#Integrating subjective and objective aspects
turiyatitta · 1 year
Exploring Nondual Awakening and the Integral Perspective
A Journey of Unity and Integration Introduction: In our quest to understand the nature of reality and human consciousness, two frameworks stand out: the nondual perspective and the integral perspective. While they differ in their approach, both offer profound insights and pathways to a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us. In this blog, we will dive into the differences,…
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chalkrevelations · 8 months
Is there wrangling about who's the framing/POV character of Ep 8 of Only Friends? Really? Because clearly, it's Boston. Yes, he's got the outro, but that only emphasizes what's evident throughout the entire ep - this is Boston's episode, because this is how he sees himself.
This episode is Boston's experience of life - surrounded by drama because everyone around him is acting completely irrationally over all of their disingenuous relationship bullshit (when he warned half of them in the first place - Sand, in fact, is experiencing precisely what Boston warned him would happen), punctuated by multiple times Cheum decides to be a heinous asshole to him while he's just trying to have a beer and enjoy his homo vibe.
This is an episode in which we're given a picture of him as fully human, as complex and layered, rather than as a "heartless slut" who doesn't care about anything but himself and fucking, and whose emotional depth doesn't extend further than smug superiority and bitchy - if not downright malevolent - sneers. I mean, all you really have to do is look at Neo's face throughout this episode, compared to the other eps. This is a Boston who's soft enough to look like a marshmallow compared to how we've seen him in previous eps - how we see him through other eyes.
He sits around day-drinking over selfies of himself and Nick. He has a completely mundane beer with Atom and shoots the shit about SOs. He looks halfway excited to get an invitation to a party that will let him interact with his estranged friends. There's his entire face journey when Nick approaches him at the party, including the deliberate attempt to snub the person who betrayed him and to look casual doing it, but with none of the sneering savagery we see him level at Ray in the aftermath of their fistfight in an earlier ep. Why do you care so much, if you don't care, Boston? We get that weird almost companionable moment when Boston zips his lip and sits there together with Top, and his reaction to Mew gearing up for his trashtalk of the sluts. And tbqh, from the look on Boston's face at the end of the ep, I don't know that he actually intends (at that point) to fuck Atom so much as scare him off by taking him home. This is a look at Boston that all his hard, glossy armor doesn't allow anyone else to see - an interior look.
We don't actually see Boston for a lot of the ep because that's also his experience of life - just like his closet darkroom closet is filled with photos of men he slept with but that never feature Boston, himself. Boston is the subject behind the camera, not the object of the gaze - in his sex life, in his life, in this ep. I don't know enough about Boston yet to know for sure whether and how much he wants to be seen, but I do know that he knows he's not supposed to be seen. To be perceived is to invite disaster.
I'm beginning to wonder, though - thanks to the look at him that this ep affords - how much he might want to be seen, and how much those selfies with Nick are a key to this. Unlike the voyeuristic recordings by both Gap and Nick, which flip the script so that Boston is (unwittingly and nonconsensually) made the object of attention, the selfies with Nick allow Boston to become both - not just the subject behind the camera, and also not just the object of attention, given that in one of those photos (I think the one on Nick's camera?) the arm positioning looks like Boston took the photo. These selfies allow him to test out an existence in which he's someone who's integrated both aspects, participating in his own life rather than holding himself apart and aloof, but also able to have the distance to observe it as well. We see that Boston places some kind of value on those selfies that he's kept on his phone, and this ep's look into him might indicate that he also places some kind of value on the experience they represent.
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astrojulia · 1 year
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1st house/rising through the signs
ARIES. You are a passionate and energetic individual who possesses an inherent drive to seek out your life's purpose. Rather than waiting for opportunities to come your way, you actively pursue new challenges and experiences. Your personality is characterized by zeal, self-assurance, and a go-getter attitude. As an Aries Rising, you have a natural inclination to use yourself as a reference point for integrating various aspects of your mind and personality. This self-referencing can be a positive attribute, as it helps you stay focused on what truly matters to you. While you may have a tendency to view things subjectively from a self-centered perspective, you also maintain an objective perception and give due importance to factual information. It is important to note that this does not imply egotism on your part; rather, you possess a strong sense of self and a clear understanding of your desires in life. However, it is essential to keep your self-referencing in check, as an unchecked belief in the universe revolving around you can hinder personal growth. As your notion of self evolves, the integration of your mind, with the self as the primary focal point, can lead to a robust and self-aware consciousness. It is not surprising that you may have played the role of an "independent" child in your early years, and this independence has carried over into your adult life. People may perceive you as capable of handling things on your own, and while you indeed possess a self-sufficient nature, you are also willing to compromise and deeply care for those who are close to you. Your ambition, courage, and drive are truly admirable, and coupled with your desire for fame, creativity, audacity, and initiative, you become an unstoppable force. Your vitality and strong character enable you to succeed through your own efforts, which is truly remarkable.
TAURUS. The integrative mentality of Taurus embodies deliberate, methodical, and organic energy. You approach life with a meticulous mindset, carefully considering each component and placing it in its rightful position, ensuring a solid foundation for your existence. This thorough process, though time-consuming, cultivates a strong moral compass and a deep understanding of what truly holds significance in life. Stability and dependability hold great importance to you, and you are motivated by the pursuit of material security and comfort. Your unwavering loyalty and commitment shine through in your relationships and your attachment to your possessions. You prioritize being true to your values and fulfilling your obligations, showcasing an admirable sense of responsibility. One of your most remarkable qualities is your incredible stamina and endurance, especially when it comes to those you hold dear. Your love knows no bounds, and you are willing to invest the necessary effort and time to ensure the well-being and happiness of your loved ones. Change may not come naturally to you, as you find comfort in the familiar and the known. However, it is important to recognize the value of embracing new ideas and experiences that have the potential to enrich your life and contribute to your personal growth. While maintaining a sense of stability is essential, remaining open-minded allows for expansion and evolution. Trusting your instincts and honoring your values play integral roles in guiding you on the path towards a well-integrated and fulfilling life. Your instincts serve as a reliable compass, guiding you towards choices that align with your authentic self. By staying true to your core values, you create a solid framework for decision-making and cultivate a life that resonates with your deepest desires and aspirations.
GEMINI. For individuals with a Gemini Ascendant, the process of integrating their psyche tends to unfold primarily on a cerebral level. You heavily rely on your thoughts and mental constructs to make sense of both your internal landscape and the external world. While you may possess a clear intellectual understanding of yourself and how things operate, there can be challenges in integrating and comprehending your own emotions and desires fully. Your proactive nature propels you to actively pursue your life's purpose, and you embody traits such as variability, adaptability, sensitivity, and restlessness. The ever-changing nature of your mind keeps you engaged and ready to embrace new experiences. A fast-paced lifestyle resonates with you, and you derive enjoyment from the multitude of possibilities that life presents. However, this inherent adaptability and restlessness may also lead to moments of indecisiveness and anxiety as you navigate the array of choices before you. Flexibility is a core value for you, and the fear of being confined or bored motivates you to keep your options open. Your curiosity knows no bounds, and you possess a genuine thirst for knowledge and understanding. Engaging in stimulating conversations and exchanging ideas with others fuels your intellectual curiosity. The world and the people around you serve as endless sources of fascination, as you constantly seek to broaden your understanding of the human experience. While you possess an abundance of knowledge and analytical abilities, your communication style may sometimes come across as gruff or brusque. However, beneath the surface, you are compassionate and possess a remarkable ability to grasp information quickly. Your intelligence is sharp, allowing you to swiftly learn and adapt, particularly in fast-paced situations where your natural agility shines. Navigating the intricate terrain of emotions can be a nuanced journey for you, as your emphasis on the intellectual realm may sometimes overshadow the depths of your feelings.
CANCER. You are someone who deeply values emotional comfort, rootedness, and nurturing above all else. These qualities make you an incredibly caring and compassionate individual, but they can also make it challenging for you to project an outgoing persona, which is one of the roles represented by the Ascendant. However, there is nothing wrong with being in touch with your emotions! In fact, as a Cancer Ascendant, you are more likely to interpret your life experiences through the lens of emotional comfort and seek out security-giving phenomena that can be incorporated into your psyche. Your emotions act as the glue that holds all the pieces of your psyche together, resulting in a profound sense of completeness. This emotional integration provides you with a general sense of security and comfort with yourself and your surroundings. Now, let's delve into your personality traits! While you may not be a risk-taker by nature, you are undoubtedly passionate, self-assured, and possess a strong initiative. Your primary purpose in life is to care for others, whether it's your own family, friends, or other vulnerable groups. You have a tenacious, hospitable, sensitive, and temperamental personality, with strong emotions ranging from pure compassion to fierce wrath. When faced with new situations, you may initially withdraw or become shy, but this is a normal part of your emotional processing. You typically come across as considerate, unpretentious, and accessible, and these qualities contribute greatly to your charm. However, it is essential to note that under extreme circumstances, you may retreat within yourself to the point of being the polar opposite of your typical warm and caring persona. But fear not, for vulnerability is part of the human experience, and it is through such moments that we grow and learn.
LEO. As you navigate the process of psychological integration, your subconscious mind strives to create a complete and well-rounded version of yourself. You tend to emphasize your strengths while downplaying your flaws, aiming to present a persona that best reflects who you truly are. Your mind is constantly engaged in contemplating how you are perceived by the world and how your experiences can shape and enrich your persona. At a subconscious level, you absorb and integrate new information that can enhance the image you project to others. You are also highly aware of how others perceive you and skillfully use your experiences to position yourself in a favorable light. Naturally driven and self-sufficient, you possess a strong sense of self-determination. Truthfulness, generosity, and ambition are integral aspects of your character. You approach life with pride, inventiveness, and a strong sense of individuality. While you are confident in your own mission and love living life to the fullest, it is important to recognize that there are times when your eagerness can lead to hasty decisions. However, due to your inherently optimistic and bright nature, you quickly bounce back from setbacks. You draw inspiration from the accomplishments of others, and this motivates you to strive to be the best version of yourself. Originality and individuality are highly valued by you, and you genuinely appreciate the energy and joy of life. Whenever you encounter these traits in others, you wholeheartedly applaud them. Your self-assuredness and vivaciousness serve as a beacon, captivating the attention of those around you. Your radiant presence leaves an indelible impression on others, making them feel energized and inspired. You possess a natural flair for leadership and have a magnetic personality that draws people towards you.
