#Now could I have included more crossover quotes?
Annabeth Chase: Saki, you'll be working with Shiho and Ichika. Saki: Alright! My fantasy threesome! Everyone else: *blank stares* Saki: ...Of people on a team.
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zahri-melitor · 25 days
What can you infer about the editorial meddling Young Justice went through?
Oh god. It’s like the old quote about pornography: you know it when you see it. Spend enough time reading comics and you can just tell.
Notable problems with the Young Justice 2019 run that smack of interference:
You can really tell there was external pressure to include Steph in the run and that she was not originally intended to join the team or appear any further than occasional cameos such as the flashbacks at the Hall of Justice as a link to Tim’s final scene in Tynion’s Tec run. Structurally her story makes no sense whatsoever for how to put a plot together. Steph’s not an original Young Justice character, the run already was supporting two new female characters plus a reboot of Amethyst introducing Amy to a new generation, even before we look at the crossovers from other titles in the imprint. The fact they ended up throwing in a single issue entirely about 'what Steph has been up to and her fight against Cluemaster' in the last section of the run makes it even worse, as that was valuable page time wasted pandering that could and should have been used to give Jinny Hex or Keli Quintela more development.
The entire ‘Drake’ situation, which for a costume change had very little build up, was under-designed, and then disappeared with Tim back in the Robin costume between two panels. It was a test balloon from someone that was comprehensively shot down by some mix of the fandom and editorial, and I remain convinced that DC is gunshy about a new costume and identity for Tim all the way up to the present day because of how badly it was handled.
It was being used as the anchor for Wonder Comics, leading to the required mega crossover (that also spilled over into Bendis’ Action Comics to give it some more space), putting even more pressure on the title to be telling a big crossover story when it was still trying to re-establish “your favourites are back” and suggesting potentially expanding the Young Justice lineup out to around thirteen characters, a massively oversized team that the title was not set up to handle.
Lost in the Multiverse was where the story started to get bogged down by being pulled in too many directions by expectations.
It’s also super telling that the last third of the book got turned over to essentially doing one-shot character pieces about the Core Four, the last defence of a run that can see cancellation coming and doesn’t feel confident launching a new story arc they don’t expect to get to finish. Some of this stuff was clearly background character work they would have preferred to have dripped out over a longer run.
Also I know I’m repeating myself, but having the Tim piece focus on Steph mostly, in the frame of Tim and Steph’s relationship? That’s not where I’d be spending my time when looking at Tim Drake in the focus of Young Justice. How he’s coping with his returned memories of having two or three different lives now? Thinking about what ‘Tell Conner you’re sorry’ means? Discussion about his feelings in terms of moving on from being Robin or not? Nah let’s talk about Steph's problems with her dad instead. That’s not a natural fit compared to what everyone else got and does not follow from any of the preceding story.
Still ropeable that the whole set of storylines about regained memories and alternate timelines doesn’t get to intersect with Lois Lane (which spoilers but also is committed to storytelling about ‘people have memories of other places bleeding through’ prior to the full Infinite Frontier retcon) or explore how those memories change things for Tim, Bart or Cassie (Kon at least does get a story about reconnecting in Action).
And that’s just off the top of my head, ignoring any of the more subtle signs.
I love Young Justice 2019. It is a run that adores Bart, Kon, Cassie and Tim (and particularly Bart. I cannot explain to you how much this story adores Bart if you’ve never read it) and the opening 6 issues make me feel warm and fuzzy every time I read them in terms of how cleverly it works to explain how we get everything back. There are clever subtle moments in the text that give a lot more depth to the story that are implied rather than spelled out: how Cassie suddenly remembers Bart when Bart comes near her, suggesting that her returned memories are a Speed Force side effect from being a lightning rod to Bart; Cassie and Tim sense Kon using TTK and recognise it as familiar, something the new characters cannot; the fakeout in the art where when Tim’s memories are restored, he sees Cissie in his memories, but unless you know the exact YJ98 page being referenced you’d think it was Steph; etc.
But gosh it would have been so much better if it had not been required to devote so much page time to crossovers and to pandering to fans, among other elements.
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uraichievents · 1 year
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Monday, June 26th, 2023 - Sunday, July 2nd, 2023
General Info
What is UraIchi Week?
It’s a week-long fanworks event to promote the Urahara Kisuke x Kurosaki Ichigo ship. There’s no sign-up, it’s just for fun, and everybody can participate. Completed works and wips are both acceptable, and any type of fanwork (fanfic, fanart, gifsets, etc.) is welcome. NSFW and/or potentially trigger-y content is allowed, although please remember to tag your works properly.
The ship itself can be written romantically or platonically so long as it stars these two characters together in some way. Poly ships are also fine so long as Ichigo and Kisuke are still the focus of the fanwork. And crossovers and fusions are also allowed even if it isn’t one of the given prompts for the event. Basically, anything goes, and the only criteria is that it has to be UraIchi-centric.
For those of you with Tumblr, you can tag your stuff with #UraIchi Week 2023 in the first five tags of your post. I’ll be tracking that tag so I’ll see it and reblog it to this blog. (If it’s been a few days since you posted and I still haven’t reblogged it, something probably went wrong, Tumblr’s not always reliable, so just shoot me an ask about it and I’ll reblog it.)
For those of you with AO3, I will create a collection a day or two before the event starts, and you’ll be able to add your work to the collection when you post. (I’ll toss up a notice for everyone once the collection is up.)
And of course we have our Discord server (link is on the sidebar) so if you want to come and talk about what you’re working on or you just want to chat, feel free to join us there!
At this point, the UraIchi Server has definitely gotten a lot bigger than just UraIchi, but we do still have channels dedicated to UraIchi events.
~ Themes
The votes are in and tallied so here are the results that everyone’s been waiting for! It’s your choice whether or not you want to make a fanwork that includes all the themes of that day, or a fanwork for each theme, or a fanwork for just one. You can make something for each day of the week or just one or two days. And if your fanwork doesn’t fit any of the themes, there’s a Creator’s Choice option on the last day so feel free to bring your own ideas to this event. All prompts can be interpreted any way you want as well, it’s entirely up to you, any extra bits I’ve added is just to help get those inspiration bunnies hopping.
An extra note about the sentence prompts: feel free to change the tenses and pronouns as it suits you. If you’re inspired by a sentence prompt, then of course you should include it in your fic (as opposed to the quote prompts which are just inspiration in a general-theme-of-your-work sort of way), but if you need to change the tense from present to past, or if you’re doing a genderbend fic and need to change the pronoun, that’s perfectly fine.
And now here are the prompts:
June 26th, 2023 - Day 1: the passage of time is a game-changer, for better or for worse
Time Travel AU / Dimension Travel AU
"At this point, I've died so many times, once more isn't going to make a difference."
Post-Canon AU
"This isn't your responsibility." / "It isn't yours either."
June 27th, 2023 - Day 2: o if only the dead could speak— you would hear the stories they could tell, of the terrible things we did for love
Loyalty Kink
"Him or the world? That's easy."
Oaths / Vows
"Everything I've ever let go of has claw marks on it." - David Foster Wallace, Infinite Jest
June 28th, 2023 - Day 3: is there really so great a difference, between man and martyr and monster?
vs. Gotei 13 AU
"You could at least keep your pet killer on a leash."
Mafia AU
"Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you look when considering violence?" - Terry Pratchett, Going Postal
June 29th, 2023 - Day 4: i was never human to begin with (you made sure of that)
Eldritch/Horror/Supernatural Elements AU
Binding Contracts
"Is it better to out-monster the monster or to be quietly devoured?" - Friedrich Nietzsche
June 30th, 2023 - Day 5: our love was forged across battlefields (we fought for every bit of it, every single day)
Soulmates AU
"I want you to stay. Am I still not being clear enough?"
Arranged Marriage AU
"We accept the love we think we deserve." - Stephen Chbosky, The Perks of Being a Wallflower
July 1st, 2023 - Day 6: redemption or destruction— which one will you be to me?
Touch-Starved Character(s)
"I've forgotten how to be kind."
"I desire the things that will destroy me in the end." - Sylvia Plath, The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath
July 2nd, 2023 - Day 7:
Creator’s Choice!
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oc-challenges · 9 months
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Since the winter challenges struck out, we're crawling home. Luckily, the new years oc event is here and hopefully it will be the toast of the town. So before we all have to clean the glitter off the floor after the party, we're going to hold onto the memories of 2023 and looking forward to 2024. This event comes from @aliverse (me) and @elmunson with suggestions and feedback from the OC Challenges & Potluck discord, and it spans from the 26th of December 2023 to the 1st of January 2024. With the hope that you may never become a stranger to the oc community, let's go over the rules and then get to the challenges!
DO NOT copy others edits, if you feel someone has stolen your edits, follow these guidelines!
If you are doing crossovers, PLEASE make sure that the creator of the other oc is okay with crossovers.
If you want your post to be reblogged onto this blog, it must contain the hashtag onyc23.
Feel free to ask any questions, I promise I'll stay even when your scared, and I'm lost, and you're running away.
Everything is up to the creators interpretation, although I have tried to include some examples for help!
Have fun!
Day One: What A Tangled Web We Weave
On the first day, let's take part in one of my favorite trends this year—web weaving! Weave a captivating web incorporating quotes, images, screencaps, and more for your OC. If you're not familiar with the concept of web weaving, here's an account with a lot of examples.
Day Two: I Polish Up Real Nice
Sometimes we get tired or bored of an oc or an edit, but there still things we love about them. To reignite our love for these things, we're going to revise and revamp. Choose an oc, a story, or an edit to to refine and enhance to its fullest potential.
Day Three: In My _ Era
On the third day, let's reflect on the defining periods that have shaped either us or our original characters. Despite the initial impression, and my well known obsession, this is inspired by The Eras Tour but doesn't have anything to do with her.. We delve into the various eras within our OCs' lives, whether categorized by tv show season, movie, age, or any other criteria you can think of. Alternatively, share insights about the current era your in as a creator, like "in my hunger games oc era" or "in my gifset era".
Day Four: Everything New
Now that the studios have stopped being bitches, we can acknowledge all the remarkable releases of 2023 (a special shoutout to the talented individuals who contributed to their excellence). On day four, craft something inspired by a creation that emerged this year, whether it's an entirely new series or just a fresh installment in an existing one.
Day Five: Don't You Forget About Me
Though 365 days sounds like a long time, it doesn't always feel that way. In the midst of our activities this year, some things may have been unintentionally overlooked. Fortunately, there's still time to make up for it. Take this opportunity to craft something for an OC that took a backseat this year, bring to life that edit you've been yearning to create all along, or share that chapter you've been gradually working on throughout the year.
Day Six: In With The New
Let's not do out with the old, but we could certainly do in with the new. For day six, introduce a brand new oc or story you hope to be your newest muse for 2024.
Day Seven: Exchange The Experience
Tidings, tinsel, and a year of beginnings. It's start of a new chapter of our lives, especially for our original characters. Be sure to celebrate this new chapter by signing up for the OC Potluck New Years exchange and spreading joy.
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kaykat666 · 5 months
20 questions for fic writers
Thanks @superlc529 for the tag!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
32 published on AO3. If I include unpublished and/or unfinished stories that I have on my laptop I’d say I have a total of around maybe 45?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
729,333. Definitely over 1 mil if I count anything unpublished. I didn’t even realise it was that much before this moment.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Lucifer. I may have dabbled in other fandoms in my teenage years but we’re not going to talk about that right now.
