#Interactive Smart Board Finger Touch
staietech2 · 8 months
0 notes
mrwinterr · 9 months
Die Happy (Eddie Munson Version)
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Pairing: Ghost!Eddie Munson AU x Female Reader; hint of Steve Harrington x Female Reader
Summary: You summon a really friendly ghost. 👻
Warnings: Smut 18+ (consensual vibes all around, masturbation, vaginal fingering, oral? [female receiving]) and language. 🚫 Minors DO NOT interact. Dabbling into the occult (use of a Ouija board).
Disclaimer: I’m a spooky bitch, but I would NEVER mess with an Ouija board. This is an AU. The upside down and the events that happen in the series Stranger Things (2016) aren’t entirely canon here. 
Title Inspiration: “Die Happy” by Dreamers  
A/N: This is a re-imagine of my Ghost!Bucky Barnes AU from years ago, but I wanted to convert it to fit with our dear boy Eddie. It’s only altered to fit a different narrative, but the smut is still closely the same. The inspiration came from an erotic audio on Reddit, so I owe it to that. There was a part two in the works, so if this goes well, I’ll continue writing it for this AU. Enjoy!
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You sat there on your small couch of the trailer you had just moved into about six months ago, staring at the unopened brown rectangular box placed on your coffee table, contemplating on unboxing it. A part of you was scared to touch it again because of its contents and the other part was bullying you to just rip it open and get this over with. This was your idea after all. This was your last resort. This was the package that would, hopefully, help you find the answers you were so desperately looking for.
What exactly were you trying to solve? 
Six months prior, you’d managed to save up enough money to move out of your parents’ home, away from a superficial city and into a small, quiet town. Albeit a trailer wasn’t your first option, it was something you could call your own. It was the most adult thing you’ve done in your life so far. Initially, you were excited because you would be able to decorate it the way you wanted for every holiday, host small gatherings with friends and maybe even bring someone home. However, you couldn’t exactly do most of that, not with all the strange things that have been happening and while you attempted to brush them off as mere coincidences, they were becoming almost too outstanding to ignore any longer. 
First, it was the air conditioning unit acting wonky. You kept the place at a reasonable and comfortable temperature, but you found yourself often sporting hoodies or wrapped up in blankets. Never mind the breeze that blew past you here and there, the technicians couldn’t find a single problem with the system and besides whenever you scheduled a visit for inspection, it was magically working just fine. 
Next, much like the AC unit, the electricity started to have a mind of its own. Before you could flip the light switch or press the button on your remote, it was always one step ahead of you. It was almost like you were living in a smart house, but instead of acting on voice command, it read your mind.
The most bizarre thing though, was things disappearing and reappearing. Small things like the morning paper would vanish from where you left it and if you couldn’t locate where you last left your keys, you never had to search too far because there they were. Maybe it was all in your head? 
The eeriest one of them all was the unexplained smell. There was a distinct yet alluring scent that would trail behind when you felt that breeze pass over. You couldn’t pinpoint what it exactly smelled like, a composition of something woody with amber undertones that suggested a sense of strength and warmth from its presence. One thing was for sure, it wasn’t any like your fragrances nor was it from the only person that visited you. It was a pleasant odor and almost a calming one to you.  
You didn’t want to believe it, but these weren’t just common occurrences - these were tall tale signs of a haunting. You came to the conclusion you were living with a ghost. The spirit wasn’t vengeful, that much you gathered since it didn’t make attempts to harm you in any way. If anything, it helped you out more than bothered you. Sure you could just either ignore these oddities or move out, but you’d worked too hard to get here and you weren’t going to let whatever entity run you out of your new home. Instead, curiosity won the best of you and you opted to take matters into your own hands.
Pulling the Ouija board out from the box, you place it on the table and it seems to have a hold on you. How do you prepare yourself to summon a ghost? You don’t know how long you’d been staring but it was only when the sudden knock on your door does the spell break.
You get up and make the short distance to the front door and you’re briefly greeted by your close friend Steve. Your relationship with him was close to the point where you’re not even bothered that he just makes his way inside as if he lived here with you. He’s so busy rambling about something, probably about his latest shift at the video store he worked at, that he didn’t notice how uncharacteristically quiet you were being. 
“Whoa!” He exclaims, stopping in his tracks once he sees the Ouija board laid out. Its presence was enough to effectively cut his story short. “What are you doing with that?” He asks, pointing at the object and taking a few steps away from it.  
You roll your eyes, sitting back down and reaching into the box to pull out the remaining piece, the planchette. 
“What does it look like I’m going to do with it?” You say, staring up at him blankly. 
“Shit,” he starts, running his hands through his thick hair, “okay, uh, I knew you liked Halloween, but I didn’t think you were this spooky,” he says, his eyes bugging out in disbelief. 
He stands in place as if the items in front of you were cursed, but seeing that you hadn’t actually begun anything yet, there’s a bit of relief. You’re not deterred by the Ouija board at all. It had quite the opposite effect because you were all too fascinated with the supernatural. It was just wild that it was happening to you. 
“You really shouldn’t mess with that kind of stuff,” Steve warns as he cautiously makes his way back closer. 
“I don’t know why you’re so scared,” you respond, blowing him off and kicking the now empty box aside.
“And you’re not?!” He says incredulously, “trying to speak to the dead is not right!” 
Well, it certainly wasn’t normal, but so weren’t the things that were happening in your home lately.
“I need to find answers, Steve!” You bite back, the volume of your voice matching his, if not, louder. Your once calm demeanor switching to an intense one, cutting the tension of what you were going to partake in had brought about. You didn’t miss the hint his exclamations gave off and it bothered you. “What do you expect me to do? Continue living like this? I’m not in control of my own place.”
Oh yeah, he knew. Steve was the only friend you could confine in and the one person you could share your stories about your home and the experiences in it.
“You really think this place is haunted.” It comes off as more of a statement because he can see you’ve clearly made up your mind on how you’re going to prove this theory. He could see the inner turmoil you were facing and the vulnerability that cracked through your exterior after your outburst. 
“I’m not going crazy! And I certainly am not going to spend another fee on having a technician tell me there’s nothing wrong with the units again.” If the frustration wasn’t visible in your features, it definitely was in your voice. 
“Look,” Steve says, voice now careful, ”why don’t you just come spend the night at my place and we can think of another way to approach this?” You knew this offer all too well. It had always been on the table. When you decided to move to Hawkins and were looking for your own place, Steve had offered you a room, but you were hellbent on making it on your own. You were proud and independent…and weren’t sure about taking the next step with him. 
Steve was everything your past lovers weren’t and you while you both weren’t official, a couple of dates happened here and there, something was holding you back. You cherished his friendship so much and even though you'd both crossed so many lines already, a part of you feared crossing anymore would jeopardize it. Worse, what if whatever it turned out to be would just fail miserably in the end. Then where would that leave you both? He made it clear how he felt about you, but you brushed it off casually each time. Steve knew you simply weren’t ready and he was willing to wait. 
“Thanks, but I’ll be okay.” You reply, breaking away from seeing the look of concern on his face, the kind that made you feel guilty, and went back to fidgeting with the planchette in your hands. You knew he was a skeptic on these kinds of things and only worried for your safety. He’d always been protective of you and hated seeing you upset. 
The nights he had spent in your trailer nothing strange ever happened. It’s like these occurrences were only happening to you. Steve wasn’t sure if he believed in ghosts or not, but he wasn’t about to stick around and find out today like this. He knew that you could be stubborn, but there was only so much he could do to change your mind from where he stood and he just hoped he hadn’t lost you yet.
The crack of thunder in the sky, slightly rattling the trailer, indicated a storm was coming and you took that as an excuse to convince Steve to leave for the night. You didn’t want to fight with him about this. The few times you did talk about a possible haunting were just humorous conversations to Steve, but you were always being serious. It was evident that you two were not on the same page. 
“You should probably start heading home before the rain comes,” you advise, standing up , walking over to the front door, hoping it’d sway him, but he knew what you were doing. Steve wasn’t mad. He knew you weren’t going to change your mind this time, but he could be patient. He was always very patient with you.
He reluctantly nods, defeated, before following your lead. “I’m coming back first thing in the morning to check if you’re still alive though,” he jokes, before pulling you in for a hug and kissing the side of your head. His words elicit a light chuckle from you, but it mostly muffled against his biceps. You bask in the warmth of his embrace for a few lingering seconds, inhaling his fresh, clean scent, one that was a complete contrast to the one you were used to smelling inside your trailer, before pulling away and playfully shoving him out the door. 
As soon as his car disappears from the end of the street, you jump, head snapping at a sudden crashing sound from the kitchen area. You make your way in that direction to find the mug gifted to you, on your last birthday from Steve, shattered in pieces all over the kitchen floor. The last roar of thunder must’ve been a strong one or the elevation of the shelf had been slightly off or maybe the house just didn’t like Steve… You shook your head at that last silly thought and sighed preparing to clean up the mess. 
The gloomy weather quickly casted a blanket over the once clear sky and with the sounds of the fast raindrops against the windows and pavement, the lag in thunder chasing the flashes of lightning, you didn’t waste time on the mission.
