#an thats an end I wanna see maybe get taken off with more
cainite-bite · 2 years
While ultimately i want to see the silent hill franchise back, I am awfully disappointed it has to be 2. Not just because my bias of it being my least favorite in the franchise, but just the fact I feel there were other games that could have used it better, like you know... the first of the franchise that kicked the whole thing off. Especially since 2 and 3 already got (shitty) remasters and is a lot newer to people than half the franchise.
I know they’re just trying to go with the safe, what they are thinking is going to be the cash cow route, but I still just wished it would have been SH1 still.
That being said I hope they can actually do better for 2 and fix up some of its weak ends and fix up some of the characterizations going on  in the OG. SH2 has a lot of potential easily and I’d like to see that get more expanded
#Im still going to give it a chance though I am going to be holding my breath in caution#there's some things I hope they elaberate further cause there's a lot of ideas that sorta get started that do really have much to them#and for most people it didnt come to fruition much#like back in the day so few people caught on to the empty pram in a pool and the nurses having the baby faces hidden on them#and knowing mary's desire to have a family there I can't help but to feel the other notes to that died off eerily early in the game#at least outside of the point of Laura who Mary wanted to adopt later#but the others being there kind of makes me think there was something more- and later that got talked about by one of the creators too#an thats an end I wanna see maybe get taken off with more#I know each of the games have sorta had themes get lost too especially when it was felt it was going to be too disturbing#SH 1 already toed a fine line with Alessa and what happened to her in certain abused regards... but it also had censored monsters#a lot of these games have sorta lost a little from that there so if 2 had more of i hope maybe they can get it running#if they wanted to though#cause right now we live in such a different age where a lot more is allowed than it used to be#but while im disappointed in 2 i hope its the start to getting some of the others back#i wanna see SH1 and 4 going again#if we're doing a full remake i feel like 3 would still be an execellent cannidate for it#ill still probably get the game to support it enough so maybe we can get to that point...#that being said im just glad an entire announcement wasnt like... nfts only
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s0ckh3adstudios · 5 months
howdy!! for the undertale gold au, i was wondering if we could see more of dalv? (or starlo, dalv and rover!! like the family portrait)
if not thats ok :) i just wanna see more of how these sillies work in the au
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TA-DA!! Finally, after days... UTG Dalv! I Am So Sorry.
Disclaimer Corn Yaoi IS canon in this AU and for those who don't like it. I am sorry HEHEKGHLF It's too late for me to go back and I thought it'd be funny to include it. Too embedded in the lore now
You find out Dalv's backstory not through recorded tapes, but through his diary! You know, how he has one in the Ruins? In turn, Chujin still records tapes.
I actually wrote Dalv's diary entries and will be leaving them under the cut so you can all get your dose of exposition, but I'll give a summary of it below the Diary Entries if you want a TLDR!
Also, I apologize if the writing isn't very good- I tried my best to keep Dalv's character and write out what happened, but I'd probably edit a couple details if I wasn't lazy LMAO
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Dalv and Starlo own a large farming area together where they grow crops for monsters to buy. They were given an opportunity to expand the farm, and their business by association, to the Snowdin area. Starlo was unable to meet with the people in Snowdin about it, so Dalv had to go. He was a bit nervous to do so, Chujin offered to join him! As long as he got to test out his latest project; Axis, a funny little robot. Rover, Dalv and Starlo's kid, also joined them! They wanted to visit Snowdin and play with Chujin's robot. Dalv and Chujin left Axis to watch and play with Rover while they had their meeting. But this is when danger struck. During the meeting, a human came through Snowdin and attacked Rover, even taking their hat. Despite Axis already chasing after the human and Chujin giving Dalv warnings, Dalv ran after the human as well to find his kid's hat.
Dalv did find the human... who was very injured after seemingly having had a run-in with Axis who was oddly nowhere to be found in that moment. When Dalv encountered in the human... something shifted in him. This human hurt his child, they could have taken them away... Seeing them... He felt angry. Without thinking, for reasons he can't really explain, he attacked the human and finished them off for good. In a panic, mortified at what he suddenly did, he stole the soul. He didn't want to admit it, even if this was what monsters were meant to do to humans. The soul was declared missing and Chujin was blamed; there was concern over how much damage Axis caused and the fact that he seemingly killed the human so brutally that he also destroyed the soul which they NEEDED.
Dalv decided he was going to try and use the soul for good and try to infuse its power into his crops! He thought if monsters ate them, they'd gain enough power to last against humans AND possibly bypass the barrier. He couldn't do this alone... So he ended up coming clean to Chujin about what happened. Chujin was VERY mad but figured if he helped, he could maybe get his job back. The two worked on the project and when sprouting their first soul infused crop, a cob of corn, Dalv offered to test it.
....It made him very sick.
When Dalv fell down, he had left a message to Starlo in his diary, telling him to read it after he died. He told Starlo to return the soul and shut down the project entirely. The farms are already in danger just for supposedly having some sort of illness in the crops that Dalv seemingly ate (a lie). But Starlo...... didn't listen. He felt bad that it didn't work out for Dalv and felt bad that he felt horrible about it. He wanted to do it for him. Carry on his legacy. Cling to what left he had of Dalv and what he was working on.
....But it was never meant to be.
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messylustt · 1 year
Hey! Could you maybe write a little something where the reader takes care of Ethan because he begins to come down with a really bad cold? Poor love is all sniffly and sneezy, so the reader just wants to smother him with affection during this time <3
this is so cute
✫ ;: .. TISSUES / ethan landry
kissing; this is pure fluff; established relationship
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You knock on Chad and Ethan’s dorm. You had been worried all day, Ethan's text having been vague in his reasoning for not making it to class.
Chad opens the door, smiling upon seeing you. "Y/n!"
You smile, though it soon drops as you speak. "Is Ethan here?"
Chad's brows furrow. "Oh, he didn't text you?"
Now its your turn to furrow your brows. "About what?"
Then Chad breaks into a small chuckle, shaking his head. "God."
"What?" You ask, growing more worried.
Chad steps aside. "He's just in his room."
You narrow your eyes on Chad and his strange behaviour. You pass him, quickly making your way to Ethan's bedroom door. You knock. In response you hear Ethan mumble something before speaking louder. "Chad, please fuck off."
You glance back at Chad. "Did you do something?"
Chad raised his hands, proving his innocence. "He's just being a wimp. I don't know why he's so embarrassed."
"Embarrassed?" You again question.
Chad gestures to the door, telling you to just go in, before he wanders somewhere else in the dorm. You grab the handle, twisting and pushing.
"Seriously, Chad—" Ethan pauses, seeing you standing in the doorway. He stares at you, his cheeks pinkening, but as you take in his appearance you notice just how red they were before. You then notice the tissues scattered in a pile on the floor.
Your face softens as you realise. Ethan's sick. You rush over, shutting the door, as you toss your bag to the side. You place the back of your hand against Ethan's forehead. "Shit, your extremely hot."
"No you are." He joked, trying to make the creases on your forehead smooth out, before a cough followed.
"Oh, Ethan." You softly chuckle, taking a seat on the bed, your hand moving to touch his red hot cheeks. He sniffled, turning away.
Now you realise why Chad had said embarrassed. "Ethan, why are you so embarrassed? You should have texted me. I would have come over."
"Because thats what I didn't want to happen." He mutters.
"You have nothing to be embarassed about." You say, taking out your bottle of water from your bag. "Everyone gets sick."
"Yeah, but i look..." He sneezes, having quickly grabbed a tissue from the nearly empty box on his bedside table.
You hand him your bottle of water after he had taken the tissue away. "Plus I don't want you to get sick." He says, eyes slightly widening as if just realising this, as he tries to move farther away from you.
"Ethan." You stop him, placing your hand over his. "I don't care how you look when your sick. In fact your red nose is kinda cute, actually." You smile before turning more solemn. "But I don't want you to be sick. So, next time text me, and let me help you. No room for emarrassment. Alright?" You say sternly.
Ethan hesitates as he again turns his head away. You sigh. "I'll kiss you." You threaten to which he whips his head back.
"That's not a great threat." He says, his eyes dropping to your lips.
"I thought you didn't wanna get me sick?" You question, grabbing the end of the woolen blanket, placing it better over his body.
"Well, if I get a kiss I think it'd be worth it." He smiles, a cute tilt to his head.
You fake feeling offended as you go to stand up. Ethan quickly grabs your hand keeping you next to him. "I won't kiss you. I won't." He says quickly, looking desperate for you not to leave.
A smile edges your lips. "Good." You say, before leaning slightly closer. "Because you can get one when your better if you let me help you, and if you tell me next time."
Ethan slowly nods. "Alright."
Your smile widens, squeezing his hand before you stand. "Where are you going?" Ethan quicky asks, his hand quickly having glued to yours.
"Just to get a hot cloth. I'll be back." You say, getting out of his hold and walking towards the connected bathroom.
You soon walk back with a heated cloth to see that Ethan has placed all the tissues that had previously scattered the floor into a small plastic bag.
"You didn't have to do that." You say, laying him back down as you press the hot compress on his forehead.
His nose scrunches up. "Yes I did. It's disgusting."
"It's normal." You correct. "And remember I really don't care."
Ethan slowly nods, as a large smile forms on his face. He stares at you as you press the cloth against his forehead, brows creased in concentration. He didn't know what he did to deserve you. You'd always been there when he needed or even just when he wanted. You'd always helped in, with whatever. And now he couldnt look away from your pretty face as you took care of him.
When it got late and you had planned to leave, Ethan grabbed your wrist. "Can you...can you stay?" His question was followed by a cough.
You nod. "Of course."
Soon Ethan managed to drift off with your hand tightely held in his own.
. . .
When Ethan awoke he saw you slumped in a chair, knocked out, your hand still holding on to his. He quickly sat up, noticing his lack of a headache, but also the fact that you had slept there the entire night.
His brows furrowed in annoyance at himself for not letting you sleep somewhere more comfortable. In his sick state he hadn't noticed that you sat in a seat when he was drifting to sleep.
