#Indulgent percy jackson post
Annabeth Chase: Saki, you'll be working with Shiho and Ichika. Saki: Alright! My fantasy threesome! Everyone else: *blank stares* Saki: ...Of people on a team.
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liesmultixxx · 4 months
If I could fly I’d be coming right back home to you -> percy and annabeth’s reunion in mark of athena
I think I might give up everything, just ask me to -> percy rejecting immortality
For your eyes only, I show you my heart -> percy trusting annabeth with his achilles heel
For when you’re lonely and forget who you are -> percy only remembering annabeth when he lost his memory
I hope that you don’t run from me -> “I remembered what she’d told me in New York, about building something permanent, and I thought- just maybe - we were off to a good start”
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ruegarding · 8 months
i would love to hear your thoughts about zoe
i'm here to remind everyone that zoe decided to befriend a hundred-headed dragon w terrible breath, just bc she could. like zoe says she could feed ladon by hand! meanwhile, her sisters are still scared of ladon in the present story, some two thousand years later. but zoe and ladon were close enough that he doesn't attack her immediately when she returns to the garden and purposefully makes herself "a bigger threat." i don't think we talk abt this enough.
this is under a read more bc the first bit is the most important part honestly. i haven't seen a single person draw zoe w her hundred-headed, stinky dragon. that feels like a crime.
but i also want to talk abt how she badly hercules burned her. she has no real reason to help him, at no point in their conversation is there any sort of implied transaction, but she helps him anyway. bc she's kind! and it cost her everything she had. her immortal power, her gift from her mother, her family, the dragon she befriended. and she gets nothing from it! not even the slightest bit of recognition. she had to rebuild everything.
anyway. closing thoughts. zoe deserved to shoot a man.
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pagib1g · 8 months
none of my business whether yall self ship with hazbin hotel characters or whatever, but since im seeing an influx of it (likely because of the new show) i'd like to remind yall to please boycott it (and pirate it if you must). it is being hosted on amazon, one of the BDS's pressure targets in the strike for palestine's cause– while it is acknowledged that you realistically cannot fully boycott targets like amazon (because of their monopoly over shipping), it will still be helpful to drop things sponsored by it that you ultimately do not need.
the self ship community has presented itself as an open and diverse community for years– prove it by being willing to stop giving profit to media that has a stake in hurting others.
support palestinian self shippers.
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avaetin · 1 year
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I like sharing favorite parts of what I've written. Spoiler alert for "Before You".
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For the a-spec ask game: Percy Jackson and the Olympians
send me a media property and ill tell you/invent an aspec headcanon!
well my friend specialagentartemis, ur never gonna believe this but: artemis. also reyna and most if not all of the hunters of artemis. but thats practically text lol so thats kinda boring for this
tbh ive been sold on the concept of aroace leo valdez (mostly courtesy of tumblr user aroaceleovaldez lmao) (but not *just* them) on the power of- he spends a LOT of his time thinking about how mostly everyone else is in a relationship and he doesn't have one, and how left out he feels about that, and not as much time actually ... liking people? which is a little bit putting the cart before the horse, my dude. not that that's not a normal teenage boy experience, but liking the *concept* of being in a relationship without actually liking anyone in specific is also a Thematic Aspec Experience. and then he gets with calypso in HoO which could be: hes aroacespec in some way, most likely gray-, or its another type of attraction that he's mistaken for romantic, or he knows its not romantic attraction but he wants to date her anyway. so many possibilities
I wrote about half of that before i remembered you said percy jackson and the olympians and not just like, the percy jackson universe in general, but im leaving it in bc why waste the words. Here's one I'll make up for you: Annabeth Chase. She's demiromantic, and only started liking percy Like That after a significant period of being his friend. Same with Luke, though a bit more complicated; it was a combo of hero worship, him being so much older and taking care of her (for those not in the know, aspecs being able to get crushes on unattainable figures is Not Uncommon), and the fact that she knew him very well for a long time and he had a significant impact on her life, which obviously would have formed a close enough bond for her to fall in love with him. She probably hasn't noticed that she's demiromantic bc those two were kind of It For Her for so much of her life.
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sayoneee · 7 months
percy jackson is a nuisance. a nuisance you have always been fond of, some way, somehow. (5.6k)
contains: percy jackson x daughter of aphrodite! reader. post tlo (spoilers). kind of melancholy but it gets better (kind of). book percy.
kashaf’s note: guess whos alive!
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TO QUESTION, to ponder, to seek out the gods is sacrilegious. the gods preferred their divinity to be kept strictly within the confines of worship — whether by completing their ‘menial’ tasks or by committing sacrifices, they, in their infinite wisdom, are not allowed to be objected to. 
“so, my mom’s a god? of love?” 
you sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose, and mentally counted to three. opening your eyes, you make eye contact with the newest addition to camp, and your newest responsibility. bruised and scuffed, the poor kid blinks back at you confusedly as you mull your options. “yes, and no,” you decide.
“our mom’s a goddess, and love is just the most common of her jurisdictions.” 
the new camper looks around the cabin, taking it in, you follow their gaze, lingering on the painted swans on the wall behind you, and bouncing to the pearls adorning the vanity, littered with various seashell trays holding gold jewelry (the first time you had entered these very walls, your throat had tightened at the pure ostentatiousness of it all).
they glance back at you, confused. you sighed again, “yes, our mom is the goddess of love.”
the candles residing in conches flicker as if waiting to pass judgment, and silence blankets you and the new camper once more (this is potentially your fiftieth time attempting to explain the same concept, yet you’re no better at it than when you first started — shaking and solemn). 
needless to say, it’s more than just difficult to explain this tacit rule to new campers — after whatever tragic event transpired for them to realize that the greek gods of myth and legend indeed exist, they simply don’t have the mental capacity to learn the unspoken rules of the whole being a demigod thing.
you could be warmer, somehow, you suppose, with your mother being the goddess of love and all — in all honesty, you’re still not sure how you became the aphrodite cabin counselor, over selina (the entirety of camp half-blood’s favorite daughter of aphrodite) but the counselorship would have ended up in your hands anyway, after everything (the sight of her once-beautiful face as she coughed up blood in clarisse’s lap swims across your memories). 
you pinched the bridge of your nose again, sighing as the candles snuffed out all at once of their own accord (judgment has been passed), “take the empty bed in the corner, we get up at like the ass crack of dawn so you might wanna catch up on your sleep.”
you watched the kid sit on the bed (looking every bit out of place as you did when you first arrived amidst the sheer indulgence the cabin is), and you can’t help but feel a pang in your chest as the child (the entire camp is full of children, but the vast majority of you have never gotten the chance to be the children that you are) stared wide-eyed at posters of movie stars, like tristan mclean, adorning the walls.
with one last glance and forlorn smile at the kid, you walked out of your cabin, your expression hardening at the sight of other campers. the walk to the arena is a short yet bleak one, in the silence you can hear drew’s screaming ringing in your ear (drew is preferable to hearing your other half-siblings, ethan, or even luke; drew is alive).
in the middle of the sword-fighting lesson being taught, you slipped into the arena, undetected for the most part except for the pair of sea-green eyes trained on your figure as you came and stood next to him, clearly hanging back.
“this is usually your shit, jackson,” you say, ignoring how pitiful your racing heart is, and watching clarisse at the helm, steam blowing out of her ears as new campers fell over themselves trying to parry and block with wooden swords.
percy turns to look at you, and from the corner of your eye, you can sense the storm brewing across his face. “maybe i’m not the attention whore you think i am,” he snorts, and there is a small trace of bile in his voice, but you don’t focus on that.
instead, your face burns at the memory of your last argument after you dove in front of ethan’s knife (you still wince when you remember the way his visible eye widened when he realized it was you who caught the blow), and percy’s bitterness as will patched you up, what the fuck is wrong with you, you could’ve gotten yourself killed.
and your weak but indignant reply, i literally saved your life, asshole. are you that much of an attention-whore that you need to be the one on their deathbed right now?
“i’d say you kind of are,” you say, turning to meet his gaze (for a brief, stupid, second you wonder if somehow he was a son of zeus because of how the air suddenly became charged with electricity), arms folding across your chest. “the whole making the gods pay child support is a bit attention-whore-esque.”
percy laughed, a sound you and the other campers haven’t heard in a while (it’s different from before but it is still a sound that in your weaker moments, you admit to craving to hear). “someone had to do it,” he says, sobering up immediately.
“luke tried,” you whispered (the name is still taboo around camp), shivering as you felt percy stiffen beside you. a beat passes and the resulting silence is suffocating.
percy offers you a sad, tight smile before walking out of the arena. you watch him go with a strange pain in your chest and a longing for the before, the laughter leaping across the sun-drenched strawberry fields, the joking i told you so’s during meals, and the softness of the campfire sing-a-longs.
it’s hard not to blame the gods, for that is blasphemy, but on most nights, you find yourself uttering your mother’s name with a tangible acidity, and you find that you’re not alone in this sentiment. the once-reverent echoes of aphrodite, promise me true love, promise me victory, promise me beauty, have now faded to lifeless whispers — formalities instead of prayers. 
even your own prayers are different now, you pray for the sea — if your mother is allowed to be ambiguous with her gifts (curses) then she must expect the same ambiguity in your prayers in return. when you’re done half-heartedly muttering your prayers and sacrificing your food, your gaze meets a familiar pair of sea-green eyes across the campfire, glowing like a beacon in the dark. 
standing up, you find drew, looking every bit as perfect as ever. you lean down to whisper, “lights out at eleven, i’ll be back.” 
drew nods, squeezing your hand before she begins herding the rest of your half-siblings back to your cabin, solemn and toneless (an empty shell compared to the once vibrant and snarky drew from before).
the walk to the beach is silent, although you know that you’re being followed — you didn’t survive the war being complacent. when you finally do arrive, the mysterious figure reveals himself in the moonlight (again, you’d be a fool to not recognize the son of poseidon’s careful footsteps).
percy looks every bit of a character straight out of a tragic romance novel that your mother probably inspired, and again your heart squeezes painfully at the sight of him — under the scars and the jaded attitude, he is still the same percy jackson with stars in his eyes when he first introduced you to his mother. 
“why do the naiads call you that?” percy asks abruptly, tilting his head to the side as if studying you as he approaches.
barely audible accusations of apatu’ria bubble at the surface of the lake like seafoam; the whispers have followed you since you arrived at camp, and you have never known why.
“call me what?” you ask, feigning ignorance as iterations of deceitful replay across your mind.
percy blinks, confused, “isn’t your mother related to the sea somehow? don’t you know they call you apatu’ria?”
you fiddle with the gold bracelet on your wrist (a gift from selina), percy’s gaze follows the movement as you hesitate. “well, yeah, like i know what it means but i don’t know why they call me that.”
percy shrugged, shoving his hands into the pocket of his jeans. “they call me ‘prosklystios’ a lot,” he said (in the way that he knows you, better than you know yourself).  
“so what, we’re just reduced to epithets of our parents? what an honor,” you mumbled sarcastically, staring out at the lake, watching its surface ripple as the accusations grew more fervent. you paid it no mind however, the burden of being a daughter of aphrodite had already claimed its weight on your shoulders. 
“careful,” percy sighed, his gaze focusing on you instead of the water, “might’ve just won a war but that won’t stop either of us from being smited if big guy in the sky thinks we’re being impertinent.”
distant thunder rumbled overhead as if proving his point.
“speak for yourself, pretty boy,” you say, eyes looking toward the firmament littered with stars, incognizant of your admission, “if i got the gods to basically pay child support without being sent to tartarus, i would do whatever the fuck i wanted.”
percy being percy, of course, did not register that last bit of your sentence, a shit-eating grin forming across his face, a slight red hue tinging his cheeks, “you think i’m pretty.”
you turn to look at him, ignoring how your heart hammers at the way he’s smiling down at you, you roll your eyes. “percy,” you say slowly. “my mom is the goddess of love, everyone’s gorgeous in her eyes.”
“yeah, but not everyone’s gorgeous in your eyes.” 
gods, he was so aggravating but the way his eyes twinkled and the genuine elation on his face almost made you admit defeat. 
you crossed your arms over your chest, narrowing your eyes at him, “this is why i never compliment you, you always let it go to your head.”
“aw, c’mon, you love me for it though,” percy says, still grinning widely, his unruly black hair falling into place perfectly.
“you’re an actual attention-whore,” you say, spinning around on your heels and trekking across the sand, leaving percy alone to stare out at the water. you walk back to camp, ignoring percy’s calls of wait punctuated by his laughter as he jogs up behind you. 
“i hope mr. d catches you out past curfew and the harpies eat you,” you say deadpan, once percy has caught up to you. 
“you’d miss me too much and would come to be my hero, again,” percy smirks at you, following along as you head toward aphrodite cabin (you’re secretly very glad for his presence, you hate walking around camp when it’s this deserted — the memories that you tried so desperately to bury try to claw their way to the surface).
“just because i caught a knife for you, once, does not mean that i’ll ever do it again,” you say, folding your arms across your chest as you stand outside the door of your cabin. “getting stabbed is not a ten out of ten experience.”
percy softens, his impish grin still there, but the intensity of his gaze is enough to make you melt, “good, can’t have you dying on me.”
you snorted, “even if i did die, i’d tell nico to raise my ghost so i could haunt you forever.”
percy’s still smiling, his eyes are still soft, and he’s so close to you right now. “go out with me,” he says, suddenly, earnestly.
blood rushes to your ears. “what?” you blinked, staring at him as if he’d grown another head.
percy shrugged, leaning forward to press a feather-light kiss to the crown of your head. you barely registered the action in your mind, trying to regain your ability to form coherent sentences as you watched him. percy looked away from your questioning gaze. “better go before the harpies eat me,” he said before jogging in the direction of his cabin. 
he leaves you standing in front of your cabin door, frozen in shock for another five minutes, before you shake it off, and head inside, convincing yourself that you had imagined the entire encounter. the familiar scent of jasmine envelops you as you linger in the doorway. drew is still awake on her bed, her back pressed against the wall and her head in her arms. she doesn’t bother to look up at your entry until you’re sat next to her, curling an arm around her bony shoulders and pulling her into an embrace. 
the two of you sit in silence as drew attempts to calm her heartbeats to sync with yours, her head resting on your shoulder as you rub soothing circles into the planes of her shoulder. you fall asleep in a tangled mess of limbs, a desperate attempt to close the gaping hole selina left in her wake. this is sisterhood, you think when you wake up and drew’s head weighs like lead on your shoulder.
the bright morning does little to assuage your burdens — you know it’s going to be a long day as soon as you hear campers giggling. rule number one of being a camp counselor: no matter how benign, giggling is the number one sign of trouble.
you took a deep breath and exhaled slowly before turning to the younger half of your half-siblings currently in the process of attempting arts and crafts. “what the fuck do you guys keep giggling about?”
your half-siblings only giggle harder. 
after what seemed like eons, the new camper finally comes up to you — a kid no older than eight, who motions for you to bend down before they begin stage-whispering in your ear, “is percy jackson your boyfriend?”
you immediately feel scandalized, jerking away like you’ve been burned, “no, who said that?”
(when you’re being lulled to sleep by the sound of drew’s imperceptible snoring in your ear, your subconscious spends its time lingering, dwelling on could’ve been’s, and should’ve been’s, the obsession as stubborn as when you refused to believe that percy had actually died on mount st helens.)
the kid continues to smile ‘innocently’, “everyone says that you guys hold hands at campfires.”
sudden flashes of percy’s unyielding grip on your hand and his broad smile, as he forced you into a sing-a-long with him, rise to the forefront of your mind, but that was before — when annabeth still had a steely look in her eyes, when travis and connor’s antics still garnered laughs from everyone (and a rare amused glance from mr. d). now (the after), there is no such jocularity, and percy is kept at arm’s length, reduced to offering you sad smiles across the campfire.
“we do not hold hands at campfires,” you say, struggling to keep the disdain out of your voice.
“but there’s a ‘we’,” the kid says, scrutinizing you up and down.
you have to mentally count to three so that you don’t end up arguing with a literal child (it’s not a great way to prove that your sanctity is still intact). “there’s no we.”
the kid shrugs in an if you say so gesture, giving you one last weirdly knowing look before turning back to their arts and crafts. a weighty silence settles, punctuated only by the sounds of scissors and rustling papers. 
stares and loud whispers follow you around camp, more so than usual for an aphrodite kid — clarisse finds you in the midst of it all, lost in thought when her cabin is supposed to be pulverizing apollo cabin at volleyball, a sharp glint in her eye. 