VIRGO. Your innate inclination towards self-examination allows you to meticulously integrate various facets of your psyche, aiming for self-perfection and personal growth. While this process may manifest as a striving for perfection or even self-criticism at times, it serves as a catalyst for your journey towards self-actualization. I noticed that you tend to approach life with caution, preferring to establish a sense of comfort before pursuing your goals. This prudent mindset, accompanied by traits such as variability, flexibility, adaptability, sensitivity, restlessness, indecision, and anxiousness, shapes your unique perspective. Despite not being overtly ambitious, you possess a quiet determination that propels you forward in achieving your life's objectives. Orderliness and accuracy are highly valued by you, and you thrive when others follow your lead. Intellect plays a significant role in your life, as you often engage in thoughtful study and analysis before taking action. Ensuring a clear understanding of your surroundings before proceeding is essential to your sense of security and confidence. However, when feeling uncertain, you may experience nervousness or fear of making mistakes, which can lead to heightened self-doubt. While you exude modesty, it is important to recognize that you can be self-critical and demanding of yourself. Striving for balance is a key aspect of your journey, as obsessing over health or physique and magnifying difficulties can disrupt your equilibrium. Remember to grant yourself moments of respite and self-compassion, allowing room for growth and acceptance.
LIBRA. Individuals with a Libra Ascendant often navigate the intricate dance of duality in their lives. The celestial houses frequently see their polar opposite signs occupying them, creating a dynamic where energy geared towards relationships finds expression in areas more aligned with self-development. As a Libra Ascendant, your perceptive nature revolves around constructing your persona with a focus on harmony, balance, and relationships. The impact of your interactions on others holds great significance in your pursuit of psychological integration. Positive manifestations of your Libra influence include a genuine concern for others, adeptness at fostering harmonious connections, elegance, equilibrium, and an appreciation for beauty, symmetry, and harmony. However, there can be negative manifestations such as people-pleasing tendencies, struggles with self-image and self-esteem, a lack of strong personal principles, and a superficial emphasis on appearances. You possess a proactive approach to fulfilling your life's mission, eschewing passivity for assertiveness and initiative. Your energy drives you towards business endeavors that benefit from good fortune. Politeness, affection, consideration, modesty, and a hint of uncertainty characterize your persona. In both personal and professional realms, relationships play a pivotal role, aligning with your life's purpose. Human interactions serve as a driving force, as you dedicate substantial time to understanding and meeting the needs and desires of others, promoting fairness and harmony. While you strive for fairness, you may display occasional stubbornness when presenting your case, resisting attempts to control your perspective. Your essence is fundamental yet intricate, an unchangeable force in your nature, guiding you towards truth-seeking and the elimination of injustice.
SCORPIO. You trust your gut feelings and intuition, allowing them to guide you in your actions and decisions. Although you may possess introverted tendencies, there is an undeniable aura of intensity and presence that others notice when they are in your presence. As a Scorpio Ascendant individual, you possess a natural talent for observation and introspection. This deep level of self-reflection may create an air of secrecy around your emotions, motivations, and thought processes, leading others to perceive you as mysterious. However, your intention is not to be secretive but rather to engage in self-reflection and search for ultimate truth, shaping both your approach to life and your sense of self. During your journey of self-discovery, you are driven to uncover the core essence of things and connect them to your core values. This quest for truth can be transformative and life-altering for you. However, it is essential to be mindful of not succumbing to the negative aspects of Scorpio energy, such as power struggles or an excessive focus on sexuality. A need for control is another common trait associated with this placement. When faced with complex internal or external situations, you may feel compelled to take control in order to achieve integration, whether within yourself or in your environment. You are inclined to wait for the opportune moment before pursuing your goals, relying on others to make the first move. However, once you are fully engaged, you become focused, determined, and independent. Your instincts are lightning-fast, and you possess a passionate and instinctive nature. You have access to healing and regenerative resources, whether they arise from within yourself, other individuals, or society as a whole. You are a quietly powerful force on your journey, capable of sensing the pain and vulnerability in others, which grants you the potential to be a remarkable healer or a formidable opponent, depending on how you choose to utilize your energy.
SAGITTARIUS. When it comes to discovering your life's mission, you possess a natural inclination to pursue it actively rather than waiting for ideal conditions. Adaptability, sensitivity, restlessness, hesitation, and worry are among the wide range of abilities that shape your character. Deep thinking comes effortlessly to you, and you approach life with an open-minded, honest, optimistic, humorous, and spontaneous perspective. You view life as a continuous adventure filled with valuable lessons, and your ventures often come with a stroke of good fortune. Your unwavering passion for life draws others to join you on your journeys. Passionate, caring, and considerate, you have the potential to achieve great success and become an inspiration to others if you can harness and embrace your positive qualities while keeping your urges in check. You are always eager to explore new territories and expand your horizons. Learning and engaging in stimulating debates energize you, and your strong convictions may even lead you to consider a career in fields like the military, driven by your fierce protection of beliefs, ideals, and rights. You possess excellent organizational and leadership skills, allowing you to adapt easily to different situations and motivate yourself towards achieving your goals. However, it's important to note that your boundless energy and resourcefulness may sometimes irritate those around you, as not everyone can keep up with your dynamic nature. As someone with a Sagittarius Ascendant, the fiery and expansive traits associated with Sagittarius significantly influence your outward persona. Unlike individuals who engage in introspective self-reflection, you may be less inclined to delve deep into your inner self. However, if and when you decide to explore your inner world, you approach it with the same enthusiasm and fervor you demonstrate in the external world. For a person with a Sagittarian Ascendant, the process of integrating the mind is an ongoing quest for self-understanding. Consciously delving into this realm captivates your attention as you continuously ask questions like "Who am I, with all my different parts and facets?" Your inquisitive nature and relentless pursuit of answers contribute to your dynamic worldview. This worldview is likely to evolve and gain deeper levels of psychological integration and sophistication as you become more self-aware.
CAPRICORN. Your Capricorn energy manifests in a unique and determined way. You possess a measured approach to pursuing your goals, preferring to take it easy before diving headfirst into new endeavors. Rather than rushing blindly, you believe in careful planning and preparation, ensuring that you have a solid foundation to build upon. This deliberate approach showcases your cautious nature and independent spirit. You are not afraid to rely on others to help you get things going, understanding the value of collaboration and teamwork. You recognize that risk-taking is an essential aspect of achieving success, and you embrace it wholeheartedly. With an abundance of energy, confidence, and initiative, you tackle challenges head-on, unafraid of the hard work and dedication required. While you express yourself responsibly and with a bit of reservation, there are times when you may find yourself taking life too seriously. It is important to strike a balance between your drive for success and the need to enjoy the journey. Remember to take occasional breaks, allowing yourself to relax and recharge. People perceive you as active, demanding, and perhaps a bit vain, but these qualities are an intrinsic part of your personality. Life doesn't wait around for anyone, and you understand this better than most. You are a force to be reckoned with—powerful, stubborn, and complete. You refuse to settle for a life without purpose and are willing to put in the hard work to achieve your ambitions. In terms of self-presentation, you have the ability to control how others perceive you. By adopting a serious and enthusiastic demeanor, you can make a lasting impression. Your natural leadership qualities and business acumen make you an excellent candidate for positions of authority and influence. Whether as a businesswoman, leader, or even a politician, you have the drive and determination to excel.
AQUARIUS. As an Aquarius rising, your journey of self-discovery takes center stage. You have a strong desire to express your unique individuality to the world. With the combination of Aquarius' air element and fixed nature, you blend independence with a determined will to define and showcase who you truly are. Your intellectual prowess plays a significant role in this process of integration. You firmly believe in shaping yourself into the person you aspire to be through the power of your own will. This self-empowerment journey allows you to recognize how different facets of your personality harmonize, making you truly one-of-a-kind. As you actively pursue self-development, you break free from any conditioning that holds you back from embodying your authentic self. Embracing your uniqueness and integrating all aspects of your personality leads to a sense of liberation and self-awareness. Although this path may sometimes feel solitary, your unwavering sense of purpose and determination propel you forward. Rather than waiting for the stars to align, you take charge and pursue your life's mission with passion. You possess an outgoing and unconventional nature, approaching life from an objective standpoint. While you are self-sufficient, you acknowledge the role that friends, associates, and groups play in shaping your destiny. Learning to trust your instincts when assessing the character of others becomes essential. Your motivations can range from humanitarian and spiritual endeavors to fighting for causes you believe in. Scientific ideals also capture your attention. Interestingly, when you step back and view things objectively, you gain a clearer understanding of your own unique identity. This broader perspective allows you to connect with the collective and the social context in which you exist. You may take pride in your cultural heritage or actively work towards reforming outdated structures to usher in a new era. Embrace your individuality, pursue your dreams, and continue radiating your distinctive aura.
PISCES. You exhibit a preference for a more cautious approach rather than taking risks. You tend to wait until you feel comfortable before pursuing your goals and often rely on others to take the lead. Your flexible nature is accompanied by occasional indecisiveness and restlessness. Sensitivity, romanticism, and imagination define you. With a kind heart, you are always ready to extend a helping hand, even if others misunderstand you at times. Your ability to empathize with others and tune into your environment gives you a seemingly psychic intuition. Healing, both physically and mentally, may play a significant role in your life's purpose. To fulfill this calling, you must tap into your sensitive side, embrace open-mindedness, and express kindness and empathy. Whether you become a healer, spiritual counselor, or a supportive friend, your mission revolves around caring for others. People naturally seek you out when they are in need or feeling down. While your selflessness and generosity are admirable, it's important to establish boundaries and learn to say no to avoid feeling like a hero or a victim. Your goal is to bring together the diverse aspects of your being and create a coherent worldview. As a Pisces Ascendant, your inner world may initially feel chaotic and overwhelming. However, your task is to make sense of it all and find balance. Neptune, the ruling planet of your 1st house, brings both its positive and shadow aspects into play. Be aware of the potential for skepticism to creep in. Another potential role for you could be that of a servant or slave. Your incredible sensitivity allows you to absorb everything around you, contributing to your universal and fluid Piscean aura. Integrating and projecting yourself can be challenging due to these inherent qualities.
(CC) AstroJulia Some Rights Reserved
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vinosities · 3 months
"The new humanism that arose from the rediscovery of the ancient knowledge and literature would in turn give rise to the Renaissance, which began as a 'rebirth' but would soon evolve an originality of its own. There is one crucial aspect that links this long and gradual process, which would come to full flowering as the fifteenth century progressed. This aspect is knowledge—the early humanists rediscovered it, and the Renaissance artists saw themselves as extending it. The most characteristic and original expression of the Renaissance would be its art, yet crucially its artists saw this activity as a form of learning; and here at least, the passage from humanism to the Renaissance is all but seamless.