4. Top 5 fics by kudos?
Joyriding with the devil - 2,051 kudos
Project Deviant - 1,079
Never to Me - 874
And I Would Do It Again - 854
Supernova - 853
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try to! Sometimes I forget though :( I absolutely read and cherish every single comment I receive though!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Never to Me. It was unintentional really, as it was meant to be the first part of a 1 part story. Certain circumstances lead to me completely losing the desire to continue writing the second part (it’s over half finished!) and so I never posted it. That was like… at least 3 years ago. What is time? I hope to finish it at some point but I’m just too busy these days with work. This is really the only story I’ve left on an angsty note.
7. What the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Like I just said, I don’t do many angsty endings. I love to play with it in the middle of the story, and orchestrate killer cliffhangers between chapters but I like to make everything work out in the end. I always liked the John Lennon quote, “Everything will be okay in the end. If it’s not okay, it’s not the end.” So yeah, a lot of my stories have endings that I think are happy. I’m not sure I could say which one is the happiest.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Unfortunately I’ve had a few horrible comments. I try not to think about them for too long though. It’s a drop in the ocean compared to the amount of lovely, thoughtful comments that I get 😊
9. Do you write smut?
No. Far too British for that.
10. Craziest crossover?
Lucifer and Loki. My only crossover really. Also on do regretfully have not finished but it’s definitely out there in terms of craziness.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yes, but I feel that it was more of a misunderstanding than anything and the person who did it took it down (along with a lot of others they had posted) fairly quickly.
12. Have you ever had fic translated?
Yes! A reader of mine translated Project Deviant into Russian.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Also yes! Project Deviant was co-written by myself, @oh-mylordy, and @self-indulgent-sapphism. I also started writing one with my beta @notonelineff but we never have gotten around to finishing it. Co-writing is hard. Especially if you’re writing a long project.
14. All time favourite ship?
Deckerstar I guess. The amount of fic I’ve written should be enough evidence of that.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Hm. Not sure on this one. There’s a few I want to finish but I’m still hoping to get around to them like I’ve said.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Uhhh. I feel like I’m decent at descriptions. I try my best anyway. I try to keep things fluid and set the scene in a way that feel natural and not just stick you with a whole block if description at once. I’ve definitely improved at plotting long fics as well I think. I personally think I’m good at writing suspense when it is called for.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I definitely get stuck on words or phrase and will waaaay over use them until my beta tells me off. I’m really not great at keeping things short either. And it’s not even like my one shots keep turning into long fics, but more that I can definitely over describe and draw things out more than is necessary. I don’t really know what else. I’m sure I have many things that I could improve but I do write for fun and so I try not to get myself too down about what I could be doing better. As long as I can convey the story/scene/emotions that I want to it happy.
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I’ve tried it a couple of times. Never more than a like or too, just to convey the purpose that I want it to. For example I would love to show Lucifer being omni-lingual more because it was something I did love about his character in the show but it’s so hard to do in writing without making it overly complicated for the reader. Therefore I settle for throwing in a line here or there and leaving it at that. Also, my knowledge of language really doesn’t extend past Google translate so I don’t want to end up saying the wrong thing.
19. First Fandom you wrote in?
Doctor Who when I was about… 15 or so. They are no longer on the internet. It’s probably for the best.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Ahhh asking me to pick a favourite fic is like asking me to pick a favourite child. I really do love the universe we built in Project Deviant though, and the sequel A Glitch in the System. I thoroughly enjoyed every part of plotting and writing those fics, and dabbling in the universe of one of my favourite games. It also allowed me to write a lot of things that I’d wanted to for a while so that was nice.
However, I also really do have a soft spot for All That Remains. Writing that fic emotionally wrecked me but I still love it.
Also I’m pretty proud of Resistance is Futile writing and plot wise. It was just a fun thing that I wanted to write but I was pleased with the case part more than anything. I wanted it to kinda feel like an episode of Lucifer and I personally think it does.
I did a top 3 instead of 1. Like I said, you can’t make me pick. It’s just not fair.
Anyway! I don’t know who to tag really but if anyone writes fic and wants to do this please feel free!
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04tenno · 1 year
I have to admit I’m so unsure of what message they were trying to send with Nick Ogata
Looks classically fruity but I’m still… unsure
Well, they say if it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck...
I think it goes past appearances, though. Of course, he does dress like a dandy (the same way Yokoyama first visualized Mine dressing, incidentally), and there's a certain flamboyant charm there. And he does have Those Mannerisms. You know the ones, I'm sure.
If that much seemed tenuous, the fact he frequents Earth Angel, more or less acts as Ichiban's "sugar daddy" over the course of the game, and is very excited to hear all about Ichiban's "date" with Arakawa while clearly under the impression Ichiban means it in a romantic sense (💀💀💀) leaves few doubts for most about what they were trying to get at.
But as always, I'd like to talk about queerness in the context of Japanese culture. Earth Angel no longer billed as an "okama bar," but that was part of its history, and the Champion District is also home to Drama Queen. Like I've touched on before, the "clustering" of LGBT-friendly establishments in the Champion District makes it more like a cross between Golden Gai (what it's actually based on) and Nicho (Shinjuku's hub of gay subculture), which naturally carries implications for regulars.
Another thing I've touched on before is wealth. Among the sexual minorities in Japan, gay men appear to have the highest ceiling for financial mobility. Characters like Nick and Mine, who've accrued more wealth than most other characters could even dream of, demonstrate that perfectly; the sums of money at the core of games like Yakuza and Yakuza 4 are pocket change to them. To a degree, this goes for Oda too, though in a cast of characters of characters who are also filthy rich, he doesn't stand out as much.
Those are pretty broad, of course, but there are a few things specific to Nick. For one, his theatricality and dramatics. In particular, his showmanship in the iconic finale scene stands out to me. There is a fair amount of crossover with queerness in Western culture here, so I'm sure it'll sound familiar. Let's see...
"Mainstream" visibility and acceptance of transgender identities and homosexuality in modern Japan first came to be through big spectacular televised events inviting queer entertainers to perform. And although these were joyful occasions that many were happy to see, the lack of seriousness in media in general has more or less lead to the generalization of queer people (mainly gay men and trans women) as entertainers and performers, theatrical, dramatic, camp.
To quote Queer Japanese, "Curiosity is the only driving force. Sexual minorities portrayed by media are funny and entertaining, but without real voice. The invitation of sexual minorities to the program by NHK satisfies the curiosity of viewers while also showing the viewers how open, accepting, and tolerant the media has become." This is the case for a lot of Japanese media, RGG included.
Another thing specific to Nick is that he's half-American and has clearly spent a lot of time stateside, being bilingual. Now, that might not sound related, but frequently in Japan you'll encounter the sentiment that being queer is a "foreigner thing"; many people are more willing to accept foreigners and the diaspora as being queer than the alternative. The sentiment lies at the intersection of too many ingrained assumptions to unpack here, but it's one that's reflected in characters like Nick (or even Mine, who is heavily Westernized himself.)
Analysis aside, the biggest instinctive "tell" for me was the attempt to subvert expectations with him dating women and enjoying their company (unlike Mine, for once). In attempting to subvert expectations, it's necessary to acknowledge the fact the expectations are there in the first place. So to me, Nick is a character who is crafted to set those expectations, and his character cannot be divorced from them.
And my reasoning may sound counter-intuitive, but... I'm not sure what man who's actually interested in women only dates them to refine them to their best selves and then immediately breaks up with them. It's like, he only gets in relationships knowing they'll end and he'll be the one to do it, and that's not only fine with him, but the appeal. So it kind of just circles back around to being pretty gay.
While I'm here, Nick is partly based on this guy from RGGO (whose name I never bothered to learn/remember, but I assume he has one.)
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#long post#asks#my analysis#anonymous#yakuza 3#yakuza like a dragon#ryu ga gotoku online#nick ogata#ichiban kasuga#kasuga ichiban#yoshitaka mine#mine yoshitaka#yeah fuck it im tagging#brought to you by the guy behind the Mine Gay Essay: the Nick Gay Essay#not that i needed to really make an argument here. i mean...#i was gonna make a joke like For More Gay Essays drop random characters in my inbox but. nah. realistically i don't have that many thoughts#or THE TIME like jesus christ mine and nick barely have screentime but they've got me writing PARAGRAPHS#but yeah i don't think he's bi or anything despite what he says#as a certified bisexual i have nfi what he was talking about lol#what do you MEAN catch and release. what do you mean by that.#i haven't seen the business storyline though so i'm missing out on The Full Picture. but i'm pretty sure about this one#HONESTLY THOUGH LIKE. SLAY#HE'S SO OP FOR NO REASON WHATSOEVER AND I WAS BEYOND THRILLED TO SEE HIM DO SO MUCH SHIT THAT'S PIVOTAL TO THE PLOT#like. usually. characters like nick will just be bit characters at most. relegated to substories or side content#but there's so much of the story that literally COULD NOT have happened without nick#it was so foul for ichi to give him the impression he was going on a /date/ date with arakawa though that shit made me vacate my skin#i know you didn't know he was your /dad/ dad at the time but...... ichi............ just think once before you speak please#i don't have any opinions one way or another about how nick is handled as a character though#i mean. sure. plays off stereotypes. But Have You Considered I Love Him#i was going to say something else but i don't wanna ruffle feathers soooo yeah :) PLEASE come back in 8 king
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shark-myths · 10 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you so much for the tag ((and drag)) @carbonbased000! this was very fun and thoughtful to do.
who is writing things right now? i never remember. i will tag a wide and perhaps not terribly relevant range of: @toorational @just-about-nothing @27-royal-teas @leyley09 @alienfuckeronmain @stereostatic @setting-in-a-honeymoon and anyone else so inclined!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
