classycookiexo · 26 days
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jasperkitty15 · 22 days
I just wanted to draw Hunter pissed off-
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withoutthegoodtitle · 2 months
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kottkrig · 2 months
I'm kinda at a weird point where I don't rly want to post my own characters as much cause they're so personal to me but I try to do that anyway cos I know ppl like them
They don't go on twt anymore I'm not as relaxed on that platform u_u
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evilhorse · 2 months
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You know, growing up, I was never a princess girl.
(Wonder Woman #5)
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futurebird · 5 months
A repeating video showing Shaq doing a shimmy, a cat doing a butt wiggle then the moths being "intimidating"
Moths are the childeren of skulllesbian are from here: https://www.tumblr.com/skulllesbian/715124401348182016/moth-update-theyre-threatening-me?source=share
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misstycloud · 1 year
Jealous endevours
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Yandere boyfriend x gn reader
Sun light slipped through the window blinds and drowned the room in a radiant glow. The walls that were previously white were now all shifting from red to orange. On them, picture frames were nailed randomly; with different designs to add charm. The main focus was the people in the photos.
Most of the pictures followed the same theme. They contained two people, a hefty young man and in his hold another alluring youth; both were smiling happily in the camera. Some were of them kissing, others showed them having fun and fooling around, and a portion when they stared into each others eyes with adoration.
A large scale of people would turn green with envy at the sight. A pair that seemed so devoid of problems, with so much love for the other person. Such a happy pair should not exist!
But like most couples, (Y/n) and Owen also had issues. They were just not the first thing people thought about when one brings up 'relationship problems'.
Instead of the question if the partner has been faithful; it's the other way around.
It's 'Has Owen even talked to another person for the past month?'
That's right, Owen is someone who's too faithful!- if that's a thing. Besides (Y/n), he barely speaks to anyone else. The only times he does is if he absolutely have to. But those times are few in between, and it's always short responses like a: hm, yes, no, thanks or hello.
In some cases he simply just stares without saying anything at all. Those are the worst, it always end up with (Y/n) apologising to people and that Owen isn't at all desiring to kill them and torture their entire family. Most don't believe them of course. Having a 6'4 giant with hands that can literary break your bones in half, staring down at you, isn't the most reassuring.
Despite his overall appearance, he is the embodiment of a clingy dog. Owen is the type to scratch at the bathroom door, wanting to be let in. Doesn't matter what your doing, he wants to be there.
No longer can you go anywhere without him. No planning to visit places without making sure it's Owen friendly!
The man absolutely HAS to sleep next to you, and you better let him. Don't want the wails to start again, right.
Jealousy and Owen are two things largely connected, a possessive man he is indeed. He despises seeing his darling (Y/n) waste their time on others when it could be spent on him instead. All he wants is to pick them up and run away; to their home and barricade the door. With his physique he certainly could, but he doesn't want to make (Y/n) sad by locking them inside the apartment. Causing his darling pain is one of his worst nightmares. The other of course being their death. Just thinking about it send shivers down his spine.
The clingyness is something (Y/n)'s had to deal with for a long time, and it's better now than it was in the beginning of their relationship. Before, (Y/n) was forced to practically throw themselves over Owen to stop him from attacking people. Not wishing to hurt them in the process, he halted his assault. Nowadays all they have to do is put their hand on his body and redirect his focus on them. If that doesn't help; talking in a sweet voice often helps getting through.
Morning are some of the best times in Owen's opinion. Everyday he gets to wake up to the love of his life laying in is arms. It made him all giddy. Not to mention the beautiful daylight making his sweetheart appear more angelic than they already were. The young man lovingly watches as their chest rose and fell with each breath. He used one hand to stroke (Y/n)'s hair and cheek. Smiling, he placed a gentle kiss on their forehead and sighed before returning to the petting.
The feeling of being touched awoke the slumbering (Y/n), they opened their eyes to see their boyfriend of eight years quietly cuddling them.
"Goodmorning, love." Owen said sweetly.
(Y/n) groaned and dragged the covers over their head.
Their boyfriend laughed at their reluctance to wake up. He proceeds to move and lay his body atop of them, crushing them in the process. He put his head in the crook of their neck and planted a kiss upon the sheets, still covering their body. A distressed voice interrupted his affection.
