her sing it again or watch her dance to it while we're stopped at traffic lights.
For the last four years people have told me how strong I am. I don’t think it's true. I think she was strong. She pushed through every day. She put up with [brother's name] and I at our worst and our best. she brought people joy and she made people feel loved. She never stopped fighting. I don’t think I'm strong, I don't think any of us are. I think every day she kept going she gave everyone a little bit of her strength. I think she made us strong by being strong. I think her strength inspired ours. Everything I am is her. Some days I look in the mirror and I feel like I'm looking at her, if not for the way I look then for the person I am. Because I'm a reflection of her. Of everything she taught me. I have always lived every single day of my life trying to make her proud. I hope wherever she is she knows I'll never stop.
She always gave the best advice, even on the days where it wasn't what I wanted to hear or I got angry because I didn’t think I agreed, she always knew what to say. I only wish I could ask her one more thing.
What do I do now? What happens from here? How do I keep going without you?
I'd like to think that I know what she'd say. She'd tell me I'm strong. She'd tell me she's with me. She'd tell me she believes in me and she'd hold my hand.
All of my memories of mum right now are painful. Because I know they're just memories. But they make me hopeful because I can hold onto them forever. They make me hopeful because someday remembering her won't hurt, it'll feel warm and I'll feel love. Someday we'll all be okay.
Our memories of mum keep her alive. Even when she’s gone. I want you all to think of her and when you do, I want you to smile, just like she always made us all smile.
Remember her with love. Remember who she was. She loved you.
So to you mum. Because I know you're here and I know you're listening. I hope you see how loved you are. I hope you feel it. I hope you know I don't blame you. I hope you know it wasn't your fault. I hope you've found peace. I hope you know just how much I love you. How much we all do. I can't wait to see you again.
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kikiswriting7 · 2 days
Take a Chance ✵ JJK ✵ MYG - 3
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✵ Pairing: Yoongi x Reader x Jungkook
✵Summary: Y/N just move across the world to start her University. She is paired with a roommate who is complete social butterfly and makes a bet, Y/N needs to take more chances. And at the hint of her new found friend, her social and romantic life take a dramatic turn.
✵Tags/Warnings: Smut, College AU, red flag, sexual tension. angst, dirty talking, drinking, friends with benefits, full of cliches, friends to lover, temptation
✵Notes: Hi guys! Took a while to update this on AO3 BUT here you go! Let me know what you think <3
lots of love, Kiki
Once more I wake up with the worst hungover. But this time it feels even worse. What the hell happened for me to get like this? I am still wearing last nights clothes and with make up on.  The last thing I remember is Gabi asking those stupid “Drink If” questions. I groan as I leave the bed holdind my head in between my hands. Ugh Im never touching alcohol again. I get up and go to the bathroom in hopes that washing my face with cold water would chase this terrible feeling away.
I reach the bathroom and splash the ice cold water on my face. The only thing that takes it away is the fogness of yesterdays events and everything comes all at once. Us all getting drunk and deciding to go for a walk at the beach late into the evening. Jungkook showing the constelations holding my hand. Coming back home worse. Falling asleep on the couch. Jungkooks strongs arms carring me to my room. Tucking me into bed and leaving shortly after. I look myself in the mirror with pure shock. 
“Fuck…. Eli” I groan. I gamble that she would’ve slept over and go to Gabi’s room where I find them both laying bed looking at their phones. They both just look over their screens but don’t say a word. 
Gabi moves over a bit and pats over the space in between the two. I crawl to the spot and lay face down on the soft and sweet smelling pillow. I let out a groan. 
“I feel like dying” I say the sound muffled by the pillow. 
“you are not alone sister” I receive gentle taps on my back. I sit back down on the bed facing both of them. 
“I’m so sorry for last night, Eli. I swear I didn’t intend to any of that to happen” I say to her with sorrowfull eyes
“I mean, thank you for saying that. I guess hes not really into me anyway. So its fine. Don’t worry about it.” She shrugs
“I promise I will not do anything with him.” I offer.
“its ok if you do honestly. It good that this bandaid was ripped off sooner rather then later. It would’ve definetly hurt much more.” She shrugs it off. 
“do you still feel like to have that movie night today?” gabi asks “We both totally understand if you don’t” I nod in agreement with her. 
“I can text him not to come. I don’t feel very well anyway. I bet he might not be the best either.”
“I mean, we can still be friends. He geniualy seems like a nice guy, just not interested in me like that. So that’s ok. We can still hang out.” She adds, even though with a sad look on her face. 
