#Integrated Banks
reportwire · 2 years
Barclays CEO C.S. Venkatakrishnan Diagnosed With Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
Barclays CEO C.S. Venkatakrishnan Diagnosed With Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
By Joe Hoppe
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jewreallythinkthat · 7 months
Ok so ... Today's absolutely fucking batshit post that I had to read with my own two eyes
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We all know Mohamed Hadid is a foaming at the mouth antisemite but this is a new level.
Let's start with the caption:
1. The implication all Jews are American? Insane, untrue, erasing all Jewish history in Israel which dates back to before the Arabization of the middle east.
2. No one has a single percent of Semite in them because Semite is not a race, it's an obsolete term for a family of languages (including both Hebrew and Arabic) however I need to specify that "Antisemitism" was coined as a term specifically about Jew hate. That's what it means, it's actually nothing to do with the language Hebrew at all, it was an attempt to sciencify "judenhass" and make it sound acceptable.
Now to the post itself:
3. If you demand an end to colonialism, boy have I got something to explain about why the official language of Morocco, a country the width of a continent away from the Arabian Peninsula is Moroccan Arabic... Or to be honest, the reason that Arabs are the main demographic anywhere outside the Arabian Peninsula where they originally came from. I understand that peoples migrate but that involves moving from one place to another, not expanding our and literally colonising everything around you. The Arab conquests of the MENA region are a well documented part of history...
4. Demanding a ceasefire is all well and good but we are all aware that we will never be going back to the status quo of before - which frankly is all a ceasefire with no actual work done to rebuild and move towards peace will do. A ceasefire neccestiates thought on what happens next. This is not to say people shouldn't be advocating for an cease to the fighting, they should, this all needs to end. What people have to also do is also be discussing what happens next. The old status quo was unsustainable, and with the mounting evidence that Gazans who worked in Israel helped with the planning of Black Saturday, we will never again see the relations between the people in southern Israel and those in Gaza go "back to normal".
I would love a ceasefire but we need to talk about what happens next in the same conversation. To ignore that is at best naïve and at worst, willfully ignorant because just stopping and Israel withdrawing will do nothing to help rebuild because we all know that everyone will lose interest if that happens, as has happened over and over again.
5. It's well known that Jews are indigenous to Israel and the ancient kingdom of Judea. It's literally in the etymology of the world. Now, obviously multiple groups can be indiginous to one area, but length of time residing there is not a marker of indiginunity, it's literally a childlike playground tactic. Straight up rewriting history... We all know how bad that is.
Mohamed Hadid has over a million followers. His daughters have a total of 130 million. They can post misinformation and almost ten times the number of Jews who exist in the world will see it. This is so dangerous and frankly this level of deranged lying on the internet does not nothing to help end the war, it just puts Jews outside of Israel more at risk. We are being murdered in the streets, in our places of work and everyone is cheering it on.
The irony of people applauding the murder of Jews calling us neo-nazis is not lost on me and it's unreal that we aren't even allowed to stand up to it. Let's be very blunt here, if you are justifying the slaughter of Jews, who's the real nazi?
An additional Edit:
There will never be a ceasefire without release of the hostages and bodies kidnapped into Gaza. Like it's so stupid to think otherwise. Especially with Hamas currently refusing to give a list of who is still alive (they said they couldn't give a list until they knew the terms of a ceasefire which clearly means they COULD do it, but they are choosing not to)
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bmpmp3 · 11 days
and heres a cover of the original JP ver of the ending B song from drakengard, tsukiru :) with teto our good friend teto
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bacchuschucklefuck · 4 months
(chuckles) Im so good at reading comprehension and my meat is huge
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redbean-nom · 2 months
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Rebel Admirals Rex & Kalani from an au where the clone and droid rebellions were a bit more successful
Rex's fleet (rebel fleet Remembrance) - the whole 'ahsoka's not actually a jedi' thing worked and most of the 332nd got dechipped. (maul still escaped, but they managed to patch up the maul-damage before he got to the hyperdrive, so the Tribunal is mostly okay). the extra resources & manpower allowed the clone rebellion to operate on a much larger scale, and they eventually allied with pantora as a whole with the backing of senator chuchi. cody and later wolffe brought their imperial fleets to join the rebellion about a year later (after the chips started wearing off).
the fleet (one venator (the Tribunal), four star destroyers, associated clones, gunships, fighters, and tanks, plus a handful of stolen imperial walkers and shuttles) formally joined the rebel alliance around 10bby.
(rex got put in charge of the fleet because he's the least traumatized out of all the surviving officers. cody ran off to live with obi wan on tattooine.)
Kalani's fleet (rebel fleet Independence) - something happened and he and kraken managed to steal a chunk of dooku's ships (and later a good chunk of whatever was left of grievous' fleet on utapau) after his death. they essentially got lost in the chaos of o66, since the rest of the separatists thought they were deactivated after the shutdown order, and escaped with essentially a full separatist fleet. since they were active instead of stuck on agamar, kalani noticed that the leader of the empire happened to be the republic's supreme chancellor, and decided the empire was the new target of the CIS army. he later encountered the clone rebellion and decided that since the clones had effectively deserted the republic and were now fighting the empire, they were therefore allies.
the fleet (one dreadnought, three cruisers, one stolen imperial carrier, associated droids, fighters, transports, and tanks) formally allied with the rebel alliance around 10bby, with the backing of serenno and raxus secundus.
