#In a world||RP
mcflymemes · 9 months
please don't mistake silence for hatred. please don't mistake unanswered plotting messages as indifference, or a lack of enthusiasm towards you. considering the ages of most roleplayers, many of us have bills to pay, families to take care of, medical conditions to treat, appointments to make, classes to take, homes to clean, and lives to live away from the computer that are far, far more important than writing on tumblr — life has a tendency to get in the way of hobbies and fun things like this. be patient with your fellow writers. if it doesn't work out, it doesn't work out. of course you can set your boundaries, keep your space comfortable, and softblock whoever you wish, but do so while recognizing it's probably not hatred or apathy that keeps them from leaping into your dms with message after message. they probably love this hobby just as much as you... but sometimes life gets in the way.
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tinywater · 2 months
hi!! in need of moots who share a love for writing, creating ocs, world building, & all that fun stuff!!! i would love to have more people to be able to talk about ocs / canon characters, writing, and original universes with, so don’t hesitate to interact with this if this sounds like you!!!
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kottkrig · 3 months
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Undead hunter named Floodland, with her two big babies named Oingo and Boingo
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thewizardofozz · 7 months
I love fnaf guys
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ask-ranma-and-ryoga · 3 months
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sichengs-world · 2 months
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saphirafoxgirlspost1 · 11 months
(Open Rp) Kim possible World and Sunny day Jack in “Looking For the Rainbow”
On the Night Of the Prom..Saphira Just Stormed inside of her Home in tears..as Ron Was coming inside begging For Forgiveness...and kim did the same thing...and then..Saphira turns to him and said Coldly, Saphira:”Do you have any Idea What you’ve Done!?...I can’t believe I Trusted you and given you a chance! but now it’s gone!.” Ron:”Saph..please..It was only just a fling.” Saph:”A FLING!! Are you serious!? After all my 7 years with you have gone to waste!! I’ve been Sacrificing Myself For you and My own bestfriend!, Youe never show up at the hospital, Always Stood me Out from Dates that I reservated for the past months! and never Shows up at Summer Vacation time!..and Now I know why! You’ve been messing around with my best friend and my arch bully! I’ve Done “EVERYTHING” For you, All i ever done for you is Love! and now..its nothing...Not only that, You killed my kids and attempt to Rob My Money and My families as well!” Ron: “Saph thats not true i-*SMACK* AHH! *fell on the ground*’ Saphira: “Shut up! You are nothing but traitors...after graduation...I’m moving away..and I Don’t want To see you again! No call, No Seeing you, and NO Contacts,,if i ever see you again, i’ll Sue you for damages” She said with a Firey rage...After Saphira Kicked him out...His parents and Kims was Furious about it..and Payed Compensation to saphira..time passed after graduation..Saphira moved away from the Different town..Including her good friends..who follows her...5 years has passed..Saphira was Now Live in the Luxury and became the Most Hottest Models In town...Until One Day...After Saphira Finished her modeling in Human Form...Her Producer told her that someone Left a Gift For her...Saphira sees the blue and rainbow wrapping paper..as she went home and opens it..and saw a Video Tape..that it says “Sunny day Jack Show” She felt curious...and then She put it in the VHS and press play...as it began..She sees him as her face turns pink and said,” Whoa,,,he’s pretty handsome~” She sighs in love...but then..Somethings wrong..as She hears his voice saying....
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muses-of-the-memory · 9 months
Hikari was helping Double D with the chick egg project in the science lab. She decorated hers with a bow and a diaper.
"Greetings, fellow Cluckers!" Edd shouted using a megaphone. "The Happy Cluckers Club is now called to order." He said examining an egg under an incubator thoroughly.
Jonny sweats as Edd looks it over. "Egg-ceptional progress, Jonny." Edd congratulated.
"Right on! We're gonna have us a family, buddy!" Jonny shouted to Plank, happily. "And what do we have here?" Edd asked about Hikari's egg. "Your egg looks adorable as you, Hikari. A perfect match." Edd smiled.
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[ *Tick, Tick, Tick.* ]
[ Well that sounds familiar. In the middle distance, the pale figure, that Chronomancer, is walking towards your shop. He carries the limp (and ragdolling) body of one notable Pickpocket. ]
[ He seems to skip forwards a bit, standing before you in less than a second, as if by teleportation. ]
Right. Did I overshoot this again, or is this after we had or conversation about this idiot?
[ He nudges the Half-elf. ]
( @pale-gear-mage and @local-pickpocket )
“Ya, you got it this time. Well it did happen after for me but still _____ should remember this time.”
“Ya Jerry I remember the first meeting, so chronomancer, you have the ring?”
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weremagnus · 2 months
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I was DMing an encounter for my World of Warcraft roleplay guild this week and I decided to create a sketch of the boss the players were going to face off against! It was a reanimated Obsidian Destroyer that had become infused with troll mojo (and troll golem parts).
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"Once upon a time, on Bonfire Isle..."
We hope you're as excited as we are for the return of the Stranglethorn Bonfire Bash! For our 9th consecutive year, we're thrilled to bring you another summer of creative collaboration, original games, and faction neutral beachside RP on the private server Epsilon!
We're also proud to announce that, for the first time ever, we're doing THREE DAYS of the Bash! Join us Friday 08/23, Saturday 08/24, & Sunday 08/25!
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This year we'll divert from the natural and venture into the fantastical with our official theme: FABLES & FAIRY TALES. Dive into stories new and old to draw inspiration from legends both heroic and fearsome, and use those elements to craft a unique themed beachwear look that represents one of our two teams, HEROES & VILLAINS.
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Not only is the Art Bash returning, but so is the team-based competition! Get ready to join our official discord on 07/23 so you can pick your team and sign up to participate in 3 weeks of themed art prompts.
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Our Charity Art Raffle is returning for its 2nd year, featuring 19 incredible artists who are donating their time and skills to help us raise money for our chosen nonprofit! Full details on the charity and all the artists + prizes coming soon!
More information on everything as well as our full schedule will be released in the coming weeks, so for now, keep your eyes on our socials and check out our site for some answers to your potential questions!
See you soon, beachgoers!
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(Thank you to the incredible Grimm, @/nehima on discord, for once again shooting and editing this video!)
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the-kipsabian · 1 month
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MAY 19, 1992
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gideonnotgordon · 2 months
1 reblog- I commit arson
5 reblogs- i commit arson
10 reblogs- i commit arson
15 reblogs- i commit treason
20 reblogs- i drink ble i mean milk
25 reblogs- i sing class of 2013 while dressed as hatsune miku
30 reblogs- miku miku you can call me miku
35 reblogs- i eat a snail
40 reblogs- i commit arson
45 reblogs- i eat 48 ten dollar bills
50 reblogs- i buy a store and only sell dino nuggets
55 reblogs- i suffocate Todd
60 reblogs- i duel ceasar via time travel
65 reblogs- i feed a victorian child sour candy
70 reblogs- i start selling weed
75 reblogs- i diss eminem
80 reblogs- i go to the grand canyon just to destroy it
85 reblogs- i leave my capitalist identity and start promoting communism
90 reblogs- i battle god
95 reblogs- i eat an entire stick of butter
100 reblogs- i commit arson
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kottkrig · 6 months
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I tried designing some Lordaeron (+one Gilneas)-based food for an rp thing, created by the Forsaken but made (safely) for the living
Inspired by the beautiful menus that @buttart creates for events
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joywindsong · 11 months
Wow cutscenes:
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sichengs-world · 1 month
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