I give her a hug laying down on top of her. “Are we good then? I was honestly worried that you would be mad at me”
“We are good, don’t worry” she hugs me back laughing “now get off, you are smashing me” she taps my back and grunts. 
With a smile I lay back down between them. Pulling my own phone out of my pocket. 
My heart races as I see the message I received not too long ago. I gasp and both of them immediately look to find out what cause such a reaction. I spring up and scratch my eyes. 
Gabi sitting next to me and pulling my phone out of my hand reading the text out loud. 
 “Good morning! I was wondering if you are up for coffee? I know a place nearby that is quite good”
She slaps my arm. “why are you not up yet!? Go get ready!” motioning me to hurry up.
“Gabi I feel like death has come for me this morning…. I don’t know If I have the energy to go out right now”
“Girl I don’t care, you are still breathing. Go brush your teeth and change.” She says giving a fake smile. “NOW!”
I look to Eli for support but she just shrugs and goes back to being busy with her phone. 
“plus…” she says with her evil grin  “I already texted him yes.” She shows me the phone “he says he will be here in 10 to pick you up” 
My eyes go wide and yank the phone out of her hand. Reading back the messages. She really did send those messages. Oh my god.
“Im going to kill you” I say under my breath
“Well, better be after you get ready. Chop chop” she claps her hands. 
I immediately get up and rush back to my room trying to fix something else to wear. I exchange the black fluff sweater for a hoodie and try to fix the eye liner from last night that makes me look more like a panda than human. 
Once I think that is good enough I quickly brush my teeth and rush to the door to put on a pair of shoes and leave the house. My keys still in the pocket of my jacket from last night is a blessing. If I rush more then this I think I might be sick. I take a deep breath and get my composure back, taking it easy to reach outside. 
I see Yoongi waiting outside the apartment with his phone in his hand. 
“Hey stranger” I say leaving the building. He looks up and gives a small smile. 
“Was about to text you” he shakes his phone and quickly puts back in his pocket.  
It was a cold day but it was sunny, making it a more pleasureble temperature. The perfect day to not have a hungover. But here I was. 
The walk to the café is pleasant. Indeed its not far from my place and the place looks quite cozy. It full of books and it leads to a nice garden. We find a place at a corner all the way at the end of the place overlooking the garden that must be beautiful during spring and summer. The café was quite busy having breakfast and chitchatting. The atmosphere was defintely inviting to stay hours on end. 
“What is your poison?” he asks me before sitting down
“Honestly, a latte would be a killer right now.” I say following it with a quick thanks.
A few moments later he comes back with a tray with more stuff then I thought he would bring. He places my latte in front of me. 
“I was not sure what you would like right now, but I also got a strawberry short cake. Its yours if you like it.” He takes the iced americano from the tray and the chocolate muffin. 
The cake even though, simple looked perfect. Layers of cake, cream and straberries making the slice very appealing. 
I bite my lip before removing the little plate from the tray giving him a smile “Its actually my absolute favorite. Thank you!” which I only receive a small grin in return. 
“So what have you been up to this weekend?” I ask him between bites of the heavenly cake.
“Nothing much.  I’ve spent most of the night busy trying to fix this track I started to make, other then that nothing much more exciting.” He counters.
“Yeah I wish…” I say sighing getting lost in thought from last night. My heart rushing at the thought of Jungkook. No, I tell myself. Nothing can happen. Even after Eli said it was fine. 
“Rough night for you too?” He asks taking me back to reality.
“I swear I’m never drinking again” and rest my head on my hand. He chuckles 
“Yeah JK said you guys were quite drunk” he says casually. But I almost choke on my hot drink 
“Oh I didn’t know you were friends?” I ask him trying to sound casual but probably failing miserably. 
“yeah we are in the same friend group. Well, that and we all share a house. We’ve all known eachother for some years now.” he says taking his attention back to his half eaten muffin. 
I hope he didn’t see my absolute shocked face. But I honestly don’t think I’ll ever be that lucky. Great. Of course they were friends. Did JungKook say anything else to him? Was this why he was being friendly to me? 
“Ah that’s nice…” which is all I can gather to say. He just nods. 
After some small talk and finishing our food the place seem it got busier, with people coming for brunch. The headache still brewing in my brain not giving me pantience, I pinch the bridge of my nose. 
Yoongi seems to notice “ Hey are you feeling ok?”
“Not really” there is no use in lying right now “To be honest I have the worse hungover.”
