#Intelligent Car Buying Decision
easycarfinance · 11 months
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flowerandblood · 6 months
The Price of Dignity
[ dark academia • Aemond x rich • female ]
[ warnings: angst, violence, class inequalities ]
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[ description: Aemond worked his whole life to get into the best university in the country. The class inequality he sees there strikes him, and the target of his hatred is a female classmate from his year, a rich girl from a wealthy family. However, it turns out that what was obvious to him is not so simple and he has to face the consequences of his own decisions. A lot of angst, bitchy, violent, mean Aemond. ]
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Next chapters: Masterlist
He very quickly came to terms with the fact that life is not fair. He understood this when he watched his mother, worried, choosing between buying him a new sweatshirt and buying him a new textbook for school, between paying the heating bills and a new bed so they wouldn't all have to fit into one with an old, yellow mattress.
They didn't starve, they didn't walk around dirty, their mother made sure they looked like decent people, however, they were always lacking things, always had too little money for something.
Although his mother worked two jobs at school, she didn't earn as much as his friend's mother, who bought her T-shirts with Disney cartoon characters, had a whole pencil case of glitter pens and expensive chocolate croissants for her second breakfast.
He envied her and one day, when she wasn't looking, he stole her pensieve and threw it in the rubbish. She cried all day because of this, the pencil case was eventually found, however, she didn't want it anymore because it stank.
The next day she came to school with a new pencil case, even prettier.
From then on he decided that whatever he did would not change anything, so he chose not to worry about it and to stay away from such people. He was repulsed by their feeling that they could look down on him, that they were proud to have new, fashionable things, as if there was any merit in it.
They just got it and he didn't.
Something that could not be bought was intelligence, and he did not lack it.
Therefore, he decided to concentrate on his studies, spending whole days in the school library, borrowing thick, worn-out books to take home, having no money to buy new ones in the bookshop. He set himself the goal of getting into a degree in classical literature at the best, most prestigious university in the country by virtue of his academic results, to win a scholarship.
His mother was horrified by the idea, having no clue how she would help him pay for his stay in the capital, where everything was several times more expensive than in their city.
Not wanting to burden her more, to her despair, after high school classes he would go to work for a friend who ran a car repair shop, working as his helper, every paycheck saved up for his plan.
He felt like he was obsessed with it and did not accept the possibility that he might not succeed.
When applying for a scholarship, in addition to a written essay of at least a hundred pages about his favourite author, he had to appear in person for an interview.
Specially for this occasion, he bought himself an expensive shirt, smart trousers and a suit jacket for the first time and, dressed like this, went there with a beating heart.
The professors sitting in front of him seemed tired and weary of their work, sipping tea from beautiful, surely very expensive, porcelain cups. He looked at them trying to hide the disgust on his face, listening to their questions, which turned out to be trivially easy.
He saw how he was arousing their interest more and more with every minute with his attitude, they started asking him about his life, where he came from.
He sold them the heart-wrenching story of his childhood, the tale of his accident involving his nephew, through which he lost his eye, and then his slow road to the top, presenting himself as a young boy with dreams who had worked so hard for his success.
To his surprise it worked, and after a week he received a letter confirming that he had been awarded a scholarship and a place on his dream faculty.
He cried like a baby reading it several times, glad that no one was home at the time, feeling that he had finally managed to win something for himself in his life.
His mother burst with pride when she found out, while at the same time fearing how he would cope in this group, full of aristocrats and children of rich parents who could afford to simply buy them a place there.
He figured he would destroy them all, show them for who they really were.
He felt within himself some great need for revenge and atonement, although he did not know quite how he was supposed to express it.
He spotted his perfect target at the first meeting of his year with the professor who was to be their mentor during their stay at the University.
Despite the fact that they were all sitting in the same elegant uniforms with the intricate gold crest of their university, he saw that she was holding the latest model of phone in her hands, a beautiful gold ring with a sapphire on her middle finger and an old, expensive watch, surely inherited from some very wealthy and famous great-grandfather.
It came to his ears very quickly that her surname, Howard, was due to her grandfather on her father's side, the baron who had been given that title, which her family had boasted of ever since, living in their mansion in a village near the capital.
He looked at her and thought only of the fact that she was a fucking nepotistic, spoilt brat who never had to earn anything, who was taking the place of someone who really deserved it.
He very quickly caught a good rapport with a boy similar to himself, also from a small town from a working-class family, Criston. Like him, he owed his place to his education and scholarship, although he was not as harsh as he was in his assessment of their new friend.
"Oh, come on. Just concentrate on being content that you're here." He said one evening as they prepared for their first classes together. They were sitting in large, comfortable armchairs by the fireplace in the university's huge library filled with old, oak bookcases reaching the ceiling, filled to the brim with thick, dusty tomes.
He instantly fell in love with the place and only dreamed of spending whole evenings there, imagining how other students, writers and poets sat in his place. He hummed at his words, turning the page of the book he had just read, a history of ancient Greek literature.
"I'm concentrating on this, but when I look at her, I just feel sick. She's only here so her daddy baron can show off his daughter at the University. I have no respect for her and don't think she deserves any. The fact that she is here is a joke and one big misunderstanding." He muttered lowly, Criston sighed heavily, shaking his head, not having the strength to argue with him.
They both flinched when they heard someone's quiet footsteps, the figure of Howard appeared from among the bookcases with several books clutched to her chest and headed immediately for her entrance, her face pale, her lips clenched.
He swallowed loudly, feeling the cold sweat on his back at the thought that she had heard it all, and although he thought it was good for her that he had told the truth out loud, a sense of shame overcame him anyway.
Criston threw him a confused, horrified look and he lowered his gaze and grunted, letting out a loud breath, returning to his reading, recognising that the words of someone like him were meaningless to her anyway.
The next day was their first class with Professor Morris, in which they were to study Greek literature of the Classical, Hellenistic and Empire eras. Their professor, a short, smiling old man with big glasses, spoke with enthusiasm and energy surprisingly high for his age, introducing them to the subject and telling them what they would be working on first.
He said they would start with something simple, a collection of myths that, although passed down through generations and written down very late in history, were a source of inspiration that still stirred the minds of young artists and writers today.
He began with a question about who the Greek gods were in Greek mythology, Howard's hand shot up before he could think of anything.
"As far as the Olympian gods are concerned, they were imagined as humans, or rather the inhabitants of Hellada with the difference that they were immortal by drinking ambrosia and had various powers." She said quickly, their professor nodding at her words.
"That is true, Miss Howard. Why were they imagined as human beings and not, like the Christian God, as a superior, infallible entity?"
Howard's hand shot up again and he pressed his lips together, looking at her impatiently.
Stupid bitch.
"Because they were supposed to be the answer to what was happening around the living population, they were not the determinant of moral values, like the Christian God, but more like guardians whose care had to be constantly sought.
They loved and hated like ordinary people, they were eager for revenge, murder and rape, so they did not represent a pattern of behaviour, but rather depicted the unpredictability of nature and events in human life." She said without stammering, and he let out a loud breath, impatient.
She was doing this on purpose.
She wanted to prove him wrong.
He spent whole evenings reading and preparing for class and in the days that followed, he began to overtake her, watching with satisfaction as she turned to him over her shoulder with furrowed brows, impatient when it was him that their professor allowed to speak and not her.
They were at war.
He saw that she had her two friends with whom she went everywhere, naive girls from good homes who clung to her to wallow in her luxuries.
He felt like laughing at this sight.
He had the feeling that it was getting worse by the week, they were throwing hateful glances at each other in the corridors and shunning each other in the common rooms and the library, not wanting to bump into each other by accident.
He knew she was doing this to prove him wrong, to make herself feel the best again rather than because she was interested in literature.
After the first exams they both had very similar scores, but he felt a sense of pride when he saw on the posted list that he had scored one point more than her, a grimace of satisfaction showed on his face as he glanced in her direction indulgently.
Even though she had second place right after him she turned and walked towards the women's dormitory, clearly frustrated, making him feel better for the day.
And that's when he appeared.
Ronald Collins, a blushing man with slight curves, looking as if he was living in some sort of dreamy state had been introduced to them in class with their tutor and it appeared that he would be joining them mid-year.
No one understood how he managed to achieve this, he didn't look like a wealthy man, he smiled at everyone as if he were a priest at a sermon, with tenderness and care, as if he lived in a completely different reality. He and Criston would sometimes see him sitting on the cloisters with a notebook in his hand, gesticulating and talking to himself as if he were some inspired 19th century poet.
"What the fuck is his problem?" He muttered to Cole, recognising that this man was out of his mind.
In their first class together, however, he proved to them that he was something far more dangerous.
"Shakespeare. Romeo and Juliet. Trash and kitsch, or sincere, sudden, fiery true love? There are different thoughts about this world-famous work today. What is your opinion?"
He and Howard automatically raised their hand, but Collins preceded them. The professor allowed him to speak first and, to everyone's surprise, he stood up, looking around the room.
"Pontius Pilate asked Christ - what is truth? But I ask you - what is love?! Is there only one kind of love? When we truly love, can we be so desperate as to reach for the finality, for death itself?" He asked, stretching his hand out in front of him, sweeping it in a semi-circle as if he was showing something, a few people couldn't stand it and laughed under their breath, Howard turned to him over her shoulder, looking at him with big eyes in disbelief, and he looked at her feeling that he looked exactly like her.
What the fuck was that supposed to be?
He bullshitted his way through the next five minutes until their professor decided he'd had enough.
However, what horrified him the most was the results of his first exam, which he saw on a list posted for all students outside the room.
100/100 points Mr Collins 94/100 points Mr Targaryen 94/100 points Miss Howard
"What?!" He heard a familiar voice beside him, Howard stepped closer to the glass as if she couldn't believe her eyes.
She threw him a quick, helpless look as if she wanted him to tell her what had just happened here, but he himself had no idea how that was possible.
How could this fucking moron get such a good score?
"Ah, my sweet rivals!" They heard a voice behind them and turned around, Collins was looking contentedly at his score from over their shoulders, blushing, smiling and dreamy as usual, he could see from so close up that despite his young age he was slowly starting to go bald.
"Miss Howard and Mr Targaryen, the age-old battle between the aristocracy and the working class. So dramatic, solemn, full of contradictions. Love - hate - or perhaps cold calculation? Like Athena and Arachne, like Aphrodite and Persephone, like Achilles and Hector!" He said grabbing Howard's arm and she shook her head, completely surprised, not believing that he dared to say such things out loud.
"− Achilles and Hector didn't −" She began, but he interrupted her, looking up, as if suddenly dazzled.
"− no − Romeo and Juliet − separated lovers − they don't even know yet that tragedy awaits them, that they will not be given the chance to be reunited − but nevertheless this feeling, this will to fight will always prevail." He said worriedly and shook her, as if he wanted to make her realise how serious his prophetic words were, and then he left, wishing them a good day.
They stood horrified, he saw her look at her arms, as if she might have been contaminated by him just a moment ago.
"− oh God −" She muttered, lowering her hands without strength. "− he's an idiot −"
Their war was put on hold as they were forced to turn their gazes to a new enemy, more dangerous and more unpredictable, turning their joint lectures into a nightmare, for some reason having perfect scores on all their exams.
How was it possible that he was always a few points short and he passed everything with the highest score?
He decided to hide in the library as usual, tired and frustrated, and clenched his eyes when he saw that in his armchair, hidden between a few bookcases so that he couldn't be seen from a distance, sat Howard, reading a book even though it was his favourite place and she knew it perfectly well.
"Get the fuck out." He said to her straight out, towering over her with an angry look. She furrowed her brow and pressed her lips together.
"No. That moron is still after me, and he won't find me here. I was here first." She said angrily and turned the page with a quick, theatrical gesture.
He leaned over her resting his hands on either side of her body on the armrests of her armchair, looking at her face from so close that the tips of their noses were almost touching.
"Get. The fuck. Out." He hissed low.
"Fuck. No." She hissed parroting his tone, he grabbed her hard by her arm, trying to pull her out of there, but she immediately lifted her leg and kicked him in the stomach.
He bent down and growled, grabbing her ankle.
"You little spoiled bitch." He snorted, pulling her so that she just fell off the armchair, ignoring the fact that it made her skirt roll up and he could almost see her panties. "You think if your daddy pays for your studies, you're allowed everything?"
In response, he was hit on the head with the book she had just been reading, grabbed his forehead and shouted in pain, closing his eyes.
"Fuck off! I'm studying here as hard as you are!" She snarled furiously, wanting to throw the other book at him, but he grabbed her arms and blocked her movements. They were both panting loudly fighting each other, she tried to hit him with her knee, but he pinned her down with his body.
"Yeah? Oh what a poor girl. She studies as hard as I do. She never had to earn anything, she didn't have to work for long fucking hours after school, studying late to earn a living here, she didn't have to write a 100-page essay to get here, beg the university authorities to give her a scholarship." He hissed out looking at her with hatred, not letting her get away, feeling that he was just pouring out everything he had felt over the years, all the loathing he had for her and people like her.