The Renaissance artists would paint images of a visibly different humanity from that depicted in the religious paintings of their medieval predecessors. This was achieved by shedding previous stylization and formalism, and although much of the medieval religious symbolism would be retained, this would increasingly be tempered by the artist imbuing his figures with an element of psychological realism. Human beings would be depicted with all the verisimilitude of a classical statue, usually placed in a recognizable landscape. Although the subjects remained for the most part religious (saints, the Madonna, biblical scenes and so forth), these holy figures were seen less as transcendental or metaphysical figures and more as they might have lived in the reality of their human lifetime. Art would become a form of learning about what a human being was, of understanding the purely human condition; this new art would seen to teach man about himself, and his world, in an almost scientific manner—indeed it would, in many ways, aspire to be a science. {...} Renaissance artists, such as Leonardo Da Vinci, would even use their art to depict the secrets of nature, and of human nature—drawing the intricacies of flowing water, human anatomy, as well as imagined or invented complex mechanical objects. It is important to remember that this aspect of art as a form of knowledge was always an integral part of enterprise; from the outset, Renaissance artists saw themselves as discovering new truths—about art, about technique, about humanity and the world."
— Paul Strathern, The Medici
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celecaster · 24 days
Bleuler (1911, p. 121) classically confirms this perspective when he notes that the primary symptoms of schizophrenia ‘find their expression in language,’ but ‘here the abnormality lies not in language itself, but in what it has to say.’ Unlike in aphasia, that is, where patients struggle to communicate normal thoughts that others would articulate in normal sentences, in schizophrenia the meaning itself is distorted. Yet it is clear that we cannot separate ‘what language has to say’ (meaning) from ‘language.’ More specifically, it is an inherent aspect of language that it conveys content of a particular kind, which carries information about the world and from which we can learn. [...] If having and conveying such content is an inherent aspect of language, such loss therefore is a disorder of language, though crucially not an aphasic one. [...] ‘words are really something like condensed actions, situations, and things. [They are] linguistic substitutes for reality’ (Jung, 1910, p. 223) – in short, the specific currency of human thought.
I don't have any Smart Analysis to make of this but this is probably the first time I've ever seen anybody else articulate the idea of language not merely being an 'expression/manifestation' of 'thought', rather language in itself is functionally 'thought'.
I'm schizotypal (finally coming out) and face hebephrenia with surprising frequency [ Like I'd argue I might pass the 'threshold' for schizophrenia now; arbitrary distinctions aside though my psychosis is more than likely a direct consequence of my ABI so it doesn't necessarily 'count' for schizophrenia ] and I've also had aphasia [ from the ABI... I would say guess which aphasia but my long-winded way of speaking makes it obvious! ] so I feel like my opinions and interest on the matter are definitely steeped in personal experience, which can be good or bad. I do think they both felt 'distinct', but that the lack of awareness associated with hebephrenia may not necessarily be that... well, 'severe'? Of course I am aware this can vary by individual.
Its central claim, that the human-specific form of rational thought and language arose together, makes the prediction that they should also fall together. It follows that schizophrenia could be re-conceptualized as manifesting a breakdown of the linguistic frame of thought and hence that it can be illuminated in linguistic terms. The hypothesis of this article is that schizophrenia is a breakdown of how language configures thought in the normal brain, viewed against an un-Cartesian background theory of what language is. Language circuitry in the brain is disturbed, resulting in forms of thought that cannot be shared anymore and lose objectivity, including thoughts about other minds, leading to a breakdown of normal social cognition and communication that depend on the linguistic frame of thought being intact.
Interesting stuff! Fits very well into my understanding of the ipseity disturbance model and my own little schizotaxic pet model.
With consideration SODI (Self/Other Differentiation-Integration) difficulties, schizospectral experiences is something I think ought to be a breakdown of associations/connections, ergo, the failed 'reality testing' is not towards the self or the world as independent structures but towards the relationship between them. I believe this accounts for the particular and unique schizospectral experience of the lack of 'mine-ness' [ as I often describe it, 'as if the core from which reality is experienced falls apart' ]:
It seems the particular issue, and one that makes it distinct from dissociation/depersonalisation, is that it's not so much that external experiences are experienced in an impaired way in and of themselves. It seems almost as if the experiences are 'realer' than the subject (AKA the self), like things are happening 'to you' but also not really because there is no 'you' for the things to happen to, manifesting as and resulting in the ambivalence and hyperreflexivity typical of impaired ipseity.
In terms of 'thought as language' this is relevant when we consider the basic structure of language as both implicitly coming from the first person [ eg when I say 'There is a tree over there', it is embedded within the meaning that the person who perceives the tree being over there is me, despite myself as the subject of this perception not being relevant or meaningful ], and that we further make distinctions between second and third persons even when we do not explicitly acknowledge it [ eg The person I am talking to is automatically the second person without the need for me to say I am talking to 'you' ].
When the distinction between different 'persons' is impaired [ Again, as within this framework the irrational beliefs associated with schizospectral phenomena isn't because of a failure to evaluate a 'thing' in itself but rather the relationships between things ] the way this manifests in language such as through pronoun confusion (among other aspects of disorganised speech) does seem to reflect that there is something fundamental about language in itself as part of the etiology and not just the thought 'expressed' through language.
Anyway, this article does go on to attribute specific core positive symptoms to specific linguistic difficulties [ eg a deficiency in 'speech production' corresponds to formal thought disorders ] which I'm not entirely 'convinced' of but also not particularly opposed to. This is more out of a sense of intuition than something I can prove so I'm going to be mostly 'neutral' on the matter but I suppose there is something a bit too 'rigid' to me about the claim that each particular positive symptom corresponds to a particular linguistic difficulty.
Regardless, the focus on pronoun/person confusion and deictic shifting sounds very sensible to me and maps well with my own hypothesis of SODI difficulties being a core feature of schizospectral experience.
It is a crucial claim of un-Cartesian linguistics that all of these forms of reference co-vary with specific grammatical configurations (Sheehan and Hinzen, 2011; Hinzen and Sheehan, 2013, Chap. 4; Martin and Hinzen, 2014); that no further forms of reference, in some non-linguistic world of thought, are known; and that in animal cognition (‘non-linguistic thought’), none of these forms of reference are seen (Hauser, 1996; Fitch, 2010). These findings together suggest that our language capacity is what avails us of these forms of reference; that when the limits of grammar are reached, these limits are the limits of thought as well; and that when grammar loses its grip on thought, thought must disintegrate.
[1] Things that only make sense to me because nobody knows what I mean by my 'recursive' theory of language and cognition
If I hear the sentence ‘Mary smiles’ uttered, then it is a matter of context if she also wears red shoes, or the speaker has a hoarse voice. This distinction disappears (everything becomes context), if the sentence is not understood as a proposition that as such defines a notion of context as what is irrelevant to its content. A disturbance in a language-mediated propositional competence therefore predicts a disturbance in the understanding of context: while the patients generate speech syntactically, their ‘ability to organize verbal messages into meaningful grammatical units may be relatively fragile and subject to disruption’ (Hoffman et al., 1985, p. 199). Tone of voice or the sound form of a word then become significant and relevant to content, rather than being demoted or inhibited as part of the context, predicting distractibility and derailment. This is in line with results documenting difficulties of integrating word meaning with grammatical frames, as well as patients’ relative lack of sensitivity to grammatical constraints (Kuperberg et al., 1998, 2006). Where the boundary between content and context is shaken, speech will also fail to exhibit a literal-non-literal distinction, predicting the ‘concretism’ of schizophrenic speech.
Nothing else to add to this, just found this bit fascinating.
Anyway. Cool read. The article didn't cover negative symptoms but I think there are some ideas that can be extrapolated that follows the same principles.
This is my first time hearing of 'un-Cartesian linguistics' [ I don't even know what Cartesian linguistics are ] but I'm glad to have come across it; even without direct/concrete evidence I always did 'feel' that schizospectral phenomena and cognition intersected with language in a way that wasn't as incidental as usually accepted, and this framework not only gives some good insight into this particular topic, it has also given me a name for the model in which language as cognition is the basic premise.
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sntechsupport · 8 months
Patch 5.0.0
And with this, the new version of Sburb (or whatever you call it) is live! Please update your game to this patch at your soonest convenience, because we do not have the capacity to handle old glitches. Migrate your Sessions to the 5.0.0, because we our old servers are decaying and if you do not want your Session to be erased from existence completely and retroactively, you need to be on this patch.
Known issues with migration: Some Quests reset or disappear completely with their NPCs. Classpect reassignment. Level reset. Prototyping scramble (Reassignment of prototyped properties between Players). Inability to use certain weapons because their strife specibus tag got changed.
Patch properties:
Prototyping: You no longer need to track your pre-Entry and post-Entry prototyping. First prototyping in each Sprite imbues the moon, the second affects only the sprite itself. Sentient creatures (living or otherwise) are no longer eligible for First Prototyping (thus putting an end to sprite^64+s multikins, because the code did not like that).
Prototyping, pt. 2: Frogs, First Guardians, neutrinos, non-physical entities, Charge entities, databases, and Aspect entities are no longer eligible for Prototyping at all. SkaiaNet reserves the right to remove eligibility for Prototyping to pieces of media and culture in the future without announcing it beforehand in order to maintain integrity and sensibility of the game and balanced gameplay. Itemised list of Prototyping ineligible objects and subjects will be accessible.
Code: General overhaul of inner math and handling of small (e-50+) and big (e+50) numbers. Furthermore, the surface code levels no longer needs physical properties to work, so you do not have to physically haul around brackets and commas. (That's probably more interesting for me than for you, but anyway, you can stop sending brackets now.)
Land generation: The possible Land Themes have been revisited. Most of the favorites of our Graphic Department have been permanently removed, with the honorable exception of Pots, which will now generate structures similar to Crockery.
All Lands will now generate as Land Of [Theme/Concept] And [Material/Structure], except for the Breeding Grounds which will always be Land Of [Material/Structure] And Frogs.
Each possible Land Theme now has an assigned tag whether it is Material, Structure, Theme or Concept. Frogs are tagged as Theme, which I am sure will be appreciated by anyone who had to deal with Consort settlements being build out of gigantic frog carcasses.
Land Variant Themes: Each Material/Structure Land Theme now gets two random modifiers out of six: Large (10% chance), Ruined (10% chance), Floating (5 % chance), Plentiful (5% chance), Colorful (5% chance), and Classic (65 % chance). These modifiers are invisible and only affects Land generation. Therefore you have 42.25% probability of having a "classic" Land, 57.75% chance that it will generate in its alternate variation. If your Land Theme generates two of the same modifiers, they do not add up, because we haven't figured out how to make floating stuff float more, and Colorful^2 gave yours truly a terrible headache upon testing.
