neverexistence · 10 months
Owszem, jak poświęcam komuś uwagę to sam też czasem bym jej chciał, to takie dziwne?
Zawsze staram się być fer to dla tego bywam niemiły bo zwyczajnie zwracam co dostaję.
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samotniczka-smutna · 1 year
Może gdybym urodziła sie inna ktoś by mnie polubił...
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black-rose-666 · 1 year
Zamknąłem oczy i ujrzałem małe światełka
One poruszały się dookoła
Lecz zaczęły zwalniać
Podążałem za nimi
Usłyszałem masę głosów
I ujrzałem duszę które poruszały się bez celu
To był jakiś inny wymiar
Czułem się jakbym był w czyśćcu
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emocjonalnemysli · 2 years
To już inny rodzaj bólu. Kiedy już nie płaczesz,krzyczysz tylko bierzesz głęboki oddech i akceptujesz to wszystko. I to nie jest tak,że tłumisz swoje emocje.Nie.Jesteś już tak wyprany z uczuć,że nie czujesz już nic.Pozostał tylko ból duszy.
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pustazapalniczka · 2 years
Bawi mnie to, że chłopaki śmieją się z dziewczyn kiedy kupują sobie te sami sukienki tylko w innym kolorze bo to bez sensu, a tymczasem oni kupujący tą samą fifę tylko z innym numerkiem, hah noo bez komentarza
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zobacztakze · 2 months
Wieloryb - o filmie
W filmie w reżyserii Darrena Aronofsky'ego na podstawie sztuki teatralnej Samuela D. Huntera oglądamy wyraźnie wyodrębnione kolejne sceny. Podział na akty zaznaczony zostaje otwieraniem i zamykaniem drzwi. Ma się wrażenie, że reżyser chce nam szybko przedstawić wszystkich bohaterów tego przedstawienia. Kolejno więc pojawiają się i odgrywają swoje historie. Każdy osobno. Wchodzą i wychodzą z impetem trzaskając drzwiami. Już nie ma wątpliwości, że tkana jest nić, jak pajęcza sieć. Reakcje ludzi na widok głównego bohatera są pełne onieśmielenia, które momentalnie przeradza się w obrzydzenie. Z czasem wywiązuje się rozmowa, która prowadzi rozmówców do próby wyjaśnienia, dlaczego to, co widzą takie jest. Ale jednocześnie te debaty nie są takie ważne. Czegoś zabrakło. Coś przesłoniło miłość, by była ona wszechogarniającym uczuciem. W efekcie – i tego widz się spodziewa – wizerunek głównego bohatera odchodzi na plan dalszy.
Problematyka. W tym filmie znaleźć można sen o bogactwie, krzyk samotności i głód miłości. Stereotypy charakterystyczne dla amerykańskiego społeczeństwa są mocno skrytykowane przez twórcę. Wystroje pomieszczeń nie sugerują konkretnego okresu, w którym ta historia się rozgrywa. Uniwersalna historia?
Wreszcie docieramy do nieuchronnego końca, od którego nie ma ucieczki. Baranek zostaje złożony w ofierze. „Panie Boże, Baranku Boży, Synu Ojca. Który gładzisz grzechy świata, zmiłuj się nad nami…” daje się słyszeć modlitwę. Postacie dramatu stają w obliczu zbliżającej się tragedii. Nie pokonały swych słabości. Widz wyraźnie spostrzega popełnione grzechy: pychę, chciwość, nieczystość, zazdrość, nieumiarkowanie w jedzeniu i piciu, gniew, lenistwo. Ktoś zmartwychwstać musi, by wybawić od ciężaru nieobojętności całą ludzkość.
Na zakończenie dziewczyna czyta, jak biblię, swoje wypracowanie: „(…) Najsmutniejsze były rozdziały z opisami wielorybów, bo czuło się, że autor próbuje nam oszczędzić własnych żałosnych historii (…)”. Koniec.