What better time than now? It set the mood. Were you scared? You weren’t sure. You were already convinced you were living with something so what could’ve been scarier than that. You didn’t ponder long enough to think about the aftermath. Was this all just a bunch of hocus pocus or pseudoscience? Would you get possessed by a demon or would they be like Casper?
Would this even work? The use of a Ouija board, especially by someone inexperienced as yourself, was highly not recommended. You’d seen The Exorcist and not to mention this kind of activity was very much frowned upon during your upbringing. If only your parents could see you now…
The spirit in your home couldn’t be that bad though, right? If they wanted to possess you, they would’ve done so by now; unless they were just waiting for an invitation. Well, there was only one way to find out.
You dimmed the lights and lit a few candles around you. Was this insulting? There wasn’t exactly a guide on etiquette for communicating with the dead. You did your fair share of research, but most of what you knew about Ouija boards were credited to horror movies.
You take a deep breath in and out then begin to summon your supposed roommate.
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Eddie felt bad. 
He felt bad as he watched you clean up the mess he made in your kitchen. He knew you liked that mug, but he didn’t. He remembered when you were given that mug. He saw the way your face lit up after reading the stupid text on it that only you and the person who gifted it to you understood the meaning behind it. 
He didn’t like Steve and he certainly didn’t like how Steve made you feel. Steve made you feel all sorts of things and Eddie knew that, which explained why Steve never experienced anything unusual in the house because Eddie didn’t like seeing you with him. He chose to not be present in Steve’s presence. Most of his kind would make it a point to make it known they hated them, but Eddie didn’t want to spook you. 
He was aware of how silly it was. A ghost jealous of two living humans. He had his turn, but it was tragically cut short. He was so young, barely in his 20s before he left an ongoing cold case behind, providing no closure for his friends and his uncle.  
But why did his afterlife have to consist of seeing the most angelic living human being just waiting to fall in love with the perfect living man? He didn’t get a chance to live out that part of his life, so was he bitter? Yes. He’d grown so attached it outraged him to see any distress that was brought upon the current tenant of his home.
Eddie wasn’t sure why he was able to roam around his old stomping ground over the last couple of years. He tried his best to communicate with his uncle before he finally managed to move into a better place. He was proud of Wayne for working hard to get a real house for himself. He took assurance that he was able to live more comfortably now. He should’ve known his own flesh and blood wasn’t bothered or spooked out by his attempts to get his attention, so when he left, Eddie was alone for nearly three years. No one was exactly in a rush to move into a trailer, his trailer, until you came into the picture. That day you walked in, if he wasn’t already dead, and you could’ve seen him, he just knew he would’ve been as pale as a well…ghost. He made sure to not send you running for the hills.
He tried to subtly help you with everyday things. He didn’t even spy on you during private moments like in the shower or on those lonely, needy nights. He proved himself to be a ghostly gentleman.
He even tried to not eavesdrop on your conversations and almost always disappeared when guests were present, but he heard you raise your voice earlier at Steve. He wasn’t sure what you two were arguing about and sure it was petty on his part, but before he could summon enough energy to knock over the mug, Steve was already gone.
Eddie followed you back into the living room, watched as you lit the candles scattered around and dimming the lights. He lightly smiled believing you were attempting to relax. You deserved a nice night in. If only seeing you in peace was enough to put him to rest - permanently. He was already trying to guess what kind of movie you were going to turn on but when he saw what was laid out in front of you as you sat back on your couch, his expression fell and he swore his heart would stop again if it could.
“Oh no,” he says as he stares at the Ouija board on the table. Eddie starts pacing in front of you, his hands bunching up his hair in a panic state. Anyone that had ever set foot in this trailer to scope it out knew this place gave off a spooky vibe. This was a tough trailer to sell because not only was it unsettling but so was the story behind it, which it was unbeknownst to you why it was so affordable. You weren’t stupid and you knew there was something or someone lurking, so this was almost bound to happen. 
“Is anyone here?” He hears you ask the first question. He looks over your direction and sees your eyes are closed with both hands on the planchette. You’d close your eyes to mask your fear so that should anything bad happen you wouldn’t have had to stare death right in the face. 
“Oh my God,” he barely whispers and realizes, “she’s really trying to talk to me.” He couldn’t believe you were willingly reaching out to him. He hadn’t been able to talk to anyone in years, so now given an opportunity to do so gave him a sense of elation. 
“Yes! I am! I’m here!” She can’t hear you, idiot. “Fuck, of course she can’t hear me.” Eddie argues with himself on what to do before he remembers how Ouija boards work.
He almost can’t believe it when he does it, but he’s able to delicately and effortlessly move your hands to slide the planchette over the word ‘YES’.
Your eyes pop open and you gasp when you see that you received an answer. Now that was not your imagination. This wasn’t your mind playing tricks on you either. You’re frozen, but look up in front of you half expecting the spirit to show itself to you, however you don’t see anything.
At least that’s what you think. On the contrary, you’re staring right at Eddie or rather through him. His expression mirrors yours - complete and utter shock for two reasons. 
First, he was never able to easily move or touch anything solid in years. The incident with the mug earlier, that kind of stuff usually required a lot of concentration and energy on his part. Secondly, he was in awe. He knew he was attracted to you, but even though you couldn’t see him, he could see you clearly and you were so beautiful to him.  
He’s scared that he’s frightened you with that move, but at the same time it excites him that he’s successfully communicating with you.
You’re unsure if you should continue. You were half expecting this to be a bust, but it moved. It actually moved! While you were excited that this worked, the tiny voice in the back of your head had you thinking that maybe you shouldn’t go any further, but who ever really listened to them? If you were to get hurt or anything, you’d deal with Steve later. You blink a few times and refocus your attention on the task.
“What are you?” You ask next.
“What am I?” Eddie repeats the question, “I’m dead, sweetheart.” Wait. He starts to spell the letters ‘D-E-A-D’ with your hands on the planchette still. The corners of your mouth lifting, amused at that response, of course he was dead, had him comparing it to what angels must’ve felt like when they earned their wings. If anyone believed in that sort of stuff…either way he felt very blessed to pull such a thing as a small smile out of you. 
“You liked that one, didn’t you?” Eddie said more to himself with a big smile on his face. He loved this! It was like he was having a real conversation with you. It was something he only ever dreamed of for the last six months.
A particular flash of lightning followed by a clamorous thunder startles you, breaking you away from the Ouija board. You weren’t going to lie. You were still absolutely spooked out and decided maybe that was enough contact with the dead for the night.
When your heartbeat finally returned to its steady rate, you got up to turn on the lights. You made sure you blew all the candles out and doors were locked before turning in. As you walked the path to his old bedroom, Eddie watched you look back to the living room and bid goodnight to seemingly nothing, but he knew who it was directed towards - it was meant for him.
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The days that followed, you were growing more and more curious. In your spare time, you started digging into how much can come out of the Ouija board, but first you needed to figure out who you were dealing with.
You went from door to door of the trailer park doing your own investigation on who used to live in your trailer. You got mixed reviews from the neighbors, but you believed you got the gist of it down.
The trailer originally belonged to a man named Wayne Munson, who took in his nephew becoming his sole legal guardian. You dug deep at the local library, sifting through old Hawkins newspaper archives, to find out that his nephew had commonly gone by the nickname ‘Eddie’ and he wasn’t too far away in age from you. He went to the same high school as Steve, where he struggled in graduating, had a reputation of being a delinquent and someone who participated in satanic practices. The worst of his offense was being linked to the murder of a beloved teenage girl, Chrissy Cunningham.  
The accompanying images of the girl and boy in the newspaper clippings, you assumed to be Chrissy and Eddie. She was undeniably pretty and he was…cute. The tips of your ears burned and turned red as you caught yourself staring a little too long at his picture. 
Why’d that make you feel weird? You’re thinking things about someone you’d never met. You didn’t know anything else about him and what you had learned, it didn’t sound good either. That couldn’t have been the same Eddie in your trailer, right? 
To your surprise, Chrissy had brutally died in your very own living room. Were you living with her? Something didn’t make sense though. What was her unfinished business? All the things you picked up on from the TV or movies, was that most spirits that wandered had some sort of “unfinished business” that prevented them from moving on. Right? 
The news seemed adamant that it was Eddie who killed her, but it was her own boyfriend, some star athlete, Jason Carver, who had been found guilty of her murder. Eddie had been acquitted but the twists and turns never stopped as you read he himself had been found dead inside the trailer a few weeks later. The puzzling thing was the autopsy proved it wasn’t by suicide. He didn’t do this to himself. The saddest thing, aside from the loss of two young lives, was his uncle being the one to discover his nephew lifeless in their home. No one was ever charged for his murder and it didn’t look like there was a rush to locate the killer, which angered you as you continued reading. The real killer was possibly still out there free to live the rest of their life. 
You’re so engrossed with your findings you barely paid any attention to Steve when he’d come in to check on you. He had the spare key in case of emergencies, and ignoring most of his unreturned phone calls, which seemed uncharacteristically you, to him was deemed as an emergency.
Steve was only less than thrilled to see your enthusiasm on all this. Normal people didn’t go around poking at the dead. He pointed out you were lucky you didn’t get possessed, not paying any mind or adhering to you claiming he was probably a friendly ghost.