He looked down at your interwined hand, a smile forming, as he rubbed his thumb over your soft skin. You were too good to him. He was thankful that his nose had cleared along with his head, because now he could kiss you. And as he pressed his lips to the back of your hand, he felt you stir.
You slowly blinked awake, stretching, but pausing when you felt Ethan's grip followed by a soft kiss to your wrist. You looked at him to see he'd sat up, colour back to his cheeks and his nose no longer red.
You smiled realising he wasn't sick anymore. You meet his gaze, and saw every emotion swirling within, making your breath hitch. Ethan grinned before pulling you towards him by your hand making you gasp. You land against his body, as he wraps his arms around your waist.
"Ethan." You chuckle, as he quickly kisses you neck and jaw before hovering over your lips. "I get a kiss don't I?"
You purse your lips, hiding your amused smile. "I said one. You've already had...i don't know…four."
Ethan's smile grows larger. "Oh, I thought when you said kiss. You meant plural." In his own response, he kisses your lips, slightly knocking your head back, as he carefully sucks on your bottom lip.
Your hand leads to his hair, as he slips his hands to grab your thighs, spreading them over his lap. You place your hand on his chest, breaking the kiss. Ethan frowns, following your lips. "Hey, I've been sick."
"Exactly. It might not be completely out of your system."
He tries to lean in again, but you manage to get off his lap, holding your hands out with a smile on your face. "We can't be late." You say regarding uni. Ethan groans.
"But we get to continue after?" He asks, standing and walking up to you.
"Maybe." You mutter, teasing him, before you grab your bag, patting down your hair, as you walk out of his room.
"Maybe?!" He's in disbelief.
"Get dressed." You call back with chuckle. Both your faces have an immovable smile present. And it lasts for the rest of the day.
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I have like no fluff on my blog, so I made this somewhat tooth-rotting
kisses, holly
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onlyjaeyun · 2 months
i’ve been following ur writing for some time now and i do have to agree with that anon who said you did CH dirty. you are a very talented writer so it’s just hard to watch.
you started off CH so strong with the lore and little chapters here and there but as it progressed you kind of just got lazy and it shows. when important events happened in the story, they weren’t conveyed through writing but through the texts (ie the riki and yn fight, that was definitely worth a written chapter) and it was honestly disappointing.
the ending isn’t much to say about either. yn and hoon barely go through development after the letter incident and all of a sudden they’re dating and married with a kid like two chapters later?
idk, if it was a mental health issue then i get that but even then you should’ve just gave it a break and thought everything out more. you could do so much better.
thank you for the feedback!
i wanna put you through the progess of a piece of writing from the POV of a writer okay? now keep in mind: i work two jobs, am a fulltime uni student and the daughter of an immigrant household with two parents who still work most of the day just so you know what else i have to deal with, besides my mental health okay?
now, i started off CH strong right? yes. i uploaded on the daily, fine i chose that. a chapter usually takes me around one hour if i actually sit down and focus on nothing but the chapter itself, which includes IG stories, editing, formatting etc. alright
on top of the daily chapters, i constantly replied to 40+ asks a day, a blessing in disguise because no matter how much i enjoy talking to you guys, the pressure does get worse the bigger that number of my inbox becomes, i hope this makes sense
now, i started CH back in october, right when my semester started, thats why i started off strong but as time went on, my assignments and private life got too busy and i guess i felt entitled enough as a writer to skip a few certain chaps and make life a little easier for me by making them regular chapters instead of written ones.
and this is gonna be my main point: i'm not a machine. i wrote a minimum of 5 THOUSAND words per written chapter, MINIMUM. we're talking about a 5-9 THOUSANDED worded chapter EACH WEEK. which usually took me about 6-7 hours, even allnighters.
yes, i chose to do that and maybe my time management wasn't the best but i had to create a compromise where i wouldnt have let you guys wait for over two months which would have resulted in me losing my motivation completely, and yet still focusing on EXAMS. because you know, i'm a fulltime uni student with TWO jobs 😮‍💨
if YOU think i did CH dirty go write an alternative ending yourself but it should be a minimum of 15 chapters including 5 written ones, with at LEAST 9k words each yeah? i wanna see you manage it all, pls prove me wrong snd show me you're better than me i'm genuinely begging bc it might inspire me to do "better" next time.
as a writer/artist/creator, and i can tell you probably arent one yourself or havent been one for long, the longer smth takes to come to an end the worse the pressure becomes which results in a blockage i dont wish upon my worst enemy i'm being deadass. i dealt with some of the worst writer's block ive had since i started writing literally 12 years ago and you're telling me i should have just "taken a break" and do "better"
i never, ever expected anything from anyone but some of you are so entitled to a writer's time and skill it's giving me a headache. maybe you didn't like the timing and writing of the last few chapters of CH and i guess that's unfortunate but this was so unnecessary because you completely dismissed everything else that could have been going on in my life and even belittled my mental health issues like im some fucking AI writing machine
do better, be nicer, write it yourself if you don't like it i'm so fucking over this
if i had gotten out of my own comfort and wellbeing and have actually written another set of written chapters i would have burned myself completely out. ive been in this fandom for not even a year and have already finished FOUR smaus with 50 chapters each, you do NOT get to tell me what i should or could have done better because you dont even give a fuck about me as a person this is just about receiving what YOU think YOURE entitled to but this is MY art and I will do what I see fit even if it's not what was expected of it because i'm a fucking human being with a life before i'm a writer on tumblr
oh, also: i do this for free ㅤ:) just a reminder :) this is my HOBBY :)
and don't you EVER call me lazy again when it comes to writing because i'm not gonna pour my heart and soul into a fic just for you to call me lazy when i literally wrote 50 THOUSAND words for this fucking fic just for the written chapters
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unhinged-diaries · 6 months
Business Guide:
How to get started
When you have a business name in mind look up the domain name to see if it’s taken. You don’t want to spend money on an LLC just to find out that your name is taken. Thats a waste of money because you also have to pay to dissolve it.
If the name is not taken, great, don’t file an LLC yet. Go online and get a virtual business address. Why? If you’re running your business out of your home like I am, just know that it’s public information if you use your address to file your LLC. A virtual address should cost like $10-$20 a month. Use that to file your LLC.
Once you’ve filed that LLC get your Ein. That’s your Employee Identification Number. It’s your businesses tax id. It’s free to file on the IRS website. Don’t fall for the scam websites you guys.
Once you’ve gotten your EIN go to Google domains and get your website name aswell as 3-4 emails. An email for your social media accounts, an executive email for yourself, an [email protected] for things like your business bank account, Shopify account, etc; and maybe a customer support email. I use the social email as a customer support email. All of this should be like $50/month.
Once you’ve don’t that get on Canva and make that logo bookie. Personally I paid someone on Fiverr to make mine because I’m a “soft business life” kind of girl and I’d rather pay the professionals. Thats just me though.
Once you’ve got your logo go ahead and get them social media accounts going. Instagram, tiktok, Facebook.
Alright now this is where it gets specific to clothing brands because that’s what I own.
Time to find a manufacturer. Head over to alibaba and search what kind of product you want to sell. Be sure to add “oem” if you want a manufacturer that customizes. Look for the amount of orders they’ve gotten on that product. If it says zero orders that’s ok. Some styles are new and thus haven’t been ordered yet. Check any reviews they have for other products. Also check the total revenue they’ve done. It’s on the store profile. I can’t tell you what the sweet spot is yet bc I’ve only used one manufacturer so far but I’d look for mid six figures and up if you wanna be real safe.
Chat with them and order a sample. Even if you buy from a vendor list you’ll need your own sample to make content with. I suggest buying one and first. It’s worth the wait because if you buy multiple and end up not liking them you’d have wasted money that could’ve gone into testing a different manufacturer.
Do not launch with more than 2 products. Even 2 is a stretch, wallai start with one.
This is because if you’re doing the preorder, which I suggest, you’ll be depending on customer orders to pay for the bulk order. Manufacturers do their moq by color or style. If you have too many options in your website and customers order a mix of things, you better pray you have enough money to cover the bulk for all those different styles. Stay safe and give them 1-2 options to choose from.
Pre order method is great if you don’t have a lot of cash to start with because the orders pay for themselves. Bulk orders start to wrack up. Especially if it’s a custom style or material. You don’t want to break the bank for something that might not sell.
Once you’ve gotten and approved your samples choose a launch date. 2-3 weeks before that launch dates post consistently. At least once a day but remember quality over quantity. Now don’t be tricked. Quality doesn’t mean a full cinematography. It means connecting with your audience and relating with them to a point where they’re like “this business gets it”. Either that or attaching yourself to an identity they want to have. “It girl ig influencer”, “feminine soft life babe” “clean girl Pilates princess” whatever the fuck it is embody ur as best as you can. When customers attach your product with an identity that is aspirational to them they will buy it without rationalizing. It’s why the luxury market makes so much off of ppl who can’t afford to buy it twice.
Focus on the backend
If you have a goal of getting an influx of orders and making a lot of sales, be sure that your business is structured in a way that can handle it happening at any given time. You know those tiktok businesses that get one viral video and sell out over night? That could be you but if you’re not prepared ppl are going to be upset. I suggest working backwards:
A customer service platform/inbox so that you can answer them right away with frequently asked questions.
Have stock so that you have something for customers to buy once they finally land on your website.
Have a well presenting website so that ppl don’t think you’re a scam. I’m going to do a post on this bc some of these business websites drive me fuckin nuts. Color theory ppl, color theory.
A social media page with some kind of social proof ie reviews from customers in some way shape or form. Ppl are going to be looking for what others have to say about your brand. Hire UGC creators to make videos that you can post on your page. They’re cheaper than influencers but still know how to convey the message well. You’ll have to have extra samples and items on hand to send them. Also check out their usage rights. Some will allow you to use their videos in ads but you have to pay extra and it’s only for a certain amount of time. But if they do it right, you’ll get a great return. Scared money don’t make no money.
A social media page that shows the products in movement and different lighting. I need to be able to imagine myself in the item before I buy it. Where would I wear it, how will it fit on me. Even when I’ve already ordered something I stay going back to the businesses social media page just to see the clothes again. I might even search it up to see other ppl wearing it.