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its-okay-to-begay · 4 months
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É nostalgico voltar aqui, depois de tanto tempo, mas hoje é seu dia e é muito bom relembrar tanta coisa, esse tumblr foi criado no ano que nós nos conhecemos, em 2012, e isso ja fáz 12 anos. O Tumblr representa apenas uma fração das ensinamentos e coisas que a Senhora dona Inny, iniciou na minha vida, e eu sou grato imensamente por isso. Eu te amo de mil maneiras, reacessar, rolar o feed do tumblr, estar escrevendo isso me faz lembrar você, assim como me faz lembrar toda vez que eu escuto Twice, Evanescence, Billie, ou quando sinto cheiro de café, ou quando passo na Rio Verde, quando vejo a palavra amorzinho em qualquer contexto, quando vejo emoti de corações rosas, quando olho para meu telefone fixo parado e lembro das horas e horas que passamos la a fio, quando vejo qualquer coisa sobre rondelli kkk, agora quando ouço sobre canadá tbm ficou impregnado, quando lembro de você fazendo voz de cabrita, quando você briga com os cachorros fazendo auau, quando chama sua mae de bota e sua irma estava salvo como bota2, quando lembro que na floresta de Prinopolis havia uma gotica que amava a natureza entre eles, quando lembro dos covers que fazaimos de musicas de kpop na maior vergonha mas faziamos mesmo com tudo erro, quando do nada a melodia de In a Dream toca em minha cabeça, se tocar Luisa Sonza eu ja olho pro chão para ver se te acho, quando imagino um abraço... E eu poderia me estender por longos e longos caminhos. Nesses 12 anos, ja nos parabenizamos de diversas formas, e eu tento fazer algo novo, e ainda bem que a ideia me veio a mente, pq assim como a fota acima, soou tão natural, tão vivo, e eu sei o quanto você é grata por esses momentos pequenos, você é aquela que repara na forma com que eu dei uma informação sobre uma coxinha na rua e chorou pq viu o quanto eu era bom e gentil kkk quem mais veria isso? Só você! Você aproveita os melhors momentos assim como sempre enxerga o melhor nas pessoas, eu te amo amorzinho, essa foto mostra alguem que esta tomando uma coisa que ama, em um lugar que ama, aproveitando uma viagem que ama na compainha de quem ama, e no centro tem alguem que eu amo em toda sua plenitude. Te amo. Do Guguinha, feliz aniversário <3
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moment-flash · 6 months
"Wolę sam
palić blant
walić wódę "
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sagehaleyofficial · 1 year
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What is UP, my dudes?! It’s Friday again, meaning it’s time for another NEW RELEASE ROUND-UP! Which of these new releases is your personal favorite? Let me know in the comments, and suggest your own new releases for the week if they’re not listed! 💿
#CircaSurvive #DeadRituals #Discreet #ForTracyHyde #TheHolophonics #Inny
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strayklds · 4 months
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life-on-our-planet · 1 year
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“Most of the time you just see a flash of blue, but to really see the beauty of the kingfisher you have to slow it down.” RTÉ
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nonranghaes · 4 months
jeongin stirs awake when he feels you climb into bed beside him. he's already reaching out, moving in to bury his face in the crook of your neck when you push him back. you turn over to face him, and he feels you softly kiss his lips.
"happy birthday," you mumble, nose nuzzling against his own. it earns a smile from him, and you're all too eager to kiss it once more. "sorry to wake you."
he just chuckles, "it's okay," and cuddles in. his forehead presses against your neck, and he wraps his arms around you. "what time is it?"
"... late."
he peeks up and squints at the clock. it's almost two in the morning. what went late? your job? your ride? he'll have to ask later. you wrap your arms around him and hold him close, pressing a kiss against the side of his head. he lifts his head just enough that you can hear him: "good night."