“No worries we can hang out more on another day”
“I mean, do you want to come over?” I blurt out as we leave the place “Yesterday night, Gabi, Eli and Kook set up to have a movie chill day, I guess.” Now it was his turn to seem bothered. The frown quickly dissolved from his face as it foes back to its neutral face. 
“What are you guys watching?” He asks
“Honestly, I don’t know… If it were by me I would stay hidden under my blankets and nap the entire afternoon.” I say to him “and I’m not even sure if he will show up, since I guess he also drank a lot last night.” 
“Oh, he will” he quickly replies but before I can ask what he means we reach the apartmetn building again. 
I arch an eyebrow at him after unlocking the door as in question “So are you coming or not?” Looking over my shoulder with the door open.
He doesn’t take long to react, following me back into the building. With a shy smile, I lead the way to the apartment in silence. 
The living room is thankfully empty. Perfect. We sit next to eachother on the couch, and decide that the best thing for hungover cure is to watch random youtube videos. The late morning and afternoon passes fast, we left it to fate to decide what to watch, meaning the suggested tab. And after laughing over funny cats compilations, radom travel vlogs and deciding that Japan is should be everyones number one country in their bucketlist, Gabi comes out of her room walking loudly as if to annouce her arrivel and sporting a grin. 
“Sorry, but you were not responding your texts” she smiles at me “Just to let you know JungKook is on his way, he just called me. By the way very nice to meet you! I’m Gabi” She makes her way to give him a small hug that takes him by surprise. His wide eyes looking over her shoulder in search for help, but all he got was a small chuckle. 
Eli doesn’t take long to come to the living room, introducing herself too but this far with just a wave from her hand and a head nod. As if in cue with Eli sitting down, the doorbell rings. Gabi excitingly hops to the door to open it.  On the other side, wearing some loose jeans and a long sleeve, was jungkook holding a tub of ice cream. Gabi is quick to give him a hug and his smile turns into a surprised look when he notices Yoongi in the living room. 
“Let me put this in the freezer” Gabi takes out the ice cream from JungKooks hands and hops back to the kitchen, meanwhile JungKook greets briefly Yoongi and takes a seat on the empty corner of the couch. Trying to avoid much eye contact with either of us. 
“Weren’t you guys all super drunk yesterday?” Yoongi asked to nobody in particular
“Yup” JungKook replies first
“Is she always like that?” He asks again pointing to where Gabi disapeared. Which gets us all agreeing at the same time 
“She says her superpower is to not get hungover” I add while Gabi gets back to the living room.
“ All righty! Super fun!” She drops the small bowl of snacks at the centre table “I guess you guys know eachother?” she asks looking between JungKook and Yoongi. 
“Yeah we are friends for a few years and we live together now that he is also is studying here” Yoongi replies giving a small grin to Jungkook who only smiles back in return, relaxing a bit more on the chair
“Great! So what do you guys feel like watching?”
The debate gets intense when Eli says she would like to watch a romcom and Yoongi suggests a new spy movie that just come out. Gabi sugests a Disney movie that gets quickly shut down by both Eli and Yoongi. For me, I honestly couldn’t care less about what we watch. Both me and Jungkook are watching the heated argument and when we lock eyes we both give a quiet laugh at the situation that we find ourselves in. 
At the end, since it was hard to everyone accept the same movie, we ended up doing a quiz, which resulted in us watching both of the DeadPool movies. The entire time Eli was disgusted and just like Gabi was quick to be on her phone. Yoongi, JungKook and I would laugh and snort at the terrible jokes made throughout.  When the movies were finally over, Eli bids her farewells earning a pout from Gabi. Shortly after both the boys also leave together. They were definetly were good company, I think to myself. Even though it is a bit strange to have all that tension in the room in the beginning. 
Once I start tidying up the living room I notice Gabi just staring with a raised eyebrow and a smirk, waiting to be acknoledged. 
I roll my eyes and say my own good night and leave her. I definetly don’t wanna talk about it whatever she thinks we need to talk about. 
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Classes the next day are boring, and I cannot wait for this day to be over. Unfortunately, even though we are on the same course, Gabi and Eli are on different schedules then mine, leaving me to suffer by myself. 
Lunch time couldn’t come fast enough. Lunch at school was quite fun. The food was made by the first years of our course and managed by the third years. In their semester they learn how to operate different departments and the third years how to run different outlets. After settling for a deliciously smelling creamy pasta, I spot Gabi and Eli searching for a spot to sit. 