“This isn’t an episode of Casper!” Steve shouts, fed up again. His face falters as he watches your shoulders visibly slump. He hated killing the vibe, especially when you were excited, but you were hyped about something all too unreal and that shouldn’t be messed with at all in the first place. 
He looked around the small space seeing your notes scattered throughout the coffee table, some spilled on the carpet. There were so many he couldn’t see the Ouija board still laid out. It was just buried underneath. 
“What if I can help him?” You try reasoning with him. “Did you know? Did you know Eddie? Or what happened to him? Did you know that he and someone else died right where we’re standing?” This was the first time you asked him about the person Eddie was, not the ghost. You wondered why he didn't say anything? He’d lived in Hawkins his whole life. Surely he’d had to have heard about this. It’s a small town, people talked.
“I barely knew him,” Steve sighs, guilty but admits, “he wasn’t exactly popular or well liked by most because of how different he was.” You watch as he brings a hand up to rub at his eyes, “but even I didn’t think he was capable of doing that stuff to Chrissy.” He was trying to erase the crime scene the media had released to the public from his mind. “I swear I didn’t know this was his trailer though. Like I said, I barely knew the guy.” You can hear the sincerity in his response and nodded. Had Steve known, he’d most likely had pushed harder for you to move in with him. 
“What if I can help him pass on? Then I can live in peace…and so will he,” you start to persist. 
“You’re not going to be able to convince Hawkins that Eddie Munson didn’t kill someone,” he says bluntly. “You’re already lucky that you’re unharmed,” Steve reminds you. “I’m just worried about you,” he brings his hands to your arms in an attempt to comfort you. 
“I know you are, but I’ll be fine,” you assure him, hoping you could keep that promise. After all, you couldn’t even confirm you were really communicating with Eddie.
You were relieved that the conversation with Steve didn’t take a turn for the worse like it easily could have. You understood where he was coming from and you were lucky to have someone like him care so much about your wellbeing. The realization never fails to punch you in the gut for not allowing yourself to give in.
So why were you more scared to commit than of willingly reaching out to the dead?
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Take two.
You sat perched, trying to hype yourself up to communicate once more. Eddie, on the other hand, is more than ready and the cool familiar breeze that passes you by lets you know that they’re here.
“Chrissy?” You ask, your fingers firmly on the planchette. You hadn’t figured out which one was actually still here or if both were. 
Your hands move over to the answer, ‘NO’. 
Shit. Eddie thought to himself when you said Chrissy's name. How much did you know about Chrissy? If you read anything about that night in the papers then it surely wasn’t good. What did you think of him now? You probably thought he was the devil. He thought you were going to end this, cut ties with him, cleanse the house or even move out after discovering it’s been him this whole time. The realization that you were living with a monster. 
“Who are you?” The last revelation had to be obvious, but you needed confirmation. Eddie had nothing to lose, physically, but if this was the last time he’d get to communicate with you, he’d take every second until you stop. Your heartbeat starts to pick up as you’re slowly spelling out ‘E-D-D-I-E’.
“Eddie,” you whisper. Boy, did Eddie like the sound of his name coming from your lips.
“Is anyone else with you?” The answer points to ‘NO’. He was alone. 
“How did you…die?” you had to swallow in between the last word in that question, hoping it wouldn’t trigger a negative response. Even in the afterlife, death couldn’t be an easy topic.
The letters ‘M-U-R-D-E-R-E-D’ give you your next answer. It was indeed him! Internally, you’re overjoyed that you’ve figured out your ghostly John Doe, but you try to remain at ease.
“Did you knock down my mug?”
Eddie rolls his eyes at that, but swiftly moves your hands over to ‘YES’.
“Okay. I mean that wasn’t very nice,” you couldn’t just bite your tongue as the sass flowed right out of you.
The apology takes you by surprise, and suddenly you weren’t mad about the mug anymore.
“It’s alright. It was just a mug,” you try to assure him. You’d just have to explain to Steve another time that the ghost broke it. No biggie. Yeah, right. What with the tiny arguments, he’d most likely believe you destroyed it out of anger and frustration at him.
Your arms were getting tired from the position they were in. Several minutes had passed since you last said anything to Eddie and you weren’t sure of what to ask next, but you didn't want to stop talking to him.
Where does this end? Do you ask him to leave? This is his home. No, it’s not anymore. It’s your home now. How do you help him pass on? Did you have that ability? Do you hire a medium? Enlist the help of a priest? Call a ghostbuster? Your mind grew tired all too quickly, you slumped back in your seat, breaking away from the Ouija board.
Eddie watched as you rubbed the muscles of your sore arms. He felt helpless. He wishes he could ease or take away your worries and pain. Instead, all he could do was watch and make sure you were okay until you were ready to start talking again.
With your hands back on the board, you ask, “are you still here?” Eddie responds with ‘YES’. You take a deep breath and close your eyes, mentally preparing yourself, before proceeding with the next question.
“Can you show yourself to me?” There is the ultimate question and Eddie can’t help but ask why? Why were you interested in seeing him? He was a lost cause.
“No?” you ask more to yourself, still staring at the word through the eye of the planchette, and frown, defeated at his response.
Eddie wanted nothing more than to show himself to you, but he didn’t know how. He was nothing but a gust of air. No matter how hard he tried to show himself to those nearby, he was never successful.
You pull your hands back away and place them in your lap, unsure of where to go from here. Well, you couldn’t force a ghost to do something they didn’t want to do, but you hoped that maybe seeing him would make it less taxing while communicating.
There’s a sudden iciness that covers the side of your cheek, sending a chill down your spine. You flinch and your hand rises quickly to warm the spot. What was that? You didn't feel that when using the Ouija board. Was that Eddie?
Eddie almost disappears at the sudden reaction. He can’t believe it. You felt that. You could feel him. All he did was caress your face and it was different than pushing your hands in different directions because this time, neither of you needed the help of the Ouija board.
You’re not sure where he is as your eyes scan the room, you wanted to feel that again. Sure, the cold was a bit alarming, and as sharp as his icy touch was, so was the surge that flowed through you. It was unexplainable, but soothing.
It sucked for Eddie because he couldn’t keep your eyes trained on just him.
“Are you sure you can’t show yourself?” You ask again to the open area, this time convinced you didn’t need the Ouija board anymore.
However, Eddie still needed the board to reply. You sigh in defeat as you watch the planchette slide across to the word ‘YES’ on its own. You couldn’t allow yourself to get mad. You just couldn’t understand how it was possible for him to do all these other things, but not be able to show himself. Whatever it was, you’d just have to accept that you’d never understand ghost logic.
The sound of the planchette scraping against the board, offers you the word, ‘F-E-E-L’.
Feel? You definitely felt a presence and a touch, but now it was confirmed. He was trying to communicate through touch.
“Yes, I felt you!” you let Eddie know quite eagerly. The planchette remains unmoved after that and instead of what would appear to be awkward silence, the seconds that were passing by could be more appropriately compared to that of a ticking time bomb.
“Touch me,” you requested.
Eddie is stunned. If he were alive and well right now, he’d no doubt be on his knees for you with a command like that. He floats over to you and is only more than eager to touch you again, but he’s not sure of where. Feeling the soft anticipation of a ghostly tingle, he hesitantly places both hands on the underside of your jaw, in a cradle-like fashion, hoping it’ll stop your wandering eyes.  
You are still, frozen in place, now seeing the breath of air that escapes your mouth in a cloud of smoke, his comforting scent invading your senses. It was him. It had been him this whole time and he’s definitely here in front of you.
“More,” you say barely above a whisper, not paying mind to the coldness.
Fuck. Eddie inwardly swears at himself as you unintentionally egg him on. Testing his limits, what more could he already lose? He was already dead.
He goes all in. He leans in and presses his cold, dead lips to yours in the most gentle and light kiss ever. When he pulls away, he sees that your eyes have closed and he can’t help immediately start to wonder if you actually felt that or not. He sure as hell felt it. He can’t be certain as he tries to gauge the expression on your face. Shit, why did he do that?
“Do it again,” and this time with a more affirmative tone, Eddie doesn’t question anything anymore and obeys. His lips back on yours, but with added pressure, you let out a small moan and purse your lips to respond. You don’t think about how silly it must look to be making out with practically nothing, not knowing what to do with your hands because there was nothing to hold onto, but despite that it all felt too real. He was real.  
Eddie’s mind is reeling at the sound of pleasure that spews from your mouth, he can’t comprehend how this is even possible. He’d been dying to know what kissing you felt like - what you felt like at all.
When your lips start to get numb and turn blue, disregarding the temperature, you reluctantly pull away. You open your eyes to a dark room and wish you could at least hear him, the sounds of ecstasy played a pivotal role in intimacy.  
Your body temperature returns to normal, blood rushing, mind a haze. You stand up and head towards your bedroom without another word. Would he take the cue to follow you? You can’t be sure. You can’t see or hear him, but your actions say otherwise and make you both feel as if he wasn’t dead at all. It was now a game of cat and mouse.
Eddie or not, you were unabashedly turned on. In moments like these, it was hard to be in control of your own body and the only thing you could do was give in to the desires. In this instance, your body couldn’t make up its mind because as if you weren’t just freezing your ass off while kissing Eddie, you were suddenly hot all over.