“you’d tell if me you were dating prissy, right?” she says, her hand faintly closing around your elbow, pulling you out of your reverie. 
“what are you talking about?” you say, eyebrows raising in shock. this wasn’t your first rodeo — just before the war this summer, camp gossip had credited you to be going out with connor stoll, but this was different. clarisse was the fifth person today who had asked you if you were dating percy. 
“so you are dating him?” clarisse looks offended, or well, as offended as clarisse can be, “and you didn’t tell me.”
you can feel eyes on you, watching your every move as other campers subtly pause their activities to listen in. 
“clarisse,” you say slowly, reaching out to hold her forearms and looking her in the eye, “i’m not dating percy.” when she opens her mouth to interrupt, you add, “and i would definitely tell you if i was.”
clarisse exhales, shooting you a disbelieving look, but mercifully leaving you alone with a quiet, “okay.”
you know what she’s thinking, so you offer her a taut smile, patting her on her shoulder as you brush past her. you headed toward the lake, with a feeling that you’d find the answers you were searching for.
the lake is empty except for one solitary figure on the sand, facing the horizon with his hands in his pockets. you hang back for a minute or two, taking in the sight of percy with his eyes closed, and the peaceful look on his face. 
a grin settled across his face as he addressed you, his eyes still closed, “i know you think i’m pretty, you don’t have to stare to prove it.”
you ignored his words, and he opened his eyes to watch you angrily march across the sand to stand face to face with him. 
“are you the reason why everyone thinks we’re seeing each other?”
“yeah, why?”
to say that you’re taken aback is an understatement — you had anticipated some more denial but this was unexpected. and sudden.  
you jab a finger at his chest, “everyone’s getting the wrong idea, so you need to stop whatever it is you’re doing like right now.”
“but they could have the right idea,” percy says, looking amused.
your heart scrapes painfully against your chest, “what the fuck are you talking about?”
“we could be dating, for real,” percy says, excruciatingly slow, elongating each word. 
the earth stops spinning on its axis for a minute, and time seems to freeze — for a split second you worry kronos has risen again before you calm your racing heartbeat and exhale slowly.
“i need you to be so for real right now,” you say, your eyebrows furrowing.
“i’m being so deadass right now.” 
“no, you’re not,” you say, turning and walking away. your heart squeezes pitifully in your chest, as you call out, “find me when you stop joking,” before leaving him alone on the shore.
when percy approaches you again, you think he’s finally come back to his senses, though a weaker, more primitive urge inside you hopes that he hasn’t (it’s for the better, you try and fail to convince yourself).
he interrupts your conversation with drew (though the two of you weren’t doing much talking), smiling charmingly at her before asking if he could steal you away for a minute during breakfast. drew shot you a concerned look, waiting for your reassuring smile before assenting.
“you’ve come to your senses?” you ask after percy leads you away from the mess hall.
“i’ve always had my senses, thank you very much,” percy grins.
you roll your eyes, trying not to smile, “oh yeah, i could totally tell when you played rock, paper, scissors with a hundred-handed one last summer.”
“hey,” percy says, throwing his hands up in the air defensively, “i won that one.”
“on a gamble,” you countered, smiling (you missed this, missed him, and the feeling that everything will be alright enduring).
“not the point.”
“then what is?”
“go out with me,” he repeats, sudden, and earnest.
your heart stuttered pitifully. “not this again,” you sighed.
“why not?” 
“you know why,” percy tries to make eye contact with you. still, you avoid his gaze, watching the other campers heading into the mess hall give the two of you weird looks. 
“no, i don’t,” you say firmly, before walking away, ignoring his protests, leaving behind a group of onlookers that you could care less about, and percy, who was staring at the spot you had just been standing in.
you returned to your cabin, to the familiar jasmine scent and pearl adornments, and promptly collapsed on your bed. more than anything, you just wanted your mother. you wanted your mother to smooth out your hair as you cried, offer you advice, and get rid of the stupid curse.
the door opens quietly and you immediately sit up, dabbing at your face and hoping that your eyes haven’t turned red and swollen already. drew shut the door gently behind her, her expression softening the slightest fraction at the sight of you.
“do i look that bad?” you ask, trying not to sniffle (and failing miserably).
a whirlwind of emotions cross drew’s face and you manage a watery grin. “okay, y’know what, don’t tell me then.”
drew sits next to you on the bed, handing you a box of tissues, “wasn’t planning to.” 
the two of you sit shoulder to shoulder as she lets you have a minute to clean up before going straight for the jugular. “i heard what happened.”
you laughed, a choking noise that dissolved into weak coughing. drew patted your back. “so, the entire camp knows now?”
“no,” she says, before changing her mind, “well, yeah.” 
“great,” you groaned, “my life is so over.”
drew tensed, tearing her gaze from the posters of hot people on the wall, to look at you, her brown eyes ablaze with fury and her silver earrings (also a gift from silena) jangle, “shut up, you’re the senior counselor of aphrodite cabin, and they’re all losers unworthy of your time. your life so isn’t over.”
(this is the drew from before, the drew that comes and goes in flashes so sudden that you try to piece her together like a puzzle that never seems to connect.)
“the curse,” you say, your throat tight. 
drew’s eyes widen imperceptibly, her blue eyeshadow sparkling in the candlelit cabin, before her expression settles into a scowl. “what about the gift?” her voice sharpens as she stresses the last word, sparing the smallest glance toward the roof of the cabin.
you can’t continue, and you don’t have to — she knows what it is that you’re thinking of (she always has, from the minute you met her, two cold and shaking children alone in the dark).
she shakes her head emphatically. “silena,” her voice chokes, before dropping to a whisper, “silena left us — you can’t leave us too.”
“i know,” you whisper back, your eyes filling with tears. “i know.”
“oh, honey,” drew says sympathetically, drawing you into her arms, and smoothing your hair away from your face as you let out a sob against her shoulder. “break his heart,” she says. 
“i can’t,” you mumble.
“you have to. he’ll die if you don’t, and a broken heart is better than dying.”
“i can’t do that to him, he’s so unbelievably good, drew, he deserves everything and more.”
“ignoring how ridiculously sappy that sounded, look at what happened to beckendorf,” you pretend not to notice how drew stumbles through his name (he looked at silena as if she had personally hung the stars in the night sky), “maybe he wouldn’t have gotten over it, but he would’ve been alive.”
you remember how silena had proudly said she was going to put an end to the archaic rite of passage your cabin was infamous for around camp; beautiful, idealistic silena with stars in her eyes (who liked beckendorf to the point she’d blush profusely at the mention of his name), who had no idea that this would all come crashing down around her some short months later. 
at your silence, drew continues, still stroking your hair, “look, not to make this harder, but even i’ll admit jackson’s one of those guys you meet once in a lifetime—”
“thanks, drew, that was really helpful,” you interrupt, chuckling dryly.
“oh, shut up, i had a point,” drew says, swatting your shoulder playfully.
you sigh, letting her continue.
“so, like i was saying before i was so rudely interrupted, because jackson’s one of those once-in-a-lifetime type of guys—” here, you coughed pointedly, making drew glare at you before continuing, “—you should be like more willing to see him happy and like living a long ass life because you’re so in love with him.”
“so what, either i reject him and ruin our friendship irreversibly or we date and i break his heart and ruin our friendship irreversibly, or we date and i don’t break his heart and he dies tragically and there’s a possibility that i die tragically too?”
drew shrugged, making a tiny braid in your hair, “pretty much.”
you turned your head in her lap to look her in the eye, “how are you so apathetic about this?”
“someone has to be because you’re not thinking this through rationally.”
you groaned, “aphrodite has to hate us.” (you haven’t called her ‘mom’ genuinely except to her face during the winter solstices.)
“no, she lives for this kind of thing,” drew rolled her eyes, braiding another piece of your hair, “she definitely thinks she’s doing us a favor.”
you groaned again, “what if i just avoid him until summer ends and he goes back to school and forgets this happened.”
“i didn’t think love made you this stupid,” drew says, amused.
“shut up, i can’t wait until you have the same dilemma, and you’re the one asking for advice.”
“doubt it,” drew says, wryly.
you rolled your eyes, “okay, but what if i tell him about the ‘gift’,” you make air-quotes, “and let him decide?”
“yeah, but what if that just makes it backfire and makes you die tragically either way.”
“well, at least he’ll know about the possibility? it’s better than just being like ‘oh i can’t date you even though i’ve liked you since i was twelve’ with like zero explanation whatsoever.”
you hear muffled footsteps coming from outside of the cabin, and the door swings open loudly to admit lacy, who looks flustered and out of breath. you and drew quickly sprang up off your bed at her arrival.
“your boyfriend’s asking for you,” she says, looking at you.
drew raises her eyebrows at you, an unspoken are you going to see him? behind it. 
you furrowed your eyebrows back at her, conveying no, shut up.
drew shrugged at you as if saying if you say so.
lacy looks between the two of you, confusion apparent before cautiously interrupting, “he’s waiting outside, by the way.”
you panicked at the thought of possibly confronting percy, “lacy, whatever you do, don’t tell him i’m in here.” you paused, “wait, tell him i’m taking a nap or something, please.”
more shuffling noises can be heard from outside, and drew groans, smacking her forehead with her palm, “what is wrong with you?”
you ignored her, focusing on lacy, whose confusion intensified as she looked between the two of you. “tell him i’m sleeping and he should try coming back later.”
she nodded, before opening the door and stepping outside.
drew stared at you, “y’know, i thought people were exaggerating when they said love makes you stupid but after looking at you, they were so right.”
you scowled at drew. she raised her arms in surrender, “just calling it like i see it.”
lacy returned a second later, “um, he wasn’t outside when i went to tell him.”
that was decidedly odd, but you chalked it up to him being busy or something, and shrugged, “i’ll see him later, it’s fine.”
it was actually not fine, because you didn’t see him later. or the next day. or the day after. well, you saw him but you didn’t see him. percy had somehow uncovered a hidden talent for making himself appear everywhere and nowhere all at once. he was there at meals, laughing with tyson or grover, he was at sword fighting practices, leading the class or giving clarisse a partner, he was at campfires, sitting next to annabeth and connor. yet, the minute you tried to approach him, it was almost as if he’d vanish, like an immortal was running interference.
you’ve taken to wandering by the lake on most nights — your only company the voices of silena (go talk to him, her urging is as present as if she was really there, memories of the time the two of you hadn’t been talking for a week resurging) and luke (what’re you doing out this late, kid? a phantom hand reaching out to ruffle your hair, and the feeling of ice being poured down your back envelops you). 
as the sun sets, the tall and lanky figure — a figure you could recognize on the darkest nights — stands overlooking the lake in true jay gatsby fashion, his hands dug deep into the pockets of his baggy jeans. you stop and stare for a second (maybe a minute, an hour, time has truly escaped you), and suddenly you’re small and shivering in the dark again. 
percy doesn’t look at you when you approach, though he fidgets with his camp necklace. 
“hi,” you say, unsure of where to begin. 
percy sighs, “look, if you’re here to ask for space, i get it, i didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable the other day.” he doesn’t turn to look at you or even glance at you through the corner of his eye once. 
“what?” you ask. “what are you talking about?”
“trust me, i get it, you don’t have to try to spare my feelings,” percy says. you want to will him to spare you just a glance. still, he avoids your gaze, focused on the horizon before you. “we’ve been friends for so long, i thought you could be honest with me.”
his words, though not said harshly (percy isn’t capable of being harsh, not to you at least) cut through you like a knife. 
“you heard me when i was talking to lacy, then,” you say, with horror as the realization dawns on you slowly.
percy finally looks at you, and the sheer hurt in his iridescent eyes makes you inhale sharply. a lump forms in your throat.
“i did,” he confirms quietly. “why didn’t you say something earlier?”
fighting in a war hadn’t prepared you for man’s greatest folly, something that you, arguably, should’ve been good at. the lump in your throat is difficult to dislodge, yet percy is patient as you swallow uncomfortably.
“i never meant it like that.”
percy’s eyes flash, and you feel sick to your stomach. “have you ever wondered why so many of the other cabins hate us?”
his previously pained expression morphed into a look of confusion. you continued, “in aphrodite cabin, our rite of passage is to break your first love’s heart. silena—” your voice breaks. “—silena tried to put an end to it, and then both she and beckendorf—” you choke up again, and percy’s expression becomes solemn, “died tragically. we didn’t know the consequences of not doing it were real until then, and we realized it was a curse.”
you watch percy seemingly wrestle with his thoughts, taking a step toward you. 
“why didn’t you tell me this earlier?” there is no judgment in his voice, yet you still feel embarrassment pooling in your stomach.
“can you honestly tell me that you’re okay with this? with the gods dictating another aspect of your life?” (somewhere in the back of your mind, you can hear luke’s voice repeating the same sentence.)
“you didn’t ask for this either.”
“it’s not our job to question them,” you say, trying not to let a tear slip.
“maybe we should,” percy says, still looking straight at you. 
“careful,” you say, as thunder rumbled distantly overhead, “this is what luke was saying.”
“i don’t care,” percy says, “if you or i die a tragic death, we’ll just have to go through tartarus.”
he said it so simply, so matter-of-factly that your breath catches in your throat.
“so, you’re okay with this?” you ask, trying to suppress the tinge of hopefulness in your voice.
percy looked at you in disbelief, his face was so earnest, “why wouldn’t i be?”
you laughed, more out of shock than anything else. percy continued, “i think your mother would think we’d make a cute couple, so maybe she won’t curse us with a tragic end.”
you’re grinning now, tears forgotten, “more like she’ll give us a tragic end because she likes us.”
percy shrugged, “i think we’ll be fine as long as we’re together.”
he kissed you, finally, which was long over-due, and you felt like everything was finally falling into place. 
“took you guys long enough.” 
you turned around to find the source of the interruption, making eye-contact with clarisse, her arms folded and a smug expression on her face. beside her stands most of your friends, all adorning matching wicked expressions. your heart stops beating for a second before your cheeks flush with embarrassment.
“how much of that did you guys hear?” percy asked, suddenly looking bashful.
“most of it,” drew replied with a smirk.
percy looked at you, a mixture of embarrassment and amusement on his face as your friends surrounded the both of you, hoisting you on their shoulders.
“maybe the two of you need to cool off,” annabeth said with a laugh.
connor grinned at her, before calling out, “dump them in the lake!”
you groaned, begging, “annabeth, please.”
“this is payback for all the pining i had to witness over the years,” she said with another bright laugh.
percy shrugged at you, a grin on his face as if saying accept your fate. you gave in, shaking your head as you laughed at their antics.
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cannellee · 7 months
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୨୧ demigod! alpha! tokyo revengers x omega! reader (pairing : kazutora, mitsuya, baji, mikey, takemichi, shinichiro, izana, ran, draken, taiju, kokonoi, kakucho)
— a mix of what cabins they would be in and how they would be like with their omega (cabin = which god/goddess would they be the son of)
my masterlist : ☆
(I just finished watching the serie 'percy jackson' on disney+ and I just thought it would be an interesting idea to explore! of course it's purely my opinion and it might not be really representative. it's also fine if you don't know anything about percy jackson! I didn't add any details about the plot/storyline)
(+ if you've read my other headcanons, some of them might be similar to what I've already posted.. I hope none of you will mind!)
(+ I'm thinking about making it a serie : about a huge harem probably? or separated stories about omega!reader's life inside the half blood camp pls tell me what you think!!)