968,103, but as i’ve said before, i have orphaned a lotta fic as well
3. What fandoms do you write for?
pretty much just Fall Out Boy, but i will occasionally dabble in something random! this includes tony stark femslash (not sorry, will not apologize), cobra kai, and anything about girls or characters who could compellingly be made into girls.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The Difference Between Real Love and the Love on TV
Stranger Danger
Boys Next Door / Assholes
From Russia With Love (this is one of those random sidesteps, a MCU femslash epistolary)
Jet Black Crow
(As an aside, it is so wild to me that older fics have so many more kudos than newer ones—you can really tell that fob went 5 years between albums! imo this is NOT a list of my best fic.)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
for years, I responded to every single one! then at some point i fell behind because of my high standards for trying to put the same thought and effort into my responses as all you lovely people put into the comments, then i became overwhelmed, then i stopped. I AM SO SORRY IF I OWE YOU RETURN COMMENTS, i read them and i treasured them and you are a huge part of the reason i keep writing. love u all!!!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I only write happy endings, man! I stopped writing tragedies a long time ago. My angstiest fics are red and unafraid of living and In Every Universe. the end of Made One Way (Cobra Kai) is ambiguous and potentially brutal, depending on how you take it.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
um, every single other one! I’m a big fan of the gory fairy tale ending of The Boys Time Can’t Capture, and transmuting the hiatus into an act of mutual care and love in Sell Out Girl meant so much to me.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
not since my first fandom and god, don’t
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
yes, a bit, could probably write a little less about feelings and a little more about feelings if u know what i mean. I’m super into sex as a person so i almost never write about intense romantic connections without bringing smut into it somehow; they feel really tightly linked for me, and i think i also crave media with HOT and INTIMATE connections between queer people. In terms of kind, i guess i’d have to say it’s largely rushed vanilla emotion-and-orgasm driven scenes. not a very flattering oeuvre i've created here.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
mash-ups are my favorite thing to do! I especially like ripping off movie and fairy tale plots and making them stranger, or else taking a really specific constrained timeline from someone’s life or a piece of media and transforming it somehow. best sandbox ever. my craziest one is probably the coyote ugly / beauty in the beast peterick fic, Wolves Dressed As Wolves. and i love this type of transformation in everything, whether it's the weirdo gender shit i just learned duchamp was doing or katherine addison's destructively beautiful 'sherlock holmes except there're ANGELS' novel or the buenos aires re-imagining version of vivaldi's four seasons by piazzolla, my life and taste keeps taking me into the various ways we fold and refract and remake the same experiences over and over again through different lenses or angles or selves. to quote some author whose identity i forgot years ago, though the quote remains: "there are no new stories." all art is iterative, and the most interesting thing we can do as creators is deviate in new, unexpected ways.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
yeah, a million years ago on deviantart
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes! I have had a few translations and a podfic. I love it when people want to interact with my stories in their own way, all interpretations are welcome.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
one day i hope to be domesticated enough that @carbonbased000 can write with me. I used to co-write by passing the laptop back and forth with my bestie in high school; we wrote self-insert x-men fanfiction based on the comic books in like 2004 and it was an absolute blast; but generally i am considered impossible to work with, by both myself and others.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
i feel completely unqualified to answer this question. i have been driven insane by any number of pairings in my life. when i was younger, i was more interested in internalized homophobia themes in ships, because that's where WE were culturally in the early 2000s and where i was in relationship to myself, and i think each change and growth and greater empowerment and self-possession in my own life is mirrored in what i am interested in. i feel the most drawn in by dynamics between people that are creative and give me a new way to access and explore interesting ideas and themes; i’m a real sucker for shared art products and touring bands as unique and agonizing ways to connect people. there are so many different ways to express that someone is your soulmate and you'll never convince me throwing away all trappings of a traditional life in order to rove the earth and make art with your friends isn't one of them.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
do you not just block out your WIPs from your mind so that you can live in moment-to-moment freedom?? I am a finisher in general, i have a few peterick drafts lurking around in my gdocs but if they remain untouched, it’s generally because there are only a couple thousand words to them and i’m not very excited about the possibilities of the fic. there is a sequel to a meticulously historically accurate pirate fic i wrote long ago called Providence, i got to about 30k and then lost all of my extremely painstaking notes and research in a software update. I’m still very interested in and excited by the idea, but i lost the notes and felt too traumatized to continue with the project genuinely a decade ago, so the idea that i will return and finish the fic seems fairly unlikely. Providence is one of my greatest pieces of writing ever, though, so hope springs eternal, i guess!
16. What are your writing strengths?
lyrical prose and conveying humor via unusual sentence construction. i was recently told i write arguments well and feel tough as a result, like, watch out! you don’t want to fight me!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
i am lazy and easily distractible, i don’t plot in advance, i barely edit because i get really rigid and have trouble seeing any other way to say something than how i’ve already said it, i have an unwillingness to delete and rewrite even when that’s the only way forward (see: my eternally 90% finished age swap peterick au), i use up all my emotional energy elsewhere and then neglect my craft for weeks at a time. 
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
sometimes i’ll use pet names in another language if it makes sense for the character, but i avoid this in general as i’m not fluent in anything other than english. I would, have, and do sound like a duolingo lesson.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
afi bandom, when we used to call it slash, when i thought i had invented it with my friend at summer camp, when i was 13 and sent her kidfic stories i wrote out by hand in pink envelopes.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
genuinely i almost always write things i personally want to read, so i love them all! except the fucking fixed stars of heaven, everyone knows that fic tortured me to within an inch of my sanity. My most personal and personally meaningful fic is Girl Out Boy. i have a tattoo of it on my arm.
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gellavonhamster · 1 year
At the risk of demonstrating zero reading comprehension... which century La Morte Amoureuse/Clarimonde is supposed to be set in? I know it was published in 1836 and Romuald narrates the events that started 42 years ago (he's 66 when he's narrating the story, and his ordination, when he first saw Clarimonde, took place when he was 24). But also, it's been quite some time since I read it, so I can't quote the passages which prompted me to think so (if there actually were any specific passages and not just Vibes), but I remember picturing a more distant period than circa 1794 when reading it. The aesthetic my mind kept providing was something in the vein of Dangerous Beauty, a biopic of a 16th century courtesan Veronica Franco:
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And here's an illustration for the 1904 edition:
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(source: Wikipedia)
Now, I'm no fashion historian in the slightest, but isn't the kind of standing collar Clarimonde has here more of a 17th century thing? I had almost no doubts about the events of the story taking place at least that long ago until the last year's Dracula Daily brought a wave of Gothic lit crossovers that included Clarimonde as well. Which, of course, means nothing because she's a vampire and could be perfectly alive undead and well in the Victorian era, but it made me question for the first time if I have completely misinterpreted the setting.
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pixie-skull · 11 months
Ten Characters * Ten Fandoms * Ten Tags
Before I list the most impactful fandoms in my list, a huge shoutout and thank you too @confettipetticoats for tagging me. =D Please go watch her (Non)-Disney crossovers on Youtube as she both so talented and such an awesome pal of mine. :D So I am ranking from 10 to 0 as why not my list, so why not include zero. >:D I tried to choose fandoms I can say I am still a part of, yet not just like, but either been a fan for a long time or the given product means a lot to me.
10. Universal Studios Monsters: Now this a confusing entry as I am not someone who seen all the monster movies, but the impact and the handful of films I have seen from original to remakes, I am a huge fan of. I mean if it was not for my special interest in Mythology as is, this fandom adds to it. Does not hurt most of the bigger or well known monsters have roots in Victorian gothic literature. Favorite monster is hard, as all of them are fun their own way, but I guess my inner psychologist would choose Wolfman/Werewolf.
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9. The Simpsons: Yes I agree it dragging on but still one of few shows that my full family and I bonded over, next to select shows that some family members all liked (Bones was very close to being on this list, but I never finished it). It along with other animated shows plus movies made me really want to consider voice acting for a future job. As well, I am not sure why Lisa not featured in the gif below. XD Favorite character though is Apu, plus in the video games, The Simpsons: Hit& Run and The Simpsons: Road Rage.
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8. The Addams Family: I only watch the 90's movies and plan watch the original show and animated movies too, but from what I can tell of this fandom, very creepy, spooky, and kooky . XD Sorry too obvious to reference. Favorite characters are tied for the love birds (or bats would that be more in character) Morticia and Gomez. I try to avoid looking up to other people's relationships as everyone is so different, but I can deny these two are what I hope for in a relationship. If not that at least, I adore the just what the two stand for in a couple that is rarely depicted, friends and lovers, who do not settle and hate each other. Sorry but so many relationships especially parents seem to hate each other but stay nice for wanting a family. At a young age this trope I hated.
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7. Avatar: The Last Airbender: Such a great show, from world building, character arches, animation, voice acting, and much more. I rarely find myself wishing if I could voice act in something, but this a show that and overall franchise I would be so happy to be a part of. Plus Aang such a well done character and often I do not relate to a character's personality as much I had with him. If from his trying to best to see in others but grows to be selective of who to open up to, being seen as both so young but an old Soul, awkward but willing to laugh at himself, and wants to hear a different point of view or at least learn more of life are few of other traits I can relate to in him. That being said I also can relate to Iroh for similar but in his own way, traits prior. He the supportive, fun, but heartfelt uncle I hope I can be. Yes I am tied between Aang and Iroh. XD
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6. Owl House: Yes, a newer product on my list, but can anyone blame me? XD I am still so sad it was short as was, but hopefully come back. It had so much to offer, my newest comfort character is Eda and I am so picky of my comfort characters*, but dang this show you can tell had so much thought and carefully planned, and more. Eda the character I like most from the show too. Yes my biggest ship if Eda x Raine :P .
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5. Hellboy: I need to read more these comics, as the movies ugh such a great twist of fantasy, a hero who really wants to do the right thing, but you do not blame him for feeling outcasted by those he protects, and more. Bonus introduced me to my current favorite director, Guillermo del Toro. As well one of my favorite hero quotes of all time. However favorite character goes, Red/H-e-l-lboy.
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4. X-Men: I know the movies' timeline is all over the place, the X-Men Evolution Wolverine seems so hated (even though a guilty pleasure of mine), the first two are the best in the full series along a few standouts, but dang it this movie series was and still holds so much meaning to me. I mean the not so subtle message of being yourself and use what makes you different as a power felt even more powerful as when younger I was diagnosed with ASD in elementary school and only found by high school from being told, but prior I felt like a mutant, like I felt so pity (yes I had former friends who only became pals because pity), teased for things like special interests, and more, but these movies made me felt there was at least somewhat others like me. Lastly, for a kid, I respect the beliefs of the leader of the "good" and "bad" were so complex, as simple narratives on morality felt so demeaning as a kid. I mean as I get older (@little-bloodied-angel and I talked about this recently) I really consider Magneto one of the best 'villains' I have watched and read (I need read more comics in general). Bonus this franchise seems so awesome the earlier films had so many people who are in the LGBTQ Community: Anna Paquin (bi woman), Ian McKellen (gay man), Elliot Page (trans man), Alan Cumming (bi man). To be fair the Mutants being a metaphor for those wanting more civil rights or equal rights is well known. Favorite character goes, of late again Magento again just the appeal he more complex and even though violence if can be avoided please do that.
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3. 90's Sailor Moon: I am aware such a case of nostalgia goggles on tightly, as I have heard the recent new version more closer to the manga. However the 90's one felt so more fleshed out and bonus the titular character herself one of FEW characters I have ever related to as a kid that was not just comedic relief or a side character. XD Yes I related the awkwardness of Thief from The Thief and the Cobbler, Flower from Bambi (if anything as a trans guy it feels so telling I wanted to liked a guy character who just happens to be comfortable being mistaken as a girl XD). Bonus one of my friends who sees me as found family, we bonded over adoring the 90's version. Favorite character the "protector of love and justice" herself.
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2. Disney, mostly the villains fandom: I do adore the heroes/heroines, yet the campy nature of the former hand-drawn villains so great. As well, yes I am not sorry I have a shirt with this design below. >:D In regards which one is my favorite, Maleficent.
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1. The Last Unicorn: The animated feature and the book (to be fair I have the graphic novel) both hold such introduction to Mythology for me and the writing (Peter S. Begeal I hope read more of his work) so similar to J.R.R.Tolkien in ways, that it also helped me love the fantasy genre too. Plus the sequel Two Hearts is not required reading but it does add more too. Favorite character is maybe a surprise Schmendrick. I just appreciate his confidence and overall character arch most of the main cast.
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0. The Lord of the Rings: Besides the 2001-2003 live action movies, the extended cut too, the books, and the animated movies, this franchise I can not explain enough the impact it has had on me since as far I can remember. As well yes, The Hobbit book, films (including animated movie too) are worth their thanks too. Now in regards of The Rings of Power show on Amazon, I am unsure to watch, yet that is if The Hobbit is a C at best, I worry what that show is at best. Favorite character is so hard to say, but if I had to really choose Pippin (fun fact met the actor Billy Boyd at a comicon once) as he most audience surrogate I had related to growing up.
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*= My other comfort characters: Eda and King
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I am curious of what: @little-bloodied-angel @impossiblepeggy @airasora @geebs96 @0chaotic-queer0 @thenamelessdoll @jujubee-edits @theevilsquirrelqueen @animagix101and @wardisahi would say are themes in my choices. Plus, your ten fandoms and ten characters you peeps like. Also was unsure mythology counted as a fandom, as if it does that definitely my biggest favorite fandom.