Flustered, you pulled down your shorts on the way to your bed, tossed them carelessly across the room, perhaps a little too harshly. If he wasn’t going to help you out, then you would do the job yourself. A mad smile on your face, surprised you weren’t the least bit embarrassed if he was going to watch you or not. It only added to the thrill and the excitement.
Trying to regulate your breathing, you lie down on the center of your bed and run your hands over your face down to where you need them the most. Your fingers experimentally graze along the wet spot of your panties, groaning in acknowledgment of the sudden arousal. There’s no sense in conjuring up a justifiable explanation as to how something so seemingly innocent as the kiss you shared with Eddie got you so crazed. Not wasting any time, you lift your hips up and bend your legs to slip the flimsy garment off.
No longer a thin barrier between, your entire body shivers slightly, a sharp gasp escaping your lips, when your fingers make first contact with your clit. Using your slick, you begin to rub slow circles over it. Your stomach sinks in with each relieving exhale, your breathing growing heavy. Your fingers run off course and dip into your folds, past the floodgates, resurfacing now coated by your own wetness as you use it to an advantage in invigorating your bundle of nerves.
Eyes closed, you start to think about Eddie. How his skin would feel against yours. How you’d tangle your fingers in his wild hair. How his hands would feel on your sensitive parts. You want to feel guilty or believe this was all wrong. Instead of getting off to someone like Steve or someone real for that matter, you lied there baring yourself to a ghost. You try to picture that baby face of his, and all that you could based on the lone image you found of him to get you through the finish line. 
The curve of his full lips that you were fortunate enough to feel on yours moments ago. You already knew they were soft, but what about his other features? Did his eyes sparkle or were they like black holes? They had to be of a set that could hypnotize someone. Maybe it was okay that you couldn’t see him because if you had you just knew that you’d be at his mercy.
And that was just on the surface of it all. How was he like in other areas? How would his tongue feel against yours, on your skin, in you…The simulation causes your thighs to clamp up, knees involuntarily knocking into each other; your other hand clutching onto the bed sheets. He made it that easy.
A thin layer of sweat coats your skin from the increase in body heat, then you hiss at the abrupt familiar cold sensation that runs through you, his alluring scent filling your nostrils, your legs forcefully separate; all tells you that Eddie was here. You pick your head up, always a small hint of disappointment flashes through your features at the fact you still and won’t be likely to ever see him.
It shoots a wild pang through Eddie's chest because he doesn’t miss it; never knowing he could read someone so openly. He missed a few significant things in his life already. He missed graduating high school. He missed a chance to get a better car. He missed a chance to sell out venues. He missed playing music. He missed his uncle. He missed his friends. He missed Hellfire. He missed out on someone like you. He missed a chance to develop a deep connection with someone. Life was so cruel.
Your thoughts aren’t as far away from his as you start to wonder, why was it all so easy - seamlessly flawless - with him? Running with only first-party information and two silent conversations, you were already willing to go headfirst for halos for Eddie. The feeling had you wishing he had lived to one day cross paths with you. Would he have still been in Hawkins when you moved here? Would you be neighbors, friends or more? Would it have been him and not Steve? All the could've and would’ve scenarios sprouting in your head. You got too attached learning about him. Was it pathetic? You didn’t care anymore, whatever would ultimately bring you to him, you just knew in the end you’d die happy.
Your head falls back in defeat and you try to keep your emotions at bay, until you feel the hem of your shirt being lifted, exposing your midriff. Your lips cave in and you wince at each uncalculated cold peck Eddie’s lips leave on you. Whereas you felt minor stings at how cold his touches were in the beginning, for the first time, Eddie felt like he was on fire at how hot to the touch you were in this moment. This moment with him.
His lips create a path down to your core, and the contrast in temperature felt good. Not knowing what to do with your hands again, your arms lie sprawled on the bed on either side of your body.
Cool air brushes past your folds and your heartbeat spikes up again. Eddie never imagined he’d ever be able to make someone feel this way. It was pointless for him, but he dreamt about it countless times. And then he wickedly thinks how he was dumb to not spy on you during those nightly sessions. He was missing out. You were absolutely divine in his eyes.
“Eddie,” his name slips past your lips breathlessly when he makes contact with your swollen clit. It started off so innocently, but when he pulled his mouth back to ran a long, flat strip over your folds, giving him a taste of what you had to offer, he wanted more.
The cold, with each bit of contact from Eddie, was no longer a thing as your body quickly acclimated to it. Eddie uses his fingers to spread your pussy lips apart and allows himself to get a better taste. Your head lulls back, sinking deeper into your pillows.
There’s only so much you could do to communicate with Eddie, you want to feel his hands all over, but instead you pick up on the slack, pulling your shirt over your head to grab and squeeze handfuls of your breasts, massaging them and adding onto the sensation. Your groping proves to be successful when you draw out more noises.
Eddie’s eyes never tear away from watching your reaction, the way your body moves, squirming from pleasure - pleasure he’s bestowing on you. His mouth doesn’t require guidance as his tongue pulls all the right moves, weaving its way through and between your folds. He drags out a long moan from you when he finally dips his tongue inside your wet hole and back out, before capturing your clit between his lips, sucking on it. The sweet suction sensation on your clit as his lips enclose around it.
“I-I need...fuck,” you try to voice out your desires, but you’re reveling in so much, especially in being able to feel Eddie’s fingers digging into the sides of your hips; you bite down hard on your bottom lip, you could taste a hint of copper already, trying your hardest to not let out a crazed scream.
Eddie doesn’t want you to hold back though, so he introduces his fingers into the mix as they and his tongue take turns in you. The addition of his thick fingers start taking you closer to your impending orgasm. You wished you could hear him and all the sounds of his onslaught. To hear those pretty boy moans, the filthy pops and slurping noises. Was he a dirty talker? God. Imagine the filthy things he would say or do.
He gets the message loud and clear. You want to come, and so he quickens his actions until your body goes into overdrive. He could feel your walls closing in tight around his digits, your wetness pooling around them and spilling, he almost loses control of your withering body. When you reach your peak, your mouth and eyes snap open, a choked gasp transitioning into a straggling loud moan, pupils blown, the sweat beads trickling down, and your back arching up in perfect bridge-like fashion. It almost looks like you’re being possessed when your orgasm rocks through you before you come back down releasing choppy breaths from its intensity.
Exhausted, you struggle to stay conscious wanting to communicate with Eddie one last time, but it felt like the orgasm almost sucked the life out of you. His fingers slowly slipping out and the puffs of cool air against your pussy are an indication that Eddie is still present and he wasn’t going to go anywhere just yet. He hasn’t moved from his position and is short of breath, in awe of seeing you coming undone for him and more so the fact that this happened. This wasn’t just another one of his dreams.
For as long as he’d been an apparition, he’d always hoped to be able to finally pass on and if this was his actual last day on Earth or wherever he was, then he’d gladly accept it because one night with you was enough. 
Eddie would die happy.
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A/N: Reblogs, comments & likes are appreciated. 🥹 Do we want a part 2? Let me know! Thank you for reading! 🫶🏻
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petrichorium · 1 year
Okay I was thinking a relationship that’s like SUPER chill and casual. Like literally fuckbuddies turned lovers; u stay on ur home island and he’s off most of the time. Was based close by in the first year or two y’all met and got close so he was around more often but eventually it becomes him stopping by every few months for a few weeks and the two of you keeping up contact while he’s gone. The progression from just messing around to a committed relationship is slow and largely unsaid until Beckman tells you his captain has turned down every other woman for the past two years and you realize you aren’t much searching for other men yourself; soon enough you’ve got matching rings and as untraditional as it is it works.
And I’m just thinking abt how like…….. ur happy w ur life on ur little island, it’s relatively safe all things considered under his protection and you’ve lived there your whole life and all you rlly wanna do is keep your head down and stay there. Getting involved with Red-Haired Shanks puts a major flaw in that plan but it’s easy to forget who exactly he is. He doesn’t hide it, ofc not, but he’s so… unremarkable seeming that it’s difficult to remember, especially when your interaction with him is isolated to a scant few days or weeks when he’s most at ease and the only thing he’s thinking about is you.
But………. then you’re reminded otherwise. It’s silly really, because of course you know. It’s been years since you first met him, you’ve seen the wanted posters and you’ve heard how people talk about him, but knowing in abstract—contrasted by the man who’s managed to marry you, all wide smiles and incessant drunken love confessions and never dodging a well-placed swat from your hand—is far different from seeing in person.
You board his ship for a little trip; something small, only a few days to go retrieve a gift for you that Shanks had foolishly left a few islands away, low-risk and entirely in his territory. But it all goes sideways and you’re forced, quite suddenly, to realize just who you’ve managed to fall for—and exactly what kind of power and prestige he wields—while trapped with nowhere to go but remain on his ship with him and his crew for the days it takes to return.
You feel stupid more than anything, balking like this after one (frankly minuscule) fight. You don’t leave his cabin the whole trip back. He brings you meals, holds you when he can, tells you how much the crew misses you, but he doesn’t understand just how much you’re questioning. How much, you wonder, do you really know Shanks? Bordering on ten years is quite some time but when you only see him a scant few weeks out of those years, how much does it matter?