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ALPHA! KAZUTORA (aphrodite)
he's a hard one, like all the others, but I remember seeing a post in which kazutora was described as fairly attractive and that he was quite popular with the girls. seeing just how deceiving he can be with a charming smile on, convinced me to put him under the banner of aphrodite.
with the omega he wants to court, kazutora has no shame making use of his powers to woo her. he'll manipulate her emotions so she can only find comfort in his arms. despite being an alpha, kazutora has a pretty delicate scent which makes you want to trust him. he's aware of his charm and makes a good use of it whenever he considers necessary.
he's hopelessly devoted and indulges in his passionate love a 100%, so he often comes off as intense and overwhelming. he doesn't care though, he loves his omega with a burning passion and you need to know it. people also need to stay put, as he's pretty jealous. he's not the son of love itself for nothing, if an opponent arises, he's quick to get rid of him.
as I said, kazutora is willing to manipulate you in order to get you under his watch. he wants to supervise his lover. as an alpha, he's even more protective and possessive, he's terrified of losing you to someone else. he'll shower you with compliments and affection, inevitably forcing you to let your guard down because he's just so kind. this will make it easy for him to keep you under his influence, whether you know it or not.
as a child of aphrodite, kazutora wants to make you fall in love with him, it doesn't matter if it's with a false image of him or if he had to manipulate you. he just wants his pretty omega by his side, the only one worthy of his love and worship.
kazutora still is a toxic person, he'll exploit your vulnerabilities and the trust you place in him, for his own gain. he could use guilt-tripping, gaslighting or emotional blackmail ; he has no morals. he wants you for himself and he'll use any ways he sees fit to achieve his dream of being the only one you think about. you're the only one on his mind, it should go both ways, otherwise kazutora will feel betrayed.
you often get confused at his behaviour. how can someone be so kind, soft and attentive to you, just to end up messing with your mind like that. you don't know what to think anymore and you're just left with kazutora as your compass, as he successfully got rid of anything susceptible to drive you away from him. you didn't even realise – with how sweetly overbearing his presence is – that he managed to make your cute little brain forget about everything else. your feelings, all over the place because of his sickly gentle smiles and words, made you solely focus on him to the point that you just couldn't find happiness in anyone else but him.
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I think he could be a child of hera ; he's a great cook, responsible and reliable, independent and has his priorities straight. it's also confirmed that he's one of the best boyfriends of toman and I know alpha!mitsuya's dream is to build a family. the way he looks after his little sisters, despite his exhaustion, is a sign of how family oriented he is.
mitsuya is just so kind with his omega, reassuring, and a strong power you can count on. you don't fear anything when he's here, he's a protector and a provider. he has a deep sense of duty which compels him to keep you healthy and happy.
his omega is his joy, he's happy if you are. mitsuya is committed and view your relationship as something extremely serious he would never let go of. he expects the same devotion from his omega, as he values loyalty above anything else.
he wishes for you both to marry each other as he thrives in your presence. you can expect a merry domestic life with him, he takes care of you and keeps the relationship going with cute and funny date ideas. he has everything planned along for you, he wants to secure your future and make sure everything goes smoothly.
he also provides a stable environment for you, he approaches conflicts calmly and rationally, so you never stressed out whenever you have one of those rare arguments. your couple is healthy and lovely, mitsuya cuddles you each day, calls you whenever he has time and he's away ; he wants nothing more than to keep you safe, showering you with tender affection.
you'll never feel unloved or unsafe. hera is fierce and protective, she's also a jealous deity who sees her couple as almost sacred. mitsuya will eradicate any threats that might come your way. he'll go feral should his omega ever feel scared and distressed. it would mean that he failed as your alpha and mitsuya would feel more than defeated, crushed and will be desperate to make it up to you, to show you you can still rely on him. please give him a chance.
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ALPHA! BAJI (zeus)
baji is a son of zeus. he might not be the leader of toman, but he does have that central position with a ton lot of leadership qualities in him. he kind of is a mediator in a way, and cares for the people around him a lot, and they also look up to him, which gives him a lot of authority.
he's controlling and will absolutely get mad in the right situations. baji doesn't let just anyone near his omega, but he tries to take your opinions into consideration. he might be an alpha and therefore know better than you about whether something or someone is dangerous, but he'll let you do your own thing as long as he's there to watch and protect.
he wants a bit of control over you as well. as I said, his protective instincts are strong and very sensitive, he isn't delusional the way kazutora could be, but he's weary and suspicious. one wrong move and that man you were talking to is done for.
it might come out as small bursts of aggressiveness and anger, throwing earth shaking thunders whenever his omega's well being and honour are threatened. this behaviour of his truly is a shocking contrast to how soft and enamored he is with you. people are cautious around him, scared even, like they are walking around a volcano ready to burst. but you just have that privileged relationship with him, which allows you to let your guard down and jokingly mess with him. he lets you do about anything you want and accepts everything you do with a straight face and a satisfied scent.
baji wants to claim you. not just for everyone to see but to feel a connection with the one he devoted himself to. you're his whole world, you offer him stability and a place he can finally let go of all his worries and responsibilities. he wants nothing more than to solidify that strong link between the two of you.
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without any surprise, takemichi definitely is a son of hermes. be it the way he time travels, his smart personality (yes) ; he can think quickly and make the actual best decisions even if he doesn't realise it. despite being awkward, he communicates well and makes friends everywhere he goes, he's a people magnet and charms them unknowingly.
takemichi was able to court you with his naturally funny personality and playful banter. he's awkward ; and that's a good change you love to see in an alpha. he's not overwhelming and gives you your own space. he's respectful and values your opinions so much to the point that you might as well be his moral compass.
he has great principles and you would never abuse his kindness and dedication to you. but you can't help but notice how tamed he becomes whenever you're talking to him. if you tell or ask him something, he complies without a word.
in his eyes, you're glowing and smell so divinely good. are you sure you're not a goddess yourself ? because takemichi just can't get enough of you, as if he's hypnotized.
despite being surrounded by so many people, takemichi's eyes are solely set on you. he lives to make you laugh and is very sensitive about your emotions ; whenever you're down and feeling stressed, he quickly becomes a huge support. he calms you, reassures you by drowning you in his scent and praises. he knows exactly what to say.
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I don't think it surprises anyone as well, but I see him as a child of ares. although with his complex personality it's hard to rank him under a god for sure, but he shares the most traits with him, especially with his "dark impulse". he likes to fight, get into trouble and doesn't actively respect hierarchies. and not only does he love throwing hands, but he's particularly good at it, to the point of sparking fear and respect to his comrades and enemies alike.
mikey's personality as the son of ares isn't exactly that far from the reality. he's often violent, and for no particular reasons. but he's even more reckless whenever it involves his omega. along with provoking such violent urges, it also gives him another reason to beat someone up and he would never dodge that chance.
still, he's charismatic and despite everything, you find yourself drawn to him like a moth to a flame. he's so confident, jumping into any battles without an ounce of fear that your instincts can't help but feel at ease with him. you know you have nothing to fear ; mikey will protect you at the cost of his life. and his reputation also works like a charm to keep danger at bay.
mikey is jealous, and will become enraged if you were to show interest or affection for other men. instead of confronting you, he'll just erase them directly. that way, you have no other choice than to turn to him. if mikey keeps eliminating all of his concurrency, you'll soon come to realise that no other alphas can compare to him. you'll look at him with just as much love and desperation as he does. he doesn't care if he has to use his power and influence to keep you by his side, he'll do it with little to no regard for consequences. so what if you're mad or devastated, it was the right thing to do : a good alpha can't let bugs crawl around his omega.
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I hesitated between apollo and hephaestus, but I figured the only think he really shares with him is his ability to create, his love for machines and his technical skills. so I settled for apollo! shinichiro is a peaceful mediator, kind and compassionate, he sees the good in everyone and doesn't tolerate people without any sense of morality. he might not play any instrument and doesn't have a particular taste for music, but he has that healing and positive aura that draws people to him, kind of like takemichi.
in shinichiro's eyes, you're a joy to be around and he wants to keep that merry personality of yours by his side for as much as you'll let him.
I like to imagine alpha!shinichiro similar to who he was during the first timeline : a fierce and great fighter, with an abundant love for his family.
shinichiro nurtures an ardent affection for you, unwavering and he borderline worships you. he won't let anyone harm you, he'll fight for you, threatens anyone for you and do so much more. he has a sense of responsibility now that you're his, he can't let you down nor disappoint you. you'll see just how much of an infatuated man he is.
apollo is cruel and vengeful ; shinichiro doesn't tolerate any negative intentions towards his omega. he's observant and doesn't let second chances : if you disrespect his lover, you'll pay, end of story.
just remember apollo's love life, he's passionate and romantic. it goes beyond death and he's loyal to a fault. shinichiro knows you're the one, you make him believe in love at first sight.
just as any other god, apollo is jealous. this trait of his passed down to shinichiro, who actually acts out on this feeling secretly. he won't ever let you see such a bad side of him ; he's supposed to be your unshakable partner, calm and collected. he'll just claim you, scent you, appears more often with you during social outings. and if that still doesn't work, he'll have no choice but to be more violent. but you'll know none of this ; he'll remain confident and positive, with soft smiles and tender kisses.
he provides such a comforting space for his omega, soothing any of your worry with a radiant smile. you know he has everything under control, so you can abandon yourself completely to your alpha.
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ALPHA! IZANA (hades)
izana could be associated with so many deities but I'll settle for hades. his deranged thoughts and past actually make up most of his personality and explain his whole behaviour; he can't let go of any of his burdens and remains absolutely crushed and tortured by them. he feels lonely, betrayed and has so many negative emotions circling around him. he has trouble connecting with other people the way any normal person would, he's rude and direct, and you can even think he doesn't actually care about his comrades because of his aggressive actions.
contrary to hades, izana does let out his emotions a lot. he actually can't quite control them and is often a slave to his own feelings. he's crazily jealous and possessive, his instincts are all over the place, forcing him to keep you locked away somewhere he considers safe enough.
he hates those lusty eyes people have whenever you come by, he wants to just tear their faces apart. still, he does nothing, too preoccupied by the image you might have of him.
he's violent and pitiless, but there are times when he's self conscious and would hate himself if you were to tremble and cry from fear of him. sure it does help to keep you in check ; his omega should listen well, stay put and pretty, ready to obey him. but there's a limit he's not mentally ready to cross. don't hate him the way others do, don't look at him with a consuming fear he's so familiar to see in other's eyes.
you're one of the few people, if not the only, he lets himself be vulnerable around. he expects a devotion and willingness on your side to just do anything he asks. he won't hesitate to force you into submission, coating you with sweet words contrasting of his actions ; he doesn't know how to love and it will feel suffocating at times. but you manage.
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ALPHA! RAN (dionysus)
an easy one. dionysus is the god of wine and parties and likes to be the center of attention, although this could be more accurate for bonten!ran era. ran just loves to indulge in pleasures, participate in what one would consider as immoral and unholy. he actually couldn't care less about other people's opinions and simply enjoys what life has in store (brothels, alcohol, murder... you get it). ran is a red flag and he just enjoys chaos, he doesn't care about stability and just want to have fun. he's intense and often hard to decipher, making him a complex person.
ran is absolutely infatuated with you, he finds you intriguing, ridiculously pretty and your scent is intoxicating. how can he not desire your presence ?
being with you feels like a drug, you just can't leave his mind and that's why he can't let go of you either. he indulges fully into the pleasures of life and you just so happen to be the perfect embodiment of all the joys he seems to crave so openly.
he is sociable and there always seems to be a flock of people around him. he loves the attention, but yours particularly, to your surprise. you don't know what about you charmed him, why you of all people considering how popular he is. but here you are, glued to him and not exactly out of your own will.
ran wants you by his side, so you'll stay. simple as that. he's constantly burying his nose in the crook of your neck. you just smell so nice and every part of you is to die for. he extends predatory hands out to you, exploring your body shamelessly without any concerns for how you feel. he just wants to touch you, feel you and own you.
he's a great talker, he knows exactly what to tell you to make you behave the way he wants. if he doesn't like you around someone, he won't tell you directly, although he could, considering the power he has over you. but he'd rather make it fun : not letting you have any control over the situation and making you act a certain way all because he decided of it. like a puppet, you'll be under the good will of ran, you don't have a word to say.
despite this complex personality, he doesn't like when things get too complicated. yes he might enjoy tricking you and messing with your head, but he's all too open to fun and pleasure. so he's someone who'll spend his time having fun with you, never letting anything get boring.
as I said, he's possessive. he's an alpha and a demigod. you're both his plaything and partner, and he absolutely despises whenever someone tries to turn you away from him. just like how he looks for you first in a crowd, his omega can't have wandering eyes. he gets annoyed quickly when his fun is ruined by a stupid alpha, so he'll also get rid of the problem just as fast as it appeared. no time for gloomy and uncomfortable feelings !
he doesn't know any limits and doesn't seem to understand why you might have any. he'll let you do about anything to him, use him to satisfy any urge you might have, relieve your anger and envy however you like. just use him, just like he does with you. that's his definition of love and he can't help but levitate around you like a magnet. it's stronger than him.
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ALPHA! DRAKEN (poseidon)
I'm not satisfied with this pick, but draken works well as a son of poseidon. he's big and tall, imposing, but never goes too far, he knows how to regulate his strength as to not abuse it. he's protective and loyal, calm at times and especially when it's needed. he's a pillar to his team, toman, and people know they can count on him. he's stoic and you would never guess what's going on inside his head, although it doesn't mean he's aloof ; as I said, he's attentive and caring, he's both a shield and sword to his friends.
draken here is a bit similar to what I already wrote about him on my blog so I'll be quick.
it's painfully obvious you're his omega and you're not to be messed with. he's stable like the sea and you can't help but wish he'll let you stick with him. luckily, draken has heart eyes for you only, so he lets you have your own privileges.
it's sometimes so subtle you might not notice it. but draken does have a soft spot for you ; constantly checking up on you, asking you where you've been, what you did and with whom.
I know poseidon has a bad temper, he is proud and competitive. draken is all of the above but in a reasonable way, he doesn't go overboard. when he's in a stable condition, he knows he has the situation under control and doesn't even feel the need to keep you away. you're an omega sure, but he trusts himself enough that you don't need to be hidden.
as I said, he appears calm, but whenever he does get angry, albeit not that rare, it's always shocking and terrifying. he's so intimidating, he has that dark look which makes you want to lower your gaze, and his scent forces anyone to recognize his power.
he's so protective, gently cradling you in his arms if you're feeling scared. even if he knows you have nothing to be scared of – since he's there – he won't allow any negative emotions to crawl their way up to you. he's your shield to this particularly cruel world.
he will never judge you for how you feel : he's aware that omegas are more sensitive than alphas. he will therefore make sure you're never exposed to too much at once. he'll just assert dominance, both to keep you safe and to inform others that he's what they'll be confronted with if they ever approach you.
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another son of ares! I can't see him as anything else than that, taiju literally is the embodiment of war and violence. he has a quick temper, he easily gets annoyed and wants things to go his way. his solution to problems is to use his fists carelessly and he's not that reassuring, no matter who you are to him (friend, family, comrade or enemy). and I just know this man has a massive breeding kink, which would totally fit with ares, as he's a symbol of virility and masculine potency. this guy wants a lineage and to exert control over his omega.
same for him, I already described him pretty well in other posts so it will probably be repetitive.
taiju is unsurprisingly aggressive and thrives whenever he's surrounded by violence. he wants nothing more than to taste blood and feel the adrenaline a good fight gives him.
he wants you to look at him, to see just how strong your alpha is. be proud and feel safe. taiju is sending you painfully obvious messages of what will happen if he was to catch you cheating. you can be sure he'll never let it slide, he'll beat the hell out of anyone who looks at you and anyone you look at. by now, you learnt to never cross the eyes of anyone else for their own sake.
he's suffocating, his love is mean and jealous. you're his precious possession, don't leave his sight. he likes to see you look so small, he towers over you like he could crush your frail form if he didn't pay attention to how much pressure he was hugging you with.
this difference makes him feel in charge in the best way possible, he knows you can't resist him anyways. he loves that vulnerability of yours, how naive and dumb you can be. let taiju be the master of your decisions. as an alpha, he's way better suited to guide you than you are. please stay quiet and cute, just like always. he can't have his adorable omega tainted by unholy thoughts and disgusting people. you're so pure, you need to stay that way.