No need to go crazy with the packaging in the beginning. Don’t get me wrong, branding is important but as a beginner you may not have the money for that yet. You need to focus on spending money on what will give you the best return. Just get regular poly mailers from Amazon in your brand colors. You’ll also need:
A stack of 6x4 shipping labels
A thermal printer
A scale
When your manufacturer sends you the clothes they will most likely be in their own little bags. If not you can get those from Amazon too.
Later on you can go to alibaba and find a manufacturer to print you custom poly mailers for that extra edge. Put your logo, a cute message, and your social media handles on the bag and that’s it. Good to go.
You can also design your own thank you cards as well. I won’t be doing that.
Little things to remember
Don’t feel like you have to keep up with big brands. You don’t need to launch something every two weeks. As a matter of fact I advise against emulating super fast fashion brands. I only launch a new item once the pre ordered items have been shipped out to customers.
Be nice to your customers. You’d think this was obvious but it’s not. Some ppl are rude, ghetto, and uncouth. If you hate authority and have a smart mouth I think you should either take a customer service course or hire a virtual assistant from the Philippines to do your customer service for you because no customers = no money.
I’ll update this as I learn and grow:
Not every influencer with a mass follower base is going to be your influencer. It’s possible that you pay $5000 for an influencer with 75k followers to post your product on her page but that post makes you less than $3k. That means you’ve net negative $2k. What a fuckin waste of money.
This is why it’s important to develop a persona for your brand. What is your brand identity? Who is your target audience? What are their psychographics?
Where do currently shop? What are there favorite social media apps?What is their race? Their age? Their ethnicity? Are they in college or highschool? Do they have parents that support their lifestyle or are they hustlers? Are they concerned about price or quality more? Are they married? Do they have children? Are they environmentally conscious?
You need to embody Joe Goldberg and peer at them through their window. Acquaint yourself with every part of their life.
Also, you might not be your target demographic yet and that’s ok. The girls that shop with my brand have social lives. They go out with their friends and need outfits to wear. I don’t have a social life. The only clothes I wear are my work clothes to go to work and my robe when I’m at home.Or a sweat set and a bonnet to run errands.
Don’t think to yourself “ I would never wear that.” “I would never buy something at that price point”. That’s fine cuz someone else will. A lot of people will.
Another thing is your demographic could change once you start your business. It might be that you create content that attracts a different type of person than what you originally planned and that’s cool too. We don’t live in a perfect world. As long as they’re close enough to what you had predetermined it’s ok. Sometimes our business comes out different than we hoped but it’s just as good if not better. It’s like child. Don’t destroy its greatness trying to turn it into something it doesn’t want to be.
User generated content
Love, love, love her down. She’s that sweet spot between making content yourself and having an influencer with a large following make the content for you. UGC is a form of social proof which is something you need for an e-commerce brand especially. Ppl can’t just pop into your store and try on your stuff so they need the opinions of “regular” people to sell them on it. They want to see that person try it on, do a close up of the fabric, wear it to a social setting, etc;
What I like about UGC is that I can pick someone who fits into my brand persona to represent my brand even if I don’t. Someone that appears aspirational but still relatable. Like I said previously, you yourself might not embody your brands persona but you can pay someone who does.
A little translate for yall: I do not live in a nice apartment. My room is small, and dark, and filled with boxes. My living room has mix matched decor and I myself am not the body type I’d like to be (pls don’t hit me with body positivity babe). What I can do is pay a girl with the opposite of all those things and knows how to sell a product.
I have a girl right now that I’ve inquired to make posts for me and she’s got it all. Her rate for one video is $100 with an extra $30 for 90 days of usage in ads. $100 is the new 50 and for the return I’ll get on her, THATS A STEAL.
If you need to find a UGC creator search it up on tiktok and Twitter. Most of them have a portfolio of past work they’ve done. If you feel like they match your brands vibes, keep their info for when you’re ready.
I suggest to have a roster of them because if ppl keep seeing the same person over and over, the thought that that person is just a regular degular customer leaves their mind and you lose the magic of UGC.
Update 12/21/2023
I’ve been sick but yall ain’t paying me so it’s ok. Here’s the update.
Your website is your home babe and when you’re preparing for guest you can’t have your home looking any type of way. Not only does it need to be clean but it needs to be cohesive and inviting.
You know how many times I’ve opened someone’s booking page on Instagram and I click off. Not only am I not reading through all of that small ass text but my head hurts cuz you’ve got a black font on a hot pink background.
Some of yalls websites to not comply with accessibility guidelines so pay attention to that bc you can be sued. Ppl should be able to read what you have on there without getting a headache.
Good rule of thumb is to have one primary color, and then black and white. Don’t over complicate it. Your primary color will be your logo, think twitters blue, then your secondary colors should be black and white, for your text. You might have an accent color like gold or silver, this should be used sparingly for a little dazzle.
If you’re a clothing brand like me, keep the text short and sweet. Think about it, when you go shopping on your favorite website are you bombarded with a soliloquy on how the collection came to be? And even if you are do you stop and read the whole thing? I don’t bc I don’t care. That’s what your Instagram story is for.
All I want to see is the attention grabber and a short,but convincing, tagline.
Example: Ski Resort 2023-“Stun the slopes and stand out on the ski lift with best sellers spotted at St. Moritz”
Let you images tell the rest of the story.
Don’t overwhelm them with options
Guys this is so important. The more options ppl see the less they buy or the less likely they are to buy. Why? This is the thought process.
“Omg the stuff on this website is so cute! Let me go through their catalog and add to my cart as I go”
5 minutes of scrolling
“Ok I have too many things in my cart let me just save to a wishlist instead”
Another 5 minutes of scrolling
“Ok I’ll just stop here and go back to my cart and decide what I’m going to get rn”
Goes to cart
Spends 10 minutes deciding what she’s gonna get bc there’s so many good options
Takes 10 items out of her cart and only buys two basics bc she knows those are less likely to disappoint.
And scene
That is if she didn’t leave after the second five minutes of scrolling. Nowadays five minutes on a non stimulating website is a lot, don’t let it take that long.
Obviously this also depends on the customers budget. Some people have the money to just buy everything in their cart (I wish- one day), but most are just window shopper you hope to convert with your nice styles, images, and prices. Don’t make it harder for people to give you their money.
I have more but I’m tired of writing so I’ll update yall tmrw.
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(Well this is surprising. Not really sure if this idea will make any sense, but here we go.)
(#) = Notes at the end of post
(*) = Just me building off of other ideas
Danny, as Ghost King, gets summoned by the Legion of Doom(?) to help end the Justice League. Except for this summoning fic, they literally summon him off of a GIW lab table where he was being experimented on. Danny is bleeding, barely conscious, and having a really horrible time. This garners a split reaction. Some villains, while surprised, are indifferent. Others are horrified. Not really sure which villains would be which except maybe Lex Luthor(1).
When Danny gets patched up, Lex learns later on that day that he's one of the people responsible for helping pass the Anti-Ecto Acts. However, he only helped passed it to get the people who kept sending it to finally desist, thinking it was all a hoax/big joke and that it wouldn't really matter in the long run. Now he knows it wasn't just a big joke and now that he sees the results of that decision, he regrets it.
While the Legion of Doom isn't short on medical supplies, it's not a great environment for healing, villain or not. Plus, he's kinda useless for the reason he was summoned if he's this seriously wounded. So, he does something he's never done before. He tips off the Justice League about the injured teenage monarch and skedaddles back home and out of the way where he can also start figuring out a way to take down the Anti-Ecto Acts.
Meanwhile, Team Phantom (Sam, Tucker, Jazz, and Valerie. Maybe Wes too for extra humor? 👀) finally have a lock on Danny's location now that he's no longer in a GIW facility--they have ecto-signature blocking technology. They all suit up and get there way before the Justice League and have already taken out the villains still in the LoD HQ by the time they show up and are in the process of trying to transport Danny. The League are a combination of surprised, impressed, and concerned. They invite Team Phantom back to the Watchtower so they can help treat Phantom's injuries.
It's here that the League learns about the Anti-Ecto Acts and what had happened to Phantom to put him in such serious condition. Outraged, a team is organized to hit any GIW facilities and free any citizens of the Infinite Realms while Batman and a few others stay behind to help dismantle the Acts. Team Phantom manage to get the League to agree to have at least one of them on each team they send out, since they have more experience dealing with the GIW and ghosts alike.
With the combination of the League and Lex Luther (unknown to them), the Anti-Ecto Acts are dismantled and the captured ghosts are freed and Danny is all healed up, though still traumatized. His friends help him deal with it--Jazz plus Black Canary are especially invaluable in his psychological healing process. Meanwhile, the JL are incredibly impressed with how knowledgeable and well-trained they are for having no mentors to teach them. Even more so once they hear all the battles they've fought along side Phantom.
The JL come to a decision. They invite all of Team Phantom to join Justice League Dark, the JL subdivision for magic/the occult. After talking it over, they all agree to join.
Thats where it ends unless you wanna continue it from there.
(1) Which villains do you think would be sympathetic to Danny's condition? I don't know any of them well enough to pick. Do you think Lex Luther would actually feel sympathy for Danny? Small redemption arc? Do him and Danny meet again at some point on somewhat good terms?
(*) Maybe continue it with reactions from the Team from Young Justice? Maybe they're upset that some out of town teenagers got a JL invitation before they even got theirs? In response the JL have Team Phantom meet and train with Team YJ to get them to realize why exactly they were invited to join.