A hand shoots up and JungKook calls out for Gabi, which leads to us three sitting at his table with his friends. Jin and Taehyung are also there. I sit next to Taehyung, Gabi and Eli on the opposite side next to Jungkook and Jin. 
Suddenly someone drops on the seat next to mine “You know, we are so hurt that we were not invited to your movie night yesterday.” I look to the person next to me, only to find Jimin pouting. 
“The fact that Yoongi was there, makes it hurt even more” Jin says elbowing Gabi. 
“Hey its not my fault” she says “Shes the one who invited him” motioning to me with her head while taking a bit of her sandwich. 
Her call out earned some smirks from the others on the table except Jungkook who, normally is very talkative, staring at his own plate in silence. 
I roll my eyes “It’s not like that.” Which only provokes a snort from taehyung. “Well if you all are so butt hurt, feel free to also join next time.” I try to ignore but my phone buzzes with a new notification. 
JIMIN added you to a new group .
I roll my eyes but honestly finding it quite fun. I miss having the chaos of my friend group from back home, and I’m eager to create these new friendships here. 
 “Ok so next movie night is tomorrow at your place right?” Jimin asks cocking his head at me.
“You cannot just invite yourself” I say trying to shrug him off.
“Though luck” He says “I just did, sweetheart” JungKook laughs at the audacity of his friend.
“Can we please watch something else then?” Eli is the one to say now “Like some romantic comedy or even a Disney movie..” she tries.
“Yes!” Jimin jumps from his seat earning from me a side eye.
All of our phone’s buzz at once with a notification
Yoongi:  ? 
Jimin: Tomorrow movie night at Gabi and YN’s place
Jimin: Presence is mandatory. 
“Don’t mind him” Taehyung says lower to me “If you guys don’t feel like it just tell him off” he shrugs, clearly his friends energy is something that sometimes needs to be ignored. Well, at this point, I can relate, since Gabi’s energy is much the same. 
When I look back to them Gabi and Jimin are excitedly making plans about what we should eat and watch. Both matching each other’s energy, with Jin, Jungkook and Eli, casually adding or removing things from their plan. 
Here we go, I think to myself.  
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Indeed, Gabi and Jimin are the on the same side of the coin. Their similarities don’t end at their energy to make plans with their friends. They burst out singing, dancing or their new favorite activity: bother each other. 
It has almost been a week since the last movie night with all of them, and at this point Jimin is set in making this a tradition. Every Sunday, everyone gathers to watch a movie. The first time we all got together, was a bit strange. All of them showed up. Even Yoongi, who Jimin kept teasing that apparently never leaves his house during the week. The teasing earned him a flick on the forehead earlier in the day. 
JungKook also back down on his flirting since the Beach Incident. Even though the way we held hands keeps finding its way back to my thoughts. Eli also seems to be over her crush on JK since apparently, she and Gabi saw him with another girl on last night, at a bar. Good for him, I guess. 
I told myself that I would only let myself go out on weekends as I can just relax for the next couple of days, and that is how I managed to drag myself to this sports bar.
The same way Jimin has the same traits as Gabi, he also is earning a spot closer to me. Gabi swears she is not jealous of him stealing her spotlight, but that just adds fuel to his bickering. Which is exactly what is happening right now. 
“I already told you to drop it Jimin. I - ” she then points to herself in a very dramatic way  “am the best friend. You just arrived at the train and wants to sit at the window. I think not” 
I roll my eyes “Or…. Hear me out….” I add like it’s a secret  “We could all be best friends” I say with a fake smile
“No” they add in unison. Giving each other a side eye when they realize they said it together. 
“Yeah, I will go get another shot” I say promptly getting up. 
“I will go get it for you bestie” Gabis shoots up
“Sit” I say in a serious tone, and she immediately falls back to her chair with a pout. 
The sports bar that we chose to spent Friday evening was not at all crowded. Jin suggested that we all get together at this sports bar close to campus as there were multiple matches they were interested in watching. Of course, most of them were late. The bar was actually quite cozy. The walls were nicely decorated, big TV’s divided the space with all sorts of sports paraphernalia. There was also a pool table, a tarts board and next to it sitting corner with brown leather couches, where we decided to wait for the rest. 
As soon as I reach the bar, and lean against it, the bartender, a friendly-looking guy with a neatly trimmed beard, approaches with a smile.
"What can I get for you?" he asks, wiping down the counter.
"3 shots of tequila, please," I reply, glancing back at Gabi and Jimin, who are now engaged in a heated debate about who knows me better. Their antics bring a smile to my face.