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I was tempted to associate him to dionysus, but he doesn't have that extravagant personality and tendency of falling into the excesses. so athena is a pretty good pick I think. he's calm and collected, deeply loyal and ready to sacrifice himself for his loved ones, even going as far as giving up his morals. he's extremely smart and understands how everything works easily, he never strays from his goal once he has his mind set on it and his role as a money maker in his gang proves just how much his members trust him and recognize his reliability. moreover, he's not just brains, but knows how to fight pretty well, making him a great opponent.
he's cool headed most of the times. you're automatically attracted to him by his honesty and steadfast love for you. he wants the best for you and he'll give it to you in a heartbeat.
yes he does care about good and evil, what is right and wrong, but with his doe-eyed omega right in front of him, it's easy for him to just forget what morality is. he tries his best to add you into his virtuous life, but he often strays off from his righteous path if your safety is involved.
he's oftentimes composed and keeps his emotions his check, he doesn't get easily affected by the sorrows of others. but you're his weakness, and he hates your crying face despite everything. it bothers him so much to be this affected by you, but he slowly came to embrace his love for you, and life has never been easier.
he's so faithful. there's something about the both of you being so committed to one another that drives his mind crazy. he recognises you as one of his own, you're his omega and therefore, all of the people he interacts with need to show you the same respect he harbours for you.
just like athena is a defensive force, kokonoi has a strong sense of duty : he protects you without any fear. if he can't do that correctly then he has nothing to be proud of. it's a life rule at this point ; no harm should come across your silk-like skin.
he's possessive and does scent you a lot, but he doesn't want to come off as suffocating and too overpowering. he gives you your own time and space, letting you go away to cool off if you ever get mad at him. it does kill him to have you so far away from him and to know he's the reason of your annoyance, but he also knows what's best for your relationship and he doesn't want to risk anything he carefully built with you for so long.
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ALPHA! KAKUCHO (demeter)
I know this one will make a few brows furrow, but I just think it fits. demeter is kind and compassionate, just like kakucho. he has that protective role in the gang, especially towards izana and he's ready to ignore justice, morals and virtue in favour of his loved ones. he's similar in this way, to how protective demeter is with her daughter persephone. kakucho loves deeply and his fierce nature serves others, not his ideals or own goals.
kakucho is a kind alpha! he has no dirty thoughts and bad intentions towards you. he simply loves you and wish you would reciprocate his feelings.
he won't force anything on you, while being deeply involved in your relationship. he admires you and your generous personality. he thinks you're out of his league but still, he'll try to win your heart by exceeding every of your expectations.
just like demeter who's overly protective of her daughter, kakucho's main concern is his omega. it's getting repetitive but you need to know that an alpha mixed with a god can be nothing else if not possessive and protective.
kakucho reminds you of a warm home and you're always more than happy to jump into his arms, excited for his comforting hugs. he kisses your temple softly, whispers praises words of how pretty you look and caresses your knuckles with his thumb whenever he holds your hand.
it's literally written on his face that he loves you more than he values his life. he gets shy when you mention it but never denies it. contrary to some alphas, he isn't embarrassed to affirm that he indeed listens very well to his omega. he, who is supposed to be all big and intimidating, melts into a puddle whenever you call him over with a baby voice. god, he loves when you treat him so sweetly.
demeter also has a temper of her own and could become very fierce when angry. kakucho has that vibe as well, the feeling of a sleeping storm, awaiting the moment when someone will mess something up to burst.
he usually doesn't let his emotions control him, but when someone threatens him to steal you from him because he supposedly can't take care of you, he just explodes. kakucho will give anything he has and doesn't have for you, what right does a stranger have to quality him as competent enough or not ? although when his wrath has passed, he'll feel a bit self conscious and scared that some truth was hidden in his words. but if you do a great job at reassuring him and telling him how safe and giddy kakucho makes you feel, then he'll be fine as well.
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pjohoo-reclists · 2 months
hey, i was wondering if you had any fics where percy joins luke?
Hi Anon!! You're in luck, I've got a few.
Percy Jackson Joins Luke Castellan Rec List
A list of fics where Percy Jackson joins Luke Castellan and Kronos's side during Titan War. Ships vary. Enjoy!
love is the salvation of the world by crazymateinnit
T | 1.2k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Luke Castellan
The gods are bad parents, Luke Castellan centric, Good Kronos
In another world, Percy Jackson was the Champion of the Gods. But in this world, Percy was born three years earlier. He found the love of his life in a bitter blonde boy who hated his father but still offered Percy all the love in the world. In this world, Percy took a place in the General’s army. In this world, Percy fought against the gods. OR: Percy falls in love with Luke Castellan and joins him in Kronos’s Army.
i was the good kid (and it got me nothing) by phoenix_flying
T | 2.1k | Complete
Percy Jackson & Luke Castellan, Percy Jackson & Alabaster Torrington, Percy Jackson & Annabeth Chase
Good Luke Castellan, Self-indulgent, Percy joins Kronos
“You should’ve died in Tartarus. But you’re just a kid. Younger then me when I got to camp. I have an offer.” “An offer…?” "You could join us.” OR luke and percys chat goes a lil different
Soulmates on Opposing Sides by Takara_Phoenix
T | 2.1k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Luke Castellan/Octavian
Polyamory, Soulmates, Percy joins the rebel army
[Prompts: triads + soulmates] Luke had a plan. A solid plan. Until his soulmate comes stumbling into Camp Half-Blood. Suddenly, his plans need some adjustment. Or: Percy's flaw is his loyalty, what if he has a soulmate with whom that loyalty now lays...?
you shall be deceived by one who calls you a friend by phoenix_flying
G | 2.3k | Complete
Percy Jackson & Luke Castellan, Percy Jackson & Annabeth Chase, Alabaster Torrington & Annabeth Chase
Good Luke Castellan, Percy Jackson joins Kronos, Post The Lightning Thief
Percy leaned his head on the window, letting his eyes close. His mind drifted to a car ride with his mom, the radio playing some random station they both enjoyed and a comfortable silence as they drove. He missed her. OR percy meets some of his allies
Stripped by robindrake93
M | 2.4k+ | Last Updated Feb 20, 2024
Percy Jackson/Luke Castellan
Homelessness, Runaway Percy Jackson, Action/Adventure
When Luke asks Percy to run away with him, Percy says yes.
A Heroes Fault by EMMESCRISIS
G | 2.7k+ | Last Updated April 27, 2024
Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase
Camp Half-Blood (Percy Jackson), Percy Jackson Needs a Hug, Dark Percy Jackson
Percy joins Luke on his quest to bring back Kronos.
If I Could Kill You, I Would by TheGayGhostKing
T | 3.0k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase, Percy Jackson & Luke Castellan, Percy Jackson & Grover Underwood
Dark Percy Jackson, Songfic, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse
Percy joins Luke at the end of TLO Wolf In Sheep's Clothing Songfic
Dark Side of the Sea by Takara_Phoenix
T | 4.0k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Jason Grace, Side Pairings
AU - Canon Divergence, Dark Percy, Fluff
When Percy joins camp, he joins Luke's side of the war, because instead of straight-up trying to murder Percy, Luke actually tries to sway him. Later down the road, Percy is sent to sway some Romans... and Jason Grace finds it impossible not to be swayed by the son of Poseidon.
A New Age by Lukes_pet_scorpion
T | 10k+ | Last Updated March 15 2024
Percy Jackson & Luke Castellan, Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase
Manipulative Kronos, Luke Castellan Lives, Dark Percy Jackson
Percy is fed up with how the gods are ruling. The way they could care less if their own children die or not. They send half-bloods on hard quests just to do their bidding. Well, Percy's had enough. That's when Luke Castellan offers Percy another chance to join him. (This is set during The Sea of Monsters-The Last Olympian)
Not Only is it Thicker (Blood is Stickier Than Water) by Simmshine
T | 10k+ | Last Updated March 26, 2024
Percy Jackson & Luke Castellan, Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase, Luke Castellan & Annabeth Chase
Brotherly Angst, Cain instinct, Percy Jackson needs a hug
Luke had framed him for his theft, Luke was ready to be a catalyst for a war. Luke was serving Kronos, the very root of Percy's torment, his nightmares. The son of Hermes studies his gaze for a moment, before he turns back to the stone to slash what feels like the final indent into the ruin. The clearing is bathed in crimson, but the sounds of the fireworks are distant now as Percy's hands shake. The older half-blood, the one Percy had oh so idolized, raises his sword. Percy knows he is at a crossroads, two decisions offering themselves to him. He can do nothing, let Luke rip through the barrier and escape the camp with him. Or he can do what he's done for weeks now, the one thing that had gotten his father's attention. He can fight. He looks at Luke and part of him cries brother while the other raises Riptide. TLDR; Percy and Luke's encounter goes differently, and Percy finds himself as a harbinger of war. (Meanwhile, Annabeth just wants a her family back.)
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eepyuii · 8 months
frostbite — pt. 10
pairing ; childe x gender neutral!reader
content ; childhood friends to “rivals” to lovers, slowburn-ish
cw ; none. idiots in love
notes ; ITS YEARNING HOURS BAYBEE ‼️ for the first time ever, a bit of childe’s POV, wowie zowie!! also a bit of a cheesy chapter LMFAO, it’s just these two dinguses “reaching” the realization that they want each other so bad, it makes them look stupid.
also a smidgen hint at the end towards the next phase of this dumpster fire of a fic >:3
ok and finally- i know i already made a post abt it but like. would u guys still love me if i posted a luke castellan fic? it’s SO self indulgent bc i’m brain rotting from the percy jackson show so idk yet :>
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old wooden planks creak with each step childe takes.
he’d long lost the count of the days he’d spent in this peculiar inazuman domain— the mystic omnyou chamber, his companions called it. though what a fascinating domain it was, ever-changing and ever-puzzling but most of all, ever-deploying more enemies for him to fight his way through. he feels like only now he truly knows what teucer must’ve felt like in front of all those mr. cyclopses all those months ago.
he felt as though he was given a little too much breathing room by the motherland, still being stationed in liyue with you whoever knows how long his mission was finished, so it was no less than perfect to hear the news of scaramouche’s disappearance from inazuma after taking the gnosis for himself. as much as he disliked to have to leave you in northland bank with the promise of the two of returning together still at hand, he dully needed to take up on his responsibilities as one of her majesty’s harbingers.
still, he could fair by through the remembrance of you and his love for combat.
it’s amusing how freshly burned into his mind the memory of your time together at dottore’s lab was, even when he was half-conscious and at his physically weakest. how you soothed away his wounds with the cool breeze of your cryo powers, how you kept him company while he recovered, how you called him a pret-
“psst— you’re doing that thing again.”
the harbinger is snapped from his daydreaming by paimon naggingly whispering to him. as childe finds himself back in reality, he registers the sight of the traveler, xinyan and shiki taishou walking ahead distractedly through the narrow dusty hallways of the domain, while paimon had fallen back alongside him.
“are you back now? ok good.” the travel guide snides, hands sassily placed at her hips.
childe chuckles sheepishly. “i-i’m sorry, paimon, but i’m not quite sure what you’re talking about.”
“oh, come on, it’s so obvious! the entire time we’ve been here, you’ve been doing this thing where you either doze off thinking about y/n! y’know as someone so passionate about fighting, you really need to get your head in the game right now.”
he feigns an offended scoff. “that is entirely untrue, comrade. my focus is solely on figuring out this domain’s mysteries and defeating its monsters.”
there’s a brief pause, where childe thoroughly reevaluates what paimon just said.
“wait, how did you know i was thinking about y/n? i-if i were dozing off and possibly thinking about them!”
she scoffs. “puh-lease, you’ve been babbling about them since we got here! almost everything you’ve said has somehow trailed off into y/n, so much so that even shiki taishou is caught up on what’s happened with you two!”
paimon was someone known to be a bit eccentric and overreactive at certain moments, but she also had her moments of being very bluntly honest in other situations. this was one of them. the harbinger deliberates for a moment, out of all the time he’s spent venturing this domain with the paper doll, just how much information had he unwillingly retained about you.
suddenly, a moment of clarity washes over childe and he vividly recalls all the moments during his venture in the domain where he’s talked about you. saying things such as ‘i wonder how y/n is doing right now…’, or ‘hah, y/n’s cryo attacks would demolish these enemies.’ or even ‘oh! that reminds of this one time, when y/n and i were kids…’. lest we mention the multiple times he’s said ‘i can’t wait to return to inazuma with y/n and show them this.’ whenever he’d been exploring the electro land’s scenic locations.
poor shiki taishou.
but then again, is it truly his fault that the mystic omnyou chamber had so many moments and details that were so clearly reminiscent of you? o-or maybe… maybe this was just a domain and everything reminded him of you regardless. but that’s the more unlikely possibility.
he curses scaramouche in his mind for a brief moment. it was all because he decided to go rogue that childe had to leave so abruptly— just when he’d made amends with you, just when the two of you were restoring your friendship. just when you’d started to flash him that devastating smile of yours again, instead of the standoffish snarl you’d presented during his mission in liyue. gods, he could feel his heart pang against his chest. surely it was just the adrenaline of battle, though. even if the group hadn’t faced enemies in more than ten minutes by now.
an even further tucked part of childe’s mind curses paimon next, for pointing out how much he speaks of you, because now he truly cannot stop. he looks ahead towards the end of the corridor and he can’t see what’s next, can’t see the next tatami matted arena where he’ll face a new wave of enemies, something he thinks he wants— no, all he sees is you.
it’s like your face is burned into his retinas, your fond laughter burned into brain and the warm feeling of when he slept against your shoulder burned into his skin.
childe doesn’t doesn’t fight as well as before in the next battle, he’s sloppy and distracted. after the arena is cleared, he’s left with a scratch across his bicep— which, thankfully, the domain grants a healing sigil to mend.
but it’ll never cure him like you do, never soothe the very core of his being like your powers do and it’ll never look at him the same way you did, caring and attentive.
he remembers how he felt lookup up at you then— like you were the stars in the night sky. he needed to get this mission over with as soon as possible.
you could almost hear your mother’s nagging tone telling you to not play with your food. as delicious as liyuean cuisine was, you’d lost your appetite halfway through your meal- as well as interest in the tale the restaurant’s storyteller was telling.
it’d been probably the dullest week you’ve had in a while, no new assignments from the motherland, no events happening in the city and… admittedly, no childe.
you can’t find the effort to lie to yourself and say it’s fine that he’s gone, that it’s for the tsaritsa’s noble cause— you don’t care about it. scaramouche could screw off with the gnosis and live his life, as far as you were concerned. in fact, you’d say he deserves it, given all he’s gone through with the doctor, even if he could be an astronomical asshole at times— well most of the times.
and now you can’t decide who to blame for childe’s absence, the balladeer or the tsaritsa. either way, it’s affected you more than you’d ever admit out loud. it’s been such a monotone week not just because of the distinct lack of anything to do in liyue lately, but also because of a distinct lack of… someone to worry about. yeah, that’s what it was, just an unusual sense of calm and nothing to stress over, that’s all—
“even in all my years, i’ve rarely seen someone stare at an unfinished bowl of dragon beard noodles with such intensity.”
a rumbling, baritone voice quips jokingly from across your small table and you’re startled away from your thoughts. looking up, the comment is revealed to come from mr. zhongli, the consultant from wanshe— oh, who were you kidding, the now former geo archon.
you hadn’t formerly spoken to him since the mission to take, well, his gnosis. after the situation with osial was diffusd, you beared witness to an unsettlingly diplomatic exchange between mr. zhongli and the fair lady, where he gave away the very culmination of his divinity like it was spare change. of course, you’ve spotted him countless times around the harbor— merely enjoy the little things the city had to offer. you can’t truly fault him for making the decision that he did, six thousand years is, unspokenly, too much time to not peruse the fruits of his labor from up close.
“a-ah, mr. zhongli! it’s been so long since we last spoke.” you scramble to politely greet zhongli and briefly wonder if you should stand up to bow to him, which he seems to notice.
“my apologies for startling you, doctor— may i?” he gestures to the seat in front of you and you nod.
“yes, it has been some time. i recall you being there for the completion of my contract with the fair lady, but the last time the two of us had the opportunity to meet casually was the very same night we first met.”
you nod curtly— you’re tense, you don’t know why. you know he’s not an archon anymore, you were there to see it, but perhaps the real weight of being in the presence of someone so powerful, not just an archon but the oldest of the original seven, seems to have only settled in now. you feel almost as choked as when in the presence of the tsaritsa, which you know all the same that you shouldn’t be. zhongli chuckles amusedly.
“i ask you to treat me as though you would’ve that night in liuli pavilion, like any other acquaintance. chatting with a mere consultant of a funeral parlor requires no formalities. now— have you been well, doctor?”
you can still only bring yourself to nod wordlessly in response, there’s no need for zhongli to know how royally miserable you’ve been lately.