Land generation: Internally Lands are now identifief by their generated number which is Session ID-PlayerNumber-LandTag1-LandTag2. Since no Player gets the same Land generated twice in on one session, this will solve a lot of problems.
Aspects: Aspects are receiving a cosmetic graphic overhaul and a large thematic overhaul. Aspects now have a pool of specific Aspect Abilities which anyone with the corresponding Aspect in their Classpect can use as long as they pass the conditions given by their Class.
Aspect Interpretation: For unified terminology and game balance, each Aspect has four possible interpretations AKA "stuff it does". You can specialize in one or two or generalize. Mastery of all four is obtainable by boring grinding. The interpretations are unofficially called: Literal, Lateral, Derived, and Elemental.
Aspect Names: With the thematic overhaul, some Aspects have been renamed to match better their visuals and also be more intuitive to use. These changes are: Rhyme -> Verse; Flow -> Roots; Law -> Chain; Stage -> Veil.
Classes: Classes are receiving an unifying overhaul in abilities. Each Class now has Class abilities which everyone with the corresponding Class in their Classpect can use, but its effect depends on their Aspect.
Dream Moons: The Revolution, Contra-Revolution, Fifth Game, and Usurper Questlines are now for once and for good only one per Moon.
Derse: You can no longer partake in a sexual act with the Dersites. For the record, you can't with Prospitians either, but that's never really been a problem.
Dersepite: No longer a thing, even in 1-Player Sessions. Goodbye, Dersepite, you shan't be missed.
Chapters: The game chapters (usually called stages) have been slightly reordered to be more intuitive, and also the connecting points have been de-cluttered and straightened, so now you should clearly know in which chapter you are, and where are you heading next. The chapers now go: Awakening -> Terraforming -> Reckoning -> Crystalizing -> Descending -> Ascending. [Aspect]ing has been fully merged with Ascending. Terraforming has been moved before Reckoning, because people generally try to tackle the Black King under-prepared. Descending has been moved as far back as possible, because feedback has been that everyone and their guardian units hate it, which, completely understandable. Reckoning still marks the end of the standard gameplay, from Crystalizing forward it's basically epilogue.
Accessibility: Besides improving the screen-reader and closed captions, the options menu now has Color Modes setting where you can pick your contrast and adjust color schemes display to suit your needs; there are pre-sets for the most common types of color-blindness. Screen-reader and text-to-speech still don't handle typing quirks. You have to ask your co-Players to stop.
Living Hell: Transfer to patch 5.0.0 isn't possible without general amnesty, so everyone stuck in Living Hell, regardless of their crimes, have been released. However, if you do not behave, LH still exists, and putting people there is actually rather easy.
Charges: Charge Influences no longer accumulate exponentially.
Charge Dormancy: Added Charge Dormancy value. Every game tick every Player’s every Charge Influence decreases by its respective Charge Dormancy. Charge Dormancy cannot be lower than zero. Some item tags have Charge Dormancy, they add up.
Grimdark, Angelight: As a result of Charge Dormancy being added, the Grimdark and Angelight Charges can be now dropped without dying.
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dailyanarchistposts · 1 month
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Down with Radical Rituals, Postures, and the Cult of Images
Another concerning issue is that since its first appearance in 2016, the head of the leading procession—the “black bloc”—is becoming more and more ritualized, at the risk of becoming a caricature of itself. When at first, groups of students, anarchists, autonomists, and other radicals decided to take the head of the demonstration at the expense of trade unions, it was to open up new horizons for activism in France. This strategy worked: new forms of action and solidarity emerged as people decided to secede from the trade union processions. The leading procession became an uncontrollable body for which diversity, mobility, and spontaneity were the watchwords.
Two years later, the situation has changed. Of course, we are happy to see that the leading procession still exists and keeps attracting more and more people. Nevertheless, when we decide to take part in an action, everything follows a familiar pattern: we join the demonstration, we reach the front of the procession, we change our clothes for anonymity, we create a bloc at the head of the leading procession, we pose with our banners and smoke bombs for photographers, we march, we shout the same slogans, we attack some targets, we confront police forces, we escape and disband. Once again, we have reached a plateau, and we find ourselves fulfilling a role in an orchestrated spectacle. What used to be an unpredictable spark, a way of outflanking specific demonstrations, is now becoming an expected form of action. In ritualizing our strategies, we end up integrating them into others’ expectations and facilitating the task of the police at the same time. We have to create a new momentum in our actions. Only our creativity and originality can add new subversive, spontaneous, and chaotic elements to the “black bloc” strategy.
As a starting point, we could start by refusing the cult of images, an integral part of the “society of spectacle.” It seems that there is a lot of work to be done in this regard among the monochrome bloc of the leading procession. For us, it is clear that images of all kinds are nothing more than invisible chains that tie us to the narcissistic and materialistic aspects of the prevailing order. We should not be imitating popular images of struggle; we should seek to interrupt a way of living based on emulating images. While the autonomous bloc was waiting on the Austerlitz bridge, we witnessed a strange scene in which dozens of photographers captured footage of the autonomous procession, while some of us proudly posed with banners and smoke bombs. It took the crowd a long time to show the first signs of irritation against journalists, even though they repeatedly blocked our path.
Regardless of the intentions of journalists, their profession endangers us. They record us before, during, and after actions; often, they are positioned between us and our targets, or our comrades, or the police. Their presence can distract us from other important objectives, obstruct our movements, and incriminate us afterwards if police utilize their footage for investigations. After May Day, discussing this subject with comrades, we all agreed that some of the newer generations in the leading procession probably decided to join us only because they saw images online of the confrontations during the movement against the Loi Travail. Unfortunately, the power of images is a double-edged sword: on one side, it can make people choose to join us, but on the other side, they might remain fascinated by this warrior posture and the production of spectacular images.
As the government tries to intensify control and repression, we have to be especially careful regarding the presence of cameras during actions. Once, the only cameras we had to be worried about were police or city cameras. Today, they are everywhere. But this should not make us accept them as inevitable: we need to keep journalists and cameras out of our procession, without any exceptions. What is more important, the dissemination of images flattering our egos, or making it possible to act freely during demonstrations?
For more information about the issue of cameras in our radical processions, you can read the zine “Dialogue imaginaire avec un-e défenseur-euse de l’image photographique d’individus.”
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thatgirl4815 · 2 years
“No legacy is so rich as honesty”
I’m not sure if this has been mentioned/analyzed anywhere else (if it has, I’d love to read it!), but I just realized that Pete’s tattoo is a quote from William Shakespeare’s All’s Well That Ends Well. As someone with quite a bit of experience with literary and rhetorical analysis, this is a bit embarrassing for me...not so embarrassing that I’m going to refrain from making a post about it, though, because why not?  I also happen to have a lot of free time at the moment, so might as well figure out my own thoughts on this subject. 
“No legacy is so rich as honesty.”
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When I first saw this line, I took it at its most basic: one’s reputation is not more important than leading a life of honesty and integrity. We all know this quote isn’t about Pete. He clearly believes it, but it’s more about bringing this notion to Vegas. Before I move onto Vegas, I want to talk a little bit more about Pete specifically.
Pete has expressed not once, but twice now, his beliefs on humanity’s morality and immorality. He’s in the mafia, so it’s tempting to say that his morals are incredibly loose--and I agree. I haven’t read the novel, but I know some people have said that Pete had a tattoo in it as well, all because of Tankhun. We have no confirmation of this in the show, but regardless, I think Pete chose the contents of the tattoo himself. This is important for several reasons. 
Legacy, Freedom, & Honesty
We don’t have any real proof of this, but I think Pete likes to keep himself grounded--that’s why he chose this tattoo. I believe Pete has made peace with the things he must do for his job, but it doesn’t mean he doesn’t contend with a question of ethics on a regular basis. Pete is honest in his acceptance of both the good and the evil inside of him. Honesty goes in two directions: being honest to others and being honest to yourself. Only when you are honest to yourself can you lead a fulfilling life. 
“Only the fool thinks that honesty is real.”
Vegas says this at the beginning of Ep11, but by the end, he’s already had an awakening. Pete is slowly (or quickly, depending on how you look at it) teaching Vegas to be honest both with and to himself. 
Now, how does the concept of “legacy” tie into this? Legacy broadly refers to a person’s impact and reputation. In the context of the mafia, this is extremely applicable. Everything is about legacy. We’ve seen Kinn try to put his family’s legacy over the truth of his feelings for Porsche. It’s similar for Vegas, with an added ✨ flair✨ of parental abuse and a distinct lack of romance. 
Until. Pete. I’ve said before that both Porsche and Pete represent similar themes of freedom for their partners. But I think freedom and honesty go hand in hand. In many ways, freedom is honesty and honesty is freedom. I won’t get into the deep philosophical and moral arguments associated with this, but it’s all very compelling.
All’s Well That Ends Well
Now for the main event. I personally haven’t read this play, but here are a few summative points:
It’s a comedy about a young ward, Helena, and her dedication to winning the heart of the countess’s son, Bertram. Spoiler alert: they end up in love. Happy endings for everyone (see: the title).
There are some elements of cynical realism, though I couldn’t define all of these in detail.
Lying plays a role in the plot. Helena even fakes her own death. 
My first takeaway from this is how terribly ironic it is. For Pete, the ending doesn’t look so great. We, of course, know that Pete will escape his immediate situation, but will he really get a happy ending? (Rhetorical question. No book spoilers, please & thanks.)
The next takeaway is the romance aspect of the plot between Helena and Bertram. Helena’s objective is getting Bertram to fall in love with her. Pete’s objective seems to be the opposite, as he’d rather put as much distance between himself and Vegas as possible. But without him even trying to, he’s gained Vegas’s affection. Love is the story between Helena and Bertram, but I don’t think it’s the same for Vegas and Pete (more like an added bonus). VP’s plot is about the difference between legacy and honesty, between Kan and Pete, between what is expected of you and what you truly feel and want for yourself. They might grow to love each other in whatever twisted way they can, but there’s a personal level to their attachment that focuses on the “self” rather than the “pair.” 
To conclude, all of these themes are like dozens of small threads interwoven into a beautiful tapestry that is this television show. And the preview already proves that Pete is affecting Vegas on a deep level. But I swear, if it’s just another one of Vegas’s manipulations, I will have some words for BOC...
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phlve · 6 months
Functions in Socionics — Introverted Ethics
Introverted Ethics according to Aushra Augustinavichiute
This is a subjective relation between two carriers of potential or kinetic energy, showing how much a certain object or subject is attracted or repelled by other objects or subjects. Thanks to this element of IM an individual feels which objects attract them and which repel them. This aspect of perception provides information about whether an object needs another object, about presence or lack of mutual or unilateral needs.