The ring on your finger, the way he looks at you—they settle on your shoulders more like a noose now, no longer making you giddy. How long until some bitter rival of his storms your home searching for you because they can’t touch him?
How much is he worth it when the lives of everyone in your hometown stand at risk?
You’re smart enough not to pick the fight until you’ve returned. You have it at the door of your home, long overdone and frankly terrified, all but melting down once you’re truly alone with him for the first time in a week. He doesn’t yell back—doesn’t do much, after attempts at soothing you fail, except watch you with a mildly surprised expression on his face.
For the first time in years you don’t let him stay the night, or see him off when he leaves the following day. You sit up on your roof and watch his ship disappear over the horizon and assure yourself that clearly you aren’t cut out for being his.
(But two months later that ship appears again, and an hour after docking there’s a knock at your door, and you can’t help how your breath hitches when you see that red hair beyond the peephole…)
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anywaychina · 20 hours
ANYWAY Smart Board | 55 inches Interactive Flat Panel | All In One Interactive Whiteboard Buildin Camera 13MP or 48MP
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ANYWAY Smart Board | 55 inches Interactive Flat Panel | All In One Interactive Whiteboard Features: - 55-inch 4K UHD display (3840x2160) with anti-glare option - Android 13.0 system 4GB RAM+32GB ROM - Infrared 20-point multi-touch with 8ms response time - Supports finger touch or any opaque object - Built-in dual 10W stereo speakers for multimedia use - Durable tempered glass with Mohs level 7 hardness - Wide viewing angles (178°), perfect for large audiences - Multiple input ports including HDMI, VGA, USB, and RJ45 - Buildin Camera 13MP or 48MP Specifications: Display Panel Information: - Diagonal Size: 55" - Resolution: 3840x2160 4K - Display Area: 1211.65x682.4mm - Display Type: D-LED - Aspect Ratio: 16:9 - Best Viewing Angle: Up 89°, Down 89°, Left 89°, Right 89° - Max Viewing Angle: 178° Touch Information: - Touch Technology: Infrared - Touch Points: 20 points - Writing Points: 10 points - Input: Finger touch or opaque objects - Touch Response Speed: 8ms Interfaces (Back of Panel): - HDMI in x1, HDMI out x1, USB 2.0 x2, USB 3.0 x2 - VGA in x1, Audio in/out x1, RJ45 x1, AV in x1 - Touch USB x1, Earphone x1, OPS slot x1 Tempered Glass: - Type: Tempered Glass - Mohs Hardness: Level 7 - Glass Transmittance: 85% - Anti-glare: Optional Physical Specifications: - Panel Dimensions: 1265.6x778.2x85 mm - Package Dimensions: 1375x920x195mm - Net Weight: 25 KGS, Gross Weight: 30 KGS - Frame Material: Alloy - Lifetime: 50,000 hours - Stand-by Power: <0.5W - Speaker: 8Ω 10W x 2 Environmental Conditions: - Operating Temperature: 0~45℃ - Storage Temperature: -20~60℃ - Working Humidity: 5%-90% Accessories: - User Manual x1, Warranty Card x1, Power Cable x1 - Wall Mount Bracket x1, Write Pen x1, Pointer x1 - Optional Mobile Stand x1
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ANYWAY Smart Board | 55 inches Interactive Flat Panel | All In One Interactive Whiteboard Buildin Camera 13MP or 48MP Read the full article
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tamanna31 · 1 day
Interactive Display 2023 Industry Outlook, Research, Trends and Forecast to 2030
Interactive Display Market Size & Trends 
The global interactive display market size was valued at USD 41.45 billion in 2022 and is estimated to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.8% from 2023 to 2030. The study comprises interactive kiosk, video walls, table, monitors, and whiteboard. The interactive or touchscreen display is a display unit that accepts user commands with the help of a finger or stylus in place of peripheral devices, such as a mouse or keyboard. Additionally, these displays include screens that project information, such as texts, images, and videos. These display screens are used in various industries, such as retail, healthcare, hospitality, and education. The market is expected to witness significant growth in the coming years, primarily owing to increasing demand for digital classrooms as well as growing adoption of these displays, such as video walls and tables. These video walls and tables are used at transit spaces/public transportation, such as railway stations and airports. 
Gather more insights about the market drivers, restrains and growth of the Interactive Display Market
Rapidly increasing adoption of touchscreen tables as well as video walls in the hospitality and corporate sectors is expected to drive the market during the forecast period. The touchscreen table acts as a menu board to indicate the waiting time of the orders taken from the customer, along with prices and ingredients. Furthermore, the use of touchscreen tables in corporate meetings has been observed to provide a better experience for the clients as well as employees. The use of such technology in offices allows better engagement between employees, management, and clients. 
Digitalization in the education sector involving the use of new technologies, such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, and touchscreen whiteboards and tables, projectors, and kiosks in classrooms, increases student engagement and makes the learning process more reciprocal, resulting in increased learning retention levels. Moreover, these displays help in maintaining a convenient communication environment that encourages group learning, participation, and creativity in the classroom, along with feedback not only between teachers and students but also among the students themselves. Besides, these display technologies permit teachers to include media, games, audio clips, and video clips in their lessons. In the past few years, student preferences have been witnessing a paradigm shift towards digital learning as it allows them to learn through relevant digital content. 
Furthermore, factors such as internet penetration and changing preferences towards technology have positively influenced the adoption of touch display technologies. Additionally, the rising emphasis on gamification in the education system has boosted market growth. Gamification is considered to be an influential tool, which improves the medium of delivering lectures by incorporating lessons in the form of games and helps to develop cognitive skills and effective interaction in classrooms. Moreover, it enables the integration of 3D characters and game mechanics into effective courseware to make the learning process more reciprocal for students. 
Browse through Grand View Research's Display Technologies Industry Research Reports. 
The global outdoor LED display market sizewas valued at USD 7236.9 million in 2022 and is expanding at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 15.9% from 2023 to 2030. The increasing demand for digital advertising and the rising popularity of large-scale events drive market growth.
The globalsmart TV market size was valued at USD 197.82 billion in 2022 and is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.4% from 2023 to 2030. The increased popularity of content on over-the-top (OTT) services has provided a boost to the smart TV market. 
Interactive Display Market Segmentation 
Grand View Research has segmented the global interactive display market on the basis of display type, application, and region. 
Interactive Display Type Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion, 2017 - 2030)
Video Wall
Interactive Display Application Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion, 2017 - 2030)
Interactive Display Regional Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion, 2017 - 2030)
North America
Asia Pacific
Latin America
Middle East & Africa
Order a free sample PDF of the Interactive Display Market Intelligence Study, published by Grand View Research.
Key Companies profiled 
Panasonic Corporation
Horizon Display, Llc
Lg Display Co.
Marvel Technology (China) Co., Ltd
Sharp Corporation
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labonyamarketing · 3 months
The Role of Interactive Panels and Digital Boards in Shaping the Future of Education
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The landscape of education is rapidly changing, and technology plays a pivotal role in this transformation. Among the most impactful innovations are interactive panels and digital boards. These tools are revolutionizing classrooms, enhancing the learning experience, and preparing students for a future where digital literacy is crucial. Let’s explore how these technologies are shaping the future of education and the Top Interactive Board Suppliers and promoting quality learning.
What are Interactive Panels and Digital Boards?
Interactive panels are large touchscreen displays that can be connected to a computer or used independently. They allow teachers and students to interact with the content directly on the screen, making lessons more engaging. Digital boards, often known as smart boards, combine the functions of traditional whiteboards with digital capabilities, enabling users to write, draw, and interact with digital content using a stylus or finger.
Enhancing Student Engagement
One of the primary benefits of interactive panels and digital boards is their ability to increase student engagement. Traditional teaching methods can sometimes struggle to capture students' attention, but these digital tools make lessons more interactive and fun. For example, teachers can incorporate multimedia elements such as videos, animations, and interactive quizzes, which help to keep students interested and motivated.
Facilitating Collaborative Learning
Best Interactive Flat Panel Companies in Odisha are excellent for fostering collaboration among students. They allow multiple users to interact with the screen simultaneously, promoting group activities and discussions. This collaborative approach helps students develop critical thinking and teamwork skills, which are essential in today’s world.
Preparing Students for the Future
As technology continues to advance, digital literacy becomes increasingly important. By incorporating interactive panels and digital boards into the classroom, schools are preparing students for a future where technology plays a central role in both personal and professional life. Students learn to navigate digital tools, think critically about digital content, and use technology responsibly.
How Top Interactive Panels and Digital Boards Provider are the main contributor of shaping the Future Education ?
Interactive panels and digital boards Manufacturer in Odisha are playing a crucial role in transforming education by integrating cutting-edge technology into classrooms. These advanced tools facilitate interactive, engaging, and personalized learning experiences, enabling teachers to present complex concepts more effectively and students to understand them more easily. Features such as touch-screen capabilities, high-resolution displays, internet connectivity, and real-time collaboration tools allow for the seamless incorporation of multimedia content, fostering a dynamic and immersive learning environment. This technology supports diverse learning styles, making education more accessible and inclusive. Additionally, Interactive Board Suppliers enhance students' digital literacy, critical thinking, and collaboration skills, which are essential for success in the modern world.