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okay so i had a dream about morph.
i was watching like a lost episode of tas (or movie? it was some sort of lost media with the tas cast) and morph was there and i was really excited. the xmen went to some kinda hotel for some reason, i guess they were on vacation. but weird shit started happening, they were attacked by an unknown villain(s) and so typical xmen stuff ensued. morph was more a background character, like how they are in the first two episodes of tas, but i was just happy they were there at all. i remember they did get taken hostage by the villain at one point, to be like "we'll kill your friend if you dont do what we want" blah blah. morph cant catch a break even in dreams i guess. but that scene only lasted a brief second.
the really interesting part is the end before i woke up, when magneto showed up and was like we need to evacuate the hotel (this was set in tas so im not sure why magneto is bossing them around but oh well) so the xmen all climb aboard the ship with him, and turns out they were on an island (i guess genosha? which would explain magneto) and they fly off. but see, wolverine was like trapped under a bunch of rubble at this point, i dont quite remember what happened but he was fighting and had an incident and the xmen left him for dead for some goddamn reason. so it cuts back to the hotel and wolverine claws his way out as he does, pretty much unscathed. but when he's wandering around he finds morph still there (playing darts for some reason, i guess they got bored) morph also got left behind, which confused and angered me in the dream, but i assume they probably stayed behind for wolverine.
wolverine goes up to them and he's like "wtf bub" and morph is like "yeah so we're stuck here i guess. wanna play darts?" and thats right around when i woke up. i remember forcing myself to stay half asleep another second because i wanted to hear what morph had to say. i also remember they were the clearest part of the dream despite not doing a whole lot, it was like they were colored brighter than everything else. they were in their human form like tas but they weren't wearing their jacket for whatever reason. it was fascinating, maybe ill draw something for it idk.
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yourlocaltrashcan657 · 4 months
Mental Hospital AU! Yandere! Attack on Titan x Female Reader
Chapter 13- Armin
After break, you reminded yourself that you had Lunch Duty with the others and had to go to the Cafeteria instead of the Lounge Room.
Making her way to Ward 1 again, she met up with Hange who had been smirking.
”Hello Hange. How’s your day been so far?” Y/N asked nicely.
”It’s been fun. I got to hear a bit of gossip but nothing too good..” Hange said, her smirk growing larger.
”Oh I’m not one for gossip, especially in a workplace.” Y/N explained uninterested.
“What?! Everyone loves a bit of workplace gossip! Heck even Moblit, my assistant, does. Don’t you wanna know?” Hange began to ask.
”Does it really matter?” Y/N said, turning the corner to see Erwin standing at very end of the hall.
”Oh god he’s right there too.. I’ll tell you quickly!” Hange squealed.
”Oh go on then.” Y/N said, only a few meters away from Erwin.
”ApparentlyEyebrowslikesyou!” Hange quickly whispered before dashing the other way, leaving a confused yet flushed Y/N.
”Y/N? Are you okay?” Erwin asked as he approached her statue figure. “Why did Hange run off.?”
”O-Oh it nothing really!” Y/N stuttered nervously.
”You seem pretty red. Are you sure you are okay Y/N? Maybe you should skip this and have me take you to the medic.” Erwin suggested.
”N-No no! It’s fine, just a bit warm y’know?” Y/N chuckled before swiping her lanyard and heading in.
Y/N saw Armin at his desk, sitting up straight and reading a book. Smiling and walking towards him she stood at his side as he closed the book and looked at her.
”Hello Y/N.” Armin said bluntly. “You look quite red-“
”I’m a-alright!” Y/N quickly said before regaining her posture and handing back the book the he gave her.
”I read the book you gave me yesterday.” Y/N said. ”It’s really nice and is just like the real ocean.”
Armin beamed at her. It was only yesterday that she was given the book, and the very same day she finished it? It was quite length as well so could she have done it just for him?
”Thats nice.” Armin muttered. “When did you see the ocean?”
”Oh roughly a few years ago. I have lots of pictures but I can’t show you because it’s on my phone.” Y/N said sadly.
”Thats too bad. I would’ve really liked to see you and the ocean in one photo, it would’ve looked amazing.”
The two talked more about the ocean and how beautiful it is. Erwin could only have his ear against the door and hope that Y/N called for his help or to be taken away.
”You get to have lunch with everybody else, don’t you?” Y/N asked.
”Oh yes. I’m not very excited about it but at least I’ll get to see Eren and a few others.” Armin said.
”I have Lunch Duty today so I’ll get to see you for a few extra minutes but we won’t be able to talk.” Y/N explained.
“That’s a shame. We only have 15 minutes left to talk and I bet that you’ll have to leave early to get to the cafeteria whilst we all line up.” Armin said.
”It’ll be alright-“ Y/N began to say until the door opened and she saw Erwin standing there.
”Y/N, you have Lunch Duty-“ Erwin said.
”She knows. You can leave now, we have 14 minutes and her heading there early isn’t going to do anything.” Armin interrupted.
”It’s protocol.” Erwin said whilst smirking.
”Sorry Armin, I have to get going just like you said..” Y/N said as she waved goodbye and left.
”Don’t interrupt me again, Arlert.” Erwin muttered.
”Don’t listen in on other people’s conversations, Erwin.” Armin said before looking back at his desk.
Erwin could only scoff and leave the cell as he made his way towards his office.
Y/N had went to the Cafeteria to see Sasha waiting patiently. There’s were other people in the room that she couldn’t recognise.
“Hey Sasha. Where’s Krista and Ymir?” Y/N asked.
”Oh I saw Ymir walking towards Krista’s Ward so she’s probably waiting for her. They might take a while.” Sasha explained. “Hey! When those patients walk in you can tell me who is who.” 
“Sure. It’ll be nice to see some of yours too.”
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junoswrlld · 10 months
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plus one
CHAP 8 — party time
summary: Kai, one of your closest friends, invites you as a plus one to one of his best friend's birthday party. but the bday boy is kinda cute…can you steal his heart?
warnings: alcohol and jealous yn i think thats it
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March 18th, 2023 aka party time
having never been to a party before it's only natural for you to stress out a little. if "a little" meant a lot that is. your especially nervous since you aren't exactly allowed to be going and It seems impossible to be going to your first real high school party in your senior year but here you are, contemplating what to wear. casual? formal? shit why didn't you ask if there is a dress code. too late now, casual it is! Sure, it's a safe choice, but you're only looking for one person's attention, so it shouldn't matter, right?
looking at yourself in the mirror, you wonder whether or not beomgyu will like your outfit. who am I kidding Of course he'll like it, he complimented your outfit the first time you hung out, and that was just your school uniform, so this should be okay.
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turning your phone off and throwing it in your bag so you can be out of the door as fast as you can, you run down the stairs to the front door, trying to be as quite as possible so your mom doesn't know your going out. seeing Kai waiting impatiently at his car.
you run up to the car, quickly opening the passenger door, and jumping in the car. you wince at the sight of the car, empty water bottles everywhere, and fast food bags scattered around.
"Jeez Kai, do you ever clean this thing?" you question, throwing handfuls of empty water bottles into the back seat to make room for your legs.
"Don't disrespect the mojo dojo casa car y/n" he said "Also Soobin and I share this car, so this isn't my mess," he added while starting the car up and pulling out of the driveway.
"Is Soobin already at the party then?" you questioned, getting your phone out of your purse to tell beomgyu that you were on your way there.
"Yeah, he stayed the night at Yeonjun's place the day before to help set up the party," he tells you.
"Well How long will it take to get there?" you asked, looking at the time on your phone, wanting to see your friends already there as soon as possible.
"around forty minutes, but yknow we would have been there sooner if you hadn't taken so long to get ready."
"Wooooooww the disrespect is crazy, I just wanna look cute for pictures okay?"
"More like you want to look cute for Gyu."
"Maybe you're right" You pull out your phone and connect it to the Bluetooth in the car, playing a favorite song of Gyus that he told you about on your study date.
"Isn't this Gyu's favorite song? jeez y/n you're really down bad"
"Whatever you say Kai"
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gyu❤️ ur on ur way right? i cant wait for u to be here
you yea im omw but apparently yeonjun's big ass mansion is forty minutes away so it'll be awhile </3
gyu❤️ i feel the struggle man but i just want all my friends to be here asap (by stayc omg) cuz of all the model people Yeonjun invited
you i will go faster gyu ill make kai go 100mph lightning McQueen style
just dont get arrested at my bday party yn ill see u soon yn bdshmvbsbsdvgsjeusdk
omg acgnasmefvafjwvwk okay gyu ttyl
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after a surprisingly pleasant and calm car ride of listening to chill music Gyu has reopened to you and let the air breeze through your hair, Kai, and you are finally just around the corner from the party. even if you're at the end of the street you can already hear the faint sound of music and the smell of alcohol coming from yeonjun's house.
"I can already hear the music, Kai." You close the window on your side of the car and text beomgyu telling him you're right around the corner. "Yeah well Yeonjun is kinda known for throwing parties," Kai says pulling into the driveway.
you slowly step out of the car, closing the door behind you. the sound hits you in the face immediately, Putting your hands over your ears you try to look for beomgyu, You thought it would be easy but there is just enough people in the front yard for you too not be able to see the front door from where your standing. thankfully Kai grabs onto your arm guiding you to the front door, maneuvering through the sea of people. the second you reach the front porch you see beomgyu standing there waiting for you.
"Hi gyu!! Happy birthday!!" You run up to him embracing him in a hug, then slowly pulling away not wanting to make him uncomfortable at the sudden affection. "Hey y/n!!" from Beomgyu's pov though it felt as though a million butterflies flew through his stomach, heartbeat going up to one hundred, making him a little nervous.
"I'm gonna play pinball with taehyun in the basement, Text me when you wanna leave y/n," Kai says, leaving the two of you alone at the front door.
"wanna get a drink? nothing with alcohol of course." he chuckles, gesturing for you to follow him to the kitchen, and of course you do. "Is Jiung here with haerin yet? I think they left to get here before me," you say checking the time on your phone, really just wanting to be around your mutual friends to start having 10x more fun.
"Yeah they're here, I'm pretty sure that there in the kitchen so we're going in the right direction if you wanna see them."
"cool, cool cool cool."
"You seem a bit nervous y/n, are you okay?"
"Well im not exactly allowed to be here."
"oh my god just don't get in trouble cause of me."
"I'll try not too"
After a little bit of back and forth talking and walking through a maze of hallways you finally make it to the kitchen, You see your friends talking among themselves and with someone you don't quite recognize.
"Hey y/n!!!" haerin yells out to you. "This party I really fun, I already made a friend, and she's like totally awesome," she says gesturing to the girl standing opposite to her, damn she's really pretty, is beomgyu friends with her?
"Hello! Y/n right? My name is Rami, so nice to meet you!" Maybe it's just you being a lil jealous of her beauty but you're getting major bad vibes from this girl.