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rainismdata · 4 months
Rain is here!! ^^
rainismdata (laufeysongm1n9i) [Ao3]
rainismdata [Twitter/X and Discord]
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[◽️] #hmdlm or "The Living Medicine" is fake tweets of House MD characters; where everybody is alive, healthy, and happy. [◽️] #hilsoneulogy or "Eulogy for The Head and The Heart" is a collection of mini songfic, sickfic, or MCDfic; where I collect my sadness towards House or Wilson's death/sickness/pain in headcanons. [◽️] #hilson ff (with space) is a collection of currently read or subscribed stories (also my recommendations) [◽️]
[◽️] #hmdshots #rainshots or is a collection of LQ screenshots that I took while watching House MD, and then any other movies/series. [◽️] #rainedits is a collection of my amateurly edited pictures (using PicsArt); including wallpaper/lockscreen. [◽️] #rainfics #rainff is a collection of my written stories (fanfictions, prompts, drabble, fake tweet, fake chats, etc). #rainocs is for my OCs. [◽️] rainplays is a collection of me talking about games. [◽️]
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About Me (+preferences):
Welcome to my ✨fantasy world 💖✨
I'm Rain, the “I'm fluent in Google Translate” enjoyer, reader, and writer. [Yes, I am quoting Stephen Strange.]
[[ 2⃣5⃣ she/they 💓💛💙 eng/idn 🔞 (MDNI on NSFW things) ]]
This account stands for every thing I could find or any thing I would read. So, basically I can read anything; and I can just leave it alone if it's not my preferences (on tropes, ships, or genres)
OTPs: Albert×Chris (RE), Batman×Superman (DC), Wong×Strange (Marvel), Wilson×House (House MD), Price×Ghost (CoD), Castiel×Dean (SPN), Eddie×Buck (9-1-1), Maverick×Iceman (TG/TG-M), Higuruma×Nanami (JJK), etc.
I'm also having an agenda with crackpairs/rarepairs.
Also— ✨M-PREG✨
Games I currently got on devices: Arena of Valor, Baldur's Gate 3, Call of Duty (series: OG and Reboot Modern Warfare, Black Ops, Infinite Warfare), Counter Strike, Death Stranding, Dynasty Warriors (6-9), God of War (2018 and Ragnarok), Minecraft, Monster Hunter World: Iceborne, Resident Evil (4-8, Remake 1-4, Revelations 1-2, Code Veronica), SuperStar rhythm games (ATEEZ, SM, JYP, YG, Cube, Woollim), The Last of Us (1-2), Warriors Orochi (3-4, +Ultimate)
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dividers by: @cafekitsune and @enkeli-moonsys
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Now that you're here—
I do have another account for korean thingie (series, movies, music), but here I am still proudly announcing that I am CREZL's Pretzel 🥨 😌✨ I am a fan of a crossover quartet voice group; Lim Kyuhyung (Tenor/Musical), Jo Jinho (Pop/PENTAGON), Kim Suin (Korean Traditional Musician), and Lee Seungmin (Baritone/Opera).
They covered iCorre! (Jesse & Joy), Faith (Stevie Wonder ft. Ariana Grande), Kill This Love (BLACKPINK), Higher (Michael Bublé) on the show as one of the top three quartet finalists of Phantom Singer season 4. [Also, Faith performance has got them the highest score from producers/judges in the whole seasons (S1-S4); 593 points from 6 producers of one for 98 and five for 99 points.]
Recently, CREZL released a mini album "CRE:㘉" with "Forbidden Love" as the title track and 4 more songs in the album.
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evernkillian · 1 year
HP Fanfiction Recs | Crossover Edition; Part 1
Standard Rec Lists Disclaimers Apply: Please for the love of God read the tags and Author's Note/s, This is NOT the ultimate rec lists or whatever, the fics below are my cup of tea.
Also, I tried my best to make the Quotes I included spoiler free but if you think it is just tell me!
(also I have more fic recs! Here)
1. A star, shining like the sun by reincarnation_fan
T | 104k Words | HPxLotR | Ongoing
Summary: Dying and coming back to life for a second time should have been more surprising. Harry Potter merely sighed in exasperation and moved on.
Death at thirty was not something he was entirely happy with, but he had lived a lot longer than he could have hoped for at fifteen years old. Waking up after was annoying, but in such a chaotic situation he could only roll with it.
Having a wizard with a whisper of Destiny about him wondering about Harry's existence in this wild new world was bad enough, but to these people he was considered a child. Nope, he was not going to be staying with them.
Harry Potter had not been a child in a very long time; he would not start acting like one now.
Harry Potter crashes into the Company of Thorin Oakenshield in Goblin Town, finds out he’s now an elf-child, coming back to life after death is a fact of elf-life, Music equals Magic, and dark lords are a universal constant whenever and wherever magic is involved.
I!!! LOVE THIS FIC SM!! I love the plot, the characterizations, the interactions everything pls I cradle this fic in my arms gently I THINK ABOUT IT EVERYDAY. Elfling!Harry, but there's a mystery about it and!!! I speculate about it sm. Also I love Harry sm??? He's independent, mature, yet he's very realistic and I love him sm have I said that yet. ALSO ALSO I love Harry's OP-ness. No, he's not the kind where everything gets solved because he's powerful and he wants to. He's special, yes, there's something extraordinary in him that every elf, man, hobbit, dwarves- ALL OF THEM sees, but like everyone he works for it- he hopes that what his doing is enough, he despairs, he regrets, he strives. Also I love his relationship with everyone??? FRIENDSHIP THE FLUFF PLS FOREHEAD TOUCHING. DO U. EVEN NEED MORE ENCOURAGEMENT IM LOSING MY MIND OVER THIS FIC. Also no favorite quote because every part about it is my favorite *finger guns*
2. Whispers in Corners by esama (@esamastation )
T | 22k Words | HPxSherlock Holmes | Harry / Mycroft | Complete
Summary: Everything started with a stumble - his new life in a new world as well as his surprisingly successful career as a medium.
I binged this fic for a day. It's really interesting. Like, true to a Sherlock crossover it has that air of mystery that u didn't even know was there until it's??? Revealed??? WHAT IN THE MAGIC IS THIS. THAT'S SO AWESOME. Also I like Harry's Character development so much. I cried with some parts of it. AND!! in the 'im in a new world' stuff there's - I won't say what it was but some parts of it are unique and when I think about it it makes sense and it's just so??? Awesome??? Also harry adopted animal companions at some point and I don't know why but I really like that (still!! Best girl Hedwig we won't forget u). Also I like his relationship with the other characters. It was so?? Realistic??? And nice??? Also his relationship with death I love that sm too ALSO the master of Death stuff has some development here and I was sobbing crying crawling on the floor I love that sm too. Also my favorite quote!!! (That isn't spoiler-y)
The Deathly Hallows hadn't been willing to be left behind by their Master, and they hadn't allowed themselves to be abandoned since.
3. “Harry, Harry, Harry, Harry, and… Harry.” by Severitus812 (@severitus812 )
No Archive Warnings Apply | 20k Words | Twilight, Wednesday, Marvel, HP | Complete
Summary: 'Tis the season to be crazy, fa la la la la.
'Tis the season for a narcissistic crossover, fa la la la la.
Or: What happens if five very different Harry Potters were transported by the magic of crack Christmas and got to spend the afternoon together?
Okay. So, this one is kinda different. It's an AU of Au's. So different Harry Potters meets right? And those different Harry Potter's came from fics that the author has written. Don't worry! Even if u haven't read them it's okay to read this one. Actually, I recommend reading this first because it'll make u more curious (only if u don't mind spoilers ofc). Anyway I LOVE IT!! just different Harry's that I love talking together, bonding over things, talking things through. Giving each other advice. It was a rollercoaster. I cried I laughed I went through cycles of emotions reading this. Also it's??? Kinda??? Cathartic??? Favorite Quote!:
“Brill,” Scarred-Harry drawled. He moved closer to the group and leaned against the wall beside American-Harry. He looked at blue haired-Harry with blatant interest.
“What for?”
Blue haired-Harry didn’t seem inclined to answer, so Wednesday did it for him.
“Harry was convicted of murder,” she said, sounding rather pleased really. “He’s talented in the art of death.”
Scarred-Harry definitely looked too interested at that.
“Really?” he asked, eyeing blue haired-Harry with a new light. “What’s your count?”
4. The Mage of Manhattan by TemporalWarlock
M | 92k Words | HPxMarvel | Harry / Peter | Ongoing
Summary: What would happen if Harry appeared into the MCU at the age of 11, just after the Battle of Manhattan? Well, maybe this.
This is a series! Anyway this fic is funny too! It balances the humor and serious vibe- it's awesome! Also Harry learns the Marvel Magic and!!! I love it!!. Just Magical Objects displaying sentience too that was awesome. IronDad!!! Harry really fits well with the Marvel Universe. In this, he's just a displaced extraordinary person who became a hero and I adore that. Sadly no favorite quotes cause I lost my highlights of this fic :(
5. The Worst Buddy Cop Team of All Time by galatea_and_acis
G | 3k Words | HPxMarvel | Harry / Draco | Complete
Summary: Auror Potter and Auror Malfoy are tasked to bring in Loki. Except they can't stand each other. Who’s idea was this, again?
"Loki also happened to be two metro stations away from their landing spot, which meant he’d have to take the metro. With Malfoy."
This!!! Just Harry and Draco chasing Loki while he's on a jet or something. Also just typical Draco things™ like complaining about muggles, transportation etc it was really funnyyyy. Also!! Harry's awesome flying skills™. Honorary mention to "Tim Roddle", Loki's Midgardian Wizard Penpal. Also!! Can't forget this.
“You are the sorcerers that tried to fight my brother, yes?” Thor butted in. “Stark showed me your spells on the videotape, young man –” he said, looking at Draco. “Young man!” Draco said, aghast. “Such subtle and powerful weaving of spells – very impressive – I did not know Midgard had advanced so far – although my brother spoke fondly of his letter correspondence with a Wizard from Midgard, Tim Roddle.” Harry began laughing.
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amethyst-noir · 1 year
For the writing asks : 💥 💫 ✨ ? :D
So, this sat in my inbox for a while now because rl and allergies demanded my full attention (= I was too exhausted to do anything fun).
Thank you so much for the ask! 💜
💥find your least kudos'd fic - say something wonderful about it.
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Lost is a canon-compliant (yes, including the bitter end) Guardian fic that's also ultra short. I never expected it to get much of a response and I really cherish those 38 Kudos. A lot. I like the style it was written and I especially like the last sentence. It's sad and says everything that there is to say about those two.
For my other account it's Ungewollte Aufmerksamkeit, a White Collar/The Magnificent Seven ATF AU Crossover that's written in German. I only found the confidence to write and post in English in 2018, after all. It was the first thing I posted on AO3, way back in 2011 and it has whole 3 Kudos. Which is 3 more than I've ever expected, considering everything about this. It's some harmless fun and I really like how I wrote Ezra's dialogue and pretty much everything about it, to be honest.
💫what is your favorite kind of comment/feedback?
I already answered that one here. So, yes, I love feedback, be it an emoji or whatever. Of course, and I didn't say that before, I love it when a favorite line gets picked out and quoted back at me. That makes it feel extra special.