The education industry in Odisha is undergoing a significant transformation, embracing digitalization across both government and private organizations. As the system of education shifts towards digital methods, the demand for quality digital tools has become paramount. This is where top interactive panels and digital boards come into play, providing essential support for modern, effective learning environments. These advanced tools facilitate interactive and engaging lessons, helping teachers present complex concepts clearly and students to understand them better.
If you are searching for high quality Interactive Panel Manufacturer in Odisha, look no further than Labonya. As a leading service provider based in Odisha, we offer a comprehensive range of top-quality products tailored to meet your educational needs. Our offerings include state-of-the-art interactive panels and digital boards, along with other cutting-edge services designed to enhance the learning experience. We are committed to delivering products that ensure a more interactive, efficient, and inclusive educational environment.
For more information and to explore our product range, please visit our website.
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Why Virtual Classrooms Might Just Be Better Than Physical Ones
In the past, when we thought of classrooms, we pictured rows of desks, a chalkboard, and a teacher standing at the front. But now, thanks to technology, classrooms can be so much more. Virtual classrooms, where students and teachers connect online rather than in person, offer a host of benefits that traditional physical classrooms might find hard to match.
● Interactive Learning Tools
One of the coolest things about virtual classrooms is the array of interactive learning tools available. Imagine having an interactive flat panel or a smart board right in your home! These tools allow teachers to bring lessons to life in ways that a traditional chalkboard simply can’t. With the touch of a finger or a click of a mouse, students can dive into multimedia presentations, watch videos, and even participate in virtual experiments.
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● Flexibility and Accessibility
Another advantage of virtual classrooms is the flexibility they offer. No more rushing to catch the bus or sitting through traffic jams. Students can attend class from the comfort of their own homes, which can be especially beneficial for those with mobility issues or disabilities. Plus, virtual classrooms can accommodate students from all over the world, breaking down geographical barriers and opening up a world of learning opportunities.
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● Personalized Learning
In a virtual classroom, it’s easier for teachers to tailor instruction to individual students’ needs. Adaptive learning platforms can assess students’ strengths and weaknesses and provide personalized feedback and support. With the ability to track progress and adjust instruction accordingly, teachers can ensure that each student is getting the help they need to succeed.
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● Safe and Secure Environment
Virtual classrooms also offer a safe and secure learning environment, free from the distractions and disruptions that can sometimes occur in a traditional classroom setting. With features like chat moderation and screen sharing controls, teachers can maintain a focused learning environment and minimize disruptions.
● Cost-Effectiveness From a practical standpoint, virtual classrooms can also be more cost-effective. Schools don’t have to worry about expenses like building maintenance or transportation, and students can save money on things like transportation and school supplies. Plus, virtual classrooms can reduce the need for paper and other physical resources, making them more environmentally friendly as well.
Read More: Traditional Blackboard Vs. Smartboards: 10 Reasons Why Smartboards Are the Future of Education● Conclusion
While physical classrooms will always have their place, virtual classrooms offer a host of benefits that make them an attractive alternative. With interactive learning tools, flexibility, personalized instruction, and a safe and secure environment, virtual classrooms have the potential to revolutionize education and provide students with the tools they need to succeed in the 21st century. So maybe it’s time to rethink what a classroom can be and embrace the exciting possibilities of virtual learning.
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ppumeonae-bigvibe · 5 months
(he's) my work crush!!
↖ navigation: nct masterlist || main masterlist
pairing: co-worker/ crush! taeyong x gn! reader
↬ tags: colleagues au!, two silly people crushing on each other (my one sided delusion has allowed me to write this), ft tyong's friend doyoung at the very end through a single text
summary: work crushes do make your time at work a whole lot better!
word count: 634 words
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“fancy meeting you here!”
you nearly dropped your phone and at the smooth, baritone voice from behind you. almost immediately, your entire body awakens at his mere closeness.
taeyong waves at you, eyes crinkling up as he moves to stand beside you.
you gave him a quick once over: clad in a simple button down and slacks, he always looked neat and tidy, his leather workbag slung on the right side of his body. his bright personality was infectious and paired with a smart-looking set of glasses, he was very easy on the eyes.
you subtly straightened your clothing and hair, hoping you didn’t appear too messy before him.
“yeah…! i saw that you were quite busy and assumed you might have to work overtime today.” taeyong was a new transfer to your department; placed in team 3, you occasionally saw him around, but never once interacted much beyond a "hi" or "bye".
you recall the first time you properly talked to taeyong: he sat beside you on one particularly crowded day at the staff canteen and for the sake of small talk you chatted with him since you two weren't exactly strangers. to your surprise, you two had hit it off well, having many topics to share about (talking smack about the company was a common one).
from then, taeyong became a constant partner during lunch hours...and you developed a tiny crush on him. after the first chance meeting, it was as if he had purposely found his way to you, catching you in the shared pantry, actively asking you for directions and bumping into you by the lifts; eventually you got comfortable with him.
as he clears his throat, you were pulled out of your revere and you noticed the sheepish smile on his face, explaining, “well, i was tryna pack my bag faster because...i...uh...was hoping to walk with you to the bus stop when work ended.”
getting flustered at the realization he was expecting you, you nodded in affirmation. taeyong pulled out his phone, thumbs busy tapping away. you took this moment to look away, trying to compose yourself in front of him.
“by the way, your bus is coming soon. mine’s two minutes after yours.” taeyong leans towards you, tilting his phone so you could see the timings for yourself. you couldn't help but inhale deeply, his signature cologne a nice welcome amidst all the dust and smoke of your surroundings.
“mhm. thanks for telling me.” you met his gaze and he grinned, "no worries. you do that for me all the time." that was true: often times you'd find taeyong scrambling to settle the last bit of his work, being new to the department and all. because you were already searching for the bus timings, you helped him out too.
"oh! there's your bus."
a sigh left your lips unconsciously, "thanks for waiting with me." he reciprocates the gesture, "i'll see you tomorrow...?" his eyes sparked with hope and anticipation and you hid a pleased smile, "yeah i'll see you tomorrow."
you board on the bus, slipping your headphones on to drown out the noises of the growing crowd. your gaze lands on taeyong standing outside the bus and he shoots you a warm smile, waving goodbye as the bus pulls out of the driveway. unable to contain the growing flush that is warming you from head to toe, you revel in the fact you did manage to catch him, even if it was a short moment.
"see you tomorrow..."
taeyong watches forlornly as your bus trundles away, a wide smirk touching his lips. fingers flying across his phone screen, he hurriedly texts his friend while he flags down his bus.
taeyong: guess who i saw at the bus stop today??! my work crush!!
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@ppumeonae-bigvibe 's work ; likes and reblogs are appreciated <3
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deathb1oomsarchive · 6 months
jenny is an original character set in the supernatural fandom
influences for Jenny come from supernatural , death proof , the works of Stephen King , the X ― Files , the Twilight Zone , and personal experiences.
jenny grew up in a town that had less than 1000 population , and when she finally attended high school , she had to commute everyday to the next town over. it was the type of place where you knew everything about your neighbors and they knew everything about you. her older sister had a different dad , her best friend's mom left her dad for a woman and moved to the big city , her arch nemesis from 5th grade had been recorded going down on the entire JV football team and the videos were among the very first posted on youtube ever. nothing was a secret.
yet , jenny's childhood was normal. she was a normal girl who'd had normal boyfriends and got normal grades. she was pretty enough , but not super smart. she was nice enough , but still managed to be pretty popular throughout high school.
because she lived in such a small town , there wasn't much to do on the weekends. most of her friends had barns they could hang out in , fields they could all gather in to drink or experiment with drugs. it was your typical story.
in order to spice things up , jenny and a group of her friends bought a ouija board and would toy around with it in abandoned houses or barns. she only half believed in the idea , but it was fun to play with. on the night of their high school graduation , jenny and her boyfriend and their group of friends ( about seven other people ) broke into the home of someone who , twenty years prior , had murdered his family. it was one of the ghost stories that everyone knew. the nine of them broke into the house and while drinking , began playing with the ouija , only this time the ouija moved by itself. jenny didn't believe at first , thinking that her boyfriend dylan was playing a joke on them.
during their interaction with the ouija , jenny began to feel pressure on her chest. her breaths became shallow while she tried to work through the pain. she didn't know what was happening and when the ouija caught fire beneath their fingers , jenny finally believed in the supernatural. she spoke with an entity who claimed to be the demon asmodeus. he told her that she was foolish for toying with things she didn't understand. she responded telling him that she hadn't believed in the ouija or demons , and that he had to be a trick one of her friends was playing. her blatant disrespect angered the demon , and he told her that she would be punished. through blurry eyes , jenny watched as the entire house caught fire. she crawled over to dylan , his fingers burning her skin as he touched her. the heat and the smoke came to be too much for her to handle and she passed out.
when she awoke hours later , parts of her body burned as she looked at the house in ruins. the house had burned down , along with everyone inside. she , on the other hand , was propped up against one of the cars in the driveway , with what looked to be a front row seat to the massacre.
jenny had to be admitted to the hospital for third degree burns on more than half of her body. while in the hospital , she met with a psychologist who convinced her that the smoke inhalation had caused her to hallucinate speaking to an entity. months later , on the night that she was released from the hospital into her parents custody , the demon visited her again. he told her that the smoke inhalation couldn't have caused her to hallucinate because they'd met before the fire even started. she argued with him , forcing his voice from her head while also taking some of the medication the psychologist had prescribed. the demon lashed out at her , claiming again to punish her for her insolence. that night her father passed away , autopsy claiming that a tumor had been growing unbeknownst to the stephens family , but jenny knew that the tumor was a gift from the demon.
six months after her father's funeral , jenny left her home. she knew that if she stayed there , the demon could use her mother or siblings to punish her again and again. for their protection , she left and began hunting the demon that had ruined her life.
jenny has burn scars on both of her legs all the way up to mid thigh , on the right side of her torso , and on her right arm from fingertip up to her shoulder from that night.
jenny travels in a dodge ram 3500 truck with a forest river rockwood mini camper attached to the back. she lives in the camper and travels from place to place with it. jenny is an accomplished hacker and takes contracts with many different wfh companies in order to fund her operation.
short and sweet verses :
her one and only current verse is jenny , away from home , searching for evidence of the demon that killed her loved ones. she is hunting demons and willing to help others in need along the way. she can be fit into almost any other fandom with ease. faceclaim for this verse is mary elizabeth winstead and is available for shipping.