"Hey, Rami...do you know the bday boy?" you ask, intertwining your arm with beomgyu's as if your dating. he doesn't seem to be at all surprised with your behaviour though, even leaning into you.
"No actually, Yeonjun invited me" she giggles. "I only came to make friends honestly. I did get you a present though beomgyu!" She reaches into her bag pulling out a $100 dollar gift card and hands it to beomgyu.
"Oh my god Rami this is too much, You really didn't have to." beomgyu muttered, moving away from you slowly taking the gift into his hands. feeling a bit like you've been showed up, you reach into your bag hoping that he would prefer a gift that had a lot more thought put into it. but you feel nothing. the book you bought for him is nowhere to be seen. you forgot it.
"What did you get for beomgyu, Y/n?" she says, clearly seeing the distraught on your face from not having the gift with you. and beomgyu looks at you the a look of excitement as if he's been waiting for this.
"Oh...umm" you don't know what to say, opting to lie about where your present is. "It hasn't come in the mail yet" You hope and pray that beomgyu couldn't tell you were lying. it doesn't seem like he did but everyone else definitely did.
"Oh well that's a pity," Rami says, jeez What was her problem. you might have been a little jealous of her beauty but what did she have against you?
"That's okay y/n, I'm sure it'll be worth the wait." beomgyu tells you, giving you a reassuring look, and patting you on the back.
"Well I dunno about you guys but I could really use a drink right now!" Rami says, only looking at beomgyu, then dragging him away by his sleeve towards the drinks station, looking you in the eyes the whole time.
"what the fuck" you say, crossing your arms while giving haerin the nastiest death stare.
"Don't look at me Y/n! I didn't know she would practically steal your man okay?" Hearin announced as if pleading her case. "Also..."
"I may have already given her your number"
"I thought you two would get along okay? so like sorry in advance if she texts you later"
"You better be sorry, if she gets to beomgyu before me I swear to god man"
"Yeahhh, it does look like she wants him too. I guess this is just the universe telling you to ask him out already"
"I'm working as fast as I can okay?" you say, defending yourself as you try to peek over to where beomgyu is. haerin does the same, looking in the same direction as you.
"You have got to be kidding me" You see what might be your biggest fear right now. Rami has her hand rubbing up beomgyu's arm, looking at him with half-lidded eyes, as she pours him a drink. thankfully he declined it.
"Jesus fucking Christ dude, why would she offer him alcohol?"
you basically spend the rest of the party trying to watch the two of them without them noticing, a little thankful when your mom calls you asking where you are. in the end, Kai takes you home having to apologize for sneaking you out.
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taglsit (always open): @heyanonymous123 @wccycc @beomomb @sweetheartsaku @woncheecks @gyuszie @kaewonie @flowerbe0m @tocupid @imsiriuslyreal @starsforbeomgyu @moa4lifeee @jype2papi @destairea @stqrrian @n034sy
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golbrocklovely · 3 months
i saw someone on twitter seriously have a go bc snc were focusing more on their social life than their professional life. like what? thats insane. they’ve worked 24/7 for the last 10 years. they deserve to enjoy themselves for a while.
and i have to laugh. people saying theyre going to stop watching snc and laugh as their careers fumble? babes, if they depended solely on yt views for income they’d be uploading far more frequently. besides, they have 12 million followers and easily bag a million views on a video in the first 24 hours. a few dozen fans boycotting them is not going to make even an ounce of difference. but hey, if it makes you feel better, all power to you. (“you” being those fans ofc). not to mention they have investments and other business endeavours outside of youtube. your online hissy fit will do jack shit. (again, “you/your” being those fans)
i think that's the thing i find so funny about this fandom. first off almost 99% of the drama is started by twitter. or at the very least they're the loudest at all times. they also think a lot of us feel the same way as them just bc it's an echo chamber over there. so when they all start calling snc out on something or think that that everyone feels the same way, they feel like they are making an impact by saying they'll leave or stop supporting if snc don't meet their demands.
and babes, if you really aren't enjoying your time here, you can go. it's fine. no one is holding a gun to your head and telling you to stay. but don't expect snc to do everything you want them to do. it's just not gonna happen.
sometimes i don't get this fandom. bc look, when i was here back in 2020/21, i got some of the backlash that the boys were facing. i understood parts of it, for sure. but there was a lot, and i do mean a lot, of extra shit that went on that made it much worse. and that side of the fandom… they cried wolf too many times. you don't get to do that repeatedly and then think that snc are gonna stick around to actually hear what you gotta say.
and especially rn, what exactly are ppl pissed off about?? bc look, you wanna say you miss when they were posting a lot more, sure. i get that. i miss them posting more often too. but you gotta also realize maybe WHY they aren't posting so much. and blaming their new gfs isn't one of those reasons.
they have explained that they basically had little to no personal life at one point, that all they were doing is working. that they didn't get to spend time with their friends or gfs bc they were working so much. sam, the man that never addresses drama, is asking fans to cool it. he full on said that he was miserable a year or so ago bc of all the stress he was under. and then colby, the man that doesn't cry ever, had a full on break down in 2022. and didn't even admit it until midway thru 2023. he doesn't read comments anymore bc they get so bad sometimes. or how about that colby even stated that he didn't even want to tell this fandom that he had cancer bc he knew how everyone would react if he went bald………. what does that tell you???? that we aren't trustworthy. that snc feel the need to pull back bc we are all toxic.
at what point do we turn the mirror on ourselves and realize hey, maybe i've taken things too far??
and reality is, a LOT of this only popped up once they both got gfs. a lot of fans say those two aren't to blame or they're not upset or they don't actually want to date snc, but at the end of the day them finding someone to love was the straw that broke the camels back. and you gotta sit back and wonder why does seeing snc happy make me upset and want to leave?? (if someone reading this is one of those fans)
bc rn, i'm more into snc than i have been in a while. i want to see them happy and healthy and enjoying life. sure, colby being in his feels (or sam even) was a fun time, sure. i love me some balcony tweets. but at the end of the day, i don't want him jaded and unable to find love again. why the fuck would i wish that on someone i love dearly??? same with sam. sure. i can joke about kat and how i want her new song to tear him a new one, but i still want him to be happy. i want him to be able to move on from his relationship with her. and that's not a cut at her. no one should be stuck feeling like shit. take it from the person that has been like that for years and still really is in one way or another: i wouldn't wish heartache on my worst enemy. so why would i do that to someone i say i care about??
but back to your ask lol
yeah, the twitter fandom thinks it's all high and mighty but it lost that spark by 2022. their words mean nothing, snc have pulled back bc that side of the fandom sucks (but also bc they want a break), and now they are facing the consequences of their actions and don't like it. womp womp. there's still almost 12 million of us babes. a couple 100 of you leaving ain't gonna do shit.
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mycochaotix · 8 months
hi mycopal :) I'm enjoying your blog and admiring your set up, seems very hightech. I'm also reading about cultivating a local (Australian) psilocybin variety we often find in pine forests. Could you point me in the right direction for more info to get started with a simple at home set up for beginners? thanks again for your good work :)
Hello there mycopal! Thanks for reaching out! I appreciate your kind words :) I’m super proud of my lab area! It has taken two years to put together by saving 25-50 a paycheck lol!! Humorously my roommate doesn’t like that i commandeered a whole room … haha, but here we are ;) What mushy are you looking to cultivate? Pscilocybe Tampensis or P. subtropicalis maybe? :)
note: my opinions and advice are based on my own experience and studious research :) there are MANY ways to skin things with… skin… lol; as such, my way should work for most but may not and there are many other mycoeducators with varied approaches that offer great insight in their own right :) I have a few vids on youtube (still new to content creating there and working on adding more) if you wanna see more of what I do as I outline it below! At the end of this long winded MCX response I will provide supportive resources for your consideration in order they are addressed in this response.
🍄Tip: get some nasalpharyngeal swabs so you can actively swab and store mushroom genetics you find in the wild for later reararch ;)
Pretext: I live in a (technically) tropical area so what i do with my research areas may be different than you! I am not sure how much of what im about to detail has been considered by you… but if youve considered it then disregard :) i like to break things down like you’re new new new incase theres any detail to miss.
Introductory Answering your Q: Basically you have to consider a handful of generalized steps for cultivating any fungus; and find TEKs (ie: guides by other mycopal’s that have yielded them success) and make your own tek— I always say that the mycojourney is coming up with your own tek, cobbled together from current teks that speak to you and also are appropriate for your resource availability :) after you get through my response you’ll have homework of studying resources but also: finding TEKs for your specific strain you want to work with :)
My preferred supplies-
Genetics: Dont know about the laws and availability where you live, but formal vendors (like innoculatetheworld ; sporeworks) and informal mycoeducators (who sometimes vendor spores) like PGT and Boomershroomer; are the only spore sources I trust (outside of my own stock;).
Boomershroomer makes quality inflatable monotubs and if you order one of her tubs she sends genetics with it! A little ‘secret’ ;) to be aware of!
PGT has a shop online thats only open sometimes but has a cool collectible trading card system for his genetics (buy the card get the microscopy supply with the card).
ITW and SW are generally up 24/7 and are more formal vendors that also sell microscopy stuff.