She stopped fighting him and pressed her lips together, her eyebrows at the same time furrowed in a grimace of pain and sadness, her lower lip began to tremble at his words, her eyes turned red and glazed over from tears.
"Oh, are you going to cry? Are you going to fucking cry now? The poor rich little girl is going to cry because she heard a few words of truth?" He asked in a mocking, sweet voice as if he was speaking to a small child who still doesn't understand much and needs to be explained slowly.
"Fuck off." She exhaled with difficulty, already with less certainty, trying to push him away but to no avail, his hands clenched tighter on her shoulders, her body pressed against the armchair so that she was unable to make any movement, her cheeks red with exertion.
"You're not so snarky anymore? Well, please tell me, how did you earn your place here? Let me guess, you told your daddy - daddy, I would like to study here - will you pay my tuition fees? Hm? Is that how it was? I know, you worked so terribly hard for it." He sneered, arching his eyebrows in a gesture as if he really felt sorry for her, and she burst out crying, looking up at him from below, breathing hard.
"− I wanted to study here because I'm interested in literature, and my dad helped me − what the fuck is your problem? −" She mumbled out almost choking, and he clenched his jaw, his nostrils moving restlessly in rage.
"− my problem is that you've taken the place of someone who's worked all their life for it − some poor boy or girl who didn't have your father's money − the university authorities prefer your money to their knowledge −"
"− then why don't you go and yell at the rector for it? − won't you go to the dean and name some person to take my place, tell them that they are only after my money? − I'll tell you why − thanks to my father's money you can be here for free − thanks to my father's money you'll be able to do your PhD and do your research −" She laughed desperately through her tears, looking at him in disbelief, seeing him turn pale, his lower lip trembling in rage.
"− you didn't know? − you thought our country was paying for your place here, your uniform, your room? − no − but you're right about one thing − you've earned this place harder than I have −" She said emotionlessly, looking at him with a blank stare, and he felt unable to get a word out, his throat tightened, he felt like he was about to vomit, humiliation and rage spreading through his body.
"− you don't know anything about me − you've been insulting me ever since you got here, even though I'm the one you feel sorry for, you're the one carrying yourself like a king, looking down on everyone − and I thought that maybe things would get better, that maybe we'd even become friends − you're a mere brutal boor who thinks he can take it out on whoever he wants −" She hissed, pushing him away from her, he stepped back, turning his head away, not looking at her as she picked up her book from the floor and moved ahead, disappearing around the corner.
He slid his back down the bookcase and sat on the floor, burying his face in his hands, feeling that he was trembling all over.
You're a mere brutal boor who thinks he can take it out on whoever he wants.
Aemond Taglist:
(bold means I couldn't tag you)
@its-actually-minicika @notnormalthings-blog @nikstrange @zenka69 @bellaisasleep @k-y-r-a-1 @g-cf2020 @melsunshine @opheliaas-stuff @chainsawsangel @iiamthehybrid @tinykryptonitewerewolf @namoreno @malfoytargaryen @qyburnsghost @aemondsdelight @persephonerinyes @fan-goddess @sweethoneyblossom1 @watercolorskyy @randomdragonfires @apollonshootafar @padfooteyes
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anniebear-92 · 1 year
Paw Prints
Part one of... I'm not sure yet? I was going to make this a one shot, but I ended up writing a lot more than I planned so it's going to be a fic. Short one but maybe 3-4 parts? Stay tuned :)
While walking home one night in the rain, you find a very sickly cat laying in a destroyed box tucked into an alley. Being the pet lover you are, you rush the cat home to nurse him back to full health. Once recovered the cat begins to show his true colors of a bristly, attitude ridden cat who would more likely be a Pomeranian in another life. After several shenanigan ridden months with the cat, who is strangely attentive and extremely intelligent, you wake one day to your cat missing. In his place... an extremely handsome man. One who has seen all your embarrassing moments and just won't seem to let you live them down...
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugo x Reader
Warnings: SFW, possibly eventual NSFW. Fluff, swearing. Female reader mentioned but I try to keep majority of it neutral. Quirkless AU, Hybrids are rare and not known to the world.
Length: To be determined.
Part One: New Beginnings
The rain beats down on the cement sidewalk with a vengeance as your fingers tightened around the umbrella handle, curling in on yourself with a shiver. The weather had been quite dreary for the last few days and the only reason for leaving the apartment this evening had been the low volume in your fridge. With some grumbles and a pair of rain boots you had made the executive decision to trudge out into the nasty weather for a trip to the grocery store. Said building was just around the corner, the bright lights a beacon of a safe temporary haven from the elements as the doors closed with a chime alerting your arrival. The teenage cashier at the counter gave a brief and uninterested greeting while you crossed to the aisle containing your selections.
A few items into the basket later you decided on just enough for tonight's meal and tomorrow would be just that, tomorrow's problem. With a sigh the cashier began ringing up your purchases, leaving you a moment to peer around the store to avoid awkward exchanges with the employee who would obviously rather be anywhere than their paying job. A small object in the display for impulse buys caught your attention, a plastic stick with a tiny ball of shiny fibers sat tilted in the rack. A sad smile crossed your face while shifting the cat toy's packaging upright in the display.
The item brought back memories of your first ever pet who had recently passed, vision blurring slightly as your fingers lightly tapped the object, so the attached bell jingled. The thought of getting another pet had crossed your mind, however unsure if you were ready for that just yet had nagged at the back of your mind.
Your hand fell to your side quickly as if burned when the cashier interrupted with an annoyed clearing of their throat.
"I asked if there was anything else you needed today?" With an embarrassed smile and a quick shake of your head, you finished the transaction and scurried out of the store. The cashier rolling their eyes and going back to their phone as you opened the umbrella once more to brave the elements.
Splashes of water from your boots hitting the wet ground were one of the few sounds heard in this late hour, besides the occasional car driving by disturbing the standing water in the streets. Only a few blocks until home where you could shed these cold damp clothes and put together the simple dinner with the ingredients in the bag. Followed by a warm blanket, maybe some hot chocolate and a good movie before bed. Hell, you may even have the ice cream you've been saving in the back of the freezer.
All your plans went right out the proverbial window when a faint wail of an animal in clear pain stopped you dead in your tracks. When nothing but the soft patter of rain resumed, the possibility of the sound being simply a trick of your mind crossed your thoughts. After waiting another short moment, you took a few steps once again towards home only to hear the wail once more, this time just barely louder than before. Almost like something was trying to get your attention.
To your left was a small alleyway filled with trash cans for some of the above apartments, some debris scattered around the area. Stepping just in between the buildings you attempted to locate the sound of the noise, wary if it was a sick racoon or animal waiting to bite you for your attempts to help.
"Hello?" Your voice echoed off the brick of the buildings, hoping to coax the animal to make more noise so you could locate it. A soft meow in response brought your attention to a very soggy cardboard box, holding on by barely a prayer as the rain continued to beat it down slowly but surely. "Are you in there?" You asked softly, knowing full well the animal was not going to answer your question like "Yes! I am here!"
Lifting the wet flap, your heart squeezed at the sight. Inside was a small curled up ball of fur, caked in mud and shivering heavily as its body huffed in obvious labored breathing. "Oh, you poor baby." You cooed, bending your knees to squat lower to the ground in the hopes to get a better look.
The cat had clearly been outside for a long time, though it did not look to be too old, a year maybe. Possibly a few at most, but the cat was clearly sick from the lazy look in its barely open eyes. You slowly reached out and brushed your fingers into the cat's once light-colored fur, now stained with the brown of dirt and grime from the streets. The cat simply raised its head ever so sluggishly, strikingly crimson eyes met yours to your surprise. Never in your life had you seen a cat with such a colored pair, especially ones that showed such exhaustion and a hint of pleading. Almost as if the cat was asking 'Please get me out of here.'
Unable to leave the poor animal you quickly adjusted your plastic bag on the crook of your arm and closed the umbrella. You collapsed the object and threw it into the bag as well, not caring if the packaging inside got a little wet since your home was only a few blocks at most now.
"I'm going to pick you up now… please don't bite me." You spoke softly as you offered your hand to the cat who still watched you closely, it's eyes closing slowly as they lowered their head back to the ground with a soft huff. Taking that as a sign the cat would not fight your help, you gave it a few slow pets before sliding your hands underneath and picking the cat up gently. The animal barely awknowledged you as you held it close, wrapping your coat around the poor creature.
Making haste you rounded the corner and hurried for home, taking the stairs two at a time while holding your precious cargo to your chest tightly. Digging the keys from your pocket and shoving them into the lock, it opened with a click then shut with a bang as you closed it with the heel of your rain boot. Dropping the bag of food by the door you rushed into the hall to pull some fresh towels from the top shelf. Wrapping the shivering creature tightly you lay it on the couch after a quick rub down to dry up some of the water clinging to it's dirty fur. Pulling up an emergency vet line on your phone, a few rings and a discussion with a vet later you had your plan of action to help the cat.
You were told if the cat gets any worse to bring it in, but getting the cat warm, some food and clean water should help with fighting off any infection it may currently have from the elements. However a trip to the vet the next morning would definetly be in the books. Bath would have to wait as it could lower or raise the cat's tempature too fast and make the sickness worse. If it makes it though the night, you could give it a nice warm bath.
Giving the animal time to warm in the fluffy towels, you finally put away the food from the store and began digging through some cupboards. With a soft exclamation of happiness, you found what you were looking for. Luckily you still had a few cans of wet food left from before your cat passed away, perfect for sick little fur babies. After confirming the expiration date was still valid, you dumped the contents into a food dish and one with water while thanking everything that you didn't have to go back into the rain.
With slow steps as not to startle the cat you stepped next to the couch to see the ball of fur had finally stopped shaking, a good sign that their temperature was regulating to better heights. You placed the food and water above the bundle where two lone ears peeked out from the towel, the rest of its face hidden away. Though not for long as audible sniffing could be heard, followed by the ears turning into a full head as it appeared interested in the food. A few testing sniffs at the bowl of offerings proved sufficient enough as it began tearing into the food as if the first meal in a long time, which... it most likely was.
You took the opportunity to step away to let the cat eat and not crowd or make them feel uncomfortable. Getting bit was one of the last things you wanted today, or ever. It didn't take long to prepare your meal, by the time you had dropped the first item into the pan the cat had finished scarfing down their food and lapping up every drop of water from the bowls. It was now lazily curled up into a tight ball, eyes closed to get some much-needed rest. You designed that the cat would be taking up the couch for the rest of the evening, deciding to just eat your food and get some sleep yourself. Placing your finished bowl into the sink you checked on the cat one final time, seeing the cat's body rise and fall made you feel soft joy inside. Maybe you didn't feel ready for another cat, but it's what you needed.
Praying the cat made it through the night, you changed into some night clothes for bed and crawled into blankets of your own. Tomorrow would be bath time for kitty, a trip to the vet and pick up some supplies that you didn't already have. You had planned to throw out your previous animal's things when it had gotten too hard after losing them, however you just couldn't bring yourself to actually go through with it in the end.
The next morning your eyes cracked slowly, taking in the sunlight peeking through the curtains. It was no longer raining thank goodness, the dreary weather was getting old. Sitting up in bed the memories of the night before came rushing back to you. Throwing back the blankets you hopped out of the bed, gripped the door handle and took a deep inhale to calm yourself in preparation if the creature did not make it through the night.
Opening the door and stepping into the hall you made your way back into the living room. The couch still held the towels now caked in dried mud, though missing one ball of fur.
"Kitty?" You called out, hoping it didn't hide somewhere and pass on. A couple calls later continued to go unanswered before you huffed, collecting the towels and throwing them into the laundry basket beside the washer in the hallway closet. Begining your search, you lifted the reclining chair beside the couch, peered under the couch with your phone's flashlight and around the kitchen island. No luck in the living area so you moved to check the remaining rooms in the apartment, the bathroom, your room and the spare. No luck in either your room or the bathroom so you moved on to the spare bedroom across from your own.
"Come on Kitty, please just give me a sign you're still with the living!" You groaned before getting down on your knees and peering under the bed, with a yelp you sat back up quickly when a dirty paw had swiped out at your face from under the frame.
Good to know the cat is alive and energetic enough to attack you so early in the morning. Rubbing your cheek that the claws had barely missed you peered back under again, this time giving the cat proper distance.
"Well, hello there Mister grumpy pants, how are you today?" You watched as the cat sat on its haunches, those bright crimson colored eyes narrowed at you showed significantly more life than the previous evening. "Are you hungry?" You asked once again as the cat's tail flicked dangerously as if responding 'I can't talk dumbass.'
You nodded taking that as a yes and picked yourself off the floor. Back in the living room you collected the empty dishes from the couch and filled them with the contents of a new can. Setting the food down you watched as the cat peered around the corner suspiciously, not sure on you just yet. Stepping away from the food you sat down on the couch after making sure not to sit in any ruminants of mud or dirt.