As the bartender prepares my drink, I notice as familiar faces are entering the bar and make their way casually to the couches in the back. The bartender hands me the shots, and I nod my thanks and quickly pay before making my way back to our corner. As I approach, I catch snippets of conversation.
“Now, this is what im talking about!” Jimin eagerly takes the second shot from my hand and passes to Gabi. 
“and where is our shot?” Jin asks with an eyebrow raised. 
“This is their reward for arriving on time and hello to you too” I say and clink my glass with theirs before downing the strong drink while making a face. Gabi acts like she just had a shot of water. I honestly don’t know what type of mutant that she is. 
We all settle into a comfortable rhythm of conversation and laughter, As the night progresses, the sports games fade into the background, and the focus shifts entirely to our group. We play a few rounds of pool, Jimin and JungKook teaming up against Gabi and me. Gabi’s competitive streak comes out in full force, and we end up winning by a narrow margin, much to Jimin’s mock dismay.
“Okay, okay, you win this round,” Jimin concedes, throwing his hands up in defeat. “But next time, we’re definitely taking you down.”
“Dream on,” Gabi retorts, a triumphant grin on her face.
Eventually, we all go back to being around the couches and we are slightly buzzed from the drinks we had for the last hour or so. The conversation turns to future plans, ideas for the next movie night, and upcoming events on campus.
Just as we’re about to decide on the final plans for our next gathering, the door to the bar swings open again, and a familiar figure steps in.
“Well, now this is going to be interesting” Jimin settles back in the couch putting one arm around my shoulder and we all turn to see who just entered the bar. 
It’s Yoongi, and he’s not alone. He’s with a girl I’ve never seen before, her arm casually linked with his. She has this dumb smile splattered across her face and he has his usual unbothered look. They head toward the couches where our group is sitting. I feel an unexpected knot tighten in my stomach.
“Yoongi, who’s your friend?” Jin asks, his eyes twinkling with curiosity as our friend aproaching. 
“This is Mina,” Yoongi introduces her with a small smile. “We met at the record store a few days ago.”
Mina waves shyly, and the group greets her warmly. I try to force a smile, but it feels more like a grimace. It’s unlike Yoongi to bring someone new into the group, and I can’t help but feel a twinge of jealousy seeing him with her.
 “I was starting to think you’d ditch us for another quiet night in.” Jimin is the one to talk now, with a playfull smirk on his lips and I know that he loves poking at people. 
Yoongi chuckles. “Not this time. Besides, I’ve been out all day. Might as well end it with some good company.” He says looking at me with an intense gaze. 
Gabi and Jimin resume their playful banter, and while everyone else seems to be taken with Mina, I can’t shake my irritation. She laughs at all the right moments, shares interesting stories, and fits in seamlessly, which only makes me feel worse. My eyes keep drifting back to Yoongi and Mina, and every time she leans and touches him again and againa, I feel like rolling my eyes until its stuck in the back of my head. 
It seems that JungKook notices my distraction and asks the group if anyone wants more drinks. Everyone states what they are drinking, with a quick thanks, and goes back to the conversation with Mina, who is now sharing about a new exhibition coming to town next week.
“Hey, can you help me out with the drinks?” Jungkook asks closer to me as he reaches out a hand to pull me from Jimin's side.
We reach the bar, and he is quick to order everyone's drinks. I honestly don’t know how he managed to keep up with so many different orders.
“Hey, you okay?” he asks quietly, concern evident in his eyes.
“Yeah, just tired,” I lie, offering a weak smile.
He doesn’t seem convinced but lets it drop. The conversation continues at the corner of the bar, but I honestly don’t really feel like listening. Instead, I’m focused on Yoongi and Mina, trying to decipher their relationship. Are they just friends? Is there something more? My thoughts spiral, making it hard to concentrate on anything else. Mina’s laughter rings out again, and it grates on my nerves. I try to push the feeling down, reminding myself that Yoongi is just a friend. I can’t assume that any guy who is remotely nice is into me.
Mina's drink is the last one to be poured. When the bartender finishes pouring her stupid rose wine, I turn to the bartender and add to the order, “Can I actually also have another shot?” I ask him.
“Make it two,” Jungkook quickly adds, drawing closer to me. “If you’re tired, that will knock you right out, sweetheart.”
I take my glass and clink it against Jungkook’s, and I look back at the others sitting. Yoongi catches my eye, and I lift my drink in cheer to him with a ghost of a smile on my lips, before downing it without making a face this time. The burning is welcomed by my throat.