One perceives direct information about this aspect of the objective world (the information obtained through the first signal system) as a need for other people and for specific objects that satisfy one’s physical, cultural and spiritual desires. In other words, this aspect covers one’s desires and interests that are directed at animate and inanimate objects. This includes feelings of like-dislike, love-hate, a desire to acquire some kind of object, greed or lack thereof, etc. Higher feelings of this kind are called “ethical” due to the fact that the interrelations between people’s needs are mostly regulated by ethical norms.
When this aspect of perception is in the leading position, the individual has an ability to see, evaluate, shape and change their own desires and the desires of other people. They always know who wants what from whom. They are able to set their own knowledge of the subjective world in opposition to the knowledge of others, and their own desires – to the desires of others. They also have an aptitude for providing themselves with necessary relationships, and confidence in their ability to influence other people. Their accurate assessment of others’ needs allows them to avoid risky collisions while satisfying their own needs. It also creates an ability to manipulate others’ attachment to oneself, and an ability and striving to manipulate others’ ethical feelings and others’ striving to bring these feelings in line with the social ideal.
Introverted Ethics according to WSS
Aspect: Personal attitudes and bonds of trust. People naturally possess set characteristics of their personality which make them a certain way, and result in a certain character. The quality of this character can manifest sentimentally in what someone feels is good or bad, the inner sentiment experiencing attraction and repulsion to various stimuli. Similarly, a person's character can be likewise judged to be good or bad by others. In this way, two people of mutually attracting characters can come together in a close bond, or if repulsing, move apart.
Metabolism: The individual consults their personal attitudes towards people and events they encounter, registering whether they are attracted to or repulsed. In this way, judgments are formed on people's character assessing whether they are good and trustworthy, or not. From this judgment, an appropriate psychological distance can be established and maintained, with liked people being kept close as friends, and disliked people being kept away with animosity. In doing so, the individual decides their relationships with others.
Strength: The person has a good awareness of their subjective opinions towards other people and things, knowing with confidence what feels wrong or right to them. With other people, they can confidently decide on a person's character, judging whether they are good for them or not. They will be able to integrate these judgments into their treatment of others with appropriate nuance, setting the right sort of relationship with each person they interact with, allowing stable, reliable loyalties. They can expertly tell apart their friends from their foes, as well as business relations and acquaintances.
Value: In valuing sincere treatment of people by individual merit, the person places an emphasis on the stability and reliability of their relationships with others, trying to treat each person in line with the way the unique relationship feels to them, based on character judgment. They will prioritise their relations with the people they like, giving preferential treatment and opening up in ways they would not with acquaintances, losing their usual formality. Fidelity is seen as especially important, and the person will try to know where they stand with others, being hurt by those who violate their bond.
Introverted Ethics according to SHS
Morals, values, judgements of what’s good and bad; traditions, rituals, stereotypes; attachments, habits; respiratory system.
Intellectually: The intellectual and communicative aspects of R manifests themselves as veiled or hidden assessments. Reasoning in the R-state manifests as a person being afraid to admit to themselves and others that they prefer one object over another. In this state, a choice is made between two logically identical options. There is another strategy of R-thinking–consciously choosing the opposite of what one really prefers. Thus, the R-judgments are rational, there is a reason for them, even if it is hidden, but they may seem absolutely illogical from the outside.
Socially: A person in the R-state is able to play an informal role of a harmonizer in a team. Their actions are aimed at maintaining a warm and friendly psychological climate, smoothing out sharp corners, and reconciling people. A person performing an R-role does not act as a judge or a “resolver” of conflicting opposites, but as a conciliator. They know how to calm people down, to relieve emotional tension. Personal preferences, of course, do not disappear, instead they are carefully hidden.
Psychologically: The R-state is experienced as an inner attraction to someone or something, manifested as a deep attachment. Interestingly, this state is not emotional at all. There is no expression in it, but there is a long-term dependence of a moral and ethical nature. The R-state is a guarantee of fidelity in a relationship. It is like a compass needle, which, whenever you try to turn a frame, returns to its preferred northern direction. Our R shapes us how we perceive people, places, and time periods as our own and akin, or as alien and foreign.
Physically: The R-state is very difficult to identify, precisely because its true attitude is hidden behind indifference or behind an opposite preference. It can be detected by subtle misalignments of what is being said and minor disruptions in a normal way of communication. A voice may tremble slightly, the facial complexion may change slightly, the eyelids may momentarily flutter and quickly assume their normal blinking–all these are reliable signals of the R-state. Indirectly manifested likes and dislikes, attraction to or repulsion from a person, accompanied by a slight internal excitement, physically indicate that you are observing a R-state.
Source: PDB Wiki
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schizoidvision · 6 months
6 Reasons For Schizoid Difficulty Connecting with the True Self
Navigating the inner subjective realm of schizoid personality dynamics is a complex and nuanced task, thus the journey towards self-discovery and forming an understanding of the true self often involves a number of personal challenges. Let's look at 6 common factors that can add difficulty…
1. Fragmented Sense of Self
Individuals with schizoid dynamics frequently deal with a fragmented self-concept, characterized by a disjointed sense of identity. This fragmentation results in internal conflicts, as disparate self-parts may harbor conflicting desires or objectives, creating barriers to a coherent and stable sense of self.
2. Libidinal and Anti-Libidinal Conflict
A distinctive feature of the schizoid psyche is the tension between libidinal and anti-libidinal energies. The libidinal aspect seeks relationships and external pleasures, while the anti-libidinal side resists these drives, often due to fears of vulnerability. This conflict can create a state of indecision and paralysis, hindering the pursuit of meaningful connections and self-understanding.
3. Emotional Detachment as a Coping Mechanism
Central to schizoid dynamics is a protective emotional detachment, not indicative of an absence of feelings but rather a defense mechanism. This detachment, while safeguarding against perceived intrusions, simultaneously acts as a blockade to accessing and integrating the emotional self, thus complicating the journey towards understanding one's true nature.
4. Reduced External Feedback and Mirroring
Schizoid individuals' concealment of their true self in social settings results in a scarcity of vital external feedback and mirroring. Such feedback is instrumental in fostering self-awareness and development. The lack thereof can lead to a diminished understanding of their interaction with, and impact on, the external world.
5. Reliance on Fantasy and Depersonalization
A prevalent coping strategy among schizoid personalities is retreat into fantasy, which creates a distance from their authentic identity. This, in conjunction with experiences of depersonalization—such as feeling detached from one's physical being or identity—further clouds their connection to a concrete, consistent sense of self.
6. Social Persona Over-Usage:
For schizoid individuals, an over-reliance on a social facade to manage daily interactions and meet societal expectations often becomes a predominant factor. This social mask can become so entrenched that it overshadows the true self, leading to its neglect or underdevelopment, and thereby intensifying the struggle to connect with it authentically.
In Summary…
The journey to self-awareness and connection with the true self in schizoid dynamics is often not an easy one. Comprehending these 6 difficulties is valuable not only for those personally navigating this complex path, but also for therapists and supporters facilitating this exploration. Despite its challenges, this journey presents profound opportunities for personal growth, enhanced self-insight. This understanding paves the way for a more empathetic and effective approach to support and therapy, fostering a deeper connection with the true self in the context of schizoid personality dynamics.
Video From My Youtube Channel: 6 Schizoid True Self Relationship Difficulties
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captainsspnanon · 8 months
C3E75 - reaction
WHAT an episode!!!
Starts off 'strong', what with the party trying to figure out how to get to a cave entrance....that turned out to be 150-200 feet away. XD AKA - like 30 seconds of walking, a minute if it's consider difficult terrain. Obviously it was more than that considering the vertical climb, but the reveal of the distance was very funny to me.
Honestly, the climb down the tunnel ended up being easier than I expected it to be! I was expecting a few more checks at least, but there were good tactics to get down.
I appreciate that Sam is using Message the way it's intended. I remember at the beginning of the campaign he used it to just send a feeling, rather than words. I think the latest 4SD may have helped him feel more comfortable with reusing things that previous PCs have done without feeling like he's stepping on their toes. I definitely don't think it was WRONG the way he was doing it before, but it's also good that he doesn't feel like he has to Do It Different, even if it makes things More Difficult.
The little fire creatures were so adorable, I can't wait to see the fanart of it! (My mom likened the voices and short lives with Spurt, RIP 11 days)
They got the shard of Rau'shan! Seems like the cast has a similar idea of having Fearne be the one to integrate the shard, but they've got a bit yet before they figure out how to do it (and especially how to awaken both of them).
I miss the more devastating consequences of lava/magma. Vax melted his foot after just a brief dip, meanwhile Ashton is absolutely fine after 18 seconds being fully submerged, same with Fearne even though she was only in for 6. I wonder if this was discussed out of game as feeling too punishing, but I would have loved to see some long term consequences for the trip, rather than just losing some clothes and briefly superheated skin.
I will admit, I do not understand at all why Ludinus is here. What does he need the shard for? The Hells are getting it because of Ashton backstory purposes, how does it tie in to the Ruidus stuff? Also why was Ludinus scrying on the party to begin with? Aside from at the initial combat, they really haven't done anything else to mess with his plans, right? This totally might just be a me thing of missing something obvious.
EPIC combat!!! Liam's turn with the pushing attacks deserved all the table energy it got, and the counterspell-off was PERFECT. (Side note, I'm a bit sad that I know the rules better now. Ludinus didn't need to roll at all for his counterspell, right? Because Laudna only cast at third level, so it should have instantly worked. BUT IT WAS STILL AN EPIC MOMENT even if I'm pretty sure it's against RAW)
also LOL Ashton's just fully Donald Ducking the combat XD I am also looking forwards to fanart of this.
I really appreciated the fact that the table was very tactics heavy with this combat, even if it didn't all play out the way they wanted. Actually, Travis seemed a bit off this entire episode - being a lot more against the first whole initial journey down the tunnel and into the cavern way more than expected, and then getting very upset once he realized he was trying to do two bonus actions. Nothing bad about this, but just off from him typical behavior.
The bit below is going to be a bit negative towards Taliesin, so only click if you want to read it. It definitely gets a bit discourse-y.
Sadly, this episode ended up hitting a lot of my personal pet peeves with Taliesin's play style. Please note that these are my PERSONAL SUBJECTIVE feelings, not some objective truth. They are play style aspects which very much clash with how I play, and so bother me even though I'm not the one playing at the table.