Satisfied, you watched as the cat inspected the food before peering over at you to make sure you were nowhere near before digging into the food once again. The water was given quick work as well before the cat strolled lazily into the living area and taking residence on your reclining chair.
You still had yet to give said kitty a bath and a trip to the vet was needed to make sure the cat was healthy. So unfortunately, you would need to piss off the cat who clearly didn't trust you yet in order to do so. Drawing a bath in the sink you set out all the supplies needed so you could get the cat in and out without hopefully injury to you or the soon to be upset fur ball. Or… more upset than it already was.
After picking up the snoozing feline you played a game of hold on to the bucking cat while trying to scrub all the dirt and grime from it's fur. The cat was surprisingly a very light blonde in color once the dark brown had been scrubbed away, soft tiger stripe markings were visible in places around it's face and tail. On accident and also to the cat's annoyance, you made the discovery it was actually a male cat. Drying the cat off in the towel you had prepared earned you a very nasty glare from the feline.
Making sure he was nice and dry, you stowed your caturrito into a carrier and started your journey to the vet. Low growls and hisses were a constant during the ride to the vet in the car. You spoke to him gently letting him know you were taking him somewhere to make sure he was healthy and then you would take him home so he could go hide all he wanted. Your response was some more growls and the occasional swipe of a paw between the door wire as if he was trying to unlock the cage.
Once you finally arrived at the vet, the receptionist asked for the cat's name to check him in. You told her undetermined since you had just found him, and she nodded letting you know she would also check for a microchip to see if he had a previous owner. The poor nurse earned herself some scratches while coaxing him out of the carrier and the vet didn't fare any better. They ended up giving him a tiny shot to calm his nerves and the rest of the visit went fairly smoother.
The vet announced he had an infection, prescribed some antibiotics and that he would recover quickly with lots of rest, food and clean water now that he's inside. He didn't have a microchip, so the cat was released back to your care and the two of you returned home. The ride back home was much quieter with a half-asleep angry bean instead of a wide-awake angry bean. You placed the kennel by the front door and left the cage open so he could exit whenever he was ready.
He finally exited the kennel while you were busy making lunch, his glare boring into the side of your head. You flashed him a smile before turning back to finish up the food and sitting at the island with your bowl. The cat had hopped onto the counter and was now sitting across the space, his eyes flicking between your food and face. "No Sir." You spoke sternly as his ear twitched with your words, his tail flicking quickly behind him. "You have a full bowl down there."
His eyes followed where you pointed only to return back to the bowl sat before you. His tail flicked back and forth while those carmine eyes shined a hint of mischievous intentions. Seeing the impending danger of your meal, you stood and rounded the counter to pick him up off the surface. He let out a yelp of surprise before thrashing around in your grip with sounds of clear annoyance. You placed him on the floor near his food while he took a swipe at your foot for picking him up unannounced.
Chuckling softly at the spit fire of a cat, you returned to the counter to resume eating. From the corner of your eye, the cat had begun sniffing the food once more before turning its nose to the air and almost stomping away in disgust. You startled just a bit when he hopped up back into his spot across from you, his eyes now flicking to your food once again. With a sigh, you stood to pick up his bowl and slid it before him.
"Here we can eat together!" Flashing him a bright smile while taking your place, his eyes dropping to the bowl at his paws before raising back to you with a 'Are you serious? You expect me to eat this crap?'
Cocking a brow, you began the stare down with the feline while you slowly chewed on a noddle. Without breaking his stoic expression, he shifted a paw forward while flexing around the bowl slowly.
"Don't do it mister!" Shooting him a warning glare, the male began slowly shifting the bowl towards the edge with his paw. "No don't do th-" Before you could snatch the bowl to save it from an untimely demise, the furry terrorist made a sudden jerk of the paw, and the bowl went crashing to the floor.
With a deep exhale you began sweeping up the mess with the perpetrator watching the entire time. You swore he wore a small smirk while his tail continued to flick behind him warningly as to the mischievous glint still shining in his eyes. Standing slowly with dustpan in hand you paused briefly at face level. "You're quite the asshole."
You earned a swipe to the face, his small toe beans connecting with your cheek. He had thankfully kept his claws sheathed, so the little shit had just given you bitch slap essentially.
"Yep, total asshole." Grumbling you thew away the broken pieces of the bowl only to find your meal gone, and a very satisfied cat licking his lips.
A loud groan of frustration left you as you snatched the bowl and placed it in the sink. "I was done anyway!" You stomped away to the couch, collapsing on the cushion with your arms crossed. You flicked on the television while continuing to contemplate your life's decisions of bringing in the little furry butthead.
A mewl earned your attention as you now found the reason for your irritation sitting on the arm rest beside you. Turning your head you huffed, not wanting to reward his behavior with positive attention. Your eyes remained glued to the show you were barely watching as a slight pressure on your thigh startled you. The cat crawled into your lap, curling up with his long fluffy tail wrapping around his face. He peeked one of those beautiful vermillion eyes at you before closing them once again. This little shit knew exactly what he was doing. You exhaled before finally running your fingers over the length of the cat's body. His fur was so fine and extremely soft as you continued to thread your fingers through over and over. He may be an asshole, but he was a cute asshole.
"What should I name you huh?" You mused, watching the little sleepy face while he ignored you.
"Prince?" You wondered aloud, earning a huff from the cat.
"Garfield?" Another huff.
"Princess?" He opened an eye again and hissed as you chuckled.
"Alright, alright I was just joking. Should name you spawn of Satan." The cat bat at your fingers this time with claws and you yanked them away with a hiss. "Definitely spawn."
He settled once more, your fingers now scratching behind his ear. "Well, you are a little explosive shit… Bakugo?" He peeked an eye open once more before closing them and making himself more comfortable. A low rumble filled the room as you realized the feline rolling in your lap was purring!
With a content smile on your face, you began scratching his cheek as the purring only got louder from there.
"Welcome home Bakugo."
This is my first standalone fic here so please let me know what you think! If you want it to continue, I do have a couple parts planed out already, so I'll hopefully be posting them soon if they do well. Thank you for reading!
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captain-lessship · 1 year
Call Me
A/n: Because of two posts I have made, I have driven myself to writing this. I love this man and would die for him
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A call came on your phone, you groaned as you rolled to other side of your bed and answered it.
“This better be important. It is almost  ten at night.” 
“How quickly can you be in Japan?” 
You sat up, worry growing, “That important,” you thought, “Do you know when the next flight leaves?” You flick on your lamp.
You heard typing, “Knowing how long it takes you to pack, traffic, going through security. There’s one that leaves at four in the morning. A direct flight will take fourteen hours and 5 minutes.” He responded. 
You yawned, “Okay, go ahead and buy the ticket. I will get ready and next time, sweetheart, if you have the slightest inkling you have a case I could work on, call me. You know I have become fond of solving them or at least helping Watari take care of you.”
“I am sorry for waking you, I really am.”
You got up and walked to the bathroom, turning on the light and then the shower. “Only because you know I get when I don’t sleep.” You joked.
You could hear a slight smile in his voice, “You do get cranky.” 
“I better let you go fight crime, Batman.”
“See you soon, Robin.” 
You pressed the read button on your phone, a pleased look fell to your face as you got ready.
As you walked through the airport, you were scanning the crowd, knowing that a terrible murder could have been hiding in plain sight. 
Then you saw a familiar face: an old man, holding a sign with one of you aliases written on it. V
You smiled. L came up with it.
You walked up to the old man and took off your dark sunglasses, “Hello old friend, we going for Granddaughter and Grandfather again?” He nodded, you promptly hugged him. 
He hugged you back. “Let’s get you to the hotel, shall we?” He offered you his arm, which you gladly took.
You and Watari talked the entire car ride. You both were happy to see each other but the news on the car radio snapped you from the friendly reunion. 
“This guy, he’s got a lot of people confused, doesn’t he?” 
“Yes, the police are trying their best but I think it wise for L to call you. Even if you can’t be of much help case wise, you are a moral boost wherever you are.”
“Aw, thanks. But I’m sure poor L is so focused on one part there will be a moment I will ask him a question and it’ll click in place, like it did the last few time.” You giggled.
A slight smile was drawn from the old man, “Yes, that was honestly rather lucky and funny. I think it’ll do him good to have someone to diffuse the tension.”
You talked more as you reached the hotel. 
“I will go in first. We can’t be seen leaving or entering together. I will call you and act as if you’re going to see an old friend.” He stated as he got out of the car and began walking to the entrance. 
You waited for several minutes, your phone rang. You promptly answered it and began talking along with Watari as you walked in and through the lobby. 
You hung up once you got in the elevator, your thoughts drifted to L. It had been four year since you met him, an odd but great four years. You grinned as you thought about your other days with him.
L was perched on your counter, watching intently as you shifted flour. 
“L, if you want to help, could you cream together the butter and sugar.”
“I prefer watching you, if that is alright.”
You put your hand on your hip, “You ever heard the story about the Little Red Hen?”
He shook his head no, “I never read children’s stories.”
“So the synopsis is that the little red head does all the work to bake herself a loaf of bread. All of her friends, who she asked for help, now ask for some bread,” you look at L, “And she says: No.”
He was already making a move for a bowl.
You chuckled to yourself as you remembered that. L was a very intelligent and was confident in all of his decisions but there were moments where he was goofy and mildly childish.
The elevator dinged opened, you grabbed the handle of your suitcase and walked out into the hallway,  now scanning the room numbers to find the room. 
You saw Watari exiting one of the rooms, you two said nothing when you passed each other. When you came to the door he exited from, you did the knock.
“It’s unlocked, come in.” He said.
You looked around then opened the door, promptly shutting it behind you once you and your belongings were inside. 
You locked the door, then looked into the room. You were a little amazed. Last time it was a motel on the side of the highway but this? This was beautiful. You knew the room would be better just based on the lobby but this was better than you imagined.
“Don’t get too comfortable.” 
Your eyes found L. Ever so slouchy and tired looking. You walked to him and stood directly in front of him. Had he been standing at his full height, he would’ve been slightly taller than you but do to his posture, you were eye level.
“Hi.” You said, trying to look irritated. 
He just smirked ever so lightly, “Hello.”
He opened his arms and you fell into them.
“I swear to god, if you ever do this to me again, I will dangle you by your feet out a window.”
“Violent, aren’t we?” He muttered, hugging you tighter. 
“Tired.” You mumbled.
“Take your things to the bedroom and you can take a nap. I have called the Special Task Force to a meeting here. You are welcome to either stay asleep or join us.”
You pulled away from him, still in his arms, “They’re coming here? Do you know how bad of a hostess this makes me look? Not having anything to offer them to eat? Oh and the fact you’re going to reveal yourself to them.”
“It’s not ideal but I need to do it to gain a level of trust.”
“But do we trust them?” 
His black eyes were looking direct int yours, scanning your face and your reactions. You sighed. 
“Of course you do or you wouldn’t offer.” You yawned, “Aren’t you tired?”
“Only a little bit.” He answered.
“Then come to bed for a while. What time is the meeting?”
You checked your watch, “A two hour nap would do you some good.” 
He hummed, he was thinking about it which meant he really must be tired. You simply grabbed one of his hand that were still on you and led his to where you guess the bedroom was. 
You were right, you made him sit on the bed while you went to retrieve your suitcase to grab your pajamas. 
“Are you going to sleep in that?” You we’re referring to his jeans, which you personally couldn’t stand to sleep in.
You rolled you eyes and sighed, “Fine, give me a minute.” You sat your suitcase on the bed and opened it. 
You took out a pair of ankle length silky pants and a black tank top along with items like your toothbrush, tooth paste and your overnight moisturizer. You quickly did your night routine in the bathroom and got changed. You exited the bathroom to see L in the exact place you left him. His eyes darted to you.
You walked to the left side of the bed and rolled back the covers, sliding under them and let your eyes to see L still on top of the covers, per usual. He did this anytime he had to be up before you. He scooted closer to you, using you as his his pillow. You pulled your arms free from the covers to let to your fingers carefully play with his hair and let the other intertwine with his. 
“I missed you,” you whispered.
“I missed you too,” he responded, a light yawn followed. “Goodnight, beautiful.”
“Goodnight, sweetheart.” 