✨What's a fic you've posted you wish you could breathe life into again and have people talking about it? (or simply a fic you wish got more credit)
Oh wow, the hard question! I don't think people ever talk about any fic of mine? I'm a tiny niche writer, not someone who bombs the fandom with a masterpiece. That said, I wish walking through the summer's end would get more attention but I know why it doesn't and I knew it before posting that, due to when it's set in the timeline and stuff, it's not something that many people will click on. Still, it's one of those little jewels in my hoard of words that I like a lot and I think of rather often.
0 notes
anika-ann · 2 years
Love on the Brain - part 1
Ch1: Red Alert
Type: MCU x Criminal Minds crossover series
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader    Word Count: 3700
Summary: Finding out Steve has a stalker is some seriously bad news... but then it gets worse.
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Series masterlist
Warnings: series includes criminal behaviour such as stalking or kidnapping; graphic violence, gun violence; (mentions of) death; allusions to dub-con; possible PTSD and flashbacks; sexual innuendos and foul language. Loads of fluff and teasing. I’m covering my bases here to make sure - probably sounds worse than it is. If you’re interested in specific warnings for individual chapters, let me know.
A/N: divider by @firefly-graphics​; for non-CM readers - it is customary to start an episode with a quote, I shall keep up the good habit :)
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“Humble souls are fearful of their own strength.”
William Gurnall
Tony Stark was without doubt a genius.
As you found out on multiple occasions – and today was apparently set to become another – he was also a douche.
Heading straight for Stark’s office, you practically forced Steve to shoot a text to Natasha to join you as well; because you meant what you said: Ironman and Black Widow, at least.
If you were contemplating making a phone call to people who would have much better insight than the Russian spy and a genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist, douche, no one needed to know just yet.
Because they would think you were crazy; even more than they were thinking now.
You presented the photos to Steve’s friends – dare to say your own, even if they were more of acquaintances still, your relationship with them not nearly as tight as with Steve – and earned yourself dubious looks.
And naturally, that was exactly what Steve was looking for: a confirmation.
A confirmation that you were freaking out over nothing.
He wouldn’t say it to your face – he was too kind for that and he was too well-aware you had every reason to have a ‘screwed’ view on this – but it was obvious that it was what he was thinking all along and had only played along from your sake. For you to have a peace of mind.
Which was very thoughtful of him; and you wanted to very thoughtfully smack some sense into him before his stalker did it for you.
The haunting dead eyes of a man who had initially dismissed potential threat too followed your every move; and you were not inclined to add another pair or stormy irises to them.
Steve cleared his throat, gaze flickering between you and equally doubtful friends.
“So, we can all agree it’s a bit of a problem, but I honestly don’t think-“
“Steve, you have a stalker,” you jumped in, grinding your teeth when you heard him take it lightly, again, as the four of your stood around the table with the pictures splattered all over it. “I’m not sure I care what you think just this once.”
Steve’s eyebrows flew nearly into his hairline at your brisk tone.
Good for him.
“Don’t you think you might be exaggerating a bit, Squirt?” Tony asked, eyebrows raised as well, one corner of his mouth up too. Damn, that smirk of his irritated the hell out of you. “I mean, yes, it’s creepy, but it’s probably just some chic who wanted a pic of him. Do you know how many Cap girls are there?”
“Well, it’s not great this chic knows where he lives…” Natasha opposed gently in support, despite her stance clearly saying you were making bigger deal of this than necessary.
But at least she wasn’t dismissing it, unlike someone. At least she used her brain.
“Okay, fair. But still-“
“Tony, you can’t honestly think this is some chic who wanted a pic of Steve,” you spat his own words back at him, sarcasm dripping from every single syllable. “There’s 23 pictures! Pictures of Steve from various places. Whoever took them, they’ve been following him around, quite stealthily I might add---- and for all we know, there could be more than one of them, whoever they are.”
“I hear you, but-“
“No buts! They’ve been following him around, taking pictures of him, they know where he lives and he didn’t even notice. None of us did,” you argued, getting worked up by the second.
Surely they weren’t so stupid? How could they—how could Tony think this was just an excited fan? Christ, this was absurd.
And the little light on his Stark’s watch blinking for almost a minute now notifying him about god-knew what was really getting on your nerves too, reminding you that Tony Stark was probably too busy to care about something as insignificant as his friend being in grave danger.
“The fact alone that we missed it should ring some serious alarm bells. But then the note? Not worthy – what does that even mean? We have no idea! That’s not a crazy fan, Tony. The crazy fan you have in mind sends naughty pics, a love letter, their underwear for god’s sake-!“
“They have been known to be delivered to the Tower mail, yes,” Tony confirmed with a grimace.
“This is a stalker,” you insisted, imploring gaze set on the supposed genius who still refused to get on board.
In search for help, you moved your gaze to Natasha and then to Steve who stood by your side, arms crossed. He was frowning now and you could practically hear the wheels in his head turning as he thought hard.
Perhaps he would finally realize you were right.
“Alright,” Steve spoke at last, relaxing his defensive stance a little, turning to face you more. “You’re providing enough arguments, I’m convinced.”
Thank God.
You had no idea what exactly caused the change but you were not to question it.
“But even so, I can deal with a stalker. I’m not exactly a normal target, I’m a supersoldier.”
Spoke too soon.
You breathed in and out, slowly, to calm yourself and find the right words.
“Sure you are, Steve. But we don’t know what we’re dealing with. This might as well be a warning – that person might be saying I’m watching you. I know things about you. And we don’t know what their motivation is,” you argued.
With a sigh Steve’s shoulders fell, his eyes roaming your face. And damn, was it driving you crazy as he was watching you with that damn concern, concern for you instead of him-
Your gaze flickered to the photos on the table. Bingo.
“Plus, if not for you, it’s important to find whoever took these pictures for the women in the photos. They might be in danger too,” you added quickly, knowing not only that this would work, but also that you were right.
Just because you were more focused on Steve, it didn’t mean you didn’t give a damn about other people. It was less likely, but the women could be a target too.
“She’s got a point,” Natasha chimed in and you shot her a small grateful smile, throwing your hand her direction.
“Thank you!”
Finally someone who understood. You could kiss her at the moment, really.
“…I hate when you’re right,” Steve sighed.
Your smile widened as you patted his bicep lightly. “I know, GG.”
He glared at you, unimpressed; but when you let your hand rest on his arm instead, squeezing lightly to remind him you were doing this because you cared, not because you wanted to make him miserable, his expression softened, large palm covering yours.
From the corner of your eye, you noticed Natasha and Tony exchanging a meaningful look, but you ignored it, just like the fact Bruce Banner was quickly approaching the automatic glass door, a file in his hand.
“Okay then,” Steve hummed, squeezing your hand before releasing it and leaning his palms against the desk. “Let’s focus on the women first. I don’t think I’m in any real danger-“
“Uhm, whatever it is you three are talking about,” Doctor Banner interjected as he had just entered, frowning harder when he noticed the pictures, “you might want to rethink that statement. Do you ever check your messages, Tony?”
Tony rolled his eyes, tapping absentmindedly on his watch to dismiss the blinking light.
Steve sighed, probably knowing that the answer to Banner’s question was no; but he seemed intrigued by the way the scientist rushed in.
You just fought the nausea that hit you when Bruce’s words punched you straight to your gut; even if you agreed.
“What’s that now?”
“The interns have been taking stock in the past week,” Banner replied hesitantly, talking more to Tony than anybody else despite Steve being the one to ask.
“Yeah…? Yeah. I knew that.”
Sure thing, Tones.
“There’s… uhm, there’s… something missing.”
The sentence itself said little next to nothing; Bruce’s significant look to Tony however, spoke volumes.
It took the billionaire a few seconds, but then the change was instant. His face turned paler, all cockiness vanishing as his gaze flickered between Steve and Bruce, that genius brain racing thousand miles a minute.
“And by something, you mean…”
“The bullets, yes.”
The remaining trio of you, Steve and Natasha watched the exchange intently, looking between the two scientists with no avail.
Was that a code for something?
Or did someone actually steal some bullets? More importantly, why were they so bothered about it?
Tony’s usual nothing-can-touch-me-cause-I-have-no-heart face showed signs of worry. Tony Stark worrying was worrisome, to be frank.
--no, take that back; he looked guilty.
Oh god, what?
“…what am I missing here?” you asked, suspicion rising with every second of silence between Tony and Bruce.
“I’m missing it too,” Steve hummed, crossing his arms on his chest again.
Tony licked his lips, exchanging another silent conversation with Bruce.
“They need to know. Apparently,” Bruce added, eyes straying to the table.
Steve’s photos. Missing bullets. Was there a connection?
You hoped not. Even if there was, you couldn’t fathom it. Because the easiest connection seemed to absurd to even think it, no?
Tony cleared his throat, his mask of confidence slipping back on. Just because of that, you already knew that whatever he was about to say was going to skyrocket your blood pressure.
Nevertheless, you promised yourself you wouldn’t yell – because that wouldn’t help anyone, right?
Except maybe you.
You took a deep breath, bracing yourself.
“Alright, before you eat us alive, little miss firecracker, I’d like to remind everyone that aliens have invaded Earth before-“
“-and one of them knew how to control minds so… you know,“ Tony smirked humourlessly, vaguely gesturing with his hands as if his words would make more sense then. “We aren’t exactly unreasonable here.”
Steve remained silent as you were beginning to understand; but Natasha was faster to put one and one together.
“Tony, tell me you didn’t,” she demanded, voice ominous.
Tony just shrugged and grimaced again.
“Look, he’s not Barton, okay. Even our resident Robin Hood made quite a mess. And Rogers would be a lot harder to contain, serum and all that.”
A lot harder to contain?
Sure, you were familiar with what happened during the Battle of New York, you joined shortly after and you heard all about it, including Clint being mind-controlled and earning himself a very hard blow to the head to snap him out of it, but…
What the heck did Tony mean by ‘contain’?
“Tony… what exactly did you do?” you asked, menacing as you straightened your posture.
Slowly, you were constructing an image from the keywords you heard – and it was a nasty one.
You didn’t think you could keep your promise; you were about to yell. Because you could feel the pressure inside you building astronomically fast.
“We developed, uhm, well, let’s call them modified bullets that would help us contain Capsicle just in case-“
“I beg your fucking pardon,” you hissed.
Your blood felt both icy cold and nearly boiling, brain short-circuiting. He did what again?
“Look, he’s the muscle okay!” Tony justified himself, raising his hands up defensively. “We just added a modified neurotransmitter-“
“Which could technically stop his heart-” Bruce chimed in silently, his words colouring the edges of your vision red.
“Not helping, Banner-“
“The fuck did you just say?” you whispered, sounding surprisingly calm.
Scarily calm, you supposed. The calm before the storm.
Anyone with a single shred of reason would have kept quiet, waited with batted breath.
And yet, Tony had the audacity to open his mouth again, even as you were still processing the incomprehensible grand reveal.
“Oh come on, don’t look at me like I’m the bad guy here! It’s not like it’s not justified! I wasn’t alone to do this. And we have an antidote ready too, they didn’t take that, so we’re fine-“
“YOU INVENTED BULLETS TO KILL STEVE SPECIFICALLY AND HAVE THE AUDACITY TO SAY IT’S FUCKING FINE?!” you shrieked, voice jumping an octave and about forty decibels up as you did so.
Every single person in the room winced, including you, but fuck it.
This was a nightmare. A nightmare you were about to wake up from any second, any second, because there was no way Tony and Bruce were that daft and then let someone steal such thing, Christ--- not this wasn’t real, silence never lasted that long in a fight either, this wasn’t-
Steve cleared his throat loudly.