First - I rewatched the section to make sure I didn't miss something. Going down the tunnel, Marisha talks to Matt that she's using Spider Climb, rolls, and gets a bad result. Then Matt turns to Tal to get his number, Taliesin gives his idea of using rage and widening the tunnel (a great idea, don't get me wrong!), Marisha indicates that she's already climbing, and then Tal goes "I thought I was going first"
No. He didn't say before that he was going, I watched the second again! He saw Marisha go, get a bad roll, and then try to make it so that he actually went first so her bad roll wouldn't have impact. I've said this during my C2 rewatch for stuff with other players, including Liam, but if he wanted to go first, he should have interrupted at any point BEFORE Marisha announced her result of failing.
Second - Someone sees something, I think it was Orym with his 31 passive?, but Ashton/Taliesin is the one to react about seeing it. Matt even shut it down this time, making it clear that Ashton didn't see it. He's done this now every campaign, and I'm pretty sure multiple times. It just really hits me the wrong way.
Third - He has Ashton just stand up and go to the lava pool on his own without getting input or waiting for the other players. 100% fine! Everyone does this, and it's in character to do so. BUT then he's like 'i'm doing it, i'm just going off on my own and doing it! but if you wanna help! yeah i'm going off on my own no waiting but yes help me help me cast spells and benefits but i'm just going off of my own no waiting'. Yes, that is clearly exaggerated, but when players go off and do things on their own, I want them to be going off and doing things on their own! Multiple times in all three campaigns, a player will have their PC go off and do something, and usually the verbal conversation is "too late i'm doing it" or "can't stop me I already said it" or something to the equivalent. This? Honestly it doesn't feel like a PC going off and doing something on their own, it feels like Taliesin interrupting the stuff going on at the table and demanding front and center.
And the thing is that Taliesin has had MANY times in the campaigns where his PC has gone off and done something on his own WITHOUT this feeling! But just how it was portrayed here really got to me.
I recognize all of the above is personal nitpicks, and it is their table, and many people will disagree with me. But I just wanted to vent.
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miyakuli · 28 days
Flowers - Le volume sur printemps
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Amour et les fleurs ne durent qu'un printemps
Flowers is a series of visual novels immersing us in the daily lives of young female students at a Catholic school where friendship and love collide. We follow the shy Suoh, freshly arrived in this new school, whose objective is to make friends and try to detach herself from her traumatic childhood. This springtime introduction is full of sweetness and poetry, but I still felt that certain aspects were still a bit in the bud state.
❤ The aesthetic of the game is really well done, whether for the menu, the illustrations, the sprites or even the text window. It's flowery, soft and cute, and totally in tune with the calm and romantic atmosphere of the story. ❤ Beneath its air of innocence and purity, the game tackles some fairly sensitive subjects, such as psychological abuse, post-traumatic stress disorder and neglect… but remains very modest in its approach. Also, in terms of its girl's love theme, I liked the fact that the character asked herself questions about her sexuality and that it wasn't something she immediately assumed. Her reflections on the fine line that can exist between love between friends or a deeper love were, in my opinion, very relatable subjects, especially for a character of that age. ❤ I think the development of the main character is very well carried out. She gradually opens up to the world around her, her dialogues become less indecisive and we gradually feel her more relaxed in her relationships with others. We don't get rid of her shyness, which is an integral part of her personality, but we do see Suoh gain in confidence and self-assurance. I've seen far too many media where the shy side of a character's character was quickly erased in favor of their development, as if it were something to be ‘’fixed‘’, so I was reassured that this wasn't the case here. ❤ The secondary characters are all very engaging (more so than the love interests, which is a bit of a shame) and add a lot of dynamism to the life of this school. A special mention goes to Erika (who's supposed to be the focus of another episode, bless), who has the best affinity with the heroine, and who clearly should have been a love interest (or at least earned the status of best friend, because frankly, she's the best).
+/- The music played by the strings and piano is perfect for accompanying the scenes, but there isn't much of it. One particular piece of music takes up 80% of the sound space and although it is long and beautiful to the ear, the musical redundancy is often felt. I also think there's a problem with the sound balance, as I had to turn the volume of the soundtrack down as low as possible to get the best out of the voices of the dubbing actresses, who interpret their roles very well, and it would have been a shame not to appreciate them more. +/- The story is easy to follow and plays out like a slice of life, with little episodes from the daily lives of these teenagers. Personally, I liked this approach, but some might criticise the lack of more intimate moments with the LIs. On the other hand, I found the last 2 chapters almost inconsistent; relationships suddenly rush in, and the attitude of one of the main characters changes drastically to the point of becoming toxic, with no real transition and no consequences at the end. It's quite confusing, and I was even put off playing this character's route after those events (because, on top of that, the route only unlocks after you've finished the ‘true end’, something that's never made clear). You should also bear in mind that the ‘true end’ is not really a happy ending either which leaves a bitter taste in the mouth once you've finished the whole game. It's a daring decision but one I didn't really like.
✖ At times, Suoh lends herself to games of deduction in which you have to pay attention to small details to solve enigmatic situations (otherwise, it's game over). The problem is that these ‘investigations’ are extremely difficult, as they either involve word games based on kanji that are not translated, or require highly specialized knowledge that is never mentioned in the story. So it's almost essential to take a guide with you… ✖ I don't usually pay too much attention to the cliché of femininity in Japanese games (which doesn't necessarily bother me) but here, it was over-emphasized at times with some rather embarrassing remarks; girls outside the norm of gentleness/politeness are called tomboys, the emphasis is often on the heroine's larger breasts, which make her seem more ‘feminine’ than the others, and too many categories are put on what it means to be a ‘real girl’. The game isn't that old (2014), but it feels that way :/ ✖ There's a lot of typo in the English translation, with mixed-up letters and repeated lines of dialogue. I was even given white text on a white background - genius!
It's a pretty good first part, in my opinion, although it's a bit frustrating in terms of its conclusion, which I think will encourage us to get on with the sequel. I've also heard that the following games are much better and focus more on the secondary characters, which makes me all the more intrigued. In any case, if you like your romances flourishing against a backdrop of slices of life, your spring will surely be more radiant.
➡ My personal VN ranking (in french) ➡ My Steam page
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astrojulia · 10 months
Hi Julia~❄️ loving your work !! 💙
I'd like to know about Astroid Regulus in Leo 29° in positive aspect with Mercury, Neptune & Chiron.
Thank You! 💙
Fixed Stars in Astrology
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Hi Siren! So, Regulus is a fixed star and not an asteroid and fixed stars are not commonly used in western astrology and so I can explain what they are, but I am not going to do a in deep post about them into it because I don't qualify as a the best source on the subject (there's a module extra at my school on the subject but I still can't do it 😅).
1. What are Fixed Stars and How They Work:
Fixed stars are distant celestial objects in the night sky that appear to be stationary relative to each other and form the background against which the planets and other celestial bodies move. They are considered "fixed" because their positions change very slowly over time, about 1 degree every 72 years. Fixed stars are grouped into zodiacal and non-zodiacal constellations. These constellations have mythological narratives associated with them, known as catasterisms, which vary across cultures. These stars were traditionally an integral part of astrology, lost some significance over time, but are now regaining importance in astrological interpretation in the western astrology, as far as I, Julia, know, it has always had its place in Vedic astrology..
2. Different Cultures and Narratives:
Different cultures have unique narratives associated with the constellations. Even cultures with limited contact have narratives that share similarities, indicating a shared human connection to the stars. Western astrology often uses Greco-Roman mythological narratives for interpretation, incorporating elements from other mythologies as well.
3. Benefic and Malefic Fixed Stars:
Fixed stars can be classified as benefic or malefic based on their astrological influences. For example, Algol (β Persei) is considered one of the most malefic stars, associated with challenging and intense energies. In contrast, Spica is considered one of the most beneficial stars.
4. Precession of the Equinoxes and Positional Changes:
The precession of the equinoxes causes gradual shifts in the positions of stars and constellations over long periods of time. This phenomenon impacts the positions of stars in relation to zodiac signs and constellations, which can lead to differences in interpretations between traditional and modern astrology.
5. Astrological Implications:
Fixed stars can be used in horary astrology to provide insights into future events and projects, particularly when they align with significant points in the chart, like the Sun's conjunction with Regulus in Virgo. They offer indications about qualities such as authority, generosity, courage, and more.
6. Finding Fixed Stars in Your Birth Chart:
The positions of fixed stars in your birth chart are determined by factors such as their brightness, size, and their alignment with key points like the Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven, and Imun Coeli. Astrologers use methods like the Ptolemaic method to calculate these positions and offer insights into an individual's life and traits. But since I know you're not going to do the calculations by hand, you can look up fixed stars on astro.com or on my favorite program Pegasus (this program has a very early 00's interface, but it calculates very well and has the option in english and other languages).
Extra Sources: Estrelas fixas na astrologia: o que é, quais são as de cada signo e mais!
Estrelas fixas: o que são e como são usadas na Astrologia
Estrelas Fixas no mapa astral
(CC) AstroJulia Some Rights Reserved
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doomedandstoned · 3 months
DISASTROID Reveal Striking 4th Full-Length, ‘Garden Creatures’
~Doomed & Stoned Debuts~
By Billy Goate
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Get ready for full-on galactic riffing, energetic rhythms, with moments of interstellar insanity. This is DISASTROID and their latest record, 'Garden Creatures' (2024) -- a swirling blend of colors drawn from a dynamic palette of psychedelic, grunge, desert, noise, and math rock influences.
This fourth full-length outing from the SFO band begins with the title track and is presented with rumbling force and jagged rhythms juxtaposed with clean, earnest singing and smooth melodic lines from frontman/guitarist Enver Koneya. At times the vocals soar like the pleas of some jerky cosmonaut thrust into the unknown vastness of outer space. Braden McGraw's drums thunder and churn like the roaring ocean. Travis Williams' bass is warm and pulsating.
Enver's guitar and Travis' bass trade barbs on "Stucco Nowhere," an ode to being stuck in a life of sameness and misery ("burning out within your head"). The singing builds to a crescendo, perhaps summoning sheer force of will to shake off the spell of mediocrity. There are some dreamy vocal harmonies that haunt overslept dreams, and finally a cry of frustration and despair to be set free from the shackles of it all.
"Mama says I need some help," laments Enver in "Figurative Object." The guitars chug with rocketing force, but often enter the realm of disorienting dissonance. This tendency towards the strange and uncanny continues in "Backwards Sleeping" and feels like a night of tossing and turning ("losing sleep for all that we have done"), complete with trippy guitar effects, rhythmic jolts, and ghostly droning.
"24" is fuzzy as all get-out, with screeching guitar hooks, unconventional rhythmic structure, and a misty hue of sadness in the vocals. Then "Hold Me Wrong" is like a fever dream, with a persistent bass groove, strumming and picking on the guitar, and exhausted pleas to "hold me tight, hold me right."