I currently use and recommend using 6qt shoebox totes for grow container (the kind that you buy in 5-10 packs from Walmart that have gusseted lids that allow some air flow for ‘sneakers’ to be stored hehe). Note that you can use 12/24/48/72qt etc, but I have no experience with those and they require larger set ups with fans, humidifiers, etc. i prefer less is more :)
I always promote a company called Microppose :) they do amazing filters and just started their own monotub production I think :) my fave substrate is CocoBliss coconut coir pith, and I use lab grade nutritional additives like: gypsum, lime, malt extract, and yeast off amazon in various stages of my process. For grain bags, before I made my own, I only trust: spawnmagic.com ; for my grains I use Producers Pride: Whole Oats (like what is given to horses) from the feedstore :) a 50lb bag has lasted me two years, no lie. I dont use bags, but jars for grain: i use brand: Ball, glass mason jars for spawn containers prior to moving spawn into a tub with substrate. I use Aozita wide mouth masonjar plastic lids (off Amazon) for my jars as they can be modified with filters and then pressure cooked safely and come with rubber seals :)
Now to go into detail to answer your question:
Here we go-deep breath-: lets talk cultivation and research starting:
1. Genetics: (a) multi spore syringe (mss) (can be injected into a grow bag but isnt ideal and may not produce viable strains) (recomended to use mss on agar to isolate your own colonies), (b) spore print/swab (requires agar) or (c) liquid culture (LC) isolate syringe (best option for immediate injection-inoculation of grain containers/bags with best chance for healthy growth and fruiting without time and hassle of the steps I outline further :)
1a. If you are able to work with agar (either make your own or buy premade sterilized, one time use agar plates): then you will start your journey by MSS->Agar->Isolate separate germinating colonies off mss agar plate to new plates (those become your mother isolate plates for each specific strain isolate for whatever strain youre working with). The mother plate should become your cold storage, reference plate as you study growth and fruiting characteristics of the colonies you isolate :) at that pont: You can then use some excised pieces of the mother plate (if in a rush, or if able to wait, till gen1 plates (transfers from mother plate to new plates that become duplicate isolates of the mother plate)) to inoculate a jar or two and also inoculate other plates to continue to ‘run the mycelium out’ / ‘chase the mycelium’.
1b. If you are not able to do agar work then I strongly suggest you seek genetics that are LC syringe. Basically, LC syringes are when mycopal takes a 2nd gen+ plate and moves some of that mycelium to sterile sugar water and lets the mycelium grow out in that water till its all filled with reproduced mycelium and can be sucked up into syringes for better more assured propagation of genetics ;)
Side thought: Spore swabs and spore syringed are dice rolls :) [Spore germination discussion incl quote from TMC- https://at.tumblr.com/mycochaos/uscrybal-commented-on-a-comment-i-made-quoting/pjzr0c86nlyt]
2. Grain spawn: once you have genetics hammered out, next is grain spawn. Grain spawn can be … well, any grain. Really. Mushrooms can colonize and fruit off of wet cardbord… 💯🍄😂, so what “type” of spawn is more about whats available in your area imo. Youll need to sterilize any grain spawn, unless using a premade bag thats already sterilized or taking chances with uncle bens (or similar) rice baggies that arent sterilized but are arguably cleaner than grains scooped out of a bags of grains from a mill or feedstore.
2a. Grain bags: milo, millet, rye berries, corn kernals, rice, whole oats, really any grain or berry that has a husk can be used :) some species prefer specific grains most work on all kinds of grains with varying levels of efficiency. Some grains are more or less robust and some do better when moistened and or pressure cooked than others :) i make my own grain but exclusively use glass mason quart jars :)
2b. Grain jars: my preference. I have recent grai. Jar prep and creation reels/shorts on my instagram and some on this tumblr if you wanna see specifics :) generally I do 15psi, 10 minute venting, for 1.5 hours for my grain and I do not soak grains, only low boil them for 30 min to soften husks and extract some grain nutrients to then use that liquid ‘grain soak’ run off for agar nutrients :)
2c. Uncle Bens rice bags: i dont do this and dont have any good advice on it. I have a UB tek link or two at end for consideration and there is a whole reddit mushroom sub i think r/unclebens (?) for this
2d. All in one bags: i also do not use these and do not recommend them generally. If you have never had a flush and are literally first timing it, then all in one may work fine :) but as much of the process you can source or create yourself the cheaper and often better, imo!
3. Substrate & Spawn-to-bulk (S2B): many mycopals have their own substrate preferences, but for me I prefer shaved coconut coir pith. I generally do a coir block 650g, 500g vermiculite (from garden store), and 50g gypsum + 50g lime for my substrate. I do not sterilize it, but I do heat pasteurize my substrate for at least 12 hours. In an air tight, insulated cooler (like for sodas at a party). You can also cold pasteurize. I like how Boomershroomer and PGT do their sub and learned from them then tweaked it for my own preferences :)
When my jars are fully colonized and observably free from contam, I will S2B using a clean butter knife :) I kinda cut down into the grain in pizza slices then swirl the knife around as I let grains that spill out mix with my substrate and basically do 1qt spawn to 2qt of substrate, saving maybe 10-15% of the spawn and substrate till end to make a special psuedo casing layer once bulk of spawn and substrate are mixed and compacted. Then I do a last sprinkling of the remaining grain like a baby lasgana and cover that with substrate.
Casing layer explainer: A casing layer is a layer of material applied on top of the colonized substrate in mushroom cultivation. It can help improve yield, reduce certain types of surface contaminants, and maintain humidity around the fruiting bodies. In my experience, using an organic sphagnum peat moss mixed with lime powder and filtered water has produced successful tubs without the need for pasteurization or sterilization. Before I used that i just used left over substrate as a casing layer :) — While some species require a specific type of casing layer after substrate colonization, most do not require one. However, adding a casing layer can be beneficial for improving yield and humidity control.
There are different ways to apply a casing layer. Some people apply it as part of the spawn to bulk (S2B) process, while others apply it only after the substrate surface is fully colonized or slightly before pinning. Personally, I have used a casing layer when colonizing pasteurized wheat/rye straw to provide an even fruiting surface for mycelium. I have also experimented with an organic peat and lime dust casing layer (no pasteurization or sterilization), which has helped retain humidity and has not resulted in any contamination. Personally, I've worked some APEs in that past that had a casing layer applied in the same instance as the S2B occuring, essentially the compacted bits colonized faster than the looser casing layer. Where I always use casing layer, is if I use spawn to colonize pasteurized wheat/rye straw, if only to provide an even fruiting surface for the mycelium! But, even then... most cubensis can fruit solely on pasteurized straw, with no casing layer!
4. Colonization and Fruiting:
4a. Youll need to find a TEK based on whatever substrate container you settle on using :) what ive outlined so far is my own tek, using 6qt shoe boxes and the materials ive outlined above. The substrate chamber/container can be a flat container/tote or could be fruited out the top of a grain bag/all-in-one bag OR could fruit off the side of a bag (if its a species like Oyster mushies that prefer side fruiting). I personally use unmodified tubs and will leave lid on my tubs while colonizing and then take lid off and replace with cleaned, upside down, misted 6qt tub that rests on the edges of the right-side-up tub to create a mini climate that allows more passive air flow, allows light to filter in from high angles promoting fruits growing upwards towards the light. Light isnt needed until pinning, and is a secondary trigger to pinning but a primary factor in pigmentation of fruits and growth direction of fruits.
Colonization of most mushroom fruiting fungi is generally between 68-80F, every species and even some varieties within those species, may have specific temp needs. The way mycopals control for this is many things that I dont have to use fortunately :) ‘Martha Tents’ are something to consider. Some use heating pads and humidifiers depending on where they live and where they are compared to the sea💯. I dont have any experience with martha tents or doing more than using my home A/C, a closet, and a heppa room filter to control my temps in the closet and with lots of trial and error…. I now leave my home at 72F, my closet warms to about 74 with the door shut and a/c at that temp, so i let plates, jars and tubs colonize at 74F and then I will move the tubs to open closet with more air flow and is closer to 72F when I am moving to fruiting :) Ive tried to be clever in how I use my space… so i use wire racks and know higher up on the rack is hotter and less air flow whereas lower is cooler and often more air flow.
Something I havent really gone into yet in this response is about sterility, aseptic environments, personal and environmental hygiene. All important to condsider…
4a. Heres my explainer on that:
Strict aespetic and hygiene techniques are not 100% and even using fancy laminar flow is not 100% contamination free potentials! Common contaminant sources include airborne spores, dust, and environmental factors. Pets that roam around your cultivation area could carry spores on their fur or paws, which may be released when they move through your space. Additionally, some fungal contaminants, like Kahms yeast, can present in distinctive ways and there are dimorphic fungal molds that have one or more alternate morphologies, main dimorphism being mold with a secondary yeast form (whence the mold spores get into human lungs, for example with blastomycosis perhaps) as an alternative reproductive presentation within its life cycle (based on temperature and environmental variables). It's essential to understand that spores and other contaminant-genetic cells are incredibly tiny and (in the case of most spores) can suspend in the air, waiting for air currents, light, or vibrations to move them around. Wet spores and bacterial cells oftentimes require animal assistance or liquid splashing/spritzing/spraying to move around, but can often hitch rides of natural environmental variabes (currents of wind, water, dirt, etc). Humans also carry a range of bacteria and fungal organisms on their skin, which can contribute to localized environmental dust and potential contamination when working in hyper sterile or attempted hygienic environments while researching fungi :)
4b: Primordia, Pins and Fruiting: Pinning is a colony activity (that impacts all sides of your cake once colonized) that shifts metabolic processes of the mycelia to pinning and fruiting, this is why when you start getting heavy side pins you rarely get any flat-surface pins and fruits (all the energy goes into what pins form and fruit, first). Additionally, I believe my suggestions will be effective in controlling for environmental triggers to pinning, it is important to note that side pinning can also occur due to other factors such as genetics or substrate composition.
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You can reduce the microclimate from being created that promotes side pins, during the process, by ensuring that the substrate is firmly compressed, once S2B occurs, and then sprinkled with a .25" casing layer of the same substrate material (or peat+lime casing). I press my base spawn+cvg mix firmly, and ensuring that the surface is even with least amount of inconsistently level substrate surface. This early compression, keeps the cake against the wall for as longer than doing little to no compression of your spawn+sub. You should ensure your colonizing mycelium isnt exposed to the same lighting you would for fruiting, but light is only a secondary trigger to pinning, FAE+Temp Drop+Humidity pooling/then drying are the primary triggers for pinning once colonization has completed.