“Well,” he started, levelling Tony with a disappointed and yet somehow compassionate glare. “He didn’t say kill. Clearly, they are meant to incapacitate and I hate to say it, but… he’s got a point, actually. It’s understandable-��
Your heart skipped a startled beat as your head snapped back to Steve.
He was kidding. He must have been.
“Understandable? How is that understandable? Did you not just hear him?” you questioned incredulously, gesturing to Banner to prove your point.
“Banner’s overselling it,” Tony sighed wearily. “The chance of a cardiac arrest is like 10% and only if he’s hit in-“
The change of a cardiac arrest within you in the next five seconds was around 89%, violent shudder composed of horror and rage shaking your spine.
“That’s still 10% too many, don’t you think?! Are you crazy? What if someone got their hands on--- oh wait. They already HAVE!”
The satisfaction of proving your point was rather bittered by the fact that the worst-case scenario was already happening.
Not only Steve had a stalker – he possibly had a stalker with bullets designed to shoot him dead.
You felt an icy fist squeeze your heart at the mere prospect, the image empty eyes of every single person you had sworn and failed to protect before flooding your mind; the warm browns of Kyle Meyers right at the front.
You couldn’t even imagine—you could not have Steve add to the sea of people, you wouldn’t-
“I know, goddammit! But look, if--- if these two things are connected and if it’s a stalker obsessed with taking pictures of him, they have a crush on Steve here, right?” Tony babbled, trying to save the situation. “So they’re not gonna use it. They’re probably-“
“Not all stalkers have a crush on their target!” you exploded again, fist hitting the table and making things rattle.
You didn’t give a damn. You were seething.
How could they be so stupid? How could they even invent such thing? How could they not guard it with their lives once they had?
“We don’t even know for sure these are related. And if they are related, the unsub could be holding Steve on a pedestal and the moment he doesn’t live up to the image the unsub has about him – or the moment they reveal themselves and he rejects them – it’s a game fucking over! Not to mention the bullets might be the more important thing for them! The photos might as well be a threat following the theft! Do you really not see the immense danger you put him into?!”
You were employed by idiots.
The smartest idiots the world had ever known and they just happened to join forces with a reckless punk you had the misfortune to fall for.
Goddammit, you should have never transferred, at least Hotch knew what he was doing most of the time.
The moment Steve chose interrupt your furious thoughts and speak again – a sarcastic “I’m still here, you know.” – Tony tilted his head, curious. “Unsub?”
Really?? That was what he took from your speech?
God, you were going to strangle him.
“Unknown subject,” Natasha muttered absent-mindedly, “it’s a term used-“
“You put his life at crazy risk!” you interrupted, because clearly Tony’s skull was simply that thick. Genuis your ass. And a fucking hypocrite. “You think Steve could be dangerous if someone messed with his mind? Fair enough then! Where’s your bullet, Antony? Or Banner’s for that matter?”
“We’re actually working on Bruce’s... And are we on the full first names thing now?”
“We are if you’re being an idiot!” you snapped, hitting the table again, feeling your blood boil because his cockiness and his lack of conscience was just.
A rough yet tender hand covered your fist, making your hand twitch, unfairly unbothered voice reaching your ears.
“Come on now, there’s no need for insults. We can discuss the need or lack of need for those bullets later. What’s done is done. We need to focus, be rational. Let’s take a breather, calm down a bit.”
The moment the words left Steve’s lips, he looked like he wanted to take them back. Your hand slipped from under his as you stood chest to chest with him, face to face – even if you were looking up to do so.
“There’s a stalker out there with bullets that could kill you – as in bullets that are more likely to kill you than any other. I’m sure as hell not gonna calm down. How are you so calm?” you accused him, angrily stabbing your index finger into his right pec.
You were furious you were the only one taking this matter really seriously even now.
Did they not read papers? Did they not know the statistics on even normal stalking cases?
You knew Steve was brave, hell, he was the bravest and strongest person you knew, but there was someone out there for blood, his blood and he— oh.
You were such an idiot.
Of course he wasn’t concerned as much as he should.
He was always reckless about his safety. He was a supersoldier after all. Dumb, arrogant man with serum coursing through his veins-!
“How would you feel if it was someone else on the team in such danger?” you whispered, voice levelled as you looked up, knowing you hit the nail on the head when you saw his expression falter.
How would you feel if it was me? was left unspoken, but Steve heard it.
And the truth was he’d punch Tony in his face already, more than once, hoping some blood would smear that cocky grin of his.
But you didn’t know that.
Just like he didn’t know that you killed Tony in ten different ways in your head already, because he endangered the life of someone you loved. And was being a dick about it.
“…point taken,” Steve murmured simply.
Good. Finally.
It seemed it was a good time to start calling the shots now that you were on the same page.
“Good. You’re gonna sit on your ass and not take a single step out of this building,” you said slowly, touching your fingertip to his chest as did so, gentler this time, then moved onto Nat. “You are gonna make sure he’s not wandering off.”
And lastly, you shot a stern, downright murderous glare at Bruce and Tony – because seriously, what the hell was wrong with them.
“You two are going to fix it and get the antidote right now. Understood?”
The fact no one dared to joke and say yes captain or a similarly obnoxious thing would be a victory if it wasn’t a testament to how bad the situation was.
With a huff, you spun on your heels, stalking away.
“And you?” you heard Tony called after you, inclined not to give him the answer.
But Steve deserved to know. And maybe Natasha.
You replied without bothering to even falter in your step.
“I’m gonna call in the reinforcements.”
As you left the room, you regretted that the doors were automatic and you couldn’t slam them to let out some steam; you truly truly wanted to hit something. It seemed a dial icon on your phone would have to do.
The door slowly closed behind you, leaving the four Avengers slightly dumbfounded by your dramatic exit.
“Reinforcements? What reinforcements? We got this… we’re the Avengers. There’s no such things as reinforcements for us.”
“Try saying reinforcements one more time,” Natasha peeped silently towards Tony, a poor attempt at lightening the atmosphere.
The corners of Steve’s lips twitched despite the circumstances, while Tony shot the redhead a glare.
“Har, har. But seriously. Where did miss firecracker go?”
Despite the confusion in the room, Steve sighed – because he understood what you meant.
He didn’t like the situation one bit, he was going to have words with Tony after this mess was over, but he had enough reason to see that at the moment, it was not the time – and that Tony and Banner were not completely wrong in their efforts.
He wasn’t sure reinforcements were needed, but he understood your need to at least try. Because unlike Tony, Steve was conscious of the fact he hadn’t seen half the terror you had, at least not of the same kind.
Steve was used to dealing with unspeakable crimes that human hands could do, had seen rivers of blood and he had scars, physical and mental to prove it; but your previous job had had you see the horrors of the human mind. And the images left scars just as deep as his.
Steve didn’t like this, but he understood that for you, it must have been hundred times worse. And he had enough self-awareness to see that had it been you in the same danger he potentially was, he would order every single agent working under the Avengers Initiative not to get a minute of a shuteye until you were safe again.
So frankly, your plan to call reinforcements was only natural.
“I think she’s going to call her old team,” he said simply, only earning a puzzled and offended look from Tony.
“Didn’t she used to work for FBI? I mean, seriously? She’s gonna call in the FBI to help the Avengers? That’s like brining a knife to a gunfight… and I mean, both the guns and the knife are on the same side and the other side has guns too-“
“Great analogy, really, Stark,” Natasha praised him, voice dripping with sarcasm.
“It’s a specialized unit,” Steve explained, only earning a frown.
“Specialized in what?”
“Human behaviour,” Natasha spoke this time, clearly having done her research on you.
Or perhaps Steve wasn’t the only one you confided in, at least on the basics. He wasn’t the sole owner of the right to know important things about you after all; as much as privileged he felt when he thought he was.
“Profilers, Tony,” Steve sighed, glancing after your retreating figure as you turned corner, phone on your ear. “She’s gonna try to bring in profilers.”
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→ Next part
Series masterlist // Steve Rogers masterlist // Misc masterlist
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Your response to the prologue was the kindest, thank you for that 💕 I’ll try to keep it up!
I also LOVE you’re invested enough to think of theories 🥰 I won’t be confirming nor denying them🤐 BUT if you decide to do continue (nothing wrong with that at all 🥰), please mark them as POSSIBLE SPOILERS... I mean, one day you might get it right, so give others a heads-up👀 thank you 🙏 
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ktinastrikesback · 3 years
Alright, here it is: The meta post about Eddie Diaz and mother figures and how it all leads to Buddie (I think). Thanks to @yramesoruniverse for your help with this, and @kitkatpancakestack and @evanbucklies for inspiring it! I really have been thinking about this nonstop and had to get it all down. This got quite long, so I'll include a cut in order to spare everyone who doesn't want to continue reading!
We first get an idea of Eddie's complicated thoughts surrounding mother figures throughout his whole storyline with Shannon in season 2 when he romantically reconnects with her for Christopher's benefit. I do want to keep the focus here trained on Eddie in season 4, but I want to point out a season 2 line that is pretty fitting. As much as I don't want to use a Shannon quote as a starting point for a meta, I think this one is actually pretty useful: "...Eddie always knows what's best for everyone...God forbid you stop for a second and actually ask them what they need." While it's harsh and spoken out of spite, Shannon does make a point here which becomes relevant at the end of season 4.
We don't know a whole lot about season 4 Eddie (thanks writers) aside from the fact that he's working on being a single father (he tells Marjan in the crossover that he's "doing the whole single dad thing") and being a support system for Buck and the rest of the 118. Eddie's "arc" this season is moving on from Shannon and beginning to date again (a very small and limited arc, which hopefully season 5 will remedy). Of course, because it's Eddie, the core of this arc is him wanting what is best for Christopher. And it seems pretty clear that what Eddie thinks Chris needs is a complete family with a mother figure (note how he asks Bobby if he's "happy now, with Athena and the kids" and just assumes that Bobby is talking about Ana Flores), but the universe pushes against this idea throughout the whole season. There are a lot of examples in season 4 of unreliable mother figures (for example, the alcoholic mother who causes the wreck in Blindsided), but in order to save some space here, I'll list and discuss those in another post. The main thing I want to point out is that we've seen that mother figures aren't always perfect, and they aren't the end all be all that Eddie thinks. And canonically, the show suggests several times throughout the season that the partner that Eddie needs/wants and who is best for Chris is actually Buck.
In Breaking Point, while Eddie is on his date, it's Buck who is at home taking care of Christopher and getting him through his nighttime routine (which establishes that he knows the routine and has gotten Chris ready for bed before, hence the reference to his "cautionary tale"). On the date, when Ana says that no one has been in his life since Shannon passed away, Eddie noticeably looks uncomfortable (the will reveal makes this scene and that particular comment and Eddie's subsequent reaction so rich. Eddie knows that what Ana is saying is completely untrue, because the person he trusts most with his son is with him at that exact moment). Later, when Eddie tells Christopher about his new 'friend', he says "it's a woman." And...to be honest, what the hell was that? He could have said, "I'm dating someone" or "I have a girlfriend." But he says it like this? And it's weird...right? Christopher is the one who has to say "girlfriend." Also his tone of voice when he says it...it's suspicious to me. Anyways...Eddie talks with Ana about Christopher's reaction and her first instinct is to take a break and wait for Christopher to warm up to the idea so as to not cause him more pain. Meanwhile, Chris is out the door, in an Uber, and on his way to Buck, the person who actually gets Chris to talk about his feelings and who fixes the whole mess. So while Eddie is talking with Ana, Buck is playing a parental role AND promising Chris he isn't going anywhere, completely juxtaposing everything Ana has said and done in this episode (throwback to Fools, anyone?). Just like we see in 4x14, the perfect partner that Eddie is looking for is already putting in the work, no questions asked (and this is all before Buck knows about the will!). Yet Eddie is still trying to force it with Ana.
