#Incorrect Tortall Quotes
Wizard: Have I mentioned that I hate it when you’re right? Artificer: No, I don’t believe you have. As far as I could tell, you never thought I was right.
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Kel: You called Joren "gay" as if it were an insult.
Neal: Well, yes.
Kel: It's not an insult.
Neal: Well no- but to HIM it is, what with him being a raging homophobe. So.
Kel: What is a "homophobe"?
Kel: Neal?
Neal: Shhh... I need to gather my inner strength.... And take a moment to vicariously live through you in a world where I, also, do not know the meaning of that word.
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hawkinsincorrect · 5 months
Hopper: Have I mentioned that I hate it when you’re right?
Joyce: No, I don’t believe you have. As far as I could tell, you never thought I was right.
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Galadriel: I'd like to see him [Sauron] mess with our Elrond. I'd pound him to a pulp.
Elrond: I do my own fighting, thanks.
Celeborn: Galadriel just wants an excuse. She likes hitting Sauron.
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Mary: Fear is a good thing. It means you're paying attention.
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shieldmaiden19 · 3 years
Imogene: You'll pay for this!
Aly: No, I got paid for this.
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lttleblujay · 3 years
Kel: *shrugging off armor after a rough day* Why are some Knights so stupid?
Raoul: Clearly you never read a dictionary. *pulls book off shelf, flips to “benighted” definition*
be - (k)night - ed
1. intellectually or morally ignorant; unenlightened
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bookcub · 6 years
Jonathan: Alan, what time is it?
Alanna: Judging by the sun, it's probably around 3 o'clock.
Jon: Wrong, Alan. It is *shuts visor* knight time.
Roaul and Gary: *shut visors in unison*
Alanna: *exasperated sigh*
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raoulgoldenlake · 6 years
Alanna: Time to get these mice out of their hice. No, that was lame, life is meaningless we’re all going to die. Mouses out of their houses! Yes! I am the greatest, every breath is a gift. Sorry about the roller coaster.
Raoul: I’m just happy I’m tall enough to ride.
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incorrect-hololive · 3 years
Korone: Do you know a turtle's only weakness?
Mio: No... well, their slowness?
Korone: Their weakness is they can't roll over when they are on their backs.
Korone: Now I have a plan.
Korone: If I duct tape two turtles together, they'll be unstoppable.
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how-to-speak-cicada · 5 years
Ulasim: You can't just depose the most powerful spymaster in the country.
Aly: Ask me if I GIVE a motherfuck???
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fleurdufeu · 3 years
A, G, E, I, T, U, V, X, and Y!
Thanks Friend!
A - Your current OTP(s)/OT3(s)/OTX(s)
Just listing ones that I've been reading fic for in the last few months or we'll be here all day. In Shadow and Bone (hello new hyperfixation) darklina and kanej, Joe x Nicky and Andy x Quynh from The Old Guard, jonsa from asoiaf/got, Lyra x Will from His Dark Materials and Geralt x Yennefer from The Witcher.
G - Do you remember your first OTP, if so who was in it
first was probably Simba x Nala, first one I wrote fanfic in my head for was Anastasia x Dmitri from the Don Bluth movie sometime in first grade. The first non canon ship was Esmeralda x Quasimodo from the disney movie. I was a shippy child.
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom, if so, what
I have a (dead atm) incorrect quotes blog for The Last Kingdom! But mostly I am privately hilarious talking fandom with friends.
I - Has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why
not that I can think of, but It has made me avoid drama causing factions of some fandoms
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending, about anything at all (gender identity, sexual or romantic orientation, extended family, sexual preferences like top/bottom/switch, relationship with poetry, seriously anything)
Reid from Criminal Minds is Demisexual and Heteromantic and I will not be hearing arguments.
U - 5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms
The Lord of the Rings: Faramir
The Last Kingdom: Uhtred
Rogue One: Cassian Andor
Tamora Pierce's Tortall books: Daine
V - 3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms
listing different ones from above, Obitine from The Clone Wars, Beren x Luthien from The Silmarillion, Anne x Frederick from Persuasion
okay only going to list ones who have done things that necessitate defense. Shaking things up here with some trash faves. Anakin Skywalker, The Darkling, Ceasare Borgia, Milady De Winter, Túrin Turambar, and The Phantom of the Opera
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)
The Untamed, Kamen Rider, Welcome to Nightvale, MCU
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glaivesofmindelan · 5 years
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7 Days 7 Covers
Rules: each day, I will post the cover of a book that I love and nominate someone new to start the challenge. No explanation, no discussion, just post the cover and by doing so spread some literary love!
Tagging: @incorrect-tortall-quotes
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Galadriel, about Adar: Don't hit him again, Halbrand. Let me do it next time.
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Elisabeth: Have I mentioned that I hate it when you're right?
Edgar: No, I don't believe you have. As far as I could tell, you never thought I was right.
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trekkiemage · 7 years
oh my god Incorrect Tortall Quotes is amazing. Pretty sure I turned my blog into a Tortall fanblog overnight when I first discovered it. (My poor followers xD)
YesssssssI'm not gonna lie, I kept taking little breaks all day to read it. It took a lot of effort not to laugh at my desk.My solution to the spamming was to do it slowly and queue up a bunch of posts 😈
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