“and.. may i ask why you held such a glare towards your meal? is it not your liking?”
“oh, no the noodles are just fine, amazing even! i was just… contemplating wether to finish it or not.”
great cover.
“hm,” zhongli hums with playful suspicion. “while a reasonable topic of contemplation, it did very much seem as though you were rather staring through the bowl, as though there is something on your mind. i would not mind hearing what is it that vexes you, doctor— if you’re comfortable to share, of course.”
yeah there was no fooling a, again, six thousand year old divine being with a half-assed excuse like yours. you sigh.
“well— yes, you caught me. the last few days have been, uh… less than peachy for me.”
“what exactly is it troubles you these days?”
“i wouldn’t say it’s trouble but, there hasn’t been much to do at northland bank lately. and childe has been out on a mission for some time now— b-but it’s mainly the lack of assignments!” you stammer.
“is that so? i did hear of childe’s sudden departure for inazuma but it is curious that you’re being kept stationed here with essentially nothing to do. but, if i may— has childe been absent for as long as you’ve felt dull at work or would you say there is no relation?”
already at so few words out of sheer nervousness, zhongli managed still to render you completely and utterly speechless. what are you even supposed to respond to this?
“i-i uhm, i… alright, i won’t even try.” you sigh in defeat and zhongli looks coyly pleased. he patiently awaits for you to gather your thoughts and actually say more than two stammered sentences.
“i truly can’t tell what it is. i feel like i’m supposed to be worrying for him— as if he’ll get injured again or injure someone else o-or even worse, do something stupid but there’s just.. nothing! it’s like i’m so used to being aware of his presence and now there’s nothing and it’s- it’s frustrating.”
“you miss him.”
you pause. do you miss him? no, it can’t be so simple— you have a medical degree, it is most certainly improbable that you’ve been trying your brain over just missing childe. well, sure it was great that the two of you were starting to make amends and stopped being so on-edge around each other but… there’s no objective reason for you to miss him.
“i would not say i even near the level of an expert on matters concerning relationships between people, but i’ve seen a lot in my time. enough to tell you with confidence that it’s most likely you just.. miss him, doctor. and that it is okay to feel this way. the two of you do not stand at odds anymore, you never have— it is reasonable for you to be affected by his absence.”
you furrow your eyebrows. “how do you know if… childe and i stand at odds, mr. zhongli.”
“well, i have witnessed it. both directly and indirectly— the tension and misunderstanding between the two of you during our meeting at liuli pavilion was quite evident and i’ve heard of how you opposed him in battle at the golden house. but that is all it has ever been, misunderstandings and disagreements, but you’ve never truly disliked each other.”
“h-how do you know-“
“he speaks quite highly of you, doctor.”
“childe has only ever spoken highly of you— i recall mentioning that had been looking forward to meeting you in person during our dinner, it is all because of how grand his description of you was. plus, during our eventual meetups, you’re mentioned at least once every time. and you, as we’ve discussed, do seem to hold some care towards him, to the extent that you first concern is his health.”
your heart aches and you hate it. it’s a terrible, void sensation that frustrates you to no end. why? why did childe have to make it so difficult for you? why can’t you ever feel simple feelings when it came to him? why couldn’t you ever just feel one way towards him with no smaller part of your brain saying something else? even worse, why couldn’t your brain ever think about anything else— literally anything, instead of just constantly orbiting around the mixed emotions you felt when it came to childe?
you just constantly, restlessly and unendingly seem to care about him.
“you know what, mr. zhongli, i think y—“
“ah, there you are, sergeant!”
a less familiar voice calls out from behind you and you turn around with a bit of surprise— it’s a man clad in fatui uniform, who you recognize as mikhail, one of the officers stationed at northland bank. he’s not exactly someone you interact much with, just a mere coworker you greet every other morning, so you’re perplexed as to why he’s seeking you outside the bank.
“mikhail, what is the occasion?” you ask, briefly eyeing zhongli to find that he remains with a neutral expression awaiting the exchange.
“i am deeply sorry for interrupting your lunch, sergeant, but ekaterina urged for me to find you as soon as i could. a letter has come in from lord dottore for you specifically— she says it is of utmost importance.”
the wharf is unusually crowded today.
an untimely flux of either tourists or returning immigrant citizens, perhaps it is an important time of year in another nation— although, childe could truly care less at the moment. he’s doing his best to politely push his way through the sea of people leaving their respective ships while almost unconsciously seeking you out within it. he knows you wouldn’t be here, as his return to liyue was unannounced, but his eyes fly to latch onto your likeness anyway.
childe ends up finding you right in the center of the harbor’s main street, practically right below the catwalks that lead to the bank. you’re slowly pacing back and forth, a piece of paper clutched in your hands and a vacant expression on your face— childe can’t find himself to clutch to those details right now, he just needs to get to your side. he makes large, determined steps towards you, big grin invading his features, and while he’s still approaching you, you spot him and your eyes widen even more. once childe is a mere two steps away from you, he stops.
“y/n! oh, it’s so good to see you!” he heaves out gladly.
“ajax—“ you reply in a quiet voice and his heart swells at the use of his real name. he truly can’t contain himself anymore and tackles you into a tight hug, one so strong that stumble back a bit.
his arms snake tightly from under your arms to above your shoulders and his head lowers from being against your own to reaching your shoulder blade— it is as close as he physically get to you, while trying to be respectful of your space, of course. you’re still in shock for maybe five seconds of the hug, but eventually you just let yourself slowly wrap around him and squeeze ever so slightly. both of you have your eyes closed to sink into the moment.
the hug is long, maybe twenty seconds so, and as childe becomes satisfied with its duration and pulls away, he remains with his hands to your elbows in a gentle hold. he sighs with said satisfaction and beams towards you.
“i have so much to tell you about inazuma! unfortunately, i couldn’t find scaramouche there but i managed to see so many beautiful places, so many amazing experie- wait.. what’s wrong?”
the harbinger pauses mid sentence when he notices the numbness in your expression and his bright grin falls into a concerned frown— you feel like the most terrible person for making him lose such excitement. your mouth opens and closes as you find what to say, but you eventually whisper it out.
“ajax, i-i… i have to go to sumeru.”
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taglist ; @kentply @osaemu @rain-and-a-nice-nap @koichirana
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evangelineshifts · 8 months
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Pairings: book!percy jackson x black!fem!reader
Word count: 5.3k (oops?)
Warnings: angst, mentions of death (literally in the underworld :/), hades being a dick (SORRY I LOVE YOU HADES), swearing (like one word), mentions of throwing up, pet names (angel, sweet girl, little dove)
a/n: this is kinda my first fic (?) so be kind! This is completely self indulgent as it’s literally a scenario for my desired reality so keep that in mind. If you want some back story visit my dr list on my pinned post! Have fun, stay super freaky, have great vagina I LOVE YAAA
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I never considered the Gods to be enemies to myself. Of course, I could understand where the animosity the other kids held towards them came from, I just couldn’t find it in myself to share it.
I’ve always seen myself as quite the lover and I’ve always known that it was my undoing. Holding out till the very last minute to toss out hope for redemption. I’ll love until the ability is carved out of my sternum.
I hate it.
The pain that comes with being such a tender-hearted individual is nefarious. But that recurring pain that plagues the minds and souls of those who are cursed to live a life of love and loss is what tortures the poets; and makes for a dam good book.
I hope to be able to transfer my heart from sleeve to page one day. But for now, I’m forced to keep dwelling on the feeling of dread and despair as I march my way through the dreary entrance hall of Hades’ palace.
Truth be told it’s not that dreary, it’s incredibly well-decorated. I'm just determined to be a hater. After fighting monsters, dealing with death traps, and arguing with temperamental Gods, I'm ready for the quest to be over and done with. It’s not as glorious as everyone made it out to be.
I looked over at Percy as the four of us reached the big set of doors at the end of the hall. He looked to be struggling with the weight of his backpack but I couldn’t understand why. Unless Oreos had suddenly gained weight in the day or two that it took us to get here he should be just fine. He wasn’t that scrawny.
“Well, guys,” Percy said. “I suppose we should… knock?”
As if on cue, a hot wind blew down the corridor and swung open.
“I guess that means entrez-vous,” Annabeth said in an exaggerated French accent. I giggled at her pronunciation and she sent me a playful glare as we all tentatively walked into the room.
"You are brave to come here, Son of Poseidon," Hades said in an oily voice. "After what you have done to me, very brave indeed. Or perhaps you are simply very foolish. And you legacy child, well, I expected better of you.” He seemed almost saddened as he uttered the last line.
My three quest mates looked over at me with varying levels of confusion plastered on their faces, I had half a mind to shrug bemusedly as I tried not to show my growing guilt so plainly on my face. What did I have to feel guilty for? Why did I care what Hades thought?
Percy stared at me a few seconds longer before facing the god again with renewed vigor, “Lord and uncle, I come with two requests”
Hades looked toward me and lifted his eyebrows in a “Is he serious???” sort of way but truth be told, I was too in awe of Percy's sudden diplomacy to give him a reaction. I fully expected him to at least glare at him but maybe I underestimated his desire to get his mom back. Hades leaned forward on his throne, a subtle incredulity painted on his sculpted face,
"Only two requests?" Hades said. "Arrogant child. As if you have not already taken enough. Speak, then. It amuses me not to strike you dead yet."
Spoken like a true older sibling. Christ.
I looked over at Percy in time to see his throat bob with trepidation. My heart gives a twinge of empathy, poor kid has only been in this life for a little over a month and he's already facing the god of the dead.
“Lord Hades… Look, sir, there can't be a war among the gods. It would be…bad.” smooth, fish sticks.
“Really bad,” Even smoother Grover, thank you.
Annabeth and I share an exasperated look as I think over every action I've ever made in my life to land me here.
“Return Zeus’s master bolt to me,” Percy pleaded. “Please, sir. Let me carry it to Olympus.”
Looking at Hades I'm getting the feeling that was not the right thing to say. His eyes grew glaringly bright as his face crumpled in anger,
“You dare keep up this pretense, after what you have done?” He spat.
I'm getting sick of the vague accusations thrown at us, “Percy hasn't done anything. I don't know if you’ve noticed but he's very new to this whole thing. I mean look at him, he's like a baby fawn,”
Percy looked mildly offended but he looked more concerned at the fact that I was practically mouthing off at an already very angry god.
Hades fixed me with a furious glare and I was sure I was sure I was going to be smoted. But then he did the strangest thing, he closed his eyes and took a steadying breath and when he opened them again the rage that had previously engulfed his irises seemed to lessen. Only a tad but it's still strange.
“Do you think I want war, child?” He said in an eerily calm manner.
I looked at the others utterly perplexed and when my gaze landed on Percy I had to fix him with a warning glare just to be sure he didn't try to be a wise guy at the wrong time. The last thing we needed was for fish Jesus to be filleted.
“My lord, I’m afraid I don’t understand. Wouldn’t a war expand your kingdom?” I said carefully.
His eyes widen a tad as he look on with absolute disbelief and frustration, “Did my brothers tell you that?? Fucking typical. Do you think I need more subjects?! Did you not see the sprawl of the asphodel fields??” Hades said, his voice risen an octave.
I hesitated to reply but I found I didn’t need to as Hades took it upon himself to continue his rant, "Have you any idea how much my kingdom has swollen in this past century alone, how many subdivisions I've had to open?"
Percy opened his mouth to respond, but Hades was on a roll.
"More security ghouls," he moaned. "Traffic problems at the judgment pavillon. Double overtime for the staff and the mortals just. keep. dying. You know, I used to be a rich god, godling. I control all precious metals under the earth. But my expenses!”
I was suddenly overcome with the fear that I was gonna have to comfort this emo god on his economic problems. And then Percy spoke and I was saved, “Charon wants a pay raise,” He blurted. I just had to laugh.
Hades went on to gripe about Charon and his troublesome discovery of Italian suits. He insisted that a war is the last thing he wanted and I wish I could say I was surprised.
“But you took Zeus' master bolt.” Percy said.
"Lies!" More rumbling. Hades rose from his throne, towering to the height of a football goal post. "Your father may fool Zeus, boy, but I am not so stupid. I see his plan."
"His plan?" I questioned.
"He was the thief on the winter solstice," Hades said. "His father thought to keep him his little secret. He directed him into the throne room on Olympus,”
Before I could even open my mouth to object and say that I was at the winter solstice and Percy wasn’t even a member at camp yet, Hades steamrolled on,
“You took the master bolt and my helm. Had I not sent my Fury to discover you at Yancy Academy, Poseidon might have succeeded in hiding his scheme to start a war. But now you have been forced into the open. You will be exposed as Poseidon's thief, and I will have my helm”
"But..." Annabeth spoke. I could tell her mind was going a million miles an hour. "Lord Hades, your helm of darkness is missing, too?"
"Do not play innocent with me, girl. You and the satyr have been helping this hero-coming here to threaten me in Poseidon's name, no doubt-to bring me an ultimatum. Does Poseidon think I can be blackmailed into supporting him? And you girl!" He directed his attention back to me and I was left to wonder what was so special about me that he felt the need to keep addressing me individually.
“This betrayal is disappointing but not unseen. I would think you would know better.” He glared heatedly at me, apparently abandoning his attempts at civility.
"No!" Percy said. "Poseidon didn't-I didn't- (y/n/n) had nothing to do with this- none of us did!"
"I have said nothing of the helm's disappearance," Hades snarled, "because I had no illusions that anyone on Olympus would offer me the slightest justice, the slightest help. I can ill afford for word to get out that my most powerful weapon of fear is missing. So I searched for you myself, and when it was clear you were coming to me to deliver your threat, I did not try to stop you."
"You didn't try to stop us? But-" None of what he was saying was making any sense. Not according to what we knew anyway. Did we really know anything?
"Return my helm now, or I will stop death," Hades threatened. "That is my counter proposal. I will open the earth and have the dead pour back into the world. I will make your lands a nightmare. And you, Percy Jackson-your skeleton will lead my army out of Hades."
The skeletal soldiers all took one step forward, making their weapons.
At this point the smart thing was to probably be scared out of my mind, but with Hades threatening Percy, fear seemed to be the last of my worries. This boy who I had made fast friends with in the short time that I’d known him. The boy who had lost his mom and his old life all within five minutes and was just expected to be okay with it. Percy Jackson, the dork who watched teen titans with me during the uncharacteristic storm at camp and convinced me to make blue Shirley temples. My very own guppy.
Yeah me and Hades were gonna have words.
“Stop this, now.” I said in my sternest voice. Hades halted and looked at me with intrigue and… slight fear?
“He didn’t steal anything, Hades, enough with the unfounded claims. We didn’t even know your helm was missing until 2 minutes ago and up until then we thought you had the bolt.”
The other 3 went stock still with shock. I’m guessing they were saying their goodbyes to me in their heads but I’m not one to go down that easily. Even if I did want to cry from the confrontation.
Hades looked at me with unbridled fury but when he spoke you would’ve thought he was simply telling me not to steal from the cookie jar again,
“I have tried to be kind to you child. I have tried to treat you with respect as you have done for me in the past but your foolishness and insolence will be your undoing.” He paused for a moment seemingly cherry picking his next words, “What would your mothers think? Hm? How would they fare if they learned of your impertinence?”
I froze. My blood ran cold and my stomach was churning something awful.
“….what?” I said, trying my hardest to steady my voice but it was a lost cause at this point. Grover and Annabeth looked on with pity that could shrink me with a glance but Percy? Percy looked furious. He glared at the god with the fury of a thousand suns,
“Don’t talk about her mothers, leave them out of this- leave her out of this. This is between me and you-“
“SILENCE!” Hades bellowed, as the throne room shook but Percy didn’t even flinch. “You have said quite enough godling.” He spat out the word like poison on his tongue.
Hades turned back to me, a new smugness hidden in the depths of his eyes, “How about we see what they would think? Would you like that legacy child? Would you like to see your parents?” His lip curled in a smirk.
I could’ve thrown up at the thought. What did he mean? Surely he wasn’t going to bring them here? My head was like a circuit, thoughts lapping around my brain like race cars. In my periphery, I could see Percy physically shaking with rage. Grover and Annabeth looked like they wanted to reach out for me but thought better of it, fearing Hades’ next move.