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retechlogistics · 7 months
Revolutionizing Classroom Learning with Interactive Smart Boards
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In the realm of modern education, the Interactive Smart Board For Classroom environments stands as a beacon of innovation and enhanced learning experiences. As traditional methods evolve, educators and institutions are embracing technology to cultivate more engaging and dynamic learning environments. At Retechlogistics, we recognize the pivotal role that interactive smart boards play in transforming education delivery.
Unveiling the Power of Interactive Smart Board for Classroom
Interactive smart boards amalgamate cutting-edge technology with pedagogical principles to redefine the educational landscape. These boards are more than just displays; they are interactive hubs that foster collaboration, creativity, and active participation among students. By seamlessly integrating multimedia content, interactive exercises, and real-time feedback mechanisms, these boards cater to diverse learning styles and promote deeper comprehension.
Features Redefining Classroom Dynamics
At the heart of interactive smart boards lie a plethora of features designed to augment teaching and learning experiences. These boards boast intuitive touch interfaces that enable educators to navigate content effortlessly. With the swipe of a finger or the tap of a stylus, instructors can annotate presentations, highlight key concepts, and encourage student involvement in lessons.
Embedded interactive tools such as virtual whiteboards, polling applications, and multimedia integration capabilities empower educators to craft immersive learning experiences. From conducting live quizzes to brainstorming sessions, interactive smart boards serve as catalysts for active participation and knowledge retention.
Enhancing Engagement and Collaboration
Gone are the days of passive learning; interactive smart boards cultivate a culture of engagement and collaboration within the classroom. With features like screen mirroring and wireless connectivity, educators can seamlessly share content from personal devices, fostering a more interactive and inclusive learning environment. Students, in turn, are encouraged to contribute, collaborate, and explore concepts in a manner that transcends traditional teaching paradigms.
Facilitating Personalized Learning Journeys
One of the most compelling aspects of interactive smart boards is their ability to accommodate diverse learning needs. Through adaptive learning software and customizable content libraries, educators can tailor lessons to cater to individual learning paces and preferences. Whether through interactive tutorials, simulations, or multimedia resources, students have the flexibility to engage with course material in ways that resonate with their unique learning styles.
The Future of Education, Today
As education continues to evolve in response to technological advancements, interactive smart boards emerge as indispensable tools in the modern classroom. At Retechlogistics, we remain committed to delivering cutting-edge solutions that empower educators and inspire learners. With interactive smart boards at the helm, the future of education is brighter, more immersive, and more inclusive than ever before. Join us as we embark on this transformative journey towards a smarter, more connected learning experience.
In conclusion, interactive smart boards represent more than just a technological upgrade; they signify a paradigm shift in the way we approach teaching and learning. By harnessing the power of innovation, collaboration, and engagement, these boards pave the way for a more dynamic and enriching educational experience for students and educators alike.
For more detail, please visit our website: https://retechlogistics.com/
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staietech2 · 8 months
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clikere · 7 months
How Educational Toys Can Cultivate Scientific Thinking in Kids
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The development of your children's senses of touch, sight, and hearing depends greatly on educational toys. Your child may develop their fine motor skills and social-emotional skills through these toys, which are colorful, noisy, and tactile. Children can learn a variety of skills while playing with toys. The finest toys to buy are those that engage a child's senses, pique their imaginations, and encourage social interaction. Toys can assist babies in learning about various colors, shapes, and sizes.
Magnetic Letters
Young children in preschool or kindergarten can start internalizing the look and feel of letters by using magnetic letters on a regular basis. The fluency of the alphabet is increased by internalization, and this predicts future reading success. Inside your child's digestive system, the magnets can attract one another with enough force to seriously harm the organ. The government agency in charge of ensuring the safety of consumer goods, including toys for kids, is called the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC).
Educational Counting Frames
As a result, children's abacus games, like this set of gigantic counting abacuses with a stand, are among the best educational toys available. All you need to do to get started playing is fix the stand and give the abacus's colorful  beads a place value. This abacus is another example of a developmental toy that combines a counting play with a mathematics toy. Therefore, this gigantic counting abacus stand is the perfect choice if you're looking for kids learning toys that enhance critical thinking abilities, are wonderful for color recognition, and also serve as the greatest memory games for kids. When you have an abacus for kids at home, nothing can sour playtime or study time.
Building Block
Building block toys improve eye-hand coordination while strengthening a child's fingers and hands. By creating various shapes, it encourages children to form friendships and work together, which enhances interaction and imagination. By using blocks to create their own designs, it also fosters creativity. With the use of blocks, kids can learn to take turns and share resources, make new friends, become more independent, pay attention for longer periods of time, work cooperatively with others, and boost their self-esteem. It's Kathleen Harris. development across the board. Both fine and gross motor skills are needed for block play.
Smart Slate
Doodle drawing is a portable, lightweight instrument that is suitable for users of all ages. You may lock the display, fix errors, and other features with just a click. You can write smoothly and with a realistic pen-like sensation thanks to the stylus's design. An electronic gadget called a writing tablet allows its users to use a pen to write or draw on its surface. Stylus is the name of the pen. The writing tablet is tangible, touchable, and portable computer hardware. It closely resembles the size and shape of an iPad.
Educational toys play a crucial role in the early development and education of children. Educational toys are designed to enhance the cognitive, physical, and social skills of children while keeping them engaged and entertained. We provide a collection of Toys. Visit clickere.in if you want Educational Toys.
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israk1 · 8 months
Revolutionizing Engagement: Smart Boards and Interactive Kiosks in the Digital Age
In today's fast-paced world, technology continues to revolutionize how we work, learn, and interact with the world around us. Two remarkable innovations that have taken center stage in recent years are brilliant boards and Interactive Displays. These cutting-edge tools have found applications across various domains, from education to retail, making life more innovative and interactive. This post will examine the functions and implications of smart board and interactive kiosks.
The Evolution of Smart Boards: 
Brilliant boards, also known as interactive whiteboards, have transformed traditional classrooms and boardrooms into dynamic, engaging spaces. These interactive display systems have come a long way from their humble beginnings. Initially introduced as digital replacements for traditional chalkboards, brilliant boards have evolved into sophisticated learning and presentation tools. Brilliant boards empower educators and presenters to deliver content interactively. They offer touch-sensitive screens that respond to finger and stylus inputs, enabling users to write, draw, and manipulate digital content. This interactivity fosters active learning, making lessons more engaging for students. Moreover, Brilliant boards allow seamless integration with multimedia resources, enhancing the learning experience.
The Future of Customer Engagement:
Interactive Kiosks are changing the game in the retail and customer service sectors. The purpose of these self-service kiosks is to give clients easy access to products, services, and information promptly. Interactive Kiosks are versatile and can be found in various settings, including shopping malls, airports, and restaurants. Interactive Kiosk enable customers to browse product catalogs, place orders, check in for flights, and even make payments independently. They streamline processes, reduce wait times, and enhance customer experience. Additionally, businesses can gather valuable customer preferences and behavior data through these kiosks, allowing for more targeted marketing and improved service delivery.
Applications Across Domains:
Brilliant boards and Interactive Displays have found applications in diverse domains. Brilliant boards have revolutionized teaching methods in the education sector, making learning more interactive and enjoyable for students. Teachers can create immersive lessons, annotate content in real time, and encourage student participation. This technology transcends geographical boundaries, enabling remote learning and collaboration. On the other hand, Interactive Displays have become indispensable in the retail industry. They provide a cost-effective way for businesses to extend their reach, offer self-service options, and gather valuable customer data. Interactive Displays facilitate patient check-ins and information dissemination in healthcare, reducing administrative burdens on medical staff.