"O-Owen, you're...c-crushing me.." they said between heavy breaths. A look of realisation crossed his face and he immediately pulled away.
"Oh, love! I'm sorry I didn't mean to."
"It's okay Owen." (Y/n) had finally regained breath "I know you forget your size sometimes."
Despite his partner's reassurance, the man still looked at them apologetically. It had happened multiple times where he'd unintentionally hurt his lover. It made him feel awful and ashamed.
(Y/n) watched his expressions during his chaotic thoughts, they sat up and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.
"I'm fine, really. Promise." To add further to console him, (Y/n) kissed the corner of Owen's mouth. They swore; one kiss and the man forgot about all his misery. What a simple creature.
Thinking it was about time to get up, (Y/n) pulled off the covers and prepared to stand, only to be dragged down. A large arm wrapped itself around their midsection.
They tried getting up again; no success. Another attempt; no success that time either. All the failed effort started annoying them. They sighed and grumbled, turning to the man currently sniffing their hair.
"Owen...let go."
Their boyfriend shook his head in denial.
"I need to get ready."
"For what?"
For what indeed? It was a Saturday, there was no need to get up. But not wanting to waste the whole day in bed, (Y/n) disputed.
"We can't just lay here forever, Owen."
"Yes, we can and we will." Owen used his 'final answer' tone in that sentence, hoping to bring the argument to a close. But alas, we can't have everything. Closing his eyes, he'd thought he won the battle but confusion soon spread. There was a itching sensation on his arm, the one he has coiled around his darling. He opened his eyes again to the sight of (Y/n) hitting and pinching his arm. When the earlier confusion dissipated, he understood what his sweetheart tried to do.
'Oh' He thought. His beloved was trying to forcibly make him let go.
He laugh at the image. (Y/n), his sweet, adorable, little partner, was trying to wrestle him of. Him, the big, strong, intimidating monster. It was too cute!
He supposed he could accept defeat this time.
"Okay, okay. We'll go up and do something, I guess." The curly haired man mumbled and released his partner from his hold. With the lack of body heat, the now empty stop on the bed turned cold, Owen frowned at the revelation.
'Maybe I should've kept my mouth shut.'
Keeping his eyes on them, he saw (Y/n) enter the bathroom connected to the bedroom. He sulked when he couldn't see them anymore from his spot on the bed, so like the adult he was he turned away from the bathroom door and pulled the sheets over his head.
In the restroom, (Y/n) carried out their morning routine as usual. Washing their face with skincare Owen had gotten them last Christmas. He apperantly had no idea what it was, besides the basics. Imagine the horror when (Y/n) had asked what he used to wash his face, and he answered with 'soap'. Water is the least you can use, but why add soap??
After dating for so long, (Y/n) grasped the fact that Owen didn't care what presents he got; as long as they were from his sweetheart. They could literally gift him a rock and he would cry in appreciation.
It was a rock they touched, therefore it was the most valuable rock on the planet!
Y/n) walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge to see what today's breakfast would be. They settled in eggs and toast, with yoghurt. While cooking the eggs, they felt a pair of muscles arms sneak around their waist. Seems the bustling awoke the monster.
"What you making, gorgeous?"
God, his morning voice was to die for.
"Well today it's scrambled eggs with toast and yogurt." They proudly stated.
"Looks good." Owen reached his hand into the pan and swiped up some scrambled egg and quickly stuffed it into his mouth.
"What, no touch!" They elbowed the their in the stomach as retribution. "Also, how did you not burn yourself?"
"Because I'm already so hot." He mockingly replied.
"Haha, very funny."
He simply laughed and seated himself on a chair. There he spent the rest of the time observing his darling, until the food was ready. Devouring the meal, the conversation of today's plans arose. Since both of them wasn't really feeling like doing anything special, they came to the conclusion and agreed to a simple date.
The couple were walking on the street, their goal; a cute little resturant they'd visited many times before. It was one of their favourite date spots and would gladly recommend it to others.
The resturant had a very calming atmosphere and a bookshelf, so you could enjoy a good read while simultaneously savour the food they had to offer. It was the only resturant that had books, in the city; so it was special. The place wasn't very well known either which meant it was rarely busy to the point of there not being any tables left. Not like the couple complained, though.