"good night," you murmur back. your fingers are playing with the hair at the back of his neck but growing slower by the second. "i love you."
he pecks your neck one last time before settling in. "love you, too."
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allonsybadwolf · 2 years
So I'm slightly obsessed with Severance (2022) and I may have spent like a week straight cutting together an Innie Cut and an Outie cut and holy shit guys it's such an experience. I watched them both straight through like long movies and
(edit: guys it's available now!! Check the notes/reblogs of this post, or check my blog, for how to access it!!)
The Outie Cut is like an obscure offbeat indie dark comedy where none of your questions get answered and there's zero resolution at the end.
You really get to focus on oMark's perspective, which is interesting because in the show it feels like iMark is the main focus. We get to focus on how oMark's depression has impacted his life, and his journey through the confusion of what's happening with Lumon and Severance. The story feels slower and more grounded. It works better than I anticipated.
The Innie Cut is like a slow and unexpected descent into madness. Honestly, I thought the Outie Cut would be spookier, but no. The Innie Cut is very unsettling.
At first, it kind of just feels like a regular kind of office life show, where it's not at all unusual that we never see the characters at home. We only see them in the office because the show is about the office.
But then there are. Things. Very strange unsettling things. Just out of nowhere. With no context from the outside world. No relief from the blinding bright white landscape of Lumon Industries. The hallways that never stop, the walls closing in on you, the fact that you can't ever leave.
And oh my god when they wake up in the outside world in the final episode it is. SO. JARRING. It's been like three plus hours of bright white office at this point. And then suddenly, disconcertingly, you're thrown into this world that is dark and warm but unfamiliar and treacherous and you have to navigate it perfectly and fast or suffer the consequences.
And iMark, at the party. When you watch Severance for the first time, the party scene is a meeting of two worlds that are familiar to you, the viewer. When you watch the Innie Cut, you're just as off balance as iMark. You don't know these people. You don't know who you can trust. You don't know the right thing or the wrong thing to do here.
Anyways I'd love to share these cuts with people but I have no idea how to go about doing that
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faunandfloraas · 4 months
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Australia, 2019 // 2024.
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linusbenjamin · 4 months
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Severance 1.04 'The You You Are'
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thefantasyden · 3 months
Soft vanilla sex with Jeongin
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Jeongin who is so nervous because this is his first serious relationship, and he has no idea what he's doing.
He's already shy about skinship because he's scared of feeling vulnerable, but he craves it from you so often.
He's constantly worried that he's not doing well as a boyfriend, yet every time you're there to tell him that you KNEW, he was inexperienced when you chose him. You would always choose him regardless.
His knowledge of sex has come from the members and his own research and he's so convinced that it has to be kinky for you to enjoy it that he cries when you stop him and tell him that you can tell he isn't enjoying himself.
He'd hide his face in your neck, tears hitting your skin as he mumbled about how he wanted you to enjoy it, and he just wanted to do a good job. He's flooded with emotion when you gently pet his hair and wrap your arm around him, telling him that you wanted him as he was. He was enough for you in any way you could have him.
He's so confused because he's crying right now but he also wants you in a way he has never felt before and you just laugh when he tells you that, explaining that it's normal and that he can continue if he's comfortable.
He'd be so slow and gentle afterwards. He wants to touch every bit of your skin, and he wants to savour the incredible feeling of safety and love that you've given him for as long as possible.
He whispers 'I love you's between tender kisses, needy hands roaming your skin as he stares in pure adoration. He doesn't even realise that every thought is leaving his mouth. He is just so lucky to have you.
He lets you guide him through things when he isn't sure, and he starts feeling more confident when you tell him what feels good and what doesn't. You're always so good about communicating your needs. He hopes that's something he will pick up from you.
He is SO proud when he's able to make you cum and he doesn't even want to finish himself off (truthfully, he's too overwhelmed to even think of it.) He just wants to hold you close afterward, telling you how grateful he is and thanking you for letting him love you and loving him the way you do.
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