The penultimate song, "Light 'Em Up" is like a hallucination straight out of Blade Runner, with sounds and samples flying about us like fugitive visions. This is another where the bass is so integral to giving us a feeling of movement and cohesiveness in this shapeshifting world. The drumming here, as throughout the record, is stalwart and determined, whilst the riffmaking ranges from raucous to delirious. The record ends on a short banger, a riotous number "Jack Londonin'" with punk, noise, and math overtones.
Disastroid's Garden Creatures was recorded and produced by Billy Anderson and is releasing on Heavy Psych Sounds this weekend, February 23rd, on a spectacular variety of vinyl variants (get it here). Stick it on a playlist with The Melvins, Red Fang, Fatso Jetson, Kook, and Soundgarden.
Give ear...
San Francisco veterans Disastroid have been serving up sludgy, grunge-infused stoner rock for the better part of a decade now, refining a sound that weaves heavy riffs together with angular guitar lines, odd time signatures, and hazy walls of fuzz. As influenced by 90's noise rock as they are by modern psych, doom, and post-metal, Disastroid delivers thick, satisfying stoner rock stomp while also embracing layers of noise, tripped-out feedback, and unpredictable song structures.
The current lineup of singer/guitarist Enver Koneya, bassist Travis Williams, and drummer Braden McGraw coalesced in 2011. They’re united by a desire to make heavy music that's loose instead of mechanical, a motivation to explore methods that make them sound bigger and more varied than a traditional rock trio, and a shared affection for the Amphetamine Reptile back-catalog. Thematically, their songs steer clear of genre cliches, touching instead on scattered aspects of modern life: technology fatigue, immigration, nuclear deterrence, the monotony of work, the existential dread of aging. Despite the subject matter, Disastroid never take themselves too seriously, injecting their live shows with an infectious sense of humor and their songwriting with math-rock quirks.
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Disastroid’s latest outing, Garden Creatures, is a record about the darkness in the hidden corners of suburban landscapes — sinister overgrown gardens, secret collections kept in basements, the crime just beneath the surface, the pervasive loneliness under a veneer of normalcy. Accordingly, it’s a dark and atmospheric record, trading the stripped-down approach of 2020’s Mortal Fools for a thicker, heavier, and more layered sound. Legendary producer Billy Anderson (Sleep, Melvins, Neurosis) builds mixes that range from dark and dreamy to a thick, sludgy crunch, slowly pulling the listener through a range of sounds and textures, making sure things stay interesting. Singer/guitarist Enver Koneya's vocals are soulful and sometimes haunting, drifting above Disastroid’s characteristically off-kilter, grunge-influenced riffs.
Follow The Band
Get Their Music
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mercyjuliet1512 · 4 months
Revolutionizing Web Testing: A Deep Dive into Selenium's Automation Dynamics
In the rapidly evolving digital arena, the assurance of flawless functionality, optimal performance, and responsiveness of web applications is a non-negotiable aspect of software development. Selenium, an open-source automation framework, emerges as a formidable force in achieving these objectives. In this comprehensive exploration, we will delve into the intricacies of Selenium, unraveling its role in automation, dissecting the components comprising its toolkit, and understanding its profound impact on modern web testing practices.
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1. Decoding Selenium: A Core Element of Automation Mastery
At its essence, Selenium represents a suite of tools meticulously crafted to automate web browsers. This automation plays a pivotal role in the testing domain, where the simulation of user interactions is imperative for validating the functionality and performance of web applications. Beyond testing, Selenium significantly contributes to the efficiency and reliability of the software development lifecycle.
2. The Toolbox Essentials: Navigating Selenium's Arsenal
Selenium's toolkit comprises three indispensable components, each serving a distinct purpose in the automation journey.
Selenium IDE:
Selenium IDE, a browser extension, simplifies the recording, editing, and debugging of tests. With a user-friendly interface, testers can effortlessly create and modify test cases.
Selenium WebDriver:
The crux of Selenium lies in WebDriver, a tool facilitating interaction with web browsers through diverse programming languages. This component is instrumental in crafting dynamic and programmable test scripts.
Selenium Grid:
Selenium Grid acts as a scalable solution enabling parallel test execution across multiple machines and browsers. This feature expedites the testing process by distributing test cases effectively.
3. Language Flexibility: Adaptable Automation at its Finest
A standout feature of Selenium is its support for multiple programming languages, including Java, Python, C#, and Ruby. This flexibility empowers testers and developers to harness Selenium's capabilities within their preferred programming language, fostering seamless integration into existing workflows.
4. Cross-Browser Compatibility: Ensuring Uniformity in Diversity
Selenium's prowess shines in its ability to conduct cross-browser testing with efficiency. In the era where web applications must perform consistently across various browsers, Selenium ensures uniformity in testing scenarios across Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and more. This cross-browser compatibility is paramount for delivering a consistent user experience.
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5. Dynamic Web Element Handling: Mastering Change
In the dynamic landscape of web development, the adept handling of dynamic web elements stands as a critical testing aspect. Selenium excels in providing robust mechanisms to identify and interact with elements that undergo changes based on user interactions. This adaptability guarantees accurate testing even in scenarios where web elements are subject to modification.
6. Integration with Testing Frameworks: Orchestrating Efficient Test Management
Selenium seamlessly integrates with renowned testing frameworks like JUnit and TestNG. This integration enhances the efficiency of test management, execution, and reporting. Testing frameworks offer a structured approach to test development, simplifying the management, execution, and analysis of test results.
7. Parallel Test Execution: Turbocharging Processes
Selenium Grid emerges as a powerhouse solution for accelerating test execution. By facilitating parallel execution of tests across multiple machines and browsers, Selenium Grid substantially reduces test execution time. This parallelization proves invaluable, especially when dealing with extensive test suites that require swift execution.
8. Community Support and Continuous Advancement: Sustaining an Ecosystem
Selenium thrives on the strength of its community. With a dynamic community of developers, testers, and automation enthusiasts, Selenium undergoes continuous refinement and enhancement. Regular updates, bug fixes, and the introduction of new features ensure that Selenium aligns seamlessly with the ever-evolving web technology landscape.
Conclusion: Selenium as the Cornerstone of Automated Precision
In conclusion, Selenium stands tall as a cornerstone in the realm of automation, particularly in web testing. Its adaptability, cross-browser testing capabilities, integration with testing frameworks, and support for parallel test execution position it as an indispensable tool for ensuring the quality and reliability of web applications.
Whether you're a seasoned tester or a developer navigating the intricacies of web testing, Selenium equips you to streamline your testing processes. Its impact resonates in the delivery of high-quality software, contributing to the seamless user experience expected in the dynamic digital landscape.
As we delve into the myriad facets of Selenium, we uncover its transformative power in reshaping testing practices and fortifying the foundations of robust and reliable web applications. Embrace the influence of Selenium, and let it be your guiding force in the captivating journey of web automation.
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nevermeyers · 2 years
The blood on Mikey's hands. An analysis of the veracity of Senju's testimony and ch 263
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Blessed Jesus Christ, Wakui never tires of playing with us 😩 Well, this is a little analysis of Senju's testimony regarding the plane crash from the perspective of the Psychology of Testimony + some views about ch 263
Disclaimer: I'm not an expert on the subject, but the information contained herein is true. My intention is not to give a definitive explanation, but rather an analysis through the application of the criteria of the psychology of testimony, a branch of psychology that today is used to analyze testimonies of crimes and that tries to make aware both policemen and judges that testimonies are something completely complex and complicated, influenced by many factors. Finally, let us remember that both psychology and psychiatry, as well as the social sciences, say that the human being is not determined, but rather conditioned.
At the end of almost each section of explanations is the comparison with the manga. Annotations about the manga in the explanation text are in pink
Enjoy! <3
First of all, what is the psychology of testimony?
The psychology of testimony applies knowledge about the basic psychological processes of attention, perception, memory and related processes to obtain and assess testimonial evidence.
The topics covered are:
Factors that influence the accuracy of the testimonies, which can affect the process of encoding, storage and retrieval of the memory.
Procedures for obtaining declarations that allow the greatest possible amount of accurate information to be obtained, without negative influences. We'll later talk about the procedure that Senju uses
Evaluation of the credibility of the testimony, which represents a traditional demand by Law and Psychology (develop methods of detecting false testimony)
Identification tests, carried out by witnesses to assess accuracy, with two objectives: to avoid or minimize some mistakes they make; and properly assess the performance of witnesses.
The Psychology of Testimony integrates the field of investigation of the memory of witnesses, in which two fundamental terms stand out: accuracy and credibility.
Accuracy: the objective is to see if the witness is accurate and if his testimony is consistent with reality.
Credibility: if what the witness says is believed to be what really happened. In the judicial field, both the accuracy and the credibility attributed to the witness' statement are essential. Analyzing the degree of credibility attributed to the witness' statement is important, for example, in the case of honest and dishonest witnesses. So credibility is an inference, a subjective estimate of the estimated accuracy of a witness's statements.
It involves exploring two aspects:
The motivation that the informant may have to lie. Senju would apparently have no motivation to lie.
if he doesn't appear to be lying and that what he says is worth taking into account, how accurate can his statement be with respect to what actually happened? We need to see more about how memory works. This will be explained in next point
In this sense, a testimony can be reliable and accurate, but there are other important characteristics, such as:
Little disclaimer!: I've used the accident as an example for this definitions. Some things are invented to show it better!!🚫
Richness of the testimony: “I remember that it was summer, that Baji was wearing a black t-shirt and I was dressed in white; Haruchiyo still had short hair; they were in the garden, which has a shed in the back, and to one side there was a small fountain where there were birds playing. It was hot, that's why we were all wearing short sleeves, and our older brothers were inside drinking beers and smoking on a colored checkered chair”
Usefulness of the testimony: “Haruchiyo said it wasn't his fault. Then, Mikey attacked him."
Analysis of the manga at this point
We must ask ourselves, can Senju have any motivation to lie? Keep in mind that neither this arc nor the manga are finished and that Senju is a character that we have seen little in relation to this. She appears to be a girl looking to reunite her family and she believes that what happened is her fault.
Personally, I think that what she says about wanting to defeat Manjiro is a lie, and that her real motivation from the beginning was to bring Haruchiyo back.
With this Senju would apparently have no motivation to lie. She and Haruchiyo met in the fight and she made her intentions clear. We'll talk about later about Haru.
Senju's testimony is more useful than rich. We find it rich and useful because we have a flashback of what she was doing, of the full context, but it is referenced that what she told Takemichi was clear and concise, without unnecessary details.
