#Increasing Engagement
shmreduplication · 4 months
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These are the funniest hate mails to possibly exist, made funnier by the fact i got them for blazing a post about my birthday asking people to have a nice moment and consider giving money to a commercial free jazz radio channel that relies on listener donations, a kitten rescue/cat TNR operation in Brooklyn, and small artists selling apparel on kickstarter
Ok going in reverse order because that's how they were sent:
If a product is free, you are the product. Your presence is being sold by tumblr to advertisers so you're making them money. And now you're increasing my time spent on this app to write this reply, which also increases tumblr's appeal to advertisers because they look at time spent on the app per person in addition to total unique users. Like I can only assume you're very young if you don't know that, and also because you sent anon hate mail
I have nothing to say that could possibly be funnier than this. "I hope you get hate mail for the rest of your life" is so cute, it means you want me to continue to live and keep making posts on tumblr.com (which will earn them more money btw), posts the type of which will get people to send me hate mail (which, as previously discussed, also gets more money to tumbr). Yeah buddy, I also hope I get hate mail for the rest of my life ❤️ I hope you specifically keep sending hate mail on tumblr of exactly this level of anger and venom for decades to come because that will mean that the two of us and tumblr will be around for decades to come. Love you buddy, happy belated my birthday ❤️
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race-week · 3 months
Driver of the day has always been a popularity contest, are people only just now noticing?
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violentbirds · 8 months
Anyway I got back into starwars again and this fanfic^ by @jackdaw-kraai has been one of my faves. Vader redemption, found family, BAMF Luke, world building, & humor.
Here’s some illustrations & sketches
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alithographica · 2 years
y'all wanted pvp enabled on tumblr, I think that's exactly what this awful new note preview feature is because it's really making me want to fight people
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secondbeatsongs · 11 months
I know the instinct when faced with change, especially on our beloved hellsite, is to respond with anger and yell at staff and complain about what's different
but honestly, guys? I'm grateful this site is still going. it's deeply unprofitable, and I'm shocked it's been around for as long as it has. it's running with a skeleton crew, and anything staff wants to do to try to make it work better or stick around longer is fine with me.
do I like that the icons don't float anymore? no. I think that's a bad decision, and it would have been better to add icon frames/hats/etc, because I would have totally bought a little hat and a cool frame for my icon, to support tumblr.
but now, it seems like that option is off the table, because the icons are tiny and no longer float. and that makes me sad :(
but am I going to yell at staff about it, or complain? nope. sure, maybe I'll send in a (polite!) feedback message, but beyond that, I'm not going to sweat it.
instead, I'm going to keep the Old Tumblr Dashboard style installed, and mind my own business. because if this is what staff needs to do to convince the people who own the site to keep it chugging along, who am I to complain?
I want this site to survive. I want it to keep going for years to come! and for now, the various mods and extensions are enough to keep it looking like a site that I want to use, even if the site itself looks different now.
maybe someday, it'll be too much, and the mods will break, and I won't be able to stand it anymore. but hey, maybe someday the people in charge will decide that they don't want to shove money at this hellsite anymore, and the whole thing will come crashing down, and the best online fandom space will be lost.
the way I see it, the first of those options is infinitely better than the second.
so hey, be nice to staff today please! just. they have bigger things to worry about than floating icons. they're trying to keep this place standing, and I'm gonna support them, even when they have to do things I don't like.