5. Harvesting and Dehydrating: i twist and pull my fruits, some will cut at base, some will float their cake with water and then cut or twist and pull at that poimt :) harvesting is preferential imo. I dehydrate fruits 125F for 24 hours in Air Fryer o. Dehydrate mode :)
Resources and foundational TEKs:
Genetics: innoculatetheworld.com, sporeworks,com, boomershroomer.com, pgtmycology,com
Casing layer post w/screencaps: https://www.tumblr.com/mycochaotix/723941213220339712/mycochaos-oldacnt-plzfollownew-one-of-my
Growing gourmet (book): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-CsyZenWzF8kHLviXM8pencZ4FAHDedh/view?usp=drivesdk
PF tek - Check this site out, gives a great layout of "PF TEK" and also BRF cakes as part of that TEK - https://www.fungifun.org/pmwiki.php/English/Pftek
HOw to make easy (cvg) bulk substrate (boomer shroomer): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7M6YHfaMyQ8&t=3s
how to make plates, slants, and LC - north spore - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4bzQQkh71Q&t=487s
pgt LC basics - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqwjUq31KgU&t=284s
Southwest mushrooms - mycelium grain spawn and LC - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxlJJpu3O_g
How to sterilize equipment such as petri dishes - MIcrobehunter microscopy - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MVtEBtxkhGk
mycelium inoculation in the lab - southwest mushrooms - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ng_Wq9PnEVI&t=560s
Mushroom Cultivation, how it should and shouldnt look: https://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php/Number/17231150
Recognizing and dealing with contamination: https://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php/Number/23130868
Sterilization vs Pasturization - http://www.differencebetween.net/science/difference-between-sterilization-and-pasteurization/
Mushrooms, Molds and Mycorrhizae: A Fungal Immersion Course Part 1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dD1IL2dBLQ8
Mushrooms, Molds and Mycorrhizae: A Fungal Immersion Course Part 2 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_bam3tF_a7M
Mushrooms, Molds and Mycorrhizae: A Fungal Immersion Course Part 3 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AiIUGGKjuwU
Mushrooms, Molds and Mycorrhizae: A Fungal Immersion Course Part 4 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLfwruf2xVA
Guide to Oysters, Gourmet, Freshcap - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZAjz6bZjpg
Cooking Oyster mushrooms, TGS - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7qb2KF6kvhA
5 gallon bucket tek - oyster mushrooms - gourmet - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45b2t7fqhjA&t=60s
Mycophilia YT 'All About Aborts' discussion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9C8x_32Saxg
Bacterial colony morphology - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4JZAFUPckUg
Mycelium morphology : how to select healthy mycelium when breeding mushrooms -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=leUpfsonVxc&t=1s
mycotrophic - agar xfers/sectoring off healthiest growth - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XMxGwkj9Wn4
DayTrippers Microscopy library of contam and healthy mycelium examples: https://www.reddit.com/r/ContamFam/comments/nnquol/microscopy_of_healthy_mycelium_and_contamination/
PH trich conversation pt 2 DT: https://www.reddit.ccom/r/ContamFam/comments/jldtuw/my_garden_of_contam_free_grow_it_is_all_about_the/
DayTrippers Trip Tips - apply PH casing layer to prevent trich: https://www.reddit.com/r/ContamFam/comments/m3unbr/daytrippers_trip_tips_video_tutorial_on_how_to/
Trich contamfam library: https://www.reddit.com/r/ContamFam/comments/115gyj2/trichoderma_the_green_monster/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
If FAE is a problem: not pinning, getting Cobweb, Stroma Overlay! “READ THIS”: https://www.reddit.com/r/ContamFam/comments/jur5ar/daytrippers_trip_tip_why_cant_i_get_this_if_fae/
DayTripper’s Trip Tips: Two cultivation tricks to solve common problems of insufficient Fresh Air Exchange and Overlay growth in monotubs: https://www.reddit.com/r/ContamFam/comments/10w1yxm/daytrippers_trip_tips_two_cultivation_tricks_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
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roniarose · 1 year
Guardians 3 thought dump
Aaaah i actually liked an MCU movie for once
The Guardians were kind of the perfect team to go up against that type of villain, a team thats taken two movies to learn and are still in some ways learning that their differences and flaws are what makes them a family, up against someone who sees those flaws as a failure to be discarded. All of the Guardians spend a lot of time across all three films trying to escape how others view them, so this antagonist really feels like the perfect choice to culminate the trilogy
Also man the russos took a fat wet shit all over gamoras arc and james gunn still managed to salvage it and make it work, I was fucking terrified the whole movie that they were gonna end up together when thats literally impossible with this gamora, But gamora calls out quill immediately in this, and tells him thats shes not that person he so desperately wants. Peter still at least has the arc that he was meant to have regardless of gamoras fridging, where he needed to realize that hes projecting what he needs from other people onto those people, especially gamora. The movie still hints that they COULD end up being together, they just both need to spend time becoming more actualized versions of themselves. And peter needs to resolve more of his emotional baggage and sexism.
Its funny because from the way 2 ended its really obvious that gunn had planned for them to be together in 3 but that basically got ruined when she got tossed into the infinity stone pit. :/ i’m glad gunn was smart enough to realize that trying to redo 2 movies worth of relationship buildup across one movie was a bad idea
Lets see what else
Oh, hey Nathan fillion, long time no see! I’m glad you finally got to be in a story about a ragtag found family in space that didn’t end up getting canned, and i think the fight you did in the building that looked like a middle school science textbook illustration rocked, 10/10 keep rocking the Michelin man fit
I like that Adam Warlock is a big dumb idiot man that carries a pet around and listens to king crimson because its super obvious gunn had no clue what to do with him but had to have him there because the mcu continues to be an ever expanding nightmare mess. 10/10 no notes
Obviously the i am groot reveal was cute, and also a kind of cycle break that didn’t feel forced or like it had extra gravitas added to it, the reveal that the audience is part of the family now just gets to be a simple little moment
I love that nebula gets to be relatively more relaxed in this movie on the whole, she honestly deserves it, let her sip her lil sodie pop.
I loved Draxs lil dad moment in the third act as well, and how it ends up forcing nebula to learn that emotional intelligence is just as vital to have a practical intelligence. Up until that point she really underestimated him and a lot of the rest of the team because she had been taught by thanos a lot of the same things our villain believed, that theres only one kind of way to be, and that only perfection and results matter. She ends up learning through the guardians and drax that we each of our own individual strengths and perceived flaws, and that real perfection is in the culmination of those forces in our lives. I thought it was nice :)
The last thing i can think of is that I liked how a series defined musically by track from the 70’s and 80’s ends off with a track from the 2000’s. A way of communicating subtly our characters aren’t trapped in their past anymore. Great stuff
Anyways thats what i got atm, if you stumbled on this and are wanting more mcu stuff, sorry to disappoint, this is prolly the last mcu thing i’m checking in for unless something reveals itself to be more interesting in the future. I wanna try and talk more about other things tho, so maybe you will like those posts!
Testing this out
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zip-toonz · 7 months
I wanna talk about Flip Turner (Tokunosuke Omoteura)/Tokunosuke Hyori
Maybe I'm reading into his character far too much, but hes such a comically tragic character. Sure, Yu-Gi-Oh is nothing but tragic characters. Alot of whom are presented as comedic and/or kind. Just look at the protags.
Yuma himself is no stranger to difficulties and I think thats part of what makes him so likable.
But this is about Flip/Tokunosuke
A majority of people are willing to write him off as simply annoying. By design hes likely meant to be. However Flip is still a tragic character.
In both the Manga and the Anime Flip blatantly admits that his behavior is a direct result of being taken advantage of by older children, ones that he trusted and even considered friends. And in the Manga the backstory includes overhearing his own Mother speak ill of him to his older brother. She doesn't care what he does so long as he's not bothering his brother who she considers more clever.
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These events ruined him and changed him as a person.
Flip, is a boy whos mindset is hinged on the paranoid belief that everyone has ulterior motives. He is reluctant to take people at their word. His actions are a way to take back power over his situation. If he lies and cheats no one can take advantage of him again because hes already ensured his success.
The sentiment that Flip is like this 'just because' is canonically wrong. Flip may come off as an unreliable narrator. He even plays into that in some scenarios. But he admits to his past while under the influence of Number Cards. I genuinely do not believe Flip would have if he wasnt.
Flip has trust issues, seemingly even within his own friend group. Old habits die hard and with a kid like Flip expecting him to 100% switch on a dime into fully trusting people is unfathomable. He pushed others away in the past likely out of paranoia of getting hurt again. Yuma is probably the first person he let himself open up too since the events that caused him to shut others out.
Thats not to say Flip doesn't care about his friends. He does. Especially Yuma who he considers his best friend. He wants to be involved with them. He feels indignant when he isnt. (Seen below - taken from S1 EP25). However Flip is a complicated kid mentally and emotionally because if how he was treated in the past.
At the end of the day Flip is played off for laughs. He's a small impish boy who lies and cheats and has a goofy voice. So its easy to forget that he's the way he is because hes been hurt.
I adore him greatly, I see myself in him. Trusting people is hard when you've been hurt by the people you trusted.
Hes 13, hes acting out. Luckily hes found a group that embraces him, he could have easily fallen further if not for Yuma. I wished the series had of focused on his growth (and by extention some of yumas friends) more. I feel like he (and the others) had a lot of unused potential.