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Basic aspects of how memory functions
» Capture-encoding process:
Our attentional and perceptive processing system processes, selects and encodes information from the environment (external environment) and from the organism (internal environment). It has a limited capacity (it doesn't capture all the existing information, only that which it is capable of processing and that is selected for subsequent encoding)
This perceptual selection, automatic and not conscious, depends on:
Characteristics of the stimuli to be processed, such as color, intensity, size, or movement.
Situation or context, where the stimuli are produced (lightness or distance).
Characteristics and state of activation of the subject, such as anxiety, motivation or prior knowledge.
» Retention-storage process:
The stimuli interact with the previous information, stored in the form of mental schemes. These are interpreted, encoded and stored until retrieved. During this time, the information may undergo alterations/reconstructions due to the passage of time or the incorporation of new information.
» Recovery process:
How to access this information? It depends on contextual and personal factors that will facilitate that recovery.
Memory could be affected by failures in one of the phases. Memory failures are due to bad encodings or difficulties in accessing retrieval or constructions that modify the original information, making it compatible with our prior knowledge.
» Errors of commission and omission:
Memory reconstruction can produce two different types of memory errors:
Errors of omission: lack of important details in what the witnesses of an event say (forgetting, concealment). This could very well have happened. She came after Mikey assaulted Haruchiyo, so we don't have details. She is only a witness after the event, not during it.
Errors of commission: witnesses introduce false information, deliberately (lie) or due to the effect of: post-event information, flaws in the distinction between reality and fantasy, wrong inferences. Let's rule out Senju lying.
Analysis of the manga at this point
Well, let's start from the basis that each and every one of the memories we have could be a lie. Yeah, that easy.
Memory changes over time and memories change in turn, so it is difficult to have a pure memory that hasn't been "contaminated". In the same way we have been able to go through traumatic events that we will never remember, unless we have the correct trigger. The latter is related to defense mechanisms.
I remember a psychology professor told us in class that he had a girl as a patient who never knew she had been raped. A man who was with her on public transport was wearing the same perfume that her rapist was wearing years before. She remembered it all in a flash and had to get out of the subway, with a panic attack. Why am I telling this? To give a crude example of how our own brain can manipulate us
Senju is not a completely direct witness to what happened. She came later. It's easy for her brain to assume that Mikey was the aggressor. Why? Because it makes perfect sense. Mikey's expression invites us to think that it was him, his tone of voice I imagine will be threatening, he is in front of his victim, he has every reason to be singled out as an aggressor.
And the blood? Senju may have assumed that it was in Mikey's hands and so it stayed in his memory, or was added later. She never explicitly says that Mikey attacked Haruchiyo, she just describes the scene pointing out where each of the boys was and that there was blood on Mikey's hands.
On the other hand, the blood could have been there perfectly.
However, even in one of Senju's memories, Mikey is bloodless. When he meets his brother, there is no blood on Mikey's hands, whereas in the first flashback we were shown there was. Her own memories fail and we don't know which is the correct version.
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It could also be that the scene is drawn from afar, but I'm not sure, Wakui would have had no problem putting stains on Mikey's little hands
Later we'll talk about Mikey's POV, because his memories can also be manipulated. We will also talk about who is the perfect witness of what happened.
Coding factors regarding the event's characteristics
There are so many, but I chose a few of them
Duration of the event: the less time to perceive and assimilate information, the less later the memory will be. With complex events we tend to overestimate time. The greater the stress, the greater the overestimation of time. We don't know how long it was from when Senju witnessed it until Shin and Takeomi found out and took Haruchiyo to the hospital. The accident is not just the assault, it is the whole set of events, from the beginning to the end. The end would be the arrival at the hospital, or, in the event that something else happened there (mikey apologizing, perhaps, or something similar) then that would be when it was all over.
Familiarity and frequency: the greater the familiarity with certain details of the scene (the environmental context), the more attention can be paid to the rest of the details (the perpetrator), increasing the quality and quantity of memory. However, this factor is in turn subordinated to others, such as the excitement generated or the role played. It also occurs when describing a car by a mechanic or a gun by a hunter. Senju was a little girl. I doubt that she has witnessed violence anywhere other than movies or manga. This can lead to not paying attention to some details
When a witness or victim is the repeated object of a crime, they tend to remember more details but more errors of commission occur, the result of interference between the different situations in which they suffered the crime, incorporating information from one and the other.
Violence of the event: there is a belief that the more violent an event is, the more impact it causes on the witness and the better the memory of it will be. However, it has been found that crimes involving a higher degree of violence are remembered worse than more neutral ones.
The witness experiences more stress the more violence the event involves and stress negatively affects the cognitive processes of attention, perception and memory. Greater emotional involvement conditions memory.
Each person codifies the information and interprets it according to their previous experiences and personal variables.
Gender: Cognitive processes are universal. In general, gender doesn't affect the memory of witnesses.
Age: there is a belief that children are considered "bad" witnesses due to their inventive capacity or their cognitive development, and as "good" witnesses due to their ability to tell the truth innocently. We'll see how it really is next:
3-5 years: increased risk of suggestion and implantation of false memories due to difficulties in distinguishing the origin of memories (imagination or reality). More sensitive to forgetfulness and greater risk of giving in to adult suggestions
5-12 years: they do not lie or fabricate more than adults, they can be as precise and detailed as the testimony of adults interviewed by experts. They put the focus of attention on aspects other than the adult. The smallest ones have a statement quality similar to the adult but with less detail. Around the age of 12 it is equated to the testimony of an adult. Senju's testimony would be equated to an adult's testimony. She was about six years old when everything happened, if I remember correctly.
Expectations and stereotypes: when a witness cannot specify a piece of information, they resort to stereotypes before admitting it to the police. When we expect to see a certain thing, whether or not it is present, it is very likely that we will seem to see it (influence of knowledge and experience before and after the event). You see person 1 bleeding. You see person 2 apparently angry. With this information your brain can assume and insert into the memory that person 2 must have been responsible. It is an induction process. Human beings work that simple
Anxiety and emotion: Memories of traumatic events that generate intense fear or terror, in which life is felt to be threatened, are characterized by poor accuracy for peripheral details and clear and accurate memory for central details of the event.
A high level of arousal causes a decrease in attention span. In addition, traumatic memories can appear fragmented, associated with intense sensations (smells, sounds, touch) and very visual and be difficult to express in a narrative way. Although these types of memories are not so different, they vary depending on age, gender and/or the presence of psychopathologies.
Accuracy of traumatic memories: studies on traumatic memories highlight the belief that the more violent an event is, the more impact it will have and the better its memory will be. Research indicates that events involving a greater degree of violence are remembered worse due to the stress experienced, which negatively affects cognitive processes such as attention, perception and memory.
Obtaining testimony
Statement taking helps improve the quality of testimony. It has two main objectives: obtaining information and identifying the offender. The different procedures (narrative format, cognitive interview and interrogation format. Not gonna explain all of them)
The closest format to what Senju did is the narrative format. She explained it without anyone asking her one question after another (that would be done in an interrogation) and without asking her to remember specific things. She gives a complete narrative.
Definition below:
Narrative format: the witness is asked to recount what happened freely and without interruption (it is recommended to start with this format). There is less probability of error and greater accuracy, but it has the disadvantage that it is poor in detail.
About lying in testimonies
Throughout the study of lies, it has been pointed out that one way to catch them is through a person's body language. However, this option isn't valid, because cultural and personal variables are involved. As for the lie detector, that's straight up a lie. The lie detector doesn't detect lies, it detects physiological responses associated with lying such as heart rate and sweating. That's why it isn't usually admitted in judicial contexts
A person who deliberately offers a false testimony wouldn't introduce this content, because it would undermine credibility:
Spontaneous corrections
Admission of lack of memory
Raise doubts about one's own testimony
Self-disapproval: senju blames herself over and over again.
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Forgive the offender: We don't know anything about how exactly Senju feels towards Mikey. During the battle of the three deities it's referenced that she's afraid of him, but we don't know if she hates him or if he has simply forgiven him in the same way that he expected Haruchiyo to forgive her. But she truly wanted to solve things.
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About ch 263
Senju said Mikey and Haru changed. Really? Why? Haruchiyo made it clear that she didn't understand. It was just a trigger.
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However, when we see Baji and Haruchiyo, apparently a month after the accident (Haru's hair has grown quite a bit, so we'll assume a month passed) they are still as enthusiastic as ever. The only one who seems to have changed is Manjiro. He looks more violent and duller. You just have to look at the conversation they have
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“As expected” they're used to Mikey being violent and beating up people out there. Baji seems surprised, but Haru seems... Proud?
I'm not saying Haruchiyo hasn't changed. Only he didn't do it as radically as Senju implies when he tells what happened. Perhaps that change was gradual, exploding upon reaching adolescence.. Anyway, we don't have Haru's POV and that makes me desperate
Mikey's mother's death happened before the accident. This may have been the trigger for his violent attitudes to begin to overflow.
From my point of view, Mikey was never himself, he only imitated the behaviors that he considered good. A child learns by imitating behavior, yeah, but Mikey took it differently. In addition, the lack of good and alive lmao references could have made this worse. I think part of Mikey projects himself to others. He hates weak people. He considers himself weak, hates himself for it, and has an overwhelming need to prove himself wrong over and over again, perhaps to gain validation or not feel bad about being weak.
In any case, we still have little information about the accident. What happened after? How did Takeomi take it? Shinichiro scolded his brother? How was the home of the Akashi from then on? Takeomi would scold Haru too?
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Back to this. In Mikey's memories he doesn't have blood on his hands. Having seen everything above about the psychology of testimony, this can be due to multiple factors and we have two options:
There really was no blood on his hands. He isn't guilty and Senju's memory failed. What happened? Wakui, explain☠️. Maybe something supernatural related to time travel
There is blood and he is guilty, although in his memories he doesn't have it. Why would this happen? Because Mikey wouldn't be able to blame himself for something so brutal. Defense mechanisms. The same ones that led Kazutora to blame Mikey for Shinichiro's death, because his brain didn't want to process that he had killed him. His brain was protecting him from himself and this could be the case with Mikey as well.
Wakui forgot to draw the damn blood ☠️
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Do you know who could have the best testimony?
Baji. I think his testimony would be more reliable than Senju's (she is only a witness after the event, not during it), and Sanzu (his memories could be influenced by his obsession with mikey). Even if he could be influenced by all the factors we've seen and the ones we haven't, his version could be pretty reliable.
But he's a bit — ☠️
Anyway, I think that would be all that can be squeezed out of this case. Don't hesitate to give your opinion, correct me if I have forgotten something, and if you even find any misspelling!
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