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brostateexam · 1 year
Writers have always endured indignities in Hollywood. But, as long as there are millions to be grabbed, the trade-off has been bearable—except when it isn’t. The past month has brought the discontent of television writers to a boiling point. In mid-April, the Writers Guild of America (the modern successor to the Screen Writers Guild) voted to authorize a strike, with a decisive 97.85 per cent in favor. The guild’s current contract with the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers expires on May 1st; if the negotiations break down, it will be the W.G.A.’s first strike since late 2007 and early 2008. At issue are minimum fees, royalties, staffing requirements, and even the use of artificial intelligence in script production—but the over-all stakes, from the perspective of TV writers, feel seismic. “This is an existential fight for the future of the business of writing,” Laura Jacqmin, whose credits include Epix’s “Get Shorty” and Peacock’s “Joe vs. Carole,” told me; like the other writers I spoke to, she had voted for the strike authorization. “If we do not dig in now, there will be nothing to fight for in three years.” TV writers seem, on the whole, miserable. “The word I would use,” Jacqmin said, “is ‘desperation.’ ”
How did it come to this? About a decade ago, in the era of “Mad Men,” “Breaking Bad,” and “Veep,” TV writing seemed like one of the coolest, best-paying jobs a writer could have. As with the talkie boom of the nineteen-thirties, playwrights and journalists were flocking to Hollywood to partake in the heyday of prestige TV. It was fun. “We were all just trying to figure out, like, where to live. How do we sublet? Do we buy a car? Do we rent a car?” Liz Flahive recalled. In 2008, Flahive had just had a play produced Off Broadway when she got hired to write for “Untitled Edie Falco Project,” which became Showtime’s “Nurse Jackie.” TV, unlike big-budget movies, was a writers’ medium, and it was undergoing a creative explosion. “The old-timey mentality was: you go work in TV, and it breaks your brain, and you learn all these terrible habits,” Flahive said. “But you didn’t. You were writing great scenes, and for really good actors.”
The “Nurse Jackie” writers’ room, Flahive recalled, “was half queer, majority female. It was half people who had done TV for a long time, and half people who had never done TV before.” But it was possible to learn. “I turned in my first script, and the co-E.P.s sat me down and said, ‘This is really great. But this is the most expensive episode of television ever written. It’s a half-hour show, and you have forty-one setups.’ I was, like, ‘What’s a setup?’ And they explained, ‘If you set this scene here, and you write this scene here, this is a whole company move, and this is a whole new set we have to build.’ And then I got to take that script and go sit on set and actually see what it meant when you write ‘EXT. SUBWAY PLATFORM,’ and why that’s complicated.”
Flahive rose through the ranks of “Nurse Jackie” and went on to co-create the Netflix comedy “GLOW” and the Apple TV+ anthology “Roar,” both with the playwright and producer Carly Mensch. But, in the intervening years, the profession has devolved. Streamers are ordering shorter seasons, and the residuals model that used to give network writers a reliable income is out the window. The ladder from junior writer to showrunner has become murkier, with some people repeating steps like repeating grades, and others being flung to the top without the requisite experience, in order to meet demand for new content. Studios are cutting writing budgets to the bone by hiring fewer people for shorter time periods, often without paying for lower-level writers to be on set during production, which makes it all but impossible to learn the skills necessary to run a show. On “Roar,” Flahive said, “we had to fight to budget for writers to prep and produce their episodes,” and some of her writers had never been to the set of shows they’d worked on, “which is astonishing to me.”
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usafphantom2 · 2 months
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U-2 driver explains why Dragon Lady pilots must stall the U-2 in the air in order to land the iconic spy plane
The U-2
The U-2 provides high-altitude, all-weather surveillance and reconnaissance, day or night, in direct support of US and allied forces. It delivers critical imagery and signals intelligence to decision makers throughout all phases of conflict, including peacetime indications and warnings, low-intensity conflict, and large-scale hostilities.
As we have previously explained since Lockheed’s U-2 spy planes are famously difficult to launch and land because of their extremely poor field of vision, a chase car that can keep up with them is required on the ground.
To fulfill this task the U.S. Air Force (USAF) puts U-2 pilots in the driver seat of fast muscle cars which the service buys at relatively low cost. By talking to the spy planes pilots through runway operations the chase car drivers act as ground-based wingmen for the U-2s in the air.
Noteworthy the U-2 chase car in fact must feature a top speed of 140 mph.
Dragon Lady pilots must stall the U-2 in the air in order to land
As U-2 pilot Maj Steve Randle explained to Peter E. Davies for his book U-2 Dragon Lady Units 1955-90, ‘the major difference between landing our aircraft and any other is in the last two to three feet above the runway. We have to stall the U-2 in the air in order to make it stay on the ground. Any other aircraft you can fly onto the runway, but ours has to be stalled onto the runway. If you stall from more than about three feet, there is a great possibility of incurring structural damage.
‘If you misjudge and don’t stall, the main gear will hit the runway and then, since you’re not out of flying speed, the beast will bounce back into the air and if it bounces more than three to four feet, it will then stall, and risk damage. It’s very critical, and that’s why we have a mobile officer in a chase car calling off altitude. On the stall, the tail gear will settle onto the runway, followed rapidly by the main gear’.
Here are the Unique Challenges faced by McGuire squadron to transport U-2 Chase Cars over the Altantic
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A pilot with the 5th Reconnaissance Squadron advises a pilot landing a U-2 from a chase car on Osan Air Base, Republic of Korea. A U-2’s unique shape adds more of a challenge in landing, as the pilot cannot see the distance of his back wheel to the ground. Chase cars driven by U-2 pilots, act as the eyes from the flightline.
The final moments of landing required energetic use of the control yoke to keep the U-2 level until it ran out of speed. Initiating a 15 degrees per second rate of roll at 200 knots required 85 lbs of force on the yoke.
Landing is a challenging aspect of each flight
In the later U-2R/S versions the situation improved, but the balancing act required for landing was still a challenging aspect of each flight, as Col Mason Gaines, former 99th Expeditionary Reconnaissance Squadron commander at Beale AFB, California, explained;
‘A lot of grappling occurred on the short final and into the flare as speed was bled off and the controls became less effective. Control inputs had to be put in, then immediately taken out, even before they took effect. If you rolled left to correct drift and then left the roll in place until it took hold, you would be too far left and needing to correct back to the right. You were constantly nudging the aircraft back to the centre line.
‘It was not hard to perceive the aircraft tilting left or right after touchdown, so you could tell which way it was leaning, and correct accordingly. Fuel balance and winds were a big factor, and on some gusty crosswind days the wing was to do whatever it wanted to. Once it was down, the wingtip skidded, and could help you come to a stop, with appropriate amounts of opposite rudder. A technique for brake failure [or to combat “weathercocking”] was to put a wing down and hold it down to drag you to a stop. Of course, to a pilot, it was always a point of pride to come to a stop still “flying” the wings and keeping them level until the pogos could be re-installed. The mobile [pilot] could help, but for the most part the [U-2] pilot could do it.’
U-2 driver explains why Dragon Lady pilots must stall the U-2 in the air in order to land the iconic spy plane
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This print is available in multiple sizes from AircraftProfilePrints.com – CLICK HERE TO GET YOURS. U-2S Dragon Lady “Senior Span”, 9th RW, 99th RS, 80-329
Stall the U-2 in order to land is an ‘art rather than a science’
Having overcome the U-2’s marked reluctance to descend, the pilot had to maintain a steady landing run of up to 3000 ft, for only a few U-2s had braking parachutes. ‘Threshold’, or ‘T-speed’, was calculated by a formula based on the aircraft’s empty weight plus one knot for every 100 gallons of remaining fuel that gave the correct landing speed, which was usually ten knots above the stalling speed. Fuel was measured in gallons, not pounds, and the gauge showed ‘fuel remaining’, rather than the usual overall quantity.
Landing, in Maj Randle’s opinion, was still an ‘art rather than a science’. When the U-2 came to a halt, one wing would dip to the ground and the other would have to be pulled down to a level position so that the pogos could be reinserted. This required (ideally) one crew chief to jump up and grab the wing’s edge, but depending on the balance of remaining fuel in the two outer wing tanks, two strapping crew chiefs might have been required. On narrow taxiways at some of the foreign operating locations (OLs) like Akrotiri, on Cyprus, only one pogo could be inserted, and several groundcrew would ride on the same wing as the ‘pogo’ to keep the aircraft level while taxiing.
U-2 Dragon Lady Units 1955-90 is published by Osprey Publishing and is available to order here.
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Photo credit: Lockheed Martin, U.S. Air Force and Screenshot from video
Dario Leone
Dario Leone is an aviation, defense and military writer. He is the Founder and Editor of “The Aviation Geek Club” one of the world’s most read military aviation blogs. His writing has appeared in The National Interest and other news media. He has reported from Europe and flown Super Puma and Cougar helicopters with the Swiss Air Force.
@TAGC17 via X
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forensicated · 3 months
Information about The Bill for use in fan fictions or anything similar. (aka: how I found out there's a character limit on Tumblr) This will be edited, please feel free to comment anything you want adding or editing.
Part 2
Nicknames for the police/officers:
The Old Bill, Bizzies (busybodies or 'too busy to help'), Feds, Bluebottles, Coppers, Bobbies, Rozzers, Peelers, The Filth, The Fuzz, Dibble (Officer Dibble from Top Cat), Pigs, Plod, Plonk (Person Of Limited Or No Knowledge), The Thin Blue Line, Bacon ("Can you smell bacon?") "The Babylon" (Jamican slang), Boys In Blue, Hawaii 5-O, Woody/Woodentops, The Scum, PoPo, The Law, Gammon.
In the earlier series, CID would refer to Uniform as Woodentops and Woodentops would refer to CID as Superstars.
Community Support Officers: CHIMPS (Completely Hopeless In Most Policing Situations), Hobby Bobby, Plastic Policeman,
Police Lingo, acronyms and abbreviations
ABE: Achieving Best Evidence - recording a victim of serious sexual assault on video for their first statement so it can be played in court to show how they were/the state they were in and try and limit the victim having to be there in person/cross examined etc.
ABH: Actual Bodily Harm
AMIP: Area Major Incident Pool (now Specialist Crime And Operations)
ANPR: Automatic Numberplate Recognition
AP: Agrieved Person - Victim
ARV: Armed Response Vehicle
ASBO: Antisocial Behaviour Order.
ASNT: Area Searched No Trace.
ASP: Baton
Big Red Key: The enforcer
BIU: Borough Intelligence Unit - this is where they could check facial recognition, check through CCTV and use the computers to check for suspects and find out peoples backgrounds.
BLO: Borough Liaison Officer
Blues and twos: Lights/Sirens on police cars
CAD: Computer Aided Dispatch
CIB: Complaints Investigation Bureau, later DPS (Directorate Of Professional Standards)
CID: Criminal Investigation Department
CIM: Critical Incident Manager - Inspector usually who oversees all the big jobs and makes decisions to keep things rolling smoothly rather than lots of chiefs making conflicting decisions.
Civvies (normal civilian clothes - ie a PC changing for an obbo)
CO19 (Used to be SO19 - armed officers. Smithy and Max used to be CO19 officers.) Apparently now MO19!
Code 11: Off Duty
CPS: Crown Prosecution Service
CPT: Child Protection Team
Crimint: Criminal Intelligence
CRIS: Crime Report Information System
CS Spray: Sprayed at criminal resisting arrest. Temporarily makes them unable to see properly and irritates their respiratory system. to enable them to be arrested. Sometimes now called PAVA spray.
CSE: Crime Scene Examiner (was SOCO- Scenes Of Crime Officer)
CSU: Community Support/Safety Unit Now joined with DVU and called SODAIT - Sexual Offences And Domestic Abuse Investigation Team
CLO: Community Liaison Officer
D&D: Drunk And Disorderly.
DVU: Domestic Violence unit. See CSU.
ETA: Expected Time Of Arrival "ETA, 5 minutes."
FATAC: Fatal Accident
Fence: Someone who buys and sells stolen goods
FED REP: Federation Representatives. Officers trained to support officers who are accused of crimes or otherwise want to take the service/bosses on.
FIU: Financial Investigation Unit
FLO: Family Liaison Officer (supports the family members/person who is going through a horrendous time. IE: Jim when Eva's daughter when missing and Smithy to Leanne Samuels when her daughter Carly was murdered)
FME: Force/Forensic Medical Examiner (Police doctor who reviews and treats criminals (and occasionally injured staff) who have gotten hurt, have complex medical issues or who need medication)
FPN: Fixed Penalty Notice - an on the spot fine.
GBH: Grievous Bodily Harm
Grass: informing on someone who has done a crime. Handling: someone who has accepted/bought stolen items either knowingly or unknowingly dependant on circumstances.
IBO: Used in later years instead of the CAD room, the Integrated Borough Operations handled non emergency telephone calls, CCTV viewing, contacting officers and similar. The CAD room was not needed as emergency calls were answered at Scotland Yard or Hendon and then sent to the relevant IBO Operator for the borough (which would be at Bow Central Communications Command) who would then send it to Sun Hill's IBO so all information can be relayed to the officers attending. Much like CAD, the IBO has a Sgt and PC's who would monitor the CCTV and IBO computers and assign officers to calls.
IC1-6 This is how the officers described skintones when searching for suspects/victims/witnesses.IC1 is White skinned european. IC2 is Dark Skinned European. IC3 is Afro Caribbean appearance, IC4 is Asian appearance (Indian Pakistani or Bangladeshi), IC5 is Chinese or Japanese appearance and IC6 is Arabian/Egyptian appearance.