#star wars#au#redbean art#admirals au#captain rex#general kalani#rex's rank continues to be weird because now he is an admiral (because the fleet was rather lacking in officers who were not#dead (most of them); imperial (anakin; yularen); or too traumatized to deal with more losses (cody; wolffe)#but he still does regular missions w torrent just under a fancier title#but now because they have an entire fleet they can jailbreak entire battallions at once instead of only being able to grab the stragglers#one of the star destroyers has a mass dechipping facility#preprogrammed so all you have to do is load the next set of clones into the surgery machine thing and press the start button#and then wheel them out and load the next set in while you wait for the first ones to wake up#so basically the clone rebellion is yoinking whole imperial clone legions#meanwhile since the droids were pretty much abandoned#kalanis fleet spent the first few years after the war running around the galaxy grabbing all unattended separatist vehicles#kalani has determined via st-droid logic that#since sidious is the chancellor of the republic (and therefore a traitor)#dooku; grievous; and trench are dead and most of the other separatist leaders were forcibly integrated into the empire#that makes him (the last surviving/active separatist general) the new supreme commander of the separatists#so now he has decided to continue the attack on the republic-which-is-now-the-empire#anyways he has some of the more remote/smaller droid factories up and running in the outer rim#all the clones who dont want to keep fighting get funneled to one of the clone bases via tbb#also rex has created a brand new clone pension fund via stolen imperial credits#because anakin never changed his passwords when he became vader and rex broke into his bank account#kalani has access to most of the separatist funds bc they assumed a tactical droid wouldn't try to steal anything and it was faster that wa#so the clone and droid rebellions are both funded via the empire forgetting to change passwords in the o66-chaos#palpatines going to have a stroke at this point lol#*both* of his supposed-to-be-non-sentient armies are now invading imperial coruscant together
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aiiaiiiyo · 2 years
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iconnectintlpvtltd · 5 days
Take a look at this post… 'JSON to XML and XML to JSON converter in second . Use it for API integrations and Web development projects'.
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civilmentor1 · 14 days
Current Affairs - 6 September 2024
1. Andaman and Nicobar Islands Integrated Development Corporation (ANIIDCO) Source: The HinduGS-3: Economy ContextThe qualifications of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands Integrated Development Corporation (ANIIDCO) have come into question after receiving approval for a mega infrastructure project in Great Nicobar. BackgroundANIIDCO is the project proponent for the ₹72,000 crore mega…
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jcmarchi · 20 days
AI in Finance: The Double-Edged Sword Redefining Financial Services
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/ai-in-finance-the-double-edged-sword-redefining-financial-services/
AI in Finance: The Double-Edged Sword Redefining Financial Services
Today, only the lazy do not discuss Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its potential to revolutionize practically every aspect of our lives, including finance. Indeed, there is a startling growth in the AI market—it surpassed $184 billion in 2024, $50 billion more than in 2023. Moreover, this blossoming is expected to continue, and the market will exceed $826 billion by 2030.
But this is only one side. On the other hand, research shows increasing problems with AI’s implementation, especially in finance. In 2024, it will increasingly face issues related to privacy and personal data protection, algorithm bias, and ethics of transparency. The socio-economic question of potential job losses is also on the agenda.
 Is everything related to AI problematic? Let’s consider real challenges to AI’s ubiquitous implementation in finance and the pitfalls we need to solve now so that AI can still reach the masses.
Real Challenges for Massive AI Integration
Initially, the goal was to create artificial intelligence at the level of human consciousness—the so-called strong AI—Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). However, we have not yet achieved this objective; moreover, we are nowhere near reaching it. Although we seem to be on the verge of introducing real AGI, there are still more than five-seven years left to do so.
The main problem is that current expectations of AI are vastly overstated. While our technologies are impressive today, they are only narrow, specialized AI systems that solve individual tasks in particular fields. They do not have self-awareness, cannot think like humans, and are still limited in their abilities. Given this, scaling AI becomes a challenge for AI’s spread. As AI is more valuable when used at scale, businesses still need to learn how to effectively integrate AI across all processes but retain its ability to be adjusted and customized.
Moreover, concerns around data privacy are not AI’s main problem as many may think. We live in a world where data has not been confidential for a long time. If someone wants to get information about you, it can be done without the help of AI. The real challenge of AI’s integration is making sure it is not misused and deployed responsibly, without unwanted consequences.
The ethics of using AI is another question before AI reaches mass dissemination.
The main problem in existing systems is censorship: Where is the line when we prohibit neural networks from sharing a bomb recipe and censor responses from the point of view of political correctness, etc.? Еspecially since the “bad guys” will always have access to networks without restrictions imposed on them. Are we shooting ourselves in the foot by using limited networks while our competitors are not?