I help Jungkook bring back the cups on a tray, handing them to each of their owners, and plop down back next to Jimin, who barely notices me as he now starts an argument with Jin over which one is the best video game of all time.
Just as I’m about to excuse myself for some fresh air, Yoongi catches my eye. There’s something unreadable in his expression, and for a moment, I wonder if he can sense my unease. He leans over to say something to Mina, and before he can get up, Jk, stands up first. “Going out for a smoke” he announces “anyone care to join?” he asks generally but his playfull eyes fall on mine. 
“yeah lets go!” Gabi jumps up, and follows Jk. I also get up to follow them, maybe some fresh _smokey_ air will help me clear my head, of this unreasenable dislike of Mina, and improve my mood. I cannot be like this the entire night. I need to get it together, and fast.
As I was about to pass him, I feel a warm hand wrap around my wrist, stopping me. “I thought you didn’t smoke?” he says more in a statement then a questioning tone. 
“I don’t. Just going to make them company” I brush it off.
The frown that crosses his face comes as fast as it goes, and I believe that if I blinked I would have missed it. Mina enthusiastically, turns to him to ask his opinion on some music, that now she was discussing with Jimin, 
“You coming, sweetheart?” Jk asks standing not too far, as Gabi is distractedly putting on her coat. Yoongi lets go of my hand and turns to give her attention.
Outside, the air is chilly thanks to our proximity to the beach. Gabi and Jungkook are already chatting animatedly, the glow of their cigarettes illuminating their faces.  Gabi enthusiastically telling stories of her life back in her home country and  how she got so high once that she hallucinated she was in Paris. Our laughter echoes across the empty street.
Gabi apparently was a quick smoker as she was already taking the last drag of her cigarrate, shivering with the cold. “as much as I love your company guys, I think I lost all sensation to my extremities.” She states, a shiver clearly running through her. I chuckle as shes quickly makes her way back inside. 
JungKook nudges me playfully. “Come on, sweetheart,” he says, his breath visible in the cool night air. “Let’s join the smokers’ club.” He holds a laugh raising his eyebrows. I roll my eyes at his remark. 
“Nah, thanks” I brush him off. “I mean… good for you” he says, taking another drag. “this shit kills”
I chuckle. At least he knows. Jungkook is talking about one of our teachers, and how he doesn’t know how he will pass her exams if the classes continue being this boring. 
“Jungkook, its ethics. How did you expect it to be?”I ask with a small laugh,  but my eyes inevitably drift back to Yoongi and Mina. They’re sitting close, their shoulders almost touching, and I can’t help but wonder what they share. I look back at Jk, who is tossing his finished cigarate away, and I expect him to hush us inside. Instead, he leans against the brick wall, exhaling the last of the smoke. “You know,” he says, “sometimes it’s hard to figure people out.”
I raise an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”
He nods toward Yoongi and Mina. “Take them, for instance. Are they just friends? Or is there something more?”
I sigh. “I wish I knew.”
JungKook chuckles. “Life’s full of mysteries, isn’t it? Like why Jin insists on wearing mismatched socks or why Jimin thinks he’s the world’s best dancer.”
I laugh, grateful for the distraction. “And why Eli can’t resist buying every cute stationery item she sees.”
“Exactly.” JungKook steps closer. “But sometimes, the answers surprise us. Maybe tonight will be one of those nights.” He winks and nudges me 
As we go back inside, to the comforting warmth of the bar I remind myself that Yoongi is just a friend—a complicated, enigmatic friend. 
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meowzilla93 · 2 months
you know, with all the lore drops im releasing into the wild, how about a bit of a draft, a conversation between Liz and August, about a certain Greyscale Gentleman
(collecting any and all teasing nicknames for this guy like its my reason to live)
L: So, how’s things going with Monsieur Monochrome over there?
Ears perked at the new moniker for the boy-next-door suitor, August turns from the wrap she was making to look at Liz, an eyebrow cocked in question,
A: Monsieur-Oh god, just how many of those do you have up your sleeve?
L: Questions? A few. Nicknames for your fancy suitor? Many. Too many to count.
August rolls her eyes at her older sister with a snort, returning to her job of making a halfway decent lunch for the hot day.
L: You still haven’t answered my question Aug.