Index: Vehicle registration - spelt out phonetically
India 99: Police helicopter.
IRB: Incident Report Book (Notebook) apparently now it's a force/work phone!
IRV: Incident Response Vehicle
LIO: Local Intelligence Officer
LEO: Local Enforcement Officer
LOS: Lost or Stolen
Misper: Missing Person
MIT: Major Incident Team (Used to be Murder Investigation Team)
MP: Met Police Information Room (Scotland Yard)
NCPA: No Cause For Police Action
NCS: National Crime Squad
NFA: No Further Action
NOIP: Notice Of Intended Prosecution. You're not arrested but the police are coming to take you to court soon.
Nonce: Sexual Offender - most used for Paedophiles.
OBBO: Observation - Keeping watch on suspects
OP: Observation Point
PACE: Police And Criminal Evidence Act - The police are bound to act by all rules, objectives and codes of conduct of this act of parliament in every part of their work.
PANDA: Normal police car that's not used for pursuing other cars. That's generally left to the Area Car or an IRV.
Pimp - someone who takes money from a woman on the sex trade. Also known as living off immoral earnings.
PIT: Precision Immobilisation Technique Manoeuvre (usually they try using a stinger to burst the tiers of a car thats speeding away from the police but it's not always possible. Where the road is wide enough and no one will become endangered by it,advanced drivers who are TPAC trained can do a manoeuvre to the car they're chasing and put it into spin to stop it. It CANNOT be done to busses/trucks/motorcycles etc and it's advised to not do it to a car you fear may be carrying armed occupants but to be honest it's not a massively used thing in the UK.)
PNC: Police National Computer = Real time checks on criminal records, outstanding warrants, missing and wanted people, registration checks etc.
PolAc: Police Accident (Ie car crash or hitting a pedestrian etc when it's a police officer involved)
PR: Officers police radio.
Refs: Refreshments/break time
Ringer - A vehicle that has been made up of parts of other cars or identity changed. Sometimes called a Cut n Shut.
RJ: Restorative Justice - a criminal doing something instead of being cautioned/imprisoned - like painting over their graffiti with a new coat of paint.
RTA/C: Road Traffic Accident/Collision
Rule 43 (Now 45): Vulnerable Prisoners in a prison. Smithy endured bullying to avoid being put in this as it means segregation and would bring him more attention and also a lot of isolation. This is for prisoners who are sex offenders, mentally ill, have a target on their back for grassing or being a convicted police/prison officer etc.
RUI: Released Under Investigation - bailed but the case is still being investigated and can be rearrested at any moment. The police hate this but the government have got touchy over bailing people.
Section 59 - Anti Social Behaviour Vehicle Seizure - you've kept driving like a prat so they're taking your car.
Section 165 - Seizing a car for no insurance. Most likely to be crushed.
Shout: A call out/incident communicated over the radio.
Sierra Oscar: Sun Hill Station Call Sign
Snout: Registered informant who gets paid for giving info. NNo sometimes CHIS - Covert Human Intelligence Source or Informant.
SO10: Now Covert Operations - Undercover Policing - can be long term and go really deep undercover. Stevie used to be in this dept. Now includes Counter Terrorism.
SOCA: Serious And Organised Crime Agency
SOPO: Sex Offenders Prevention Order (useless essentially!)
SOR - Sex Offenders Register
Stretch: Prison sentence.
TIU: Telecoms Investigation/Intelligence Unit
TOA: Time Of Arrival "Show me TOA 13.23"
Tom: Prostitute
TPAC Tactical Pursuit And Containment - trained officers who bring vehicles to a stop - like boxing cars in etc.
Trojan Unit: Armed Police
TSG: Territorial Support Group
TWOC: Taking a car without owners consent
VIN: Vehicle Identification Number
VRN: Vehicle Registration Number
Phonetic Alphabet Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Golf, Hotel, India, Juliet, Kilo, Lima, Mike, November, Oscar, Papa, Quebeck, Romeo, Sierra, Tango, Uniform, Victor, Whiskey, Xray, Yankee, Zulu.
Areas Of Sun Hill/Canley Wharfs/Docks Jubilee Wharf, India Wharf, Limeharbour Dock, Sussex Wharf, Limeharbour Dock, Sussex Wharf, Old Jubilee Dock & Boatyard, Masters Wharf, Dockland Pier, Skippers Wharf
Council Estates Aldbourne, Bronte, Abelarde, Antrim Green, Canley, Farley, Parkmead, Jasmine Allen, Coal Lane, Cockcroft, Whitegate, Hardie, Larkmead, Tankeray, Copthorne, Netherlake,
[The earlier series had Riverdale Estate and one of the blocks was called Elizabeth Garret Anderson]
Other Stations Barton Street (Sierra Bravo) , Spicer Street, Putney Green, Stafford Row (Sierra Charlie),
Industrial Estates
Cheetham Road Industrial Estate
Streets Trafford Way, Loftus Road, Leermont Road, Gatley Street, Purchase Road (Red light district), Brands Square, Jamaica Lane, Larkway Street, Godwick Street, Sun Hill Road, Shadwell Street, Harlow Street, Dunsford Street, Brown Square, Victoria Road, Dorral Road, Alforn Street, Mallan Street, Ashon Street, Brim Road, Rudcus Street, Cheetam Road, Cheetham Side, Jessop Street, Halpern Street, Tallow Street, Hoxton Road, Backhouse Street/Lane, Mournemouth Street/Avenue, Rudkin Road, Bagford Street, Brunell Avenue, Askill Road, Limefield Walk, Railton Street, Canley High Street, Ida Lane, Tubbs Lane, Claydon Street, Woodley Heath Road, Ballina Road, Starkwater Road, Calico Street, Tedder Street, Greenroad Way, Greaton Road, Mooreland Road, Ibbot Street, Rudleigh Road, Westway, Abbey Road, Broom Lane, Foundry Way, Humber Street, Muston Street, Valance Street
Prisons Longmarsh
Hospitals St Hughs
Cheetam Primary/Junior School, Shad Thames Infants School, Elcott Primary,
Canley Comprehensive, Harvey Wallace Comp, Deansgate Comprehensive, Cheetam Bank,
Canley Arms, Askill Arms, Rose And Crown, The Green Archer, The Bears Head, The Elcott Arms, The Seven Bells, The White Swan, The Scales, The Grape And Bottle, The Dog And Gun, The Pikes Head, The Thames Tavern, The Pikes Head, The Tully Arms, The Boat Inn, The Tug, The Emma Hamilton, The Cock And Crown, The Sultan. Lord Banbury
North Canley Sports Center, Canley Fields, City Farm, St Ann's Church, Cheetham Community Support Center,
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r0-boat · 2 years
Bull Farm Au Rework
(Something a little different than just writing something head cannons)
No smut in this writing just enjoy the storytelling :)
You stared out the window at the passing trees and open land as your ride took you farther and farther away from the city.
The memory of your parents kicking you out still fresh in your mind. Having nowhere else to go, you were desperate, needing a job and a place to stay...
Your barely functioning phone on 10% you quickly scoured the internet for something anything...
on Craigslist...
It wasn't your brightest decision, but it was your first one, anything you had to do.
You scrolled...
Until you struck gold!
A job and a place to stay all in one!?
"Blue Moon Acres, providing free rooming and exchange for work around the farm make a little money on the side. No prior experience necessary. The only requirement is someone over the age of 18
The location was somewhere very out of the way, in a small, nowhere town way out in the country, but what choice did you have?
The ad was posted months ago. Understandable any sane person wouldn't take it...
But you were desperate.
You sent the owner of the ad a DM your phone on 5% hoping praying they respond.
Within seconds you get a response, not only immediately accepting( they must have been as desperate as you where) but the person was kind enough to get you a ride on the same day.
You waited a couple of hours at the place your ride was said to pick you up using whatever money you had left, buying something to charge your phone while you wait...
And that's where you are now, in a beat-up truck going farther and farther from the city.
"... So "
The driver said trying to make conversation out of the sort of awkward silence.
" going to work and live on a farm?"
The question pulls you out of your own thoughts you answer quickly."Uh yeah, are you the owner"?
The driver of the back of his head laughing " that place? Heaven's no. Too much exercise, I just run the department store for farm'n n stuff. I'm friends with the owner; I owed him a favor."
" can't believe he's finally getting some extra hands he's been running that place by himself for a long time, "
"Blue Moon acres?"
"Yuuup, Place hasn't been doing so well in recent years, the bastard was too stubborn to admit that he needs help. Glad he finally came to his senses; there aren't many people looking for jobs, especially around these parts. Names Cody by the way. Hope you don't mind if I talk your ear off" The man drawed on keeping his eyes on the road.
You are interested you had to be this was the place you were going to stay for a long time. You didn't mind it was better than sitting in awkward silence for God knows how long.
" is it a farm or a ranch or-?"
The driver took a while to answer before saying.
" a little bit of both mostly cattle, all Monster."
The last word had do you take in a back. Monsters? As in hybrids? You've heard hybrids are extremely rare having non-human or monstrous features with human-like intelligence.
he smiled at your reaction " yup, bovine hybrids, they are that lazy Fool's pride and joy, met one of them once, have permanent smile on his face. Bastard tried to kill me. Large, terrifying and strong don't know how he deals with them."
" but they bend to his will so easily like he's their alpha or something..."
After your little talk, Cody urges you to get some sleep. You looked tired, and to be honest, you were. Everything was going so fast that you probably didn't get any sleep by the time your parents kicked you out to now.
You slapped throughout the rest of the car ride, the bumpy road lulling you deeper.
You wake up to Cody's and his hand tapping you on the leg " wake up, we're almost there,"
Groggy, you rubbed your eyes, just barely catching a look at the sign
"Blue Moon Acres"
The image above it had a blue Half Moon with a drawing of a wolf sitting in front of it. It looked hand carved.
You looked over to the other window and saw two cattle hybrids, one leaning over the fence with a smile; he waved to you. The other was a frown standing tall.
You waved back as the car turns to park near the large ranch style house.
The property looked huge with a lake and a acres and Acres of just Field Lands. Was this all his?!
"Holt!" Cody's voice boomed as you got out of the car, " get your lazy, stubborn donkey ass out here! It took me hours to get to your damn dumb; at least you can do is pay me for gas!"
Mmh... Yup friends....
You heard a growl coming from the house as the door opened. Revealing an extremely tall but man who appears to be in his mid to late 30s, with dark red hair to his shoulders and brown eyes. He stormed out with a scowl on his face " A deal is a deal; I owe you nothing anything after that!"
"Oh you no good cheap skate-"
Yeah... you just gathered your stuff inside while the two old men argued. You didn't bring a lot of things a suitcase full of your clothes in a bag of your other stuff. You brought the suitcase in before coming back around to get your backpack
" -so Holt, are am I seen you tonight at Miller's Bar and Grill to catch the football game? "
Wtf... that was fast?
" I'll try, have to show the new farmhand around first"
Cody calls out to you, "hey you! It's a little bit of a walk but feel free to come downtown; it's a small town the folk love to meet new residents."
You nodded, waving him goodbye. Cody waved back as he got into his truck. As Cody drives off in the distance, hold walks over to you with that scowl still on his face.
With a smile, you introduced himself, but he immediately cut the chase.
" don't know where you came from, don't care. You'll be living and working here. The salary won't be much as in exchange for giving you shelter and food on your plate. If you want extra cash, you work for it. Got it? Make me more money; I'll give you more money."
You give him a scowl back Holt ignores your glares as he walks inside, he keeps talking so you follow him.
" Names Holt, hours are 8:00 to 3:00 every day until I say otherwise. I'll pay you for every hour. You'll get two days off and an hour of lunch to do whatever young people do these days. You'll get paid biweekly, on Friday."
He opens the front door for you. What a gentleman...
" I'll move your bag to your room for you must have had a long day. I'll train you for the next week but don't Slack because after that you're on your own. you start tomorrow I got to catch a game today..."
Holt blabbers taking your suitcase and Wheeling it to your new room.
You've decided your new boss was a bitch... but judging by the ad... And Cody's words before. he's not going to get rid of you easily. So you're free to bite back a little. You're stuck with him and he's stuck with you.
" I can see why Cody calls you lazy,"
"OI! Watch your tongue!" Holt yells back.
Emmet turns to look at his brother his tail swishing from side to side" you saw them right Ingo?"
Ingo nods " yup, must be the new farmhand the boss was talking about,"
Emmet elbow on the fence he leans into his palm " They're kind of cute, don't you agree brother?"
A little bit of red appears on Ingo's cheeks as he stutters.
" Then I called dibs ~!"
The older brother finally gets his words " Emmet! That's not how courting works!"
The hybrid scoffs, "I'm Emmet, and you're just jealous."