We see this again very briefly in Parenthood. Eddie and Buck are seen agreeing on parenting ideals on a call, similar to how we saw them work together in Future Tense to talk Chris out of playing video games. At the end of the episode however, when Chris asks to join the movie, Ana just jumps ahead and lets him in, not consulting with Eddie. Of course, this isn't a serious issue and Eddie is happy to have Chris join them, but it still carries on with juxtaposing Ana with Buck. It's also a bit interesting that Chris sits between them, parallel to the video game scene from season 3. But again, it's a very brief scene, so I don't know how much value it has overall.
We see all of this come to a head in 4x13 when Eddie becomes invested in the single mother and her son from the balcony call. Interestingly, this call happens after Eddie's conversation with Carla ("make sure you're following your heart"). On the call, Eddie flirts with the mom. This is interesting because we've seen many times in the past that Eddie...doesn't like flirting, especially on the job. Eddie openly flirting with the mom here may be his way of fighting against what his instincts are telling him Carla's comment was about (him liking Buck/a man). Eddie quickly becomes invested in Charlie (the son) and takes a liking to his mother because he relates to her. You can kind of see the gears working in Eddie's head when he's at their apartment...he's admiring her and perhaps maybe fantasizing about having a partner who gets it. And he sees a mother taking care of her son...reinforcing his love for the mother figure. But of course, we all learn by the end of the episode that this mother figure is extremely warped and not at all what her child needs.
The best part about this plot is the way it plays into the shooting scene at the end of the episode. Just before he gets shot, we see Eddie in an interesting framing choice (I am genuinely serious when I say that I want to sit down with Brenna Malloy and ask her about her directing choices for this whole scene):
The mother and son are placed into separate ambulances, and Eddie stands between the two vehicles. Visually, Eddie is literally placed between the mother figure and the son, and Buck is standing in front of him (at a slight distance). As (thank you to @kitkatpancakestack for pointing this out!) the ambulance with the mother drives away, Eddie says "shoulda gotten here sooner" to Buck (who replies, "That kid is just lucky he met you." He knows how to reassure Eddie and recognizes what is good for the child). Then of course, Eddie gets shot. But let's focus instead on why this framing before the shooting is important: the universe does scream, and it sure as hell was screaming at Eddie this whole episode. Carla calls him out for not following his heart, he idolizes this mother only for her to end up being horrid, then he gets shot with his partner standing right in front of him (you know, the same person who takes care of his son for the entirety of the next episode).
This can be read so plainly: Eddie has been fighting hard for what he thinks is best for his son, and he's stuck in this relationship with Ana because he thinks she is what will make Christopher happy. Meanwhile, Buck is in front of him and has been there the entire time putting in the work with Chris and making him feel heard, loved, and important. This ties right back to that Shannon line: if Eddie had simply asked Christopher what he needs/wants, it's very possible that his answer would be "Buck." Eddie doesn't need to be stuck in the middle of this relationship he doesn't care about because Chris' happiness is not dependent on having a mother figure.
Of course, we didn't see very much of Eddie in 4x14 so we don't really know what is going through his head regarding the shooting or Carla's comment just yet, but I'm hoping we see a lot of him working through all of the events that took place in 4x13/14 throughout next season. Because of the way the mother/son storyline ended up and the way they framed Eddie in the shooting scene, I'm willing to bet that he's going to be reevaluating just what Christopher needs and what he already has (with his Buck).
(Also side note--the welcome home party scene...when Buck is watching Eddie greet Christopher, notice the framing there too. The photo of Chris and Shannon is on the right side of the frame, Eddie and Chris in the middle, and Buck to the left. You already know what I'm going to say, so I'll leave it at that...)
Anyways. Edmundo Diaz is confused about what he and Christopher need, and it's actually a brilliant way to dive into a storyline about his sexuality and his feelings for Buck. Remember that post-finale interview with Tim where he said Eddie is always concerned with what's best for Christopher? That there will be a lot to explore with Eddie? I take everything Tim says with a grain of salt, but looking at all of this, there's quite a bit here pointing in the direction of pining Eddie. It's not wishful thinking, it's in the text.
I'm literally just applying basic film analysis to these scenes...and everything is adding up to a larger picture. I'm really excited to see what Eddie's arc in season 5 will be because there's so much set in place for it to be really great.
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traincat · 3 years
I know the comic piracy debate is a never-ending cycle, but in India where I live, you can't get western comics (or manga for that matter). There aren't comic book stores. Sometimes on Amazon you can find collected editions worth more than INR 1000 at least, for the paperbacks. Most older collections, even from the early 2000s, will be upwards of INR 6000. And sure, it's because the exchange value is so low for Indian rupees, but that's still a LOT of money to Indian citizens. You can get digital editions of random odd issues for approx. INR 150, so that's there. But overall it's really a huge investment to buy a physical comic. So yes, I pirate. But I get so guilty when this debate rolls around, every time. I just don't see any other alternative.
I debated whether or not to answer this considering I haven't really addressed the comics piracy issue before so I'm not sure I'm the right account to talk about it, and also because my askbox is not a confessional and I am not a priest, but then some Spider-Man news broke that I feels ties into it this so whatever, we're going for it. The comics piracy debate comes up every couple of months and will probably continue to come up every couple of months until forever and all of these points have been stated before by others because nothing in this debate is new. First things first, you shouldn't feel guilty. I'm going to suggest actually that nobody should feel guilty, unless you are like, a millionaire and you're exclusively pirating indie books. The prices you're quoting are prohibitively expensive but I have some unfortunate news for everyone involved: the prices are really bad in the US, too. If you want good collected editions, especially in hardcover, they're going to run at similar if not quite equal prices. Comics have gone from a cheap hobby to an overwhelmingly expensive hobby.
This is a good article comparing to the cover costs of American comics since the 1960s adjusted for inflation which I think puts some things in perspective. Comics currently cost roughly $5 USD per issue, which doesn't sound that bad, even though most of my monthly streaming services are roughly that price for a whole month's access to a library of content. But it only doesn't sound that bad if you're not buying special issues (the Marvel Pride book retailed for $10), and if you're only reading one or two books a month. The problem is, American superhero comics are specifically designed so you're not reading just one or two books per month -- this is why we have events! And crossovers! Not for the story potential but because it forces the consumer to purchase more product. This is why there's constantly an event running with a checklist of tie-in issues in the back. So now you're spending probably at least $20 a month. If you're a fan with a lot of interest in different titles, and in different publishers, this can easily hit triple USD digits. It's a money pit. It's not affordable to most people. And this is where that new Spider-Man news comes in, because it was announced today that Amazing Spider-Man is going back to a thrice monthly schedule like it used to operate on during Brand New Day. Which sounds good at first -- more comics, yay -- until you realize that's probably going to be $15 USD a month for a one title. That's $180 a year for one title, not including annuals or special issues. That's not feasible for a lot of fans -- young fans, poor fans, fans with other financial obligations etc. And most people aren't reading just one title. I don't know how the X-Men fans are currently financing their Krakoa habit and I'm afraid to ask. There are services like Marvel Unlimited, which make things slightly more affordable, but I imagine the wait for newer issues to hit the service can be alienating for some fans who want to join in current discussions, the library has some incredibly massive holes in it which is unacceptable when it's coming from inside the mouse house, and I believe, although I could be wrong, that it is not available in all countries. Comics are no longer an easily accessible hobby, if you're paying for everything you read.
"But the creatives deserve to get paid" is the common argument and yeah, they do, I'm not arguing that point. They should absolutely get paid and they should get well. I'm a writer, I'm a published writer even, and I want to be a published novelist, and I definitely want to get paid, and I'm reserving the right to be a complete hypocrite about this, as I do with everything in my life, but this is where the difference between indie publications and Marvel publications comes in: Marvel is owned by Disney. There is absolutely no excuse for Disney not to pay their creatives. If they are not getting paid fairly, it's not because you pirated a book -- it's because Disney has a vested interest in not paying their creators, as evidenced by Alan Dean Foster's lawsuit claiming that they are withholding royalties from him. Fans pirating these books are not the reason the creatives are not getting paid fairly -- the creatives are not getting paid fairly for the same reason that Disney park employees experience homelessness, and it's because Disney would rather put that money into the pockets of their executives. There is no debate on that subject. It's easier and perhaps more convenient to blame fans for pirating comics rather than putting all of their money into what has been for years now a prohibitively expensive hobby to keep up with, but the fact of the matter is Disney could pay all of their creatives what they're worth without hurting their bottom line and instead chooses not to. That is not on you, as an individual reader. You have no reason to feel guilty about that, no matter what your circumstances are, and you do not have to justify your actions to either me or the House of the Mouse. I'm with you, and Disney ultimately doesn't care. They're making that money up elsewhere and then not distributing it fairly to the people who create the properties their media empire is built off of. But especially if you're buying older books, you should know that your money is not going to the creative team -- once it's out of publication, they're not going to get any of the money you spent on it. The argument then becomes that you should be supporting local comics stores which yes, is true, but also doesn't apply to everyone, like anon who doesn't have access to local comic book stores. And again, this can become prohibitively expensive -- collections are expensive. Older, hard to find collections can be very expensive. Once something is out of print, all bets are off on what it might be selling for. Buying single issues is only affordable if the single issue isn't desirable or sometimes if it's in exceedingly bad condition. For the sake of transparency, I have a fairly big single issue collection because it's my preferred format, but I had the time to bargain hunt, access to local comic book stores and large comic conventions, and I'm very good at sniping eBay auctions. The most I have ever dropped on a single issue was expensive for me -- and still under three digits USD -- and it's for an issue from the '60s that is not in great condition.
The problem with this debate is that it is generally a nuanced issue that always gets boiled down to "piracy bad" in a way that makes a lot of well meaning and well intentioned fans, especially the ones with extenuating circumstances, feel bad. It's not your fault. You shouldn't feel guilty. There are a huge amount of reasons why someone might pirate something that are not bad reasons and do not make you a bad person who is personally withholding money from the creators -- because you're not. I don't publicly tell people where to pirate comics, mostly because I really don't think it's that hard to find out for yourselves especially because several creators involved with Marvel themselves have, I suspect accidentally, posted pages of their work to social media WITH THE BANNER OF A WELL KNOWN COMICS PIRACY SITE STILL IN THE IMAGE please learn how to crop, so maybe my standpoint on the issue wasn't well known, but there it is. I think readers should, if they are able to financially and otherwise, support the creators they like, but that it should be acknowledged that this is a more complicated issue than it's commonly made out to be on Twitter and that the largest part of the blame needs to be put on the companies making these comics inaccessible to many and who refuse to pay their creators fairly, not on individual fans. Don't feel guilty, anon.
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nataliedanovelist · 3 years
GF & MvsM - Wanna Talk About Dinos?
This crossover was inevitable. It just works too well. Maybe one day i’ll write a fic about how the folks at Gravity Falls handled the robot-apocalypse. Probably shrugged it off. “Eh. We’ve had worse.” Haha! What if Stan and Ford, cuz they were out sailing, had no clue what happened and when they came back they were like, “Wait, what?”
