#Nondual awakening
turiyatitta · 1 year
Exploring Nondual Awakening and the Integral Perspective
A Journey of Unity and Integration Introduction: In our quest to understand the nature of reality and human consciousness, two frameworks stand out: the nondual perspective and the integral perspective. While they differ in their approach, both offer profound insights and pathways to a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us. In this blog, we will dive into the differences,…
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nonbinarydeity · 5 months
You are already free, you are already infinite pretending to be finite. How do we see this? Simple, we DON'T. We don't DO anything at all, and that is the perfect practice.
Of course, you can meditate, inquire, and contemplate, but at the end of the day, all you have to do is nothing at all. Just relax and let yourself be what you already are.
It won't feel special at first, in fact it may even feel boring or useless! But keep going, keep listening to the silence and resting in the stillness. Know that You're not only allowed to be here, but that you chose to play in form for a reason: to see yourself more clearly, to know yourself as both nothing and everything.
It's okay if your mind cannot understand. It isn't meant to. If you need to, look to your heart instead, it will be able to show you more clearly than your mind ever could.
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seraphic555 · 1 month
You are already invincible, invisible, indescribable, with no life, no personality, no thoughts, and no anxiety.
You see a body, thoughts arise and you call it “me” and “my thoughts” (because people told you it was you) but where is the “me” who is thinking this? What even is a “me”?
(Notice how thoughts cease when you search for the “me” 🫢)
You could say you are the brain but what is keeping the brain alive? There has to be something prior to neuronal activity. Be THAT and throw away the sense of “I” which is the root of all suffering.
I used to think “I” was the highest state, but problems can exist where there is an “I”. If there is no “I” there is no “I have __” or “I am __” that is the start of all trouble 🙄.
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ssirenah · 8 months
I AM(,) NOT the ego.
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Even when the ego is thinking and trying and worrying and doing, you are still simply "I AM." Even when the ego thinks it isn't true. This means it doesn't matter what the ego is thinking or not thinking for several reasons:
Thinking isn't real
The ego itself isn't real
"I AM."
There is nothing more to learn and nothing more to know. As I have always said, Self knows all because Self is all. I think people are not really seeing what it means to BE.
You are always aware of being. Nonduality is the belief of there not being any form of separation or duality between you and everything else that seems to exist.
Knowing this, here's what it MEANS to BE.
Being is like this: You "know" everything because all there is to "know" is "I AM." I AM is your true and natural state -- anything added to "I AM" is not real because it is changeable and temporary. "I AM" has no beginning and therefore no end. You cannot stop BEING/EXISTING. And as I've said before, you cannot become aware of that which you are.
There is nothing to understand, you already understand all that there is - YOU! Not the false self(selves): ego, body-mind, the character, etc.
Like Calypso said in this lovely post, angels, it isn't necessarily about "power" only. It's about the fact that you are formless and can take on any form. You are experiencing YOURSELF. It's about the fact that you are an infinite being with no rules and limitations. "I AM" is simply awareness or consciousness of existence. You can't conceptualize this because it's your true nature! And to add to my points here, stop thinking of "how will Self make this happen?" or "If I forget about it, how will Self do it?" or "Should I do this, or will Self do it for me?" There is nothing to "make happen!" Nothing is going to happen! "I AM" means "I AM!!!" Self is not the doer, Self cannot "do" anything! If you think Self will make something happen for you, you may be misunderstanding the concept of Nondualism.
Let go of this idea of separation. It will continue to hold you back!
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thecalminside · 8 months
Raise your words, not voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder.
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gemrose · 4 months
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deadpearlsinthesea · 11 months
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audrinawf · 9 months
Channel your future self to manifest all your desires
To understand this post you need to understand and be open to the multiple realities theory. the theory is this, the past, present and future are happening all at the same time. on top of that there’s endless realities and timelines happening as we speak. to manifest anything you’re going to to have to align to a reality and or future where you get to have those things.
So how do we connect with our future selves and why is this a superior manifestation method?
Let me give you guys an example, When I want to manifest money I don’t need to watch 59394 videos on how to make money. The only thing I have to do is ask the universe to show me how ai can make money the way that’s suited for and the way that will make me the happiest and sometimes I get my answer immediately.
How does that work?
Whatever you are looking to attract and manifest, there’s a way to get it, even if there’s not the universe will rearrange the whole world to make a path for you. Just accept this as fact.
I can’t tell you the amounts of times I’ve manifested things that were “impossible” to manifest and yet somehow I was always the exception to the rule. Somehow it worked out for me even when there was no explanation as to how.
You can do this too. You just need to detach from the how and stop trying to do 48384 things to get your manifestations. Once you decide what you want.
1. You quiet your mind.
2. You kill any doubts.
3. You quiet the part of your brain that wants to engineer a plan and figure out exactly how you will get your manifestations step by step.
Remember that step 3 is about quieting our ego brain. The brain that thinks out of a place of desperation, lower vibration and fear. We are not trying to quiet our creative brain (aka our higher selves)
4. and then you just listen.
Once you enter that deep meditative state or just a state of awareness and high frequency you are open to receive guidance from the universe. The wisdom and guidance you’ll receive will feel like what we call “intuition” and you have to act on it, or at least write it down. That’s the only instructions you’re going to follow.