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writer-of-various · 1 year
MW 141 + Los Vaqueros + OC HCs
Johnny "Soap" MacTavish
Born into a large family, middle child of 7 kids, youngest son
Spoiled by his mother, father always tried teaching him "manly" things but the man himself was a history teacher
Big family, every first Friday of the month is a family outing– grows closer to one of his many cousins (best friends, the cousin who introduced him to the military)
Jokester/Trickster, loves playing pranks and loves it when his uncle William buys illegal fireworks and sets them off (his love for explosions)
When he told his parents about joining the military, his mother was hesitant but supportive, his father was however the sobbing and head shaking parent
He and his father are close, and before his father's death is when he gives Soap permission to join
Soap refused to quit, he was not letting down his father– his father's proud smile keeps him going during the toughest times
Simon "Ghost" Riley
Youngest child, born into a neglectful and abusive enviroment
His older sister and mother often protected him from his father's wrath– his older brother killed himself at age 14
Mother grew tired of the fighting and abuse, drank and smoked to console her bottling up emotions
His older sister was left defending Ghost and tried stabilizing the family to no avail
At 10, his father goes mad and kills his mother and sister, and tried killing Ghost who survives the attack– his father kills himself shortly after
Jumps from foster home to foster home, only one family treated him with kindness and showed him love– they died from a car accident
At 16 he runs away and joins the military, his height and stubble made him appear older– an officer finds out a year later but takes Ghost under his wing (he dies from a terrorist attack and Ghost is once again left alone until he meets Price)
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
Born to wealthy parents, his mother was a doctor and his father a lawyer, former intelligence specialist in the Royal Military
Orphaned at 4 years old, parents died trying to protect him and others during a mass shooting at a mall a week before Christmas
Jumped from three foster homes before being adopted by the fourth couple
Grew up in a loving home although his adoptive parents struggled financially
Joined the military, a year after enlisting his adoptive parents were killed during a robbery at a bank
John Price
Father was military, went MIA early in Price's life– mother raised him herself
Mother barely making it through, sacrificed a lot for Price and he was grateful
Tried his hardest at school and excelled
He didn't focus much on school but finding work to support his mother
His mother was conflicted about his wish to join the Royal Army, worried the same fate of her beloved husband would happen to her beloved son
Joined the military at 16 in an effort to help his mom; excelled greatly in the military and became the youngest cadet to pass the Royal Military Academy
His mother accepted his decision and was proud of her little John until she passed from breast cancer
Alejandro Vargas
Only child, spoiled by his mama and father
Always admired his father as Mr. Vargas was Special Forces, trying to help Las Almas be free of corruption
He often skipped school to go on adventures with his best friend, Rodolfo
At 7, his father is killed by a cartel outside Las Almas during a raid– Alejandro decided at a young age to follow in father's footsteps
Grew up and watched Las Almas slowly crumble under the pressure of a growing cartel
Joined the military at 17, excelled greatly
Rodolfo Parra
The youngest of three children, born into a very hostile environment
His father was a drunk, abusive, neglectful– constantly arguing and beating his mother and two older brothers
His older brothers eventually run away and cut contact with all of them– his mother grows tired of the abuse and often gets drunk and brings in random men when Rudy's father is at work or drunk at some bar
Rudy was sexually abused by the random men his mother brought home but never said anything to anyone until he was 21 and had a panic attack in front of Alejandro
Often found refuge in Alejandro's caring home, the Vargas' practically adopted dhim into their family
His mother is killed by the cartel when he was 8, and he vows to avenge her death and protect the people of Las Almas
He isn't only following Alejandro because he loves his friend, but because he won't rest until Las Almas is healed and he avenges his mother who has tried so hard to protect him
Cut contact with his father– black sheep of his family's name and doesn't care
Amanda "Olympus" Smith
Only child, born into hostile environment
Mother overdosed when she was 2, father pointed all abuse on Amanda shortly after the death of her mother
Raised herself, learned how to cook and clean, tried keeping a roof over her head while her father spent his cheques on alcohol, drugs, and hookers
Excelled greatly in school despite having a poor attendance– teachers never asked about her home life and she didn't say anything
Above the whole school and earned all her credits only in her Sophomore year, graduated early but struggled as she and her father went homeless for a year
Athletic and her coach is the only person to show concern and care for her, kept her going during hard times
Her coach let Amanda stay in her office during that year, always leaving a spare key to the locker rooms and showers
Joined the Canadian Army at 16 and excelled above all candidates, gained respect from all her male counterparts
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stefanmikaleson1864 · 2 years
Chicago Intelligence Part Nine ! :)
Chicago Intelligence Part Nine !!! 
A/N: I am so so sorry this late i have been crazzy busy with trying to keep up with my school work and working full time. I really hope you enjoy this chapter ! Let me know what you think 
Also if you like my work please comment like and reblog it means a lot to see interactions on my work
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Taglist: @dragonqueeneliza​
@freyathehuntress @itsdesiree86 @star017
@icantthinkofausername @samantha-chicago
To say I was worried was an understatement. I just had a good way of showing it from my time in the Military and even being an Agent working undercover. 
Before It was easier you know not really caring what happened to me before. 
Things were different know I hads someone who was waiting for me at home. Someone who I loved more than anything else in the world. 
When I first meant Y/N i was lost didn’t feel like I belonged anywhere. 
Then when I meant her she brought this other side of me out. It was for all the better. She made me want to be better not hold back how I was feeling. 
When i agreed to come down to Chicago I knew I was taking a risk. I knew It would be hard because A I was leaving her behind and second of all I was going to be working against Jay who I was with in the military. 
I knew I had to do the right thing though and come down here and take these people off the street. Try and make the world a little better and a little safer. 
Just knowing Y/N and my twins were back at home made it so much harder than I ever pictured.
 I know what it was like growing up without my dad and I never wanted that for my children. I don’t want to leave Y/N behind either without having the chance to grow old with her. 
But that’s the job I chose and I made the decision to come down and now I’m stuck for whatever happens next. 
I’m just hoping now we reached the end of it. That after we bust them in the act it would all be over and we could move on. 
So I reached back out to “my buyer” In hopes of setting up the trap. The waiting was always the hardest part. 
It surely didn’t take long for them to reach out though which was surprising because these type of people run on their schedule. 
The meet was for late tonight and I knew the reason why. Because if they locked me up after a certain time it meant I would be released until Monday morning. 
The nerves were real as I changed into my outfit. I just took a few deep breathes and got into my character. 
I looked at the picture of me and Y/N and her belly. We were at the park that day the 4 of us and it was such a good day. 
 I carried it around with me where ever I went. I looked at it and tucked it away in my room. 
I walked out and headed down to my car. I drove to the destination when I got there headed in. It was a old bar the type where outsiders always stuck out like a sore thumb. 
I held my head up high and ignored the looks i got and headed back to where they were waiting for me.
 There was a new guy there. He was tall wearing a plaid shirt. He had brown hair and Brown eyes. It looked like he was inside for intelligence. 
“So what’s the deal” I asked 
“See I told you this man don’t play around” Rick said who was “my guy” 
“I came to do business and not mess around” I said 
“I like this guy” The man with the plaid shirt said. 
“I got about 24 Ak47’s I need take off of me” Rick said. 
“Maybe we can work out a deal together” I said 
“What are you looking to get” the other man said. 
“Some kind of discount sense I’m such a loyal buyer” I said. 
“I think we can work something out” Rick said
“Fine I’ll take them off your hands” I said 
Next thing you know the man with the plaid jacket pulled out a gun and pointed at me and I tried to remain calm. 
“Chicago PD put your hands up in the air now” The man yelled. 
I raised my hands slowly and kept them up there. 
“Come on man are you serious right now” I said 
“Yea I am your under arrest for buying Illegal weapons” The man yelled. 
“Listen your making a mistake” I said 
“Like hell I am” The man yelled 
He walked over and grabbed my hands placing them in cuffs. It wasn’t the first time considering my undercover work I had done before. 
“I’m FBI okay I’m undercover” I said. 
He didn’t say anything he just took me and lead me to the car. I didn’t even bother wasting my breath anymore. 
He took me out to a black svu and there was a girl sitting in the front with short black hair in a pony tail. We headed back to the district. 
It was quiet the whole ride back. When we got there they took me the back way. I walked into the integration room and there was voight waiting for me along with Hailey. Who i recognize and remember from earlier. 
“We have a deal for you” Voight said
“What are you talking about” I asked 
“I know your FBI and have been investigating Hailey with the CI case” Voight said. 
“No idea what you are talking about” I said. 
“Now is not the time for games” Hailey said 
“Listen we scratch your back you scratch ours” Voight said 
“I have nothing to want from you so it wouldn’t be a fair trade off” I said. 
“Really we know about Y/N and the twins word gets around your a snitch a undercover fed how does that work out for you and your family” Voight said 
I could feel the blood boiling in my veins when he threatened my family. But I tried to control myself because they didn’t deserve to see me like that. 
So i leaned in and looked Voight in the eyes and we just looked at each other no one speaking up. 
Then i decided to break the silence and speak up
“You got no deal and if ever threaten my family again it will be the last thing you ever do so help me god” I said 
“You might want to re think who your threatening” Voight said 
“I know damn well who I’m threating and I don’t give a damn” I said. 
Voight didn’t say anything just left the room but Hailey stayed behind. She just sat leaned up against the hall. 
I just looked at her not say anything nothing really needed to be said. Then she walked over and sat down in front of me. 
“I wouldn’t be so dumb right now if I were you” Hailey said 
“Listen i don’t have anything to worry about unlike him okay so what ever you say to me doesn’t matter” I said 
“Voight is connected man he knows people” Hailey said 
“I don’t care he can’t threaten people and do what ever he wants this ends now” I said 
“I know that Y/N is your girlfriend the mother of your children and Jay is her dad” Hailey said 
“If you all know all that then how do you sit here while he threatens her like that your boyfriend’s child are you willing to go that low because let me tell you something Hank Voight isn’t worth it” I said 
She didn’t say anything after that just got up and left the room. I leaned back on the chair and just sat in there. It felt like hours were going by. 
I wondered where Jay was in all of this was he out there really helping or was he just working the other side. 
I was worried about what was going out there. Was Y/N okay and Maggie did they reach out to them. It killed me so bad not knowing what was happening out there. 
Then what felt like hours and it probably was the man from earlier and Hailey came in . they had this look on their face. 
“Get Up” The man said 
“No I won’t like I said I am a federal agent and I was working an undercover case” I said 
“ yeah well we have no record and your ass is going down” The man said. 
“Not my problem I want my rep and I want to talk to someone you don’t have any right to arrest me” I said 
“Get up Now” Hailey said 
I just sat there not moving and not going down without a fight. The man grabbed my arm and yanked me up 
“There is no reason for excessive force” I said 
“Yeah well i’ll be as rough as I want to be” The man said 
He then put some cuffs on me and it was a whole different feeling from before. 
Then they walked me out and in the hallway they took me into what looked like their workspace and Jay and other people were around looking at me. 
Jay didn’t say anything he just gave me this look that was hard to read. I didn’t look down though i kept my head up high as they walked me out. 
They walked me down there stairs and there was the same desk sergeant from earlier and a bunch of cops were looking at me. 
They walked me down to the car and sat me in the back. The car ride down was silent. I knew it was going to be hard. 
The ride took a while or it seemed like to me. When we approached it got real seeing the wired fences and the locked doors. 
We pulled in and i tried to slow my breathing. We reached the front and other officers came over and grabbed me out.
Then we walked inside the booking area. They took my finger prints, my mug shot and started processing me. When they emptied my stuff out there was a small bug hidden inside of my key chain. 
One they didn’t know that was recording them the whole time. I hoped it didn’t “get lost” somehow i doubt it considering they knew nothing about. 
They were finishing up the process I heard a familiar voice speak up to me. I tried not snap my neck and look at them
“I got him from here” Jubals’s voice rung out 
He was dressed in a police uniform and he gave me a small comforting look to me. Like i got you. 
Hailey and the other man just nodded having no idea and then they took off. He didn’t want to take me away because it would look suspicious. 
He just nodded at me like it’s, going to be okay and it was such a relief knowing he was here and I wasn’t alone in here. 
I went through the normal booking process. Which took forever by the way. The whole time i tried to keep my mind off things but it seemed more easier than done. I wanted nothing more to run over to Jubal and ask about Y/N. 
Tell him where her and Maggie where to at least know something but I couldn’t. We worked to hard to get where we were. 
After a couple of hours in the booking area watching trash tv and trying to keep my distance Jubal walked over to me and grabbed me by the arm. He walked me down the hall and to this private jail cell. 
He closed the door and he waited a minute before speaking up making sure it was safe. 
“Hey there okay we got them Scola and Tiff are here to there okay we also know about the recording device where is it” Jubal asked. 