They conversed about various topis on their way there, and while being in the middle of debating on wether to put the cereal or the milk first, a stranger approached them. Owen immediately became silent and watched as the stranger began talking to his partner, asking about directions. (Y/n), delighted to help, happily replied to his questions while Owen stood and silently observed the interaction.
He knew it was a normal to ask for directions.
It wasn't at all fun being lost, after all. But he couldn't help but feel the burning jealousy and possessiveness take root. His darling was a very attractive individual, it wouldn't be weird if someone used the 'I'm lost' technique to chat up his dearest. The curly haired man simply hoped the guy would leave before his already brittle temper would reach the roof. Come on, could he not see that they were taken?
"-place where I need to go i-" the strangers speech was immediately ineruppted when the person he'd been talking to, vanished from his view. A 'huh?' left him.
He turned around and saw the man who stood beside them, dragging them away hurriedly. Bewildered, he stared in the direction they disappeared until the pair were completely out of sight.
Guess he'd have to find a new guide.
"Eh, Owen, what are you doing?!" Being hauled away by their angry boyfriend was not on (Y/n)'s 'to do' list.
"You can't do things like that!"
They repeatedly expressed their concern, when they finally came to a halt. The shorter individual was about to lose their balance and fall, if not for the arm that caught them.
"Ooof." They cried out.
(Y/n) was mad at Owen for just running away with them, all while talking to someone. It was incredibly rude, not to mention very strange behaviour. That man probably thought they were weirdos. They were ready to scold him, but when they looked up at his face they saw a teary face.
Water droplets brimmed his red eyes and slid down his cheeks. He let out soft sniffles and wiped his nose of any snot that may have escaped. To have this giant of a man shedding tears in front of you was truly a sight to behold. This was surely a man who had the ability to destroy a whole wall with his bear hands.
"O-Owen?!" His partner exclaimed in surprise.
Him showing vulnerability in front of them was nothing new, but out in public? That has never happened previously.
It was always when they were alone, in the comfort of their shared apartment. But now, when people could see.
Oh no, the only wanted to scold him a bit, not make him cry. They fixed a gentle hand on their lovers cheek and wiped away some tears. Owen spoke in a somber tone.
"S-sorry, please don't be mad." He said regretfully as more tears escaped. "I just got j-jealous. I didn't m-mean to make you angry."
"Oh, it's okay baby. But don't do that again, alright? You will have to learn to accept that I will be talking to other people."
He nodded in understanding and stretched out his arms in a hugging manner. (Y/n) obliged and embraced him despite their height difference making it Owen hugging them, instead of the other way around. They gentely patted their boyfriend back and rubbed soothing circles.
"It's alright, so cheer up okay. We still have a resturant to go to."
What they didn't see was the secret smile gracing their beloved's lips.
Inside the resturant the couple settled in a table by the window. After sitting down on the soft cushion chairs and taking off their jackets, they open the menu to scan their options. A waiter comes up to them after noticing they're ready to order.
He inquired about what they would like to order.
"Hello I'd like to have (favourite food)."
The waiter nodded approvingly and wrote it down while saying.
"Great choice, I also like that one. It's soo good. But I bet you taste better." He winked at (Y/n) after throwing a horrible pick-up line at them. Boy were they not prepared.
"Oh, eh- thanks..." they said awkwardly and scratched behind their ear.
"Don't thank me, thank god for sending me an angel." He smirked after giving yet another wink.
They laughed stiffly while looking down, away from the waiter's evident stare. Being hit on so explicitly in public, made the youth nervous. Was it not obvious that the man opposite them was their date? Apperantly not, because here was an employee shamelessly flirting with them. Even if Owen wasn't their boyfriend, was it really appropriate to hit on your customers?
They glanced over to Owen, and damn he did not look happy.
The angered man cletched his fists so hard, he could see veins. Cracking his knuckles he was imagining smashing this fool's head against the wall. It was obvious the waiter was new, all the other staff members knew about him because of  all their previous visits. They also knew not to get on his bad side and therefore always remained at a respectable distance. What was this nuciance doing, talking to his partner like that? He had to take care of it.
"Fuck off, pest." He growled at the employee, who looked over at him in surprise. The initial shock wore off and was replaced with a raised eyebrow.
"Excuse me, what?"
Owen said nothing and stared him down, meaning to intimidate the idiot. But it seemed like he either didn't notice, or maybe he was stupidly brave; because the waiter did not move an inch. The other staff members witnessed the scene and gulped. They'd have to pray for him.
