#Inthrum bickerman
our-inspire-verse 5 months
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Workin on a possible idea for fronting markers for each of us! Wearing this to work (with changed out pics of course) and answering questions about it differently each time. Only real ones will get it. Its my alters.
I actually have several coworkers who would benefit from and use this if i used it. Gonna start setting trends in 2024.
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our-inspire-verse 5 months
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Inthrum Bickerman and his Bestie(boyfriend) Danny! A bit beyond my usual comfort zone so im really happy with how this one turned out! They dont typically come out this pleasant to me 馃挏
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our-inspire-verse 5 months
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Strangers when they see another stranger posting something personal they probably shouldn't interact with
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our-inspire-verse 5 months
How do i. Stop seeing it. The visions
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our-inspire-verse 4 months
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Inthrum too stunned to speak
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our-inspire-verse 4 months
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Various Inthrum Bickerman art i did while he(I) fronted the past 40+ days! Can't believe I never posted these!
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our-inspire-verse 5 months
Im all better i think i was just greasy
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our-inspire-verse 5 months
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Such a terrible photo but! System friends! Idea for front indicator! Business cards or just straight up name tags. Gonna get a clip for the top part but for now im gonna stick it in my pocket and just show people.
Main host Inthrum(me! Omg its me my name and my face on an id card!) gets one because I'm the most long term fronter, and most likely to introduce myself and interact. Eventually several others will get one but this is an experiment for now.
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our-inspire-verse 4 months
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That was insane! Inthrum actually fronted for a good 50 days! Beating his old (and our longest running) record of 40 days in front! No one else is as stubborn as him, and certainly no one has pulled off such a stunt in this system on purpose. We rapid switch consistently, so having even just hours on your record is surprising. Needless to say, he really found himself again on his visit in command, and he's eager for the next challenger.
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our-inspire-verse 4 months
Ngl i MUST learn to draw porn. I need it.
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our-inspire-verse 4 months
Inthrum: you think this is funny ??? Asshole??
Mitten, turning colors and shaking while trying not to laugh:
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Kiba: the more upset you get the more she uses it to antagonize you
Inthrum: you dont THINK shes crossing boundaries?
Kiba: wdym?
Mitten, who has ignored Inthrum's pleas to stOp it: yeah wdym?
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Mitten: like. Im the prophecy giver i give prophecies and motivations rhat change your life
Inthrum: ... so can you improve things a little-
Mitten: no.
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our-inspire-verse 4 months
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Sysmate sketches
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our-inspire-verse 4 months
I think that being autistic got me fucked up
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our-inspire-verse 4 months
God the mental illness is fighting got HANDS RN
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our-inspire-verse 5 months
That time i was doing stretches like a little yoga freak in the yard one morning, and Dan and Alder were watching from the window discussing how i was silly. And Dan without thinking says "damn, hes kinda caked up though." A little too unironically. Alder just looked at him and Dan couldnt even look back, he was BRIGHT red in the face and they dropped it there but Dan was flustered all day.
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our-inspire-verse 5 months
Yall i have like. A mental disorder where you just see every single alternate reality version of yourself. Randomly. Like. Idk i keep having so many flashes of way worse versions of my past life. What is going on dawg!? Am i splitting(i think so <- im in denial)?
Idk but something wicked this way comes.
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