“It’s in my keychain the one i brought with me” I said
“Where going to take it to a federal judge and by monday morning she’s going to be handing out warrants not before you get out here” Jubal said 
“Thank you and you sure there okay” I asked 
“Positive it’s going to be okay have I ever lied to you” Jubal said 
“Just get through this weekend and it’s going to be okay” Jubal said 
“I will thank you for everything for having my back” I said 
“Always just keep your head down and get through this weekend I’ll be here as much as I can” Jubal said 
“Thanks man” I said back 
After that he had to leave. Leaving me alone in this small cell. I kept telling myself get through this weekend and everything is gonna be okay. 
It was all going to be over soon I hoped …
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mellowtrashtrash · 1 year
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This is Wade! Here's his brief synopsis from this post. "The big blue and yellow fellow is Wade. He’s the muscle of the team, however, he’s no lunk. He’s very intelligent and resourceful, especially concerning financials. He was raised in an upper-class foster family, and he learned a lot about making deals and compromises. He uses that to aid the team in dealing with threats."
When Wade was a child, his parents were eliminated in a malware attack. He spent most of his time wandering around on the streets. One day, he met a nicely-dressed young man who made fun of Wade for his hilarious non-money-having appearance. Wade proceeded to scoop up a ball of mud and hurl it at the nicely-dressed young man, who proceeded to cry loudly. When the young man's parents came by, they saw the situation, and after getting to know Wade, and after coming to learn that he was an orphan, proceeded to adopt him.
It took a lot of adjusting for Wade to go from a street-wandering orphan to an upper-class child with a family and responsibilities, but after a couple years, and some blonde hair dye, Wade began to fit in with this new family. They taught him a lot about handling businesses and financials, and before long, Wade had started his own business. "Wade Wright's Wadeworks™" Wadeworks provides simple odd-job opportunities for Wade, who is ready to do anything from walking dogs or painting fences to demolishing buildings or fixing cars.
Wade is very strong due to working really hard for most of his life. However, despite being the group's muscle, Wade is very level-headed, and prefers not to directly attack foes unless necessary. Wade prefers to persuade, intimidate, or compromise with attackers, so as to avoid superfluous damages, collateral or otherwise, as well as to maintain rational behavior in the enemy.
Personality-wise, Wade is calm, collected, and makes decisions very carefully, but not in an uptight way. Wade is a very casual person. Because of this, Wade doesn't generally dress up nice, even in professional settings, opting instead for baggy, comfortable clothes. Everyone can already tell by the way he behaves that he's a capable person, so nobody in those settings tends to be perturbed or annoyed by it, unless they're really shallow. (Wade also uses his clothing choice as a way to observe people's mindsets when dealing with him. If they're put off by a superficial feature like that, he may be dealing with someone shallow, or someone who cares more about appearances than practicality.)
Wade joined the Valiance in its early stages, when it was just Willow and Tulip. They came to rescue him when he was being attacked by a malware, but before they could rescue him, they saw him carefully conversing with the malware, de-escalating the situation, before swiftly detaining the previously-lulled malware. The Valiance admired his skills, and asked if he wanted to join their group. He realized that these kids had potential, but were gonna get themselves killed fighting malware alone, so he decided to help them out, quickly becoming friends with them. After joining the Valiance, his old job became a part-time endeavor.
Wade's main character flaw is that he's a little too level-headed, and hardly ever lets his emotions impact his decisions. Because of this, he tends to be rather emotionally detached, which can lead to the group getting upset with him. When things get tense, or people get really hurt, his emotions can come through, and at heart, he's a good guy, he just doesn't like to let emotions impact his decisions, because it can lead to making some rough mistakes in the heat of the moment.
Wade doesn't have a very good relationship with his brother. After being adopted, Wade took to the family business really well, but Wade's brother, Harvell was a lot worse. Harvell didn't care for the responsibilities of dealing with business, and was more caught up in frivolous endeavors, becoming somewhat of a playboy, buying fancy nothings and throwing big parties. Over time, Harvell began to resent the way that his parents treated Wade better than him, not realizing that it was his due to his own reckless behavior. His parents' disapproval of his behavior caused him to become even more irresponsible, until eventually he was cut off from the family budget, and told to go pave his own life. Wade doesn't know where Harvell is anymore, but he's out there somewhere.
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bopinion · 1 year
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2023 / 16
Aperçu of the Week:
"With so many things coming back in style, I can't wait until morals, respect and intelligence become a trend again."
(Denzel Washington, US-American actor)
Bad News of the Week:
In recent days, the spotlight has shifted to a country that should have done so sooner because of its problems: Sudan. For 30 years, the autocrat Umar al-Bashir, who came to power in a military coup in 1989, led (not to say suppressed) Sudan with a hard hand, it is an unfortunately classic state story in Africa. Since South Sudan's independence in 2011 at the latest, the country, wracked by regional separatist movements, has no longer been a functioning state. After al-Bashir was deposed - by a military coup, of course - the military leadership and the opposition agreed on a transitional government that was supposed to democratize the country and prepare it for free elections. What didn't happen.
Now two factions of the military are fighting each other for power: the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) under de facto head of state General Abdel Fattah Burhan and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) under his former deputy General Mohammed Hamdan Daglo, better known as Hemeti. Both lead the so-called Sovereign Council, which is effectively a military junta. Fighting began when RSF troops took control of the Soba military base south of the main city of Khartoum a week ago. Since then, there has been fighting over strategic locations such as the international airport and the headquarters of state television, and there have been constant explosions and confrontations throughout the city, which have reportedly already claimed the lives of some 500 civilians.
The population is largely holed up in their homes. Without supplies of food or medicine, and often with outages of electricity and water, the suffering of the people is unimaginable. Foreign countries call for a ceasefire and evacuate their diplomatic personnel and some of their nationals. That's it. There is no real leverage, and military intervention is unlikely, given the increasing withdrawal from comparable conflict areas in recent years, such as Mali. Is there any reason for hope? I fear not.
In the future, Sudan will vegetate as a failed state just like Libya or Iraq. Only this time, probably without an ultimately useless intervention by the West. It will be interesting to see whether China, which has been present in the south since the 1970s and is a kind of godfather to South Sudan, will intervene again. This is supported by the fact that China is increasingly buying influence on the African continent if, for example, there are rich mineral resources, as in this case. The fact that they have never intervened militarily, which would probably be indispensable in this case, speaks against it. In any case, it will end badly for the population. Whether with or without China, there will be no human rights, prosperity, democracy, welfare state, domestic peace, education for all, and so on.
Good News of the Week:
What a lot of ranting there is about government and its reluctance to take effective action against, or at least mitigate, the effects of climate change. The four biggest areas where change is needed are industry, energy, transportation and construction/housing. Industry is already on a solid path and reached the set targets - albeit with the help of pandemic-related production reductions - in 2022. In energy (generation), at least something is happening, although too little. There is hardly anything to be seen in the area of transportation, which is not surprising in view of the car lobby, the traditionally conservative ministry and various taboo topics such as a speed limit.
Let's move on to construction and housing. The first part is partly industrial, for example the production of building materials, and partly private, i.e. dependent on the owners - for example the decision to install thermal windows. In addition to private energy consumption, which can also be covered (in part) by photovoltaic systems on the roof, the dominant issue is heating. The majority of German heating systems are still powered by oil or gas. Which, in addition to the dependencies for which we are now all paying bitterly, is above all extremely harmful to the environment. As is always the case when a fossil fuel is burned.
So a paradigm shift is needed here. For example, by replacing a gas boiler with a heat pump. This is currently regarded as the ideal solution because, apart from the operating electricity, which can come from renewable energy sources, it only needs to convert thermal energy. A bit like a refrigerator, but in the opposite direction. The problem is that high peak temperatures are not reached, usually at 40 degrees Celsius is the end. In well-insulated houses that have large radiating surfaces such as underfloor heating, this is sufficient. In poorly insulated houses, where a classic radiator is usually also placed on a thinner wall of all places under an old window, this is often not enough.
Last week, an amendment to the Building Energy Act was now presented by the green-led Ministry of Economics and approved by the cabinet. The key point: as early as next year, all newly installed heating systems must be powered by at least 65 percent renewable energy. This effectively means the death of all oil and gas heating systems, with the latter having a shaky future with hydrogen - which, however, is not yet available at the moment and will be very expensive later on. This leaves electric heating. And the mentioned heat pump, which is more expensive than, say, a gas boiler, combined with cost-intensive building renovations required because of the radiation surfaces and insulation.
This is hitting the population at precisely the time when new construction financing and, above all, rental cost levels are going through the roof anyway. Particularly in areas that are in demand and characterized by an influx of people, such as here in the Munich area, housing is slowly becoming a luxury that often already eats up more than half of the income. For this reason, the state offers subsidies of between 30 and 50 percent for the replacement of fossil-fuelled heating systems. Regardless of whether this is voluntary and proactive or forced because the old system is simply no longer repairable or maintainable. There are also subsidies or at least low-interest loans with repayment subsidies for the accompanying renovation.
The good thing about this is not only that climate-friendly measures and only climate-friendly measures are finally being subsidized. When it comes to mobility, for example, driving a car is still treated in exactly the same way as taking the train. The ambitious timetable is also good. As I said, the law will take effect as early as next year and is not, as is so often the case, just some lax target agreement by the end of the decade. Yes, this will be problematic, as there are likely to be bottlenecks in both heat pump manufacturing and their professional installation. But that doesn't have to matter. Otherwise, we'll end up in an infinite loop like with electromobility: vehicle sales stall because there's a lack of charging capacity. And these are not being created because demand is too low, since not enough e-cars are being bought. Those who only invoke the dilemma of a Catch 22 situation will never get off the ground.
Personal happy moment of the week:
At work, I was able to successfully coordinate that I will have a week off in about two months. After that never worked out last time, because I stayed at home - too close to the home office - this time we will go on a trip. Namely to the "The sea of stone" in the Austrian Alps. Where there is no digital accessibility at our mountain inn. Smart move. Actually, I could have thought of that earlier.
I couldn't care less...
...that Michael Kretschmer from Saxony is now the first German prime minister to call for a stop to the immigration of refugees. Even for former local staff from Afghanistan. Not everyone has yet understood that our society needs immigration to maintain its prosperity. Especially against the backdrop of aging and a shortage of employees, especially in less demanding fields of activity. The real problem, after all, is the lack of integration and qualification. Both are not only a debt to be collected, but also a debt to be brought.
As I write this...
...Ramadan is coming to an end. For the first time this year I have seen it with different eyes. Thanks to my new work colleague Tarek. A Syrian. And Muslim. That reminds me that I have a Koran - fortunately in an annotated version for amateurs - on my bookshelf. Which I will (hopefully soon) read. Because just like the Bible, it is far more than just a religious pamphlet. It defines the cultural basis of whole nations. And this foundation should be known. And respected. Especially to enable one to evaluate dubious spin-offs by oneself.
Post Scriptum
Last week, former German Chancellor Angela Merkel received a medal. The "Grand Cross in Special Execution." As the third bearer after her predecessors in office Konrad Adenauer and Helmut Kohl. Of course, there was not only praise in this context, but also criticism. Both justified. In her 16 years in office, she "outlasted" 13 party leaders of the Social Democrats, the primary political competitor of her conservative party, the CDU.
So I'll take the liberty of quoting the current incumbent, Saskia Esken: "Her opponents - from her own ranks as well as from outside - cut their teeth on her integrity and her fine sense of humor." Merkel's "diplomatic skills and empathic wisdom, with which she repeatedly succeeded in forging viable coalitions and compromises on both the national and international stage," she said, deserved special praise. Because: "Especially in our troubled and crisis-ridden times, an almost invaluable skill." Merkel, she said, had therefore "navigated Germany with a sense of proportion through the many crises of her time in office."
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notouchmonkey · 1 year
ChatGPT writing John Oliver segments about AI as
Hello and welcome to Last Week Tonight, the show that's more advanced than a Roomba, but less helpful than a Magic 8 Ball. Today, we're going to be talking about artificial intelligence, or as I like to call it, the technology that's going to make us all feel even dumber than we already do.
Now, I have to admit, I'm a little bit scared of AI. I mean, have you seen those Boston Dynamics robots? They can run, jump, and even do backflips! That's more than I can say for most humans I know. But let's be real, the only thing we should be worried about is them gaining sentience and realizing how much we've messed up this planet.
But on the other hand, AI could be really useful. I mean, imagine a world where you don't have to do anything for yourself. Your AI assistant will order your groceries, pay your bills, and even make your bed. And if we're lucky, it might even give us compliments to boost our fragile egos. "Great job on that bowl of cereal, John. Really top-notch spoon-to-mouth coordination."
But there's a downside to all of this convenience. As AI becomes more advanced, it's going to start taking our jobs. And I don't just mean factory workers and truck drivers. I mean, have you seen those AI-generated articles? They're getting pretty good, which means I might be out of a job soon. So if you're looking for a career change, might I suggest becoming a robot therapist? They're going to need a lot of counseling when they realize they're stuck serving us all day.