A: Things have been good. We talk when he is leaving for the day to do his touristy stuff if I’m out there already, same at night. Texting is a bit irregular, but considering we are a stone throws away from each other, seems we tend to walk into each other a lot and talk that way. We haven’t had a ‘date’ as such yet, but we have spent a few nights together-
Making a show of clearing her ears from being deafened by Liz’s sudden outburst, August turns back to Liz,
A: Jeez Liz, not what I meant. I mean just hanging out. Watching the sunset, walking down the beach front, that sort of thing. And what do you mean ‘already’? It’s been a couple weeks! Couples out there barely give it a day; Already…
August turns back to muse over her food, mumbling over Liz’s comment.
L: Do you plan to?
A: Huh?
L: Oh, don’t act dense, you aren’t good at it. Do you plan to sleep with him?
A: Liz! I-I don’t see how that’s at all relevant!
L: So, you do?
A: That’s neither here nor there! I like him! I like hanging out with him and just being with him. But that doesn’t mean I’m doing it to get into his pants Liz!
L: I just want to make sure you know what you are doing. Things seem to be a bit more intense than usual considering how your relationships usually go.
August takes off her glasses before she rubs her eyes, exasperated at Liz,
A: Yes, I know what I’m doing. And yes, I will admit things are… different this time round.
L: Do you want to talk about it?
A: Would you accept it if I said no?
L: No.
A: Yeah, that’s what I thought.
Folding up her wrap, August cuts it in half before picking up one half, taking a bite before pointedly looking at Liz,
A: What exactly would you have me talk about?
L: Clearly your summertime black and white romance flick -shut up its funny. You said things are different, how?
A: Let’s see. Other than the fact that this relationship has a deadline before it even started? I don’t know how to explain it, Liz; Those previous relationships, I thought the butterflies would eventually build up, that those romantic feelings would develop along with the relationship, but that never happened. With him, all it took was spending a day with him and they’ve been there ever since. I’m giddy over the chance to talk to him, can’t get rid of the smile on my face when I’m with him. I want to hold onto him, or just touch him in some sort of way; It’s almost a need rather than a want. He can fluster me, which is a hard task in itself, but he does it flawlessly. I just… I’ve never felt what I feel with him.
L: You both agreed that it’s only a summertime fling right? What happens if these feelings develop further?
A: I’ll cross that bridge once I get to it. Though to be honest, nothing would change. He made it abundantly clear that romantically this all ends at the end of summer. I will have to accept it, considering I agreed to those terms before we started this.
L: So, the first time you are experiencing those giddy lovesick feelings in a relationship, and you are letting it runs its course at the detriment of your own feelings-
A: Liz, I am more than capable of navigating whatever this is, honest. Besides, nothing is stopping us from remaining friends. Sure, it might hurt when we finally end this, but all my previous relationships I’ve been able to have a more platonic relationship with them. What’s stopping us from doing the same this time?
L: I don’t think it’s going to be that simple this time August.
A: I’ll deal, Liz. This… To be quite honest I haven’t felt this happy in a long time. With everything happening, so much changing, I just want to be happy with him. Maybe I’m more invested in this than he is. So be it. But I’m happy. Think you can cut me some slack with this?
Liz takes August in, concerns slightly marring her features before exhaling deeply,
L: Fine, but only for now. But I expect to know exactly when and how your Black Parade Boyfriend starts to make advances on you, need to make sure you have the talk-
August laughs at Liz, chucking a towel at her face over the newest nickname,
A: Liz, he isn’t that bad! And honestly, I’m almost nineteen and already had sex. Think you are a bit late for that talk Big Sis.
Liz woefully puts a hand on her forehead,
L: Alas, my dearest younger sibling is growing so quickly! To already have had intercourse outside of wedlock, what is this world coming to,
August launches another towel at Liz, before the elder sibling chucks one back, starting a war in the kitchen of tea towels flying around and the sound of laughter filling the midday air.
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chuchuminn · 1 month
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just realized its been really really long since i posted (so sorry for being rlly lazy some stuff happened)
new content!!!!!
what if aruji sama was a DEMON??
smth ive been thinking abt!
im gonna come up with smth like whtever
name = ELENORA STEINE (nora, but none are her real name *its actually ____*
age = VERY OLD.
height = might be crazy... 6'2
facts abt nora:
- very bad memory (no she wont remember where her fork from dining went after going to the bathroom but its ok bc shes a grandma /j)
- came from germany (has a slight german accent wowzers)
- doesnt rlly like sweet but likes sweet if theyre not too sweet...??
- though rlly follows the main story of living in the modern world she just moved in recently 😔
- physically, magically, and mentally capable of murdering someone (any weapon works they should just be dead)
- if shes angry at you kill her or youre the one killed!!! waa waa waa. waa waa waa waa.
buh buh backstory!!! before butlers stuff
Back when DEMONS, HUMANS, and ANGELS still thrived..