Not wanting to be the cause of any blood shed, (Y/n) thought it would be best to go somewhere else. It wasn't like good food was limited to just one place, there was tons of other amazing restaurants.
They knew Owen would protest to that idea since it was their 'place' and they shouldn't have to move because of one asshole, but (Y/n) recognised it to be the best course of action.
Also, having a brooding boyfriend was better than having an arrested one.
Owen menacingly glared at the flirtatious waiter when leaving and didn't say much afterwards.
They supposed they'd have to make it up to him by giving him a bit of extra attention when they got home. Spoiler alert; it worked.
After the incident, Owen moodily avoided speaking and used childish behaviour to express his sour feelings. The silent treatment annoyed (Y/n), but they waited it out while showering him with sweet gestures. The cherry on top was the maroon sweater the gifted him.
It didn't take very long for it to end, though. No matter what he felt, Owen couldn't keep away from them for very long. Almost all negative feelings vanished as soon as he was close to his darling.
The next week, everything was normal again. It meant that the couple had to go back to work, as well.
In the evening when (Y/n) got back from work, they found the apartment empty and dark. Turning in the lights, they checked in all rooms for Owen, thinking he may have fallen asleep and decided to leave the light off. After scanning their surroundings and realising he wasn't home, they called his phone to ask about his whereabouts. Normally, Owen was the first one to arrive home after work; always greeting them with a warm hug and an ocean of affection.
The call went directly to voice mail. They called a second time and received no answer yet again.
'Hmm, that's strange. Where is he?'
Making the choice to wait, (Y/n) sat down on the couch and played some movies on the TV. Luckily they didn't have to wait long, for the phone rang soon after. It was an unknown number.
"Hello, yes this is (Y/n) (L/n)....is he wearing a red sweater? Oh, he is......I'll be at the station in 30 minutes."
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whatitshouldvebeen · 11 months
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The world needs more sexy Albert Wesker
These are for my fic "Wesker's Finest Creation" if you wanna read Wesker turning you into his mindbroken little pet ~
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Controversial opinion: TERZO is the only Papa to intimidate me.
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No, I don't understand it either. I came to know Ghost, this year, post Copia, post Phantom. During Impera and well after TERZO.
However, none of the others - Primo, Secondo, NIHIL, intimidate me. So, I cannot explain it but I understand it is flawed way of thinking.
I don't know why but something about Terzo just intimidates the hell out of me.
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euesworld · 1 year
"I need you in my life, every moment that you aren't near I go through untold amounts of anguish.. cause I adore being near you, and being further than I like to be feels like pain to me. You are like a dream, except I'm awake.. you feel so surreal, ethereal.. and I guess I kind of wonder if it's all real. You are too good to be true, so sweet to me cause you are you.. if the sky stopped being blue, I just know you would ask me what color I would like it to be. Not that you would change it for me, but you would care about me like that.. enough to be curious about what I want. You are kind to me, caring, and sometimes very intimidating cause you are so intense.. it's no wonder you always get what you want. I give in to you easily and I'm a stubborn ass, I can only imagine how easily others would cave to you.. but that isn't the point. I need you.. in my life, on my mind, in my thoughts, and watching my back. I love you.. you are so amazing in so many ways, truly unique and deserving of my love and everyone else's."
You deserve to be loved in the right way too - eUë
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darkfictionjude · 1 month
Would any of the RO's be turned on by the mc having an intimidating nature?
Technically if you choose antagonistic route all of them get eventually turned on about it. All of them are intimidating in different ways so mc is just trying match their level
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redrabbitkreations · 7 months
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withoutthegoodtitle · 2 months
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random-xpressions · 7 months
If he doesn't make you a little nervous when you first meet him, then there's definitely some sort of an energy imbalance. His presence is supposed to be so overwhelming and awe-inspiring that it must leave you a little intimidated. And to make things worse, the firm eye contact he maintains which is literally piercing right through your soul must make you feel so vulnerable and defenceless that in the end it would only be the cheerful countenance of his face which will finally put your heart to a little rest - a smile so soothing, you would at once feel home...
Random Xpressions
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evilhorse · 7 months
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Kal-el, would you care to step outside?
(Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent #6)
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73suggestions · 6 months
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Elizabeth Hurley in Bedazzled (2000)
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