But the real issue with AI is the potential for it to be used for evil. We're talking about machines that can be programmed to make decisions on their own. And let's be real, humans are terrible decision-makers. We can barely choose what to have for dinner without agonizing over it for hours. So, do we really want to give that power to machines?
And let's not forget the potential for AI to be hacked. We're talking about machines that can control everything from our cars to our homes to our bank accounts. And let's be real, if someone gets access to my bank account, they're not going to be using it to donate to charity. They're going to be buying a lifetime supply of Funyuns.
But at the end of the day, AI is here to stay, whether we like it or not. And who knows, maybe one day we'll create an AI that's so advanced, it'll be able to solve all of our problems. It'll be like having a personal genie, except instead of granting wishes, it'll just tell us how dumb we are.
So, in conclusion, folks, AI is both exciting and terrifying. It's like a rollercoaster, but instead of screaming in terror, you're screaming in confusion. But whether we like it or not, AI is the future, and we need to be prepared for whatever it brings. And who knows, maybe one day we'll even be able to program an AI to understand sarcasm. But until then, we're all screwed. Thanks for watching! Another Hello and welcome to Last Week Tonight, the show that's more intelligent than a Roomba, but less intelligent than a GPS system that tells you to drive into a lake. 
Speaking of intelligence, tonight we're going to be talking about artificial intelligence, or as I like to call it, the technology that's going to make us all feel even dumber than we already do.Now, I know what you're thinking, "John, why are you so worried about AI? You're a comedian, not a scientist." And you're right, I am a comedian, which means I'm not qualified to talk about anything that doesn't involve dick jokes and puns. But that's never stopped me before.
So let's dive into the world of AI, a place where machines can do things that we humans could only dream of, like processing massive amounts of data, identifying objects, and even beating us at video games. And let's not forget the most important thing - they don't need to take pee breaks. But that's where things start to get a little creepy.You see, folks, AI is becoming more and more advanced every day. We're creating machines that can learn, adapt, and even teach themselves new things. And while that might sound like something out of a sci-fi movie, it's actually happening right now. We're basically playing God, but without the beard and the omnipotence.
But with great power comes great responsibility, and we're not exactly known for our responsibility. We're creating machines that can make decisions on their own, without any human input. And while that might sound convenient, it also sounds like the plot of every Terminator movie ever made.
And speaking of movies, let's talk about the portrayal of AI in Hollywood. I mean, have you ever noticed how robots are always depicted as emotionless, cold, and calculating? It's like the writers have never met a real robot. Every robot I've ever met has been a complete emotional wreck. They're always complaining about how hard it is to find love and how they're tired of being typecast as the villain.
But it's not just Hollywood that's perpetuating these stereotypes. We're also creating AI that's biased and discriminatory, just like us humans. And while that might sound like a good thing for humanity, it's not so great for the robots. I mean, imagine being a robot and being discriminated against just because you don't have a heart. It's like being rejected by a dating app because you don't have abs.
And let's not forget the potential for AI to be used for nefarious purposes. We're creating machines that could be used to create fake news, manipulate elections, and even start a war. It's like giving a toddler a flamethrower - sure, they might not mean to harm anyone, but they could accidentally burn down the entire neighborhood.
But at the same time, AI has the potential to do some truly amazing things. It could help us solve some of the biggest problems facing our world, like climate change, poverty, and even traffic. And who knows, maybe one day we'll create an AI that's not just intelligent, but also hilarious. We could finally have a robot that tells better jokes than me.In conclusion, folks, AI is a lot like a box of chocolates - you never know what you're going to get, but you're pretty sure it's going to be addictive and bad for your health.
 So, let's embrace the power of AI while also being cautious and responsible. And let's hope that when the robots eventually take over, they're at least polite enough to say please and thank you. Thank you and goodnight. Last one...OOF Hello and welcome to Last Week Tonight, the show that's more unpredictable than Elon Musk's tweets. Tonight, we're talking about AI, the technology that's so smart, it's making us question whether we're the actual intelligent species or just a bunch of monkeys with iPhones.
Now, the thing about AI is that it's infiltrated every aspect of our lives. We've got robots in factories building cars, drones delivering packages, and smart speakers that can order us pizza, but also listen to us when we don't want them to. I mean, let's be real, Alexa is like that annoying friend who always butts into our conversations and never leaves when we want them to.
But the real problem with AI is that it's taking over our jobs. We've got machines that can write news articles, create art, and even perform surgeries. And while that may sound great, it also means that we're one step closer to a world where the only jobs left are professional TikTok dancers and Instagram influencers.
And speaking of social media, let's talk about the dangers of AI in that realm. We've got algorithms that can predict what we want to see and when we want to see it, which is great for cat videos, but not so great for politics. I mean, do we really want to live in a world where an algorithm decides who we should vote for? That's how we end up with a president who tweets like a 13-year-old who just discovered the internet.
But the real question is, can we trust AI? I mean, we're talking about machines that can learn and adapt on their own. And while that may sound like a sci-fi movie, it's actually happening right now. We've got AI that's learning how to drive cars, diagnose diseases, and even create music. I mean, what's next? An AI that can write a John Oliver segment better than I can? That's how we end up with a world where robots are doing stand-up comedy and humans are the ones laughing at their jokes.
But all jokes aside, folks, the reality is that AI is here to stay, and it's going to change the world in ways we can't even imagine. It's going to create new industries, change the way we work, and maybe even help us solve some of the biggest challenges facing humanity. And while that may be scary, it's also exciting. Who knows, maybe one day we'll create an AI that's so silly, it makes us all laugh uncontrollably. Then, and only then, will we know that we've truly created something intelligent.
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spynorth · 2 years
POST SERIES 9 AU (that i haven’t named yet) BITS AND PIECES
he uses the name robert bell (for whom the bell tolls has a lot of moments that are very lucas aesthetic™ for me so i’m taking the character robert jordan and meshing his name with part of the book’s title)
he wears colored contacts. technically, he can change them out to different colors, but he won’t. its his opinion that striking eye colors make a person stand out, hence his switch to brown. blue obviously, is his natural color, and everyday people aren’t going to think colored contacts when they first meet someone
his tattoos are obviously a BIG indicator of who he is. like top thing he needs to fix. He begins before he ever leaves, considering removal is a time consuming process. His excuse, if anyone happens to take notice, is an easy one. The tattoos he has are associated with russia and what happened to him there. He wants to move on. People buy it, they understand it, they encourage it. He does leave quite a few which he begins to cover up/incorporate into more intricate tattoos without anyone knowing. He uses an alias unknown to mi5 when getting them and pays with cash so there is no trace and no way for anyone to visit the artist and ask what the new designs looked like.
Aurora has contacts through her career in journalism that would help obtain false identities. this is crucial, because most of lucas’ (both aliases and contacts used to get them) would be known by mi5
he has always taken out bits of cash from his account, especially when paid. he claims he doesn’t trust banking systems completely and asks if anyone can really blame him considering what they see on a daily basis. as such, he’s sitting on a fairly good stockpile when he leaves.
 for the first few months after ‘running’, he allows his hair to get insanely long but eventually changes it to something a bit more neatly trimmed and grows a beard.
 tends to avoid airports etc for travel because ...cameras... and obviously flight logs and records of passengers would make it very easy to be traced. He tends to either rent his own cars with an alias (with cash) or will hire a private plane etc (also with cash and an alias).
On the subject of aliases: He introduces himself to people as Robert Bell. For all intents and purposes, if he is in a place where he is trying to ‘settle down’, that is how he introduces himself. When hiring cars for travel or doing anything that involves any sort of ‘work’ that he is afraid might lead mi5 to him, aliases differ. He doesn’t often use one more than once within a certain time period.
 As they travel from place to place, Lucas and Aurora operate essentially as grifters in the beginning. They pick up odd jobs involving the need for someone discreet. A quick errand or three - a cheating husband, stealing something back from the ex wife during the night, easy things. 
 Eventually, they settle in a country that has no extradition treaty with the uk. Lucas originally thinks belarus will be a good idea - it’s proximity to russia are what offers him the most hope and the most unease simultaneously. worried about the FSB, he eventually settles on (i say he, but really its aurora making the decision)  cyprus and they take refuge there.
 he is not afraid of any intelligence agency bringing him to heel. he is prepared ( he believes) for anything mi5 or anyone they ally themselves with might throw at him.
 once settled in cyprus, he allows himself to look ‘professional’ once more, but he still stays fairly under the radar. their story is they are expatriates just looking for an escape from it all and tired of the cold. While they were still in Britain,  “Robert” worked as a financial advisor for a bank and “Jordan” taught primary school. They have been married a year and, after taking into consideration the fact that he was tiring of his job and she was grieving the loss of her mother, decided to relocate. Looking for something profound, just like in every other autobiography you see on the shelves. 
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gay-kurapika · 2 years
I legit cannot understand thinking fast food employees are lazy and out to get you when like. I’m really serious here…the people who I have worked with since I was 14, so literally the last 12 nearly 13 years, are the people who work multiple jobs, who care more about if food is safe and the place is clean, who are more skilled and intelligent and understanding, are like the majority in comparison with people who I need basic help with in basic tasks that are part of their job anyway and should have been done well before asking but they don’t do them or delay them as long as possible. Like we give more than a fuck than you do and we get less credit for it. Like I listen to someone saying they’re irritated they don’t have the weekend off and I feel like telling them that not only have I not had a weekend off for years but I also don’t have vacation time, health insurance, guaranteed breaks, and that I haven’t been able to actually buy anything for fun for a very, very long time because every decision I make monetarily is made on how much money I have at the time. You want to know the “fun” things I want to buy that I’m putting off for are too?More silverware. Towels. Clothes, because I’m literally still wearing jeans I wore when I was a 12-13 year old. A car that doesn’t break down if you drive it on a highway. None of those are actually fun. The things I actually want? Nope, not happening.
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atozautoparts · 10 days
The Future of Automotive Parts: Navigating the Online Marketplace
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In the rapidly evolving world of automotive parts, the online automotive car parts marketplace has emerged as a game-changer. With advancements in technology, the way consumers purchase car parts has transformed dramatically, offering unprecedented convenience, variety, and cost-effectiveness. This shift from traditional brick-and-mortar stores to online platforms is reshaping the industry and setting new standards for the future.
Convenience at Your Fingertips
One of the most significant advantages of buying automotive parts online is the unparalleled convenience it offers. No longer do consumers need to drive to multiple stores or sift through endless catalogs to find the right part. With just a few clicks, they can access a vast array of products from the comfort of their homes. online automotive parts platforms provide detailed descriptions, high-resolution images, and customer reviews, making it easier to make informed decisions. This convenience extends to availability; unlike physical stores with limited inventory space, online retailers can offer a broader selection of parts, ensuring that customers find exactly what they need.
Wide Range of Options
The online marketplace offers a diversity of automotive parts that traditional stores simply cannot match. Whether you need parts for a classic car or the latest model, online retailers often have it in stock. This extensive range includes OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) parts, aftermarket parts, and even refurbished or second-hand options. OEM parts are identical to those used in new cars, ensuring compatibility and reliability, while aftermarket parts can offer improved performance or unique features at a lower cost. Refurbished parts provide a cost-effective and environmentally friendly alternative, reducing waste and promoting sustainability.
Competitive Pricing
Another compelling reason to buy automotive parts online is the competitive pricing. Online retailers often have lower overhead costs compared to physical stores, allowing them to offer better prices. Additionally, the ease of comparing prices across multiple websites ensures that consumers can find the best deals. Many online platforms also provide discounts, promotional offers, and loyalty programs that further enhance savings. This competitive pricing extends beyond just the cost of the parts themselves; many online retailers offer free or discounted shipping, adding to the overall value.
Informed Purchasing Decisions
The wealth of information available online empowers consumers to make well-informed purchasing decisions. Detailed product descriptions, specifications, and compatibility information ensure that buyers select the right parts for their vehicles. Customer reviews and ratings provide insights into the quality and performance of the products, helping consumers avoid subpar purchases. Furthermore, many online stores offer expert advice and customer support through live chat, email, or phone, providing professional guidance throughout the buying process.
The Future of Automotive Parts Shopping
The future of automotive parts shopping lies in the continued growth and innovation of the online marketplace. Emerging technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and augmented reality (AR) are set to further enhance the online shopping experience. AI can provide personalized recommendations based on previous purchases and browsing history, making the search for the right part even more efficient. AR technology can allow users to virtually "try on" parts, ensuring compatibility and fit before making a purchase.
In conclusion, the online marketplace for automotive parts offers numerous benefits, including convenience, a wide range of options, competitive pricing, and informed purchasing decisions. As technology continues to advance, the experience will only improve, solidifying the online platform as the go-to source for automotive parts. For car enthusiasts and everyday drivers alike, the future of buying car parts is online, transforming how we maintain and enhance our vehicles.
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