For now, please enjoy this fic of Aaron making a new friend...
(credit goes to @stephreynaart for her OC Jacob) ~~~~~~~~~~ “Hi, would you like to talk to me about dinosaurs?”
Aaron asked this question more times than he could keep track of, but that wasn’t going to stop him from asking it. It started as a dare from his big sister two years ago, but now it’s a fun hobby. When fifth grade isn’t overwhelming him, scaring him with mountains of homework and horror stories about how hard middle school is going to be, and when he’s run out of YouTube videos to catch up on, he is on the hunt for fellow giant-lizard-lovers like a hungry Ceratosaurus.
“No, okay bye.” But it did get a little tiring to always cross out names and phone-numbers on the phone book with red ink. Hey, a dinosaur of a way to find phone-numbers was appropriate. He read the next number, dialed it, and after a ring or two he asked, “How would you like to talk with me about dinosaurs? No, okay thank you.”
Aaron crossed out another name and sighed, taking a break since he reached the end of a line of numbers. Maybe he should just be grateful for Abbey and accept that no one else wants to talk about the Jurassic Period. Or the Cretaceous Period. Or the Triassic Period. But then a big, old, gray-tinted ad distracted him. He grinned, thinking it would at least be fun to give them a call, and he dialed the number.
Private home phone-numbers were fun, but businesses were also fun! Poor, bored workers would gladly talk to him rather than crabby Karens, and they got paid for it! So Aaron smiled as the phone rang, and he grinned when someone picked up.
“Thanks for calling the Mystery Shack, you’re talking to Mr. Mystery himself! How may I befuddle or bewilder you?”
“Hi! How would you like to talk with me about dinosaurs?”
“Oh, dude! I’d love to, but I’m scheduled for a tour of the Oddity Museum in three minutes.” The man said, and Aaron grinned continuously, because it sounded like Mr. Mystery really wanted to talk with him about dinosaurs. “But hey! Can you hold on for one minute, I think I know a guy!”
“Yeah, sure mister!” And Aaron was greeted by the sound of a catchy jingle about buying t-shirts and mugs and snowglobes. He smiled and wiggled his feet along to the music as he looked outside at the beautiful late-fall afternoon, entertained while he waited.
Soos was on the hunt. He planned out the house in his head. Abuelita was taking a nap upstairs, Melody was organizing the upcoming tour, and Stan took Jacob out for ice cream, so he might be…
The owner of the Shack grinned when he stopped at the doorway and saw the man he was looking for, sitting in Stan’s chair, reading a book.
“Uncle Ford!”
The old sailor smiled up at the young man. “Yes, wh-...”
“Do you think you could answer the phone for me? I have a tour and I think this customer’s request is right up your alley.”
“Uh… sure, but w-...”
“Thanks, you’re the best!” And Soos was gone before he could address Ford’s confusion.
Ford was a bit lost, having little to no business with business, but he had learned at this point to trust Soos, so he picked up the phone beside him and was immediately greeted with a sweet, “How would you like to talk with me about dinosaurs?”
Ford grinned and closed his book. “I would love to! All three periods are equally as fascinating to study, but the Triassic contains some of my favorite dinosaurs!”
A young voice gasped on the other line. “Mine, too! Everyone thinks the Jurassic period is so great, and it’s pretty cool, but the Triassic gave us Plateosaurus and the Brachiosaurus!”
“That’s very true! You know, it’s very interesting, maybe depictions don’t include feathers at all, which is a bit frustrating, but perhaps after the news has spread they will incorporate more feathers on merchandise and textbooks.”
“YES! That’s what I wanna do when I grow up, help draw better-accurate dinosaurs!”
The phone rang on Sunday. The Shack was closed today, so Stan lazily answered it and was greeted with, “Wanna talk about dinosaurs?”
“Sixer, phone for you!”
Ford ran into the living room, elbowed his twin out of the chair, and took the phone. “Hello again, Aaron! Now, where were we? Right, so Australopithecus. … No, I don’t think… Oh! No, homo habilis was erect, Australopithecus was never fully erect.”
“Maybe he was nervous.” Stan groaned, getting to his feet.
Ford shot him a look as thankfully the young boy on the other end didn’t catch that and happily shared some more fun-facts about homo habilis.
While most college students were excited for Spring Break so they could get drunk or lose their virginity, Katie was excited because her family had planned a special secret roadtrip. She was careful to keep up with her family and talk to her parents and brother frequently, but Aaron had a hobby he wasn’t talking about that his parents found out and were thrilled about. Aaron had made another friend.
Rick and Katie did some research and the tourist attraction sounded right up their alley! In the middle of the woods, tons of weird stuff, and a fun roadtrip filled with diners and attractions. They decided to surprise Aaron, and they made up a lie that they would spend Spring Break in California with Katie so she could show her family around San Francisco, when in actuality they would be traveling up the state to the Redwood Highway and see the oddity place, and maybe even allow Aaron to meet his new pen-pal. Or, um, phone-pal.
So after bombarding Katie with hugs the Mitchells threw her luggage into the car and drove off. Aaron turned to Katie and excitingly asked, “So where are we going first? Can we go fix the Golden Gate bridge by painting it gold?”
Katie laughed and ruffled his hair. “Maybe later, right now I wanna show you guys this fun store right outside of town. Here, check out the videos I made for my classes!” And she pulled out some airpods and gave one to Aaron.
Rick and Linda smirked at each other as they drove north. By the time they reached a little diner in Redding, CA, it was very clear to Aaron that they weren’t in San Francisco anymore. “Come on, just tell me where we’re going!” The boy begged as he fed Monchi a fry.
“The best kind of prizes are the surprises.” Linda quoted.
“Eric, Deborahbot5000, where are we going?”
“Sorry, Aaron, we cannot give that information.” Eric said, he and the other robot sitting politely in their seats, happy to be a part of the social interaction.
“Yes, Mother will bury us if we disobey.” Deborahbot said matter-of-factly.
“What?! No I won’t, sweeties.”
“Won’t you ground us?”
The family laughed and Aaron let the topic go; if he was honest, he loved a good surprise. The big family stopped in a motel just at the California-Oregon border, and the next morning after muffins and coffee and orange juice they were on the road again, passing dozens of trees that made Rick feel at home. Katie happily recorded the trip, trusted to be the documenter for another fun roadtrip, with hopefully not as much mortal peril.
Aaron watched as they left the highway for a simple road, and they passed a big sign. The boy gasped and caught what was happening. “No WAY! Really?!”
“You know, I hear this Mystery Shack even has a Sasquatch.” Rick commented while Linda pulled out a pamphlet from the glove box.
“It says here it’s full of odd things you’ll never see anywhere else, even a dinosaur footprint…”
“Wasn’t there a rumor of there being a Bottomless Pit?” Katie asked, pointing her camera at Aaron to get his reaction.
“Thank you thank you THANK YOU!!!” Aaron cheered, hugging his Dad’s neck and kissing his Mom’s cheek.
“Hey, no worries, buddy.” Rick eased, fixing his shewed glasses. “We wanted to see this place, too!”
“Why don’t we eat a quick lunch and then we’ll take the backroad for the attraction? There’s a coupon in here for a diner made from a giant log!”
And so after being served by a pretty blonde teenager at Greasy’s, they drove through town to get to the backroad. Signs made them confident that they were going the correct way, as well as Eric and Deborahbot5000’s GPS. Then as they turned a corner, a big triangle-shaped building came into view. Aaron grinned at the giant sign with a missing letter. People were already leaving, arms full of souvenirs and one or two already wearing their new hats or t-shirts. Once Rick parked in the Free Parking Lot, Aaron spilled out of the car and ran for the shack, but he stopped.
Katie caught up to him and patted his back. “You cool, man?”
Aaron shrugged, holding his hands in front of him and his shoulders up to hide his face a bit. “I-I dunno… What if… What if he doesn’t like me?”
“Hey, I get it.” Katie admitted. “When I first met my friends I was really nervous. I had talked to them online for weeks and I was worried it wasn’t gonna be what it was all cracked up to be, but it was. Your system worked! You found another dino-lover! You earned this moment. Just take in a deep breath and be yourself, cuz you’re a pretty cool dude.”
Aaron smiled up at his big sister. “Thanks.”
Trusting Eric and Deborahbot5000 to watch Monchi and make sure he used the bathroom, the Mitchells went inside the shack. On the porch there was an ice cooler, a sign reading schedule times for tours of the Oddity Museum, a Help Wanted sign, and two rocking chairs with a game of checkers between them.
Inside the store a few customers filled up the gift shop, alongside t-shirts, snowglobes, a vending machine, a door beside ti that read Employees Only, a bookshelf full of comic on one side and old newspapers claiming alien sightings on the other, a fish tank holding a monkey-mermaid, and barrels full of spaceship keychains and dino claws. A new section called Camping Stuff caught Rick’s eye, selling backpacks, lanterns, flashlights, batteries, canteens, and compasses. Katie opened a comic called Lil’Stanley and laughed at the swears, taking a pic and sending it to her friends’ group chat. Linda looked into the barrel full of patches and grinned at all the fun designs, while Aaron stared happily at the mer-monkey.
The Employees Only door opened and closed and Rick watched as a man in a suit, fez, and eyepatch walked up to the lady at the register and kissed her cheek. The woman smiled lovingly and left while the guy who resembled a gopher checked a customer out. Rick waited until the buyer left to approach the register, leaning an arm on the counter.
“Welcome to the Mystery Shack, dude!”
“Thanks! So, this is gonna sound weird, but my son Aaron talks to a guy here about dinosaurs…”
“No way!” The owner interrupted excitedly. “Good to see you, dudes! I’m Mr. Mystery! Wow, you guys came a long way, huh?”
“Nah, only from California. My daughter is attending art school there.”
While the men chit-chatted and Linda joined them, Katie noticed a guy walking up to Aaron and looking at the mer-monkey. She smiled and tried to read the comic without being too nosy, but she kept her senses on her brother.
“Hm, quite fascinating, isn’t it?” The man in the blue hoodie said. “But I think my favorite is the fossilized footprint. Could be Nanuqsaurus hoglundi.”
“The Polar Bear Lizard?” Aaron clarified, touching his chin as he looked at the dino-print, his back to the man he was talking to. “Maybe, but they’re from Alaska. It’s possible plate tectonics did cause some fossils to be relocated here, but it could also be a Nanotyrannosaurus lancensis footprint.”
“The Dwarf Tyrant? Could very well be. Would you like to talk about dinosaurs after your tour?”
Aaron’s eyes widened as the voice was finally familiar to him. He turned and looked up to find an old man smiling up at him. He had fluffy gray hair with a white stripe running around his scalp, wrinkles by his eyes due to smiling, a cleft chin, glasses, and wore a blue hoodie with a maroon sweater underneath. His hands were behind his back and he smiled down at Aaron warmly, while the boy was jittery and overly-excited. He took in a sharp breath and had to fight every muscle to keep from leaping through the screen door. 
“H-H-Hi…” He peeped. He cleared his throat and tried again. “Y-Yeah, sure! I’d love to! I’m Aaron! Er, wait, you already knew that.” And he held out a hand to shake.
His phone-pal, Ford, chuckled and got on one knee to be eye-level. “Greeting, Aaron! It’s nice to formally meet you.”
Aaron shook his hand and noticed something. He had six fingers on his right hand. A quick glance told Aaron he also had six fingers on his left hand. Aaron grinned with sparkling eyes at his new friend, while the old sailor smiled warmly at the boy that reminds him of his niece and nephew when they were young.
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