Hades surveyed all of us, taking in the horrified silence as he grinned almost sinisterly. He lifted a hand to the far left wall of a throne room and the surface of it rippled like a disrupted pool.
All of a sudden colors and shapes flew into the frame and found a place on the wall. Almost as soon as it started an image came into focus. A dining room with light pink walls filled with pictures and portraits of hand painted flowers. Most of the pictures were of one woman, a ginger with deep brown skin, gorgeous amber eyes, and a blinding smile. She looked like the personification of the earth and everything good. She looked warm, safe.
In some pictures she was joined by another woman, a more stern looking one but beautiful nonetheless with her honey blonde hair and vibrant blue eyes a stark contrast to her tawny skin. She held a smaller smile than her auburn counterpart but it was no less happy. The way they looked at each other in some photos was almost baffling. I didn’t know you could capture such tangible emotion on camera but they made it happen.
As for the portraits, I would’ve guessed the paintings were professionally made if it wasn’t for the cute little smiley faces and hearts surrounding the flowers in almost every portrait. They were mature and yet so childlike at the same time. Precise strokes coming together to form stunning flowers of bright color. Lilies, gardenias, and orchids filled every frame. It was captivating how real they looked. I could’ve stared at them all day but my attention was drawn toward the dark oak table as a giggle erupted from one of the occupants.
My heart sank.
The same woman in the photos sat at the table seemingly working on another floral piece. My breathing quickened as I put the pieces together. As I stared at the ginger woman’s dimpled smile and traced the slope of the blonde's nose it clicked.
These were my moms.
The women who died when I was just a baby in an effort to protect me. And they succeeded but at what cost?
I ran over to the wall ignoring the calls of my worried friends. Tears clouded my vision as I tried to push all the words I wanted to say past the lump cemented in my throat.
“Mamma?” I said timidly, worried this was an illusion or they wouldn’t be able to hear me.
All of that faded away when the bubbly lady whipped her head around at the sound of my voice and her lover not far behind.
“(Y/N)…?” She called, voiced thickly coated in awe.
The dam broke.
Tear rushed down my face faster than I could process as I nearly yelled out for my mothers, “Mamma! Ma!”
They came rushing over to where I was and knelt down at what I’m assuming was a projected image of me to wherever they were, “Baby angel! What are you doing here??” My mamma, who I’ve deduced is the child of Artemis, Davina, wailed as she went to reach out for me before retracting her hand. Probably figured the image would fade if she did and I’m grateful for that.
“You shouldn’t be here little dove, it’s not your time you must go home.” My Ma, Alexandra, said. A crease firmly placed between her brows that contradicted the wobbling smile that was growing on her lips.
They looked at me with a type of adoration that had my knees wracking. This is the type of maternal affection I thought I would never get to receive in my life. Of course, I had Aunt Go-go but that wasn’t the same.
Before I could respond Hades cut me off, “We can get to all the loving pleasantries in a moment. We have more important matters at hand. Your daughter has aided a thief.”
I glanced at him quickly before I quickly tried to defend myself, adamantly denying his claims.
“He’s lying! She didn’t steal anything and neither did I!” Percy erupted, his stare burning into the god's own, “"You're as bad as Zeus, you think I stole from you? That's why you sent the Furies after me?"
I drowned out the rest of what they were saying as I could only focus on the fact that my parents were looking me in my eyes, “We believe your friend, angel. We know our sweet girl would never do anything to cause harm.” Mamma told me as she looked on with kind eyes. “You’ve gotten so big! I remember when you were just a little raisin”
We shared a watery chuckle as I tried not to bawl my eyes out.
“She’s got your eyes,” Alexandra said fondly as she looked between her daughter and her wife.
“And your nose,” Davina giggled, “What a gorgeous girl you’ve grown into.”
“Thank you,” I managed as I felt my face heat up, “Are you guys in Elysium? Could I come see you?” I said hopefully.
They both glanced at each other warily and I felt dread pool in my stomach. I whipped around to face Hades as the words tumbled out of my mouth, “I need to see them! Please let me see them, I’ll do anything” I begged.
“Anything?” I nodded fervently as the trio voiced their protests, “Return my property and I’ll allow you a visit with your mothers!”
I choked out a sob as I looked helplessly at the others, “We-we don’t have it. I swear, I swear we don’t have it! We came here for the master bolt. They-they told us you had the master bolt, that’s why we’re here. Please I’m begging you, just let me see my moms” I rushed out, desperately trying to convince him of mercy.
“ENOUGH WITH YOUR FALSITIES GODLING!” I flinched back at his booming voice, the throne room walls rumbling and the image of my parents warbling. I panicked. “You already possess the master bolt, you came here with it, you insolent fool. You think you can try to deceive me?!”
I’m reduced to wails and gargled pleads as I try to bargain with this clearly unhinged man, “Please I don’t know, I don’t know. P-Percy tell him, please tell him, please”
“We didn’t steal the bolt! We’ve already told you-“
“Then open your pack!”
I looked at Percy in desperate confusion as his face fell. I can practically sense his panic as he slung his bad off his shoulder and unzipped it. Time stopped.
Inside was a two-foot-long metal cylinder, spiked on both ends, humming with energy. I could’ve fallen to my knees right there. I turned back to my mothers begging for them to understand. This was one of the worst realizations I’d ever made. We’d been framed.
'Percy," Annabeth said. "How-"
"I-I don't know. I don't understand." He said, his gaze flickered towards me as a tortured sound ripped from my throat.
"You heroes are always the same," Hades said. "Your pride makes you foolish, thinking you could bring such a weapon before me. I did not ask for Zeus's master bolt, but since it is here, you will yield it to me. I am sure it will make an excellent bargaining tool. And now ... my helm. Where is it?"
I was speechless. Percy was speechless. Annabeth was speechless, and I’m quite sure Grover passed out like 5 minutes ago. We had no helm. The world turned sideways and I didn’t deal well with vertigo.
"Lord Hades, wait," Percy said. "This is all a mistake."
"A mistake?" Hades roared. Quicker than I could process Hades lifted his hand and the image of my parents faded before my eyes.
Oh my gods.
Oh my gods.
“No- no, no, no, no, no, no, NO,” I gut-wrenching scream pierced through the air as I tried to conjure up the image again uselessly, “NO BRING THEM BACK, GODS, PLEASE BRING THEM BACK HADES PLEASE!” He didn’t even spare me a glance as Annabeth ran over to hold me back from slamming my fist into the stone. My fingernails were reduced to stubs as I clawed at the wall like my mother was going to be standing behind it waiting for me. I was wailing, calling out for my mommies. Usually I would scold myself for such a display of weakness at a time like this but at the moment all sense of self control was out of the question. I was inconsolable as Annabeth tried calming me down, cooing soft assurances in my ear that I couldn’t hear over my own gasping.
The skeletons aimed their weapons. From high above, there was a fluttering of leathery wings, and the three Furies swooped down to perch on
the back of their masters throne.
"There is no mistake," Hades said. "I know why you have come- I know the real reason you brought the bolt. You came to bargain for her."
Hades loosed a ball of gold fire from his palm. It exploded on the steps in front of Percy, and there was who I could only assume was his mother, frozen in a shower of gold.
In my panicked state at the renewed loss of mothers, I had almost forgotten about his.
"Yes," Hades said with satisfaction. "I took her. I knew, Percy Jackson, that you would come to bargain with me eventually. Return my helm, and perhaps I will let her go. She is not dead, you know. Not yet. But if you displease me, that will change."
Someone, or something, was growling. I think It was me. I was so angry. He already took my mothers away, he wasn’t about to take Percy’s.
I went to charge for him when I realized Annie was still holding on to me. I struggled against her hold as she dug her heels into the ground.
"Ah, the pearls," Hades said, and my blood froze. "Yes, my brother and his little tricks. Bring them forth, Percy Jackson."
Percy’s hand moved and brought out the pearls.
"Only four," Hades said. "What a shame. You do realize each only protects a single person. Try to take your mother, then, little godling. And which of your friends will you leave behind to spend eternity with me? Go on. Choose. Or give me the backpack and accept my terms." Percy looked at me and Annabeth and then Grover.
"We were tricked," He said. "Set up.”
“No shit,” I muttered bitterly, tears still tracking down my face.
"Yes, but why?" Annabeth asked, as she side eyed me. "And the voice in the pit-"
"I don't know yet," Percy said. "But I intend to ask."
"Decide, boy!" Hades yelled.
"Percy." Grover put his hand on Percy’s shoulder. "You can't give him the bolt,"
"I know that." He replied, though his stare was focused on me.
"Leave me here," Grover said. "Use the fourth pearl on your mom."
"No!" Percy exclaimed, his eyes darting towards the satyr.
"I'm a satyr," Grover said. "We don't have souls like humans do. He can torture me until I die, but he won't get me forever. I'll just be reincarnated as a flower or something. It's the best way."
"No." Annabeth drew her bronze knife, finally letting go of me and I returned back to the wall trying to see if there was some sort of passageway. "You three go on. Grover, you have to protect Percy and (y/n/n). You have to get your searcher's license and start your quest for Pan. Get his mom out of here. I'll cover you. I plan to go down fighting."
"No way," Grover said. "I'm staying behind."
"Think again, goat boy," Annabeth said.
"Stop it, both of you!" Percy yelled, and the two quieted.
I realized I had been silent through this whole ordeal and knew what I had to do.
“I’ll stay.” I croaked.
“What?!” Percy said, his head turning faster than I could process. “Absolutely not.”
“No.” He strided over to me so he could look me in the eyes, “I’m not leaving here without you,”
“You don’t get it!” I exclaimed, on the verge of collapse. Gods, I’ve never been so tired. I’ve never done this. I know the stakes. I know how serious this is. But still, at the end of the day, I’m just a little girl who had gone her whole life without parents. Never knowing their faces or voices. Just to meet them and have them taken away within the same hour.
“What don’t I get (Y/N)? Hm?” Percy said frustratedly as he grappled my shoulders. I know he didn’t mean to be harsh but I couldn’t help getting upset.
“I want to stay here, Percy.” I said defeatedly, looking up at him through my lashes. “I ha-have to meet them. I just have to. Please just let me stay here. I need to stay, just let me stay,” I begged him, grasping at his arms to let me go.
He looked at me with a devastating amount of empathy that I couldn’t help breaking down again. He pulled me into a one armed hug as he turned towards Annabeth and Grover,
"I know what to do," Percy said. "Take these."
He handed them each a pearl.
Annabeth said, "But, Percy ..."
I was rambling incoherently into his shoulder, begging him to leave me there. He took my face into his hands and forced me to look him in the eyes,
“Hey-hey! Look at me!” I did, “I know.” And by the gods, I knew that he did. My knees went weak as he pulled me back in and held on to the back of my head as he wrapped an arm around my waist, “I’ll get you back here one day, ang-” he paused, realizing his mistake but continued on, “Even if I have to breakdown the doors of Olympus myself and force them to make it happen, you will see your moms again. Okay?”
I hesitated for a breath before I nodded reluctantly. There’s nothing else I could do.
Percy held me in his arms as he turned his head and faced his mother.
"I'm sorry," he told her. "I'll be back. I'll find a way."
The smug look on Hades's face faded. He said, "Godling ... ?"
"I'll find your helm, Uncle," he told him. Again with this uncle thing. "I'll return it. Remember about
Charon's pay raise."
"Do not defy me-" Hades tried.
"And it wouldn't hurt to play with Cerberus once in a while. He likes red rubber balls."
"Percy Jackson, you will not-"
Percy shouted, "Now, guys!"
He smashed the pearls at our feet. For a scary moment, nothing happened.
Hades yelled, "Destroy them!"
The army of skeletons rushed forward, swords out, guns clicking to full automatic. The Furies lunged, their whips bursting into flame.
Just as the skeletons opened fire, the pearl fragments at our feet exploded with a burst of green light and a gust of fresh sea wind.
We were encased in a milky white sphere, which was starting to float off the ground. My head was still buried in Percy’s shoulder, sobs racked my body as we floated up, Annabeth and Grover were right behind us.
Hades yelled with such rage, the entire fortress shook and I knew it was not going to be a peaceful night in L.A but I couldn’t bring myself to care.
"Look up." Grover yelled. "We're going to crash!"
Sure enough, we were racing right toward the stalactites, which I figured would pop our bubbles and skewer us.
"How do you control these things?" Annabeth shouted.
"I don't think you do!" Percy shouted back.
Is it bad that I kinda wanted to be skewered? Stop.
The trio screamed as the bubbles slammed into the ceiling and ... Darkness.
No, I could still feel the racing sensation. We were going up, right through solid rock as easily as an air bubble in water.
That was the power of the pearls, I realized- What belongs to the sea will always return to the sea.
For a few moments, I couldn't see anything outside the smooth walls of our sphere, then our pearl broke through on the ocean floor.
The two other milky spheres, Annabeth and Grover, kept pace with us as we soared upward through the water.
We exploded on the surface, in the middle of the Santa Monica Bay, knocking a surfer off his board with an indignant, "Dude!" I wanted to hit him.
Percy grabbed Grover and hauled him over to a life buoy. I caught Annabeth and dragged her over too.
A curious shark was circling us, a great white about eleven feet long. Maybe I’d get my soul surfer moment. Stop it.
Percy said, "Beat it." And the shark turned and raced away. New Yorkers.
The surfer screamed something about bad mushrooms and paddled away from us as fast as he could.
Somehow, I knew what time it was: early morning, June 21, the day of the summer solstice.
In the distance, Los Angeles was on fire, plumes of smoke rising from neighborhoods all over the city. There had been an earthquake, all right, and it was Hades's fault. He was probably sending an army of the dead after us right now.
But at the moment, the Underworld wasn't my biggest problem.
Annabeth and Grover shared a glance as they muttered something about getting a headstart to shore. Percy and I were still treading water as he analyzed me.
“What?” I snapped. I can’t say I didn’t mean to but I did feel bad.
“I’m sorry.” He said and my face softened. “It’s not your fault, nothing you could do.” I tried to give him a reassuring smile but I’m sure it looked more like a grimace.
He was starting to gain a real habit of hugging me as he pulled me into his chest. I couldn't tell the difference between the saltwater and saline on my face anymore.
He didn’t say anything, just sort of awkwardly petted my hair. He pulled away to look me in the eyes and some sort of understanding passed between us.
I gave him a nod and gestured for him to catch up with the others. He looked hesitant for a second but ultimately nodded and swam to the duo who were treading just a little ways away.
I looked down at the water as if I’d be able to see the underworld below my feet. I gave a kiss to my fingers and swirled them in the water in the shape of a flower, “I’m sorry Mamma, Ma. I’ll come back for you.”
I start to slowly make my way towards the others thinking over everything that just went down. I realized with a sharp ache in my chest, that I felt more despair than I did hatred when thinking of Hades. I wanted to despise him. To think that he was evil and want to plot some sort of revenge. But I couldn’t. Somehow that was worse.
He was uncaring in his dealings with us. I knew his intentions with the words he spoke to me, burning a hole through my chest till I was left spiraling searching for some sort of reprieve. And yet compassion still had a hold on me. I felt sorry for him but oh my gods, was he ruthless.
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✧ dividers by @hitobaby !
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anotheroceanid · 2 months
I'm so tired that I'm almost passing out, so here is the first scene of chapter 5 (it's the better revised scene so far) so I can take a nap. I'll post the rest of the chapter later. Welcome to the 17 years later. Everyone is kinda bitter...
The search for Percy Jackson started on December 22nd, 2010, same day she was identified as missing. With no witnesses or trails to follow, mistrust installed amongst gods and demigods. For the next months, the lack of clues and the shrinking list of suspects led to threats and accusations thrown by both sides.
Despite the efforts to find the Hero of Olympus, her sudden absence was the last straw needed to ignite a long-anticipated gods’ war.
Annabeth should’ve reacted better.
Not only that morning in Olympus, but so many times before and after it.
She and Percy hadn’t been on the best terms when everything happened. They hadn’t been on good terms before everything happened and, though sourly, Annabeth concluded the argument was mostly her fault. If she had dealt with things smoothly, perhaps Percy wouldn’t be alone in her cabin during that Winter Solstice.
Annabeth should’ve reacted better. But she didn’t.
Her eyes painfully burned as she finished reading Nico’s letter, but Annabeth didn’t cry. It’s been years since she such humanity been at her reach.