Brilliant boards and Interactive Displays are at the forefront of technological Innovation, transforming various aspects of our lives. These tools empower educators, businesses, and service providers to deliver interactive and efficient solutions. To fully use Interactive Displays and Brilliant boards, companies and organizations can contact Israk.my, a top supplier of state-of-the-art technological solutions; whether it's enhancing learning experiences or improving customer engagement, they offer innovative solutions that redefine how we interact with the world. Embrace the future of technology with them and unlock new possibilities for your organization.
For more info :-
Digital signage
led screen
LED Display
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anywaychina · 9 days
ANYWAY Smart Board | 65 inches Interactive Flat Panel | All In One Interactive Whiteboard
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ANYWAY Smart Board | 65 inches Interactive Flat Panel | All In One Interactive Whiteboard Features: - 65-inch 4K UHD display (3840x2160) with anti-glare option - Android 13.0 system 4GB RAM+32GB ROM - Infrared 20-point multi-touch with 8ms response time - Supports finger touch or any opaque object - Built-in dual 10W stereo speakers for multimedia use - Durable tempered glass with Mohs level 7 hardness - Wide viewing angles (178°), perfect for large audiences - Multiple input ports including HDMI, VGA, USB, and RJ45 Specifications: Display Panel Information: - Diagonal Size: 65" - Resolution: 3840x2160 4K - Display Area: 1430.5x805.5mm - Display Type: D-LED - Aspect Ratio: 16:9 - Best Viewing Angle: Up 89°, Down 89°, Left 89°, Right 89° - Max Viewing Angle: 178° Touch Information: - Touch Technology: Infrared - Touch Points: 20 points - Writing Points: 10 points - Input: Finger touch or opaque objects - Touch Response Speed: 8ms Interfaces (Back of Panel): - HDMI in x1, HDMI out x1, USB 2.0 x2, USB 3.0 x2 - VGA in x1, Audio in/out x1, RJ45 x1, AV in x1 - Touch USB x1, Earphone x1, OPS slot x1 Tempered Glass: - Type: Tempered Glass - Mohs Hardness: Level 7 - Glass Transmittance: 85% - Anti-glare: Optional Physical Specifications: - Panel Dimensions: 1485.8x888x84.8 mm - Package Dimensions: 1605x1010x195mm - Net Weight: 33 KGS, Gross Weight: 39 KGS - Frame Material: Alloy - Lifetime: 50,000 hours - Stand-by Power: <0.5W - Speaker: 8Ω 10W x 2 Environmental Conditions: - Operating Temperature: 0~45℃ - Storage Temperature: -20~60℃ - Working Humidity: 5%-90% Accessories: - User Manual x1, Warranty Card x1, Power Cable x1 - Wall Mount Bracket x1, Write Pen x1, Pointer x1 - Optional Mobile Stand x1
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ANYWAY Smart Board | 65 inches Interactive Flat Panel | All In One Interactive Whiteboard Read the full article
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natashasaccardi-mid · 10 months
Touch for luck is an interactive digital artwork displayed daily on M+ the Hong Kong based Mega Museum. The museum commissioned the design studio Moniker, co-founded by Luna Maurer, and Roel Wouters to create an artwork that people could interact with present on the face of the building. It is 65m tall, and 110m wide, making it one of the largest digital art pieces in the world. The piece in itself is a screen with koi fish, in which the fish are the users interacting with the installation. In order to participate you go on your phone and search Touch For Luck. You then become one of the fish present on the board for anyone in a kilometer radius to see. In order to stay on, you must continuously hold your finger on your phone. The concept itself sounds innocent enough, playful with little tokens of good luck you can win from your continuous participation, but it is this very incentive that highlights a larger theme. The concept of this art installation is rather a commentary on how our current use of technology impacts our lives. The longer you stay on the game, continuously pressing on your screen the more rewards you get. Your popularity grows, you’re on display. In some cases you can even gain influence over other players, or earn breaks depending on how long you've touched the screen. All of these incentives are designed to mimic the touch based habits built throughout our technologically integrated lives. Nowadays it's fairly easy to witness that the majority of people are attached to their smart devices, if not addicted. Social media and certain gamings have similar reward systems and characteristics that keep us hooked staying online whether we really want to or not. This game succeeds at replicating this system because the more you gain the more you wish to stay, and you gain simply by starting. It's like when you open instagram and find yourself two hours later in the same position whether you really meant to or not. There are all these tactics that can work regardless of your awareness, and the game is an example of it. 
I found it to be interesting that a museum wanted to take the opportunity of displaying the largest display of a digital art piece, as a commentary on social behaviors. Using the very technology that it is evoking, to create an appeal to its users is the kind of stark ironic call that actually works to make people realize the bigger picture. Then again, of course we are all aware of the slippery slope of our technological devices. What I think the game highlights effectively then, is the awareness of incentives. Why would we want to stay on? The task is so simple anyone can do it, is it really an accomplishment? But if it's so simple then why not you? Who wouldn't want tokens of good luck, who wouldn't want to participate in a city wide scene interactive display? Packaged as an innocent game accessible to all around makes it an everlasting social experiment. It’s an excellent use of art and technology to comment on its applications to our everyday lives.
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gharpedia2023 · 10 months
The Magical Board That Makes Learning Super Fun
Hello there, welcome to the world of Interactive Panels – a fantastic tool that's turning classrooms into exciting places of learning. Let's chat about what interactive panels are, how they work, and why they're so cool.
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What is this Interactive Panel Thing?
Picture this: It's like a gigantic tablet for your classroom. Instead of a pen, you can use your finger or a special pen to touch and draw on the screen. You know how you play games on your phone or tablet? Well, interactive panels are like those, but super-sized.
How Does It Do Its Magic?
The interactive panel is connected to a computer. This computer runs special software that lets you write, draw, and show cool things on the big screen. It's like a super smart TV, but even better!
Why Should We Use It?
Lots of Fun: Learning becomes a fun adventure. You can touch, draw, and explore new things on the screen.
Show and Tell: Imagine watching videos, looking at pictures, and playing interactive games during class.
Quick Answers: Teachers can ask questions, and you can tap the right answers, making learning super quick.
No More Boring Textbooks: You get to see and interact with pictures, videos, and animations to understand things better.
Be Environmentally Friendly: Using interactive panels means less need for paper and helps our planet.
What’s in It for Teachers?
Easy Lessons: Teachers can prepare lessons and save them for later. No more writing everything on the blackboard.
Save Time: Grading and keeping track of your progress is a breeze with interactive panels.
No Chaos: Teachers can control the class better with the help of interactive panels.
Learn and Grow: Even teachers can learn new things and become better at teaching.
Why Do Students Love It?
Get Active: You're not just sitting there. You get to be a part of the lesson.
Teamwork: You can work on group projects and activities together.
Learn at Your Speed: If something's too fast or slow, interactive panels help you learn at your own pace.
Tech Skills: You become a tech whiz by using these panels.
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
How is an interactive panel different from a whiteboard?
Think of a whiteboard like a giant piece of paper, while an interactive panel is like a super-smart computer screen that you can write and draw on.
Does it need the internet to work?
Nope, it can work without the internet. But sometimes, the internet can make lessons even more exciting.
Can I use the interactive panel myself?
Yes, you can use it with your teacher's guidance, and sometimes they may let you use it on your own.
What can you show on the interactive panel?
You can show text, pictures, videos, and even games. It's like a window to a world of knowledge!
Are they only for big classrooms?
No, they come in different sizes, so they work for small and big classrooms.
Can you use it in college or at work?
Absolutely! Interactive panels aren't just for kids. They're great for grown-ups too.
Can I bring my drawings or lessons to the interactive panel?
You sure can! Just make them digital, or use special software to draw and write on the panel.
Do teachers need special training for this?
While they don't need it, many schools offer training to help teachers make the most of these cool panels.
Can I connect my tablet or laptop to it?
Yes, you can often connect your devices to the interactive panel, making it even more awesome.
How long does an interactive panel last?
With good care, it can last for many years, just like your favorite toys.
Do you need to pay a lot for it?
They might be a bit expensive at first, but they're totally worth it in the long run.
Can I save my work on the interactive panel?
Some panels let you save your work, and others need the teacher's help.
Can it speak different languages?
Yep, it can understand and show things in lots of different languages.
Can kids with special needs use it too?
You bet! Schools make sure everyone can join the fun with special features.
Can my parents see what's on the panel?
Not really, it's for your classroom adventures. But your parents can check with your teacher.
Can we use it for online learning?
Some panels can help with online learning too. They're like a magical bridge between the classroom and your home.
Do you need to update its computer stuff?
Yep, just like your games and apps, the panel's computer needs updates to stay awesome.
Can you use it for fun stuff, like art and music?
Absolutely! It's perfect for creating art and exploring music too.
Can you play games on it?
Some interactive panels have games for learning, but it depends on your teacher's plan.
Is it heavy?
They're not too heavy. Just like a big TV.
Can we use it outside?
Usually, they stay indoors, but some can work in special outdoor places.
Is it like a big phone or tablet?
Kind of, but it's even more powerful and useful for learning.
What if it stops working in class?
Don't worry! Your teacher can get some help from the tech experts to fix it.
Can we use it for video calls?
Some interactive panels have video call features, but it depends on the model.
Can I use it to watch my favorite shows or movies?
Interactive panels are for learning, so they might not have your favorite shows, but they'll show you amazing things to learn.
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