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wayfinderships · 17 days
I really wish Tumblr would make it so I don't have to see posts of people I have blocked😔
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sweetpapercroissant · 9 months
i don’t get the appeal of an incest ship if you’re only ever going to focus on the good romantic feelings and not the icky negative ones. the resentment the feeling of being trapped shackled wanting out and away from the person who knows so much too much about you since before you even knew to not allow it but at the same time you can’t imagine living in a world without them being away is like tearing a limb a piece of your soul you will never again be complete without them. no one else will ever understand you the way they do no one else will ever get so deep under your skin and you may hate it but you hate the thought of them not being there even more you can’t stand to see anyone else get to a part of them you didn’t and even worse when they get it before you. you push and you push and you push but when they let go it’s like you’re free falling and it doesn’t matter how far away you run you will never be far enough away because you carry them inside you everywhere you go. you tell yourself you want nothing more than to get away but they’re the only home you will ever have and you won’t ever let anyone get that close you’re already moulded to only fit in perfectly with them and you didn’t have a choice but this is who you are. there’s nothing you could do to make them let you go but there’s nothing you could do to make them let you go. you want to be so close to them you want to merge your bodies into one you hate how crowded you feel when they’re in the same room like they’re sucking in all the air and there isn’t any left for you and you want to get away so you can just breathe but you don’t even want to breathe in the air that hasn’t passed through their lungs first you hate that you feel this way you wish you could claw it out of your veins but then who would you be without it without them you want so much and it’s so ugly and you’re ashamed of how raw that need is how you want every part the good the bad the human you wish none of this had ever happened you feel dirty you never even had a chance to find something else be something else but then you look over and you love them so much so much and when it comes down to it nothing else was ever going to be enough for you anyway.
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enjoythesilentworld · 3 months
tuesday taste
we're just makin up alliterations now.
just if for a minute chapter 3: dinners (aka fake marriage au) - coming this friday!
“Simon, dude, calm down. They’ve all been here before. It’s okay if it’s a bit thrown together,” Wille says, trying to keep his voice calm as to not set him off further. He seems to do a bad job, because Simon turns to him with wide eyes and smacks his shoulder. “Don’t call me that! I am your fiancé!” Wille chuckles and says teasingly, “Right, sorry. Älskling, can you please chill out? You’re stressing me out with all your running around.” “Don’t älskling me,” Simon snaps, then crosses his arms over his chest. “I am so chill. Sorry that I want our engagement party to be perfect.” He pouts, brows drawn together, so Wille sighs and steps forward, wrapping him in a hug. “I’m sorry. You’re doing a great job. It is going to be perfect. Thank you for caring so much.” A soft sound of protest is mumbled into Wille’s chest, where Simon’s face is pressed. His arms are still crossed, but at least he’s relaxed slightly and isn’t trying to escape.
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dickgraysonistrans · 8 months
How would y'all feel about bringing back trans dick grayson week this year?
I've not been able to run it the last couple of years because of irl stuff but I'd like to do it again if people are interested...
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I think having sommie on Alear’s bed should have been an option in engage and I think sommie is her therapy dog :)
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darkwood-sleddog · 6 months
i've been doing weight pull with the dogs multiple times per week followed by an obedience session in the yard and i've noticed, interestingly, that they are more engaged with me all the time now? now i do use treats while training for weight pull because i only use it as a conditioning tool, but i think the combined reward of treat + getting to pull has been really beneficial in building this super high engagement (especially from sigurd, who is notoriously my worst recaller, but has been turning on a dime and checking in without blowing me off once ever...).
training for dryland and sled work i know my dogs find pulling really rewarding, if not more rewarding than treats, but i don't think i was really combining that high reward into obedience work until now. like no treat means more than getting to pull, but the combination of pulling + treat, even when pulling is not 100% involved = highly increased reward.
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Why do you sometimes reblog your post exactly?
because you nerds haven't look at it hard enough
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poetryqueer · 5 days
the absence of horatios in hamlet adaptations somehow feels gayer than their presence
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moleshow · 2 months
mfs will complain about the democratic party being out of touch and unrelatable and then turn around and complain when they are in touch and people relate to their candidates. like ok
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virtchandmoir · 8 months
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Tessa's Instagram Stories (February 9th)
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itsbenedict · 27 days
Lost in Hearts brief hiatus
I'm realizing that there's a thing that might become relevant in LiH at any moment, which is... not ready, yet. I planned to have it ready by the time we reached this point but it isn't. So I gotta knuckle down and focus on getting that ready for a few days.
If you haven't been keeping up with these mostly-daily posts, now's a good time to catch up! If it looks complicated and hard to follow... well, that's kind of the bit. It's a choose-your-own-adventure quest where your options for what to do next in this weird spooky cyber-world are obfuscated by turning them all into anagrams. Little bit of a word game, little bit of a guessing game.
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Starting here, the whole thing's navigable by Continued and Previously links, and shouldn't be more than like 30 pages at time of writing. It's good! I think. I'm biased.
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