Whilst her eyes were dry, her heart drowned.
Annabeth licked her lips nervously as she went through the content of the letter a second time. She expected she had misread it all. Or at least that she would notice the new source of their obsession. Something the others had missed, something that could… would change it all. It was always like this, for almost two decades.
‘…and despite all my uncle’s efforts, it seems that her presence is too foggy and dispersed to be tracked back to its source. But he swears he heard Percy calling for him.’ Annabeth reads aloud, not allowing herself to sigh before the last phrase, ‘Uncle intends to keep trying.’
Of course he will, thought Annabeth, he’s chronically delusional. Like I am. Annabeth knew what people spoke about her behind her back, what they thought of her determination to find Percy.
No one was brave enough to say it to her face, though. She could count on her fingers how many people spoke freely to her. Wherever she went, fear struck people’s hearts. Whatever their real opinions were, it all died in their throats when they stood in Annabeth’s presence.
What they didn't say mattered little, she saw in their eyes everything she needed to know about them. Their whispers always got to her ears. Percy Jackson might not be dead, they would say, for her friend’s soul never got to the underworld, but she’s beyond the reach of mortals, was what most concluded.
To it, Annabeth would snarl and urge to cry at the same time. There weren't tears to shed. Which was good. Crying is for humans, mortals if one will, Annabeth had become something else these past seventeen years. The wars had hardened her heart. Wherever Percy might be, she had half of Annabeth's soul with her. Annabeth's shift had been inevitable, but for the best.
Sure, Percy was out of the reach of mortals, it mattered nothing to Annabeth. She’d allow monstrosity to take over her entire self if needed. It was not exactly a challenge, given her origins.
Percy was out there, somewhere. They’d reunite again. Should it take seventeen years, twenty years, a century, or a millennium. Annabeth was ready to crawl back from the death.
Annabeth reread Nico’s a third time. For much less, they had looked in the Sea of Monsters. Now… This time they had reasons to indulge in delusion. For the first time, in seventeen years, they weren’t dealing with a theory, or hopes or suspects. No, Poseidon felt Percy’s presence in the ocean, he heard her voice. If the Lord of Seas believed such thing, then he couldn’t be wrong.
That’s not true, is it? Her own voice hissed inside her mind, everyone knows Poseidon is losing his marbles, and so are you.
Could gods hallucinate? If so, Poseidon might’ve imagined it all. After all, how much of a god's mind was trustable? Often, Annabeth pondered if all that wasn’t Poseidon’s punishment for his crimes; finally loving someone so purely, just to have her taken from him so suddenly and cruelly. He deserved some retribution. Most gods deserved, even some of those Annabeth didn't absolutely despise.
Unfortunately, gods couldn’t even suffer without crushing the world under their misery. How many men lost their daughters because of Poseidon? What had they to sink but their own hearts?
Annabeth envied the God of Sea. She wanted everyone and everything to drown in her sorrow, to have their lungs filled with her venom and share her pain. Instead, she’s forced to this position.
She also envied Percy. Her friend, gone and loved, while Annabeth was none. Not even as a child—her father didn’t even mind searching for her, let alone rage for her.
Annabeth was fixated staring at Nico’s handwriting for so long, the words started to lose their meanings. Dispersed…
Why can’t we be together, like we used to do?
Her eyes raised from the letter to the photography she kept on her desk. Percy and her, their arms thrown above each other’s shoulders, smiling mindlessly to the camera. They were fourteen at the time, clueless about all the pain there was yet to be witnessed.
They had so many opportunities to disappear, to be sisters somewhere else far from the gods instead of crawling back to them over and over again. They should've run, let them fight their own battles. They would've preserved what really mattered. Themselves.
Seventeen years past the Titanomachy, it is hard to recall what was the significant difference between the Olympians and their predecessors, the titans. Zeus even looked like his father, should Hecate’s words be trueful. The world ended up in shambles anyway; at least with the titans Annabeth knew what to expect, she could've planned something.
The sound of a pouring liquid on her goblet drags her away from her thoughts, that's when Annabeth’s reminded that she isn't alone in her office. She turns her eyes to face youth and strength, embodied by a boy who's been alive for less time than Percy’s been missing.
Sometimes, Annabeth had a tough time not holding it against Dennis. He'd be turning seventeen in a few months. Percy's age when she disappeared. Annabeth envied his vigour; she loathed how Dennis wasted it in goodness. The boy wouldn’t hurt a fly.
Unless I told him to do so. He'd bring me Jason Grace's head if I demanded it. If he weren’t such a great asset, I’d do it already. No… Not right now.
Still, that simply wasn't Dennis’ nature. He could follow orders, but there was so little fury on him. Why? What kept him from succumbing as so many others did? What was his secret; why does he smile so kindly when there is nothing to smile at all? How does he keep that madness glitter in his eyes under control? When will he seek revenge against her? He should've already. It'd be so easy to poison my wine…
Annabeth brings it to her lips. No poison unless one counted the alcohol.
‘I hope they'll find Persephone Halosydna this time,’ he says sincerely, not an ounce of sarcasm in his tone.
Annabeth take a bigger sip. She hates how kids these days call Percy. Everything, anything, but her name. Those stupid titles and epithets. Annabeth hates them, even more because she was the precursor of their use.
‘Hope is all we, the Earthshaker included, have in regard to Percy.’ Another voice spoke, this one tired and far from kind. Clarisse annoyedly stretches her burnt fingers before reaching for her own freshly filled goblet.
‘Well, it's his daughter…’ Dennis quietly argued. He talks just barely higher than a summer breeze, and the only reason he's heard is because the sound of his voice had an almost narcotic effect. Makes one want to hear it.
‘I'm not questioning that.’ Clarisse deep inhaled, ‘I’d react the same in his place. It's just that...Every time he gets disappointed… Well, how long until we run out of food?’ She spoke darkly and her eyes focused on Annabeth’s.
Annabeth noticed how Dennis bit his lips nervously. He didn't like this talk; he didn't like the implications. He'll have to get over it. Soon.
Four years prior, an armistice was necessary.
Both sides couldn't fight a war while corpses flooded the entire territory due to the plagues. People died overnight, no one had the necessary supplies to deal with the simplest of diseases, and the decomposing bodies in open air increased the infectious hazard.
Without the pandemic, the Greeks would've had an unquestionable victory of the war, conquered all Western territory, and destroyed Rome. However, they had to retreat to solve that more urgent matter. Had it not been Zeus' speaking in their behalf, the Romans would've had already starved to death. But Annabeth needed to keep the Oracle under Greek sole control. So, she complied to a lot of distasteful things.
Four years past the armistice, it seemed that Jason Grace saw the Greeks’ territory as Rome's farm. It was not their fault that the Roman's had spent most of their supplies during the war. The Romans’ curses weren’t the Greeks fault.
Demeter was letting their enemies starve. Poseidon often flooded or sent an earthquake on the Roman side of the continent. In the beginning, it didn't matter. Not to Annabeth. The Greek's harvests thrived. In fact, making the Romans so dependent of them was something positive. Feeding them was a sour matter, but it was always meant to be a temporary resolution... Everyone knew the war would ignite again.
Then, last year happened. They barely produced enough crops to finish a year without messing with the reserves. A good share of the livestock died of hunger or disease. The drought kept going.
Zeus refused to let it rain, and everything not so depended on water that they tried to plant ended up cursed. This meant Poseidon would get mad and attack Rome. Zeus and his allies couldn't attack Perses directly, so he used of other methods to pester their lives. While Romans and the Greeks might've ceased fire, the gods never stopped their war.
As Katie always said, warring against the Romans was cheaper than feeding them. This time was also a matter of resources.
Annabeth bet they'd be back to the battlefield in less than a year. Clarisse shared the same opinion. Right now, every advantage was theirs. The Greeks couldn't lose their momentum—they had to attack while they were strong. All Annabeth waited for was Poseidon's signal. They needed to wait for Zeus to turn their eyes somewhere else, so nothing would stop their advances against Rome. It needs to be soon, she thought, if this drought keeps going for much longer, we won't have reserves to feed the army...
Anytime, she expected. Then, the realisation came to her mind, Percy’s return, and Rome's downfall in the same year. If Annabeth still prayed, she'd pray for it to turn into reality.
‘Soon, we won't have to worry about it anymore.’ Annabeth said, turning to Clarisse, ‘If there is anyone you think suitable for the Fields, the moment is now. We must be ready.’
Clarisse pondered for a second, but nervously circled her goblet with her fingers. ‘From the top of my mind, I can't think of anyone.’
Liar. ‘What about Ajax? You said he's been bothering you about it.’ Annabeth recalled a talk they had in the last Council. Which had been months ago, and a slip from Clarisse’s part. There was a time that the way Clarisse looked at Annabeth would've made her shiver, but not anymore. ‘Prepare a sparring session, I want to see how the apprentices are doing.’
‘Don't you trust my judgment?’ Clarisse growled. ‘Jack's not ready.’
‘He’s older than Andromachus when we sent him there.’ Annabeth pointed out.
‘Jack ain't Andy, Annabeth!’ Clarisse slammed her goblet against the table. ‘All the talent he has with weapons is worthless when compared to his lack of common sense. I'm saying it as his instructor and superior.’
Annabeth remained silent for a second, studying Clarisse's troubled expression. ‘And as his mother, what would you say?’
‘He’s only fourteen years old.’
So was half our army in both the wars we fought, Annabeth thought of saying, but preferred not to start this discussion in front of Dennis. ‘He'd be with Chiron. Drew is there for a reason, too. It’s not as if they’ll allow him to cross the border.’
‘Yes, Annabeth.’ She rolled her eyes. ‘Thank you for giving me a lesson on my own child.’
‘I was right about Andromachus. And Dennis.’
‘Not every kid is Andromachus or Dennis.’ Clarisse spoke gravely, and Annabeth saw Dennis flinch. ‘I can prepare a sparring session, but my answer about Jack is still no. And the authority to decide who’s sent to the Fields remain in my hands. You won't change my mind this time.’
Annabeth shrugged. ‘You're wasting his potential.’
‘I can live with that.’ The older woman spat.
Shouldn't she want him strong to defend himself? Andromachus and Dennis had never been in a war field, but their names were already whispered either with fear or adoration across the whole continent; they could defend themselves against anything thrown in their faces. Ajax was good but sloppy; his feelings were always in the surface—the Spartan Fields could help him overcome it.
The Fields had borders with the Wild and the Lost Lands, but most importantly, it was the only piece of land where the Greek and Roman territory met. Therefore, the only border they had to defend, so the recruits were sent there to brush up their abilities. It was an honour. Only the best of the best went there, and as much of a troublemaker Ajax could be, he still fit the part. There was nothing for him in Perses, under his parents' wings and his brother’s shadow. Dennis had been in the Fields for a while, and so did Andromachus, eldest of the La Rue-Rodriguez kids. Chiron called them prodigies; Annabeth agreed.
Ajax was far from prodigious, but talented enough to become great. However, there wasn't anything else his mother and father could teach him, and Annabeth could not have a loose canon once the war started. Clarisse and Chris would have to get over it.
‘I could try working on Jack.’ Dennis interjected, his soft-spoken words cutting through the tension. ‘I mean, maybe the Fields ain’t for him, but he needs to learn some discipline. Especially because, in the absence of Andy, the younger kids look up to Jack. He needs to be a good influence for...’
Dennis never finished.
His already mellifluous voice got completely muffled by high pitched screams and doors being slammed. Annabeth closed her eyes, as if it'd make all that noise go away. Instead, they got closer and closer as the kids ran through the corridors of Annabeth's compound.
The door slammed open, and an army of kids invaded Annabeth's office, screaming excuses to why they looked like that.
‘...if Leocito wasn’t a prick!’
‘Silena!’ Clarisse shrieked. ‘What sort of language is that? Look at the state of... Your arm!’
The three younger kids looked as if they had been at a battlefield.
Leander, Silena, and Penelope were all covered in dust. Penelope's usually shiny long hair was all tangled, as if some animal had a fight there. Annabeth wouldn't be surprised if Leander revealed he had tried to dive on dirt, for he’s covered in it from head to toe, spreading it everywhere in Annabeth's floor. Silena's sweater had a hole from shoulder to elbow, and she had a long cut on her arm. She had both hands placed above her heart, and Annabeth noticed she was holding something.
Though the cut didn't seem to be deep, Clarisse still ran to her youngest child as if Silena were at risk of losing a limb over that cut. ‘How did it happen?’ She shrieked. Instead of looking at Silena, her eyes darted to Ajax, who avoided his mom's eyes at all costs.
Finally, the children decided to shut up. Ajax's gaze focused on the ground; arms crossed in front of his body. He wasn't nearly as dirty as his younger siblings or Penelope, excepts for some little scratches on his hands.
Annabeth didn't need him to speak, already knowing the answer. It was not the first time they showed up looking like that, and despites all warnings they received, she doubted it'd be the last.
‘They were at the Old Camp.’ Annabeth hissed, raising from her chair. Dennis hurried to get her cane, but she used the table to stand. ‘Again. Do any of you...’
‘It wasn’t my fault, Aunt Annabeth!’ Leander cried out. The boy took a step forward, but thanks to Clarisse, Leander never gets close to the carpet. His mother grips his arm and stops him and the dirt on his shoes from moving any further. Great, it’d be a nightmare to clean. ‘They went there on their own, as always!’ Leander accused, pointing the dirty finger to the girls, who sneered.
His mother, however, didn't look impressed. ‘And you followed?!’
Clarisse’s face got furiously red. Her eyes went from Silena's wound to Ajax ashamed expression then back to Leander, who kept blabbering accusations. Beside Annabeth, Dennis sighed and shook his head in disapproval.
Despite Leander’s attempts to explain his lack of fault in the matter, his excuses didn't seem to appease Clarisse, who got more outraged at every word, facing morphing from disbelief to horror to anger within milliseconds. Ignoring the youngest of her boys, she turned to Ajax, ‘I told you to keep an eye on them!’
Ajax shrugged, ‘I was training.’ He mumbled.
‘And left your little sister and brother alone at home?!’ Clarisse nervously stretched her fingers, gritting her teeth.
‘Nothing happened.’ Ajax argued, timidly. As hot-headed as he could be, he turned into a scared kitten in the presence of his mother. He had been a shy baby, and a part of him never outgrew that. Nor it ever will if he stays in the nest.
‘Something could've happened!’ Clarisse argued back, putting her hands on his shoulders to shake her son.
‘Not if she had stayed at home, I didn't want to go there, and I didn’t tell her to go to the other side of the hill.’ Ajax stared at Silena who, with hands still carefully cupped, widened her doe eyes and turned to her mom, forming with her lips a delicate pout, which spoke louder to Clarisse than any argument her second son could use.
‘We didn't mean to go so far in the woods, we got lost.’ Said Silena, voice one octave higher than it usually was, lashes fluttering as she recoiled herself, making her figure even smaller. Clarisse got a shade less red.
‘You shouldn't be in the woods in the first place!’ Ajax interjected.
‘No, but you wouldn't stop bragging about how life is unfair.’ Silena said, furrowing her brows, but before her brother could say anything else, she changed the subject. ‘He's still mad that dad and Uncle Leo took Andy to Rhode Island and not him.’
‘I'm not!’
‘He is!’ Leander said, and Annabeth noticed Penelope biting her lips to hide her subtle grin.
‘Why did you followed them instead of calling me, idiot?’ Ajax inquired with an eyebrow raised in an expression that was remarkably like his mother’s when she got mad.
‘Don't call your brother that!’ Clarisse barked, ‘Why didn't you call him?’
‘I... I wanted to make sure they'd be fine.’ Leander said as it was obvious.
Finally, Penelope, the youngest in the group, broke her silence, ‘You ran into the Big House, and we had to save you.’ She was at once struck back by screams from Leander trying to defend himself, followed by Silena's arguments to defend her best friend. Ajax had an annoyed sneer watching it all.
‘We weren't even that close to Old Camp; we were near the beach!’ Silena said, and just like that Clarisse went from mad to perturbed.
‘Where is safe.’ Penelope hastily remarked.
‘Leocito came running and said he wanted to see if there were spoils in the Big House to steal.’ Silena explained, shaking her head disapprovingly.
‘We only went into the Big House when we heard his screams.’ Penelope added. ‘He thought he had seen a ghost but turned out it was just a curtain.’