However, the central ethical dilemma is the issue of long-range aiming. When we create a strong AI, we will face the question: Can we use a reasonable system to perform routine tasks and turn it into a kind of slave? This discourse, often discussed in science fiction, can become a real problem in the coming decades.
What Should Companies Do for Seamless AI Integration?
In fact, the responsibility for solving AI problems lies not with the companies that integrate AI but, on the contrary, with the companies that develop it. Technologies are quietly being implemented as they become available. There is no need to do anything special—this process is natural.
Artificial intelligence works well in narrow niches where it can replace a person in communication, such as chat rooms. Yes, this is annoying for some, but the process will become more accessible and more pleasant over time. One day, AI will finally adjust to human communication style and become much more helpful, and the technology will become increasingly involved in customer service.
AI is also effective in pre-analytics when large amounts of heterogeneous information must be processed. This is especially relevant for finance, as there have always been departments of analysts engaged in uncreative but essential work. Now, when AI is attempted to be implemented for analytics, efficiency increases in this area. On Wall Street, they even believe this profession will disappear—AI software can do the analysts’ work far more quickly and cheaply.
To achieve seamless AI integration, companies should take a strategic approach beyond adopting the technology. ​​They need to focus on preparing their workforce for the change, educating them on AI tools, and fostering a culture of adaptability. In this way, everything related to reducing the burden on a person in routine tasks continues to evolve. As long as AI implementation gives companies competitive advantages, they will introduce new technologies as they become available.
The key is to strike a balance between AI’s efficiency and the challenges it may present.
AI’s Potential in Revolutionizing Finance
AI in the form of more traditional approaches and other methods have been used for a long time in the financial market, long before the last decades. For example, a few years ago, the topic of high-frequency trading (HFT) became especially relevant. Here, AI and neural networks are used to predict the microstructure of the market, which is important for quick transactions in this area. And the potential for the development of AI in this field is quite large.
When it comes to portfolio management, classical mathematics and statistics are most often used, and there is not much need for AI. However, it can be used, for example, to find a quantitative and systematic method to construct an optimal and customized portfolio. Thus, despite its low popularity in portfolio management, AI has development opportunities there. The technology can significantly reduce the number of people needed to work in call centers and customer services, which is especially important for brokers and banks, where interaction with retail customers plays a key role.
In addition, AI can perform the tasks of junior-level analysts, especially in companies that trade a wide range of instruments. For example, you may need analysts to work with different sectors or products. Still, you can entrust the preliminary collection and processing of data to AI, leaving only the final part of the analysis to experts. In this case, language models are advantageous.
However, many of the AI capabilities in this market have already been used, and only small improvements still need to be made. In the future, when artificial general intelligence (AGI) appears, there may be a global transformation of all industries, including finance. However, this event may happen only in a few years, and its development will depend on solving the ethical issues and other problems mentioned above.
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townpostin · 1 month
Jamshedpur Women's University to Increase Vocational Teachers' Pay
JWU completes procedures for salary hike; 109 students placed at Tech Mahindra Jamshedpur Women’s University announces salary increase for vocational teachers, following successful completion of necessary procedures and recent student placements. JAMSHEDPUR – Vice Chancellor Prof. Anjila Gupta of Jamshedpur Women’s University has announced an upcoming salary hike for vocational teachers after…
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tenth-sentence · 1 month
'Westpac needed to buy a bank with retail products and we had plans about how to integrate that,' says Bint.
"Westpac: The Bank That Broke the Bank" - Edna Carew
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reportwire · 2 years
Bank of America Reports Earnings Monday. What Wall Street Is Watching.
Bank of America Reports Earnings Monday. What Wall Street Is Watching.
Bank of America Reports Earnings Monday. What Wall Street Is Watching. Source link
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Expat Living
Photo by Helena Lopes Last week I commented that I believe Western expats are a dying breed and that the modern generation is not equipped for Expat living. Expat living can give you an incredible outlook on life. It can show you the world’s wonders, and if you are lucky like me, you can finally find your life partner. What is an Expat life? An expatriate lives in a foreign country away from…
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techjour · 2 months
UK based Sokin secured $31 M funding from Morgan Stanley. It offers services to 500 businesses across different verticals across the globe. Sokin is a global cross border payment provider that empowers businesses to manage payment swiftly, efficiently and transparently.
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quicklybook · 2 months
What are the steps of QuickBooks Bank Integration?
Integrating your bank account with QuickBooks simplifies financial management by automating the import of transactions and ensuring accurate bookkeeping. This guide provides a detailed walkthrough of the steps involved in QuickBooks bank integration, helping you streamline your accounting processes. With QuickBooks bank integration, you gain real-time insights into your business finances, streamline reconciliation, and improve the accuracy of your accounting records. This integration is a valuable tool for any business looking to optimize its financial management practices.
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immaculatasknight · 4 months
Get off the fence
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