You don’t need a business coach to tell you how to make 4837373 dollar a month cause they don’t know your talents and strengths, they don’t know you the way your higher self does. A future version of you that has everything you want right now knows exactly how you got your manifestations and sometimes when we get to the state of flow and awareness we can hear our future self try to guide us towards that future.
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astro-royale · 5 months
How to make peace with life
I would like to start off by affirming
That life is indeed; a celebration
In this physical aspect of our reality that we live in
We experience the 4 seasons
The ever changing seasons
Which we must learn to celebrate
We must learn to celebrate the rain, as much as we celebrate the sun
And for those who hate the sun, they must learn to celebrate it as much as they do their hot chocolate on a warm winter’s day
My point is, the seasons of nature are something that cannot be changed, they are inevitable,
But what we can always change and have control over is our perspective of the seasons
Now I’m not talking from la-dee-da nonsense where you must be constantly happy in order to celebrate life.
To celebrate something means to honour it, in its entire truth. It is to see something for what it is, meaning seeing both the life and death that it brings.
The thing is, the truth will always be consistent of both positivity and negativity at the same time
Yet our mind, when it is in its imbalanced state, our left and right hemispheres, our creativity and our logic,, try to polarise to one force while discarding the other.
The people who ignore the darkness and then the people who never see the light.
But the truth is all encompassing.
When you can acknowledge that a situation, that a season, brings its gifts with it, it must mean something has to go in order to create space for the new.
Life and death come as a package when it comes to anything in life.
You can see the rain as a gift to retreat back and have time to yourself
Or you can see the rain as a curse that prevents you from going out that day
Or you can see the rain as an opportunity to have fun , to create a new memory by trying something new.
No matter which perspective you choose, it will create how you choose to perceive a memory that you have created.
And well, if every time it rains you see it as a downer, by the time you’re 80 and looking back on your life, you will have realised that every memory in which it rains, you are reliving that negative emotion because that’s what you chose
You let yourself be a victim of the seasons through your very perspective
When instead, you could have chosen to be creative in a time where you saw a limitation
You could have become solution oriented
Using that time to learn a new recipe,
Or using that time to read or develop a new skill
Rather than focusing on what you didn’t get momentarily
Because your ego will always have a way in seeing the smaller picture and focusing on what you want rather than what you may need and what is good for you
When actually maybe because it rained that day, you got to discover something about yourself that changed the course of your life forever
What if maybe because it rained that day, you got saved from a massive accident that happened where you wanted to go
Nature has such a way with things, it is the absolute embodiment of universal power, working in unison with the creator to help us evolve as beings.
When nature shows you all its different faces it will indeed bring up a new face in you each time, it will make you aware of something within yourself which you didn’t know you had
If you feel sick being in the sun, it most certainly means there is something in your body that needs to be cleared
The sun is an energising all powerful source
For you to feel sick in the sun can only mean there is a darkness which does not want to receive the light
Your body is always speaking and communicating with you.
- Amaryllis
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ankhmeanswombman · 7 months
“Other people” are here to either facilitate your ego-death, wake you up with their soap opera antics, or encourage you to activate Infinite Love, which often means isolating oneself after the lesson an individual person offered has been learned. Joyful isolation allows life’s lessons to ferment and mould one’s perspective so as to be guided on the righteous path more and more. It is socialisation that offers a wild frenzy of distractions hurled from every corner, aiming to smudge out the soul’s unique spark that is supposed to be a lesson for others to ascend. The anti Christ world only wants continued descent so stories of true betterment (rather than lust and consumption) will be erased from the sight of the careless and malevolent majority. “Other people” are a mirror of what you need to fix, or alternatively, what you need to bring out within yourself. Because most of the world is in a descended state, they use “other people” to fulfil their frivolity instead of teaching and learning from “other people”.
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nonbinarydeity · 5 months
Everything is always working out for you. The world wants to give you what you want.
Stop resisting what Is and just let it be, and it will flow into the most perfect life you could ever imagine.
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nayluii · 2 months
n-dual & sucess story;;
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sucess story in n-dual ;
In non-dualism, there is the 'success story,' however, it's a bit different from what you are accustomed to, and it's also valued by us non-dualists because it signifies that the person who has achieved success is also progressing spiritually.
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The success stories in non-dualism are, for example, "I found inner peace and acceptance through non-dualistic practice" or "I overcame internal conflicts and gained a deeper understanding of myself and others."
i assumed ;
The success stories like "I assumed something and it happened" are important to note that they are more closely related to the law of attraction or assumption rather than non-dualism.
Non-dualism won't necessarily get you a cellphone, but rather peace and progress in your life.
recommendation ;
If you want to understand a bit more, there's the author Eckhart Tolle. In his books, he often talks about inner transformation and the spiritual successes that can arise when someone transcends identification with the mind and the dualities of thought.
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seraphic555 · 1 month
The entire world is in your mind which means whatever you consider “plausible” “possible” or “likely” happens. Once you start to defy the so-called rules of reality and return to your Self, everything will be considered possible to you.
Matthew 19:26 NIV:
Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
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eyeoftheheart · 10 months
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“It is He who is revealed in every face, sought in every sign, gazed upon by every eye, worshipped in every object of worship, and pursued in the unseen and the visible. Not a single one of His creatures can fail to find Him in its primordial and original nature.”
― Ibn 'Arabi, Futûhât al-Makkiyya
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thecalminside · 2 years
When you no longer believe everything you think, you step out of thought and see clearly that the thinker is not who you are.
-Eckhart Tolle
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gemrose · 2 months
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