"Is there really such a thing as a war anyway? That would never happen."
Nora says, looking at her two best friends, Kium (ANGEL) and Leon (HUMAN).
"Maybe! Theres a chance, y'know?"
Leon says in a cheerful tone, as Kium speaks up.
"I guess there's a chance as well."
"Anyway, aren't you hungry? We've been sitting in this tavern for a while."
All three nod and go get some food.
Rings the sound of crashes and falling debris, scattering on what was once called the Human territory. Nora, Kium, and Leon were all called back to their own races. One thing was sure. It was war. Noone knew why but the lords of all three races. The three friends were all worried for each other.
They were all on the battlefield as well.
The sound of swords clashing rang in Nora's ears. Whooshing of magic from demonic mages and angelic powers fly around.
"Oh, curses.. Why do I have to be doing this..- Leon..?!"
Nora sees Leon, collapsed on the ground. He's.. dead. Someone killed him.
"....Isn't this normal, though? Everyone would die someday."
*Kium says, facing Nora. He has tears running down his face, and he points a spear at you.*
"I have to do this, Nora. I'm so sorry.."
*He tried plunging his spear in Nora's body, but she managed to stop him in time, holding the blade. It couldn't be stopped anyway. Bound to be. She threw the double edged spear at Kium, killing him.*
"It's normal.. Right? Normal. Totally normal.."
*Nora fell down om her knees, and sobbed for a while. She returned back after war was over, and spent life until the modern world.*
butlers stuff abt NORA time!! (the story was rushed i am sorry)
☆ would love to learn her favorite snacks for tea time!!
☆ when shes sick (its possible ok.) he gives her Tea. (tea tea tea tea im like tea tea ooh just like tea tea ooh)
☆ he will make every single food she wants no matter the time because when shes rlly hungry she walks around to eat something that is probably edible for demons but not for humans
☆ knows all her favorite foods (hmm, let me guess.. nora's fav food is... Meat)
☆ woodcarves her favorite things for her (maybe not a whole house but yeah) mistakenly sleeps in her room if he ever changes her bed (beds, right?)
☆ she teaches him sometimes for fighting stuff but again shes old. her bones are becoming nonexistent. every step you hear some cracking (/j)
☆ tries his very very best to cook for her (spoiler: it lit the kitchen on fire)
☆ decorated the garden with a lot of stuff because nora said she likes them at a really random time (eg: haures, i like ___.)
☆ reads books with nora then nora starts telling him about what happened during the old times when demons and angels had coexisted
☆ sometimes lifts weights with her because she got a bit bored of standing around (wants her muscles a lot)
☆ nora asked him to put a giant pating in her room and it went on the ceiling but nora is happy because its still there (its kinda scary)
☆ flower arranging with boschi time every weekend even though nora gets headaches from them
☆ when nora saw THAT scene (spoiler warning: the whip thing) she felt pretty bad for him and wanted to explode his mom
☆ constantly reminds nora not to touch the roses even though it won't hurt that much because he still doesn't want to see her hurt
☆ scolds her because she doesn't yap when shes bored but actually runs around and ends up getting hurt
☆ wine lovers (theyre drunkards but nora has more tolerance than lucas because she had drinking competitions before)
☆ one time nora ate a red mushroom because of hunger and became as silly as lamli
☆ lamli likes playing with frogs but nora would like to dissect them because its interesting
☆ nora doesnt understand nac and doesnt know why (his way of words make her brain become water)
☆ scolds her a lot for drinking lots of alcohol because he normally finds her throwing up
☆ doctor also, so... also scolds her with lucas for getting hurt a lot (only thing they can agree on)
☆ nora ate his cooking once after drinking the day before and started vomiting a lot (new rule: never let nora eat spicy after drinking)
☆ braids her hair but it kinda became a big mess but its fine because nora fell asleep
☆ other than miyaji and flure nora is the only one he likes + nora isnt very scared of him just thinks hes silly
☆ designed a lot of noras clothes because she really doesnt have that many
☆ nora tried sewing clothes with him once and it turned out pretty good but she stabbed herself a ton
☆ sparred with her once, stopped because she had a stomach ache in the middle (he will try again)
☆ talks abt his kids a lot to her and she listens while drinking green tea
☆ kinda stalks her and has all her information in his notebook
sorry abt less content for villa butlers bc im not rlly familiar with them 😗
planning on making a new au sooner or later when i have time
thankz so much for reading all this pooks
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