Leander opened his mouth to explain himself, but Clarisse made an indignant sound. ‘The thing is falling to pieces! It could've fallen to pieces on your heads!’ The more she spoke, the higher her voice got, but now out of worry. ‘What would I tell your parents if you died smashed by debris, Penelope?’
Without flinching, Penelope answered, ‘That their daughter left a mark.’
Dennis chocked a laugh, louder than his speaking voice. Flushing, he brought a hand to his lips to hide his sudden amusement.
Slowly, without saying a word, Clarisse turns to Annabeth, face frozen in disbelief.
‘Your, or even Leander’s, disregard for you own life does not give you permission to break rules, Penelope.’ Annabeth intervened, staring at the girl’s face. ‘I should expect that, out of everyone, you’d understand why Camp Half-Blood is off limits.’
‘Well, it shouldn’t be.’ Penelope petulantly crossed her arms, the little brat. ‘We should be working to rebuild it, I mean, people arrive every day. We’re getting crowded. We either rebuild the Old Camp and expand the city, or it’ll expand itself against our will. Also, at this point that’s lighthouse for monsters and worse things, don’t you think it’ll become a problem soon? Do you want your Magnum Opus to be ruined?’
Annabeth’s eyes twitched. ‘You’re exceptionally good quoting your father. Almost word by word.’ Annabeth responded, unimpressed. ‘What you’re hiding, Silena?’
Silena blinked a few times, then opened her mouth in a perfect ‘o’ and smiled as she intonated, ‘I saved him, it’s a bird.’ Annabeth hated birds. Little devilish creatures. ‘It sought refuge inside the Big House, I believe.’ She carefully shows a feathery thing, small enough to fit inside her little hands. If the thing weren’t trembling that much, Annabeth would’ve believed it to be dead. Noticing it, Silena snuggled the bird against her sweater again. ‘We were already there to save Leocito, so I thought...’
Clarisse exhaled, ‘What did your dad say about bringing animals back home?’
‘But mom…’ Silena pleaded, fixing her big eyes on her mother again. Voice even more childish, helpless expression. ‘He’s so small, and he needed my help… And… And… Look how pretty his feathers are! They’re so gold, I mean, it is now that we cleaned him a little, I thought the poor thing was grey. He was calling for us, asking for help. I couldn’t just live him there.’
Dennis chuckled. ‘He is adorable.’ He agreed, walking near Silena to have a better look at the bird, and she proudly raised her hands near Dennis face. ‘Really adorable!’ He confirmed.
‘Yeah, and she’ll cry like a baby when it dies.’ Ajax scorned.
‘He ain’t dying!’ Penelope and Silena roared as one.
‘Sisi…’ Clarisse tried, and Silena reached out for the fabric of her cloak, pulling it gently.
‘Please mom! Please, please, please!’ Her eyes filled with tears, so naturally that impressed Annabeth. ‘I know he still might die if I bring him in, but he’ll surely die if I don’t do anything. Please, mom.’
Clarisse closed her eyes for a second and grimaced, trying to fight her own daughter’s words. Then, she opened her eyes and, of course, ‘Fine!’ She never denied Silena anything. Whatever kept Silena occupied and ignorant to the world surrounding her, Clarisse obliged. The tiny girl cheered as if she hadn’t just broken a rule set to keep people alive, followed by Penelope who happily jumped around her. Here it is, this carpet is never getting clean again. ‘But if it lives, you’ll have to set it free in the wild.’
‘He’ll won’t die!’ Silena protested.
‘We’ll take him to Uncle Will!’ Added Penelope.
‘And don't expect me to take care of it, it's your responsibility.’
‘I'll help her!’ Penelope didn't fret to say, and for some reason Annabeth's chin trembled.
‘And you’re both still grounded. You’re all grounded, in fact.’ Clarisse said. All the kids groaned, probably hoping they’d get away with it. ‘Until your dads are back, then they'll ground you all again.’ No, they'll not, Annabeth thought, they're softer than you.
Ajax eyes pictured his outrage, ‘But it wasn’t my fault!’ He cried out like a baby, shivering ashamedly as he noticed his tone, ‘Mom…’ He softly pleaded, being not nearly as gifted as his sister on doing so. ‘It’s not my fault!’
There was a moment of silence, and Clarisse's eyes locked with Annabeth's for a second. She licked her lips, and her jaw was tight. ‘You need to take your responsibilities more seriously, Jack. What if something caught you? How’d you feel if a monster ate your little sister? They’re little, but you should know better.’
Ajax inflated his chest and took a step further, ‘But I…! Yes, ma'am.’ He didn't finish. Just like he did when he was scolded as a toddler, he lowered his head, and quietly apologised for his misbehaviour.
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liesmultixxx · 2 months
you know what’s percy jackson coded?
wearing blue socks and vans
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leothil · 9 months
Tumblr Fandom: A Year in Review 2023
@mistmarauder thank you so much for creating this and tagging me! 💛💛
Top Five Blorbos: 1. Eddie Diaz - 9-1-1 2. Leon Draisaitl - Hockey rpf 3. Embry Carter - Rebel Kings MC 4. Matthew Tkachuk - Hockey rpf 5. Eddie Fulton - Summer Sons
Top Five Fandoms: 1. 9-1-1 2. Hockey rpf 3. Rebel Kings MC 4. Percy Jackson 5. Summer Sons
Top Five OTPs: 1. Buddie - 9-1-1 2. Mattdrai - Hockey rpf 3. Embry and Mateo - Rebel Kings MC 4. Andrew and Eddie - Summer Sons 5. Quinn Hughes and Brady Tkachuk - Hockey rpf (listen. I can feel the brainrot brewing for these two. It's gonna get worse.)
Shoutout to Some New Friends: I feel like this year is the first time I really properly interacted with @shitouttabuck, @messyhairdiaz, @eddiebabygirldiaz and @toboldlynerd and it's been a truly wonderful time! Shoutout to @nunc-spes-spei and @zahlibeth who are always willing to yes-and spec/ideas and indulge weird theories, you're the best!
Shoutout to Some Old Friends: @rewritetheending, talking to you more this year has brought me indescribable amounts of joy, comfort, relief, every positive feeling out there! I can't emphasize enough how important you are to me! @onward--upward you are a true champ for putting up with my weird hrpf rants and excessive post sharing, I love sharing the brainrot with you! My Buck and Eddie girls @burnthatbridge, @girldadbuddie, and @thatsveryood, I treasure you SO much and hope we can share an unhinged video chat again soon (NZ meetup??)! And my absolute ride or dies, my teeny tiny friends, @buckactuallys, @capseycartwright, @clusterbuck, @hattalove, @oatflatwhite, and @thatbuddie, you're the best thing I have gained from this webbed site, I can't believe I get to talk to you every day! All hail the superior search engine etc, I love you so much!
Favorite Creation You Posted This Year: I've loved doing my fic recs from the archive-project and I've been so happy to see other people discover new old fics through it! (It's not finished, I just wanted a break over the holidays!)
Favorite Creation Posted by Someone Else This Year: I've got to shout out @butchdiaz's Eddie Diaz is the archer because I sat eating breakfast at our summer cottage one morning back in July, watching this video on repeat and struggling to keep my feelings somewhat contained because I couldn't spoil my sister by showing it to her.
People Who Brightened Your Year: Everyone I've already mentioned, naturally, but also @tripleaxeldiaz, @henswilsons, @kitkatpancakestack, @eddiediaaz, @try-set-me-on-fire, @transboybuckley, @trippedandfell for being those extra bright spots on my dash and sometimes in my DMs!
Anyone Else You’d Like to Mention: Big shoutout to all of my mutuals and followers, you are all fantastic and I'm really happy to be here hanging out with you! Extra thanks to @evcndiaz @nymika-arts @glorious-spoon @ellelans @spruceoutoffive @captain-hen @fcntasmas @andrewblur @spaceprincessem @mellaithwen and @mistmarauder for being absolutely wonderful presences on my dash, mwah!
Five of Your Favorite Authors This Year: In the interest of not trying to double-tag people (and get to shout out even more peeps):
@bropunzeling I've reread all of your mattdrai fics more than is probably healthy, and you are this 🤏 close to making me acquire new blorbos by reading the rest of your bibliography.
@msmargaretmurry I'll have you know I reread Head Above Water three times this year and it made me more unhinged every time. That's not counting the times I went back to it just to reread a favourite scene or two.
@hopetorun your mattdrai winner's room fic rearranged something in my brain and I'll never be the same again.
@letmetellyouaboutmyfeels I don't know how you do what you do but I'm in awe, every single time!
@littlespoonevan I've gone back to reread several of your fics this year, and there's something so uniquely sweet and comforting about them!
Five of Your Favorite Artists/Gifmakers/Podficcers/Etc. This Year: 1. @bilosan your gifs are so gorgeous and I always love seeing what kind of sets you put together! 2. @like-the-rest-of-la if I could eat your art, I would!! It's so stupidly beautiful! 3. @skyhighrollins911 your edits are beyond gorgeous, and the cast sharing them as well is so deserved! 4. @barbiediaz your gifsets bring me endless joy and make me stop to look even when it's a fandom I'm not personally in! 5. @baneme-art I am so in love with the way you draw Buck and Eddie, I could look at them for hours!
Three Things You’re Looking Forward to in 2024: 1. S7 of 9-1-1. Of course. 2. Continuing to learn more and get better at west coast swing! (Please let me get into the spring course I will be crushed if I can't have it regularly for half a year 😢) 3. Book seven of Rebel Kings MC (Garrett Leigh you KNOW what you did!)
Tagging: Anyone and everyone tagged in this post already!
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beardisable · 4 months
The Ring
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ok im very suprised i havent seen a post about the ring yet(maybe i didnt look far enough idk) but here's some Thoughts i had right away hurm, its long oops
my first thought seeing this was the caduceus symbol as ive seen at least some ppl mention
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which i thought was VERY interesting, considering 1 the hermes connection and 2 the connection i recalled to doctors/medicine
according to wikipedia at least this symbol IS for hermes, with some great connotations for both the rogue's identity and for the doctor who has the ring now
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Hermes himself... protector of humans, travelers, thieves(rogues...?), messenger of the gods... can move anywhere quickly with the aid of something, mercury which is the beautiful volatile liquid metal... the divine trickster(are you the court jester lmao), god of cunning, language, wit...
the wand itself, to send people to a gentle death or even resurrect them? role of the soul guide.
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much to think about...
ANWYAYS the use of the caduceus for medical organizations is actually kind of a misuse
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the Rod of Asclepius is actually the correct symbol, with no wings and one snake
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i went on kind of a Dive and the rod's name is related to a god that was seen as a patron for medical practicioners, and invoked in taking the hippocratic oath
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Now how is this relevant ??
WELL it might not be. maybe i got the symbol wrong, as i honestly feel i did, bc it looks a bit like a sword if i look at it differently
BUT. if i were to indulge myself i think this has many interesting implications.
So like. first thoughts: oh its the caduceus symbol? i think it has some kind of relation to doctors? AHHHH see very much fits for the doctor! and its a symbol for hermes as well who is a traveller god, jack of all trades... fits !
which might just be the correct reading, a cool significant choice
But im also now thinking about the Layers that i pointed out earlier... how its NOT actually the symbol of doctors/is mistakenly used as it... implies some kind of "not what it seems" that has been constant over this season, implies lying, a front, a mask... possibly incompetence? misunderstanding?
The oath taken invokes the god of the correct symbol, and it just made me think about The Doctor title... about all the conflict over it and if it fits the doctor after all, how it's a self imposed title instead of something given, does it really fit with their actions all the time? do they follow the oath? first do no harm? they surely try
and yes it did make me think about the rogue is master theories and hints, i am not completely convinced on it, but if it were true? Very Master to give the Doctor a ring with a false symbol for his identity...
OTHER read on this is of course. what if the symbol is about the Rogue instead? He does also seem to fit many of the allusions. especcially being a thief/rogue... hummmmm
i dont really have a Big Point, this is mostly rambling lmao, i wanted to get these thoughts out
also most of my knowledge is from wikipedia and percy jackson so if anyone actually educated in this mythology or the history of medicine wants to weigh in, i absolutely welcome you :D
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Finished It Friday - September 13
Happy #FinishedItFriday! Here we can celebrate everyone who has finished a project in the first two weeks of the event. I will update this thread throughout the day. Have you finished a work as part of this event? Tag your post with #IFinishedWhatIStarted2024 so I can boost it!
These first two weeks really flew by! I completely missed it yesterday, so you get it today.
Twitter post here
Wish: Extras by sasuhina_gal
Miraculous Ladybug - Rated T - Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Luka Couffaine - Lila and Adrien's Lives are Switched, Fluff and Angst, Ladybug Luka Couffaine - "Even though the wish has changed Adrien's life forever, sometimes, the past has a way of poking at you, even if you don't remember what it was."
 beloved, betrayer by ubepandeSol 
Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated G - Nico di Angelo & Percy Jackson - Unrequited Crush -"|Nico knows now that he shouldn’t have trusted his father, but his sister Bianca once told him that there are a number of things he can only know for sure when he tests the waters. There are also a number of reasons why he shouldn’t have followed this advice, a number that does not matter right now. They’re Bianca’s words. Sometimes, Nico indulges this gut churning feeling that leads him to listen to the dead.| Chapter 8 of The Last Olympian, from Nico di Angelo's point of view."
Sick with Guilt by Akinasky 
Teen Wolf - Rated T - Derek Hale/Stiles StilinskiSheriff Stilinski & Stiles Stilinski - Underage Drinking, Anxiety, Derek Hale is a Good Boyfriend - "Stiles gets drunk, has anxiety about his dad finding out about the supernatural and goes to Derek about it." 
 Too Much Pie by Akinasky 
Content warnings: Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified, Vomiting - The Last of Us (TV) - Rated T - Ellie & Joel, Joel & Tommy - Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Ellie Needs a Hug, Ellie and Joel Bonding - "Ellie's never had pie before, something happens the first time she does. She can't seem to control herself." 
 Joel's Hoodies are Safety by Akinasky 
Content warning: Panic Attacks - The Last of Us (TV) - Rated T - Ellie & Joel - Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Sharing Clothes, Ellie and Joel Bonding, Vaccine was Created - "Ellie doesn't know how to feel about clothes and having preferences but she knows that she feels the safest in Joel's hoodies. Sub plot: Maria's distrust of Joel is causing harm for Ellie and the Miller family has it out." 
 Only Awake, Not Really Living by Akinasky 
NSFW, content warnings: vomiting, somewhat graphic description of character death - The Last of Us (TV) - Rated M - Ellie & Joel - Canon Compliant, post episode 8, Episode Related, Fainting - "Joel and Ellie holed up in a small cabin after the events of episode 8."
 please, hurry, leave me by ubepandeSol 
NSFW - Given (manga & anime) - Rated M - Kaji Akihiko/Murata Ugetsu - Toxic Relationship, Angst with no happy ending, Implied Sexual Content, Canon-Typical Altercations -" |Stay and listen. Any story about heartbreak could still be a love story if it’s told in reverse. Let’s go back to the summer before that, then.| Two people who've broken up remained to break each other's hearts thereafter over and over again. It wasn't always like that between them."
idv kink meme fills by overmore - Chapter 4: Joseph/Aesop + somnophilia, dubcon 
NSFW, Content Warnings: Sexual Content, Dubious Consent - 第五人格 | Identity V (Video Game) - Rated E - Aesop Carl | Embalmer/Joseph Desaulnier | Photographer - Trans Aesop Carl | Embalmer, Somnophilia - No summary given.
Fic Trailer for "one hand on the trigger (the other hand in mine) // 暗线"
NSFW, content warning: gun violence - Mysterious Lotus Casebook - Di Feisheng/Li Lianhua, Li Lianhua & Fang Duobing - "Ten years ago, Li Xiangyi went undercover to investigate a crime syndicate known as the Di Family Business. When his adopted brother dies during a failed sting operation, because of his mistake, he goes underground. Meanwhile, a fellow bright young police recruit named Di Feisheng, who was in the academy with Li Xiangyi, rises steadily through the police ranks… Ten years later, when his brother's only son Fang Duobing joins the police academy as well, Li Xiangyi is forced to face the secrets of the past. (The fic is still a WIP but here's a teaser fanvid first 🙈 )"
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