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hyukalyptus · 7 months
i feel like younger fandom writers on tumblr are starting to feel like they have to be sort of ""influencers"" and respond to every single bit of feedback and get as many reblogs as possible but that's never been what tumblr has been about and it's sad because i've seen this idea people give themselves drive writers off the website in newer, younger fandoms. if i'm in your inbox, even if it's some big idea i'm putting down, you can just reply like a conversation. i'm not expecting a piece of writing, i really just want to tell someone and have them respond "OH MY GOD I'M FOAMING AT THE MOUTH" and maybe even "thats so hot and he'd do this too" but i feel like writers are putting a lot of pressure on themselves lately, or maybe it's just this fandom idk, to write a fic for every single idea that comes into their mailbox because they feel like "that's what writers do" or something and it's like??? you don't have to be a Public Figure here. it's just a fuckign social media website and the weirdest most fucked up one. i'm sure you get asks like "hey why didn't you write such and such" but like. you're just here to converse and share the things you make this isn't your fucking job so ignore that shit and do what feels comfortable to you. idk if this sounds harsh or not but really the point is just do whatever the fuck you want
idk if this is a rant specifically toward me or if it’s supposed to be a suggestion for others..but i feel like i have a pretty clear boundary and that is stated clearly in my guidelines. i do understand that this is something silly and meant to be fun and i treat it that way.
i’ve never felt pressured to do something i didn’t want to do. i know i posted a “i have a full time job and i go to school!” post yesterday but that’s because i have drawn that boundary and i do understand that this is a low priority and it’s for fun. if i don’t like an ask, i delete it! which i do so often tbh. i don’t rly advertise that bc i want ppl to feel like they can inbox me.
and again, i’m not sure if this is directed at me fully, but i have never said anything along the lines of “because that’s what writers do.” as i’ve said in my guidelines, i understand i am not here for you or any other reader. and i am fully comfortable deleting any ask and blocking whoever tf i want.
perhaps this in response to saying something like “this didn’t get a whole lotta notes :(“ or something? and if it’s that, that’s not meant to be taken too seriously! it’s more of a “omg why doesn’t anyone else wanna giggle about kai with me rn?” just like irl if i’m w a group of ppl and i’m sharing something i rly like and that i created and i get very little response i’ll be slightly :/ but i’m not taking it personally. i’m sorry if it came across as pressuring others to provide feedback.
perhaps this is in response to my poll i have up rn. i’m doing this because many readers have suggested us writers interact back with them. and they’ve requested that from multiple writers. which i see as a fair request to be completely honest. however, i don’t feel pressured into doing that. i want to show appreciation to my readers that leave feedback and idk maybe it’s because i’m autistic, maybe it’s because i’m old and don’t do social media well, but it can be very difficult for me to talk to people in any form (online or offline) so i wanted to know what form would be best received.
but at the end of the day- i definitely do not see myself as an “influencer”—that is actually my worst nightmare. i have never felt pressured to write a response to anything, i’ve never felt pressured to respond within a certain time frame, a certain length, or anything. i still haven’t posted half my kinktober shit! i’ve never prioritized this over work or school. i do write whatever the fuck i want or i wouldn’t write about “unpopular” things like kai smut (bc let’s face it, they’re always super unpopular), chubby!reader, or other kinks. and i make that clear in my guidelines!
and yep, i see this as something silly that i do as a hobby but that isn’t my place to dictate how other writers should feel about their blog. if they want to take it seriously bc they view as their art, that’s fine with me. if they wanna write for validation or for as many notes as possible, that’s fine w me because they’re doing whatever the fuck they want.
writers: i do encourage you to not feel pressured to write to things you don’t want to, but i don’t feel like many of you do that anyway. this is meant to be something fun and if you’re not having fun, don’t do it! but i’m still having fun with this so i’m gonna do it. and i’m sure y’all are having fun too. i ofc hope my moots stick around, but i would of course understand if you decided to never log back in again someday.
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liquidstar · 2 years
i completely missed this but apparently the second season of to your eternity is airing rn, and i dont know if ill watch it because ive actually read the manga passed the point of where the season will probably end off, but it reminds me that i have some thoughts about the series...
first of all i wanna say that i dont think its a BAD show, in fact i liked a lot of it. the premise of an orb that can shapeshift being sent down to earth by god to learn how to be human is already so intriguing. and the first episode is amazing and also a huge emotional gutpunch. it was its most down to earth episode too.
and to some degree i feel like its more fantastical elements (aside from fushi themself) detracted a bit from the story’s message. its supposed to be about what it means to be human, but the way this theme is handled in tandem with the shounen fantasy tropes feels a bit sloppy and makes the series come out somewhat hollow for it, and the more that are introduced the more its quality dwindles.
i DO think this can be done well, of course! im not saying fantastical tropes are bad at conveying the human experience, in fact i believe that they can be used to highlight it brilliantly. mp100 is a great example of a story using psychic powers to convey emotions and connections, fma is a great example of a series using its magic system in tandem with its philosophical themes and commentary, assassination classroom has a frankly batshit premise that actually makes some poignant commentary about the school system...
i dont think things have to be realistic to be human or relatable at all- they still hold value, not in spite of, but BECAUSE of the way the fantasy of their narratives reflect our human experiences. theyre metaphors! theyre fantasy! the whole point is that these fictional stories highlight the realities of our world.
but.... while i feel like to your eternity certainly tries to do this, i feel like a lot of the fantasy shounen elements are... less so thrown in there to highlight the stories message, and more so just added in to spice up the story. and i think thats fine, but after a certain point it feels like these added spices have sort of taken away the flavor that made it appealing to begin with. that and some frankly very weird choices that are trying to be deep but are mostly just kind of strange.
personally i think its a series with a premise that would benefit more from being down to earth. that doesnt mean it cant be a fantasy at all (its premise makes it one by default, technically) but i feel like it doesnt have to do stuff like add monsters and tournament arcs and aliens assimilating with humans and fushi getting knocked up as a turtle to be interesting. also the lolicon step brother shit what the fuck was up with that. i feel like the more elements like this get introduced the less interesting the story became because it was just... literally losing the plot.
and this last thing here really is personal preference but when i first heard what the series was about... i would have loved if it was just. historical fiction? you know, like, a forest-gump style thing but instead of the latter half of the 20th century its just a big chunk of human history. i think i would have loved seeing an orb learn to be human just by watching them go through different eras of humanity, all around the world, just being a small part of history and maybe even sometimes playing a bigger role (for better or worse).
but regardless of that, i just think sometimes... less is more. seeing fushi interact with humans to “become” human is the point, no need to add a grander narrative about copying the entire earth and beating evil monsters- there are plenty of real life historical events to place them in to give stakes! or even fantasy versions of those events! you can tell that thats what they were going for in a lot of arcs but tbh the march and gugu arcs were the only ones that really nailed it. everything would get progressively more and more unhinged from there.
to just see a character that was once an object become moss, become a wolf, become a nameless boy, become a little girl, become their own brother, and learn what all that means... that was already enough. but the story just kind of stopped being about that after that whole prison island arc (which i do think still had interesting commentary about the violent side of humanity too but wasnt really all too elaborated on for fushi’s development). the best episode since that was just the one where they watched their grandma figure die of old age and dementia- that felt genuine again.
the theme of “what it means to be human” was just sort of lost, like, its still there but you have to move aside a lot of contrived nonsense to really still see it, in my opinion. and it doesnt work as well as i would have loved it too. i really really really wish it did! thats why i read like 200 chapters of the manga! but... it didnt refind its footing in my eyes, sadly. i dont think its bad if you like it but i do think it leaves a bit to be desired, for me.
but hidden within there is still an amazing premise. and it doesnt need to be Epic. i think it would have been enough to just watch fushi go through different eras, meet different people, carry them with themself, and move on to the next “lesson in humanity.” it wouldnt have to be part of some grand plan by an alien to copy earth, but just a way for god to learn from his creations (i dont even think god needs to be shown).
and i think the story would have been more impactful too, if it went with a more “nihilistic optimism” route, when asked why humanity matters. whats the point of all this? everyone dies all the time, theres so much pain and suffering, and people struggle for all of history... but people also come together for all of history, make families, friends, art, music, and reasons of their own to keep living. and even though its a blip in the face of eternity its also... something. it also mattered. that the nameless boy, who died without any family alive to remember him, long long in the past, still mattered. not because of something grandiose, but because he just was. and now hes not. but he was. that mattered. i think thats enough.
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walnutcookie · 1 year
please write a ramble abt how fucked up roguefort is /nf
Ong . On it boss. Salutes
i love playing around with the concept that they have two faces: phantom bleu and their secret identity (who i just call roquefort). we know that phantom bleu is all an act because 1) i mean it makes sense nobody can just Live like that 24/7 but MRE IMPROTTNTLU 2) we see little bits and pieces of them through their little Urk! s and the time where waljut is like HEY REVEAL YOUR TRUE IDENTITY like Girl. tthe little hints to their lore and. Oua
none of this is confirmed its more just my fanon interpretation of them but Girl they are so fucked up . I have a whole timeline built for them of like how phantom bleu came to be and stuff but i dont wanna talk about it here because i wanna turn it into a comic/animation and let people theorize before i talk abt it HZBZKSB BUT LIKE. Girl. Theyve always had shit self confidence (probably their shitty parents are to blame for that) but after phantom bleu came along it got so much worse. probably the only reason why theyre Actually in a decent state of physical health is because they need to be able to do their heists . cause otherwise theyd probably neglect themself (either because they dont want to care for themself or they forget to do things). theyve put phantom bleu on such a pedestal, the only way that people will actually love them, that they think their own life is Meaningless
like. god. This fake character theyve created, this one big play theyve put on, people actually love them for it. and girl theyre dying to have that attention. as time passes they love roguefort cookie more and more, at the same time despising themself. what good are they? theyre useless. they take up space in their cousin cheesecakes mansion. they dont even pay rent (well not through actual money) they just take up space. they dont have an actual job. they dont have friends, cheesecake is their only real family (their other family being a grumpy cat and a sentient cape L)
they hate themself soo much its insane . they avoid getting too close to people for the pure reason that if someone finds out what theyre really like then everything is over. the mystery is all gone, theyre revealed to be a lazy good for nothing waste of space whos only good at playing pretend and watching lala land. thats what scares them the most, out of everything else. thats what keeps them up at night. so they close themself off ! avoid giving out personal information, hide every emotion with a mischievous smirk.
during phantom raven theyre at their highest (and at the same time close to their lowest.) they love roguefort cookie because everyone else loves them, and hating roquefort because nobody loves them. and then eventually realize . this is not love! nobody really loves them. theyre getting attention for the character they play, and that will never change. theyll forever be a nobody, recognized only for their talent, never for who they are.
then after their watch is auctioned off, they snap. they cant crawl out of this hole theyve dug, but maybe if they dig deeper theyll reach the other side? their only goal is to turn back time, back to before their family died, so maybe they can please them this time and theyll have someone to love them (Their parents are assholes btw theyll nevr be satisfied with roque)
roquefort is a puppet. theyve created a monster thats come to life, and its taken over their body. they could stop at any time, of course, but that means theyd be losing their only source of attention. so they keep doing it, even if it feels more like a chore at this point because They just dont know what else to do theyve lost control and phantom bleu is too big of a name to stop now
but i give them a happy ending in my fanon becquse i would Cry every time i think about them otherwise HZVZKHWF
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